Welcome back to another episode of in no hurry. I'm your host cold Douglas Claiborne. I hope you guys all had a great Thanksgiving and happy to have you guys back for episode 3 of the podcast. I guess this week is Jake triplet. If you guys don't know who Jake triple it is if you've ever watched a trade Kennedy video then you know who Jake triple it is because Jake is the one that She shoots and edits right sometimes even stars in Trey. Kennedy is hilarious videos that you see on YouTube and Instagram Jake is just a hilarious person himself and even his own Instagram and his own podcast ghost Runners, which we'll talk about is hilarious. So this show is chock full of plenty of humor. If you guys know anything about Jake he has unabashedly single and we sort of made fun of that a little bit and have some fun with that and with me being married. I kind of saw him out for some marriage advice and there was kind of a funny conversation and we talked about both of our worst first dates and just some Christian dating trends that we've seen so a lot of funny stuff on here, but he does have a lot of really good things to say about creativity and taking risks and that sort of thing last summer Jake and his friends flew out to Maine and they bought a limo and they drove it across the country so that they can show up on the Ellen Degeneres Show and along the way that it acts of kindness and made some awesome videos and and he's just taking a lot of risks to get to where he's at create creatively and professionally and he talks a lot about the faith that it takes to do that and kind of what led him to those decisions. So if you're in that season of life right now where you're trying to figure out what you want to do next and you're not really sure if it's the right move Well, he kind of talks about you know, what his thought process was and how he walked himself through that. So this conversation is just full of humor and wisdom and I really think that you guys are going to enjoy it the music as always. It's from my friend Ryan always If you have not checked out his Christmas album Indiana Christmas. Well, I don't know what you're waiting for because it's officially Christmas season the all it is time to get the crystals use it going Indiana Christmas by Ryan all were is a great soundtrack for the season. Make sure you check it out and support him and also go back and listen to the first two episodes if you have not listened to those so far with Ryan and my buddy Phil Heller, but anyway, thank you guys for tuning in and I hope you enjoy this conversation with Jake triplet. Well, Jake triplet, welcome to the show man. So happy to have you on here fresh off of your first ever stand-up comedy tour. You and Trey Kennedy got to go to a few cities and Midwest. You got to try your stand-up routine for the first time. I'm excited to talk to you about this. Just what was it like, you know, obviously, we're all big fans of Trey Kennedy and you could just shoot his videos that we see in the internet but this was a little new new of a thing for you. You got to go out and do some comedy with him. What was it like being on tour? Then for four straight days. Yeah trays awesome. I think one of the biggest things that always surprises people when they meet train real life is he's decently introverted and just keeps to himself quite a bit. You know, he plays he's very eccentric characters on the internet and can be very, you know, flamboyant and charismatic but when he's off camera, I mean, he's just a very normal children just kind of bro of a guy and it really fun to kick it with so we had a great time lugging around the The the Midwest and minivan all last week for cities and for days and yeah, it's a good time man. We really had a good time together on stage and off stage and it was it was awesome. We can't wait to go back in and hit the road again. Yeah, that's awesome. You talked a little bit about this on your own podcast, but what are some crazy stories from your time on tour in terms of like encounters or instances with fans that you had either before? During or maybe even after a show. Oh boy. Let's see. Like I'm not really used to having fans. First of all, so almost any interaction felt weird to me just because people knew my name and what my face look like they were multiple like middle-aged women who try to set me up with her daughters and not just like, oh, I have a daughter back home. She would love to you know, visit Kansas City and see you but like they were there with their daughter and it just made an all-around an uncomfortable experience for everyone. Because the daughter is like Mom, please don't do this and I'm also like please don't do this and there's also other people around also saying please don't do this. So it just the moms are pretty ruthless in the midwest. So those were most of the I mean all of them are fine. It wasn't like anything. No one was like try to grope me or kiss me or anything. It was fine. Although I might have welcomed that it's been a little bit of a dry season right now. No, nothing like that weird happened. It was just like Well, you're really going for it. But it was fine. It was it was fun. I think one of my favorite stories is he talked about this on your podcast, but somebody walked up and they said can we take a picture poopsie and if you like that and I'm sure you got other weird nicknames, but I mean what are some weird things that fan said to you like that whenever they were maybe coming through a meet-and-greet line. Well, I made the mistake. Well, not really mistake. I guess but part of I'd say at least like half of my set when I was performing stand-up is it About being single and about to psych, you know, just funny stories of ex-girlfriend's and you know online dating apps and you know, whatever. I'm just telling jokes about dating and relationships and I guess when you do that on a stage that just opens up everyone to be like, well, he said he's single and I'll shoot my shot. So there were just a healthy amount of like the DMs I guess is where it got weird or just like I know it was just surprised you girls are so Ford these days I tell you what, you know not like the good old days. Where you know? Yeah, you just gave him a piece of your property and then they were yours now. Yeah, so a lot of Ever After every show maybe like some more just innocent like so heard you're single or so you want to you know, you want to uninstall tender and just hang out with me or whatever. It was more like a quantity thing more than a quality thing or just like wow. I feel like half the audience just DM to me about wanting to enter in a relationship with me. So that was like, okay, let's Alert, they're they're really really Ford up here in Madison, Wisconsin. Yeah. That was my next question was what's the weirdest DM you've gotten from a fan it and I ought like you're getting popular now, so I wonder you probably get a ton of DM's as it is. I mean how many of these do you even get a chance to read but the ones that you have read what's maybe the weirdest are several weirdest that you've gotten from fans. So the weirdest one I've ever gotten happen to be last week on tour. So this is good timing for this question. It was something actually I've got it screenshotted. I don't want to let me look at my phone real quick. I don't want to screw this up. I want this you deserve the best. I don't want this to be just you know, trying to guess what it said. I want this to be verbatim. Okay, so let me try to find this. It was something dang. I went. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay real real short sweet real simple from a female named Leah. I am not taken and I will spank you bad boy. Oh my God, like there's no like no beating around the bush there. She's saying who she is and she's saying what she wants and so I mean that's still not even that bad. But just I'm not used to any of this. I I'm very much a normal guy. I just happen to be friends with Trey Kennedy and I kind of been put on you know in the spotlight a little bit by him. So to get a message like that. I'm like you like yeah, I clearly have speeches. I don't even know what to say to that. That's hilarious. That was a weird one. Do you even respond to some of these are you just read them and move on? I think I think that one I said, thank you. But yeah, so most of them have been something kind of weirder or something like thirstier. I typically won't but I mean generally like if I see it and it's someone saying anything, you know, at least in general. Yeah, I will respond to it. I will try to anyway, I don't know how how often you've gone back and read these but I went back and you have a Highlight on your Instagram where you have saved some of your favorite Tinder conversations that you had with people and I yes, it's the funniest responses because people are not expecting you to say what you say and I almost feel like when somebody says something to you like I want to thank you bad boy. You say something like, you know, that would hurt or something like that. I mean you're in to read your tender responses have been hilarious and you know, did you have her this is A lot of people know this actually met my wife through tender. We had lunch and you decide look back and I'm like man if I had done something stupid on Tinder is whenever I matched with her I may not have I may not have actually met my future wife. Do you ever regret responding some of that to some of those girls that way or you know, I'm gonna be I'm gonna be whoever I supposed to meet whenever I meet them, but I guess you ever look back and regret responding that way to some. Wow, what a question really really making me feel like Missed out on a potential love of my life dude, I guess you know when you put it like that. Yeah, who knows if I would have taken tender more seriously, you know Little Miss triplet be right by my side right now. No, I don't know. I guess I really haven't thought about it too much and most of those screenshots are actually from like probably 2014 like kind of right went into first came out is when I was like, oh this is funny, you know like this. Yeah, I mean we all know what Tinder is, you know, this this application this website generally based around the idea of meaningless short conversations that lead to a hookup, you know, typically obviously not in your case congrats again, by the way, but so I just saw it and I did not want to do it at all. I was so anti tender and my brother who is about 8 years older than me was like cool you really ought to try it his friend Carson who was his age. He was a Carson just met his fiancee on Tinder and I was like, okay fine. I'll give it a try. I had no idea and I had no expectations. It was not going in there for a hookup. And so I was you know, like a good Christian boy. I feel that my bio and I said, you know, I have some kind of a Bible verse or something about Jesus in my bio and I was expected to do this. I'm not going to just try to meet some random person and thankfully Emily. My wife was the same way and we ended up matching and somehow, you know, it's blossomed into this wonderful. Marriage, but yeah, yeah, that's awesome. Did I tell people that story and they're like, oh my gosh Claiborne you were on Tinder and I'm like dude. It wasn't like that. I wasn't trying to hook up. I wasn't like that at all. So it's always embarrassing when I saw people but I'm like, you know what we're happily married and it's all good. But yeah, they sure owning it dude. Yeah, that's the way to do it. And you know, you kept your standard time from the beginning so Props to you what people think it's any better if it was I mean, but that make people feel like it's more wholesome. I mean either way it's a dating app and I'm kind of an introvert sometimes and so meeting people is not always the easiest and so when there's an app that curates it for you. It's like know what let's go. Let's go ahead and try it and it worked out. So exactly that is a good question. Like what is more like? Yeah. What are you more hesitant to tell people you met on like Christian Mingle tender like LinkedIn or like some like I don't know like what's yeah, where do you rank the most embarrassing websites to meet someone like Words With Friends chat? That would be a pretty cool story where we just bonded over our use of vowels and use of the cues and x's and all the letters that gave you more points. We just need a we had a matching vocabulary. So exactly yeah quixotic X on the triple letter. Who is this girl? I got to get to know this girl and next thing, you know, she's making me quixotic six months later. Here. We are. This is the kind of stuff you get from Jacob jake' strip load on his podcast right here, and if you can't tell I'm Trying to meet a woman on Words With Friends. So that's why I'm here on this podcast. Just trying to put my name out there. If you want to download it just kidding actually play that game in a couple years, but used to be solid if you meet your wife on Words With Friends, you would think that you wouldn't have any trouble coming up with your wedding hashtag at that point. Which for a lot of Millennials is the hardest thing about planning the wedding as it is I have this vision and maybe this is more just my sense of humor for years. Now. I've always thought like I love the idea of my wedding hashtag someday just being like hashtag love your hashtag wedding just like something you can't Search just like everyone's supposed just get completely lost. I can't find anyone to pictures on Instagram. It's such a little like simple meaningful meaningless joke, but I love the idea of that. If you guys want to eat a post along with us today and share your you know, your perspective use hashtag love. We can't wait to see it guys share away. I think Emily and I more so Emily than me. But I mean it was to the point where she she was pulling people on social media as to what our hashtag should be. And it was like how many people are actually going to take a picture and post it with that hashtag. I don't think that I have maybe whenever this was like first a thing did I ever post a picture on Instagram or somewhere and use the actual hashtag? Other than that? Like I don't I don't typically do that because they're typically so corny that I don't even want them in my caption. Anyway. Yeah, like this is bad for my brand to put this hashtag on associated with my name. No, thanks, and it's always like happily ever whatever the last name is. Like that's probably e % of the ones that I see like that is happily ever triple it that could be yours right there. But it's like if you're going to come up with one it's got to be hilarious or it's got to be clever. Other than that, they usually just Uber corny and they don't really do the do the trick and I think I've got to be so good that people want they want this like sentence to be in their caption. So bad that they're willing to post a picture, you know, it's not even about you anymore. It's about the hashtag. Like I want that to my caption. That's hilarious. Exactly. I can't I can't even think of one off the top of my head. That was actually good. They're all so bad. Yeah tip. Yeah, I and I was like, you know, I've been like a wedding photographer and wedding videographer before and like from that side of things. It's so annoying when like wedding like patrons have their cell phone out recording things or taking pictures. It's like look the bride spent several thousand dollars on me to film this like you don't need to record a vertical video on your phone of this. Trust me. Like I got this gather way. Oh this is that is one of my biggest pet peeves and I really and I honestly wanted to do this at our wedding. I I wanted to put a sign up and I know that this is super pretentious and super arrogant, but I wanted to put a sign up that basically said like we are paying people to record this with photos and video. We are paying thousands of dollars, but it was going to say it nicer than this but basically like something, you know more wholesome like please just be in the moment and put your phone away, but really it's like put your phone away because we don't want your stupid phone in our picture and not only that but vertical video is my biggest That P like like your eyes go sideways. The TV is sideways. Your phone should be sideways desktop recording vertical video. I'm not going to go back and watch your vertical video and people are like, well, they're recording it for themselves and it's like well, they can watch the video that this professional puts together. They don't need to go back and watch their de Rainey iPhone 6 video that's going to be on their phone and I'm not going to watch it. I'm not going to look at their photos. I'm going to look at the professional photos that we paid for so I can only imagine as a videographer when you're working at if you get a really good shot then somebody's leaning over. / and they've got their phone in the shot. That's got to be the most frustrating thing. Oh, yeah, it's always grandma with some like cell phone. I've never even seen before either. Like what is this a toaster oven? Where do you even recording on it's even hotter Sandra? Yeah exactly. I'm like, I don't even know if you know what's going on, but you're in the aisle so move. Hey guys, just ended up in this podcast and tell you about anchor if you've not heard about anchor it is the easiest way to make a podcast. It's the way that I and so many other podcasters make their podcast because first of all it's free, but on top of that there's a ton of creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer on top of that anchor will distribute your podcast for you to Spotify Apple podcast Google podcast pretty much anywhere that you can find a podcast. They take care of Distributing it for you. So you don't have to worry about that. Also, you can start making money right away. It does not matter how many listeners you have. You could start making money on your first episode pretty much anything that you need to make a podcast is all the one place. So if you're thinking about starting a podcast, you're not really sure where to start check out anchor go and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to learn more and get started. All right. So what are the things that you got to do last year was you and some friends flew out to Maine and you bought a limousine and drove it across the entire country so that you could appear on The Ellen Degeneres Show which people people like to talk about what the American dream is that to me. Sounds like the true American dream. That's the the privilege Millennial dream. How did how did you get this idea and only that but you guys it wasn't just a self-serving trip. I mean you guys did acts of kindness along the way which obviously is something that Ellen loves and it's something that anybody can get behind but that was going back and watching some of those videos was really cool. And you know, you're obviously known for being a funny guy and there were some funny moments of that trip, but in the end, I mean I think that for you must have been an awesome experience and then you know, what was it like to not only make the trip with your friends but then too Be able to enrich people's lives along the way. Yeah, great great questions. And that's really cool that you went back and watch some of the episodes fan. That's awesome. I'm still really proud of those. So love it when people watch him so initially the idea came from I mean, you would probably have a lot to say about this like I think any guy probably any person has dreamed with their buddies about like going on an epic road trip. So anyway just came from that dream of just like yeah, we want to go on a big road trip. And also I was a videographer so it's like if I'm going to do this, I want to do it in like epic proportions and I want to film The Thing and just like take people along the road trip with me and so me and my friend tied to sat down one night start brainstorming one thing led to another and just kept getting bigger and bigger and it's like, okay. Well the car should be exciting. Okay. Well the route should be exciting and then like if this is going to be on the internet to for this is gonna be like a Channel or like a show like it should be branded properly as well. So came up with the name Ellen. We bought a limo, you know already just in those few words in that sentence of the show you already or like intrigues, you know, like what Ellen Degeneres and we got a limo involved. I'm into It so anyway to kind of summarize it now. Yeah, me and two friends. Like you said fluid main bottle limousine off Craigslist drove it through all the lower 48 states and it took us 80 days. I think we filmed like thirty seven episodes on Facebook watch along the way we set up a GoFundMe that our viewers could donate to and then we would give out a hundred percent of those proceeds to people in need along the way which is really cool. I mean only to get help people out there just like our viewers didn't even know what there are donating to. They're just like we're going to give these kids some money and just hope that they you know spend it wisely which is kind of a lot to ask and but a lot of people donated I think we raised like $10,000 on our GoFundMe and then we did a whole episode of story on this guy who was wrongly convicted from prison and had just gotten out and so we used our GoFundMe money to get him a car and then set up a new GoFundMe for him. And so it was just a lot of fun. It was a it was a cool way to get our viewers involved other than just liking and commenting on stuff. So yeah, man, it was awesome. So you guys were like, it looks like you were put into some kind of like a side room when you were at the show be did you guys I know that you were going to be on the show because if not, you did a really good job of acting like acting surprised. If you guys know when you got there that you were going to actually be on the broadcast. We did not we actually got an email from Ellen's team about halfway into the trip and we didn't tell anyone, you know, wanted to keep this psych far-fetched dream alive, but getting on the Ellen Degeneres Show, even though it was mainly like a branding thing like none of us are really that big of like Ellen fans, but whatever still obviously very exciting she emails us and like, you know, August we do a couple Skype. Sessions with some of her producers things are going well then just like radio silent for a month. Like okay. We're in Seattle still haven't heard from you. Okay. We're in San Francisco get closer. All right, we were in Los Angeles and you're still not responding this sucks. And so our last-ditch effort earlier last day their ties brother was about to have a kid. So he's like I have to go back to Oklahoma tomorrow is my last day and so we're like, let's just wake up early. We're going to protest protest being used lightly are signs that he said like we love you Ellen, but we posted up right outside of Warner Brothers Studio and just try to get people to Shane and it worked and anyway to answer your question. No, we had no clue. One of The Producers came out and was like, this is hilarious guys. We're going to try to get you in the audience today. We're like, oh how fun like we'll take what we can get. That's great. And then she comes back out and it's like, okay we're actually sold out today, but there is like an overflow room that you guys can like sit in and watch it on TV. You'll be like right next to Ellen so I great we don't care and anyway got in there and within about 10 minutes they ask is like, hey you three guys. Can you actually go sit over there? R and we're like what is up is where he stood out like crazy. It's a bunch of middle-aged moms. And then like three homeless-looking guys have been sleeping in a car for the last 80 Days. Everyone's looking at us this camera crew like post up right in front of us. And so it is like what is going on? No one's telling us anything. Where is Sarah what's happening? And then the next thing you know Ellen's and over opening monologue. She sits down in the chair and just like speaking of current events. There are three guys in the riffraff room right now and then like boom lights come on camera starts rolling on us and we're all the Screen right behind Allen and it was awesome. So yeah, those are genuine reactions because we did not know what was happening. No one told us anything and then weirdest on the freakin Ellen show his grated. Yeah, and if you're listening to this and you have not seen the video search Ellen, we bought a limo on YouTube and find the music video. It's hilarious. I like just that the the writing of it and obviously the directing of the music video you get to see Jake do a front flip over somebody on this on the beach is it's hilarious like just the thinking of it and the creativity behind it is hilarious. Oh, thank you man. At least you guys were not disappointed driving all that way and not ending up on the show. I mean, obviously it would have been a good memories with your with your friends regardless, but the fact that you were able to get on there I think probably made it all worth it in the end. It does make a little a little sweeter. Obviously, we had regardless of that. It was still the best 80 days of my life. But then again, Huge huge cherry on top getting to end it there their last day on The Ellen Show was pretty cool. So that alone is kind of a microcosm. I think of what you and I were talking about before we record it basically, you know to do something like that. It does take quite a bit of faith and getting past some fear of doing something that you might want to do creatively, you know, there's a lot of people that have creative desires, but you are May be fearful of leaving the situation that they have in their life or you know, maybe it's a money thing. I guess whenever you have done anything where you've taken a risk creatively that has gotten you to where you're at in your career right now. What advice do you have for people that are maybe struggling with that step of you know, I don't necessarily want to take this risk because I'm afraid of what might happen or I'm afraid of failure. You know, I'm sure those are all the Motions that you have felt at certain times. What advice do you? For people that might be feeling that that's a great question. I've taken a few I guess decent risk in my life would like, you know career moves everything and typically what it comes down to is just asking myself like okay hypothetically 10 years 20 years from now. What do I want to not regret doing? Basically? Okay when I'm 45 when I got kids and my life is not nearly as much fun anymore. If I don't do this is this going to be a pretty major regret of mine. Am I gonna like drive myself crazy thinking? About what if I had gone for this thing, and so that's really all it takes and granted, you know, some of the biggest risk I've taken in my life have been when I'm a single guy in his 20s, you know, it's very easy to do that at this stage in life. But yeah to give a little perspective. So it was yeah, I guess just about a year and a half ago. I was a full time YouTuber life was awesome. I was making a living just off, you know Just making videos Monday Wednesdays and And had like a hundred and seventy-five thousand subscribers and but had this dream right? I had this dream that I couldn't get out of my head of driving around the country in a limo with my best friends. And so I just you know, it took a lot of thought and talking with friends in processing, but I just I did it. I quit the YouTube thing cold turkey. I left the channel and when pursued this dream of mine and a sec I'll figure it out. So And it boiled down to when I'm 45 with my wife that I might have met on Tinder will see in my a couple of kids. Like I don't want to have to ever wonder like what if I would have you know done that epic road trip. I always talked about what if I would have bought a limousine off Craigslist and that's such a silly example, but I think for everyone at listening just like what is that pipe dream you might have big or small. What is that one thing that you've kind of always wanted to do and you might regret it if you never try it because I can tell you getting on The Ellen Show. After all that work, like everyone deserves to feel that feeling of having a dream that your wrist something for be accomplished. It was awesome, right? Yeah. I think that's it. My life's here. That's kind of what what has led me to where I'm at. You know when I started this idea of wanting to write a book. I mean it came out of a very tragic incident in my life where I lost somebody that I was really close to and it shook my faith to the core where it was the first time in my life that I had really questioned that I guess questioned doubted all those kind of feelings that a lot of people go through at some time in their life if they have a faith in God where they really wonder like why do I believe what I believe and ultimately what came out of it was you know, I knew that I had a skill to write and I didn't want to let that go to waste and so I kept having this nagging feeling kind of like you did where I would wake up every single day and it was like, I really want to write this book. I really want to write this book and I've had a lot of fleeting desires before and they've kind of gone away. And so I sat on the for a while and I wanted to make sure it wasn't just something that I was feeling for a season and it was like it was like a year later and every day I was waking up and I still was like man, I really feel like I need to do this and so obviously it's been a lot of time in prayer about but for me it was getting past that fear where I realized, you know at the time I think I was 27 when I first had this idea and for me it was like I don't want to look back when I'm 40 and realize that I didn't do this, you know, even if I write a book, even if I write a book and Nobody reads it nobody buys it heck even if like an agent or nobody wants to represent it. At least I would feel like I hey I at least did this thing that I felt like God was putting on my heart and for me it was like, you know, I if I woke up every single day and I felt like what I was doing was keeping me from doing something that I really wanted to do. That's how I knew this desire was true. And so I think anybody that's listening to this I kind of have to realize you know, if your I guess they kind of have to look inside themselves. Say hey, if I'm really thinking about doing something whatever that might be and they wake up every day and like they can't imagine their day not doing that. I think it's a pretty good sign of I need to follow what that passion is. Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It's really well-worded. I've heard several entrepreneurs talk about just like, you know, you want to start this business you have this dream, whatever maybe like there's a hundred things that it's going to take to accomplish it or get to where you want to be but several. Yeah heard a lot of people talk about like the hardest thing is from 0 to 1 just like getting the ball rolling. It's for some reason. Just like psychology the hardest thing to do. So just once you get started, it just gets easier and easier and more fun and more fun. So taking that initial eat like even just telling yourself. Yeah, I am going to do this right is the hardest part. So how did you get in contact with Trey Kennedy? I mean, how did you meet him? How did you get to the point where you're at now where you're shooting all of his videos that get hundreds of thousands of likes. You know, how did you meet up with them in to the point? Where now you're working with them? I was actually kind of a cool story and I don't think I've ever like spoken about this on a video or podcast or anything. So exclusive access Cole Claiborne anyway, so I met so I used to live in Kansas City and clearly the week. I was moving away from kids city is like the week that tray moved here and we met through mutual friends super randomly and like a brewery one night. Basically just shook his hand and we introduced ourselves and that was the end of it and then I moved to Dallas and I was you know tubing It for like the next a little over a year, but at some point in that time Trey follow me on Instagram. So it's like okay, he knows who I am. You know, he's like somewhat familiar with like the stuff. I'm putting on Instagram not that was much at all. But at least you knew who I was and then about six months after that. We got put in a group text together about some different things that are going on back in Kansas City with our mutual friends. And so when I was thinking about leaving YouTube thinking about buying a limousine, you know, my life is all up in the air. I took a chance initially not because I didn't even know which number was traced as far as like, okay, I think he's from Oklahoma. I think he's got this area code, you know, whatever and so I just called this random number and the group text. It happened to betray he picked up on the first, you know ring. So, this is Trey and I just like basically pitched myself to him where I was just like, hey man, you know, my name is Jake triplet. I you know, this is kind of where I'm at and what I'm doing, but this is what I think I could do for you. I would love to move back to Kansas City. And I think I could do this this and this I think I could add value in these ways and it took about three more phone calls over the course of like another few weeks, but eventually he was like, yeah, man, let's let's do it. So when I got done sleeping in a car for 80 days, I moved back to Kansas City and just kind of started what it is now. So it was he kind of resistant not necessarily resistant I guess but was he hesitant at first, I mean, why did it take three or four calls to convince him to finally say I actually could provide that. See I get maybe I should ask him about that. I think it was you know, the first phone call was obviously a lot at once. He's probably just like chilling, you know at home eat some Chipotle and then I'm like hey hire me, you know, but I think he just needed time to process it and then I guess I don't even totally know what he was going through but I've talked to him more about it since then and I guess it was just great timing it was because I called him right around the time where he was like, you know ever since Vine. It's just been him in a tripod for four years, you know, he's built everything. He's built. All alone no videographer. No editor No Rider just just him which is really impressive. But yeah, so I came in and just yeah, I guess eventually after four phone calls said the said the magic words and he was like, all right, fine. And so yeah that started last October. I started with him primarily just like a filmer and would edit about half of his stuff. You know, I work probably just like five hours a week. It was just getting my foot in the door with this awesome guy and back to kids. Me and then as of this past August so, you know fast forward 10 months later. And now I'm basically full time with trait which is really cool. So I'm writing for him and you know appearing in his videos and on his podcast and still filming still editing and opening for him and on tour and so it's become a full-fledged thing and I'm just so incredibly like happy and thankful with where I'm at. And yeah, just making that phone call to Springs ago. And now you got your own podcast ghost. Runners you can search for it here. If you want to find it. It's Ghost Hunters on any of the podcast platforms it to me. It's it's such a it's such an awesome concept because it's I think it's so relatable to people because for like for me and my best friend, it's basically like when he and I are just hanging out and talking and I think that's carrot. It's resonated with so many people it and I hate to say this it took me like two episodes before I finally realized why you used Ghost Riders and for whatever reason they Donna me like. Oh he's talking about when we played youth baseball or not. Yes baseball and I was yes, why did that not automatically register with me because obviously I played baseball in my backyard or we all used Ghost Hunters and every you only had four people that you were playing with. Yeah, exactly. I forget I think it was set up a so, we're you refer to and it was like wow, that's that that was so obvious that I didn't even notice on this one that used it. So you've got this awesome podcast now and thank you and you and you and your buddy brat you and your buddy Brad or just hanging out talking. You know, I guess how did you come up with the concept for that? And did you did you see that evolving into what it is now? Well in a word, no, not at all. Not that it's really anything yet. But even the fact that like we're talking right now and you were a stranger from the internet who lets his my podcast. I just want to never thought like you had your heart if you have a fan that's hilarious. Yeah, I would have never thought that just because Okay, so to answer your first question, like how did I come about like, you know, I've started YouTube channels. I've started parody Instagrams, you know funny Twitter accounts Facebook watch shows like for the most part everything I've ever started has had a vision as had a plan the podcast was strictly. This is my best friend Brad. He's funny. We like to talk to each other and I'm a white Millennial. So I think I have to start a podcast. Those are the rules these days in 2019. So I was like, I mean, seriously, I cannot emphasize enough how like humbly we came in. This how there was no plan at all. We just sat down and talked for an hour. There's no editing or anything that first episode and so we've been doing it for six months and it's not like we're topping the charts and saying look out Joe Rogan or anything, but we're about to start monetizing it and yeah, it just seems like it's growing and growing every week which is really fun. And yeah, it seems to be just accidentally this highly relatable thing. So we're very pumped about it. Well, you are the number one improv comedy show in Taiwan. Apparently, it's go baby. The Taiwanese we love you out there. That's a market that everybody is striving for I mean if you're if you're not at the top of Taiwan and you're not really doing anything so we have cornered it is oh come on. Yeah, it's ours now. So you've talked about this on your podcast and we hit on a little bit earlier, but you are obviously a dating expert you have a lot of advice for people. Well, I think I think you're just remaining single because you want to be able to provide this service for people that you're just You're just a dating expert, you know, I think it wouldn't be fair to the other people for me to go out and get a girlfriend. So, you know when these are this is this is hilarious to I think I told you earlier about how my wife is becoming a fan of the podcast and this morning. We're watching TV and she she wrapped a blanket around her neck and she goes. Hey, look I'm Jake triplet because the video where your for your sake. Oh, yeah, that's funny. I think it was like you're talking about like fall Trends or something like that. Yeah, I have to As for the fall you put you put a blanket around your neck and you're like this is basically what a scarf is like for the win for the for the fall you just hear you were like when oxygen level is low fashion is high and I think that's what she was trying trying to recreate. So that's because she's becoming a fan of the podcast your this morning. She asked me if I was going to be her babe of the week this week ago. We were at lunch the other day and she asked me what my poultry of the week is what you're going to get into it a little bit but it's basically raises just up like that. It's It's you got it. You got a fan base here in Kentucky about a fan base in Taiwan. I don't know what more yeah, I often associate Taiwan and Kentucky culture as one of the same. So that makes sense to me. It might be shocking to other people but not me. It's pretty close. Yeah. Yeah. So since you're such a dating expert, you know, and this is hilarious because my wife is a marriage counselor, but nobody it's always go to her for advice. And so I figured I would I would present some instances that have come up in our House and get your expert advice. So I love this last last week sometime. We were sitting on the couch watching TV and we have a couple of lamps in the living room. And I personally did not turn these lamps on so we go to bed. Actually she went to bed ahead of me and I stayed up to watch TV. I went to bed. I didn't turn the lamps on so she woke up the next morning and she said Cole did you leave the lamps? Last night and I was like, well, you gotta remember turning them off and she said well, can you please not do that? And my response was well, I didn't turn them on so I don't know that I didn't I didn't ask for them to be on so why would I turn them off and she said it just waste electricity. Why would why didn't you turn them off you were the last in the room? My stance was I didn't turn them on therefore. I shouldn't turn them off who was right who was right in this instance. Okay. So this is a this is a pretty common issue with me. So you came to the right spot big big lamp guy first off gotta say love your dedication to the TV show, you know, nothing's gonna get in the way of you watching the show like wife go to bed. All right, fine get out of my face. I got to show to watch is also on the same token love her just you know, fiscal responsibility, you know that at the same time. Time a lamp and a light bulb you leave that sucker on four for four years and that would cost you 40 cents so I get but okay you ready for my verdict? Yes. I think your wife was right. It's the principle of it. It's the principle of it is your home. The lights were on you are the master of your domain called. This is your house you look out for the electricity and the just the the principles of how you shut down a house. Night, you turn off the lamps. Okay, let's move on to the next one. So she has things. Well, you know, I was I was fearful of that verdict, but I've got to take it like a man. Here. She is she loves using Siri for texting or searching on the internet. Whereas I hate it because it's it's like whenever I call an automated phone system. I don't want to talk to robot. I don't like today I had to Call about my health insurance and I kept getting I kept getting this press 3 for whatever. What do you know all this stuff? And it's like I just want to talk to somebody please. I just want to talk to you about person. Well, she will sit here and repeat the same thing four times to Syria before just typing it in there. My stance is forget Siri just use the good old-fashioned keyboard here and just search for it yourself. You're going to get a faster. There's no error, but she will sit here and talk into the phone and tell her This blue before and it even if it's Syria saying I'm sorry. I didn't catch that or whatever the case is. She will sit there and ask Siri anything rather than type it out. Am I right here and saying that Siri is trash we should just type our stuff in and forget Siri. Great question. What's your wife's name? Emily Emily? Shut up to Siri all say it. All right get those thumbs moving right series. I'm gonna save you any time. I use Siri like Like very very rarely and it's always when I am like, okay. I'm I just got a shower. My phone is not near me and I'm in the process of thinking how many clothes I'm going to put on today. So I asked Siri. What is the weather that is like the only time if your thumbs are like to wet your phone is too far away. You are allowed to use Siri. But any other time no not helpful and A disruption to the people around you. Thank you, and I'll have to tie when I call her and I get it whenever she's driving but sometimes when I call her she'll be at home and she will set me on speakerphone and I'm like just get are pods and put them in so I can hear you better because it's like she's shouting from a mile away and I have a really hard time hearing as it is and so whenever she's on speakerphone, I can't ever hear it. I'm like you sound like you're shouting from inside of a cave. I cannot hear you. So she loves Siri was speakerphone. I would rather just talk. Get on the phone and use my thumb's like a good old-fashioned American used to you know, we didn't we didn't get you know are we didn't get our ethics of hard work by talking in a stereo? Okay, we got it. We got to put in the work and just type in the search on Google with our thumbs. That's right on that and I preach on baby. You think God gave us opposable thumbs just for just for back massages. No, no, not at all. I like what you said about the speakerphone thing too, because I don't think I've ever realized it. But yeah, that really perturbs me when people don't need to use speakerphone but to use it anyway because it's like okay you are now listening the sound quality on my end and you're shouting and I just it's not a this is not how people talk just talk to me normal to take this even further. I also don't understand why people still use Loud Ringtones when you could easily just put your phone on vibrate and not disrupt everybody. Else now, my wife does not do this but there's too many people that in a public setting their phone will go off. So for instance. Okay, I'm a High School tennis coach and I was watching the state finals a few weeks ago and Tennis. It's a sport where you got to kind of be quiet until the point is over and an older gentleman was sitting next to me and at least three times during this match his phone went off with a loud ringtone and and he would answer it and talked quietly then put his phone back in his pocket and it's like It happens once and you forget about it. Okay, I get it. But at that point turn your phone on vibrate. So that future callers don't disrupt what's going on. And so the nascent old man. Yeah. It's so like at least two or three more times his phone rings and it's and it's like the old rotary phone or like what you would have had at your house and the knowledge. He's right. It's like so so shrill. Yeah and it's not even a clever it give it was a song I could at least kind of, you know dance to it a little bit but it's Big Girls Don't Cry by her. He may be exactly. Yeah, or Fergalicious something like that that I can at least down to but if it's just a standard ringtone like you got to just put it on vibrate and that's just that that that's a very miniscule thing but it really bothers me. Get real. Yeah. It really does. I'm well, I'm glad Emily doesn't do that because I was gonna be pretty upset if that was one-two combo of Siri user and keeps her phone on loud. But yeah, just like two weeks ago Trey and I were on set shooting this show and like the sound guy was like, okay everyone phones on vibrate. That's like I mean over to Travis like my phone has been on vibrate since 2007. Yeah, I don't I don't even have to check. I don't know that I've ever used an actual ring tone. I did used to have a ring back tone. It was Forever by Chris Brown for like a year and a half when that was cool. I had a ring back tone, but I have never used a ringtone because it annoys me. I can't imagine how much it annoys other people it annoys me to have a ring tone on my own. So I think it's the same Principle as like the sound for your alarm in the morning. You just you get so used to hearing it that you just get so annoyed. So I would never want to put a song I like as my ringtone exactly. So moving on to carry on with this. Okay, there's a lot of trends that Millennials take part in that have just become really annoying and for me, I'm going to go ahead and start this. Okay. Love it. I see I see I see a lot of millennial females are bringing back the 90s. Mom jeans. Oh that guy. They're not even like there. I guess they're trendy now and a lot of 90 styles are coming back. But a lot of these clothes are so expensive. Like if you go to Urban Outfitters, basically, you can find my closet from when I was like 8 9 and 10 years old in the 90s. You're going to find the Reeboks that I wore you're going to find the old Snapback Chicago Bulls hat that I had you're going to find some old Space Jam shirt, but it's going to be loved it. It's gonna be like $50 for a shirt. The Reeboks are like $150. I don't understand why these things are coming back in style unless it's just for the Nostalgia aspect, but the fact that people are paying a lot of money for this stuff. For instance. If there's a girl in my hometown who will go to I'm not kidding you this is actually happens. She'll go to Goodwill or some thrift store. She will buy like the 90s type of clothing and then she'll put it on sale on Instagram. You know how the girls will do like the Instagram stories where the like model their clothes and it's like sure sure sure whatever. Well, she'll sell these things for like $100. I'm way you bought that for like $3. And then the smaller the stores are now selling these kind of clothing for fifty to a hundred dollars. I don't understand it. I don't understand this trend. So that is my the lineal Trend annoying thing of the week to me. The only acceptable 90s clothes in my opinion are the old NBA starter jackets like the old retro starter jackets. Oh, yes, like the like the purple and teal Charlotte Hornets won the red and black Chicago. As one dude, he has keep talking. I'm gonna hold on keep talking. Yeah, like those are those are the it's not it but this is basically it right here because I was worried today exactly beautiful. So you've got it looks like a white purple and teal like squishy starter jacket though. So swishy those are acceptable and I also could go as far as to say the old-school snap back in behaves those those work, but I just don't understand why all these 90s trains are coming back. So that is that is my Annoying Millennial Trent, what are some things that Millennials do that have been with you? I don't even know where to start because we're all pretty annoying. Luckily. I don't know enough about fashion to really get upset by it. So that knocks out like I'll be pretty big realm of potential annoyances. I think let's see what I want to go with. There's so many things on Instagram that kind of bugged me on a daily basis. I think one thing recently that I've seen that I think is kind of interesting is like Girls when they will get asked to be a bridesmaid, they will always like answer by putting it on their Instagram story, which I think is a little strange for a couple reasons one. It worries me that they didn't tell the girl. Yes, like in person or like call her and like the girl is finding out who are bridesmaids are by who's putting them on Instagram. That's weird. Don't do that but to in more so like I think it just such a like. I don't know like spitting on her other friends like haha. I'm one of her eight closest. You're not Stephanie. It's like oh, I guess I'm not I guess I didn't get asked which they're going to find out either way, but I think it comes across as such a like a uh, uh bridesmaid thing but I think and I'm not actually like judging anyone sick motives behind this, but I think you can also be like a thing like look at me. I'm one of her best friends ha ha so what you are Aren't ya so thankfully dudes. Don't do that. And that has to be given to the Bridesmaids and it's always and it's like some kind of creative way of asking it but it's like here's a bottle of Rose like Jose be there on my special day something like oh, that's good. Really clever and cheesy like that and that's always how it goes. So that's yeah that things really that bad blood annoyed. But yeah, I probably could have thought of something better, but that that happened like an hour ago. I saw an Instagram and I was happy you're doing this too much. I've seen this way, too often. Yeah. All right. So what if one of the things we were talking about before we reported to you that I really have been looking forward to this conversation because I have a really good story for this but to go back to your dating life. You're dating expertise. Thank goodness. Obviously all of the success. You've had Indian baby. I'm curious. What is the worst first date you have ever had so, how'd it go pretty short here? Because I really haven't had that many bad for States, but there is one that sticks out summarize it and just a few words. She brought her brother, which was a little bit of a shock to me and her I think to I don't know. It was just such a weird thing. I feel like I was very clear that this was a date and Guess her brother wanted a free dinner. Also, I don't know. It was just very strange and we did not go on a second one because I was afraid which family member might show up to that one. So that was four years ago, and I'm better because of it, you know, so don't worry about me. I'm okay, but yeah, nothing too crazy, but it's definitely interesting. So I had one and that reminds me of of a second bad first date. So the first one is anybody who knows me knows that my name routine. Only gets butchered like it's unbelievable. How many people think my first name is clay and my first name, I think my my name is Clay Colborne or like laid I get this all the time and it is always bothered the heck out of me. And so anytime that happens. It's bad enough and that's why I like on Facebook. I have my middle name so that I hope that it kind of stuff put it up real shit. Yeah, but I've had that for like 12 years or however long I've had Facebook and That is not that is not helped. And so there's this girl, this is before this is the summer before I met Emily and I had met this girl through some mutual friends and she was a tennis player. We had played tennis a few times that summer and you know, I was kind of kind of into her and her friend was trying to help set us up and I was supposed to go on a double date with this girl and the girl who set us up and her boyfriend and so you're supposed to go to the drive-in movie theater. I was going to be a great time. I thought we were going to be Owing to dinner and then go to the movie and what happens is the day of the mutual friend and her boyfriend end up having some sort of conflict where they can't end up going out with us tonight. And so I'm wonderful about lamps on probably. Yeah, so I'm exactly so so I'm freaking out because I'm like, yeah, I'm really shy. I don't want to I was kind of hoping this first date would be kind of a double date thing be kind of low-key because I wasn't really sure that this other girl liked me at this point like we had kind of texted a few times like We play tennis and I didn't know like at all where she stood in terms of liking and that way it helps having the other people there. Yeah, and so this girl's brother was coming into town. And so what happened was they decide to have like a little bonfire party at their house and this girl was like, hey, you can just come over if you want to come over to the party and I'm like, oh boy. Okay, that's fine. So I go over there and I don't know a single person other than this girl and I don't even really know this girl that well, so I feel a little awkward. You know, I'm like, I don't know what to do. So I get there and I pull up, you know, I she's helping her brother like unload some stuff for the party out of there out of the trunk of their car and I will walk over to her and she's introducing me to her brother and she goes hey, this is clay and I was like, oh my case Not only but I just want to make sure that basically along the lines of like this is just a friend's thing. I don't want my brother his friends thinking that work together and I'm like, wow, that's really awkward that you felt the need to just say that out loud here. But okay. I how do I respond to that? Like, all right. Sure. That's cool. Whatever. So this point I'm like, I really don't want to go and then her friend was like no you really should go and just hang out with her like I'd be fun. So I'm going to this is why I felt awkward. I fully forgot about that part of it. So I'm driving to the house. I feel really awkward and I show up and then I get introduced as clay to her brother and I'm like that only only was I friend zoned as hard as you possibly could be but this girl doesn't even know my name. And yeah, do you like corrector and like make her look like an idiot in front of her brother or like what do you do there? I don't remember what I did. I normally always I think I think she corrected herself. If not, I definitely corrected her because I always correct people because it bothered me so much. She felt she felt awkward. She may have apologized. I don't know but at that point, I really just wanted to leave and so I texted a friend of mine at the time and this was like later on that night and I was like only clay and she was like what I'm like cause this girl do that is a friend of mine who knew that I was kind of crush on this girl and I was like, she called me clay and I was here I was like, I just want to leave and her and this girl was like you need to just stay there and keep drinking man, and I was like, I'm leaving right now getting out of here. So you'll send me and that girl did not work out. I was going to ask. Yes, you guys are not together anymore together. It was not a sad story. So that's that was one of the biggest friends I've ever been but then this other one this was in college. So I was involved in a campus ministry in college and you know, I met this girl who I thought was pretty cool. I asked her if she wanted to get lunch. And so we agreed to go to kind of like the campus cafe or Ever to get lunch that day. Yeah, you know we show up and I'm thinking first of all, it's not even a fancy place. It's just like a big cafeteria. It's like a there's like pizza over here salad over here a sandwich plate or whatever, you know kind of pick and choose and it's like all-you-can-eat. It's not really a fancy place. So we show up there. Well this girl kind of like you said whenever this girl showed up with her brother this girl brings one of her friends, and I'm amazed and safety net or something. Yeah, I guess like a safety net or whatever, I guess to make it very clear. That it was just going to be a friend's thing. And so my gosh dang. Okay, I guess I'll go through this and just kind of act like I'm not feeling awkward even though I'm feeling incredibly awkward. I'm like, how do I approach this conversation? Like I don't even really want to do this now like it's really awkward. So we have the lunch and then you go home a couple days pass and I think I'd message her something like even though I did not really have a good time. I said like hey had a great time we loved with would love to would love to do it again like something really It's great getting to know both of you. Yeah, like something like that. Well, she responds back to me and says something like just blunt just two straight in my face. Like hey Cole. Thank you for for the offer at this point. I really think it's better that we just stay as Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Like that was man is there was a Jesus bomb hold the Jesus card on me and I think I had to I think I tried to play it off like oh, no, I wasn't I wasn't And asking you on another date. I was just asking you to hang out again as friends. I was trying to get your friend's number. Yeah, trying to make some friends but I got I got I got a name I got mispronounced on my name and then I got the Cheese's car thrown at me when I asked I got the brother in Christ thrown at me whenever I asked for another another hang out sesh. So that was probably oh the OB I see I hate that. That's too bad. You'll be I see that that was the worst. I mean that was just like and then On top of that. I had to keep seeing her at the you know, the student Ministry things the rest of the year. What a great sister in Christ. Yeah, it was great. It was great to have that friendship. You know, we're just yeah, I don't I think she's dating a barely even buried now, so she found somebody who could be more than just a brother in Christ, but that was no I mean like that that really hit my self-esteem hard. I was like man, I don't really know how really know what to do after that. Like do I even tried a day for a while or I just take The L and like hang out with my dukes for a while. Yeah, maybe I just find a couple of hobbies and try to distract myself for a while. Yeah, I think it's such an interesting thing and not even just with Christians just with like dating in general. Like I think no one is talking about this. But here we go. Today's we're talking about a baby when people are like so yeah guys and girls to so concerned about like, I just don't know I just it would I don't want this to, you know, affect our friendship. I don't know if I want this to look I'm not exactly besties with Girl, I've been on dates with you for like why are we so protective of these friendships like someday down the road? We're all going to be married. I'm not exactly going to have a ton of girlfriends when I'm a married man. Like I just think we protect these way too much. It's such a scapegoat for relationships. Just tell me why you don't like me. This is my breath. Yeah. It's like if you ever watched our tank they come up with some of the lamest excuses to not invest in a product which is fine. Like it's their money. They don't want to invest in it, but it's hilarious whenever they'll say stuff like like, you know, I just I don't have a doll. Ugh, so I just don't know that I really can invest in this dog food company. So that's a really good point. Yeah, it's good. It's like well like I don't really have a good reason. I'm just going to make something up and try to let you down easy, but really like just not interested in you like they just don't want to say it. I love that. That's a great bit right there. I'm gonna go watch some episodes of Shark Tank and just pick one line out of it and then use that to break up with a girl someday. That's perfect. Yeah, and you gotta say it. Like Mark Cuban when he always ends it with so for those Reasons, I'm out. Yes, I love doing that. Yeah for yeah, just like hate so Bethany the last I mean as you know, the last few months have been awesome together, but one thing just like I don't know. I just don't have a dog. And for that reason I'm out. What do you mean you're out, you know, you know what it means. All right. I'm out. I'm out Bethenny. I don't have a dog. I can't do this. I don't have a dog. I can't understand you when I don't have a dog. No, I just said be too much too much to learn about. I just I don't know the grooming tricks. I don't know. I didn't know how to pet a dog. I just don't even know like I just I just can't do this Bethany. I'm sorry. There are two types of people in this world those who can like look themselves in the mirror knowing they picked up poop and had it in her hand that day and people who don't ever want to do that and I don't ever want to have someone something else's poop in my hand. All right, we're not gonna work out. It's not gonna happen. Yeah. So for those Reasons, I'm out. I'm out. My favorite or whatever they just don't you just talk about Shark Tank. Sometimes they'll come out there and they just know from the get-go that an idea is so dumb that before the person even really gets to the pitch. So like now not for me. Sorry. Yeah, like such a cold one like that old man who? Yeah, they're just treating it like the the TV Guide next. I've already seen this one is a rerun what else is on give me something else. Yeah speaking of TV Disney plus is out. I saw that they got 10 million subscribers on day one. So that's pretty huge. I also saw that officer internal website. They're almost to the level of the Ghost Hunters podcast. Maybe they'll be hit maybe a little bit. Yeah. I'm a little nervous. They're going to take over Taiwan and Kentucky. But yeah, it's pretty cool. I am kind of in a in a season of not consuming a ton of media. So it's like exciting for my architect perspective because I love Tech and I read up about a lot but from a consumer side. Things like I don't pay for Hulu or Netflix or anything right now. So I'm sure someday I will and I will review my options, you know, treat it like my own shark tank. But as of right now, I'm more like this is cool. I think years from now not even years for I think maybe one year from now. It's going to turn back in a cable. Again. We're different companies are going to bundle. Okay for $60 a month will give you ESPN HBO Go and Disney plus and it's like okay. This is just DirecTV again. I've got these 30 Channels to choose from all right. Sorry. It's a really long answer your question. I'll just say yeah, it's cool. What do you think about? Yeah, it's cool. My wife is begging me to get to for us to get it now because she found out that Lizzie McGuire is apparently going to be back on there along with a lot of the Disney Channel original movie so Emily so she's like $7.99 a month. That's that's like a latte. That's all you we can forego a latte and we can get Disney Plus for the month and I'm like, okay like it does include like there's a bundle you can get like Hulu and ESPN play. And Disney +4 like 1299. I'm like we're already paying for who live. I don't know if we need to pay for that bundle. Like I don't I will re-evaluate my options and I will let her know if I'm willing to invest in it but I like the idea of being able to go back and watch you know, like I think Boy Meets World maybe is on there and some of those old shows like that's kind of cool. I think I'm most concerned. It's just yeah, what's Emily putting in her lattes? $7.99 there's a quality of life and Kentucky must be going pretty well milk, and I don't decaf stuff. I don't even know if she's an oat milk girl. All right, she turned me on to oat milk. I think I'm mostly an almond milk person, but I have tried oat milk. It's okay. I do have dairy issues so I can speaking of Melinda annoying Millennial trans. I have some food allergy to Dairy so I can't always have regular milk. Otherwise, it's it hurts the old stomach little Rumba. Get a free Starbucks drink today. So I went there and I forgot about my birth my free birthday turning which is called let's go and that was about a month ago. But I walk, you know, I went to the drive-through and I had some money on my Starbucks card, which I was going to use but then I realized that I had enough stars for a free drink and I was like, hey, I never got my birthday drink. It's saying on here that I have a free drink like can I use this here? And so I got a vintage ring for freeze little little wind little wind of a day. Yeah, a little busy office in a cup for you today exactly what this costs about. This is like gosh I've been tea drink at Starbucks is like seven dollars. I don't know why I do this to myself. I don't know why I get these they're not even good and they made me feel like crap and I still like yeah sure here seven dollars, I'd rather. Yeah, I don't know why you do that to yourself. But you know more power to you man. I'd rather just give my seven dollars to Disney. Plus that would make me feel good make me feel like I'm living in the 90s again. So maybe I should read Should re-evaluate my bikes and Disney could use it to you know, I think as a company they're just they're struggling, you know, they've never really had much go for them. So they could use the money. Yeah, I think a lot of people just start they're not going to their Parks anymore. People don't seem to like their characters anymore. Nobody likes their movies. So yeah, I think if I give him my $7.99 a month, I think it'll really help that company out there. Just a hard-working gritty company that yeah. It's basically a donation you write that off probably right? I mean, they're pretty much a non-profit so pretty much. Yeah. Kim my donation. Yeah. All right. So one of my favorite things of your show, correct me if I'm wrong. So you are are you allergic to beef is this how you got the term poultry of the week There's this? Yeah. I got bit by a tick this summer and then it made me allergic to red meat so can't have any beef or pork anymore. It's annoying. Wow. Okay, I didn't know sudden realize that was the reason for it. That's yeah, that kind of sucks. Actually. Hey, it could be worse but it's also just like yeah, I just bake it is so good. And now I Have it. Well, it's gonna help your diet. I bet because I probably way too much red meat, but that's what people tell me who can still eat red meat. Everyone says that by going to be good for you. I know that you and Brad called poultry of the week and it's basically like your beef of the week things that annoy you I had her I have several things that have bothered me this week. But what are some things that have bothered you I guess. Yes, and they'll last few day is what are some what what is your poultry of the week? So far my poultry of the week besides people talking on speakerphone because you really lit a fire inside of me. I just never realized how much I don't like that. But so it's actually last week when Sherry and I were on tour and this is such a like first world like pretentious problem. Just no II realize the irony and saying this I'm still gonna go for it every day on tour. We got a per diem in cash to spend on food. Well, I want to spend this money and I'll just have it in my wallet just accumulating every day. So I'm spending you know paper money every day, which I'm not really used to doing and start accumulating change after changing after change. It's like a Barack Obama campaign in 2008. All right, I can't get enough of it. And I hate it. I hate how it feels I hate how it makes my hands smell afterwards. I hate heights. Yeah. Yeah next thing. I know my pants are down around my ankles because I got so much. And then you know, I'm trying to be efficient about it. Okay, I got all this change next time. I have to pay I'm going to try to whatever just I couldn't get it to go away and I just just take the change I want paper. I've bills are still fine love bills, but I'm just tired of change. That's my poultry. I'm just I was tired of touching it every hotel room. I just left it there and start over with a new day. I'm the same way and I actually I'm so glad he said that because I will do everything that I can to never have any cash on me. I forget where it was. I don't even want cash. No, I'd rather just have it in my bank account. Like I'd rather just have my car like I'd rather just no wow, like I don't even want I don't want any cash. Like I don't want anything about pocket because I'll lose it or if I buy something I had to have coins and I cannot stand coins. Like I'll Kill Ya borders if it's less than 1/4. I just put it in the tip jar like like just if you give me all times and it's like a dollars worth of diamonds. I'll put it on the tip jar. I'm not yeah, this means nothing to me. This is garbage like like 50 cents and dimes is nothing, but if I get Two quarters like yeah. Sure. I'll keep that but I mix my dad my dad made fun of us because I forget where we were at but there was something where I was trying to pay with a card and I and they needed cash for something at my dad. I think I vented about this on Facebook and my dad comments. It just cash is King and like like we always make fun for that now and I kill carry all kinds of cash on him and I hate it. I can't stand the coins. So I'm right with I'm right there with you on that cash is King. Thanks, Dad speaking of money my first full day of the week. So So Emily and I went to Brown County Indiana earlier this month and it was it's like a nice fall getaway area beautiful this time of year. Exactly. The foliage is great. You know, actually it wasn't this great this time. It was kind of already. We kind of missed the peak season, but we go to this restaurant we went there last year. This is our second year we go into this place and this is not just this restaurant, but it's any time that I go out to eat. Okay, and it took a while. While we waited like 30 or 40 minutes for a table, so we already had to wait for the table and I get that they're trying to get people through the liner or whatever. Well, we waited for our food like we ordered way too like 20 minutes for our food. Okay, the waiter brings our food over. We just start reading the next trip back to the table. She leaves the check there and says no rush and I'm like you just gave us our food like now, I feel Rush not now. I can't even see here. No rush. No rush. Like you just gave me my food five minutes ago. Here's your check, like what if I wanted to get into their? What if I wanted to order something else now? I feel like I can't because you've already given me much. Yeah, that's a really good point and it's desert isn't happening. I guess deserts are happening and it's like they're always like well if you want to add something we can always do that later. I'm like well now you just turn it off a receipt that's unnecessary. You just killed a tree. Thank you so that I don't know that just like no rush and it's like now now I feel rushed I can't help it. I feel Russia now. Oh big time Big Time Rush. Yeah, so that that really bothered me. We went back to the restaurant the next day on Sunday and had great service. Did not feel rushed. It was great. But that the first time I went there it was it was it was not great. I felt rachid. You should have gone back the next day. They find that waitress in the middle of her like busting around working her job and just stand right next to her and say Hey, I want to table no rush. Just call her around. Hey, no rush. Seriously, no rush whenever there's a table. Seriously, no rush now follow around for 10 minutes. When you go out to eat pay attention to see if there's ever do that because it's like, I know you waited 25 minutes for your food and I just gave it to you. But here's your check. No rush. No rush. Just paid us whenever you're ready. And as I well, I it's gonna it's gonna see here for another 20 minutes cause I'm going to eat first. I'm not going to give you my jacket on been eating. So the nerve and the nerve. Yeah, this is another okay. So I've got a few more of these because I just I get I get hurt sorry to say ho bothered and so we have a Rumba don't know if you have a Roomba anybody out there. Maybe they'd use a Roomba. Okay our Roomba and this is ironic because I'm complaining about about a piece of equipment that is obviously well-engineered. It's smart enough to know how to vacuum your house or whatever but ours like I don't know if it's just like off its marble or whatever but it like it goes off in the same spot for like an hour. Like it'll just zigzag across the room there seems to be no plan from it like where it has a rhythm. It's like let's go to this corner, then let's go all the way back around the room to this other Corner then we're going to go back over here and it's like it'll hit the same spot like five times and all randomly. Just stop. And I'm like, okay, I don't understand. So then I press the button to dock it and it didn't go back to the dock. And so I'm sitting here I'm like trying to work at the house and it's like this room is going off banking into stuff seems to have no mind of its own to what to do and it's like I don't have an idiot is do this. So if anybody out there like owns a Roomba knows how to work these things. Let me know because I have no idea and it just keeps zigzagging in the same spots doing the same thing over and over again. I don't understand it. So dude, that makes me nervous because I've never had a Rumba, but I'm about to move into a new place. Ace I was definitely thinking about a room but it seems so convenient but now you're saying a lot of big lava zag not a lot of pick up the trash so I don't know a lot of Zig Zag. Sometimes it's got a lack. I don't know. Yeah, you might as well just go ahead by a rag. Put the trash in a bag. I don't know something like that, you know, but that that bothers me because I'm trying to get ready. I'm trying to work at the house whatever and I have to just shut it off sometimes because it just keeps going so yeah speaking of things around the house. Okay, so we just moved into a new house like a month or so ago. It's kind of an older home, but we got a water heater in the basement and about a few weeks ago. Some plumbers came to fix that because we weren't getting any hot water in the in the shower which was kind of a problem of taking cold showers. So the founders came and fixed it a couple weeks later. I start noticing that every time I shower there's a big huge leak coming from the water heater and are based on thankfully. We have like Concrete in our there's nothing really in our basement to this going to get ruined but I'm like, why is this leaky? So we cauliflowers out and they come out here and we got some snow the other day and the plumbers came they walked in the house trampled around got there snowy boots everywhere on the Is that Emily worked? So boots so no Booth so then they they realize what the issue is they come out and I'm like scraping the cars off. You know, I'm trying to be a good husband a scraping Emily's car off of scraping my car off so they come outside to like hey, we know that we know the part that we need to get. We gotta go back and get it with back like five or ten minutes. I'm like, okay, that's fine. They come back and they walk in there. We walk into the house and said, hey guys, if you don't mind like just take your shoes off before you get income as like my wife just cleaning the house. Like kinda want to keep it clean like Bianca just cleaned it because the Rumba doesn't work ribbit. She just cleaned it. And so, you know, I was like it if you don't mind just you know, take your shoes off and one of the guys the first time did take his boots off the other guy did not so when I said that the guy who did not take the boots on the first time ends up just sitting in the truck. So the time this time that it took me to scrape off my car and Emily's car was like 20 minutes. That's about how long this guy who went into the house. To fix whatever the leak was and are in our water heater. And so he hands me the bill and I look at it and the part itself is like $20. The labor was $95. Hell this guy made $95 for 20 minutes of work and it says on there technician one then helper one that wrote down the helpers name. So I was like, I was like, yeah, I don't I don't think God really did anything. I don't say this, but I'm like this guy didn't do anything at all and he's making $95 just to sit here in the car for the time that it took me to scrape off these cars this guy sitting in the car. So this guy made $95 for basically doing nothing so that those three things those are my poultries of the week and dude that sucks. So it you had to pay it helped our boy made some money. Yes. I'm like, you know, I was a teacher for three years. And I'm like this guy's making ninety five dollars an hour for 20 minutes of work. I don't even know how much the guy that was helping made but he sat in the car for 20 minutes and basically made more money than I will ever make in an hour, which is stupid. But yeah, I'm gonna get an HVAC. That's awesome. Yeah. I mean that's why I was like, I need to change careers and get into some kind of a service thing because like I don't understand why this guys getting 95 To sit in his truck for exactly I can leave my shoes on my cute little snowy boots on I can do that. It's in the heat. All right, so I guess that's all I did poultry. Delete what else Emily is in here. She's charging my Mac because it's about to die. So shout out to Emily probably gotta talk to Siri it say Hey Siri charge my Mac. Yeah. I see recharge my back for me, please. I just said it's Eerie just came on and said hello. I'm listening. So I have a British Siri and she it's great. I you know, maybe I need to talk to my Serie more because she's got a great accent. She's always chipper and I just I never use my series quite like Emily does so hey shouts don't hey stand your ground stand your ground Cole. But would you like to give her a title maybe like something, you know that she's earned because she's doing this like I know something of the we I think Emily has got to be my babe of the week. He'll charge the his MacBook if you know what I'm saying? Oh, yeah. She's really puts the electricity into my into my MacBook. I can't even think of a good a good pun here easy. Yes. Yeah. Do not reject improperly. Hi-yah. Who is who's your baby the week this week Jake? Oh, wow. Let's see. Okay. I thought it won yesterday. I was at Chick-fil-A and this female employee came up to me and said hey, this is Janine. She is just are working here. I'm actually training her and I'm just taking around showing her how to do things and I figured she should get to know you since you're here a lot. So my baby the week is that Chick-fil-A employee. Who thought I was just as integral to her job training as working the cash register and that meeting Jake and his Booth was part of her training made me feel great did not do anything negatively for my self-esteem at all. And yeah just really boosted me with confidence. So girl at Chick-fil-A you are my baby the week. This must be a thing at Chick-fil-A because back in the spring I took I coached boys and girls High School tennis and we were at a tournament and Indianapolis and we took our team to Chick-fil-A after one of our matches and they were some younger guy that was working at the at the cash register and several of my girls players were talking about how cute they thought he was not and one of the one of the other parents who is with us. I'm like I went up there to order a coffee for the road because you're about to be back on the road and this mother walks up and I forget this guy's name, but she says hey coach I think some of the girls would like to know so-and-so Chop guy this guy just straight up with dead on confidence. He's like, okay. Yeah, here it is. It's like he's been asked so many times that he was like up this again. So he literally walks over to the girls and he's like, hey, did you guys really want my Snapchat or Instagram or whatever? It was? He's like, all right, here it is guys, like just like no shyness at all was just like yeah, this happens all the time like a basic set with that kind of cognitions gasps. Come on top of business cards for like his different like social handles like here we go again. So all the girls start adding them and on the bus ride home. They're like, oh my gosh. She goes on mission trips, like look at this picture with him and these kids. Wow, this is so awesome. I like this guy just straight up. I don't know if it was honorable or if it was cocky, but he just straight up walk over it was like, all right. So who wants my Instagram just like yeah see all girls want it. I love it working in. The register at Chick-fil-A is like the southerners tender, you know, it's like this is the best way to probably meet women just put my face in front of him. This guy was not even embarrassed. All he just was like yep happens all the time here. It is good for him man confidence. How many times a week? Do you think you go to Chick-fil-A on average usually probably too but this week is actually this is kind of embarrassing to ask me right now. I've went three days in a row this week that has never happened before I went Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm not proud of it. I'm genuinely kind of embarrassed about it, but just some circumstances led to that and I'll do better next week. I think it's safe to say is it's true. Follow your favorite fast food or do you have another place that would replace Chick-fil-A for you? I mean, I love fast food but no one's top and Chick-fil-A. It's just so good The Taste the customer service the dr. Pepper. It's amazing and cheese. Oh the ice the lemonade I did take your guys's advice. I did try the spicy chicken sandwich. The last time that I went to Chick-fil-A. Oh nice. It was it was I get the I usually get the buffalo sauce. I'm not a big Chick-fil-A sauce guy truthfully. I had not Actually had Chick-fil-A sauce until last week for the first time because well, so we live here in Bowling Green Kentucky the wife and I are Western Kentucky University grads. And so I go to a lot of the sports games and I went to one of their best ball games last week. They just put a Chick-fil-A in the arena and so nice at halftime. I've walked around the entire Arena before I think I walked every single spot of this Arena until I finally found this Chick-fil-A and I guess in my mind it was going to be more like a full-service Chick-fil-A. We're really it was like a regular concession stand. It did have a Chick-fil-A neon sign a top of it, but it had basically just had like the bags that they carry those around and so they just was like Chick-fil-A that they have catered in there and they didn't even have they didn't have fries. I just had like chips and then the only sauce they had was Chick-fil-A sauce. And so I was like, okay, I'll try it. It was good. It was good. I'm just I'm typically a buffalo sauce guy when I go. Chick-fil-A, so I tried the spicy chicken with buffalo sauce and I got to say it's pretty good. I didn't notice a ton of difference but I did notice a little bit of kick and I think that made all the difference nice. Yeah, they they do it. Right man. The the concession stand one still kind of stink. They're like pre-made they just put them in little baggies. They're always soggy. Yeah my favorite. Yeah, and I don't like pickles either and like these can't be made with pickles on it and I'm like some like incredibly grossed out by pickles that like whenever I get a meal with pickles on it like Emily loves pickles. I will literally not I even touch them and I'm like you have to take this off my plate. So like the fact that I have to also pick the pickle off of the sandwich makes me not really want to get Chick-fil-A at the stadium again because I just can't have it if I can't Chick-fil-A the way that I want it. I don't want it all that's my take on that. Hey, that's fair to that. That's totally fair. All right. Well Jake thank you so much for joining me here. This has been great. If you have not checked out Jake's podcast. You guys have got to go download it now subscribe ghost runners. Up on Instagram. Where can they find you Jake? What is your what are your social media channels? I am at triplet Jake everywhere my last name and my first name 1 p 2 tees one. J18 no skating on Jake. Yeah to tease one Jake. That's me, baby. No, I appreciate it. Thanks so much for having me on the pot dude. I'm honored one of your first first few episodes ever. Yeah. I'm really honored. So, thank you man. Isn't he just hilarious? I mean, I'm just such a big fan of his podcast and the videos that he produces because they're just so funny and I'm so glad to have him on and I hope you guys enjoyed the show. Hope you enjoyed the conversation and I really do appreciate what he did have to say about creativity and taking a risk and just kind of knowing to trust your own gut I guess is a better way to put it to know when To take that risk and go for it in life. And he's just got such a great outlook on life and bring such humor to what he does. So thank you guys for tuning into this episode. We will be back next week with Western Kentucky football coach. Tyson Helton in my opinion Conference USA, Coach the year, but come back for that conversation. He's a great coach. He's a man of faith and you'll get to hear all about his coaching career and how his faith affects. What he does is a coach And as a parent and as a husband, so that's another great conversation. I'm excited to have him on. Hey, if you need me at all, I'm Cole Claiborne on pretty much every social media platform. Please reach out. Let me know what you think of the show. If you have any guests that you'd like to suggest that I have on please. Let me know. I'll do my best to try to get them on. But thank you guys for listening. If you haven't already. Please make sure you subscribe on whatever podcast platform you prefer to listen to it on. But please tell your friends share the word. Really appreciate everybody who's listening so far and giving me feedback. It really means a lot. So thank you guys and we'll see you next week.
Jake Triplett is one of the funniest guys on the Internet. If you’ve ever watched a Trey Kennedy video and laughed, then you’ve laughed at Jake’s work. Jake shoots, edits, writes, and sometimes stars in Trey’s hilarious videos, and he’s pretty funny himself. He’s had an eventful career as a videographer and has gotten to do a ton of really cool things, and a lot of these involved having faith and taking a risk. Last year, he and two of his friends flew out to Maine and bought a limo to drive it across all of the lower 48 states doing acts of kindness with the ultimate goal of getting on the Ellen DeGeneres show. He talks about that and how he got connected with Trey Kennedy and what that’s done for his career. He also talks about the struggles of being perpetually single, his obsession with Chick-fil-A, and if you’ve ever listened to his podcast Ghostrunners, we did a couple of popular bits from his show. He’s got a great outlook on life and brings a ton of humor to everything he does. Check out the Ellen, We Bought a Limo video: Check out Jake's YouTube page: Letter Board Training, with Trey Kennedy and Jake Triplett: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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So if you always want to start a podcast and make money doing it go to Anchor dot f m / start to join me and the diverse community of podcasters already using anchor that's anchored dot f m / start. I can't wait to hear your podcast. Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of the Haas team podcast. My name is Brad grew and I'm coming at you live from Houston, Texas USA for the much anticipated and long overdue episode 0 0 2 of the hoffstein podcast where we will discuss the Australian Grand Prix results Captain Denmark and the upcoming Grand Prix in Bahrain. But before we do I want to thank you all for your patience for those who reach out to me or kindness. I had a family medical. See last week that delayed episode 0 0 2 by about a week but going forward. We're hoping to have an episode every Wednesday including the off week. Wednesday's whenever they have a travel week. So be sure to subscribe to hot steam podcasting a favorite podcast platform and follow hot steam podcast on Twitter at slash ha steam podcast. So it's been a couple weeks since our last podcast episode and boy has a lot changed. We've had a massive reception with thousands of thousands of lessons from around the world when the last episode was released we were Just on a handful of podcast platforms. Now. I'm happy to announce that we are on 21 total podcast platforms. So if you're looking for the podcast and it's not on your platform what in the heck platform are you using but hey, if it's platform you want us to be on hit us on Twitter slash ha steam podcast and let us know and we'll get it out on there. We actually had a user on Reddit reach out to us just a couple days ago. They didn't have it on their platform. We went and spit it to their platform and boom. They're good to go in total the first two episodes of the podcast. Been downloaded more than 2400 times across 35 countries and we see you Bosnia Vietnam and India, there's only a handful of you guys listening out there, but we appreciate every single one of you and we hope to see that number grow throughout the year with that said we should just take a moment to talk about the Danes those crazy folks from Denmark. That's right, the Danes dominated early listens and at one point had 57 percent of the total listens while just 32% of the listeners were Americans leaving us to ask. Is there a captive Denmark? Because our logo we thought most of our listeners would be American. So it's the Haas H in the middle of the Captain America shield, but maybe we have to change the captain Denmark. No, I'm too happy to say that those numbers of flip-flop just a tad in their back to 52% us and 32% Denmark, but for nearly a week the Danes held the top spot which is astonishing when you consider the size of the United States versus the size of Denmark Kevin magnussen's fans Run Deep and run hard. Apparently we even had to ask on Twitter. Is it 10:30 nadie? Because Denmark was kicking our butts and planting a flag. Like they're Viking sacking London. You know that song Americans London Bridge is falling down. Well, that's about the Danes sacking London. And so the Merica Bridge was falling down, but thankfully George Washington crossed the Delaware and saved us in America is now top of the charts, but keep it up Denmark. You may be able to catch us if you get the entire country going so have all of your friends and family subscribe and listen from Denmark and no other country besides the United. And states and Denmark or even above 2% of lessons. Come on, Canada. You gotta step up your game guys, and as a thank you to Denmark and they're passionate fans. We're going to play a short little clip from South Park season 20 episode 0 6 Fort Collins, which paid homage to Denmark and a very strange holiday song from those beautiful Scandinavian lands in young ball is visuality change anjing. Clank I'm dead-ass me and be the change and style Supply Mirai. Novelist Bill It's The Sign of the pants hissed James and Jin young for selfie higher tone. In junk English inventor the farm some ginger and jingle did I Alright song goes on from there, but it's much of the same. So they don't know exactly what they're saying. I'll leave it there, but there is an author's Some bass thumping remix of the song at the very end of the episode. So stick around for that for those who don't know the Danes apparently really really love Christmas and this is part of like a cult classic 24 episode Christmas thing that they have and the lyrics Don't Really translate to English all that. Well, so I won't try to butcher those here, but it's I thought it was hilarious that South Park did an episode for it and people say that's very much like what it is in Denmark. So that was my thank you to the Danes showing a little bit of their culture to the rest of the world. Old and didn't mark of course is the home of Haas F1 driver Kevin magnussen and apparently very very rabid F1 fans. But now to get on to what many of you have probably been waiting for for a good nearly two weeks. Now the results from the Australian Grand Prix, which were Kevin magnussen finished P6 securing eight points for the team while Romain grosjean was forced to retire and did not finish for his third year in a row in Australia such bad luck for grosjean and we'll discuss groans. Yawns bad luck in the future. Moments, but let's focus on the positive which was Kevin magnussen finished best of the rest P6 fantastic and kmag and race engineer. Gary Gannon were rightfully stoked after the race. Okay. Awesome job. Awesome job. Great job. Everyone proud of you Clark. You told you to come it's good for this is yeah. As you can hear and k-max voice. He was very happy with the outcome obviously and he felt great about the car and the speed which gives us high hopes for the rest of the season and grosjean was doing extremely well. He was running p7 right behind kmag before the issues within the pit. Stop that led to his ultimate retirement. So from the numbers throughout the weekend in Australia, you have to think Horse has a great chance over the next three or four races to get double points before major changes come from most Midfield teams around the Spain time frame, which is the early May and for those new to the sport most teams take three or four weeks at a time to roll out major changes to their car on their builds just because it takes time to engineer test and fabricate Parts the top three teams Mercedes Red Bull and Ferrari can do this much faster because they have pretty much unlimited budget, but for the Midfield teams, they do have a limited budget. They can't just throw man hours at it. And so it takes Him about three or four weeks to get major improvements engineered and onto the car with that said Kevin magnussen is currently very happy with the shape of the car and the speed and he had this to say P6 for me is very very good and really really happy about today. I did a good start and just had a really good car from there. I was able to push the whole race and look after my tires and had no issues really so just really happy to start the year this way and when he was asked if the car felt as good during the races, it had do throughout the qualifying. He said maybe even better I think in this race I could just push And push and push and as the fuel comes out, you can just push more and more and more. It's a good feeling in the car was very very good today. So those are extremely promising sound bites from Kevin magnussen going into the next couple of races. And that's want to add to this one thing. I mentioned in the previous episode of things to watch for the season was Kevin magnussen working with new racing engineer Gary Gannon not new to hospital New Decay Maggie came from grosjean before and listening to the onboard radio with these two they did a fantastic job holding. Knopf Nico hulkenberg as he pushed late in the race literally lap by lap. They were talking and communicating making sure that Kevin had his tires to hold off throughout the rest of the race. It was great to hear that communication and know that they are both on the same page and rock and roll and I have zero real concerns about both drivers working with their new race Engineers this year. It's just been great from the onboard radios throughout and Gary Gannon. I can't wait to hear more of his stuff just because the way he portrays the information to the drivers is extremely informative even to the Layman so it's pretty awesome. With that said let's talk about the not-so-great things from the past weekend, which was Romain grosjean is bad luck down under continues grows on has failed to finish the Australian Grand Prix for the third season in a row, but the past two seasons have not been his fault. It has been Lugnut related issues from within the pit. Stop who would have thunk it, you know, they practice that a thousand times but there was just some bad luck. Once again where the front left lug did not go on and they had to take it off and put it back on for extra long stop which apparently caused a retread with the threads on the lug nut. And so 15 laps later the lug nut gave out the tire nearly came off the tethers only thing that really held it on and they had to retire from the race without that they likely could have finished P6 and p7, maybe P6 and p8 with hulkenberg and between it depends on how fast that first pit stop for grosjean would have gone. It's top left from the house in Australia the left not on property. Look River less got of they remember they had remember they had a problem putting the front wheel on front suspensions. Remember, they were a long time in the pits trying to get his front wheel on it must be a sense of beige. I do for you today. Can you tell us what happened elaborate on anything? I don't know what happened. Exactly. Yeah just felt wrong. And yeah forging the she was a sponge and I broke down not sure if it's another part of whatsoever. But yeah, not a good day. And before that for the pit stop were you happy with the pace of the car mean things looked good this weekend until that. Yeah. I think it was up here is beyond Magnificent. The route new rules are great for following another car, but the tars. Till what they were last year and as soon as you finished a slide and then you lose the grip sir, even though we can follow much easier than in the past overtaking. It's still very complicated. So there you heard from grosjean regarding his retirement from the race and how disappointing it was and also at the very end there he was he was kind of alluding to is the fact that even if his tie rod is stayed on the fact that it was a long Pit Stop. He doesn't think that he probably could have gotten back on the point. I think it was 13th when he came back out and there was just a train from like P9 all the way back to about P 15. I would have been really hard for me to get the point. I think and nurses tires at the same time, but maybe they could have tried something at the very end of the race and give it a go. They definitely had the fastest car out of the Midfield. It's very hard to pass in Australia and especially on the straight. So you have to do it more on the turns maybe going late breaking and when you're on slick tyres, it's not so great if the hill so we won't talk too long about the problems that went wrong with grosjean because we've all been there before that's where it was last year. There's nothing you can really do about it by a team mistake or and Equipment mistake or as a Manufacturing. Steak. Something could have caused it. We don't really know that something they were going to talk internal but it is important to point out that team principal Gunther Steiner said in regards to grosjean after the race. He said he was disappointed. I spoke with him about it, which is the right thing to do and I apologize because this should not happen but he's in good spirits because the car is good. It's not his last chance to make some points. So that's the important part grosjean knows that the car is good. He knows the team's going to pull it together and he's going to score some points and they still have a chance and the Saving Grace out of all of this is at hasta still best of the rest because no other Midfield team had two drivers finished in the top 10. So everybody else had issues with their second car just like hosted. So while it sucks the Hostile of points on the track, they weren't the only ones to let points on the track and they came out ahead and they are the best of the rest at the moment and so running down the list of just some other things at the Australian Grand Prix that caught my attention at the start bottas was point nine seconds faster than Hamilton which is A growing number from the start bottas just took off from the start and that was that Hamilton was nowhere near him for the rest of the race bottas. Just won that race handily. It was just a fantastic drive by him Renault, you know Daniel ricciardo of Renault his first drive for Renault had some terrible luck. It says home Grand Prix the Australian Grand Prix. He has a terrible luck and hit badly placed storm drain just rip the front off of his car at the start. It's just the worst luck. You could ever imagine he's probably six to eight inches into the grass at the start and the front half of his car just comes flying off. And then later in the race Mercedes had some floor damage on Hamilton's car which caused the reducing down Force which led to him just being 30 seconds behind botas at some point. So he but he was able to hold off the Ferraris and Max we're stepping down the stretch which with a disabled floorboards a pretty big deal Ferrari Where Art Thou Vettel under Armed overall, but they also sent him out on a crappy strategy. You know this Pit Stop strategy, which didn't help him at all. So while fans were thought Locklear was on his bumper on the he should have let him pass down the stretch that's not going to happen. Leclair is only on his bumper because he was stopped on a terrible strategy was stopped way too early on and so at the end of the race, he's on just bad tires. He's nursing his tires. He's nursing underperforming car. And so I think Ferrari did the right thing, they're not letting Leclair past him. Red Bull Gastly really struggled again, there was that train of the back of the pack that grosjean would have had a really tough time making it up. And so thankfully the Red Bull stayed at the top ten. And so again that got that got magnussen into P 6, which would normally be the place that the second Red Bull car would be if all six cars from the top three teams finish Renault again Haas lucked out with the honey badger being knocked out because Nico hulkenberg had a great race. He was able to make up three spots during the start and really get into Position again, I don't know even if grow John's Pitstop came off perfectly. I don't know if he could have maintained p7 by my crude timing. I think he would have followed behind hulkenberg, right whenever you came out of the pits, but kmag being in front of hulkenberg could have also slowed down which let grosjean come up, you know, they could have played a little tag team against the Run. Oh, but we didn't get to see that. Unfortunately. I think that would've been a great battle in the Midfield to see the Renault in between the two houses and see if kmag can help grosjean pass them at some point during That race hopefully we'll see some kind of scenarios like that within the season. I think we really will McLaren landowner. See know he had an amazing qualifying but he underperformed but signs finished well to make up the team. So McLaren do look like they're the third best of the Midfield cars right now. I would rank the Midfield cars as Haas Renault and probably McLaren racing Point AKA old force India. They don't really look like they're doing all that great nor does Sauber which is our I guess you're not sober anymore. It's Alfa Romeo right sis. There's no Sauber in the names just team Alfa Romeo who also have a Ferrari powered car. They did not look great throughout the weekend. I'm sure they're going to be there at some point as well. But for now Hoss gets out best the rest P6 finish could really ask more for the weekend except for maybe grosjean getting it on the points as well. So that wraps up basically everything. I want to discuss about the Australian Grand Prix again. I know it was almost two weeks ago now sorry about that, but now we can talk more about F1 as a whole and Haas and so we've talked about drive to survive the Netflix series that I thought was going to bump. The interest in F1 in America and specifically for Haas F1 team and that looks to be true or at least it does according to Heineken one of the major sponsors of F1 a Heineken. Spokesman said I think it's phenomenally successful certainly from our perspective. It's fascinating how you can actually tell a story without actually ever featuring any on track action and a story that in some respects is more compelling and more engaging to your less hardcore fan. So if the advertisers are happy, you know, we're going to see more seasons of drive to survive which also brings up Google. Formula One searches in the US are at a five-year High and the interest by sub-region in order are a Florida, Texas, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey. Those are some pretty vastly different states that are the top five states for searching Formula 1 on Google and Haas F1 is also higher than it's ever been on Google Trends with North Carolina, India, Connecticut, Wisconsin and California being the top five sub-regions for those searches. So by nearly every metric F1 and Haas F1 On are more popular than ever thanks to the Netflix series drive to survive. So hopefully good things are in store for Haas especially from a sponsor perspective. I for one hope to see Microsoft leave those dirty dirty Frenchie's at Renault and come on home to Hass Hass team Merkel come on home Microsoft and another sign that formula one and Haas F1 or making it big time in America. Brilliant comedian Bill Burr mentioned Haas and formula one on last week's Monday morning podcast if you don't subscribe to Wilbur's Monday morning podcast you're missing a gym love Bill Burr is one of my top three current Comedians and it's awesome that on his podcast. He devotes learning more about the English Premier League soccer something. I also love and formula one for his American fans. And so here's a short little clip. He talks for about seven or eight minutes about the Australian Grand Prix. I really highly recommend it. He talks about Ricardo's bad luck. He talks about Haas. He talks about Ferrari underperforming. He talks in great length about Lewis Hamilton being a whiny baby greatest driver probably. Of all time but still a whiny baby and he talks about how bottas no longer wants to be in Hamilton Shadow. It's a great take but we're going to just play this short little clip, right Shah. Anyways, I'm basically I root for Daniel ricciardo. For some reason. I root for a Ferrari knowing that they're just not going to get it done. I root for the Haas team because that's the American team we did. Alright yesterday. If you think you know one out of two people finishing is good, but you know, we did come in what's his face? Magnussen came in sixth place 8 big points, right? What's his face was the other driver? We got there the hell's his name Romain grosjean. Yeah. He didn't finish weather for the Ferraris. The Ferraris were in fourth and fifth. I had to leave that little snippet about the Ferraris in just because matter of fact where the F. Were they good old Bill Burr Billy the sunburned kid, but all seriousness millions of people listen. In the bill Burrs Monday Morning podcast every week. So it's awesome that he talks about Haas and he talks about F1 and hopefully get more fans their way as well and I highly recommend if you haven't subscribed to Billy freckle-faced has podcast go to the Monday Morning podcast on your favorite podcast platform. It is mature though. He is a comedian who does curse quite a bit speaking of cursing the other Midfield teens have been cursing the success of Haas since they've come into Formula One. We again, we've talked about that in previous episodes, but it happened again post Australia the racing Point team again, the old force India team the big Small pink cars out there complained again about Haas and Ferrari working so close together and they believe that they are breaking the rules. Come on out Marv. That's the head principle of racing Point get over. It build a better car utilize third-party vendors. If you need to talk on the track, that's all I got to say. If you can't beat someone don't whine, you know just get better so I can really do and if they're beating you because they have a better business model. You should probably adapt to their business model is F1 snow crying and racing racing point and Renault are just peanut butter and jealous. He's not jealous hate us because they ain't us they hate us because we ain't a state hate us because they ain't us that's not what it is. Yes, it is. No it's not. Painters going to eat an actual thing. People say is it what you do to haters? he just we're just smiling at you Renault and racing point and look forward to you being behind Haas for the rest of the season. All right Haas F1 fans. Thank you so much for tuning into a delayed episode of the Haas F1 podcast. I will be releasing another episode within about 24 hours which will be directly after the Bahrain qualifying. I'm going to try to have it out immediately after the Bahrain qualifying. So as soon as the Bahrain qualifying is over within an hour or so head to your podcast. I form and look for a new episode episode 0 0 3 I was going to put it all into one episode but I thought hey I owe you guys an episode. So I'm going to give you that episode and that's today. Today's episode is just a weak little Aid episode. Alright guys until next time head to slash are slash Haas F1 team or headed to Twitter Instagram and Facebook / ha steam podcast and don't forget kids before you go to bed every night. Tell hulkenberg to check my balls. The troll who goes by the name skank hunt 42 cause the website to temporarily shut down. I need the news Danish Olympic gold medalist Frazier Olin guard who started the website spoke out about the incident. I'm not giving this pitiful person the satisfaction of being anything if you don't ball is visuality change anything. Change the taste of coal analysis. They server's aren't working. Welcome me to Trail tree. I cannot tell you how much I've been looking forward to. Visit defy, you know, they all know and change and to play handball.
On this episode of the Haas Team Podcast, we discuss the Formula 1 Australian Grand Prix, and the finishes by Haas F1 Team drivers, Kevin Magnussen and Romain Grosjean, as well as the popularity of F1 and Haas F1 Team on the heels of the Netflix series, Drive to Survive. Welcome! Massive reception with      thousands and thousands of listens from around the world Massive reception with thousands and thousands of listens from around the world platforms Now the podcast is on 21 total podcast platforms Episodes have been listened to over 2,400 times across more than 35 countries We see you Bosnia, Vietnam and India! The Danes Dominated Early and listens, at one point 57% of the listeners were Danish, while just 32% of      listeners were American - leaving us to ask, is there a Captain Denmark? That number has since flip-flopped (52% US, 32% Denmark), but for nearly a week, the Danes held       the top spot No other country is over 2%, step it up Canada! South Park S20E06 - Fort Collins No Captain Demark, but there is Holger Danske (from @RedTilt1 on Twitter) Australian Grand Prix Recap Kevin Magnussen finished P6, securing 8 points, while Romain Grosjean was forced to retire and DNF. K-Mag's Finish Kevin Magnussen UNSHOWN Team Radio after the 2019 Australian GP! K-Mag Says the Car is Very, Very Good Grosjean's Bad Luck Down Under Continues Romain Grosjean failed to finish the Australian Grand Prix for the third season in a row. Wheel Nut Failure Leads to Grosjean's Retirement Even with the terrible result, by no fault of his own, according to Steiner RG8 is still in good spirits (source). "He was disappointed. I spoke with him about it, which is the right thing to do, and apologised because this should not happen ... But he's in good spirits because the car is good. It's not his last chance to make points." Bill Burr is a Fan of Haas F1 Team Clip of the Monday Morning Podcast 2019-03-19 He had some great takes on Ricciardo's DNF, Hamilton's whining, and Ferrari underperforming Hate us Cause They Ain't Us Doesn't like Haas very much, and they are jealous of the success that the Haas F1 Team has found so far with in F1 (source).
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. Um to get started tonight, we had a baptism in the shower and epic unboxing and some shady Katie Demi Recon guys. The Beast is back and so are we here on The Bachelorette after show you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now look the Oka new show new and yes, it sounds good. Yes, and ladies and gentlemen, this is The Bachelorette after show here. AfterBuzz TV we keep wanting to say The Bachelor after show because there's like two days ago that we were talking about Colton letter now, we're back with Hannah be but it was a crazy night guys. It was a season premiere of season 16 of that 1515 season 15 of The Bachelorette. Of course, we are following Hanabi quickly at this is your guys first time tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. We thank you so much for joining us. We are the ESPN of TV talk and tonight. We are covering in reviewing the season premiere of season 15 of The Bachelorette starring Hanabi. I'm not doing it by myself though guys my Name is Jeff Graham and I'm surrounded by a group of Brilliance. Obsessive Bachelor fans. Including Miss Christine Bean. Hey guys, it's Christine. I'm back. So excited for the best threat. So excited have heard. Of course. We have Mike feeling filling and you guys have seen him on the Survivor after show. You've seen him on the nail. My God not just like us is one of those brilliant people who happens to love junkie reality to your percent and Mike's going to bring our Fierce Cutthroat approach to The Bachelor at a time. That's right. And Alicia always comes with the hot takes you seen her on Clever. You've seen around the trendy Renee area. We're so excited to have you tonight. Hey you guys. Oh my God. I'm so excited The Bachelorette is bad. It's back quickly guys are going to be covering the show. Of course. That's not all we're doing. We also have some epic news and gossip a couple people were kicked off of the show and our segment tweeting for the right reasons because we haven't pushed the hashtag yet. We won't be doing any Tweeting for the right reasons tweets tonight, but for next week, if you hashtag tweeting for the right reasons, we may read your Tweet on air. We've got to get an overall thoughts Renee. I feel like You're bursting at the seams. Let's go ahead and start with you. What did you think of tonight's show? I did I said it last week. I said it when I was announced. I'm really here for a Hanabi as Bachelorette. Yes. I already have my crush of the Season as we know as Peter not to be mistaken with the OG Peter of Rachel season love him too. But I'm so excited and the t's really got me hooked. Great tease. Hmm. Ladies first Christine. What did you think? Yeah. I'm with Renee on that. The t's is what really sold me in terms of tonight over. Pause I thought it was a decent first episode. I wasn't like Blown Away per se but the t's definitely gets me excited for what's to come. I agree with that and my feeling I forgot to mention you are of course filling in for Kristina's. Yeah. That's right. Christina will be on the panel this season got she couldn't be here tonight. But luckily we had and we miss you Christina, but we do have great villains like Mike we thanks for joining. I'm super happy to be here. I love the episode. I was very very satisfied with it. I love some of the drama and I don't really get into it, but I got to say I really really like Hannah a lot more on this show than I I did on her season of The Bachelor. I I like her a hundred percent more and I got sold in this first episode. I'm ready for it. I totally agree. You guys know I came into here not as a Hannah hater, but as a hand a skeptic, she's someone I always liked but just feared wouldn't be able to carry a TV show and I thought for the most part first of all she did a great job tonight and I thought she made for pretty interesting television. So I'm optimistic about the season. I thought it was a pretty good episode probably like a b-plus. I'm with you there. Yeah beep last but tons of exciting stuff to come up before we get into talking. Biggs how did you guys think Hanabi did tonight first night? She's got to carry the show do we think she did? Okay Mike you're nodding. Yeah. I absolutely do my criticism of Hannah from her time on The Bachelor was I thought she had a hard time shutting off pageant Hannah. Yes, so I never really thought I saw who the real person was. I thought I saw the real girl today. I like what she did. She kept everything in line. She didn't seem super overwhelmed. I thought she kept it moving with all the guys and she did a great job at eliminating the Trash hmm. Yeah, I think right off the bat. I think I mean to be honest. I see I agree with you a little bit with the how she's different from her last season because I think she was pageant Hannah like the first half and then her rest of the time. I think she was the girl that we saw tonight like I loved when was it? What was it her team that when they did that on like Survival game like they went to get food. Like I loved her showing her personality towards the end and that's what really got me excited for this season, and we see it and I love that she actually and Could be mistaken with seems like she just being herself doesn't care. He's being real as they really emphasized Universe episode to anyone who watched our watch along Renee pointed that out pretty early that ABC is like very much driving the point home that she's relatable. She's relatable. She's relatable identic. That's something that I was struggling to understand going into this because I didn't personally feel like she was relatable to me. Now with that being said after seeing tonight, I will say she's very transparent. I'm gonna like anything she's feeling it's coming out of her mouth. I'm nervous right now. I'm scared. So I'm definitely appreciating that. I am going to give her a little more time to develop as a lead before. I really, you know, make any judgments about her but so far so good and I will say based on her interactions with the guys. I do think that she is here for the right and raises. Yes. I think she did a good job of seeming like she was really critical and focused about the intentions of the guys who were there and she seems like the type who is ready to settle down pretty quickly which isn't always true of the women. See go through this franchise. So Hanabi you pass tonight so far so good. Okay. We're just going to run down the episode guys. That's how I want to cover it tonight chronologically quickly. How do we think Hannah was presented? We got to see her hometown. She did a HomeTown with Chris Harrison. We went to Anders Hardware. We saw some photos of young Hannah any comments here on the Wane. I didn't know and I don't think any of us knew that she was a dance teacher. I found that I came out early on in the episode. Some kids got some kids get a room. Exactly, it's good that you know, she has a day job besides her pageantry. I guess this was us like getting to know Hannah just outside of that guys to know that it seemed cute seeing heartwarming. I like it. I it kind of endeared us a little bit more tour. I think in our watch along Chad Joseph Bose. I'm hoping I'm pronouncing it right buddy, but he said multiple times. It's a little bit of PR from the network, right? She had a lot of hate coming her way from The Bachelor a lot of negativity. So we had to start her right off the bat being All nice shower with some kids. I don't know what it's called me. I'm buying it and actually shocking that they I mean I get it for the pageant drama, but she would have been so much more likeable in my opinion last season coming across as like a dance teacher for kids. Yeah, that makes you so much more real. Oh she loves kids. She's good with kids. She's so sweet. Whatever maternal it says a lot because I think it's be very patient. I honestly working with kids in general have to be very patient. So already it shows good quality. So I'm very surprised they We did not know that at all. Right what it is. No, sorry to cut you off. No, I was gonna say big don't need to push the pageant rivalry in the season, but they didn't last so we can open up that and the fact that we never actually got to her hometown. Maybe that's why we didn't get to see it. But you did have a package where it was not mentioned and that's what I think is weird. I have a feeling she one time volunteer the dance teacher becomes the truth is Colton was so about that kid game that if the producers really wanted to sell us on Hannah we would have known that. True, so it's weird for us to see a charity where Colton's pushing kids and all of a sudden we learned that Hannah works with kids. Yeah true. Oh, look. I saw our producer Jonathan. You guys are watching live is in fact giving us some info. He just like us he's also dealing with 30 new faces. So John appreciate you doing your best as we throw names out. But if you're listening to our podcast hop on our YouTube and see some of the amazing work our producer Jonathan is doing in the booth as he throws up faces. Okay new again new features. We have the Vlog. Gagging introduced from cold and how do we feel about seeing two guys Vlog before they get on side ABC's trying so hard to keep up with the times and it's really cute. You know, it's like your mom like joining Instagram. You're like, oh my God walking, you know what that is. I like it because I it I don't know how I feel about for this show because it is so produced that I think it's hard to incorporate something like flogging that supposed to be very natural organic natural on this show. However, I'm willing to give it a try. I do like the idea of contestants vlogging more so than the Lead because like literally why I don't see Colin wake up every morning, right? Oh my God, you guys like there's so many girls and like I don't want that. I personally don't get it at all. I think it seems really out of print Place really produced. It seems very forced. I'm surprised I'm not surprised that they're making the people do it. When I am surprised is that they're airing it on television. That's me is a digital feature. That should go there if you want to go get more extra content because it just looks out of place on television also to that point. It's like We're in the 15th iteration of this season, like seeing how excited they are to get there. Like we're even do this. Yeah, we can kind of assume that's how they feel and it is a little bit Overkill. I liked it. Alright, so now we're going to talk about we're going to start by talking about just the small packages. We get us some of the guys we don't need to spend too much time with the guys that get kicked off, right but Tyler see didn't make it through and we do see some of Tyler see being shady in the package later. So I've already got the heebie-jeebies from Tyler see he's the one that This prepackaged Footloose thing where he's dancing and almost minored in dance at Wake Forest Christine beat. How do you feel about Tyler? See just based on this initial dance sequence we get from him. I don't know if I was kind of corny to be honest Tyler see just he comes off too. So charactery to me. I don't know there's something about him. I don't trust yet. Yeah. I don't know if it's the stair. It just it just comes off like he's trying too hard. I'm just going to keep it there. That's because he is trying too hard. He's like, yeah. Yeah, like I'd build houses and I dance and I don't it just felt so produced and like he was trying so hard to be famous and get recognized like he wants to be known as the guy that was dancing shirtless in the house that he's building and I was so waiting for the joke of like this could be Hannah and eyes house, right? Yeah. It's like anytime they cut those packages like that to me. It feels overly force and it feels really cheesy. It's like he's trying to come across as the guy who doesn't take himself too seriously, but like probably really Right, right, right super seriously for sure. You just kind of gave me the heebie-jeebies. Not not sure about Tyler J. Tyler see Tyler see their see thanks so much so many initials but in the thing is to we'll get to it later, but we did see some shady Antics seemingly from Tyler see in the package at the end. So I fear that my suspicions are correct Tyler. See I'm giving you a chance, but I'm worried buddy. All right, Peter the airline pilot Renee's already swept love him gotta move over this way. There's something about his smile and his eye contact and the weight Honestly though. I felt the connection not just between me and him obviously but no between him and Hannah loved his package. Love the brief moment. We saw them talking. I'm here for Peter. I think he's gonna win how much of it is the uniform? Probably none of it to be. All right, that's real. Then I think that he'll go very far. I don't see him winning though. Wow also chance for us. Look at how cute he is something I noticed about Hannah is like she's this like ball of fun and she says what she thinks but I think she needs a man who can kind who can celebrate that about her. But also reel it in and kind of take control when necessary. She's kind of alluded to that and things that she said in her eye teams as well. And I just think Peter will go along for the ride, but I think that she will like Tire him out. I feel like yeah and it's just a lot for him you do you think Hannah's the type of bachelorette or just person General who needs to end up in a relationship. Ship with the opposite not of Yin and Yang type of thing. No. No, I think someone actually I think she wants us kind of fun-loving southern guy with a sense of humor. Oh for sure, but she want them to also be like manly. Yeah, I do there. She said that yeah pick her up. She would love like a James Taylor remember him. I know he got Shady but singer, well James Taylor curly hair James Taylor from JoJo season, maybe before he kind of went off the deep end but cover that likable Southern goof, correct? Goof southern guy but still sort of alpha. Okay, I think Peter the pilots kind of boring. I'm going to say it. I know you like, where's hold your tongue? I think nice we saw him. This is my second. He's nervous name someone with zest. Okay. Listen, I like him but like me. Well, okay, I'll say Joey because I still can't get over his champagne little intro. He didn't get a lot of times. It's just that exciting. He like champagne. Look at the baby. Just kidding. Let's get the party started Renee just because you already Ask Peter the plane of the ring in the mail - I don't dislike Peter the pilot. I just think he's a little boring and I also don't think even if I like him, I don't know if he seems exactly right for Hannah yet. But he's gonna go very far. We all can tell that Peter the pilots gonna be top three at least same as P Chef. I don't know if you're going here with it just yet. But Misha see in the chat says apparently Twitter very upset about which pilot made it in we will get to Chase and later on the show. You toss that Very happy quickly that all you guys are here. I see a whole block what I see in me should see I see it, you know all you guys we don't ever have time to shout all of you all out, but we truly do love you. We're just moving because we've got so much to cover for sure. Okay, Mike J because I've got a crush on someone to guys. I've got a crush on Mike J. My John - John Johnson really like my Johnson like was initially in the Air Force right and now he's a portfolio manager and if you needed to believe he was a portfolio manager. He said 5.7% on the phone. We tell you something my background is finance that's literally never happened in the history of portfolio management. You're hanging out on the phone in a park talking to your client about out with my frozen. He started me. Hey Jeff, how's it going? 5.7% Thank you. I like him a lot. I he dates his great-grandmother. Did he did he did he also say in that package that his favorite movie is home alone. Did I get that? No, he said he's dating like Malone he doesn't have anybody. Yeah, gotcha. That's why his first love is his great grandma because he didn't have any girlfriends. Do you guys say? No, he didn't in my first love. He said the first woman I fell in fell in love right was his great. Grandma. Tell me this is that something people say I've never said that in my family I get that you're like, oh the first man that I look like I get it like with your dad. I don't know why I got a Southern accent. The first man that I loved was my dad like I guess that's holy the first man I loved who was my dad. But the first man I fell in love with that my dad and I probably wouldn't say that. Is that weird or am I weird? You tell me I think I think he didn't mean it like that at all. I think he mean I would hope you know that phrase is weird. Renee says Mike is so damn fine like Damn, thank you Renee. Appreciate that early on Jeff. You made a good call out that you could totally see him being the first black male bachelor's I that's what he's about. It's episode 1. Yeah, and I know it's early for me to be making these kind of statements but I almost don't want my J to win because I think he'd be based on what we've seen such a great face for a Bachelor season. He looks great smile. Yeah, and you see this thing about Eric that one point and we see how that turned out. Yeah. True. That's why it's so give it some time soon. But think he's an Air Force veteran. He 5.7 those portfolios and he had those five Seas right caring compassionate. Can you remember more than him great debut for my Johnson? We cannot deny that I like him a lot. I see good things for him. Alright, let's talk about boxing Joe. You can final Christine being what do you think of jobar son? Oh my God, he was such a character. He tried and failed. So hard to be grocery store Joe. I'm sorry. And your name is Joe. It was just too much to Gago the Chicago accent. He was just laying it on thick like I don't even know if that was good. But I don't I feel like I disagree with the grocery store Joe analogy because Joe just very like kind of humble like quiet just super Charming guy. He was like I make boxes and what kind of box do you want to sell you a box? Like he's very out there with it, but I think he just went that route because I think he Like in his mind, he thought he was going to be as smooth as and unassuming as jungle. Definitely. Yeah, see, I think the only reason he went home, right? Yeah. I think the only reason we're comparing him to Joe is because he went home the first night but like you don't see that trending on Twitter like bring this throwback. No, he's not going to be in Paradise or maybe for a hot second to deliver boxes, but don't be amazing if he had to deliver a package to the paired. So I think if we're being honest the real grocery store Joe tonight is chazen which I saw a man. Yeah. And we will get to that in a little bit. Okay, half-asian district sales manager Connor, you know because they talked about why intro immigrant family car salesman Connor Connor Jay, I believe for our producer who's searching for him. This was interesting. Yeah. I think he for some reason I don't see him going that far but I see him as a staple of the bachelor franchise. I liked him he switched over for me. Yeah when they did his opening package and he was talking to the other car salesman. I thought Thought he came off really Jerky like like to lash exactly. Yeah, and then when he got into the actual date and being at the house and obviously he got through. I think he changed over I think it was just a badly edited package or however, he was acting that day was kind of not real. Yeah. He did have an interesting little date idea for the cocktail party through Hannah a bachelorette party. How did you guys feel about that? I liked that. I thought it was cute and clever. I'm sure he didn't come up with it. I guess he doesn't I'm not drawn to him. I'm just like, okay. I'm not either he's free. Well to me, I think those things in the backyard are corny when they do that stuff in the first night, we ever works and it's hardly ever with the person because usually if it's the right person. They don't have to try that hard because I think a solid entrance does it versus like the extra planned activity later Ferry before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account. Count Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. 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We're going to cover because he did get eliminated, but Matt Donald's it's kind of a surprising so in the package and in the package, I I thought he presents it is very likable. He came from a deaf family multilingual with ASL. Yeah, then that entrance came you came out with that hat on a tractor and saying Old Mac Donald had a crush and I just don't think it played very well if he did it in a better way, it would have worked because it is the type of ridiculous that would work on the show. However, his execution very poor. I think I think a hundred percent different outcome if he came out with The ASL and signing to her and then telling her what it means and that it's important to his family about like that's deep and it's real. That's really cool. Yeah, the playful route. I think he was trying to get ahead of the joke before I got ahead of him, but it was just like, oh man, is it weird that I don't even put that joke together. Like I don't know. I think he grew up with sure everybody thinks that no Old MacDonald. Well, yeah, but I think Matt Donald the song, I don't know. Uh, yeah, you really don't - it was going off the rails it brings you to that interesting discussion though of sometimes it's actually better to lay low on night one because Matt Donald came out so hard which of course gives you the opportunity to potentially move on. But if you play too many of your cards, you're allowing Hannah to make a decision. Whereas if you lay kind of low maybe like pro golfer Garrett you intrigued Hannah. Hold on Garrett wasn't him laying low. It was his face. Did you see his face? You are 18. Is because he laid he could have sang Old Mac Donald standing on the tractor picked her up on it and brought out cows and she's still would have kept him the handsome chap that Kara night one. Here is a handsome chap. I see Frank you going far for sure. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, he's kind of her type to right guy named Garrett pro golfer Southern kind of serious pro golfer. Wait, hold on. Is this the same one who like basically dates his dog that was from The Bachelorette special talking about I would watch that there was a there was a little mini packaged wait. I'm getting the loop down because people are starting to talk about him on top of the limo. We're actually getting to the Luke right now. What is up? Hope Lockwood so Luke. He admits it. First of all, he's a good-looking guy. He likes to work out. Yeah, so good-looking that he slayed a lot in college. Wow, but while he was taking a shower that we got to see we did get our first of many man showers this season. We learned that Luke P had a conversion had a come to Jesus moment now he is Serious Christian and he is aggressively pursuing Hanabi keyword aggressively very I'm gonna just start because I have a lot of thoughts Luke Pi I see who you are. I know you're a chivalrous courtship kind of Christian dude lot of aggressive Alpha energy here. That was rubbing me the wrong way. What did you guys think? I don't like him at all and I stand by I think Hannah likes him, but I think the reason he got the rose is because he went out. Out and was there for her when she was having a rough time had they not had that moment. He would not have gotten the rose who's because things have like, oh this showed good character. So I'm going to reward him. This guy's a Psycho II disagree. I think he's gonna think he's a psycho. No, I think it was gonna get sorry. I agree with that. But I do think he was gonna get a rose if he hadn't gone out and your I think I thought you was going to make it through because I think Luke is going to make it pretty far. I do not think he's top for and I definitely don't think he's gonna win. I think he's gonna be here for a while. We see in the Coming Attractions that he's got drama going on with at least one or two people and it's going to be interesting but I think he was gonna make it through I think what you for the first impression Rose. No. No, it's like period no, I think he would have made it first impression. Oh, I'm sorry first impression Rose hundred percent had they not have that moment. I totally misunderstood. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely because I'd F and this is why it was so disappointing to me and maybe it's not like this guy's not gonna win. I hope but like Usually on The Bachelorette the first impression Rose does end up being the fiance at the end of this so when she gave it to him I was like, whoa, it is though with guys like that. Like I totally agree. I think he's I don't think he's the guy for her. But I mean, he said he got girls like he has that bad website. There is something about guys like that that is captivating. I'm sure he knows how to like use his strength to reel her in that intense stare and whatever moves you that I'm sure it worked on Hannah. She's human like yeah, he's gonna stick around for a bit for sure. In fact, let's just unpack the Luke of it all because while we're talking about Luke now, they're the thing that I did not like about Luke was he had to swoop ins. He was the first to swoop and steal her and on his first swoop. Renee was the one who pointed out. He didn't ask a single question about her. He came in with a five-minute pre-prepared monologue and I didn't like it. I don't I don't think Luke is a really giving us authenticity here, even though he thinks he is I'm kind of curious at this point is might be getting too deep. But like what is Hannah's love language? Is it words of affirmation because he was really just laying it on thick and like she kept stressing like yeah, like eat like just really eating up every single word. So I'm like, I'm hoping he's just not going to gas her this entire thing. Yeah, but you probably will she ate up every single word like he ate up her face when they made out. That's true. That's true. It's Renee. It was that was hard to watch. We said like I'm already so into you so you've got some catching up to do like Sam what? Yeah. She liked it. I like this. Like the swoops. I like the soups. I like the aggressiveness. I like getting in there. I like taking time away from other guys because just like we talked about near the end of the episode when some of them start crying and complaining that they didn't get a chance. It's like sorry dude get in there. I don't understand people who want bachelor and bachelorette and it show on the couches the entire time the first night and it's like just waiting for the perfect time. It's like there's 30 people. If you don't get up there you're going to get surprised by Chris Harrison saying, hey guys time for the rose ceremony, but to be honest even though he stole her twice. Weiss I think it's so funny that this group of guys is so not traumatic to the point where like they didn't really care that much that's right on thing. That's so funny. Like maybe they forced an IT em, but they were unbothered whereas the producers were like, I know something bad Y is he's the worst don't hate him and they're like, no the reason is it because he would have been the one to be that person if someone else swooped in hundred probably he is the aggro here. I knew he was gonna swoop in though. I definitely am like someone like that is Going to let an opportunity be wasted. Oh my prediction with Luke. I know these types of guys. I was involved with Christian stuff in college and I still am religious, you know, but I know these types of guys who are so traditional and so conservative. He thinks that she wants to kind of guy who will Court her and lead her and kind of sort of tell her what to do. I think I think he thinks she's that type of person but I don't think Hanabi is who we think she is I think in some ways she's a traditional Southern girl, but in some ways she's a quirky independent woman. And that's what's going to happen. They're going to come to a head because he's gonna want her to be this really submissive Southern girl and she's not that Jeff that is exactly what I thought and think that she is. Yeah, you do think she is a completely submissive but no no no, I think I think I don't think that America thinks that yes on her edit. I mean, they're really trying to push it. However, I prediction I do think that yeah, that's going to be luke that's the one that drives over to be like you got who did that on on Becca season where they got mad at her in there. This Chris got matter her felt like she owed him something. Yeah, it's going to be similar to that except more crazy. Tar URS. Are you predicting that it's Luke in that end edit package that we saw where she said I don't owe you anything. Hmm. We got another personality as extreme that we've seen thus far right that would match because I'm kind of ownership over her after like they had one one-on-one date and now all of a sudden in his mind unless a lot of people are predicting that Luke is going to be the one to kind of sex shame Hannah later in the season. I could also see that it might you know, I could see it being a number of people but I will say based on what we know about Luke. And again, we're making assumptions. This is episode one. We might come to love Luke. I'm guessing he wants to put Hannah in a box that isn't the Box she wants to be is what I'm going to guess. Well, Olivia be and Scott Marks in the chat agree with you. They're calling out the funniest quote. I had sex and Jesus still loves me. That was a lot. That was anyone think it was a bit problematic. And I'm sure we'll get more when it comes to that episode when she does say like I think sex is between a man and a woman after marriage and I'm get rid of the after marriage but just between a man and a woman that's going to I think that's a great some controversy. I thought the same thing when they showed up. Yeah. I was like you're trying to make her likable don't don't don't have a lot of America likes that though. You know, we forget we're on the coasts and tons of Middle America are going to identify and even people on the coast are going to identify with exactly what she said. There may be interesting to see how it plays. She's not going to be the feminist icon. They want her to be if she's gonna be no pleading with that. I don't ever feel like they were positioning her to be a feminist icon. But it's just like she's there saying like she's relatable. She's the girls go this it but yeah, let's talk about this a feminist. But yeah that Ali I guess I'd love to hear everybody's opinions because I don't think I know we're saying all this stuff. We're seeing all this stuff online with all of this taken into account. Why is she The Bachelorette then? I think I think they're trying to get more of a Middle America sort of Kabul like someone like my parents would be interested. I don't know I think like Colton was such a salacious season. I think they're trying to get to back something a little more traditional. Maybe it was her exit. Just what she said. Like absolutely. What is it getting a love? That's fear. Someone who's going to fight for her everyday something along those lines. I just think she had a really strong exit. They just try to bring like convince us that the new girl is totally different than the last girl same with like the guy. So for her, she's Yes, and she thinks sex is between a man and a woman only I don't know. I think they're trying to really play up this she's real and she loves Jesus. You know, who's realest what sorry, I realize how she didn't say it. She said fudge real inspired my girl Rachel NZ. We're going to find that out. And yeah, I think Hannah has To really go that direction but I don't know that it will from what we see in the trailer. Well, we got to keep moving guys, but any other thoughts on Loop before we move on the one thing I'll say twice interesting Hannah said she was cold and he did not take off his jacket. Come on Bonkers. He's cutting you off centered. This guy. This guy's the biggest red flag. If you're out there he clearly could take off his jacket. She's like I'm cold and he's like, oh, yeah, so and she's like, I'm talk to you about loving and you'd like You know what his logic was if I take off my jacket, where is she going to pin the rose? I'm again. Keep it on because my face. Okay, so we only we don't have a ton of time, but I'm going to quickly run through entrances give it either a like it love it or a pass and if you want to talk about it will stop but Garrett talked about bogeys and holes-in-one like it. Yes. I love it. Yeah run it from Renee Mike Johnson the five Seas. Yeah. Mike's Good Michael. Yeah, like a cool Jed. My family told me you need to shine in. And outside don't like the entrance like Jed a lot though serenading later. I was just made up for it later and I see a musician or higher CTR dancer from Wake Forest comes out and says you're killing that dress your smile is worth every Mile and I got something in store for you cheese. It was weird and full creative like it Tyler see Dylan. I really wanted to be you you're authentic and it's hard to find Dylan's white jacket the text no no from today. No, I'm neutral on that one. Connor s jumps offense. Yes, quite a throwback to: okay. Devin jokes about being a virgin. No different really dumb. It were really dumb surprised haven't stayed around personally same bad opener John Paul Jones. I'm on I loved him just because of how ridiculous he was. Jpj is ridiculous. Jpj. She reminds me of the bad guy in a Disney Channel original movie. Yeah, you're watching Disney look like a surfer bad guy. Name? Yeah, Brian. I liked he for he was the teacher from Kentucky forgot how to talk teacher didn't get eliminated. Yeah, whatever. I think I feel like if I was on the show, I'd be Brian. So I identified with you Brian. All right, Scott. No, I mean I haven't even got to this God Will Save Scott Mateo forgot how to talk but he does have a hundred fifty children and that's gonna be a no for that's going to be interesting when it comes up. Yes, you gold. I'm sure. Sure, Tyler G was the intense dreamer who said you've been starved. No, that's not that's Tyler. Gee, you're the girl of my dreams. Okay. Matthew is a carbon Spotter and I can't remember anything else about oh what a car bed spotter. That's all I have Matthew but he was cute. Okay, I need to figure out why we forget you Mary Jo the body. We talked about Joe. Oh Joey with Finance manager with the champagne in the baby carriage weird. I feel like our panel is divided on that. Yeah, like it I like it whatever whatever. It's like. All right, Connor J parents from Hong Kong, but he spoke French. No one parent from husband when performing on yeah, it's like Overkill like yes, I'm multiracial and I speak another language completely unrelated to those two bam didn't love the crap out of place didn't really relate to him Ryan the roller boy from Philly. I know Ryan or skates. No, not sure the pro Surfer wanted to tie the tie corny barely. Remember him stop. It's a no for me dog biggest shocker of the night sausage party Grant without the tie, you know, that's the road travel intro. What is good? So that that really should be the controversy of the episode how sausage party dude got a rose his Pilot dude did not let him nuts crazy. I wonder if on shows like this even though Hannah gets a pick. I wonder if producers get like at least two picks in the first few weeks to keep up. They got to be in her ear. Right? I mean, I mean some no way that she's got the whole deal. He's at the end of the episode The Producers something something I think like they legally have to put out that the producers have some kind of influence over the past now. I'm sure that they do because otherwise it'd be boring show. We just mentioned Evan a few seconds someone in the chats heard that Devon is friends with Wills from last season. Interesting outfits. So I'm just curious if you'll have this. I mean that's a stretch but I wonder if he's going to be like quiet in the beginning and then come out of it come out of his shell later like his buddy who knows have ridiculous outfits. Yeah and the outfits. All right guys, we don't have time Kevin be fumbled all the footballs. Yes. Yes like that. Whatever loukas was a calming political consultant forget. These are my notes guys. You can tell he said she gives a calming presence to poke sure. Sting with the nose ring no AFR. Yes, he's a familiar face and then finally Peter that's the only other notable when I think maybe uniform gives you wings. Yes. Sorry. Do we talk about cam? Yeah, because you got the first kid, I'm sorry. Yes him cataracts. Thank you him got the first kiss. He also got the first rose on the last aftershow. I like him. No cameras have been bass. That's what we figured out. That's why I was like, what is it about him? He's literally Evan 2.0 and I Devon well, the guys were definitely threatened by him from the Jennifer said because he came in with a rose hundred percent. I was there at that man. He said I'm not here for my 15 minutes of fame. I'm here for my lifetime of love. That's something he practice in the mirror five times before getting absolutely ever spent. I think he's gonna try and be like the but I think he's God he's gonna go some places. I think he's pretty good. I think Hannah thinks she should like cam. Yeah, but he is in her friend zone and she's trying to move him out of her friend zone. Okay. We only have a couple minutes to talk about How Hannah handled the Scott of it all okay, was that his name? Yes. Clearly, you know where I still got incident? We all agreed that we don't think she really liked Scott in the first place. Correct? You have not but I thought she handled this pretty well. Yeah, I think it was even even to a little bit too much. I think she could have just been like well, okay. Bye but she was like no I want answers. I don't think she need answers at that point. I agree with you. I also didn't like the way she came right at him like, oh it's because you have a girlfriend. Girlfriend like it was just like so over the top of the wait, wait, wait bring it in really? I like that. I would have done that. I like the aggressiveness because I think it puts the guy on his back heels and then you get yeah and you really get to see it come out and he really didn't have a good offensive reaction to it. She had supper was even able to save himself and honestly on night one unless she has his sick, you know connection with the guy right off the bat. There's no point even bothering with the drama. She's right just bouncing like immediately like it was Overkill. I'm like are you at invested? I don't know that it just came on Friday. She I think if he's going to try to play her make him look a little stupid on television for sure. You gotta make good TV. You know what I mean? Yeah, and she's figuring out herself. She's learning. She's trying to figure out how much rope she has to pull on which was it's fun to see her discover this the thing I really like that she said it's not fair to me and it's especially not fair for the girlfriend. You're leading on back and your hometown. I really like that Hannah said that yeah, I was like, you know, you're out for your sisters and clearly you're someone who has a lot of empathy for girls who have gone through what you've gone through so Hannah gee I really liked hand and she and I think she's just trying to save you. Let's get a consensus here. We got two different opinions. Hope Lockwood and blue panther panther. Do we like Demi and Katie in the van? Yes or no one saying overproduced once a and they loved it. That's it fine. I mean it was over produced for sure, but I Victor I mean it has it kind of has to be it is what it is, right, but they're cute. Damn. He's the best they've got mobbed at me two tickets to paradise. Yeah, that's from the office of any guys watch that show. Okay. We literally have two minutes guys. Do I just go through our who we got through in the Rose ceremony? Yeah, Jed serenaded any other huge moments that we need to go over we've done pretty well. We got everything. Yeah. Okay. So from the rose ceremony, let me know if I missed anyone we got Mike Johnson Connor asked Matthew Connor Jay Jay. Red dust and Joey Devon Peter the pilot Dylan Mateo Jonathan Tyler C&G Darren Lucas Garrett Grant and John Paul Jones and Kevin and Kevin you're getting a lot of laughs because everybody thinks it should have been handed. She anyway, I know y'all probably that Freudian slip is people are liking the the big Shockers who went home chazen. He's got the better. So yeah, we will see him fly his plane to Paradise I think in a couple months. Yeah, Matt, Donald I was surprised. To be honest, I don't know if Jason will end up in Paradise. I think it's possible but I think when Joe was sent home, I thought we weren't comparing him to Joe know we are comparing chasing a joke. No, that's my jota Joan. Right right confusingly enough we liked but I don't think he's going to cause as much of an uproar like Joe I remember in that moment being the top four top three with Jason were like, yeah, of course, he's gonna get a rose tonight. But no one's like was he going to win? I just think it was well, actually I thought I think they were setting us up to have a pilot versus pilot something like it's almost too much of a coincidence is my specific a career for them to not have like you said Jeff a two-on-one date or something like that. But did you think him as a per on his own would you've seen him? Yes, because I wrote down front runner when he came out and that was before the second pilot came out. So yeah, I thought he was a thin material got ya. I thought he was okay and that's her. All right everyone has Has 10 seconds to react to the ending promo, okay. Nine because I know I'm excited. I'm looking forward to that conversation about sex mainly to be honest with you because someone is clearly shaming her for her past and I'm like, who is it? Hmm. Nice. I'm ready to see Luke Hulk out on the hotel room wherever they're at. Just like bus through doors and stuff. Yes. We saw a little tiff between Cam and Tyler see so I want to see what pops off with that because cam looks like he's a good boy, but I think he's gonna just rare get the Beast come out of him. Yeah, I am excited. I saw a lot of Jed Hannah chemistry. So I'll be excited to see where Jack goes and your boy my Johnson. He looks like he makes it to Europe and Beyond looking that's right. Mike check mike J. That was our predictions guys because we do unfortunately have to get out of here. This show goes so fast, but you have tuned into the premier coverage and season 15 of The Bachelorette. Thank you so much for tuning in. We're going to be here every Monday guys. We will be here every Monday at 7 p.m. Tuning along live with the show, and we'd love it if you could join us. In the meantime you want to catch me on Twitter. You can do that at Jeffrey see Graham and you guys can catch me on Twitter. I Christine being with three. He's guys you find me everywhere at Mike feeling and you guys can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter at Renee Ariel real quick. We will do a little bit of news on Renee's Instagram story after this. So if you wanted to hear our news and gossip and special segment, you can do that on Renee's Instagram. Check it out. Thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next week our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV remember We're not just the first were the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. 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Join us to watch The Bachelorette Season 15 premiere! with Christine Alexis, Jeff Graham, Michael Thieling, and Renee Ariel! The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms.
Welcome to bug you occupy cast where we talk about all the fun stuff in the weekend professional show up. We when they're sick. Yeah, so that happens but I had run gonna podcasting 40% shows up tonight and I'm doing the best I can but the hundred percent, irr, you know the what I don't know what you catch all the time.What you really want is a hundred percent Jarred your your 40 percent here and 60% Bluster. I resent that I think represent or represent. You know what Joe. I'm out. Let's talk about some experiences of the week. Did you have any experiences I did I pull up my photo library, but first I kind of spoil it because I thought it might be asking the question. I actually had the time. I don't remember where I was but your life I can't even with you tonight man. I don't have the extra 10% to get to the 52 put up. Whereas I had Mountain Dew, but I was somewhere where I was sitting right next to. Poke stop and it wasn't that my Sunday gig but it was I don't remember what it's somewhere. I don't normally go. I can't remember where it was right now my brains fried but the boss kept popping up the the female can't remember her name and I went and what's going on it. Yeah, and I remember I went in once and I got slaughtered. Maybe it was a caught it is this little it was a little Pokemon. I thought you remember this whole lot better than I am. But yeah, I didn't expect to get sick. Then. I got sick from the time that did this to now so I can't Sierra right Sierra. Yeah, they're missed Sneasel. No, that's how you get from Sierra Sneasel. My brain I will I will get up in a minute. But basically it was a small Pokemon and then there's I mean then it was Onyx. No, it was all types. I can't think I'm sure it was Taylor. No Stantler. It was Stiller and then it was onyx. and then it was I remember something else and I mean I could barely get past Onyx and then I get slaughtered in the third round by took the generic team had offered me and I messed up. Yeah. Well, no, I'd like to do that just to test out just to see because a lot of times I might have even time to mess with it. But this time I did so I changed my team up a little bit but back in did a little better almost got past know. It was under the last one was all it was honest and it was Tyranitar so Stantler Onyx Tyranitar, and I sat there and I googled Stantler counters and it gave me some ideas and then I went in and Googled on its counters then I Googled are tratar counters. And basically it was all punching types dude. I and I passed one of my not a venture. Last but the special ones and we could I power it up. I wouldn't I power it up my butt chop that had the moves it suggested add quick. Can you sure you were fighting one of the bosses? Uh-huh because it took away my radar and I went why is my radar gone? And you said you fought a boss now just fighting the boss. No, you have to beat the boss. Yeah. You have to beat the boss it took it away. So I knew that and it's not fought a bunch of officers in Lost maybe this cliff and I've seen a couple of them. Thank you. He might have been Cliff but it was Taylor Onyx Tyranitar and and so max out my Machop. I really cool hariyama and I maxed him out and I'll secure memory my third was that took in there by Maxim out and they had basically the powers that were suggested and change the order low Kingler danglars. Wonder what I suggested. It's I went in and I had tried a few different times ran like four different options I could take to do all these counters and ultimately I swapped it up where Machamp was in the middle. I did it by accident. I didn't mean to swap my buddy because my chant was first. Oh screw you in that lucky relicanth. I love it man, but you're getting 2 hat is this - this is my experience in the week. You show that in a minute and I'll mess up with it. So anyway, I beat it. I beat the boss and I'm like cool. Give me The Statler that Rick's face and I did not get a state learned that Rex face so unhappy issue there but we're about you saying you'd beat up Cliff is that that's the one we saw proposed your face onto that's true because he does kind of look like me little bit. All right, let me find something's wrong with my stuffy album. Okay. Well we are well you're having issues. I I imagine she's already spoiled part of my experience. You did it. You put it on the screen. No, it was all your fault. I did get a lucky relicanth from a trade this week. So that is pretty awesome. So within this last month, I've found someone to trade me a relicanth and a chatot. So that is very nice at the tail end of the stream, but I don't think it was on the podcast I caught. Hey shiny EV so that was pretty awesome last week. That's nice. And then the Sunday Community days are currently happening. Right when I'm at church. Yeah, it was that I was at church. I dropped a lure on the on the stop that we have at my church. Yep, same here and I popped an incense and I was able to get get enough enough candies to evolve to a pole eons. And one of those was a shiny I ended up getting to shinies. Okay, so that is part of it. I thought I had something else but I definitely got I did the same thing my things on Sunday mornings and I'm sitting right next to a stop. I lured it up. I ended up getting enough regular Piplup that did involve the empoli on to get which is my first Empoleon. And to get the move on him then I actually I'm not going to shiny. I'm not going to shiny at all. I'm getting disappointed because the Chinese aren't coming and right as we finish up our stuff and I know you have to move but like you Joe, I'm kind of locked into place it only movement against a little bit of drift by was getting pepper plops just not shinies, but it's like I start moving around and and across where the area was and going out to the parking lot I got Couple of shinies. I think it kept them all try to change this to you know, I can just do shiny. Can I just type shine? I'm not I have wasn't sure. So yeah, I got three shinies which I've already evolved for Chinese evolved one up the print plop and I do and I was I'm not going to the power by I'm going to evolve up to the Empoleon shiny and and went quietly be enough to get a Cadillac had to set right the first first evolution the second evolution and if there's a third the third evolution if it's a shiny but I did get the 3-day move and now I have also the shiny as well. So that was that was pretty awesome. And then I kiss one. There was another thing by I leveled up with my buddy shield on I got this. Okay. So you do I don't play them a lot right back for you in the candy. So walk out and hang out with me and then you play with them which is basically shield on you just bend his head and gives happy and I always take a picture right after that now delete the picture. Well Snoopy showed up. I knew his name when he showed up. Yeah, Miracles mirror go showed up. So I got smeargle bombed now what they catch him and that right moment. He just swatted it and I didn't know we had involved. I think the message our friendship has evolved. So he swats it and all the sudden shield on comes not just not today. Whatever your name is. And yeah got it is so much fun to watch that. So I got another smear go. I got a buddy who helped me out and bring me presents and that's cool because he brings me like been at berries and Yeah, I'm looking so there's a smear goal that beat that boss which was a lot of fun figuring that I mean, I had to look it up. I'm not gonna lie to you. I'm not gonna memorize this stuff but I thought I had another new maybe that was it maybe empoli on was the only new one and that's why I didn't take the picture because I never talked about the oh no. No, I do have it. I don't know why don't pictures but where I was God, I wish I could remember where I was when I was having this happen the same time as fighting the boss there. Shadow and whoever was with like give me five minutes. I'll be right back and check that out Joe. There you go. I got me a throw. I got myself a throat me sell for my sake. I got me suffer through the governor. And then I saw another fish-shaped Pokemon Shadow and I went pick them up and I love trash you got yourself some trash. I did I got me at rubbish. So I knew there was something else. I don't know where my pictures weren't yet. I'm this close to getting Shield. The evolve with the candies, so I'm not going to stop walking him to do do that that that force people to Walk and Walk and Walk. You know, what if they walk faster they could keep up with me while I was driving, you know, it's not his fault that the wall so much. So, yeah, you just pick a flying so much you had rush but still we get out of the speed lock it, Joe don't even play I still want you to put magic carpets your buddy and just watch you dragging me either. I did that I did that. That's the first thing I did when they release money's actually. The axioms pop-up blocker block down the street. So yeah, man. Oh I got another I think this is another one. What's the date on this? V so I may not report it last week by a palm is that my second was like two weeks ago. I don't think I reported it by God. I got a second date palm shiny. So now I was shiny a prominent shiny and bomb as well. There you go. So I'm doing all right. I'm doing alright on the shinies. It's been a good two weeks for me man. And I'm at the point that I could claim the box, but since I know it's Lapras, I ain't gonna do it. I wait till rolls over What was the rest of your experience sir? Oh, I like what you did there with the phone. That's awesome. Do you know I know I thought maybe I cut you off you don't have anymore with that? Okay. No, but I've pulled up the experiences of the week here on my phone. So that those that are here on Twitch slash Pokemon go podcast can follow along and see the experiences of the week and how else would they be able to see that for not live? Well you could be The patron slash Pokemon go podcast and that gets you access to our Discord. So this one here from Popeye. He hatched an axe you so pretty nice there that schools available. I was at the Dragon Con meeting. You just triggered me. We said dragon. I thought Jack got me talking with our friend Garrett, right and Leo and I like it was before the meeting in the hey. There's a throw Shadow like in the other Lobby. I'm gonna get it. They were okay. That's like they absent Rising it come with me. So that's where I got drunk on. Oh, look at you. You gotta go. Oh that you pop. I wish it was but it's not just a go--let. It's not just is a 100% goal at nice. Yeah, and then he got a 0% shiny Piplup. Oh, I forgot to check for zeros. I'll do. Wait a minute. I don't really usually check for zeros because they don't have a convenient way to check for zeros. Like they do hundreds. Don't you just let yeah, but with yours you just got to find them and flip through them so you can type in 0 star but that doesn't mean that there's 0% Ivy's they're just the lowest tier. So no, I mean it's is a hot quality fingers hard way, but basically you pull up your first Pokémon in the satellite pimple up on your screen pull up the View and the Y's on review screen you can actually flip side to side. It'll just quickly show you yeah, you can do that. And if you type 0 star in then you'll have all of the lower tier ones. Anyway, I got you. Terry wolf got himself a pan sear pan sear is a regional. So that's pretty awesome there LEP who is currently with us here in chat. I got a hundred percent ePub Empoleon during this last night. Terry traded for what became a lucky hundred percent Empoleon actually apparently got ended up with two don't know if the second ones trade or not because it's not lucky but he's got 200% impo Leon's. Popeye with his eggs is eggs game. This last week has been awesome. Got a Tortuga cute little turtle guy a little blue Turtle. Nice. Yeah awesome there Fabian also got himself a torture to get Terry got an axe you Fabian got a 98 percent Lapras. Oh and Barry Barry checked in. So Barry our world traveler. Yeah. He's a Japan right? Out. Yeah Rosie was for a lot of this. Yeah during Community. He was in Shibuya in Tokyo near Tokyo or in Tokyo. So he's got a bunch of red eye basket wins. He's got a bunch of socks, which is the counterpart to the throw you got which I do believe he told us that he would be bringing those to you made it. He did well, We'll see if it shows up. But yeah, and then he's got pants ages as well. And which is the the green little monkey guy. So we have the blue ones here. That's right. Yep. So there's the that Trio and then he said he also got a shiny Heatran so and he goes on to list that so he's got four socks. He nabbed a hundred percent Empoleon. And while in Japan he doesn't say how many red striped bass Glenn he's got but he did show off one and he's got five pan stages that he's sitting on so, yeah, pretty awesome. A lot of awesome experiences this week. So and that is just the tip of the iceberg. I mean, we've got a ton of events that they've announced that are here on the horizon or already started and yeah, let's go Be a lot of fun and the: chat says that she's got a bunch of socks to trade. So next time we see Nicole we can also snag some from her and again to go you just tell us what you need. Well you can I won't speak for job. I'm sure Joe would agree. You tell us what you need and I'll put your name on it and you got it. She really has everything that you've got though, as not true last year. I saved her Pokemon. She's like and she's very quiet about she don't want to pose egg. Appreciate. Because I'm super busy during DragonCon by well, it might have been I don't remember but she's like hey, did you want to do a special started like sure and I obviously was DragonCon brain, which is worse than sick brain because I it's like whatever you say I'm down and she's like, yeah, you were supposed to have blah blah. I searched it and it came out as Nicole. Oh, yeah, I guess I did save you something. Here you go, and she gave me something. Laughs. All right you did you get that from the first go Fest. No, I got it from going down to Disney on the year you your you want to go fast. I went to Disney with the kids and I got it down there. I got a bunch of them saved Macho and nobody care another Nicole. She cared and I saved everyone but nobody else around here cared. So I okay fine. I'll try just is better than Disney ha ha Your kids see how that flies squishy Twitchy cares and I cool. Yeah, you know what squishy while Joe moves on let's jump onto the news here. I'll set you up news. Actually. I probably should rest my voice suggest you go ahead and knock this first one out and I'm going to look up and see if I have another hair cross because she alright. So the first thing we're going to talk about especially because it starts tomorrow is the lunar gear of the Lunar New Year event. So tomorrow is January 24th. So for the people who are tuning in on the podcast, it's the past for them. But January 24th until February third is when this event is going to happen red Pokémon will be featured. They specifically call out Charmeleon. Vulpix Paris sect Voltorb Jinx Magmar Magikarp Flareon Slugma were and Pull corphish and Cricket Ott. Oh and Funk and fungus. None of which I'm crazy excited for but apparently shiny Red Gyarados might be popping up in the wild. I you know it be fantastic if they used this as an opportunity to make it so that Pokemon on the world map if they're shiny show up shiny for you on the world map. That would be fantastic. Yes, probably won't happen. But that would be fantastic. Now. Here's another thing to look out for Darumaka, which this will be his first appearance will be popping up in 7K eggs and several other red Pokémon will be popping up in 7K eggs as well. So Darumaka, do you know what Darumaka looks like because I know we've About him because you're Irish. My book is too far away back. Ya know. I don't okay. So Darumaka, he's the Zen Pokémon. And if I remember correctly his the Pokédex that talks about. Yeah a small random trivia here his white Pokedex entry says darmok is droppings are hot. So people. I used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm. I think you could have brought that up before it sounds familiar. Yeah, we brought it up. I think around Halloween when we were talking about Creepy Pokemon facts. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So people use his poo to stay warm. But yeah, yeah Rock idiots this this starts tomorrow on the 24th. And again last of the the February the 3rd in addition to the things we've already Talked about there will be some bonuses during the event. So gifts have a chance to give you rare candies, which is pretty awesome. It doesn't I don't see anything in here about the amount of gifts. You can open increasing which I'm kind of sad about but you know, it happens we get what we get and then the likelihood of becoming lucky friends is increased and the likelihood of getting a lucky Pokemon from a trade also is increasing. Ting and menechino is going to be popping up in limited research. So it's going to be a special research event in which men chino will be available and machino can evolve using a you Nova Stone into sin Gino. So he's a cute little guy Benji know I like mint scheana. I mean she know better than since you know, but you know, it's what it is and I meant, you know, so the he'll be available in the special research but also in 5K eggs as well. So I don't like that. They're making us compete in two separate egg categories here. So and especially because They are incentivizing opening up gifts, which means you're going to get more 7K eggs. So I don't like that. They're incentivizing both 7K eggs and 5K eggs in the same event. But you know, that's what it is. And then I'm in Chino during the The Limited research. You can also find the shiny version or in the eggs. So that is available as well. And in addition to oh, this is a second portion. Sorry. This is just the Moschino limited research is just on Sunday February 2nd from 2 p.m. To 5 p.m. Local. Wow. That is a very precise window. Yeah, and they've done this before where they've got where they yeah, they do special research events. Listen not charging his $8 this time. Yeah, but they did with it this with Clamperl and I can't remember who else they've done this a couple of different times. But yeah, so during that window is when the Moschino limited field research tasks are going to pop up they're going to have specific rat themed Pokemon. So ratatata Raticate Pikachu Sandshrew some of these are a bit of a stretch to be But you know they do what they got to do and it around male and female Sentret Meryl Zigzagoon, Plusle Minun Bidoof and Patrat and it's actually during that event that the 5K eggs have been Chino in them. So basically between now and then you want to clear out your eggs, so you can collect a whole bunch of 5K eggs during that three hour window. Yeah, and that means you have to walk them off because you can't trash them. Yep. And so we've just talked about the everything in the event. We've also got a infographic here from go Hub detailing the event and I love that. They stuck Wurmple on top of fungus. That's fun. Yeah, and then Shuckle is one of the Pokemon that's going to be appearing in 7K eggs the ironic part about That this is supposed to be a red themed event. If you get his shiny, it's blue. Yeah, but his is made for is red. So I guess that's what works. Yeah real quick. What does that mean? It's it's got three stars and it's pink and all is that a hundred fact, I finally got me a hundy. It's a little it's a flash. Yep. So if you just type in four asterisks, I'll show you all of your undies that know that's what that's how I found it. I start with five could remember I thought it was my for but yeah, I start I didn't that's my only bad it's and I'm so close to zero dude. I'm so close to zero. I have a hariyama. Not area most original form of him. Is hot is it hariyama's original Hockey Tina man brain man. Anyway, I've got one that's got like makuhita makuhita. I've got a zero defense zero bottom stat, and I'm sorry whatever and like one tiny bar of attack. Have you been distracted this whole time trying to get trying to see if you have any zeros not distracted. I heard what you said about when she know. In the I just read it actually had it open. I was reading it too. He's the he's a little Rex and chill out. That's it. The chinchilla Pokemon not listens 5K eggs, but then they're gonna want to do 7K. Yeah. I was listening as also looking for 0 this is here IV Pokémon. So we also have here look at what machine oh and since you know look like as shinies. Again, not my favorite shining but you know, at least you could tell a difference actually. I like the evolved form. I'm more favorable to the the tan darker Tans and Browns then the other colors, but honestly, well at least in this artist's representation. It's a nice pink and a nice Brown for the trace. You you favor the Blues in the actual greens. Not the Pea greens, right? That's very true. Yeah as I'm wearing a green Certain have a bluish purple background. So yeah, so that is this event. That's kind of that's coming up but speaking of events. They a Pokemon go AK and II Jake has announced for events specifically Safari Zone events that are coming to well three of them are Safari vote zone offense and the other hand. Sorry going back to the other one does all this info. a graphic It's not saying a higher Encounter of Magikarp shinies is saying encounter shiny Gyarados in the wild. Yes, but there will be more Magikarp spawning. So so it's not necessary. You'll see a big dragon on your thing. Right? I mean, I'm not necessary unless they change it. Okay, you're not going to see a Red Gyarados on your screen until you click on that be really cool, right or not wrap it disappeared. I've never seen a Gyarados in the wild. I've had to move on. I've had two. I think that's one or two fifty. All right. So we're going on to these Live Events. Yes. So they've announced for Live Events three of which are well three of which are considered Safari Zone and apparently we don't so here's what it says in 2019. They hosted the events in Brazil. Özil Singapore in Canada. And so they had three different continents and they were very proud about about that here in 2020. They've got for Live Events announced three or considered Safari zones. The other was one is called the Taiwan Lantern Festival. And so the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taichung City Taiwan is happening in February so you don't have much time to plan for it if Landed on that. That's February 6th to February 9th, and we have an infographic to go with this that comes to us from the go Hub. Yeah Pokemon go after that in the room for you too late. And so the Taiwan of it is non ticketed, it's free. It's featuring It's featured Regional is illumise, which we have here in the US so You know to us that's big whoop to them. Hey, it's a new Regional and then it's also going to feature the L unknown probably L4 Lantern I would assume. I would assume that you or they just chose randomly. But yeah, it's going to feature the L unknown and then let's see. What else does it say? It does specifically say enjoy the lovely sounds of Chimecho. It's going to feature electric-type Pokémon calls out Mareep and Electrike specifically Volbeat will be appearing alongside a Loomis. And yeah, so that is oh catch the L unknown to celebrate the light themed event is what it says what I mean, your clothes Lantern is an amazing Lantern Festival was like a festival like it's obviously so yeah, you're close. Yep. The next event is in st. Louis Missouri misery. That's happening in March. Say hello. This is a beautiful city. I've been through there once I really enjoyed it. I've driven past it, but that's about it. It's not that far from you. Is it couple hours? Yeah, I don't know. It's a couple hours more than it is for you or less than it is for you rather. Yes. But anyway, so that's March 27th through 29th. It's going to be taking place in Tower Grove Park. It is a ticketed event. And those tickets are going on sale tomorrow January 24th. Yeah you that so hopefully our podcast listeners already know because by the time this goes live those tickets will be sold out most likely. Yeah $12 for regular and 18 for Early Access. Yeah, unless they're doing the lottery thing again for it, but that specifically say so we don't yeah, it doesn't I wouldn't count on that and then the A Pokémon that are popping up here are manky unknown s teddiursa Snivy and pharaoh seed. I got a quick think I just pulled up in advance for this specific thing you're talking about and of course is registration is not open yet. I just was looking to see if his lottery or anything. It says underneath registration is not open yet redeem a promo code so somehow some way people can get into this for free or for a greater. I don't think Frank's why would you discount 12 less and less when you buy it? You get a promo code to redeem here. That makes sense. I don't know but yeah, it does say redeem a promo code but the the regional it's going to be featured there is chatot. So yeah shoutouts pretty nice Regional to have yeah. Yeah go out there and grab it and then the next event is Liverpool UK and this event will all the rest of the events are ticketed. The only free one is the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Liverpool. They are going to have relicanth as the featured Regional Pokémon with the VII unknown appearing and they are going to have water it's a maritime theme. So water-type Pokémon crabby Dratini chin Chow. And Oshawott or the specific ones it is calling out. Yeah. Yeah, this will be ticketed. It'll be they specifically say to see the other ones specifically say first come first served. Yeah, it definitely it does. So this is definitely not a lottery system first come first serve for all of these and the UK one is 18 pounds or 12 pounds for General axis. Team pounds for Early Access so so little good and yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's cover which is going to set off the coal and some of our European listeners. We were talking about beginners box when you're off and sick that last time and the beginners box. It was like 99 Cents here or dollar 99 or something and I think 99 Cents, but where Nicole is and then At the pipe guy think was the other one and you know, presumably he's in Scotland by I don't know for sure. I can't remember. It was a lot more money. It was like $2.99 when Nicole was and so this being pretty much the equivalent of the US dollars. You muted yourself, dude. The Pokemon go podcast is made possible 100% by you and other listeners just as awesome as you are if you want to support the show and get a little something in return. Just go to slash Pokemon go podcast. All right. So on my side, I can't hear you muted it would not let me unmute you. Okay, let me re say because I think the stream caught it but yeah with a podcast that I didn't get it. So 12. Pounds is 1574 us and 18 pounds is 2361 us. Yeah, but when the go in jail tour talking about it, it was the other way. It's like for here is 99 Cents. No, it's more expensive for them is what I'm saying that it is for now our events. Yes, but no their path. So it wouldn't ninety-nine point nine nine pounds. Anyway mean eurostat. What point nine euros it was like to not T 9 Euro 2.99 Euros which is even more expensive than 99 Cents. It was a big deal. So I'm just saying but I want to shout out. I know Barry, let's go to these things and I know he's a fair guy needs a bodyguard and he didn't like to be alone. So Barry I'll get us I'll get us the Safari tickets. If you'll take care of the plane in the hotel man that I'm there for you. I think that's even that's a fair swap right Joe. It's fair. So just just looking out for your well-being. That's all this will do that for you. I don't even have a passport. So I already got it real can't you know? Yeah you do and now the only one that I'm actually looking at right now access telling Joe. I've got a really busy con schedule this year. I got partner and we were building a con business and we've got a lot of stuff to do that were invested in right now. So I'm not sure TimeWise. I'm going to be able to do many of these but if I do a trying Shoot for this next one. Yeah. So this next one which a lot of the details other than the dates have not been announced but the next one is going to be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Friday May 8 to Sunday, May 10th, and again first come first served and it's twelve and eighteen dollars for the these tickets as well. But we don't know who the regional is going to be. We don't know what the unknown is going to be. I'm assuming that it's going to be comparable to these other events. it's but yeah, so we don't know a whole lot. Other than that, I don't think they don't even announce the park. It's going to be in or anything like that. Ironically. If everything pans out. I'm actually going to be in Philadelphia a month before that. Yeah, so man is so it have me it might be doable because my first con is March 20th to 22nd. So be a weekend. Between the two I don't know. It's as you know, Joe, you know, we went to Chicago's investment of time and energy and its finances. Just just hang out with the botched guys. It'll be great. Yeah, it is a possibility but I still gotta get there and I don't trust them to feed me they'll feed me alcohol, but it probably won't be me food. So those who don't know botched is another podcast on the giant size team up Network. Yeah. They are they are not safe for work. They are no most dear. The most not safe for we're not safe for Humanity. Yeah, they're not they're not safe for life now. But yeah, they are a Dungeons and Dragons themed podcast. I say that Loosely because They are self proclaimed loose understanding of the rules. But anyway, that is the Safari Zone in Philadelphia May 8 2010. So yeah. And there were more days. I mean they have said 19 you said there will be more dates and now so you're just the first you know, what impact does all of these real-world events have on the economy. If I had to guess I'd say the neighborhood of 250 million dollars in tourism Revenue possibly. That's such a good dancer random number, you know coming to us from The this past year. Night the Pokemon go events. This is just Pokemon go vents. This isn't talking about their other events because they did do events with Ingress and Harry Potter wizard unite, but the Pokemon go live events drove nearly 250 million dollars in tourism Revenue this past year and they say nearly because it was actually closer to 247 million. That's a lot of just from people wanting to come play the game around the world. You know, that is that is a lot here in chat. We've got Brian V asking if we can trade trade is trading is restricted to being within the same like 30 feet of each other. Yeah, you know if your eyeball to eyeball And I know you're new to the stream. But as you can see my character isn't actually moving because I am not yeah GPS spoofing. So my character cannot randomly show up at your house. Even if you gave me your coordinates, which please don't Chicago fest last year drove to estimate a hundred twenty million and tourism alone, which we help with that. We sure did great some good pizza. I didn't get you to I didn't get you do the the Italian sausage because we around time but man that was good. No, it is good. I've had it. Did you have that day? I had it the year before that's right. We you had had it we were both going to try to do it because we got so what we were so late getting into town. Would you have time it's like it's like a Philly cheesesteak with a different flavor profile so good. Yeah. Yeah, the the hot hot Italian beef melt or whatever. It's yeah Joe. Yeah. Well, you said Ted get stuff. Yeah, Chicago good food. But yeah, go Fest was a lot of fun. I'm hoping to go again this year assuming my wife isn't completely crazy because she she will just cut Basin email that to her. It's fine. Yeah with three kids now the the crazy happens, but yeah, so yeah, they're driving a lot of Of Revenue, which makes sense because these events are widely popular, even if even if you don't have tickets to the event, there's still a ton of increased traffic to these events because a lot of people book the hotels and then don't get a ticket to the event. So they just take a vacation in Chicago I guess but are you so yeah a lot of fun. All right. Well before you take off we need to fund some of our own tourism. So if you everybody listen to podcast will sit tight Tight as we take a break we were right back after what was the ABC song will be after these messages. We'll be right back and we're back. I just that's leave enough space in the recordings. I can find it. What's next Joe? So the next thing they're mixing things up for Community day here in February and they're mixing things up. Not only for how they're presenting it that they're also messing with some of the Texas and Mexican players that are were planning a huge PVP tournament in McAllen, Texas. They had to change the data their Community are their tournament because Community day was announced Just yesterday on January 22nd. They announced the date for Community Day. So but that aside what they're doing with this community days. They're actually having people vote. And so the voting day is February 1st. Yeah, just February 1st. So that is 12 a.m. To midnight local time. You can go and vote the votes will be counted via the total number of research tasks completed globally within the allotted time. Interesting after a second link that's talking about the same thing, but it's infographics. You can actually see if you scroll down the for Vulpix Machop Rhyhorn and your teeny and right next to it Vulpix is whether ball, would you be fire for nine tails our eyes for a little and nine tails but chops possible Powers payback, which is dark weird was beyond my champ. Yeah, right Hornsby Rock wrecker, which is Rock tied for Here is actually quite good and where my personal favorite II like the name. So there's my personal favorite. This is the name and then your teeny is super. Okay. I like this into superpower which is a fine superpower which the fighting moves on Dragonite and not on Machamp. They had their to shift the things up but also makes me champ strong against things that are weak to Darkness as opposed to just having fighting moves. Yeah. Well, I guess the superpower could be well Is nice about superpower being on Dragonite I suppose is because fighting-type moves are super effective against ice type Pokemon. So for PVP you could do some mind games with people who are trying to counter your Dragonite only to be countered. So if they're using a nice type Pokemon you like bam super-powered face and then yeah and then because it's a Charged move you could still have dragon claw as your other move as well. Not get he points out super power would be good against Tyranitar as well since rock types are super effective against the against Dragonite since he's flying as well. So yeah Super Bra. Okay. It makes sense when you think about the PVP match ups. Which we don't I mean now that we can actually Machamp with dark-type move would help him counter psychic-type Pokémon. So, okay. These are these are these are some off type counter moves for PVP. It looks like swell those two are. So it makes sense which Nathan app just stated in chat as well. So yeah, so but the the voting man, this is so I don't quite understand this voting to be honest because it says it's going to votes will be counted via the total number of field research tasks completed globally within the allotted time. So voting day field research. I need to read this whole thing. I've only skimmed it and looked at the infographic but Yeah. Every poke stopped that day will will have a voting related research task if the Pokey stop you spin does not have a task for the Pokémon you want to vote for please spin a different poke stop. Okay. So if you want to vote for a specific Pokemon, I think to complete specific tasks. Okay. So I think is if you get the tab sort of Pokemon, you don't want you to throw that one away and get your different. Yeah fucking stop. It's been okay. So and actually the research test will be titled vote for Machop catch-twenty Pokemon vote for Rhyhorn catch-twenty poke their all catch-twenty Pokémon. So the research task will actually be vote for said Pokémon. So yeah, if you want to vote for it, you ditched the you ditch the research tasks for the Pokémon. You don't want to vote for okay now it's making a bit more sense. And what you get from catching a 20 Pokemon is 200 Stardust. That's the research task reward. So yeah, an all-day event February first sets next Saturday. Alright, let's do this. I don't know which one I want now that I've thought about like originally I was all Rhyhorn rhyperior all the way Rock wrecker. He becomes basically the best or pretty close to the best rock type attacker in the game with Rhyhorn. So yeah, but we do have actually a bit of an analysis specifically for rhyperior. I grabbed this again thinking that rhyperior would be the landslide choice. And so I don't I didn't grab anything specifically for Dratini or Machop voltaics. Is just okay. I could see people wanting specifically the shiny Vulpix or shiny lowland Vulpix. But yeah, it's all right, and so but the the rhyperior hypothetical matchups if he gets Rock wrecker puts him as the second highest DPS rock-type Pokémon in the game just behind A part of us but he has much higher defensive stats than Rampardos. So his DPS over time is way higher layer ridiculously higher. So yeah. Red Pierre, you're with rock wrecker would be pretty awesome. And even after thinking about it, I think I would still go with rhyperior. To be honest. I am that's my pick Sokka see even he even beats out Tyranitar by a by a fair bit. So even though he's actually lower lower Max CP than Tyranitar, but I just like how it looks like they've I'm shallow. I'm as like the name. You just want to wreck some rocks or recognize that was even worse Joe. Don't do that man hurt you. Do what you gotta do. Yeah, well Which one would you go for see? We've already had a dirty knee Community day granted that Community move isn't all that great at this point, and we've had a bunch of events with Machop. I don't think we've had a right on the bit. Have we? We've had events where Rhyhorn has been right had increased spawns but his as even tiny his shiny has not been available. I hasn't been the specific community that because he would have had a shiny right? That's where yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we haven't technically had a Machop Community day and we haven't had well the only one that's actually had an official Community is true teeny. All right. Nathan app says right here your has a good shiny and Rhyhorn is easy. Find in the wild and kind of those. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, I think I don't I don't even know if I have enough candy to evolve my Kronos. Yeah, this is that the moves on my Champion drought idea from I could I could evolve microdose. But yeah, I completely agree with Nathan at that. The candy the availability. Yeah rhyperior rhyperior all the way I'm sticking with it. Let's go. I all right you committed is now Cannon but along with that we're actually getting some updates to attacks. And this is just kind of a general announcement of the the changes that are coming. So the combat system charged attacks and switching will now be queued and activated at the end of the current fast attack and won't to be overridden. By any following fast attacks. So there's been a bugs in trainer battles where you could actually cancel out some some attacks by doing some switching and doing some some some different techniques. So they're the sounds like they're fixing that at least mitigating that there's let's see megahorn is now going to deal more damage volts. Which is it's an electric type fast attack and it's going to generate your charge move more quickly flying press is officially being announced as coming with they that was one of the episodes I missed where you guys talked about flying, press what's weird about flying press is it's primarily a Hawlucha attack. I think there's one other Pokémon that can learn it. I gets the Luchador Pikachu So yeah, we'll have to see how this goes. I kind of want this to be a Cinco de Mayo Lucha Pikachu that that would be fun. Actually, they're adding moves and moves to Pokemon that previously couldn't learn them. So they've added grass not to Plusle and Minun. It is an interesting choice. Apparently it's to help them deal with ground-type Pokémon in great League specifically Lantern is getting spark because Lantern although an electric-type Pokémon did not have an electric type of attack that was comparable in power to its water type moves. So spark is going to help their and it specifically their goal is to help Lantern. or azumarill and to hit Altera with neutral damage Nicole in chat and deviating a little bit here. But Nicole in chat says we need a shiny day were chances are doubled for all shinies currently available. I would be down for that. This is why I like Nicole. That's what I appreciate about you she's part of the brain trust. But back to the moves that Pokemon can get that they previously couldn't Ampharos is getting thunderpunch. It's at right. Thundercats AC/DC the punch. Okay massacre in is getting bubblebeam vespiquen is getting Fury cutter and are slash and then old moves are coming back again. So Raichu can get thundershock again magnets on Kate thunder shock and discharge venomoth can get poison Fang. Hunter and Hypno can both get Shadow Ball So these are moves that have been gone apparently since 2016. So from there move pools. You didn't have a date. So has the all right unless I hear you can't get it from here. But if you know outside of here has this update happen or is it still scheduled to happen? We haven't got it yet. I don't know I do not know. Yeah, it doesn't say when so I guess just with the next update although these seem like back-end updates. So it might already be there. All right, they announced it today. So they're the next update should put it there. They now sit a month ago today. It was January 23rd on the top of the today is January 23rd crap. How are in February dude now that my brain is how busy I've been all week in my brain. I told I told Joe this and you don't tell us you're 70 anything but you know how when you go through any kind of sickness it gets to a height and then you start getting better. Well the height of my sickness was two days that's been about 12 hours each at the the office and I had to do multiple speeches each day as lecturing and different classes and It got me man. So I guess all the energy that when I just made me feel like I was a month just ignore your yeah, just ignore me, it's fine. All right. Well since your month in the future, I need you to give me your past four weeks worth of of your experiences of the week. I didn't play. I was just tired. He just he he went Rip Van Winkle on us. He just slept the entire month. Yeah. All right. So yeah, those attacks are getting updated and then we also have a code dive coming in. So they're bringing in some new anti-cheat features. So it's okay your battery and five minutes and and we won't know if you are spoofing you better knock it off their refactoring quote-unquote forms, so They're changing how they're handling that in the background which doesn't mean a whole lot Shadow eggs apparently are going to be a new thing. So maybe Shadow Pokémon that are hatching from eggs. The current theory. Is that the shadow eggs, you'll get from spinning a rocket. Stop, maybe. Oh, okay. So my wife is start playing more because the young was like to play so she's been collecting things and let them play one. Not so yeah the other day I went to the monkey stop right up here to church and some random dude tried to fight me. I'm like, what did you call the cops? I know I'm gonna get a some real. That's Team Rocket. Yeah, she's well, they're pretty easy. But yeah now the thing rocket means are pretty easy. So you're good. But yeah, she just did not preface anything about it. Just some random dude trying to find her it took me a hand. Oh, come on, please. What's up? Apophis a little bread thingy in there. Yeah that you can feed to your to your buddy. Yeah. I haven't bothered buying any but apparently it skyrockets your your friendship level with your buddy. They have found a whole bunch of codes specifically for Arceus Sorry Pam. I know I saw that somewhere. Am I missing maybe I just maybe I just decided that there needed to be RC is forms. No. Yeah, there are yeah, they found forms for Arceus in in the code as well. And the great box is officially dead and replaced with Adventure box. So apparently that just wasn't selling enough right now. The only the boxes available are Special ultra adventure and the $5 training bar. Actually, I would 99 cent because I don't have the training box at the 99-Cent beginner box, which is real world Body. By the way, which still bothers me? Yeah, I'm saving up some coins to get another adventure box because it gives a lot of incubators. So yeah, I'm a sucker for incubators. But yeah, so a lot of mostly back-end stuff that they're adding in although it looks like they might be rearranging the stones for XP the XP rewards for Milestones or just maybe how they display it a lot of these it's guessing based on on the different code things that you can find. I mean code Dives they don't fully see all the code because there's front-end code of back-end code and they don't they definitely don't see the back end code, right? But yeah all in all just a bunch of Little changes here and there and yeah, although I think the thing that most excites me about all of this is those Shadow eggs. I want to see what's going to pop out of them Shadow eggs. I'm still concerned about this anti-cheat feature because because you're a cheater. Yes. Now we've had this the speech, you know, like they've they've been doing a little bit different and doesn't seem to have dragged the game down the last were to that they've implemented. I'm still I'm still living in that 2016-2017 era of we're gonna stop cheaters Yeah by killing my phone's battery because you're processing everything on my you know, it's always get worried when I wear do more to crack you. Can you just not can we just not go? Yeah, the game's gonna have cheaters and less their own. Let's have a weight of 2. Well now then then people just read doxing other people. Never mind. It's not just have a way to go because there's been some legit complaints write about There's somebody coming in town and cheating in like knocking out all the gyms locking people out or bugs. Yeah, Jim, you know you messing with people and it's crap and yeah, you should get a report them and have that somehow lockdown. I just as long as it does it take away from my game. I'm okay with it, but for a while it did because it was killing our batteries and locking things up and they have come a long way so many of the all right. I'm excited as stupid as it is. I feel like an 80 year old man saying this the weather handling updates is my exciting point of this that drives me crazy whenever like are you safe? Yeah, because it's sunny outside have fun. I'm too. Well so lately they've been they've been saying like I said before any time that there's any kind of warning they put it in the game. So if it's below freezing if there's a flash flood warning if there's like any kind of weather warning they just say hey, be careful. Yeah, yeah. Hey, there's a tornado coming right at you, but just be careful. Here's here's tornado mon free. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, but I suspect we're trying to get this anti-cheat pushed in before they release the PVP League that they've teased out a few times. So yeah, I mean I would be kind of curious to see how cheating is affecting or is not affecting PVP kind of the biggest thing before was basically the spoofing and taking Jim's plus if they ban cheaters and they start new accounts. They might make more money off the cheaters. Yeah, see and you're right, but that as so conspiratorially true that it lacked good. Happens like now it's all part of the Illuminati. Yeah, I play a lot of a lot of hours right for us. Not once have I seen any damn update about anti-cheating. They do just fine. I mean, okay, then I'm making Pokemon go money, but still come on man. One of the games I play is Summoners War and they actually just cracked down on some cheaters pretty hard mostly because what they were doing to cheat cut into their profits. It's and so and then they can study. They don't care. They don't care. They don't care what players say, but as soon as they say, oh, they're getting this for free even though it's like the equivalent of five thousand dollars based on the odds the actual odds. Sure then they're like, oh no no no, no, no, And it was like within two days bam that shut all that down. What are you gonna do when Pokemon comes from you bad eggs bad eggs moving on Shadow eggs. That's our fourth as my I can't I can't make it work to be too long without I was gonna be like cops Shadow eggs Joe. Joe Joseph yes Charles. What time is it man? Well Charlie it's time for random. Trivia. Don't tell you I can't make that a thing. I'll make it a thing all day long. There's a lot of people with bleeding years now. So this week I wanted to talk about mint Chino and Santino or chin Chino probably sin genome and so they are the chinchilla Pokémon. Well machino is and since you know is the scarf Pokemon. They are normal-type Pokémon that actually in the main Series games have a 75 percent female population and 25% male population. We don't always talk about the populations, but I thought I'd point that out this time. You mean she knows pokedex entry says that they greet one another by rubbing each other with their tails, which they keep well-groomed and clean. And the white Pokedex entry specifically mentions that they are very tidy. Apparently, they use their tails as brooms. So yeah, this Pokemon it's a Roomba. It's a Pokemon Rumba Rumba mon. That's right. Shouldn't she know talks about how it's fur is coated with a special oil that helps them deflect attacks. That makes me just think of all the different movies where they dumped oil on themselves before they get into a wrestling match. What size are you watching movies on Joe? Wasn't it? What was it transporter where he dumped a whole bunch of motor oil on himself before getting in a fist fight. Yeah, actually, yeah. See you're my boy blue. So yeah, that's what that makes me think of right? Right. There is The Transporter not to be confused with whatever Charles Wilson trying to insinuate. I I let you infer I didn't say anything you say whatever you say I will okay as the chinchilla Pokémon, you could probably guess that it is based off of a chinchilla. Minqi know probably relates to it. Is he the name comes from either mini or mink or mints, you know. Make smaller minces kind of a stretch in my opinion and then chinchilla or they've also claimed maybe Chino cloth. But yeah, so that's minqi. No sin Gino comes from a combination of chinchilla and she know cloth is the suspicion there and actually since she know it's white hair is actually very similar to what high class women wore in the sixteen hundreds. Which is interesting in and of its self I suppose sure but yeah get out there and grab them when they are available. That as yeah during their limited research three hour window on Sunday this Sunday. Oh, no, not this Sunday next Sunday February 2nd 2 p.m. To 5 p.m. Local time. Yeah, not this Sunday when I actually have the whole day off and go do that next thing. I know I'm doing stuff. Yeah. Yep, exactly. You need to talk to uncle Hank he let him know that we get a shared Google Calendar or something with him. He just says he can't play favorites. What are something about nepotism? I don't know. It's whatever man embrace it Embrace nepotism. Zapdos slim jim. All right, so you can email us show a Pokemon go We'd love to have your input your feedback your messages we have in which case Charles will read it. You know what I read all the emails. I think I think I think you should promise to read the next email in a Scottish accent. Oh God, but if you'd rather provide your own voice and not Charles read it you can go to Pokemon go and on the right hand side. There is a green button. You can leave us a speakpipe which is basically a voice message any any device that has a microphone and access to the internet you can do that from if you would like to add sources of your own talking points for us to mention on are you can go to slash are slash Pokemon go podcast and put links there. Are you can find us on slash Pokemon go podcast or slash Pokemon go pod. If you'd like to tune in live like these lovely people here. You can go to Sorry. It's slash Pokemon go podcast and we are live every Thursday night at 8 p.m. Eastern and if you are bad with The time zones you can actually go to our to slash Pokemon go podcast and scroll down a little bit and it actually has a timer courtesy of Nicole 0 9 9 1 our lovely mod and so you can actually see how long until our next stream. I don't think we we say this every week and I keep telling you what to do, and I don't think it's been done yet, but the T public Store right now just as other giant size team up products on there, but that is Tiny dot CC / GST you with GST you all in caps and then our YouTube channel. We really are trying to get this. Yeah, we really gotta go and so if we want a channel that is actually legible instead of the random gobbledygook that YouTube assigned to We need lots and lots of new subscribers. So go to YouTube and do a search for Hope for actually do a search for giant-sized team up lab easier. Yeah, which ironically I typed in giant space s and it auto filled it for me nice. But yeah giant-sized team up Network and hit that subscribe button for us and I'm not gonna throw out numbers because it It's a little crass. I will say there's enough of you who listen to just this year alone. I've been seeing this across all the shows. I'm on the network, but as far as asking for help to for this YouTube channel because we really like to just be able to get that that vanity URL. There's enough of you listen to this podcast that you alone could get us there. So please just take a minute for just a few minutes of your day. You can go and and help out. You too nerdy white guys you can puff up Charles is Vanity. Yeah. Well every works for all of us. It makes it easier instead of that and Strasse T. If I'm not mistaken, Nicole actually manages the YouTube channel as well. She does she's got several playlists setup for the different the different podcasts as well. So or even actually it's more than just the podcast because you've got a bunch of your live stream stuff, but like yeah, I so wasn't Borderlands and stuff like that. We have we have grown and I seen the guy get you some new stuff on that. You know, I will get there we've grown from just being a podcast company to doing streaming shows as well. And some of them are like this we're streaming and recording still podcast digital media Yeah, we actually an international digital media company as a matter of fact. So yeah, it's been a good change this year. We've got the Toy Power. Yeah, Australia and we've got Nicole in Austria. And yeah, we've got people all over the world. Oh, so all right, man. Where can I find you the web you can find me at Joseph underscore art? Where can they find you though in my sick bed in about five minutes? Well, I gotta podcasting across social media and if you're into cons or you know people who are connected Conventions check out the con is the con if you'd like to look at a really well-designed site by Toby Keith Henderson, it's really sharp. And yeah, we're making inroads with representations and getting out there and working these cons and it's been great. So but yeah Rock got black ass across social media as I have to do this part dude in here next week here, Joe say I'm just gonna give Charles a hard time next. It's gonna be great, you know about every week. I love it. It's fun. I'm gonna instead of Mountain Dew man up my game grab a big ol thing a monster or something. That'd be great. Oh bless his heart.
Another Fine Podcast on the Giant Size Team Up Network The title is brought to you by mrtamborine19 Welcome to Pokémon GO Podcast! Charles and Joe are back again for another fun-filled episode. We have a callback to year one Pokémon GO when Charles dragged his karp buddy all around town, only to just have magikarp spawning like crazy during the 2017 water festival. Niantic has announced a ton of events for 2020 starting with a Lunar New Year event. The year of the rat will start off strong with Minccino entering the fray. We also have four live announced for Taiwan, the US, and the UK, so keep an eye out for those. Niantic is mixing things up for February community day and allowing the players to vote on what the community day Pokémon will be. Joe is hoping it will be Rhyhorn. All of that incredible content, and of course YOUR feedback and comments! Thanks to our awesome Patrons we will keep producing and improving the Pokémon GO Podcast. With your help everyone “catch ‘em all,” and you can start by going to and growing your community! We thank you all, for your support, and we hope you can help us serve you better as the show continues to grow and evolve. Thanks to ALL of our awesome listeners, especially our Patrons. Due to their generous Patronage, we will continue building this great community! Year of the Rat: Celebrate Lunar New Year with red Pokémon and Minccino Limited Research [Infographic] Lunar New Year Event Minccino + Cinccino Line Shiny Comparison Pokémon GO live events are coming to Taiwan, the US, and the UK! Niantic Announces First Four Pokémon GO Live Events of 2020 | Pokemon GO Hub Pokémon Go’s live events drove nearly $250 million in tourism revenue last year Make your voices heard—vote for February Community Day’s featured Pokémon Voting for February Community Day’s featured Pokémon Announced | Pokemon GO Hub [Analysis] Rhyperior with hypothetical Rock Wrecker Stats Community Note: Attack updates and more Pokeminer’s In-Depth APK teardown for 0.165.0 (AntiCheat, Shadow Eggs, Go Battle Hub & More) --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
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That was awesome. Maybe go to a comedy. Maybe you go to a sporting event. Maybe you go to a play whatever the case if it's a live event. You have to get your tickets through our friends at seek seek is our presenting sponsor SeatGeek was our first ever sponsor and seeking is the just take it buying platform on planet Earth and That's right. Doesn't matter. We're going to buy the tickets here on Earth or up there on the moon. If you buy its eek eek that means you're getting the tickets at the best price because seeking scans all the other ticket buying platforms. Make sure you're getting the best value for every ticket that you purchase the right now use promo code Pat you get $10 off your first order promo code McAfee get $20 off. Your first order Valentine's Day right around the corner get that special someone a ticket to something that they've always wanted to go to your library living go live and experience something like With our friends at seek today. Now, let's get to the show. I'd like to Pivot to a thought that has come to the Forefront of my mind due to what Shack said last night and what a couple of NFL. Oh geez have said to me in private via text since the passing of the legend Kobe Bryant. I think the overwhelming disbelief about his passing was a real one had by almost everybody and to be honest. That's the actual first stage of grief deny. Aisle the next stage of grief is anger, which I think a lot of folks experience as well whether it was with the pilot choosing to do a visual flight rules path on a day where there was no visibility or with anything else involved in this incredibly sad and tragic event. I think a lot of people felt discontentment. If not actual anger about the whole thing. The next stage of grief is bargaining then depression then finally acceptance. I'm not sure everybody is at the acceptance stage of this loss yet. But I do know we are at a stage where I think folks are trying to change their life and their attitudes from the abrupt passing of a legend. A lot of people have buried hatchets and beefs with people due to this folks. I've decided to be better humans perspective has a way of doing that in all walks, especially when you lose a legend now last night Shack said amongst other things that although he was in an incredibly hard worker this event is going to change the way he is with how he With his loved ones in the time he chooses to spend with his friends and family. If you haven't heard of you should listen to it. He said he hadn't physically talk to Kobe since the night. He dropped 60 after Shack ask Colby to drop 50. I'm sure they texted but you could tell that Shack was shocked by the fact that they didn't have more face-to-face time. I've had a few text messages message conversations with NFL. Oh jeez Hall of Famers that said this sudden passing has them completely rattled about how they choose in chose to. Spend their time on this Earth many of us professional athletes sole focus is on being great at a sport trying to emulate that Mamba mentality spending months away from our families to get graded a craft and even when we're home, we're not actually present in the moment to be the best father husband partner, whatever it is that you could possibly be and most hall of fame speeches. You'll hear the player apologize to their children for not being around enough. You hear them thank their wife for the unconditional support and holding the house together. It's just a part of being a lead at something. It has to be your number one priority everything else in your life comes second even your family and although you're working to make a lot of money and provide an incredible life for your loved ones often times. The amount of dedicated hours to the family is what gets shortened in this strive for excellence. I wonder if a ripple effect from Kobe's passing. Will be players from All Sports deciding to walk away from the sports that they mastered to spend more time with the people. They love 100g asked me. What do you think Kobe would have changed if he knew that this was going to happen what you've walked away earlier. What do you want to spend more time with Gianna and his other beautiful children and wife in lieu of an extra hundred million dollars. None of us will ever be able to answer that question. But I think it's something a lot of professional athletes will ponder when ultimately making the decision and what they want to do with their lives and their lives priorities moving forward. I think when you hear the science come out about concussions and when you hear these things talked about the future health of these athletes and now you add into the fact that it has been cemented in driven home so hard that all of this can end abruptly Immediately. I think what Shaq said last night Echoes the sentiments of athletes and Hall of Famers in all sports. That you have to prioritize time with things that truly matter and I think a lot of people are asking themselves have they focused on the things that truly matter enough and I'll be excited to see the ripple effect of this across all sports. We're being joined by national champion a Heisman winner representing Gator Ace Gatorade specifically bolt 24, Baltimore Ravens running back big trust Mark Ingram What's up? Hey, your hype for the mar Jackson was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my entire life. This year seemed like it was a great time to be a Baltimore Raven. Am I wrong in thinking that know it was a it was a special time in Baltimore. We have a special team in Baltimore, obviously special quarterback. So just to be a part of that be able to contribute a little bit, you know, this is it was a special season obviously May finish the way we want it, but we're going right back to work and you know, we got goes won the Super Bowl next year in town. Also, we right back at it again. You guys were must-see television. Every time you got on the field. I mean now granted a massive part of option football is the running back being a weapon every single time and a lot of people thought that when your calf injury happened and going into the playoff game with you potentially not being at a hundred percent that was going to affect things. You said it didn't end the way you guys wanted to I think everybody in this room projected you guys to win the Super Bowl as did you guys because of how good you were what do you think was the issue with that was at the rust? I've taken a couple. Weeks off or was it just some days? You're not clicking. I don't think it was the Russian. I just think every single snap every single play matters so much in the playoffs, you know says every single mistake is magnified because it's one game elimination. I think your point out a couple plays in that game where we didn't have success and Tennessee capitalized on I think you know, the game is a simple as that, you know, so we had a couple turnovers a couple fourth down stops at essentially our turnovers and that they're able to capitalize on and before you know, it the game was upside down you Playing in the game trying to catch up and eventually you run out of time. So we just have to be focused and get back to the drawing board man, Coach Harbaugh was very aggressive this year on Fourth Downs. Very aggressive. Let me know whenever you have the offense you guys had with that offensive line with you with Lamar with the way everything was clicking. That was something that was a real weapon for you guys all years this ability not to give the ball back. We're using all four downs has four down territory and all aspects. Was that something that Harbaugh talk to you guys like early like when you guys started clicking like hey, this is To be something we're going to use as a weapon this year. We're going to do things that no other teams will do. Yeah, man. We just knew that we were going to be aggressive but we knew early in the season when we went into KFC went into Kansas City. We know we're going to be aggressive, you know, forgotten the fourth and short Wheels gonna think cause were not fair that we're going to be able to get it. So we had that aggressive mentality all year coach harms that aggressive mentality all your Roc. Oh on whoever it is, you know, I mean you had that aggressive mentality and we know on fourth down we got to get it got to keep the ball away from the offense and From the opposing offense and keep the ball on our side. So yeah that's aggressive mentality. We had and we believe in each other that way let's talk about that Heisman package. What a hilarious troll what a hilarious flex but a real weapon for you guys. You have three Heisman winners, which normally by the way, you don't seem to be this way. Neither does Lamar Jackson or RG3 at this stage of his life, but sometimes Heisman winners are people that have a lot of success in college can have massive egos. It feels as if you guys have just bought in Each other to try to make each other better. What is it about the guys in the chemistry in that locker room that have made you kind of put the egos aside knock it altered by the success and just keep moving forward. I think we have a great group of guys man guys who understand the value of hard work understand the value of dedication understanding one day at a time that you're only as strong as your weakest link. We have guys who care about each other genuinely love each other generally spend time with each other off and on the field and I just think when you have a bomb like that and I like them a camaraderie like that within your your locker room. It's hard to be beaten. And it's a special feeling to special Vibe and you all Thrive off each other. We all try and make each other better you all try to do whatever we can to help us win the championship and you have a whole entire organization on one chord like that. Especially you guys have a great quarterback then Lamar Jackson's did you guys have any idea that he was going to be able to become the player that he was this past year? I think everybody in this organization believed in them. Obviously they did, you know, making him the starter and just me coming in as a free agent. You could tell that every single person my locker room believed in them are I wanted to do everything they can to help the Marshall seed. So I think everybody believed in them everybody knew that he was capable of companies things, and we just want to do the best we can to make his job as easy as possible next year. Do you now listen? I've been a part of some very good teams very lucky to ride the coattails of very good teams to be able to accomplish what you guys accomplished this past year again. Next year would be an insane feet. I mean it would be an absolutely insane feet, especially in the NFL you've been around the NFL defensive coordinators get paid millions of dollars as well. Do you guys expect the same type of success running the same type of offense? Are you guys going to have to change it up a little bit you think we should we expect to have more success? So of course defensive coordinator going to try to come up with things to stop us, but we going to come up with things to keep having success. We have great offensive coordinator great offense of my eyes great athletes on the offensive line. So we just going to try to get stronger bring back our guys get stronger get better and we try to have more success next year Wayne feat the Super Bowl example. So that's what we're working for. When Marcus Peters was traded to the Baltimore Ravens. You heard all of the LA Rams come out and say hey this guy was an incredible teammate. He was good in the locker room because there's this kind of cliche and wants a cliche but kind of like there's a lot of bad hype PR around Marcus Peters because of maybe how aggressive he is because he talks because he gets in a fight. But all the LA Rams players came out were like, hey this guy who's a good teammate he was nothing but everything we asked for when he got to that Ravens defense. It feels his almost your team took another step forward. What was Marcus Peters addition to the locker room like man, it was huge. I mean, he was huge and like I said I don't know where that stigma comes from because this guy is an amazing teammate. There's not a guy that I'd rather play with and he rides for his teammates man. Like he cares about his teammates. He loved his teammates and if you're not as teammates don't care about you, so that's what I love and he goes he goes out every single Sunday every single day. He is a professional has a great work ethic and he instantly made our defense better as you can see his first game with us was Seattle. He had a huge pick six for us. We jumped the route returned it for a touchdown and now essentially was the difference in our game getting a tough road win in Seattle. So the presence he brings Alicia's he brings the experience. He brings in the play making ability. He brings was essential for us to be a great team. Well, I enjoyed watching over there. I enjoyed watching your team come together this weekend obviously massive game and you're a man with a very high football IQ. And although you guys aren't in the game. Like we all wished including us including you. This is a old school football versus new school football is what everybody says. I'm sure that was said about you guys a lot you guys heard that as well. This Niners team. The only passed the ball eight times in the AFC Championship game because they were able to run all over the past. I mean they were able to do whatever the hell they want to do the past hundred eighty six yards before contact for most of them. Hey. Hey, those are hey. Hey, what about you love that. That's a big deal this week 180 before can't say. Yeah, I can play for 45 years if you're able to do that, but this weekend obviously a Chiefs offense is incredible. They've really hit a stride here. R-right, they've been able to get hot they've been able to flip a switch and scored 28 points like this. How do you see this weekend's game going off now? I think it's going to be a great game man. You have a strong defense great pass rushers verse an elite quarterback for Superfast cheetah wide receivers, you know, I mean good running back solid. Oh line and then you got the seats defense verse the 49ers offense who like you said the Smash Mouth bloody football when hit you in the mouth one. To Bobby physical with you. I think it's going to be a great football game. I think it's gonna be great football for all football fans around but may I think is gonna be a close tough par for game but it's going to be hard making you got to score with that Pat Mahomes and he just kind of he just kind of does this thing mean he just kind of makes it happen. You don't know what's going to happen or how you going to do it, but he kind of always makes it happen. So I'm looking forward to seeing what's going to happen that D line for the Niners eat, right? That's what they do. They eat. Is that something they eat that I mean, it's next level. Yeah. As a running back, right past Pro is a big deal. Right? I mean pass protection is a massive deal. Is that something that you know going into the game like hey, I'm going to have to at least chip this guy if I get out of the backfield I'm have to do something like this a thousand percent, you know that they generate password just their front four. So anytime, you know, they bring pressure with your backers and their dbe's to so you have to be aware of your secondary pressure. But if you have no pressure as a running back, you definitely want to help chip on the end or swap through the A or B Gap wherever you can Wherever you see that you need your assistance is needed as where you need to be assisting that because you want to give the quarterback some time to deliver that football because that faster I can get to him quickly and ruin the game for you. If you don't account for them Mark, you're in New Orleans for a long time. You think Drew's got a few more years left at him. You think he's gonna walk away. May I think Drew has I think you play at a high level for at least a few more years man, but whatever he decides he's a legend he's to go he deserves whatever he decides. Man, if he decides to plan, I'm sure he's gonna have New Orleans right at the top of the energy contention again, and if he decides to stop man, he's just going to be a great father a great husband and a great asset to the world in general may just a great human being a great great father great husband great person to be around. So I wish nothing but the best for you. I loved you with all my heart. That's my guy for Life. Excuse me, everywhere you go. There's success. Amen. Grab, that's the case man. Okay. Try to hold up my end of the bargain try to be the best. I can to help the greater cause be successful man. So that's all I'm doing. I don't think locker room camaraderie gets talked about his enough as an X Factor. I honestly don't think that every good team. I was on the team liked each other every bad team. I was on there was clicks. I assume you're a massive part of that and take a lot of pride in the locker room. Camaraderie. Yes. I just try to be a genuine person. I just try to be myself when I got to New Orleans. They allowed me with myself. When I got to Baltimore immediately, the guys are said to me embrace me. Allow me to be myself when I could be myself. I think I just met able to show love and able to show my energy and know it's genuine man. You can't you can't fabricate that, you know, it has to be genuine. It has to happen naturally and I just been blessed to be in situations where I've been able to show my personality my energy naturally to my teammates and everyone around me. You've done a great job. What the hell is Bolt 24? Hey man, you know good. During activity kind of always do that. So both 24 by Gatorade is the off the field hydration drink has everything you need to perform at an optimal high level antioxidants electrolytes vitamins. No artificial flavors. We got the watermelon strawberry right here fireplace. Um, he's going to be a Super Bowl champ within the next couple of years with Raven. Yes, Jesus from Radio row with Gatorade and bolts 24 Mark Ingram big trucks. Appreciate you man. Yes, sir. He's good. He everywhere. He's been there's been success at his wild. I didn't ask about the pass interference call. We're past that call him back. It's a good conversation with him. I appreciate it. We all know what happened there. What's that? It was Pastor parents clearly the NFL knows they try to put in a role, but Albert the river on refuse to live by it. Sorry for interrupting. I'm currently recording. These ads from my bed this bed that I'm currently sleeping in is the most comfortable bed I've ever laid and now granted I have the best dog. To ever exist laying in between my legs in Valerie who's half pitbull half Shar-Pei. And laying next to me is my beautiful fiancee Samuel in 24. And on the other side of that is potentially one of the worst dogs ever exist. Very cute. 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That's an asshole in the other side of the bed will love it. You will love it. Just as much your body deserves to not only Sleep but feel damn good doing it. Lisa. promo code McAfee. Rob Gronkowski was holding a press conference yesterday at the Super Bowl which lot of press was around him by the way wasn't like use doing radio row. He had his own press conference yesterday because he's a fox sports analyst now at this point Fox is hosting the Super Bowl and he had this to say well and can you shed any light on this teacher? And we not I really haven't talked to Tom like that, you know, I did talk to him after the game and You know just you know, just talk, you know, it wasn't even all about football. Somebody was just you know about life and all but you know, I truly believe that you know, he deserves the opportunity to go explore to see what's out there. I mean he's been playing for so long and just the way that you've been playing Just level he's been playing at I mean, he definitely deserves an opportunity to go out there and test the market. I mean, why wouldn't you I mean you've never done it before in your career and it's going to be a free agent for the first time ever so good for him go test out the market and then do what's best for himself. That's what that's the decision. That's the decision that he has to make is what's best for himself. What's best for his family what he feels like he's going to love so that's all at the time and he's a grown man and he'll be able to make that decision on his own in a different uniform. You know, it's always strange. I mean no matter who the player is if you see a you know a player playing the team for 10 Some go to another team. It's always strange at first but you know, everyone gets used to it after a little bit but it would definitely be strange. I would say if that happens for a couple of weeks ago, but it may be straight. So but everyone adapts so like any other time it happens. I am done with that guy. Are you kidding me? You just had to listen to that back. Obviously Connor Campbell massive masshole and a big-time Patriots fan who is slowly watch. Watching this team that he has grown up with. How old are you 24? So for the last 20 years since the age of four, he has watched this dynasty just dominate the NFL. He loves football played football at a few different high schools. Oh, so the support that he loves the team that he's loves for most of his life has been dominant. I think that can be said about a lot of New England Patriots fans at this point. Yes, Jerry Thornton and the older Patriot heads that are out there speaking they talk about the days where it was. Gloom and doom for the Patriots but for the last two decades the New England Patriots have been nothing short of dominant. They have been nothing short of impressive. They have been a dynasty that will never happen again. And now in this off season starting in 2020, it appears as if the pieces to the puzzle are just falling out of place as if a knows what's to stop it and Boston Connor Connor Campbell has to watch this a guy who made a living and a lot of success. It had a blast as a New England Patriot whose good Ends with Tom Brady is now saying that he believes his friend should test the waters of free agency which by the way every single human outside of New England thinks that Tom Brady should do including ex-players. All ex-players are telling Tom Brady. You've taken Team friendly deals for far too long. Why don't you go ahead and see if anybody else wants a piece of you now, you got to remember whenever you mention there. You've seen guys playing for teens for 10 years and then when they change jerseys it's a little bit weird happened with Peyton Manning now you only see Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos jersey only whenever people put a picture up a Peyton Manning and the Denver Broncos jersey. Everybody knows he was an Indianapolis Colt but won a Super Bowl at the Denver Broncos broke a lot of Records, there was it weird. Yes, but now it's almost became normal another guy that left New England after getting franchise tag three times in a row who I believe was told by numerous people including his agent that there's probably not a lot of interest in you and the market Adam Vinatieri left, New England. Becomes an Indianapolis Colt after becoming an adult time leading scorer. I think for the Patriots after 10 years comes to the Indianapolis Colts wins the Super Bowl immediately and I would argue everybody is very comfortable with him being an Indianapolis coat everything drunk that said there is very accurate. Would it be weird for the first couple weeks watching Tom Brady play for another team? I think so, but if he has any success at all, it'll be quickly forgotten. Congratulations to the Los Angeles Chargers. Congratulations to the Las Vegas Raiders congratulations to the Chicago Bears modulations to the are lapis handlers. Congratulations the Carolina Panthers congratulations, all these teams whenever somebody from the inner circle of Tom which isn't a big one Gronkowski I believe is in the Inner Circle of Tom is saying hey, he's telling him like just go see what's out there bub just go see what's out there. Why not that can't be good for Patriots fans by think it's good for a lot of other teams that are currently in the market for a quarterback Connor. I've lived I've lived a long Long life. Oh, yeah. I've learned one thing. What's that? Don't be sad because it's over he's happy because it happened and that's that's just all I can say to you but you were saying that a lot of players are saying Tom go ahead the one player that ex-player. That is Joe. Montana's saying to stay with the New England Patriots Yeah, Joe Montana cells Skechers is what he want from 49ers the Chiefs, right? Yeah, and then took the Chiefs today if she championship game and I would assume something happened while is that accurate. Yeah. He Didn't want to leave though. They kind of forced him Steve Steve. Yeah. Yeah, so I think that's a little bit different circumstance not Grant. It could have been the same there with Jimmy G which it look like it was starting to be potentially and I think Joe Montana is probably taken care of by a lot more by the 49ers faithful than he was by the Chiefs faithful, but right now Peyton Manning, he goes to Denver King. He comes Indianapolis statue. That's the type of thing that could happen. Although I respect Joe Montana and everything. He's done. I think Tom Brady respects and appreciates Joe Montana a lot. So Those words probably mean a lot for him, but it's a different time different situation different era mm boy this team that I've enjoyed watching, you know, just navigate the rocky Waters of the NFL somehow figure out way to win without many pieces in place is just all slowly. I dare. Laughs you said at this morning on get up. He looks very thin by the way didn't know she has very thin and I'll think the guys had to say I would you know while he was very good. His brain is a good one. He reaffirmed the fact by the way, the Chiefs are going This weekend which makes me feel good because I bet a lot of money on them. Not not that I don't I don't disrespect the Niners. I respect the Niners. I just think that offense is so good. And the defense is damn good over there too and their partner Clark what's damn good and buckers good just like I think this is a very good matchup. I just like the cheese orlovsky basically told me that rpos have been a problem for the 49ers and Patrick bombs can run the RPO and he's a mobile quarterback. So nevertheless Dan orlovsky said He doesn't see how Tom Brady sticks around at this point in the Patriots. Right? This decision has to be made by what March 16th or whatever just like Drew Brees decision has to be made by March 16th. What could the Patriots possibly do from now till March 16, the offensive line coach is gone special teams. Coach. Rob Gronkowski said is one of the smartest people he's ever been around gone. He one of his good friends. Now Rob Gronkowski's telling them to go test the waters. I mean, Julian Edelman is hopping on cars. I mean a lot of things are happening it feels as if this is the end and it's just it's very sad. I'm very sad. So it's sad for you. You're really sad very very sad how great how great must have feel for Brady though to be told you were just a piece of the puzzle all these years and now you get to go here from all these other teams how great you are corded. He's going to get recruited. It's well-deserved. He deserves absolutely. I don't disagree with that. He deserves to test the waters, but at the end of the day come back. Oh, let's not let's not be foolish here. We gotta get to a break. I have a question for you if he goes somewhere else. And doesn't win. Let's say goes more in place two or three more years. Do you think of it as like a failure or do you think he's accomplished so much already? Well, you won't remember it right because in the grand scheme of things we won't remember it but I don't think Tom Brady's going to go anyone fail. I might remember it. Well, you look like Franco Harris left at the end his career what Seattle nobody knows is he our nobody see more left New England was a traitor. We've nobody knows. Yeah. Nobody will remember it later in life. Nobody will talk about it, but I don't think Tom Brady's going to go anywhere. Is going to be a chance for failure. Well and on the flip side, he may go to La the charters win two and no one even remembers he was ever a patriot, you know, and here's another person. I enjoyed watching this year up for the Pepsi rookie of the year, which is no small feat. It normally takes people a long time to adjust to life in the NFL especially if you're not a first-round draft pick this guys are running back from Penn State had to sit behind say Quan Berkeley only he and say Guam Bar. Really sincere mm our NFL running back to of rush for 800 yards and received for 500 yards this guy from the Penn State University. Philadelphia eagle fly eagle fly on the roads at Boobie Miles Sanders mile Center. Thanks for having me man. Did you spend your entire lucky check on that chain that you have on right now. Nah. Hey. You got on down there. I got there. I got two ropes and accusingly for you miles that you deserve it by the way all the cash and all the hard work that you've put in your entire life has paid off this entire year. You're up for the Pepsi Rookie of the Year. How massive an award would this be to add to your collection? All right there they'll be but he'll be a blessing and I can't do it without the man upstairs that's working all the snow and no it'll be all mean so much to me. To the point of all the hard work that I've done to get to this point everything in my mom has done for me to get to this point to be a blessing. Okay, let's talk about that. You decided to go to Penn State. You're the number one ranked recruit coming out. You got to Penn State in the story told if it's accurate is that you thought you were going to be running back by committee with segwang Berkeley then you get there and it's a completely different animal. I'm assuming you got to learn a lot from say cuando would you go back? Do anything different to get more time in college or would you still take that time learning from SE Kwang Berkeley? Well, I don't think I can stay there's anything I can do differently, you know, like one of the heck of a player and you know, it was just this time. He got there a year before me and he blew up and they kind of just kept them that goes on there. I understand that but I just had to really prepare myself and so I got my sentence, you know, and I learned a lot from him as far as the little things really. I mean terribly teaching stuff or learn from the stuff that he does on the field. You know, he's a he's a one at once what's in the decade type of player and know just it's really just, you know, just keeping my body right main, that's the main thing. I really got off of him. Just making sure your buddy choking cuz that's ability is available and no just partying right doing little things, you know, I can exercise them and stuff like that, you know getting in early leave late to stop. That grinding just really got I got motion sick ones in stud. And as I said in the opening there you two are the only two rookies since the year 2000 to rush for 800 yards in received for 500 yards this year lot of injuries on the Philadelphia Eagles. You became a real weapon for Carson Wentz in that Eagles team. What was the expectations going in on yourself in your rookie year the NFL because it's not an easy thing to jump from college to the NFL especially a running back. Yeah. You just said it's not easy. Tall and a lot of stuff that you used to like rotational to God and just you know, just giving my all really no not really testing water because you only have time to be doing that when you get to this this week is not like college where you redshirting the stuff like that but I think it started off a little slow. But like I still feel like there's a new beginning but kind of really took over the second half of these, you know, when guys start getting banged up there. I really had no choice. Raise my game to another level and that's why I want to keep going as far as coming in the next week and I just want to raise it to another level and just be effective. What's a misconception about Carson wants that people don't know. What's a misconception about Carson Wentz. There's a lot of things said about Carson Wentz. He might be one of the most polarizing great quarterbacks out there because of Nick Foles winning the Super Bowl the year the cart people forget the Carson Wentz the beginning of that year was incredible until he got hurt. Nick Foles just came in did well, that's kind of what have you done for me lately this year. Lot of injuries Carson Wentz an incredible job coming back at the end as did you what did you learn from? Carson Wentz or what's a misconception about Carson Wentz? You think I think his leadership? I don't think anybody really knows how how big it was. That's what I love about him except that he said in the Huddle and Lachlan know during the week. He's he's not really trying to get the receivers that we had to be comfortable with the plays that they that they runs when they were kind of really just asking like what what's comfortable with dummy no time to get to know them better in those far as with their game is so we have a better chance of executing on Sunday. So that's why I love about what something that said inside the hut alive Never been inside of a huddle that's a factual statement. I've never we had one. I guess there was a timeout before an icing of a kick do we huddled on the field? Because we're already out. There was only 30 second Idol. I try to crack a joke. It didn't go great. But inside the Huddle Carson Wentz, I stories a commanding presence. But what is something he'll say to kind of get the thing going. What is the Huddle liking the same man? Look just bought out and have fun and be a playmaker be a dog, you know, all that stuff that I like stuff like that man. A dog. He says that at me every game and how does that would give me ready? You know, that's the type of type of lingo I'm used to doing and he'll bring it out. And Carson Wentz is from where North Dakota. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know how he got it from but okay, so you're about to go into a time and you're in it right now for the first time in your entire life. I would assume you have this happen for me you have money and you have free time. What is something you're going to do mile centers? I mean, I don't do a lot. Hey, every anybody that I know or knows me can set can say the same thing. I don't do a lot like homebody I could say so I'm not worried about the money. I think I'm pretty cool. It is my mom handles everything to so really for like in season. I'll probably just main thing when I get home from Philly and watch them if I really have to Really just relax, you know and take care of my body in my free time for is now that I got a lot of free time. I've been busy doing stuff like this. So keep me out of trouble of things down to be interesting what you do because after this my rookie year, we went to the Super Bowl and then everything just stops, right your coaches stop reaching out to you because they're going on vacations to everybody kind of just disappears your teammates about good Phil Collins. I don't know why but he's got a lot of Promise man. He's a lot of Promise in you. So you want to keep you on track. Yeah, this rookie offseason, though is one where a lot of people, you know, get a chance to get freedom for the first time in our lives a lot can happen. I'll be excited to see what you do with it. I can't wait to see you come back even better. Now two times in this conversation. You've mentioned your mother. Can you elaborate a little bit more on that in the moms lady how she handles your money Shan has everything she's kind of taken care of. Oh my rock and I do everything for Matthew text like so much for me. I can't even put into words how much I appreciate her for call. I work every Friday, so I'm from high school. It makes your automatic my game calling off weekend days a week days for me to go to camps and take me to visit some stuff like that driving ten hours from Pittsburgh to Iowa to TV play in Iowa stuff like that. So stuff like that. I'll never forget and I just hope to God she knows how much I appreciate it. And this is all I'm doing W oo D. Wow. Boobie Miles That's what I've been doing. I mean, I don't really come in really was something that they had to 3000 say what's on my mind. I respect it. All right, make sure you have several chains on when you win that thing ladies and gentlemen up for the Pepsi Rookie of the Year stud running back from the Philadelphia Eagles. Can't wait to see what you do with the rest of your career. You said say Kwanzaa once-in-a-decade running back. You could be the same so you two could be to of a decade miles Sanders. Thank you miles. Thank you. I have something like I go up on when I do stand-up. I have never practiced any of the stories. I'm telling in front of a stage. It's normally the first time I'm telling the stories to people that I don't know but even I have a little bit of a plan on where I'm headed, he should have a plan. I don't know if he will but he should have some sort of plan whenever he gets if he sticks to just talk about his mom and think his mom, I think I'll be all right because I agree. Seems very passionate about it and he's definitely gonna cry so he graduated from selling back from school. Yes, which is pretty awesome Western Pennsylvania guy people forget Rob Gronkowski, Western, Pennsylvania guy because he got expelled from his school in Buffalo for sending an email. I guess late night that he didn't think we'd get tracked back to him. Not drunk. I think that's the story. I think I've heard conflicting stories, but the story that is most true that I've heard is he sent an email as a joke to somebody? D and then that got taken it was like not like a threat or anything was like a joke to somebody and I got tracked right back to him and they're like guy you can't tell you anymore. He's like, all right, I'll just go to this dominant as for Western Pennsylvania that has like seven professional athletes. Sorry to interrupt once again. I just want to let you know that if you're like me and you've got stuff lots of stuff stuff you no longer use or maybe never ever use stuff. That doesn't spark your joy in life. Now the new year is here. It's time to finally deal with it all. I'm not talking about hiding it in the closet. I'm talking about selling it on Merc re not only say happy new year because I watch the Curb Your Enthusiasm. I think it's a bit late but it is still the first month of the new year. It is still time and there's enough time for you to change your ways change your life. Now, it's time to sell some of your old stuff that you don't use anymore on Mercury, you know, my car the selling app that makes selling almost anything fast and easy and fun. 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It's fast and easy and make some money ring in this new year ring in this new attitude ring in the month of February with less stuff in your home and more money in your pocket with Mercury. That's mer chaeri macari the selling app back to the show in breaking news Connor Campbell thinks that any Court Iraq could have played quarterback for the Patriots or the last 20 years and had the same amount of success. Is that not what you just blasphemy? This is all slander. I did not say that you said we are good as long as we have Bill Belichick that is all that matters, which is implying the fact that if you had Bill Belichick in any quarterback was there that the Patriots could have been just as good. I just don't think that we're going to go from what we were to for in 12 team or a 3 and 13 teams still have faith in the system. Now, here's the question to be asked about the Patriots we just asked about Brady of Tom Brady goes elsewhere and does not have success. Well, we talked about it or remember it down the road. The answer is no because a lot of great players have transferred teams at the end of their careers are not done great. I mean, it happens on a regular basis. It gets wiped clean because of all the great times that they had but the question now is if the Patriots turn out to not be great after Tom Brady leaves will people talk about Bill Belichick not having success for the last two three four five years. If it's on his great when Tom Brady was there. Well, they say Bill Belichick couldn't have done it without Tom Brady as opposed to Tom Brady could have done it without Bill Belichick. That's question. I'd like to ask Q masshole I'd say no just because we're still gonna remember what Bill Belichick was able to do. But yeah, it still makes me very nervous to think about possible Tigers. It's possible. I think Bill Belichick's one of the smartest human has ever walked this Earth including in the footer whose reputation is tarnished more if they separate LH don't do up Belichick greatest coach of all time in my eyes grunts coach of all time, like unbelievably good at coaching football the way He was able to you know, he just this is kind of what Jorge masvidal said to Rich Eisen yesterday about Conor McGregor. He said whenever he watches Conor McGregor fights, he just these numbers and he sees openings. He sees ways to attack Conor McGregor that probably you and I don't see right Jorge masvidal watches at fighting his ghost. I would obliterate that guy because he can't do this what I don't know. I don't know if that's true. But the way he speaking is basically how Bill Belichick has made his entire incredible coaching career here Bill Belichick. Pieces teams apart sees what they're good at what they're not good at and then just divide and conquer at that point. Now do other coaches do that. Probably Kyle Shanahan has done that. I think there's there's a lot of people that are better with McVeigh was able to do all good coaches are able to do that, but nobody's been able to do it to Bill Belichick's extent. So with that in mind you would think if they get another good quarterback, he'd still be able to do what he's been able to do and you know limiting the other teams Merkel employee left-handed making all that stuff, but if they don't have success About Jack doesn't have success without Tom Brady the conversation will immediately flip the thing like oh, yeah, he's ever do it because he had a great football player of all time on a steam and then you'll hear other jealous coaches that didn't have this situation say I could have done it if I have Tom Brady to instead if Bill Belichick goes on to have great success without having the greatest player of all time on his team, then it's obviously deserve for everything in warranted that we've said about him. I have nothing to say. I don't know what to say to you. I have no idea what I can say to get you off my back about this but belcheck will still be built. Belcheck at the end of the day and so Tom, let's get to some news that we didn't get to in the first hour Nick what's going on in the world? Penn National gaming is buying a minority stake in Barstool Sports 436 million a deal to values the company at 450 million dollars massive. Congratulations to Dave Portnoy Erika nardini in all of the people at Barstool Sports. This story is one of the American dream if you really think about it. They Portnoy was hustling newspapers on the corner on corners of the streets of Boston after Tiring for are quoting from a job that he didn't enjoy to pursue this thought now they're being valued at 450 million dollars just in the Sports Talk world very very happy for Dave Erica the churning group all the people of Barstow. This is massive for them good for pain gaming getting involved in getting it and honestly, this is the American dream to the epitome what they pour noise. He was quoted this morning and saying I have unlimited money good for him contrasting them. I am very as a as a person that was a Stoli before I became. An employee before we became an employee in other we're doing our own thing nothing but happy for them good for them. And I hope I can't wait to see how that money is spent and used because they will do it in fantastic. Fashion Chiefs offensive. Lineman Lorent. Duvernay. Tarif is about to become the first medical doctor to play in the Super Bowl. Oh, holy hell. What's his name Lawrence Duvernay tardif. He earned his degree of medicine from McGill University in Canada in 2018. He's in the midst of a five-year 42 million dollar contract. Now it's free free health care in Canada. You guys just hand out doctors. Yes. That's what I was thinking too. Can it because it's free healthcare so they probably need more doctors on there. So I would assume that now granted I'm not saying it's easy thing to become a doctor up there, but I don't think stood and I did was that it seems easy to become a doctor in Canada. Well, they need all the doctors. There is a shortage has say sure. It's you cannot get it's hard. If you try now, you can't get your own personal GP. What is that? You're like your own family doctor. You have to go to clinics. Okay. So in Canada, the free healthcare thing is something that is talked about a lot especially here in America. They will cares got free healthcare. Well, they have like a 1/8 of our population and all that stuff. But how is the free healthcare up there? You think I don't know what GP is it's just like a having your own family doctor. So you have to go if you go to a clinic where I'm from or the hospital emergency, you're there for 6 to 8 hours. At least that's know six to eight. I feel like things when was the last time That to know that he's this bad. I mean everything that's being said right you go. That's his thing you go to the are you wait now I was in and out two hours last time I went and had a bunch of tests done. Yeah sick. I am kind of stroke. Yeah, I'm gonna brain test so seems like alive but congratulations to this guy by the way, the ability to Cartman analyze compartmentalize schooling in football and be elite at both big brain and go to football only a couple people have really been able to do it because the amount of work it takes to do both these massive. For him doc. Hope he does. Well, I'm actually halfway through my online degree to be a doctor in Canada. I will be a podiatrist in seven months congrats to one of the top podcast host in America for also being a doctor in Canada and a figure of Health. Yeah a picture of Fitness Todd McComas Grand Valley State University's offense coordinator Morris Burger has been suspended after speaking to the school's newspaper. He was asked which Historical figures who would want to take the dinner excluding famous athlete and he was what his answers to the question of which three historical figures who would want to take note on he got suspended this time ended for his van, sir. Okay, first up. He said you have to go JFK his experience. My pleasure. I hold you make mad by the way Mafia. Yeah being in that he was a good president. Everything is second answer he said in this is quote and this might sound crazy but Christopher Columbus. Hmm. Oh Christopher Columbus. Yeah. I mean, I think the more and more that comes out the guy did a lot of If also it's in bad thing he has a day but he does have a day and I mean, I'm sure there's some stories to be told around dinner. He just fight it with the ability to go on the journey. He was on his emotion into the unknown think about putting yourself in that situation and then take it all in as you arrive is just crazy that is kind of crazy. I mean everybody thought in the world was flat and he said, uh, I don't have much left for I'll go see you could also lie a lot when nobody could fact-check you with the internet. Oh that's kind of seems like part of our history at this point and the third person third the Cuda He said this probably not going to get a good review. But I'm going to say Adolf Hitler to kill him. His reasoning was It was obviously very sad and he had photos but the way he was able to lead with second to none. Oh my who's this guy Morris Burgers the offensive coordinator Grand Valley State. He sounds German how he rallied a group in a following. I want to know how he did that bad intentions, of course, but you can't deny. He was a great leader while he brainwashed offensive coordinator. That's how he did it. You also want to sit down with maybe Kim Jong. What a buffoon this guy is how about this guy though. He was coaching kids. He's like you watching people. You know what I want to learn how to do. I want to start a world war with these kids. I would like to sit down with eight off. What a buffoon that guy is. What's his name Morris Burger. Okay, so they each got worse their JFK. It's all right, who do make bath is final Christopher Columbus? Okay, I can see how you'd want to talk to him about potentially Adolf Hitler. What a dumb dumb that guy burstered as You get like Hitler would you know Hitler once said what is this guy? But food what an idiot not to poison his meal or anything like that. Like everybody says if you have a time machine, what would you do and the notorious number one answer is like I'd go back and I'd kill Baby Hitler like that's what a lot of people say. I'd go back and I figure out a way to dropkick Baby Hitler and I know he's probably cute at the time and the people loved them. But what he was going to be coming sometime this guy's like melon. Talk about leadership Grand Valley is a D2 Powerhouse in football to their brains are trying to brainwash kids. What an idiot. It's got to keep in Las Vegas Keaton. What's going on pal? Good morning, Pat. You said you played the handsome bet on the Chiefs and I hope you win every time you bet on my team, but on the off chance that Pat Mahomes isn't the player of the game. Who do you think when Super Bowl MVP on the Chiefs Pat Mahomes win Super Bowl MVP regardless of how He has used he'll be used a lot but he will win Super Bowl MVP. Let me tell you why they are about to pay him 200 million dollars to justify them paying him two hundred million dollars. Not only does he have to pass the optic test, which he already has being an absolute baller but him being the Super Bowl MVP already makes it a much easier case to say hey, we're going to give this guy all the money. It happens with most quarterbacks whenever they get in there for the first time and then the franchise player they give them the Super Bowl MVP regardless, whether or not they deserve it now the ER it's after you win five or four you start giving him around and things like that and I very much understand there's cases where it hasn't happened. But in this particular case, they're about to break the bank on Patrick Mahomes being the Super Bowl MVP is another thing to add to the resume whenever you read off while you're giving a guy quarter of a billion dollars. That's just the way the game goes and it's not like he's gonna be he's gonna win the MVP if they win, they don't what I was trying to think of another option. They're not gonna run the ball enough for someone else to win if they win the game. It's because of my home. Yes. To play the girls got a Brandon Diner in H-Town, Houston, Texas. What's up, Brandon? Hey, how you doing? Pat? How the boys doing? We're not too bad down there. Hey, what's going on down there H-Town. Oh, nothing much Big Show and big chilling. So I had a question about Jimmy G. So you think that if Jimmy G goes and Super Bowl a the complete egg and the never gets anywhere close to the Super Bowl or even a championship that matter you think people started seeing him as a stooge and just sell off. That's it wasn't bad salad and all the good people can think this about Jared Goff. I think this can be something is going to talk about for Jared Goff Jared Goff takes a massive payday after leading the Ramesses Super Bowl. They lose one of their most important offensive linemen. They lose a couple other weapons that they couldn't have the team ultimately suffers Jimmy G has already been paid that team has been very well built by John Lynch. I don't know if Jimmy G lays an egg here, by the way, we're watching highlights of Jimmy G yesterday on TV his passing which they have not called upon yet in the Concepts in a plays that cow Shanahan can develop for your quarterback. They haven't had to use any of them in the last month, right? So, I'm sure Kyle Shanahan just like who said it yesterday Jeff Garcia, Jeff Garcia told us yesterday cow. Shanahan's probably sitting on some plays that he's had that he hasn't had to use Anna last couple weeks that could you know, potentially open up the pass game if they just completely take out the Rush game and I'm talking obviously about the Niners offense, but for me when you see Jimmy G play and he's show the highlights just the highlights of I'm passing. Hey, he can throw the ball and it's been it and that is something that has been forgotten because he's only thrown her what 24 times or whatever in the last two games everybody and everybody coming after him like always he just quarterback who's overpaid and doesn't have to do much. It's like if the Run game is working. Let's just utilize the Run game. It's in every single aspect of any type of competitive anything if something's working in you're going to get a win doing it. There's no reason not to just Hammer that thing home and get a Big W the highlights of Jimmy. Yesterday made me very scared because this could be a game where Jimmy G just pops off out of nowhere just has like a 32 436 game. He seems to be a guy who steps up into the Limelight enjoys himself. Just like Patrick Mahomes does I think Jimmy G is a great quarterback set up for the Long Haul and his contract is set up for a good for the Niners to to continue to build around him. I don't think Jimmy G will fall off the Earth after this game. I think they're only getting started but I don't think he's going to lay an egg and I hope Patrick Mahomes doesn't either because I bet Lot of lot of money on them that's up to different spreads on them. I mean if you rush in 47.6 yards per carry, why would you throw the ball? There's no rules. You have to throw it 25 times game. There's no reason if you if you're getting seven point six yards per pass. That is good. Yes. Yeah, if you're getting by the way, if every single ball is a completion guess what running back just go ahead and pass protect us. We are throwing the ball every single time if you're hundred and eighty six yards before contact against that Packers team Every single time I say that stat tyche been almost puked himself. That's a real. Why would you ever go away and everybody's well, Jimmy G didn't have to do much. It's like not only didn't you're a hundred right? You know, why because they built that team up in a beautiful fashion even after paying him. So that's why I don't think he'll disappear and I think he could pop off in a Super Bowl and it kind of scares me. They also knew like they knew like okay very early. It was apparent. They can't stop this. We don't need to like end up throwing and have him make a mistake and throw a pick and change the momentum of this game. They cannot stop the run. Imagine like most hurt or whatever talking to the offense of line in the Huddle. He's just like hey, boys, this is gonna be a fun one today, isn't it? The offensive line is just like can't stop us and there's an I assume there's and I've never asked an offensive lineman where they just feel like they're in a Groove where I feel like they probably get in a Zone. It's like whenever you're just picking up other professional athletes and just moving them wherever the hell you want to move them to and then you got that freak George kiddo on the other side just picking up safeties and just dropping On the rack in the running back is just skipping through holes. Like what a feeling that had to be in the NFC Championship to know you're going to the Super Bowl. I had to be beautiful for my dog was just snoozing. They're snoring so loud. I had to wake her up just got a nasty look, but we're back in the game to explain to you that have you ever heard of clean bamboo. It's the Holy Grail of fabric. You probably heard about bamboo sheets, but attitudes clean bamboo is third generation of bamboo betting technology and it is absolutely amazing attitude sheets are feathery soft. Not to mention Beautiful One customer once said, they make my 1300 count Egyptian cotton sheets feel like sandpaper. 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Thanks for listening the incredible show delay. If you enjoyed it, please tell your friends. If you didn't just act like it never happened Big Show. About two big drawers Mark Ingram and Mao Sanders for joining us. And you know, I hope we all utilize our time on this Earth to be a fulfilling one. You know spend time with your loved ones Vanessa Bryant just released an IG poster first time really speaking out about the entire event, and it was incredibly powerful from her. Talking about obviously how she'll miss some and everything like that and how this has been devastating but then she flipped it in a manner that was you know, inspiring raising money for the other victims. I mean, it's one of these things were when perspective gets put into place. We all can hopefully become better humans. That's what I hope to do with this show and I think the people that listen to this we're all on the same page. Let's make this world a better place a happier place in a much more fun place tomorrow. I will be live from Radio row Drew Brees and I kick off the show. Matt Patricia will be there Aaron Donald will be there Aaron Jones canceled on us McCourty twins will be there numerous humans chit-chatting. I cannot wait. Have y'all listen to that? You're the absolute greatest cheers have an incredible Thursday. Hopefully the best Thursday you've ever had in your entire lifetime Schmidt. Please play some independent music.
On today's show, Pat gives a deep introspective monologue on whether or not professional athletes at the top of their craft will start retiring more when considering their careers given the tragic death of Kobe Bryant, and why it's important to always remember which things are most important in people's lives. Also joining the show live from Radio Row at the Super Bowl is 2009 National Champion and Heisman Trophy Winner, 3x Pro Bowler, and current Running Back for the Baltimore Ravens, Mark Ingram. Mark gives his thoughts on the Baltimore Ravens' season this year, what that locker room is like, why he expects their offense to have even more success next year despite defense's planning new ways to stop them, how he's managed to find success everywhere he has gone, his thoughts on Drew Brees potentially retiring, and Mark gives his prediction for Super Bowl LIV (5:38-18:09). Pat and the boys also discuss Gronk's recent comments about how he thinks Tom Brady should test the free agency waters, and Boston Connor is left in the lurch trying to deal with the fallout. Pat also explains why he thinks Patrick Mahomes is a lock for Super Bowl MVP if the Chiefs win, and why he's tired of hearing all the Jimmy G slander. Later, newly christened member of the All-Rookie team, and nominee for Rookie of the Year, former Penn State Nittany Lion and current Philadelphia Eagles Running Back, Miles Sanders joins the show from Radio Row. He chats about what it was like expecting to be apart of a running back by committee at Penn State with Saquon Barkley, and whether he'd go back and change things now, what Carson Wentz leadership style is like and what some common misconceptions the public may have about him are, chats about his relationship with his mother, whether or not he prepared a speech if he wins Rookie of the Year, and gives at insight into what offseason plans are now that he has time off for perhaps the first time in his life (29:48-39:08). It's a good one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started what up challenge funds? It's your boy Rogue in here on tonight's episode. We killed it in the mud pit. I specially killed it with all my muscles in the mud pit and then somehow we got killed in the elimination losing a play-in game a player stick around we're talking about all that more next. I love you d I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESP n of T v-- talk now let the buzz. Hey, what's going on guys? What's up guys? Happy Halloween Eve, mate? Yes, my name is Rogan and I'm here straight up from the UK visit n. Yeah, that's why we say it over there. I got a lot of my mates with me tonight, and we're going to be talking to him my accents. On the face. So I'm going to throw it over to my boy CEO who's got his drink on which is good because now have some personality. What's up guys? I'm Theo my fight. My accent sucks. I know but let's take a shot. I'm the best the best there is this guy? I let him be the moderator believe it or not because I manifest. I'm the best moderator. I've got the girl. That's all I care about he does but excited to talk about this show and let's get to it. Next up we've got one of the most veteran players ever to be on the challenge. I sound more like bear. I really do it CT. What's up everybody? I let you kids run rampant think you're running this house, but you guys don't know how it's done back in my day. It used to be done like this. I would house my boy Johnny Bananas and show them who the real goal was. I need to run things for y'all kids running your mouth on this team, but hey, I'm still here and finally last but not Please we have the host of The Challenge for God knows how long 15 plus years. It's me made TJ Lovin. What's going on guys huge a Lavin here. How you guys doing? Great to see you guys back for another challenge a panel. How's it going CT great elimination tonight guys. So what we're doing tonight on the panel, you have 40 seconds or 40 minutes. All right, you're going to be able to start. Okay, you're going to follow. No II bus. I'm the best. What are you talking about? CT you kids work it out, right? All right. Now we're going to break character. Hi guys. We have a lot to talk about is our Halloween episode. So we're all dressed up. Please tell us in live chat what you think about our costumes if you like them hate them but just pretend that you like them. We got a lot to talk about we got to talk about turbo going home. Randomly. We're going to talk about a really cool Proving Ground, which reminded me of Blockbuster Video. So I thought were going to watch a bunch of VHS tapes. It felt that boring to me and I've got a great news topic. Ninja and it's awesome. All right, overall thoughts guys. Let's get into it. I was so it was a good episode but I was just so disappointed with just everyone in this episode. Okay, really good episode as usual, but just the choices they've made I didn't agree with I this episode was couldn't have been more crazy are an off-the-charts. I loved it. It was at a good competition. I was excited to see the Brits win, but then it went off the rails. It was so crazy, but good. I'm here for all of us. Of it. Yeah wowza. Yeah. I know the I think ultimately it was a good episode but the decisions are made the choice. I mean, that's what kind of killed it for me at the episode as itself is good. But what happened in the episode I was not happy with those pretty bummed out and that's what kind of ruined it for me. So I'd say on a scale of like one two, five three every average scores three average. Oh, I'd give it a 5/5 for the choices. They made I give them a negative 100. I mean pretty the bricks technically got a player back and technically of - player on the US side. So if we look at it that way it was kind of just like a nothing Burger. But yeah, that's what they could have also gained two players or know that that make sense either. Yeah. I think you can actually came out. Okay. Well, that's we'll get into that later the main the first main topic I'd like to talk about is the whole turbo thing fair or unfair not all round. It's all Ashley. He just yeah, okay. I'm not condoning violence. He did threaten people but he didn't touch anyone the rules are you can't fight anyone every single person that's been kicked off in the past has touched someone. I've never seen anyone someone get kicked off for not touching someone. Well one thing that he did say in his interview Hussein how I don't know if we didn't see it on air or in the editing whatever but he was he said that he actually tried to punch Jordan. He said he tried to punch. And it drive-through. Yes. I mean, I don't that means like he actually like took a swing and I mean because once you do that, you're gone, you know, so yeah, I don't know if that was the case or not. And then to as you heard TJ's as I said, you know, you only get one warning. Yeah II you go home. So that was our second time. So go ahead the other reason why I think it had to go down that way is because turbo was like, I'm not going to stop I'm going to kill him like this isn't I'm not going to not it's not like when the The players that totally get it and have been on the challenge before say like we do when we're not here like no, I'm not going to hit you they fully comprehend turbos. Like I don't care I would die for my mom and I will kill Jordan for my honor like he would fight him there and get sent home. Well in the thing is TJ said you only get one chance but that's a lie because a couple of seasons ago while I'm blinking on his name the guy who's got in like two other women pregnant Tony Tony Tony time. He got a second chance during Of his Seasons where he was in danger getting sent home and then TJ he gave him a second chance. I saw it was quite easy. But in theory, they gave turbo the second chance as well turbo had to Turbo went through four security guards. Like we don't know what he doesn't was not going to be stopped. I don't think I mean I'm super bummed as my yeah. It's I think it's awful that turbo went home. And it's it's Ashley's fault and it's Jordan started it all Jordan wouldn't drop it when everyone said don't do this. Don't do this Jordan push. Just pokes the bear Jordan imitated him. It was don't copy my walk pushed him over then when turbo was freaking out. What was Jordan doing? He was sitting on that couch and just not saying exactly why because honestly Jordan was very smart. I mean as far as if you're playing like a cerebral game your it's like a game of chess with Jordan did was genius. You know, he found her bows weakness, which that's his weakness. It's and and it no, I mean not even that but I mean, he's a hothead you know, and that's that's where most people like turbo that are very good like they You find that thing that just sets him off and that's when they make mistakes, which turbo did Jordan found that and as you said, you know Jordan just kind of sit back and just watched him self-destruct or don't did that Takara to which started the whole thing. He gets under people's skin, right. So he's introduced Gator. He knows that a needle at the right trigger point and make people freak out and see cars smarter than that. This is only turbos second trial judge, so he didn't like nany said he doesn't really understand. What's really happening? So I felt bad for him because I just felt like it wasn't fair. And yeah, so here's the thing about Turbo 2 ways. He takes it to the next level with this we've seen people threaten people on the challenge before but his act of aggression with it. It seems like I felt like you really might physically hurt someone when they're not looking or something so they felt the clearly The Producers felt it was best to just send him home and maybe he'll be invited back under certain circumstances like you you can't even make one. Like you can't be threatening people in the way that you're doing it because it's to the next level. Well, you said it loud the last show. I think he reminds you of a younger CT. Yes. Definitely we have seen that before. Yeah with Adam like yeah, it was kind of that kind of resembles. What happened very true. Yeah or even someone just hits that that point man where they're just they but they're gone now, you know, you're just blacked out. It's like this. There's just television but also with turbo I do think I'm curious to find out The aftermath of this one's were done watching and we can see on our Union. We might hear something out of every Union but he doesn't come back now. He might have they might have said like if you go back will you not fight Jordan? He probably was like no I will fight. I will kill Jordan like I bet ter was like no I will not there were some rumors out there just on the internet saying that turbo is like banned from challenges, but I don't think he really was ever band. I think it was just like a lot of warnings if you want to come back. He's not on that. Even I think we've confirmed that right. I don't think he's oh well great. Well, then maybe he's out. I'm probably just what I might be wrong. What is a live chat. I think I'm curious to know. Um, I'm chatting and while we're looking at that I think Paulie and CEO should have been asked to go home because they're bad kissing last episode then because that was just god-awful. There you go. Alright. So let's get to our challenge of the day. It's called with it's like it's a mud pit and TJ's gonna throw a bomb. There's gonna be some other bombs in there, but it's kind of like a musical chairs where there's one less bomb or chair for the people to sit in. So one one or two people each round start to get eliminated because there's last stop balls or bombs to get and did you notice TJ got the throw one into like start the game, but also even when he threw in one there was still one less. Yeah bomb for them to get so I thought that was interesting and happy conspiracy with that coming up. What did you guys think of the mud pit? Oh and one more thing before you guys give that a penny. I thought Kaylee I wrote Kaylee in that tank top. Just gorgeous. Alright. Anyways, I will say I definitely enjoyed watching the girls doing this and I know that's probably gonna give me a lot of heat but you know, it was fun. And what why would he kiss you heat on cases people out there? Is it just because it's 2019. You can't enjoy women in mud. What does what's right? Yeah, so that was fun. Yes, but on the other no to as a guy though, that actually looked fun to do though. It looked just like old school fun football in the mud. So that looks like a good time. Challenge yourself. I mean I thought the guys could have been a little more entertaining to be honest. It was okay. It's too goddamn slipper. You can't even hold on to it. Yeah, it wasn't it wasn't that thrilling, you know, so I think the girls are a little more entertaining than the guys over all the challenge itself. It was all right kind of a great the guys. It was just like oh, oh, oh, okay. It's over the Brits one and I guess it was nice to see the girls. I had harkened back to when I loved Cara for being actual fighter. Two-on-one. We forget with all this snake or E. And Paula re and all this stuff going on in Carl and what a great competitor. She hasn't how fun it is to actually watch her compete when she's up against the wall and she has to perform even in the last couple of Seasons. She's got the reputation. She's Cara. She hasn't done a bunch of elimination. She gets people don't want to go against our so she doesn't do a bunch. I love watching her compete. That's why we fell in love with her and be nice be nice if she go back to like her rookie season where she Was there to compete? Yeah. Yeah, she got bullied a little bit, but she always would just overcome it and Riverside and that was nice and now she's got this whole other side to her that I just like said did that live in your whole life? Because that can go back inside. I was actually rooting for when it was it was her against to California. I was like, you know secretly or like low-key I was like, I hope she wins. I was not like I got two reasons for not to first of all, I'm not a huge fan of car. Second of all I needed that UK team to fight. I had a great chance to win this UK for the on the guys side. At least those boys are not just big but they're just ripped. Yeah, and then you look at the US side now, here's my first conspiracy. Well, hold on hold on with the exception of CT now, but these days yeah. Well, so here's the here's the first conspiracy TJ. You pulled the names out of the bag. My conspiracy is they odd the had the perfect amount of names already in Bag in the three that were included. We're not even in that bag. They didn't have poly in that bag. It's actually wasn't that back in 90 wasn't that bad? It's past because what they were trying to do is make the team as even as possible. So in theory Polly's the smallest one, I guess so that will leave him out. And then that's how they got the guys to have an equal try to have us and guys. Well that's like conspiracy theory, which I'm not totally onboard that it's a conspiracy but it's okay Isabel production said these are the people we want in because Jordan adjust, you know, I'm the best. I'm the best Jordan was the first man out so Jordan, Ins good at a lot of things but I think this was setting up that he talks a lot of good game. But when it comes down to brute strength as Leroy also said later like dude you talk about your the best if it was me and you strength you're out of there like Jordans Savvy and good and really talented but if it's just strength like that weird, but right when Theo's are not there when when he said that comment though. Nobody right here Evan Leary said that comment I because when's the last time Leroy Won a challenge that I've won today's I mean it was just and broken broken. And Joffrey was late. It was me. I told you I mean it was Theo of Thea Leroy was the last man standing and he almost wasn't going to be bright but in the past like Leroy and I don't get me wrong. I'm all I'm team Leroy for sure. But in the past he really hasn't he's never ever want to find out so I don't think he can really like say that I don't know what he's made of because we haven't really Gotten to see it yet, but he does a good job. And I really like seeing his personality. Come on. That's all I agree with that every season. It's been like almost on his best friend and this is a way through over at throwback. So I don't know some of you guys might not even know I'm talking about but it's almost like when you have the Bulls and Jordan and Pippen and run almost like Leroy is like a Pippin, you know, he's like Scotty. He's like, he plays his role. He's good. But you know, he's not Jordan, you know, I mean, right I'm going to see Toni kukoc. Okay. I haven't heard that name in a while. Kukoc at least I deserve the Luc Longley, right and I agree that look like we lost our viewers better the quality. Is that a center for the Bulls in the nineteen? All right back to the story. Even Pam's are all right. So here's my second conspiracy. I'm guessing this one. So on the guy side it was two guys left or three. Yeah, two guys left on the US three guys on the UK and TJ throws the ball into the technique the center. He I don't know. I think he just messed up but it's a fun conspiracy. See, he threw it way left to the US side and they just pick the ball up and then Zach was able to toss it to our Boy Leroy and that he could go for another one and that way they could hopefully stay in the game. I was like man did TJ would try to keep it even like me try because it's three versus two. Yeah. What I noticed was the team to lose a player first, then lost the entire right challenge like both time every time it happened which waves which makes sense. Of course is kind of game, you know, I can't come back. You can calm down its Because you like I can just hold the other person down by the person runs the ball in right right, before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline. Wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. Yeah, once it became a numbers game. Once it was this many on this many it's sort of over but I have about a shout-out to how not liking Josh you tried to tackle me run and they were like, he's on your team dude. He's on Team. Oh my gosh, but he also he also then blocked for see now. I'm gonna go on team Josh. Yeah. Yeah, I believe he then also blocked for Leroy and then Leroy was able to dive in thanks to Josh blocking the other guy and then Josh sacrificing yourself, right? Well, I feel like the real MVP was I think Zach? Yeah, I'm with you hundred percent. I wrote it down. I just think he's so good. I think he's having such a great season this year. Yeah, you just don't like him because the way he treats women I totally agree, but it's not that okay again, I'm super / Leroy dropping all the facts this episode. He was like Zach you talk about how great you are to you gasps out just like me on your final. You're a crybaby to like that was so long ago that which is good and an asset. I'm not I'm not saying I don't like a good asset for your team with a good team acid for sure. Here's the thing with that doing is he's just he's a real Old person, like what I loved what he said when he said what he what he was gonna do with the money, you know, he's not gonna donate it to a charity or anything. He's gonna spoil himself and spoil Jenna and he's like he's being real because I guarantee you some of the people who say, oh, I'm gonna donate it to this or that I do something really good with it aren't really telling the truth. And you know, he's being 100% honest you can only give him respect for that. They don't think that I liked with that bit though was Leroy literally was just like it's like he has like a pistol and it was just boom boom boom right here. Like anybody that chiming huge it's like one in on what he was like on point though, you know, it was just like talking crap and he but even talk bad about himself when he said look like he's like you can plead died. So did I like we both basically died, you know, so he was just telling it like it is and I really like that because it was real it was wrong and it was true, you know, and he's saying Josh you're a crybaby like his ain't big brother like toes and just find out. Yeah, he did speak the truth. I think he wants to be a team player. It's good. I this is the turning point in the season where we're seeing Leroy kind of go to the go to the side. It's time to you know, you're with us or against us and same with Joss which we'll get to but it's like you can't be mr. Nice guy the whole time and it's time you guys choosing the the clearly bulkier side instead of you know, this is where he really could have jumped on the Tory Jordan side, which is I like that team so much more. Yeah, I got Zach and Nani Jordan Tori and then I like Josh. I don't know everyone hates. I like Josh. So I like this TV I'm saying no, no, no, no, no. Like yes, he does. He doesn't want you to win parle Pas Le I want to give a shout-out to Julie Brisson. What's up in the live chat and she says maybe Zach is just a lot better without Jenna. There is a great. This is what I think he does have that non-dramatic side because he always has drama with her. I wouldn't be surprised if both of those made an agreement. You know, I'm going to do one Challenge and there's just not smart more likeable not together the other Thing is that each of these it's unfortunate. I wish they could unite personally. These are my feelings. They're both good. It's hard to pick a side. I'm inclined towards car poly side. I don't know why because I really liked Laurie car of deep down even though he had go Crush ya always be my number-one girl, but I love Tori. I love Nani. I love Jordan and yet your team Korra Paulie. This is still love car more than all of them. I think no, I don't know. I'm just kidding backing up our love just like Zach. Oh, sorry not I'll come over there with transition. Keep going. No, but it's funny. It's hard to watch them tear themselves apart. I wish they would unite but my my point and I'm getting there I swear is They're going. Oh, they're just doing it for numbers. So are you each team is acting like the other side is evil and not playing a smart one of the sides. Yeah one side is they're both being led by strong people. We didn't I didn't hear Polly say two words this episode. I love that. Holly said one thing posted Tory's the strongest girl on their team and yet he still voted her aunt Polly's a moron. Yeah. So there you go that Tori's stupid way to play the game. But they're all doing it enough being honest. It's almost as dumb is thrown in Georgia tonight. That's how dumb it is. That's actually smart for if you want to that was we'll get there we'll get there and you know, it was a good comment to support what we have to say next comment. So yeah support about comment. Yeah comment section comments and support. Yeah. You should support us support. Okay? All right, tell me about the comments that we here at out. Buzz just want to thank you guys for making us the ESPN a TV talk and in order for us to grow even more we just want to thank you guys. And if you're on YouTube right now, go ahead and give us a thumbs up. If you're on iTunes go ahead and give us a five-star. We're going to AfterBuzz means so much to us and we just want to continue to learn and grow and continue to give you guys amazing content. So go ahead comment comment the live chat support and we might reach Your comments Pam. Would you like to read some of those comments right now? I would the these are some hot tips. I want to share with you loved by you. Thank you all for writing and saying that Tory's getting on her nerves this season, which I've seen a lot on social media. I don't know if it story that's getting it's just Jordans really good at and I think Tory gets bumpy like Lipton with that which I think is unfortunate and then second someone else honestly think yes and Austin Kim who I also agree with that said that there's favorites on both sides it is it's just I wish each side would stop pretending that they have the moral High Ground. The only person I like on Cara side is Leroy. I think that's the only person well, they're like, oh Leroy is is following Polly and car and I'm like no Leroy is now sleeping with Cam and there it's like you're not gonna think about what what side is what sides Dion technically that there's Polly did it. But no because car like a tax heard the other week. Why would she be on her side? She's still on that side because ninjas their sorry, Georgia. I can't numbers. So I like two people in that side. I don't like anybody NASA. I just thought a huge fan of that whole side. It's great. Let's start. Let's go to the tribunal and who gets chosen Jenny? No, Kaylee Kaylee gets it and then she chooses Jenny and Jos which is fine. Even though see the weaker side is Georgia Jenny and feel they like the only ones that were aligned on the UK side. So they really wanted those three to be the tribunal but then the other side who has the bigger numbers like well we can totally just vote this off right now and they did and they chose Kaylee who then Kaylee did choose Jenny the who is on that weaker side Alliance, but then she chose Joss which is on her Alliance. So therefore I don't know if she's trying to put it still two-to-one. I think she's trying to play nice. Yeah make it look like she gives a crap but as you can see because he's right. All right. The tribunal happens. This is the biggest question of the night that I want to pose to you guys. What u.s. Girl should they have chose Ashley Anja ninja I'ma say or ninja? Yeah, I'm gonna go. Imma say nany. I realize she's the weakest one. Yes or Nami obviously since she's not on there. Well, I guess not she just lives. It's not anything against the girl, but that's who I don't like her every season because she like has she ever done anything like man, she killed that chato and the jaw she hangs out all year and their moves they say nany just wants to ride. Okay, see I can't even see that. And and it's true that I don't think Lonnie's bad, but if turbo wasn't her partner, she wouldn't have gotten as far as she did. She's clearly not a standout in these. I don't think she's bad but she's not I said Ninja just because I think story would have a chance against her if they had to put someone from their team up. Yeah, but I agree if this was like a couple of years ago where it was just purely Real World vote versus Road Rules. As people Nani would be up there. I think but now they're bringing these grilled athletic Stope buff girls and guys, right exactly. So unfortunately Nani she does fall start to fall on the totem pole doesn't mean she's not a strong competitors. He's just not as strong as them a great right and I guess it competitive standpoint. I have to agree with you guys are right. I think it politically I would say Ashley as competitively I think known as a fair choice. But again I am I'm kind of Down with Ninja because we've seen it very well, but then we've also seen a bomb which is this is what the near you bring up an excellent point here David AKA TJ, there's four categories to make a good competitor. Actually, I'll make five and I'll do yeah, I'll do five and I added social game endurance strength like swimming and puzzles. So it depends on how much they check off of each of those. So I've seen that's why I think nany is on the MBA. Let's do this truck. So if I say ninja to you, all right, I say social game. Is that a check mark No, I don't think she has a good social write endurance. She's hot guy. She's not good right Lions string. I think that Ninja can be strong swimming endurance, you know, didn't you do did she do poorly with the swimming? Right? Yeah, and then puzzles not good at so maybe literally giving her she got a half out of five. It's not that great. But then I do not any social I think nany has it pretty good. So it's better than nothing more. I think yeah. She's on the loose. Fact it Pam. Yeah, her Leroy won't even stick up for that's what I'm saying team endurance strength and swimming and puzzles and she doesn't have any like not one that stands out is my point we about nany and then I say, well we don't have to all agree for it. If I said Cara though, if I say Koko, I'm sorry. Sorry, but this is that's exactly it Zak now in Jordan are acting like these people are such bullies. I thought we were going to vote as a team and put the weakest person in and it's like, oh shut up. You don't want to put again. Tori was a bonehead move and obviously game they're pissed at that was a move but don't pretend Zach and Jordan that you just want to put the weakest players in or you would vote in nany. Right? Well, that's not he's clearly. Well, that's the end. That's what I don't mind. I guess paulien theory was like look, I know it's or he's the strongest but she doesn't she's not on my side. So these these said it, you know, at least he said that at least he admitted that she is he literally said she's the strongest girl, which is interesting because cars his girlfriend, but that's a whole nother story. So maybe I maybe he meant Who cares but Tory's great, you know, she's a she's no I just think if we did that if we do the five check marks for each girl. I just think that Nani was gonna is going to come out a little below a ninja and then I just I think Tory hits on a lot of those so that's why we thought it was weird that they wanted her on that ranking. I think nany if we're doing that ranking, I think nany would score the lowest of all the girls on the US team. Yeah. I did that. That's why I said her first. Yeah, but you said Ninja originally but you were thinking more thinking to go against if I was Tory. Who would I want to go against here? Your I'll give you your choices One Last Time Tory. Cam. Ninja Cara Nani Ashley. Those are the six girls left on the weakest. I say it's not me I agree. But anyways, alright, so that's great. Tell us the live chat, which it's okay. Well here here. Yeah. Yeah, so we get a bunch of talking after the tribunal was any of it memorable to you guys any of the talking before we go into the elimination. I mean, it's one thing is it's the Kaylee Cara. Decision to throw in Georgia. That's the they talked about it before we go to the elimination sneaky. Let me say one more thing on the weakest girl. A lot of people think that Ashley super strong. I don't know what she's good at puzzles. I also think she lucked into a lot of it. I thought Hunter carried her a lot. And I also here's my thing about why I think that she's a weaker player is I literally can't trust her. So say it comes down to that money thing again. I want to go with a Tory or even a camp because I don't think they're going to steal the money from me. So that's what I want too. That's I wouldn't mind getting rid of Ashley. So that's why I consider we because who said it was at Leroy that said because he was trying to stick up for nany in the tribunal. He was like, it's not just about who's the strongest but who can I trust her who's gonna be there for me Nani would be there for Leroy Theory Ashley know in a second. So that's why I'd like to put Ashley on that lower totem pole of I agree because I don't trust the girl. All right. So chaotic a leak our plan Super Evil super interesting car and Pauly are running. The show and everyone was like, oh, they're not they're not they're running it. They're running the UK side writer goes. Hey, Kaylee, you know you and Camera best friends. So just throw Georgia in well, you'll get rich why I understand the numbers wise, but you're getting rid of a player on your team - that's what I do. Now, you know, I mean, that's the whole thing. Anyways, he doesn't like Georgia. That's not how he why car knows this exactly car goes for hitting. It was just I love Kaylee and that's why I'm so bummed that she made this decision. It was just it was an awful stupid like my thing is I'm so frustrated with Kaylee because I feel like she has skated under the radar this whole darn see has she had anything for us Trace me because I don't feel that she should still be there like she needs to go home or get in that damn elimination, you know Proving Ground and then prove it because she just skated by is Kaylee the girl version of Jos right now problem now is performed. He's performed a little bit. This is being storyline. Let me show her every other three episodes the last season she was on she she was a big goal, of course huge. This season's not has not been a great season for a storyline wise this though move against a what we will I have to respect the gameplay and we said this during the viewing and yes Kaylee has Kaylee didn't want to get her hair wet in this elimination today. Yeah, that's funny. Either through this whole thing, but is she a genius or a dum-dum? I think probably that smart. Why get your hands dirty if you don't have to all right? Why not alone? You said to us you remember what you said to me work smarter not harder a nice everybody down smarter harder, like know I agreed to play you can outwit people and be two moves ahead and it was so funny watching her try and explain it to Joss who couldn't wrap his little brain around it for real. No, he was like, why would we put Georgia in and I mean, I love Georgia, so I didn't I thought that was a dirty move, but I also liked it because it was some some ballsy stuff going on and I want to see I'm very curious about what's going to happen at the end because right now it's like is everybody just gonna turn coat and turncoat until they have the teams they want like what is the what's going to happen? I mean, it's play Devil's Advocate. Here's the thing. I hated the move of that. It was not smart. I didn't want to do it but on the other side at the same time for their team its gene. It actually really is smart. Very smart. It was something that obviously no one saw coming and it's a way for Polly them to stay ahead to stay Sharp. Which is crazy genius in that respect. Yes. Let's get to The Proving Ground. Okay, because this is great Tori Big Boss deal. Apparently, she hasn't name given to her by Jordan is down there and now Jenny Kaylee and Josh have to make their decisions Jenny. First we know that she's not going to pick someone on their shit even know what's happening even know that whole Side Story happened. We're going to go against a see a burned vote dude. Yeah, so she went Ashley which is what she was going to do because Jenny's has only two other people with her Theo and Georgia on her team and UK. And then Kaylee does the big move goes Georgia and then Joss AKA wet lettuce. Oh, So before he says her name though after Kaylee says Georgia. How quick does Georgia run up the theatrics? No, you can't just didn't bother get mad at Kaylee At first. She knows she has to go to turn Jazz vote and now a smart. Yeah, I wouldn't wait exact same thing try and she knows that Jaws is probably very she news team. That he's very easy to turn. You know, you did it, but I would have done the exact same thing. But here's a how does it make sense to get rid of your strongest girl knowing to you're going to you're going to potentially get the other strongest girl on the other team come to you to constantly be double that to light. You would be so much more powerful at the end of the day to pulling that move for your opposite team and you guys are still a team going against each other. Why would you want to help you? They're not teams? But right now they are not though, but technically they are so what they made everybody tonight declared out in the open their Alliance right grab but I mean, but I mean as far as the rules really break down its us residents and this is this her this is my car and Polly bother me so much as they would like. So if we get rid of well Wes and bananas. Our teams can be so United you guys are so in love, even you're gonna you're gonna keep finding people you hate stop it. That's true tilt. Gordon imploding hated him before this don't think they would have done this if all that didn't go down into road and get sent home. I don't think they would have done this that's ears. That's hearsay though. This is that smell here's the thing. Here's really what happened. You lost turbo which is one of your best players. Thank you Ashley. You just gave away Tory which is our 28 players strongest players literally just gave him away because of Here's the only thing I'm trying to think here is that they didn't they really didn't think that Tori was going to be the first there's no one it turned coated yet. So I they're like, oh Tories and new video dude, but I wish they had really like I wanted them to disbelieve her more because in theory if they put her against the weakest u.s. Player, they could think of that she might do well against like it Ashley then if she beats Ashley and she comes to their side they keep Georgia and like you said David they gain Tory's. Yeah, we might have a Fighting Chance. On top of that, you know Jordans gonna follow that something you would gain Jordan on top of them and yet they still are gonna games but I mean you lost Georgia in the process as I said before Kaylee didn't care about any of that stuff. She just wanted Georgia gone because she didn't like Georgia, which is not smart thinking right exactly. You guys are still thinking you guys are so two episodes ago and you're thinking that it's like we can make this work as a team. It's over like its On it's over. They aren't teams anymore. The team is di ke lie, Cara Paul everybody across your name. Everybody knows everyone's fighting for openly at this point and to pretend otherwise as it's just there's no point. So I believe my conspiracies are rubbing off on you guys because David noticed the conspiracy that happened right before the elimination started David. Do you want to say the conspiracy about Joss? Well as we've been noticing there are Hefty. Detective work Dan. Yeah, you know every episode The Producers are trying to push more and more than Josh has some kind of Jos some kind of storyline. How can I how can I he got to vote last? Yes as a suspense builds like orchestrated around Josh, but he doesn't have to do anything. Much storyline. I think they wanted him the producers wanted him to go last is because they knew what Jenny was going to do than your hands is that was up in the air for him anymore. That's not the fun way to make up conspiracies to get the live chat go and get the viewer more viewers it get people talking to say that if I win the million dollars, I will donate it to Joss has personality fun. We love Jackie know what he doesn't have the personality Josh you got enough going on. Oh, I'm just kidding me. I don't mean to objectify her but he's good. He's sweet. He's cute. It's like, you know a nice guy like them to be dramatic love that. Let's move it along real quick here to the actual game or the elimination which is called Blockbuster, which I mentioned in the opening. I thought they were going to talk about VHS tapes No One's Gonna Get that reference. They get their 390 second rounds and they gotta push these blocks back and forth. I was bored out of my mind. This it was awful. It was like Jenga but half-ass J because the blocks never came all the way. I didn't get it. I would I know yeah, like how does it work? I'm keep they're all they're all laughing. I can take it some can shift out erase and I don't think they did either. Yes, and when they were done they hopped off and they were like a guess I got sick. So if you think about it when they're up there, they can't see what the hell's wrong. I got a huge wall in front is like pushing what they meant. They have no idea if they were doing good or Not they can't really tell strategy is and let me ask you guys a question. Do you think would have been smarter to try and knock your opponent off? You know, you don't know where they're standing though. I guess you do because they push it push it in that he push it right back on them, but it was kind of hard to get that leverage. You never lot of room to step around without you might have fallen off trying to push harder on those. That's true. They're more like sliding didn't know what was going on. And but the only thing I did grasp was that strength and size probably helps with Georgia put up a good fight because I feel like Tori can cover more ground. Very very close round Georgia. It's you know, it wasn't that was good. It was a baller move. I mean I they really did succeed in a bowline deciding everyone. No one saw that coming from graduating. Forget it. They're not a team anymore. Maybe they thought well turbo just went home for that side. So it's really maybe the producers are all behind me lost. Turbo you need to get rid of one. Alright. Anyways, he was really close match seven six seven six again. It was literally that close. It could have gone either way as far as I'm concerned and it looks like it's really going to be Polly and car versus Jordan Tori those the two teams at this point in the people that trickle down below. I liked this is back to the Leroy another great thing. He said was Jordan so good. Imagine if he was cool and you wanted to hang out with right which I which was so point on and none of us are perfect. Nobody's nerfect. All right, that's what that's what they say snow buddy. All right. Yeah anyone any last thoughts before we get to this news, which is ridiculous. I can't hate on for the news. Do you guys know about in China thoughts rice wine? I thought I could so my final thoughts in conclusion. Our I'm not mad anymore. I was two I was mad that it was like you guys you're fighting against your own interests and I was upset but now I'm not I'm like fine bloody war go for it. May the strongest Prevail turncoat. One and was the first turncoat we didn't talk about that. I know that to make you we all cheered. I love it and she gave Team USA the option to have her back. She said why would she lie down again? Why would she want to go back to car? And Paula Deen was a rhetorical question keeping smart. Yeah. I just took someone out the strongest girl in their team. I just took out and I'm not quoting because I don't think George is the strongest. It's just so arbitrary. I took out a strong competitor. Want to keep sending me in I'll take you out. I'll take you out. I'll take you out tomorrow and tomorrow you want to work as a team. And like we said it's all Bs. Now. She really on team UK. She really on team u.s. Know she's on Team Jordan Tori. I mean the garbage but think of how powerful and Jenny in Tory are going to be together, dude. Oh my God can't even think about that Tory's as good as George. I mean it depends on what right? I mean just say, yeah, that's the team is not bad because they're not capable. They're bad because more communication experience. Competitors of Tori and Jenny, right they working together. That'll what he's saying Georgia and Jenny. I'm rubbing up my big George IV my full beard Georgia and Jenny could have been as good but they really didn't either. So what story gonna be able to do with her. They were allies to join that team those two there one less girl. So maybe they can form little better. But and now there's now there's like there's Vengeance now, you know what I mean, so she's changing. For you for teaching me. Don't you know what clearly were not no longer UK US go go pick your teeth Captain Captain Jordan and Pauly pick your team's I would love it. That's what you've been saying for weeks to get out speaking of duking it out. Let's go to news and gossip or some people are duking it out. Um Pam, I'm gonna bring your thing in no you twit in right now you swag. We didn't tweet it. No you twit. There's a girl from the show. Are you the one come one come all the last season of it? Her name is Amber Amber Martinez. She was so great on the show. She's a lot of fun. She's sweet girl. And she said something about Ninja on on Twitter. Now, I'm going to throw it worry you guys and I want to see if you know what it is is called brolic. You know, what a bro like is I guess it's used. On East Coast in New York and the licks goof boy guys know if that's what I would know. It's be rol. I see we're all like it's actually a workout term. It's brolic is a slang term for buff and chiseled. It's a very familiar term amongst the fitness Community brolic. I think it's used more on the east coast and he's crazy kids. So Amber wrote on Twitter because she wrote that Natalie looks really brolic and she meant it. As a compliment like she looked jacked up. She look good and Natalie ninja rights back to a tambe. One-to-one. Oh don't know where this came from We're you know, we're de Mogi like man like with a with a with a monocle, but can't wait to forward this to your staff Staffing at your work bet you didn't know I was at dinner with people who run Lowell branding which must be where Amber works. If you want to talk about this send me a message so literally ninjas writing to her saying she's going to get her fired from a job because Called her brolic. That's so stupid. Yes, thank you ninjas ridiculous. I can't hand she gets worse and worse Amber response s a ninja this is me sending you a message. I didn't tweet that to play you. It was a compliment sis and then Urban Dictionary. Yeah, I guess complimenting people isn't a thing anymore. Also said by Amber trying to hurt my pockets because you are not up to date with the word brolic also written by Amber. These are all too. Natalie and and then summer her cast members from RE the one road into some stuff and I just want to get you guys up in I thought it was absolutely ridiculous. I think the way I feel about Natalie is the same way. I feel about Josh where it's unfair and unfounded but like they just aren't even if someone man if someone wrote like man you suck on the challenge. Well, you're going to come after me at AfterBuzz TV Natalie. I didn't think you were treated D nicely. Oh, you gonna come after me AfterBuzz you give me a fire? Like what is this about that? We have a difference in opinion so lean and mean Amber complemented her. So imagine what the ninjas trying to get it us now, like what type of God and what kind of time do you have on your hands? Like I would assume she gets about a thousand likes and dislikes on Twitter a day. She's gonna go after all of their jobs. You really don't get it. I just thought it was such an interesting news and gossip. You're in the public eye. You're going to get all kinds of stuff. Right? But this is not even a bad thing. Right? And also if you see a word you don't know on the internet what before you right back to her and get mad if you looked it up and you'd say she just thought you were like, Like right like you are stronger than dictionary. It's check it out. It's just really easy to do. She was really at dinner with like whole branding. I've tried to look up all brand-new find him. I love your commitment dancer the server to getting to the top has been like, I'm sorry. I'm glad she beat Laurel because Laura Bad and mean but she like her like her hair like jumping around she is I liked her at first. I liked her last season last season. She's been hella Wicked annoying. I mean, I'm sorry not great competitor on some of the things not allowed me to not a great friend not a great competitor. That's why I said against if I were Tori and I wasn't with her last season, I would think I could take her. She I think someone said, I don't remember who isn't great in as a team. She's good at like, you know obstacle courses and stuff. But I don't know how great she is as a team member one last conspiracies. I didn't get to it last week and Samuel gesture is calling me out all over the Internet and that's great and a good way not in a mean way just like I hate it. Come on you bro. He's saying you didn't say didn't get to my conspiracy. So I'm going to get to right now Samuel real quick. This is from two episodes go with the producers wouldn't let the Brits change teams when the both Brits one after the elimination because it would make the teams and numbers much more lopsided because if the Brits went to the American side, then it would have been like Seven to thirteen and then how would they ever do a challenge the next week with 7 and 13 people? They really have to look a lot of people out so he was making a joke that the users are forced the Brits to go back to your own side, which is just a fun conspiracy and probably not real like all of our other ones like final thoughts guys anything. I you know any other the I got that's all I got for news. So the episode was all right. Really, I like you guys think this is a question. / make sure next week Jordan's gonna succeed in In winning. Yes. I hope something that's what I means. I have to yes going into an elimination and winning that and then joining Tory on the Brit. So like I said a lot of steps, but I want to see it. I've been I want to see how it happens. Yeah, I want to see it happen, but I am kind of feeling doubtful for some reason. I don't know why. Yeah, they because I'll I noticed that they like to play up what's happening and then surprise us and I think that big surprise is that he might not be able to follow through. The I'll say this I will apologize The Producers because that scene actually is starting to mean something that he had was Zach. They actually are using it and Tory really switched what really happened. It was a setup here in between. Either way. They could still work together like Jordan completely sabotage you as team now and work with Tori with the youth that's that's what he's gonna do. Exactly. So there's even if he doesn't switch like we said that even though Tory's over there. She didn't even she switched but since your release, which know she's still with Jordan, right? Yeah, so And I don't know it's still trying to think it's still the alliance's are be alliances. Whatever team they're on we were now seeing that it really doesn't matter that truce that they made has been broken and at this point the numbers are so evenly matched that it doesn't matter anymore almost the teams that you're on because now there are out and out working together exactly. So, all right. We want to thank you guys so much for watching. Again. My name is Rogan you Follow my boy. Dan an idiot box boys under the oh good old ticker talker. That was not an accident. What's up? What's up Bo? What's up guys? My name is Theo. You can follow me on Betty Jo. Come on all social media great episode. Can't wait for next time next week. Yeah guys has good pinilla tonight playing. What's up guys? Dave Christopher, thank you guys so much for hanging out with us. You can find me on Instagram David underscore Christopher underscore official or I'm on Tick Tock. Now I mentioned you can find my David Christopher official. Thank you guys so much. See you next time. Happy Halloween. Hey, hey you guys I sound like they're I sound like that. How about her Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm use express herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
On this week episode we celebrate Halloween by becoming our favorite challenge characters of the season. Also on a side note the Brits finally get a win in the mud pit challenge. Catch Dan, Benny, Pam, and David talk all things challenge related. About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge: It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Always getting asked about branding artists branding music logo colors. What's it all mean lucky for us. My buddy. Greg will gnaw from musician monster was in Nashville. And I said, hey, I'll give you a ride to the airport. You help me figure all this stuff out. Let's jump into the episode. Helping you, navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barker with the music industry blueprint podcast. All right. So in this episode of the podcast we are live on the drive. We are actually driving from one of the coolest cigar shops in the Nashville area called Uptown cigar. I am here with my buddy. Greg will not a lot of you that are in my master class. No Greg. He taught The Branding exercise and Has been world traveling. I live vicariously through Greg. He asked me if I'd ever been to Europe. I said yes on his Facebook page him and his wife sold their house and they practically live in a different country every month by doing Airbnb. Tell me a little bit about that experience. Wow, that's a question. I think one of the things that is when we sold our house, you know, we had no idea. What we were going to do, you know, I didn't know what was going to feel like to literally sell all our stuff be homeless and then just travel and I think one of the the hardest things kind of do through that was to push through everybody else's limiting beliefs about what we what we were doing and why we were doing it and a lot of people didn't understand that we got questions. Like, you know, why are you uprooting yourself? Why would you do that to go away from all your friends? How old are you? I'm 31. Okay and your wife, she's 29. Okay, so do it now. That's the way I look at it. I got pissed on my gosh. Now. I have to wait till I'm like 65 well do this but you're doing it now. Well, yeah and some people were like, you know, well, enjoy it while you can tell you have kids and right but I think that was the hardest part and a lot of people didn't realize is that you know, that quote not all people who wander are wander are lost. Yes for that quote. Well that was definitely true for us because the reason that we wanted to do this was because we were we were born in Florida. Our parents know raised us in Florida. We didn't really I have that choice and my wife and I wanted to build a life together. So part of a selling all our stuff was cutting the root. Okay wanting to build a life for ourselves and purposefully to get out of our comfort zone God grows people and so we didn't really know how to answer that question. So where have you lived this past year 2018? Oh man, Ireland Northern Ireland. Scotland Wales, England. France. Spain Italy Switzerland Czech Republic Germany. I'm there are way more way other more countries that I can't remember right now, but we lived in each country for about a month a little bit less and got to experience a lot of different things while we were there and it just I still haven't processed that entire. Prep yet, but it was definitely something that I'll be able to look back on the rest of my life and write annually learn lessons from so some people now are saying what the heck does this guy do that? He can travel like this and one of the things is you and I Met originally from your podcast you run the musicians monster podcast. I was looking at podcast for the music business and I was looking at it and I found you and a lot of it had to do with your branding. It's like the green In the month, everything was on point and I reached out to you and told you I was a fan of what it is that you had done and we talked a little bit and then obviously what I loved about your story was that you weren't just some guy that said hey, there's these musicians will go in and try to make a bunch of money off musicians. You are a musician, right? So you were speaking from a place of expertise and one of the things that gets thrown around a lot is Brandy. Branding branding and what I saw you doing was you are simplifying a very complicated process. So tell everyone a little bit about most of the folks listening to this are musicians when it comes to a musician's brand. What does that actually mean? Yep. So branding is more than just like pretty colors and logos and fonts and all that stuff those tend to be like the visual result of something else. If you look at a lot of different artists, they brand what okay. So let me take a step back here. One of the things that I love the most about music and branding is that you change it changes all the times for musicians will brand every album different go brand their tour. It's it's constantly changing and it's very adaptable. So one of the things that is so important about branding is first before you get the logo before you get the colors and designs and all that stuff. You have to figure out kind of who you are as an individual first, right? And then once you That out that becomes your core brand and then the visuals and the designs come after that. So you can take that core with you. Once you identify it wherever you go, right and then depending on your current style that you're playing your current project you're working on you can always reference that core and note that The Branding and the graphics are going to be on aren't going to be on point every time one of the things you and I talked about before is you know, there's a lot of people that will see what they think is working and it really doesn't line up with their music. It doesn't line up. With their values, it doesn't line up with their beliefs. I think you know, if you've got very friendly positive music, but you think that who the black looks good and you like Gothic fonts or whatever. It doesn't line up with who you are as an artist you have this cool little kind of a checklist. You know, what is the one thing when you sit down with a client for the first time? What is one of the first things that you start asking them? What are some of those first questions? Yep, so, Or not I never listen to the music. Okay, don't listen to the music. Okay, I asked them to pick words that they would use to describe the emotions that they convey through their music or they frequently convey. So I happened pick one word or three single words, like hope or inspiration or whatever. Okay, and then what we start doing is we start matching those emotions to Colors because I didn't know if you know this or not. Ricky probably do your smart guy. Not that smart. But go ahead. Well you ask a lot of questions. Yeah. No I get smarter. I'm about to Smart. All right smarter by there you go hashtag. Yeah, right. So there's actually there's a science in the psychology behind matching colors with emotions. All right. So what I do is I just start identifying the emotions that are in the artists music and then I start matching that up with color, right? So once the artist knows who they are what their message is who what they believe what they want their creative Legacy to be how they want to impact other people through their music. The rest is easy because depending on what their music sounds in the way that their project is kind of going the sound of their music. I could just start matching the emotions with different colors and then fonts and then Graphics but it all starts with what do you want people to feel when they see your music right and you know visuals and branding is just the visual extension or the visual medium that you use to convey these Spirit and the emotion of your music. I remember I was watching one of your Presentations and I had been using a red button on a lot of my landing pages because I thought it would get people's attention and what it was really implying was danger when I wanted them to move forward and I went and changed them all the blue after I had watched your deal and other thing that I saw that I really like that you did and a lot of you guys know Bree Noble. I've been a guest on her podcast. She's been a guest with me is that you and Bree designed her? A logo by you asking her a bunch of questions and I love the before and after right portion of that. It was like you got her very involved and what she thought she was and how she was portraying herself were two completely different things and you were able to dial or in and bring her back and it was a 90-day transformation. Right? One of the interesting things with Bree was that it wasn't that she knew who she was. She just didn't know how how do I convey that through? Design, right how do I match the sound of my music with my official design so that not only would do people feel my music when they hear it but also when they see it and that's essentially what The Branding is you once you kind of figure that out. There's just like so simple just plug it in and that's one of the things that you know, I teach and it was easy because you also utilize canva and you are showing people how to make their own logos with all these free different tools and things like that. So, About three exits away from the airport. So while I still have you trapped in the car, where can people find out about you and where can they where can we send them to get something that can help them start and their branding exercises? Yep. Absolutely. So I have the music brand checklist and it goes over a few fork or things that you need to know to help you start branding your music and if you go to musician forward slash brand, you'll be able to download that checklist. I talked about how to match the Motion of your music with color and I also talked about the for music brand archetypes. Right? And I also give some examples that you can use to bring your music awesome. So we'll make sure that those are available for you in the show notes. If this is your first time hit me up on the podcast. I do appreciate it. You can head over to Rick and grab a free copy of the book. You can also check any of the past episodes. A lot of you are interested right now and getting your songs and playlists episode number. 50 as a great deal Mike Warner and I talked about that we'll be able to help you out there. Also while you're there. If you're an artist the only way to know where you're going is to finally figure out where you're starting you can take the artist assessment and I will talk to you on the next episode Greg appreciate you enjoyed our time together today good to finally meet you in person. Yes, sir. I feel like I know you already because we've done so many things together, but now you guys get an opportunity to experiences Brilliance. And once again, you can get his information from the show notes. I'll talk to you guys on the next episode change. I hope you enjoyed this episode of the music industry blueprint podcast. Be sure to subscribe and tell a friend remember there is no one-size-fits-all model when it comes to the music industry the check out my website Rick take the quiz and I will send you information specific to you to help make sure that you are on the right. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with Rick Barker. You can follow Rick on Twitter at Rick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drowned by staying there.
Do you understand that branding is more than just colors and logos? Do you know that it's also okay for your branding to change over time? Listen to this episode of the MIB podcast to hear Greg Wilnau and I discuss the importance of branding. He also briefly talks about how he and his wife sold all of their belongings and now travel and live ALL over the world! Really neat stuff. 👍🏻  “How do I match the sound of my music with my visual design so that not only do people feel my music when they hear it, but also when they see it.”- Greg Wilnau What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information  Resources: Greg Wilnau Music Brand Checklist Artist Assessment Grab My Book "$150,000 Music Degree" Here! with Rick: Facebook Instagram Youtube Twitter Soundcloud Contact: for a chance to be a guest on the MIB podcast show --- Send in a voice message:
Fantasy industry vets Joe Dolan and Tom Brawley are bringing it all season long on the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled fantasy football analysis. It is Tuesday, July 30th on the fantasy free agents podcast. My name is Joe Dolan. His name is Tom Brawley. And we're excited to bring another edition of the show to you today. Today Tom. We're going to focus on guys that we at Fantasy free That is a web address. You can now visit to see our rankings and some thoughts. We have we at Fantasy free some guys that we like more than the consensus. We have some articles written about that Tom. I guess it's really who Some of our favorite guys at every position and we're going to talk about that. And one thing I've been worried about those houses that we've been doing a little bit too much updates at the beginning of the podcast waiting a little bit too long to get into the meat of the content. So I'm going to be really quick right now to let everybody know if you want to see our rankings head to Fantasy free The blog is there it's going to be constantly updated. It is a small mom-and-pop operation Tom and I do not have a full staff behind us and my mom Are you pop your very motherly Tom? Okay. Okay. You're very clean your very tidy. I mean we both like to cook but you know you do you wear anything noodle. I do cook and clean up quite a bit and you know my apartment so I guess so. I mean you're strict like a father and you know L Embrace everybody and you know, very motherly. Oh, I like to hug too. Don't get me wrong. I'm a loving guy but now you're more motherly than I am. So your mom and I'm pop but what this Is it's a small Mom and Pop shop? It's me. Tom been kookiness. We have a web developer and we have our IDP guys, Justin Barnes and Tom symons. They're basically that it's literally that's the whole staff at the site. So we're keeping everything up. We don't have a whole lot of financials behind us. So I just wanted to remind everybody if you donate to the podcast thank you so much. There is a link to do. So in the show notes. There is a PayPal link on fantasy free if you like what we do. I especially want to thank think Robbie the girl for an extremely generous donation. I will be getting back to all of you who have donated. I'm I really appreciate that Tom and I are doing this for the Love of the Game here for the 2019 season. And also if you play high-stakes fantasy, there are beat Joe Dolan and beat Tom Brawley contests at the nff see in the road a wire online championship for $200,000 grand prize the details to sign up Tom and I are Rafting at separate times one week apart. You have to sign up for those specific date and time in order to compete against us the notes. You can find on our Twitter accounts and you can also find those in the show notes Tom. I'll probably write up a little post for the site as well just to just to get it up there. So people know that they can compete against us if you are a high-stakes player and you get to take our money and trust me Tom and I we need the two hundred thousand dollars this year. So we're going for the gold here. We're gone for Augusto so we need the money for the bring your A game. Yeah, certainly. So we're definitely planning on bringing our A-game so you can do that as well. So remember fantasy free that is where our rankings are and the content that we're going to be breaking down today is also up there at Fantasy free Tom. I think I could tease that a little bit later in the week with great Cosell off Greg is out in La he's visiting Colin coward. He's going to be on set with Colin Cowherd this week. So obviously he has no time for us, which is fine. I will be too. Into Colin cowards program Greg will be live on set there. But we're going to talk a little college football preview college football betting with our friend Matt Brown from the athletic. So we're going to be to he gave us a what to Big breakout bets last year and we cashed both of them. Those are two of the biggest over under win. Total bets I've ever made if you want to hear what those were last year and what some of his Pixar for this year. Make sure you tune in to Thursday's episode. We are going to be touching in Yeah. Well, yeah, we'll still do some fantasy. Talk at the top of the show and the last half. Yeah, this is our podcast we want to do something a little bit different things. But the meat of it still going to be fantasy, but we figured this is a good time to get a little college football talk on since we we both follow it quite a bit and Gregg is out in Los Angeles Tom. I love college football and college football is kind of like, I know you treated similarly. Not that we don't love football and love the NFL we get into the NFL. I've been watching old NFL videos on YouTube because I'm like, I'm like, I'm like refresh this year. I'm rejuvenated. I'm it's kind of funny. I'm just I'm really into what I'm doing this year. But college football is kind of like our hobby. Right? We don't really have yet. We have to pay attention to it because we need to know who's coming into the league, but that's where I throw my stupid money around. I don't know as much about it as I do about the pros, but I read Phil steal every year I make bets it's really it's fun for me college football. I like to relax on a Saturday night with a couple glasses of whiskey and throw stupid money around betting on College football now, it's fun. It's football that I can digest and not have like a critical eye on you know, I can sit there and actually enjoy it and not that I don't enjoy the NFL but you know, I'm always, you know, analyzing it and breaking it down and you know college football. I can just sit back and relax on a Saturday and you know, it's kind of like it's not the busiest day, you know, Monday through Friday is pretty intense and obviously on Sunday. So Saturday is kind of the one day that we get to breathe a little bit and you know, we'd love Watching college football and Matt Brown is as good as anybody at you knowing the history of the game and you know knowing what's going on right now. Also, you can follow the site where it's going to be a bare-bones Twitter account just basically with updates from the site and updates from the podcast. But if you want to follow that and know exactly when things come out just go to tff a fantasy at tff a fantasy. That's the fantasy free agent. If you follow us what we will be tweeting out as well. So you you can click on it there too. But yeah, if you any site updates and you know, we'll be putting stuff up on that that link as well. What's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast on anchor FM podcasting. I've been producing podcast and shows for my friends and colleagues Joe Dolan and Tom Bradley for years now. So when we decided to start the fantasy for Asians podcast, it was imperative. We find a hosting platform an app that was easy to use Quick to record and post and track our stats. And that's exactly what we found in Anchor. It's the easiest way to make a podcast and gives you everything you need in one place from either your phone or your computer. Their creation. Tools makes my life easier and I felt great knowing that anchor handles the distribution of our podcast to their other platforms like Spotify Apple podcasts Google podcasts and many more and don't worry about any difficult process to monetize your podcast. You can easily make money with no minimum listenership. So go download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started today. Today and thanks for listening to the fantasy free agents podcast unrestricted, unaffiliated unparalleled analysis for your fantasy football and bedding needs. Okay, Tom before we get into our the guys we like better and worse than ATP a couple of news items not nearly as much as we had on yet yesterday's podcast Monday's podcast. We did kind of a weekend wrap up Tom which I figure we're probably going to do every Monday at this point, especially if there's this much news as we had over last weekend, no way the games as well here not for sure. But yeah, but we'll be breaking down games on Mondays as well. Okay sounds so we have a few injury and it updates number one and this is going to be the most important. It just came out Andrew Luck has not practiced yet in Training Camps. As a matter of fact, he sat out all of minicamp and he is telling reporters today. I mean this literally came out as we were recording the podcast that he feels like you can say, he's had a setback because he still in pain from a calf injury. So it's not the shoulder. It's from a calf injury, but this is still not good Tom. He says he's still in pain. Says he would be quote an average Quarterback if he were to practice right now now once again, this is somebody this is not the first year in the offense for Andrew Luck. This is not his first year working with Ty Hilton and he played a full season last year. So practicing right now for Andrew Luck to me is not the most critical thing, but it's certainly not something you want to hear at this stage of training camp. That's a Colts franchise quarterback believes. He suffered a setback to his calf and lower leg. Does this change anything for you? Tom vis-à-vis the Colts offense and a little bit. I think I mean we're even talking about on the podcast yesterday about DeShaun Watson versus him. I think this might have us lean towards put Watson up overlock. I mean definitely some concern though that the injury is lingering this long. I for what you know, I I'm just getting worst-case scenarios. I'm just thinking of Kevin Durant and his whole, you know issues with the good habit. Well, I know how that is. Case worst case like I that for whatever reason that's lingering in my head right now that you know the calf injury that just kind of doesn't go away and you know, he's had some injury issues which obviously had plagued him earlier in his career. He played completely healthy last year. So this these aren't the kind of reports you want to be here and but it's not exactly time to panic just yet. But you know, it's we saw what the offense look like with Jacoby percent, you know two years ago. Oh, so there's obviously a little bit of room to be concerned here and it might be time to start following and this injury a little bit closer. Well that being said with Jacoby percent. I mean it was under the old coaching staff. It wasn't under Frank Reich and I'm absolutely a much-improved offensive line since then and more skill. But yeah, I mean the there's a huge drop-off from from walk two percent. There is a huge drop-off and I think percent Mike I mean Tom, I think you could argue is the best backup quarterback in the NFL. He has a lot of talent and keep in mind when he took over that. Colts job he had like a week to learn their offense. So I would guess percent and and by the way, this is a reason Kris Ballard hasn't wanted to trade Jacobi per set. Absolutely. I mean, I don't blame them. I mean they could probably get a pretty decent haul for him. But you know the, you know with Lux shoulder issues in the past. I you know, it's wise for them to keep a very talented backup just in case something would happen furthering the quarterback news Tom and I mean, we don't have to spend much time on this because it is not a Very important fantasy team, but it looks like Ryan Fitzpatrick is well ahead of Josh Rosen in Miami. I mean at this point Rosen does not look good from what I'm reading about dolphin practices. Yeah. I mean this is you know, what little significance they have it gives them a little bit more juice. It's good for Fantasy. I mean it probably lifts up Kenny Stills, you know, we've had him a little bit higher will will touch on you know, some of the guys that were higher on but you know, he's one of those guys and you know good slot player. Who gets a little bit more juice with Jews with Ryan Fitzpatrick and gives us offense a little bit more hope so we like to hear that. Well, you know, we'll see how long it lasts but you know, maybe Fitzpatrick starts to you know, he hasn't been really a guy that I've seen to draft the too much of bust balls, but maybe he's a guy, you know has some you know potential for some ceiling games and maybe he can start considering taking him in the 17th and 18th rounds. So this is an example of perfect example coming up here from Chief strain. In Camp on what I call the the square rectangle relationship in training camp when a guy gets carded off it on it. I don't want to say almost never but it doesn't reflect the same severity as when a guy gets carded off during a game. It's like, you know how all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles or squares if a guy gets carded off in training camp, it can be serious, but it doesn't mean immediately that it's serious Tyree kill was carted off with a right leg injury in training. Camp for the Chiefs Adam schefter is reporting. It is just a bruised a Bruce thigh a bruised quad. So probably not something to freak out about right now Tom about Tyree kill something to monitor, but it looks like he avoided Serious injury here again, the words carted off scare everybody and they can be scary. But in training camp sometimes guys are cramping up they cart him off for that. They tweak an ankle they cart him off for that. They hurt their thumb they cart him off for that. They have to pee. They called them off for that. I mean literally they cart guys off if they have to pee. Yeah, I remember you telling me about Andy Reid got literally got carded everywhere around you know, Philadelphia Eagles practices. So yeah, they carts are all around these training camp practices. So nothing to freak out about looks like it's just a minor injury, but you'll keep an eye on it if it extends into a couple weeks, but looks like he'll be fine if it's just a bruised quad. And on the Ezekiel Elliott front Tom a couple of headlines coming out first and foremost and this is something tangible the Cowboys signed Alfred Morris put a little pressure on there. Yeah, that's a little interesting because obviously Morris had a decent numbers a couple of years ago running behind the Cowboys offense of line when Ezekiel Elliott was suspended. So there's something to keep in mind Tom. Number two. Jerry Jones comes out and says, well, you don't need a rushing Champion to win the Super Bowl. And obviously pretty on poking the bear they're a little bit with those kind of comments. Yeah. I mean it's a negotiating tactic by Jerry Jones and he's technically right for sure. I mean I can't when's the last time the Russian champion won the Super Bowl? I don't know. I don't think by the way, I don't think the passing Champion wins the Super Bowl all that much either. Yeah. I'm just thinking back to Tom Brady last year. He wasn't very spectacular with his passing numbers and Nick Foles wasn't to you know prolific the year before, you know taking We're but yeah, I mean this is you know, a little negotiating Ploy. That's exactly what it is. It's interesting. I you know, we were talking off Air Bud. I don't know if it's a great idea to antagonize the guy that you know, you're supposedly in negotiations with but you know, Jerry Jones has been in this game a long time, I guess and he does things his own way here and he did deal with I believe Emmitt Smith sold out back in 1994. How long did that one? Okay, so that extended two games into the the regular season the Cowboys went o into and then they pay that it may be. Yeah, I I hope not but you know, maybe history will repeat that was a different game. Yes for sure back then but no doubt about that Tom that it's certainly something to monitor right now. I right now I'm not worried because there is what's the drop-dead date for zico Elliott? And what's the what's the word on what Zeke's got to do. We got a report by to accrue a year free agency will think it's August 6th, so I'll be right. I guess next next Thursday. I guess it is if I'm no my calendar here just today is July 30th. So now next Tuesday. I'm a little bit off. Next Tuesday would be the date. So we should know by you know this podcast, you know will probably be film and we've been you know recording these on Tuesdays, so maybe we'll know by next Tuesday. But yeah, August 6 is an important date because that's when he doesn't report by then. He can't accrue a season so nuts obviously his ultimate goal is to get to free agency. So so he's still what this third year guy so forth your guy gets it is so he needs he wants to get the free agency. So August 6 is a huge day for him. So obviously Tom I I I'm not worried about Ezekiel Elliott right now because once again, this is different than the Le'Veon Bell situation, and that's the thing people like well it happened with Le'Veon Bell last year. Here's the difference between Le'Veon Bell Melvin and and Melvin Gordon and Ezekiel Elliott Le'Veon Bell. Tom was not under contract last year. Now the Steelers had his rights, but his name was not to paper because they franchise tag them for the second straight year and he didn't want to play Under the franchise tax. So he was not under contract Elliot and Melvin Gordon are under contract. They have I guess they have less leverage than Le'Veon Bell does right and oh, absolutely. Yeah. I mean they're going to be facing, you know fines and you know, they're gonna be losing money if they sit out so it's a totally different situation. It's not They're holding out for more money. But you know, they could be losing large amounts of money here by not showing up and Le'Veon Bell. Of course, Tom got paid under the franchise tag for a year. So he had that nice little nice little Brinks truck backed up where he played under the tag. So it is a different situation. I'm much more worried about Gordon than I am Elliot. I'm not terribly worried about either right now. If you want to tie break in that Mount Rushmore of running backs and take the other big. Three Chimera Berkeley and McCaffrey over Elliot. I don't have a problem with that right now. I really don't but I think it's only a tiebreaker right now. I think both sides are negotiating that can change and by the time your hometown draft comes around say you're drafting middled to back end of August. We could have different information for right now. I'm still taking Ezekiel Elliott in the top four and I'm not moving them off of number one in our rankings. Yeah. Next week will be the big determination there. Then we might just decide to move him around a little bit here. But you know, I do I do have quite a bit of Zeke so far this summer and if I start up, you know a best ball draft my diversify. Yeah, if I get a top three pick, I might, you know take a Camaro or Christian McCaffrey with one of those top three picks. But yeah, I will see by next week. Next week is really the time we might have to re-evaluate the situation. So Tom Le'Veon Bell speaking of him. Did you? See his tweet yesterday apologizing to Fantasy owners apologize to fantasy players and he says he's going to fall out this year. I don't know. I mean Le'Veon Bell says a lot of things. I mean he has a rap career Tom, you have to say a lot if you have a rap career, but I will say this this is something factual Greg Cosell was that Jets minicamp instead. He looks phenomenal. He looks like he's in great shape. So there's that. Are you taking Le'Veon Bell over Joe Mixon right now? Yeah. I've moved him up. He's now. I guess my sixth back. Now that Melvin Gordon is out of the out of the way. So yeah, I would have some sort of David Johnson Bell Mixon Connor. That would be I moved him past Levi up Joe Mixon here with what's going on with the Bangles. Yeah with the journal William situation. And now AJ Green, I mean that offense, you know isn't quite the same with AJ Green in the mix and speaking of other big-name running back news Christian McCaffrey. Tom great taste in music. He's a big-time. Tyler Childers fan that's right up our alley. I didn't know that but he also listened he is quite the eclectic mix of fans there Bob Dylan dicey Drake Mac Miller interesting taste in music. Yeah. So Christian McCaffrey, we'd like your taste in music brother. So good hearing that I should be spending the first and second you nose first and second overall picks on him though. Make sure you check out Tyler Childers, by the way, phenomenal phenomenal American Artist who's got some let's Say that Tom, he's got some shit Stompers, but he also has some delicate stuff too. Oh, yeah it definitely Old Country twang. So yeah, if you're into that kind of thing, we'd highly recommend it. Okay, Tom, let's get to the meat of the podcast right now and let's focus on guys. We like more and less than their ATP at the for skill positions. Now we have articles up at Fantasy free breaking all this down and we're not going to cover all these guys Tom and some positions were a lot easier to write up. Than others I found quarterback actually very difficult to write up because the quarterback position in general is so undervalued that it's hard to find guys that you either like or find are overvalued. So I found that one difficult to write up but let's get into this because we do have these pieces up and we did some research for this. So I thought this would be a fun exercise to highlight what we're doing up at the blog. Yeah. Obviously we're going to have a lot of guys that were higher on than the rest of the industry and some guys that were lower on. You know, we went position by position and really found some guys that you know, we highlighted and guys that were clearly higher on than the rest of the industry. So, you know, if you used to follow us on the old site this these guys might be like your values or you know guys that you should be targeting in your drafts. And you know, we also highlighted some guys that are were quite lower on so those guys will be like overvalued or you know guys that were avoiding. So, you know, you did the Quarterbacks here who were some of the guys that you you know found that we are quite higher on well, so once again Thomas I mentioned this is at the quarterback position is so undervalued in general in one quarterback leagues guys. So undervalued in general that it was hard to find guys that I like so much more than their ATP and it was especially hard to find guys that I liked so much less than their ATP, but let's let's get into two guys at the top who are two of my most drafted quarterbacks. Our quarterback 6 is Carson Wentz is ATP is Quarterback ate his ATP is moving up though, and this wasn't a big difference. However, because I think his upside is so high I had to put Carson Wentz on this list. I think he's got the quarterback one overall upside and he is connecting with DeSean Jackson in a big way in training camp. He still not overpriced in my opinion. I typically don't go early to the quarterback position, but I don't think he's overpriced yet at all, and I'm still willing to die. Boyd his cost but I think he's got the upside to be the overall quarterback one. Yeah, I've seen in some of my best balls. If you know people are really holding off on quarterbacks, you know, he could be around in the eighth or ninth round at times and that's when I've pulled the trigger on them and you touch on Desean Jackson that's another guy. We're in the wide receiver report, you know, he's going, you know, eight to ten spots behind where we we haven't gone. We haven't gone in the low low 40s and you know often times he's hanging around the you know into the 50 range so at the position so the connections been going pretty well for those two and you know, if I go Carson Wentz and the say they seventh or eighth round DeSean Jackson is usually, you know around there right around the 9th or 10th round. So nice little pairing with the you know, close picks there. We'll talk about DeSean Jackson we get to the wide receivers but Cam Newton's another guy Tom quarterback 11 ATP. We have them at seven. I think his ceiling is huge and now everybody loves DJ Morin khuur to Samuel Curtis Samuel is blowing. Up camp right now. I guess you could have called him a sleeper about two weeks ago forget about that. Now, I mean the guys going and like the seventh eighth round and my question then becomes. All right, so you got an elite pass-catching running back and Christian McCaffrey. You have to break out candidates at wide receiver. Why is Cam Newton not getting drafted highly I have no idea. I've been trying to figure this one out. You know Kim he was on a really strong run at the start of the season last year and it was well into the middle of the Season he had had a run of multiple touchdowns and I can't even remember it was eight or nine straight games. He was phenomenal and then his arm just went out but all reports are that, you know, it's stronger than ever and you know, everything is going well for him Camp so far. So, you know, we touched on you know, we have both of those receivers in our report as well with Curtis Samuel and DJ more we're obviously pretty high on the Carolina passing game and where it's going this year. So with Cam Tom, I mean Guy was legitimately. I went back and looked his it started bothering him the shoulder kind of during the middle. Well during like December. So like week 12 around there. He was an ump. He was the top three quarterback from Week 1 to week 12 in total fantasy scoring. So I mean even for most of the year, he was an elite fantasy option and even if you gave them a week or two after that and then picked up Josh Alan you were getting like almost a patch of Mahomes level fantasy quarterback bike. Combining Cam Newton with Josh Allen now. Yeah. Yeah, I mean Joe his injury after watching that All or Nothing at they went out of their way to highlight the TJ watt hit on him and I believe it was week ten on the Thursday night game. So I mean, he was really his shoulder was really hurting well before that even even December there it was it really started two or three weeks ahead of that and he was gotten through that injury. I really like Dak Prescott his ATP of quarterback 17. We have them at 14. Tom I think he's one of the best Russian quarterbacks in the NFL. I think he's maybe the best that actually executing the Zone read and executing the mesh point and really deceiving the defense. He's great in the Red Zone. They get Travis Frederick back. He was wonderful after they acquired Amari Cooper last year. As a matter of fact, he was the quarterback six after they acquired Amari Cooper. He was the quarterback 10 overall. And as ATP is quarterback 17 that doesn't make sense to me and it's his first three seasons. He's A QB 1 and each of those Seasons so, you know does Bryant was, you know near the end of his career, you know his Pinnacle there whenever he played with deck and I also now he has a mark Cooper's who's arguably the best receiver has ever had to work with and you know, we'll see how this Zeke situation plays out. But you know, the ball could be in his hands even more here doc has been one of my deck and cam have been my probably my two most drafted quarterbacks this year and you know, I'm expecting big things out of Michael Gallop as well and You know, no surprise more correlation between our quarterbacks and receivers Gallup is also on our wide receiver list. Well, what I what I did Tom was I talked about these perception discounts DAC is one of them. It's it's a guy who delete the people probably have decided. All right, I don't think he's very good or in the case of my next guy. I think he stinks but the fantasy numbers are still there and have to take that into account because it doesn't matter if the guy stinks or if you think he stinks if he's putting up numbers and I think Think Dak Prescott is one of those guys. There's a perception discount on him. And this guy there's a huge perception discount. It's Mitchell true Biscay and if you think Mitch Stravinsky stinks, look, there is some Merit to that. You know, I talked to Greg Cosell on my NFC preview podcast last week and he's like, well, the guys is not a natural thrower of the football. My analysis is that it's problematic for an NFL quarterback Tom, but he can run he's in a very creative offense. He has a lot of Pins and he was the quarterback 15 last year overall total scoring despite missing two games. His ATP is quarterback 21. He's basically free and drafts and he's a very easily acquirable quarterback to in best ball and I'll say it he made me a lot of money in that role last year. Yeah. He had some huge spike games with a couple like four or five touchdown performances. I'm with you here. I I do think truest key is you know, she showed some Real issues last year, but I also think the defense is going to regress this year. I don't think it's going to be nearly as good as it was last year. They face a tougher schedule, which is actually probably a good thing. They'll have to be throwing well into the third and fourth quarters, you know, and I would think that there would be more continuity in the passing game here. Allen Robinson showed some, you know, he started to put together some really good signs that they end the last year including the playoff game against the Eagles. Hopefully, they use trabert and a little bit better. Here, you know he had a strong start to the season and he kind of disappeared. So I'm hopeful that you know things will be you know, looking up here for this passing game and Traverse key, you know, just hopefully the accuracy is just a little bit more on point. The Deep passing is a little bit more on point. That's the major issue here. You know, we talked we here Greg say that he's not a natural pasture. So that's you know a little worrisome. But you know, hopefully he start, you know, take some strides here. All right. Go to the running back position Tom and the cover boy here. Unfortunately, I wrote this up before theoretical was released. I freaking love carry on Johnson this year. I love them even more now when I wrote this, he was our be 15. I moved him up to our be 14. And now I think I have them up at our be 13. This is a guy now if I go receiver receiver, I feel good about carry on Johnson as my starting as my number one running back. I think the guy has some Le'Veon Bell and him I'm glad I've invested quite a bit in him and best ball because I think he can have a huge year things are lining up for him including the hiring of Darrell Bevell who has coached a top five rushing offense in six of his 12 years as an NFL play caller. Yeah, we one thing we know about Darrell Bevell. He is going to run the rock. They were trending that way at the end of last season. Anyway after they traded away Golden Tate that you know, Matt Patricia, he wants to pound the ball and you know suffocate you with his defense. So this is you know plays right into the hands of carrion Johnson the one worried about him, you know, this summer was the third down work. Is he going to catch enough passes now Theo Riddick is out of the mix, you know, he has probably has the potential to catch, you know, 50 60 balls. If everything plays out, right so that automatically if your third down back three down back with you know potential for a workload. I mean that that's a that locks them in as a top 30 pick now, I don't think the injury from last year as much of a concern either remember he had no structure. Image they just decided to shut them down because they had nothing to play for which turned out to be a smart move in the lines part. Absolutely. He should be at 100% here, you know, they're worth talked earlier in the spring that you know, they don't want to overuse them and but you know, they don't really have a great option on third Downs. At least. I mean, I could see CJ Anderson getting some early down work, but for the most part, I think carry on Jonathan's gonna be on the field a lot really like Mark Ingram Tom. I mean, we've talked about Mark Ingram just just unbelievably and I'm he's one of those guys who I'm stunned is ATP hasn't risen. He's when I wrote the article ATP 20 of our b23. I have them at our be 18. I am considering moving them higher than that, especially if I move them passed Derrick Henry with Henry's concerns. Look, they're going to run the ball a ton. John Harbaugh all just said that this week. I think Lamar Jackson can approach 200 carries at the quarterback position and they made Ingram one of the 15 richest running backs in the NFL in total contract value. They're going to use. Oh, absolutely. I think he's I mean as close a thing. I just don't less injuries creep in or you know something else. I think he's pretty much locked into 18 plus touches a week. I mean and that's you know, that's hard to do and especially in the, you know, we're getting into the fourth round. You can't find anybody that you know, it's pretty much guaranteed for 18 touches of get a week, you know, if they're healthy so great option, I guess. The one knock on them is you know, we don't know what Lamar Jackson is going to do throwing two backs out of the backfield here. But you know if he takes any kind of step forward their Lamar Jackson as a pastor, I mean Mark Ingram has shown, you know the ability to catch the ball the last couple of years in in New Orleans. So, you know, there's even potential for him to get some passive or what am I missing with jeans white Tom RV 26 is ATP now, I don't have a much higher than that are be 22, but the guy was the For seven overall our be in PPR last year, but the market is not asking you to pay that I don't think he's going to do that again, but the market is treating him like a number three running back even in PPR. I what am I missing here? What am I know they drafted Damien Harris, but I don't know what I'm missing. Why did we think James White isn't going to catch the ball. You can argue. He's their second best receiver behind Julian Edelman. As a matter of fact, I don't know how you'd argue against that at this. This point yeah, I expect him to be pretty active right out of the gates as well. I mean they have a lot of new receivers. They're breaking in here. I mean, we've heard Maurice Harris is the been the best receiver in Camp. I'm sure that gets everybody out there. Very excited. You know, they got Dontrelle him and Demaryius Thomas nikhil Harry. I mean they have basically a whole new receiving Corps next to him. So I really expect James White to be extremely active to begin the season. You know, he just he you know, Get your use of down of them early and maybe you want to sell them, you know, but you know in your fantasy league, but I just don't get it either. I guess the Damien Harris draft pick may be scared some people off but I just see that as insurance for Sony Michelle at this point. I don't think Rex birkhead's, you know, all of a sudden just going to take the majority of the work from home. So I'm right there with you. I think he's a steal at his price and you know as a fit late fifth round pick early six round pick. All right, Tom. Um, there are a couple more guys that I really like but for you know for the sake of you know, brevity on the podcast. I'm not going to talk about all of them really like nayeem Hines at his price I break that down and Kaylin balázs who I just saw just left field with some trainers in Miami. So no don't really need to talk about once again could be a cramp could be anything. So what well if it's anything will bring it up on the next podcast or later on in this one, but Tom let's let's talk about some of the backs. I'm a little lower on compared to ADP. I just don't know. To do with Darius guice. I like his talent. I hate the team. He's on know. Yeah, they're going to stank and you know, they should use him a lot but they did bring back Peterson Chris Thompson still around here. So it looks like it could be an ugly committee here and it's looks like it could be a very ugly offense. So I haven't really I want to go in on guys, but I really liked him coming out last year and you know, I was prepared to, you know, start drafting him quite a bit. It in, you know are my redraft legs last year, but the injury can't you know the ACL injury came in and you know, it's had to have it cleaned up multiple times. So just and then the hamstrings and you know hamster all those lower body injuries are always related to these ACL you're compensating for you know, the the injured knee. So just just I haven't heard anything positive that makes me want to get guys. Okay. So here are two guys Tom even when you do as many drafts as we do you need to plant your Flag somewhere right. I mean there needs to be guys that you're just not going to draft here or two of them for me Ronald Jones and Jerick McKinnon. I want nothing to do with either one of them. Yeah. I have no McKinnon for me. I did take Jones in my the Scott fish bowl, but you know that there hasn't been much positive about Ronald Jones coming out of camp. It looks like paint Barbers still ahead of them at this point McKinnon. I you know, he started he started on the pupae list, right? Yeah. I mean he's so he's still not a hundred percent and they brought in Tevin Coleman and Matt breed. It was really good last year. Oh and by the way, they still have her ski most dirt and Jeffrey Wilson. Yeah, I mean McKinnon feels like a guy or you could pick up off the waiver wire and week four or five, you know, they're they're not gonna throw him out 15 20 touches, you know coming off a major injury, especially when they have the kind of running back depth that they have I mean he's going to get off to a very slow start this season, you know, maybe he's a guy consider picking up once once the guy that drafted on, you know, Waves I'm in week 3 or 4 1 by start to hit and here's the other guy Tom. This is another guy. I am just not drafting at all ATP or be 36 my ranking or be 65, why are people drafting cream hunt? I've no idea. I think it was pretty comical earlier in the year when he was going in the seventh and eighth rounds. I mean his Priceless out for eight games. I know that mean it started to even out a little bit but he's still going worry. Way too early. I don't understand it. Even at best ball formats. It just makes no sense to me. I mean look Nick Chubb is a high draft Capital running back. Who was really good last year Duke Johnson for the time being is still there. And so here's my Approach with Kareem hunt. Somebody is going to draft him in your league and I guarantee you within three weeks. The person in your league is going to drop him to pick somebody else up and at that point you're going to have just a couple more weeks where you can evaluate, okay? What's up with you Johnson did he get traded is Nick Chubb banged up. Is he struggling? And then then you can make the determination if he's worth a roster spot Tom, but drafting him and holding him for eight weeks, especially in a league where you can't stash them on IR because ye have to say that because a lot of these form a lot of these legs. Don't let you do, you know stash guys that have IR digs designations. They have to I mean, they are designations that Ms. Stanley players. Yeah, you can't you can't do it was suspended guy. So yeah it makes Zero sense to me. I just don't get it. I probably wouldn't even draft him if he was available in the fourteenth or fifteenth round, which is more in line with his very should be going best balls different of course, but it right if he's going in the 14th round and I can't stash them on IR. He's taking up a roster spot. Yeah early in the center hole you want to use those roster spots to try it to try to hit on some some guys who are coming off the waiver wire who who emerged early in the season? Yeah, it's I'd much rather, you know, go for a higher upside back up at this point. I mean, you know guys like Austin Eckler nayeem Hines, as you know, as you highlighted in the you know players to draft their even Ito Smith guy going a couple rounds after him. I mean if if you think Devonta Freeman is going to struggle and you know, he bounces back. Yeah. It's just a waste of pick eight games. It doesn't make any sense to me. Let's go to the wide receiver position, Tom. Is a piece you wrote up a let's start with those Panthers wide receivers that we were talking about earlier with Cam Newton. Yeah. I mean, we're just you know, they've gotten away from the big, you know Burly, you know targets for him on the outside with Kelvin Benjamin and Devin funchess and they're going with pure speed and after the catch guys DJ more, you know, he played really well at the end of last year whenever they finally I think it was the last five weeks of the Season. You know, he actually led the Leg and yards after catch last year seven point nine yards is a rookie God. We love coming out of Maryland. I compared him to Stefon Diggs, you know, there's a major upside here. He was a top 20 for receiver, you know over the last month of the season that's where we have them. You know, he's going outside of the top 20 for in most drafts right now so we can get him as a pretty good discounting the the - you know late fourth round, you know early fifth round. Curtis Samuel, he's been tearing up camp supposedly so far North Turner was praising him for his route running, you know, they'll get him some creative touches as well. Everything is looking up for these guys and I still think they're pretty good discounts at the current prices. We mentioned to Sean Jackson Tom. I don't know what else you need to get into here. I think he's a way better best ball player than oh, yeah then redraft. I mean everybody's a better best ballplayer because that way you avoid their tank games and ever and almost But he has one or two. It's not everybody's Davante Adams almost everybody has one but I was talking to John Hanson this morning on Sirius XM fantasy sports radio Tom. I think there's a decent chance to Sean Jackson Lee seagulls in receiving yards this year. I know I've won data. I think the only thing that you know would hold him back is, you know, he's had some injury issues. Yeah, he gets gets the occasional ankle or hamstring issues. But you know if he's able to stay healthy for 16 games. It wouldn't surprise me at all. All you know his you know, he's been up over 17 and a half yards a catch here in four of his last five seasons. They saw it's not like they did the Mike Wallace thing last year where it was a one year, you know, three or four million dollars. They signed him to a big contract this offseason. They have you know, he might be, you know entering his 30s here 33 next year, but you know, they gave him 15 million guaranteed so they have big plans for him. I think he's going to be out in the field. I think we're going to see a lot of Two wide receiver two tight ends sets with DeSean Jackson and Jeffrey and Earth's and Goddard and you know, it's exciting times in Philadelphia here. Okay, Tom. So obviously with DeSean Jackson keep in mind. Yeah, he's older. He's still led the NFL in yards per reception last year. Yeah. I mean I mean place so I mean even if he dips, he still going to be significantly better than average in that category. So really life love him a guy who I think nobody is talking about Thomas Allen Robinson, but you like him more than Than than his ATP. Yeah, I mean this is a godmother guy correlated with our quarterbacks that we like here Allen Robinson started to kind of peek at the end of last season had the monster game against the paid the against the Eagles with a hundred forty three yards and a touchdown, you know, the numbers were up in the final five games up to five point eight catches and eighty point six yards. So, you know things were starting to look up. I mean if you remember he, you know, missed the entire 2017 season two, you know, he comes to Chicago has to learn a new offense has to learn a new quarterback and you know things started to come together toward the end of the season. So I'm thinking things continue to go up. I mean, we forget that he was a guy that was a wide receiver one when he was like 22 years old in Jacksonville playing with Blake Bortles. This guy is not a fluke. I mean how many people could do that Joe be on a wide receiver one is a 22 year old playing with Blake Bortles. It's been injuries for Robinson. Yeah. I mean that's that's what it is and unfortunately Matt Maggie's Offense really really mixes the ball around and that's been a problem for them. So but Robinson to cease to stay on the field and I think you'll pay off here at his ATP Tom. Michael Gallup don't want to get into him too much but he is somebody I've been drafting is my fifth receiver a lot and I wouldn't be shocked if he's producing at a low-end wide receiver three level by the end of the season. Yeah, just God. He had a really strong postseason and he started to come along at the end of the season, you know, it's noticing a little bit of trend here in these guys. We're kind of targeting guys that started to come along at the end of season younger guys Gallup could have had a much bigger season 2, you know Dak Prescott missed him on a couple long, you know potential touchdown passes or we probably be looking at Gallup in a little bit different light. He's a guy I've been able to sneak out in the Thirteenth Fourteenth round as you said as a wide receiver 5 and his ATP is down in the mid 60s. I think he has the potential for some You know major blow-up games here this season. Okay, Tom you like Kenny Stills a little bit better. Obviously. We talked at the top of the show about how Ryan Fitzpatrick would make us like this offense a little bit more but let's talk about some guys that you're a little bit lower on than ATP Adam feeling. I mean this isn't a significant one now, but ATP wide receiver 11, we got them ranked 15th. Yeah his play dipped at the end of last season, you know, he had that historic start with the 100 100 yard games to start the season. Isn't what I heard of them, but you know Mike Zimmer, you know, we he wants to run the ball. He wants to get back to the caveman ways. He got D Flippo out of there at the end of last season. They're going to be more committed to you know, they drafted on the offensive line, you know drafted Bradbury at the 18th pick there. So just I'm just thinking the the volume is going to be decreased a little bit here and at the offensive line doesn't prove a little bit. I think that gives cousins A little bit more time and I think they're going to do you know, they've talked about doing more play action. And you know, I think that would lend itself better to step on digs on the outside more double moves and it's not like I dislike feeling it's just I think Biggs has a little bit more upside going forward this season and you know feeling I feel like he's just slightly overdrafting right they'll feelings phenomenal. I just think digs is a better player and that's nothing feeling would be the best receiver on 25 teams in the NFL it's just Fades. He's got Stefon Diggs. Who's really freaking good Tom Kenny Gala day. You're not. I wouldn't say you're worried. But his ATP is wide receiver 19. We got him as more of a low-end to at wide receiver 22 Yeah call a day. And I just I don't see a whole lot of difference between Gall day and Marvin Jones, you know, I feel like Marvin Jones is a nice little value at his price, you know, I would just basically pinch those guys together closer in their rankings. You know Jones was, you know, leading him and Target share and are yards before, you know injuries kind of took him out after week 10 there. So I just think those guys were a lot closer and you know, we touched on it a little bit with carry on Johnson, but you know, this is a Darrell Bevell offense. They're going to want to run the ball a little bit more so called a was averaging 10 targets of game whenever you notate and Marvin Jones were gone last year. I just kind of find that hard to maintain if Marvin Jones is Back and they really want to put emphasis on the ball. Okay, Tom and then another couple guys that you don't like as much I don't want to go through all of these because I do not want to check it out. But you are on the Marquez valda scampering train. We have a Geronimo Allison as ATP wide receiver 37, but we got them at 47. Yeah. It's just a you know Allison that's going to be you know, the third receiver here. It does get the slot position, but you know hasn't hasn't worked out too. Well for Randall Cobb there, you know, and Alison is still a UDF a guy they always sign them to a one-year contract this offseason. So, you know, they were reluctant to go all in on the guy so they still have a lot of draft capital and guys behind them with you know, Equanimity is st. Brown and Jay Kumar. Oh, so I don't think he's as locked in is the industry might think he is okay to also DK Metcalf. I mean, I just don't think that the Seahawks are going to throw the ball enough. No, no really, you know, there's there's still a lot of competition for snaps on the outside there and He's a pretty one dimensional player at this point. I mean don't get me wrong. The guy's gonna blow up for three or four days. He's gonna catch, you know, a 60-yard touchdown pass from Russell Wilson a couple, you know, two or three times this season, but you know, he's not a polished Prospect at this point and he could be a guy that's playing 50% of the snaps. Okay, Tom worth. Let's go to the tight ends before we wrap it up with our team two days. And once again this tight end position. I think this is probably the hardest one to find values on guys that you like. More than their ATP because it's such a thin position. Like I said, it's the opposite of the quarterbacks with quarterbacks. It was hard for me to find guys. I liked less. The only guys are really came up with were boring guys like rivers and Tom Brady, but those guys have their utility for tight ends. It was harder to find upside guys that you like more than their ATP because if you have any sort of talent at the position your atp's getting inflated because it's so thin yeah that plays out with David and Joker we're lower on him. You know, I feel like he's been pushed up just because he's a Hotshot Prospect and I just I just don't think there's gonna be enough targets to go around in that offense. And especially if you got Nick Chubb, you know dominating carries in the backfield, but you know what? Yeah Troublesome reports here on and Joker out of Camp so far nothing like awful but like hey, he's got to work on both his drops and his blocking those that sounds pretty important for a tight end. Yeah. I mean nothing that not not that like, oh my God he Thinks we're going to cut them. But those are those have been issues for him. You know last year he if he didn't leave the wig. He was close to the league lead and drops last season and you know, obviously things haven't improved form. So, you know anybody that has any kind of talent is getting pushed up but I think it provides a couple, you know Bi-Lo opportunities for some tight ends here some guys that were hyped up last season and you know, there's no love for any more and you know, that would include trade Burton and Jimmy Graham David Grandma's on you know, he was a tight end for last year going into the season, you know big expectations as a Red Zone threat with Jordy Nelson out of town. Then it catches two touchdowns. Yeah. I just think that's has to regress here a little bit. That's you know, I think he's going to be back in the six to eight touchdown catch rains and you know, he played through some injuries last season. So, you know, I'm not like I'm all in on Jimmy Graham, but I think he has an opportunity to to climb back into that top eight top 10 with just a little bit better lock in the Red Zone. Okay. So yeah, those are some of the guys you like better Tom. I have it a lot of no of Fant by the way. Oh, yeah. I've been you know me and you're both on the same save same wavelength on Noah fan here, you know, not guaranteed to break out, you know rookie receivers. We know they have their issues but no offense great situation no tight end depth in Denver and they got Joe Flacco who? Of the pepper his is tight end. So I've been taking some you know, plenty of shots on know if Anton the 14th 15th 16th round. Okay, Tom. So now let's go to some tight ends that you like less than there a TPS you said in joke who already? I have a little bit of Ebron and this one hurts because Ebron patted my wallet last year and best ball drafts, but I the tide that the touchdown regression is coming. I mean, it's it's not even a question. Yeah Ibrahim was my most drafted tight end last year. So it does it does hurt. I I have him in. I don't even know if I drafted him yet, you know just there's just no good spots to get them and you know a guy that I highlighted above was Jack Doyle who you know going way below his his ATP from last season. Yeah, I expect those guys to be somewhat somewhat similar. That's kind of why I like to Iran last year because I thought they were, you know, pretty close to each other. It's basically the inverse of you know, what we had last season with Doyle was a going in the 10th, you know. And overall the tight end position the 11th overall and Ebron was the 20th guy off the board and now it's the complete opposite. So, you know just Ebron looks primed for you know, everybody is on it. Everybody knows it Boyle was playing more, you know in those, you know common games that they had Doyle played over them Saul more targets. So, you know Ibrahim would really need Doyle not to be the same player, you know, he's coming off hip jury or mow Ali cocks, you know Hilda is that that throws a wrench into the whole situation to so we can't forget that they also brought in Devin funchess who has the potential to be a thorn in his side in the red zone. So a lot a lot of signs are pointing towards Ebron regressing hard. If you want to get check out more of that are guys that we like more and like less than their ATP go to Fantasy free Those are our rankings report articles. So check those out we didn't For everybody but we got to the Crux of it Tom and you you're working on some post hype candidates this year are for this year and they're going to be up this week. Yeah, it's just taking a look at guys that you know went well ahead of their current draft position in 2019, you know take it, you know touched on Jimmy Graham. I'll touch on him and that report but he got it was going at tight end for last year and now he's going, you know many rounds after that as the two tight end 14 15 16 range, so It's going to be that type of article where we look at guys that we'd like last year in the industry. And now I've completely Fallen often. It's just basically looking to see if there's still reason to believe in those guys. What's up listeners? This has been kookiness producer of the fantasy free agents podcast. If you're listening to this you obviously like podcasts and I'll go out on a limb and say you like music too. It used to be looking for podcasts on one app and listening to music on another but now on Spotify you have all your listening needs including the fantasy free agents podcast for free. No, you don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic and you can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode download It's to listen offline wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends via spotify's Integrations with social platforms, like Instagram spotify's the world's leading music streaming service, and now it can be your go to for podcast as well. Just search for the fantasy free agents on the Spotify app or browse podcasts in the EU or Library Tab and follow us. So you never miss an episode and now back to the unrestricted unaffiliated unparalleled analysis of the fantasy free agents Tom is we always Ways do we're going to finish our podcast with our team two-a-days one team from the NFC wanting from the AFC do a little bedding and fantasy preview and let's start with the NFC one of the maybe got a team. That's a value bet to make the Super Bowl to win the Super Bowl the Minnesota Vikings. Yeah, they well underperform last year eight seven and one finished under their ten win total offense three hundred forty five point six yards a game which was 20th score. Offense 22 and a half which was 19th and plays per game sixty two point seven, which was 20th. So pretty high expectations for that offense coming in the year after sun and Kirk Cousins and they finished in the bottom half of the leg and all those major categories. They lost latavius Murray Ultra krobinson. My kraemer's Nick Easton and Trevor Simeon key additions Garrett Bradbury Irv, Smith, Alexander Madison, Josh Klein and the 2019 when total is nine and a half. If with a little bit of money - 150 towards the under plus 120 if you want to hit that over pretty I'm kind of surprised at how high that number is. I figured it would be around 9:00 so I can see why there's a little bit of pressure toward the under here for sure. But I mean if if things go right for them a couple things broke badly for them if their offensive line is better legitimate contender in the NFC. No doubt about that. Yeah, I'd like that. They you know, they brought in Gary Kubiak who's been kind of a you know, QB Whisperer. The years of underappreciated coaches in NFL history Tom. He coached Matt Schaub to an NFL leading passing season Matt Schaub. Absolutely. I mean, it's kind of a one of the more under the radar hirings from the last offseason. I think you know, I would expect better play action from them with Gary Kubiak and you know, he brings that zone blocking scheme. You know, I've seen some people down on David Cook, I mean You know Google Kubiak, he's had a lot of success installing that kind of stuff. So, you know, I think there's some sneaky reasons to like this offense a little bit more, you know still, you know, awfully front-loaded there though with Adam thielen and Stefon Diggs and Dalvin cook all you know top, you know, first three round picks in this year's ATP and let's go to the AFC Tom and talk about one of the Super Bowl favorites. Maybe not necessarily a value but Given the return of Tyree kill and the fact that he I guess won't be suspended the Kansas City Chiefs. Yeah, not a lot not a lot to talk about here. You know, they you know, they oh wait they came out of nowhere to just Crush their over eight and a half last year finished that 12 and 4 record heartbreaking loss to the Patriots in the AFC Championship game. Probably guessed it total offense first with 425 points six yards scoring offense first thirty five point three yards place for Game 62 Point 3 which was 23rd, which is quite impressive. That means they were putting up all their yards and offense, you know, they had some a lot of Chunk plays as you probably figured after watching them last year, but key players gone corium hunt Chris Conley Mitch Morris Dimitri Harris and Spencer. We're key additions Carlos Hyde, Nicole Hartman and Darwin Thompson. This year's when total set at ten little bit a bit little bit. Money going towards the over at minus 120 what the under at - 110. I mean, there's going to be some regression here Tom. I I've said it all along Patrick Mahomes through 50 touchdown passes last year. Okay hot happen again. I don't look I'm that's ever happened. Tyree kill isn't suspended. Well, guess what? Tyree kill might not be suspended. Sammy Watkins might not get hurt. They could sign Jerry Rice and Tony Gonzalez in their primes and I still would pick the under on 50 touchdown passes. Yep, and you know don't have cream hunt. For a full season here, you know we have you know, pretty high expectations for Damon Williams, but I don't think anybody would say that Damien Williams is Kareem hunt. So, you know definite definite reasons. I mean it is two wins under what they finished with last year. So but still I'm probably lean towards the under but not lot of team. I want to bet against after watching them last year that that is a total that I would just stay away from I have a tough time seeing them just going Back towards that a twin Mark. We will at some point Tom do a do a wins Total podcast. And I'm sure we're going to do a prop bet podcast absolute probably later on in August just to go through some of our favorites some that we won't touch but we will definitely be getting to those for sure going to do some research going to let a couple of things work out here in the preseason. I know some of the values that you can get values now Tom and that's why some people like to draft now because once people get more information they become sharper drafters same thing with bedding once you get More information you become sharper betters, but we are going to lose even reading some stuff yesterday. I warned sharp was talking about it. And you know our guy Teddy covers he stayed up there hasn't been a lot of movement in the winds total Market at all this year. I mean there were significant movement last year. The lines are pretty tight this year. So, you know there really hasn't been a time to really get down on any of the winds here. So it's not like you're missing out I'd it sounds like okay Tom, so We wrap up the podcast. I just want to quickly give my thoughts to Rob Tuesday from Sirius XM fantasy sports radio who's going through a really difficult time. He and his two beautiful girls. Just lost the his girls lost their their mother and Rob lost his wife and Rob's a great guy and I really hope I hope things work out for him. If you pray he could use those if you if not, he could just use your thoughts just a really good guy and if you listen to Sirius XM fantasy, Missy sports radio, you know that we have a lot of people who work hard to keep us sounded good and keep us on air and Rob is is among those those people who does that as the executive producer for the channel also though, if you listen to the Visa and Action Network on Sirius XM fantasy sports radio, he's the program director there. So Rob is deep in the fantasy and bedding Industries and he is somebody going through a really difficult time and he could use all the positive thoughts in the world. So thoughts to Rob Tuesday. Yep. I've met rob a couple times and you know real nice to me, you know having just met him in. You know, I'm thinking about them as well. All right, Tom. So follow you on Twitter at Tom Brawley. Follow me on Twitter @ FG underscore Dolan. Remember check the show notes for options to donate to the show check the blog at Fantasy free to donate their and also sign up for the NFC wrote a wire online Championship drafts against me and Tom visit our Twitter accounts and the show notes for on on how to do that. If you are interested reach out to one of the two of us to figure out exactly how to sign up for those contests. You will get to compete against us for the chance at $200,000. So for Tom Brawley, I am Joe Dolan. This has been a wonderful addition of the fantasy free agents podcast will talk to everybody later in the week. Thanks for joining us on the fantasy free agents podcast. Remember to subscribe rate and review on the apple of your choice. Our next episode is just around the corner.
 Joe Dolan (@FG_Dolan) and Tom Brolley (@TomBrolley) get into their initial fantasy rankings and what players they are higher on and what players they are lower on compared to ADP (19:15). They also examine Andrew Luck's calf injury (6:35) and the ongoing drama with Ezekiel Elliott's holdout (12:06). The guys also tackle the Minnesota Vikings (52:15) and the Kansas City Chiefs (54:42) in the Team Two-a-Days segment. A special congratulations to our own Joe Dolan for finishing #1 in Draft Accuracy for the 2018 season among 140+ sites and experts! This was Joe’s second #1 overall and third top-3 finish in the last 5 years, making his rankings THE most accurate preseason fantasy football draft rankings on average since 2015. Check out the complete list at To draft against Joe, join the Rotowire Online Championship and select the online draft time of 8/20 at 9:30 PM Eastern. To draft against Tom, do the same on 8/27 at 9:30 PM Eastern. Play for the $200,000 grand prize!
the almost perfect podcast Welcome to the almost perfect podcast celebration of fuck-ups failures and falling flat on your face. The sepulchers believes you can learn from experience that experience doesn't have to be your own ha and Bob perfect and I'm a functional fuck up. There's one from somebody else's mistakes. And today we're going to be learning from Matt Allah fear Now Matt along with his brother. Luke is / are the owners of the Winston Pub. You know, what I meant there other way Matt is one of the owners of the Winston Pub and the Winston Pub is a Legendary music venue you're at your in the Durban the or three one and you probably know the one sin. If you're listening to this podcast. You're probably listening to us because you know, the Winston you've been to the Winston you've either played at the Winston as a musician or as a comedian or even a poet there's been poets there. Maybe you've painted at the Winston because there's so much artwork all over there done by local artists. And so yes, you probably know the Winston, but if you don't it is the home for me. Misfits and outcasts in Durban. Basically, it's a place where a lot of rock music has happened over the years, but it's also opened its doors to many other sounds and styles and it's yeah man, it's just it's an institution in Durban. So I decided yeah had to get Matt on the cost because him and I go way back like, we we back probably known him for about 13 or 14 years now, like, I don't know maybe even longer than that 15 years probably now. So it's been a long time that we've known each other. We've got a long history together. And this was a really cool nostalgic catch up whilst also finding out, you know, how the whole thing happened of him and his brother becoming the owners of the Winston Pub because they've been running it for about six and a half years now, but before that, you know, it had a long storied history and we know that history because we went to the pub we used to go to the Winston before Matt and Luke owned the Winston and so it's a really cool poetic. Re you know, Matt's got a long history and music. He's got a degree in Sound Engineering and he's been in tons of bands and he's been a part of the scene for many many years. And yeah, it was really cool that he was the one along with his brother Luke to take over the Winston Pub. So we get into what it's like to actually be the people who have to run it. Now who have to take on the responsibility of you know, the creche follow Durbin artists, I guess. And so we get into the struggles we get into what makes it difficult and we get into the house we get into what it's like to you know, have some of your favorite International acts come and play at the venue that you own. So it's a really cool conversation. Like I think I'm sure many people like listening to this now, maybe not but I've always wanted to own a music venue. It's still one of my goals like to own a venue one day not just music on a comedy and everything else as well obviously, but you know, I've always wanted to have a venue. And you know, it's cool to understand and get it from the horse's mouth what it's actually like to run up when you know, it's very different to what you might think and also very much what you might think you've probably read. Some books. You've probably seen some stories and yeah, man, it's a wild and crazy ride and it's a really cool conversation and Matt and I get into we go through as whole history from Cox dad all the way up till this week, you know, we talked about some of the frustrations he has Literally this week and we also yeah, we talked about our history. We've worked together so much. We've done a lot of cool things together. So I'm really really stoked with this one and it is like it's not that edited. So there might be one or two sections on it that I probably should have taken out and I might regret leaving in a little bit later. But yeah, there's one we recorded it yesterday on Tuesday. It's coming out today on Wednesday. So you're hearing fresh thoughts and you're going to also be finding out about it's happening this weekend. And what's coming up at the Winston Pub over the next few months few years and just the general future of the Winston Pub. So yeah, I'm really stoked about this one. I'm also really stoked that I am chatting to you right now without holding the mac and my hand because thanks to the patrons. Thank you patrons on patreon. I have now bought two Mac stands. So, you know that annoying noise that you used to hear and some of the older episodes where was a people fiddling on the Mac. We shouldn't have that anymore. We shouldn't have that. Anymore and I'm really really stoked about that. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you to all the patrons all nine of you for getting involved with the patreon and yeah chipping in each and every single month. So for those of you who like what the fuck is this on on about what's Patron? What's patreon? Isn't that the same word? Is he saying the same thing? Is he confused? Yes, I'm confused. But also there's just a little bit stoned. But really the truth is patreon is a subscription service. You can pay one dollar or you can pay $5. It's on my particular one different people do it differently and you get different benefits like you so it's the podcast listening you listening to now, you're always going to get it for free always going to give this to you for free free free free if you want extra things, like if you want to interact like if you want to ask questions on the podcast, which I fucked them for this week, and I'm really sorry guys, but Shandra Garth, I'm sorry. I will ask your questions, but the with the next guest because this one was a little rushed I didn't get to the patron question and it's something I'll be Through the Ages but that is an option. Okay, you can also suggest guess which cats have done some of the guests that I've had on this podcast have come from the suggestions in the patreon. You can also win prizes. Yes last week will not last week last month I gave away a Harry Potter's Trading Card Game starter kit because I'm a nerd. I love trading card games and had a sponsorship with unseen shop. And so I had a little bit of extra stock that I figured I would give away to you cats. And so Matthew Cuthbert one that so he's going to collect that pretty a soon and then yeah this month I'm giving away a so I interviewed cam cam Lobster and from black math. I'm giving away one of his shirts his return to worm Mountain t-shirts and a black mouth CD that's signed by him and a little relic of South African music history. I'm going to be giving away a kid of Doom t-shirt. It's a woman's one. I think it's other small or medium sized. So that was something I was meant to give away and open as yours years ago, and I kind of forgot about it and so now One of you is going to benefit from that. Also. I'm giving away a case of poison City logger and we just need one more Patron for that to happen. So if I get to 10 patrons by the end of this month then hey I'm giving away a case of poison City loggers Durban Poison. Yes, I because very first cannabis logger and I will be that's only for South Africans and I can't shapira case of be overseas. If you're in South Africa can Korea that to you, so it's not going up to the patron. It's forward slash. - almost perfect. Other than that if you don't have much cash in that's totally fine. I'm not to stress about it. I'm really happy with what's happening at the moment. It's you know, a couple hundred grand a month. And with that I'm going to be saving that and just improving my studio. So I'm going to be getting some soundproofing and I'm going to be you know, eventually getting a mixing desk and then eventually, you know, get like a table and get some chairs and just make it like a real Studio but that's long term plans and that's because of the patrons. So the patreon or the patrons, what do you ever want? The dogs cats it's because of you cats. So thank you very much. But if you don't have cash or you don't want to put in that's totally cool. Just like us that's all you have to do like us on Facebook follow us on Twitter and you know, give subscriptions give subscriptions hit subscribe give stars do all of those things and just interact with the podcast online and I'll be super stoked with it. Any one of you don't do that. I just hope you enjoyed this conversation because here it comes it's the almost perfect podcast with Matt all the fear. How you Livin Matt? I'm good. Thank you. Bob. So good. Thank you. How are you? Loving boy, like how's things going you are the one of the owners of the Winston purpose? I imagine you're quite busy at the moment. Yes. We are. We're constantly busy just it's a it's a lot of work maintaining the venue and doing the marketing and we've got a lot of bookings coming up, which is cool. We've had an awesome year so far. It's um, really Cool bands and some cool tourists come through. Yeah. I've seen you guys have like been putting a lot more effort spending and getting a lot more bands to actually come through to do know we've we we did a kind of renovation in December. We built a Pizza Kitchen and we just cleaned it up the Winston quite a lot and that inspired us a lot to really just get on top of our game, you know, we're six and a half years in now and eventually it takes your tolling I suppose you do get not lazy but tired and place in so we just both look and we just kind of said we're going to this is going to be our year. You know, let's let's pick up our game. Let's put more effort into it. Let's get some cooler bands. Let's actually put on it shouldn't it? You know because for people who don't know the Winston is a legendary music venue and herb and that's been going for 20 30 years at least. Yeah guys bought its what six and a half years six and a half years or so. So, what was that process? How did it come about that? You guys were going to buy this place that you'd been going to for years like as kids like I know you can we went there together. Plenty so you know, how did this all happen? It wasn't part of the plan, but it kind of made sense at the end of the path where we where I landed up, you know, because you had experience in restaurants before yes. I was working at after school. I went overseas and I don't suppose just after I finished school. I also started waitering and working as a bartender and then I studied Sound Engineering And the entire time I was also waitering on the side so actually before we get into how you bought the Winston, let's actually do that. Let's just go back in time. It is there it was a part. That was yeah definitely was and I think it was I was quite lucky how everything just ended up at this at the farm. Is that his like the convergence of everything if you think about it, you know from wagering and bartending managing, you know restaurants and stuff to be Sound Engineering being in bands in that. Yeah it all like I had I had the perfect recipe and eventually out oven pop the Winston Pub suppose. This is an awful joke, but you know what? I mean? Yeah way to that experience. They don't know so let's yeah, so let's start off you grew up in coxed at Griffin Cox dad dicks City. Yeah, and it was that like it was cool. It's a Small Town lived on a farm there with just my brother my mom my parents divorce her young age. So then my grandparents and my stepdad was cool. We had a nice little laugh until I was about 15 we loved the farm but I was I don't really know why my stepdad suggested that I come to Durban but my step brother got into George Campbell and just out of the blue. My parents said maybe you should go to George Campbell. I don't think I was doing anything. Wrong or like in a weird space, but maybe I wasn't you know, I wasn't really into whiteboard. What do you think George Campbell is like a punishment? No, not at all. But what a random thing for like a kid at 15 and his parents just out of the blue. Hey, Matt, don't you want to go to Durban and go to George Campbell? Like I don't know and they're like, you know, it's right near the beach you could Jonathan's going there now and we think it'll be good for you. Now. It's like yeah, may I think it would be and I just add I decided a snap decision to do it. I don't know why I had all my friends and Cox dad a lot of them are still good friends with now that are living in Durban. It was quite cool as present my in like in My Friends crew I was the first to get to do and and then when they all came to Durban after school you bet I was already here. Yeah got sitting around. So yeah, it worked out in the end. And when I when I came to Durban the first friend I made was a guy could Kevin who I think you might know Kevin. Yeah weird relationship. Yeah. I mean we go back a very long time. So as my first probably second year of being in Durban ever standing on I remember meeting you through Frankie. And yeah, so another person so that's the thing you when you're going to George Campbell's kind of like how I know you made all your friends like back then absolutely the people that I met you through went to George Campbell and that was kind of the whole village. So again, the first guy sat next to in science class was a guy Kevin that was in a band and he asked me if I played anything and I was like, yeah I play keyboard. What did you play I did thank you very much of Paris and the keyboard lessons and I wasn't Cox dad just such like, you know, when you're doing it at a young age. You don't think it's going to work out for me the end and it was just so perfect like yeah doing so well, why don't you come to my house and it's the first guy meant and I did that, you know the next weekend and I got to his house and we started a band and that's how I met my first few months went in Durban and was just awesome. I met the school crew of people, you know anyone in a Ended school that age are normally cool kids. They're not into drugs or they're not into sport or fighting like a you know, I don't know you're trying to get good at something. Yeah, like when your when your youngster with a guitar typically like your afternoon spends like, you know going two or three hours just playing scales. Same thing with guys with drums same thing lot of fun. Yeah, exactly imagine, you know the cats, you know like these days with Beats pads and like, you know with Ableton and like different like programs and stuff like that probably the same thing. Thing. Yeah, I suppose you could do more solo nowadays A lot of people get involved with their you had to have a few guys to kind of get a tee. But like something like as you're saying like those kind of people are dedicated to like a thing and like so they're not going to be like fuck up so far as your last style as well. It's like a music a musical lifestyle is quite different to a sports thing a sporting last style. Although they both have the practice and yes, they do and performing in front of people but in such a different way, yeah, absolutely and different scenes, you know, they are Just different and anyway, so I was lucky enough to first band name was inertia. And then after that it was it was. You're gonna have to cut this pause. It was a atomic reindeer. Of course it was and then after that it became flips switch and that's when we like really found our groove and that's where my company I'll flip switch events all comes from let's flip the switch and that was with was like I'm going to imagine flips which was probably a bit numerically know in the day do we're doing a Blink 182 covers. We actually played at Red Dog remarried spur and no dude red dark red. Love the bluff. Yeah. I had the bull. Hey, yeah, I don't know any night and we played a few School shows that S command standing on him a trick the one we got we played with the band called. You know, that gas Koli. Yeah so scoliosis in the band with Fish And with JD's brother. Yeah, I remember Kendall. No, no Kendall wasn't in it James brother Mitch. Yeah, they say I can't remember the Bando in sobriety. So they were they played with us. On this is so long ago, you know 2002 2003 and so I was quite lucky. I just started meeting other people and actually became friends with those people later on in life, which was quite nice and the my friend Aaron for example is just started playing playing guitar for my bank codes. He also joined flips switch. So 15 years later. We're in bands again. It's just such a you know, then I met you guys and after school studying Sound Engineering I made so many more musicians. Yeah, it's me and that's when it also I crunched out when you left school. How soon did you move into that Margaret made some place first year dude. That was the thing. It was like that was our Gap your house. Okay. So do you want to explain the Mario item house? And why you just spoke about it? Like oh, yeah, you know that was our first house Shea of all time, but it ended up being this insane pool mansion house thing in Derby North in more granatum Road. And essentially it is my friend Stuart myself and a few other others of us do is three of us and it was over there was always like 10 people. Yeah ended up being a two-story house behind this Mansion said it was the pool house for the mansion and it was very old couple that lived there. I don't think they knew it. They had we were paying something like I think it was seven hundred Rand each or like below three grand a month, you know for this house. It was we were happy to live in a pool house. Because it wasn't a real house, but it was that had and I didn't know it was a double Storey fucking Mansion little house for us and a white picket fence with the pool that had fountains and it will push through that picket fence and we had I mean we had that started like a three-year insane top Vibe and the I had my hide my twentieth day with and my friend Paul for Gary he had his 22nd, you know poke your he's supposed to play. Way too many bands since then and at the time and we shared our birthday parties and I think we had 400 people through eight bands playing. I remember that night dude. That was Next Level, you know, it was able to do it. Yeah. I just remember collecting almost a thousand courts the next day and taking them to the that's almost it was cool. But yeah, we had a lot of good times but I remember walking but we'd like we used to go to Joe's pool bar like Often yeah, and then some of the walks back with a little destructive. Yeah, you know, we were kids out of school. We're taking son's home have actually in my car right now got the Margaret made some signpost. You should probably which is so weird. I had it in storage. I like yeah, I know I got it from it wasn't my dad's stuff the other day and I put her in my car. I've still got it one of weird. I haven't even thought about that house for so long. What are we a coincidence weird? Because that's one of The things that like yeah, like I associate like with like my earliest memories of you. I'll friendship. Yeah. Yeah just that house and like just believe we've got lots of History together. I mean we do I remember when I came overseas back from overseas you love the first time and I lived on the couch for I think almost three months or maybe it wasn't that long. Maybe there's two months. But yeah, you look you did. The dishes was good. Yeah. Enough then after that I lived with my other friendly my best friend Lee was cool. But your house your flat was also remember times those times we crazy. We are crazy times we've got I think everyone in Durban has been to your flat at some point in their life my everyone but a lot of different people have and yeah, they probably had a weird not like this new this the new spots is not going to have a red lights. No, it's not and it's not gonna have people like lying on the floor. Let's just say that the real life parties will stay very loud parties. And we remember about them that I don't think we'll ever have one of the first ever again. People are gonna yeah, people are definitely going to be going what the fuck did they do and you will never know you will know. Yeah fuck dude, but we've actually just in general like the level of Jaws always been a bit ha like like yeah remember like Mum's house like he used to have like Epic House Parties. Absolutely. You know, I think we were just quite lucky to be in a really nice. So Circle circles. Yeah, and that all brushed upon each other and everyone. I know always really talented creative people around us and very free-spirited and it was cool. We although do you remember? Okay one more like party vibe. The night we were running over cars, I wasn't running every cause just so everyone knows that but I do remember that doesn't think Leann spray painting the cause I don't know but I think we were tagging know I know and I know that memory. I just remembered that we weren't talking cause but they were people around tagging cause I think I do think I'll put a dance or two in a bonnet because we were racing like so they were close. Lined up along the road. This was in Morningside of Devon's house offering David. Yeah, and so like we decided to have a race but you had to run all over the cars to get to the end of the Saudi was there it's ready. Was there an instigator? I think he puts sure on a microwave and turn it on. And yes, I've caught a lot like do not a couch land up in a pool or some shit like so that's just as bad as that Foundation of Of like, you know 15 years worth of being friends at that age from 18 onwards way. You just are having the time of your life. You're studying your but. It's also getting involved. Do you like do you see I mean judging from the feeds, you know, the Instagrams and stuff like that. I don't see kids bucking out like as wild as we did like, you know, like they don't House Parties don't seem to be quite no I think you're wrong. I think we just don't see it. We just don't see it. It's it's not often in our Maybe the kids the musicians and less kids that are musicians and I'll seen these days I think and because yeah, I mean his of crazy stories about slang a kids. Okay, so come on dude, you'll I guess when you can afford cocaine at 18 and I think you'll find there's definitely still a lot of House Parties whether we just don't even okay, so it's just moved up the coast a little bit more. I think so. Yeah away from us. We used to be like, oh, yeah, like Bluff on below house party like these I think those are spotty storm and we're too old to go to this party. Yeah, everyone we know has a flat back but because that was also a cool way though for bands to play like so why don't I mean the Joneses with head they've been having hospitals. They were one of the last few people to live in a house big enough to host bodies of that. So that bodies would never debaucherous know they went through everything all day. Yeah, we absolutely do a more mature by that stage, but I'm sure if we if you interview them and also about sibling rivalry days, they could tell you yeah, I can imagine because that's the way I see it. It's when I was in bands and high school and fluff. So to we were on like the Queensboro side of the room. Owen and we remember there being a band called sibling rivalry and those for me with like the two bands and Durbin even though we would like they were the kids in town the cooler kids. I think definitely we were looking at the inventory, you know, but we ran at the same time and then was quite cool after school and through studying to then meet all of those people and become friends and see how we had literally been in the same scene, but just brushing past each other and I think burn was a big played a big role for all of our for the For all of us now where we all got to meet all the people that were into that in one spot because burners crazy and thousands of people went there every month burned like for lifelong friends were made in Burn over that those years. You know, I think I only attended it for four or five years before it moved across to the other side. But I mean, those were my like Optimum years. I enjoyed both like both burns like quite I like the next and that's what I was a little bit even a little I was you became so old Ben was 17 to 20 was old burn and then you went overseas for know then then then Oldman was don't want thing about yours now, but then it was the next few years and that's when I was really my prom playing and we still snowy and his dying wish that we were like playing a burn all the time. Then you have been the bigger burn and that's when I think most of the days were I've got a lot of fun memories from those years, you know, when Then still happening that burn unit 11 + opened up that was kind of for us the peak of like the devil I think so. Yeah, absolutely. They were I still 30 bands, you know for venues constantly playing awesome. Awesome value could pick where you wanted to go on a Friday night. Yeah, I think maybe for you know people that aren't in the know for the younger kids now, maybe they maybe that's what the scene is for the now but it's not as big as it was then every show is packed out. Out they were shows across the city all the time. A lot of House Parties lot of DIY shows. Yeah, a lot of bowling Park shows. You know GMT was going on at the time. They were using every venue. They wanted we used to throw shows that the will Avail all the time. Yep, and I suppose that's where my story goes to so then I moved overseas in like a peak of those times. I left went to England for two and a bit years. Then State went I actually went to Italy for a little bit. Yes. I remember that. And then I came back and that's when I first moved in with you. I think yeah and then but anyway, I was going with that and then yeah, so that's when I started flip switch events and our started because I knew I remember because I knew all the bands from everyone and I also knew all the venues because I had been in bands and and I'd studied so engineering so I had the skill. So that's when I started flip switch events and we start throwing parties all over the place as well. I got involved with the potty throwing a lot of it a lot it will Avail the and some had Winston and then especially That club called Bob bar, which was next door to the lounge. Yes. I remember when you did say we got like access to that for like six months almost became like our little clubbers pretty cool. Remember you're pushing that like there were some cool gigs. We threw some really cool stuff. Like there's some photos on the Dublin is yours like Facebook like from a party we had there that was just like really really dope. Yeah. I think we had half-priced there. We had a lot of bands that was cool, but the owner eventually kind of screwed. Us over as most venue owners always do. Yep. You always kind of get to a situation where you think you do more for the venue and it's like it's a classic thing and that's where now me being a venue owner. I really look at works from both sides, but I'm really try hard for the artist and for the promoters as well. I think it's something to be as Fair as possible because often venue promoters will change their mind after you bring 400 people to the event. Suddenly the deals tells, you know, suddenly they sitting at the door and they like watching you and they threw all that experience that I think that the Winston Pub is really nice finish to work with. I'll try and make it as easy for bands. It's fair for everyone and I'm often on the band side for other bands playing and I'm very fair when it comes to splitting the door if that's the deal, you know, make sure no and I don't know so from my experience, I mean there is a that's what you want and there's also a history of band screwing each other over. Absolutely. I member getting screwed up about burn New Bern. Oh, yeah and massive label had massive stories about to you know, and it's not often. It's not always the owners fault and you can and on the night and motivate a different story but often managers are involved and musicians involved in as soon as you put a whole lot of money into one place does get complicated. That's why I try to keep it very open booked at the Winston, you know, we use for our biggest shows. We always use the band so that you know, you can count This is the deal. This is Faye. And yeah, so you're getting back to how this long story. So it's not a Flipside your veins and I was throwing stuff all over the place and I started hiring the sound from Joshua Vici. Yeah, and that because here so you heard sound was originally at Unity. Yes, like he had it was still at Unity living during while I was renting but I would rent it or other March when they weren't open or something and one day it was one month. We are through three big parties and had paid him according member daughter was five or six thousand per day for to Frances thing and it was my business partner at the time Andrew bull. Yeah your name Andre. He said why don't we just find us, you know, we can go for a get a loan. We both got a loan and we we got a hundred thousand ran and and I kind of just pushed it to to why do we didn't get the hundred yet? But I just pushed her I said hi. Much Josh, would you sell your system for tomorrow? And he's like what are known as like if I gave you a hundred thousand and it's like, you know, I don't maybe because I and I kind of thought that that's what it was kind of worth it and he you know, you live in was was set to close. So I knew that that was coming to an end and he kind of wanted to leave. Yeah, and and so he the next day kind of sits. Yeah, I'll do that and we looked into it and then eventually I offered him 95. And we talked and I bought his whole system. So now flip such events became not only in events company when I was using venues hours now renting out Sound and Lighting which is cool. And I had the Sound Engineering background so I could do it myself. And essentially I was renting sound to myself at these events, you know, yeah would mean you didn't have to like pay that extra amounts to like and if you were throwing the event yourself and if you were hired, that's yeah put it on the truck. And I was renting it to the Winston a lot at that point. The Winston had kind of it was you could kind of feel it was on its last legs Belinda self. Yeah head and Belinda was quite tired. I told you that my my younger brother and I look and I we we still have energy and your takes it out of us. Do not tell you it's a full-time mad job to run this Vision, even though it's a small venue, but you got a lot of responsibilities shoulders a lot of pressure from the music scene as well. Yeah. And musicians and stuff. I mean that's a thing you dealing with suppliers. It's politics. And so Belinda was tired, you know, and she had done an excellent job. I think at the time she's considered the Wicked Witch of the West like at that place a lot like yeah. She she she had to run she ran it like nails and bones that that's the wind. She was loves it. There was also a lot more like backers and a lot more a lot of Punk's the scene as a punk scene a lot of rebellious lot more five-alarm. Oh, It's you know, she and she's a woman, you know been very strong woman had to hold her own and she did just what the fuck up dude regularly regularly. But yeah, she would greet like should throw you out of self put it. No it locally she ran a tight ship she tried her best. She could you know, yeah, but it ended the the pub was going and it's yeah, I was rinsing sound too one day and third or fourth time in a month or two and I kind of we become good friends and she remembered me from being a kid going there. Are you is and years ago and then I'd always been in the music see my band had played there a few times. So then she actually knew me and then I think through hiring a subjects you got to know me properly and she really liked me and we got along really. Well. We still actually great friends now and I visit her as often as I can and she yeah, she I just said to her one day. She's kind of tied in a bad mood is say that she's over it. She's just want anything else to do with this fucking Pub. And she and I just said to him passing not thinking that I could afford. I just bought the sound three months before taking out my first loan, you know, and yeah as I said to you know, if you are thinking about it won't you give me a call first. If you are serious about letting go to the pub not thinking that I could afford it or that it that that was actually I don't think it was an option. I think I just pitched that at the Right time and maybe made a think and so same thing with like the sounds of yeah. I was just it was just in a mind and it became an option for you and quite a good option because She knew that I would do right by and continue on with the Legacy and that's exactly and yeah, three weeks later. I got a call from her just out of the blue. I was doing another event at Colombo coffee for something and I just remember getting a call and saying hey Matt, it's will endure. I just wanted to find out if you want to come and meet my son Jethro so we can talk about the West not that point. My brother had got back from England and he had started working with us in flip switch over. It's and I said to Andrew look your we can go and have this conversation with Kalinda. Just like ìwow working like a shit blue. Just call me when you guys see and they're like I suppose you can not even because for them as well. No one has thought about this, you know was an option the Winston wasn't for sale. But everything you could like. You know, how many people like no hate dreamed of it. Absolutely if if balloon had made a thing and said the Winston is for sale. I think I would have been an auction would have been a lot of lot of people I don't think maybe not at that time because at that time like look, I don't say a lot of people that are there would have been several people definitely interested in possibly in the the right position to do it. A lot of different people would have liked. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah lot of different people in bands who yeah, a lot of people who had absolutely I just think so. It's kind of lucky that they were with the words other people and how definitely for us, but at the same time, I think it read to the right person because Is I was lucky enough to have had firstly the bar experience and I now had managed ponds for you. So I'd like the that alone is its own job just being an organizing events and I've been organizing advance and I've been in bands and I had a sound system for the Winston Sound Engineering the ready so it's like that's why we're said what all the recipes were they had made absolute sense that are taken over, you know, and as I went to that meeting not knowing went alone. No, I think I went with Luke. Okay in these two weeks. It was quite strange Andrew decided to leave flip such events. He going to study or he went back to Cock stand for something and flip such events was doing all right, but it wasn't crazy and I yeah buying out buying them out. And so we went into this meeting just my brother and I and when I saw Gia through and we had a little meeting with him and he kind of wondering how much he's going to say. No, what is he going to like a million million 1/2 around? Like I don't know. How much do you pay for a fucking club? Yeah, and also, what are you paying for? Because you taking over the lease essentially? Yes, you know I so I Justin and they came I'm not going to tell you how much your board for better but a lot less than people would think absolutely and they were even kind of to offer us payment plan. Like we could pay it off over a certain amount of months give them a deposit and that happened and so although they offer me and I went back and I got another And we we bought into the Winston we both the Winston and that happened. You know, I got literally we signed the papers this week next week Monday. I got the keys. So I knew I was buying a two weeks before that. So I had to save the first part III organizer with swagger heat City one mothers and Durban knots. Yes it is. And so we set up to sing. I got the keys on Monday and we had to renovate and reopen on that Friday and we made it happen. So we put the Astro into the beer. God and I just remember Friday night. Astra was a good girl. We extended the stage. If you remember we repainted everything we read at the bar. We took down a lot of with it a lot of load hanging like wooden beams around. Yes. We took all those down we had to win. We took those down realize there's a lot of stuff behind so then we had to get everything rewired and we did this. All in four days. It was it was crazy. It was awesome. My girl for the time was painting Lucas pain. All our friends were there literally and what was quite called the week before we took it over. I called kind of like a meeting with everyone. I think you were there with everyone that I kind of thought was involved in the music scene and in the bands and I've called everyone to the Winston and we already had a dream and we were like talking about what should we do? What do you guys what would you like to do and so on? I kind of went in with everyone's vision and you know, we pulled it off and a lot of those people came back the next week and helped us and that Friday night. We're still been to record the busiest the Winston pubs ever been. We've never talked that night. It was I don't know we've had some crazy shit. Fuck you like Across stress the universe one. Oh, yeah. That was cool. That was the time. I don't know if that one was big or just necessarily cool because everyone was dressed up so it looked right. I mean it was busy as fuck. Like that was the first time I've got like a solid sponsorship for a gig Yeager gave me 20K like I was able to just pay for the band and was just like super you know it that's a so that's kind of where we are here. We are six and a half years later a lots happened since then. Yeah, like used thrown lows of parties either. I think the whole music scene we've opened it up to a platform for not only bands but also promote us to you. We almost take everything. We happy to work with anyone. Yeah, we would have done just to make it extremely diverse across genres and the Winston's always kind of had that but towards the last few years of its existence before you guys took it up was very metal-based. Definitely very middle and unfortunately like hardcore punkish as well towards the last few years, you know. While you know, that was a time in a place that doesn't necessarily exist in the same numbers that it did before so the winter was hurting because it was trying to appeal to you know, one narrow audience that was dying out almost. Yeah, and it just so happened that as we took it over other than you started closing down. That was also its. Oh, yeah unit 11 closed and but burn closed down eventually live opened it in also closed down. I've just after three years. It's not easy to run the venue first and that just shows. Yeah, but that was a sudden legalities with lava. Tom's Yeah those issues but burn also same thing. Like I would say their biggest issue was also just trying to cater to one time. Yeah. I don't think they I think Boone was still be open if they had changed the people that are marketing to their like it was still the same music that I used to love five years before we'd like, oh, you can't keep listening to that. I've heard enough of this. And it just didn't grow for me and it closed down in it sucks. Dude. It had a big impact. If it's I'm sad at the moment. I think a lot of people have left the city apart more venues in the city right now. Yeah, because I had you know, we are the only music venue. Not only there is Cool Runnings who are also opened up their doors to shows which is cool. Yeah, they're doing a lot of my ways. They're also doing comedy now, that's cool and So but I still think that we need more venues in Durban it it's good for me to have the Monopoly bit in the long run. The actual scene is dying. Yeah, slowly but surely but also kids these days aren't necessarily like they don't have that DIY expert man like that, you know, we used to have because wow, I mean, you're not 11 burn and love existed like and the Winston existed at one point in time. Like it wasn't like they all existed together like before It was even a using that was it and then we were doing sports kids every Sports Club. I mean wistful the chain sprocket wistful with a man and even yeah, that was a Chilton man Dean be looking Gala. Yeah. Absolutely. There's that one on the Bowling Club. Yeah, the bone Club near the real one. No. Yeah. I met in Morningside near Grable Racecourse. Anyway, we used to use every venue we could yeah, we approach sports clubs lat lot of church halls. I remember playing Turtles all the time. Look, you know, it would be Heavy Music like and they would be all right. I haven't really thought about it that much. There isn't a lot of dealing with the scene created itself almost like, you know, it's through kids. Come on, sort your shit out. Awesome. Look it's weird because I think the internet's like galvanized us before and it might be making people complacent now because whereas, you know before that's why we all found each other and we all like found these cool bands that we lacked and like, you know, You we all like would find similar bands that we all like likes and share them with each other and stuff like that. Whereas now you've just got so much different shit. It's hard to have an identity. It's hard to have like a scene necessarily like, I don't know maybe I'm just old as fuck now. I'm like I'm like the kids are going to sit in degrees. I think nothing will be the same as that. But you know, as I said, maybe through our eyes, we don't see that I think through through someone else's eyes like am who you spoke to the last week, maybe it feels a little different for him. They constantly playing Yeah several different but he's an older than he's got like five different bands. Yeah, it's a different and I mean that kind of little crew and that's in the day. They would be five different bands. Now Kevin Justin 5 remember that yeah, like, you know, I mean used to be rare for people to be a multiple bands at one time like yeah, but people would then be in a band break up because of like start a new band with like different people from different bands and like those. Yeah. It's like they're essentially there were like a hundred musicians all the Certainly working and and creating and making should happen is a different. So that was more I guess in the Rock scene and these days like if you look at the Jazz cats, like all the kids coming out and they are doing a hip-hop kids. Like if you look at the stuff like happening is 43 and like the stuff that Ryan's doing and that's you know the cats that he's working with there. Is that kind of scene developing? Yes there is and so it's not be blind to that. I think we're talking more about the alternative Rocky the rock and roll scene. Yeah the Winston's also That's not just a place to play rock music because I was saying like drum'n'bass parties fucking well, that's right. I think it's that's what I'm saying is that it's our responsibility to open up our doors to everyone. I think even it's 43 awesome venue, but like a really expensive venue to do stuff in they can't just open up their doors to you that with your 20 friends where we are happy to do that to a certain degree and literally mold kids from their first show to their their 12th one and then hopefully we can they Move on and start doing even bigger things like a lot of the promoters we have and photographers and musicians that we've worked with. We definitely a stepping stone, but we just don't want everyone to forget about us like we're still here. Actually, let's talk about like some of the international bands you've had their you've had come back kid. We've had Darkest Hour. These are bands we used to listen to it together man, like fully had their t-shirts before the band can still have a lot of Dreams Come True top stuff. And what's some of the favorite like International acts you manage to See you like in your Venue. I mean you just named the two of them. So I mean the this we've had loads of cool. I we've had a lot of kind of hardcore bands from Europe and the last few years. Slando from Italy were amazing Godmother from Sweden. We've had them do we've had them twice now and that is it was just awesome. You know some my favorite shows, you know, go Broncos for last show I watched music Video from that the other day and I want to actually I'm going to share it tomorrow. I'll share that the the shotgun House video which is just the one that Ellie did know it's Brandon Frontier and he stole the last video and it's I mean just it just gives you Goosebumps and it will show you exactly what every show was like every weekend almost almost that show like that show people drove down from Germany. Yeah, that's that was surprising but that's why I say like it was weird because I see I'm kind of mimic to the international scene because he look at hardcore shows overseas at that time. You look at bands overseas at that time. The reverend's people had the it was a it was a time and place, you know, it was a spirit that was General thing that I think like can't be recreated. Like people can still create hardcore music now, but I don't know if it will hit the same way like, you know hardcore shows these days just don't feel the same like they can't feel the same way - I think we've surpassed that there. Looking for those we all remember the golden years. What do you think of the future now of like heavy music and urban is because you look like there's Mouse there's black math, you know like that is on that like more sack garage Rock side. Like there's this metal but metal is like, I don't know they look there's the hardcore bands and doing it. There's no there's none more of those really even laughs laughs below but they've played two shows in the last two years. They don't have anywhere to practice we I'm jamming codes. I think we're not quite hard core like that. You guys are kind of there but with only one, you know, and then but they are some epic metal bands. So so why do you make middle Corey hardcore like with codes if you know that there's it's our favorite style of music play we come from that generation. And when we Pleasures we still feel the energy. I mean people still dig it. So it's still there this still I don't know if it's growing and I don't know if they should 10 bands like us but like Facing The Gallows and that type of thing. They're still pull a crowd. They still there one of the bands that like have liked it stood the test of time. You know, it's crazy. They is it that there's still people out there that that enjoy that music it is fun music to listen to I think that Durbin and we definitely moving into that kind of sock Heavy Music we have Bob, but we've got some Epic epic metal bands so bad on the spot. What we're doing is probably the one obviously vulvodynia, but that's a that's a different that's a different type of thing. I don't and you know, I've always said that Durbin has the talent we've always had the talent and vulvodynia is a clear sign of that that was created by like turbine. They first three shows with the power band now, they're the biggest metal band in South Africa all Slam Band, you know, they just plays the not even the biggest man in South Africa because So Africans don't know them but they the biggest South African like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely, which is so wild I mean us but unless they videos get a million views like yeah quite often. It's pretty scary good musicians. That's how they do that. Like they were able to create the stuff that they wanted to create like and they knew that it would had an audience outside of South Africa might not have had it like in audience, you know in the direct vicinity, but they knew that they could do that. Internationally, yeah, whereas so that's kind of know what just had the wacken metal battle. Yeah, and that was that was really well supported was really big. I mean last year in December, I'll biggest show that we had at the pub in the same. We had some really awesome shirts was also a metal show. We have four bands from Mozambique come down and wow today at seven o'clock. You could not walk inside the Winston Pub, you know, there's still those the real mail supporters that are out there not so much. The young kids but that mean I think they'll be going to show you three of a certain manner was not dead. What's that band called? I'm trying to remember this it also in terms of other venues that might be contributing to the middle seen as Gasoline Alley a little bit Yeah Gasoline Alley is opening up its doors to bands. There is no metal scene there. Like this is Barker bar and I don't know if they've actually had any middle shows there but they're there I having Rock shows alternative shows like right off played there. Yeah. Yeah, and just play there they've done old fast. And that's also like like New Jersey and the pom-poms. Like there's really not medal at all that type of stuff and offices well support as well, you know hundreds of people going to that's which is really cool. Absolutely that whereas like there is this General perception that you know, the old scene is dead because burn died and because we Winston's no longer just you know for the alternative kid. Absolutely and we had another show we did was the tribute show in December. Oh, yes, I remember and that was so well supported by other people. Yeah and hate that but now no no I was just about to say if you people don't like that, but let me tell you this so bear. It's not only Uses in like a lot of bands like are you know people don't come up to ashes I'm like, okay don't get them people that they like people enjoy watching live music clearly. People don't know who you are. Actually don't be bummed that people don't know I don't come to your show. When did you make a sticker last or when did you put anything out there? How many followers do you have? When last did you post on Facebook? A lot of bands a lot of established bands are lazy as fuck. A lot of them have 400 likes. I'm playing for harbingers recently. I'm putting harbingers down were a great band. I just started playing bass with him Hoffman just have three hundred and seventy lakhs a hundred of those since I got them that bands for years old. No, it's just talking about I'm saying you still have to paint everything about this. What like back in the day when you played in the band you could like God and people would be there to watch you don't have to put the effort in you know, anything with that is also everyone in the band as a musician like they've been in other bands like they've done things exactly dude. Why aren't you doing it the right? There is a way to do it covid Enya followed like a slot recipe and those people have hundreds of thousands of likes on Facebook. They they make merch and that's what a lot of joburg Vans and Caterham bands. Do they have awesome merge every band that comes to determine the basement. Show me a Durbin band in the last two three years that printed most black mouth exist. I don't have a black man. Doing they have to have a fucking match. But what was I going to say that I'll fuck? I can't there's a lot more Mitch back in the day and I just think bands on putting a you like a lot of complacency Within the Music what I like about Durbin though is that people are making music to make music kind of you know, like they're not trying to get rich. They're not trying to be successful. They're not running it as a business. That's also why they don't succeed. This is cool. But then I get bummed when people come and watch like a tribute because Cuz those fans have been marketed for years. And yeah, and we actually put a lot of effort into marketing that and that's why people came out maybe if you put a little bit more effort into your brand and your band people come watch your show that one of the frustrations you have like as the owner is that you know, because obviously for you like, you know, the band's bringing in people matters like, you know, because you're not the promoter your the video, I'm not fitting that's not how it is anymore. I actually have to promote every show now and not in We showed some shows do promote themselves and some of the band some of the bigger ones some of them do but often not a and if I don't do anything no one shows there will be 12 people at that because we are a destination but we're not a bar that people come. So just on the off-chance know we there is something happening and you have to see and that's what we've been doing this year. And that's why the show the path has been really busy this year because we've been running everything six weeks before Or I mean I didn't tell him I don't want to use this as an example, but the on Thursday night, we have a bank called shackles and Bones from cavetown playing and mouse are playing with them and someone called Dave glovis or supplying them now. It's Tuesday today. They are 19 people on the event coming. So I went and checked out the event now. I've already spent a hundred on putting a post on to this. I mean, it's just checked how many people are invited to the show? I invited 354. So these people haven't invited one person to their Facebook event nor shared at once. Like how do you think people are going to come to the Show fact fact of the matter is anyone that comes to the Winston on Thursday night. It's going to go there because what I did because of what I pushed and not to do with the bands at all and it sucks for me because I'm not charging these bands to use the venue. So they're gonna put start costing they're going to make money on the door. Or and it cost me how that you know, I do it with a real venue and it cost me so much to to operate every month and I have a weekly Target that I have to hit to to to keep the door to keep the doors open. I mean, that's the thing like I can't even get that frustration with the comedy scene because you know people would be on the poster and they wouldn't share it. I treat everyone like children Nassau not like children. Don't get me wrong. You know, it's not all bad. But when I do now before every event is a open up a Facebook message in With every single band member on every single in every single band including their managers or whoever's involved in the show and I make a mess thing and I talk to them like children now, I don't talk too much on but I like everything and I remind you I'm like guys it's a week to the show, please. Can you share it? Don't forget to invite your friends and I'll go check the friends and I do a screenshot and send around like you guys haven't invited anyone yet. I don't know who's not putting the weight. But if you could just you know, you just have to enter this, you know, we all have we want all old and we are we are all busy in this isn't a full-time job and I'm efficiency. I'm happy to do that. Why do you think bands don't do don't realize that you have to maybe you know, maybe over again kept out maybe some bands they are spoilt a little bit because there's enough people just to be at the show anytime but I don't think a lot of touring bands. They just assume that people are just going to be at the venue and a lot of touring bands on the never sea You know the words got to get out there. Yeah, exactly. If people did, you know about the show on Thursday, which one this one you just say about now not now you are a prominent person in the in the future. You know, I did I laugh about it so much like just when I was on dyr and stuff and people complaining about not being on radio and I was like, I put my email address out your a million times and you've never sent me anything like that. It looked like it was very easy for people to get their music on di Bao and I was there. Like just send it to me if it was good. I would give it to the music Impala and it would be on it and some people got on and that's how you get an ant guys like people don't come and find you. Yeah, you just have to exactly I mean, I do find certain people and keep my ear to I mean these obviously because I'm not part of the radio anymore like I write about music and so a bit obviously got to stay in touch with what's happening. But yes people pitch like the and stuff all the time. That's kind of my point of this whole thing is that everyone has to put effort To this. Yeah, I don't know why people aren't anymore as you said back in the day people would DIY if it wasn't, you know, you weren't lucky enough to have a venue doing this all for you you are doing it all yourself. You actually printing flyers and asking your friends to come to the show medicine. You've got paid for certain gigs based on the number of Flyers that got brought in for ya. Like I said, I've played one on to those and let me tell you dude. We went out and we handed Flyers out. Yeah and works because people came with the Flyers and you got paid more. Yeah. Yeah. Consider if it flies. Yeah, so that's pretty great because you also got a basic like it was like 500 bucks or something and then an extra 10 ran / flyer, which cool 200 people come with a flyer. That's two grand for your band. That's two and a half Grand you guys were going to make 500. I do do a hell of a lot of marketing behind all the bands and I think we have to I can't sit back and just think I we did that for That a few years ago, you know the senior cigarette. I think you were saying, you know, Matt you need to be more proactive and last year showed us that because a lot of that we had some cool shows but a lot of them weren't really that well supporters are quite a few we've had last year but this year so far has been one of the busiest who has had since the first year we've been so busy and that's just us my brother now being very proactive even stuff like getting you know the pizza and which allows you know people to eat Absolutely. We're trying to get access to early market. Now. We're doing something on Thursdays now cut open stage. So we're really pushing that to University students who've actually printed Flyers know in ruin. Yeah, we've got a street. We've got a small street team in the universities working now so Thursday, I'm good. It's good. Sorry guys. I just dropped a glass. I think that's something And yeah, so we're just being quite proactive and Thursdays are getting better and better and better with kids that I haven't seen it before excellent musicians. So, you know just also believe in consistency, you know, if you throw an event and you want to start doing it monthly just to keep your weekly keep on doing it and people will come if you keep on putting the effort in yeah, I think sometimes eventually as we did with with underground comedy recently. We stopped doing that. I think it needed a little bit of Refreshing up. Yeah, but I copied Urban like, you know, but yeah, like eventually like that had a good time like there's only so long. I think at the same thing happened with GMT like it does happen. But again, I think everything has it like a peak period so Durbin does just have that it's got its like Seasons like everything survives for a while, but the Winston's one of the things that survived the longest now, I think it's the the longest-running venue in the country. Live music venue and possibly more than any of the Caterham places like yeah sure definitely. Okay and fact check it and the only I think Rumors in joburg, but they've moved venues or and changed hands a few times, but I think they may be a little bit older. So I think it's yeah, it's definitely up there as the you need to get those like stat so you can you know claims I'm sure but you're also I guess people don't know how much the Winston change because origin didn't exist like, you know before like when we used to go to the Winston like back in the day, so yeah, we since two stories back and they really had full access to the whole hotel. Actually. Well, yeah, we kind of break into exactly like they were places you weren't really meant to go. But if you wanted to have a good time with someone you could find some dark dark areas up the stairs. But yeah, like the Bought for a long time with powerful Arjun. What was actually the pool bar for Burton for the Winston and like the balcony where you walk in at origin was actually the balcony where half of we have a music scene used to hang out like every like fried and all those rooms down going towards the other side were natural band rooms. And before that. I mean that buildings been the home before that so 80s and 90s that was The ladies bars upstairs. I don't know that Indian boys in the parking lot. Oh, wow. Hey, yes. The colored ball is in the parking lot men's bar downstairs. Ladies bar upstairs. That's the the history of this place carries. Its makes you shaking your skin, but that's all that is. Yeah. I mean my grandfather used to go. It's literally that's one of my favorite things is many people get to be like and you're not only my dad might like my grandpa told me stories about going to the Winston. For something yeah, really ridiculous. I think there is like Friday strip lunches at one point. It's carried a long history and the such I mean it was the argyle Hotel before. Yes. That's what it was called before the argyle. And then it's the Winston named after Winston Churchill. It's named after Winston Churchill. Yes, because and look I accept you ever thought about changing the name. I haven't because it holds such a history of your nose the Winston. You know, I don't think anyone thinks of it as the Winston Churchill but possibly no one does I don't think like I said, we always joked about opening up a second one calling it Churchill's. Yeah, but I'll tell you what I heard and what I was told and I would like to go and get this fact checked but the bars that all the wood that is possible is from the ship that Winston Churchill came to South Africa on I mean, it's not story. That's why I'm it's that's why it was then converted to The Winston hotel after the inaugural, huh? When the yeah, I mean, I'm sure you could get that fact checked and verified. That would be pretty cool to just know that like fuck. It's just had so many different iterations like we used to party in the parking lot. Yeah. Yeah, we see as soon as he's probably a lot and rocked a lot like that used to be a thing and it was such a Precinct because burn was around the corner and then Winston was here. We Ciroc the park. I mean the lot and in the park across the road that's where I met a lot of my best friends in that Park in. Yeah, just smoking weed little slider it as we did. Yeah the Park. Yeah. Yeah, but like there was so much like Shenanigans going on. And since you guys have taken over like What's the culture like in a place? Like do you see it like being calmer than it used to be like Like I would assume like I don't see as many facts or there are still some I mean, I've read a few of them. But like look I'd say in a we my brother and I are just different me personally. I don't like fighting so from day one. We were very anti farting at the pub not even for like jokes like it's not funny get out, you know, we weren't afraid of kicking people out because that used to be the thing was like guys would like play fight. It ain't eventually got more hectic, you know soon as we see See a fight we had quite a cool, you know people believed in what we did and the pub kind of change their the idea, you know from being a pub with 30 people with it every week to being a pub with hundreds of people were coming there and people really loved affected with change that they were now proud of the a new venue and I think everyone's just kept a cleaner for of, you know, they've just respected us. We've had far farts six seven fights in Seven years. I mean wow and that font style of relevance. Like I'm excited. Yeah, three of those are yours out of the and yours weren't even real ones at all. You know 3 add a nice to too little weight. Yeah. There's a quote throwing at one stage as well. I don't know if that counts as a fire. That's the one I can remember like I because I went out and grabbed the guy around the neck and the other one was outside. Hey, we threw a sucker punch. They come in from our region. Also the to be honest. The area itself is gone down quite a bit. So there's a lot of drugs on the street across the road we hide we've got a security guard they all the time and you safe on our pavement and and across the road, but don't go into the park don't buy stuff from people on the street and general don't buy drugs from people on the street. Yeah, if he if you don't have his number don't buy it. Yeah it is. Yeah, I mean because it's very dangerous. You don't know what you're buying. Oh, well, they are trying to sell to Arjun Sergeant getting a thousand people if just a hundred of those or ten of them by those guys are stoked. Yeah, because yeah, they're selling whatever random shit. They've got for it. Yeah, so that's the only thing that's not that cool. That's why we are high secured now is just to watch the people from outside some of the hobos coming inside begging possibly and yeah for any fats from origin of those we not too worried that's dope because yeah used to always have a love that it's a safe Zone. Yeah. I think it's So happy diversity. It could be your first it's so cute act. We were always new kids coming in the yeah. I'm also be noticing and the first few times like their parents would come and drop them off an hour literally introduce myself to the parents the next time they get like greeting me now now that I'm coming when I just dropped their children because they know it's a safe space and I'm proud to be they're still young as well. Like your body's. Yes, so that's what's kind of cool is that you can do that like you don't look like out of place. You don't look too old. Old like, you know, you don't look like, you know a sketchy nightclub owner. Yeah, actually, you know, yeah so you can actually that's really cool that you do that. That should do greet like the parents and stuff and like because yeah, the Winston has always been the place where you know, you go in you're like first starting out in the scene when you're first trying to discover like I remember the first time I watched bands, you know, it was at the fucking when you couldn't get into bent or the time, you know being back in the day. Yeah. And then from there going to other places and finding out like more about music but it's been such an integral part of the Durban seen and it's cool that like you are still we were very lucky as I said and you heard the story to take it over and we are very proud to have taken over and we are working hard to keep it alive. We want to maintain what it's about and and do good and we want to help the Durban music singers total. Yeah. Well That's our plan from here on out. It's because as we chatted, I've Heard lots and lots of different like ideas and stuff like that. So like what are they mediate like future Bob's look at the moment is a Syd. We've upped our game and we're up to our kind of connection with sponsors. We're now speaking to bigger Brands who are looking at getting involved Yamaha possibly reading our stage. Wow, and we just want to get the Winston to and Two more space. I've really been dreaming of opening up something similar to what you got. Yeah, a little radio station. Oh, but maybe not a radio station bit an area at the pub for interviews to happen and to be recording. I think that's very important and we dream of getting some funding, you know, possibly from arts and culture or someone like that and we could quite easily convert our stage into a little day Studio, you know, if you put glass doors across the AJ. Yeah, so Mary imagine we could have a studio free for anyone to come and record because it's funded by the city with over the last ending music video. So we kind of just upping our game and hoping that we could get some sponsorship and get other people interested enough to invest in us and to support us because we are supporting the music scene. I think we're one of the last yeah well for the kind of music, I like seeing that you're talking about because there's a jazzy rainbow like but obviously More focused on Jazz and people who have studied music and in that space same thing kind of rainbow jazz lounge has a bit more of a open like, you know philosophy but also still it's in the name Jazz Lounge, you know? Yeah, like absolutely Jameson's is Tiny and that's hip-hop based, you know, like so I get you like obviously the safe space for the punk got a also like we've been doing a lot of rap reason but that's also the underground pool that crosses over so it's not just rock music. It's also, you know hip-hop. It's also different forms. Electronic I have been there for quite a while like it's you know, they've been trying snots have been drum'n'bass. And as I sold at the venue closing I knew that it was our responsibility to be a home for I think you wrote it down Punk's Misfits and orphans music like off. Yeah using orphans and just and for everyone, you know, so as you said we happy to throw drum'n'bass parties, we happy to throw HIPAA parties. We happy to throw heavy metal parties we If you just throw acoustic parties, we're happy to throw my we could just be carrying a gun any chance of a when he first happening again. Yeah. Absolutely. We are suited for a festival a little while ago and then look we're utilizing the parking lot again with the kefir this year, which is going to be cool. But we definitely want to throw in a bimbo the same but we're talking about it for a while you're threatening to do it and it's got the last second everything. Yeah, and as you keep us going to kind of put us in touch. With all the right people now so we can learn that the easiest way to get it done. So when winners are key for and what's happening to keep those on 24th of May. Okay, so that's next month cool and it's going to be really cool. So basically yeah, so they every year they use a different venues or that's what they'll be doing. So our venue has been selected this year and we are on the Friday night. It's the opening up as a keeper you got like makeovers but makeovers playing which is really cool. So what they doing is They they've hired origin the engine room the Winston Pub and the parking lot. So they activating all three spaces suck. The parking lot is going to be for the really big bands is a band. I mean grandma from music playing there's another band for it that it's kind of I think it's a DJ from Switzerland like a crew and then we've got a mute. Yeah both from Germany, which are Marching Band. I saw some stuff. Yeah, but yeah, they're epic just stuck at the Youngblood Brass Band. Yeah, but even better that I mean their music videos got 18 million views and honors they are huge and what they do they're going to be walking down clock road down the alley playing on to this huge stage. That's all the the entrance is going to be. This is like a it's a 12-piece big band, you know, it's so cool and then makeovers and another band are playing in the Actually, no DJ's names room did they are building a stage in the engine room or we've had bands know they haven't been banned from the know with the fruit and veggies and go go Bronco play. Yeah. So what they doing now is they If the DJ boxes here on the other side they setting up a band where the whether it's with a bar is first by yeah, cool. That's telework. I like that. Actually, that would be a cool be awesome and we're putting a lot of effort into it. I think it's going to be really cool. And then the well, I'm going to be putting this out tomorrow like so This weekend. You've got teenage bottle rocket. Yes, it is. Come a not come out of nowhere. But which is quite a nice surprise. There you go. We've got th bottle rocket for America playing they're hitting South Africa just before they go on the European tour, which is also like a 17 dated show across Europe, which is really cool and look they're quite an old punk band. I think they're making a comeback to just put out a new album and a music video and now they're touring the world have been booked into some really big And in the states anyway, so yeah, we're quite lucky that they coming to South Africa and then we got contacted by them to tr to play at the show and it's going to be a solid Showbiz since you were limiting tickets because I think we're going to limit it to three hundred people only because we've got CNS six bands playing. I mean it's them but as I guess which is going to bring I think they're going to bring a few hundred people just by themselves. Yeah. So if you are listening to this out, Just getting your tickets. Now. It's going to be the coolest show dear father giersch. Mislaid have re well. Yeah, there's the airplane. I know they they were wondering if they were one of my early shows at Mandy and sports club. Yeah, they've made they've made a comeback hunting party. I remember that. Yeah. Yeah, so they playing Monday morning Justice from Pretoria playing. I don't know them. They they're cool band from Pretoria the The guy Conley is organized the entire to okay, and then harbingers are playing as well heard of them. Yes, and it's going to be a fun fun show. It's not often that you get into Nationals coming down and it's always you can feel something in the air and for them often the same as come back it and Darkest Hour these bands haven't played in a venue my size for a long time. Yeah, like they're used to playing big stages and stuff absolutely fail of like getting to like Play yeah that yeah, absolutely where people are literally as your test waiting on your guitar while you play. Yeah, like the last time they play it's like 200 people was a failure for them, you know seen years ago even longer 20 years ago. So it's really cool. It's always a lot of fun. I really I'm really excited for this weekend. It's happening at the same time special Finn, but I don't think many people it's it's fish fins changed Winston light. Yes, I do actually Okay. So yeah, like a few years back we work together on a little stage at splashy fan called an area in a hole Yeah, a whole area whole cordoned off area that people had to pay a certain amount to get into which is still not our decision. Okay, actually just so people know that like as people complain to me about yeah because they have to pay extra. Yeah, you have to pay extra to come into our section of like splashy fan. And this was when the old owner was there. This wasn't the current guys but It did cause a bit of issues for us. But we still managed to pull quite a lot of people into the Winston lot and we booked like this like we booked 25 bands from across the country. Yeah, dude, like I had to negotiate with them had to like organize a tons of stuff. Like that was like my first like big lineup kind of thing that like I was mostly in charge of like yeah, dude, like that was crazy. Like I still remember. Yeah just conquer I like killing it like on that stage and I go to the awkward kind of vibe we do. A wide it's so hard. Like I remember just the the owning or the tenth being a little low. Yeah, you know we had low budget for it. We hired I think it was a twenty by Thirty meter Marquis the biggest we could afford we didn't realize so we delivered was we didn't get poles that were big in there. And so yeah the drummer had to if you stood up he would hit his head on the white plate on the the the the The tent but we did a great job. It was so much fun. We brought down. I approached Johnny's Roddy's there was the first time they ever came splashy and people loved that. Yeah. I actually got to know the the family that owns Johnny's rice and I'm friends with them today. Actually. I speak some old sounds really cool. They went a few years after that. I think that a two or three years after don't know if they doing this year. But there was a lot was so much fun. We had awesome branding, you know, my friends shouldn't cause I remember they had doesn't on the posters and the posters WE wrestlers were booked. I think they couldn't make it unfortunately, but we also need a thing. We also have conquer out. Like I said we had with some people didn't play our stage but they stay Joel did I say that they played main it would be a captain super Captain stood facing get facing the gallery that Sublime tribute. Several sanity played we have the sublime tribute. I mean we had 25 x very neatly put across Thursday to Saturday. Yeah different genres different Bob's. Well mostly on the heavier side of things Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. Do we have we've or not do we do some? Yeah because we did we had 25 Vans and we had basically six on each. Nah, that's okay. And and I think we had a seventh one on the main Tour on the Friday what those such a long time ago. We did movies like not movies. He's and I remember like I was I was meant to be the staying Wizkid media Wiz kid. Oh, yes radio. Yeah was kid Radia. This was going to be no seats. Yes. I remember that. They did like some love recording. So that was epic. We had such a good year that your yeah. It's a Pity that like, you know, just the people won't let the people the person who was running stuff from splashy sad that you're was a bit greedy and Because I feel because we had the actually works in the whole article about it softer words. So you're the all your afterwards already about what I was going to expect a splashy and stuff and a large portion of it was because of the experience that we had had and you know, like uber cool also had a bad experience in terms of just getting enough funds, you know have it as having to sell our own tickets to this extra part of the festival, you know, maybe very difficult. You know, what happened for me to be honest. The worst thing is that I didn't mind. I knew that we had Think the deal was rude give Splash fan half of the money we made on our tickets and then on the day you could upgrade if you bought a splash of frantic and I think I took us way more expensive. Yeah, if you have graded your special friend ticket at Splash your fin you can pay an extra hundred a hundred fifty year and you get by day pass just very segregated way for me. It made all the sense for us to be a team, especially in just to be another section being open for everyone. We would just a different type a little bit more, you know maintaining that yeah. And stage, but he was just trying to get them all into the problem is that we are always wrong. Is that on the day? We got to splashy fan now, we're here. I had thousands and hundreds of people from Johannesburg and Cape Town coming to the Winston lot stage when they got to the gate. They weren't allowed to buy our tickets. They were we and then they changed the story saying that you guys were told you were only allowed to sell presale. You can't sell your tickets at the gate because then they would lose. He's out of money since you and that would get half of it. That's what happened. And that's why we didn't go back the next year. So I'll budget, you know, we had anticipated we had sold say 300 presale tickets and then told on the day that we couldn't sell out tickets to all these people that were waiting, you know online stores at the time weren't a big thing 2013. There wasn't Cricket not yet caught the way it was, you know, not as easy as now and so we had to remember that we're selling directly held and we have undertaken so it's yeah and but Couldn't sell at the gate and that's what crashed us. And so but that's why we didn't make any profit we made I think it was 200 Grand or so on the other thing, but we had a great everyone got paid as well. Like all the band's got paid. We didn't get any money from it. I think you got I got paid you guys paid me. Did you pay me my fee? I've only made no sense for us and we just couldn't afford to do it the next year and which are sad because I think it really was a grown but now it has opened up. As you've said splash screen has changed there. Yeah, I'd like you could I don't think you could do it Winston like now no not that way no no what the way splashes but we wouldn't we wouldn't be aiming to throne when he first if there was some Lord was still at splash splash. That's the thing like you see a but I just feel like if I hiked it could have taken over even we could be like, we're all competing. We could be having three four thousand people to outside of Splash fin at the maybe like, I mean you look around first is doing well like like Come back this year and they're doing quite well like it. I do feel like a bit of greed caused that issue with splashy fan and what that's what that person is no longer with flashy fan because unfortunately there were there was so much potential with that like the ones tonight's plan. She failed. I'm sorry, but cool. Let's flashy fan. Like it was gonna do crazy things, you know and the next year the third three years and we would have been crazy cool. We would have been bringing down Internationals etcetera, etcetera, but look, But it's not learn to respond. I learned unlearn a Lala gration about contracts about who the work. We've thrown our own little weenie Fest since then which little Day events especially at the Winston, you know as I've thrown and Bob maybe not as much but hundreds and hundreds of events something. Yeah, you know, they've surpassed me now that you're a fucking bitch. I think that we are Next year, I definitely think that could be a Cool vibe. And that would be you know, you mentioned earlier you want to do the recording studio you want to do a radio station you want to do all these different things to like, you know, give people stages to be able to have the music heard and you know, that's kind of the last thing that we don't have any more like is that last thing that you could was provided and you're not providing the radio station or the studio yet, but that would could be the you know, the last thing I guess in the plans for the once it's future I dream of opening. A up a record label even I don't know how much space is for record labels in the world. But you know just a management day, but even to manage The Talented Urban hairs. Yeah, but you're a little busy as as I am very busy now, but that I think we've got two point of the Winston we've been aiming for like a certain recipe and a goal and we're achieving a lot of those goals. We've got food the Winston's looking good at the moment. We're constantly upgrading even more and more and we're at a point where we can start thinking out of the box. Where were right. Not too close to getting some real sponsors involved and just to up our game to a whole nother level. And once with that happens, I think I will have more time. I mean it can only grow from here and let's see how it goes. We're not slowing down so cool. Well, I think that's a brings us to the end here. Thank you very much Matt. Thank you so much for having me weaving long old friends. Yeah, dude. This is we just lock my back off the stand my brand new mic stands shaking hands Shake. King hands, but yeah, it has it is really cool to like just fuck. Yeah, the Euros we've had a very long it's nice to see me ever and is now I love Durbin. I love being involved in the whole scene in Durban the singer everyone's grown and changed lately like and and that's exactly how we're all a part of doing now and we were and that's why I loved bringing up like the early days with things were so wild and crazy and you just look at how like calm and normal I think things are now and like Yeah. Well, yeah well We've gone where we've come and what we're doing and it's exciting. It is exciting man, and I'm really stoked for you. I'm really proud of you and like everything that you - to do with the Winston and I'm looking forward to you like turning it into like, you know what it should be held it together. I think cool awesome man. Thank you.
Matt Olivier, along with his brother Luke, owns The Winston Pub, a legendary Durban music venue that has stood the test of time. Matt and his brother took over "The Pub", as it's affectionately called, 6-and-a-half years ago and it's been a roller coaster ride for them ever since. If you've ever wanted to know what it's like to run The Winston, well, you're about to find out as Matt and I dive into the trials and tribulations of living the dream of owning a music venue. Not only that, but we find how everything in Matt's life lead him down this path. From being in bands from a young age and studying sound engineering, to starting an events company and buying a sound and lighting rig, it's all culminated in one day owning The Winston Pub. We take a trip down memory lane and get nostalgic about Durban's musical past whilst also looking to the future of The Winston Pub. Enjoy.
Welcome to the live your purpose podcast featuring compelling interviews with big-hearted people me Oklahoma City metro area who are leading creating and innovating on purpose get inspired by conversations with passion and difference makers from our local community. I'm your host Charles Gossett life purpose coach and founder of full integration coaching.On today's episode. We sit down with Levi to Bronski a talented Orchestra director and dedicated music education Champion for students of all agents, and now the live your purpose podcast. Welcome to the live your purpose podcast. I'm here today with Levi to bring ski who is the orchestra director at Putnam City West high school and in his seventh year of teaching he serves as the chairman of orchestras for all Putnam City schools. And as the Director of the silver strings of Putnam City, Oklahoma is only strolling Orchestra now in its 31st concert season in 2020 Putnam City Orchestra program will be traveling to London on invitation from the Lord mayor of Westminster to participate in the London New Year's Day. Music Festival Levi has also served as the State president for the Collegiate Oklahoma music educators Association and as concertmaster for the symphony and chamber orchestra at the University of Central Oklahoma in 2018. He was named the Oklahoma music educators Association Young music educator of the year for the state of Oklahoma Levi, welcome to the show. That's pleasure to be here. Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to have you and so as you may know we start each episode with a kickoff. Question and you've picked your so we'll just do that and see where the conversation Texas sounds great. What makes you want to get out of bed in the morning for me. What really makes me excited to get up every single day. Of course my lovely wife my five month old baby girl Sadie my lovely family and great friends, but really it's just the students that I serve every single day thinking of all hundred and sixty of them that I interact with every day thinking of where they come from thinking of their lives. Thinking of what they bring to the table each day as they come to school. I'm kind of excited every day just to see see where they are that they're sharing in that life experiences. I'm sharing in mind with them and together we get to make music every single day and either a very elementary style or in a more advanced style. So really just enjoy that human interaction with my students and seeing how they live and getting to create with them every day. Yeah. Well in anybody who's ever seen you met you in person or seeing you your students can can testify to that, you know, I know that I've known that about you for several years now as long as I've known you and to see your passion every time that you're in front of your kids. It's very obvious. And so what got you to that point what how did you pursue music and music education specifically and what sort of your backstory there sure and it's really a complex set up. My mother was a teacher. She was a third grade teacher in the same school district. I really love those Summers. I got to spend in her classroom helping her make bulletin boards helping her to organize books on the shelf or or sort papers and do some of the fun things the logistical things that you know, eight nine ten year old guy just loves to do to help their mom with their job feeling really special and and like they're doing something and didn't really want to pursue music but always just had a passion for it loved playing it played it from when I was young with my grandpa taking, you know piano lessons taught me to play the Guitar also took voice lessons just all kind of things enjoyed making music didn't ever really see it. See it being a part of my career. I'd say honestly until I was a junior or senior in high school. When I started helping my Orchestra teacher at that time Molly bought put MC North Teach an elementary class. And then also I was really involved with silver strings, ironically the group I get to conduct and get to direct now that's such a cool story that we can go into but just really and Guevara teaching teacher Academy City West before me and just really took me under her wing and kind of took me to some of the state level things and kind of got my foot started in that and and let me start dabbling and seeing what an orchestra teachers life looked like and went to college at UCO and really was hooked ever since so, yeah, so some of it really started at an early age when you were able to help your mom in the classroom and some of that Uncle support and and and then there was this time in between where Maybe music wasn't you didn't see that as a career option, but for those that may be listening in and curious what were some of your other career paths or degree options that you were thinking through. Oh man. I had I went back and forth between them. Of course the the early days of I'm going to be a doctor and I really wanted to do that. My mom has always had some health problems in her life. And so I think looking back and analyzing that I was trying to kind of be a fixer. Of that in that early in that early path that kind of moved over to wanting to do something with math. Maybe Finance maybe wanting to get involved in statistics something that's that more numbers based which I really loved and still have a passion for I loved I loved math i minored in it at at UCO, but just kind of wavered back and forth even went down the the the math teacher route for a little while and and was going to have that as a backup in case I ever got Tired of the orchestra thing, but it just now I'm really glad that I chose the route that I went down and just I couldn't see myself doing anything else. Yeah, absolutely. Well that's really fascinating to know and so I don't want to take us down too many rabbit Trails, but I'm curious about the mathematical component and how that relates to music. Do you find some of that Drive-In that interest in mathematics realized in music education, so absolutely and that's Think what you know, you can pick any study you want the shows that music and in the high-performing students are a corollary and I think I think math is a big part of that, you know, even if you take the basic structure of a measure that's in 4/4 time that has four beats. Will we get to talk about fractions, you know in fourth grade and how adding two of those quarter notes together make a half because 2/4 equals 1/2 and so it really it does supplement a lot of what they're getting in. other classes and then when you get to a more advanced level and you get to high school and you look at phrase structures of being eight measures versus maybe 16 measures and it might change based on the type of the piece really does tie a lot back to to math and how the notes and the phrases and everything work together and really make what each piece is that we listen to so, yeah, and there's so many different aspects to your role rolls plural really but you've got the instructional components where you're actually teaching the It's musical skills in a variety of ways and then you have also the performance and these appear to me as an amateur musician as someone who plays by ear and has a history of you know, playing guitar and singing and I played violin when I was younger. Hey, it's awesome. I didn't know that. Yeah, I did through the sixth grade awesome. And then I picked up the keyboard and guitar in my teenage years. So came back to it myself. That's great. Yeah, and it's instrumental in my life as well. That's a good one punch. Intended but so yeah in those different roles that you have what I'm trying to get to is what do you find most rewarding and if you'd like most challenging about you know, when you're in front of your students in their at a performance for example, or maybe they're at a contest, you know, and they're being scored or judged versus in the classroom teaching them new skills. Sure. I think it's really interesting. You mentioned that I was just thinking along those lines and the past month. It's so tough on that concert. Stage, you know, we have a great music Community here in Oklahoma City here in the state really especially for orchestra. We are very tight-knit community of directors and but it's so difficult to put your group that you've spent days and months preparing something, you know, those kids, you know them on a little more personal level. I mean some of my high schoolers I've taught since sixth grade now, it's see them as Juniors and seniors. So, you know what struggles that are going through, you know, what what successes they're achieving and then it All culminates to one moment when they're on the stage and you know, we talk so much about how to make that moment worth it but it's really difficult to lay that in the hands of somebody that's sitting in a chair that you know, definitely has the credentials and definitely has the expertise to give an appropriate rating. But at the same time they don't know all that backstory, you know, and as I've taught my favorite things aren't maybe necessarily the concerts. I love them. I love showing off what the kids are doing. And how well they're achieving and how much they've worked. But for me, I like that journey, I like that that from that first read of that music and all the mistakes that are made and all the things and the details that aren't noticed to then crafting it over a month month and a half two months sometimes of performance and every students individualized practice and seeing that growth. And so I think sometimes when we get on that concert stage, it's it's a lot more than what the normal person might think is is on that stage. Age it goes back. It goes deeper into those students lives and into how much time each one of them individually has has poured into that. So it is kind of a tough balance for just a normal concert goer that might be coming to listen to their kids or another student another performing group versus myself or other music educators that get to see that that process right? Yeah. There's a whole lot going on behind the scenes by the time that you get to as the average. Concertgoers as by the time that we actually get to that performance all of these hours all of these struggles all of these achievements that have gone on behind the scenes and then you get everybody together at the same time after all those rehearsals and it's go time and you have really just one chance to do it at that point and so right and so that's good for our audience to know those that may not realize that about music and music performance. I did want to come back and pick up the thread from the silver strings also. There's some of these same components there. You have the rehearsals you have the performance but you know, there's there wasn't something really unique and several unique things about the silver Strings program and just wanted to give you a couple minutes to talk about the absolutely and for those people that don't know what Silver Springs is. It's a it's a strictly strolling Orchestra. So your normal aspect your normal take on Orchestra might be chairs and stands people sitting on a stage performing with a conductor waving a baton clapping very formally Bravo at the And silver strings is almost a hundred eighty from that. It still is great playing but we don't Focus mainly on the classical repertoire original written for curricular repertoire. We play everything this year's show from the Jonas Brothers to one direction to Elvis Presley. I mean everything in between there's great writing and arrangements for those pieces and and I really feel Silver Springs is the community face of Orchestra. It's at least for Putnam City in our district and it really kind of branches out and makes that crossover from somebody who's willing to come to a devoted orchestra concert to somebody who might just be walking around Bricktown or walking around downtown Oklahoma City and then they they come across a group playing and they're playing from memory walking around without chairs without stands with smiles on their faces engaging with the audience one on one, you know, two or three feet from an actual. It just really kind of I think personalizes that orchestral and musical experience for them. And oh man I could go on for days about the backside of what it does for students getting them to perform that close to people in their Community getting to see some of the people in their Community whether it be when we play at a nursing home facility some of those those individuals that don't get to experience that type of concert very often or just to somebody who's maybe never even heard a cello or a viola. Maybe they've heard of Violin or a base in other contexts, but but it's walking around downtown that just hears music. So it really does a lot to connect our community to our art form and and a great service to our students allowing them to connect those two for themselves as well. Right? And so I of course I'm very supportive and we have a daughter that's in the program and we've been to lots of the performances and one of the interesting things to about the silver strings is that they do an annual All event or they're part of an annual event a 5k. Yes on the 4th of July. Did you want to talk just a little bit? Ooh. Yes. It's the Stars and Stripes Forever. 5K. We do it here at Lake Hefner or we're even looking at maybe changing that location the future because we have so many Runners four or five hundred Runners a great running Community here in Oklahoma City and a hundred percent of those proceeds from that 5K benefit the silver strings with the logistical costs of music of providing students uniforms of going. Directly also into student scholarship accounts. That's what I love about what we're able to do with with silver strings is any money that we take from any performance venue a hundred percent of that money gets put right back into students where they're able to earn money for music camps for instruments for private lessons for trips or even art or that we set up every other year to go around the region outside of Oklahoma and play and so it's really neat to teach And said that young age that their instrument can be a way of provision for them in ways. Not just that our curricular or at school is not just a grade. I mean you're earning actual scholarship credit for the work that you're doing in the community. So they get that that payback they receive that Kickback from what they're doing for the community in a way that supports them and grows and it's just it becomes X is an exponential at that point and it's great to see how it goes. Yeah, and you know on that point with all The the opportunities that are afforded to students that are involved in Putnam City orchestral programs. You know, we mentioned the London trip that's coming up. Yes, 2020 and did you want to share a little bit on that? I would love to it's a fabulous event just was approached from one of the one of the people that are involved in that parade and music festival. Saw what we were doing. We were very impressed with how we were growing our programs and the quality of performances that we've been producing and Silver Springs and in general at the high schools and offered us that invitation we graciously have accepted and really the rest is history. We're really excited. We're taking a hundred and seven students are almost 40 adults going as well to chaperone to perform this December 29th. I thinks the date and London that we're going to perform and it's really is changing the shape of our students. I mean, they've been able to play Out on the community with silver strings or play at their schools with generalized concerts, but having that opportunity to go abroad to perform and I'm excited for the culture that they're going to get to experience over there. Not just in the people, but in that they can take what they've developed in their life and what they've worked on and and share that with somebody that they might never have the opportunity to interact with before and it's really going to be an exciting event and That really our whole Community is really behind it and excited for for this opportunity, you know, not just showing off the kids, but for the growing that's going to happen to those students because of it, right and I love that perspective on a personal level and I'm sure a lot of listeners are going to really appreciate what you've just shared here. There's a cultural exchange that happens through things like this and there's a shaping that happens for both the performer the student and those that are you know in the audience or a part of the the Sure that's receiving this event and this music that's a part of it. And I know that in our house, we talked a lot about how music can take you places. Yes, and that can be metaphorically and in your imagination but also like we're talking about right now physically literally can take you places it can help you to get to college and be able to pay for college and before you get there and guess what it can take you to London it can take you to Branson it can take you to Norman or still water or whatever else that may travel to but all of these Opportunities to engage with Community to have a cultural exchange to learn something about yourself as you're performing and developing your musical skills. Absolutely. And and I think you hit the nail on the head that it's more than just what we're sharing it. It's that physical where it could take you and I reflect back every year and my finale concert. I print all the seniors pictures put them on the window in my office and underneath it. It's what's your plans? How are you going to keep playing and share something awesome that you learn from your high school experience and it's really cool to see that and see how students have taken and shaped what they've learned from work sure what they've learned even from other classes and really just package it into something and then in that then that program at the end of the year seeing that scholarship number of you know students that have 300 400 last year. We had four hundred and sixty thousand dollars worth of scholarship money with nine seniors that were at PC West High School and Just getting to see that figure. We were over a million dollars in scholarship money for the district for the seniors that were in our district. And that's really special knowing that those students are going to be able to continue. Even if they're not continuing in music that music gave them that Gateway and allowed them the opportunity to study something else and they'll always take it and on that on that point. I'll say one more thing it I encourage my students to be Music Makers even if they're going to be nurses or or if they're going to go into, you know, a lot of session even if they're going to try to be an entrepreneur and pursue something that's completely a hundred percent away from music in some way that they don't ever see themselves playing professionally always make music and just create that because I on a personal belief that music just ties us together culturally and it just reminds us of our humanism and who we are and and our humanity and and that no matter what beliefs we have or how anything affects us. We have that. That commonality we can all sing. We can all produce we can we need a guitar to back. Like you said we need you to play while your wife is singing or while I'm playing violin or likewise and that bridges that gap between us no matter what our backgrounds are. So yeah, I love that too. And you know as I've experienced and I'm sure you have to there's been those moments where I had a guitar somebody else had a guitar and they didn't speak the we didn't speak the same language. They didn't speak English, right and speaking of Spanish or German or whatever language it might be but we could play a Beatles song together. Yes, you know what I'm saying? So would you like to share you know, because we're talking about crossing boundaries and how you know, the universality of music as a language as a way of connecting to our core Humanity maybe a couple of experiences that you've had with music and those ways absolutely one. I could think back to college when I was just playing in a western swing group that we created at the school and a couple even a couple guys were Not from the school, but we just got together and played old. You know, Bob Wills Tunes Western swing some gypsy jazz kind of stuff. And so we decided that we were going to play at a at a at a folk music festival that was in another state. I think it was in Kansas City at the time and we stopped to eat barbecue and there was a gentleman there and he just he was picking guitar, you know eating on a rib picking guitar in the barbecue restaurant that was kind of a hole in the wall and Kansas City and we just had dialogue with him and you know, Found out his name. His name was Earl. I remember his name and we said hey Earl, come play us a tune here. We're a band. We've got insurance in the car. We talked to the proprietor of the restaurant and you know barbecue fingers and all we rinse them and grabbed instruments and 30 45 hour and 45 minutes hour later. We were jamming and and just creating music with with a complete stranger that we had just met in a different state and a different city and just, you know, having fun harmonizing with him as he as he played the guitar and you know, I filled in lakes. violin and my friend Harvey would fill in base like it was it was a cool experience and kind of something that as we as we kept driving to our final destination or hotel that night just just hit me like this is somebody that we will probably never see again that we would have never run into and just a normal way of life, but we share that moment together and we were able to create music and and that's really my goal for our for our students to whether it be a worship band at their place of worship or whether it be a family event that needs music or whether it be a really anything in their life that they have that that ability to play something or to even if it's plan for their for their child. My little five-month-old. I love getting out my violin and playing for Sadie playing my guitar for you know, just making those sounds that she smiles too and that she she can react to knowing that someday. Hopefully she'll sing with me and we can create music as a family. So it just really wraps all back to what you said that that humanistic approach of really seeing each other for not just what's in front of us, but On a deeper level it certainly is and I can attest to being able to sing along or play music with a family member my dad plays guitar as well. And he plays a lot of folk tunes and things like this songs that I may or may not have known beforehand, but he has granted me access to another culture another place in time and music has that capacity to to speak Beyond or through generations and to be able to share that with in your family. And so we've worked back and forth to communicate. And ways that we normally we never would have met been able to talk so directly as music allows us to do and that's one of the things that music, you know, you can try to put up your guards but it's like a good poem. It's going to come right through you if you're paying attention to it exactly and I'll share another story from that like my stepdad, you know, he's I don't use the term stepdad. He's my dad. He's been a great part of my life Sergio's his name and he plays guitar plays classical guitar. And and so I was at a young age as he played he Sing it local, you know Mexican restaurants and and just loved all those those classic Latin folk songs. He sung them all the time and it at home and even even for birthdays would you know, I get the Happy Birthday song and I get less money Anita switches the you know, the the the traditional happy birthday from Latin American countries, and so it was really cool my first year teaching at the middle school where we had a student that was Hispanic that had a birthday where I got seeing them. Happy birthday and went straight into lost money on. Anita's and their reaction I won't forget just because mr. Dabrowski. How do you know that song? Well, hey I do because my dad saying it to me and you know having that it really can break down cultural barriers to I think and allowing us to see how each culture celebrates in different ways and just that little touch of of singing to that student in a way that even their parents could have sunk to them and happens all the time in the music that we select if we select, you know, we're playing a piece right now called Sahara Sahara dreams, I think is what it's called. It's a it's a great piece for an intermediate Orchestra. And it has kind of that that sound of you know, Northern Africa kind of that that Egyptian sound if you will that really defines that that region and we're able to have those discussions about about what that comes from. What are the traditional instruments that are played in those countries and and why we play that that strange augmented second of what it's called a technical term for what gives it that sound and and so they can kind of connect the what the here with the cultural aspect with the technical and it's a cool blending and a marriage of all three. Yeah, and they're getting to engage physically with you know, they have the intellectual they have the emotional they have the deeper level understanding the cultural relevance the history and then they're actually performing their engaging it. Yes. And so, you know, they have their narrative that's going on. They have the teaching that you're giving them. Their own interpretations are coming through that music, which is another gift I think. Absolutely, and that's that's the one thing that I do love about the concert because you can see that interaction from students. You can see them as they're moving and playing that they're that they're really going through that dialogue and they're creating that visual image in the form of music and sharing it with the audience and it's so neat because we can all have our own opinions of what that mental movie is that's going on as we're playing our music and then as they as it Blends together, it creates something completely different. That the audience gets so it's a great way to just really bring us together. Yeah, totally one of the things that you've mentioned a couple of times now is about your your goal and your really intention to have students be I wrote down lifetime Music Makers. Yes, but above all to be Music Makers to continue in one way shape or form and I know I speak from personal experience when I put down the guitar for a while. I had some, you know some trouble in my life some addiction. Sure, it was really hard to pick up the guitar because I was just suffering so strongly and that guitar meant so much to me before and now it really didn't you know through depression Etc. But man when I when I started into recovery and picked it back up again, I was like I've been missing you, you know, and I can't tell you that how many folks that I work with whether it's you know, art or volunteering or you know, having deep conversations with loved ones, but a lot of folks that I've worked with or in talks that I give have missed music. You know, I took piano lessons when I was younger and I gave it up and you've heard all the reasons why yes all of them and so many times hearing the students come in either when they come back and visit the school and they were maybe my student in middle school. Now, they've graduated only had a couple years of that but mr. Burski. I really wish I played more that sixth grader that didn't choose to continue in seventh grade. That's now a senior that comes to me and says, mr. Bronski. I really want to jump back in and we try Thing to get them to be able to but you know and we have a student this year. That's come back after not playing for three years just because she wants to and and she's picked it right back up and and it's so neat to see her. You know that that student come to me and say mr. Pinsky. I missed this I missed the the Performing I missed the community I missed the culture I missed what we were creating together and it's neat to see even a high school student understand that that they can they can feel that and that they can Can find a way to plug themselves back in to something that they feel they're missing in their life. Yeah, I love that, you know a big part of music for me and I think for you, I'm hearing the same similar language the word that I'm using is it's meaningful. Yes, you know, it's about music making is about making meaning also and it's a way not only to express which is extremely important. You know, what you're feeling what you're thinking and idea, you know going against the status quo or saying why we should stay within the status quo or Whatever the message is, but it's also about connection about something Beyond language or maybe underneath language emotions are involved but there's something ethereal or you know, just just human from way back in our history. That's right there in music and for so many folks that do go back and they decide to pick it back up again. I know I have stories but I just wanted you shared one, but are there other folks that you can share that either they've gone back to music when they missed it for a while or or you can choose the path. With or they've continued on with music in there. So glad that they did. Absolutely. I mean I think of I think of one of my students who's currently at the University working on a music Ed degree and thinking back to when I I taught them privately before I even was, you know, certified and taught my first day and a public classroom. I taught them just they come to my grandparents house and my grandparents had a piano so we used it. I brought my violin and we had music lessons together as gentleman's name is Dalton and just being able to To see him on his path now and how he struggled with a growth spurt in his life. He grew seven or eight inches over the course of just a few months. I mean very very rapid growth and it affected his playing it affected his intonation, but we overcame those obstacles and he still really had a passion for music and now I think he's a junior or senior at UCO. I haven't reached out to him and few months probably been close to a year now, but like he he really overcame that obstacle and and he kept going and he kept that that passion and he's gotten better and he's overcome some performance anxiety and overcome some some obstacles to really get to where he needs to be so that he can share and that's that's I think the greatest thing of this whole cyclical process kind of taking it down another Rabbit Trail in education. We've done I think a great job in the last few years of focusing more on individualizing students experience in education and working. As Educators to make sure that individual students matter and that every one of them is having growth instead of just teaching to a middle or a top or a bottom. We're finding those students individually and making sure that every one of them are growing and they might all be growing at different rates, but they're moving and I think Dalton the the student I referenced it's a great example of that that he he had an obstacle and he didn't let it overcome him and we addressed it individually and he rose through it and then he realized that he was going to have to practice a lot more than he ever had then during that time to figure it out and to get to that level and then as he went into college, you know, the rigor of University versus high school that he was going to have to step it up more and and how he chose to interact with that and what he shared with me about that it I think it really speaks to the good things that we're doing in education making sure that every student matters and that that gives them that inner drive in that inner inner. Inner Vision that they can accomplish their goals because they've been given individualized backing if that makes any sense, I think so. Yeah because it meets people where they're at. Yes, and you know in the work that I do with people on an everyday basis I use the word narrative a lot. We have storytelling Minds, you know, that's how we create our reality and then you know, what we do about that is is a matter of you know, life growth and obstacles that we face and how we shift and shape that Active as a result. And so what I'm hearing is that this end of through individualized education and individualized plans for students, like you've just mentioned There's an opportunity to meet them right exactly where they're at. They're still getting outstanding education, of course that hasn't changed but it's more individualized for exactly what they really need to help them get from point A to B to C to D. And so in Dalton's example, he went through this growth spurt. That was a it was a like a disrupted experience in his life. He was met by instructors in his life people in his life that wanted him to continue to succeed and equipped him and is what I'm hearing with those skills with the emotional support with the other aspects that would enable and Empower him to do so and these are the results, you know that he's able to be more resilient he's able to persevere and he knew it was it would work because he was convinced it made sense to him. It was me. For the instruction that he received. Yes, and I think you hit the nail on the head with meaning when students see that the education that they're getting is Meaningful and they can make that connection takes us back to Silver strengths when they when they're able to see a yard from them, you know, just just a few Paces from them the power of the music that they're creating and how it's making someone smile or it might be taking them from whatever emotion they were in today to just a brief a brief minute of women. Sitting in a song that they hear or or just being met with a smiling face that's creating music like it. It makes it real to that student that what they're producing is really affecting change on somebody else. If I say anything about the the current state of students at least where I teach right now, it's that all of them want to make change happen whether it be on a small scale or a big scale and being able to do that with their instruments. Using everyday what I'm getting to provide to them in the form of, you know, technique and pedagogy if you will on their instruments that that really I see an inspiration in them that makes them want to work harder and improve more and then it just becomes just an exponential response. Then the more that they improve the more that they're able to to get that emotion out of people or affect more people through their playing and and I'm sure this goes across every single discipline. I just say it in music because it's what I'd you know, eat sleep and breathe air. All the time is those students that are in that in those musical trenches doing the work of hours and hours in the practice room for that very emotion that Their audience gives to them in the form of feedback or just a smile and the case of Silver Springs. So yes, that meaning peace is really key. Yeah, and then, you know, we all want to know that we matter. So to have an impact is to see that I have an effect on other people. So when the students can see that I've seen it too and the feeling as a teacher as a parent or as you know an audience member sometimes to see a student validated that they matter that they made a difference if it's a if it's an exciting difference that they've made or a, you know, an emotional difference of another kind or whether it's a thoughtful one. Like I didn't I didn't think about interpreting that piece that way how interesting, you know, just a way to think. Differently about it absolutely and how it really can be so life-changing. I'll give you another example of a student that graduated a few years ago. Whose just wrapping up I think down at OU and Norman he really was inspired to be better in music. When he was in eighth grade, his name is Santana and he was he had the opportunity to he shared some of this these details with me because I asked the class in general to respond in writing on what really perks you up about music. What makes you you know, kind of like with our leadoff question what makes you get your instrument out of its case and and his response was that when he was in eighth grade. There was an individual whose name was Nick who performed and it made made an incredible impact on Santana and he happened to sing to him during one of the singing songs and you know and and played a solo in one of the sections that really just spurred on and Santana's mine. Like wow this this really has meaning this. This is a cool thing that I want to do. Well, I mean Santana got lots of money to go to college through his instrument and also was a three-year all-stater in his instrument and and you know, I I don't know if I've ever even personally made the connection between those two. I mean, they're both they're both friends of mine. I know Nick and I taught Santana even though I did, you know friends with Nick and different relationship with Santana, but I don't know if I've even never made the connection that hey Nick, do you realize that you impacted this students life so much and now that they're both in their 20s plus I don't know if nickel ever know that story. I'm after this after this podcast. I think I'm going to message him tonight because I I've ever shared that with him. But how many of those type of connections never get narrated? They never get shared and and I think that's important for our students to see that just because it's not Glitz and glamour of being publicized or or you know, you don't make the front page of the paper holding your instrument, you know playing a red Solo that they really can make a difference in somebody's life. That's bigger than anything. I mean that that inspiration that Santana had in 8th grade. I think lead in part. If not in do part to some of the success that he was able to achieve through his scholarship offering in music. And so, you know, if did Nick think about that as a high schooler playing for an eighth grader probably not on that level, but that's the the power of music and the power of what being really connected and giving it your all and caring about everything that you do can have absolutely and Great example, you know that the title of this intentionally of of this podcast series is live your purpose and I'm hearing a lot of purpose, you know, when we really get deep into our purpose. There's a lot of passion there. There's a lot of connection a lot of meaningfulness all comes together. I'm hearing it come through your language right now, you know, and I'm inspired. I'm literally inspired. I'm thinking you're going to go back and contact, you know these folks and let them know and it speaks again for me to your passion and your commitment and your or just your drive to be an excellent teacher and to care about these kids and and and set them on the right track and these formative years. So just really have just been say that I guess well, thanks. I mean, I just it's not work. It's just it's it's fun. I love getting to see them as I said before getting to see them mold and shake them shape themselves into different creatures, you know, they they come as freshmen and as as years go on I get to see more seniors. Wait, and it's becoming more emotional for me because I knew them earlier, you know, this is in my seventh year of teaching being this year. My sixth graders are our seniors of that first year. And so that full seven-year sequence from 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th grade is here and those remembering back to those 6th graders and how much their lives have changed and of course factors have come in and and some of them had, you know a little bit little bit Jagged erode between those two dots and then others but but still seeing them be able to be the people that they are it's exciting and I'm excited for the future of you know, 10 years from now. What are those? What are those students going to be doing? You know, how are they going to be using music? How are they going to even be using just the things that they've learned from music and and the discipline of practice or the understanding that they're not going to play it perfectly that we aim for Perfection, but we'd sometimes don't get it but it's that Journey, and it's that that that mindset that we have of aiming for that that really takes us somewhere. I'm excited to see I mean it's an exciting road to live down because you get to see those those students Beyond where they quote unquote finish at the end of their senior year. Yeah. That's one of the things with what I do is that I travel with somebody in their life over. Let's see her, you know three to four months and sometimes longer but it's usually for a limited period of time where they try to get from point A to point B in their life, whatever that may be and to see them do it. It's the same thrill that I'm hearing that you get. I was a TA for a while in the classroom and did some mentoring and was a in Youth Ministry for a while and youth praise band leader and all the electronics and electric guitar and all that and the really loud music and and all that. It's the same thrill. It's that it's that kick that for me. This is my story as a recovering alcoholic that I used to get from like whiskey or you know those things. Instead of escaping Now, it connects me. Yeah to something that really really matters. And so I wanted to hit this because I wrote a little note to myself to do this is that for those folks out there that are listening they may be students. They may be parents. They may be other teachers or they may just be folks that you know, they left their art. They left their music behind somewhere and they're starting to think about. Well, what how can I possibly go pick up? You know the piano again or get back at the guitar or our start singing again? Do you have some tips or Some ideas where people can just take some baby steps and get back to it. I do and I think we're in a great age here in 2019 of having resources to make that happen. I mean so many times now my students are coming to me with interpretations of the music. We're playing from YouTube, you know, or that they've heard or seen and so I would just encourage any listener or anyone like go and find what you want, you know, if you want to play guitar go find a guitarist that you like and listen to them and then search how to fill in the blank and there's probably some great content out there from from entrepreneurs that are just wanting to be providers of that material online or even some that, you know, some of the companies have have dove into e-learning and those type of things, but I would just say Jump Right In and watch a video even if you don't have a guitar yet, you know that that mental mindset of seeing that practice even if you're practicing in the air, you know being able to get that in place and save up and invest in kind of, you know can maybe commit to something, you know save up from a couple paychecks and buy that guitar and then you have it in your hands and it doesn't have to be the you know in violent language the Stratovarius of of instruments, you know, it doesn't have to be something that's that's A flashy or or really well-made just something that you can get in your hand and that you can you can make music with and then I'd also say two more than the digital aspect. That's the easy part find a community in your local area. That doesn't mean here on the stream side. We have a community Orchestra. We have Bluegrass jams that happen right here in Oklahoma City, you know, we have even a group of players that get together and play steel guitar down in Del City every month. I mean reach out, you know reach out and social media find a group get connected and then then show up and learn just by watching and Learn by by experimenting what I love about that Community is that there's no judgment in those groups. It's just people that like we've spoken about all night our are finding their purpose in music and and expressing it with friends with with people maybe that they don't even know that show up to the gym and play but don't Afraid that you are not adequate or you know, I haven't played in so long. Well, the only way to change that is by starting day one today and it's what I tell my students every single time that you know, we have a big audition coming up for students and mr. Bronski. I haven't practiced. Well, the only way to change that is right now and this very moment you don't even need to talk to me any longer go hop in the practice room because after you do that, you can't say that anymore. Because now you're practicing so, you know find that e-content find a community and dive in and and I mean it's if you follow that I think you're going to be able to find some success I think so too and I speak from experience like I'm listening to your advice and I'm thinking yep. Yep. Yep, because when I started guitar put it down for a little bit in my teenage years and then I went to college and there was an opportunity to play a lot more there was a lot more people around and and some of them were musically inclined and I thought you know what I'm going to learn. Some music that I love to listen to and so for me, I went out and got a real simple Beatles chord book. Yeah, and just I just tried to play him the best I could and I hurt my fingers a lot, you know until I got the calluses it always happens on the string side of things as mr. Dabrowski. My fingers are hurting and it's real if it hurts an adult's fingers. It's but it's one of those one of those steps tools that you got to get past. Right? So, you know lowering those barriers that you might have out there anyone listening to this if If whatever your resistance is look for ways to move around the resistance. If you really want to do this, if you are passionate about music and missing it get back to it. That's the short answer right and then you've got about a dozen really great strategies that you can go back and listen to and write down and take action on right. So I love that. We're just about out of time. I try to keep these at about 45 minutes sure anything that we didn't hit our or like a closing message that you liked. Absolutely. I think I mean, an educator I have to say I have to plug the support your local education initiative and and that's not just on a you know, not just on a you know, education quote-unquote, but just pour into your teachers because it's it we give a lot of ourselves to our students and sometimes we give a little more than we can even replenish and so I would say that if you're passionate about something reach out to the people in your community, I would I would absolutely love for a musician that is passionate about music to knock on my door and my office at school and say hey, I used to play violin. What can I do? You know, I'd find something, you know for them to do with silver strings or even if they could they wanted to come and and and be our number one concert goer, you know, making sure that they know all of our events that they're plugged in just just reach out to your reach out to your Educators reach out to the people in your community and make sure That they're feeling supported and then the last thing I would say is just kind of goes along with the whole the whole theme of today. Just don't be afraid to take that step and don't start don't think starting something is too difficult. You know it I love that that adage of you know, a journey of a Thousand Miles starts with that one step. So take that one step. I encourage my students to take that one step every day. Even if they're fourth graders learning how to play the D string the first note they learn the first time or if they're trying to play a college audition Piece. It's that same step that's going to get you to that next level. So don't be afraid to take it and do it with purpose. Right? So you heard it here what we're going to end on that can't say anything else to that except for to Echo. What Levi to bring ski is just said get started support your teachers the way that you can do that you he's mentioned several ways to support. Teachers Mentor, you know what your skill set jump in there and volunteer be an advocate be a promoter share some events on social media and tell your friends about all the good stuff that's going on in your own Community. Exactly. And if you've missed music get back to it take that first step. It may be a long journey, but the first step is the first step and that's the hardest one to take. So get after it Levi. I want to thank you so much for sitting down with me today. I really appreciate it. Hey, sure. Enjoy. Thanks. having me You've been listening to the live your purpose podcast. I hope you've been inspired by my conversation with today's guests. If you like what you hear, please share with your social networks And subscribe so that you never miss an episode. I'm your host Charles Dawson life purpose coach and founder of full integration coaching. To learn more about the life coaching public speaking and Retreat services that I offer visit full integration and you can follow along with me on Facebook and Instagram at full integration coaching until next time. Remember you are meant to live on purpose start living yours today.
My guest is Levi Dobrinski, the Orchestra Director at Putnam City West High School and Chairman of Orchestras for all Putnam City Schools. He is also the Director of the Silver Strings of Putnam City: Oklahoma’s only strolling orchestra, now in its 31st concert season. In 2020, the Putnam City Orchestra program will be traveling to London on invitation from the Lord Mayor of Westminster to participate in the London New Year’s Day Music Festival. Levi has served as the state president for the Collegiate Oklahoma Music Educator’s Association, and as concertmaster for the symphony and chamber orchestra at the University of Central Oklahoma. In 2018, he was named the Oklahoma Music Educators Association Young Music Educator of the Year for the state of Oklahoma. In this episode, Levi talks about how the love for his family and passion for his students motivates him in his roles as husband, father, and teacher. He describes the early influences on his life that inspired him to become a music teacher, and the path that ultimately led him to where he is today. Levi also shares about the power that music has to build understanding between cultures, improve academic outcomes for students, and provide opportunities to create meaningful change. Plus he gives heart touching stories of student successes as well as tips for getting back to music for those who regret leaving it behind. Connect with my guest: You can contact Levi Dobrinski through the Putnam City Schools website Resources mentioned in this episode: The Silver Strings of Putnam City Stars & Stripes Forever 5K Press: Putnam City Orchestras London Trip OMEA Outstanding Young Music Educator Award Share and subscribe: Share this podcast For more ways to share and subscribe Thank you!
Welcome to the best version of you. I met Jay Roberts British forces veteran turned performance and lifestyle coach each week. I bring you an aspiring guests and message to help you level up your lives and unlock your true potential. Thanks for joining me today and including me in your journey to becoming the best version of you. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, welcome to another amazing episode of the best version of you. I'm your host is always a Jay Roberts and today. I'm extremely excited to bring to you a legend of a man the northern Warrior. Mr. Stephen green Steve. How you doing, man? I'm really good at yes. Thanks. Now guys brief introduction about Steve he was born in the late 70s in red car in the in the wonderful north of northeast of England. Should I say and he had a bit of a rough upbringing and left school in 1994. He basically went on to follow his mates working in construction, like many of the many of British Lads do and to lead sided he had enough and in 1998. He followed a few of his friends. Enjoying the Glorious core of the royal Engineers during this period he served in a number of places over broad high pressure environments some often kinetic and Iraq Afghanistan, uh, Saudi Arabia. Oh man, and basically it was a real eye-opener for him now during his 11 and a half years. He managed to reach the Dizzy Heights of Sergeant say he left as a senior of the core. And it was actually in 2006 that while still serving Steve brought his first investment property and that's something with me go into detail with today as it is. He says first goal on the beach having a portfolio of 1 million pounds worth of property within the first three years which ladies gentlemen he achieved. So that's the Army to focus fully on property and he now has more than 50 properties worth over 6 million pounds and that is his latest project. In 2013, he opens own construction company which now comprises of 12 members of staff and over 30 subcontractors. And most of these are used on daily basis turning over almost two million pounds of work. Yeah. It's quite amazing Steve's other passion is and this is what so really really tough to get on the show is his absolute huge desire to help other people and help them create a lifestyle that he has for him and his family. And he he delivers through his training courses. So without further Ado, I'd like to bring you back to mr. Steven green. So you can tell you a little bit more about his story and the amazing things as achieved so far. So Steve, let's start off with right where you are now and what it is you're doing at the moment. Yeah, so I'm split it spinning like a lot of players to be honest at the moment. We're looking to actually to get down a little bit. So currently got a like a large project on its 25,000 square foot. It consists of what it used to be. It used to be an all night clubs. I used to actually go there when I was first going outside of 18 19 year-old and it used to have the gymnasium on the top floor where I used to my dad's. It's okay. I actually used to go there as a kid and I used to I used to sit there and watch him sort trim with these met so that when I was about eight nine year old and then when I got a bit older probably about 19 year old or something like that before I went in the Army. I started trading there when you're done. So it's quite an iconic building in red cards right on the sea front. So I basically I bought that January this year. It took a year for it to go through just to the just because of the size of it. You have all sorts of issues with the titles with people objecting against the planning literally every hurdle we could have first we became up against so we've we've had the funding that solving past. We are converting it into 10 duplex Apartments, which basically just means they've got a stairs and it's kind of like mini houses upstairs and down we've got to retail units 13 offices we're going to move our own offices in there as well. And then we've got off a conference room downstairs. So it's going over 250 see a conference room where we'll be running our own training from and then we're going to have a gymnasium in there as well. So that'll be like a private gymnasium for the tenants of the businesses. And the and also the duplex Apartments - oh, that's awesome. Yeah. That's the big project right? We're about 50% through at the moment. I'm sort of winding down on my construction business and looking to sell out the moment. Hopefully in the next few weeks that that's going to go through and then I've got the the academy the property investment Academy which quite heavily focused on that now teach other people are I've built up this portfolio since 2006 and then my passion of mindset as well of showing people that They're already limitations of the ones the set of themselves. We with the wrong beliefs. So I've recently just Runner to day trade in event on that. That was last Monday Tuesday, very controversial. I'm sure we'll we'll talk about that today. Some people say that it's completely changed our lives and those that to be honest. It's laws that haven't come and seen it the very skeptical of the claims I make and I understand that I get that there. Pretty bold claim so so I do get it. Such pretty much where I am where I am. And I've seen a lot of your posts about your recent event. I was absolutely Amazed by some of the response and positive positive things that happened at your event and that, you know, see some of the photos of like just guys, how can you like not letting go cause you seem like, you know, you were helping them and not short period of time more than what they receive from doctors helped over like years years years of therapy to talk briefly. Like what? How did that come about? I've always had a real big passion about that the mindset side of things so I didn't particularly do it. Well at school. I've always drawn up at my school grades about fudge. I wasn't really interested. It was only really sort of PE that I had a passion for sort of the body fitness and things like that standard boy. Yeah, and then in the Army being a physical training instructor as well. I just loved it did not pti's course in thousand and two and I was just again I get a phone that I was really pulled towards the mindset the body coaching mentoring and that's the route. I wanted to go upon them going PT cost selection and sort of finishing my time up in the PT call that that was the funds and then 2006 it was I've got told I was going on a training course with Matt would out. I think you've met mark because we were just on about good either. So it's with the performance people and I didn't actually want a go on the training. I've seen it as a bit of a punishment. My bosses said no law because you're doing really well. We're going to put you on this three week training program and I was quite difficult and then Bronte one themselves since is anyone not want to be here and there was one idiot, but he's under and they kind of said to me look stay around 11 o'clock. If you don't want to be able to send you back to unit and I think it was probably after an hour. I was the most incredible. Gross person on the course and completely bought into it. And then from that point I just had this real first of personal growth for a learning developing my mindset my beliefs calls vision and that's where the real passions come from. I've seen what it's done for me being able to help other people. It's can just completely change people's lives as we seen at the event last week. Yeah. It's absolutely amazing. And obviously that time in the Army as well and I could relate to it a lot it you're not always surrounded by like-minded people and if you know, you're in the Army and they're not everyone's like that and it's still the same to this day in the same as any business really. So did you find yourself sort of like looking elsewhere to sort of network with like-minded people and also was it then just a case of a pure. Personal development Journey like upwards climbing all the time just basically trying to get better and better and better with the resources you had. Yeah. I think I've always been very driven and more of it than that that come from being a kid. I didn't really have a choice to be honest my mom and dad split up at quite an early age. I was brought up with my dad and my Grandma and Granddad and that's what I talk about in the book. I was brought up in a council ocean my grandparents. That's where I saw stood seventy percent of the time and then when God wasn't at work myself stepping regard for he was fanatically still is on his bike without training and things like that. So I was very much brought in and that world because my dad suffered mental health all of his like I used to I'd come home from school and I'd have to go on my bike and sometimes when he had the pressure he wouldn't speak for two or three weeks at a time. So it could be like really difficult like treading on eggshells around the house and things like that. That and my understanding of it as a sort of like a 10 11 year-old was a had to work hard on my bike in order for my dad to give me recognition and to feel happy and I felt that if I didn't try hard enough that I wouldn't get that. I kind of blamed myself for him not for being in these quiet mood. I didn't really understand what the were at that age sore. there was a mixture of him being quite strict that way of wanting the best Romney because he didn't start sort of his physical training until he was 26 and he got to a really good level and used to always sit think like well if I had a started it earlier as a kid where for they have got so I kind of got the backlash of that and yeah, it was it was quite tough in regards of Who is sort of you just get on with it? And I think that is pretty much in the north anywhere in the silent on that we from it's like you don't cry you get on with the lights what you make of it that type of thing. So that's where it's sort of sort of started for me. But my mom has well, she suffers from depression. So when people say things like well, what do you know about I've been surrounded with it all my life. It's My hometown now it would taste side has got the highest suicide rate in the whole of the UK. So it's it's a subject that's very close to my heart. My little cousin took his life a couple of years ago some of my best mates of tip and the lives and you'll know yourself in the military. It's quite a big thing for guys coming back off it operational to as PTSD and things like that. So I think I've not really been able to avoid it. It's always been around me everywhere on things and Beyond Yeah, and I'm very much in the same boat mate. It's one of the things I'm really starting to divulge towards and and hence the trend in the way up and going with a podcast in the guess. I've had on and mental health such a big subject. And the reason why I wanted to touch an eighth inning get guests on he would be, you know, really been involved in helping other people and know a lot about it is because it is such a taboo subject and like you say, you know for every person that's congrats Lakeshore says, Thank you so much. You've helped me. You know, you get two people a say. Well, what do you know about it? Because you've not got a doctor or you haven't done a psychology degree and stuff like that. But we all know that you know, what does knowledge always be experienced. No, it doesn't and I find some of the best people to talk to about mental health and overcoming adversity and stuff are our veterans. Yeah, because they've experienced this so many different forms. Yeah and like Self like me, you know, I have my best friend killed himself two years ago next week Sergeant Nathan. Well took his life here and in tidworth and week for that old Sparky did and it was just a horrible spout of it happening and only April this year. We lost Rob McEvoy down and bovington is just so yeah, like say constantly surrounded by it. So I think that we become pretty credible people. Especially those who pursue constant personal development and training and your mindset to be stronger all the time and more resilient and stuff like that. Like you say you didn't have a choice when you're younger. You just start your grow up fast. Yeah. No. So yeah, I think it's actually remarkable me and you know, I think some days that there's the old saying goes like some people should just pull up a sand bag and a talk to Scotty like because you'll be surprised what or how much they can help you? Yeah now definitely Stay with us and I think from for myself. I actually see the board early that somebody put on and it said let me think the court said I brought I think it was a broken man whose repaired himself is a very strong man. It was somewhat somewhat along along those lines and I looked at it and I reflected on myself because I have been in a very dark place like when I was in Iraq myself a talking about I'm quite open about it that for me. I did consider taking my life on that to just just couldn't take it and I look back now and it's I can see the whole lot. I was in and you just not thinking straight like people say things like if you take your like yourself this your kids and things like that, but I know when I've been in them periods of time, you're not thinking about that. That is the last thing that I need is your edits the for me. It was just I'm just done I've had enough. Okay, and I need a fellow it's that was the only sort of thing going through my head. You're not thinking about other people. Yeah, and like I can totally see what you're coming from because couple of episodes ago. I had an di Bishop on the show who was in the same dark place and he was like best friends with Sparky when he took his life and that's when he was like in a really dark place or he was in a bad place anyway, and then that happens and it you know, you share this remarkable story of us here on the show and you know for me I just love the love talking to people. With overcome that and getting people like yourself to share their story with other people out there because for me, I'm sure you understood exactly the same if you can just help one person. Yeah, get out of the hole there in just slightly that dark place, you know for me I'm winning and I'm sure it's the same for you. Yeah, it's very much was that I probably a little bit more. I've changed my sort of angle on it now, but I very much was lucky if I can help one person and now I've took it quite personal, but I know where I'm actually attached to it or anything like that, but I love my town. I'm proud of this town that work where I come from and I always remember it was probably about three four years ago. I remember when the steel Work clothes for the first time and it was a massive hit for this area because most people in the area and boy, but by the steelworks and I remember just having to Pedal up the seafront and just sort of thinking if I have to I'll single-handedly fuckin turn this town around by myself, and I remember having that conversation with myself. So now it's I've gone past that thing of wanting to sort of change one person's life. It's I want To do this on a fucking massive scale as people as I can possibly impact that that is the mission of and I know you're not there's always going to be people who don't want to change. I always think of the thing with Napoleon Hill where he says two things after be present one you have to want a change to you, but I've been looking for it and I do believe if either of them things are present and changes and going to happen. But for those that do want a change I know that I can help them and I'm very passionate about doing that as well. Yeah, and that comes down to people just being a ridiculously Close book and need to just need to become a little bit more open-minded of what's out there because you are living proof of the fact if you work hard, you know, you grind surround yourself with positive people and you know just positive mindset. You know, there's some great things out there that you can achieve doesn't necessary. I'd be property could be like, you know forever things. Yeah. So let's go back to the property side of things make that obviously like you bought your first investment house in 2006 while you still serving was that off the back of some like advice that you had or was it just something you always wanted to do? I think it was Probably a subconscious level. It probably came from my dad as well. The fact that he's always been quite smart with his money. I'm not going to say is ever set the world on fire, but he was up. He always put it into investment in share templates like that and he's done well for himself in that sort of respect. So I guess he sort of taught me that I used to sit and look if you work hard and listen that when you order your love your own out your own cast it up. That was solid drummed into me all the way through my childhood when I actually bought my first investment property. He tried to talk her out of it as the else with with many things. It was the older ones if no one wants it and you've got a second mortgage and you've got this around your neck, but for me because I've gone away onto it at sort of come back with this money. As you know, you cats on spend it when you're aware thought. Well, what what do I do with it? The time property was really cheap. And so ended up getting my first investment property there and I was surprised at how easy it was straight away. I got a tenant who's paying the rent direct debit and it was probably after three or four months. I just thought this is easier than I thought and I just literally just started building and just one after another after another. Hmm. So like now you've got 150. Yeah, I've got I've actually got more because I've got With the current project that we've got going on. I'll be asking another 27 so will be 77 in total like different units mixture of Summer single here to I've got 13 units which are here chemours. And the rest of them are houses retail commercial. So I'm quite a broad range. But yeah, we've the current one now we've got with what we've got complete got towards 60. Oh, well, that's a as formidable as brilliant and well, I mean obviously got a range of different types of properties are what type of property would you say was the best for you really? Whereas in terms of percentage of profit would you say HMO Returns the most about money? Yeah, I think for me because I mean I have literally made every mistake you can there I think it's what makes me a good property. Trainer I've seen properly trainers and a lot of Traders have been trimmed by somebody else and the back accelerate the results and of are played of Dunbar but for myself about like the 14th year now and I have literally made every mistake you can make and properly so a lot of my investments were bad. I remember having my portfolio and I used to think I used to add money into them. Um, so like let's say for example, the rent was 400 quid. My mortgage would be 450 Souls. Like I didn't know every mortgage and when I came out of the military in 2010, I came out to flip properties because that's what I've been doing buying and selling them as well. Hmm, and there wasn't much Choice when the sun came up. Everyone was fighting over it and I actually thought God this isn't working. I'm going to have to go back in and I needed to be excited or 30 grand a year to get bites. Of yeah. Hey me Cara mortgage with it's like up and remember over a six-month period I made by 8,000 pounds and I thought fucking Ellicott. I needed to be make it at least 15 and I remember having a port 3 tons worth of Petrol in the car that so I'll skin I was I I'd like I think at the time I had over a million pounds worth of property and about 300 Grand in equity and what I did I couldn't get my saying. No, don't be don't be cash but we are equally rich and cash poor cheese, which is what I was and I literally I put three couldn't in the fucking petrol tank and I bounced onto mortgages and it was like shit and I realized then that I need to do some of the cash flow and I ended up selling quite a few of the houses and I bought my first hitch and more and that that was clear with me then 27 Grand a year. Yeah. I would say that the only issue I out then was at used all my money deposits in the hitch and all cuz I up to because I had no experience. I put 50% down. It needed quite a lot of renovation Works to get it back up to scratch. So I think kind of blocks myself that weird. That's why I then sort of by accident. I ended up finding a joint venture partner from from a job application. So we just got talking about property and he started investing. So yeah, the hmos are the definitely the biggest biggest return in that respect. I love raw. I love commercial buildings. And the reason why is I think you get a better type of clientele. So if you get like buildings where you can split them commercial buildings when we did recently where we split it in three commercial units and the just let out all the time. There's a big big one from and you get a better clientele. It's a generally think of people that have wanted to sell their own business. They're in at least the mindset of Life happens through me rather than to me. Yeah, so the take responsibility for the results, they're not in that victim mentality and I tend to find that they're there a better type of clientele that we are very very little voice on any of the sort commercial buildings. Hmm. Yeah. I can only imagine enough see it like with the other properties where people are just renting some people might just be in survival mode almost just living paycheck to paycheck just to just to pay the rent and you know, each super noodles and stuff. Yeah, which can become a headache from your part as well and like Gigi went out to people who are in housing associations too far or do you refrain from no? No, we do that. So the hit chemours this is this is the polarity with it. You do bring in a good return off them. You've also got clients who people end up in relationship breakups and things aren't where they just after short-term Properties or levies dirt being out of work for quite a while. So you do tend to have a bit more of a higher turnover and a bit more of a challenging challenging Talent. I'm quite fortunate because we've got our own management company and I don't have anything to do with us. So we have involved stuff rocks. That's all tip. Care of all about yeah, that's great met you. I mean when you get to the level you have like you you have to Outsource so you can actually run your company, you know, like your company run you sort of thing. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I used to do. There was a lot of sort of Hands-On. I actually remember it was on a Sunday afternoon and getting a phone call off a tenant and saying that the bath was leaked and I remember on a Sunday afternoon. It was red oxide and now I'm sort of fixing underneath of back. Thinking perfect setup set. I'm going quite literally from that point. I just started Outsourcing it or I just give all of the tenants. There's a number for the electrician. There's one for the plumber and I just authorised a certain amount like sort of anything up to 50 Quid. I give the Tradesmen just to go ahead to just do the work some of that. I give me a call. Yeah - I sometimes it is an investment though, isn't it? Because because your don't you Can't buy time. Yeah, and you're selling your time on here pretty much just just avoid paying your 50 weird here and there. Yeah, I thought that are multiple weekends when I'm grafted in my own house. Yeah, so I want to suddenly wake up in the morning or today. I'm with chippy. No, it's get someone else to the decking for you. Yeah, definitely I do that. No even at my own home. I actually remember when I went into one last time I grew and there were Talking about oven people used to hang pictures up on the wall, and I remember thinking fuck he'll like why did they just throw money away like that of getting people to do these Natural Things of taking doors off and it wasn't until I beat in that group a while that I realized that the very much 80/20 in the whole process that they'll look at it and go right if I'm fitting that door that I compare someone 12 15 pounds an hour for I could be making a hundred pound an hour. Bye. By doing this work on my business. Yeah, and it took me a while. I get my head around that would be honest, I think because watching my dad do all the things in his house here in in and all of its like that it didn't it didn't sit right with me getting people around to do jobs that I knew I could do that a little bit lazy, but I very much got used to that now would be stinking right I Outsource anything, but all like calm and I stay in that chunk of level. So I think that's really Important for the success in any business. Yeah. No, I wholeheartedly agree and how this conversation with a friend the other day and it's something I've touched on in a previous episode if episodes before like how much do you as an individual value your time? Not everybody needs to be so businessman and have a their own company like and stuff but she'd always value the time because you don't get it back. It's the most it is the most expensive currency in the world and I use like I used my wife for it. Example like saying to me like what you know, why do you need to spend 20 quid get someone to clean the car inside that you could do it yourself? I like well baby. If I do it myself I'm going to spend at least an hour and a half on it because I'm a bit of a perfectionist. I won't like have a mark anywhere and ask to be gleaming. Yeah, I mean because that's what we do is and but then like I value my time a lot more than 20 quid for 90 minutes, you know, and in that light exactly what you're saying like in that time an hour and a half I as an hour off. I could be like working on editing podcasts or working on Market in writing programs for clients, you know, all that kind of stuff. Yeah, they that's worth a lot more to me than 20 quid. Yeah. I'm or more people should think like that. They don't have to have a company in a business. They should not they should always work like ask themselves like how much we actually value my time. Yeah, definitely so going forward. With the property. What's the plan? I mean, you've got touching on 70 properties if you've got a goal in mind or I mean I suppose it's a bit of a silly question really because it's if you see if I said Yeah a hundred properties then you'll be like, oh what I do know, so it just is it take over the Northeast? No, I to be honest. I'm at a point now where I'm kind of winding down a bit after this project. I think for this project it was The fucked up I knew with the scale of it and you always care of all of doing it and then I knew it would clear and million Punk profit in one project and I think it was just the more of the thing of proving the point in my local area of what's possible. Like when people say are we from Red can people call it dead car? There's no opportunities nor cares for the government got care for as we've got the steel works and this very much this victim feel. Sorry for you. yourself kind of attitude and I just completely blow all of that out the water with everything that I have done and I am doing so I guess it was more of a didn't need to do it was more of just to prove a point to myself that I was capable of doing that. Yeah, prove to the area of look. It doesn't matter where you are and what your circumstances are. You can create your own opportunities. You can create your own fortune. Yeah, you can't and there's so many ways of doing out there. You just need to swallow your own Pride. I think stop following the people around you, you know, stop following negativity just sort of open your mind and just explore other avenues know reach out to people that are already doing it like yourself reach out to people get yourself on LinkedIn all that kind of good stuff. And there's this is the million and one ways of making money out there, you know and making a better life for yourself and your family. You just got to be willing to put in the Reps and yeah, definitely. So tell me how or tell the listeners how your book came around. I think it was a member just sort of I started writing the book. We started writing the book on mine set at first to be honest, and it was just some of that I wanted to do. I can't really remember where it came from. But I remember you're sort of saying right. I'm going to write your book and I have this ability to do this. I just say something and I commit to it and there's sort of no turning back. It's like there's no plan b or I don't ever give Myself the opportunity. I think we'll summer Phil. It's just a make a decision find out what I want to do is I think all successful people are very good at having a Clear Vision of what it is the ones when the north are just can't just you persist in you don't stop until you get so I started on the mindset for it was actually three years ago know over three years ago in March it was and I got about 30 40 thousand words in and I just stopped. It yeah, I didn't do anything on it for about a year and a half and then I went back to it. I sort of deleted about 10,000 words off it I didn't like and got back up to about 40,000 and then I haven't done anything on it again for probably at least sort of six months at least and then I was an event with one of my mentors and ERM. I've heard from here. Yeah, and all of the courts has and the other speakers at all their books on the shelves are member thinking fuck. I'm probably the only one here without a book. So I thought right fuck it. I'm gonna just do my property book and one of the stolen part of the mindset for and I took myself away for three weeks. And basically, I'll just draw the full lot in three weeks. It's more of some people have said to me that There's me discredit because of the amount of knowledge that I've got but I used it more of a tool as an introduction of what you can do in a bit of an introduction to me. And then in the world that we can work together people have a look at that to the like my style. That's why you my poor. I've kept the swearing in of kept sort of my personality in the book, but you have to man. I think you like you just have to be yourself always and be authentic, you know, it's just start it is part of who you are. It's you know, there's loads of top influencers out there. That's just like me doing an interview with Gary vaynerchuk and him saying please thank you. Yes, sir. No, sir all the way through. This is like not going to happen. No, but yeah, you just got be your authentic self all the time. I'm not definitely a that's the biggest thing what I've set of people if you're on the stage and you're doing that is just peace. Because I know you'll attract people like you have people who belie the dislike it and I sometimes go people say I thought like fuck squares or if this particular way or he's Flippin towards mental health. I get soft comments like that and then I get some people who score live yours. I love the fact. It's no bullshit. He's just straight to the point and just says it has it is. Mm-hmm. I don't always tell people what the one that we I'll tell them what they need to eat. here is I think that that's a lot more important and I believe that's why my mentees door seduced or well, yeah, and you know The big trends that I find with the best and biggest influences. Does Mike will fill with rain weather and property whether in social media marketing business in general is that they are their authentic self all the time. They're not trying to be anybody else. Yeah, like ever they're literally showing their audience that the true them all the time, you know, they're not they're not hiding behind Photoshop. So age they're not trying to get the best angles and every photo half the time they don't really give a shit what they look like. I mean you look at Gary vaynerchuk photos. For example, Blake's always in t-shirts jeans, and I know he's not, you know, he's not trying to make the influences that I follow especially in the same as you never out to impress anyone they just be themselves and I would naturally attract the audience and I find that's what it's been great for the podcast for example And one of the reasons why I started it is today that people can always see the real me and what I deliver and the guests I bring on the show their authentic self, you know, rather than just some like little 15-second Instagram clip of you know, pouting or something. Yeah, that was crap pile. Yeah. I got a lot of shit with that with with I did if you've seen my video outside my project where I mean, normally I'm not The scruffy bizarre there is actually a purpose of why I've got this sort of Buffon going on my hair and this big Scraggy grip action. That's this growth. There is a reason for that will come on up sure in a bit for I normally have a bit of stubble of that. Anyway, I like you said, I don't really saw a cat and some of the comments I get on my videos the do make me laugh when people call me a scruffy to our or showing where a bird's nest is and some of it is pretty funny because I know that I do come across that way that's sort of Rough and Ready the right the way that I sort of do my videos and we were talking about it before we start, you know off camera and it you're gonna get haters no matter what you do and it's purely just because like, like I said people aren't willing to put in the time and the Reps and they're just ridiculously jealous of what you have because they're not willing to put in the work to have it themselves. Yeah, and it's the same in any Armament, you know, I've had it for years. I made a lot of money off of cryptocurrency and I hope to make a lot of other people money. You know, this is what I'm serving and people were just like, oh here he is. Mr. Bitcoin whose effect years, you know, it just it was just yeah, it was laughable me. But yeah, it's you're always going to get it but you don't know laughing just cry right now. That's it, but ladies and gents going back to We've booked you can find it on Amazon is called the VIP purpose the videos called safe as houses. Okay, or mr. Stephen Green from Soldier to property millionaire. You can find it on Amazon that's safe as houses and it's going for a ridiculous cheap price get yourself a copy. All right, and I'll put again I'll put the books details in the show notes is obviously I appreciate that. So let's talk about this new project that you'd be you're growing the roughness for yeah, what I'm about to do. I'd probably need to be careful what I see it because mum mum media and marketing manager of give me a kick up the arse he's going out but I wind it in a little bit but in the next few weeks as part of my belief that it doesn't matter where you are in Life currently if you believe whatever You believe you will achieve and I'm going to I'm going to prove it doesn't matter where you are in life and our hard times. Are you can work your way back out. So I'm going to be going homeless. I'm going to be doing it from a point of having nothing. But also I'm not gonna have any mobile phone. I'm not gonna have a sleeping bag. I'm not going over there suck. I'm going to have normally literally just going to have the clothes on my back. And I've also what I'm going to be doing is I've got to find a job. So I've got to get a job and I'm not allowed to use any see these and what I like to use any of my connections are one of any contact with the outside world once I've got a job either need to get an apartment as well. So I need to prove I can get from off the streets. I'll have to do a bit of begging and stuff sort of to get you started. I'm open up and get us our share of a haircut and things like that and then get myself a job. Then get an apartment at once. I've got the apartment and I'm sort of self-sufficient with a job and its mission complete. So and there's going to be a few there's going to be a few extra little things in there. I'm going to be doing to make it to make it harder for myself. So I think I am allowed to say one of them because I've already I've already said this I've had my ass kicked so it doesn't really matter now. It's kind of out that I'm going to get the camera guy to piss in a bottle and he's literally I'm going to pour a big bottle of piss off my head. So I'm absolutely stinking. So there's no excuses of yeah, and I'm going to be doing a few other things, but I'm not allowed to say what they are right now, but they're extreme. They're actually even worse than the sort of the piss on my head and not having any sleeping bag and things are the quite extreme. So it's going to be really difficult. I know it's it's going to be a challenge. I know that with the right mindset as long as I'm focused on what it is that what I'm going to achieve and I'm persistent. I know it's just a numbers game like anything else has and eventually I'll will if I knock on a hundred dollars for a job eventually. Someone's going to say yeah, and if I do the same for an apartment eventually somebody will say so that's my mentality. It's what I live and Breathe by it's the philosophy that I teach so As long as I believe in that which I do then I know it will come with shipmate. That is amazing. And how how much is this going to be documented? You can have camera crew with you the whole time or yeah what I'm going to be some another hidden camera. So we've bought some some really Gucci kit. I'm going to have some sort of secret cameras and bits like that on and we're going to have a drawn that's following me about so when I'm sort of walking through the streets and things like that will be addressed. No, I'll be following my movement and then they'll be some sort of interviews and that from a from a sort of distance but there will only be out I will already have sort of access to the camera crew with sort of like 20 30 minutes a day. So they'll kind of Follow Me From a Distance and bits like that. But a lot of it's going to be done from the hidden camera. And then when I sort of hit certain Milestones like getting a job and things like that, that's when we'll delve colouring and so Sort of I think they're intending and that once I've nailed that the bell and following and we'll sort of do a little bit of an interview on that bit of how I've managed to achieve. So the church that's amazing. Is it is it going to be made into a proper feature-length documentary? Yeah, and he doesn't want to do it as a documentary. Once it cut it cut me wants to kind of do it as a film and he wants to have a documentary off the back of it of all the extra bits of That's how we got there the journey some of the challenges and things are we sort of made in the bits with a drawn so probably a couple of documentaries will come off the back of you think and sort of a 60 and 90 minutes of film as that through a particular TV network, or is it just a sole protector? Yeah, we do. It ourselves. I was in talks with the with one of the offshoots of the BBC because I was I was on a program to make you wrecked car. But that's been shot again this month actually from the 23rd to the 25th of this month. That's about Hanukkah. So I was I was on that and I was in talk to them about them covering it the really keen on doing it and they just kept stalling it it went on and on dragged on for a year and a half and in the end our new camera guy come on, and I told him and he just won't bollocks to it. Let's do it ourselves. He said we'll get all up here and let's just roll with it. So Want something done do it yourself and all that exactly. Yeah. Well, that's amazing. But I'm actually got really really looking forward to seeing that already like what a project. Yeah, it's my partner and a lot of my coaches didn't want me to do it. I've wanted to do it for five years to be honest. I've said it for quite a long time now. There's been a lot in my uniform area. There's been two homeless people one. That was he with scraping it and he ended up taking his own life. And then another one was recently killed as well. But I've actually had someone contact me in the League's area who deals with homeless people advising me not to do it because there's there's been a lot of attacks on homeless people at the moment. So it's disgusting and it like how leads people to attack a homeless person. It's just So yeah, it's when we were in actually leads. Between December between sort of Christmas and New Year last year me and my partner and it was a Friday night. We've gone out for a couple of drinks in the mail and stuff and we seen a girl in front of us and she kicked kicked a homeless guy in the head for no reason if sort of out with them it's and yeah, it's it's a horrible thing like you sir. Yes. I raise this one. Okay, so final questions Finish them a positive got still time machine and you've got your chance to put a little Post-it in it with a couple of bullet points and send it back to 16 year old Steven. What are those bullet points? Say to the youngest even Trust that the river bends. Okay, and and can you elaborate on that a little bit and I'm a big believer. Now that one of the things that I teach people is in life, if you're in flaw, I believe that a lot of people who have believed the first level of Consciousness is is victim mentality that life happens to you as a second level of Consciousness level. We learned that we can create our own results for it tends to be a battle of like a swim upstream. So you sort of fighting against the current and then Consciousness level three is just trusting that the the river bends that you might be going down a river and it might appear in you think you're going the mentally going straight and it starts to go off up Direction, but trust in our little Bend in it will go to where it eventually you need to be. It's the all term of you. You might have heard it that person can fall in a pile of shit and come up smelling and Roses the when somebody's in for that's what tends to happen Resorts or just come on really quickly and it's just about giving up control. It's about giving up the need for control. Should I say not giving up control? It's giving up the need for control and it's just about being relaxed trusting hundred percent that what you do will all work out fine. It's so bad that I'm big on the big believer in it. Now that it's so that happens in my life and it appears to be a disaster a cop or whatever. I just look at it. And I know that it's all part of what I meant to be a part of this is there's another opportunity of brought to learn to develop some very much now in a very relaxing things. I don't get stressed out. I'm very calm and looking back it took me a lot of years together. So yeah, if I wish the sun myself sort of one message it would be to do that a lot earlier of just keep believing in yourself and just trust that River or been to wear it where you need to grow up. Maybe that's fantastic and there's a quite a bit of a trend actually with the previous guests of Halden of said pretty much a similar thing obviously in different contexts. And the main message is to actually you know, really believe yourself trust yourself. Don't don't listen to what everyone else Else says don't try and please everyone else in just but if they like maintain that flow and good things will happen to you. Yeah, I believe one of the probably the biggest thing that stops people from succeeding and probably one of the biggest things that causes anxiety stress depression is people worrying too much what other people think about. I've got a sin it was somebody else. Who are you said it rich stuck in my head that what somebody else thinks about you is none of your Fucking business and I truly believe that because if somebody's thinking about you they're going to think it anywhere regardless if you don't want them to or not. So what they're thinking is their issue it's their business. It's nothing to do with you and if you can truly let that bra and it just allows you to be free to do your own work without sort of judging yourself and think of what Willie think what will she think and all of that bullshit limitations that we give? Ourselves. Yeah, and you know we all know as well that if you spend the majority of our time trying to please somebody else or posting certain things to get likes or whatever and that's occupying not you know drive your head space majority of the time what people don't realize is that people they're trying to impress nine times Outta ten don't give a shit. Anyway, definitely. I actually don't care. Yeah, and I think I think we all do that. I think it's natural to do that. I think. It was probably only three years ago three four years ago maximum that most of the things that I'd done was ego-driven. So like the extension on my house or all of those things. It was a bit of that like a fuck off to the world. Like I've worked hard for this you all down with me and initially it was a bit like it was just a prove that that sort of point to other people. We're now I've stopped caring like the or I used to count on my like some My birthday and stuff and think well, I've got a hundred and fifty likes a show. That's it. Almost must be an unpopular. And now I just I really just thought care. It doesn't bother me. I'm just I'm in such a bad place that are not for not for not caring about those things and if people delete me where I used to take it personal I actually now I think somebody unliking you is just as important of somebody liking your and foreign you because you just polarizing And rid of the people are you not meant to be in line with it frees up space to be more in line with people you are in line with because if you try to please everyone you'll please nobody. Yeah, exactly and it's all sort of is about isn't it is finding out who your audience is and I say this to people all the time, you know, because I hope so, you know, some Petey's out and stuff like that and I'm trying to reiterate the fact that you know, your friends your family your cousins and stuff act like they're not your Since man, they like just if they had the thing I'm not interested in your stuff. Don't get like hit up about it. Just like you need to realize they're not your audience and you know the same your business and it's even more podcast mate. I don't think I think my brother's maybe listen to a few episodes, but I'm pretty sure my old dear is not even heard one. I could say hey Mom how you doing? And I guarantee that like sweet message me like next week and say oh thanks for the show, but I'm not father. This is like Everyone has their thing, you know, yeah my dad's when I wrote the book and I actually dropped him a copy off and I went round a couple of days later and I said have you read the book you when I read the first few pages a lot of the show from proper. No problem. Is that proper generation that mentality? What read for growth? Yes. I fit. My I reckon my mom would be the same day. If I like write a book. I don't think she'd just be like well, which one do I like shit for it's all the same with the coaching the step Dodgers. Like honestly to cuddle what I do to be like, you know, why don't you that proper British? Yeah, that's good. Alright Steve mate. It's been absolutely phenomenal having them on the show before we leave you like to just let the listeners and the viewers know where they can find you on social media where they can get a touch of you and obviously if they want to come to an event that you've got coming up. Yeah, so the property Sideshow anybody sort of interested in property trading. My speciality is commercial or residential it's where I believe the big money is right. Now there's a massive opportunity and that so I have the property investment Academy so you can find that it's under the property investment Academy Stephen green. I have a YouTube channel, which again is just under my name is Steven green. I tend to put a lot of content on their of certain strategies. Are we And get started with money as some of my mindset ones and things like that is starting to add them as well. And then what we've got. I've got the I've got I've just I've actually just got on the Twitter and that I don't know with work store. My marketing guy sorted it out for me. So I'm not quite sure I'll that side of it works. But yeah, the main sort of places are the Facebook property investment Academy and the YouTube channel. A superb and I will be sure to put all your links in the show notes as well. So people can kind of hold your bun. There's no reason why they wouldn't be able to make it's been an absolute pleasure to finally have you on the show. I'm such a big fan of what you're doing. And that's why like I said previously like what you're doing. I was lying so much of what well, I'd like love doing and what my beliefs are and what you do for other people is just, you know, phenomenal and on behalf of The listeners and viewers, you know wish you all the best and especially with your big projects coming up. I'll be definitely tuning in to see how that progresses and I like to use this opportunity as a form of accountability to say that I will be up to one of your seminars in the near future. So everyone's heard it right here. Yeah. I've seen it. I've seen how productive they are me and my wife's looking into getting its property investment. So what better opportunity so yeah, you know, feel free to send me Loads of free tickets in the The Postman object but we will link. This is a free event this Friday. It's pretty short notice. That one's in Middlesboro. I think the next one after that two leads probably a bit closer for you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we'll chat about afterwards. But yeah, but looking definitely interested in coming up in the near future with the wife man guys and girls if you didn't take away any golden nuggets from this episode need to go and have a serious word for yourself in the Wonder what Steve cheverus today is nothing but phenomenal from having a pretty rough upbringing to you know, trying to trying to make himself a what the best version of himself for his time in the Army pursuing Excellence during his army career leaving army to get in his property and then becoming a property millionaire by sheer hard work determination. And what is that done? It is just shown you that anything is possible. And we as up-and-coming project that he has got about, you know becoming homeless and then going on to showing people that you can get from the bottom back to the top something. I'm very looking forward to it. I'm sure the listeners and viewers be looking forward to tuning in that as well guys and girls, I've hoped you've enjoyed this episode. If you have please please share with your friends and please leave a review your feedback means the absolute world to the show and what it does. Is it helps get the message out there to more and more people, so, please leave us a five-star review if you can leave a six-star. Alright until next time. I'll see you on the best version of you. Goodbye. Thanks.
Steven Green - a former Sergeant in the Royal Engineers isn't your run of the mill veteran. He's what most would class as a sensational entrepreneur. Born and raised in Redcar in the Northeast of England, Steve had a particularly difficult upbringing which resulted in him later following his friends and joining the British Army and the Royal Engineers where he served in many arduous countries around the world including Afghanistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Oman. During Steve's successful military career he found a real thirst for personal development, often getting himself on education courses, learning new skills and improving his financial intellect. As a result Steve bought his first investment property in 2006. He left the army in 2010 to focus fully on property and now has over 50 properties. Today on The Best Version Of You, Steve shares with us his amazing story and also greatest passion - To help others by showing them how to create the lifestyle he has made for himself. He does this through multiple training courses and seminars around the country, and today is marked as one of the greatest property investing coaches in the UK. To date Steve has helped thousands of people create a far better lifestyle for themselves, but has also changed the lives of many by coaching them to improve their mindset. Something he goes into great detail about in his seminars and courses. It really is something to behold, and the same can be said for Steve's latest project! - To live on the streets with no contacts, help or guidance - completely homeless, with no food or money. Steve's aim is to prove to people that even as a homeless person you can still get out of the darkest hole, find a paying job, then find accommodation. This will hopefully inspire many homeless people in his home town of Redcar and around the UK. Check out the full article HERE To contact Steve you can find him on Facebook @Propertyinvestmentacademy  Guys and girls. It means the world to me and gets my message out there to more and more people. Thank you!
It's not just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with continuing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter Snapchat. Just talking to teachers. Hello. Welcome to the third in the summer special series of nailers Ngata and this week is a bumper episode where I am speaking with Mark McCourt now listeners will know that markets. Everything education. He's a former teacher and AST head of Department senior leader head teacher often inspector. He's a founder of the teacher development trusts created a v maths and now he is a CEO of LaSalle education and I'm speaking to Mark about his new book teaching for Mastery. So the really in-depth full and Frank discussion about all the things in the teaching for Mastery Book and also a little bit wider in terms of the educational landscape so listeners to Aware that if you are walking your dog or your listen to it in the car that some of the language described as full and Frank, but I think that only adds to your enjoyment of the podcast so sit back relax take the dog for a walk go for a run and enjoy my conversation with Mark McCourt. Okay? Hello Mark and welcome to the podcast. I feel thanks for having me. No problem at all. Okay, so we're It's going to get in with the gentle introduction question, which is just if you could tell listeners a little bit about your career to this point and about your new book Mastery. Okay? I so very briefly. I fell into teaching off to be a mathematician did the usual stuff teacher had a maths and school leadership and then I became a director of a company called tribal group. Most people know tribal group better as ofsted, which is one of our projects. They had lots of large-scale Education projects there in the UK at all around the world including things like education for a new era in the Middle East and National Center for excellence in teaching mathematics in the UK loads and loads of different projects. So that takes me through to about 2011 and then I tried to retire which didn't work very well and they're the group of us. Started a new organization the solid education with the aim of bringing together large numbers of maths teachers on a very regular basis, which is one of the main things that we do that through thing called matter cons. So that's kind of my main work that I do nowadays that I'm also a director of several Charities as well. And yeah the book is is something that came about really from just writing down. On my own thoughts and having conversations with other Educators masteries something I've been banging on about for a really long time and it was increasingly the case that it was obviously being misinterpreted. So I thought I'd try and set the record straight on that. So yeah knocked out a book just came out recently. And so that brings us to today perfect. Perfect. And as I said the beginning your new book Both teaching for Mastery and You Begin it by highlighting those that have influenced your thinking in this book so I could just tell us a little bit about who these early players were and what influence did they have on the Mastery model for schooling? Yeah. There's a bunch of really interesting people involved in Mastery, and actually one of the guys John be caroled who's heavily influential in my street model was also heavily. Eventually we decided to become a teacher. I was reading Cows work. Work long before thinking about becoming a teacher and he's really really really important guy in terms of cognitive science and thinking about how the human mind works yet hardly any Educators know him at all. There's there a kind of superstars in cognitive science, like swellow giri in the bjork's so on but actually John be Carol, I think would be I will time here in that domain. Anyway his work led me. To read other people's stuff including Benjamin Bloom and then it was kind of like a jigsaw coming together of different different pieces of work led me to reading the thing called The Wind that care plan which was written in 1921 by a guy called Carlton Washburn and Carlton. He was a superintendent in this city would occur Illinois called the come up with this different model of working this Mastery model. As an antidote to conveyor belt approaches. It just absolutely fascinated gripped me and then I started looking at the history of it and where it be used at different places around the world, but the impact of it was so really Carlton washburn's and gotten kicked us off. Brother hundred years ago. He formally kicked it off in 1921 that you've been doing stuff in 1914 1915 very warmed Frederick birth at that time. And then what's really lovely as well as that if you dig into Carlton's work, you actually find that he didn't come up with this model and he was just copying model popularized by Aristotle and I love finding that out because I'm a very big fan of Aristotle. So the fact that all of those little Parts ended up leading to Aristotle two and a half thousand years ago. That's pretty neat. So yeah, they are these key players of our story. John be Cal got me into teaching Carlton Washburn kept me in teaching because I think if I had to go down the route of conveyor belt approaches to to education. I think I'd have been switched off in year one with a just left never got anywhere as a teacher but this model of actually maybe we could do something different here where every single child attains very very high outcomes instead of just Whew, that's a considered to be a gifted or whatever subject you're talking about. And that's interesting point to pick up on here Mark in terms of it's a question of going to maybe as late as I can just let it percolate for a little bit but and in terms of this teaching for Mastery and not just being for maths, am I right in thinking that Carlton Washburn was a scientist. Is that is that correct? Yeah. It's not that matters at all. Washburn was an interesting guy. He he was a Belt businessman and failed doctor medical doctor and he really just took a teaching job because he had nothing else he could do. His mother was involved in education at the school. He was able to work at this really deprived school and like weren't California. He was kind of days were teachers, you know, you weren't qualified to be a teacher you do any trading he was just a college graduate and you to all sorts of things soak our turtle. At science, but he did also teach other other subjects as well. He taught bits of sport to bits of home economics. He taught gardening at the school as well. So he had a really broad range of experiences there and that was very helpful for Carlton because well the things he noticed was that maybe childhood be who he had been told. This child's not very bright very good science or mathematics or grammar. He then saw them as a sports teacher. Gardening teacher XLE and that was that was an important thing for him to realize. Oh, hang on a minute. This kid is bright or is talented. It's just something has gone wrong in their mathematics or science or grammar or whatever it was. So yeah you he was he was a generalist really though. He's his graduate degree was using medicine and then he was the first ever His first ever person to take a PhD in education later on. It's quite impressive as well. The new the University of Stanford, which is C gone on to become but important Steps From the at the time was brand-new. So fascinating character cards, I could talk about forever so you should stop me. No, not at all that and I really enjoyed reading the first time we've enjoyed meeting all the book, but the the first chapter particularly in terms of tying up all these names. It maybe I'd heard of but putting them together in like I said going back to Aristotle. And another of the host names was Benjamin Bloom who was was integral to my teacher training at the sort of the you know, the late 90s early 2000s, and I don't think this is fair to say but he may have had a little bit of a mixed reception recently. But last week I was talking to Tom Gus key who said that he actually worked with him and in his early career. So how influential was blooms work in mastering my It'll only enormously Loop have the ability at the reach, you know, if there was a there was a like a chart of important Educators released in the early 1980s and Bloom was always at the top of this as being really really influential important educator. So he had to reach to be able to not only spread the word of Carlton's model but also to test its efficacy in Jurisdictions at different times in history, and there was kind of a I always think of Benjamin Bloom and top Gus Keys work is like it handing over a baton in a relay race you Tom Tom knows more about Mastery than any other person on this planet as far as like, well, he's incredibly insightful into a stream models did hugely important work in the 80s and 90s. But yeah much of that will with an influence by by Blue only the trouble of course would Bloom is is he then also writes this this book on on these taxonomies and actually his book on classification taxonomy has really interesting book and it's a nice piece of work well written and then some I don't think some Charlotte the 80s trying to present the team's work in the presentation presents blooms workers. Is this simplified pyramid? Just you know, some very short bullet points basically, and of course the pyramid is nonsense and what that led to it was a lot of people saying what experiments such complete and utter nonsense the blooms work must be nonsense. Let's just not true. It's just bloody lazy to to write off a man whose work is hugely important decades and Decades of work right off his work because some idiot produced the diagram summarizing his work. But of course when you know, you talked about your own teacher training I You'll teach training involved that Bloody pyramid right picture of that pyramid with just those words on that has very very little to do with blue pyramid. I mean, it's a tough topic that return to over and over again this podcast but yes very much. So pyramids and the idea that a good teacher can teach anything and the idea that the knowledge is in the room and it's just my job to facilitate people to be able to find it. Yes. It was quite a quite Progressive time as poor. I spoke to Michael Young about sort of teacher training in the early 2000s was quite a quite interesting time. Yeah. Well, it was the 2000s in particular were the height of the cult of pedagogy at the expense of didactics to focusing on how the teacher acts how they are rather than the technical detail of subjects. The technical details subject really really matters. If you want to teach that subject at this this thing this you know it Harmon to gender that teachers should be free to do whatever they want and everything. The only thing that matters is that you feel happy and comfortable about what you're doing anything. Well surely. The only thing that matters is whether the things you do result in the child learning something if you really care if you're happy and fluffy I care about whether the children that are in front of you learn things so that that Cult of pedagogy that has been around for at least 20 years. Still really strong today. It's incredibly prevalent today, even though people maybe think it it has been alleviated a bit but it hasn't there has been no great Resurgence in the importance of didactics technical detail of subjects. It just isn't happening. If you look at teacher training around the country almost no ite involves any substantial subject knowledge training, you know, even some of the best T institutions in the country so terms it differs from subject to subject but for mathematics nothing would be really really good Institution for ite Cambridge is okay, but even those courses weight even where you get the best courses the number of days spent on subject knowledge and what is then done on those days on subject knowledge is really lacking. No grounding for going into teaching. But yeah, no, I think it's clear that we can't solve just now know as I could definitely go down into that particular Rabbit Hole as I'm the person responsible for ITT and its Myriad of different forms at the school. I work out. So it's probably better if I see a clear offering any opinions on that but moving back to another thing that was very much part of teacher training and the way that we thought about education and when I trained as a teacher is this idea and I think it's something that Talk about in the book about this conveyor belt approach to curriculum so I can remember thinking about lesson planning to make sure that I cover this then that's done. Right? Let's move on to the next thing and cover that and get through the curriculum and make sure I've covered everything and if I do that then everything will be okay. So I guess the question is what is the current the conveyor belt approach and why is it has been so prevalent and maybe continues to be so prevalent. So where it came from I think is Is we never had a national curriculum? Schools been around for about a hundred eighty years and generally schools did whatever they wanted to do a lot of teacher autonomy up until 1989 pretty much teachers were allowed to do what they thought was right for pupils in front of them. And then we have this National curriculum introduced and when the national curriculum has introduced its isolation line. There was the creation of 20 National curriculum levels. Which later became 10 later became eight and then 2010 boo-boo kind of scrapped. But these 20 National curriculum levels were introduced and everyone. Once you introduce 20 National curriculum levels that are supposed to be in some way related to the age of the child and how they will travel through a subject you necessarily introduce a conveyor belt you necessarily introduced the system that says because these children aged five will teach them the age 5 stuff because these Children aged 8 th stuff h13, uh 13 steps rather than saying I have an individual child in front of me. What do they know and what they not though. Let me teach them the things they don't know based on what I do know whether through the ad in the learning of a discipline. So this conveyor belt is is I think a result of the introduction of the national curriculum particularly the introduction of the national curriculum levels though the assessment group fatigue a crew. Up that set up that that resulted in these National prisoners didn't intend it to be used in this way, but it was a result of it. But I think the conveyor belt this idea that because a child has a certain age. You should be presenting certain material at them rather than teaching them is one of the most dangerous things most damaging things that an education system adopt the idea of age-related. Asians it's just utterly utterly Bonkers when you have when you have this conveyor belt because the conveyor moves on it just keeps moving whether you've grip something or not and takes no account of whether you're ready to learn the next thing which is obviously really importantly hierarchical subjects and Mathematics is Iraq subject, but loads of subjects are hierarchical loads of objects do require a coherent specifically sequence journey through them for it to make sense. So yeah conveyor belt is about Using the age of a child to determine what's that child should be having shown to them all presented at them whereas Mastery is about understanding the individual child and then teach them teaching that in individual child the right material for that child such that they can keep building up and building up and building up and give ever there wasn't a great deal that we ask children to learn at school. Anyway, I feel like that times but there really is a great deal. If we go through it carefully and take the right amount of time to teach children each idea properly and that that would get away from this the phrase you use memory go fill that keeping up with the curriculum the number of teachers. I've heard say that's me over the decades. I've been doing this. I have to keep up with the curriculum you just you know, very quick pause of that teach you say is that why you wanted this job? Is that why you signed up to this when you were a young person thinking what will I do for a living? Did you want to spend your career keeping up with the curriculum? I mean, it's just nuts and nobody does want to do that for a living when you actually ask people what you want to do for a living. They then talk about children you talk about learning they talk about helping people they talk about taking you in my case taking a child to the point of being able to be like a mathematician or a musician or an artist. Nectar hold everything is nobody says thing I want to do when I drove into work everyday is for me to keep up the curriculum that is of no use to me anyway now and it was a deliberate choice of words because that's a highlighted and Post-it notes and goodness knows what part of me reading the book was fine have real red. I read that and I just thought yes, I can absolutely relate to having said that numerous times at you know, even up till quite recently. Yeah, give departmental meetings of well. I've got to cover all of this. I've got to get through all of this got to keep up, you know. Yeah. I remember when I was when I was a trainee teacher because I've had a career before so I was a little bit older and you know, I kind of knew what I wanted to do. I remember as a trainee teacher having an observation and it's doing something angle facts, you know, like we do all different bunch of facts or less the guy at the end. Saying more guy. That was my mentor saying what do you think of that? And what are you going to do next lesson and I said, oh next this time. Yeah. I don't I don't think of grip that next lesson. I'm going to I'm going to keep going with this until they grip it and he said to me so that you can't you know that objectives done. You need to move on to the next one. I just thought you're a you're a fucking idiot. It's like what are you talking about? And this guy was bi-metal. I remember thinking if I was still in In Industry if I'm still in the private sector and I had spotted something that wasn't working and then said to my mentor we need to fix that in Industry. Someone go. Yeah, absolutely. That's what you should do. I just couldn't I couldn't believe that this person could be put in the position to be a mentor of a you teach you all. Are you there? You're really really think if this is what you're telling me to do that. Yeah. I see that happening a lot. Where people who are in those positions are just telling you veterans to the profession all sorts of hogwash. So yeah. Anyway, I'll keep no no, but that's another of my favorite part that I might have this court wrong. But obviously I listened to both your podcast feed them with Greg Barton and I think there's a bit quite early on. I think it's the second one where you start talking about the more you got promoted and the more you moved up the more you realize that the person above you didn't actually know any more than you did or knew what you and Simon Cox and I often excited. Really good today and use that quote at various intervals, but about ourselves as well that you know, who are these people will be under don't actually know what any more than you do. Yeah, it's a weird thing and then obviously that's true nor gate all careers right unique every because you have to learn how to be how to do the job. So every head teacher is a really bad head teacher in the first year and that's fine. That's okay. The important thing is that they're they recognize that they're not a good head teacher at that. First year and that they recognize they need to keep getting better. And then you can look at those people who think yeah good on you, you know, you're the kind of personal I'm happy to work with the weird thing is when you come across people your career who you know, it seems that the thing they are in the job for is to tell other people to do things when you know, they aren't bright enough to be telling you to do that. And that teaching is a Lots of different I've worked in lots of different environments and lots of different Industries and I've never experienced a different profession where bullying among amongst adults is so Rife. I've never seen anything like it remember a very unhinged Deputy headteacher. I've worked with I was a new fairly new teacher may be first or second year. His teaching and they could not write a timetable and they was just beyond them intellectually Beyond them and normally, you know in a in a profession normally what happens is you say that I can't do this job. So help me out or you know, let's swap roles with doing whatever that's what a normal normal sort of Industry would do but instead what this person did was disguise their incompetence by bullying everyone around them. It's really really weird experience and you know, those little experiences of the second you're my boss and you haven't got a clue what you're doing. They keep happening over and over and over and over this true of everyone. You know, that's it's true of all professions. It's just how you handle it and I really smart head teachers are there are loads of really smart teachers really smart head teachers recognize things. They're not do that and then they sir Drowned themselves with people who are good at those things and you make sure that the group has all the competences that they need. Yeah. It's a it's an odd sensation to realize hanging that you don't know what you're talking about either and that was from like pgce tutor all the way through to you know, the the end of my career in schools. It just kept happening over and over and over there's one of one of the things I like Nowadays one things I do is if people have like two then I'll go and speak to their schools or whatever and that's an old an old world to exist it because it kind of puts you in the world of education consultancy and I'm not an education consultant but it puts you in that world and there's this is so much so much. That's it. Simply snake oil passed around you know, that's that's the epitome of okay, so you've not been able to do any of those things teach train or inspect. What do you do next? Well go often consult. I'll going to get real flight for this snap. Yeah, and don't get me wrong. I'm not in that camp of the only people who can speak about teaching our people that are in the classroom teaching. It's just ridiculous sentiment. I think that really, you know, it is a mark of professions that they will draw from expertise wherever they can they recognize expertise and a lot of people out there have great expertise. They're showing at the schools. That's fantastic. But you know for every one of them for every one of those experts out there who are just being an external other someone to draw Knowledge from for every one of those there are And army is there is an army of pontificating Consultants who Hap's weren't that successful in teaching themselves. So yeah, it is a very fine line, but you know, you can't you can't cut off external expertise. It's a really really important thing. You know, the guys I was talking about earlier has had I not been able to fair enough. He was dead by still Drool on the expertise of Washburn. And had I not been able to do that as a teacher. I would have stayed as a teacher. So yeah that that X that propositional knowledge is really important as well as strategic knowledge you have of actually doing the job day-to-day. Yeah. No absolutely, right. It's pulling it back around to the book again. So if I can just ask a little bit about what do you consider to be the core elements of a Mastery model? So the model is a cyclical model and that cycle should Broken, otherwise the efficacy of it of the model falls apart and within that cycle model, there are lots of tools that you use to work out what's going on with pupils at any given moment. I really liked in the 1980s last three was generally referred in the UK generally referred to as diagnostic teaching and I like that phrase diagnostic teaching. I sometimes use that I sometimes use responsive teaching the kind of synonyms for Mastery for me. So when you're when you're in this cycle the first thing I'll do your back to teach something you idea. So the first thing I'm going to do is work out. Are you ready to learn this new idea? So one of the key elements of Mastery is is diagnostic pre-assessment. Why would you teach someone something new if they didn't have the underpinning knowledge underpinning prerequisites to to learn this new thing. So we do that begin with and then if they're not ready to learn it you you don't live on you sort out those prerequisites. When you are ready to move on that teacher instruction instruction is really important in Mastery. You you are revealing this body of knowledge over over the child's time at school carefully revealing it at the right time and we need to instruct children such that they grip new ideas. They make meaning of new ideas so that the instruction has to be really high quality and by that I mean That the group instruction that you do as a teacher has to pick up every single child. If you watch the teaching of okay speak for mathematics really but if you watch the teaching of mathematics in England nearly all maths teachers are teaching mathematics in the way. They were taught mathematics. Which is not what our job is our jobs not to teach mathematics the way we want to learn mathematics our jobs teach mathematics in such a way that every single child in front of us makes meaning of that mathematics. So high quality group based initial instruction will be highly varied. Lots of different models Metals examples lots of batting to and fro between you and the child to make sure what you're saying is being received the picking up the meaning if one child doesn't understand what metaphor one example or one more. That we show them a different one and the different one different one until they do make meaning of what it is we're talking about and then when they're ready to work you have working on highly very carefully structured tasks constantly assessing the costly speaking to them when I say assessing children. I don't just mean asking questions. So talking to the children looking at their work hearing the conversations interacting with them. So you're trying to to spot any moment where a child needs remediation and then in Mastery what we call that is corrective instruction. So whenever you spot a child there in that in the moment a child needs some help you do this this corrective instruction, which again is about different models metaphors and examples examples mindful of how you taught a previously picking them up and making sure they can move forward at this moment in time. So Assessment in masteries happening in real time. It's all about marketing books were the work was done a couple of weeks ago. And then when you when you've done that activity your you continue to talk to them watch them look at their questions have conversations. So you're continually assessing formatively assessing them and whilst whilst you're helping children who need corrective instruction other children can be working on enrichment. asks, so really that's This will have Mastery models made up of his initial diagnostic group based instruction regular formative assessment corrective instruction and enrichment tasks and all of these things come together in this is cyclical model, you're stuck in until every child grips everything you're trying to get them to learn. There's a there's an element that's not captured in. The cycle itself because all of that is absolutely fine. You can do all this great stuff as a teacher the element that's not captured in that that cycle is pupil effort. None of it works unless the pupils deliberate the expend effort. So inculcated will creating an environment where we're all of your pupils work really hard is super important in the Mastery approach as well. Now absolutely, absolutely and again that was a theme that was touched on in the one that you did with Craig in terms of how important that people effort is, but I probably don't want to go down that road because some of those actors whilst I agreed with a lot of what he said there. I think yeah some of that might be a little bit controversial as well. I never say anything controversial. No absolutely right now. This is gonna be a big question mark and I know that you can't possibly summarize the entire of cognitive science but chapter 3 Does a really good job of doing that and it discusses learning from cognitive science? So if you had to come up with you know, what are the key lessons? Maybe we should take from that field if I had to summarize the whole chapter 3, which is a review of cognitive Science Education. I think it would be teach for memory. And really that's that's what all of chapter 3 is about is about when you're doing these things in the classroom with his children what things can we do that will ensure the stuff they're encountering today can be used in the future and I often use the phrase far transfer. Memories really interesting it teach for memories not necessarily saying that you'll be able to remember something because we have these aspects of can you store it in the memory, but also can you get it back out of the memory storage and retrieval but then retrievals not good enough for me either. So a lot of people are interested in can you retrieve a piece of information so you can cite that again in the future as a mathematician? That's really crucially do that by less that's less interested in. Can you bring to the fore the piece of information again, and I'm more interesting this far transfer, which is can you take a mathematical idea that you learnt about whatever in the past some time in the past. Can he take that idea and use it today in any way you want to use it and I often talk about this as being like so these mathematical ideas become like tools that you can just use use you can pull out the correct tool for the correct job and apply it to the job. So this this idea of something I was taught in the past where I might have been using a source types of examples, but now in the future I can use it on a whole range of completely different things so that the problems aren't isomorphic. So yeah, I think the photo summarizing chapter 3 is teacher memory and make sure that those memories Be used in any way that is appropriate at any time in the future, which is a pretty big guy asked to do that. But so much of what we do in schools is not designed to do that at all. So much of what we do in schools is designed for in the moment performance because schools have been Schools have fallen into the Trap of thinking that everything has to be measured and the part once you fall into that trap. You start saying, okay. So that means that progress in the lesson has to be measured that means that teacher performance in the lesson has to be measured and you can quantify these things in some way and you know, it's just my numbing that belief you can't do either of those. It's impossible to quantify if learning has happened dinner in an hour. It's impossible to quantify is a teacher effective because you've watched them for an hour and because of trying to quantify those things trying to you know, give them grades and schools and make judgments of those that reduces the whole thing you get this reductive view reductionist view of education and teaching as being about a List of things that you can do in the lesson and the one that's easy to measure his performance. So everything comes down to Performance. Did they get something right in this lesson? Could they do load of questions? Did they put their thumbs up? Did they have smiley faces yet performance has these really really bad indicator of whether learning has happened. So no near we sometimes avoiding things that lead to this this file transfer. We've also built an accountability. system in this country that penalizes teaching for file transfer, which is You know really weird thing when we're in the business. Our entire business is about learning about becoming learned about intellectuals about knowledge. That's our entire business yet. We do these really really dumb things, which just now it strikes me as very odd in a business about learning we do something so thick as to say, let's measure progress 20 minutes if you're on Earth ever for thought that that would be Good idea. It's just bizarre. Anyway, I am shall not rant. No nobody when it is. Yeah, and it's still it's still there, isn't it lurking in particularly? And again, it might be a controversial viewpoint but particularly within initial teacher training that this idea of you know, 20 minutes observations and monitoring progress in 20 minutes still seems to be alive and well along with learning styles and goodness knows what else with it. Yeah, some parts of initial teacher training, but you know, it's very liberating. Ting aye fight that if there are any trainee teachers listening take it as a very liberal liberating experience because if someone says to you, I'm going to observe you for 20 minutes. I've got make a judgment of you, you know that they are intellectually simple, you know, there are absolute idiot. So you don't have to care about what they think so let them do their thing. Let them come and watch you go off and have their weird life that they have then just get on with yours being happy. You don't have to place any kind of importance on their beliefs. So once you know that once you know, oh this person's idiot, then you don't have any stress. You don't have any worry you'd have to care too much about it. I think it's really liberating thing now. It is liberating thing for me Mark as well because the host makes note drop 20 minutes and Q3 observations from next year's plan. There we go. So you see it's CPD for me as well during this project. That is fantastic right now previous guests and we have got the option to ask questions. Now. I know that you're familiar with Ben Gordon. So he would like to ask a question and he wanted me to discuss with you and mixed ability versus mixed attainment versus setting so I know that your touch on this in the book as well. So if listeners are thinking of a change in what should they be aware of? Oh, why does this topic haunt me. Why does everyone ask me about this? Right. Okay. All right. So I'm a proponent of a Mastery approach. So that's that's where I should start. I should start from the positive last three approaches have really significant impact on pupil attainment and also engagement goes up and people enjoying runs as well. So I think it's a really good model. If you are also interested in our street model for teaching for schooling, then you cannot have a mixed ability or mix the tank model at the same time. And if you do have a Mastery approach and you implement it from day one, you don't have to worry about the debate anyway, because the whole thing disappears, so that's where I'll start off with that people then interpret that as me so, Well, that means he doesn't like mixed ability mixed attainment teaching. Well, I'm just saying it doesn't work with Mastery and it doesn't but Mastery has this wonderful result of modernizing everyone lifting everyone up to the top so that everyone becomes learned and this idea of groupings disappeared the think that I think that the aiming and there are lots of schools more schools than ever this year are aiming NG to move to mixed ability aiming to move to mixed attainment they generally don't understand the difference between those words with a home. So there's loads of schools are making that their goal to move to mixed ability, but I'm going to suggest that is a really really bad goal to have because if your goal is to move to mixed ability or if your goal is to move to setted classes or grouped classes if your goal is any of those Is things what you are doing is you are saying that we believe children have some kind of magical flare or gift that was given to them that make good Learners and not-so-good learns and I just reject that. I don't believe that that's the case at all and I believe that if your goal is to move to set it classes or your goal is to move to mixability what you're saying is we think it's the children. I think it's something about them that will have mixed ability because there is mixed ability will have set in classes because there are different tiers of children rather than seriously stepping back and saying maybe it's us maybe it's our profession. Maybe it's our schooling. Maybe it's the teachers maybe it's the quality of the education because I think every child can learn everything and the reason we end up with enormous attainment range at aged 11. So that's seven years 10 range that age Evan and that attainment range just gets worse and worse was the reason for that is not because some children are somehow naturally gifted or have some great flare that they've been bestowed upon them. It's because some children were lucky enough to encounter really good education and some children weren't and that's what we should look at should step back and say why the hell is it that we have 11 year olds who can't count to 10 that is not because of that 11 year old it's not because of some innate ability or inability is because their education is crap and if someone didn't sort out the fact that a child can't count to 10 by the time the Aged eleven. That's what we should look at. Let's go back and fix that. Let's go back and fix it from day one. So that by the time we have arrived aged 11 all of those children, I'll mathematically literate and able to cope with the secondary. action, so one of the there's a there's a kind of misconception about me. So because people will rant on that me if I just type the words mixed ability into Twitter. It's like letting off a little bomb and then my DMs go crazy with people sending me all sorts of abuse because people are thinking what I'm saying is that teaching children of Xfinity classes is the wrong thing to do. I'm not saying I'm saying that the assumption that children are differently capable that there are good Learners bad learns that there are those who can learn well when those two cannot learn well that assumption is fundamentally flawed and is abhorrent and when you asked me about Bloom earlier, you know, what was blooms great influence on last three other things that bloom did with washburn's work during the early 1960s. Along with John B, Carol, they wrote about the fact that all children can learn well given the right conditions. So that's kind of fundamental to Mastery. So the reason that people think I'm against mix glasses or Saturday classes or whatever it is is because they miss hearing the message. It's the assumption that children can't learn. Well, that's what I hate. I find that just disgusting any educator could hold that view. So there we go little rat that that I should also say that because I've Very pragmatic kind of guy I should also say that right now as we sit here today. The Gap is massive the attainment Gap is massive. They aged 11, so I can't just pontificate and say we should get every child to learn everything because they're a bunch of 11 year olds who haven't what should we do about it? Right? Well, you can set the classes go off in the Mastery cycle so you can modernize them as close as you possibly can go for the Mastery cycle start where every single child is stuff from the true point. At those children were at them build them up. So there's a model that you could you could adopt that. I think is a really good models. What it's what I would suppose or what you could do is you could say well, you know, we might have a really small school. We haven't got if you've got to have the kids. It's pretty easy to collage analyze the classes it really is and if someone tells you it is is because your Deputy head can't timetable which probably go off and do something else with their life, but maybe your school is really small and you can't imagine The classes and you could still end up with a four-year attainment Gap or whatever it is. Or maybe you just think we don't want to do that is loads of reasons why you get white people won't want to set their classes. So what we're going to do is we're going to have mixed classes. Okay, fine have mixed classes, but you've got to do it properly. So so in setting the proper way of doing it the right most effective way of doing is to do this Mastery Cyclone talking about in mixed classes. You've got to do that properties. Well, you can't just say we're going to do miss classes and we're still going to have a conveyor belt because that's disastrous. The reason there's a seven-year attainment Gap is because that's what's been going on. So then you need a really good mixed ability will make stamen bottle and there are loads of those that exist. My favorite ever was game stands for graded assessment in mathematics. It's just a lovely project Margaret Browns behind. Loggers just towering intellect really really lovely project really well-designed and there's a model where if your group is truly mixed and it can span years years of attainment. There's a model where you can have really effective mixed attainment teaching because the design of the model is really carefully put together very well thought out very well supported so you can't do it you take a Mastery level and have setting you can have game to make There are others as well, of course, but what tends to happen is instead of either of those things instead of people doing setting really well or mixed ability really. Well, what people do is they set or they have mixed mixed availability and still do a conveyor belt and you think well, you're kind of missing the point here. You can't just say what we'll do is do this approach, but do it badly and that's one of the That the research around the difference between setting grouping streaming week's assignment with stability. That's why the research is so dodgy because it takes no account of the quality of teaching that's going on. Absolutely. No account takes no account of the subject whether they're hierarchical or not and takes no account of teacher quality and if you've got to study on grouping types in athletics that takes no account and teacher quality. It's not worth. Paper it's written on and it was a waste of the grant money. So, you know, they're really really good ways of doing both set it I'd say Mastery and really good ways of doing this to make stability. I'd say game and then a really bad ways of doing both of those things as well. The worst being age-related expectations on conveyor belt model. Yeah. So anyway, that's okay. That's perfect. Well, I can't speak for them, but he's perfectly segue hopefully into the next question. So one of my Topics as less as well know is implementation and you've touched on I think he used the word dodgy there to say that, you know, sometimes people take a particular idea, you know implementing it quite quickly without consideration of exactly why they're doing it or how to do it. So I guess the question I'm going to round 2 is you talk about implementation and you talk about embedding the Master model for schools that want to change their current model. So what advice would you have for leaders looking to begin this and and you've used the words long and complex process and I think that's quite important. Yeah. Yeah, it is it is law. So the first bit of advice is just take your time, you know, this knee-jerk reaction thing that happens in educational times. We although it's really harmful initiatives don't help knee-jerk reactions to them don't help. So take your time. Think about your school your pupils the makeup of your staff and their competences. What skills do they have? What abilities do they have lost the demographic of it of your staff what their past experience? See those if you've got stuff that be teaching highly illogical marginalised classes for 20 years. Well, surely, you know that switching them on to not Hodgins classes just with no preparation will be disastrous. So take a really long period of time thinking very carefully about the makeup of your your staff and also think about what your community wants as well School communities have a lot to say and schools of rather they should have so think about what the parents Of those children want and why they're selling those children their children to your school. And then when you've made a decision, so if your decision is I would like it to be your decision would be let's move over to it must recycle and astral way of working fine. So yield one. What are we going to do? Well yield one should be let's not change anything. So everything stays exactly the same but so the pupils experience is going to be the same but whilst that's Because that creates the additional workload for the staff, they're doing something they're used to they rolling out the same model that working in a very comfortable way whilst that's going on, but will then ask the stuff to do start engaging in professional development about this cycle of what we want to move towards. So learning about it learning about the pedagogical choices the the way in which the bottle of the cycle works. It was also as we would need the way which classes we need to be group doing all of that learning. Give and then in the second year taking some of those elements and starting to try some of those elements carefully slowly and and observing what happens when you do start to introduce some of those elements. So for example, it might be you want the second year to start introducing the idea of diagnostic testing before moving on to a topic if you're not already doing that. Okay. Well what impact did that have? How did it change our preparation? Arms, was there something additional that the teachers had to learn to do that was there additional work that came out of doing it? So on so and you could you can move a model of schooling over a course of several years. So Carlton started the Winnetka plan in 1921 and it was at full length implementation by 1927. So, you know six years when Singapore voted its model of Education in 1980s again, they were thinking okay ten year process. Yeah, and they're still in that tent they do this 10-year cycle of reviewing their system. So you can move it over a long period of time the course will their needs is that means is you need a head teacher and and also other senior people in schools with long-term vision and and head teachers and managers who are not afraid of being out of fashion. Because if you want to plan for the long term thing you can guarantee as you will you will be out of fashion when you're doing it. So it's it's about being brave enough to do that. There are plenty of prepare teachers that brave enough to do that Lance. You've had teachers. Who do you think the only thing that matters is what works let's do the thing that works. Let's not worry about crazy initiatives dictates that come out every single year. We'll just stick to doing these very slow careful. So yeah, I recognize that recognizing how difficult and complex and processes and taking the right amount of time to do it making sure all the teachers that work for you buy into it. It's another reason why I should take a long time to do it. You need to recognize that if you're running a school today the staff that make up that school right now at this minute they work there for a reason. So if you're about to fundamentally move to some some different approach, maybe maybe you're currently maybe you're currently doing lots of mixed ability and you want to move to highly homogenized classes announcing that taking staff with you trying to get them to buy into the reasons for doing it. But also giving room and space for staff to say actually, I don't agree with that. We're we're at odds here and what I'm going to do during this implementation phase over the next couple of years is reverse myself out into a career where a school ranked happy with my career and that Gives the school plenty of time to plan for human resourcing and bringing in people that do subscribe to that way of working try and trying to implement a model where the the staff don't agree with. It is always disastrous seeing loads of schools this year that I know loads of schools that front September. So in a couple of weeks time, I'm going to say to all the staff without mixed ability for example, and the staff just fundamentally disagree with that move. Well that leads to a bunch of Staff who who don't want to do it you feel bad about their job aren't up for working in that way. And then you you just guarantee lowering standards for years and years of children. Once the changes happen. Whereas if we plan for it and you're honest you're going completely up front with the people that go to work there do work the what we're going to do at your respectful of the fact that they are a professional as well and if they want to reverse themselves, Look somewhere else that fits with their values their goals, you know giving them space time to do that. It's rare to see that happening in schools. But I think it's really important to do that. No, I'm sorry. I think it's great advice for any kind of implementation all the steps that you've talked about there and and for listeners, you know, obviously we are coming up to when a few weeks the beginning of term again, and it's worth pointing out that you are allowed to have a start of a term without a new initiative. Yeah, indeed, you know, I mean we It seems to be de rigueur now to have at least one or maybe two inset days. So you find discussions around senior leadership tables of what we have to have something to launch because otherwise what are we going to do with these two days? Yeah, wouldn't it be great if the insert date and start the year was the head teacher every other set of the whole head teacher comes up and stand at the podium the start claps. The hand goes right. We all know what we're doing don't we have a good day guys, that would be brilliant if the amazing for some reason people think they have to say you school year you reproach you whatever. But yeah, it would be nice if there was some continuity and consistency. There's that's that's why it's nice when we get Secretary of State for Education who you know do nothing at all. There's nothing better than a completely incompetent Secretary of State for Education who just doesn't touch the system that's brilliant if you get that for a few years, it's great. So we have some stability. I'll get flak for that as well. Well, we'll move on. Nice, they to part 5. So we're looking at the chapter on phase in learning. And again, one of the things that was fascinated with your previous podcast was around we talked about learning episodes. So could you explain to listeners what you mean by a learning episode? Yeah. So I just mean whatever period of time it takes to move from encountering a an entirely novel idea that you know, nothing about to being able to fully understand that idea. So I just count that as a learning episode. They all completely fluid they take those learning episodes will take as long as they take which is something that's missing in conveyor belt approaches to education key to Mom Austria's when people say how long should you teach the children idea X the answer to that is always the right amount of time. So learning episodes are just how long it takes you go from being a novice to being able to understand that idea and they might be five minutes. They might be three weeks. They might be 10 years. As they might never end. So I think that ideas mature take a period of maturation. Coulson instance at the moment what most people consider to be a loading episode is a type of lesson they take that as the unit of learning which you know is is absurd for every idea to precisely one hour to learn that would be extremely lucky and everyone knows that's absurd. And everyone knows that learning happens over time not not only in a moment in time. But this like this whole conveyor belt thing at and this trying to measure progress 20 minutes think has led to the unit of time being walked into a lesson instead of alerting episode. So yeah, that's what I mean by that friends and it's interesting as well in terms of the cognitive science stuff that you talked about before that. There is a danger of that becoming a bit of a checklist that almost every lesson must start with Practice, for example, whereas I know you've talked previously about well, yes, we're still practice is useful but perhaps at the end of a learning episode which is not constrained or defined by the parameters of a lesson. Yeah. Yeah. I mean this is what always happens and it's exactly it's really funny that the people who some of the people who are the most critical Benjamin Bloom, you know says workers complete bollocks that pyramids are nonsense. Just taking sound bites. So some of those people are the same people who are producing really complex ideas to bullet points or PowerPoint slides and then using the meticulous as well. I get I get asked all the time. Can you tell me in a nutshell what your book says as I know I can't that's the point of the book. It is difficult is complex. It's a big idea. You can't make them into little pithy ideas and people are doing this with all sorts of stuff. So you see it with retrieval practice happening. That's the eyes are really really bad example retrieval practice and you see it with all aspects of what would be covered in part three of my book and then I've also visited schools recently in the last 12 months. I visited schools where they've created new lesson observation for and they've been very proud triumphant of saying hey, we've we've I've not got on here learning styles. So there's no there's no box that says visual auditory kinesthetic but the replace them with boxes that say retrieval practice and interleaving practice thinking Bloody idiots, you're doing saying thing you're taking this complex thing reducing it to the tick list trying to shoehorn someone into a pedagogue into a way of being in every single lesson. So yeah that happens all the time. And I guess this is a complex. Question mark but why do you think that happens? Is it a lack of understanding is it a lack of time is it the pressures of cuz I mean they know that these ideas are now being mentioned in the research commentary behind the new inspection framework. So it's a little bit of pressure to make sure that they're included. What do you think is driving people to be able to put those checklists in there a lot. There are lots of elements to do that people that know me know I talked about this 30 year cycle of Education. Trends a lot. So there's something that is fashion. It really is a sad as that. It's really depressing but a lot of it is just fashion, you know, there are big hitters on social media or on you know that are very well known and education. They'll say something and a lot of people think. Okay. Well, I'll say that as well. So that's really depressing. So the teachers have come to fashion and then you've got rhetorical curriculum scene if you do If you know Wilson's work on 10 types of curriculum and rhetorical trick in that she talks about years. So what policy makers say things that they write documents. So it's very very hard to be the regulator being the education Regulators an impossible task really obstacle such a rock and a hard place there between because they have to say things but of course as soon as they then say things they are instantly misinterpreted. Bastardizing to all sorts of things. So you've got that kind of people taking Snippets of policy documents writing them down. And then you've got another quite depressing thing. Is that some people who are in charge of teaching and learning in schools or Maps or clusters They're not and I mean this with with great affection, of course, but they're not the brightest Sparks and you know, they're all just not bother reading books and there's a lot of that that goes on as a lot of the number of people I meet who tell me what mastering means thing God you just you just heard a sound bite somewhere now, just just just to put myself in that camp. I mean when unless there's a problem. This when we started the research school and I applied to be involved in that. I hadn't really had any great experience of educational research or reading any particular books other than you know how to produce an outstanding lesson books in 20 minutes. I became very I can very Adept at doing that and became an AST off the back of it. So it's quite interesting but that's a different conversation. So yeah, that's why external experts matter, right it is there are people the out I mentioned people earlier was weather and Gary the bjork's bloom and Gus scale. There are people who their time is able to be spent on finding out really important things but we then need to read that stuff. We need to consider it. We need to think does it have an impact has it got Beyond propolis propositional knowledge can have a real impact in real classrooms. That's a very education is very very guilty of that by taking the piece of research that has only been Replicated in very specific laboratory conditions has never got Beyond propositional knowledge education is really guilty of that saying will make the school policy, even though there's no evidence of Works in real classrooms with real children. So again, that's part of that is a fashion thing that wanting to to grip onto things and say we're ahead of the game here. So yeah, it's all very bloody else. It sounded a really depressing conversation. Ation there and I don't know actually that one is happy because I can relate to both sides of that in the sense that you know, when I started off doing the research school and I was an absolute novice and and it showed and I put out blogs just because now I'll now I'm an assistant director of research skills or people are bound to listen to me and remember the feedback. I got originally from people at the EF and they won't mind me saying this it was just this this is you know absolute nonsense and you can't be writing things like this. You need to actually invest the time and effort to read these before you Something out to people just because you've read and to think of an example cognitive load Theory. Let's say for example, you can't just then pontificate about how you think they should be applied because you've read, you know an abstract of one paper and suddenly you're putting this out there. So there is an amount of you know, professional development and repression ization of teachers to make sure that you actually understand what it is you're talking about before you start to one implement it yourself or to even think about talking about it helps her to do it. Yeah, do you Think also like when I was a young teacher part of it is structural. There's a structural problem that's causing this like don't you think as a young teacher you did first of all that wasn't an expectation on you to read research evidence. But also there was it wasn't a part of your job. There was no time on your body or working week that was researching education reading about education. I also thought that was very odd when I come into teaching. I remember having nearly getting sacked as I quite often. Did I remember having a really Fierce rare with my boss the head of maths because I didn't mark books and he just went like a tip about the fact you don't Mark any of your books is why I prefer to spend my time reading about education and learning about this profession than learning what I'm supposed to be doing the marking books. And yeah it was It's a very old thing where the amount of time that teachers have ignored the whole 1265 hours box mean nobody works that if you do take the real amount of time that teachers are using on their jobs. The last thales report said the teachers are using around about 24 hours per week on non teaching activities. But then when you drill into those non teaching activities, they're all just superficial crap, you know, it's not about theirs. Teachers don't report back to you. There's five hours of my working week where I am required to read books and learn about my profession. And that's a that's an odd thing in a profession not be expected to to continue to learn all the way through. So there's there are structural things there as well. And you know, I don't see I don't know why schools don't put on their timetables chunks of time that says teacher researcher. Read some books called. Damn it. This is this the rabbit's on there where you could do that and then of course you have to have the conversation. Okay. Well, we're quite tired at the moment a lot going on what things you want us to drop in those five hours a week where we are reading research. What does loads you could drop stop marking books for a start stop stop putting meaningless data into computers that's never used for anything and you know, there's just tons and tons and tons of completely pointless activity. Eva tease the teachers are asked to do and most of it you could drop if if your time was spent on what's the average teacher to features like 22 hours per week. So there's 22 hours if you just work adorable 40 hour week and your other half of your week was spent on thinking about pedagogy of choice thinking about the didactics of your subject and reading about how to be a better teacher if that's all the other stuff you did. Everything would be fine. Stop writing reports. Stop barking books. Stop doing admin. None of it matters. None of it impacts on teachers in anywhere near the way that becoming alerted teacher could so, you know, this was quite as quite harsh amount ago about saying if you'd let wrote read books, but I want to backtrack slightly on that and give the give that reason for it that it's not an expectation. So Harley is that people don't read books, but partly it's because the system doesn't expect it others and it should and it should make time for it. And there's no reason why you can't make time for it. No, I don't mean my point was really that it wasn't an expectation certainly in the early years of of my career and I think back to times when you know the school. I was working out. It's no longer a school. So I'm not going to I'm not kidding anybody in trouble for saying this, but I was put in charge. I was the head of ICT now, I mean the sort of job description for Being head of ICT was that well, it's pretty pretty good teacher mostly will be a from Sid be okay is the head of ICT. She can teach ICT and be in charge and I've never I mean those poor children being taught by me a variety of how to design programs. I mean, I barely knew where the on button was. So there wasn't an expectation to try and develop in that sense because it was well if you're a good teacher and like I said at the outset if your pedagogy is right, then it won't really matter whether you have any knowledge and and if you want to turn into a positive, I've seen such a massive development. In terms of the re professionalisation of teachers. I said a moment ago that a lot of teachers that I know are actively going out and reading are involved in you know conferences or going to listen to people they are less involved in social media for the good reasons of trying to get to you know, improving their subject knowledge for example and subject associations and chartered colleges and all this sort of thing. So I am seein signs of that but I did I can hear I mean my science department don't listen to this Mark so, you know, they get here enough of me as it is. I don't listen to me at the weekends or after school. But their argument is usually with me is usually well. It's all right for you because you want to teach three days a week. So you've got loads of time to do that. And my answer to that is always well. Yeah, but I did teach a full timetable for the best part of 18 years. So I do I do have some idea of what that's like. Yeah, and if you are doing a full times over your teaching 22 hours a week, you've still got another load of hours left, right the real argument isn't that there isn't enough time because we're doing a full teaching timetable. It's because in the rest of the time where I'm not in front of children teaching I'm required to do nonsense. So that's just stop asking teachers to do not has if it doesn't have an impact on the people learning your discipline stop doing it and spend that time doing something more interesting instead spend that time becoming a better teacher and that truly will have an impact on children. I don't think there is a single ingredient that has a greater impact than teacher quality. So the higher you can raise your expertise as a teacher. The better for everyone involved and no one's really going to suffer because you didn't do something this piece of evidence. No, definitely definitely know and I mean, I'm just gonna say a positive thing about the school that I currently work at we do have and we're very lucky to have a hundred minutes which one of our periods of enhanced CPD town where we can do exactly that so we have a CPD does involve reading around the subject or developing subject knowledge or do a professional qualification whatever it is, so we are extremely fortunate that we have that I know that some of the schools do as well markets conscious of your time. So I'm looking if I can do it a couple more if that's okay. Yeah, so back to the chapters or part 4 part 5 so we are facing learning. So this was the question is how do you go about phasing learning in a Mastery approach? So you've got this cycle and then in each of the is teaching episodes. I also propose that we think about the journey from novice to expert and I've got this structure that I haven't booked and I use a lot this teach to practice behave structure. And the reason I have those phases because I want to want teachers to really notice that On the journey from novice to expert you do pass through phases of Enlightenment. It's not all just one thing. They're different things going on, which means you have to do different activities. So the way in which I phase these episodes is to start off with at each phase where you've got this instruction got stuff. I was talking about earlier since such that every child makes meaning you have a do phase where the children replicate and that's about you picking up. Did they make meaning that they understand what I was saying that And we do lots of that lots of interactions between teaching and doing to make sure we're tweaking our models Metals examples. Make sure we tweak tweaking our instruction to pick up every child and we do that for a period of time and the children are doing lots of problems tasks in those phases those two phases and my experience of being a young teacher was that's where teaching kind of ended that you did teaching and doing teacher taught something kids did it? The Woods Performance performances as well. I was sharing on my teacher training make the children before but it was really obvious that it doesn't lead to anything. You know, you'd hear the Year Ted teacher saying I'm teaching children how to add fractions this week. You think well, you told about your dying and you're right and you're 17, you're 16, you're 5 and your fall. So what the hell's that all about? Why are you still teaching of that exact same thing? And of course it's because they weren't caught it. They would just performing that thing at that time. So then will they introduced this phasing one is teaching and doing is not enough getting the children to be able to form is not about so then I introduced this practice phase. These words are just words I chose teach to practice behave. I think they kind of work some people hate them. I don't really care. So if you had to choose forward, so I chose forwards the practice phase is about Okay, now that they can do now that they have technique throat do something technical. Let's that do interesting things with those techniques. Let's use them in their full range the full range of ways such as such that what we're doing is going to lead to file transfer. So the practice phase is I've gotten to be able to perform now I need to do a load of interesting things that we No lead to first time first of all long-term memory and the ability to transfer onto non isomorphic problems. So we go through this practice phase. If you can do all of that if you can get them technical, so to be able to do the the work and you can get them to the point in the practice phase where they are fluent and they're able to use these problems like like tools on these ice. Also problems in time at you're concentrating on teaching for memory. Well that leads to I think is that later down the line with that idea you were teaching and a bunch of other ideas that have come a long subsequently is that you'll then be able to behave with those ideas. So in my subject is behave by phonetically behave like a mathematician so you'll be able to pull together lots and lots of different mathematical ideas from the past and use them like a toolkit. It on problems that you're trying to address now at this point of the future so that phasing of teach to practice behaviors is what I talked about in the final section of the book and how you might structure that those phases in a very practical way. I think why I had hoped that part 5 of the book was very practical part of saying this is how you could structure this. High-level idea of the must recycle. That's what I want to try to achieve that in that part. Maybe I've been successfully some aspects of that may be having in others. The feedback from teachers is it makes a lot of sense that phasing it's a way of pulling yourself up as a teacher to say look you're not done yet. Just because you told them something that doesn't mean they know it just because they can regurgitate in front of you right now. That still doesn't mean they know it there's more to do. That's why I wanted to popularize that idea of phasing learning episodes. So you get to the point of expertise and it's a hard thing to describe but I'm going to say it is a hard thing to describe and explain you described it brilliantly as you do but what's even better in the book when listeners by the book and listeners probably at some of those things already have the book is that you've got a very interactive diagram with it as well in terms of its color coded and how it looks and I found that really useful. Yeah, I might not when I'm giving talks about phasing of learning that's having that cue the graphical way of looking at it. A lot of people fight that that really helpful. So that's why I included that in there also having it as a graphic means that you can completely if the whole I definitely notice this in those Graphics by completely ignore scale. So what it allows you to do is say look at learning episode. Is just as long as it is so I don't put on any of these bars. This is one hour three weeks. I'm just lucky that it now I haven't but that's probably the biologists just you know, we we just look at things like that and it's easy to it's roughly that that will do if I'd been a physicist or a mathematician. I might have been a bit more accurate. I thought it was it's a helpful way of getting away from it being misinterpreted as a lesson. Yes either. It's not 60 Minutes 30 minutes as this 20 minutes. It's just This is as long as it takes these are broadly the proportions of time that all of the full learning episode you'd spent on each of these. So yeah, that's that's that's my approach to phasing those four different ways. Brilliant brilliant. Right Mark. So it's the last the last bit now so into part 6, so and he said before the people of ask you to some of the book in a pithy sentence and you can't necessarily do that, but perhaps you could just share with listeners what conclusions you drew from the process of writing the book and from Italy what feedback you've had about it so far. Yeah. I'm definitely not going to some the book up but I've you know, I've written stuff for a long time. I write just to talk to myself. Basically, you know sounds a bit odd, but that is the reason I writers reason this book exists is just me having a conversation with myself trying to test some of the things that I'm thinking. King and I find that articulation is really important human beings articulating telling their stories out loud or on paper brings about you Revelation. So the reason I write was that you might think you think something but once you articulated verbally or in writing it's very often very different to what you thought so I was trying to test Are my beliefs really what I feel they are and and by writing this I realized that some of those influences that I had on me genuinely were important in keeping me in this in this domain in the education to Maine. I realized that I always I always sort of felt pity because I kept from industry and teaching. I always felt that one of the Is things about being an educator being a teacher is that you we don't make sprockets as Rocket Factory. Our job is is working with real human beings and it's you know, it's a suit of improving humanity is what we do and I'd like that emotional side of it and I like that it's values-based and I like that the reason we do the reason we are teachers is is fundamentally emotion. Oil and this writing this reminded me that there that I absolutely adore education and teaching and the process of learning. I'm I'm just in love with the whole thing. And you do feel that another other jobs other Industries. So writing this remind me of that which I thought was really really nice thing to do. It made me think as well that it's never over which I love How's that whole point of Mastery is you don't Master things in master? You just become more and more expertise. You can always become more expertise and looking at the work that if you look at the stuff that Ward Burke wrote in the 1910s and Canton wrote in the 1920s and their aspirations of things. They were trying to find out and then you see stuff like John be Carol in the 60s and 70s finding those things out but he still had aspirations of I wish we could find these things out. And then you see biak finding stuff and then you see swell of finding things out so on and so on. I like that the Canon that is all of the knowledge we have about how to make someone learn it out how to educate I love that canon' continues to grow as is being contributed to and that I liked. I liked reading rather than right, because when I write I write really really quickly so I don't really take it while I'm writing as I'm doing it but I liked reading this book and realizing. Oh man. I used to be really thick some of the things I thought 20 years ago. So that must mean that I'm really thick now that that has to be the conclusion of it, right? It's got to be that Twenty years of looking back down stuff from 20 years ago and thinking ecology with naive that it must be if all goes. Well, it must be that 20 years old look back on me of today and think oh you are so naive there. That's a lot of new stuff to come along and I love that. I love the idea that there's still loads and loads and loads to learn and you know feedback from from the book as has been very kind and lots of people so very kind things about At it but I've also had some people write to me and say how you've got this wrong. You're this is this is wrong you're being stupid on this have been naive on that. I love that. I really do as yeah in a professional way got some people are writing and say you're a dick but you say well, I don't really care about you, you know, criticize everything that you want to criticize but bringing some intellect to the table when you're doing it and there's been several people people. I respect people who are a lot older than Average being said I get why you think that but what you're going to find out is I like that because then it's like an adventure right? It's it's at some point there's going to be some stuff for I realized why I'm wrong these things. So yeah, that's That's what I like. I think reaffirming my love of learning. It's like well, that's a fantastic place. It's to finish that part of the conversation and just a last little bit Mark. So in terms of obviously the books available at the moment. Is it are you doing any about speaking about this or are you just working the individual schools? Where can listeners see you next? So yeah, I might talk about this a lot 29th of you sir. Actually 9th of September. I'm doing five our talk on Monster. If anyone's got a lot to that. It's going to be in London this free to come along to you occasionally. Do these Mastery talks around the country. We've got a load of those lined up for the coming year by don't know the dates and that's like an introduction to last three or four that means laying out the case for lost three, but then immediately after the week after so the first week of October I'm touring the country so I will be every governmental region. In line governmental regions at some point and I will be doing a thing called Mastery in depth, I think called it because one of the things that people have asked me about after this book or after hearing me talk about Mastery is to go really in depth into a into a bunch of individual lessons. So I'm going to talk about for actual lessons of what they would look like for for learning episodes outline. What the hole It would look like so that's really for people that have either read the book or have heard the first last three talk because it's a much more detailed exploration of Mastery. So that's happening start of October and then we so the soil we've got a hundred and sixty dates planned for the new Academic Year many of them. Are we talking some of them are Johnny you and Chris at they're talking as well and then I'm doing a load of research Ed events as well though, too many of them for me to remember which ones are doing. I appear to be doing a heck of a lot of research add events in the coming Academic Year as well. So yeah, I'm out and about if people listen to me, no absolutely well and I'll put links to all of that on the show notes. Again, so it just remains to say I really really enjoyed speaking to - afternoon. So thank you for your time. It's been absolute privilege to speak to you and hopefully one of those research and events is a researcher Blackpool. I think it's in the diary. Yeah, I think so. I'll be returning whatever they certainly an arse. So let's go. So if it's in yours now, thanks again, Mark, really really appreciate it very well. Well, what an interview there with Mark and such a privilege as I said in the podcast to speak to Mark and his insights a fantastic. I learn something every single time. I don't listen to him or in this case speak to him to thank you again Mark much appreciated moving into the Shameless plug section and coming up on the podcast. We have to absolutely fantastic summer specials. So we have Emma Turner on new Ed and Bucks Fizz interestingly for listeners. So the certain demographic of you will understand the reference there. I've also got cat Howard and she's talking about her new book, which is stop talking about well-being which will be out in January next year. I've also got to have a conversation tomorrow with rust Morrison McGill about his book just great teaching and the continued success of teacher toolkit. So in the last bit of the Shameless plug section, it just remains to say that you can still become a patron of the podcast if you're interested. So if you head on over to my website, which is dot U k-- Okay, and follow the links to the patreon page on there. So once again, thank you very much for listening. And if anybody would be interested in either send in a question or coming up to the podcast then contact me via Twitter, which is at PNA 1977 or through the website, which I mentioned earlier. Once again, thank you for listening and see you next time. Just talking to teachers talking to teachers about academic research and evidence-based practice with Ewing professional development at PNA 1977 on Twitter just talking to teachers
This week I am discussing Mark's new book 'Teaching for Mastery' , which is now available as a kindle edition. This is a full and frank discussion (with some language to match) which takes in all aspects of the book and more besides including: Could you tell listeners about your career to this point and what you are working on at the moment? Your new books is called ‘teaching for mastery’ and you begin it by highlighting those that have influenced your thinking in this book. Who were these early players and what influence did they have on the mastery model for a schooling ? Follow up : Bloom has had a mixed reception recently but you highlight his work here , I also talked with Tom Guskey earlier this week , how influential has his work been ? What are the core elements of a mastery model? What is the conveyer belt approach to curriculum and why is it so prevalent in England? Is this model applicable outside of the teaching of mathematics? Chapter 3 discusses learning from cognitive science , what are the key lessons we should take from that field? Ben Gordon wanted to discuss mixed ability vs mixed attainment vs setting , so if listeners are thinking of changing what should they be aware of ? In the chapter on implementation, you talk about embedding the mastery model for schools that want to change their current model . What advice would you have for leaders looking to begin this long and complex process? What do you mean by a learning episode ? How do you phase learning in a mastery approach ? What conclusions did you draw from writing this book? Get the book here- now available on Kindle too!
Michael got nominally my who got Namib a bow on my who got not fattening up in a new support and one of you who got in had my answer who got radio. Kasama tdj, Ron. This is Hugo on febc radio. Hey, welcome to hookah radio on care 104.3 The Way FM. My name is Ronaldo know who the traitor channel has a YouTube and then detour only on to give some tips this afternoon, but what's happened? I think is an important topic at Pelican among in the in it has a tin robot be unpacking it a teenage son who bhutanese and listener. How do you say your DJ Ron asked along about true? Love Betty bubble in lombok Island belonged Epona you not only physical aspect the known in param Maha Nakhon. Can you explain your true love and bayous? I know your true. Love Panama mama. Llama not controllable. You're someone's talking now Milady shown intention your parents having you know, she get eliminated again today. But before we do that, let me play a song for you. Again. This is suited radios the care 104.3 The Way FM. I mean doesn't work no money sign. I'm trying to mop it now. No, demon. Simone of God That was some from four of Spades and window shantabai. And you Mundo said about true love more Illuminating Ian. So today's topic things. You need to learn about true love and relationships. If you bless the speed by. Coax him are all things. good morning up or pick up the leg out my diesel, but by my uncle The hand up at the mistakenly think something a boy being a pilot and I would go it going downhill and come back in again. I go back to living my life. I think I sound during the summer. This is Hugo to radio always believe in love and keep the flame burning. Hey, it's me, Ronaldo. Thanks for tuning into who good radio. Martini's eat more neurotic enough relationships Aroma hiring Malika cynical Mo you have to consider the possibility that you don't know anything yet. It's very much possible and reason come back at night here up and come back around and successful and love life. I doubt he'll my ranking limited on column on come on wanna buy me some real action. And if that's the case, then you shouldn't feel too bad about it. What gang Malone caught dialed my per annum and Paraguay is capital culito. Dumbing down of struggle parameter Manila from a long true love at relationship. If you happen to be one of those people then it shouldn't be a problem telling you have to show willingness to learn and grow from your ignorance. Otherwise, I add up on collimated poontang success in your love life. Hey, I'm a goddamn motherfuckin again at the guy Nathan program Savage Oh, you don't huh? Good radio. 91-92 Anna. It just goes to show now. You are trying to improve yourself to some only improve the more, you know about love and relationships. The better equipped. You will be to handle them. Can I determine a bag a knuckle on aluminum and about true love and relationships Romanian community in a more than song Paragon, Amadeo? Oh inaudible Ankita. Come on. Well, I'm sorry. Anyway, you're listening to the radio secure 104.3 The Way of M and a proposal Renaldo at not even on few things. You need to understand about true love and relationships. Maybe gonna number one The Temptations are still going to be there. Hindi Mala intent has shown sterilization. You are still going To find yourself having feelings of Attraction for other people pero Hindi nominate. Oh Maggie problema Angeline Mulan. I won't Petula and and Humalog Narada man, and ultimately you should turn out OK in your relationship then the and being in love doesn't mean being immune to Temptation The Castle Ontario topics include not in and talk. So I love you can tank or took so let you and Mauro. Okay number two lovely. Language is important and Obama. Um, love language number. You need to learn and Understand Each Other's Love language. You have to know how your partner communicates love at Collinwood in Malayalam and Company 18 - Gap you both need to adjust to each other's love language whooping Hindi KO myo, boost and buck. Mahasabha disa, according to Gary Chapman the author of the five languages the five ways to express and experience love are the following. number one receiving gifts my healing by Chiang Mai Greece evening. Regalo. Number two quality time to selling by Neil Young has a mock Italian regalo, but at law words of affirmation gazillion lacking either Denis Kang Sena. Sorry Mona in a from. Oh, I think somebody patent Coos - yeah number four acts of service develop our own devoted Jessica Mia when we began an aura Scania liebig condenser business - yeah, okay and shampoo a brahmacari late physical. Shots at the ample and five languages, but aubameyang must Malayalam no discussion about this pan or on ulong You Love Languages explained in Filipino the who betrayed her Channel say YouTube E-Type ulong Love Languages explained in Filipino. Okay, Mary padian beaten by a guy named David malamud about true love, but before that. Let me play another song for you. soon That was a sound from December Avenue featuring Moira dilatory endearing long ikaw Ang believed in and so really what events are really considering like how no no no, no man beguile and I mean, but now cleat in Hindi piggy land piggy lands relay at Walnut Valley Think Tank. All right. Now today's topic is things you need to learn about out true love and relationships communicating. So who's ready OD tossa care 104.3 The Way FM. My name is Ronaldo little bun topic. Not a Nat enjoyed Gaba. Okay seeking number three in the title, but all of my lamb and going to my true. Love number three being able to compromise is critical important a gentle wind up at will in the maxillary bones get ne in Deal happening or has a mugging or chaos about Isa. My auras are Gusto Mo and Gastonia at my times the ionian Gusto MO. Battle Hindi big sadena Cyril and relationship, you know, you have to be able to compromise and find a middle ground Goombas Tomo number Tagalog Young Access AMA real number for practice proper communication communication is going to be vital part of Michalka in the lava at para La Que una Casa para esta página if you want to make sure that the two of you get closer to one another in parent close of commercial then kale Avenue. He practice uncommon for goes up. You should always look to speak your heart to one another what movie seep in nah, Baba Sonia and in is equal Casablanca on acaba 77 Ibarra. Okay. So here's number five. You need to laugh as much as possible that one of my Jan as you make your way through your relationship and the mobile my stress Kappa, LOL. Oh Macha encounter camera me here up along the way. Hey Hakuna Matata. At market and humor something about the bad guy grab it. You always want to be generating Positive Vibes in your relationship good vibes claggy. Okay. I am NASA collecting retired and tips not in today and who got radios here 104.3 The Way FM. My name is Ronaldo. Let's move on for more music and here's to Louis brain keep here on who did radio. This is care. Good to me bus now gaudily mine and mine. And I call me kissing at me, but Bobby won't acknowledge the side it will close a king, but he is. I caiied you wanna know my God Lori Petty in and out with no more hide cold morning. He make them funny now and oh forget the lawyer, buddy. Ensign on about Allah Allah But my Lily moved on. Anybody need an eyewitness who hate cold by go man, and he need them. King buggy what happened? And he needs a body body. 104.3 The Way, fmk plane ticket is the program and who got radios febc radio on topic Natalie on I think she needs to learn about true love and relationships. Now. Here's number 6 honesty is still the best policy. You cannot expect your partner to be mind reader. Subhana Diva Wellington. Raghavan Ian. Hi, you can't expect them. Just automatically to know what you are thinking or feeling. I had a padlock icon tap at Sonya after all being in a relationship means not keeping each other in the dark about anything at all lag. EKU David para is unfocused a libros about Isa A La Mia Cowan our on-demand Mo as if in a pile Sylvania a telomere in Kona Romania. They open a Manchester. Yo bada ba triangle honesty is the best policy. So that was number six number seven. You have to support one. Another support is always going to have to be an essential aspect of a relationship unfold the model. But Allah. Miyan a coalition are on Sonya hampi new persona and Canyon goals at dream Cebu. Hi. Also, they need to know that they can always count on you anytime then. I'm sorry. Limo - on capital of India. You know David maintenance free limo. So how about you is amongst about Jan. Let me play a song for you. Now. Here's a song called Ox longing for an adult but deacon akise He nahanni Palms record so far key. He needed could not consider Deacon Dinah kicking me. Indeed cannot give me giese you dig a non-adult waffle my person. I'm the man. I will stop when I know mine. Oxnard Arie Salama, so my friend Ali Nadim until be Nadine up on me because I eat the corn along assassin. My love will not put the entire. My love will not working in unity. I mean he's equal animal. I Diana McGee said all along my CI off the alarm. nothing I'm willing healing God but began. Yeah cuff in my back home God he is not God. Donna porn, can you turn color? Did belong it's a good idea to thank you for tuning in. This is so good. Radios the care 104.3 The Way FM. My name is Ronaldo. I don't a big night in today. I think you need to learn about true love and relationships. Now. Here's number eight patience and forgiveness should be practiced consistently. The two of you should always make it a point to stay patient with one another. While Encino Man saying yo Ang. Perfect. Okay, itís on Mona pedestrian macaca male after all you're only human. That's why you always need to be forgiving and patient with each other while Encino Man indeed a comely. All right, so two more to go but before that let me play another song for you the baggage that if not, then here's a song called. Sorry. You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty. You know, I try but I don't do too well with apologies. I hope I don't run out a tiger someone color every is. I just need one more shot at forgiveness. So let me oh, let me redeem. Oh redeem. Oh myself tonight. I'll take every single piece of the blame if if you want me to let you know that there is no innocent one in this game for two. I'll go I'll go and then you go you go out and spill the truth. Can we both say the words and forget this is it too late now to say sorry cause I'm missing more than just your body is it? Get you back. 104.3 The Way F + Ru boy in a techniques of program who with radios febc radio and topic Nightingale on some of the darker pink belong things. You need to learn about true love and relationships. Here's number nine. You told respect is non-negotiable indeed the wedding platano Aventa. No relationship in the world would ever be able to function correctly who Moi and respect us about Isa one thing about respect and attitude and cojito Kumiko allahi the someone you respect to gamma by gamma 2 gamma highly entangled by we gonna buy you some Omaha Lincoln Angela. Hey madhu to compromise potato salad. Okay, and applicable emulators about this app love and respect. I'm a capital Pyongyang simply marking damper. Marami Hindi niharika in finito Aetna hereupon veto. Okay. So here's number ten number ten. Your Love isn't going to be perfect, but it's going to be worth it. Okay. Love isn't always going to be perfect now go now Pocoyo. Far from it your relationship is going to have its fair share of ups and downs. You're going to encounter a lot of problems and adversities that Alaura stomach that ananka sorry. Limo. Is it really worth it? Oh no mine. You will find that everything is worth it after all. all the time, baby I wish it was me, sweetheart. Yes, you are on care. 104.3 The Way I fam and this is a good radio. My name is Renaldo. I don't have igniting a Osaka printing belong. I don't know but I don't know but my true love so that the Naga bucket now bong hit up Mac attack. Oh dang true love. Hmm. I'm glad I don't care giving why is finding true love's so difficult Why not Bubba glad I am I decide I'm a behind up and true love at Mohali not Total Diva. We experience different levels of love from parents siblings friends and others but most of us also want to find special someone am a cashier not in and deeper level of love. Finding true love can seem incredibly difficult at the last second. He dropped it on Indian a big question to consider first is this what is my definition of true love? You know understanding what we mean by true love I'm a total of entire Makita Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah cotton at bakit Hindi to Model A many societies use the word love very Loosely and love secondly, I usually associated with intense feelings that in reality. It was a self-centered and non-committal Hindi Mohammed Omar get ammo in many movies and TV shows an eye on the rocky Titania manga character. Sinister delong-amaya hormones octagon and they have sex before marriage but in the end he Castle the nominating committee ba couple of Ina pack Ababa at rooted. Llama. It was emotional orko. Naradhama nagatomo mightily to Malala Easy Come Easy Go sobbing up there is nothing wrong with wanting to experience good emotions toward the person we love. Hi Alan if that is the only Station of the relationship that relationship is in trouble if the kind of love we see nappy-nap Akita seungyeon the movies and all sex saturated culture. Cuyana, honam. Oh, I never no wonder it seems difficult to find it does say it's not true love it is not true. Love we're looking for they say it's not true love. We're after Indian Matata guile. Money while I was in the past true love is of God. In fact, he is love I am nothing and Eva alarm not in La Hacienda. God is love anyone who does not love does not know God because God is love ai-chan will be biggest art in and paneling and Natalya a mock Mahal. I thought you I'm Elaine therefore understanding his design for love is important true love according to the Lord is rooted in sacrifice commitment and Desire to benefit the loved one True Romance is designed to lead to and grow within a marriage commitment marriage and should be rooted in sacrificial love and Obama sacrificial of Alamo halimbawa Neato Neato when parents provide for the kids and are willing to give up their selfishness just to feed their kids. That is an example of sacrificial love. Okay, Maki te Moana Banyan. It's a couple bonta Cena sacrificing. Nana. I and that I am with Ellen ceiling paneling and Marilyn Scott alumina can Punk sacrificial love at the end up at unboxing Honiton non-classified and love Naina hand up. Nothing papagena hand up nothing and true love the lab has a designee lord my hereupon delegate ano Mera Toma obstacles. Now caught up nothing a on number one in Easy plug-in item number on is in town at am certain that is a line McBee biggest. I didn't talk about number family and adding a kilala see Lord. I lead them entire settlement out in detail. But whomever we choose to marry becomes the right one for us because we've made a lifetime commitment to that person. Aang stop at nothing something. I had to mechanic our true. Love must be a believer who is living for the Lord do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers socket Nguyen Quang Binh an appellate I Amo. I Surrender Pat Summitt Asimo Well, God will provide wisdom and discernment Connolly little cooperation. Then you must pray if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God who gives generously to all without reproach and it will be given to him. All you have to do is to ask. Okay, as long as the enlightenment it to Sebastian Sao he became a demon. Nobody knows me anyo also wise and godly people nikhil and calaca can also provide guidance in finding true love. Okay. Yeah important a number. Kasama Mo totally. No atmanah godly people. Okay, Jessica Hindi Hindi neelima too long on that most of the time wearing my lead capitalist family. Okay, but no one had long satin thinking that a person will or can fulfill us. Hi only God can truly fulfill us. They ended up at I am organic non romantic love para TI puno and none of us is perfect. And to expect another imperfect human being to meet every need is very unrealistic and healthy and can only lead to disappointment it off King Mo wolong towel amada-kun Au Chocolat and more, okay. Not being willing to change or grow but didn't you sleep in unclassy downtown? Obscenity Marcus Ahmedabad faragonda - I'm sorry. Limo open a economist, but I'm Italian personal issues that are but nothing address with God's help opanka diet IO and Gastonia. Means and in the East not and a cup of organic material and true love Emma Wallen camera is on the part of magic but being in a close relationship with someone will not fix our problems. It is more likely to expose the more huh. There is linear on cassette. This can be a rewarding part of that relationship as iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens another he an ammonia reconvening long time ago at Luma go. If you are unwilling to change who I owe nothing Mike Bargo, the relationship will be strained and could eventually be destroyed indeed an exhibition about personal issue. Nothing. I'ma is Munna Bogota yamakawa rather we should get into the practice of asking God to show us who and Waba among a body that David Natalie nice in Subway. Nothing. How about the ginkga diet-induced own opinion on certain Maggie and Cocktails and a mango relish on the kakihara peanut I got bad thinking it's too late to find true love finding true love and getting married is not to be taken lightly in the A to B row. It is better to be cautious than to make quick and Reckless decision. But lung bases to Cena be dealing with Bella Sad Song of Solomon subido on do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires. What would I wait on puka wins at who was Muhammad Ali Alamo dad's timing is always the best one helmet arles-avignon timing. We know that God cares about our desire to find true love he cares for us topic. We fully surrendered to him. We fully surrender that desire to him indeed a te amo Papa he repairing McCollum on a tomato. Love is an essential quality of God. Trying to find true love outside of God's design is asking for frustration Indie comedy Masala Rito surrendering our desires to God submitting to his will at Hennepin and Caputo and at insa hanyu. I am Suzie open. Muhannad, Nadine. Oh true love. Some piece of Psalms 37 verse for take Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart K Le Guin panguna Hansa Mazuma covid-19 deny Istanbul, sumo. Tell me why. It's so hard. It's not that your beams coming down. For the best Delight, I'd love to find me. I'll be crossing my fingers. But I'm in selamat pagi Greg open or depending on has an eye on the episode then told radio de la mansukh are wonderful. In free the way a fam a composer on or an old oh and who betrayed EO I'll see you again next time. Thanks again and God bless you. Bye Ali not Machi who got NE Kentucky Bahamas 0 9 4 6 7 6 3 9 Nine eight five eight zero nine to nine three five nine four two nine eight was a zero nine one five nine three one. Seven one eight four two. Nice women looked upon the Nile and kdj-one. My reading can be seated himself on YouTube channel. So who got radio?
Hey HUGs! This is our first episode sa Hugot Radio na bagong show sa Care 104.3 The Way FM Legazpi City. This is a weekly show! Kaya abangan niyo ako every Sunday at 12 noon 'til 1 pm. :) How to listen? Since FM broadcast ito, hindi ito aabot sa malalayo  sa labas ng sakop ng signal ng transmitter (Bicol) unless nakatunein  kayo sa app nila na FEBCPh mobile app na mada-download sa Google play  store📱📲Pwede naman po makinig thru Facebook  kasi i-post naman ang Hugot Radio show as FB Live sa page ng Care 104.3 The Way FM 📻🎶 Naku.. Dapat talaga abangan mo ito dahil magaganda na songs 🎶 maganda pa ang message ✉️ So pano.. Kita-kits maya at 12 noon sharp 🕛 (Philippine time). Please don't be late kasi 1 hour show lang ito. Have a blessed Sunday HUGs! 😇💕 Ways to listen: 1. Go to Care 104.3 The Way FM page (Like/Follow) 2. Download Hugot Radio app 4. ☺️ Sabi nga ni Ariel Rivera, minsan lang kitang iibigin. Minsan lang kitang mamahalin. 😂 Oh pano... Ako ready na. I'll see you later HUGs 😉📻🎶 Please share kasi lahat makaka-relate sa topic ko mamaya. Kahit ako excited! 😀 Hint: Kikiligin at mapapaisip ka 🤔
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast. You're listening to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season, 2019. These horoscopes focus on what I see as being the most important themes of the season and I'll offer some perspective on how to work with these themes through your embodied awareness Gemini season extends between Tuesday, May 21st and Friday, June 21st, please listen to the horoscopes for both your sun sign and your rising sign. Your sun sign is the time of year. You were born and it's the answer you give. When asks you what your sign is Sun Sign horoscopes will generally give you more information about what's important in your larger life journey and soul development. Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born and the rising sign horoscopes generally give you greater insight into the current events of your day-to-day life many people also find valuable information in the horoscopes for their Moon signs, which often speak to more emotional experiences or those occurring within the home and family. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart in the horse in the the horoscope section on my website embodied check on the site anyway to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs for Gemini season to learn more about Gemini and Gemini season, make sure to listen to the guided meditation called meet your mind. Gemini is a sign in everyone's chart. And in this meditation, you'll gain understanding for how to work with Geminis strengths and challenges and will experience how Gemini functions in your body and lived experience if your monthly subscriber you'll also receive my Ended month ahead astrology report this report includes an expanded forecast audio recording and downloadable PDF with information on planetary aspects in lunar cycles this month and suggestions for how to work with the astrology for your best benefit. You can subscribe today by becoming a monthly donor at any amount per month when you subscribe. You'll also receive discounts for my online classes other events and month late birthday reports. If you enjoy this work, please support it by sharing it with your friends on social media tag, and Follow embodied astrology on Instagram Facebook and Twitter. Please consider also supporting the work by leaving positive ratings on iTunes or likes and comments on the links. Finally your financial support allows me to continue offering this work for free to donate or to find any of the information that I mentioned above. Go to embodied or check the show notes. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Gemini season now onto your horoscope. Hello ever. Go. Thank you for listening. This is your audio horoscope and month ahead for Gemini season. Gemini season is the period of time between May 21st and June 21st. And for you this season stimulates your solar 10th house. So for the next 30 days the sun will be Illuminating the part of your life that has to do with your Public Image your career your vocation. I think this part of the chart as the place of adulting it's where you pursue your Ambitions you. think about your maturity and you become the person that you are in the world what you want to be doing in the world what you want to embody Etc on the day that the sun moves into Gemini Mercury moves into Gemini as well the Sun and Mercury coming together at the very first degree of Gemini is a powerful symbol for a new beginning in this area of your life as you reflect back on these past couple of months and think about what you have been working on or maybe if Are ways that you've been trying out new ways of being in the sphere of your life now, you're ready to start to implement some changes in a more concrete way and move forward with any plans. You may have been developing for the last couple of months or there's more confidence to pursue something again in a more realized or formal way the first couple of days of Gemini season, bring a number of powerful aspects that are set off by the moon in Capricorn in relationship to The Sun and mercury and Gemini and also by Chiron in Aries these aspects for you have a lot to do with your creativity your personal expression and potentially if you're a parent your children some of the feelings that may arise during this time could feel a little uncomfortable. So there might be frustration or discomfort or a sense of unknowing as to how your expression and what you're trying to put out into the world or how your kid is being or what they need. Need are going to manifest in some kind of way that feels like it's productive for you. So for thinking about your personal expression your creativity or your joy a sense here could be like it's all work and no play or you've been working really hard on trying to formalize some aspect of your creative practice may be bringing a hobby up a level in to a place where it's more of a job. There might be a sense that there's not really a lot of time for personal expression or for your creativity because there's a lot of emphasis moving into the arena of your life that has to do with outward external social moving energy. And again your career and your ambition. If this is the case for you, then I want to encourage you first of all to take some deep breaths to give yourself time and to remember that process takes time. Time if you are working to formalize some aspect of your creativity and to create more professionalism in this part of your life or to get attention for something that you've been working on. I think you're actually going to have a number of opportunities throughout the month and this year but there's also a pretty significant element of hard work that's going into it. So make sure that you do get sometime this month just to take a break and let your brain relax for those of you that have kids and It's are facing challenges in your parenting or if your child is facing challenges in their lives. If you have any anxiety about future or kind of more external status or what people might be thinking about you or your child again, there's the message to slow down to take time to remember that process is an evolution. It's important here that you have a good balance of. Both trust and accountability with your kid, especially if they're old enough to start really being accountable. You really want to encourage your child's growth and expression and authenticity while also giving them a good container right now and I would suggest having as mature conversations as possible with your kids. So depending on how old they are what kind of state they're in they'll And while right now to being treated like an adult but also being cared for so you can appeal to their maturity and also their sense of autonomy and Freedom by having conversations with them that basically lay out any concerns that you have or help them to strategize their future plans or anything that they're working on really try not to get too overly concerned with the future and this is true for any situation that's arising in your life. Life, there's a lot of energy in your chart right now that is moving into the future and that wants to express and wants recognition and definitely can get that. But when you become preoccupied in these areas, it's not good for your energy as I mentioned a few minutes ago these first couple of days of Gemini season do bring some really powerful aspects and one element of these aspects, especially as we get towards the 26th of May or so could bring a Powerful and very deep recognition of some of the elements that may have been holding you back maybe are currently holding you back in terms of your Ambitions, but also your self-esteem or any kind of trust that you have in your creative process or belief. In other people's receptivity your own value how you get into negotiations with others around what you're trying to put out and the ways that you are creating value in the structures of your life. So around the 26th in these first couple of days of Gemini season, just notice what's going on for you emotionally. This aspect might not be something that is really blatant, but it's definitely going to be operating more subtly and a more nuanced ways. It's definitely a good time to pay attention to anything that's coming up in subliminal messaging that you're giving to Solve your dreams, you're kind of more underlying feeling tone be very conscious of the times and the spaces where you feel held back and inhibited particularly if these feelings of inhibition have anything to do with how Others May perceive you or any kind of anxiety about the way that you're putting yourself out into the world again, you want to really focus on self compassion gentleness. It's and just context one person 9 billion people on the planet really nothing that any of us do ends up being that important without significant like our lives are here for us to live them and enjoy them try and be as present as you possibly can from May 30th through June 2nd Venus in Taurus makes a number of important aspects for you. Taurus rules the solar ninth house and this is a part of your chart that has to do with And meaning-making and your big questions about why you're living your life. This is the place in our beings where we desire to grow where we look for answers and where we pursue some kind of bigger ideas and again purpose. It's a little bit different than our Ambitions which tend to be more concrete, but it's related in the sense that many of us pursue Ambitions very related to our purpose and sense of purpose. this period of time for May 30th through June 2nd Venus is moving in very close conjunction with the planet you're honest and you're honest has recently moved into Taurus and it will be there for 7 years over the course of the next seven years, you are supported to innovate and experiment and really expand your ideas of meaning and purpose if you are a person who is a teacher or if you are Involving some kind of high-level wisdom or teachings in your work in any kind of way. This is a time to really expand in that area. You're very interested in giving and receiving knowledge right now in New and interesting ways and I think that this has something to do with either again your creative practice or your hobbies or something that you're doing that you're really enjoying or your kids and that could definitely also be both of those things Venus will make aspects to Neptune. It will make a sextile to Neptune a trying to Saturn a trying to Pluto and an in conjunction to Jupiter all in the span of these couple of days. So there may be several kinds of impulses or experiences that you have that could stimulate these spheres of your life. Again Hobbies favorite pastimes your creative Pursuits your artistic Pursuits. Expression and children some of the feelings or experiences that might be coming in will have to do with partners and relationship and ideas about home and family. The message that I have for you here is that any change that arises eventually is Opening space for you to pursue a larger meaning for yourself and a more integrated sense of purposefulness and to really just trust the process again. This month has a lot of Opportunity for you to move and grow but there is a significant amount of process that you're working through. There's a new moon on Monday June 3rd in the sign of Gemini. Again, Gemini rules their solar 10th House of vocation Public Image career and adulting around the new moon is always a good time to set intentions for the next solar year. So you could think forward into the next 12 months and just consider. What do you want to call in to this part of your life? How do you want? Develop yourself and the next year in terms of your Ambitions in terms of your work in the world in terms of your Public Image. Are there any Gemini traits that you would like to call in and experience or Express Gemini rules communication? It rules intellect. It rules connections and exchange definitely check out the guided meditation and introduction the Gemini season that I put out with these horoscopes. It's called meet your mind in that introduction. I'll really go in. into how Gemini functions in your body and regardless of your sun sign you everybody has Gemini in their chart and as you know from everything that I'm saying Gemini is an important sign for Virgo and for Virgo rising in the meditation will also give you a couple of tools for working with Geminis energy when it gets into its imbalance and because for you Gemini is this very important place in your chart that has to do with very Themes of how you're living in what you're doing. I definitely recommend that from June 4th through 28 Mercury lose your planetary ruler. So it's an important planet for you. Will Transit the sign Cancer Mercury is going to meet up with Mars and the North Node. The North Node is one of the places where eclipses happen and Mars is an energizing influence and over this month or so Mercury and Mars will make a couple of really important. Certain aspects before I get into those. I just want to say that mercury and Mars together bring a lot of mental attention to something. They also bring a fair amount of heat and activity and potential agitation as well as passion and excitement. So energy cancer for you is the place in the chart that has to do with networks larger social groups your audiences and this is important again, if you are an artist or a creative person or if you're In to express yourself in the world and as the opposite sign of Capricorn if we think of Capricorn as I've already talked about it a couple of times being an energy that's associated to what you create including your children cancer could also be seen as your worries and hopes for the future of your Creations that includes anything you make how it gets put out into the world how it's received and also the worries and the hopes that you have for the future of your children. And so again some recurring themes and June 4th through 18th the aspects that mercury and Mars make will be at their most intense leading to the conjunction of mercury with Mars on June 18th. So these couple of days it's super important just to notice what's going on for some of you this could be a really exciting Time full of networking opportunities feeling like something that you're doing is getting out into the world. There's a lot of social Use it might feel very playful could even feel really sexy and fun for other people. There may be a lot of anxiety. There are maybe a lot of push to feel that the creative expression that they have or the personal expression is landing right? There may be a lot of worry and distress about the future there could be both easily could be all of these feelings and the same couple of days. So I really want to invite you to get quiet in yourself and to take some time. This might be challenging because there's also a full moon on June 17th in the sign of Sagittarius and this full moon is conjunct to the planet Jupiter and that's going to bring a lot of energy into the root of your chart. So a lot of expansive energy into the place in the chart that depicts home family tribe a sense of belonging and safety Jupiter is a benefic energy and I think This full Moon is really highlighting a lot of what you've probably been learning about your own sense of home and stability and how you create home and stability and yourself as well as any opportunities to grow and Thrive with the people that you call family and the place that you call home. But again, as I said these couple of days could bring up a lot of energy. Please make sure that you're taking time for yourself to reflect and to stay balanced. Finally, June 8th through July 4th Venus transits Gemini. And once again Gemini is a part in your chart that has to do with your outward-facing image career and vocation Venus is a benefic energy its lending support and magnetism here at this is a really good time to go for what you want and summary Virgo. There's a lot of opportunity for you right now. It seems like you have a lot to offer you're putting something out into the world or you're supporting your children to do that and some way or another trust your personal expression lean into the new meanings. You're making and don't be scared to make some changes. If you want to know more about astrology. Please check out my monthly offerings in the Gemini season package. You'll get an extended month ahead recording you'll learn all about the daily planetary aspects in the lunar cycles. Not just the ones I've mentioned here. You'll also get a PDF that includes all of these aspects with calendar format and space to write and take notes. This is great for anybody who wants to use astrology to to use the astrological energy for their best benefit or just to contextualize what's happening in your life and use it a little bit like a journal monthly subscribers also get big discounts to my online classes and other products like my monthly birthday reports. So if you want some of those check it out embodied You can find all the information there. Thanks so much for listening. Happy Gemini season. Bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Gemini Season in 2019. Gemini Season extends between May 21- June 21 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs and to find out more about donating to sustain this work or becoming a monthly subscriber Check out the Embodied Astrology introduction and guided meditation for Gemini Season, Meet Your Mind. In this 40-minute episode I’ll introduce the sign Gemini as an embodied quality and state of being. Everyone has Gemini in their chart and Gemini is a very important sign! This is the sign that governs mental processes, thinking and language. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize Gemini’s influence in your body and behaviors, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with Gemini’s tendency to overthink, compare and get distracted. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Gemini season (May 21-June 21), and also a great energy to check in with at any point. Get the Gemini Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today!
Everyone you're listening to superwomen today's guest is Susan Feldman the founder of in the groove Susan felt, like there was a whole segment of women namely women in the 40 to 50 to 60 plus category that are often forgot about not talked about and very much underserved and wanted to make a place where you could go you could be seen and celebrated and just hang out and buy. See things and feel like you're not left behind. So this is Susan Feldman on super women. First of all, welcome. Thank you. I'm so happy to be here Rebecca. It's a nice to see you. You brought some sun from California. I know it's a gorgeous day still really fucking cold cold very cold like a nice and sunny but cold. So we first met when you were with one Kings Lane. You were a co-founder. Yeah. I'd love to start earlier and hear a bit about you know, how you got your start in a totally different industry. And then what made you do the sleep? Faith now two times. Yes big leap. If a is a big Ravine underneath Outlet. Yeah. So where should we start? Let's start from you were in sales. I was so I actually went to business school after working for four years and trying to maybe switch my career. I've been in retail my I come from a retail family and my dad was a retailer. It's kind of in my blood. I worked at Macy's High School College got out of college went into a retail. L training program went back to business school thinking. Hey, maybe I should be an investment banker but ended up at Macy's in New York. So I just like could not get that out of my system. But very soon after getting there. I went to what they call the other side to your side to the wholesale side. So actually working for manufacturers selling to stores and I did that really for the majority of my career running sales and marketing organizations. And you know, I love retail. I love working with the stores. Actually, there's something very entrepreneurial about it because you feel like in some way you own a piece of the business helping them grow the business and make the business profitable. But I had gotten to a point where we were talking about this earlier that I just wasn't really having as much fun as I had had and I was at a point in my life. My we had just moved to California from New York. So we had been there for a few years. I had this idea for one Kings Lane and my head that I would have been talking about for a year. Here and I just got to a point where I had said to my husband like I need to do something different. So it's either go look for another job retire or do something like start this new company that I had a vision for but it was scary to actually try to do that. You know, I just kept talking about it. So I give Bob a lot of credit for the beginning of one Kings Lane because he's like, okay, so just go do it and like what's Worse that will happen. And did you have the idea for what it became fully formed in your head when you were talking about it? Yeah, pretty much like I had a very clear vision for what I wanted to create and you know, it was interesting because I just like needed somebody to sort of given that push and Bob was funny because he's like either go do it or stop talking about it. That's right because I feel like I have million ideas all the time. I'm sure you do as a creative person and you sort of let them percolate a Nate and whatever and then you know two weeks later like yeah, that wasn't such a good idea. I want to the next thing but the one for one Kings Lane, I could not Shake. I was literally talking about it thinking about it. I was obsessed with at the time. It was Flash sales that had just sort of come on to the retail saying and I had with a company that I had worked with prior to starting one Kings Lane. I participated in one of these, you know a flash sale event and I saw how powerful they were and the velocity that you could sell products. And you know the excitement that kind of came with it and nobody was doing anything in the home space. The home space was kind of wide open which sounds so crazy today because I feel like everybody's very home Centric now. Yeah, but back in 2007. It's actually the you know, the retail and the e-commerce landscape for home was pretty Barren to say it when you find your big retailers online, but other than that there really wasn't much there. And so, you know when you said, okay, I'm going to start this I'm going to do it. What were those Those next steps and were you terrified and I was scared to death, but I think you know, it's kind of funny. I think when talking to Bob kind of put things in perspective because it was like, okay like let's just talk about this. Like what's the worst thing that would happen the worst thing that would happen was it wouldn't work right fail. So you have to deal with failure, you know, when you go out and you build a site and you did you have to raise money as well. Well, so now because if you recall this was back in November, Allison a that, we formed our LLC and the world was basically imploding. Yes. I remember had fallen apart and so we didn't even try to raise money. So basically it was like the worst that would happen is that we would not be successful and we would lose whatever money we had decided to invest in the company. So it would you know the worst that would happen to be a bad investment and it still was scary. But once I decided to do it as kind of, you know, kind of amazing what happens you just put blinders Anders on and you know, there's always naysayers and you bump up against that all the way along the way but you just so I keep pushing through it you like. Okay did that didn't work that persons not going to partner with me. I'll go find somebody else. Totally. It just make it you just figure figure it out. You just like you don't even know like people once one Kingsland launch is so funny. People say, how'd you do that? I'm like, I don't know. It's a really good question. Like how we did we just like literally we were like a force, you know, we'd literally formed our company and November 2008 and one. Playing launch the end of March 2009 and that was it. We were off and running and how did you convince people being that you were the first into to do this with you? Because I know when your when when we started see by aware or we you know, try to change models. It's really hard and people don't believe you and they're unsure and then you do it and everyone's like oh, yeah, we're going to get on that bandwagon, but it's a little bit like that Nike video. That's out that like you're crazy. Yeah, you know like it really you think you're going to do this like, you know, you've never Ever been at home space before and you're gonna do what so I think you know, I haven't been around the block so to speak like I understood if I could get enough people to fill our calendar for a month it just meant basically 20 different vendors to do one event that if I could do that and we did a good job with those sales. Then we would be fine because then they would tell their friends and other people in the industry and word would start to spread and Do you even begin to acquire an audience? Well, so that was so there were actually a couple things we had to do it to build the website. We had to build the vendor base. We had to build an audience and we had to build the brand or that's actually in reverse order. So the brand was first so we came up with the name created one Kingsland we decided that we wanted to launch with because we were an email based business 5,000 people the day we launched so we started a campaign which is very hard to To do to get people to sign up prior to launch because you're basically signing up for nothing. Right? And so we thought what with this customer want that we could give them so you could if you signed up and gave us your email you had the chance to win an Hermes throw. Yeah. So that was that was the hook. Okay, and you know, there wasn't the social media platforms that we have today. So it was really Word of Mouth like, you know, you maybe would sign up and send it to your friends or maybe not because you wanted a chance to when the Hermes But it was really funny the day we launched our developer engineer called me at five of eight or email us went out at 8 o'clock in the morning. So our first email was getting ready to go out and he's like this is really weird and I'm like what he goes. You have exactly five thousand people signed up right now not like 4927 or 50 103 of 5,000 people. Wow, which is our goal. And I said send that email right now. It was like I felt like it. It's a sign or something. Yeah, that was our goal and we were right at our goal and the email went out a little before 8:00. And like I said, we were just off and running, you know, we did I don't $1,600 the first day the second day we did like $32,000 and by the fifth or sixth month. We were doing almost a million dollars in sales. Yeah, so it was like very hyper growth and it was really fun and crazy at the same time. And at the same time we had to build a vendor base because we had to have Dr. Sell so we were out hustling, you know for the five months that we were building the site getting people lined up on the calendar and you know, to be honest, it sounds like it was all easy, but it wasn't but that the recession actually worked in our favor because people had a lot of excess at all, like they never had excess inventory before so they had no idea what to do with it and the home space. It just was something it wasn't apparel you tend to end up with excess or over cuts. It was not something that was really Lee ever happened and home so people were kind of desperate because they had inventory they didn't know what to do with it. And so they're like you seem like you know what you're doing well take a chance. Like what's again the worst thing to happen nothing to lose and then Not only was it great for them because they sold the product but we did such an awesome job of presenting their brand like a better job actually, then they were doing that. They loved working with us because all of a sudden we elevated who they were. Talked about you know, what was inspiration, you know behind the brand and nobody had ever done that for them before right? So it was like a win-win for everybody and was that sort of naturally what you're really good at is that branding and storytelling it was and the other thing which I think we did really well back then which now it's a very overused word, but nobody was really doing it the time was we really curated what we were doing. So people are vendors that we worked with would show up and they'd present to us. Here's what I can. Can give you to sell and we would go through it and we would like take things out of it. Because if we felt it actually didn't tell their Brand Story well or a diluted the presentation of what we were putting out to our customer base. We said we can't sell that for you. And that was okay because I we did a better job selling the stuff that was there. So they appreciated that in the end. Yeah, so during that high-growth time while that is obviously really exciting time. What was some of the biggest challenges you faced. And that kind of where do you start where does one start at that time? I think you know, the biggest one is always people because if you're in a hyper growth mode like you you need people and almost like you're running so fast in the business is growing so fast, the only way to actually kind of keep up with it as almost a throw bodies at it. And you know, you don't it's just hard because you want to get the right people in there. The people that are really passionate about the vision, you know, Know what you're doing and we were fortunate I think in the beginning because we really attracted people that were really obsessed with what we were doing. And so that was the first bar the people had to pass that even get into the company, you know, because everybody was so passionate about home who was working with us, which is great. But hiring is definitely I think it it doesn't matter how little or big you are. I feel like getting and building the right team is the hardest thing to do. It is the hardest I would say people is the People and putting a puzzle together and you gotta have good people you do. You know, you just have one bad egg. Let me tell you about its had a bunch. Yeah, and it's like it's blue stinks fast. But yeah, so during that time were your kids older at that point. Yeah. So I was it was actually kind of interesting because the right as a we were launched in one Kingsland my youngest was a senior in high school. Okay, and literally as I Is forming my LLC she got accepted to college. So that was good that was checked done and she was pretty much footloose and fancy free. So she actually helped a lot in the beginning might she was the only I have three kids and she was the only one that was home during the early days and she had a great time. It was kind of fun. She became almost like my PA cuz I literally was like chained to my desk all day. So she would grocery shop. She would go to the dry cleaners if I needed clothes she would Good work ethic. Yeah, and and she did photography for the site to because she was a very good photographer and that a great Studio at school and she said to her teacher my Mom's starting this business. Could I bring some product in and photographic because we're trying to figure out the creative and the photography thing early. It actually hurt photography. We used probably for two years on this site was funny silver picture frames. She did nice. So you have a wild ride it's you know, you did it for what almost 10 years right seven seven years. And then what at that point what made you say? Alright time to do something new or yeah, I'm to go I think you know the business had such massive growth and it really needed certain resources to get to the next level which was building stores, which now, we have a new store in SoHo, which is exciting a store in the Hamptons. And you know reaching that customer the business evolved I should start with that. So the business became move from a flash sale site to really a legitimate retailer where you could go and find beautiful things every single day. So that was a very big change at the business and you know, it became really by 2000 and probably 15. We realized like it wasn't just about reaching the customer just through the internet like you had to be where they were so that meant building stores, you know catalogs things like That and I think we're at a point where we just felt like we needed sort of somebody that haddock expertise in that and Bed Bath & Beyond came along and that's him actually like it made a lot of sense and so in June 2016, we sold the business to them and it's been great. Like I said that you know, they've done that they've sent out. I don't know six eight catalog since they've been part of them open up stores going to open up hopefully more stores. So I think you know, the business has to keep changing. Wrestling today's world. Nothing stays the same right? Like you have to keep iterating on a you do such a great example of eyes being I think on The Cutting Edge and I think that's what we needed to do. And I think we recognize that it was going to take a little bit more than what we had to get there. Right? So was it hard to sell off your oh my God. Yeah about that. You know, it's interesting. I moved a lot as a kid growing up. So I sort of feel like I learned how to suck it up pretty well. But and so I Feel like I did that, you know when we sold the company the people Bed Bath & Beyond were nothing but gracious and they wanted me to be around as a figurehead of the business. So, you know, I did everything I could for the transition and I'm like, I've got this this is like fun and like I think I realized that I so didn't have it and that, you know the idea of like basically selling one of your tools trip was really hard and I I had immediately had an idea for in the groove, you know the business that you're talking about, but I couldn't get it started. It was really interested. I'm a very much a doer and I kept trying to get started. I couldn't get it so I couldn't figure out what was wrong like why I wasn't moving forward on it had a lot of meetings nothing was happening and then I realized, you know, I needed a break I needed to sort of really take heart of like what that Journey had been reset clear my head like sort of Think about all the good bad and whatever that had happened over the course of the seven years and sort of put it in its place before I could actually move on and create something new. So, how long was your break for? Well so that we saw the company in June 2016 and I launched in the groove in end of September last year. Okay, 2008. So two years two years. It was two years. Yeah. I mean it was It was it was interested. I just didn't understand that I needed to do that. You know, I finally like when talk to a therapist that helped was it weird for you to go from being very entrepreneurial running a hectic business and then nothing. I was experiencing that over the last couple of years of the business. I'm in I was there but the business has gotten so big that like, I had been the chief Merchant for the first five years of the business and it's gotten so big that it didn't make sense I lived. In LA and the whole merchandising team was in New York. So we promoted the person that was the you know, my number one or the person that reported to me made her the chief Merchant. So when we did that I became less and less involved in the business and it totally was a struggle. I was really hard, you know, it was hard to feel like I was sort of involved but not involved that wasn't the decision maker anymore. I was kind of on the sidelines but I was it was like I felt a little bit in limbo to tell you the truth. It was it was Was challenged it and then I think actually selling the company was really the final that was the, you know closure of all that but it was it was hard. It was definitely hard. So you saw your therapist. What else did you do during that time to like we survived and that was good talking to somebody objectively. It was that was definitely helpful. I think you know, I got a healthy. So I really I mean I exercise actually I tried to make that part of my daily routine all Through one Kings Lane because I think when things are so hectic having a workout routine makes sense. So I did that. I have more free time. So Bob and I traveled a little bit which is good. And you know, I just I don't know spent a lot of time running around doing things that had nothing to do with what I had. Yeah had a purpose probably so you then decided. Okay, I've had enough time off. Well, it actually wasn't like that. So about the time that we started selling the company I had the idea. For get in the groove. I just wasn't sure what to do about it. I wasn't sure if it was a big enough idea. And so I spent the next year kind of researching it and doing like what I did with one Kingsland like sitting with it and I still like it. It's still feel like a big idea. So I did that. I did some focus groups around it talked to a lot of people I did research on the demographics is basically what had happened is about the time you're selling the company a friend of mine that I went to Stanford with Who is super successful posted a picture on Facebook with three girlfriends that said hashtag? They're celebrating somebody's 50th birthday hashtag at 50 were not invisible and I think they thought it was funny and I thought it was like so not funny. I thought it was actually really sad and I thought why are they saying that like, I wasn't feeling that way, you know, actually I was 53 when I started one Kingsland. I never even thought about my age actually until our PR people would say Vanity Fair what's do article on you and Allie and but the only way they'll do it as if you put your age in there. I'm like sure why not like, you know, who cares so I didn't understand like where that was coming from. I started talking to a lot of women and started to realize that you know around 50 women go through so much like we just don't even realize but it's physically, you know, whether it's menopause emotionally, maybe become an empty nester professionally things start to happen. Sometimes it work a lot of times if you're empty nester all of a sudden you're trying to reconnect with their spouse. So they're just like a million forces come in, you know on and happening to women it later in life. And I think it's a tough place to navigate and I think some people get through it fine and other people don't and I felt like there was an opportunity to do something around this because when I looked at into the internet, you know digital space. I'm like, where do women my age go like who's talking to us? RP of it as a damn great content, but you know not a brat my mother whose 90 loves it, you know straight think it's fantastic. It wasn't like speaking to me and nobody was talking to me and what I thought was like a cool modern way. And by the way, if you talk to women in this demographic nobody feels their age anyway, but they don't want to be looking at content and hearing things from that have pictures of 22 year-old her. Early in it totally and but there was nothing out there, you know, and so I was like, oh my gosh, like this is a huge opportunity. I could do something in this space. Like I can curate all the informations out there for sure, but I can actually go out there and create a platform and curate merchandise product information story and bring it to this demographic in a way that is easily digestible. It's like sound bites is way we take in information today. Hopefully provide them with information that keeps them in the groove because what I started to learn and talking to women so crazy people said this all the time. I feel invisible. I'm like, how could you feel invisible you're like the CEO of a major corporation? I know but I feel invisible like nobody. You know, I want where do you think they're feeling invisible? I think like socially they probably at one point ten years prior would walk into a room people may be turned around and now they walk into a room or a store. I mean I see. This all the time I walk into like a boutique and there's a 23 year old salesperson video. I play like nor you I don't know why you have more wherewithal then not only that but if they had a brain in their head, they would know we also spend two hundred fifty percent on the more than anybody else and have more wealth than anybody but they don't so we're trying to change some of that too and made people understand that because we are today healthier wealthier more engaged generation than Generation in history, you know of this demographic so it's different and I think it's time that with everything else that's going on with change that conversation run aging. Hi everybody. I want to tell you a little bit about the platform. I use to distribute this podcast. It's called anchor it is the easiest way to make a podcast and it gives you everything you need in one place for free, which is what you can use right now from your phone or your computer and it allows you to record edit your podcast. So it sounds great. They're also distribute your podcast for you. So you can be heard anywhere on Spotify Apple podcast Google podcasts and so many more And I guess what you can make money with no minimum listenership, which I can tell you is a game changer. So download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. So what would you say to someone like me who's deep in the beginning of this journey with three kids? Yeah and Mayhem and I already am scared about my children leaving the nest. Yeah, what would you what would you say and how it's different with each generation? Right? I mean, you know, I think you give your kids the the tools right to go out and leave and live a very successful life if you'd give them all those those are like Say you give to them and in return they come back fully. Well, they will look I promise you look I'm back. I made a perfect example my daughter who's graduated from business school. She's in Los Angeles. Like she actually asked her to like hey, Mom, will you drive cross-country with me this over? You know, so they did they do come back, but I think you have to let them fly right up, but you give them a tool so that they can do that. Well, yeah, I joke that I already hate whoever my son's going to marry. It's probably my mother-in-law feels about me. Yeah absurd that so what have what has been the exciting part of launching something new and what has been the terrible part. Yeah so different than you know launch in 1 Kings I dived doing this solo. So that's been really different. Whereas. I had a partner with one Kings Lane Ali pinkos. It's been a lot harder to do because I think I'd know too much. So, you know, the two years that it took me to do this, obviously. Part of that was you know sort of coming to terms with the whole one Kings Lane Journey, but it was also me second-guessing myself all the time and having conversations. Like should I do this? Well, no, I don't know if I should do this because if I do this now, I know this happens where as before like when we did one Kings Lane, we were just moving and shaking nothing stopped us because we didn't know any better. We were almost like, you know dumb it's not the right word. But you know, we had a vision and we understood who we what we We're doing and we didn't know a lot else and we just kind of went for it. Now. I've been through this, you know whole journey of one Kings Lane and so I find myself second-guessing myself a lot. And sometimes I just have to say Okay. I'm going for it. Like I need to put it out there. So it took me way longer than I wanted it to to actually get this done and put it out there. So that's been really different and hard and I think just being solos is a really different experience like I miss having It bounced ideas off of and you know have those conversations when you're like haven't talking to yourself all the time about this a good idea. I don't know if this is a good idea. Yes, so that at that I miss I do miss that and that's been I think challenging and so tell me about if you go to get in the What's there there's so much there. So it's really a folk. We really focused a lot on fashion and beauty and wellness and then you know, we have other things like there's a lot of really great. First-person stories accounts people that have I think really amazing sense of humor is to tell stories, you know about things that are like bringing up kids and this is kind of silly but somebody wrote this is funny. She's ever said I realized like it's been so long since I've actually been able to walk around naked because like, you know, I have boys and kids and whatever and I went on a writing Retreat and was in a hotel room by myself and it was she goes on till this very funny story about happened. So, you know, it's really Range of different things you'll find stories about acronyms. What the hell do these things mean? So you can tax with your kids who know we have some recipes on there, but the majority of it is really about like what we're seeing and sort of the fashion and Beauty space and what we like what we're using. We have a whole section called Groove approve which are products that we've tried that we love. So hopefully if you buy them you like them as much as we do week is hard for us. We're a small Scrappy team. I wish we could test Everything we can't. Yeah, but the ones that we do that we like we put in there. We have a menopause registry which of the things that we think will be helpful for you and you're going through menopause which are beautiful cotton pajamas to vibrators vibrators to skin creams all different kinds of things. So we try to take a an approach that keeps things kind of with a good sense of Our little irreverent but provides a lot of information for the person that's coming to the site awesome and you don't want to go to in the No, don't cut it and the group it's not safe for work. Yeah. Well, you might want to go there but go to get in the Okay, unless you're looking for a some vibrators and sex toys than you would want to go to in the group. We have them on our site that to so you could just come together the perfect. Yeah one-stop-shop exactly. No need to go there. So when one of the things I like to ask all my guests or two things I should say is something we'd be surprised to know about you you made it maybe like something that I did or did or a habit or okay. Yeah, I love Howard Stern. Okay. Listen to Howard Stern for way too long. Okay kind of it's actually been sort of interesting to listen to them. As long as I have because he's definitely evolved so it's sort of been fun, but that's sort of like I guess. I think he's great. He's like really good interviewer and I enjoy listening to him. Yeah, there are times that I did. I turned the talking about. Yeah, so that would be good. Maybe another one. This is kind of a fun one when I was 16. I worked on the crow Agency on a rodeo. Whoa. Yeah. So you worked in a rodeo. Yeah. It was on an Indian reservation in Montana. They have a big rodeo every summer and I I worked on that. I love that one. Yeah, well with your job lots of different things I did tickets. We also worked in the arena. So we were like pulling and pushing down like, you know Gates and ropes and all kinds of stuff like that. But did you ever almost get run over or you were gonna get run over but I definitely like embrace the experience to the point that when I came home my family was living in California at the time. I got off the plane wearing a cowboy shirt braids cowboy hat and I had a toothpick Classic. Yeah, very funny mother is like that but that was fun. Awesome. Yeah, my last and final question is what would be just a great piece of advice? You'd love to leave our listeners with being that you know, you've had several careers and seen big low high, you know highs and lows of everything. Yeah. I think I mean there's a couple things that I just talked about but I think one of them is to one is a keep things simple. I think it's even more important today. Day, and I'm feeling it more and more and maybe because I'm getting older but I just feel like less is more. It's like I feel like it's sort of our hashtag for you know in the groove and I think you know just staying focus on what it is that you really love and what you want to do and what you're good at. You know, like I think that was one of the lessons I actually learned with in the groove originally started out. It was going to be like kind of more of a Content site and it's very quickly, you know morphed into its content. But we have a lot of shopping on this site and that makes a lot of sense for me because that's what I do. I'm a merchant. That's what I'm good at and I think I fought it for a little bit in the beginning but then when I embraced it, it was like way better that I did that so like, you know, I think what you love you hear people say but also like, you know do an assessment and inventory and be honest with yourself about what you're really good at doing as well. Totally. Yeah, I to do that recently. Yeah. It's like I'm actually really good at PR. So I should do more of that exactly that it's sometimes it's hard to have those conversations because you're on a path and you're like, how do I get off this path to do something else and I feel like I went through that with just getting the starter which is probably one of the reasons that it took a little bit of time to get it started to yeah, totally Susan. Thank you so much. Thanks for having Rebecca. That was Susan Feldman to find out more about what she's building. You can follow her at in the group.
Everyone can identify with the feeling of being invisible sometimes, but for a whole generation, that feeling may be more a matter of endurance. Unfortunately most cultures don’t value older populations as they once did, and western society is especially guilty of that. Susan Feldman was saddened when she saw a friend’s Instagram post joking about being invisible after age 50, and she decided to do something about it. Having taken two years off after launching, building and selling One Kings Lane, Susan launched a very different venture, In the Groove, a website largely focused on beauty where women of all ages can see a reflection of themselves. Filled with fashion tips, health and lifestyle information, and even a menopause registry (! ), In the Groove proves that looking good is always in style. Thanks for listening! We love our listeners! Follow Superwomen on Instagram. Big Ideas Building an audience from nothing. [07:04] The many internal and external changes that come around age 50. [20:07] --- Support this podcast:
Hello everyone and welcome to living in this queer body a podcast about barriers to embodiment and how our Collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves. I'm a shape interest and I'm really looking forward to this episode today before we get to the interview. I just wanted to thank first and foremost my listeners, but also the people who have been showing up and participating in the virtue.12 workshops. I've been hosting I really can't express enough how powerful those experiences have been and I guess you kind of have to just try it to see what it's like. So if you are interested I'm doing them monthly and this coming month in December. I will be posting a virtual workshop on December 8th from 6 to 8 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. I'm and if you can't make it live you can still sign up and get the recording. You can also consider signing up for a one-on-one session with me to get some support during this stress filled season because believe me I feel it too and we can ponder together about how to navigate this complex season. So the virtual Workshop is called query. The holidays and some of the questions that I have been asking myself and that we will be asking one another and thinking about together. How do we identify our needs when the demands of heteronormative colonial settlers and patriarchal holiday discourse has threatened our self-determination. How do we navigate caring for ourselves our partners and our friends during this holiday season? How do we nourish ourselves? How do we know? Know how to nourish ourselves and what we want and what can we generate excitement about so I do hope you join us. These have been very Dynamic and interesting conversations and you can sign up for all of the workshops through the link in my Instagram bio at living in this queer body or at living in this queer, and there's a link to sign up so onto our episode This interview is with Savannah canoe poop and they are just a special person. It's an interview with a wild creative and inspiring and deeply insightful artist in human in this interview. We talked about their Wildlife as JT Leroy their passion for Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Savannah's complex relationship with their mom amongst many. Things Savannah knoop is a new york-based artist who engages in writing performance and object making from 2009 to 2016 canoe co-hosted a monthly queer audio-visual party. Whoa mon, they received their be a at CUNY under the mentorship of video a conchie and their MFA at Virginia Commonwealth University in sculpture and extended media. They have shown and performed at the Whitney Moma the ICA Philly movement research Essex flowers gallery and ACP in Los Angeles in 2007. They published their Memoir titled girl boy girl how I became JT Leroy from Seven stories, press cataloging their experience of playing their sister-in-laws writing Persona and Avatar JT Leroy with director. Kelly they adopted it into a feature length film starring Kristen Stewart and Laura Dern Savannah has studied dance and martial arts for over 20 years. They are currently a purple belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu under Marcelo Garcia, so you can find out a lot about Savannah and their work at Savannah knut dotnet. That's sa VA and nahh canoe set and they also have an Instagram presence their Instagram handle is Sav a TT e and I will put some links in the show notes to some of their most recent projects which are really cool and interesting and also a link to the film The JT Leroy film that you can watch on iTunes and I think Amazon Prime 2 You should check it out and I really hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks for joining me and I hope to see some of you during the queering holidays Workshop coming up very soon. So Savannah, thank you. So. Much for joining me today. My pleasure. It's good to have you so I like to start each episode with the question. Could you reflect on a time when you were younger? Maybe one of your earliest memories of kind of understanding what it meant to have a body and any thoughts you had about that or messages you you remember receiving about that. I have this memory that I think it's kind of something that I've recently Unearthed, but I think I was about 7 or 8 and I was walking home alone from school and my older sister's friends were driving by and they honk and waved and I waved back and And I remember thinking as they were driving away. They don't know. What a Bad person I'm going to be but it's like I'm going to be and then my mind it was going to end up a prostitute and or you know, the other version was a spy for the wrong side was some I mean looking back on it. I was kind of astonished that I had any sense of either of those things at the time, but it was the Cold War after all so Yeah, maybe it is television there nor whatever I'd seen out there. But yeah, so that's Helen keeps getting rolled around. Hmm. How did how did that kind of deep believe? It sounds like you're still perplexed exactly how it kind of came about but how did it how did it keep like playing out in different iterations in your you know your Early Childhood or did it did you kind of it? Sounds like it was a pretty strong a strong thought or feeling that you had. Yeah, I think I mean it is ground into some sense of feeling like an imposter and also yeah, I mean something about disappointing others and How did it play out? I think it was like I was always. kind of In conflict with my mother in some way or another where I was like You know stealing my mom was a health food addicts addict and so it's like often stealing candy from stores. And I remember I would I stole a roll of you know, pre-made cookie dough like those roles. I stole that and hid it under my mattress or maybe in like a crook a crack of the mat just a bit Blaster bagging was sort of that was like my secret little and Found that and so I think it was things like that where it's like as always kind of stealing or lying to her about this thing or another and later it became about, you know, going out too late or where was I that sort of stuff? I think we had like a lot of it was a dialogue with her a lot and then some sort of feeling of you know, feeling having crushes on friends and this and that and I was all coming together around the same time, but that was not really Processed through that those right moment control that all came out from yeah. They're in my psyche. Yeah, it's interesting. It's just interesting to hear you talk about how you know your relationship that these certain incidents with your mother sort of reiterated or solidified some idea of you being like aberrant at an early age and that then I think if this is like, I mean, I don't mean to be reductive about your experience, but I think it's a kind of a common experience for a lot of you know, broadly speaking a lot of queer people who you know sort of take messages that they receive and then once there's like crushes or sort of sexual feelings or identity feelings around gender coming about those messages get kind of layered on you know, so you already it sounds like you already had this sort of sense of yourself as like possibly, you know, Prostitute or a spy or someone who stole or was you know, like these these sorts of things. I don't know how much that kind of you think in some ways that ended up shaping aspects of your like your current gender sexuality expression and the right. Yeah. No, I think that's a good point. I do think it's it's it is so many layers that and it's such a feedback loop. So it's hard to know right which which part is coming from where hmm? Yeah. So what was it like for you to have a mother I live in a household. That was what did you call her like a health food? He was a health kind of hell. Food addict I'm addict. Yeah. I called her a health food addict. Were you tho like the one in Rebellion around that or was were your siblings as well? My face, oh, my sister was 10 years older. So if she was in Rebellion, it was sort of like way that I didn't understand that she did she went off to school and I remember that very specifically feeling like we I had a tea a we had a tag team and then suddenly yeah, I was alone. Where's old hmm, you know, so it was a sort of like, you know, My mother is she's kind of she's on her own trip. And I remember her when we would sleep in in the Summer. She would wake us up going lazy girl. That's the way we woke up every morning. But you know, it's kind of like it was more fun when there was two of us. Yeah. Yeah, what did you it sounds like you did it's hard to know if it was Rebellion or just kind of like dis something that was disapproved of by her. But you know, what? Did you find yourself doing in your teen years or like as a result of may be feeling some kind of constriction or not seeing eye to eye. Let's just say it with with your mom and her way of her way of being I mean, I think it was. like a just sort of expect to get kind of emotional about it, but also want to do this. That's okay. Take your time. We were just kind of always in struggle and some kind of like it is a kind of Battling all the time. in small things, but I think it came from. where she was at at the time which was we had been living in the city and then we moved to the suburbs and it was kind of a profound discontent around her life and how she gotten it ended up like there and and ultimately Breathing me on her own show. I think it was something about you know, like this content that I just was bad timing for something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah reacting to that the kind of atmosphere of that aspect of your your childhood and her the way that you two were kind of in it together and maybe kind of alone It in some ways both of you, right it could feel that way. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. So in terms of leaving home and the choices you made after leaving home. How how did you kind of find your way in terms of what resonated for you and what you've come to sort of enjoy or what has motivated you and your life because I think a lot of times, you know, I at least in talking to many friends and people in this podcast. It's like this story of of really not being given often like a the you know, I don't know anyone who actually was given, you know, the most attuned and expansive childhood, but you know this idea of like sort of finally having the freedom of choice in a way and I don't know if it felt that way for you. But yeah, maybe you could talk a little bit about Out some of the choices you have made in your later life. Yeah, so I was always studying dance and God I was always loved taking dance classes, but then they got some point where I started doing martial arts and that has kind of been like that was some kind of Before I was making art or had gone to some point of you know, like finding my own voice creatively. I was always moving my body around. I think that's like kind of foundational area where I figure out what I'm feeling and it comes through through my body. That's a way of me. I got that's the way that I serve process a lot of experiences and I think it's just because I've done it for so long in that particular way. and but taking yeah, like I think I was in taking all these classes at Community College and I was studying I kind of become really interested in in Chinese and I was learning Chinese and like how to write all the you know, it was like speaking and writing and I remember that I was going to I'd gotten to a certain level and there was a grant that It was sort of like you'd go to China and and you get your full ride paid for and then he'd have to go work for the state department after that. It's like I was I had kind of described was there was all these, you know, I discovered raving and I was like staying up all night and had died my hair the hair Hopper and I remember I was wearing something it was kind of like a plastic bag when I ran into Interviews like some wooded thing and it was plasticky and I had not gotten much sleep and I remember the woman looking at me and going like one. She thought I was old are you and I think it's like 19 at the time and she ski look much older I guess cuz I seem so worn out or maybe I was really hungover, you know, like kind of like you're slogging along and letting off fumes sand And it was kind of a break. I remember walking out of there and going like I don't want to do this. I don't I don't actually want to go this direction and it was a definitive break in terms of like I was kind of trying to go some academic route and the granted I was in Community College. So it was like there was a little bit of fine it I mean it was it was not like anyways, I just started that was a moment where I feel like I veered really I took like a Is it and started making clothes and what our that's sort of what that's where it ended up going and around the same time. I bet my brother's partner at the time this writer or Albert who had this Alter Ego / pen name and I met her she gave me the books and or maybe I read them earlier. Anyways, I started beating her up with her and - and then eventually, she asked me to play this this the body of her character which didn't exist. He was a fiction that she created this character out of hmm. So so that was also a pivot point of that kind of coincided with deciding not to go. Learn Chinese for the state department. Great. Yes, really. I mean taking this whole ride for example, right? Freight was appealing in some ways. Sure. Yeah, but also because when you're young or when you're that age, you really are hoping someone will see you and give you a sense of you know, I did feel sort of bereft in the I mean as I think most 20 year olds do like where's my head? And where's my ass about sure? Yeah. Yeah. It sounds like you know that again the playing the character. And in some ways takes you back to again to your body and and that there's something clarifying that happens when you are, you know for you particularly as you said with, you know, martial arts and dance and even I'm thinking about like, you know by probably designing and making clothing is sort of about the body. Kind of bleeding in terms of your decisions and the direction in which you're taking yourself. Yeah, so I think you know I this is just a little like disclaimer for the audience that there's just a tremendous amount of information out there that is available. If you are interested in part of Savannah's Journey the JT Leroy Journey. But I do I think that part of what, you know, I'm interested in talking about because it you know, his just happening or is just happened and something that you've been part of of late is the way in which that aspect that story and that character, you know was recently. Translated into a film in which you were played by an actor. And so I just did the whole the I love to get into that as we're talking about the body like these kind of duplications of bodies playing, you know, kind of playing characters and we're how you fit in all of that and maybe you can give just a little context for the the audience about about the film surely go so sad. Dilash rela, I think you so to meeting Laura and she was sort of looking for a body to play this character Jay to Roy that she'd been actually living as for many many years before over the she would live over the phone and through email as this character and was writing books as this character. So then they got to some point where she thought maybe I died there like I can't not show up. Show up to my life anymore is JT Leroy shoot and so she asked me if I would kind of casually play this body out in the world. And then and that was something that we just seem like why not. I can't do this for her and and then cut to six years later of playing this character. So I prayed him from 1999 to 2005 and I was 19. 225 is that was the chapter that I played this character. So then eventually private investigator / reporter put it together that if you didn't exist and it's not whole thing came out in the state public way then later. I was going through I'd never written anything down during the time. So I started sort of collecting all of my memories around. experience because in some ways I had really externalized the experience and I had been there the whole time and yet was not totally engaging with all of that. I think and so as I went through and wrote it down. I was kind of astonished at what a crazy ride. I had just yeah, I had you know, so it was like really trying to collect what had happened for me through this experience. So I put out a book in. Parents have been a memoir from my memories. I wrote and then I met this writer. I mean, I'm I met this director Justin Kelly in San Francisco and very slowly like we know we kind of would run into each other and he asked me if I wanted to adapt it into a screenplay in them, like kind of very we have very organically we decided to write it together. Hmm, and and so So we adapted it and it took 10 years of her life Wow to adapt it into the script and kind of all in all to get it to production and it just came out last April 2019 and it's called to to Roy and in it. Kristen Stewart is playing my character and Laura. Dern is playing where Albert and then there's some other great actors in it by and Krugerrand. Calvin Harris jr. So yeah, the think it is a kind of process of translation and you know living and experiences so different than writing it per memory and when you're writing something in memory, your memories are kind of so plastic in some ways and yet like there's these these moments that you very clearly remember that I think point to what you care about in an experience and but through translating it over and rewriting the script so many times and also Laura. I mean I'm worried weeks wrote a draft of it. Hmm eventually we would yeah, so shout out to Laurie its alluring best amazing right also, amazing writer zipper mouth and they'll slowly relative did a huge overhaul on the drafts as also my family but it was kind of yeah amazing writer and it was sort of like a kind of passed back like, you know, first you were trying to be very just and I were to be very follow the book and follow the order and be really kind of concise about all the different places because of course the trip as it goes on and now on it's all about showing up to these public events. And so there's all these different like trips and things that eventually it's like that you only need one trip kind of So eventually the script itself with was whittled down to one trip one photos. Two one whatever the public anyone reading whatever the public event was that Tech was that this experience is just circling around but memories then become even more plastic. So it would be it's like each form translates because of the form itself. It's translated into a very different experience every time I think. Ink but also just in terms of trying to get to the the emotional trajectory that actually does not change throughout the mmm the different experiences of it. Yeah. What were you trying to get at or what? Do you what did you kind of land on in terms of that that felt resident you about the emotional trajectories emotional experience? So to me, it really is the experience trees. So centered around this exchange with Laura the writer and and also this this experience with in my actual life. It was this filmmaker Asia Argento who wanted to make GTS work and do a film and then as this came there are these two different relationships that I think my experience keeps moving. towards in one is or both of them have to do with feeling like are you being seen or are you not but You know with with one of them, it feels very much like you are. doing something for them and do they see you to basically centers around these relationships with these two people which I think have to do with The kind of complexities of intimacy with another person and and is it possible to feel seen by another person and can we really engage with one another you know, honestly and and when you do it's like it's just it's also about the messiness of that when you when you're actually trying to be with another person intimately. It's like all of this merging is a tricky business. What did you have blessed? Yeah, well, I guess I'm just in terms of that emerging quality and we can we can talk about this in any way you like, but I guess I'm curious how as a As someone who's being depicted by another actor, like what? Wow, how did how did that feel for you to presumably I imagine Kristen Stewart spent time with you trying to understand you as a person and how to portray you and yeah, I want that's its own kind of like messy intimacy that maybe you could speak to a little bit as well. yeah, I mean it's I think that that had the potential to be very painful just the way that it is painful to kind of see yourself in a recording or we need your voice on the phone that I got ya know, but I think it does sort of feel like a miracle and that or just great casting in that I felt like she really held this all of the kind of complexities of my quote unquote character and I felt really seen by her and that feels like a miracle just in terms of how how Yeah, how often we repel ourselves from ourselves. Yeah, so my mom when she saw it she said Question is she really gets you and she's the James Dean of our time. Oh, my the way, she kind of I think because what my mom saw probably was that out. She's moving so much like me and there's something mannerisms but it's like I feel like what she's picking up on his history very physical way of being someone else and yeah all the kind of yeah, I think that's yeah. I've heard from we have we know each other and have mutual friends and met and people who have seen the film and who know you well have also, you know commented on how kind of alarming it was to wash being depicted by another person and to feel as if Kristen really picked up on the physicality of your presence because I you know as someone who knows you as well, you know like that. That is its So specific right? It's so specific for all of us and to have some head to attend to those qualities or the subtleties of who you are. I mean, I'm kind of can't imagine what that would feel like as you said. It has the potential to be like a kind of a disaster and totally painful but it sounds like her yeah, it sounds like it actually somehow I wonder how that how maybe that shifted some kind of self concept you had about yourself to see to see and be able to see I guess your your character depicted with a lot of care and nuanced. Yeah. Yeah, and I think also because it was such a public outing at the time and at such a kind of point in time when I think you're Really trying to put together who you are and what you care about and how you navigate the world that that it was very healing to have this to feel like somebody had understood you because in the Press, I mean at this point, I don't want to rail too hard on the Press, but I do feel like the mainstream media. Never really took the I mean, I think it has to do with again with form and that there's just not enough. Space Maybe to totally understand what the story was about but that that I had never felt like anybody had gotten it right. Yeah. So in some ways Christian is through playing me she's playing all of the public facets of of me and then also yeah, I think she did it with a lot of love and care. Mmm-hmm. Yeah. Wow, so this story broadly speaking. The story has really been a big part of your your adult life or your early adult life. I'm also curious to hear about the other aspects of your adult life. I am like, you know what has been sustaining you and how maybe I guess specifically I'm curious how movement has an embodiment has sort of continued to be a part of your life. A guy a way of guiding you and helping you understand your emotional world. Like how is that playing out recently or you know in your life now, so I think partly it's been played out through being a performer for other artists and having a really positive experience with that. Yeah, because in some ways with Laura it felt like it was a sort of like, okay. You give yourself up to someone but then they don't actually honor the kind of relationship that or that very I think tenuous and and vulnerable. Yeah thing that happens when someone's in another person's work. So I have I feel like that's been great. And I recently I was in there was a show about dance. Judson dance theater and so I did I was a one of the performers for Simone forties pieces and we did it for six months and we trained with her and then and there's about 20 of us maybe and it was that was like an amazing. experience to do someone's work for six months and and in such a public space and then also I've been As I mentioned before doing martial arts and I did sort of switch at some point. And now I do Brazilian jiu-jitsu and that which is a form of wrestling. It's grappling and it's submission grappling and can you describe that a little bit more? What? Yeah really interests that mean? Yeah, the submission grappling. Yeah. I like that terminology kind of yeah. I mean, it's very techy. X rays which are giving discussion grappling but basically to just choose, you know, there's like what you do if you're standing with someone in that sort of traditionally, that's Judo. That's the for originally there were all these different forms. So it's what you do in the when you're standing with one another and then Jiu-Jitsu traditionally was what happens when you get on when you fall on the ground the other what can you do in conflict and in struggle and in this kind of art of conflict is how I always think of it. So Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a hybrid form of that. We're so it's all groundwork. You're always on the ground and it's different than other kinds of wrestling in that you can really be a smaller body personal traditionally like your weight is very, you know, it's hard to determine who yeah, it's hard to kind of get anything going if you're much lighter than someone else but in Jiu-Jitsu, To its everyone rolls with one another every weight class and you can dominate or you can kind of kind of eat up someone's space and get a submission from being on the bottom, which is very unusual. And so you're doing it's a kind of very mechanical thing. It's a kind of like a game of tapping like You do uncle or your cash like that. So you're looking for a submission is a Chokehold to me around the neck or a joint lock which would be your arms or your legs. So you're kind of playing like, you know with terms like it's like a kind of very mechanical thing where it's like oh if I don't tap or it's very like Edge play ish if you don't tap then Then there are that sort of what's making you tap that if you don't tap you might hurt yourself or you might pass out. That is something that I incorporate into a lot of my work in terms of like I've developed this performance called the tripod sweep, which is I've been doing it now since 2014. I do it kind of whatever someone asked me to but it's like taking just one move from And it's kind of basic sweep where you merge with someone else's body. They put your foot on their hip and you kind of fall to the ground and you push and pull at the same time. And one of the things that to me is so fascinating about your jutsus. Just how much non verbal contact you have with another person real contact Lee intimacy. I mean you share so much for someone else, but you don't talk about It which is kind of weird and interesting. There's all these people that I spent so much time with this point that I just I don't know anything about them. Yeah, I don't know is their sweat their yeah. Yeah everything right everything and And so I guess in some ways it's a find it like it's a great it externalizes a lot of the ways that I thinking about like some of these themes of the GT project that I was talking about where you're like, how can we be with with one another? Yeah, and also I made all the like when I'm making sculpture, I think it's a similar thing where it's sort of like how Can you touch something enough to know it hmm? There's a whole series of sculptures that I think that seemed to be a part of this work this body of work that are kind of a piece there pieces of furniture that are solid wood laminated two-by-fours together. And at first you can't it's like I glue so many pieces together that I can't move it. You know and that's that's sort of totally freaks me out. So I got stuck with this thing. And how do I how can I be with this thing? And so then I carve it down into these rocking tails that are pieces of furniture that he sort of you they have these little imprints seats and you can sit on them and engage with the way and rock and sort of feel your tail their concept Furniture. Yeah. I feel like those are Also connected to movement and sort of moving things around and like kind of their built-in into these pieces are all the time you spent with them. Right? And so the tripod sweep is is also I think a part of that work, but ultimately it's all about this sort of practice of repetition and transmissions and translation. Maybe two mmm, it's also it sounds like you know, I mean just I'm reflecting on what you said earlier about. You know, how long you actually played this character and then how long the film you know creating the film. There's there's something about kind of sticking with a project repetition of a product, you know, repeating the the performance piece and and kind of sticking with it in in the same way. It sounds The Jujitsu the practice or the kind of sticking with that entails kind of bringing something up to its Edge, right? You know, I mean like really sticking with something until it if it reaches some kind of conclusion, I guess but I mean, I guess we could call this like, you know broadly speaking like durational work, but it's not that's not exactly what it is. It's I think it is about yeah. It's like like you repeated until it becomes. Clear what it is. Yeah, but you're figuring that out in the in the process. I think that's just really interesting as someone, you know myself as someone who's like very much Ken can get really lost in my head and you know, really figuring kind of sorting and figuring things out intellectually and coming from certain conclusions that are may be disconnected from the like consensual reality or the outside. World and you know what times and it sounds like you know, you have a process or an approach that you know, sometimes works for you where you really kind of invest your body into a process and then determine the meaning right? Yeah. I think it is. trying to recognize and sort of respect the language of the body, which I think is much. It's much more. Well, it's just it's a language that is unacknowledged for so many of us and also culturally unacknowledged and and I think often we make work that we're trying to make remind ourselves as something which is to kind of like for me. I think it is about kind of reminding myself that that this is SpaceX generative that's that I value that I want to share with people and you know intern for for us to kind of be in that language together if it's possible. Yeah, I guess, you know, I'm curious if in reflecting on that that story you told me at the beginning of the the interviewing you your you know, you had this notion of who you who you are kind of bound to be or what your your organism was bound to to do in the world and I don't know knowing what you know now or what you kind of just reflected upon around the generative nature of your own body, and it's experiences. And what's possible. I don't know. Is there something that you would maybe say or convey to that younger version of you? I mean the ice and maybe it is about insisting on. I'm sort of giving that that notion of someone who's doing the wrong thing in the world. Yeah, giving it room to kind of do Extinction. Yeah like to play any kind of play it out into kind of insist on it and hmm and and and give it you know, Give it room to not be villainized or pathologized or whatever. I mean that might be one one way of thinking about it. Yeah, but I do often feel like a lot of my work is about a kind of permissive space and it's like that thing where you look at someone's hair cut you think that's the haircut you're going to give me or the way that your kind of you want to share something. Actually, it's to share share with yourself and with others, right? Yeah, so we are about out of time, but I want to make sure that people can there will be links in the show notes to the the pieces that you you described. But I want to hear a little bit about how people can find out about what you're doing and also about the film and how they can see it. So I often. I pushed everything on Instagram. And then I also have a website. It's Savannah canoe doc net. Yeah, maybe and then my handle is at savate S as in Sam a V8 e TT e Triple-T and it's private, but I I probably it's just a kind of filtering for trolls on the internet. So Don't be dissuaded by that and then and the film is on iTunes. And I think it's on Prime at this point Amazon Prime amazing. Yeah, so you can have it any time. You can see any time you can rent it. You can own it. I think there's a DVD Blu-ray coming out. Oh my gosh. There's also a really cool press that you did. Some beautiful images I saw with I'm not sure which magazine it was an interview with you and Kristen Stewart the Collier. Yeah. Yes. That was uh, no three to see her amazing German magazine. Yes, that was beautiful. And that was also maybe that's as far as kvetching about the mainstream press and what you know, that's like a piece that they let us do. I think it's a The word interview and we had no there was no rules and that's kind of really special in that way. Yeah. Everyone's just talking frankly. Hmm. Okay, guys, we are now costs blessings. Yeah. Well Savannah, thank you so much for joining me. I really appreciate it. Thank you after thank you for this podcast. I'm just so happy that it's out. Here again. Yeah. Maybe maybe not. Maybe not maybe not.
This is a special interview with a creative, inspiring and deeply insightful artist and human. In this episode we talk about their wild life as JT Leroy, their passion for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Savannah’s complex relationship with their mom amongst other things. Savannah Knoop is a New York-based artist engaging in writing, performance, and object-making. From 2009-2016, Knoop co-hosted the monthly queer audio-visual party WOAHMONE. They have shown and performed at the Whitney,MoMA, the ICA Philly, Movement Research, Essex Flowers Gallery, and ACP in Los Angeles. In 2007, they published the memoir titled "Girl Boy Girl: How I Became JT LeRoy" (Amy Scholder, Seven Stories Press) cataloguing their experiences of playing their sister in law's writing persona and avatar JT Leroy. With director Justin Kelly, they adapted it into a feature length film starring Kristen Stewart and Laura Dern. Savannah has studied dance and martial arts for over twenty years. They are currently a purple belt in Brazilian JiuJitsu under Marcelo Garcia. Savannah Knoop  @savette  A TRIP TO THE RUSSIAN BATHS WITH ARTIST AND NOW FILMMAKER SAVANNAH KNOOP  JT Leroy Film  LITQB Podcast:   This is a podcast about the barriers to embodiment and how our collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves. This is a podcast for people who identify as queer or for people who might think of their relationship between their body and confining social narratives as queer. This can feel like an isolating experience. Our wounded bodies need spaces to talk about struggles with nourishment/disordered eating, body image issues, dysphoria, racism, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, substance use/abuse, chronic pain/disability, body changes in parenthood, intergenerational trauma, the medical/wellness/therapy industrial complex and its lack of inclusion of queer bodies and much more. Hopefully this podcast can illustrate the connections, and resonant pain points, that we have with one another. The Host:  Asher Pandjiris Psychotherapist/ Podcaster/ Group Facilitator Queering the Holidays Virtual Workshop December 8th: SUPPORT  Music: Ethan Philbrick and Helen Messineo-Pandjiris --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Welcome to the podcast. I'm your host Kelly Thomas and this is you're not the only one. Today we're going to be speaking to John Smith about parental alienation. John is a targeted parent of Parental alienation and has felt led to a calling and becoming an activist for related support knowledge awareness and reform if you're like me and had never heard of Parental alienation. It is the process and results of the psychological manipulation of a child into showing unwarranted fear disrespect hostility or emotional cut off towards a targeted parent in other words. It's a distinctive. Of psychological abuse it occurs almost exclusively in association with family separation or divorce particularly where legal action is involved John felt that it was his Divine Purpose to become a father. So when his children were dramatically taken away from him in 2015, he went on a mission for the next few years fighting the court system. That is so broken through his ordeal John has become a huge advocate for the movement chances are parental alienation is happening to someone that you know, or love maybe it's even happened to You I'm so honored that John reached out to me and wanted to address this issue on my podcast. Let's listen and go to that interview now. Hey, John glad that you're here joining us today. Thank you. I'm really looking forward to talking about this subject. I had never heard of it before but then after talking with you briefly offline discovering that it really is an epidemic and It's just so much more common than a lot of people know about and said I'm so glad that you're going to talk to us about it today and all that you've gone through a personally. So why don't you introduce yourself to our audience? Okay, great happy to be here. By the way. My name is John Smith live in Albany, Georgia. I'm a targeted parent of Parental alienation. So I speak from firsthand experience. I'm also an activist and you know try to create awareness and reform efforts. For the subject basically parental alienation is a form of domestic violence. It's when a child is manipulated to turn against an opposing parent usually is going to occur during a divorce or child custody type situation. It's psychological manipulation and basically just erases children from loving parents and vice versa. Wow, very intense. Well, you said you yourself are a targeted parent tells about your personal. Rinse with it a little bit about your story. Sure, July 17th of 2015 is basically marks the date that my world changed. Our that our family's World change. We just returned from a family vacation myself. My wife two daughters son stepson, and we haven't even unpacked our bags yet and police surrounded our house. I was issued an emergency ex parte changing custody order which is basically the family Court's approval to remove the children from the house. My children were illegally abducted relocated 500 miles away to another state a restraining order was placed against me and I was told if I tried to contact my children that I would go to jail all this occurred based on unverified false allegations. By my ex-wife which were supported by the family court system. Wow. Wow, and so how does this stuff happen? How is this even possible? Well, it stems from childhood trauma and this case my ex had some issues with her own caregivers and those issues could range from from person to person they could be abandonment issues physical abuse emotional abuse. Or sexual abuse on this person becomes an adult. They're still carrying the weight in the baggage of this childhood trauma. They start having children of their own and they develop feelings of inadequacy and they usually act out destructive to the marriage maybe it's overspending or adultery or some combination or substance abuse Suicidal Tendencies stuff like that at the time. The time that this happened I was remarried basically my ex had left the picture years ago. She just just I guess couldn't accept the responsibilities of parenting had some issues of her own, you know stemming from her own childhood trauma. And so basically she abandoned the family. I was a single father for six years. And then once I remarried that's when the ex return back into the picture with the false allegations. And started manipulating the children. Can you speak a little bit about how that that started to creep in? Sure. Yeah. Guess I'll call it brainwashing for lack of a better term. It's similar to the Stockholm effect Stockholm syndrome. There's a new movie that's out on Netflix. I think it's called Stockholm, but you know, basically it comes from a bank robbery in the 70s. Whereas the bank robber holds a teller hostage. Threatens to kill her and then she ends up falling in love with him. So it's just this mental form of coping It's A coping skill basically and that's basically what happens to the children in these types of situations. The alienating parent will fabricate a scenario. Where as the targeted parent is the villain the child becomes the victim in this fabricated scenario. So she leaves you and her small children Rose away for six years and comes back and tries to come back into their life with a force begins to start talking with the children and and getting them to see her side of things and maybe twisting the story to say that she didn't leave that was the beginning of the manipulation. Yes, I guess you could kind of say that's that was the beginnings of it when she first left. In these situations, there's a there's a false narrative and the kids are triangulated which basically is just a psychological term for involving them into adult mind games and then they're used as pawns. They're used as Court weapons and so forth. So in my case my ex was not completely out of the picture for those six years. She wasn't physically around but she was still talk to the kids. Phone and stuff like that. So I she had a presence. She had a presence. Yes, and she would still see them, you know, like during the summer or doing Christmas. She just wasn't in their daily lives. So the times that she would spend with them little little did I know at the time that she was kind of slowly brainwashing them over the period of that six years as she would have dealings with them and she would spend 100. On one time with them and just kind of pamper them and in the process, you know fill their heads with with Fabrications that may have had a seed of truth, but we're you know blown way out of proportion and portrayed to be something that they were not hence the Crux of what parental alienation is. Exactly. Yes Department of Family and Children Services or called a couple of times false. He's saying that our house was unfair that we were abusive that we were drug addicts you call. The police on us Child Protection Services got the school involved even animal control and it's just a horrible experience. I wouldn't wish it on anyone and it's a you know, it's a financial nightmare. It's a legal nightmare because it raises all these allegations against you have to hire attorneys to prove your innocence. Okay. So tell us a little bit about the legal part of it and how A legal system wouldn't go in there and protect you being the parent that really was the caregiver for the majority of the children's lives. Well, the thing is about the legal system is you know on the front end of that battle our attorneys and you know, unfortunately most of these attorneys are more interested in money than they are Justice, you know, you can hire an attorney and family few thousand dollars and they can fabricate documentation and do things that will give you legal. Average to take your kids away unfortunately, and in my case, this has been going on for four and a half years. We still haven't gone to court. It's it's been under a temporary order. And so that's what the attorneys do is they they create this wedge with this temporary order that they're not really doing this on purpose. They're doing it because they're getting paid to do it, but it's enabling the alienating parent that lever. Courage to remove the children from the lives of the targeted parent and therefore it gives them that leverage to for the brainwashing to occurred in my case. It's been four and a half years and you know, bother you not seeing your three children for four and a half years. No kind of the way this thing works is the oldest child leads the way because the alienating parent has the most leverage with the oldest child. Because once the child turns 14, they can make their own decisions. And when I say their own decisions, that's not really their own decisions. It's the enmeshed decisions of the alienating parent, but it's coming out of the child's mouth as if it's their own decision and then the court doesn't want to split up the children. So if you can manipulate the oldest child into, you know going with the flow, so to speak then the other children will just kind of follow suit. That's just how the law works. So to answer your question, I have not had any contact other than email which is just very minimal responses and not not very welcoming responses from my oldest daughter and she's 17. She was 13 at the time that this occurred so she'll be a legal adult by the time we even go to court but no Act like I said other than the emails I send here periodic emails because they won't give me her phone number. I have no other way of contacting her she refuses to visitation. She's been made to believe that I'm not her biological father. She's been made believe that her new stepmother is into Voodoo and has placed some kind of spell on her and just all kinds of crazy stuff. Now these types of things seem crazy to me and you but to a 13 year old. Old child when they're hearing it coming from their own parent who they loved and longed for keeping in mind in this case. My children's mother had been out of the picture for six years. Like I explained not not completely but mostly and so they long he was able to plant seeds along the way. Yeah, right, but they long to be with her. It's not that they weren't happy with me. They just miss their mom and wanted to have a closer relationship with their mom, so When Mom comes back into the picture and has fabricated this story that they're in some kind of danger. And then now Mom appears to be the hero, you know, they go with that their kids they don't that they believe their parent. They don't doubt. They don't question. They just believe it's true and they go with the flow which makes perfect sense. I understand that and so when it drags out for four and a half years and you know in my case and in other cases Aces as well. My cases is pretty typical. In fact, there's a lot of cases that are way more severe than mine, you know, basically in this type of situation the alienating parent will take a seed of Truth and then fabricate lies around it. So I could go on and on about all these like the voodoo thing there. I mean you and I are both Christians. I know that your wife is a Christian as well. She's not into Voodoo, but what like there's no seat of there's me there's See the truth that no. No that was a complete fabrication. God is weird, you know, but yeah in a lot of cases there would be a seed of Truth like one example my oldest daughter in seventh grade. She was home school now prior to this. She had been wanted to be homeschooled for years. And we you know kept saying that we weren't really ready to be home school parents, you know, because I feel you Work obligations and so forth but she had friends that were homeschooled. So we said tell you what if you still want to be homeschooled by the time you hit seventh grade because that's a turning point in home school where the child has more responsibilities that the parent has less responsibilities to be the teacher that have an online teacher and the child as a laptop and you know, it's a it's just more responsibilities are myself lead on that on their end exactly. So we kind of made a little sad deal. We said if you still want to be Homeschooled by the time you get to the seventh grade then we'll we'll try it for a year. You know, we didn't want to do all three children that way that we were willing to allow her to try it and part of that was her mother lived 500 miles away. So part of that deal and we even discussed this with her mother that if she was home-schooled she would have more flexibility to visit her mother more. She could go stay a couple of weeks at a time and long as she kept up with her school. Everything will be fine. So this was a joint decision my daughter instigated it. We all kind of agreed and it was a co-parenting situation with my ex as well. But that somehow got turned around, you know during the time that she's being homeschooled. She may be asked to take out the trash or you know, hey, can you make your brother a peanut butter sandwich or whatever the case may be, but I got Twisted into I pulled her out of School to make her like my personal Nanny my personal maid, you know, so that's not true. But you could go back to that seed of Truth into this 13 year old girl. She starts believing it, you know, and there's there's a list of other. I don't know if that's the best story to tell but there's a lot of other things like that and anyone in itself seems kind of insignificant but when you feel the kid's head with A bunch of these things they turn against and ultimately what happens they develop and in measurement the psychological and measurement with the alienating parent and so they start believing the alienating parent is basically re-enacting their own childhood trauma. And so they're fabricating the scenario and they had these delusions and the child starts believing those delusions. They form an alliance. It's called a cross-generational Alliance because it's crossing over generation instead of having the typical parental hierarchy where you have Mom and Dad at the top of the hierarchy and child at the bottom of the hierarchy instead. It gets flipped. So you have the alienating parent and the enmeshed child become they take on the role of the parents and then the targeted parent no longer has any Authority and there. Basically at the bottom of the totem pole and they're worthless according to this particular hierarchy. So as the child develops this alliance with the one parent, they develop across generational Coalition with the opposite parent and they take on the persecutory delusions persecutory meaning, you know persecution, you know, in other words, how dare you pull me out of school and make me your Nanny kind of thing, you know? Yes. Yes. Yeah, so then there becomes all this anger and the child doesn't know how to process that because by Nature they're designed to love their parent, but they're being taught to hate their parent. So in order to cope with it, they have to develop an emotional cut off an emotional cut off is what occurs to people narcissistic type of psychotic behavior patterns. These are the type of people who would you know, maybe go into the school and shoot 16 people. Or whatever you don't you're not just born with an emotional cut off a traumatic event has to cause it so that's basically what's happening is these children are being emotionally erased from their loving parent. And even though the loving parent is reaching out and reaching out reaching out, you know, we try to go through the court system. We don't have any luck. We try to go through the mental health system. We don't have any luck. We do everything we can to connect with our children and you know, we're just being in obstructed or denied or that's why it's taken four and a half years exactly. Now with the two younger kids. I understand. The oldest is probably going to be the most brainwashed in the most basically gone, but the to youngers have you been two youngest ones have you been able to you know, spend time with them sort of have them still have a relationship of any kind these last four and a half years. Yes, basically when they 14 is when they become completely erased it's hard for the alienating parent to completely erase them prior because of non-custodial visitation rights. They have to kind of play the game a little bit and allow some visitation because they're under the microscope of the Court. They still have an open case, you know, they can't be full-blown alienating the have to make the appearances though. They're trying to encourage. Age the relationship and really it's the opposite, right? So what happens is once they turn 14 basically at that point. It's like, oh well, well, they just don't want to see you anymore. You know, they don't like you they don't like your wife that and everything that comes out is basically the Viewpoint of the X naught of the actual child but itself oq visit. They know that it's that it's a visit right now is what it's been the last four well That I would call it a force visit. My my situation is a little bit more unique than most people's because most people in the situation that I'm in didn't have the luxury of being a single parent for six years. So during the six years that that I was a single parent, you know, I was also a soccer coach and you know, I participate as a chaperone on field day and I'm just very active in my children's lives. We were very active. In church, I was a youth leader, you know, just basically our whole lifestyle was family-oriented. So my children luckily, you know got to see that side of me for those six years. So there's two types of alienated children. There's you could call them A and B, if you will say Taipei believe the lies and type be just kind of goes along with them as the path of least resistance. My oldest believes the lies and my other two children basically have just kind of gone along with them as the path of least resistance. Yeah, so we do spend time together another 500 miles away from me. The opportunities are few and far between have to wait till school breaks only have about four opportunities a year. You've got spring break summer Thanksgiving and Christmas when they're on school break is about the only times I can see them. M and then I'm going to be obstructed or denied those four times. So I'm lucky if I am able to land about two of those so but I do get may come up with some excuse the mom does some excuse to keep them from those other two visits. It's just any obstacle that you could throw in the way. Okay, you know, it would be like, well, I don't know I have to check my work schedule or I don't know if you talk to legal right? Is that it like it's all she has all authority and you have right? We're under a temporary order and I had the very first Christmas in the very first spring break was built into our custody order. And then after that, I have no no actual visitation, but like I said, she'll kind of go along and allow some visitation just you know under the coaching of her attorney and an appearance that she's trying to do right? She does cooperate with some visitation is just few and far between us like pulling teeth to make it a reality. So this is such a sad sad thing because now it's four and a half years later that you've missed out on the day-to-day with your children. They've been brainwashed. And so this is like we can't rewind we can't redo right? We can't get those years back. So how in the world is this even possible? Like I said the beginning like in America, it just seems so Wrong like how is this how is this able to happen? I know you said that attorneys, you know money and all that kind of stuff, but why don't people know more about this. Is this something that happens like is this a big thing that's going on that people don't know about. I mean, yes, it's a major epidemic. There's over 22 million cases in the United States alone. There's probably more than that. Those are just known and when you say 22 million cases, you're talking about 22 million families that It consists of two parents and two point four children or whatever the national average is. So, you know, you're looking at a massive amount. It's somebody that you know, it's somebody that you go to church with it's happening all around. We just don't see it. And if we do see it, we don't acknowledge it for what it is because we're believing the lies it's based on fabrication. So if there's a and it's not in my case. There's a female that's doing the alienating and I'm a male and a lot of you know, there's there's a father's rights movements and stuff like that. I don't really subscribe to that type of thing because I don't believe that we should segregate the father's from the mother because I could go into more detail, but you know, basically there's four types of parent-child relationships. You have mother-son mother-daughter father-son father-daughter and one is not any more important than the other. So, although it may be a little bit more. Or common for the female to be doing the alienating there's tons of cases where the male is doing the alienating as well. So it could go either way. So rather than screaming father's rights ice cream parental rights. I think that's really good and coming from the right place because it's a human problem. It's an issue with unresolved childhood trauma. Really? It's a person that never got to figure out their own. The issues the reason such a widespread epidemic is because of the multiplication principle of it being passed from generation to generation. For example, you know, we have an ex-wife who has some caregiver issues. Let's say well if we were to dig, you know a little bit backwards we would see that a lot of that had to do with her mother, you know, we could just continue following it throughout the family tree when it's happening to you you feel like You're on a Jerry Springer episode, but when you sit back and observe it you can look at other people's cases, for example, and you go. Ah, it's so clear. I see what's going on. I see the sickness that this alienating parent have I have you no empathy for them. I want to help them but I can't because I've been made the enemy, you know, and then you can see how the court system thrives on it. These cases make up about 90% of the income for the family courts. So it's a big big business billions of dollars. There's a there's a Netflix documentary called Divorce Court cor P that talks about it actually a friend of mine Wendy think she was windy Archer at the time. She had a different last name. She's one of the people that they kind of follow her story and so forth and she's a big activist out in Texas right now and and getting a lot of great things done for reform. But anyways, yeah, it happens all around. It's happening to people that you know, but it's under disguise. This is the wolf in sheep's clothing. It's it's in camouflage. It appears to be something that it's not so if you were to look at my case, you know, you have two attorneys that are kind of going back and forth and you have this judge just kind of sitting in the middle and so the judge goes away we're gonna Appoint a guardian ad litem to the case to be a neutral third party intermediary. So to speak on behalf of the children that adds a few thousand dollars to the equation and it drags your case out for a couple of more years for evaluations. And basically the guardian asked your children, you know, do you have food in the fridge at Mom's house? Do you have clean uniforms to wear to school, you know go down a little checklist and then that Guardian will Ermine, well, everything seems okay to me, you know, they're not looking at the psychological aspect of the child being brainwashed course not our our country is now just discussed just giving credence to mental health issues with all the shootings right? It's just now coming to the Forefront. So this yeah, this is a surprise and it would be interesting every time I see something like that on the news. My first thought is I wonder what this person's child life was like yeah, did they come from us? At home, you know where they alienated from a loving parent because how does it is someone like that develop such an emotional cut off. How could you be so none empathetic to do something like that. There had to have been something traumatic happened to these people that caused this mental state and you know, I'm not saying a hundred percent of the time it's perlite a nation, but that would be the first place I would look. Yeah, you're now seeing with new eyes with like just discovering like wow, and and I wanted to kind of slide in here and say, you know so much about this. I understand because you're passionate, you know, in and of itself because it's happened to you personally, but you seem very knowledgeable on it. So how do you know so much like the legal terms all of that like well her second when this first happened to me or to my family I should A you know, I was in complete shock and I didn't know what to do and I didn't know where to turn and so, you know, your first instinct is to hire an attorney and then you realize you start getting into this and you start realizing there's really no justice here. The system is stacked against, you know, it's not innocent until proven guilty and family court. It's guilty until proven innocent. Yeah, so I hate to say this. Us but anybody could make a false accusation against somebody for child abuse and create this scenario and it could drag out for you know tens of thousands of I know people have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on fighting this kind of thing. Basically. It depends on how much you make as to how much it's going to cost you. Wow, because they ask for your financial statements up front. You know, I'm not saying that that's a particular plot, but at the same time They are asking for your financial statements and they basically milk you for all they can just drags out and drags out. But anyways, once I started realizing this and then I just started researching it and it's one of those things where I just I couldn't get off my mind. I couldn't sleep at night had to do something about it. And so I needed to become more aware because our Ultimate Enemy here is ignorance, and I don't mean that in a degrading way. I'm just me. In it in the lack of knowledge if the enemy is lack of knowledge. Then you fight it with knowledge, you know, so I got to realizing that as I would talk to people in the mental health profession. They didn't know anything about this as I would talk to attorneys. They didn't know anything about this or maybe they'd heard of it, but they're not going to jump on the train and fight for you and I've gone through multiple attorneys ultimately end up in a self representation. Situation because you just can't afford to pay $200 an hour for an attorney to be on your case for four or five years. It's just it's not affordable. So in the process, I just self-educated off the internet. There is a psychiatrist by the name of dr. Craig Childress CH I LD ress and he's out of California and making tremendous Leaps and Bounds progress. To the psychological remedy, you know providing a cell psychological solution and he's also instrumental with I mentioned windy earlier. Her last name is Perry Wendy Perry. I believe she was previously windy Archer, but they do a lot of work together and they have created a pilot program for the court systems. There's only one of its kind right now and that's in Houston, Texas, but there is a movement for this and there's a lot of Efforts being made and if somebody's listening to this right now and they feel feel alone. I mean, there's Facebook Facebook groups. There's all kinds of support out there. I'm sorry if I get a little emotional but no, please but their support and so I started realizing that you know, hey, I'm not alone here which kind of ties into your podcast and And then I started realizing wow. This is happening all around me. I know people I literally go to church with people I go to lunch with people who are experiencing the same thing, but they don't express it because it's kind of embarrassing your you're being accused of being a child abuser or a drug addict or an alcoholic or adulteress or whatever it is that you're being accused of and it's not true but it's embarrassing, you know. Yeah, and your kids have been taken away and So then the public how exactly like well you must have did something bad if your kids were taken away, you know, you know, you don't have a relationship with her. You must be a inadequate parent, you know, and so and then you get tired of having to explain it to everybody. You know, when you see somebody the grocery store. How's the kids? You know, you just say, oh, they're fine and you just keep going because you don't want to have to get into a two-hour conversation every time. So basically what happened with me is I felt like, you know part of my primary Divine Purpose was to be a father to my children and then I just felt robbed of that purpose and restricted. So I had to kind of shift my energies to be in an advocate for awareness and reformed and it gave me another purpose. It was the way I dealt with it. A lot of parents will turn to a targeted parents like myself. Will become manically depressed suffer PTSD type symptoms a lot of them turned to drugs and alcohol or maybe both some of them are suicidal. I'm in all these different Facebook groups and it's so common. It's so sad because I know when Father's Day comes somebody's going to commit suicide or Christmas or Thanksgiving you're going to read about it. And you going to say, oh so-and-so just took his own life because he couldn't and I'm just saying him it could be a Could be a female and male and I've seen murder-suicides to where the say the targeted parent might have actually prevailed in court and there's one particular case where the mom was the alienating parent and she ended up losing custody because Justice was actually served in one of those rare cases and she killed her child and killed herself. Oh gosh, don't you know if If if I can't control this then nobody will kind of thing, you know, and it's just so sad because it's your it's basically an emotional prison for the alienating parent, but it's also an emotional prison for the targeted parent the child. It extends to the grandparents the aunts the uncles cousins of the neighbors. It affects everybody, you know, you go from having one particular lifestyle. That's Involved with your family to the next day, they're erased and you know, it's kind of like you're mourning the loss of a loved one, but they're still alive. So it's it's a real awkward situation to be in my mom passed a Cancer and I miss her and I love her and I think about her all the time, but I know that she passed a cancer. I know she's gone. You know, I know I can't pick up the phone and All her because she's not alive anymore. And I know that I'll be reunited with her at some point, but my children are different. There's there like 500 miles away. I could literally jump in the car and in eight hours I could be there but I don't have any access to them. Now. I do have my middle to Children's phone number and I text them pretty regularly. I call them pretty regularly I send them. Pictures pretty regularly constantly reaching out and they're receiving them. They're just not responding and part of that too is I'm sure that you know being monitored. Yeah, that would be my that would be my hunch. Well, the great thing is that you have the Lord and even though the painful painful thing to go through we know that throughout the Bible the people that are highlighted have gone through some of the most painful These situations and I believe as you said to that you want of your purposes in this life is to bring awareness to this issue and it's sad when it when something like this has to come out as pain but some of the biggest and best movements come out of pain. Yes, you know, what's coming to my mind right now is what is it moms Against Drunk Driving or something like that right mad. Matt yeah, and you know that woman I think lost I don't know the story but I'm thinking you know this mom original person must have lost someone that she loved dearly exactly comes from, you know, sometimes the pit of pain. Yeah, and it reminds me of the Bible verse that says, you know all things for good and yes, I will work all things for good and when I think of that you know the word All just really jumps out because it doesn't say some things for good or just like, you know a few things for good. It says all things for good. So if you hang onto that belief, then you have to believe that there's good that's going to come, you know from this pain from the suffering and I believe it wholeheartedly and I know that there's going to be a day that I'm reunited with my oldest daughter and I'm just so fortunate that I was able to maintain some degree. Yeah relationship with my other two children. I just saw them over the summer. I was able to see them. I saw my son for like 5 days and then I was able to take my youngest daughter for two weeks and we spent two weeks together and we did all kinds of fun things and took a lot of pictures and made a lot of memories and you know, we'll continue to do that type of thing. It's just going to be few and far between When I'm not around they refer to me as John, you know, when I'm around they referred to me as Dad but in their mother's presence they refer to me as John instead of dad, you know, so it's a weird awkwardness whenever there's an exchange. They won't be affectionate, you know in front of their mother if I'm picking them up or whatever, but then whenever we get off on her own, it's just like we just picked up where we left off. Its. So I'm very fortunate. There's other targeted parents who are completely erased from the children for years and years and their children grow up and become adults and they're still erased, you know, they never reconcile. You know, those are like the more extreme cases, but they exist. They're very common. I know tons of people through these Facebook support. Port groups and stuff that are in that exact situation and so I'm just trying to be an advocate for the for the movement of reform in general. I'm so glad that you brought awareness, you know anybody out there that's going through this. I'm going to have John give us websites and names of people or books that you can reference sure friend. Also if you're a Praying person if you're a Christian, this is something to really come together as a community. Unity really as a nation as the world, you know to pray for this to pray over this because hidden under all kinds of legal stuff and it's an epidemic but it's under disguise. So it's not what it appears to be. Yes, and it's so evil. It just feels like there's just evil at me, you know, very core of it and also for anybody else that may be going through this, you know, we perceive our X as being evil because they're the prosecutor on the other end. And they're the ones that are creating this terrible scenario, and that's the way I used to feel about my ex. But I had to come to terms with the fact that she's sick and I had to turn that anger into empathy. Yes, and that's the only way that you can really make a difference in terms of intercessory prayer on their behalf because they don't Necessarily realize that they're sick. They're not going to go to the doctor or to the psychiatrist and say hey, I've got borderline personality disorder are I'm narcissistic or I'm not in pathetic or I have an emotional cut off. They're not going to announce that instead, you know, they're living this behind this facade and it appears as though they're just a normal person working a normal job struggling to be a single parent. Parent doing the best they can for their children. They appear to be good on the surface and they really are good but they have this sickness and so you have to acknowledge that so, you know, somebody's going through this and they're carrying that anger that anger man. It can eat you up and so you have to let it go and the only way I was able to let it go as to pray for my ex and that was like A very hard thing for me to do but it's it's it's the only way I was able to experience Freedom. Yes for yourself. Absolutely. It's just like Jesus with his prosecutors on the cross and you know, and he says forgive them for they know not what they do. It's unfortunate because you assume when somebody does such a heinous act that they know what they're doing and hand. And to some degree they do I mean I'm not trying to make excuses for their behavior. But at the same time they're they're coming from a different state of mind and they're not reasoning the way a normal person would reason and they've been traumatized and it affects the way they they perceive life. So they're literally living in a delusional state. So you have to understand that and trying to communicate with them and work with them. And so you just have to Try to make the best of what you've got to work with and try to minimize the conflict and maximize the opportunities to create memories with your children or whatever the case may be. I mean there is hope and prayer is powerful. Yes. It's cute. So wrapping up. Can you leave us with some websites recommendations reference books anything that someone could get ahold of sure. There's any way that if people wanted to ask you questions, would you be opposed to You having people contact you that is fun. My email address is Parental alienation scar. That's P AR ENT a l a l IE n a tion s Kar the scar stands for support knowledge awareness and reform. So that's kind of what I perceived the the phases when this happens to you you first need support. Art, and then you need some knowledge and then you need to jump on the bandwagon and help create awareness and that leads to reform. So that's the only way we're going to really deal with this as a as a team and getting stuff done. But anybody's welcome to email me at parental alienation scar at I would be glad to you know, correspond from their exchange phone numbers Facebook or whatever, you know, but that could be a good way to instigate a Nation with me and the most reliable source of information on the internet. I would personally say is dr. Craig Childress and you can just Google his name. He's got YouTube videos. He's got a website that he does blog. He's got Facebook groups and he has been the source of the majority of my knowledge been studying his works for a few years. Now. There are other people that are involved in this reform effort as well. Wendy Perry P. ER why she is a targeted parent and she's in Houston, Texas and she's been alienated from her daughter. Now I think for like 10 years and she's become an advocate for reform and she's been very instrumental in getting things done. And in fact, a lot of people are kind of following in her footsteps and trying to duplicate in other cities what she's done in Houston and there's some people in the industry that don't necessarily see eye to eye originally in the 70s. This was referred to as Pas which was parental alienation syndrome and earlier mention Stockholm syndrome and basically they were comparing this to Stockholm syndrome. And yes, it's it's totally worthy of comparison. But in coining that term parental alienation syndrome, it kind of made it appear as though it was like some kind of legit diagnosis and so Savvy attorneys were able to debunk that concept. Because it's not in the mental health medical book, which is called the DSM and they have the latest edition is the fifth edition. So the DSM-5 there's no such thing as parental alienation syndrome according to a DSM-5 diagnosis. So that's just a term that was kind of made up but it was used against, you know, people like myself who are trying to create awareness trying to make us look like idiots by saying there's no such thing as Pas show me in the you know, the DSM-5 where you can be diagnosed. East of Pas there is no such thing, you know, right so that was part of what works to our disadvantage in the court system. But dr. Childress is changing that instead of calling it Pas which is something that really doesn't necessarily exist. You know, he's looking at it as psychological child abuse. Basically without going into detail. He has a system of diagnosing and treating this so there there is a solution. The only problem is is the targeted parent doesn't have access. To getting their child to therapy or to getting to the other parent the therapy and on the opposite end of that. It's never going to occur voluntarily. So but anyways, there's there's two aspects. There's the Richard Garner is is the is the one who developed the Pas, you know, a parental alienation syndrome concept, but he's passed away and he his research was in the 70s. You have some people that kind of lean more towards his view of things and then Have some people that kind of lean more towards. Dr. Craig children's view things are both fighting for the same thing. They're just they just have a slightly different view on what the solution is and you know how to remedy and if you really want to dig deep there's like Munich in Boeing there's all these psychiatrist way back from decades ago that studied family system hierarchies and attachment disorders and stuff. And that's all this is so it's nothing new, you know, it's just been under disguise. Guys for so long, you know anytime. I hear somebody say something about. Oh, well, you know, this child's father is not in the picture. He's a loser or you know, he doesn't have anything to do with his daughter or whatever. I'm just making that up then my mind automatically thinks I wonder what the other side of that story is, you know, because exactly now I'm not saying that people don't abandon their children, but I'm just saying that I could not ever personally abandon my children. Children and I don't see how anybody would do that voluntarily without something interfering causing that happen. Whether it be their own childhood trauma their own feelings of inadequacy, or maybe an alienating parent. There's all kinds of different examples, you know, bottom line is is children are being brainwashed and relationally removed from loved ones is what it all boils down to so crazy. Yeah. I'm so thankful that you came and talked to me about this. This is so huge and that you're not the only one. I mean totally because it's happened as to everyone I think honestly, yeah find some level if just a little bit too just like massive. I mean even like I said, if you're still living with both parents in the house that can happen with both parents being married and I know a person that grew up in a family where the mom would seek out the younger child to manipulate and say keep this secret and then talk to the older child and say, you know Don't say this to your younger sibling, you know, it's like it was weird. Like there was no reason for it. It was just right manipulation. Yeah and of here parents like we went to lunch with a divorced friend of ours from church and and her child was pouting and she said that's your daddy face put on your mommy face, you know, and just a little comments like that really bother me. She didn't really mean anything to buy it. She's not alienating her. A child but at the same time there's a degree of brainwashing there, you know to associate your bad habits with your father your good habits came from your mother. Yeah, whenever you do talk bad about your child's other parent, you have to understand that's half of their root system. So you're really degrading the child. You might not intend to you might be mad at the other parent for cheating on you or whatever the case may be that caused your divorce or whatever and you might be Eating and you might not mean anything by it. But whenever you say, you know, your other parent is a piece of crap or whatever really what you're saying to the child is half of your root system came from a piece of crap. So therefore you're partially a piece of crap, you know, yeah, that's the way that the child hears it and and I hear things going on just in normal society where these kind of comments are made and they're not extreme cases. Of Parental alienation like what we're talking about, but still it bothers me because there's some psychological manipulation there and that's just such an evil seed to plant in someone's head. You know? Yes, it is. Therein lies why people are insecure about who they are and their very identity. That's why we need to put our entire identity in Jesus. Exactly. Yeah, you know because we do that then we come from Perfection, you know, but, you know, not everybody knows. Yeah. About Jesus and I love your buddy. You know, I mean even Christians, I mean I can say that I really started seeking out my identity in the last year in my identity in Christ because my identity and my parents and in myself was so flawed and that's what I just kept going back to and wondering why I'm so depressed or wondering why I was so, you know insecure about going for my dreams and it's like well because you're putting your all of your faith and trust in yourself and not in the into the one who created you has the purpose lined up for you. It can help you on that walk. So exactly. Yeah. Well, thank you so much John for joining us today, and I am so excited to get this out there and make awareness to everybody on this subject because it's very important. Yes. Thank you so much for placing the spotlight on it. Absolutely. Good luck with everything and God bless you. Thank you sunshine. I'm driving. Will Smith and I left you in the rearview if you enjoyed today's episode and you'd like to leave a comment you can do so by using our voice message link simply click on the link and talk away. I would love to hear from you. Let me know how today's episode impacted you and if you have any ideas for future episodes that you'd like to hear talked about. Please leave those comments as well. My heart is to help you feel seen and heard especially in times where you feel overwhelmingly alone and isolated. It in your situation or circumstance. I want to speak life into you and hopefully the stories and situations brought about on this podcast will reframe your own way of thinking. That's what people did for me in my lowest moments and I want to pass that wisdom along fear and doubt are from the pit of Hell. I always say I have wasted plenty of years worrying and doubting about my life. I started this podcast to help you not make the same mistakes. Thank you for your listenership and please subscribe. It really helps. My message have a further reach. He was a Priceless nugget that was given to me long ago Matthew 6:33, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you God bless you and remember Jesus loves you so much more than you could ever believe.
Could you or someone you know be a victim or a perpetrator of parental alienation? In this episode I interview Jon Smith. He is a targeted parent of parental alienation. In 2015, he had his 3 children dramatically taken from his home. Ever since that day he has tried to make sense of his world being flipped upside down by his estranged ex-wife. Fighting to have equal rights to his children, the judicial system in these cases; have failed him and millions of other families over the decades. Jon now advocates for this movement and is working hard to get the laws changed. Parental alienation is a form of spousal domestic violence, whereas innocent children are used as pawns in a relationally destructive adult mind game through pathogenic parenting techniques. Parental alienation begins with a psychologically distressed parent having severe feelings of inadequacy and relational dysfunctions stemming from their own childhood trauma pertaining to a caregiver This typically results in the development of a personality disorder such as NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) and/or BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) whereas the individual develops an emotional cutoff to normal range empathy. They retaliate against their inner demons by acting out in ways which are destructive themselves as well as to the family unit, such as excessive overspending, substance abuse, adultery and/or psychotic behavior which often leads to divorce. They are then unable to process the psychological mourning surrounding divorce and project their inadequacies on to their ex, who becomes the targeted parent. The targeted parent is slandered and persecuted by their ex as a form of emotional restitution through the re-enactment of the NPD/BPD parent’s childhood scenario. In this fantasy role play, the targeted parent must become the presumed villain and the children must become the presumed victim in order for the personality disordered parent to play the restitutional role of the hero that they never had. The children become trapped in this vicious cycle and are either obstructed or completely erased from having normal range relationship dynamics with their otherwise loving, targeted parent. This pathogenic style of parenting is a form of psychological child abuse and the related trauma hinders the child’s emotional development. Pathogenically parented alienated children are more likely to develop their own life long attachment based disorder as this psychological sickness is passed onward to the next generation and becomes a further breeding grown for non empathetic, widespread relational destruction of family values. Targeted parents additionally suffer from PTSD type symptoms including depression and anxiety which often leads to physical health issues, substance abuse or even suicide. Parental alienation is literally a mental health care crisis estimated to affect over 22 million families in the United States alone. Furthermore, our current family judicial system is incompetent to assess the reality of these scenarios and frequently makes relationally devastating child custody gate keeping decisions based on the unverified allegations of the alienating parent, which are often supported by the persecutory delusions of the psychologically enmeshed child. “And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 “ALL THINGS FOR GOOD”, even the ugliness of Parental Alienation.
You are listening to the women of the military podcast where we share the stories of female service members and have a military touch their lives. I'm your host military veteran military spouse and Mom Amanda Huffman. My goal is to find the heart of the story and uncover issues women face while serving in the military. If you want to be encouraged by the stories of military women and be inspired to change the world keep tuned for this latest episode of women of them. military I've been debating for a while to do a single person just me five gas and I got advice from a friend that I should try it out. So I'm going to start doing once a month podcast of this me and sharing some of the things that are either on my heart or things that I've learned. I'm starting this one with seven things. I wish I knew before I decided to join the military. very I feel like I learned a lot when I join the military and I thought that because I went to four years of Reserve officer training Corps or ROTC training before I actually became a second lieutenant in the air force that I was ready to be in their force and that I learned everything I need to run but what I really found out was the learning had just begun. I still had a lot to learn and my life was going to change even more. It already had and the first four years so you might know that I started looking into the military and I didn't know anything about the military. My family doesn't have a military history. I am the first officer in my family and my outside my uncle who served in Vietnam and my grandfather who served during World War Two we don't really have any military ties that I know of when I started looking. I'm into the military. I didn't know anything. I actually got advice to meet with a colonel who when I went to the office to be with him called him by his first name and was quickly corrected that no, it's Colonel so-and-so and I felt really awkward because I didn't know anything about the military and I wasn't in the military and I was wondering why this person was correcting me from calling someone by their first name to say no, it's colonel. So and so but now that I have served in the military, I can understand a little bit more about why they treated me the way they did and how not that I offended them but that I had made kind of a mistake in what I had done. So I really didn't know anything about the military when I decided to join and when I first did ROTC, I thought if I could learn the ranks the branches. Has how to March through this Loop when I was in uniform and all the other military type things then I would be a good officer. and even those those things are an important part of being in the military, they're just kind of surface level things there things that you have to know to be a good Airmen soldiers Marine demon coastie, whatever Branch or serving in but they're kind of just the beginning pieces and they kind of become who you are and you know these things just as like You know your address growing up. They're just part of who you are and it's not really what makes you into the leader that you're going to be in the service or even the career field that you do. Those things are just things that everyone knows and not not the way that your job or your position crafts you into who you are going to be and what you're going to do. So let's start with these are the seven things. I wish I would have known before I decided to join the military. The first thing is that the training environment isn't like real life. I thought because I had done for years of Roc and I had done for week boot camp in the middle of that and I've gotten to do some other Hands-On training with the air force that when I went active duty life would pretty much be the same. I would still be in a training type environment. I don't really know how to explain it, but I thought that That I knew it was coming and I think I should have known more because my husband was already in the Air Force, but I guess I just didn't really understand how much would change from when I was a Cadet in the ROTC program to when I was a second to it. And I also learned that I felt like the yelling in the super crazy amount of exercising that you did at bootcamp was kind of an Overkill but it actually is a really effective. Way to change you into who the military wants you to be. It's not something that is put in there just so that people can yell at you. It's a part of the training environment and it changes you from being an individual to being part of a team and being part of military. You either learn how to lead if you're going to be an officer or you learn how to follow if you're going to be an enlisted member and it just puts you into the right mindset. Set to be able to do these things, but it doesn't really transfer over to your job. I never got yelled at when I was doing my job as a civil here. I got to do a lot of things that I never expected. One of the things I did when I first got to the base was help with the are fit the air show that was coming up and the lieutenant above me had just been promoted to be the group leader. And so I was Brandon second to and I was in charge. Just doing all the CP coordination for the air show which civil engineers have a lot of stuff that they do for the Airfield and for maintaining the base. And so that was a lot of work and I had a master sergeant with me who helped me learn what I needed to do and I kind of got thrown into being in charge of something that I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't really expect that to happen within my first year of being in the Air Force. But that's what you're trained to do. So you just take what you have been given you rely on the people who are below you who are supposed to help you and train you and you just make it work another good example of how the training environments not look like real life. Is that when I went to Afghanistan I want to Camp Atterbury end of Indiana for four months and one of the things that we did was a thing called rollover training and rollover training is where they hook up a Humvee or an mrap which is a mine resistant ambush protected vehicle and they hook it up to a rig and then they put you put your seatbelt on you're wearing your gear your helmet and your like I do TV Ivy a which I don't know what that is, but your body armor, I don't look up that afternoon but your body armor that you wear and it was like 20 to 30 pounds and then they put you with your seatbelt and your gear on and they flip you over and over like three or four times and then they told us it would randomly end up in a different position and then we have to get out. My cold crew when we randomly got flipped up and down. We always ended up side down and so I was watching it happen as I was waiting for my turn totally freaking out about this because I don't know why but I just really didn't want to do this training but everybody had to do it and so I got in the vehicle we flipped around a few times and then we ended up upside down as expected and I kind of panicked. I started thinking about all the blood running. My head and I would pass out and then I died and I kind of just went a little bit crazy and there was a Staff Sergeant in the front seat and he was like I can't get to you because I had to push myself up with my one of my hands and then unbuckle myself with the other because I was I was hanging upside down and the weight of my body pushing against the seat belt wouldn't allow me to get out of the seat belt without pushing myself. Self up to get there be a little bit less resistance and the first few times I tried it it didn't work. And so then I started to freak out and he the staff sergeant in the front seat said I can't get to where you are. You have to do this on your own and I don't know what's flipped the switch or how I stopped freaking out. I guess it reluctant push Bay and back to my training that I've gone to before but he made me realize I could do this I had to do it and so I did and so I push myself up I was able to unbuckle the seatbelt. I kind of collapsed into a ball and re-centered myself and was able to get out of upright and do what I needed to do to get out of the vehicle and get everybody out of the vehicle like we're supposed to do and I never really think much about this. I was just happy that I survived the training and that I didn't have to again. But I did have to do it again when we got to Afghanistan before we could go to our Bob's which is forward operating base and we were at the name base and Bagram. And before we could go out to all our individual basis and Bob's to do our mission for the nine months that we were there. We had to do improvised explosive device trained locally that are also already done in Indiana and then we had to do a rollover training this time. It was in a Camera and which an mrap is a lot bigger than a Humvee. So it was actually really fun to do it in the Arab. I wasn't afraid. Well. We were rolling around everyone in the vehicle was kind of like wow, like it's a roller coaster and we just had a different vibe and atmosphere because we had done it before and we were ready and we ended up being kind of like on our side instead of totally upside down and and when the vehicle stopped I knew exactly like how to brace myself so that I could get out of the vehicle how I could support myself with my one hand and my legs and then unlock the seatbelt and then I was able to get out and it was super super easy and it just surprised me that one little thing like that. Would prepare me so much to face whatever I was going to come and it kind of helped me get through my deployment because I knew that that training right there showed me that I was more prepared than I ever thought. I was because it was so much easier. Luckily. I never had to use full overtraining because in a real vehicle, it's not as smooth of a circle around and around and there's a lot more. Free stuff flying around that could hit you. So even though a real-life incident would be different having that training and knowing how to get out of that situation would make an impact How likely you were to survive an incident like that. That was one of the things that I learned early on in my air force career. Is that the training even though it may not be exactly like real life it is Important and it will help you in the long run the second thing that I wish I would have known before I joined the military is that you can do this. One thing that would have helped me in the start of my career in the military was the confidence that I could do it Fear Can often paralyzed us from taking that leap of faith, but the military often doesn't give you a choice to let fear stop you from doing anything you have to jump in and do it, but there are certain situations during my training where I Why didn't volunteer or didn't step up because of the fear that I might make a mistake or that I might do it wrong. And I wish that I had taken the courage to take that step forward and not be so afraid going to Afghanistan with the Army and an infantry unit taught me so much about how I can do so much more than I ever expected and I didn't have a choice the military told me that's what I was going to do. So I It and I did really well and I did better than I expected and I did things that I never expected to do speaking of Afghanistan the first time that I rolled off base to do my first mission outside the wire which is off base with the people of Afghanistan. I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know what war meant and I didn't really know what was going to happen. I for some reason isn't that you might get ambushed and I was really worried about what would happen if we got in a fire fight, but we were actually really lucky we the first place we went was to inspect a retaining wall that the Afghans were super happy about and they were very happy that they had helped them build this retaining wall to help protect the Village from when the flood Seasons game so they were more than happy for us to be there. We Actually parked outside of the village and then walked across the bridge and went down to where the retaining wall was. But then when we laugh the Afghans had told us you can come and park in the village. You don't have to walk across and we were trying to be respectful of their Village and not just come barging in but they were so happy that they made it really easy for us to get out of the village and we just walked across a Dry Creek bed and over a little stream and then n into the main Market Square and then hopped in our trucks and left and that was my first experience of being off base and it was not scary. It was actually really interesting and we got to see a lot of things see a lot of beautiful things the hardest part of that day was getting used to wearing my gear again. We ended our training about two weeks before we actually left to go to Afghanistan and then it took us like a week To to get from Indiana and then all the way to Bagram which is in Afghanistan. And so there was a good chunk of time where we weren't really training and I had to get re adjusted to wearing all my gear again. And so that was the hardest part of that mission if you choose to join the military know that you will go through tough situations, but also know that you can do it the military will give you the tools that you need through the different trains that You have to go through and the different additional trainings. Like I went to four months of training before I deployed to Afghanistan. And so that was a additional training that helped me get through my time overseas. So don't doubt yourself when you're at training be confident and if you fell at the training environment, that's okay. That's where you're supposed to fell or supposed to learn. I wish that I had been more willing to step outside my comfort zone. That boot camp and at my training in Indiana because I would have learned more and I would have had more opportunities to learn and grow if I just been a little bit more Brave to step outside my comfort zone you can do it. You don't need to be afraid and you shouldn't let the fear stop you from doing it one of the obstacles. We did at boot camp. We had to climb up a backwards-facing ladder and I did find going up to the top and I wasn't even Worried about doing this particular obstacle, but when I got to the top you had to like flip over and then slide forward on your stomach and I got stuck. I was I was really afraid to make that flip. I don't really know why probably because I've never done anything like that before but I just kind of got stuck and paralyzed and luckily. I was one of the last people to go and I had the option of kicking my leg over and coming down pretty much the same way I came back up, but it wasn't the way that you were supposed to do the obstacle, but there were a few guys who climbed up to the top and encourage me and I at least I wasn't the only one stuck up there and the other ladies that were up there with me and they cheered us on and they coached us through how in how we could get over the obstacle and when I finally got to the ground I was so excited that I had accomplished it and I I could have easily just kicked my leg over and gone down the easier way, but I was glad that I had people there to push me to do something that I didn't think I could do. And that's one of the things that you'll learn when you go through military training is that things that you think you can can't do you can do and that's just one of the cool things about joining the military and being part of the service. So the third thing that I want people to know About or I wish I had known before I joined the military is that it will be hard but it is worth it. I think I kind of knew this deep down, but just to say it out loud and reiterate it the military is going to ask a lot from you. I have yet to meet anyone who has served in the military and said they didn't change in the process of going through boot camp and training and deployments and and whatever their situation is it changes you as a person even just the being far away from your family. I think can have a big impact on you just it's a different environment to be away from your family and having to do things on your own that you might not have had to do before. I always expected that I would deploy because when I went to fill training which is kind of like boot camp for officers They told us over and over and over and over again, that would be deploying within the first year of being on active duty. The first year of FD is really realistic but I did deploy within the first three years of being on active duty and I knew people who have deployed earlier than me when I got on active duty. I found out that Air Force civil engineers often deploy with the Army, which I wasn't really that excited about because I done some training with the Army and I wasn't really that excited about being part of the army. So that's why I was happy to be in the Air Force. So when I got an extra Duty and I knew my deployment could be with the Army. I remember telling people that I'll deploy but hopefully it will be with the Air Force but it wasn't how I ended up deploying with army and even more than Expected I didn't expect even if I was with the army that I would be going off the base because a lot of the engineers I talked to had done stuff in relation with the Corps of Engineers or maintaining the base overseas and not actually going out on convoys. So that wasn't something I expected and I would be lying if I said my deployment to Afghanistan was easy. It's one of the hardest things that I've done. In my life and definitely in my military career, it was super challenging and I wouldn't ever want to do it again, but it was worth the hard things that I went through. I've made some lifelong friends. It's changed me as a person and made me stronger and I can't say that. I regret the fact that I joined the Air Force even though I deployed with the Army and just the whole way my military career went. It wasn't what I expected. It was definitely harder than I expected, but it was definitely worth it and I'm very grateful that I had the opportunity to serve and even go on a deployment that was not really a typical type of deployment the fourth thing that I want you to know about the military is that your friends will become your family. I didn't realize how important the person sitting next to me would be from the I walked into the Reserve officer training Corps Detachment at my college. I knew there was something that was different about the place that I was in I didn't really know what it was but I felt this weird sense of belonging that I can't explain and it was a place that I met my husband and made friends that I'm still friends with today and just it changed my life and that was just the beginning. Inning when I went on active duty. I moved from California and my hometown which I had never lived outside of and move to New Mexico. And there there was a group of second lieutenants and we would spend almost every weekend going to different peoples houses doing movies nights going there wasn't a lot to do in the town. So maybe we just went to each other's houses, but we had so much fun together hanging out. Getting to know each other and I think it was kind of well some of those people were in college and they were away from their families, but still you aren't in college anymore. So you're out on your own and it was just a great place to support each other and grow up together. And then I mentioned earlier that I made lifelong friends through my deployment and three of the people I was going to say for but they forced me three other people. Will that I ended up deploying with I'm really close with and we've done meetups to see each other in different parts around the country. We used to all not live in the same state now two of us live in the same state, but we're not that close to each other but we text we support each other and just the friendships that I have from that part of the deployment is one of the main reasons that I look back on my deployment as a good thing because Is those friendships have meant so much to me the past well, it's been a long time. I got home in 2010 so nine years. So my advice to anyone who's joining the military is take time to invest in the people that are around you the people that you meet and the people that you get to interact with. They will become like your family if you invest in a friendship that way not everybody is a safe person to get super close with so just be cautious. Has or not naive so but most people I would say in the military are good people to be friends with and to connect with the fifth thing. I wished I would have known before I joined the military is that your weakness may actually be your strength. I am shy and I'm quiet and I'm introverted which is kind of funny because I have a Cast and I talk to people a lot but those are things that are very true about me and they were even more true when I joined the Air Force and a lot of times introverts and quiet people are seen as like a negative part of your character when you're in the military because people are loud people make a lot of decisions. They just allowed person and a charismatic person is a helpful trait to be in the military, but Introverts are in a very important part of the military because we look at the world very differently than extroverts. I know I've learned a lot about my personality and I like to process things and sit back and watch and that was a very helpful for boot camp. But when I was in my job, I could listen observe and provide really deep and meaningful feedback that some people Not be able to see because they just work charging forward with a mission. So I kinda had to overcome some of my sitting back and watching to get through the boot camp part, but it ended up being that being an introvert sitting back and being quiet was an asset later on in my career. So don't think just because you're different or you don't excel in one area or another that it means that you don't have value to provide to the Military the military really needs all types of people and all types of personalities. One of the cool things about being in the military is that people are so different they come from so many different types of backgrounds and cultures and race and ethnicity so we can learn from each other and it can change how we view the world and how we can fix problems that come up in front of us because that's just one of the great things about the military. So your Weakness might actually be a strength at bootcamp. It might feel like it's a weakness and that you weren't meant to be in the military, but it's actually some people do really well at bootcamp and some people just get by so as long as you can get through it and be mentally tough and strong enough to get through all the challenges that you face then that's okay. Just keep going and your strengths will show through the sixth thing that I wanted to mention for something that I wish I would have known before joining. The military is deployment is hard but good. I remember when I first went on active duty. I met some people who had come home from a deployment and they were so excited about their deployment experience and I was really confused because being away from family being in a war zone. It sounded like why are these people all excited about Their experience of deploying but the truth is when you're deployed the mission of serving your country is in the Forefront of your mind and sometimes if you're lucky you can make a real impact on the people that you're working with or working for and so deploying can be a really positive experience. Also memory is great because with time you forget the harder parts of of being deployed and you remember the good part A lot of the stuff that happened during my deployment that was really hard and difficult to get through. I don't have as strong a memories as the good things that happened while we were deployed like the movie nights and the barbecues and the other fun things and I don't have as many memories or maybe they're just a little bit fuzzy memories about some of the difficult people that I had to work with and some of the difficult Instead I had to go through I definitely don't remember the time that I got shot combat. I mainly know most of the pieces of that experience because I wrote about it when it happened. And so I kind of I don't know. I maybe I blocked that part of my experience out, but I don't really think about that or remember the emotions or the feelings. I was really afraid to deploy because I was Did that I would die. That's one of the things that is possible or be injured or just have my life forever changed, and I think that is normal from people that I've talked to you that I'm not the only one it's normal to be afraid. It's normal to worry about not coming home. It's normal to worry about the people around you who may or may not come home, but you can have a great experience. From the point you can learn a lot about yourself. You can learn a lot about the people that you work with. You can learn a lot about the country that you are deployed to and it's not as bad as you think sometimes. Sometimes it can be really bad, but I don't know how to say it. I mean some deployments to be honest. Some of the points are pretty much all bad and they can stay with you long after you're home. Um, and so deployments. I think there's always a silver lining of something that you can grow from and you can learn from but that doesn't mean that coming home from a deployment. You won't have any struggles or you won't have to get counseling or do some sort of recovery program. PTSD is a real thing. I don't go into Panic rooms. I really wanted to do the void experience. That was Star Wars e at Disneyland before we moved but I was really kind of stressed out about moving and I could already tell from the q's I learned in counseling about how my body felt that it wasn't a good situation for me to be in because I didn't know exactly how I would react so it's not that everything from a deployment is good. But I do look back and say that I grew a lot I learned a lot. I changed into a stronger person and overall. I'm glad that I was given the opportunity to deploy and serve my country and just make a difference but that doesn't mean that it won't stay with you. And the last thing that I wanted to talk about four things. I wish I would have known when I joined the military was how much you change when you join the military. I talked a little bit about it earlier about how when In you serve in the military? No one that I've talked to says. I'm exactly the same the training that you go through is intense and there's not really any other word to say what the training of either Boot Camp or officer training, whatever sort of military training that gets you into the military is it's intense they'll be yelling. They'll be lots of physical training which is working out doing push-ups sit-ups running. I'm marching all kinds of stuff but that process helps you to grow and change into a new person and you just aren't quite the same. You see the world a little bit differently, especially if you deploy overseas because you will go to a place in the world that most people haven't had the opportunity to see I went to Afghanistan and I of people living in mud huts and growing crops that they ate and just children who barely had clothes on and it was a it is a third world country and it's so different than America and it changed how I view the world it changed how I spend my money one organization that I really love to give money to is Kiva because They do micro loans and so my husband and I have decided to give them money and then we give people all over the world money and it's alone so they pay us back. And then once we get money back from the people giving a loan we can make another loan. So we don't we often don't give more money. We just reinvest the money that we already had but I don't think I would have been So interested in supporting a program like this had I not been somewhere outside the United States and to see the real proverty and the way the rest of the world lives and how much I can do with these micro loans to change and impact their lives. The military is going to teach you about different people. I think one of the cool things about the military, is that when you I mean, you're not that you can't see race because you can see that everybody is different but you have a mission and you have a goal and you have to do whatever that is. So it kind of you don't care about what the person's political or religious beliefs. Are. You just know that person is the person we call them wingman in the air force that you can rely on to do whatever work needs to be done to meet the mission and it kind of Of is a different way to operate than the way a lot of the world looks at things and just treats people. I know that when I find out someone is a veteran I can have a conversation with them for a long time and we can just talk forever male-female. It doesn't matter doesn't even matter. If we're in the same Branch just we have that connection of the military and it's something that's really cool because We can disagree on a lot of different things but that doesn't change the fact that we are the same in a lot of ways and we just view the world a little bit different and we have this community of those who have served that connects us together and it's a pretty cool thing. This is all I have for this episode. I just wanted to give people a little look into things of like how I've learned from being in the military. And what I wish someone had told me before I join I might have rambled a little too much, but hopefully you enjoyed this solo podcast. I'm going to try and start doing them at the beginning of every month just because I've had a few people request that I try it out. So we'll see how it goes, and I can't wait to see what you guys think. So have a great week. Thank you for listening to this episode of women of the military make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the Amazing Stories I have with women who have served in our military. Did you love the show? Don't forget to leave a review. Finally. If you are a woman who has served or is currently serving in the military. Please email me at Airmen to Mom at so I can set you up to be on a future episode of women of the military.
There was a lot I needed to learn before I decided to join the military. You might know that before I started looking into the military, I didn’t know anything about it. I didn’t know the difference between officer and enlisted. I even remember when a friend recommended, I talk to someone, he happened to be a col, I called him by his first name when I went to his office and was quickly corrected. At the time I thought the way they responded to my mistake was a little dramatic, but now I know that Col is more than just a job title. Now, I have a hard time not calling my past commanders with their rank that no longer applies to their name. So, you could say I knew nothing about the military and little did I know how my life would change when I decided to join the US Air Force. Listen and hear what I learned while serving in the military and how I hope to use the information I have learned to help others who are considering joining the military. This episode was inspired by  7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Decided to Join the Military Mentioned in this Episode Connect with Amanda Hear Amanda's Military Story - Episode 2 Check out Amanda's Blog: Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Are you considering joining the military? Check out my free guide: A Girl's Guide to Military Life
Shortly after the completion of our last episode news came out of two tragedies one in my current home state of Texas and less than 24 hours later in my birthplace of, Ohio. Our thoughts and condolences go out to those affected by these senseless tragedies and also the ones that happen every day in every part of the world that do not get reported. This is not okay. And this is not who we as citizens of this world should have to deal with and what seems to be a never-ending basis if you have been affected by this directly or indirectly, especially emotionally, there are Places to turn for help talk to your health professional or someone that cares or even Scotty or I we do not have to suffer alone in all corners of the globe. We must strive to rise up above tragedy and say no more when one person hurts in our community, we will rally together to support them the Escape pod condemns the actions of those intent to silence other people through fear isolation. And violence speak up speak out and be the change you wish to see in the world. This is Dobson first wife and you're listening to The Escape pod cast this show is recorded in front of a live audience and I'm here to support all the partners of this computer specialist from Australia. The other is a territory battle tactician from the us together. There are no signs of intelligent life on board, but with over a combined 45 years of entertainment under their belts. The one thing we are sure of is that you will be entertained The pfh Network presents the Escape pod cast a weekly show about the mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes live from the Network Studios of Yemen for here. Are your hosts Scotty McLaren and Paul Anthony? Coming up on this week's edition of The Escape pod cast we are forced to update our clients. Why? Oh, yeah, we gotta talk about that. We sit down with two game developer friends of ours to talk about that. We Channel our inner Littlejohn when Scotty and Mandalore sit down for what after Mandalore is one of the first content creators to unlock him and we Talk breaking news as and if it happens right here on the Escape pod cast The Escape pod cast news. Yes. It's nice to be back for another week Paul and I promise after last week's escapades. I'm actually going to be a little bit more positive this week or at least try to be especially after last week's show so big shout out to our fans on Facebook and also all of our social media being run quite beautifully from the lovely to Packer. She's doing a great job. They're all the Llama should I say and she's doing a fantastic job there and well done to and look, you know this week to you know, we're going to get into one of the big negatives that people have been talking about all throughout the week. But first things first, one of the big things that happened this week was that one of our fellow content creators Paul decided to make it his way back onto the stage. Each once again, he got himself a brand new machine. He's now operating and I'm so glad that he is this he's of course Deadpool Kyle 28, it's great to have you back on board made in the community as a content creator Champion. So well done. Welcome back to the fold. So Deadpool Kyle 28 had to do that. Shout out straight up my friend. Yeah, and then also biscuit weasel getting his start. He bought his my new microphone. So we're excited for or excited for That we're seeing a lightly we're going to see a lot a lot of good stuff from dpk and biscuit coming up. I mean, who knows they may even start the Escape pod to who knows? Well, you know, so, you know, he's but you know, I look at other boy as well as I lie take down. He's also doing some great stuff as well. Look make sure that you guys are go over there and give him a like in the bit of a shout out as well. Give him some love Silo's been doing some fantastic stuff over there on his channel. To and some of the stuff that he does is just incredible. So definitely well worth a watch I can tell you that but Paul look we've got to talk about some of the big things and look I apologize guys as well straight off the bat. If you do hear some certain sound effects through Discord. Well, I apologize. I've tried to mute them. But unfortunately, it's still happening here. I'm in a different Studio to what I'm usually in. So yeah, that's what's that's what's happening. So I apologize. So what we'll get into it now Paul, look let's let's get started on the show and the first Thing is is that I know that he's listening to us. And you know, it's great to have him on board with us as well make mole to is of course one of our fellow content creators earlier in the week. It was released that Bulldog had dropped a video about how to hack more would say how to hack the game, but it was basically showing that cheating is occurring in the game. And this is this is pretty much how it happens and make mole followed that up with a great video as well to tell people exactly how these Things were going on and what was happening what was occurring and basically now we've seen a Content strike on Bulldog. He's been banned and Mick mole has been sentenced to 28 days imprisonment away from Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes and then my heart goes out to make moly. I actually hope that he can get his account back pretty soon. I mean he was just doing a basically a service to us all or what else know exactly. What was going on Paul. What's your take? Well, the first thing I want to make sure of is And I really hope that our super-secret CG moles and in Chrome are listening. Please don't drop the Clone. We works during this time. Mick mold deserves the Clone reworks when he gets back. That's what I'm going to say about this. Now, you know, we are absolutely not going to tell you anything about where to go to do any of the stupid stuff that that that people are Trying and attempting to do it. Yeah, I'm gonna Splat out say this if you are going out looking for this thing downloading it and and and doing cheating. If you are cheating in this game, you absolutely deserve to be banned because I support this game. I want to see my game go. For as long as I can and I am how to put this without you know. Without saying a few Choice words if you take my game away from me because of your negligence. You know, I'm I don't know what to say Scotty that that that, you know won't get me in trouble. Not look I I can see where you're going with this and you know, look I'll just say this, you know, look we don't want to see cheaters in this game. If you want to cheat do it somewhere else, you know type in God type in the god mode cheat in to do more Duke Nukem have some fun with that go for it. But this is a this is the mobile. That we all love we all love to play it and you know, look the last thing that I want to do is be coming across cheaters. You know, I have I've had a sneaking suspicion on a few occasions that things are a bit out of whack but having said that, you know, look at the end of the day, I mean like, you know, the good news is that things are actually coming to a head now and you know, I guess, you know, Mick mole and Bulldog, you know from from us to you guys, you know, it sucks what's being handed to you both, but I will I say this from us to you guys. Thank you for doing it because now it means that you know, we're going to be seeing some action on this finally Paul. I know that they've been doing action on this for quite some time. But you said that it's there's going to be some full-on action. Yeah so that they have had action on this. And there have been people that have been detected doing this and they were rightfully sent. Let's just say on a rocket to the moon. All right, you know how much I love that phrase. Yeah, but absolutely people have been caught. It's kind of like Liam Neeson. He will find you. They will they will detect you they will hunt you down and they will kill the access to your account and I'll add they would yeah. Yeah, exactly and you know why you know, I'm gonna mask it, but I'm going to finally say it if you're a cheater in this game get the hell off and fu Yep, couldn't agree more could not agree with you more on that one pole but you look you know, I did say I wanted to be positive this week and I was going to try my very best to be positive but man did that suck the life out of me on Tuesday. When I saw that video here in Australia from Nick mole. I woke up to it on Monday morning, dude. I'm like deaf. What the hell my entire week. I'm going to be seeing all sorts of other content creators talking about this, you know, everybody's going to be like, okay we've heard Art, we've heard our fill of this if you are just keep hitting that little 15 seconds ahead button until about June 28 minutes and then we'll be good. All right, but you have to get our this off our chest now, I will say I stand with Nick mole. I do not think that he should have received the 28 Days Later sentence. I really don't because he was commentating now. The fault of McMullen and I'm going to I'm going to talk to you in front of everybody here right now, my friend. You shouldn't have played the video of it being done. That's the only thing your commentary would have been enough. That's what did it and that's what did in Bulldog now Bulldog. Let's get on this end. Let's get on the topic of bulldog real quick here, you know because it's entirely Bulldog gate, you know when it comes to this He did it to prove a point, but he shouldn't have gone entirely public with it the way that he did. It shouldn't have been the equivalent of an everyone tag on Discord. It should have been hey, you guys are happy. He should have went directly to CG Shoulda Coulda Woulda, didn't that kind of thing? Should I want to see G and said he I've been doing this to to see if you guys can do it if you Guys have been able to capture it done it and private and then given them time because that is how the security World Works in Computing. If you find a security hole and you are a true white hat hacker. What you do is you then go to the source of the people who put out the code and you say I see this problem with your software. This is a huge hole and then you don't hold it Ransom. Awesome, you don't do that, but you wait on it. And if they don't do it, then you release it. But the fact that you put it out there and as they continue to improve and patch holes and enhance detection systems. That is where you get the glory. That's when you get the money. That's when you get the khakis and that's when you get the chicks. Look, I mean, the only thing I agree with what mobile game I said earlier in the week and you know, this is where I'll talk directly to make Bowl as well and that you know, I think that the only thing that really hurt McMullen this whole thing was the very beginning of his video and that's what mobile gamer was telling you man. According to my bowl gamer. I don't know if this is true or not, but mobile gamer at least according to him. He said in his video. He said man you're going to get done for this like the very first 30 Of that screen that you had in the background that's going to get done man and McMullen said yeah, I'm expecting that and well that's according to mobile gamer. So, you know, look I can completely understand that from from that perspective of that first 30 seconds of the video. I don't think it was too bad of a problem the show exactly how these the hack is doing it, you know, like knowing now that you know, a phoenix team can wipe out A out a you know a Darth Revan side with this particular hack which is going on inside the game. And you know, I don't think that it. Yeah, I don't think burning people is the is the right move here. I think that you know the Fallout from this especially all over Reddit and all over you know, the forums as well themselves is quite problematic. So now look the community is split on this probably even more split on this than what we were on the Last Jedi. To be fair and it's the Bulldog McNeil gate, which is going on at the moment. And yeah, yeah. Yeah, so, you know, look, I just think that I just think that you know, the whole thing needs to come to a head and you know make Mall needs to come back to the game. I think that that's that's only fair. I mean, you know the whole 30s the first 30 seconds of his video sure, okay, he can admit that he made a mistake and he does, you know on that front, so that's fine. He can admit that. At Bulldog can admit that? You know sure. Okay. I'll just wanted to show that this is what was going on. Yeah, exactly make mole man. That was a mistake, you know and look, you know, you can you can say that and you know 28-day bear man, that's ridiculous. I think McMullen needs to come back to the game. I think that that's only the fairest thing that we can do and it's the only way that we can actually get you know, the community at least back on track mole was kind of the full guy here in some ways and I disagree with that. I think that McMullen needs to come back. Really appreciated the video. So that's my take on the whole thing. Well, you know one other take that's coming of this part of me here what other take that's coming up. This is people saying and sadly buzzsaw. I know you're listening check the listener Lounge. I have a question for you is the whole aspect of I'm not going to spend money on the game until it. It gets fixed. mmm, I I'll put it this way. I'll put it this way. If you are not going to spend money on this game. There are plenty of other worthy causes like a proposed daughter's fundraiser that's in our PA right now, you know, I still have the GoFundMe for Christy going because there's bills that are coming in that everything's not you know, everything's not covered under Insurance. Yep, you know, there's plenty of places. For you to spend money. Okay, and buzzsaw says I can always mention him. So all right Buzz saw, you know II beg for your consideration not to give this game up in that sense think of the enjoyment that you get from the game. Otherwise, you would not be listening to us. You wouldn't want to you wouldn't want to know the latest info on the game from see G. What do you flat-out won't be playing it and probably you're playing it right now while listening to us, you know. The developers are paid by essentially via in retrospect from what we spend on the game. They are putting out content and things like that. So, you know, it's their jobs that are on the line if there is not spending and I don't know did you know you do get Netflix down there right Scotty? Yeah, man. Okay. So did you see the last episode of Patriot Act bias on I can't remember his last name is on a nausea or something like that. Julian Assange. No, not Julian Assange know there's there's there's a show called Patriot Act and they tackled the world of video games and how Cutthroat videogames and videogame companies can be when it comes to the end of a Life cycle of a game people are sometimes dismissed right the same day that a game ships. Can you believe pouring your heart and soul into a game in the day that it ships? You're told thanks for your time. And that studio may never get another IP again. That's really really crappy. Now, the benefits of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes is that it is a living game. There are constant updates coming along now all the content that they were planning on putting out is right now probably taking a back seat to the fixing this fixing the issue that was brought up earlier this week with bulldog gate. Okay. Yep, there will be a fixed to the issue of cheating and I assure you that I will even bet this this very show Scotty right out from under you I will bet that there will be a fix I'm not going to say it when but I bet you that it's coming as fast as it can and content is now taking a backseat to it it and also for those who ask for a refund. I really wish that I was on video right now because I'm talking with my hands so damn passionately, but those Of you that ask for a refund and your and you are keeping those items that you used, you know, your gear 13 characters and all that. I hope those good taken away from you. If you ask for a refund because those people learned what they put forward, you know, you know, I'm not saying I'm not calling you out again, you know per cell per se Buzz. I'm not saying that that you are this evil entity of a non spender. I want you to know that. But I'm and I'm not going to shame you and I'm not going to put you in the stocks, but I'm going to admit I'm going to flat out say me personally. I'm disappointed in the people that claimed the refunds. Hmm because that's not right. They provided you a service now that service. May you know, you're not going to go into a restaurant and asked, you know, let's say you come into the restaurant I work for you get some wings if some guy comes along and throws the wings on the floor. You're not going to ask for a refund because some jackass did that hmm. You're going to say to the people. Hey, can I get some new wings? And we're going to make it right? All right, so other don't blame CG for the stupidity and joy Genus of other people. Yeah, I'm done ranting Scotty your turn. Okay. All right. Look, I want to turn the topic now and just look all finish. I'll finish on this and hashtag free mick mole. That's all I have to say. All right, look, you know moving on to the next thing and yeah, I agree with you McMahon with Miles talking to us as we talk to this as we do this and he's saying that he's all for delaying the Clone rework by approximately four weeks if that's the case. Yeah. If that's the case, then you know and he's actually away from the game for four weeks. Look I'm all for it as well. You know, I think that you know, all of us need to be in that situation there. So, you know, I'm cool with that. I'll want us to do that to make Bowl. If you're not back in the game man. It's not fair on you. If you're not back in the game in the reworks come it is not fair. All right now moving on to the next thing and yeah, yeah, a lot of people want to supply them with footage. I'm sure but But I'm gonna I'm gonna really quick. You know, I'm taking I got to go back to it for just a second because I looking The Listener Lounge when I go on these rants, I get blind to The Listener Lounge, you know, I need to get what's been building up off my chest and all that people are saying until they fix this they're not going to spend any money. Okay fine, that's fine. But asking for the refunds, that's where I draw the line if you're not going to spend until Till then that's fine. I'm going to still you know, throw stuff to the PVE content. That's out there. I can't believe I forgot this they have actually already started putting out things Scotty to combat this in the stead. Yeah. Are you aware of what it was? We had a problem with it now, I don't have so much of a problem with it. Go on. Do you remember what this well on talk to me? So as it relates to PVE content all of this gating the power gate you knew that I'm was pissed off about it. But now that I look back on it. You can cheat to your heart's content on your own client side. But you have to gear you have to spend time and gear to get certain characters up to a certain point so they were aware and they are taking steps to to Shield. If you will that end game content from people that shouldn't be having it. Yeah, because you need a certain GPI. You can modify your your your offense to your heart's content, but you can't fake a You're 12 bug true. Very true. Very true. All right now moving on and pull. I really want to move on from this now and I want to talk about something else which has been happening in the game this week and it's actually on my own account. Now. I was I've been having a bit of a private conversation this week with infinity and I believe you might be even in here listening. I'm just going to have a quick look to see if he is. No he's not. He's actually over in Europe so he can't hear it at this time point in time. But anyway, I actually had a little bit of Actually had a speculation that was going on and I was having a chat to Infinity earlier in the week. And he said to me Scotty. Can you show me your favorites? And I said yeah man sure he go. This is what I'm working on and he's like, that's really weird. Why would you be wanting to work on Darth Maul gearing him up and also sauvage oppress and also Darth Sidious and I said to him. Well, we're in the dark side territory battles at the moment and if you have a look, Three a probably three of the most powerful Sith that are going around inside of the the Clone Wars and I've got a funny feeling that you know, it's not going to happen yet. But if you want to see the tea leaves, I've got a funny feeling that we might even see sauvage small and also Sidious get himself some form of a rework. It's some stage after the Clones Paul. What's your take on this make because I've just managed to get them all up to gear 12 except for Sidious. Well, I mean, he's he's pretty much as much clone or Clone Wars content. As you know, we already got that though, you know, I highly doubt I highly doubt that we're going to see this, but I wouldn't put it past them, but Mall showing up. And you know getting that rework. I want to see spider Mall more than just standard Robo legs mall, that would be interesting. But we've already visited Dark Side. Well for that for that being said, we've already visit so because we've already visited dark side. Hmm, you know we didn't see Django get a rework. We didn't see a sausage in any of the nightsisters get a real see this is where I get into this point, you know that I feel as if this is what's going to happen mole sauvage Sidious will get the separatist tag. So that's where I'm actually thinking that we might see something happening here. So they'll probably end up getting some form of a separatist tag is what I'm thinking and they'll actually become great. Again inside of the particular territory battle The Dockside one because let's be honest. I mean sauvage mall and sidious haven't been really, you know to the to the point that they should be especially in Dark Side you would you'd want to think that your top three characters when it comes to and the most iconic characters when it comes to the dark side, which is Mall sauvage Insidious. You'd want to see those three. Three I get some form of something. I mean, I'm just talking really hear from you know, the point of view that I'm actually thinking and I'm shaking my head because for me the most iconic Dark Side Clone Wars character is Grievous. No, I think it's mole. I think it's mole from docs on we can agree to disagree on this one. I mean, yeah, we see mall, but we see Grievous more. Mmm. Yeah. Yes, and I and you know, I just I just feel I mean Dooku yeah Dooku we saw rework. Yeah. Yeah. I'll just have a feeling I just have a feeling that they are the ones the other ones that always looking at as well over on the Jedi fraction. And these are the other ones that I was looking at here as well. I was looking. At the likes of Mace Windu, obviously, we all think that that's going to come at some point a less secure. I was also looking at Armor Gundy and Kit Fisto. They're the ones that I'm thinking that you know are going to be getting some form of a rework at some stage. So there the other ones that I was looking at obviously the Clones we all know about them. And so I was looking at those but the other characters that I was working on this week to Paul is the Phoenix Squad now the reason why I'm going on the Phoenix Squad, Odd is because I'm actually working on a brand-new sort of a squad and it's to do with Kanan. Jarrus. I think I might need he's a to though to make this work, but it's something that I'm working on for Grand Arena and it's got something to do with him. So I'm looking at something to do with him in form of a rebel Squad. Yeah. It's a rebel Squad and it features Kanan. Jarrus. That's all I'm going to say for Grand Arena. So yeah, that's what I'm that's what I'm actually looking at there and obviously You know with the bugs full gear 12 ends aided Phoenix team can apparently counter the bugs to Paul. Did you know that? I didn't but that's hilarious that my that my my two babies of all of this game so far. Well now the droids because I added them last week, but it's kind of funny that my two main passions in this game are now can counter each other. Mmm. That's right. That's right. So definitely looking at the Phoenix Squad at the moment to try and finish them off at present to and then when I'm finished with that, I'm gonna go back to because I've already done all the dark side sort of stuff, you know that's going on. So I've been already done all that and you know for this this Clone Wars error, so I've already finished all that. So then when I'm finished with that, yes, yes. Yes. We're going to talk more about this with Mandalore a bit later, but I am working on gearing up my rose Tico Rose tick go to gear 12. Also amylin hold o Poe Dameron on looking at Bring them up as well. Now. Why am I looking at that? Well Mandalore and I can adjust it. So no. Well, there's that but man Dolores it's got to be episode. No Mandalore and I are going to discuss this a little bit later on in the show, but I'm not sure if you guys have seen his video yet, but this is a dead set cracker film yet fit under a fin leadership with rose Tico and Poe Dameron. Amylin hold. Oh, right. They can actually take out a Darth Malak. What? Yep? All right, go go to the break. We gotta get to this but first coming up after this break. We're going to sit down with Santos. And also with Denarius to of are very very good friends who just so happened to be game designers or former game designers will be right back after this break right here on the Escape pod cast. Hey everyone. It is the hearthrob of the outer rim your boy hours and you are listening to Escape pod cast with Paul Anthony and Scotty McLaren boys. I think I speak for all of us when I say you are hot you are red is Muddy Mayhem is the Premier remodeling service for the game that we all love Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes with some of the most affordable rates in the industry in the chaos Regal your roster from top to bottom and give you consultation on where to go from there. McKay's has a 100% satisfaction. Aren T and lots of useful additional services including a full cleanup of your mods layout Pages PDP plans and More contact McCabe today on Discord at all lowercase. McKay has numbers 0 1 to 7. That's Mi ke aaya s number zero. One two, seven rat McKay has mods at McKay is muttering Mayhem the official remodeling service of the Escape pod cast here their escape out of Wands. Groans favorite llama here to remind you that the Escape pod cast is on social media. That's right. We're on Facebook. We're on Twitter. So give us a like give us a follow and stay up to date on all things in game. And in the Escape pod, our account links are down in the description or on our Discord server in the Show links Channel. See you on the net. Everyone this year. We will hear from the planet Coruscant and the HST our project some of you may have seen my latest videos about my body and Grand Arena strategy and I want to help you personally. Remember to pissy weasel that's weasel with a z and check out my new patreon rewards and while they last the first 10 people to sign up at the $10 level will get the whole $30 package for their first month. That's slash biscuit weasel. Remember? That's what disease today the Escape pod. Denis the Escape pod cast around holotable and welcomed into the hollow Roundtable of the Escape pod cast now, you know, the topic has been as we mentioned earlier Bulldog gate everything is buzzing about that right now. And so we thought we would bring in some very very good friends of Scotty and I we have Denarius and we Zanna Tous, Denarius is Anna Torres are both Veterans of the Video Game World Denarius. Why don't you want you to give a quick background of your experience and what you do now? Okay, so I got my start in computer game industry in the 1990s PlayStation. 1 era did a couple flight simulators top gunfire. Oh will I did Falcon for for the IBM PC? I did Tiger Woods Golf for the the PlayStation 2 and then I moved into networking and lately. I've been working in web security. Excellent, excellent Santos, you know without naming names and stuff like that. Give us your background real quick. Yeah, I got my start in the industry just over five and a half years ago and just been working on various Titles since then. I've got a bunch of games under my belt some that are credited some that are not and I currently work for a mobile game Studio. Excellent, excellent. And so, you know, the reason we wanted to have you on is is not to not to point out the failings if you will because we were talking earlier and this is the reason why I wanted to get you on the Halo Round Table is that you guys both have solutions that you've come up with Danno you want once you throw one of the Do that you yeah, I think he actually did more than two. But yet a few that that could you know, maybe not easily maybe not right away fix this issue, but you came up with some solutions when we're like, okay, how does this not happen? Well, yeah. First of all, I'd like to say that it is not uncommon for applications and developers to have Solutions. Is that are not really security-conscious and that's why we here almost weekly about you know, some new hack on the Internet. It's not that the hackers are getting better. It's just that the developers generally don't think about the vulnerabilities that they're inadvertently putting in because they're in the solutions business. They want to make the games work. They want to make it the experience is seamless and as good for the users as possible and CG actually has done a very very good job of that in general. We all have our But in general they do a very good job of it, but as we've been learning recently, there are some vulnerabilities and the main thing that we need to be able to do to make sure that there isn't rampant cheating is we need to have visibility. Which you can accomplish through a lot of people talking about having client-side replays client-side replays. I know that it would be very hard to implement the client-side replays especially if they're shareable would show some rampant cheating it would probably actually solve about 90% of the problem that's being reported right now. However, people would steal cheat if they had the ability and replays where the only thing that they would verify it's just that instead of making there are guys in People they give them like a 50% boost to offense in the 50% boost to defense. That's the first thing they can do. Second thing that I think needs to be done in this would be controversial would be to ensure that for the combats while the combat is taking place that you have a continual connection with the servers. And that's so that the service can verify that the combat is proceeding as the combat should so When the Unis join the combat you make sure that they have the same settings at the start of the combat. Actually when you when they get Frozen you have the same settings at the start of the combat when they're frozen and locked in to the event and in the middle of the combat and at the end of the combat, so this sort of requires that you have a continual connectivity to the servers on the back end and of course, we've all heard impact on the Escape pod. Cast we've heard about the need to manage your turn meter and don't leave turn meter when you're not able to progress in the combat, right? It's all about the airplane mode. Isn't that right Scotty? Yeah, if you're continually talking to the to the server you wouldn't be able to do that in airplane mode, but in order to accomplish the same. Goal, you'd have to basically give the user the option at the end of the combat whether or not they want to post the result or whether they want to reset the combat to the starting condition, which is what you do. If you abort out of a combat music airplane mode and the third idea is paired with that where you have essentially this is a little bit complicated and I don't know if we want to get into too many details of it but in web security what you really We want to do is make sure that the client that you are talking to is behaving as you intend as the programmers intended in. The easiest way to do that is to have essentially shared Secrets the you exchanged between the clients and the server's and that way and they progress in a predictable way in a way that only the server can verify and I can post the details about this so we don't get into too many nitty-gritty mentors. But there are ways of accomplishing that in a way as long as you are in cooking connection over the over the entire combat. You can verify that the what's being sent to you isn't a replay of a previous session. It hasn't been manipulated by the client Etc. And in this is some of the same kind of techniques that the the bank uses when they when you sign in securely to make sure that you are actually the person that you say you are and you have the maturity level or withdraw that cash gotchas and Zenit. Oh, so you have some you have some input on this as well. My friend is something that has really divided game for a long time like constantly requiring an internet connection while it makes sense for the mobile space has historically been a point of contention. I'm email even developers and game so that would definitely be a an uphill battle for sure. But it is a way as was meant for to make sure that battles end in the same state that they started brot. So, I mean, obviously you touched on this a short time ago Dan, but you know, I want to I want to throw back to you if I can man because you know, I'm not Glorious for leaving turn meter. What are you? How can we get? How can we get rid of this man? This would be a change to the way that the client behaves because currently actually there's a lot of trust in Santa's can confirm this. There's a lot of trust put in the client and the client is programmed very effectively. That's basically we're almost all the logic is and they essentially trust that the client will behave as its programmed. And so Now but I think the way that they intended it is that if you engage in a combat and you fail in the combat, then you know, you should pay the price. You know, my just it's just my my guess on the game designers intention. Yep. And then yeah horse users are smart. They figured out, you know, the airplane mode that actually doesn't put the nose if it communicates with the server when you start the combat and then it doesn't really communicate with the server at all. Until you're done. So you suggesting we post all that comment and we've seen this in some of the raids, especially some of the longer raids where you can take one like the tank-raised where you can take one team from the very beginning to the very end, you know, after you finish sometimes you're like did my game Crash because it'll sit there for like a minute or two just blank screen and then finally he says Victory yay, but that's because it's spent the other spending those two minutes. It's really busy is basically Telling server. This is all the things that the user. Did ya got you that that's that make sense. Yeah, actually I have wondered how that why that did that didn't you Scotty? Yeah, absolutely. So especially in territory wars, man. So yeah problematic. Yeah, and yeah and after the comma is done go ahead and actually Dan hang on go ahead xanto's what was going to say, it's the same with TW it's the same with any mode because all of these like Dan said everything based based off client. Nothing is being communicated. They'll be a so, you know, any anything that you do in the game really is not going to be recorded until another server connection. So all of these game modes do the same thing and in particular TW the whole leading turn meter. One way to get around it as we all know is to just make sure that you either timeout if you've down Dan any more clear the app completely if you're going to lose that way you don't bonus load the TM for the next. And unfortunately unless they incorporate more Server Connection. There's just no way they're going to get around it because everything in the is happening all at the same time based server push it well, I you know, I Dan had been talking about the audit process though that could be incorporated. Is that true Dan? Yeah, that's true. So this is kind of getting into the nitty-gritty sort of my one of my ideas which is if you're communicating with the server essentially and I'm going to use some technical terms here. But if any programmers are listening, they'll know exactly what I'm talking about. So, for example, you could take with each of the unit's when you join TW you're supposed to be frozen. And you could actually store wouldn't take much space a hash of all of the critical details of that unit including what mods are running what the what the values are of the mods that you have attached what the levels are what the speed is all of the all the things that control how the unit behaves and you could store a little hash with that. And then when you join the combat you send that hash and you send the hash of all the units that are joining the combat and you send that to the server and that way the server can essentially ensure that what is being used is exactly what join the combat or join the the event in the first place and then you can also say as you're doing your exchanges of messages back and forth and these are different levels. Of sophistication, but you could have a predictable exchange. So basically you have some some secrets you can use this hash for example as a seed for a random number generator and would produce exactly a predictable number for the next iteration. So the server would be generating a new number and the server would expect a number. From the client and if the client doesn't produce exactly that number then you know, something fishy is going on so the waves then but then another thing that could happen is, you know a hiccup in a connection could cause a could cause a problem or you know bad bad transmission or whatnot. Yeah, and then the mobile space and this is a mobile application. They just have to be aware of it, you know. Dropouts and you don't want to have a bad user experience in that case. There are ways of accounting for that as well. But there again increasing levels of sophistication on this on this kind of a solution Gadget Zen. Did you have any any end-all-be-all that that you think could end up curing this disease if you will? well, one of the things that's being talked about a lot recently is a replay system know that a lot of people on board with that and I think that that would help in allowing like not not necessarily the developers in players helping police this sort of I mean basically what the response that we and so far is we use the systems use the forums Etc to report people that you suspect of cheat if we had a replay system allowed us to at least See how the battle went what sort of tunes they were using but sort of stats. They're wrong exactly which ones they're using again. That would help us know. So if somebody goes in there with a Jawa team and WAP swipes your Jedi Knight rather than team, you'd know I agree with that and I driving I agree with that and I'd love to yeah. Yeah, I agree with that and I also think too that, you know along the lines that we need to think about this as well is that you know, if someone's got a phoenix team and then taking out your Jedi Knight Right Reverend team or perhaps even your Darth Revan team will then that would be great. I'm not sure about our full replay system. I mean like I'm I support make moles theory on this and the thesis I do but having said that what would probably be easier is if at the very end, it actually just shows you what the teams were that they were using like, what would your much like what you see in defense where the teams are that? You've got to put those teams in you've got the five they're all is good. And then, you know exactly what they use then you can have Look at their mods and see what they've done. That would be a really stupid way tonight. However Yeah, what was that Zen way to do it that would be a simple way to do it. However, I guess I would just feel a bit greedy and I would want to see their strategy and get to learn new things that you know, maybe they take targets out in a different order that I didn't know was a better order. So I guess maybe the full replay system a bit of green but then I start to get greedy because you know, I then think you know, if if they allow me to see what the person did then Why can't I take a sandbox mode and all goes back to the sandbox mode because I want to practice doing that myself, you know, well, I don't know about that agree. Yeah, look call me Nakamoto good for that too. But having said that you know, I just think that the what would be much easier is just yeah, I mean the same goes for territory wars Grand Arena and even you know, well not so much Squad Arena because we all know what's going up against you, but when it comes to Grant when it comes to Grandeur, Gina and territory wars. Yeah, absolutely in that review process phase that we all go through, you know, then that's that's all we need to see is like, you know, one of the teams that they used against us. That's it. That's all we need. I think yeah any any any last I'm going to I'm going to go to you first Zen any any last minute things that you'd like to add in here because we do have to get to our incoming transmission coming up in just a moment. Yeah. Just I don't know. I am a great 9l everybody have comes with it. But as much as it is about it's also about fostering community that All share space and so we need to take him strapped to the users who are bringing us the general players. Even the guys starting out need to make sure that we're Foster Thrive and if we end if we could get some of these things implemented, I think we could Foster a people would build They don't feel the need to. Excellent and Dano your turn. Yeah, so I'd just like to say that you know, I love love love Grand Arena mode. It's just I think the best addition to the game. It's really into injected new life into the end of the game, you know, just engaging through chat with the some of your opponent's etcetera, you know, and so all of these suggestions that were talking about just help with the Integrity of the mode and I think helped me to better and at the end of the That's you know, that's all we're asking for. You know, we don't want to see you know, another we don't want to see a favorite game mode disappear because of you know, a few bad actors that they just ruin it for the rest of us. I agree Scotty anything else anything you want to throw in here before? We move along? Yeah. No, look, I think we've pretty much covered it all pole and guys, you know, I look I think it's yeah, it's definitely problematic. I think that we need to do a fair bit of work, you know the developers and also the player base we need to do a fair bit of work to try and stamp this sort of thing out and Scotty. It's it is all going to come down to us. It's going to come down to the player base. We have to band together. We have to make sure that we're focusing on reporting suspected cheaters and we have to band together to you know to be able to bring together an entire Community. We're hurt right now, but you know what? Let's not let this get us down. And let's do this as one team and that's Galaxy Heroes players coming up after the break. We sit down with Mandalore and we turn down for what right here on the Escape pod cast. This is Cubs fan, hon. And you're listening to The Escape pod cast. Hey guys, it's the meth here. If you want to hear more content from me. Please come over to my channel. It's never simple as that, but if you looking for me and you need to type something in the search best put in my full name. It's Neil Andrew. Are you can also follow me on Twitter Pom-Pom tastic one and you can find me on Discord never hashtag nine. Five one five. Hope to hear from you soon. Come on over and give me a like and a subscribe one, two, three Mama. What are you doing? I'm trying to count all the perks that Scotty and Paul give their patreon supporters, but I don't think I have enough fingers patreon supporters can get tons of rewards and plants. To start at two dollars a month. So wait, what comes after seven? Is it backslash The Escape pod to sign up the Escape pod cast Guild classifieds 27 squads one Guild joined the eye and zgc today as Galaxy of Heroes Premier Asia Pacific Community with Squad servicing, Australia, New Zealand the United States in Asia. They and said Gee see Help find the right fit for your play style and roster custom bot systems professional leadership and even nightly trivia than just some of the benefits of joining the ANZ GC. They've got territory wars squads completing against the best in the world and they gotv guilds earned between 17 to 30 Stars spots are limited. So you'd better get involved in it today. If you want to be a part of the ANZ GC recruiting offices are all in the major recruitment servers or contact Pines e, hashtag eight zero zero five on disk. Scored or head to our server to find out more God help me and join the ANZ GC. Hi. I'm Timothy Zahn author of thrawn and you're listening to The Escape pod cast this episode was recorded in front of a live studio audience. Escape pod cast for kids it's really cool. Hello that boys and girls and welcome to the Escape pod cast for kids with me than ever today. We're going to talk about non pillar farming. You see the pillar system never took into consideration the needs of a player for GAC and since Warriors most excellent update back in February there have been additions and updates to the game including a lot of reworks. What I'm going to do today is talk about What you should far if you haven't already got to it what not to farm. Why and what's a potentially prepare for for some of the stools just a quick note. This is all about farming from the Stalls lie side dark side and cantina nodes Farm as per the pillars actually scratch that there are characters. You should not be farming in Pillars, two three and four, but that's for another day the current Clone War theme running through the game has received. Resulted in every separatist. That was not already. Opie getting a rework The bug-zooka Count Dooku General Grievous IG all because of the Geo TBH dark side. Now, it would be very naive to think the same is not going to happen for gotv Light Side the galactic Republic have already started gaining new characters and reworks. We now have Padme and Shakti Andre works for General Kenobi Ahsoka and Jedi Knight. McKinley so when you think about it, there are a lot of Galactic Republic characters that are very likely to get reworks before the release of the G80 be light side. So let's talk about where you can get these Galactic Republic characters and the stores were they are available Guild store. Okay. So in the guild store, there are a lot of Galactic Republic characters. A lot of them. My advice is to go for the Jedi as they are likely to be reworked first beerus Kit Fisto. Ayala and I'm a Gundy of course. Don't Farm these guys until the priorities have been done, but I'll be amazed if these guys don't get reworked for the GW store. You should be farming luminara unduli after the priority Farms are complete. Of course from Fleet. I would suggest Galactic Republic characters that have ships. So any gr. Character with a ship go for those ones Cantina store has both Ahsoka and Qui-Gon Jinn. Now Ahsoka has already had her rework and she's available in the fleet store to once you finish farming the Cassie and Ewing Farm These two characters at once. I'll leave out the Guild of ink currency store because other than Hoda and 1 / you should not be spending currency on characters in this store. This brings me onto the most important store of them all Squad Arena. Once you've done the farming four pillars, one two, and three get Mace Windu farmed now, he's already Of the pillar system, but he's not a particularly good character at the moment. That's gonna change he is without a doubt the most powerful Jedi Master to not receive a rework. I think CGR deliberately leaving his rework until the end because they know his rework is going to change the matter if the devs rework sharp Point accurately, of course, well, that's all folks get those Galactic Republic characters farmed because like the separatists they are gonna be awesome. Don't forget To farm your Gio's for the Padme event low as that's all you need. Now before I go boys and girls. I just want to talk about the evils of cheating. Don't do it. It's wrong. If you don't want to burn in RNG hell forever. Then don't cheat if someone offers you a hack that promises you ever lasting Victory you let the community know are in Jesus will love you for it. That's all for this week boys and girls. Thanks for joining me. A for story time with the nerve on the Escape pod cast for kids. Hi. This is cipher Master s Bikram when you're listening to The Escape pod cast is Muddy Mayhem is the Premier remodeling service for the game that we all love Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes with some of the most affordable rates in the industry in the chaos Regal your roster from top to bottom and give you a consultation on where to go from there because has a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lat Diesel additional services including a full cleanup of your mods and layout Pages PVP plans and More contact McCabe today on Discord at all lowercase. McKay has numbers 0 1 to 7. That's Mi ke aaya s number 0 1 to 7 Grandma. Chaos mods at Mathias mudding Mayhem the official remodeling service of the Escape pod cast this your guild want to tap into their A full potential and Star Wars Galaxy if Heroes for as low as one dollar a month per guild member your guild can Unleash the Power of the game in ways. You never thought possible track your Arena movements Guild progression and much much more contact shitty Bill and get one of these shitty. Bots on your server today just look for him on our Discord server and tag or messaging for more information the link for our server is below in the description shitty Bots. Don't let the name fool. You will hear from the planet Coruscant and the HST our project some of you may have seen my latest videos about my body and Grand Arena strategy, but I want to help you personally. I don't remember to slash pissy weasel that's weasel with a z and check out and buy new patreon rewards and while they last the first 10 people to sign up at the $10 level will get the whole thirty dollar package for their first month. It's that's slash fiscal weasel. Remember? That's what disease today the Escape pod cast with Scotty McLaren and pull Anthony receiving incoming transmission. And joining us inside the incoming transmission for today. Well, we've got a man that's actually been turning down for what and he's also managed to get himself passed a thousand subscribers as well on YouTube just recently and he is probably one of the greatest people going around when it comes to content at present on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. I'm talking about Mandalore. He joins us now. Hello Amanda law, how are you brother? You are far too generous my Sir, my it's great to talk to you and first things first what Tambor you've managed to get him unlocked. How's he going? A lot of testing? He's a lot of fun. He needs to be a little bit less soft and he'll be right. He'll be right. Okay. Okay. So who have you found the combinations that he's working really? Well with is he going really well with the separatist tags or is he going so pretty good with other teams? He is probably my new favorite plug and play tune. He can slot in in a lot of different cups, Ron. Okay, so he's the new Grand Admiral thrawn you'd say I like and him more to the new permit Yoda. Yes similar and in so far as he can go on just about any team. It's amazing. Nice. Nice. And how have you found these abilities man? You definitely if there's a little bit of a learning curve, but I think I got it down. Now. I generally am going to throw up the taunt type of first just so I get a pre tan because it's like a Han shoots first thing you get a preet ongoing if you do that and then I'll do the weapon Tech. So I always do Tank Tech weapon Tech. They write a lot of people actually felt that the Wat Tambor would have worked extremely well. Inside of that separatist team, especially with nute gunray if you had any testing with him and how is he gone with nute gunray? I tested him on a bunch of different teams. I got a few videos out. Yeah, I don't like him on a GG team with both him and Newt. I mean that would be a lot of fun. But then you have to give up either Magna guard the tank or be to the dispeller or B1 the Healer. So I'm a little bit torn about that one still rod ik with Dooku. Has that have you done any testing with him? Yeah, I messed around a little bit with Dooku. I really like Dooku and want together because you can if you have a fast Dooku you can get the stealth up on lot and it's a little bit easier for him to stay alive. Yeah, at least a little bit longer. So yeah, I definitely like that pairing. I just did not totally set or sold on the rest of the team. Make up what you found though. Is that under a Jedi Knight? Revin team with hermit Yoda. He's just Salute tank and can take down a Darth Revan to Kearney. Yeah, yes. Yeah, he definitely slighted they're having basically to her many others on the team is actually really nice and then I actually throw the weapon Tech up on Jedi Knight ribbon and he actually turns into the main damage dealer which is strange but it works. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, not on the Grand Masti YOLO. He doesn't really make the turn into the huge damage dealer as well. You haven't tried that with GM y are taken by still or out perhaps or I have tried a little bit, but I've been also trying to put Grand Master Yoda with my Galactic Republic team because he makes that team just stupid. Yeah, so I've been bouncing back and forth between them. Yeah Rod ik mandala one of the things I'm really loving man is the fact that you know, like a lot of what you're doing is a lot of good theory crafting and what you've done recently is you've actually done Finn and visas lineup as well where they've managed. To go up against the solo Malik and win that is insane. That full disclosure was completely by accident. How'd you come across that with rice tico in there? She's become viable in a way. So I stumbled onto that comp when I was facing my guild leader in Grand Arena way back in the day and we just had the messiest. Sloppiest slugfest of a ga. I don't think either of us killed a team on the first go and I found myself stuck with this solo Malik of his and I think I burned through three teams and I'm like, you know what screw it? I'm gonna try Finn. You know what I'm going to try vices for that cleanse and the assist and it worked. I think that's a brilliant. Particular composition man that is Sensational. Have you tried it anymore? And you know has it worked again or was that just a one-off know I actually used it several more times in TW to clean up same thing other people had left solo Malik's the it doesn't work. If the Malik's tenacity is super super high, which a lot of people are minding their Malik's for a lot of tenacity. Yep the workaround That might be to throw a tune on there that puts tenacity down. Yeah. Wish if you can get tenacity down the stones will work and it effectively will work the same but I have not gone that far for try that Rod ik now look something else that I wanted to talk to you about is, you know, you've been doing a bit of work with ships as well lately and you've actually found a way to counter the Millennium Falcon Biggs lineup, which is currently the matter in the ship's Arena and you I've done it without any Rebels man. Like how long did this take you to figure out with the the tire slicer as Cubs fan hon likes to call it the houndstooth and other ships as well. So those actually I had had for quite some time and they were unlisted videos and I released them relatively recently because I mean everyone can beat everyone pretty much in Fleet Arena because everyone's got the what is basically The Meta So I just wanted to put them out there for public consumption. So people could see you know different ways to do it. It's not going to work the same if you're facing like a full Rebel seem as I think I have houndstooth in there on defense for all of them. So that obviously changes the landscape of it, but I just wanted to put them out there because yeah, you know, it's yeah flee to read is getting boring and The Meadows going to shift I think whenever negotiator starts coming out, so I figured it was just time to let them loose. I've actually had a feeling that it's going to be the malevolence which is going to change things up. What are your thoughts on this? I honestly thought that The Negotiator probably isn't going to be the next meta ship. I actually think it's going to be the malevolence. What do you what's your take? So I think that the negotiator is going to be the matter for whatever short period of time it is out there at malevolence has yet to be released. I feel like Level once is still a little ways away. I could be totally wrong. But that's that's my feeling. Yeah bout. One of the big things to I wanted to talk to you about Mandalore is the fact man. You've got over one thousand four hundred and fifty subscribers. You're getting close to the 1,500 Mark. You've managed to get a little nice little message from YouTube as well saying congratulations on that man from on behalf of the Escape pod cast as well man. I got to say congratulations to you. How did you celebrate that Milestone brother? I made a made a small video a short video with my fiance but then well, my fiancé is really funny and she almost flashed me on that video. So I put it out there thinking all this will be funny for the chaps and whoever to watch but then it got into the wrong hands. So I'm like, you know what? Let me just take that one down. Well, you know, I look I gotta say man you Definitely bringing it when it comes to content man. You're definitely the man I turn to quite a bit and that's no lie, man. I love watching your videos. I love watching your content. Like it's you know, if you guys were a fan of scale tricks. Well, this Mandalore is on par with scale tricks. And you know, I think man, you're certainly bringing it brother. So congratulations man. Well that is certainly high priest because Skeletor X is awesome. So, I don't know if I'm quite on Skelter X is level but I It you saying that all the same man, I think you are and 1,450 subscribers. Probably agree what they're not telling you is all the little Kickbacks that I'm giving them all. Yeah. Fantastic. Well, look guys, make sure you head on over and check out the mandalore's channel. And also while you're there as well go and have a look at all of the testing that he's doing with what Tambor at the moment the only content creator who's out there at present with what Tambor and Absolutely, loving all the content you are bringing as well. And especially with the gene Isis Dark Side territory battle to man. Like, you know, you've helped me out to no end you and make mole of certainly been helping me out quite a bit with that sort of stuff man. So thank you very much. Yeah. Cheers Mal actually helped me out a couple. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, he I think it was his new lead. Otherwise GG draws team that that made a tremendous difference from me and yeah, nice one. Nice one. Well, man. I love the fact that we all work together as one big team and it's it's awesome man to be a content creator alongside of you Mandalore. It's and made I'm honored to have you on the show today. Thank you so much for joining us on the Escape pod cast cheers. Thanks so much so much for having me again, man. You are. Them welcome stick around we're going to get into the bridge in just a moment Hello friends. This is Thaddeus from going nerdy and you are listening to The Escape pod letting my hem is the Premier remodeling service for the game that we all love Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes with some of the most affordable rates in the industry in the chaos rebuild your roster from top to bottom and give you consultation on where to go from there. McKay's has a 100% satisfaction guarantee and lots of useful additional services including a full cleanup of your mods and layout Pages PVP plans and More contact McCabe today on Discord at all lowercase. McKay has numbers 0 1 to 7. That's Mi ke aaya s number 0 1 2 7 Grandma chaos mods at We chaos muttering Mayhem the official reloading service of the Escape pod cast here their escape. Once everyone's favorite llama here to remind you that the Escape pod cast is on social media. That's right. We're on Facebook. We're on Twitter. So give us a like give us a follow and stay up to date on all things in game. And in the Escape pod, our account links are down in the description or on our Discord server in the Show links channel. So you on the net. Hey guys, it's the meth here if you want to hear more content from me. Please come over to my channel. It's never simple as that, but if you're looking for me and you need to type something in the search best put in my full name, it's Neil Andrew. Are you can also follow me on Twitter Pom-Pom tastic wand and you can find me on Discord never hashtag nine. Five one five. Hope to hear from you soon. Come on over and give me a like and a subscribe one, two, three Mama. What are you doing? I'm trying to count all the Perks that Scotty and Paul give their patreon supporters, but I don't think I have enough fingers patreon supporters can get tons of rewards and plans to start at two dollars a month. Wait, what comes after seven? Is it backslash The Escape pod to sign up and now time for Something Completely Shameless. This is your favorite YouTubers favorite Greek Americans struggle YouTuber from the greater, New York City area whose name has eight. Letters beginning with an h and ending with an ax wanna guess who tc-14. Come on Guess horsepower. Try again. Seriously. How do you know what just forget it? I was trying to get you to say hello Lennox get dumb Droid. Anyway, welcome back to the Escape pod cast with your hosts. Paul Anthony and Scotty McLaren. Take it away boys. I have a Droid to disassemble. These guys and welcome back to this edition of The Escape pod. And yes, we are in the bridge which means if you guys have any questions and you're in our listener Lounge live with us right now go ahead and throw them up on the on our on our listener Lounge chat room, and we will get to those those as we can absolutely pull and Max got thanks, mate. Yeah, I can tell you do you want guys want to weather report from Australia today? Do you want one? I'll happily give you one. Here's the our weather report for Tamworth today partly cloudy with possible raised areas of dust this afternoon extremely windy outside tops of 12 degrees here in Australia with areas of possible snowfall above 1500 meters for Our morning and overnight low of minus 4 lovely. How about that? So you're getting snow? Yep. No. No, I'm gonna translate this for for the Americans. He's getting Dusty snow. Yes. Yes, but not possible areas of rice dust that just tells you about what we're in we're actually in the well, I guess you can say in probably the Biggest drought of all time and going on over here in Australia and they're actually shipping water in the places to guys. So it's pretty full on over here raised so but raised dust, yeah and snow. Yes Dusty snow Dusty snow. Exactly. So we're gonna get a dusting tonight Paul love it. Also, I want to say a big shout-out to Xylo. Look we love this guy. He is one of our favorite content creators going around he is Is someone that means a lot to us, you know Xylo he's very close to it or we love the Padawan that he's got the young Padawan. So look make sure that you go over and say get a desire low give him a like give him a shout out. Yeah, that's right. And you know, absolutely Sensational we love Xylo take down. So please guys show share your love and show Xylo some love today because he certainly needs a little bit of love and make look. I look forward to having you on the chat on the show and a couple of weeks time brother. I can't wait to speak to you man. Absolutely. Fantastic. All right. So Paul we need to send in a shout. I'm going to jump in go for it. Yeah to egress gamer. Yes. We got a definitely shout out your grease gamer. He he welcomed a little Padawan into the world. He's got a great story. If any of you listeners ever want to hear a great story of somebody who is one hell of Of a human being a ski Grace about I mean life, you know, he's a great Storyteller. So what welcome to his welcome to his newest Littlest one. Unfortunately. I forgot the forgot the name. I don't have it pulled up in front of me. He Grace, but hopefully you'll forgive me for that one. Yeah, absolutely. Lots of little padawans out there at the moment. Well done a grey Sky my congratulations mate. Hope mom is resting well as well and Hopefully Elliot Graham. There you go. Happy happy birthday to Elliot made. It's good to see him as a part of the part of the Potter ones. I guess you could say which is fantastic and you know, look mate seeing as he's name's Elliot look, you know, I just thought that I'd say Elliot he can keep that for et. So that's why it's good. I'll tell you this Scotty Elliott's actually in this this kind of goes back to what I was saying Elliot is an homage to another name ask him for the story sometime. It's awesome, right? Okay. All right. Well, we just got a question in from shifting 19d. He says do you think that the throne books will you made in the movies? Well Shifty I kind of hope so but to be honest, I know what I've Got a Feeling we all know what's coming in 2022 and that's going to be Knights of the Old Republic got a feeling that that's going to be the movies that going to be coming Paul. They just said Old Republic now with that being said the first thrown book was made into a comic book. It was made into a graphic novel. Yeah, and I strongly advise checking that out. If you're not into actually reading find thrawn's origin in the Delray timeline by checking out that graphic novel. There was also a question posed by Sir boss 37 are our guy who goes after the big names. He asked bone-in or bone out and the correct answer for why? This is always bone in bone out is just chicken nuggets. I love it. I love it. I love it. Hey, also guys wanted to send in speaking of Sir boss. You know, I wanted to send in a shout out if we could to our patreons Paul. We got to shout em out man go for it. Let's go through the list who are the big story big people want it again? Yeah. I'm ready for doing it again with the last week. I'll do it again do it again. We got us all the time a shout-out to the hedgehogs in AA again. Okay, I don't sit here and watch the patreons. I'm not going to be that creepy patreon, you know person but most importantly happy birthday 10 pool. Oh, yes. Shout out to the entire show without without wishing them a happy birthday. Yeah, and we got Adam we got dang who we got. So be we got Charlie we got Dan. Oh we got Dan. We got Daniel. We got David. We got another David. We got David B and David em, we've got Derek. Grace we've got Gavin we've got Heinz e, yes, the man we as of last week Ian Crown. Hello Ian crawl in just in yes. Now, we've got Mohican. We've got John we've got John O Caden, we've got we've got Kurt Deadpool Kyle. We've got Michael a newbie gaming Ali the Llama The Zed. Yeah Savage Diva Uber. Mm-hmm, are you about and and most of all the one the only the heartthrob of the outer rim your boy or is it Ron? Oh, yeah, we love the has everyone loves the house and yeah big shoutouts to all of you guys and look without you guys the show definitely wouldn't happen and I can tell you that's not just with our patrons, but also all of our listeners we love each and every one of you and thank you guys for being such a big part of the show and look Paul before we just Is yeah, this is the most people I've seen currently listening to us live. I mean, I am amazed and I thank you very very much from the bottom of my heart for you guys tune in it. Yeah. Absolutely, man. I could not agree with you more on that and look Paul. I also wanted to send in a huge shout-out actually if I could to Helene X-Men we love from Lennox. He's a good guy and he's definitely someone that you know, you should go I should go over and check out because you know, he someone that is very very dear to our heart. Otherwise known as the Greek on here and we love you mate. Well, I think you're a great guy. So thank you very much brother. Thanks for being a part of our show, man. We absolutely love it. So thank you bro. No, yeah the no matter with what what happens with Scotty and I the Greek colonics United Without Limits you guys have supported us. Thank you for all that. Yeah, and This time appreciate you guys absolutely man. Absolutely could not agree with you there man more on that. That is Sensational. Alright. Well look up Paul. I think it might be time man that we get out of here brother. I think you know, I'm I'm getting a little bit claustrophobic in this in this Escape pod, man. I think I think it's time to leave. It's a different Escape pod for you. Hopefully you can find the button but if you do Scotty push the button but if you find well, where is the button pull if you hit it on me again? No. No, it's got It's okay. I see it Scotty just here, right? Oh, there it is. There it is. Here it is. What's going on? The future not this work. This ship will self-destruct in exactly counting down. Hello friends, this is Thaddeus from going nerdy Escape pod cast was filmed in front of a live studio audience full of tweaked-out murder Bears shit, boo, boo said the dog
Coming up on this week's edition of The Escape Pod... cast. We are forced to updated our clients, why... Oh yeah, we gotta talk about THAT.... We sit down with two game developer friends of ours to talk about.... THAT. We channel our inner Lil Jon when Scotty and Mandalore SIT DOWN FOR WAT! after Mandalore is one of the first content creators to unlock him. And we will talk breaking news, as and IF it happens right here on The Escape Pod... cast. Join our Discord channel and listen to the live recording of each episode at 7:30 eastern / 4:30 Pacific every Friday night / 9:30am NSW Australian Saturday. SPECIAL GUESTS:- Danarius, Xhantos and Mandalore Mandalore - To support the Paul Anthony GoFundMe for his wife Kristi: Mikayas Modding Mayhem:- Get in touch with ShittyBill for some of the best BOTS in the game. HELPFUL RESOURCES Guild Classifides:- ANZGC -   Hynesy#8005 on discord.
For the last 26 years. I've been rocking stages playing in clubs and having a lot of fun as a DJ and turntablist. And in that time I've seen and learned a lot now it's time for me to share that knowledge by answering the questions that can help. You become a better DJ. I'm DJ t11 and this is the Sheridan College podcast for DJ's today's podcast is brought to you by bands Jules. I think the title on the flyer was something like the influence of digital DJing, but basically I want to talk about the influence of technology to the DJ culture and DJ in this case. I'll use my personal experience to go through some of these technological Evolutions in DJ and I know it can be a polarizing topic sometimes every time there's like a new development. You'll hear people say DJing is dead. It happened with some of the equipment that we have right here. It's all fake now and we all know that there's a lot of people who talk a lot of that stuff about DJ's with Hours, which in my opinion is absolute nonsense. So to all you control a DJ's out there use what you want to use and don't listen to any of these old sour DJ's who feel that they have the right to tell you what real DJing is and what isn't so that's what a base want to talk about. But I want to give you guys a little bit of context by telling you my personal experience anyone here familiar with me. See that's good to know. My name DJ name is DJ tlm. I'm a DJ from Amsterdam. I've been DJing for 25 years. So in clubs festivals private events stuff like that. I've been at or DJ for 21 years. Now meaning that I DJ for an artist and we've done over 3,500 live shows in the last 21 years. So basically as a 2d gel on stage, I'll provide the music. I also do backing vocals. So I'm wrapping with the artists. Splat them selling rap artists out absurd amaz, walk or brain power and in certain tracks, I'll do scratches most of the times before we start our performance. I might play a couple of tracks just to get the crowd height before we begin. I'm also a mixed a DJ that reminds me. I have props. I just brought this along. This is my first mixtape series that I did my first 10 mixtapes, but just to illustrate This is a cassette. It's a little carrier that has a bunch of tape inside and this was used to like I said distribute music you can record music on it and play it in a cassette recorder who still has a cassette recorder. Okay, you go want something that's more than I thought. Okay, that's pretty cool. Yeah, that's really cool. I like that. All right. Yeah, I still have like a full container of tapes some are like tapes from artist. I used to listen to but a lot is just my own stuff and like I said a mixtape DJ I still do mixes. But of course, I'm not doing them on cassette anymore. Now that mixes will be done digitally and I'll post them on Soundcloud Mixcloud whichever platform will allow my mixes to stay up. That's Always an issue as well besides I mix a DJ. I've also been radio DJ. I've gone local radio. I did host a mix shows, but I'm mixing live on radio did that on local radio? And on the Dutch national channel five through eight radio five through eight juice. That was the name of it. So mixed a PGA Tour DJ Club DJ radio DJ and I spent most of my time now actually producing video content. So if you're not familiar with that, I have a channel. On YouTube called the JTL MTV and that is all about educational videos for DJ's where I try to talk about anything from techniques to the business side of things ups and downs that DJ's go through try to keep it real honest because a lot of DJ's will show you their highlight reel on Instagram and everything looks great, but that's not the real life of a DJ so I try to share all of that. So I started 25 26 years ago something like that. That was my start as a DJ at home. Anyone here just a DJ at home or are you all playing in clubs and places already? bedroom DJs Birthdays, there you go. Yeah corporate parties. Yep. So for me, it was exactly the same thing. I wanted to DJ. I knew this is something that I would like to do. I bought my first set of turntables and that was a belt drive set. So not something fancy like this here, which is a direct drive turntable, which gives you lots of power and speed but a belt drive turntable that when you started you have to like wait before it begins no pitch slider, but you Have a little pitch wheel, but you have to turn to change the pitch to maybe go faster or slower. And if you wanted to see if you were playing as zero, you have to look at the lights and the lights were aligned that you knew you were playing at 0 so you have to do a little bit more work to make everything work. for props You know what? This is right. Have you seen this? Thank you at how old are you? How old are you 11? See my oldest son is 11. I took this to his class half of the kids have no idea what this was keep that in mind and a couple of years will be saying the same thing about the CD and they'll have no idea. What a CD is either. The secrets on their precious actually really about it. Alright, so this is basically for me a visual aid to tell me what a starting point of a certain track is. So in this case, I have no idea if everything is working already. So let's see if there's anything on Phone. Oh, which channel one is all phone? Oh, no, I don't hear it yet. You know, I'll let you figure that out until we have sound. So what I was talking about when I started is we all have to deal with DJ's that will try to tell you that there is a certain way to DJ to call it real DJ, especially all the DJ's that will try to convince you that the only way you're allowed to call yourself a real DJ is if you play with this or at least started with this which in my opinion is complete nonsense. The reason I started with turntables is that was the only choice we had. So this was not like a personal choice like all this is my device now. I'll tell you I did fall in love with it. It is my favorite device now, but at that time that was your only option you have turntables and it is working. There you go. And you had to go to record stores to buy vinyl if you wanted to play music at home. Oh why you have it in the screen as well. There you go. So we take this back to the beginning take it off 45. In this case. This sticker right here is pointing right at the needle at the part where this begins and what that tells me is that if I bring it back to this point, I'm at that beginning again. So that was a visual aid when we were doing tricks so that you didn't have to use your headphones every time you want to go back to the beginning. You have your stickers. Now, I'm not going to do any real turntablism right now because I'm also a turntablist what you might call a Scratch DJ, but if I do that I would not put the turntables like that. I would put them right next to the mixer. We're perfectly fine. I'm not doing a showcase anyway, so this is this is good. So that's where it started for me vinyl. I'm turntables. Like I said not something like this some old turntables. It took me a year or two before I was able to upgrade to the classic techniques. Sl 1200 this case the mark 2 turntables and I stuck with that for a long long time really enjoyed the feeling of it. But again, I didn't really have any other option. This is what we use now. Like I said, I want to talk about the influence of Technology on DJing but not just playing as as a DJ, so you probably all record your own mixes at home or most of you will you're probably all using your computer. I'll take it back to the tapes. When I started. This was my only recording option. I had to record to tape at that time. When I started I was just like recording live mixes at home. So I take one side of the tape 30 minutes or 45 minutes just do some freestyle mixing when the tape was done. The side was done. I would stop I would sit down and I will listen to what I just recorded and I will kind of critique myself. I never had a mentor I had to teach myself. Of how to DJ luckily I drummed for about a year when I was 14 so that gave me a good sense of Rhythm which really helped me out when I started to DJ. So I was not familiar with the terms beats bars or anything like that, but because of drumming I somehow naturally knew how to mix a new one it sounded right I knew when to start mixes, but I have to practice so I recorded I would listen and then I will record again and I will do that for hours and hours and hours. Now if we take a look at the next second technological step when it comes to going from this to other formats, of course after that you have stuff like CDs and that you were able to earn on CDs. But before I went there I use a different medium called MD anyone familiar with the minidisc. Yeah. It's it only existed for a while. It's basically a small CD in like a square container. It was popular for like two minutes and then it died again, but because of the newer technology and my case that MD recorder I could still record my mixes, but now I would record them in higher quality and I had like a digital recording instead of my analog tape, which I had to produce and reproduce over and over to get my tapes out to the street, but you got to look for now. There you go. That's it. Now, it looks massively right there, but it's like this big there you go MD players like portable players, but the cool thing is I didn't have a normal MD recorder. I had a four-track MD recorder which means I could record on one track and then I could play that back and record something else on a second track and even use a third and a fourth. So in my case I could record a mix. So let's say you One track into the next and after that I could layer some scratches over it as well. So for me that technological development allowed me to be more creative look when you're limited as far as your equipment, it does spark creativity because if I take it back to the tape deck I used to do crazy stuff with my tape decks. I used to make like edits where you would record on tape. I would record a couple of bars of beat then I would hit pause then I will grab. Next record get it ready and I would practice the timing to let that pause go again. So it will start to record again play a different beat and if you do it just right you could make your own pause button tape, which basically you can do in like 10 seconds on your computer now and it took me like a couple of hours to get it right but it did spark creativity. So that's what I like about limitations. But at a certain point, you can't go further than the equipment will let you so that MD already. Let me do a More than my tape now, like I said CDs, I've never been the biggest fan of cdjs or any CD player and your own has always since the beginning since the very first one try to convince me and I would miss straight away. They are great devices, but I was so in love with the feeling of the turntable the moving platter that I did not want to move away from that but we did start. To implement the use of a CD player. I did not use this CD because I prefer that way of DJing. That's it. What's this the one? Yeah, this one opens up, right? Yes, sir. That that that has happened in the club. But like I said, we didn't use this CD because we prefer it over the turntable, but it allowed us to do something we couldn't do before in our case. This was in the era when downloads were first starting to come into play. And we had like Napster and LimeWire and there's a couple others the name. I forgot the names I don't even know yet because I was probably there too. It's probably all around the same time, but we would find new music that was not available on vinyl yet. We would burn it to a CD and we would play those quote-unquote exclusive tracks from the CD player. So again taking advantage of new technology to basically enhance our DJ sets. Because we wanted to play that new music and if you're only relying on vinyl you have to wait until the record store gets the songs and record stores did not get all music. I'll tell you one more thing taking it way back to old school. Now. I'm not even going to I don't have an example. You don't have to Google it. We used to have video cassettes. And I used to record a program on TV called yo MTV Raps and sometimes they would have songs that we didn't hot not have on vinyl yet and all mixtape number two right there in that Row the Beast side starts with a song that I played that I recorded by playing it from my video recorder because I wanted that song all my mixtape. So I just played that video recorder let that play the first song and then from Vinyl I would mix in the next track. So the CD definitely had some advantages over the vinyl at that. Point so we definitely took advantage of that now if we take a leap forward and we go to devices like this and that case it was the CDJ 1000 and that is where we definitely did our first like partnership because at that time we were recording an album. This was a group effort to DJ's two MCS, and we wanted to have some of our own vocals scratched into our song. Song so I wanted the option to scratch those songs. The CDJ 1000 was there you don't make sure we have one so we could use it in our studio sessions and we would let the MCS say some stuff on the microphone. We would burn that to a CD and then I was able to use that in the studio sessions to actually scratch with their voices. So again, even though it wasn't my favorite device it allowed me to do something I could not do with my currently. Woman and that's the thing for me. I feel any time. There's new technological developments. You have to just see I think for yourself. Is this something that could help me out. Is there something in here I can use because there's always new equipment and half of the time it's not interesting for me, but it might be interesting for you and vice versa. Of course sometimes stuff will come out that I'm in love with and you might look at it and go I'm going to do with that. So it is all about your personal preference. But I like to always take a look at whatever comes out and up until this point every new development. Allow me to do something I wasn't able to do before now then we get to something that's very dear to my heart and that is not just DJ software but using DJ software as DBS does everyone know what DVS is? One okay, DVS basically means digital vinyl system. It is a tool that allows you to play the music that you have on your computer. And you can control that music by using special vinyl or special CDs. So in my case, I use the special vinyl and that vinyl only has a control tone on it and that tone goes into an audio interface and that audio interface goes to your computer and it tells the DJ software. Okay move the song back and forth when I'm moving it back and forth. The reason I love it so much is it allows me to play with my favorite device this right here the moving platter, but I don't have to bring all my vinyl. I can bring songs that are not available on vinyl and the DJ software also had the options that you have all a lot of these new devices. So things that are probably simply to all of you like Loops. That's something I used to have to do manually when I had my vinyl Are they both connected just to see I mean I have this is what I used to do. I had two copies of the same record. There you go. Now mind you the setup is not in my favor. Luckily. I have long arms. It's like I've played I played in clubs where I did what I'm about to do where one turntable is there and the other one was here and I was sliding back and forth. Like I was on roller skates trying to make that work. So normally you would move your turntables right next to the mixer, but what we used to do if we wanted to Loop something. We need a two copies of the same song by the way. All right, you have controllers you're familiar with a crossfader realize that for a lot of DJ's who started like for me. My first mixer did not even have a crossfader. That was not really a thing yet. So I had a mixer that only had two channels. No EQ and just gain that's what I learned to mix on you. I like one knob that was not eqa only did like high or low so you could change your sound a little bit with that was not really great and no crossfader. So even the development of like cross faders that were actually in the middle of your mixer not like Old School dot that mixes that with this big and it would have the cross-strait on one side of the mixer in the middle and even later on like special scratched mixers, like pioneer has their S9 and before their djm 909 mixer which was specially made for Scratch DJ's, but I digress let me go back. I have the same record on both sides if I want to make a loop. I have to play one side. So that's a lot of manual labor. You really have to physically do that. That was the only way we could do loops now. This is a lot of fun. So I love doing it. I still do it even I'm playing in clubs, but there are points when you want to have a loop to do like a mix so you have one song it has that special part you want to use that part to mixed into the next song. You're going to need to put it on Loop in that case. I can't use this technique because I need to mix my next track. So devices like this hat loop. I think the CDJ 500 already have Loop, right? Yeah. There you go. There you go. So even that Loop so using Something I love to use I was falling behind when it came to certain situations same thing when I was playing at a festival and I was still using real vinyl and a lot of these were you can see DJ and this was a big stage, but the the whole stage was pretty Hollow not solid. So when you're playing with vinyl you get all the rumble the feedback. So I needed more volume. I have to turn it up and everyone's looking at me like what's this DJ doing? Because the next guy comes in with on cdjs Bang. Volume and it makes me look stupid when it's not really my fault. So the limitations were there but I love that feeling so when we got the DVS, so using your turntables with DJ software, I could now still use my favorite device. But now I also had all of the extras so I could loop I could see everything on the screen. I could easily search for tracks. I did not have to bring all my crates of vinyl for me. That was like the ultimate Solution to all my problems and it allowed me to be more creative. Today's podcast is brought to you by bands. Oogle benzoyl makes it easy to build a stunning website for your music and minutes. You can choose from hundreds of mobile friendly themes and then customize your design and content in a few clicks with bands Jewels easy visual editor know all the features you need for professional website are already built including tools to sell your music and merge commission-free mailing list tools to grow your fan list and send newsletters and integration to Pune. Content from all your online services including Twitter Instagram and SoundCloud are used bands oogle to create the share the knowledge podcast website and that was very easy bands who will plant started just 829 a month and include your own free custom domain name. Now, if you want to try it out for free for 30 days click on the link in the description box down below and be sure to use the promo code share to get 15% off the first year of your subscription now to take you back to what we work on like we looked at each other like every once in awhile, there's a development and a lot of especially older DJ's will say This is complete nonsense. This is cheating. This is the death of DJing. I remember when I see DJ came out a lot of vinyl visas were like you can't do that. That's like sacrilegious. This is real that's a piece of plastic all nonsense, but that's how people viewed it. You have heard that many times. There you go. So you caught hell from a lot of DJ's who are like, what are you doing? I know you was vinyl DJ. What are you come to tell me now? We're going to play with CD. What's up? Yep, you know what nine years later. 99% of them are using sync now if there's anyone in here who would like to have a discussion with me about sink. It's not going to happen. This is a discussion that's been going on for too long where you have a lot of DJ's that might look at you with a controller and be like, yeah, you're not a real DJ you sink you let the computer do everything. I've heard that a million times as well using my DJ software with turntables. They see a laptop in there like you're not these A the laptop is doing everything well. My first reply was always like okay, that's that's cool. You feel that's doing everything so Is that laptop making the song selection? I don't think so is the laptop choosing when I do my transition from one song to the next I don't think so is that laptop having the interaction with the crowd that's going to be you. It doesn't matter if you're using a CD or controller or vinyl or DVS. That's you. That's What Makes You unique as a DJ. That's what's going to give you your own style your song selection the way you interact with the crowd. How you mix records we can all in here everyone in here can take the same 10 songs and we can all mix those same songs. The mixes are not going to sound the same. You might use your EQ different than I do. You might start with a special loop at the beginning do something different than I'll do it. So that was never an issue to me and especially the sink that's people still talk about this. I mean sink has been around for a very long time though. So every time we get one of those developments, you'll hear people say stuff like that. You killed vinyl. I mean vinyl still around you can still buy my mean as a club DJ. I don't think using real vinyl if your best option because a lot of music is not available on vinyl vinyl is still here same discussion with needles you have new technology. Now that will allow you to use your turntable, but you won't have to use your needle you can put a little device in the middle on top of your vinyl that's going to tell your laptop exactly how the vinyl is moving so you can play DVS style, but you don't have to have a Idle on your vinyl. You killed needles. I've heard this forgetting about all the vinyl lovers that we have out there who are actually collector still buying vinyl who will always need needles. I use DVS, but I still have 15,000 pieces of vinyl. I need needles to play that vinyl even if it's 20 years from now because I'm never getting rid of my collection. So I'll always have needles so in my opinion technological developments are something that can be good to spark new creative things. A lot of people unfortunately don't take advantage of it and they're deejaying very basic. That's why for a lot of people they view new technology as something that's taken over and is had a bad influence on DJing. I can't really agree but it is a fact that a lot of people take this wonderful device right here with all of the options. It has they'll put in a flash drive. And basically the only thing they'll do is go to their hot cues of they're prepared songs and they might use a loop every now and then and that's it when you can do so much more with it now. Luckily. We were talking about Laidback Luke for instance. You have DJ's who actually use their equipment and Chucky when you start you let you know like he Was how to work that equipment and I've personally always try to look for the challenges in new equipment. Are you familiar with Red Bull freestyle? It's a DJ competition. It's been around for I don't five six years something like that. It's basically a DJ battle meets DJ competition. So it's not like a scratch battle, but every DJ gets 15 minutes in that 15 minutes, they have to perform for a crowd. They have to let that crowd dance and they have To use at least three or five different genres of music and they can use all sorts of equipment now that will push the boundary and now you see DJ's coming out preparing their own edits using tone play. I don't know if you're familiar with that. They'll find one piece in a song and they'll use that in different tones using like for instance on the controller using tan plate. What's it called? No, but like with Pioneer on the control, you can also like used if using a different Keys. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, but that's the thing. You can be very creative with what's out there. That's what I love about it. That's why I'm a fan of the new technology because every time you see something new you're like, hey, okay that No, no, but that's the thing. Not everyone uses it but people just assume because they see my laptop or see your controller that you're probably using sync. But even if you were using it, there's nothing wrong with that. I would advise who plays with sink in here because my only advice to anyone playing with sink is make sure that you also know how to beat match by ear just in case you run into a situation where sink is not working or if you're going to play a set of old soul and funk We get some of this food. Yeah, but for instance if you use if you play a set with soul and funk that's not quantized music. Those are live musicians. So those drums are not 100% steady. Sometimes a little bit faster sometimes little bit slower sink is a bad idea. It's not going to work. No, so at least be able to know how to beat match by ear. So you can choose whatever you want to use. Yeah, look if we're going through the whole let's say the timeline. I was just going through I've had failures starting with this could be a scratch on the record. Record messed up, but you didn't see it yet. You're playing in a full club and all of a sudden or they could be like a speck of dust on your needle and all of a sudden your needle just get goes all the way across that record. Yeah that can and will happen. If you're using some type of CD player, if you're still using a with CDs, I've seen plenty of DJ's why CDs that CD might be damaged that is not working. I've been in clubs where you had cdjs Yes, and they were not treated well and certain of the buttons were like sticky or just didn't work at all. You were hitting start and it's like okay, you know, yeah, like really like people have pour syrup on it and but something can happen, you know, that's why I don't drink anymore. I want to be safe in the booth, but these things can happen or a crossfader. It's just damage. So even when you move it to the Decide you're still hearing that side these things can happen with any type of equipment or you have sink and you hit sink and nothing happens. If you don't know how to match the Beats by yourself, you could be in serious trouble. So that's basically I always try to get this message across because they get a lot of questions about equipment and especially beginner DJ's who get told by other DJ's that you need to start using cdjs because what you're using is not good. Or you need to start on vinyl. Otherwise, you're not good. So just please I mean probably most of you have been playing for a while and hopefully you don't pay any attention to what people are telling you if you're happy with your current device use that if you feel you're getting the most out of yourself using that device use that but keep your eyes and ears open to see what is being developed because like you said like the dynamic analysis, I didn't even know about that. Yeah, but it's so that really it. Liza's the whole song and it knows how to BPM fluctuates. Yeah measure, and it does that for you automatically. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. See that's exactly what I'm talking about. I DJ's who have spent hours weeks mutts using Ableton to take all of these old soul Funk records and warp them to make them exactly fit the beat with right. That's a lot of work because they wanted to use those tracks and I didn't want to go to the trouble of actually staying on point with that mix so they would do that. And now you have a development that will allow you to not have to do that if you want to use Choose sync and just touching one more thing. And if anyone has a question, let me know right after this. Like I said, I've also touched on a little bit about recording but as a DJ nowadays, especially if you want to move beyond the bedroom, it's also important that you're out there actively promoting yourself. If you want to do more gigs technology has made that a lot easier as well. I used to spend four nights a week standing outside clubs with Flyers actual physical Flyers at the end of the night to make sure I gave everyone a flyer of one of the parties that I was organizing myself because I wanted to create my own gigs. I've started to do parties, but you have to go out there to promote now. I can go to Facebook and I can put in 50 euros and it'll go out to more people than I could ever reach in front of that club. But also recording your mixes now, you have it a lot easier than it was back then getting it out there Distributing. It is a lot easier also for a lot of DJ's. I don't know who's producing as well and here. That has become a lot easier as well. I mean you still need to have the musical talent, but the amount of equipment that you used to need at home and I started like way back when I had like just a Commodore Amiga and like the little sample thing that goes in the back and using a fast track or software that you can only like Loop stuff with now I can make 10 times better beats right here my phone and take it home and then finish it in the computer and I can post that on SoundCloud. Voice is now even with SoundCloud if you use SoundCloud Premier that will distribute it for you to iTunes Spotify. You name it? I just tested that last week and I took four of the Beats. I do a lot of Beats that I give away for free on Soundcloud just for mixed practice and scratch practices, but with SoundCloud Premier you can now also distribute and I did that with forward to beats and they're now on these are Spotify title Apple music you name it? And premieres like I think it's like 10 euros a month. I mean that is a difference because of the developments the the threshold The dimple has gotten lower. It's easier for everyone to begin. You don't have to go out and spend a lot of money to buy vinyl to start DJ. I know DJ's people told me like I saw them this week. They weren't a DJ yet. I saw them in the club next week and they were DJ because I had a flash drive full of music. I mean we didn't we have to go through that process. So it's a lot easier now so we have more DJ's but how many of those DJ's are actually either talented or have the entrepreneurial skills to promote themselves. So yes, there's a lot more so that's why it's even more important as a DJ to be unique and to stand out and we really have to see ourselves as a product and use more of a business mind to make sure that we get ourselves out there. So that's just the change of time and I'm not saying that that's great. But fact is it's not going back to the way it was so we have to live with that change and find our own path. In that that's us that's that's every DJ can relate to that. Yeah, you can't go to a club and enjoy yourself is there's a bad DJ if you're just standing there having fun talking to someone and you hear a bad mix your ears going to get up. Yeah, but that's that's the burden we have as DJs. You can't really turn that off. Yeah. It's Most definitely we all have that yeah same thing. You can probably hear there's like a DJ mixing within the first two or three beats. I can hear which song on it is and I'll say it to someone else like that song. Look at me over you talking about and then when the mix is done and that track comes into looking at you, how did you know that like, yeah we can hear. well, that's I think I'm cursed in the same way because if you want to be the most successful, you have to focus on that public and not on other DJ's but as we love our craft, we still value like the respect from other DJs and not just other DJ's I have respect for the art form so I could not like Perform below a certain level it would not feel right to me. And to be honest. It's no fun to me. I mean, it's real easy to take a couple of tracks and just do play every song. That's the hit just make the clean mixes and that's it. That's no fun to me. That's not why I became a DJ so I always want to make sure that I'm playing in a way that still likes my passion. But of course your number one job as a DJ is to rock that crowd. So it's actually a challenge to make sure That you can still rock that crowd and at the same time put something of yourself in there. And even if there's only a most of the times it's going to be like only three people in the crowd that actually see the you see what he's doing because most people won't notice most people that go to clubs are not really checking what you're doing. So same thing for me when I'm busy like you see one or two of these people from the sidelines. The rest of the crowd not but they're looking at you like that's that's it. But I'm not just doing it for him. I'm doing it because that's that's what makes it fun for me. Otherwise, I wouldn't do it anymore. So I feel you. So that's what it's all about for me and I get this question like more often and I can understand why people struggle with it like if you play You want to play stuff you like but you want to make sure that the crowd is having a good time. You have to find that balance. I could never I've told people many times and for every DJ this is going to be different. I cannot play songs that gorilla. I cannot play songs. I don't like I can't I respect DJ's who can like you have mobile DJ's wedding DJs that will play in front of crowds and they will have to play. Every type of music they'll have to play Van Halen to France Bauer to Drake and you name it. So a lot of respect - that's a hard job playing all of that for me personally, I can't do it. But I have to realize that with the choices I make I'm going to either limit the amount of gigs I can do or expand it in my case. It limits the amounts of gigs. I can do. I don't play every type of music certain songs. I will never play. I know if I play everything I can get more gigs, but that's not why I did this. That's not why I'm still doing it after 25 plus years. If you kill the thing that gives you that fire, then it's over and I've done certain gigs corporate gigs where I was just sitting there after the gig like this was horrible and I decided then and there. Okay, I'm not doing these types of gigs again. I got paid probably five times as much as I got paid in clubs, so money-wise. It was great. But the feeling it gave me that was the first time I didn't like DJing I was like, Okay, I got to stay away from this even though it pays five times as much if I do five of these gigs, I don't love DJing anymore. I'm not gonna let that happen. No way to be honest like in this day and age, I don't DJ and clubs as much partially because I'm really focusing on all the video work I'm doing but also because there's not a lot of gigs that appeal to me like a lot of the most popular music now especially here is not me. Isaac I really enjoy so I won't enjoy playing it. So again, I know I'm limiting Myself by not doing it, but I have to follow this right here. So I'm not playing as many gigs as I used to play just because of that but even if I don't play in a club ever again, I'll have this and this and that at home and I'll still enjoy myself at home and I'll make my money some other way, but I will never never never allow anything to kill the love that I have for. This you will come across the our skis cases where you can say, you know, he well in that case like you had to go through a lot of music and I've done the same thing. Like I said, my oldest son is the same age as you are for the last five years. I always come to the school to DJ on the last day of school. They have like a little barbecue. And before I was there they would like have a CD playing 10 times in a row same CD. So you hear the same songs 10 times so first Year, I was there I was like, hey, I can take care of the music. That's okay. But I knew this would be these are kids from Age 4 to 12. That's not my normal demographic and I spend a lot of time downloading all the kids stopped Winters and all sorts of songs only to find out that they requested at least like 50% of the songs. They requested were not songs that I had there. So now we have technological developments coming in once again, and for the last Three years. I've been playing there with a controller. I use software called DJ by algorithm. Why because they have Spotify integration. So I'm not even spending one minute to prepare songs. I'll let them come up and they can request anything Spotify will have it 99% out of the times and load it in and play it but at that gig I don't feel it is about gay because I can flip that switch and no this is for these kids. I see the fun. They're having they give you great feedback and I'll let him tell me what do you want to hear? Okay, and then I'll DJ it in my way. Request songs I've never heard before and I'll scratch those songs in and then play so I'm still having my fun. But again if it wasn't for those type of developments. You would have to spend way more time to then do something and it's still not working. Same thing with vinyl. I spent plenty of gigs where I came in with three crates of vinyl. They told me it was going to be hip hop gig. I came in go through my collection take out all of these hip-hop tracks three crates full of vinyl and then the entire crowd was basically not hip-hop. We don't have that problem now anymore. Oh so different crowd. Okay, I'll go into a different folder stuff like that alone is enough for me to say I love the developments and I don't want to break my back anymore with crates. Anyway, you know, I mean nowadays you see that DJ spinning track for like 20 seconds, which is absolutely ridiculous. You'll hear the intro and then I'll go to the next song but I mean if you do it as like a intro but I've seen DJ do that like Ten tracks in a row because that song oh, it's gone again, like wait, wheres the song like so fast now about because I was playing hip-hop and R&B. That's basically especially during the high part. You play one verse one course next song. So yes, the song will play for maybe a minute and a half. So we needed a lot of vinyl. And now I have all of it in in the laptop. So yeah, that's that's so that's basically it. That's what I wanted to share with you my personal experience with just how technology has influenced DJing and I feel you can still be a great DJ and I think it's only better because everyone of you has the choice to use whatever they want to use and if you feel vinyl and turn the tables are the way to go they're still available so you can play that way or you can play this. Way and even if someone wants to use just a laptop. I mean, I'm the only way I look like this is to meet that would be no fun. If someone wants to use just a laptop and they can rock a crowd. More power to them it will never be my choice. But yeah. Well, that's that's why address it in the beginning because I saw everyone's using controller. That's why I mentioned it a couple of times like don't let people tell you anything about it because it is a fact you have in certain clubs. I don't know in the Netherlands, but I know in the u.s. You actually have like certain clubs and certain events. Would it not where they're like, no controllers. I've seen events where there was like not an open mic, but open DJ event. You could come and play on the flyer. No control. So there's a definite bias against controllers still which to me is absolutely ridiculous. That's what I love about Red Bull freestyle, which I mentioned because they allow anything like last year kipske from the Netherlands from the draft. Actually. He took part in that as well two years ago and he came in and he had one turntable and he had a synth and little patch Bay and using something totally different like one. Turntable in Old battles, that would be like no no. No, you can't do that same thing that you can now with at the new DMC you can use the rain 12 controller they allow but at certain events and at certain clubs, they'll say like I think there's one big Club in the UK as well as digital DJ tips that item about that a year or two ago. They would not allow controllers as well. That's it's absolutely ridiculous to me. I've seen a guy do like a real scratch set with two tape decks. He had them open and he was moving like the wheels back and forth and it sounded great. So I'm like whatever you want to use. Yet and on top of that. We've all seen probably plenty of DJ's using the most amazing high-tech equipment and they sucked so You know, that's all I can add to that. We've all seen that so it's not about the equipment. I've seen DJ's who could not mix. I know one guy. He's not a real DJ, but he back in the days in Paradiso in Amsterdam. He sometimes used to DJ. He was the host of a radio show and he couldn't mix so he didn't mix. He just dropped it every song. Kill that party because he played the right tracks. So every new song was a bank. Okay, no makes you just waited for a while. And of course at the right point so after a hook, Next what killed it not a single mix in his entire set so he could have done that with a tape Deck with a turntable with a CD player wouldn't have mattered. The technique would have been the same play go but that was way better than what I see some guys do on this or like we just discussed before I started people who are just play back in there set, you know what it is. I totally agreed that I would never do it. But then again if you compare it to artists who come to perform, but their playback in their show to me, that's the same thing like if I pay money for an artist. I want to hear them sing or rap and not the album. I can listen to the album at home. Thank you. Thank you guys for coming.
Welcome to season 2, episode 5, brought to you by Bandzoogle. Try Bandzoogle free for 30 days: Use the code SHARE for 15% off your first year. I talked about the influence of technology on DJ'ing and the DJ culture, using my own personal experience. Feel free to jump in the comment section and join the conversation when you see a question that you can answer.
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I want to get right into is your upbringing because our childhood our upbringing really influenced us to be the person who we are today. Can you tell us a little bit about your upbringing and how your childhood molded you the person you are today? Yeah. Sure. So I'm originally from Nova kind of so I'm more of like a hybrid child. So my first 10 years of my life, I lived in Nova and then the second half of my life. I'm going into college. I lived in Virginia Beach and it's interesting when you talking about, you know, share some perspectives because my childhood compared to some others may have been very different but I learned very early on that. I can't really complain and I think if I really get deep deep into my childhood, you know, we could have like a three-hour conversation, but I just give you like a lot of the key points. So my dad actually left my mom we when I was 2 years old and he left because he and he was actually and he still is a fugitive running from the law. So it was pretty sudden and I remember going Like I just never knew what my dad was and I always ask my mom. My mom would tell me that he's working which you just tell me something. I don't think I rationalized that my dad was gone until we moved to Virginia Beach when I was like around 10 years old. I think that's when I could really rationalize that thought. So my mom was a single mom pretty much raising me until I would say year after my dad left her sister came down after she graduated physical therapy school, and she was taking care of me. Now my childhood. This is kind of where it gets very morbid and I'm just gonna be very honest with y'all my mom would work. Monday Wednesday, Friday Saturday Sunday for 12 hours in Annapolis, Maryland and she would commute from where we live where I'm living now in Woodbridge area to Annapolis, you know during those work times and even when we moved to Virginia Beach for seven years after he moved to Virginia Beach, she would travel from Friday to Monday still working in Annapolis. So she was very hardworking just to put food on the table. Now, I was raised by my aunt and I always could feel that I was you know, I felt like I was the thorn Her side, you know and whether you want to admit it or not, you mean because of the why, you know, Asian family, you know be there for family when my dad left my mom and my aunt knew that they kind of needed each other so I could tell that and I found out later of course that I kind of put a damper on my aunt Clans and I think for the first 15 years of my life, I was her punching bag so you can kind of guess where that is the leading. So yes, I was unfortunately I was abused pretty bad. Child now, I can you know victimized myself and talk about how you know, that was bad. I mean, I'm my aunt used to tell me to lie to my mom and you know when I've had marks and when she pushed me down the stairs when I was bleeding and she just you know, she would tell me some you know fucked up shit. Like, you know, if you if you loved me you would you know, tell your mom that you just fell down the stairs and me being a little kid. I didn't really know what that meant. So I just did it and it was interesting because even we know going into Virginia Beach, you know still getting abused and I still was more aware but there was a point to where Child Protective Services been involved and just like a whole Fiasco of all this and even at that I remember on my mom. I mean I had the decision my mom and my mom was like, you know, if you testify against her we're going to live in poverty and she was like, you can either you she gave me a choice. She said you can either wait until you're 18 deal with it and you know mold yourself and grow up and once you're 18, you can break out or you can choose to live in poverty. So pretty much out at that decision. I was around think I was in fourth grade. Grade and that's when I really had that decision of like, okay, what am I going to do? And I ended up just taking this to stay abuse because I'm like, well, I've been doing it for this song. I don't think it's going to make a difference and pretty much just to sum it up because I don't really want to talk too much about this topic is, you know, people like that they go two ways and for me, I I think as much as in this terrible that is that is for me. I taught me how to survive and my entire life going up into that point was survival. I remember when I used to watch TV Um, I wasn't allowed to it and you know, I'll have a system set my hair the garage door open, I would turn everything off of run downstairs and make it look like I was in school and it is just it was over survival ever since I was young but I think I never complained because I had the luxury of traveling grandparents or you know traveling with family and I just always saw people who were in the worst, you know, I would hear about people who are doing worse and they were happier. So I if I would look at it and be like the work they can't complain and as bad as my life is compared to the people. At I knew at the time but I that means I can't complain and it was just always a little things like that that I think that really molded my upbringing just because it was survival and me always having that primitive mindset weather survival subjected to some people but to me, it was just getting through the day. I allowed that to really just teach me how to live and I became very self-sufficient at a young age and very independent and it just kind of made me in a sense. It did make me become very unsympathetic at times just because I knew what I was going through and different Theology of people. You know, just maybe like what do you have to complain about but I mean, it was always just survival survival survival. So yeah, that's that's a very deep story and I really appreciate you sharing this story with the audience in the hearing all that. I can only imagine the emotional struggles the mental struggles you had to go through with your father then you're on but one thing I realized when you were talking about all this you develop a I'm a Survivor kind of mentality instead. I'm the victim. Which is a great mindset to have because when you fall under that victim mindset, you don't want to really do anything and you like constantly calling for help. But when you're a Survivor you went through and you're like I can show people how to go through this which is something I really appreciate that you're sharing with us. And you also have the perspective of oh, I'll let people had it worse and that actually makes you a lot more happier. In fact, I was a reading from psychologists that if you're like really grateful for your situation and think wow. I could be in that other person's situation, which is worse. Then you're a lot more happier, which is what I believe like something that helped you through all those situations, which is fantastic. Was there any like specific moment in your past that developed that mindset you have today would you say I was I was able to thing's for sure. So I went to the Philippines and O8. Okay, and I was once again, you know when you're traveling at a young age and kind of take it for granted and I'll be very Very honest I took it for granted because I was one of those kids that you know, what escape from the world and of course we can have crowd that to my childhood and a lot of other stuff because from basically all in middle school. I was home-schooled. So going into High School the social awkwardness was at all-time highs a rest in peace, but pretty much what I was traveling in the Philippines. This is the first time I experienced true poverty. So my my grandma she came from a rich family. My grandparents came from a very poor family and when Visiting my grandparents like area this is the first time I really saw like kids, you know who are in poverty just in poverty and it was interesting because it wasn't necessary to kids that were sad that got me. It was a kids that were happy because I was looking at them and you know, I was thinking about you how blessed I was and at that time I was a little kid, but the it hit me and it's I'll never forget it when I saw these two kids just playing around and trash but they look like they're having the time of their life and for me, it made me realize that you know, that's there. Reality, you know they may see the city of Manila because it's right there but in the day that their reality is that and they don't really see problems, you know, like we in America see problems, you know, I mean like they're finding happiness and there's definitely struggling but the fact that in that moment, that's what I saw it as just that really hit me even when I was coming home, you know, really strong myself. I don't have an excuse. There's nothing to complain about and for a second thing just to add on to that and I could be as As a parent as possible because I feel like they're more honest. I am I feel like the better off they'll be I've been diagnosed at a lot of issues going up added masses speech impediment. I had to get that, you know fixed second and third grade I was held back in kindergarten twice because I had massive social anxiety. I developed clinical depression at age 12 don't really knew I didn't know what that was until you know, the of course high school and middle school and I started developing all these thoughts and I think you know, if I didn't tell anybody any of that, you know, that's what you're talking about. The whole Survivor mindset, you're right because I never let that Define me. I remember all these people would tell me what I could and couldn't do you know that, you know, we have clinical depression either to tell you that the depressions always going to be there the thought of suicide and Death Becomes normalized to you and if you aren't careful, then they can take over and then put in a split second you lose control and you know kill yourself. So for me, I just every time I would you know, go do something like that. If someone would tell me and Define me, I just, you know, realize even getting the college, you know, I'm still alive. It was just always be very interesting because I've had all these these problems put on me. Now. I have a lot more to I just don't want to I don't want to tell all of them but at least the major the major ones are there and I think it's just very interesting because it's not necessarily those moments specifically but in those moments and upbringing it allowed me to just not complain because it showed me the power of the Mind the power of your mindset and you know really is like, you know, you don't want to make something the reason why you can't make it happen. In you know, you can't say. Oh I have this this is why this isn't happening. Of course. It's also subjective because some you know diseases and some things you really can't control but for me, especially when it comes to the mentality mindset the I tell people all the time that you know, if you're not right, you know in your head you can have the highest success, but you still go to sleep with yourself, you know, I mean, it's just you you people forget the impact of themselves. It's a get to impact them to happens on their mindset and really what it means to be, you know, healthy in your mind maybe Physically, and I think that's one of the things that I always, you know, hold myself for is just being able to be mentally strong and just trying to be as honest as possible just because it whether it's with myself or whether it's people it just is not helping anybody honest with you everybody else and you're definitely not helping everybody if you're not honest with yourself to so that's very true. I actually do it being honest with yourself because if you're constantly like lying to yourself, you're never gonna truly grow as a person because You like? Oh, you might even develop like a ignorant or cocky mindset because of because like I'm already that good. Anyway, why should I do it now? Yeah be looking at yourself in the mirror and like what can I do to get better in a way and I really like the story about how you travel to Philippines in it brought back a mindset. Like well that enforce them is even more like I can't really complain because even these people who have it way worse than the or enjoy their lives. So why can't I enjoy my life and I also really have to thank you for telling us that you know things your At an early age. In fact, I have a podcast episode before talking about suicide prevention. I really encourage anyone in the audience who like are going through it may vary their native mindset to be open about it and be honest just like how a house is being really honest to all of us just that Honesty to yourself and to all your friends can really help you grow as a person and I really thank you for that Alex. I want to jump into a little bit more running to the Future a little bit maybe a couple of years ago for are you but you're in school you're in college and you finally decided I want to pursue my passion. What was that back to a defining moment? What was that defining moment in college every like, wow, I don't want to do this anymore. I want to actually throw in all my cards and pursue my passion was that moment so I can give you like a brief like to three-minute background of like how long the Ronan has been in my mind ever since I went to college I pretty much told myself. I'm going to Wipe everything away. So I took every conceivable picture of myself off social media and I decided to stay completely in silence because I knew I was working on myself on everything. I did in high school. I kind of wanted to lead that past behind going my freshman year. I thought I knew what I was doing and I kept as one of those people that kept switching majors and I think this feature scared me not because I didn't know what I wanted to do, but it was because I didn't feel like I fit in not necessary to college but Until what? I was studying what I'm trying to when I mean when I was trying to go in my upbringing I realized that you know, I felt I just felt like people were moving forward and I just wasn't, you know, freshman year. Everyone's telling you that like, you know, it's very unlikely for you as a freshman get an internship and I was like cool and I know everyone that I knew got an internship. I was only one and you know by junior year. I didn't even have an internship going into junior either. So I was just like dog like what is going on and you know, I kept telling myself. I remember with my old roommates my A group of friends there is I want to say there is five or six of us but just go is no those there was there was five of us and we would always just watch YouTube and I you know back and I've actually used to make YouTube videos way way back then like I'm talking like 2009-2010 and I just always liked creating and it was interesting because I had a couple like a large videos and I just never kept up with it, but I think the whole realism thing and even just like me, I think I just said valued privacy so much. I just didn't know how to create without feeling like my privacy would be an almost non-existent junior year, I would say going into junior. It was Mother's Day and keep in mind. I was I mean I was I was going to do the same thing. I did every year just like okay. I don't really care I care about I don't care enough to really care and at that time I had a camera and I bought it because I knew were going to be other side making videos if I go Cooper friends and for some reason I was just always afraid like I don't know why I bought a video Hammer, and I took photos with it like you could it was just as things that just didn't make sense was just funny and I remember Mother's Day 2017. I was on my way home. It was like I was like less than 5 miles away. And I remember seeing a lady run a stop sign and unfortunately I was going straight and and they split second. I you know, watch this lady T-Bone me and instead of me trying to Veer my way off and save myself for a very Split Second. I kind of looked at it. And I was like, well, this is it and I was you know, okay with dying for that Split Second, but I think something kicked in or someone or something kind of pushed me to take the wheel and you know human I did intervene and I ended up, you know walking out, you know unscathed but even then like after you know, the paramedics came and everyone was like what the hell happened I should have died to be very honest with you and I think that like really woke me up with it was the concussion or whatever. It may be something woke me up and told me that Died chasing what I want and live thinking of what would have happened if I did and I think that was my defining moment. And I remember me and Malik were friends, but me and me and Malik he we just were shooting videos doing stuff together, but we didn't really take it seriously until I got day and it once that day I said I this is what we want to do. I'm about to work. I'm gonna get what we need and then he's like I'm working he's gonna get what he needs and then the second we get back like the Ronin starts when we get back and junior year is when that pushed really started figuring out, you know, No, like oh my God, are we gonna do this? And it's still me bad things with my mind, but that's really what started it. It was me getting hit by a car, which was very unfortunate. But I think just that is was a reality check because you know life is so short and you know me being suicidal when going through those types of you know, dilemma is whether was in the hospital or whatever have you I just didn't want to have that mindset again when I didn't have that much better because I was hundred percent like feeling the depression and of something I was always I see what this was a different different type of depression because you know when you're young, you know, you're trying to get that freedom and you're 18 and I have control and I think that was when I realized, you know, I have control of my life like one of my complaining about and I think that's when you know that me getting hit really opened my eyes and yeah, that's really what that's what initiated, you know, the push and initiated the motivation and I think from that point on I never let it you know, it was just was never a option for me to not make it tells a great story. It's hard having that. As you could if I'm only because it's like your life flash before your eyes and I One phrase I believe in is you don't live to you dial it all so I guess you didn't live fully until they happened. He's like, well, this is how I should control my life is how I should live with him. It's amazing. But um, this is being a lot more personal kind of question. And I don't think like your past is really defined you some think this you probably tell me you wouldn't change anything. But if you have the opportunity to change something about yourself, Asked what would you change? So I'm using tell you this right now, you can answer you can ask me is the most personal questions out there and I'll be a hundred percent honest with you and it's just because this Clarity and with transparency it hits people differently and I've been through enough to where I don't care to hide anything like I guess that's that's just me so you can get as deep as you want man. I got you. But so for that question, I would say honestly nothing and now the only reason why I say that is because you know, even in business, you know, everything happens for a reason You know what? I tell people all the time that I like to expedite the process of failing and I say that you know, because I look at it before is like my biggest nuisance is damn I would fuck up and I know I mess up and you know, just I don't know what's going on. But you know, I became the person I am today because of what happened now could have happened a little bit quicker probably but I feel like everything has its own timing, you know, if I would have met Sam last year. I'm sure we would have been making a lot of money, but I'm also sure that we wouldn't have been as mature about this. That we're doing right now, you know and if I was you know to do YouTube in 2009 and have been blown up because I was getting slight traction then when I be who I am today, probably not probably one of those arrogant people that you see online who you know, socially awkward don't know what to do when he's with people and just be very very out there in front of a camera and I just I can't complain with the life. I've had you know, and of course I could I wish that it was quicker sure, but you know everything happens for a reason I've talked to the people and I've I've met some awesome people because of timing, you know, a lot of the business decisions connections our stuff has been because of timing and I what I don't think I would trade any of those situations or anything currently at all because I think it really shaped my mindset to where I'm at now and even just influence decisions because you know, a lot of these big things happen because I said yes or no, and I don't know if I could live with myself if I didn't get to experience a lot of things that I've experienced that's that's the possum mindset. It's I Someone told me that no matter which choice you choose. You're right because you never know what truly happened you chose the other option and I really want to live by that quote because like sometimes if we don't choose anything at all, we're going to lose both opportunities. So this is kind of leads into my next question. In fact why you think people are afraid to take that leap of faith to truly do what they love? Oh, that's a fun question. I think it's just because people are people are afraid. And it's definitely right to be afraid but then people also aren't honest. We live in a generation where social media has conditioned us to live a certain lifestyle. It's feasible to what we want to see me know if and I can go deep into perspective of marketing which is why we're really good at it is because I understand things for what they are and some of the opinions exactly what it is social media when it came out was has been a platform for us to connect but how come in the past 10 years. It's impossible for people to realize the power that they have under the in their fingertips on top of that. They don't sell. Know how to live life outside of it. You know, I know people who are conditioned their entire life to make it look like they're having a better life than they actually are and especially that's very true when people get out of you know college they look at their Instagram or like oh that's dope and it's just like oh, but you also got to remember that they work, you know 50 hours a week. So that life that it looks like they're living really isn't a life that they're living at all and when going into that kind of like mindset people are not necessarily afraid. I think they're just wonderful. Not exposed to it, you know, so that's why we one of the things that I really push our my you know, my guys as you know, you can't put a price on conversation. You can't put a price on experience and it's been very very true with my upbringing is the level of impact that people who are huge have been able to just talk to me for five ten minutes or sometimes hours at a time and people just aren't exposed. I don't really know what's possible people think that starting a business because it's assistance like eight out of the ten businesses fail in the for your business cycle. They don't really want to know how things work. So they just listened to people and they listen to things and that defines their perspective and you know fear to me is is just ridiculous to some people because even as people why are you afraid and that you would be very very hard pressed to find people who've actually done their research, you know people who have been able to go out of their way and create conversation and connections because navigating this world and succeeding is so easy and I'm not saying that because from the standpoint of trying I say that from the standpoint of methods the ethology of you know success is put your head down and work and if people ask me for the secret sauce, I'll tell them straight up just put your head down and work and you'll figure it out because when I look at people I see so much potential when I look at you know, the say I'm looking at you I see I think this podcast has you know, the series has the potential to do so well and you know, there's little things of course that you can change and there's little things that you can do better but it's just like you're going to figure it out and you have this is your Pastime and you find joy in this and know it gets bigger than awesome. The thing is you got to remember that you tried and you did it and you know, you may have not made it in your eyes, but you're making it right now because this time last year maybe two years before you're probably thinking about doing a podcast you probably enjoy talking to people then you just took the first step because you're like, oh maybe I wanted other people to hear other people's perspectives. And you know, like I said, like, you know, you're gonna grow to figure out what this becomes on a deeper level. It's just asked if you trying and a lot of it because we're in the DMV not a lot of people have made it here. And you know have been able to give back. You know, I've talked to a lot of big people in La people in New York and a lot of successful people leave the DMV because the DMV isn't supportive one of the things that we for some reason I just never understood is why we're not supportive of each other or the people who are doing things differently. How come when someone's doing something differently when they're serious about it. It's more of like a joke, you know, it's like, oh you're going to fail. Oh you should do this. You should do this and you know for me, I remember some of my friends would tell me don't drop out. You know, you get your college degree. Because on that and I'm making my money than they would in the next 10 20 years in the first year me doing that. So to me, I'd be like, why would you tell me that you know, why would you not support me and support that? I'm smart enough to know what I'm doing and that's really the big issues support. But then it's also a skimming supporting those fiber for trying to give back to students and give back to people and going around schools and empowering them because I don't think people really realize how much power is at the plate. It's it's you know, the power of Google the power of social networking. It's not a social media platform is really a social networking platform know I can at any point reach out to somebody easier than I would have. If you know, I you told me to find the celebrity, you know, 20 years ago. It's just would be possible. But now they know they wouldn't have applied. You know, of course is the chances for them to reply as a little to none, but it doesn't mean that you can't grow yourself to have enough value for them to reply and looking at it from that perspective of understanding. That at the end of the day business is still people-to-people interaction as it does not has nothing to do with if you have social leverage if you have social capital tones, again Leverage is everything to do with if you can carry a conversation, you know how and what value you bring to them and then can you maintain the relationship? That's it. And because we as a generation are so bad at communicating it's so bad. Like it's absolutely terrible. We hold ourselves back and we're afraid to believe that we're capable of more than we are and that's very frustrating for me because me doing this so fast and say I'm the same way and we didn't make any excuses and it wasn't really that hard. There was no secret sauce people actually underestimate how intelligent they are. We underestimate how much we actually know is a generation and it's just very interesting talking to people who are afraid and I tell them all the time. You have nothing to be afraid of, you know, I think I talked about this at the blank meeting but I was talking about how sometimes the biggest risk is not taking one at all. And that's something that's extremely true because I know people who are 28, you know. Seven doing the same thing. They do every weekend. They don't have any direction or any Clarity on what's happening in their life and they're just so afraid to take the risk, but your 28 dog, like what is going on? And of course, you know, we have time, you know, I have a couple million are Partners who became successful from 38 to 41. The reality of it is is that you know, you have to really have that time and Clarity and just know that sometimes trying is not as bad as not doing anything because at least if you fail you can spend a year failing, but you also have a year year of experience under your belt for you to know going into the next year what you don't have to do and I think a lot of it is support. I think a lot of it is, you know, just in case incumbent in the Asian Traditions, you know, the Asian culture and I think that in itself is I don't want to say it's toxic but it's also not healthy to us because I know some people who are you know, trying to find them self but they're partying every weekend doing all this on their parents dime and then they have the audacity. Talk to me tell me that they're doing it for their family. But I'm like, how can you be doing this for your family when you're spending all their money and you don't know when you're coming out of college. And then what you want to do like that to me is the ultimate sign of disrespect or how can you tell me that you want to do something for family? And you know, you're going to kill yourself trying to figure it out. But then you are losing yourself in the process, you know, if I meet you in five years from now, you're not going to be the same person. I met in college. So it's like that that weird understanding and perspective like, okay I did this for my family. I'd so my mom straight up and I said I've built too much momentum for me to not to stop and even the process of me dropping out. I told her straight up I said you can disown me but just know that I'm doing this for you and if I drop out and I succeed then you know, if you tell me you love me because I'm your family. Why is my love? Why would you love to me be conditional? Why wouldn't it be unconditional? And if you really love me then you know what I come back, you know, they should be like nothing changed and I'll take whatever key that you take but you can't stop me from doing what I know is right for me and then eventually my mom she's my biggest fan now, but eventually she opened up and she was You know, I was successful, you know, she's a very successful marriage. She's been doing it for 30 plus years. She told me she loved she says the luxury for me to be able to find my passion and try she didn't have that being in a traditional household. And I think that she doesn't she understood that you know, she can't expect me to do the same thing and expect a different result. No matter how smart I am no matter how different the world is and to me I always tell people you know, a lot of us is Asian Americans we have to understand that it's a cycle know to me it to me. I see it as a to three Duration cycle get the first generation that comes in and they sacrifice. So that's my grandparents either. They came up with nothing. They spoke their language. They figured out how to navigate the world and they knew they had to sacrifice to build something for their family. My their children are the ones who are going to Define what happens to the Next Generation, but their children is kind of where we are right now, like a lot of my friends want people that I've met in college. We are that second generation. We are the ones that were going to Define. Are we going to be Progressive for corporate tomorrow and Corporate America tomorrow? Are we going to be a part of this statistic that 85% of American take their job? So we have to as a nation and as a culture and as a race have to Define for yourself. How powerful and how deep are we going to get to this? Because people don't actually know that the value of an Asian Dollar in America is higher than any race in America. So how do we take that work ethic and that drive but we don't apply it. So let's apply it to our passion because that exact drive that everybody in one of my friends have all my friends have I put that on my business and look where we're at right now and a lot of it is just the reality of look and like we live for Whose love for us and do think sports are conditional and for for people to want to die for family who will hold over the head and manipulate them to do things that they want them to do for the pure sake of. Oh, it's not what I want to do. I mean honestly dog, but I've lost old teammates because I can say some fucked up shit. I've heard what my hopes hate their parents told them that if I die of cancers because of you because he just wasn't listening and going back to school. I've heard another one of my old team. I said, we lost that teammate because his the teammate was holding a trust fund over his head, you know, just doing the most wildest like most manipulative shit. I'm just like what the fuck like what how we so smart and so but we're so pathetic and so emotionally just like an unintelligent to understand how people work and it's just very interesting going into that topic of why are we afraid to do it because for me, well, I'm trying to really just be not necessarily a voice but an advocate of change A social advocate for people to follow their passions because with us and as Asians Americans not Asians and Asian Americans specifically being so talented and having such a hard work ethic and hard drive. We don't show it because we're still stuck in there what's realistic the traditional mindset, but then we look in Praise all these people on social media. We're doing things and listening to their stories and they just there's no difference. There's no secret sausage is tried and that's something that we as the Ronin are working with the city of the EC to do that's what we're working with. All these businesses to do is to change that type of mindset because something has to give you know, we can't keep thinking that the generations that come are going to change by us acknowledging that things are fucked up and we're not going to do anything about it. Like it's just not how this world works and if we have to be the you know, the sacrificial lambs and you know, spend 10 years going into Corporate America and tearing it apart from the inside just for someone like you to have a better future to what creative entrepreneurship is more of an option. It's not a risk to you, you know about telling anybody that just go after your passions, but if something is DC as a risk, well, let's let us as the Ronin work hard enough to where that doesn't it's not a risk any words an option and if we are able to do that, then we'll know that we succeeded but there is there's definitely a lot and it's no one's fault for sure. You would complain Society we can blame each other we can blame so many things and we can go back and forth on any type of rationality, but the reality of it is is that it just is Problems that people have to solve within themselves that we as the Ronin can help aid or we can go from the top from the perspective of okay. Let's go from the city perspective. Let's work with DC to do something. Now. Let's just work at it at such a mass scale that eventually people five ten years ago or five ten years from now. The impact will be so large that they won't even know what's going on. They don't even know what happened and why and that's totally fine with us. That's everything. You said. That's an amazing perspective. I yeah, I really appreciate that. Holy crap. But a couple key things that like I caught onto when you're speaking all that is use of like social media and stuff like that because I told believe in that and in fact, did you hear about how Instagram was taking away likes and how like that might affect some creators of stuff like that? Yeah, and I think honestly like I think very open-minded and I'm gonna rest in peace Dana can't or if anyone knows Dana can't or data is awesome, and I'm just going to for like to maybe a minute or two just talk. About Dana so we took dinner to LA and everybody knows what happened with her, but she's awesome. She had a very toxic mindset. She's a perfect example of someone who lives in today's age as an Asian American who has so much potential but doesn't actually understand the power to set her finger says and also doesn't have a support system of people who can look at her in the face and not just people but successful people who look at her in the face and tell her you're capable you can do it and you just need to believe in yourself and try this girl by herself has so many damn phone calls. What? With so many conceivable successful people just buy us teaching her navigations of social media teaching her how to be humble how to do certain things. She just texted me two days ago saying she has a head of she has a phone call with the head of marketing a bit and the head of marketing at Interscope Records because of the approach and things that we taught her and she was telling me how she has phone calls with people from Vivo like the head of marketing and Vivo head of marketing of marble entertainment and it's all because we taught her how to navigate social media. We taught her how to not necessarily think we taught her a prospective that wins because it's what allows us to scale and you know succeed in our space and a lot of it is just people just they don't they don't understand people and you can tell because people are very selfish by Nature, you know, we're not we're not very giving you know, what happens, you know back then we primitively you know, we were very self-sufficient and you know being giving you something that we were taught but naturally we're very selfish and you know, that's just what people I mean I see people all the time and you know now at this point, I love the fact that That you brought me on a podcast. I'm so honored to be on this podcast, but I'm successful enough to tell everybody that's listening especially if you know because I know people who don't like me are gonna listen to this podcast that whose life is better right now meter yours. And when I was talking to a lot of you and a lot of you said, I'm crazy and a lot of you were talking shit. Once again, I ask the same question whose life is better me or yours right now, and it was a very simple because I believed in you and you didn't believe in me and it was just very funny because I'm successful because I'm very giving by Nature. Very very believing of people who don't have people believing in them. I'm very very giving of, you know people in general and like I just believe that we as a race and we just as the Millennials we are we are we should be so empowered to believe that we can take control of our life, but we don't and until we do I got a lot of work to do. So that's really like for me the biggest thing, you know for our race and what I hope that you know people really take away from you know this and like I said, you know people like Dana are awesome because she took control of herself and she's a perfect example of what happens not necessarily when you listen to us, but when you come in and you list and to guidance, and also when you just believe in yourself and you take risks, it's not that's an awesome example because being like she was very open minded to advice from you guys and in a way, I feel like a lot of people are very capable also, but a lot of people are very closed-minded in a sense and they don't want to accept This is probably right thing for them because they grew up, you know toxic upbringing where they were told. Oh lawyer doctor engineer is the only product. Yeah, and that's like you grew up with that. My said Dan someone challenges like like like, oh, maybe you're probably sound like a very good like I just might be example, very good commentator should be like a reporter or something and you like know they will be funny that wouldn't make a family happy like they're very close right and constant denying an Unity that is possible for them like for me after doing the podcast for a little bit I realized that my ability to connect with others and really bring people's True Colors out. It's something like a special talent of mine and I really wanted that want to do Infuse that would like technical skills in engineering so I was like, oh why not like a sales engineer consultant like I was very open to the idea. I had to talk to people about it because I was like I have to use this ability somehow have used my strength somehow. And a lot of people have like these course things like I see people who are super caring and loving and they would be like maybe their guy they've I'll be like, it'll be a pretty awesome stay-at-home dad. But because you know Society or Asian culture, they're like no I can't be a stay-at-home. Dad. Even though I see it. Like wow, you're still carrying kids love you, but like they're told otherwise and it's kind of sad to see people are very capable of doing certain things and have strengths in it, but they don't acknowledge. It because Society or culture or culture and really glad you brought up to light. I want to wrap this podcast up with my final and favorite question. I always ask everyone. So a paragon is a model of Excellence. What does someone have to do or what characteristic does someone have to embody to be a paragon of their life? So for me, I would just say get up and try, you know, you're not gonna know when either the closed-minded, you know, talk to you. Talking about you need to know yourself and be honest with yourself in explore the world. The world is so big the 7 billion people on this Earth people complain about walking a mile. I don't even know the circumference of the earth and miles, but I promise you no one's going to be able to walk it and then when we realized that there's so many cultures when we realize that so many perspectives the perspective of America because you're in America is wrong the perspective of you saying it's too expensive to travel was wrong, you know, everybody's perspectives can be changed if you go out and look for the answer for some even I don't want to say it's a sense of entitlement but for us, we don't look for answers when we have the two of the most powerful search engines in our pockets. We have YouTube on your Google. Why would you not use that to find, you know things that we want why would you not use that to find success? So I would you not use that to find connections to find how things work and I think because we're so afraid to try sometimes the first step isn't always moving forward and doing it. Sometimes the first step is just doing your research and do your due diligence. So if anybody wants to embody excellence in anything and everything that you You be the best at it you'll be successful. It doesn't matter. If you're happy doesn't matter. You know, you're sad, there's no matter where you are in life. If you're successful, if you're not successful, if you try really hard and you do your due diligence and you do your research and you are always longing for more information. You'd be very very keen to realize that that is the culprit and the formula of everybody who's successful success. They're obsessed with their its own success. So obsessed with winning they're obsessed with getting to where they want to go. So, what do they Do they look it up? You know if you want to learn how to drive if you want to buy a car. I know so many people that would do every conceivable amount of research on the car that they want. And if you're a girl same thing with a makeup palette comes out or something when clothes come out they'll know so much about one topic, but why can't we take that energy and put it towards what we want to go and especially when you're talking about your future. Yes, you know, we have so long to live when you guys write College you have 30 plus years in the workforce. But at the same time it's realize at the time really fast. Like it's only been a year since, you know, I dropped out of college and it's been an amazing year with the His ups and downs, but I became obsessed with my own success obsessed with me learning not with me being given anything that being obsessed with learning because especially because I enjoyed what I was doing and it allows us to Skyrocket and everybody has that same, you know, ounce of you know, the Curiosity that just need to be honest with themselves and take that time away that they're spent doing nothing maybe cut Netflix off for an hour and do research on your life. You know, whether you want to be a sales consultant for engineering see how far you can get down that aisle. Then really just have a one-to-one with yourself and saying what part of engineering don't want to be a part of and then even then think bigger and more Beyond it's just like what can I do in the engineering space as a whole or even beyond that to it's like well, what do I want to leave when people what is my end goal? What is my impact and then you start Mission yourself. I want to do this and Engineering. I want to be in this industry and I feel like if people look at the world from the different perspectives, you know, it should be fine. And if I should give it in a actual structure to Wrap everything up companies have how many different parts of structure you can have a janitor? You can have a secretary in the front. No answers. Let Pete's lets people in the building you have everybody in the front desk of the office in that building. You have people in the CEO chair, but think about the different perspectives how everybody's perspective is important, but nobody's perspective is the one true perspective. The CEOs perspective is does not destroy the janitors perspective and vice versa. And as long as people can start thinking too. I think at scale at scale, you know different little perspectives from the bottom to the top. That's how people can win. But because we're so close minded in believing that what we believe to be the truth is true and we back people who aren't quote unquote successful way because they don't think there's anything to learn for them people need to realize that you can learn just as much as you know from a kid playing with trash. He doesn't even speak the same language as you then from a massive CEO who's you know, made billions and billions of dollars and I think that's how this world needs to know embody. Is just by asking opening your mouth and finding the answers to the questions that you have and not expecting them to be given to you. That's perfect. I love how you said you to we have YouTube and Google and you basically do everything because that's so true. And there's a lot of free online courses to do that will teach you a lot of things that people don't take that opportunity instead, you know, an extra hour and Netflix are into our in the game, which is fine, you know, if you really enjoy and like love that face or whatever and that makes you happy then do it, but you can't expect Act being like super successful you consistently do it. You have to sacrifice something to gain success. You don't have to sacrifice everything, you know, you don't have sacrificed your health or well-being. You should never sacrifice like the people you care about or your help. You should it's a balance and I really love the perspective you're sharing everything you told us today, and I hope the audience gained a lot information a lot of value from this and thank you guys for listening to this podcast and I hope you guys have a Nice dress today and thank you again Alex for being on this podcast. Thank you so much.
I had the honor of interviewing an incredible man who took the leap of faith and pursued his passion. As a founder of the Ronin, he has a strong desire to elevate other so that they can someday pursue their passions. This man has a mindset and perspective that we can all learn from. I truly learned a lot from this interview, and I know that everyone listen will learn something too! Below are the timestamps for the episode and the link to the Ronin website and facebook page. Enjoy and have a nice rest of the day! The Ronin FB: The Ronin Website: Alex's fb: Time stamps: 0:42- How your childhood thought you what it means to survive 6:35- Moments that defined your mindset 11:50- Defining moment that made you pursue your passion 17:10- What would you change about your past? 19:45- Why aren't people taking the leap of faith? 21:53- Methodology of success; put your head down and work 23:55- You need to learn how to communicate 25:14- The biggest risk is not taking one at all 26:01- Support from family and Asian culture 31:55- An Asian american success story and being giving in nature 35:09- Using and acknowledging your core strengths. 37:00- What is a Paragon to you? 41:31- Sacrifice is key.
This is optimal living dearly episode 1308 packing a life and go forth under the Open sky and listen to Nature both by Ali Cornish of ever Thrive dot-org and I'm a very own personal narrator Justin moloch reading to you from some amazing blogs and books to help you optimize your life. I have to post for you today before we get to it. If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business with netsuite you save time money and unneeded headaches by managing sales Finance and Accounting orders and HR instantly right from your desktop or phone and right now netsuite is offering you valuable insights with a free guide seven key strategies to grow your profits at old that's Oold to download your free guide seven key strategies to grow your profits / old now, let's get right to it as we optimize your life. Packing a Life by Ali Cornish of ever thrive dot-org. What are we really doing when we pack our things in order to move someplace else the phrase pack our things seem so simple and straightforward monosyllabic three words action and results oriented. However, these words until something much more than putting items into boxes these words involve confronting the past and setting a new course for the future just last week. I officially moved from Chicago, Illinois to Fort Collins, Colorado moving myself physically was fairly undemanding I packed some suitcases boxes plans and a few other miscellaneous items into my small hatchback before Chauncey hopped into the passenger seat with his tennis ball. I left Chicago at 4:30 a.m. And drove away from the Rising Sun. I arrived at 7:20 p.m. Just as the last rays of light wave. Goodbye beyond the Foothills having arrived six weeks prior Josh waited for me in the driveway welcoming me into our new life. As I mentioned. The moving itself was easy. I simply drove from Point A to point B. However, the work done to make this move happen was a bit more calculated quote. The question of what you want to own is actually the question of how you want to live your life. Marie. Kondo. Before the real packing began Josh and I went from room to room contemplating each and every item we owned we've been living together for two years. So by now his possessions had become my possessions and vice versa in turn. We carefully considered each piece of artwork each kitchen accessory each pair of sheets and each clothing item. We consciously evaluate our stuff using our own version of the Marie. Kondo method. Does this item spark Joy has that proven useful to us over the past year? Ear will this item have a purpose and place in our new lives. Have I worn that dress during the last six months? Will he ever wear that t-shirt again? We queried what we owned by thinking about the life. We wanted to share together. When Josh and I had been dating for six months. We sat together and thought what kind of Life do we want? The answer to that question was easy. We want a simple life and unencumbered life a life where we are not held back by the physical and mental clutter of things. To achieve our goal we have to allow ourselves to let go of the sentimental material goods from the past therefore creating space for a more fulfilling emotional life for our future eliminating. The excess is important so that we can move into the space beyond the space where we will live should be a place for nurturing the people we are becoming instead of a feeding area for the spirits of the past. It is interesting to think about the action of packing and moving a life the process involves just as much physical labor as it does men Total labor packing moving can be stressful and irritating and people usually low the thought of moving however Beyond every stressful irritating Cloud there exists a silver lining packing and moving presents a special opportunity to evaluate a life lived giving us a chance to shape how we want our lives to be in the future contemplating the things we own deciding which things deserve to be carefully concealed with paper and securely packed into a box allows us to revisit the past. It's turning Pages of The Book of Life reflecting on bygone days while preparing for the future when considered out of context are boxes stacked in the garage ready to be Tetris into our pod our snapshot in time. These boxes are representation of who we are now and a harbinger of who we will become when we packed Our Lives We examined our inner selves completing a rite of passage into our new life together. Now another article from her coming right up, but first thank you again to netsuite. If you don't know your numbers, you don't know your business, but the problem growing businesses have that keeps them from knowing their numbers is a hodgepodge of Business Systems introducing netsuite by Oracle the business management software that handles every aspect of your business in an easy to use cloud platform giving the visibility and control you need to grow with netsuite you save time money and unneeded headache. By managing sales Finance and Accounting orders and HR instantly right from your desktop or phone. That's why netsuite is the world's number one Cloud business system. And right now netsuite is offering you valuable insights with a free guide seven key strategies to grow your profits at old that's / o LD to download your free guide seven key strategies to grow your profits / old. Go forth under the Open sky and listen to Nature by Ally Cornish of ever thrive dot-org. Many of you know that in addition to a writer photographer nature lover and supporter of simple living. I'm also an English teacher every day. I try and teach my students what it means to be moderate respectful and kind to themselves and others through literature. I can show them that nature can also teach them these things the material doesn't always aligned but sometimes the unit's coincide perfectly and I take full advantage currently my American literature students are exploring works by transcendentalist. And romantic writers just yesterday. We read this poignant poem by William Cullen Bryant and the following excerpt Bryant praises, the nurturing mothering aspects of nature. The poem is particularly comforting to those who might succumb to depression boredom and loneliness bringing thoughts of Nature's constant healing presents to the reader the poet describes Nature's voice of gladness and ability to take away the Pains of a troubled mind with are mild and healing sympathy quote. To him who in the love of nature holds communion with her visible forms. She speaks a various language for his gayer hours. She has a voice of gladness and a smile and eloquence of beauty and she Glides into his darker musings with a mild and healing sympathy that steals away their sharpness are he's aware and to quote in an era inundated with instant gratification people, especially children try to find the antidote to boredom anxiety disappointment. We're sadness in technology all too quickly. They reach for their iPads computers or the remote control perhaps a tiny remedy can be found there, but it won't be a cure. It will be yet another distraction from an authentic chance to know themselves instead if they go outside and contemplate the natural world Marvel at the change of colors and a tree in the front yard or simply take their headphones off. They might be able to give their racing Minds a chance to relax and recharge. Studies show that even pursuing an analog activity such as coloring drawing or writing in a journal. Would Aid their ability to ascertain their true emotions and state of mind this all applies to adults as well as children. Why does nature have this healing power? Why does everything get better when we walk down a secluded Wooded Path at Twilight when we contemplate the natural world. We see The Clarity by which we actually exist. We humans are secondary to the cyclical rhythms of the world. We see the Emerging from the earth unfurling skywards flowering then falling back asleep until the following year. We see the sun rise every day and the moon rise at night regardless of the feelings that accompany our daily human struggles. The Stars will always Shine the birds will continue to sing as long as we care for it nature will always be there as a Constant Comfort while other aspects of Our Lives come and go the essence of Nature's healing is in its Everlasting recurrence we can trust In nature because nature always Bears herself before us offering what she can give regardless of the Season it is through this relationship of trust that we can all children and adults come closer to trusting and knowing our true selves quote go forth under the Open Sky and list two Nature's teachings William Cullen Bryant. You just listen to The Post titled packing a life and go forth under the Open sky and listen to Nature both by Ali Cornish of ever Thrive dot-org really nice post. I love those. I'll keep this ending nice and short for you today. So have a great rest of your day. And I'll see you in the Friday show tomorrow where your optimal life awaits.
Ali Cornish of Everthrive shares her thoughts on packing up a life and listening to nature. Episode 1308: Packing a Life AND Go Forth, Under the Open Sky, and Listen to Nature by Ali Cornish of Everthrive on Simplicity Ali Cornish created Everthrive as a response to the increasing pace, materialism, and detachment of today's society. Through words and photos, she brings awareness to the importance of living simply, healthfully, and authentically. Life can be better lived when we disconnect from distraction, slow down, and focus on what is truly important. In addition to managing and contributing to Everthrive, she also helps others create compelling content for websites, campaigns, and social media ventures through The Media Acorn. The original posts are located here: & Please Rate & Review the Show! Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts!
Hey, it's Tina here. And I really want you to send me a message. So if you could just please hit the send a message button or go to Anchor dot f m / curriculum Club / message. Then you can send me a voice recording who knows I might put you on a future episode. So if you could just let me know what you think, or what you want to hear from me or how you think I'm doing or if you have aAre you to share or a joke, or you want to sing me a song? I Don't Really Care and here I'll even bribe you so by the end of the month whatever month it is that you're listening to this at the end of the month. I will go look through all the messages that I've gotten through the month pick one randomly, and I will give that person anything. They want any one thing at all from our online school at CI - lift off dot So please hit me up. Send me a message by hitting that button or go. into anchor dot f m / curriculum Club / message In this episode I'm going to talk about or actually just read from a document that I made from Stepping Stones year one and Beyond called go to your administrator. It talks about how we can speak with our administrators to help the administrators help us to show our colleagues. The why behind what we're doing in our world language classroom. So thanks for joining us and let's go. I'm going to read to you from a document that I wrote called go to your administrator. If you're required to give test of conscious knowledge of grammar or vocabulary, my suggestion is to wait that a as little as possible or just count it as a feedback grade. If you can swing that with your administrator, not your colleagues your administrator go straight to your administrator. Your students self concept as language Learners is on the line the boat rocking you might be doing with your grown-up adult colleagues is in my way of thinking worth the hundreds and hundreds of students experiences that you stand to improve. The shift to portfolio performance assessment go to your administrator. Tell them that you've been reading a book on constructively aligned curriculum and assessment that is backwards design from the national or possibly your state standards from cross-curricular literacy goals. Tell them that you want to shift your waiting towards these literacy goals in your language course, tell them that you want to assess them on their literacy in narrative descriptive informational and opinion or Mint genres of listening Reading Writing and speaking. Tell them that you want to increase students eyes on text time and you want to use daily model writing of strong literacy skills to explicitly unpack literacy in your daily lessons. Tell them that you want to make the criteria for success in these literacy skills transparent and achievable by breaking them down through the use of anchor charts and scaffolds for speaking and writing. And then tell them that you'll be teaching more grammar than you can assess on the shared assessment. So you'll need a more robust authentic assessment of their performance in Reading Writing listening and speaking and therefore you either want to revisit the content of the shared assessment or use it as an informational grade to provide feedback on what you need to reteach using Pace lessons. There's a link to a document on Pace lessons in the show notes that you want to teach them grammar in a constructivist way asking them to analyze language samples to construct their own understanding of the surface features of the language. So that students Master the language in a lasting and durable way. It is a rare administrator who will not be interested in such an approach to language teaching and then tell them that you would like to form a PLC or study team to look at the assessment systems you're using in the building or the district. This shows your willingness to work collaboratively with your colleagues. Ask your administrator when they're available to meet with the team you need to ask this with authority as if you assume that they will of course want to support this important reform in the way that you teach languages. If you don't have common assessments or they're not assessments of conscious knowledge of the language and you're basing your Gradebook almost entirely or entirely on the assessment tools provided in this book Stepping Stones your wannabe on then it actually doesn't matter how much you weight your grades using these assessment tools and teaching in the way outlined in this book. No matter how you wait your grades. Most of your students will very very likely be making all A's and B's This is because you have been teaching for Mastery teaching for Mastery is when your assessment is aligned with your instruction. Your instruction is aligned to the standards and you're teaching the way the brain learns the pedagogy exists in every subject area for every teacher in the world to be teaching for Mastery assigning grades of failing to our students unless we're talking about those who don't come to class that is. Could truly be a thing of the past this could happen right now if we all got straight on a very important point. Everyone can learn especially a language everyone unless they have severe cognitive or physical impairments the kind that mean they can't speak their first language can develop the ability to speak and understand any language. They all speak at least one language as proficiently as we hope to have our second language students speak by the end of the typical two or three year program. They can all describe and narrate in all time frames speak of topics of General. Oil interest and string together paragraph lengths discourse on topics that matter to them at least in spoken language and even though everyone will not reach the same levels of skill or literacy or ability. Everyone can get stronger today than they were yesterday and stronger this year than they were last year. Even if their progress is in very small increments and even if it's lower than the bell curve of the rest of the glass everyone can make progress in the language day by day if they show up to class listen with the intent to understand and engage in the language interactions that we plan for them. In fact, it's actually almost impossible to not make progress in language development. Just simply by being in an environment in which the language is being used extensively in a cop. Apprehensive will matter to talk about interesting things. If you want proof, they can all learn a language. Just listen to them speaking. The language is they already know they've already done it once we just need to provide them with the conditions under which they can replicate that process and adjust the instruction to match the Developmental and cognitive abilities of people who are by and large already at least somewhat literate or who are already receiving literacy instruction in the case of their primary Learners in at least one language. Why do we have students failing left? And right if everyone is naturally gifted with the ability to acquire language proficiency? Some of the factors that impede students academic success are indeed beyond our control a parenting student or one with health problems or one who's dealing with homelessness or addiction often feels they have bigger fish to fry than Spanish class. But why do students who attend class regularly and even put forth an effort still fail? This is not what education is all about. We want all of our students to succeed grow and learn. It's generally the foundation of our organization's Mission just take a look around at your average school's website brochures or flyers or even the slides at the back to school teacher in services. Most likely you will not have to look too far to bump into a district and school mission statement that says something like all Learners will succeed or every student will achieve or all students can learn we want this for our students but we don't always act like that is true. We have this notion that our grade distribution should look like a bell curve. However, if we look at standards-based grading or proficiency based grading practices, we can see that these approaches to grading hold forth the expectation that all students will meet the learning targets. Even if teachers need to give multiple opportunities and multiple ways for them to demonstrate their proficiency at say solving quadratic equations in a math course or analyzing the significance of a minor character upon the development of the main character in an English course in a proficiency based or standards-based grading system. This is the expectation the expectation in standards or proficiency based grading is that everyone can achieve a proficient level of performance but that some students might take longer or need reteaching in a different way or need a different method to demonstrate their performance. Perhaps speaking aloud to the teacher to show their analysis of the minor characters influence or making a power point or YouTube video in which they explain how to solve a quadratic equation. So why the fear that we are giving too many A's in our standards aligned carefully-designed World Language programs? Under a proficiency based grading system. We would be held up as teaching for Mastery the first time as long as we had standards base data to prove that our students are indeed performing at that desired level portfolio assessment does just that it leaves a trail of tangible breadcrumbs that anyone can follow to prove that we're not just handing out A's but are instead teaching in a powerful brain brace brain-based. that supports all students to achieve grow and learn just like the school mission statement most likely says Be proud of your work and wear your long list of A's and B's like a badge of honor you are in the Forefront of Education reform, which is ultimately societal reform that does not bear fruit for a couple more decades. Thank you for being you it's high time that language Educators who are teaching for Mastery and working dang hard to learn the very best ways to do that. It's time that we seize our power and build a fortress of Data to prove that miraculously and quite conveniently for us and our level of happiness at work the path of joy and communication and success really is the path to making good on the promise our administrators make every time they hand out their business card with that motto every student succeeds at Sylvan. Tell your principal that you're just trying to back them up on that promise if they question your grading. Tell your colleagues who are talking about you behind your back that you just got tired of failing kids. You can tell yourself that they're just talking because they're jealous. Anyway, who wouldn't be you have found the pot of gold you found the pot of goals with the right goals the gold. Is there shining right there in your students innate ability to learn if only the conditions are right. This book so far has been about the conditions for learning. Now. Let's turn to the nitty-gritty of how to amass that pile of unassailable data until it is so tall that we can use it to show not just our world language colleagues, but also the whole entire profession what it means to teach the whole child in a way that they can all learn.
Learn more about speaking into your administrator’s listening by using some “buzzwords” to unpack what is happening in your World Language classroom using the materials and systems in Stepping Stones Year One and Beyond...and leave me a voice message here. You might find yourself featured on a future episode! In this episode, I reference these documents. Go to Your Administrator Using Grammar Discussions as Noticing Activities + PACE Lessons (Note:  PACE stands for Presentation, Attention, Co-Construction, and Extension) Sample Input Flood (for the "Presentation" step of a PACE lesson) on the "futur proche" in French and sample Attention and Extension activities  If you are not a Curriculum Club member, you can sign up for our waiting list. We will open registration around Thanksgiving for our Fall cohorts. The cost will be $34 a month -- about a dollar a day for daily lesson plans, weekly live coaching with recordings available for you to watch anytime. bonus live webinars (plus recordings available anytime) with Tina, our coaching staff, and special guests, and a private Facebook group where our goal is to answer your questions as we go through the curriculum. To learn more about the book Stepping Stones Year One and Beyond, visit our online school. And if you want to chip in to support my coffee habit, you can donate to the podcast here.
Welcome to see to scale. We're for investors with backgrounds as Founders who met at the engineering school at the University of Pennsylvania. Timmy on the hall metha had Lee Harris fixing we certain unique in 2009 with more than 80 years of combined experience building our own companies. We now lead seed rounds and bold Founders who use code to create transformational companies starting a company from the ground up is really hard in this podcast will be having conversations with some of the most interesting Founders investors and influencers about the ins and outs of building an early stage company. We talk about it all funding growth and everything. It takes to build a lasting business. Hi, everybody, its nahal co-founder of eniac today. We have the one and only Josh kopelman in the house the first 24 months of a company's life or magical Josh has been a mentor from afar it certainly an inspiration to everybody I'd say in the seed stage from you know, the investor ecosystem as well as the founder ecosystem as many of you know, he's he's the co-founder first round capital. I would say probably the first seed stage fund probably put C it on the map since 2004 first round is invested in over 250 companies with many unicorns including Uber blue apron or be Parker appnexus Square flat iron health and ring and many more to come Josh also is a fellow Alum of University of Pennsylvania. And after college Josh founded a company called that was acquired by eBay and then obviously went on to start first round Capital. So we're really honored to have you on the show today Josh. Thank you for taking the time. Thanks for having me. Dots connect backwards, but maybe just talk about some of your experiences that inspired you to be where you are today. Sure, so I'd say that it really is a journey of Entrepreneurship. I was fortunate enough to go to Penn at a great time. So I got into Penn in 1989 and graduated in 1993. And what's really interesting about that is in 1989. The web browser did not exist and in 1993 it did so when you get to pain no one had email addresses and I was one of the first people that weren't to get an email address undergrad and so that was a special time because I find that when disruptive platforms come out. They provide a real leveling between what I would say the veterans and the pros, you know, there are people that have been the software industry for 20 years while I was in school. But by the time I graduated because I totally geeked out on the internet, you know, I had three years of experience on the internet and it was just as much experience as the veterans did so the gap between the pro and the rookie was really narrow. I mean, I think we see that right now with So currency for example, right they you know, you have people who have been trading cryptocurrencies for two or three years and they probably have just as much if not more experience than the derivative Traders at Goldman Sachs. It's a really special time that's not going to last and but what I found was that at that time it really helped Propel me into the internet industry before I co-founded a company called in Fanatics, which was one of the first online search engines targeted at kids and that company went public in 90. X and then I left there to start which eBay Acquired and then I even helped start a help found a third company an anti-spam router company called Turn tide which semantic Acquired and and I've been doing a bunch of Angel Investing after my first company and I saw something really interesting my first company of Fanatics took five million to get the first product ship my second company took two and a half million to get to First. Addict ship and my third Company the anti-spam company turned tight took that 750,000. So the cost to start these companies have come down by an order of magnitude. Whereas during that same period of time the average Venture from tripled in size. So, you know, I saw 30X Gap in the Market at 10x increase in capital efficiency and a 3X increase in Venture seeking out capital in efficiency, and that's kind of what led to the creation of first round. Early days it was you and Howard and Chris and how did you guys all meet and and coalesce and and decide to launch? The firm Howard was actually the first angel investor in my first company and Fanatics. So he was sort of the first person that ever really believed in me and in the ideas that I was an MI startups, and he you know Howard had been Angel Investing in Venture Investing For For a decade decades before starting first round and then shortly after Howard and I got it started Chris fralick and Rob has joined and I'd known Chris for years. Chris was my first executive higher at and Rob I had known through Angel Investing and we all shared a similar alignment similar perspective that there is a real opportunity to build a product a venture product that's targeted towards the seed stage the first 24 months of a company's life for Magical you hunt for so much you're hunting for for your first team for product Market fit, you're figuring out pricing and distribution and go to market you're figuring out your culture all of that gets done in the first 24 months and I think what the four of us all shared and what my current Partners Fin and Bill and Haley and Brett also share is just a real excitement and enthusiasm about Rising the privilege of working with entrepreneurs at that special stage, what's magical about Philadelphia to you so so first round has offices in Philly New York and San Francisco, right? We have about 20 people in San Francisco then our next largest office News New York, but Philly is where I want to live and that's what's magical about it. I think it's a great place for me to raise a family. It's where my family wants to be, you know, and it's also where I started all my prior companies, right? So Fanatics and turn tied the anti-spam company. We're all philadelphia-based companies and I find that actually sometimes being outside the echo chamber of Silicon Valley could be really helpful to me at least in forcing me to think slow and giving me opportunities to be with be alone with my thoughts as opposed to just bouncing from meeting to meeting as I do when I visit my my San Francisco office. There's a A lot of headlines recently that there is real sizable. Companies being built outside of Silicon Valley. What are your thoughts? Is this a trend that's going to continue outside of the valley and how are you guys kind of capitalizing on that? Sure. So a few thoughts like the first thing is I want to be very like Philadelphia has a great Chinatown. I go down there for Chinese food often. It's fun, but but I don't think that you know the head of the Philadelphia Chinatown Association gets together. Calls a membership meeting trying to figure out how do I compete with China? And I want to be cognizant of the fact that Silicon Valley still magical place is still a special place. It has such a gravitational pull for talent and for experienced talent that despite the fact the first round invests Nationwide 70% of our investments are still in California that said it's never been easier to start a company outside of the valley. We find that sort of you know as more and more information. Is available online what used to be passed down through apprenticeship is now being passed down online for a lot of skills and a lot of jobs whether it's things like our first drive review or Y combinator's Hacker News or a number of online communities just the ability to learn about entrepreneurship or any role in a start-up is far more distributed. We have seen that most companies that are looking to scale run into challenges when they get above 30 to 50 employees. That's typically when companies switch from In for hiring generalist hiring Specialists and and in ecosystems outside of Silicon Valley in New York. We've seen companies struggle to attract those folks. It's one of the reasons why we've made a big bet in New York, you know, we've been fortunate enough to work with I believe it's four of the five largest Venture outcomes in the last decade from New York or first round companies and we think it's a it's a fabulous ecosystem to be to be investing in. Yeah. It's interesting. You said kind of after 30 employees. It's really a talent issue to find those Specialists. And then of course most of the downstream Capital, you know is still in Silicon Valley, right? So so don't think access to Capital is the challenge, you know, I think if you have a great company, you know capital is far more plentiful and far more portable than it ever has been before look. It's not very easy to raise money and you know, you talked to any entrepreneur and they'll tell you it's hard and and and it's always been hard I'd say it's easier now than it ever has been VCS. And investors are far more willing to fund geographically dispersed companies than they ever had been before but I think that the real challenge in scaling outside. If you're trying to build a company outside of Silicon Valley or outside of New York City, maybe La I throw in there as well. The real challenge comes in and access to Talent regarding talent you guys have done a great job on your platform. Could you talk a little bit about maybe person review and some of the insights that that you're saying each year. We publish a few things, you know, we publish first ride review weakly. It's our attempt to sort of take the knowledge that's trapped in the heads of sort of the the practitioners of multiple the craft of startups of Entrepreneurship and and democratize it and share it. So so, you know, we're publishing stories about growth about leadership about marketing about customer acquisition all all aspects of Entrepreneurship. We also publish things like the Of startup survey where we survey hundreds of Founders a year to understand their views on Trends their views on what's happening in the ecosystem. We look back at our performance and try to figure out learnings as to what are the characteristics that have driven out performance and under performance in our community. Well, you know one such learning was that companies that had a female on the founding team outperformed males by 60 Percent it talked about the talked about the difference between first time Founders and second time Founders and and while second time Founders end up creating more value on an absolute basis and that's already factored into the pre-money as well. So the economic return is basically comparable this industry. There's a lot of pattern matching pattern recognition. Hopefully, we get better and better with every company that we back if you had your ideal team walk in the door today. What would they look like? I'll push back a little bit on pattern-matching. I think that by definition we're trying to find raw and fragile and contrarian ideas and the challenge with pattern matching is that you begin to generalize so I'm not sure that the best pattern matchers are the best investors. You know, I think what we're looking for is a Founder who has a unique perspective a passionate perspective and informed perspective. On a problem or on an industry that other people think is wrong that other people have ignored that other people have overlooked. You know, we're looking for someone who really wanted to see how to put you know, it's building a business to solve a problem rather than picking a problem to build a business you're investing out of which fun now first round. We're at the at the tail end of our sixth fund. So it's interesting that your fun sizes have basically been the same. Same size or even like coming down a little bit, you know, obviously in our industry, we've been very cognizant of size as well. And we've stayed focused we see funds raising as much as they can and then become a multi-stage. Can you talk about like how strategic it is to you to have the fun size very consistent. So for us, you know Fun Size is not a strategy Fun Size has a tactical decision to as to So as to what what is optimized for our model it comes down to a model and I think so many people obsess over fun-size, right but a 50 million dollar fund that's deployed over two years. Every two years is the same as a hundred million dollar fund that's deployed every for what we've done is we've just picked model which is which says sort of what's the right stage? What's the right ownership amount? What's the right investment amount per company? How do we think about reserves and follow-ons? And yeah, Enable us to execute the strategy we want to execute and we've chosen to build a product that's really focused on the needs of the earliest of stage Founders. So we're not playing an assets under management game. We have not raised a China fund not raised in India fund. We haven't raised a growth fund or an opportunity fund. It's not to say we won't but historically we've just tried to be very disciplined on where we think we have a unique product where we I think that we we are we get energy from the market and and where where we connect the most and for us that's been at the earliest stages, you know, whether it's precede mango seed for us. It's just all that early stage where you're sort of pre product Market fit and and and and oftentimes pre-launch. Everybody has a shadow portfolio. Do you do you have any kind of Quote unquote big messes that you that you regret. Yeah, I'd say we we gave I mean, I don't even know where to start we gave Twitter their first term sheet and and it was a few months before Fred they chose to self-fund. Yeah and pretty much chose to self-fund and then the biggest myths is that when Fred was leading he gave gave us the chance to participate and we said no did a price. We we offer Dropbox their first term sheet, but we're wouldn't budge on pre-money and lost that to Sequoia. I was talking with Mark Pincus for months before he started Zynga. Yeah, so, you know, where should where I'm lucky. I still have a job given the strength of our anti portfolio. What do you think has been sown some of the biggest challenges in terms of growing the firm and now promoting Folks up beneath you You know for me, the challenge has been sort of inventing the firm and work working with my partners to invent the firm that we that we want or that that we think can win. I think so many people view building a firm as a cookie cutter thing, right? You know, you just ask your lawyers for your GP docs and then you're off and running, but for me, I view first round as as my fourth startup and and so I'm constantly seeking product Market fit. Hands were constantly experimenting. We have an incredible team of people on our platform and services team. We have software Engineers that are Building closed tools just for our community. So my partners and I are really trying to sort of experiment whether it's with first round review, whether it's Building Services, like pitch assist which help our companies put together compelling narratives and slides when they go out to raise their series a you know, what we're trying to do is rethink. Ink seed stage from the ground up to try to think about what are the best products experiences and expertise and services that that we could provide to our Founders to help them win. So now a few questions in our lightning round to finish up just say kind of the first word or words that come to mind after the question. What's the best part about being a VC? Being able to just learn something brand new every day, right? You know, you're talking to one entrepreneur and they're talking about synthetic biology. You're talking to another entrepreneur. They're talking about Hardware manufacturing and you're talking to a third entrepreneur and they're talking about Enterprise security just the ability to sort of have such a diversity of areas to learn about. It's super fun the most challenging part of your day still saying no to Founders, right? I'm an optimist. I like I love the dream with me scenario where the founder tells you their story and you just bring him along and you know, the hardest part is that you know, first round has to say no over 4,000 times a year and and that's really draining. Because you want you want to work with them you want to believe with them and you just can't with everybody. What are you most excited about these days, you know at the highest level. I'm most excited about the use of artificial intelligence to radically transform Enterprises and maybe to allow some as I mentioned earlier a lot of some rookies to take down some incumbents. Number one reason early stage companies fail, they run out of cash. And what's the best or worst piece of advice? You've received lately? I think I can answer that both when I talk about what I quote Nat Turner the founder Flatiron who tells you that 90% of most advice is crap and that you should ignore 90% of it and the so that's the science and the art is picking which 10% you should pay attention. Engine 2. Well Josh, thanks again, you know for like I said for being you know a mentor and inspiration to all of us investing at the seed stage and we obviously love working with you and your team so thank you for for giving us your time today. Everybody can find you at I think at Josh K on Twitter. That's right. And thanks for having me. It's been it's been fun chatting. Awesome Josh. Thanks everyone for listening. Make sure to also follow Oh at seed to scale and subscribe anywhere you listen to podcasts.
Josh Kopelman, Founder and Partner at First Round Capital, a seed-stage venture firm that has invested in some of the biggest names, including Uber, Square and Flatiron Health. First Round aims to help early-stage companies build a strong product-market fit and offers some of the industry’s first and best tools from their custom-built software to sharing their deep industry insight with their publication First Round Review. In this episode, Josh speaks with Eniac Co-founding Partner Nihal Mehta on his journey from being one of the first students at Penn to get an email address to how he leveraged his early experience on the Internet to founding his first three companies - Infonautics,, and TurnTide. Josh then seized the opportunity to start First Round with Chris Fralic and Rob Hayes when the cost to start a company was decreasing, but the average venture firm tripled in size. Josh speaks to his advantage of living in Philadelphia, why they are placing big bets in New York and his perspective why it has never been easier to build a company outside of Silicon Valley. He also addresses scaling teams and the regional talent gap. He speaks to why First Round operates like a startup, continuing to improve and find new products that better serve their founders and community. He also shares why their fund size has remained consistent and how they view fund model vs fund size. Josh also shares why they left Twitter, DropBox, and Zynga on the table. If you liked this episode, please share and tag us on Twitter:  @joshk @firstround @nihalmehta @EniacVC @seedtoscale  Send comments or suggestions to
What's happening Champions got another question here today. How do I become more self-disciplined and stop procrastinating today? We find out. I'm very passionate about the steps that I'm about to explain to you because I personally use them to turn my life around. So let's just go ahead and start with the most important thing that most people will never ever even look at the side on why you need to stop procrastinating decide on why you need self-discipline because what's the point of self-discipline if you're not trying to achieve something meaningful if you're not going after something big see if you don't have the right why you'll quit Most people quit it's a matter of fact and in fact, you will probably try and quit unless of course you have a major reason why you need to stay with it why it matters why you have to become self disciplined and stop procrastinating so really really dial that down. First know that in your mind. Why am I doing this? Why do I have to get so self-disciplined? If it's just to please other people if it's just to make someone else happy, you're probably not going to go through with it. It has to mean something to you that once you have that That everything becomes a lot easier you move on to step number two, which is building your discipline with daily habits. This is huge. If you can develop daily habits, you will have the self-discipline to do almost anything. I remember back to the days when I used to procrastinate all day long. I left everything for last minute. I was that kind of student. I remember it very well because it always got me in trouble and I always struggled to complete tasks nowadays running my business and doing what I love every day. I do. What is Hardest first first thing in the day every day. I called it a power move and it's because I've built up the daily habits. I'm capable of taking on the biggest task first. I don't need to start with the little stuff and kind of ease myself into it and I don't have any temptation to put things off and that's because I have those daily habits those daily disciplines built into my life that I never miss no matter what happens. Now you can start with meditation you can do writing and I'm used both of these and had amazing amazing results. Results but anything anything that will help you towards a goal that you have in your life anything that you want to get good at have at least a few daily habits that you stick to each and every day. If you have that you're on to step number 3 set up a simple app or some kind of reminder going on your phone on your watch on your computer wherever you have to set up the environment to support you and make it easy for yourself to actually do what you said you would so have a Tracker I started. Just having a calendar and I just put three text for the Three core habits that I wanted to do daily that builds a lot of discipline really fast. It's a muscle the more you use it the better you get now if you have a major problem with procrastinating like maybe you watch a lot of Netflix one of the easiest things you can do. It's just to quit that membership until you prove to yourself that you're capable of having self-discipline and doing what you're supposed to do generally for most people 30 days is a great bet if you can last 30 days. Being consistent and disciplined then you give yourself back the Netflix and now you're not going to use it to procrastinate you'll just use it for enjoyment. It's much better that way. You got to stop giving yourself an escape. If you set up your environment the right way, you won't have a way out and you'll do the right thing. And because you have the right why everything will line up over time your self discipline will build massively you'll completely quit procrastination and you'll be able to work miracles in your life now comment down below and what way do you usually procrastinate? Assassinate or what? Do you need to be more self-disciplined with if you enjoyed this answer give it a thumbs up and subscribe. If you haven't already you guys are the champions and I'll see you on the next one. Peace. That's what I love to do. But you see I don't particularly have a perfect voice for motivational speaking now nevertheless over 10 million people have listened to my speeches. That doesn't mean that I have some amazing natural Talent. You can go back and watch my old videos and I'm really awkward and weird.
I share with you how you can develop self-discipline and to stop procrastinating. S U B S C R I B E : Coaching With Rafael:   #BeDisciplined #SelfDiscipline #StopProcratinating #BeingDisciplined #StayFocused #MoreDisciplined #BuildingDisicpline #BuildSelfDiscipline #BeDisciplined #BecomingDisciplined #PersonalDevelopment #SelfImprovement #SelfHelp #Motivation #Motivational #MotivationalSpeech #MotivationalSpeaker What is the secret to self-discipline, i.e., is it an issue of predisposition or a function of the degree to which one works at it? Let me tell you, it’s not predisposition. Discipline is learned. Whether you will be disciplined depends on the kind of upbringing you had If you weren’t taught the ways of discipline, don’t worry you can learn it now. Most people won’t be able to develop self-discipline because they will overlook the first step. STEP ONE: Decide Why. Decide on why you need to stop procrastinating. Why do you need self-discipline? If you’re not going after something big, being average and procrastinating will do just fine. Most people QUIT. They quit because they have no real why and so will you unless there is a major reason why need to become self-disciplined and stop procrastinating. If it’s just to please other people you won’t stick with. It has to have great meaning for you. STEP TWO: Daily Habits. What are your goals, what do you want in your life? According to this, what is something that you can do every single day to take you one step closer? Just one step per day will add up massively over time. And guess what? It builds a ton of discipline, very quickly. Because you’re committed to doing this activity on a daily basis, and never let it slide. STEP THREE: Tracking & Reminders. You have to set up the environment to support you – and it could be as simple as putting a tick inside a calendar! If you have a problem with procrastinating by (for example) watching Netflix, the easiest thing you can do is to quit the membership until you’ve started building up some discipline. 30-days is a good rule of thumb for most of us. Then, after you’ve managed to stay consistent for 30 days, you can give yourself back the Netflix as a reward, and now you’ll just be using it for enjoyment rather than procrastinating. If you start putting things off again simply rinse and repeat!
Are welcome back to the 90th minute? We are your hosts. We got myself Liam was Lucas cause Greg men seemed like two months. Might as well. Just kick back to producer Greg. Yeah, but before we kick it off, we have a little bit of housekeeping to do as you can see, it's Christmas. Yes. So happy holidays Merry Christmas to everyone who is subscribed and is watching here. We greatly appreciate your support. We've gained a ton of followers in the past few months.It's of 2019. It has been absolutely incredible. Yeah, we greatly appreciate make sure you are subscribed hit like comment down below get involved in the conversation tonight. Thank you for followers on Tick Tock Instagram Spotify social medias. And also before we kick off happy birthday shout-out to mr. Michael Tori. He is the man who has created our intro song. He is also our residents Inter Milan fans. So I like to have you know my time with him. If you give him a hard time, he's having a good time right now. He's feeling it but we have a llama because he refused to wear it. No, I'm not wearing it. You're the worst. Yeah. Well, I don't want to wear it while it's extra large. I am large they call me fat. Yes. I mean, are you gonna deny it? No one I'll be honest. Congratulations dick. You look leaner. Thank you. Yes. I tried it. I can see them. We have a lot to talk about it is Saturday only not Sunday liquor usual upload time, but we're going to talk about the Saturday matches. We might preview not proving but we have something included. Yes, Lucas is going to give his thoughts about this out the Sunday managers. Of course, though. We are kicking off in the Premier League like we always do and of course we're talking about top of the table Manchester City versus the Leicester city. Well, this is a very interesting match. Yeah. It was an interesting match. Which I think not so interesting result. You wouldn't it's very very rarely. You see a Lester ahead of city in the standings except for you know when they won the title. Yes, but this is this is like who you wanted his match? Who do you look at it as the favorite? Well, usually you would expect Manchester City to be the favorites because they're Manchester City and they've been the best Premier League team the past few seasons, but I guess this time around people were expecting a bit from Lester this time the way I look at this. Matches, man city was favorites because a they were at home and be Lester. I've been very poor against a top sick opposition so far. This is kind of true the way I look like I said deluca's before we started here Lester having poor against the top six, but Jamie vardy always scores against the top six. So accept it just continues on yet again liver. I was going to stirred say except against our natives, but we're not really top 16. Not not at all of it Lester started out scoring with the goal from Jamie vardy. What? He's having a party. I was just a classic Leicester city go like I'm the last even from the Randy of yeah, but like it was a great finish by far Lester countered pretty well throughout the game, but honestly, I'm paper they got dominated. Yeah, they just they got all Me by their own employer in a sense. Yeah ours was incredible this mean his one goal. Which oh, yeah his first gold. That was the first goal game. Yes was a one-off saw you into. Yeah. It was kind of a lucky go lucky man. I mean he still had to get I've been Chola belch. Yeah true, but it was a great run. It's a good shot. Yes, it took a lucky deflection obviously untrue, but I mean, you know Sion Tru he's had a fantastic season so far. This is arguably one of his more poorer games for Leicester city. Yeah. I mean it's going to come he's a young player and he's going to Manchester City who's not the worst of all positions like I mean with a bench shoulder of trying to defend Mars it looked like he was doing this the right thing for him outside, but then her eyes just cut inside so he Why is it such a tricky Winger? Yo, he's so quick at switching directions cutting inside always, you know, he's a fantastic player and you know last year when he had them. He helped him so much to help win the league. But yeah, you know, he's he's so valuable to city and he doesn't always get to start because the team is so deep and that position right using top 10 for the pound or which I think I think that's questionable my opinions could what are you his country? Yeah from company shins. I mean I don't know that I felt like well, how do you rank the African Cup of Nations? You know, is it as competitive as you know, your European qualifiers, even yourself a marital? Just remember the final was just an awful fight. I'm not I'm not going to compare what's more quality than the other competition but I'm just saying that final was awful. Yeah lucky goal and then just nothing happened in that match other than the goal early in that match their your final wasn't too great in the champion will get honors. Okay? Yeah. Yeah, but Manchester City, they got a penalty shot later in the half a pound to kick. However, you want to say it. But what do you think we do you think this was a little poor by Ricardo Pereira diving in bits of her. It was a lesser penalty. It wasn't deserve I think yeah, there's no way don't call that. Yeah. I mean at first I'm like how is that a penalty but then he does get contact Sterling does go down eventually. I mean if like we mentioned earlier this season, If the money pound the earlier that year of was a penalty it's kind of like the bench hard penalty so far. This season has audio - but you know, I did go to VAR VAR to check it and they did say yes penalty gonna Kong steps up to take it interesting guy to take the pills not even not even why not? He's probably one of the underrated penalty takers sure but you're you know, there's a lot of players on this team were right now for men studies 5 out of 5 when it comes to penalty so really I thought he was very consistent Balinese. Why do you think he took? the penalty in 2013 in the Champions League final I couldn't tell you also do you think about it? I will kind of going to one is always been pretty good at penalty, but he missed one, but maybe I'm not thinking of something. I know I was looking at during the game his shoulder like a little um, what's it called diagram or whatever or attempts and they were a takes it and like there would be extra mrs. And there were no X's maybe missed one in a different competition maybe but he usually does not miss very consistent of them very calm player. It was a great penalty, by the way, I mean slotted well if you finish schmeichel nearly got it. Yeah, but he's not going to stop because Silcoon so where is your love for this man come I'm just saying he's a phenomenal midfielder this very he's not bad very clinical the penalties. Hey, if you're not tell me City your to Champions League final you have a penalty and you're Robert Lewandowski and it will kaigoon one. Are you going to choose? Neither? Did he had Drogba? He's on the pedal and it's taking its my example is that it look like going to one was chosen over lava Lewandowski take the penalty. Final I just what are you pulling my final from? This is the 2013 Champions League final his memory because it was a great fight. He was sure enough the best final this decade to be my glass debatable. Most exciting final we might get into Jamie's leaving a week or so here when we BR are decade special but debatable 2012. Yeah good one slots at home, but Lester I think it was still on that. No, it was in a second half where they got a counter-attack and Harvey Barnes really should have scored. He got he got the contact on the ball was enough. He goes Head Over Heels over head or said but you know great bulb. I've already Jamie vardy is having a fantastic see ya he's eating and one of the best Premier League players this so far this year one of those players in Europe so far this year. He's definitely scoring some goals that you wouldn't expect him to be scoring. Yeah. He's just well soon shall he won't be really a player of Europe, but why? Brexit, they're still gonna be party. I don't really know what a heartbreaker tofu and still geograph. Okay, I don't talk about politics. It's not going to get kicked out of the UEFA Champions League. Sorry England. You can't come to the Euros. Okay. So we take a look at the points wise to this. Let's go one more coal to I mean, there's a de bruyne. I completely smooth skinned. Uh, so eun-suh and then great roster. This is amazing poor driving run by De bruyne basically saying why hey this is why I'm the best of the primary right now. I thought you had a wonderful match. He is probably the best apparently right. He's up there with Saudi money. So your money, yeah get those two of the top two of the primary said Son and Mondeo no ice inside your mind Oh, I thought you said I know you're like going like last week or two weeks ago saying that son was a top five premier league midfielder until I changed your mind can be convinced that sun is one of the top and fillers not midfielders, but Centre forwards. I don't know what the hell he places for sometimes just Jose does things comment your thoughts below because I'm not going to give mine. Okay. Yeah is Kevin number one best midfielder? Player in the Premier League. Let us know probably I mean right now yeah Virgil Virgil. Yeah. Yeah, I mean Jules. How is that this reason why I got second and bound orbits. I think so. There's a reason why he's top of the premier league right now. It's also true. He's dese although he didn't play this weekend. It's okay and it's anyways, we're getting this it back to them. Yeah. It was a great play by Des Moines and wonderful assist that's good for Gabrielle Jesus. He's getting some consistent goalscoring. I remember beginning of the year. We did our Premier League preview. I said Gabriel. Jesus would be an influential player for Manchester City this year because I said maybe they started to transition between Aguero starting to leave and him starting to come into the 11 more so and I mean that hasn't happened to Too Much. I mean he's playing now because of agarose injury, but he hasn't been as clinical as he as I thought he would be but he's come up with some good goals and he is playing well, he is scoring sawing and he's 22 or 23. Yeah. Puts great goal scorers don't always have to come at such an early days. They could have seems like nowadays. It's like you to be like a 19 year old to be a world-class finisher. Look at Jamie vardy. I mean that he's as prime example someone who was not at the top of his game for very for very early, you know, he grew into him. He didn't come to the Premier League till he's almost 30. I think it was and you look out guys like Michael all one who was completely dominant early in their careers and then later things happen. Like do United tailed off. Well, there's other factors into its Port goalscoring form not this isn't just your night. I'd say Playing For Real Madrid. But yeah, but if we do look at the standings, it was a great performance from Manchester City. They definitely deserve the victory Leicester were really more just counter-attacking which that is classic Leicester city. It's all I can really do but it's they have been good this year. I mean they have been I think less counter-attacking this year, but there are still heavily reliant on Jamie vardy space up front and then Brendan Rodgers after the match said that against the level of ponent. It was a good lesson. Russ no complaints about the result from me. It shows there's a long way to go before we can compete with the top teams percent. But you said you look at the settings. Let's just say you're still above intensity by one point for a while. But well the opposite of United your question is how do you see them saying and II or will you think they can slip well boxing day and take a look ahead of that. They go against Liverpool is a very tough run a four-minute. He'll be an interesting match because you know, it's a king power for both teams begin to their biggest Rivals right now technically on paper at least and then for liver for Leicester city, you know, it's they have to see if they can gold compete against the best of the best. I mean, this is probably the best time for the last year to play Liverpool because they're just coming off a loss which was unfortunate for them. Obviously. They weren't at their best Butler. Or coming off the club World Cup final they're going there in Qatar just today and they're going to have some jet lag. Maybe maybe some rotation this morning. We will see oxlade-chamberlain a Chamberlain was injured after that or maybe you know, the The Hive winning that tournament will carry on to the next one possum. Yeah it very well could play like that and make the team ready to get excited for the next match and put Sean for that title. Yeah. It's who who will Who will step up for Lester? Well, we've already or we will They yet again lose against top six opposition. It's going to be a fantastic game. Either way. This is gonna happen one of the best games of this. You know, Roger will definitely want to get one overly oily like several boss. He'll want his revenge a little bit but it'll be it'll be a good game. I'm looking forward to that hundred percent. But how do you see Manchester City to go from here? They are next game against their next match will be against wolves. That's not an easy game way from home. It's not easy getting either wolves are being consistent this season. At least now we'll just came. With a pretty big Wind come back behind Victory against Norwich City. That's true. Um, yeah, I mean historic City. I mean they've North were warning one L. Don't worry. I know best. Okay Norwich don't don't count on them and they beat City the shadow highlight and they're gonna get relegated and wolves have a city killer do they Adama Adama territory. Good luck do it. I think City will beat Wolves at the mall new at the molyneux. But I think it'll be a very close game Think Like A 3-2 or a last-minute winner. Can I can see like one no victory for City to know I don't do one else when those are boring for City. So have you seen their backward? I mean, it's 1/3 2/3 to City for that one yet exciting game. Oh, no, it's going to be a really interesting one because off the wolves are very good at a counter attacking and the counter-attack, you know, they're solid at the back. Wow, the most part of their relatively solid. Yeah, I think Against clubs and get against the higher clubs. It's more suits their style because especially last season they were more of a deeper sitting team like the I know was that you had to get through it a few times against wolves where they kind of park the bus against you and we're able to counter to them and they now have dangerous. I want Charlie like was said, I think last week or two weeks ago that he's one of the scariest players and up it seems so honestly, yes, it seems like he's getting bigger and bigger cage match. He's becoming a bigger threat every every Getting these like beads or where somebody looking for a Peds from this man, please don't say that attack of that would throw I can't just work hard and they don't don't worry want to attack him that men's been checked for like five years. She's a big man curly. I want to know what his diet is a lot of protein a lot of protein. There you go. Oh, yes the city city. The Wolves game does and to win against Norwich like said, it was a come behind win because knowledge had those this exciting game, but some terrible is a good goal by Todd can't well he said Yeah, I picked it up. But I know Tom nor which they were playing pretty well in the first I was watching a little bit of it and I thought they really should have had a second we're even well if they had a few chances to make it to the should have had a few. Yeah, Pookie had a good one. He could have converted that 110 tonight. I know the comment here said during the game when you're at the bottom of the Premier League, you have to take it. This is like that because you don't get a million of them. Yeah, it's hundred percent true the roll him as he does win it for wolves. He's had an old cases and so far this year. Nothing incredible, but he's someone that I think they are relying just seven goals in 18 18 games. I mean, that's not terrible stood start the year pretty poorly and they have been quite good recently were a little unlucky to lose two Spurs at the end last week. Yeah, and I don't know the really solidifying Is as a solid top halfway, maybe six now? Yeah, so the question is can they challenge for Europa League again? They're currently in the competition still can they keep it going? It's gonna be really hard because they're still in the Europa League right now. And even though they did improve their squad over their summer and bring in more players. It's going to be interesting how these things change over the next few months because we've said many times on this podcast about a certain team and how all they're going to compete for this and just for them to just collapse. Yeah, like we talked about Norwich earlier this year. I swear this is the example. We always bring up a beat Manchester City and we thought oh, maybe they can push on have a good season. They're now more likely looking like they're going to get rubbed every team can have a lucky guess. I just wanted to say though. I was the one who said that Norwich would not stay up. I mean, no, I think all the suffering always predict that but after the city gave I said, yeah, they had to still count de Ferran to run of form kind of and they said they just couldn't hold up to the standard. ISO really are the Fulham of this season they can score. I mean they can't defend his film didn't really beat anyone big monster thing. Yeah, they really just just let me I think this is I think a better comparison be Cardiff. No Cardiff actually kind of current scars much as car to beat us the count. I mean Hunters aren't you guys? Sorry Greg tires Screech woman to this and understand the glory glory man united only is at the wheel. I guess we look at the road. Nation sides Norwich City, do you think there's suffering relegation or do you think they need a look at the bottom three right now? So you got a villa on 15 Norwich 112 and Watford on nine above them 17 the Southampton on 18 points now Southampton got a big 3-1 Victory today over Aston Villa huge game for them. I think that bottom three is kind of pulling away. You don't I mean I wouldn't say I think Southampton stolen mix and Maybe West Ham love your print West having you gotta put Everton and born with I think ever Tim's will do perform better under ancelotti. Come on. They drew. Well, actually, I didn't really do any are she's like Southampton they got a huge things. I think a 3-1 Victory today. I like to thank stopping this was asking Villa. They cannot really actually know you do have a point with Southampton. They're actually playing. Well Danny eggs can keep up his goal scoring quarter percent use the scoring mostly every match tiny eggs could Be the survival for for now. I want to count on it but changlong nearly scored today after a Long Day's Danny anxious and type of player who just seems to be the he's big up positioning is always at the right time right moment field goals and he's like that 11 goals and yeah 18 games. Yeah, how long before sleeps on it and house and Futsal is a type of manager that plays a lot of pressing and Daniel's will is willing to be that people associate long. It's not scoring the goals and he's willing to president Li jiang's kind of starting to become the player that Liverpool kind of saw. Ah when they signed him, yeah, he was there like Burnley, he scored I think 11 for burning and they got Rowley. He's not a bad goal scorer, but I think is I don't think he can really play for top club. No, he's just a guy that little scrappy a little yeah. He's a he's a middle of a private Troy deeney kind of tight a little different. Yeah different players little the table Striker essentially. Yeah, he's what Steve Austin is not what was the guy who played probably lost Charlie Austin. I thought that guy was gonna be a great. He's like to United 1.2 as everything looks like did I want boy? Nothing is asking Phil. I'm kind of I'm kind of sad for them because I like some other players but they have awful Defenders. I mean, hey, it's still I mean Villa I think know if they can sign a couple of players I know but they got a sign a better defender in January. They do not have good defense there goalkeeping is subpar the only Shining Light in Steam. So far actually has been probably Jack real ish. John begins had no Casey. Yeah, he's been okay. excellent Did he stayed with Villa and the championship a few seasons he developed on his game and we Irish play folk don't like him. Let me fair enough. Yeah, but apparently he's been a villa since he's like 5 years old 6 years old. So it's gonna take a lot from to leave here loyal bear to see in this case. I mean, I would like to see the lobster because I think there are very historic. Do you know they deserve to be in the Premier League? They have to just have to sign a company in the service kind of yeah wrong. We're not deserve they you just like seeing a club like that. Because you're used to think they deserve to be there then maybe we should bring back Nottingham Forest. Maybe we should bring back leads leads are coming back later. We'll be coming back. Well, you never know. Let her know that they don't deserve but ever since I'm sorry, Greg man, your team is kind of weird. I mean to be honest championship football might be a little more exciting for you. What is he probably better for the presently for your mental state championship football is where you want to be but like no nobody history doesn't I mean football doesn't care about your history. No not like that football care when the about Liverpool's history in the early 2010's know do they care about Manchester United right? Now know so like it's so with Arsenal that's I've always find it weird when people say, ah, I don't care if that club gets relegated. They have no history. Well, what if they can make their own history their and history is what Universe you're like Man City and you buy your history. They still had to make it they started when none of us like men say they know no one really is. It's like a what's his name that one actor. You went to a football match. Yeah, I'm Neil Patrick Harris. Yeah wearing this man citikitty goes this is it go on Manchester United wait, we're here. We're here at our first ever soccer match with the primary league go Manchester United and this is why we say we're not Americans. We are Canadians don't associate us with that. Okay, I can't tell if he was joking or not. What Lucas I mean, there's plenty of Americans that know so much about Yes, Jimmy Connors one for you, but don't associate the American stereotype with us because we are North American accents talk to associate that exact. I mean, it's just Tick-Tock. Welcome to Canada. Can we continue with the bottom teams? Which one would you like to talk about? Next Everton? Oh, yeah, we can mention the worst game in history. I'm awesome this afternoon. I was watching through all the primary highlights except for this game because I was nail. No, I mean what is your toilets actually weren't terrible. I watched the highlighted watch the game. There's a couple good say Waves while I was probably more entertaining I'll classical no. Oh really? I reach it. I was going to wake up because it's this was the lunchtime kick off in England. Okay, good. Excuse me cake continue. Yeah. And so that's 5:30 a.m. For us. Yes, it's going to wake up at 5:30. I wish I had that Spirit of yours. Wake up to watch games like this then I concerned maybe I'll wake up an hour early watch the match a little earlier, but then I just felt like crap. So I'm like, you know, I'm not going to watch a match with two managers that aren't even going to be on the bench remember And Ferguson. Yeah, so maybe even takes me a lot of effort just to wake up at 7:00 in the morning to watch A Match. I mean gotta that's just you. I'm not I can't judge you. He was crazy man. Hey some people their bodies are different. Yeah. I QP V. I record the gibbsite wake up the watch awake asleep for 30 watch Celtic five. But yeah, we're supposed to stay up. This is no point on the bed, but like but about reading about this match. I'm just reading through the magistrate through right? A tour through tweets from people. I falled saying like this match nearly made them fall asleep. And I'm like when you think about it, that's not really surprising. The owners are bringing up is because everything like I said our down 15th on 19 points, they are still write down relegate. Yeah in a sense. This is a big result for them unless I mean nail nail against Arsenal that's a big finding Arsenal is only a handful of Punjab. Definitely don't look pretty there's an 11th Marshall are officially out of the top half of the table. Well this shock I think they're that's where they belong. Yeah. Shocking Arsenal are in the bottom half of the table at Christmas for the first time since 1983. That's wild. What do you think about that was? Deserved it's like you said we don't care about your history your if you're there, you deserve it. Well, I mean, okay, so they announced McHale are tactile Everton announced an enchilada. Like you said are either of these managers capable of rescuing their sides all I think angelotti can make Everton respectable. Yes. No, definitely. That's why I don't think they'll get relegated just because he'll bring some stability like even if ancelotti is like on a downward Trend right now as a manager in this in the Reputation of the game is still a guy that can set of defense wall. As long as you have people in the in the management staff and in the Player Locker Room who can keep these players ready for the matches and not lose focus and have a goal. They have to be driven. They have to take one game at a time pretty much the opposite of Napoli and said yeah how to present and then for Miguel arteta Arsenal he has to come in and freshen things up, you know new players new playstyle new ideas. Get rid of the Dead weight and bring it up scum like mikkel are tons going on slick. How do I set the standard at Arsenal again? It's a full research. You got to push the reset. I lost a lot of these players are not playing for the badge anymore. No, I know the players who are there? I don't think you're good enough to be there. They're not good enough to where their Arsenal badge. I mean, I saw the xhaka he was playing for Arsenal and I'm like, I'm surprised that he's still getting matches there after what he did even though there is some you can understand his frustrations, but there is a there is a positive to this match. Neither team conceded to correct something that's been problem through all them that was Louis started in can we talk about the team that overtook Arsenal into the top? I just want to like mention a few things. Okay Lucas. So I feel like Arsenal like they just one with a very young lineup. I guess look like it is good though Martinelli, I'm Neil Smith row and Reese Nelson. Those are guys two of them are from their Academy also, will it came on the field later on just ask? Okay. So it may denials came from their Academy like they have plenty of young Talent years young Gwen doozies young me when to sit and play but now he's on the bench though, but one thing like also was dropped. Apparently Freddy young bird wasn't happy about him. Kicking his gloves after last king. That's okay. I just want to mention because like when our title was announced as manager a bombings brother on Instagram respond to Arsenal fan TV. Okay, no experience. How's things going to be different and it's like isn't it a little weird? Seeing your siblings talk about a managerial appointment for the club. They play for I mean, yeah, that's right. That's respectful. It is a give him his chance. I know arsene Wenger said that when he when our tattoo finished playing they also are 10 is last. He's at Arsenal Van Gogh was giving him training sessions you like you can run the training session because he saw he had the ability to coach and to manage and you know, he saw the future with them. So I mean artena has a future he always has a coaching brain. He has you. Ability to do it and you know, he did fantastically at City peps. Wanted to keep him. So obviously he has something in there. So don't let's give the guy a chance first before we say he's not gonna do a good job. And also after that Everton match so, you know arsenalfan TV. Yes, the the gift that keeps on giving well, usually they do their regular stuff and review the fans but then you know, there's this there's this a talk sports stuff earlier this week, which I think led to All This and like apparently there's a lot of Arsenal fans blaming like yelling at the main guy Robbie. Blaming him for all this mess that's happening which is kind of ironic since you know, they're not the ones playing on the field. Not at all. But like what do you think about like fans turning on each other and Arsenal is a toxic mess, right? I don't know. It's just student that happening in Arsenal that the fans are strange their of that mean. It's you seem arsenalfan TVs and it's just it's an efferent. It's a mess right now like because like it all became because more people knew learn more about arsenalfan TV through that talks mates not nothing. Like against them there. They're good channel for art lead Arsenal fans. Just just it's kind of a shame that Arsenal fan TV kind of like this toxic mentality about them. Now. Yes or people that doesn't toxic fat. Is it is it Arsenal fan? No, no. No, I think this is funny and he says the right things but then like I heard that and eat a like they had to take him out because it was Getting a bit much because he became a meme man. Hello babe. He's actually a river is very respectable on the channel. There's respectful big part this put it exactly there's plenty respectful people on our staff and there is other percent like there's just fans that have different opinions, but then like I just find it annoying that like, there's like these mainstream media's just trying to shut down these fan child saying, oh they don't know anything. What's the my honestly I'll be I'll be honest. I think the fan channels knows no more than the mainstream media. You have to have your fans opinion. Yeah, that's weird. Why were you here? If you're fan, if you found a turn you on your Club, then you'll it says Hey hmm. Something's not working here. You know, it doesn't matter if you're getting the results on the field jock Steed. I know you you talked about his most famous cords inside the the Celtic tunnel for you walk out football without the fans is nothing you can have the best ever game. But if the stadium is empty who the hell cares Derek no one's watching it. No one's watching the team. It was buying the jerseys who cares, you know these big Clubs need to remember that you know, yes, you're a business. Yes. You are a mega Corporation in a sense. But yet remember how you got there who's propping up you you know, you can have your $150,000,000 kit sponsorships by Adidas, but if no one wants to buy the kit or no one wants to go see in the stadium. It means nothing and now fans can be to reactionary. Sometimes we know that we are obvious but Arsenal fans are you know, they pay the most in the Premier League for season ticket. This is well over a thousand pounds of the Season, which is not for Tina's. In the bottom half of the Premier League, you know, they they have been put them in there. They have every right you have every right to be pissed off a hundred percent. This is a dedicated fan base. I called from the very beginning. Una Amory would be a fraud here. It's like it is some sort of a picture of his tweet with Emery was yeah. Yeah. He said I'm a manager. That's one title. This is it we're finally doing it is like peers fact check yourself, please hypocrite isn't here. I just find it annoying like this fans turning on each other when really you are all in for the same thing. Hmm and also like mainstream media trying to divert attention, you know, what's funny everybody knows? Like arsenalfan TV and full-time Devils, but no one really talks about the Redmond TV, which is like the Liverpool fan Channel because they're doing well and they are I'm not saying it's just funny like there's no meme from Redmond TV. I mean there were I mean last season I remember there were some guys on the Redmond TV, they like they're talking about the Manchester City grass or whatever. Yeah, and people were just just making jokes out of them because of that but I personally I like the fan channels. I think they're great they get that's a good there's a good perspective. It's different. Perspective than what the call bring up with fancams sometimes like the host will bring on people who are bit buzzed from the for the stairs. Okay, my we want someone who's energy and in your will will catch attention, right hmm to go through the rest of the results up really quickly Burnley got a 1-0 victory over Bournemouth that's huge because they are in the top half of the table. Like I said born with are rather close to relegation. They need to be careful. I mean if they're getting a lot of injuries right now, they are Newcastle huge one little victory over. Crystal Palace hmm. No st. Mark's mean nothing likes me. You have Mr. On finally scores her new. Yeah, he's wonderful. He's rather hard. I gotta be honest when it's a huge your first goal for you was huge last January. Oh my God. I haven't scored yet until now. Yeah, and then finally final game this week Sheffield one-nil over Brighton McBurney scores for Sheffield. He just made Louis don't look below average honest. You're not wrong. This is Actually, if you told anyone that Sheffield be fifth at Christmas they were there they would have just lost grinding out the results. They haven't lost it away again this year. I mean they could still be 6 by Christmas but it still doesn't change the fact. Oh, yeah that to Sheffield don't hurt them. Sorry United stopped by tomorrow. You're gonna lose I mean, so I was normally Waterford, let's go through this really quickly. I know we said we weren't going to predict you're not gonna predict anything like that. Tomorrow's games you have United away at Watford if you don't win this, but again United bottom half teams would lose wouldn't be surprised but Swatch we got to put five past them. We'll see what happens. I mean, I've been the big game of tomorrow. What do you want? We did. Well, you fell cop become contrast what of correlated or Colchester? It was a great. Yes taking the form into the water not even in your league doesn't matter not even the link below. That's like saying. Oh good job. Manchester City for being Oxford. It was a very tough match for you guys. Every every match is tough Tottenham Hotspur host Chelsea tomorrow the return of Mourinho that's true not return because they're coming to him, but you know what? I mean Mourinho vs Chelsea can Frank Lampard side pick up a big result against a direct Rival Well, I'll have something for those matches in the public clued in to this podcast. You don't we might send ours and Lucas definitely will we'll see what happens, but they'll be a good game tomorrow. Since this podcast was recorded on Saturday and the Wofford vs. Manchester United as well as the Spurs vs. Chelsea match didn't happen quite yet. We didn't really get to talk about it. But we got some clips from myself and wants to discuss these two matches. So what was what was your thoughts on the match? Hey guys, it's soit's here from the 90th minute can't make the next part of the podcast video. It's the holidays is kind of busy so much just can't make it. So I'm just going to give my little thoughts on United and how they formed against Watford and pretty simple one word to sum of the match disappointment. It's Watford last team in the league and they somehow get a to nil win over the United. This should have been a game where United Go full throttle on them. Just put in at least three in the back that we could barely create any solid chances. It was it was just disappointing really it's one of those matches where it's like, how does this happen? How do we go from being? Spurs City playing so so well against these top teams, but when it comes to teams Like a Virgin and Whopper, we can't even put a dent into them and not even put a gold past water. It's just water for not good team and we somehow made them look world-class. It's how pathetic it is and it makes me question really. Why are we going after a striker like Holland? I know I've said in the past ago we need to sign and we need this kid is amazing. You'll help us so much, but honestly, After this performs, like why we should be going for a sin attacking met a creative midfielder who strong experience and knows how to pull the strings in the past is that we need kind of like Pogba plug, but he came on he played well for a little bit but we need a more Jesse lingard was piss-poor. No surprise. I read a statistic that Jesse lingard hasn't created the cyst or scored a goal within at least twenty four twenty five hours. In the Premier League, that's awful. So I think I think United need to put their attention and focus and signing a creative midfielder like Bruno for Nancy as I've said in the past or even maybe someone smaller like Pietro is olinsky from Napoli. Like there's a lot of your least creative midfielder is out there that you know, you can go inside but for whatever reason we're linked to a centre-forward like Holland, which I can see why because Martel we've kind of been relying and hoping that he starts going and picking up the pace and being that Talisman for us up front as a as a number nine and to be frank be honest. It's it hasn't been working out as supporters of expected always expected and realistically we can't rely on Rocka Rolla all our goals and when it comes to these lower teams, we kind of expect marty'll to show up rash for the show up. They didn't do that today. They didn't do that again. Everton and it's just like, you know, we beat City like in Spurs, like I said and we get this high that oh my goodness things are finally turning around for all the way things are going to go in the right direction. We can probably fight for top floor and after a performance like this. It's like no. No we can there's how can we even included in the top for conversation? I understand it's been pretty poor. I mean Sheffield's and fifth right now, they might as well be in the five more than us and odds are I can see Sheffield. Finishing higher than like, I don't know where United's going to finish this year because it's been very inconsistent. You know, we have performed well against every top 6 side except for maybe Liverpool which regards and that's not bad. We drew the best team in the league the best team in the world one one, but we lost the worst team in the primarily to nil. We beat the Premier League champions away to 1 but we draw Everton who just sacked their manager ball and car brought in Carlo ancelotti. What do you guys think uniting to do because I'm starting to get a loss of words. It's like we were flat against Watford. Don't get me wrong. I feel I feel Watford have a lot of some decent players but no one plays well as a unit as a team and that's why they're in the bottom the table. There's nothing's working for water. They have some talented players. Don't get me wrong like draw Della Faye. They have a dedicated 7 Ford Stryker and Troy deeney, but nothing's like before them and you know once you start Losing and you're that far down the table the conference is gone for a team. Like Watford know these players are showing up the training every morning with no motivation. No confidence. Their only goal is to stay up and they got three points off United that's massive. So the question is how does water for take a result like this and you know use it to their advantage could they stay above could this be the Catalyst and their season? I don't know it's hard to say, but right now I think it's good that plug was back because he's a Multiplayer, there's no doubt about that. I don't think you can really question his ability. I think he's much better than Fred and matamata in the Midfield and just put era but Ayah, I might I mispronounced that sorry. It's just it's as a United supporter seeing results like this. It leaves a sour taste in your mouth, right because you get excited over the big results against you know, City and Spurs and then this happens draw Everton won one lose the wall for to nail. You think we're in a better position our Quite frankly. It's more wishy-washy. It's it's not fun to be in after a result like this. I think we stopped going for Holland, but the same time we might need to get him because the goal scorers that were kind of relying on aren't showing up when they need to but the same time they're lacking the service from the Midfield and honestly, I think United best United's best area of the pitch. This season has been defense wamba sokka's been a rock McGuire and Lindelof a good pairing Luke Shaw is a bit. It's hard to say with him because he does do a lot of good things well, but you know injuries have hurt his career and his ability to play it was Luke Shaw. It's he does well going up the pitch, you know, he creates those balls. He creates those creative chances, which is good. You want to see that from a fullback, but he's a little bit slow and I don't know and let's be honest. The hair has not been performing. Well recently. It's shocking to see where like used to be. The one who would save us all the time what you did, you know against City but and then he lets them this is you can't blame the defense necessarily tonight today. I mean, you can because wamba soccer gave a penalties that was probably one of his worst performances. No doubt. I I don't know where to go as a United supported. I just want to support the team take it one match of the time not get carried away. Way, you know the thing is, you know, honestly we could end up beating Liverpool. Next year, right but we can be Liverpool, but we'll lose to like Burnley and then the day I kind of just cancels everything out right so I don't know it's like I want to see United back in the Champions League, you know, I don't want to watch Europa League football. No one does and you know, every time I'm watching the champion say it's like I'm wishing to myself. I wish United was in this competition. I wish United were here. I wish be so nice to My my club in the Champions League while my friends are in there. It's like I've got a missing on the phone while I'm in the Europa League where we're in the Europa League. But quite frankly we might end up there again. Who knows without the Premier League's going this year. We might not even get top 6 so our only goal is to when they grow plague again to get back into the Champions League. And that's not an easy task, especially this year with the quality teams. I got drop down, you know enter enter are going to go after it. No doubt. I think enter a probably favorites to win the win the tournament Europa League considering, you know, their first in Syria Celtic actually shout out to Williams team. They have been doing well and skalman and in Europe, so they might actually be a dark horse to be considered. I know we I give Celtic a lot of flack but I don't know how I just stared in from random. We're United to a Europa League conversation, but these are just a little bit in my thoughts. It didn't help that. CPT Spurs, so our hunt for top four is kind of got hit again. So this has been an awful week to be United supporter. It's weird like In the League Cup, we smashed what Colchester I can remember four nodes like okay looks like our offensive prowess is still there. We could we can give water to run for their money. We can we can probably get good results. No, you know, it's just inconsistency is awful only need to find a way to fix this or yeah, maybe we will have to consider sacking him at the end of the season. It's hard to say because he brings out these great results. Right, you wouldn't he was against a big teams. Like how do we keep them? Maybe in the maybe there's something there. Maybe we'd be patient. But the same time it's this is Manchester United We Can't be patient. We need to get back to the top. You know, how embarrassing it is. to be where we are and see Liverpool and City up there Liverpool are now touted as the best club in the world after winning the club World Cup and while that's just hurts to say. Right and United are a laughing stock. It's almost as if you know, I didn't Liverpool. I've swapped roles over the last decade from the beginning of the decade Liverpool with the badger Club United a now. And now uniter the matter club and you know the rule the best club in the world. So that's all I have to really say. I know I had those say a lot. I had a lot of my mind about this. There's just How do you lose to Nila Watford where your club name is Matt? Just United. I guess that doesn't matter history doesn't matter one comes results like this either like we mentioned but that's all I would say. I hope you guys enjoyed this. I love me know your thoughts and United and what they have to do who they have to sign maybe a player like CH what helped a lot. Sure. I mean we mentioned his his turnovers are kind of inconsistent but there's nothing wrong was going after player like yeah - and I think we need to relax in Holland he would help but we he's not what we need the most right now. We have scored. We have the goal scorers. We now we just need good solid created Created midfielders alongside Pogba. Anyways, I rambled for long enough. I kind of had to rant. I wish I could make the episode but corpses Christmas party and everything like that. So I'll just sit everyone inside Merry Christmas Happy Holidays, wherever you are the world. Hope you have a good time with your family. Whatever you're doing. Just anyways, my last question I guess is what is your guys is one Christmas present you like? From Saint Nick to your football club. I think mine would be consistency for United. Just that's what that be. Nice present Ryan I think yeah, so let me know your thoughts guys. This is fun. But yeah, peace out. Thanks for that was now Spurs vs Chelsea. This was a massive match on paper. And obviously it's a huge rivalry between these two London clubs when you're facing his former Club Chelsea and his protégé Frank Lampard pretty much it was definitely a huge match for both sides and Chelsea definitely looked like the better team especially in the first half hour were Spurs were struggling to Great chances and Chelsea were just getting into in great spaces throughout the first half hour interesting note from this match was the formations to start with it was a three back formation from Frank Lampard while Mourinho continue to typical 4-2-3-1, but interesting thing was the Midfield Spurs use dire and sissoko while Chelsea We used content Kovac kitchen. Obviously those two are more technically gifted than sis Oakland iron high opinion while dire is more of a physical player and so cool. Although during the match at times was able to get up the field and get by some players. I would definitely say he's not as technically gifted as Chelsea's Midfield. It was interesting for Chelsea to go with a three in the back but it makes sense since they were struggling in recent matches. Now the first goal we're willing scored off the corner. I will and he was having a great game. He was just working really hard along with Mason Mount who was playing on the other wing and you just giving a performance that Chelsea fans desperately want to see from him consistently. He's been better than last season According to some fans and it's just many times. He doesn't have the output which frustrates Chelsea fans and I guess the decision-making King he does but in this match great cut inside onto his right foot from the corner kick and what a strike One Nail Chelsea and really Chelsea were the The team getting into these good chance it'll good areas. I wouldn't say they were playing the best game of football ever, but they're definitely playing better than Spurs and Spurs is first chance was maybe just before the half-hour Mark where Kane had a good half chance that you'd expect him to do a little better and then I had full minutes later son. Got a ball from Kane from the other side from the right flank, but that was a little more difficult a spell quite a kind of made it a little difficult for him, but still we You have Chelsea and one-nil Lead close to Half Time Tottenham maybe starting to get into it. So have chances but they were definitely not the best team in this half. Now, let's just get into these two incidents next because that's what pretty much changed. Imagine made it so much easier for Chelsea for the rest of them match that gazzaniga instant. Yeah. What was he doing? Like this isn't Kung Fu Panda or I don't know why I'm referencing Kung Fu Panda, but what why is he trying to do? Do a Kung Fu kick to get the ball probably could have done a lot several other things. Other than that, he does the worst thing possible kids away a penalty the ref doesn't initially give it which makes time. Hey Abraham go Nazis. How are you? Not giving this a lot of dust gets kicked and it was dangerous play Chelsea. They get their penalty. No need to worry. Chelsea fans. William makes a to nil now about the penalty some people would say Alonzo wasn't going to get the ball. It was too far ahead of him, but still a few High boot a guy that high in the box and make clean contact. It's going to be given a foul and that's in the Box. It's clear as day there. Even before that penalty happens something needed to change. It wasn't working out for spur throughout this match. They weren't really most of their chance creation came from the with on the right side and there wasn't much of that in the first place. They still have the typical thing where Rory a plays right is playing the right fullback, but he pushes really high up the field while we're talking and playing on the left side left fullback is sitting more deeper and this match. It didn't really help having a Midfield with little creativity Erickson came on, but we wouldn't really get to see much from him because young men son. He would get a red card well-deserved you'd say gets pushed by ruediger and he retaliates and he really shouldn't Doing that. I know people love Sun a lot but he has many of those incidents where he does something aggressive and has no need to do it. I remember against Bournemouth late last season where he gets a straight red card. I know you got a red card against Everton him though that was rescinded. But he has those moments where you just for just an instant. He loses his cool like just lightly but just enough where it leads to an instant for a red card and it's not His not good for Spurs because they're trying to get back in the match to kneel down against Chelsea who have been defending quite well for the most part three in the back to Maury ruediger and Zumo. Pretty much Chelsea could just drop down to five in the back end hold off pressure pretty easily and that's pretty much what happened. Eventually. We saw in down belly come on, which we need to see more of he's compared to guys like dire and sissoko. He is levels above and creativity. You can just from watching. His brief time on the field. He even created stuff. Well, he made stuff happen even with Spurs having ten men and so I would like to see more of him from ruining you side in the future. All right. So one thing I wish I wanted to have to mention was the rooters situations, which it is. Unfortunately. These things shouldn't be happening. I know. People talk about racism into Italian thing. It's a Bulgarian thing. No, it's happening everywhere. It's plain and clear we've seen in the Premier League several times this past year last season between Chelsea and Manchester City. We saw it when there's some targeted at Raheem Sterling even just not too long ago. The Manchester Derby. We saw it. It's there and things need to be done. And in this match there was a the port O'Call warnings. I think a third one was Eight during that just for the that incident and in reality the match should have been stopped but they they just kept playing now. I do respect Gary Neville's comments after the match and hopefully hopefully this issue isn't just going to be thrown under the rug and and hopefully things are done to make sure people don't stop talking about this and try my best to improve as humans as a society, but yes, we're going to speak about ruediger and we'll have to mention marinas. It's after the match which was kind of funny. Obviously, he must have been frustrated about the result house teamplay, and obviously the sending off of son, which he did wish Rouge a speedy recovery for those rib injuries. That must be brutal. I just found out pretty funny. Somebody put it in Marinas hobbsy frustrated. I know some are giving him some criticism but he's he's done. Well for Spurs for the most part I feel obviously there's still some things that need to be changed. It's Figuring out the squad for Chelsea fans. This is incredible for them like summer saying this is their one of the biggest victories in your history against the former manager big rival where it was getting close in the table Spurs won. They would have passed Chelsea. So you got if you're a Chelsea fan, you've got to be loving this day. So let's look at the Premier League standings and Chelsea are now six points clear of Spurs, which is brilliant for them where they were performing poorly recently, but no get a bit of a more of a safety cap, which You can't complain about still four points ahead of Sheffield United and for Manchester United. There's seven points behind Chelsea's so spurs in Manchester United. They still have some work to do and I think more likely Spurs can still catch Chelsea. But again, let's try not to be prisoner of the moment here and obviously Lots can change in football and I had four months but Chelsea they do play Southampton next and I think this is going to be more tricky than most people think coal which is suspended because of that yellow card earlier in the match with that. Conflict with it was with Ali he could be a mess even though they do have Jersey know I just do Wonder are they going to have the same reaction? Like they did have against Spurs because there's more meaning for that match compared to a mattress is southbound and who are in 17th. It's not that I don't have been playing better recently. So the Chelsea Southampton match maybe more tricky than you think watch a finished 3-nil Chelsea aspersa Brighton Xing. I don't want to disrespect biting, but this just seems like Match / Spurs will just get a simple Victory like a to nil or something like that brighten them and been amazing lately. They haven't been terrible. They've just kind of been there so far. I'll Spurs they obviously need a reaction a need it could result in anything but a win is not acceptable for them things could get interesting that relegation battle. So let's get back to regular programming and the rest of the podcast from Saturday now, yes before we move on there are rumors around. Okay Island what mother is there's this rumor has been going around for weeks. This is what we did better last us three podcast. He is on his way to Manchester with his father know his daughter a day ago that rumor. No, it's happening. No did all they say all this videos going on summer vacation and then chest united fans have been tracking his plane to see what one it's Landing. So it's happening not this plan track and crap again. I loved it. Who was it last year there? It was us we tracked every week track commercial van dyk's, please. It's amazing. Can we go to Germany interesting results? We gotta start though with Borussia Dortmund bottlers of the bundestag last matches for the we're starting with Dortmund bottling it. Yeah, obviously bottled Bundesliga. I watch this match and I am I'm you got it. No, I'm not good. I'm shocked that they lost this match. I watch who won versus hoffenheim. Life so they were the Borussia modelers. I don't mind that that could be a title for his Honda City duplicate it. They kind of on the bottle job the bullshit guide others. I don't mind that. I mean it special recent years to get too far on the bottle. They've won the last final what was a super cup. No, it was the dfb-pokal Coggins Frankfort. I apologize. So they want Even though Frankfurt where every time I think I'm a final in Germany involves Bayern Munich and he fired you but folks Beyond this match doorman I thought we were you know, they're set up. They tied a Leipzig earlier this week in reality. They should have won that match to but they conceived only Opera halftime and the goals they conceded poor but no I thought they were playing quite well for especially in the first half goal through Mario Götze the 17th minutes, you know what the difference was is game Lucas their coach made the substitutions before the 85th minute. That is what they the downfall was. No more on the 87th minute. So there you go. Also doorman fans don't hate on me. I do like Club. I have a drive to Jersey as yours. Don't worry. I'm just like that because they had Lewandowski. I'm piece chicken coup muscle and I've only had a great respect for doorman and he that's a Polish player. He like yes. This is true, but going through like the whole second half of this match. It seemed like it was like the match was going through like half speed and like doorman just seems so comfortable that they weren't they didn't like have a killer Edge, but they they they kept on being Like a foot away or like of almost there, but not there. Yeah, like they had plenty of chances were like the cross the ball in and some players just like a foot off or there's a guy who has a chance in the box, but he takes an extra touch and it gets blocked going through the second half of your halftime score on the 79th minute and then they win it in the 87th minute for this was this is just something a crime rates that man still around. I don't times thing like it's got to be frustrating if you're a doorman fan because you see how talented your team is, you know, you see how Easy the game was going for the most part but you could always sense. Okay, we need a second goal here guys, because uncomfortable. Yeah, because like while watching the match I was just thinking okay doorman just get a second goal. You know, like it's only one nail. You've got guys have conceded one goal lead so many times this season. It might be like the fifth time six time this season and it is frustrating because that you see such talented players. You see like players doing some great things, but they're just not executing towards the end when I see results, Like this I go maybe Hollande does go to dormant because if they're willing to Splash the cash on them and give them that contract they need a Centre forward. I mean they have out there but he hasn't been great this year. Well, that's because he's been and always been injured but he hasn't been great. And I mean Mario Götze, how can you be great if you're injured aware that but when we coming when you get injured this year what when did he when I think it was against Bayern Munich just been a couple of months for months, but he wasn't great before that. He was fine. He was doing okay. You can only score without your Talisman. It's okay. Not great. Wait, I mean there's many times where doorman like like Leverkusen against Freiburg against Frankfurt. I think we're there wanting one why a goal and then they just draw the match my our goats is good behind the striker not as a soccer Striker. I mean, he's such a noob such an interesting player. Yes, the number ten. Nine number nine. Yes, all they have no choice who they can play. Number nine like I don't know I didn't like I don't know why I don't know why his art was subbed off. I don't know if he was injured or not, but jakub Rune Larsen. I know he's young but just nothing special. I see about him to play for a side like Bruce adornment. Yeah. I mean he also has some pounds but is he talented worst? Is he a guy that you want to bring Off the Bench for Bruce to doorman to get you a goal was not there, but I can scarcely Off the Bench. No they may be in. Future like towards 121. Yeah. It's a lot of time right so but yeah, there's just so many frustrations you see from doorman like they could easily be in first place in the Bundesliga right now wrong. Like they're always the mentality. There's weird fourth or seven points behind that could also be too much to catch up this year. But then there's also a meme where because in reality. I don't think doorman deserved this match, but but earlier this season Bayern lost to hoffenheim as well. I think Think and now there was just a meme of just like two guys holding your hands together and saying lost to hoffenheim or something the giant Killers. Let's go talk about the other Giants Bayern Munich. They get a two-nil victory over Wolfsburg clean clean result. No, it wasn't clean. It was clean. No wasn't they still score until the 85th minute? Okay something game. But um, the young young Lads decree he scored again. Legal penalty goals alarms that he doesn't sing. I don't know if that's noxious. It's the last game. He came on your Old Dutch attack in the last game for buying he came on he scored in the 98th minute scene. So it's like what is it man having his blood? I mean you got talent Byron have to be thrilled because their bench not look good coming off this match like you have to rely on Zurich Z to get you a cold out late like Precinct is still there Lars may like, yeah, it's not a The great maybe we'll sign somebody in January delicious bolster the I don't think I don't think even filled the entire bench. Look there's a buyer or wanting a proven goal scorer Off the Bench you'll get dining's now they're going to go after Lee Royce on imagine that and he's gonna come back from injury and light up the Bundesliga. Yeah injuries are having killing Bayern but and I don't ask you can't play every game was well he can but sometime deal but he finishes the year off. I think pretty With fifty four goals in the calendar year first it really I think so. Yes. Yeah, but so far this year 19 goals in 17 games in the Bundesliga a few more things. I want to mention about Bayern so, you know these injuries obviously cause a lot of troubles but Alfonso Davies has been a bright spot from this injury Christ wasn't this game is his last game where he beat two or three Defenders across into Thomas Muller in the Box Lewandowski was Lewandowski. Fantastic cross is a great it was a fantastic run down the wing virus good to see No, like you've questioned whether he should be a left back in the few. But what is it? I think it works when he's got great. I think he's great at left-back. Obviously if he's playing for Canada, he should not play left back for sent his we have no one else kind of put up front hundred percent and also Thomas Muller. He's I know we made a joke about tender. Yes, spacing or interpreter depending on Thomas both work. It's very cool. Yes, but uh, I know you said that he was he scores a lot of goals when we had that clip happen, but you know, I say hey, He scores a lot of goals in the Box. Yeah in the right place at the right time. Well, he hasn't scored a lot of goals in the box, but he's been assisting a lot he has 11 assists for the first half of the Bundesliga season. He said okay. Yeah first ever player to do that. Yeah, he's had a good year. I mean, I like Thomas Mueller always have I still think you should've gone to United their curfew years ago, but you know, he shouldn't he would have done anything for us. I mean you were taking 11 assists so far this year. I'll be honest. No, you would've done anything for us. He's a great player. But with our team he would have done anything. I mean, he's a polar light polarized polarizing player. Yes, because like earlier this year. There's rumors that he was going to get sold in January because he was pissed off. But yeah, he's on the bench so constantly but now he has his record here and So tired of this man. So what is the tree in front of yeah, they're good blockade. Anyway last year, you knocked it over so and there's still time this is not possible. But overall Byron will be thrilled about getting that factory wasn't that easy as match for them but hasn't far Munich on 33 points. So I said top of the table is Leipzig on 37. So it keeps buyer within touching distance of that title. Yeah. So lifelike they get a win over Augsburg. One again, not an easy match there were down One Nail pretty early. But Conrad lime were Patrick. She can use of Poulsen Patrick's chick. Let's talk about him for a while. He's had a fantastic season. So far this year recent it hasn't he scored four in his last five. Yeah. Yeah. He's been on fire. It's got four goals in seven games. That means very very good. I know there's a lot of promise with him when he was at sampdoria handful of years ago. You supposed to go to you Ventus, but then like to Roma, correct? Well you He had he's gonna he was having a medical for you Ventus. And apparently there's some problem with his harder Health where that deal got cancelled, but then he ended up going to Roma later that window and I feel like he never really recovered a really never settled settled in enrollment. So it is good to see because you could see the talent he had earlier in his career and he still obviously has it so it'll be interesting maybe in the future of burner gets sold and they can keep Shake because right now he's on loan, but maybe he's going to be that he over hers, huh? And his best-ever season so far this summer calendar year and we completely joked about him last season was just missing a lot of chances or not basically took a hundred shots on net and scored like 30 his conversion rate wasn't less than 30 its clergy. It was poor last season this year. He's done. Okay. Well, I don't know about the stats. We haven't checked in a while, but it's okay. Yes, but like they have to be happy first place in the Bundesliga like incredible their game against Dortmund I went to Watch them. When I go does this does life seek deserve to be on top of the Bundesliga because the first half they were Dreadful second half. Yes, they tied it up, but they weren't super be either. So I want to wait until they played Bayern Munich. I want to see when that game happens what they'll be like, yeah, and that's not until next year because Lunas think is going on a break to break is happening in Germany. That's okay. I'll be patient. I mean again, February 9th, but that far away and also glad back they drew hurt the Berlin. I'm glad I didn't watch this because I was considering it but it's they haven't been in the best form recently. Although I mean nobody expected glad back to be top of the Bundesliga tables in this place. Exactly. So the yeah it helped for is Leipzig glad back Byron and Dortmund schalke. They tied Freiburg, which is another missed opportunity for schalke two times. They were in winning positions and two times they drew their matches and drowned out European Spots. I'm sorry. They weren't in a winning position to came back from to one down scenes Freiburg score to handle these. Oh my gosh run of European positions is by Leverkusen in six. They got a 1-0 victory over my nights last minute. It was not much to say there. I mean, it's absolute seems though and it keeps them in the hunt for Europe right? No scenes. There's a shit game. I like I like the way you put that crap. Don't don't give you scenes which is Caesars our goal in the last minute. Well wouldn't look as it's nil-nil all game. That's hot scenes. Yeah, but that moment is scenes when it happens 38 seconds of limbs or okay, let's keep it going mean if you score a last-minute winner. You're going to be like scenes. That's it for the Bundesliga was urgency scoring in the final minute is scenes. Because the med Samantha debut, you know, that's can we go to like Spain or something? Sure for once you want to go to Barcelona for one over Olive as congratulations. You be a crap Club. I mean Griezmann Vidal, messy and Schwartz do not disrespect Alvin's. Okay? Okay, I'm sorry. I mean the 15th I think about had the top The Big Three this is for the reason why the top-flight the big three did score for Barcelona. Good to see of course and then we look at Sevilla who is right up at the top top their third and in Perry pain score for office. That's a funny name Perry pods. I'm sorry ever banega and Diego Carlos score for Sevilla there to nil victory over Real Mallorca, but let's just want to focus on Barcelona just for some folks on Barcelona. Well, apparently they hadn't been Union of their 2009 winning. Someone else wonder why pools on the pitch. Assure that toe in one non, you know, I've been down and like I just want to talk about that for just a few minutes. Just what do you talk about with the Lucas? Well, not just your recollection of that team in that only the best ever one of the best ever because they beat Manchester United in that file. Correct? They did yes. Yes. Yes there were good though. That's a good team very much. So, can you read off that? Tyranny Lucas? Yeah, I'm bringing it up right now. So Victor Valdes goalkeeper, not terrible Carles Puyol played right back. Yaya Toure, yeah, it's rigged with Gerard Pique. Sylvie know who was not bad life back Sergio busquets Xavier Iniesta, messy oreto and honoree and then it was not a bad bad boy on and Pedro on the bench. Wow, why do they invite boy? And if I could've kept him home he was on the night. He was on a bench for the transit final. I understand that but they could have oh, sorry, your letter got lost in The mail he doesn't deserve to be there. I'm sorry at the time you deserve to be there potentially was a very those were good times. I mean, we're good time. Yeah, this is yeah. This must have sucked for it United fan. Yeah. No give me lots of Champions League final you you know what? It's like to shut up almost to suck be no. No. Yeah. We also find a way out. We should be happy go lucky Eliza Eliza played. Okay just didn't have a carry us moment. I mean you had a read of I don't know. No, we were embarrassed by little magician in Lionel Messi. Chicken Dance of the time he's a little magician and he still is kind of yes. I accept these bearded. Yes play more. He's an aggressive right now Ms. Trying to take the piss get out of me Anderson was in this fight started in his final. Yeah. He wasn't bad Michael Carrick are useless. Van Dyke He's made a Henderson from average to pretty good taste. Okay had no average to handle one his skills competition when he was a Youngster in Sunderland. He was under before clop Henderson was very average. Who is your manager before clop? It was Roger's there you go. The man's a rat. Well this team is it is much better than Liverpool's coincide. No, it's not. I want to get both of these respect. I think your team is a good team. Did I get Travis you finally you're doing well in the premiere. Luc boulard am good right now sure red John O'Shea there but we also an Anderson Cristiano Ronaldo guess I arguably better back then better than your career money. I mean no crap Cristiano Ronaldo's when the best players of all time and you are you gonna slam Wayne Rooney was probably one of the best center for the time Park ji-sung the Korean with iron lungs. He's a legend Ryan Giggs was still running. I mean you had Johnny Evans on the bench. He was a fighter Batman Second of the Premier League. Yeah, yeah. I know. I don't know more permanently Metals in your whole fucking team history. I'm not splitting Johnny Evans. This happens is on the bench the last decade I bet we'd still beat you we can't argue because there's ten different years between these two Clark 2011 team was better than shut up. Both of you pass on to the sorry that we lost them shut up who's better that you know inside or his current Liverpool's. I'm sorry that comment below we lost. The best side of all time but and yes, that's just the best Tick Tock right? There are seating plan. I'm sorry. Okay, my man united team lost the best possible team of all time while you guys beat some subpar purrs Spurs team. We speak Barcelona in the semi-final modeled it for Nill. You gotta give credit research. These are champions league final one isn't dubbed as the worst Champions League finals all time. Fair enough piss me off man. Piss me off. Usually. I don't know. I am fired up. It's weird watching it happen. Usually I'm the one yelling this thing's so you never you never crap on a Ferguson team. Will you not be on a forgetting almost sounded like it I prefer not to speak for what I'm very happy here. I prefer not to speak into your just how you two trees between us to hide behind it for a while. But I guess that's enough about my Greg's usually there Greg's the buff. Zone but since we're talking about the best team in the world we might as well talk about Liverpool in the club World Cup victory today. Yes, very good, but that was a good final that flannels better than the Champions League final against flamengo and ends one-nil the Brazilian himself Bobby for me. Oh, he does score the winner next time. Yes. Yes Liverpool dominant in that way. It was very back and forth. It seemed flamengo didn't play poorly. They had chances in the second half the score and win the game. This guy's not a bad team is gonna easily been flamenco's tournament. Oh, I mean look at it in the grand scheme of things. Things if you look at the match from start to end first six minutes Liverpool had to clear chances for me know and Kata Should Have Made It One Nail and then in the beginning of the second half. I do think you guys should have smash them with the chances. You had your you guys couldn't hit the net really yeah there and there's two more than getting a second half. I should have been more comfortable than it was. Yeah, it should be but regular two children more comfortable but also Flamingo had chances to actually seal the victory. Yeah. They had a chance were also many great saving the second half. It could have been to the point where you could been down. One-nil in the 56 Min or something and for Liverpool, of course, they want to win this crash this trophy. Yeah, but they would definitely not have wanted to go to extra to so first time they won this trophy in their $126, whatever is called. They definitely do not want they did not want to go to extra. Yeah, and then like there's a lot of there's a lot of games have unfortunately, you know a Brazilian breaks Brazilian Hearts Bobby Bobby. Now, I saw a tweet to I wanted to ask you I asked him where I want to ask you. Out of the front three, mine a for me know Salo who is the best player I would say Mom, I would you yeah good. I saw I saw a thing on Twitter said Mommy in solid score more goals, but overall playing style overall player Bobby's the best as I think it's Up For Debate because you know who's were influential and it was in my name is goals. Is it is it's Allah's pace. Is it for me nose passing? It's Up For Debate as up for opinions. Well, they each have different unique styles that are imagined they'd Old can't are capable of scoring goals. I know from you know hasn't like in November and such wasn't the best Salah had an injury. So he was struggling and money was picking up things but greed. I think money is the best of the front three. I think that's my one. I don't know. I think once Allah is like actually in when they're all on form. I think solids the best out of them because he can just get a go out of nowhere like it's like he's so determined to get a shot and he's whenever he touches the ball it just his foot becomes gold. He's a bird. It's all dependent on what he wants to turn it up. Osman is more consistent. Oh, that's all you can say that or but there has been times where money hasn't been consistent. Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of top not every footballer is going to be like Messi and Ronaldo where they're going to have consistent goal scoring runs throughout the entire season. There's going to be patches where every other people need to step out without the year throughout the year 2019. Mommy's been the better player. I mean it's a debate probably honestly, but I'm not going to get into that debate. I could be a Shinto the report for being the best in the world that is around around around that's what we're trying but I just want to complain about the referee complain about the rewards are Liverpool's you guys are known for. Okay. Why do you saw this? What happened? Last minute right 90th minute where the penalty was kind of silly. I'll be honest money goes on a breakaway get stripped down by rafinha. Now, there's a debate. Is it in the box? Is it outside the box there? Checks the VAR doesn't look at the angle word. He gets tackled just look so it was it in the box and then it's like oh okay was in the box and he looks at an angle where it doesn't look like he got clipped but there are like three or four other angles where there's clear contact. It should be a red card for a fee Nia and should be a free kick instead gives the ball to the goal keeper and I'm like, what are you doing? What are you guys doing is a shocking moment in what should be one of the best games of the Season kind of And like the ref had a shocking match on us, there's many calls that he just he wasn't a on top of things that well. I don't know missed a lot of things but at the end of the day let her pull should have been comfortable in this match should have took in their chances and none of this would have really mattered and I wouldn't be getting fired up right now fair enough. Can we move on to? Oh and one more thing my God. Sorry. I just have no to yes, so at the beginning of the match so, you know, Captain exchange whatever the ref asked a flamingo kept the farm. Captain do you understand English? This is this is the Russians had a very bad game started. He was not mentally sound only this man start to finish. It wasn't great. He's probably the biggest matching sever rafting is crucial King want to Italy know what is there to talk event is to get a 2-1 Victory or some Doria. They made a bit difficult Roma big win for one or a few on Tina and Inter 4-nil over Genoa just a little bit of thing Atalanta plays in Milan tomorrow. They'll be decent games, of course Thirty in the morning. I'm not watching Don't worry, you can wake up to that. I'm not watching even in those that piqued. I'm perfect. I'm not watching this is where is this match for like Chinese view? These are two clubs that quite frankly I detest I don't get why you detest Atalanta so much just I don't like not my team clearly, but yeah, obviously, it's a great for enter to keep up and yang first manager in the caucus scored a great goal. It's good for him. But still they are goes into Christmas tie down point to the of the table. I mean not the you expect before we do a piece. Is there any else to talk about this week their finger think that was a row unfortunately dally blind, you know is a heart muscle information does he was it what happened to him in the Champions League? I don't think so. That was a weird moment of the Chinese when you just fell over no one was around them. Yeah, it is. Hopefully it's nothing too serious. And then for a long term, he's you know, he's a Dutch Legend it was there any news about Chamberlain's injury? I just saw him on crutches after the match an unlucky. Yeah, like seem like anything happened to him. But like you just wait fell in this kind of awkward. Hopefully they'll get you he's a very cute. He's out. He's actually had very good Farm recently. Yeah, it's injuries of didn't have the best match by like, yeah, he was able to put pressure on it. I guess like he was able to walk off but and didn't need a stretcher which was a good thing, but it is unfortunately another Midfield injuries happening Spurs. Sorry. I just threw over this big big moment for Spurs. Purrs, Toby alderweireld signed a new contract. Oh that's huge for them. So now they're saying could renew convince vertonghen and Erickson to sign a new contract. I think Erickson is a long gone the Lost Cause okay with that though. You don't like him. No Danish. I think you suppose is my favorite Strikers in the world. It's my favorite players. What could these Danish cash Michaels? Brilliant book how and I hate Danish people like What I just think he's does he think it was Ill. He's a luxury player even to close to I was Ill. He's a luxuries much better than Mesut. I agree. But I think you so much every player Moses more talented. Yeah, but we always all doesn't show up half the time. Yeah, but why are you calling? Why are you making him seem like he hates Danish. My Danes do to me more respect for Ericsson. I don't think I just don't think he works hard. No, that's false. He's gonna go to Real Madrid is going to shine again. Yeah, just like just like Mr. Hazard has yes, he's no more need to be fair to was in crap. Deferred was was Denmark in Scotland. There's something going on between those two in Macbeth. Excuse me. It's a fictional piece new kids. So she was written like how every the hundred years ago. I don't know. Just something I remembered and I just Googled it. Oh my God. Okay. Are we done? Well, look. Um, so if Maria gets to keep her Kong and other viral, yeah, like you think that's just exactly what Marine you didn't get at Manchester United and could lead to great things for the mean they are offensive pairing. I still think that defensively they they need some help out there because it's not perfect yet, you know, yo Sanchez, they got a couple of bodies back to that are good, but maybe not great. I mean like if you look at their how they I don't know how I even watched a really recent matches playing the back three kind of well, it's kind of a backboard boy Cory has been pushing up higher in the tong and has been sitting back at left back with Sanchez and all the viral the middle. It's going to be interesting there obviously is many good pieces in that Spurs team and it is it'll be exciting how they did a little bit of stability may be going into January might be able to make a signing or two and you Spurs are not a Million Miles Away. For being a very good team again, you know little bit of form little bit of consistency a little bit of confidence and your Spurs are back to be on top. So yeah, well, we'll see. Well, yeah, if you kind of ironic if they just got smashed yet today or on Sunday you never know. Is that everything for tonight? I think so, I think you have to leave soon. I do have to leave so anything else you want you to believe I got things to do people to see okay places to go where we can leave soon. Okay, but thank you for tuning in for our Christmas special. Our holiday special holiday, so there's nothing really special about this episode because you didn't wear the bloody hormone is a sweater. You can wear it. That would have made it special you let us down. She just brought me Santa I didn't have I know you're coming in tonight. I'm sorry as your fault. It is his fault. If you have watch this entire video, we greatly appreciate. To make sure you are subscribed on YouTube hit like down below comment any of your thoughts don't get involved in the conversation. We had asked during the questions. Give us your own questions. We definitely answer any and all questions hit us up on Tick Tock Instagram Twitter or Facebook Spotify gangster in the vial LinkedIn. I did post a video but LinkedIn the bile hit us up. We're on at all, but for myself Liam from Lucas was and Greg. Thank you for tuning in. Thank you for watching. And listening, and this has been yet another week in the beautiful game. See you next time and happy holidays.
On this episode of The 90th minute, Liam, Lucas and Woz discuss this weekend's action! We recorded on Saturday, but Woz does pop in later to discuss Manchester United losing to Watford, while Lucas pops in to discuss the Tottenham vs Chelsea result! Overall, we discuss Manchester City's impressive performance over Leicester, Wolves victory over Norwich, everything going on with Arsenal and more! Woz and Lucas also get into a heated argument, while Liam hides behind a tree... We discuss all of this and more on this episode of The 90th Minute! Timestamps Manchester City vs Leicester City - 2:00 Previewing LCFC/LFC & WOLVES/MCFC - 11:50 Norwich vs Wolves - 15:15 Look at relegation - 17:55 Everton vs Arsenal - 23:12 AFTV/Fan Channels - 28:20 Rest of the Premier League Results - 32:48 Woz Talks Watford vs Man. UTD - 35:20 Lucas Talks Spurs vs Cheslea - 46:50 Bundesliga - 56:35 Barcelona and Their 2009 Squad - 1:08:40 Club World Cup Final - 1:14:30 Serie A & Other news - 1:19:12 Check out our last podcast discussing Mikel Arteta to Arsenal, Ancelotti to Everton, El Clasico and more -  Check out our last podcast discussing Manchester City destroying Arsenal, Chelsea’s continued struggles, Coutinho’s hat-tricks and much more: Check out the creator of the intro tune: Check us on social media TikTok: @the90thminute Instagram: @the90thminuteofficial Youtube: The 90th Minute Twitter: @The90thMinute1 Liam: @LiamPeace7 Woz: @itswoz96 Lucas: @ChromiakLucas LinkedIn: The 90th Minute
What's up fam dead and buried here to let you know that if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer and anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcast and many many more you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. Have we made any money? Keep we make money hand over fist through anchor. Hello did oh, no, did I just bought a boat? It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place. So download the anchor app are going to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. No, I'm thankful for Pete. I love you were watching was not you all the people watching and listening. Have you even rated us? Because a lot of these you know, what have a hundred forty three of them on my count. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I'm thinking about it. You know what you think? Let's see how this goes. If you enjoy this episode you can go and rate it. Will it be? Okay welcome to the dad and buried podcast. My name is Mike. This is my Frenemy Pete High and a friend and a friend would be maybe more Confidant. No, you know, I've never literally never told you where cohort in in college. Hort find whatever man, this is Dad were if you haven't been here before welcome, if you have if you're independent bank, if you're into parenting just you know, just somewhere else. Yeah, because if you hate guaranteeing moving on this is for you like build the mica said he was very excited for our worst parent teachers episode and we said listen to every single episode because yeah apparently sucks. It's like assault we have assaulted Earth policy here. We do dad buried salted Earth salted. That's what I said. So this week we're talking about Thanksgiving and you know what, we're not going to talk about the things we're grateful for when it comes to Parenting because that's not what we fucking do. That's not the dead and buried brand. We're gonna flip the gun damn script goddamn, right? What's the opposite of Thanksgiving angry giving angry taking Ungrateful taking welcome to the first ungrateful taking thank you very much. Anyway, that was tough. Yeah, I forgive you. Thank but it was a good try. So yeah, I'm Mike from Dad and buried you may know me from my enormously popular Instagram Channel or some snarky comments that lead another people. I'll even other people's channels or Facebook. Maybe know nothing you might know me from nowhere because he hides his life. Oh, really? Because I haven't emailed your life is so shitty. You can't even pretend it's good like I do on Instagram. Wow, that was a close. I was very close to being a burn was it? Yeah, very close now luckily. Luckily. I dodged that. I just do Dives down turn off. Yeah. I have an email address everybody. Thank you very much. What is it? Don't worry about it. Exactly so you can find me on Instagram Facebook Twitter my blog not you're not even looking for Pete. So there's no point even telling you where he could find worry about it. Uh, yeah, it's fucking lost. So this week we're talking about Thanksgiving and all the stuff that sucks about it because that's pretty much all we talk about things that suck about things. Yeah, but also see related to Parenting we are we draw we mainly related to kids though. Sometimes we talk about like movies and you get angry. Yeah, and you don't understand talk my references and all we do talk about our kids and how wonderful they are but then I get angry. Yeah and how might how much better minor than yours? Yeah. That's exactly why I get angry. So If you have listened before thank you, if you haven't, you know, hopefully you'll listen again. And if you want to you can support us by telling your friends and your family, but you have about us you have to interject in the middle of a story. That's the only way Thanksgiving is the perfect place to do that when someone is telling some kind of story are talking about politics you get. Hey guys and Graham have you heard the dead and buried podcast telling the story about how he saved an entire Village at one time and that they music well known as I get snow steadfast has Has anyone heard this that and buried podcast just say the one about picky eaters? Yeah, I can blow your mind. Don't take your kids to restaurants because they're garbage continue grandpa with yeah. Okay Omaha Beach who gives a shit so you can spread the word you can rate US on Spotify and apple we could always use more ratings leave a review. If you want you can leave comments under specific episodes on Youtube We reference those at the end of every episode. Yep, and you can throw some cash on patreon or anchor or even by some merch we do we are Enough to have a handful of people who do support us on patreon and throw us some money every month. These are wonderful. This is a wonderful family. So the single dad tear Chris Coleman Miriam Ms. Fabian check your kids at the door has a funny meme page em cedeño and Mallory Mackenzie. Thank you guys the dad bod. Tear Barbara Geiger over in Germany morning underscore glow who I believe is morning glow JRM on Instagram Jacques ago, VAR, Andrea Sandoval build America brand-new, but LinkedIn request. I'm still thinking about it. I'll let you know Dana. A Bose day who went back and listened to every single episode and then determined it was time to join patreon. Did he need it to test you need to check it out. Make sure all forty three episodes were up to Snuff and then she was like, okay not just that but she had to go she had to comment on each and every one she did. Yeah, we appreciate that. I appreciate father-figure tear my old friend Julia McCarthy. Joseph died chasing also known as Sarge around this part these parts Paula Paul ski who made a joke about the CFL to me recently joke because I did a story in which Here football in the background. He said you must be watching the Grey Cup. You know what I wasn't watching the Grey Cup because I don't care about the CFL. So Paula Paul ski lives in Canada, and we've mercilessly or you have mercilessly tortured him about the fact that he's know what I love Canada and I love my Canadian friends and they have a Thanksgiving of their own which was about a month ago good call they could have used you they could have used me a month ago, but guess what? This is America America First Jennifer Winn also on the Father Figure here. Who comments via Facebook sometimes? Thank you. Jennifer World's Greatest Dad. Tear Mary Williams and Julie Burton also known as KSU Julie who unfortunately was born right around Thanksgiving. So her birthday much to her Chagrin is dominated by Thanksgiving and she does not appreciate that. This is my daughter's but my daughter appreciates it when's her birthday 27. This is the eldest same day is Julie Burton. Look at that. Congratulations Julie for sharing a dorm a birthday with Pete's daughter. Who is mergers and Acquisitions lawyer? Yep, that's correct. And the my new dad to your Sarah Desiree and Monica. We just give thanks we can the one time we're going to give thanks. We are grateful for all of them were grateful for grateful for every single one of you thank you and we'll graph will at for everybody who's left a rating. We hope you'll leave some more. Yeah, just think about it. You know, it's just a new account each one. It's a little different from the last one. You know, I mean just create new account. Oh, yeah create dummy accounts just to also it's called a server Farm. Neil is a big farm, you just gotta get raids when you're gonna get a number of laws are talking politics and you were like need his own out just got on your phone and create a bunch of Apple IDs and then fucking great the shit out of the Danbury podcast just be like, hey real quick. What's your password? And then just go? Yeah go in and Santos so I made it I made that. Okay Trumper joke, I mean it. Okay jumper joke somewhere today. We're saying if every time your father-in-law I train my toddler to say, okay Trump every time my father-in-law speaks in Said that there was a tweet going around where this dude had changed his Wi-Fi password so that whenever one of his in-laws ask for the Wi-Fi password, it was impeach 45, which I thought was clever. Anyway, we are not big Trump fans around here. But we do love you and Thanksgiving. I don't like Thanksgiving as much as most not gonna lie to you. What where is it ranked in your holiday list? How is it? I don't really like any holidays. Holla give a shit about how absolutely love Halloween. Do I your the number y Halloween? Boone you are not true fucking just a monster and not in a good way. I begrudgingly participate but I don't I don't know how many times day you're a big problem with with holidays is I get hyped up for them and they rarely deliver which is much like you get I hate up. I'll get all excited. All this holiday is going to be fun and then it's like, oh wasn't as fun as I thought it would be when you when you say holiday named the holidays you're thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve. Yeah, that's Point right now as you see the ultimate you think it's going to be good and it's not good, you know, but this point in your life, you know that and you're just like this is a shit holiday, but there is a way there was a way to don't forget Fourth of July. I don't see it doesn't even some crossed my mind for somebody. I don't even consider it a holiday. You don't see holidays. I don't see how it is. I'm very tolerant you're just so good. Anyway, we'll get into a little bit of my Thanksgiving experiences in a few minutes special shout-out to our sponsor Kinder. Perfect. It's like Cards Against Humanity for parents. Very fun and funny game that you might want to play if you've had a couple of cocktails on Wednesday night, perhaps the most popular day of the year for like bars and people come home for the holidays and high schoolers and or maybe a high school is but college kids come back first time. They're back haven't seen their friends and a lot of reunions. Yep, very popular day to go out and gets mad of these people play some perfect want to play can about how about just parents who are tired of the whole from the whole year up to Thanksgiving can play can. Perfect in front of their kids and trash them and Liars when you play this game, you have to Dead Eye them. You look them straight in the eye you go because I wasted my life and that what are the answer starts because I wasted my life sure is I hope so. If not, they'd better get on their come on. So yeah at the end we'll be doing some YouTube comments and their needs and are sponsored segment for Kinder. Perfect. Yep, and we'll be back just after this to talk some shit about Thanksgiving. It's the Hey, Mike, have you heard of Spotify before? I have heard of Spotify? Really? Yeah, because on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcast in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify is a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now here. We were having a normal conversation and I thought I knew more about Spotify. We're on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes and listen offline. Wherever you are and easily share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram. I'm on Instagram. Are you on Instagram? Get out of here? If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for dead and buried on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me and Pete so you never miss an episode of the dead and buried show. All right, welcome back guys were about to get into Thanksgiving or what. Are we call it ungrateful getting? Yeah, right. I that's it. I completely forgot actually but real quick. We want to let you guys know so doing a little bit something different as we approach the end of the year. So this is our 44th episode the end of the year will be like our 48th some like that. So the one right before or right after New Year's right, so we'll record it right before New Year's and it will air right after. And we want to do kind of an end-of-year year-in-review kind of thing. What we don't have a huge production setup where we can necessarily do a ton of Clips, but I'm going to I'm going to put out a call for you guys to send us emails with favorite moments and jokes episodes is amazing. I know but it's just it's a lot of work to go through and find Clips. It's not Howard Stern, right? Yeah. So if there's anything memorable that you thought was good or anything you really hate in particular about Pete and his haircut. You can just let us know and we'll talk about some of the highlights from the first 40. Even or so episodes and also some one of our listeners, I think it was Lou Bagels who is kkw 27s husband. Okay who goes by doggy in their house? Oh my God you how the fuck do you know ever no man, you know what I care about my fucking listeners. The amount of information that is in that like little underneath that hat of yours with a little tear impressed. You're impressed. You look like a Belieber know what that's I found that's found the Lord. Thank you. Well, I don't like that last part so So we he suggested we do like a would you I think it was him. I would you rather episode and I did a tweet about this once where I said, would you rather stick your hand inside a blender or make small talk with other parents at the playground? So that's the kind of shit. We're looking for so fun stuff throw some would you rather zat us and we'll answer those and we'll do some memories of the first magical year of the dead and buried podcast and and we'll make it a little my party wiggle party and of the Year real Charlie Day. More Charlie Day from Always Sunny. That was yeah. I don't know I did by accident you almost Mallory Mallory. Yeah. All right. So tonight we're talking about Thanksgiving and I before we get into it. What are you doing for Thanksgiving this year Peter. I'm going to visit my brother who lives in Connecticut. You know, it's funny. I'm also going to Connecticut. You know, what lot funny but is no fucking chance. We're going to cross paths. You won't even invite me to your brother's place. Like I said, not even a goddamn. You know, what? You're invited to mine, please you're not I would love to meet you. There's a bar in Milford we go to especially on Wednesday night. It's all I can do is this estate so I know where your brother lives and I know where Milford what and I know the distance. I know the town you try to finish correct know he's part of the 1% West same fucking different even closer Westport is closer to Milford than Greenwich has so in your fucking face. I was Ingress Westport on Saturday. Why were you there? I got off the airplane was fighting. So I was looking for the mailbox Anderson honey. I was trying to get something to eat and then I just drove around aimlessly for a while. Then I got back on the highway. Yeah. Well, that sounds like my father used to have a law office in Westport. Well, he might like everyone else who lives in Connecticut must be a huge dick. Wow, so you don't like your brother there now. I knew you didn't like me. I don't live in kinetic. You know, I'm fine. So no, I'm just joking. You'll however how long's own that most people that live in Connecticut are deck. Yes. I agree. That's a well depends on the part of Canada. But yeah the part that's near New York 100 percent. So you'll be there for how long I'll be there for at least like Thanksgiving Day into the night and sleeping over. Okay, so just like two days. Yeah. So we go unlike Tuesday or Wednesday and we're there and I like Saturday. Oh my God. Yeah. Well like we have young kids and it's my parents rights and they don't often get to see their grandkids that Except for every single weekend in the summer you forgot nice not even close to every single weekend. They don't want us to pull out of the way for the holidays and then we milk it and then you just like bars and like we don't need a like we don't need these and this nine-year-old and three-year-old are a huge pain in the ass. Like, you know, shit. Why do you think we come here? Do you ask do you let them know that you're coming? No? No, this is all done that. Oh he show up. What's up this someone banging down the basement? Where's the fucking cape on? You know, what cape on is? No, it's a it's a good. Another kind of like not a game bird, but another guy so whenever growing up we step in turkey and a cape on is another kind of bird. Like I said like a turkey assholes. I do not I guarantee you I guarantee you your brother's house is more of a mansion and a better house in my big fuck-off. Yeah, exactly. So go fuck your brother Nate. What are you doing to Thanksgiving? It's only don't know what's going on Thanksgiving, but maybe so Nate does not have kids. Does your brother has kids are you going to see your brother and his kids do you sit at the kids table with your brother's kids? Are you shamed for not having brought grandchildren into the family. That's a yes. Shut up, Mom. Finally follow me home from the playground so you don't got so you're driving or training it busing it yikes when on Wednesday. Yeah. Oh my God, it is stuck in traffic on a bus. I was still myself is a bus does the bus leave from Port Authority? Yeah, Hallelujah, you know where you can do that. I have a good idea. Listen to the dad and buried podcast on the bus. That's what everyone should be doing right now know what you gotta do Nate just you gotta start to form a community and get everyone to start just listening and just rating it everybody form a community and of us have an hour and a half but quickly just hey everyone Lord of the Flies situation. I know this from home of the car. Conch and be like I know this is very unusual because this is Port Authority and if anyone talks is usually because they're a psycho. But let me tell ya I have to say because I'm gonna stab you see turn it you gotta flip the script Nate. All right, so years ago, I wrote I did a slug. I told you this was going to happen. I created a little chart where I ranked top holidays and I put like the top five for parents in the top five for kids, you know, it wasn't on the kids holidays Thanksgiving. Kids kids don't give a shit. Yeah, what do they care? They don't care about eating. They don't care about football. Right? Right. Maybe they want to see like their families and their cousins. I'm not I don't have a cousin family to you. Yeah. Yes, I do here. I do. How are your brothers? I have to my kids have two cousins now while one and I'm not yet born one. Yeah, they're not real people this particular Bridge cousin. So I went to school in Boston as did you and I have a lot of friends still in the area as you don't I don't and they all grew up with cousins and like their cousins were like it. My life like they're so close to their cousins that if I was friends with my friends, I became friends with their cousins to like it's just happened. I know and the good news is that all of those friends have gone away and on the cousins of got away and my family just you know gun in my mouth. Wow, what we say said Angry getting we said ungrateful. Yeah grateful taking right? So if I'm grateful taking know is the taking into giving into getting and taking the same shit, whatever. All right, so I asked the question basically in the on my stories and it was like do your you kids into Thanksgiving what your Thanksgiving routine bloobity blah bloop, right? We'll talk a little bit about that. So we got some general comments. Amanda alster said she has a strong-willed AKA stubborn as fuck two-year-old and a newborn and she's dreading Thanksgiving like having kids that young especially for like going to hang out with your family and stuff. Well, it can be problematic unless you can Pawn the kids off, but you can't and you won't be able to so there's two types of pain in my Going on two types of putting off one is I desperately want you to take my kid and the other one is the kid won't want to go right? Yeah. Well with the newborn definitely will not yet. Well not just that but a two-year-old can they can be just as believe me. I know finicky, you know, believe me. I know you know what I believe you because you're fucking the beaver jokes. Everyone goes you chattering. Let's be honest every fucking great. I look like a million dollars. There's no chance Beaver could grow a beard this fucking Lush like a million. Use Becky dollars if that was an actual dog. Now, you know what? It's like the exchange rate would be inflated and when we get it back to what your daughter was talking about couple weeks ago amortisation amortization amortization. Yeah. I don't even know how to pronounce it. She amortize her dessert that's happened. Damn it. So Ashley and the bees says we went to a friend's giving and I think my kid ate a whole loaf of pumpkin bread and nothing else. We're going to get into what kids do we don't eat? That's pretty good pumpkins ready? Good. That's Seems like a win. Do you do friendsgiving I have done in the past and it's before you had kids. Absolutely. Yeah, that's like the best for me. You're nodding your head its funds gaming is the best it is fun. Can I let me start off those of you who do not live in the United States Thanksgiving is hands down the best holiday in the world. And here's why well, can I just say yeah, you can't non-denominational has nothing to do with your race or religion or Creed or whatever all it is is if you if you basically live in this country for this period of time at this period of time you have to drink it eat as much as you you're forced to Trump will literally come to your house. I'm not Trump ice ice. I'm so good so good. Oh, yeah, they will and if you do not eat turkey you get deported well, but what have you been so reason I like friends giving so much is I've been to my my good friend growing up with Colombian. We had we would do a mix. So what happens is you get the food the world so you get Definitely a turkey and you have someone has a pain may be but that know you don't have that because we're not again. We're not here to say cape on a coupon. No one cares remember, so here's the thing when you get the the different food that all sorts of like world's food happen. It's like fucking deal Ash fucking awesome mix it up and you're like what the fuck is this? So in my whole life, that's the best part about friendsgiving. I'm gonna this is a total aside and it is probably the first kind of tangent I've ever gone on. Everyone can ask. Okay. I love Thanksgiving. Is the first hint of everyone on this podcast? Oh my God, friendsgiving just make me think of the TV show Friends and and there was an episode of the TV show Friends about Thanksgiving and they play like an impromptu football game. Yeah, we've all seen it. It is literally maybe the worst episode of Television of all time, right? So they go do like a tiny little Park which is clearly like a soundstage and it's like no bigger than this room. Okay, but there are parks that actually look like that though. I mean there are getting in the fucking but are fine, but they play this bullsh Version of like a football game. It's like the most embarrassing exercise of ever seen. It's sickening to watch it. What what is you did you ever see that Dick Butkus TV show on Saturday mornings where there's also played basketball, but it's the size of the table Dick Butkus what you know talking about you on Thanksgiving what happened now tell me it's not your fault not yet. Whatever happened to you. It's not your fault. I don't hate Thanksgiving. I'm just disappointed in it. There's there's a actually small chance that she may be my beautiful. So Madness, Score within underscore Beauty said like a bad relationship Thanksgiving starts warm and fuzzy ends with square screaming regret and a mess. You know, why there you go. Oh God also children, but please alcohol the the broadcast is about why children, so I don't know. Yeah. I'm into alcohol and screaming and that's where it all leads mother Runner 18 says now that our kids are young teens. It's great. They clean the table. There you go life has honoured life hack. Just get a teenagers and Sierra that Roxanne says I don't think it's a kids holiday to be honest. My kids hate the food. They're bored by the parade. They don't watch football way to blow up this whole podcast. No, but I agree with her, but I want to tell I want to get into it was a stupid promise. One thing like kids don't like Thanksgiving. You're right but parents would but kids aren't listening to this fucking podcast. And if they are a kids go to thank you sure to give us a rating brush your teeth and go to bed. So give us a rating then brush your teeth and go to bed. So see. RX and mention the parade which I think I mentioned in my story right where I was asking you guys watch the parade. So my wife my wife, it's impossible to not do it. She grew up watching the parade the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with her mom every year and now not only does she like to watch it. She has made me go to it. Oh my God, she has made me go to it. I've gone twice right you have I have did you sit did you listen? Sister do when you're watching the guys weekend passes one year, we got passes through her work listen to this. Listen to this top looks like bleachers and if you oh my God, don't talk about and you sit like at NBC there's like a courtyard where they have like this stick grandstanding like any parade right granted by the mayor sits or whatever. I first of all our is the baroness create. Let's back up one second beep. Yeah. So here's the deal there is obviously everyone knows the Thanksgiving Day Parade obviously, but on water do you say I know? I refer obviously on NBC no one gives a shit about peacock Network it is so it goes down 5th Ave. Right in front of Macy's which is a department store obviously in New York City watch some ways to work around the corner from yeah. I figure that watch the media. Yeah, if you don't know what the fuck it is, so but here's the thing they set up bleachers and then a film right in front of that is where they do like this stupid musical numbers that are painfully lip-synced and all this shit everything's upside but there's bleachers and people like, oh, that sounds so great. And then we cut to Mike tell us about her for story because my brother did the same thing. Well, no, but I think it's great. Oh you did your wife does my wife does sure but my wife loved the parade going up. First of all parades are possibly the dumbest thing in the world. Maybe number one. Why are they done? There's so fucking dumb somebody walking Slowly by you the fuck. Who cares. Anyway, July play praise with that. But anyway look, so the first here my wife got passes through. Her job and we got up literally got up like 5:00 in the morning cuz you gotta like get in line - we gotta get in line and then you get in Bubba. So hold on on the way there this is unrelated. But related on the way, there were like running to the subway because we're late. It's like 5:30, right? We're going to be late. It's 5:30 in the morning. If you've ever been upset by 30 them some ways. Don't run it by know we were running to the subway. But if you're ever know, but they laying they run 5:30 in the morning kill yourself. Something is going wrong you like. Oh my God. It's 5:30, and I'm late. Come on. So we're running and a note literally this is unbelievable. There's an old man standing on the street I and I'm going by I'm going by I'm going by man can go listen to this. I'm going back to transfixed by this whole listen, how did 5:30 obviously I want if I can walk them across the street and I said, no I can't I'm in a hurry for the fucking parade and I said no this haunts me and I know was he like, can you hold my dick at the same time of my God? That's what I thought. That's what This is an old man going to do it 5:30 thing about have you been on the subway or near the Subway at 5:30 in the morning. That's the kind. We're just destroying this room story about how I'm a horrible person and turning it into how you're a horrible. So thank you for that. You know what the real fucking villain is this nine-year-old, so I didn't I didn't help them there and I literally think about this constantly. It was right after we moved here. So it was like 2009. Excuse me. Can you help yeah, but not because of that just no no man no time. You just stupid old me what happened and I went by so get out of my way. So then we get their shoulder brush and then we get there and we wait in line and then it turns out we were kind of early like I could spared the three minutes to help the dude. That's what I'm saying is because the Subways don't run every two minutes. I feel I felt kind of a bad in the moment. I feel bad now. What you should have done is this you should have yelled your wife get down to the subway and tell me how much time I have how we didn't even have iPhones. No, but you yell and she yells up when we weren't close enough to it. Why don't you get back to the old man's dick part of the story? You fucking I just want you to hold my drink anyway, anyway, so we get to the parade and you sit there. So how do you Lumina bleacher and you're freezing your ass off and you're watching nonsense. Okay. I talked over that. Hold on talk go go back. So here is the iconic Thanksgiving Day thing that you can do in the United States. Have you done it do you want to do it? No, that's not you might be shit for not liking it. I had up at fucking 5:30 in the morning. First of all freezing cold get hit me I get angry because you have like sanction tickets at exactly sitting there on aluminum you've been up and then you get to fucking Thanksgiving later in the day. And since you've been up since fucking 5:00 in the morning, you're too tired to fucking enjoy Thanksgiving. Whoa, that's why I fucking it's so horrible. We run literally on the same side. That's why I really fucking blood on it. Right did it a second time the point is is that here's what happens? This is the most iconic thing you can do in the like, where do you want to be on like Fourth of July? Maybe Statue liberty? Cool. No New Year's Eve with Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve. Fuck that everything about New Year's Eve. But anyway, that's a different story because that's really garbage anytime you put yourself in danger in a practice fucking garbage Thanksgiving day. That is a iconic. That's aniconic marikana thing to do. Do and to be part of that. You think it's like, wow, what an amazing. Here's the problem. It's the equivalent of quicksand. You fucking played yourself because guess what he just self. Guess what you're waking up at 5. I didn't let my wife but you're not you're not holding old man's dicks across the street. That's where my God this fucking prick caring thing. Then you go. You get at six o'clock, you're up and you're in Coal bleachers and United States leaders at you're waiting in line. I didn't have kids at this point the second time. I went I had my kid. Second time when I had a kid you son of a bitch will want you revise a story to one you had I didn't I didn't because that's the nightmare talking about for crisp. That is literally The Nightmare Before Christmas is to get ticketed in the bleachers. You did it. I appreciate the Night Before Christmas Nightmare Before Christmas tie in what's happens is you can't leave so I've had friends who have walked in the parade where they've held balloons. That's mostly kind of cool. You know, what is cool the Wednesday night before you can go up to like 77th where they you can watch the balloon. That's cool. That's actually cool. You bring your kids there except even then you're walking through like a salmon going in the wrong direction your I know so many people because people are looking at the balloons and so Manhattan's hell on Earth. So just to finish it out. It's six o'clock in the morning. You're with your kids. You're sitting on a bleacher. When does it end? It's like the 11th. Yeah, so you literally there. Then and addicts hours on a bleacher with the kids. Oh, but don't worry because of security reasons done. You just fucking get to it. I called. Why isn't anyone here. I brought my kid. We were going to Connecticut go to listen to this. We refuse people like since I'm a fuckin trigger going to Connecticut, you know, why brace luggage I bring luggage and then I have to like find us there's places that will like hold your luggage for like those few hours some weird fucking store where you ditch and luggage and yeah. Yeah like you get that luggage back. It's been It's been dumped it's gone through some stuff anyway, so then you get on this train. You have the Metro-North you have an hour and a half two hours. It's just a nightmare. Anyway, every year now you took the treaty. Why did I can't she wanted to chat your words? Yeah afterwards both times damn everyone. She wants to do that again this year the luckily we weren't able to get passes, but she will get up early and watch it and just watching it is excruciatingly boring. So this is how wrong time where National Guys, you're a broker going to watch something is so much worse than it's not the one time. There's a lot of situations is it? Yeah, it sounds like going to football games a lot of times is not as good as for tailgating and then just you should leave. Yes. Yes go. Well shorting events are cool like the vantage point. It's so cool like the vantage point for football stuff. But whatever. Yeah, it's not as comfortable as like being at home in your pjs with a fucking six-pack e ya know anyway, because you've worked out so much did ask if people watch the parade. So yeah, I've earned it Millie Bosch. 84 says my boys love the food and watching the parade don't believe it. No kids table get civil didn't really come up a lot when I was a kid. I was at the kids table. And when did that stop? Like I'm just still happening. Hopefully just as a table for one and I'm at it why no one else has their screaming Yeah coletti's Wendy Joy said my kids are interested in moments of the parade, but not much. Yeah, and he t44. They loved the parade. I don't buy. parade to such junk Nate loves parades secretly love spray. Yeah, but you're not going to watch the whole thing. You watched about eight minutes. Sunoco. Mom says, we always record the parade and watch it but my kids use you just end up running around and playing and only watching the parts with the balloons. What other parts are this is all marching band. There's the marching band from Muskogee. Is that a place of Wisconsin just said a bunch of words musk musk. He's not from Utah. There's no fucking chance God. I hope I hope I'm not wrong. Oh, yeah. Yeah. There's a bunch of angry, Cheyenne, Wyoming. Point being is that honestly point being it's boring. It's boring Google it. It's super boring you turn it on and here's what you get a little dopamine shocks your Thanksgiving tight and you're like, but then You Like It's 1999 start drinking yet. I gotta wait and you're like ice turn this off. Yeah, who wants to play Xbox know or you put on see he was fucking wrong shit. There you go. Not a you not a ute from Butte, okay. No one knows. What's up? Okay, so You're embarrassing yourself Nate beyond. All right, so who's right so we get into cooking right? So do you do any cooking of Thanksgiving? I don't because it's women's work. Well quite frankly. It's skilled laborers work. Let's put it that way. It's and it's not always it's not the women. He's son of well, it's funny because goddamn son because of Carolina Maria Gonzalez Villar says, I'm guilty to helping my mom make dinner. She's like, I don't cook and she's a trained Chef like in order to do Thanksgiving again. You'd like you need to have experience having done Thanksgiving dinner before right and I need to know what you're doing and you and and certainly that's where that's part of what it is. One person doesn't cook everything one person. Yeah, I think my brother I people will bring dishes. My brother actually does a turkey and when I say does the turkey quote unquote he banged the shit out of it like American Pie rubs it with butter and then just like a little massage so cash slow down. We're when does the old man's dick come into play only trying to cross the street. How old is your brother? He's 94 and he told Holly just proud of it guys Hali Joe Silva. My son helps in quotation marks me cook. No football. He eats chicken nuggets and refuses to sit at the table. I love it. What an amazing encapsulate he eats chicken nuggets on Thanksgiving and then refuses to sit at the table. It's real Kate who I said, I don't know how to pronounce. Ounce her her name I'm making chicken fingers and mashed potatoes and drinking wine the end her for that's kind of a low-key way to cook. You know what it's weird. If you put them all together though was again a blender. Yeah, it sounds like what's happening is very okay Liz be NYC local girl says don't bother to make turkey just get a mac and cheese cup ready. We're gonna get into what's actually did don't eat. I don't cook anything ever I can do chili. And really that's basically it chicken nachos. I don't even think that counts as chicken chicken nachos are the chick is a chick I cook. No, I cook the chicken and I lay I'll arrange the nachos and then I sprinkle everything all over it and then everything is cheese never cheese cheese cheese and not just those three ingredients right now. I wonder the microwave now I want nachos. No, I don't use the microwave. I use the oven snobby asshole. Yeah. I'm the snobby one Merrill. Says she hates Thanksgiving. You make a huge dinner and they eat nothing but a role and this is the challenge right? Because it's a huge undertaking to make Thanksgiving dinner like the hours of preparation people come over with other dishes all of this shit, but who but are we care do we care about the kids on Thanksgiving? That's one of the things I don't I don't care about my kids Adam. Yeah, so we got that from your Instagram account. Yes. Thank you verified verified that I started. Yeah like yeah out of okay. I kind of just a pure desire to be known. My first image was like an image of like an onions dispenser. I'd like a baseball game. There's before I hit the mean think what and I'll show it to you later. Does it make it sound scroll all the way back? I don't want to so the thing is is when you have kids for Thanksgiving. Usually they're occupied. The key is to occupy them with other kids. And actually we don't have any but who cares if they eat or if they don't ya know because the whole point is So eat a fucking bag of gold, you know gold fish. How did you not say dicks? Goddamnit our fingers. I really had to we like three. Yeah, we do 3:30. We do three my daughter every holiday. We that's how we eat at my house. You like Christmas like 334, maybe. Yeah, we do early to my daughter has to get back. So she's in if anyone's in there. Oh you drive though. I drive them there, but they take the train back and you stay. Oh my God. I come to your house. Oh my God, your brother's house. Look he will he forgive me for leaving him on the street corner. He will but only a few okay? Okay. Okay, he's out Dickie. So getting into eating XX Katie 36:xx says she spends two days cooking and baking for the little be only for the Little Beast to declare. He hates turkey and mashed potatoes, but hold on because no no good good because turkey mashed potatoes aren't a big part of Thanksgiving you fuck. jerk I was being sarcastic. I know but I was about to say are you really quitting for this like this is no. Yeah, right, right. It's like your point fucking well, maybe it's just her and her son and she's like I'm spending two days cooking for my three, you know what you know, he doesn't eat the fucking chicken the turkey thigh, you know, you did you turned it sad I did I thought it was gross. Gorilla Rose, which is Gorilla underscore. Our o2e says I always cook way too much awesome food in the kids always hate nearly everything. The mashed potatoes are usually a win though. Yeah. Mashed potatoes great. What's not to like about mashed potatoes? My oldest brother thinks mashed potatoes are a waste of a potato. I think he's a waste of a brother. He's go straight to hell. It's fucking we will talk about it again this year. I will Mark the hell. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. What are you mad, you know is you can even have a wave as her fizzy form of potato and but you can have the skin in it. He like skin. Yeah, like an old man across the street God. Damn it. What does that mean? I don't know V Adam SV or vitamins B says kids eat the kids eat mashed potatoes and chips and dip then only dessert now look chips and dip the crudite literally. My favorite part of almost any any situation the food my fucking chip. Okay French onion dip or some celery and some some bell pepper into the fucking dippy. Those are all just vegetables. Nothing. You said was I said chips first entertain the fuck you talking about. It's Christmas. You're just like, oh I could have a cauliflower. I can rock you just naming vegetables. Here's what you need mean. I like to dip shit into other shit. I know because you're an American you dipshit. Fucking wake up top, man, and I see you after that burn. So here's the deal my wife. My actually, you know, what's even worse is I didn't mean to say that I meant to say my brother's wife is British and she's so lovely and we more the British last fall she lives in Westport. So you have to first of all the British a re invading the United States is that was happening. Yeah, that's it girl Brewster anyway sauce two words. Well one word maybe I don't know sausage rolls. It's two words might if it how is it. How is your life because you're like, I want sausage sausage. Sausage rolls are so fucking good. All you want to do. I don't even eat turkey. I can't wait for sausage rolls. I'm so we have those breads like broccoli bread and sausage real sausage rolls my Aunt Karen. See you she can't wait naoko mom, huh? You know what it is. It's a way Heights like a sausage embedded in it. What are you talking about? Sausage? Like a sausage roll or like a broccoli bread. Okay, or here's what I want any bread. Stop talking right. Now. I'm going to answer Nate's question sausage rolls are similar to pigs in a blanket which are is like the most disgusting. It's like in a bastardization of what a sausage roll is sausage roll is like a sausage with me like a like a croissant like a few load path strong are Oh my God is so fucking good and a pig in a blanket is like sticking a dick into a tennis ball. And you're a real your real pervert. Anyway, so I'm talking more like stuff if ribs anyway, which are pigs in a blanket or gross. So but you're talking about stuffed bread with like pepperoni or like the broccoli. That's an Italian thing. Yeah. Well, I'm Italian I'm Italian you're talking about a calzone. Let's look at Cal. No, it's not a fucking calzone. There's no cheese. No problem. Says, I don't know what makes them want to know. No problem. Mom says, I don't know what makes them not want to eat the Thanksgiving meal. But as long as there are roles and cranberry, they'll eat something. So roles are recurring themes are what's not a recurring theme as the cranberry. Can I tell you his tell you the truth? I've never once tasted the fucking cranberry at Thanksgiving or anywhere else. What are you talking about? Never tasted it? I'm not fucking that you haven't I don't want tasted a ruler careful. I don't want jelly fruit to be anywhere near my meal. Okay, here's my four seconds ago broccoli. Those are variables. Oh, you fucking genius sausage rolls any words anything wrong a see here to avenge alike anything? No, this is what I said. I don't want fruit with my meat. I don't want fruit-based dessert. It's so weird. Why you rotten place fucking thing? Oh, yeah, because all the fucking fruit Maddox. It's not about not liking fruit. It's not want to keep for you combinations with things that aren't fruit. I see what you're talking about. But cranberry sauce is a i heared it from a can or homemade. I heared it. I have heared it to book and I have subjected it. So they're so the the big tradition is even though now tradition. Well now that cranberry sauce is a huge Tradition now that there's Gourmet cranberry sauce which is like actual gravy in Westport. Yeah. Yeah, but the can still Reigns Supreme like you people do have for the kill. Oh up with the can't and it's like gelatinous. Q that comes out in one and then it's like a loaf and you just slice it up. It's not appealing. It's fucking great like cranberry. It's all good. Unless I got a fucking think about it. Is he real quick? I'll drink some cram juice. Why you gotta UTI Redick? No, I do maybe I do maybe I do Emily Smith says she said this on Facebook my kids don't eat shit on the holidays a role and a bite of meat and maybe some olives. Wow, Emily Smith. Let them have some food for God's sake. She's the Arose that into their self, Julie Martin. Mom says the kids never liked the food. I know I didn't so she admits when she was a kid. She didn't like Thanksgiving food either. It's not exactly kid food. You know what I have to maybe mashes. My my my mom who is on the from German ancestry right would make boiled onions Yeah, you mentioned the boiled shit last week. That's so gross it smell it was so fucking disgusting to wake up. And you know, this is one of those like kind of post like adult-like. Yeah, things real adult. Why the fuck did that happen? Right so long you wanted a towel. Yeah. Why did I have to wake up every Thanksgiving and Christmas to the smell of like what is its oil onions smells like taint it was gross so I don't want to get in your taint coming maybe that explains why I liked and so much Bridget two to seven not from the sitcom. I don't think said, why don't they put gravy on fucking anything gravy is God think kids just in some kids. Just think that like just they reject like the look of things or like it seems weird, right? You don't have loves great wishes my middle and I love that. She loves gravy Dana bows day. New Patron says my kids hate all Thanksgiving food except rolls. They will eat rolls all day. LBJ Holt says mine will eat a dozen rolls and maybe some mac and cheese. K bath mats as they don't eat shit except desert then they whine about being hungry after the food is put away. You know what that's you know, what get a cage and put them in it after that bale of hay says, my kids will eat some turkey and 35 rolls Hill gag. Just looking at everyone else's vegetables. Shimmer it says there's literally no traditional Thanksgiving food. They like I'll be adding mac and cheese to the menu. Wow, you just end up giving them the same shit you end up giving them every day just to get them to eat something Becky 4005 says my kids need chicken because they all hate turkey. Why don't you just say this is chicken, but do you do your kids so we have a big enough crew where we actually do a kid's table. So this is enough because did when I went to my aunt when I was a kid, but it's a right now we don't so there's enough cousins and the cool thing is is when you get it. Cousins together who are older like, you know, 1011 down to 5, you can form like a doo-wop group. Not what I'm not where I was going on traps, but what you can do is have a governess and that's to know your intern Annie. The point is is that the older kids like will maintain like will shame it like will be like come on eat your turkey or whatever. It might be and the kit that your kid who just said, I don't want to ever eat. Don't be a wuss. I'm cool man what you want? Be cool. He said turkey thing, you know, they need their Casino turkey coming out the ass that happened like yeah, it's happened a few times. It's amazing. So get the kids tables not necessarily A Bad Thing McNulty 25 says the key to surviving Thanksgiving is remembering a bag of frozen chicken nuggets or a bag of fingers. The nice throwback to like episode 20 call back McNulty 25. I like the name unless your name is actually McNulty. But if it's not I appreciate the wire reference Wendy Joy says my two point five year old won't eat anything but my one-year-old will eat it all I think that's funny because when your one-year-old first starts to eat. Yeah, they have no they don't discriminate right there just like so whatever I'll just put it in my mouth. Yeah. It is lovely ali-frazier. 921 says I don't think most kids even register Thanksgiving as a holiday other than as a day off, which may be true. Or visiting family which were about to get into she said last Thanksgiving. My daughter ate watermelon and vanilla Oreos. He said you may remember her from the picky eaters episode. I wonder if she was the one who ate are sandwiches. I don't remember I didn't go back and check. Can I just say one thing about Thanksgiving that we do need to address? What's that is yams and why they're so prevalent can like get that shit the fuck out of here. So there was a thread on Twitter going around with a give me your controversial food opinion. I want to hear it and somebody said Potato fries or a lie, they are sewn. I was like fuck sweet potato fries. They're junk. They're not even fries. Don't push that shit on me. Get your yams out of my face. Yeah. I'm not in any first of all, the reason I'm tearing up is because I agree with you. Thank you. I really rare I'm thankful for you and I agreeing about sweet potato fries. We just talked about the mashed sweet potatoes. No, thank you. I don't want to talk about it or they orange there. So orange their money, right they put marshmallows on the house. Oh my God, it looks like here Nate loves it. It looks like 19 so gross like a cookbook for my do and you're like, where is like the Jell-O pudding with like a virgin open with like a vegetable with a cam pieces in it. It's God. Well dude. This is the same school of thought that brought us marshmallow and mashed sweet potatoes essentially sweet potatoes are very good for you, but they are gross. Don't call them fries. Don't call just call us. Potato slivers are of course some shit like soggy pale imitations of what a good dog lie my limitations and Fries paler than orange Wonder soggy, but fries get really crisp and nice because yeah, but you said he'll so family. It was the next segment. So my peanut Adventure says my kids love Thanksgiving because they love seeing their Aunts Uncles grandparents and cousin. Cousins. We don't know I don't have that cousin thing happening move. It is just one Karis Chapman says my kids play with her cousins while I Gorge myself M plus the Huda o61 for says friends and family can entertain the kids who I can have a break. This is key. Right? So like this is it man. I little bit different now. So like now that my brother has a toddler and a newborn on the way who is coming very soon. See the toddler will be in the mix. Yeah, your boys will be running around but it used to be like my kids were like, oh How many they wanted their the only grandkids so like all the other people wanted to entertain them and stuff and I could go do what I was doing which is asleep this in this is better. This is because this the sooner that the kids can start playing together. Yeah. Well my toddler and my brothers toddler might play together, my nine-year-old would probably just be playing on this iPad. So I toss Brooks Monica, maybe that means something about Australia a u.s. Brooks Monica's as my five-year-old. Favorite part is everyone being here. He's not going to eat but like he Ike's the hullabaloo and all the people being around and I don't know if there's cousins involved but I think that is kind of exciting holidays are exciting for that kind of thing cat Fuji 2:13 says having to coordinate going to two families sucks divorced like driving back from not even necessarily that but maybe two sets of in-laws or whatever and get to finish my thought Devore as hell so that's it. No, but if you actually if your in-laws livni, oh my God, I can't even thought of that if you if your It's in your in-laws live in the same. Do you can't even sit down and drink because you know, you got to leave and drive somewhere else. Holy shit that just ruined Thanksgiving. Do you do so mama? Llama says she recited last year. She recited the Pledge of Allegiance instead of saying grace, which there's not really that much of a difference these days with the way the church and state is being eroded. Let's be honest. She said she's not allowed to say grace is here. My question is do you go around like we did you do that thing like everyone say what they're grateful for or thankful for you do that. Yeah, that's a good Good, I think that's good. Do you is it like pulling teeth to get your kids to say something? No, because they know what it's what it is is what it is. It's pulling teeth to get them to stop talking. They just caught and then because they're feeding off the audience and yeah, it's all this is your tits. Yeah, I want world peace and people like oh and then like and I also want to Bakugan, you know, they're just keep going with just random things like and I want my sisters and my brother and be happy. Yeah. Kids, like honestly just return fucking hungry over here. So after the dinner and after the cooking and after the cleaning, hopefully and after all the interaction with family is the relaxing time. The relaxing time is the time that you get to you you get when you turn your back on your children for one second and you just you just close your eyes and you're like it will all soon be over. Well, so I asked about are you able to relax and Lara Lara for Fara Lara Lara for Fara? Perhaps Okay said can you sit on your ass any day of the week with kids? No, not on Thanksgiving either which is true. It's really hard to relax especially like you're at somebody else's house with your kids maybe their family, but you're still kind of nervous. Well kids are making let me a raucous. Can I will I will here's what I'll say. The the food cookers are obviously food cookers. Yeah, they are the high they hold the high position. Yes, and they must be protected. They must be protected at all costs and but guess what? They know that yeah, they know that they're going to be protected get these kids out of care. What are they doing? Why are you sitting here is exactly but the the turkey has another 18 hours to go. I know but I'm having a wine to wanted this is okay. Whatever you want. A lot of wines. We need more women wines who can get me more wine. And the point is is I think there's a lot of strategy that's involved in Thanksgiving and if you're a fan of you love this the exchange rate double standard your food preparer, which is One of the best things you can be which is to make the best thing you can be is the couch sitter watching football. That's a misnomer and your fault. That's a false prophecy right there because guess what the how to sitter the couch hitter they're going to be doing cleanup. Is there there there on any go. Oh this garbage is has to go out. Where's the garbage downstairs around the corner? Not everybody lives in fucking Upstairs Downstairs, Downton Abbey like your fucking brother, you know what they exactly because you know why he Got rid of all of them all the servant finally em, given 5 says just another day off to entertain my two boys who are three and five know sitting and relaxing Cheryl in says having to go to two thanksgivings and know NASA who are saying you gotta travel you can't napping Megan. Bo8 2:3 says zero sitting getting up a trillion times trying to convince kids to eat something other than rolls Megan Bo. Can I can I ask you to maybe just think about that handle it says Megan be It's Megan be 0 I know but that's what Becky 4005 says my Hubs gets to sit and watch football while I erase around like a crazy person. I can't eat the food when it's hot and then I spend two hours doing dishes Happy Thanksgiving. She gets a lot of by that guys at all get your husband needs to get off his ass the fuck. Hey Terrence, 88 says I just want to get wasted on Thanksgiving but the kids won't let me story of my life. My man. You gotta my woman. You gotta get more kids. That's the key you up. It's almost like what is it? Like you just it's like tape and you just got to get more kids the more kids the more they pack up the more they take care of themselves and they don't care the only kit time you care. You're going to hear screaming, but the only time it matters is if they're like bloodied and you know, if they're just clear dialing their way towards you and you're like, hey, what's up? What's the matter? So we're about to get to my favorite comment before that the that. Mmm SV says it's time for them when it's time for them to go to bed. I'm buzzed up and pissed off because they won't just fall asleep. The damn bastards and I was into it and then she said just let me sit by the fire pit alone with my white cloth and I'm kind of you lost me with a white cloth without why up? The fire pit is fine. But that's the thing like a lot of times like the kids won't eat the food and you try to give them what they want. And then you're trying to relax the end the nightmare like I'm hungry and you got to deal with that and then you also have to go through the same bullshit bedtime routine where you're trying to get them to go to bed. They're probably amped up because they've been playing with their friends or their cousins all day and at the end of the night if you're not buzzed yet you're trying to find Get a buzz on and that's the biggest pain. He has tried to get your kids to bed then like the one time maybe you can relax is difficult. But if you're trying to do it to get a white claw, maybe you need it. Maybe you should be spending more time with your kids. But also maybe you should put them in a cage and just like throw food at the moment maybe raising llama corns. Listen to this Thanksgiving routine. We sit on our asses and eat nachos with Netflix going all day. Oh my God, we've why do we even bother cooking we found we found Thanksgiving level 9 piles eat nachos? All fucking day watch some Netflix. I watch what dark cue it up watch it all in a row. But subtitled or are dubbed if you do dubs you're dead to it. It's a shame. It ain't smiling as heavy. It came on a sub chain jit. I cannot fucking you know, 20 seconds of the dubbing you like. This is fucking travesty. It's unwatchable the first 20 seconds. It was a sexy man who's confused that true? Yeah. Thanks for 20 step aside because the guy having the affair alric fucking great show. He that he it turns into like the storyline gets really goes crazy. So you get the second season goes this stupid idiot. So we do we would be remiss if we didn't acknowledge some of our European fans and listening but International and art sorry not just European International. If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving and our Canadian friends who already have people living rated their illegitimate Thanksgiving, which is 1,000% meaningless. Do you know I was in October it has something to do with First Nations. Nobody cares Canada, you know, I really I didn't know that there was a Canadian thing. Until two years ago, I get two years ago is the first time I have a good friend from Canada of it. And I've had I've had Thanksgiving with them. I've had Canadian Thanksgiving with them and they celebrated American Thanksgiving with us. Was it as gross as it sounds? No, it's just normal food. They just don't they don't do they do turkey. I don't know that they do specific Foods. I don't know if you're Canadian, and I know you are Paula policy and a bunch of other people. What do you guys have traditional foods for your Thanksgiving? Is it my turkey is it cape on coupon? I can't fucking remember. Can't be Q pot. Let's have a couple if you're roasting coupon anyway, so ADT is a ult is this like an endangered species and no longer how it looks like that goes out here ADEA UST makes a good point. She says another reason to love Canada is all these holidays are more spread out. So it's like running the holiday Gauntlet in the United States, right? So if you haven't seen your family in a while, you're seeing them Thanksgiving that odds are you're seeing them a month later for Christmas and if that was like, Three six months apart. Well, it's quick though Thanksgiving and Christmas comes like that. Yeah sure. But that's the point right if there was more spread out what it would be like it would be more meaningful to see family. You don't often see but look to me that Jesus is Fault like late like dude, like maybe don't do this as area next time and let it happen on its own maybe in February. What what does that mean? Just saying Jesus was born too soon you son of a bitch didn't make sense. We're finding a lot of people you're talking with old man's dicks. Help me Fox 81 says we don't have Thanksgiving Belgium, but have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you tfox. What's a good? What's an all right. Here's what I'd like to know. What's a good national holiday? That's nondenominational but also like so Thanksgiving is very like it doesn't matter what your New Year's Eve on national holidays. Yeah. So New Year's Eve is non-abusive is worldwide is worldwide and that's not a that's not a bad example, but it's like I think that's maybe just like each worldwide. Just how about like, you know, how have a good time day where all you do it Saturday? Is it is that someday I think it's fucking worldwide Saturdays. I imagine you with your shirt off just with your foul thing. Just pumping you imagine me with my shirt off. Am I helping an old man cross the street you pervert? Yes, you'll hold on. Let me just quickly sketch it really quick for you. So crash a zombie design says, we've already had Thanksgiving and it was a shit show. I'm assuming she's Canadian can idea the kids all bitch that they didn't want anything that was made sounds correct. They wanted spaghetti nine kids wanted spaghetti or ha Dogs three kids wanted hot dogs or serial two kids wanted cereal. Why are there so many kids around that's by my count that there were 13 children. There must be 25 adults. There must be there must be every single time we go order mostly to very exhausting do this again this year. So every it became a thing every time we go to my family one of our good family friends always hosts, like tons of people and it always comes up where my mom will be like, I don't know how they do it. All these people are she's gone. Josephine she's having a 40 people. I don't know how they do it. There's a tent so now every year I go every year I go and I say mom, you know, I asked her that just to get her going and how do you lose Josephine having this? Yo, it's like it's that's my Thanksgiving tradition. Exactly. Exactly. Really trigger Harlow how she's doing it so not stirred you take your internet troll from the internet. I bring it out in real life. No, you know what it was in real life first and then I brought it to the internet you brought your eyes. Out rolling to the internet IRL with Carson Daly type. All right. So one last PSA from KSU Julie who I mentioned earlier. She says don't have sex on Valentine's Day because then your kids are going to have a Thanksgiving fucking birthday and it sucks. Why is it worse than irony was Birthday Sex? I don't know. I don't Thanksgiving. No one's having sex on Thanksgiving. Can we be honorable bundles and maybe in the morning, but then you're not getting the turkey inside soon enough I'm saying anyway, put so your daughter. Is it Thanksgiving birthdays and she get pissed off that she said like share her birthday with like turkey said what was this with celebrate with family and friends and celebrating and school and everyone's sighting of all the time. I have a summer birthday motherfucker. Nice weather. No one celebrating that shy brother second daughter is do very soon and he's very nervous about the kid maybe being born before Thanksgiving a right around Thanksgiving should be why here's what you do go dear brother. Holy shit. What are you gonna do with you kids born on Christmas? What the fuck? Do you know man the kind of just okay. It's just that and it's a concern you have before the kids born and then they're born you're like, okay saying anything's getting fun stoke the fucking fire. Alright, so we're going to get to our dumb comments our listeners reactions to our dumping sites, but we gotta play a quick round of Kinder perfect who sponsored this segment. Oh, yes. So we're going to get into our listeners reactions to our dumb insights, which is the segment sponsored by Kinder. Perfect. I hook up. All right is the other part of All I Want For Christmas holiday theme. I'm thank you Nate. All I want for Christmas is a day without blank Nate is the Chooser here. All right. Well, what do we got here? I'm going to read mine and say and read them. All. Right. So all I want for Christmas is a day without the cost of college in 2030. Not bad the count of three crap the daily power struggle and the dreams your mother gave up to have you The Emptiness were parental love should be the Eternal question why or the Fallout of the first crush? I think I'm going to go with all I want for Christmas is a day without The Eternal question why because I don't even know how to answer my goddamn toddlers constant. Why's he like? What time is it? 10:00 why I fucking die don't know man the rotation of the sun fucking I can't explain that one. What are your options bitch? I'm going with the brilliant idea to buy white carpet that all I want for Christmas is a day without the brilliant idea to buy so that you have a brilliant idea. As we get a clip of the refusal to eat topic my wife needs to hear how fucking insane I go about this shit. I constantly worry about my son the Jackhammer. I like how he's nicknamed his son you need to do that to your kids and he only wants by the way an axe nari Chloe and fucking snake. Oh, we're right to the he's copying my hammer nickname Sarge. He took it and he jacked wall. Well, you know, He took it and he fucking he made it his own he made it his own. How can said his son the Jackhammer only wants to eat snacks snacks candy and fucking snacks. Yeah, I don't know mine kids do too and it irritates me and I try to stop them. But at the same time they're not going to die. They might have a bunch of cavities and some intestinal you don't you don't do you love vegetables, but you don't I don't love vegetables. I was just doing the I like create a I like raw vegetables. Okay. Yeah, so do Roberts can take if you shit in my hand and there was some fried onion dip I did it. I love some dip. I don't even know how to respond. That was the grossest thing I've ever wasn't as gross as the old man dick thing that you came up with. That was nowhere Jesus and quite frankly. We should all be looking for that person out there. Okay. He said well, he died a long time ago. Probably got hit by a car that day. Let's be honest already fulfilled his entire dreams and then just he's passed away peacefully. All right bed. Jesse T said said we're talking about worst parenting chores, and she just went Spend time with them. I know it sounds awful for me to say that but it's like they know when you are actually trying and they instantly want to ruin it everyday life. They act normal when I make an extra effort to do something fun with them. They act like Caillou. Don't get me fucking started on mealtime AKA when you make them what they want and they don't eat it. Anyway Jesse T. We got you started. We talked a lot about mealtime last episode the next week. Is it next week? We're doing the rest of the parenting chores you think so you think so, we're doing part two of chores if we get into a lot of that shit and build the mica. Really appreciated the shout-out we gave them and he loved the episode last week so much so that he he friended me on LinkedIn tight again. I'll let you know on that bill. Can I just say that the previous comment? There is something to I have myself my son and my daughter watching or playing together quietly in their room. I've like stumbled upon them and instead of like being like hey what's going on? I'll just Take two seconds to be like they're not talking to me. And this is one rewrite. This is amazing. This is actually the dream maybe what it's all about. I don't know because I'm too scared. My adrenaline's my heart rate. It said one. Yeah right now because I'm terrified they're going to one of them is going to turn around but both of them are talking to each other quietly facing away from me and they're not asking me any questions God. I'm so happy. What a heartwarming way to end our Thanksgiving. Something Pete is actually truly thankful for about parenting and listen if anyone sees an old man and wants to have them cross the street just remember grab my the deck. You ruined it. You ruined it. You know what? It's called get the goddamn gift. It's called what what do you call tanks angry get angry get angry taking angry ungrateful taking on great. It just rolls off. The tongue is what it does. Thank you for listening this week. We are grateful for you. We are so grateful. So thankful. So grateful. We wish we could repay you. Yeah, this is nice this we do repay you with our fucking this hardcore entertainment that we give you a hardcore. His hardcore. Well, maybe the 200 episodes when we get 200 views. Maybe we'll do a little hardcore action. What does that mean? You don't want to know? You know, what here we are going to do interrupt people's conference remember interrupt your conversations to say. Okay Trumper. Okay Boomer. Okay Boomer and have you rated dead and buried? Yeah. And what is a podcast they don't worry about it. Can I see your phone? Exactly. Thanks for tuning in guys and I will catch you with some leftovers next time get that as a Thanksgiving. The Leftovers, yeah, go back.
Thanksgiving is yet another uniquely American  gift to the world (you heard me Canada!). It's a non denominational holiday who's sole purpose is to celebrate togetherness through eating a drinking and watching football. Its a day where the constant whining and screaming coming from your kids is drowned out by the volume of the TV. Can it be a stressful holiday? Sure. Dealing with In-laws, or your uncle  who believes firmly in "beautiful clean coal" can be a hassle but just tell them about the NEW holiday that Mike and Pete came up with: Ungratefultaking Day! Or you can always interrupt them and ask if they've heard of this boss-ass podcast. You have options. Now get back to cooking a dazzling array of food for 15 hrs, just do your kid can say "Ew I don't like that." All they want to eat are rolls? Let 'em. Who cares? It's Thanksgiving after all. Save all that anger for Christmas cause it's coming sooner than you think. Happy Ungratefultaking Day Everyone!
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started Nikki and Brie tackle women's Evolution week and debris retire because of her in wearing mistakes all that and more on total Bella's after show on AfterBuzz TV, you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top. Now. Look what's up. Y'all. My name is TK Trinidad. And of course we have my beautiful hosts. Hey, I'm back. I'm less Bleak alone, and I'm gonna Blythe Thanks, guys. How do you guys do you guys think of the episode? Well, what was your favorite episode? No, you're starting already with your hey, I'm just a very happy person and she's mad about that. Anyways, I had mixed feelings about this one because I like Mickey but then in this episode, I feel like she was very I don't know. I just had mixed feelings. I don't have to feel about her and I feel bad for Aubree. I feel like I'm more team Bree. Nikki yeah by the time I thought this episode was One of the I feel like I had a lot of fillers in it. So I'm feeling like this was one of those episodes that were really kind of like on the boring side. Yeah, cuz it was like they made a point to say. Oh we're in evolution. We have these press tours and then how brief felt but then everything else to me was a filler right? Like just everything else around it like the whole pep rally all that stuff. It was just to me it was just like a filler was like, yeah, it felt like This is the stuff that is - the the pep rally. This is the stuff if you're in nickim Breeze position, like everyday life type stuff and it's just not entertaining entertaining compared to everybody else. So that's kind of the the issue. That's how I felt too. It was just like oh, this is cool. So let's get kind of get into all that. So do you think one of the reasons Brady decided to retire was because of the mistakes she made or was it just even she did didn't make those mistakes. Do you think she still would have retired? I feel like it's a combination of both. Mmm. I feel like the mistake that she made in the ring pushed her to retire. I didn't think she was necessarily done already, but I did feel like okay that was kind of a sign like she should just focus on baby number two and kind of pro wrestling to the side. Yeah. I think it was a combination of things to I really believe that what you said just to piggyback off of what you said is that she she this was the thing that actually pushed Her to be like I'm just going to go ahead and retire and it was kind of weird because it was like she just kind of retired but there was like no like we talked about lap. Yeah, I don't think there was no nothing. Yeah, like she was just like I was like and then when we came back, I felt like she had to talk to Nikki about it in between time. Yeah before they film because when they came back she was just talking talking talking talking about it and Nicky wasn't really saying like nothing except for oh, I feel like she should go out, you know, and this is evolution and you know, so Well, like they say they talked it over hmm and not in front of the camera. Yeah, it just felt too like she announced that Brie announced that she retired last week. Then it got into you know, some press Outlets picked it up. But like WWE didn't talk about it even in evolution being that's the last time you saw her, you know, she didn't even say like they'd even do like a promo video or something like oh, this is my last, you know, I'm gonna like they didn't for somebody who's been with the company for so long and it here's that they're both very well liked and loved by WWE. It just felt like em. Well, I think the reason for that is because they are still ambassadors which means that they're still part of the company. Yeah, but even like in events like WrestleMania and stuff like that, they're still putting themselves out there. Yeah. I think that's why they made a big deal about it. And since you already made a big deal about it when she retired the first time when she was ready to have birdie right at WrestleMania. Yeah. I feel like that's why they made such like big deal about it. So this time Felt like they're just like oh, okay. They've already made a big deal for it once no need to do it again guess so how know I thought it was weird. Yeah. It was just it was just like I'm fully retired and it was the method it wasn't even like a real farewell video. Yeah, but I still feel like she's not done completely. No, it feels it seeing her today. It's like those athletes. It's who are privileged enough to acquire enough money where they can leave whenever they want to so it's just like it from listening to her. Talk on the show is just like oh she's she's she's over it. Right? There's always a part of you that, you know, a tiny part of the you like. Oh, well, you know I still want to do it but then there's the bigger chunk of you is like nah, I'm good. Well, we've seen that on the show where Brian for example so passionate about it, and she doesn't understand like why he wants to do that for the rest of his life because that's What she wants to do so you can kind of tell like the difference in opinion. They're not just kind of been over rustling. Yeah, there's there's it happens all the time. I think there's one guy. I think the season of football during the game he walked out and it's like I can't compete at this level anymore and he just dipped in the middle of the game. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that. It's kind of like if you could afford to do that and you and you're you know, you're not being forced but due to injury and you're not playing because you need the money. It's just like they're your body and your mind set has a way of just saying it's that time. So I guess I guess so now are we thinking that she's pregnant? I've been I saw a couple of so, I think she posted. Yeah. She just posted in it didn't look like anything. Yeah, like if she was pregnant. I felt like it would she would have kind of been shown at least a little because she got like posted something recent like a couple of days ago and it could be an Old Post. We never know. That's true. It can also be an Old Post like She just had on some short. Yeah, and I mean she didn't like she posed like she had it from Chile angle to right? Yeah, but it was like a little bra let with like a little top and some shorts and I didn't really see like because I was checking for it. Yes. I was I didn't see like no stomach or anything. But like I said that we never know that could have been already taken. Yeah for anything. So and then you never I mean, I don't think brie is Brie is this type of that type of person, but you just never know. No, I think you can just shape a picture a certain way, right because you're not ready to announce it exactly sure. So I mean maybe they want to do things differently this time around. I feel like with birdie they were very open about it. So maybe this time they're like, okay we're going to keep it but as for a couple of months no, well, technically you're supposed to give it to yourself for like three months. Yeah, because you want to get past that right that danger area. So a lot of people keep it there are you know low-key but it that I don't know if you keep you keep it low-key, but then you say You want to have baby number two like it they didn't want if they want to keep it low key than then she would just said like, you know, we want to start a family but it seemed like she had said it I think in this episode's like I can't wait to move to Arizona so we can work out like this is what we're doing versus all we wanted like, you know, eventually, you know, we see what happens. No, this is like the game plan. That's why I'm saying, I feel like it's a big tease because she wouldn't just say it just to say it, you know, she's been saying in the past couple episodes, but I feel like this time around she was like, okay, this is where I'm saying. We're going to start trying well to and took her a long time. Well, not a long time. But when the first time around when she when they wanted to have a kid, it took them a little bit too. So it wasn't like an instant thing. So I guess on Brian doesn't do quick he's so it's a schedule right you guys schedule time for that. They ain't got no real time. Yeah. It's a whole thing on the road. So let's remember that. Yeah, so I don't think he knows I think he's mostly sticks to just knocked on Smackdown. He might do like one like he might be gone like two days right and then maybe like a weekend or Sunday. So what do you think of did you guys see Breeze interview with Tyler Perry and Tiffany haddish like outside of what was stolen it was interesting. I didn't get I didn't understand why you're weird when she said it. I just thought it was weird and then they had her in the junket room. How you doing the pressure and it was like, okay. Yeah, it's weird. It's like so like okay was this what was this promoting? Yeah, because Brody doesn't was far as I know like she doesn't want to be like a host or in that capacity. I remember Nicky tried it a couple seasons ago, but it was like I was just confused by it all. I mean, I think maybe I was like a way I am her something because you know how Nagy was doing so much because of her much maybe it was kind of like, all right, but that's not even like her brand or any good. Like it doesn't really follow anything like it in follow like her brand and follow like even her own light her own brand. Yeah, because I could have seen Nicky doing it. Yeah, and then because Nikki has done stuff with E before I could see Nikki doing it. And then on top of that the fact that she is wrestling Rhonda and you know that then that time but I don't know I was I was yeah, I didn't watch it because I was confused when she said it was like, okay, whatever and then they oh that cliff and I was just like no not interested. Yeah, it was an interesting and Tiffany these clearly like a kind of stage is like yeah, it definitely was it's weird. Now do you think in their conversations with Brie and Nikki Nikki and mention that Brie almost like brings chaos to hurt your life. No matter what it is. It's like, you know, she started getting overwhelmed thinking about her life and in Phoenix when she moves like, oh we're going to I can't wait to do this and they have all these plans and then weíll do this and then we'll have baby number two. Do you think she puts it on herself? And For the stress kind of almost plays her in a little bit or you see something. I don't know. I don't really see every but I think I kind of like are you saying like she creates her own Chaos on herself and then it gets too stressful and then she's like, oh, okay because we're all we all have provided we don't have like super crazy lives. It's pretty standard you wake up and you do some form of work you do some form of taking care of the household. And then you go you go to bed and it's just really depending on how you handle or plan out those situations. But even if you handle of how the situations and you're stressing yourself out because you're like, oh my gosh, I have to do X Y and Z right then your overwhelming yourself, even though you're the one who put it on your plate. Yes, I think so. And also what plays a part in that is the fact that she's very indecisive like Brian said, so she's pushing him crashing and later on how to schedule her time or even Lola told her. Are you ready to be a stay-home mom like permanently? And she's like no. She's like, okay, so you have to plan everything out because she's obviously which is the business isn't everything. That's what it is. She's a procrastinator and I can say that because I'm one of those who she's a procrastinator and when you procrastinate and you put it off put it off put it off and then you get any stressful situations and you're like, oh my gosh, I'm so stressed, but it presses you to actually do what you need time. It's kind it is weird. But at the same time it happens like if they're natural. Yeah. It's a natural instinct like it. Nothing for some and so I think that's what she is. She's just a procrastinator and she Rises does a whole bunch of stuff that she probably don't need to really be doing. She like wake up play with birdie all day or whatever and then she's like, oh, I gotta go to the suppressor. I got to do this and then it's I feel like it's one of those things. I also feel like she she just at this point. I really think that she wants to focus on a family, but I don't think she knows that her mom. And going back to that like you made a comeback because you focused on family and now you're you wanting to go back to focus on family, right? But then you're going to want to work again. So so Lola was right like she needs to plan out what she is like she needs a plan out goals and her strategy and what she wants to accomplish right instead of just going and doing things because that's what she's doing. Now. She's just going and doing things. Yeah because it felt like she mentioned several occasions that she was like no way for birdie. The and there are if you take away economic status or economic situation, there are people that are like, okay. Well like I'm going to go work and you know, my child will understand because this is what I'm going to do, right and then there's people like, oh my gosh, I don't like they're going to feel this way and they feel worse than the like, you know, they feel worse off than what the child feels at the moment and it just seems like brie is that type of that type of parent and it's like well, how are you gonna you know have all these businesses? And then have baby number two. And are you going to be the same? I'm assuming that the characteristic of her as a mother. So like you're going to feel guilty because you can't go to their ballet lessons or their whatever right? But you're still going to do a business. Right? And I do think that this her mistakes in the ring has put her more towards wanting a baby number two because when her and Lola were drinking they were out partying. She was just like, you know when having baby number two, but I really don't know because that's a lot like yeah, I was like, okay she He needs to like calm down and if she's going to take this break just take a break really strategize what you want to do. What you in the next five years. Like what do you want your life to look like? Right? What is it that you want? And I think that Brian was saying a few episodes ago. What is it that Brie once I just don't think she knows what she wants. Right? Yeah, and she has never really thought about that. It's always been about everybody else and what everybody else wanted and now it's coming back to me now that she's older. It's coming back to like bite herself, right? Sounds like taking taking care of other folks and hadn't kind of had a clear path as well as she is know what she wants. And also I feel like bri isn't the type of of man or mother to be able to just be a stay-at-home mom and just put everything to the right. She's not she's not see that that's not an option for her. That's why she's also super confused because she just can't be done with all her businesses and then just focus on having a family. Well, there's different there's different components that you play in a business. So like, you know, she can if she wants to focus on the family then, you know, they'll need to hire somebody that's more Hands-On and then that person answers to her. Yeah, but I don't Think she's gonna go with that. Right? So it's just kind of like she does have to make those decisions, but I think she has time now, so we'll see now this brings us to the whole family thing. So Ki Kathy Maya and Lola showed up in New York to support the Twins and they start talking about John's voice. How do you guys do you guys think of his it was so cool. I felt like it was sad, but cool at the same time because you never got to see that side or like any story about him but aside from that, so it was cool to see Be like, oh, you know how he feels about it and how it is like bullying to him or it has bothered him in the past, but you can't really tell like I didn't know about that until they mentioned it in the show the fact that his voice was like that because you just are so used to it. Yeah, but it seems like every time I injured early on because even in the water was like I've never heard it. He said it was like around 1992 were 1992 that he was checking to see if they could do something. So I was probably a little yeah, so it was So he I mean that's years. I got so he like he's okay with that. Now, I feel like it at this point. He's like what about it? Yeah, I did but I didn't know it was like when they brought up the issue, it seems like it might have been a little more recent but that was like decades ago. Yeah. It wasn't like it was like 10 12 years ago, right more like a couple of decades ago, and now you know, you just I feel like now now that understand that situation and when he said I'm kind of like okay, that was a filler. Well, maybe it was cool to see his wife insight to you know, so because he's on the show and he's married to their mom and if you notice a couple of episodes they actually refer to him as Dad or stepdad and my has their sister so, you know, and he's the one who hired them. So they're so intertwined but my thing is like I feel like everybody was not a say I don't know the right word is bullied but there's something about everybody's personality or characteristics or physical thing that somebody could take and make fun of in a playful way. So it's just kind of like Mmm Yeah, that's how I felt like I'm thinking like Leslie short and I probably say that like a million times. She that she says it all the times when we first started she like did you get shorter? I was like some time no feel like you'd like sometimes it does fall like this down. Yeah. I think she's a little bit shorter than you. It's just like yeah, but there's things that and I think maybe because talked about me being black. Oh my gosh. Well, I think because I was actually talking about this on the show yesterday culturally as far as Caribbean culture. Like that's what we do. We just point out stuff. Yeah, and I didn't like you I wouldn't say anything so and culture to like Mexicans are super outspoken and they call you out everywhere thing. So, yeah, I think it's just the way they put it. In that perspective. So the fact that they're like, oh, it's bullying. I don't think they necessarily like that the right word. Yeah bullying wasn't the right word at all. That was not a form of bullying that's actually a form of saying like I like who you are. Yeah. I feel like bullying nowadays we get we understand bullying and I think it's like a form of being playful like I don't think the people were intentionally being like Oh, hey, I'm going to make fun of your voice. Yeah, it's funny. You know, it's just because I think they would do it behind his back in seventh and also like it's I feel like God became a part of his character. So who he was and like Nikki said like he came out as a raw general manager with his voice. Yeah everyone knew it. So I think that's why I like it intertwined like with who he is on the person. So maybe it was a filler and he was like, okay, I'll just go with it random. So another filler which I've still I don't know one thing. Okay, so I Nikki decide to have the pep rally. So what did you guys think of all this? How is where Bree I just thought it was stupid. It was weird. I don't know why like I don't understand why she like I really okay. This is the moment where I'm sorry. I love everybody knows. I love Nikki. I love her to death. But this was a narcissist moment to me like it was just a narcissist moment, right and that's how I felt about it. Like it was really pointless. Do you feel like she did it just have more attention on her. Her math, I did. Yeah, I did because like throughout the whole episode you can see her keep saying, you know, oh, I'm the one made of any it's all about me and me and me and then they were like, oh Nikki, we have a special like cheer for you. So small I think her up and that's why I understand why she felt like bri should be like Gabby's gosh. Yes. I'm so excited laughs in the chat says who doesn't love a good pep rally and she said she gets called short on the time. So I guess you're really short too. And okay embrace your shortness, you know guys like shorter girls. Oh my gosh. Yeah. That is so annoying. I do see these like it's all the super tall ones like the ones were like six eight with the girl who's like five to is like what are you gonna do with that? She's at your kneecap. I understand. I'm Sophie. He's a hater cause she's gone. The difference is so ginormous and I don't understand it. Well confusing it is what it is. I am. Sorry to tell you that. What are you trying to say? I think somebody cute. No, I am not. I am not. Oh I have provided for you. Oh God. She said it's so convincingly in the camera. I think she's dating someone anyway, so we're not here for the pep rally blue as Lilian Garcia. I didn't know she was a former. What is she doing now? Because they said former ring announcer on her title. Yeah. Because she's not she's not part of don't do we as a ring announcer anywhere you did but what she did but what did she do? She okay for a while. She was doing her podcast. Yeah, she's things. Are you still doing she yeah, she does that but that's not really what WWE. It's on the network. No, I think I really don't know what her like pisar career is now you think she's a producer maybe not for the ring announcer. I don't think she's part of doing anymore. I all like I feel like she'll come in for like certain events like Evolution right and stuff like that. But uh she travels Now at all, I like she's done with that. Yeah, Joseph let us know because you know everything and I do miss her. I feel like she was one of the best ring announcers at their do we had well, I mean, they're coming out with a lot. They've just hired a quite a few of them, especially NXT. So we'll see but let's get to Evolution. So essentially Nikki and Brie are in New York Revolution. They're doing this whole press tour and all this does is other stuff in pretty much it's gonna be the last time you guys see the belgians together in the ring. So they're making a big dick felt like The show was making a big deal of it. First is when it happened back in October. Nobody is really talking. Well, that's what I'm saying. If it was really a big deal Bree wouldn't be valeting. Like she's in a different position where she can wrestle. She could have been part of a match that whole pay-per-view could have been completely different if it was going to be all about her and her retirement. They could have made her main event with Nicky against like something else, but I don't know that wouldn't have happened. I don't know. I think she was just kind of felt some type of way. So she was just like well, I'm done anyway because it feels like the mistakes Definitely Maybe the mistakes didn't happen. It happened and I know they happen all the time, but because of who she is and because there's a certain part of the WWE universe that doesn't feel the Bella twins because of the air that they started I think the network called the heads they decided not to to do that or Even put her in what was it like wasn't a ladder match for the Royal Rumble match. So I don't think she would have done it have made sense either because like Nikki said there were back as the Bella twins, right? So they do everything together. Yeah. So I mean, yes, I don't know it's hard. But like I've said before Nikki and Brie have very different wrestling Styles and for me personally, I like more of Nick he's wrestling style. It's more empowering to me and it's more like oh like damn she's Because she doesn't cross fit in a lot of like more lifts and stuff like that. But like you could be a really good like high-flying like brie is in the striker, but I don't know. Like I said when she came back and I couldn't really watch her much of it was to cringing for me. I feel like a lot of people feel that way and that's why she said I'm retiring. Well, yeah, cuz sometimes your body like everybody's different because you know, you have some women who are athletes and you know, there have their baby and literally they're back on the basketball court or the track, whatever. And then, you know, sometimes people have babies and it's just like your body will never be the same not necessarily in a negative way. It's just your body's different. So it's like maybe this profession is just not her body's like yeah, we ain't doing that. I think her mine is too. Like I really I really think that she I think that was one thing that she did determine. I felt like when she had a kid she was like when she had birdie she was just like, okay, my priorities are different. And Chancellor place to where you can navigate a little bit more. Yeah, the feeling of I guess being a mom because I'm not a mom. So I don't really know how it is. But I guess the feeling of being a mom can sometimes change your emotions towards things too. And I think that was another thing that she really I feel like she's over the body part. I don't feel like she cares about that. I feel like she really cares about like, okay. I have a family. What do I want to focus on she's in that decisive mode. Again, torn between motherhood and her career and her career in the ring. I think they're also comes to with people who procrastinate because like she's caught up between procrastinating but then she's also a planner but then she like has some sort of plan but she's not decisive in the plan and then she doesn't think about it and then she procrastinates and then she's at this point opposed to like, okay. Well this these are my personality traits and then I'm just going to go with the flow because me planning something or Having thing is not it might not work for her. It could be hard though. Because in your mind you don't you have a fomo fear of missing out like you feel like you're going to miss out on something if I choose and I choose wrong. Then I have to blame myself and I chose wrong and I didn't like that and then what am I going to do after that? So that is a cycle of I would say this that is the cycle that goes through my mind as you prepare as you're a procrastinator and that's why because you always either have fomo or you you have a fear of like what if I choose wrong and then I have to you know, or with the consul. Yeah deal with the consequences idea what I guess maybe because I think differently like my thing is okay. You have a fear of missing out and if you choose not to do this and he decide to stay at home and then you see all the pictures you like dang I missed out. Okay, like I don't understand how that I understand that but then it's like you might have to make a shift in your mentality and be Okay. Well, I don't want to miss out. So I'm going to do these things and that didn't work. So that's why I think it's no longer a body issue for her. It's an it's a my emotional issue for her because she is at a point right now where if she leaves the ring. She sees Nikki going off and doing big things and his history being made in right and the Divas division now or the women's division. Thank you. I corrected myself. Thank you before somebody decided to cut me off. But now I'm just playing we love we love women empowerment. That's the whole point though women's History Month. Yes, so I just feel like when you and that's the thing it's not and it's not a mind thing to where it's like fear of missing out like okay, I see the pictures and I'm here with my baby and I'm a just shift my mind and think that oh, I'm here. It's literally like a guilt like, oh my gosh. I'm I know I'm here with my my my child or whatever but the love and the guilt I feel for not being there that Like a real it's especially right now because the women are doing so much they felt that even more so that's why when they got the call. She said yes right away. Well I get it. But again, it's one of those things where you like it, she's retired. She's retired. And if she does have that mindset of the fear of missing out, it's like, okay. Well, you're the think that all the positives because the thing is they have so many women coming in now that they're not going to be like the fact that the The Bella Twins and Nikki and Brie individually have names that they can go out of mainstream media and create a wine line and all this other stuff like a lot of these girls coming in are not going to have those opportunities. So it's like okay you're missing out on all these things, but you came in 10 or 12 years ago and you've had enough of her career that now you can go and have baby number two and not have to work a nine to five or not have to like, oh my gosh, you know W, drop me. What am I gonna do? So I Like if this is the case and obviously I'm not a doctor. We're just watching the show. I don't know what you're doing when the like the cameras go off, but that's the case. It's like the you just need to shift the mentality of okay. Well, I'm happy for them. I'm still part of the organization and me and my money and my husband and my babies are going to do this and then we need any pop-up pop-up. That's the problem. She's that's nice. Yeah, it is not as easy as you think it is, especially when you have when you are oppressed. Later, when you are procrastinator mind shift is not as easy because like she has been successful, right? That's far. So in her mind, it's not even I feel like in I can't I'm not going to speak for her mind, but I will say this I feel like maybe it's one of those things where it's like in my in your mind. It's not a it's not a big deal but to you, it's a big deal. So you're not my teaching at anybody else. You're not looking at anybody else like you're not looking at anybody. This is coming in and doing this and doing that. You're just like oh, yeah. Well you want to be it's on me like I'm here with my child and that's cute. But I want right there. Now that I see this it and it's a it's a feeling that I don't think that you can describe to people unless you're in that place where I'm not in the office all her other half is her sister literally and they've done so much together right wrestlers together. So for her to see Mickey do it on like big events like evolution of stuff like that. Yeah. Jewel why I don't think she could have said no. Well, I think too because of her decisiveness. That's why Nikki not necessarily like there's a huge separation between the two but with Nicki it's just like she full-on admitted on stage in front of a whole bunch of people like yeah, I thought were the roles were reversed. I want to be I'll do it, but I'm not about that. It's just like Nikki is very driven. She said when she played Sports she was always the one that you know, she probably did that was a captain she put on herself to make the last one he shot. She did all this other stuff. So it's two different. Nine sets so it's just like you it's almost like she needs to take a page out of Nikki's book and just be selfish selfish in a good way because Nikki, you know, she's obviously obviously loves her family. She obviously doesn't things but when it comes to career, she's one track mind so it's like, okay. Well if I'm going to shift and I'm going to retire then I need to pick one or two or three things that I'm going to do and that's what I'm going to do. First is looking at other things like oh, well, I wish I was here. I wish I was there was like now we're doing this for this time period like I want to work on and kid. And then you need to make sure that Brian that you set up the whole, you know, because you don't want a quickie time you make sure make sure that's all that you kind of set other things up. The only thing about that. Is that for some reason Nikki always gets in her head. So even if she wants to be firm about her decisions, she's always there in the back of her mind will why are you gonna do this? Like we saw in this episode she was sat on retiring but then she's like, I don't know. I don't feel like you're ready. Let me try to you know influence. You cannot do it and then she starts thinking about it and that's why she's in the same. Them because she doesn't know what she wants and her sister plays a big part in that. Well, I mean, that's why I didn't know but that's why we're I feel like we're I was kind of torn because I love Nikki as well. But I feel like she's very selfish in this episode. Hmm before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. You haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. She had a right to be but I don't think She should have the only part I will say is that I don't feel like she should she should understand. I know she want they're twins and I know she wants to breed to be excited just as much as she is because they've been in the game for so long, but at the same time I definitely feel like she should have let breathe Phil whatever she felt and she should and Nikki should have gone and about her way and did whatever she wanted to do right, but it's hard for because Nikki has more of a dominant. Mallet e so it's hard for because I this is what I suffer from. It's like not suffer. But this is what I can I could I could attest it's like somebody was a dominant personality and you're like off doing this and it's like well you if you didn't want to do this or you felt a certain type of way and you know, obviously they weren't gonna give their give her Nikki's position. But if you wanted to do something else then you should have spoke up for yourself instead of keep saying all well if the roles were reversed. Well, the roads are not gonna get reversed. So NW and you're in your In your in your mindset, it could have been like well, yeah the but we came as a bell twins, but how am I going to be happy in my last time in the ring? You know, it's crazy to me. Sorry. I just came up. I don't know if you guys know but when the Bella twins debuted it was just very wrestling. So what they would do is Brie would come in and then whenever she was like beat up or something. She would go under the ring and then if you would come out yeah, I remember that. Yes if there'd be like identical, but you didn't know every Bella Yeah coming out. Okay, and then eventually like there's a they're twins. That's how the Valentine's came out. Fun fact fire history on YouTube. All right, let's get into it. Well, well, well guys we have some dating rumors and they are true Nikki. Bella is out and about with her new. Artem her former Dancing with the Stars partner. So they were out in La rebound on the left. And there you go. There's the proof why don't you guys gonna like it to you? But they she thinks her and John are still together. No, I mean I want them to be but this you think's a rebound. Yes. Yes big-time. He doesn't even like what you think isn't it - yeah. It's not real its friendly camera guy. like he comes off the same way as He seems like that dude that he's not going to be like how Brian is with Bri. Like there's like gushing over his wife like John Cena wasn't like that either until later on forget her to have anybody who's gushing but I definitely don't like that type as well. He's not like he's gonna play it cool. And if you kind of take away the layers and you're going to know if he likes you or not. No, I just feel like he s not right right. I definitely just I You can rebound and I think because it felt comfortable she went with it. Oh, yeah, I think he to get him out of the just the dance thing. He's with her and getting Mom and Dad her peculiar. I watch the show. I see how he is. He would not be the person to do that. He could have done that with anyone else. He's not her only partner. Yeah every year. I believe that he's not her only part but still What did Julianne Hough do the same thing? Like she was dancing with the stars if you want to start something different and new and you don't want to just be in the lane that you weren't once we're in he's getting a different light now like rally and does not make sense. No, it doesn't. She's a celebrity now. Yes, no mainstream not just for wrestling. So now he knows that the the cameras are always on her, especially with her dating life. This creates a new Lane for him. There are people calling his phone. That weren't His phone before guarantee you that I don't think honestly you think is a business move from his part as for I feel like it is a businessman from his part. I feel like it's a business move. No, it's not. I don't think that he doesn't like her and I don't think that he's using her but I do think it is a business. This is a great business might do agree with you that especially in La no matter where you fall as far as celebrity right by our key dating is just changing the in LA. And the thing is to it's like you can you you have like two options. You can go out there and date a bunch of people that you don't know anything get to know them and do all this other BS or some of that you have who you consider a friend you've established relationship and there's chemistry there. So you've already skipped five steps. Yeah that you don't want to cuz like having conversations with people about like life life. Over again is the most annoying thing to me he's down but he could have shut this down to he could have said no, I don't want to you just got out of a relationship not too long ago John Cena this I want this to be real between us but no cameras. No nothing. I don't want anybody to know what six years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah according to I can't really need to pull up this because I use this statistic all the time for every year that you're together. It should be one. But yeah, it's it's mine. She was technically I think they the picture start surfacing in December. So and then she broke up with John before the summer before I made because her their wedding was going to be on Cinco de Mayo. Yeah, so then it's been six months. I think they're having fun with one another and I think he this is a good business move for him. Well, it is what it is not our dating life have fun. I know unless he's dating six eight dudes. Oh, I don't know how to date dating is hard. She just throw whatcha guys action today. Dating is hard guys. Katie is you just you're still in college. Did he should be easy? No, baby his heart Jesus has she left Lee looks like she wants love. Yes. I am one of those Debbie Debbie type of girls. Are you talking next? Anyways enough about my personal life WrestleMania season guys. So make sure you tune in WrestleMania is in three weeks where you will see that. Women headlining they're gonna be the main event. So Rhonda Rousey vs. Becky Lynch or burst as Charlotte Flair. So tune in for that. You definitely should watch that. It's WrestleMania. It's about an event that I did. I did watch Nikki Bella's Evolution match This time good job. All right, I'm proud anyways, um, and then your host for Wrestlemania will be the one and only Alexa Bliss former Total Divas star. Yeah, I'm gonna what's Joseph? Let us know is she like no longer injured. She still injured what's going on with her? I want to know I don't understand this whole like talk show host type of person. I mean, she's good at it. She's always been great at the mic. So I am considering that there's there's a lack of Of storylines for a lot of the women on SmackDown and Raw is that for Rhonda except for Rhonda? I really feel like if she actually gave you in the chat says Becky better when I feel like I don't want to watch I feel like I don't want to watch the match because they're going to let they're gonna have Rhonda windy. I mean, yeah, you don't know. Yeah. It's been so long. Yeah change of a storyline. I hope so that this because I really feel right crepin. I really feel like Revolution. They should have had Nikki one when that Been a good know what Anna made sense because she oh no pull up your title. Like she can't wrestle every week anymore. Yeah. Nikki went on one. That's why it made sense for her not to win. That's you have to look at like the fox the fact that she's injured. She can't wrestle every week. Should she can't hold the title. Yeah. I don't know. I don't feel like watching another Ronda Rousey like thing that the whole thing is Ronda Rousey at they and I I'm hoping it's going to change the tide meaning that you know, she'll drop the belt but this is when the other girls from NXT come up and now they have a faction and now that faction destroys tries to destroy the women's locker room and you have Rhonda going through that either until the point. She gets the belt back or somebody in the fashion gets about back or she takes off time to go to go film a movie, which is also a lot of her friends from MMA are in Annex T now. So you just said, oh well the shadiest moment. I've clearly Shayna baszler and bundled take cochlear. Jessamyn Duke. Yeah, she has friends they could do a four horsewomen. You said it affection sorry in line. I don't understand that word and congratulations to fellow Canadian Lily and saying she's also a we have a what would that she's not like a legend. She's an ambassador. No, she's one of those like celebrities that are affiliated WWE. So like Maria Menounos. Yeah. I don't know what the official title is but congratulations. Are she got a talk show which is gonna be interesting. Hmm. Yeah. I think she might be the first Indian descent. Person like forget man or woman who's had a night talk show in the u.s. That will see Shady's moments or are you done with the news? Yeah. Okay. She has moments for me. It was kind of like just the little bit of moments where naked be like it's my main event and I'm anything of any and I'm known for the Booty Poppin thing and I'm known for this and it's my main event was like, okay I get it. You're made of anything. Your sisters right here that I felt like the Chevy is well it was that day of pep rally like what a page. I really like pink. I think the shadiest moment is when Nikki was like our when free was gushing about like I can't wait to go to back to Phoenix and do this and do that and Nikki was literally like hmm. Okay. I'm pretending I'm listening but I'm really not like there's there was that look in her face like yeah. This is some pxie just not we We're here right now. So let's say any predictions for next week. Well, okay this kind of given the mystery man is artem. It's so obvious but it's kind of interesting kind of funny this somebody totally different. But yeah, I'll be shocked. Oh my gosh, he's gonna be shocked, but I know you went to see his interaction, but I definitely I'm going to stick with what I said. I definitely believe he's a rebound and on his part. This is Good business strategy. Thanks. Maybe she needs like to skip the getting to know people like a Patti Stanger. Yeah, I was gonna say to me don't ever go on the show. I mean she could go on the show, but she just seems private and in that new dating phase that you can hire somebody that is like a petty singer who will sift out men for you. Yeah, like I'm telling you because it's a rebound and he knows that and he's using it as a business strategy. Hey, To each their own and their own have been very but I almost died. I think the theme song of Ordinary People John Legend is like it's very like these are I mean, obviously it's not everybody's lives but these are things that people are going through and let's be honest like if you're on Instagram and social media you highlight the the Peaks or you know the valleys but you don't highlight the middle stuff because it's boring nobody's gonna watch it. Yeah. So I think part of the season was just very like Mundane stuff that's why you had them going axe throwing and you had them doing this and I've been doing that because Nikki's trying to figure out what she wants to do with their life and Brie as well in two totally different ways. So I knew shout out to the chat. Thank you guys for joining in also shout to the comments that you guys have been doing on YouTube give us five stars or better on iTunes. If you're not subscribed to AfterBuzz TV reality TV, make sure you do that. I'll subscribe through AfterBuzz Sports and wrestling. Other than that. We're can anybody find you. Guys, I'm on a global thing can find me everywhere and mismo Lovelace and make sure you check out my website money Club was not calm. Okay, I'm Leslie Columbia. You can find me at underscore Leslie. Come on. Let's talk wrestling. Let's talk WrestleMania. I'm so excited. I feel like I don't like a podcast or something, but I'm going to be on this. No, I'm just a college student. Oh gosh. Find me on my new website at Look at her. Next week with these ones. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal.
Hosts TK Trinidad, Monique Loveless, and Leslie Colon discuss season 4 episode 9 where the first-ever Women's Pay-Per-View, Evolution; the Bellas take New York by storm; Nicole is determined to show the world what she is made of in her match against Ronda Rousey. The Total Bellas After Show: Your favorite twins Nikki & Brie Bella from WWE are opening up their doors to their real life outside of the ring. On the TOTAL BELLAS AFTER SHOW, we’ll discuss their transition from in-ring competitors to becoming top-notch business women, expanding their families, and many more life changes. Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show. ABOUT TOTAL BELLAS: Nikki and Brie Bella, a spinoff of the network’s hit series “Total Divas.” The six, one-hour episodes will give viewers exclusive access into the lives of The Bella Twins and their significant others, John Cena and Daniel Bryan, as the WWE Superstars move in together and enter a new chapter of their lives, both professionally and personally. After Nikki goes through delicate surgery on her neck and spine, her sister and brother-in-law move into the house she shares with Cena in order to care for her and keep her company during her long and protracted recovery. The Bella Twins will continue to appear on “Total Divas,” which concludes its fifth season tomorrow night at 9 p.m. ET.
Is podcast is brought to you by what my reading the UK's most influential wedding brand. Hello. Hello, how are you? Doing? Good. Good me too. Thanks for asking. And now we're recording for my new head office today. It's very exciting. So those of you that don't know we moved in to our new offices about a week ago and it's very rural here extremely rural it's and dog-friendly last night of being bounded up to me as I was getting into my car. Yeah, they'll be friendly offices and we're in a big sort of like converted. Fang they should say yeah very spacious. We're in our specific podcast recording like we've got a phase of your big open plan office and then it's got a separate kitchen separate Lou obviously thank goodness. And and then like a little kind of see saying it's a cupboard is not is not it's not good enough for their just slightly bigger than a footage slightly bigger than a storage cupboard but is where we can have these podcasts. Yes, very exciting indeed and To do at start the podcast today to say thank you to everybody for their support with a podcast and I normally say at the end. Thanks for listening and thanks for getting in touch and blah blah blah, but I thought I'd start because you know by the end of the the end of the podcast you busy you got planning to be getting on with so y'all got time to listen to the very end at some point in at the start. We really enjoy hearing from you and your engagement is so encouraging. We enjoy doing the podcast so much in there, but my wedding is in completely ad free. So the podcast will always be ad-free you'll never get Any annoying interrupting ads for as long as we've recorded of them, she's really exciting. You eat a lifestyle blog about my style dot k dot U, k-- there's a post on there that I wrote about how the whole brand is now essentially ad-free. So you'll never be as Becky said interrupted by adverts on this podcast might be interrupted by us waiting some dodgy musical wofully. Yeah, but yes, so if you have enjoyed listening to previous episodes and you enjoy this episode it would be Really lovely. If you could leave us a little five star rating on a podcast or iTunes give us a little review because it just helps everybody else to find us when they're searching for wedding-related podcasting things. Thanks waffle out the way we're going to talk about today. She'll I'm going to talk about alternative wedding Rhymes. So how to get Your friends and family involved in your wedding if they want to be involved if you want them involved, but they can't be anything that disposed what you've called traditionally specific. Yeah, there are obvious roles. So Usher's bridesmaids Etc. But yes, we're going to talk about the alternative role. So maybe you only have budget for two bridesmaids but you've got other girlfriends that you would close to and you want them to be a part of your day or you want relatives to be involved and this is where this episode comes into its own. So I'm going to go well Going to go through a series of alternative roll slow roll. Number one is readings. So we have a whole episode dedicated to readings where we talk about how to pick the perfect person for readings types of readings that they can do ideas for reading so you can pop back to that episode and tune in for more chat specifically about readings and how to choose the ideal candidate to do a little reading it ceremony you want someone who's confident it speaking or reading and public. It's not a role to assign to someone who isn't keen on it because public speaking. And some people into a wreck again. We talk about that more in that previous episode anyway, and alternatively to choosing a grown-up. You can always choose a child to do a reading well, which is something that we've seen in a few Real Weddings. They're often less daunted by those sort of tasks. They think it's great that they're doing a little performance or yeah, and so perhaps if you have nieces or nephews for example, but no budget for a flower girl or a pageboy tight roll. This is where you can really get them involved you. Need to make sure their parents are happy to be back up just in case you never know kids gone Rogue. You never know just make sure that they can help Cokes and getting through it if they had a little bit stuck or a little bit nervous. I think that's a really nice way of including little ones in your life as well rule. Number two. I've just briefly mentioned flower girls and Page boys. So we thought go a little bit more into those roles and how you can get children involved in other ways because I think flowers girls and Page boys are difficult because it's the age groups for those isn't it? What's the cutoff what style I mean what what constitutes our flower girl as opposed to a bridesmaid or yeah. What so I would Define a flower girl then if you would agree as a child between sort of three and seven. Yeah, I guess so I think land 3 asking for a bit of trouble in there. Yeah. It's that direct and of them and that their level of understanding is not quite there yet they all you need to do is From here to there. Yeah, and that you sort of did they, you know, they still burn off wherever they want to have that your daughter has just turned one on your hip when you are in a very spot Lizzie take her up the aisle and just pray pray pray that she doesn't puke on you. That was my experience. That was that your sister's wedding. That was yeah that Melissa you sure about this because I'm going to have to carry fine sign. Okay. Did you survive son's puke? Luke I did I why Sons puke but there was dribble my hair. Yeah not to put you off should you wanted to include you evaluate? I guess your wedding. Yeah, if you're looking at including a child under the age of 3, you're probably going to have to have someone walk with them. Yes, whereas if they're three they could possibly do that little journey by themselves. Yeah, or if you have a slightly older flower girl to take the Young Guns down. So yeah at my sister's wedding my daughter who'd just And five took cousin down the aisle who had is not quite to yet. But this is a thing. So Mabel my daughter was trying to go to the right which is the right way and Ira hadn't got a Scooby and I think I saw head dad at the end and was like Daddy and then tried to go to the way so my husband had to like conniff come in from nowhere like this intercept this intercept at put the kids the right way as some kind of like suited and booted like bridesmaid, I guess behind everyone else. That's the fun of the day goes another wave including the friends and family in your but. Yeah, so that's a really good idea like this a slightly older flower girl can help get the young ones down. That's because I would say the cutoff is probably seven eight ish for flowers. It's really difficult for me at that point. Like I'm yeah. I'm trying to imagine my niece doing that role now and I think she would feel a little too old. So she was ten this year and I think she'd be a bit like But I want to be a bridesmaid. It's like it's quite a tricky and this isn't that respect. It's a is a group of people going at the aisle. It's more I said, it's more about the outfits and what they're comfortable in that setting for their parents are comfortable with them wearing and you want them to wear and like our works with your wedding wouldn't want to wear the same dress that four-year-old is wearing. Yeah, and that's where exactly they don't have to be called one or the other. It's more. Yeah what they're going to wear and how are they gonna be a part of the day I suppose. Yeah. That's it. there isn't a traditional term for that in between any sort of age is that you might turn my bridesmaid from say the age of 14 or 15 or some but what about when they're you know, number eleven twelve Yeah, my two of my bridesmaids actually, all three of my bridesmaids were that in between the age of mentioned before I'm sure they were sort of eight 10 and 11 and I just put them in the adult dresses the same dresses because they were very good early anyway, so they can get away with they was altered and they could Get away with it. So it's really about matching it to their personality, isn't it? Because some girls and which will some children are much younger or much older headed than their actual age. Anyway, yeah, they want to wear a tutu when their tenant, you know spring down the aisle then why not? Yeah, actually, yeah, so it's one of those things where it's screw the tradition again, isn't it? Yeah, it doesn't make any sense because there isn't a specific role for those kids in that age range and the doesn't have to be they can just be whatever they want to be. Yeah for a few petals down the aisle or whatever your day awaiting your arrival. Okay, so the same goes for page boys. I do that in quotes because it's you know doesn't need a term. Does it really nice but the same for them I guess treat them suitably as for the age that they are and it's nice actually for the older ones the slightly old ones like maybe eight nine ten years to give them that little bit extra responsibilities give them a sign to carry down or you know, throw the petals like I just mentioned before they could even maybe ring bearer could carry the Rings down. Yeah, just just that little element of air. Extra responsibility for that slight slightly older child. You want to include? Yeah in the day. Does that make sense? It does? Okay. Cool. Rule number three. What's the number three shall confetti distribution. Oh, yes, I think traditionally the handing out of confetti is signed to Usher's. Yeah. I yeah, so you go to the ceremony VA in a venue or outside or in a church or wherever it might be and you know, you're giving it as you go in I put mine on the Sometimes he crawls away from anyone. But yeah, but that is also a role. Someone has the reality of outdoor that on the chairs for the confetti or the orders of service that I think actually come up that's actually roll number four. So let's backtrack. Okay, but again, it's another role that doesn't have to be one of these it was traditionally the you sure that would do that. It could be your tweenager that you want to include or I know a friend or Auntie. Yeah. Yeah who really wants to do something and feel like She's contributed. That's a great role for for them. And you know, we've seen in a few real burdens like confetti stations or you know, yeah, so someone feels like the morning Manning's nothing. But yeah, if you go to our DIY section and what my wedding dot k dot u k you will find a DIY confetti station than well. At least the maze. Yes, so it's very easy to do very straightforward simple to follow cost-effective provides you with a beautiful piece of deco. When you today, yes, does that leads us nicely onto a roll number 4 which is the order of service distributor. Like we've just said is the similar or to look at the confetti. I think guy or gal that he's gone. My ideas are being some kind of logistics and finally the way I'm worried that she's written these rows just say no. You don't have to say to somebody Helen would you be my order of service distributor? Hey listen, I'm trying to help everybody here with a clear. Clear and concise organized list waiting rolls Charlotte. She can't breathe. But the point the point of all these roles is you have loads of aunties and uncles and friends and nosy people that just want to have a role. He's the one just do for you in the more petite. My they are extreme. I realize do you want hands over confetti really, but I will look well. My dad's best friend Jane. So they've For instance illiterate school and so like we've grown up with that if I'm gonna thing and I want to test you a reading and the whole way through she was flashing a bra. Well, she I'm going off at a tangent here, but it just reminded me because again this whole thing about the things that don't quite go according to plan what really make your wedding. Yeah, and when we have the photographs back, so I'm not sure how many people at the time notice because obviously I didn't I was just about to get married. So the last thing I was going to be looking at was James undergarments, but in the photos we have back there was a proper like like fancy bra Roswell was Jane Moore if you've got it flaunt it she was oh no and that's it. We had to do a little bit of Photoshop. I'll bless Jay. Yeah Belleza the moral of this story is try not to flash your bra when doing a reading to her congregation, and if you're going to do it where a fancy one. Yeah. Hang on. Let's move on to roll number 5. Wedding MC. Right? So if your Venue isn't providing an mc mc as Master of Ceremonies for anyone who thinks what you want about if they're not providing an MC for the day, then this is a great role for you know, that big character. Everyone's got one that likes to be a little bit center of attention and doesn't mind cracking a joke here and there almost like a compare it is exactly like that. Basically that their role is they need to be super confident. You need to make sure they don't drink too much because you need to get past the speeches there. Wrong, we'll take them past. The speech is to the end of the speeches because they will introduce the speeches have a said speeches and if I'm not sure introduced the speeches they will introduce you into the room as the new mr. And mr. Mister and missus Missus and Missus. They will unknow say when the speeches of ended and then they're on to the evening celebration. They can coordinate some of the photos for you. Make sure that everybody here is right in them. They can holler at ready for its Jay. Come on. We see your bra. If you're having like group shots and things like that. Absolutely and I know that a lot of you won't want 57 million group shots, but you will want some of your family and friends and you need that person who's going to be like right Bob. Yeah get in the photo may put your drink down. Yes, definitely and they'll be they can be the guy or girl who that you might have a couple of things you have to pay for on your wedding day like you might have to pay your band as they leave or you might have to you know, You never know that this is the guy or girl that you can delegate that job to that's all comes as Master of Ceremonies in my life. Someone who's very organized. That's the one organized confident doesn't mind having a mic in their hand. Yeah. That's your person for your wedding MC. Okay, next roll roll number 6. I'm going to lose count of the numbers in a minute. Alright, how about who is going to witness your wedding? Yeah, dude. That's always when I forget about yes who witnessed your wedding you remember? Yes. Yeah, and here the calls it's burning now. It was one of my very good friends and then James and one of his very good friends nicest. Yeah, we had our mums to witness it. Okay, because again, you know did that moms don't really have a role as such do they? I know they come with you and wedding dress shopping and all the way down. Yeah. Oh they can walk down the aisle, but we thought our mom's a traditionally do now. Yeah. We thought it'd be really nice to ask. Yeah, that's nice and they were thrilled because they thought it was ever so important so it isn't practical. Signatures for weeks before and some chicken. Yes, that's pretty straightforward. You've got to pick two people and have them sign your register. Once you've signed it. Okay. Yep, next roll. What about chauffeur? Mmm. You don't necessarily have to hire in transport. You could ask somebody that you know to be your transport is actually they're really into cars especially if they're into cars. You never know. You might have an Auntie and Uncle that's got some sort of super duper old-fashioned car. I don't know anything about God. But well, that's just got a super duper like new car or anything, you know, just a car or any sort by any way that you get to where you need to go and involve a special person. Yes, which also sorry I'm gonna laugh in a minute. But again, hi Edward have a special role for you for wedding, but you just drive just drive us around. Thanks, but you laugh. Laughs and you're making me laugh because here we had now Jane Edward Allen Allen that journey is a special Journey because it's the last one which only the journey on the way to the red in Franco is in the one where you're in the car get in to your Venue. If you're not already at your Venue obviously won't need a car to get you to venue. But if you do need one, it's a special Journey because it's yes quite nervous and excited and it's a special half an hour 20 minutes when I 18 I have to drive around the block a few times. So if it's someone, you know, you can have a balance with them and just another element if somebody, you know to relax you a little bit and if you need extra transport as well, I'm so you may be hiring a car or whatever. It might be for say the bride. But actually you need to take your mom and your dad and all the other bridesmaids. So unless you're going to have a minute. Yes good point. So yeah, you know for needed somebody be in charge of taking those for you and yeah, I'm coordinating it in terms of like the times and everything else. Yeah. It's that little level of responsibility and that you've got to get the bride to the church on time and make sure there's some some champagne the job lie. I mean, you could even buy them a little hat. I'm good. Here's a special show for that. Yes. So I think that's a really nice roll. Yes to give to somebody responsibility and also the part of a special. Yeah little yeah, I think so now another role, let's call it row late. Let's do that following your numbers. Having Beauty. Yes. So maybe you have a friend or friends who are excellent at hairstyling and or makeup application. And that's a nice way to bring people in it is one of my friends actually did my bridesmaids hair. Whereas I had a hairdresser. Do you mind? Okay, but she was I bang on with the old really ghd waiver. Oh, oh, yeah. I need one of them. Excellent. I've got the curly version now. Oh, right what I can't I'm sorry looking at back either the way as you're listening to this like the curly version that's staring at me like nickel knowledge goes of the thing that I have but I'm sure that it's called a wand. I think they are called. I mean listen to us and it's quite phallic-shaped. Yeah, let's not let a bit thinner at the end. Let's be honest about it one of those 1s. Right? It's very good anyone who's listening to this and thinking about doing their own hair get one of the flight shape DHD one of the ones that Kill Ya go. Great, I mean vest moving on. Anyway, I was we were so but it doesn't necessarily have to be your friends who are going to actually do the hair or do the makeup they could just be more setback coordinating it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah sure. So I don't know the times of everything and having fun and yeah, definitely because actually there is a really anyone that does that because you know, it's maze don't really do that and you don't want me to get rid of them. So that's what I was going to say when you're getting ready in your dress. Normally you have somebody to help you do that, right? Have you had a K2? She do that. Yes, I didn't and it just so happened the timing of everything. My sister was sort of putting on her dress the same time. I was trying to get in my dress. Okay, and then it because I had like a fish tail number. It was quite difficult to try get my shoes. It's a my sister-in-law in the end was like zipping me up and then rather than kind of leaning over and trying to pour more champagne. She then pulled me sister and pain bites me for if like she could put my makeup in my little like clutch bag. Am I okay? Clutch bag for me and that was and I remember that so much about helpful because it was so helpful and I hadn't considered it. Yeah, and no one else has it's just one of those things. Yeah. And yeah, that's a great idea actually have you like a little and I also noticed a little beauty partner in crime. Yeah. Let's call them. Yes and just a note with if you have in your friends and/or to do your hair or makeup definitely still have a trial with them like you would if you were that how you need professional. Yes, just to be sure. Yeah the final role that I have. Tell you what, I'm living this title because I saw it and I just thought what is Becky recommending that people's friends and family do at the wedding wrong number 9. I have titled as performers. You've got anyone would like to cartwheel down the aisle what I mean is musical performance. Okay, if you have anybody who's handy with the violin or plays the guitar, you know, it wants to play you down the aisle. Or singer or someone who I mean come on them, but that's a bit subjective. Some people think they can sing in the car. I know I know I'm such a good thing. I do you mind if I send you down the aisle and you are thinking oh no, but yes anybody who is musically inclined who wouldn't find it a chore to perform. You can include them in your day. So an example of an example of this. I am have a friend a very old friend who got married a few years ago, and we used to go to Foreign art school together all our me just say that Becky is massively under playing this and that Becky used to be in a girl band who subject for another episode a subject for another episode. And and anyway, he's he still writes music and things now and he's very good friends with a lot of the people that we all went to this performing arts school together and as a unit they got together for his wedding and they made a choir and they all sang along his wedding. And just such a lovely Personal Touch, you know, it's really bringing his history into his wedding and sounded amazing obvious because they're all great. Yeah, so that's kind of where I'm what I'm getting at. Yes when I talk about any so Simon from we are the clerks who are videography and photography to who produced this podcast. Yeah, they did a wedding recently where the bride was a teacher over and she had her class sing. Oh, God love them honestly and let me cry I would not if I was at that wedding I would have cried and I have I don't know how she coped but it's anything like that. That's really lightly outside of the box. But personal to you doesn't have to be perfect. It's exactly doesn't have to be like some kind of polishness, you know Arrangements. Yeah, you can have your class of kids singing and that is exactly what I mean. That's what Me. Yes. So there's nine alternative rolls. Yeah for you to divvy out to all your loved ones. And if you think of any others that you so you might have thought of something really different based on. I don't know the talents and experience of your particular friends and family then please do email us at your hot class at what my wedding dot k dot U k-- and we get some really great ones will share them on our stories. Yeah, and we'll get them added onto all the show notes. So everybody else can see your incredible ideas. Yeah, I guess it just boils down to when you're trying to designate roles to friends and families just play on their strengths, isn't it? Like we talked about with readings. It's got to be someone that's confident and is up for doing it and maybe if you've got really Keen Baker's they could bring some cakes to the table are fixed to the table or perhaps they could make edible favors for you. He maybe they could bring a quiche. It's all those little things isn't it go back to their traits and their strengths and that's how you can and how they feel they want to be without having to have a traditional. Yeah, it doesn't have to be specifically role-based, you know, making a cake or contributing to a cake table or it's just that little element of involvement that you can give to people and make them feel a bit special if you wanna invite me to your wedding. I love making cocktails not I'm not saying I'm any good at it. But I just I just like that all the bits and Bobs that you can yeah snazzy umbrella. Yeah, so, you know, you could invite me to your wedding and I would have a cocktail station set up the cock. Turn station. I would be there. Yeah, yeah little things like that in it and you know just stick to one fancy cocktail, but you make sure you've got all the raspberries and you've got the Cucumbers. Yeah, a little crushed ice and all of that that can be your job. Yeah, that's exactly it play to the strengths. Yeah, that's and I and that's the your and ultimately it home truth. You can't be expected to include every single person in some way. They should be honored to just be guests at the end of the day. So yeah, don't put too much pressure on yourself to include everybody. This is just if you want to give someone a task to do here's a couple of ideas, you know pressure your day your way Selene the end and on that now yes, I don't have anything to say to sign off really because said at least at the beginning so because we like to keep it interesting for you all off you pop carry on with your planning and we'll see you in two weeks. See you soon about this podcast was brought to to you by Becky and Charlotte from Rock my reading the UK's most influential wedding band for more content visit with my reading dot code at UK follow us on Instagram at rock my wedding or by the book your day your way from Amazon or any leading book retailer. This podcast is produced by we are the flux.
You know when you just don't have the budget to buy all your mates a bridesmaid dress even though you'd love to? How can you involve them in your day without breaking the bank and making sure they still feel valued? Enter RMW The Podcast and our episode dedicated to alternative wedding roles. Wether it's having your niece perform a reading or your Uncle driving you to your ceremony, you can find roles within your wedding for everyone. If you enjoy this episode you might want to see this post too for even more inspiration. It's amazing to have help from friends and family on the run up to your day and on the actual day itself but remember, you can't be expected to involve absolutely everyone and they will be thrilled to attend your wedding in any capacity, even if that's simply as a guest. Enjoy the below articles where you can see alternative wedding roles played out to perfection. Stefanie & Donovan Nicki & Barry Vanya & David Abbi & Ash Sandra & Daniel Informal Roles In A Wedding Songs That Make Excellent Wedding Readings Produced by We Are The Clarkes // Music by Matthias Harris // --- Send in a voice message:
Hey, it's Antoinette and welcome to episode 5 of the hormone heartbeat podcast. Today's episode is sponsored by my post pill guidebook, which displays the top myths of a hormonal birth control and provides you with the next steps to rebalance your hormones and ease your transition back to hormone heaven without The Unwanted side effects and while preserving your future fertility. You can grab your copy in the show notes or by visiting Today's episode. I will.Be interviewing spiritual nutritionist and digestive health specialists Kim Pega. She is the founder of modern Women's Wellness and she helps Millennial women who are feeling drained disempowered and defeated to have more clarity confidence and control in their lives. Kim is most passionate about empowering them to understand that how you digest your food is how you digest your life so that they can create the vibrant life that they truly deserve. It was a pleasure interviewing Kim and cussing digestion and gut health in a way that isn't considered mainstream. Thank you. And please enjoy welcome to the hormone heartbeat podcast a podcast about female empowerment through menstrual cycle Health the true heartbeat of your hormone status with each episode. We'll explore the foundations of Hormone Health with science Soulful and heartfelt conversations a dash of SASS and feminine Pizzazz. Our dream is to Army with exactly what you need to be an Unstoppable female Force ready to achieve all that your heart desires. And embrace your inner goddess and here's your host naturopathic doctor birth Doula fertility awareness educator hormone Enthusiast and lover of pretty things Antoinette Falco. Welcome Kim. It's so great to have you here. Why don't we start by telling if you tell us a little bit more about what led you to do the work that you do? Yes, so thanks for having me internet. So my journey began really four years ago when I had a really egg and izing experience with eczema. And this wasn't the first time I had eczema. I experienced it all throughout my childhood. I saw so many doctors and Specialists and they always told me the same thing always wrote me a prescription just increase the dose. I think this is kind of a common story. Many of us have I was just finished University. I was starting my career. How did the job everything felt like it was going into place and then all of a sudden I had eczema from head to toe which was I'd never had that before and I had always had this intuitive feeling that that these medications and these really potent steroid creams weren't the answer. So when I was at the doctor's office, Office four years ago and I was sitting in the chair and he was writing me another prescription and an increasing the dosages. I just had this big feeling what I know now is my intuition that said no we're not doing this anymore and that I left that office and that's when I began my holistic lifestyle shift and I did a bunch of research and I just kept digging and digging and just below the surface. I found a wealth of information. Made of a world of a difference to me started to connect a lot of dots field more layers for my symptoms and and I began to understand what was at the root of what was going on and that's why now. I'm so passionate about helping modern women who are feeling defeated drained and desperate just like I was to transform their lives so that they can have more self confidence self acceptance and just some more self. Love because we all know that we could use more of that in our lives. Well said Kim self-love there is if we could buy that in a pillar of formula sign me up for that because it's easy, right? Yeah. So I love what you said about. You know, how you define what your intuition was and what that meant for you. Can you share with our listeners? Just how would you describe intuition like it's not a word that you hear often. So if you could you Shed some light on what it means. Yeah. Well for me, it's just that that intuitive or let's say that instinctual feeling you have that gut feeling that you know, sometimes you just get this feeling inside of you. That's like I don't I don't know about that, you know, maybe you're gonna eat something and all of a sudden you feel like. Oh, I don't I don't know if that I should eat that or that instinct that you feel when you're going to go to when you have this option to go to a party or not. And there's that thing inside of you. That's like, I don't know. I don't think we should go and then you find out maybe maybe that wasn't the right group of people or whatever. It's but how I would explain intuition is your your own instincts. Mmm. So you're you know intuition around your body and what health, you know, what's right for your body on all different levels physically. Emotionally spiritually even awesome feature a lot of work with digestion and it's interesting how you said it's like that gut feeling so good. So if you could share it about how digestion and maybe you could tie in this piece of intuition how it's linked to Hormone Health. Yeah. Awesome. Let's begin by talking about how throughout history proper digestion and got Health has been revered as a pillar of health so Hippocrates he's been quoted as saying all disease begins in the gut also an era beta which is the sister science of yoga and is dated back 5,000 years ago in India, they teach that the science teaches that good health is dependent upon our capacity to our capabilities are to fully metabolize the nutritional emotional and sensory info that we ingest so from this we can really You see how digestion is is a pillar of hell? And before we move forward with our digestion and hormones are related. It will be beneficial for listeners to hear like what is the digestive system anyway, because I remember being in that seat a few years ago before I started this work. So our digestive system is also called the gastrointestinal system. Also the gut is a very very complex system. So I like to think of it like an orchestra. So it requires many different instruments or in case or in this case organs to work together in concert and in harmony our digestive system its main job is fortune and to release nutrients that the body needs for balanced health. So for what we would call a homeostasis the digestive system begins at your in your mouth and all the way down to your anus so Includes your stomach your small and large intestine signs liver gall bladder pancreas. So how did I just the system relates to your hormones? I'll describe it in the different ways. So first of all nutrient absorption. So in order for our hormones to function properly in our body, it requires nutrients and where do we get these nutrients we get them from the food that we eat. But in order for a body to actually use these nutrients, they need to be broken down in our digestive. Item also for hormone metabolism. Some hormones get metabolized in the gut. So for example, the thyroid hormone converts into its active form in the gut another really interesting link between digestion and hormones is what I like to call the cortisol Merry-Go-Round so cortisol suppresses digestive function, but then at the same time digestion issues also raise cortisol, so when you explain it like, I explained it like a merry-go-round. It's just this thing that keeps going back and forth when you're really stressed cortisol gets released in your body which then suppresses your digestive system because your digestion is not it's in that flight fight or flight State. It's not wanting to digest your food and bring in those nutrients that you need. It's like hey, oh my gosh, we're stress. There might be something that we need to run away from let's use all of our gee to protect ourselves when really maybe you might just be stressed because you have a meeting but you're just sitting down and you're completely safe in your environment. And then what also happens in that case is your digestive issues. So if your digestion isn't working properly then that also creates stress in your body because your digestive system isn't working properly and stress can be added from foods that aren't digested. Separately for example, so it is this Merry-Go-Round where stress creates digestive problems and then digestive problems creates more stress in the body. Mmm. Oh, I love that analogy. I think I think that's hormones in general right there. All the Merry-Go-Round reminds me of the mechanism of the feedback loop, right? We move momentum One Direction. We're going to flow Pathways one way, but then if we do that too much, then we can't like backtrack and go the other way so it does all All work sort of together. Yeah and two other links that I think that are really important is gut bacteria and balances. So when your digestive system isn't working properly and there is an imbalance of your gut microbes and there isn't a good proper balance between the good and the bad bacteria in your gut. This can lead to hormonal imbalances and issues, you know cravings for sugar and carbs and it because it can become the breeding ground. Candida and small intestinal bowel overgrowth which I experienced on my journey as a result of my poorly functioning digestive system. And then lastly, you know, extruding hormones such as estrogen to prevent estrogen dominance. So even in these examples, you can really see how digestion and hormones and hormonal Havoc are really related and in such a good point to on, you know, first addressing. Seeing the gut health that's linked to so many diseases as you mentioned and historically has been shown to be related to so many aspects of her health. So I think it's easy to jump to fixing our hormone specific symptoms. We can't get there unless we work on the gut and I'm sure you're going to talk about that in our next question. So we'll just move right along. So tell me what are some tips you have for women who who would be struggling with a hormone imbalance. Like where where should they start where I would start? With that is of course in my experience in my own experience and with my own health and working with women digestion is number one for me. It's the pillar of Health. I mean, it's said that 90% of all diseases begin as a digestive issue something that I wish that I could tell myself beginning in my journey when I thought that you know hormones were the main problem for me. I wish I could tell myself that moments while they are beneficial and can be helpful for our health and bringing us back to balance. We can also use it as a Band-Aid solution. And so what I mean by this is I purchased so many supplements and I'm sure I'm not alone in having like a cupboard full of supplements. Oh, yes, and you know, even though a lot of those things might have been helpful for me what I realize now. With hindsight, is that it all it all really needed to be focused on the digestive system because no matter what you're eating if you're eating, you know, as my background as a registered holistic nutrition is my message is natural high vibrational live and Whole Foods when possible, but even if you are eating, you know, great food great quality food, if you are not able to digest your food nothing's happening. Which is the same with supplements because you're you need to be able to use the nutrients from the supplements and Foods in order to help bring your body back into balance. So one powerful shift that I had in my health journey is viewing my digestive system as higher. So in are beta they talk about the word Agni, which is called your digestive Fire or the Fire Within so when we think about our digestive, System as a fire when it is Burning Brightly, you are able to digest your food and reap its benefits. You are physically and mentally sound but on the contrary when your fire is depleted and out of balance everything starts falling out of balance. Whether it's your skin your skin you start seeing skin inflammation with acne or eczema like me hormonal imbalance and moods being able to view it as a fire really helped me because I'm a very visual person. Sanaya really helped me to shift my perspective and brought some more a more empowering approach of trying to understand. You know, what why is digestion important and so for for women who are struggling with hormonal imbalance and they want their starting to question. Okay. Well, how do I know if I have digestion and balances so where I would start is, you know, your stools believe it or not are your stools? All formed you have strain when you go to the bathroom. Also, how do you feel after you eat? Do you have a lack of energy? Are you still hungry? Do you all of a sudden get really emotional or moot or have like a big spike in your moods? Just your own experiment is is what I would recommend. I mean, that's what I did in my journey. I just I just knew that the only person who was able to really create the true transformation. In is myself because even when you go to a practitioner, they're asking you for your own feedback. So if you're not aware of what's going on, even if you have someone helping you it's hard for you to be aware of things. If you are not paying attention yourself because you are the experiment right experiment and the detective. Yeah and the expert right? You're the expert expert of your own health your own circumstances. So awareness. I think that is so Beautiful how you touch on that because we don't know what's not working unless we know what's going on. Right and we're both Healthcare practitioners. And of course, we're there to support women and ask them probing questions, but at the end of the day, they are the expert. We're just here to help facilitate. Yeah, you said about supplements just going back because I always, you know, I always tell my clients like don't waste your money, like don't throw money away on supplements like spend it on food. Food because food is going to heal your gut and then you'll be able to absorb the supplements. You're taking all the supplements that you choose to take it. You might need down the road. Yeah, but supplements can be helpful. But sometimes you just are investing in really expensive P. Yeah, ain't nobody need that. Oh, no, and I also wanted to share with your listeners three of my tips for improving digestion. Really. Steps one is what I like to call the 30 by 30 rules. So water away from meals so monitoring your water intake 30 minutes before your meal. So not having water 30 minutes before and then limiting it 30 minutes after and if you as you begin this process your mind might be like, oh my gosh, I'm thirsty I need water. So if you need to take like a little sip here and there while you're having your meals, that's okay. Okay, but the idea behind this is let's get back to the egg me the digestive fire when you're about to eat. You need your fire to be strong. And when you drink water, you're depleting that fire and you're not able to fully reap its benefits. Number two would be to eat fruit alone because fruit is digested very quickly in the body. So if you're eating fruit along with some, you know, Carbohydrates or protein they these all have different digestive digestion and Transit time. So what can happen is if you eat all these Foods together, it can create fermentation in the gut because say you have a strawberry and then you eat a potato and then you eat an animal protein. These are all digesting at different times and your body isn't able to keep up as efficiently, especially if If your digestive fire is not strong to begin with and then third is to actually chew your food and I think it's a really important topic to bring up because if you're scarfing down your food you're not actually fully digesting your food because interesting about the body and the digestive system is your in your mouth. There are digestive enzymes that are created so it's called amylase and it helps. And it begins at digestive process. So if you're just having like one or two choose and then swallowing your pretty much swallowing Whole Foods and you're allowing your body to actually break down those nutrients thus having more digestive issues, like bloating like gasps like constipation. We're in such a fast-paced world. I just think of how many times I hear, you know eating I'm eating on the go. I'm eating in the car. I'm like scarfing something down on my way out to bring my Kids somewhere, you know, we're just our society is fast-paced and I think that translates even into our how we're eating and the practices around our food and eating those eating that quickly and that in and like how you said is really affecting digestion. And yeah totally and I think that what we're beginning to see especially as modern women is that this isn't working for us and so that's why I created the modern. As wellness program which is my private coaching program because each women is bio identically unique and that means that we have different cycles and rhythms in our bodies and we all have different needs. That's why we need to begin to look at ourselves with our own microscope and realize that we can't compare ourselves to each other that we all there. Maybe, you know Common Thread along the way but we're all coming at it from different angles and that's a really beautiful. Thing and we need to honor that mmm. Yes, we are. We're all you know, we all have different our bodies. Our teacher our bodies are different our systems are different and most importantly like just the way we processed food, right and yeah entrants. Yeah, and and we know as modern women that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work anymore me now. Definitely doesn't I think I think we've had a lot of we've had a lot of movement in women's health around like body positivity and I love to see The same with Women's Health in terms of like hormonal health and how we're approaching, you know, things like menstrual issues and digestion like those those more internal topics that either are getting overlooked or they're just not getting the attention that they need. So thank you for doing the work that you do that is helping women to speak up about that stuff and and ask for help and even knowing that there's a problem. Right that I think is the first step. Absolutely. Thank you. And I mirror that back to you and work that you were doing so my favorite topic and what I'm like super excited to talk about in today's episode. I mean all the content we've gotten so far has been fantastic, but I want to talk about emotions because I want to go deeper specifically how it relates to health. So let's talk about some of the emotions that you find women are might be struggling with that are Towing something going on in the digestive system got health and emotions there, you know intertwine they are linked. There's a connection there. You know. I have a two-part answer for you. So number one. I just an effect digestion affects your mind and your mood and your thoughts because how you digest your food is how you digest your life. I say this from the perspective that your body is just a metaphor is a metaphor for how you are showing up in your life. So if you are having Having difficulty digesting your food what areas in your life. Are you having difficulty digesting? Are you having a difficult time digesting your relationships? Are you having a difficult time digesting your emotions around yourself or your career or you know insert here we have for whatever it is. But that is the the psycho-spiritual the holistic perspective of digestion. Is that how you digest your food is How you digest your life? Oh, that's so great. I think also many women it can really will hear that and and see some connection or be able to you know, Echo it in their own lives example of you know, constipation and constipation being like stuck and maybe there's something around there but like not being able to let go exactly yeah. Are you are you not able to let go where in your life are you trying to have control over something you don't? Have control over and I say this with a smile on my favorite because I've been that woman. I've been that woman who is you know, your body your body's always talking to you. That's the interesting and profound thing. It's just that we haven't been taught how to speak the language of the body and that's why I'm so passionate about helping women to tune back in and reconnect with the wisdom that their body has and to really extract that potential. Kim and I are having this conversation on a video call. So it's really great. I if I could paint a picture for her of her smile from ear to ear excited she is about this topic, you know, I think you you are doing something you are doing fantastic work and the women that you're going to get to share your message with are so incredibly lucky because this is something that is it May in the short term the something that may help digestion, but once that's fixed it then opens. Up the whole, you know whole world of possibilities when I come to your maybe your Hormone Health your relationships. You know, how you feel is a woman like what you're what you're destined to do on this planet like all these like huge things. Yeah. This is this is a fantastic. So laughs. I'm really I'm really excited and I love that I get to share this part two of my own we're both so passionate about this topic we could just go on so let's go on talking about the amazing. In fact that your gut is your second brain. Yes. Tell me more about that the brain and the gut are in constant communication and they're connected by your vagus nerve and what is so interesting is that most of the communication is from the gut to the brain not the other way around when I heard that and I learned about that. It was like wow. Oh my gosh, so my brain is getting Most of its information from my gut and that's why the gut health is so important and the gut contains a hundred million neurons, which is more than your spinal cord or your peripheral nervous system. I was insane is that that's why they're saying that's why all this research this Rich research is coming out of the importance of that. He'll you know, 95% of Serotonin, which is our Good hormone is located in your gut and this is why gut health and mental health research is becoming such a Hot Topic because of the role gut bacteria plays, you know research is showing that got health or sorry gut bacteria can both indirectly and directly influence our serotonin levels. And this makes sense when we talk about the gut Grant but bring axes because our mental well-being is connected to our digestive well-being. Our thoughts emotions. These have a very significant impact on our digestive system and we're really in their research only beginning to discover the wealth of information that lies in our in our digestive system. Mmm. So so well said, I think it's we're seeing more and more now and thanks for bringing up the research, you know diseases like, you know depression or anxiety they are Affect all of us and I hate to use it the word, you know disease because I think there's a certain level of it may exist in everyone based on disturbances in the gut because we are moving away from eating real foods eating slowly eating nutrients like not not packaged food. So I think this is this is cool. This this area of research is awesome and tell me more about what would be some of your strategies for women that how they could You know explore these emotions and look at how it's affecting their gut health and what maybe you know, some of the root cause the root causes of the hormone Havoc for bringing it all together. Mmm. Well most importantly I if I could have, you know, a microphone and just spread this message to all these modern women out there who are listening you are not crazy. Yes you have All the answers within but the journey is to begin to shift your perspective of your body and to trust that your body knows what what to do that. It's a naturally healing self-regulating system and that your instincts and your intuition will guide you to what your body needs I say that so passionately about you are not crazy because In today's society that I think that's just a cheap shot for women, you know talking about like, oh she's just on her period because she's hormonal and like, oh, she's just acting crazy because she's going to have her period like know that that to me is not helpful because women are wired differently. They have a really strong endocrine system and hormonal system and when things are out of balance, it's not because something Thing is there's nothing wrong. Like your body isn't a default. It's not like you created with something wrong. Like they forgot to give you something. It's just that we have to reconnect with our bodies and work with our bodies rather than against it and a Latin allowing a space for your body to to express to you what it needs for you to know. So back to my journey with eczema, even though that was one of the most agonizing Icing experiences that I've ever had in my health history here. I am now teaching on it and making my message my message. So that's number one. That's if I could give a take-home would be you're not crazy and you know back to the digestive system when we have a strong digestive system when things are imbalanced. We then have a strong terrain and Foundation to build upon so you're able to digest Your food and your emotions and you have that that Foundation to them work upon. So perhaps perhaps you know that you might need to focus a little bit on your hormonal health and then perhaps that may lead you to something else but at the end of the day all comes back down to your digestive system because as we've been discussing it is the pillar of health and everything and everything in your body is working in. It together with your digestive system and so small steps. You know, I'm a very big picture person and what I'm realizing is that when you're a big picture person, what you get to do is you get to honor and you get to honor the fact that small steps gets you to where you want to go. It's not always about big Mammoth steps. It's rarely. I know it's all about small steps, you know, like when I was beginning my journey, of course, I was thinking how am I going to get from A to B. It seems like, you know, just mammoths way it seems like how am I supposed to be from where I am now covered in eczema to living a life of freedom from this skin inflammation and this discomfort and agonizing pain, but I'll all it takes is just small steps and the first most important step in this is the first step that I facilitate with the women that I work with in my program is awareness because as we just touched on awareness is key to True transformation because you cannot change and transform something that you are not aware of and like we said be your own expert start to make connections of how you're feeling, you know, I was really at first resistant to like logging and logging it down like a in a food journal, but once I actually did that I was able to connect the dot and it's very empowering to be your own health care practitioner, but then also to be supported by other women as well who can help you move forward in your journey and share share the wisdom that each of us has So well said yeah, you can't fix what you don't know right you did if you don't know what's there. So that's the really good. Yeah, really good point and then the same would go for after when you start to feel better than when you have something that you know is a trigger for you you it makes so much more sense versus before you would be like, oh, I don't know what it is. There's so many things that could be at fault. I don't know. What's what exactly because what you're doing is You're Building. Your toolbox. Yeah, I'll so well said, can you give us some examples of some of the women that you've worked with? Yeah, actually, I'm excited to be launching my private coaching program. The modern women's wellness program, which is a 12-week program to see that I have created to support women in discovering how to enhance their Mind Body Connection so that they can optimize their gut health and better digest their lives. So I take on clients and work with women who are really motivated who are ready to transform their house and take action. Ian and who understand the power of a holistic approach beautiful? Yeah. So I think we've definitely highlighted in this episode how important a holistic approach really is to overall health. Absolutely. I think the idea of separation is what has held us back in health. Yes because it is all beautifully connected and it is not separate. Everything is connected. It we live in live in the Synergy between the body mind and the spirit and it's all connected. I think this is where we have to almost untrain our brains because we grew up with Western medicine where it's you know, it's so ingrained in our physiology that you fix something when it's broken and you you go get one medicine to cure this one thing but going to something come else comes out you need another medicine, you know, it's very it's almost become a commodity. A good way to put what Healthcare typically what we know of it. So we have to then retrain our brain that actually that's not really how our body works our systems don't work in isolation. They're all connected. They're all work together and it's about how they're all working together. And what what is the least invasive thing that can give us the most amount of benefit on all of those systems and you know, I think we're on the same page and with this one in terms of like really the gut and the food make good choices. This is around the food the food. You choose the food habits. You have the practices all of that. Yeah, so but it's good that we have to have people sharing the message that it's it's like the brain relearning that that's not the only way and giving ourselves permission to accept that the body works as a system. Exactly and I really want to highlight what you said the word isolation. Because it can feel really isolating to embark on this journey on your health Journey when you're when you're shifting from the separation lack mentality to now understanding like oh my gosh, everything is connected. And so what I want to say to your listeners is that you don't need to be isolated in this process that just like you said, everything is working everything works together. So just like what we were talking about the orchestra. Of the digestive system. We can also see that on a macro level in terms of there are people out here who are ready to support you, but you have to be ready to take that step. Okay. So for our listeners who are ready to take that step for their health. Where can they connect with you? Yeah, so they on Instagram so at Kim Pega on Facebook. I have a Facebook page at Kim Pega spiritual nutritionists. And if any of your listeners, really Dated with what with me and my message and the work that I'm doing and they're interested in learning more. I invite them to book an exploratory call with me where we can continue this conversation and see we would be a good fit to work together. All right, great, and we'll post all of those in the show notes. So thank you so much Kim for joining me today. It was wonderful to have you I even learned some things which I love learning. So it's fantastic. Thank you so much. Thanks so much and I was lovely. I love chatting with you about this topic. Kim Pega has a special gift for all the listeners of the hormone heartbeat podcast. And that is a copy of her Ultimate Guide to decoding digestive dilemmas and you can access that guidebook by clicking the link available in the show notes. If you enjoyed today's episode be sure to subscribe so you can be notified of all future episodes. Codes and don't forget to check out the show notes for all guests details and your free downloadable goodies. Your feedback is important to me. So, please please leave a review so women can find and be empowered by this knowledge. If you have a topic you'd like to see discussed on the show or have a recommendation for guests you like to see interviewed. Please get in touch by emailing the hormone heartbeat podcast at
In today's episode of the Hormone Heatbeat Podcast, we discuss the foundations of the digestive system and explore the root causes of gut dysfunction and how it relates to other health conditions. We will also investigate how emotions and life situations can significantly ultra gut function and it's an important step in your healing journey. Our special guest today is the wonderful,  Kim Pega, she's a spiritual nutritionist and digestive health specialist. As the founder of Modern Women's Wellness™, she helps millennial women who are feeling drained, disempowered and defeated to have more clarity, confidence, and control in their lives. Kim is most passionate about empowering them to understand that how you digest your food is how you digest your life so that they can create the vibrant life they deserve. Details of today's episode: Introduction with Kim Pega  Defining intuition or having a "gut feeling" Intuition and hormone health  Digestion is a pillar of health  What is the digestive system and how it works  Gut and hormone metabolism  Cortisol merry-go-round Gut microbiome and hormone imbalances Digestion and hormone havoc  Where's the best place to start when working on hormone health "Agni" or your digestive fire  3 simple steps to improve digestion  Digestion and emotions  How you digest your food is how you digest your life Listen and connect to your body's wisdom Your gut is your second brain  Strategies for exploring emotions and how it relates to gut health, and hormones  How to digest your food AND emotions  Benefits for a food and mood journal  How separation has held us back in our health Resources & Goodies referenced in today's episode: Download your copy of Ultimate Guide to Decoding Digestive Dilemmas Connect with Kim Pega  Email: Book an Exploratory Call with Kim Facebook: Kim Pega Holistic Spiritual Nutritionist  Instagram: @kimpega Connect with host: Dr. Antoinette Falco, ND Download your copy of Post-pill Guidebook Website: Instagram: @drantoinettefalco Please send all inquiries and suggestions, including topics you'd like to see covered on the podcast to If you'd like to be a guest on the show and you think you'd be a good fit, please reach out!
Hi, Sarah. Hi Kirby. Welcome to gloss Angeles. This is episode 2. We are currently recording this from my living room. Yes, we are. So if you hear any weird noises such as pause walking behind Kirby's microphone, it's Oliver. It's our Pooch do sir. Yes name is Ali. He's very very special to us. So if you have any questions aboutHis coat he uses way dog shampoo smells delightful is extremely extra like the both of us, but guys, we just wanted to thank you so much for the past week of positive comments and yams and tags and reviews. We are so humbled by how nice everybody is. Yeah. Like we really thought it was gonna be my mom your mom Patrick cuz he has to edit the podcast and Matt because he has to help with audio engineering. Yeah. Those are the only people are going to listen to the podcast but we have checked out the analytics as one does I'm kind of shocked at how many people are listening and saying same so hey. Hey, thank you guys so much. Zip recruiter will be We Know It This is not sponsored by step for kids are not sponsored by zipper Cooter, but every one day some everybody at the top has a zipper recruiter Blue Apron. Yes. Yeah. Yeah me and he's yes. Oh my God if we get me Andy Y'all I'm just telling you if we get a me and he's add. Yeah, just know we have made it and we're moving to Hidden Hills. Yep. Anyways, anyways, so what are we talking about on this episode 4. Okay. So today we're talking about skin care order, which I'm really excited about because we asked you on the Instagram guys. What is your biggest skincare concern? And the number one result was hands-down what order do I put on my skincare? I had no idea. It's confusing. It's so confusing and I actually didn't know. Know what order to put things in until recently when I Googled it myself and then there were five different legitimate articles right about it. Yeah, and then even those were different right I have to say like researching for this to it made me really think about the order in which I put my skincare products in and honestly, it changes it does change a today. I mean for the most part there is an order that I follow but like, you know, sometimes it just depends didn't changes. Yeah you so I'm lazy and I had one step cleansing balm right? Bye. Yeah, so we're going to talk about that today. We want to start incorporating your questions into this podcast because we want this to be serviceable podcast not just us talking just to hear ourselves talk. We want to entertain you guys obviously but educate you as well. Yes, and I feel like I also got educated in this process same I was doing it the right way, but I did learn some things too. So before we jump into our skincare order, let's talk About our new newest episode 2 segment called what's on your face? We will have a jingle and no time. Yeah, but what's on your face originated when we were practicing our podcast we're using the new audio equipment that we had bought and Sarah asked me what's on your face Kirby and I thought that's a brilliant segment. And obviously she did too. So we're going to do this every single week where we just straight up break down what we have on our face skin care why? Is and makeup-wise. Yeah, there's gonna be no explanations just because it would that would turn into yell episode itself. Exactly. Right? Right. So we're just gonna run through it real quick. And then if you guys have any questions about the specific products, we're talking about definitely hit us up on Instagram and let us know what your questions are. Yes, because I'm definitely going to make little social media posts about what's on each of our faces each week, right and then we'll put it in the show notes to yeah, you guys asked last week, especially with our favorites we are so sorry. We we didn't do that the first time but live and learn morning in. All right, so curbs what's on your face? Okay. Now I have Lemieux skin care which includes two serums and moisturizer every day sunscreen serum, which is SPF 30. Then I have Tom board concealer and stick Foundation nude stick snooty Bloom blush and Poppy girl benefit precisely my brow in 3.5 3D brow tones and 24-hour brow Setter do your backstage? Pallets Too Faced Chocolate matte bronzer morphe Brightman Rock highlighter palette hourglass unreal lip gloss and then Marc Jacobs velvet Noir mascara with some individual or actually some Trio lashes amp things up a bit. Okay, what brand therefrom Namie? So there the house brand okay claim. He's is just a beauty supply store that all the famous makeup artist go to and get discounts. Awesome. I don't have a discount but I just go there now love it. How do you not Discount I know how do we get a discount? Yeah, Amy's all but what summer face Sarah? Okay. So today I have for skincare. I started with the kogan dough lotion, which is essentially like an Essence and then I use the allies of skin vitamin C serum. There's a lot of shell and on my face today because I just came back on that trip with them. So I'm on a Chanel. Hi, so I have the Chanel Camellia cream moisturizer, which is a favorite of kately the Amazing makeup artist she's one who turned me on to it. It's really lightweight. Okay. I'm not supposed to describe one of them. Sorry continued Prem sunscreen, which is a Korean beauty brand SPF 50 followed by Soul wasu's cushion compact which is like a tinted Foundation maybelline's brow gel, which is in a pot. I usually also were benefit. Sorry Jared today. I was wearing I wore the Maybelline brow gel in a pot and then benefits roller eyeliner in brown Persona Cosmetics eyes. Shadow palette and then Sonny's face cream blush, which is a brand from Philippines, which is not available in the state's just yet the Chanel bronzing makeup base and then click oppose new Lip Cream. That's a great face. Thanks. You're welcome. There's two. Thanks. Okay moving on. One thing we really wanted to do with this podcast is talk about news and what's happening in the industry and then our takes on it. So now it takes hunt takes from Kirby and Sarah. Okay, so let's talk about how Labs yes labs in case you haven't heard is Lady Gaga's Beauty brand. She created it with Sarah tan. Oh her makeup artist who has been a makeup artist for probably the better part of a decade. Yeah, they could be sisters at this point. They look right like twins and I think she yeah, she's the creative durable Mastery director or whatever. So she had a lot of say in the creation of the products the formulation the Persona of all the products. Yep, and she did the Campaign. Yes with Gaga, obviously, so that was announced on Thursday. We both wrote about it. I wrote about it for Hollywood Reporter. Whoop. Whoop Sarah obviously wrote about it for bustle. But Sarah had a different take on it. She had some exclusive details that we the rest of us did not have yeah, which is live right. Now. It basically was just a cute little intimate chat between Gaga and Tom serotonin. Oh, it's on Amazon live right now. It just went live a few hours. Go and they basically are walking us through all of the different products why they created them and then also demonstrating how to use them on Gaga herself. And then I think some models also it's super super cute and like will give you a better sense of what the products look like, which they don't come out until September. Yeah. So that's the thing. So the exclusive retailer is Amazon in case you didn't catch that and house So Gaga, it's kind of an interesting choice to go with a Amazon very interesting not with a Sephora or nuts, huh? I've seen the feedback online. Some people are like great Amazon Prime need this shit. Like I'm totally other half is thinking to themselves. Well, I want to try this before like where can I Swatch it? Yeah, we're can ice watch it. But you know what? I'm just thinking out loud here with so many Brands being direct to Consumer and not in brick-and-mortar stores. I don't really see this as a problem. Yeah whatsoever, right? I mean I'm sure there's probably a decent return policy as well. I mean, I remember Kylie got a bunch of backlash because it was like, oh sorry, you bought it and it doesn't work for you. You can't return it. And I think she has since amended that policy but right as a reliable reliable partner. Yes, you will get your products. Yes next day probably. Yeah, you will get your products for sure. I also I know Gaga told bustle that the reason she partnered with and I'm sure she had said this to other Publications as well. But the reason she one of the main reasons she partnered with Amazon was because she wanted to everyone to be able to have her product exactly. So that's it. It's a you know Global retailer enables her to put house labs in everyone's hand totally and this is 100% a global launch. I do remember when Fenty launched and they had their exclusive partnership with Sephora and a lot of people wanted it that don't live in the United States, right? I know so I feel like a huge problem for a lot of brands that launched in the United States and And their Instagram for the longest time glacis Instagram was like when are you coming? When are you shipping to you know, whatever country? Yeah. It's like yeah, it's so hard because you want to be able to share all the products with everyone but there's just so many regulation rules. Yeah this shipping all that stuff. So that's why a lot of bigger Brands especially skincare Brands Lux brands have started to sell on Amazon. They have their little storefront, right they put their products on so I think it's smart. I think it's smart. It's exhausting. For sure to see how it all rolls out in September on that note Gaga gave the exclusive to Allure. Yes, and of course, of course, obviously, yes, and so they interviewed her and they did this really great write-up of Gaga and one of the things that she mentioned one of the like, I guess it was like a countdown or a list of things that she was going to do in the beauty Community or in the beauty industry. And one of them was like she would still support other brands. Yeah. Can I just tell you guys that God told Allure that she uses lip sense? And that she used it at the Super Bowl now. I don't know who here listening is a follower of mine on Instagram or Facebook or Kirby tries, but I tested lip sense two years ago. Yes. Can you explain to people who don't know what lips? Yes, what lip senses? It's a multi-level marketing company that created this product that truly does not move off of your lips you put on the color product first. The first ingredient is denatured alcohol. So it dries super quickly and it does not. Budge and then you are supposed to seal it with this gloss. Now. I'm not going to get into the whole logistical nightmare that I went through with this but when we ordered lip sense, they didn't tell us that we needed to order it with a gloss you could order them separately. So we just ordered the color and then we got a sample of the gloss. Of course in the video. I just put on the color tested everything and I was making comments like it's getting kind of like path like some of it's coming off a little bit it was because I didn't have on the gloss. It still didn't affect. How well it lasted and right day dawn like I ate a cheeseburger. I kiss Patrick. I ate a pizza. I did all these things and it stayed on my lips. But so no wonder that Gaga used it at the Super Bowl but also like yes what yes, I mean, it's kind of insane that she is promoting a multi-level marketing company like this because it's unheard of so first of all, I'm sure that lip sense is losing their ever loving Minds with this type of promo from a A-list celebrity because there was a whole drama with lip sense to that. They were the official sponsor of our the official lipstick of Broadway. It was this really it was a complete fabrication that people started making up online and promoting it and then Broadway Broadway had to say like we don't have any official lipstick. Yeah, so that happened but I think this type of exposure is kind of Bonkers for a company like this. However, I wonder if they are freaking out because Gaga said that Sarah tanno found it and she found it at Sally Beauty. D and that's where they sell it to my knowledge they don't sell it Sally Beauty. Correct me if I'm wrong guys. You have to buy it. You have to write it from ya friend from high school. Yes through Facebook Messenger. Yes. So yeah exactly go to your Facebook messages. You could probably find someone more if I want it and you up I'm not trying to be Shady but honestly, like you know, it happens. Yeah, this definitely is have not you at all. It has happened to me several times. And here's the thing. It works. I'm not denying that. I was just kind of taken aback at how malicious and aggressive. The people that sell this product are and it was also kind of nuts that they don't make it very clear on the website or at least when we purchased it. Listen, this is a two-step process. This isn't a one and done. You need to have the gloss with it. I'm sure they obviously sell it separately so you can buy more shades and stuff like that. Right? If you're listening lip sense, please update your website. I would be happy to consult. Yeah you very much so I just found that totally mind-blowing and kind of like cool on God's part to admit. Yeah. Yeah using this product, right? She could have not talked about it at all lied straight up that she used one of her new lip glosses. She was like actually I was testing it. I got that the Super Bowl it didn't budge. What are you crazy? So got some crazy now Sarah like I mentioned was and from yes, so I just came back from Paris a couple of days ago, and I was there with Chanel Beauty which was so exciting awesome with Nike. Also with Nike yes, and then the World Cup. Yeah. That was yeah, that's to be left or right. Sorry. This is a beauty podcast. So I didn't want to you know mental but also what well, let's start with World Cup and and magra Pinos incredible pink hair totally and just her being. Yep. Also, I like watching the game. Obviously. I was enjoying it for their incredible athleticism, but also just wanted to like I was like what sunscreen are they wearing like, what are they wearing in their hair to like keep it perfectly? Really tight in there didn't it tape? That's right. It is tape I which is like which is crazy. Why hasn't the company come out? Yeah guys, we're talking about that. Like there had better headbands how they keep their hair out of their face like Alice Morgan. Yeah. Hey Pitt State they haven't come up with anything better. Hello. Someone get on. Yes. I'm gonna get on that. We will don't ya anyway, so I was there with Nike watching broke up and then I was also in Paris with Chanel Beauty because they are launching their new fall winter 2019 collection, which is super Chic and elegant, of course, it was created by Lucilla Pika who's their Global creative makeup and color artist? And she's the she's Italian but lives in London, but speaks French and has these perfect French bangs. So Chic and you're like, I want to look like you what are you doing? And she's the one who made the collection. So I'm like give me all of it put on my face. So what was your favorite products? So the install collection was inspired by black and white which is like The two colors of the house or non colors is what they said, but it was also inspired by the age in which Coco Chanel lived in so it's like very Glitz and Glam and there's a lot of shimmery products, which I felt like was kind of surprising for Chanel Beauty because you know, like a Chanel girl there like about a Rouge lip and eye liner but like, you know, not a lot of Shimmer, but of course the Shimmer is like very chic we work. So the my favorite product is this shimmering Gel highlighter. Okay, it's called gel. Pyatt say I don't know how to say it in French. But essentially it's what Miss Julie Wilson from SMU. Julie was also on this podcast. She coined the term diamonds sweat, which is how we were describing this highlighter, which I was on the she was on the trip. She was on the trip with me. Yeah with us with us and she basically was like this highlighter is like diamond sweat. It looks like it makes you look like you're sweating diamonds. So Like this like shimmery gel highlighter that just looks like almost like a the Twilight vampire twinkling in the light but like not in a Cheesy way like you're like my God is she is are those diamonds or is that sweat or is that diamond sweat? I don't know. I'm your auntie to try it. It's amazing. So that was my favorite product. There's a bunch of other amazing products from the line. I did also get to interview Kristin Stewart who was like the face of you know, the unpaid. Yeah. I did on a boat on the going down the center. At Sunset he tell me she was so lovely so lovely. Like I was a little intimidated, you know, because she's Kristen Stewart. I think she's ultimate cool girl material. So 100% cool girl you like listen, I yeah joke, I same nice to meet you 100% same and like obviously like I had to ask her about makeup, which I don't know like, you know, I was like, oh, you know, it was bone Nelson does her makeup a lot right Nelson and then also Jillian Dempsey who was on the boat if you guys don't know. Dempsey yeah her hubs. Yes hat trick that's really cute. So I interviewed Kristen Stewart because she you know obviously is a friend of the brand and she has become really close with Luciano over the years and she was telling me that her favorite product from The Collection is this black lip gloss that Lucilla created which is it's like a black cherry gloss. It looks so insane you have like I can't wait to show it to you, which I think I will be wearing a lot. I've seen to be like Confident in wearing it. It's like a very bold look very shiny black lip gloss, which Lucia said was really really hard to create. Anyways, I will be blocking that all fall winter. So that was a lot of fun, but I missed you I missed you too, and let me just say guys getting to go on a Chanel press trip is not something to take lightly. I mean Sarah and I are constantly talking about like who gets to go and what press trips it's always, you know, we're all grateful for every trip that we got invited to 100% Always so happy / slightly envious of people that get to go on these amazing trips with a brand like Chanel. So I think it's so awesome that you got to go on it and enjoy that and also I loved everybody that was on that trip. Julie is amazing and that her a couple of years ago. If you guys aren't following Julie, she's also starting her own podcast in yeah Jules. Yes on the pot. Yeah. Hello. So awesome, super fun. Okay. So while you were away, I was on Instagram. Ram yes and working on our Instagram. I was just you know on Instagram and can I just tell you that Katy Perry has the most organized Beauty Pantry I've ever seen in my life. Yeah. That was wild. I actually missed this in my feed. But then Justin Anderson who is a great follow on Instagram posted it and he his he noticed a product. He created the DP Hue color blonde color. Shampoo does is her color? Right? Yes. Okay, I believe so. Yeah, and she likes talked up and has a hole. Rotating acrylic vestibule thing going on in her beautiful tree. So she says big shout out to the home edit for helping me with my hoarding problems or I mean collecting my problems ha ha. This is my love language. So this the home edit I guess is a home improvement and organization. Wow, they have 1.3 million followers the Professional Organization. Yes, like the ones that came over to my house. Yep, and in my mind, I need if somebody wants to come organize my bathroom. Eric I think would actually like pay you our entire rent to do so because it's a mess. We need to hook you up but it's kind of interesting seeing what she has in her pantry. So a lot of you guys have eagle eyes and and when we posted about this you were able to tell me some of the products that I missed one of them is Hampton sun and sunscreen or tanning. Mist. We couldn't decipher what but we knew from the bottle was Hampton Sun. She has Pedialyte she has I mean listen, we've all been there. Great for hangovers. Yeah, she has Ali skin vitamins. Okay Listerine on top. Basically, it looks like she has that hemp's moisturizer. Okay smells like you're on vacation one of my favs. She also I think stocks up on Cetaphil. Hmm. I think you and I should have a talk about shit fell because I had this whole episode of a holdup on Santa. Yeah. She has a ton of Aesop totally. Missed the grape Miss. That's so she was good taste just different a statute has a ton of the proactive exfoliator interesting that she has like like she knows what she likes hold obviously totally like it's like a store in there. Yeah, like might like I mean well are obviously because it's are different because we get sent different things. Yep, but like I don't have more than maybe Ike to products Max of 1, you know, also, I'm afraid about expiration. Yeah, right, but does it matter if they're not open? Does she share it? Her family with maybe when you're there already. You just have to fill up so many bathroom. Yeah, maybe that's true. Anyways, can I get some that level sign me up? So anyways, that's that's good news for this week. And then also guys we want to talk about sales and stuff here because we do want to save you guys money, of course last week when we talked about our favorite skin care products. We had some pricey items on there and lucky for everybody listening right now. Nordstrom is having their anniversary sale, so I don't know if you Have a which card or you're part of the authorities club or whatever it is. But it officially starts this Friday. Yes the 19th and I will say I think that they really stepped up their beauty. Oh Sam. Yeah, like I feel like in the past past but yeah, I don't bond right and the and in the past, I feel like the focus was on fashion, which I'm sure they're obviously there's still a lot of great fashion deals, but like the beauty section is incredible. Yeah, and I have a few that I kind of just took a look at that. I think. Particularly great deal. So my favorite lip liner shade of all time is Charlotte Tilbury pillow talk. I have two in my purse currently. I have two in my bathroom. I can't live without this product. I'll buy it. I buy it in bulk people. I just I freaking love you'll be shopping at the Nordstrom anniversary. Yes, and they have the pillow-talk trio. It's $60 instead of 78. There's a bunch of Tom Ford stuff on sale. So there's this many lip and I set it comes with too many. Oops, that's great for your purse. And in this really beautiful palette. Typically, it would be $126. It's only 88 during the sale. You can get to Beauty blenders with a little cover for $35 to Beauty blenders are just 20 bucks each just for the single blender. Yeah, and then there's some Cool Tools as well Simplehuman the LED mirror that can really if you have a really dark apartment or home you need good lighting for your bathroom. This is a great investment. It's typically $400 Sarah. I know. Do you have a simple human trash? Can I don't oh, I'm obsessed with mine. I have a rose gold simple human trash can it's an investment. I made when Patrick and I moved in together. I love that you can fit the trash bags to the trashcan. Yeah. It's just such a Time Saver. Anyways, it's not they're not selling trash cans up North Shore, but the simple human I'm just saying. Yeah, the quality is high. So it's typically four hundred dollars and it's on sale for 250 and create a product that I've been using a lot lately this skinning try light which they have a new version. Which this is the version that where it's rechargeable. Yes, and it's no longer batteries, which is huge major and it's like, where do you even buy batteries anymore? Well, I bought a bunch because of the earthquake. Okay, you weren't by though. Yeah, but you know what? I mean? Yes, like what's wrong again? Like being in the middle of a skin Inc. Try light facial overhears it and then being like I ran out of battery so I can't do it through. The way so it's they have the the try light meant three obviously. Yeah, there's three settings yellow blue and red and now they have this. Oh, that's right. There's like this person. There's like they're a purple version and an orange version. I think orange brightens and purple carpal is like the mix of the blue and the red so like it's like a killing bacteria, but also firming. Yes heightening. Okay love that. So that version is on sale. It's typically I think three hundred and thirty three fifty. It's only one. 99 I say only yeah, it is a significant. I I really like that device me to I travel with it. I like that. It has all of the different colors. You know what you guys need to do if you want to be convinced about Led therapy for your skin and how it can improve your skin is go on to YouTube and look up makeup artist Niki de roast. First of all, she's an amazing makeup artist but second of all her skin is beautiful and when I was learning about the try light, I mean I have been using try light for a while, but I was like, I just A little bit more about it. Yeah. I found her video just perusing YouTube and she talks about how she uses a professional LED kind of panel. Yes, and she travels with it. But when she doesn't want to take it overseas and stuff like that. She takes the try light and it is completely transformed her skin. She looks amazing. I highly recommend watching that video because she wasn't paid to talk about it. It's not sponsored and she she's like I've been doing this for the better part of a year and I decided to make this video just now so I feel like she really To take the time. Yeah, try it and make sure it worked for her then and then talked about her experience. So just a little yeah, I cosine that with Kirby. Yeah. Yeah, you guys should get that. Oh also, we can't forget our precious Lemaire. Yep. It's on sale peeps. You can get a little mini kit. And this is what I think the Nordstrom anniversary sale is great for they obviously have full-size products, but they are Lux products. You just want to try out and see which we suggest with the Lamar Lamar for sure because like don't buy it. You can buy the giant vat that we Both have and own but I will tell you it is hard to finish before the expiration date. So if you're going to share it with someone, yeah, you got yeah, you could go in with a friend. Yeah 500. Yeah joint custody of joint custody of your giant when their van that would be. Hey, it would be awesome if we could get Lemaire to sponsor a giveaway. Yes. Yeah and Augustine is yeah, maybe won't figure the was a new body Cream side note. Oh, yeah guys the augustness butter cream that I talking about the rich cream. They just launched a body cream. I cannot wait to slather my entire take a nice little bass in it that okay. So that's it. Yeah, I feel like you covered a lot of mine. Also. I want to shout out the T3 Kira hair dryer, which is one of my favorite hair dryers. Also, I think that they are also selling their curling iron, which I use daily the exfoliate which is one of my favorites foliated love exfoliating products. I think its the jumbo size one. All right, we'll look. It great, cool. Okay. So let's jump into the topic of this episode which is a skincare order the order in which you should be applying your products, which was the most asked question on our Instagram. Yes, there just seems to be General confusion. No matter how long you've been in this industry no matter how long you've been applying skin care. I do not blame anyone for not knowing this because it is Is hard I remember when I first learned about skincare in Allure magazine, it was cleanse tone and moisturize and then if it's during the day you put on an SPF 30 that is all I knew that and don't put dark black eyeliner underneath your eye. If you don't want to create wrinkles, which is truly hilarious that I cared about that in third grade, but whatever listen started early start them early, so we did some research and like I mentioned at the beginning of the pod. There are very few legitimate websites that kind of outline this yeah, and some of them are more in-depth than others. Yeah, the orders are different no matter what you read, right? So and I also think it like obviously in our experiences Beauty editors talking to different dermatologists and makeup artists. Like everyone has a pretty similar order but it varies totally it's kind of personal and it also Ends on the different products that you're using that day. Exactly. So this is our order taking into yes consideration interviews we've done and then just common sense right trying to figure that out. So this is a basic guideline. Obviously you do you but this is like the guideline that you should be following. Yes, and there are reasons why order is important to it's not just we're giving you a rule that you have to stick by that will actually benefit you in the long run. If you do it this way, it'll make your products more effective. Yes helps your products penetrate your skin in the way that it needs to if you follow the order and let your products absorb, please God just let it marinate for a second. Yeah, because I feel like we're just so quick to get through it. This should be a ritual that you take me time for so it doesn't have to be longer than like five. It's if you're young like a few products exactly, but just feel so good to massage it in your face. Yeah, and just use your fingers to just very slow hit it with the try light. Oh get that try light in there girl throw in a new face, which I think is also on sale at Nordstrom. By the way, the new face fix though is a game-changer the gentle one. That's my favorite one. Yeah. I did do it around my eyes. It looks amazing. There's a rule of thumb. Okay. So first of all always apply the thinnest consistency through the Thickest. Yes, so please don't go in with your heavy ass moisturizer and then like Pat in a serum on top. Yeah. No, no, no no honey, because you're wasting your time and also your money totally that this is the whole point. We want to save you money. Yeah, that's what I mean. And also we can do not gonna see what the product should actually be doing. If you're applying it in the wrong order a men. So in general you want to think of thin to thick yes and One of then also use products with ingredients that are the most important to penetrate into the skin. Yes. So so those are your serums your treatment products like things with antioxidants or alpha-hydroxy or beta hydroxy acids. Yes, like for instance if you have a spot or blemish on your face and you're going to use a spot treatment, it's probably not going to help you to the spot treatment over your moisturizer. Yes. It's kind of like a block. Okay. Wait, so let's back up first step. You should always clean your Skin, because you cannot apply skin care products to a dirty face. What does cleansing mean to you? What does it mean to me? Yeah. What do you mean? Like, what's your order? Oh, like what? Well now your order. Yeah. What do I eat? Like one time method? I double cleanse. Yeah. Okay. Okay, I you are on the same page. Okay, I double cleanse even if I'm not wearing a ton of makeup that day. I just love the feeling and knowing that I have a very clean foundation for the rest of my skin care products. Entry so I use a foamy cleanser, but then also like a enzyme powder cleanser powder to foam cleanser. Yeah, I use a like a bomb. Okay. I really like naturopath. How am I naturopathic doctor Monica? That's a really good at the new one. The new Honey one. Yes is smells delightful and it doesn't strip my skin at all. So I actually massage that into my skin burst. Yes, and then Rancic turns into a milk. Yes when you rinse it and it helps us to remove all of my makeup which which is super helpful, especially if I have on camera makeup on and then and its really great for eye makeup. I also have to shout out then I met you which is Charlotte chose Branch Charlotte show the founder of so come she has an incredible bomb cleanser as well, which I use if I'm wearing a ton of makeup bombs are great. Yeah, I like naturopathic. AA. I like drunk elephant. Yes. There's a variety of Baal Larry just made a really Luxe one. If you are feeling Rich AF and bougie and bujji. Then after I rinse the bomb then I use the fresh soy face cleanser just to get any residual or sometimes. I'll use a micellar water just Jana like a muslin cloth or whatever just to get all the little x. / / yeah, like around my hairline and creases in my nose and stuff like that. So right now I use the tatcha rice powder cleanser, which should be like according to like Yoli glow should be like enough but I like to use that as my first step and then I followed up with a more foaming. Sir, like the one from Le maire which I love and I think there are plenty of foaming cleansers that don't strip your skin. Yes. You just have to be aware of which ones those are if your face feels tight after you cleanse your skin probably has a ton of sulfates in it. That's like literally what they use to clean cars and stuff like that. So you don't want I know that we grew up with like the notion that like our face should be feel squeaky clean, but it should not feel squeaky clean. It should feel clean and there shouldn't be anything left over but it Not have to feel tight to be clean. So that's really important. So cleanse away people cleanse cleanse cleanse away. Okay step two is what do you think? It is guys? It's toner and Analysis and or Essence now, I like to use Kirby. Okay, I use both but both are different. So let's go through that because I think that's also a huge question when you mentioned the Tasha Essence on the last podcast people were like, but do I need an essence? Okay, how is it different from a toner? Yes. So what would you tell them I would say that it's different and also but also there are some it all depends like right like some Brands call their Essences toners and then vice versa but the difference is that the essence can't help the products that you use after better penetrate your skin. So in essence is a delivery system. So to speak it can be hydrating but it can also help deliver that ceram deeper into the skin. It's like setting Our skin up for Success exactly and then toners really are meant to balance your Skin's pH. Yes. Now toner when I was younger men. Basically this green region. Yeah. Okay. It was like witch hazel sea breezes witch hazel. I personally used this blue bottle Neutrogena or toning cleanser. Yeah back when I thought pores open and closed right? My little tiny. I mean safe, I mean what but toners are not the the toners of our 90s or not the Same, you know exactly they have evolved and they're really meant to balance the pH of your skin. So if your skin is extremely oily or if it's extremely dry a toner can be a really great addition to your routine and you can use this in conjunction with an Essence, but the order would be cleanse tone Essence. Yes, if you don't use a toner cleanse Essence, yes, if you don't use an Essence cleanse toner, yeah, like personally I don't use a toner because I feel like I mean and this is totally Personal but I feel like the cleansers that I use my skin feels balanced after you know, like my pH is balanced but I you always use an Essence. Yes, same I haven't used a toner and a hot minute. Yeah, but I have I do consistently use in essence. It's very important to me. Yeah, because if I'm going to spend money on a nice serum, I want it to work as effectively as it can so that leads us to treatments treatments step three is applying a treatment now this In be a lot of different things. So listen up. This could be a spot treatment. You have a breakout. It could be a retinol or retinol Wade. It could be vitamin C Alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acids or niacinamide any of these things is considered a treatment. So it's anything that is helping your skin to evolve in some way and also the stuff that is packed with what do you treatments you want to obviously let your essence absorb into your skin massage it in think about the fact that now Skin after applying the essence is ready for the gifts in which you are about to deliver. If you're thinking about it from like a money perspective your your treatment products and and your serums which are going to follow are like your most expensive product totally. So put that shit on now. I do want to say one thing and I think people are going to get confused by this but I'm going to try to explain it as best as I can spot treatments spot treatments can be the white stuff that you rub Rub in it could also be like Mario badescu drying lotion where you stick a Q-tip into the product and then dip it and then it creates all those little pink dots on your face the white treatment like the clear cell or whatever it is. You know, I know Keels makes a really good spot treatment as well. That's the treatment we're talking about here obviously save anything that you have to Dot and will leave a mark on your face until you're very very very last step. Yes. Just throwing that out there that's kind of the exception to the rule here and I think Sarah when we are talking about This beforehand. Yeah, she had a really great point that I think everybody should yet to heart. I just like wanted to add. So we're talking about all of these different steps and then applying the treatment and then after that applying your serum, you don't have to apply a treatment and a serum everyday address your skincare concerns day-to-day obviously, like if you are using a product and wanting to see the results, you know, 30 days we said, but you don't have breakouts every single day, so don't feel the need to The spot treatment every single night and then follow it by like a serum. You know what I'm saying? Because you also don't want to mix too many different products, especially if you're not fully educated in the different ingredients in your products. You don't know how they mix because it's also really difficult for your skin to absorb all these different products. It's already hard for your skin for all these different products to penetrate your skin. So you really just want to focus on your skincare concerns that night that week and then focus on those specific. Addicts if you are going to use a retinol one night, maybe don't go ham with your Alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy. Yes, and then also don't use an exfoliating or detoxifying mask because your skin will hate you that's when you'll get a purge and when Kirby would you use a mask? Oh damn, I feel like you would I would personally use it in this step after I cleanse. Oh I 100% so cleanse tone. Cleanse tones s out Essence because it helps the mask. I've never done that. Okay? Yes. Oh Yoli go taught me this. Okay. She said even if you are use not using like a touch of mask, she's like always put the essence underneath because it helps your mask work better. See I always thought of it probably like everybody else where I don't want to waste my Essence and products that aren't going to stay on my skin for very long right right would make sense to do this. Yeah, I think in the essence of save Being your product don't go ham Right double ham just do a little Pat do a little pat-pat. Yeah, but that totally makes sense to me and I like that I'm going to try that actually. So yeah, thank you for the tip. Yeah, it's really glow. So yeah, so that's so treatment would be where you would use your math. Okay, great love that and then after that Sarah already kind of touched on this, but that this is when you would use your serum or a mist of some sort serums are just they're thicker than an Essence. Yeah, so that's why they go out there now you treant dense one. Hundred percent. So if you have something with the tenant antioxidants in it, this is this step in particular anything with vitamin C for a glow this is or hydrating hyaluronic acid and stuff like that. So you would add your serum kind of easy peasy. Yeah, and he's serums you've been using that you like and also like thinking back to lightest to thickest. So your Serum is usually thicker than a toner and Essence, but it's not going to be as thick as your moisturizer capisce capisce. All right. I'm using the Allied of skins vitamin C serum right now. I'm just using like I usually my go-to serums are vitamin C and hyaluronic acid got those are like my Jam's I use a lot of SkinCeuticals. Yes, see for a look. Wow, everything like for rule, except he for real like it is the best to be shout that out as like one of ours it should be but like everyone says it so everyone knows everyone knows that's like really like the toe heel from is clinical. Okay? It's a good one join. Vargas has a great clarifying serum that I'm obsessed with is like the Supernova. No, but it's just called the clarify. Okay, it smells so I don't even know it's like a sweet smell but not yes fresh interesting. It is one of the most satisfying sense to have and skincare. Also what our favorite serums is the one from Peach and Lily. Oh my God. Yes, the sign me right up the glass glass container and refining Sarah. Oh my gosh, which was sold out for so long. I bought this the first time I ever got a bottle in my hands. I was harassing Sarah being like yeah, stop throwing in my first thing about this because you'd be like, I'm just putting on my peach and literally fighting glass skin serum like biatch. I don't have this yet. So I bought it off of Alta. I got an alert my amazing that you were able to get it because I had an alert and then I bought it I was so psyched and thankfully she Yoon. Yeah, Alicia you and then hooked me up. Yeah, thanks boo. Yeah. We appreciate that it is. I'm not acceptable here. It's incredible. Yeah, and it really feel like it's so satisfying to put on and it doesn't burn Ting out of that. It refines your skin feeling sleepy. So hydrated immediately after yep. Yeah 100% I got that should have been on her one are ya have to do like I'll do it. Yeah, but it just keeps going. Yeah, never ending list next guys, which I was doing this wrong for so long. It's a cream. Yeah, you know why it's because we both don't use a lot of eye cream. Because I think eye cream is a scam. Yeah, but also I've learned it's a necessary evil. So right a reuleaux who I brought up in the last podcast when I talked to her about this she was like, okay, it's not a scam. She's like you do need something for that more fragile under eye area. I also feel like it's like because we are still relatively young where we don't see a lot of you know, the eye wrinkles yet. So it's like, you know, we have to do a lot of preparation for what's to come and that's the thing about eye creams you can Can't expect to see results. That's the thing. It's all preventative. But I think if you get an eye cream and expect it to completely eliminate your under eye wrinkles. Yeah, you look for something else. Yeah, but you need to go to a cosmetic dermatologist with that but I think I serums are great preventative wise and they just help to really kind of you know, glassy-eyed came out with their eye cream called Bubble Wrap and I loved the name because that's kind. You're doing right and eye cream in general. You're just protecting that testing it. Yeah, protecting and under eye serums are actually really popular right now and Renee makes 100 that gently exfoliates that area which will help with Fine Lines. If you have fine lines look for an under eye serum that just very very gently exfoliates. And I also want to add that if you are using an eye cream during the day, it's a good idea to find one that has sunscreen in it because they do make those and also I was I learned if your makeup is moving Going if you like your mascara transfers and you're putting eye cream on your top and bottom lid during the day. It could be a result of wearing that eye cream like why the transfer happens interest because I creamed obviously or super emollient. Yeah emollient and that can cause the transfer of to happen. So just FYI on that but your eye cream and this is actually one of the steps. This is Step number five. That was very different based on what we were reading because yes, some people were like, well actually Should apply the eye cream before you apply your treatment. So it protects that area. Yes, and then some people were like well just throw it on at the end right? I was under the impression that you just put it on the end same because I feel like I've gotten facials where they apply eye cream at the end because it's like they do the lip and then the eye, huh. Yeah, really? It should be this makes sense which makes sense because you are ceiling at all in yep, you know your ceiling at all. And so yeah that eye cream and then step number six is moisturizer and so You'll seal that eye cream. You'll see seal your treatment and Sarah man Essence and all that good stuff. One of the questions that we got about moisturizer is what is the difference between a cream and a lotion hmm, which I thought was super interesting. So creams are heavier. Yes. They're more oil based creme de la mayor that is more like an oil-based. Uh, that is a creme. That is a crumb. Yes, that is a creme and then we have a lotion which is lightweight something you can wear during the day. That's why you see a lot of cremes. We just missing creme. Yes, it's cream. Whatever that's wrong. Well for off on ha ha ha, you know Franck from Father of the Bride also say it's mostly like can understand. I love I absolutely love Martin Short and that movie. He's the best. Yes, so it can be worn at night because they are heavier if you tend to get what I mean, you get dehydrated between the hours of 10:00 and 2:00 a.m. Yes every night your body just lacks that moisture that it needs. So that's why you should drink a lot of water before you go to bed anyways, and If you know you're going to get dry load up on the cream at night. Yes, and then we're a lightweight lotion during the day and your skin is working hard in the evening. So you want that heavy cream to hydrate your skin and peel it all in. This is also the step where you would maybe apply a sleeping mask after your moisturizer or in lieu of yeah. Nice. Try sir. Yeah, depends on how dry your skin is and also what you're trying to achieve what I think the main difference is between a sleeping mask and a traditional moisturizer is so a lot of the sleeping masks that I use are really they're almost gel moisturizers. They're really bouncy meant to really act as a layer that's on top of your moisturizer to really seal. I know what you're saying this to really seal in all of the skin care products that you use so it is a little difficult sometimes when you're using it because you have to sleep sort of like a geisha like you don't want to rub onto your or you know pillow because it really is very wet. But I always whenever I use a sleep mask my skin is like glowing and super hydrated in the morning. So I like to use it especially during the winter Le neige makes one of my favorite ones also skin. Ask which is a Korean beauty brand. They just came out with one and they described it as having a Mochi like texture which is really accurate like it's very challenging. It's wonderful and I actually was using it on the plane. As a barrier between me and the gross - that is airplane are recycled air. So I feel like it's just like a great protective barrier. Okay. Yeah cool. So and then one thing that I've been noticing is people are like, oh, well, I use so many serums. I've stopped using moisturizers Brian's I'm here to tell ya now that's wrong that is wrong. There's there will be few things on this podcast that we say are wrong. Yeah. That is 100% not gonna how can I cut it? No. No, there's no way. Way that you're putting on like going through all your steps and then your serum and then you're like, yeah my skin feels done. Well, some people apparently do and that'll like no but but I get it. Okay fine. I mean if you put on 18 serums I get it sure the bottle so don't put don't on 18 serums and also really think about what the function of each product is. Your Serum is meant to penetrate your skin deeper. You have to have that final moisturizer. I don't care if it's a lotion or a cream. Cream. Yeah, because it's also still hydrating your skin. Exactly. It's not just the seal. It's also doing work. It means you need to have them moisturization component in a thicker form to really finish things off. I don't make the rules. This is just how it is and I mentioned oil because you can definitely moisturize our yeah, you can definitely moisturize you can Hydrate with oil but you can moisturize with an oil yes, and this is I will say a controversial. Oh my God here. Um, so Kathleen a who who is beauty director at the cut. They she I think posted something on the cuts Instagram about like skincare order and the comments were on fire people were heated particularly about where Oil Falls in your skincare order because I will say like like I mentioned I'm a big fan of Vintners daughter. I sometimes will use that before I put on a heavier moisturizer cream I've done that before the problem that I commonly have and I think this is why they suggest doing an oil after is that it won't pill yes because I get pill I pill a lot and I came to the realization it was because of the order. I was applying certain skin care steps. However, what I will say is this technically if we're going in order and based on what we are telling you guys right now of thin, too. Thick. Yeah, why wouldn't you put the oil before a heavy creme? Yeah, a heavy crab 70 of my dog creme when I get a dog. I creme de la mer, I love America. That's his full name Grendel there Jones really good. I'm sorry, but that's happening. However CTL I'm sure you're not you wouldn't be the first you might be the first but what I'm trying to say. Is you know, yeah in terms of thickness. I know some oils though are probably thicker. Yeah, then a lotion that you put on. Yeah at the same time. Let's say that the oil that you're using actually has some treatment benefits you if you put it on after your moisturizer, that's a barrier you're getting none of those treatment benefits. So, I don't know I do think this is super controversial. I would love I think one thing we should ask Skin Care Professionals when they come on the show is is what like that should be one question. We ask them oil one are you team oil to when do you put your oil ugly? Because I don't know do you use an oil every night? I love using an oil. So I use this oil that has co Q 10 in it coenzyme Q10, which is something that we just naturally lose in our bodies as we age and I put it on over my Dreiser just to kind of you know, yeah we keep saying yeah, I'm sorry guys. Can we get EIN sealed? Yeah signs ever delivered. I was going to say can we get seal look like perform Kiss From A Rose at some point. I mean, I feel like it put it right here beside know if you guys look up the lyrics to that song makes no sense. It will blow your mind because I had no clue what he was saying. I was like well like the rose from a grave. I don't know. I can't even remember what it but you really should read the lyrics yet. They're hilarious back to oil yo, so I don't use an oil every day, but that's because I don't mind I don't think my skin needs it me either. I don't use an oil every day. But I do when I want to use a retinol I've been using retinol oil. Yeah, so our friend Allison McNamara a drums Allison owns her own company now the mara Mara and Allison was a co-worker of mine. I was at popsugar. I think we work together about four years. She was the fashion host and we sat next to each other for the better part of the time I was there and she's just so funny and full of life, but she has her own skincare company and is doing amazingly well. It's this oil clean a clean any brand Beauty brand 100% It's sold at creta Credo. So if Credo is carrying your product, you know, it's truly clean. They have such high standards. They have the highest standards out of everybody else. That sells clean. Acts so Allison have created a retinol oil. So what's in this retinol oil? We've got the retinol obviously green tea green tea algae which is like Alison's thing tomorrow Beauties thing and then hemp Drive cannabis. And here's the thing. I when I use this product when I wanted to try it out the first time I used it. I kind of broke out and I talked to Allison about it and she was like, this should not happen. And yeah, but honestly, I think it was in conjunction with something else going on because then I've used it since yeah, and I really love how I do not flake or turn red when I use it. Yeah. So with a product like that, I would not put it over a moisturizer now, I will like that one just a complete waste, right? Yeah, right. Yeah. I feel like that makes sense because not all oils have as many active ingredients as Mars does right? So some truly do act as the last step to seal all of your products in but this you want you want it to be closer to your skin. I also love st. James. Yes CBD serum. Hmm. It's an oil. Yes. So again, I'm like, well, when do I apply this if I really want the benefits of it? Yeah. So I like to use that when my skin is angry. And so when my skin is angry, I usually We'll just do cleanse Essence and then that same I don't do that. I mean, I'm like so Bare Bones when I'm really trying to use these nice products that have these active ingredients. You don't want anything blocking it exactly from also. I don't want to irritate it further same the only the only oil I ever use on top of a moisturizer is the Luma T product. I just mentioned with the coke you enzyme Q10 enzyme but let us us know I'm going to post this on Instagram. Yeah, what do you use an oil? And if so, what order? Yes, I'm dying to know what you guys think. Also. I want to know if you guys use an oil during the day. My baby's skin. I used the Luna oil from Sunday Riley when I would go to work and I swear to G people would look at me and be like what is on your face? You are anymore glowing. I just think I mean, I think my face has changed since I've gotten older and I follow this account called cosmetic Dermott Cosmic Durham or something like that and they had a photo of Rosie Huntington. Whitley how do you say her name is a white lie, but it could be Whitley I say white lie to but I think somebody corrected me and now I'm just nervous to see her. So sorry. Sorry Rosie. I will have you on the podcast and then you'll teach me how to make I look at it and then I won't feel shunned by people but they had a side by side of her from 2005 to last year and people were like, what do you think she had done to her face and they were and people were saying things like visible jawline filler and I'm like hold the phone. First of all nobody is injecting their jaw line with filler. Nobody wants to have a giant job that is completely insane. Also, she was literally 17 years old in 2005. So rude people. She was also pregnant recently. She's also like one of the world's most beautiful women. And first of all that goes without saying yeah, we don't even need to say that but I was I was I commented like okay. First of all, you've got to be insane. Maybe she's gotten filler. Maybe she's gotten Botox like she's a woman but she's also a woman. Yeah your face does change your face gains weight, right? Older you can create a different. Yeah, I'm just really tired of people on Instagram claiming. They know everything about Aesthetics one thing that people love to say on Instagram is that everyone's gotten a chin implant. I swear to God some of you probably think I have a chin implant because my chin definitely looks different from when I was 17 years old right? Let me tell you a story no one's getting chin implants. I know two people I'm gonna go on a rant about this. No, I'm saving their hard-earned money for a Chinaman plan people that have gone to Chin. In plant and they look effing amazing. One of them is a friend and one of them is stassi Schroeder and they look bomb. Okay. So more power to you if you're going to get a chin implant, but I'm telling you most people are not getting chin implants. They're getting filler. Yeah, they're getting Botox to slim their jaw line. Yeah, but they aren't getting the chin implants and I'm happy to tell you if and when I find out that more people do but it's just not a common thing. So can we just put it to read let us know if you got a chin implant, you know what and I'm really being serious. It's about this. I love Aesthetics in general. Yeah, yeah, whatever you want to do to your face do it? Because I'm I want to know more yet today. We went to a dr. Lancer event, and I wanted to be like kind sir. What can I do about my under eye wrinkles? Like do I need a lower blepharoplasty? And you should also we've discussed this previously, but we would like Kim Kardashian to come on the Pod obviously whenever she's available. However, she is known to be Be like a master of like Aesthetics and someone who could be like, okay, this is what you should get to done to your face. Do we talked about this the last pot? And I don't think we talked about this on the last because did we know we didn't know where we but we wanted to we went to an event with kkw beauty and mdna skincare AKA Madonna madhan's was there. Yeah, Madam Madonna and she they interviewed each other and Kim straight up said that people will text her photos of themselves like People she doesn't even know she's not friends with ya. Not somebody super close like famous people though. Not just regular. Yeah, like actual thing that people being like, can you tell me what I need done to my face is like I would get BOTOX here. I can't tell you how much money I would take him to she should just have that as a side hustle because totally yeah Kim I will run the account same that you have where people talk like that in photos and then I will just show you and you all you have to do is just really little to Mark and then I will send it back but then also come on our podcast to tell us what we Need to Kim tell us everything that you've done to yourself like. Yeah, I want to know because she looks good. She looks amazing people. Love to hate on kkw I gotta respect the girl because she's beautiful. First of all doesn't if I were her I would never wear makeup. I know she looks incredible. I'm obviously like I mean, he enjoys it and the lamb like we all love the plan thing for the Glam. Yeah, the Glam move Miss other but it seems like if I could direct anybody I would be like Kim. Yeah. To skincare line like, you know about Kim skin--more than I care about. Kylie's skin. Yeah, you know, oh my god. Well, obviously Kylie still like 20 or something. Hi, babe 21, you love your Laser Genesis. And so does Kendall like let's just get that out on the table. But wow, we really want off-topic age there. We're going to rain it back in now we talked about basically. This is like mostly like a nighttime routine. Yeah 14. We want to add one thing onto it and the event. This is a daytime routine for you. Yeah. Obviously do not wear retinol's during the day. Yeah number eight in your skincare routine would be mineral sunscreen. So this is like a physical block that has zinc oxide or titanium dioxide in it. It's actually physically blocking the Sun from touching your skin. Yes. However, if you like chemical sunscreens, this stuff comes at a different point because the chemicals country sunscreen has to actually be able to be absorbed into the skin yet, which means it has to come. For your moisturizer? Yes. So know that if you're doing this during the day before sunscreen comes before your moisturizer, and if you have a physical sunblock that you're wearing it comes after your moisturizer. Yes, and that's it. Okay guys, I feel like we just kind of went on tangents here and there. Okay, let's let's recap. Okay, so you got your cleanser. You got your toner. You got your essence. You got your treatment. You got your serum then your eye cream. Moisturizer oil and then if it's during the day you got your sunscreen. Yes, we will throw this up on the Instagram. So you put it on the grab it put it in the show notes to follow along if it's confusing. But again, just remember generally thinnest to thickest and consistency. And then also remember to let your products absorb between steps. It doesn't have to be 5 minutes in between great if you want to Again, like we mentioned hit it with the device massage it into your face use a j-roller whatever but just let your skin absorb it as best and as long as possible before you go to your next step, I think that we did our due diligence here we tried. Yeah, we tried and this is what I would personally abide by so yeah, I mean if you trust us then do it. Yeah do it. Just kidding. Okay guys. Thank you so much for listening to gloss Angeles. Please know that That we always appreciate your support. So if you want to follow us on Instagram where gloss underscore Angeles and personal I am Kirby Johnson. I am Ser tan. No h and Kirby is kiir bie. Also, we are on every major podcast platform. Yay. So we're on Apple podcast Please Subscribe and review. We're also on Stitcher and on Spotify guys amazing, please go follow us on Spotify. We would really appreciate the support there if you do subscribe. Leave us a review. I'm not sure if you guys know this, but when you leave a review for a podcast that helps catapult us into the podcast Stratosphere, so people start to notice us and then we get more listeners and more people joining our little community and we want to know what you guys think. So yeah, leave all the comments, please please I the Instagram is really just going to be a sounding board for you guys. You just say what you want and that way we can figure out What our upcoming episodes are going to be about? Yeah, if you have a particular guests that you would really like to us to collaborate with or that you want to come on the show and have us interview. Let us know send us a DMR email is Los Angeles podcast at And if you want to participate in our what's your face? Tell us what's on your face? What is on your face? You know? Oh my God, I would absolutely love if you guys got on your Instagram stories and then tag Us how does tag us hashtag what's on your face? Yep, introduce us to some new products guys. Yeah, we would love that and as always thank you for listening to gloss Angeles. Thanks guys. See you next time. Bye.
We asked and you shouted from the rooftops: your biggest skincare conundrum was what order you should be applying your beloved products. Good news: there’s actually a proven method for application! In today’s episode, we’ll break down the 8 steps (yes, 8!) while discussing a few controversial opinions about the order. Sara will recount her trip to France with Nike and Chanel, Kirbie will recount her time spent on Instagram, and both will discuss Lady Gaga’s Haus Laboratories and what they think about the star choosing Amazon as the exclusive retailer. Plus, we’re introducing a new segment and want YOU to be a part of it: #whatsonyourface? Tell us! We curated a list of select items from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, which we compiled here. Here’s every product we talked about/recommended this week, including what’s on our faces. Product List Ouai Dog Shampoo (Limited Edition) Le Mieux TGF-β Booster, Collagen Peptide Serum and Sheer Moisturizer Everyday Resting Beach Face Anti-Pollution Sunscreen Serum SPF 30 Tom Ford Concealing Pen and Traceless Foundation Stick Nudestix Nudie Bloom Blush in Poppy Girl Benefit Cosmetics Precisely My Brow in 3.5,  3D BrowTones and 24-Hour Brow Setter Dior Backstage Palette in Amber Neutrals Too Faced Chocolate Matte Bronzer  Morphe x Bretman Rock Babe in Paradise Highlighter Palette  Hourglass Unreal Lip Gloss in Fortune Marc Jacobs Velvet Noir Mascara Naime’s Eyelash Trios Koh Gen Do Lotion Allies of Skin Vitamin C Collagen Rebuilding Serum Chanel Hydra Camellia Water Cream MAKEP:REM UV Defense Me Blue Ray Sun Gel  Sulwhasoo Perfection Cushion Compact SPF 50 Maybelline Tattoo Studio Brow Pomade Benefit Cosmetics Roller Liner Persona Cosmetics Identity Eyeshadow Palette Sunnies Face Airblush Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base Cle De Peau Liquid Rouge Matte  Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk  Tom Ford Lip and Eye Set Beauty Blender SimpleHuman Sensor Mirror Pro Wide View Skin Inc. LED TriLight T3 Cura Hairdryer T3 Singlepass Curling Iron Kate Somerville Exfolikate  Naturopathica Manuka Honey Cleansing Balm Drunk Elephant Slaai Makeup-Melting Butter Cleanser Elemis Pro-Collagen Cleansing Balm NuFACE® FIX Line Smoothing Device La Prairie Women's Supreme Balm Cleanser Tatcha Classic Rice Enzyme Powder La Mer The Cleansing Foam SkinCeuticals C E Ferulic Is Clinical Pro-Heal Serum Advance+ Joanna Vargas Daily Serum Peach and Lily Glass Skin Refining Serum Renee Rouleau Overnight Eye Serum Laneige Water Sleeping Mask Skinesque Deep Sleep Overnight Mask Vintner's Daughter Active Botanical Serum Lumity Skin Nutrients Facial Oil (CoQ10) Mara Evening Primrose + Green Tea Algae Retinol Oil SAINT JANE Luxury CBD Beauty Serum Sunday Riley Luna Oil Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask -- Follow us on Instagram: Shop all of our product lists: Shop Kirbie’s stash: Shop Sara’s stash:
Hey, what's up guys? Just wanted to tell you a little bit about our sponsors. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain. First of all, it's free. They are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get. dated Good best intentions Duality exists to create a space for free expression and exploration of the phone on a public platform and to also allow others to resonate be validated and to be open to new thoughts and experiences. So you so sit back relax and enjoy this fresh cup of duality. That's it. So do you know what today is Sunday? So it is tomorrow's Monday Sun and Moon Moon and Sun Sunday and Monday. Yes, the two best days of the week get it. Although this year will also add Friday because both of our birthdays are on Friday. This is true. Yes, this is very true. Yes, and also I noticed something that our birthday will always be on the same day of the week because they're literally two weeks apart also on the day they were born. Would you look at that? That's amazing. We are out here. Yeah. Yes. Yes, totally restarting this episode because I got distracted by that random tangent. Fuck it right is about us. Oh, well in actuality pun, this is the first episode of Duality. I'm Ariel and I'm Akasha, and we're just here to talk. Whatever you want to talk. It's our first episode which means you have no choice but to get to know us no choice. So if you're here, you probably want to get to know us anyway, so we'll just let's just let's see what that you're welcome. You're welcome. So I think right off the bat we kind of just want to talk about why were you going to making this podcast the thing and I can only speak for myself personally. I just want to talk. I want to make people listen to me but more so I feel like I'm getting to a point where I actually invalidating myself in what I have to say and I feel like it's important to express it more publicly because I Valued my words a lot along the past and I just want to finally be like yes. I have something to say we all have something to say and it's valuable and I shouldn't put myself on the back burner. So that's why I just want to be put in words out there and I think Duality is going to be a really nice addition to expressing myself in this point in my life e yes Queen this is why we're here. I completely agree with you and I can resonate deeply with What you are saying? So like same also for my reason but then also, you know Duality, what does it mean to me Duality? Right? It's all about Duality the the balance right bringing in that balance. So being a shy person most of my life when growing up when I would literally pretend to be sick to not present my science projects create whole routines for the talent show and then look up at the Town show side up being on stage and being like Oh, yeah, I can't sign up for that song. They can't do it, you know so did put myself out here and speak on a microphone and continuously till fear to like get the alma way. You know, what I'm saying? Is they true that being authentic bringing in the balance of what it is that I want to say and share with the world for myself and what I want to share and say with the world for other people, so just creating that platform to be transparent and authentic and having a space where we can be comfortable with sharing our truths and inviting people on here to do the same thing. NG inspiring others to be themselves by being ourselves. That's why we're here Brewing up that Duality. This is why we're here exactly. Yes. Oh, sorry. I'll do you want to let them know a little bit about yourself and different things that you do and what makes you you what makes you unique maybe and I think maybe because I have a resistance to talking about myself, but also like I am a holy. Oh so really it's not like Pay attention to her give her your undivided attention. By the way, her handle is L Rising. Okay, go follow her to thank you. So about me that's such a weird sentence. My name is Ariel. I am a holy. Oh, like I said before. I also am a Tarot reader. I like to read people and help them figure out how to develop. Better sense of self and really be a firm person. You know, I really think that having self authorities important and that's the main reason why I do tarot because it was such a tool for developing better trust in myself. And so like that's why when people sit down with me, it's literally used to be called reality check Tarot deck because it is a little bit heavy to be on the opposite end of my table. We're not just going to talk about something to stroke your ego. We're going to sit down and Get into the root of why you're doing that. I didn't realize it until like recently my readings are definitely a lot of Shadow work. I didn't realize because I'm like, why doesn't anybody want to come become fronted on these things? And it's like, oh I do. That's true. Why does Ashley want all of my readings? They must be filled with each other and I ask myself that question I should have but hey, I'm always like whoever needs to come your ways gonna come your way. Yay, and I'm really learning how to trust myself this year and what I have to offer to the world, so yes, tarot reader song writer poet all of the things. I do, you know I have shirts available if you want to purchase it on my anything. Oh, by the way, thank you and we're raising money for the American Foundation For Suicide Prevention. So, you know, if you buy it not only going to look cool, but you can actually be cool because you're a good person and What makes you feel cool? Yes said the mom. Mom mom. I'm not I'm not at home. But like energetically all these bitches is a science that's facts. That's bad guys solve. You know, I mean like, you know, I did retire little bit before. Yeah into back to take a break back to you know know that that's me. I'm out here if you want to know more about me send me some questions. Yeah, we're going to be out here fully like pulling cards. He's here doing our thing. So if you actually do have questions that you want so our Insight on then definitely send them our way because we're trying to be as interactive with everyone as possible. It's not just our podcasts. It is definitely a community that we want to create, you know, it might be a little hard to be vulnerable here, but it's also hard for us to be vulnerable here. And that's why we're on the same team exactly. Exactly. So Akasha, what about you you So my birth name is Ashley and my spirit name is Akasha. And yeah, I do a bunch of different things. I don't really like titles. I try to find ways to explain what I do without having to necessarily say what I'm certified in or vice than in that way. So essentially what I do is I do different forms of readings cleansings and and checks in different ways that could help people to bring more awareness into their wholeness so that they can integrate both they're light and they're Shadow because for some people like Ariel had said to me once that hang on the other side of her table and I'll never forget it. I have that written all over my journal. She said to me That might work for myself is like Shadow work for most people how it's difficult. It's so difficult for a lot of people, you know to go in order to look at the darker parts of ourselves and integrate those things. It was like really hard for me to bring in those light parts of myself. So like knowing that that's a thing, you know, and that's a whole topic that we're going to get into and one of our episodes, you know, because it's really we're not the only ones that experience that you know and talking about Both like vice versa of those aspects. But anyway, I'm talking about a lot of different things. I'm not even talking about myself, but also my son is in the whole 11th house and I am a life path number 9, so I am here for the people. So I have a hard time talking about myself. Who am I? I'm a person, you know, I'm a human being that just wants to help raise the collective Consciousness within the world and you know right now I'm located in Staten Island, and I'm out here for a reason. I'm trying to help this dense Island become a better place and connect people be a bridge. You can't, you know connect and pull people up. I help them rise if you're on the 11th floor in there on the second. So it's like understanding how you can meet people and have them go up two floors and have you go down two floors knowing that you could get back up there having the confidence in the certainty that you know, you could do that because you've done that work and not being afraid to get dirty not being afraid to go backwards knowing that you can go right back forward, you know, so Like that's what I kind of do. I also host Moon ceremonies with brie and Emilio shout out to bro and sis out here. Love you guys. I'll do a few other things, but that's really all I want to talk about right now because that's just how I feel. So, yeah, listen and truth be told if you're going to listen to this, you're literally us like that's just some facts. Yeah, whether or not you like it. That's some other facts. Yeah, and it's really important that we make it clear. You're not one side of the spectrum period you were never meant to be like Oh, I'm positive or im- you are a whole person who has a whole aura that you are in control of Shifting and cleansing and taking care of just like you're in charge of taking care of yourself as a whole living being so That this is just a podcast that's here to be like, hey, we're human if you relate know that there's people who relate to you. If you don't relate think about why you don't relate because you listened for a reason and you should never ever listen to anything and feel like you got nothing out of it because that's not true. That's resistance. Yeah. Everything is your teacher. Everyone is your teacher ever experienced is your teacher. It's also like important to mention where uncomfortable. We're putting ourselves in an uncomfortable space so that we can get comfortable. Yeah, but also so that you know that we're uncomfortable trying to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. You know. Yeah, this is this is a big set Elders. Thank you that all the time but it's true because we you know, you're going to learn a little bit more about us throughout this first episode, but it's not like we haven't done things publicly either one of us, but Is a different platform and it's more vulnerable to speak what we want to speak from our hearts and what we want to speak period without anybody having to guide us and then you realize how much you want to be vulnerable and then how much you don't want to be vulnerable You're like I want to speak about this thing. But also no one needs to know about this thing ever and it's embarrassing but it's the truth. So and you're doing it for yourself, you know, we're doing it for you. But really the first step is admitting. Eating that you want to do it for yourself and I'm like very proud of us. Yeah, because you know, I feel as though if you're listening to this. Hopefully, you're like our friends and you love us and support us but there's a lot about us you don't necessarily know and knowing that this is uncomfortable might be one of those things. Yeah for sure intense eye contact. We know you can't see us but I hope you can feel that the intensity is real and there's a whole bunch of intensity with the Sun a whole bunch of intensity with the moon. And you know, I just want to take that opportunity to stop that those facts that you know, we definitely are going to keep saying it throughout every single episode. We are literally sun and moon children like vice versa inverse. Cancer son Leo Rising Leo Sun cancer Rising. That is our thing. That is why we are about the Sun and the Moon and Duality, you know, but also T that you going to sip on and you know, we're looking forward to probably throwing it at some people's face. No, no. No, I'm not actually that confrontational I am. But I didn't say though, but just sometimes sometimes it's he's too hot. Mmm, sometimes it's just right. I guess it depends on the person. Yeah true. We true so here to start speaking on our first episodes topic which is setting intentions. Mmm. Yummy. So where do you say? Engines in your life. Why do you set intentions in your life? What the heck are intentions? And why are we talking about them? Yep. Yeah, we thought it would be suitable to talk about intentions on the first episode considering that it's the first thing that you really should do and present into anything that you're spending a lot of energy into acts. You know, what is an intention intention is simply just L clearly communicated statement. You are creating an inviting with gratitude and certainty everything. We do should have an intention into it. We shouldn't be out here doing things for no reason. We have to know why we're doing things, you know, whether it's simply going somewhere or drinking water or cooking something or about to eat something or as big as you know doing a Ceremony or doing a ritual or clearing something out even mopping your floor. Like what's the intention of you mopping your floor? We want to make sure what our intentions are what our intentions what are our motives. What is the why why do we want to do something? And if it's not something that's going to benefit ourselves and others then should we even be intending on doing it? And should we rewrite whatever it is that we're trying to do, even if it's simply lighting a candle or laying a piece. Of stage lighting and inside and especially working with such a powerful manifestation element and manifestation tools working with these sacred herbs or these different medicines that we have. What is your intention when you're lighting that because if you're just lighting it mindlessly, you're leaving space in your living room for other things that kind of create the intention for you. You're not sitting there like I want to light this Sage to cleanse this space What are you leading the sage for you? I'm saying you're opening up that gate even in a non-active space right setting intentions is literally the first step when it comes to self study. If you do not know what your intention is AKA your motivation behind doing something you aren't sitting and reflecting and asking yourself enough questions within the space. You are presently it's Conscious Creation its presence in the moment. It's mindfulness. We know it by a bunch of different name. Ames but setting intentions can really narrow it down to whatever particular action you are about to do. It's taking away the the grand scheme vision and bringing it into the now being present with that moment. So what are you setting your intentions for today? We're setting our intentions to be here with you and we also out here on a whole vibe of like foggy communication because of Mercury retrograde right now and we set an intention to clearly communicate what we need to do today with you. Bfm, yes, I am. You don't even know what that is inside it. Sorry. So yeah. Intentions out here. How can we integrate them into our lives? How can we make it a part of our everyday routine? We simply just need to think about why we want to do something we want to do and just bring that into the space and you know, if you're if you're going to eat something like I'm going to eat because I want to have energy I want to feel good, you know even just stating that to your food and honoring whatever it is and if it's any kind of whatever it is. Earth animal fruit veggies grains no matter what it is giving it that that respect and honoring that it's so important to know why we do what it is that we do once we have an understanding of why we're doing whatever it is that we're putting energy and time into we give it that much more power. We make it so much more Amplified by being specific and calling things what we want it to be. Coming from that heart space and knowing that it's going to benefit not only us but other people around us. And we're constantly manifesting things. We're constantly putting intention into things may not always be completely aware of it. but the whole point of this episode is to remind ourselves and anybody who needs the reminder you pull the reins of your own life and you start calling things the way you want them and to not be afraid that you're being specific. It's so important to be specific and particular and To be certain in whatever it is that you want. And to know that you deserve to have that it's on the way to you already. Being in that power and trusting that. That's how you achieve happiness. That's how you can bring in whatever you want. Nothing is impossible. Whatever it is that you desire you can manifest it and it all starts with your intention. To get to know yourself and why it is that you want the things that you want what gives you substance what gives you meaning what gives you purpose. We're honestly programmed to think that having intention isn't good because we associate it with having desire or greed this want that is an unfulfilled monster that continuously just pulls in more and more for like selfish reasons, but in all honesty were walking around with a lot of lack of intent. And that's the greed monster. If you want to call anything some type of villainous character here, but what we're talking about is in tension and it's conscious action. It's conscious co-creation. It's not about I want this thing to stroke my ego and benefit me for a temporary time period it's about I have an intention a destination a place to be in a Direction with the action I'm taking right now. And so therefore I have enough power and I feel important it enough in my own authority to direct and create the flow of my life. It's not an action of being like self-righteous as much as it is about being self-aware and we don't give ourselves enough credit for that because again, we're very programmed to fight against anything that gives us sovereignty or authority in our lives. So, you know, how do you set intention in your actual day-to-day life? Because it seems really like huge and daunting when we say it like this. Like it's your power and coming to all this strength stuff. But in actuality it starts on a small scale, you know, it's more practice than immediately perfect. I know personally I'm trying to sit mad intentions right now and 50 of them will hit the wall and stick and 50 of them might hit the floor and be crushed but it's all a matter of continually trying to be aware and conscious in your daily life. Absolutely. So what intentions are you trying to set right now into your life and Implement? Well currently I'm trying to be better at putting myself out there in terms of expression without people asking I will usually wait for someone to like whether it's on a small scale of like someone asked me a question about how I'm feeling. I'll wait or if someone's asking me a big thing about what's going on my life. I still won't have given any information. So I'm setting the intention to You more expressive in my day-to-day life when I have the urge to be expressive and not feel like I need permission to be heard and felt so my intention is just I will speak my truth when I feel the need to speak my truth and that's like a daily one. I'm trying to implement right now. And if you know 50% of the time it's great, but it's a conscious thing that's always on my brain right now because it's something that I don't often have in mind if I I'm not thinking about it. My natural habits make me fall back into more of a talk less listen a lot kind of style and it maybe it's not always organic to me, but it is a coping mechanism with how I deal with my environments and survive their Ye Ye, yeah, what about you? Let's super powerful. I'm happy that you're taking the time to do that and to implement that in your life, and I'm super proud of you. So thank you for sharing and thank you for being vulnerable. Thank you. right now I mean, I work out a lot of difference. Oh, how am I implementing them will one thing is neurolinguistics the way that we speak to ourselves, right speaking affirmations telling ourselves that we have certain things already that we are not even waiting for them that they already exists within us which is facts like these are facts, you know, looking at ourselves in the mirror and being like bitch. I'm gonna change your whole life. I love you. You are a goddess you are out here. You are light you are. Love you. Darkness and you are wholeness and you are out here to spread your love and to speak your truth, you know, so doing things like that has been helping me to implement certain intention speaking affirmations in the mirror and also just like realizing that everything we say is a spell everything we write is a spell right spelling, right? Yeah intentions and one thing. That I've been focusing on is being open to receive and you know, even talking about it now is like I've been more in a giving space where more and divine any sub-site. Oh, okay. Alright, so I got awkward and I got vulnerable. That's what happens. Eat some Poise point that grounds like it. I love it. I love it. Yes. That's the energy we talking about here. Yeah that but with like self-love and like yes, yes. Yes. Yes. So the intentions that I've been setting in my life or how can I be connected with all of these different things and not be attached to them. How can I sustain happiness from myself and be the true source of that happiness and not be codependent within anybody else or any other circumstance or anything? Whether that be food whether that be a people or conversation or to just really really buckle down and go to myself first and stop asking advice from people that aren't even in the realm of things that I'm trying. To obtain and create in my life how I'm doing that and how manifesting those intentions and setting these intentions implementing them in. My life is every time I'm about to go do something. I'll ask myself why I'm going to do it and then go from there seeing if I need to even bounce anything off and if usually if I need to bounce something off somebody I'm calling you. Yeah so max Why why why are you doing that? Like it's such a non complicated process that feels overwhelmingly complicated when you really break it down. It's like yes, you have an Impulse to do something and you have a reason but usually we don't sit and ask ourselves why that impulse arrives door why we intend to do that action intention just comes from being very clear and certain about the Y. So if you just Have a reason to do something and you haven't checked it yet. You're probably not setting an intention. You're probably just saying you want something you have to check any intention that's going to come into your space. And you know, we've also been doing this a lot. So we tend to set pretty big intentions and it makes it seem a bit overwhelming but it's not something that you have to jump right into to make your whole life be every action is an intention. That's the goal, you know. And we're still working on that too. Yeah, but it's important to start with one. It's important that you have something that's important to you and that you want to find a means to set an intention towards making that a conscious action every day asking yourself. Like, you know, everybody wants money, right? Everybody wants to get this Shmoney, right? Everybody wants this material gain in this world, you know, and it's like but why do you want that money? What are you gonna do with that money, you know and if you're just sitting here like oh I want to get this. Good luck candle and I want to get this good luck Crystal and it's like, okay. So what you want this good look for what do you want this money for you want it to get nice cars to get women to get men human beings in general. Like were you wanted to get something or to appeal to someone or are you doing what you're doing for you or are you doing what you're doing to fill a void within you that was in my brain? Where are you going with you know, like what is it? What is it that you are doing what you're doing for the Same thing goes with love, you know, like do you like are you going to get a love candle or try to do this work in a way that you're you're making yourself open to receive love unbiased Leaf in a place from anyone or anything including yourself. If you're setting intentions, you're not allowed to fill voids. If you're setting up proper intention, it will not allow you to be filling a void. So if you're still filling a void with the intention you're trying Set you haven't actually asked yourself the why you've sat and been like this is what I want. My intention is to get it and that's it. But usually an intention comes from a space of harm to none and the betterment of the self and the understanding of the self not trying to be God. You can't try to oppose other people's. Well, that's not that's not what we're here for. You know what I'm saying? Because in the everything is going to come back to you tenfold and you want to make sure that you come correct and you have a good mind good heart and a good space that That you know, whatever it is that you're doing whether it's money whether it's love what would no matter what it is that everybody is being thought out in this process and you know, although we're talking about the really deep details of intention. Don't allow it to stop you from just knowing like literally it's just intention is why you want to do something and being completely certain and clear about it and being a part of your own reality. It's it's it's Eating your reality you're talking with spirit and your co-creating what you want. So keyboards for intention setting to just narrow it down and make it easier and more approachable. Yes, first first. The settings first is setting the intention, you know, the primary intention the unchecked intention on checked intent why you want to do this thing. Then you check it then it's the real the wine. Mmm. So, why do you want this and Attention. Why do you want this in your life? How is it going to benefit you and everyone. How is it going to benefit you and the collective? Yes having certainty certainty that are in T is key to this. You cannot have a shaky intention. If you have a shaky intention that is not an intention. It is kind of an idea a suggestion to the universe of what might happen if you were more certain in the future and that comes with also finding your means of expressing. Your intention what means of expression makes you feel certain in your words or your actions? Are you someone who makes altars? Are you someone who can sit in silence for hours and that's intention setting or you're someone who's like, hey, I'm really great at saying some words out loud 10 or 11 times and that makes me feel energized throughout my body. Yeah, you could be out here. Maybe you're an artist. You know what I'm saying? You want to paint your intention. Maybe you're a musician and you want to wrap your entire. Attention you want to sing your intention you want to go on stage? You want to I want go off on with your attention. You know what I'm saying? However, you see it. Whatever you want to do with it. It is a beautiful beautiful creative experience that you can have. You can be over here making a whole vision board or you can make the 3D version of that like Ariel was talking about and create an altar, you know, really connect with your spirits like that. So you there's so many different routes no matter where you're at, you know, where What you're doing and what realm you're in like this isn't just spiritual thing. This is Law of Attraction. Right? It's psychological as well. So it's like the grounded world. It's not only just the left brain and the right brain. This is both. This is Duality. This is equality. This is equivalent each day's yes F MA. Yeah shots of alchemy. Yeah. Super healthy beans. Yeah, we've been working so hard on this inner work. You know what I'm saying? We've been doing so much in her work working doing all this intentions all this stuff dissecting ourselves stripping our core down understanding our identities. Who are we without our body and our Physical Realm? Who the fuck am I has been real big theme? Yeah for a while in our own lives. And then as we've known each other and and we're constantly reflect on the fact position. So it's likes ya no brakes no brakes. But this is the thing when you start making the work a lifestyle and not a side hustle. That's when you're really starting to see that shit work out for you. That's when you're so CM manifest in your life. You know, that's what brings us here. That's why we are already working on our external because we're here doing this podcast and this is outside of ourselves. We are Just talking to each other about our inner work now. We're on microphones recording podcasts to share with the world. So we're ready doing that. And then the next step we going to beat you shouldn't be doing I work, you know I'm saying and that's just to enhance we're already at we are sitting in so much knowledge of like what we need going forward and clearly I can only speak fully on my behalf. But I know that it resonates with the Shh to where it's like I'm tired. I would like to not have a life where my body's tired just because I'm overworking myself emotionally and being present for people like you don't have a lot of ability to control the amount of emotional work you do without physically working out that body. You can only go for so long without it having to translate into other Realms. So we're hitting this point where we're trying to level up in terms of what we can do for the collective and all of Emotional prowess but we got to do that in the very Physical Realm first. Absolutely. And then once we do is over for you bitches over he's already been over but that is no on some real shit. It's like, you know, it's I was just having this conversation yesterday how it's interesting how a lot of people they work from the outside in you know, like they they can physically Master certain things with their diets and you know, Working out and creating a very happy and physical physique, but they don't even know why they're doing that. You know what I'm saying? And that's like what we were saying before like, what was that person's intention? Sometimes it's for health purposes, you know and other times it's for a peel, you know, whether its appeal to attract something, you know, and that's something once again to fill the void. So it's interesting how like a lot of people I find that come from that set that Chum that have mastered that really have a hard time holding space for people emotionally because they're they're not there yet. They didn't hit that layer yet. I'm not saying all I'm saying just certain people. You know that kind of come from that area. You know, there's there's always room to prove me wrong call us up of us wrong. That's it. Like we're not over here trying to like put anybody in a box or anything. It's just from what my experience of my observation that I've seen just like doing this work and doing this internal work. Coming from the spiritual the mental the emotional checks. It's like we were at these three checks, you know what I'm saying? And it's like obviously we did a master them in the sense of like we're always going to be you know, what matter of fact that we did Master them. No, and the reason why I say that is that we're not done with them. Yes, but we've mastered understanding what we need to do to adapt to them. Yeah. So yes. No, I will give us that credit. We did mastered those Realms now. Don't worry about to start doing this and really implementing the physical layer and that is super amazing super important. I'm so proud of us because we're already doing it. We're already doing it, you know, so We got this we got this. I didn't have shaky my voice. I just moved from the mic. So I'm back. I'm certain we got exactly it's also the goal is always to get everything the goal is you know to do what both do we do? Oh, but even listening to things like this or being part of things like this creating platforms to express different points of view. You already getting ahead of the game if You're listening and absorbing the information you need to just to get started. So if setting intentions was something that was overwhelming prior know that you already gained and are integrating with new information about setting intentions right now because you just sat here and took part in a process of being present for something you were unfamiliar with that is part of the intention process to there's a prior before the action. We're in the prior for the action right before we get physical in our lives. I swear are you thinking about setting an intention? You know, that's the next step. Where are you at right now check in with yourself. It's important to do that. So yeah. Thank you for being with us. Thank you for Listening to our first podcast. I know and I'm bearing with us this Mercury retrograde real quick. What is Mercury retrograde? Why is it bugging everybody out? Let's give you a quick quick quick rundown, right Mercury retrograde Mercury is controlling of all the communication technology things like that. Right? Then we got it retrograde. What is retrograde. It's backwards it looking like from our Earth position that the planets moving. Quaid so everybody's out here like why is everything backwards? Sometimes that benefit certain people most people it's like what the fuck is going on. It's crazy. But on a serious note communication is off right now, like a lot of people can a lot of people that aren't made aware of what is happening energetically don't know that there's outside influences that are happening and could Come off could take things personal. So just know that don't take things personal be careful while you're driving. Be patient. Be patient with yourself at a patient with others. It's a really good time also to turn inward anytime a planet goes retrograde, especially one of our personal planets Its Reflection. It's all about doing the inner work Mercury's our planet of communication and thinking in our mental processes. So if it's going backwards, that means sit with yourself listen to some podcasts learn a little more. You know indulge a little less and don't go popping off on people and if you do pop off on people how about you reflect after that, you know, that could just be a practice right now absolutely and try not to plan so many things as well. You don't want to be putting too many things in motion right now. Like Ariel is saying is it's a time to reflect it's a time to see why yeah, we want these intentions, right, you know said, so thank you for You know hearing us and and going along with us. We were definitely feeling Mercury retrograde today, you know, almost a lot car was definitely feeling Mercury but jumping it's been like the past week like a shadow period has been like hmm. I see you it's like that mean that's like pursed lips observing. Mmm. You know, I'm saying just like yeah. Okay Mercury retrograde I ask you B FM stereo, I'll tell you what it is. I'll tell you what it is on the next episode.
Thank you all so much for being part of the creation, and soon-to-be journey, of this podcast! DualiTEA wouldn’t have come into form if it wasn’t for your support  💜👈🏼👁👈🏼  Thank you for allowing us the space to find our way and express our humanness while doing so~ we are a process; one without expectation but with a whole lot of ✨ i n t e n t i o n ✨ Ayeeee, speaking of! As this episode is all about setting intentions, it’s important to note that self-knowing and self-understanding are keys to being able to properly go about the process. Take time each day for a self check-in! What were your intentions at the start of the day and what are they now? Remember, your intention doesn’t have to be fantastical for it to be important AND it doesn’t have to be incredibly realistic for it to be possible! It’s all about the good space, heart, and work you’re willing to put into the process ☯️☕✨ P.S. ~ Here’s the link to purchase your very own ‘Sinking Feeling’ tee and support efforts to raise money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention! “Not only will you look cool, but you’ll also be cool…because you’re a good person…said the mom…” Much love, #TeamCleo! We appreciate you!
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That's anchor dot f m / start to join me in the diverse community of podcasters already using anchor one last time. That's anchor dot f m / start. I can't wait to hear your podcast. Hey guys, I'm your host Adam McCabe and welcome to the gay footballers podcast for my first time listeners. Thank you so much for coming out and giving this podcast to try. I really hope you enjoy for my returning listeners. Thank you so much for your dedicated support. I'm sorry. It's been a while since I released an episode, but I really think you'll enjoy today's episode for today's episode. I wanted to try something a little different and talk about something that interests me as I gave footballer. Well, I was out in La this past August. I had the chance to meet and speak with Kyle Krieger. Now some of you may know Kyle from his online or social presence. He's a really great photographer and videographer and he's got a pretty big following on social media. He also used to do videos of Men's Grooming and really became popular in that sense online what made me interested in interviewing Kyle was the fact that he is related to US Women's National team player. Ali Krieger now Ali is a pretty well-known athlete and player within the US Women's National Team. She's won countless World Cups. She's a gold medalist and she's got a pretty big following. So after this past Women's World Cup with Ali joining the team very late on in the process it made for a big story. And what was interesting to me was to follow the Journey of Kyle her brother supporting a lie and just seeing their relationship. Kinship online throughout the world cup. I thought it'd be a really interesting story just to talk to Kyle about his relationship with his sister and just to learn more about him as an individual behind the online presence to tie it all together. We have two people alley and Kyle who are both from the lgbtq community who have a love and passion for soccer. And this Bond soccer has been able to create a really strong and passionate relationship between the two this was a fantastic interview and Kyle was just a really great. Down to earth person now fair warning you may hear a bit of snoring or just a little bit of net background noise throughout the podcast. Kyle had just started fostering his new dog Angus and he was pretty tired through the podcast. So he slept through it and you may hear some snow rain, but for me that makes it really authentic. It's a part of Kyle that will learn about his love for dogs, and I thought I'd keep it in the podcast again just to make it authentic. So fair warning for fair warning. It's not an audio miscue. It's something I've left in the podcast that for me makes it a little bit special and memorable without further Ado. I'd like to introduce to you guys Kyle Krieger. Enjoy. Hey guys. So today I'm here with Kyle Krieger Kyle. Thank you so much for joining me today. Yeah, of course the thank you so much for having me. So for the listeners, they know I kind of like to get to know the person I'm interviewing first learn about their life and we're going to start with kind of how you got involved with soccer and how that's been a part of your life from the beginning both. My parents are PE teachers and my dad played professionally. And was a coach growing up. So I feel like Athletics is always sort of like in my life no matter what and my sister and I both started my sister played like a bunch of sports growing up. She played like basketball volleyball soccer, but from like the vary from very early on it was like tee ball soccer. Mostly though. You know what I feel like when you grow up as a soccer family like every vacation sort of every weekend every night after school. I mean everything is Dedicated to like playing especially when my dad was coaching like my team Ali's team and then he had like an older women's team. And he was also a we were also like my dad also was like helping at the club the local Club Prince William County Soccer. He would he was a coach there and then later on went to like help them coaching and stuff. Yeah. I feel like it was always in like just ingrained in my family to be involved and so my we always played and it kind of just engulfed like everything that Dad pretty much besides education. So I know you live in West Hollywood now and you play with or played for we her soccer club. Yeah. No, I played I played here in weho. Well, I guess after college I was looking for something to like I had like taking a couple years off just because I tore my meniscus in college and so I am stumped playing after that and I didn't play for a while and then I got to us Hollywood and in New York. I put a little bit too but it was Hollywood I found this. Team that one of my really good friends into our was playing on and I was like, can I just come out and he like yeah, they send me up for tryouts and there's like this trend this spring and I went and honestly like it put not plane and sub for so long and not like stretching properly. Like I was using muscles that you probably just don't use and like the regular gym or CrossFit which is basically my workout and so after the first day I'm I like drawing was so tight. I couldn't even put on underwear. Morning, like it was so bad. And I remember being so like I think I just pulled it basically and yeah, I was sore for I feel like I wasn't at a hundred percent for the rest of the tryout, you know as the day one, but it ended up making it and we had a really fun season and then halfway through the season. I tore my ACL which was just like kind of like a slab of a kind of felt like you're just really too old to be doing this and I thought like I felt fit. You know like I crossed it every day and I where I work out at the gym every day, I grew up playing my whole life. Like I was like, I'm gonna be fine and my sister's fiance actually tore her ACL three times and I was always sort of like thank God. I've never tore my ACL, you know, but in a seven aside game just on like a silly tackle. Like I just heard that pop that you hear and I was like, you know, like I just knew murder so you may or may not know I in April tore my ACL So we're you Taco did you tackle because I for me mine was not was not movement-based. So someone came in and tackled me and actually we didn't know it was torn because it didn't blow up. I didn't hear a pop and then fortunately the Beloved MRI. Yeah the worst news of the day, but do you remember was someone come through you or did you tackle and it was I know I remember vividly it was like yeah Defender had the ball and I was kind of sort of like going into tackle and it just was like a weird. There was another one of my players coming from a different direction to we all sort of met at the ball at the same time. And I feel like my foot just dragged with the ball like a little bit in a weird Direction and and I just heard it pop and I continue to try to play and I just like the ref was like you can't even run because we were down a player so because there was like no one there and I was like, well, we're at five players we're going to lose and we were up and it was bad. It was messy. And yeah, so I just knew right away, but it was definitely like a I was going and we were also Going in for the tackle, but I was coming in a little late just because the defender already had the ball, but yeah, it's sort of an Indescribable feeling you sort of notice right away. You're like wow and my sister had the same thing happen when she tore her ACL she someone like what happened to you someone came into her tackle her and yeah, and she was out for a year. So any advice for me, I'm three months in the journey. So I'm kind of in that strengthening phase any advice because I know we're kind of Of all in this like Brotherhood, we don't want to be in. Yeah this kind of oh, I know that feeling. I know that Journey any any advice I guess around 3 months. I started like I was back in the gym a little bit and I was doing you know anything to sort of yeah strengthen was good. I was going to rehab like twice a week three times a week or something which was worth the money and my insurance was helping with that too. So I was grateful that I had that luxury and privilege. Yeah, that was great and it kind of feels like the The strengthening and like the rehab doesn't really do anything but I feel like it really cuz I'm just like is this really helping, you know, it's kind of just like silly things like, you know, just like lightweight and you're like using bungee cords and like telling you're not even sweating I'm like this is kind of feels pointless, but I think it really did help with my mobility and I'm obviously not a professional so I have no idea. So I was just listening to then and there were recommended to me by the national team. And so it was great. I saw you I recommend following through with that. Even when it feels like you're feeling good again, here's to continue and follow through and then also I was doing a lot of like up-and-down movements and the gym so like squats and stuff stuff. That was just that felt very safe like not cutting side to side but it made me feel like I was getting stronger again because lifting heavy weight, even though my knee was like really sensitive so that helps a lot. So now as you kind of spoke about you found this home or this new passion within CrossFit, so can you kind of talk About finding CrossFit. I'm one. I'm not very good at lifting weight overhead. So I kind of shied away from Crossfit. There are some aspects of CrossFit. I love obviously making credit eveni thing lower as a soccer players are pretty good at lower extremities, but talk about finding CrossFit and how that's kind of compassion interest now, I do love it. It it makes me feel like an athlete again. It makes me I mean not to take anything away from cross the but like it's not the same as being out in a field. But it's sort of ticks certain boxes that you feel when you're in like offseason training or just the idea of like it can be competitive and comparative or it cannot be like sometimes I put up my I put my score pedalboard. It's just like a smiley face because like I just don't really feel like competing sometimes but every now and then when there's like a few streets in the room that I like want to beat. I will definitely add my score to the board just so they know but you know, it is really fun in that way does it I'm really passionate about it is really fun to learn how to To lift in like an Olympic lifting sort of way because I never did that really growing up. I was always sort of weak a little bit scrawny and like click on the field but not really very big or like really strong. I guess maybe on my lower half my upper body was always kind of like just like leaner and Crossfit helped me develop to learn how to like lift properly and it also has that competitive aspect and then also has very much of like a there's like a circuit training vibe there, too. Right, so like usually starts with a warm-up and then a strengthening piece and then there's like a circuit sort of high-speed interval, you know something where you're like, yeah, you're like sweating. You're like sweating hard. Yeah conditioning basically and so it yeah, it really gets me and it's like an hour. It feels great communities great. You kind of feels like a team everybody's very supportive and and it's really challenging, you know, so I like I don't I sit here now and I am so sore like my we did front squats yesterday. And I like failed a few times. I was like kind of pushing myself and I could not get out of bed today. You know, I mean, like I just missed that feeling of like being so sore because what I'm at the regular gym, I like them on my phone. I'm sitting on the bench. I'm bored. I'm like staring at boys. I'm not paying attention to my workout not really sweating but I CrossFit my phone is down and like I'm focused and I like want to do a good job. And so I really like that about it. I try to tell people this like I need someone to yell at me. And that's why I was really really I was really coachable when I coach told me to do something. I did it and that kind of translate to this environment. I need someone to say you have to do this at this way and I will go do it and that's just how I live. I think you're the athlete in the soccer player and me we're going to continue this like Fitness roll. I saw this past year summer, I believe or earlier this year you were doing the AIDS lifecycle? Oh, yeah. I would love to talk about kind of what that's about and that experience. I see this like sweet bike over in the corner that I got. I'm sure is like super lightweight and yeah, yeah talk about that experience because that whole journey knows amazing so is great. This here is my third year doing it. I just am a firm believer of like giving away. What was freely given to me and I feel like I have the privilege of just being treated so well in the community coming out and I feel like a lot of the Gay men who died in the 80s were on the front lines or they would have been during our fight for equality. And so it's just a nice nod for me to give back to them and to also people who currently living with HIV and it just makes me feel good to be surrounded with them and educate myself and learn how to fight stigma and remove it from society so that people can be treated just in a more human way and just because they have a virus doesn't mean that They should be treated any different. So it's sort of like one way to get involved in and also encompasses like other things that I love like Fitness and the community is just so loving the first time I did it. I was really scared. It was really hard but it was fun. I was sort of I'm sort of isolated and introverted in a way so I don't not like great at talking to people when it comes to like public and public outings and social anxiety. However, this is such a love Bubble that I really pulled me out of All that and I felt really safe and it was great the second time. I did it. I did it with a group of guys which was really fun. And this third time I did it with my best friends who is Olympic skier. Wanted to get a team together and he just asked me to join and I was a can of course, so I kind of felt like a veteran or Gene because not many other people in the team had done it. So I was sort of helping them figure out what it was going to be like and it was just honestly is my favorite year this year doing and we had so much fun and we raised so much money Gus raised. Like over to I mean, he like said the record you look over 250,000. I don't even know like a lot. Yeah, and I raised maybe like 55 which was the most that I raised and the rest of my team. I mean it was insane. We raised over 300,000. There's like ten people in our team. So it was I was really really happy and it's the heart. It's like one of the hardest things that I've ever done when it comes to and it's not even hard fit. Okay Lana like it's hard physically. Yes, your body is were I my body held a really great and I feel like I didn't train at all, but I trained in obviously in I said every day but I never like really got on a bike before I went because I just it's not like I don't love riding a bike. Yeah, I mean like I'm not like going to sit around and and you know go on I've ordered downtown one time which is like five miles and I was like, okay, I'm good dear. Like I don't need to like, I just want to get it done, you know, because the enjoyable part for me is not the actual riding. It's like everything else right? It's like all this rest stops and like hanging out with the guys in the girl. I mean half the ride is Street pretty much. It's but like the breakfast and camping and you know, it's just so much there's so much to it. And the riding is fun because you're sort of you know, you're with a group of people. We were in your head a lot which is like for me a dangerous neighborhood because like you take one wrong turn and I could just like jump myself into some terrible idea. Yeah. It was the best year it is. It is very challenging because my body held up great. However, I was the week after I was so sore, you know, I mean you're riding like between sixty and a hundred miles a day and it's a lot, you know, it's it's really It's a lot and it's a lot of time just to think because you can't use music or have headphones in or anything. So I'm thinking a lot and which is also exhausting because they just got so much on my head, you know, it's like so so my mind, but anyway, yeah, it's have you ever thought about doing it. So my dad was a huge cyclist and he really pushed me to get into it growing up and I was successful at soccer. And so all my time had really yeah bent towards soccer as Every weekend you're at a tournament. I was able to like play abroad at a young age. So my dad really pushed me but I've always thought of it and I saw how much fun your team had this year and I was like I should do that. I just think it would be like you said the Journey of the journey is the part that you love about it, but it's something that I'm like, okay, I think I think I've done enough SoulCycle classes. Like I think I can do it. And yeah, I think it's something I would love to do. So, it's great to hear you talk about it. Is I don't know it looks like a lot of fun this year. It was great. It's always great but it's it just is like a really feel good. It's a really like you. It's a really feel good time. You know, I mean everybody is there with a common goal and to you know, help people that are living with HIV and to help them get better access to things that they need which yeah inevitably makes their life better, hopefully and and it just seems like oh the money just helps so much and it does so many things for people that just Can't get access to it because they all have the same privileges as other so you guys maybe during this podcast might hear like a snore or some licking or some tapping or maybe even here like on the run into the mic which I may leave because that's like makes this episode really authentic, but I was greeted by a very very lovely dog that Kyle is fostering currently. Can you talk about I know you had a dog previously and talk about why you Foster dogs. Like what where did that passion come? Yeah, well, I exactly today's the anniversary of her death is the 27th. I know doesn't know it's okay. No, she was just like, you know the love of my life like she's like, yeah, she died a year ago today and we were on a hike and yeah, we were just on a hike and she hiked up we did all the time and we're at the top of Griffith Park and she just like started getting really dizzy and not dizzy but stumbling and I was like this weird and we had just had Sure, and like we had I feel like it was late in the afternoon wasn't too hot but she just like collapsed. She never got up again. We like we're bringing our water back and forth and like, you know, like people on Lookers were like stopping by helping bring water and she just was panting and couldn't cool down and We were giving her CPR. We have like the vet on the phone. I mean it was like a whole thing and giving a dog CPR is really challenging because you just don't really know if it's even working. I mean their mouth is sort of opened their panting you don't want to like take any breath from them. They think you know still like it was so strange. It was sorry. She wasn't necessarily panting when we were giving her CPR, but I didn't want to like remove like in case you were still so hard to tell you I so we I'm not I've no idea. Yeah, but I could tell that she's short of wasn't really breathing. It was bad and then it wasn't successful and then I just like was like, I'd rather just have a few minutes here with her why her eyes are still open where I would then like continue to give her CPR? Yeah, you know anyway, so then she died and that day on the hill. I'm not like up there in the middle of the mountain. It was so hard and yeah, it's been like a really long recovery. It's really strange it like feels like today it feels okay, but for like a few months after I think I was just Linda not like I just was devastated, you know, just because it's also such a traumatic way for an animal to go but fostering animals now, it's been a year. I started fostering dogs big massive like her maybe started in May so had been made june-july, so three months, so I guess nine months after her death and its really nice because it's sort of like I see little little idiosyncrasies that she has and I see them in her and I see those Increases in the in the other dogs as well and I sort of just like it's like a nice like reminder makes me smile like, you know, but they're also so they're their own dogs to like they're individuals they you know are so different than her, but it's funny that the breed sort of carries similarities with each dog. But yeah, it just sort of warms my heart to have a pup around, you know, you'll be able to take care and to nurture another animal back to health like these animals have been mistreated and abused and Captain really terrible conditions and it's sort of like we Heal each other my therapist and I talked about it like yeah because like for example Angus is just so loving and so kind just had a really rough go when he was a kid or when he was like small. He was kept as a breeding dog in a really small pen and sort of just used for that for a long time. And then he was like passed out on the street and then they picked him up on the street and he was going to be euthanized and then someone had called this Foundation that I work with and work. Hey, do you have anybody for this dog? He's going to euthanized and if you could have a For men we could like save him and so they just called me and I said, yeah, but it does it feels like it's it's so heartwarming It generally makes me feel like I am helping out an animal that wouldn't you know necessarily be alive or be able to help themselves without it or just had a really rough go and they didn't deserve that. So, yeah, if it just like this, it just feels really good, you know, and I also feels like I get to heal with don't like they heal me to you know, just about how to practice love and tolerance and patience and intimacy. Like an analytic just getting close to letting someone to get close to you again or not someone but a dog get close to you again after losing one and it's just like a practice. Yeah. It's a minute. Well, thank you for sharing. Oh, yeah that story. I really appreciate that got one more thing kind of about you. And then yeah, we're going to talk about your sister. Oh God, so in terms of for this community, but I Saw You released a film. And it was in like a film festival I think is when I heard about his boyfriend he act and you're in the MFA student currently, so can you talk about like why you've chosen that and can you talk about what that means variance making boyfriend and that was like your first I'm guessing first film. Yeah and a festival. So yeah, I can speak about kind of that whole all that for us. Yeah. No, of course. Thank you for bringing that up. Yeah. No, I love y start by I guess it sort of started. I was making videos on YouTube. YouTube for a while and most of them are like Men's Grooming lifestyle videos and then I would always I have an interest obviously in like lgbtq activism. And so I wanted to make why want after I saw Moonlight. I just like I need to I just would love to tell more narrative stories about just more narrative queer stories basically anything on my on the Spectrum and just amplify voices that potentially wouldn't be able to be Amplified with without a bigger platform or no help these stories be told or even whether I'm Losing them redirecting them or giving them visibility or any you know, anything and Moonlight. I feel like really was just you know, it's one of the best films I've ever seen and it really inspired me to just take action to get into Film School. My first degree was in nutrition dietetics and I never finished school because of a drug habit and then I went in to hair school and I finished hair school and then so this is my third time in school, but it feels like it feels like where I'm sort of supposed to be well in film. I don't know. Sara Lee like in school but definitely like making stuff like this. It kind of feels like a graduate program to my YouTube channel and I still love making YouTube videos, but I haven't made one in a while. I just feel like I'm just hit like a I don't know like a creative slump when it comes to YouTube stuff. I just don't feel super passionate about Men's Grooming anymore and like men's lifestyle stuff. I feel more passionate about lgbtq activism. I feel like it's much more where I'm supposed to be. I'm sure grooming stuff is definitely necessary. It's great. But like I don't want to necessarily lend all of my attention to that. I feel like in the world that we live in today where people in Russia are being killed because their details are put up on a gay hunting website or in chechnya when people are being rounded up and kept in camps and tortured and there's countries where being gay and be lgbtqia+ is still illegal and laws to that you can be You thrown in jail or killed is just like unacceptable and I just don't want to be a part of that world and I just want to lend my platform to help bring attention to that or change and I think narrative filmmaking is one way that I could do that. So that's why I wanted to go to school and boyfriend is just a queer love story about two guys that meat And by happenstance at a coffee shop, and I guess I don't really know how much Dave away but they yeah, it's it feels like some I just honestly I was just winging it like I don't even want to like lie about like we were sort of I wish it's a film that I put on my YouTube channel to get into Film School. It was like my application basically and I was sort of winging it. I like had a small crew of like five people. I like pay to sound guy and my friend who's a Director also likes assisted me and I produced it and then my friend Daniel shot it and we were just like let's just wing it. You know, that's just like trying to make we did it in a day and you know, I was just like I hope this is great. We like wrote it on set. I was like giving them a lot like not get lines, but I was like, let's talk about this and and then, you know we had certain lines but we also did a lot of it on the cell phone. So a lot of it just like feels very mm. What was 18. So like very just like current when it comes to Communication online. Unlike cell phone usage texting and stuff. So yeah, you know, I loved it so much and if it was like one time where I felt very alive directing, it just feels very good to collaborate with other people and to make something. Yeah. It felt what I want thing. I really love about film is that it is a collaborative effort that it is a like a team that you can surround yourself with people who are better than you at all these things and then they can help you make something great. And it's also nice to have a team that supports you and being a beginner. because I feel like it's very hard for me to be a beginner when it comes to like ego and not wanting to look stupid and also having a platform and being a beginner having a having a lot of eyes on you like the potentially I do I X is scary because I don't really get I don't feel like I have time to like be bad or like mess up because everything I put out people are sort of going to see and I'm new at this. I'm not great at this like I'm a beginner, you know, so every time I throw something up I'm like it's awful, but I think hope you like it, you know, and it's nice because I have learned to sort of just put that aside and just make stuff and allow myself to be humbled by being a beginner. I did the same thing in like yoga in CrossFit to I mean, I mean, it's sort of like you're not good but you're just going to have to deal with him to get better, you know and keep practicing. So I do that with film to and it makes yeah, it makes me really happy and it also makes me feel like I can make an impact more so than making groomy videos on YouTube. No, I mean it's very interesting that experience that you're talking about where I mean, you're putting your technically you're putting yourself out there right for criticism and it is it is a very tough place to be yeah. Because we're very guarded we don't want to be shot down. But no I have seen boyfriend. I suggest everyone to go. So yeah, thank you that it's just really good. I think what you said, it's very current. I think that and just that the whole the situation you said how it was portrayed. It's very current to this day and age and this community and how dating can be or can work out so I thought it was good. Thank you props to you. And I know we're going to we're going to switch this off. I just thought of one more thing where I mean you have some amazing photography skills, or I think you do. Where does that like creates? Like I'm looking around even in your apartment right now of these video These frame photos. Where does his creativity come from? I mean, I definitely am not The Artsy type in this way, but I mean it's a get it really is a gift and and I'm just curious, you know where some of mean I see feet on the Beats. I see, you know, I just see all kinds of amazing work and I've senior photography online. So can you speak of where you come up with these things where you're like halfway in the sand and I you know, it's just random things like that. Like where does this come from? I honestly, I don't know. I don't really know. I just really I love the idea of visual storytelling and I feel like which is another reason why I love narrative film is because it feels like you're telling it, you know, you're definitely telling story and to be able to tell a story with one image. Is very cool too and it doesn't necessarily have to be a full beginning middle and end but or part of a story a snapshot of a story a visual diary a lot of my images. I feel like our if I'm feeling a certain way about something then I usually will go out and shoot a lot of my images are self portraiture because in the beginning I was really scared about asking other people to shoot similar to what I was saying about film is I can just don't want to like shoot something and then be like, oh God, this is awful, you know, so I would just shoot myself. And I don't really wear like I'm not really good with like clothes or fashion. I were sort of wear the same thing every day. So and I think the body is very beautiful just like natural skin tone. So I would just a lot of it included like absence of clothing not necessarily to like be nude but just because I feel like skin tone in nature just like is really pretty and so it was also like a very it was also felt like a meditation for me too. So I would just go Out and explore and I felt like a healing time for me. It just felt like a time to be creative and kind of access. Feelings that I was feeling about something and kind of put it into an image or a position or oppose or where I was or the lighting or you know, just all sort of would be how I was feeling and I just talked on myself, you know, just like they were really bad in the beginning and then they I started to create like a style. I guess everybody has their own style. You know, you just sort of are going to wing it and then you're going to learn and then you're going to develop a style just based on how you shoot and There's no wrong or right way to do it. You just go out and doing it is just healing for me. So I just kept going and then Overtime kind of nail down the details and create things that you think look great and it's just nice that other people seem to think that they look great too feels like I'm very grateful that they other people like them sure. There's lots of people that don't but you really, you know, and then be able to share it didn't like online is a nice privilege that you can get criticism from people and usually feel like my critiques are always very positive, which is nice and I do get negative ones too and not negative but ones were There's room for growth and which I always welcome because that's great. I don't really feel like I have them in neutral sunlight, like knowing always says like terrible things like every now and then yeah, but I don't know people are always so kind about it and or just don't say anything which I think is also nice, but I do appreciate the critique. I do think that it is very helpful as an artist to be like someone to offer where you have room to grow. But no thank you for saying that and that sort of in photography sort of led me into film. You know or just a video. Yeah. Okay. Well, let's have a time to question it did so it's I mean, I think as you said everyone has their own style and I think that's something you can tell about like if you go through your Instagram or whatever you can tell there is a like a style you can tell there's like the way you edit the way that and again it's these are very like the photos are just all different. I think that's the interesting thing is like you can be in the woods or in the desert your On the beach. It's just very different and and it's like you said it's it has its own aesthetic. And yeah, it's no you didn't answer the question. Okay good. Thank you. But we're going to go ahead and take this detour enough of them me. No, not not that much. I mean as we talked about this podcast is about people who player and the world of soccer and identify as lgbtq. And obviously this past summer was the Women's World Cup huge event that are women one like Tactically but I mean, I feel like they could have done a little better. I mean Ali could have played a little bit more but now there's there's always storylines and then Megan was probably the biggest story line and just everything she accomplished and her voice but kind of leading up to the World Cup one of the bigger and bigger stories, but one of the stories was the re-emergence of your sister and oh, yeah. Yeah, and so when I mean, of course, I know your sister I watch soccer and it was just very interesting because he was the kickoff tour or the the tour to the tournament and that's when she got brought in right? I think it was two games left and she started a full match and that was really a lot of the talk from the commentators and they could you lie fallow they really liked was like, okay. Here's Ali Krieger coming out of nowhere, you know, this is like her time to win that spot and she did and fast forward a few months and your There is playing in the World Cup final. So for me I was like wow, this is a great story. And here's a person in her brother who has played soccer. Yeah, they have a relationship and I was like, I've got a interview you and hopefully her but anyways, this is where we're going to transition to so kind of talk about growing up with your sister playing soccer being successful. My brother's kind of also had this relationship with a brother other sibling being a really good athlete to come talk about that journey and growing up first with your sister. I mean, I feel like we were what were 13 months apart. So we're really I mean, we're close we weren't always like as close as we are now friendship wise, but even from the get-go like I always knew that she liked she always stood out as like the best and her team or one of the top players and you know, I really feel like I started to notice that When she was in middle school high school early high school and she would be starting all the time and you know, just the she was always the smallest player on the field as well. So I was always a little bit surprised by that because I was just like, how is this little like nugget like a starting with like all these girls that are like, you know much taller than her and stronger than her, but she always found a way to sort of Excel and to succeed and I remember like her first Accolade that I remember was like Gatorade player of the year in high school. And I was she was maybe like I don't even know what you're sure was but it felt young and I was like, oh this bitch really, you know, and like she was always on the front page of every newspaper and like I was always in like the honorable mention, you know, like it always felt like I was a little bit in her Shadow, but it wasn't like you never felt competitive between the two of us, but I think I internalized that a little bit and I sort of felt and I was also realizing that I was gay too. So it that compounded with Like being second best in my family like my mom and dad look, they're great parents. They did a great job both of us and I'm really grateful for them. However, I do feel like they they are closer with her than they are with me and I play a role in that as well. Like I feel like it's not just them but and they don't I wouldn't say favor is a strong word, but they reach out to her more they talked to her more and it's not like she really well like subjects don't complain to me about it. But you know like it's not like Like she's they don't love her more but it is you know, they she she's a lot of what a parent would love. You know what I mean? Like they were parents like my parents they they get to share in a lot of her success and I'm sure that feels like very good and in comparison to a drug addict who is was at that time when she was sort of excelling in school. I was like getting high every day. So it makes sense, but they were always there for me too and growing It really felt like we were really connected and therefore each other and especially when I started to realize that I was gay and she she became such like a big support for that early on and so and then she didn't realize until like a little bit after me or then I got to be like have her back as well. But yeah, I you know, she always was so good and I just kind of knew that it would keep going. I don't think I did your sister like enough credit by introducing her and I was like Ferociously try and do I find the exact Accolade? So hopefully I'll get to interview her and she'll get to correct me on this but I think your sister Ali is what I three-time World Cup participant with the US Women's National Team when I guess to time going to the Olympics for the team, maybe one I know she was like you wanna juror. Yeah the year that they won the gold. She was injured for ACL. Okay right before it actually come on guys before and then the year after they lost in Sweden to Sweden and Brazil. Next time the first time I feel like I think it was two. I think there's two in there but I don't know. Anyways, I mean, she's been she's a yeah, I know. The World Cup was this summer and one thing I noticed especially for you. And actually you had a tweet. It was really funny. Again, you're her brother. You're just in that much as the in the action as we are, but you've got this relationship with your sister. Different access yes, and I remember I think you tweeted something like oh God. It was like you're like, oh no, I'm getting like all these soccer feet people like following me now or yeah or any was just interest it was the to me. It was a hilarious tweet because you know, you're tweeting your reactions to the game and you're getting all these people you follow you to but it was interesting because a ton of soccer people are now like interested in what you're saying because of the US but also just your interesting person who your sister is so I think it was it was interesting because here you are now your supper Guru. I'm sorry. I mean no, I mean thank you. I just I don't really know what I'm talking about her birthday. I just have an opinion and I just have a few eyes online watching and people that just love Ali and I sort of you know, she I I get scared because like I'll tweet as I the fan base exactly like I just in the fan who happens to like be related to a player and everything that I say online is my opinion, you know, and she will get on like she'll text me after the game should be like, I can't believe you tweeted that like you can tweet things, you know, so we have certain rules that I don't but she like allows me to be a fan and she and I you know, I have in my bio that like these opinions are my own and she honestly is so much more humble and kind and sweet and not combative like me. Whereas I tend to be a little bit more sharp on my opinions and vocal about them. She's more private and like reserved and that's just how I've always been and and I feel like just like anybody else on Twitter. I'm mindful about not dragging any one. Who is I try to be mindful about not say anything unkind to people that are on our team and I know that everyone's doing their best at all times. However, it still doesn't That I can't share what I think you know, but I generally I really love everyone on the team. You know, I really do I feel like I get along with everyone there's a few that I go along with like a much better just because we're more clothes but yeah, it is she says she does like tend to say like could you just not with this, you know adult touch this and I'm like, yeah, of course, but it's funny. All right. She doesn't put that many rules on it. I know it was it was for me. It was just a funny thing. I remember you saying that and I was like, that's it. I mean it's an interesting balance. It's just it's you you're walking a line. But also you're a fan as you said, you know, I just don't know. Sorry. I just don't like it's just like feel like I don't I just I want to just have like a few followers and just be able to say what I want to say. I don't want to I don't I don't want to have to hide what I want to say because who's following me? Like I know Jill's wife or Jill maybe potentially sees things that I say so I am Mindful that I'm not critical in a severe negative way. However, because I love the national team I still feel like I'm about to critique it right like just like a politician. If you have a politician that you love it's also fair to critique them in a positive and negative way and like I don't necessarily feel like the things I say are attacking I don't incite violence. I don't want anybody to hurt them or touch them or or tweet at them or anything. I just feel like I'm allowed to share my opinion. I mean, that's what social media is all about. About right. I mean maybe I'm wrong people are listening to like no claim. You can't say that but yeah, I don't ever try to say anything that's hurtful something. You said and something I saw firsthand is Ally herself has I would say a team of loyal followers. I mean when it was announced that she was back on the team. I mean there were so many people that were so happy and were like waiting for this day to come right because you know, You talk about this. I mean, there's a ton of people who support her and I guess for me, I would love to know did you think she was going to make this? I mean, obviously I think you thought your sister was good enough to make the roster, but she wasn't really in the picture, right? So what was your thought process on that and I guess the day that you heard that it wasn't out that she made the roster. What was that feeling for you? How was that Journey from her kind of being know we're involved with the team to a couple weeks before the not are you know? Roster announcement. She's playing and fighting for her position. Yeah, I mean it feels it felt great. Yeah, it felt really good. It felt validating. It felt like no I felt like like of course she should be on the team like, you know, I mean she won Your World Cup last time and she played so much the time before, you know what I mean? She's been at this. She said like the highest level she's been there for so long. She feel like she's been a part of this team for so long and she's been working so hard to get It's like it only makes sense that she hasn't she's just as good or you know, if not better than players have a better you are already on the roster, you know that you have there. So I always was a really confused why she wasn't there and I get the sense that the coach wanted to make sure that she had the best team going into the World Cup and that meant that she had to try out players from all over the country in certain spots and that just happened to be a lie spot and she it seemed like she was desperately trying to find someone to play and the right back position and maybe she just couldn't you know, and then she was like look maybe I had it. Maybe I'll he's the best player that we have in that spot and I tried all these younger girls and no one is that good or as good as a lie? And so let's take the bus players. So they took Kelly Emily and Ally I guess they're sort of like the rightish back positions and I happen to love all three players. I love Kelly and we have a really good relationship. And so when I About ali it's not that I it's not that I mean that Kelly shouldn't be on the field. It just means that I just want a lie on the field. I also want Kelly on the field. It's not my problem to figure out who should be on the field. I just want them both on that, you know, so I feel like sometimes I get flak like, oh, what about Kelly? I'm like she could be there. Yeah. I'm not saying that I just say it. I want Ali to be there. So it felt very validating to have a lie back on the roster. Just hope that she would get some minutes and I knew that she wouldn't play every minute like she didn't in 2015. Well, maybe she came out for 15 minutes. I think to let someone go in one game in 15, but and that was sort of like the wind for me. Like I feel like she had one and I was like look you have like this is not how she felt but I was like you have one this is like sprinkles on top go really enjoy yourself have a blast but like you have one like it was such a Cinderella moment that you won on the same field that you tore your ACL on like it was just insane. You played every minute pretty much, you know, it was just like that to me. The most emotional one this to her. She loved this one the most because she felt like she worked her ass off to get back here. And I guess I didn't even realize it as a fan. I didn't realize that she I mean I knew she was training every day and I would be like girl it's offseason. Like what are you training for? She's like, I'm trying to get back on this team, you know, and she likes you would train every single day with Ashland without her on her own with a trainer, you know, she was working her butt off so that if Jill ever did cause Call that she could go and then she could be she could be right up there. You know, there's like facts they she'll tell me that I'm like that the team doesn't share because like with Fitness stuff. Like I feel like it's a private but she'll be like, you know, she'll tell me things and that she's like, I know I was working hard if not harder than everyone else because when we're doing Fitness I am I'm up there, you know, and so it's really nice to hear and I'm happy to see her succeed in such a way where she can it can just You know assure her that she's supposed to be here. You know that she is still solid at 35, you know, so I shall be 35 and I'm in a couple day or tomorrow actually, but yeah, so it was just felt really good for me and I'm not even involved really but it's just nice to see someone that you love so much reach their dream again, you know in a different way with a different story this time. Can you kind of compare attending World Cups and how they were different for me was this one A different feel for you than attending 2011 or 2015 like was there a different vibe to that or I mean there are they all kind of the same for you? Mm. And what was the other one eleven? Yeah, 2011. I went to a couple games then flew home. That was in Germany. Yeah, 2011. I went a couple games in Germany and then I flew home and I had to work in New York City and then I flew back from the final and like that was intense because I went Square the pka that put them into the final or the semi-final I forget or the PK in the semi-final. I was in New York at a bar by myself watching the game and like stood on the bar and people were like what is happening like the games on but like no one was really that into it. I was like wearing my jersey it was so funny and then I flew my work wasn't going to like like it was like a hair salon. They didn't really understand Sports because they're the guys that like don't really watch sports. So I kill you just for their like you can't take off my work and I was like I'm going back. It's either and then oh my God, just so happens that our district manager is from Boston and she was like, obviously no Sports because she's from Boston just like one, of course, you can go World Cup final again go and so my meeting manager was like, well, I don't you know, I didn't even understand anyway, so he went but I flew the feeling was so intense because I flew after work on a red-eye arrived in the morning had the game in the evening then stayed for the after party which was sad because we lost and then flew home that morning. So I was there for like less than For it was like in and out said to go to work the next day. So it was kind of a waste but my uncle actually paid for that flight, which was so nice of him as a gift and it was still I was so so happy to be there. So that one was like a little bit jarring because we just didn't win. Yeah and that PK the shoot. I mean everything was awful and it was terrifying the whole stadium was quiet the whole I was so nervous, but it was that one was just a weird vibe, but I'm really happy Japan won that year because I feel like it was a Cinderella story for them and I really feel like they deserve Curved it and it was so nice to help. It was like a year that they had. Yeah, they see mommy and I just felt like they needed they needed to win that year and I thought they deserved it, you know, so our lord gave it to ya and then we got to kick the rest and you know, I was just so I was so nervous and so excited and The feeling that you're in the intensity of the of the when you're like when you just want someone to win so bad because you're related to them is or they're your best friend. Like I can't explain the intensity of the emotion it just the anxiety that I feel it is almost unsettled. Like I can't even be sitting down. You know, I'm sweating shaking, you know, it's insane and that's also because I'm pretty anxious from the Geico like just like how I Am Naturally my mom is probably my mom's fault like she is also that that way so, you know, it's vibrating basically the whole stadium and so that doesn't help and that what happened in 2015 when we went up like three nothing. I was like that is a gift during me that is like if you are anxious like me that is just the best feeling. I mean, I was hugging Jill's wife. We were like jumping up and down. I was like so excited and it was that was amazing. So that went to me was the most emotional I was the most emotional I was crying afterwards. There's like pictures on the internet of me. That's like, Sabe. When Ali came over to like jump up and like give me a hug and it just felt the most pure to me because that the story that she had tour ACL in that field and then came back two years later to play every minute and to win again on that same field. It just felt like just perfect. You know, it was just like a ribbon on it just like tied a bow on it and it was like done. So this year. I just hope it's the last one because it can't do it again. No, she will not I'm just too old, but I just feel like I went into this one with a little bit. More not resentment, but it just felt like you have resentment is the wrong word. I just was like, I don't know what the word is. I just felt like she should not have to have gone through the two years of like of not knowing why she was removed so that to then just be brought back, you know, like she got like she got removed from the roster without any explanation really and no Jill never told her well, I don't know I wasn't there I Isn't present for their conversation, but I get the sense that she left the roster without any real explanation about why after just winning the World Cup, so it does make sense that you're going to try to get as you know to make sure that you going to the next World Cup with the best roster and to try a bunch of different players in these in these positions. But as a brother it still makes me annoyed like I'm still allowed to feel that so I was annoyed but I was so happy to see her there and and so I was a mixture of like happiness. Being excited a little bit of like, of course, she's here. She deserves to be here, you know, like validating her like I'm just so proud of you. Like I was just so happy that she you know, I'm just so proud and I felt like she really deserved it. And but I was just sorry that she had to be so emotionally drained the past two years, but I feel like it kind of makes it worth it because she got to be there, you know, it was all the training and all the hard work. I don't you know, I know that she was sad and I know that she would call me and it would be hard to watch but I know that you would watch every game and she would support them and of course ashes there so she's very supportive of all the girls and she's really tight with all of them and she never felt disconnected from the relationships. I just feel like it was challenging to sort of see everyone doing it without an explanation about why you're not there. So I was sort of internalizing those feelings for her when I was there but to have them win and just felt like it made it all worth it. You know, it made it. I'm just so that's why I feel like she felt it was the most powerful one for her because she had tried so are just worked so hard Get back. I was trying to earlier pull up another tweet. I know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so I did not see I have not seen the 2011 pictures where your sobbing and apparently it's an excuse me, but I did see when they want. There's like a video you took and I mean aliens the game with the ball. I know you and I think you're starting to cry. I believe in your video. You're like going to be like going out. For me, it's like you can just see that love for her and that's and again it's like a fairy, you know, fairy tale ending she and ends with the ball at her feet as the final whistle blows. I mean, it's just usually yeah, it was nice. She said that she said I asked her afterwards. I was like, okay because that is an extra time. So I'm like, we're all sort of getting ready because it's two nothing right. So we sort of know these sort of have a feeling that they're not going to come back. You know, I mean, I have no idea what time you just never know. So I was really anxious and it was getting close and I had set my timer just because I was like, oh my God, it's like six minutes. I think it was six seven minutes left or something and so is that six minutes? I'm just like go on like you have the ball like just take a little score. Like I don't know it's just so it just felt very good. And I was just recording because I was like if this is it, like I just wanted to be able to have it, you know, so it was and she's so far away that I didn't want I couldn't really recorder of just be like a green Yeah, but it was yeah, it was really moving and that's what I that's something me and like it just felt was so happy for her because it just felt very poetic to have her have the ball at the end and to be able to play so well and to be able to go in for Kelly because Kelly got injured and to have them share this time to be able to share a connection that they have because they both share the same spot. And yeah, it's just you know Jill I think said to her Ali said Joe said to her, you know, this is why you're here, you know, this is why you're here to go in the field. I need you the most and to capitalize and to not like save the day but it felt like we need you now, you know like this is you are such an important part of this team and go bring it home, you know, so it felt really good to know that Jill said that to Ali and that she was very grateful to have her there because she could sort of come in and it would be like nothing was you know, that there wouldn't be any difference between her and Kelly or that the game changers as they call themselves. Could I mean I feel like the The bench is so deep that honestly anybody can you know, if you liked Adventure so good like the whole like one time one game I was like they were plans like Thailand and like Carly and Kristin were going on and it was like 11 nothing or something and I'm like imagine being down and then Carli Lloyd and Christen press or coming on the field like that's devastating. Yeah anyway, so it's nice to know that Jill is appreciative of having a lie there and especially that she can go in when in a time of need and when Kelly just unfortunately got injured. Yeah, it's just so yeah, I just felt very poetic to have her at the ball if she's on the team to think we'll see you may be in Japan for the Olympics. Yeah. I mean I yeah, I would love to go. I've actually never been to Japan. So I would love to go that would be amazing. I've never been to that part of the world actually. So I think she's going to try to go for it. I know that she is very excited the idea. I think they're going to play through like the what's the tour Victory and Victory? They're going to play that and then I guess they'll potentially make the roster and or like to start revving up in January. Yeah, I would love to see her go again. That would be great. I think that'd be a nice way for her to just like wrap it up for me. Like I'm like girl. Can we just wrap this like, it's too much dress. Like I think she'll play for as long as they'll have her, you know, like she loves it so much and she does such a great job, but for me, my anxiety can only take so much. It's almost that. I don't even really want want to go or watch because it just stresses me out, but I do because I have to but it's worth it in the end when they win do we see you as the maybe ESPN sportscaster? It's like and thank God for Heather O'Reilly sat there and like kind of shut down that one guy on I don't even know his name but talking about I just think it was a little bit too much. You could just pull back like no, I mean, I'm from Full like I fully believe in the idea that it is more respectful to the team that you're playing to play and to celebrate as if like, they are any other team and that yes, the score is not desirable for them earlier undesirable score, but I feel like I wouldn't want a team to like lighten up. Or pull back or anything. Like I would want them to play like this is the biggest stage in the world. And this is the team who's going to win. I mean, I don't know that now but it's just such an incredible honor to be there and I feel like it takes away honor If you're sort of like, let's just lighten up for you guys. I think something Heather also said was I mean, these girls have worked their entire life. Yeah this moment and they score a goal. Like, how could you not I am this is what you have put in all the extra hours you yeah tank your I for this and to tell someone you can't celebrate but yet I've worked you know 20 plus years for this. I mean, it's just crazy. Another big thing that came out of the World Cup was the pay discrepancy and we were looking at the stats beforehand looking at V the difference in viewership from the men's and the Women's World Cup. I mean worst kind of your stance. I mean, I'm guessing you're supporting your sister and making sure she's paid rightfully. So what did you think at all about that kind of came from that and also I know there's a lawsuit going Going on, you know with the women's team. I think I know that so yes, of course, I believe that they should be paid equally especially if they're winning a much more than the men aren't and it's a shame and it's frustrating and it's all those obvious thing. It is to me. The biggest shame is that when people will sort of say to me, well the men bring in more money annually or the fifo the world the men's World Cup globally brings in more money this and that and I there's another part of that argument that I feel like, Emitted is the fact that we have supported men's sports for so long. Whereas if we would have supported women's sport in the same way that we supported men's sport in whatever the 60s 70s. I'm not even know the and given them the same amount of tension and given them the same amount of visibility and all of that then potentially it would be different right potentially. Now that these these teams would be at the same level. They would be like the same visible level like people will be watching them, but we don't know that because we've never really supported women's sports from the beginning like you supported man's so I think that's also part of the case to you know, like that is people were like, I know that they're fighting for equal pay because I feel like they were it was removed or it was kept from them since since the beginning. So I feel like that's a really big part of that. And so yeah, but of course, I feel like it's It is frustrating and I feel like it's just a you know, just the fact that hopefully we are moving away from that like this is a step in the right direction towards equal pay for women. I mean in like the numbers are like insanely different, you know, and sometimes people will argue viewership which you and I both know that United States the women's final was watched by more people than the men's and for u.s. Soccer alone. That should be very telling that you know, States want to support and watch and watch the team. Well, how do you feel about it? I mean, I think we kind of spoke about the fact that the men losing. Yeah can make more than the when the women went in a match. So if you take a single match and the u.s. Men lose but the US women when they both play Argentina, whatever mmm and the men can make more I mean that to me just is absurd. Yeah, and it doesn't mean just doesn't make sense. It's like what? I don't I don't understand the thought process behind it and something we also talked about is I think the US women Drive the game, you know, people are watching the women's game. I mean of course for other countries, but they want to watch the u.s. The best team whereas the men, you know, I love to watch France and I live to watch Brazil and you know, they kind of get the effect of other countries kind of driving that viewership. So it's kind of my two cents. I think the Deserve equal pay I think they will get it just because we're kind of at this time where it's just so blatantly obvious the discrepancies and it's just the fact that there's like really no reason why I mean, I just think we're at a great time and we've got some really powerful voices in those team and the women are using their voices for the right reason. So I'm really happy for them and what they've done and I'm hopeful that they will continue, you know having a brighter future. Yeah, me too. I think it will be I you know, I think the other teams are catching up though and I feel like we can lean on Fitness like we have been don't get me wrong. I think that we are a great team and I think we not going around. I think we need a lot of work to you know, just like and I feel like other teams are getting it's getting harder to to be to continue to win at the way that we win and I feel like that's great for the women's game. Like I don't necessarily want it to be us all the time. I mean, I know that's I mean, of course when my sister's plan I do like, you know, I want us to win, but it's only going to help the game. That is just going to get more challenging. Looked at the semi for the quarterfinals and think it was it was all European team. Oh, yeah and then us right and you've seen in these European countries. They're investing in women soccer. For example, Italy I mean their team came out of nowhere who since when has the Italian women's team ever been a force at the World Cup and it's because Italy said, okay, let's make a women's league. Let's put money into it and look what's happened. I mean, it's same with the Netherlands. Where are the Netherlands come from? I mean they In the World Cup final were years prior, they couldn't even get out of the round of 16. I mean, it just shows that countries and we're seeing it a lot in Europe who spend money on their leagues will see Improvement and rightfully. So as you know in the u.s. we've kind of had trouble with the women's leagues and we've got to put more money towards and I mean again everyone wants to come and play and the end of yourself because it's an amazing league, but I agree the the teams were catching up and so will be interesting to see where it goes from here. Am I agree to yeah, I hope that it gets just more and more challenging would be more interesting to watch more fun to watch and you just want support to continue to grow and to get opportunities for younger women and for or just young kids in general to have something to Aspire to and like be able to play all over the world if they want and it just because the idea that they can learn new cultures and stuff like when Ali played in Germany, you know, just like she was there for four or five years and she came back she just grew up there. I feel like she just came back a new person and to have other kids have the opportunity as well because he's Other leaks are strong. It's great. You know, yes play here too. But also the idea of going away and playing to is is great and you get to like meet other players that you're playing against in the world cup and just makes more of a community more of a family more, you know, you don't want sport to divide people you wanted to bring it everybody together, even though it sort of divides people because I feel like I like one, you know, it depends who played but yeah, well on that note Kyle, thank you so much for giving me part of your time a Conversation. Do you want to shout out any of your social media handles here? I mean, I always give the opportunity to you can do so if you would like or I can put it in the notes of the description, but you know, it's uh, I'm just at Kyle Krieger on everything or on Instagram and Twitter Twitter proceed with caution. But no, I mean now that the world comes over at home early. Yeah. We'll see ya anyway, but yeah kind of careers. Thank you so much. Yeah. Thank you so much. Hey guys, so I really hope you enjoyed that interview with Kyle. Like I said, he's a really interesting person. He was a great host and I loved getting to meet him and his dog Angus again. I think the relationship he has with his sister is really special and it's super unique and it's just really cool to talk to someone who is related to an Olympic World cup-winning athlete and just to learn the ins and outs of their relationship. And what I think would be really great is if I could make this podcast full circle and travel down to Orlando and meet Ali and kind of get the other half of this interview and see how her relationship with Kyle was growing up and just learn more about her soccer career. Anyways again, as always I really appreciate your support. And please please please hit that like and or subscribe button on whatever podcast platform you're listening on. We're on social media. Please give us a follow on Instagram @ TG Footballers podcast. We're on Twitter at TGIF pod, and we're on Facebook at the gay footballers podcast. If you have any questions comments, or want to get in touch, please feel free to reach out to me at TG footballers podcast at as always again. I thank you guys so much for your love and support this podcast would be nothing without you guys and I hope you have a good rest of your day. Cheers.
Hey guys! Thanks for joining me and The Gay Footballer's Podcast. If this is you first time to the podcast, welcome! If you are returning, I appreciate your commitment to the podcast. The goal of The Gay Footballer's Podcast is to spread the awareness of LGBTQ and ally representation in sports. With the main focus being on football, but also exploring other sports and personalities, each episode will consist of a 30 to 45 minute interview with an individual making an impact in their sporting discipline. Whether a current or former athlete, a member of an organizations front office, or even a sports journalist, each interview will help under cover the challenges, opportunities, and success LGBTQ individuals and allies face in their discipline within sports. For this weeks episode, Adam had the opportunity to chat with Kyle Krieger, brother to USWNT soccer player Ali Krieger. Many of you may know Kyle from his huge following on social media. Kyle became big from doing male grooming tutorial videos on Youtube and has expanded his creativity into the photography and videography space. In the interview, Adam learns about Kyle's love for soccer and his relationship with his sister growing up to today. They speak a lot about her accomplishments and what is like being a supporting brother to a World Cup Winner and Olympic Champion. Throughout the podcast, listeners will get to learn more about Kyle, his thoughts on the USWNT and have some laughs along the way! To follow Kyle Krieger follow the links below: Twitter: Instagram: @kylekrieger Facebook: Youtube: --- Support this podcast:
Hi everyone and welcome back to the real real podcast with me and Natalie barbu. Today's episode is a fun one because it's the first time I've ever interviewed two people at once. So I am interviewing Siena Mirabella and Emily Duong and they are the host of The Young and ambitious podcast. So if you guys are looking for another podcast to listen to than I highly recommend their podcast young and ambitious they talk about productivity being just kind of like a girl boss and it's aPodcast to listen to if you guys are feeling unmotivated and looking to get motivated. I feel like that is such a great one. And if you guys are coming from their podcast, welcome to the real real podcast. I'm so excited to have you guys here because I actually just did an episode on their podcast. So if you guys want to check that out and you guys can totally do that, too. I loved this podcast episode because I interviewed two girls that are very different but yet so motivating and so incredible so Emily is a business owner. She has her own figure skating dress company. So she started out on eBay and created her own. I guess clothing brand really for figure skating, which I think is so cool. She graduated from college. She's getting a sales job. So she's working in like a corporate 8 to 5 job, which I think is really really cool. And now she has this podcast see it has been on YouTube since she was 12 years old, which is crazy. So she Grew up on YouTube She's a super successful YouTube channel, and now she also has a Blog and a podcast as well. And now she's actually also going back to school and she studying environmental science. These girls are not ordinary. They are really really really cool and just honestly so inspiring I think so. I'm so excited to have them on and to be talking about our best like productivity and motivating tips for you guys because you guys know that I love these types of episode and of course before we the podcast I'm going to do a review of the week and I actually didn't do a review of the week last time because I was doing a solo podcast and it was just structured a little differently. But if you guys enjoy the solo podcast let me know because I had a lot of fun recording it. So I really want to know if you guys liked the solo episodes if you guys like the content let me know on Instagram or you guys can join the private Facebook page and then on the private Facebook page you guys can let me know if you guys want more Soul episodes and what you want them on. But yeah, I feel like that feedback over always positive. So if you guys More definitely. Let me know and then the reviewer of the week this week is from a Haynes 12 and she says listening to Natalie's podcast is so refreshing. It's so nice to see an influencer really diving into real-world issues and including others in her interviews, never boring episode and I always looking forward to her pod. Thank you Natalie. Thank you so much a Haynes 12 for writing that review. I think it's so sweet. And honestly, I love that you guys are enjoying the interview style because I know I just I said look, if you guys want more solo podcast, let me know but this podcast is never not going to be interview style. Like maybe a few episodes here and there will be so low, but overall I really do want the focus to be bringing on other people and sharing their stories because honestly you guys know a lot about me from my YouTube from my website from my Instagram like enough about me. I need a platform to share other people's stories. So I'm really excited that you guys like that and let's jump into this episode. I ramble too much. I know that I've listened to your feedback I've made shorter. Was so let's just get into the podcast and I'll stop talking. about Hi Sienna, and Emily. Thank you so much for coming on my podcast. Hi. Thanks for having us. We're so excited. This is my first time doing one with more than one other person. So well, yeah, I normally just move you one other person. So this is my first time interviewing two people at once nice. So we're just going to start off with setting the record straight. So this is where I address any stereotypes and assumptions and you guys tell me if there True or false sounds good. The first one is coming up with podcast ideas is easy. Well, I'm going to focus on that. Okay, I kind of think I'm kind of in the middle. So I'm going to be a little more towards true. Okay go off. Yeah. Why do you think they're hard or easy? I guess both of you. Okay for me. I think they're I don't think they're that hard. I think it's false because you always want to make sure you're putting out new and fresh content. You don't want to be repetitive and like you don't want to obviously like copy someone else. So I feel like there's a lot of brainstorming that goes into it and I feel like that's the longest part. Of podcasting for me is trying to like figure out the episodes and write the outlines and that's my favorite part. So I don't know. Yeah. Yeah only I say it's it's so when I said true that means it's not hard right? I feel like it's not just because I like podcasting a lot. I think that's kind of my area of expertise. And then also when it comes to topics, I think there's just so much like to talk about and I think I also like depends on the specific. Person so if like there's a specific topic that you want to talk about I want to talk about I feel like it like you can speak on your personal experience in so many different levels. So to me, that's why it's kind of easy because it can come from a personal experience that no one else can like repeat if I make sense as far as maybe I changed my mind. That was good. No, that's actually really good. Especially with you guys having two people. I feel like you have to totally separate life experiences. So you can pull from each of those. Definitely. Yeah. And starting a bit podcast is similar to starting a business. I'm going to go true on that. Yeah, I hundred percent. Sure. I'd say yes. Yeah. No, I completely agree. I feel like it's this I mean maybe a different type of business differently definitely but it definitely still is like running your own business. Oh, especially yeah, especially once it starts growing and stuff. I feel like you still have to deal with advertisers. It's a post frequently editing producing it. I mean if you book people like if you have interviews or something, it's a schedule that No, I definitely think yeah, I think everything in this kind of creative field that we do basically is a business because you're putting together all the logistics. You're also, you know starring in it. You're editing it. I feel like the whole creative industry is very business model like so completely. Yeah and I just think in general when it comes to brainstorming the podcast itself and the preparation of getting it to launch and everything like Sienna and I really split the the work in the beginning when we were I mean we still do now but especially the beginning when I was doing all the logistics of finding the distributor and like the channels and all that stuff and I feel like it just takes a few months to prep if you want to like make sure you kind of launched a specific time. So just like a business it kind of goes by season. There's usually a better season to launch a depending on what kind of business it is. No totally and starting something with your friend can be difficult. I'm gonna go false on that ice, I think because you and I are so like-minded. That it's super it's super easy for us. But I think in a way it could be true depending on the person that you're starting a business with but I think if you find someone that's on your level and like works the same way as you it can be completely easy because free of me, it's it works perfectly. Yeah, I will say I think this is true just because in most circumstances I don't usually do most like a project or a business with a friend necessarily I think for me and my personality just and in general for a business to be successful. I I think that people have to be understanding of not to mix personal life with like the professional aspect of it. And I think we do a really good job of that just because especially when we started this I was still in college. I was finishing up my senior year and so a lot of my personal life was kind of there and then like this was just like we do podcast when you put creative work together, so I think we were able to keep it separate but if I were to say like just your true average like best girlfriends did it I think it can be difficult and sometimes could Your friendship depending on where it goes. So I think it does really depend on personality traits. No completely. I think that having a friend that can keep it professional when it needs to be professional is probably the most important thing because yeah, I have seen friendships that have been ruined by going into business together. So that's always something I've feared I guess. I mean, I've never started a business with a friend. But if I did that's something I would fear but I think it all depends on the person honey. Please don't definitely agree with that. I'm going to take a quick break to tell you guys about our sponsor you guys all know what Spotify is but on Spotify you can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcast in one place for free. So you do not need to have a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one that you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and you can also Lee share what you're listening to with your friends on Instagram, so if you're listening to this ad right now, you should take a pause and share your podcast or share my podcast. I should say on your Instagram story and let other people know where to find it. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for the real real podcast on Spotify over as podcasts in your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me. So you never miss an episode of the real real podcast. And the podcasting industry is very similar to the YouTube industry. I guess this is more for Sienna. Let me think about this. I honestly think true on this because it's the same format of you know, creating and brainstorming content editing it uploading it and advertisers are kind of the same deal. So I feel like it's very similar in a way but I mean there's obvious differences, but I think it's if you do YouTube you catch on a podcast really easily because it's kind of meshes I think. Yeah, I totally agree it which one do you like better YouTube or podcasting? Oh my okay. So I love creativity and like no cinematography. So that's where that's where YouTube comes into my favorite, but I also love podcasting because I love looking ugly and like recording and just having fating what's right so but I might go YouTube pick. Yeah, you know, I was thinking you're definitely very fitting for YouTube. I mean, you know this. Yeah, I do YouTube little yet what I call for shits and giggles Giggles I've been saying this for so long like I just Vlog for fun, but I could never see myself just doing all that because I think speaking and like I said podcasting as your my expertise. Yeah. Sure. Fantastic. I'm more of like a creativity. Yeah. Yes. I know what you mean. Yeah. Well, that's why the podcast works for you guys because you guys have different strengths which is good. You can play off of each other. How about you? Which one do you like better? I think podcasting right now is more new so A little more fun for me because I've been doing YouTube for so many years. So right now podcasting it's like an exciting new thing and yeah YouTube can get lonely. So I like that in my style podcast. I interview someone else so like you guys have each other so that's nice. It's not like a lonely thing. Yeah, and you can bring on other people. But so I think I've enjoyed podcasting more this season, but after I start getting more used to it and stuff, I'm not sure because I still love you too. To buy like really really really love it. But right now I think podcasting is just newer it's fun and new. I love it. Yeah, so now tell us a little bit about yourselves like what you're meant to school what you studied where you're from what you guys do. Just give the audience a little bit about you. Okay, cool. So, I'll kick it off. I guess. My name is Emily Duong. I just graduated from Chapman University in May of 2019. I studied. Asian and business and I really had or I really chose those Majors because it not only do I feel like it was really aligned with my interest but I had a business background since high school. I grew up as a competitive figure skater and from that I decided I wanted to design my own dresses and later on turned it into my own business starting on eBay and then later on building my own e-commerce website and then now having store Partners throughout the u.s. So that's kind of where I'm at in terms of my career. Here after I graduated I decided to really hone down and focus on scaling my business Elite skate where and then of course doing this podcast, which I thoroughly enjoy and I'm planning to definitely give a 2/5 a try just because I think it's a really worthy experience to have after graduating and and with my degree, so I'm highly interested in going into sales which I am officially going into I recently got a job offer. So amazing, so that's it. Adding so I definitely have a very entrepreneurial personality. I've always loved being in business and just being able to utilize that aspect of myself. So that's kind of where I'm at. Nice. You have the best pitch for yourself. I'm always like damn I got to like step it up. But basically I'm Sienna Marabella I am my claim to fame is YouTube. I started that when I was I want to say 12. I was an inexperienced ugly little child little tween and I have so young. I can't believe you were just well. Hello Venus was like oh, yeah, I can definitely do this. I know nothing about it, but it kind of took off from there. And that was my kind of segue into creative into the creative field which made me realize that I definitely don't want to work for someone which is why I love that. We started me and Emily started this podcast. I recently launched a Blog and but I am going to go actually back to school. I didn't go to college fresh out of high school, but I did enroll now, so I'm going to get my invite. Mental science degree, which amazing? I'm so excited for that. Yeah. No, that's so cool. What made you want to do environmental science because it's so different from YouTube, you know, so and so actually I have so many varied interests and I originally wanted to do criminal law or criminal justice because I wanted to be an FBI agent then I thought okay realistically, I love the creative field that might not be the move. So I love science. So I thought you know. Iron, mental science is a good Universal background or background degree to have because it's so important in today's day with you know, climate change and all of that stuff. So I thought that that would be a good backup degree to have and I would also be really interested in working in that field. Should I not be doing YouTube anymore if you know what I mean? Yeah, that's so smart. That's also really cool that I mean environmental science. Also, I feel like is only Rising right now and yeah in terms of like the job market and I guess awareness of it, too. Like nowadays more people know exactly what it is and I guarantee there's probably so many jobs opening. All right. Yeah. So how did you two meet you go because I reached out to me. Okay, so just like to kind of like set the tone of like the story. I'm really the type of person that is not afraid to like reach out to people as Sienna really knows like I'd say a great example is on the type of person like if I see a guy I'm interested in at the bar. I'll go up and like speak to him, right? So I kind of same thing when like I was going through a phase in college and I was trying to get out of my comfort zone and not just have my classic College friends sorority friends things like that. And I think I was following you for a bit and I was like and I started to see a lot of like like-mindedness like the books that we read and just like you love being an OC to so I decided to reach out saying hey, let's grab coffee. I kind of want to like, you know, I feel like pick your brain. Yeah. This is our between. Yeah, and so it was actually just about a year ago. Literally it was like last copper worry. Yeah, and we decide to meet up for coffee and we just chat and it was a really funny because CN I just came back from Portland. Yeah from your solo trip at the time and I was leaving for Portland on my first solo trip that same week. Yeah, and so it was kind of like ironic timing but we basically just kind of met through Instagram. I reached out and said hey like I'd love to chat. Like I feel like we have a lot in common. Let's meet up and that's kind of where it started. Yeah, and I'm normally not the type of person to like respond to that because I'm always is like oh like is this like a creepy thing? Yeah, and I don't know but then I checked out your Instagram and I was like this bitch looks so on my vibe like my mindset. So I'm so glad that I like connected with her and then I think like two months after our friendship early yell at start a podcast. Yeah because we're super like-minded. Yeah. It was pretty cool. And I think to be honest, I don't think you respond to my first message. I had not I don't think I actually commented on your post like and I was like, hey I sent you a damn and you're like, oh send it again. So it was really funny. Sometimes you gotta what's it? Like for sure. Yeah, go after I feel like that's a very common. Yes Light Beam under my personality. Like I don't have anything Thats So Cool wait, so you guys had only known each other two months before starting the podcast. Yeah based. Yeah from like lasso like two three months. Yeah. I didn't like January like, you know, we're like minded. Let's start a podcast. Yeah. That is so cool. And I love how you just reached out and DM her because I feel like so many people are too scared to do that because they think I go there's not going to respond but I mean That's the worst that can happen is that they don't respond like yeah, there's pleasure I would be outside like yeah, don't get a response like I owe a long as the type to like shoot my shot. Anyways. Yeah, I get no response in whatever so and I think like to a big important understanding of that is just like where the intention is like for me. I was at a point in life where I was really just trying to expand my network and just like I've really live by the quote you sir, you are the average of The Five People You surround yourself with most so I was really just trying to improve that core. I have in a sense and like I've always talked about I'm always just very adamant about just adding people with similar values similar viewpoints and similar life visions. And so that's kind of where I was going about it when I reached out to Siena nice love it. No, that's awesome. Especially because I do feel like our age like in our early 20s. A lot of our friends are still either from high school or they're so from college and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Like I still have so many friends from high school and college, but sometimes you're just friends with them out of convenience. And you don't you realize that you don't have much in common anymore. So I feel like now's the stage where we're kind of all having not identity crisis, but just like, okay, who are we who do we want to be? What's what can we change in our lives? And I think that's like such a good thing to recognize. Yeah, I couldn't agree more with that same and now I have a question for Emily. So how old were you when you started your business? I think it's so cool what you do and how you found a market for that. So how old were you You first started. Yeah. Yeah, thank you. I was 16. I think maybe turning 17 at that point. And yeah, like I mentioned earlier I just always kind of had a like a Keen Eye For Business and Entrepreneurship and I think at the time when I started to realize people really like my designs like I wore my own designs at my competitions and people would ask me. Oh, where'd you get it and I always never really knew what to say to just tell them like I did it myself, you know what I mean? Because it looked it. Looked to you know, I mean it wasn't like handmade. I mean I had like a manufacture do it but like I can't put the vision together and so once I started to see a common theme of Interest that's when I told my mom like hey, you know, I think I want to try to like put a few designs together and like make an eBay store out of it. And then later on I just kept expanding and that's where it is today. That's the definition of girlboss. Literally that's awful. And what was it like running that along with being a student I guess. Raven in high school at the time you started it so high school to college and now this podcast like how is it balancing at all? Yeah, honestly, I think having a business during from such a young age has allowed me to really understand time management. I think especially in high school. I kept it definitely quiet from my friends and just from people. I know I mean my some of my teachers knew but it was something that I really manage on my own time. I mean after school in the evening that kind of thing. NG and then as I went into college it at first I will admit like my freshman year. I kind of got caught up in the college experience I'd say but later on sophomore and junior year was when I started to build my own website and really like expanded to real e-commerce and I think I just really learned how to balance school and the business because I saw it as a really good opportunity for myself to to like really just set myself up for Just kind of selection after graduation in terms of do I want to do this business full-time or do I want to do something else part-time and my business full time that kind of thing. So I think I just really made my own time for it and I did sacrifice a little bit of you know, the social life or maybe a little bit of those like Friday nights out. Whereas I was staying home brainstorming or putting new designs together things like that. So it is a sacrifice but aside from that I think the overall theme is just time management. No, yeah, I completely agree. I feel like also since you started so young it kind of grew up with you like you didn't know any differently, you know, because you were so young when you started so I think that's actually really cool kind of work to your advantage. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And I think just to add on to that. I think the big thing I always advise to younger girls to is to definitely try to like work on whatever project is that they have interest in at a younger age, especially in college because I consider that like the free time where you don't To worry about getting a full time job yet and I think you just have so much time in college to test the waters with a business idea or with whatever it is that they want to do so that by the time they graduate they have a better opportunity to pick versus like the other way around like the job picking them about make sense. I completely agree with you and also you have resources at school like at a university which can help you a lot exactly and for Sienna. So how you been on YouTube for years now since You were 12. So what have you noticed? The biggest shift has been since you started from when you were 12 years old to now on YouTube. Okay. So how old am I now 22 almost home going to be 121. I'm like no like I feel like but I feel like gift from YouTube like you have to be able to adapt to the changes because YouTube is constantly there's new things that are trending. So I think that in order to stay afloat, you need to be able to adapt or die. As they say and so I just started when I was 12 like it with a passion for just film and stuff. And I think it's allowed me to kind of delve deeper into the film aspect of it, which is something that I'm so in love with so like I found out about editing and like I just was able to learn so much throughout that career and I think it gives you so many different opportunity paths like the podcast you could start a store and I just think that YouTube is like the perfect career for me. I Of it so much. No, I agree with you. I love you, too, but I love the platform that gives and just interacting with an audience and back living YouTube. Yeah, YouTube is constantly changing social media in general is constantly changing. So that's one thing you have to adapt always because if not, you're just going to fall behind. Exactly and you also have a Blog and now a podcast. So are you always looking I guess to expand your brand or is that intentional or is it just you want to start something? So you kind of just start it? Do you think about like your personal brand? I always am looking for ways to expand my brand because I think that the biggest thing that you should do if you're in the creative field is diversify. So I want to expand my brand of different platforms and I've always loved writing. So that's why I went for the blog and podcast as for the podcast. I love sharing like self-help and wellness tips. So I thought that that was another way to kind of give out more information to people and give different sides because you duke. Obviously be very like one subject and so having multiple platforms gives me opportunities to share more of my opinions on a spectrum of things if you know what I mean? Yeah, no completely and also I think it's important that you mention how you like writing. So he started a Blog you like sharing advice and tips. I started a podcast. I feel like it's important to find the platform that works for you like some people just want to diversify and they go into literally everything that there is out there, but they're not doing them well because they don't even enjoy Yeah, so I think that's like really important for people's expanding is so smart, but only do it if you actually enjoy what you're expanding into. Yeah, I always believe in having a Passion or a wife or something because on the days that you're you know lazy or you just don't feel like doing anything you're not going to be motivated to continue to push through because you don't have that passion for it since you're just doing it for maybe like money or just you want to diversify for the sake of diversifying. So I think that having a Passion behind it is the Were one thing. Yeah, I completely agree. And essentially you guys did go into a business together. Like you said podcasting is a business. So is this something that you guys have always wanted to do like both of you individually wanting to start a podcast or it just kind of happened when you met each other I think both of us have had the idea of a podcast for so long and for me, I'm a heavy procrastinator. So if it weren't for Emily coming to me and being like yo, let's do a podcast. Wouldn't have held myself accountable. So I feel like we came together at the perfect time for that. Hmm, and I will say to I honestly talked about like in my own head. I wrote it down. I think since like end of 2017. I wanted to do a podcast for a long time mainly because like I said earlier I think speaking is kind of like a field. I want to go into like being a good keynote speaker and and that kind of thing and podcasting is is very aligned to that. So to me, I always wanted to it was just about Out finding the right time and I guess right opportunity to which I guess and door opens. Yeah, so it worked out he will ya know that worked out perfectly for you guys. And when did you guys get the idea to start young and ambitious? Like how did you guys hang out one day just talk about it and start or I guess because Emily did you roll it more into motion or how is like that initial beginning? Yeah. I felt like this was I'm not gonna lie. It was at Urth Cafe in Laguna when yeah, that's what I'm talking about. So I remember just sitting there and like I had in the back of my mind for a long time and I remember discover we were eating and I just popped idea to see and I was like Hey, like do you ever think about doing a podcast? And I think that's when we kind of started to really talk about it and I told her you know, how we both come from a different angle. I'd say from our point of perspective but like, you know, we both have a very I'd say like just we've done a lot on our own terms of her experience with Dave and YouTube and for me and business and I found that we were a good Niche and a good match to work together. And so I kind of threw it out there it was over lunch. And then from there it kind of we're heavy planners. So as soon as we have that lunch we put in our Google Calendar as we like scheduled weekly meetings. And so we're very organized. So as soon as the idea came to you know the table at Earth we decided to just throw together a weekly meetings and I think it took us about a month before we launched. It was it a month ago. We launched it enables. So I mean couple months. Yeah, it took us a month to kind of get the whole idea down on paper and really like the name and the whole team of it. But I think we definitely did pre-record a few episodes prior to launching. So we just we had the idea of when we're launching within a month. Yeah. Yeah. I love asking people like when did that idea spark? Like do you remember the exact moment? So I think that's really cool. And how did you guys come up with the name? Well, we actually sat on that for so long because we wanted something pertaining to like a girl boss, but that's a bit overdone. So we just thought I think it was funny. I think what happened was I was describing the type of girl that would be listening and I was like, you know, like they're going to be young and ambitious and then something like weight and then like, yeah, I was like two seconds later. I was like, wait, what do you think about young and ambitious? Is that too overdone and we liked yeah, and so we kind of played around with it and kind of like toyed with the name and caught Outside perspective and I think we just ended up it just if it uh, so yeah, I love the name of it. And I love your cover art to so clean font is great. Thank you have font. So like that was a big thing. What are the challenges that you guys have for going into a podcast together? Have you experienced any difficulties or challenges? I feel like if any challenges come about I think it's just about least for two people. I think sometimes it can be about timing being able to really coordinate with both of our busy schedules. And so I mean, especially at the time when we started I was still finishing up my last semester of college. So teen Friday and I was 118 credits. So I'm again that time management was always something I was really and I am really good at so I think that worked out but just I think of anything the challenging part of starting a podcast can be Speed just getting your foot in the door and really just like going out at it because I think an easy like I think had we not both push ourselves to just really be like we stuck to that date April date. We're like, okay, it's happening and we almost didn't I was like no we're doing now we have to just let's push through. Yeah, so I think sometimes like it's just when you have your eye on the ball, but then you've lose sight of it. I think that can be the challenge but I think coming back to your vision is to kind of overcome that obstacle. Yeah, and I think the communication is is the biggest thing and working with someone else because we're very both of us are really blunt. So we're able to tell each other. Yeah. Oh I hate that idea or this is brilliant. And so I feel like we work well together and I think the big thing you need to have with a partner in this kind of a field is communication and having you know, Emily is my podcast co-host is accountability. And so we stick to deadlines because you know, we have someone else waiting like I have Emily on like waiting on this state to do this. So like you can't slip behind so I think To really I mean, I don't think that's a challenge. I think that's a benefit but it's just you hold me very accountable and I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I know. I feel like I was just thinking in my head like all of these things are challenges, but they can also be benefits to because then you have that person to motivate you you have that person to keep you accountable so it can be hard at first but in the long run, I think it's actually like really beneficial. Yeah, definitely and what are tips that you have for being productive and juggling multiple responsibilities because I feel like both of you guys do that. So well, thank you. Oh my God, I'm flattered. Okay, my biggest thing is time blocking and your Google calendar because without that I would die. But basically what I like to do is at the beginning or no Fridays, I like to just take my top priority. So I have like my my work and just all of my top five priorities I think and I plug them into my calendar right away and then within you can see within your calendar when you have that white free space and that And I put in like extra projects. I want to work on errands. And so I think that time management is really about just having a good system. And if you treat every thing in your Google calendar like an appointment, you're going to be a lot better prepared to you know, stick to the ball. Yeah. No, I'm not super good. I think for me when it comes to maintaining productivity and just being able to keep it consistent each day. I have just really hone down on consistency. So for Example I always feel extra productive when I do fit a workout and and I do prioritize that in the morning. So I consistently it's just like going to class like it's consistent, you know, you have class on Monday Wednesday Friday. So you just go you don't think about it anymore. And so for me, I have trained my way of thinking and my approach to really not have to think about doing things that are a priority and so that's how I've maintained productivity over time with my top priorities. And then also just the general day whether it's work or whether I'm like Going to a store for like my business work things like that. I think that's just consistency for me. It's like the biggest theme. Yeah, I could not agree more with both of you because I am one of those people that I have a morning routine. I have to stick to it. That's like my only constant throughout the day. So working out is a consistency for me. And if I don't it's kind of like my whole day is a little thrown off. So I yeah, no I completely agree with that. But like I use my Google Calendar like for everything I using it for getting ready in the morning like the night before I'll plan out my entire day and yet you treat each time as an appointment, which I think is so important and my actually last week's episode for me for my podcast. I did a solo episode and it was talking about productivity and like my biggest tip is just creating a system where it is in your calendar, like whether it's on paper, whether it's Google Calendar or whatever it is. You just need a system to like write everything down to because that can also keep you accountable and I listen to that episode and I loved it. I listen to it I think yesterday. I say yeah. Oh, thanks for activities. I'm like hell yeah, she did a solo episode about productivity on there. Yes. Thank you. Yeah, that's like my biggest tip is for everyone needs Google Calendar and what are some tips that you guys have for someone who wants to start a podcast? So let's say they don't necessarily have I guess a YouTube channel already and they just want their podcasting the main platform. What tips do you guys have I would say that you really really want it in like you want it in find your what is the word Niche Niche? I can't even pronounce that but you want I never know how to pronounce that I can never pronounce it but you want to find what you're passionate about that. You can see yourself talking about in the long term like because I think that you don't go into a project thinking um do this for six months. It's a long-term thing. So you have to know what you're passionate about and along with that is the only real thing that you need. That's a quality investment is a Your phone so I think it's not too expensive for people to get started. But I think that the quality is one of the most important things if you want to set yourself apart, so getting that microphone is like top first thing I recommend I think for for me from my perspective, I think it's really important to to try to build an audience outside of the podcast already. So whatever Niche it is that you do have try to be so like even if it's not YouTube I obviously didn't I have a YouTube platform, but But like my Instagram platform and other like my blog as well, I've always talked about business and I've always talked about mindset and essentially self-help. So that was already a common theme in what I what people already knew me for and so when it came to the podcast like that already resonated in a line with them, so I think that's huge to have a topic that people can resonate with you and see you as already and and also just something that's valuable and not just what everyone is talking about. I think everyone has Their own personal experience like I spoke about earlier that they can bring to the table that no one can repeat or talk about. So even for me just how my business it was about figure skating and designing and have did it since high school. I think that was a different experience that I want to utilize to help younger girls not sell their self like sell themselves short in trying to do something like that for themselves. I also think going along with that though building your brand is good. So if you want to start a podcast like you said you didn't have a YouTube. But you had the Instagram and the blog. I think that just getting yourself out there on social media so that people can find you kind of on any platform is a really good way to like kind of yeah boost your podcast and help it go farther. Oh a hundred percent. I think that's huge. I think having an Instagram having a Twitter whatever it is that works for you. You don't you might not need to have them all but just having something else to diversify into also cross-promote because if someone wants you on Instagram, then they can find your podcast. If someone finds your podcast and they can find your Instagram, so I definitely think that that's a huge thing and also podcasting. I don't know about you guys, but for me, I don't understand really like that algorithm behind it. Like I don't I don't yeah. I'm I do not know how people find new podcast besides word-of-mouth on like other platforms same I only get my podcast recommendations from Emily and like other people that I see because I have no idea how to search for podcast. So yeah, it's hard. I feel like that's one thing. That Apple podcast or Spotify should do better at it's like yeah moaning suggested ones because I know that each show has like suggested or similar podcast, but it's very few. Like there's not a lot of them. So I feel like it should kind of become more like a YouTube where you get recommended Lee episodes or things like that. I feel like that's one thing and the next few years. They should work on yeah, you should send a letter to Apple podcast because that sounds good. I should yeah. You should let them know get a contact. Apple yeah, because it's hard to find other podcasts. Like I feel like if I didn't have my social media platforms and be hard to get the word out for exactly. Yeah, and that's not to discourage anyone from starting a podcast. I know it sounds like it but it's just to encourage you to cross-promote cross-promote is the best thing you could do. Yeah, and what are both of you are best pieces of advice ever given does not have to be about business or podcasting just in life. I always like asking my guess this question. This piece. Okay, I gotta think about this. Um, I feel like my general biggest advice to anyone especially Our Generation and the younger females I'd say if there's something you want in life just go after it and like go after it with conviction. I feel like that's a big theme I've always done honestly even with people as well. Like I said earlier, that's how I met Siena. I reached out to her and I took initiative and I think the narrative Or females as we're growing into the new year and as the culture and Society is changing. I think females are being more empowered to go after what they want and be the CEO of the company and Etc. So that's for me a it's a great position to be in as well. And I think it's great to continue to utilize that platform and to continue to build on it and whatever it is that you want in life, whether it's even if it's a guy even if it's like meeting a new friend or whatever it is. Just go after it and don't Take no for an answer because that's how a lot of my opportunities came about. I didn't wait for the opportunity. I created it myself. So that is minus NC. I want to go along with that and I think that my biggest thing is it sounds pretty annoying but be selfish in life because you're only here for one Lifetime and if you're doing things to make other people happy, you're just going to drain your own energy. And so I think saying yes to more opportunities that maybe scare you or like risks that you think might turn out bad like just go for any other. Opportunity you can that will you know benefit you you always create memories. So I'm always a big believer in like saying yes to things and like that was all over the fucking map. But like I don't know what I was going for with that but I guess that's what I went know. I love both of those those are so true because I mean I am a huge believer in making the opportunities that you want creating and going after them and also it is when it comes down to it it is being a little selfish because you might not have time for other people as much. CH, you might be focusing more on yourself, then you would putting energy into something else, you know, so I definitely think that being selfish and just going after what you want is definitely a good advice especially for girls in their 20s or in their late teens or teens, you know, just be making that opportunity for yourself and making it happen and just to quickly add on to that too. I think just like you mentioned like being selfish about it the way I see it too is I don't want to look back five or 10 years from now and With regret and wish I had, you know, Donna are put more, you know effort into it. So I think that's something I lived with for a lot of my like looking back now. I knew I could have tried harder in my figure skating career. I could have been competing for Team USA internationally and I knew that I gave that up because I definitely didn't sacrifice as much as my competitors did and so now where I am at now in terms of business and where I'm setting myself up for five years from now, that's kind of how I look at it and I take a lot from Gary. Banner truck for example, he talks a lot about just not looking back with regret because for example, I don't necessarily like I could take a risk and just go full in all my business or I mean I already am but for example does not take on like a full-time job yet and what he says about that which I agree with is, you know, my degree is always there like if shit hits the fan as they say like then I can always have my degree to fall back on so that I would never lose that so I think that's something I take to heart as well as when I'm 30. I don't want to look back. Be like, wow. I wish I tried harder when I was 22 23 24. And so I think that's a big thing I live with as well. Yeah. I love that. I feel like so many times. It's just getting over the mindset hump like getting over. Oh, no, I'm too scared. I don't have enough skill to do this. I'm scared of what other people are going to think of me other people are going to make fun of me or I don't know if I'll succeed in this, you know, I feel like that mindset block is honestly the biggest thing some time as yeah, I think You have to just live by fear if it scares you I think it would yeah completely. I love that advice. Well, thank you guys both so much for being on my podcast. I have loved this conversation. I feel like it was so motivating and you guys both have a podcast together obviously. So anything you guys want to plug your shoutout? Okay. So let me do me first. We have a lot of social medias. Okay. So for like I had to go find me on Instagram at Siena. Our Mirabella and then YouTube you just pop in Siena Marabella and you'll you'll find it. But that's me. Yeah, and for me, I'm just on Instagram at Emily heed Wang dong is spelled EU Ong and then our young and ambitious podcast. That's the podcast and then our Instagram is just at Young dot ambitious dot podcast, which is also official. It's in our bios as well. Yeah, it's good our personal accounts. You'll find it somewhere amazing. I'm also going to have everything in the show notes. So you guys can just easily. Click on it and go there, but thank you it Sienna and Emily so much for being on the podcast. It's been so much fun having you. Thank you so much for having us come chatting with you. And also I have an episode on your podcast. I forgot to mention that so I know you're listening. How is go listen to our episode that is it for the podcast. Let me know if you guys enjoyed this episode. I had so much fun recording it Sienna and Emily are two amazing girls and you guys need to listen to the young and ambitious podcast you Can find it on Apple podcast Spotify wherever and also be sure to tell me if you guys came from there. So whether you're doing the private Facebook page the Instagram anything of the real real podcast and let me know if you guys came from their episode. But yeah, if you guys are listening to this episode on Monday my episode is going up on Tuesday on The Young and ambitious podcast. So be sure to listen to that tomorrow if you guys are listening to this Monday if you guys are listening to those past Monday, then you're good. Just search it. Thank you guys again so much for listening. Ting be sure to follow them and all of that stuff and I can't wait until next week with another episode of the real real podcast.
In today's episode of The Real Reel Podcast, I interview Siena Mirabella and Emily Duong from the Young and Ambitious podcast. They are two best friends who went into business together by starting a podcast. Each motivating and inspiring in their own right, this episode is filled with motivating tips on how to start a podcast, a business, and be successful along the way. Siena is a YouTube with over 1 million subscribers and has been on the platform since she was 12 years old. She also has expanded into her own blog and the podcast. Emily is a recent college grad and business owner. She started her business of create figure skating dresses in high school and now has expanded to a podcast. Listen to hear how these girl bosses manage it all and how they succeed at everything. Natalie's IG: @nataliebarbu IG: @therealreelpodcast Join the private Facebook Group Show Notes: Become a supporter: --- Support this podcast:
John Quincy Adams days. If your actions Inspire others to dream more learn more do more and become more Your Leader. This is episode 6 with special guests yemi talking Sonia and were talking about leadership development in challenges business owners face. Hi friends, welcome to my podcast. Let's talk about it. My name is Akashi. I can seye party planner event designer business coach author and founder of Kesh events, and I am your host each week. I'm going to bring you conversations about life business events lifestyle weddings and everything in between. Thank you for joining me for today's episode. Let's Dive In This episode is sponsored by anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. It is free and an amazing and easy creation tool that allows you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or your computer and could also help you distribute your podcast through Outlets like Spotify Apple podcast and many more. It is everything. You need to make a podcast all in one place download the free anchor app, or Oh to Anchor that afem to get started. I'm so excited to share my interview with our special guest yummy acting Sonya yummy is a global leader strategic thinker and passionate speaker with over 11 years of experience in the financial Market sector yummy has spent over 10 years leading teams and Technology Business Development and strategy. He's currently the director and head of diversity and inclusion. At OCC the world's largest Equity clearing organization and the foundation for secure markets. His mission is to inspire and engage OCC to build a more diverse and inclusive workplace and own a positive corporate culture right for social impact in the community. Yummy is a graduate of Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management Executive MBA program. Also holds a master of science in communication degree from Northwestern University. Let's dive into this conversation. Well, hello. Hello. Yummy. Hello. Hello, akash you thank you for what? Hello. Hello cash you how are you? How are you really? Laughs? Let's get it out. Now that I think this is important. Okay, seriously, this is a legit podcast. I need you to take this seriously. All right, hyemi ayakashi. How are you? I am wonderful. So first of all, thank you for gracing us with your presence today because you know, it's hard to literally track you down and You to commit to our of a conversation. So I feel so honored but can I be honest this feels a bit uncomfortable for me because we are in town. We are never desirous we've known each other for many decades and we've always been very silly wait another two consoles very seriously. So it's kind of weird to be Citrus on the mic, but I'll do my best. So you're saying that this park has it not happening, you know, it was happening. Okay. We already started right? All right, so goodbye happy to be here. Thank you. For inviting me and I know how much this means to you. Right? So I'm really I kid you not it's truly an honor to be here to be part of this journey that you're taking upon yourself amongst many other things that you're doing. Thank you very much for help. Good. Well one of the reasons I wanted to bring you in park asses. You've literally talked me off the ledge like Few times I'm on some other time hold on to talk about that one mostly off. And then and it's always great advice. It's advice. I can literally apply right away and I'm talking about running a business and many many many other situations. So I wanted to make sure that we can also do the same for our listeners and share the wealth because I truly believe like you're smart human being me and you have so much to share and you can really help not just me. Everyone else is listening. This is so beautiful. I feel the exact same way about you and what you're doing. So thank you. I'm happy to share the Little nuggets that I might have a lot of nuggets. Yeah, so we'll see what we'll do our best go for it. Alright. So first of all, tell everyone well, first of all, congratulations, thank you when your graduation you only had like five graduation parties. Yeah, just just fine one. That was really mine that cash events also helped plan and does actually you did almost all the parties with if you guys had me working. Yeah, we had you're busy this this thing December, so I recently graduated with my Executive MBA from Northwest University Kellogg School of Management, and it feels it feels listen. It feels good. But you know, thankfully I have kind of acquired a lot of things in my life. life that you know, you just never sometimes feel like You aren't as much as like well, maybe me I this one I feel like tapping it back at me you earn this one. This was this was this was a big one. And this was very difficult and challenging. Well, what I liked was that you own this one? A lot of times you fight like celebrating things and owning stuff for whatever reason to Shea this time. All right, you would like to celebrate and that was amazing. It's good time. Thank you so much. Thank you, but that's good. That's such a huge accomplishment. So we're all rooting for you and proud of you. Yeah and looking for it. What's next? Yeah, you know, yeah, that's a good question. You know, so we'll take it a step at a time. You know, I want to put too much pressure on myself. Everyone keeps saying so what's next. What's next? I'm like, well, what's next is the next day? Oh, you have to breathe like a minute. Yeah. No, I am I I took some time partying. Yeah. No, I took some time off and spent the last, you know last couple weeks of the year with my daughter and just kind of making up time of the past two years. I've been gone and so busy, so it's been good. Let's begin and then next year. I'll come. Of started really think about what the next step looks like. Oh good for you. I'm excited. I think I'll be here watching and rooting for you together. You got to be doing this thing. It's together. Yeah, pulling your shoulder and your you know, tapping into your network and everything and therefore and vice versa. All right. So for those of you for those that do not know you tell us about your current role. Okay and your current position. All right, so a couple of things my current role so From a corporate perspective is I look myself. So I have multiple lines have a life that's corporate world. I have the life. That's my entrepreneurship Journey right try to be more like ayakashi here. So my corporate world life. I am currently the director and head of diversity and inclusion at options Clearing Corporation and that role is mainly to build an office right? So I took this position about a year ago and I so OCC is a derivatives clearing organization. In acquiring house and prior to last year prior to this role. We never had anything that was really focused specifically on having a workplace to be more inclusive and more diverse and the idea is to build an office hire the right team to help Inspire and engage our colleagues to soften can more about how we can be more inclusive. How can be more diverse and how can we you know have it a culture that is For social impact on community and things like that. So so that's what I'm doing from a corporate perspective from a personal perspective. I I am a how to put this I'm a recovering entrepreneur instead of me. It means that I have tried a number of Entrepreneurship Ventures that have not gone as successful as I wanted, but I'm still trying so so right now I myself and a very good friend of mine. Mine own a investment firm called. Yeah towel. That's why 80, aw my business partners to what works to our ganga Williams. He's in Atlanta. And what we do is we try to refocus on a portfolio of between loans listed microfinance and between $10,000 and $250,000 and we have a network of high net worth individuals. And we also have a network of small entrepreneurs and small businesses who are looking to Expand and skilled their businesses and they need a loan of some sort between 10 grand and 250 Grand and they need that loan to and they have a tenner or slice a a return timeline of a year. Then we could help them acquire that that that amount of money from our you know, like I said group of network. I know where people sell so that's what we do. So we provide financing opportunities or options outside of your typical institutions today. Remember I financed was your first like your Bachelors isn't what I know things. So my bachelor's in management information systems. It was more it related. But what you're alluding to is my entire experience from corporate work perspective has been mainly financial institutions working Angela Chase. I did work for Chicago Mercantile Exchange work for the options Clearing Corporation. So it's been very kind of heavy but it's safe to like I always say like you're born it. Literally you're born to need a query You go people kind of follow your lead you like the Obama of you like the president of wherever you work. I don't okay. I'll tell you I'll tell you here's why I agree with you. I am a very social person. So yeah, I found myself in the lots and lots of communities wait and you're in no shape for more introvert, which I am your out extrovert. I guess would have happened. Yes. I'm more of an extrovert and introvert but You have any trouble at all? Okay, do you feel like you're an interview? Yes, please. Tell her many times. I do feel like I don't know the truth be told that there are times where I just feel like I just wanna be alone being myself and kind of could you have to understand like being in quote unquote of people person and a lot of extroverts out there would attest to this. It takes a lot of energy. It's exhausting. It is very it's exhausting being you it is very exhausting being an extrovert it is well, I remember like last week we had an event in Houston. Great another graduation party. Yes in Houston and here literally chasing us around thing like get out there and go socialize and I'm like, I am tired. Yes, but that's yes, that's a good point and but you guys have worked the whole because I remember I at the hotel I stopped by about when 11 o'clock in the morning and your team were busy working and what a kind of thing that is safe. Thank you. And then and then I come back at like 9:00 and 10:00 o'clock p.m. And you guys are still trying to work know the work is done. The place was gor I mean absolutely stunning. Okay. She has always thank you, but sometimes you got to kick back and just go, you know, yeah, but for as as designers and and I'm glad we're actually kind of said going into this a little bit that wasn't the plan but I like this topic because as designers or planners we tend to kind of do the work in like disappear. Yeah. I know I'm tired and like the last one I want to do is like so should I Eyes and you know do some marketing or feel like you're selling you know, that kind of thing. So like I just tend to kind of retreat. Yeah, but I know you've done a lot of like trying to pull me out of my no. No, that's true. And that's a very good point because I feel like it maybe it's and you know, I'm so I was raised in Nigeria as you work as she and I was raised from two months old. So I was 14 years old and there's this sense of humility that our culture teaches us where you're not supposed to brag about yourself and that's what to talk about your achievements. You're not supposed to kind of toot your own horn and as much as I respect and appreciate and I think that's great for that family culture, but I think when it comes to like corporations and business and work, we need to turn that sucker around and find ways to do that. About being without being overbearing like yes, like you just mentioned a second ago. Like I don't want to be out there. Like I'm trying to like Nike or selling at the event right first probably the work is going to speak for itself. But sometimes it doesn't both both like it's not mutually exclusive it speaks for itself because your work is great, but then you could speak for your work as well to kind of show your passion, you know people, you know, we've done it and then I do not want a piece preach. So please stop me as I if I start preaching too much preacher what I think we've got into this whole technology Ecology has been amazing to mankind, but it's gotten to the point where we're starting to lose touch of that human nature of it at the end of the day people love cash events in cash design and the work that you do because of you as much as your work is phenomenal, but at the end of the day, there's something about your personality something about your passion son about your drive something about this trust that I know that at on my most important day or my celebration. I know that I have someone who would would go crazy Make sure they deliver that part people need to feel that so when they meet you, they like what like you're like wow, like you're so human you so normally it's like me but then you're in anyway, so I think you should put yourself out there a little bit more so they could get to feel and see who this genius is and not hide behind your work like most developers. I mean, I I kind of became aware of that but I think we tried a little bit to mingle. Yeah, and then we were tired I can only imagine so How does that so I guess sources were speaking to intrapreneurs mostly on the podcast and people that want to be or struggle with an intrapreneur. Just so many things we wear so many hats. We're leaders were managing. Our teens were managing ourselves. We're trying to make money. We're trying not to be dead or trying to do better. Like there's so many things and I feel like where people struggle the most is leadership and where you excelled the most Is motivating people and being a good leader. I'm kind of jelly a little bit because I feel like if I tell if I had your skill, I would be like, I don't know so much better. But so we struggle because we're always having conversations in our heads. Is this too much. Am I being too friendly and I party with my team members should I you know, when do we draw the line? So first of all, how would you define a good leader? Okay, so so I'll torch it this way right I think in yeah, I think that leadership in itself. is about the ability to inspire others to action that's leaderships plainly now when you put the word good in from it in front of it, it means that You want to inspire people to action to do good things. It's how I think about it. So when I think about a good leader, it's a person who their ability to inspire is inspiring for good for the better for so what are what has better outcomes whether that's positive impact in the culture and the community you fill in the blank because good is relative. All right, what's good to me? Maybe not so good to you. So it's kind of you know what so it's not like a it's not a it's not black and white. It's yeah, it's more of a You're going to point th it's all about what is good to you. If good aligns with you. Then a good leader is a person who is inspiring people to action on something that the outcome of that is beneficial and have a positive impact on others. Do you think people are born leaders? Yes. I think there are some people who are naturally born leaders who who who who who are naturally attracted to the opportunities that That leadership, you know driving like you know what I mean? So I think yes, I think but I don't think that all the leaders are born leaders. I don't think so too. And I think especially, you know, like in a creative environment where there is no actual like ABCD. We're like ZL were all over the place, right? So it's it's a constant conversation a constant Battle of what to do next. Right? And then we questionnaires or question ourselves and they were question ourselves. Then our team is watching so it's how to me like we're kind of struggling with ways to motivate. Yeah. All right teen and retain them right is another thing, you know and let me touch on that because I think it's a very important to from my my experience and I mentioned just a minute ago into this into this podcast that I have filled on some entrepreneurship Ventures and my failures just means that I didn't make money and the attack was to make money and So I think that in the corporate setting my leadership skills are effective and I have seen a track record a record of success and I can renew ships headed. It has not been quite a successful so as much as you and I know you mentioned like if I had your leadership skills XYZ like yeah right and resilience, maybe my business would have been successful. So I think it goes beyond that and the point about Employee retention and inquiring about onboarding new people and training in the time and money you spend on that. It's something that it's very very difficult for and entrepreneurs and comparisons to corporate corporations. I can my company. We we have a track record. We have a trend of our church and you can see oh my God, so we are five percent attrition from year to year and you can you can measure that and then we have trainings and we have budget for this things and we kind of have the financial wherewithal to withstand and say We don't want people who are not effective in their job so we can kind of help manage them out of the best other company and we want people who are high performing people. We can kind of help hire them and attract them to the company. So from a corporate standpoint, there are there like safety guard rails for that, but from entrepreneur, you're not dealing with the same type of capital. Oh, yeah, right. So loosen an employee could almost crash your entire business. All right, and the presence of Force where you know you're done with companies like Fortune 500 Fortune 100 companies were losing one two, three, even sometimes 50 doesn't really have a German so I want to make sure that we you know, I want to be honest about the difference between both almond. I don't think versus versus, you know, entrepreneurship why I think it's very different and I've seen that firsthand where I've tried to apply my same skills from corporates to entrepreneurship and it was not it was not easy transition over right because I feel like to what you mentioned. Hiring in like the budget I never really actually thought about that how so do you feel like for small business when you hire someone it's a it's a hard decision because now you have to think about money that's now going to leave your company. So that's do you think that actually affects how we like engage with that employee or the expectation just I yes and I think that in this is this applies to both entrepreneurs and as well as corporations. That we are hiring people in most cases based on the wrong side of things. So typical T. Right? No, but typically we've always hired based on CV resumes skill set. What have you done in the past? Let me see your work. Oh good job. Great work. You know you hard-working. Are you driven like so it's typically those tangible, right and an entrepreneur, I think what we want to focus more more. Or on is more of their softer skills more on their resiliency more on their tenacity more on their ability to be resourceful mourn ability to handle pressure. Like these are the important things that I want my employees to have I can train us skill sets. I mean right like you can hide ringing. Yeah, right. You won't your web Great Character. How do you judge Great Character? You gotta you gotta make sure you use the references and question of references. Well, what do you think it? Find that in those those steps. Are you actually get to find that once they start working like a combination of both that there's I don't think there's a way there's not one way I think and that's why referrals are typically the best right, you know hiring people that are referred to you so you can say okay. Well, I trust your judgment. I trust a catcher so it's just this person is great then maybe I could take a chance on them. Yeah and again, so I don't think there is that, you know, it's not science. It's not like it's like okay you do this Al is and then where we have a great person, right? But I think that we need to spend more time trying to figure out people's true character here in the stories. They all bring in their background their family structure like that is more it's just as if not more important than the ability to actually do the skills that necessary for the job. Oh my goodness. Okay. So are you so is it okay to say like as a good leader? Maybe I need to own that. I'm the worst in hiring people and that doesn't make me a bad leader. Listen, that is powerful cash. And I think that's something that I've started to learn as I've learned from other leaders. I was watching a documentary I believe is on Netflix and it was with P Diddy. Hmm speaking one of his mentor. I think his name is Ray Dialogue on the biggest hedge fund managers in the world and PD had an epiphany in that conversation where it was like hey, I just realized I am bad at what you just said. I'm bad at recruiting people and there is power in knowing what your weaknesses are because they're looking for the wrong things. Right? Right, and there is power in saying hey, I'm bad at this. So I'm going to find someone who's good at it to help me do that part and being okay with given complete autonomy to that person. So I think the biggest thing we do is that we can into this control thing. Everything has to be perfect because I've been successful I built this from scratch for the past seven years and to allow someone to come in and make decisions that can impact the trajectory of your company. It's difficult. Yeah, but I think that there is a lot of power and saying I am not great at X. I'm not great at y. So therefore ketchup please if I do believe you are you've showed a track record of being good at something leaked that for us and and that's that's a big part about being a leader and I talked about earlier in our conversation off offline. Was that going on a journey within yourself to truly understand you like like truly gets understand what your weaknesses are get to understand what your strengths are get to understand the whys behind your emotions and what drives during which will trigger emotions something triggered during motion to think about can what triggered it. Why did it trigger it like, you know, and that kind of therapeutic, you know type of Journey is critical to becoming a great leader and like we've kind of we talk about this because every time I have Find myself in the pickle I call you and you actually help me reason with like when I do listen are like why ABC you know why it is the way it is and a possible outcome, but I feel like those are bandages. So like for example owning that and like and that's something I realized recently. I'm not good at hiring and I need to stop hiring people because I'm an emotional. Is that a thing? I Higher with emotion. Yeah, I hired a Vibe. Yeah, because you can put all the beautiful things on paper, but then people also have a sense of portraying what they think you need to you need to see and then eventually the real person comes on. You're like what and according to Bella what the what yeah. Well, right, so and that happened to me this year. I literally convinced myself that we made a good hire and it was not good and it wasn't good not just for me wasn't good for everyone. It literally just created this horrible Vibe and like bad whatever but that's out the window. Yeah, but the truth is I'm not good at hiring. So for someone like myself, who do I go to to hire that understands my business in my goals, right? Yeah, and you know, that's so they're their firms out there consult edged out that are that there's they specialize on hiring Talent. So that's one way to go. Now. There is a cost to that fair to is you could tap into your own network of people that you trust your sounding board your thirst trust Circle, whatever you want to call them and say, okay. I know this individual this character has a knack for identify people's true character. They just know how to exer right questions or Pope the right holes or what have you And they could be your Batman and Robin so you could steer start to and say okay my next interview. I'm going to invite you to come be with me as I interview and that person can play like a coal interviewer 1 but to kind of watch you and as you kind of go through the interview process to make sure you actually kind of right kind of questions. And so it's a pro. I don't think there's an answer to it. I think it's one of those things where you have to try lots of experiment but I think the the the the great thing about this is that you've identified that that's a skill that you're not wrong at and then maybe talk to others may be speaking. Maybe you're going to know you have lots of friends in the industry. Maybe people who are like, how do you hire and just extras? Like hey, I've struggled with higher end. What have you done to make you successful? So maybe those kinds of questions could be crushes that come I hope bring out some of the ads but I don't think there's an answer that I can give you to the one:1 can give you like. Oh, here's the answer because she you know, why is it a bad idea to hire have someone within your organization that probably has a it's saying like you don't get some time. Have jobs that you don't get to meet the CEO and Weekly, right? Is it? Okay to have someone in your space that has you know on some level do the hiring or recruiting? Yeah. I think it's all depends at the end of the day. It all depends. There is not a one size fit all for any of those things. You have to try and error just like you've done your entire career some things you're trying to do testing. It fills horribly like well, what can I learn from that and you apply take the learning and Abandon everything else and use the money for something else. Right? So you you would have but I just think that I'm very happy to hear that you've identified that that - yeah, I owner of yeah, and and I think the next step is to try to find ways to like I said talk to colleagues friends here or try to but I think like the issue too is people think like when you say that you're a bad leader or you're bad no, no, no your bad business owner. Can I pause your network? So to say that you have deficiencies. There's not that you're a bad leader. Right right or to say. That you're weak at something or you're poor at something. Does that make you a bad leader again? We talked about leaders about us inspiring people because you're better'n curtain doesn't mean you're better inspiring people like these two things are not one in the same. You don't mean but we naturally feel that way. Even I feel that way. It's is as of recent that aside come to the point where I'm able to truly hold myself accountable for my mistakes and be forthcoming with them and I work a lot of times at work when when stuff hits the fan. I'm like, okay, let me just be quiet and all that. So I asked me a question. You didn't ask me anything. I don't know what happened. No, literally that's that's the way I because I've been maybe you're afraid not a sir if it was my job. It's just embarrassed. Hmm. But what I've realized is that when I speak up and when I drop and say hey something is wrong and I'm the first one to go. Okay, something's wrong here, right my dad and I can identify where I made a mistake or we could have done something different to change the outcome at the ownership. Despite who are my team did the mistake what I realize is that Team, not only I'll give you a couple stories. So there was a time when something that happened that one went too much details, but someone on my team made a critical mistake that cost us a lot of money in our company and it was a really big deal what those things were so I'll make a mistake. It was like which one's getting fired, right? And and as soon as it happened and I saw him, oh, no threat go on I jumped up and I took accountability right away like and and the reason is accountability was because I told that individual to do that. No, Knowing that person didn't have all the skill sets or wasn't the best at it than someone else and I wanted to entrust them right in this was going back to my account of leadership inspiring people and they made a very common common mistake. That was very expensive, but I jumped in that email thread in front of everyone including them and say I made that mistake. It's on me. Well, let's fix this and we'll find a way to kind of do a post-mortem on it and and after everything happened, but my balls come in the office and talk to Anna and I talk The ship and I didn't get any nothing happened to me, right? But what was interesting was that about maybe six weeks later or maybe a couple months later that individual said nothing to me throughout the entire time, but spoke to me at a happy hour and she was showing me how thankful. She was that I spoke up for her and That's mighty and she was almost in tears and I told him like listen, that's my role. This is Army as well as his arm you and Devin without and we kind of talked about it. But it to see her today. She don't want my team now but to see how she blossomed from that moment like it. Sometimes it might be that little thing right. So I think it goes back to the whole point of being okay with being wrong and saying I'm weak at this doesn't make you a bad leader or insufficient leader just means that you're able to kind of lie for them. Why nothing was saying like own it because we tend to avoid or like out of Shame like if you do something wrong like sometimes at planning an event will The ball and we have to I have to make that call to the client. Even if it's not my fault. I have to own it and like that that process kills me. Yeah, literally it's something that's painful. It's not easy at all. If it was we're always doing it would be all doing was easy. Yep kills me, but like you're saying you have to own it and you have to just deal with it head-on then dance around it and it was like to leadership. Right? I think we you know inspiring people is not always about saying the right words or being able to you know, you know by people things and give him hike bonuses of hype a its about truly get into their heart and knowing what makes them tick. Okay, so you said by new things and all that stuff. So I do I do have more questions on that book. I have a other questions before that question. So this is going to be a long podcast but so good. Good. Yay. All right, Jamie. So the second part of it interview is going to be like, I'm going to throw a bunch of questions at you. These are questions I get A daily basis in my emails and diems from other business owner. So they want to know and I want to know what are the qualities key qualities of a good leader it May 5 Frogger colleagues. Okay one outs a compassionate. Mm2, I would say. Hard working and when I mean hard work and I mean they are Hands-On type of person where they're able to kind of roll their sleeves up and get their hands dirty when they need to not always right, but in times of need whether it's chaos or issues or training to be what kind of lettuce leaves up and do that. I would say a Visionary China has Vision that can kind of see things from like a 10,000 foot level and is able to kind of see Has a Clear Vision of where the group should go or get to I think it's something very important. And with the fourth one. I would say a good communicator and I mean communication not just in terms of using the right words not just verbal and nonverbal but being able to deliver messages to people and let the message meet people where they're at even know what I mean. And I think that's a tough one. Yeah. It really is a toughest it is it is because because For you to be a great communicator. You have to be a person who was able to be a be a good have a high EQ right? Meaning your emotional intelligence is to the point where you're able to feel and I think you talked about this earlier cashier. We talked about Vibe. That's a great thing to have like, it's great to kind of feel someone's by have to say, you know what though right now anything that I tell the cashier she's not going to receive it because one she's emotionally Charge or she's upset or she's you know focus on this or she has this going on or I can be like and I thought I can see okay, she's ready to receive information. So now it's time to kind of deliver that really important than I wanted to tell you yesterday, but I couldn't tell her because she wasn't at that point, but she is now let me do the white so to be able to strategize and say now is a good time. Now's not a good time because we're both upset right? So I think that's a and I tell her that all the communication rights of your EQ rights Wang zi and and number five I would say And I want to tie these two things together because you only gave me five. I want to tidy on six I would it help if I gave you right? So the only two that thing I want to talk about we'll talk about integrity. I think. Oh, yeah a good leader has to sign of high integrity. And again that what Integrity is very subjective so differs from person to person what people care about but when I think about integrity, I think about consistency so someone that is consistent in certain behaviors characters quality. Happy where I kind of know what to expect from a person like you you deliver on time. We'd already deliver X Y and Z. Okay, that's one so Integrity the other one. I wanted to mention in to slip my mind here. Guess I'll stop at six seven. But yeah, so those those those six out of six, I think every good leader should have some sort of there's a big one. Yeah Integrity. Like I feel like a lot of in my especially I see it all the time. There is we operate with like we see it no integrity and it's it literally weakens me to watch it. Yeah, but the communication I feel like is where I struggle we all everyone else struggles with that because you kind of have this battle yourself like what I am the business owner and I want to deliver this information today, but then you're saying know your team and see if they're able to receive the information which is the last thing we're thinking about AB so as we're ready to address the problem, but like you're saying it's pointless because they leave with like what no, and that was one thing I learned when I got my first Masters at Northwestern in communication. And one of the definitions I learned from my professors. I forget the person's name. Now that I thought was so great was communication is about is about Securing the delivery of your intended message. Oh, wow securing that in the delivery of your intended message meaning is not necessarily that you shared a message. For example, let's say I said, you know, I don't give a silly example, but this I want to tell a keshe that I think she is the most amazing woman I've ever met and she is phenomenal. Thank you and me one on a congress. That's it. That's my intent to my story. But for some reason I use some words or So grade or I use an analogy that you found fensive. Let's I said a cashew you remind me of Oprah and because I see Oprah as a person that is powerful and strong and xyt but in the caches mind when she sees Oprah she's as Oprah as someone who is let's just say Oprah forgive me someone who's like, you know unhealthy and you know careless or something like that. She's like you think about Healthcare and careless. Hmm and rather than at that. In time say pause right? Let me let you know right now. Let's drop that whole Oprah thing is what I'm trying to say. I found myself trying to say no no and try to try to fix that old personal or perhaps not this up and then the conversation is about Oprah and not about the fact I wanted to really deliver the fact that you are amazing it and I find myself in predicaments like that so many times so I'm like, okay once I see that it's the rim for my intended message. I have to pause. Go back to the drawing board and say okay. How do I get us back on track? And I so that's something that I learned and I think it's been so powerful in such a struggle for even me to today. So wow. So another key question. And again, I hear this in coaching sessions and in my one-on-ones all of that is how do you how do you inspire people to be great on your team? How do you make them work for you? Yeah, right and be productive and make money. Right. So the way that I do it on my team is and this is a yummy way, right? I Am Naturally a very passionate person and I do my best to show my passion to show what I'm vulnerable and to remain as honest and transparent as possible and the keys as possible. You could only be so transparent sometimes right right because your roles and I will let you be more transparent or if it's something that's highly illegal what have you know, so there's some things that that hold your transparency. But from being vulnerable, I am honest about how I feel about certain things whether it's good that of the other and I am very passionate truly about the work that I do today. So and I do my best to show that and wear that on my skin and I do my best to encourage others when they show such a passion not to like, you know, hold them accountable negatively to that right? So I tell people this when you think about inspiring human beings human beings we act to to It's we react to. Accountability and consequences so meaning if you do x y z you get consequences for it means that you're telling me that I shouldn't do these kinds of things. That's what consequences they are forced to tell you kind of write your way from doing something that I'm not so good and they their incentives when you do X Y and Z you get incentives for these things, which means like these are the behaviors that we want you to continue to do. So when you think about inspiring your team think about those two things, what are the characters and behaviors of your team that you consistently give incentives for? What are incentives verbal praise, you know good jobs, you know bonuses whatever filling a bike what are consequences negative attitude towards them are frowning face a tough email, you know, a corrective action report of some sort, right? So so think about what energy am I given my team in terms of how about incentivizing good behavior? How am I holding people? Accountable to not good behavior and how you doing that consistently across the board. Yeah, and that's how you treat inspired it. So when you do when you see a great behavior of the high-five just a simple could make a big difference with something as little as just you know, yeah XYZ and right because it's on the other side you were saying like just a frowny face or sometimes like we're not even aware we're doing it. So I guess is leaders like I've had to have conversations with myself to Like because you check your attitude and then go back out there. Listen, and it's tough. It's tough for everyone. It's tough for me not easy or suffer. Like everything I'm telling you is a battle for me, but this is not like I got it figured out. This is one of those I am more intentional about these things now and that's what this is about. Right and I'm choosing to share it as I learned and I'll share another good thing about what you just talked about. I'll talk to my boss at work and and and we have this thing called work from home where people are able to Work from home if they need to I don't know XYZ with it and some positions at the company work from home walk and then others like if you're a developer when we have these kind of like, you know, you don't interact with people often. But anyway in my in my in my previous role at the company, I have a leader who never work from home. She was always in the office and always has the office from like 7:00 a.m. To like 8:30 p.m. Every day like she even comes Is on Sunday, she's like one of those hard workers and and in meetings, you know, there was always room for some people saying they are afraid to work from home and it's a benefit you can use if you want to but people are afraid to use it because they like I'm not sure that I'll boss wants music because I mean, I don't want to get in trouble. I don't want to seem like I don't work hard, you know, and she's like, I don't understand why everyone keeps and uses her and I having a conversation and I don't I don't keep saying that they're afraid to work with home like I've never anyone, I'm always surprised everyone staying look everyone I've ever said no to you yummy ever said no to use for and I'm like I get it, but I want you to consider the shadow that you cast as a leader. So this is not what you said. There's a certain shadow that we all have and we cast as Leaders when people look at you when just walking across the street when you walk into the office we look at you in that shadow tells us a lot hmm moocher having today XY and z and the shattered is she's casting is a shadow that states that One Not only would I never work from home? I don't believe in working from home. I believe in hard work. I've been working 12 hours a day. I'm leaving XYZ and that shadow is not consistent with the words that she stays in the meetings and people get kind of stuck in between so she needs to be more not to say she needs to work for home, but she needs to be more conscious of that shadow and now solicit like Hey, listen, you have a problem coming over once you were coming tomorrow my suggestion courage a secret and that inspired like, okay maybe this person It really does. Well anyway, so that's a quick story about the Shadows that your cats and being as a leader being being aware of example and to her like she she probably doesn't see it like again at all. I have never said don't work from home and it's and I'm sure we do this in different different different ways capacities in our business, but it's again like being aware and be more intentional and it again looking at looking. Yeah, it's you it starts with you. Yeah, that's tough. It's easy to tell someone to give someone feedback. Then to take to look at yourself because that's that's crazy. Yeah to say. Hey cash you need to change this or you know, like actually have that honest conversation with yourself. And that's a battle. Yeah, this this this leadership thing is a little tough It's a good but you know, so I was running a Business and Entrepreneurship but these are that's why we you know, I love this episode because you've given me and I wanted to kind of share you with the world a little bit because you've given me even if it's a five-minute conversation, I Express you little be quiet and say you did you did that. Okay. Well, here's what I think and then like you give me your which I find annoying at that moment and then I process it. I'm like, oh, he's actually right look and then I apply it mostly sometimes. Okay. So this is a biggie and I have to kind of looking at losing people as a loss. So as small business owners or is creatives me bringing someone into my space means I'm going to open up my processes my doors, but also I have to train you so I have to trust you but also have to spend money on you with the possibility of you learning whether it's six months or a year and leaving and then we look at it is as a loss. So what is your take on or how do you even manage because it This we need help in order to get good help we have to train them. So we have to give them information. They have to learn not everything but like most of it to do their job, right but then sometimes they do leave like I've had you've witnessed situations when I first started where someone was with me for a year and on the false pretenses and launched a business someone's was with me for six months and no intention of doing that Allah and then eventually wants to stay in business. Yes, but in another city, right? And these are people that you take under your wing and how do you even like to me resetting from that was very tough it was because it whether you want to be as gangster if you want, it's emotional so reset it and trusting other people was tough for me at that point. I literally remember getting rid of everyone and I literally sat in my office sitting like okay time to reset but how do you And I don't know how it goes over from that. But how do you know advice for anyone else? And I think I have I'm very strong-willed once I get over my anger. I go back into motivation. Some people don't some people just get the stuff in there. So how do you handle that? You know, that's a catchy. First of all, let me tell you that I do not have the answer for that. Just just put that out there and of podcast done party done, but but but but I do want to talk about a couple things that you mentioned. And some of them actually title we talked about prior in this podcast, right? So you talked about you talked about the fact that or the realization that recruiting and hiring is not a strong skill set of yours. Right? Right. So I think that some of these experiences maybe these experiences helped you realize that that's not a strong point and I think that being a good recruiter can help mitigate and reduce. Some of this type of experience is not eliminated because these things can happen no matter how great a recruiter you are not right, but I think that as you get better at that and as you work with people to help you get better at that or maybe even help you do that you would see less and less of people who are truly just coming straight for intellectual property property to take off and do their own thing. I'm so that's one too. I think the the idea of doing something that you're passionate about. If you're able to and I'm not sure if this is realistic and nine. Please guide me if you're able to think of it as you're trying to impact the world. Like I'm truly giving you information and teaching you skill sets that I hope one day you do go on and build your own business and be very successful based on what I have helped teach you I feel like that is what Legacy is to me. Surely now with that being said there is time into this thing. I have a business. I'm running as well. So I'm not looking for you to do this learn and drop me go build your business. I'm over here helps crime trying to figure out my business where it might be detrimental to me based on your departure. But I think that there is I find tremendous. Pleasure and pride in seeing people that I've worked with whether they worked for me or my team work with me hands on that have able to somehow impact in a way whether it's training whether it's what have you when they move on and become successful. I kind of feel like it's like I grew extra Wing somewhere and I can always tap to them at some point is a help me out or help someone in my network out and that's how I begin to grow this really truly powerful network of really amazing. He went that's how I hope we can look at it, but it's difficult when you have deadlines balances pay for right you know, so that's so once again, it's what I it's like a wish I hope that's where we could all look at it in the corporate world. It's a lot easier to do that right Professor. I'm not paying a paycheck right right coming from a company so I could do that easily. But in entrepreneurship is a lot different and so I'm not sure that's the answer to your question. I know it's not but I think that would be great. If you could stop to find ways to say this is like that's I'm not just training you to help me get this job done. I am paying it forward I give you skill sets for learning from the best if you know, that's great because I feel like if you take that approach when you let the fear go you take that approach. They would stay longer because they see, you know, investing in them as a person they will communicate with it. I can say listen. I want to do my own business and I will help you once that business. I will help you. What can I do to help you? I can collect yourselves. You can be part of that rather than them taken in a run in a way. From you you could help them build that business and they can any communiques tension of what you're doing and they can become a partner. You could be the first partner and this is how you like. I would encourage that and I would know that an interview process. Do you plan to do your own business in the future one day in this Andrew is no but I get it and I'm like why why don't you and I'll sit and try to persuade them to one day. Wow, like I want people that drink this this is a phenomena industry. I can help you. I'm going to teach you some things maybe can help you. Start your own business. Let me know what you and that's so in their mind. They like it might be thinking like oh shit. I really did want to come in doing this but you um tomorrow I'll go like a shoe because I thought you said I think I do want to have all this is all great. Well, it's seriously and that's how it makes sense when you say it and that's why these are qualities that you have that inv like like, oh hell no, but then again it has that you are OK with you not just don't because you just want to do it, but you know my Like when I can truly help and yeah, you do this already when you have master classes as you do but I be few weeks. What do you think you're doing there? The only difference is that they're paying you to spend time writing for a period of time but you instill in them with great skills experience hands-on experience all this context networks. They're building that was amongst each other like that is that is what this is about is not it's not be perfect. Yeah, it's not just about giving people the best event and experiencing their weapons and the corporate event. And all that. Yeah. Yes, you give them that but to is that you are building a soldier a team an army of other phenomenal event designers and creators and XYZ that can go on to kind of have that akechi less experienced in that. You know what I mean? Yeah. No, I get it and it's interest in someone asked me. I was given a speech I have to speak in Dallas in the summer and whatever that they asked me about success what diff What does success mean to you? And my response is always been the impact you have on other people success to me is not money I could care. I mean, yes, I love money but it's how the impact I've made on other people, right? So so I feel like I've hit my goals whatever but like that to me is not successful till I make someone else successful so it kind of ties into that and I guess it's just like a mind mindset shift of fear and a lot of it is fear. Yeah and then like being okay with movement like they leave they leave I guess right? Yeah because eventually they're going to do what they want to do regardless very true. And I think it goes back to I think I talked about earlier about our culture and how we were raised in a culture where you know, you're supposed to be humble at all times and you know, you're not supposed to feel like you are impacting people's lives like that you're you know, like you're not supposed to feel that way because you're not supposed to put yourself on a pedestal. Like that, right and whereas I'm like no like, you know, like as much as you want to be humble about it and you should be humble about it. You should also seek to truly impact people and truly like authentic like listen, I am going and I tell you one quick thing and I'll pause is when I say I think about networking and people was actually a me. You know, how do you know? You're good networker your this network? Are you just not working? I think about I'm like, okay. Yeah, I agree. But the way that I approach networking is a lot different. And I think many people do right so and not different than how I used to approach known as its evolved. I use of course Network and like I want to network with people to increase my social capital in a way that I aspire to you. So for example, a Kashi, oh my God, Kashi Kashi event or she's just you know, Global entrepreneur who designs around the world has done great event. She's Rich Hey, where's a Molex is what you cheese? That's all. Purses drives a nice car has this beautiful Studio, you know downtown Chicago all these different things. I'm like, I want to be in her network because so many people just like her and I Look to create relationship with you and I talked to you and I try to find ways to impress you and let you know that I should be in your level and that was the way that I always want networking and that's where many people Network today. Uh-huh into my in my new world of the time Network and I look at it more like who are the people that I still aspire? How to become or I am inspired by that I can add value to hmm like that is like key for me like doing this podcast is exciting for me because I'm like, okay, maybe it's one that I can share with you that you might appreciate. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Maybe it's something right and then the next thing you know, I'm looking for ways to find how can I add value to people within my network? I want to be a value provider of sort without stretch myself too thin or without realizing my own full potential. Truly saying if I can and sometimes added value might not be me. It could simply be a person who is also a luxury events designer that is looking for contacts in Chicago or my Paws. I know the best one in the world because you hang out catchy. Here's this person Connect Now whatever happens happens if you guys talk me like who's on Christmas Eve? I'm sorry. I just met him. I just thought you could help him out or you could be like yo that's person the world. In fact, we're doing business together. I'm like Bravo I'm glad we're going to help and I'm moving. I'm not saying I cash a man. What's up with that? 5% I can actually that's not quite so my ideas if I could find ways to add value is truly. I think the best way to truly build your network as a sister. Yeah, but speaking it's funny night it never I mean, I do appreciate you and I appreciate what you did but I actually didn't connect the dots just now until you did an intro in January and you remember he would like I have a I have a friend in school. Call ya la la la la An event and you did the connection and since then I've done got three events for her great and you guys are Griffin even human being we're friends, right? Yeah. It went beyond that great friends, right? Absolutely. And that's value that that is that is what I say. That's to me. Yeah, that's I seek that I seek to be able to do you mind if I can do that the biggest skill in the biggest skill and you know, I'm biggest going and because the impacts that you amazing people have I feel like I can share in some of that. I'm back because you That's that's you know, now I'm getting too excited. I get some water I think so with that said let me ask you another question your shift on so, okay big nugget going to a network. So in our world a lot of people are intimidated by networking events, like they're terrified and I get it because sometimes you see this person you can aspire to be And you're like, what do I say? So you go in with the sense of you're adding value to that person. How do you even do that? Yes, let me tell you it's quick question and I struggle with I struggle with networking events as well because I feel like the intent is to network and they pushed question of pressure on me for sure. So I rather go to an event where we're just we just happened to meet each other or talking. Anyway, I digress so the question is, how do you Add value right? So I seek to add that's my goal I seek to add so as we are talking I'm listening to you and I'm looking for ways. I could add. I'm not just it's not like I'm like, hey, what's your name? Because she I mean she was like, it's not that it's not that deep. But as we have conversations, I'm looking I'm asking questions about your background your childhood what your work on what you do if you're new in the area. And so I knew that or you are also when you hang out why don't hang up. I wasn't hangout spots. That's value-add. Yeah, go to Soho House go to eastbound Club. What do you like German or I know this or actually no pastries because she knows the best pictures in the Chicago Hang on we're gonna catch up on its nose a little is the things that you don't think is like, I guess the word value makes it sound like it's something has to be done monetary is no I just magically give you something. Yeah. I don't care what it is like but it'll come naturally it will come within the conversation because if you seek in it you have to To seek a way to kind for me. It's Connecting People half the time. I don't know crackers. I don't know shit, right, but I know keeping busy and I see this didn't happen all the time on TV. I'd like to see it and everyone has something of value and I think just recognizing that so like going in Just hoping to add to someone whatever right but there's a key word. Is that a Dan doesn't have to come from you. Right? Right right adding whatever way white Network. Thank you. Everyone has a network connecting with somebody else. Yeah, because we want to talk about networking and I think that's always cool. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Well, I'm going to try that next time. I'm going to a networking event. I'm gonna go like a, you know, change my mindset and just have a conversation it seems I can connect you with someone that I know. Yeah, let me know Scott sounds like about Scotch you like Scott you want Scotch? I love song. Dinos. Catch me. We should collect that's it. Doesn't matter. What happens with that decision is that you never know. That's at least make you know, yeah. Okay, so I have many more questions and this is so good juicy. So we're going to keep going. All right. All right, so yummy you're dropping gems and I'm loving every single one because I felt like this was for me and then it's for everybody else for me to learn it. Don't you learn by teaching people you kidding me. Now, we just teach you the speaking it out. Yeah a little bit like what's up and Nation I speak around and it's like not at you said you better do it. You know, I mean like that's yeah awesome. Okay, so more questions. What are some and I want you to be as candid and raw and hot What are some harsh realities that leaders need to just get a grip on like yeah. Yeah, you know, you know many. Okay one. I think one is something that you alluded to earlier as well. So we don't know what all like leaders need to know that we do not have all the answers and in some cases. We don't have any answer and we need to stop stop faking it to it. Make a sometimes depending on the people. We impact it could hurt. Many people and I'll say this as over heater. There are times where I've been presented with a challenge or a question or what have you that I literally a cat. She had no fucking clue and rather than saying I have no fucking clue. I gave that response that would buy me time. Mmm and just act like I know yeah sure. That's what it is or no problem. We'll figure that out would get coupled. You don't have to put some weight and I'm like why why and typically what happens when I reflect back and this one that tried to do a lot now is reflect on moments like that. It's okay. Why did I do that? Why didn't I tell truth? Why didn't I do this? Why don't write and why did I feel that way? And anyway, but that's one big one. I think with his and this is not just leaders. This is everyone in anyone's it is to be a little bit more honest with ourselves, right? That's one the other thing. I think I'm not a harsh truth is that we are we all especially leaders need therapy. Hmm. I think it's should be a necessity like when I run my own company one day hopefully or I'm in position to influence strong decisions. I would require all my leaders to have therapy sessions, right? We've had this one. Maybe I can require it, but I will strongly That way and I'll say it's free like on the on us we've had a session. Yeah, we've had this conversation. I just had with someone else and we're well, I haven't gone I haven't been and I will but I haven't been in therapy just because or is it since I've owned my business and I feel like I would for many conversations with you and everybody else that I would be so much more effective as a leader if I did and yes, absolutely. And the reason why and let me drill that deeper. The reason why you be so much more effective as a leader is because you be so much more in tuned with a cashew. Hmm. That is the key. That's why you be effective leaders. I like your therapist. I'm gonna say maybe effective leader, you know where they are going to give you questions. They're going to give you exercises that you're going to go through in your own head in there that's going to take you in places that you're going to see Street in mirror. And see certain, you know, you know, you look into a mirror. Once in a mirror in front of you. There is no way to say the back of your head. You look in the mirror. So you spend the majority of your lifetime always looking at your face. You never really look at the back unless you're doing something in the back. Right? Right a therapy session gives you this 360 mirror where there are no blind spots. That's the idea is that you talk through your thoughts and go to places that you have some kind. Consciously not allowed yourself to go through anyway, but that's what this major I love that. Yeah, and I think as Leaders because since and the reason why it's so important for these because we impact so many people's lives so many and taught in ways that we have no idea, you know, if you know for example in the corporate world The number one reasons why people leave their jobs is because of their managers. Number one reason wow bad manager. They don't online. Well something else number one, they're not giving them opportunities or to progress or Advanced number one reasons. Now if you think about what job loss does to people hmm right in their own family, you know forces kids going to school. Rules are being pulled out of schools. I mean the impact is significant. So my point is if you have people who are leading people whether they're leaders because they are there were chosen by the people whether it leaders because they were born leaders whether leaders they just because they were good at a skill set that put them in that position, but they're not people managers. Whatever. The reason is. My point is when you get into position where you impact other people's lives you are in a position of leadership. Leadership, right? So therefore you need to make sure that you are putting yourself in a predicament where you could be your best self. So so that's I think that's the harsh realities that we because the word therapy has been. For lack of a better word I want and I intently want to use a strong word has been demonized to make it seem like something has to be wrong with you. What does been a stigma that too many Broken app? Yeah. Absolutely, right? So that's my sign and those are the two things. I think that as Leaders we should we should definitely you know, like help ourselves with is one just be always be it's okay to say, I don't know it doesn't make you any less of a leader doesn't make you a bad leader doesn't make you a no-good leader to say Don't know and I want to seek out your thoughts and to go see that just go for go for a mental exercise. Just like you go to the gym to work out and get your body around and get your health. Right go get your mind, right you can't get that anywhere else. Like we can have conversations with friends and loved ones, but it's probably not the same. So I just came to that realization. Now after having multiple conversations, we really like what you don't go to therapy. I go to therapy at least, you know every Tuesday and I've been doing that for years. I'm like, wow, I've been missing out on this. Pie, that's like vital for survival because even this job like my job is tough. It's probably one of the toughest things I've ever done and I tend to like you said you don't you surprise so your manager you just coasting through and I think I posted to a place where I'm like, I need a mental exercise. So it's on my list. I'm like getting recommendations, but for sure that's yeah doing it soon. Yeah. Wow, okay practical tips that we can apply every day as a leader. Like what when you go in the office, what are you do? And the office yeah when you walk in in the morning, so to what I do, so when I walk in the morning I go into the office I said that way I get my coffee obviously the obvious but I get my coffee I sit down and go through emails identify one of my top priorities for the day realistically so my weight my journey to the office and think about these things already and I'm kind of like kind of strategizing how I won't go about my day and so my strategy going to the office when I get into office never alive. They just don't but you set your intention, but I saw myself. Okay. Here's the thing. Yet before I get right I set those anyway, and I said I never meet them but it gives me a sense of I guess accomplishments. So that's why I'm coming the office. I'm running into office. I you know get in my office and I get myself together knowing like okay. What about parties for today? What do I need to get done? Who do I need to see what me, you know XY and z and then what I do is I get out on the floor. Like I am a I'm a people person. I'm not you know, I you know, and it's funny because you're like as she talked many many years back when used to work from home. And I was like, I don't know how you were because I would go crazy not being able to engage with people and I guess that's an introvert extrovert pain. But anyway, so at the office I go out on the floor and I talked to those people who who are open to speaking with me. And when I when I say when I mean by that is when I walk on the floor and we have a number of floors when I walk on the floor. Sometimes I have no intent to go any specific way. I just have a path that I walk and then as I walk I look and I do I contact I do head nods and I And from that I mean, this is why I think what you comes I get to sense people who seek out conversations. You can see them be like, you know, either the not or is the sticky post are longer or they any and then I'm like, oh hey and then we get into conversation and I yeah, I'm very cautious about what they are. They in a rush was a body posture like and I'm doing these things that I speak with them and literally every day and sometimes I can take a full walk and everyone seems to be busy and didn't want to talk to them. Don't be bothered and I just go about our business. I just Hi, buddy. Hi, right and then but I do that often very often. It's for me. It's a big thing as a leader to be visible and be like I said out there so when issues happen and when and unlike some other leaders were you'll only see them when there's an issue or when you see them when there is celebrations. I want to be the person that you see all and I don't think he's dilutes the respect that I receive. In fact, I think it makes it a little more real. All right, you know. Um, yeah, so that's that and then I do work. Okay. So what do you actually do work if you work where do we draw the line between and I battle with this sometimes being too personal being a boss being you know what I mean? Yeah, especially environment where you guys have to engage all day, right? Well not at working from home. We see each other we spend time with each other. We have lunch with each other. It's kind of hard to be like, oh don't talk to me don't come in my office. Right like the office here. I don't have a private office. It's big enough for one but I never wanted one. So where do we draw the line? Like, what's what I guess there's no direct answer for that. But like what's too personal, you know and catch as you're talking. I'm looking for my phone here and I'm gonna try to send this to you later. If I don't find it. I found it good. So it may be composed his I'm not sure you can put a picture with this but I'm sure indication is this picture of Equality versus Equity hmm Ryan. This is more of a diversion inclusion thing. Right and I'm going to try to describe it to you. And so I'm very quality you can see there are three boxes. They have three individual Standing On Top of the boxes. Now these three boxes I'd exact same height and the three people said on top of it are different heights as one that's like four four two that's one as like, you know, five four five and this one is like 7 foot and there was a fence in front of them. That's kind of blocking their View. And the fence about 5'4 tall? So the person who's 6-foot can see with the fence. The person who is 5.5 can see over the fence and person who's four-foot-tall cannot see over the fence, even though they all have the same size equal boxes. Okay. Now the other side the other screen shows you Equity. Where is the same size fact, that's five foot tall and you had a person that 6-foot. However, this person has six foot does not have a box. There's an on the ground itself standing on the ground itself person. That's five foot four hassle. One box so they're able to see over the fence and the person that that's the shortest was like four foot for has two boxes to elevate the person upsetting. I have the same site. So to your question about how you balance the relationship with your employees or with your staff on how close you get what them how do you mean professional? I think I look at it. Just like I look at this boxes, like look at it as Equity. Hmm like it. And on that person so there are some people staff a new team that have the ability to be close with you but still respect the space that when you speak when you're serious about something they get the job done and they are fine with that line. There are certain people who just don't have that that when you get closer to me, you are my friend and you always my friend you're not my boss and because I were friends and you have to identify their height in terms of their ability to handle such relationship and this is driven from personalities. This is driven from the upbringings their family their culture. So it's up to you as a leader to say. Who who are you and how can I build relationship with you as and you have to know them that's Caitlin relationship with everyone that's you said the words about solutely and that's your responsibility to do and once you're able to Appropriately and you're gonna miss something. Let me get me of course you want but and it's a work in progress, right? It's it involves consistently. I think that is truly how you have to approach that. I don't think there is a it's not like, you know, that's a door or do it. No, I think there's some people that you can buddy up with and that inspires them and some people who are like you just cannot buddy up with them. You just have to be very straight with them and be fair and be kind and be everything but the way you deal with them and interact with them a little bit. For than others. Wow. Okay. Well, that's no great advice for me and every human are probably coming control is so that's so helpful. See so wise only stop when I read a special book, please send the link. I will link to this book will be in the show notes guys. Okay, so last questions And this is basically end the interviews with like some fun questions or did you have for breakfast? Oh God. I did not eat breakfast, but I did have lunch my mom came over and she made some I'm Ally of4 re-roll and fist you if your Nigerian you're probably dying and I am right now, okay, but that wasn't my real question my real question. No, but thank you for sharing sure. My real question was if you could have lunch with anyone dead or alive. Well, preferably alive. Okay, because they have would that work? No, no, no, let me scratch that doesn't matter if you can have lunch with anyone because there's a possibility may not happen because it might but it might who would it be? Okay, I feel like I'm like always complicated but I will give you two answers one get one of my a person that's pass is Nelson Mandela. I would love to have lunch with Nelson Mandela. Hmm and alive. I would love to have lunch with Michelle Obama. Yes. Those are two people. I would love to have lunch with right now at this point in time of my life. What what one if you had one question to ask my What would it be? So that one which acts Nelson Mandela I will ask him at what point in his life. Did he know for a certainty for certain if ever that he found his true purpose like at what point did he say this is my purpose in life. And I'm going to go Full Throttle on this one thing or maybe two things whatever it is. I like to know at what point in his life. He identify that what age he identify that I like to know what helped him get there like what experiences or was it a mentor to told him some And I'm sure there's a job that he had was it when he was in jail. Was it mean what like what triggered that right and then and then from a shell the tough one? You only have one question. Of course God I'll ask if she can marry me too so I can be just like Obama. No, no jokes aside, you know my admiration for Michelle Obama is just that it's through the roof, right? You know, it is for her to and and sadly and I think this is somewhat sad sadly. I think what she has done as a Of Obama and a person who I think is a great leader of Obama and I think you know we have witnessed and if you read Obama's books, you would see how he speaks of Michelle. She has been a mentor she has been on this is beyond wife Mentor partner a sounding board and and I would like to ask her how how I could seek partnership. And find partnership. In an individual that can help inspire me like she has not just Obama but the world like yeah, that's a good you don't mean like I'm struggling my question but something in terms of makes sense. Yeah makes sense of kick it. All right. Well yummy. This has been so good. I can we can literally do this for two hours. So we may have to bring you back into a part 2 I do want to talk about diversity and inclusion in another episode. So we definitely get back what this was. Therapy for me and I'm sure everyone else is literally receiving nuggets and nuggets and Nuggets to thank you. Lastly where can our listeners find you LinkedIn is the best place to find me LinkedIn yeni. Ikey Sonia such my name, I think I'm open there and yeah, put the link in the show notes. Yeah. This has been so fun. Are you ready for that does not show for that? What now? Whiskey's oh listen, I am it's Saturday evening. I've nothing better to do. So now let's do it and the cashier before we end this it thank you so much for this. I you know, you've been doing all the sharing all the compliments but I really truly appreciate you you have been more than a friend. Thank you. You have been an inspiration to me and many just the growth you've had over the past number of years has been outstanding. Your quality of work is outstanding I can go on and on and on but more importantly thank you for doing this. You don't have to have a podcast you don't have to share the information you. Not to show your skill set. You don't have to have your master classes. You don't have to do half the things that you do, but you do it anyway, and we appreciate you we see you. Thank you for that. And thank you for having me. This is fun. This is so fun. If you loved Today's Show share with your friends and tag me on social media at Cash events. Also, if you haven't heard I launched my new online coaching membership program for planners and designers called creatives corner to learn more about it visit the cash And there are more details in the show notes.
About Episode 6: In this episode, host Akeshi Akinseye features special guest Yemi Akisanya, global leader, strategic thinker, passionate speaker and Director and head of Diversity & Inclusion at OCC About Our Guest: Yemi Akisanya is a global leader, strategic thinker and passionate speaker with over 11 years of experience in the Financial Market sector. Yemi has spent over 10 years leading teams in Technology, Business Development and Strategy. He is currently the Director and head of Diversity & Inclusion at OCC, the world's largest equity clearing organization and the foundation for secure markets. While he has held multiple positions at the company, Yemi's extensive experience in strategic advisory, data analytics, research, design, product development and affinity toward social impact inspired his decision to transition to his role as Director and Head of Diversity and Inclusion in 2018. In this role, he is responsible for building a Diversity and Inclusion office at the Clearinghouse. This includes recruiting and hiring the dream team to develop the strategy and policy creation of OCC’s short and long-term Diversity & Inclusion plan. The mission is to inspire and engage OCC to build a more diverse and inclusive workplace and own a positive corporate culture ripe for social impact in the community. Yemi is a graduate of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management Executive MBA program. He also holds a Master of Science in Communication degree from Northwestern University. About The Topic: We discuss some of the biggest leadership challenges that entrepreneurs face! We talk about: What is means to be a leader Qualities of a good leader Ways to motivate your team Knowing when its time to let someone go Knowing when to give a hug and when to give a kick in the butt. To learn more about Yemi Akisanya, follow him on: LinkedIn: If you loved today's episode, share with your friends and tag me on Instagram, facebook or twitter @keshevents Follow Akeshi on instagram @keshevents If you would like to featured as a guest on the "Let's Talk About It Podcast" or have feedback or questions, send an email to Are you part of our community “Creatives Corner”? Creatives Corner is a monthly business online coaching membership created for event planners and event designers.
It's season 11 episode 1. It's the premiere. We have a lot to talk about. We're here. We're queer. Let's do this. You are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now look back and bears repeating. We're back Shimmy Shimmy Shimmy. Shimmy. I'm so happy to see you. Special guest I'm a tag along this way. Yes. Yes. Yes. It is Wednesday. Welcome to the first episode of season 11 s Real Housewives of New York City after show. I'm your host Hollywood lien. And of course, I have my brilliant Shady panel cut us off tonight. Yes. Hey guys, Chelsea's dark tone. So excited to talk about New York. And it's your boy DJ Jesse J. Welcome Jesse. He's a just coming in for the night. You know, I typically handle that way. Girl what you know, like let me take a splash into New York this season dive in to the waters honey, because I wasn't it. I wasn't I wasn't Following last season. Yeah, I'll give you that drama is good. I not see this whole time. I was like Ramona's never changed. No, you know, she's still the same and that's why we love her and hate her at the same time excited to talk about I love for me. Yeah, I love a girl that flirts. Oh, I love Ramona. Yes. Yes. Yes, he's fantastic. We have a lot to get in. Into we have a fully loaded tweet section for you guys. You might want to stay tuned. We have a news and gossip section for you guys. We're going to be talking about a lot the ladies of New York City opened up with us kind of like, you know, a little sad know, obviously we're leaving off exactly where we left off the reunions Dennis technically wasn't he had passed away by the time the reunions are - yeah, but he was still alive when we taped. Yeah, it was rough watching the reunions knowing what he had passed. Yeah. So we Open up with that news. Obviously. He died at Trump Tower which was kind of interesting. I didn't know he loved their yeah that must suck to live at Trump can't be right. Anyways, laughs Luann was sued and went to rehab again Dorinda and Giovanni are still very much alive. Sonja's walking the poodle and yeah lemons in the Hamptons. I've been to her house. I don't know if you guys were watching last season, but I did put up some pictures of me stock me Luann because we all know she's my favorite. So let's go let's get into it. That's the after-show Bethany is working and grieving which is really interesting. She's launching some sort of denim line and Ramona's and all Bloom. Yeah. I mean, it's very Bethany of her to just kind of keep it going climb, but you know, yeah, I mean It's roughed lose someone that's so close to you. So suddenly and unexpectedly. I mean she seems like she seems like she's putting on a good face. So I'm I'm I don't know it's rough to see her like that if she had a kind of rough got it last season two like emotionally so totally gonna be a big emotional Bethany roller coaster again, I see how I feel like they did a great job in this episode balancing it because it is such a deep. Conversation and like to see her like go in the bathroom in the middle, then she's like I wasn't this isn't the time to be thinking but like those think that's real like, yeah, so I appreciate that but I love the balance of it and I love that and I think it's just because it's Bethany the fact that she is the type of person. Yeah, who's like, okay. I know I got a job to do. This is what he wants. Like. She looks at she can take herself out of the situation. Whereas I feel like if it was any of the other women lots of bouncing to The Hamptons, which they actually get I want summer to get here. I can't wait to be in there. Hamptons this summer raining so damn much. You're gonna lie over the rain God. It's been awful just so much so much rain, and we're just over it. We want to be in the Hamptons with Bethany eating lobster sandwiches the way I know it looks so good Lambie. I do so about a clambake. I was like, I need one now. I'm back homie Fourth of July has with her gay and she's you know, obviously she's trying to let us All know she's healthy and that was her point. I'm healthy. I want to sweat I want to work out and this is what I've been doing is working out and talking about Luann what this going on. Like is this really about Giovanni? Like why can't you just be like look I was a little drunk. I was a little hurt I say things obviously when I'm drunk if she could admit. Yeah alcohol. Well, what's the extra step in taking some acknowledgement with the Luann thing? You know what I think well first I think Then you kind of mentioned it earlier or later in the episode with it being so many small things adding up to bigger things. She's like I know and like kind of relating that to her and Carol can you know, but I also went funny that deronda can realize that she's not a good drunk but she can't accept other people realizing that she's not a good drunk, you know, like if she's like well and Luann thinks I'm just the worst and bulb but it's like if you have the enough self-awareness to say like, I'm not good at drinking like you shouldn't have an issue with someone. Else noticing as well. Maybe you should put down the glass of mine. I love is like it. Did someone say something like you were nasty obviously watch the show and she was like no. No that was a Luanne is mm. I love Dorinda. I loved her and that but it's just like feel a little bit more self-aware. Yeah. Well self-aware not she's going down the laundry list of Luann what Luann has done this entire summer and Bravo backed it up with the money. Shorter, so shady over there love it. She says she just needs a minute. Well, that's fine. Well, I agree with it. I think that honestly like you look we see this across every housewife housewife platform. Like there's always the friends that are actually friends they get into it because of a stupid drunk night drunk conversation. I think honestly out of all them not to bring him back up again, but Atlanta is the The Queen's of having a tiff, but then saying, you know, what is like, let's just get over it. Really quickly. These girls are about to drag this all I don't want them to season like I think we're going to be funny because it's dorinda's so I play because she just doesn't get an f and you know as the wind so it even though she Luann really does Luann guys, but she'll put the front of like exactly so but I always about armor with Luann but I've always loved Luann everyone knows she's my favorite and not for the obvious reasons. It's just for the Relatability aspect throughout the years Luanne is a messy bitch. And I love that about her. You know what I mean getting drunk fallen in the bushes getting caught cheating trying to cover it up caught talking in French sleeping with the pirate on vacation. She is a g if you think your friend has more mad at Luann because it's like bitch. Why are you mad at me? Like it was like dorinda's more like your window. It was full and jealous. Really? I think that's what I was looking at it like girl. I think you gotta like You Gotta Give something to do Renda if she feels like she hooked you up with the bunch of dresses and a showroom of it and you're living the life she's gonna want you to just give her a little bone and like be like and the dresses thank you to render for the Tresses like it would have just been smoothed over yeah, but I really not about to rent it's about Luann that night it's not but I just feel like and this is like I mean this is yelling at me and I talked about this, uh be friends I just feel like it's Luann's like pretentious attitude. And that is really the whole thing with the rinda where it's like yeah. Yeah there one that you shouldn't really be drinking as much as you are. But like with Luann telling you that like hoochie to be standing on her high horse when she just got arrested and to do you like all this stuff. She's in and out of rehab like, who are you telling me this like I figure since Goods coming with us to Colombia. Yeah. I think it goes further. Yeah, like even even with and I think the rinda and She shouldn't be but I think she's using Luann's, you know, a rest her drunkenness like against her when it comes to like you can't tell me how to live my life when it comes to drinking because you've had your missteps a tattoo and I think that's where it comes from. Like, I mean telling someone they drink a lot or that they're a bad drunk. It's kind of like a sensitive thing. Like no one likes to hear that. I really think they're fun and outgoing. Nobody wants to do is really happening in Bethany apologize about that. Look at meant everything giraffe. I was actually watching a little bit of the reruns today, and I'm just so glad carols. I'm sorry. It was just so bad towards the end. But yeah fighting in between Andy and her telling Andy are you're scared of her. I was watching all of this again today going what is happening? I'm so glad she's gone. Look Sonya was the comic relief tonight. She was cracking me up. I was loving everything. I love how she's close to the poodle. Now. She had a little bit of a bad rap last year with the whole giving away the poodle thing. I was going crazy. I talked a lot of shit about her because you can't just be giving away your pet. It's so I'm glad that she's taking the initiative to be a better mother to the dog taking the dog out to go to the bathroom, even though we didn't actually see the dog poop. You got to like the most she probably has her assistant to it. But she's like that woman. Her name is Tanya. Is it Tanya Taylor and she's a fresh of breath air or the is going on. Turn that are like trying to get college credit, but she looks like she's out of college. She does. Oh that one the Bedouin Sonia was like it. Windows oh my God. I'm like, why are you acting like a princess expecting toast in a one-bedroom apartment that probably cost $10,000 a month. Don't get me wrong. But I tell you I had him rewind this twice and then I really had to like re-ask most likely this is her apartment when I saw that shoe rack next to her bed else and then her in the bed and then the hamper next to it with a little table I said what is happening the college dorm room anywhere 93 story. Curtains with ducks. Okay. Well that took it. I mean don't get it twisted. I've been there. Yeah, I don't spend $10,000 on my rent. At least they're monogrammed. So it has some class to have a guy come over to necklace black duct tape. Fabric. That's so heavy. Like go get a like some sheets or something. Like that's what you do in the hood. You put a sheet up, right? Like how about you butter your own toast and send your assistant up to the hugs. And go grab you freaking piece of the town. She can afford some love her. But yeah, I'm just glad we're seeing sonja's new plays. Yeah, and it just all of these things is what makes Sonia so likable, it's just like I feel like she is so like flippant the how how crazy she is, you know, like it's just normal to her like yeah, my shoe racks here. Yeah, I'm gonna hang up some bath towels on my window like she just finds that like, I don't know there's something like so enduring about her that makes that yeah. Honestly her and Ramona could have a talk show together. Yeah, I mean really it's already Kathie Lee and Hoda but oh my God, literally back pink and pink and lacquer doors. I can't I can't I'm not gonna come back. I love the dog talk. You know, she's like, you know, she has his friend. I mean, he has his friends and I can't be with his friends, you know, he likes to start at the but I like to start at the back of the neck. I'm like Ramona's like is crazy. It's a good it's a good idea to like, you know, go for the dog owners. That's a good like dating tips about the dog owners. My dog is such a magnet. There's if I take her to run you in I'm getting at least a couple guys going she's so cute. She's adorable and I'm like, I know what else do you want to know? I'm talking about this forever. That's how I don't like my boyfriend leaving the house with our dog like it's a conversation. Asian some chick magnet no. No. Yes, Bethany is in the Hamptons and she's reliving it. You know, she's talking about Bryn texting Dennis which was a little heartbreaking now, there's nothing to say 50 text messages. He wanted to marry me. It doesn't matter. He's dead. It's sad her words not mine. I'm just saying like it just it really doesn't matter. This girl is grieving and this is this is all we're seeing right now. This is just pure grief, and I'm glad that she Has friends around her Luann is down the street charging her Vespas though. She said the lawsuit is what caused her to kind of like get stressed and relapse and that's why she eventually went back to rehab Barbara. I thought she was just like a friend that wanted an apple on their house what it is. I was trying to figure that out too. This is the new housewife. Where is it? Known that they're getting a new housewife? Oh this she's new. She's the new housewife. Yeah, but She like a Marlo like hell she like the front of everyone said New York was getting an additional castmate this season. Yeah, Barbara is her I was thinking about it like as for Marlo like we just started seeing her in confessionals. I feel like this season and it was later on in the season like it took a while and like with this I was like, oh she's already getting you know, she was getting gets one-on-ones. I'm telling you. She's a housewife. I think she let us know. Not so much New York's. Yes. She does. She does. She's like, I feel like our New York goes a little bit there like low-maintenance looking but like high-maintenance. Yeah resting and very high-maintenance. Look. Yeah. Yes your mother Jackie from Jersey. Yeah. She does. Okay. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Jacqueline Laurita. Do you think it's like the needlework needlework the hair the fluff? Like it's a lot. Well, she did say she was living in the Hamptons. So obviously has money I said guys doing a live chat Charlie and Chard is good as see how you can charge. He's just in the Jersey live chat. Yeah. She says she said it's great that we're just seamless seamlessly transitioning from New Jersey to New York. Yes it is and hi Jackie Galaxy. Yes, you guys I see you guys in the chat. We're good. It's good to see you guys make sure to subscribe to two or more of our channels and we will shut you out because we were the ESPN of TV talk. We love it here in AfterBuzz and reaching. We're continuing on pink and yellow Gucci sweater Elder and I don't know what she's wearing. But never really know like though, you know, the one thing which arenda and I love her I met her and she is fabulous and she's a sweetheart but I'm going to need your gay friends to do better because there's not one scene and then you really went to go grab them them pants that those are the pants you chose. You see tanks with me and she was like she was like, how are you guys doing? Not good not well bitch. Well, did you want to talk about Luann and So, I don't know if she's exactly a house by we're not we will find out we will keep you keep you guys updated. But if you guys know let us know tweet me at Hollywood Li and let me know Ramona wants to learn how to swim because of what happened in Colombia. Yes. They almost died last year Jesse. It was pretty intense. The anchor had to be cut off. There was Smoke people were throwing up the camera had to be put down, you know Bravo when the camera goes down. That's when it's really bad. They would have caught all of that. How below Yeah, so she's just a little shut up. That bathing suit was a lot the Renda and Tinsley are shopping. Let's talk about this introduction attends lie. I feel like all of this whole episode was kind of weak when it came to Tinsley it is it hey afterbuzzers before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor if you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to You to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to incurred on FM to get started. However strong when it comes to 1024 strong. I can't get out of it. Now. She's finally she must be doing something right because now at least she's getting cars out of it. I can't with her. I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. I was done two seasons ago. I'm done even more now like she just I can't when I'm done. She's been on for three. This would be this is our third year as an observer. Yeah, it's just it's run to me. Yeah, I don't know what's happening, but I really want to see that clip of her going. Like it's tells like I attend please the girl that pretends like everything is perfect. When we know it's just not like I'm not buying what she goes and she wants to sit and listen to you and all of your problems and she's going to help you out and it's like well girl what's going on with you. Nothing says I'm fine. Yeah relationship with Scott is like the most basic non. It's not it's just like I don't know how that even happened. It doesn't even seem like fireworks when they're together. Like there wasn't really seem to be like any Chemistry and then just like I he's not a bad-looking guy to like we talked about this like he just went for her because she kissed him right away and I'm like, he's the kind of guy that doesn't really get that many girls. He probably just doesn't want to work hard and like you're just throwing it out him you're already like, you know, whatever like yeah, why not. She's relatable in the sense. I know a lot of girls like her. Well a lot of possibilities out there and how are they doing? Well, I haven't posted on Instagram a few months. They must be busy hard at work trying to learn how to swim. Maybe they're bored. Maybe Boris is with them the swimming instructor who came with colorful trunks. First of all, Ramona just wants to smash. I'm sorry mother wants to do anyway, and you think oh, thank you came to the door in the bathing suit, like full-blown ready to go sex Vibes right away laughing giggling. Yeah. Now, what did you guys Hassel? What did you guys think about this? Do you think Ramona really wants to learn how to swim or is it about the noodle? It's both all the above. I think just like she's trying to think of a cute date night. She's like I'm going swimming teaching next week. It'll be I wanted to learn how to golf and I just want a man with a washboard abs and like I just can't wait till she's like in her 70s and I want her to smoke a cigarette while she's sitting there drinking her pinot and just like talking shit at the door like I love Ramona. Ramona is She's like Connick. I mean she has been on for 11 Seasons. They're never going to get rid of her. She always she just never lets his town and she always surprises me. Yeah, I mean every season there's just the things I realize she's just keeps it real like she's just funny. She's really like, I don't know a woman in her 60s, like doing the damn thing looking that good can answer a door like that and just like and acting that crazy. Yeah, like they should do a dating show for Wow, Bethenny. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow, I'd like to see her date around but like I don't I don't know. I feel like she'd be teeth like that'd be too much for his kind of I think there is like her and then to her what's her name Sonia sitting there on the side of her like insulting to take her and Ramona. I know deronda and yes, dorinda's can Scream the guys before they get to Ramona. It could be a whole show to render and Sonja can screen the guys and see who's the perfect match for a Ramona that would be fun, you know, whatever. So that's it. One season and never again Mario popped up in this previous episode. What is this saying that she's just dipping back and she's not fully committing. We also see Red Scarf guy. Like she's just playing the game. She is playing the game. You got to respect a woman that knows this like, okay. Yeah red scarf. Is it Ray? I forget his I just know him as red rays. Ray is the guy that was drunk with Luann. That was just going crazy red scarf guy was the one trying to date Carol and Bethenny. Yeah, and oh no, so no Sonja you're so messy copy. I love it. You gotta love a 67 year old woman, that could be that messy with no shame. Like what the hell Ramona you're just she's icon status that instructor. We need to rewind because the two things that need to be burnt. This episode is the bathing suit. During the war and the bathing suit that this man War because it they look like of the same pattern. It's okay, baby. I didn't pay too much attention to which one the bathing suit in that dress in the dressing room. So it has got some legs on her. I'll give her that like a but right? Yeah Focus too much on the swimsuit first day. I was looking at her body. She body was snatched the bathing suit was snatch but it's real cute. Okay - with bathing suit and then sir, you were real excited to be on Bravo. Yeah, you know what he was so happy sucking in his stomach. He wasn't tight little colorful scuba gear pants shorts. I think it's going to get more swim work out of this. It depends on how well he did this the breaststroke afterwards. It depends on how many rave reviews Ramona gives him. I think right. Yeah, so red scarf guys. Now that black scarf guy. Yeah and Charlie and chart says that Ramona was on Andy Cohen's d - Oh, that's right the love connection. Oh, yeah. We need to go back and watch that episode to see if anything came out of it clearly not I don't think that and worked for show workplace. So plan. Yeah and Go inside a couple things outside of Bravo and he just keeps running back and you don't need anything. This is letter. You have it all seriously everything else. You're fine. Yeah, give me the love connection job had enough jobs. It was just a trash up here. Yeah, so tense, they can't drive speaking of and she has a Bentley sonja's with her who is very calm. By the way, what's up with that? I feel like those flowers prior as half as any yeah, she's such forgot to give one to the dog, right because she took it to hours cry. Yeah. I couldn't I couldn't drive it with tensley. I can't barely drive with my mom and she was stressing me. Like I can't be your everything. I would have said I'll drive girl. It's all good driving like riding a bike like maybe because I've done it my whole life. Like I don't know like why don't you just like just get back in the car? And you know what to do 100% I like to New York for seven years. I drove before it and then I drove after it like it just flipped the first day you weren't like weirded out not what am I? Oh my God, like you don't turn the fucking wheel. They really be a busy day driving to the Hamptons from New York. Like would you like he's you're way out of your life definitely compared to some of these ladies. I've never taken the Jitney. I hate public transportation, and I took it from LA to but to LA to Vegas. Honey, that's not the kidney that's called. The Greyhound is how about the bonds of bus or something there's chickens on and I was like, oh, okay. We're done with this. Oh, no. No. No, I wouldn't I would have hitchhiked all our stuff somewhere. Don't worry to Vegas a dollar. It's $1 $1. You're rethinking know like the bonds of us is something you pay what you get. You don't get so that you can plug in your phone and you can use the Wi-Fi. There may be a chicken on the bus. I can you make it a cola. Well, the everyone is like everyone's heading into the Hamptons and I guess we need to go to The Hamptons to guys. Let's go now to show from the Hamptons. Ramona's saying that Luann is broken. I don't know like are we really gonna make Luann the storyline for? Entire season. I hope they're giving us something else because everyone is trying to get them together from Barbara to Bethany to Ramona like yeah, I definitely think it's going to be the whole like Luann and Orinda repairing of the Friendship season, but I did find it to be funny that each one of them thinks that the other is like deeply messed up in the head like Luann's like something's wrong with but those are ya and during his awareness just like there's something there. It's all off like they both like think that the other is missing on this high horse that kind of come down. They're not but I mean I'm team to run down this I feel like we're going to be on odds at odds All Season. I'm with Dorinda because here's my thing. I feel like it's the storyline is going to be them but I feel that Bethany is going to have a NeNe break down this season because she's holding it all together and we saw a little clip of her like going in on It looks like Luann but you never know what the editing. Yeah, but I think Bethany is going to have the major breakdown of the season and what that will Ripple into because like Ramona Ramona had a key phrase tonight where she made mention of so why Bethenny Bethenny said ten times worse to all of us and we all get over it and I just try to always kind of I feel like they'd throw things in there. I wonder if that's almost a setup to everyone kind of flip it on blobs yelling at Luann's. So I do agree. I mean, I do believe that she is really getting yelled at and Luanne has always had some sort of pretentious vibe that everyone the show has always hated from season one. Bethany was calling her outgoing like why can't I introduce you to my driver as Luanne? Why do you have to be missdella steps like he's my driver like who cares like, you know what I mean? So I really do feel like there is a time and place for Bethany to get on on Luann and when it goes there she really does know how to go there. So what Excited about is it looks like scary Island part 2. I mean I'm hearing go to sleep. I'm having flashbacks of the first New York season and Bethany telling Kelly Bensimon go to sleep you're crazy. And now she's telling Sonia to go to sleep or go to bed or something and she falls off the table. I don't know guys. It looks like it's going to be a pretty good season. So with that let's get into our news and gossip. We have lots to gossip about okay. So real housewives of New York's Bethenny Frankel and Jason Hoppy's explosive text messages exposed in court. He accuses her of allowing Brent to travel alone with boyfriend and she slams him as a deadbeat. So they were in court on Monday to fight over custody of her eight-year-old daughter brand yet the custody battle still going on and During the appearance shocking text messages sent between the two of them were exposed. There's the picture of them. If you are watching in the live chat. Yeah this evening to us. There's a split screen picture of Bethenny and Jason Hoppy who is just a complete psycho. He fooled us all for such a long time. But then it's true colors came out. He's completely obsessed with her and apparently he manhandled Bryn and even Bethany has accused him of abusing the dog and you know, how Oh, it goes there with you cannot do that to animals. I will go crazy on you. Yes, but then Jason is also saying that you know, he's been sending text messages to Brand. I love you so much. It's so nice to have to have a Daddy who loves you daddy tried to call you last night, but mommy wouldn't let you talk to me and he also didn't like that. He Bethany let her brand travel with Dennis alone. Apparently, I will just burn she's 8 we're like to the store to The Hamptons. By herself with Dennis vacation with him or just like they drove their together to meet Bethenny. I think vacation to with Bethenny. Yes, so we have to find out more details about that because that doesn't seem like yeah picking over here ya but ya know so they're still going at it and court. It's not it's not pretty it's not nice. It's not well, I don't know. I don't really want to speak on the children, especially if we don't know every single facts, but I do want to say With all these documentaries coming out on Netflix and HBO with children and parents. Like we really do need to be careful and at all times don't ever let your children be in the company of anybody without your supervision. I think that's the point that I'm trying to make without getting too deep into anything. Let's move on to our tweet section because this is what's the fire about it if you guys talking about what's happening throughout the episode. It was a cute little tweet sound. Thank you for that Steven so weird. Talking about Carol first, can you kind of zoom in so I can read Because I'm a little bit blind. So this is a picture of Carol laying on a bed with the laptop and it says this is a live feed of Carol. Can you go up a little bit? This is the live feed of Carol watching tonight's episode in order to see if Bethany says anything about her nothing you didn't but they're on a broader app. Yeah, Bethany and say anything about her. We have bigger fish to fry Carol. Sorry. We left all of your drama in the reunions. We were so over it. Let's move on to the next tweet. This one is by the housewives guy who I really love on Twitter and he says going back to rehab for a second time and getting the help. She needed is an absolute success. Not a failure on can't loot Countess LuAnn sparked relapse is unfortunately part of the process. Love you Lou you would pull that excuse me. I am a router and it's true about the success shoutout to Bravo for sink. Come on back. And now we're going to put you through the wringer and see if third time's a charm Luann is not going anywhere. She's like one of those Ramona's as well. Like she is Iconic. She's part of the show. I'm in like third time's a charm Becker. Oh, I know. I'm just saying also know I think they have her not she's gonna hold strong this season. We will wait for you girl speaker. All right, one more so Ramona's pool scene. This is from Mario Kiki. He says Ramona's pulse. In is reminding you why she's been on the show for 11 years. She's hilarious Shameless and messy but not so messy that you can't stand her. That is like so spot-on. Yeah, actually, I don't know because sometimes she really does make me haters. She's a few seasons ago goes over the line. Sometimes I love I love her but she just makes me smile ephiny. Wow. Wow. Wow, smile every once in a while what's going on with Ramona's face? There's some stuff happening. Well, one of her eyes looks a little bit weird. I didn't notice anything see honestly filler and Botox situation that just you know, I mean, yeah film too early. Yeah, and someone was talking to someone on Twitter was talking about like she had some like a bad lip job too. So you guys are noticing a lot of things make sure to tweet us at Hollywood Li and make sure to if you want to be featured in our tweets segment, make sure to tweet us and let us know and we will put you guys on air and Shout out your Tweet, especially if it's really hot and juicy because Love that let's do a quick little predictions from what we saw in this episode and then we'll wrap up. So obviously we kind of talked a little bit of what we were predicting throughout the season. We already did teams. We got to team to renders over here. Obviously, I don't even have to say it. I'm team Luann only because you guys it doesn't matter Luann was in rehab so she when she came out maybe she was feel a little colder than now, that's fine. But the point is I'm doing good. I'm having a show and you act like a fool at my show. If you want to continue this fight in reality. It's durendal who was acting a fool. Giovanni Giovanni, clap live for Joe body. I live for it. I now know what Joe vying is because of the rinda. So no. No, I know that one. That is Giovanni. Giovanni is like it's just a dress department store, but it was in the shadows until the rim brought his home. Now. It's been featured on Housewives of New Jersey. Yes like Jennifer. Yeah, every time I see Giovanni, I think of Dorinda and I think of what she did for Luann So I personally read I personally work in Beverly Hills. So I see Giovanni every day. So dorinda's Robertson Boulevard. Basically durandal was petty just by saying Giovanni, but she's so clap for the bitch. Yes and all she just the same as doing girl. Her makeup was ready and she's like, okay, so she's older so when it came out obviously like you know, what? America thing they were just immediately on the outside. Okay, so they're dragging that mess back into the season and I'm out here for it. Yeah, it's interests fun. I love it. That is definitely why I like what kept bringing them downwards was like the flat denial from Dorinda that she was being a petty bitch, but you know what I do see like I said, I think that the windows just tired of Luann's like holier-than-thou attitude, especially when it comes to alcohol and just doesn't wanna hear it. Um her um, but I think as far as the season goes, I really don't see them mending their friendship. I could see them being cordial to one another and just being like cool, but that's so sweet. And they really were actual friends like long time from wouldn't it? So when it happened like it happened and she went to rehab and it caused orenda not to really yeah be there. Yeah, so it's like even though it was something little that little something He was a bigger part of a picture which dorinda's like be Petty and clapping hands, but when she did go to rehab you're probably should have to me. That's what they're not should apologize not cause I'm not apologizing for saying Giovanni. I'm apologizing because you know what? I felt some sort of way that you got mad at me and then I didn't come or at least call you and check on you. Yeah, that's what I think dorinda's should be apologizing for yeah, but who was it that made the humble comment? Because I believe it was that about about Luann. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and honestly that was really real like it's like when you go through something like that like you have to realize like there's a reason why you have this addiction and you're allowing yourself to spin out and you have to Humble everything down and I think that this is a testament to it. And so I'm with you. Yeah Luanne has had a lot of really amazing things happen right after something horrible. So I do I feel like she's just trying to take lemons and make lemonade. So I don't think she did if it was any other normal person or an everyday person. I think they would have a chance to have that perspective and come down and be humbled and come down to earth and be like, I just got out of rehab but this is kind of like a public figure. This is someone I'm people are dragging there was a reality camera outside of the rehab center when she walked out of rehab we saw it last season. She got in the car and Dorinda called her and she goes out of rehab and I don't know I'm going home and I feel good. So it's like I don't think she did have a chance to be humbled. So maybe this attitude is what's really going to be the detriment of everyone's relationship with her because it's been an ongoing theme people are kind of tired of this. Yeah attitude that she kind of puts on. Yeah, I mean and to be completely honest, I think the teaser was great, but I don't see it being as like I enjoyed last season I Like I don't see it being like I don't see there being a lot of conflicts between a lot of the women. Yeah, I am looking for because I believed Hensley and Scott are officially done. Yeah. I don't think they're dating right now. Yeah, so I am looking forward to seeing that demise being honest and like hopefully chance we could give us something because like the previous last few seasons. Like I've been hoping for something from her. I'm really hoping that's what tensley like in some sort of like, yeah, sir. Mystical and yeah, like yeah, it's a play or whatever. Yes, so maybe there will be maybe we'll get more from her but I like and I was optimistic last season. I didn't get what I wanted. So maybe the season we will yes. Well, I predict that we will definitely see like a new set of the ladies. I feel like because there really isn't that much conflict other than With the Wind Orinda maybe the other ladies will get to know each other. We'll get to meet Barbara. I'm kind of looking forward to seeing Ramona and Sonja kind of get along because when they have a good relationship, I feel like Kind of brings out the party Vibe with everybody else and everyone knows when Sonja drinks. We have a good season it gets nasty. We see everyone's vaginas and everybody makes out with each other. I saw something about the problems. Maybe it's gonna be about the party and I'm down with that. Let's party down as long as it's a good party because yeah that Mexico trip a couple years ago was by far one of my favorite house was trips. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah when When Sonia couldn't even stand like kissing bikini bottom of slipping down like for whatever reason the land falling in the rose bushes, like that was actually and by the clip, I think we could be going towards yeah. Yes. So that is our prediction. Our prediction is that maybe there won't be that much conflict throughout the episodes. There won't be all this drama other than to rinda and Luann at this stand up, but we're predicting a party. So make sure to tune in every We're going to break it down for you guys and let you know what the t is throw you in some gossip that you probably didn't know about. So make sure to keep up with us on all social media aspects and make sure to follow me on Instagram. That's where I am the most add Hollywood Li and I have some things brewing in the next couple weeks. We might have a show coming out here. It's called it's Bravo bitch. It's gonna be about all things problem here at AfterBuzz TV. So make sure to tune in it's going to come out any second and we're going to need your full support. I'm your host elderly and I can't do this on my panel to I see thanks for coming in tonight. We appreciate you guys. Thanks for having me Chelsea. Yeah, guys. I love it. You can find me at Chelsea Star And again, I'm also very active on Instagram at see underscore S Jones Jesse you guys can hit me up every DJ Jesse J. If you guys love love and Hip-hop check out VH1's podcast Love & Hip Hop the tea subscribe on Apple music and all that stuff. And then also check out after but Stevie's reality roast. Hmm. Yes. I'm a big fan of that show. I love it. I would love to be on it. All right guys. We'll see you guys next Wednesday by afterbuzzers. Bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm. But use expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principle.
 Lian Castillo, Chelsea Stark-Jones, and Jesse Janedy are all in on the real housewives of New York season 11 episode 1 "Divided, They Summer" in which It's been one crazy summer for the housewives; Bethenny struggles with the passing of her boyfriend, Dennis; Luann comes to terms with her relapse; Ramona learns to swim; Sonja adjusts to her apartment; Dorinda and Luann don't speak to each other. ABOUT THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC AFTER SHOW: To a certain group of people in New York, status is everything...and with status comes plenty of drama to unpack on THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NEW YORK CITY AFTER SHOW. We’ll recap all the buzz-worthy moments from the show, from the fabulous to the fights from our favorite Big Apple ladies. Tune in here for ALL the tea as we review, recap and provide in-depth discussions of the latest episodes! Who knows! You might just see some familiar cast member faces. ABOUT REAL HOUSEWIVES OF NYC: The Real Housewives of New York City (abbreviated RHONY) is an American reality television series that premiered on March 4, 2008 on Bravo. Developed as the second installment of The Real Housewives franchise, following The Real Housewives of Orange County, it has aired seven seasons and focuses on the personal and professional lives of several women residing in New York City. The series originally focused on LuAnn de Lesseps, Bethenny Frankel, Alex McCord, Ramona Singer, and Jill Zarin. The eighth season lineup of housewives will consist of de Lesseps, Frankel, Singer, Sonja Morgan, Carole Radziwill, Dorinda Medley, and newcomer Jules Wainstein. Of the original housewives, Frankel initially left after the third season before returning for the seventh; McCord and Zarin left after the fourth season; and de Lesseps was a friend of the housewives in the sixth. The remaining housewives joined in later seasons: Morgan in the third, Radziwill in the fifth, Medley in the seventh, and Wainstein in the eighth. Other housewives include Kelly Killoren Bensimon (seasons 2–4), Cindy Barshop (season 4), Aviva Drescher (seasons 5–6), Heather Thomson (seasons 5–7), and Kristen Taekman (seasons 6–7).
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And this podcast is all about exploring transparency while diminishing societal Norms stereotypes and previous experiences that wants captivated our growth. So that's a lot rate. What is that basically mean all in short we all Experience something from other people from our life experiences from societal Norms. So for me personally, I was a teenage parent some of the stereotypes and the societal Norms. I wasn't supposed to be 17 years old and pregnant in high school. I was a young African-American woman at that point in time. If you were a teenage parent you were going to be on the system you are not going to be able to graduate you were not going to be successful. You're going to have multiple. Whoa, baby father's all of these things, right but when you are the person saying it to that individual and I'm going to say victim at the time. It does something to you. So it puts you in a place or in a box almost to where you don't feel like you can ever be successful. You are looked down upon you our shame. You are just you just feel horrible you feel disgusted you feel guilt you feel so many other emotions and feelings and So eventually that does something to You so you either one Sometimes some people just give up and they fall into those stereotypes or those Norms or to some people say absolutely not I will not be this person that you think that I should have been and so that's what this podcast is all about. It's about whatever it is that you have been through whatever it is that people have said or the box that people have put you in this podcast is to encourage you to say aah, absolutely not Absolutely not. These are also conversations that I believe that or I feel excuse me that our culture tends to kind of overlooked but yet they understand that it plays a significant role throughout her life, but it's not really talked about. So that's what this podcast will represent its transparency and really having those strong vulnerable conversations with myself with others as a collab but really talking about it and really encouraging other people to really walk shamelessly to be Shameless. To not be ashamed of what people have said about you or the box that people have put you in but to really just walk confidently really walk confidently with who you are and owning that experience owning that pass. Yes. That was me. Yes. I was a teenage parent but yet I am going to be successful. I am going to do better and I will show my daughter how she can do the same and I will also make her aware and expose her so the societal norms and you know, too The all the stereotypes that are put out there to say despite what they say. You can do better. This is not the end of your story. So I believe that it's time to release our past experiences and truly walk confidently as we continue to discover and connect to our inner beauty our strength our peace our aspirations and our accomplishments, but most importantly restoring and reconnecting with ourself reconnecting with ourselves. So, what does that mean? Regina hurt acknowledging the pain but then how do we dig deep? And we find our Beauty we find our strength to say, you know what this is not have to be me. Yes. That was me at one point in time, but I'm gonna do better and I'm gonna own it. I'm gonna walk with confidence walk with confidence. So we will walk shamelessly and achieve everything everything everything that we were once afraid to conquer. So let's grow our Shameless. Leti and Inspire one another by doing so you can follow me and engage with other Shameless individuals on Instagram as Shameless underscore shiny or email me. If you don't want to be out there, you know on social media you can always email me emails will be confidential but you can email me as Shameless period shiny at and always feel free to comment provide feedback ask questions and offer suggestions. This is how we will increase our shame. Is community and encourage one another. I look forward to building our community and connecting with you all, please please please please stay tuned to the first episode which will be released on January 1st. Is community and encourage one another. I look forward to building our community and connecting with you all, please please please please stay tuned to the first episode which will be released on January 1st.
Have you ever experienced shame from  a relative, friend, coworker, or societal norms? Has the shame ever settled in your gut and you struggled overcoming the shame and/or pain? Well you've came to the right Podcast. This trailer will encourage you to release anything you're holding onto and live shamelessly. Yes, it's difficult, but we are going to build a community to support one another. Before I launch our first episode, I wanted to share a little insight on why I created this podcast, in addition to what this podcast represent. I truly believe that what we're going to cover on this show will continue to encourage myself as well as others to consistently be shameless of our past experiences while empowering human life and embracing individuality. Essentially, we will grow our shameless community and live unapologetic our authentic self and accomplish everything we didn't think we could. Follow me on Instagram @shameless_shawny Email: Music by @fitwitish Photograph by @blank_kanvas Podcast logo by @cheeky_ruthie --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. --- Send in a voice message:
Don't have enough time to sit down and read all the best Bitcoin articles. Well, let us read them for you. This is a crypto Konami quick read. What is up fellow bit Corners? Welcome back to the crypto economy with guys Swan. That is me your host the guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anybody else, you know, and we are going to read about Bitcoin today got another quick read for you. And this one is going to be one about better hash. We have control. We have a we've talked about better hash on the show. I did read a piece. I think by the blue mat actually I'll dig into it. It'll be in the show notes if you want to listen to it on but it was really good introduction and I was really excited about it. I haven't heard much about better hash until this article by stop and decrypt which you're going to read today is titled better hash decentralizing Bitcoin mining with new hashing protocols. And I think this is a really important topic that not just better hash but the idea like what better Josh is in like it's relationship in the rest of the network because better hash is not like a soft Fork. It's not it is a protocol unto itself. It's a way to organize a group of people who are mining around Bitcoin to mind towards the same thing. It's a create a decentralized mining pool essentially and will obviously get into this but I think these types of improvements are just as if not more important than some of the soft fork or like specific protocol improvements that are happening because these can be implemented without any major like without any of the social tension or the consensus problems of Bitcoin or like the actual Bitcoin protocol and they go a long way like this like dandelion is another great example, which we we talked about numerous times about just figuring out a new way for the client. It's just a client side Improvement to broadcast the transaction out into the peer-to-peer Network. And with things like schnoor and like high level like or high degrees of aggregation and Taproot all the different things that are coming. I think really What's the word Spotlight? They really shine a light on what's important in figuring out how to get people to work together like in a decentralized manner for adding data to the blockchain. Like I think it will be I think it will be kind of a rare thing. Unless you're moving enormous amounts of capital in the blockchain to be publishing a transaction from your from one you txo to another you txo without anyone else involved and I think it's important that we have. A on a decentralized way to pool when you know, 20 other people are making their inputs and their outputs that we have a decentralized and trustless way to just pull all of this together. So it's taking up as little space on the blockchain as possible. And it is possible and we do have a lot of these types of things and this is kind of in that same mindset. Like what kind of an improvement is it its own protocol. There's like a protocol for aggregating a signatures or something would be except this is to do with mining Andre decentralizing the Bitcoin mining sphere. So we'll go ahead and just jump into this again. It's by stopping to crib. We've read a number of stop in the crypts. On the show in the past always great stuff my favorite still to this day being the Bitcoin is an impenetrable penetrable Fortress of validation. It's like a where is it? Bitcoin miners beware invalid blocks need not apply this one my favorite articles. So got a lot of those on the show. I'll try to see if I can collect all the ones by stopping decrypt and post them in the show notes. So if you want to go back and listen to any of those and obviously hacker noon and just stopped in to groups page, there's tons and tons of stuff to read so definitely check that out. But last thing don't forget if you hadn't heard you haven't been keeping up. Show we've got a coupon code for bit block bun August 17th and 18th the conference and it's out in Dallas. And if you get your tickets now and you use the discount code CC you will get 30% off. So don't forget that discount codes CC 30% off the price will jump again right at the beginning of August. So get your tickets soon and we'll hang out come out to bit block boom and we'll get to chill. All right, so let's go ahead. Ed and jump into our article again stop and decrypt titled better hash decentralizing Bitcoin mining with new hashing protocols an overview of mining pool exploits that better hash disables. intra better hash is the working name for alternative mining protocols currently in development when it's completed. There will need to be enough miners willing to switch to a new mining pool using these protocols or an existing pool that is willing to serve as both the Old and New protocols while miners gradually ready themselves to switch over in either Circumstance. The initial switch will need to be supported by enough miners to make doing so profitable else profit volatility would Too high, ultimately minors will need to understand why they should switch and there will need to be forward-thinking pool operators who don't want the control that current pools have this can only happen if the problems and risks with the current system are properly understood and conveyed disclaimer. This is not a fork or a consensus rule change. So what exactly is wrong with Bitcoin mining now? Bitcoin mining has a representation problem Bitcoin mining pools are not Bitcoin miners yet pools unduly signal for them pools run the node construct the block select the transactions and can choose what Fork all of their miners hash power is used for this creates a handful of incentive issues and enable some pretty undesirable political leverage better hash aims to address this by giving those responsibilities back. To the individual Miners and stripping the mining pools of their influence for the greater good of the network with better. Hash miners would control their own hash power and pools would just coordinate them and distribute the rewards. Okay, so he's got a graphic here of the mining power at the mining pool hash power distribution and then and shows like just kind of latest Bitcoin blocks and shows like ampoule at 12% F2 pool at 13. It shows how like basically six major miners control mining pools, excuse me control the significant majority of the hash power, but because these are pools so he decided to put another one. Of the same graph by breaking up the actual public hash rate distribution inside of slush pool, which is one of those major pools and then overlaying it on all the other major pools. It shows what the minor Distribution on the whole network is if you took the pools out of the equation and it's crazy. It looks like a it genuinely looks like there's like a million tiny little slivers in this thing. So if you go to the article, For no other reason but to clap and look at that graphic, I definitely recommend so you can see exactly how decentralized mining actually is and see how it is actually the mining pool protocols that create the illusion that there is a lot of centralization in the mining ecosystem. All right, let's get back to the article this article aims to highlight the kinds of exploitation pools can conduct under the current. Mining environment of which would not be possible if better hash like protocols or adopted at the expense of what may be the miners best interests pools can also be hacked and then used by the attacker to engage in this behavior before we get to that let's briefly go over the structural differences between what exists now and what better hash protocols would change about it. Currently many miners don't even run notes and simply connect their Asics to a mining pool using protocols like stratum the pool runs the node selects, the transactions creates a block they would like mind and then sends that block out to all of the miners using their pool and the miners began hashing it once a minor successfully mines a block it gets sent back to the pool and out to the Bitcoin Network. With better hash miners will individually run their own nodes select the transactions create a block and then mine it the block would be configured to pay the pool and just like with the stratum protocol those unsuccessful blocks called shares would be used by the miners to prove. They've been mining for that pool the whole time by just changing who creates the block template to be mind to the individual miners instead of the pool. Owner and then building a new protocol around that concept better hash circumvents. All the issues were going to cover for a more technical overview on the better hash protocols currently in development. This presentation by Matt carollo should suffice but is not necessary to understand the exploits this article discusses because conceptually better hash is objectively better and a fully codified implementation doesn't need to exist in order to grasp how important this is. It should be noted that the name better hash is not definitive as mentioned in the video. the status quo to understand why switching to better hash is so important. Let's unpack all the problems associated with the way things are now for minors that wouldn't exist if they were using better hash. To be brief mining on your own has returns that are most likely to volatile which is why pools have existed since it's early as 2010 critics will point at pool distributions to claim Bitcoin mining is centralized and while counter-arguments a certain minors can just switch the pool. They use it's not always that simple. If you are a minor your options are limited to a handful of mining pools each with their own terms of service that you may or may not agree with pools. Are too large to provide a diverse set of options to pick from at the end of the day. You have no choice, but to choose the pool best suited to you and if most or all of the pools decide that some practice you don't like or agree with is going to be the norm. Then you have no real alternative but to deal with that since starting your own pool probably won't produce a steady enough income stream pools that already exist are relatively large and by having many minors under each of their umbrellas. Has pools have the power over their miners hash power to do a number of questionable things that will go over one by one. Pools can determine what transactions do or don't go into a block. Be bribed to reorganize the blockchain under the right conditions backlog transaction MIM pools to inflate the fee rate. Direct hash power without consent and mine competitive Forks dishonestly mine. Should they have ulterior motives for doing so And Signal support for a proposal using a Minor's Ash power. All of these are essentially the direct result of pools building the Bitcoin blocks instead of the miners as mentioned earlier along with pool exploitation comes third-party exploitation of the pools pools can be hacked and then the hackers can potentially conduct these exploits or pools can be attacked from a network level and then minors are left scrambling to figure things out or switch to another pool with better Hash A Pool Hack wouldn't be able to control a Miner's hash power and Network. Level attacks targeting a pool wouldn't have a direct effect on the miners using that pool. Network level attacks are just as concerning if not more than pools exploiting their miners hash power an attacker can bring down a large chunk of the hash power or redirect it as they please bgp attacks are easy to do in the time and resources required to recover from them is concerning to say the least to convey how trivially an attacker can steal a pools hash rate and conduct any of the exploits written in this article watch three. It's of this presentation below. He has a YouTube video embedded of Matt carollo. The blue mat from the magical crypto conference this year talking about The Good the Bad and the Ugly and network level attacks and it's only 13 minutes if you have some time to sit down and watch it. I just watched the whole thing and it's shocking as the same time that it is excellent. So I definitely recommend taking just a little bit out of your day and sitting down and watching this one. Alright, let's jump back into the are There's no doubting the benefits of a protocol that defends against these kinds of issues. But Solutions too often unheard of potentialities don't always do a great job on their own conveying their necessity. I'd like to bring to light some hypothetical scenarios as well as some that have already occurred in some fashion. So that necessity is more readily understood. So let's take a closer. Look at what each of them are. Please note that some of these are hypothetical and unlikely to actually occur and some may require very specific circumstances While others have occurred in one form or another already. one pools determine what transactions go into a block Often an issue raised when discussing the possibility of 51% attacks if enough pools can be convinced to Blacklist a transaction type or an address even temporarily then it doesn't matter. If you a minor personally don't care and would have included it the motivation for this could be coercion or just a financial incentive to do so whether the pool zone or an external one paid to the pool. scenario 1 censoring a Services hot wallet imagine and exchanges hot wallet being blacklisted by 40% of the pools paid for by a competing exchange. It wouldn't borrow that wallet from transacting indefinitely, but it would noticeably slow down their transaction processing as a minor. Maybe you don't think that behavior is healthy for the ecosystem, but maybe you just have no other choice since you have no say in what your pool does in secret. scenario 2 censoring confidential transaction types Tweet by prob HGT Wing Chun at Sato fishy may we respectfully ask yf2 pool official is not mining Z cash shielded transactions when Z cash switches to fully shielded. Will you continue mining? Retweet by Wing Chun quote the original Z EC pool. I wrote in 2016 didn't include any transactions only empty blocks not because of censorship, but I was too lazy to write code calculating Merkel route. The current code is maintained by our Dev win CSS. He might be same lazy. I guess we'll check with him end quote. The Tweet above ended up proving if we trust his word this example to be non-malicious but is still important to consider scenarios in which something like this was done intentionally Bitcoin doesn't have confidential transactions at the moment and may never have them but it does have different transaction types. If a pool had a reason for doing so then they could theoretically ignore them. So a backlog of specific types of transactions exacerbates raising fees and potentially slowing down any service that makes use of those specific kinds of transactions. All right, I'm gonna need a break get outside of my Bitcoin tent here for just a minute. Let's go ahead and hit our sponsor and we will come back with attack number two pools can be bribed to reorganize the blockchain. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. Ooh, so they've paid me for exposure to my audience. That's really hard to beat. Even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically publish to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app. Go to Anchor dot f m-- today. Two pools can be bribed to reorganize the blockchain. Similar to the examples above pools can decide they don't want a specific version of a transaction to be included in The Ledger and then try and act on this decision such a scenario would be next to impossible to coordinate spontaneously or in hindsight, but if pools were so inclined than just a few of them could build software in preparation for a bribe and then act on it immediately without miners having any say in the matter. Miners might believe this is in their best interest if the bribe was shared with them, but pools have less of an incentive to do this the hire a share they give to the minors additionally in a hacking scenario the hacker could counter the bribe to the pool muddying the waters even more. This was a suggestion after the exchange by Nance was hacked. Although the pools weren't prepared for it and many use this to make arguments about Bitcoin mining being centralized when reality is just the pools that have too much leverage over minors that this could even be potentially abused for more nuanced on this subject. Give the podcast below a listen and make note that none of the things being discussed in it would matter if better hash was being used because this would have been impossible to even consider. If miners built the blocks instead of pools. And he links to an episode of the what Bitcoin did podcast with Adam back and Brian Bishop about block re organizations and why they're bad for Bitcoin. Three pools can backlog transactions to inflate the fee rate. Not only can pools bar specific transactions. They can choose to ignore all transactions below a specific fee rate raising the cost for everyone trying to transact some consider this a trivial issue because smaller pools will take the opportunity to include those transactions since the reward for them is greater rewarding the underdogs in the long-term. I don't think it's as trivial as this since we've seen how the effects of this behavior Can steer arguments in the political Arena over. Rising fees in the short-term sooner or later a fee Market is going to exist but throttling the network below its consensus enforce limitations shouldn't be a tool granted to a handful of people running pools while competition may exist at the pool level to counter this Behavior. We continue to see empty blocks Mind by select pools because the financial incentives are aligned along with instances in the past. Where a few Pools only had transactions that were above 5 satoshi's per byte, even when there was room for the remainder of the transactions in the backlog. It might require some coordination among pools to have an effect. But if the incentives aligned then that coordination isn't difficult or even necessary and now a small group of pool operators would have a valuable tool at their disposal that nobody else has Pools can also do this covertly instead of creating non-full blogs. They can fill them with what looks like legitimate but unannounced transactions that they then collect back to themselves to throw off people businesses and fee estimators by Leading them to believe the new going fee rate is real once the market starts paying the higher price. Then pools could just adjust their malicious transactions up again at the time of the image below the bottom. Bottom 50% of the transaction backlog in size accounted for only seven percent of the reward miners collected in fee the reward grew nonlinearly with the median fee rate in the transaction backlog making this a lucrative Endeavor for any large enough pool wanting to try this out. for pools can direct hash power without consent in more ways than one pools choose what chain to extend pools feed the miners a block and effectively just say - block the miners mind that block until it's found by someone. Then fools feed them. The next block miners aren't tracking different branches themselves and miners generally assume the pool is being honest and Mining the coin or Fork you expect them to mine many miners aren't running nodes. So they aren't validating the consensus rules. This is Those problems in the past when pools decided that they were also not going to validate blocks, but instead SPV mine on top of invalid blocks as a minor. You should want to know that your time and money isn't being wasted by the pool you're using. A scenario, you're a minor and your part of pool a you receive a steady stream of payments for the amount of hash power you provide to the pool. You've done the math it checks out and that never changes. The operator of Poulet decides. They are going to use your hash power to provide life support for another chain. That's at risk one that you don't care about and possibly dislike or consider to be competition the pool continues to pay you the money. Market rate for your sha-256 rigs but you were hash power isn't actually being used on the Chain. You think you're mining since there's now an entire pool mining a different chain. The Network's block production rate slows down decreasing rewards and the market is potentially fooled into thinking there's more support than there actually is for another chain decreasing the potential value of your chain as a minor. This is probably a scenario you'd want to avoid Void unfortunately this scenario has already happened in real life. And then he has below a number of screenshots and a couple of Reddit post and stuff about how after the fork. I was used to were using the miners hash rate to actually mine on the B. CH chain and Roger Vera actually says in one of the comments when somebody ask where's the hash power coming from exactly. He said it's coming from the Bitcoin chain whenever we need it. Just showing that he's Just doing this he's just taking the miners hash power and directing it to whichever chain. He thinks he wants to support at the moment and a bunch of people are like really not taking well to this. He's like, you know, you're switching without in asking the on the miners behalf. You're having them forcing them to opt out and set of opt-in a couple people are justifying it, you know, you can switch to a different mining pool free market free choice. I'm not going to read through the whole thing just because it's kind of long but it's definitely one to check out and to keep in mind when you know, there was a fork to a minority chain. And you know, Roger Vera had no problem taking his entire mining pool and basically directing it to bch to give the illusion of support and felt. No, you know personal or moral issue in doing that. All right, let's jump back into the article. five pools can dishonestly mine using miners hash power Consider the scenario above to be the best case example of how this would play out. The pool is being honest with the miners about their intentions and they are at least attempting to remedy what they think will be the financial burden. They're giving the miners a heads up and telling them if they don't like it then leave which is not always simple, but what if they were dishonest If a pool showed they were mining 2 Chainz yellow and green at 80 percent and 20 percent respectively and you were mining the green chain through them. How would you know they were being honest that only 20% of their miners supported that chain they could individually tell each Miner that they are the 20% and they're the only ones supporting it when they really aren't miners would have to coordinate on side channels and add up their hash power to round if they're being deceived the main issue with that is many miners are private and many want to remain private will remain private and should remain private coordinating like this is an impractical work around to avoid being deceived and manipulated Not only would this sort of lie allow complete exploitation of all the miners combined hash power, but the disinformation could influence the markets valuation of each chain anyone who values the The long-term health of the Bitcoin Network would want to avoid these kinds of scenarios. six pools can signal for a proposal using your hash power there doesn't even need to be an actual chain split for this kind of manipulation to take place since the pool gets to signal for all the hash power under their umbrella prior to an actual Fork a situation like the one below would give the appearance that 80% of the hash power is signaling for or against some proposal or Fork given that signaling isn't a financial commitment. There's little risk involved in doing so you would only need to persuade the few individuals running. Spools to temporarily signal support if you wanted to try and move the market in your desired direction if it fails like we witnessed with no to X then it's at no loss to the mining pools. Everyone's hash power still works regardless of the result. No one knows exactly what percentage of hash power all of the pools actually own versus how much belonged to other miners using a pool but the extra transparency is without a doubt a bonus for the effectively silent majority of the hash power without a voice. Nobody wants another know 2x scenario nor should a handful of pools be able to decide that the majority support something when they really don't perhaps the no to X mu I meant wouldn't have been necessary if better hash existed a few years ago. And it shows a historical chart from coin dot dance on the Bitcoin proposals support and shows seg with 2x support. Which almost immediately it just shot up right towards the end of July 2017 and actually peaked at 95 supposedly 95% of the hash rate of the network and he's got it with the caption that quote Miners did not signal for seg with 2x mining pools. did conclusion perspective matters I anticipate there being two different common reactions from people upon reading this both of which I've already received from a handful of people reviewing it. I think it's important to highlight this for the reader you and address it one quote. I didn't know mining pools have so much power. to quote This can give the appearance that pools have more control than they really do. Now for the meta considerations at first glance one might think quote the first person probably didn't know much about mining or Bitcoin in general and the second person has been around the block and understands the nuances enough to measure these scenarios more appropriately and quote another way one might view. This would be quote. The first person is providing a fresh and real perspective on learning about the balances of power in this system while the Person has been around for a while and it's gotten too comfortable and desensitized to the way things are and the potential threats and quote. Both of these initial reactions are valid. Both of these meta considerations are valid if pools had no potential to abuse the system the way it's currently set up then there would be no drive to develop better protocols and you wouldn't be reading this. Conversely if pools were such a significant threat to bitcoin then they would have abused their power in irreparably damaging Ways by now CB cash alternatively to these polarizing perspectives. This is what I'd like your takeaway to be instead. Better hash needs to be implemented because better hash is objectively better than what we have now pool abuse and network attacks shouldn't be possible and we can alleviate these concerns by simply getting minors to run their own nodes so they can create their own blocks and using a better pooling protocol structured around that simple but fundamental change. There's always the potential That something could go seriously wrong. If we don't get ahead of a problem that we know how to fix. So let's fix it. And he's got a couple of additional resources linked below Bob McElroy with decentralizing mining pools for Bitcoin off chain with Jimmy song how mining pools work with Matt. Corallo. And what Bitcoin did episode again Matt Kerala on how Bitcoin works, so do not forget to jump up your if you have not done so yet drop some Applause on this. This is from the hatch. Noon publication and it was again stopped and decrypt putting this great piece together talking about the risks involved in the simple fundamental element of the mining pool protocols that minors are not running their own nodes. They are not enforcing the consensus rules and they they are essentially giving all of that power up to the pool and simply put if that power is there it will get abused somehow and maybe by a hacker particularly. If you watch that that bloom at presentation from MCC that he posts up there. That was a really really good one. It certainly scares the crap out of me and the sense of being able to actually affect what mining pools can do and I mean who knows how long it would take for like a, you know, pool like that to actually figure out Something was going on and then we have a situation like the be cash 51% attack that happened, you know, just a was a couple weeks maybe a month or so ago. Now this it to of the mining pools decided to reject the good to go two blocks deep and do a reorg purposely to reject someone else's transaction and put in their own transaction in place of it. So we see in live I've how this can work for or happen for censorship and he's got the example of Z cash doing the exact same thing and it was supposedly just out of sheer laziness that private transactions weren't being mined by this pool, which is kind of crazy when you think about it. It's just like they're not concerned. It's like whatever. We're still getting our money. We're still getting the block reward who cares and what kind of a frustration inconvenience or possibly even. I mean depending on how much hash power they have a literal like confidential transactions not being able to get through in any kind of a timely manner. It's a censorship. It's an accidental censorship of privacy, which is kind of nuts when you think about it. There's a lot of things there's a lot of externalities to this type of thing and it's obviously it's a huge convenience. For pools or excuse me for miners to be able to work together, but they need to do so in without recreating these Central points of failures that could really cause a huge stink. Like cause like a really big problem for the network and the security. I mean what a simple and rather open attack Vector that is that has nothing to do with the protocol itself has nothing to do with Bitcoin or the network. It's not that's not where the limitation lies that's not where the weakness lies. It's in how minors pool their efforts to work together towards hashing for the Bitcoin blocks. So and that's why I think like there's going to be so many different ways in which I think working together in a decentralized fashion is going to be really important with how we interact with Bitcoin. That's why I brought up at the beginning things like Taproot and schnoor signatures when we can combine an aggregate signatures, like there's a centralized service essentially, but it's like bit flash dot Club just got shown about this the other day by somebody at the Bitcoin meet at the rendezvous. Ali Bitcoin meet up and I'm going to see if this is it I don't want to give you the wrong URL bit flash dot Club. Yeah, that's it. And it says make own sheep transactions using using lightning and what happens is that you pay a tiny lightning fee and then put your own chain transaction essentially in the in the pool of what's going on and they are aggregating transactions. So it's joining multiple lightning transactions into a single. Unchain transaction. So if you're like trying to get money out of your pool, excuse me out of your channel. And so so happens to be a hundred other people. Well, then you aggregate that and you're all splitting the fee to make that transaction a lot cheaper own chain. And I think this is the kind of thing that is going to be very common I think is going to have to be a normal part of interacting with the Bitcoin Network which is why and with the things like mining pools or whatever. You don't want to introduce these Central points of failure, like bit flash. Club might not have much control, but it can also cause like be a huge inconvenience and it would be nice to have some sort of a decentralized way kind of like, you know how Wasabi wallet allows people to coordinate together and make a mixing transaction. Is a lot of different elements involved in this and it's important that we not rebuild centralization back into this just for convenience and he does a guy stop and decrypt just a great job of laying out all of these attack vectors and and I love that. It's like there's not even there's not even any real reason to rebut them in a sense. Like it's just like if you're Running your own node. None of this is a problem. And that's what better hash does. And I would really really like to see protocols like this like it sucks a one of the one of the things that I actually highlighted or is it? Okay, there's no doubting the benefits of a protocol that defends against these kinds of issues. But Solutions too often unheard of potentiality. These don't always do a great job on their own conveying their necessity and that's just a really important thing to remember is that so many of like we have a really bad tendency of waiting until something really terrible happens to implement a solution. And often it's something where the solution has just been sitting there ready to go and I would really like to see some mining pool out there. Take take the reins on this and be like we're going to do it like slush pool or F2 pool or whatever and like actually go like actually do that and you like art we're going to implement better hash because we know it's better for the whole protocol. It's better for the whole network and it It eliminates an attack Vector that there's no reason for it to be there and also like just inhabit. I think all even if the miners are using a pool that centralized I still think they should be running their own nodes, even though it's not like a huge help because all it would do is maybe alert them to some sort of a thing going on. But still, you know, when the solution is there when it's already available. It's like just It just implement it. We really don't want to be in a situation where we're bandage bandaging up a bunch of wounds and you know fixing hardware and trying to get everything back to like some sort of a static normal situation and going. Oh, we really should have done this like a year ago, and we've also obviously we've already seen some of the problems with this the fact that pool. Is just by default. I mean they were being open about it. You know, Roger ver test said every book told or at least to put an announcement thing on the website that you know, guess what we're going to use your hash power for be cash. But you know, it's like like stopping to grip said it's not exactly the easiest thing in the world in the world to go pick a different pool and in a scenario like segue to X it looked like everybody was signaling for this like all the major a bunch of the major companies were like, okay I We'll go ahead and do it too and all the major pools were like we're going to get behind it. But it was like, you know, six or seven pools it wasn't the thousands of miners behind those pools that made this decision and what they found out was that that support wasn't actually there and basically the user activated software called their Bluff and thank God they did because segment 2x was fundamentally broken. They never mind a block because the protocol because The the thing that they claimed for oh God, who knows how long that oh, it's only a change in like three lines of code. What could possibly go wrong? You're everybody's completely over exaggerating the risks and it's like no you just don't arbitrarily and Rush protocol changes, like consensus rule changes, like something is going to fuck up. You're an idiot for thinking this is smart and that you're Just do this in two weeks and you know not even test anything not even review this thing and sure enough, you know, it completely went to a halt then it off by one bug Straight Out The Gate and 95% of the hash power operators again pool operators, not Miners and businesses in the space showed what complete buffoons they were that they had no restraint that they were not concerned with security. T and that this many companies all the major companies in the space could not shell out a couple of freaking dollars to review the damn code like what an embarrassment and the fact that that is possible just because pools are centralized and they don't have to be is a really important issue and I think it's like the kind of things that happen with it. Like what's the like this the injured that this sets when people don't essentially push for this or they just kind of Let it Flow by on concerning is exactly the kind of thing that leads to the next quote unquote centralized solution to you know, pooling transactions together and where people just keep giving up more and more control without being concerned about it because nothing's particularly happening right now and everybody has to scramble and freak out and And you know Rush ghetto rig a bunch of solutions together when something terrible happens, so I'm just really glad that this article was put together. I think it's good to talk about this again. And I hope anybody who hears or reads this realizes and thinks about it. And if anybody out there is a minor bring it up like send this episode or send the article or just mention put a thing out to the person who is operating. Your pool that we should really be doing this. This is stupid. And if you're a minor make sure you're running your own no to and I know I've probably said this about a billion times but always be running your own node, even if you were giving your your control up as a minor always be running your own node. I think it's stupid to Hash for blocks that you don't know anything about so hopefully anybody who listens to this take take me up on it. And try to give a little bit of a push for this because I would really really like to see this implemented and it would be amazing to see like 30% of the network behind this and really just make that make that mining distribution chart. I want it to look absolutely impenetrable. I want there to be so many slices on that damn pie that it looks like an absurd thing, too. Even think of trying to control the hash power and attacking the Bitcoin Network. Because that's the only way that's the only way that this thing is going to survive attacks from you know, very powerful and highly funded adversaries and I think we are going to have those adversaries. I think it's really inevitable that that that is a problem we have to deal with so let's go ahead and fix it before we get there, you know. Alright. Well, thank you to stop and decrypt as always or yet another great article. And for putting this piece together and letting me read it on the show so I can talk about it. Thank you to hacker noon for the publication. They always have great stuff great writers. So don't forget to go over to the actual article and drop some serious Applause on this one if you have not and there is a lot of things to go digging a little bit further the one specifically that I think is really great and super short. So it's easy to go through is that 13-minute video from the blue matte? About the network level attacks. So definitely a lot over there to be going to go digging a little bit deeper. All right, guys, we will close this episode out now. Thank you for listening to the Crypt O'Connor. We've got a bunch of great episodes coming. I have been kind of slammed back-to-back have been basically doing dual episodes a day for this week. I just talked with and I believe it just got released car. Camp it and bird from the friends against government podcast. If you've been listening to show we did an episode way way back during the beginning towards the beginning of this show and was just a whole lot of fun and we got to reminisce almost a full year later basically talk about everything that happened throughout the year kind of some crap that I've been having to deal with trying to remodel this house still after all this time and talk about all kinds of stuff the growth of their podcast and just as really really good time and kind of how everybody's thinking about and what the major things are happening in Bitcoin. So definitely go check that one out was a fun episode. And then also I just finished this morning an interview with Aaron van Werdum who obviously, you know, I've read tons of stuff by him on the show. The guy is my favorite writer in the space hands down just an amazing amazing guy and I got His brain, we got a bullshit about all things Bitcoin and learn about his history how he got into this and his takes on like Bitcoin and journalism in general and a bunch of stuff that's going on. So that was a really really fun conversation and I cannot wait to publish it. So stay tuned for that. Don't forget to subscribe and follow me on Twitter. I am at the crypto Kana me on Twitter. And yeah, I'm guys Swan. Thanks for listening. This is the crypto Konami podcast. This is where we dive deep into the tech into the philosophy into the economics everything about this new world in this new economy that were building where we were getting back our sovereignty our Liberty and fingers crossed our privacy because we want a better future and we're going to build it and this is where you learn all about it. Thank you so much for joining me. I love you guys. Don't forget to share this out with everybody, you know in the Bitcoin and crypto economies face. So they too can get the best content in Bitcoin until next time. I am guys Swan signing off. Take it easy guys.
What if we already had a solution to one of the biggest threats to the Bitcoin network, but simply weren't implementing it? Today we read another great piece by @stopanddecrypt breaking down the numerous vulnerabilities of centralized mining pools, that simply wouldn't exist, with the implementation of a @TheBlueMatt's new hashing protocol, #BetterHash. Drop some applause on the original article & check out the library of work on StopAndDecrypt's Medium page: Other resources & media mentioned on the show: Support my work and join the official #CryptoconomyCrew telegram group by becoming a patron: --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
so we can hello everyone. Welcome to living in this queer body a podcast about barriers to embodiment and how our Collective body stories bring us back to ourselves. I'm a sharp interests and I appreciate you being here with me today. So I discovered the work of Princess have pill on Instagram through my connections to Adrienne Marie Brown and one thing that princess said the impact. Me so much that I built a workshop around the theme several months ago. Thanks to all who participated this is something simple, but really profound and here's the quote boundaries are the distance at which I can love you and me simultaneously. And I think Prentice is work is is deeply informed by a kind of wisdom that exists in such an embodied way. and I think you'll find in our interview that this is truly a person who can speak about complex experience in a really brilliant way. They were truly an honor to speak with and I hope you enjoy this episode. I also hope that if you are listening to this before November 10th, you consider signing up for a workshop with me. The workshop description is available on my website and you can register on my website which is living in this queer or on Instagram at living in this queer body. And I'm also available for one-on-one sessions and those can be Worked on my website at living in the square So on November 10th, I'm co-hosting part one of a two-part virtual workshop with Mario Berg who was a psychotherapist and podcaster trained in the health at every size modality. She's the host of a skillful podcast and the it's just a cookie podcast. She's a white queer cisgendered person who is in recovery from an eating disorder. She's the founder and director of Bay Area DBT a couples counseling center in San Francisco. She also supports people worldwide and healing disordered eating and body hatred through online coaching. So our Workshop is called Health ISM and nutritionism are not helping with your healing and it's open to all people including those in the health and healing professions as well as those like us or Mariela myself who have been impacted by health. Them and nutrition ISM and our own relationship to our bodies will Define these terms talk about how it is that they these discourses interfere with our troop healing and in particular we're going to talk a lot about what is considered to be the virtuousness of Health and Wellness, which is a very big topic. Topic that I think impacts pretty much all of us whether or not we have had experiences with disordered eating orthorexia or living disabled bodies. Whatever the case may be. We have challenges to figuring out how to nourish ourselves and feel as if there's a lot of judgment in our relationships or in the world around that this is definitely the workshop for you. It's pertinent for folks who can relate Some of these questions that we generated. Do you find yourself choosing Foods based on whether they are good bad or clean. Do you inhabit a disabled fat or chronically ill body that is judged for being bad week or lacking in discipline. Do you work with people in your professional life who negatively judge others who aren't healthy or themselves. Do you intellectually disagree that health is not entirely in our own hands, but find yourself. Making decisions in your life that are driven by an imperative to constantly improve your health and wellness. Do you develop health and wellness goals for yourself all the time? Okay, I could go on and on but I really want to go get to our interview. So I'll introduce Prentiss. And then we will we'll hear from them. So princess Hemphill is a movement facilitator. So Maddox teacher and practitioner and a writer living and working at the convergence of healing individual and Collective transformation and political organizing Prentice spent many years working with powerful movements and organizations. Most recently as the healing Justice director at black lives matter Global number in 2016. In practice was awarded the Buddhist peace Fellowship some award for Community work inspired by Buddhist thought currently practice is a teacher of cymatics with generative. So Maddox, which is focused on bringing a politicized cymatics practice to movement building organizations and with black organizing for leadership and dignity a training program for black organizers throughout the u.s. And works as a facilitator a consultant for organizations and groups looking to Center healing Justice and transformative Justice into the very core of the work that they do to build more. Well and self-determine communities parenthesis served as a board member for the national queer and trans therapist color Network a network for connecting communities with representative mental health practitioners and an effort at bringing Frameworks for healing Justice more. Probably into our current mental health provision models and on black emotional and mental health. an organization committed to removing the barriers for black people to receive mental and emotional care Prentiss is also a deeply committed practitioner and healer who utilizes so Maddox methodology intuitive and incest rural practice into their work to heal trauma and unlock the unique Brilliance and contribution of each person body and being that they work with you can find out more about Prentiss at their website, which is Prentice So that's P re NT is Hemphill hmph. I and they are on Instagram. They are Prentiss dot h, so it's Prentiss have or Apprentice dot h on Instagram and let's get on to the interview. Contest thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it. Yeah, so I'd love to start with just a reflection on how you at an early age came to know about. Being in a body like what messages or what environment did you find yourself in that helped you to understand that? Yeah, I've heard you ask this question to other people on the podcast and it's always an interesting one for me. And I think every time I hear it, I have a different answer for myself the question to me. Well, the body and itself is a distinction that we make as human beings and I think the realization that you have a body or that you are a body. I think it happens in stages obviously. Yeah. Moments, I still discover my body often, but it is also a different question for me. And when did I first discover what my body could do or feel The Wonder of my body that would lead me down a different path and I think when did I first discover that I had a body probably puberty in a way. I mean, you know I think when you're a kid, it's like I'm a part of this whole thing. Yeah a part of this family. It's you don't you're not always thinking about what makes you distinct from the other people in your environment or in your family. Other than when you have moments of pain or you know moments of Joy like, okay, I'm experiencing something distinctly for the most part. I think I felt really a part of actually this is interesting. I think when I was about 11 or 12 I used to Growling my shirt off all the time. And I mean honestly, I still do so kind of but my mother said you need to put your shirt on because you have a little brother you need to make sure that you're covered up. So I think that's when I got the message that there was something about my body that needed to be covered. Hmm. Yeah, probably 11 or 12. I got that message. That's pretty defying against it. I still resisted it. I used to go to school and I was really proud that I didn't need a bra. And there were so many people wearing bras, you know for to belong I'm not doing that. I don't want to add something extra. So I used to be in the locker room basketball locker room. Like I don't need a bra and it's awesome. So that's when I started feeling some like anticipation and anxiety kind of the projection from others of Shame onto my body. I think previous to that, you know, just to kind of roll back a little bit. I felt a part of but I also you know, I've always been a dancer dance was a way that I really experienced my body not so much experiencing it as a body but as a way to Kind of authentic we express how I felt. I really use dance therapeutically help me process emotionally from when I was young a young kid, so I felt like my body was able to express my emotional life. Hey, so connected to it through that. Yeah. I keep discovering my body though. It's like it's a constant Discovery. Yeah. Absolutely. I like the way you kind of pointed out that and as a as a therapist, this is something that I am as a human but as a therapist that it's very poignant this idea that we kind of keep discovering our bodies and that it's such a I think there's so much discourse and in kind of the, you know, broad Wellness Community about this idea that you either are or aren't in your body, you know, you're kind of like meditate and you enter into your but, you know, like you're embodied or you're not or and and I think that's a real, you know, certainly you're breaking down this idea that you can just always be discovering different aspects of what it means to be in your body even making the distinction about you know, the way dance function for you possibly and I wonder if it functioned differently than like for instance. You mentioned basketball, you know, right like that basketball was maybe I don't know if it was a way for you to kind of Express aspects of your emotional life, but I imagine if it was then it was a dip. It was kind of a different aspect of your emotional. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I think dance has In addition to go into a little bit I think dance to me has a wider kind of range of language and it for me I can express a lot of things to dance and then I have other practices that feel more specific. I think like you're saying any basketball, I don't play basketball anymore. I was not a gifted basketball player, but I was I got best defensive player. I think in the eighth grade because I was so aggressively defending I didn't understand anything about plays. Or I should be standing or who my person was. I was always like this get the ball. Yeah, whatever. That was. I was expressing through basketball to happen. Yeah, and I think around the embodiment piece, you know, I was thinking about this earlier today and I was like, oh, I I also discover my body through you know analysis or what we call kind of political analysis or when I'm able to understand more about how the world shapes itself or how the world shapes my body and my experience of the world, you know, if I when I understand more about ableism is an example than I I'm actually something I get to understand about my own body. And the way the world has arranged itself around my body and therefore shaped my body when I understand things like colorism. There's a way that I can you know, then understand the way my body has been shaped by that my life and experiences in shape of colors and we're inside Blackness those those things that we point to is political analysis. You know, I think in this era were able to talk more about their actually embodied experiences and we get shaped by them really deeply so when when I'm in community and folks are Flex back to me a part of the world or the shaping that I haven't understood and discover parts of my body there too. I also think as I Age as my emotional life changes I discover more about my body to my body is it is a changing its changing all the time. It's always changing. So there's as many bodies discovered inside of this one body that we sent around. Hmm, right? Yeah, like the universal the body are born with is the Is the body right? It's nice like yeah, I've been many bodies. Hmm. Not even me. Yeah. Yeah. Where do you think you got? I don't know if that's it. If it feels like it's came from your own Discovery, but were there people around you or they're things that have helped you to understand that notion of being many bodies within a body, you know, I mean, like what do you what can you think of a point to that or practices? Or things that you've involved yourself in that kind of helped you to understand the multiplicity of possibilities or you know, just realities of who you what you contained within yourself. Hmm. I can think of a few different lineages. I think one it's hard to know what you came in with and 4.2 that it's really hard to know, but I think that one of the things that if I didn't come With it at it's been around for a while is just I feel really deeply committed to being myself. If nothing else. I feel very committed to being myself and and exploring what what life has to say to me and that's always kind of been a central practice of - to get to know myself to get to know life to be up close to it to be honest with myself the change so that may have been influenced by people around. And me I don't know that my parents would say the same thing about themselves or yeah, so it feels something like well that's just always been with me. But I do think you know, I grew up in the I grew up in a church, I grew up in the church and we were kind of like Polly around the denomination's we would go through my mom like to dabble. We were all we were we always are in kind of the Christian. See her but you know, we went to Pentecostal churches went to baptist churches went to Presbyterian churches. I got a lot of different flavors, but I think especially in the kind of Pentecostal frame the body is very much an actor in that lineage or tradition and transformation is very much a thing that happens and it's very very much a body transformation and even the whole kind of Christian concept of Which isn't only Christian but that concept of being born again or born Anew and that can happen. You know, you can look the same and you can become a new person. I think that that is probably deeply ingrained in me too. And then I think discovering, you know cymatics when I was probably Twenty Eight twenty seven twenty eight something like that having a space to learn about The body to integrate what I've known about the body through, you know, my culture my life growing up all of that to forward that knowing around the body as knowledge to understand the way black people inhabit our bodies in particular and what I've learned through that experience. I think somatics gave me a space too. I know what I know and a lot of ways can we talk a little bit more about kind of where you were in your life when you did discover some addicts? Like what was how you kind of came to be drawn to? That practice that that lineage and and as especially I mean as a queer person, you know, what what that has meant for you Mmm Yeah. It was all accidental couldn't agree that things are I was working at an organization in the Bay Area and generative cymatics the organization. I've been practicing semantics with since then been been almost 10 years since I was introduced to it. I was working at an organization who was trying to bring somatic practices into the organizational culture and partnered with generative somatics to do that. And the first training we had with generous and I was like what the hell is this? This is not what I signed up for. I don't understand but I remember being really struck by I think it was a prop to like feel the edge of your skin feel the edges of your skin or something like that. I realized that I had lived for a long time very small in the center of my chest and that was the kind of control room of my life was a very small me kinda hold they've been there when they asked me to fill out until the edges of my skin. I was like, whoa, I have not filled out in a long time and I think in terms of where I was and my life has time. I've been in therapy for a while have a long history with everything. I am a therapist also, but I had gone to therapy. I just thought it out and I always had a curiosity about yeah, our spiritual lives. We are expression. So, you know, I got a lot out of therapy. I was interested in becoming a therapist at the same time. I started somatic. I think I went back to grad school to become a therapist. So everything was just like Kind of unfolding and alive and questions were there with me. So it was all kind of happening at once really trauma. You know, I've been organizing for some years and especially around prisons and jails and incarceration and understanding the distinction around trauma what it is how it impacts us our relationship and then understanding that the trauma of Oppression and persecution and incarceration and Combat, those experiences showed up in people's lives and bodies communities families kind of shook me to my core and I wanted to figure out how to get help us heal the lack of a better way of saying that help us heal and therapy and cymatics or some of the ways, you know, the tools that I picked up at that moment. Hmm. Yeah. I mean I can really relate to in some ways that that feeling that therapy is very helpful or being a therapist and working with you know, your clients is very helpful in terms of the really understanding the breadth of and depth of traumatic experience and and witnessing the way it it moves through communities and families and bodies and yet I think what I'm so curious about in terms of your work and what you've you've done and been doing is is kind of how studying gender of cymatics and you know practicing along those lines has kind of opened up more. I mean just even hearing you talk about the Like where the control system was in your life and I understand that intellectually, but I think it's a really profound thing to experience that that sense of constriction that exists in in one place in our body are like how we're operating from one place. And I don't know I guess I mean that that feels very consistent with like a, you know, a kind of a history of traumatic experience. I guess what I'm asking is like sort of what do you think has opened up for you and the people you work? Work with in studying cymatics and generous mathematics specifically, I'll start on what I think is the most fundamental level. I think that we can't underestimate the power and reclaiming our our bodies and that our psychobiology all of that to me. That is the Fundamental building block of self-determination and self-determined Community. Hmm. And you know I said four years at one of the things I'm very committed to is especially for black people that felt sensitive Liberation and our bodies now and I think it's very important for folks who are committed to movement or to Shifting the world in ways that film or just that we have moments of being able to feel well ourselves or feel something liberatory and our bodies as an indicator of where we're trying to go and if we haven't felt that or you know, folks who are leading not from the place of having experienced that that concerns me. I wonder where we're going if we haven't experienced that so I think you know cymatics work for me has been I think important not just for me but for many people an important place of practice and Experience of you know healing trauma. Yes and also experiencing, you know, embodied resilient feeling themselves as creative beings again and resilient beings and rediscovering intimacy and connection with others. So I think that's what it has really offered and I'm coming off of week of teaching with black organizing for leadership and dignity. Or bold which is a black leadership development space but that feels so limiting in terms of what we do and what is offered in that space But it's embodied practice embodied learning and body political education and body principles of transformative organizing and rebuilding intimacy connection amongst black organizers. And I think that we just can't underestimate the The power the Rippling power of syncing up with one another of feeling into our authentic selves. I just think it offers so much for kind of unlocking what Justice can look like and also unlocking the parts of our creativity parts of our dinner tivity that get you know, snatched up inside of trauma and oppression and I think having said to settle and ReDiscover ourselves and that way you know, the Potential is just it's really Limitless and really exciting when I think about it that I think it offers that you know, I just said one of the things I've been thinking about lately. This isn't a semantics context and also outside of just thinking about what Does our sense of emotional? Expression. How does that relate to the creation of a just world? I think so much of what trauma has us do is suppress how we feel or try to shape our selves and to aligning with things that you know may make us have to make all kinds of internal or you know compromises in ourselves and I just think there's something about letting ourselves be and feel process and understand and this Alive emotionally live in our embodiment that I think will has a lot to say about what it means to be in right relationship just relationship creating just world. I don't think there's really this connect their yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean you kind of I just I just had a dream Mary Brown on the podcast and I think that he was so much of what you two are. and many many other people but you know articulating is sort of a it really is I think for many people especially people who've experienced, you know, cumulative trauma is is really reorienting around how we begin to How we begin to heal? I mean that's a really basic way of saying it but it's like how we begin to heal the starting point. And as therapist is both of us trained as therapist. That's not necessarily, you know, kind of how at least I was training right, you know is we don't we don't start with kind of the body necessarily we start with those sort of the impact on the body, but you know, we don't really start we start with body and pain, you know and all that but I think what you're talking about is like is a really so important that there's literally something generative about yeah starting with an experience in the body and have that lead and direct us in making decisions aligning with certain communities. And you know, it's it just is it is really different. I do think that there's something about at least my own relationship to Broad queer community that feels like there's something that has been Kind of articulated in some queer spaces along those lines where there is a kind of a focus on Pleasure or desire that is rooted in the body that directs or some of our movements or our kind of community building that's not always the case, but I think that there's something there. I don't know if you have experienced that for yourself or yeah, that's really interesting. I mean just the backup I listen to the episode of aging and to and I my dreams the home and I love her so much and especially around this point that you're making how do we let our experiences of pleasure or Joy or whatever guide our actions? I think is a very important point to make and I just appreciate that because it the center so much in the body and this this these experiences like validating our own experiences of our lives like that's actual. You know, it's hard to you can't know what my experience is that there's something to you know, this this experience for having of these lives and watching our energy goes my father said, you know, go the way your blood beat and that's how I feel. Wow, you know queer and I think I'm gonna awkwardly move through this conversation if it feels right. Complicated to me. Hmm. I think it's complicated. I think it's it has been a complicated Journey for me not in my own kind of identity or the the formation of that are who I know myself to be but more and you know when you move into certain communities Longing for his face you that maybe you didn't feel like you had and then you feel like it's actually not there either. I don't always know how to talk about the struggle of that experience you can give a black queer person and the way the desire plays into that in particular and and the way that glass bodies are black masculine bodies or black, you know masculine perceived bodies are often a kind of repository for Others desire but you know aren't fully kind of seeing for the complexity in the internal mess of themselves. I think eat that even lived in the queer Community to and that's in some of my experience there from very honest. I feel shy about saying anything. I think it's the truth for me if you feel shy in part because it does it feel like some kind of like betrayal or you know that we're supposed to be you have some kind of allegiance to you know, like the queer Community whatever that means or yeah, I don't know like there's not that being critical of you know, these kind of broadly marginalized communities is it's maybe difficult but I think it actually I mean in my experience and I'm I my experiences as you know as a white person so it's different but it it it is so important I think because there is such a there is such a like depth of longing I think for more genuine connection and more and deeper knowing that so many people queerly body people are you know kind of wrestling with in a solitary way because of a difficulty in Inter speaking two ways in which queer communities leave certain people or feeling alienated or certain parts of your experience. Alien. I mean, I wonder if that's part of like how we could enter into this is like if you have a sense of what aspects of your, you know, broadly yourself have experienced some alienation in your in the broadly speaking. King Lear Community, I mean we don't have to talk about your whatever that means to you and your specific communities, but you know, just what parts of yourself feel like not able to kind of come forward as easily. Yeah, I think what first came to me when you said that one. I mean, I think I see this out myself in this way and that I am not good at belonging to anything. So everything should be listened to with that. no frame around Blackness has always felt different to me, but I think otherwise I kind of I just Resist a lot of things but you know, I think for me when I think about queerness in my life, I'm just going to back out all the way up. I don't remember where I was I was talking about this recently, but queerness before it manifested in my sexuality or in my what we call gender expression. Whatever that is. It was just a way of looking at the world. Slightly sideways and being able to like identify what felt aligned with me and what didn't what felt like an authentic expression of me and what did not and like I said earlier it's all very committed to authentically expressing myself and committed to the process of change and not resisting that and I struggle with that. So I'm trying to be clear about that I struggle with that but it's a commitment that I have. So I think that is actually the roots of my queerness or what we call queerness is that and I related to that is that I sometimes feel like I don't want to impose this on others, but I feel like is actually a spiritual task for queer folks or what I call spiritual. I'm not like like I said, I'm not good at belonging to any set of things but I think there's just a something we have to offer this moment and all of us are very different. Like I said, it's like such a broad. Swath of human beings that relate in this particular way and sometimes end up relating around our gender expression or how our sexuality has moved in and out of our Lives. I actually relate to a lot of people if the people I relate most to inside of queer Community are people that relate to that kind of before aspect of their queerness the way that it has some relate to life and existence. And yeah, so That's who I find and queer community that are my people are the folks that still feel that. that questioning or that move towards authenticity that are rooted in them. Okay? Yeah. Okay. Those are my people but I just feel like this there are things for us to do as great people and ways to and I think we have done that over the years. I mean, I you know this there's so many organizations. I think especially historically so many groupings of queer people, especially historically that have done that actually him risen to their kind of Actual task and made shifts and changes in this moment, you know this Pride here. I was like What I live in Hawaii so cry doesn't happen the same way or at the same time as it does everywhere else, but how you know seeing T-Mobile have the rainbow colors. I was just like what what where are we? Where are we going? What is important to us? Are we? Yeah - club or not, or do I want to be I want to be and if I do want to be like, who do I need to talk to you about like It's not raining it right especially in this moment. I'm like What what and I know that that's like more Vivid difference between the more mainstream LGBT and the saying and and I think what queerness is always troubled and there's a lot of overlap too and I yeah, yeah, I think you're talking about it. Actually. It's interesting because I think you know in some ways now queerness that that used to or has in the past been a kind. An expression of troubling the you know, literally troubling the kind of troubling time troubling desire troubling all these these things so has become merged in many ways with the kind of more mainstream lgbtq, you know Community, right? And so I think that is a really I think maybe that's part of what you're talking about is part of what I also am reacting I also Act two and I don't I don't know my it's funny that you mentioned like troubling things. I my daughter was reading a really, you know book from like the 1920s the other day and it every other word was queer, you know is like what a queer, you know kind of party she was having or what a queer world and and my daughter as a child of me, you know is kind of like are they? Do they used to say like lesbian time or lesbian? You know, like she just doesn't understand but it was a cool in some ways. It was a cool reminder for me to just return to that what I've always identified with you know, which is is this kind of idea of queerness as something that is disruptive but is also generative and I like the way you know, No, you're talking about and I'd love to hear a little bit more maybe about you know, kind of this idea that we as queer people, you know have work to do like we have there's kind of a spiritual imperative in some ways or we you know, the at least that resonates for you around what what are the possibilities that within that kind of disruption hmm. Yeah, actually the that way Possibility when I talk about Spirit of spirituality. I think I said something recently spirit is just the place of big questions for me. I don't have any answers in the realm of spirit where I keep all my questions and it's a place of possibility to me and I don't have any I don't have much more information about it. So I'm holding it that way but I do I can't say or maybe I don't I wouldn't venture to say In This Moment. What I feel like our task is I feel like I've had a test as a queer person and I think in many indigenous Frameworks across the world, I think there's been ways of understanding queerness and the offering there I have felt I think this is a specific is I can probably get but in my role or my work of doing kind of healing Justice work or yeah, that work. I felt that healing work has been very tied to queerness in me what we might call queerness and me and there's actually a deep relationship between That ability to what I talk about is the roots of my queerness to kind of. I'm looking for the feeling into or the authenticity the yeah, the kind of sideways looking but being able to see very broad feeling. I feel very connected to people in my queerness. I feel connected to all kinds of people in my queerness. My point is doesn't feel hmm. I don't know how to say it. It doesn't feel kind of like a protected experience or isolated experience. My corn is feels very connected to other people when I am with other. I feel connected. I feel like there's there's an affinity or something to discover about our connection. That's also my queerness and I think that has really supported my healing work and how I work with people is hard for me to ever be in a space of somebody doing healing work where I can ever completely other them and I think that's an important skill for people who are doing healing work. It's got to be hard for you to other people. And people come in. I mean you probably had this experience people have done all kinds of things and thinking all kinds of things and as a therapist you have to be or as a Healer broadly or yeah someone who steps into that space. You have to I think and I don't have to but I think it really helpful. If you find it hard to other if you find it hard to feel a part or unrelated. If you can't see the ways that we are in one another I just feel like that's the great gift in that realm and awareness and awareness is a way of experience really helps you along that way. Maybe it's my time. It reminds me. I was reading your blog at some point in you're talking about. I think it was on your bug you were talking about, you know, something that happens with your leg when you are working with people's bodies. And it for some reason it makes me think about that like that the actual connectivity that you experienced both sort of spiritually are broadly but also the The physicality of it, you know that when you are a maybe you could speak to that I like that specific instant. But yeah that's having some every time when I'm doing body work with somebody. I'm doing good counseling kind of things, you know, every time I don't know how it is with you. But every time I go in to do body work, I have anxiety. I'm like you are not good at this. This is not going to work out. What are you about to do this to be real I go through that my head starts to my brain says to do its thing and I know that I'm really starting to trust my body and connect to someone. When I feel my leg, it'll like stiffen it'll just stiff and I can't bend it at all and I have to kind of walk with it if if I'm moving around someone on the table and then I have to root down and usually let it run or shape. I think it means I don't really know what it means. Maybe someone could help me but I it's like life and connection and presents really is flowing through. Me on my leg is the one thing that is hanging on the ground it so that it can like move and so that I can be impacted by what's happening. I can be released but it all kind of gets stored in my leg. It's a honey. Thanks for singing. I was like what is going on with my leg they happens now every time we actually get into something fun leg thing and it's kind of like a blessing. Thing when it happens, I can't force it obviously, but when it happens, I'm like, oh, here we go. All right, we're in. Wow, that's cool. Yeah, it's really I just appreciate you speaking to that because it I think that it speaks so much too kind of the way in which you are as you said you're kind of in working with people you're allowing or opening up to their experience flowing through you or you know, kind of irregardless of what you perceive as difference or you know something you can't And it's it opening yourself up in that way is really vulnerable and complicated and it's interesting to hear that about your awareness of the part of yourself that is kind of like hanging on to your own groundedness. And we all have to do that as practitioners are healers or whatever, you know, we have to hang on in some way to our own sense of self or our ground. But yeah, it's it's yeah, it's very interesting to hear that. So we're approaching our time, but I want to I want you just if you can to reflect back on, you know, beginning of the conversation and think about that younger version of you, maybe like the one that was always walking around with your shirt off and you know, and if there's anything you would want to convey to that younger version of yourself now knowing kind of what you know about your body your lived experience. Ends. Um, yeah, I think fundamentally what you know is real what you know is real what your Grandma knows is real what the people before your grandmother knew is real. There's a Brilliance in these bodies as a brilliant and how we communicate is a brilliant in how we've sustained and and remain creative. There's there's a lot of knowing in that felt nice and that felt - that you were taught from the start. Yes. I think I think I just wasted some time in the middle. They're not realizing all that was transmitted to me because the broader world doesn't understand the knowledge of those folks in my lineage. I wasted a little bit of time, but I think I got back on track there. I think that would be my message. Yeah, thank you. So how can people find out about the work you're doing and kind of follow along with what you're doing? Well, I'm a lot of places these days. I think the best ways to follow along or to go on my website Prentiss Also, I'm a little bit on Instagram. I'm not great at social media. You can find me there. I'm doing work with an organization. Ation called resilience strategies the ones Morgan's a shocking cell from work and I also teach a generative cymatics and black organizing for leadership and dignity and I might by the time this podcast comes out have my own podcast called finding our way. Oh my goodness. So now that I've said it it has to happen. I cannot wait to listen. That's that's an amazing amazing idea and I love that. Thank you for taking the time. I really appreciate it's a beautiful conversation fun. Thank you. Maybe not. Maybe not maybe not.
In this episode we discuss generative somatics as an activist and healing practice, the power of reclaiming our bodies, complicating queer belonging, the spiritual and disruptive possibilities of queerness and Prentis's particular focus on being authentically oneself. Prentis Hemphill is movement facilitator, Somatics teacher and practitioner, and writer living and working at the convergence of healing, individual and collective transformation, and political organizing. Prentis spent many years working with powerful movements and organizations, most recently as the Healing Justice Director at Black Lives Matter Global Network. In 2016, Prentis was awarded the Buddhist Peace Fellowship Soma Award for community work inspired by Buddhist thought. Currently, Prentis is a teacher of Somatics with Generative Somatics, which is focused on bringing a politicized Somatics practice to movement building organizations, and with Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, a training program for Black organizers throughout the US, and works as a facilitator and consultant for organizations and groups looking to center healing justice and transformative justice into the very core of their work to build more well and self-determined communities. Prentis has served as a board member for National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network (NQTTCN), a network for connecting communities with representative mental health practitioners and an effort at bringing frameworks of healing justice more soundly into current mental health provision models; and on Black Emotional and Mental Health (BEAM), an organization committed to removing the barriers for Black people to receive mental and emotional care. Prentis is also a deeply committed practitioner and healer who utilizes Somatics methodology, intuitive and ancestral practice into their work to heal trauma, and unlock the unique brilliance and contribution of each person, body and being they work with. @prentis.h  LITQB Podcast:  This is a podcast about the barriers to embodiment and how our collective body stories can bring us back to ourselves. This is a podcast for people who identify as queer or for people who might think of their relationship between their body and confining social narratives as queer. This can feel like an isolating experience. Our wounded bodies need spaces to talk about struggles with nourishment/disordered eating, body image issues, dysphoria, racism, heterosexism, transphobia, xenophobia, substance use/abuse, chronic pain/disability, body changes in parenthood, intergenerational trauma, the medical/wellness/therapy industrial complex and its lack of inclusion of queer bodies and much more. Hopefully this podcast can illustrate the connections, and resonant pain points, that we have with one another. The Host:  Asher Pandjiris Psychotherapist/ Podcaster/ Group Facilitator  Queering the Holidays Virtual Workshop December 8th: SUPPORT  Music: Ethan Philbrick and Helen Messineo-Pandjiris --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
Welcome to the steroid your book Dan the body builder from time. Start the steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history. You have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate God toroids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime. This information has been suppressed this long now, let's get on with the podcast. Okay, welcome back to the steroids podcast. If you guys would like to schedule a one-hour phone consultation, I do that so you can go ahead and send me an email. Is podcast at It's $59. And we do a one-hour phone call between me and you totally uncensored can talk about anything you want during that phone call. If you enjoy the podcast. This is a valuable thing to take advantage of first question for today is from Zach who asks question for the podcast. I've noticed I've been getting pretty drastic mood swings recently some days. I'll feel really you. Eric confident and outgoing I notice those days I feel pretty swollen tight lean looking face no bloating and the other half of the time I'll feel like I can't think straight annoyed for no reason bloated and puffy in the face and anti-social my physique will also feel soft and flat was wondering if this was common and how to address it currently on week 4 of 400 test ananth a per week and 800 equipoise per week. He's not using In anti-estrogen tablet, but he has it hasn't had a tri nipples. So hasn't used any thanks man. Yeah. Well, so first thing is that hormones and steroids that cause mood issues. So everybody has their mood affected to some degree by hormones. You can see that very clearly when women have their period Or when women go on birth control, there are always major changes that they experience in their moods and the same thing is what goes on with you. Like if you're saying that it's a few days, you know some days that you're having these effects then other days that you aren't well if you don't have any anti-estrogen problems, or if you don't have any estrogen problems, like nipple sensitivity, it's probable that you don't really produce a lot of estrogen or possess a lot of a Matias enzyme that transforms anabolic steroids into estrogen in your body, but that doesn't mean that you have none. So the way the most of these injectable steroids work is that most of them even long Esther's like an ante and equipoise they Peak within the first 24 to 48 hours after you take an injection and then the the difference between a long Esther in a short Esther is that you know, a short-acting Esther like propionate or acetate. You know that that Peaks actually only a couple hours after injection and then it rapidly releases the entire injected dose into your system within two or three days. Whereas with like an ant 8 or you know, you said you're taking equipoise which is bouldin on unda cyclin a ton de cycling a is the long-acting Esther attached to equipoise bouldin on and both of those those Esters and at they and and de cycling night. They still release the steroid in the highest concentration that is ever going to be released into your bloodstream in the first 24 to 48 hours after the injection, but then they stay elevated for a longer period of time instead of dropping off rapidly in the amount of core moan that's being released into your system the way that like a propionate or an acetate would the ananth a or the under cycling 8 they keep on releasing, you know, a comparable amount of steroid into your bloodstream. I'm for you know three to four or five days after the injection and then they start to drop off so, I don't know how frequently you do your injections. There wasn't a lot of information provided there, but most likely what's happening is that you're having hormone level fluctuations. So some people inject even long Esters every day in order to avoid that. You know most people that really have freaky physiques Etc. Most of them take steroids every day. That's you know, a lot of people say, you know, I don't want to take injections really frequently, but the reality of the matter is that you know, for people that look like bodybuilding is their life. They also want it usually want to take an injection every day. That's like part of what they want to do each day and there's various reasons for that. But one of the things that that does do is that it stabilizes those levels so that they're always the same. So if you take an injection and then the next couple days you feel some mood effects or something like that and then everything goes back to normal, you know, the more the more testosterone especially that you have in your blood the more estrogen that you're going to have going on and you know bloating so just because you don't have sensitive nipples doesn't mean that you don't have Esther. Levels that are out of range. One of the one of the really good indicators also of having estrogen levels that are high would be having a face that is unusually pink or red tinted for your normal. A lot of white people have normally pink tinted skin to begin with so if that's normal for you, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about if it's more than normal for you. This is an indicator and then another one would be if If you wake up in the morning, or if you lay down on your bed sometime during the day and you like lay on your stomach and then when you when you get up from the bed, you know, maybe lay down your stomach on the bed for like 10 or 15 minutes. And then when you get up from the bed, you can see markings all over your chest and your stomach from where the bed or the blanket or something like that was pressing into you or at the same thing. If you do if you get that same effect on your leg from wearing socks, this would be subcutaneous water retention. Caused by high estrogen levels and it's a very good indicator of high estrogen levels, you know, not everyone gets all the same side effects. So if you are not getting you no effects in your nipples, that doesn't that doesn't mean you know, right there. You don't have high estrogen but you know, it's probably likely that you don't have super high estrogen. Okay, if you're not getting effects in your nipples like itchy burning nipple. But instead you're getting these effects like, you know, a bloated puffy face and a softer less defined looking body. It's it's probable that you have raised estrogen levels during those times, but that they're not super res. So in your situation, you can just take a small amount of you can experiment you can either go get a blood test because that always works that always tells you, you know, what the information you need to know, but you know, if I say that to everyone people are going to be like, yeah. Thanks for helping me because I'm not going to go get a blood test, you know, so I'm trying to tell you guys because I know that that's the way a lot of people are is they're not going to get the blood test. So I'm trying to give you some anecdotal evidence that can help you troubleshoot what's going on instead and what I would do if you know if we were talking and you were telling me about your situation is I would advise to Have your anti-estrogen tablet but to cut it up into smaller pieces and maybe take a 1/4 of the tablet. It doesn't matter whether it's a remedy X XM s 10 or letrozole it doesn't matter. Whatever tablet you had. I would I would say let's let's try taking a piece of that tablet. And so maybe take a quarter of the tablet a third of the tablet a half of the tablet. It would be up to you. And then you could start putting that in on those days that you were feeling that moodiness and seeing what it did what it did, you know anti-estrogen tablets kick in and they have effects in your body within two to three hours and some like XMS Dane even have effects within 60 minutes after taking them so you can you can see whether or not the problems that you're having are caused by estrogen pretty quickly. This is one of the ways that you can troubleshoot them. But if you're not having you know full ADI estrogen effects, you know like heavy bloating and you know, like swollen nipples or like a prostate making it kind of harder to pee if you're just having you know some light bloating in your face and that's it with some mood swing issues. Then it's probable that your estrogen is not far out of range just slightly out of range which then if you don't take a blood test and see exactly, you know, what's going on, then you could start trying to you know, Instead of doing that you could do some troubleshooting and one of the ways that you could do the troubleshooting would be to cut up the anti-estrogen tablets into small pieces and just take one and wait about four hours. Wait about three or four hours and see what happens see how you're feeling. This is one of those things, you know guys were talking about right now. We're talking about very small very small changes to hormone levels and This is one of those things that it's really difficult to just tell you, you know what to do. I can give you tips like this. This is like hints or tips from from an experienced user about things that work, you know, in order to treat or troubleshoot side effects like this, but these kinds of things like getting your estrogen in range, you know feeling feeling great on hormones and making these small little alterations. These are one of those things that it really Stir have someone in close contact with you. So I mean before I answered Zex question. I said something about you know, the one hour phone call consultations or the text message based coaching that I do, you know for things like this that really helps because then I can use my experience and it to ask you the right questions and you know tell you these different troubleshooting things that you can do and we can really dial in you know exactly what it takes to. Make you be feeling good because it's more of something where we're we're going to be making these small tiny changes taking fractions of estrogen tablets and stuff anti-estrogen tablets and stuff to try and get you feeling great. It doesn't really sound like your problems are really big, you know with your estrogen. It sounds like it's just more of an annoyance and and you know, one thing that makes me that immediately makes me think though is that, you know taking gear as a So taking anabolic steroids is a hassle. So anybody that thinks that it's just going to be like some smooth easygoing thing and it's not going to add any stress to your life. Like that's that's a fantasy. That's literally a fantasy taking steroids is a hassle. They do affect your mood from time to time. You know, you mostly want them to affect your mood in a good way, but they increase things like paranoia, you know, they can cause other hormones to Open that can you know hurt your sex drive elevate your sex drive and they can do things like make you more aggressive and you know, not not as trusting towards other people. They definitely increase paranoia and your your tendency to assume assume bad intentions of others. They increase those things we talked about in the last episode we What about some of the effects of steroids and alcohol and what they produce together? So I think it's good that we discussed some of these Mental effects that steroids produce. They don't they don't produce psychosis. But you know paranoia some having some some types of mood swings or not being in as much of control as your mood your as far as moods go, it's more it's more common with steroid users to have Have a strong mood rather than just a middle mood. It's more common to have a mood that is you know, very happy or very sad or very relaxed or very stressed out, you know, these things increase your personality. They increase your assertiveness the increase who you are so you have to expect those kinds of effects to be coming with them and when you say like, you know, sometimes you have You feel great and other times you don't feel so good. I just have to say in addition to your estrogen levels, you know, having these slight out of range things. You've also got a just be realistic and remember that you know steroids and hormones they cause they Cause your mood to be different at times and you can see this very clearly when a woman has her period or when a woman goes on birth control because women are so sensitive. of mentally to the effects of hormones more so than males are but males are sensitive to So that's my answer to your question. The next question is from Yan Aero and he asks. Hey, man, I just finished a PCT with Coloma de Nova. I did a blood work and it came back at 400 nanograms per deciliter of testosterone and 11 of sex hormone-binding globulin, which is low. How can I increase my sex hormone-binding globulin? What do you think? Okay. Yeah, so your testosterone level your total testosterone level of 400 that came back kind of low because you want to definitely be on the higher end of the total testosterone range when you get a testosterone test, so, you know how the range for what a normal testosterone level is at the doctor's office is like anywhere from 200 nanograms per deciliter all the way up to, you know, 900 nanograms per deciliter or even a thousand 100 nanograms per deciliter and you How could there be a variance of four or five times the amount and that all be considered normal, you know with other blood reading markers, you know, there's never a four or five times amount and it's all normal. Like hey, you have four or five times the blood pressure of another person that's normal now get out of here. That's that's completely unrealistic and is totally bullshit. So the testosterone level and what is considered normal the studies that were conducted on that and the data that was extracted from them to produce those levels. They were taken from studies that took data from young men around the ages of eighteen all the way up to men around the ages of 80 years old. Okay. So there was Data pulled from you know, people young young men middle-aged men and old men. They took the the testosterone levels of total testosterone levels of men of all ages large amount of And then they compiled the data and they came out with this data that you know anywhere between 200 nanograms per deciliter up to a thousand 100. Nanograms per deciliter is all normal total testosterone levels, which is totally untrue, you know, you know an 80 year old man his testosterone levels what's normal for him, which is included in this data is not normal at all for an 18 year old guy a 30 year old guy or even a 40 year old guy. You don't want to have low testosterone some of the political things that that influence this too is the fact that you know, they don't want to give you testosterone like it's very powerful hormone. And you know, there's a general there's a general suppression about knowledge of male hormones and you know how powerful they are in medicine one of the reasons for that is because you know male hormones are very cheap to produce and they cure a lot of disease. Is and when you know, you have such a cheap easy cure to diseases, especially a natural hormone that can't be patented like testosterone. Well, then what about all the other medicines that the pharmaceutical companies make to treat these illnesses that are patented. How are they going to be able to you know endure losing their money selling you those those drugs to cure your illness has when something that isn't even patentable like testosterone can come in carrier illnesses. So there's political reasons and you know, they these people these pharmaceutical companies are one of the major La beers of politicians and making the laws stuff like that. So when you're talking about, you know, what is normal testosterone level you really have to read between the lines and look at how they came up with these normal testosterone level data has your insurance company doesn't want to pay for your testosterone replacement therapy. Okay, they're happy to say that, you know the level of an 80 year old man. You know two to three hundred nanograms per deciliter or 400 and a grams per deciliter. They're very happy to accept that and say hey, this is normal your normal 25 year old man 30 year old man 35 year old man, and and and we will not pay for your testosterone replacement therapy. You're in the normal range get the hell out of here. I mean, they're very happy to do that. So that's talking about testosterone levels total. Testosterone levels and where those numbers came from and why those numbers that the doctors tell you our normal is totally not true as totally not true. Okay. This is not medical advice. I'm just telling you that you know in reality if you look at the data and how they came up with those numbers is it's very dishonest to go around telling younger men that 200 nanograms per deciliter is in the normal range and They have that that they can't get testosterone replacement therapy. I mean that's fucked up. That's fucked up. Okay, okay, but you you're asking about your shbg. So 400 nanograms per deciliter. Okay. It's on the lower end of the spectrum but it's not like totally horribly low, you know, it's just you're on the lower end of the spectrum. Okay, but then you said you also have low shbg. So this is the way that some guy's testosterone readings are is they have lower? total testosterone, but then they have low shbg which means that the free testosterone level the active testosterone level is actually higher and if you take a free testosterone test almost always these guys that have the lower shbg will have the higher free testosterone that you know, it won't be a low lower end of the spectrum normal range like 400 nanograms per deciliter is where his Ian uruz total testosterone level came back, but most likely if you His free testosterone, you know, it would not be at the low end of the normal range like that. It would be higher because he has the low shbg. Let's talk about what shbg does so shbg is sex hormone-binding globulin, which is a molecule that floats around in your blood and it's very attracted to hormones. Okay sex hormones specifically attracted to sex hormones and when sex hormones are bound up, Up, they couple like they link on the sex hormone-binding globulin links on to sex hormones. And when that happens, they get linked like that. It makes it so that the sex hormones can no longer attached to their receptors. So like estrogen if it was attached to shbg it would not be able to attach to the estrogen receptor and express its effects that there and the same thing with testosterone or the same thing with Decca durable. Or the same thing with Deanna ball, whatever if it is attached to sex hormone-binding globulin, then it is not going to be able to attach itself to the Androgen receptor and express its effects their Express the effects that the hormone does. Okay, so generally if you are somebody who wants hormones in your body and you're putting hormones in your body artificially from the outside, it's called exogenously endogenously means hormones from the inside, you know, naturally produced hormones and exogenously means hormones from the outside non, you know, non naturally produced hormones that you put in to your body. So if you have exogenously hormones and you're putting them in your body, that means that you want to up your level of active hormones, obviously, so you want to have low shbg, but the same thing goes I mean if you if you have a if you want to have the effects of Your hormones then you need to have lower shbg. Okay, if the shbg level is high then shbg is binding on to your hormones and making them inactive. They can't do anything in your body unless they get rid of that shbg. Okay. So this is you know, shbg Pines up a huge percentage of the sex hormones that you produce something around 98 99. Out of all the testosterone that you produce in your body is actually bound up to sex hormone-binding globulin and only that little remaining one or two percent is actually able to express its effects in the body and do what testosterone does. So since you have the lower total testosterone level at 400, but you also have the low sex hormone-binding globulin shbg level, you know, that's a good thing because like I said, if you took a test and looked at your free testosterone levels, they'd Likely not be on that kind of lower end of the spectrum that most likely be just moderate just totally normal and that's really the only number that you really even need to worry about total testosterone. It doesn't really tell you that much because it's a it's how much free testosterone that's what actually matters the free testosterone in your body is what actually does something. Okay, and the more shbg you have the less free testosterone you have the more bound test. Roster own inactive testosterone you have okay. So with you saying like, how can I get my shbg up? You don't want to do that. You want to keep your shbg low because that's what's, you know, allowing your hormone system to to work. Okay different people, you know, some people have more shbg naturally and then they have they also produce more total testosterone naturally and then you know, they will have somewhat of a middling free testosterone level and then other people Produce like you less total testosterone, but also less sex hormone-binding globulin and then still have you know that same middling free testosterone level. Like I said free testosterone is the only number that matters and the let the less shbg that you have the higher your free testosterone can be. So what are some things that reduce the levels of shbg in your body because I'm sure that if you're listening to this, that's the next that you're thinking is, okay. Okay. Well if shbg makes my hormones and active and I'm doing bodybuilding or I'm doing Athletics, obviously, I want to have low shbg. Okay, that is that is definitely something that makes a big difference. Okay. So and also if you have a low sex drive shbg is a big factor because shbg, you know, it's attracted to testosterone. Okay, but you know what it's even more attracted to is dihydrotestosterone the brain chemical the Chemical that makes your sex drive that makes your penis work that makes you be able to get an erection dihydrotestosterone is converted when an ends is its created in the body when testosterone interacts with an enzyme that's also found in the body called 5-alpha reductase. And when those when that enzyme 5-alpha reductase interacts with testosterone, then it transforms the testosterone into this super potent brain chemical and and also it works in the skin and like I said like In the penis their reproductive organs and several other areas of the body and get me gives you things like your sex drive makes things like a like your beard grow like body hair, you know all those effects more oil on the skin. Those are all dihydrotestosterone effects. Okay, and dihydrotestosterone is even more attracted to sex hormone-binding globulin then then testosterone is okay. So if you have sex - sex hormone-binding globulin that Also be a reason for low sex drive or you know trouble with erections things like that. So the way to get rid of shbg and lower it is to number one take steroids and take more steroids higher dosages of steroids when you raise the dosages of steroids that you have in your body shbg levels go down. That's it. That's what that's what happens. It's the same thing. The Androgen receptors when you put more steroids in your body your body creates more Androgen receptors on muscle tissue and it decreases the level of sex hormone-binding globulin. Those are the effects of increasing your hormone levels. And then another one of the ways that you can decrease sex hormone-binding globulin even more potent Lee shbg is by using oral steroids. probe ayran Diana ball and Winstrol are both super shbg lowering molecules. So provider in is the best at this and if you put probe ayran in you'll notice a huge increase in your sex drive. That's because it's basically an orally available. It means is you take a tablet and it's basically dihydrotestosterone that molecule that is very attracted to shbg even more so than testosterone. So basically when you take that probe irony, But the chemical name for provider in is mr. Loan, then that probe ayran tablet the master loan that comes from it the the sex hormone-binding globulin in your body recognize that as dihydrotestosterone and since it's so attracted to dihydrotestosterone, it goes right in there and attaches to that probe. Ayran. And once that happens well now there's not that sex hormone-binding globulin in the body that can attach itself to your other steroids. Ads that are muscle building because provider in is not a muscle building steroid. So but once it's attached to the the probe iren well now there's going to be more of the testosterone you're taking available in your body because it's not going to be attached to sex hormone-binding globulin anymore. There's going to be more of the equipoise, you know, more of the Preamble and whatever that are going to be active in your body. So there's a couple injectable injectable hormones to and and by the way on the dosages for You know, like I said probe. Ayran is the best one at reducing the shbg but Dianabol and Winstrol are also very potent at reducing shbg and the dosage that works for those to get the effects that have been these have been studied in humans at these dosages and seen what are the effects on shbg taking those hormones. Okay, and it's 25 milligrams per day the any of those hormones Winstrol polaron or Dianabol 25 milligrams per day of any of those. Hormones makes a dramatic drop in shbg levels. Okay, but then there's a couple of injectables to that work really well for reducing shbg levels. Like I said just taking more steroids in general reduces shbg, but these two injectable steroids do it really well specifically and that is Master on and tremble own. Okay tremble own is basically immune to sex hormone-binding globulin. It's one of the only hormones that you can take that. Sex hormone-binding globulin cannot bind to it. So it's very active in your body when you take it. That's one of the reasons why it's so strong is because it can't be bound up in an activated by a sex hormone-binding globulin, like most hormones can and also as a potent lowering effect of the total body load of shbg and then Master on it has a similar effect like like probe ayran does in the way that it lowers the sh BG levels in the body. So I mean you'll notice if you take any of these things that it increases your muscle growth, it increases your sex drive, it increases your nutrient partitioning the amount of food that you can eat and gain muscle without getting fat. I mean this is this is actually, you know, a worthwhile component of bodybuilding to or taking hormones to understand the six hormone-binding globulin thing and if you're on TR He or something and you know, you just you've got the higher testosterone levels and you got your doctor to give you HCG to but you're still wondering like why is my sex drive still messed up because occasionally this does happen with guys. Okay, then a Next Step that could that could really help you would be looking at your shbg levels and and lowering them since the neuro steroid dihydrotestosterone functions on your brain functions on your penis. Since that one is specifically attracted to shbg and inactivated by shbg more than the other hormones. If you you know, you got the the good dosage is a good testosterone levels on your trt. And you're on HCG to and you still having sex drive issues then a good thing to look at would be your shbg or if you just you know on a cruise or something and you're wondering in a why is my sex drive low look at the shbg and if that's high basically a non-toxic Sick way to take care of that is to take 25 milligrams of probe. Ayran per day because unlike most oral steroids probe. Ayran, you know, as I said, it's not muscle building its deactivated the moment. It enters muscle tissue by an enzyme. They're called 3 beta hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase, but and that's the same. That's the same thing that happens with the neuro stereo dihydrotestosterone, even though it's very potent. It's inactivated the moment it gets inside of muscle tissue by that same enzyme but with probe ayran You know, it will bind up that shbg and lower the levels to so that more of your testosterone that you've been injecting for your testosterone replacement therapy and the testosterone that's coming from your balls from injecting the shbg is then available to work in your body and you know, it'll make your sex drive go way up as well. Yeah probe. Ayran, if you if you're lacking your sex drive, okay, if you're lacking your sex drive. And you don't know why and you're trying to troubleshoot that and HCG is not working. Then probe eyring can be a really good one to experiment with because I don't know anyone on planet Earth that did not experience an increase in their mental sex drive and urge to do it from taking provider and tablets. Okay, you know, I'm not going to get too into this but just because I'm on the topic of troubleshooting sex drive something like looking at your thyroid hormone levels, if they're low that can be another thing if your thyroid hormonal levels are low that can decrease your sex drive because thyroid is counterbalancing hormone with prolactin and high prolactin levels completely shut off the male sexual reproductive system from being able to work. So if you've got a low thyroid level well, then that most likely means that you're going to have a high prolactin level right these these hormones are counterbalancing when thyroid levels are high prolactin is usually low. And then the reverse so that can be another troubleshooting thing to look at for sex drive when you're thinking why isn't my sex drive high all my hormones look good. What's wrong? Next question is from nisus who asks could did you ever take an Ace inhibitor for high blood pressure the answer to that is no some people do do this because blood pressure is a known issue with people who use steroids, especially in higher. Dosages and there's some some hormones that are more notorious for high blood pressure than others usually hormones that have a high androgenic component to them. And also a lot of steroids that / have some estrogen effects that go with them testosterone. It can definitely increase your blood pressure high dosages of testosterone. So can things like Dianabol so can things like Trend blown that really stimulate you so when getting the high blood From that, you know have I ever used ACE inhibitors or beta blockers? No, I have not those. I mean those are two different classes of chemicals. But those are like standard blood pressure medications and I don't take those and the reason why is that, you know, you can take all the cocktail of drugs that you want and you know become like a walking Pharmacy if you want, but you know, that's a slippery slope. Hope that's a slippery slope, you know, no no normal healthy. Athletic guy should be taking ACE inhibitors and beta blockers and things like that. Okay for their blood pressure. That's the sign of something being wrong and needing to not not do what you're doing, you know changing changing something or a sign that you know, drug abuse is going on and you need to not do that. So I am realistic though in that, you know, I know that steroids can increase blood pressure. So here's some of the things that really do. These are normal components of a lot of people's lives and these things really do increase blood pressure. Okay, first thing caffeine for most people taking caffeine increases their systolic blood pressure 10 to 20 points. Okay. So blood pressure is measured in systolic and diastolic. Like the systolic number is on the top. The diastolic number is on the bottom what systolic measures is the tension tension on the blood vessels when the heart pumps or pounds and then the diastolic blood pressure is the blood pressure that is measured measured or the pressure inside the blood vessels when the heart is in the non pump part of its beating Rhythm. Okay. So systolic is when it goes boom and then systolic Rick is during that little resting phase where it you know, pulls back and reloads again for the next boom. Okay, and usually people who are on steroids have a higher, you know, if they have an out of range part of their blood pressure. Normally that's going to be the systolic number the hardness, you know, the pressure within the veins when the heart pumps or when the heart beats hard. So there are some things that And reduce your blood pressure that you can do. If you are experiencing a high systolic or just High General blood pressure in general while you are on steroids. Okay. So the first thing that you can do is fix your diet, so if you're eating packaged Foods, there's a lot of chemicals in those things. I know that it's so normal to eat packaged foods that you don't even think like this could be a thing. Okay, but this is true guys is that In packaged Foods, there's a lot of chemicals added to them and like supplementation of the food that's not natural at all that come from foods that you buy in boxes or packages and these things have deleterious effects on your health, especially if you're eating them often. So one of the things that happens with them is it's very common for people that are eating a lot of packaged foods to have that affect their blood pressure. And if you just stop eating foods that do come in the packages and you Or eating instead things that are grown in the ground things that are grown in the ground or eating animals or eating things that come from animals natural things like a natural human would eat that, you know was you know killing things in the wild and Gathering things in the wild generally your blood pressure will drop fairly dramatically if you make that one dietary switch. Okay, the other thing is eating carbohydrates if you have high blood pressure. And you go on a ketogenic diet. You can almost guarantee that right there doing that one simple thing will solve your high blood pressure issues. I know that that sounds like what because everybody's you know, eating so many carbohydrates all the time, but honestly, it makes a huge difference and if you're really having blood pressure issues and you know, you're saying I can't take steroids or something without having blood pressure. Well, this could be the thing that could you know changed. For you because it has a massive effect on your blood pressure. You know, the the blood pressure. It's a bad one. You don't want to you don't want to mess with this too much. You want to you want to make sure that the the blood pressure is, you know not above 140 for sure if it's above 140 the systolic blood pressure you're having an issue. Okay, so some of the carbohydrates that do seem to not increase the blood pressure. As much though if carbohydrates is in fact your problem you experiment with that is rice rice seems to be a pretty clean carbohydrate that does not impact blood pressure so much and then another thing guys is obviously caffeine caffeine makes it I think I might have mentioned this a minute ago, but I'll mention it again. It increases your blood pressure. Okay. So another thing that you can do drug wise before you go to something like an Ace inhibitor or a blood block Beta blocker which I don't recommend is taking Cialis. Okay, Cialis was developed. It was researched and developed for the purpose of being a blood pressure medication, but the side effect that was discovered with you know, they're called phosphodiesterase type 5 Inhibitors Viagra Cialis, you know, all those erection drugs. They were being studied as blood pressure medications. Okay, but when they were being studied that was oh this has the side effect that it makes people get erections. Okay, and so then they changed what they were marketing at 4 and it does still reduce your blood pressure. Okay, but they changed the way that they Market it to being marketed for sexual dysfunction and erections instead of blood pressure. So if you take like five milligrams of Cialis per day, I mean that's approved and prescribed for sexual dysfunctions for daily use five milligrams Cialis tadalafil per day and you know that does reduce your blood pressure it relaxes your Blood vessels it's a vasodilator and it's a pretty potent one and generally just doing that one change right there 5 milligrams of Cialis tadalafil per day. It usually reduces blood pressure by about 10 to 15 points, especially on this systolic number just you know, making that alteration and so that's that's a drug that you know, it doesn't have effects on your kidneys like something like a ace inhibitor and doesn't have effects on your heartbeat or you know, causing dizziness or anything like that. So and it also has the side effect of making, you know your dick rock hard. So if I'm going to use something for my blood pressure and you know what occasionally I do if I might you know, if I might have a blood pressure headache or something because I did something stupid which I have in the past. Like I've injected 300 milligrams of testosterone propionate in one injection and the Today, I had a pounding blood pressure headache take a Cialis. It's one thing you can do and it'll help drop your blood pressure down right away. So that's what I do. I don't want to be too much of a walking Pharmacy and taking things taking a medications that are not meant for healthy active men who are you know, doing high intensity exercises and stuff like that. I don't want to be taking things. It's like blood pressure medications ACE inhibitors beta blockers that bullshit if I'm going to take something if I'm going to take something that's going to you know, lower my blood pressure a little bit. Then it's going to be something that gives me an erection at the same time. So that's going to be tadalafil Cialis. All right next question. It's from Coolio how to keep pretty boy looks while using gear does the muscles you get around your face from steroids go away once you stop taking gear. Where is your face permanently changed from gear? Use thanks, bro. No, the face really isn't that permanently changed from gear use it's pretty much the main the main structural changes that happen to a man's face. Not a female's face. Okay, but a man's face is the muscles built up around your skull they build up quite a bit, especially on cycle. But even if you just go off cycle like if you PCT and you know, something like Three months later or if you just go on a cruise dosage of testosterone like 200 milligrams per week something like 2 to 3 months later. You can notice a reduction in the in the in the musculature around your skull it those those muscles respond pretty strongly to steroids. And when you when you stop taking them or you dramatically lower your dosages, they do definitely go down something like For an extended period of time if you take steroids all the time and you just you know decide you know, I'm only going to take 200 milligrams of testosterone for the next few months generally within two or three months those facial muscles, especially the ones around your temples to the sides of your eye sockets. Those are one of the major muscles that really grow from chewing while you're on steroids. And those are one of the ones that kind of change your head shape because when you're looking head-on at someone and you see those that that Outwards appearance happen right there where their temples are around the sides of their eyes. That's like one of the signature looks of, you know high power athlete Arnold Schwarzenegger in NFL football player. And that's that's because of steroids. They have an effect on that chewing muscle right there. It helps with closing your jaw clamping your jaw that muscle you can see it. If you open and close your jaw, you'll see it moving around there. And that's one of the main muscles that on your face that grow from using steroids other one that Grows quite a bit is the one underneath your chin. So it's sort of that muscle. That is it's it's not on your neck, but it's underneath your chin. Like it's it's in that Gap where the jaw bone is underneath your the ring or the Horseshoe shape of teeth that is in your mouth. If you if you touch right below their back, you know you touch your chin and then go back about an inch. There's a muscle there that can kind of hang down and kind of give like a A double chin, look it's not it's not a fat double chin look, but if you notice in a lot of steroid users, you'll see something kind of hanging down or kind of a shadow underneath the lower part of their jaw. And that's that's that muscle right there getting really bulked up from using gear. So like I said, no having those muscles big that is not that is not permanent. And you know when you lower your dose, Judges, you know that goes away. You have to lower them severely though. It's mostly if you go off if you go off of steroids that goes away but if you lower them, you know severely down to something like true to your tea, you know, a hundred milligrams or 200 milligrams or so of testosterone and maintain that for per week and met then maintain that for a few months then yeah, those muscles do go down Fresh Prince asks, can you use metformin on trt? Yeah. You can use metformin on trt, but I wouldn't recommend it for growing your muscle because you know, there's so much speculation on Metformin. Okay, so doctors don't know how metformin works. Okay, they know some things some effects that metformin produces, but they don't know why it produces those effects. Okay, and so there's so much conflicting evidence from study after study on Metformin because it's one of the main drugs that is prescribed for diabetes. So when you go looking for info information, Anon metformin for poor performance enhancing effects on line. It's like a total cluster fuck and it will leave you like with a headache being like what the hell, you know, I feel bad because all this information that I just looked at confuse me even more. Okay. So the way the way to determine about metformin is you shouldn't look at studies too much. Okay, because it's going to confuse the hell out of you what you should look at with metformin is observing the effects of what it does. Okay. So it does increase the amount of carbohydrates that your muscles can take into them. Okay, and then it does things like decreases the amount of carbohydrates that your body absorbs from your intestines and decreases the amount of carbohydrates that are sorry fat that your body absorbs from your intestines and then it does other things like with natural people. It reduces the level of testosterone that they create by about half and also the same thing goes with the their growth hormone and igf-1 levels. Okay. So as far as somebody that's not supplementing with those hormones growth hormone and igf-1 and they're trying to get big and you know supplement with metformin to help them do that. It's probably not a good idea, especially if you're not on testosterone, okay, but you know personally I would use metformin in combination if I was trying you can use it to get full to Temporary glycogen loading effect in your muscles. Okay, you can use that instead of insulin to get a temporary increased ability to load carbohydrate fuel storage in your muscles. You can use metformin but generally if you're trying to like grow muscle and get big it's better to use growth hormone and that form or and testosterone at the same time as you use metformin since those are two major muscle building hormones. And when you take Metformin both of those hormones the natural levels that you have of Them are cut in half. Okay, but metformin really shines as a weight-loss agent. So for guys that are having trouble losing weight. It shifts the body's energy consumption towards fatty acid consumption consumption quite a bit and it also decreases the amount of energy that you absorb from your intestines and it gives you some diarrhea and the combination of the fact that it makes your body's metabolism. Go more towards preferring to burn a fatty acids instead of burning carbohydrates for its energy requirements. And it decreases the amount of fat and carbohydrates that you can absorb from your intestines and it gives you diarrhea for the first, you know, three weeks or month that you use it. Those those factors go together and create, you know, quite a weight loss environment. So, you know, it's not going to make you lose muscle if you take it with testosterone, okay? okay, but if you're looking to like get cut up like dude, you can take like a thousand or two thousand milligrams of Metformin per day for like three weeks and honestly expect to lose something if you're on steroids, if you're on testosterone, then you can honestly expect to lose something like 7 to 10 even like 15 pounds of fat like it can really cause some serious fat loss if you're if you've got some gear in there and you're taking that Okay, especially if you're adding in things like cardio with it, you know cardio works great for fat loss which is you know, a lot of people say that you know cardio doesn't work for body building and fat loss which is ridiculous because we all know from our experience not reading books, but from our experience that cardio does help with fat loss. Okay, and then if you look up scientific research on the effects of exercise on Fat Loss low intensity exercise of the muscles ache. AKA walking or jogging increases all types of lipolysis, which is the way that the body breaks down fatty acids from you know, the fat droplets cells around your body and then uses them for energy to supply that vital energy for other organs to function all processes and hormones created that regulate that process of fat burning lipolysis. All those processes are enhanced when you do low intensity. Exercise and especially when low when insulin levels are low. Okay. So cardio is good for fat loss the bodybuilders who say that the who say that it's not what you can say to them is dude. You were born with some kind of ridiculous metabolism. You're not a normal person. Okay. So yeah, if you do anything of the middle weight lifting and eating you lose all the muscle, but those people are almost always born super lean and really can't I'm gained much fat anyways, so they're not the normal people don't listen to them. Okay, the next question is about testosterone an ant date and it is on 250 milligrams of testosterone a week is once a week injection fine, or should they do twice per week. You can do once per week. Okay testosterone from an ante will definitely stay in your system for one week and you'll have normal testosterone levels all week long from that one testosterone shot. Okay, but it Is very the amount of testosterone that you'll have on certain days of that week from taking that one shot. So I mentioned this earlier in the podcast today that testosterone and Aunt eight Peaks 24 hours after injection. So about 24 hours or so after your injection of 250 milligrams of test and an update, you've got about 25 milligrams or 20 milligrams or so from that shot released in your bloodstream. Okay, and so then for the next three days three or four days So it's pretty similar to that releasing something like, you know, 20 milligrams 18 milligrams 17 milligrams, you know each day from that shot in your blood. Okay, but then after that after that like third or fourth day until like day 5 day 6 day 7 on those days, it starts dropping off, you know more so, you know on day four day five. It's only like 10 milligrams or so, you know, 12 milligrams 10 milligrams, you know day6 they said The something like, you know, six milligrams seven milligrams being released into your blood on those days from that one shot. Okay, and this varies from person to person and the way that they metabolize testosterone. That's why I'm giving you these, you know ranges right now. You can't tell you an exact number because each person is different and their ability to metabolize or destroy breakdown testosterone and the anantha Esther and their blood okay, but those are the regular numbers. So if you can see from from the way that I was just describing that you know, On the first day after your shot you're going to be releasing, you know, at least double the testosterone into your blood from that shot that you release, you know on the seventh day, you know on the seventh day. It's going to be much less reduce released into your blood from that shot. Then you got released on the first day after that shot so you can do it that way and you'll still have natural testosterone, you know a good fine testosterone level. It's not like you're going to have low testosterone, but if you do Twice per week. You get rid of that whole thing and then, you know during the whole week you're getting like, you know, only a variance of a few milligrams released into your blood per day, you know somewhere between you know, 15 to 20 to 25 milligrams somewhere in that range is being re-released into your blood each day of testosterone instead of somewhere between you know, like 5 and 25 milligrams being released each day in your blood. So there's more of a hormonal roller coaster. If you but it's not an extreme hormonal roller coaster, you know, it's a slight effect that you can feel if you're doing it once per week versus twice per week. If you hate doing injections, it's fine just do once per week. If you want to maintain a more stable testosterone level and have a you know, the same what we're what feels like the same level of testosterone in your body every single day. Well, then you'll need even with an amp date to be doing twice a week. The next question is from jimin awake and he says injectable orals versus oral or oh, okay, so you can inject oral antibiotics steroids. What does that mean? Okay. So oral antibiotics steroids are active in your body because they possess a chemical alteration to the hormone called 17 Alpha alkylation, okay. The 17 Alpha alkylation prevents the liver from breaking it down when it goes into your system whenever you take any kind of drug or any kind of hormone any kind of steroid. What happens is there is a vein that leads straight to your liver from your stomach and the drug goes through and passes through that vein into the liver and then the liver processes it. Okay, and mostly destroys it before it can get to your to your blood. That's What the liver does is it breaks things down it breaks down toxins. And so in order to make steroids be able to be taken through your mouth and then be able to get into your bloodstream. The chemists had to do something to the steroids to prevent the liver from breaking them down when they went through that Vein from the stomach into the liver and then they're in the liver. They had to make they had to put something on the steroid to prevent it from being broken down before it could get into the bloodstream into the Nation and the molecule that prevents that prevents the liver from breaking down the steroid and destroying it before it can get into the circulation the blood stream and you know, go find the muscles and everything like that. Is this Melech is this molecule on the steroid called 17 Alpha alkylation that prevents the liver from destroying it before it can get into the body's blood circulation. Okay, so just because it has this 17 Alpha alkylation. Molecule attached to the steroid. That doesn't mean that it can't also be injected. Okay, so even though it can be taken orally it can still be injected like any other steroid hormone. Okay, and it's still very effective if it's injected actually, it's more effective if it's injected, you know for some for something like Winstrol because this is a common injectable but also or okay Winstrol inject and Winstrol oral are both the same chemical, okay? They're both stenos along. That's the chemical name and they both, you know, if you had a vial of injectable Winstrol you could drink that and it would be the same as taking the tablets because it would be taking the same ingredient that is in the same active ingredient that is in the tablets if you drink that vial, okay, but that's not the same as something like like testosterone and ante okay because testosterone and ante, you know you there's no testosterone an empty table. Tablet and that's for a reason that's because an ant they testosterone Anthony does not propose sa 17 alkylation molecule to that steroid. And so if you ate it your liver would destroy it when it went into the liver through the vein from the stomach into the liver. Then the liver would obliterate it and you'd barely get any at all in your blood circulation. Okay, but this it's different with an oral steroid because Oral steroid or any steroid with the 17 of alkylation can withstand the metabolic breakdown processes of the liver so you can either take it in your mouth or you can inject it. Okay, but the reason why it's more infected effective when you inject it is because you bypass that first, it's called first pass metabolism, which is where the chemical goes through the vein from the stomach into the liver and then the liver. The chemical and metabolizing it that's called first pass metabolism. And then it gets to the bloodstream. Okay, if you just put it into your body by injecting it instead of taking it orally well now it doesn't have to go through that first pass liver metabolism instead it goes through the liver once it's already inside of your body and your bloodstream, then it goes through the liver. Okay. So because it didn't have that first pass liver metabolism what that means is that Part of the you know, when even with the 17 Alpha alkylation still some of this steroid gets broken down in metabolized during first pass metabolism. When you orally take a 17 off alkylated steroid part of it still gets destroyed by your liver. Okay, but not much of it, you know, but but it's enough it's something like it's something like, you know, 20 25 percent or so, we'll get destroyed by the liver. But then on the way on the way in on the way into your bloodstream on the way into circulation in your bloodstream, something like 20 25 percent can get destroyed by the liver. But if you inject that same oral steroid, and the way that they do that is that you know, they put the crystals that would be normally in the tablets. They put the crystals in in like sterile water and then you know you inject that sterile water and Crystal solution. Into the muscle and then you know, it didn't have to pass the liver before it could get into your bloodstream instead. You just put it into your bloodstream by putting it into the muscle. So then there is more of it active in your bloodstream. So there's been studies on that measure like taking 50 milligrams of winstrol orally and then taking 50 milligrams of wind straw on an injection and the difference the difference in the the concentration would would generally be something like a 20 to 30 percent increase in the amount of of mass of the stairway that actually got into the circulation from the injection if they injected the same amount as they took orally generally something like 20 to 30 percent more of the active steroid was measured and ended up in the bloodstream when they did when the scientists took measurements on the effects of doing this, okay? So that's the main difference between injecting an oral steroid and in you know taking it through your mouth because once that oral steroid is in your body and it is got that 17 of alkylation, even if you injected it it still is liver toxic. Okay, and your liver still has to break that down. It's just that you were able to put the whole steroid in your body and get it in there without the liver being broken down. So instead of getting, you know part of the steroid from Can orally you get the whole steroid, you know the whole amount of the steroid instead of part of the amount of the steroid because you injected it. So you get the whole amount put into your bloodstream and so, you know / dosage injectable oral antibiotics, like injectable Winstrol for example is stronger than oral when straw at the same dosage the same thing with like injectable Dianabol versus oral Dianabol if you take 50 milligrams of Dianabol inject it's going to be stronger than 50 milligrams of Dianabol taken through your mouth. If you take 50 milligrams of winstrol injected it's going to be stronger than taking 50 milligrams of winstrol through your mouth more ends up in the bloodstream, but it's not less toxic. Okay, the steroid still has to go through the liver and it still has to be broken down there and metabolize there before it can get out of your body and if you look online Case reports of people having you know problems from you know, using oral steroids. There's plenty of examples of people, you know going into the hospital for liver problems from using injectable Winstrol from using injectable Mattia known which is the chemical name for Dianabol K and the same thing with any other these injectable steroids. There's kind of a thought that goes on in the online community of bodybuilders that you know, it's going to be safe if you inject it because then you miss the liver on the way into the body, you know, because you didn't take it in your in your mouth and let it pass through the liver well know that that's not actually correct, you know, once once it gets into your body through an injection, it's still got to go through your liver. It just bypassed that what's called first pass metabolism and instead. It's at a later time metabolized by your liver. It's stronger. You know, it's stronger milligram per milligram. If you take 50 milligrams of inject versus oral they inject is stronger, but it's still toxic. And if you want to confirm that there's plenty of case reports of people injecting oral antibiotics steroids and having you know liver problems liver failure liver disease elevated liver enzymes stuff like that. Okay. Okay having problems is that normal? No, it's not normal to take oral steroids and you know out of nowhere have some liver problems. Okay, but I'm just saying that don't think that because you inject the oral steroid that it's like oh it's not toxic or something. No, it's still toxic the main thing that you get from injecting it versus taking it through your mouth is that you get more of the milligrams into your body for a for the same dosage. So it's more effective. Okay, it's more effective. If you take the same amount of milligrams of oral or inject. The inject is more effective. That's the main effect of oral steroids taking them through your mouth versus injecting them in an intramuscular injection. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time.
Oral Steroids Effects - The Steroids Podcast Episode 21  ask questions for the show - Inquire about consultation and training   0:00 Mood Disorders or Mood Swings on Steroids 3:30 Difference between Long Acting and Short Acting Injectable Steroids Esters 5:20 Most Bodybuilders with Freaky Physiques take Injections every day 6:20 Indicators of High Estrogen Levels 12:40 Social Paranoia Increased by Anabolic Steroids 15:00 Testosterone Levels after PCT at 400ng/dl and Low Sex Hormone Binding Glubulin 16:15 How the "Normal Testosterone Level" reference range in the Medical Industry was created 20:00 How SHBG Sex-Hormone-Binding-Globulin affects free testosterone levels 25:12 How to Reduce SHBG Levels 30:17 Trenbolone is Immune to SHBG and Cannot Bind to It 33:58 Thyroid Hormone Levels vs Prolactin Levels and Sex Drive 34:40 High Blood Pressure Medications Do Not Belong in Bodybuilding and are an Indicator of Drug Abuse 36:30 Normal Components of Most Modern People's Lives that Increase Blood Pressure 41:50 Cialis and Blood Pressure (Penis Medication) 43:40 Do the Muscles that grow around your Face and Skull go away after you stop taking steroids or Cruise 47:20 Can You use Metformin on TRT 49:55 Metformin Shines as a Weight Loss Agent 51:40 Effects of Cardio Activity of Fat Loss 53:00 For Someone taking 250mg Testosterone Per Week is Once Weekly Injections ok or are Twice Weekly testosterone Injections Required 56:30 Injectable Oral Steroids Liver Toxicity Effects and Chemistry of 17 alpha alkylated Oral Anabolic Steroids   This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. This author does not support the use of illegal performance enhancing drugs. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
Welcome back to the 90th minute. We are some of your hosts. We got Lucas and myself Liam as you can see walls and Greg are other co-host they are not here. They're busy tonight. That's more than K which I think was probably got a lot of work that's got a little too fired up after his birthday and shelter was happy birthday. His birthday was on the Saturday night, but that is all good. The two of us are here. We have things to cover especially with Euro 2020 qualifiers.On a few international friendlies make sure you are subscribe on YouTube hit the Bell notification. So you are aware of when we do post it is up on Spotify Instagram Tick-Tock waiter. Waiter Facebook. We're on most social LinkedIn if you care. We're on LinkedIn. Yes, I posted one thing on. There you go. Yeah, we're almost social media links are in the description. Like I said, he says on there we posts pretty much every day. Almost we try yet most days. But like I said, we're kicking it off with Euro. 20 qualifiers go have been interesting to say the least I'd say it's the most exciting weekend of the year. It's not the chili last weekend was tenfold more exciting. Yeah had Mad City in Liverpool. Like I mean, it kind of sucked out the international break broke up. It's such a big high note, but and then there's such a cliffhanger what happens next to city, but we have to worry about the Internationals who's qualifying for Euro 2020. Yeah, you know, there were some big games coming up like that happened this past weekend. Starting group a England got a big 7 no Victor or Montenegro. It's some controversy before in the whole week of leading up to this match because I mean, apparently Rahim and Joe Gomez. They got in a bit of a buzz of that Liverpool man city game, you know, you saw them go face-to-face on the field. There was an issue, I guess off the field afterwards and then the next day in England training camp. They had a little bit of a bus stop. I mean by all accounts. It was a it was thrown handbags kind of thing as opposed to his like mostly Rahim. Isn't really a fight so I don't want to give it too much of a break dunk. I don't think it's really deserving of it. But I assume Joe Gomez was a little cocky about the match and then write him probably didn't take it too. Well and probably overreacted a little if you could see Joe Gomez. He had a scratch under his I think Raheem Sterling has to remember he's about a foot shorter and a hundred pounds less than Joe Gomez. No Gomez can't I just pick them up and throw them problem solving for him settle down. I'll he was dropped for that game because of that he did his job. Bob Joe Gomez old does pick up an injury in this game. He does. He came on as a sub. Yeah. He got injured what Joe Collins got injured. Do you not know? I'm sure he did. He came on like the like later parts of the game and then the fans booed him. I'm sure Joe Gomez picked up an injury. I don't think so. Yeah, I think that's right. Now that's wrong. I will Google Trend like left of Holland preseason. But I mean, I appreciate maybe I get wrong is it because he cares Southgate bags Joe Gomez. Come back stronger after training ground injury forced him out of Kosovo match. That's on the telegraph. Okay. Well ha ha that's not important. I know things that's not important. But yeah, what do you think about England fans booing Joe Gomez though? I mean they are booing him because of all the off-field things. I mean, it's England fans to at either this coming from a Scottish a little bit English fans think they are spoiled almost know they want the best of the best and they have a good team going around the all that's just trying to ruin it somehow. I mean, they're probably know that Raheem. It was dropped but the media kind of media Montenegro who cares who's playing, but the media kind of the media kind of made out like Sterling was innocent sort of and Joe Gomez was a bad guy, even though that really wasn't the case Raheem Sterling even admitted that he was wrong. Yeah, but it's such an unfortunate scene that happened like you don't why would you boost something from your own country on your national team? Yeah. I know. There's this car sayings handbags. It's such a it's just a bunch of nothing basically. Yeah, but it did happen, but England do Get a big 7l victory or Montenegro. It confirms them for Euro 2020. Good job England. I guess we'll mention the other England game. They did he call civil fornell. I thought Kosovo wasn't that bad actually in this game. They try to play actual football. They don't try to be like a lot of small countries and park the bus they say it's nice to see but unfortunately in the second half they weren't as good and made quite a few mistakes that led to England's goals which obviously England have the better at packing players. Yeah. And obviously overall team is better. I'm surprised the England played all the players. They did play, you know, you look at this. You have hunted or Harry Kane Sterling oxlade-chamberlain. They did rotate slightly with Declan rice and Harry Wings coming in but I would have liked to have seen other players, you know start like tomorry. I know he had come on as a substitute. He should start get some experience before the euro start because he's a player I think could be very important when they get to the tournament. Maybe that's for the March friendlies potentially for dinner, but I was kind of annoyed as it Liverpool. Fencing off Lee Chamberlain start to games. Yeah, he hasn't started back-to-back games for Liverpool and such a long time and you're starting him in back-to-back games for international play where there's even lots of letters like not that much breaks in between the matches that to me. That doesn't make too much sense in my opinion. Like why would you want to force him to put that much running? And yeah, like obviously you want to see how he plays with the team and the systems but this guy hasn't even played in 90 minutes. I don't Maybe he's played once I do think oxlade-chamberlain will have a big part in the squad when he goes to euros. I think he's a player that can provide experience in a young attack. You know, he's not that old himself. No, he's not but he's being at the top level for quite some time and he is performing well for England these masterpieces score against Montenegro. He's a good player and this is for school. It's unfortunate that Liverpool was just so good on the attack. He's can't fund spot. You can find a spot if it's well known that Midfield. Who do you draw well, Sometimes there's games were it's not the best to play Henderson or wooden all them so you play off? Yeah where he provides more of a dynamism. I think I think Club using words like a super sub which I mean fair enough. He does the job very well, but I agree. I think he should have more starts in the Premier League and he's only using him as a Super Sub because he hasn't played for such a long time because of that injury last season and so he just slowly easing him in which is why I'm complaining about England just rushing him so quickly into two starts in like four days. Second place does go To the Czech Republic they are on 15 points is it's not confirmed yet. Second place that they've qualified to have good relationship through public. It's the last matchday. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah there he played the all the matches that group big for the Czech Republic. They haven't really been that good of a national team. But then again, I think I think if you look at that group, you know, Kosovo Bulgaria Montenegro think Czech Republic are deserving of second spot there. I know they had a good Euros in 2012. Yeah, it's good to see that there. R Group starting to Czech Republic where the towards it Brothers playing the towards it for others. It was Philip and something toward Zack these to play for Celtic a long time ago. I don't even know if they're still playing probably haven't heard that I haven't heard about them for a long time. So if you know what I'm talking about, yeah. Anyways, we want to Group B because that saw Portugal get a big 6 no victory over Lithuania Cristiano Ronaldo scoring a hat-trick that is How many hat-tricks has he scored Lucas too many to count honestly. Yeah, this is big for Portugal. Obviously. There was some concerns like maybe they won't qualify but the matches this International break were against Lithuania and Luxembourg. So realistically you would expect them to win those two games are those two matches and they obviously did Reynaldo played very well. Mmm, and they qualified three points ahead of Serbia who will have to qualify through the playoffs. But the M Portugal joined Ukraine, which it was his 55th career hat-trick 55th. Yeah and 9th for Portugal and it's big for an all the to after some criticism. He had from his last few matches with the event is where people are saying he's not playing so well or it's just was was just as he's past his best. I mean, no, he's not. Sorry Matthew. No, you didn't play too well last few weeks, but that might have been due to an injury. But then again Lithuania, not a Powerhouse or Lux. No, they're not but Serbia they dig in a 3-2 victory over Luxembourg. So they made a bit tough work over that matchday 10. There are almost current matchday sort of be a Drew Ukraine to to now this was one of our 1v1 predictions. Yes Link in the bio for 1v1 prediction to make sure you hit those up there pretty good Ukraine had already qualified for euros Serbia. They needed the win I didn't get the win. I think it would be hoping for a lot of to say Say that if they won they would have qualified because yes, it's Portugal were playing the two worst teams in the dress. So even if they'd have to have Portugal lose or tie against Luxembourg or Lithuania, what are the odds of that happening Liam very very low but they almost did win Serbia. It took a 93 93rd minute goal for Ukraine to tie it up. Imagine if that had importance for the qualification. You'd be gutted. You look a Serbia, you know do Santana shemitah David both get goals for them. Those are two good players to have in your Hide and you go back through the lineup, you know, you have uncovered Savage blink of a Savage Kolarov is still there, you know, they have decent players. They're definitely been one of the international teams that have underperformed in recent. Yeah, like they were in the world called last in 2018, but it didn't perform tool at all. And there is a chance they may not qualify. They have to they may have to potentially face up against the mighty Scotland. They wipe the floor with that's going to be honest. But yeah, there are the route to Euro 2020 has gotten pretty difficult. I think they have quality to qualify though. Yeah. So to make I do think syrup is a half-decent side. Yeah, if you look at the leak see they do look like the favorites. Yeah, so a group b ends with Ukraine on 20 points Portugal and 17 and then Serbia on third on 14, so Portugal they get a chance of Doing something magical again at the arose. Do you think they can have a better team than in the last eight years old? It's a thing. They have a good team Reynaldo maybe a few years older but still performing still very good player better players all around like but I don't know if it's a better backline. Maybe it is the bachelor backlands definitely their weak spot. I want to say it's a weak spot. I mean Ricardo prayers good route. Petruchio's good. It's Joseph aren't really that good. Well, he's one of the ideas is okay. I mean, I don't think it's the worst thing in the world. So terrible like if you if those players work under the structure, then it I don't think it's much to worry about they got to solve Midfield. Yeah, Bernardo Silva will always pop up with goals Andre Silva's not too bad. Jean-Luc Bruno for now. Yeah you Oughta then Nevers hmm. Can't forget about him. Joe conselho. John Martin. Yeah, they have out you a good the good side Ruben's tomato. Don't let him on the field. I don't like ruins tomato. He's other Squad Ruben's tomato. Yeah. Wow, the man that the Olympiacos man that Liam it's not like Ruined ruined ruined Olympiacos, but Ukraine finished ahead of Portugal which is kind of surprising. Yeah. I mean Ukraine have been I think one of the biggest shocks of this Euro qualifiers to be top of this group with a teams like like Portugal in Serbia. I mean two teams who have you know, very recent Euro and World Cup qualifications. I mean, yeah, you cream done very well without any Superstar players. I mean they got some good players like Blanco your malenko kovalenko. I know this should Gunk off guy is pretty promising. But obviously, I don't know much of these players to well and but I am looking forward to seeing how they perform in the Euros next year. Of course they have what's the man's name is in chanko. He did not lose his left testicle the injured it. He injured his left testicle. So, you know, you know balls up a little bit. Okay, man. Group C. This is my favorite group. I got to be honest. I like Group C now. They still have games to play but as it stands groups, he's currently Germany on top 18 points Netherlands second 16 and Northern Ireland on 13. Now the northern Irish. They did host the Dutch. I like this game, but it also upset me. I mean it wasn't that great game around. Is no no, I mean you were like rather an Irish should have won but had a penalty. Bad penalty not good. He's guys at over the bar. I was like, come on. This is your one shot the Dutch were being decent defensively, you know, they were holding back Van Dyke was controlling it going forward Frankie dieng was a threat. The one issue for the Dutch. They don't have a bona fide centre-forward at least not one. That's like a van nistelrooy pamper. See look at this team and I go okay Quincy promise is decent. Yeah, Donny vanderbeek decent Ryan Babel and I'm pleased for galat Sr. You got relegated with Fulham last year. Yeah. I mean, you're not wrong there. I'll toss that gal toss. Your team is really weird. They are we won't get into that right now. I think I think the center forward. Was the biggest weakness for the Dutch? I mean their Midfield is great. You know, he had genuine uldum on the bench, you know, but you have Luke t-yong you have Frankie too young you have decent players in there. I know Memphis depay has played well for yeah Dutch. I don't think he was playing in this International. I don't think the Centre forward though, but he's scored so many goals for them. He's done so much for this Hall in team was here guys all that can raise your team to potentially win the arose on his best day. Yes. I think I think that is when you watch him at his best performances. It's it's unplayable on us that that's a that's a that's a question mark and I mean, it's something that I think we're all looking forward to seeing what happens in the Euros, you know, while some just random Dutch Wonder kids show up in the next 18 months. Who knows. I mean, there are two guys that could potentially fulfill that role. There's Daniel Mullen who plays for PSV? Yeah, he's been doing really well for the club and he is still only like 21 years old or something and he's scoring quite a few goals and then another guy that many maybe not many people know about but well I should know but he probably doesn't it's the guy from AZ alkmaar Myron boa do he's only 18 years old. He suffered a few season-ending injuries in the last year of Seasons, but the season in the air divisi 12 matches 8 goals through his Cysts and then in the Europa League 10 matches which include qualifying matches and six goals most bad numbers in this guy's even with the injuries. He's had in the past. He's providing for his club and maybe someone in the Dutch could look forward to but he may be some of you bring on the squad if you know just maybe he might be able to step up with a goal and maybe he just takes his chance right and runs with it. Ya know like he's only 18 like yeah, there's so much time left in his career right now. Like it's increasing this goal scoring output Dutch always seem to find my Wonder kid somewhere. So I mean not after Euro 2012 your 2012 to after the 2014 World Cup actually will get into that will break down the decade don't you worry Lucas, but the Dutch were not good not today not today, but in a future episode, we will definitely break down the decade that was kind of thing. Yes. So like I said the northern Irish they get a point at home with the Netherlands was a nil-nil draw of the game on Imagine I was Germany they win for Nell over Belarus. Not much to be said they're matched. A-10 has not been played yet, but it doesn't really matter. Not really Germany host Northern Ireland and the Netherlands are at home to Estonia. Yeah, so we know Germany Netherlands have both qualified. We spoke a lot about the Netherlands how they have so much good pieces just to they may be missing one. What about Germany Germany again? I think they have a good side. I mean They have some incredible players that our disposal we know we asked is jochem. Love the men to lead them into these Euros. The German national team has said yes. Hmm. Let's see how they do. I mean they had such a terrible World Cup. Let's see if they are able to rebound. Yeah, I mean they got a decent team. I think you can't argue about the Midfield or their attack at all, even with ugly or sunny right now. We're in fact is still Dudley, but it's just that back line. Like I know I'm ignoring the goalkeeper Shoals. Yes, but yeah, Robin Coke Matias Ginter and Lucas Klosterman Hummels is no longer allowed on the national team. So apparent reason and Nicholas. Sulla. He's got the ACL injury. So Jonathan Tha is an option or you love him so much. He's you have Nicholas Stark. Yep. He's okay, but I agree. Yeah, like the back line is the weak spot for Germany, which is something that you know, they're usually very solid defensively. It's something to be wary of if you're going to bet on Germany that Euros but also on the pitch, they're very good. But when they if they play against a team that might have a better attack than them or a similar tactic Germany. I think they may suffer. Yeah. I enjoy the team that I think will always be on the short list of potential favorites to win the the tournament. I don't have them winning it but there's a lot that can happen in the next year. You're right. I don't want to hit on guys like getting through who plays for glad back because they're currently first place in the Bundesliga. I'm actually not sure. I'm assume he's been playing the Bundesliga. But yeah, it's something to consider and but Germany are qualified him. So yeah good on Germany good on the Dodge is gonna see that it's good to see the doctor back in a national tournament International Tournament is being quite some time. I finally won one though. No the northern Irish. They do have to go through the playoff rounds. I think they can qualify think they can do it. Yeah. If so, the playoff rounds is it's It is the only one that's pretty much for sure. Known is path D. Yeah, Josh is just the worst teams, I guess Georgia Monarch Macedonia Kosovo and Belarus great sides are I think a silver could qualify through that. They shouldn't they're not bad but it is the case. Of course well takes a place from a Tina's better than them. Yeah, but I don't agree with it. It should have won their Nations that group done. I know but Like you said, no one could take away Scotland's trash. They could we don't deserve to go to a tournament. You could still take away a spot from someone like Ireland. It's possible but do we deserve it God? No, but supportive we did why use social the importance of the nation's they can why it's important to play in it. The Nations League was that was the entire goal was to make the qualifiers order to make the friendly so much more important. Yes, right. So I In theory, it's done his job. I just don't enjoy I don't be honest. I know what is the big fan of it was hates. The nation's leading. I don't I don't mind it myself. I mean in theory, it's better than just. Hey, let's turn up on a Wednesday afternoon to go away to Luxembourg. And when 8 nil what's the point of that? You know, you know, I mean like I like I'm polish shall we didn't do well in the nation's league, but you still got to play against like Portugal and Italy tough sides a better team statue play. And realize what works and what doesn't work and how the team can improve or to see if your coach is a fraud. Everyone's a fraud. I forget which I think was the Spaniard who did Spain Ploy. It's been played Romania or Malta Malta. That was again. I watched a little bit of that game absolute joke. That's what we're talking about useless. It is 7l Spain literally pow Torres came on the field of the 61st minute, you know, the people are 29 seconds and scored a goal. How Torres yeah, who the heck is that he made his debut is this some young guy we've never heard of power Torres. He is. Let me see 22 years old place for Villarreal. I still don't know who this is, but maybe we will in the future he came on. I just hope poked a wide open net. I was like, what's the point is I then they went on to score 30 seconds after that. Hmm. And then three minutes after that. I mean no one is going to say that Malta is a football superpower know that's the thing is If your multi what the hell's the point showing up to this you get to play against some of the best players in the world and get your ass handed to you. Why not man, like like San Marino there they have like a postman as a player. It's great. How great is it? You've delivered the mail Auntie. Fun fact about Malta. Sorry, dude. There's a man that plays on Malta. What's his name? Zach Muscat. My dad is actually friends with his uncle. What was his uncle lives here Paul must Also, we like that really. Yeah, so fun fact, we are friends with a multi-player. Shout out the Muscat some us cats. Yeah, but yeah Danny olmo you heard any limo? Yes, he plays for dinamo Zagreb. He scored keep an eye out for him. Actually. He's a part of that. I know at least on on FIFA. He's an absolute Legend I can say that but I think he's gonna have a good future for not only in Spain but in his career the teams also it's a tough one with him. Like people can see that he has a lot of talent. But can you translate it from the Croatian leaked to a big league? Yeah, that's that's of course a big question. But Spain they have a decent team Commander. I know Sergio Ramos is still hanging around there somehow but, you know people in the Olympics next year and the Euros why not? Let him do his thing but you know, they have good players coming through you and you have one more night. I know he's not a young player, but he's a Defender that can you know be there for the next handful of years couple tournaments. I mean Jordi Alba is better Danny Carvajal. He sort of Sergio busquets you only 31 somehow feel like that much about 40. He's been in the game for a while. You may hear his name again. Later. You might but now Sweden they qualified as well swedes. I think I don't have much to say except that the Romanian fans that was racially abusing Isaac or a disgrace and it's annoying T's keep hearing about this type of stuff. Just stop. There's no need for it like grow up. I mean, it's a girl just just be better like be better human. I mean what you just said there is probably what UEFA does and that obviously doesn't help you ain't you ain't Is nothing they fact they find these teams like 10,000 Euros. What does that do? It doesn't change the fact doesn't change the fans and the fans don't pay that the big opposed to stadiums to so like what like what's causing this team going to do kick them out? Yeah, you cannot qualify for the next tournament. You cannot qualify identified the fans and then bam. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and then yeah, I don't I don't mind the sweet into I don't know. We're still having this actual real important discussion. But I don't mind Sweden. I mean somehow Michael loose jig still on this team, but shout out to Big Michael. You're a big fan of him. Lipstick man. He's the one the one there's a song on akka singers because the probably copyrighted but now it's okay. Well Victor Lindelof. No, I mean they have a few names here who not every football fans going to know because you know, they come from either Swedish League or you know, Den martyred countries around there. But you know, they have good players like a male forsberg. He's always been a good talent for them. Christopher Olsen's not terrible and he have Sebastian. Laughs I like him. I do I always have I got to be honest and Lindelof. Yeah, I mean it's an okay team. They definitely over-performing my opinion in the German second point which is never a Bad Thing. Obviously I known for Northern Light. I mean, I don't really have much to say what does he say to you? He's still kicking around who Christopher nor Dwight was that face true for it's about it spelled nordfeldt. Uh-huh, but it's prevents a nerd fight. He play for Scott asked Celtic. I don't think so. Okay, he's pays for Swansea. Oh, I just remember him from the Premier League like five years ago. He's only played 24 matches for them since 2015 that things happen. Okay, how is he still getting called up because he's not good. How is Michael wish to get called up? The men's 32. His legs are gone. It was not that old Celtics hold him because his legs were gone. We sold him it's your loss. This is the Scottish Premiership. You don't need much to play there. I'll see my glue. Stick is too good for the Scottish Premiership Jeremy frimpong. Now, the men's absolute beast from punk are he's hiding from Man City eighteen-year-old. That guy's a legend. Oh, yeah, he's Dutch, but he was born in England with an Irish accent real weird, but you love to see it. The guy's just a hidden one. Friend. No, he has no interest in defending is also going forward. I'll go. Yeah go on Jeremy go. What position does he play right back all out attack. At least you have a good right back. He's on our starter. He's this our Scottish Premiership starter. We have to use your other one hat. Ml Hamed. Okay, he's good. He's the one got moving on his move on exactly. We skipped a group. We skipped a few actually. Okay, I Group D Group G this group still hasn't finished all the matches still need to be played which happened on Monday. This is one of the big groups because not everything is set yet team still need to qualify Denmark are on top of 15 Switzerland II with 14 Ireland on 12 and third place. So pretty much Ireland played Denmark. Twin Denmark. I mean Denmark just need to draw Ireland needs a win. It is in Ireland. This was another one of our 1v1 prediction. So make sure you are subscribe so you can see these. Yeah, but it's likely Switzerland are going to win Switzerland will probably top this group. They've host they play Gibraltar if they don't win that's a disaster. Yeah, probably biggest kissed a story since I don't know since FIFA got invaded since Grant xhaka. Okay, that's harsh man. Jacques is a catastrophe but can the Irish win this yes or no Lucas. I think we can will they well the Irish beat Denmark? No, I'm going to say it's going to end as a drawing just lie. I feel like Denmark just needs a draw to qualify and I don't think I know it's kind of like cynical of me, but I hope there's another like handball incident. I hope Tyrion re steps up. And just pushes the ball in the Irish. They don't deserve it. But I just think it'd be really funny. I gotta be honest. You want them? You don't want them to qualify. Of course. I want him to qualify, but I just want to see Irish Hearts just sad again. That sounds terrible. But it just be funny. I forgot completely forgot about the hunt that happened that happened. They lost out on the girls want because of World Cup was like, yeah. I have a World Cup soccer because of a handball. I mean, I think that was at the beginning of the decade to me. We will talk about Thierry Henry later this episode. But yeah, so if Ireland don't win then they'll go to the playoffs which they should do. Well and because I don't know man, there's going to be some tough teams will have to wait. Yeah and Ireland aren't the best goal scorer in team watch them now score three against Denmark notion put like eight past them Absolute Collapse by the Danes so we don't really know which teams have officially qualified but it's likely Switzerland will yes, we will definitely have more of a discussion R1 V1. Action midweek. So now droopy this one is still up in the air as well. Only one team can qualify him. That's Azerbaijan on it sucks to be them. But Ruby has Croatia on 17 points hungry is on 12 whales on 11 and Slovakia on 10. Now, what are the matches happening on Tuesday Liam for the this group Wales host Hungary and Slovakia host Azerbaijan. So so so evacuation Get a victory. Yes, so I would put them on 13 so can whales beat hungry if it is in Wales. Okay, I think this isn't Wales is hand then. Yes, I think if because if they win they qualify yes hungry Croatia's going through Croatia qualified. I don't think it draws enough for hungry either if Slovakia gets a window. I'm not sure if it's based on head-to-head or gold because they don't have more if Slovakia get a win there on 13. Yeah, but it's hungry gets a draw. There are some 13, but yeah, but worse. All difference worst goal differential but I don't know if it's called difference or head-to-head. I don't know how these work. No one knows how these work because fella never qualifies any man. You're just pulling did huh? You lucky pulling did you guys have a good goal scorers how you have your few could goalscorers. We have nothing. We have what? Do you want me to do play a violin for you? Yes, you are you do. You want me to get you some flowers? Just just give me a good Don't Cry For Me Liam Don't Cry For Me Argentina. What do you think's going to happen? Um, I think he gets a big win. I think Wills will qualify. I think they will too. I think they will. I think they have a better team you have Gareth Bale. Is he going to be the X Factor? You know, will he be the guy to step up to when the game, you know, he came out this week and said he enjoys playing for Wales way more than enjoys Playing For Real Madrid, which I mean understandably. He said it's like playing with your mates down the park. That's exactly it's a bit of it's more fun for me. Oh, you don't have the pressure. Say of Sudan or pair has on him and he just has he has the badge which he wants to play and win for the badge. Right? So, I mean that's that's good to see also hit out on a terrible journalism standards in Spain. Yeah. He said on on one headline is said triple bogey. And he said I've never had a triple bogey at least give me an albatross. Yeah. I don't I don't mind the Wales team. You have Daniel James who's doing decently this year for Manchester United? You have Harry Wilson. Who's been doing? Okay for Bournemouth, if you have bail, like we said up top they started key for more who I don't think it will start from the top but you know, you have Aaron Ramsey you have Robbie. Matando. You have Ethan out of Purdue. Yeah. Okay players here. They also have Ramsey. That's I guess I don't know if he's yeah, he's there. So yeah Ramsey who is a great player. I don't know why you never respect him. He's okay, but do you think Wills will beat hungry? Yeah, I do. Sorry hungry. It's something I don't watch the Hungarian League. I don't watch me he's hungry player. So I don't know the best of the best about them. But I look at the names on the Netherlands on the won. The Welsh assorted Netherlands the Welsh side. Anyway, they have I think better players all around is can they put it together on the night for the 90 minutes? Yeah, I think Hungary's of interesting national team, but obviously there's some young Talent there like shop, shall I or socially or why it is Adam Bogdan not start for them anymore because gulab skis 50 times better fair enough. It's for life's it's very fair point and kind of walked on letting olimpico who ádám bogdán he led an Olympic 'l a what olimpico it is that it's one new score from a corner. Did he? Yes good for him and Bogdan is pretty trash. I mean he played in Scotland for hims. What's this? There's a lot of Scotland talk this this this episode so far you're here, of course and there's no walls to tell you to shut up. So shut up talk. That's pretty big best has so good. Shut up and speak please what but yes that I think coverage group E Group F Lucas. She sure that this we already talked about that. We did. You're right moochie pulling we already qualified in from the last International. Good job, boss key so we won't bore you with the Polish talk Poland's on 2012. I posted a video on Tech talk about wasn't I celebrating the pole and win with sparkling water, but you got taken down by Tech talk because you're drinking I guess so I said a response saying we were not drinking alcohol. We were this was sparkling water and they had this whole list of things that can take your video down. I'm like we did not do this this this this or this and they send me something back to like we were Viewed your video again. It broke our guidelines. I'm like what fair enough Tech talk. I don't know what make sure you follow us on tip Tick-Tock and other social medias as well. They're actually pretty good. I mean, yeah, if you miss if you don't watch the entire podcast and you know, tick-tocks are good. They're good. Yes, but poem qualified wasn't I were very happy about that second place second place is done as well rip tossed. You have qualified congrats drop Australia. It wasn't really as easy as it could have been Them, but they get there. They got the job done Slovenia finish in third with 14 points. I don't know what to say. What Slovenia this Slovenian dip some Town players, but they also don't have the best team in the world either. Yeah, like they have the one of the best goalkeepers in the world a talented forward some great players and other parts of the pitch, but they aren't quite there as a national team and either is North Macedonia. But yeah, but Poland does play Slovenia Tuesday, so I mean to just fully rotate your team. Where do you keep your players to kind of keep them in the system? Stem so video a bit porn last time. So I think I don't know if they're going to start Lewandowski. They brought them in as a sub last game because he had some surgery but maybe something for the coach to experiment try something unique. Yeah. It's definitely a possibility for them and in North Macedonia based off a shot at qualifying there in the league D for the playoffs Israel. They did score against Poland. It was a whatever if the group's done, I mean, yes, these teams are still playing and they're still fighting but the intensity is not there like, you know, you'll see you in Ireland Denmark game, but let's keep moving. Hmm group JH. This one is interesting one. I mean, I guess the turkey Iceland match was kind of big because Iceland still had a chance to automatically qualify France. They are topped the group with 25 points or runaway leaders their turkey though our second with on 23 and then you have a decent gap between that Is icing on 19 so in the most recent fixtures who Iceland they won over Moldova turkey 1 over n Dora and friends over Albania, but the important one was turkey versus Iceland. Yeah, and man wasn't a great match. No, I didn't watch the whole thing about the parts that I tried to pay attention to we're not that exciting. But I mean Iceland were pushing Turkey were pushing kind of Ands nail nail. I mean it's not the I mean both teams will be disappointed weren't able to get a victory but isil especially because yeah, they don't automatically qualify or not. Now, they're in the nation's Elite the playoffs. Yeah, turkey fans are going nuts legs everywhere waving the Turkish flag. Everyone happy. I think they have a pretty decent team turkeys. Not terrible. Yeah. I mean, I think the back line is a quilter centre-back pairing searching for truth. Yeah, I mean, so just been a revelation at Leicester city and Emery up that mirror. Plays for Juventus. Although he hasn't really played too many matches this season. He was very highly regarded in summer. And he actually might get sold to another Italian team in January. We still have hacking Channel or glue from AC Milan you have Genghis under Barack Obama's still gonna kill mazia. You don't have out of the tour anymore. He's off and who knows where it's less we talk about our to run the better that man what up failed career. He had actually shot. Talking Barcelona to just know where everyone that transfers happen stupid transfer like Amber. He's had this announcement like, oh, I'm joining clubs to an employer. Like, where's why, is he leaving a fun Uncle? Where's he going? Yeah. What team is he going? Is it going to go to then? He's in the Barcelona can like what sense does this make? This is like an Antoine Griezmann. You're a clown. No grievance some what makes sense. Christian is a clown. This won't the Torah one made. No. No, she was doing very well. That I thought he was which was why it made no sense from the go to bars because he didn't his style didn't fit at the Barcelona and he did nothing there and then he shot a gun in a hospital or something. He did that you write on he got arrested for that. I don't know if he went to jail for it or not. I don't know. It's such a weird career. Honestly, it is a very failed career, but Let's keep it moving group. I God Belgium on top 27 points. Second place is Russia and then a million hundred bajillion miles away as Scotland and third with 12. We're bad Liam stolen or just we're negative 5 goal differential. You can wear school differential Kazakhstan. Look us Henry know that Simon has negative 45 they they scored a goal. He did score of all pickups, San Marino. But how disappointed are you from this qualify? I mean when this group got an ounce I said to myself were not qualifying because we are nowhere near Belgium and Russia is by far better. So I said, okay, we'll go through the playoffs. I still don't have faith in us because we are bad as I said as long as we were competitive in this group, I'd be happy first game loses to cast exactly you'll beat the three below us comfortably beat them and then challenge Russia challenge Belgium. Give them a good match. I remember we played I played Belgium, um, was it matched A7 we played them know that we played Russia? Yeah that game two against Russia halftime. I looked at the score nil-nil. Hey, oh, we're in Russia. We're doing well. Let's hold on here for now. Just an absolute collapse like he's imagine a six-week. Wait. When do we play Belgium? Because I remember that one which is a not happen. Yeah at home in Scotland. Really? Okay guys Good Start. Have a good game. Look how cool the ninth minute Thomas. Vermaelen 24th minute. Albert told me I'll Devale 32nd minute. Well, there's a game done boys. It 3-nil is half an hour. Cheese's like what are you show up for the go then we had we had a good second half. We only let one goal in my Kevin De bruyne up. Well, I don't give a shit. What did nothing like the last four? No, it's just this is a heartless team. I got to be honest, but with her chance at Euro 2020 you're gonna pass. Right now, it's your with Norway Serbia and a team to be determined which I think is probably going to be Romania Hungary Israel or Bulgaria. I mean, okay, so Norway and whose other team in Serbia, they pulled those teams those will both those teams could be this comfortably but you won't have to face them until the final. So the other ones you said were like Romania Hungary. Well, it's still needs to be determined by a draw which happens this Friday, but it's likely going to be like Romania Hungary Israel Bulgaria. So I mean those teams We get a result again some I would like to think. So are we I mean you belie you don't Israel and the nation's like no we did we did. Well Gary aren't amazing. I don't have much faith in my gotta be awesome Scotland International tournaments. They just don't go well together and the one time I remember you guys qualified for one in the 90s old I will obviously was not like yeah, I haven't I've not been alive for Scotland being in a national tournament in are ones like after I think it was always lots of they weren't one a long time ago. So I know that I don't know if it was the USA World Cup is a World Cup where England missed And then Scotland qualified somehow but apparently Scotland had a bunch of players from England in their team. The last major tournament. They qualify was 1998 World Cup. Awesome. So I was just born you remembered that quite. Well Liam. Yeah, something like that. How do they do in that World Cup? I mean, I guess we will mention the other Playoff groups. We already mentioned past D path beef has Bosnian and herzegovinian. The other three countries are yet to be determined. Determined but my guess it's going to be probably Northern Ireland. Well, actually, I don't know because only one team is determined in league as well, which is Iceland and I have no idea this nation's leak stuff is confusing me with the playoffs for the qualifications. I don't know what's going to happen what the paths are going to be well know by Friday. It's best not to speculate about it the final tournament the last time we were in so 1986 will 98 World Cup Wee Ones. Girl, Drew one and lost to so you got to the round of 16. No, we in our group our group stage. How many teams are in your group to three games? You said two losses one one and done drawing 0-0 wins 1 draw two losses. Who did you draw doesn't say doesn't say my name just go on World Cup 98 Wikipedia page that were being smart arms at the Scotland National Team Wikipedia. Yeah. No. No, you don't do that. I don't know man. Like I can find it here. Yeah, you guys were in group a you lost to Brazil only two one. They resolved in the final the team you tied Norway. I don't know. How could they had all week on our soul Sky probably back then and you got smacked by Morocco. There we go, boys, barely live. To Brazil get smacked by Morocco. That is so skaaland cheese, but to be fair. No repeat Brazil 1998 just did not happen. Okay did for France which we already talked about. So does it matter? Yeah group. I I said yes Colin. They won 2-1 over Cyprus Belgium get a 4-1 victory over Russia as a huge when it get to watch that one or no, I do not. Yeah, I got to I thought Russia weren't even that bad. But then every time Belgium they just it's just so ruthless in the attack. I mean fair enough Belgium are a very very good team but still gonna hazardous Bradley scored for doorman. He'd scored a banger just cut inside on his right foot bang. Can the belgians translate that into actual success at a tournament. That's the question. I have. I have a good feeling about Belgium do the pieces are starting to fall into place for them. I know they're he's have been there for past two tournaments their backline isn't the best like Dedrick boyata play. I know you're a big fan of him. He's It's okay. It was like normal and boyata old reviled. I know I mean proverb function would play. Yeah, vertonghen Elder veiled that was probably their centre-back pairing. If but then again, they've been trash Whispers. So what does vermaelen play Thomas vermaelen you plays in? What does he play? I don't know. Does he play Japan? Does he actually let's not as he actually I guess he's 20 Iniesta and David via. Thomas vermaelen plays for ya veces Al Colby the same team as David via Iniesta, 400 towards the plate for that team not. Yeah the further forward you go is more dangerous. You got to broaden axle of it's all you have thorgan Hazard you have Ed and Hazard. You have dries Mertens. You have Lukaku Yuri telemon's came on michey Bachelor why I came on and Jason denier came on. The nerves isn't had the best season. I like him. I like tamales and Van Dyke together were so good. Oh man, that was a good defensive pairing. Don't hopefully builds up some form of maybe he'll be part of that back line up. Like I think honestly if they can if their defense is fine, it could win it if their defense is solid. Yeah, aren't they could have won the World Cup, but they just couldn't be that France side Francis. Very good their World Cup. Yeah, honestly, like if his heart's feeling it, you know, if all like Hazard always feels it for Belgium meeting place. So welcome them. All right. It's going to be really exciting to watch this team. People aren't biggest fans of Roberto Martinez, but honestly, I think he does well when he when he tries to play attacking style and play with them and he has great players with him. So why can't they well, I agree on paper. They should do very well in this tournament unlike the previous fraud of a manager. I think Walmart's or whatever this he's actually gotten them to play wall and yeah reach up like they were in the semi-final of the World Cup. That's incredible it was It's always England. But yeah group J. Italy qualified. They are top spot with 27 points Finland Finland. They qualify with 18-bit up the fins and even need the playoffs know in Greece finished third on eleven. That's a terrible. Turn for Greece same with Bosnia. Yeah, but Bosnia still have a chance. Yeah. I don't know. That's a terrible result for them. Italy has been playing very well in the qualifying they have they got big 3-0 victory over Bosnia goals from Bellotti in Sydney and assorted be but Italy and in town, okay, sorry daughter room. And that do you have a new Chief still Emerson florenzi George Enos and wrote on Ollie Hey Big Ups, then you have Bellotti and Sydney but a dashiki, it's also very still on the bench, you know. I think I think the Midfield is actually like a really good like yeah, you can put to nollie there you can put but I know they put other players they're like, I know you can put this on iolo there. You can put a variety there. They have good. They haven't eaten any immobilize a you have chiesa. You have Roman Yoli you have decent players for Italy. They're not you don't they're attacking players are also pretty good too, but it's not like they're it's not like 2006 idli though. Not so different. It is different. It's a different. A football for Italy and while Bellotti is probably a bloody is improving year by year yet such a Workhorse of a striker e-mobility just can't stop scoring and Syria, but can they do it for the national team? I think Italy needs decent tournament. Yeah, they've been off that big pedestal for quite some time since 2006 almost. I mean they made the 2012 final they did. I mean, yeah, okay. So 2012. I'll give him that but they haven't been a Powerhouse since you know your teams like Germany like Spain like France have more than overtaking them. Even the Dutch for a part of their history overtook them, right? I mean Germany did do bad and lat Come to but then again Italy mr. World Cup entirely. Yeah sort of the Dutch. Yeah, so, you know what Italy you do you man just need to just is Roberto Mancini so manager. Yes big ups for Alberto. Yeah, so it's going to be interesting to see how me about Finland Lucas about Finland. This is a team I feel is right up your alley. How's it right up my alley Third Kind of hipster hipster the team. Oh Pookie scoring goals for them. Do you think I wanted to finish that lately? No, I know you don't but I'm thing in Finland. I think that could be your team for the for the Euros. My country is qualified. I don't care there you're there your team because you don't think Scotland's gonna qualify or not. I mean, it's exciting T. My team a bookie. I mean, is it a goal scorer? He's doing well, he's not been doing really well for nordoff. Well, the primarily getting tanked old in Norwich Glen Kamara bastard face Rangers. I mean, they were great goalkeeper though, dude Custer dutschke. I like I also don't know much about this know if they're not a team that you've heard of any of the players, but you know what their team is playing well as a team, can you continue that form into the tournament that is yet. Do you remember Rancor or my rank? Oh, yes. No, but you played for seska Moscow. I think he got banned from football for like two years because he like he did some drugs that's good. How is Daniel O'Shaughnessy? How is he Finnish that man straight out of Dublin Let's check the bank epd page that man is definitely not born in Finland. Um, let's see it was the Robert Taylor. He was born to an Irish father and yeah O'Shaughnessy. Yeah. Yeah. He's a finished Irish citizenship, but he chose to play for Finland fair enough white-hot that is group The J. That is group Jake. Yep. That is he Those qualifiers wow done incredible. So there are a few games still yet to be played on actually 10 like we said big one is safely Ireland Denmark. That is huge. Other than that Germany Northern Ireland could be a bit of an interesting match. Whales hungry big big game. They're pulling Slovenia not important now that's pretty much it for the remaining games. So you want to get into the I want to talk. Talk briefly about some international friendlies because there was a few of them right great. Um, let's start off with Argentina Brazil. Argentina is a big one nil victory over Brazil in Saudi Arabia because she's so rude. Well, you know messy he scores on his debut back for the country 13 minutes and after that nothing happened. Hey, but there's some controversy around this math. What was the controversy Lucas? Well Brazil, we're not Happy with Messy why so first Cheech a Brazil coach, so he was asking the ref to give a yell too messy. Then messy told him to shut up. Okay, and then she said no you shut up. So handbags more handbags. I think I think here's here's amethyst out here. But footballers of the world relax and grow up Sterling shut up. Go along Gomez piss off your messy. Shut up in your want to talk. I've seen you get angry on the field before many times but messy shut up walk away. Stop scratching your beard. You look like a lunatic. This is going on stop. It look weird. But Thiago Silva he had some words about messy and they weren't they weren't words about saying how great he was. In these two countries all like each other. So see I got some of us said about messy. He always tries to influence the referees he goes to control the game and give him free kicks. This happens in La Liga too, but not in Champions League because they are fair. I talked to some players in the league and they told me the same I hungry you always when we see messy. I'm going to say in the chance because well, he's always complaining always at the referee, you know, all this why that should be card or ever use asking for a card for any Robertson when he smacked on the back of the head and PSG are not like that will pierce your heart a hundred percent. I'm not saying he's is named honest. I'm not saying he's innocent but I'm saying messy isn't either that Neymar's is the worst but a man rolls, but you said he talked to some La Liga players and told him the same but La Liga players. Do you think Ramos house anymore of Brazilian ones? Like custom Aro? Yeah. No, he's more of a guy that does also complained a lot of them become tall handsome saying footballers stop. It's not bad image. He probably doesn't he probably didn't ask Arthur our tour probably not but I would have said he needs to grow up. I don't mind this Argentina side. I mean Jim Viola cell. So I like that he's starting a lot of Toro Martinez. I think he is a very exciting and player and he's done fantastically so far this season, could he take over that messy roll? He's not a messy place it but goal scorer for Argentina. He's definitely he's I'd say he's more of a goal scorer like a Guerra obviously a little bit differences to them as playing wise. I'm not going to go in depth about their differences, but he's more similar to that than Messi type role which is unheard of really yeah you fair. I still find it funny that probably dibala can't start this matter how he has to do to get a start like you got don't put Rodrigo de Paul place where Rudin AZ starting off her Diwali. He's top you would think the ball is a slightly better all the different players sometimes. There's work in different systems and currently dipole is not working in this system. It hasn't been for four years. I guess the think the soft spot for Argentina of is their backline fourth. I don't think he's great tagliafico is not too bad ottoman days past his best and pasilla. You don't know much about them. I don't know much about on but you know, he's not a world class name Center Defender. Can I think I mean, maybe they have some young Defenders coming up. We just don't know about. Our city sometimes South American players calm down they come from their continent and then it takes a few years for them to actually get found by teams in Europe and become great players. So we'll see what happens with Argentina on you think Messi will play in the next World Cup be stupid not to yeah, Messi's issues always, you know, he doesn't like to pressure from Argentina Argentina fa everything but that pressure comes natural when Our the self-described best player of all time kind of thing. You just need players around you that perform at this level right now. Dibala. You think Aguero you think all these other players but just hasn't jailed for pig. Wahine just never but zala that's a name and a half and be loved for Martinez will be that guy. Yeah, I think he's someone who could work with us. He has the intelligence he has pasted to him. He has a bit of he hasn't been something special to him right now. He's it's that's it from prior to watching and like if you notice him like if you just if you look at At him outside of the attacking parts of the play you just so much for stealing a good work ethic a hundred percent for Brazil They Don't Really Care much about this was all it was just an International Friendly their Copa América Champion. Yeah, they're doing our thing. Any other major friendliest talk about well Canada. There was that one called that one. I gotta be honest. I mean Canada, they did beat the u.s. A couple weeks back. Yeah in When in Canada so, you know, this was kind of a Revenge match Canada goes away to the United States absolutely battered for one there. Did you see what Alphonse the Davies did know so in the Box the ball one to him. He literally juggle the ball up headed it to the goalkeeper. Why I don't know maybe you just had a brain fart. I saw a picture of Davies. He started at left back for Canada. Yeah, it was three what I want to say the score line or or one for one. I don't know what time the game was but as a picture of there's a Canada had the ball in the box and the American box and Davies was nowhere near there. This is your best player your most attacking player and he's left back. No, that's not his fault. That's a position that's despising given just Jonathan Hardman the Canadian national team. Coach says he'd have hey if you're losing push him forward while he was pushing for it during the game. I think towards the end of the game. He was doing a lot more like he was getting violent too late, I guess so like he was getting by a lot of players, but he was struggling during this game in his position. Sometimes he's out of position. Sometimes it was just the Americans just overpowering him and I think the Americans are still about Better team than Canada. I mean Alfonso Davies had a great game for Bayern. Yeah. Yeah, but I guess it's a little more difficult when you don't have your team helping you as much in that position because Canada are very weak defensively there that that's definitely there. They're soft spot and it was just you know, Henry's it was this point seeing them down three nil at halftime, but they, you know, they still have chance of qualifying for The hex which is something that Lucas knows way more about than I do. So if you want to briefly explain the hex every lovely so I did the sort of explain it in the 1v1 predictions, but if you weren't there, that's all good. I will explain to you right now. So the hex is pretty much the last phase of World Cup qualifying in concacaf North America were 16 teams battled each other they play each other twice and the top three teams automatically qualify for the World Cup and the fourth-placed team goes to a playoff. They've changed a little they still have the hex but they don't have the qualifying rounds before it instead. If your top sixth ranked team in the FIFA rankings part of the and you're part of concacaf, then you go into the hex Canada are before this US State game were six but are only a handful of points ahead of El Salvador. So they decide the final six teams on June 20th, 2020. And if Canada are in the top six concacaf teams, they qualify if they don't they have to go through a bunch of As groups which eventually leads to like some knockout tournament or something like that and the winner of that tournament plays against the fourth-placed team in the hex, I believe and then that team plays another playoff game to determine if there's a lot going on. I might be getting something's wrong there because it's confusing as you can probably tell by me trying to explain any concacaf nation's leading though group a has Canada USA Cuba's only three team group can is still top of their group on nine points? USA our second on six. However, they have played one last game which is against Cuba which they will probably win because Cuba has not scored a goal yet so far. There is the Players usually defect when they go to USA. Yeah, pretty much so Cuba, they will probably lose USA or probably get a victory. They will probably top this group after it's all said and done and the other friendlies to mention not really I don't think there's much else going on. I mean tomorrow Argentina hosts article. I I mean I could be a good game could be are you gonna watch it? Probably not. I'm not gonna be on TV. Probably not this quickly. I want to just take a quick second to mention Montreal Impact. They have a brand new head coach Thierry Henry. He after after a very unsuccessful time at want to call well would tell me all about it. Yeah, it was it was not a fan of the move from the beginning and here he was already kind of right but he is at the MLS. He is with Montreal Impact. So we all wished here. Only the best we hope he can do. Well we've seen players like Patrick Vieira come to the MLS and do decent coaching. Can he follow in the other Frenchman steps? We will see ya listen to a podcast with him in the Jamie carragher. I thought it was very interesting polygons. He didn't talk about his time at Monaco managing which was sort of disappointing but it's he's very definitely a player that's very driven and wants to succeed. Yeah, but he also has high expectations and sometimes maybe the player C manage aren't Close to the level he expects and maybe that causes some problems. I know when he was with the MLS with the New York Red Bulls. There's times where he just like try to keep pressing everyone and then his teammates were doing what he wanted to do and he just get frustrated out there your head and shoulders above everyone else. It's tough, right? Yeah, but we wish him the best and you know what Emma last will be I think a better league with him there. Welcome to Canada. Yes. Welcome to America. So that wraps up our Euro 2020 qualifier discussion and our International Friendly discussion. Our second part will be about the starting eleven of the decade. So make sure you watch and wait for that. I'll be up in the next couple days or so. It's just one for a really long time. It was a long episode only got an hour and 45 minutes. I don't know what happened. But for myself Liam from Lucas walls and Greg. Thank you very much for tuning in. Thank you for watching and listening. Make sure you are subscribed to get that part to to get that team of the the decade and yeah this vignette of the week and beautiful game. See you next time.
On this episode of The 90th Minute, Liam & Lucas discuss everything that went on with the Euro 2020 qualifiers prior to Monday! England, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Croatia, Spain, Sweden, Poland, Austria, France, Turkey, Russia, Belgium, Italy & Finland have qualified for Euro 2020, and there is a lot to unfold! Also, Liam cries about Scotland... After the Euro 2020 discussion, we speak about Brazil vs Argentina, USA vs Canada and Thierry Henry's new job with the Montreal Impact! Timestamps:  Euro 2020 Qualifiers - 1:09 England (Group A) - 1:44 Portugal (Group B) - 7:35 Netherland/Germany (Group C) - 12:55 Spain (Group F) - 20:55 Denmark/Ireland Group D - 27:00 Wales/Hungary (Group E) - 29:15 Poland (Group G) - 33:47 Turkey/Iceland/France (Group H) - 36:16 Scotland :( Belgium Group I) - 39:02 Finalnd/Italy (Group J) - 47:02 Brazil vs Argentina - 51:43 USA vs Canada - 56:50 Thierry Henry's New Job - 1:01:05 Previous podcast discussing Liverpool's massive win over Manchester City, Bayern Demolishing Dortmund  & more: Previous 1 vs 1 prediction video: Check out the creator of the intro tune: Check us on social media TikTok: @the90thminute: Instagram: @the90thminuteofficial Youtube: The 90th Minute Twitter: @The90thMinute1 LinkedIn: The 90th Minute Liam: @LiamPeace7 Woz: @itswoz96 Lucas: @ChromiakLucas
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Not only outside when you pop the bottles but in your mouth, it's a celebration because how delicious this French bubbly is right. Now. I want you all to experience Luke Bel-Air and love it as much as we do. So I've arranged for all the listeners are this show to get 30% Off their first order by going to Luke Bell Pat. That's L UC B Ela IR. p84 thirty percent off your first order Luke / Pat listen holiday seasons coming up. There's a lot to celebrate. You're alive you're thriving. You have no idea when this whole thing's going to end. We have no control over it. Might as well celebrate this holiday season in the best way to celebrate is by popping bottles and when you pop bottles and it also tastes delicious, not only is it a celebration outside but it's a celebration inside your mouth with our friends at Luke Bel-Air Luke / Pat 30 percent off your first order. We are joined Now by a pro bowler and All-Pro a man who spent 13 years with a buffalo. Bills and LSU Tiger go Dodgers Carl Williams. Yo, what's up? How are you man? What is with the mood music at the beginning? Hey, listen, we can we can only use hack music because we didn't pay for copyright stuff. So everything is like the swankiest house music of ever seen. What type of music does Kyle Williams from Louisiana who played d-tackle for the Buffalo Bills listen to you know, you know, I'm such an Eclectic Soul. It would be hard to explain to you. But my rendition of all eyes on me is pops. Whoo, really? Let me hear it. No, I thought for sure where you have your if you ever heard the saying what you do, well don't do for free. That's me. I can respect it. Okay, you do this very well, by the way, and I've no idea what we're paying, but I'm excited to get to it call. Kaepernick, okay, I'm assuming that you have a thought about it you I'm not sure if you've given any where I'll tell you mine. I wish for one day. He would have just played by the NFL's rules. I wish for just one day he would have said everything aside one in there. And if the NFL screwed him in the end if they screwed him in the end, then he can even say like hey I did well, they're obviously doing it even builds his case even more that's what I wish would have happened instead of now the narrative is high. He doesn't want to do it. He doesn't want to play at all. It doesn't do that. How do you feel about the whole thing? Yeah. Yeah, I think the thing is if you live in the real world, how many times can you change your job interview site do your own interview? And then when you're done, you know go after the organization that you're interviewing for. Yeah, it just it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me as I'm sure it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to him either. I'm sure he thinks he's doing the right thing. We all have a different perspective it it's just at this point. It's just become such a such a fiasco. It's just And it's out of control. I agree. I'm with you. I think everybody by the way with a sane mind is on the same page here. They think yeah something probably did a lot of shady things probably did have him for a long time and this particular case could have backed got back on the right step didn't do so, who knows what's going to happen next? Who cares? Let's move forward Monday night football Chiefs Chargers that grass and I was talking about I think there's different styles of grass. There's grass that's supposed to be for golf soccer football. They said they had soccer Turf in there last night. I think we saw the effects of that with bigger bodies and people on the ground a little Lil bit more it looked like it could have been a little slip and slide Fest how does it affect people and who does it affect the most Well, it depends really I think in you know, you've been around the game you see big guys and you see such big fast guys and how they tear grass and Turf and everything up. I mean, you know, you can hear the just the ground literally tearing apart and when you get a field like that, I mean it there become potholes for big guys for little guys, you know, obviously the guys carrying the ball I think are affected the most but when you know, when you have a sure-footed guy, it can come to your advantage I think about Play in the snow A couple of years ago against the Colts was Shady McCoy. I mean, he was he's unbelievably he's electrifying in general then you put him in the snow and it's like he doesn't lose a step it. It was amazing to watch. So, you know, I think the the cream always Rises to the top no matter how poor the field is great line there speaking of shady you said last night and you said in the snow, he was great last night scores a touchdown after a load management week off last week. How do you feel about LaShawn not only is a football player but as a teammate, And also this forward-thinking mindset from Andy Reid like hey, I'm arrest a guy who might be a little bit later in his career who is at a position. We need later on down the road. How do you feel about all that? Well, I've got a couple of things I think Shady was a fantastic teammate. I think one of the things is, you know perception isn't always reality, right? So you see a guy who's in Philly who has some trouble there we end up trading from we get him in Buffalo really don't know what to expect but you know Shady was all work all business. Great teammate a lot of fun to be around we used to argue non-stop, but in a loving way, you know, it was it was it was a lot of fun to be on a team with him. And as far as the load management stuff and you know, there's a handful of coaches that I need to get ahold of and be like, hey, what the hell's your problem? I don't I don't really I don't really understand why you didn't get with the program and figure this out. You know, I don't I don't get it. You know, maybe maybe I could have hung there for For six months more. I don't know. How do you run out of gas there at the end like your trucks currently doing right now or what? We lost we lost you. Hold on you lost you forever and you're back at hold on. We lost you there, which is say let a truck go by so I didn't want to get everybody all distract battle sorts. He's getting out of this truck. Now the Bluetooth is just transferred over to his phone. We lost them are for a second but he is out here saving lives. No doubt. Look at this. I mean, that's an 18-wheeler bub. Never done this before on the Pat McAfee show all corners of the country son. He is on a dirt road right now out in the middle of nowhere. I have no idea how we are currently face timing that are other service out there if I can if I can be totally honestly, I totally forgot we were supposed to talk today and then I got a text message this morning like hey, don't forget about this. I'm like, oh no, so I had to drive to the levy of the Mississippi River. I'm literally on the levy of the Mississippi River talking to Pat Max. I mean life is good, right? Where else where were you? Where did you have to drive from from my hunting camp here on the river? I've got a place here that I fish and duck hunting do a bunch of different things on so I was there doing some work, you know retired life. I don't know what day it is doing my thing. Have you heard the Steelers backup quarterback? Have you ever heard him do it and you can you keep up with that? No, I haven't heard him. But you know, I'm okay. I don't have my duck calls on me, but I can do it. Well, I'm sorry. I don't get to get your competition in for you, but I haven't heard it. All right. Well before we let you get back to the middle of nowhere doing your things in retirement life by the way, Tuesday, November 19th, right Tuesday, November 19th. How do you feel about the Buffalo Bills? They look like a good team. The AFC is a whole looks like one. There were a lot of teams could potentially get going here. Now the Patriots nine and one their offensive struggles. Let's assume. Figure it out. But the AFC kind of looks wide open and this is a year. The Bills defense looks like they're legit. Yeah, I think you know as Seasons go, you know, there's always struggles often severely defensively as a team. You kind of hit Peaks and valleys and the teams that always seem to stick together. They always seem to figure it out. You know, that's the reason I always say, hey the Patriots are going to figure it out. They may be having those struggles right now, but you know, they're going to hit their stride and they're going to get rolling here before the playoffs and I kind of look for the bills to do the same thing. They had some defensive lows look like they should Short them up last week, you know Josh has strong a few good games together. And I know that Sean McDermott is preaching continual growth daily growth. Let's just get better. Let's not worry about hey tomorrow who we got what we're doing. Let's say hey today, I'm going to get better this play. I'm going to get better and then we're just going to stack those on top of each other and it it's such a coach speak type thing, right, you know people roll their eyes are like, but it's truly the only way to get better. I mean, it's the only way to progress as a team. So I'm excited about where the bills are. They've got a tough. Stretch. Yeah, but they've got some good home games. You know, they still got the Ravens left. I got to go to New England again, but I think they're going to play well down the stretch and I think they make a run John is that couple that you married still married up there? Yeah. I actually saw him at a speaking engagement. I had in Rochester and those some in the crowd and asked them how the honeymoon went. So, you know, we're hanging strong on a month. It's the longest wedding that I've done. They've stuck together pretty good Kyle who's gonna win the Super bowl soup. Bowl man, you know the way the Ravens are playing right now, I don't know that anybody would want to play those guys as a dtac. Okay, so hold on the line. This is a big test Lamar Jackson keeping him contained almost seems impossible. Is that possible? Is that what people have to do? How do you stop that? Well, you know, so it's a double-edged sword. All right, guys, we got to stop the run. Well, you got to get after the quarterback. Well don't go over there because he'll go over here. If you go over there and then you have to do this and you did and then you're like, well, you didn't get any pressure on him. I'm like, you know, what jump off the freaking Bridge you go, dude. You're playing against a guy like that, you know played against Michael Vick. I never played against Lamar but I played against Michael Vick and just knowing you're sitting and film room Tuesday through Friday. And you're just you're just doing this. You're like, oh my God, you know, but I just kind of I leaned on the saying like hey shooter shoot and if you're going to play I'm going to play the way I know how to play I'm going to be aggressive and I'm going to get after you and what happens happens. I'm going to I'm going to die rolling my vote the way I want to roll it. Do you think people try to change the way they play for Lamar? And that eventually bites him in the ass. I think that people are fearful of how to play him. So they may change some of the things that they do and when you start getting away from doing what you do and doing it. Well, that's when you see big plays and things happen and coaches come up. Well, we just did it we couldn't do anything with him. You know, you try to do too much what everybody's saying that Lamar if he can stay healthy is going to be if he can stay healthy if he can stay healthy. Is there anything in your mind that makes you think that Lamar's going to be able to stay healthy? For the Long Haul maybe not just this year, but for five six years, no just because of the track record of his style quarterback, you know, I mean it just it always seems like something happens because I can tell you as a defensive player. You have a guy that that can do what he can do when he gets out of the pocket and he's running. He's a runner so guys are going to hit him. They're going to put bodies on him and that just kind of takes its toll over time it and the the attract rest track record of injuries NFL has a hundred percent doesn't matter. Position you play you're gonna get hurt and especially if you're is exposed to as much as he's going to be exposed to that's why they didn't have me run the ball a lot of well, you know that but here's what's crazy to me and all the credit in the world goes to Coach Harbaugh you go from a quarterback like Joe Flacco pocket style drop back and he's able to recognize what he has in that guy in adapt their offense to suit him if you watch and I'm a option football. Junkie. I absolutely Really love it. I mean my favorite game of the years coming up for is Army-Navy. I love it. There are service academies playing triple option. I'm meeting up with it. But the way they've adapted their scheme the way that Coach Harbaugh was coached and allowed him to play the way that he's played. I mean, I mean coach of the year. I mean the things that he's been able to do the Adaptive total offense to what he does. Why do you love the option just because it's Meathead football Meathead football. It's Precision football. There's a lot of decisions being made very more meat-headed than grabbing a football gonna kick it really far. We called earlier in the year. We sat down with the offense corner and forget his name good man. He did the entire things. Like here's your here's your run key. Here's your pitch key. Here's the whole thing. There's decisions being made like it in half and the dates of seconds. Yes, and I think that's what's great about it. You make defense has Play organized assignment football and when you get a guy like that that just has more than your guys on the team. Like Hey, we're going to figure out ways to get him in one-on-one matchups and then it fails all about Max if we get this guy on a one-on-one matchup, we're going to win 95% of the time good for Harbaugh good for the Ravens. And by the way good for you about to get back to your hunting camp. Good luck out there. We forgot brother. Look at this. Great. Does it get any better what I mean? Jeez, man, what's the temperature down there? It's like 65 degrees. It's personal. I can't believe I got reception to be honestly. I got that text this morning like poke Jesus God I got to go. There's no way I thought that this was going to last especially whenever we saw your early in the truck now that I know you're out in the middle of nowhere enjoying the hell out of your life giving great football synopsis. I can't thank you enough 13-year NFL vet All-Pro Buffalo Bill d-tackle Cowboy. It's quite a guy. Hey, Hey, get your shotgun out ready. Turn that thing up quack quack quack quack. That's pretty close any Ducks coming around and he Ducks right there. There's actually a few down there on the water. They were actually quacking earlier. I started laughing but they're going away now. They flew off when you guys started on that. Thank you. Kyle. Have a good one. Just out there in the middle of nowhere. What day is it you there was an 18-wheeler hauling ass on a dirt road Dirt coming up behind. It was like it was a movie there for a Therefore Kyle Williams great synopsis, by the way of a lot of stuff there lot to digest for joining us now is a man from Notre Dame Notre Dame in all pro pro bowler a two-time captain of the Minnesota Vikings tight end who's been balling out the last few weeks of his entire career. Kyle Rudolph. Thanks for having me Kyle who was lizzo dating in that locker room. We're still trying to I figure it out. So I have some Intel my wife is like determined to figure out who the new male in Minnesota Vikings was and I guess in her show at Detroit. She said that he was from Detroit. So one of our other tight ends is from Detroit immediately and he said no, it's not him so still I'm still searching. Well, I'll soon as you find out please let the world know that is been something we've been wondering about for a long time something else. We've been wondering about what the Minnesota Vikings is. Are you guys for real or not? And what happened was early in the year you guys struggled a little bit then a massive public thing happened a matte. But which by the way no NFL team likes that is anytime anything gets outside the locker room. Nobody likes since then you guys have been on a terror yourself included that offense has absolutely changed what happened whenever all that happened behind closed doors that made you guys flip a switch and become this offensive Juggernaut. Well, I think you know when you're sitting at two and two through four weeks of the season, Are two losses being on the road in the division, you know, you know how this game goes out. If you can just steal like one game on the road in the division. And and when you're home games, you're gonna be really happy sitting at 4 and 2 and the division, but at that point the year, we were two and two weren't meeting expectations offensively. We did not play well in Chicago against the Bears and guys are just frustrated. You know, when you win games is seems to cure all the frustrations and when you lose games those frustrations boil, Her and that was just the case of simply not being as good as we thought we could be and you know, obviously we prefer to keep those things in house, but you know, they became public and you know, I didn't mean that we weren't going to address something and you know, now we've gone on a nice run and we're sitting where we wanted to be going into the bye week winning cures all in the NFL that is just the way it goes both inside the building and outside in the city, by the way people that think things about the team will change him. If you win, even though those things still exist, but for you guys, it's appeared to be a complete transformation and that offense and in the last couple weeks, you've been a main focal point of this office. You had one of the most beautiful catches I ever did see in the back of the end zone you're becoming a weapon in his offense with Dalvin cook moving Stefon Diggs you get going feelings out. What is the offense capable of whenever you guys have all your pieces in place? Well, that's I think we we feel like we're extremely tough to defend when we're balanced. The big key for us on offense is staying ahead of the chains, you know, when we get backed up and its first and 20 or we're in third and long and you know, we can't run the football on third down or you know, we're throwing the ball where into minute that's not how work built, you know, we need to run the football and we feel like we have one of the best running backs in the game and endowments showing that this year healthy for the first time for a full year and it's fun to watch him run. It's fun to block form and then on the outside, you know, we've Two of the best receivers in football. We have three tight ends that can make plays. We just feel like we have so many pieces that we force you to defend as a defense when we're not handicapped by down and distance. Okay. So the thing that everybody was talking about potentially handicapping you it was Prime Time television with Kirk Cousins, then you guys go into Jerry world and get a monstrous Wing. Then Primetime Kirk Cousins was born you got a monkey off of his back than everybody else's. Talking about outside the building that I've I'm assuming he heard he had to have he doesn't live under a rock. Then you guys for the first three quarters against the Broncos look like you're dining out and then whenever you need to make a play You Kirk Cousins and everybody can flip on that switch. What happened for the little bit early there. Did you guys just come out sleeping or where the Broncos really taking it to you guys? Well, I think one of the things that gets overlooked often times in this league people have a hard time looking past records and we knew it all week, you know facing this. Over team that was three and six statistically you're like, this is one of the best defenses in football. And if you just look at their record, you're not going to see that but you know, this was a team that we didn't take lightly, you know, they came out and played well in the first half we did some things like I said shooting ourselves in the foot penalties. We finally hit a big play to digs and like the second or third drive and we ended up going back on a holding penalty being second and 20, so just little things that kept sputtering out drives and then at half time you're down 20 Nothing. We got the ball coming out knowing that look if we go down to score touchdown, we make this 22:7 now we got a ball game and we knew we have to play near perfect football in the second half to come back from that deficit and we ended up scoring I believe for drives in a row and getting a huge stop at the end of the game from our defense. Let's Kirk Cousins like whenever you guys are down. What's his body language? Is he saying anything is you more as a do as I do not as I say Guy, what's he like in those situations? He doesn't say a whole lot. You know, he's just kind of quiet and confident and at that point when you're in the locker room and you're down 22 nothing, there's not a whole lot to be said. Hey guys, let's go back. Yeah, like no one likes that guy running around, you know, hooting and hollering saying like, hey guys, we need to go. It's like no shit. I'm 22 nothing. So I just think we had a group a confident group that Do what happened in the first half? Yes, you got to give Denver credit to have a great defense. But a lot of it had to do with us shooting ourselves in the foot and then we go out there and you know against statistically one of the best Red Zone tied a touchdown percentage teams on defense score four straight touchdowns. Okay Coach Zimmer seems to be an old-school hard-ass. I've never played for him. I've never really met him. What is he like as a coach and has he changed since that whole Kumbaya thing you guys had to have behind closed doors and winning cures. All since then. Has he adapted at all or is he always been the same guy, you know as them came in here. It's hard to believe that he's been here for six years now and you know what, he came in it was his way or the highway and it really still is but he you know, he he did he had that old school mentality and he grinded us and at this point now being with most of this Core group of guys for the last six years this year in particular. He's kind of softened up. - a little bit, you know more from grinding us down our practice. We're not in full pads every Wednesday anymore, you know, he's all about kind of getting us fresh for Sunday's knowing that you know, we're not all in our first second third years in the league anymore. We got a lot more guys that are in seven eight nine ten, and we need to be fresh on Sundays and he's more worried about us just being assignment sound know we got to do and going out and playing. Well that was interesting to hear you say that because when I came into the league It was the last third of the decade of dominance that the Colts had and Jim Caldwell is Big message was like listen, we're going to be the freshest fastest most disciplined team on the field. So if that means we got to cut off some periods on Wednesday or Thursday. We're completely okay with doing that and you can't do that with a younger team. You could do that with an order team. I'd even think about that with the Vikings. You guys have a very veteran LED team. Yeah, and like I said when coach them first got here you look at our roster and you know, most guys that were out there playing were For six years or less and now you look at our roster and this core that we've had together for the last six years. Now, you have everybody five to ten years in the league. So it is a much more veteran presence team and Coach them has a saying that if he takes care of us we have to take care of him. So the best way to take care of him is by winning football games and when you're sitting at 8:00 and 3:00 in the by you get you get a little bit more given to you. I'll give you the week off. Nobody get arrested. Never have a week off. Never again. That's exactly how those you guys are in a collision course with the Green Bay Packers. That's just the way it goes when you're in the NFC North they've been arrival obviously for a long long time. What do you think? Who do you guys play this week? We're on by this week? Okay. So this is a time where you can self reflect and look ahead. Have you gotten a chance to check out this Aaron Rodgers Matt LaFleur in revamped Packers team from a hands-off standpoint now that you're on a bye week. Yeah. I mean, I think if you just you know from 10,000 feet look at the NFC as a whole you got the 49ers the Seahawks. Obviously the Packers are in our division. There's a lot of really good teams in the NFC the Saints down south. So in order for us to keep Pace with all those teams in the NFC. We want people to come to US Bank Stadium in January. We feel like we have a huge home field advantage. And in order to do that. The first way to do it is to win your division. So obviously if you know we know Go Green Bay is coming here on Monday Night Football in December a few weeks down the road. But you know, we have to keep stacking wins if we want to keep Pace with them and everyone else in the NFC. What's the self-evaluation on the Vikings in this bye week right. Now? What are you guys saying about yourselves? What you got to get better what you got to change coming out of the by well, I think you know, we've proven what works for us and we know our identity I speak for us as an offense. You know, it all starts with Dalvin. We got to run the football, but then I think this pass Week was huge for us because you know teams are smart. They're not going to just let us run the ball up and down the field with Dalvin down the stretch. They know that that's a big part of our offense we're taking away with that being said, you know Dobbin was limited to 30 yards last week and we were still able to Rattle off for touchdowns and erase a 20-point deficit. So I think that gives our offense a ton of credit to know that hey if we have to throw the ball around and we got to win a shootout then then we can do it. We've done it before with that being said, I think the biggest thing that we're taking on this Bye week is just you know, when you have a week 12 by week. You're ready for some time off. You need to mentally rest recover and also physically yeah, that's a light by which is good for the back at our back quarter of the season but going into that like week seven. We Kate you're like man, we still got another 3-4 weeks here before we get a little off time good for you guys our schedule kind of broke up nicely. Our Thursday night game was week eight. And as you know what Thursday night games, is there kind of like that many by you get those three days after on the back. And so that kind of propelled us to this week 12 point now where now all we have left is December football. Well, alright before I let you go here. How cold is it in Minnesota? Right now? It's warmed up. I we're back above freezing. So we hit a brutal stretch there for a couple weeks. We were even down in the teens at one point, which is about 20 degrees colder than normal November temperatures, but we're back up. I think we're actually supposed to hit the 40's this week, which is just balmy. Never catch anything in Lake Minnetonka. Yeah, I have we did some ice fishing. Actually when the Super Bowl was up here a couple years back. I went out and did some ice fishing and that's like the best gig ever you think you think about ice fishing. You're like, I would never do it. Like I'm not going to sit on a lake and freeze my ass off, but it's awesome you just sit and basically what is a living room in a trailer on the lake with cold beers and your shorts and a t-shirt and there's like cameras down there showing you where all the fish are. We I didn't know there's cameras. I don't like me to talk to me. Corner of they still talk about it. I sat there for five hours in that trailer you're talking about couldn't pull a damn thing out of there until my last cast. I pulled a dolphin out. I put him our own out its biggest catching recorded history. Unlike Minnetonka. I love it. All right. Hey man, I appreciate you so much your the best happy to see you guys thumping out there. The offense looks good excited to see you guys take on Green Bay on Monday night and see what you guys got cooking. Enjoy the bye week rest of the body and the soul brother. Thanks Pat always a pleasure to be on. All right. Cheers. I like there's me doing the me YP Sean Latham in there pulled out a Marlin out of Lake Minnetonka. That's probably what a 4-inch Fisher pulled out of their waited five hours to do it. We didn't have cameras. We have cameras down here telling us where to fish. That's the difference between being one of the best items in the game and being us. Okay. We're tis almost holiday season is almost Christmas movie season. And in the car this morning on the way over here Zito said something I found a bit egregious, but I'm willing to hear the other side of it zero. It's almost Christmas movie season, which is my favorite time of year. By the way. Yes. I will give my top three movies Zito. I would like to hear your top three and explanations of why because in the car this morning. Well, we thought we were being held hostage. You said something that made me almost break my neck. When I looked at you Xena, please your top three Christmas movies. Yes, sir. So top, three I elf Home Alone Jingle All The Way honorable mention Jumanji Elf yes Home Alone. Yes, all iconic movies jingle all the way jingle all the way with Arnold Schwarzenegger. And mr. Sinbad. You're putting jingle all the way up there above. Let me tell you my top three that you put jingle all the way above. Okay, let me tell you that's a curry you put it above Santa Claus, which is my number one. I know you're in a pic that Santa Claus is my number one. Tim Allen. Ho ho G show Charlie is a little stubborn kid. I agree, but I'm With the Santa Claus, it's my movie. Okay. Number two Jim Carrey's Grinch. You put Gigolo way above Jim Carrey's Grinch. I want the doll what that was a quote from the movie doing all the way you put that above the Grinch and number three Home Alone. We can agree with the hon. That's good. Yeah McCallister family worst parents in the history of parenting. I mean those Rich snotty studie bombs of parents left there. Kids home numerous times in a row Kevin Home Alone Home Alone 2. I know tie in our greens here to is. I think twos I love most about my face to New York. Yeah. I like New York a lot. I like to New York one a lot. But I mean the OG the orig when right we must protect this house. I am a big fan of the shovel guy that whole thing. But just so we are understanding you put jingle all the way above the Grinch I grew up as a gene all the way. I took girth Grinch off and Santa Claus just because I knew Guys are putting your list. No, I didn't want to do it. That's not how it goes. And this is why we are potentially being held hostage by a car company. You said this and I just completely stopped what I was doing and I was like if we're going Don I want to let everybody know that jingle all the way is no way such a good man in no way better than the Grinch. No way better than the Santa Claus the OG number one movie of all time and I guess home alone. It's good that you have that up there think it means a lot but let's let's like keep in That I might have stopped the kidnappers because they're like, whoa, I don't want to connect these guys because they thinking all the ways a top-three Christmas movie Jesse Elmo's or ferbos fuzzies that movie stinks. I don't know the Gremlins. There it is. All right, you know like people love Elf. Yeah, but I hate I don't like that much either. I like my number one. I like elf. I like elf if it's on and I'm in the mood and you know, the Christmas lights are up over there. It maybe there's a little bit of this going on and maybe there's some vitamins cooking and I'm laying down in the remote is not within Arm's Reach. I'll watch it. Yeah. Okay everybody. I know that guy that whole thing. I get I respect it. I like the story everybody in zero zero zero percent chance. I'm picking that over the Grinch or Santa Claus or home alone. No way else so far down the list. I've never even seen it. Oh, so you can't you're on. Out of the convent. I've been no one's ever been like hey gonna see elf. Yeah, that's a problem that I have with it. And I'm just gonna score you did not have a lot of traditions. I couldn't tell you one tradition that we had but Christmas Eve and my grandpa's has down in Forest Hills Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The only thing that was standard was one person was probably going to end up in jail at some point in the next calendar year and the other thing Christmas story was on the television. Now granted I was brainwashed into watching that movie. I now I learned that but I don't think it's that good of a movie but it is a Christmas icon the Christmas story. Right? Could I have something else to know you you are not allowed to give your opinion? We're denying a person that the Big Show is in this movie. Hmm. We're not a big deal. What a Christmas movie. Can you tell me a Big Show for people that are listening. He meant jingle all the way we're talking about the seven on the movies. All right, let's get back to the Prime Time games. I just wanted to make sure everybody knew that that's either things. Jingle all the way is above the Grinch with Jim Carrey and a Santa Claus with Tim Allen by like the Santa Claus series. Everyone except for the last one. I would put Head and Shoulders above jingle all the way. I like Jingle All The Way great movie underrated. The kid was a little spoiled prick. It was take it easy on your working Dad. Okay just doesn't neighbors a deadbeat and trying to fornicate your mom like get out of here dude. That that's our Schwarzenegger. Just trying to make the best living he possibly can for his family. Sometimes you're gonna have to sacrifice some time at home. Don't let the deadbeat Neighbor come in and start putting his penis and thing I don't like That movie now I hate it. Actually, it's a bad message to let the kid War let the kind of work. That's the best part about those old movies so many bad messages that's been always working hard. So he's a bad guy. He could have made the karate lessons. Hey heads up kid in about 20 years that karate black belt you have and give me worth a damn. There's gonna be people are doing Jujitsu as soon as you come up there to chop that piece of wood. They're going to chop your arm in half with her than you could imagine. I hate that kid. I hate the way. Still I don't like the wife. She was sending mixed signals to the neighbor. I agree. Hard-working guy. He's what incredible shape to so yeah, he works hard. He works out hard. He just body type for his wife. Welcome lady. The neighbor though. He's a good actor writer good actor. He's dead now, right? Oh, no rest in peace to him. It can go all the way stinks. He's what so was it was that it's a very important guy like what are the name is said, it's like a big-time name rest in peace to him, but he's a nowhere near as shape that Arnold Schwarzenegger was in that movie. He's trying to Try to hit on his neighbor trying to Swindle his way in why cause you're at home or way to go you accountant with a thing. I'll Phil Hartman. Oh, yeah. Yeah IP rest in peace for her birthday. I knew he's an important guy be lost 198 moment silence, please for Phil Hartman. I hate this character for me. That's true. I like them in real life recipes recipes. We didn't have a moment of silence for his character and jingle. Oh, no, wait a moment of silence for the character in real life. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for Prime Time games this weekend with teams that have winning records records squaring off against each other. This is a big time we can only the fourth time in the Super Bowl are so what is this Super Bowl 50 something you get it's been over 50 years is only happened. Four times now the four o'clock game 425 game is not considered a Prime Time games everybody saying it's only three with the coats Texans Ravens Rams and the Niners Packers game, but Cowboys Patriots is at 4:25. It's only game on television. That is what I like to call Prime Time my friends, especially when at 4:25 on a Sunday just about everybody's at home in front of a television if Buchan Aikman are calling it it might as well be prime time it is well baked by the way, I like bucking Aikman a lot of, Ohio. Yeah, I think they get buried sometimes but anytime you're on television talking you're going to get buried. He doesn't like my team bicycle. He loves camp where the Cowboys game millions and millions of dollars is probably a little bit biased but what do you want from? The guy? I think they do a good job calling again. Yes, I do. I try Ackman also has texted me a few times so friends show close friend Joe Buck. Also Foster friendship. Yeah. Mr. Buck interesting. Anyways, I pulled the people. We are 4,000 votes into this thing 37 minutes in with a 9% vote the Ravens at the Rams with a 23% vote Colts at Texans with a 26 percent vote Cowboys are Patriots and with 42% Packers at Niners tie. I know that's the one you're looking forward to most because you're an owner of one of the teams. What should people be looking forward to for the Packers Niners on Sunday Night Football. Well the Packers this is I mean, this is basically like the measuring stick game whether or not You agree with it. The the Niners are the class in the NFC right now and this they have to go to San Francisco that defense is very very good and they get after the quarterback. Typically this year the two games the Packers have lost Rogers has been under pressure. He the offense hasn't been able to get going. They have suffocated the Run game. So it'll be very interesting to see what the Packers do because if they can put together a solid game plan actually be effective against that Niners defense. I think that gives you a lot more confidence going in for the rest of the season thinking that they can beat anyone and then on the flip side the Niners they I mean same deal. They haven't really played anyone yet per se and the game they did, you know the loss. Yeah, exactly. And then again, they're coming off last week where they really didn't play. Well Arizona gave them all they could handle so it'll be interesting to see how they respond to like a close game that kind of ended in a fluky victory for them. I don't know. I mean those are that's the class of the NFC right now. So we'll see. I talked to a player that played against the Niners defense for it. I'm good friend of mine. And he said the way that they dominate other teams is on third down. They have a scheme that sets up every offensive lineman to be in a one-on-one situation with somebody whether it's a linebacker that's been brought down the shade on the left left guard or the Right Guard depending on where they're D lineman are so if you're offensive lineman can handle one-on-one pass blocking then you're okay and third Downs if not going to be a long day. And as soon as they find the one weakness, that's where they put the Bosa at and just him go to work. So if you can handle your offensive line can handle one-on-ones third Downs can be good for you. And if not third Downs can be catastrophic for you excited to see what the Packers and LaFleur do with that offense against that Niners defense. Yeah, it'll be very important that they get Aaron Jones going early because if they get to the point where Rogers basically has to throw it on all three Downs, I think they're going to get their asses kicked digs. What game are you looking forward to most Cowboys at Patriots? How come I mean you got America's old team versus some say America's new team. Yeah, but I think The reason why the Cowboys are called America's team is because everybody like them there for a while. I would assume they like them because just like a pop song they were put on National Television. So you kind of that beginning you hate him. Then you like him. Then he liked him like the Kardashians have done and there what much was happening with me right now. I mean, I am being forced on everybody at every time and I think there's a lot of hate early but they've come around a little bit. That's kind of what happened with the Cowboys. I don't know if there's anybody outside of New England that likes doing what I think these new Millennial kids are just pick winners and follow them probably love the Patriots about can see how do you follow a benign span? He can't put me in there. He did pick them to win the Super bowl. Ha ha ha. What do you think but also I think it's so we know that the Patriots defense is good. I think we know that the Cowboys offense is good. So I'm looking forward to see if the Patriots offense or the Dallas defense steps up. I assume it's going to pay me the Patriots offense because it's the best coach of all time versus probably the worst coach of all time. But I mean Jason Garrett just take it's gonna be exciting to see I'm pumped up for Tom Brady in a boy. Figure it out on the offensive side, which I think is going to happen. Tom looked miserable depressed sad and then he posted a photo on his Instagram where you look like a model and it was a candid shot and I almost commented on it felt like it's a blue checkmark brigades job to comment under Tom Brady's post. So I almost got involved in the action. I couldn't fathom just walking out of the house looking like that just on a standard day which he does on an everyday basis in seeing that man that is accomplished everything in the sport everything in Life and is incredibly attractive be completely depressed after knowing that his offense is not been able to show up at some point that guy who has done. All of these things is entire is going to get it going and when that happens good luck. Good night, the Cowboys defense struggled against the Lions. Let's assume that Josh McDaniels and that big brain is going to do something that Jeff driskel is doing against the cow Bond looked incredibly antsy against the Eagles, but they get Isaiah win back a tackle, which is going to be huge for them. So I assume he's Of the offense automatically gets better with that getting foxy what gave me looking forward to Ravens at the Rams strictly because Lamar Jackson is must-see TV, the Rams only put up 17 points up against the Bears and set and 12 points up against the Steelers. This game could be a blowout but we got to watch. Yeah, I know but we gotta watch Lamar Jackson and also can't wait to hear how booger talks about the defensive line. Trying to stop Lamar's we great Monday Night Football. Booker knows his defense a bit. I think that's something he could kind of understand everyone's around. He'll say something that goes. Oh, what are you doing? And I'll tell you what on this Thursday night games some will come out of my mouth. And as soon as it leaves my mouth, like it'll be a quiet moment and Booth in my head. I'm like that was the dumbest thing you've ever said. I'll tell you what when they're running the ball. You got to really hold on to that thing. Well, no crap stuff. I obviously cannot wait for tomorrow night as the coats of Indianapolis travel down. H-Town Texas to take on the Texans. It's going to be an electric atmosphere every single time the Colts and Texans play. Everybody knows that the AFC South is on the line. I played in a few of those Thursday night football games in Houston. It is magnetic in there. It is electrifying in there. Their fan base is not get enough credit for being a great fan base. They are Houston Oilers leave town go to Tennessee Texans come back that city, which is the fourth largest in America. They're reproducing trying to become the third largest city. In America, they are ready for Prime Time football in the Colts have Jacoby percent back. Hopefully t y Hilton's going to get back out. There have not heard an update that is not a news report. That is me just speculating and hoping if not, Jordan Williams running back who we just found last week is going to go off now. He Himes is going to go off your bra. No hopefully catch the ball this week like it has been for a majority of his time with the Colts. Jack Doyle is going to get loose Pascal's going to do well and I think that defense led by Darius Leonard's going to put out. They're taking on DeShaun Watson the Michael Jordan of football. I think Thursday Night Football Houston in D is going to be one for the ages and in the end just like it normally is in this particular rivalry Colts get the win and take the lead of the AMC sound if you control of it Jacoby percent is going to prove once again that he's an MVP candidate with him. They beat Patrick Mahomes without him. They lose to the Dolphins and the Steelers. I think Jacobi shows up on Thursday night. Sorry, Houston. Texans just is just the way it goes. So if it means anything injury report 40, why do not practice Monday or Tuesday nor did Eric Ebron. Did you love the Steelers some of the Dolphins? You heard it Mason Rudolph sure quarterback. We interrupt this conversation to bring you a very important message. We're traveling on the road a lot staying in a lot of hotels and the toughest part about that is not being in your own bed. Ron these stiff mattresses every night with the shitty pillows. You're lucky if you're not possible and turning all night, you know, and if you're getting more than about two hours of sleep, so I when we get home, we won't sleep on anything but Lisa mattresses my Lisa mattress is one of my favorite things in the world. It's comfortable. It's cool. Have a nice Contour design that fits right to my body and the best part is how easy it is to get the mattress. You don't have to go to some mattress store anymore. Talk to some salesman Fat Sweaty sweating all over your your bed rolling around in it. You know, you got hair pubes you name it on the mattress not Lisa isn't about that all you gotta do you go to their website or to the mattress? They will ship it to you you want box? That thing and then boom in about two minutes that things ready to go and I guarantee you're gonna have the most incredible night of sleep of your entire life right now. Lisa's got their Black Friday sale starting early. If you go to McAfee, you're going to get three hundred and fifty dollars off any mattress plus two free pillows. These pillows are incredible use it every night. It's comfortable. It's cool. It's not flimsy. You're not going to sing. Right into the The Mattress when you're using it. It's incredible 350 dollars off a new mattress and to free pillows when you go to McAfee Lisa mattresses good people better mattresses back to the show the college football playoff committee put out their rankings for the third week fourth week third week fourth week, whatever it is. You get it and I gave Them my rankings yesterday during the day so that the 13 people that are in there doing the rankings could utilize my brain for their up the NFL was already done this the NFL just came out basically with the nflpa and said next year 17 Game season book it to buys shorter preseason games in Canada and all over which is awesome. If you listen to this show though, or to my podcast we called this nine months ago. I'm happy they put that plan in place because it's going to make the NFL better one more game. Yes players are going to have to stumble to the Finish Line. It's hard to finish the season with our injured. You are add another bye week. Hopefully guys can get healthier. Hopefully it'll be able to help teams in a long run more money. I mean, it's just better for the league more football is good for us is Talking Heads to so go ahead and add two more weeks on to the schedule will get a chance to chitchat about the greatest game on Earth for a little bit longer and talk about how the ratings are still going up. Let's assume that happens for next year. Now for college football I gave them my ratings yesterday. I said, let's have Ohio State at number one the Buckeyes who are hosting College GameDay this weekend that we will be at who we are giving away eight Primo tickets or a sweet if it's available for the big tension kitchen stadium and a thousand dollars spending cash for the boys Oh Aah. Oh have you a sweet? If you have the best poster at College GameDay on ESPN this Saturday if it makes the air has to have #for the brand on it to know that you're entered into the contest. The boys will be watching at home and judging they will then relay the message to 0 or foxy who will go find the person who won get the information. Make sure you're all taken care of thousand dollars cash suite at the Big Ten Championship in Indianapolis and a chance to make a lot of people laugh on the internet in on television. Have a good sign. Have a great sign just use hash tag for the brand on your sign. So we know that's for us now. I had Ohio State at number one yesterday. I'd LSU at number two strictly because LSU gave up six hundred and fourteen yards to Ole Miss 614 yards they gave up to a team that has won three or four games, right? That's a lot of yard. So if your defense can give up that many yards now granny could have a bad week could add an off week but we're supposed to rank these how we see them. I don't think Ohio State's defense going to give up 614 yards against an Ole Miss or somebody else like that. I think Justin Fields is just as good as Borough, although I believe burrow is the Heisman Because of what he's been able to do with LSU, I think Chase young coming back as a different animal. I think Ohio State should have been number one the college football playoff committee had LSU at number one, correct. They at Ohio State and number two and then the three and four we had two same Clemson at three Georgia it for now after I started thinking about this Clemson should be a three. Anyways, they're the reigning defending Undisputed national champion of college football. Did they look impressive to start this whole thing out know they had a close game against, North Carolina? Mack Brown's back got the boys going hard Sam how quarterback down there very talented freshman. I think North Carolina is going to be good for the Long Haul but Clemson having a close battle with them comes down to a two-point play basically is what everybody remembers about this Clemson season, even if they win by 90 be remembered like yeah, but early they were close to North Carolina. So Clemson is going to be in the final four. You just don't know where it's going to be have to be have to be in there. UGA at for I got a lot of people criticizing me for U GF 4 and I assume the cultural will play after mean he's getting a lot of people criticizing them for you them before they lost the South Carolina now granted that was weeks ago in her team has gotten hotter and better and all that stuff. They lost to South Carolina. That's their one loss Alabama who's at number five known to college football playoff committees rankings is their only loss is against the number one team that cultural playoff committee has LSU so you could see how people would be like, hey Yugi loses the South Line up Alabama losses to LSU. You got UGA above Alabama a lot of confusing things there with this committee. Now, everybody says Alabama is just sitting out there waiting there a place holder and five they can still control their own destiny. But whenever you look at that, it's hard. If you're an Alabama fan not to be like Georgia losses soccer. We never lose in South Carolina. We lost the number one team in the country according to your rankings. And you got us below Georgia. I don't think it really matters only really matters right now. It's great fodder for conversation. But, Alabama I'ma still controls their Destiny, I believe pretty much yeah. Now at number six you got organ and then seven Utah those two are going to collide and that's going to cause a little bit of a shake-up. Well, they jump into the top four. I'm not sure a lot of things have to happen at number 8 you got Penn State who's playing Ohio State this weekend if Penn State is number eight beats number to Ohio State in the college football playoff. What do they do now? Just pump out the Big Ten completely and then it's everybody else in there or does Penn State automatically jump up a few because they've Beaten in my eyes the number one team in the country in their eyes. The number two team in the country pandemonium could potentially happen here. And then let's not even add on number nine Oklahoma, they got to win the Big 12, but if they win the Big 12 for they and probably not I think they're screwed because they lost to Kansas State. So that'll be recalled big win against Baylor, even though they were down on the ropes. Jalen hurd's bounces back after like three picks or something like that good football team. They got no shot to make it in the final four though. And then number 10, Minnesota who still controls our destiny can make the way in its. Not for Minnesota has Wisconsin winter will probably go to the Big 10 Championship first the winner of Penn State Ohio State with a Chance of University of Michigan slipping in there. But if Minnesota wins out goes to the Big Ten Championship beats, Ohio State or Penn State they slip into the top four what happens Alabama or Georgia then at that point. Nobody knows it's all like if if Georgia beats LSU what happens to LSU if Penn State or Ohio State loses in the Big Ten championship and they only have one loss what happens to them because Those teams are gonna be one and two right now and then they have one loss. Is there one loss going to be better than Alabama's one loss or George is one lie. What if you're number one or number two, you don't and Championship weekend and you lose the yeah, then all of a sudden they're putting a team in the playoffs that just came off a loss which is a very interesting Optical thing, but I just don't know how you would be able to do it. That's why in this year. We've dug deeper into college football that I have ever in the past. That's why they call it triple his kind of cool every game counts until you lose one and I want you to lose one. You're just praying and everybody else loses one. And if no other team loses one now, you got to have quality losses on your schedule that you can potentially make it in there. I think that's going to be pandemonium coming down the stretch where this college football playoff committee has no chance of getting it right? That's why it has to be the five Conference champions with three at-large bids. Let them figure out who the three at-large bids are let the conference's figure out who the Champions are put them in there three at-large. Now, we got an 18 playoff more football just like the NFL more everything. It's better it's time. To make the change beautiful that would be a beautiful thing. I think they put Alabama at 5 because Alabama now will not play in the SEC Championship because Alice you will play from the west and George's probably gonna play from the East so if else you are sorry if Alabama just beats Auburn they have no other losses than you. How do you drop them out of four with no other loss when their only loss is to LSU. That's the big problems of wiggle room if they put him at 5:00 and then organs at six over Utah in the head of the college football playoff committee is the Oregon. Yeah athletic director or Present athletic director and they say anytime Oregon comes up in conversation. He leaves the room. Why is the head of a committee leaving the room for any conversation that I like? I understand that you got your hand in the cookie jar there but there's a reason you're the head of the committee you're supposed to be able to separate yourself from that type of thing automatically, then you know that he could be biased which means everybody else in the room could be biased which really makes me question the whole damn process well and it just it reinforces what they think about the SEC because Oregon's only loss was to Auburn who we go. One yeah, exactly week one who they're good, but they're not great. They're not in the top 12 but that is a good enough loss in the committee's eyes if they win the Pac-12. There's a good chance. They're gonna get in an organ LED that entire game and then Auburn had that incredible comeback like this is week one as a week one loss less than a week 12 loss. I would assume it is less than because right that's like Georgia, right Georgia lost South Carolina month and a half ago or whatever. They've gotten better and hotter now granted they were very close with Kentucky. I don't know if that gets factored in there. But yeah. What's should be remembered here is this committee is not affiliated with ESPN or with fox or with anybody or MBC their their own independent committee. And I think sometimes that kind of leaks into the people that cover the sport. They automatically assume that like old herb streets pulling the strings over there or or maybe old Urban Meyer's pulling the strings over there. If any of those guys where you would seal, I would assume a different setup because they just want good games because they're television people but for us for me, I think where they got it wrong, Ohio State should be the number. One team, that's that that's just what I think but does it matter the number two and LSU's number one? Not really. I mean at some point you're gonna have to beat everybody to get in. Yeah, but I would rather not play Clemson my first game of the college football. I agree who play Clemson last week last year in the first one Notre Dame and what was the score a lot to it? Yeah. They got molly-whopped. Yeah legit. Yeah, nobody even remembers that Notre Dame was in that place because of how bad it was and I think Notre Dame's even trying to be like, yeah, we weren't even that I think Ohio State probably jumps to one if they Win against Penn State against Michigan against Minnesota. There's a three great wins or Wisconsin at for Wisconsin. I think Minnesota is going to start rowing a boat again. I mean, they had no one in Iowa and they just gave it away. Sometimes you need that to you know, roll the boat in the correct direction again now granted. Yeah, sometimes you want to hit an iceberg to get the boat back on track. That's a trainer. I believe that is a train that's on me. I'm a little off my game today you are. Our hey Zeno is off his game today. I'm gonna Bounce by the way. I thought we were getting was it held hostage this morning. We were I thought we were we got picked up at the airport driven over here. Do you have them? Yes, the guy had a phone call with whoever set this thing up his boss or whatever and I think he thought it was just on on the phone. It was on speaker clearly, but he held it up to his head and he was like, I picked them up and the other person on the other side was Excellent. That was his actual answer. Yeah. Excellent. He said I will deliver them now is his words and he said excellent and then hang up and I we're all sitting there with no music on like hey, we can hear you only bad guys use the word excellent except in the guy on the other side. The phone only said the same word two times. That was the entire. Excellent. I have picked them up. Excellent. I will drop them off excellent. Hang up. up I let him know though talking along the boys that he could be an earshot. I said, hey, I just wanna let you guys know I'm going down swinging somebody's gonna catch a 4 to the 5 piece if that's happening foxy goes right on cue. I'm going down Sprint be faster than the slowest person in the group. See Izzy. I got quick feet but who is the slowest person in this scrawny? Probably wow takes was a D1 athlete. I was DTF If it's cheesy, I mean we've raced outside the office before she does a good thing about you though is if you erase the rafters if you're the slowest person knows he and they hold hold you hostage. Like they're just gonna give you up at some point. I don't think that hostage. Normally we do notable news with Nick. Nick is not here. He's back in Indianapolis. So no more news with Diggs. Is there anything that we missed today that we should have talked about? Yes. Le'Veon Bell is not happy with the NFL. Why not? He tweeted out. I done had five random HGH blood tests in 10 weeks at NFL. I'm not doing another after today, whatever y'all looking for it obviously ain't there and I'm not about to keep allowing you all to stick me with those dirty ass needles find the players who really do that HGH BS and get off me. Okay. So this is something that was instituted a few years back. Yeah, they always tested randomly for performance-enhancing drugs. Your annual drug test was for street drugs. So the marijuana's the gone. Is the things along of that nature you get tested once a year, it's your annual test. It starts April 20th hilarious 420 all the way through the end of the first week of training camp. If you get tested on 4/20, you'll never get tested again until next year's annual test. If you get tested in the last week of training camp, you'll never get tested again until the next year of annual testing. That's for street drugs the performance enhancing drugs though. They test all year round. They say, it's random. I think I legitimately was the first person to come out swinging on the randomness of the drug test because I had a big year a good year. I put a kick off into the stands. I got drug tested in next day. I averaged like 50 some upon I got drug tested the next day. I attempted a 64 yard field goal missed it wide left. I got drug tested the next day. So I started posting it because I had zero fear that I was going to fail any test mostly because if I took my shirt off at any given moment, they wouldn't need my pistol would take a look at Angela. This guy ain't on nothing. The legs of a Greek god the upper body of an adolescent. That was my entire career. That's the way it goes. So when I was getting tested I was upset about then they added the HGH test because they had heard you see what had happened was they had heard that people are taking HGH that became a big discussion because the human growth hormone is a level in your body and nobody knew what the Baseline of the HGH was going to be. So the nflpa was like, well, let's assume that the HGH level are the human growth hormone level of professional athletes and NFL players. Is much higher than that of a standard civilian. So that was a given take for a while because they were like well if we test for it and we don't know what the levels are. What are we comparing it to because whenever they test other things they're checking it comparing to what a normalcy is. So if it's above that, obviously you're taking something so that was a battle then I don't know if they ever figured it out. All I do know is that they continue to test for and I never heard of anybody failing for HGH ever. I don't even know if they know how to fail somebody for HGH. I just think that the NFL has to test for HH. They've heard about it the fact that Le'Veon Bell has been tested five times this year already. I did not know that because it's a smaller percentage than even the random PE detest that get tested for HGH because they got to bring a nurse in they literally draw your blood. It's a whole entire process and granite. Some people are very scared of needles. Okay, whenever I give blood or whatever I'm damn near passing out every time to have to do that five weeks in a row can probably get a bit annoying. I would assume levy on bells done with it. But also I think if I'm levée en balum thing at least Tests are a waste of time. Has anybody failed for this know you're only doing this to cover up so you could say you're testing for HGH. What are we doing? Because I don't even know if there's a base level that they can compare it to to fail somebody. So it's almost a waste of time. I could see how Le'Veon Bell is upset with it. I said the only way that you can get a get a base level for HGH is if you you tested them randomly at the beginning of season and it was at one level that's a compare it to the same person because I think everybody has a different one. That's why some people are seven foot tall. That's why some people Very short. That's why some people are wider. I think you're human growth. Hormone is one that is different in every single body. That's where the problem lies whenever the NFL said we're going to start testing for this nflpa was like whoa. Whoa, whoa, wait a minute. Mostly because I think a lot of people that were representing the nflpa where potentially on it, but I think also from a scientific fashion. I think they said hey, I would like to hear about who's level your testimony against because if you're just comparing me to average old Zito verse clip Averill human growth hormone level you would assume and I don't know if this is accurate. Not there was quite a battle on what the level is for failure and I might be wrong here, but I have not heard of anybody failing for HGH. I've not heard of and they've been doing it for years and let's assume that somebody and there's doing it by the way I've heard it's the Fountain of Youth. So I say whatever we were in the locker rooms whenever HGH became a topic of conversation. It was a first introduction for a lot of us into what HGH was like we're testing for what now, like it's called HGH human growth hormone, and I'm like, like what does that do? And they're like well, You don't want this stuff makes you recover faster makes you wiener. It makes you faster. It does all you know, you don't want this stuff. It's like who's taking that too? Like we think a lot of older heads and League or taking I'm like really? Okay. That's like the Fountain of Youth. I'm like well as soon as I retire, I want to let you know I'm fine and mr. HGH and I'm ingesting all that I can much harder to find but I found out by the way, but apparently they're not finding any in Lebanon belly. Either and he's about done with it. But for me seems like a bunch of BS to me. I don't know if they found anything but well and it's not really like a high-performance type deal is because it's not like he's going out there and having outrageous numbers. I mean, so it's not like they're I call your you know, you're playing too. Well, we'll need to test this guy but it is definitely a performance from what I've been told HGH makes you recover faster and makes you knock its or it makes like it's like the Fountain of Youth is what people say, right? So definitely performance not statistical. Yeah. A lot of people assume that whenever people come back from injury a lot faster than what they're supposed to do. This particular drug. I learned about it strictly off of whenever they announced it was being tested. I was like, wait a minute. It's like when a deer antlers breaking. I'm like, what does that do? Like God does all this and I'm like damn good for Ray Lewis bonding dead deer and so I wrote in inhaling the side of the and thank you so much to the incredible guest that joined us today. I hope you enjoyed the conversation. Tweet us your top three Christmas movies. I think I'm right Zito thinks he's right Fox is a millennial. So you know what? He thinks Ty Schmidt came hammering down what your top three. I don't know. If you gave yours It's a Wonderful Life and that I did Home Alone 2 and then Christmas Vacation. See I've never seen Christmas vacation. So that is something to put people probably bury me for that's on me. Tweet us your top three. If I like your top three more. I like my top three. I'll give you some merch Tweet us. We can't thank you enough for listening. We can't thank our guests enough for coming on and talking that good shit way back tomorrow with some more incredible guests and more conversation to launch you into an incredible weekend College GameDay Saturday in Columbus. Remember if you want to have your sign entered in for the suite at the Big Ten Championship plus $1,000 spending cash put hashtag for the brand if it makes it on air in the boys voted as the best sign you will win. Before we go whether you're an athlete weekend warrior or someone looking to get back into the Game of Life finding a program that pushes you to grow physical and mentally might seem Out Of Reach most fitness apps focus on weight lifting workouts or six pack abs and wellness apps just don't challenge you enough. I have a solution for you. It's inspired by training techniques and lifestyle habits of big-wave surfer Laird Hamilton and former pro. Athlete Gabrielle Reece XP T is a performance lifestyle rooted in the most basic yet powerful human trait the ability to adapt challenge yourself with XP tease comprehensive breathe move recover curriculum designed to stimulate growth in all aspects of human performance this revolutionary program elevates the quality of your everyday life. Reduces stress by using breath Centric performance training and Recovery to give you the power to break physical and mental boundaries in everything that you do become the best U XP T is offering you access to this revolutionary training xpt is offering you access to this revolutionary training program for free. What with the launch of the new xpt app your best self mental resiliency and a collective tribe are just a few clicks away. Just go to xpt forward slash America to download the app today. That is X PT forward slash America in download the app today in live Limitless breath Centric training techniques that change your entire life and break down physical. mental boundaries that you've set on yourself for free xbt /mm Eric. I'm doing that shit today. Listen, I am going to start with this sounds like for the breast center things. That's like how you relax and calm your body and then I assume that there's other training techniques in there too. So I'm not as fat as I'm getting right now xbt for / America has come into perfect time not only Spring right around the corner, but we got like a month before Christmas pictures happened. You can do a lot of good work here now going to thanksgivings Gonna Knock You the fuck out I mean that's just going to happen, but with xpt /e Erica by Laird Hamilton and Gabrielle Reece. I think we got a chance to really do something here. I'm gonna get started. You should too and speaking of started. This is ending this show. I hope it's been a pretty good one. Yeah, tweet us and tell us your top three Christmas movies tie Schmidt play some independent music, please.
On today’s show, Pat and the boys record from the back of the box truck in beautiful Atlanta, Georgia.They are joined by 6x Pro Bowler, All-Pro, former Bills defensive tackle and friend of the show, Kyle Williams. They discuss his thoughts on the Colin Kaepernick situation and how it seems to be getting worse for everyone, what defensive linemen can try to do to neutralize Lamar Jackson (if that’s possible), Kyle gives his thoughts on the Bills season so far, what coach Sean McDermott is like, whether or not they have a legitimate shot to make a run in the playoffs, and chats about life from his duck hunting camp in Louisiana (3:16-16:48). Next, 2x Pro Bowler, Pro Bowl MVP, the man who made one of the nicest catches in NFL history a couple of weeks ago, Minnesota Vikings TE Kyle Rudolph joins the show. Kyle and Pat discuss what has fundamentally changed for the Vikings since the big public meltdown early in the season, what Kirk Cousins demeanor is like in the huddle, locker room, and sidelines, how big of a threat the Vikings are moving forward when they’re healthy, whether Mike Zimmer has relented in his coaching style at all over the course of the season, his plans for the bye week, and if he’s gotten to pay much attention to the other elite teams in the NFC that the Vikings may face down the road (16:50-29:35). Pat also discusses the College Football Playoff Committee’s new rankings and how he sees everything shaking out, breaks down the 4 primetime games in the NFL this week which are some of the marquee matchups of the season, reacts to Le’Veon Bell being drug tested for HGH multiple times by the NFL over the last few weeks, and with Christmas being right around the corner, the guys get into a heated debate about what their top 3 Christmas movies of all-time are. It’s a fun one. Come laugh with us, cheers.
In the house, yo. It's the ultimate fantasy podcast your One Stop Shop for all things fantasy. Welcome back after game week 5 I am Alpha your host alongside me is a man who completely lost the plot in our draft game by selling his soul to the devil. It's the man with the stats and the beard Nathan Taylor. Hello, Nathan. Good morning, mate. How's your soul? It's all right. I'm I know I'm doing okay doesn't know what you do. Basically what happens is you made a dodgy deal giraffe, but we'll move on and who's that skulking in the background? It's York. City's finest export since Peter Stringfellow. It's the slightly less attractive secret journalist. Hi Phil. I thought you were gonna go for it for a different PS from y'all. Probably where he had not not the greatest export. That's good. Very close. How was the cricket bat from the Cricut your Beer and not fun. Yeah, it's good. But yeah, I mean, it's always nice to have a freebie especially as as you sell point out that I'm being a yorkshireman getting the freebie those good stuff, right? So we're back to the football today before we crack on. Let's talk about what's coming up on the show today in part 1 We have the full game week fiber of you looking at FPL draft and found tracks. And of course, I'll be asking the boys here. I'll quiz question part to Paris Baron from say the punch will be calling in to offer his best bet the game week 6 and Tommy Gun will be listen. To him as he talks through the fun times at Arsenal part 3. We look ahead to game week six with some insight from FPL content creator fpr nymph ra which leads nicely onto the short segment which we reveal our changes the we're going to make for our podcast FPL team for game week 6 and part 4 will have the us talk was questioned the clean sheet forecast play it tips if that's such things is and the B recommendation, of course, okay, so gents before we crack on with the game week 5 Roundup have the quick quiz. For you Ryan Giggs holds the record for the most premier league assists of all time fat Wayne Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard make the top 10. Can you name the other three Englishmen who make that top 10? Okay, boys. Okay. Okay, right. We'll come back to will reveal the answer and part forces. Don't go anywhere right now. It's time for our game week five round up. The canaries Unleashed total football and City knocking them off their perch and give nights fans plenty to tweet about. Yes. It was three gold for those who can count. Well, whereas look for SWAT a block in Newcastle side as the magpies realize they're going to need a bigger bus lesser disappoint the neutrals as they let United sneak a Wonder winner Old Trafford Spurs destroy smash-and-grab attempt at the tunnel stadium with a convincing for now wind tell me schools three and one as Chelsea sneak five parts are somewhat docile wall still looking for their first win former the game proved to be a match for any of the middling teams as they Dispatch over. Sin, and also continue to clown around letting slip a two-goal lead against a better-looking Watford. Five clean sheets and sweet. Yes. Five is going up West Ham. Aston Villa Spurs many night Southampton assist King was surgery a with to haha assistant Defenders surgery and Abbey Road Robertson Rico Alonso Mainland ours Daugherty and colors and match. The gold King was Tammy Abraham with three God's going to fence this week Jetro Williams rocket and tamari also rocket own gold semi Abraham and red cars muscle waku and Billy sharp, huh? And this week's top performing players across FBI and draft our son money Aria and Tammy and on fan tracks bit different. Of course. It's telephone or EA and son feyo. Some stats for you now step number one Tammy Abraham became the youngest ever Englishmen to score a hat-trick in the Premier League step. Number two. The average age of Bournemouth starting eleven against Everton was 24 years and a hundred ninety five days. Oh and step number three eight of the last 11 goals that man city of conceived in the Premier League of come via set-pieces damning. Okay, this week's top performing players in full-on FBI and draft goalkeepers a Fabian skied. Had and gun defenses were Oreo out of a ride and tomori be filled his son money when a deer in depo and forwards Tammy Peña Wilson, and Pookie fan tracks is a bit different. Is it Nathan? Yeah is just a few changes. The Reese's the top Keeper in fans tracks Trent replaces 4ko tamori. It Midfield is completely different Rodrigo Mount and cleverly and then upfront Gerard elif. Ew human son and draw between Josh King and Tammy. Hmm. There's soon as this massive difference is actually isn't it? Okay, so notable players from the game week tamori, we mentioned they're scored a nice goal for Chelsea making this went inside and that back five wasn't it? 4.5 million dogs who caught your eye and you mentioned them already, but Della Faye who looked excellent for Watford against Arsenal. Actually put into a position where he's most effective kind of in that front three coming in from coming in from the left hand side. So I couldn't inside I mean it is finishing sometimes leaves a little bit to be desired and and you know kind of these I think the pressure he's skill factor in and maybe his feet move a little bit faster than he said sometimes but but no, he's a he's an exciting player and if he's put in the right position as he appeared to be against a certainly someone who can do a lot of damage I think for what hmm and in terms of that's four words in terms of Defenders search a hoary a for well Emily in Boston back from the cold immediate contribution to assist someone clean sheet. Yeah. I mean if he, you know exactly who has been an issue, but if you can look all down it can it can get his head right? Then he could be definitely a really useful asset for Tottenham. You know it they're not exactly blessed with a lot of it right back to the moment having also lost trip here in the in the summer. So yeah, if you get it, right you could definitely contribute. I mean he's So they're going to keep clean sheet to top them. He's not a bad player going forward and if the kind of quotes that came out of the the Press after that game where we got to assist or anything to go by East head seems to be in the right place again, so you could be useful at sir. Mmm. Just a shame. You got there before me in the draft. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I've not had much luck in the transfer market this week. But anyway Nathan players that caught your eye when India yeah, Amy. Buendia we picked them. Out in the previews actually is being one. I think it was Phil who brought him up at the time. He looked really good obviously sticks. His foot in wins. The ball and is hugely creative carries it well 11 points this week. He's still only in 1.1 percent of the team's six million. So he's a little on the pricey and but I think again as we mentioned the previews there's a lot of players around that six million and now starting to sort the wheat from the chaff a little bit. So it might be time to trade out people and get buendia 24 points. Overall Norwich was they don't At the back there really good to watch and they look like they're going to get goals All Season really the hugely kind of hmm attacking side and speaking about goals and a thinner gienapp. 0:07 was a quite tasty goals. And yeah, yeah, mr. Turnip. Oh good little signing for them by the looks of things. Then whose name we do not speak 11 points this game week 16 overall. It looks like he's suddenly come into the team now as well as taking a little bit while to blend into their 5.4 million. He's already in Oh point nine percent the team's those people are already picking him up and talking about form players for players five weeks the for the past five weeks average points not including bonus points your goalkeepers. They're the one that stands out because it's Angus gun Fabian skin to hair and who'd have thought that would be happening. Hey Okay, so let's talk about FPU how our team pod FPL result this week. Oh, it's a bit depressing me on such good form because Phil you didn't realize that you we went up to our by 500,000. You know, I didn't realize that now. Yeah, but don't worry we drop down again. Thank God for that. So we got 38 points this week. That is a below the average of 52, but considering our big players like Sterling kdb, Sebelius and TAA didn't perform. We did manage to maximum return somewhat by captaining seller. Of course, like many people out there. We thought that men City would was a bridge too far for Norwich and Apparently dropped Pookie to the bench. Although I'm not quite sure why because I kept are you in so we missed out on his 12 points Nathan. Do you know why I kept are you in and drop Pookie know I've I've sent a couple of messages questioning that selection to be honest. I didn't realize until I just saw the result and I was like, why is George and I are you I can I just for the record? I had no part in this decision making process whatsoever. And so I absolve myself of all me to Forest for me. I think there's a lot of pressure when it comes to production team having to push these buttons all the time, you know how it is. But anyway to borrow a foot more cliche, that's football. We move on. So we've never held dropped from 495,000 one of the 9 to 1 million three hundred twenty thousand four and six three hottest nearly a million. We've chopped that's crazy in it will be discussing our change the game with six Part 3 are now moving on to the highest scoring FBI manager for game week 5 congratulations Martin kook's Doom from Sweden who's team? Laura FC racked up a hundred twenty eight points now Martin, he made seven transfers. So we started with minus 24 points. Yeah triple captained Tammy Abraham. So there's some serious either Brave or quite ridiculous decision making going on there. That his face is lunatic. Absolutely to but you anything get well it's working for him. You must be doing really well five million 820 1860s. So yeah, you went till next week. Yeah, I'd stopped clock and all that isn't it? The amount of people who are triple Captain like random players on the given game week is just shocking isn't it? Like I understand we have a look who are who are Crystal Palace playing this weekend? Oh God. Now you triple Captain they play at home underneath are home to wolves. Get out do it. Okay good. So, yes that's catapult him to rank and five million eight hundred 1860. Good luck next week my team, but the top FBI manager overall. Congratulations to Bradley Perry of England whose team stuck on Trent stays top for the second week in a row after securing 63 points. He's I'm sitting 13 points clear with 421 with Nick Tana hot on his heels that old nicked an array. He's always on his heels. Yeah team name. I did see a quite liked. It's a couple actually, how about this Phil you had me at? Hello. Yeah, it kind of kind of works. It doesn't really I'm being kind it's still good. It's from research showing Matthew Center and another one right Nathan with this one. Licks and chill. Well, that's all right. But anyway, we're all right. Well done wheel back house for Netflix and chill. Well, let's move on to try a fantasy now Drive fancy results. Oh, yes, of course feel you conveniently weren't here last week. Just got to discuss your Sidekick. He owed our be lost. Yes Nathan, but this week you just about redeemed Yourself by beating me and when I say just about I mean just about beating me, right? Yeah, but you know, it doesn't matter about the margin. She'll think of it as I proved last week. I'm more than comfortable to sneak it. I mean, yeah, I think as you've discussed at length various points to only have not actually discussed it with me at like but what you've done is seemingly shouted into the void your own happiness about certain players are mind getting quite Hefty points coming here seemingly for seemingly doing nothing. Well, you know, I have got this written down so don't worry. So yeah we do. Benny 47:43 Della Faye who you mentioned earlier. I mean he does absolutely hates me his one performance and Susan's always against me and draft and jail Mutiny. Oh, yeah see the five goals at home, but still scored six points because we have Conte points. I mean that you should get any right should get any net men never under estimate running around just it's crucial to any I mean I have I've stopped my team with Runners their tackle the in a Build scroll many but my God be ground teams down. And did you notice this week? There was massive appoint disappointment from a few of us mean me especially because I missed out on the waivers was Isaac Hayden got snapped up by Moon. Yeah, they say that he's a big point to turn running around and getting stung. I mean, yeah, I mean it when we somehow we've managed to engineer again where Isaac head is valuable its genius its genius Nathan you hung your hopes this game week on an Arsenal core of holding and because Shoni to offset the might of agüero forgetting about the might of Pookie and just king of course. Yeah going into the game week. I thought I was going to get beaten quite heavily. So I did some rather silly transferring essentially to look forward to the next few game weeks assumed where I'll get a few and I would have no chance whatsoever actually turned out to be quite tight. And if I hadn't done some of those silly transfers then I might have given Robson more up again. Hey, that's football. We'll see. Yeah, although every week so far. I've picked up more points than the week before so my team's getting stronger. That's all I can say. That's the only hope I can draw from the fair enough. Okay game week six head-to-head fixtures. I've got a tough against Robson. He's the highest point scorer in our league Nathan. You got issue words who only has Sterling but could make all the difference and feel you're up against the Devil Himself Crystal who comes armed with Peña of course of all looking for a lot. Well, I would imagine that if form is anything to go by at some point during the next week - well actually I should win because in the last we called ours, but pretty much bid for every single one of my players. So you must like my thing so so I can only imagine that that I mean I'll get be obviously I'll get beat but yeah, I can imagine a life to send him off first and trying to find trying to sign off my squad. Mmm. We'll see how it goes. Okay, that's enough for Oft we're now let's talk about the things we learned from game week five. I learned that Lester aren't the force. I thought they were going to be the season in that sort of damp squid that they put out against United. I was really disappointed feel. What did you learn? I think there's a better life in Watford and think I think called Sanchez Flores on the evidence certainly on the evidence that second half. I think you might think you might be a get a little bit of life back into the certainly better than bottom of the Terrible hmm Nathan couple of things Chelsea's changing formation going back to how you look at either afraid of the back or a 5 at the back but brings Alonso back into the team obviously a bit of hero for point-scoring Defenders who came in straight away with an assist this week as well. Hmm, and we all enjoyed Arsenal don't we we did enjoy Arsenal quite a lot. The defense is looking no less shambolic than it has fur. Probably a couple of years now David Lewis has just added to the comedy value turning up in his clown car and they're conceding goals and absolutely alarming rate but more conceding shots on goals as well. They've since the last start of last season. They've made the highest number of Errors leading to goals 14 since the start of last season. They've also conceded the most shots against them in Europe's five leagues this season at any teams as well all yolks most Was against them since the start of last season from penalties 10 actually called Brighton, but still alarming amount and I think the thing that struck me watching them compared to Norwich nurture really did Wella they were so scary watching Norwich play because they're playing around on the edge of their own box and you think a second a man see it going Nick this and get an easy goal, but they always manage to find their way out and then their past the first and second lines of the Muncie, press Arsenal just cannot cope with even the first press they were just giving it away to Watford on the edge of their own box. It's no surprise that That really they can see it in so many goals. Yeah, and they've really really nailed that me with goalkeeper rule as well about them in Andres perfected the art of playing that one. Well, I mean from the goal kick. Yeah, exactly. Two men in the Box. Yeah, I'll pass it to him immediately get impressed and Palette. I must admit it does make me nervous. But so you could say overall we've not learn anything but Arsenal no, it's always the same old. Same old. Fantastic. It's good for us good for the Okay, right. That's the end of part 1 but don't go anywhere because in part to who was speaking to parents Baron and also will be talking Arsenal with Tommy Gun the deluded Arsenal fan. That is don't go anywhere. Welcome to part two right now. We were meant to go and listen to Paris Baron from so deep under calm but I can't bring that audio. Duh, because we've had some technical issues double duh. So unfortunately we can't do that. But that's okay we can go and listen now. I did speak to Tommy Gun the deluded one, you know the Arsenal fan. Should be fun. Some Egon the deluded one. How are you? May help me? How's it going? Mate you okay? I think I think things are okay. I think a little better than what's happening with your season. Thus far in terms of draft fantasy. No winds from five. Yeah, not great may not great Neil from five, but there you go. I keep losing we're going to do you just have to get on with it. They don't ya Let's talk about Arsenal then you weren't too impressed with us. Focus on Sunday and to be more precise Granite Jacker if you if you wade into Arsenal Twitter ever, which I advise you probably not to do but if you ever do nobody really polarizes opinion quite like Jacker does so nobody can really understand. You know, what watching Arsenal why Jackie walks into the side every time and is there and is that the just undriveable and I've got Granite Granite Jack is numbers aren't actually that bad 85% pass completion success 22 our 29 4 passes could have completed eight out of 12 of those in the attacking third completed for at five tackles successful, you know, his numbers aren't actually that bad. He's just such a weird player and he really sort of exercises opinion like nobody else at the moment. But you know, our problems are deeper than just Granite. Jaka our problems are really I mean for the first time it's really the manager now suddenly being questioned and its myths come out with this piece here the week or a few days ago just sort of sitting I don't know. Nobody really can understand Emory. So not a lot of optimism around the Emirates at the moment. It's dried up to remember when you spoke to me at the beginning of the season and I was like, yes, yes, come on, we're gonna win the World Cup, but then it's only taken five weeks and there's already a fairly hard core. I mean, none of the Arsenal players were nearly away and I think burned then I went over to sort of do a little wave. None of them were like, we're not going down there Arsenal. Home to Aston Villa on Sunday. Oh my God. So I've got you down as a home win with a clean sheet night. Everybody should have a home wincleaner sheet. There should be a tick but if we lose two one, it's just the sort of thing that would happen. But the moment so there you go. If you can't be Villa at home, I promoted side then you've got problems. So good luck with the game. We and good luck with your draft team. Tommy gun. They make will speak to Again soon. Alright great stuff. Yeah, yeah, you got a few more stats about Arsenal. Yeah, just the one the one that also left out me obviously their defense again a lot of stick, but I think the Midfield is getting a free pass over than Jackie obviously gets criticized a lot but no player has been dribble past and from the top six all the traditional big six this season. It's been dropped past more than Mateo Gwen doozy. Hmm interesting. I mean, he's quite a few of her fantasies managers book sneakers only 4.5. But okay, that's the end of part 2, but in part 3 We be looking ahead again week fixtures for next game week. We were listening to FBI and infra and we're also be picking our FPL team. Welcome to part 3. Okay. Let's go through the upcoming game week pictures for game week six. We have Friday the 26th of September. Yes, Friday the 20th September. That is Friday Night Football the southern turn at home to Bournemouth then on Saturday 21st and September we have Lester against Tottenham burn against Norwich ever turn against Sheffield United Man City against Watford Newcastle against Brighton then on Sunday is Palace against wolves West Ham against United Arsenal against Aston Villa and the big one or the big one. They want a bill is the big one is Chelsea vs. Liverpool. Okay, so fixtures that caught our eye obviously that Chelsea vs. Liverpool Affair feel traditionally a tight Affair the last Premier League match ample was the well that was a to kneel to Liverpool, but that seems to be the exception to the rule as It normally ends like 1 1 to 1 or 1. Nil, of course chassis. I like a little more porous. But how did you see that one getting on I think I think she'll still compete for for a certain part of the game. I think ultimately will get better. I think the polar wind that because I just think Chelsea whilst they've got little signs of life and they look like little like a, you know a side that trying to do the right thing to getting these young players in and you know the kind of exciting. I love you. I just think they look Up too much iron. I don't know the asylum in the Champions League yesterday, but they kind of huffed and puffed a little bit just lacks lack that little bit of well particularly with Mound having gone off the lacks a little bit of something going forward and but I yeah, I think it apologist be too strong for him. But I don't think it'd be like a massacre. I think it might be like maybe to what to nil going with the how it normally is then yeah fine. Okay, and another fix that jumped out at me was obviously Palace at home, too. Wolves, I mean wolves not having a good time a moment. Are they? I don't know Martinez doing all right for himself. Yeah. Now the it's too easy to convenience as to plow down the Europa League route and say that I'll step in the reason why they're struggling a bit this year. I mean, it's I think a little bit too simple that second season is always going to be hard for him. There are particular when you set a level that will set for themselves last year where they finished really high up. Did really well, they've got a little bit something to prove now, but then sort of Palace. I think the two of them, you know kind of coming off big defeat both. I'm looking I mean wolves are probably I think most people would agree that walls are about side on purpose in the palace Tower but Palace can make life difficult for teams as well. But yeah, I think that could be a close game. I think I could be an interesting one that has got a little bit to prove. So Palace walls as well. Yeah companies On Let's Get It On Gloves are off as it were Nathan West Ham. I got guarana fixtures and they yeah West Ham got a good little run coming up at the moment. They've got United next at home. But then after that there a way to Bournemouth home to Palace a way to Everton home to Sheffield United. So kind of the players that I would look at the moment you land Z knees 21 points so far six point six million. He's still only in 3.3% the teams looking really good at the moment. And then at the back is a job as well still only four. Half million 18 points so far this season so good return for one of the lower cost Defenders and then as has been mentioned already as he's one of the top performers already in the league is Lucas Fabienne skiing go 20 points 5 million 4.4% He's in some was drafting. I think yes, definitely mine. He's those who know no, but they could really go for for each other. Can they Western Maine United another two other teams that could really go for each other Lester and Spurs? Yeah Spurs haven't yet face to Brendan Rodgers lesser Seaside, but that could be an open game can yeah, it could be there's been quite a few goals in this fixture over the years as well as been a 6-1 win for Spurs 5-4 win for Spurs a couple of for fries and a for all drawn the last kind of five years or so and actually Spurs won five of the last seven games against Leicester in all competitions and Spurs looks a different team against Palace because Palace surprisingly actually came out and try to tax payers which Is very anti kind of palaces really kind of modus operandi and the two games that they look good. This season Spurs have been against Arsenal Palace when teams actually came out of them Lester will obviously attack them at the Walkers Stadium as well. So I expect an open game and maybe you're attacking Spurs players Erickson Saint lamella who's having a good season as well good times come in and then obviously body for Lester Casper's still don't look what tie at the back bring it on Jamie vardy. Let's listen now to fpl content creator FBI and infra has to say for this game. It's much the same story in the goalkeeper Department this week with lots of managers looking to Pope as their new addition. However, there's been a surge in the transfers towards the Southampton goalkeeper gun with over 57,000 of you already transferring him in that head of game week 6 the main goal keeper making way for these trendy goalkeepers is Edison in defense. There's a lot of shift this game week, I think many of I'm moving away from the big five of the back-formation resulting in a lot of movement in the defensive transfers not surprising then that the trendy transfers in this department are cheaper players such as lundstrom Rico andoria with vestergaard currently being the most transferred in with 95 plus thousand of you jumping on board Van Dyke is the player many a moving out. I guess as people flood to leave doubled Liverpool defense Midfield transfers are very interesting this game week some of the big guns Being cast aside by FPL managers with over 83 plus thousand of you already selling Sterling ahead of game week six closely followed by sallow with 59 plus thousand of you ditching the Liverpool man. There's no surprise that mayonnaise the main transfer for sale' giving his better points and cheaper price tag. He's a trendy transfer with a hundred and one plus thousand of you getting him in already up front in the first few game weeks. It was all about the Pookie party and now the last two game weeks, It is all about the Abraham assembly over 400 1 plus thousand fpm managers have transferred in men. Despite is tricky Liverpool fixture. There was a cause FPL name for if you want to hear more from her you can go to YouTube page and listen to and watch videos. You can click the link in our podcast blurb. This is easy and it takes you right there amazing technology a so now we're going to move on to picking out FPL team a long-term strategy was to get Sterling are into our team. We achieve that last week. So we now have Sterling seller and kdb Helm very exciting so on. Since now either to make a small transfer or not leave it we decided to leave it. We're not going to transfer this week. Are we feel no a wise move? Let's double up next week during a bit Direction and I think you're happy with that. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. So fine. So the big question this week's who we're going to Captain. I mean mentally gots Watford Liverpool against Chelsea, we can go completely go triple Captain some Martin Kelly or something other than that is doing this league, but we decided John Sterling right now. Yeah, I think Sterling couple of quiet game weeks. I think Mencia going to come out against Watford on there. I think they'll blow away. Yes famous last words, right? We happy about then Sterling captain. No transfers exciting feature this isn't it? And that's that. Okay. So that's the end of part 3 don't go anywhere in part for all we got the answer to our quiz question. We've got the clean cheap forecasts. We'll also be looking at the Coming Attractions the players who will perform or will not perhaps don't go anywhere. Welcome to part four right now. Let's do the quiz question. And the answer anyone guys. I asked you Ryan Giggs holds the record for the most premier league cysts of all time fat way in Frank Lampard and Steven Gerrard make the top ten. Can you name the other three Englishmen in make the top 10 fill? The only one that I made it we thought I was Beckham. He's in there. He sat. Okay. Can I go? Yeah, Alan Shearer no fill. Girls know there's one place still playing Philip Paul Milner Milner. Yeah 83 and the other one Nathan scored a hat-trick against bone for us with the best header in the world ever. Oh, Teddy sheringham, Teddy sheringham. Yes, this is John Yutaka. That is the best head I've ever seen live in my life. Yeah, Johnny, Utah. Yes, they go. Well done guys didn't need my help at all. Did you okay. So now the clean sheet forecast. Oh, yes. So clean team forecast just preface this a bit look at the fixes. So then term versus born was might be thinking that would be tight. Well the last time these guys faced off at st. Mary's in April. It was a 3-3 draw so they really could go for each other's throats, especially given that it's a Friday night. Kickoff West Ham against United West Ham 1/3 note that I did saying back in September last year. Bear in mind that Marina was manager then so in theory, there are probably better and then we have Man City against Watford City. They either be Watford five or six Neil or it's three one. That's just how it works. In fact, the last two Premier League fixtures at the Eddie head of resulted in three won victories, so we could say expect to work for God, especially with the Resurgence that full noticed the clean sheet forecast from me. I'm going to go with Everton Burnley. Arsenal and Palace Nathan just the to from me Everton and Brighton crazy forecast Phil. Yeah, I'm gonna go for Burnley Everton and City. Okay. So now what would go for you? No. No, I'm not as much as I as much as I love our research in Watford. I think I might be a bridge too far for who's going to play at the back from NCT. So Christ where they at the moment City. Yeah, it looks like otamendi might be a might be getting his might be getting the nod. I mean it's going to be him and it's just fun diinya coming in. He has to play the batphone. The other option is called Walker, isn't it? Yeah, I suppose it could do ya walk could could shifting. But yeah, I'd be I reckon if Allah blessed indeed. He spoken about that in a funny about converting him and playing them at the back. So I reckon that'll probably up. Hmm. Okay, so that's clean cheap forecast. Players who perform Coming Attractions Coming Attractions as it were for those of you been looking at Vesta guards. He's now the highest-ranked defender on fantasy formats 5.1 million, but so you might be thinking all get him in they got Bournemouth next week. As I said, there's no many goals for that fixture and then they got Spurs Chelsea wolves less than Man City so might be time to ditch The Defenders so then Defenders Angus gun as well the goalkeeper Phil evidence versus Shepherd United like to be at a tight one could fit the fenders. Yeah. Yeah. I thought this game was one where you might be at pick up some some clean sheet points. I mean, I've just obviously bagged ever and for a clean sheet this week. I think they probably will keep one, but I can that could potentially see Sheffield United getting in a little drawer then I don't think it's beyond the Realms of possibility both teams. Keep it really tight. They don't they don't conceive many shots on goal. I think they're in the certainly in the top sort of five four or five sides. I met me or maybe top top six or seven sides for come. 18 shots on goal ever in the certainly high up there and for Everton as well. I think Sig Hansen is do a goal so we could see a 30-yard free-kick perhaps you never know exciting times. That's about it for us. Really? So before we go, I'm sure we all want to know we've got the what base I drink question that Nathan gets posed and Nathan at lean Ole mess. Hey pretty good with it says why does beer smell like weed and I think what he's asking there is why does it smell of cannabis? Thanks. Thanks, Alan Partridge. Yeah, the recent smells like that is hops are closely related to cannabis. Probably the problem you've got is easier drinking beer at a green bottles because it lets all the sunlight in which produces skunking makes it smell so Beck's always smells like weed. So does Heineken or you having a Pioneer leave it in the sun too long. So you need to drink up. Quicker hmm drink a bit quicker. There you go. That's the responsible message from our podcast drink loads and drink quicker. And if you want to ask Nathan, which beer to drink or any pointless questions like that to get in contact at ultimate F pod, or if you want to ask us football related stuff or just send us abuse where more than well we're more than happy to take it. So yes doing in touch, but that's it from us this week. We'll be back next week at the usual time many. Thanks to Nathan. Thank you Phil. Phil cheers FBI on them for a Tommy Gun and the fantasy football chats will see you after game week, six. Take a sobs. Goodbye.
Welcome to the Ultimate Fantasy Podcast - your one-stop shop for all things Fantasy Football. Alfie is very pleased to be joined by Nathan Taylor, the Secret Journalist, FPL Nymfria, and Tommy Gunn as they discuss the gameweek that has been, and the gameweek to come. PT1: (00m28s) Intro/Greetings (02m22s) Quiz Question (02m44s) GW5 Roundup (05m14s) Notable Players (08m22s) FPL Results (12m11s) Draft Results (15m34s) What we Learned PT2: (18m37s) Tommy Gunn/Brief Arsenal Chat PT3: (22m33s) GW6 Fixtures (27m25s) FPL Nymfria (29m31s) FPL Selection PT4: (31m05s) Quiz Answer (32m10s) Clean Sheet Forecast (34m12s) Players to Perform (35m27s) Beer Choice A MonkeyBuns Production Original stings and material by Alfie Evers Get in touch: @UltimateFPod Like and subscribe to the YouTube page of FPL Nymfria for your FPL tips Twitter: @FPLNym Extra music by: Ross Power The Insider Theme by The Insider An Example For by Captive Portal Looking for a platform to host your Draft Fantasy Football needs? Listen to ‘Pressure’ by Alfatron6000 - the unofficial official song of Fantasy Football This episode is sponsored by Subject Six -  the new novel by William J Robson Buy yours on Amazon now
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So go to the link in our Instagram page are by our website only under the events tab. Yeah, and it's right there. It's free. It's a networking event in H-Town. So Houston's got a special feeling all the surrounding areas Texas need you to come out and show your love. You will be looking forward to that is going to be it's been a ready a great response people have been real hospitable offering a lot of things to us. So if you missed this one, you played yourself man. Don't miss it. It's gonna be James Harden we can out there too. Yeah just found that out if anybody got some connects some parties and some concerts. So he's doing his third annual concert. So yeah, hopefully we get some guests from that sure we going to be there. So let's do it. So all right, we're going to jump right into it. So this is a highly anticipated episode. Yeah something that people have an accent as to cover for a while. Yeah something that is on its practical, but it's needed information is needed. So we're going to talk about cars. The car industry is not to allow different things. We're going to talk about how to make a living in car industry. We've got to talk about how to buy a car leasing a car the differences between buying and leasing what you should look for. All of these things are important because when you like grow up nobody really teaches you this thing right? It's like passed down towards like people that supposedly know. Yeah, just because my my uncle and my dad had a car they must know about calling you by your first call you bring somebody. With you they may know what to do. They may not know what to do. You may get ripped off. You don't really know. It's like it's like you're walking in blindfolded like everything else that we come on a podcast don't white there's no blueprint for it. Right? So this what we gonna do today, we can give you some blue cream. You can give you some information about the car industry and sales in general to because it's important when you talk about sales, you're not just talking about something called you talking about selling anything, right? I mean everybody sells something and one way or another whether you're selling yourself whether you're someone service The Asana product as an entrepreneur as a business person just as any regular day person you have to engage in sales at some point is these these skills translate across mediums? So it's very important. Yeah. Yeah. So without further Ado we have a very special guest Christian survey who is one of the sales manager one of the top Mercedes-Benz dealerships here where we live where me and we actually got our car from yeah, so we'll be needing this count ha ha ha ha ha. What about that? In the car industry and just a really good story. So first and foremost, thank you. No, thank you guys for having it at 20 years in the game 22:17. Yeah. So yes, so we got to jump right into it, right. So we get a lot of feedback on Instagram recently about leasing cars buying cars right now. You have a wealth of information being in a car industry for well over 10 years, right? Well the Years now at this year actually 20 years in the car industry from the bank to the dealership side. Yeah, you worked every every facet basically every facet. So, alright, so we're going to get into your backstory. But before we get to the back story, I want to just go right into it because people take this like very personal. I noticed a second real personal thing. Like it's like we got like a thousand comments over video that we posted in people with like no that's a terrible idea to never least a common people like know you should never buy a car people arguing with each other about the stop fighting on So it's like I realize it's one of those things is very emotional for people and nobody wants to feel like they made a mistake. Yeah, so if you bought a car is like you don't want to admit that that might be a bad you bought at least to call you might not want to say that's a bad idea. So everybody's like, you know, so my personal opinion on it is that you know, there's no right shoe that fits all feet. Right leasing is a great option for a lot of people buying a car could be a great option for a lot of people buying a used car payment option for a lot of people. With our pockets. We just try to provide information, right? So just so we know that we've done both. Well, yeah personally we've done put some our story. So yeah, so my personal journey in causes when I when I graduate from college right out of my first time getting a car, I don't have a car before that when I graduated from college, I came home and the first car that I had I wanted a luxury car. So I brought I wrote a used Infiniti G35 infinite. Yeah, you're like a couple years, but it was it was nice corner. Sit down today, so I had a G35 and it was nice and I had that cough about five years. I had a terrible interest rate because I have any credit and so I'm just trying to figure it out as I go. So in year 5 Started to like fall apart tires and they start buying tires and like transmission and a whole bunch of everything started falling apart on right so my I need a new car. So when I was I wanted now it's time to upgrade. So I wanted a BMW dealership and I'm about to get a BMW so I went to the dealership. I'm I want to buy one buy a car. I'm thinking like I want to buy a car owner Rent-A-Car only some calling upon God we heard that that line. Well, it's all Jesus. He's alright. We don't buy we don't least we got old cars. You should yes, like we grew up thinking like yeah, you gotta buy the clock JZ really tainted our ring. Shout shout TJ. I saw God why Tom? Yeah. He said that line. We don't least we bought a whole call as you shouldn't so we like we got black are like a food. That's what mentality was having. So when I went to the dealership that the guy he was telling me he's like nobody on fires called everybody that comes here has money nobody's by 90% of people here at least in college. So I'm like why I started to dig deeper into it. Then I started to understand why he said that as far as like tags business benefits and all the different things that come the benefits that come with Lisa. So then my last two cars at least I had at least a BMW now I'm leasing events and whole know what I'll do next. Yeah, I'll probably end up leaving really like around that same time before you had a car. He was driving everybody's car like this article you'll need your car. So he was driving cars and he I brought him with me when I got my second car was to be in. Love you, and we had a crazy story at the dealership, but they I was financed it and I got the payment out. They were like, I never forget when he crashed your car the first before I got off the line. Yeah, we crashed it. Yeah, right. Yeah, as soon as I don't they like that just leave it will come back another day. So I crash it as well. They crash as soon as I got it was like $562 for the payment. I was like 24 years old. I was like man, you're financing that cause I was like, wow, that's a lot. Yeah, I'll say that's a lot but you know what? Let's just go for it and like you said we was cruising. It was a nice car. And yeah for five like that those BMW they had just changed. The body is like 2004. It just changed her body. I got in 2006 and every time something was wrong in the car like it with the sensor will go off and sensors will go off. I was like this is just getting annoying and every time you fix the sensor it was like $360. I was like wow, this is crazy. Finally. I paid it off. It was like 2012 and I'm like what am I gonna do with this car? Like it was a $50,000 car. I looked at the value of it because I Driving it everywhere 2 miles was crazy. I was they would like will give you six thousand dollars for this day. And I was like what right after six years of pain and then like the parts. Like I said the parts themselves, like that's one thing that I learned is like no matter how old the car is the parts don't depreciate sort of like if you bought it in 1986 and you need new parts the parts still cost the same and I was like, you know what this is it man and the final straw my son was born. Born and I had a BMW 525i at that time. It was still coming in real world. They have four-wheel driving all the cars and I was coming up the hill in my house and the car started rolling back. It was snow on the ground and my son literally the third day like that's a bring your kid home and we like went into oncoming traffic and I was like, this is it I'm done. I'm never driving this car again. I'm never buying a car again. That's the end of the story and I literally walked them up the hill and have to call down the street. He never got back in. Ernie Leeds is brought to you by skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of amazing classes covering dozens of creative and entrepreneurial skills. You can take classes in everything from photography and creative writing to design productivity and more. So whether you're returning to a longtime passion project challenging yourself to go outside your comfort zone or simply exploring something new skills here has classes for you. They offer a wide range of courses. You can study film and video marketing freelancing entrepreneurship and our personal favorite. The class were enrolled in right now. Now music production. I got to actually watch and learn how to mix and master music with young Guru. That's right rod Nation Zone and Jay-Z's personal engineer. Yeah. I know how much we love Jay. So getting to learn from Guru the guy that curated is sound is definitely worth checking out. 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Very rarely the cars go up in value. So that's why leasing is so prevalent 7080 percent. Like you said a people least the vehicles when you're financing the vehicle you do, you technically owned it, but the bank owns it while you're financing. So until you pay it off the vehicle still belongs to the bank title. The title is held by the bank. You're not the owner of that vehicle. That's something that's that's a common misconception. You don't want to call you the way yeah until you finally paid off and then when you do paid off more people want to trade it in they want to trade in right away. So by the time you own it now is old exactly what another thing with the with the leasing that people don't fully understand. So like for me personally, right the reason why at least is that some of the business owner. Yeah, right, so I get better to actually mean for leasing a car exactly where as like with the least. I could write off the insurance the gas and the lease payment formula. It won't get too complicated in a buyer. I can write that off on my taxes. And if I owned the car, then I can only have to go by the depreciation. Correct? Because it's the own I get less of a tax benefit for owning a car. So it's in my benefit to least the car because it's pretty much a write-off. Yeah for me and I don't have to worry about maintenance right so I never haven't gotten all I haven't paid for oil change and I can't remember when or at least everything is paid for and warranties to yes, and then I get A new car every three years now. I always feel like if you want to everybody's personal preferences different. You can't force your views on someone's right. Like if you want to keep a car for 10 years, that's your right. You should you can do that. I don't want to do that because so I know it's going to cost me a lot more money to buy a car and then buy a new car every three years as opposed to leasing your car and then getting a new car every three years and The Upfront is less. Yeah, right. Yeah. Absolutely if you Analyse you only pay Let's say the taxes right when you're financing a vehicle you pay tax in the whole price of the car or Analyse you only pay tax and let's say the monthly payment depending on the state and where you're registering the car. Let's say that New York you only paying tax on the monthly payment. All right, so I think that's something that people could and as far as for me. I don't drive a lot. So 12,000 miles. I never go over 12,000 mile. I usually hit like 11:10 5 so it's perfect for me. Yeah, but you were saying even if you do go over 12,000 let that's a big. Misconception also is a lot of people think that if I drive a lot of mileage I shouldn't be leasing. You know, you hear a lot of people come in and they say, you know, I do fifteen twenty thousand miles a year. I shouldn't at least things not for me. I think the contrary it's the way I look at it is when you're leasing a vehicle, even if it's a high mileage least, you know your true cost of ownership. Like you said what maintenance right you know that you're going to have this car three years, you're going to 15,000 miles a year. You'll have 40 to 45,000 miles. Most warranties are let's say four year 50,000 mile bumper to bumper warranty. She'll still covered. Under your warranty is your enemy so you'll be able to look at and say hey, you know what? I know exactly what you would be paying every month for this car. As long as I have my lease now when you're financing a car and you're putting high mileage on the car, the two things that lower the value of the car quickest is the amount of mileage you put on it and and the condition of the car. So let's save the vehicle was in an accident. So if I'm leasing my car and someone in my next door neighbor's buying their vehicle in their financing their car in 3 years, I have a lot more flexibility of what I can do. I don't have to worry about if my car was in an accident or you know, there's somebody keep my card that a garbage truck come down the street and hit my car because their value has dropped now. So now you're playing this guessing game of wait a minute. What is my car now worth and you run into a situation where you finally pay off your car you put money into the vehicle try to fix it and they turn around say hey your cars worth $6,000. Now, the other thing that we talked about was that technology is moving so fast, so things get Antiquated quick. So that's why leasing is nice because In three years, you may not need a small sedan right. Now your 3 years your life changes. You have a family you have kids now. I want to ask you V my lease is up. I come out of the policing got go into the brand-new SUV if I want to check for the Honda Accord anymore. Exactly. Yeah. No, that's true technology changes even like the vehicle I have now. Like I saw the mm mm 20 modem like wait. Yeah that is ridiculous. Like I need that technology now, so it's like you can just come in every three years man. That's that's a huge benefit in leasing one of the things That is important when you're leasing or financing is credit. Yep. How does that work? Does is there a specific Bureau that car dealerships use or the bank with positive? So it varies between manufacturers so different banks. So let's say if you're going to Honda Honda Financial Toyota has Toyota Motor Credit Mercedes-Benz has Mercedes Benz Financial they all have different criterias. Right? So it's not it's not a blanket as far as what they use some people use TransUnion some people use Equifax other manufacturers use what's called an auto score. So an auto score means your Automotive History. So even if you had some trouble on your credit, but they saw let's say for whatever reason you had some medical bills or something happened, but you always pay your car note on time the bank may look at that and say hey, wait a minute. Did they miss some payments over here, but they always paid their car on time. So that means that hey, you know what this person needs that car. They need to get to work. They need to provide for their family. So no matter what happens. They're going to take care of that monthly payment. And another thing. I want people to think to a lot of time people look at it like, okay. Well, I'm not a business owner and we talked about luxury cars just because we have lunch because but it's the compensation for any type of cop doesn't matter. Well also people have to realize is that you don't have to be a full-time entrepreneur to be entrepreneur because the tax system, I can't stress this enough. The tax system is set up for entrepreneurs and investors. It's not set up for employees, right? So as an entrepreneur you get all kinds of benefits you can write off meals you can write off travel you can write off almost any I think realistically as long as it makes sense don't get what it is. What and cars is one of the things that you can write off. Right? Sure. So if you work in a regular job and you might have a side hustle, why not get that incorporated get LLC get to see quote whatever you want to do and get a tax ID opening a bank account. Now you have a business. So now you can lease that from your side hustle business and you can deduct the same deductions. Like if you work the regular job, right? Like now that goes against the any money that you make on that and so I say that to say you have to think like business people and you don't even have to actually be a full-time business owner salespeople as well. Yep, right if you're a 1099 or if you are in some sort of form of sales where you can take the doctrines, like real estate stuff like that insurance, you sell insurance the same thing. So a lot of times people, you know, they have negative views towards things because they don't they have a lack of understanding it once you have a lack of understanding and like I said now if you still Used to do that then it's your decision be country understand why a lot of times we make decisions based out of ignorance not knowledge, right so on. Yeah, exactly. So one of the things I want to ask you was you said MSRP versus price, right? What's the difference was the selling price? Alright. So yeah, so you have MSRP right? Yes. That's what's on the window sticker. Right? So the manufacturer suggests the retail price of the vehicle. That's MSRP manufacturer's suggested retail price. That's what they recommend. You should be selling that car for now. The selling price is what you negotiate, right? Whatever. However, you can reduce the selling price of the vehicle. That's what that comes down to is it was that the same thing as the cap cause so no cap cost. Let's say you're leasing or financing the vehicle. The final cap cost is the selling price plus anything else. So whatever money the bank is lending you okay, whatever to lease or Finance is still lending certain amount of money. So let's Analyse if you rolled your taxes into your payment that's going to add to your cap cost if you negotiated a $50,000 selling price and then you rolled your taxes of two thousand dollars into the least. $52,000 cap cost. Okay. And is that negotiable? Well, it's based on what you negotiate as far as you'll say you're selling price. Okay, so that whatever fees you put into it. Those are negotiable those legs say taxes and DMV fees things like that. So, all right we talked about. Okay talk about leasing a car but mine cause I might want to buy a car right and you would say most the time if you do want to buy a car is made it makes more sense to buy used cars. I always recommend people if you are going to buy a car buy a certified pre-owned now. Listen, this Vehicles, you can find out these lots that are Not authorized. Let's say Mercedes-Benz dealerships or Toyota dealership me personally. I think you're better off going to you may pay a couple of dollars more but you're getting it from the manufacturer. So you have the backing of with manufacturers. Just give you an idea most companies when they certify a vehicle the vehicle goes through. Let's say, you know a hundred and fifty Point hundred sixty point inspection. So not only will they inspect the vehicle to make sure that it's in certain condition. So they'll eliminate things like let's say there's a place frame damage to the car if the car is frame damage. Doesn't qualify for certification. So it's eliminated most dealerships won't even take that car. They'll send that car out and that's what you'll see the vehicles on these other side lines, right and they're selling those Vehicles. Is this really no recourse when they when it comes to something happened to the car not to mention the fact that once that car goes through the certification a lot of Manufacturers will put new car interest rates on those cars. So typically pre-owned cars are used cars will have a higher interest rate than a new car. But if it's certified you get a better interest rate. So like right now like let's say you have one point nine percent. You can't get one nine nine percent on a used car, you know anywhere else and I mean if the vehicle certified that's the way to do it me personally the vehicles as you guys all heard this people say, oh, well the vehicle loses value as soon as you drive it off the lot. Now what happens is really it's once it's registered the vehicle loses value. That's when that's when the vehicle loses value. That's normally when you're driving off the lot. That's when you got a brand new. So yeah, when you're buying a car brand new it initially loses its value when you drive it off a lot or the It was titled. Okay. So now you're buying a vehicle whose going to that's going to depreciate in value. That's what your card does. It's going to go down in value. So you're financing a car has losing value and already took a big hit right when you're buying a new opposed to a certified pre-owned that the initial depreciation is already happened. It's already taken place. But you know that car was taken care of the manufacturer the dealership, you know is putting themselves behind that vehicle saying hey, we know this vehicle we've inspected this vehicle. We know this vehicles in good shape. We're willing to even put a new car rate on it. So you have some more confidence when the buying that type of vehicle? Okay. All right. There was another thing that we saw when we were reading it was gap insurance. Now, that's something that doesn't come on a finance but it does come on a lease yet New York State leases all have gap insurance. Now what happens people don't realize that if a vehicle is less a total or stolen any negative equity. So if your insurance company says hey, your car was worth $10,000 but you owe the bank 12 or 13 without HAP insurance, you're responsible for that negative equity is your negative balance you're responsible for that amount. So that's why all New York State leases will have gap insurance. All right. So for people that going to the dealership and they only know like what question is a little intimidating because you don't really know if you're getting ripped off or not. You just want me to like what questions should they ask like, how do you know if you're getting a good deal or how can you get the best deal everything negotiable? Everything's negotiable. So, how can you get the best deal? So here's what it is. I mean It's the car business has this bad reputation right the sometimes we make it harder than it has to be as a consumer. Now, if you know, there's a vehicle you want. There's so much information out there. You can go online you can do research you can find out what the cost of the vehicle is. But the end of the day, I always recommend trying to buy local try to buy where you're going to be servicing your vehicle and they want to take care of you when you have a problem. Yes, you can go to any manufacturer can go to any dealership and try to get get help or have your vehicle serviced but a lot of times. You buy local they have more of an interest in taking care of you because you know what you purchase from them. They're going to take care of you first, right? If you came to my dealership and you bought the car in Jersey right or another dealership, but another customer came in and he bought his car here. Who would you expect me to take care of right better or first right? If I have one loaner car left? I'm going to give it to the guy who's loyal to me saves buying cars me as far as the price goes. Listen is a lot of information online. You can go you can look up what the cost of the vehicles are. I do recommend. This you want to shop around but at the end of the day once you have a bottom line number go into your local dealership say hey, this is this is what I got. Can you guys match you get close to it? Beat it Whatever It Is What? What size do you recommend like Kelly Blue Book or Kelley Blue Book's great, you know, there's a lot of information. If you go to Google you can search CarGurus, they'll give you all types of information. What about what's up residual value? All right. Mr. Joe values what the bank the bank sets what's called a residual value a residual value is the estimated value of the vehicle at the end of the lease. Okay, so that's what the bank. Is assuming or hoping that the vehicle is going to be worth once your lease is over. Now that's determined by the mileage. Right? How many miles Les Miles you put on a car the higher your residual value is going to be the good thing about the residual is that you want to have a high residual value the higher the residual value means that the vehicles going to depreciate lesser. You're paying a smaller monthly payment cuz your monthly payment is based on the depreciation. Okay. So let's to give you mathematics right from okay. If the car is has a selling price of let's Say $50,000. Right? Let's say it's an MSRP of $50,000 just use round numbers and the residual values 50 percent. So it's $25,000 is what the vehicle going to be estimated to be worth at the end of the lease. All right, so you're going to pay that difference between the 50,000 in the 25,000 is depreciation. But let's just say you just negotiated your price down to 45,000. So now you're shrinking the depreciation because it's between 45 and 25 opposed to the 45 and 50 you're paying on that depreciation to me. Okay, and what about the cap reduction that cap Quest reduction? That's the money down here. That's what your initial investment to bring your payments down. So you'll see a lot of times people come in. They say well I saw an ad that said 349 a month. But in that fine print is said 3299 tap cost reduction or money down. So a lot of times people come in they say well, I don't want to put any money down. That means you're still giving your taxes your first month's payment your bank for your plates up front. It's not mean it doesn't mean you're not coming up with anything out of pocket. That just means Means you're not putting on a cap cost reduction. So to give you an idea. Let's say in a 36 month lease a thousand dollar cap Quest reduction is equivalent to roughly $30 in your monthly payment. So if you're at, you know, let's say for your at 450 a month and you want to get down to 2 for 20 you prediction thousand dollars down to get you down to that monthly payment after you've negotiated your best deal. Now, some people are opposed to putting money down. It's all a personal preference. Some people let's say they know they want this particular car and maybe their company gives them an allowance. Our vehicle or they just want to keep the payment below a certain budget because they want to you know work the numbers in there for their monthly payments, right? They may put that money down me personally. I don't put money in the Middle East because I'm okay with my monthly payment and I'd rather have the money in my pocket. That's the way I look at it. Sometimes the dealerships have things built-in right specials like that. Like yeah, there are specials where they have incentives from the manufacturer if they're trying to move particular product, you know, some people come in and say well wait a minute. Why is this car $55,000 and this cars $55,000. Let's say two different. Two different models right one, maybe an SUV once the sedan and the prices are different. Right? And what happens is we may have a lot more sedans in inventory and there's not a lot of these SUVs around everybody's buying SUVs. So the magnet manufacturer says, hey, let's help the dealership move these vehicles by putting additional incentives on it their payment below is this specific time of year that that happens. Like I always see like it's like a summer sale or when you learn something every manufacturer has different Sales Event. So let's just say for Mercedes know The end of the year is a big-time also in June or July. You'll see some some nice sales events, but the way I look at it, it's all based on what you need, right depending on when you need your car is when you want to work your best deal did the payments fluctuate to a point where it's hundreds of dollars difference between those sales events. Not necessarily don't normally to 30 40 $50 difference in the monthly payment. So if you need a car listen, you want to go into the dealership you want to build a good relationship with your dealership. And if you spend some time work the deal obviously make sure that you're there for a reason. A lot of times people come in they go. You know what just give me your best price. I'm leaving that that makes it a little bit more difficult and I get it. I get it people get focused as far as the numbers go I untie totally understanding you want but my thing is this we want to give people great deal. We want you to buy cars, right? It's not about the car business has this, you know, Persona of being like, oh they're going to rip me off. That's not the case anymore. Listen, I'm sure there are people out there who take advantage of people but that's not the case in most Highline dealerships almost, you know, Mom and Pop Is why they really love to take care of people and then you could arm you could buy a car at the end of the leash, right? If you want now you can buy your vehicle out at the end of the lease. Well, that's one thing people ask me a lot. Look I want to lease this Con and I want to buy it. It'll be fun. Right but at least with the optional but now yeah, so my thing is this if you're going to buy the car by the car now. All right. Now here's the thing we go back to that residual value. Yeah, you want that residual value to be high you almost wanted to be unrealistically high because that means your monthly payment on your going to on your lease is going to be Lower now, here's the thing now at the end of the Lisa Lopes and you say well I'm going to buy you're buying it at that very high residual value. You have the option to buy it at that price. Okay. So now you're basically any savings that you took advantage of because that residual value is high. You're basically giving it right back to the bank got another thing too is far as what leasing a car the monthly payments are usually lower than if you buy that Jacqueline only a lot that's not thing people have to understand to it's like it's okay not to own everything for me personally. I don't necessarily want to own a car because I'm gonna lose money on it. Yep, right so I don't want to own something that I'm a Whose value in so that's like owning a house that you know is going to go down in value. But what's the point of owning a rather in it? Yeah. I have to have somewhere to live my don't want to own a house where I know up on my pay a hundred thousand and then ten years or Twenty Thousand. Well, that's why I tell people if that's a there's an area that you want to live in for whatever reason the views or whatever is the school's whatever the case of you want to live there. But the let's say the real estate agent said, hey great news. This house is x amount. This apartment is x amount of dollars and every year it's going to go down in value. You're gonna say we'll wait a minute. I don't why would I buy that that you better you better off renting it right? You say this? I want to live here for three years, but guess what in three years from now, I want to go move to the suburbs and I like the views where I am, but I can't see myself raising a family here, right you rather rent that apartment and rent thing is like that that case like it's like leasing where you have the option to walk away from it the end of those three years. Now, there's something called a lease end cause that's like something that's like a hidden cost that I actually found out about so like if I have a Mercedes and I Lisa But at the end of the lease I decide you know what I want to go to BMW there's a price for that so they have what's called a disposition fee. Alright, that's basically a fee to turn in the vehicle. Now, here's the thing. If you go with another BMW a lot of times, they'll just waive that fee right now. There is a reason why they charged it's not just a penalty for leaving the brand they have to keep my once you surrender that vehicle. They have to pick up that vehicle. They have to condition it for resale. So things like that that they go through this paperwork that has to be processed in order to do it. And obviously it does give you some sort of Incentives to stay with the brain, right? So if I stayed in is that cause I wasn't in the same way that most manufacturers wait, I learned that I don't know that I learned that when I was trade my car. Yes, I have to stay with him or saying we try and we are trying I got but before we go, I have one other question. I just saw recently online with somebody said that they own they sold their car back to a dealership after they leased it. How does that work? So Very rarely does it happen where the vehicle has a higher value than the residual value? Okay. So let's say the residual value like we talked about 25,000 the guy kept it in great shape you are they drove it when we put minimal mileage on the vehicle cars garage kept and all of a sudden for some reason is that there's a high demand for that particular vehicle. Let's say this $30,000 actually the book value for that car and it was 25 he can turn on to dealership said hey, I know my buyout is x amount of dollars. Would you be willing to buy that car for me in order for me to trade it? To now they have some money that they can put towards another vehicle. Also. T-Pain's are the know it was it was Matthew Knowles. Oh and that pulled the T-Pain bought the Bugatti 1.2 million. He didn't get he lost for yeah, he lost $1,000. He blew and blew the engine or something like that. And so the back to the dealership for you honey. He lost $1,000 gift. He brought the car and then sold it six months later. Yeah. I mean it's rare that that happens, you know, like I said cars are depreciating assets, but it's very rare that that'll happen. All right. So now you got the 100. One may be 103 as far as exactly so now we don't go into careers in the car industry when I highlight it and give people some information as far as that's concerned the next segment. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. Listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in earn in today's economy. Alright, so now we're going to go into careers in the car industry. And I think that it's important to give people different options. Especially we spoke before about we did a college episode we speak on College a lot and to say colleges and for everybody and we know that realistically everybody kind of go to college even finish college, right, but you can still be successful in this world. You can still do there's a lot of different things you can do a lot of Trades and the car is choose one industry in particular what you want to certainly need a college degree to be successful, right? So, can you tell your story? Because you have an interesting story you grew up in Queens went to school in Brooklyn some tough Martens. Please get the money the city especially especially in that in that period of time East New York. It's pretty tough neighborhood. And you said you got a GED right? Yep, so, all right. So can you talk about your journey from growing up and to get into the car industry? You know, my thing was I went to school at a public school friend Kaitlyn and Brooklyn New York, one of the toughest schools in Brooklyn first school of metal detectors and It was rough listening. I grew up, you know kind of hanging out wrong crowds and stuff. And then at one point, you know, it's tell you exactly what happened. I had a child at an early age and I realized wait a minute. I can't keep doing this. I need to be able to provide for my family and I ended up getting a job through a job fair at Chase Auto Finance on the banking side of the car business and I was doing well is able to pay my bills take care of my family and through speaking to dealerships and helping dealerships on a daily. I was recruited by a dealership and buy a Lexus dealership actually just because I would always help him out always go above and beyond to make sure he was taken care of and he said you know what how much you make over there at that time was making about $40,000 a year and I was good. I was happy with that was getting my check every week and I worked for Chase and I was in my mother had my business card on her refrigerator. She was excited about it. Yeah. I was an executive right so This person said hey, you know what, you can make six figures in the car business the way you handle yourself and where you take care of people. If you keep that in mind, you can make six figures in the car business and I still kind of like kind of brushed it aside and I was like, yeah, whatever things change for me at the bank side and all of a sudden things that things happened. I said, wait a minute. You know what let me give this a shot. I left the bank side of it. I went to the car dealership actually went to a dealership and I interviewed with a couple of people. And first thing they told me was wait a minute. You don't have experience. You can't come work in High Line. You can't work at a high-end brand go get Toyota Honda experience or go work at Nissan dealership, you know and then learn the business and then come back and the gentleman interviewed me. I'm actually still good friends with to this day. He actually he lives in the area. He has some restaurants now up here, but I told him I said listen if you give me the opportunity and you teach me I will work harder than anyone here. I will I'll I will work and I will learn the business and I'll take care of clients, but I want you to teach me the sales side. I understand the customer side of it. I understand the bank side of it just teach me the sales side of it and I'll be good and he did it gave me an opportunity and I thank him every time I talked to him and he put me on a path where you know, it wasn't about you know, taking advantage of people and that's what I told my mom when I was coming into the business. She's like going to be a car salesman like nobody wants to be a cart. Nobody grows up saying Hey, I want to be a car salesman. But you know what? I saw there was a void right? There was something missing and that's what I said. You know what I'm gonna be knowledgeable. I'm going to be I'm going to be upfront and I'm going to be honest and that's it. And if I can't be successful doing that then I'll find something else. But that's the approach. I took from day one. I wanted to help my customers buy a car instead of selling them a car and that was my biggest, you know, the the biggest catapult and My Success my career is you know my God, we were talking earlier my the first client I ever sold the car to I still sell them cars, you know, he's following me through every manufacturer I've worked for and you know, he just trust me he sends his family his friends because he goes, you know what the way you take care of me? I'm going to send you business. So I realized that the This is long-term. You weren't you know, a lot of people say well I'm going to sell this car and I'm going to make x amount of dollars. I can go on vacation of this that doesn't happen anymore this business a long term business. If you're in it for two or three years you're not going to do. Well me person has to this is what I'm going to do as a career and I've been able to luckily, you know build a really nice life and Great Oak a business and you know have great relationships with my clients and my reputation is number one. So wherever I go nobody can ever say well that guy, you know, he screwed me or whatever it was. You know, he took advantage of me nobody. I never have to hide my face in a restaurant. Or anything people instead, they send me bottles of wine when I'm having dinner and they see me in a restaurant. It's bigger than selling cars you did you smelling like a relationship it is I just to give another story like let's say during Hurricane Sandy, you know my dealership when I worked in Brooklyn. We were right on the water during Hurricane Sandy and people lost everything. Like when I tell you people in that area lost everything right and then shortly after people were coming into the dealership. They lost their cars, right and they come into dealerships in my car was totaled it was washed. Get away and you know, the people were like, you know struggling and what to do and they said that getting their car was the first step in helping them get back on their feet because now they can go to the laundromat, you know, they can go to Home Depot. They can go to you know, stay with a friend or something. So it's such a big part of your life. Think about Transportation how much without transportation how life changes made without life is different whether you're driving a Honda Mercedes. Listen that does you know, everybody makes great cars, right? But without the car it's like even living over here. If you don't have your car your car's in the shop for two days and it'll give you a car you're calling other people saying I need to get to the store or you know, or you're staying in you're not going out tonight. We call it a weekend on the B line is difficult, especially I mean if you live in New York City Manhattan Brooklyn, you don't really need a car that's different, but for the vast majority of the country and even the world probably not having a car is a tremendous burden. This is how it is. Having a car is freedom. It is like my son. My son's 22 years old when he got his car the first thing I told myself go get lost. He's like, what do you mean? I'm like just drive you can go anywhere. Like you can get in your car. You have a credit card. You have a phone just go those much first priority at seven just go experience what's out there? So that's what it that's to me. You know, I don't look at it as selling cars. I'm helping people buy cars. That's that's the key to how I've been successful and I think That's why customers look at me and they go you know what? I trust this guy with my buying decisions. All right. So for somebody that's looking to get into the car industry. Is this still a lucrative industry like can how much can you make something cars like on will talk about the management side, but just as a car salesman, what's the a realistic goal that somebody can can obtain? So here's a cool thing of the by the car business you really are self-employed even though you work for a dealership or you work for you know a group you determine? How much you make that's it, you're really self-employed. But somebody else is paying for your building. They're paying for your phone the paying for your product right there put the cars in front of you. All you got to do is sell it. Now. I know sales people that make fifty sixty thousand dollars a year and they sit next to a guy and this is no exaggeration who makes four hundred thousand dollars a year to mention be telling Carl commission-based. So it's all commission-based. Hello. Some dealerships will have a small salary some dealerships. Don't me? Personally? I don't I wouldn't want to work for a company who paid me a high salary. Because I want to determine how much I want to make sure how much I can how much I can generate. So being that it's commission-based working at a high-end car dealership. Obviously, you'll make more right that's not so there are some people in let's say in a Honda store Toyota store that will make more money than the guy that a because it is not in jail cell because it's the it's the volume the amount of vehicles that they sell the amount of effort they put in listen, if you come in late every day, if you leave early, you know, if you're you know hanging out you're buying you know, 30 $40 lunches. You're not gonna To do well so on cars and I mean so one thing we talked about actually when we first met was, you know, your circle of five and I tell my sales people look at the five people that you spend the most amount of time with and you can do this in any industry you can do as a cars you can do in relationships, whatever you want to do it and if you look at the top performers, they hang around top performers. If you look at the guys who are at the bottom of the list and you know, there's always a board that list how many cars yourself guys at the bottom of this normally hang out together. So look at your circle of five and then make adjustments. One thing we talked about addition by subtraction of this some person in that in that Circle of five that's not pulling their weight delete them and put somebody else in that spot and you'll see you'll start to grow subtract the weak things about the chain. Yes the facts so commission how much commission do they get? Okay, it all varies at all that some very some dealerships will pay 10 15 percent of the profit right or they'll pay, you know this dirty 40% but now here's what's happening dealerships understand that, you know prices so important and people want to negotiate the price now, so what the matter of the day Dealerships do is they put volume incentives? So they realize that you may not make as much money in the car because you want to take care of your customer. You want to get them good deal, right? So what they do is manufacture says, hey, we want to give you an incentive if you sell x amount of cards, you make X, you know x amount of money. So now it's out of which is cool because the amount of money that you're going to sell the car for kind of is taken away from the salesperson, right? They don't have to worry about I need to make x million dollars. I saw the code now, they're saying hey, let's just sell the car even if I you know, am giving away a car. I know it's going to help me get to my volume bonus, which is that comes from the deal. Chip and incentives in a matter of fact that's important because because yeah because if you ask human nature if you can 20 percent of the profit profit might be 5000 or it can be two thousand or could be 10,000. Obviously you're going to try to push the profit to the highest amount. That's not how you're going to make more money. But but with why I always tell people look without losing the sale don't lose the sale like you've got to take care of people if the person's going to be buying a car whatever you work. Make sure you're the one selling the car and then what you want to do is you To make sure you create an experience where they're like wow like this person is awesome. If you didn't if you sold the car and you to make any money in the car, that's okay that's going to happen. But you want to take care of that person you want to take care of your clients. So they'll say hey, you know what? Let me send you somebody else. Let me send you another client. I have a co-worker's interested in the car also, and that's why like I said, I always tell people I give great deals and then even better service. So how do people separate them so good every time I go into a car dealership you seem like they either Point me somebody but it's like People in it's just the luck of the draw whoever like so how does one person make $400,000 person make 50. Like how does that happen? That doesn't happen from the from the door the person who's making that kind of money and I'll get them wrong that 400,000. That's a rarity. It's just you know, I know somebody who doesn't and he's just incredible. He's just consistent heat sacrifices a lot to be in the position where he's in that's not normal. But if you're going to do that, you have to work you have to make sacrifices and with anything if you're going to be successful you're going to make sacrifices, right? Now in the dealership structure where happens is people come in the door normally most dealerships will have a rotation to have an up list, right? We're depending on who's up next. We'll take that customer some dealerships. You've seen it where you pull into a parking lot this Five Guys out standing outside at the radio approach your vehicle. So, you know different situations for each dealership is where it's like, you're right. I've gone to dealerships. It'll be whoever is at smoking a cigarette right now. Like, oh how you I'll be with you in a second. Yeah, right. One of the things you said is interested in understanding your customers and you have a very Very interesting technique of how you read and understand customers as they're working on to talk about that. Well, one of the things that we train and we kind of somebody taught me was neuro-linguistic programming trying to identify your client and that helps you by helps helps them by the car. If you can identify somebody's communication the way they communicate or their buying habits that's going to make the job a lot easier for you and the client because now you're going to be talking the same language language, right? So, you know, like we talked about it if someone calls in and says I want this specific car in this specific color. I want 36 months won't 15,000 miles a year. I want you know, they know exactly what they want. And then you're trying to tell a person. Well, I need you to come in in order for me to give you a number you're rubbing that person the wrong way nowadays and we talked about this patients is no longer a virtue people want things instantly. I could pick up my phone and buy a car if I really wanted to write so every you know, we don't go to the supermarket anymore. We don't go we don't go to shopping centers anymore. Everything is delivered right to your home. So you want it quick so identify your client if you get a client It's like that who's speaking a certain language speak to him in his language. So I think is hey, you know what sir? Sounds like you're really busy. Let me see how I can make this process as easy as possible. Maybe even deliver the car to your home or office. Would that be beneficial to you? And that person said, you know what? Yeah, I don't have time to get into the dealership. I don't have time to visit different dealerships. I just want to get a price. I want to get a good price. I want to be taken care of after I buy the car. So one thing I want to talk about before we go on to the next segment is that so all right. Somebody wants to get involved in the car industry, right? How do they do that? Like would you just welcome to on don't say hire me or like well, I'll tell you the way I did it. I'd basically well this is dating myself, but I opened up a yellow pages and find out that's a big number and I called what the retention was the retention rate for cars. So it's funny. I've heard different numbers with retention right now. I've heard 30 percent effort 70% not to me. That's In this business. Nobody quits jobs. Most people quit management. That's the way I look at it. But for the most part if a store takes care of you they take care of you the staff if they really, you know, pay attention to what the people want and I would sit as a manager. Take care of yourselves people first write this if you take care of your staff, the staff will take care of the customer. So sure I'm in a different way. I'm going to management role. My customers actually my sales person. Obviously ultimately it's the customer right? I want to make sure they're taken care of if I take care of my guys, they'll take care of my customer. If I don't care about my guys, they're not going to care about the customer. So that's an any terminal of the street and the industry. So, you know, if you're in a good store that treats you right and they treat the customers, right? There's no reason to leave and I mean Most people I've gotten offers from other dealerships when you know, I was at another store. I got offers and they offer me more money higher positions, but I was I was loyal to where I was and I had my book of business and I had no reason to leave. All right. So in the next step, I'm going to very important topic sales. We haven't really talked about sales yet. It's a business podcast. So there's no way that we can have a business but I'll cover in sales. So if you want to talk about sales in the next in the next segment What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need to premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to share what Been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so now we're going to a very important topic for business but not just business. I once again, I can't stress this enough sales people have a bad reputation. Any type of sales people, right? They feel like you like pushy or you're taking advantage of somebody but sales makes the world go round. Everything is being sold. If you buy groceries somebody selling that to you and one way or another it's not a hard sell because you need to buy it right might be a soft sell but it's still a cell. So if you go to a job interview have to sell yourself if you trying to impress. Meet you have to sell yourself. Right like it's all it's all sales. It's all sales. So all right, obviously as a car salesman in the car industry, you have to master the art of selling if you're going to be good, right? So we talk about selling we talk about some objectives how to overcome them and different things that you've seen in the industry. Yeah. Absolutely. I mean one of the things I like we talked about earlier was if your goal is to help somebody it's a lot different than trying to sell. Somebody right? So asking questions, you know, you've all heard this what people say. Oh sell me this pen, right if we want to go to Wall Street, it is funny because I've never heard the actual pitch when somebody said, you know, somebody's pain they go. Okay. Do you need a pen or you want to write a check? Whatever is I was on an interview once and I got and really cool guy who I love dearly. He's your friend of mine. One of the hardest interviews. He told me the hardest interview ever give anybody and it was it was a lot of fun and he turned to me this before Wolf of Wall Street. He said to me. Hey sell me the stapler. I'm going to put in front of me and handed me a stapler and he looked at me and I sat back and I looked at the stapler. I started laughing and took the staple and I put it down. I said, let me ask you a question before I show you stapler that I have. Let me ask you a question about what you're going to use in the staple of for how many pages are you stapling at a time? You speaking three papers for papers. Are you stapling three or four hundred papers at a time? Because the stapler I have here may not be the right statement for you. So I started asking questions to find out what it is. He's looking to accomplish before I started selling him that stapler or that pain, right? So are you signing important documents? Are you just they just need some do you lose pens frequently, right? I'm not gonna sell somebody $500 pain if they is known for selling the losing their pens frequently. I'm going to sell you a pack of pens for $500, right? So this way if you lose them, it's okay right also, you two packs for $250, right? So that's me. It's ask the questions up front that's going to help you help the customer find out what the customer wants. Let's say the customer is Driving, you know you want to ask them what they currently use the vehicle for who's in the vehicle? Somebody may say well I'm a real estate agent. Okay, do you show clients houses? Do you pick them up and take them over there? Yeah, I do. Okay. So is that person Prime for a coupe or a car with a small back seat? Probably not that may want an SUV or a larger sedan, right? So then you kind of just help guide them to what it is is just options and let them make the decision. Yeah, I think that's very important because so if anybody's not my financial advisor, that's what I do for a living. So we learned early on like I've been doing it for 11 years sober early on I had training right and I long story short. I see it happened a lot in my business, especially for new people that come in right because it's commission-based. So you're hungry to make a sale. All right, and you end up trying to sell somebody a product that they may or may not need right but you doing what's in the best interest of you you're not doing. Was in the best interest of semi-automatic and it comes across right? So my thing is like it's like going to the doctor. I can't subscribe medication without actually know what's going on. Exactly like the first meeting that I have a first conversation I have with my clients. I don't actually talk about any product at all because I don't know what's appropriate. I need to know what's going on is there's yeah and then from that if you need to buy something you're going to sell yourself because once I explain the process and The things that may be beneficial to you then you'll say okay it actually I need to do this like yeah, you need to psychologically when you know, you need to do something. It's much easier than trying to convince. Somebody exact something. That's the biggest mistake. I see with sales especially like I said young salespeople people just getting in the business is that there's they push yeah, you don't have to push can't push? Yeah awkward. I got this question before both you when you see doubt and somebody like what's the step right? Because I'm sure there come times and car salesman went in Europe. Question is for sure. They'll be doubt in people aren't sure what's the next technique. So the way I look at it is if someone's not sure right if they have that doubt it's because we haven't answered all the questions and it may be a question that they don't know they have and that's what you have to uncover the objections. So you're going to ask some questions that are going to lead in to the customer saying hey, you know what? This is what this is actually what the real issue. It's an underlying issue that's holding them back. Yeah, and for me, I know forget the most important. Anything one of the most important things I learned early on is somebody told me about the hidden objection help Jackson is when they don't tell you. Yeah. Nobody people are very funny. Right as far as it's human nature. You don't want to hurt somebody's feelings but witnessing a train like that, right? So instead of this happens all the time outside of business to you. Take a girl on a date you don't hear back from she doesn't tell you that your breath stink. That's why she doesn't want to talk to me again, right? So just Interview. Yeah hidden objection. It happens all the time and sales when people don't express what really is holding them back. So that's up to you as a salesperson to get in the Forefront of The Hitting objection. Yeah, right. So that's difficult because you don't know what it is. Right, but you got to kind of use your creativity and say okay usually comes down to a few different things money is 90% of the time with the issue is right, and somebody can't afford to pay. Something they won't tell you they can't afford to do it. It's just undo it. But and then they won't respond to you yet your emails or text messages instead of just being out front and just saying look right now, I don't have enough money. Yeah. Nobody wants to be so embarrassed Mmm Yeah. So that's up to you to get them different options. But losing Versa that so that's where I think that's what I think they teach ourselves always have three options. Yeah. This is a very important three options and if it's on paper, it should be color coded. Green blue red or red blue green red blue green because reason being read is a no-go. We're psychologically trained for that. Right? So if you stop it, right light, everything right is no guess what teachers use the microwave is as well lose a very neutral color and green is go you want to do the highest priced item is green. The lowest price item is red. And then the realistic with they probably can afford in the blue. Wants to do the lowest option nobody psychologically. Nobody ever wants to the lowest. Nobody wants to be the dumbest person around here. If I want to be the fattest. You're okay being a second. Yeah. That's what you say. Everybody's okay with being second up your roots don't want to you're okay being a second dumbest person in the class, right? You just want me to dumbest person. Yeah, you're okay buying the second like somebody said it's about the wine. Like when you go to a restaurant them the the wine that sells the most is the second cheapest because nobody was about The cheapest wine. Nobody wants to know no one wants to look like they can't afford to buy the second cheapest right? You don't really break. The bank is still in your price range. And you feel good about yourself. Yeah, that's a trick for salespeople. It's all about positioning. You can sell anything if you position it correctly, right and you don't make people feel like they're going out of their budget. They're right in line. It's all about you gotta, you know, kind of stroke the ego so I say that to say when you give somebody options That's the way to get out in front of the hitting objection because if the prices are hitting objection is, okay. Now, I've given you three prices what I know. You definitely can do one you probably should do and what you really can't do. That's my take on it. Yeah. Yeah, I never heard the color thing but same thing with us, we give three three options. And other thing you want to do is going back to certified pre-owned. If you're giving a customer in a lease or if you're showing a customer Finance on a vehicle our pre-owned car and you hit him with a number A lot of times the finance numbers in be a lot higher than at least payment so giving them an option. So hey, I know you didn't you mention you want to finance but just so you know, if you were to lease out a brand new car. This is what the payment would be and sometimes I say wait. That pain is a lot lower than this Finance option and it gives them that flexibility to say. Hey. Yeah, that's pretty my target area, you know and asking questions like you said if you know what they're currently paying for their car, you kind of understand where they're okay being so so now that you've cleared the Dell, right? How do you become the Mariano of this deal? Like how do you close this deal? How's it done for both of you? Well, you know, it's every customers different. I'll tell you that so it's I've went into deals. You know, one thing we do is you always see like a manager will come in if the salesperson can close a deal a lot of people think that At oh, this is the closer. This is the guys. It's not the case. It's just sometimes it's a different face. I don't know if that's the same thing. If you guys had that in the financial industry for somebody else will follow up and just touch base. Sometimes somebody's willing to tell me something that they just didn't want to say to the salesperson and they make they may say, you know what this is really what I wanted to be. So we meet every customer that comes in if they're not able to close it and like I said, if you really look out for the person that's going to increase your chances of helping the customer and be able to close deals more often if you like you said 90% of the time it is price and you have Work the numbers you have to take care of people. So yeah, I think it depends on the personality to make so you can't be what you're not and you kind of have to play to your strengths. Some people are naturally just really aggressive people, right? That's not me. I'm more of a laid-back person. So my selling style is is passive passive, but it's very important that at some point you have to close. Yeah, you can't just strengthens out forever because it'll fall apart. So knowing when to close is a very delicate Thing like for me personally, my sales process is a to meeting process, right? The first meeting is just I gather information the second meeting I present and then at the end of the second meeting, there's a close at that point, right? Everybody's different some people like to close in the first meeting to me. That's too aggressive. Right some people stretch it out to three meetings to me that takes too long. So I think mastering your sales process for yourself is important and knowing who you are as a person. Me personally, I'm not like I said, I would strongly recommend not to be pushy or some people like that. Right? It's like our relationship some people like people that are aggressive some people like people that are laid back you really, you know, you kind of end also every client isn't for you. That's something that's important as well. Right? You can't chase money because ultimately a bad client is not worth the money that you're going to get like this true. It's not worth it in the long run because they're going to be caught. Are you two gonna be hounding you and the stress and this evening the the service work that it may take you might make a little bit of money, but it's going to cost you way more time. So I tell people all the time the first meeting. I have a people I say this is for me to feel you out to see if you're a good fit for me and for you to see if I'm a good fit for you. I'm not trying to get every single person that walks into my door when you take that approach another psychological trick here. Is it reason why the pretty girl or the Some guy whatever they always have people lined up to date them reason being is because they're hard to get psychologically once you actually get the girl. You're it's not the same the girl that constantly reject you we chase after that the girl that we can easily get you look right past the same thing with sales. I know to get Bernie Madoff when I watch this movie and I read some stuff and they were saying that when he became so big too. Get money like he would turn people down. They would say they were begging they wanted they wanted to work with. Yeah, because now if he's approaching it like give me your money. I need your money. They're looking at it like know psychologically. He's like, I don't need your money when somebody tells you that they don't need you you want them or not. So that's another trick for sales people to understand as well. You have to kind of position yourself to make it seem like you're the real asset your clients need you more than you need your clients. Well that comes to inventory. Also, so you'll see that with certain Vehicles. Like let's say the g wagon a big SUV a Mercedes-Benz people are paying top dollar for that car because you just can't get it and you got people calling around the dealership saying hey, do you have this car in stock? Whatever it is. I'm going to pay it because I want that particular car. So it does Drive the market. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, that's that's some hacks. That'll psychological packs right there. Holy gotta clean. It's funny. You mentioned not being pushy but to that point, I'm not a pushy type of Person that I think you guys could see that I'm pretty easygoing. But sometimes you need to nudge people right? I can't tell you how many times the person was everything loose perfect the car the color The Price Equipment dealership. Everything was just right and they just were still hesitant. It's like this fear of commitment, right? And sometimes you just have to let people know say listen. It's okay to say yes, and I'm telling you I can't tell you how many people I've asked people said. Let me ask you a question. If you said yes right now what would happen? And they go nothing. I'd have the car like would you be comfortable with the monthly payment? Yeah, would you be happy with the mother? Would you be making life-changing decisions over that monthly thing? They don't know I'd have a brand-new car and I go so let's do it and I go okay. Hey, look, he's they go. Okay, and they're surprised that like, you know what I just bought a car and then take those are the happiest people in the world because sometimes they need that little nudge not pressure but nudge to say yes. This is true that the fact that you just said that made me think of like I've taken a few people like you know that I'm Become the person that oh, you must know about cars and I'm like, oh this deal is done here to come the keys and then like for real, I'm like, yeah, you just got a new car like for real like yeah. Yeah. We're Sailors were psychologically trained to be fearful. Yeah ever since we're kids were like told not to talk to strangers and then like we, you know, we go to school all day and then we it's like so we're not use very few people like me. I'll do anything only kid make a lot of bad decisions that way but sometimes it works out well for the most part. People are very scared. That's another thing as a Salesman you need to understand that that people are scared to do anything. Nobody wants to do anything. You want to just stay in their comfort zone and do what they've been doing any time some somebody does something that they haven't done or something. That's uncomfortable. It takes a lot of courage to do that and we've been saying that like your life starts when your comforter so what is this day people will do business more. So with people that they like and feel comfortable with and somebody that's knowledge, but that's another mistake that people make Lots of people leave with knowledge and information they have all these facts and nobody a nobody understands what they're talking about. Nobody cares what you're talking about and B, they don't care people will make bad decisions based off of people that they like look at love people do all the time relationship. So the key is to get somebody to like you once you once they like you you pretty much can you do whatever you want now? You can't abuse that power because you kind of use it but it's more important to work on those skills than it is. Of course, you have to have knowledge. But if somebody likes you they buy into you as a person now the rest you can kind of just goes in a direction you want to go? Yeah, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care and that's playing this and it's all about relationship. It's true. So, alright. Well that was a lot a lot of times on a lot of different topic no pads wear out. Yeah for sure. So how can the people contact you if they want to buy a car? I know you do some other stuff is So yeah, what should I do some Consulting for so long as it is, you know any industry that has to do with customers. That's really what you know, I enjoy doing it. I enjoy taking P tank are people so well there is restaurants or hotels or you know, even furniture stores. I've done stuff with where we help them in their helping to make the customers process easier. That's what I do. But yeah my Instagram, you know C CH 1 1 6 feel free to hit me up on that. Well, how about your client was you got any famous clients? I got some yeah, I guess. Some pretty cool clients and there's a long time and yeah, I've got some basketball players some really cool people. Yeah, are you leaving now? So yeah I said, oh really? Yeah, exactly. Most important Yeah, man. So we just gonna give a big shout-out to everybody that's on patreon are proud to pay program. We got some new members this week Elliot Miguel, Brittany, Alana and Jason. Thank you for your support patreon, as you know has five different. You can join any T that you would like, you know, it allows us to do things like we're about to do in Houston. But what we've done in Atlanta what we've done in LA in Brooklyn, you know, come to the People Meet chop it up with everyone. Hopefully you get to network and find somebody in that meeting that can help you out in your future. So patreon allows us to do that. So continue to support that as backslash n your leisure. Our merch is up on our site. We actually don't have some new merch coming very Very soon. So be on the lookout for that. We have some other initiatives that we're actually going to launch it a very near future you want. Yeah working on a lot of things right now and it's a little bit you why y'all University. We really can't get into it right now, but very very very short. So no way we'll be laying out the whole blueprint for eyl University. We are excited. So yeah, that's going to be that's going to be dopes met David amazing. That's a way to you know, because the podcast so everything we do is informational base, like people want more information in terms. Active only so much that we can get in one hour podcast, right? So this is going to be more interactive. This is going to be you know, all educational base platform. And another thing along those lines. Is that a lot of time people hit me up DME question people know at this point on financial advisor. So what we did is I made my calendar available on our website only My calendar is up. So if you have a question related to investing you got inheritance, you got a rollover that you want to do. You left your job. You want life insurance you can go Go on your and you can book a 30-minute consultation with me. It's free and it's a lot easier to me than responding to DMs. I get a lot of dams and it's just difficult. But as I said, if you're looking to invest if you're looking for some financial planning help if you're looking for some guidance, you can go on the website but a 30-minute consultation on my calendar. And then now we can take it from there and the book tip for this week is the closest survival guide from Grant Cardone about them. Yes out the credit card. He's a he's an interesting person is interesting person. But yes, he gave you a shout-out to on Twitter, right? Yeah, he posted something he had a him and I had a chance to meet real cool guy very positive and especially the car industry to he's very well known in the car industry. Yeah, so he posted that book and it's good not just for car salesman anybody that's looking to you know, like we talked all the stuff that we talked about today. So I highly recommend that and yeah, thank you guys for rocking with us. We will see you next week. Peace.
Christian Charvet has an inspiring life story. He grew up in some of the toughest neighborhoods in New York City and turned to the streets as an adolescent. In his early 20s, he turned his life around. He got his GED, worked his way up in the car industry, and is now one of the top Mercedes Benz sales managers in the country. He has over 20 years of experience in the car business, his client list reads like a who’s who in New York’s power circle. In episode 32 we went in-depth on everything you need to know about cars. We broke down the advantages of leasing and buying, we explained the different tax breaks associated with each, we looked at buying new vs used, and we explained all the technical car buying terms. Christian also gave insight into different career paths within the automotive industry, a sector that you can earn six figures in without a college degree. We also went in-depth about the art of selling. We explained different psychological traits to look for from customers and how to master the art of closing. We explained how mastering and understanding selling is vital to everyone, not just salespeople. Guest IG: @cch116 Book Tip: Closers Survival Guide --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. · Talk Money With Mesh Lakhani Podcast: On The Talk Money with Mesh Lakhani podcast, Mesh will follow paper trails, chat with experts, and break down complex ideas to bring clarity to the mystical financial phenomena behind your finances.
Hello and welcome along to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Steve McKnight. And and today on the show. We are going to get talk about our year in review. It's a we've just been reading the one roof property report, which is came out yesterday and it's something up a lot of what's happened in the property Market with in 2019 and Dennis and I have beenSitting here reading through this report and you know pouring over the different pieces of data and thinking about what this all beans. And so what we've done is we've each picked out something in particular that we find really interesting or that we want to talk about and share that with you. So the main thing for me is that with in 2019, we have had so much new regulation come in be introduced or that soon will be introduced. There was a real Reset of kiwi bolt. They dumped that Target. There was a potential capital gains tax that was going to come in and then that got dumped ring-fencing laws came in and we had the loss of tax breaks for investment properties, which meant that many investors who were negatively geared now have to put in an extra third Top-Up of their mortgage to keep that to keep that going. There was also an increase of increased focus on healthy homes. That was the healthy homes legislation and standards. These were started to come in we also At local elections and they've been a whole heap of cuts to the official cash rate. Now. The one thing that I found so interesting in this actually comes back to an article that I saw that might cost King wrote last week or the week before he was saying that despite all of these things the New Zealand property Market is still strong and you know what I kind of agree with them back in 2000 and October 2018 the median property price in New Zealand was just over 500 61k Today, it's up around 607 K. Now what that means is that over despite all of these increases in legislation. We've had foreign buyer bands. We've had restricted migration. We've had the you know, the ring-fencing we've had potential capital gains taxes. We've had all of this uncertainty in the market. We've had increased costs for investors and yet the median house price in New Zealand has increased 8.2% The Kiwi property Market is strong. And that is my Tycho at my key takeaway when I'm reading these reports because we've had so so much coming from the government. So many new ideas being introduced so many things that could potentially impact the New Zealand property market and have an inverse effect on property prices and yet the market is still really strong and I think that comes back to the fact that we've got really strong fundamentals with in New Zealand. We've got a relatively strong economy. We've got good Population growth even though the government has is introducing measures to try and limit net migration. We've still got strong population growth and and a growing population just naturally from from the the growth of families with the New Zealand. And so I think these are this is almost you know, when I'm reading this report thing in gosh so much has happened with in 2019 in the property market and yet you know so many things we have been introduced that could go wrong and yet we've had as such strong growth as an average across the country. I think that's a real really good news story now Dennis you have been reading this report along with me the one roof probably record and tell me what was your biggest takeaway from this? Yes, it's something I found quite interesting was when we looked at first home buyers. So with first home buyers, it's saying they'll always like to compete for affordable stock. So when you think of investors investors also want a deal with Buying a property so quite often they are also looking at affordable stock. Now when I was looking at the what's considered affordable for a first home buyer budget in Auckland, you are looking at 800 to a million now when you looked in other centers when we looked at Christchurch and Dunedin you're looking at 502 or sorry 450 to 500 thousand. So this is where we've also seen the largest. Just increases of investment activity. So along these other areas Auckland Wellington Hamilton the saying that first home buyer activities definitely up. It's a good indication that the market is sort of starting to come out of the slump. So from from a slump is where investors often want to come back into the market and they want to look at buying as you'll see it. We've also got the certainty real market so we know what's happening. We now just need to put a plan behind there and Make sure that we're buying the right stock for our portfolio. Yes. I think that we are definitely seeing more and increase in activity within the property markets. Now, of course, it's always an interesting talking talking about about slumps and property Cycles around the country because these are in fact different markets as well. You know, we're seen Auckland has kind of been in this little slump over the last couple of years we may or we may not be coming out of that depending on what we start to see. In the next couple of a couple of months and years worth of data. My back is that we're probably pick rather is that we're probably going to still be relatively flat in Auckland before before having a another uptick in a couple of years, but we are seeing more activity. We are seeing more first home buyers coming into the market and I remember one of the things that you were saying before we hit the big record button was that it can be a good idea for investors to study what first home buyers are doing. So the reason I was just touching on that is because we're first home buyers are buying that that also limited to a budget. You also have to remember that first home buyers are always going to be emotional with your purchase. So so it is an area that is still of interest and this is often at an affordable house price. So from an investment standpoint, if you're looking Within These centers it's often affordable for an investor as well as just knowing what the budget is where the people want to live in a comfortable living. Because you know that you can put people in a good spot. That's still I guess it ties in with our last podcast of living in these areas that are affordable but also accessible to the city definitely and I think that will probably do more of these ear and reviews as we have more guests before 2019 and we'll talk about more about how to be successful within property investment with in 2020 as we near the new year and as we near January, so I will no doubt be doing one of these. With Andrew as well now, please don't forget to rate review And subscribe to this podcast. It really does help us get the message out to more people and how if you want to learn more about property then why not check out one of our online video courses a particularly good one is our free property investment video course, which is available at oppas Partners dot coder and said that's ope is Partners dot coated in said so you can go there and sign up for that. Thanks for listening to the property Academy podcast. I'm your host Ed McKnight, and I'm going to show and we're going to be back again tomorrow with even more daily strategies tactics and insights to help you get the most out of the New Zealand property Market until next time.
In this episode, we discuss the OneRoof Property Report for the last quarter of 2019. This report sums up how the property market has operated over the last year in New Zealand. Ed's top takeaway is that although the property market has faced so many changes in the last year: Ring-fencing laws changing, the Healthy Homes Act implementation, a potential capital gains tax being introduced and the government's focus on reducing net migration. And yet, despite all this, the median house price in New Zealand still increased by 8,19%. Despite these changes, the market is still resilient and that's because the fundamentals of the NZ property market are still strong Special guest, Dennis Schipper shares that we're seeing more first home buyers enter the market, which is a great sign that decreased interest rates and the slight relaxation of LVRs (which came out earlier this year) are having an effect. Dennis' top tip is to follow where first home buyers are buying because he sees it as a good sign for future property price growth as families settle into particular areas. As always, if you would like to find out more about property investment in NZ, then check out the Epic Guide to Property Investment in NZ on the Opes Partners website.
Hey everyone, welcome to the deconstructor of fun podcast interview Series today. We have our host myself Joseph Kim and Mishka katkov in our guest today is Angela Roseboro who is Chief diversity officer in Talent acquisition lead at one of our favorite companies Riot games. So today we will be talking about sensitive but critical topics which include company culture and diversity in gaming companies today and just to be clear. We want to not just focus on the diversity and inclusion.Which many folks in the media tend to focus on more specifically but also culture more generally and the impact of culture on an organization. Hi, Angela Hi, how are you doing? Really really great and so happy to have you on but I thought we gets first start by talking about you. You have a really impressive background spanning large traditional companies and with experienced in many Industries, including Finance Consulting and prior to Ryan at another favorite company of mine Dropbox. Could you tell us about your career trajectory and how you got to write it first? Okay. I'm so happy that you like both Riot and Dropbox. That means that I've made great choices in my career. So I'm going to start by saying that so, you know, I've been doing diversity where I started off as an HR professional back in 2000 and I always thought that there was this interesting intersection between business and differences. So I worked at a company Where we were consumer goods company and we were trying to decide how do we build our Marketplace and we had not really focused on women who are being much more in the workplace. And so to be able to tie that was really it took my love of people and my love of business and it kind of tied together. But I also knew that there were issues and barriers for women and people of color when they come into traditional organization, so and I had two daughters and I really wanted to have a world where my daughters could be who they were authentic Lee and I actually thought that I would do this job for like five years and we you know, because we talked about the concept of diversity is pretty simple and people get it that my job was to work myself out of a job. And so 15 16 years later. I still have the job of doing diversity work and I makes me sad in some ways because I really wanted this this to the concept of diversity and the practice is to be already kind of ingrained as part of the company's DNA, but happy to To help companies kind of live up to their promise of Tomorrow their people. So I started off in HR. I've been doing this for 15 years. I was doing in more traditional companies manufacturing and finance and and then we're in large companies. So 70,000 people eighty thousand a hundred thousand people and I have this call from a recruiter around Dropbox and I said, you know if I could go to a company with mm because it's hard to turn a company culture around when you are in that. Big and your that institutional but Dropbox to us this new startup company of all that new but it was like 10 years old and it was 2000 and if I could embed diversity and process and then people and as they grow be part of their DNA then I would retiring write a book about how you would do this and how would you not need again diversity professional to help guide your company culture? And so I went to Dropbox. I loved it. My favorite part of Dropbox was not just the the way that Drew. Has started Dropbox for that was he was on a bus and he lost his flash drive and he built this company and that was just very fascinating and so being able to study that but also my favorite part was, you know, I said I was able to sing karaoke with Drew Houston, which is one of my favorite things to do and so we started this strategy. I started off by listening as I always do I go around and I just talked to people about what diversity is what it isn't that one of the barriers and so we do a lot of listening sessions. A lot of data Gathering and came up with a strategy Midway through that. I got a call from Riot and decided to take the call because of the front of my friends is fine had joined Riot and started the cultural revolution and talked to her a lot. And it was a hard decision. I have to say to leave Dropbox on come to Riot and decide to come to Riot because two things one. I read the internet post that said, I'm sorry. We're sorry. And that a company which straight to I'm sorry that we didn't listen. We didn't hear was impressive to me. And I remember asking did Frances it comes to that or did the leaders do that? And the leaders did it they listened a lot? And so and then I got a chance to meet with rioters and saw the heart of Riot and really wanted to again to make an impact and a difference and the third reason was I you know was a part of Leadership team and in this role you probably important to HR but you're not on an exactly the same. So as I was saying no to write because I did say no and beginning. I'm an African-American woman. I never aspired to be on an executive team. And so I the purpose of me coming became bigger because I wanted other little black girls to be able to see me and be able to roll model that you can be there and you can Aspire so here I am never aspire to do it never thought it was possible and now I could be Role model for others who say yes, we can get to that point because what I know about this about diversity people want to see people that they can aspire to be and if you don't have that then you think that that's not possible for you. So I want to people to know that it was possible. Wow. That's a great story Angela. Thanks so much for that. And in terms of the question, I wanted to open with in a recent interview with venturebeat Mike morhaime. The founder of Blizzard talked about how blizzards greatest creation was its culture if I'm going to be really honest. And the majority of the target company seems to be very conceptual and does not actually seem to be more actual or practical. So from your perspective. Can you talk to us about how you Define culture at Riot and what you believe the actual impact is on a company's performance. I think culture is your calling card. It is your personality of your company. And you know, I think that culture will happen whether you know, if you don't even talk about it, you will have a culture by how you behave in a company. I think we're leaders have two CEOs and leaders. Were they have to be very deliberate about describing their culture and being very honest about what that culture is. So even at Riot there is if you ask leaders what the culture was it was very different than how writers would describe the culture. So you had a disconnect from that so part of it is how do you take what that aspiration or what the leadership defines the culture to be? How do you talk? About it from people who actually are living that culture. And and this is what you have to be very honest hold that mirror up and say are we what we think we are and that's a very honest and vulnerable place that leaders have to get to because to your point culture. We can talk about culture all day long. It is I measure culture about how people experience your company and if people are experiencing it they're going to give you in a way that brings out their best and they are agreeing with the way the company Running they will give you their best discretionary effort. If not, you know, I read this book that said it takes ten years to change a company culture. It takes one two, three, four individuals to change. So even if someone says our culture's our greatest asset we have to make sure that every Rider is in step with in a line with that culture. So you have to interview for it. You have to you know, make sure that you have process around it to make sure that you are all leveraging a shared norms and then as a person I can Decide what type of culture is best fit for me, right? So I know companies do their company cultures. They're going to work. You really hard going to pay you a lot of money and people can decide. That's the place I want to be but there are others who want people who are more compute. I worked at GE which had a very distinct culture and there are other cultures where people want to be creative and they want to be embraced. And so if I come into that culture and I'm very rigid I won't fit into that culture. So I think we have an opportunity to really be deliberate and decide and Define. And the model that so it's not one thing to say. This is our culture. But if the leaders aren't modeling that culture or Molly knows behaviors, then it's just kind of a conceptual thing. So you have to put meat behind what you think your culture is and you have to reward and sometimes carrot-and-stick. You're not applying to that right? And so could we go a little bit deeper on that aspect in terms of implementing the company culture. I mean in my own personal experience, it it often times implementation. Of culture is like, you know an HR slide presentation, which is $10. Somebody sticks a poster on the wall with 10 bullet points, and that's our culture. So I was wondering if you could talk a little bit more about this implementation piece, which I think that a lot of companies is probably not very strong. Yeah, you know, it's what is one of those things where I think for the case of Riot we had to evolve the culture and so, you know when you and your probably ask me more about this like when you start a company And I'm glad I was able to be into tech companies now writes more entertainment exports, but you have people who are innovators. So they start off as very innovators and they want to be counter at least my experience. They want to be this free-flowing, you know, kind of we want to empower people. We want to just be free-flowing. We want to just be anti-corporate so to speak and so they don't want to have convention around that so they kind of just let Everybody kind of be and do and be entrepreneurial and then you grow and then you have to then decide what the culture is. So when I talk about companies who would and how you actually execute and you deliver on a culture. It is really not just saying here's who we are it is and world's on the wall it is how do I measure for that? How do I reward for that? So in Performance Management Systems, there's the what you delivered in terms of results and it's the how so Have a person who is really good at making a lot of money, but their sense of how is not endemic to the culture in the company has to have a real decision about in spite of the fact that this person is delivering on this if they're how is so counter to your culture. Then you have to make decisions. And I think that's what companies kind of fail a little bit where they don't put as much emphasis on the how than the what if that makes any sense. So if I am a salesperson I'm bringing a million dollars. But yeah, I'm a crappy person. And you now have to take a decision if that is what do you what do you value most and I would love for companies to Value the how exact value both because what happens is that people will see that and so whatever you decide you're cut your culture is if I see people who are being rewarded for not living up to those values, then I can't believe that that's the culture that you're subscribing to be part of. My job is the hardest is holding that mirror up to say, here's who you say you are but here Was happening and leaders have to be open to that and vulnerable to that as well. And so we do that here now right away. I see I have a lot of time more like yours who we want to be but here's who how we are. What do we need to do now and next and so what I also find is that when you sit in kind of that c-suite you experience the company very differently than probably the folks who are working there every day and so leaders being able to experience what their employees are experiencing and being open to To that is another disconnect. I think companies make when they start talking about their culture because they might think yeah, this is a great culture but they're it getting all the advantages of the culture. But if your employees are not experiencing the same culture that you are then there's a disconnect and you have to go in and figure out what that disconnected and then decide what you need to change and I think companies don't decide what they need to change right and also it seems like to get that consistency and to actually implement the culture. It sounds like it would really require. Pretty heavy commitment from leadership and from employees and could you talk about that what level of commitment is required to kind of implement culture at companies? So, you know, I think for me it starts with what your mission your mission kind of is the first thing that describes your culture and for us you want to be the most player Focus gaming company in the world, so that starts with and so if anyone's buying into that our employees and our writers have to be there and then once we decide Set the mission. What are the values in which we're going to operate? Like how are we going to hold ourselves accountable for how we operate how we connect and then it starts to Cascade into what are the objectives of the company? So I think all of those have to be lockstep to fulfill the mission. So I hope I answered the question that you asked but it has to be that leaders have to have constant conversations. So we use things like our employee surveys to Really kind of match us up between what we talk about culture do our leaders live up to our values. Are they committed to diversity? This is where you have to act on the what your employees are telling you we spent a lot of time at Riot listening and trying to Pivot and I don't suspect that it's hard because changing behaviors are hard you do it because you either want to or you have to either way. I like I got on the treadmill this morning. I didn't want to I didn't have to but I want to lose 10 pounds. So there's a choice that I have to make and so and I think when you want to change you and when you get into stress levels you go back to the way you were when you have to change you continue to move and I think for us, you know, whether we enjoyed the last year that article was a catalyst for us to change and we wanted to end we had to okay, you mentioned your mission statement, and actually maybe we could dig into That because if I'm being honest in my own personal experience, I'm not a hundred percent clear on how important or the value of having a mission statement for our company is and so, you know, you kind of mentioned, you know, the mission statement kind of drives a culture, but could you go a little bit more deeper into that? Like I personally can't remember the mission statement for a lot of the companies that I've been a part of people talk about how important it is. And so just to delve a little bit deeper on that awesome. You know, I think if you don't have a it's really your North Star and it's kind of your guiding principle. If you don't have a mission then why do we exist? So your mission is kind of your purpose. Yeah, and if I don't have a purpose then I'm not going to be focused on the policies and the processes. I need to achieve that now I don't think that I think that missions can change over time, but I think it is it is the thing. That is the singular thing that focuses everyone. To the end result, right? So I think they're super important because I have to but so if I don't believe if I don't buy into player focused then I can add value to this company and so it is my calling card and if I can't connect with the purpose of a company then how can I be successful and their company missions that I don't connect with it. I would never apply to do to to be there but I do think it's critically important because it's the it's the one statement that says Why we're here and what we're here to do. I do think they're overused but we try to stay back to it. And then we reinforced it here so that people know you may not know everything that's behind that but you will know this is what we're here to do. And so I think they're critically important and I think you should we as your look for work or look for a job. You should that's the first thing I look at like what is that mission of that company and then what are the values of that company and can I do I support those routes and then I talked to a lot of you about Is that really true do we really is that really the value of these do we hold true these values that we espouse to so I know they feel like words but if a company is using them well and it is really focusing people. I think it's a really gal is a way to Rally your employees to achieve your purpose. Okay got it. And so my final question before handing it over to Mishka is actually about drawing versus weak culture and in my own experience. There's often talk about strong. Or weak culture at different companies, but at least in my experience is not it hasn't really been defined. Yeah to go too far off topic here. But you know, I'm a football fan and one of the things said about the New England Patriots is that they have a strong culture. Yeah based on that culture. There are some NFL players with personalities that won't allow them to succeed at some organizations, but due to the strong culture of the Patriots and potentially be successful there and From your perspective. Can you talk to me about what you think makes or a strong culture at different organizations? And you know, what does that mean? And how can it help a gaming company? JK? We were all bonded to you set your Patriots fans on the I think the Patriots have strong leaders. Okay, and their leader is defined because if you ever I just saw I saw Bill press conference and they were asking about Antonio Brown. He was like not going there like he's just a strong leader and he has things in place that when you go there, you know what to expect from that organization and so he's built that culture and I remember I talked about earlier about you can decide what that culture is, and he has done that he is done that masterfully and it is why they continue to when I don't see color As binary as weak or strong culture is what culture is but it's not you can't have a strong culture. If you don't have a strong leader that is driving that and holding people accountable for their actions and their behavior. So, you know, I think he also is a smart strategist about how he goes about I say that not being a Patriot Patriots fan. I'm a Chicago fan, but I do recognize strong leadership. Let me say that and so You I would know when I went to the Patriots No Nonsense No Nonsense. I'm a be about the about playing and being good at my craft because I know what to expect and so that's the other thing about having a culture with strong leadership, you know what to expect and so I know I can't go there. No, I was I wouldn't use a difference strong culture and I would say Phil Jackson of the Chicago Bulls, but how he had a mission, but the other thing that happened with that team, Is that they all were focused on winning championships? So even in that culture you in my talk about Mission they were all rallied around winning this Championship. Now, I was I was in Chicago the time where we won those six championships. Yeah, Chicago Bulls and I would say I could not imagine Michael Jordan and Dennis Rodman being friends outside of work, but they all had a role to play for the success of the Chicago Bulls. Yes, and so it wasn't even about if there's tight friendships. It was about the strong leadership and how Phil Jackson was had the ability to to create a triangle office. So that Michael Jordan had to pass the ball or tennis Robin as you know, flamboyant as you might thought he was he was the best rebounder. He just let him rebound can try to change him. He just used those skills to meet that mission. Right? So I think that leaders defined that culture and bill has done a fantastic job. Of doing that even though he's with the Patriots. I would like to be a legend because the bears but yeah another time. Okay niska. Alright, this was this is fascinating to listen. I'm kind of like I'm excited to get to my part of it, but I was kind of just enjoying the talk and until you got to the other basketball and you would have talked about hockey, you know, like Blackhawks. I would have been all over Chicago. Oh, yeah, so I want to own a dive deep more into into the context around Riot and the culture there so many people of course know a lot about Riot and of course about League of Legends and The company and the game have a lot of incredible passion and devotion from its players and employees. So it was I think it was on a say that was surprising pretty much for everybody when they could talk more article inside the culture of sexism at Riot games by Cecilia the Anastasia came out and that kind of kicked off The Firestorm and the controversy of for the company as well as the posted that you mentioned where the company apologized from from pretty much from its employees as well as his players. So presumably you Angela Were brought in to help improve things at Riot since the Kotaku article and we thought about reaching out to you out to you when we saw the dry a blog post about your Reflections the other one year later and all of those articles will be linked in this podcast. So to be quite honest we were super impressed in that the post showed a very thoughtful and structured approach to the process that you took in in such a such a Monumental task. So let's so let's talk about this task and can you tell Gus sort of back to the day one wait you got the call and he mentioned you got the call from from Riot and the call was whether you would be interesting to join Riot and then I want to kind of hear like what was that like and take us through the the decision to join the company how you came up with the plan and how things are over there right now. So when I first got the call it was who because I'm not I don't play me. Me and so I'm I'm more of a board games person. So it was who is this? And what do they what is it was happening? Then I started to read the blog post and I started to read the Kotaku article and my initial response just to be quite honest was no I was a place that I loved. I was at a place where we were making traction and and I bought a new team And then Francis Pride who's a good friend of mine called and said I just want you to talk with him. And I said, okay, I'll do that and it was a it was a free trip to La so, you know I could do that was in San Fran the time and then I got to talk to the leaders and very candid discussions about what they learn who they were and what they what they thought why would they surprised because there was a lot of surprised that you know, I think the Kotaku article Raised a lot of we just didn't know we always wanted to be this great company and it was a lot of hurt. I think when I talk to leaders and so being able to talk with them and decide if they're ready because this could either have been I said this in the in the blog this could have been a catalyst to just change an industry and be a game-changer or it could have been a PR check the box and I hadn't really decide which one rare Riot was going to be and so when they talk to me about being a cautionary tale for the industry and being a leader in the industry and being able to learn from what's Happening when I heard the story of how Riot grew I became intrigued knowing that there was still some issues knowing that there were still some there was such hurt among rioters, but the heart of Riot that was great is that people fought to stay so you could have had like an onslaught of people just like screw this I'm out but people love Riot and they were passionate about making this Better place and even when I came I still felt that but I still felt the pain of not only leaders. I felt the pain of rioters and the distrust between the two like people felt let down and so I wanted to be part of the come back. I want to be part of the story moving forward if there was any way I could help I really wanted to and so it wasn't it was still hard to leave where I was and I think I kind of even turned the job down. But when I talk to rioters and I saw their faces that they really wanted to be a good company that they felt let down. I wanted to be part of the come back. And so that was my decision to pack up and and to come to Riot what learned in that space and I said this little bit earlier and is that when you are building something new and when I talked to the founders they wanted to build the best. Game four players that was their focus and they wanted people who wanted the same thing. I've got goes back to Mission. And so what we will cut we have brought in were people who all are incredibly focused on player experience. And even though we were going through some know we had some growing up in some Growing Pains the mission and the purpose still stay the same. It was why people raise their hand to to talk about this because they want it right to be better not they want to take right out. So when you Start from that point you can build so I didn't have to sell why we should change I didn't have to there was a lot of work going on from day one that I got to talk about. But that was happening right after Kotaku article hit there was a team that put together they did up incredible work over that past year. And so I got to be to come in and help manage it and talk about it, but the rioters really stepped up and the writers really To see change and so that was great to see and but I wanted to find out what leader stand in the way of that and the answer then and the answer now is no hmm. Yeah, and you've been I mean just reading through this article and then kind of seeing what's been happening. It's been a lot so you joined the company and midst of like changing leadership. There's rapid growth. There's organizational shifts and you come in on a public stage. I mean, this is one of the most interesting companies gaming companies. Out there and one of the most successful and you know, a lot of things have happened you brought in the experts you expanded the leadership team you facilitate a different external Partnerships with different foundations increase the diversity and two people processes and systems evolve the culture and kind of like one of the key questions. I mean, I have a list of questions for course, but uh, but um what it one of the one of the kind of like most important question for all of us who kind of were reading this is These kind of big changes these kind of rapid changes. Would they be happening without the pr like do companies need to have you know, kind of you know do wrong before before they see the signs or is this is this voidable incense? I think it's avoidable. If it's deliberate what I love about new companies coming up and I'm talking to be seized in the next couple of months. The first thing you should do is talk about sex. A couple you want to be and you can be very deliberate and kind of who you bring in not just friends, but just people who will give you a different perspective. And so when most companies that are startups they start off with people they know people they're comfortable with you can deliberately say I had a different perspective and you could and you could deliberately say, okay, I'm comfortable here. Let me be a little bit uncomfortable will companies do it. If not pushed. That's a great question. I do think You know for ride it was we already had a diversity effort. This was a catalyst to step it up. And again, you know when you're a practitioner like I am you want that way to be able to make change quickly and so, you know Riot need it to and had to make some changes and and we did, you know, there are other companies that say they want to do this and when you have to change behaviors, we have to change systems. They go to only To a certain point and so it is always been my hope that people see the value you can see diversity as either a barrier or an opportunity to do things greatly, you know, so I see diversity as an opportunity for business as an opportunity for talent or you can see diversity as something that I have to get over or I have to manage and that's and people what I know about humans is that they like to be comfortable so and this is an uncomfortable topic. And it's not it's not a task thing that if I do this, it's not a check the box. It's really about how do you embed this into everything you do and so right was ready to so when I when I came it was really about how is diversity or how does inclusion or hands of belonging impact business? How does it impact your process? I should be at the reason why I'm busy is that every decision that's made this company has a diversity lens to it from who we hire to our Champions to everything. Thing and so and it's one where I don't own everything but I have influence I should have influence on a broad spectrum of things. So I do think that companies at the heart of them if they do it if they do it just because it's the right thing to do which I think we all agree, but it's not a business case for doing it. I think it starts to get lost. So do I think that I can't speak for him. It would Riot deliberately while we ride head done this if they didn't get the Kotaku. I do think that that article was a catalyst for Change and maybe We needed at the time. So let's talk about the the change in how to drive it. I mean Riot has 2,500 people around the world. So it's not a you know, it's a small company but as a game company, it's gigantic changing company culture seems to be extremely difficult even in a much smaller company. So because it's so embedded deep within within everything that we do so in the article, you showed that Riot had this transparent. EA commitments and in created, you know, very clear milestones and transparent Milestones. So my question is is that the best way to move forward and if it is please do tell us why and then kind of like, how do we my questions? Like, how do you change culture? That's really the question, you know, I think the 30-60-90 day commitment was a way that were tactically we can kind of measure progress. I do think what gets measured gets done. That is the philosophy that I have. That to me putting those initiatives in place. That's the not the hardest part of this job is you know, because I'm I think what we're good at or what I love to do is to put the structures in place to support where we're going and so I am structured in that way the hardest part that what really made me extremely nervous two things one coming to Riot. I'm not I don't play league and I'm not to just what you did find as a traditional gamer. How would I be Accepted into the culture. How would I have credibility? Who do I would people say? Ah, why is she here would people say she's just here because of this so that was really made me a little bit nervous about how I would enter to the company so it comes back to me again listening to even though we had we listened to 1700 Ryan's the first thing I did was meet with a lot of riders will bring them together and they would I would say what do we need to do different? So actually are Strategy was built by rioters because you can't create that in a vacuum and think that you're going to change. I want to go into this document great. You do these three things, but it didn't relent relate or respond to what our writers need it. Then it wouldn't have felt authentic or organic for for them. So it is that the reason why we're so transparent which I will say and Joe who's with me here is our head of PR will say like we're probably more transparent than any company I've ever been The other it made me nervous here was that we were broken. I mean you could see it you could see it and it was heartbreaking to see rioters who love this company get deflated and I was very purposeful to how do we bring the ring everybody back together because that is what was broken and how you know, when you go through something like what we're going through you can have it could be very divisive and so my biggest His Focus was I didn't want us to be that I didn't want to be mean to each other. I don't know we have this thing called treat everybody with Grace and dignity and I asked once I said it Behavior changed. Hmm. Once I said, we we can disagree without being disagreeable. We must treat people with dignity and Grace and so even in our slack Channel you have people going in there going treat people with dignity and Grace because that's what it comes down to it comes down to kindness. You want to change a culture be kind be human be vulnerable. And yes, your people not just listen, but here and so I got a chance to hear the pain and be able to be on a leadership team where I could even though they may not have felt it the same way. I could be the person I could like we're in pain and we all have to change how we are acting particularly at a leadership level you now have to model you have to connect with people. They have to know you have to rebuild trust and that was the hardest part. How do we rebuild trust and Wait, look we're still a work in progress. We still we cannot take our foot off the gas. Not for one second. We cannot get comfortable with any progress. We made not for one second because it is has to consistently be deliberate. All the time is the beauty of I think the advantage of having this role sit on an executive team because I can constantly remind us what we need to do and we need them there, but I think we have a great solid plan and we test that plan. Do you see a How you feeling is going back to rioters? How are you feeling? I spent a lot of time with our young women talking to them about. You know, we had I think we had to walk out in May and that was like a month to for me and I had to decide what I go or not, and I absolutely would go because I had daughters and I was actually quite impressed with the courage to have voice and and I got to hear things and I got to hear experiences and as a result we And our code of conduct so we changed our romantic dating policy. And that was an immediate impact that people felt that people felt a little bit safe a little bit more secure a little bit like we are changing so you have to show the visible change. I think II was people don't leave companies. They leave managers and so are our managers equipped to lead teams and we focus on making sure that they have capability. We're putting together a Performance Management to hold them accountable for it. So there's an accountability point that you have to have You're changing culture as well. Like what are we accountable to do and how we hold it people for that old and holding them accountable for their behaviors. Not just their knowledge. Mmm. So you mentioned a lot about talking to to a lot of riders and you know slack as a great tools because because one of the things that that I think is, you know, I think culture is also baked into the vocabulary that the other people use in the company uses. Did you look a lot at to two languages the word choices and so Oh it starts at all. And did you see this change happening in the way, you know, then the words people use. Yes. So it's interesting. We are creative company and we're pretty loose in I'll keep in mind. Let me let me let me qualify this I hate from Finance where we did not curse it work. Like you just don't say, you know, throw a curse words in finance. You still do it and you kind of talk or everybody's like cursing and I can so like whoa. It was very it was very daunting at first but we also were losing our language about different things that know if you were coming into a company that you would say. Wow. This is how we speak and I had the challenge was how do I don't want to be the language, please like I don't but I do want us to be cognizant that what I might say to you Miss go or ujk may not be offensive. But what I might say To Joe might you know, I could say the same thing the Joe and because of how Joe is oriented. It might not feel good. So how do I regulate language in a way that we're being respectful and that's why we said dignity and Grace so I am used to certain words, maybe others are not and now we've tried to think about the language that be very purposeful about the language and making sure that we know who we are speaking with and that we are speaking about And that's still kind of thing that we have to think through because again, you don't want to be the language police but I don't want my creativity stifled because I'm hearing words that might feel like like they're my stifle my creativity but my fuel somebody else's right. So that's still the balance and I'm and writers are helping me figure that out. And at the other thing I think that is that is probably advantages for me is I'm probably one of the oldest people in the company. So if I say stop that language people, okay. But I have to come check myself too because you know, I may be a bit old-fashioned and so is this whole thing of language but there are certain things I said, we need to stay away from these things. But I've also giving people permission. I think we do this. Well, if something's offencive we ask you to raise your hand because sometimes you don't know what you don't know and so we got to get comfortable saying got to give people permission. We have to get people we have to be able to say we're going to make Sticks along the way and so if I make a mistake and I have a misstep if I if you attack me right away, it makes me with draw inward. So we have to say we're going to make mistakes, but we have to be able to check the language and it's really hard because for again what's offensive to some people may not be offensive to others, but it's always being aware of who's in your surroundings and making sure you are you are responsible as the communicator to make sure that people around you are comfortable and that's what we're trying to drive. Mmm. That's that's really interesting. So, um, let's take a let's take a step back step back or step forward and kind of look at the the impact on the business side because after all most of our listeners are are very interested in the business and actually culture is integral part of performance of the company. Yes. My question is more on our the new values. Are they helping to drive growth? Because after all League of Legends is heavily male driven game and this diversity and inclusion project is is it also broadening? Player Target group to include more women or is that being embraced in possibly the new project? There are possibly a mobile or anything. So here's our will say players want to see their stories reflect them. So in our Champions, we should be reflecting the stories of our players as we become more diverse internally and people are telling their stories or having that perspective. So, I start with the basis of talent if I have the best talent and that Talent is has ethnic diversity gender diversity left-handed people introverted folks. Then I can see that that will broaden my ability to tell the stories and it will broaden ability to have characters that are champions that are feel real for people. The biggest thing that was in the biggest example of that is when you know black panther came out one of the highest gross is and I got to see Look like me do credible things. And so I'm really really hoping that my pants are too does the same thing. So I think that same concept here that you will increase your your player base when people see first of all the games that are geared toward, you know my orientation and how I play different games and I think that's what gaming companies are trying to expand the games. I can tell you TFT, you know early indication is that well, we just launched a team fight tactics and it's a broader. It's a broader base and we're reaping the benefits of having a broader player base on TNT. So and that is a very diverse group of people who came up with that concept. And so the power of diversity is having those perspectives at the table and having people be reflective having the game be reflective of the players and I think we're with our diversity and the more people that we are able to bring in I At that will increase here's the issue. I think is that we typically we have to broaden our net to bring in more talent that looks different and so traditionally if you go to a gaming company certain people apply we have to as a company do more Outreach. So you see girls who code for us is about how do we build the future Workforce? Even if that's like a 10-year investment? I want more women coding. I want more women in art. I want more women. Oh that those stories can be reflected. So being part of the Town acquisition and leading that function I get to influence that so we have to go out and do Outreach to female Gamers and we have to go out and just women in general we have to go out and look at different communities. And so those are the things that we have to do to make the game better and to be and then to hit our mission being player focused. So we're doing things to teach people to teach people league and teach people the gay so I'm still Me too, and I'm left-handed. So you're better than me. I've given up I've given up too many times. So I have a final question regarding Riot and not even recording regarding Riot but Teague regarding this process of changing culture inside, right? Yeah that was interviewing rioters for the new values that actually have left the company. So as many listeners are probably going through and you know with their pen and paper making notes. So what they what they should be, you know thinking about when when improving their culture they're probably also thinking about should they be talking to people who have left? So what is your opinion on that? We do exit interviews for all Riders from leave and they have been very vocal about why they're leaving and we have specific questions around kind of culture and diversity in that and so we get to hear that but I also think it's important for us to You talk to people who are staying and to see how we make that experience better for them. So, you know, we we look at the exit interviews. I think that's really critical, but I have to say I focus more on how do I retain people and what will get people to stay and our strategy was really built on and there was a question I asked it was specific about was the one thing we can do to be taken and so that we could really come up with action and plans that would enable us and operationalize what I heard. Heard and so it is about current developments about wearing a career trajectory. So I want to make sure that we are asking those specific questions about culture about career about all those things. So our goal again is to be not only player folks, but we could also have just people have a great experience here and you know, we're still in the midst of that is something that is never done. Like we will always have to adjust will always have to keep listening. We'll always have to keep learning will always have to keep adjusting. Is not a it's very dynamic in his nature. And so I would say the company stay close to your your surveys ask your people. They will tell you what they need from you if you ask them and you made it safe and then they have to know it's one thing to talk about what you're who you think you are, but they have to see who you are. You have to mirror those behaviors because if you do it trickles down. Mmm-hmm. So um, yeah II understand agree. That's That's but so I have two more questions that I actually have a lot of questions. I have we have so many questions with be more inclusive. Let's talk about hockey a little bit more. That would be here sitting up north. We don't have football or basketball. So I wanted to I wanted to kind of like zoom out into a tech overall and you have your previous with Dropbox as well as with other Industries and Tech overall has this broke culture. That's that's kind of like the broader Tech and we all know and we've discussed the gaming could be a lot more diverse. Yes. So in all your experience, why is why is it so that we have this sort of a bro culture? Okay, so I'm going to go back to something. I said earlier in tech company in Tech and which is similar like a new industry tank at the opportunity to be diverse from the from the jump. They know you could have been very deliberate if they were thinking about it. Hmm, but it wasn't a thought what it was or what it was I think in my to interactions with stick with these companies is that you had very great innovators make it focus on making something great. And the had their friends which looked like them, right so and they started to hire their friends that look like them and and so in their mind, wow, we all are building this thing and Innovation. We have a great place, but we have a great place to work as they have defined it. Like what is great for me maybe different. What's great for everybody else. So then you start to have dissenting views. Right and when you get into a group and then you have one person saying let's do something different that person tends to get drowned out. So I think what text what what what started this kind of full bro culture is this comfortability with being around people, you know, and really trying to make something to really in your to also think about this is great because it is my lens of what great is and we didn't expand you don't expand what great is that? You start to grow in scale. So things start to grow really everything and you're you first, you know, the people who work with you then you know the 50 people but at some point if you are a really high performing startup you're going to scale and grow and at some point you need some processes to make sure that your equitable and so at what point do you think about that? And so I think with Riot we thought about it, we now had to scale it and now we are very deliberate about it. So if you're not deliberate about how you grow your company and your come at your focus on the innovation of the thing that you're building and you're learning to be a CEO, you learn to be a leader. It's always good to have someone I would tell have someone that getup HR person right away because that'll start to even if you don't meet the Process you need the thinking try to get disruptors in your group. Someone's going to keep you on as and keep you accountable and keep that lens on what type of company and what kind of company want to be and having redefined when we start to grow. What do we need to be doing around that and so it juncture you're going to have to take a step back and say what is the next phase of this company? Who do we need who are stakeholders? I think it's around just people being comfortable around people like them and they were this I can imagine I can tell You in a company to company that were and they were in there. There was one apartment that they were all in building this thing and so they got close and so when they start to build a company we start to go we should have three food and we should have all these things that we wish we had we went to a company but we didn't think about what type of culture we were trying to drive. We didn't they don't think about those things until you know, you grow and scale and then you have to then invite a different perspective and I don't think people are good at inviting a different perspective in because then That is really successful thing. So who am I to tell you should be different? And so I think you have to be very deliberate about who you bring it in making sure you have like a person that is a healthy disrupter. No pun intended. That is always going to challenge how you move and put process in place when you need it because you don't often think about those things. Awesome. Well, so I mean it's it's a it's probably time. We started bringing this home. We've been we've been taking your time forever and I'm looking at the time I want to ask you a couple of more questions and leave enough time for jk2 to give his final words. Okay, but you know as mentioned before the attack article was the Catalyst for right to take the needed action and invest significantly and to diversity and inclusion and a Triad, you know, it seems like things are have improved a lot and a lot has been made and there's Clearly be no dedicated focus and investment with you as well as with hiring of new people officer. So I have two final questions. I promised these are the two last ones. Yeah. So so questions for companies who want to do better. What are the sort of a real tangible steps that the leadership can take to improve the word culture and to create better people, you know employee environment, you know, I think it's when we started this, you know, at least when I When I came to Riot we talked about values a lot. And the one thing that I said is okay. What is the culture and let's just let's put on paper. What the cocoa I think people you don't have a culture statement in most companies. It's more this our culture. And so I think being deliberate about the culture whether you're there or not getting a room. I got a room with leaders and I'm like if you are in a subscribe the we asked a lot of questions describe the culture you want to be and I wrote it down. Because once I write it down and once I start saying is this it is this tonight and I would also listen for keywords that they would talk about. We want Grace and dignity was one we want to have fun like those another and how do I say this? Is this it once I can see with that culture is then you can start to say do the values connect that what do we need to do to ensure? So to ensure that everyone understands this buys into this and it's acting accordingly to do this. This and so I would say first thing right down your culture statement whether you're there or not, let it be aspirational and then you can say well we're not this yet. What do we do to get there where we don't have a lot of diversity. What do we need to do to do that? Are we treating people respectfully, what do we need to do to do that? And so that really kind of helped me understand the values and how the values fit into the culture we started with the values and I went back and said, okay, what is the culture and then it's reinforcing the Culture is reinforcing the behaviors that need to Aspire to that culture and we're still in the midst of that. So we're not in the complete cycle. So now we're thinking about how do we talk about our culture? How do we embody the culture? Who do we recognize if they're doing things that are if they're living the values how do you make the values live? So I would say that would be one I would also say be humble. And listen, I think when we hear negative things about ourselves, we want to be defensive right away, but I think you have to be Be open to the fact that my experience might be different from you. Right so you might think this is great, but my experience is not and so I have to be open to listening to wow. That's a different experience and be curious about how you fix it. It is not a check the box I hit I always I don't like to always go to these five things were going to do and this is a check the box they have to live because Riders will feel that if we're just doing a check the box exercise and we're just doing it to do it without understanding the impact. That was the thing. I would say no the impact of every action. So even in our 30 60 90 day, each of them have an impact our slate diversity. The impact of that is that we have more women interviewing for leader roles, and we're measuring that and so you have to also have to put account Lydia measures in place to just level set. I also use our associate survey employee survey. Sorry employee survey to challenge me and if I read every line and if I don't know, so if someone says that like we're not committed I will get a group together and say what does commitment look like to you and what do you need to see for us to move? And that's how I build the plan the strategy and I would say be there your people will tell you if they're like rioters. They will tell you what they're feeling and what they need. And I also think there's a the last thing I would say is you must be authentic. Hmm people will authentic leadership is the one secret weapon that you have because if you're not authentic people they know it and so I don't talk unless I can authentically say what I said, I know that I may be done in a company if I can't tell someone it's okay to come here that I can't I can't be good at my job. And so you have to be real when you have to be authentic. If you don't mean it, don't do it. All right. So let's just list of six that I got here is know that anybody should follow the next day as the listen to this is is right down to culture statement reinforce the the desired Behavior be humble and listen be curious how to fix problems be ready to be challenged and most importantly be authentic. That'd be a good place to follow. Old and I'm going to listen to a podcast like several times. So so before I let JK, you know wrap this up and to take his final word. I want to kind of like get both of you and agree on certain definition that definition is a gamer and and what I like to be for us is to be a little bit more inclusive because for example, I will use myself as an example. I play only mobile games and some of my peers don't consider myself as a gamer. In fact, the majority of the players who play mobile game who play games actually in the world our first mobile Gamers and secondly female that's just a fact so shouldn't gamer mean anyone who plays games more than once a week. Just asking you my peers. I say yes. I say that it could be multiple games. Like we talked about board games. I mean you talk about all games for us is important to have player empathy. So being, you know having some experience in you know, our passion around games really allows you to connect with our players, but it doesn't have to be a lie game. It could be, you know, anyone who's playing games and we had this really big debate when I first started about this board. A discount and I'm like, yes, it counts. Of course, it counts because a lot of games our strategy and so, you know teachers now the other thing that's interesting and again, I tell you I'm a little bit older I decided not I kind of told my kids not to play games which now I'm at Ryan I go go go play games because you know now playing games I see the strategy in it. Like I see that so I do think we expand the definition of gamer. I to be more inclusive. So we actually have done that here at Riot. So we have opened up and said, you know first we had it where you have to be kind of this kind of core gamer. Now some parts of our business doesn't require you to play games, but it requires you to be a Content expert or SME, but we want to know that you love that you love love games that you know, this is because it's part of our mission and so we have kind of said we don't as part of our interview process you leaders don't ask what type of games do. You play for instance and that's the change that we've made if it's something that's core to your your craft then it's still not what games you play. It's making a play and empathy. So we have questions around what people can and cannot ask so that we can expand that definition that we expended that very definition. Yeah. I remember there was a there was a time when Riot actually asked for your league level like level of I really really do remember that we don't do that anymore. I have been my main reason why I never even looked at anyway, / / 2J K. So hey Angela. Thanks so much for all of your time. But just in wrapping up. I remember at the beginning of the podcast you had mentioned a book and just for those in our audience who are more interested in this topic of culture and diversity. Are there any resources that you would recommend to help get better depth in this area there? It's so many books that I would recommend there is that my top three was a book called the difference and there's a old book that I used when I first got into this it was by Roosevelt Thomas who has since passed away and it was about it was the story of giraffes and elephants and it was like a fable tale about how we connect with each other. So that was a way that's another book that I've read and Those are all I can think of right now, but there's a book that's not so about diversity is about Neuroscience. Okay? Oh blind spots. So blind spots is another one because it really was a wake-up call about how our brains work and how our brains process things and how we think you know things that we don't really know. So for people who are really about into who think about diversity intellectually. That was a really good book for me to read got it. And so final question was, you know, miss you and I as he and earlier were really impressed by your Reflections blog post. And so just wondering can we expect to see more updates in terms of Reflections and sort of updates in terms of what's happening at Riot from you on the right block know I talked about this earlier with Mishka about Lego being transparent. So yes, I mean, I think we the good news about when you're transparent you have to do it like so--you once you put it in right like you have to drive to it. And so yes, I think we will continue to do that. I like I get we're still Work in progress. No, we're still trying to find our Rhythm. We still are going back to rioters. You know, my biggest goal here is to just not have this hashtag that I'm trying to launch this as together. We are right to just bring us back to fun and games and but also making sure that we're very serious about that. We don't go backwards right that we're serious about, you know, our investigation process that we have processes in place that allows us never to have to be here again and not to say that will Be perfect and we would but I said this in my blog post every day, we commit to be better every day. We commit to learning and I just look forward to seeing rioters do their best work here and stay with us. So yes, you would. Yes, you will see more. So to close this out. Just want to give a final shout out to Paul. Bellezza Cochran Gasper extraordinaire and from deconstructor a fun perspective our favorite writer also if you're a queen, JK first the papers now. I'm not your favorite Ryan with you guys. That's fantastic. Thank you so much, Angela Angela. Thank you so much. All right folks Joe if you liked this episode. If you if you like the video, please do please do ratos put in some Stars. We appreciate those a lot they help with Don't worry, and please do subscribe no matter what podcast now no matter where you get your podcast to subscribe to deconstruct for fun search. It find it scribe will be coming up with more content like this and getting deeper into interesting topics in games business and not to forget this week in games where we analyze the latest and news and gave are taken and a little deeper inside. In the news, so without further Ado. Thank you so much for listening, and we'll catch you later. Bye.
Riot Games got hit with a tsunami in the form of the infamous Kotaku article Inside The Culture Of Sexism At Riot Games. The article was followed by several people writing publicly about their own experience with the company that underlined the same story and signalled a clear message - Riot’s culture needed healing. The person who took the ownership for leading the healing process was Angela Roseboro who joined the company as a Chief Diversity Officer & Talent Acquisition Lead little less than a year ago. And in such a relatively short time Angela and her team have had a massive impact showing not only the work they put in but also Riot’s willingness to accept and transform. You can (and should) read about all the initiatives and actions Angela has put into motion in this incredibly insightful blog post she wrote Riot Games One Year Later: My Reflections. In this interview with Angela we talk about a sensitive but critical topics, which include Company Culture & Diversity in gaming companies today. And just to be clear we want to not just focus on the Diversity & Inclusion topic, which many folks in the media tend to focus on. Thus during this interview we will also talk about Culture more generally and the profound impact of culture on an organisation.
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We got Mandy be that's the episode you're about to watch right now and then Friday at 5:00. We're putting out an episode with our brother while oh two six seven of million dollars worth of game. Make sure you tune in the both. Comment, like subscribe. Peace. We love you. All right, guys, welcome back UIL is going to be a very very exciting for sure. But before we start I want to let you guys know last-minute run, but we are headed to Atlanta. It's you got probably lot of times comes out few. Days to get tickets it's going to be crazy ACLU on the way and we touch the town January 25th, January 26. It's going to be it's a two-day event. We're doing a live podcast on January 25th with the ptg boys. I got Brandon in the whole crew. They running the car game right now. They're going to be guest. You also want to have celebrity real turkey out on Watson from Atlanta. She's doing a thing First Family Fitness going to be their first family of Fitness. Mr. And mrs. Two weeks out. They donate thing in Atlanta for sure and I brother He burns who the legend? Yeah, well being a lesbian. I'm sure for sure of culture himself. It's a fact and then after that it's open bar and is Catered and it's a private networking event. Everybody act accordingly. It's a whole vibe stay off the any it down Sunday the day after we have a workshop with our guy Alex good energy Dome on trucking Andy from watching cake resolutions on talk about credit mg2 mortgage guys, what's gonna go over mortgages and everything, you know about real estate and the king of wholesaling Max Maxwell's want About wholesaling. Solid that alumni list of size crazy and this is strong list. Everybody else is coming Wall Street. Trapper will be in the building mobile homes. Elite will be in a building this business will eat it our guest today will be in the building. That's crazy man. Like I said shot to take Morrison spoke to him. He might pop out. So yeah, all the information is online is a couple different varieties as far as if you want to break it up on the Ernie event tab. So Atlanta looking forward So seeing you guys man, can't wait. I'm silly. So we going to jump right into it. This is this this is going to be a very good episode. So it was crazy because I'm me and Troy was out at dinner about two weeks back a few weeks back. Yeah, and one of our friends are good friends of ours told us about a podcast and on the podcast name was horrible decisions and go home. She was out with a double. Yeah. And she was telling us about it and that's interesting and then she like not a big like it's really like a big deal. It's a big deal and then like two days later as fate would have it one of his Stars when the stars the end us and told us about their podcast and was like, yo, I'm interested in being on your podcast. I'm like, yeah funny you say that so I thought it was people I thought it was a setup. I'm like, yeah, they said that so they can hit us all. My no, none of those things just a coincidence. Yeah, so so we got none other than Mandy be AKA full-court pumps. Yes, co-host horrible decisions podcast. So horrible decisions is a sex podcast. Yes, and it's huge. It's one of the top podcasts in the top one percent that we shouldn't even just say sex those you say women's empowerment. So it's women empowerment, but we focus on anti we do anti slut-shaming anti Kink shaming. So we don't allow the king shaming to happen, but we focus on just bringing more. So the things that are taboo and sex to the Forefront and having those conversations with everyday people who are in The Kinks space and just having those conversations that you made that you probably never had with your mom and dad. Hopefully never so we literally we dive into a weekly. So we drop every Monday and we are joined by again different people in the king space. Some of our other podcasts are friends and some influencers and we just talk about sex dating and relationships. That's a fact. Hey pal. Yeah, so but the sort of the interesting part of the story for our students with a business podcast is that Mandy used to be in Corporate America? Yeah, and we're gonna go buy her journey, but so the podcast industry is a unique industry and we've talked about podcast little bit from our standpoint. But this is the first time we've actually had another podcast Iran. Oh well. I shouldn't say that but this is the first time that we've had another podcast going in depth about podcast industry. And so this is gonna be interesting conversation because you're on break down the numbers and stuff like that and it's a really dope business model as far as for podcast and every podcast there is different as far as like how they how they want to run their business. But one of the good things I like about, you know, the age that we're in right now is that ain't especially with podcast anybody could be a podcaster anybody without of your home. You don't say funny funny you say that so I'll so yeah, so it's going to be a dope. I really dope exciting conversation. So all right. It's what is 2022 and I'm just want to make that and I was like, we want to empower women. Well, we wouldn't make a conscious effort to make sure we have more women on. I literally told him on the phone. I said Johnny more wood. So here's 2020 that we make it. So you're a full-time podcast is what you do for a living. I just left my corporate job June 26 2009 teen. Yes, so can you talk about that? Cause you was with Earnest young? Yes, I understand. So I worked at Ernst & Young for I left right before my one-year anniversary prior to that. I was at Goldman Sachs for about a year and a half and then this was all while I was in school obtaining two of my degrees. So I was on path to be a CPA in New York. You need a hundred and fifty credits to get. CPA license, so I ended up getting two bachelor's degrees in a four year time. So that was a hundred and fifty-one credits in four years. And so I have my BS and accounting and my BA in Business Administration with a focus on marketing dope and what you do I go man. So I go home and I did the same so I did investment tax that was in the investment tax group. And then at Ernst & Young I did taxes for financial services. So I did taxes for hedge funds and private Equity Funds. So that's my institution. Do you don't do you come from a family? Family of Finance or hell you're just like I'm a Florida. So like I actually even wanted to get into opening these conversations to just the younger generations of careers that you could have. I went to a school that focused on putting everyone either in as a nurse or cosmetology. That's it. That's what they push people for just to go to college. Neither of my parents went to college. Either of my parents have college degrees. They just believed in working and so initially out of high school all the bartender. And my dad thought that that wasn't a real job. He said you need to get a real job and it wasn't until I moved up here to New York. I've been up here about seven years. I didn't know what to do. So I was between bartending and working at temp jobs and within the top jobs. I could only get like a receptionist role and I was like, I'm smart I can do way more than be receptionist. Right, but they all wanted that sheet of paper. So I literally put myself in school. I was like, I'm going to get this piece of paper so that I can make some real money got it done in love that so there's that so All right. So so so you got one of the top podcast in the world, thank you. And you do this full time. You quit your job at Corporate America, which couldn't have been an easy decision to make how much were you making an Earnest young? I'm so Ernst & Young as a first-year associate. Yeah, so I was well, I was a staff accountant. Okay, so you go through about two-and-a-half to three years of being a staff before you reach senior. Then you go through three levels of being a senior before you reach manager and then that goes up until you can make Partner's like this mapped out. Yeah, nothing but as an accountant you like every year you get a raise. So every year you're moving up in the ladder until after 10 to 12 years. You could be a senior manager and then go to being a partner. So that was the path. I was ready to take until you know, I opened up my own firm. I had it all planned out. So coming straight out of college without my Master's with your Masters. You make 68 without your Masters. You're at about 60 to 62. Okay. So you making 68,000 on a career path to a couple of years by making over $100,000. Yes, and you quit to do the podcast full-time. So can you walk us through the Journey of your podcast Journey? We're gonna talk about like funding and all that like but when you first started a podcast because you did the podcast simultaneously while you're working a job while I was in school and working. So what was this? What was the step to start the podcast? Um, so the steps weren't much it was okay me and my co-host at it are like we had dinner I owed her some money because she didn't sleep with the one I thought she was going to sleep with so I was like, Fine, I'll take you out to dinner since you won the BET. And so we sat literally across the table from each other at dinner and planned out what we wanted as a podcast. I'm very organized. I'm the friend that when we go on vacation. I have an Excel spreadsheet on one everyone arrives the tours were taking the hotel we're staying at well, so I was like, we're not just gonna go in and talk I said, so let's think of segments we want to have yeah, but when you have some experience though, you had a podcast from yes. So I had a podcast with Lamar Woodley and and thousand found that was his name and we did a sports podcast. And even with that we made sure we touched on certain events that happened in the week our thoughts on the business aspect of sports gossip. We literally added those into that that podcast which stock because we were all remote thousand was in Pittsburgh Lamar at the time. We started the podcast. I believe he had just left the Cardinals either the Cardinals or the Raiders. I think actually the Raiders was his last team and so he was you know transitioning from becoming an NFL player to now figuring out What he wanted to do after his career so that fell off with all of our schedules. So anyways, I started we decided to sit down. She's like, let's name it horrible and I'm like, okay. Well horrible what so I we went through we brainstormed came up with the name almost immediately. We knew we wanted to talk about sex and I'm very big on making things educational as someone who was in school. I just didn't want it to be me talking about my sexual Adventures. So we literally said we would you know, Um start with ketchup on our dating lives Sex Lies what was going on? We introduced the king of the week we found there was a list of like 260 something Kinks things. We had never heard of people apparently are aroused by statues. Hmm bugs things that we were just like, oh my God, this is crazy. And so we literally and then we knew that we would talk about a horrible decision and as most podcast have listener letters or emails where people can write in so it's very we had our three to five Segments, so people are writing in their own stories and your reading they want advice from us. Okay, so any relationship sex advice and now we are flooded with you know emails all the time. Yeah, and she actually had a studio that she recorded out of and so we went there it was $35 an hour and I was like, all right, let's do it. And so we started literally recording out of out of Brooklyn, so I would leave from having a half a day at school. Half a day at work and go from Jersey City at the time all the way to Brooklyn to record these episodes. This episode of earn your leisure is sponsored by jumping jack text the fastest growing minority owned tax company in the country Jumbo. Jack tax is owned by our own alumni. That's right Prince Donnell and Dana Chanel when they've helped over 600 family startx businesses and 2019 with your support and getting your taxes done with jumping jack tax. We can bring back Millions to our community that are being garnished by corporate tax companies who do not care about us join the mission of bringing minority ownership back to the taxi industry by downloading the jumping jack tax app right now. Well on Apple and Google Play Stores to find a certified tax professional in your area. Don't wait don't hesitate head over to Apple and Google Play stores right now and download the jumping jack tax app. And then when you first recorded, are you uploading it? Because you would it were for our agency now, but before that use independent, we still own 100% of our contact all of it. So even though we're signed with an agency, even though we're on a network we owned 100% of our content. So literally, I mean it's not much to Google. We SoundCloud as our host and then amongst being on Soundcloud. I ended up getting spreaker so that we can be distributed to iHeartRadio and Spotify. And so we pay those two hosting the month and in the beginning. I was just like girl don't say nothing. We can't cut out because we had no one really editing. So everyone got the full episode. We did we weren't doing much editing. We didn't have a music to start. We didn't have sound bites. We were like, okay. Well, we just talk for an hour. Here you go. Who do you sprinkle Lisa spreaker? Breaker breaker. So speaker would our data distribution. They distributed before you could actually get before you could just go to Spotify Spotify was actually hard and so was I heart radio. So this was a host that could distribute your concept for your RSS feed just through being a member on there. I'm paying I don't know. We paid $8 a month with them and $15 a month with SoundCloud or you want to go until the RSS feed. So the RSV is the actual I guess it would be like the website address for your actual podcast. So when you put that Doubt it and you could distribute on multiple networks so we can be on anchor and we can be on Spotify. We can be on Apple podcast or Stitcher a multitude of things at that time. How many were you Hollywood we started I mean so our host was SoundCloud and at that time we also set up our Apple podcast, which was separately. Well, it was linked to look I didn't know. No, that's when I started so excited. We got the email. So it's linked to that. I was like, well I have iTunes. Let's just go and have a podcast. So now everything I threw my iCloud account which I wouldn't suggest for anyone but yeah just just literally made it on iTunes and SoundCloud and I didn't even know how to check analytics until I would see an r on Soundcloud. Oh Google Play is getting us to and we started popping up on all of these different podcasts apps that I wasn't familiar with but we saw it in in our set. Yeah, actually, I told a story about that the other day I was on the phone with his young man that we met in DC and he was like, what podcast should I listen to what God would you guys listen to I'm like, well, we really didn't listen to any I don't know if that's a good way to go about it. But we kind of just did this thing like when you do it and then I think after like three months we even like we didn't know that there was a charts for podcasts. Oh, yeah, like wait, huh? We're on a chart. Yeah, we were wondering why we never got into the new and noteworthy and then there's a whole politics regarding where all these things are now. Yeah, we we really didn't know much either and like I said, she's a huge Bodega boys fan. So she listened to them. I had only really listen to the read and gotten into Brewing idiot around Time and now I literally listen to Joe Budden Faithfully, but like even yeah, we started the podcast and outside of me having a podcast. I still wasn't familiar with the space. Yeah. I think I think that's the point that's the point of a people understand too is that we haven't really done that. But what about how to start a podcast people have always asked for that and it's like it's really not that difficult not it's like it doesn't take a lot of money. Yeah. We use anchor for now do the right thing Spotify and oh, yeah, that's it. Fact so I'll and they distribute our show to like eight different channels. So like iTunes Spotify where else are we on one pod, bean pod being Stitcher the stitcher or last recorded and then you upload it from the computer or whatever device you have something like that. Yeah, you put it out and it's just not so that's the easy quick book is really easy. Did the heart the hard part's actually grow the audience, right? That's what most tough enough for most people struggle with. So, how do you how do you call your audio? Um, honestly, And we like to say Well done pretty organically. I did already have I mean, oh, I would say a regular sized not even a regular sized following because I had the blog and I was very active on Twitter since o9. I was a part of black Twitter like when we all remember when we started the podcast I did I was babysitting on 40,000 followers. So I was like, okay, let me just fill this is something new that I have. Let me shoot this out to them. And then I had a lot of friends also with a lot of followers, so I think by By our third episode. I brought entree pizzi who's a rapper in the Bronx. He has his following in the by episode six or seven. We had be Simone who is now at the time. She only had 300,000 followers and she is now too big. She's not on tour with Martin Lawrence. Is he? Yes, well, I she was on the show with a little kid only one of the already is our first episode of 2020 we have built together and what she's done and and like I said, I know I new mall prior so mall was on like episode 31 But from the Joe Biden podcast and we just literally brought all of our friends who are already in the space because we're like, okay they have podcast people maybe want to hear them on another one. So cross-promotion cross promoted a ton and it wasn't until we landed on loudspeaker and had that brilliant idiots feature that literally shut us up 30,000 people changed everything it did and then what's crazy is I thought that was our biggest jump and then we had Rory on from the Jill Biden podcast and In you with just really dope content that our numbers kept growing. So it wasn't just the spike from from Brewing idiots. We were able to keep those listeners obtain them and then keep growing with also being on brilliant idiots point a it's Joe that's Charlemagne's podcast by doesn't know that increased your listener Base by 30,000 per episode her yes part episode. So so we literally went from like how many kind of 12,000 a week and after that we were seeing between Thirty and forty. How many listeners do they have? Oh God, they probably get a quarter million quarter million per episode. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. How did you get connected with them? So I want to about a king who was a part of loudspeaker. I remember he got brought into like our third episode of recording and the studio at the time the guy who's the owner of that was just like yo, these girls are dope so he came in and listen to us and he was like, yo y'all got something here keep working on it. We were three episodes in he didn't know we were going to last a month later because podcast start and don't finish their not consistent. So he's like y'all keep going y'all got something good and me and him maintained a friendship until it was just like listen. We just sold out of show. Our numbers are going up. We're now almost at 10K a week like bring us on the goddamn Network. This is we're doing this. So and then he we decided it was Charlemagne also because he's on the network they were like, okay, we'll bring you in London. The first so yeah, I'm glad we're having this conversation for a lot especially for people that start and pocket because this is all stuff that we're learning like we didn't know because me and Troy never listen to podcast before we start a podcast. We still only listen to podcast to be on that whole decisions is now on the it was strapped to it. So you couldn't make a little raunchy phones needed not so fast. Yes, but so but it's important to notice because nobody really knows this stuff. So the pie Podcast world is kind of similar to the music industry. I'm finding out much. Whereas like the music industry. You have labels, right? So you have like a Def Jam you have Universal you have labels, right? So you have networks in a podcast game. So you're on loudspeaker. Yeah. That's a that's a network. So and we're on a network with probably as I mentioned the top 1% of podcast specifically in the black space of podcasting. I'm amongst the top. So there's three Friend zone who also does touring they just had it they just went on tour with McDonald's at hbcus. Of course, you have angelis lip service, which I love and I love her and also Brewing idiots with Charlemagne and results and flagrant 2, which Andrew is now selling out everything. He's doing everything. So yeah, so that's so that's that's the network, but you have shouts shouts our brother wallow to six seven and Gilly congratulations. They just saw a Barstool Parcels huge. That's it. Network so there's a few other networks so and similar to a record label so like if you if you are deaf Jim artist right is easy. They're going to they're going to collab with other Deaf Jam artists, right? So if Jesus is on Def Jam and they just got a new artist on Def Jam the best way to give him that look is to put them on a record. How's everybody wants like quality control? Right like quality control like they got little baby the best way to give him a look is to put quavo on the hook. So now you come Want to the label for pretty much for the people to understand it and was featured on your first angle. So to anything what you want being an idiot. So how did that how did that work? Like they have to and I knew they were scared of us. We literally were also on only for the last 20 25 minutes of the episode. So Andrew Charlemagne did a whole episode we come in the last 20 25 minutes. So to have been able to reach 30,000 new listeners in a 20 to 25-minute. Here you go. Go like they put us on the hook. We didn't even get a purse. Okay, so so did they have to get the okay from Charlemagne Chris Morrow who is head of loudspeaker? He I'm sure they do spoken. He's like guys cool whatever they were. Like these girls are ready. Not because this is interesting because like I said, all right, so all right. So in this equation, if you're a loyal listener in your leisure wear like Koch records, like we're completely way completely independent and which is flying by the bootstraps. We don't we don't know anything. We're just figure it out as we go. So it's good to know this stuff because it's like oh this is how these things actually work on the other side of the Grave right? We're like done the dogs in this whole scenario will know even even talking to you guys. A lot of people look at podcasting as it's a hobby. It's something to do with your friends and I remember even the conversation with and I had before starting the show. I'll just like listen if we're going to follow the model to try to make money on this thing. We got to look at this as a business. Yes, we have to operate as a business and also, you know money girl. I got a career. I'm going through gotta I gotta plan to, you know, I never in my wildest dreams again. We started this podcast less than three years ago April of 2017. It's now 20 20 and we've done we're now on our second technically tour. And like I said, we made a quarter million dollars last year on what a lot of people see as a hobby and I was able to leave what I thought would be. Career for the next 20 30 years and it's only going to get bigger from here. Yeah, that's the plan called Willa. That's the Flasher. So alright. So we're gonna go in the next time we will talk about the business break down how you actually making money. But before that you said like when in the arm podcast world, there's like politics like stuff like that, right? Yes, so he talked about that briefly because it's like so like if you're on one network, you might not be able to collab with some on another network. No, I haven't seen that really happen, but we're all humans. So you have I don't want to say An error but human relationships and so you do have people who aren't friends or have a history for some personal reasons and now you'll probably never see them collab and that's just that's just more. So yeah that and then you also have to look at it as a business. Like does it make sense for me to go on a podcast that talks about cooking? Probably somebody that might have a full sentence, but you also have to look at Like okay does this make sense for me to collab with this person? Does it benefit my brand of the benefit their brand and again also, like I said, there is the human aspect of things. So even though we're all packed podcasters that just like all rappers aren't friends all podcasts and there's a whole underworld a podcast. So I definitely thank you for giving us information. Thank my brother while oh, he gave us a lot of good time Chad 85 South show who's looks like I love I love I love I love Carlos and come on supporting everything there. Yeah, and I could they just give us game and it's like, you know, those those guys are established in the podcast worlds like this podcast award shows his like I heart and it's like different things and it's like exclusive deals. Now that podcasters assigning like exclusively what I apples or Spotify and it's so much different stuff what we're gonna see in the space of podcasting even over there. Just getting started like it's just getting started specifically in our space where talk radio And out Howard Stern what I'm doing now, isn't it? We're talking about sex in the same way that Howard Stern did he brought on porn stars and had them do wild things but it was just talk radio talk radio is essentially what podcasting is, but an art, I guess communities we didn't listen to talk radio. No one wanted to turn on to hear people talk. But now we're getting in a space where it's very open. And again, the everyday person is finding themselves. What a podcast with a lot of wisdom they found because they found a lot of value in it. Right? So like this is the way we are Educate now like we just we used to get educated to the music the music so much that we listen to now that kids listen to now not the same message, right? So now many books really they want to get a 140 character tweet exactly going on and that's the limits of what they're reading. So we put in today. We're putting it through the air the same way we learn from music now, we're putting this education to the is because that's what people have they have their phones. They could just hit the podcast right and they go away with the education. That's a fact. So alright so our next segment we want we want to get to what everybody wants to know is how do Make money on a podcast. Yeah, we won't blow it out the water pressure. Ernest you currently paying off student loan debt interested in improving your financial literacy or looking for new ways to earn income and today's ever-changing digital landscape. Well on the talk money with the mesh lakhani podcast mesh will follow Paper Trails chat with experts break down complex ideas and bring Clarity to the mystical Financial phenomenon. Each episode will be filled with compelling stories covering a broad range of subjects from buying Bitcoin dealing with student loan debt and everything in between. So listen to talk money with mesh lakhani on Spotify or Have you listened to your favorite podcast and learn how to spend invest in learn in today's economy All right. So in this segment, we're going to go into the deep dive of the numbers because I'm as you say you're not doing a podcast just for fun, you know, no business in my living. I mean you walked away from a full-fledged career. Yeah from from being a public accountant. I walked away and again I spent for long stressful years of my life getting getting the degree to that point just to get to that point and I left it within the first year. Can you can you just talk about that for just like a second like the Or the build-up to knowing that you know what I have to leave or I can't do both at the same time anymore. Um, I mean it came from not only just juggling time. I mean when I first started my job and I started in July, so it was right before we got into busy season and me and her were recording still like I have to go so I was like they wanted me to stay and I'm like, I got this schedule Studio. It's seven o'clock. I gotta be up out of here. Like I can't say so I mean when I first started my job, I was they were they thought I was sick. Sick as I had all these doctors appointments every week and they're like you need to schedule these on another time because we need you to say these days and I literally told him I couldn't stay at work and it wasn't until we started we planned our tour and I went into the office to my senior manager. Finally had to open up like hey guys, Friday's I may have to leave early sometimes because I am going on a tour and know what and they're like, what are you doing? I'm like, um, It's like a radio show because no one really knows what a podcast is all the way. So I'm like it's like a radio. So they're like really what you talked about and I was like women empowerment. You know, what that's my that was my Cobra thing moving to Paris. I didn't want it, you know and you know dating and relationships didn't add in the sex in there and then it wasn't until like I'm being noticed that my DNA event from Partners at my firm like, oh my God. I knew you worked at one of the big fours, but I didn't know which one and then I'm being spotted in. Cafeteria during the week and I'm just like this is gonna hold up much longer. So yeah in the beginning it was hard to balance it. The anxiety of leaving I literally was like, okay. I made my salary in the first five months of 2019. I matched it with what I was doing with a podcast and so before I left I kind of set a date to myself. I was like, I don't want to do another busy season busy seasons and public accounting I was crying week. Glee I was getting into work at nine o'clock wasn't leaving the office until 1:00 2:00 in the morning and then they said I wasn't staying late enough because there was people saying so five I said not me I'm getting my sleep and so, you know just them even feeling like I wasn't giving them enough time and I'm like, I'm working 9:00 to 2:00 a.m. That's crazy. So I'm busting 70 80 hour weeks and I'm like I'm giving someone else 70 80 hour weeks of me at a salary. I said those additional hour. And even the hours I'm giving them if I put that into myself, right? What can I really make it? So I paid off some of my credit cards. I started to savings and I was raised in a single parent household. My mom was a tech nurse. We grow up Section 8 food stamps. That's my life. So that idea of a savings. I had never had. My mom is never had. My dad isn't rad a savings account was not something I grew up knowing about so I wanted to make sure I had a safety net just in case so got my savings paid off my debt raise my car. Its core to where I was like, okay, maybe I can get a couple things now and left my job got to do it, right. So, all right, so to podcast made a quarter million dollars in the first six months of 2019 right now. So a quarter million dollars in 2019 its way 1920 19, we made a quarter million dollars through all of our Avenues but by May which is when we finished our first tour with ads with patreon with that I had matched my accounting salary. So I had made 60,000. So I'm looking I'm like, okay, so I made about sixty thousand and five months with the podcast. I just worked half a year. So as I saw a hundred grand in like the first half of the 2019 most I've ever seen in my life. And so I was like, okay and again, I gave all of these hours to a corporation. I was like, what can I do the next six months? Oh, yeah. I left in June. All right, but yeah I so so how did you make the money so there's a couple different ways how you make money on a podcast and Your guys specifically so first I want to talk about patreon. Yes patreon is something that once again we out to them. We didn't know anything about peanuts. So we started a podcast and somebody actually put in a comment on Instagram like you guys have a patreon and what's that? You know, I'm like yo, you know, what patreon is it? We like no, I'm like, all right. Let me just type it in. Let's see what this is. So this actually that's the one site that there's a ton to Google about like when you start podcasting there's is no blueprint to what we're doing is not theirs. So I can give you all of the steps that I did exactly. That doesn't mean you're going to see the success money. I made there's just really no blueprints of this. But Patron there is and again at this point we first started the podcast we were paying for Studio we were paying for edits. We needed fires We There was expenses coming out and we were like, okay, let's find a way to bring money in and so we started our patreon account. So how alright so you guys will be doing really well with patreon. So can you talk about that? Like what should worship your model for patrons for a patreon? We want it to to you have to give them more than what they're getting. So as podcasting I don't think people realize like the amount of information we give out that's for free to a lot of people and we started growing we really have supporters. I like to think of our audience as there are sisters. There are best friends. We're in their head as those things and so being as vulnerable as we have and transparent with our lives people wanted to support us, but we were just giving them content for free so we were like, okay. What can we give them for a subscription? That's what patreon is. It's a script. It's a subscription platform that you can add to your already present platform for creatives for quick and it doesn't have to be podcasts videos. Anybody can have a paint can have a patreon account and how much you make on patreon So currently we're seeing close to nine Grandma. So what do you what do you what do you have? No right. Now we offer a $2.00 here a $5 here and a $15 here and for our $15. Errands and $5 patrons, they get three bonus episodes a month. So as a Creator we are, you know creating now seven to eight episodes a month and then for our $15 tear patrons, we send them out merch so every four months they are able to receive merch from us and it can be anything from a crewneck a sweat shirt a tee shirt socks a mug. And so every four months they're now getting merch that you can only get as being a top-tier patron, which is don't because now that we do live shows and they come With the merch we know that their supporters and it's just a different connection that we have with them. But also it allows them to have their own Community boards. They talk with each other. We give information that we only give to our patrons that we don't put on our public platforms. And then now that we are also on tour is the only place that you can be to get access to presale tickets, which was a big thing because our patreon community sold out our VIP tickets for our New York show before it was even open to the public. So people feel like you know there Still getting value and being a part of that Community don't and how long did it take to grow? How many patrons you have? We have about 1400 hello and take the grown-up. We started our patreon account December of 2017 and I can remember shit. Sorry. I think we started with maybe getting $80 a month and then that grew to two and three hundred and it's a slow climb, but then that's when we went. From giving them one episode two two episodes 2 now 3 episodes. So we've grown to let them know that they're getting you know, their money's worth and I was crazy the first monthly we start a patreon. Like I said, we had no idea like even creating the tears. It was like how even price it we try to figure out what we make sense it in like the first month. We had like two people we were happy because we were like hardly know like now we weren't having to pay for the studio because these five people who, you know wanted to support us was now it was covered. During our cost no patreon is a great idea. Like I said, not just for podcasters any creative that's looking to grow organically because what it allows is for your natural supportive people that really really support to support you financially and it's not just charity. They're getting something for it as well. So like what we've done with our patreon is that we've given like the top-tier top two tiers access to our online university. Okay, what's called? Uio University. They also get access to a live stream of events all of our events that get discounts to our events. I think I 20% discount of 10% to the to Vance end to the end to emerge when I go to Ernie Nick about emergency get Face Time called at the highest level, right? Yeah, we're gonna so like now we started to call my girl. We believe we're in the process of revamping it because it's like yeah, we've added so much content now that we can maybe offer like another episode. So we're going to start doing things like that to write maybe even transcription transcription episode. That's how people want to like. They take note they won't open above so I really like when you told me that you was making nine thousand a month on patreon. I really like that because it's a way to to because like you said the partner podcast of free, right? So it's like it's hard for podcasters to provide certain people don't understand how much work it takes to take his crazy. Yeah, but even so and then travel oh and that's what I was going to say. So with those funds we were able to like I told you our merch for our tour this go-around cost us damn near 8 gram like it's expensive to buy. Merge to sell merch to go on the road. And so our very first tour that we did mind you again just being on a network we still own a lot of our our content. And so our first tour we had no agent. So patreon funded our first tour we spent about twenty thousand dollars getting the venues and this was throughout eight cities. We did 13 shows and we literally were like, okay, let's look at our analytics. What cities are we going to we looked at our South? Cloud analytics and was like, okay we have audiences here. We picked what we would feel comfortable as far as venue size. And literally when people ask we were like, okay, we're going to Atlanta. Google Atlanta Peter, that's what we did we go to the city followed by the word theater a list came up and we started emailing and calling those places asking for availability and rental cost. And so we went through all of these cities. We picked the venue's we got the rental cost. We knew what we wanted to stay between as far as money. So I think our most expensive video of course was Caroline's how much New York City that one was about 5,000. Yeah, and for a matinee show the comedy clubs weren't dealing with us at all. They didn't know who we were they didn't really gotta you gotta performance before 4 p.m. On a Sunday. So um for you know for the comedy clubs, they were a little bit more pricey, but our venues ranged anywhere from you know, our venue in Chicago was our least expensive. That one was I don't know. I think we got for like a hundred fifty an hour and it's that People we did the numbers. We price our tickets. We had our friends check people in we said here's an extra phone skin them on Eventbrite. We put all of our tickets on have been bribed had our friends at the door. We were like, we not popular we don't need security had no security for the first tour and we knew we had to be at a certain time because we weren't paying no over fees. So we rented the the venue's kept a hundred percent of the door and we covered our own hotel and transportation expenses. So for some of the city's I was like girl I'm staying with you even though we You know, I'm on tour I'm saying with my homegirls. How many cities how many sales you doing? First of all our first tour we did eight cities and in about three or four of the Cities. We had to add an extra show because we sold out the first time and how much money you make on your first tour our first our first tour we made about a hundred and ten thousand profit. If you take out the the venue cause we saw almost a hundred grand and but now you got a agent yeah those different that's change some things change the game for you. Yes. We are now signed to WME Me and they are now doing our second tour and we went from doing eight cities to 17 cities and how has that helped you as far as like boost up the amount of cities. It's been amazing because we don't have to we don't have to call the venues and be like, hey, so we want to do a show like that was the thing. We're walking into these venues. We're doing Tech we're doing sound we're making sure the Green Room is cool. We're handling the guest list. They're like y'all don't have anyone and it was literally me and my co-host With our friends that wanted to help and so we're going into these venues as the booker the talent the management the producers of everything, but now the agent takes cook all those rolls know the agent takes care of booking the venues that we now have a tour manager and a tour assistant that deal with the writers production to where we can now show up and put on a show and they get they get paid. Yes, they get percentage off of that our assistant. We pay salary our tour manager. We pay salary and the agent takes a percentage said writers. Or writers writers. So like the list of things you need the things the hospitality writer, but we asked for in our green room. So I wanted to try to get ahold of right with the purple ones take it out. But I was like, we went to Howard Theater which was one of our biggest venues and my name was on the road. I was like I need all the time. But no, I'm a writer. It's Tito's which I might have to update because if you gone before the show start, so I got Tito's my co-host has Red Bull, like it's simple that's our Hospitality writer and then we have our production writer. So what we need on stage the music that we're going to play the host what time we want them and come out so we still are very much in charge with the production of our show. Okay and as though because that's important to us. This is soda podcast game is becoming like a real real crazy thing where it's like at the park at you can go on tour just like a musician can go on tour and you get the same benefits and it's like what you described for your first year that's like where we're at right now because we're doing not we're on our tour right now, but we do everything ourselves. So that's the thing that I will say. A lot of people see a lot of podcasts going on tours or doing live shows and they automatically think they have to do it. I would go against that I think a lot of people think that you know, if they're not doing live shows in they're not successful and I think they need to focus on may be reaching Their audience more before just okay, we're going to do a live show because I do know a lot of podcasters that are like, okay, it's time for me to do a live show. They get the venue, they start selling tickets and no tickets are being what we did. And this is a tip for people. Well, our blueprint was we did networking event. We did free networking events in six cities in America. We did a la Chicago Houston, New York Atlanta anywhere else. I got more five. We did five frequency and no we're not networking event. All right there five free networking events last year free completely free come and you don't we just made money off of me? Birch and a bar we split the seams on the bar, right? We did that for a few different reasons a we wanted to just get out and touch the cities like interact with the people and we used it as a real-time gauge to see how hot we was in those. I really liked that sort of pop up shower our first live show again. Like I was I was telling you guys before as an accountant. I'm looking at margins and break even and all of the things as Terry and looking at what we had to put out and So what we needed to sell tickets at we did have our studio that we recorded at the time he put up the money and then we paid him back with the ticket sales. But we literally our first show we saw no money at all and we did we weren't doing it for money, but we were doing it to reach our audience. So I would say that that would maybe be another tip is to make sure you price the tickets at something where you could at least break even and not to look at your first live show as something to make a ton of money off of so maybe Sizing your Venue down with something. That's not going to cost a lot. Yeah, and yeah, so it's dope but it's also a learning experiences. It's like so fast now, like I said, we're in the stage where we're not sign of anybody. We don't have any booking agent anything. So we're doing all the stuff. It's a lot of work and I thought we kind of liked spread it out like six weeks in between shows and we do too. So we do like a lot of pockets and we do a workshop to so it's like a two-day event, but when we got invited like I said shot 285 South and we got invited to They were guests on lip service. Yeah on a lip service Angela yeast podcast. So we went to to the show that they had in New York City at the Apollo. No at all. What was that Troy? Lincoln Home was Lincoln Hall. I think it was. Okay. Yeah, but it was so they were guests on lip service. Yes. So we got there before 85 South got there. So they would they brought us today like run the green room and like they had the liquor bottles and it was like a real like backstage for for I'm working with as a podcast, especially if you're doing a lot like you're an artist. Yeah, like and so yeah, it's great. You got the entertainment of the generation being on tour like we're going through Riders we have day calls we have might like we have sound checks we have it's really crazy like and when I'm talking to my friends who are in the music industry, they're like, you know, dang you have like a real tour like a real schedule like and I'm like, yeah, it's kind of like I'm a music artist Scott. Yeah. Well, I put plaster I have to say it's like it's always a progression in Business so it's like as you so now you you have staff. Yeah that handles your touring for you that helps it out. Now, you can add more shows and it makes it you know an easier transition and that's something that a lot of times people don't really think about as far as like, especially like when a podcast or any type of creative it's like there's more to it than just the content but I think I think and it's one of the things that we're trying to get now, I don't think people realize the importance of a team and so For a lot of the beginning of us. It was just me and her and we did thought we could do it all like we like I said, we were every position imaginable and it's there's only so far that you could take yourself before you create a team. So you guys having someone behind the camera that's still you guys now don't have to deal with the video element of something and you have him doing that us now having an engineer helps without me having to do the editing when we're dealing with a tour. We're looking for an assistant social media person like you it takes a team. Which I think is why you have these people like Angela Yee and bring idiots and Joe Budden who has been able to go so far because they have people that have the rolls. That's a fact eighty five shows a day that 19 people. Yeah. Yeah, and they said they started what they was doing thing like a hundred to two hundred people not a do like 3,000 3,000 people. They start out with a wood table and three microphones. Yeah. You don't say I mean anyone looking to get into the space if they're looking for it to be a Business this definitely is something that you can grow to be like very, you know profitable. So hosting you get paid on hosting to it. How's that Channel's host things that just goes with bookings and and I love it because it's literally like where I'm getting paid to talk. It's like like this is still it's a Nuance that I can't even explain. Like, I'm the one that had to be told to shut up in the classrooms like talking too much speaking engagements, you know, so they're speaking engagements right now. We're trying to do Party's Just again, just to be more have the event after our live shows again. You have to realize that the booking of hosting's and clubs that whole scene has changed. They realized that certain people aren't bringing it out just because you have a million followers doesn't mean you're even going to bring a crowd. So right now because promoters don't do that as much anymore. It's us trying to y'all don't understand though. Our reach is here. So as far as Club hosting's that's not really a thing, but it's more so yes speaking. Pants and and we're doing mocha Fest in Jamaica. So that's a booking where it's not really talking but we're going to be doing a live show in Jamaica DEA agent handles that stuff for you know, we got booked on that by ourselves. Okay. Yeah, so you another major portion of your money comes from ads, right? Yes, it'll add space good and that's probably one of the hardest things for podcasters and it's probably the one thing that they look to start to get is ads and that's the Thing I think to get as as a podcaster. You don't know who to reach out to you know, okay, we talk about sex. Okay blue to Adam and Eve like there's certain brands that we know would align well with us, but who do you get in touch with to say? Hey give me money so that I can say your name. It's like it's hard to come about so loud speaker plays the middleman in that they bring in majority of our ads outside of any ad agencies that just reach out to us personally prior to that speaker. Were you guys when you were doing it in? Apparently, how did you get those people or did you get them at all? We did I remember this guy hit us up and was like, I got a song and I think we charge them like I come on for 150. We got other people that would send us stuff and we were doing as but we were doing for like $50 like just so that we can well this will cover our studio time. So, you know, when we first started we we literally were getting we thought it was in anything that mattered. Oh, we're making money. Yeah, but then as we got further and we saw that our Audience really bought into the things that we said again our relationship with our audience was most important. So we had sex toy companies that hit us up. We were like, we're not giving a nap until we try the product. So there's been companies that have stuff so there would be companies that will hit us up and I was like girl my vibrator died the first time like we not doing that at on the show so I know but there is probably the product there. Behind this problem. I think it's important that you're not just accepting any money that comes in because it's being thrown at you at first or just in general even at first we were like listen like we were talking about how much we liked our vacation in Thailand. We would get DM's because you said you're going to Thailand I'm going now, where did you stay and we noticed just how much like people were following. Thank you. Yeah, we had a strong impact and I was like, well if we're going to have our people spend their hard-earned dollars not only at our shows but in products that Endorsing. I want it to be worth endorsing so that became important. I know like just recently a tobacco company had us up. I figure we're not doing that. I don't care how much the past we're I'm not endorsing tobacco. So it's also just really having that. You know, that all money isn't worth it. Nice of fact, yeah and you were told that before another episode like CPM got engaged. Can you just talk about that? Like what CPM if you Google it, this is how you can determine how much maybe an ad would be worth. On your podcast. So $25 is the basic CPM rate. You multiply that by every thousand listens that you get so if you're getting 10,000 listens X $25 per thousand that's 250 dollars, right and you can get that per ad and of course the number of ads that you approve on your shows up to you. We don't really like to go over 4, and that's maybe two Rolls into pre-rolls most and rolls don't really count as anything. No, nobody's buying and roll. Yeah. A lot of people don't listen to a full podcast. So those are normally thrown in for free, but you can decide how many you want to take. But again if you're seeing 10,000 10,000 listens and you take on for ads that's $1,000 for that one episode and if you're someone who may be recorded out of your house and doesn't have much overhead, you're seeing that as profit. Yeah, because now you're not, you know, putting that into your Production. So for us and sometimes you can give a discount you can be like, okay. I know that standard is 25 I'll give it to you for 22 and so you can gauge it off that right. Now. We base it off of about 70,000 listens and that fluctuates. You also normally go based off of your numbers for about the six six week Mark. So this is net six weeks, right because some people look at it. Like what's your first week? Right? Yeah. No no 30 days. So yes, so and also you have to realize when you're getting paid. These sometimes you're not getting paid until net 30 or net 60. So even though you're getting this money, you're not getting it up front you're saying the ad and you're not seeing that money till down the line. So being kind of up on when you're owed when to send invoices. This becomes now a part of the business where you need to keep track of what your money is coming in and what's going out now also some point for podcasters understand too is that they allowed to ad agencies. They base your numbers off of previously dated like Data, so it's like we're we could be in January right now and then they'll base the numbers off of October. Yeah, and it's like 6,000 less listeners than what you currently have. Right? And then by the time you get paid, it's not to March right now. You gotta hold so it's like you're always chasing back but also knowing that you can include your numbers not only from your audio, but you could be like yo. Listen. I also get another 30,000 views on YouTube. So so allowed to kind of combine those, you know, it's funny that you say are not to cut you up with a lot of because I was talking once again to one of our good friends in the podcast space and they were saying that another Ad Agency that he used to use and that we kind of use sometimes they don't they didn't allow that a lot of ads don't allow you to yeah, but it doesn't it's changing a little bit now, but also if you guys want to make money for your visuals in your audio, you can just face your audio numbers, which is what we do now because our videos have been I'm pretty inconsistent. So it's not fair to the to the you know Advertiser but there's Google AdSense. Yeah, so you can still make money off of all of the ads that YouTube is putting into your videos as they still please. We're not able to be as monetized because of our content. So if you have a business, you know podcast or something more kid-friendly which now they even added if yeah, you have to plus, you know chuckle but you can log in and get Your Google AdSense and you can monetize and get paid off of what YouTube ads are being another podcast hack to get paid double is that you can do an ad for audio because most most companies just want to advertise audio so you can do the ad for audio but then if somebody else wants to do it at you might not have enough aspects you can do the ad for YouTube and you can outside of the the as that they already give you like you can place an ad in the episode just for YouTube. So and I wanted to say that too so because our Cast is not current event based. We do pre-record a ton of content. So we'll go into the studio and bust out two or three episodes in one sitting and so we may get an ad last minute and now I have to record it and we're fitting it into audio. So that's also something for people who pre-record their content. Don't feel like you have to miss out on an ad you can always record it edit the audio and fit it inside make sure you transition it right and say hey before we get to that segment this Was brought to you by and you could always feed it into it organically because a lot of you know advertisers do want an organic sounding add. They don't want it just placed in so you can still find ways to transition it if you're editing in a good, you know, a roundabout way, especially if you have segments the way you guys yeah, and that's like for people to know so its like if you have a business that you know, you're promoting, you know, teeth straightening, you know, if you're a dentist and somebody else wants to do the exact same thing. You can't have two of the same companies. Sighs on audio what you could do is say okay is $500 for audio for your teeth straightening company. So we don't have space but our YouTube numbers might be half of that so we can insert a short clip on video just on YouTube charge you 250 because it's less so now you get in 750 and the YouTube listeners aren't hearing audio. Audio listeners are watching YouTube for the most part. It's two different audiences to different audiences and a beauty beauty of the YouTube. Is that literally you can place it anywhere and as many as you want Really? It was just has to be after I think 10 minutes. That's when you can start placing ads so you could just place them anywhere like so that's what we write and then I mean if you are a podcast that is going to start inserting all of these ads that's where patreon becomes a great platform because now you can say this is bad free content for so a lot of people don't like they don't hear don't want to hear it. And so now that becomes a selling point to where okay. Well, you can listen to the episodes ad-free and our patreon members. To our episodes early. Not only yeah, not only add free but early as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we ran into a a comment like we have posted that we're about to put out the episode and somebody was like yo, I loved it was our favorite and we were like, how do you hear it was like, I'm on patreon my oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah shoutouts not actually I made a calm like, you know, you didn't come out. Yeah. Hey why I started laughing in the comment section. He's like, you know, he's bugging and you're like not my patient. I apologize. But I mean salute all of our patrons fight of making the the money. I think one of the other things that is the most important as a content creator is to literally just learn whatever you think you're going to have to pay somebody to do teach yourself. So like I was saying I got a Macbook at the gift because I said, I need a Macbook because I need Premiere Pro the to edit because all of the people who edit stuff have MacBooks, so I need a Macbook and so I taught myself how to edit audio on Audacity. GarageBand and Premiere Pro. I created our Media Kit. I taught myself how to cut social media Clips how to create social media content like audiograms and videos and anything that I felt we needed as marketing material and those are things that sometimes you have to pay if you don't know how to do it. So I literally taught myself on YouTube. I would go in and be like, okay, how do I split this track? And there's YouTube videos for literally everything so for people Maybe have a job but don't have the money to invest in cameras or equipment or studio time or Outsourcing all of these these jobs. You can teach yourself how to do it. And it's editing audio is fairly simple. It is it's really simple there. You have it ladies and gentlemen the blueprint of how to make money on a podcast a lot of jewelry in that and that segment for sure. So last segment we gon we gon bring it home with a few more actionable items in scaling model for you going forward. What's up, y'all? So if you're listening to this you obviously like podcast and you probably like music just as much on Spotify. You can listen to all your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcast on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you never miss an episode premium users can download episodes to listen to offline wherever you are and it's really easy to What you've been listening to with your friends on Instagram if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app search for Ernie Leisure on Spotify or browse podcast in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow us so you never miss an episode of Ernie Leisure again. Alright, so we're going we're going to close it out before we do. I want to Troy. Can you just tell because a lot of people always ask I get this question so much my personal page on your Legions DM what mics will use with cameras. You want to try to help people as much as we possibly can to get them up and started running if I kind of did an episode on our you lose Universe. Are you lose University? We give the whole entire exactly actually put the boxes down like yo, this is the Box. Yeah, but so far the mice we were looking at industry standards. And so we kept watching podcast and I'm like, oh listen, that's the one we need. I went to The Breakfast Club and like we need that so little mice we use are the Shure sm7b mics and they're like the industry standard sh you re sure sure. Yeah Shu re yep, and they run about 400 out there pricey, but they get the job done. So If you look at the early episodes, even on YouTube, we got wire on the table. We got like the shotgun stands and it's like I already know was terrible there's a and yeah, I think Mike's are probably one of the most important questions at voice needs to be heard. It has to be so we try to get something that would cancel out noise and capture everything that were saying I say what not to do tell that I see a lot of new podcasters doing and I wish they would stop there's a mic that you just sit down. It's supposed to be a globe Mike. Oh, yeah. Stop doing it if you have guessed if you have more than one host it does it picks up everything and it literally sounds like you're in a bathroom and we struggled with audio even being in the studio sometimes like or even you know, guess would lean back or come over. You can't change that is nice. So there's nothing you can do with even when you're editing audio, but when you have just a globe and you can't multitrack a session, yeah forget about it. Yeah. Well track is important multitrack is very important. If you're going to have a podcast with five hosts, right you need five Mike's just know that every every person needs to have their own mind. I could have somebody important and am I listening to like was multi-tracking so multitrack means like every Mike has a trap that goes into where's recording from so right now our laptop is recording three different tracks cause it's three different mic. So we have four guests before and fight. So if I came here and I was talking like this most of the episodes right? They could actually raise your own my levels. Is that and then once you compress S all of the files together. It's just one MP3 or wav track and then it all sounds fine. But you can actually adjust levels if you're a multi-term. Most people like we like to use wave because it keeps the audio and its purest form sometimes an empty files are also a lot larger. Yes. Yes larger spaces important. You gotta have space so that we got a we got like one of the highest here's that the Google drive because we have not only do we do the audio but we also obviously do the visuals, right? So you want to talk about large files like every time we do an episode we're talking about 60 gigs per camera, right? So that's important. Okay, and if you have patreon they don't allow large file so picture on is and P3 upload and Yahweh files are large. So what kind of cameras so we went we for the cameras we obviously we started with the iPhones, but we got these looming it but I felt awful like straight out and I'm talking like iPhone 6 like yeah. Yeah, it was ugly. But we got the job done the content with me. He had a he had an iPhone 6. Yeah, but I never got to eat. 8 + I to turn you got 10 out of 8 plus. Okay, that sounds about right. Yeah, so last year took no I got this for my father. I got a cell phone, but I'm not we got the Lumix cameras and somebody actually asked me why do we use the Lumix ones? Noumic's 95s is because we want to record in HD and most cameras. If you even try like they'll let you record not easy for k then let you report for 2 minutes 30 minutes at all. 30 min. That's it. Yeah, that's it. See what the limits take it out and then put it back in. Hopefully, hopefully they'll come. Check out of this but the Lumix 95. It's unlimited 4K. Oh, wow. That is good. Yeah, so like that was like a huge thing because like a lot of our content is like an hour-long right? So when we can record in 4k, there's no time limit to it. Okay, and part of that is like you have to have storage for to so like orange have been large ScanDisk right 512 gigabytes just to hold an episode. So that's that's pricey too because I was like $200 a piece, right? So get multiples of those and then when you start recording two or three episodes and A week. It's like all right, we got to start shipping these off so we can erase and create more files. But like that's the most important things like unlimited 4K recording. That's why we chose these cameras. And also what I learned is that you can actually make a movie on an iPhone because what I learned is that lighting is the most important thing if you have bad lightning you got the best cameras in the world and it's not going to be nothing. I see you guys. Yeah. Yeah, we had we had a zester lights because it's like lighting changes. dang, you got an iPhone with good lighting and it looks just like any camera but All right, you're also on the road without without UIL toward staying in hotels and all types of Air B&B. So we don't always have the best Sleep Quality and what it really comes down to is the mattress to have on and nothing compares to our Helix sleep matches that we have at our home. If you're not up on helix or watch yourself. Don't play yourself anymore get rid of that old mattress get you a helix. Here's what you do. It's real easy. He looks has a quiz that takes just two minutes to complete and matches your body type and see preferences to the perfect mattress for you whether you're a side sleeper a hot sleeper like a plush or firm bed with helix. No more confusion and no more compromising on an average mattress. Helix sleep was even awarded the number one best overall mattress pick in 2019 by GQ and Wired Magazine. Just go to Helix Leisure take their two minutes sleep quiz, and they'll match you to your customized mattress that will give you the best sleep of your life. They have a 10 year warranty and you get to try out the mattress for a hundred nights risk-free. They even pick it up for you if you don't love it, but I'm sure you will right now. He lives his offering up to $125. Of all mattress orders for our listeners at Helix / Leisure, that's Helix. Hele IX Leisure for up to a hundred and twenty five dollars off lighting. So that's it - that's another tip lighting is extremely with lights the way you so we got the gvm the great maker lights. We went to B and H said what can we get for a relatively respectable price and get three of them, right? So if you look like obviously they know the green wall. That's my dining room. Place the room up a little bit differently and you can also just get ring lights on Amazon as well realize watching. Those are very very like a hundred dollars if that you can get them for the throttle. Oh, that's why I said people think like, oh, it's a podcast but I'm like now we need all this like some people have seen us in the airport, right? They like go. Where are you going all this and I'm like now we're podcast scaring my retractable banner. I carry my my phone in my I mean my microphone and my book bag and of course that has to go through Through again. It's a hassle. Like what do you do like that? Then we upload the audio to garage man. Yeah, he's great. So the audio right now is going into garage garage man. What is that? So that is our interface. That's what we're recording on so everything people like to use logic some people want to use other things. I'm like yo, listen, I'm going to use GarageBand because it came with the mac and I'm just going to do that. So for people that have no idea about computers, like myself, what does that mean? Like what is garage that so the rise band so like right now we're talking right GarageBand is recording it, right? So once that Is now we can turn volumes up will turn them down or we can edit Parts out or we can add ads into the space. You can add some things you can split the tracks with track exactly. So there's GarageBand like I mentioned earlier for post-production. I've focused now on Audacity. That's another program using Premiere Pro which Premiere Pro is very pricey. But what you could do is actually purchase the Adobe suite and pay $20 a month, which is what I do. So instead of spending $1000 on the adobe's Sweet or however much. It is very pricey for the Adobe suite you get Premiere Pro you get Photoshop you get PowerPoint. Now PowerPoint is Microsoft. Yeah, but you get all of these resources that you can use to edit and create content. And one thing I told one thing I was crazy. One of our favorite episodes is Chris Gotti shout-out to Chris. He Irv Gotti brother used to run Murder Inc. And he says something that was extremely key. He said for Independent Artists music artist, he was like, yeah. Not competing with other independent artist you're competing with Drake even though you don't know it. So we like in a club like be yet having a record mixed in masses is extremely important because like in the club when they played a record and it doesn't hit nobody's going to say, oh, they just didn't have the budget. They're going to listen to it. Like it doesn't sound that sound like how drink and that's the whole point of having him your music mixed and mastered and it's the same thing with the podcast like the audio and that's what I'll remember I was telling Troy. I'm like I was like, we're not can't because as I said before early in the podcast where independent we're not on any channel, we're not signed to anybody. So we doing all this ourselves, but I'm like we wanted to talk business podcast in the world, right? So we're not competing Flex not a fad in the world, but we're not we're not competing with what other Independent Business podcast. We're competing with Wall Street Journal Gary V Grant Cardone. So our audio needs to sound like them because there are competitors, right? I was like in the car and I'll be listening to it. And like I said, I'm like turn it up. He's sound louder they like not like no it needs to sound louder like who's going back and forth the feet and this is what we learned. That's when I learned like oh, I'm sending him the MP3 when I listen to it. It's a WAV file. So one of those turning up the levels to where a lot of our number one audiences in New York to me if I can't hear you on the train at the problem. So now I'm like I would much rather people turn us down. Once your turned up you can't turn up. No more you can turn down low like you can turn a phone down. So to me as long as you're not hearing a static I want to be sure everyone is at their highest level. I speak loud. My co-host speaks loud when we have guests. I want them or their levels up and to me it's making sure we can be heard on a train in New York City. That's what my glasses down for audio. That should be the same. It's a learning lesson. There was like, well, he would call us yo, this is how y'all even listening to this. I'm not your bro. It sounds fine when I'm listening to it, and then I realized like When I have to send it to him, he listens to the MP3 version. I'm like, okay, that's why the same way certain music bumps through headphones and you can hear them listen to through headphones. I want I want you to have to turn down your head. That was like it I put it I put it he didn't have to I kept telling her I kept telling her like go. It doesn't sound it doesn't sound good. Like it's not a lot. He's like no, it's loud enough. I'm like come on my car. So I came my car and I played the radio I play the radio on the highest level possible black blow the speaker's out. I'm like, that's how it should sound the highest. Level and I played our audio on the highest level and it didn't say anything close to that. Right? Like like you said, it's rather. I'd rather people turn it down right then. I have absolutely turn all the way up and it's still not loud enough. I agree and that's where I mean. We struggled a lot of people know with our sound for a lot but we've changed Engineers again. I was doing some of the the editing for a long time so it's me changing. But again when you have people talking way from Mike, there's only so much you can do and I'm not the one who can adjust your level for this sentence. Not the rest of your chart like there's there's just a lot when it comes to audio that even regular podcasting Engineers aren't going to do so, it's really also making sure you perfect your craft into talking into the microphone projecting your voice and making sure that everyone is hearing everything. That's okay. That's a fact that's yeah extremely important extremely important. So they're right wrap that car visit. I went inside I was like studying. How do you do this? Like because it's not your call. Everything could go right but then it's like one thing that went wrong. I'm like, I can't sleep like I lose sleep over stuff like that. So it's like I just watched that Kevin Hart documenting. It was like we're a lot alike and I know if you were coming down on him on some certain things that I was like nah, he's a beast. I was like, he's an enemy he is a beast in a little black man by he kills me and him are the same. Well, I wash I had read of these it just came on and I just started playing I actually watched the entire season. I was like that's not my thought it was three episodes notes like seven. Yeah. I just I was a wolf I literally watched from the beginning to end. But in this space as people, I would never tell someone to quit their job and chase their dreams that is not realistic and you need money to live you need money to invest so I would never tell someone a quit their job and go for it starting from the beginning which is why I I didn't quit school which is why I didn't quit my offer and just be like, well, I'm going to be a podcaster now I can make it happen. I think that that's unrealistic and a lot of us do need to still have our income coming in. If we want to be able to invest in equipment invest in building a team invest in learning like a lot of there's a lot of portals. There's a lot of books. There's a lot of things that we have to pay for that information. So I think it's important to keep working keep money flowing in and then invest until Find a couple of companies we say that all the time and you're not the father is your first investor. All right. So, you know, I appreciate what and I said this to you earlier. It was like just because of what you talked about on your podcast people think you lack intelligence. Yes, you're like a you're brilliant. So I think that's so dope. Thank you and it's funny because my friend used to shout out to him. He's like like will be talking and I'll send him my media kit that I made on campus and he's like yo, you never cease to amaze me what girl is like, here's my media kit that I made on Campbell while also editing audio. And like I was saying like it is unfortunate that as women we can't be sexually liberated or be a hoe and also be smart. So and it's also a part of me. I'm not able to share as much on the podcast right but like even before, you know, we met and my friend that's here now like she knew me when I was interviewing for the Obama Administration at one point. I was working I work for the Department of Financial Services Goldman Sachs ey and when you say these names are so Prestige and We were talking about separating my government with my Alias Duality like oh, yeah, they have no idea and then even when I go into these interviews and I'm landing these interviews and they're like, what are you saying that these people because I know you girl. What are you saying to them? And I'm like, you know, it's I turn it on and off but then as soon as I got hired you getting me so I'm like, yeah, I got that for you. What's going on? I'm already hired. Y'all paid a lot of money for me to have my if it's and to get me in the door, you can't fire me because you don't like a top. So once I got in the door, I was very much myself still getting my braids and doing things in Corporate America that it's kind of hard like and it was a challenge to have to turn it on and off but I did it and so again, you can have a podcast where you talk about. Hopefully not killing people but you could talk about this thing and have a completely different life with with your 9 to 5, and it be okay and I and that's one of the tell me about it. Like I said, I'll say this whole entire your leisure is a tint that welcomes everybody. Yes, and we have people from all walks of life. We have people that went to Harvard people that did 20 years in jail tour the citizens. Yep. Be have people that have sex Kink podcast, but you know, the good thing is that everybody has a story everybody and everybody has a business story. And is this somebody that can relate to everybody? So what did I say that correctly? Yeah not it's summer. Everybody cares so much. You know what? I mean? One of those things. Yeah, whatever. Yeah like Harvard graduate. Yeah. I went to a City University. I went to laymen didn't know about it. I'm from Florida. I'm like, oh, you know about leaving before you guys I didn't know about Baruch. I didn't know about none of these schools. I was like, I remember $400. I'm not even gonna lie to you. I remember when I was looking for schools to go to I was like I need to get back into school because I don't want to be a receptionist at a temp agency for a bartender for the rest of my life. So I'm looking at school. And I all I knew Fordham Columbia and what is that root cause of what I was like, oh that's injury. That's not an option. So I'm like, okay former Columbia. I said 48 thousand a year for them. That was for them. I said, okay there has to be other options. So I figured out what a City University wasn't a thing me going to Lehman and not even Baruch to be able to not be at a school where even people would go and recruit. I'm in the face of Goldman. I'm in the face of a big for I'm sending my resume off to the White House and going through the entire interview process where I know I'm competing against Fordham students Harvard students Howard students and having those opportunities and not allowing the CUNY system to deter me from the shots. Excuse of New York. Yeah, man. Yeah. Well man, he's been a pleasure. Thank you for And I swear welcome to the alumni. Oh, yeah, ey ey alumni, thank you. If anyone has any questions relating to podcasting listen back to this episode. No, but I do want to give a shout out to my friend if I can. Yes, Carla will Maris if you guys are looking to start your podcast she offers a portal so I know again I found you guys through Alex who has the trucking industry portal. And again, thank you for that episode. I'm looking to now invest So Alex you what? Yes, man. Yeah, my friend Carla. Will Maris she has a launch platform. Well, I'm sorry where she actually takes you through the steps. It's a five-week portal literally from start to finish you can get your podcasts off of the ground. So she helps with the equipment you need you starting your trailer curating your cover art everything. And so if you have questions slide in the dams of at Carla will mirrors don't slide him ideas. A lot of people hit me up. I don't offer the services of coaching and mentoring I did it. I don't want to be responsible for how you go about your business. This was my journey, but I don't have the time to you know, answer all these questions, but for the people that offer that I want to give a shout out to them. So Carla Wilm AR is she has a portal she has PDFs everything that you guys need with this information to start your podcast and how can people check your podcast out and your associate. So if you guys want to listen to a sex-based podcast for colored people it is for us. I'm not going to lie white people would talk about y'all but we it is a safe space for black people wanting to listen to sex dating and relationship conversations. You can catch us every Monday wherever you listen to your favorite platforms horrible type in whore, whre we pop up and if you guys want to catch up with everything I have going on you. Check out Mandy You can hit the Subscribe now and it will introduce you to my newsletter and with my newsletter you guys will be up on my solo podcast that is dropping and that podcast will actually be more mental health base. It's going to me talk about I'm going through going into college as a non-traditional adult. So I didn't go straight out of college. I'm going to talk about growing up in a single-parent household being biracial leaving my corporate job anxiety and it's kind of going to be like a chapter book through my life. So that'll be coming in February. Be wary so if you guys go to many subscribe to that you guys will get the newsletter of everything going on. And yeah, follow me at Full Court pumps on everything. That's my socials full-court pumps. Yes, Max Troy dish out to everybody on will are patriots. We have some new ones Taja and Tasha is interesting story. She actually came as a gift from somebody somebody give them a patreon membership. So shouts, IJ and Eliza and James Those are new members and James I think comes in at a tier 4 or 5. So he'll be getting eyl University. He has access to that and that is our weekly school. Really? I heard you not say I say yo my dad got a school. Yes, that is our school three days a week. We are dropping a lot of Education right Monday was we have met that mg. The mortgage guy who talks about different aspects of real estate and Wednesday. We have a guest webinar with some of our alumni and some people who just Experts in their field and Thursday kind of a floating day Rashad and I always do a podcast about something related in business. We don't mean like as a lesson a lesson. I'm sorry. You got webinar webinar night. Also, I know you guys listen to the podcast follow them on Instagram. You guys go live almost every day but live with a lot of just entrepreneurs and alumni and I see a lot of dope and the lives are like a lot really? Yeah. Yeah, it's like so like when we go live is usually like I'll go on our journey Leisure he goes on his page but night I like watching people call in. So it's like it's going to need to come with a function where we have like a particle like we can both be on and we can take it or take guess calls because that's what I really like seeing. I'm like yo somebody called in from London. I'm like, yo, I'm tuned in like I work like wow, he heard us in London somebody calling from South Africa. I'm like, wow, it sounds like a really dope and I appreciate that you guys do that. The reach is crazy here. So shout out everybody. On patreon shoutouts everybody that has been supporting and buying a merger obviously see that we have our UIL University as far as apparel on today and we're going to be coming to Atlanta with a lot more of the Peril. Yeah, Selena got it for Atlanta. So anyone who may be listening that's a part of the whore Hive which is what we call those girls school. Yeah belted or Hub. And we're Hive if any of you guys are in Atlanta and are looking to get into any type of Investments or just You know be around me. I'll be there something get your ticket. That's a fact Mandy will be in the building. She actually where I take it before she even became an alumna. Yeah. Well she had yeah, you should be there Sunday. So make sure I'm Tony on time. I just saying is I'm gonna is gonna be crazy two day event 25th 26th. We got all our friends come in everybody's coming out. So if you're in Atlanta man, don't sleep on it, make sure you make sure you pull up on this for sure. I booked it for this week is start with Y great book. We so once again, thank you guys for rocking with us. We'll see you next week. Peace, please.
Mandii B aka Full Court Pumps is the host of Whoreible Decisions Podcast. Her show ranks in the top 1% of all podcast in regards to listenership. She left her job as an accountant at one of the largest accounting firms in the world last year to become a full-time podcaster when she matched her annual corporate salary from her show in the first 5 months of the year. In episode 56 we teamed up with Mandii to cover one of our most requested topics, how to start and make money from a podcast. Mandii broke down her show’s revenue model step by step and explained how they brought in a quarter-million dollars last year. She explained the touring process, patreon, ads and more. She also gave a look into the politics and inner workings of being on the top podcast network. The World of podcasting has a lot more millionaires to make in the next few years. In this episode we gave all the tools and insight anyone needs to get going. Mandii’s energy is contagious, there are no dull moments in this episode. Support this podcast:
Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started. Hello and welcome. This is Renee Sills your astrologer and host of the embodied astrology podcast. You're listening to the audio horoscopes for Gemini season, 2019. These horoscopes focus on what I see as being the most important themes of the season and I'll offer some perspective on how to work with these themes through your embodied awareness Gemini season extends between Tuesday, May 21st and Friday, June 21st, please listen to the horoscopes for both your sun sign and your rising sign. Your sun sign is the time of year. You were born and it's the answer you give. When asks you what your sign is Sun Sign horoscopes will generally give you more information about what's important in your larger life journey and soul development. Your rising sign is the time of day. You were born and the rising sign horoscopes generally give you greater insight into the current events of your day-to-day life many people also find valuable information in the horoscopes for their Moon signs, which often speak to more emotional experiences or those occurring within the home and family. If you don't know your signs, you can get a free chart in the horse in the the horoscope section on my website embodied check on the site anyway to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs for Gemini season to learn more about Gemini and Gemini season, make sure to listen to the guided meditation called meet your mind. Gemini is a sign in everyone's chart. And in this meditation, you'll gain understanding for how to work with Geminis strengths and challenges and will experience how Gemini functions in your body and lived experience if your monthly subscriber you'll also receive my Ended month ahead astrology report this report includes an expanded forecast audio recording and downloadable PDF with information on planetary aspects in lunar cycles this month and suggestions for how to work with the astrology for your best benefit. You can subscribe today by becoming a monthly donor at any amount per month when you subscribe. You'll also receive discounts for my online classes other events and month late birthday reports. If you enjoy this work, please support it by sharing it with your friends on social media tag, and Follow embodied astrology on Instagram Facebook and Twitter. Please consider also supporting the work by leaving positive ratings on iTunes or like some comments on the links. Finally your financial support allows me to continue offering this work for free to donate or to find any of the information that I mentioned above. Go to embodied or check the show notes. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Gemini season now onto your horoscope. Hello Pisces. Thank you for listening. This is your month ahead. Look at Gemini season, May 20th through June twenty first twenty nineteen. Gemini season is the time of year when we are in the very end of spring and beginning of Summer. If you're in the northern hemisphere end of autumn beginning of winter in the Southern Hemisphere. And so this is a time that is kind of Peak moment a little bit in the year. There's like energy that's building and Gemini as a kind of element feels very busy often times and there can be a lot of activity going on and when the sun moves into Gemini it is bringing awareness of all this activity and all month will have a number of personal planets in Gemini as well. And so there's quite a lot going on in this sign. And for you this has to do with your home your family. So in the Pisces solar chart Gemini rules the fourth house and for you. This is a place that has to do with tribe and routes and what it is that you come home to and how you sense your belonging in the world and with all of this emphasis. There might be quite a bit of thought that's going into various aspects of your home life and so forth. Of you this will mean like what your home looks like or how your home is functioning or there are lots of people coming and going from your actual home for some of you you're going to be thinking about your foundational issues. You're going to be thinking about like, how did I get the way that I am and where did I come from and who are my people for some of you you might be moving? I don't know. I mean there's a lot that's going on in this part of your chart you get the idea so during Gemini season just in general. There's a lot of Consciousness extra heightened Consciousness in this part of your life. And because this season includes so much activity in Gemini with Mercury their Mercury moves into Gemini the same day that the sun does and then later in the month Venus will move into Gemini as well. And of course the sun is there and Gemini is making a bunch of aspects throughout the month to many different places in the chart. So Stuff that might be kind of setting off or you may be resonating with it in a place that feels very personal to you. So again, this is the fourth house the place of Home especially at the beginning of the month. It seems like there's quite a lot of emphasis on understanding something and understanding either, you know, how things got to be the way that they are or what needs to be healed and how resolution Can happen there are a number of powerful aspects the first couple of days of Gemini Seasons. This is like the 21st through the 25th or so and then this leads to the the first fourth quarter Square the lunar marking of the 90 degrees with the sun and the moon that is is quite a heightens time. I think especially for you and this might have might be a moment of a lot of self recognition of some kind. It seems to me like there are opportunities at this time for you to really work on any kind of foundational issues of self-esteem. If these are coming up or thinking about your values or how you value yourself or ideas like this and so this Peaks around Sunday the 26th of May now as we get into the next week, May 30th through June 2nd Venus is making a number of of aspects and the parts of your chart that are getting lit up this couple of days really have a lot to do with your Communications have a lot to do with your kind of identity and sense of self and then also with potentially friends or people in your network. And so there may be some demand for you to figure out like how to communicate and what your stance is and how you're getting along with people. Definitely a lot of heightened awareness. In terms of your recep tivity to new ideas how you're hearing information how you're listening to information how you're talking how you're exchanging? So one thing that I want to offer for that time is that you can definitely like let go of any kinds of I want to say like social up tightness. And so if there are ways that you're worried about what other people are thinking any of you or if you're worried about like some kind of outcome or measuring yourself in some way. It's important now that you are refined and that you speak what is essential but it's also really important that you communicate as truthfully as transparently as you possibly can and if there are things that are coming up about these kind of issues of your life at this is resonating for you. Whether or not that is or that part is definitely I do want to say that included at this time. So again, this is May 30th through June second or so. It is really important that you are paying attention to your kind of deepest intent as a spiritual being and so this idea of like we're Spiritual Beings having a human experiences. Those are a couple days to really connect to your spiritual beingness and a Ask yourself, you know, who is it that you're that you're here to be and like what are you here for? And what do you really want to be exude inning? And what kind of energy do you want to be spreading into the world and connect with some bigger idea of yourself? That'll be helpful at that time on Monday June third. There's a new moon in Gemini. And so again this has to do with your home with your route with your foundation with how you're feeling and curd and familial sense of family. Belonging in the world and a new moon is always a time to set an intention for a new beginning and we have a 12 month cycle that's beginning with this new moon, which is Gemini season to Gemini season and things to think about it. This new moon would be developing your communication skills, especially to people that you're sharing space with it would be openness to new ideas about your home and your living arrangements and curiosity about being at home curiosity about the people that you live with there can be a lot of growth at this time kind of understanding again, like how things came to be what they are and like your lineage and ancestry and conditioning your programming and how you are at home and in a secure and stable place in for whatever that means. Now there are a couple of things then that start to happen in the sign of Cancer about kind of halfway through Gemini season, so Mercury moves into The same cancer and it will Transit their June 4th through 28 and Mercury will make several aspects with Mars over the next few weeks and Mars is in cancer as well. And so they're actually moving into a conjunction with one another that'll be exact on June 18th. And as they move into that conjunction, they're very busy forming aspects all over the chart and for you this part of the chart has to do with your Creative Energy. And your creative energy is your erotic energy. It's your joy energy. It's your heart energy and it's whatever that it is that you create in the world. And so sometimes you create a pie. Sometimes you create an art project. Sometimes you create a baby or another human. The fifth house is a place where you play and you get to experiment and explore. So this is also the place of romance and there might be If that's going on with friends friend romances as well as romantic romances, you know, your buddies and stuff like that and let's see as as that kind of period is leading to this combination of mercury conjunct Mars and as part of your chart, there's also a full moon. So first of all leading up to a Full Moon energy gets heightened and emotions. Tend to get heightened this full moon is stimulating the axis of your chart that has to do with foundations and ambition with what you feel secure in and what you reach towards and again a lot that maybe has to do with your conditioning a lot that might have to do with home and also a lot that has to do with how you want to be in the world and what kind of person you want to be and potentially what kind of work you want to be doing and as we get into that full moon, there's all of this activity. That's happening in this very creative space for you. So I could see that many of you are you know working on new ideas for your future and that might mean work related projects that might have to do with things that are not at all about work. But there's some kind of feeling of like you're preparing something in your you know, investing energy in the and time and there's you know, I don't know Mercury and Mars together bring a lot of Of energy. There's a lot of stuff to think about and there's heat and there's passion and the aspects that are being formed definitely could be bringing up a lot. So I just yeah want to say be kind to yourself and be kind to others and play nicely and be safe and as you move through your months really think about what Is that you ground in and how you get grounded and what it is that you're reaching towards the last little bit that I want to say is that there's also quite a lot of energy in the sign Taurus this month and I talked about this before when I was mentioning your Communications, but another way to think about this is that your mind is opening to something and the more you let your mind. And the more your creative life and your Creative Energy gets a boost and the more you let your mind expand the more you might be open to ideas of future that maybe you haven't thought about before or maybe you can really shift the way that you're orienting towards your life this month. There's definitely feels like you might get a fresh lease on life a little bit. That's not to say there's no drama for some of you there might be A lot this month is kind of intense with everything that's happening in terms of aspects with the personal planets. So I think people in general will have a lot going on in and you certainly will as well. So it will be important this month that you get some Solitude and the fourth house where Gemini is again is your home. So spending time at home making your space into something that feels nice to be in and in general being Appreciative of your home may be talking to it talking to the people that you live with getting grounded getting rooted. These are Big themes. They're going to help you out through the month to if you want to know more about astrology. Please check out my monthly offerings. You can get the Gemini season month ahead and that includes recording that gives you like a much more in-depth month ahead. Look at planetary aspects and lunar cycles. You'll also get a PDF which All of this information in a different kind of form in a written form with prompts for your journaling and your writing and it's really just a tool to use in your daily life and to contextualize what's going on and definitely to plan with if you are interested in the Gemini season, check it out at embodied You can buy it one time or you can get a monthly subscription by becoming a monthly donor and these subscriptions are pay what you You can at any amount. So learn more there use the guided meditation for Gemini season if you're going through a lot of thinking if the stuff that's happening in your life is really bringing up a lot of kind of mental energy than definitely check that out to. Thank you so much for listening. Happy Gemini season, and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Gemini Season in 2019. Gemini Season extends between May 21- June 21 Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs and to find out more about donating to sustain this work or becoming a monthly subscriber Check out the Embodied Astrology introduction and guided meditation for Gemini Season, Meet Your Mind. In this 40-minute episode I’ll introduce the sign Gemini as an embodied quality and state of being. Everyone has Gemini in their chart and Gemini is a very important sign! This is the sign that governs mental processes, thinking and language. I’ll talk to you about how to recognize Gemini’s influence in your body and behaviors, and offer some somatic resourcing for working with Gemini’s tendency to overthink, compare and get distracted. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Gemini season (May 21-June 21), and also a great energy to check in with at any point. Get the Gemini Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today!
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. It's that time our favorite time for the arrow AfterBuzz after a show Tatsu returns. Lila gets a little bit devious and the fights are glorious glorious. So let's get started. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TV talk now. Nice to be here. Of course. I am your glorious hosts. Are we gonna Bradford joined by some pretty amazing folks? We have Olivia detail. And of course the wonderful Matt Mauro. Hello. I'm late. I like whenever you said Olivia deep. Apparently, I've got mixed up. Yeah. I'm at more. He's not I'm Olivia. I guess you already need to chill. I got one apparently in the chat. Wow, so and you get up intro to you. Welcome our co-host of the show, you know the deal and if it's your first time this side of the table belongs to you your co-hosting the show with us, whether it's live or you're watching it post-recording. You can leave a comment below of course, hashtag everything a be TV Arrow on social media. And if you're in the chat now join us for hashtag who I love to I hate who is the actor that you love to hate because her so dang good at their job starting with you guys. I will start. Oh, she's ready. He's ready since the first the start of the episode Laurel. Oh, that's okay. We're going to get into that. Well, okay. No, but she she made her way around to warming up to me, but at the beginning I was like, okay, I get it. I get it that you're Earth-like died would be nicer to people so insensitive. Okay. Okay, Matt Maher. JJ perfect. He's so handsome. He's so handsome but he's so bad in your bad your brother, but wait, but then he's a bad boy. Never mind. I love him. Well who I love to hate was Lyle. I know. Not to steal your thunder, but we might be talking a little bit more about Lila in our AfterBuzz new segment. So people should stay tuned because it's gonna get rich so juicy various don't we are like on crack tonight? I currently yeah, I really care leave is not here now. So we're all just chili. Yeah goofy. Okay, so well up to hate James chunghae. I says I love to hate is Earth to dying agreed that once that's yeah archers Ali has To hi Steven. It is Laurel. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Bob Master just says I hate the future crap. Through that Kevin a grassy and Ryan says Lila greed which oh and someone says Michael Blake says the monitor. Oh good one. I just want one. Sorry. Okay, and there's some laurels in there to from yeah. All right. Well overall thoughts of this episode are we loving the fact that each and every episode is dedicated to each season love it. I'm so glad you brought that in O wise leader really wouldn't know that I'd love that now. I loved it. I overall I mean that's just a comic nerd. I'm like, I kind of feel like I'm getting a hug from the universe again like that. This show is returning to form and it's much like the show that we fell in love with and I'm here for Yes, I loved I loved every moment of this episode. There's so many like good fight scenes that we'll talk about and my favorite was seeing flashbacks of Felicity the actual Felicity such a t it was so romantic. Well, she's dead. What? Oh, just no. No, I'm kidding great timing. I know. Hey give it a ride in the booth everybody. Thank you anyway. I like I'm I like that I'm excited about this series because when we started up last season, I think a lot of us really cool Oliver's in jail. Oh he still in jail. Tatsu she's one of my favorite. I love her too. I've Loved they that was a great reminder of just I forgot how this with Tatsu but then her husband and her son and him dying like that was a really gut-wrenching season and a really great season. So it's nice to be reminded. Yeah, exactly. I had forgotten about that whole scene and then when she brought it up tonight and I was like, oh man. Yeah, that was so got Ritchie what happened to her and I just love her face. It's just so like cute huh? Like she's just such a beautiful woman. It's a beautiful Woman she's like also such a badass. So it just makes me feel good that there's like beautiful badass women out there. You know, I'm sitting next to cure them and really quickly Bob Master. It's his first time in the chat. Whoa. Oh and Ivan Soto's hear your husband Ivan. Hi honey. He's waiting for a ring Boo Boo Boo. Anyways a rock and get it together now. Back to tattoo. I actually was hoping that they chose a flashback of her husband Sal because I was like, oh my God, he's so hot. He was but anyway, I'd like the fact that she brought she made all of her question the monitor because he was so blindly last episode just falling whatever he did because out of this hope and she even said it like same ol Oliver that like let my son die. I forgot about that. Oh, yeah. Yeah that mean that was some deep stuff and I think that what it's reminding Ian us is that Oliver has had a lot of loss. And so this is literally I think well, I was cool what she I mean we knew this but she reminded us that literally all of our has the potential of what he saw on Earth to to happen to his own Earth and all of his family and what he basically has been fighting for for the last eight seasons. He stands to lose so really it was for me like a very much like dang that got deep moment. So I appreciated. The I just anyway, I made me make put me in my feelings. Yeah, and back to tatsu's Brandon 52 says she never really got to live up to her character. I love that. She got a second chance. So yeah, it's got could see was officially furloughs in the cam. Yeah. She's her comment but his Katana. So anyway, which is explore that character on our own and arrow Katana also has a lot of stuff I should have done that for. Oh, well that Katana has a lot of stuff in Batman, which is really great. So check her out. Yeah. Katana by the way is also the name of a kick a martial arts cake. Hi-yah guys. I don't know if y'all haven't seen Ali Khan has fight real on her Twitter. So you should pause that. It's legit Arrow realness fighting so somebody tell the casting director. It's like shot like an arrow episode 2. It's like there's some whoever the camera guy is was excellent. He was like going on and then we diggle shows up. It's awesome. Oh, yeah. The shirt off. Yeah, great. Great grandma. Sure. Let's talk about that. He showed up with a mission with Oliver. We got all of our we got Tatsu we got diggle. I was a little afraid to go wouldn't be there because of everything the monitor was saying, but anyways, great to see if you really paid attention. They fought in three at the beginning, right? So it was taught to diggle and Oliver and in season 2, they were a team of three. Yeah Lissa T. But this is me. Maybe I'm just reaching for comment. Ally's now that I huh, but either way it was nice to see the small team. There's not too much going on and yeah, it's just I just I love that dig always always or for the first two episodes has just been his like his anchor, you know, he's just always there. He's been his his best friend since the beginning and he still there into the last season. So I just warmed my heart. I again, it's just I was saying that somebody asked me outside of the AfterBuzz laws of Blobby father host. They said how do you like arrow? And I said, it's a return to form. That's what Like it's such a great description for this show and they've really cut the fat and thank goodness. And so like, you know, I don't because I you know, I don't think we're going to get like a ton. Honestly this shows much better without Renee without diet is without Curtis. Like it really is a much better show without all of those extra people. It just became too many people. Yeah, black magic says digs fight choreo improved a lot and I noticed that like he was the in Al and I don't know again if that's like a kickback to maybe they got a better budget season 2 or they were just more well equipped and trained to fight because in their break they train more but it was definitely so much more elevated which again, we'll talk about the fight scenes but noted definitely notice. Yeah just feels like everything is elevated actually this season because they probably got the same amount of budget are usually close to do. Yeah 10 episodes instead of 23. It's just I hate it. It's such as somebody who works and as we all do is we work in the industry. Like, you know, these shows going to 10 episodes It's kind of killing it especially for Riders and but also for actors in that, you know, if you had 23 you're working basically all year with like two months off and now you're working three months and that's it. So it's not necessarily great for the business, but it's really does make a better better tighter show. That's just kind of cut the fat and I think we're getting that right. Let's talk about the mission that they went on to. Because we're trying about each individual character how much we love them so much but they did have this mission to get the alpha omega serum, which is what unleash powerful Mega she Rome bomb boy. Bum bum bum. That was a base. Nothing baby, you know, sometimes I'm manly Ivan knows knows what's up. So back to the back to the mission? Yeah, dr. Wong who created this thing? Because China White which hey girl. She came back longer hair. Yeah. Grace is here, and she's again. Villain good. Good good. Yeah, yes, so she's back. We're trying to get and figure out why dr. Wong is like the main prize if you will which doesn't mean I mean, maybe you guys figured out but I'm feeling really Grown Apart. Okay, did you know I didn't really get to know this because she was out for the serum and it was like I'll trade you the doctor for this year, but you've the doctor that can create it. So yeah don't need to do the trade unless you're on a time line also. Why would they attack and like when Oliver was like, okay go why would they attack them when she still had the the the Detonator in our hand like if they attacked her couldn't she have just gone beam boom like yeah it make any sense to me except should they just like ran like I kind of wish they would have shown like an arrow or something like hitting her hand and knocking The Detonator out of her hand. Yes. I think that would have made a little bit more sense. But yeah, I didn't quite grasp why they mean maybe they'll tell us This in the next few episodes but like why they want him and what he's going to get they should be. Yeah only because each episode is just true individualize. It's like we got our mission next, please. Yeah. Yeah. They're very kind of putting a bow on each one. Yeah. I don't really know why. Well, we do we are going to find out it because at the end Lila and the monitor she's all like I've got dr. Wong right? So I think this is Happy holler at your girl. So I think that's going to be the continuity of we just don't know what dr. Wong's doing it, but that's what the monitor wanted and we definitely have established. Some people are like, I don't know who but some people I mean, you know, there's a couple saying I read in chat like you think this season is all going to be about in physics. Isis yes, this is if you didn't get that the first one this is the second one settle in because that's what this is going to be all be about. Yeah, right. Well Lila and Laurel actually come to save the day. But obviously we find out that y was not on the right team. Maybe I know two things either. She's a vile betrayer. Or that was the monitors back-up plan because he already knew that Oliver had some emotional issues going into that, but I think that's great Bradford pat on the back. No, I agree with you 100 percent. I think that I don't think while it necessarily is going to do anything evil. I think she's just, you know, the the like more stable one between her and all the one step ahead of law man. That's all and that's no joke these nice. Sorry. I've had like a lot of my okay. So we're talking about we had Caffeine Ivan said this is interesting what my husband just said Lila being the harbinger of comics was out of nowhere. So I wanted that it's I think a good point that we haven't seen Lila in a while and she is kind of coming. I mean we saw her. Yeah, not at all hardly last season guy. So and when we did we hate it, the chemistry was also she's back. It did seem a little bit like, I mean, I enjoyed it though when she was like hey, honey. So they introduce you to the good way, but I was a little oh, okay. This is happening. I for the first time in my life within the first one say what 30 seconds that she was on screen liked her. Yeah, you guys know what how I you know, how I feel about her but she came on and she was just hardcore badass Laurel had a mission. She stepped in and was like what you're going to need a hand. Well, I don't crack. Whoa. Okay. Yeah, like when the kid, yeah, forgive me. I forgot his name, but the tech kid. It was taking his time this that and the third or he's lying. That's what it was. She said he's lying and she smashed something. I was like, well, you know, I love you. I actually liked her much more. It's when she's with diggle. We're we're kind of like but yeah Nichols now she when she like you said, but you honey, he like winked. I was like, oh, it's very common something. I don't yeah. I mean, of course, they didn't really speak to each other so we can meet judge now, but I feel like some there's a little something there. Maybe maybe she can have her Redemption. I'm not I'm not mad at it. I'm not mad at it. Maybe we're going to find out the reason they had zero chemistry the entire world of this maybe dough is because Lila deep down inside has been a bad guy and that's where the mrs. Well maybe I think we're going to get more Lila to because hello, we're talking about their children like we're talking about JJ. So like it's going to make sense. I think more in the flash-forwards. Okay, that made a Lee konitz sad either way. I just I really want to highlight the fact that the both actresses both her and Laurel were so great together. They had both had emotional scenes in the fact that they were talking about survivor's guilt. So yeah deep down whatever Lila's mission is at the end of the day. I think she was really genuine and the things that she was saying to Laurel and I think that both of them just Stellar ack. I actually wrote and I just put an all caps I got I I won't say the f word but I did say iaf and love Katie Cassidy. She's just so great and she's such a good actor and she just really has talked about somebody who is I think almost I think probably more than anybody on this show has grown so much as an actor and grow you can tell that you know, I don't I don't I'd be interested to talk to her. Well for many reasons, but I feel like if we she would say, I don't know if they originally planned this character is our her character. Black Canary so much but she was just such a good actor in gave him so much the Riders. You see that a lot. The Riders will ride for someone so great. Sorry. I lost my breath it sound like I was going to cry right there like but I'm not Olivia any thoughts I had and I don't really necessarily agree. I feel like she's just not as good this time around. I'm not talking about Black Canary not dinner. I'm talking about Katie Cassidy as an actor. She's a good actress. I'll give her that. I like her as this black siren. No, she's not black kid. Nari. All right, so, I don't know. I just I felt like it. I feel like it didn't I fake came off a little fake to me tonight. Well, okay. I don't know Gloria says Katie was epic tonight. So Ivan soda seeing little breakdown about the destruction of Earth with of her Earth was heartbreaking. Yeah. Yep. It was even worse when she took I call it the portalremote but it has a very fancy name to it clicker the clicker the garage clicker. Yeah. But when she kept on trying to push it and she's wise not working. It's not working and then she turned around and flip mode on the guy and he's like, I can't create a whole universe. Yeah, and I thought that was such a fantastic moment. Well, I think what they're doing and we're going to see this. I think there's this I think there's going to be some fun week and nods to the fans of like stuff in the past, but I think also there's going to be look we've got to if Infinite Crisis is coming to there's going to be lost because we need to feel it and I think that she's She's probably like the first man casually but get ready y'all. I think there's just going to be more on the way. I'm really surprised that Tatsu made it when she got stabbed in this I thought you were going to die. That's gonna be one of our losses have been then she survived. I was like interesting. I thought China White was going to behead her. Yeah, I thought so too and I would have been shocked but also a little gagged. Yeah, they done that because I would have been like whoa. Yeah, but also like I don't know. I feel like at this point in the season or and you know in the series that you need to Yeah in London, it's true. Oh, by the way, Grace Gracie and Ryan is right. It's called the universal clicker. Oh, okay, like, you know, you get it best by does everything. Yeah, you know, what else does everything Matt Maher especially when he tells us about how wonderful after buzzes and all of us is wonderful y'all. We don't get paid to do this. They feed us sometimes you know why we do this because we love it. We love it. We love you. We love this show and I love all y'all we just have Such a fun time together and we only are able to do that because y'all do certain things that help us out like subscribe down there. I never know which way it is just do something. Yeah, just do the whole thing be right there just subscribed. Please hit the little subscribe button. Also, if you're listening to the podcast, we love that and yes, you're listening to podcast on Apple podcast, especially if you could leave us a review give us five stars and just whatever you need to put even if you put pew pew pew if Right. Yeah saying that actually helped boost this up more than just giving the Stars. I don't know people know that so we appreciate that and ultimately you guys we've got so with all of this to we've got Arrow, we've got flash we've got Supergirl guess what all these shows have after both shows. We are breaking down and getting you ready for Infinite Crisis and their special things coming. So it's going to be a fun time at AfterBuzz and thank you for making AfterBuzz the ESP n of T v-- talk. I just want to say one last compliment that's relevant and irrelevant. And that's the fact that I feel like the writing for this episode was really great. Yeah with a dialogue. Yes. It was an it wasn't that it was an issue before but I know last season and I think we all complain about the fact that we kept seeing reoccurrences. Yeah of it felt like some of the whoever was in charge wasn't paying attention to what happened to last season's because we were seeing repetition repetition repetition. But just everything went together so well in this episode the conversations were great had a lot of depth to them. So I just wanted to point that one well in to point out to add to that literally they rehash stuff. We'd already seen before in past Seasons this time. They're actually going back to things we've seen before but yet making it feel fresh. Yes that was hard to do. It's hard to do. Yeah, and it's they're doing such a good job so far. I'm really excited. Michael Blake really quickly says, I think Tatsu will be in crisis and that's Probably why they did it makes a good call good call great. Let's talk about the flash-forwards. No, not even a sound. Well, nothing nothing. I didn't hate it as much as episode. But again, I like it as a standalone. I like that. It's being a becoming a spin-off. I think it's going to be a great story to tell before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors and today Spotify. 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Now that we're going through season 1 season 2 Bubba Bubba, the flashbacks were such a huge part of season one and season two and establishing Oliver's Journey that I'm like, how are you not incorporating it into your Throwbacks in this season, so I was hoping we would see maybe Some of that and we're not and of course, I thought you finished. Go ahead. I was just going to say in those to me parallel the show so well when this show started it made sense when the flashback happened, you're like, ah, ha. Yes, that's why so and so's this way when the flash-forwards happened. I'm like, oh cut to another show dot dot dot. Oh, it's over cool back to my regularly scheduled program. Yeah. No, I was gonna say what I think stylistically they're trying to harken back because if you'll notice Like though the music and stuff. They used to you. They always use for the end of the way the camera angle and lighting effect for the flashbacks. They are now doing from the future to where Oliver like they're literally if you notice it's like when they cut to Oliver and diggle. It's like they were flashing back to Hong Kong literally, like what they did in season two, so it's almost like they're trying to tell us that the future is now present-day and I noticed that a little bit in one to it's almost like Oliver is becoming the flashbacks. But I don't like that but I will set but I 100% agree with you that there I think it's maybe going to be a slow build but I'm still enjoy the flash-forwards because I like the characters right and I want to see that show but it's a totally different show. They kind of tie things together a little bit at the end of last season. So I feel like I just hope they don't wait till like episode eight or nine to tie in these flash-forwards. Words to the Past like let's get this going like episode 4, I know so I it feels like two completely separate shows, but I know in my heart and I've seen photos of when they're going to be connecting and I feel like that is going to be such a grand time for like I think when we finally have the two mixed together it's going to be amazing. So I'm kind of holding out for that and hoping that that turns out okay, but right now I'm just like yeah, these are two separate shows like you said, it's like you're watching you. And then you watch another show and then it's like okay back to my show. Yeah, but I also agree with you that that you know that Oliver and diggle and everything. Those are the flashbacks right now and then you know, the present time is the flash-forwards, but maybe we had it's interesting. Renji. Renji nine. Oh nine 9 eight said sorry. No, you're doing the chat, but you're talking about they said I think the overlap at some point. Yeah, they will. That will well not overlap. But they well I saw some photos. That would be cool. Wait, hold on split if you see my thumbs up, it means it's okay to listen spoiler alert. Okay, don't listen. So there's this there's this photo company that goes to Vancouver and takes photos of the set and this week a bunch of photos came out that Of Oliver and Mia together and both in there like green arrow outfits and both like shooting arrows together. Are you done? I'm done. First of all, I gotta give you props for like maintaining your focus and that story because it's not was next. I just did what? Okay now no voguing and stuff those boilers are done. That's what I'm saying. Like, that's why if I have that to look forward to than yeah, give me all the flash-forwards and like I'll put them together later, but For right now, they're kind of late. Okay. All right, Ivan Soto says awesome. And Bob Master who's new to think says they gotta kill William. Oh, wow. All right, Bob Master welcome and welcome to right William is okay. He's not my favorite character. They've underutilized him and maybe that's why he's just nothing wrong with the actor per se or his ability just the character in general and like yeah, you're okay, but I'm not attached to you the way I'm attached to me. I've already developed a for lack of better words an emotional attachment to her because and maybe it's because she is so much got that Oliver fire in her that I'm like, yes strong fighter and William while he's supposed to be the Felicity. He doesn't have the same endearing quality yet, but I don't really I mean I like the actor but he seems a little like I need a little room where backbone from him. Yeah, but I want to See that's that's one criticisms of the show. I've just noticed as just as a queer man. Like I really feel like they kind of underutilized in a little bit kind of weaken. The gay characters at least from a male perspective. Like I would like to see the show so great about diversity as far as like racial diversity and there's a lot even more women are coming in. But I feel like they could when it comes to like LGBT stuff. I feel like they could add a little bit more diversity of strong queer characters. I wouldn't mind but I do love that he's so Similar to Felicity and it like it gives me like Felicity Vibes all the time and like, you know, just the way that he is and how smart he is and his little quirks that he does and even like tonight when you saw everyone come into the bunker where he was and he he like made this face of like lala and like that would be the face that Felicity would make every time she got in trouble but with Felicity just stand there and let him capture her. No, not at all. That's the difference. Yes sure. She would like have a code or she would start like if she wasn't she would fight back. Yeah, so that's what I need. Yeah. Sorry, that's okay. Stop it up. Will y'all wow, thank you dear giggle after them. No talk about what happened in the flash for okay, because we have the two brothers. We have JJ we have the not Slade Wilson. That is jjjj. Connor. Connor. Connor had a moment and we have the reference the Bronze Tiger. I mean we knew that but they said it out loud. Yeah, so it was nice to hear. Yeah, but yeah, I think it was just like laying down foundation for the two characters as far as like, well, this is why I'm a disgruntled son because that one time you let me take the blame. Yeah, and it seems so petty like that's why you hate the world. Yeah. I mean, I like that they were having a conversation and it was kind of cool to see the two of them just like hashing things out to Great actor. I thought yeah, but the acting was amazing and I liked hearing what they had to say about it. But also at the same time, it's the very Arrow story of like someone was mean to me when I was 12 and now I'm killing everyone and it's like that's so Arrow of you. Yeah, that's every Evil Genius. Totally though, we finish adding, you know that I'm not totally over it in that it is heartbreaking a little bit to watch that when you see when their father is diggle like such a I mean we talked about this last episode but somebody who's really the kind of the one person who hasn't changed who's like such a like he's just like a real you have loyal Soulful just like rock of this show usually the Rock and of this community of this. It's like band of community to see that it's his two boys that you know, probably he had that with his brother. So, you know that that probably that mattered so much to him. That's heartbreaking and I think you're right. I think the season where we had Giggles season with his brother is when we're going to see things come to a head between JJ and Connor and that's going to be heartbreak. That's when the flash-forwards are doing something well and that they have the gravity of what we know is happens in the Past but anyway, I'm Brandon in the chat says I wish baby Sarah would come back in the crisis. I mean, that would be good. Can you imagine if we got these my baby Mary Sarah Lance is my Black Canary wrong Sarah. Oh, that's a bit. Like, you know what maybe I mean that was the point of Infinite Crisis in the comics is that it kind of fixed a lot of continuities and made everything and combined it. Yeah, the final thing that I will say about this. Flash for is the tension between JJ and Mia great, but at the same time it does take me off a little bit which he's a villain so he's obviously doing his job. Well, but I'm like what a turd. He's so mean to her. I love apple mean it's his job handsome. It can be made to me. Oh, yes, not on the show. Brothers that's weird. But in real life offset, they're totally dating. Okay. I just wanted to make it that just when I already know that it looks in my head. Okay, so we have to talk about the fights because the fight scenes were all great, but did anybody else we noticed but you and the chat. Did you notice how well-lit they were? Yes, because every single fight now mind you when we watch it. Our TV is angled funny. So we're like stand in our chairs trying to like see stuff but in general it's so dim you Tell who's who everyone's in dark clothing. They have a hood on your like I think is that Oliver? Yeah. Whoo. No, that's it. Yeah, where is this? Everything had this like cast of yellow warm sunny glow even when bad stuff was happening. So did you guys have a favorite fight scene? Yes. Okay. I'll start my favorite fight scene I think is when Tatsu crashed through the window like she couldn't walk through the door like a normal person and then she and then the double sword stab you guys. Yeah. That was pretty My favorite that's pretty cool. Yeah, my favorite Tatsu again was honestly the last fight with Blac Chyna because just the choreography was really great there. And also what I loved it's just the shots were beautiful. They were doing the I don't know stepped up a drone or just they were mixing it with the long shots with the close-ups. We haven't really gotten that a lot from Arrow and it actually wasn't even taught to and it was that whole last sequence like when Oliver jumps off. Off the kind of ledge and he's like in slow motion like shooting it was just they put a lot of money into these fight scenes and it shows and it's totally it makes it I just it makes me believe how what a superhero is like we forget that Oliver is like a real person but he's a super hero. Yeah. What about you? I think you said that because it is such a great point when you do watch a lot of these superhero shows. I'm not like are quoting if I really are quoting. I just did you like Britney? Brittany I love Brittany. So anyhow when you want we want what I don't know Brittany, but anyway when you watch these superhero shows, did I miss something? No. No, I just thought it's funny. You're like, I'm not Britney. Yeah, so yeah, I'm just giggly keep going. Oh, no, I'm sorry. OK Didi. You said Brittany. I'm gonna get excited about Britney Spears. Oh, yes. Yes. Oh baby, baby think now I'm totally off. Do you want me to while you regain your thoughts? You got it? Okay. Continue. No, I don't got well. Anyway, I like the scene. I like the fighting scene in the market the Chinese market. Yeah, that's all there were some really cool stunts Oliver was swinging from up. There's like a big pole. He dropped down Swan dude some stuff. But the entire time there were a lot of moves. I don't know the technical names but it's a move where you run up on somebody and you grab their neck with your legs and you just saw. Enroll fast and they go flying down the coolest. It's a lot of fun to do that. I've done it before and it's really fun. But I was never the one that fell on the ground like the bad guy. I was the one that got to swing on someone's neck. So I didn't touch the ground. I was in the are flipping and then he landed flat on his back and was like gosh that must hurt. Okay, let's do this. Again. That's fine. Anyway sounds fun. It was a lot of should go off of locate on location and you should teach me and Olivia might think Archers Ali the fight scenes hashtag. So Aro grassy and Ryan says yes, I could see everything finally black magic the choreo the lighting the locations everything. So yes, everyone's so on board with these fights. Oh and the fact that because Tatsu fights with swords and we don't typically get to see that it was actually a little bit more edgy in that. Yeah, there's actual like blood and stuff before it's just kicks. I know what my point is my point was That stopped it before I forget my boy. Okay, my point shit. Aha. I can do it. I know it is. Hold on when you watch all the other superhero shows you have the flashy of Supergirl girl and they all have literal superpowers ours is all these metahuman things going on. But with arrow, it is humans against humans with the exception of Damian darhk-- and all that other stuff. But for the most part Oliver is just an ordinary guy. Guy who's got a lot of issues and a huge journey and he's the underdog and we get to travel with him, but he could do all these incredible things and as is Stephen Amell, he's gotten his body to a certain shape. He's trained so much so he can do a lot of these things and so I just have such a huge appreciation for the show because of that. She got it got it out and someone in the in the chat said the arrow the salmon ladder finally paid off for him. So but can I stream salmon ladder? Seriously shirt off? Preferably. I love that our live chat just keeps putting hi. EXO are oh I know. Yes. It's a thing also really quickly Max a rue Des is flashing Arrow are now playing at the same time and I chose to watch this since I never get to see it live. That is so sweet. Thank you so much. We appreciate all of you. Yep. We're here because of you because of you because of you. I was on AfterBuzz giving a highlight of mirror because Yes. Yeah. Anyway, do you like Kelly Clarkson like me Ron? I get it. Now. Let's not stray too far from the show format. Well, that's all I got for fight scenes and great. Yeah nanny. So why don't we get into archers a lie? Yeah. Let's get into some archers Ali everybody. Oh, they're here. Okay, so we are showing for Archers alley. This is a tweet from a Marc Guggenheim who for he's a big big big in the television world. But also it's a huge comic in DC Comics. And so it's just this is It's the from this comic is not out yet, but this will go into some news but they're actually making a comic of Green Arrow and the canaries and as you can see it's a really cool visual comic and Says he they kind of said this is a no to the final season of Arrow that starts today. So I thought it would be appropriate to share this with everybody and future so he obviously has one foot in Arrow the show and one foot in comics as well. So that is since Caroline was in here. That was my contribution to we always talk about our comics in the past. But if you're a comic book fan or if you're wanting to get into comic books, this is a great time to get into it because DC is actually kind of doing a Ending of the comics right now, but a lot of it is going to be coinciding with the Infinite Crisis that's going to be happening on the CW. So, it's a great time to go to your local comic book shop and just nerd out and have some fun. Y'all. That's archers Ali Ryan. There we go. Now it's time for news and after Moses. Okay. So the first Ron if you could bring up the first picture because I forget what's first honestly, I think it is what I think it is is what I was just talking about. I believe we're talking about the canary to get that green arrow and the canaries as we mentioned last week is a spin-off and it is currently there are already started. Shoot the pilot of this. Yeah, if you go to I didn't play it better. If you go to Catherine McNamara's Instagram, which is Kat KAIT underscore McNamara MCN am ARA, but if you go to Camp McNamara's Instagram, she did a video that you posted on October 21st, and basically she's saying it it's really exciting. I don't know what's in store. But whatever it is, it's going to be pretty badass so I cannot wait. I cannot wait to share it with you. And here we go. And so apparently what this is. I was reading this the pilot which takes place in a future version of Star City will make an episode on arrows eighth and final season. So I think about it Mike that they've actually will be one of the episodes eventually I would look at these about that. So but that's what it sounded like in this report according to Let's that's awesome Juliana also posted that same day a picture of video of her dancing. And being like oh, we're starting to shoot today. So and the same time that Catherine posted it. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah. All right everybody and so okay. Next bit of AfterBuzz news is we have um, we're going to talk about a great interview with none other than diggle David grandmommy big Randy. So this is a really long interview, so we're not going to talk about all of it, but it's a great interview. It's on So the title is Arrow David Ramsey on finally addressing the Green Lantern of It all and the final season. So he's talking about Green Lantern which of course made me just a fariq out and nerd out but also what he talks about and I said it earlier but I kind of said it because I saw them this too so I cheat it but he talks about how Lila becomes basically the Amanda Waller of the season. So which to me let it's hopefully that she's going to be good, but he said obviously because she's going to be what's going to be so much about our relationship and our children with Jay. Jane Connor that this he was excited that this relationship kind of our this season kind of digs back into the relationship that he and Lolly wants that so we're going to get more Lila but I don't want to spoil it for people but he does talk about there could be some green arrow hints to of this season of John diggle so Rita and yeah, I agree man to what did I say Greenery now, sorry same show and go to for that and then we have one more bit of news because I know Oh last week I said if your lotion that we're sending a picture of Katie Cassidy as Black Canary black siren. I kind of said I threw it out there really just to have said Olivia that I hope they ended up getting back together which made her angry like a hungry fat baby. So hey hungry fat babies are hungry y'all they're angry. But anyway, there's an article in Digital And actually I don't think I'm going to get my wish because duh. duh, because in this Stephen Amell actually quoted he said it's this is we from Entertainment Weekly says, it's really great that they're beside one another they're working with one another there's multiple times when Oliver looks at her and says, I didn't expect to be on this Mission with you, but I'm glad you're here if Oliver doesn't believe in people's capacity change, then he'd be a super big hypocrite because look of the type of person he was in Russian Russia for the sake of argument, which is also what we touch on into season and the person he is now so Getting more of a friend Vibe, but maybe a BFF five. So I was wrong and that is your afterwards news and gossip. Whoo, which means it is how your time in the chat to stop putting your predictions. Oh, yeah. Now we're going to start ours predictions. Let us know what your predictions are. Well, we know that they're going to be going to Nanda parbat. Yes, leave us acid. We y'all we froak I got so excited I hit myself in the head. Own I will you two going up and down screaming you were just like what cause she has to run this ship. So she was just like God typing. So I'm excited. Yeah, whoo-wee froak. We broke totally totally proud. So, okay. So you want predictions for next week. I mean what D is back not be is back. That's all I think the predict I do worry a little bit if you mention her that's I Dick that, there could be a chance of like Thea dying again. Like what's into the season and their one that was part of her thing as she died. So I think it could happen what it my prediction is that Thea is back and she Saves the World and she stays until crisis and then they make a show only about the forever. Okay. I predict that we are your two faces. It is lighter. Go ahead. Hide, it didn't say that working. Okay, so I predict that we're going to see the Lazarus pits just because we're going to see Malcolm Merlyn as the way that we like him. Not as a scare guy. That's like oh, that'd be cool. Evil Malcolm Merlyn. Yeah, so we're going to get a little bit of him. Maybe he'll come out and some heels at the end of the show. That'll be great. And then my final prediction is that we are actually going to see Mia in the crossover and she's going to fight alongside Oliver. Wow, so that's where we're going. It's on occasions. Actions Charmed original. Hey prediction, Laurel 2.0 will die during crisis and the monitor will resurrect our Laurel. Oh, that would be great. She'll be the Laurel in the Green Arrow and the canaries spinoff. Oh, okay, Ivan Soto Oliver and Laurel will smoosh. Huh? Smoosh smoosh. Smoosh. That's a that's is that basically get together and I don't agree with you at all. Okay, James Chung says we will get A major death soon episode for flash-forward. I probably I feel like that's going to happen. Yeah you right Bob Master. This is a flash prediction. Well, if this ain't the flash show, sorry, boo-boo. It's in the flash. Yeah. I don't know something about Barry Oh Billie Jean girl. I predict that Thea guys. Hi Billie Jean girl. I miss you. I predict that Thea dies and that's why Roy was alone on the island. That's gonna be so good. And so not fun. No, she lives forever and has her own show you guys, okay, and then star Drew I predict. I got start Drew's trolling me in the chat right now knows when he goes fan. And she just said I predict Olivia the Cowboys will live again whoo after another one because the towards the Eagles. Sorry. All I got was I predict so I'd like sports. I don't get it. I don't get it either. I think not so Arrow hashtag not so are you anyway? Yeah awesome. Oh, wait one more glove is this is for Matt Oliver and diggle make out. Thank you. That's a best prediction ever. So those are predictions also Ivan says you can't kill Thea I agree with you for once. I don't want to I don't want to I'm you can never she has her own show. Well, I just want to predict that you guys are the best fans ever and we are so lucky to have you joining us every single week. So thank you so much from us to you. We're happy to have this conversation. Be sure to continue it on social media. I'm at yours. Truly. Alie kondeh on Instagram underscore in between each word. You're surely gonna I'm on Twitter. So talk to me on Instagram. I'm Olivia D were totally ioved portfolio on both Twitter and Instagram find me a both also off. I'm in the comments of the YouTube. So I'll be I'll find you there. So find you. I'm at Mario and you can find me all on Instagram and Twitter at V. Matt Maher two T's two r's and until episode 3. We will see you, right? Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later. You've expressed herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV rights owners are principle.
Team Arrow is heading to Hong Kong, in the wake of Earth Two's destruction. But will Black Siren get on board to help Oliver and Diggle or is she just taking revenge to get home? Also this episode has some of the best fight scenes we've seen on Arrow! Join Alikona Bradford, Matt Marr & Olivia DeBertoli as the break down this FINALE season of Arrow! ABOUT ARROW: Arrow is an American television series developed by writer/producers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. It is based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, a costumed crime-fighter who was created by Mort Weisinger and George Papp. It premiered in North America on The CW on October 10, 2012, with international broadcasting taking place in late 2012. The series follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen, portrayed by Stephen Amell, who, after five years of being stranded on a hostile island, returns home to fight crime and corruption as a secret vigilante whose weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. Unlike in the comic books, Oliver does not go by the alias "Green Arrow" in the television series. Arrow also features appearances by other DC Comics characters.
White House Pierre kills Snape kills Vape the Holy Spirit activates, baby The Holy Spirit activates fate the devil killed space, uh-oh, then jump out of it Chanel. We better jump out of it. Hello everyone. You are listening to oh my goodness. It was quite alike. Yes, it was. It was kind of angelic in the hill joining me. Of course. I'm shannan. He's first of all and joining me is dr. Robin Casas. I guys what a day Pastor Tony Casas one and Pastor Nate. And gases. Hi everyone. We're going to wake everyone up on this beautiful beautiful day. I didn't mean to do that twice. But I anyway, I just like our little jingle because our jingle sound like it was like a war in heaven Pastor. Robin was playing like the enemy and then make them playing but not him. We know we we did pretty steady. Okay already getting into it. Yeah pretend that he was there today in our our jingle. It's like a war in heaven. It was like the The replication it can hold that is hmm. Anywho last week we talked about the Holy Holy Spirit Third Man the third man in the fire the third man, man, and the third man in the fire. He's in that fight, and we definitely talked about a lot of that. So if you have not already listened to it, please go take a listen to Ooh this last portal and if you have thank you for all the feedback. We've been getting a lot of feedback from new friends. I'm really sad because no one's written in and told me what what a great voice of God. Well my singing voice, you know Pastor Tony I'm with you on that because you know people don't appreciate good talent. That's what it really is. It really just boils down to people are appreciating authentic. I think your palate on because I had one friend from Australia time later. Stop singing. Wow. So I'm I'm okay with that. Okay. Let Nate anybody's good Kindred Spirits guys. No, well, maybe so summing up last week. We brought up the the name of the portal was the third man. And that was in reference to sad rack Meshach and Abednego the three men in the fire and remember that the key. King of Babylon when he looked back into the Flames. He saw four men in the fire. That's right. And he said one of them looks like the Son of God. So obviously Jesus was in there with Cedric and his friends and they weren't burnt by the flame. They weren't touched by the flame when they they came out the three men eventually came out of that furnace not here not one hair on their head was singed and there was not even the smell of smoke on their garments. So we called it the third man because in the New Testament scenario if Cedric Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the flames, you would only still see three men reason being Holy Spirit would have lived in each one say yes, and so that's why we call it the third man of the godhead, you know, there's three persons in the godhead. Godhead and the third person is the Holy Spirit and he's the third man in the godhead. Yeah, we referred to man not because he has gender not, you know, not the the genderless in the spirit. There is no gender. There is no race. There is no color. There's no culture. There's no age. There's no marrying and giving in marriage and wow. This is a good place to be. Yeah, and so I mean that's a topic on on its own but Father Son and Holy Spirit are all referred to in the in the masculine, right because that's the way he chose to be, you know addressed. So now the topic and other day, but the third man of the godhead is in US in US not with us only but in us and so last week was all about Emmanuel God With Us and in US Yes, so then let's put an end to this Jesus theory of the holy spirit leaving because he's even in the fire with you the Holy Spirit living in you with us all the time. So we didn't leave Jesus. Did not and he's not leaving us will not so when Jesus went he gave. He didn't leave him and then come back to us. He gave us the spirit. Wow. Well, they could that yeah, that's good pondering upon did that one? I'm Ponder is something deeper than ticking. Uh-oh, uh-oh again a lot of gyms going. That was the first gem right now, I gave you one earlier. I'm sorry. That's funny. You know you when you start talking. Really just keep going. Right so I try to honor your speeches in your gems from Heaven by giving you a gym button, but you keep talking. I'm sorry, but now we're going to make sure we keep giving you those gems that you deserve Pastor Tony. Thank you. You're welcome to none for singing. And the first thing we're working on that one this week pasta because I know we're going to go on a break you can see this week. It's all about out fear killing faith Say what and the opposite is Faith can kill fee from both is applicable during the hit no, no. Okay. Yeah, see now you want to we got to get you Jim make sure you write them clear your pocket out because we're about to unpack these gems when we come right back. Got it. Hey guys, welcome to the portals podcast with dr. Alban Casas and with an Ethan Allen and would pass the Nathan one and we faster Tony Cassius will see you soon when we blow your minds. Fear kills Faith but he feels fear fear kills Faith but Faith gives me Pierre kills Faith but faith is fear. He'll periods Faith, but Faith kills fear the Holy Spirit activates Holy Spirit. I'm very breathy tonight. I'm very very breathy tonight's name. Well take a deep breath in Join us on this ride faster Tony you want to say voices. He it was so many voices but only one boy who say hello to my friends Belarus. Oh, geez. There's a homeless guy living under a roadway bridge in the southeast of Belarus. It's a it's the highway that goes from Belarus heading towards Germany has been living there for quite a long time someone please make sure he stays ERM OK because in here portals you listens to portals. Okay keeps him going. Well Belarus. You got a freak out if this person actually context you believe the Lord showing me this. Okay? Well then that's amazing. I was going to say this is like a prophetic element of the show because last time he said Alaska, yeah, it's hint literally somebody and then last time he said Argentina and we just had Argentina listen in on Portals. Whoa. I've had so many prophetic. You didn't give me the it's coming do it again. Let me give you your comedy score. I'll say hello to someone who's actually alive one of our ladies who's listening in from South Korea. Oh, well South Korea those South Korea. I know who you're talking. Yes. I say her name. Hi Angie, we miss you were praying for you. She listened so she'd like that. Yeah, she really would and I want to say hello to someone who's going to Africa to the Army. So when you get this you will be on your journey to Africa to a very hot place. I'll stop hostile place and we know that you'll know we're thinking of you and And I wanna say hello to my friend in Amsterdam only because I want to go and make friends because I don't have any at the moment. However, maybe when I do go, they'll say hey, I know that boys from I almost choked. Anyway, um, so we are talking about how fear can kill Faith dumb dumb dumb head Clear My Throat. All right, so we felt the Holy Spirit wanted us to rekindle some of the you know, the Dynamics of Faith again and how the spirit of fee is in direct conflict with If I ask the church tonight as we started sharing this topic, you know, what's the opposite of love and the correct answer and they gave the correct answer is indifference. The opposite of love is not hate its indifference when you when you just don't care. So the opposite of faith is not doubt or unbelief. The opposite of faith is fear fear because fear kills faith and fear is taunt tormenting so fear is also the the antithesis of love as well. So I just wanted to share with the church that faith is a video that God initiates to the positive fear is a video scenario that the devil initiates to the negative. On wow that was good. I love Li you said that during the sermon I was like what? Well when you think about it, well mines are functioning all the time that there's these images that are coming up in our minds all the time. Look. I know we're speaking words over the podcast right now. We're actually putting an imprint of images throughout words on people's minds. Yeah. So yeah, it's that it's a language of spirit. It's vision is the language of nature spirit. So when God Reveals His will to us he gives us a visual of what he wants to achieve and so in the case of Abraham, he said I'm going to give you a son you're old and again passed the Robin was sharing during the council by God that facts and Truth are not necessarily the same thing right fact, they can be opposing each other for instance facts Abraham's Years old that's a fact. It's a fact Sarah is 89 years old. That's another fact. Now the fact that actual actual Sarah is no longer having her menstrual cycle. She doesn't even have like, you know a seed to produce a son. That's a double for tonight. Can I just jump in here with what we claim it at talk now? She's no longer in rehearsal. She's no longer in rehearsal. She has left the stage. She's left. That's okay stage right are these facts the truth? According to God and God says you're going to have a son from your body the facts say to Abraham in passing done the facts. Tell him he can't be done. But the truth tells him to actually said it's impossible yet. The physical body says it's impossible the facts tell him It's impossible. But truth remember truth is a person truth says to him this time next year. Sarah will be cradling a son in her arms. So they go into the promised land and I know your past is going to jump in here. They go towards the promised land. They send out to the 12 Spies The Twelve spies. Unfortunately, come back with facts facts are there. They're bigger. They're stronger. They're more equipped than we are their cities are strongholds. I've got iron gates iron bars instead of C. We saw the Giants all of these facts facts facts, but the truth says what Joshua and Caleb, you know, you know retarded they said we can eat them up like bread. That's the truth because God's taken their defense away, but the facts say it can't be done. Hmm every time. God gives us. I promise the facts will tell us it can't be done. You are wrong come on pass the time because Jesus has told us it can be done because he truth remember Thy word is truth, right? We need to cling to the truth and not to fax over to you Pastor. Well, I think that some there's two ways of looking at this. I think you can look at it with The facts have a certain amount of Truth in them a truth in them. Not truth a truth in them. There's a big difference. Mmm. And so when you see that you say well, you know, and you cling to that because when a truth matches with facts you start to see it as real. Yeah, but the real truth Is the person Jesus and what he says? By the power of God through the Holy Spirit. Mmm is what happens. Do you understand? So let's go back to Faith. I want to bring this sin because every time now we want to bring me in the work of the Holy Spirit even in when we're talking about some subjects like faith and fear. You see, you know, Faith was given by God. It's a gift. He gave us a Measure of Faith right it gave it to us. When did you earn it? You never owned it. Nope that you're always trying to earn that now and now working for the faith if it's the truth every the truth every time. You get something that's a challenge you get into the works mentality to earn the faith to believe it Jesus if it's a gift and I say if it's a gift it's given now what do you do with it? And this is what I want to tell you what you do with your faith, but there's another Faith there's a greater faith. And if you allow Father Son and Holy Spirit the godhead to be a part of you working through you with the holy spirit being the activator of God's Will and even the will of Jesus Christ in this if you allow that you can also work in God's faith or in even the faith of the holy spirit that is activated in your life. But let's talk about a Measure of Faith. Let's talk about that a Measure of Faith. It's something God gives you to gift. And he says it's a seed a seed a measure a seat. Not the whole thing a measure. Yep. Okay, but it's enough to make the whole thing grow. They get that you said you said to us that only Jesus had faith without measure. That's right because he had the spirit without them. He had the spirit without measure. So he had faith without measure. He didn't have a portion of Faith. He had Full Faith and that's what to tenable for us. We can have full faith and activated by the Holy Spirit God's faith. We can have God's faith you say what's God's faith. God has full measure. Yeah, he gave that to Jesus Through the Holy Spirit and he will give it to us the church if we take the measure of faith that he gave to us to grow in us to a place where we go from conceiving what the holy spirit is putting in the US God's word his Reba word the word that can come alive the one that's real relevant and I should note to us. Yeah, and if we if we hear that. And it goes into our hearts and it's a seed and then if we begin to incubate it it'll grow very fast very very fast. And then then if you ponder it as I said in the beginning pondering is on the level of your spirit guys, it is not in your thinking process. Mary ponded deep stuff Mary ponder that you'll want to see Mary Poppins. I was like what? I know she do if she pondered it in her spirit it became real to her in her spirit. And if we ponder it it incubates very quickly very quickly, but he is the key. Just about as it's beginning to get bigger and bigger that Faith baby or that Faith goal or that Faith Vision or whatever it is that God's put in you. We speak it out too early. Wow. That's a good place to take a break. Right? I want to bring out that the reality of that truth has to come because I was loving a lot with you said during the sermon, but we'll unpack that more when we come back from break, please. Hi everyone. We are excited for the soap All Season to commence with life-changing courses that will deepen our relationship with Jesus starting Saturday, October 5th. Dr. Robin Casas will kick us off with counsel by God. This course is so powerful to help heal emotions and memories and learn to let Jesus be the wonderful counselor of our You will be renewed with hope and Life as we learn to let God turn the scars into Stars sign up now by visiting soap and why dot-org. Where we blow your mind and down it every time. You have to let it incubate. You have to let it incubate. No premature birth here because then your faith will good be killed by fear. Almost got it. You have to let it incubate have to let it incubate. No premature birth here is than your faith will be killed by them fear. That was a good one. I like that one. Wow. Did you go Nate? I'm just here to do the jingles tonight. I'm listening and learning. Yes looking all studious what your glasses you could come me. There were things that you can add to yeah. I'm waiting for the Holy Spirit to add to it. You can add to it. This is really really challenging me because I do a lot of speaking. In too early. Okay. Well bring me in so I can help you were talking about aborting faith. Is that what Shanaya just said bring me and Shania rolls, which is just get it. I was going to say I was going to plead the fifth on that one. As far as where this portion of Mortals will, you know burn my flesh a little however Yeah, you're definitely before the break talking about and during the sermon of course, but I'm condemning. You're right. Right, right. No, you know and just to clarify tell listeners when we were burning of the Flesh. In other words. It's not intended to condemn. No, we don't want to burn it away it yeah, it couldn't be more clear right and to mature us and things like that but not in, you know again in a rush way and all this other thing. We're not enforcing. You to do anything to that tonight after you here portals, you know, it's just a matter of as Pastor Robinson cleaning out the ear. I think it comes down to we get told to do things. But the question always is in there inside us. How how do we do it? Right. How do we do it? And why does it work? Right and that just seems to be where the Lord's lead? Make in the Mandate that is given to me to explain how and why rope works and we can start work with you were saying, you know before the break about when we speak prematurely on a vision or word that the Holy Spirit wants to grow and mature and activate. He wants to create we speak it to early. Yeah. Yeah, he works to build your faith to the fullness of life in you. Like a child then that is been put in a seed conceived it in that seed and begins to grow and begins to get every part that it needs to fulfill its call. Now. This is something I want to say here this out for every person when that seed is conceived and it's incubated and grows it grows everything it Needs to finish the call. And what do I need arms legs Eyes Ears the child gets everything. Yeah, and that sustains a child for Earth and for walking on this Earth and fulfilling God's Will and fulfilling their Destiny. So is it not this seed that God puts in our So Faith speaks it in US it becomes a seed then we start to let it grow. We how do we let it go? Let me tell you how you let it go you actually let it grow by see you begin to hear first God's word Rhema word. Yep in your heart seed of Faith then you begin to see it. When you see when someone says something you can't help but see some form of picture. It's either a negative picture or a positive picture and we start to see God's words in Envision. Wow, you start to then you start to ponder it you start to think on it deep in your spirit you go beyond the thinking in your mind and in your brain you go down in tears. Spirit then Faith starts growing bigger and bigger and bigger and then what happens guys? This is what happens during the incubation period yeah, and you decide to birth it. Hmm, so it's not ready to be birthed because it has some got all its parts to make that Vision come to pass it needs something. Wow, so what do you do? I'm a faith person. I'm going to speak it out. Oh, yes. I'm going to be doing this. God told me this this is going to happen in my life and this but guess what nothing's in place for it to happen. And so you must let God have the first and last say wow. I'm not one. You must and what did he say guys? What does he say? You know what? Says he says to you think you know what he says to you. He says Now's the Time to bring forth the birthing of what I've said in seed form and now grown and now you speak it out. And so you speak it out, but people on the outside of you they haven't got what you're speaking out. Yeah, so they're going to to turn around and challenge you but the good thing is it's so birthed in you. It's go groaning. You don't care what they think anymore you don't care and that's what you said pasta. You said it was didn't make any different what the facts were. It didn't make any difference to do with Abraham's age. It didn't make any difference to do with Sarah's 8 because something grew in To the point that they didn't listen to anyone else except what God put in them and that's that's when it's birthed. Well, that's when it birth. So if you speak it out too soon. It's premature hmm. The child will be premature and that child of alert that we represent Faith a faith goal of Faith Vision a faith Destiny or whatever else. Let me just say this to you. We do not want that child growing outside the womb. Yeah, because that's hard that's hard to grab the vision when it's Earth too soon and that will not support that is when if you speak it out pasta if you speak it out. That's when fear will abort Faith. Wow. That was a long long gem. No, but he can join in when in yes, and I also feel like past trauma. Correct me if I'm wrong. It's like when we speaking it out. From where we actually standing in faith. It's only a fact to us. Yeah, it hasn't has to Bear the fruit to be a truth or the truth yet. Now, it has some guiding personality. It hasn't gained people. It hasn't gained provision. Right? It hasn't gained everything that God wants for it to come to pass and he says don't speak it out until I tell you to speak it out because then it is fully grown. Then you and what's it birthed? It'll come quickly. Mmm. So I want to maybe just as I've been listening so I don't speak it out too early. So I've been a little bit silent. I'm writing down some gems that pass the robins been saying what I got from tonight. And so you were talking about speaking out and conceiving and you know, Shanaya how we perceive will determine how we conceive because what we perceive Determines what we incubate and I'm just going to hit you with a whole lot of signs because this is how the Holy Spirit speaks to me because he attaches it to my memory That Way Pastor said tonight if he has to work with circumstances, that means he is subject to them truth is always above circumstances because truth is a person. Faith has to be incubated on the inside. It cannot be speculated or calculated from the outside. Mmm. And that's so important because Jesus had that full Measure of Faith because yes, he took off his deity, but he relied on the holy spirit for every every element to walk him through but can I tell you something the Holy Spirit had he's dead exactly exactly in formation. Yeah, and it wasn't like, you know, we think of yeah. Well Jesus is the son. God yeah, but he walked as a man so that he could show us that we could do it, you know, and so he relied on the Holy Spirit to incubate that faith. And as I was listening to dr. Robin say about incubation, that means that when you're incubating something and God is getting ready to do it in you as you speak it out. Your confession has to change you can't stay with the same confession because you've gone through an incubation process. So you you Move from what God has said we always say in profit prophetic, you know circles and prophecy. Well what has God said to you that's the first step but do you stay there and challenge us tonight? Do you stay there? No, or do you move to now after you know what God has said in speaking and confessing that and seeing and seeing when the time is right to speak at a time saying not prematurely you need to start speaking what God is doing not just what he said because now you need to attach the now word. Of what God is doing the situation. Remember how you perceive is how you will conceive and then after you've gone from what God is doing you need to move to what God has done. And then after you move from what God has done you need to move on to what God will do again. And then finally you need to move on what God will continue to do. So just like conception. Incubation and birth there's a process but the key is to everyone is he had to first see so we has the last say yes, and it's you know, just quick give you a quick analogy before we go to a break. It's like all the ingredients of a cake are in that one crumb that falls off the cake and lands on the plate, you know that last crime that you want to lick up all the ingredients of the sugar the flower the milk the eggs. There's it's not spared one ingredient, but you're only given a measure. So God gives us that Measure of Faith. But if we let the Holy Spirit incubate that measure that crumb within us, we can activate the fullness of the ingredients, which the Holy Spirit can bring to pass. That's good on that note. We're going to close out on that Jim for break as you guys go Ponda. The faith level that you're in right now and we'll be right back. Hi, everybody passed an 8 here and boy are we excited to invite you to a new event that we have happening on Sundays at 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. The new Bible study that starting at talk called connecting the dots. This is going to be a great way for you to come connect the dots of your faith reintroduce yourself to the Bible or introduce yourself to the Bible like never before Pastor. Tony will be leading this class. You don't have to come to every class you can drop in also, it will be recorded and available later on on tour. TV, so we're excited to take this journey and for you to come on this journey with us. We'll see you there Sunday at 3 p.m. And it goes straight back in mmm. Because it's about to get real it's about to get real. So before the break passionate you were kind of listing off some steps or some guidelines. I like to take guideline. So we do not form religion aspects or calculator formulate but some guidelines on how Faith kind of starts to Bubble Up and activate through the seed and we talked about this on our second episode of Porter's where we said Faith starts. God said you guys want episode. Yes. If you guys want to unpack more of what you heard from Pastor Nathan feel free to reference that portal podcast portals podcast, so you can get caught up on those gems past attorney gives the five steps of Faith. Yes in that one and I really believe it's essential for every believer, you know and pass. The Robin was talking on Thursday at canceled by God about how the holy spirit will convince and Convict and I'm just seeing now that that convincing Shania and pasta Robin. That's that's the incubation. Yeah, you know where is convicting? That's the incubation stage, you know what I mean? Because we want to go into, you know straight away activation stage and we haven't been convinced sometimes of the faith within us of his of what he wants to do. So if we activate too soon, yeah, then we'll come into the stage of cognitive. Nation yes. Yes that occurs because one thing that we mentioned one thing which is one thing that we mentioned that the class is correction will never be rejection. If you've been convinced but correction will always be condemnation if you're not convinced because the Holy Spirit you said in the class is the one who convinces and a lot of us are too busy trying to convince people of things. That we have to let the Holy Spirit through the convincing. We're trying to convince us. Yes, and that's why the incubation has to take place because we have to let God grow something. So we've got something to say. Yes, and then we keep the confession and then of course, what's we've confessed all hell could break them loose on the outside. Nothing's going to move this because God's word said it. That's it. So then we start praying. From now what how it's going to be affected on the outside not how people are going to try and affect us. So what you said is to and just I know you want to ask something Shanaya, but what she just mentioned is really important because you teach this which I think the church hasn't grabbed ahold of you start praying for things and start praying into things, you know, and people can say well that sounds you know kind of weird but the best way to reach It is when you're praying for something you're praying to get it, but when you're praying into something capacitor of and always describes it as you've already got it potentially. So now you're praying interest into it, you know, you're asking the Lord to fully expand the capacity. And again, I go back to the cake analogy when you have a piece of cake and you put it in the fridge and you don't eat it, but you eat it the next day. It's usually the flavors are a lot nicer and richer Why because it's had time to incubate. It's had time for all the fullness of those ingredients has to come out during the refrigeration process. And I think that's what sometimes the Lord wants us to do with our faith. We want to get it out there straight away. But you're saying tonight that the Lord wants time to incubate so that he can convince convects. And then from there we can confess. Yeah, grab the visual as we were saying this about the angry. Patient process and I'm thinking about how baby is formed and I felt like the Holy Spirit was trying to show me like just like with our vision when a baby's head is Farm. He's shaping the mind of the vision the way we should think about it the way we should you know, go about it whatever strategy there is. Well, he's been putting all the pieces together, right? So he was like kind of broke just seeing a visual of him breaking down just in correlation to how a baby is formed just like the arms though. How to do it the what to do with it the legs how to walk it out, you know how to take it step by step and he was just showing me just like, you know, a baby's incubation process is kind of similar. Well, it's a miracle. Yeah, a baby being born is a miracle absolutely and we should look at the miracle of birth as something that God wants to show as an example of how he moves how he moves Through things but we don't take these seeds things and see there's a lesson from God to be learnt in these things. Yeah. I don't know. We we married a touch them to just the world. Yeah that when God brings forth birth. He's showing something. Yeah, he's showing a process he's showing he brought this child forth. It was a miracle and he will bring things forth to birth mirror. Tickles us but listen Jesus. Yeah had to incubate. Wow. Wow, he had to incubate hmm 33 years 33 years. He incubated. Wow, that is a statement and a half. And then what do you do after that? He was the Lord. God had the last say mmm. He said now begin this is my But son in whom I'm well pleased listen to him. Wow, but he didn't say it until God was ready to say it. Yeah, when he said it that's when it began, even when the wedding of Canaan took place. That was Grace and that was Faith. But when God said it mmm, that's when heaven heaven was ready to activate it once When Heaven backed it and so they need to act. A beta so that brings us to another important point if you speak it prematurely, you'll have no authority to activate it because heaven is not ready because you talked last week about the Holy Spirit doesn't just work on one thing. He's working on multiple things at one time. You might want that promotion, but the Holy Spirit has to work on your boss. He has to work on your coworker. He has to work on your manager the person down, you know in the tech department. There's all these pieces of the puzzle. That I've got to be moved you living a long way away from where you're working. It's not fairy tale. No, this is reality. Yeah, God just Holy Spirit just wants time to work. Yeah, and he wants time to work God's will in your life. Hmm. There it is send that's what he wants to do. Wow. And so one of the things that can stop that work is when we listen to the accuser because we're talking about out how fear kills faith and so a waiter like delay the process is to keep listening to the PHA and not let him through you speak the pay Fay being the Folly and I actually want to bring a little science in here. When you entertain a spirit of fear. This is going to like shocked people fear actually stays in your body for up to eight hours. Wow, the neurotransmitters in your brain when they send impulses of fear, it actually takes eight hours. Is for those impulses to be flushed out of your body and to reset so you can't move from Fear to Faith immediately. So this backs up exactly. What dr. Robin is saying God has to incubate the step from Fear to Faith in a gradual process because you could still be entertaining fear but speaking out in a fake Faith. It's a premature Faith exactly press Sumptuous faiths and your you're not really haven't got faith. You've got hope you got wishes Waters and everything ideas and ideas, you know, and it's nothing wrong with that. But I want people to receive God's blessing. Yes. He's not letting them down. The Holy Spirit wants to bring everything God's promised everything, but you have to go the Says of the way it works. Jesus had to do it that way and so do we yeah, and would you say that you know, she was getting caught up again. Would you say that fear probably comes first because for one you mentioned that a lot of times we prematurely speak is because we're trying to prove something right? Yeah, so maybe we charted believe it. Yeah. We're trying to believe it. So there the fear is already kind of lingering in that because it's like oh my God, that's such a big word my fax am not. Yeah my facts say, you know, this can't happen for you. I don't even believe this guy have for me. So let me say it's time to start believing it's like if you say it Shanaya, it's going to have this great power right but saying it prematurely has no power. We're trying to convince ourselves as dr. Evans said we're saying it and saying it and saying it to convince ourselves. That wheel if way convinced then we'll build the faith. But again, that's our effort. And one thing that you said about the fear is that we almost speak it automatically because there is a power that's released with fear. Can I you know, you know, the scripture says that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind and I said to our Council students on Thursday I said, it didn't say love power and a sound mind. It didn't say sound mind love and Power. Ah, there's our order there. If you want to get rid of fear, you have to stand in power and authority then you have to move in love then that activates a sound line, but do you know here's one more for you just to help people. They've need to understand how Faith operates. Yeah. Faith is being associated too much with works. Yeah the name. Claim it. It's too much and sometimes we think we're stepping in faith, but we're actually just tried to step in Works trying to convince ourselves and convince God. Yeah and convince whoever needs to be convinced. I'm worthy of this. Yeah. It's a work thing. It's a positive confession. This is what they do at those Tony Robbins seminars, you know, if I can believe it then I'll speak it but there's no oh Authority this is what people don't realize there's no Heavenly Authority in that positive confession because God has not told you to speak it Pastor Tony said tonight until God tells you to speak it. You ain't meant to say it until God tells you to go. You ain't meant to go until you hear you ain't meant to do anything and one more thing while I've got it there it was God to put that seed in Mmm, so you can't speak anything. God hasn't put in. Oh I'm waking up. Wow, I have a quick question on reference to that as well. I have a quick question. You say Donald is when just to clarify if the holy spirit is downloading or putting a seed in you it is God's will yeah, so why do some of us or I myself included tend to pray for God's will on something that the Holy Spirit already spoke. Because she don't believe it. Let me go grab some faith and see if I can put it in my pocket. I believe this word that I heard from and we'll be right back. Hey guys want to hear God speak to you personally, then join us here at dipping night. It's every first Monday of the month at 7:30 p.m. To find out more information. You or to RSVP? You can visit us at dipping night dot torque. And why Hope to see you there. It's about to get hot getting hot scenario. We've had a good sub portal and it's time to go back in because dr. Robin is ready to get some flesh crispy. Yes. It definitely was cooking and I was support. Oh just thinking about just really unpacking some troops and I want to start off with we have a live audience. You know it or not. We we allow people to come in to end on our recordings for pot at the portals podcast and you know, then they can ask questions and help draw some more Jim's out from from the Lord and one question was just that experience of incubation and what it's the process of it. Yeah, you know it sees you know, we're Been unpacking incubation and it kind of sounds like it could be in a just a me and Jesus form. So we wanted to bring Clarity that it's not just you and Jesus there will be support systems. There's different ways of support and you can't incubate alone. Yeah. Let me maybe bring some clarity UConn incubator loan. So if you're listening and thinking you know that you can do it alone incubation requires you to rely on something other than you to help bring life. To it. That's what an incubation means right you're incubating growth. I mean when the baby is in the womb it doesn't just use the womb. It uses all the other organs all the other systems of the body and it grows and grows and grows. And you know, Pastor Robin was talking about speaking things out prime example of this in the Bible Shanaya if of people that didn't let it incubate. I mean Peter like if he had let it incubate it was well, you know what? I mean? He might have got the Revelation from the holy a spirit of the fact of who really Jesus was, you know, because when they were at the Mount of transfiguration again didn't incubate makes these statements lord, it's good for us to be here. Let's build a shelter. You know that tree hate. Yeah, let's let's keep you here. Let's make Moses and Elijah on your level and you know the whole time they're sitting there going listen mate. Listen to him. They're pointing, you know to him and then again when he you know, Jesus is trying to tell them look, you know, I'm about to go up. To you know, Jerusalem, we're going to celebrate Passover there the son of man shall be crucified. No, no law. This is not going to happen. No incubation because again what he perceived developed what he conceived and so the devil I like to bring something in here jump in I wanted to tell you that if the devil had his way mmm, he would have you in conceptually it all the time. Never ever any conception could see this thing all the time all these empty words and empty promises and then if he had he doing conception and never never got loud to to get to incubation. He has no say better tries to well. We give this added that could ception keeps God. Guess what you got end up do we you're going to end up a boarding my Lord. What a Hot Topic And when I say abort You Were a Boy The Vision? Yes, you were support the vision how many Visions has the Holy Spirit got to bring the live in you that you have aborted he's got to raise the dead in you. Yeah. Wow bringing back Vision alive in you because you bought it. So it's funny you saying this because there's two paradigms. There's one where we want to keep something alive and the Holy Spirit has to see if he can kill it and there's others now like the Isaac on the altar kind of like, you know situation, but then there's also the other where we want to abort things and the enemy wants to abort things and the Holy Spirit say no you need to keep it alive. Yeah. Thank you incubating it. Yeah, let's go Zion putting this one to death and I think Comes down to he's saying to us, let's get it past the conception. Yes, let's get it into growing and growing has time attached to it. There's a little time for God to say this is the time. He said to Jesus in front of everyone opened up the Heavens. This is my beloved Son. Yeah in whom I'm well pleased and then he sent him forth. Wow. He sent him forth in all that he came to do he did not go a day before he was meant to go. He never prematurely started that Ministry. He was on time guys. God loves time. He hanged roles time. He domineers time. He's the one that out of time and I'm telling you that's in two time steps. Too tight and he has never challenged by time. No. Wow. No we go to work with the holy spirit with this. Well, we see incubation again pass the Robin in the Jericho, you know scenario of walking around the wall. Yeah seven times that was giving them time to incubate and then the Holy Spirit Said you will speak now and do you know what they were incubating tell us be still and know that I can surpass the song is question because she was one who asked this question brought up a very good sub portal. You can incubate alone. And God will let you know who you need to incubate with, but he will tell you that you cannot do it alone because if you incubate the loan that ain't incubating. Conception and conception if you say there is isolation and it leads to deception. Oh my goodness perfect because you'll start thinking your drain you can make happen. Yes, and we gave a practical, you know reference of that like say if you have a best friend in a church and you're excited about something the Lord showed you or revealed to you and you you know blurted out your shared with that very, Close friend in church that obviously, you know, go to torque is, you know, very mature Christian and they'll say one thing or may not be as excited may not say anything and just like, oh, okay great and that that little ounce the enemy will turn it and yes, they see she doesn't believe in you or see he didn't believe injected and yep and it just always looking for a way to abort. Yes. He would always look for a way to abort and that was the point that passed. I'm innocent and it's up difference between being a death of a vision and abort. I'm on come on clarify these fact. That's what I'm saying is true this Aaron saying two paradigms. Well, that's a bit vision is when something has to die because there's a lot of you win it and then when it gets resurrected, it's all him but a boarding of vision is because of fear and lack of faith and presumption and all sorts of things and I wanted to challenge everybody tonight. When does the enemy come at you to abort your vision? Yes, it is. Not in the beginning. I'm on say this option. But towards the very end when it's about to be born mom. So I feel the safe on the spirit to people listening to this. Don't don't buy the LIE of the enemy you are in incubation stage keep seeing it through and keep seeing it through. I really feel to tell someone that's going to listen to this. Don't buy the LIE of the enemy keep seeing it through keep incubating. You're tempted right now to abort something and God is not saying that now is the time but he's saying I want to incubate further and further with you. What I'm doing this for Rose is thing I don't know if that was someone but I felt in further and then you go back to Ezekiel 37 the prophetic process and then when something that's dead enjoyed bones, you know in a in a graveside and you prophesy in In life comes into it now does that person just get up and walk out in the great know this approach cess? So the Bones have to come together and then you got to get Flesh on the bones and then the process of that whole life becoming real happened. But one of the processes is when this whole body is ready to be the army of the Lord. It has to be spoken by another prophetic word second breath that second breath of Prophecy. But just before that takes place when the skins on. Yep, when the there has to be muscle in that prophetic word. There has to be provision. Yep. There has to be money there has to be places and that's when we say that God. Is bringing all that is needed to be able to hold that Vision. Well, we don't see it like that. But we need to go back to Ezekiel 37 the Valley of the dry bones and how it all came together it all came together when he spoke. It didn't just straight away stand up as as a person alive. Okay, it went through a process it would Through a process of one of the processes was that they have to be a rattling of the bones to come together. Well, that's all the dead works of man being Chicago a lot of them. Shook off feel your word from god. What have you added to the word? Wow, and then he goes and he puts skin on it and then he covers it. Yeah protection and protection which is praise you praise him for what you know, you talked about. What do you do? Well, you cultivate him the Holy Spirit and then you praise. Yes Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you that you are the Lord of your promise. So praise becomes a protection it becomes the incubation stage it becomes and you know what that means that means no germs get in become on didn't is covering and one normal and you might need God's blood the blood of Jesus Christ to cover it. So the enemy doesn't get in. So you work with the process to grow it. Mmm and you don't you can't get in there and grow it. It yourself, but you work with the process that the holy spirit gives you to do with how to grow this Vision you do and that's called the incubation period it's growing and it's growing and every step. It's growing. It just doesn't lay there dormant it grows and Faith grows it bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and then the day comes when you see my baby. Ready to be born. Hmm, because your body's telling you that's the key your spirit telling you your hearts telling you because you've heard God say speak it out. Yeah only a mother knows when the child is ready to be born and only God knows when you're ready to bring to birth hits promise. Wow, so I'm going to saying before we go to our end segment hit that one. One I'm going to saying for all I need all I Talkers in new saying is please don't hate because I need to incubate. I have advice for you from the Holy Spirit. We talked about convincing today. Okay you as a me as in or you as in listeners because you have your profiting hand Direction Point towards me. I'm like, oh I got some advice coming from definitely take it out. Take it. I'll be doing my part. Let's do it Lee take it. Don't speak it out early. Mmm because you create trials for yourself. Hmm. You had the ability for that measure of faith that you've been given by God to grow and then as you grow it God matches it with his faith. Oh my Lord that helps me so much. He matches it with his failure than doubled those Shanaya. Did you hear what I said guys lady match it with his faith. Let the Holy Spirit bring forth God's faith and then you'll see it happen a lot quicker. We do have a part to play in this and that is why I created a trial that you don't have to have well guys as usual this has been another episode for you to chew on From the Caster's Trio the godhead does not know I'm adding positive ending his wedding. You got the tree of the Cassis. Yeah godhead. Yeah coming together drop these gyms for the portals podcast until next time. We'll see you soon. Bye bye now. Have fun debating.
Faith or Fear? Life or Death? Wow! What a powerful question. Why is it that the choice is so hard when it comes to fear and faith? Could it be, that we haven't allowed the Holy Spirit to incubate within us His faith, and therefore we speak it out in fear prematurely in hopes of it being true. Who are we trying to convince? Most  of the time, it's ourselves because deep down we haven't let what God is doing grow in us. The portals team let the Holy Spirit dig down deep, deep, deep in this gem packed episode. The conversation facilitated by our portals host Shenaya Annise reaches new levels as our senior leadership -- Dr Robyn Kassas, Ps. Tony Kassas, and Ps. Nathan Kassas -- reveal rhema for the season of faith that you are in now. It's not "name it and claim it" or "grab it and slap it"; faith is tangible and a substance. It cannot be grown overnight and there is no quick fix or shortcut to birth faith, it requires time to let the Holy Spirit grow what He has said and is showing you inside. Our problem is we want it instantaneously and therefore we speak without authority attached, which causes us to abort the vision that God has put within us. Listen intently to this episode as there are so many revelatory gems and truths that will move your faith from fantasy to reality. Remember fear kill's faith but faith will kill your fear. Open up the heaven's and let the portal download begin!
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on we would like to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor a Or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. What's up afterbuzzers? The time has finally come for the series finale of Orange Is the New Black we are talking diet and aleida finally coming to blows tasty seems to have turned the corner and we have all of our OG Litchfield inmates. We are talking all of that and more stay tuned you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, My voice is sometimes it's because I'm just freaking out series finale. I am always in Black. I literally in a glass case of emotion over here to gloat Anchorman. Thank y'all so much for joining us for the final episode of our after-show. We're in the live chat. So be sure to let us know what you thought so much happening in this episode. Of course, they'll combine all of us at AfterBuzz TV. I'm your host April listen hand joined by my Lovely Francesca Dugan High bringing you all the finale heat baby. What did you think of this series finale? I mean, it can't believe it's over. I know I did like seeing everybody. I thought that was a nice touch. Yeah, and I felt like they wrapped up everything pretty well a lot better than I thought that they would I would say I had my skepticism on hand because we've heard so much. About how it actually ends but without Ridley like spoiling anything whatsoever. I'm actually pretty dang. Please don't be sad about a few things before we get into it. Make sure y'all stay tuned for our spouse our special segment. We have a top three for you. All we are going to be doing top three most pivotal moments in Orange is the New Black History as well as some may be some predictions for what happens to them in the future. Okay a Huna obviously we start this episode off with everyone's kind of Reeling over the death of pins at uh key I definitely did not I'm sorry. I wasn't here. I was on vacation only miss you when I'm back. So I don't know exactly what you guys said, but that was very very shocking. Yeah, seeing that happen. And yeah, did you I changed my tune. I think as Briana and I were talking about it. Do you think it was a suicide or no? You know, I think I kind of did feel that because she did say, you know, that's a lot for you to handle and she was a small girl and she was even smaller and it just really sucks because you know, we see later that she passed that was one of the like I think it was supposed to be a happy moment, but it wasn't it literally like ripped me to shreds seeing that happen and because unlike if you did commit suicide like who's in the moment, I forget who says it. Throughout the show where they're like or Suzanne says that where she's like, there's always tomorrow. No poussey said it last episode in the flashback. All right. No, I'll have to say or she's like, there's always tomorrow. The next day is always better and there's not necessarily in a lot of scenarios like we see for people throughout the episode but sometimes there is and it just kills me and I know she felt so beaten down there's part of me that thinks it was an accident though. That's why I asked you I went in definitely thinking Ting suicide but then Branagh pointed out. She's like she has she's done a fair amount of drugs in her day. She hung up. I don't know. I guess we'll obviously we'll never know I typically land on the side of it's a suicide but moral of the story everyone's kind of mourning her throughout the episode later in the episode when they do like the singalong with the Mountain Dew's along. I was like what the first of all that was hilarious. It was hilarious and Suzanne can sing really well. Actually he can You can sing it she can sing to me about soda. I'll take it away anything I I forgot about the relationship that pennsatucky & Co Dixon had never liked when they ran away with the guy that shows our animal and everything. Alright, so I liked it was a good they remembered her in a very good way all throughout the episode. I thought I want to start off mainly with talking about one of the biggest moments of the episode in my opinion and it has been a Hot Topic. Like I have somehow managed to avoid any and all spoilers about the season. So seeing what goes down between diet and Elena has need fully like I don't even know what to think. I just first off straight off the bat. Do you think that diet is dead? Yes, you do. Yeah. I mean she I was trying to figure out what where did she is that some like strict? I need to know for self-defense. She like At first I thought she had like a Pan pulled out a pen over pocket like stabbed or something, but she she got we got her well, so there's a part of like someone's throat where you can hit them. I think it's like right under where your abs up a little bit I think and you hit them there and it just like makes you choke obviously but then a later fully jumps on her. I've been thinking that agreeing and thinking that she was dead, but then I'm like they would pull her off on Tom right? I don't know she and I don't know and I mean she was Doing it for real because she's dying. I said, you know, I I've killed you haven't killed people. I have killed people and she's like well now I'm going to feel what it's like. So if she didn't she definitely heard her pretty pretty bad. Yeah. I think that the moment that obviously through elata over the bridge is when her ex is coming to see her and she says that Dyess connect which we haven't known at. All right is her sister and then through the some guy And then even in that moment when Dyer says and you know, I think the other one Lussier, I'm gonna name I think she's going to join in as well. I think elata she I mean she's realize for a long time that she's kind of lost her but I think in that moment she was like, oh heck. No, I'm not going to lose two more to you and it's just kind of sad because she's the reason why she lost them in the first place just how she is as a mom and we've talked about this another episodes. She hates kids. I don't know why she you know, she had so many Right, but diet kind of was speaking the truth. What this is the family business like it's true. Yeah, you're a pro. It's not always just nature versus nurture like a lot of it is where you grew up and how you grow up and I think that steal a diet going through some of the stuff she's gone through it. And obviously the drugs my a major part of this dial was not the person that she is now before she did any sort of drugs. I think that was ass like one of the saddest things You know, there's a lot of sad things that happen in this series, but I think that's one of the saddest saddest things especially in this season is just seen diet. Just there's nothing that could be done to bring her back. The only thing I thought could was seeing seal been at for some reason but then the one character they did it bring back. Let's see how baby he's the one I wanted to see somebody I guess he was busy filming how to get away with her. Do you see open it if that helps Daya that when she Asked earlier in the episode Helmand to get involved with this like fentanyl that she has fentanyl. Obviously. It's a very serious drug and is used for in major surgeries for pain. Of course. I was just like there's just there's just no coming back for her and it sucks that what was one or once originally one of my favorite characters. It's just yeah, there's no end in sight for her. On her kind of topic when she gives Helmand the drugs and he goes to put it in the chicken. But oh my God was with a second. He pulled out that chapstick. I was like, oh, please no. All right, and I'm like you me a chickens, but I don't know a lot about chickens buzz, but like I've also cooked a chicken before and they're not very big and something big crabbit. He's putting in there. I've I thought I didn't realize they because they made it seem like it was a whole like canister. Yeah, right you here to me out. But to me that sounds impossible, but I thought he was gonna put like just the pills. Yeah up the chicken and the chicken is gonna explode. Yeah. So the chickens were gonna die. I was like really bad about for chicken or chicken. It's just crazy not to skip ahead but it's I think it's very telling that he is the one in the big seat at the end. I mean who better and I say that sarcastically exactly. Yeah, and I mean, that's what he wanted. That's what I think they did that for a reason just to show us what they showed us. Like there's in every sort of situation and especially in the prison system. Like those are the people who are going to get ahead because he managed to fake it like all throughout the episode when Ward is like let's do this crate. I don't want anything. We know that what Linda's gonna come in and like kill me basically because it bends a Shaka dying so they do this big drug sweep. Don't find anything, but it's like That's the kind of person that he can he can hide it and the moment. It's like he's no he's no different than we've seen at the beginning and he has that conversation with Alex and like he's like, oh, yeah, I'll shove it down your throat. Whatever. He says, I don't know. It just makes me sad that he's in that situation and obviously since he's in that situation we seek we know that word gets fired. I'm not surprised. I actually hired II for a while. I thought that that was going to happen, but then the last few episodes leading up to the finale. Yes, I felt like she was doing really well and she was taking you know, taking her power and using it and being very strong and then stupid stupid pills in the chickens. Right? I mean literally F at the one exact moment, but I think and I'm curious to see what you think because I think that it was actually she even says the best thing for her and I truly think it was because in the moment where she's talking to Linda and the hallway and she's talking about kind of turning pinzon. Chucky's death around to saying that she like hoarded the medications from people. I was like, ooh, you're already kind of turning a little bit. I thought the same thing I when I heard her say that I completely forgot about that until you brought it up when I heard her say that I was like, oh no, we've lost her too. So yeah, I'm it's good that she's gone. And I mean Hellman lives up to his name, so I haven't thought of it like that. Well, I'm happy that She's happy in her situation. I really hope that she and tasty like actually stay in touch because they seem to be able to bridge that gap of friend versus Ward not versus but like just the differences between them. So we'll see. Yeah, I mean she helped basically save Tasty's life too. So that's true. I'm just so happy that tasty ended up at the situation that she said. I'm not yeah. But I'm very happy that she did not die or they didn't kill her off actually, what did you think about when she was sitting there with Ward and Ward kept referring to pennsatucky as her friend. She kept saying she's not my friend. I think it's just a form of like coping and denial because if she's her friend then it's another friend that she lost. Yeah, you're right. I didn't think about that because I was like, why is she saying that but then she turns around and uses propels this horrible situation. Into one helping her save her life as well. And then to remembering sharing of course, she always thinks about poussey but remembering her more and then getting to this the fund that we talked about, right? Yeah when Ward like she's opening the things that word left her which of the diplomas obviously it like you see something click and her and she realizes that even though she may be I mean, I like to hope that tasty is definitely going to be out of the situation helps them to know that she's in I I mean So we don't see any of that like those predictions we were talking about. We'll just do them all throughout the episode. Right? But I like to think of her as being out of prison eventually and the charge of the murder and everything being overturned because she's just doing so much she brings Judy King in the mix. I was so excited to see Judy King and so surprised her book cracks me up. I know right but the fact that like she actually like, you know you Have to contact someone like with a lot of power Judy has his book out. So I'm happy that she took the step to really make this happen because she was trying with Caputo and write that obviously didn't work. So I'm happy that she is but it just I'm like, oh she can just do so much more. So I really like just as a viewer as a fan I picture her as being out of prison eventually, but she's doing amazing things and to see her story wrap up with like, okay, you're the first people get into micro loans it just kind of ice climbing my heart smile. Yes. What? Think of the moment between her and Suzanne and the chicken coop where she is basically like wow Suzanne, you've grown up. I'm happy that they had that moment. That's why I asked you I am happy that we have had that moment to and that's of course when we were still thinking. Oh my God, is she gonna take her life? So it was almost kind of sad to me too. But Suzanne also has really grown this season like they're talking about she's not a kid and you know quote unquote kid. She's grown up, right? She's you know, you saw her with like pennsatucky. In the episode really helping her I completely forgot the quote. She was saying about her mom what her mom said. Oh, so I see good that our last episode. I was like that moment. I know she was talking to pennsatucky and that moment but like she was talking to me about like don't listen to the people that don't even know you right listen to the people that you do know. Yes. That was like wow that you should do like just seeing that Men in the last episode and then, you know having Tasty tell her like how much she's grown and how she wants her to keep being this. I liked so touching. I know the whole season for Suzanne or the in the recent episodes. I should say like seeing her lock the chickens up in the chicken cheese chicken strip doing all that. It's been so obviously reflects what she's gone through and like, you know one person does one bad things that shouldn't you separate them from the rest. If you don't have anything else that you should do and It was I'm happy that that whole situation kind of came to fruition and seeing her release them where she realized this isn't the right thing to do. Although I guess fully releasing them probably wasn't the right thing to do because that's bad. I guess we'll more get fired because of it, but you know Suzanne, I love how her character that they gave her the song like we talked about earlier that man do something. I know. I'm just happy that we got to see, you know, there hasn't been much happening in her own personal story line this season. Then just like the development of kind of seeing her grow, but I'm happy that we got these moments with her for sure and she really does have a good voice. I really don't like really does. I know I love it before we move on to our next topic. We just want to thank all of y'all for making us the ESPN of TV talk be sure. If you're on iTunes watching us on YouTube give us five stars and comment. Give us a great rating. We definitely want to know what y'all have to say about the episode as well. We just want to thank you all so much for watching with us all season long and all of our other Shows that we do here we couldn't do anything without you all we all appreciate AfterBuzz and you so much. So make sure to like subscribe and check out all the other after shows that we do and let us know if y'all want to see any others. So thank you so much. Thank you. We have there's so many little different facets of this episode, but we finally got to happy endings in Gloria. Oh, I know. I know. I'm so happy about that. Hers is one of the ones that I'm the happiest to see obviously and did you think that she was going to get released or did you think because you know the moment luschek at the beginning right? Well the second he admitted to to the phone's I felt like a sense of relief and I knew that that would that would go forward and that she would get released. So I was really happy. Do you think that the guilt of pennsatucky of him like not, you know turning her extra time was still looming over him and that's why he did it or Or I've always thought she kind of had a little feelings for Gloria. Oh definitely didn't they like last season or two season goes and they like totally like flirt when he was doing the devic device learning and they were doing the salsa together. No. Yeah, he did. Aye. Aye. He felt guilty. He definitely felt guilty. I think he did and you know, we've seen him kind of be this like black sheep of the of the CEOs the whole time and I think finally he just like realize and especially Her telling him like grow up. You never take responsibility, whatever and seeing that I think at least that he did have a crush on her. Yeah, it kind of he kind of realize like what the heck am I doing here? And like he needed to be fired? Oh like season one be fired. It's kind of poetic justice. I feel like there's character because he's done so much wrong, but then he ends admitting to doing something that he actually isn't doing whatsoever. It's crazy McCullough over there that's been doing it. Oh well. Wasn't he bringing in phones for a while or not this season? Not this he's okay, but I guess maybe it could be one that he used to bring it. I mean he's brought in a lot of stuff. So like whatever he's just always down for whatever I don't know well also because he's afraid of like getting shanked by that's true, but she said multiple times but by luschek you deserve to be fired, but how we will miss you. I don't know but Gloria obviously we see ends up back with our kids and I'm just so happy and Do you feel like her sitting the book to Maria at the end is like forgiveness? Oh, I think it was kind of like a truce. Yeah, because you know, she she took everything that she did that with the riot all that with ruiz like to heart and the fact that she admitted to the phone and was accepting of the fact that she might not leave in 9 days. I think they just kind of It was like a conch like I don't know how to describe it. But she felt yeah, it was like a truce letting her know that we're good. We good. We good. We good. I don't think I wonder if she would have been that way had she still gotten in trouble. Now. She probably would have still been pissed no matter what if she had got if she had not left out. They'd still be Probably Bitch gonna blow. Yeah. Yeah. Well one happy ending the other happy ending Blanca. Oh, I know that it was a teeny tiny snippet of the episode. I know but um one of probably my favorite Happy Endings or just endings period in this in the show was seeing her get reunite. Well not even reading it but like when she essentially gets her criminal case overturned and the lady says you're free with a green card so go and It yep, and she goes right to her man's right and they talked about being nasty in a shed. Like they obviously would yes. Oh, yeah, that's something know that I'm I yeah, I was very happy for her. Um the awesome or other ice lady's and when I say that I'm saying like the people who are some the kitchen obviously read had some tough moments tonight. I I think one of the funniest parts of the episode was when she bumped, you know, when she first got into Florida and she ran into To Frieda Frieda and she afraid I was so scared. I've never seen for you scared before dropping I was dying. I was like, oh my God, it's right. She's literally coming in and out of Consciousness for free just like crew but then she remembers Sheriff. I'm like kind of happy that she remembers but then I've also kind of haven't fully forgotten what free the did to read but like there's just so much other stuff going on with her, but I'm like all they could be friends again, but then again free that did like don't sell this. Roaring through all this extra time today, it's me your grandson and I don't know what it was. It was Nicky or someone was talking to Lauren and they're like what happens? Oh, she didn't get to see her grandson or something. I don't know. So yeah, that wasn't she was like, oh, yeah Nikki obviously is full full-on kitchen. Mom replacing red as that but one of the for me anyway, the toughest moments was when read as talking to Lorna. They're all in Florida obviously and when she is like laying there with Lorna and her lap and Lorna's like sucking her thumb like a baby and she's like singing to her. I mean do you think Lauren has ever going to be able to come back from where she is or this right think she completely broke the moment that they found her in the chicken coop. Trying to nurse a chicken. Yeah. Yeah, which I didn't fully know that I feel like they just said that in an episode but when they caught her like I remember seeing Right there, but I guess maybe I just didn't put two and two together. I didn't think about either and until they said it but yeah, she had it under her her sweatshirt. Right? So I just assumed she was printing pretending to be pregnant, but I guess she was trying to nurse the chicken has trying to embarrass the chicken. I was just sound so low so ouch that would hurt I know but no I don't think she's ever really coming back from that and it actually was it last episode right that it was kind of heartbreaking to see see. The her husband and Nikki have that talk and yeah that realization and they both know like they're at that's what I set up like Nikki wants to be with her because she's our best friend. But like she's also not a mental health care professional, right but like nobody wants to be the it's like putting you know someone in a nursing home, it's not it's different but like, you know, we can parallel for certain reasons. No one ever wants to be the person that leaves somebody obviously and I feel like that's what Nikki It was feeling like but also at some point if you can't take care of someone you can't be you can't spend your whole life, you know waiting for the other shoe to drop which is why I think what read said in the last episode to Nikki was so important and now she is she's doing her thing. I mean, I don't she can't really go and visit or not obviously, but that's another situation where I think like, oh, they'll see each other. I'd be happy unless I just got out of jail, then they'll be fine, but I don't I don't think that's happening now. Especially not for Lorna. She's going to be in some sort of facility probably for the rest of her life. Yeah, definitely on those people as well. One of our obviously very sad moments was the Carla situation where we see her hiking back across to the United States. I was surprised to see her. Yeah. I mean, I feel like they literally brought everyone almost everyone back in this episode except co-benefit pissed off about that, right, but it's tough because that's that's literally it. Of reality and so many people get hurt and die trying to come back they've been deported or they're trying to go for the first time. I actually in college went to Nogales Mexico and we drove out to see I was it was a volunteer stuff and everything. So we were learning about all the immigration and all that and we drove out to a site and you just see like backpacks everywhere. Broken shoes. It's like people just leave everything and they're trying so hard, you know to cross they leave everything people died out there all the time and that was just like a reminder like that. Yeah, it's really hard. I didn't expect to see her again because I just thought okay that is her story just with her not being a Superman character throughout all the seasons, of course, but I think obviously that did that on purpose and with the with the song that they played with the United States Song and it's just it's It's a very difficult situation thing for anyone to watch and for anyone to really think about but it's something so real that obviously happens and I feel like more than anything more than like things that have happened to our characters like this show especially in this past season with all that's going on has just basically like I feel like enlightened people even people that that, you know, maybe think the opposite and that maybe are like no we don't like immigration. I feel like it's still will reach a part of them. That is like oh but something's something has to change. Yeah, and I think that's what they did kind of more than anything. Yeah, they really kept it real because they kept it real and yeah, like you said like even if it's not changing someone's mind like the more you're learning and seeing about it just it just helps in some shape or form empathy is very important. No matter what even if you like take the laws out of it take whatever you can still feel for a And that's going through that in a separate it with our children and that could potentially die in the wilderness. Right when she initially came on the screen. I was like no Carl, you're not trying again already only because I don't and I shouldn't have thought this but I was like, oh she's gonna really figure it out and make sure she gets in legitimately because it's her kids, but obviously, I don't think she would have been doing it if she could have found a way to do it legitimately which something that like everybody has to think about I know especially As you know the last episode we talked saw her talking on the phone with her two boys, like girls just heartbreaking. Yeah, and I hate to say it but I feel like she didn't make it out of the desert. Yeah. I mean how she could she literally couldn't stand what she needs to do is take some leaves wrap it up set her ankle get some steaks. How about you guys but you know, we like to think I do live in and chat says I hate that they did that to Carla. So do we obviously um, I Of course we have to touch on are Piper and our Alex. I thought but the paper was gonna run into the sunset with Zelda. I thought she was going to wear. Was it murder? Not Martha's Vineyard. Where was it? The Hamptons? Yeah Northampton or something. I also like how amazing did the Hamptons outright that take. I'll go with these Zelda. It's fine. That'll be great. I like I was telling you I thought she was like she going to Alaska. She going to like have like a she talking about Not cleansing and this and this and like oh my gosh, like kind of like Dexter Dexter went up to like Alaska in the last episode or whatever the heck he went. Right and she's gonna like learn about herself and like know she was an Ohio but leave it to Larry though to drop some knowledge on her and to change my mind a little bit. So clearly you think that it was very bad that she was going to see Alex. I don't think it was bad. I was just I just wanted like a different story for her. Do you think that it that it means that they are together? No, I don't think that they're together but I think that you know throughout the Book of the throughout the episode. They said you know how always love you. I'll think about you every day. No matter what I think there's just some people that you meet and you just can't you can't not have them in your life. Exactly. And so I think she's going up there and she's gonna she's gonna figure herself out but she still has this love for her and she's just going to kind of be there. Yeah, I I'm first of all love seeing Larry I hate thank you. Thank you for giving up. But in that moment where he's telling her, you know all the stuff that he's saying like you want it you need to be special whatever. Obviously we know that these things are true about Piper but it's actually what ended up changing my mind maybe about the situation because of how real it seemed to me when she's like, I'm just heartbroken and I don't know. To deal with it because I think that the her actions with Zelda, you know all I kept thinking both with her and Alex I'm like, it's too soon like one bad thing happens and you go and run off and like you don't even know what happened Piper went which he initially run off with Zelda and as much as I think she's good for her. I think that Larry kind of or could be, you know for an extended period of time I think Larry in some way but basically offending her also made her see that you you know, what, When he said what would new Piper do her going to Zelda, it would be the exact thing that she did with Alex. You don't think I know you're right her going and having this person essentially support her. Not that she couldn't have, you know had a job and got on her feet whatever but I think maybe dropping that hopefully still friends with her. Yeah, it does it sell do I think Zelda was a great character and she was exactly what Piper needed at that point in time in her life. And yeah, you're right you she'd even even really Break up with Alex yet, and she was already kind of having feelings for Zelda and you do need that alone time. So that's why I thought she was going to Alaska so she could be alone, Alaska. All right, but whatever but do you feel like Larry's always loved her this whole time kind of but I think he has love for her and I liked seeing the little like sniffing moments where he's like, sorry past burn or whatever. He said, but I think that he's definitely like fully With Papi. Oh, yeah. I mean they're all right now with her second child. I still don't like that situation. I don't like care for her either but it's fine. We don't have to stare. I'm okay. I'm happy but I feel like Piper is doing her own thing right now. And that's why we see her with you know, she looks like she's back. She's going to school also hit us up with a free latte. Yay Starbucks. She's going to school and I think really she actually is going to sleep Piper Alex mainly because like to help her out and some Legal way maybe. I don't know Alex though is turn the prison we were so upset about her being so dohyo, but that's a prisoner. But I was so nice to see everybody's faces Briana and I were talking about last episode. We were like, how did we not it was one of her predictions and I was like take you really because she has a watch the episode since she knew she wouldn't be with us tonight. And she was like, you just clicked like something like that sounds familiar and she was like wasn't the place that everyone else was all mine. Oh God, I completely did not even think about that. I didn't put it together whatsoever. But it was so good. I mean we literally see every every Jones boo. Everybody's there boo. I know boo I miss boo and I kept forgetting. I'm like, even when I saw her like what happened to boom Oh, does she got transferred? Yeah in that big thing and that's when a whole like transition of the show happened. So it was good to like be reminded of that and to like just see all of their smiling cute faces. I really fast on that my wanted to say that my favorite person that I saw in this episode. I'm gonna dock you say so I think you're going to say was I cannot remember her name when she shows up at the ice Detention Center the Asian lady. Oh, I can't remember her name either. But yes good. I love like she was one of my favorite characters. Yeah. She was amazing the whole season and I thought that was hilarious was like, oh my God. She's another one. She's back. We see like crazy meth heads. Still looking exactly the same. I mean literally everybody so it was so good to see we mr. Mustache. Mr. Mustache mustache. The guy who has died is baby. That's it's not actually his baby. It's been it's but he when he's sitting in the kitchen, that was good, even though Daya is incapacitated or maybe dead it was good to see the like her babies taken care of. I completely forgot that he was taking care of her. Yeah. I mean him her it was like his mom first and then yes, I was like Like do they recast Bennett also mustaches not but it's not there. Yeah, what else from the episode this is it did he did it Caputo and I'm big are adopting a baby. What's the I like had I like how it's like skipped when I was watching it was she singing them a song about weed. She was singing all alone, huh? Palmdale fun to Palmdale. I don't know. Song no, so I was like 45. I'm not very cool. But if I'm to the exact this kids great for them, but it was perfect. But I thought she was pregnant like in real life. You thought know like on the show. I thought she was pregnant. I mean real life in the show. Yes when she handed the peak up right when she was getting the abortion for that lady. I thought she was actually legitimately pregnant. I'm happy that they're adopting as well. But I did I thought she was pregnant to I knew that to or to me. I thought it was that she I thought it was because she was trying Make it a ruse. I was thinking maybe she had the P from the other girl just in case that they they tested it because she really wanted to get that medicine to to the girl and the Detention Center. I love how they're talking about wanting a boy and then and like under to because you know, you got to mold them, right and then this like seven year old girl walks up seems Colt 45 and I like you're it you're it. I'm happy to see a good I was really happy and I had them we got to see Janae. Yes, we did get to see her so many good things happening. Literally everybody. Everybody got good endings. No, actually not a lot of no problem whatsoever a lot did though I have to say and I thought yeah, I was very pleasantly surprised us is that our wrap-up of the series finale I Want Is the New Black? It's just it's just like so much stuff like a don't want it to end but I can't think because my brains just like oh my God, I know let's do our special segment. Okay, who said that who said it who's that? It was gonna go through some quotes from the episode and I'm going to guess test who said it. Okay, it's hard to sing with no teeth. Oh God, who said that is that your final answer? I don't know. It was Hellman, too. Oh to diet diet, right? All right, this one this this whole scene kind of cracked me up, but does she spark Joy Caputo said that no, no, no man. It was a Piper's dad when he was talking about. His wife was Maria con doing the house. He Maria condone her love life Alex, by the way. Well, they did put her in jail. So make sense. Yeah. I have to put her job. This one should be easy breezy take a cup of yellow drink and raise it up. Suzanne, yes, you know know more, you know more point out a little liquor for the for the for your friends the homeless, you gotta do yellow drink now you go and probably one of the funniest moments for me drugs fell out of a chicken's butt. Was it it was either? Linda Ward are Linda Ward or Hellman? Yeah, you got one of them. Okay. Well ding ding when she was talking to two tasty about what happened. She said drunk Bob at chickens, but it's what is she like I can't make this stuff up very pivotal. We can't believe what yeah. It happens in this show. Okay. Let's do our special segment. We are doing a matter special segment our top three, which is a special special segment of our what we considered to. Be the top three most pivotal moments throughout the whole entire series of Orange Is the New Black very important things that either like changed the show or just majorly shifted things for characters. Obviously number three we have when daya shoots the CEO who she didn't initially murder him obviously, but this is definitely the switch for Daya completely. Obviously she's being fuel here by Murray. Mia with Maria, but it changed everything changed the whole dynamic of the show. And obviously after this we never see the same old diet that we see before grammar. Number two. Most pivotal moment. We're going to say is Tasty's trial just you know, just to see her obviously another result of the riot, but to see her going through this just because of other people lying in her just kind of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and you know stepping up for As she did and then to lose it. Yeah, it's just I really hope she comes out of it. Number one. Most pivotal moment is poussey say yes obviously leads to the riot. Right just one of the most talked about topics ever wear it created the poussey Washington fund which is of course a fund to help out female prisoners and just kind of olds tasty with the microloan situation. Yeah. It actually created real life change and a real thing that we can all donate to in a way to keep us connected to the ship to the show forever and chat you all agree poo side. I was number one as well. I mean it literally changed the show like you just said it made number to happen, which was well, sorry number three happen, which was the whole Riot that caused the whole Riot and that whole Riot cause number two, which was Tasty's trial. I mean it literally completely changed the whole trajectory of the show right after that is when they split so when we lost the Is that we see tonight? Because I got transferred definitely number one for sure. We're going to miss these characters so much. I'm so sad even more than that. We're going to miss our viewers. We've had so much fun with y'all doing this after show such a great show just for society and for us as television fans, obviously in the meantime, you all can keep up with me on the affair after-show and soon-to-be how to get away with murder after show. I'm April. Instant hit and you can find me everywhere at April Listen Here Without You. Yeah, and I'm doing Ballers on HBO. It's not back yet soon enough. And other than that, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram it XOXO Cesc a thanks for hanging out with you guys. Y'all can find all of us, of course everywhere at AfterBuzz TV. Definitely let us know what you thought of the episode because we are going to continue the conversation forever and ever and ever and we will look forward to seeing you all on another shift soon. Bye. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners of principle. What did I do? Was it Nick was Nicky or someone was talking to Lauren and they're like what happens? Oh, she didn't get to see her grandson or something. I don't know. So yeah that was actually was like, oh, yeah, that's Nikki obviously is full full-on kitchen. Mom replacing red as that but one of the for me anyway, the toughest moments was when read is talking to Lorna because they're all in Florida obviously and when she Like laying there with Lauren and her lap and Lorna's like sucking her thumb like a baby and she's like singing to her. I mean do you think Warren has ever going to be able to come back from where she is or those right think she completely broke the moment that they found her in the chicken coop. Trying to nurse a chicken. Yeah. Yeah, which I didn't fully know that I feel like they just said that in an episode but when they caught her like I remember seeing something right there, but I guess maybe I just didn't put two and two together. Yeah. I didn't think about either and until they said It but yeah, she had it under her her sweatshirt. Right? So I just assumed she was printing pretending to be pregnant. But I guess she was trying to nurse the chicken has trying to nurse the chicken. I was just sound so low so ouch that would hurt I know but no I don't think she's ever really coming back from that and it actually was it last episode right that it was kind of heartbreaking to see see her husband and Nikki have that talk and yeah that Ization and they both know there. That's what I said. I'm like Nikki wants to be with her because she's our best friend. But like she's also not a mental health care professional, right but like nobody wants to be the it's like putting you know someone in a nursing home, it's not it's different but like, you know, we can parallel for certain reasons. No one ever wants to be the person that leaves somebody obviously and I feel like that's what Nikki was feeling like, but also at some point if you can't take care of Someone you can't be you can't spend your whole life, you know waiting for the other shoe to drop which is why I think what red said in the last episode to Nikki was so important and now she is she's doing her thing. I mean, I don't she can't really go and visit or not obviously, but that's another situation where I think like, oh, they'll see each other. I'd be happy unless they just go to jail then that we fine but I don't I don't think that's happening now. No, especially not for Lorna. She's going to be in some sort of facility probably for the rest of her life. Yeah. Slowly on those people as well. One of our obviously very sad moments was the Carla situation where we see her hiking back across to the United States. I was surprised to see her. Yeah. I mean, I feel like they literally brought everyone almost everyone back in this episode except co-benefit exactly pissed off about that. Right, but it's tough because that's that's literally a tough reality and so many people get hurt and die. Die trying to come back they've been deported or they're trying to go for the first time. I actually in college went to Nogales Mexico and we drove out to see I was it was a volunteer stuff and everything. So we were learning about all the immigration and all that and we drove out to a site and you just see like backpacks everywhere broken shoes. It's like people just leave everything and they're trying so hard. Are you know to cross they leave everything people die out there all the time and that was just like a reminder like that. Yeah, it's really hard. I didn't expect to see her again because I just thought okay, that is her story just with her not being a Superman character throughout all the seasons, of course, but I think obviously that did that on purpose and what this with the song that they played with the United States Song and it's just it's it's a very difficult situation thing for E12 watch and for anyone to really think about but it's something so real that obviously happens and I feel like more than anything more than like things that have happened to our characters like this show especially in this past season with all that's gone on has just basically like I feel like enlightened people even people that that, you know, maybe think the opposite and that maybe are like no we don't like immigration. I feel like it's still will reach a part of them. That is like oh but something's Something has to change. Yeah, and I think that's what they did kind of more than anything. Yeah, they really kept it real because they kept it real and yeah, like you said like even if it's not changing someone's mind like the more you're learning and seeing about it just it just helps in some shape or form empathy is very important. No matter what even if you like take the laws out of it take whatever you can still feel for a person that's going through that in a separated with their children and that could potentially die in the Wilderness, right when she initially came on the screen. I was like no Carl. You're not trying again already only because I don't and I shouldn't have thought this but I was like, oh she's gonna really figure it out and make sure she gets in legitimately because it's her kids, but obviously, I don't think she would have been doing it if she could have found a way to do it legitimately, which is something that like everybody has to think about. I know especially cuz you know the last episode we talked saw her talking on the phone with her two boys like girls just Game, yeah, and I hate to say it but I feel like she didn't make it out of the desert. Yeah, I mean how she could she literally couldn't stand what she needs to do is take some leaves wrap it up set her. Ankle. It's some sticks how about you make light of it but you know, we like to think I do live in and chat says I hate that they did that to Carla. So do we obviously um, I of course we have to touch on are Piper and our Alex I thought but the paper was gonna run into the sunset with Zelda. I thought she was going to wear was it might not Martha's Vineyard. Where was it? The Hamptons? Yeah Northampton or something also like how amazing did the Hamptons sound right like that take off. I'll go with these Zelda. It's fine. That'll be great. I like I was telling you I thought she was like she going Alaska she going to like have like a she talking about cleansing and this and this and like, oh my gosh, like kind of like Dexter Dexter went up to like Alaska in the last episode or whatever the heck he went, right and she's gonna like learn about herself and like know she was an Ohio but leave it to Larry though to drop some knowledge on her and to change my mind a little bit. So clearly you think that it was very bad that she was going to see Alex. I don't think it was bad. I was just I just wanted like a different story for her. Do you think that it that it means that they are together? No, I don't think that there too. Heather but I think that you know throughout the Book of the throughout the episode they said you know how always love you I'll think about you every day. No matter what I think there's just some people that you meet and you just can't you can't not have them in your life. Exactly. And so I think she's going up there and she's gonna she's gonna figure herself out, but she still has this love for her and she's just going to kind of be there. Yeah. I'm first of all love seeing Larry I hate. Thank you. Thank you for giving I'm so excited. But in that moment where he's telling her, you know all the stuff that he's saying like you want it you need to be special whatever obviously we know that these things are true about Piper but it's actually what ended up changing my mind maybe about the situation because of how real it seemed to me when she's like, I'm just heartbroken and I don't know how to deal with it because I think that the her actions with Zelda. You know all I kept thinking both with her and Alex I'm like it's too soon like one bad thing happens and you go and run off and like you don't even know what happened Piper went which he initially ran off with Zelda and as much as I think she's good for her. I think that Larry kind of or could be, you know for an extended period of time I think Larry in some way but basically offending her also made her see that you you know, what when he said, what would new Piper do her going to Zelda would be the exact thing that she It with Alex. You don't plan. Oh, you're right her going and having this person essentially support her. Not that she couldn't have, you know had a job and got on her feet whatever but I think maybe dropping that hopefully still friends with her. Yeah. Yeah because it's l do I think Zelda was a great character and she was exactly what Piper needed at that point in time in her life. And yeah, you're right you she'd even even really break up with Alex yet and she was already kind of having feelings for Zelda. And you do need that alone time. So that's why I thought she was going to Alaska so she could be alone, Alaska. All right, but whatever but do you feel like Larry's always loved her this whole time kind of but I think he has love for her and I liked seeing the little like sniffing moments over. He's like, sorry past burn or whatever. He said, but I think that he's definitely like fully with Papi. Oh, yeah. All right now with her so I can try. Don't like that situation. I don't like care for her either but it's fine. We don't have your serum. Okay, I'm happy but I feel like Piper is doing her own thing right now. And that's why we see her with you know, she looks like she's back. She's going to school also hit us up with a free latte. Yeah Starbucks. She's going to school and I think really she actually is going to sleep Piper Alex mainly because like to help her out in some legal way. Maybe I don't know Alex though is turn the printer. Isn't you know we're so upset about her being so dohyo, but that's the prison everybody like I was so nice to see everybody's faces Briana and I were talking about last episode. We were like, how did we not it was one of her predictions and I was like take you could really cause she has a watch the episode since she knew she wouldn't be with us tonight. And she was like, it just clicked like something like that sounds familiar and she was like wasn't the place that everyone else was like, oh my God, I completely did not even think about that and put it together whatsoever. But it was so good. I mean we literally see every Edward Jones boo. Everybody's there boo. I know boo I missed boo and I kept forgetting. I'm like, even when I saw her like what happened to boom Oh, does she got transferred? Yeah in that big thing and that's when a whole like transition of the show happened. So it was good to like be reminded of that and to like just see all of their smiling cute faces signed by really fast on that my wanted to say that my favorite person that I saw. Saw in this episode. I'm gonna dock you say so I think you're going to say was I cannot remember her name when she shows up at the ice Detention Center the Asian lady. Oh, I can't remember her name either but yes good. I love like she was one of my favorite characters. Yeah. She was amazing the whole season and I thought that was hilarious was like, oh my God. She's another one. She's back. We see those big crazy meth heads still looking exactly the same. I mean literally everybody so it was so good to see Mr. Mustache, mr. Mustache mustache. The guy who has died has baby. That's it's not actually his baby. It's been it's but he when he's sitting in the kitchen, that was good, even though Daya is incapacitated or maybe dead it was good to see the like her baby is taken care of. I completely forgot that he was taking care of her. Yeah. I mean him her it was like his mom first and then yes, I was like like did they recast Bennett? Obviously not his moustaches not it's not there. Yeah, what else from the episode did it did it did Caputo and I'm big are adopting a baby. What's the I like had I like how it's like skipped when I was watching it was she singing them a song about weed. She was singing from Palmdale fun to Palmdale. I think that song know so I was like 45. I don't know very cool part about it is exact. Like that's what the heck this kids great for them, but it was perfect. But I thought she was pregnant like in real life. You thought know like on the show. I thought she was pregnant. I mean real life in the show. Yes when she handed the peak up right when she was getting the abortion for that lady. I thought she was actually legitimately pregnant. I'm happy that they're adopting as well. But I did I thought she was pregnant to I knew that to or to me. I thought it was that she I thought it was because she was trying to make it a ruse. I was thinking maybe she had the P from the other girl just in case that they They tested it because she really wanted to get that medicine to to the girl and the Detention Center. I love how they're talking about wanting a boy and then in like under to because you know, you got to mold them, right and then this like seven year old girl walks up since Colt 45 and they're like, you're it you're it. I'm happy to see a good I was really happy that them we got to see Janae. Yes, we did get to see her so many good things happening. Literally everybody. Everybody got good endings. No, actually not a lot of know what so ever. Lot did though I have to say that I thought yeah, I was very pleasantly surprised is that our wrap-up of the series finale of Orange Is the New Black? It's just it's just like so much stuff. Like I don't want it to end but I can't think because my brains just like oh my God, I know let's do our special segment. Okay, who said that who said it who's that? It's going to go through some quotes from the episode and I'm going to guess test who said it, okay. It's hard to sing with no teeth. Oh, God has said that that's your final answer. I don't know. It was Hellman to That out to diet diet, right? All right, this one this this whole scene kind of cracked me up, but does she spark Joy Caputo? So that no, no. No. It was a Piper's dad when he was talking about. His wife was Maria con doing the house. He Maria condone her love life is Alex by the way. Well, I did put her in jail. So make sense. Yeah, it did put her in jail. Yeah. This one should be easy breezy take a cup of yellow drink and raise it up. Suzanne, yes, you know know more, you know more point out a little liquor for the for the for your friends the homeless, you gotta do yellow drink now you go and probably one of the funniest moments for me drugs fell out of a chicken's butt. Was it it was either Linda wart or Linda Ward or Hellman? Yeah, you got one of them. Okay. Well ding ding when she was talking to two tasty about what happened. She said drunk smile, but chickens, but it's what is she like I can't make this stuff up very pivotal. We can't with what? Yeah. It happens in this show. Okay. Let's do our special segment. We are doing a About a special segment our top three which is a special special segment of our what we consider to be the top three most pivotal moments throughout the whole entire series of Orange Is the New Black very important things that either like change the show or just majorly shifted things for characters. Obviously number three we have when daya shoots the CEO who she didn't initially murder him obviously. But this is definitely the switch for die a completely obviously she's being fuel here by Maria with Maria but it changed everything changed the whole dynamic of the show. And obviously after this we'd never see the same old diet that we see before ever number two. Most pivotal moment we're going to say is Tasty's trial just asking just to see her obviously another result of the riot but to see her going through this just because of Other people lying in her just kind of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and you know stepping up for everyone in the way she did and then to lose it. Yeah, it's just I really hope she comes out of it. Number one. Most pivotal moment is poussey say yes obviously leads to the riot right just one of the most talked about topics ever wear it created the poussey Washington fund which is of course a fund to help out. Female prisoners and just kind of almost taste it with the microloan situation. Yeah, it actually created real life change and a real thing that we can all donate to in a way to keep us connected to the ship to the show forever and chat you all agree pussy. I'd I was number one as well. I mean it literally changed the show like you just said it made number to happen, which was well, sorry number three happen, which was the whole Riot that caused the whole Riot and that whole Riot cause number two, which was Tasty's trial. I mean it literally Completely change the whole trajectory of the show right after that is when they split so when we lost the characters that we see tonight because I got transferred definitely number one for sure. We are going to miss these characters so much. I'm so sad even more than that. We're going to miss our viewers. We've had so much fun with y'all doing this after show such a great show just for society and for us as television fans, obviously in the meantime, you all can keep up with me. On the affair after-show and soon-to-be how to get away with murder after show. I'm April wasn't hit and you can find me everywhere at April with some hands for about you. Yeah, and I'm doing Ballers on HBO. It's not back yet soon enough. And other than that, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram it XOXO Cesc a thanks for hanging out with us guys yall can find all of us, of course everywhere at AfterBuzz TV. Definitely let us know what you thought of the episode because we are going to continue the conversation forever and ever and ever. And we will look forward to seeing you all on another Chef soon by our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz see you later use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views. use of AfterBuzz TV or its owners our principal
In this series finale, hosts April Whisenhant and Francesca discuss the impact that Pennsatucky’s death is having, Suzanne growing up and Taystee sticking around for the long haul. We are SO excited to see Gloria and Blanca get the happy endings that they deserve and predict that more will get a better ending in the future. We talk about the major influence that #OITNB has had on society and what is has taught all of us. Breaking down the Top 3 most pivotal moments in the history of the show was tough but we had to give it to Poussey. Join in the discussion! Follow our hosts: @aprilwhisenhant @xoxocesca ABOUT ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK Orange is the New Black comes from "Weeds" creator Jenji Kohan about a women’s prison drama with comedy that takes no prisoners. Based on the acclaimed memoir of the same name by Piper Kerman, the series is about engaged Brooklynite Piper Chapman, whose decade-old relationship with drug-runner Alex results in her arrest and year-long detention in a federal penitentiary. To pay her debt to society, Piper must trade her comfortable New York life with fiancé Larry, for an orange prison jumpsuit and a baffling prison culture where she is forced to question everything she believes about herself and the world at large. As she struggles to adjust to her new reality, she finds unexpected laughter, tears, conflict and camaraderie amidst an eccentric and outspoken group of inmates.
Hello and welcome. You're listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Aquarius season in 2020. My name is Renee. I'm an artist an astrologer and a somatic intuitive in these audio horoscopes all outline. What I perceive as the main areas of focus for each sign in the month ahead and give you creative embodied and practical suggestions for working with the seasons biggest.Opportunities and challenges remember that horoscopes describe general energies and it's up to you to get specific listen with your intuition on and your mind open take what works leave the rest. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what your sign is it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign is determined by the time of day you were born and the place you were born. If you know your birth information you can find out what your Rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied in the horoscope section to learn more about what's coming up in the next 30 days and the major themes of 2020 in general. Make sure to listen to freedom from the known the embodied astrology episode for Aquarius season, you can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your favorite listening platforms. If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings you can scrap If you'd like to learn more about astrology check out my subscriber offerings, you can subscribe by donation at any amount per month and receive access to an extended monthly forecast and printable Astro Journal that gives you detailed day by day break downs of the planetary aspects and lunar cycles and suggestions for how to work effectively with their energy subscribers. Also get discounts on your head birthday reports online classes Live Events and embodied astrology Basics handbooks all of my audio horoscopes guided And podcasts are offered for free. I know how helpful astrology can be for making sense out of the world and it's important to me to keep this work financially accessible especially during these crazy times in the world. If this work benefits you in your life, please support me to continue making it you can make a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going and sidenote recurring monthly donations get you access to the awesome subscriber content. The number one way, you can support this work is to share it, please share it with your family and friends and leave 5 Star reviews. On iTunes SoundCloud on Spotify and follow me on Instagram and Facebook at embodied astrology. Thank you so much for your support. I truly truly appreciate it. I love you so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I will be right back with your horoscope. Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain first of all, it's free to use and you can use it on your phone or on your computer. There are built-in creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your device. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on. Modify Apple podcasts and many other platforms the best thing or one of the best things I think about it is that you can make money from your podcasts with no minimum listener ships. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place learn more about it and download the free anchor app or go to Anchor dot. F m-- to get started. Hey everyone. Did you know that embodied astrology is on Spotify on Spotify? You can listen to all of your favorite artists and and podcasts in one place for free and you don't even need a premium account Spotify has a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library Tad. Also make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Virgo, welcome to Aquarius season. So Aquarius season begins on January 20th, and it ends on February 18th and Aquarius season in a lot of ways feels a little bit like the first chapter of what's coming in 2020. I would say that Capricorn season was finishing up 2019 and maybe even finishing up the last decade right? We have the change of the decade and Aquarius season is Opening us up to what's new what we want to be moving towards and for you you want to be moving towards actually a total restructuring of your everyday life. You want to be thinking about how you're taking care of yourself and taking care of your responsibilities in a new and a different way and it feels to me like you're ready to lighten up in some ways and apply yourself differently and when I say lighten up, I mean that That you want to take a burden off of yourself that you've been carrying for. I think a long time that in its simplest form. I could call it insecurity I could call it self criticism. There's been a kind of drive that you've been working with for again the last 10 years plus that has you, you know needing to create in the world or needing to Know yourself as someone who has a particular kind of capacity and this drive has been probably for many of you very productive and it's also been grueling and it seems to me like there's been some way that you've been functioning for a while that is in a lot of ways motivated by perfectionism by critique, right? And this is classic for a Virgo tempered. Ying so that's not any new information but it does seem like you've kind of moved through a particular phase where these Tendencies of perfectionism and critique have been incredibly strong and when it comes to your authenticity to your expression like who you are, you know do other people like you this is one of the places where it's really going to gather and accumulate And when it comes to any way that you might think of yourself as creative as being a Creator and whether you're creating songs or Gardens or food or children, whatever it is that you are kind of responsible for giving birth into the world. This is a site for fixation. And for this feeling of you could do it better. You should do it again. You got to try harder, you know, this this Driving grueling force and something is starting to shift for you. And what it seems to me is that all of this work is leading you to a place where you really know your capacity and you know your preferences and you know, where you get when you beat yourself up and work really hard and you've understood that you can get somewhere that probably feels better when you don't do. But when you also stay disciplined and so it's this balancing Place between application, you know, you want to apply yourself you want to do things. Well, and you want to keep working on yourself, but there also needs to be release and I'm thinking right now about yogic philosophy and this kind of suggestion that a sustainable practice that a quote unquote good practice. Has both surrender and discipline. So we show up we continue to do it. We're there for our practice. And then we also we let go we let go of the outcome of the practice. You know, it may be that we never get to the place where we imagine that we could be so we accept what's present and it feels like this is kind of an energetic space that you're getting too and that you're recognizing that there might be or there definitely is more to life than whatever it is that you've been fixated on. And as you understand that there's more to life you want to start to change your life and this might mean that you want to change your schedule or you want to change the way that you're orienting towards your work towards your labor or you might want to change the way that self-care fits into your daily practice. And this month Aquarius season is a time to start to really roll out some of these changes to start to feel into them experiment with doing Things in different ways and this is a big theme and I really want to encourage you to think about sustainability as your priority and sustainability is something that you can come back to every day with some degree of energy. It doesn't always need to be joyful. But you want to come back and you can come back. So for example new year new me ideas if you are moving into a new phase in your life where you're prioritizing a reprioritizing self-care. Don't set yourself an impossible task, you know, I'm going to like whatever lose a million pounds of fat and gained a million pounds of muscle and I'm going to like do this really hard thing five days a week. That's probably not sustainable. You might be setting yourself up for frustration and then a feeling of disappointment. So choose nourishing activities for yourself and choose activities that you can come back to every single day. They're not going to hurt you. They're not going to blow you out. They were going to help you build systematically this kind of new idea for your life that you're thinking into. So whether this is a total revamping of the way that you're working or some new way of being in your body. I don't know but it definitely has to do with the concrete material structures of your everyday life and how you are changing them. So work systematically work objectively and work with the intention of Freeing yourself up a little bit kind of feeling like you can move into a new thing into a new idea. Now Aquarius season is a big season because there are a couple of things happening planet airily that are really significant. So the first is that mercury will begin one of its retrograde phases and we'll have three this year Mercury's retrograde extends between February 3rd and March 16th. That's the entire Mercury retrograde phase. So the beginning of Mercury retrograde and the end or what are called Shadow periods. This is when Mercury is moving direct over the terrain that it retrogrades back onto so the shadow period at the beginning is February 3rd through March 5th Mercury is retrograde, March 5th through 16 and then from March 16th through March 30th Mercury is finishing up its shadow phase. This retrograde will be spent mostly in the sign Pisces when Mercury is retrograde. Pisces we have classic Mercury retrograde cautions times 10. So the feelings of unclarity or confusion or missed facts, like missed information definitely comes up with Mercury retrograde and with Pisces. We've got an increased feeling of dispersed energy dispersed information. The mind isn't moving forward. It's not moving in a logical linear simple fashion. It is really permeable to environmental influences. It can be really spaced out. It can be really dreamy and it's it's very much at the whim or at The Whimsy of what is getting picked up from the subtle planes. So for you Mercury retrograde this particular cycle has a lot to do with relationships and with how you position yourself in relationships and what your Agreements are with other people and Your expectations for those agreements how you preface them etcetera in your relationships. I'm mostly talking about people who you're partnering with or people who you need to collaborate with in some kind of significant way, but I'm also talking about the you know, stranger that you meet when you're going out for coffee and you have a 10-minute conversation with them. These are people that you're meeting on an equal level and at the beginning inning of this horoscope. I talked about you've been kind of working through a self-confidence project and this piece around relationships is an important piece of this project in the sense that you're I think learning something in this retrograde about what happens for you in relationship that is kind of automatic that's invisible that seems to maybe come out of nowhere and you don't always have control and I think for Goes especially control is something that feels important and desired and of course with relationships, you can't ever control other people. So there's something that that really wants to get worked through and reflected on for you about these kind of subtle Realms with in relationships where you're picking up on vibes from people or there's information that gets passed but it's not particularly clear or there's misinformation that gets passed or you might might have fantasies about who someone is like this idea of oh, you know, this person is amazing and you blow them up in your mind and then you come to find out that there's someone totally different or you have relationships where you're you know, this person is amazing. They're awesome and your belief in their amazing awesome qualities actually allows those qualities to come out in them. Like you have a kind of exalted capacity in relationship that allows these, you know, really Beautiful qualities of people to come out. But either way we're working with a kind of subtle mystical and maybe sometimes very ungrounded or foggy sense that you could have in your dealings with other people and I want to encourage you from Mercury retrograde to be really curious about your interactions with other people and to try and be as objective as possible. So to take yourself kind of back out of the situation a little bit try and observe it or try and watch it. It and notice when you get really attached to ideas about how something should be or what it's going to look like the potential of this Transit is that you get much more in touch with your intuition, especially when it comes to your relationships and also that you might have a really profound collaboration kind of come through in this time and the ability to open to another person vibrationally that can increase your creativity that can increase your inspiration and that really kind. Expand your perspective of them and of yourself Venus will Transit Aires from February 7th through March 16th. When Venus is in Aries. We appreciate our ability to self Define to initiate from our own energy to challenge ourselves Aries is a very self-identified sign and Venus represents pleasure enjoyment connection and magnetism. This is kind of the sweet principal you This transit to enjoy yourself to enjoy the ways that you are a self starter the ways that you enjoy autonomy individualism your own freedom and also use this transit to help nurture and Foster Freedom within your relationships. You definitely want to focus on freedom for yourself as well as for others, and this has a lot to do with what I was just talking about with Mercury's retrograde appreciate people for who they are do your Ask to see them as individuals not as a projection or an extension of yourself, which can be really hard especially in long-term significant relationships. We tend to take each other for granted and project onto one another what we used to know or what we think we know and so you can definitely use this transit to exalt freedom to use it as grounding space for your own initiation and catalyzation of projects of ways that you want to be in the world and to support those who are important to you to experience and enjoy their own freedom from February 16th through March 31st. The planet Mars will Transit Capricorn the beginning of this horoscope when I was talking about this self improvement project that you've been on or this kind of fixation and intensity around your creative energy and what you're putting out into the world. I was talking about Capricorn now Mars coming into this part of your chart is bringing energy its meaning Heat Compassion and force and potentially you can really use this energy to cement in some of the motivation that you gained through this long process of self-determination and you know intensity and fixation. Let Mars is presence help you clear out what doesn't need to be in your field. What doesn't need to be part of your focus. Let Mars is Transit be a boost to your self-confidence. And not an internalised battle. So you definitely want to use this time to affirm your Creative Energy to practice confidence with yourself. Even if it's repeating a mantra and fake it till you make it kind of idea, but that energy is great for you to work on Creative projects for you to increase your energy for whatever it is that you're doing and how you're Desiring to express yourself in the world will have a new moon on January 24th at 4. Grades of Aquarius again Aquarius represents a new idea for you and the way that you want to be working in the world the way you want to be handling your jobs your duties your responsibilities. Let this new moon be a time to set intention for the next 12 months. Think about how you want to organize your life and how you want to attend to your responsibilities and your well-being your General Health in a new way on February 8th, and 9th will have a full moon at 20. Freeze of Leo that means the sun is at 20 degrees of Aquarius and this full moon is asking you to open up your heart and believe in your authentic expression. There's a lot of encouragement coming in for your creativity from a more intuitive and spiritual realm and it would be a great time for you to get quiet and spend some time alone really kind of feeling into your heart feeling into your truth. You know, when you think about what is it that you are here to do and how is it that you want to express in your Life connect to your higher self. That would be a good way to think about it. So make sure to check your natal chart if you have placements at 4 degrees of Aquarius or 20 Aquarius or 20 Leo these lunations will have extra meaning for you in terms of those planets and definitely check in with me at embodied astrology on Instagram or your inboxes for the lunar attunements that I send out. These are practices to work with the lunar energy. I'm wishing you all the best. For Aquarius season and Beyond. Thanks for listening and bye for now.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Aquarius Season in 2020. Aquarius Season extends between January 20 - February 18, 2020. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Freedom From the Known - Embodied Astrology for Aquarius Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of the zodiacal energy of Aquarius and explore how it manifests in our bodies, minds, emotions, relationships and in the world and the importance of Aquarius for the upcoming 2 decades! Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Aquarius represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Aquarius season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here Get the Aquarius Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find out more here. If you enjoy this work and want to help support more of it, please leave me a tip! --- Send in a voice message:
On this episode of the share the knowledge podcast for DJ's we talk about is there such a thing as too much scratching. What are some good ways to read the crowd and what equipment do I use when I record mixtapes now, I have the answers to that and a lot more. So let's get started right now for the last 26 years. I've been rocking stages playing clubs and having a lot of fun as a DJ and turntable is and in that time I've seen and learned a lot now it's time for me to share that knowledge by answering the questions that Can help you become a better DJ. I'm DJ t11 and this is the share the knowledge podcasting DJ's one two, one two, what's going on Welcome Back to the Sheridan College podcast for DJ's. I'm your host DJ tlm. And this is episode 7. This is my Q&A show. I try to answer as many DJ related questions as possible to the best of my ability. Now, I have over 25 years of DJ experience and I've been a tour DJ for over 20 years I've been producing for It's some years as well. I've organized events. I've done a lot of things within the hip-hop music industry. So I know some things and there's plenty of things that I don't know and I'm learning on a daily basis. I'm also kind of a tech nerd especially when it comes to DJ related Tech. So I love to try out new stuff. I like to review stuff. I do that on my YouTube channel called the JT lime TV. So if you're new to the podcast and you haven't checked out my other At forms, make sure you check out the gtlm TV on YouTube and you can follow me everywhere. The handle is DJ tlm on all social media. Oh, yeah before I forget to mention I restarted a relaunch my newsletter and I actually sent out the first one today. So if you're not subscribed to the newsletter, you can do that by going to my website djt. and subscribing right there. Now, I started my newsletter. I'm almost ashamed to say but at the end of 2015 I sent. One newsletter and that was it. Yeah. I thought it would be a good idea but I didn't really have it planned out. And the way I went about it is I made it way too difficult way too much work to make it happen and it just didn't happen again. So yes, it's almost four years like three and a half years ago. So I'm just going to disregard that and start from today. I sent it out today and the newsletter is going to be a Weekly Newsletter and that's going to just highlight. Everything that I did in the week before from all platforms. So if you're only following me on YouTube, you might be missing out on something that I post on Instagram that could have been interesting like a short performance clip or the podcast that I drop on anchor SoundCloud Apple Spotify. You name it? I have people that follow me on one platform and miss out on the other content. So the Weekly Newsletter is going to give you a nice overview of everything. I did on all platforms. Now, I'm not talking about every Instagram post only if it's Thing interesting it's going to be mostly about the YouTube videos the podcasts and if I release new beats on Spotify or SoundCloud that's going to be on there as well. So just to keep you up to date in case you miss out because you two even if you're subscribed and even if you have the notification is activated, it doesn't always work. We've seen that happen. So that newsletter is going to be your Sure Shot to make sure that you get everything every week including sometimes maybe special giveaways or other things like that. I'm going to be dropping those to the newsletter first and maybe later on on platforms as well. So you're going to have the first you're going to be front row for things like that as well. So check out the website for the DJ tlm newsletter. All right. So the first question is, I've been DJing for years and was wondering what advice you have for your timing video meaning like what happens if you lose count do you just wait for the one after the phrase you Counting and start over. I think that's a great question. Well, look, I like to talk about Connor music. I like to talk about how it is one of the fundamentals and actually in my mix tutorial series on YouTube that is part 1 in the playlist before the actual introduction. I want people to start with the counting music video. You need to understand about Beats bars and phrases and you need to practice counting music. So at first that is going to be 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 three four that's going to get you started mind you I'm talking about music with that 4/4 time signature. If you have no understanding of what I'm saying, you need to check that video, but most of the music we play has the same time signature and in that time signature you have four beats for every bar. All right, so we start with counting the Beats then you start counting bars. Then you start learning about phrases the structure songs and all of this is necessary for you to create a sense of timing for your transitions. But I understand that sometimes if you're not trained enough yet, you might lose the count this could happen and it is actually a sign of not being skilled enough at counting it. So yes, it is possible to if you lose the count on the phrase to just wait and see if you can find that one. Again. If you have enough time in the track you could do that. I remember when I started out first playing at parties House Parties, we will bring our And and I would DJ I will get nervous and sometimes I would basically either lose count or I couldn't match the beats fast enough the next verse would start. I would have to wait and hopefully I would get it and I admit there's been a couple of times and you might have been there as well that I was almost at the end of this song and I did not have my Beats match yet. And then you hear that dreaded fade out when the song ends and you're not ready. I hate it that everyone looks at you. It's part of the game though you learn from it. But at a certain point you should be able to just find the count and keep the count without even counting. So yes, the answer is if you lose count you need to just listen to the track again find that count again, see if you can recognize where a new pattern begins where a new phrase begins and take it from there. Now if you know the songs it should Also helped out a lot. So if you're listening to the song and you forgot the count, but you know the song you should be also able to tell when the next course is coming in. That is why it's also so important to know your music now in my case. I'm talking about course as I play a lot of hip-hop and R&B you're dealing with courses verses choruses and of course, maybe an intro and outro if you're playing all the types of music, you might be more into having like intros breakdowns drops. You name it. Build up all of those things are recognizable. So anytime you hear that new Switch. You also know that you can start your count there again, but it all starts with actually really mastering how to count music because once you master it, you're not even counting anymore your whole system can just tell I don't count. I haven't counted in years now. Let me correct myself. I haven't counted four years what I'm doing transitions, but if I New music and there's a new track that has a start that is a little bit different than the normal. So it doesn't start on the one but it has like a really unorthodox drum roll type of start then I'll have to take a couple of listens count while I play it to find out how it exactly comes in once I know I know and then that's done when it comes to Transitions. I haven't counted music in years. So keep on Saying and you should be able to get there as well. And then we're not even talking about losing count anymore. Now. The next question actually falls right into place with the last one and the question is how do you drop a track without mixing? Well, once again, here we are if you know how to count music and if you know your music, you know when a certain phrase of the song ends, so let's say in this case, you know when the chorus of song One And so you have song to ready on the one and you wait for that course to end and when the new phrase is about to come in. So the new one after the hook comes in. That's where the new track comes in. I do a lot of my mixes that way so I'm basically not even mixing. I'm dropping during the warm-up. I do a lot of mixing but during the high part I mix some tracks but a lot of times I will just throw it in drop it onto one. So you counting and once you get to that last Council that last one two, three four one that's what a new one comes in. That way. You're still doing the same timing. If it is in the same tempo or about the same tempo people can just continue in that same flow. Now keep in mind if you're playing a track that is in a totally different Tempo than the last one. You can still drop it on the one but in that case, I would not let the other track play on. All the last count what I mean by that is if you have one track was playing at let's say 95 BPM that track is playing if you let that play until that last one, two, three four, and on the one you drop a track that's 120 BPM that's going to shop the crowd like crazy. So if it's a familiar song, like I said during the hype I might drop on the one a lot if it's a familiar song, I know people are going to be singing that hook. I'm might even have a microphone ready to sing along as well. I'll take out the track for the last couple of counts. Let them sing the last one or two lines of the song without a beat there that way the impact of the new track is going to be totally different and especially if it's also a well-known track, you're not even thinking about the tempo anymore. They just sang along to a line and then a new Banger comes in and even though it's a different Tempo it should We'll work like normally that works for me, but don't let it play right until the end and drop it because then 95 to 120 is going to sound crazy. But again, it's all about knowing your music know how to count music making that a natural feeling and then dropping it on the one without mixing becomes very easy, and I actually have a video about this and I think the video was called mixing versus dropping it on the one you have to check my channel. If you go to my YouTube channel go to the search box and you type in dropping it on one or drop on the one you should probably find it that way and I actually show you an example where I'm mixing and where I'm dropping it on the one without mixing. So in last week's episode I talked about not taking shortcuts because someone asked me a question if I had tips how to speed up the learning curve and this week. I have a question that kind of boils down to the same thing, but there's a longer story attached. So let me just start with that story. I'm 24, I started DJing when I was 19, but my whole equipment was stolen and the problem was I loaned the money for it so I couldn't afford a new one. So I had to quit before I even start for years. I was planning to start over but money was a big problem in college also. So for five years, I did nothing. I lost five years and now my thinking is that even if I start now I could never be as good as I would be if I would have started at Team because five years is a lot of time and also every DJ and producer says that you always learn and that it takes a lifetime of learning. So my logic is that I will always be five years behind like one of 26 27. I will never be as good as I would be if I started at 19 because the five your backlog and even when I'm 30, I will never be as good if I would have started at 19. So what do I do? Is there any way to contact? Compensate lost time any tip for faster DJ and production learning. I really had the passion. But when I think I lost five years I just lose desire only because I think I will never be as good and I will never have the skill that I would have had if I started at 19. All right, I think it even continues with more of the same, but the message is pretty clear. So let's just start right here. You shouldn't be living It regret that's a terrible thing to do and especially because it is something that happened and it was out of your control. So stop thinking about what if I started at 19, that's not the case. You're starting at 24. So let that go stop thinking about that and let's be honest if you're going to use that as the mindset then I could always say what DJ's who started at 13 does it mean that they're all better than you because they started earlier. They have more of a head start now the answer is no not really and the answer and hopefully this will make you feel better is also that there's plenty of people who start later than 24 in their 30s in their 40s. Look here's the thing. I understand that you're always learning concept and it's true. I'm still learning every day, but a lot of things I'm learning now. I I've learned five years ago because five years ago, those things weren't around other things are learned through experience. But then again, I know DJ is that have been DJing as long as I have but we both have a different level of experience. We've both been through different things. I started at the same time. I certain DJs and in that time all they've done is play at local bars and clubs. That was their thing perfectly fine in that same time. I played at local bars and clubs. Played at venues throughout the country festivals small and very large. I've toured all across the country and other countries and Europe and abroad like overseas and I've done 3500 live shows besides my DJ career and I've organized my own events. Like I said in the intro, so my experience is not the same as another DJ who started at the same time. I did like 26 years ago it all. Pain, so how long ago you started that's only part of the equation. I shouldn't worry about that. Now, here's the thing. There's not really a thing you can do to now win back those five years, but that should not be your goal at all. You can learn now. If you start now just start learning now and 24 is still very young. But again, let me just add you could start at 30 40 or 50 as well. The only thing is is once you get older The Nightlife might not be as appealing anymore compared to when you're 24, but don't let it bother you and don't think about time that you lost and try to win that time back just focus on the now and keep in mind that now there's access to a lot more educational material that you would have had five years ago tips and tricks videos tutorials, and I'm not even talking about just my own stuff on YouTube, but there's plenty of other videos out there the DJ courses that are available nowadays you can get lessons online you name it? So a lot of stuff people can do now wasn't even possible five years ago ten years ago. So just go for it. If you have the feeling that this is what you want to do just go ahead and do it enjoy it and don't let the negative thoughts of something that happened that you can't change anymore. It already happened effect. You just enjoy the moment and live in the now learn all you can and yes, you will continue to learn over time. But what people mean when they say learning over time of you keep on learning a lot of that doesn't really have to do with the fundamentals. The fundamentals are the same. So you start there you learn the fundamentals of DJ and you learn the fundamentals of producing or making music and take it from there. But the experience that you will gain on top of that that's going to be different for everyone for some people is not going to go beyond the bedroom for some people. It's just going to be the local youth center and for others. It's going to be touring the world the Here is where everyone is different. But even that nowadays you can learn from other people's experiences. Well through podcast interviews you name it. Don't sweat it get started and get into it and don't look for shortcuts start with those fundamentals and take it from there. That's all I can add to it have fun doing it and that's what it's all about. Alright. So I like this question. This is another question from the Instagram topic and the question is is there such a thing as too much scratching now, I gave the short answer. Sir there and the answer was yes, there is such a thing as too much scratching but let's just get into that a little bit. First of all, I assume that we're talking about DJ who plays for people to entertain those people playing in a club letting people dance you name it in that case. There is definitely such a thing as too much scratching and I've seen this happen plenty of times now, I started playing for people. I also got really interested in turntablism guy. Into that got into battles met a lot of DJ's from the battle scene here in the Netherlands. And at a certain point, I was already playing in club that have a certain point some of those DJ's also started to take on Club gigs and with some of those DJ's you could tell that they were still so used to their battle days that they were cutting it up in between every song and adding even more turntablism like back spinning every song they throw in but do a lot of scratching but to a point that it turns into a performance when they're supposed to be entertaining the People by letting tracks play and what would happen is people stop dancing and start looking now, that's a cool thing if it's a showcase if it's a club night and people are dancing and they're interrupted because they have to look that's cool if you do once but if it happens two three four times, they're not standing still because they're watching anymore. They're standing still because there Waiting for that annoying DJ to stop scratching. I always credit myself for finding a nice balance and using turntablism in my club sets. But in a subtle way, I still got to have my fun but it's in a way that people still have a good time and it's not like bothering them. It should add something a little extra flavor but not overtake the entire set. So yes, you should definitely watch it if you're playing like that. In front of people now if you known as a Scratch DJ and you're being sold you're being put on the bill as the DJ who's going to do. Let's say a Red Bull freestyle showcase or something like that. Now that might include a lot of scratching in there. But even with the rebel freestyle set sets they're still made to have people dance. But if it's like marketed as a turntablism showcase, you can scratch for 5, 10 15 minutes people probably came to see that that's a different story now if you just described DJ. I don't know. It's probably not such a thing as too much scratching and I know some people who like to scratch all day and night but that's mostly in the confinement of their own little Studio or house. And when it's that time you can do whatever you want to do but in a club take it easy, so when it comes to my style of DJing freestyle DJing, there's one very important element to make that work and that is reading the crowd now. I have a question about that on the question is what are What are some good ways to read the crowd? I don't know. I can't really say that I can name different ways to read the crowd. I basically use my senses and do two things. I use my eyes and I use my ears. That's it. You're reading the crowd and what that means is you're looking at their reaction to what you play. So let me just explain I play Freestyle. If you don't know what that means. That means that I do not play with prepared sets. So of course, I know what type of music I brought on the Top or on my flash drive, so I know what I have but I don't know exactly what I'll play and when I'll play it now if I'm booked to do a certain type of event, of course that will narrow it down. So if I'm playing a 90s hip-hop R&B party, I already know I'm in those 90s hip-hop and R&B folders. So that's pretty specific and I already know that the crowd coming in is going to like that style of music that makes it a lot easier. I don't have to do the same amount. I love reading the crowd as I would if I'm playing like an open format party where anything is possible and you're not really sure what type of crowd is attending. So taking it back to that first example, it's a 90s hip-hop R&B party. If I'm playing the warmup. I don't really have to read the crowd. I know the type of songs. I'm going to play it's going to be 90s hip-hop R&B with a nice smooth Vibe not too much energy because this is the warm-up. There's not going to be a full - for yet because We're still coming in. I'm just going to set the tone set the mood and play some nice tracks that will fit for that part of the evening. Now as time goes on. I'm going to start to add a little bit more energy even in that phase. I don't really have to do a lot of reading. But at that point my goal is going to be to move people more towards the - floor. So the only thing I'm doing then is I'm selecting a couple of tracks and those tracks have one goal. They're supposed to get people on that asked for how play one or two and they're not moving yet. I might just adjust the strategy and look for something maybe a little more hype or I just think of something else to do some other track to play but that's the only reading I have to do are they going towards that dance floor? It's the Dance Floor filling up if the answer is yes. I'm doing my job. The answer is no I have to just come up with a different plan. Look for some different tracks now during the high part of the evening. I don't really have to look I will look but you're also using your ears a lot because you're throwing in the bangers and most likely if you're hitting them with the right bangers. You're going to get the nice. Oh our reaction from the crowd. There's singing along to the hooks. Now, if you hear them singing along to a couple of hooks, you know, I got you. They're in there having a good time. I know what type of tracks to play. So now if I'm playing like an open format type of event there's all sorts of Music being played. I'm going to have to pay more attention and really take a close look to see what type of people I have. So I'm going to try a lot of different genres and while I'm playing if I'm playing let's say I'll play a couple of dance hall tracks. It's going to be very easy to see if there's a reaction because if they like dance hall you're going to hear a reaction and you're going to see a different type of dancing going on so I can They like it or not. Sometimes you do it. You see no one moving like okay. This is not the crowd for that and I might try something totally different but I'll try a couple of styles and I read that crowd I watch to see how they're moving if they're moving and after that maybe also of course use my ears, but mostly just looking at the reaction that would read in the crowd means you're reading their reaction. So that's what I do. I don't have Current ways beyond that looking listening now. I'm interested if you're watching the video and if you have different ways to do it, let me know in the comment section. So we have a question about the equipment and the question is what equipment do you use when doing mixtapes now if we're talking about what equipment I use to play the tracks that's going to be different. I've recorded mixtapes with all sorts of equipment with turntables with ns7 controllers with Jay so I've done different stuff. I've used other controllers as well mostly turntables though and especially turntables with DVS in the later years, but my first mixtape series my first ten and even some other projects that was all just turntables real vinyl and my first couple of mixtapes we're talking about using turntables vinyl and recording it on a cassette deck. So my first series of ten mixtapes over the first couple of years all cassette and the first five I think, Or six were with still the master being a cassette and I would duplicate those after that. I got myself a nice MD recorder a mini disc recorder that will be my master and then I would still dubbed the cassette because that's what people were still buying now after that it became digital. So when it comes to recording mixtapes in the digital era, I've done different things either. I would have my DJ set and I would connect the output of my mixer to an audio interface that was connected. To my computer and then I would record with some type of recording software a lot of times. I would use Cubase and that was my preferred doll at the time use that for recording. I've also done mixtapes where I recorded an audition and I've even used audacity. So there's all sorts of well recording software production software that has recording capabilities. So take a DJ set and then have your output go into your computer through an audio interface now in the The easier way to do it and that's what I do nowadays a lot as well. If I'm recording a one-take mix. So basically a quote-unquote live mix I'll record within the DJ software. So if I'm using Cerrado, I reckon record in Cerrado, I can do the same interactive rekordbox. You name it. So recording it inside the software while you're playing but if I'm recording a mixtape and I want to do like a track-by-track recording all use some recording software on a computer to record what I'm doing with the physical set last way. I've also requested What it mixes again live mixes is just a take audio recorder that I have connected to the DJ set at the venue and then just record it. So my zoom H5 has the option to record wave 24 bit. So you get nice quality. I'll take the recording output on one of those djm 900 and just record the audio like that that is a way and another way and I've done that basically only once yet at home and that is to reuse the The what's it called? Again Pioneers Rec app. I have a review you can check that out on the channel as well. The rec app allows you to record digitally from a couple of pioneer mixes including the 900 Nexus to you. Just take a USB cable plug it in the top connect it to your iPhone and then it'll give you a nice digital recording and there's a couple of advantages to that. So check out that review for all of that. But you have a lot of different options and when it comes to my personal use I've used We all of them. So I guess it all depends on your situation. Are you recording at home in the studio? Are you using DJ software? If you're not using DJ software you're going to need another computer to record on or if you're recording a one-take mix you could also use an audio recorder, whatever works and the same thing applies to meet whatever works if I'm recording here. I don't have a second computer to record. So we'll have to record within the DJ software to make that work if I want to do a one track recording. Mix session so I want to record track by track. I have to bring in a second computer to do that. So it all depends on the situation and how much you have available to you. So I did receive a question about tone arms and the question is now that I got my replacement RP 8,000. Can you talk about proper tone arm setting and height on turntables. I would like to hear from you about it. Here's my thing. Now if you listen to the podcast it's going to be really hard to show you about. My honest answer is when it comes to proper turntable treatment handling setting I was never really into it sounds crazy, but when I started with turntables and I got into turntablism, I only have one goal. I wanted to make sure my needle didn't Skip and basically what I would do is I would have my weight as heavy as I could set it so that the needle will be pressed on the vinyl as as hard as possible. So I would have that all the way screwed towards the middle not have the weight all the way out to the end because then it's going to make your needle your cartridge lighter and have less pressure on that turn vinyl. So set it to the heaviest so would have the most pressure on that vinyl when it comes to height. I think I always put a quite high but it dependent different turntables reacted differently. Every time I came to Club it all depended on how that turntable was somewhat treated like awful somewhere. Just some were just all messed up because DJ is back in the days used to mess around with the turntable. So if you have like a resident DJ, sometimes they would open them things up and change stuff and you could tell like you would have two turntables and you have them both playing at plus-2, but they weren't playing at the same speed because DJ's were messing around with the turntable. So I would just try stuff put the the height of the entire tone harm little bit High weight as heavy as it could be and that a certain points I use needles and I found that the heaviest didn't work anymore and I actually had to put it a little bit lighter. So it depends on the needles as well because my m47s reacted differently than some of the other fall needles and definitely when I was using my Statin 500, so I would have to have it at the heaviest put a coin on top of the head shell as well. Do all sorts of things. Have that little anti skating wheel on there as well. I never never had a correct setting for that. I tried a couple of different things and especially at a certain point. I didn't even really move that one unless I had some real trouble and the turntable just the needle kept on skipping then I would try stuff but sometimes I will come into a club. I would check my needles I'll put the needles on the tone arms and start playing and if I found that I had an issue. Shoo, then I would start to adjust stuff. So I'm a horrible person to ask and I know the DJ's out there who are very specific and they'll bring their little app on their phone even nowadays to check to see if the rotation is correct and they have the perfect height for the turntable for the tonearm for their needle and their vinyl you name it. I'm not that guy. That's a crazy thing. I'm definitely into Tech and I like to explore but I'm never one to read. Manuel's especially back in the day sometimes I do now because things got more complicated I just went on an experiment and if something worked it worked and I used it that way so I don't have a better answer than that. I'm sorry. All right. I want to ask you this question right here because this is a question. I see a lot in different shapes forms and sizes, but it all comes down to the same thing. So the question right here is what's a good track to practice beat juggling on a controller now the reason I say that Has all sorts of questions like this is a question that I would consider similar is when people ask me what's a good sound to practice scratching or what's a good song to practice mixing? The answer is a lot now, I'm not going to say every song is as great to practice mixing or every beat is as great to practice beat juggling or every sound is as good to use for scratching, but the Answer is there's so much you can use now certain cases with scratching you could scratch with every sound but not everything is going to sound as good and if you want to practice certain techniques like the transform scratch, you cannot use like a very short sound for that or kick drum or kick drum is not going to work for the transform scratch. Not that well you want to have preferably a longer sound that you can really chop up into a lot of pieces. Now, if you're practicing the Baby Scratch, you could have a kick drum to practice that is it going to sound as As good if you're doing a scratch performance know then you want a different sound but hopefully you catch my drift same thing with practicing mixing. You can mix with any music if you want to start easy, you might want to start with some house music with some for to the floor drum beats because that is easier than using for instance hip hop where the drum patterns are different. But you have a lot of options a lot of choice don't start with live music like old soul funk that's going to be harder. So if you want to start simple take something else If you want to make it harder use live music I've talked about that in plenty of videos as well. But in this case if we're talking about beat juggling there's a lot you can use but I think the best thing to start with is to try and find something that is a little bit clean what I mean by that is start with something that has a nice drum pattern in there, but not too many sounds like it doesn't really matter. You could use something with a lot of sounds but if you're practicing right now you want to keep it. Simple if you have too many sounds in there, it might get a little bit confusing. If you only have a nice clean drum pattern like just the kick and the snare that's easier to focus on but it doesn't matter if you're using turntables or controller. What type of beat would be good to use. I have a couple of Beats on my SoundCloud that aren't too fast. So the tempos pretty okay and that basically have just drums in there. So that's a good place to start in my opinion. Not some DJ's might approach this totally different and I'm not really up to speed with all DJs and turntablist practice regimen but for me if I'm practicing be juggling basic techniques, just some drums now. Once you get a little bit more advanced you want to have something extra in there like a melody or at least some sounds because then you're going to use those sounds to manipulate and really transform it into different Melody. You name it? You can use a lot of things. I'm having trouble just to think of of like an example track, but that's my whole point. It doesn't really matter if I want to start practicing be juggling right now. Just some Basics with the kick and the snare. I'll just open up the folder with instrumentals and I'll find some kicks in drums on Plenty tracks that I can use. So don't Focus too much on on that just find a nice track with just a nice clean beat to start with so that's why I'm going to end episode 7 of the shared knowledge podcast for DJs in 2019. I hope you enjoyed the episode and I hope My answers were able to at least get you started help you on your way or give you the information that you need it. Now if you want to ask me questions, I'm on social everywhere to handle is DJ tlm. Check out my YouTube Channel DJ tlm TV, and you can also reach me by email share the knowledge at the JT Make sure you subscribe to the newsletter by going to my website DJ TL to get that Weekly fresh update with everything I've done in the last week and That's basically it I'll be back next Monday with a new episode until then have a lot of fun and practice practice practice.
Welcome to season 2, episode 7. Sign up for the DJ TLM newsletter: In this episode I talk about: - The DJ TLM newsletter. - How to drop it on "the one". - What I use to record mixtapes. - Is there such a thing as "too much scratching"? - My preferred tonearm setting (which I don't have). - Does starting "later" mean that you can't become the best you could be? - What to do when you lose the count during a mix. Feel free to jump in the comment section and join the conversation when you see a question that you can answer.
It's time for a new way of communication the swine industry one that you can get the latest updates while commuting or driving to Farms here. You have the brightest mind of the global swine industry in your pocket. Always take a look at the microbiome. See with the microbiome reveals. I would predict Marcia that in the future in 10 years from now microbiome is going to become PCR that means every lab in any Adversity or any lab in any company that you know make science or that you know makes feed stops or any other kind of feed additives going to have a microbiome station. Welcome to sign it podcast. My name is Martin Bohm Salvage your host for today's episode. This episode is brought to you by every Pig the truth is precision swine production is not the future it is the present every pig is the Jen Pig Health platform it is a simple yet powerful Pig health and production management tool request a free 20 minutes demonstration at Co how everyone today we're going to talk about microbiome teasing out the bus from the reality today. We have dr. Andreas Gomez from the the city of Minnesota and undress. Thanks for joining us today. Thank you. Thanks for inviting me. It's a pleasure for me to be here appreciate that. So undress just to start things off. If you can walk us through how did you get involved in pig production and talk a little bit about your career until today true. So I'm basically a microbial ecologist. That's my training. That was my training during my Master's and PhD and my main interest is to investigate and explore the Position function of microbes in different system. So I started my career studying soil microbes or microbes living in soil at different depths interesting. Then I passed I moved on to looking at the microbiome. So while primates specifically gorilla populations in Africa and also human populations in in the Central African Republic just as As a way to understand the evolution of the human microbiome and and how diverse Lifestyles have altered the microbiome to the point. It's become a little bit different from what our ancestors were supposed to have. So that was a very important very important topic in my research is still is but now as a faculty member at the University of Minnesota. I'm interested in The microbiome of food animals and I have a very important research portfolio on the microbiome of swine and you know, basically exploring the swine microbiome and more importantly trying to look at strategies to manipulate it to improve health and performance and in big production systems, very nice. That's a very diverse background area from gorillas in Africa, too. Pigs in Minnesota, I love that. Yeah. Yeah, I mean that if you think about it, it's not that different. I mean if we can talk about it later in more detail, but but the system's themselves as far as the capacity to, you know to metabolize different substrates in diet is not very different from a gorilla comparing a gorilla to a big actually I can imagine that very nice. Well since we are at it Dr. Gomez, if you can't tell us what is the microbiome what the microbiome is basically defined as the collection of microorganisms that colonize or inhabit different surfaces, either within animals or environment. So all the collection of cells that are of the represent different microbes even bacteria fungi viruses. Viruses and protozoa is collectively known as the microbiome along with the functions, they incorporate so it's not just the cells of the microbes themselves, but also the functions that the metabolic capabilities that they have. So that's what we Define as the microbiomes. The microbiome is not just confined to the God. We have a micro biome also in the nasal surfaces in the skin in the reproductive tract and anywhere you look at your we're just surrounded by microbes this Microbial world that's that's why the area of microbiomes is so exciting today. Very nice. Well on that note, why is there a hype about gut microbes in different areas of science? Well, you know the high basically I would say so microbial ecology is a very old feel, you know, if you think about what an Tobin living who started doing with first trials Of the microscope and this little animal kills. He saw in the teeth scraping he was doing microbial ecology. It was basically looking at different different microorganisms in Teague surfaces. So those were the initial say the initial steps of microbial ecology Auntie what we know it as we know it today and I think we're revolutionized the microbial ecology or the microbiome field was the implementation of molecular tools. To study the microbiome, but at high resolution and in many many different subsample simultaneously, so with implementation of Next Generation sequencing, we realize that the diversity of the microbiome in different systems, especially in the god in the human or animal God is incredibly high. So we started applying those molecular techniques to study microbiomes in different systems. We realize further the microbiome is more diverse than we initially thought and second. That the functions that the microbiome performs or encodes are essential for Life as we know it, right. So so all the functions the microbiome performs as far as nutrient processing nutrients synthesis the a clearing between the microbiome and immune system are functions that guarantee Life as we know it and without the microbiome those functions would not be possible. So in other words, there is fun. She's performed by the microbiome that guarantee Life as we know it and without these functions we wouldn't be able to exist. So I think that's part of the reason that's the main reason actually there's such hype about the microbiome, you know, the we realize based on all these new molecular and sequencing techniques that we use to study microbes. We have realized that the functions that the micro bouncer form extend the physiologic capacities of of animals and humans in a way that will guarantee life and without those functions who wouldn't be able to exist interesting. Yeah. There's definitely has been an explosion in microbiome research in the last few years, right? Yeah. Yeah, and I think most of these high began with the work that Jeff Gordon University of Washington started doing with You know, if you know, this is a quintessential April microbial ecology about transferring the microbiome from an obese mice to amazed that it's lean and look in the how the phenotype of obesity is transferred along with the transfer of microbes. So that shows that there are some functions performed by microbes as for example energy harvest the can actually be transferred from one organism to another so that's that's pretty that's pretty amazing. So from those, you know trials and those experiments performed by Jeffrey Gordon, then you know, we realize that this the functions that the microbiomes form not only at the gut level but also, you know the gut brain access there's constant communication between microbes in your God and your brain and we believe that there is an association between certain behavioral traits and the function of the composition of my Groups in the gut so that's another area that is receiving increasing attention today. Also, you know the microbiome role in different diseases for instance in cancer. We know that there is a there is a connection between the presence and the function of certain microbes and the development developing of certain diseases as far as cancer diabetes autoimmune disease. So that's part of the big hype that we have about the microbiome today in the station the we can change things in the microbiome to alter phenotypes, which we haven't been able to to completely do but there's a lot of promise on that. So when you when you think about microbes and the genetic makeup that you have we're able to predict the probability of disease with higher confidence by looking at microbes compared to when we look at the nomic regions in our own genome, so, you know, so People are predisposed to certain diseases because they have a mutation. What they have is Nip in their genomes that are there is associated with that disease, but we realize that the predictive power of the genes of the genomic makeup is not as strong as a predictive power of the microbiome when it comes to predicting disease outcomes. Well, that's amazing. Yeah. Well, so on that note as well. What is the state and resolve? The gut microbiome research in pig production and what can we conclude so far? Well, there's there's been also an explosion of different work on analyze and exploring this why microbial the first work just intended to look at that microbial ecology specially along different segments of the GI, you know, when you compare the small intestine large intestine pieces, what is the microbial ecology on those specific segments? So so the first word really intended Look what what is the composition of the microbiome just to get a grasp of the of the microbial makeup and the functions they perform so apart from that then we've been moving from those that's a compositional surveys to specifically explore the function of those microbiomes, you know, what kind of functions those microbalance are performing and and and and then we'd be moving to actually exploring. Ation of those microbiomes to see the performance can be improved. So there is a lot of work being done on prebiotics and probiotics as well in different organic acids and other feed additives that we know have some influence from changing microbial composition, but the the manipulation of the microbiome as far as you know, you know feeding that's a prebiotics and probiotics and looking at that response in the animal is not always Reproducible which means we know there is a microbial ecology that is very specific along the GI of the pig. We know the by incorporating different additives in feed were able to get some changes in the microbiome, but we're not always able to get a response as far as the phenotype. We want to we want to reproduce and and and the reason is that the microbiome in pick systems is highly variable across different. Also different divisions have very different microbiomes even within the same species, you know, the basic commercial the white pig when you look at the different micro biomes in different in different subjects, we see that the micro amps highly variable. So that's one of the reasons why we haven't been able to replicate or to specifically manipulate microbes to improve specific phenotypes in pace. So I think that that's the state of the art of the pig microbiome work today. First of all, In a different looking at the composition in the function of the microbiome along different segments of the GI tract and then trying to manipulate those those microbial communities using different additives to see if we can improve performance and alter the phenotypes of those Peaks except that this this responses are not always consistent and reproducible highly variable interesting one thing that you and I talked in the past, I believe. It was the you know, a lot of litter tourism is inferring Association, right? And there is some recent work that that is doing more of a randomized type of approach even in that, you know, fecal transplantation all that kind of thing. So, can you give a comment to us and to our audience about you know the work done in microbiome on Association and you know versus causation and Or causality. And and where do you see that going? Is there a is there any type of trend there on the literature right now? I think most of the World produced right now. It's been based on Association. So we know that by feeding certain additives we see a change in the microbial but that doesn't really mean that we're actually targeting tracing the specific input that is causing that change in the microbiome. So this is what We call Association also Association is looking at the microbiome of different animals on their different disease conditions, you know, the deceased animals have a different microbiome compared to healthy animals. But again, this is a source. This is an association experiment to move to causation. There's different things that people have been doing in the field. So the area of when you took when talk about human microbiomes, there's a lot of hype in using free German mines, which Basically by the have been devoid of microbes so that way you can transfer those you can transfer different microbial Community committees to mice that are free jerk and see phenotypes can be reproduced of those mines that didn't have a microbiome previously. So so that's what we come a little bit closer to conversation rather than Association right in the in the peak. Microbiome World those words that relate to a conversation rather than Association is still in infancy. There's somewhere being done in fecal transplants in piglets and also in some other food animals for example in their assistance and what we see in this work related to fecal transplants to replicate or reproduce phenotypes, is that the microbiomes that's being transferred. Are difficult it's difficult for those microbes to settle in the new system that is for a new microbe to colonize a new system. It has to first of all compete with the microbes that are already there and established themselves so that you know, the communities can be settled there in that system since we don't have a lot of opportunities to work with fruit free germ pigs in in in you know, the pig production area those those works and those experience are very expensive the word that has been done as far as looking at fecal transplants are you know conventional picks and what we realize is that for that microbiome to be transferred to one that's a one thing that is high that is high in production to a pay that is low in production and see if the phenotype can be transferred. I think we're very far away from that yet because we Those microbes to be settle in the new system to be able to cause some sort of some sort of change. So for me, the high promise would be on on specific feed additives and looking at the effect of feed additives at the molecular level in pigs. So, so right now I think people are doing work on moving from this composition service on the micro of the microbiome to getting closer to the function. Reality of things and and the differences that the techniques to study the microbiome in both cases are different and of course there's costs involved. There's also a lot of promise with using organelles and this is something we're doing here the University of Minnesota. We're growing organelle specifically color noise and Androids in vitro and treating those color noise. So those in those androids with specific microbial communities. Also with specific additives and see if we can look at the changes in the organelle itself upon this stimuli with different microbes of different of different additives. That's a that's a better way to get close to do causation to get closer to the effect of specific additives or microbial communities in in a various related part of the system, but that's a start, you know looking at how How microbes and feed stops interact in organoids to see if there's some changes in gene expression or changes in God morphology that will help us get closer to probably what's happening enviable. Very interesting. Yeah, that's very cool research right there with us Enterprise. Dr. Gomez. What is the biggest misconception about the swine gut microbiome? I would say the biggest the biggest misconception. Okay. So I think people in the field are starting to learn more about microbes today. What are the misconceptions that we have in those studies whenever you know people in the industry approaches to conduct different studies or to you know to see whether specific additive they have would have an effect in the microbiome is that people sometimes are confused. Concept of composition versus function, right? So the typical let's say microbiome survey is based on answering the question who's there? So what kind of what kind of microbes make up the system so that basic microbiome survey does not really include the functions performed by those micro. So if we want to know what the functions are, we will have to look for other techniques that would allow us to look at the metagenomic makeup of those microbial communities. So that's that's one of the misconceptions people know that the typical microbiome survey would really reveal both composition and function but that's not the case to go to function there needs to be additional analysis to perform. Another misconception that people tend to have is that the microbes are easily or can be easily manipulated and that can be immediately translated to phenotype of Desire phenotype of Interest. That's a misconception because we're still far away from its say managing to to manipulate microbiome specifically to agree to to to have a phenotype of Interest. That's that's the still the still in infancy in the swan microbiome work. Those are probably one of the two misconceptions that I hear most when I interact. with people that are nervous in the era of microbiomes and want to have you know, what a perfect one to perform microbiome microbiome where another thing is a for, you know, designing an experiment or in the microbiome field as far as looking at the effect of different additives or or different it's a drugs or or any other compound that would have the promise to By health or phenotyping in pigs is number of samples. You know, we tend to look a very few number of samples in any given experiment and what we've demonstrated that more than let's say the depth at which look at them microbial system the number of samples that you use in a given experiment. The power is very important. So looking at any kind of effect on on any additives on Peak Performance as in the context of the microbiome is gun is not going to be attained using 10 or 9 pigs per treatment, you know, you need to look at you know, many more pics just to be able to get closer into that into into looking at what specific effect has your attitude into the microbial communities and see how that is be reproducing in the phenotype of the pig. Very nice, especially the high variation that you mentioned, right? So that large sample size will definitely help there. Right? Yeah. Yes. We saw with large sample sizes. We guarantee that we are able at least to counteract some of these some of that into individual variation. But but you know, as far as where we going with the pig microbiome world, I think we still need to do a lot of fishing Expeditions. We call it fishing Expeditions that I would say. Hypothesis generating work, you know, we still need to take a look at Peak systems right from the beginning. So right now we're doing a lot of work in my lap looking at the piglets microbiome before birth. So looking at what happened to the sow what happened to different feeding strategies in the south in gestation and how that contributes to sit in the microbiome in the picnic at the very beginning. I think those servings needs to be all those work, too. Experiments need to be done before you are able to devise any kind of feeding intervention or let's say additive intervention to be able to modify or to manipulate a specific phenotype in picks. We need to know what happens with the with the seating of the piglet microbiome right from the very beginning and this is something we're doing very intensely here in my lab right now. Very nice. Andrea is what information were benefits. Can we get from gut microbiome research in the swine nutrition health and production Fields. Was it the biggest benefits? So the microbiome is an interface that so is the one part of the Genome of the pig that we can modify immediately, you know, you can do genetic improvement with pigs and look, you know after certain generations to see if you have improve our phenotype of interests, but but the excitement About the microbiome is that is the is the one part of the Genome of the peak that we can modify to see if we can obtain, you know, a desired phenotype. So I would say that the microbiome is the is the interface for instance between feeding and the genome. So whatever kind of feeding strategy that you implement on your pigs is going to be directly influenced by microbes, so Is one of the one of the things that the people in the in the feeding industry can expect in defeating Pig industry can expect about about microbes anything any kind of feeding intervention needs to be or is intimately associated with what happens with the microbiome. So looking at you know, usually when you look at when you have any kind of, you know feeling trial in the swine nutrition field, you just feed the additive and you just see what happens with Organs, right you see if there was a way gain if the was fit and efficiency increased but I would say by not looking at what happens at the microbiome you lose in a piece of the picture because if you are able to trace what specific changes the microbiome experiences upon feeding certain, you know specific feed additives. You can formulate a more Or targeted approach especially if you know what specific microbes change your able to formulate a targeted approach to improve the efficiency of the animal systems. So in other words looking at changes in feed efficiency in weight gain upon finding certain additives and not looking at the microbiome becomes a black box, right? Because you want to know the microbiome is the is the engine transforming that feedstuff into into intro bio available material that the pig is going to take advantage of of course that depends on the nature of the of the feed additive but but I would say that's that's the most important piece of information that it's a pig nutritionist or swine nutrition is can get from microbiome work what specific communities and functions change in function of defeating additive that is being fed and by looking at that you're able to tweak to to adjust Let's say the formulation of your feet or the composition of your feet to either enhance or boost or even inhibit the growth or the functional certain microbes to make this grow faster and more efficient. I would say that in a nutshell. That's what I'm most excited about when it comes to swine microbiome work that by looking at this specific feeding strategies at the molecular level. We can know what specific members of the microbiome Increase or decrease and we can reformulate those feed additives in a way. They can perform the desired performance or the desired effect of phenotype can be streamlined or can be obtained faster. But without looking at the microbiome, you're not going to you know going to get that picture very very interesting Andres. That's sounds like a lot of work ahead of you. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I'll keep this is a very exciting time to work in microgravity. Biomes, I couldn't I couldn't pick a better topic, you know to run a lab the microbiomes right now because everybody wants to know everybody wants to have the secret, you know, what kind of specific manipulation can we can we what kind of specific strategy can we Implement to manipulate microbes and as a result improve health and performance in animal systems. However, we need to remember that the microbiome is only a piece of the puzzle. Right. So along with microbiome information with it. We also need information on functional genomics of the animal. We need information on nutrition. We need information information of the metabolites that are being produced by the microbiome upon feeding certain food additive. So by looking at these questions in an integrated manner, I think people that work in the nutrition and the swine. He'll feel could have a better assessment of whether they're additives or other. Order let's say products under over there. Any other kind of let's say product that is being formulated to improve health works right without if you don't look at these different components of the system microbes functional genomics metabolites feeding. I would say you're missing a very important part of the puzzle and I don't think you would be able to adjust and to into twig your formulation to make You know healthier and more productive that makes sense any final words our microbiome undress before we move to the three questions. We ask every guest. Well, I would say no my final work. I would say no the microbiome is a very exciting field of the animal and human health world right now. I would say that to to move forward with plans about new feed additives new. New Management strategies always take a look at the microbiome see with the microbiome reveals. I would predict Marshall that in the future in 10 years from now microbiome is going to become PCR that means every laugh in any University or any lab in any company that you know makes science or that, you know makes feed stops or any other kind of feed additives going to have a microbiome station just to Could hold microbiomes change for my help microbial communities change upon feeding certain, you know feeding additives. So so I would say my final word is is for especially for people that work in the swine industry, especially when it comes to pit stops and nutrition. You gotta take a look at the microbiome because you if you don't do that, you're missing a big piece of the puzzle. very nice celebrating its 25th anniversary just all manufacturers the original Wireless Standalone swine feeding system designed by pork producers for pork producers their simple reliable and provide peace of mind 24/7 365 days a year just all is not just manufactured by an equipment company, but by a family port production business with a slat level understanding Just talk always one step ahead and slide fitting. It is time to our famous and there's going to the three questions you ask you every guest every episode. What is your favorite swine related book? Oh, well my favorites wine-related book. Well, you know Marcy my background, even though is animal science. My background was never I was I was I was I wasn't It's a swine person in my early stages of of training. I my training was with non-human primates and that's how I got connected to the to the to the microbial ecology world or maybe good maybe another way to ask. Is that your favorite get related book? Oh God. Okay. That's a better question. So us Augustine tests on microbiology is a and of course, you know, it's written actually an edited by actually by my advisor for my PhD in the University Minnesota Bryan white and Rod Mackey. This is a this is the Bible of microbiomes is the Bible of microbial ecology when it comes to gut microbiomes. It was written in the 1990s. It has two volumes and it's called gastrointestinal microbiology. So these book was edited and written by the founding fathers of the microbial ecology world when it comes to God microbial. So anybody who's interested in microbial ecology anybody who's interested in microbiome work when it comes to monogastric soar ruminants needs to be aware of that books called gastrointestinal microbiology. So it's not a swine book, but there's also a lot of chapters and In sections dedicated to the swine gastrointestinal tract and it's microbial very interesting. Yeah. I was not aware of that. So what is your favorite book unrelated to swine besides the gut books of any topic any topic? Oh my God, that's that's I would say Malcolm X the autobiography of Malcolm X. I don't know. I don't think that has anything to do with microbiomes or Whatever meets been a very spiring book not only from a personal but also from a professional standpoint the autobiography of Malcolm X very nice. Very good in the last question arises what in your opinion sets apart successful professionals from those who are not. Well, I can talk I can talk from my experience and also from my experience advising students and what's made me? Well, I don't know if I'm a hundred percent successful. I would like to know I would like to know that I am but what's make me successful in this field I would say is opportunity. Experience science from different angles. So don't just focus on the specific narrow question. You have try to look at your question try to look at different angles of science to to get a better assessment of the the system that you're trying to understand. So for example in my career, I've been very fortunate of working with very say a wide range of seemingly very disparate. Eight people in different areas of Science of where we don't apologies. I work with psychology Psychiatry is people that work in the cancer field people that work in the ecology field Architects, you know, you name it very very different very different and diverse range of scientists have allow me to look at the problems that I deal with on an everyday basis. From very different perspectives. So I guess my I would say what separates a successful professional in my field to two other people is the willingness to listen to two different opinions and to diversify the science that you do in many different fields that different that those different assessments of Science and And to the problem you're addressing are going to help you deal and understand the questions that you have better. I would say that that that that for me it's what what's what's made me successful in the in the field that I'm dealing with and also this is what I try to tell my students all the time. You know, whenever you have a chance to look at different problems different questions in a general way. I would take advantage to that. Multidisciplinary approach. I love it. Very nice. Exactly. Exactly. Very cool. Does the word more multidisciplinary approach? Well, thanks a lot. Dr. Gomez. Your time is much appreciated and I'm sure you you shed a lot of light and the subject for me and for the audience as well. Oh Marshall, thanks so much, really enjoy the conversation and it was a very fun conversation. I hope my Sights on the microbiome world were of interest to the public and you know, I can be reached the University Minnesota animal science department in case you know, there is any other specific questions about microbes, which is what we love to do around here. Perfect. Thanks a lot under this. Have a good day. Thank you Marcy YouTube, bye-bye.
Today’s episode will cover the Microbiome: teasing out the buzz from reality. “The microbiome is the one part of the genome of the pigs that we can modify. In the future, microbiome analysis will be as common as PCR are today.” – Dr. Andres Gomez. Our guest is Dr. Andres Gomez, one of the bright minds of the Global Swine Industry. Dr. Gomez is Assistant Professor at University of Minnesota and his research interests focus on using molecular, bioinformatic and machine learning tools to study the composition and function of the microbiome associated to animals and humans, it's interaction with the host genomic landscape and it's influence on host nutrition, health, ecology and evolution. What you will learn: - How he got involved in pig production and he walks us through his career until today; - What is the microbiome; - Why is there a hype about gut microbiomes in different areas of science; - The state of the gut microbiome research in pig production; - Association vs. Causation in gut microbiome research; - The biggest misconception about the swine gut microbiome; - The benefits can we get from gut microbiome research in the swine nutrition, health and production fields;  - What sets apart successful professionals from those who are not. - Andres’ favorite microbiome-related book: Gastrointestinal microbiology - Andres’ favorite book unrelated to microbiome: The autobiography of Malcolm X Edited by Lauro Faccin
Welcome to episode 52 a woman of the military podcast this week. I'm talking to a fellow civil engineer who served in the Air Force for five years. We met at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base when we were both serving in the Air Force and if you listen to the episode, you can tell that we were really good friends and even though we don't get to talk very often we still have A lot in common, and I'm just really grateful that Rachel took time out of her day to be on the podcast. It's just share her experience of being in the Air Force as a civil engineer and I really hope you love the show. You are listening to the women of the military podcast where we share the stories of female service members and how the military touch their lives. I'm your host military veteran military spouse and Mom Amanda Huff. And my goal is to find the heart of the story and uncover issues women face while serving in the military. If you want to be encouraged by the stories of military women and be inspired to change the world. Keep tuned for this latest episode of women of the military Rachel and I served at active to team together as civil engineers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and I'm excited to share her experience. I had a chance to interview her for my deployment Series in 2017. In which is where the original idea for the podcast started. So if you want to learn more about her deployments, then what we talked about today, you can go to the show notes where I'll have the linked to both her deployment to Manus and Honduras. She served in the Air Force as a civil engineer for over five years and is currently a professional engineer blood thing manager consultant at Cross Timber Consulting Rancher beekeeper basketball player YF hopefully future mother and boy The green Christian welcome to the show Rachel. I'm excited to talk to you. Thank you. So let's dive in with why did you decide to join the military? Okay church. I graduated high school and I got a nomination to an academy. I hadn't really considered the military or the academy. The only reason that I got those nominations was because I played competitive soccer and they introduced me the coaches saw me play and they introduced me to the academy. And I thought wow what an amazing opportunity. I have some military and my family but very limited with my grandpa and my uncle are or prior enlisted in the Navy. And so we've always had a respect for the military and very patriotic our family. And so when the opportunity arose to attend an academy, oh, I couldn't turn it down. It was a really great opportunity and it was a really unique experience. It wasn't just like the standard College. Type experience and so when I got there, I quickly learned a lot more about the military and I was very excited doing so it really started with soccer and the academy. So let's talk a little bit about the Air Force Academy. What was it like to be at the Air Force Academy and playing soccer, you know, I tell people a lot they asked me about the academy. So I work in a professional environment. A lot of Engineers will ask you like, where'd you go to school? Because they expect you to go to one of the rival schools here in Emma and I always say no, I don't go to. Oh you were OSU I went to the academy and they're always like surprised like what the academy and so I tell them that the academy is I think wasted on the youth I wish that I had been a couple years older when I entered I entered right as I turned 18 and you're young and you just don't take advantage of all the opportunities that is afforded to you. I had some really cool opportunities. I got to go to Guam I got to go to I got to do some cultural immersion. I had an excellent education but you know as a kid, you know, sometimes sleep in too late and miss out on a something that he should have done because all you think about was, you know, taking a nap, you know, and so I wish that I could have done it maybe when I was almost, you know, maybe 1920 starting and then graduated at 24 instead of graduating at 21, but the experience was incredible. I mean you get so many opportunities to do anything. There's a club for Thing you can't compete with the education. You're very very busy. I most students would tell you they go to college and they do, you know, 15 hours or something. I mean, we did 21 to 24 hours every single semester and you have your military requirements you have professional military education. You've got here Intercollegiate Athletics, which is like a huge portion of the amount of time that I spent there was on the soccer field training and stuff. So it's really Tough balance I didn't do very well my first year I had a 2.0 barely and by the time I graduated I had over a 3.0 and I was able to make up all of that and it's just, you know, growing and becoming more mature and how to handle that kind of load but I will say I left there much more prepared for normal life. I would say much more organized and quite a clean freak. So those three things I definitely left with them from Academy. What basis did you go to? To first after you commissioned into the air force. So I was selected to go to Moody Air Force Base and I would just a comment. So those that might be listening that might be attending it Academy when it comes time to enter a base. It can get to enter wish list maybe check and make sure that those bases have military civil engineers or military whatever your career field is because I entered several bases that were completely civilian on the During side. So they put me in a geographical location as close to those as possible, which was kind of the swampland of South Georgia and Moody was really cool at a really great Squadron. It was a cool Mission Special Operations Mission. We are always doing training and always having Opera House exercises and there was always, you know, helicopters flying it was really cool. But but it was definitely hot. It was my first deployment was out of Moody. I was there for two years. I don't think I spent more than Than a year on the ground. I mean it was just really really fast two years. So make sure that when you put in your wish list, you know for sure that you could actually work there at MacDill does not have militaries of ones. Yeah, and that's that's an important lesson to learn because not all career Fields can go to all the bases. And at one time you used to be a civil engineer could go to all the bases, but they've changed a lot and they've been contracted out. So that's important to do your homework. So you talked about your purse. Deployment where did you go for your first appointment? So I was deployed to Kyrgyzstan Transit Center at mehnaz, which is now closed they like to call it the gateway to Afghanistan's. So a lot of troops would come in and spend a couple days and then or deploy out of there to Afghanistan we were pretty small and permanent party, but we could have up to 5,000 Transit there. It was semi permanent construction. So No, Tent City and we we did have a tent city there temporarily for a surge. But primarily it was semi permanent type of Housing and construction. We were there at the Airfield for the capital of Kyrgyzstan. I was one of four civil engineering officers to include our squadron commander our captain and then two lieutenants and we had civilian draftsman and designer so Professional Engineers and we had military Three EA's so engineer assistance and then one civilian. So it was a pretty small group but we oversaw about 50 million dollars worth of construction. Annually though. It was a pretty big load. I learned more there as a civil engineer than probably any other assignment. Yeah, Maness is where I went when I was going to Afghanistan and coming home and there was a nice big from especially coming home. I've enjoyed it a lot more coming home. And I was there I think we were there at the same time. I was there in February of 2010 and know that October 2010. Yeah, I think you beat me there. I was there August 2010 to March 2011. Okay. So I was there in November for a few days. Not that we saw. Yeah, we didn't even know so one of the cool things so as a transient person that I was I was only there for a few days they advertise that you could go off base but Had to be a permanent party. So did you get to do that? Yeah, so let me just preface it by saying you work six hour days 12 hour shift. So you were pretty tired and a really really want to go somewhere and so at the beginning of the deployment, you know, I was like, yeah, let's go. Let's try all these cool things and so I got to go whitewater rafting. I went on this 10-mile Mountain hike which that was a one-time deal very beautiful. But wow. Long trip on your one day off. They did have some where you would just go eat dinner, which were more common as you got far during your deployment because it didn't take as much time and eating there. I was there mostly in the winter and they had excellent soup and stew meals like the best ever. So I will go out a lot and eat those on your day off band trying to think if I had any real other excursions. I mean those were probably had went bowling one time. But yeah, I mean, I went off base and And if I could describe to you Kyrgyzstan and Bishkek, it's kind of like the infrastructure is a remnant of the old USSR like the old Soviet infrastructure. And then the folks that live there are a combination of curd you he's which have an influence from Tibet and the Asian cultures from China and then any blond-hair blue-eyed type Russian influence and then you did have a just a little bit of Middle Eastern influence, but we were on the northern border of Kyrgyzstan. So that was very limited. The primary religion was some sort of Greek Orthodox type of pathology kind of close to Catholicism. Really everybody very friendly. They spoke Russian or Kirk. He's and English was not something that was widely known so you very rarely were able to communicate easily outside of the base. I mean, it was definitely probably a better opportunity than like, Being able to go off base. Let's say in Afghanistan. I mean, that's not that's not even close, you know in comparison my experience there was much different than what yours was. I'm certain we've talked about yourself. So and then you are talking that you are working all the time and that you guys were managing all that money with just a few people. So what were some of the like bigger projects that you have to work on so we had several large Airfield projects the biggest The biggest projects were concrete Airfield construction and they we had a little bit of an aggregate issue. There was some chemical problem with the local Aggregate and the Portland cement and so we actually did projects twice. So we built an apron for large cargo planes troop carriers and then it started to fall like within the first few months of construction. And so we had to tear it all out and use a different aggregate or A different mix of Portland cement because we couldn't bring in aggregate into the country. And so that was a challenge and the Corps of Engineers was involved in that and that was a fake Testing Lab and a lot going on with that red horse came in and did a smaller apron with their forces and that one was more successful after we solve the chemical issue. One of my personal larger projects was the security forces entry gate. We I did some design work on that. And so I was very athletic. Time I couldn't recall it now, but at the time I could almost recall all the AFI specifications on security forces entry Gates like distances and spacing and all of that stuff. I mean it was it was a lot of information and that was pretty fun because you know, we had a huge part in the mission was setting up parking and making sure his saying if and no terrorist activity could take place because you got all these bunkers and everything. So I really enjoyed that. Yeah AFI is an Air Force instruction and there then Structions that you have to follow when you do anything in the Air Force, but Rachel's talking specifically about like the security of stuff and then you also mention red horse, which people probably don't know what that is unless their civil engineers in the Air Force but red horse. It is like an expeditionary civil engineer unit that I do a good job of explaining it. Yeah, but it won't help you understand what All these weird letters that don't mean anything. I mean they mean something but not to me so but yeah, that's cool that you got to do all that stuff while you were overseas in Kyrgyzstan is like one of the most beautiful places I've ever been to I'm not with Gorgeous. Yeah. It's so pretty. Let's talk about your next appointment. The next ployment you went on was to hundra's. Yeah, so I got back to Moody in March and I immediately had Deployment tasking. So I was already assigned to my next appointment and it was Afghanistan and an opportunity came available to take the short tour to Hunter ass and the reason it came available to me as a second Lieutenant was because I had shown an interest in going to Honduras. We're going on a short tour. I was looking to go on a short tour to chart or is about one year and it's typically not a hundred percent expeditionary. It's somewhere between contingency type. Mission and permanent construction. So you're more like the Kyrgyzstan type as far as the way that we build and develop their and it usually allows you to tap into Corps of Engineers support additional funding opportunities and stuff like that. So I wanted to do a short tour. I really didn't want to go on a deployment because I had already gotten a really great deployment and I knew that the odds were that I wasn't going to get a good one and that already been tasked with Afghanistan. So at the time I talked to our functional which assigns You know where you go? And I had said, you know what's going on the short tour and they responded to me and said hey somebody got medically disqualified to take this short tour. Are you still interested? And I said, yes, and so I left I said, yes my squadron commander approved it and I PCS territories a PCS you the permanent change of station? I would not go back to Moody and I left in August of 2011. I think that's right. Yeah, so, it's August 2010 to 2011. Yeah, so yeah kagaz to 2011 and so I was on base from September 2010 to August. Well, I guess it was September 2009 to August 2011. So not almost almost two years and out of that two years I wasn't on base for more than a year at Moody. And now a word from our sponsors It's always important to thank those who are serving or have served in the military their service and sacrifice to preserves our appreciation every day a special Veterans. Memorial is being planned in Luverne, Minnesota a full-size replica of the Vietnam War Monument for 9/11 Iraq and Afghanistan plus an education center will be a great way to honor our vets and educate the public the education center will house displays. Classrooms are restaurant Chapel and more your help is needed to create this amazing memorial for more information. Go to Ali dot-org. If you're still looking to get one last gift under the Christmas tree consider getting a copy of women of the military. It makes a great gift for anyone especially women veterans and women looking to join the military so they can hear the stories of other women and now back to the show. And then I went to Honduras and it's an it's an army base. It's Soto Cano Air Base. So it's an army base. There is an Air Force function there. They're headquartered out of Arizona or New Mexico. I can't remember the headquarters. It was the 11th something 11th, and there was a small Air Force contingency there and are we were responsible for the only see 5 capable runway in Central America. And so it was the only way to provide emergency aid to Central and South Erica in the event of a natural disaster and their second mission which is probably the larger Mission which drug interdiction. So there was a lot of helicopter type activity a lot of Special Forces DEA type agents, not just you know military but other government agencies that came through there and it was a really interesting base a really a really nice short. Tour things are very time as very different down there. You know, the sun always Rose between 5:15 and 5:45. 5 the sun always said around 6 p.m. You know, everybody showed up to work at like 9 o'clock everybody stop work about six o'clock, you know, so it was just a it was a more of a routine there. There was a lot of local Nationals that worked for the base. The base was run off of four gigantic generators that had diesel delivered to them two or three days two or three times a day. And so you would see at night the city's kind of off in the distance is a little mountainous so You can see some cities like little towns and their electricity would flicker on and off but ours would stay on because of the generators and that was only way we could ensure that we had electricity all the time. It was really nice tour. I did a lot of work with the Army we developed the first. Well not the first book. I was responsible for the planning and programming of all the base construction from 1 to 10 years Airfield maintenance. We did a lot of inspections on the Airfield and stuff like Like that, it wasn't not a lot of planes went through there. But you know always preparing in the event that we needed it but I really enjoyed that short tour. I was able to find my husband out there for holidays two different times. And that was really nice. You don't get to do that when you're deployed short tour allows you to do that sometimes but overall it was it was really good experience. So, what did you do when your husband came out to see you? So we went to a coupon or wenis which is kind of a forest located. Mission for locals and they have some Mayan or Incan ruins. I get those confused. No disrespect to my ends are Incans, but I get that too confused with but they have some ruins there and kind of a tourist area and then we went to Roatan which is an island off of Honduras. And that's a lot of cruise ship stopped in there. And that was really nice and there was a third one we did go on a weekend to Panama City. And so I got to see the Panama Canal and I really enjoyed Panama City was really nice. So those are the three spots. It's that sounds like a really cool application with its deployment. That's kind of cool. It was nice you have four days here for days. There was it was really nice. Did you have any challenges while you were in Honduras? Well, I mean some funny challenges. So even in Kyrgyzstan they have some heavy equipment but in Honduras they had limited heavy equipment. I mean you would have a let's say a house or Base lodging being built and there'd be men out there with shovels digging. Eating and using their feet to Compact and Mixing concrete in you know, wheelbarrows by hand for an entire Foundation you talking about Foundation that's like 30 cubic yards of concrete and they're doing it all by hand in the wheelbarrow. There's a lot of things that would go on like that. I mean that we couldn't eat couldn't really expect in the states that kind of construction when you gets hard to even test, you know, what the results of that you just hope it doesn't sink that was a little bit of a challenge, you know, if we we wanted to go anywhere in the country like on the and you know, it was two and a half hours to the capital and it's not that it was that far in distance. It was that the infrastructure was so poor. It took two and a half hours to get there. We had to ride a bus to and from the city there. It was a little bit of a challenge because I mean it was definitely a third world country. I know some people had a little bit of trouble with mugging. I never had that problem. I never was I never got robbed or anything like that, but I mean not not like real challenges some of the Things I got to do. I got to design a helicopter pad out like away from the base for the drug interdiction stuff. And that was a challenge because I had no soil data. I had no and no information at all about anything. So we just had to just estimate it was just a guess on how we did it and and that was that was kind of a cool challenge. But I mean as far as like really challenging, I mean no it was it was a really good experience a really good Department. That's good to hear and And I don't want to spend all our time talking about deployments because if people want to learn more they can go onto the blog and read them and yeah, it's been fun to hear because you told different stories then you wrote about like 2 years ago. So it's been a fun conversation because I was reading through them this morning besides your deployment and I feel like you moved around a lot or were gone a lot didn't face any struggles while you were serving in the military. Yeah, so I had an opportunity to think about this question. You know struggles I think are pretty typical and I mean, I don't want to speak for all women that I would think that women probably experienced similar struggles and that when you're in the service and you decide that you've want to get married, then you have this struggle of being gone and how you maintain that relationship. So I would say the biggest struggle for me in my personal life was I was married and the the first year and a half of marriage we didn't live together and we were separated geographically and it was a challenge and on top of that, you know, if you're someone like me, I'm I'm a religious person. I attend church. I'm a member of a local church. You can't establish those kinds of relationships when you're all over the map. I mean literally and so, you know, you are trying really hard to kind of establish roots and you can't because you're moving all the time and that that was probably the biggest struggle the That struggle was alleviated when I left Honduras and I moved Ohio and I started working with headquarters because you know, you didn't deploy out of there one-on-one you deployed 1 to 4. So, you know, I was there for nearly two years and didn't get a tasking. And so that was the first time in my military career that I wasn't moving, you know, and so that was really nice. And so that that was really something that ultimately I could tell the difference between their regular operational Air Force and then work Young At A headquarters when I did get my deployment tasking I kind of all rushed back like oh my goodness. I might have to be on the road again. This could be you know, I'll have 2 PCS we're going to talk be talking about being on, you know moving and so that ultimately is what led to my decision to separate was was really just the impact on the family that that I didn't I didn't want to face that anymore and your husband was not in the military. So you guys weren't separated because like you're at two different bases. He's a civilian the whole time, right? Heat while he served in the National Guard but local if it was local. So yeah, he never had to move anywhere. We were not separated because he was stationed somewhere else. It was just that I mean he couldn't go with me on a short story can't go with me out appointment, you know, he has a career too. So asking him to pick up, you know, it was hard that I mean I can definitely understand why people that have spouses like you, you know, you guys both were in I mean that's really challenging to Yep, that's why I left you so you kind of already told us a little bit why you left the military? Was it anything more than like being separated and like having just another deployment and life-changing again? Yo that mean that was it. I mean, I love my job. I loved what I did. I love the people I worked with I love the role. I really enjoyed the professional structure of the military. I mean, I I didn't even know how much I enjoyed it. Until after I was gone, so I really enjoyed it and it was a sacrifice to give that up. Yeah. So when you transition did you struggle like a rest of us up? I mean, you know, like I never I didn't have like a separation anxiety or like who's going to do my taxes problem, but I did have like how am I going to fit into this other operational structure? So when I separated I actually went out of my civil engineering career field and I coach soccer. I had a College level and I got to the college and I was just floored. I was just couldn't believe like I was like, how do they even like work? Like, there's no organizational structure. There's no chain of command like like they don't even know who's doing. What like, how are we going to accomplish this task if people aren't assigned duties like, you know, like it was it was completely eye-opening and you know, and I will say like and I'm not ashamed to say this like the military operates better and I think that a lot of Is civilian organizations could take a few lessons from how the military operates and it was a surprise and I was I was definitely considered abrasive. I was considered a typical personality like from the beginning and I think that you kind of are when you are in the military and a woman you just kind of are like an assertive sort of person and so in the military, there's a lot of you and like a lot of men that way too so you get along easier but like at any of it if you do kind of like rub each other the wrong way Or just like okay, whatever you're climbing like it, but when you go somewhere else where you know, people aren't like that. Yeah, I sometimes you can you can rub them the wrong way. And so I found myself getting a lot better about like talking with people one-on-one before I went to a meeting and started explaining like, you know, like maybe a group task but we were on trying to develop individual relationships to alleviate some of my abrasiveness, but but that was probably the biggest challenge just just my Personality and dealing with non-military and then now you're doing engineering work again. So why did you make the switch from coaching to engineering very simple coaches work a lot and get paid a little engineers get paid a lot more and so I was coaching at this is my second College. I was at they hired me as the campus engineer and so I could get a pay raise and then I was like, yeah, you know this coaching things kind of fun. But like this engineering thing is a lot better. Like I can you know work a lot less make a lot more and so I was surprised I should have got my professional engineering certificate back in 2013 back when we were to be their headquarters combined good not it and I was like, meh yea, I don't want to get it and so then you know in 2017 and I was like, wow, I really should have got it because now I have to get it so I spent 2017 preparing for the test and I finally got in 2018. But yeah it just Auditioning to the engineering was like a no brainer. It's just a better career field for all those ladies in the sending engineering is already created and a professional engineering license. So to become a professional engineer, you have to take first in a tower test that is called the engineering and training but usually you take like out of college or me after you're in the Air Force and then to be a professional engineer and that's kind of like a nationwide thing. So the EIT goes everywhere, but then each state. Has their own professional engineering exam most of the states or the pretty much the same except for like California and Florida and there's probably other ones but I got my professional engineering degree in Ohio right before I think you came and is also another eight hour test. So yeah. I think I only have one more question and it would be I already know this part of the answer. But what would you tell young women considering joining the military? I would tell young women that do it for one because the pros outweigh all the cons, you know, try to go to an academy. If you can't go to an academy go to ROTC in a technical degree because the pay is way better but specifically in the military not Is career field related but you know stick to your principles. I think that that's really critical, you know, you leave your family and you go off on your own and you join the military, which is a huge organization and there's a lot of moving parts and you know, insert your principles and to the organization don't I'm not saying be inflexible. I mean learn while you're there but you know, your principles and beliefs are what your founded on as a child and take those and make the military better with those and be a positive influence. Always greet people with a smile, you know, even if you're having a bad day, it doesn't matter whose fault it is like you show up every day with your professional face on customer service oriented you are going to have a really great a while. You're in the military. I think that's really important AB skin as a woman, you know civil engineering was a male-dominated career field military is a male-dominated organization have tough skin accept criticism with Grace and grow from it, and don't be Afraid to give back criticism as necessary. I think those are really big ones and then the final one I would say is embrace your customs and courtesies. I must say that I work for local government and a consulting firm now when I greet people as sir and ma'am, they're shocked and they really hope it opens up the conversation because they feel like oh you you respect a from the beginning like It just it just makes like working so much smoother. I mean you can disagree with a certain a man and a smile on your face and it is really something important and so customs and courtesies in the military. I think everybody should join the military for that because it just makes life. So smooth, you know take advantage of all that the military has to offer. I mean I am I am completely happy in my career now, I don't have a ton of debt. I Had I've had the opportunity to serve and learn and and those would be the things that I would tell young lady do it. That's awesome. And if you can't tell for lying to us talk, we had a lot of fun. I right Pat and I was really glad and Rachel showed up there. They were there was other women there, but I don't know we just clicked and it was really fun. We didn't know we had a lot of fun. Thank you so much for being on the podcast. It's been great to get to talk to you again and see you since I haven't really sorry it you since my first son was born. On which is a while ago. Oh, yeah. So thank you so much. I really appreciate it. All right. Thank you for listening to this episode of women of the military make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the Amazing Stories I have with women who have served in our military. Did you love the show? Don't forget to leave a review. Finally. If you are a woman who has served or is currently serving in the military. Please email me at Airmen to Mom at so I can set you up to be on a future episode of women of the military.
Rachael and I served on active duty together as Civil Engineers at Wright-Patterson AFB. And I am excited to share her experience. I had a chance to interview her for my deployment series in 2017 which is where the podcast idea started. So, if you want to learn more about her deployments to Manas Transit Center and Honduras. You can check out both of those stories here: She served in the Air Force as a Civil Engineer for 5 years and currently is a professional engineer, floodplain manager, consultant at Cross Timbers Consulting, rancher, beekeeper, racquetball player, wife, hopefully, future mother, born again Christian. She got an opportunity to attend the Air Force Academy when she was noticed for her talent playing soccer. She was able to get a nomination and accepted to attend the Academy and couldn’t pass up the opportunity. She wished she would have taken advantage of more of the opportunities given to cadets who attend the Academy, but she was young and didn’t realize their value until years later. But she did have a number of great opportunities while at the Academy including visiting Guam and Africa. Her first year she struggled academically, with barely at 2.0, but she was able to figure out how to balance her class load, cadet responsibilities, and soccer and graduated with above a 3.0. Her first assignment was at Moody Air Force Base. It had a great mission and there was a lot of work to do. She deployed to Kyrgyzstan to Transit Center Manas which was the gateway to Afghanistan and many troops would beddown there before and after a deployment to Afghanistan. You can learn more about her deployment here. When she got home from her deployment she was already slated to deploy again, this time to Afghanistan. But the opportunity arose for her to go to Honduras on a short tour (more than 179 days, but typically a year) and she took that deployment instead. You can read about that deployment here. When she got home from her deployment she moved to Ohio to work at Air Force Materiel Command Headquarters. It was the first time in her career where she wasn’t moving and actually got to spend time with her husband. He was not serving in the military and moved up to Ohio so they could live together. She didn’t get a deployment tasking for two years and then when she got her deployment tasking to Afghanistan all the feelings of being gone and not having stability came back and that was why she decided to leave the military. She not only left the military but also left her career as a Civil Engineer and decided to go back to what originally drew her into the military, soccer. She became a coach at a college level. She was surprised by how unorganized everything was and came off as abrasive with her get the mission done attitude and it was an adjustment to civilian life. After a few years of coaching, she went back to her Civil Engineering degree and got a job in her field. The pay for coaching wasn’t a lot and it was a lot of hours. And having a Civil Engineering degree to fall back on especially as she hopes to transition to being a mom was the right step for her and her family. Are you considering joining the military? Check out my free guide: A Girl's Guide to Military Life
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started what up challenge fans on tonight's episode Kaylee needs a lifeguard. Jordan handily takes care of Josh and Pam finally gets her wish and Josh can no longer talk for the rest of the season stick around we're talking about all that and more next rawr rawr. I'm Maria Menounos and oh, yes. All right. Look how excited Pam is. I'm pretty excited. Welcome in challenge fans tonight. We're talking of course about the challenge D-Day a very very nice title for the episode tonight. My name is Daniel Lindgren and I'm a super excited to be joined by three amazing hosts. Some of them doesn't need any introduction but technically does he an introduction because I'm talking about it. Oh my goodness, it's Benny the jet out my up you guys excited to be here. I love it. I love energy there. Exactly for another episode of be after she loved the challenge and I have to say Jordan is becoming one of my favorite people on the show. It's hard not to like him at least from a challenge Point. What's ours the way he performs next up. We've got a girl I can see her glowing from here. Hey, I'm this super pumped is the last episode. She's probably could have talked to about Josh. What's up fam? Great episode Josh. I felt I do is just To pull an incredible I felt bad for I mean, you know moderately bad for Josh said moderate. Yeah loved Nani. I think was the standout for me this episode. We're going to happen anymore. And finally, we've got David David and pain will both be on the live chat. Yeah, go over there. What's up David? Yes, what's going on guys? What's up? Saw you in the live chat. How's it going? Brie Carter? We see you. Oh, yo secretly six suck. Love this episode love love love. Let's do some quick overall thoughts and we'll get into it. But I think it's episode was amazing. Freaking Jordan was a beast out there. Like I said before he is by far one of my favorite people on this game. So yeah, each episode is definitely just outperforming the past episode and it was good. I loved this episode. I was you know by Josh but also I think we got to see a lot of True Colors shining through in Rogan is a dirty. We'll get into all this but a lot of true people's true characters came out tonight, uh that maybe we're hiding them and good for good and for bad some people good some people bad. So that was fun highlight. Yeah, I got to say, I mean I've been riding with Jordan since the first time I met the dude, you know, like Me and him we're homies and we're IG buds. So shut up. Nobody best friend. No, but I mean tonight's episode. It was very inspiring. You know, I already have mad respect for Jordan. But tonight the guy did it again man. I mean, especially one handed in a challenge it was you know made for two hands. Yeah, very right, right. It's impressive. The the episode was awesome D proven herself as a very inspiring episode forget about d right because she had to conquer a lot of demons there. All right, every single person was against her and they those these producers could not they loved showing as much as possible. Every single person's footage of them. All saying that D is the worst summer ever and the whole time like my God, could they rub it in anymore D is gonna prove him wrong and then she does also I love this episode for the romance stuff. I really want to we're going to get ahead in the first thing the first thing I want to get into though is doubting D. That's how my DD outing downtown and your thoughts on that. I thought like I said, they went overload on saying how bad And she was and I'm like if this girl doesn't prove herself, I mean they've got to be spinning this a 180. I just didn't understand much Dan because and she even she mentioned it last season. She didn't do a bad job last season like she got eliminated, but she still killed it right and series all the challenges. Well, that's the thing too because they she had West as a partner in West actually put basically taught her how to swim as I recall. He already had and I would hope that offseason D did some swimming as well. But yeah, okay. I agree I could well. Well, I thought D handled herself remarkably. Well, she wasn't freaking out I would have been like you guys kidding me like all I wrote was just giant. How dare you Rogen. He's like, I don't know. I don't wanna lie, right you did right giant how we can all we can all see it from here. He didn't watch her seasoned. He's arguably one of the best female competitors from last season, and I guess at some point last season, especially in comparison to West who we know is a swimming person. She I said, oh I'm not a really strong swimmer, but then she learned and didn't even do bad in that swimming challenge. So I don't understand how on Earth everyone decided that she was the worst swimmer. God bless Kaylee. I like her but how on Earth did she fly under the radar and get assumed as more capable than D Kaylee Kaylee paper. She's played a smart game and and it's so funny because her in Rogen or the two that I want to see And I got damn elimination so bad every week. They keep skating by don't have to speak a lie anymore. She didn't yeah, that is what yeah, exactly. Yeah. See you guys. You're asking me for leaving. That's it. Yeah, I don't know how Kaylee flew under the radar because the whole time I'm thinking like they're giving D such a hard time, but I'm looking at K like that has Kaylee ever even swim before I don't even know what that is play smart game. But again again, I'm gonna say though God damn it guys. It's a we know swimming is like notorious for this challenge game, right? Why? Do you guys not know how to swim yet or why have you not tried right? It's in my top 5 things about the challenge social. I am endurance strength puzzles and swimming. You have to be good at all five be good at the children running down again, just so we could refer to him tonight. We're talking about the different competitors the to First Talking Heads, by the way, just a little fun fact the first talking head. They showed of the night was Kaylee foreshadowing of her going home. Okay? Who's the second talking? Did anyone catch it right after her Joss? They showed friggin Joss and I wrote their names down. Just just to see if it would come. True and I was freaking right I like they they for shattered so well for us and then when I saw them team up down here the whole time. I'm thinking it's gonna happen got it. It's gonna be here. We're cracking the code. Yeah, we know that we know the episode before they showed Leroy and cam hugging right Leroy kind of crying and look they must have got sent home. No producers. You did a great job. Yeah. I felt the other thing I want to get into before we go is Cam Roy and and let me let me say one thing. I'm Pam and then your it's all you know, what I wanted to do a little more on D and Rogan. Oh, I'm so sorry. No, that's ok. One final before we move on just one final thing that romance. Yeah. He is such a dirtbag. I'm so upset. Well you later to have that talk. Yeah. He really he showed his true colors and he is a jerk and a key all I think this was all based on deep gassing out that time and passing out which was just more of a fluke that Way to base it that she's this bad competitor like that seemed like she had an off day exactly where she was treated your conspiracy last week was that he just wanted to get you didn't want to date or anymore and that was his way of just getting her off the show which I don't think is a bad conspiracy to he doesn't want to be with her and he's such a high so immature that he doesn't know how to like just tell her I don't want to be with you. He's like eliminated from the game. So he's like move on from this like said, you lived 3,000 miles away. Like it's the rudest. It's the most immature rude. Just jerky move to make someone feel insecure and be like, I'm gonna protect you from what they say. Oh and it's all him. He's just a real not nice guy. Yogi needs to go guys. I love game rogge is obviously making fun of him when he calls him rogge, right? He's I want Brody in the elimination would be I'm destroy this guy. All right, so cam Roy will talk about cam Roy. I am loving this relationship more and more every week. I Really? I know that their people are telling us they're not together today. I guess they said there it's great. It's a gray area and actually and I just I really want this couple to work out their super cute together that little bed scene is super cute and I'm falling in love with this couple and I love watching these damn couples on this show. Do you watch a lot of chick flicks? I'll see ya when we were started crying tonight. I love that stuff. Yeah, because I'm a crier and I love when a big old man wants to cry. I want to join right in. Yeah, he'll like you don't hear ya Junior sensitivity Dan. Yeah, I cry all the time. Yeah, you can tell how bad he wants to win this Challenge and it's he go he comes so close every season yea and he just gets cut short and to have Cam there by him side. Would you say he's the most genuine person on the challenge this season maybe hammers like George. I thought George there's no torture. No she was sticking up for her girl Nicole who wasn't understanding. Who would I let's do that. Then who's most genuine personal challenge? I'm thinking leeward side. Running outside say either either leeway or Turbo because turbos varied just like, you know, he doesn't get like a lot of like politics genuine every so he's genuine. Yeah. He's a hothead but I mean, I think he's genuine and really weird was all right. It was all about the team and like team unity or he was trying to at least I think he was like, the only one that was trying to do that Leroy I think is definitely the most Earnest and sincere this especially actually the season It's hard not to root for that swimming challenge. He start off really. Well. He gassed on the way back. But when I first started welcoming, he's not even he's not swimming bad at all. Like this is good just endurance, you know, he's just he's kind of gassed out halfway through. All right. So anyway talk about Cameron. So yeah, okay love camera so much I agreed. They just seem so cute together and I loved cams confessional when they we weren't sure if they won or lost and it was Selfless she was like, oh, I obviously I want the money, but I know how hardly Leroy wants us, and I know how upset he'll be if he's if I'm leaving because of him like she was so all about Leroy they seemed to genuinely genuinely care for each other even so much that and shout out to Nani those just the coolest moment of the whole show and she was like, I love my friend. I have to be happy for him when I saw even though I don't like the true like Hey, we're good. Here and this is just a game and it's so nice to finally friggin see because this season it's been tough except for like the Jordan Tory engagement thing. They've been at each other's throats. And it kind of sucks. The one thing I love cool. So I'd like yeah three of them to be able to hang me. I really felt for this episode and she's winning me over. She she really won me over and you know, I'm rooting for her now too and I was like man this girl needs some love too. Yeah second third wheel I was hoping for That is Josh tried to call crowd climb into her bed that night. Oh my gosh. No one here. I'm gonna say this but y'all say this but just he seems like he's really cool with just being he's not trying to get with nany. He's like, he's really loves their friendship. It was really nice to see them and how close that they got throughout the season. Yeah, and even Pam's gonna want to choke. There we go. I really like Josh aside. There you go. He wasn't I like that friendship for nany. She really didn't have anyone at the end besides him. Yeah one. Last thing on cam and Lyra from my perspective they show him in the bed together then they pan over to Polly and car and I'm like no no Came Back to the Future. They even said like, oh, they're the new hot couple of yellow car was like a couple anymore. I'll go back to camp and Leroy being super cute and I have to mention this even though I'll probably get you no slack from her shit from a from the live chat for a bit. Why can't a man why can't a man to sometimes still be a man in 29? Oh, no, I agree. Absolutely. Thought it was cute. She absolutely she even hit him like, oh get out of here, but that's a cute couple Lisa. I want that. Damn it. Come on a grand girls. But okay. It's okay gentlemen out there. Let this be a lesson. Okay, if you are writing her a check, don't do that. Otherwise if oh my God Don't do that. But what if your husband or wife is the boss, you know what I mean? That's the, you know, come on and let is a one great where you had to take it that I had to just I have you just that's the final thoughts on camera Benny Cameron. Hey, they are amazing. I love them. I like you said I heard they are not together right now, but I don't know I want to see him together. I think they are a amazing and good-looking couple and I just throw this out there for the Josh thing like Daniel Daniel S in the live chat put Nanny literally called him her little brother crying face. Right, right. It was it was very friend zone. Can I say my top three moments wine on he's a queen for tonight's episode 1 she crushed it at swimming which no one knew we didn't know if she was good or bad me. She did what she did. Above average above average to like in cam was very big of her dress from last week. That was really cool that she put her feelings. This is Lee Royce happiness letting that is happiness number. One moment is Nani hugging Josh. You're like sweat through the TV that was that was a serious way. Yeah. I'm ready. I'm gonna get into the chat box puzzling swim. It was pretty good. He have your two pairs that have the dive in the same time get a swim 150 meters meters these buoys. You gotta grab some keys. You gotta bring them back. You gotta unlock a scroll. You gotta Solve the Riddle riddle / puzzle that's on the scroll got that or not. That's what it was about basically. Did you guys all notice ninja razor hand when they said does anyone not want to swim teams with ready? Yeah. I'm not gonna lie, like first of all if she did swim to have even numbers whoever was her partner going on. Yeah. Now here's a here's a fun conspiracy throw ninja with CT. On the other team is that have a seat tickets go by himself, bam. Yeah. I want to swim with you, right? Okay, so we had to keep her outdoor cat but they don't know it is lame that one swivel. It seemed like that should have been able to be since there was an extra guy in an extra girl. They should have been able to work something out. Yeah and Zak calls right away without love Zack. I let I you are a real team next counted as he's I love zexis antics, you know, the things he says is on point Zack it was it was true. He's well what part of me felt like, okay Zack with your morality right now. Now it was true, but it's like well it is what it is. You're not going to change it right now. So but I did like Zach tonight. I thought he was funny again. Like every single episode has been honest. It's so interesting because he's like such Pals and he loves that Tori thing and they're not even on his team anymore. But you can tell he still has this love for them. He's always smile. He's having it's because Jenna is not there and what it chorus a car is like having your partner on the show is like being stuck in a car on a road trip. Yeah, yeah that you can't get out of the contract. That would be rough. That's why she's not an exact is just having a blast. He's given us peace. Give him best man speeches. He's terrible. Yeah. I love it this season Zach and now Jenna's back next season without Zach. Yeah, so they say but I thought Jenna always had her fun little quirks though because she plays like the dumb blond. He's not dumb though, but she play that stability give yeah. Yeah. I don't I haven't seen her I would I'm excited to see her we haven't seen about Zach right because I hate their A ship so much that it's hard to like either of them is here's my thing though. Like I wonder like as I know she's really genuinely being there still issues. Just like any other see Betty talks to them often what we see on TV. All makes both of them pretty unlikable together it as in a relationship. I'm liking him without her and I'm looking forward to re getting to know her not as a part of fighting with Zach off like that was their storyline and it's like, you know, we before this challenge even starts. We have no one wants to be with d and everything freaking EF out about it, too. It's absolutely no and then finally rogge get stuck with her and she wrote Oh God, she Rogan puts her hand out to like the do you were going to be any she rips it away? And I said you go D. Yes. He did you excited. Yeah, I wanted to be single so damn bad. Yeah and move to America. Yeah, I need both to happen really thoughts anybody on that situation. Why aren't the why are they acting like disa? It's like did I miss I don't know if it's took every footage they could get to make it seem like it was worse than it was. I don't know but I I can't imagine they thought she was that bad of a swimmer or maybe they thought like other people are bad storms. They just didn't use that footage. To make it seem this bad but it was bad. They made it sound super bad. Yeah, I mean she wasn't as bad as I made it out to be but again, I think that's the point, you know making like, oh my gosh, she's just horrible weak link. No one wants to go there and then she has her triumphant, you know, return her Redemption. Yeah. She wasn't even like bottom three, right like there were a lot of like Chibi Chibi Leroy cam. She would have beat Ninja isn't it written reality. She being the header you can set it for talking finals here like okay ninja still has to Run, right she can't swim. So obviously I'm better than her already, right? You know, like what is what is the inches game endurance? I guess climbing. What social game endurance strength puzzle swimming. Why is she as good as she returned and said, yeah. Yeah. She was the only girl to make it in last season's final so, you know, that is something as her strength she has This season she has made it very far this season. Yeah, even though I sat out last like three challenges, but yeah, so I guess you can say she does have somewhat of a social game because you know, she's like my lines. I can't I can't go against impotent Rogen. I said wine at this point she wrote why not make it why not keep Josh and make a move and throw Rogan but then against Zach through exact no one voted Rogen in Zack through his vote away, but that I don't know, but I think it's going to be fun to watch when that That tin person Alliance starts turning on itself. So it's things are winding down its gonna have to yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, I just wrote Rogan pulled a 180. What a douche Kaylee at one point says to just we're gonna win this. She said that to him like not only are they were they're not gonna like lose. She thought that they were gonna have the fastest time like her. She said we're going to win this. I don't know what that means and Kaylee speak, but that's what she said. It doesn't lie. Yeah, it didn't seem like she was trying the novelty was swimming and that's why I'll sit in her confessional her last like on are confessional. She's like, yeah just have to get better at swimming. She didn't like seem like she cares she's going home and that she screwed over Josh's million, even though I wanted just to go home together just as Urban. So that's what you call that. We call that we call me old-fashioned Karma. Yeah, you could have been swim with Georgia - I don't roll with your best friend Caleb or Jenny. Yeah, but literally he put, Georgia. Down there. Yeah. So yeah, like he could have put kale or at least voted for someone else besides Georgia who I think hits five hits more my checkpoints in the cage and I guess said in the past they shot themselves in the foot and it was a stupid decision guys. Give me give me one of the Five Points that Cayley hits social game. So I know she has she made it this but if you're able to make it this far you have a good soul. Susan it was social game and she was strategic. I don't know if that's worth counting brains social game is all that combined. We should put braids as a category hand is five point star is 6 ounces. It's so awkward. Plus. I have a toe thumb in a regular thumb. So like, oh my God, I just realized I'm half of Megan Fox Megan Fox has to toe thumbs. Oh my well, that's a fun fact. We just threw it. Let's get into the team. So we have a don't want to name all don't want him all the teams. When do we want em all these? Okay, so Ashley and Zack were funny. That was a funny one that I like tonight. But again, yeah, like what did you like about the team that was smart for Zach to pick Ashley because I've said it before Ashley. She's proven herself to be a good competitor and I'll say this. She's the one that got that puzzle Russia. I know it's aired. I just don't know what goes in front of it. I yelled out chair right away and I really really hate it. Yeah, it has air and then it was too late. Herod hears above you so it's just so I got cheer when she said I didn't get it sorted are though. So I want to take not taking full credit here guys. What else did I like la? Oh, I love that. Josh was a tugboat for nany Josh sounds like this and just pull down the rest of the way. Yeah. Yeah, that doesn't show Josh's strength little foreshadowing for later on in the episode where maybe he was a little too strong enough strategic. I mean, I thought it was I thought Josh was great strong as a Josh stepped it up this season. Yeah. He redeemed himself for the last you hear what Jordan said to him at the The end when he got eliminated, we're right take this next season. I'm like, yeah. Well, what is Jordan know about next season right? He said that to him. What is that? We're like he hugged him after after Nani did the sweaty hug. That is your D League season. Yeah, I think they're both down, which is awesome. I mean, I know you're not the biggest Josh fan Pam, but I think he's definitely proved himself too. Seriously. I'm not on the fan and he hears someone DM me on Instagram and was talking about Pam's. For Josh and how is like I was like and it how a case on big brother. He was super annoying. I'm like look, I never watched big brother, but I like to judge someone from where I'm seeing them now, maybe they're growing as a person from this point and onward so her and I were discussing that instead of like because everyone on who's always just always stepped on Big Brother full. Okay, but how do you do it on the challenge? She's not I thought he's a playing a pretty fun game and I enjoy enjoy their absolutely did not here we go party pooper. It's all right, get out the TP because the has improved tonight when we gonna win he swam and you were like see a proved himself. I'm like, why is he proves of I thought I had a nice butt nice challenge swimmer. So far in terms of prove himself. He's whiny indecisive overly emotional cries too much it is I think like moderately inappropriate with lots of the girls. What's so damned? With the girl he thinks he touches of she touches them too much tries to remember when Amanda was like no, we're not gonna he tried to cook up with Amanda. He does it in a joking fish. Maybe he's just shooting his shot. Next person directly below Josh really isn't annoying plus he won Big Brother. I was so like what are you here hater like him? Yeah, he's divisive and I guess that's why he's going for the greater even mceachin. I hope I said that right said, he's the Dan of the challenge before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of Favorite artist and podcasts in one place for free you don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us, you know. Never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV. So he hasn't proven himself. He never won an elimination unless I'm wrong. Did he ever win an elimination Josh got robbed the elimination last year we argue about that kids. If ever he got he got he got robbed again scam or something. I remember I don't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it was shoulder. Anyway, let's let's talk about the cash rehash then if he I would give credit where credit's due but I don't think he's ever stood out as for someone. His size and strength. He's like the Jenny Jenny and John have you can call that because Brie Carter says I wonder if Josh came on the show at Pam would keep that same energy. You know what? Think about a TV show and I character on my TV. Let me see. Let me see Jordan speaks the truth. He says it's so easy to swim in a life jacket. I hate to be that guy and agree with Jordan on this but I accidentally Interlake. Yeah, I can swim in a light jacket for days. If you didn't have to do anything. It's so easy. Just kicking smooth feel especially when they don't so I grew up sailing and the life jacket I had to wear when I was little with a total enrollment the backline. I couldn't dive into the water and start swimming. Now. These are nice like jackets with David is David is really live chat. Go ahead Davies laughs asshole. Go ahead guys being a good swimmer is not like your you shouldn't be a bad swimmer if you're gonna be in this challenge because it will bite you but level who said wait wait. Wait, which one of us said that that's what we're doesn't make you a good competitor, but what you but time out who which one of us said that you said Josh proved himself because I never said so good. We got a reruns him. I don't think I said proved himself. I think he has said he had a nice challenge. I think Josh has proved himself to be here. Y'all better a better competitor this season. That's what I said because last season he bombed but he has stepped it up and I think Jordan even agreed. I mean he made it. Yeah, it's fucking game. So he was he was good enough to make it this far Jordan. I mean Jordan looks like he wants to work with this guy next. Right, and he obviously gave Jonah run for his money and Jordan said like a tough guy. That was he was so tough on me. That's High Praise. Jordan doesn't say that about anybody because in the tribunal Jordan said if you suck em, and I tell you about that you hustle off imitating hustling up. So him saying that about Josh it's not a bullshit thing. He's real serious about it. Well, what did you guys think about Cara Maria's No 400 and then after it probably like hey, why don't we hop in the pool? Yeah. I'm just gonna lie here. Okay car that's not helping but then D showed her swimming later. So let's not get I don't want to jump on now. Are they Showed her something later and I will jump on her a little bit more. I could couple Wise It's funny. Obviously, they've been together longer, but I feel like even Polly Is not liking what we are and he is seeing of car. This just seems pretty grumpy and I'm sure she's not like that in real life and that they would be cool. But it's he's like man, this is like you said she's uncomfortable. Yes. She won't take that's awful yells. Only binding get was when he said I don't know if she can run a challenge, but then right before that he's he likes said all the challenges that she's completed all the challenges that she won. So technically like one paper she can A challenge so I just didn't get like why he was saying that he was I feel like he was implying she didn't even maybe want to he's like, she's been an eight final she's got two titles, but now she's not I think he was saying is she even wanted to it this time? Like what's the oh shit. I just trouble and I feel card car could have had a better performance this season. So he hasn't done a whole lot that's made me impressed decision. She's enough of a physical competitor to that also this thing grunting and swimming and I can't breathe what Holly said was right like you need to breathe and stop screaming and pace yourself and swam and he did of a little dig that they the subtitles. I don't know if everyone can see it but it was like since we have a pool where we lived. You said something to that effect like yeah start swimming speaking of swimming. Why don't we swim through this live real quick? Yes, so we Hereafter, but I just want to thank you guys for making us the ESPN a TV talk and in order for us to grow we need your help if you're on YouTube right now, go ahead. Thumbs up if you're on iTunes go ahead and give us a five-star working AfterBuzz means so much to us and we just want to continue to learn and grow and give you guys amazing good content. Yes. Yeah, that's true. So Joss and Kaylee and up having the worst record and we say bye to them real quick. And that's great. I vote again. I'm loving Leroy and cam because you go because he cried that's the next thing so Leroy cries. It's real emotions. He's not faking. - yeah, he's not pulling a Cara. He's this is real deal. And I was like man, this couple is has everything they've got. Yeah, and you can tell Leroy doesn't do this. All right, and he's come so close before he's never won. He's never won going to be so upset if they did lose for him because you know when Cara brought Kyle instead of Leroy like he's always been like almost there. I mean I get it but whatever the point is I would have been heartbroken for him if he I was so happy that it wasn't them and Kaylee doesn't care clearly. She did not care if he's not he deserves this child needs to get it together next time. Absolutely. He made a shady move and it came back on. Yeah. I know God I'm gonna swim with Georgia who have been absolutely it sucks because Joss is a he's a good competitor. He just made stupid moves and jojos cried too, but I said Josh cry all you want you said George. Yeah. Yeah, yeah and you and drogon or whatever they're stupid thing is all right the or whatever they wrote that one point, they showed them dressed up as Playboy bunnies. I was like, okay that it wasn't a picture from The Challenge. It was like some like that then in college or something. That's true. Yeah, I didn't care. All right. Bye Josh. Okay, great da new nickname rogge. Yeah Rogue Lily and Pops. We learned about Papa. Pops okay, then we get into like right before the tribunal Paulie and ninja. Oh no, it's this after poly a ninja have that quick talk about throwing Josh it ha ha real quick and I wrote and I wrote down. Oh boy, Josh the gonna be on the chopping block. Now, they're gives us they're giving us someone else besides one of the Brits, you know, sugar Rogan or CT they're giving us o could be Josh as well. Give us some more stuff to think about Paulie and Cara I talked about that. She doesn't want to swim. I don't know anything else. DOD and roll guitar said was he blames it on Josh and Josh has guys best friend. He's not going to kind of do this too. It's actually I hate Rogen in general right now with actually really see it. What game is it? Is it squashed their beef at this price? Because he kind of knows he's stuck with her at this point, even though he probably doesn't want to be even though I think he's out of his mind because I really think D is good. Like what are we doing here? Yeah talk please. I mean, I mean, yes, it's very smart in the position. He is in About the same time it did like you said Pam is shows his colors such a snake such a dick. I put down he's a dick I guarantee you if he wouldn't have said that he would have been going in like I guarantee you I guarantee you like yeah, you know you would have wanted do you would have said he would have voted for him. Yeah as well as a ninja I realized I really doubt plus he's saving himself during that tribunal. Oh, I say all that only reason ninja didn't say his name is because D didn't say anything. Yes, and he totally ousel D and then he even went so far as to say something like I don't think oh, he said the she's blinded by love and made a face like he boy. She's really believing this. It's like they're all going to see this is not quite as naive as D. So she might see through this Ruth and still want to vote him in so I mean again smart to save his hide. Yeah, but unless you're a hundred percent sure you never want to be in a relationship. Hip width D or even be friends with her but he clearly doesn't because he's saying all this stuff is a camera. And yeah, he is I'd um, he's kind of dumb but I don't think he's that dumb to know the producers are gonna use this dude, you know this. Yeah, you know, what you're saying is I gold is the desert chair and I yeah, like I said, he knows what he's saying is good TV. Yeah. Well, welcome back and he's got he got he's on next season. There you go mission accomplished. So is Kyle and so is It's Kyle Lon. I think Kyle and barebone. I hope so. I hope so too. See you up there on broken really obviously come around on Kyle, but well, I've always liked Kyle so that's cool for me. Bear grew on me. He did there was always one of my favorites like bear. So we got the tribunal CT right away is like everyone for Jordan and Jordan actually actual nice is like, okay. I'm going in. Yeah, he like me. Okay, honestly wanted him to not fight with d but His argument on why because didn to Swing Vote. He had this will go deep. That was it di was very eloquent to Dean. I've came off smelling like a rose tonight. I thought she took she always smells like a rose to me. I know but she did she handles herself. So well through doing all through this all this adversity. I thought it was super classy what she said at her speech saying, you know two people that I counted on kind of let me down and two people that I didn't have an alliance really supported me and I will never ever forget that but I'm loyal to a fault. You know, she gave a great speech about why she was Voting in Jordan and he's totally got it was like it is to a fault. Your loyalty is to a follow-up Austin came in the chat how to get points as if I were deal would have made Rogan prove himself in the elimination the same way she had to prove yourself again. Yeah D now believes that Joss is the region as we know you were the one that brought it up. Liam no one out and then everyone else jumped on board after but he doesn't know that is blinded by love because no in the after show or the the reunions after now watch is all this. Well, that's gonna be a good thing ding ding. Yeah. It's going to be great. Oh and then after d Makes Her speech ninja decides to make a speech. I'm like no this shut the hell. Are you have no no, she's didn't even perform in the challenge tonight. Now she makes this long-winded speech with the end being. Oh Jordan, You feel bad to feel something that has nothing to do with jail bad for for anything. You said to people this season right? Shut up what she was trying to turn it into a tribunal from a few seat. Like where you sort of plead your case to the jury and the boardroom already picked him to feel bad for being the weakest link on your team right today. Yeah, first of all a part of the because she didn't even participate. Why would they let us know exactly? I really like how Jordan how he just handled himself throughout that whole situation is he was just like 100% honest with her and he is frustratingly cocky if he was your enemy, I would be like, why are you so good at things like we're just which is great because he backs it up. It doesn't let people get to them. Yeah, we're get to who are he knows how to get under there? Yes, absolutely. None here any regrets about talking down to people? Nope. Well, you know, here's the best part I asked he said he said can you please tell me who I said bad things to the season ninja if you're gonna say that speech why don't you write down a couple of examples because you knew he might not give an answer Chicago. I knew he was gonna do that. Well, if you knew he was gonna do that ninja why don't you write down some examples and throwing his be ready to go? Yeah, I think good ninja let's be honest here. I will say this during the elimination. She looked absolutely gorgeous standing up there though. Did you see what she was wearing her hair and her makeup Jardine ninja how do you always look? We're just know her black. It was like a black strap better stomach showing. She had like a little I don't ninja look absolutely amazing during that elimination tonight. So Props on that ninja. Yeah your speech come on just perform in something so I can like you again like that's all I want. Right? Well, we all shine very true good performances and ninja keeps its Grace in her hand. Not to perform. We got a quick bar scene tonight. I don't know Rogan doesn't knighting and Leroy naughty and can make up any. Yeah, that's cute. The Leroy and I just like how Jordan was just looking at Rogan like this guy's a goof Yeah, just we get Joss and nany being family cars not coachable. That's the next two things anything about that car up and talked about it. I don't know pardon used to be coachable. Oh, yeah, she's proven herself time and time again like shit, I'll disagree because she has her moments where you know, she's not the best but she does always pull through like she's she's one more than one of these. So yeah, I just saw a side note Oscar Arcos in the live chat, but Jordan just hasn't met his match yet. I beg to differ sir. I think he has unfortunately. He went home early. I think his matchless turbo and I want to see a great match, but we didn't get to see that. That's a great hot take that is a good hot take because turbos also not as smart as like clever plays with all of his that's absolutely yeah, we would have seen turbo and Jordan go at him and I think that would have been I agree. We got close really cheated out of who is the best it's just because this is so new right now, but who do you think is the best? In challenge history because I honestly after tonight's performance seeing Jordan roll on guy girl or guy or like Jordan is top so funny. I think Jordan is top as well because I mean he's honestly like he's doing it with one hand right for him to win that with one hand is insane to me. Now. I might have said like a CT or like a Wes in their Heyday or like a Durrell or like Dairy Prime yet. There is a pending right now right was the best come out right now. Eric is really good him and him and him and Jordan would be a battle for sure and I'll say this in there. Hey if you guys yeah they had in their Heyday is remember Kenny and Evan and I was going to help me to catch any personal Kenny was on this show for like six or seven seasons any and he won six or seven. He won't talk about the girls though in the Heyday if we're talking about that Coral because she every single I don't think he ever got eliminate he flamed out on one of those Last season she quit because I think she's nude on going to lose something happened. And she you know, she was she was going against I forgot her name. She was only this one girl and she was just really tough competitor and curl said I'm not doing it and she quit and I was the last time we saw her on the challenge, I think who is who is that girl? Not Laurel obviously, but oh my God, it was born hair. It's gonna there. Oh Rachel, that's going way back. I'm talking about someone else. Yeah different game though back that like it. It's the challenges were a lot easier but different. Yeah, and there was so much more I know team whereas now I don't know. It's really hard to say, but Jordan is for sure and I feel like we definitely yeah, but Jordan is like the biggest wind like he's actually one the most right and if he wouldn't Jordan he's won. Into right Emily someone got Emily. Sorry, of course. Yeah. Anyways, okay. Great. Yeah awesome. I'm glad I took us off task. Now. Let's the want to do elimination. Talk about it later. Anything else? Yeah. Great. Josh is enhance Jordan Jordan and today. We'll give Josh a chance. Yeah. I uh, I only give Josh a chance because of the what the competition was because I knew Jordan was at a disadvantage and in my mind, I'm thinking one. That sucks. That's We messed up for Jordan to how the hell is this kind of going to pull it. I mean I had faith in him. Of course. I'm standing by Jordan. How's it going to pull this off in my mind? I'm trying to think I'm like, dude, you're gonna have to figure something out. You know, you did and he did I mean and again that goes to his experience his heart and I'm not saying Josh and hard he obviously did he fought through but you can tell Jordan was just on him. And you know, how can I beat this guy? He's obviously used to living his life that way and he knows he needs to think right strategy the outsmart him straight up just outsmarted him. It just proves that Yes, this challenge is not just about brute strength. Like you have to have some type of brain, but it really young the challenge man and I will say this, you know, like it was just an inspiring to watch in general just just life in general that's like almost like a metaphor for life when you're not supposed to be able to do something or accomplish something right, but you're still able to and he proved it like it's just for drummers. Like there you go. Yeah. So true and speaks so much truth tonight Jordan. Yes, and I will say for the record. I never doubted toward him for one second. Even when for something. I was a girl at Josh's big but Jordans one so many think everything in this challenge, even the sledgehammer thing to hands are a benefit for sure. I mean you guys remember the one I always wear my yeah, he was climbing. That's what we had to pull this the patches off. I forget who he was going up again was it did was that epic thing with and he was losing and he just like dude. He just kicked in his mind again. No, no happening. And that's another where you have to essentially have both hands. Right? So he's won a ton of eliminations and he the one thing that he won that I remember being like Jordan can do everything better than anyone else even with one hand was a client like a literally a rope climbing thing and I was like who the hell's Jordan gonna do this YouTube easier Beast Jordan and tell stories that with them having to win three three. Yeah, but usually not usually to tonight what's going on? That nonsense, I'm pretty sure after 200. We're like Hideout Josh and Wintergreen. I can just imagine your forearms your hands your bias that like, yeah, I so I really you know, Josh they are we giving them a crap about not having brains and stuff. I didn't he's pretty damn jacked up though. If he lost a little bit of like the like the maybe like the middle middle weight around the round here, like maybe he gets super and shape offseason. And then now he's filming right now, but maybe super in shape right now. I have no idea but like I feel like you could really be good. Yeah. Well, I mean, let's listen I get around, you know, Josh - definitely credit should Josh it wasn't I think if he doesn't have brains and it gives more of a lack of experience Jordan just outsmarted him. He's more experienced. So that's also lack of experience. You know, I'm not saying like he's you know genius but I'm not saying he's the dumbest, you know person out there either so I think he's A lot of improvement to see ya. I just wish you mixed it up more mix it up with him trying to pull the whole time do what Jordan was doing but I'm just focusing on pure strength. Yeah, anybody being he was pulling the majority of the Rope to his side to though we were forgetting about that. He almost had him out a couple times. He just Jordan was outstretched. He definitely a strength outmatched outside. Anyway, these are these are last-ditch efforts right on Jordan because he's about to lose that rope and it paid off for him. But let's say it did it in Josh Pull the Rope the whole way through to yeah, that would be like Jordan Maybe. She held onto your rope a little longer to the letting the slack out the whole time. But obviously with Ria wasn't even close. Yeah, so, yep. Any other thoughts on the thing Jordan is incredible. It is a second what you were saying about it is a little cheesy and cliche but you know TK, if you set your mind to it you can do anything. Yes. He's incredible any final thoughts. Good. Good good. Love you. I mean that about South Korea. I have a special segment. But before we get to that weird news and gossip, so you think gasa and I don't want to get I don't Pam's gonna want to block her ears for this but that's fine. Oh, no, it's a job killer. No. No, can I give the tentative name for the challenge next season? Sure. They're calling they might be calling it apocalypse and I give you a speculated format. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. I'm just asking first before I say it. It's okay. They say it's going to be an individual season. They are living in an underground shelter possibly a bomb shelter type situation with porta-potties outside as bad their bathrooms fun. Sounds terrible sounds so good just like they're going to make him live in like it's like all I mean, I know you have living likes twin sized beds. That sounds like the dirty 30 muffled. I love how they went from like these nice like deserted island and all this fancy awesome houses to know. It's like, oh, we're literally don't even dirt in a porta potti. Yeah, like shocks or something and dirty thirty. I don't know. This sounds even worse millionaire Mitchell on Twitter says several people have threatened to quit and have had meltdowns throughout. I've been told multiple cast members have had to talk with a psychic I assume psychiatric. Yes, like a psychologist hashtag the challenge 35. That's all I'm doing on brain games. Maybe I don't I don't know but it sounds like it's going to be an interesting one. All right, and now let's get to my GameCube my game show music that on time. All right. All right everyone at home. You're gonna want to play along. Let me explain the rules real quick. Then we can get into this game. Okay, the buzzer is your name. So if you think you know the answer you say your name that way I don't know to call on you ever says their name first guess answer the question first. Okay. We say our name you say yeah, you know the answer you say Benny. I'll see Benny. What's the answer? You can tell me the answer now, but Benny I have listed here. The easiest trivia questions to ever be asked on the Challo easy. Not the hardest one. That's why the kids trivia about the check. I'm the chime the game challenge game champ so far. So I have been killed every week. Now you're going to get a bonus. If you tell me who got this question wrong on the challenge you get a bonus Point. Okay, so you get two points per round in theory, so I'm running now. Your name's here. Okay. So the first question is you say your name when you know the interview and let the weight you don't wait till I finish the question. Okay, you can just shout it. You say your name. This is my night guys what state what state is known as the Sunshine State pam pam, Florida great. So you get a point now who messed that up on the challenge and you just have to get it wrong or right? You just get an extra point Cara. It was Jenna moving on to the next one. Again. The challenge has produced on how many continents Oh God, I don't know all of them. You have to say your name David. Yes. Hey, I have no idea. How many continents are guys. Alright Betty sobbing. Okay your boat you're wrong. Hey, I'm you gotta guess for the answer is six moving on. Yeah, I have no and actually got that Thor Ashley not Ashley are Ashley Ashley the blond hair from a big piece goes acts Real World season. She said 21 she 21, there's only seven. And what continent does the u.s. Belong to Pam? Yes, America North America. That is correct. Pam gets a point still got that wrong Zach. It was Cara. There's some people that are bad part is that Carson? It's done bull is into continents name those compounds turquoise. No shit. I didn't correct. You already said it for your name first make a guess at least name two continents. I don't know where I thought Istanbul was it I don't know what it stands apart of. No, that's not that's not a song. I'm going to teach you all about the continent of North America South America. Don't forget. You got that one wrong. Turbo it was car again. I was trying to help you out. Who is the creator of Facebook? Come on? Oh crap. I was going to say David mine. I don't know you're getting know. He said his name first. He gets a guest Tom. Tom know that smell David David Mark Zuckerberg on the board. You want to guess who got that wrong? Sure. It's something that's on the challenge that uh, no no. Yeah Jenny. I mean, I know Jenny a car. Sorry Leroy. I'm sorry. REM is a rock group. They what is REM stand for pam pam. Yes. Rapid eye movement. Good job pam pam is in Unstoppable here. I've got that wrong Pam bananas. It was Laurel Laurel got that Ross is your night to beat up three words and he's like, oh that's good. You hear that up? That's correct. Ha ha ha Beyonce. Beyonce's one sister's name. I'll give it to Benny because he was a longe. It's kind of yeah, it's someone else on the challenge of season. Well, I don't know someone on the see her bow now it was bananas. However in mathematics what is pi 2 decimal places, please? Yes, 3.14. Yes Pam. Oh Sam, you're killing them. Oh my God. Do you want to play my game? I don't think I don't think we can catch up Muhammad. Ali's real name Pam Muhammad Ali. No. Oh - oh, he's real name. I feel like I know but I do not want to say it because I feel like I'm wrong. Maybe we'll do caspase a penny. Guys in the booth chiming down. These were the faces and Cassius Clay cash is great here. The man our producer Jonathan's on their agendas on the board Jonathan. You can call you can chime in with your name for the rest of the questions. Okay spell column, but I did tell you MN and he's damn you give anyone maybe you're never gonna guess who got this wrong because it's a pretty obscure extra point of view gets it that lets do it. I'll give it to any you guys anyone I'll say this bananas brothers are bananas cousin's name Brink. Now, that was Johnny Johnny Bananas tim-tom something. I can't remember Vic than serve any but we have said Benny. Oh, yeah. You got three points. David's got one Pam you got five. How do I get in the bottom dang coming up and you just got tuna roll there. Official language spoke in Australia many English Penny penny for an additional point you want to fire up their oldest ones who got it wrong. Very popular person on this show was on this season as well our Maria not banana CMA. Oh man, but Anna said Dutch how many sees it? How many seconds this was from this season guys know how many seconds are in five minutes. However, shout your name out David. Yeah do the math. That you have to dive time. Don't let it don't like David. Damn it Pam got that wrong. I remember from the season obviously Ashley. No, it was George's friend. Yeah. I remember call Nicole can't give you the points. But if you get it last one, oh, I think Pam is guaranteed. PEMDAS guaranteed I don't know. What is this worth 20 points? Yeah, this one more double or not. This and Betty. Could I I don't have the answer in down because they didn't write it does matter in 2010 Hugh Hefner got engaged to a Playboy bunny named that Playboy Bunny in 2010 in 2010 David. Yeah sure. It was I don't have the answer because they ran they didn't give it for some reason. I was the one leading give but I think it's what's her face was there's three of them write as 3 my thing was a known as Kendra is Bridget Bridget all except the one I think. What's your name? I know hm-hm or her Holly. Holly - Holly. I think I don't really know Camilla got that wrong. She said it was Bob Marley. Anyways, alright, that's the end of our game. Congratulations Pam. You are in a tribunal this week. Thank you. Okay, I'm you got six Benny second before David you start off strive and oh, man. Even the nation this week. It was like what whites game? Yeah. I'm a little worried. I think gonna be on the chopping block this week guys. So what's the craziest day that this was a YouTube hit and it said these were the these are like the top 13 easiest questions ever asked on trivia challenge that easy if you're I wish I want you guys to do one for me. I love it. I will buy the game for next week. Hmm. Alright guys, you want to thank you so much for joining us here on this week's episode of The Challenge Dee's demise node. He's dazed. Easy day D-Day is all about D-Day was right. My name is Daniel linger and you can find me on Tick Tock at idiot box boys. I'm posting videos daily Benny. Hey, what's up guys? I am Benny Adams another great after show. You can find me on all social media at Benny Jay Adams and every Monday catch me on the challenge newsweekly where I'll give you all the latest info on everything about the challenge. Yeah. I saw it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can find me up Pamela gross gel or Pamela joke funny. So confusing I would get my own name wrong on the trivia quiz, but find me there. I love to talk about the stuff from y'all. Yeah, and I Am David Christopher. You can find me on Instagram David underscore Christopher - corphish o or I am also on Tick Tock at David Christopher official. Thank you so much as always for hanging out with us. We love it. We love talking to you guys. See you next time guys. Good night later. I'm at Disneyland tomorrow. Come join me at Disneyland. Disney Dan in Disneyland And me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm use express herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect. The views of AfterBuzz TV rights owners are principle.
On this weeks episode of The Challenge Kaleigh needs a lifeguard, Jordan handley takes care of Josh and Pam is super excited becuase she doesn't have to hear Josh's voice for the rest of the season. Check out Disney Dan, Benny the Jet, Pamcakes, and DPRC chatting all things Challenge related. About The Challenge After Show: The Challenge, a mix between Real World and Road Rules Challenge, featuring alumni from the past shows as the contestants compete for a cash prize, is such an insane show, we HAVE to talk about it! That's why we have THE CHALLENGE AFTER SHOW! Tune in here for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes, as well as the insider scoop from cast and crew members on the show as we go crazy. It's going to get bananas because there's basically a different guest each week! About The Challenge: It's every player for himself in this edition of the long-running reality competition "The Challenge," which for the first time shuns team play and awards a final prize that could exceed $500,000 to one person. The fun begins with 28 cast members -- fan favorites from "The Challenge" joined by contestants from "Big Brother" and stars from MTV UK's "Ex on the Beach" and "Geordie Shore" -- in Spain looking to settle personal vendettas. In a new twist, players who survive grueling elimination rounds are awarded "Grenades," allowing them a chance to get even with anyone in the house with whom they may have a beef. It adds up to a competition spiced with heightened drama, doubt and deception. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
What am I supposed to say? I've never listened to a podcast. You're listening to Big Wheel coaching podcast. Hello and welcome to another edition of the big wheel coaching podcast. I am the host here Brian McCulloch and I speak for all of us here big wheel coaching when I say we're we are on a journey to determine how we can help all of our athletes get better stronger and faster on their bicycles. So we look at all aspects of things and we are fascinated by everything that makes people better on bikes and and looking All those things and we have an interesting topic today something. I've really been wanting to bring to you guys. I'm joined by a former teammate of mine Shawn Wayland who is pursuing his master's degree in strength and conditioning and owns a company called Simple Fitness by Sean. If you have a chance, please check out simple Fitness by Sean on he's got a great Instagram account. There's usually funny videos there and I said one point I think he was trying to sell t-shirts about a roll bus or something, but maybe we'll get into that. So Shawn dude, so pro cyclist turned like into the meat grinder of weight lifting weights man. This is welcome to class. Thank you. I'm them soak to be on it. And yeah, it's been quite quite the journey. I feel like from from one extreme to the other. Yeah, so I guess I'll just give a little background about myself. Um, so I started riding bikes in high school during High School join the mountain bike team got plugged in there. I know this is kind of funny, but we live in a place with a ton of rattlesnakes. I remember one summer. I was riding. There's all these snakes everywhere. I was like man, I'm sticking to the road started training on the road and was just like man, I love the road. I love the speed and so ended up transitioning about My first bike in a 2011 my first road bike and it was next weekend was out at the first like Ontario upgrade series. And then yeah just kept grinding away during that time to I was pursuing my undergrad at clu so for exercise science, and so I was learning what I was applying and applying in school to my training to just keep getting better and move. Categories and that's where me and Brian and Anna and joy cross paths were I remember watching them and in the cash call days. When we did that back in the day. Was it $20 2002 native in 2010. I thought it was 2011. We yeah, dude, those white shorts that we had not good for no one was stoked on those. Anyway, I digress continue. No, I Remember cuz I think it was Devon done right when he sold at a at a Dana Point and that was I just remember like that was the first I was like I want to I want to be on that team which is crazy. I remember watching that race on YouTube. But anyway, so and then yeah as a move to the categories just kept progressing had tons of support obviously from from family and friends and and local some of the bike shop serious cycling. Give them a shout-out and in a Santa Monica non-cycling basically kind of work my way through the categories just learning and then I graduated in 2014 and that is when transition to KHS Maxis. I got picked up and I was teammates with Brian and joy and Brian Breakaway Brian what we call them for a just crushing out there. But yeah and then so after. After that, I end up riding and kind of realizing that I wasn't really ready to pursue that I guess and or I guess didn't want to continue my the propath. So I ended up quitting cycling in 2016 and basically went the complete opposite end of the spectrum is just like I'm going to try and get huge and lift weights and then during that time I got my certified strength and conditioning specialist certificate and then I started my masters. At the end of 2018 I'll finish up in August of 2019 and basically just looking to see how you know, we can apply strength and conditioning two different sports to get athletes better at their sport because it's a little intro about me and if I went a little long there but no that was legit. That was legit. So we got we got to fill in some holes there for everyone. So the number one is obviously, you know, Elevate KHS Pro cycling was once cash. Call and then became KHS Maxis and you and I were teammates for two years and you had an interesting nickname and it's really important that everyone understands that because that's going to help understand this path and some of the things we're going to talk about right so so they used to call you Sean Key Kong, right? So like kind of like Donkey Kong and for for everyone at home, that didn't play Donkey Kong video games when they were young you got to know like Donkey Kong was like huge just huge massive. Healer, like you know that 800-pound gorilla and here was Shawn writing this like it looked like a bear on a tricycle because you how tall are you? I swear that you're like 7 foot tall. I'm like cigarette. I don't know I did last time I was at the doctor. They said I was like 6 to but usually I've been like six six two six three and then like racing wait was I fluctuate between like 198 of my very lightest to like 204. So I mean probably the biggest biggest Semi-Pro real biggest Rider out there on the national races pretty close. I guess it sounds horrible is up there too. But one I think that's important, right? So that's really why I think this particular component is great for us to go over because what we're going to go over is rinse, we're going to talk to everyone about strength training for endurance cycling or rather. We're just going to call it cycling. Okay. The reason why we're saying endurance cycling is because the literature that we've been reading and studying for this is that's how it characterizes. Our our type of bike riding is endurance riding as opposed to something like track cycling. Right? And so what's interesting too to me is kind of the there's there's two parts of what we're going to talk about right? There's that the culture piece of weight training and what kind of taboo has been associated with that from both a coaching perspective and an athlete Perspective. Okay, and then there's now what is the evidence-based component which is new newer evidence showing that strength training is in fact it particular type of strength training which will get into is really really powerful for cycling as a whole and it's so good to hear this because you know like you and I been talking about offline and everyone who listens to this kind of knows we went to the training Peaks endurance coaching Summit and we had the opportunity to sit in on a seminar With a woman named Jeff Daniels and she was really she just Elliot I forget sorry. Anyway. Yeah, she had she was talking about some of these Concepts and it really got me thinking. So that was got me going on this deep dive and then thankfully a post from you came up on my Instagram. That was like, I wish I did these things when I was a cyclist and I was like why have I not called Sean sooner which you know a your dear friend of mine on the team and I just we had so much fun together traveling and racing together. But like to rekindle that and to see where you've come in your educational background and how that specifically applies to cyclist is like, oh, I'm so excited to introduce all of our listeners to you because you can chart the path, right, you know the path, you know what it's like to be dropped whereas so much of what we've been talking about at least when I've been talking to strength and conditioning coaches and other people that have a strength and conditioning background. They're not cyclists. So when we talk about things like, Getting dropped or climbing a doing extended climbing or this that the other their General feedback is like well, you just need to be stronger who cares if you put on mass like you look you look awful. You tiny little cyclist. You little puny pipsqueaks. Yeah, right and good and you know, you know, you're like, oh wait, wait a second. I've been I've been dropped before I don't want to do that right like that that it's not a group ride anymore. Once you're not a part of the group, right? Yeah. I mean, I've been on both sides of the spectrum Oh of you know like I remember I told one of my friends at one point like I was like if I could cast my arms to get muscle atrophy so I could get smaller. I would do it. Look at this is during my cycling days, you know, just you know, so I know what it's like to be. Hey like I don't want to be bigger. I don't want to put on any more mass. Like I want to be as small as possible. And then on the flip side, like I've now it's like I know you know, well, I want to be as big as possible in the strongest possible. So so I understand that, you know. Hesitation because you know, ultimately the strength and conditioning coach like is not to and I know we were talking about this the other day is not to put what our personal goals on to other people. It's to make them use the tools that we have to make them be the best that they can and what they want to be, you know, and in this case, you know, we're talking about cycling. So I'm you know, the goal is not to transform people into well. Yes. Like you said, well, you just need to get bigger and stronger. Well, I don't want to get bigger and stronger. I want to get smaller and faster. And so we're you know, the plan is to support that in whatever tools are you using and when we're talking about that plan. I think we need to talk specifically about what okay, we're let's set the table a little bit because we've got to talk about a very specific type of weightlifting that we're talking about because in the past like when I you know back before I was a coach and when I was having Coaches help me it was you know, the plans in the strength component were this you would go into the gym and it was only in the offseason and you went into the gym and there was usually you're in the gym for three months maximum. There was an adaptation phase there was a build phase and then there was a small maintenance phase and it was usually like we did everything nothing was under 15 reps. Everything was over 15 reps because the idea was I don't want to get bulky. I don't want to get big and in the funny thing about it is looking back at it now looking back at it now. Like I I I have a mesomorph body type like I always put on like I just look at it. I just think about doing push-ups in my arms are getting swollen right now, right? And so yeah, it was interesting to think that that that's what we were a lot of people were doing at that time because that was traditional knowledge. Is that okay? We need to build bone density because they're obviously on and on impact Sport and you know, there was kind of some trade-offs there, but Here we are now. Coming into 2020 and there's some new research. Maybe it's not new research, but it's just gaining momentum in this research that it's like hey, wait a second. There is a way to develop muscle recruitment IE power and strength damn listen up everybody who's listening increase power and strength without increasing mass and to do that in a very what I would say a minimal time investment is probably what the way the the way that I would put it is Is that fair to say Sean? Yeah, I mean, like I said to usually about two sessions a week some like some of the literature goes up to 3, but most of its. Yeah read about two sessions a week and you're only doing you know, the few exercises that are going to transfer obviously initially you have to build will first first of all, we'll dress few things the as far as the the volume like you said you would go in and do 15 plus reps your across all Changes like when you're lifting you're going to get some emphasis on muscle hypertrophy. Now what how much is going to depend how long the frequency of training the volume of training? And so that's where we come in and we go. Okay. Well, we need to put enough volume in so we get people ready for the strength power component without adding obviously a ton of mass and if there is some little bit of mass that that mass especially like if you know, Some some change and maybe body composition especially in the lower legs or you know glutes quads hamstrings. Can we transfer that small increase in muscle mass there to a larger increase in power or efficiency, which makes you faster on the bike to immortality to more than offset that gain because they're you know, there is no like there's definitely programs like you said, I mean people any time you lift weights. That's That's one of the you know, hypertrophy but I think people think that they're going to get huge by touching a weight. And and I think that's especially when you're concurrently training. So concurrent training meaning you're undergoing endurance training in conjunction with strength training it very much mitigates that hypertrophic response. So where you're not going to get huge when we say hypertrophy what I mean is growth of the muscle. Okay, and what grow what we're talking? Exactly. So so just I want to make sure everyone's at home following us and like, you know, I'm kind of like dumb like Duck the Barney the purple dinosaur. So I like keep it real simple, you know. So what I think of is like, okay people don't want to gain size. Right but they want to gain strength. So that's where what we're talking about and you have been studying specific ways to do that. And particularly. I thought it was really good that you brought up that component of hey as a strength and conditioning coach. Not my job to put my coaching goals on to you, right? And so that's that I think of that all the time as a coach just because I'm a pro cyclist doesn't mean that I need to train everyone else like a pro cycles. That doesn't make any sense. It would mean that I'm not listening to what's there their needs are so that's a really fresh way of looking at because not everyone. I don't want to over generalize but many of the strength and conditioning coaches that I've talked with they kind of have that that mentality where it's like, oh you We little guy you need to put on some weight. Anyway, come on. You know what? I'm like well, hey guys, actually I'm you know on my team. I'm one of the bigger Riders and if they're like What's that like blows their mind like you got to think about who were who our audience is here? Right like cyclists are the you know on average. They're just the smallest version of their frame type that they can be right. That's that simple, right? Let's talk a little bit about strength training. I mean, we kind of talked about strength training so we alluded to strength Doesn't have to mean bulk. Okay, but what how can you get strength without bulk? Because I think that's really important that people understand that there's a difference. What does that look like two people? Yeah. Yeah. So the you want ideally a lower volume so you're doing not very many exercises for not very many sets for not very many reps at a at a heavy weight at a high load and then with a longer two to five minute recovery period now initially and I think this is where kind of I guess we'll get into the progression is you know, initially that might not look you have to go through I guess in for those of you who have gotten the first the version of the program we put together is you'll notice you'll be like, well this isn't like 3 to 5 reps and there is some 5 reps stuff in the And but initially we do have to get that that adaptation and transition to build enough volume to springboard off of to strength train. So we're kind of I guess in a sense that the first month is kind of laying that foundational base of like a getting used to the exercises getting used to it building enough volume to then springboard will re keep cutting exercises, especially throughout the competitive season and keep loading them higher and higher and then transition to like a speed component. Of the movement but that but that muscle growth response is interest comes mostly like ideally or to grow that is is sets of eight to twelve pulled the 15 multiple sessions a week and you're doing a lot of large number exercises. Because I know like red flags people are going to you see the program you like. Well, wait a second. There's in this first month. There's there's eight. There's sets of 8 and sets a 10. Yes, but initially a large proportion of of the growth in the strength gains comes from the neural adaptations and that is what and the neural adaptations is what we want to Foster throughout and that's what the goal is with the strength training is the maximize muscle fibers that can. Be activated and use to convert to power and performance on the bike. And so that's the goal is not initially the first month. Like I said, the volume is probably going to be the highest you'll see and then as it progresses in the season and we were fine more and more. It's going into the less and less exercises longer reps and it's not going to be very taxing in the sense of training for strength feels a lot different so Get in I mean you might do you know, like you said three three sets of five heavy squats with three minutes rest in between maybe an assistance exercise. So something like, you know, like the step-ups maybe some calf raises and then and then you're out for that session, you know, it's very quick and and then the focus, you know, obviously during that time and competitive season is is on the bike and this is to support that to get those neuromuscular adaptations. To transfer to the bike without putting on a bunch of mass. That's not going to be useful to getting you faster on the bike and to back up a little bit for everyone at home. Yes this there's there's a couple of things that I want to touch on that are going to clear up some confusion. What shawne's saying? Okay. Number one for some people listening are going to know this. We have a little beta test group here at Big Wheel coaching. There's about 20 of our athletes between coach choi's athletes my athletes. Grading coach Leo's athletes then we're testing the strength training program and we contracted with Sean to build us a training program. So when he says the training program the people are talking about that's that's what he's referring to is the one that we contracted with him to put together to get everyone through the offseason that secret. No, it's not secret. It's good. It's good because we want every I want everyone to have it. I do want everyone to have it at the reason why it's in a in a beta sessions is not because of Sean's expertise. It's in a beta session because the the the platform in which we are bringing it is a sister company to training Peaks and there's a steep amount of learning curve in my technological ability to deliver that so the reason why we're doing it a little old school and keeping it close to the chest is because we want everyone to be able to have access to the program. But also if they maybe need to talk to you or whatever rad before we kind of get it bulletproof to where I goes out to run so I don't want I don't want to get too far down on that. But what I want people to understand because there's there's a base period here. We're just like anything else. You kind of got to ride your bike a lot to be able to be like, oh, okay. Well, I understand Cadence. I understand what it means to pull through the bottom of the pedal stroke and go over the top and be clipped in and do all these things in all of those things take time to do and that's what we're talking about in this Vista introductory Phase 2 strength training at a more broad picture. What we're talking about is getting past that and then going to like you said lifting heavy weights in low rep ranges in low and in only a few sets and key to that what you said was with a large amount of rest and what's particularly important for me to convey to everyone here listening at home about this research. And what we're talking about is this is going to look and feel very different than what I just described to you before and even what I prescribed for some of my athletes for Strength training in the past which was hey don't waste your time at the gym superset go out there and do a core exercise in a leg exercise pick a back exercise in the chest exercise do all these things so that you can make the most of your time that looks very different than what we are doing and that's where I want to come back to what Jess Elliott said. When at the endurance coaching Summit was she said hey you guys do you guys quote you cyclists that shall we say? A cyclist do Low Reps or excuse me low weight High Reps in your sport. So why on Earth would you go to the gym and do the same and it was like your hit me like a ton of bricks when she said that and that's what's led us to this conversation now to where I can fully flesh this out with you and share it with everyone to go. Wait a second. There's something to be said here about having something completely different a completely different stimulus and I want you to talk about why that's Simulation is effective and why the rest is particularly important because I want people to understand that what we're asking them to do. Okay, we're asking you to understand that strength training is not a build a sweat Angel work out. Right? Like there are plenty of people that are going to spin classes and they're going to other things and and this at that's not what we're talking about. We're talking about building strength going to the gym to lift heavy things. That's a very different workout than goading. To you know, Cardio Blast anything right? Like this is not what we're doing at also help help set the table for Sean so that everyone knows what we're talking about specifically. Yeah. So I mean when you're when we're doing heavy strength training the goal is is that maximal effort and recruitment of the muscle fibers that you aren't using basically in cycling most of the time. So a lot of times you have I mean, so there's in Simplicity terms you have like everyone knows that type one the robic kind of muscle fibers type to a type 2 x and the type to are like the fast twitch. Well, you have tight 2x muscle fibers, which basically aren't really used and so we're trying to get those converted to the more aerobic usable type 2A. And basically get that neural recruitment to increase string. So now every pedal stroke to instead of you know at a certain gearing you're putting you know, I don't know say 20% of your maximal effort muscle will now it's only fifteen percent and and translating that to to that ability to one generate more power and Sprint's hopefully increase cycling economy. So less oxygen cost at a given workload. Increase hopefully like lactate threshold. There's some interesting some stuff there or time trial performance. So that's the goal. But the training itself is going to feel nothing like aerobic training and I think that's because we're training a metabolically we're training the ATP PCR system, which is you have very limited. It's between 5 to 10 seconds. Usually maybe 15 or its maximally activated. And getting that neural recruitment of those muscle fibers, but then the recovery period for that is is usually I mean Max usually I think it's forget the exact percentages within about two minutes and then every increase is kind of its got like a rapid return to about half full and yes about two minutes and then maximally at 8 minutes. So The Sweet Spot to be in is between two and five minutes depending on on the weight the exercise kind of what you're doing. So those breaks it's going to feel you know, a 15 second or 10 second. Set for say squats and Max effort is not you're not going to finish and be gassed out of breath. And so you're going to feel like you're like, oh I'm ready to go again. And the goal is the weight. So it will feel you might feel initially, you know, as it gets, you know Pro like said as we progress to that more strength power it'll feel like you're compared to what you're used to for aerobic training. It won't feel like a workout. It's a and so you have to understand it's like no, it's okay. Like I don't have to be breathing heavy because like I'm doing this right because if you rush it, you're not you kind of start going down that metabolic the power during each sets going to drop and that's what we don't want. We want to hit it maximally and then we want to get out of the gym and that is so important to what we're talking. Like. You said we want to hit it maximum daily and get out of the gym. So let's take a moment. There and let's talk to actual implementation. Okay, one of my initial hesitations as a coach was when and I should say as a coach and an athlete. Okay, so over the years a lot of people went away from going to the gym for the reasons. I previously stated because it was like, well we go to the gym for three months and you lift a bunch of weights and and you know, you usually get a little bit bigger and then you're going to try and convert that to cycling strength, right? Well, you know, okay, there's there's probably people that could argue that That with me that like hey, I still should have done that. Okay, but I didn't because in Southern California, that's Gran Fondo season and that's when the weather's the best and I'm not want and I want to ride my bike. Right number one. I'm professional cyclist. I want to run the bike as a coach. I want my other athletes to ride their bikes because a they have time be it's nice weather not everyone we coaches in Southern California, but a lot of people are and so the thought there was that it was very easy to go away from that. So when we're talking about strength training, okay, Okay, the traditional path was strength training was your workout for the day and when it was your workout for the day that meant surprise no bike riding for that day. Okay. So now if you were let's just say you are Masters aged cyclists, you're 35, 45 55 and have a job and kids and all this stuff. Maybe you're only riding for days a week. And then the the light goes away. So daylight savings time comes back and then now all of a sudden I'm saying. Hey, I need you to go to the gym two to three times a week. Well now you're only right. On the weekends and maybe once during the week like that was very very ineffective because the amount that it took to build back the aerobic side of the equation was so substantial it wasn't effective. Okay. So now let's go back to where you were talking about. What you said was it's a very focused and effective workout when done properly okay what that means now is because it's not taxing the Aerobic System listen up everybody. This made is very very important because Cuz it's not taxing the Aerobic System. You can do concurrent training which is what you said was doing strength and endurance. Okay, which what that means is in effect. And what what I've charged Sean with as a task is to build both a gym-focused workout and a weight training a body not necessarily body weight but a home program because you do need to wait to be able to lift heavy stuff. Okay, and to get the benefit of It's not not in every movement and we'll talk more about that later. But the reality was it's only going to take 30 to 45 minutes in the morning to do this and then you really only but depending on what literature you read. You only need about six hours Gap and then you can do another workout. So for those of you at home that are saying well jeez if I take Brian Brian saying hey, I need to do two to three times a week in the gym will have what's that going to take away from my riding will practically what this looks like and this is again why I'm I'm so excited to bring this to everybody is because we've been working really hard at finding a solution that's practical that will help you and this particular type of lifting is practical not just because it doesn't build muscle mass. Okay, substantially it builds it is can be done within reason in your own home or with limited access to a gym. Okay, and a lot of people that we coach and we work with have access to a gym, right and right now it's very reasonable to get access to a gym these days I think. Joy just started and it's like 15 bucks a month or less something like that. So it's very it's not cost-prohibitive. Right? And so if you can go to the gym two days a week in the morning before you go to work right on your way to work or even at your lunch break boom, maybe even some people have a gym at their work. Okay, they bust out a lunch work out because it's only 30 to 45 minutes and it's not terribly taxing. Okay, it's not like you're going to get all sweaty and and have to then take a shower and do all these things right you're going to lift. Heavy stuff you're going to take some long breaks and then you can go ride your bike in the afternoon. So that means we are no longer having to give up that aerobic base that people have come to that. They work so hard for part of the biggest challenge of being a cyclist was and is you build Fitness build finished build finished build Fitness, but you can't keep it forever. Right? And so what we're trying to come up with is ways that also help you build your Fitness, but also don't erode something in the And so I think it's a very reason this particular type of training that we're talking about is very beneficial. We've seen gains through depending on what the literature you're talking about like as much as seven percent increase just by adding it over eight weeks right? Like that's a pretty soon if your threshold is 300 watts. That's 21 Watts increase right just for going to the adding your two times a week at the gym. That's pretty reasonable. And by the way, you don't have to sweat that much like that's not bad, right. So I want everyone to think that this isn't just some literature that we picked up off the floor and we're like, hey, let's come talk about this is like I've everyone here big wheel coaching and through you Sean and we've had some other friends like Chi what at outdoor Fitness coach and some other folks that we've really talked to about this have really helped us narrow this down into something that is practical that can help people this offseason and make sure that they're 2020 is off the charts because again a big wheel coaching we believe we truly truly believe this Waylon and this is why We wanted to have you here as like I believe human potential is immense and we just have to tap into it. We have to help people get get more from themselves because they're capable of it. And I think this is a very very important thing that can help them achieve that like we talked about, you know, this this is just another tool and this is another a few percentage points. We can add on the board for a cross, you know, just like, you know, okay, you got the the aerobic training which you guys got down, you know, the nutrition side eating enough, you know this Is this is another Avenue to make those that extra those extra games on the bike? And yeah, and I think and you know, we're looking to implement this across across the year, you know, not just because I think that's one of the issues to within the past with a lot of the research and stuff is that people will Implement some sort of strength training program in the offseason and then just stop well strength strength doesn't last. Ever so you have to insert some sort of Maintenance and this is where I think you know, like we talked about the a lower volume program is going to maintain strength throughout the year. It's going to not be super taxing to where it's interfering with the bike. You know, this is supporting the time on the bike and it allows us to progress throughout the year. And I think that's that's the key factor of this is to is that long term, you know development of like we're looking to go Past we don't want to just implement this for you know, a couple months and then it's just gone and then you start out from scratch. Basically the next year the goal is to use this to be better on the bike not to get you guys not to get anyone better at lifting weights because I know you know, I yeah, I didn't care about you know lifting weights. And so when I was on the bike and so it's like but if I knew like hey, I'm going to get 5% from this. Yeah. I care about lifting weights now. You know, but we want to design, you know, a program where it complements the cycling and enhances and is not detracting and taking away time from you know, the training on the bike in the enjoyment of the bike because a cyclist you love, you know, Everyone likes wants to be on the bike riding because it's fun. And so yeah, I'm excited for you know to see how this grows in involves throughout, you know the training year. That's excellent Sean. I'm so glad you brought all that up. So I wanted to add just a little bit of layer of the science because to a lot of people listening. This is going to be fairly new material. It's probably not new for everybody because there are some people that we do coach and listen to this podcast that have a strength training background and they're going to be like duh Brian. I've been telling you this but this this might even be a little bit of a spin on it for them. But there's a lot of people that don't have any strength training background at all, or maybe maybe they're in their 40s now and The last time they've done strength training was when they were in high school college. Okay. So we're trying to put something together for everyone that looks we want it to be individual for them individualized for them. But keep in mind that the majority of our athletes are people that are over 30, okay, and people that have their primary primarily cyclists. And from there. They even more they probably haven't been to the gym in a while. So that's kind of generally booing and so it doesn't Matter if you're an endurance mountain bike race, it doesn't matter if you're cyclocross race or doesn't matter if your crit racer stage racer Gran Fondo person doesn't matter none of that matters. This is all useful and all relative to all of you. So speaking of those percentages. I want to to go over some of the some of the science where you end and Shawn was so good at going over a lot of the material and sharing it with me because I've got I've got I've gone over some of it but to be candid Like some of this the white paper stuff. I just need to boil it down to what is useful to our athletes because some of it is just coming from a strength training background and you've really helped with that and I appreciate that Sean. So you've sent over a review from the Scandinavian try that again the Scandinavian Journal medicine and Science and sports. Okay. So those Scandinavian folks know a thing or two about so there's a review called optimizing strength training for running and cycling endurance. Performance. It's called a review. Okay, and there are some important pull quotes from that then I thought was really important because it really Nails into what we're talking about. And one of those things that we were talking about was this was focused on endurance training as a whole so it meant Runners and cyclists. Okay, and they're really fascinating component of it is that they studied and found that in runners. That Plyometrics and lifting heavy. So what we'll call heavy lifts drink training. Okay that those two things were most important to building running economy. Okay, improving running economy, but that for cyclists they could drop the explosive movement which will kind of generally think of as things like Plyometrics and things like that, but that the very end there's like a little sentence there's just One little sentence in this drawer. I want want you to help give us some extra understanding Sean was that at the very end of this whole review after I read it it was like oh and by the way in season cyclists should go from two to three times a week down to one and then probably add some explosive stuff. So I thought that was really interesting because well it obviously there's there's a dichotomy there cyclists and Runners are different right and we need to train different. So let's talk through a little bit about that in this particular. Review and what how that influences us as cyclists and how what kind of games we can get from going to the gym and lifting heavy. Yeah. Well, I mean and I think I think the the strength is obviously has to be developed before power. Right because our is is velocity times 4 so the goal with with the training in general is is loath obviously max strength. So wait speed moving slow using really heavy loads, but also that High Velocity movement and explosivity and I think that's where to including Plyometrics is a good tool. Depending on you know, like I said a lot of this goes to depending on how advanced how comfortable people all with different exercises the loading you can use so I think Plyometrics are a great way to get that that velocity and still that Max effort so max effort, but just a higher speed of movement, right because you're like instead of you know doing a heavy Squat and you know struggling, you know, as you come back up. This is your exploding your Still produce you're still activating those higher-level motor unit muscle fibers to produce that movement. And so they complement each other and so really want you want both the base of that power and a lot of that too. I think will be good. We could talk more about this in the future of integrating, you know, like Sprint training in conjunction with that Max training doing repeated efforts to get that, you know, integrating so power off the bike power and strength off the bike too. Practicing it on the in the Sprints and kind of doing that that translation. But yeah, you you know, there's not like we said a lot of a lot of the research has is done, you know for a few months at a time and it's kind of like they'll throw a training program and and all the programs look way different and they might be measuring all sorts of different things in different populations. And so now it's like, you know, we're kind of going okay. So there's efficacy here. You know, these are what were the primary focus is like we said strength and power but then how now do we Implement that throughout the year without just you know, just one doing one thing and then, you know you progress for a month or two or three and then if you stayed on the same thing, you're not really going to keep progressing. And so that's where you know, just like you switch the training program up for cycling. That's the the strength idea of the focus is going to be similar. Our throughout the year, but at the program's going to slightly training that max strength and power and that like I said, it's going to shift throughout the year like in the offseason maybe, you know, add another strength session, you know, so maybe two to three and then focus more, you know on the Mac strengthen and then it you know, because you blend in the power I guess is what I'm trying to say from want to build up strength and power Plyometrics. I mean strength is the focus. But then like you said, you know you throw in well, you need a little bit High Velocity movements to and I think that's where you know phases of development General strength specific strength or max strength strength power kind of threw up. And so like I said, this this initial one program, we include some Plyometrics a lot of it is done body weight and I think we want to touch on that, you know body weight for people that right now that don't have that have limited access. Maybe have a few dumbbells. So the Plyometrics are a great way to obviously we have the strength component to following but we wanted to get especially for those who don't have necessarily maybe a loading a good start getting used to that explosive and higher velocity moving in conjunction with that spring. There's so much good stuff and what you said there do we have to have a gym do we not have to have a gym is there only are there certain movements that we really I mean we're talking about 30 minutes of movements and Were very very specific on the work we're going to do while we're there. Does that require us to have a gym? Does that mean that we have to have certain our gym has to have certain equipment. What's that look like Yeah, I mean so as far as loading exercises bodyweight is always a great start but eventually or you know, a lot of people are already past where you know doing bodyweight squats is really going to they can do you know, 20 30 40 50, you know, standing there and that and we don't want to do that. So once body weight is good up until the point where You know, we need to increase load because the only other way to make body weight movements harder is to increase the rent which over the long term is not is not the goal. Right? We're trying to go heavy. So that said though you don't you don't need a bunch of equipment and that's why I said like Plyometrics are good for that maximal effort and activation for body weight, but ultimately like some some heavy dumbbells or something. That's that is going to train and it doesn't have to obviously like I think squat is a great movement some people if they have some issues going on can't perform the squat knee pain back pain, whatever, you know, there's the leg press So So eventually body weight is always great to start as a good jumping off point, but but definitely need to Branch off once one strong enough where you know, the rep ranges are Way too low, I guess for making where the body weight is not going to feel body weights not going to be taxing and during those strengths sets. And so so progressing into yeah like a gym. I know one of the things like, you know movements movements are going to focus on ankle extension the extension hip extension. So the big muscles, you know for cycling our calves quads hamstrings glutes. So any any activity, obviously, we want to load some of them like like squats or leg press you can load a lot heavier than when you go to maybe single leg exercises. So that's kind of like you have the want to say the meat and potatoes. Of those going heavy and then you might have an assistant exercise such as you know a single leg split squat or single leg leg press so combining those two to really get that that sport specificity to transfer right because you're only you're only pushing down and on one pedal at a time. I mean at least for the concentric obviously you're pulling up but So utilizing that specificity of movement we want to select a lot of movements that are going to mimic. Like I said lunges split squats leg, press single leg leg press and then obviously like squats but we definitely want to choose those heavier compound movements so we can load them heavy enough for that that strength component. And then also on the flip side though, you can also use those lower reps to get that velocity such as you know in the body weight as the Plyometrics, but I think I think you definitely can only get so far with body before before you you have to load, you know, the exercises more when the persons ready to do. So because you're going to really hit the wall and go into basically you don't want to do a bunch of A rep like we said we're trying to avoid tons of volume. And so so yeah body weight is good up until until that point when you need to start loading the movement because they're not challenging enough. Good easy money, man. So let's so the deal is start there. And as soon as I can tell you the people listening at home, they progress quickly. There's no doubt. I like everybody who's listening. They work hard. There's no lack of work ethic. They will progress quickly. So at some point they're going to want to look into what options are available to them to have equipment to support what they need to do and and that's part of the reason why we've looked at partnering with train heroic, which is a sister company to training Peaks because They have video support that allow people to be able to do things like assess and view what the proper form is for these because as you've said, we really really want to get proper form and that's super important and maybe just wailing will you touch on the importance of form as we start loading movements and by loading movements what we mean is adding significant weight because that's what we're talking about lifting heavy stuff. Okay. That's what we're calling loading movement. So when we start getting into Any movements really have to have our form nailed down. So maybe you will share with us why that's so important. Yeah, and so I think that's you know, that's part of the the initial program is to build get familiarity with the exercises and also yeah loading. I think you want to I mean the focus is on loading. But the goal is not to to load to the point where form becomes them because we're trying to practice good movements that will translate and activate the correct musculature. So it transfers without getting you know, the last thing you want to do is get an injury. So, you know oftentimes like rpe on you know, the first training plan is not it's usually it's reps in reserve. Ooh, and it's a marker and it's like I said, it's kind of enter discussions on that in the past. But the goal is not to go never to go to failure. At least with what we're doing now and in state where your form isn't deteriorating and this is where you know, me and Brian talk and that's great that train heroic has those instructional videos? Because we want to we want to train we want to load the movement heavy but by doing it, correct. So if we do something and you know, we're doing five reps and on, you know, we'll say we'll just say squat just because that's like the simplest and on the fourth rep I noticed. Oh, my knee is is moving. You know four inches from my left knee is moving 4 inches from going outside and kind of tweak and in bending up that's not that's not practicing the movement with good form in the last, you know, that's not that's not ideal. So we want to push within reason to pay when we safely perform this exercise and can I do it correctly with the load and it's better to start conservatively than go too hard because you will make way more progress. Way quicker on the conservative and then if you go way too hard and up, you know, even with a pulled muscle or something like that and then shoot your out for a week or two if not more so and that's that's one of the key things is if you're not comfortable with movements and this is where you know, like I can help too as far as video analysis. If you're in the close to me, I'm I don't know she can I do it? I can't plug myself right now. Those of course you can Waylon said to say see ya. So I'm out in a Simi Valley of your clothes we can do, you know walk through movements make sure everything looks good on the flip side same thing with video analysis online for those people who are farther away, but just so we can correct if you're like, some doesn't feel right. I'm not comfortable. Just like I said, we always want to play it conservative. Because the goal is once again, it's not it's to move the most weight safely to get the maximum adaptation. You can transfer it to the bike not so we can not to Ego lift and be like, oh, well, you know I did this but well now I'm injured and now I'm off the bike and now it's you know, they go. Like I said, the goal is always to complement that and to do that. We need to got a lift safely. And so if something feels wrong, you're not sure about something reach out to me for help. Reach out to Brian, you know reach out to somebody because like I said, it's crucial to do it correctly to get the training adaptations to where you're not like, oh well now like I got an a teeny and like today's bike rides or are you know, whatever it is. We just want to practice good movements and focus those movements allow the musculature that should be trained during those moments to be trained by doing the movement. I love that. That so the long and the short of it is if we can wrap this all up into a package. It's it's going to the gym is going to look a little different. We're doing Low Reps High weight few sets long rest. Okay. So that's number one piece of the pie that everyone has to do number two. We're doing concurrent weightlifting with strength training with cycling which means that they're very focused efforts. That should not take away from your cycling so you can do what essentially All the triathletes do which is double days, but we're going to do it in a very sensible way for cycling. Okay, so that's that's kind of the opening there. The second thing. Okay, is that the weight matters and lifting heavy matters, which means that form is important? So this is not and I want to be very clear to all of you at home listening to this because I have a pretty good finger on the pulse. But who listens to this and you are someone who gets after it you if you are listening to this podcast, I know you get after it. I know you give your best. I know you want to push hard. I know you want to progress as rapidly as possible. And then you're willing to do the work. Okay, I know this and that's why I'm talking in asking Shawn to be extra precautionary because we don't want to hurt you. We want your 20. To be the best season of cycling yet. Okay. Yeah to do that. It's better for us to be a little more conservative. I don't want you to hear that. What I'm saying to you is I don't think you're capable. That is not what I'm saying. What I am saying is you're wildly capable but let's not be let's not be Cavalier here. You are also capable of hurting yourself. You know how I know that because you and I are a lot alike and I hurt myself. So that's how I know that what we need to do is take a little More of a soft approach. Okay, you're not going to gain Mass. If you all the sudden are lifting a lighter weight, but still in that three to five rep range. Okay, so don't think that it has to be it just not going to be as big of a boost on the muscle recruitment side of things. So I really want people to take that home from our discussion today that that we're playing the long game here. We're investing in the long term here and this is something we want to integrate strength training we're going to do future it's about this integrating strength training into the season right now. We're doing a very offseason Focus program because the majority of our folks are going to be tala days. That's just what's going on. But as we get into January, February March, we're going to get into some different types of strength training and supplemental strength training. Okay, so we're going to get into all those things Waylon anything that you want to add anything you feel like we missed. Yeah, just I mean just for the people Like we said playing the long game because we're intro getting everyone up to speed on the movement. There is that's why I said there is some there is some more volume or it's not all three to five reps. If you know for those who have the program you're like, why is he doing this? We're progressing to get ready for them, you know and season. So this is this is a building get everyone like you said conservative get everyone ready. There's some assistance exercises and that's where you know the step. Pups the lunges you'll see it's you want to push but the goal the goal for especially like the second month is the jumps and the squats is kind of the main Court everything else is, you know assistant to that to continue to help that and the and the goal is like you said, there's there's so much time for progression and for weight and you're going to everyone's going to progress quickly, but just don't force. And let that you know really focus now especially during these first, like I said for those who have the plan these first two months to really build into you know, like there's not a rush to go crazy the programs designed to build into it. And then so we can just keep growing from there and really get into more and more of you know, the whole what we've talked about on the podcast. So don't freak out if you're like, there is more volume than other sets of a Eight sets of 10. We're well aware that you know, it is time to season to develop and build that that ground and Foundation through repetitive movement that motor learning of the movements and the basically just Build That Base to springboard into more and more training. Like I said what we talked about. So yeah, I guess I just don't want people to free Channel they see in their like, oh there's some more So this these first few are you know, the rest might be a little shorter and during that so you will maybe feel probably the closest you'll feel to your aerobic training. I feel like then that you will and as the we progress on does that make sense. Yeah, I think everyone everyone's got that. All right Waylon. We already we always close these things out with some closing gratuity. I'm going to put you on the spot tell me what you're thankful for doesn't have to be psychic. Unrelated because you know, I know you're not riding all that much these days, but you still are riding. So like what are you what are the things that you're thankful for anything shoot from the hip? Oh gosh. Okay, dude, honestly, I know this is great. But I'm super thankful. You reached out and we start talking about this because like I said, there's I've been going through I know when I quit put cycling I really fell off the map because I was burned out and coming back, you know to cycling within the last year of like starting to ride more and more and really enjoy it again. Obviously, I'm not doing the volume that I used to but the but the bikes become, you know a great outlet for me again, and I really appreciate that and just like kind of like, okay. Hey, like I have all this now. I have all this background, you know and applied knowledge and cycling and from schooling and it's like how do I blend that into help others? And that's something that I've been thinking about and then boom you reached out and I was like you got to be kidding. And it's so that I was super stoked about that man. I'm I guess I'm just grateful for. Lifton's going well for me at a little bit of a shoulder injury or there in July things things are going back up. Yeah, grateful. There's so many things in family family. I got a nephew now. Yeah things that things are good. Good good. Well, I'm super super excited that you decided and you agreed to do this. You have a great depth of knowledge that we can tap your as a family of athletes are big wheel coaching. One thing that I'm particularly thankful for anyone that followed my social media here. I did a race called the quick and dirty filthy 50 and that was the last weekend and I had a number of Fairly embarrassing. Cole issues. I was given some advice to put bigger tires on and I apologize. I know I say proper prior planning prevents piss-poor performance. But as a as a dad, I'm still trying to Grapple with time and so I did not put bigger tires on and I blew my tires apart so I would not have been able to finish that race and that to me for everyone listening at home. That's a very big deal because at the end of the day, I may not be the best but I will always finish. And always with the way I look at it and I truly would not have been able to finish. I'm telling you I put my bike on my back and ran ran the two miles to get to one aid station because I've done some stupid stuff. But anyway, my point is there were two there was a whole lot of people in the mountain bike scene that helped me one gentlemen. I want to highlight. It was a him and his body and I can't remember their names because they were from South of the Border. They were from Mexico believe it or not. They were friends of a former teammate of mine. Freire who just won the Tour of Southland in New Zealand, which a former teammate of mine James Piccoli just 1 or 1/2 years ago rather. So it's really small world that basically because I was roommates with Adder this guy was like, oh Brian, I know exactly who you are will get you back on the road. He got me back on the road and then at some point later I blew through all that and I needed another tube and then another group at an aid station. I can't remember the gentleman, but he was so thankful. So helpful. Gave me a tube and then I couldn't use this to because I had these Arrow wheels that need an extender, right and this random gentleman. His name was Joe and I need to find him. I'm going to look him up on the send him some big will coaching swag. Okay, because he had a valve extender so that I can do it. So the long and the short of it is never mind the mess. That was the filthy 50 for me because it was a great event and if you ever get to do a quick and dirty event, I highly highly recommend you do. It'd just be more prepared than I was and so what I would say is I am so thankful for every one that pays It Forward. I'm so thankful for you at home because I know I'm talking to you because you've been the ones that have helped me or you've helped others when you pay it forward. I'm just incredibly thankful for that. Whether it's a valve stem whether it's letting someone use a tool or stopping and giving somebody a tube out of your bike like the gentleman from South of the Border did from He's from actually I think he was from Tijuana now that I think about it. But anyway, that being said, I'm really thankful for that that just that's just kind of standard fare mountain bike races and it's been a long time since I've been to a mountain bike race. So to all of my mountain bike friends out there who pay it forward. Thank you and to all my road friends and gravel friends out there that pay it forward know that you made it possible for someone like me who's a knucklehead and to finish a race and keep that going because I would have been Extremely extremely disappointed if I wouldn't have been able to finish. Like I said, I ran two miles. So thank you for that Waylon. Anything else any closing thoughts anything you feel like we need to add for our folks before we get them on the road. And no, I mean I'm excited to kind of start this journey and get feedback from everyone and kind of grow and yeah and just excited to see you know, where this goes and where there's evolved and to hear a here just mucho success stories. Yeah, I was trying to think of like an embarrassing story to share from our cycling days. But honestly, I'll have one off the top of my head you first off first off you have them. Okay, I have pictures of you cycling and a banana costume. Okay. I remember when you were in a in a you you were trying to cut some weight. And so all you were doing was eating bananas and I remember staying over at your house when we were doing some races together and there was literally ate bananas in a clump and I guess that's what you would call A. A grouping a cluster of bananas. Those were your breakfast ate bananas, which direction I've never even ate Bananas a Day was 5 to 10 bro, bro. It was it was a I'm telling you you don't be don't be blushing in front of everybody. I'm telling you right now. We're over your house. There's a long yeah, there was a cluster of them and I was over at your house. I'm like, oh cool like like Waylon got bananas for everybody for breakfast. Like we got the whole team was staying at your house. We were owing to some race and you're like, oh no, those are mine. You guys like you guys can have some oatmeal here right now is like damn dog, like you're taking this weight loss seriously, so maybe it wasn't a maybe the six but I'm telling you it was a whole bunch. It was a whole thing. There was a hit. I thought it was for everyone spoiler alert. The weight loss didn't work. No, it only made you cranky. It only made you cranky. There are some good times. I still I still remember when I broke the the vent in the van the AC vent. Do you remember that when we were in a Minneapolis? Yes, and you were like whole cans over here just smashed in the team and the vids. Do you remember that one? Of course, I remember that one. So for everyone at home the notorious team van stories, they don't have very good air conditioning in the back. So if you're in the back that means you drew the Short Straw and you did you don't get to ride in the front. Luckily. I would birdie. Oh, yes and you're burning up because it's like there's no ventilation back there. And so usually I am driving this thing. That's usually how it works out until we've had mechanics recently. But usually it was me driving it and then for everyone's screaming turn the air conditioning on and somebody couldn't keep their whole cans off the vent and rip the vent out of the ceiling which was a problem. And I believe I believe it was later considered my fault somehow. I'm not entirely sure but I know I can tell you from watching your whole cans rip that thing out instead of just turning them ever. So gently as I should yeah, I busted it in because then I got stuck because then I was like do you like Hulk Hands? You can't pull it out and we couldn't get the vent it like broke in I think and we couldn't pull it back out right because I was like, there's going to be a plastic thing wiggling around in the van. Vince and then I think we I think you came in the back and then that's when you're you save the day like always fixing everything but for those of you at home that they can't quite fully grasp what we're talking about. There's usually like eight people too many in the team van with a whole bunch of trainers. We were we were back in a race in Minneapolis. So it's really really hot and really really human. So if you're in the back of the van with all the you know all the stuff Right to get us to the race because we have eight bikes on top because it's not just the six riders that are there. You have two extra bikes, you know for extras and private couple of extras there. So if there's literally 10 bikes on the roof, you've got everybody's crap and everybody inside the van and you're usually going through the epicenter of the city, which was downtown Minneapolis for the North Star Grand Prix and you're trying to follow the team car, which is very Nimble very fast and has no one in it why it ever had anybody in it will let you Home decide so we were trying to keep up with this thing flying through here. Everyone's complaining. It's too hot and Shawn decides. He's going to use his whole cans and break the day event. And so there you go. That was John you were you were young and wild then you were young and yeah now you're now you're just old and soul. Yeah, oh my gosh. I said, okay. Well then let's let's share one of you because I'll never forget this one is when we were driving back from Boise and we were we were getting close to Yucaipa and by that time what was it like a 14-hour drive like straight through Boise to your house? Yes. We went we did that like weekend trip. Wasn't that yeah you yeah, do you remember not trust me? I remember I drove I remember I know and you lat you were like got like went Road crazy and you were like talking to yourself the last like our because I was laying in the I think who else it was me you I think Chris Barn was there it was it later. Well, I was there four of us. Yeah, and I remember like laying down and then all the sudden I'm hearing you talking and I like look up and you're talking to yourself and like talking to traffic and I was like, what is we were just like 14-hour Drive. Yeah. Oh my gosh. That was a well. Thanks. It's thanks to that. I hope that I hope I was saying something intelligent, but it was probably some four-letter words laced with we've got to get this we got we've got a weave To push on we've got I mean, I'm not gonna know you can incriminate and say what was coming out it was it was pretty calm but it's it's scarred in your memory. So, you know, what was said. I don't remember exactly but it was it was the ramblings of a somebody who's been driving way too long on the road needed to needed to get out of the car. Yeah. Those were the days those were the days well anyway, okay. So for everyone if I hopefully you were entertained by that and you were educated by mr. Weyland he has a great business called Simple Fitness by Sean. We ask that you check that out like it check it out. See what you what you think you have questions. Captain directly, of course, you can always get him through through through us as well. We have a pedal industry store. What is a pedal industry store? If you just look under collections, there will be a big rule coaching collection and they'll have this really cool raised a bag. There's some changing mats and changing ponchos and short shorts socks hats and some other big wheel coaching swag. So super cool stuff and all of our vr7 cycling clothing should have been sent out and and delivered this week earlier in this week. So everyone should have that second shipment of big wheel coaching stuff. If you haven't please hit us up or or let us know because we want to make sure you have that and send us a picture or tag Us in something because we've course would love to see you guys wearing it. It's just like I'm so humbled that people are buying the stuff in and wearing it. It looks so good looks anyway. Thank you very much everyone for listening Waylon. Thank you for your time. And we look forward to doing more podcast with you Waylon, and we look forward to hearing more success stories about people lifting heavy stuff. Later.
Many cyclists have a love/hate relationship with strength work... They love the strength built in the gym, but often struggle converting it to "on the bike" power and loathe the extra mass that comes with a traditional strength training program. For road racers, endurance mountain bike competitors, and gravel junkies, that extra bulk built in the weight room is so eschewed that skipping the gym altogether might make the most sense. After all, taking away 1-3 riding days a week in favor of strength training doesn't add up when your goals are endurance events that are 3hrs, or more, in duration. But there is a solution, as emerging research supports, a way to build strength without bulk... And even better it works for Athletes working on a "time crunched" schedule! In this weeks podcast we explore what we at BWC HQ have come to call, the "Lift Heavy Stuff" protocol with Shawn Wayland of Simple Fitness by Shawn. Shawn is a former professional cyclist and is completing his studies to earn a Masters Degree in Strength & Conditioning. There are few people with the strength training certifications he possesses that also knows the demands of being a top-level competitive cyclist. It's a great episode, one you don't want to miss! **************************************************************************************************************** Are you in need of well-built and highly functional gear to support your cycling habit? Of course you do! Be sure to check out the BWC collection of Pedal Industries gear including the incredible Race Day Bag at the link below! We hope you enjoy this episode of the BWC Podcast and it will help you work toward being your very best in your upcoming events! #TrainYourPotential Until Next Time, Be Safe, Train Hard, & Have Fun! -Brian and Joy McCulloch Big Wheel Coaching, Inc.
Did you diss your system doesn't really give a crap how important you think you are the laws of the laws and no means no and I learned that the hard way because I got arrested three times for so first off. I just want to say welcome to the podcast before we jump into the episode. Let me tell you a little bit about myself and what you can expect I have been in the business now for coming up on 30 years what we're going to talk about. Out in this podcast or things that go on in my day-to-day life whether it be as a manager whether it be as a consultant whether it be as someone who is creating products that's helping musicians all over the world. If there's something going on in the industry, we're going to talk about it. If there's a strategy that needs to be taught we're going to talk about it. And if there's some way that I can help get you closer to your goal. Then you're in the right place because that's what we are going to talk about here on the music industry blueprint podcast. Now, let's jump into the episode. Helping you, navigate the music industry. Here's Rick Barker with the music industry blueprint podcast. So at the tape into this episode it is a couple days before Christmas 2018. I am back in California where I actually I like to tell people this is kind of where I grew up Santa Barbara got here in my early 20s. Did my whole entire radio career here got sober here that my wife here had our kids here really discovered who? Was as a person here was able to have a lot of success here was able to make a lot of mistakes here. You know, I had someone recently respond back to me as I was reading your bio on your about section on your Facebook page and I didn't realize that you were sober also and it got me thinking of why I'm very open about my past. You know, there's a lot of people that will do whatever they can to hide the past, you know, there's a lot of people that will do whatever they can to keep people from knowing any flaws that they feel they might have or anything that could be perceived as not cool for me. It's directly opposite and I got to realizing that there's a lot of people that have started following my podcast that I'm just meeting for the first time. Is a lot of people that come up to me. I didn't realize how many people actually listen to podcast. I knew I did but I didn't realize just how many people in that wanted to be artists that were just you know, smart business people that have nothing to do with music that just enjoy consuming podcast, and I've had a lot of people come up to me this year and thank me for sharing my story. So what I want to do is I want to take this time. I feel as the years winding down. 2019 is going to be a fantastic year for me. And for a lot of you. I'm excited that a lot of you are allowing me to be a part of your 2019 super excited. For those of you that have recently come on board and have brought me in to be your your coach super pumped and excited about that. But what I want to do right now is I want to take this time to share a little bit about who I am and what brought me to this place what it is that Do today. So if you know my story that I'm going to suggest that you you know, go grab another podcast to listen to or or read a book. If you don't know it, I'll do the condensed version for you. But the goal for me with this is to show you that your past definitely does not define your future and you have complete control when it comes to getting yourself out of whatever situation. That's your in there may be some work that needs to be done. But you definitely are the one that's in control. So I grew up. I was raised by a single mom. My dad was back in California. My mom moved us out to Muscle Shoals, Alabama. That's where I fell in love with music and was first introduced to the music scene. I was blessed to be around Fame recording studio and the halls and a lot of that great music. That was coming out of at that time. It's there also where I fell in love with radio. I realized that I did not have the skill set to learn an instrument the patients to take lessons and I realized though that music was a big part of what I did and that's also where I think I developed my hustle my willingness to go out and find talented people and start promoting them. I had one of the first mobile DJ company and Alabama, so in high school we were Were you know doing college parties? We were we were we were we were doing it and we were having a great time unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it. I was exposed to alcohol at a young age because I was hanging around with these parties start to get myself a little bit of trouble at 17 moved to California and there it kind of took a turn I say it took a turn for the worst, but that is What I'm going to share with you in the next couple of minutes is what changed my life forever. What I was 18 years old. I was introduced to crack cocaine and I ended up staying high for almost 3 to 4 years. I lose kind of track of the time they're after a while but I was I was it was in the 80s the hair bands were real popular at the time. Like I said, I've always been an entrepreneur. So I felt that you know if they needed No, drugs and girls that I was a DJ at a strip club and I also sold them drunk. So yes for a short period of time in my life. I was actually a drug dealer as well fortunately for me. I think I learned a lot of problem solving being a drug dealer not necessarily, you know, encouraging people to go down that road, but you learn a lot of hustle. It's also, you know a lot like the music business you give people a little taste. Hopefully they I enjoy it and they keep coming to you for a long time. In order to get their product. You are product. They're being the music so there are some correlations that go along with that but I digress so on April 4th 1989 after being strung out on crack and I got on my knees and I asked God to let me die. I was as I like to tell people sick and tired of being sick and tired and I just I felt hopeless I felt that I was too scared to put a gun to my head. I was too scared to take my own life. I thought maybe you know if I just prayed hard enough that God would be so disappointed in me that he would take me. Well, he didn't and I woke up after I did that prayer I went to sleep and when I woke up, I have not had a craving for cocaine or drugs since that time. I never thought I had a drinking problem. I used to drink so I could drive I was so high, but I never thought alcohol was a Problem got sober six months into my sobriety. I went and applied for a job at a radio station and was hired in Kiss FM in Los Angeles answering the phones and I went on and the year later ended up getting my first on-air gig in Santa Barbara California moved to Santa Barbara with a little over a year sobriety and it was one of those things where my AA sponsor says, you know, there's some great sobriety and Santa Barbara go find him. I got the Santa Barbara 24 years old single in a town with you know, three colleges on the beach and I'm on the radio and my ego got the best of me. I went to a party somebody offered me a drink. I took it offered me another drink. I took it and the first night that I drank after being sober for a little over a year. I ended up getting my first DUI and I chalked it up to bad luck and continued. Gain, and shortly after that got my second DUI, and then I said screw it. I can't even drink so it did up having one beer one night waiting to turn myself in for 17 days to for the second DUI. I end up getting my third DUI only having a couple beers because the first the cop they gave me my first DUI saw me driving do I wasn't supposed to and gave me my third. So I got my third DUI and 30 days and realize that alcohol. It probably was a problem because people who it's not a problem for don't seem to get arrested. I couldn't stop getting arrested. So on March 17th 1992. That is my sobriety date. That is also the first day that I was spending 17 days in jail. Unfortunately, that would not be the last time that I went to jail, but it was it was a very eye-opening experience for me and made me realize that I never wanted to go. Back, but I thought the problem was alcohol. So I figured if I eliminated that problem, I would never go back to jail. Unfortunately. I didn't realize that the judicial system doesn't really give a crap how important you think you are the laws of the laws and no means no and I learned that the hard way because I got Arrested three times for violating my probation driving on a suspended license first time, you know get the little ankle monitor second time got the ankle monitor and then the third time the judge realized that obviously the leniency wasn't working. So I got sentenced to 11 months in County Jail here in Santa Barbara and that was devastating to me because I felt and I shared this story with my son recently that a lot of times if the Fences aren't severe enough in the beginning. You may do something a second third or fourth time and that's what happened with me. The consequences were not severe enough. I could handle having to you know, be drug tested for 30 days because I knew I wasn't going to be doing drugs. I knew I wasn't going to be drinking drinking wasn't the problem drugs and alcohol were but a symptom of the problem was is that my personality and my ego felt that I was better than everyone else and Or me I had a judge that kind of let me know that that wasn't necessarily the case. I ended up getting like I said since to 11 months in jail had a date to turn myself in I chose not to turn myself in on that date and a warrant was issued for my arrest. I guess. I thought it would just magically disappear and it didn't and in October of 1995. I was arrested while on the radio and was removed from Shift and taken into the Santa Barbara County jail, and I would remain there for the next four months and it was those four months that absolutely changed my life forever. I realized at that point that all men are created equal. I realized what it was like to have all your privileges taken from you. I realized at that point how fortunate I was to be alive the fact of the matter that I had people in my Life that cared about me and it was at that point where I made a conscious decision that I was going to do everything. I could at that point to not only turn my life around and try to help as many people as possible. You see what I got arrested. I was the number one disc jockey in Santa Barbara. So it was a news event. So it was on the front page of the paper. It was on TV. It's like my little community in my world knew my story. So what was there to hide from so I was going You use this as an opportunity to let people learn from my mistakes and I was going to be open about my mistakes. So it's just one of those things where sometimes we have this Revelation in our lives. Sometimes we need to get Smackdown. Like I said, sometimes we need to go backwards in order to move forwards and that's exactly what needed to happen to me when I got out I got back on the radio. I started attending meetings I was Very active in the community and it was at that point that I started really becoming a problem solver. I started asking a lot of questions and I ended up getting involved with country music. I was invited to start a country music station right above Santa Barbara in the Santa Ynez Valley called crazy country and it was here that I started getting introduced to Folks at the record companies and it was here that I started once again, like I said asking Solving problems. I created a program called the Nashville you radio tour, which got an artist paid on radio tour, which help them develop was able to, you know be involved early on in the careers of Sugarland a little big town and got on the radar Scott borchetta at Big Machine records. Scott ended up hiring me at Big Machine records to be a West Coast Regional promoter, which was awesome. I had about 70 radio stations and nine states that I was responsible for. I was able to get out on the road start meeting people and early on and that job at big machine is when I was given Taylor and the responsibilities to teach her radio and teacher the early side of the business and it was at that point that we absolutely just kind of it was it was good for both of us, you know, as many people have said early on that that her and I were too dumb to know any better. We just knew. There was a lot of people out there and we knew that there was this thing called the internet which can allow us to get access to them. And we just went things different. That's what we did and that's a whole nother story for a whole other podcast, but I was blessed to be asked to be her manager. She was my first management client ever. I had no previous management experience everything I learned I learned by doing and then I realized that management just wasn't for me a lot of the things that come along with it. It's not all tours and and shows it was a lot of being away from the family. It was a lot of trying to fix situations that you know, you had zero control over there were so many things that that we couldn't control but we were held responsible for if things went wrong it was frustrating. It was frustrating knowing that you know, my my best That's is in the artist development the early stages helping an artist figure out who they are helping to build an audience helping them, you know move forward in their career. My what I suck at is I suck at the political stuff. I suck it having to hire and fire people I suck at having to sit down in the meetings with the label and call BS what I know, it's not right that part's not fun that part. I didn't enjoy and I also didn't enjoy being on the road by last year. Would Taylor. I was gone a hundred table. That was crazy. So I told you I'm driving as this is happening and it went straight to the ground. I guess, you know talking about Taylor she got pissed but oh well, so as I was saying, let me set this back up here again my last year with her. I was gone a hundred eighty seven days. My daughter was for my son was two and I realized I was going to make more money than I've ever seen in my life. But at what expense at that point I also to was Almost 300 pounds, you know, I started having health issues and I just realized that that's not why I got into this business. That's not what I loved. My health was more important. My family was more important and I gave my notice and decided to move on from their best decision that I ever made it was a time in my life that I will never forget. It was an opportunity that I was given to be a part of changing so many lives being involved with her and being a part of coming up with a lot of creative. Of ideas that helped share her with the world. So what I'll do is I will finish this story and the next episode. I don't want to keep you too long, but I do want to say thanks for allowing me to ramble. Sometimes it's good to go back and look down memory lane and the next episode. What I'll do is explain to you what happened next and what ultimately led me to creating the music industry blueprint watching families. Lose hundreds of thousands of dollars and being taken advantage of and I will share all of that with you in the next episode. If this is your first time and you got through this bless your heart head on over to the website. If you haven't picked up a free copy of the book Rick will do that for you while you're there if you're an artist and you haven't taken the assessment do so kind of identify where you currently are in your career and I'll give you some things that can help move you to that next level you guys have yourself a great. Great rest of your day and I'll talk to you on the next episode Channel. I hope you enjoyed this episode to the music industry blueprint podcast. Be sure to subscribe and tell a friend remember there is no one-size-fits-all model when it comes to the music industry. So check out my website Rick take the quiz and I will send you information specific to you to help make sure that you are on the right track. You've been listening to the music industry blueprint podcast with brick Barker. You can follow Rick on. A trick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drown by staying there. A trick Barker music and remember you don't drown by falling into the water you drown by staying there.
Your past does not define your future and Rick is proof of that. On today’s episode of the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast, Rick shares his personal story. Starting from how he was exposed to alcohol at such a young age and used cocaine. Then he became a drug dealer and an alcoholic right at the highlight of his career as the #1 DJ in Santa Barbara. He also tells how he got arrested several times and put in jail! If you haven’t heard Rick’s story, tune in now and discover how he turns his life around and came to where he is, helping other musicians to succeed by sharing his knowledge. “Drinking wasn’t the problem. Drugs and alcohol were but a symptom. The problem was that my personality and my ego felt that I was better than anybody else.”-Rick Barker     What do you want to hear from the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? Tell us here! ***Want to be a guest on the Music Industry Blueprint Podcast? *** Send an email to With the following information: Name, website, social handles, questions you would like to ask Rick and contact information   Time Stamps: 1:10 - Rick’s life living in Santa Barbara, his success and mistakes and why he’s very open about his past 4:16 - His family and career background and how he got exposed to alcohol at a young age 5:45 - Why he used cocaine and became a drug dealer while working as a DJ plus the first turning point in his life where he stopped cocaine and drugs and became sober 8:00 - How he made mistakes again and did some time for it 11:28 - The tipping point in his life and how he turns his life around 13:52 - How he came to know, teach and manage Taylor Swift 15:00 - Why he quit as a manager and why it is the best decision he ever made   Resources: Scott Borchetta Big Machine Records Sugarland Taylor Swift Connect with Rick: Facebook Instagram --- Send in a voice message:
Hello, I've definitely made and I'm the publisher of this thing fly magazine and you're listening to the stinging fly podcast in every episode. We ask a writer to read a story from our archives and afterwards we discussed the story The Art of writing and their own work today. I'm joined by rushing pagan origins. First novel now Burr was published earlier this year by John Murray number is set in Ireland during the plague and it's a funny Dark smart and beautifully written take on hisConviction assume is also the author of hostages a short story collection published by new island and a novella. The horror fans rushing has chosen today to read. Hey a short story by David Haden which we published in our spring 2010 issue and which appeared in David's debut collection darker with lights on hope you enjoy the story and the Josh. Here's a lashing with hey,And he straightens his hat and listens to the carriage song Long metallic. He's and F Sharps Grumble rumbles and a shuck shuck shuck a pause and a shuck shuck shuck acrylate holds the interior still and suggests the great Brown World outside and he shifts tackling on the base eating. Everything exchanges the super-rich heat. Everything is imperfectly addressed the train Scott her is over a long bridge that might have been an aqueduct in a country with water and he looks right words out of the blue concrete towers that many people live in The window scene concrete to but they cannot be the train Rises to the height of pyramid roofs corrugated iron with Fernandez where people store boxes. On one of the Verandas and he sees a man a very young man with the beard. He is leaning backwards in a harness and the harness is roped upwards and as the man lifts his feet off the floor. He starts to rise. And he realizes that man is being lifted into the air by a bale of hay an ordinary cuboid bale of hay the man is rising slowly looking down keeping his rope clear in his harness steady always looking down but not noticing that the Rope is stroking the rough edge of the iron Eaves and that he will surely collide with the roof if he does not kick against the wall or the post. And he looks away and left words to the packs of houses that lie under a different sky dark blue Rippling from the windows people watch the passing train, but they are small and and I cannot see their faces. No one talks in the carriage and he looks at his own hands. Looking right words again. The plane is clear except for a dotting of stunted farmhouses and the white Sky searching arms of the gum trees far ahead is an enormous Tower block know it is a mountain high stack of hay bales shifting from side to side slightly slowly the tower looms it's us rates and he feels threatened. He goes to sleep. And he wakes up in the high Tower is exactly where it was shouldering its mass in one place as if it is followed him the train slows and slows and the song ends and he squeezes out at the narrow Carriage door with his carpetbag and step soundlessly onto the platform. The train is gone. The sun is flattened white. The color alone could make the world harsh even without its fire and he walks to the Main Street walks past the tiled walls at the hotel and stops outside the cafe and hand painted sign at side reads chew and spew. He steps inside the cafe smells good. Long black, please. I'll bring her over. And he sits down on a detonated self in the shade a blue apron shifts by a man dips shows a shiny head and wispy hair and places the coffee on a low table food maybe later. The man nods smiles to himself and walks back behind the counter. He starts to polish a glass with his robber aren't you hot in that suit, I suppose I am did you need that waistcoat it goes with the suit. How's the coffee? Fine your mind the questions? Yes, why no reason food maybe later and he drinks two thirds of the coffee heart Waits and drinks the last Cold he crosses the street in the shadow of the hate. Our the office is opposite behind a steel door. It is air-conditioned cool cold the receptionist's it's still behind her counter. Not even pretending to type. She looks at Andy. Good afternoon. Says Andy. I'm here to seek ragic crazy Jack. He's expecting you. What's your name? Andy Andy, he's expecting you take the stairs. Why is the lift broken and he runs up the stairs and opens the door at the top. He looks out. There is a simple fall to the street and he runs down the steps finds another door and opens it to find a mostly empty room with a man sitting on a large green leather chair with a stool at his feet in the corner as a tough-looking. Brush. Mr. Cracker, Jack crash. I guess you must be Andy. Yes. I must be sit and he steps forward encroaches on the stool. The mind is flooded flooded. Where did that come from the usual place? But is so dry in these parts not in the minors isn't so the job is to make it dry again. Jovani hydraulic equipment schinsky pumps outflow piping with secure attachments diggers fallen off Reservoir. No, nothing like that. None of this is necessary. You just have to make them stop. And he looks at cryogenic silently thinking make who stopped wash make the minor stop crying but I'm an engineer. I don't how you stop them is not my concern stop. The flooding is all and he replies silently in conclusively. I'll pay you to try I've never done this kind of work before try. Where's the mine? I'll drive you. It's not far. A snow like Rush of dust and dry grass sweeps around the bubble curves of the car scraps of hay and empty golden rappers littered the floor a sweet smell of coconut sense the air crash ugh brakes suddenly and opens the door and he hears a faint Tremor of moaning and steps out of the car. Krycek is already most of the way to a large Shack tiny pieces of hay shoot and swirl around forcing Andy to Shayla size purses lips and breathe through his nose he begins to run. because he passes through the shack screamed or cried shakes himself down and takes off a pair of protective glasses and a mouth mask that Andy had not noticed and he wipes his eyes and looks around the rise rise and fall of Man sobbing finds a shape each showed her mounting on the others one man stands in the middle of the room water planing down his cheeks on too is twisting outstretched hands his fingers shine clean in the Bare Bulb light of the shack and other weeper stands in a corner leaning dutifully over a large tub that holds a flourishing bamboo plant dozens of men sit on benches at long tables eating identical meat pies with tomato sauce on top pocket scattered at their feet more sitted barstools, gripping shoobs of beer the floor beneath them slippery with tears and solitary tearless woman moves up and down the room with the mop and bucket. It's bad. No it gets worse. How did it start? Just did have you called the doctor. He just said it was idiopathic and started crying. Then he billed me for his laundry are all the women not crying. Yes. Why don't you hire more women? We don't do that. How come you're not crying? I can't cry. I have to use teardrops. Krycek takes a golden envelope out of his pocket slips out the rough Brown candy disc and Pops it whole into his mouth. It looks uncomfortably large and he waits for him to swallow. Cry Jack swallows. How long does it take for new miners to start crying varies? Usually about two weeks. How long does it take for them to stop when they're after job varies and usually about four weeks. Why don't you run a shift system two weeks on and four weeks off. That a triple my wage bill at least projects trucks the back of his head grimaces and locks up. I can afford it. I'm already paying time-and-a-half tear money. Why don't you do it? Because you've only just thought of it what you want me to do. Well, I can handle the Recruitment and the scheduling I'd like you to survey the Mind see if there's any damage and get it back to work. I'll do that. And he walks through the hey stormed the minehead climbs into the cage and descends the heart Superior shoulders with sobs and low blowing the cage Falls rapidly and rapidly slows before stopping and he rattles the gate open presses the signal buzzer twice and steps out a man with a Long White Beard appears out of the Gloom carrying a lamp and leads Andy down a narrow passage the wall Sparkle the sound of men crying comes from every direction growing louder as they have run along with their next crime. To avoid scraping their heads on the roof. Nearly an hour's walk later and he sees an orange light up ahead. They are soon standing at the entrance of a great chamber at Thousand men are sitting or standing alone or in groups all weeping in their own ways. Their silvery issue sluicing across the floor a great self syncopating Orchestra of misery, and he quickly works out that standard pumping equipment will deal with the flooding is any work getting done not much. Workings flooded. Yeah, why haven't you got pumping the man wipes his beard and shrugs his shoulders. How can you stand the noise after a while? It's like it was always here and why don't the man quit pay is good. Within two weeks Sunday has a pumping rig fully operation a month later. The new shifts are working. There are so many men on the recovery shift that a large Camp is built on the edge of town at night the men go out into the desert to cry and drink beer dazzling flowers begin to rise up through the abandoned in ease and soon. The bloom is spreading outwards from miles around Farmers move in and saw the desert with Maize and wheat fields are planted with spinach zucchini Pak Choy and peppers. The Growers reach an agreement with the mind to allow its workers to become shift weepers after spending periods of time Underground during the night. They water The Orchards of oranges lemons and mangoes with their tears eventually the men desiccate and have to return to the city to rehydrate but there are always enough people to take their place. And he returned some years later and stays at the new resort hotel. He stands on the balcony and looks out at the gentle shifting Tower of hey the sound of discrete crying arrives with the odor of ripening fruit and silhouetted against the high yellow moon is a solitary man held Aloft by a bale of hay Thank you again for reading the story and can you tell us a little bit about well not perhaps why you chose it? And also what you like about the story I chose it because it's Unique. I I don't think I've ever read anything like it definitely not coming from an Irish author and maybe in a more Global context. It would remind me a little bit of maybe some kind of French nouvelle romance stuff or It's a modernist fairytale. The image re is very striking very worked on and the symbols are very strong. But the kind of don't configure together and parts of it remind me of maybe a Bob Dylan song from the 60s or Charlie Chaplin film. It's very very funny and you can think about it for a long time. Yeah, so I was reading an interview with David where he was talking about his process for writing stories. Or he's would be to you know, take a lot of the identifiers. I wish you know in terms of place names or just regular like anything that would smack of maybe you know, that would be overly familiar to the reader. So he's kind of taking those things out in order to build this other type of world. Where can you see that working this story? Yeah. Definitely the stories are very They're Stark in the sense that they're kind of series of conversations and images and you can imagine someone working out this world fully and then cutting and cutting and cutting until it becomes this kind of dream scape. And and I think that's why they kind of resist interpretation so much and they have a kind of sticking power. I mean I could try if you interpretations with them in different ways, but you definitely get this feeling that There are series of strong images being pulled together. Now that might be the result of him writing a 50-page kind of outline and then taking these pieces or it might be that these are just these haunting images that deserve to be in a story and would you describe the writing here as experimental or how do you feel about that tiger? But in writing anyway, it's excellent writing. I think that's the kind of that. That's the only brand or writing. And I would say the way the stories are put together the way the scenes are struck together and the activities of the story our new yeah or Stark. So yep sure why not experimental, but those is that the type of writing or the thinking behind writing that appeals to you or I like things that aren't boring and this story is not boring at all as you need a certain level of concentration and you kind of have to interrupt the flow. It's kind of syncopated thing. So what appeals to me is things that are are exciting and different and this story has that in Spades. I mean you go through kind of a whole Economic Development you go through the creation of the city and then it's strong together by this image of hey, it's remarkable. Yep, and then I suppose there is a sense of this kind of building of a world within the writing so that you know, this word has been presented to us, but it's a world that we have to that the writer has created and that we are being introduced to and we can have to find our way in at very quickly and because it's not quite our world is obviously close to it. So is that something you know in terms of your own work that you I'm trying to get up the I suppose the relationship between you as a reader and you as a writer and how one feeds into the other. II like excellent rising and the World building stuff, right what David Haden does and I appreciate it very much and I tried to do this as well is he does defamiliarization? So he takes a series of tropes that would be recognizable. But he makes them Crazy by what he leaves out or what he puts in and to me kind of going along his stories. What I really like is everything in this world seems to be very very heavily symbolic, but it's so symbolic. Actually that it's kind of crazy. Like it's not the real world and the symbols are defying you to read them. But at the end like the always resist this meaning put upon them and that is the aspect of his work that I like or share. Yeah feel. Yeah. I'm can you talk about that a bit maybe? in relation to number and and the writing of that I suppose a number you're definitely trying to people are trying to find out what symbols mean or what the meaning of Of their Affliction is yeah and they tried to pin different meanings on it and some of the meanings move away from them and then some of the meanings they Embrace and that's where their activity is generated from. So especially in number there's one or two images that are I'm quite proud of bush. They can be read in different ways and the characters read them in different ways, but still You're never entirely sure or I maybe I know what they are. But I hope the reader is kind of still guessing one is there's a thing of crows. It's a kind of image or a structure and that is kind of their kind of to taunt the reader. It's kind of nightmare form. And the other is there's a knocking on the door and these things to me. They have a specific meaning but like David doesn't his story. If you remove certain sentences their meaning becomes much more fluid, but then the image that they're placed in is becomes much stacker and you know Sue with David's Story. I mean, there's like we always talked about this the short story, you know being this about distillation and Um, you know concentrating on a single moment or and therefore the language is very precise and and obviously with David that's very much the case. You know, how how does that relate to the writing of a novel for you in terms of you know, you've written stories and novels put look was part of the appeal of moving to novel view. They more expand more space or more room to move. Maneuver through language as opposed or story it definitely allows you to elaborate or seek variations on a theme which the short story often. You must make a choice of the theme or the moment of an in this short story is these gravitate around moments and whereas with the novel you can more fully Or these images or these relationships and stuff like that. So that is very appealing. And what is great in the novel is you get to see the build-up the creation the shift and things like that. Whereas the short story is always asking you to imagine that this is an endpoint of something that matters where as a novel gets that you get to show that and oftentimes that's the kind of it's the pleasure of the journey or something like that. I find I say this but now I'd often find that when we say these things like The short story in the novel. They resist these things you say about Jean and like say for example, David Haden story like it's very full. It's it's it's it's it's covering clearly a period of a few years and it happens. I'd say in seven or eight pages. So it's very full and you have all the tropes you would have a longer novels like you have a fixer character coming in you have the development of a town and you know, so that shorts He does not function in the way a classic 19th century short story functions. It's more like to me. It's more like a kind of modernist. Comedic take on an old tale or like a history and the short story allows you to do that. So at what point did you realize that you were? Writing this the novel malbert it you know the world. What about Point did you decide that that was the world you were going to write your novel and when I decided it was going to be the novel when I decide it was going to be number the numbers the world of Melbourne or the time period and the On the subject matter or when did you think it was all this is going to be novel as opposed to a story or? Okay. Well, there's kind of I suppose there's two different stories there are so the first was a friend of mine called Finbar Dwyer comrade of mine probably and he wrote a book on the plague in Ireland and it was the first book. I think it's the first book length treatment of the plague. Yeah. So anyway, I read that I thought it was interesting. I never really thought about play guitar if you ask me my first novel is going to be A plague over the laughter over to the place and then I kind of went on holidays and Carrie and I was walking around the Ring of Kerry and I kind of just had this idea that where I was walking probably hadn't changed so much in 700 or 800 years and that walking through Ireland was essentially the same experience and I felt this huge connection with the past and all that kind of transcend and stuff and I said sure I give it a go and configuring through my interests of like, you know a rapacious great. Kind of guy now when it became a novel was there's a kind of a to be to the novel where lands are going into town and then the combination town and that's it. That's the journey but then number itself is why it had to be a novel because I wanted to show the townspeople. I want to show what it meant to the townspeople and then going through the town's people involved novel-length treatment. Well, apparently they would Hayden is working on a novel oval at the moment. I'm not sure how far along he is without but you know, sometimes with short story writers, I think you know how amazingly generous they are or spendthrift in a way that they give away so much within the context of a story as opposed to you know, I mean this could easily be something that could ya could run another level, but thankless task writing short stories you want you'll get your reward in heaven. Well, actually I wanted to talk to you about about the the Tactlessness of writing every day and you know how you feel about that. You know, I mean or you publish your novel in the summer and that's your first novel but you'd also published in a novella and a book of stories prior to last. So that's three books out in the world. And you know, how have you experienced the kind of book hangover thing with any of those books or what's about hangover? Well as in the kind of, you know, maybe slight sense of anticlimax about the The getting out of focus and then kind of this kind of coming back down into reality and reality or what we know Arc and then kind of you know, I'm picking yourself up again and said, okay. Well, yeah. Okay. I'm going to want to go back to work. And what is it that motivates has kept, you know keeps you going and where do you see it kind of going from now, you know, I suppose this is a general question I'd ask Honey bunch of but yeah, it's it is the question. Yeah and book hangover. I mean you spend your whole life wanted to write books and then they come out and you're kind of going is they say it but you know, you could say that about any aspect of your life. I do think you need an element of Faith because it's like you say, That if it's just like wait, you're not doing it for some kind of career reason area. You're not doing it because you're going to get Mom the Late Late Show or something like this or you know, I take it to the Oscars you're doing it because you believe in the form and you must believe that the form is vast enough. I'm Grace Randolph and meaningful enough to contain your life and your efforts. Yeah and for that you need Faith you need faith in the novel or the Tori and literature like I hear a lot of people kind of know we're kind of living in a wellness era where people are saying like writing is my therapy. It's who I am writing can be very torturous. Yeah, and it doesn't lead to a more complete human. It certainly doesn't lead to a more complete bank account. It doesn't lead to any of these things. So you must believe in literature. I think now some people say You Must Believe In The Reader, I don't the reader knows what you tell them, you know. But can you remember a point when this kind of hit home for you or like you know, you say that you can't expect to have necessarily career or that's not that's not the game or the time the objective but but it must have been starting at some point, you know was where your expectations did you have to reset your expectations along the way. Yeah. I've wanted to be a writer since I was 12 and it's all I've ever wanted. It and then that's linked to the idea of theirs. What's it called not gold post checkpoints where it's like you get your first short story published Post Yeah mile post something like that - like drift away. That's like Sonic the Hedgehog he gets checkpoints and and you're going through these different stages and at every stage you're saying why why isn't this bigger? Why isn't this better or you're saying why am I lucky like this and so many others aren't so you have all these questions going around and you need to always be kind of going back to base level. So maybe with some people I know I've talked to some people they talk they want to create the feeling of being 14 or 15 when you were reading those great books for the first time and like that's you hold that moment in your head and that kind of gets you through whatever. You know, maybe not bad reviews. But like if you're not reviewed, yeah, or if you don't you're not being read so widely or you know, you send a book out there. And where's it gone? Yeah, you know what? I mean? Like you don't know what's happening with the book. So you're still there on your own waking up in the same bed. So you need to have faith. Yes, and you need to hold onto the reasons why you started doing this. I'm going to be if the reasons I'm still there, you know. Take a break. You don't do it. You don't you don't have to be a writer all the time. Sometimes you can just be an Aegis. Yeah wandering around the place, you know getting coffee. I don't know. Well, I we had miyagawa or give the lecture at Bray literary Festival there a couple weeks ago. And so she chose the topic of product practice and process those three peas, which I may have gotten the wrong order there, but you know in terms of Act two main kind of realization over the Journey of her career up. Well, we've used that word today. I'm kind of realizing that you know, you don't really have all that much control about the price of the product, you know them the product that you produce and that has to go into the marketplace and then the product of yourself, you know, in terms of you know, how you present yourself in terms of to a public or potential readership and then Finding the strength to go on by concentrating on making the product as good as she can make it and that that's what she's come to believe is what you know, certainly motivates her to continue and gives her the faith to keep going is the concert in the product in that way as a not too and not to concentrate on how other people receive the product. Yeah. It's about how much work she puts in to the product of the Elf and that's what does the owner of the chi control control control and the element that she gets drive-through satisfaction from so I don't know if that I think that is more of a comment than a question as you know, well, I mean, it's an extremely interesting thought and it's a very well phrased art and it definitely gives you a lot to think about and work with and I agree with a lot of what MIA says and to me though. The you know, I've said Faith a few times, but to me each book seems like a miracle. You don't know where it comes from. You don't know where it's going and I actually obviously you can't control how your being received and it's Madness to think you can and also it's wrong to care but I think I'm now in the space where I would also think it's Madness to think you could control the work you're doing like, you know, like even the way I said if you had asked me three years ago, I was going to write a book on the plague. I just I would I don't care about the plague is what I would have said something like this and now you don't care. Well, I mean, I didn't know. Yeah, but I mean, you know it yet the plague is just a vehicle for my my career. Yeah use. Yeah, you have to be there at the you have to be there in front of the screen and the keyboard there every day and you have to focus on just it being as good as it can be but You know, I don't know if you can control it yet lands in terms of that keeping that motivation there for you to show up at the desk and that the computer each day or whatever. I'm is it a term? Is it a case of tuna at each day for you or do you let time Slide by or you know just like what is the process for you? And I would say now unkind I was I was always at the computer for three four years and then kind of everything would happen in three or four months and the rest of the time you were kind of messing around. So, I think it's kind of becoming clear that. I'm probably writing six months of every 18 months or two years writing is extremely draining your whole physiology changes your just you become sedentary. You can't really have fun. Like well maybe for other writers it's different. But for me, I can't drink I can't go out and I can't you know, I can't do these things and then you're balancing it with having a job as well. So when you're in a moment you've got Extend that moment and that means Solitude now that is not something I can do indefinitely. Yeah, I it has to be in a burst of three months or six months editing is more enjoyable. You can kind of you're messing around with that. But that burst the creativity you have to respect that. Also. I used to try and spend five or six hours in front of the computer will drive me mental now. I kind of realize you got two hours in you and then you might have another hour later. From the day but I'm in a position now where I Don't Force It. Yeah, I wait for it to come to me. Yeah, but do you have to kind of try all these things outside supposed to find? Oh, yeah find what works for you and I know what it'll work for one book and then it won't work for you Maxwell. It's funny that way yeah, but you know all of this said I mean I were to come out during the summer and looking for the outside anyway cut good reviews and well-reviewed. Reviews and Well published by John Murray, so, you know that must be sustaining in its own way, you know keep you has it kind of giving you a boost to see that the experience that or two. Yeah. Yeah, you must yet you must cultivate gratefulness because like it'll be it could they could never happen again? You know what I mean? It could never happen again. You've got to be prepared for that. I love how I've been reviewed. I got I think two or three Wonderful reviews at that I even thought the quality of the review was excellent as well, obviously because they liked us but no no, but I did think they were excellent. And then even the negative ones I thought they were substantially interesting. Like I was I was very happy with the negative reviews as well if that makes sense as long as you're talking about for me. And so what is next few ocean in terms of writing project or do you have something on the go? Yeah. I'm back in it. Just this last three or four weeks. I changed my job. So I'm not working in the mornings. I find them. I'm it flows much more naturally in the morning. So I have I've had half a novel done for two years that I've been tinkering around with doing nothing with and now I am writing it until Christmas and it's a big toweling mess. Unfortunately. I think it might be another kind of historical thing. But like I said before you don't get to choose, so I'm working on it. Novel and it's set on a boat. So I'll have some fun with that Grace. Well, thanks very much for coming in today. And thanks for reading David story for us and wish you well with the new book Thank You Declan. Thanks everyone for listening to our podcast. If you enjoyed what you heard, please share it with your friends and races on Apple podcasts. Thanks very much to the Arts Council for their ongoing support of the stinging fly and the singing fly press.
Oisín Fagan, novelist and short-story writer, chooses 'Hay', a story by David Hayden which first appeared in our Spring 2010 issue. Oisín Fagan has had fiction published in The Stinging Fly, New Planet Cabaret and the anthology Young Irelanders. He won the inaugural Penny Dreadful Novella Prize for his novella The Heirophants. His debut collection of stories, Hostages, was published in 2016 by New Island, and his first novel, Nobber, was published this year by JM Originals. He currently lives and works in Dublin. David Hayden’s writing has appeared in gorse, the Yellow Nib, the Moth, Stinging Fly, Spolia and the Warwick Review, and his poetry in PN Review. He was shortlisted for the 25th RTÉ Francis MacManus Short Story prize. Born in Dublin, he has lived in the US and Australia and is now based in Norwich, UK, where he is currently working on a novel. His debut collection, Darker With The Lights On, was published in 2017 by Little Island. The Stinging Fly Podcast invites Irish writers to choose a story from the Stinging Fly archive to read and discuss. Previous episodes of the podcast can be found here. The podcast’s theme music is ‘Sale of Lakes’, by Divan. All of the Stinging Fly archive is available for subscribers to read – subscribe now and access 20 years of the best new writing.
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That's one of my other tracks from in the Wayback machine man. This is like a very this is in honor of Avengers coming up just like the Iron Man track I made man but I'll soundtrack I would like to welcome everybody to the NXT AfterBuzz after-show CK. Trinidad is doing her thing living your best life moving and shaking being a big sister to those youth to my far left. Listen. I got the man for the Midwest the man with the chiseled Jaw the quaffed hair the fire that comes out of me. That pipe bomb dropping CM Punk tight DJ melody in a real talk about God was good with chametz. That's a good intro. I'm having fun. Not as much fun as Lana and Rusev are they allegedly hopefully Rousseff and lunch and my girl sitting next to him man. It's always amazing when they're next to each other. I love that so much as always fireworks man is in diverse mainstream my girl she knows all things any man. She knows all things wrestling. I need some bar was good girl. Not much. I'm just excited because Swerve has been officially announced to the NXT show got hired by WWE. I'm have you keep I'll give you a moment to talk about why that's a good thing or what if anyone doesn't know about it, but about that person. I'm going to give you the floor in a second. I'm having T-Mac Instagram and Twitter. Y'all know me your boy, but let's start right out the gate before we get to this. I want you to talk about that acquisition talk about swerve who is swerve. Why should we care? What do we expected? Because they signed a CCW guy and don't ruin him just like you ruin Ambrose. And well, you know swerve he wrestled here multiple times him in SoCal area and the LA area multiple pcw Ultra champion and multiple pcw lightweight heavyweight champion. You've wrestled all types of people, you know, Jake Atlas Leo Rush em, anybody Under the Sun? He's wrestled, you know or wrestled pretty much around the world and you know, when you know, how do I put this he is a CCW guy and the way you say and then It's just like he's been working for CCW for a very long time. So that's why you call him a he's a CCW guy. Oh, he's having a monogram because they worked for those companies for a while. But I'm very excited for him. His entrance are always funny comes out to Diana Ross's entrance think that's pretty amazing. Yeah at pcw. You know, everyone's dancing chilling really nice dude. I'm excited to see you how long he's gonna be down at the Palmer forming Center until we get to see you. He did post on Twitter he goes Fwat I think you just messed up by calling, you know by hiring me. So hopefully we get to seek and plus he's piece a good. How would you describe your style? What is he a high flyers and Striker very high flyer also Striker, but also very fun to watch give me anybody telling me know if you know swerve is man talk about it. I'm looking up if you are. If you don't know the newest addition, they're always looking for new Talent congratulations to him, but we started off with because I don't know y'all seen the little b-roll exclusive Velveteen dream at WrestleMania was talking trash about Buddy Murphy like losing and it kind of came across his path and Buddy Mercy was got a mad about that. So they decided to have a match at the NXT North American Championship. Velveteen dream is getting better. I'm gonna see but I don't think he's there yet, but everybody's getting these there and anointed him the greatest thing in the world. I still think you need to polish up tighten up a little things here and there tighten up the screws a little bit for hers was never hurt somebody but as neither here nor there he put on a damn good match tonight. It was a barn burner. I was at XT classic. It was I don't even know if we're there was the Winter Park Florida and full self deserve this kind of quality. What say you Jim? I say does what he does every week. I mean, that's what he's known for it. I'm he's been putting on every week consistently great match. I agree no matter who's in a ranking wrestle smaller guys, he can wrestle big guys he can hang with anyone and that's what makes him. So I think he's there, you know, you now look at all those there. He's getting there. What is he missing then? Do you think he's kind of a little bit of promise you need to tighten up just a little bit that if I'm wrong about that data already gave me a nasty title. They start him off with that tight over real quick. No. No, he's not that quick if he's a guy if he's a car if he put that in. Where's the thing? You need to rush him to the main roster if you get Mannix he title because his timeline done gets fast track. I guarantee you people in the back of the NXT arguing with me that he needs to tighten up a little bit more and he has attitude. That's the bad that I mean wrestler from a wrestling standpoint. I think he's on what he's almost there brother. He's I promise you he's almost there. So do you think he should just stay go back to NXT and just work on what he needs to work on and then go back to 205. I think it needs to I think that I think no no, but I'm at my buddy. I'm TT night. Um, but man, he was he was coming on the scene and life seen when you were putting down tracks, right? He's so young, which is great. The youth is a great thing man. Not everyone not everyone comb the Indie scene to get where they are. Like, some people are developmental products and he's gonna be one of the founding people that literally got his greatness from Triple H in some of the veterans and he's gonna be this WWE and he put independent product. Yeah, which is to haul which is kind of cool. Yeah, which I think is cool. Yeah because That's what's cool about him having his youth. I he has time to grow time to develop time to his his his gimmicks there though. If you drink what to call it a gimmick. It's a very polished character. It's very it's very great. There's so much you can do with it. He's not afraid to do certain things that I wouldn't do. You know Hogan thing is black guy wouldn't do that very very risky, but he's willing to do it. He's willing to roll the dice. So more power to but we got this. Like I said amazing, they got it. I like we were just talking about this while I was talking about it for weeks about how I like when other rest Go back to NXT. I don't it's not a does not a demotion. If you go back have a great match tear the doors down and then and then do and go back somewhere else. What do you think about this matching these what do you think about but he Murphy wrestling. What do you think that means for him not having a thing. Where does he go? Well, I like the fact that they bring old not I don't want that old. But you know people who are on the main roster go to NX little bit. I love it. Did it multiple times when NXT first started. This is our was doing that right and AJ Lee did it Maddie did it? Yeah. Oh, yes, you know, so So but I think during that time they were trying to focus people. Hey, we have a new brand con NXT. These are the superstars. I don't go down there Russell these folks. Come on watch but now I like to see more main rosters to go down to NXT. Even if they even didn't, you know didn't straight up come from an extender. Some Superstars did not come straight from NXT. Some are just you know, some been there forever. So hopefully we get to see, you know, a John Cena go, you know wrestle that Next to you, I like that man. I could be wrong but we don't need the top guys just have to make cars are back wandering around back in the jail back in the days. Not doing Snapchat. He should be an exterior back, you know back in the day when it was when it was MCW thing and they didn't and they wanted people to stay. They had people like seeing the come in there because he wanted these people to say this before it was a product where it stood on its own. So, you know, we're come down there and fighting like a dark match in the face of like, okay, we have to say that and watch Cena and I would force people to stay so they did they used to bring the big dogs down there. So maybe they'll do I just but I just I like that that boy could work but he can work man. Yeah, he can work man. If people don't know that boy go work tight wrestler Always In Shape great great likes that they rustle well together, which is people don't understand. That's not a great dichotomy. I'll just end it. Yeah. Yeah, it's true though, but I was stone-cold saying like people wonder why I never fought Hogan. He always avoided it because he felt him and Hogan win work well together, like he personally thought even as great as he was at the time that he thought he would contrast with his style and it wouldn't look good. So I think it's great when you see two wrestlers that Russell well together people take that for granted. You think there's two people are awesome. They automatically going to wrestle good magazine and I think that was really cool to see that that difference. You got Nigel. He's hyping up your boy. Hey my boy. I've never bought he hype them up there. He was teasing something that your boy Dominic. Dr. Kovac the dude who is over who is terrible in the mic right now? We'll get to that much you talk about Mike presents terrible. Hey, we'll get to that dog will get the liquor you be killing my guy and he's terrible. But anyway, it's so they come so all those up we get to the back again to the back in this reprieve. So I'm kind of lukewarm on as well because there they got they got the red talented bunch. I don't know about the whole new gimmick. Is this kind of stereotype my people little bit but hey good for you guys make it to make it to the top. Do do what you can to represent your people the way you feel you best need to represent them. Now what I would do, but that's cool. So they're back there and they get a match against at this point in time. There's through the war writers not if I can express what they had to worry toasty thinking what is going on here. At that point in time they still work. Special play out. I like Mean Street profits. I think those guys deserve the Tag Team titles all hail know what mainstream. Oh, no. No, they don't hell no more Riders. Yeah, we haven't seen those guys in what and we disagree on the main roster, but I think it's weird weird. What are they? What the hell? What are they? Maybe they were just testing them out on the main roster to see how they do. Well, I was listening. I was looking over the volume on lowered. It was the Pop like did you hear the volume? What was it? Like that was in Canada? I mean, how was the how they were different? It's one of those, you know after he took out. - and Alex Turner has not stopped to make sense. You profits deserved it just at a point in time they do because they don't build on them and they are way to down old. Yeah, we're kind of we're kind of Muslims guys. There's too many or give it to my guys. You know, there's your guys who know guys the Forgotten Sons. Yeah. I like that you like that state I can tell you what those are because you look like me don't mean I just want you have every belt. Hey look like me. Let's go. They're built. Are you see what I mean? That's a team that almost was at the finals take over and they put the sippy cup down made as I really get down wrestling and I put them over time, but she put the sippy cup down. I'm here y'all listen up with us in the Press Box Romanian unique now as my present that's what this is really about all know as a brother as a brother to a brother you both to acknowledge a brother when we're doing the past through anybody has in his chat at the brother. They know what I'm talking about when it's a passing moment. You look at your brother you do the head nod. I looked at your boy the main be like, oh for real / so, you know a roofer them right now. I'm still the salty just I have will it will it will dwindle down over the weeks. But bra that was I'm not lying in my entire life. There's a person has ever happened to me. Wow. What a brother wasn't direct. I can't do it brother one brother. Does the head nod the other brother does not we're trying to monetize. Yeah did one the one bright I was like, wow, that's all me. That's what we did everything. I needed to know Bianca was there she was very sweet. Si si. I'm not a big fan of I literally just broke. You broke a streak of Epic Proportions BMP forever. Door buzzes, very very happy was various. Very independent is very very in these very small yellow what else back I love the back of it. He called I want ream one destiny one life and it all goes downhill from now on that's that's all it is Johnny cause you did it you did don't you novels and now it just goes down the mountain. He's a lizard. Okay. Let's do a quick question for you. Get the quick point of order for to get to my favorite guy and then exceed but very good it exceeds a chemical by far. I never knew how this It was amazing. So this is let me just get a couple questions at your gate. He's Johnny. Do you feel Jonny Gomes a good wrestler? Yes or no. He's a yes-or-no questions Do you feel is a good recipe? Yes, he's solid. He's okay. Bob average do you feel okay. Do you feel you can cut a promo? No, look at this. That's another the whole do you do you feel he can get over on on Smackdown know as an International Champion? Hell no. Okay, how this ask a question. That's a real moment that I myself am laying it out there man. Okay. I just I just want to I just I'm just asking questions. I'm just asking questions. So I actually I'm sorry. I know I talked about his bowl haircut once but honestly, I'm not trying to dig on a guy but I've never seen someone gel up every side of it just straight down. It's like that's our forever but I just saw tonight. Like I saw up close things like Johnny just do the top man. You don't need like the with a back and decide. We like glazed over like speaking of promos Megan you could have promo to these lovely people how to find NXT stuff and more after bus nothing more of you. That's right. Johnny Gargano. You can watch this as a as a tape a demo tape. I'm talking to all of you fans out there. Thank you for showing me the Love on the Monday Night Raw chat. You did not remember me forgot about me talking trash. It means I am relevant. So keep on keeping us relevant out here by subscribing to the NXT after All the raw all the wrestling shows in all the shows in general that you see us on and make sure to leave those comments because maybe if I don't watch him someone else does we always interact and we do hear what you guys say some theories are really good and some points are awesome some not so much but eight you're all part of the conversation. So keep it up. And if you're on iTunes five star rating Booker T style and pull over and leave us more comments that way drive safely. No. Oh, yeah Shout at the meurice out of the car. Ow, Franklin Bosa as usual. Mike was good. As you know was good. Both of us. Good. My man. Kyle Franklin was good. DJ set was good. Your opinion was good the real YT as usual you if you in the chat was good. That was good. It's good. It's good. What's good? What's good? What's good? I love y'all man. I appreciate y'all man. I'm hopped up on Red Bull right now, but that's what it's doing its job. That's what it's supposed to be doing. So my man Johnny cuts the promo against to me the great Adam Cole and the Undisputed aromat. Damn. That dude is Bad drinking. Oh you are Of your mind. He is one of the most phenomenal talent I have ever seen in my life truly but he's something special bro. He if you talk. Okay, let's break this down, please he's special. What the hell you talking to? You see the proof do you want? Yeah, I seen the promo cutting ability in the rest of my abilities. Ability is not what is the bean salad? That's solid on promos. Everybody can be 65 250 pounds man. The good Lord has blessed him with these Dimensions. He must do the best he can I need to borrow what say you like? They are my you like she's like cheesy Lilly won't even dignify this with a response because she knows he's don't see it. I don't see any Star there. I just see a solid he's a guy, you know, I got a cheese sauce. You're a guy. Made of their that's what rich people go to Pavilions. Borrow judge people. Keep it healthy avocado toast over there and hopefully that's true Ally for me. I'm from Chicago notion be he cuts a great promo. He has a new t-shirt which is going to be selling like hotcakes. If you do dig this man Cole's talks about how all this would even be conversation at this one two, or three Falls you think sounds like guess a gimmick matching like I had you in the first of all which is true. However, it is a two out of three Falls match and he and he lost cause and I'm Jenny girl get her makes a good reference to you know, the boy band and he do you like dos little I was just like stopped. I thought this was good. For me, I mean you some people might agree with me some people might not but I think I'm just reading Aaron needs to separate themselves. I agree with that. Wow you what size are you TV exclusive? Every single everybody that's in groups. But with this type with this group, I just know that every single person in this group has talent obviously all these guys all came from the same exact company. That's why they are put together, but I think for me, I like to see these guys each one of them faced Johnny Gargano this you know, ah, you know, maybe next week we get Riley the you know, I love Idea, that's why not as Undisputed error. But because we're not getting over as a holders is Rogers Rogers front and of cold get the focus and other two guys. I don't even know their names which is so I don't know. I don't know their names are so good. But that's what I'll be fishing. Russian soldier fish guy. Yeah, that's a thing you need to separate them. So they get like more credibility on their own like this. They're just literally dear like it's not like you guys are way off base sing brothers, too. Do we really honestly believe that Undisputed era is going to become be on the main roster, but that's what I but that's what I want. I want them to become a fashion just beat the brakes off everybody. He'll get crushed by anyone. But the thing is it's like when Evolution started happening all of them were single competitors, but then they became a group. I hope we get to see them individually on the main roster maybe for a year or two and then you reunite as Undisputed are some people may agree with me some Yeah, and that's fine because we all know half of you don't watch the Indies and happy you guys are just don't because you don't watch any but that's just my opinion, but that's my thing though is not like your guys are wrong. It doesn't is what my whole thing why can't it be like no doubt. I can't even when Stefan to go over to a solo album, but she's still a part of no doubt. I can we had a why can't we had the Holy Ghost whistling? No, nobody's the same thing. You don't think she's still a part of No Doubt, but she goes off does her thing. Why can't Adam Cole beat the Braves or somebody but he always remained a tightly-knit unit because you will never know all of these guys who they are and what they do. I love this. Hey, I mean I do I yeah that in a way he's right because you people keep these guys into the same exact fraction and not separate them. People are not going to know. Okay. Yeah, they're just that guy that guy. I don't know you read about the from the mainstream from Neighbors, Main Street was perspective, especially as we begin to talk because it talks over them to write but wasn't it cool though when it was the Tag Team titles and Adam Cole had a belt that I want to see. Little u.s. Title World Championship tag titles, I guess what are all of them? Like real titles on Bold? I see where bro I loved. I loved it. That's the way miss that moment. The why Brothers they missed it Tag Team titles WB Championship. They missed that moment. It doesn't have to be for a day. It could be a WrestleMania. They lose it all wrong. I didn't care that you miss those moments when you make the only time you're getting to wrestlemanias is in the audience. Okay. We'll see you in the crowd. No way G widows major titles really and I'm cold. No, no man. See about that nose chat. What say you before I come over here and do the Black Mass on the Jimmy Fallon Jimmy Alexander Black Mass coming across the table. So he's appearing in two weeks. I believe she's happy. I'm excited to see this new Talent. I'll really do hope this is the first Japanese got it gets really over and over over. It's not turn into can't don't ask Jim. We don't do that. Scheana because he'll think he's from China or Taiwan or some other agency nice Chinese to do not ask you this was back is just so hot you well, I mean cause you don't want another schinsky situation, you know God no hype dat up and he comes out there and does nothing, you know, it gets over by his theme song and then when the team song goes out the window, so does he I mean whatever happened on Summit we know you know, Jim hasn't seen Smackdown. But yeah, we know what happened on Smackdown same thing. With the worm shocking the whole his last year so I know what you mean I'm talking about I said this on Twitter, maybe I do it. I don't know but you have to understand when the any Asian wrestler comes to WWE. Look what they do to them. When on the main roster. So true, you know, they're not they're all great there the focal point of NXT. Yep, that's amazing. But when they're on the main roster, they it's it's they're not very dry. It's ready and it's not they say they know what they did with Gail Kim is it? Well, that's true. Come on when she first came to W me guess she got the Women's Championship but was a but they kind of buried her right after that's why she went to the other company Tina impact, whatever you want to call it these days and she became an icon one of the yeah, every woman that comes on when she came back to WWE. Look what they did to her and I'm not saying this because she's a woman I'm saying this because she is obviously Korean and as well, as you know, ask look with it at Oscar she hears like she pretty much was the fair. Point top woman of industry of the NXT. She lost the tightly no Lobster streak at WrestleMania and then they put her on the freaking I see both sigh cbo's and most of the checks and I'm so sorry about that. These are man employs a lot of people with my color and different colors true racist. People are their number one goal is to hold them back and make sure they don't get that and they literally hate to be around them because of how they look so if Vince is not racist, he just sees colors or certain way which to me is a little more it's a little with Matt. It's a little bit less. He sees Asian in this market. Is he black people in this market? And he sees like girls girls with long hair in this market Hispanics in this market. He sees them a certain way. So until someone changes the status quo. Whoa, he will he will he won't see him any other way. I cannot call that man. Not that not that man race as a bold style will net is a crazy leap. That dude is employee too many brothers man, if we wait and he loves Booker T. And he loves all these weapons that do some more. It's a big lead. He just sees us a certain way. I'm telling you whether that's right or wrong. You see the people that get over that look like me there they'll Chuck and Jive and they'll eat they'll be all at extra and jump around and act like they're typical black guys like Primetime that's why it took so long for Mark Henry get over because Mark Henry stick was just see when he was the most over Sexual Chocolate. Yeah. You see that's a stick. That's a while black dude act like a caricature of himself, but what he stuck to his guns and it took him so many years to be just get over by the big black guy that beats up people. Yeah. That's scary white people man. And I said about that about how it's all Races. I'm just saying you're free to take your today's fashion what you're saying? The Asian Community they kind of just don't develop them properly properly exactly based on their culture. Like I said Gales Gales speaking from frustration because you should never be careful with that are weird man. She gave you the he gave me the title race people. Don't do that. It gave it a title. That's a bold statement man. I gotta speak up events man when it comes to that kind of stuff man, cuz that's do you think it's not that's not that's a question. I sense a language think we're dead. That's why she needs a language which is about to say no. I mean you're coming from a different country. So that's why Don't words C language. He's gay can cut a promo man. It is he can't man nothing. You got you keep that's she's got he's one of the greatest dresses I've ever seen in my entire life. This dude can't cut a promo in English to make you feel anything. That's not my fault in Japan. He cuts a promo in Japanese. He feels them you come over here. You can't cut a promo an Englishman. I don't give a damn who you are. Don't give a damn what you did over there. This is this is America y'all weather and most everybody hate on us man. Everybody's always want to get over here. Was it might wanna get over time if I was able to videos when they come up here and get in take American dollars, so You get over here and you can't speak perfect English. That's why people don't know who Manny Pacquiao was our longest time and he developed his English and he guy got over and Nike sign them. They don't sign bro. You gotta be able to cut a promo man ain't shit this industry and rustling. I'm sorry. No English. They tried really hard New Japan Pro Wrestling was here in Santa Monica at the at one of their events. But look how the colors are going and Kyrie showed up and they perk they spoke. English to all the fans people were in line to meet them and they were very very very nice and that's why they're elevating see since cavemen that that I was reading about here. Like he's never to cut a promo. I'll go bro. Well, I would you but your Solutions game and get you so far, you know, I mean and here that's the think if he can't cut a promo he was getting older by his music. That's that's no number one thing with schinsky. It was initially sort of, you know, the Insiders the people who watched it and he's knew who was coming over the I got you the mainstream crowd it was Just a guy with a new dude from Japan with a cool entrance theme and a good gimmick. They gave him from the start, you know, the artist whatever you want to call him, you know that sort of thing. But once it got to a point where he needed to get to the next level and cut some promos and connect with the crowd instead of having the music connect and all the outside factors. That's when that's when things went backward. This is my personal be and he's an icon but going with going back with an Isa saying they do not book The that that that door there people Asian. Three in Japanese. They don't book them Chinese. They don't book them Asian Asian Asian Asian Pacific Islanders down here is Hawaiians over here is a lot of Asian, you know, I mean, so like is it they just don't book them. They don't know how to book them based on their their culture. They don't they don't well back to our original topic of of bringing this up. I hope he continues to keep his back to the future entrance and stuff. It's very good. I'm excited. I'm exams. I didn't see it. I'm pulling for Bushido. She could yeah, I hope he's the one of the guys that can bridge the gap. He better be I'm kind of promo in English though. Yeah, unless you have a dope dope dope manager. Mr. Fuji for your boy. Yeah for sure. You don't say yeah, put him over why because he could cut one he had come on just good enough. But anyways, man, we got yo boy Dominic died yet coulter's why you like to do so much. I have no idea. Okay, meanwhile cut a promo to save his life yet cause I'm gonna yet person. You always hate knowing that my man riddle like he can never cut a promo. I see yet and he That beat the brakes off the air in front of the airfryer getting to him. I'm gonna you got some Mortal Kombat and he cut out terrible promo and he's coming after the dream. What say you Jim, you know, what's really like the promo right now? Yeah, but here's the thing about this guy that you like Liz he's what I wanna know is what I would like. Mahler okay, we're talking about dominant force that guy legit. I mean duh because this is British. All right. This is our oh right. Now right now I dare you they are the he looks like he looks like some sort of stunt double Silas like the failed experiment and he does he does he does high-level skilled Ressler knows I'll settle it was that old one of the best wrestlers in the world. This is our Misfortune getting booked bad since it starts true. So that's a thing. Think this is our guy kind of ruined. He could have been so much more than what he was under God when I'm just hoping this guy. He's got the look. He's got with him to facial expressions can do most of us. I'll kill you. Okay. This is a guy that gets a mini pass. Okay when it comes to much for now, man, I'm good. But you see there fast track if they already had him squash he is coming and he's already got ability to match this. I'm telling you like it you like it. You see what I see or not roll. He's about to get his ship. Imagine what I can tell you did. I tell you can be Champion probably some Same time. He's gonna be Champion probably sooner than that to hear my little boy get a number. That's right called him and he's what you think about this guy - don't you think it's not moving? She's not impressed not impressed. I mean, I think don't boys. I'm just messing with you bro. I don't know. I haven't seen Lex Luger kind of gear. Wait a minute it way to see. There you go. See this is that this is why I can't mess with you people like this as long as people from Chicago right now. Y'all think about it during the best bad one player of all time and you just mentioned in the same breath. The Narcissist Lex Luger. Oh my child has just died Inside Man my own younger me just died. Seriously, WrestleMania. 911 is like yo damn and don't relate because I wasn't alive do this do I get that but you just This is our Eau them it this is look I mean, he's got more it's not like the more generic. Look he's bald-headed guy with like tight. Nobody doesn't cause he goes he lost his hair too early age. That's not that we can't all have perfectly qual here. Like Jim now Daddy. All right some of our headlines receiver. I'm sorry, man. You got strong genetics, man. Hey poor Cesaro man, but something so cases are can rest on he's done well for himself, but this guy is got start look-wise written all over him. He can wrestle to it. Who do you know? What? That's eyes he is a giant literally he is a giant for him to move the way he does and for him to do to back because I don't think there's anyone that can do that at that size name Me one not like that not to the level that he can catch at. What say you lives is Jim way off base. Is he is he smoking that stuff? Should I give him the black mask or is he right? Yeah. What's that you the little chat speak about people? I'm a people's champ. Um, we got saying the baesler going against Kyrie same and easy Women's Championship. Kyrie loses. She would never receive. The title again. She does lose by DQ or friend got a little overzealous. We if anyone knows she should have seen Ron by now shame on you. She's or Smackdown schmackdown. She's all right spoilers here almost spoiled if a gym, but I don't smoke. Is hot as or yeah, you just get me something. Yeah, this is our old man. Let's and we'll see it looks at is just one of those things where like you're right is that it's the moment where they it's past your eyes when those things yeah me and I just I don't want the same thing to happen to your guy. That's all I'm saying. I don't think it will die. Hope judging so far unless you really he does need to improve my Skipper but he is so boring but he can't he's green he can he's got time. We'll see you next you can get over that but he will not he won't need that for a Manor. I think that I think you can develop my skills. It depends on how great you can. It but I think it's a repetition thing and you find you're right Groove. I think I think you can become better. I think he'll be fine. He has a common standard middle of that ring and cut one. Yeah, like hiramasa need to talk much. He just needs to give a few words every time you know, that's what it is back to eat. Kyrie saying Shana. Yeah. I hope we get to see you know, I did say I want to see Candis and Shana Russell, but now it looks like it's going to be e overseas Shana like maybe they might have which I think will be good because you know, Shane is beating everybody up. So why not? She's and she's not going on. Little rascal is give you a chance before Candace. Kalvin Kanis getting after that if she loses or she retains and I think that you I think that to me is a next the next call. I think it's a next thing against Shane. I think you might be right about that. We do have SummerSlam and Survivor series for NXT takeover Samer slamming Toronto to so what do you guys think of pretty much? Jesseman do and rogerson's wife? Sorry. I just am in Jessamine did Duke or whatever. Oh Duke. Yeah. That's how I mean that's another group. They should split up at some point either. They're going to come in as a faction to the main roster D2. That's the only way they can get over on the main roster. Yeah, they can get over on the main roster as a group, you know, as a faction for sure in a women's division and just dominate or if you're not going to do that separate them. We need to see more from them. Yeah, if you not answer overshadows and completely if you're not here, right if you're not going to keep them together you guys have right there. Yeah, because you need to have to let them build or just really seen much. Each other how about that? If you want to keep them in NXT how about few dumb against each other turn one of them face and go against Shayna that would have been a good angle to do. Yeah, since you know, Rhonda is trying to get pregnant. She's gonna see that situation for a long time. Yeah, I do feel like I've said it before but I do feel ashamed of losses at SummerSlam Takeover in Toronto. I think that should be it. That's a long ways it is she's a hold that bad boy drop it drop it. Do you think the reason why why they're having Shana become champion this long so she can be Oscars streak for NXT Women's Champion. Wow. Hmm. That's an interesting thought it for an eternity. So you're very you're it. Can how far is she away from it? That's the question both of how far both how far is she away from watch? What's up with that Joseph? Let me know how far I'm sure there is a way from Oscar's Championship record cold. Let me know because if they do that, I not surprised. I need to say the police. I heard this past WrestleMania mushrooms. I really expect her to be on the main reason being there and be gone already being there live when she won. It was silence people were starting is like everyone assumed she was gonna lose it. We were gonna like what I'm gonna tap out ever was like, okay. They thought someone's gonna happen where they were going to like restart the badges. I'm silly with this weird squeal quadrille calm. It's like sensation like date this she hasn't still so it's one of those things like Okay, she gold belt for a while. So let's see. I told U bolts of this crazy Oscar was 527 days. I just crazy right? It's pretty impressive. Oscar was a 527 days Shane is oh good God what she's hunt only a hundred sixty days. Yeah, you know, she's not making. Okay, so should have the whole shoot ya know that's not gonna happen. They that Oscar run was crazy. Put some things into my godchild She's Gotta Be animate. She's gonna fizzle out. You know pure just knocking. Well, she's right. Oh, she's ready. Bro Shooters ready? All right, I don't care if you put her up against he's yeah, she's right. I don't care. No doubt about it. Both of man coming through in the clutch. I appreciate you bro. Oh Google of wrestling to Beast bro. I would agree on Google that be honest with you. I don't know what's going on. Next week. We have versus Candace and her mystery partner. They keep getting to keep the keep giving a shot to keep putting it out there, you know, they're doing which is awesome because you know, she's been on there forever like I mentioned and I think it's time for Ali and to actually continue to be on an XT every single why not. You know, why not? Why not but I'm curious on who is Candis is partner is going to be is are we going to get a return from somebody or could be very interesting or is it going to be someone I mean obviously Any woman in the back because we don't really get to see me again when you see it, you know, that's who I wanted to see things about say this even be it can do with if they want to give her give her a chance of what did you think about the women on NXT? It's like they bring them out and we don't see him for a month then after they have a good match like the who's a Brazilian girl again. He said forgot her name because she's not there consistently, you know, you need to keep him around at least every other week. You can't have him out there once and then not see him for a month, you know as we know everyone on the main roster. Yep, right, but exactly what yeah genetics tea. We don't really like yeah, we could Google that. Yeah, but but but at the same time, especially people who are tuning into NXT on our new Technics T. They don't know that that's consistent. That's the boy. Yeah. We know we know that they will have an hour on the show. Yeah. Yeah. So at the same point gimme gimme some of that you're right about that. They'll like we we know we watch we do this every week you you're in tune you're into like so we know the roster but the person has tuning in and I don't really know the relative. Is on the main roster then we come out. We'll see Leah and she's not differ by five weeks. Yeah, and it looks like I just didn't ever the first time and I like the Lea you would like that where she has she's been there for a lover. Yeah. I know what I think she's been there forever. So it's like make a move in some way, you know, they'd give it an opportunity. So it's up to her man y'all so y'all know how wrestling goes they are putting her out there. She has to make sure he has to make an impression as to make away. She has to grab the brass ring, brother. Do you think they should have done a superstar shake up with NXT by bringing? In some people from the main roster that yeah, they've been on TV. Yes NXT. Yeah, that should have should have happened but traveling schedule I get it though. I do unless you live in Orlando. Breeze or you know one of those like even Fandango, where is he around now and one of those guys, you know, you could totally get them over on NXT. And at this point I think to save their careers. Why not? Why wouldn't they want to in a sense? I'm not move in a way, you know, if they do go back down to NXT. You have to remember like it's not a pot as a positive who could be positive could be not pause to look at that going back to the absolutely. I mean she was like I want to go back to the to NXT and work hard and more. So they re already on said yeah and Eva Marie she went back to and then she went on me roster and then look we don't with they're not up there Mario's I want to go back and then the Quran o was like that's a different. That's that's not that's not for what we would see what he's saying. I'll tell you after this. Yeah, they will talk about but yeah, I mean, but now we could be a part now. I just want the NXT to be a third brand. Yeah. It's a But he touring on that line, you know third. Yeah, we should make it into our shell two hours when you just fine. That's fine. That's all we need is two hours for four years ago. For more women on to be more consistent people. They'll be like because we don't really get a lot of Backstage they have enough 16. They have enough rockabilly Kelly's hanging out in always around somewhere around the door and the exit to the building, you know, waiting for an interview. So but we don't see it right Tunes Show even 90 minutes would be more and more people just you're right. It's I'm not trying to push for that if they do a good job in an hour, but in 90 minutes who I will give more opportunity for people don't know if you don't see consistently, right? And here's the thing either you commit to them as a third brand or make that separation where they are still a developmental minor controversy right now. They're on there like messing around with this line fine line. I was like, well, we're including them and kind of mentioning him in the shake-up and like, you know, they're acting as a part of a roster, you know, the main kind of thing they're in they're all equal and then we see they don't you know, so it's like it just depends what day really want to do. It's like what which direction you're going to go? Because if you keep on kind of messing around with this it's going to suffer in that way because the fans are not going to buy it and be sold on it if they're not sold themselves, right? So can make a commitment either. They're gonna be a Developmental and we sticking Raw and SmackDown as the main ones or you're going to make this a third brand and start have them travel more. I never travel all Florida, but like they're barely in California like once maybe twice a year. Yeah, they're doing you know, yeah Midwestern run now. I'm to have Annex e come to this area come to different states. So people can see there's more people on the roster because that's like when do we ever see Casey? We don't seek a somebody that job was shot was like you see Casey when she's doing videos with Ricochet on the PC, you know, nothing. That's true. It's another than that Alan that's not be exactly and she you know, she's very impressive when it comes to her especially for being so new to the game. Yeah and transferring from being what Ninja Warrior for Center wrestler. So, you know, A lot of people out there and especially the people that they just signed how many how many years were they going to be in developmental to be on the NXT? Damn? Yeah, no - oh, you know, it just seems like at times that they have High Hopes, but the direction is lacking, you know, there's high hopes for NXT and you know the town that comes out of but then there's not that commitment to a specific clear direction of where it's going what we want to do with this how we're treating this, you know, it's still kind of the redheaded stepchild. Old. Yeah, nothing. I think Vince likes it like that to be honest with you because he doesn't want its Hunters thing that but as well just say but Vince gets tired of hearing her buzzing anything's better than his main brand. So I mean, but it's fact maybe the wrestling's great. I mean you can I think when we watch I'll about Flagship about the you know mall but the flagship brother, I can't ever put anything over any of the main the main strongly fractions fractions. So, you know, it's good as much tougher to put together three hours show every week man. That's tough man. That's tough to do man. Oh, no McDonald's. Movement when they go too hard and they go to Fox which is the new October. I think October they're going to be in La when they go to Fox they're going to be in La for that. I would like to maybe that will maybe switch up or maybe Fox was like, hey, bring some more people up to an XP and we want to see more Talent or something. You got a lot of time for that. But with that being said, we gonna be out man next week or two and then please Jim Alexander, please tell the lovely people at home where they can find you. You can find me, you know how to find it, but I'll do that. Line so you can find me at the gym Alexander and all social media real That's Arielle. That's the place to be and some of the Rusev and Lana. He went to check it out. And Lisa was good. Follow me on social media at a nice support pc pc W Ultra. I'll be there o PW G. I-- it's a very expensive not going to $100 to go there, huh? What I'm gonna borrow something because we got some new aew wrestlers you got sign they're going to be resting at bar wrestling. So you go there and you know, let's have some fun and hopefully we Marcos done versus Joey Jenelle. I'm very excited to see that again. Wait a minute. You're paying $100 for that man. This is this is getting out of control John with our let's be friends if you know if you disagree Agree with me. That's all cool. You're making me relevant. Uh-huh, Dallas. Are you like inside the ring? Bye Mandy wrote. Yes, and maybe rows one by the train. Asaurus Rex is in the background also paid 80 bucks 200. We are where everything that is great because we got me on real. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You described herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or zoners our principal.
Fresh off an amazing NXT TAKEOVER things are still HOT! We have a NXT North American Title defense and a confrontation between Johnny Wrestling and Adam Cole! We have that and so much more! Join @anissabarr, @evantmack, and @Thejimalexander as they break it all down! Be sure to like and subscribe to @afterbuzztv for all the latest news!! Ever wondered where these current wrestling superstars showcase their skills? Join us on the WWE NXT AFTER SHOW as we discuss some of the best matches from the wrestlers who know no limits. ABOUT WWE NXT: WWE NXT is the professional wrestling developmental branch for WWE, based in Winter Park, Florida. From its inception in August 2012 to June 2013, it was a distinct but affiliated developmental territory for WWE under the name NXT Wrestling. In June 2013, the NXT Wrestling website was shut down and NXT content was moved to From February 2014, NXT started a series of live special events broadcast on the WWE Network, comparable to main roster pay-per-view shows. Despite its status as a developmental branch, NXT has been praised for its high quality of wrestling, captivating storylines, and the opportunities they afford female wrestlers as opposed to on the main roster; the latter of which has led to a change on how women's wrestling is portrayed in WWE. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome to the steroid podcast with your book Dan the bodybuilder sometime. Start here. The steroids podcast is brought to you by Ultimate Guide to roids 109 page ebook by Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand now for the first time in bodybuilding history. You have someone with no corporate interests and no obligation to please anyone not walking on eggshells to not offend. Ultimate God towards gives you the information the whole information the whole truth not a full truth and a half Truth full truth. Ultimate God toroids gives you the keys to the Lamborghini gives you the information and lets you decide what to do with it. It's a crime. This information has been suppressed this long. Now, let's get on with the podcast for the guys interested in the steroids podcast coaching Services. There's the one hour phone call consultations is $59 and call and have a private phone call with me for the guys that have been listening to the podcast and have signed up to do that and we've done that. Great getting to know you guys and happy to help you guys out. And then for the guys that are doing the daily text messaging based coaching where we text message each other on WhatsApp we talk about it's personal training over WhatsApp and we talk every day. That one's $99 a month and then we get that daily contact between you and me. It's not just talking about only your cycle and taking care of side effects and keeping your games going and stuff like that. But we also do training and diet together. So it's the full full comprehensive service. Alright, welcome back to another episode of the steroids podcast. The first question for today is from variety. He asked the question. Here's question. I've had for a while. Do you know what's happening physiologically when a user gets back in Shin pumps on cycle. I used to think it was from water retention from d bollocksed and banding tissues and pressing on nerves, but the same pain can occur while antibes As well which as you know is a dry oil. So what is the source on this issue? Well, what you're noticing is you're noticing that anabolics increased pumps in all muscles. So some muscles are more susceptible to this than others. So like the lower back is notorious for having pumps, especially from strong anabolic compounds. So really any strong steroid, though can give you these pumps like lower back pumps. We'll talk about that. And so just to describe what a lower back pump feels like for people that haven't experienced it before it feels like the muscle in your lower back is going to explode so it gets so full of blood with a pump like after you've done deadlifts or after you've done bent over barbell rows or when you've done squats and especially if you're on something like d ball or Tren or Anna drawl or You know, even when stroller and of our can do it you can get this really extreme pump in your lower back and it can feel like there's so much pressure inside the muscles that it can feel like it's going to explode and so it's sort of a sharp pain back there that makes you feel like you need to either get on your knees and bend over a bench in front of you to put pressure off of it or like lie down or something. So it's really painful. It's not when you talk about like an extreme lower back pump. It's not something that's fun. And so some people suggest like using supplements like to avoid this like touring as one that you hear frequently, but I personally haven't felt that that is effective some people it does work for them. But I've never noticed the difference from supplementing with touring and I mean if that was the case you should be able to take in. Energy drink, you know and have it go away and we know that that doesn't work. So what's happening is that the the steroids cause these pumps all over the body and if you have these normal muscles that usually aren't getting such an extreme Pump It Can it can cause like that extreme pain. So there are other muscles to that will get extremely pumped sometimes like your feet. Like there's a side effect called Winnie foot. That is it's normal on Winstrol when you're running higher dosages. It like 75 milligrams or a hundred milligrams per day. It would be normal to be walking and to get a pump in the arch of your foot and the the pump could actually get so extreme when you're walking especially if you're walking on an incline like up a hill where the arch of your foot, you know, there's not a lot of room in there for a lot of extra blood there is a muscle there holding the arch of your foot, but there's not a lot of room in there for an extra blood. So if it does get that signal and it does start getting a big pump, it can be extremely painful and Make you actually have to stop walking for a little bit like stop walking for five minutes and have to take a rest. I remember getting this at school a few times when I would walk up the hill to my school and I'd be using Winstrol and I'd get an extreme pump in the arch of my foot and it would get so painful that I'd have to you know, sit on a fire hydrant for five minutes and let it kind of dissipate and then start walking again let the blood drain out of my foot other things that can cause Humps is like cramping. So especially can clenbuterol clenbuterol causes cramping because it excites the muscles it excites the central nervous system. So clenbuterol also makes you stronger when you take the tablet, you know an hour later after taking the tablet you're stronger you'll be able to add like one or two reps to your max lifts that you could normally do. Like if you could normally do a 5 rep max with a with a certain weight you'll be able to do it for like six or seven reps simply. As you took the clenbuterol an hour or so or two earlier and then it makes your brain be able to send a stronger signal to your muscles to contract so they can work harder. And so it keeps your your muscle tone or the tension that is in your muscles a little bit higher all the time clenbuterol. And so it's also gives cramps and you'll notice things like maybe like your tongue cramping a little bit or your fingers cramping a little Or like the same thing like your feet like the arches in your feet. That's that's not uncommon some of these some of these weird spots on your on your body cramping like especially in your in your fingers and in your hands, that's pretty typical or like in your neck or under your jaw in that in that area under your jaw bone below below your chin, but in front of your neck that area can definitely get cramps from clenbuterol. So when you use these performance, Enhancing drugs. It is normal to get some of these pumps and cramps and there's not really much you can do about it that the main the main thing to do is to make sure that your electrolyte balance is like level. That's the best thing you can do to avoid cramps. So having enough salt and having enough potassium and magnesium, you know, if you just salt your food a little bit extra and you eat, you know, at least one Potato per day because potato is of common foods. That's the most potassium heavy food has one potato has about as much potassium as three bananas and then you know, if you are not getting enough magnesium if you just take a little bit of a magnesium supplement like a magnesium tablet. Usually if you take the full tablet, it will give you diarrhea. So if you just crack it into four pieces and take 1/4 tablet of magnesium per day that's usually plenty of magnesium. So then you You get those you get those essential electrolytes. And then if you eat meat you're getting enough calcium anyways, so that's the other electrolyte and but as far as like completely avoiding them like no that's just kind of part of being on Peds is getting some like more extreme pumps. I'll tell you a few things. Usually if you're carved up completely you're a lot more likely to get these kind of extreme pumps. Also Trend and or Let's give these extreme pumps more so than other steroids, like other injectable steroids don't seem to give them as much as tremble own and orals do and it seems like Anna draw and d-ball these ones that carry like more water retention. They volumize the cell more and make more retention of glycogen carbohydrate fuel storage inside the muscle cells. And so that they're storing the cells are stretched more. Or they seem to be the ones that caused the worst pumps but the the diet is probably the most effective way for you to mitigate this generally if you eat less carbs the pumps if you know, if you're getting debilitating pumps then if you less carbs, generally it's not so much like that and also just like a calorie Surplus if you're on a calorie Surplus the pump seem to be a lot more extreme than if you're not on a calorie Surplus. So those are the main It's to take care of it is just making sure that your electrolytes are balanced and then carbs and calorie Surplus being both things that make the pumps more extreme so you can cut back on those but you know having those really that extreme pumps like that painful pumps is a sign that you're really anabolic, you know, gaining strength gaining muscle. I remember during the first time that I ever used Winstrol, I remember It giving me a pump. I think I was I think I was using two tablets per day. I think I was using 50 milligrams per day. I think they were 25 milligram tablets. And I remember the pump in my forearms was so extreme and so rock-hard that literally my forearm felt like a rock it to the touch because it was so full of blood that if you touched it there was no give to the muscle. It was so swollen and the veins the little capillaries in my skin. Actually started exploding during my workout. So I had these little exploded blood vessels like all over my forearms. There was like a definite there was a definite you looked at my arms and there was a little red lines all over the place so I could see them during my workout and that was my first time being on a Winstrol cycle using Winstrol in my cycle. And so that was that was a An example of the pumps and one thing here's another thing is that when you are a new user of steroids and you haven't been using them for as long you're more likely to have these extreme pump side effects. And then as you've been using them for longer, they become less common. But if you have been eating a lot of food and you are in a calorie Surplus, they definitely do always happen and they also are a sign that Super anabolic and that you're you know, making muscle size and strength gains. If you're getting these pumps. That's the answer to that question. Next question is from Jack see no, yes for nextera podcast. Can you go more in depth about high-dose equipoise with medium dose testosterone. I heard about that from your friend from France Pro bodybuilder from France that we had on the show, but we had to take the episode off and I'm curious about the Results. Yeah, so mostly, you know, if you can use testosterone it's a good thing to use people ask, you know, why do you use a higher dosage testosterone or why use higher dose testosterone? So the first thing that I have to say is that most people that say, you know, I don't use a high dose testosterone, you know, I only use 250 milligrams per week. We're 500 milligrams per week. And then they have like a an impressive physique. Most of them are lying so, you know, they're saying They're saying that to you but then they're in their bedroom, you know shooting up all kinds of syringes, you know, and and taking a lot of high dosages of tests. So a lot of guys that you know have like crazy, you know large muscular dense physiques and they're like, oh I'm like onto your tea and I add 40 milligrams and of our and that's my cycle what they mean is that they're on 10 times T RT so, you know one's one cc of testosterone 250 milligrams per week testosterone that's trt right, but, you know care. On a violet this dosterone a week. I mean it just simply not true. You know, they're lying always trust your eyes guys. If you see people if you see people that have physiques that don't look like a normal human being or they don't look like a normal steroid user or you've been using steroids for you know, a couple years and you kind of know like what steroids do and have a feel for it at certain dosages and you see people that are just completely in another like Universe like Just just trust your eyes like you you'll will obviously know that this is not correct. This is not the effect of what they're doing. So not everybody is on one vial of testosterone per week guys. That was kind of a joke when I said that but it's to give you some perspective because you know, a lot of the big guys are on that much or more depending on how big they are but and everybody does different has different cycle protocols Etc. But it does happen. It's not some crazy outlandish thing and you know people talk to me quite a bit. Actually they say like, oh, you know since I've been listening to your content I've noticed That you're a fan of high testosterone cycles, and it's not really that I'm a fan of like really high dosage testosterone Cycles. It's just that I'm honest with you about what I do and I'm alone in my bedroom. So a lot of these guys, you know that are saying like, you know, you know, I'm on trt. You know, I take 250 test a week where I take 500 test a week or something like that and then they're like oh and then I can complement that with saw arms or 40 milligrams of Anna bar per day or something like that. That it's just not true, you know, they're saying that that's what they do, but then they're in their bedroom alone, you know at night shooting up hello syringes. And so even though they're telling you like. Oh, I used this low dosage of testosterone that's not actually what they're doing. And so that's what I'm trying to tell you is that, you know, a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week is not like a really high dosage. It's actually like a pretty normal dosage. It's just that people's perceptions are thrown off because you know, if you go on internet forums, you have all these guys that are saying like don't take a high dosage of testosterone, which is anything more than 500 milligrams a week. And then you have you know other guys on YouTube that are like ifbb pros and shit saying like, oh, you know, I only take 500 milligrams per week and nothing more and stuff like that. But then you know what these guys are doing, you know is trying to tell people, you know, don't take any more than that because then you'll be as big as me and I want to be the biggest person. So the you know, they tell you, you know, it's like do as I say not as I do and so you got to read between the lines on that one one. I usually don't recommend Dave Palumbo's material because he says a lot of stuff that is, you know, not the greatest stuff and some of its inaccurate but other other bits of if you read between the lines and you watch Dave Colombo's show, there's quite a bit of true information in there, but you've definitely got Like be reading between the lines and so one of the things that Dave Palumbo says and this is a quote from Dave Palumbo is every good steroid cycle starts with at least a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week. Okay, that's what he recommends for a beginner's first cycle is a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week. That's his recommendation for a first beginner steroid cycle. Okay, so that was a quote from him and while I don't think that you need to use a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week for your first beginners. Thyroid cycle, I think it's better to use something like, you know, 500 milligrams of testosterone per week with an oral like when stroller and of art or in a ball, that's my recommendation. But you know, it's what he's saying is is true about you know, that's not some kind of insane dosage of testosterone a thousand milligrams per week or like high testosterone. It's just normal if you saw the guys if you could see what they're doing in their bedrooms when they're alone and no one's looking. A lot of people are using around a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week. And then they're just, you know, saying that they use something else when they're talking to you. So that's a lot of people have been asking me about like, why do you recommend high testosterone dosage levels? Because you know, I use basically like, you know, if I'm going to do a cycle I always use about a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week, you know, at least 700 and you know up to 1250 milligrams or even up to a thousand five hundred milligrams. Like if I'm really pushing it more with the testosterone somewhere in that spectrum between 700 and a thousand five hundred is what I use and so people say, you know, like I noticed you're a fan of super high dosage testosterone levels and like really it's not that high. It's just normal, you know, the guys who are really into high testosterone dosages, you know, one vial per week or more another example of this that is confirming that you know what I'm saying about that, you know. Testosterone dosage is generally in reality one vial per week or more would be when Dorian Yates he gave an interview on a YouTube show called London real and in it. He talks about how he experimented with up to 3.5 grams of testosterone per week. And he said that at the time when he was experimenting with that back in the 80s that was considered a lot and that guys who were doing doing two thousand five hundred milligrams or one vial of testosterone per week. We're usually the power lifters. That's a quote from from Dorian Yates. Okay, so he's talking about what guys were doing back in the 80s and what was considered a high testosterone dosage back in the 80s. So you gotta like go look back through this to find out what really is a high testosterone dosage and I'll tell you too that you know higher testosterone dosage is higher than 1.5 grams per week. It does start to get Of side effects for a lot of people like a high blood pressure water retention definitely noticing water retention in the skin outside the muscle. So something like your sock when you remove your sock having an indentation there or laying on the bed on your stomach and noticing lines all over it. When you get up once you start getting over a thousand five hundred milligrams of testosterone per week those side effects for most people do start coming on stronger and you know a thousand milligrams of testosterone. One per week is a great dosage and you can do a lot on that but I'm saying this stuff because you guys have been listening to the podcast for a while and you know while I don't want to promote like high dosage usage to you guys. I do want to help you understand accurately what people actually do to achieve their physiques and what dosages they're actually using what dosages, you know are considered normal or what dosage. Is people in the gyms that you see who are big are actually using not what you have read on the Internet or what somebody on the internet has told you is is big or what is normal but actually in reality when you go to the gym and you see people who are large, you know what they're using. So that's why I'm saying this to you guys, but not everybody does good on high test. And so, you know, Jack Cena was asking about equipoise and that's why we got off on this testosterone rant here was because he was asking about using medium testosterone dosages with high doses of equipoise. And so equipoise is a steroid that it turns into estrogen a lot less than testosterone. If you got big estrogen problems with testosterone or you get big bloating problems, or you get big acne problems or mood issues with testosterone, you know using one of these other steroids instead can definitely be a less side effect option. You know another reason why people use testosterone, you know, as a high dosage thing is because it doesn't really have a lot of Health side effects. You can usually take up to a gram of testosterone per week without really having any bad blood work if you keep your estrogen in check and it's also cheap for a high milligrams and it's very effective like a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week is pretty damn strong at building muscle and strength and it's not very expensive. Pensive compared to you know, a thousand milligrams of other steroids per week. So these are all reasons why people do that, but if you don't want to do that, you know, and you just use 500 or 700 milligrams of testosterone per week and then you can use if you get side effects from testosterone, you know, you can use other stuff like equipoise decada rambling or or the you know, the short acting for the fast-acting ester of deca called nandrolone fennel propionate. That's like It's like a it's similar to testosterone propionate kicks in a few days and then there's also pre mobile. And so equipoise Deca Prima Bolin. Those are like the three mass building injectables that are common other than testosterone that you can use, you know, obviously tremble own as well. But tremble own is another high side effect drug. So I guess you would say that there's there's testosterone then there's Prima Bolin deca. As and tremble own those are the five injectables that most people are building their physiques around or like their basis for their cycles that they build their physiques around and you know, you can go with a lower testosterone dosage and then use a higher dosage of these other compounds if you don't like testosterone and you can use those instead to get your milligrams in there and you can grow muscle just fine. So but just know that you know, most of them are not quite as strong as testosterone, so So, you know two grams of testosterone is stronger than 2 grams of equipoise or primo or Deca not a lot stronger, but that A Little Bit Stronger. It's a little bit stronger. So if you the main thing that you got to know is that most people who are big jacked dudes who you go and you see them at the gym and you say like damn that dude is Jack this fuck, you know the average Surge that these guys are running as somewhere between 1.5 to 2.5 for so grams of gear per week when they're on cycle somewhere between a thousand five hundred milligrams up to around two thousand five hundred milligrams of total steroids combined per week. So that means like, you know, their testosterone there and of are there equipoise their pre mobile and whatever, you know, whatever they're doing their cycle with if you added up the milligrams of all the different steroids that they're on Then you know the total milligram dosage would be somewhere between 1500 to 2500 or so in that range milligrams per week. That's the common dosage that you're going to see you're going to see people outside of those dosages but those are going to be like outliers. Okay, so the majority of the concentration if you made like a graph with dots with people, you know, and what their dosage is where you're generally going to see them within that area if they're the guys that you see at the gym and you say Damn, that dude is jacked as fuck. That's that's going to be it. So if you don't like testosterone and you want to put more milligrams into into getting in that range with other steroids, then that's fine. That's fine. But you know, a lot of other steroids do have some health side effects, you know, they can affect your blood work bad. You got to check your own blood work to see you know, whether or not they do affect your health bad, but you know normally just Ostrom does not affect you. Health badly, it's a bioidentical hormone. Your body knows exactly what to do with it. And then also a lot of these other ones are more expensive. So, you know, even me if I you know, if I had an unlimited supply of pre mobile and for free, all right, I would probably use like, you know, three C's 3 CCS or four cc's of testosterone per week and I'd use like a gram or a gram and a half of Prima Belen per week. You know, that would be even my preference but that's freaking expensive that's frickin. Okay. So these are all different reasons of why you know people do what they do. Hope that clears that up a little bit with going into high doses of equipoise and what it does. Yeah grows grows muscle grade, as long as you're getting in with into that 1.5 to 2.5 or 3 grams or so of total anabolic steroid milligrams per week. You know, if your total if you're using equipoise Prima, Bolin Deca whatever testosterone and getting into that area then you know that's going to be the sufficient amount of roids that you're going to need to have flowing through you in order to be jacked as fuck. Okay. So next question is from for the glory. Okay. Well, I've suffered secondary hypogonadism for a while. It's basically inhibited normal growth and development. I use some natural stuff to help progress my test levels. But it just isn't cutting it. I was wondering though if I could use Prima Boleyn or even low dose and of our Winstrol equipoise instead of actual testosterone to avoid certain sides. I'm not prone to hair loss, but it is a fear. So I've considered Deca only to still interested in competing for their and getting serious with Fitness. So I'm looking for gains as well. Okay. So this guy for the glory he sent me a picture of himself and he's an adult. So he even though he does have secondary hypogonadism and inhibited Some normal growth and development that phase for him is over and he has used some some hormones and stuff. So he's not going to be like growing anymore. He's already an adult. Okay, but you know for guys that have if you do if you did have normal or hypogonadism, which is low testosterone low hormone hormone levels and testicles that are not functioning fully, you know when you went through puberty and you have like a Penis or something like that. You can actually grow it or or like you can actually grow like a couple inches, like possibly, you know, an inch or two onto your height or get some of that normal development like some chest hair appearing or like your your penis growing to you know, what would be its normal length if you had some of those if you would have had normal hormone levels during puberty, you can get some of those benefits still if you did have low hormone levels during puberty and you miss that and now you're an adult and you know, you have some you're lacking some development. So if you do go on like testosterone replacement therapy that can generally it doesn't help guys height very much because they're bone plates already fused and so they can't grow much more but it can help finish off some of that development. So like if they you know, they they didn't have enough hormones. And so it caused their penis to be, you know, not growing as much as it should be You know then going on the the hormone replacement therapy can you know help it to be you know, it's normal size that it would have been if it would have had a complete its development and complete some other development like finishing off some like body hair and facial hair growth and stuff like that. But that's only if you started out, you know, not completing your development during puberty from having low hormone levels, so For guys if they've had hypogonadism and they grew up with that they grew up with that during their teenage years and never completed development hormone replacement therapy can still be something that you can go on and it can help you as an adult even to complete some of that development. So that's one thing with that and now for the glory is asking about using some anabolics. So so hormones that are More on the muscle building and less on the masculinizing side because he says he wants to avoid testosterone because of certain side effects like hair loss. Yeah. So if you don't want to have you know, masculinizing side effects or you know, masculinizing effects from using hormones, then yeah generally staying away from things like testosterone Trend blown Master on things like Like that have a that have a high stimulation of the male hormone receptor and have those really masculinizing effects generally staying away from those fine. And so Deca without testosterone. It has been shown in studies to be able to give sufficient male hormone Androgen replacement function. If you don't use it with just AA stirone generally the metabolites of nandrolone, which is called die hydronium. Alone in so with nandrolone, which is DECA. That's the chemical name for Decca as nandrolone interacts with an enzyme in the body called 5-alpha reductase. That's the enzyme that turns testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, which is the brain chemical the brain steroid that works. It makes you have a you know, masculinized brain and the behavior components of steroids and then you know, like makes you be able to get an erection things like that. Okay, so since if you have noticed Estas thrown in your body, but you have nandrolone in your body instead Deca that same enzyme felt 5-alpha reductase interacts with the nandrolone and it is able to convert that nandrolone into a more potent version that can still act in the penis and in the brain called dihydrogen and alone, so it's not nearly as potent as dihydrotestosterone. But if you have high levels of nandrolone, you know, so then then you can get enough of that die Hydra nandrolone that you can still get that full hormonal. In your body. So if a normal person was taken like 250 milligrams, you know of testosterone per week, you know, they would be able to get the full hormonal benefits and having their hormonal system being stimulated like a like an androgen replacement therapy benefit from that. Okay, but in order to equal that with with nandrolone, you have to take a higher dosage of nandrolone because you got to have that that metabolites of nandrolone that does the effects that stimulate your hormonal system in order to enough in order. To replace the you know not having to hide your testosterone your body because you're not going to have any dihydrotestosterone the brain chemical in your body. If you're not taking testosterone, you're just taking Deca. So since died Hydro nandrolone is much weaker than dihydrotestosterone. You got to take more of it in order to get a similar effect. So for somebody that was taken Deca only and you know wanting to still have like a good functioning sex drive and Stuff like that, you know, they got to be taken like 800 milligrams per week, you know absolute minimum of 600 milligrams per week at Absolute minimum, you know somewhere between 600 milligrams, you know up to a thousand milligrams of nandrolone per week in order to get enough of that hormone in them to stimulate their hormonal system enough to be you know normal to have a Androgen replacement or testosterone replacement therapy hormone replacement therapy. Checked in their body coming from the DECA nandrolone and with Decca, you know, even for guys that are prone to hair loss. It generally doesn't cause hair loss Deca and anavar if you're somebody who's like super worried about taking steroids and hair loss or if you've liked taking steroids and gotten hair loss and you're like really afraid of it or something like, you know, taking Deca and anavar and not taking any other steroids is your best bet to keep that. Day and deal with that. So yeah, you can do that. Jorge asks, someone told me to drop Trend and take only Master on pre-contest your thoughts. Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea. And so the reason why is because you know, I've experimented with this myself I've experimented with you know, only running master on only running master on and Winstrol only running master on Winstrol and probe ayran and me tell you okay for one thing your sex drive goes bye-bye, bye-bye. As soon as you take out that estrogen component from from your cycle. Okay, so if you have no testosterone in there and you are on Master on normally Master on increases your sex drive a lot. Okay, but if you take out the testosterone and then you have no more estrogen so you get no more estrogen in your brain because your brain needs estrogen to function correctly by sex drive by So that's one thing okay with Master on and the other thing with Master on is that it provides zero muscle fullness. So k0 it actually, you know taking Master on kind of reduces muscle fullness a little bit. It makes it provides a very lean athletic dense hard. Look, okay, very dense very hard, but kind of a sucking in a sucking in look to the muscles. Okay, and so to have any kind of fullness at all. On Master on you have to have something that loads glycogen into the muscle in addition to that or else you will look so damn flat on Master on only or Master on and Winstrol only you'll look very dense and hard but you will have no like 3D pop or roundness to your muscle. No fullness at all. You look very suck down and flat and you know kind of natural looking like as far as you know, not being 3D and you know not Having that round shape to your muscles having more of a lean long flat athletic look to your muscles instead. That's what's going to happen. If you take out Trimble own and if you're you know, if you're only using Trimble own and Master on pre-contest because you know, what a lot of people do pre-contest is they use testosterone trembling and Master on together and then the last three weeks before the contest they drop out the testosterone and just go in to the contest on tremble own Master on and a lot of times Winstrol together. And that you know that actually provides a decent look the tremble own keeps the glycogen storage in the muscle, you know high enough that you know, there's still some 3D roundness and pop but then there's no water retention at all from having any testosterone in there. So they get the combination of having that lean dry hard stuff down. Look while still having some muscle fullness with the tremble own in there. But if you do take out the Trimble own and only go on the master on let me tell you I mean, you should try it just so you Experience this you should try it and see what happens because yeah, you get so flat. It's a very lean athletic look people will think you came off cycle. That's what happens. People will think you look they'll be like, whoa. You got a lot smaller here. Did you go off cycle and you'll look real hard in suck down, but you will look very flat stringy, not 3D not round, you know, you could be you could be natural, but you'll look very hard at the same time. I'm it just don't do it. Just don't do it unless you want to don't do it pre-contest. Okay, you can experiment with it before your contest, but it's not going to be a good thing. If you do this pre-contest, you're not going to be happy with the result Garrett asks. Hey, man, just recently discovered the podcast and I'm a huge fan. I've done two cycles of trend and I'm about to jump on another stack but want to tone it down a little how does one go about finding Farm grade gear though. Have access to a few underground labs, but listen to your podcast about your infection. Okay, so getting Farm grade gear I'd said that you know after my leg infection I said that you know, I couldn't use or I couldn't inject myself anymore with underground lab gear because you know, it's Russian Roulette, you know, are you going to get an infection if you use underground lab gear probably not but could you get an infection like me if you use underground lab gear? Yeah. Yeah, you're putting yourself at risk and everybody Builder that's honest with themselves. Was that you know it is it is it's not probable but it can happen and it's kind of like Russian Roulette, you know low probability Russian Roulette, you know in getting stuff that's made by drug dealers into your body and you know injecting that strated into your body through your body's defenses and you know bad things can happen and they do happen. I'm not the only one who has had an infection from UGL gear. You know other people have to so guys that are you know worried about that and thinking like, oh, I need Farm great gear, you know, obviously it comes, you know, it can be diverted it. You know people that okay. I'm not even going to talk about that. Okay. There are hormone clinics in Florida. There are hormone clinics in Florida. Okay that are online and you know, I even coached some guys that used because you know, I do the The one-hour phone call consultations for you guys that listen to the podcast and then I also do the daily WhatsApp text messaging coaching where you know, it's month to month and you know, one of the some of the guys that I do the coaching with they they are they use Farm grade gear Farm great human growth hormone and a farm grade testosterone Deca even some of them have Winstrol and and of are prescribed by these hormone replacement. Is an integral from Florida and what they do is these these clinics in Florida? Some of them are anti-aging clinics or Rejuvenation clinics. They have websites and the doctor will do a Skype video chat with you and prescribe you the pharmaceutical grade gear over the Internet. Okay through after doing the Skype chat with you, so it's legal. Okay. It's legal its If it's not like sketchy or underground or not legit, okay, and then they mail you your gear your your hormone replacement stuff in the mail with the prescription with it. Okay, so it comes to your door with a prescription from the doctor in the mail. Okay, and then people say but is it expensive? Yeah, of course, it's expensive like get real. Okay, like, you know people who say You know, oh I can't do it if it's expensive. Okay. Well, this is the things that things like pharmaceutical grade human growth hormone pharmaceutical grade gear, you know, getting you know higher dosages of testosterone and you know other anabolic hormones prescribed to you by a doctor, you know, these things aren't cheap people expect these things to be cheap. And that's the reason why a lot of people do use you GLS is because they're cheap. More accessible but I think most people do have some way, you know, if you get UGL gear, usually those guys do know of some way that they can get pharmaceutical-grade gear but it's you know, two to three times the price of the UGL gear and so they're like, oh well, I don't want to do that or something like that. And I mean then if you choose that you don't want to do that then like I said, you're putting yourself at risk where you could have something happen to you like what happened? And to me with my leg infection in Colombia, if you don't know what happened just Google search Dan bodybuilder in Thailand leg infection and it will come up and you know, is that going to happen to you? If you use you'll UGL gear probably not. Could it happen to you? Yeah, it could you're taking that risk. It's probably not going to happen, but it could so, you know, that's that's why I decided. Me, you know, I had that happen once I got freaking burned and I can't take any chances with that happening again. So what I said because you know, obviously I had to sit down with myself and have a discussion with myself like yo, you know, what caused you to almost lose your leg, you know and talk to myself and say like this cannot happen again. So how can I make you know sure that this is not going to happen again and for me What I decided that I had to do in for my life to take care of myself from now on is that I can't take any more injections of UGL gear. So for injections, I only use pharmaceutical grade gear now and then you know for tablets, you know, I'm still okay with taking like a tablet for it with a with a UGL gear. So like an oral steroid. I'm okay with that but as far as injections go that's a complete know for me. That's what I had to do this. Vision that I had to make from my life to ensure that that will never happen again. Alright, next question is from Jay who asks, hey Dan fan of the podcast. I've been a natural body builder for eight years successfully gained from a Thirty One Thirty pounds, and now at 205 pounds of lean now if I want to take it to the next level what steroids stack would be perfect to start with and why? Okay, I checked out a picture of this guy because he sent it and he looks good too. So great job on that natural bodybuilding good job with that with so I'm just going to say like what is the steroid cycle that I recommend for beginners? So earlier we talked about Dave Palumbo. He recommends for a first beginner steroid cycle a thousand milligrams of testosterone per week me I recommend less testosterone than that because testosterone Can cause some troubleshooting issues? Okay. So testosterone becomes a lot of other hormones in the body, it can become estrogen can become dihydrotestosterone and then there's metabolites of those hormones and it can have effects on other hormonal systems. So what I prefer to do is use a lower dosage of testosterone for a guy on a first cycle and then use some other steroids in there that don't produce any other hormones other than just the Oh mon that you put into you. So if you take a lower dosage of testosterone, you can have less trouble shooting with estrogen levels or dihydrotestosterone levels or whatever to have to Tinker around with then if you take the higher dosage so for guys that are doing the first cycle and they asked me you know, like what should I take? What I say to them is I'd say two cc's of testosterone per week 500 milligrams of testosterone per week. Just because I think that less than that. Um, you know, it really doesn't provide like that that wow or bang Factor like at all that you're looking for because people have expectations when they're going on steroids and they're like, you know, they have expectations of what's going to happen. And you know, if it's this really slow methodological gradual change that happens over months. That's not what they're really looking for and they're usually pretty damn disappointed about it. so, you know, I recommend, you know, 500 milligrams of testosterone per week paired with an oral that doesn't have any estrogenic effects or doesn't have any severe side effects, really and so usually like plug-and-play orals where you know, for example with testosterone or tremble on or Deca or even equipoise, you know it when you use those you have to Tinker On with anti-estrogen pills or anti prolactin pills and be you know tinkering around with these dosages of these other chemicals to control side effects and shit, but with something like like wind straw or an of our order in a ball or Prima Boleyn, you don't have to add anything in there just plug and play steroids and there's no trouble shooting necessary. You just start taking it. You don't have to take anything else with it. You just start taking the roid and it works. And it makes you look better it makes you stronger and it makes you grow muscle. So in order to you know have that experience when you get on the gear where you're like, oh, wow. I'm impressed by this like this is what I imagined would happen when I went on gear quickly gaining size strength muscle mass and looking better. What's going to work good for that is Out with about 500 milligrams of testosterone or so per week. And then some taken something like 50 milligrams and of our or Winstrol or Toronto ball per day if you wanted to do an oral and that's that's what I would recommend is one of those three. Winstrol and of our or to rent a ball at around 50 milligrams per day paired with 500 milligrams of testosterone. That is the beginner steroid cycle that I would recommend but some people are like scared to death of orals and I don't think that's really necessary. But if that's you for some reason then you pretty much got to Shell out the extra money for Prima Bolin if you are looking for that same kind of thing where it's like Plug and Play. With no side effects and you know having that expectation where you know, you're looking better give me a stronger and getting bigger and and it will also be a little bit slower obviously to experience the gains if he is pretty mobile and in comparison to if you use an oral, so for those guys that are you know, like dead set on not using an oral for their first steroid cycle, then it would be the same thing that I would recommend. I'd recommend about a thousand per sorry about 500 milligrams. Grams or so of testosterone per week and I'd recommend like 600 milligrams of pre mobile and per week with that. So that would be a shot of testosterone twice per week and a full three CC shot of Prima Bolin twice per week. And I mean those those would be easy Cycles to do there's not going to be a lot of side effects you have to deal with you can pretty much just take take those roids and be good to go with the testosterone, you know. Gonna have to probably take a room at X or X Ms. 10, you know a couple pills per week, but that's it. And other than that, you can just beyond the cycle. Enjoy. The gains not have side effects not have any kind of like fucked up sex drive or anything like that and just enjoy what you're doing. So that's what that's what I recommend for first beginner cycle. The next question is from Grant who asks? Hi first off love the podcast bought your ebook Ultimate Guide to roids amazing depth of knowledge put into both starting my first cycle of 250 milligrams test an ant at 12 weeks going to use aromasin eczema standing as anti estrogen and wanted to use HCG throughout. What dosage HCG would you recommend I use per week also. You would recommend which main blood work. I should get checked for the cycle. Thanks in advance. All right, so with 250 milligrams testosterone per week, you're not going to have health effects, like negative health effects from that that is a dosage that you know doctors prescribe regularly for testosterone replacement therapy. And that means for guys that have no testosterone getting them up to normal testosterone levels for most guys that take 250 milligrams per week of testosterone that will get them a little bit above normal testosterone levels like We'll get them around a thousand nanograms per deciliter or thousand, you know somewhere between a thousand thousand thousand five hundred nanograms per deciliter. Whereas the normal normal range is more like 500 to 900 nanograms per deciliter or 600 900 or so for normal, you know, good to stop certain levels and normal men who are not over 40 years old. Those are the normal numbers. So it'll get you a little bit on the higher end of the spectrum, but some guys it won't some guy We'll get them still in the in that normal completely normal Spectrum. It depends on how your body metabolizes testosterone how effective your body is at getting rid of the testosterone drug. Once it's in your body how high your blood levels will get so as far as like blood work and stuff like that like you can definitely get your blood work checked and you know, if you take steroids and you want to get your blood work checked, you should get a full afull regular Health panel, so You go on to a place like private web or private medlabs private MD Labs. I think is what it's, you know, you can order if you don't have insurance or you don't want to do it through your doctor. You can just do it through them and and they have a program where you can go to some kind of lab that they contract with and if you live in major cities and you don't live in New York because I think it's banned in New York, you know, you can go there take a little blood. test and then they send the info to the website think it's called private MD labs and then they post your blood test results and you can view them online and that's that and you know, generally what you want to do when you are on steroids as you want to get a full health panel some guys they want to check their testosterone levels when they're on cycle and that's totally reasonable to and a good thing to do to see, you know, if your gears legit, like if you're wondering testing your total testosterone levels, but if you're looking at For health then you just need to get the General Health panel that shows you know, your liver enzymes your cholesterol your blood lipids your kidney function Etc shows all the normal stuff and you can just see you know, how the organs of your body are running and mostly everything should be in the normal range some things that might be a little bit off. Sometimes as liver enzymes can be a little bit high and that can be From taking oral steroids or it can just be from working out because working out breaks down tissue and it makes your liver enzymes go a little bit High sometimes and then the other thing is cholesterol can get raised a little bit from being on testosterone and also from being on. From being on from being on oral steroids and then oral steroids also can affect your blood lipids as well. So those are the those of the testing parameters that usually get a this more common to see those get out of range from taking steroids. Another thing that gets out of range a little bit is he mad or credit which is the amount of red blood cells in your blood like the density of red blood cells in your blood. So hemoglobin means Like the total amount of volume of your blood with the red blood cells in it. And then the hematocrit is just like how much red blood cells you have. And so those numbers are both related and you know, either of them can be good for looking at you know, do I have too many red blood cells if your have high hemoglobin or if you have high hematocrit those can both be accurate tests for showing, you know, if you have too many red blood cells in your blood. And the way that you get rid of that though, if you if you get that is you go you go give blood you donate blood you get the blood out of your body and that thins out your blood again and gets rid of some of those extra red blood cells, but you know talking about high red blood cell count is that you know, a lot of athletes try to get high red blood cell count, you know, that's why you hear about people training at high altitudes and then coming down and competing at low. It's because at high altitudes is less oxygen so the body responds by producing more red blood cells and they come back down to normal altitude and they have extra red blood cells, which means they have more oxygen being able to flow through their body feel their cardiovascular system and feel their muscles. So they're at an advantage. Another thing that people, you know, the athletes have been known to do is to you know, draw their blood and take, you know, a bag of blood of their own blood and then put it in the fridge and keep it there for months and then when it's time for the competition, you know, their body has regenerated and has a normal blood again, but now they reinsert that blood that they took out, you know months earlier and they reinsert it into their body and plug it back into their bloodstream. So now they have extra red blood cells again, so then they're able to do a better athletic performance. So when you're talking about slightly raised hematocrit or slightly raised red blood cell levels, it's something that Generally desire. So as long as it's not, you know out of, you know, pretty high out of range or you know, like definitely out of range. It's not such a bad issue. Okay, I give blood I give blood once every three months and I just leave it at that. Usually just to let you know. Usually I am at the top of the normal range for he mad okra and hemoglobin like I'm right at the point. Wow, that's my general thing with giving blood blood once every three months. That's what I normally do and when I go in and get my amount of credit and hemoglobin tested, my numbers are right at the top of the normal range like bordering on what would be too high, so, that's me. Okay. Next question is from Mike. Can you talk about how the use of Kratom can benefit someone on cycle? I for one have been running 1.5 grams of tests and Kratom has really helped me stabilize my mood also a fast strain pre-workout feels amazing. What are your thoughts? Yeah, Kratom is an incredible pre-workout drug for bodybuilding. So, you know, this is not a good thing. But back in the 90s people were using injectable Vicodin called ngubane as a pre-workout. You know, they said, you know, it lowers cortisol. So it's good. But you know, then everybody got addicted ngubane because it's injectable Vicodin and they were taking it intravenously and so people were walking around with fanny packs with Vicodin bottles and syringes inside not a good thing. Okay, but so what Kratom is is there's different kind of opiate receptors in your body. Kratom is a plant that grows in Southeast Asia. And the leaves are ground up into a powder and then you eat the powder. Okay, and there are different kind of opiate receptors in the body. There's the kind of opiate receptors that morphine and it's analog such as vicodin can stimulate and then there's other kind of opiate receptors in your body and the kind of opiate receptors that Kratom stimulates are the ones that are not the same kind primarily not the same kind that morphine and Vicodin stimulate. Okay, so it these Is that the Kratom stimulates? It doesn't have those same kind of like real addictive effects. And it also doesn't suppress your breathing. So that's definitely one of the main dangerous effects of things like, you know, morphine or heroin or you know, Vicodin is one the addiction potential and then too depressing your breathing and then dying from having a cardiovascular or like collapse where you know, you stopped breathing. But with the Kratom that doesn't happen, it doesn't suppress your breathing. And then also it does have some some addictive properties to it. It's about as addictive as coffee is if you're a black coffee drinker, you know, you know that's addictive but I mean I've been addicted to coffee I've definitely been addicted to coffee where it's like I can't function without it. You know, if you can't function without something if you can't function without without it normally then yeah, your body's got an addiction to that substance. It has to have Chemical in order to be normal. So that's happened to me with Kratom to you know, where you know, I would be using Kratom every day two or three times a day at around 5 to 10 grams per dosage and it's an incredible antidepressant and and it really creates a great optimistic feeling. It makes you feel very optimistic and you really see a light at the end of the tunnel and it's incredible for Or your mood but you know if I wanted to stop taking it, you know, I would have to stop taking it and then for the next one and a half or two days, you know, I really wouldn't feel too great. You know, I feel kind of like like I had a cold, you know, I wouldn't feel hot. That's for sure. And if you've tried to stop drinking coffee after you've been drinking coffee all throughout the day, you know every day like that. So, you know, like I said, I was taking Kratom, you know, two or three times a day every day. That's a similar way to a lot of people drink, you know, coffee two or three times a day every day. And you know when I when you want to stop drinking coffee and you've been doing that and the same thing when you've been taking Kratom and you want to stop doing that it for the next about two days, you know, you don't you don't feel too good. It's not like some kind of crazy thing where you're like mentally addicted and shit like that. I mean, I don't even think it's mentally addicted Kratom. I don't think it's as mentally addictive as even like marijuana is Because it doesn't really it's not an escape. It's definitely not an escape. So it makes you feel certain ways. It can make you feel good, but it doesn't change your State of Consciousness. So like something like getting drunk or you know smoking even even weed or taking some other kind of like like drugs can change your State of Consciousness and be like an escape from your normal. Life and the things that stress you out and stuff like that, but create them doesn't stain change your State of Consciousness. You're still exactly in reality and still exactly in that same Zone. You're not in this different state of mind. You're in your normal state of mind. You just feel better. You have more optimism you have more motivation and it's like an antidepressant and also it can make your body like have a good feeling to your body take away aches and pains stuff like that. And then if you use it as a pre-workout and To the gym, you know, it can really make you have an amazing workout because it reduces the amount of pain that you can feel so you can just like go longer and harder and also you just don't get tired. You just cannot feel the fact that you get tired or worn out in the gym. So you can basically work out for two or three hours at high intensity and not feel tired feel amazing feel great doing that. Yeah. Yeah. It's an incredible pre-workout and You know, it's a really great thing. I don't use kratom anymore. The last time I use kratom was about six months ago. I started using it because I got prescribed. I had a chronic injury like a repetitive motion injury and my arms and this was years ago and you know, the doctor prescribed me Tramadol. He prescribed me tram at all to be using everyday to deal with that and I didn't want to take that every day. And so then I, you know started taking things. My own hands found out about Kratom and I use that instead and it worked, you know better than the Tramadol for managing my pain and you know, it just worked better for me. And what's something natural. It was a plant that I ate, you know plant powder that I ate rather than a pharmaceutical drug and I preferred it. So that's how I started using Kratom and now like it's not legal in time then for one thing. So that's one reason why I never use it in Thailand. But you know when I go back to America, you know, I like to have a Kratom every you know, maybe once every three weeks or so, you know, I go for months sometimes without taking it ever but you know, it's definitely nice to take a Kratom. Sometimes take a 5 to 10 grams of creatine powder eat it. And yeah, it's good make I have a great day on that day for sure or if I felt low or something or for some reason on that day and I took the kratom. I feel incredible that day instead. So that's kratom. Alright, the next question is from Natty P who says high dose and of our blast say eight weeks at a hundred milligrams every day over a cruise dose of testosterone. I like anavar because it makes me feel good and it just kind of work steadily. Am I wrong in thinking more equals better? Thanks. Love the podcast Yeah, a hundred milligrams per day of anavar is a great dosage. So Anna Bart pretty much becomes effective around 40 milligrams per day. That's when you start to feel it and I'm talking pharmaceutical grade. Anavar. I know that people people talk about like oh back in the old days. We took ten milligrams of animal per day or 20 milligrams and of our per day like they're talking that down. They they didn't use low dosages in the Golden Era. I mean I can tell you that. I don't want to get into it too much about you know, discussing exactly. The what they were using because you know, they were abusing stuff just like the guys today abuse stuff. Okay, and we don't need to always be talking about the most, you know, insane abuse and shit that you know Pro heavyweight bodybuilders. Do you know that's just unnecessary to be like constantly hammering you guys with that we talked about that on the show enough that people use high dosages and so you know that by now, okay, so when people talk about, you know, using 20 milligrams per day of anavar and being like yeah, I'm a pro bodybuilder something that's not accurate. It okay. It's just not accurate like you if you've used roids before and you know, what roids do like you use your common sense and see that's not realistic. So for you for end of our to start being perceptible and to start being like yeah, I definitely notice the effects. It's not like maybe I notice it but I noticed the effects or two milligrams per day is pretty much the minimum dosage that you're going to get that kind of effect from and once you get up to like 60 milligrams per day. It's like I'm getting a good effect from this and then at a hundred milligrams per day. I'm getting a great effect from this. I'm getting a gray effect. So when you talk about, you know, are you wrong in thinking more is better with anavar. No absolutely not a hundred milligrams per day is a fantastic dosage for and of are you know, some people use Trend blown at a hundred milligrams per day is that weird, you know or 50 milligrams per day of trembling. So 350 milligrams per week or seven hundred milligrams per week of tremble own. Those are not unusual dosages at all where you know, even taken like a thousand milligrams of some kind of hormone, you know thousand milligrams of tests or Prima Bolin or equipoise, you know, these things are not that abnormal. So sometimes people are worried about toxicity from oral steroids. And that's true the world steroids can give some toxicity some total body toxicity and some liver toxicity, but anavar is you know, much less toxic than basically any other world steroid and where other oral steroids have been shown you know it Dosages and prolonged use to you know, occasionally and somebody, you know, especially if they have some kind of pre-existing liver liver condition, but also sometimes you know occasionally if they don't, you know, they can have you know, some major liver problems or you know, occasionally even there's been liver failure reported from people, you know, abusing oral steroids so that that does happen but not not with a Navarre and of our has been shown to raise liver enzymes a bit on it. Occasion but there's never been any liver failure reported for ban of our and actually one of the prescription uses that the doctor in America will prescribe anavar it for is for people who have alcohol induced fatty liver failure. Okay, they can prescribe. Anavar. This is a reason they prescribe anavar is to help those people recover their livers. Okay, so just going to say and of art isn't quite like those Other oral antibiotics steroids. Yes, they all are you know, they all other oral antibiotics steroids are liver toxic because they they reduce or they resist breakdown in the liver because they have a molecule called 17 Alpha alkylation added to the hormone molecule and that that 17 Alpha alkylation molecule makes it be able to resist breakdown in the liver and it causes liver stress to happen. So and of are actually has that too. It also has that 17 of alkylation, but for some reason and doctors and scientists don't know why they just noticed from studying that it doesn't cause the same amount of liver stress as the other oral steroids do it's far far less than the other ones. So yeah hundred milligrams and of our per day fantastic dosage of anavar. The next question is from Lou. He says I want to look like models on. People like Jeff side or Carlton Loth. How possible okay, so these guys take way ranging dosages of performance-enhancing drugs. You can't really like categorize them all as being taking one thing. So some of these guys take you know, High dosages of Trent and others of them take lower dosages or some of them. Don't take Trend and rely on other stuff. so you can't say like this is what they take, but I can tell you, you know, generally what it what these guys what these guys use and what they use is they use nutrient partitioning agents and they use they use Muscle hardener compounds. So the the hormones that are popular with them are tremble own and of our wind straw Master on those the popular hormones that they use that those guys like to use most of them use testosterone propionate holds less water. Then long-acting testosterone helps you look more ripped and it's basically more effective as well at the same dosage is a longer does And then a lot of them use pharmaceutical grade human growth hormone. So pharmaceutical-grade human growth hormone. A lot of people say like growth hormone has water retention. But if you have pharmaceutical grade of our growth hormone, not very much not really and and especially if you're not running it in a super high dosage if you're running it at a dosage five, I use or below not not really not much water retention there. And so growth hormone directly burns fat, it makes it so that you can eat food and not store it as fat a lot of these guys also use thyroid hormones like T4 and T3 and they use clenbuterol. They also use metformin because metformin is like a filter and so when you take Metformin a thousand milligrams of 2,000 milligrams per day, it stops about 30% of the fats and carbohydrates that you eat from being absorbed and instead. They just go straight through you and you shit them out. So it can be like a filter for some of the unclean food that you see these guys eat. You see these guys like bragging and showing off by like eating pizza eating ice cream stuff like that and doing it frequently and saying like, you know, look at my body that I can maintain, you know, for those guys, you know, having a you know, increasing their metabolic rate their basal metabolic rate by taking thyroid hormones, and then, you know having a A filter on their food that filters some of the energy out just makes it go straight through them and they can shit it out by taking metformin and then taking human growth hormone, which blocks fat cells from being able to intake energy and promotes muscle cells taking them instead and then also directly burns fat off of your stomach area, you know, those are things that help with that and then also tremble own things that you know, it's definitely also blocks. Uptake of energy by fat cells in it directly burns fat and makes your muscles look harder and shit like that. So yeah, if I was going to give like a basic cycle that would work. That would just be like an average cycle for These Guys these guys that are like, you know, if you want to have that Jeff side body that Carlton laughs body that Z's body. Okay, the first thing though that I got to put I got to put out this disclaimer here a lot of these guys Just born genetically lean there. Are these guys that You know when they were 8 years old they had an eight-pack. Yeah, you saw these guys growing up and you saw them in high school and even in college a little bit that these guys that they just don't have that on their body. They're skinny. They're not they're not muscular, but they, you know, they normally have that that wide clavicle where the clavicle the area like their collarbone and their shoulders are wide and they have the smaller waist and they're just born You know lean they've just always had an eight pack or six pack and they were born that way never could gain fat never could gain muscle and then they go on steroids and that decreases the amount of thyroid hormone that they naturally produce and you know, then they're able to gain some weight and put on some muscle. So that's what a lot of these guys are, you know, you know, they go on a little bit of trend they go on a little bit of growth hormone and A little bit of test propionate and you know, they use some clenbuterol sometimes and then a lot of times they don't even have a big appetite either so they have a good time staying lean not being too muscular, but then having a really hard ripped look and that's how they get that look. That's how a lot of these guys are. So this is the disclaimer before I tell you a cycle of like how you can you know progress towards that but you know, a lot of these guys genetically they're coming from that starting point. And so then they just throw in some Trends some wind straw some growth hormone and you know doing that some clenbuterol having a low appetite and doing that with their genetics of already being lean. Now, they add some muscle thickness and you know, they look they look really good and that's that's that but if that's not you Then the best way to approximate that look would be raising your basal metabolic rate by taking thyroid hormones using the filter to make it so that you don't absorb as much of your food that you eat, you know, because these guys aren't that big so taken 2,000 milligrams of Metformin per day taken, you know, 25 micrograms of T3 thyroid hormone / day. Take in a hundred milligrams of tremble own acetate every other day. So around 350 milligrams per week of tremble and acetate same dosage of testosterone propionate and taken about for I use or even just to I use of farm grade human growth hormone per day and doing some clenbuterol sometimes with cardio not lifting too heavy in the gym, but Doing a lot of workouts that are like non-stop weight training with lighter weights, but you just don't ever stop training. You don't take rest breaks burn a lot of calories in the gym and you obviously do cardio those. Those are the ways that you can most that you can most approximate that look if that's not naturally how you are. All right. Final question for today is from Dan. He says I'm getting older 46 been training a long time never taken. Cycle as a natural. I've got a good amount of muscle, but it's getting harder to lose weight. What would you take as a first cycle with my metrics and how long to get a good muscular lean build? Okay. So if your natural definitely get on some testosterone, you're 46 and you're looking for a boost and you looking to do your first cycle so definitely get on it some testosterone you could just go to your doctor, you know, get your base to start our own because that will be very easy for you to do. Do go to go to the doctor get them to prescribe you, you know, your pharmaceutical grade testosterone so you don't have to worry about UGL bullshit testosterone that you know, it's probably fine if you do use that but it's better not to it's always better to use pharmaceutical grades. And since you're approaching middle age, this is definitely the time that you could get that without much difficulty. So I advise that get on the testosterone and then like I said, Earlier about first cycle to recommend you know, anavar is really great. And it's really low side effects. So anavar Toronto ball or Winstrol. Those are all drugs that make you harder stronger and look better and grow muscle and they do it fast right away. So those are definitely good ones and you can just take you know, 50 milligrams per day of any of those. You know, I would for me I would probably prefer an of are especially if I was in my 40s, that's what I would do because I mean anavar is definitely the most healthy one of those choices and I would I would be doing like I was talking about with these guys that were wanting to do this this lean Instagram model look like Jeff side or whatever, you know, a lot of these guys the way that their training in the gym, is there burning a lot of calories. So when you go to the gym and you are just lifting heavy weights and you know, you're resting And then you go and you know lift another weight set for you know, it last 20 seconds and then you rest for another three minutes and do that, you know for an hour you've exercised for like a grand total of like three and a half five minutes by the time you're our workout is up and it really doesn't burn much energy at all. And if you're not physically active in the day, other than that like you really don't have a very high caloric need at all. So like a lot of guys that wonder you know, how come I'm not burning more calories. How come I can't eat more food without getting fat, you know, a lot of it is because other than that weight lifting with a lot of resting in between. They're not really getting any other physical activity during the day. So I would definitely recommend, you know, getting on the trt taken some anavar and changing your workouts to doing non-stop weightlifting basically like you stop the set like you go you're doing some bench press and you know as soon as you That bench press set. You're doing a little bit of pull ups and then you know, you're doing a little bit of dumbbell rows and then you go back to the bench press and you know, you've only rested, you know, maybe 15 seconds between each of those exercises and you basically do that for an hour in the gym. So you're basically constantly moving working in the gym without rest and you know, that's the best way to get your training to be building more of that lean athletic look, Rather than a more softer bigger look. If you would like your questions to be answered on the steroids podcast go to steroids and leave a comment with your questions or email or private message steroids podcast at or steroids podcast on Instagram until next time.
Fitness Model Steroid Cycle - The Steroids Podcast Daily Text Msg Coaching $99/month and 1 Hour Phone Call Consult $59 Send Email to inquire about Coaching to "" ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ROIDS #1 BOOK ON TRUTH IN THE HISTORY OF BODYBUILDING 0:00 Low Back Pumps from Dbol 4:42 Foot Pumps from Winstrol 5:49 Cramping from Clenbuterol 12:00 High Dose Equipoise Cycle 14:20 Reality of Testosterone Dosages 16:30 Dave Palumbo Quote "Every Good Steroid Cycle Starts with 1000mg Testosterone Per Week" 18:30 Dorian Yates Quote on Testosterone Dosages 22:35 The Common Mass Building Injectable Steroids 26:48 Guy Suffering from Hypogonadism and afraid of Hair Loss but Wants to Make Big Gains and Compete in Fitness 30:00 Anavar and Deca and Hair Loss from steroids - Dihydronandrolone Hormone Replacement Therapy Effects 34:00 Dropping Trenbolone and Taking only Masteron Pre-contest Masteron only cycle effects 37:40 Pharmaceutical Grade Gear - My Leg Infection 39:20 Longevity and Hormone Replacement Clinics 43:35 Natural Bodybuilder Asks For First Steroid Cycle Advice 49:50 Starting First Cycle of 250mg Testosterone Per Week Questions about Health Effects and Bloodwork 53:48 Hematocrit Level on Steroid Cycle High Red Blood Cell Count 54:50 What is Blood Doping in Athletes 56:05 My Personal Hematocrit and Hemoglobin Levels on Cycle 56:45 History of Nubain in Bodybuilding 57:30 Kratom Bodybuilding Kratom Effects 59:45 Kratom Withdrawal 1:01:35 Kratom Preworkout 1:03:45 High Dose Anavar Blast 100mg Per Day over Cruise Dosage of Testosterone 1:08:35 Jeff Seid and Carlton Loth Steroids Cycle This Podcast is for entertainment and conversational purposes only. If any substances mentioned in this video are illegal in your country do not use them. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise or supplement routine. Do not take anything mentioned in this video as advice. It is simply conversation, not advice.
This is optimal living daily episode 1142. Are you positive about Positive Thinking by Greg Audino of Greg and I'm your narrator Justin moloch reading you blogs or articles or doing reenactments every single day of the year to help you live a more meaningful life. This is a video reenactment episode. But before we get to it small business owners wear a lot of hats and while some hats are great others like the filing taxes and running payroll hat are not so great. That's where it Gusto comes in. It also makes payroll taxes and H are actually easy for small businesses the still automatically pays and files your federal state and local taxes. So you don't have to worry about it. Plus they make it easy to add on health benefits even 401ks for your team and you get direct access to certified EHR experts to sounds like a pretty good way to kick off 2019 for your business, right? But here's the thing tax deadlines creep up super fast and you're going to want to get started now, so don't wait like us don't make it easier on you. It's made my life a lot easier. Here and as a bonus listeners get three months free when they run their first payroll. This is one had you're gonna be glad you gave up try a demo and see for yourself at old that's G you Oh LD. So Greg Audino is an actor life coach and super nice guy. He has videos that I love so I'm basically re-enacting one of those for you. So let's get right to it as we optimize your life. Are you positive about Positive Thinking by Greg Audino of Greg Think positively not exactly groundbreaking thought is it like anything that's been repeated enough to simple instruction to think positively has lost a lot of his novelty. Not everyone is as sold on it anymore. We are no longer living in the 1950s when people will blindly say, okay. What a good idea. I'll do that and proceeded to live a life of depression duck behind a branded toothy smile. There's much less Conformity these days people are speaking up mostly for the sake of gaining attention by Whining incessantly but still my ideas are being challenged and that's a good thing. The only problem with ideas being challenged. However is our need for drama. That is drastic changes that go from black to white skipping over the gray flipping things completely upside down for the sake of new discovery as opposed to looking at them from a different yet. Truthful angle. The same is true of positive thinking realists will argue that positive thinking is a hokey waste of time that it's cute. But only for people that are too weak to handle The struggle of reality but realist fear being vulnerable enough to believe in the spontaneity of romance in case it doesn't work out for them romanticist. However will argue that positive thinking is the only way to approach anything that by staying positive you can drive through pain and always stay on the sunny side of life and ultimately make any life you want for yourself a romanticist fear life shaking them into something they don't want in case reality doesn't work out for them for many the relationship to the classic idea. Idea of positive thinking then is rooted in fear. We either resist it out of here that will blow up in our face or we cling to it because we don't want to Bear the pain of life not going the way we wanted to I'm here to propose what I think positive thinking is really all about because it's more layered than motivational hack jobs, like myself make it out to be with real is withdrawn to thinking that reality is non-inclusive abundant possibilities and romanticists withdrawn to thinking that they can Will themselves away from pain. Is there not potential that positivity The and grief can coexist. Is it possible that these two can fuse together and make thinking positively more about learning positively if you'll humor me on this close your eyes or not. If you're driving take a second to think about what's really dominating your life right now any invasive thoughts or issues whether you've labeled them as positive or negative what's running your life after you've got a few ideas now try to look past what they're doing to you and instead consider what they're trying to tell you what you can learn from. Um them and how they can balance you. You can open your eyes now. My guess is that there are a few major something's taking up most of your mental space and because they've cycle through your brain a trillion times. It's getting harder to see them in a new way. So try to think about how they're taking you off balance. Allow me to create an example by addressing a topic that's become increasingly relevant to men around my age. Let's talk about balding. If you're starting to bald in your spending a lot of time envying those who have full heads of are is the envy Not really an opportunity to take a step towards making peace with the things you've been given and that which you can't control taking this approach may not seem very different from what we've come to perceive as positive thinking because at its core you're still making the best of a situation you'd rather not be in. However, the reason many people have found positive thinking to be a bit stale is because normally in a situation like this the narrative would go something like hey, but you still have a sick job think positively your worth is deflected. We're in the truth is you only run out of places to deflect it. We see here though that positive thinking can be much more Dynamic not only because it's inviting deliberate action to be taken but also because it transforms the situation as something that can work for you not just something you have to come to terms with so it's capitalizing on negativity rather than resisting it. It's going past a neutralizing you and instead propelling you forward enough time spent with this type of thinking will help you to realize that all of these things that suck in your life. Really only suck because you allow them to the same mindset can be applied on the flipside of the situation. So if you're the last of your friends to have a full head of hair is seeing them in times of joy, not a reminder. That although it's great to feel confident about your hair. You don't need to become attached in fear losing it because ultimately it won't make you happy the key here is to identify when any happenings in your life. Take a hold over you whether it feels good or bad and extract that energy into inner strengths and values making it happen. Out of this will make literally anything that happens to you advantageous. Even if it's a scenario that just serves as a reminder that you're on the right track. Now you might say but Greg what about objectively bad and painful situations? And yes, I know trust me I try to make this as bulletproof as I can. So let's talk about it. I'd venture to Guess that the death of a close family member is one of the most painful things each of us is likely to experience. Like I said before you can't will away pain and positive thinking is not going to These things from happening. You also will not ever get to the point where you say. Oh joy. My mom died. What can I learn from this to grieve is human to run the whole gamut of emotions is human do not try to avoid them to not feel these things is to not be alive it is okay to feel sadness anger jealousy and so on do not be frustrated with yourself or feeling things. You've been feeling your entire life expecting these things to vanish makes no sense. However as I mentioned before Or they can coexist with more positive thoughts and all feelings of discomfort are absolutely laced with lessons. So if you experience the death of a loved one take time to feel that take time to grieve be patient with yourself during all of these feelings, but when the time comes that you choose to start healing you might say to yourself. Hey, maybe I haven't spent enough time with family over the years as a like to and now I'll start doing that or wow. Life really is short. Maybe this is a reminder for me to start. Living the way I want to live and not be so afraid believe it or not. The list goes on and that's the size of it. Every single thing happening to you is affecting you somehow and if you can develop the habit of being patient and mindful enough to face and question all of these things before or after you react you will then have the opportunity to seek out what you can learn from them. And therefore how they can serve you. This is the truth of positive thinking and why the concept is not actually as trite and one-dimensional Well as many have come to think it is. You just listen to The Post titled. Are you positive about Positive Thinking by Greg Audino of Greg come by a site check out his videos. He does coaching and show him some support just visit Greg, which is linked in this episode's description and don't forget Gusto offers modern easy payroll benefits and HR to small businesses across the country. If you want your business to be running a lot more efficiently this year. Don't wait get in touch now and get three months free when you run your Our first payroll just go to old. That's G you Oh LD, they'll do it for today. Have a great day a happy weekend if you're listening in real time, and I'll see you tomorrow where your optimal life awaits.
Greg Audino asks if you are positive about positive thinking? Episode 1142: Are You Positive About Positive Thinking? by Greg Audino on Optimism & Compassion Greg Audino of is both a certified life coach and an actor. He combines his passions to create short and digestible videos which shine new light on the turbulent areas of life that many of us already have our minds made up about. Constantly seeking to share new insight, Audino uses humor and a variety of PG-13 examples to offer a refreshing and more relatable approach to self-development. TV fanatics can find him with principle roles on shows like Westworld, SWAT, Modern Family, and Jane the Virgin to name a few. The original post is located here: Please Rate & Review the Show! Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Gusto is making payroll, benefits, and HR easy for small businesses. Get 3 months free once you run your first payroll with our link: --- Support this podcast:
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I can find it was a big blowup penis costume your head would stick out right underneath the tip and your feet will go out either either ball and then there was a little fan that blue in the back and you had to Waddle, but it was pretty awesome. I mean I was six foot one inflatable penis me a cow a sheriff and I believe a scream mask where one into a couple different clubs one for different costume contest that night cuz up on the stage when they asked the penis to dance, I would break it Don. At about midnight the fan broke though. So now is just one big floppy penis and turns out it was an even better costume then whenever it was fully erect people love the floppy head bouncing around on top of my head. The flashiness of the ball is made my feet be able to move so I could dance a little bit harder. That in the time that I dressed up as an Alpine skier, or my two favorite Halloween's I wore roller blades around Morgantown were all white tights had long hair at the time hair sprayed it straight back. So it looked like I was going fast at all the time. I had to hiking sticks in either arm. I was it downhill Alpine skier in Morgantown West Virginia rollerblade stayed on the entire evening. We're called the Mountaineers. Think about how hard that had to be. Walking around campus in rollerblades 1 2 3 a.m. Uphill downhill try not to die. One a couple costume contest in that bad boys. Well, I was in great shape. I'll post the photo at sometime today or that outfit. That thing was award-winning. Halloween's a great time people just get to act completely ridiculous and we're next to nothing and then flown around town and act like it's completely normal. I believe the Halloween party days are behind me, but I'll always look upon them fondly because what a ridiculous evening for everybody to enjoy tonight will be in Waco, Texas for the West Virginia Baylor Bears game. Will there be a costume in a booth maybe and if you're going to come to this game in Waco, Texas, you just don't happen. In this town in the middle of Texas with not much going on. They have an incredible country western store though. I've learned that 0 has an incredible Texas shirt on with a bolo has it taken off since you got here exactly. We like this town awake. Oh, there's good people here. But if you're going to come to this game or any other game that exists maybe the World Series last night. Shout out to the Astros champions of the Major League Baseball season 2019. They are currently up to nothing. You know what I'm reading this If they lose it, I mean that's the fucking in baseball you might as well have given up by forty five point lead. 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Check out their latest MVM Go to MVM McAfee join the movement now great sunglasses great watches fairly priced started as a crowdfunding thing by two College dropouts now, they're in a hundred and sixty countries. That's something I can get behind. You should too MVM / McAfee today. All right. This is going to be a conversation. I think you're going to enjoy Adam of mean you've called play-by-play for over a thousand games at ESPN. How many years you've been there? It's my ninth year at ESPN. Okay, nine years at ESPN play-by-play the entire time the whole time little bit of Studio hosting here and there but all play-by-play and where'd you go to school Valparaiso, Indiana? That is the play-by-play Hub. I said, oh it's a hotbed hotbed y'all. How did you not end up at Syracuse? I didn't take the SATs. I don't You guys take the SATs? Yeah, you guys did. Okay. So so in the I think what I heard, I don't know if this is true. It may be zero can back me up. Oh, yeah. We were ACT people and I think you had to take the SATs to get into Syracuse. Yep, and I say that's a pretty fucking is it because you is because you're you're Muslim and then take the the SAT. That's my Syracuse in which one could say that right now? Let's tell everybody that it's a bunch of everybody knows Cuban he kind of got it but they looked at us at but like part. Past part bad. You take the SAT do they even offer that where you're from? No. Okay. That's all right. No, they don't we don't like your kind. It's like I don't know. What is that supposed to mean the kind of don't take the SATs? So I took the a CTS and I ended up applying applying for like three schools. That's it like Western Illinois Bradley and Valpo and the only reason I applied about because my buddy told me to my buddy was going to be the general manager the student radio station. He's from my hometown and I still works at Florida Atlantic University. Is there play-by-play guy hsiao towels Lane kiffin. What's up? And then he's like if you want to try broadcasting which I had messed around with very very like infrequently in high school. He's like come down here. Come come to Valpo. I'll put you on here. So I said, all right. I applied I got in sight unseen. First time. I was on campus was first day of registration. Nice. I never bothered to go and your friends Chicago from Chicago suburban Chicago and was the plan to be play-by-play guy know, what was the planet? Like I wanted to be a baseball player first and foremost, then you get to like 12 and you're like, When did Jose Altuve I mean, that guy's about yourself heat done Astros games? I'm taller than L2 L2 Bay, which is just anything and he's an MVP. So clearly I just didn't I didn't have fucking what it took. My biggest issue was the mental aspect of it because I had already disregarded myself before he walked into the room. I was like, I can't do this. That's that's good. By the way, I see if I die I want To ask you when did you know like hey, you know, like I know kids we asked the this question to college kids all the time. Like when did you know you could play college football or whatever it was for real? When did you were when were you like I could I could Punt and kick in college do this and if L is the thought the first time I kicked a ball. I kicked a 60-yard field goal. Yeah. So the first time I kicked a football is a six yard field goal and I had have a like a real conversation with my parents. It was a business decision more schools are looking at me for soccer than for football. So it was a business decision. You want to get rich in Europe or America? So we decided with football and it worked out. I mean there was a lot of very lucky things that had to happen for it to work out but it worked out. Were you a very confident kid? Yeah, is that because we're like I always say I was gonna be a star in Europe or start America. What are the other? No rich. I was gonna be rich in one or the other it didn't matter. But it because I feel like that separates people like you who get to that level and people like me who have to kind of figure it out. And once we figure it out, I'm all-in like once I figured it figured out it was this it was tunnel vision. Yeah, but for men, but no, I like that feeling separated. I wasn't gonna I saw my dad wake up like 4 a.m. And then come back at like 6 p.m. And he was a truck driver and I'm stuff and I watched that and then I watch Wild on with Brooke Burke and I was like, I'll tell you what they seem to be enjoying life a lot more than ten McAfee who's busting his ass. I want to go do that. Yeah, and I was like, you know what I am going to try my absolute best to become a wealthy person in this video just actually got released from West Virginia where I commented on it. Yes, we did. I Beitar Baby Pat. Yeah, and if you look at that all of this it was adorable all the things I said were all people that were Rich. That's all I care about. I don't care about what I did. I just knew I wanted to be wealthy. It's what they were but they had a checklist for you. Yeah, and it was hey I wanted to do x y z and a b and c and all of them were checked up. That's awesome except for the acting thing. We're writing a movie right now actually have a movie. That'll get a knockdown. I don't know how to be good. I think we'll be better than some shit to get cell but let's go back to you. So when you get in there, when did you know that you had this incredible skill to potentially be a play-by-play person. Because as somebody that just got into the world the play-by-play person the amount of homework you have to do in studying you have to do and then the ability to balance everything is a real acquired skill. I'm not sure everybody can do it. When did you know like, you know what I could probably be pretty good little play-by-play guy. I think probably like my junior year of college. We all in their basketball games basketball. We did everything there. It was kind of cool. Actually. We got through basketball games football games Studio. We did the play-by-play and the Analyst job. We did producer in the Yo, so like all these jobs we got to do when we were in college. That was a nice little leg up and I was happy eventually that I went to Valpo instead of a place like Syracuse because it's Syracuse you don't get to do anything until you're a junior you gotta like work your way on it, you know, you gotta it's a hierarchy and I guess when you've had you know, Mike Tirico and Ian eagle and Bob Costas and Dick Stockton and Dave O'Brien had a passion all these people that our colleagues now and work at big jobs in the industry. Like I guess you're allowed to do that. Okay, so So the thing about you so interesting is you came from a family background, right? That is not very akin to sport. I'll go right now pose a Muslim Community is not very well represented in sports. Probably not I would say I think I think that probably Bears down at the individual more than anything else. I'll tell you this in Pakistan like the translation of Pakistani sports that are popular to America doesn't really connect you are Pakistan Pakistan. You hundred percent Pakistan. Okay and your family very much Pakistani like it's not like Yeah through and through I was the first person in my family to be born in the United States. So that was that was the big what's the language we speak Urdu, but there's like in that region there's hundreds of languages spoken. We speaker that which is probably like a top ten most popular languages in the world. This is a very ignorant question. I'd zero Muslim friends growing up sure. What was it? Like well as the world kind of changed in the the perception of Muslim. Yeah, like you're right in the middle of that. I mean that is literally your life. How old are you? I'm the 32. We're the same age. So literally we were in the same grade. I think probably through High School it all kind of started happening and it is an interesting thing. The the Muslim image. Oh, yeah came an interest you remember being a Freshman. I mean compare your freshman year and what how you thought and what you thought of and and everything you did compared to what you are now, that's a pretty big difference and I've learned to kind of figure out. Hey, let's not be too upset at a bunch of 14 year olds for not knowing what they're saying to you because they didn't know what they were saying, but September the Wealth we went back to school as a freshman in high school. And the first thing somebody said to me his name is Marco. You shouldn't be here your people did this. Yeah, that's a crazy thing. That's a hurtful thing to hear when you don't when I mean you have nothing to do with this and you're very much taught like like my dad. My mom were very religious people but like they were also very understanding they were very liberal compared to a lot of like other Muslim kids parents that I knew. Yeah, so they gave me a lot of leeway and they were very cool with me asking questions and I always appreciated that so I asked my parents and my dad I'm like what? How come they're talking people are so angry about this and he said they don't understand they don't know what we know or they think we think something different than what we think so that was frustrating because it's like yeah, because what are some myths about the Muslim religion? So I you hear it? All right, especially any any stereotype Isis thing you can think of al-Qaeda at that time I think was the was the terrorist group of choice, but it's a particular All-Star team. That you could think of like like you hate women your you disregard like anything from west of the western culture, whatever happiness to by the way Riley happiness capitalism. All these things. They think that the Muslim religion hates again. Yes, and it's not not the case. And for these people yeah, they think whatever they think that is the sliver Remember The West Wing that show The West Wing. Yeah there they did a episode about 9/11 cup maybe a month after it happened. Right? It's called Isaac and Ishmael to put, you know referring back to the Bible and the story that they that they use a comparison because the guys from the White House ask these kids if they're stuck in in the white house with about this like what I say, it's a vent. I don't know what they're called like, it's a fill in the blank. Christianity is to as Islam is to terrorism or like to Al-Qaeda or whatever and the blank was KKK. Okay, and I always thought that was a similar or the like a simile to now an analogy that made sense. Like if you think of the KKK and you're a Christian person you don't associate yourself with what their values are or how they go about their practices. Yep. That's how we feel about like a that's a really small dumb group the small dumb group that A louder voice than they probably should have I think that's the best way I can you know, a lot of people listen to this right now just had an entire whole moment. Right? I mean, I that it made sense to me and I was questioning it and this was I grew up on the religion. So I was like, how do I contextualize this when I'm 14 years old. Did you play sports growing up when you were 12 you stop playing baseball, but anything else did you play sports played football and basketball the way through freshman year of high school played baseball all the way up until about about Junior. Hi, I started playing volleyball. So this is another thing we haven't you love Ali. I started playing volleyball when I was 12, stop playing baseball and played all the way through High School played Club ball all the way through like sophomore year, but Barrow so and we had this conversation. I think yeah you and I were the last year I think for both, Illinois and Indiana vote boys, but that's already an empowered Pennsylvania volleyball where you didn't have the libero on the boys side. The girls had it for those boys thing that don't know volleyball at all and know that men's volleyball. This was my favorite sport in high school. Literally my favorite sport in high school because I knew there was nothing really it was just fun. Like it was just fun and I was good at it libero is a position that only plays in the back row. They don't play on the offense basically a defense only position. If you ever watch A Match or the player with the different color jersey, they don't count as a substitution you play all but one rotation, so you got a ton of playing time and they eat balls and ain't like I'm eating just you're ready some six-foot-six dude from you know, Ukraine and Ukraine. Is coming at you? Yeah, he's right up. He thinks he's gonna Crush one. You're right. I had a sick day. Dude. I had eggs. I had a college coach who want to one of my games my senior year. I played my freshman and Senior year. I didn't play those middle years. I was already committed to West Virginia. So I was just gonna play with my boys all my boys played volleyball. So I was like, I'll just play it's fine. By the way, we sold tickets. We sort of lot of the we move. Yeah commands. Yeah. We move ticket. We were the first successful boys volleyball team in like 15 years at the at our high school and I had a good little career. I'm still friends. It's some of the guys that I played with my coach. I still like my culture probably listen to this right like he was my econ teacher my volleyball coach. Yeah part my coach do by the way. His name is Nan and Berg Legend of a man. He got fired from the high school now a coach a mentor. He didn't get fired. He got moved. Yeah this place. Yeah, he's alert. He's probably one of my favorite coaches have ever had while he's like talk to me because he was my last coach before I went to college so because it was spring so is my last coach so he was telling me a lot about later he and I he and I relate a lot big fan is you know, what here He's a funny story just with the Muslim thing. He was the guy that made it like cool like cool with everybody. Like he he made it. Okay for me to be now. What is that Ramadan Ramadan? We had a player on our team at West Virginia read one Malik. Yeah, he had to test fast sunup to sundown and it's not just food. I think a common misconception is that it's only food, its food and water you abstain from why it why what does that mean? So the how it was taught to me was basically you should understand. The suffering of those who have less than you like, you know, you those who feel hunger on a day on a daily basis like you should understand how most people people that don't have food things like that. It's a it's kind of a test of will tevye man. It's it is and it's and it's I mean 30 days is a long time. It sucks when it's in the summer. It's doable in the winter. What are you just like pick and choose what it is. So it's a the so the Islamic calendar I think is the equivalent to I want to say a ten-and-a-half like like my months that we that we filed a the what do we follow the Julian calendar Jillian ipso of the Julian 12-month calendar? The Islamic calendar is like ten and a half months. So you'll have Ramadan shift all through the rest of the 12-month calendar year for us. So it'll be in the summer some Years. It'll be in the winter some years and you want it to be in the winter because the sun goes down at 4:30 and you can see for me. I always thought that was why a lot of Muslim people didn't get into Athletics because that is potential. I mean I couldn't do I remember almost passing out at a basketball practice at one point because I was I was trying you know, why because Hakeem did it Akeem Olajuwon. Did it during the NBA playoffs? And my dad was like see look at you guys. I'm not that guy. I am not 7 feet and I'm not having it be a nor will I probably be the NBA so like but that like a do you remember the the Abdullah Brothers know what support for the in the NFL their defensive battle? Yeah. Yes long dreads. Yeah, and I want boy. Both of them did no other day. I remember I remember having a close close cut. I don't have another got nothing but they they're they did some stories on them because both of them would fast during Ramadan. So they'd get up at like 3:00 3:00 in the morning 3:30 in the morning and just Crush Gatorades protein bars protein shakes chicken cereal sent whatever nutrients they could consume before the sun came up. They would not this is during training camp this during August training camp. How does a hums? Yeah hums that and it's starting are all right homes and Hussein. Okay. Gotcha. So, both of them would was your name Adam. I'll tell you that story in a second. So they went so they would just pack all these calories in sun goes up. Yeah, they do two-a-days all that stuff and then they consume as much as possible before they go to bed. So there's the eating twice a day. My name is Adam because my brother's name be Adam when I hear my brother's names. Yeah his smile. Okay, Abdullah Mustafa. My mom's name is zubedah. My dad's name was Muhammad. So I got named Adam because my Dad came over in 78 by himself. He was with his brother, but he left the three kids and my mom the way he told it to me was like he couldn't afford to bring everybody he could only he would have to leave somebody behind and he can't there's no combination that you could have one person you can leave behind and make it. Okay. Yeah, so he said I'm gonna go on my own saving up money took him seven years, they came over and just in 85 so my brothers had gone to school in America for about a year by the time I was born and they had kind of I've dealt with the ridicules. They're called fobs back that and maybe the fresh off the boat. That's what they would call them. Wow. You're fresh off the boat. Look at these fucking fobs. Can you believe these fun? Yeah, that's how people with top heavy accent probably heavy accent because and and two of my brother's the two younger ones of my three older ones both sound like American like I like they sound like I do God but with Chicago heavy Chicago accent. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was like, let me make sure his ego gets into this, you know bear that's not Chicago. For science, that's Ryan's now. Yeah, okay. Alright. So yeah, we're gonna answer for this guy. So so that's how they talk to him. So the accent didn't help. I'm sure the skin tone didn't help but their names were like first day of class. It's my not gonna not gonna work here and it like the office space thing. That's how teachers were in the a look. Nobody gave a shit about you. Like if you were foreign like they didn't care. So it made it easy to get made fun of and my brothers were like, no my mom. Wanted to name me Muhammad after my dad and my brother His were like no, we're not put a little weird. He's gonna have every other disadvantage which ended up not being true. Yeah, but I think they were just being older protective Brothers. They're like, we're not putting him at this disadvantage give him an American named it was still religious. It still has religious connotations to it first, man. All that stuff work. Let's let us name as my brother's gave me my name. Well, I think Adams great name Adam. Yeah. I think it has a good Cadence to it. When we first when I was told I was paired with you. It was written on. A text or an email they're like you'll be with Adam. Am I? Yeah. Yeah, and we went around the boys, you know is like what are we doing here? What do you think? We had a very cultured conversation? And we said it's a mean this is definitely a mean we said that sure then I go on Rich Eisen show and they say you'll be in there with Adam Amin and Madam. So the entire did you think you would screwed it up? Yes. I thought I was wrong like that while they're not going to be wrong. So the entire interview I couldn't even use your name because I didn't know how to pronounce it. So I was like, I can't wait to meet Matt Molly. And Adam can't wait. It's gonna be a lot of fun someone let you know we had a very cultured discussion and we got it right immediately. And I was all I heard was nothing but great things about you which makes sense. Now that I've seen you operate because not only do you have got MLB games there for a little bit you had college games and you had NFL games. Yeah. So your job though as a play-by-play person isn't know everything. I don't know. Most of these fuckers named 20 minutes. There was one time where I didn't The offensive coordinators name and he was a pretty prevalent part of the story. So I haven't you went with your you just what with Joe at what point do you see you're like Joe defensive coordinator Joe. I didn't know what I didn't know was pronounced which sounds actually I gotta tell you that sounds like homier like that sounds like like familial. It's a DC Joe good. They see Joey's great show called me yesterday because I didn't know how to pronounce his last name and I probably should have asked before but it was just we get live there. You have to know everything. So is your life just a Constant study sesh, like what is a lot of it is in all honesty watching you take notes in these meetings is it's almost I'm going to film it at some point. So people can see it the way you utilize your keyboard in this it's like a graph that has every player's name. But you have to bounce around to enter the notes in the section underneath. I don't know if it's a spreadsheet or whatever the hell it is. Yeah, you can do it in it, but it's a Adobe InDesign. So it's just like it's a template. It's like never heard of chart. Yeah never heard of it. But watch when you which by the way, most announcers like analysts and when they first get into like, how do I fuck? What a how do I do this? Well, because the coaches the coaches when we asked them a question, they might go on and answer with four different players that oh, well when we're looking for Speed we're going to this guy we're going to this guy who done this guy and you you are you have this ability. You're like the people in like the courtroom. Like, what's those Agra photographer? You are closed captioning and I watch you close caption to meeting in your notes and it's not just straight ahead. You have to bounce around a players and the coaches. It's very fascinating but I think like that plus being able to study I think of it. That's what makes you a weapon as place. It later and that's your big Advantage. I think because the product on this for so long like at this pace. I've done three or four games to two to four games a week my entire career like it's just that's just how I was taught like you do as many as you can as much of it as you can and at some point, I'm at the slow tell you can't I can't keep up this pace forever. But I've done it long enough to where I know the process. I know how to where do I start? How do I start prepping for a team? If you told me? Hey, you've got 24 hours and you've got to learn you gotta fill in for Fowler something out and you got to learn these teams. How do you how do you do it? I give me 24 hours. I can do it. It's tough, but I can do it because I have a process and that's the thing with like you and Matt. I love watching you guys work because I can see the gears it's one that I'm sure your listeners already know this because because you know you've been with them for a long time, but it's interesting to watch you operate because you can tell with you and mad you both think very similarly you have producers. I tell our producer you guys have the eyes and ears of producers. It's like TV producers. What would make good content? What would make interesting TV? Yeah, and you guys have that type of thinking so when you learn something new I can kind of see the gears in your head ground go like like you kind of go. Okay, and you connect these dots, you know, like that's how I'm going to do that. I like that. Yeah, I'm gonna do that from here. Yeah. That's my whole life by the way figuring out how he thought a recent Gallup survey shows Americans worry more about burglary than almost any other crime more than mugging more than Mm more than car theft and even murder. Yes taking the life of another person is not worried about more than burglary here in America. According to studies just over 10% of break-ins are planned beforehand. The rest are spur-of-the-moment crimes of opportunity. In other words are random according to the FBI the average loss in a burglary is over two thousand dollars that can be hard to recover from and there are over two million burglaries reported every year. That's one every 13 seconds and the crazy stat about all that. Is that only one of In five homes have home security and I believe and we believe that's because most home security systems make it way too difficult to become secure their invasive. Takes too long to put them in intrusive. They're ugly. 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You've got nothing to lose go now be sure you go to Simply McAfee. So they know that this show sent you that's SI MPL is AF, / MC a Fe. And I have to apologize to you why I snapped at you once you did in the Stanford. Yeah. Yeah, you did and I was like that's going to happen to here's why I got upset at you because Talked about the cough button. Yes and your mic can and your these mics we have by the way are overly sensitive there. Like like if you move your head settle, it's like boom about you can hear it. Yes in the headset. It's annoying. So they're overly sensitive. But if you move it like we talked about this like try to use your coplin. I like you had just moved it to a 2002 Michael Black. Yeah - yes. I was like when I say snap, I mean, I was an asshole. I kind of like legit like you actually snapping at me. You've done this like 10 times. Well and I was different and uh and uh, that was the other funny part about that. That's the other reason I was like, I really should not I should have given him way more credit and yeah giving you a more leeway than that. That being said, I hope you understand like the reason I got upset is because I already expect so much of you. Yeah, I don't worry because you and Matt I'm and I will ship this to a compliment like you guys have learned so fucking fast like well, he's held and part. You get thrown in the fire, but I've seen a lot of analysts who get thrown in the fire and within two weeks there they've lost they've lost it they lost the battle. Yeah, you guys have one that already and it's in your getting better every single week, which I love just seeing how you guys do it, but I shouldn't have I shouldn't have snapped at you because it was like I've been doing this for 10 years you guys were doing for 10 minutes. Well, and also, I mean that was my first technical air of the season. I mean I pride myself. Yeah. I'm doing good things. I was on a different level. I was literally two feet below me. But Mike off button was up. It was it was on the it was unlike the peak. Yeah, there was you had to climb the mountain to get to had to reach to get to my cough button. You can you actually do that, but you had to poke Hasselback in the ears but to get to so bad you'll create more noise, but I had to push her but the thing about Adam is in this is what people should know when they're watching games the play by play guy is the quarterback though, like legit. He's always yelling at my offensive line exactly. What I was yelling at a rookie offensive lineman that That wasn't doing anything particularly wrong. Well, but it's alright to hear a lot to do that. That's your job. And literally we made up two minutes later. It was not a big deal was actually kind of cute but if you people had seen as makeup it was like wow that house that hey man, I'm sorry for doing that and you're like sorry too and we hugged each other and we went right back to it right back to back games. Great. It sticks. Hey, there you go. Hey, it's Tom it. Watching you kind of handle it though. You have this personality, which I assume not a lot from watching. I watch other games that people do it now from a completely different light and watching play-by-play people now, it's a whole different animal after watching you work behind the scenes what's different? I think you have like a I don't think a lot of play-by-play people could handle me in there. Like I honestly think it's going to have to be the right fit for a play-by-play person. I don't think it's going to work because I can talk a lot. I can get a little mouthy and you have this ability to be selfless, but also keep the Train on the tracks, which I Watch some other people operate and I think they would they would be getting mic off' button. Well, I'm talking, you know what I mean silent you do an incredible job of that. I think more people should take notice of that that's kind of you to say mate. I don't know what it is to like chemistry and booths. It's hilarious. I've heard this a big deal by the way huge it's well, you said you said it actually the other night after our game I think maybe it was last week or the week before you were like man. This is like I can't imagine what it would be like if I didn't get along with you guys because it's it's three days a week two days a week, whatever. Is yeah plus phone conversations and all that for like four months four straight months went on your locked in a cage while you're in it. Yeah what I think would people would find interesting people don't realize that our preparation is so much like coaches preparation. Yes, maybe not as much like players perhaps but like just the process of studying to do this stuff and like coaches you you gear yourself up. That's why I get upset when people are like man, you're so biased you got too excited for that team and not our thing dude. You don't understand the adrenaline. Alan that's pumping through all of us and you've been on the field. Yes, so I can only imagine like this is your connection back to that when a coach tells us that they're going to try something don't you get Jim networks. It's like did you get so excited to be able to say that? Yeah it for both teams, by the way, it's every like for instance tonight West Virginia is literally my school right as place. I want Colin against Baylor, but Matt ruined the Baylor Bears were the first team I ever got to commenting right so I have a very special relationship with them and I love West Virginia, right but tonight our yeah from learning from both teams. They're looking for like when something good happens for them. I'm like legitimately happy for them. I'm like, hey, yeah. Hey these motherfuckers just tried something and work like good for them or if a player does something that they were like how we don't know if this guy will be able to do this or not. He makes it happen like you could I get genuine excited excited for when I want to see cool stuff happen and I didn't grow up on college football. So I don't know what it's like and in Pittsburgh, but like like, oh, it's an NFL. It's still shitty. Yeah. It's a pro Town NHL and I'm in Chicago is a pro town. So I was a pro sports got I didn't. Understand what Auburn Alabama was and then I called the kick six game. I didn't know what like, I don't know what that's your voice on the kick. So know that the one that they use is the late Rod Bramblett Bradshaw personal rest in peace rod. That's the radio radio. Yeah. I did the national radio call. So it does exist if I find it I'll send it to you. But like it's like I didn't understand what Alan what the Iron Bowl was I no clue. I didn't understand what the oh cool. The Rose Bowl is on know people talk about ask Herbstreit about the Rose Bowl fawn over it. Why not? Like he understands like the sows special it is. Yeah, and I didn't understand that until like a decade ago granddaddy of them all and I didn't understand why Keith Jackson was important then I started doing this and then I worked at ESPN and then it's like oh I got oh, yeah. I love Keith Jackson. We talk about Keith Jackson all the time every day, Keith Jackson's are very are you Out there you do. You want to tell go ahead what I'd say. It's not like he was he's the boy sound like the Vince Young touchdown against USC and you've heard it the granddaddy of them all each point that place. Whoa Nelly that hello. Hi. Hello. Hello. Heisman is him. Oh, so I love this guy you love this guy football. I get excited when these habits and also Donnelly's atmospheres meeting these coaches and the fans and everything like that. I am growing a real respect for college football. Not that I had respect for college football. I played on one of the best teams of all time. Yeah. I absolutely love valued team. You think by the way very undervalued in the scope of the last 20 years. Yeah and tomorrow night. I'm gonna put them on for sure. I have to retire five by the way, but the the entire thing was as soon as I left West Virginia, I started focusing on football pro and I grew up watching. Watching pro football. Yeah, so I just kind of that was it right was like reconnecting tearing child. I'm back in this and I just kind of turned it off with college football. So my only college football references. We're like 10 years old whenever I was asked to come do this now that I'm learning about it even more especially with the game day experience last weekend. I mean, it's just it's a very cool. It's much different than pro football is it's a different sport onerous. It is a completely different sports reliant on an atmosphere oftentimes. It's not like that and every NFL City. Nope. It's there is a That familial atmosphere to it and just the pace and at how I mean has the a you guys were like it were you guys were asked for a fast offense fast. We humans were an anomaly. Yeah 10 years ago. Now it's like you guys would have fit in very well. It's probably the first or second pick of the draft if we come out and turn it right now. Yeah, if that's the way it goes. He was Kyler. He was like a taller Kyler, right? Yeah, he's like to of but he was fast to okay, that's better comparison TV playing a lot like to but he was faster. Yeah, and I think he would have been first or second pick. I think they would have been teams tanking. Yeah that white now without a game. I believe that but we did run Tempo which has helped me calling games now because I literally was front row. So one of the best Tempo offenses in the last probably two decades. So the thing I remember telling you and Matt we had a really good game that night Tulane and Houston. All right. What a great awesome amazing game and gotten classic. We got we got to the fourth quarter with like 11 minutes left and I noticed like because this was only like our third game together when our second game together, I think II because we skip the week, so this is our second game together. And I turn both to both of you guys because they're both teams are just ripping Tempo and I was like, hey you real quick. You guys are letting the Rhythm you guys are trying to dictate the rhythm of the game. Yeah, they're going to dictate how we talk. Yeah, and you guys both look like you guys nailed it? Like that's why I go back to what I said about watching your gears in your head. Operate both you guys. I liked it. Click for both you I felt really proud. Oh by the way, we're learning everything from like you and Molly which is a horrible fucking idea. There's no cuz I think you're not the same mode now granted aside from your background in your everything like that. You are a very different animal in there. So us learning from you I think is good because I don't think makes me happy. Well, I don't think a lot of people when I don't think a lot of people would be able to handle me in there II don't think because the references I make you pick up literally everything I'm laying down sure. It helps that me and Molly are around the same age. And Matt is a very young 53 or what if he's not marrying him because he's not he's even better ask, you know what I mean? It's even better but I think it's been awesome to kind of learn and watch you work and it is I got remember I got rejected from broadcast boot camp three times. Its that I thought I think it's hilarious. Me too. It's partly because I look at it now. Yeah, that's hilarious like that happen you I'm saying it's hilarious. Now, it was hilarious when it happened. It's yeah, I mean what if I get rejected the first time it's hilarious to think like like what a bad bet, you know, somebody made somebody made a bad or Failed to make that's a bad beat for them. They failed to better treat. I should yeah, three times the area of the bed on you my first time my real that I sent in was an hour-and-a-half stand-up comedy special. I was like, here you go. I mean is there not something we can do is just straight through then the second one. I was like little bit of work with the news and a little bit of my own show and a little bit of common I had somebody actually put it together and then I had to write out why I wanted to go what I thought I could do. That's hilarious. It's never going to be made back in and I saw pictures from it. I was like, oh this motherfucker man. That's awesome. We have this conversation. Ation, who are your four favorite stand-up comics? Okay. Love Chappelle. Love Chappelle. Love Bill. Burr made him twice made him laugh twice in one night. Ron White big fan Iran white. I think I'd her salad story is still one of the greatest things I've ever get caught the Tater. You caught me. You caught the Tater. I was drunk on tater tot. I was drunk in a bar and every and any type because he know what he does. He plays all his hits. Oh, yeah, and as soon as he said I was drunk in the bar. Level of noise that erupts. Are you getting here A Rod white show and what he's doing that joke from at least a mile away. I smoke vitamins. Run white a - oh no gianopolous. Yeah. That was a big moment for me Blue Collar Comedy Tour. Obviously when I was on Comedy Central all the time. That's how that's how I got exposed to Blue. I didn't and I was like, I'm not gonna like these redneck guys or whatever what and how and how silly of me to make that assumption how goes for not a character whatever. No, but they're just very corny comedians. I mean that is something that is definitely Definitely happening. So yeah, I don't think you should feel bad but they liked it was really smart. Just the way I was much smarter than I ever would have got that was that was silly of me to have that type of presumption about and I like Kevin Hart. I like Kevin Harlan. I don't know you you like and I think you like him because he's your Grinders. He's a grinder grind. This is Storyteller. I think he can make anything funny and he knows exactly who he is and I think his trip around all the comedy clubs with the email list and stuff how he literally he was an overnight celebrity in like 15 years. Talking a long time. So he is a grinder. I respect that I can imagine all you guys like in a circle before you guys do a show or something the way that he does like everybody want to be famous, but nobody want to put the work in and saying I can't hear you saying that and then I think he's become a bit of a cliche machine here a little bit towards the end here because he's turned into a full business. Yes. He's a brand but when he tells the story there's not a lot of people in keeps Graham. Yeah, and that's I enjoy storytellers a lot and I like Chappelle just because I mean Chappelle is one of the most one really artists one of the smartest. Next level of all time Buckshot. Why don't you do stand-up? I don't think I could do it. Well, I realize I had a can't write what a pussy this guy. I don't I don't think I could write I love the best game you are called best game ever called biggest game biggest game loud at Tulane Houston game was massive instant classic. They'll show that again at some point down the road. What's another game you've called that's like potential to be an instant classic. Any sport or any spy called the women's final for a couple years ago. That's my that's one of my things girl marieke ogunbowale shot at the buzzer to win the titles that when you Conga beat you could well that was the semis she hit a jumper two nights prior to be to measure time and then two nights after she hit another buzzer beater for the national time. Okay. There's a story in that that people would love to hear like them all towering over you maybe you interview them and the lady whatever she told you in the meeting and then she hits the game-winner again, like there's an easy stand-up story in there. That's But everybody immediately I've if maybe if I put some effort into it, I really I think half the battle for a lot of people is they just they they probably think they can't do this is this is my defeatist attitude coming back. So this is you when you're twelve so you're not gonna make my baseball see I told you were going to get this 12 this 12 year old Adam right now. Yeah, you need to beat 12 year old Adam. You need to be 32 year-old Adam here and know that it's a lot easier to get up there. Then people say it is everybody says it's tough because they might stink. That's not your fault. That's like everybody's like business is hard we're doing this is our everything's hard man. This is hard. This is hard like doing get this job and like everything's hard. You know, it's all it's all difficult. What Chuck we got to say life is hard. Once you figure that out. It becomes a lot easier. The hardest thing about stand-up is being able to get on the stage. Yeah, and I want to get up there usually people feel bad enough to laugh at the couple. Anyway would have little self-awareness McCall. This isn't going well. I'm gonna cut this early before they even like me. Imma get out of here. I wish more people would do that sure, but I think you would do very well. I was because I had the first stand-up special ever saw was bring the pain. No, Yes, so the when you when you see that you're like wow, this is really funny. Well now I will say that I am currently on a Hiatus from stand up due to Chappelle and Bill Burr. Okay, because I watched it and I said, well, I probably shouldn't get back on a stage for a little while if this is what the expectation is from people. So I am on a little bit of a Hiatus so I probably shouldn't be the one talking about this but I think you should get up there and do it. I think you'd be good man. I trip I'll put Chappelle up there too. What sorcery future write it. What do you think? What do you think? I don't know that's interesting. You call basketball. He called baseball you call the footballs. You call women final four is they're going to come at the I don't know this business. Well enough. Well, you just been come to you and they'll be like alright for your next contract. We want you to only do this or will they be like we I think I'm going to say that at some point. I think maybe I'll probably be the one to be like, hey, you know, what'd be good like, we just narrow it down a little bit just to maybe instead of doing six is that the evolution of the business though? We it's I don't know. It's I imagine it's hard to keep up six sports or seven sports for however many years you do it. And I like certain Sports and I want to kind of focus on those. Yeah, which one do you enjoy the most on its heart like the football basketball baseball combo, which is the three I grew up on the most I like all three of them. So for me, it's whatever season you're in. Whatever the next one is in those three you get older you look up to like Joe Buck does everything I grew up. I grew up on like probably Mike Tirico. Like when I first smooth, it feels like like Torico because he does everything and he does everything. Well Dan Schulman who works at ESPN I don't know that is why does not he does the World Series on radio to he's our main college basketball. Yeah, so he's built by Tau you'll see you'll see him with billis on every big college basketball game that we asked those two guys and then Ian Eagle at CBS he was he was the guy that kind of got me broke me into the business. He got me like an agent basically inadvertently without him knowing it. So I thank him for that. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean, it's great like his kid is now the voice of the Clippers on radio. So it's so I could see both of them like during the NBA season job that is to get right now. Yeah right out of the gate. Yeah just beat A lot of LeBron man. I'm excited for that's going on with a Bronco. The Lakers are back there hot. That's the only game they've lost so okay good. I'm only back on the bus and I look back on them. No harm. No hockey games. I've never called a hawk interest because it's a lot of white people. Yeah, we did it. Yeah, is that what if that deterred me from calling a sport? We did we'd have limited our scope a long time ago. What is the thought though like your future? What's the dream job, I guess obviously. One of them showcase prime time, you know, probably a prime-time game somewhere. Is that because that's how it works right here. Is that gig? That's the that's the Pinnacle of your profession would love to have the chance to call a World Series and NBA finals and a Super Bowl a college football title of Wimbledon or something like that. You love to have some crack and I've listened I'm not I don't want to be greedy like I've gotten some big opportunity. I wouldn't be where I am. Like if they didn't take a chance on me. Yeah, like what like you're very grateful we're talking about like you want you want to do like the biggest possible. She like this. You get a chance to do the Super Bowl in this era where it's the most popular sport in America. It's got it gets the biggest audience consistently every week and for its biggest event and a hundred million people whatever hundred it used to be more than that before probably like 1990 was huge numbers. So you'd love to do that. And I don't like to compare ratings. I don't really care about that. It's just if that many people care that's cool. Yeah, you have a lot of people and you're guiding the game guy you're guiding people through Ooh one like that's a national holiday in America. Yeah, and you're the subject of that. I'm not not you personally your adjacent to the subject of that. But you're a part of that and you think you can handle the Super Bowl right now. I think you're good. Yes, I think you could too. You'll never get it within the next 20 years. Yeah be those. There's a reason those jobs. Don't get given away. Yeah, you have to be one of the best to do this and I don't think I'm that necessarily but I think I can handle this. So I think there's a lot of us that could be an alternative broadcast. We can find somewhere. Don't know. I don't think I'm breaking any news here, but you're probably going to be at the National Championship Game for college football this year. I've done the sideline broadcast on ESPN 2, you know, you're going to end up on it somehow there's a rope you into it. If you didn't know that already and frankly, I would love to have if because I've done that field past the last like three years. Yeah, and we rotate at a bunch of analyst it's a blast and you only have to do like a half a quarter if you want to what am I? Doing you're an analyst from the sidelines but you but we're looser especially like the show. We do like on Thursdays except with very little structure, huh, and we're on the sidelines the whole time. We're kind of like running up and down following the plates great to blast that does sound like it is it is a blast it is so much fun that is on the field right now and you guys should do like like a an alternative alternative of what just just commenting on him. You know, I like Cartman comments on TV commenting on something else tickets. It's for you guys. So you could watch the thing in your streaming live as well. He just hopped over a month Lemak trainer on the Alabama sideline. He Pat may have kicked the mask. Kick the mascot. That's amazing. Well Adam, I wish I was petrified to do this because I was like, I just I'm like I'm I can't hang with you guys. You guys are hilarious. No space had entertaining. Oh my God, we're done with it shows over where that we're sick of it. We don't need any of them more. Fuck you guys. Yes, okay guys stick. Yeah, they stick we're a bunch of stages and sella pass. You guys are awesome. So how does means you're an incredible story man? You really are you get a and they're really good at what you do. I like working with you guys man has been a blast and I've never met a human like you and that wow. That's what a what a nice thing to say to another person. Well, I don't I just I that is a tremendously like cool thing. I'm assuming I've met somebody like you before but I've never hung around like different, right? The nerdiness the ability to take those notes and study them and know everything I have never once had a friend like that ever and we're talking about from kindergarten all the way through just the in-depth detail of studying in the work when it comes like a school type thing never in my life. Have I ever met anybody so watching you're doing it's like it's literally just like watching a complete different world happen and it's very impressive very nice you to say buddy. Yeah now granted saying that I don't know how many of user out there like I don't You know what you do, we really are that crazy. Most people think I'm a Madman Burke. So now I'm talking about that. Geez why you gotta take it to that? That is terrible. I will say shout-out Chicago Public Schools. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. You became you're an incredibly you're a wizard to watch work in the amount of knowledge that you're able to jam into your brain and then do a game in the do another one is just Next Level. No, I appreciate it Adams Baron Kirk. I assume he's the same way that the light I bet that's still one of my favorites. He texted me and he's like, this guy's awesome. Well, To I did five minutes of them is like this guy's off. I did that boxing thing in there. Like will you go talk to a danann? I do you know was loud you thought the name was Adam Van Kirk Well, the lady said would you mind doing an interview with Adnan virk? Yeah, and in fact, but we were at a fight. Here's a bunch of you heard. That's how you heard Adam Van. Yeah, and then as I walked up and I saw him, I'm like no, I know that guy. I know there's no way white Dutch guy. No, I'm not talking about that either talk about I knew him. Let's get it. I can tell you one story before we're bringing in the race. My first job out of college was in a small town in Northwest Iowa Spirit Lake Iowa town of 3,000. Oh Spirit like summertime. It's the dirtiest like party is place and it's restaurants bars and all this and then the wintertime it is nobody will go there if they are got paid to do it awful awful weather. So my first job I got hired there they call me to tell me I get the job. I tell my Add I was like Hey Dad, I got the job. He's like, hey, congratulations. That's awesome 10 minutes later. They called me back and I was like, oh, no, they tell me to go ahead. I was like did I get fired? Right like no nothing like that. So would you be willing to use in on-air name? Would you be willing to change your name for for on the air stage name the stage name? And I was I listened like Dan Patrick. That's his middle name. His name is Daniel Pew Daniel Patrick Pew. He goes by Dan Patrick. Sounds great. What a lot of guys have done that. So. It's not so I was and I was leaving Fabian Plum High School. I go by Zito Jose Perez changed it. That's salad. You'll live it live and die by it. I like it. I respected where we think about you so they asked me like, what would you think of Adam Kelly top of the morning is here. That's what we would have called The Morning Show. So I was like, I don't know about that. Let me let me call you back and my dad is listening because what were they asking I was like they what do you think? You think what would you think of the they asked like you to change your name? There you go, son. I got to tell you. I I'm happy that you got this job. But if you if you change your name, I'm gonna be pretty fucking bitch Adam Kelly a nice Irish kid. I that nice Irish kid whose parents are from Pakistan. If you like to pick a stage name would you know the Adam Kelly wasn't bad by any means. I just can't another one. I think if you listen to the room here just quit. It'll say it was sighs. Everybody is better than everybody puckered up real hard one. I like hey strong the global the Mortal Combat style. I like that a lot. I like what it sounds like quick. Shout out to Rich Eisen for not getting it right my mind and clearly my career crushing it. Thanks, bro. Thanks. Thank you so much for coming and we're the bad guys are awesome. Adam Amin. Ladies and gentlemen. Huge thanks to Adam Amin for joining us the Washington Nationals just hit a dong shot that takes another doing the car shift thing three two, World Series top of the seventh Washington Nationals in H-Town the Houston Astros Stadium. We've been there had to sit outside for two hours electric environment could be a rough night. Maybe my lock of the Asher is waiting while they're up to nothing was a bit wrong quite a bunch of stale faces in the background right now. Nobody knows what hit them in Paul walls Hometown right now. I don't mean was awesome. You know, what else is awesome nutrition nutrition is on everyone's mind what when and how much to eat it's a mess of conflicting information that can confuse anyone in derail your fitness journey. There are so many diets and meal plans out there but chances are they don't make or take your specific needs into account kettlebell kitchen knows that meal planning isn't a one-size-fits-all operation which is why they offer personalized Solutions kettlebell kitchen was founded by two Army vets who uh who are also brothers and a For the mission to help people change their lives through food. 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Incredible locker room guy. Not only a four-time All Pro in a Super Bowl champ. Not only a guy that was on Team Jordan, which is incredible by the way a guy that was a good locker room guy a guy that actually got me home one night when I was too drunk to get home myself. Ladies and gentlemen Superstar Dwight Freeney white. How's it going man? You're here for FanDuel. Absolutely. Which is a partner of mine as well the best place to gamble online and it's sports book. If it's in your state, you should do FanDuel. You've always been incredible Gambler. You know what I find my moments find my little pockets to go ahead and throw a little wager on stuff. I think my definitely have stories. Yes my favorite time ever. He's a gatorade bottle shot into a trash can with Austin Collie. It was a double or nothing situation. You were ice cold and at one moment, Austin Collie, That the number was too big and he was scared to say no more double down and you hit like a unit like a $20,000 gatorade bottle shot. I don't know the number but ha ha but you make you make bets into their uncomfortable and when they're uncomfortable also on the form just goes away. I'll just yeah, so your everybody knows Dwight Freeney, right? You're a man who completely revolutionize the game out of Syracuse whenever you were on a field the other quarterback had nightmares. We were told that by numerous coaches that came into our facility. The Chuck Pagano whenever he got to the Colts literally told the story about how other teams cornerbacks whenever they're playing against Robert Malthus and Dwight Freeney. They would have nightmares all week. What was it about your game that you think made you so different in the Trailblazer at defensive end. Well, the thing is that it's you know before me okay there weren't a lot of guys drafted at my size. Okay under sighs, I guess, you know for me, you know now they will be drafted but it will be more situational. Okay, they'll be third down. I'm in third down maybe take a linebacker who's an outside linebacker and a 4-3 scheme who doesn't really rush I let's put him at defense when he seems like he's a quick fast guy. So when I was drafted, you know high at the under sized 6-1, what have you and made it to be an every down guy? You know, that's what kind of set the you know, the standard of look it's not about how tall you are. This is not basketball. I'm not trying to block shots and grab rebounds here. I have natural no Leverage. Underneath guys, this is something that someone hadn't seen before and now I can take advantage of yeah, Xena looked up a static because that's what Zito's our stats guy. It could barely read but he's a good sign College good with numbers good with numbers, you know, but like 700 some pounds in college. Is that accurate? Yes, so to say somebody's undersized when they have a seven and a half months very interesting situation, but I guess that's now after getting to watch you. I don't think I was young enough to see the guys beforehand there had to be big Because they assume you couldn't stop the run. I assume that I so what it was is they had this prototype of 6-5 280 pounds. Okay, that's basically as a defensive end. That's what you had had to be to be dressed. So basically you had to be Michael Strahan. Okay, and once you have success at that height or that size then that just became what the standard is for years and years and years to come so there was no guy who was 6 1 playing, you know, they wow, he's not tall enough. He can't see the quarterback. He's not going to be able to see the running back when he gets engaged with the offensive line. So when I got there and it was successful at it then all of a sudden, it's Mathis come. Do you see all these other guys who are getting drafted high or what have you and their quote unquote undersized and making plays any guys you enjoy watching right now that are in the league. You know what I like I like how Mak plays Mac from Chicago. He's a great he hasn't done a tremendous amount of you know intensity. I think Aaron Donald is also a guy that you know, he's on game right here. Let me tell you something. I mean he if I order had Aaron Donald at d-tackle, they couldn't even line up and play football. The guy is a complete Beast. What he does is how they slide a protection to him. He can't stop him on run plays. You can't stop won't pass plays people don't realize how that shrinks The Playbook. Okay, when you go into a game and you watch film watching a team. They'll have every single play this play action pass this past this that and the other and all of a sudden when they play guys like me Robert probably like Aaron all of a sudden that play but goes from 40 place now down to 20 plays because 20 those plays they can't run because they don't have the time to do it. It's a game changer and you've mentioned that if you had him a d-tackle that would help because there was times in your last couple years with us where they would run tight end with chip you tackled have you and then a running back with chip you as well crazy. It is funny, you know, John Turturro. You know, I legendary d-line coach to coach him for years. We were talking about it and he said, you know, there's a question that I had to my said. Hey JT, I'm seeing all type of can we go back into film and look and see how guys before me dealt with that type of protection whether it be a receiver tight end coming and he said Dwight that never happened that was actually created just for you. That's real pretty and I said wait a minute just for me. So I just nothing I can watch didn't he? He said no, he said you were just going to have to deal with this on the fly. So now when I see protections like that and they're still doing it. I know from that perspective between me and Robert we pretty much screwed all the other different because now I laugh and see how what they have to do with knowing that you know that kind of started with me when they motion a guy from nowhere and all of a sudden it's like now I can look outside in the quarterbacks here and I have to worry about somebody Chipping me on the outside. So when you have an interior guy like Aaron Donald who doesn't have to do with that is that's why he can wreck everything because you can't do it. He can't do anything with that. So you are a game changer coming in for being an undersized and then going out you screw them all over there. Like I said, you got to deal with that and that Patriots defense is dominant. I mean, they're leading that team up there and he talks about how before the game Belichick will call like five players in and he would show up on the on like a teller straw or Or whatever. It is television, you get it and be like hey whenever this guy moves his right foot back. It's a run whenever this guy's left foot is forward. It's a pass and it's something small is that was a tell that they were able to use for an entire game and be dominant. Was there anything that you look for in games? You were like, you know what this is going to help me out going forward. Well, I mean that's kind of what you do is you study film going into the week and you know, I was blessed to have guys like Tony Dungy and John Turner link. Yeah, you know a legend at what he did is will find the littlest. This little thing a key, you know and would say, okay. Let's see if this holds up first quarter. Okay, it's holding up, you know place is kind of like it could be something small just like how you said, you know, whenever the quarterback has his hands up here and shotgun, you know, it's going to be a pass but if he has it down here and then put it up then it's going to be a run and we'll just key up key on that and if it holds up good night, that is it. All right, if I say hold up in me. It has to be like 80% 80% is around that thing as doesn't matter that 20% who cares 80% it means I'll do anything 80% 80% if they're doing something 80% I'm all-in. Wow, that's good odds, by the way, you're here for FanDuel. 80% is good. Obsolete. Yeah. Yeah great. I would take that any day of the week. I had a hundred percent against Troy Polamalu. He ruined my life so he can go to hell still to this day great player terrible human squash your dream speaking of squash and dreams. The Colts are back. There's a as a Mount Rushmore of Indianapolis Colts, which you are you're in there. You're one of the Staples of the Indianapolis Colts and people think of that has to be good to have the team back in relevance a little bit though. Absolutely. I mean when you're part of something for so many years, you know it you feel like you're still part of it, you know your post still part of that DNA and I'm sure you feel the same way. It's just you know, those that emotion doesn't go it stays with you, you know. And when you see them succeed you feel part of you that you've succeeded well succeed you feel great when they win, you know, a lot of those guys that are there now were there when I was playing so when I see Guy like Frank Wright or I see you got like how our mud men you know guy I played with his Robert Malthus still there. It makes me feel good because I want to see those guys succeed in the way that we did things back in the day and Frank is pretty much, you know a statement and the way he goes about Coaching guys is very similar to how Tony used to kind of talk to guys, you know, not yelling and screaming no need for all of that treating everybody like men. So when I went there this offseason in training camp, I saw that and I saw that he had those guys, you know believing in what they were doing. Yeah. It's not just the players and coaches. It's equipment managers the athletic trainer. Absolutely. It's good to see everybody succeed over there. That's anytime people like you still feel the cold. So I'm like, yeah. I got a lot of friends in that building whose happiness. Depends on whether or not they're good at football and 100% in the game of football is as you know is already stressful as it is. Yes, you know someone you have you can have a family type of atmosphere somewhere where you can go to work and be actually somewhat happy about doing that. Obviously Sundays different you go to Sunday. You can play for free you can I've always said that it doesn't matter you your that's why you love the game. But Monday through Saturday can be tough when you're walking into a building where you just don't want to be in based on the mentality of certain coaches or what have you. So you have a place where you actually love the folks that you're around and it's a family atmosphere. It feels so much better. But what do you feel about Nick Bowser? I know making small it and it's crazy because you know at the defensive end position and outside linebacker what he does, it's tough to transition from college to the pros because it's joints ligaments that one well, well it's that but it's also a lot of times in college that your skills are not that, you know, you're just you know, Running over, you know High, you know High School great. So what have you College? However, but it's this more athleticism, you know. Yeah, so, you know when you saw when you see them, he's actually using some good technique and fundamentals as he's going through which he obviously he's been taught and it's makes sense. His father was a Colton played in the NFL his brother played in the NFL. So his skill set is a lot higher than what a rookie would have coming in because As players who have been in the league, two, three, four five years that just run just run around and try to make plays. He's actually using his hands his hips and all those links. Jon Tester said last night about TJ watt that he got a chance to see behind the scenes on what made a great player great with his brother JJ. Absolutely and I think that's a big deal knowing what happens behind the scenes because everybody can see what happens on Sunday and on TV and I think in any business by the way, people can see like what happens whenever it's in Spotlight, but those hours of work in a way you have to take care of your body and the way you have to treat everything. Thing is what make the grades grades you were impeccable at this the way you took care of your body. Did you kind of know early like hey, I'm going to use science to help me as well. Well, you know what? I was blessed to having a lot of people around me that kind of knew what the deal was, you know, and I was always you know, I'm a guy that always wanted to find a way to get better, you know, and I didn't want to give it any excuse to why on Sunday when I line up and play the game. I didn't want anything else to be left to chance. Yeah, you know, whatever happens in the game happens in the game. But I have complete and total control over everything that happened up until the game. So that means how I prepared what I ate how I lifted how much sleep I got those things I can control. So therefore I'm going to put myself in the best situation to succeed on Sunday so that I said, okay. I did my job Monday through Saturday now, it's fine for me just to finish off the job on Sunday you were ahead of the game because we got these now that set up everything here you're doing this Shaker eating this food you doing this back in the day there was pizza and wings the night before games people are drinking beer the night before games. I was in the league when that was happening and then by the end of my career, it was a completely different ball game. You had a lot of scientists in there doing a lot of things you had before way ahead of your time. You had a special diet you had that people made for you you had to water that I assume had high pH levels in it. I mean, it was awesome to what I used to look at for any hair on his back room and come out with his bag and his bottle and I'm like What is that special sauce? Exactly, but the thing is is that I was like I said, I've been blessed to have some real intelligent people around me that taught me the right things and understood is that look the food that you eat. That's the fuel that is going to get your going to need to perform at your best on Sunday. So that's all I had to hear because I'm saying okay pizza and wings really good by the way, which are great which are absolutely Great, but do you want to play your best on Sunday? Or do you want to play your best on Friday at the dinner table your wings and say okay. This is my 15th Wing, you know a 20th way. I'm breaking the record, but I'm not forgetting about Sonny. I think do that after the game know after the game. You had a great time. Yes, all that good stuff, but not leading up to the game. No way. You know, that's just my mentality. I talk about those plane rides home from away games how awesome they use. My good so much fun man. That was an absolute blast. One of my favorite memories is you playing towards with Rahim Brock. I these through these 200 G's right or sitting in their own section playing cards and everybody that was sitting around was asleep or whatever and I was wide awake and I want to have a good time. So I go to the back wherever they were and I literally just start watching. I felt like a weirdo, you know and friend who's like a what's going on man. You want to play I'm like no. No, I started looking at the numbers that you guys are playing for him. I'm a pretty good card player, but I am not that That's how I would get you in. All the Vets will be sitting in the back we're playing and then we'll get a young guy just walking back on as I come. What are you guys doing? Oh, you want to learn what an incredible game those times in the locker room are things that people you can't duplicate right? Like I have my boys here. It's incredible. We don't play a game. We don't have like Big celebration. Is there any part of you that mrs. That and how have you adapted and that's the thing and that's what people and you hit it right on the head Pat. It's those types of things where you're experiencing things with your teammates who are going through the same exact struggle that you're going through the same emotions that you're going through and doing these things these things that seem like, oh you're playing cards, but you're also binding, you know, and you're also knowing you're in the same mental space. Case these are things that you do together and you will remember forever because it's like those plane rides, you know, and I you know, it was just something that was epic epic epic plane rides there where you know, you're in your feelings because you lost so you're in your feelings because you want you know, and it's just like you're sharing that with those who went through the same struggle or success that you went through and it's something that you'll never forget and is no replacing that because that's just how it is by the way on this plane ride. Got people are making you know, 50 million in their career. You got people making a hundred fifty three hundred thousand dollars all breathing the same air all in the same space feeling the same exact way. It's a beautiful piece of time people from Compton people from Louisiana people who are very wealthy grown up people for in that little plane is just like this epitome of like Perfect Harmony and that's what I'm saying and is different because what happens is it's different than other because you know after practice you go home you go do what you got to do. Whatever that is, but in this plane ride, there's no going anywhere. We're all together for the he's stuck it and it's kind of like, you know what let's have fun and enjoy this moment and you don't realize how much you enjoyed it until it's gone and it's done, you know, so those are one of the things and I also say the other thing I miss is is just Sunday and I told people this all the time. It's like a drug. It's like, you know think about Gladiator for those who don't play think How do you think of Braveheart that feeling of 80,000 Romans or whatever have you screaming your name screaming that Adrenaline Rush that you get in those moments can never be duplicated ever ever again. So it's that's what you miss that type of feeling you told me one time and it's a quote that is literally stuck with me today. And I think you you said it in a throwaway comment, but it was during card game and we're it was before primetime game and he said when the lights come on the Stars come out. That's really what you said and I have literally learned since then like if we're in a prime-time game, there was zero chance at Dwight Freeney wasn't going to have an incredible SEC. There's there's a zero chance because in his prime time what's going on over here? We have breaking news. The Jets are looking to get rid of Le'Veon Bell before the trade deadline. Whoa, that's very interesting. Hey, he's quick. Yeah, you just got there. Are you back James Conner just got hurt last night. Who knows how healthy is? Is Les going to go back to the Pittsburgh Steelers or is he going to go to a contender die-hard Steeler fans? Oh, really? Yeah, that's it. We was ever talk of you being traded. Any point does the day's trade deadline? Not that bad when we play we were down and so we didn't there wasn't trades like that especially in our organization. Bill polling wasn't trade anybody. How do you think that would feel by the way just be told your family has to move to another city because we decided get rid of you depends on how good the team was I'm celebrating. You know, or I'm not you know in the end, you know, it's we understand the business but it's not like basketball baseball where you know, it's actually real real part of it. It's a surprise when it happens we'll have you on bail was paid a lot of money and then that GM was promptly fired. So the people that are in charge of the Jets right now aren't the people that gave him the money which is the situation you ended up in with the Indianapolis Colts your last season, you talked about a little bit during a commercial break. I don't expect you to dive into it as much but your last couple years in the NFL you were transferred from a DND. Outside linebacker. Yeah, and it was a huge deal mean for me. It's you know, my last year Indianapolis. When we hired Chuck Pagano Hoosiers a great guy great guy great great guy. I got put in a situation where he wanted to use his system. His system was what was successful at the Ravens? Okay, which was a 3/4 type of Defense where you know, you had to do different things. So for me being a defensive end for all those years now asked to stand up and be an outside linebacker. Was a big deal. Yeah. Okay. So now all of a sudden you're trying to teach an old guy all dog, which I was already old. Okay at that point, you know, 11 years in or whatever. It was new tricks. And now all of a sudden I got branded somehow as an outside linebacker. So for the next three years, you know, it was San Diego. I we need an outside linebacker. Let's look at the names of outside linebacker. Oh Dwight Freeney outside linebacker. I'm like, okay, you guys want me to be awesome next to you know fast forward. I'm running down the field. Covering Gronkowski own 40-yard, you know this melts chasing him down like what am I doing? It's hilarious but it is what it is, you know, unfortunately, you know for me but you know, fortunately I got to meet new people new new experiences new things. So, you know, I don't think anything happens for no reason and you know what it is what it is, but what I love to stay a defensive and absolute and you're one of those humans that breathe that Elite are that not a lot of humans do Tom Brady. There's a lot of chatter about I'm leaving the Patriots after this year still playing incredibly well, by the way, although the defense is dominant. What do you think about the thought of a premier? We got like a minute and a half left? So I thought I left you a lot of time to answer this good talk show host. What do you think about the thought of Tom Brady potentially leaving the Patriots and what he's been able to do for this long with the TB 12 and everything like that. Well, I don't see it happening leaving. I don't see it happening. I to be honest with you. Why is that? Well, you know what? He's been there for a long time, okay. And you know, you hear chatter all the time from the Patriots year in and year out about this guy that guy this person is unhappy will build check return and all over you. They return he can come they keep continue doing their thing. You know, it'll be hard for me to see Tom pick up and move to a different organization. Like I said old dog new tricks. You don't know what he's going into, you know, that could potentially tarnish if you can towards that type of Career, you know all of a sudden he goes into a different system and he has issues with the offense coordinator throwing all types of interceptions and pigs than the questions different things. I don't see it happening. I think he's at a good place in a good space at the Patriot. People are saying he could potentially end up with the Cowboys. That's obligatory Cowboy talk for the last hour here. We just snuck that in didn't didn't get tax deal done it during a bye week that said distraction. I don't know. I mean it can be I mean, there's a lot of money any. Yeah, I think anything It's not related to the actual game in the moment can be a distraction, but the Cowboys are used to that they do they live you said distraction. I was born into this trap. All right. We're going to wrap this up pretty your great dude. I appreciate you having me if you're gonna gamble gamble a fan duel because they're regulated. They got the best odds, absolutely and friends about the drain a putt to boost some odds on the FanDuel mobile app here shortly whenever we get off the air. We're heading to Waco, Texas tomorrow. To call the Baylor West Virginia game on Halloween night should be a lot of fun and I believe there's some big news coming this weekend too. Well thanks to my friend Nate ladies and gentlemen, first-ballot hall-of-famer. Tell you what He's a good dude man. Send me a limo one time when I was drunk downtown to give me home. I put cards with them before not that one we talked about on the plane ride. It was big that gatorade bottle shot. It was wild. He was just a good do to pull Superstar very smooth handsome and knows his shit inside and out can't thank Dwight Freeney enough for stopping by appreciate what he did to boost the mods to on FanDuel for the sack prop bet for the Colts used to be plus 200 knots plus 300 thanks to Dwight Freeney Colts will get three. X I believe they will especially with Dwight Freeney is good graces. Jim irsay announced shortly after he was on our show. That he will be entering the Colts Ring of Honor congrats to him. It'll be free need a I believe they're playing a dolphin smart marketing get them in there for Dwight Freeney. Go check him out. If you're an Indianapolis, if not, send us a tweet. Try to make us laugh. Send us your Halloween costumes best ones that we see when $500 to the Pat McAfee store the Batman TV show store revamp with a bunch of new things new Styles everything like that $500 to the store for best Halloween costumes in Zero's eyes, that should be fun to figure out just tweet us at Pat back for show at tie Schmidt at Vive Le Zito at Nick brought o Adam foxy and hashtag cool costume cuz any good but not possibly win $500 to our store. Let's go. I can't wait to see him. You're the absolute greatest. Thanks for listening tie Schmidt play that independent music. That won't get us sued cuz You Can't Touch This I'm sick. He wants to worry. I don't want another story from you can stop thinking that it's still thinking.
On today’s show, Pat and the guys record from Waco, Texas ahead of tonight’s West Virginia vs. Baylor game. They are joined in the box truck by Pat’s Thursday Night Football play-by-play man, one of the most interesting men at ESPN, Adam Amin. They chat about what it was like growing up Muslim in the Chicagoland area, and the impact that 9/11 had on his life, he tells the story about how his father immigrated from Pakistan and had to save money for several years before he could bring the rest of his family over, and he dispels some common misconceptions about being Muslim. They also chat about how things have been going in the Thursday Night booth, what Adam’s dream job would be in terms of calling games, some of the most memorable games he’s called, and he tells a few hilariously stories about his career before he got to ESPN in a very deep and incredible interview (6:36-55:09). Also included is an interview in studio with Super Bowl Champion, 7x Pro Bowler, 4x All-Pro, member of the NFL 2000s All Decade team, newly minted member of the Colts Ring of Honor, and Pat’s former teammate, Dwight Freeney. They discuss the change of the defensive end position throughout his career and why guys like him made such an impact in their careers, what he thinks of this years Indianapolis Colts team and why he thinks they are built for success, he remembers a few of his better gambling stories while with the Colts, and chats about the NFL trade deadline, and why he doesn’t believe the NFL trade market will explode the way fans want it to (57:55-1:20:36). Don’t forget to send pictures of your Halloween costumes to Pat and the guys using the hashtag #CoolCostumeCuz for a chance to win a $500 gift card to Come and laugh with us, and have a safe and Happy Halloween. Cheers.
Hey guys, welcome to another episode of the fitness experiment podcast. We got an exciting one for you. Today. We're going to talk about the game changers documentary. If you haven't seen that one yet will give you a little bit of a background. And then if we have time, we'll kind of leeway a little bit into the carnivore diet. Yeah, sweet.Is that is this game changes it new so it's new in Canada. But I think it was released in the United States like a year ago. And I think it's actually really really really popular. Yeah, like I seen a couple I don't know the sources of this, but I swear I saw somewhere like Top-selling documentary of all time or something. I don't know that could be I could be blowing smoke up my ass, but I swear I saw that somewhere. Yeah, I mean, even it being that even close to being that High super concerning for me. Yeah, okay if you haven't seen it. Maybe just like pause go watch it. I think that'd be best. Yeah without any information from us yet come up with whatever opinion you have or whatever. However you feel about it. And then maybe listen to this podcast after I think that's maybe a good order of things. Yeah. I agree watch it with an open mind. Because even I mean I obviously have my biases about this and we'll talk about the reasons for those biases like I have reasons for them. But even when I watched it, you know, I did my best like before we went into it. I told Keith and I said, okay, I'm going to have an open mind about this. You know, I'm not going to be kind of complaining about things they present and it is a like it's an entertaining documentary for sure. Like I enjoyed it and but yeah, I would agree with that just Check beforehand. You can form your own opinions and then maybe come back and listen. Yeah, okay. So if that's you welcome back because you Poss another back listening to this, but the the basic premise of this documentary is talking about a plant based diet and the effects on performance and Longevity. Yeah and different sort of biomarker test that they did throat and talk about definitely a couple studies. I guess they threw in a couple but they talk about some meta-analysis. Yeah, they did. But okay. So my experience want yeah. What did you how do you feel better? So when you told me to watch it, I asked you what it is about me. Like I'm not going to tell you just watch it and see what it is. So I didn't re-sign ever heard of it. I didn't research what it was about. I had no idea what it was going into. I didn't know what the documentary was. I just thought game changer at that like a new exercise. Sort of setup or some sort of breathe like I had no idea at all. So as it cut as a documentary starts, the initial feeling is like, okay. So this is basically this is for sure a documentary that's focused on guys. Yeah, let's start to finish through it was it was a hundred percent geared towards the male viewer because all their test subjects were male all the athletes that they followed were male everything from Start to finish was all about me. Oh, so it's like that side right away. I'm like, okay. Well that's leaving out a massive chunk of the population right away. So step one and then second not only is it focused on mail but is focused on like the man's man sort of thing. You know what I mean? Like the all the sports that they chose to talk about were very like hoorah Sports, I would say so there's like fighting there was football. I can't remember the other sports, but it was all dominantly male-dominated sports at the professional level in terms of like money earned or viewership or things like that. Definitely skewed more male not saying that females when watch these sports are participate. There's as of lately fighting's opened up a lot to women, which is amazing football. Obviously hasn't at all unless it's like the Lingerie Football League or something ridiculous like that. That's not even about athletic performance. It's about looks and stuff still so weird and backwards, but they trellis those Sports obviously on purpose to make the man's man. Look at this and be like, oh, okay. So this isn't for quota like, you know some the vegan. In diet, I think their idea or the plant-based diet. So I didn't mention vegan at all the whole time. I don't think yeah, that was that was a little misleading to because they kind of they talked about Dairy a few times and then they didn't and they were never really clear on if an athlete was vegetarian or vegan or but anyways, so, yeah, we'll just kind of go with like plant-based that's part of what annoyed me choose a never defined what a plant-based diet was at any point in the documentary. So I'm still after watching. I'm not a hundred percent sure if that means Vegan vegetarian, you know some other spin-off variation of a plant-based diet. I'm not really sure what the what the ideal thing they're going for was but anyway, so they're clearly trying it's a propaganda sort of feel towards a male to become more plant-based and they threw out that documentary that will touch on later. They hit stink like pain points for males and used it to promote their plant based diet idea or kind of felt like an agenda really as I was watching it. That's actually really interesting that you brought that up because that's one thing that never really clued into me while I was watching it or even afterwards. Oh, yeah the fact that but it's so obvious now that you talk about it the fact that yeah, it was totally all males. It was like you said kind of like the quote unquote man's man and that kind of just like yeah makes me think about that maybe even more and I won't say much more on that because I think it'll come up but that is an interesting point that it's just it's cool that you said that I'm happy you kind of started with how you felt because I think that just goes to show everyone kind of has like their own thoughts and maybe different opinions as they're watching it. Yeah, so we're gonna look for me with it. Like everyone has their own perspectives and backgrounds that they're coming in when they're watching stuff for me. Like it's always whenever I watch a documentary. I always try to pick up biases right away, you know, whenever something so strongly biased I immediately like disregard it like this whole documentary to me. I disregarded the whole thing right away because I felt like I was being like preach to Yes, I think one way and everything else was wrong. And anybody who has an absolute idea like that. I'm gonna be skeptical right away. I think everyone needs to be that way, especially this day and age I try and tell people that frequently especially with nutrition because be a skeptic like be a skeptic of I want people to be a skeptic of me like anything. I put out there right? I'd say I say like if there's someone you're following you need to look for rationales and reasons and why like if someone is telling you this is good. Bad or better for you or worse for you? They better be telling you why or at least? Answering your question why they better be putting out videos on YouTube or their site explaining the rationale behind things and how things work. Like if it's just kind of surface like this is good. This is bad because it makes me feel nice. That's not a good reason like you need to be skeptical of that for sure. So I was gonna I did a lot of background research on this documentary. because Well, I wanted to so I'm not going to start by giving you like a my opinion or anything on it. I'm just going to instead. I'm just gonna like I said, I did extra research on this things that the viewer would have no idea of initially so like our job is as coaches as why we run this podcast like my job is with my business. I'm just giving you the information and then you can kind of make your own judgment from there, right? Yeah. And this is I'm also going to explain a lot of the reason as to kind of how and why I do feel the way I do about this documentary. So first thing I looked into was the producer of the documentary. So James Cameron is his name, I believe he's actually Canadian him and his wife own a pea protein company. It's called verdiant foods, and it's not just like your backyard Nutrition Company. Apparently. It's Be the biggest manufacturer of pea protein in North America. So, you know, yeah like so there's that and I'm not saying like that totally kind of disregards the whole documentary because what he's passionate and interested in plant-based nutrition and so he puts out more information about it's okay. That's fair. But still that's a very important consideration right off the bat. I think and that makes that point that you brought up about men. only the man's man a little bit more interesting to me because I think if you look at the population in general as a whole the majority of kind of again these typical men that they're talking about. I'm presenting in this documentary. That's the population who probably eats no vegetables only red meat basically what they're presenting in the documentary, right? So that's interesting to me. So let's go over some of these athletes. So Kendrick Farris, that was the Olympic weightlifter. So really impressive set of record in I don't know if it was like the qualifiers or something for the Olympics. I do believe one thing they did not talk about was his performance at the Olympics. So there's kind of a couple things there. I want to bring up so he didn't he wasn't called again. I'll just say plant-based. He wasn't plant-based for like, you know, like his ten years of training. He was eating meat at one point. Potentially when he was initially gaining all that strength and skill switched over relatively close to this record. He set and the Olympics again. I don't know the exact time frame but the point of that is he already had his strength and skill in place when he switched so you can't really say oh that record was due to the plants and I'm kind of want to explain a little bit more about why that is so they did not mention his performance at those Olympics afterwards. Which was pretty bad. So that was his third Olympics his prior to and he was eating meat. He did really well this third one as he was on plant-based nutrition was his worst one. I don't know what place he finished, but I actually wrote down his his totals here. So the trials When he I think this was when he broke the record, his snatch was a hundred sixty eight kilos the Olympics. He snatched 160 kilos for anyone who has ever lifted weight before especially if you've done some Olympic lifting that is fucking gigantic and Nate kilogram drop is monstrous his clean and jerk the trials 209 kilograms the Olympics hundred ninety seven kilos. That's even bigger for me because I clean and jerk it as you know is more obviously there's a massive amount of technique and skill involved but there's a little bit more of just like a pure strength component to the clean and jerk compared to the snatch where snatch is very day-to-day, right? So if he if he missed so just being Devil's Advocate like say you just had a bad lift, right? He went he jumped from 160 to like 169 to try to be his record on his third attempt in Mist right massive jumped out Urban terrible planning. I'm not sure if that's actually how it went. But that's a possibility of but that clean and jerk like just the absolute strength has clearly been affected at that point. That's what it would show me. Yeah, that's a hell of a good point and now and leaving this stuff out of the documentaries kind of my big problem with the whole thing real skeptic like you pump up the plant-based diet and how he's a world record holder or an American record holder story. And then you leave out the fact that all these other elements and performances to and they're not even touching on the other hundreds of athletes that are plant-based that are competing. Yeah level come on. So, you know again like you kind of mentioned athletes have bad performances is was it due to his diet we can't know for sure. I'm just saying they didn't bring this up in the documentary, but let's keep going. So Patrick. Baboom Ian. That was the strong man. Oh, yeah, so I just want to thank my chops. Yeah, I to good mutton chops. That's probably where you got strength from not the plant-based diet for they kept calling him the strongest man in the world. Like if you have the heaviest yoke walk. You're not the strongest man in the world. Like I actually so I just watched a little bit of strongman competition for the first time like 10 years on the weekend. I don't know why you're doing like 10 different events. He yeah, so that's just kind of that lingo that they were using. Strongest man in the world that's you know kind of misleading. But anyways, obviously very impressive Feats of Strength shortly after the documentary again. I don't really know the exact time frame he had an injury and I don't think he's really competing anymore. So, you know, okay athletes again, they get injured who really knows he has said before this is actually one of his posts on Twitter. He is quoted as saying I use hundreds of supplements to maintain my health. So filling in deficiencies or just using them regardless, I don't really know but I'm going to talk a little bit later on about the in my opinion extreme risk of nutrient deficiencies when you're following a plant-based diet, right but we'll get into that later. Actually. I do want to mention this one last thing. He said most people wouldn't notice this but at one point he said after I started eating plants, I got a lot bigger and stronger. If you're increasing your mass whether that's from kitkat's meat or plants, you're going to be stronger Mass equals force production, right? So, yeah. Now Morgan Mitchel was the Sprinter. She's recently switched from 400 meters to 800 meters people suspect maybe because 400 meters is more. So power and strength 800 meters. You don't need as much power and strength. It's a little bit more endurance based. So hypothetically if you are losing a little bit of muscle some weight, you'd be more Adept at an endurance event. So that's I don't know that's kind of more speculation anything. Novak Djokovic, one of the best tennis players in the world. I think he was actually one of the co-producers maybe of this. Oh, yeah, he has what sense if you look at his timeline shortly after switching to plant base his performance decreased a little bit. He has since Incorporated at least like fish and some other sources of me and has kind of improved performance since doing so so even though he was co-producer he is since reincorporated. Some at least fish Cam Newton. This has been a massive story in the media this year sure has been this is yeah. This is a new one. So it wouldn't be in the documentary but this is probably the best rushing quarterback in the game right now. I think I don't really know shit about the NFL but yeah, definitely no enough more Dynamic. Oh, yeah, so he switched to plant based diet roughly like last February issue, I think and essentially He's just been plagued with injuries ever since and first two games this season. We're going showing he was awful and I think he's still may be recovering from injury. So here's some other athletes. They didn't mention in the documentary. I don't think Kyle kuzma LA Lakers serious stress fracture in his foot since wish Since switching. Excuse me, Kyle Irving injured DeMarcus Cousins. LA Lakers injured Michael Porter Jr. He kind of did the opposite he was I believe vegetarian for most of his kind of High School playing days, etc. Etc. Sorry. This is a football athlete. I think partly it was highly touted serious back injury, I think in college and then I believe has now decided to switch back CC Sabathia. He was just hurt again. I don't know if anyone saw that recently. Him Derek Morgan, which is one of the Tennessee Titans which they featured in the film, which I think was kind of like the Catalyst and recruiting more. He's since been injured career not going so great. As of late. Adrian Foster injured Tom Brady. They showed a picture of him at the end of the documentary. I don't know why he eats more meat than the average American which is a lot because Americans tend to eat a lot of meat. Yeah, and then the last example I have is Tony Gonzalez NFL Hall of Famer who has openly stated before that at some point in his career. He switched back to eating meat again. And then that was kind of like a Resurgence from him. So again, I'm not saying this means still this still doesn't discredit the documentary, but it does my opinion raises a lot of questions because they kind of cherry-picked, right? Oh, yeah big time, but I could cherry-pick this too. Just saying there's a lot more to the story than kind of meets the eye. Yeah, and you could like close your eyes and have a white board of all the NFL players and just throw a dark and hit a name and then research them and it's like they probably had an injury exactly only has nothing to do with you and I it is. Yeah, but I think the point is for you. It's like it goes both ways, right like yeah, they've highlighted they've highlighted. did the highlights I guess of these plant-based athletes, but they've completely omitted the low points and yeah me if you're going to have a well-balanced documentary that proves what you're saying is correct, you're going to have both sides and then come up with the best alternative based on some sort of research study on retiree, but that was obviously lacking because they only yeah the highlight and I think this is important because the athletes were Really the Catalyst for the documentary my opinion. Yeah, like showing them was probably what was so compelling for most people watching it. Yeah. I was thinking it was really engaging and then a good job with that. I had one thing about because I like really follow MMA quite a bit and the clip that they showed of Conor McGregor saying that he was eating two steaks a day leading up to the fight that has nothing to do with him actually eating two steaks a day that has everything to do with the fact that he was just being cocky and saying that he I didn't take the fight. Seriously that was a that was a context of that interview and they took that interview they pieced it out and then place that in there as like, oh he lost the fight because he hates takes he didn't actually eat steaks. He was cutting weight. Like he had to go down almost 25 pounds to get into that weight class. There's no way he was eating two steaks a day. He was joking it was him being like I just didn't care. I so cocky. I thought I was just gonna run this run over this guy and have no problems. Turn out about yes, they did. He did send to her but rather unique. Yeah, it's really very concerned. When I saw that that's pretty much at the start to I was like, oh boy, here we go. Yeah, I think this might be a good time to maybe talk about that this one I am comfortable and saying bullshit. You can't even call it a study when they brought up the Gladiators like for one. It's it's not a study. It was like a like a fairy tale. Well for one, but I heard that and immediately I was like that again that was kind of another indicator to me where it's like, you know, just set all the nutrients stuff aside that will get into is just based on like the other. I don't know what you want to call it like practical evidence or whatever when I heard that when I was like, all right, this is like that's just bullshit. So they said Gladiators basically what they suggested was they they found Gladiators remains that Higher bone mineral density and also found that the Gladiators tended to be eating only plant-based I think was something along those lines. Well for one Gladiators were slaves. They were probably eating only plants because meat and organ Meats were regarded as more like quote unquote prestigious like this is known so they're only giving the slaves the vegetables and then to are they have higher bone mineral density what we don't strength training and resistance training. Any increases that these guys were fucking slaves, so they're doing more essentially resistance training on a daily basis than anyone else. So, of course, they're going to be bigger and burlier and have stronger bones. Yeah, if you were to compare the Gladiators of that time to the royalty of that time, obviously the royalties can have a lower bone density because they didn't do shit. Yeah. They just sat around and got fat like that's what being fat was like a at that time like if they want. To go this route is like that was a sign of success is the fatter. You were the lawyer eats tree and the more you can afford and the less you have less labor you had to do just like if you were more pale it was more prestigious than being tanned like physically tan from the sun because if you were canned from the Sun you were laboring and if you were pales because you were Rich so you don't have to do shit. I just started throwing into nothing. Yeah. And again, it's all fairy tale stuff like nobody nobody was there nobody remembers that know I saw like they had any be real good books at that time either is like extra sandstone and I don't know everybody believed in I think never God's at that time. Yeah, I think a lot of it is just based on like what they're drawing on the cave wall. Yeah. Let's relax about that Caveman Diet stuff. Yeah. I did wanna mention one thing alongside that great. So we talked about injuries. We talked about a little bit about bone mineral density. So we know that like vitamin D calcium Phosphorus so they all kind of work together for bone mineral density. Well calcium really hard to get if you're not eating dairy. So if you're vegan, we're not getting Dairy hard to get it from Plants hard to get it from any other meat sources egg shells are like the highest Source, I believe of calcium. So anyways tough to get calcium if you're eating plant-based. Tough to get for anyone not eating dairy. So that's one point vitamin D is highest in egg yolks chicken or veal fat and lots of fish. There is some in I forgot to look up the kind here, but there is some in mushrooms which would be kind of like the best place for people eating plants to get that from and then phosphorus is kind of like a whole another rabbit hole. But so that's that's just one kind of little Minor Detail that might be going on when it comes to these injuries. That's probably like one one-hundredth of the total puzzle or story but good time to point that out. So what were some of the other studies they talked about there was one? Let's see in order here. There was a they took blood samples after meals so they had like burritos one. Yes, one being based burritos all plant products in the one then one chicken one beef and they use high Quality Meats as well. I think they pointed that out to try to prove like a right equality thing with the meat. And I have no idea what they were trying to get with this. Okay, just being completely ignorant to blood tests and what this means but they're point. That wasn't actually a point because I'm not sure if it's good or bad the after the plant-based meal when I separated the blot out the plasma was clear. You can it's you could see through it to the other side. No problem. And the people that the guys that ate meat their blood plasma seem to be a little bit more opaque. Like you couldn't see through his pretty cloudy. And from what I could tell just watch on my computer. It looked like you couldn't see the other side it was that cloudy. I have no idea. They didn't explain what that meant. Yeah. It kind of just presented. It is like a vanity thing. Yeah, like almost like clear was he good? Sexy foggy doesn't look nice. Yeah, I don't have anything on that. I've known ya get. Uh, I was thinking a lot when they presented that particular point. So I'm assuming what they were saying was again, they didn't really say this, but I'm assuming they kind of I think again, I don't know but I think they connected this to kind of like the cholesterol story saying like hey, there's more fat in your bloodstream after an animal meal versus a plant-based meal. They kind of also I'm kind of lumping this all together because it was a sequence of experiments. I can't remember which is which but they also talked about like some endothelial function stuff. So like basically saying blood flow was Less efficient after the animal-based meal versus The Plant meal. So I think we can kind of like just lump that together in a sense because I have a couple points about that. So first and foremost one thing they never ever ever talked about was meat quality. So if you remember the one football player clearly said I'm used to eating Popeye's Chicken on a day like nearly daily basis, right? Well, no shit that's gonna mess up your blood flow and make your plasma look cloudy because it's deep fried in vegetable oil, which we know is probably the most pro-inflammatory food there is which is plant-based the vegetable oil. Yeah. Yeah, you could call it that but I mean even just aside from that like the fact that they didn't mention meat quality as a joke. Yeah, because yeah, if you go eat a burger right now from Wendy's there's one over there across the street my blood flow after that. Going to be crap because of that vegetable oil at its deep fried in not to mention the God knows where the meat came from and the pesticides and on and on and on so that I mean there's that right there like the guy stops eating Popeye's Chicken for a day. Okay. Well is it because of that or is it because of the plant-based meal the oils is the that's the biggest thing really in my opinion and I know they saw another experiment. What about the one where they talked about kind of like Like the grass fed meal so you'd think maybe that you know, maybe they took care of that issue. Well again, some of these guys were eating Popeyes or whatever beforehand but I think the most important thing here is that remember when they said kind of the murkiness so this probably suggest that there's more fat and cholesterol circulating through the blood again. Maybe there are saying that that would impair blood flow and we'll have to take a quick pause here in a minute because this Go down a rabbit hole. But any time you hear someone try and make a point that this is healthier for you or not healthier for you because it reduces cholesterol like that is pointless like cholesterol is not the problem here. And I think I really do think we need to do one long-ass podcast dedicated to this because there's so much more going on here. And we know now that cholesterol is Is not the issue it's just kind of a flag suggesting that there's other problems going on. I don't usually do a whole lot of notes, but I had to make a few for cholesterol because there is just so much that I didn't want to miss and it is it's bloody confusing. But anyways, if you have high cholesterol that does not automatically mean that there is some health issues going on cholesterol is only an issue if it's in the presence of inflammation. And that's usually also accompanied by insulin resistance. So just to kind of give you an example. So when they were dealing with you remember when they were working with those firemen and they presented their cholesterol afterwards and they were all pumped up like your cholesterol is gone down a hundred points. So there's a couple things going on there for one again. This is a thing you can apply to the whole documentary that most people wouldn't realize and actually this ties in the inflammation point to when they said the plant-based diet. Reduced inflammation and people so if you reduce your body fat, you are going to reduce inflammation automatically again that goes for view reduce your body fat by eating Kit Kats. Only if you reduce your body fat by eating meat only if you reduce your body fat by eating plants only your inflammation is going to improve that's just what happens that also means you're probably going to see a change to markers of cholesterol. That's just what happens. So the reason I bring up cholesterol because there's been so much research in recent years showing that it's not the enemy. So I always tell people I don't know if I've mentioned this on here before not but I always tell people it's like It's really like a paramedic at the scene of an accident. So an accident is a it's a terrible scene. There's Carnage everywhere. But and you see those paramedics that are all the paramedics didn't cause the accident they're there to actually help clean that up and try and resolve the issue. So that's what cholesterol is. So if you see high cholesterol, it just means that there's High inflammation you have insulin resistance and then there's high cholesterol in this region in that tissue. Because it's trying to resolve that problem like cholesterol is beneficial. We need that like every time you make a cell you need cholesterol. It's involved in transporting essential fats throughout the body. We needed to make vitamin D. You needed to make sex hormones like DHEA estrogen testosterone. So this is why low cholesterol low fat diets will just plumb it to stas Turon again transporting these strats. Or the body which we like cells are literally made of fat. So we need that if you look at cholesterol in the brain, which I should mention off the Forefront the cholesterol circulating through the rest of your body doesn't really get into the brain and we don't really know like probably maybe some of it does maybe it indirectly affects brain health. I'll get to that. Anyways point being the brain has its own cholesterol. It makes its own cholesterol and it is like you need this shit if you have low cholesterol in the brain, you're going to be messed up. So there's something in the brain called myelin sheath, which is this it's this fatty insulation that wraps our axons. So just imagine like Just imagine the the coating around a wire. It's kind of that same idea. So you can speed up or put it this way the signals that you pass through out your brain move faster if they're wrapped in myelin. So we've all heard of multiple sclerosis. The problem with multiple sclerosis is that this myelin is destroyed. So people lose their Milan and this is why people with Ms. Go through Like kind of good periods and bad periods when they're in that good period there Milan is holding on when they start to decline. They lose Milan and then as they improve again, that's when some of their Milan starts to come back. Milan is made from cholesterol. so it's pretty important that yeah, and again the cholesterol in your diet does not directly we don't think effect that cholesterol in the brain, but At that being said there's lots and lots of studies. This is in rodents and some in humans also showing that if you change the amount of cholesterol that you're feeding someone there is changes in the brain. So something's going on whether it's a direct effect or an indirect effect would be like just a Global Information. Absolutely. Yeah, because I mean there's so many roles of cholesterol. The other thing I didn't mentioned we've talked actually we recently talked. Vile so you ever you release bile to break down the fat you consume. So when you consume healthy fats, they're healthy because they're high in like vitamins a e DK they're high in omega-3. Will you don't get any of that unless you release bile and you need cholesterol to make bile. The other thing people don't realize is that I think it's something like 80% of the cholesterol in our body is made from our body itself. Only 20% is affected from diet. So again, if there's inflammation insulin resistance, and you have elevated cholesterol, The diet. Yeah, it's obviously having an effect which I think I just showed you is not a bad thing like he needed it. But what more so what's probably going on is that your body's jacking up its own production to try and help this issue, right? And then the last thing on this might not even be the last thing on cholesterol, but the last thing I wanted to mention was that so people are probably still wondering, you know, what about all these studies and they probably mentioned a few of them in the In the documentary like high cholesterol heart disease high cholesterol stroke or on and on and on. This is these are associations studies. I don't and I don't know if we've talked about this yet or not. I'm just getting mixed up because I've been talking about this so much on my Instagram lately Association is not causation. Yeah, we had early going on that the correlation, right? Yeah. Yeah. So people again if you haven't heard that one go back and listen because this is really really important. We see I'd actually talked about this. With a high school class recently, like basically what they do with these studies is they'll follow a massive cohort of people for say like 10 years and they say, okay how many of these people go on to develop like heart disease or diabetes or something like that? And I say, okay this group a went on to develop that group be to not they'll then go back and look at their diet using self-report. That's the other thing. Yeah, and they'll find oh group a that had more heart attacks. They ate. Red meat. Well, what else were they doing? Like they also ate more prone flavor. Tori vegetable oil. They eat more sugar. They cared less about their exercise and physical activity, which we know people who read more red meat tend to care less about exercise. There were probably eating overall less vegetables more of the process crap more likely to smoke some studies don't even consider that I mean the list goes on and on and on and so for them to to say that it was from the red meat. You just can't do that. They also don't look at quality. Like we know that process red meat is shit for you. Yeah, if if you're using that example in this documentary will know shit. Nobody's arguing that yeah, like they're loaded with nitrates. If it's a process meat it's going to be high in these it's higher and pro-inflammatory Omega sixes. It's higher in these hormones these pesticides like we know that shit. The other thing they don't look at is They don't look at this is another thing I to know I don't think a lot of people are aware of they don't look at how the meat is cooked. So one thing they mentioned in this this was one of their reasons behind apparently, why meat is so bad for you. They mentioned a means am I NES? Well, so there's a couple different kinds like heterocyclic amines. One of them is called there's zero heterocyclic amines which are the toxins. The raw meat you don't form those until you cook those and they form their if you hardly so if you eat like, you know, like medium rare, for example, the a means are very very very low. If you CH are the shit out of your meat the a means our high as shit, so when you're barbecuing when that fat drips into the flame and blows up those are creating a means, so that's why it's better to either eat meat like, like I said, like rare medium rare that type of thing use a cast-iron skillet is the other Sample or use the oven and so that's another like massive red flag that they just didn't mention at. All. Right. Yeah, that's crazy. Even with the with the firefighters things with their points dropping. They don't even mention the fact that you're probably taking a group of individuals that eight Maybe by looking at them. It's I'm making an assumption here, but they weren't world-class athletes or anything. No, right. So we and you don't get to being over fat. I eating well you get to be over fat by eating poorly and beaten. Yes. Exactly. That's how happens. There's no other way that happens. That's that's the way that it happens and there's literally no argument for that. So we're taking these individuals with poor health practices. We're guiding them to a more health conscious Focus sure to plant base. It could have been anything though could've been anything more health conscious of what they're doing. Their health markers were there I'm using quotations because they're using cholesterols like lower cholesterol is house marker. Yeah, but things are going to start changing or inflammation is going to go down because you're not eating the shit so they don't need as much cholesterol circulating through their blood. It's just not need I could yeah. Yeah, like I said we need to do a whole episode I think on cholesterol because like it it's to the point where it's like causing harm and I'm about to show you why that is. Yeah because I didn't even get into a lot of the brain stuff. So but before I mention this, so we talked a lot about why why cholesterol isn't the enemy why you actually need it. So before I show you why low cholesterol has been Blake in damn near like a hundred studies why low cholesterol has been linked with depression and even suicide. Let's look at the other side of the coin if you're avoiding cholesterol, which again if like going by what they recommend in this video you would be if you're eating primarily only plants and fearing cholesterol. You're not going to get a lot of that. So what's going to happen there while maybe those hormones we talked about or not necessarily going to be optimized but one It's like to me which I think is probably what explains some of this. I'm going to show you is that remember what I said about cholesterol and bile and how that relates to omega-3 so we know that Omega 3 is I don't think I need to go into detail about why omega-3 is like one of the most important nutrients on the planet like you're basically overdosing this as an infant like it's what your brain is made of all cells in your body needed that reduces inflammation, etc. Etc, etc. Omega-3 hard to get on a plant-based diet, especially sorry I should kind of emphasize primarily if you're vegan, because then you're not eating marine animals. So you're not eating fish. You're not eating eggs. So what most vegans will do is they'll try and get it from like allergies. So, okay cool because that provides what's called Alpha Look acid a la and we can convert that into Omega 3. In fact we have to sorry. So what if you consume a la which is plant based omega-3 we have to in our body convert that to the EPA and DHA which we would otherwise just get from like egg yolks or like salmon or something like that directly in that form already. Yes. So the problem with a la or trying to get your O3 from plants is that the conversion is shit. I had these numbers so women the conversions pretty bad. You'll convert roughly 21 percent of that into EPA roughly 9% of that ended DHA as still pretty terrible 9% DHA to that's the more important stuff men atrocious 0 to 4 percent eat. 0 to 4 percent that is converted to DHA 8% converted to EPA. So like not to mention there's also Gene polymorphisms. I've seen these on 23andMe which a lot of people have which will reduce your ability to convert a la into those Omega-3s even more. So keep that in mind as I show you this now, so this is just a handful of studies that like I said, we're starting to find out now that not only is cholesterol not the enemy, but in fact low levels may even be like terrible. So 1 1993 paper published in the Lancet, very prestigious Journal men aged 70 years and older with categorically to find depression were three times more common in the group with low plasma cholesterol than those with high concentrations. So Depression was more common. If your cholesterol is low the other one looked at depressive symptoms in men from age 40 to 70. They found that men with long term low cholesterol had higher prevalence of depressive symptoms. So most of these are men which makes sense based on what I just showed the poor conversion to omega-3 and I should mention on the other hand, there's lots and lots of research showing that omega-3 improves things like depression. It's just because of its functions and what it does in the brain, but here's one with women. So among 300 healthy women aged 31 265. This is in Sweden women with the lowest cholesterol suffered from Lee more depressive symptoms than to others and other one in Ireland low levels of cholesterol or linked to higher ratings of depressive rating scores 2008 study looked at bipolar disorder 20 of the people they looked at had attempted suicide at some point in the past the other 20 had not so both cholesterol and blood flow fat levels. A lower on average among those who had attempted suicide. So it's ridiculous that not only is it linked to depression but it also seems that you can end it. No, I want to emphasize that some of these are like, you can't State a causation effect here, but, you know based on the mechanisms based on the amount of data, here's more foreign 17 patients who had attempted suicide at some point. I've hospitalized psychiatric patients who had not results of the study suggests that low cholesterol is associated with suicide attempts and like the list goes on and on and on I probably one of the most important things that I forgot to mention cholesterol is involved in making serotonin. Well, what's the most common antidepressant treatment? It's a drug that basically elevates serotonin like it's fucking crazy. Yeah. and this is just This is honestly just like the beginning of the rabbit hole. And another one we need to I'm not going to get into this right now because I'm I don't for one. I don't really have it memorized at the moment. But just like the history of where these recommendations came from in the first place like why we've been told to eat low cholesterol. It's it's bloody controversial and we're starting to find out why? Yeah, it's ridiculous. Yeah, it's crazy. So yeah, those are big percentages to yeah, like it's this it's not really even trivial know there is Trivial for how that goes. Yeah, so that's just about the cholesterol thing. I know almost probably for like 12 to 15 other nutrients that we haven't even talked about it have about 12 minutes. Yeah. All right. Let's take this something that was kind of just in the order. So the next thing they did was essentially measured. Each individual the same guys that they tested the blood plasma. They tested quote unquote their vulnerability. That's a good that's a good term for it while they were sleeping. Yeah and came up with a correlation that if you ate plant-based, I'm not even sure what the time line was. They weren't very clear on. It sounded like one plant-based meal before bed or something. Yeah. That was like I don't to be honest. I don't even have a good explanation for that. But it was just such a bullshit. So put it this way if they would have presented good conclusive data through the rest of the movie and that presented that I say, okay, there's something there but based on all the other stuff and then how they presented this like for one. They're not they gave no explanation about how they're determining this data. They were coming up with so like who knows whether they fucking Jimmy rigged it behind the scenes. Yeah, but let's assume they didn't like this is three. Jules those three guys were a little bit more stressed when they eat one meal or the other that's going to reduce it because the cortisol is going to impair testosterone like it could be as simple as that it could be because they removed the Popeye's Chicken and then gave them plant-based. I mean that one's yeah, it's to me it's not even worth like arguing because yeah, I'm thinking of from a practical standpoint. How good would you sleep into rings wrap wrapped around your Johnson all night? Asleep how you know you see the contraption they had to put on a good sleep and Noble with that thing on the whole thing showed a little bit of the live video though. Yeah just seemed but a massive stretch, but hate it wasn't surprising to me. Just seeing the pain points that they were focusing on throughout again with that like male predominant Focus. They had I forgot about the one female stranger. That was the only female yeah documented 600 and the cyclist Just right. Yeah, so they had to they miss they didn't find anything but they didn't really talk about the female response to died at all. But it's like it's classic pain points for males. Right? It's the doctor says I have high cholesterol high blood pressure high stress jobs combined with inability to perform. Yes, like That's that hits the heart for a lot of guys. There's a lot of people that would struggle with that Y is why I grow so big very wise Pfizer has got me so big like multi cuz no one eats cholesterol. Yeah. So when they do it comes from Max, I mean that up like that. That's that but that's another reason why I think that particular study is just such bullshit because you literally need cholesterol to make testosterone like again, I didn't show you studies where If you have higher levels of cholesterol, then you're going to have higher levels of testosterone zinc like studies show that if your zinc is low. Your testosterone is going to be lower. Well, guess what? It's hard to get zinc from non meat and animal sources you can get it from like nuts and seeds but there's a there's another problem with that that we might not even have time to get into Vitamin D if that's low I already mentioned why that's tough to get if that's low to start. Roster owns going to be reduced and then there's like a whole slew of studies showing that if you eat a high fat low carb diet and a low fiber diet. I literally have this quoted here. They show that testosterone was increased. So if you kind of look at the specifics of that so the study let me just reiterate the study showed high fat low carb low fiber increase testosterone. I think it was by 13% I'm pretty sure this was like a 20-17 study and international Journal of Sports Nutrition or something like that. I'll look it up in a minute. But if you look at that, they're basically advocating for the opposite basically reduce your At least reduce your cholesterol and they're saying higher carb. Definitely if you're eating all these plants and fruits your carbs are going to be high and your fibers also be behind. Where did I have that? I can't find that one. But I do have another one here. So another study that they referenced. Do you remember when they said something? along the lines of like When they compared athletes on like a plant-based diet versus non, whatever something like this. They said I think they said like lean muscle mass was equivalent or something like that during that period it was kind of just like squeaked in there somewhere. So this exact same study. I looked this one up one thing they did not mention in the documentary muscle carnosine and creatine were lower in the athletes. Who are on the plant-based diet the same study also said? Veganism creates challenges that need to be accounted for when designing a nutritious diet such as getting adequate B12 iron zinc calcium, iodine vitamin D as well as omega-3 fats and those are some of the ones that we could have talked about. Maybe we can still squeeze them in here. But let's focus for a second on carnosine Creatine and then we can also probably throw carnitine in here as well. Those are ones that people see in supplement stores actually. Yeah, so these are all very very very hard to get from. Bass die like this is I mean, this is one thing that I think even if you're on a plant-based diet, you probably already know this that very least you should be I think you should be aware that it's very hard to get carnosine creatine carnitine. So creatine talked about this a lot. But we know how important creatine is for obviously athletic apart it performance but also massively important for brain health. In fact, there are studies showing that if your creatine levels are lower, For a traumatic brain injury before a concussion then the injury quite often is worse. We also know that creatine supplementation can help with a concussion. We know the creatine supplementation can help with neurodegenerative disease even so there's a lot of preliminary data showing that it might be beneficial for things like dementia and so on and so forth because creatine increases ATP that increases energy and oftentimes with these brain disorders. There's just no available on So anytime you can bump that up. So that's why I mean at the very least. You literally can't get creatine from a plant-based diet. So if you that's something that needs to be supplemented carnosine. Yeah. Another thing that people are probably aware of if they use a lot of supplements courtesy in itself is like an antioxidant it's involved in kind of dealing with like oxidative stress that type of thing but it also will increase production of beta-alanine. So the something bait out and I was shocked for that before. Self's the buffer hydrogen ions and muscle. So basically what it means is it will prolong those feelings of quote-unquote lactic acid that prevent you from carrying on pushing through so that like they said specifically in this study which actually referenced in this video that was lower from those eating plant-based diet. And again, that's very very very well known that seen across the board because it's very high and meets hard to get elsewhere. We're and then the other one is carnitine. So another one that people probably see as a supplement carnitine also has antioxidant effects transports fatty acids into the mitochondria to be burned as energy. This is also very very very commonly low on a plant-based diet. Those are ones that were literally stated in that study. Yeah, the study that they chose and I think that's my fundamental problem with the documentaries. Just any it just doesn't tell the whole story and whatever you do that your You have a very strong bias. It's almost propaganda like and you're not giving the individual watching the documentary the full picture from which they can choose for themselves. Right like watching that documentary. It's not going to make me go plant-based because it didn't convince me, but somebody else may watch it and get very inspired and then drop all meat products go completely plant-based with yes concerning. Yeah without Knowing the things that you're talking about right now in the concerns with that now are you saying not to know you're saying there's a very specific way that you have to go home about doing it to make sure that you're getting the things that you need but not explaining that a balances best and leaving that part out or not. Even yeah that is best. Maybe that's the wrong word. But just seeing that side of it like this is somebody who eats meat and Lands, and this is how you know, their structure is compared to a fully plant-based diet, which they didn't actually Define at any point in the documentary either. So I'm not sure what that was indeed and then like a pure carnivore diet, which is another thing that we can talk about on another day because I know you yeah down that rabbit hole a little bit lately. There's so many things that we've talked about yet. We have two minutes left like got a quick one. Yeah. I'm actually just going to Kind of try and summarize as much as I can. So let me first just so for one. Let me say that and this is this is better to be talked about when we get to the carnivore diet, but there's a lot of water called anti-nutrients and plants and vegetables and nuts and seeds which is why it's not best to get all of your vitamins and minerals from those sources. So there's things like Not even try and get into these but there's things like lectins oxalates and phytates all of which essentially what they do is they prevent you from absorbing all the vitamins and minerals in Plants vegetables nuts and seeds. This is why there's such potential of the carnivore diet because you're removing that but also a lot of these Foods by having those three things I mentioned they can cause irritation inflammation gut issues. So again, why do so many people find experience from Specially autoimmune issues on a kind of our diet is because you're removing those but even if you look at the individual vitamins and minerals in Plants versus animals one example being vitamin A so vitamin A if we consume that from animals, it's called retinol from Plants. It's called carotenoids. We have to convert the plant-based into the animal form in order to use it. And again, the conversion is terrible. There's another B vitamin I forget which one it The exact same way like you can only use the animal form. You have to convert the plant one first, and it's not as efficient. And then the only thing we didn't get into few seconds here is if you look at a number of vitamins and minerals, like I'll just go down the list here. I'll and I'll just wait 10 seconds cliff-hanging. If you go down a list of vitamins and minerals. And look at what sources of foods are highest in them. If you look at say like vitamin A B2 riboflavin B6 B7 Biotin and we don't have time to go into the functions of all of this B12 choline vitamin C vitamin D. Those are the major ones. We already talk to it like Carnegie and creatine, etc. Etc. If you look at the top sources of those for every single one of those that I just listed it's usually above all else. It's organ Meats, especially the liver so Just to kind of like hint at the carnivore diet. That's why it's so beneficial is because you're supposed to incorporate these organ meats. And those are the highest you can get these from like I said from plant sources, but sometimes the amount you have to eat is like astronomical like pounds of like nuts and seeds and that's obvious problems with well. That's all. Yeah. Like I said, that's a whole another rabbit hole because those are packed with what I mentioned the phytates oxalates the lectins. They're also rammed. Listen to calories. Yeah, and they're also ran with omega-6, which if you're only eating plants, it's hard to get omega-3 easy to get omega-6. You're not getting much omega-3 to balance that out. So if you're just piling on a bunch of make six on top of that will guess what your information is going to Skyrocket even more and so there's yeah there's just so many things and like we kind of said like it's not even it's to the point where it's like damage. and harmful Right. Yeah. So yeah, hopefully this gets out to as many people as possible because like we said there's there's we've been contacted by people already. You see it on social media, etc, etc. People watch a documentary like this and they go. Oh, I think I need to make the switch. I've even I said before we started recording like I've even had messages from some of my clients already who watch the documentary saying like Jedi have some questions about like plant-based. I think I want to switch. I have some questions about how that will like increase my performance, etc. Etc. And I was like just wait for this podcast. Yeah, and this is just like we're just skimming the surface. This is probably going to take two more since I would think yeah to get through all the points that that need to be made about it. But at least we covered the basic idea of the documentary and the most obvious flaws with that and then we can get into more detail because I don't think we should leave out your detail that you have I see you're no it's like there's so much it will need to know both sides and I mean Unfortunate part is they're not getting proper research presented to them through the documentary. So you'll have to go and do your own research on that side because I don't think either chat or I are even interested in researching that part because it's just so flawed but presenting the whole picture right from the other side. I feel like that's going to take a couple more hours. So definitely, I guess that's what we'll do. We'll try to Kind of re listen to this one and fill in any gaps, I guess that we didn't you get didn't get to fully explain yourself. And then I want to start with that. Yeah on the next one. And definitely if you have hopefully people have some more questions and response to this one too. Yeah. Yeah, the more the more feedback you guys give us on this episode The more we can come prepared to answer those specific questions next recording and yeah, just bring more clarity to it. But at least we got this scratch the surface. It's a little bit in this first hour. Yeah, I know you got a lot of things are still a little itchy. Yeah. Yeah, we got way more to talk about with this topic. So if you feel like wow, I don't really know yet. It's okay. Just bear with us for help more weeks. We'll get more information now. All about it because yeah, we have a lot to say you got a lot here in a lot of like good practical information people can take and actually yeah, I'd like to think so apply. So it's just the well, we don't need to get into that. It's just that it's this top-down approach right like the shit that you hear the cholesterol, especially but it's obviously linked with this like we talked to mood it's such an agenda like based on. Not based on human health. So hopefully this can get out to more people. Yeah. Yeah, share this one with your friends and then some new listeners with some New Perspective and fresh ideas will help us organize our next calm orderly 7 get the right information. We didn't even talk about the I'll just say this as we kind of go off the air they said there's equal, you know, we didn't even talk about the whole amino acid protein thing. We're Not Gonna but they said a peanut butter sandwich has the same amount of protein as like three ounces of beef or something like that. So that's a fair reading the peanut butter with the bread because they're both each providing complementary amino acids to provide all nine, which the meat already has all nine. But anyways, you have to eat 5 tablespoons of peanut butter to get the same protein has three ounces of the meat. Yeah, so So, you know again trying to watch your weight if you're trying to bulk up that's amazing for you like go for it. But if not, I don't know if you ever tried eaten five tablespoons of peanut butter, but on one thing I went ship calorie difference. There is like a few hundred you'd be like a dog peanut butter on the roof. It smells for the rest of the yeah. Yeah, and if you're eating it in school you're screwed because you know like to bring him. Yeah. Don't kill Timmy don't want that on your conscience. All right. All right at least two more hours of stuff on this so stay tuned.
I know I've said this before but I really mean in now.....this is a mindblowing episode that you do not want to miss. We discuss so many 'popular concepts' of health & nutrition that just may shatter your existing paradigm. The recent documentary on Netflix, the Game Changers, suggests that plant-based nutrition is the answer for athletes wishing to reach optimal performance, and is the answer for those seeking optimal health. Is this the case? Or is there scientific research suggesting otherwise? What about the athletes presented here, have they gone on to smash new records and hit a new level of performance? We talk about what was left OUT of this film, the misrepresentation of cholesterol, how cholesterol is linked to depression and even suicide. We also breakdown all the possible nutrients (NOT discussed in the film) that demand acknowledgment. This is a mindblowing episode that you do not want to miss! We feel this is valuable information that should be spread, so please give us a review, send your questions, and SHARE THIS with anyone who could benefit from this information. CONTACT Follow us on INSTAGRAM @thefitness_experiment >>>>For tips & tricks to advance your fitness and health, podcast details, and more! We are on now on YOUTUBE! >>>> Podcasts, and upcoming content on supplements, programming, fat loss, hitting PRs and all things fitness.
Good day everyone. Welcome back to dreams warped podcast that helps you sculpt your dreams into reality for this episode. We are going to be talking about the creative nature of this reality and how we can take a greater more active role in realizing the creative potential that exists in every moment that you are alive, sit back relax and enjoy this episode.Hey y'all, before we get into this. They just need to allow a quick word from a sponsor. Thanks for your patience. Hey there listener. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Number one. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. I do it from my phone. It's very very easy. Anchor will distribute your podcast for you so it can be heard on.If I Apple podcasts and many more that's one of my favorite features. In fact, it automatically uploads to a bunch of different platforms. You can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast all in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor F dot f m that's anchored FM to get started. Alright everyone. Let's go ahead and get into this. My name is George and if this is your first time I'm here first. I want to say thank you for taking some time to check out the content on this podcast this podcast presents a psychotherapist and Zen Buddhist perspective on the mind and how it manifests your moment-to-moment reality. Ultimately this information is healed here to help you create the life. You want live with more peace more happiness more joy and most importantly to feel more connected to the highest Part of Yourself source. You're interested in that kind of stuff. You've definitely come to the right place. And on this podcast. We have a couple of series. We have our Tuesday taoism. We also have our Zen stream on Sundays. And today we're going to be going into our Zen stream. So again welcome and thank you so much for listening. So for those of you who have been listening to the podcast for a little while. Just want to take a moment here. I have been taking a little bit of a break. It's actually been today. I think it's been exactly three months since I have uploaded a East and I really want to express thanks to all of you out there who've come over to my YouTube channel and have asked about the podcast George what's going on? Where's the podcast? I miss the podcast when you're going to be doing another episode. I'm really really really really very grateful for that. I have been doing well. I've just been extremely busy. I managed a couple of other YouTube channels one that I do with along with my wife and it's just been exceedingly a very very busy. I'm exciting time, but very busy. I was kind of burning out a little bit and you know, so enough about that I am back and I'm going to be uploading podcasts here as often as I can and I'm hoping to do at least two. Okay, at least two per week, you know because they'll just going to do my two favorite which is our Tuesday taoism enters and stream on Sunday. If I have extra time, I will throw in another episode here and there on other topics, but all that Being said let's go ahead and get into what we're going to get into today. We are reading as I had been doing in the past from this amazing book actually have a couple of different sources here for today's topic and I'm going to start with the usual which is this book by tick not Han pretty well-known Vietnamese Zen Buddhist. He wrote this great book called your true home. It's a collection of very short meditation. So I did find one here that I'm going to read and share on this topic. Little bit and I'm also going to be possibly quoting another zen teacher that I recently discovered and his name I would have probably going to butcher. This is a Korean monk Heyman pseudonym. I think that's how you say it Heyman pseudonym. Anyway, he's got a very very interesting little read here that touches on what it is that I hope to get across in today's episode and Hopefully it'll help you. Like I said in the intro develop a greater realization of how we are literally creating our moment-to-moment experience. That's of course, very fascinating subject to me. I hope it is to you as well. And I think it's safe to assume that if we can make that real that truth that I'm pointing to which is the creative nature of our moment-to-moment experience if we could actually Rasp that in other words turn it from a neat sounding mental concept into a solid technique or a solid realization or like Ed cartel says in his book turn it into a self-evident reality. Meaning that we don't understand it just as a mental concept that we believe in but we actually managed to make it real in our lives emotionally realize it that's a whole different ball game and I hope that the material in this episode what I'm going to be sharing here with you helps you to do exactly that exactly that take it from a neat mental concept of yeah. I'm creating my moment-to-moment reality to to an actual real living experience. So let's go ahead let's do this. I'm going to be starting here with tick not Hans bit and then we'll use the other one as as needed as we move along. So this is called his this little chapters of meditation is called false views and it goes like this. people normally cut reality into compartments and so are unable to see the interdependence of all phenomena to see one in all and all in one is to break through the Great Barrier that narrows one's perception of reality a barrier that Buddhism calls quote the attachment to the false view of the self attachment to the false view of the self means belief in the presence of unchanging entities that exists on their own to break through. This false view is to be liberated from every sort of fear pain and anxiety. And that's the end of the little chapter right there. I'm surprised. I must have thought that I read it but it's actually know we're in here. Maybe I just put it in there and my own mind but I believe what he's referring to here is piercing through the veil of our more. What's the word? I'm looking for like relative practical level of how things appear in our lives. So what I mean? That is kind of like for many of us myself included the way that we grew up processing our experience, right? There were separate people their separate experiences their separate phenomena happening outside of us everything and we feel like disconnected from all those things, right? They feel like things are entities that are separate from us. So there's us right and then there's all this stuff outside of us and we do not feel maybe some of us felt some connection, but But usually it's pretty limited and I find especially in more Western type cultures we do tend to as he says here. He quote he says cut reality into compartments and thus we are unable to see the interdependence of all phenomena. So this is a concept that comes up pretty often in Zen Buddhism other branches of Buddhism as well nichiren Buddhism talks a lot about this interdependence. And the reason that we have such a hard time. Spinning this like really grasping it it has to do with the way that we create time the way that we create space through our perception. Remember that our perception of reality is never the same thing as reality itself, right perception changes reality. It is not direct experience. And in my opinion Zen practice is somewhat about moving from our perception of reality to the direct experience of reality. And of course, no one can point at something and say this is the real reality. This is not the real reality. Right, but what we can do what we can but we can make a practice is slowly dropping our preconceived notions about our experience our moment-to-moment experience because as I've shared had be shared here before Our mind is very powerful tool. Okay, it's very very I'm not knocking our our conventional rational thinking mind here. Okay, it has its purpose. It's important and we we need it but one of the things that it does and it does very well, is it remember that its main concern is survival? Okay at at its root. It's almost of you kind of used a computer as a metaphor computer program The Root Drive the most important over right? Ting thing that that really supersedes all other things that the mind creates is survival, right? That's number one is survival of you all heard of the survival Instinct fight/flight response. That is the most important thing to this human organism is that we will do anything pretty much anything to survive to live. And so what happens is that as the Mind interacts with the environment when it is when it first Encounter something that is unfamiliar with many times. There is a level of anxiety agitation fear. We usually fear going outside of our comfort zone We Fear experiencing new things. We're more on edge or paying more attention is another way to put it but after we've experienced that thing repeatedly over and over and over and over again our mind develops a sort of program right for oh, yeah. I know what that is and it files it in a sense in the mind so that when It experiences that phenomena again. It doesn't really pay as much attention to it, right? It frees up our awareness to be on the lookout for the next kind of new thing. Right? Right. So I kind of use the the the amount the analogy or the metaphor here of when you're driving somewhere that for the first time you're paying a lot of attention you're turning down the radio your, you know to looking for landmarks you're paying attention to street signs. Maybe you're watching the clock to see if you're running late, but once you've done that drive, A hundred times, you're barely paying attention anymore, right? You're listening to the radio. Maybe you're talking on the phone. Maybe you're daydreaming about future vacation. You have coming up you're reminiscing about the past whatever but very little of your awareness is needed to drive. Okay, and this same phenomena that our mind does a lot of our life is run that way. It's run through these Loops, right? And so what happens is that over time? We become very dependent in a sense on these Loops. They are what make our functioning possible and while that's definitely a how do you call it? A good has a good utilitarian purpose, you know, it kind of helps us live and and it you know, it has its place. It has its function. It's not all bad that process right? It's amazing. Actually that our mind can do that but a side effect of that is that if you start to run everything on autopilot, you're no longer feeling. Very creative about your life. It's almost as if these running programs have taken over and they are defining life for you. So you in a sense. It's almost like you're living your life by default. You're almost you're not really alive. You're just a pattern of action and reactions that have been programmed over and over and over and over again. And so all of Life starts to feel can start to feel kind of mundane. Boring and as I've said, which is pretty amazing to me and I think it's a hundred percent. True is Every Breath You Take every moment that you're alive infinite potential exists for anything to happen. But most of us fail to experience each and every moment that we are alive in that way which is much closer to the ultimate truth than what we are experiencing because what we tend to experience is moment after moment after moment, that seems exactly like the last moment right and we keep looking forward to some future moment. That is somehow going to change something. But if we don't take time to change the mental patterns that are creating these moments back to back to back to back right now. We don't become aware. Our of those and change those then no matter how much we're looking forward to Something in the future as that future arrives into the present. It starts to get processed exactly the same way. And so we lose that feeling of how creative are life really is are thinking really is now. Let me just pause here for a quick second because I want to refer to the other author for just a moment here. I want to allow quick word from a sponsor and I'll be right back. All right, you all thank you for your patience. So as I was saying I wanted to share with you a little excerpt with this other Zen teachers and master Road here. Again, the name is Henman Hammonds Unum get a probably butchering that but anyway, he wrote about one of my favorite sutras which is the heart Sutra heart Sutra and Zen Buddhism sutras just a word for teaching for those. You are the maybe your newer here, but it's basically just a word for teaching and it talks a lot about emptiness and form, right and and one way that we can understand emptiness and form which is still not the ultimate understanding I would say but it's a good one just for purposes of what we're talking about here emptiness is almost like the material out of which all phenomena can arise in our lives. So it's almost like using a bit of Law of Attraction language like Source energy or God energy at car toll refers to it as the unmanifested. It's sort of like I said the potential out of which all reality arises so with every inhale that you take it's almost as if potential arises and then as we exhale, we are manifesting our current experience through our perception our beliefs and Andre. I mean you could go I could go on and on about this, you know is how perception arises It's a combination of sensory information. So everything we hear taste touch smell feel with our skin all that sensory information is goes into our brain and our brain then has as I've just been talking about a set of patterned responses. It's a way of interpreting that sensory information that makes the moment make sense quote unquote. And then it did then presents options of how to react depending on what we want on what our needs are for that moment. Etcetera Etc. But every moment is basically just that it's just sensory information along with I would have to say along with you could make the argument our memories, right? So we're comparing the sensory information of the present to experiences from the past and we were also at the same time considering possible Futures things we want Right and it's amazing. The Mind does all this in right like split seconds and then it you have your present moment. So at that moment when that present is so quote-unquote created that is the the forms, right? So it's like I said, it's the emptiness and the forms and he's talking here in this little excerpt this author about the relationship between emptiness and form and how an ultimate in an ultimate sense emptiness and form are not Not separate which is very very interesting fascinating. I would say and it's something that's also touched on in taoism as you know with the Tuesday taoism series. I talked a lot about this kind of thing. So let me just read here this quit. I want to read too much to you. But some things here, I think are important. So he says the first step in understanding the inseparability of form and emptiness into and is to investigate what's going on for you, right? Now and then to ask yourself a few simple questions, so he says right now you are looking at your computer monitor or in this case. If you're listening to the podcast you are listening to my voice and you were probably looking at a photo of well, you know, he's just going on and on with it, but basically just think about what you're doing right now listening to this and pay attention to whatever it is that your eyes may be gazing upon and then he says there is your awareness. And then there is the object of your awareness The Next Step involves asking yourself the questions that pick apart this Duality. Can you separate the object of your awareness from awareness itself? So the Hammond soon mm that you see here or this voice that you're listening to if you're listening to the podcast does it exist apart from your awareness or is it that awareness and the object of your Ernest appear in the same single instant. Can you hear my voice somewhere outside of your awareness? The answer of course is no you can't and the reason that I love, you know paying attention to this is how many people really pay attention to this stuff. Okay. Now not many some people may think it's kind of crazy actually, but what we're really doing when we try to pay attention to that is we're really paying attention to what I think is one of the most fundamental things are important things about living and living fully is how I actually experiencing my life how much attention am I paying to this experience of being alive? How much of my life am I choosing to have? To be how do you put it? This is really about becoming so aware of how you are creating your moments moment reality that you are then able to take a more active role in what you are choosing in each and every moment instead of just allowing those old patterns of thinking to choose for you that is similar to the experience of imagine that you are in a dream. Right and in a dream what's happening is all of these things are happening, but you don't feel like you're in control. These things are just kind of happening around you and in the dream, you may be scared. You may be hurting you may be sad, you may be in despair. But then all of a sudden one of two things happens, right either you wake up and you realize whoa. It was a dream. I'm okay, right and suddenly you feel more in control or in some cases. You actually become aware that you're dreaming, right? And some people have experienced. I was into it for a little while the whole lucid dreaming thing where you actually awaken within your dream and then you can create the dream in whichever way you want. So what I'm saying here is that the practice that I am talking about in this in this particular podcast episode and really I hope that I'm pointing out in general through all these podcast episodes and through the videos on the YouTube channel is that You have a choice you have a choice in what you are creating in each and every moment now, I will add let me add because this is important is that some of the mental patterns that are choosing our reality for us? They are very powerful right there. Very strong. They may have they may be patterns that have been in place for many many many years right some from childhood some that were Formed in part through very heavy emotional experiences some traumatic experiences and always pulling here from my mental health background a little bit. When we have these types of patterns that are created out of very emotionally heavy experiences or traumatic experiences. They automatically become much more solidified. They seem much more real and while ultimately they are still changeable, right and Reality there. Everything is basically just a loser rewrite. It's a perception thing but subjectively right subjectively from where we are looking they can appear very very powerful and they could have a whole lot of control. So I'm not sitting here suggesting that from one moment to the next you could snap a finger and poof be free of all your mental patterns. Unfortunately, my personal opinion is that that takes actually some work, It takes work for me. It happened through combination of things. It happened through years years and years and years and years of Zen meditation and it happened through some therapy that have done myself. But but I think it can be done and what I think we can do okay in spite of perhaps needing, you know, some time is that we can take this moment to Simply become aware. That this is happening. Right does it mean that we have to get rid of all our patterns this instant or that we can get rid of them this instant, but it means that through listening to this you can take a moment here and really see how your your awareness and all the objects of your awareness are not separate right? Nothing happens outside of your awareness. It goes back to that quote that I shared with you a while back and that really just stuck in my mind even though it sounds so Oculus when I say it out loud, it's it's so profound when you really think about it and it is this I said the Buddha faint if I mean we never you see or read by the way guys when you see a statement it says Buddha said this we don't know that the man lived, you know, 2,000 2,500 years ago. I think a lot of times people just say stuff the write down stuff everything sounds cool. And then under it. They put Buddha right unless you're going straight to the sutras. I'm not sure. In the sutras were written by others, you know his students. But anyway, one of the things that supposedly he said which is still profound whether he said it or not. He says that when the foot touches the foot wait, I always get it mixed up when I first started saying it the foot feels the foot when the foot feels the ground. That's it the foot feels the foot when the foot feels the ground what what that basically means is that we never feel the ground directly. We only feel Sensations from our foot. Right the ground we don't have no idea what that feels like. All we feel is chemical messages coming from the bottom of our foot that tells us what feels like but we never feel it directly meaning that the experience of the ground is all happening within us write all our awareness is happening within us and when you really really understand that profoundly your whole perception of reality changes and Your ability to choose your next thought your next emotion your next Behavior becomes more powerful. So think about that today in your practice. I really hope you got something useful out of this episode. I really want to thank you for listening and I will be back on Tuesday with our next installment of Tuesday taoism. Have a great day.
Hey there! Welcome back to Dreams Warp, the Podcast that helps you sculpt your dreams into reality. I know I've been out of the loop for a little while...3 months to be exact. Been busy with other projects! But I'm back and I'm excited about it. In this episode, you KNOW what day it's Sunday! That means it's time for our Zen Stream. For this episode we're going to be discussing exactly how our consciousness works to create our moment to moment reality, and how we can become more aware of this process so we take take full advantage of our ability to choose and create. For those of you who are new here, welcome, and thanks for checking out the Podcast. This podcast presents a psychotherapist and Zen Buddhist perspective on mind and how it creates our moment to moment reality. Ultimately this podcast is here to help you master your life, or your reality, by mastering your mind. We discuss Zen Buddhism, Taoism, Law of Attraction, and modern psychology and bring the best of what each has to offer. If you're into self-help, self-development, spirituality, and / or philosophy, you've come to the right place! I hope you get value out of this episode and this Podcast, and I really want to thank you for listening! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Welcome back to another episode of Lost in Space season two episode six severed heads severed ships severed body parts. I guess you'll just have to wait and find out. I'm Maria Menounos and you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now and we're back with another episode of lufton's a season 2 episode 6 severed and Yeah, there's a lot of suffering going a lot of suffering going on. I really love this episode. There was lots of drama and danger to go around. We've got lots of things happening on the ship and on the planet. What were your overall thoughts on this episode? I like this one. I love episodes that like kind of confined people in a small space together. I think that's such a good like plot device, which I guess you could argue that lost in space pretty much. Does that every episode star on the ships? But the fact that they were all in the classroom together course, we got more Penny and dr. Smith and Vijay was there I really liked that and then just we have learned more about those pesky dinosaur things too. So I thought this is really exciting episode. Yeah. Are you claustrophobic a little bit not as much as some of the characters out of it. I got see how it would be not fun to do that. Definitely. It's interesting because I was talking to a friend is in the Navy and he was singing if you're a really badly. As Republic actually can't get into the military. Wow. That makes sense. I guess. Yeah, oh yikes, but before I get into the episode guys, I'm Alice Ford and I'm Taylor. This is Taylor. We just got so excited. I did I was like, whoa, It's just get into it and you don't know who we are. So not Furious air of mystery of this episode. So definitely let us know what your thoughts are on this episode as well in the comments so we can chat with you about it. But yeah my overall Thoughts, I definitely love this episode 2 and somebody's back. Yeah, or is he maybe we'll see we'll have to find out that's right. Well, let's just start off of there with Will Maureen and idler who are still walking through the desert with their horses. They're actually we pick up the episode there at their camp and the horses are spooked. Ya know. What could it be in the dark? That is where things of course - words Zoom out just call them dinosaur predatory creature just first in the night. Yeah, so the dinosaurs to come and basically will runs off and he when he goes to run a giant light comes and oh my God, it's the robot. Yay. They're stupid primer think of glitching out though. It kind of turned it on. Oh, yes. Yes. We just raved about a lot of remembered and now it know Oh crap, I think that was the robot in her fag with it. I did too because come on you gotta build. You gotta build things with things like this in mind. Totally I guess how would you but you know, I'm still gonna I'm still gonna shame the inventors of that. I know everything that but I think the robot is definitely like, I mean, he's smarter than I thought he was if he really was like, oh, I mean interfere with the signal so that they run out and then they run into me right? Ooh, ooh, maybe there were some Sinister intentions. Maybe there wasn't I don't know. But anyway, so we'll seize our robot and he's like, oh my God, and then immediately starts like reminiscing and talking about memories and the robot leads them to this cave where we see all these like basically pictographs of like memories from Will and memories from the robot. Yeah, and they're not in like the correct order. Yeah that something's just not something's just not quite right. What were your immediate thoughts when you saw that where you like? Mmm. I really didn't know I thought that maybe something had happened. Happened to the robot to like make him forget or like things got jumbled because obviously last season we had dr. Smith like making it so like she kind of controls the robots. I was like, I don't know maybe someone else did that I couldn't really figure out what was going on, but I did love the fact that they were drawings because I think it's really sweet that will and the robot like have always sort of communicated through ART and drawing and thing. Yeah, but I yeah whose whole nervous when he was not making the most sense I was to about Marine the whole time. Is like very much on the side of like will and the robot she keeps being like encouraging as she's so here for this season. Like, oh maybe he's trying to communicate with you. Oh, like maybe he's trying to do this like and I thought that that was really cool because obviously now like Adler is the more like skeptical skeptical one. So she's kind of taken up the role of being like I totally believe you and I'm totally into this, you know, and you supporting you and your friendship with the robot. She's like so proud of her son to which is so sweet to see. Yeah. She's like look at my little will. It's just so funny that she's so supportive of it, but it is great because it shows a lot of that character development because they are not always team robot and season. Well definitely not even a few episodes ago because I mean when they wanted will to help out with the robot on the ship and they rank absolutely. No, I don't think so. Yeah. So then we see that will notices when he's talking to. Robot that it has like a tentacle interesting the robot. We know that is not do not have tentacles that is not right and has this flashback to when he was attacked by The Bad Robot and then come to find out this is the Bad Robot. Yeah, so then he tries to attack and mom keeps getting in the way and like making it so he's not coming down. And then we've got Adler who like goes out into the into the desert of course and basically kills this robot and Saves the Day seemingly seemingly. Yeah, I don't know if I believe it but yeah seemingly does that and it doesn't seem I mean, obviously they're happy that now they're not in danger but it doesn't seem immediately that like Maureen or will or like super pissed that like he had this machine that could kill robot, right? Yeah. It's this is just something like sketchy. This entire situation. Yeah, so but then we get will falling into the arms of the real robot, which is yes, which is amazing. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh that robot gets killed. He's standing up on this beautiful thing looking at the sunset. Basically. Yeah being like Oh my God, that's the canyon or that's the the arch that he was at and then all of a sudden Bush and episode ends with well-being in the arms of his actual robot. Is true love I would do that. Yeah, very Romeo and Juliet space drama space so but yeah, I loved I love that. We found the real robot at the end there he too and I can't wait to see what Adventures they going SAR truly pulled. Dr. Smith. I feel like drinking everyone with the identity. I was like interesting. You've been learning from my God. Good point. Yes. Yes, all these people just stealing other's identities being like I am the robot now. Pants, like sounds fake bro. Meanwhile back on the ship. We've got Penny Vijay and Smith and the science teacher who have now been separated from the rest of the ship and they're stuck in this Wing that is basically being eaten on both sides by the metal-eating fungus. Yep, and the captain is like, oh my God, what are we going to do? We're going to try and get people into you from these different sections, but the I guess we'll start at the top because when the mechanics came back from the planet, they're the ones that brought this metal-eating fungus, right the guys the guys knee who used her pins in his knees fell on the deck and the blood seeps out and in the blood is like this fungus that immediately starts eating through the flood. That was so gross but like such a cool touch. It was totally oh my God, I totally agree with you but also, Interesting writing. Yeah, but then also the guys need me I'm like God, I wonder if that would really hurt like Judy we need you. Yeah, dude. He's thinking about that like ooh, I'm sure I don't feel great. I don't have pins in any of my joints, but I would imagine after there. I'd want to keep them there. I yeah, I think so, but that just makes me think that if I ever did I would want them them to be like, I don't know some other material, right? Yeah, just in case wherever awesome space that's right. Yeah, so The ship is quickly becoming eaten by this stuff and the teams are like not getting anywhere with trying to get to them. And of course we've got dr. Smith and she's always kind of like manipulating people's minds are like getting inside your brain. Yeah and just like making you think that the situation is worse or she wants everyone to not trust anyone because she doesn't trust anyone, right? And have that mindset and she wants everyone to have the like every man for himself my right so that's what sheet that's what she thinks absolutely and so she's immediately listening on the wall. Like oh I hear them. I hear nothing. Oh wait. No I hear something. Oh nothing. Yeah. Oh my God. Wait, I just like freak people out. Like I think everyone needed a stethoscope so that they could hear what was happening. Yeah, but they have vijay's codes which is great still so they're like, oh well hack in and listen to what they're saying in the control room. Lee yeah, so they were doing stuff to like figure out what was going on and poor penny is like always being pushed by everyone to like be more like your mom. I thought the most Savage line this episode was when dr. Smith like look you may not be the best Robinson, but you're the only one we've got like what why would that make me want to do great things for you? Like right? Yeah because it's so discouraging Penny. Are you the only Robinson on the ship and she's like, yeah. Like mmm. Yep. Well, I thought your only hope I mean, you're not my first choice, but you're the only joy knowing I'm going to save you today. So you better figure it out. And of course she doesn't really see anything but then luckily Dawn calls on the radio. Yeah, and so Dawn he's like it was trying to be up to no good until that moment figuring out where all of his wine and whiskey has there's any time you need it it's now, okay. But so they figure out that there is this container in there after they've been informed Now by Dawn that they're probably going to blow up this section of the ship that they're on yes ever it off from the rest and that they're either going to die or they got to figure out something else. So they've got this container in there which is basically like a giant freezer. Yes, and he smuggled stakes in it Kobe beef. I'm like, where did you even get that? I mean they smuggle Oreos. I honestly I love what their priorities are because I too would just be wanting to bring my favorite foods to space. Yeah, but like, where did you get? I don't know. I just like where did you get them in? The first place was there like a delivery of swans like frozen dinners like before you went to space I guess I got Oreos like I guess it's going on like anyone's making those anymore. Right? I mean, it's bad in space. They have like weird. I don't even know plants. Yeah air space food. I don't know what they're eating him. They're not nearly as definite as Kobe be I mean, I thought we saw horses. I haven't seen any cows. So I'm not sure where that came from. But anyway, yeah, so they are like decide they're going to get in this thing and that when it gets blown up, Don is going to get in the ship and go and save them from putting in space But first he has to go and tell the captain that that's his plan. Yeah where he actually admits that hey, I'm a Smuggler. That's why I know. For what? Am I know this? Yeah. Well funny story. Yeah, so I thought that was interesting. I was like there's I think you could have like said something else. But yeah, but it's nice with showing growth that he's like ready to leave that behind and yeah family man because he definitely did have second thoughts when his friend was like Hey, can you still got me X Y and Z and he was like No And then he's like, well, I heard him say that though. Yeah, maybe okay, so he ends up. Up getting that approved and they still are trying to figure out any other way for them to get off the ship without doing this but come to find out they are going to have to blow it up. So they decide they're going to get in this little teeny freezer. There's not really enough room. And then dr. Smith obviously doing her mind tricks like with the science teacher. She's like I'm going to stay behind where I was like there. No, you are not supplying. Yeah my first thoughts on that. Like girl. No sure you are. Okay, and then of course the science teachers like oh, well, I'll stay behind and then be just like well, I volunteer as tribute. I know I was like is this a Hunger Games? I know and I'm in pain. He's just like no one's not coming. Like here's the thing. No one's gonna stay behind because that's a penny is right come to find out the science teacher actually is like horribly claustrophobic. Yep and Penny somehow. With vijay's encouragement decides that she's going to try and get dr. Smith to help him. Yeah, and now she's kind of also on board with dr. Smith like not being re-arrested or like rum is she's like well if you're really gonna be this new person then prove it. Yeah, I bet and be this new person and then I'm not going to say anything about it again, so wonderful news, so she does end up convincing him to get in this. Container and they've figured out now from Don that they're going to have like no he and only 30 seconds to a minute I think in space before like they are going to black out and and not really know what's going on after that. Yeah. Oh the scene where they actually do it. Oh, yeah that was shot. So well this show is like so good at making me feel like I'm in a tight space because even the pilot when Judy stuck under the ice like in the very first episode, And I get reminded me of that because I'm just like, oh they're trapped there. It just makes me so uncomfortable. I think that's like space in general just because like but like you don't I don't think about that when I think about like, I don't know even on an airplane you don't think about the fact that like, I mean, maybe some people do but I'm not like oh no, I'm going to Alice. Sorry. Yeah, but it's interesting because it's like you can't just you're in a ship everywhere. You're never until they're in a planet like anywhere where they could just like stand. Outside and being an open space it's crazy because it's just funny to think about how space is so vast but when you're in space or in such a tiny quarters, yeah, I don't know. It's such a weird like thing to think about otally weird concept. Yeah, I agree. So so, yeah that basically they are blowing up the ship now and they're like here goes uses. Yeah. And yeah, I love that scene two of them being in the freezer. It was really great and And I I wasn't sure because then it goes black and I was like, oh god. Oh no. Oh, yeah. Oh, he didn't get them in time. But then obviously we see Don wrapping her in the blanket and I was like so sweet. I really really love that too. Yeah. I just loved on also Don's just he's such a great character. Yeah. I really like him. I don't know what happened to the chicken but he's authored DC Debbie's dummies. Clock it along with Sarah. Let's see maybe in the next song is playing. Um, yeah, what are your final thoughts on the dumb being saved? I guess. I just really I liked it a lot and I agree that the cinematography like how they shot the actual like in the freezer was so good and so effective and I'm just I'm so glad that Dawn, you know, he obviously does get arrested at the end for smuggling but he kind of sacrifice his own freedom to save all of them, which was really just really great. Yeah, which I thought was sad. I didn't want him to get arrested and then I was like, oh he's arrested and dr. Smith is still free. Right, where's the justice? And yes, where is Justice in space? Gosh. Yeah, I really liked this have some a lot. I did too. One of the other things that I wrote down in my notes was that like their outfits are also normal. I don't know why I like is now they're on the planet and I was like, they all just look like I was like we should be wearing more Spacey. Where's that? Yeah, where's the space suits? Like weird neck poof. I wanted some crazy outfits. I'm high fashion in space. Where is it? Give it to me. Yes, and then one of the other things I wanted to mention was just going back to Adler and well was that we find out now that Adler wants to capture the robot. Yes to in my mind. I was like it's to run the Resolute because I guess the other robot wasn't working out. So right wasn't really sure. I mean, I guess my prediction for that is I'm not really sure how that's how that would work out. Yeah, you know, yeah, it's definitely a job would go along. On with that. No, I don't think so either unless he was somehow manipulated or threatened or like his family was threatened because he and the robot are pretty tight. And then that's just gonna be really sad. Yeah, I'm worried. So I'm not ready. I'm not looking forward to that when they get back to the ship and to see you know, what happens with that. I don't know. Yeah. Guess we'll find out. Yeah, and then I also really liked in this episode that we really see Don being like the space MacGyver. Yeah for sure and hello. That he had the idea and it's just like funny that it stemmed from him doing illegal activity. But like if he never would have been a Smuggler. He probably never would have thought of that right? So thank God then he's like I've got all kinds of uses for duct tape and shit. Yes. It does. Hold up. I love that. Well, let's go into our predictions and we'll do I mean, I'm sorry are our special segment guys, like and BP really BP BP. Who's your MVP for this episode? I think that it's no surprise that it's Dawn because come on like you cannot choose on for this episode. I feel like yeah, that's a good call. I'm going to go with Well, I don't know actually, I'm going to go with Penny just because she needs some Redemption and so w she did convince. Dr. Smith to convince the science teacher to get in like freezer. So I'll give her some credit for that for my props to you Penny. Great job yum stepping it up a little bit little bit. I mean, you're still letting dr. Smith get away with a lot but I say this is if she's not like one of my favorite characters like I genuinely love watching her but I'm seeing Penny. Yeah. She's like that she kind of Me of me when I was like that age where like I was kind of like bratty to my parents and like made somewhat dumb decision sometimes but like I had good intentions and she only cares underneath her and you know sarcastic front Myspace ways. I'm so sorry. Mr. Jackson. I know you're claustrophobic, but you almost you almost made no one get out there. So I'm so sorry little science teacher, but you must face ways this week. I think my space ways. Is the captain okay fair because I she was like, I mean I get it save the save the ship. I would have done the same thing. But like she doesn't even tell anyone that who's in there. Yeah, and we can't her decisions like even going back and episode with like the water and like other things. I mean it just I don't know. Yeah. I need to replace her with John. I would agree that she, you know, we need some we need some other leaders to maybe step up because she's just not a great crew. A tough problem solver lot of the time definitely not know someone definitely do that. Well in overall, I really loved this episode and I am really looking forward to episode 72. Can't wait to see what kind of fun adventures await Us in there agreed. Yeah, so where can they find you if they want to keep talking with you about this episode? Yes. You guys can find me on Twitter Alpha by underscore and and on Instagram at to underscore Gates underscore and you guys can find me on Instagram at Alice's Adventures on Earth or Or right here on YouTube at Alice Ward Adventures. See you soon. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later music Bret herein are those of the host only do not necessarily reflect the views. AfterBuzz TV or its owners are protected.
The mechanics return from the planet to the Resolute and with them they bring a small amount of metal eating fungus. This fungus slowly starts to eat the ship. Leaving Penny, VJ, Dr Smith and the Science teacher trapped in a section alone after part of the floor collapses. With more of the ship being slowly dissolved and After several futile attempts to save them, the captain decides that the section of Resolute they are on must be severed by an explosion from the rest of the ship in order to stop the infection from spreading. Certain death faces the group. But Don has other ideas and quickly creates a plan to save them by cramming them all into a freezer not exactly suitable for space or four people to fit in. BAck on the planet Maureen, Adler and Will are nearly being eaten by alien scavengers when out of nowhere a light blinds them. It's the robot! He leads them to a cave to show them pictographs of memories from him and Will. But then Will notices that the robot is not his robot and he goes into attack mode, and is swiftly killed by Adler and his robot killing suitcase. Will hasn't given up though and after leaving the cave he falls into a pit and straight into the arms of his real robot. Be sure to watch the After Show hosted by Taylor Gates and Alice Ford! Follow us on "Like" Us on For more of your post-game wrap up shows for your favorite TV shows, visit
What is up guys? Happy Friday. Thank you for joining me on realtalk number 14 super excited because this week's guest was just a total badass Kenzo. So Bri is a seventeen year old e-commerce entrepreneur. He got his start in first grade while selling Pokemon cards and then every year of grad school kind of just kept up with the trends to see what kids were buying and would create his own side hustles in eighth grade. He started doing print on t-shirts and high school afterEating his mentor in November of 2017 Jeff bunting. He learned how to begin dropshipping on eBay. And the rest is history. He's now moved on to scaling on Amazon FBA. And for those of you who don't know what Amazon FBA is. It's essentially a business model where you buy inventory and use Amazon's fulfillment services at a cost to sell your product. So for example, if you want to buy toothpaste and you are the one looking for that fulfillment, Service, you would reach out to a wholesaler by that toothpaste and then use Amazon's fulfillment services. So they would pack it ship it and essentially use their platform where 50% of e-commerce is being sold right now to sell your product. So as you can imagine Amazon being that the PowerHouse that it is it's enabled a lot of entrepreneurs who have the capital to invest in that initial inventory to have a business model where they can have a very hands-off approach. Or hit very Hands-On approach depending on how much involvement you want because remember that Amazon is the one providing the platform and the shipping services for you. So really exciting space and I think as Amazon continues to grow will see more and more entrepreneurs entering FBA, but that's a quick highlight over FBA. So to give you guys an overview on what we talked about for Real Talk number 14 and went something like this. We talked about Ken Zoe's backstory the importance of mentorship. Ship a beginner's overview as to what is Amazon FBA and eBay Arbitrage as well as eBay Drop Shipping. We also talked about Ken Zoe's future plans heading into 2019 and had a lot of great audience Q&A that we just went over through the live. So guys, if you want to see the video version of this interview, make sure to check out Youtube. It'll be posted there if you're already on your phone on Instagram. You want to see a 10 minute clip of it. You can head over to my profile. And it'll be on IG TV as well as always guys all the links to all this stuff will be in the show notes below. So just make sure to check those out and it will be super easy to find just click on the YouTube link click on the Instagram link and definitely make sure to give me a follow so that you know, the next guest for this upcoming Wednesdays Instagram live. It's going to be super sick and I can't wait to share more with you. So guys, I hope you enjoy this episode with Kenzo. So Bree 17 year old e-commerce entrepreneur Are absolutely killing it. Make sure to go give him a follow and let him know what you think of his content. It's really not about well. Who are you and how old are you? It's really how much time have you spent on a given platform my thing my one piece of advice especially for young people is just like every day trying to figure out how the world works. I'm here to changing the future somebody and doing it for the greater good that is in my opinion the best idea ever come up with All right. Cool. Kenzo is in here. So I'm gonna invite him to join Kenseth. I think I can just invite you in right now. Let me see. Hi Kenzo, and it's going good. How are you? Busy working? Well, thank you for you know joining me on this live just to kind of highlight your story talk a little bit about yourself. I found you on Instagram because I know I was connected with AKC atoms because I met him on it when he was on a trip in San Francisco. And I think he went to your birthday party, right? I saw like Instagram stories from that. Friend of mine originally. I think he came he came a few months back, right? It was closer to Summer to San Fran. I think I'm supposed to meet up with him, but he didn't have any time. I think that's when he went to like the Layton office and YouTube and all that kind of good stuff, right? Yeah. I work at LinkedIn. I'm the one that gave him the tour of LinkedIn. Yes, so you were supposed to hear supposed to meet him up here, but he was stuck in Silicon Valley. So because I stay out over in the East Bay, you know about an hour drive from San Fran, but you know, Dude, really love them super humble. Yeah, but he came to my birthday party. We originally met them in person at the elevator boot camp posted by Dan fleshman over in Hollywood back in Moon September 1st. I believe nice and super said yeah, I heard dance speak at Casey's event and I was super sick because I hadn't known about Dan before that. But like he's super legit as well and like super cool entrepreneur. So to kind of like get into you, you know, I read a little bit about you and I saw that you were from like a Outside of Oakland. So could you kind of just highlight real quick? Like, you know kind of what it was like growing up there and like kind of where how you got to where you are. I never really had a father figure. I was born and the creek and then I was moved to I've stayed at enrichment for the first few years of my life, which isn't the best city, but it's not the worst either, you know, a little one-bedroom apartment with my mother and then you know as she started leveling up, you know, she came to the US when she was 18 and you know, she just you know did the American dream now she has her own business as well, but it wasn't difficult. I mean it wasn't difficult but it wasn't easy either. I mean I never had anything handed to myself what in terms of like Taught me like at a very young age to be very independent like started walking to school first grade. And then that's actually when I also started like my little entrepreneur career nice little man deals with like Pokemon cards. I don't know how but these first graders income schools like 30 dollars in quarters, and I just go to Target by like 25 dollars worth of Pokemon cards and keep five bucks for myself. It was it was it was a good it was a good little hustle and in the beginning and then you know, I just kind of stuck with the trends each year grade school and then from there, you know, I hope this the middle Cool. I have my ups and downs, you know, I wasn't the best student, but I wasn't the worst either mmm. And then yeah, so what seventh grade oh boy. Seventh grade. I started like selling what I do. Okay, let me come back to that but I remember eighth grade is when I started selling T-shirts. Okay, thanks on t-shirts. So what I do is I buy like these plain white t-shirt from Target and I go by these iron on designs from like Michaels are wherever you get them and like I literally prints out of my fridge like these images and like I'd cut them out and iron them onto t-shirts and I sold those I'm in school. I literally dabbled in everything and I just I just love the like I was so attracted to earning money not necessarily like money itself, but like the fact That I was doing it for myself and I was able to you know, do these things whatever I wanted and what not and I grew up like now I live in an area called Dublin. So these kids these kids all have, you know, trust fund babies. Everybody has not his money. So it was a really great Marquis these kids getting $50 $100 weekly ounces. So and then you know after that that's when I start getting into e-commerce, so I started by because I really want started wanting to buy sneakers and stuff because that's what was hot at the time. Yeah. Like I was sitting at a desk with my mom and my mom was buying me these shoes. There are these Jordans and I was wondering I'm like my friend said he got these for like a hundred eighty. Why are they three hundred dollars? And then I realize that the only Market it's like supply and demand that's how I went to find a man, you know, there's limited releases and everybody wants something but there's only like x amount of units available. So I realized like holy crap. There's a there's a hundred Just because there was never a guarantee, you know, getting all these, you know sneakers and stuff like that. Yeah, and then from there I kind of like I started selling things around the house that are doing a little bit of Retail Arbitrage going to garage sales and then like I actually met my first Mentor back in November of I believe 2017 and his name is Jeff. You probably know I'm just punching. He's a super great guy. Very blood very straightforward. Like them says everything how it's supposed to be said and he taught me how to do eBay Drop Shipping and that that's what really took off of my e-commerce career. Like I really started going in on that, you know hours and hours, you know daily I do what I need to do. I graduated high school two years early and then like literally I had like this grace period I had like eight months. I believe six eight months where I was out of school because I graduated high school and then College semester didn't start till August or something. And yes, I got out January. I got out in January and I literally had eight months where every single day hours an hours each individual day that it is literally devote to you know, listing on eBay eBay is how I started making my first like five figures mmm and six figures and everything just you know history from then, you know, I did that then I opted to Amazon because Amazon's a business more scalable depending on your Capital your front the money for your inventory and then everything just took off and Compounding like crazy like I've never seen businesses compound this quickly. Yeah, like because the scalability the thing also that that is Like the other day, I believe what it was yesterday. I got a 68 thousand dollar check and like that's insane. Yeah now I'm like, okay like what's next? Yeah. I have like I forgot who said I don't know if dance for silicide or someone. Someone elevator boot camp is this Blissful like dissatisfaction. Mmm, if you know what that means like you're satisfied with yourself, but you're never satisfied. Yeah, so Like I'm like, okay cool. That's done. Now. What's happening today? Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah that feeling kind of just like dissipates after like, yeah, that's kind of what it felt. Like when I was even just getting a job like similar, right? You're just like for me I was like in the grind of like graduating college and trying to find a get get a job and then I got my job at LinkedIn and then like within like I didn't five minutes of like celebrating I was like, okay cool. Well like yeah, what's next after this so I can definitely relate like always just pushing for that next thing and you mentioned like your first mentor Like how did you guys meet and like how important was meeting him at that point? All right. I'm working construction. I was 14, you know child thing out my parents friends and everything on weekends. So I had money saved up and I bought into his in-person training event and I went down to and I'm you know stayed with him at his house for three days and I learned in person how to do everything from him. So, you know, you know, I don't know how many 15 year old, you know that confront 2500 dollars just for the training and then 2004 the laptop and this and that, you know, I live it all in and everything. History from that like I literally came home first nine days. And I did like I swear over $2,000 in sales or something ridiculous crazy just from that just from that soap. So what do you say to people that like that like struggle right when there's like a lot of e-comm courses out nowadays, right? What about those people that like are like damn? I don't know if this is worth like $700 like what would you say to them? You know, but then again, Right now so everybody's just trying to get a piece of that and people just don't see that like they don't see through it the so that's the issue like like a few a few people are ruining the whole domain of like e-commerce. Hmm in a sense in my opinion. I'm not going to name anybody put anybody on blast but it's just like some people just like, you know, yeah take advantage. Yeah, because because that's the thing about you calm right now. It feels like that space is just like it's like the wild west almost like you don't know who you can trust. You don't know who you can't trust and the only real way to do that is like either to have friends that have already taken courses, but since it's so new, I feel like a lot of people are just getting into it not it's not very new the concept but like the course of the I'd say that are coming out or maybe I'm just becoming more self-aware of them, but I guess so to kind of follow up on that question. Like what is something that you feel like is a really good thing to look out for when you're trying to evaluate is a course worth taking or like, you know from the right person. Can you repeat that you gotta cut a little bit. So you said what's the right thing to look for like in terms of like finding the right course, you know, like what are some things you would evaluate if you're gonna yeah. This is for people like that's that's the issue. Usually I just kind of go off group. If I really deserve the people are killing it. Hey Casey is really cool with you know, Tristan. Oh Tristan's teaching something. That's something I might want to look into. It's like people that I know that are credible. Yeah, like spoke and I like big events and stuff like that. Like that's the only way I could really that personally I could really like trust somebody mmm. But you know then again, it's like you can't even like there's so many unlike unreliable sources. Like you can literally pay I could go right now and paced about $800 and they'll go post an article about me on entrepreneur. Yeah, you know, he's like what these Publications? Yeah, and it's so easy to steal someone's screenshot. Someone else's sales are it's like that's the thing. It's like now with like that plus Photoshop plus people being a little devious. It's like there's no way ever really trust somebody unless like you actually like talk to them like hear that like for their voice and health are really genuine or not. Yeah. Yeah, totally. That's totally right like yeah, it does the hardest thing about like just like It's like I don't really like someone for talk all the talk. But until like I actually see them in person and talk to them. I can't like, you know, I don't take anybody like super seriously. Okay. Yeah, that's a good recommendation. And then like also just going to events. So maybe look you can actually meet those people and then and then evaluate from there. Yeah, so I know this is like, you know, like a kind of short form just conversation interview, but I did want to ask you like in terms of anyone that doesn't know what Amazon FBA or like eBay selling the way that you're selling on eBay not like use good selling. Can you I just like give them a quick highlight or overview like into that world. Yeah, so essentially for any beginners out there. I totally 110 percent recommend selling on eBay only issue Ebates just revamped their whole site because they're really trying to compete with Amazon. Yeah. So in simple words even trying to copy Amazon's like algorithm and how they work their site which is ending up fighting eBay back in the butt. So essentially like all sales on either dip especially for doing Drop Shipping, but if you like honestly if you want to With no like no Capital like, okay. Well not no Capital it. So you'd like 10 20 bucks. You want to start like, you know, an online business I'd say eBay Drop Shipping is the way to go you literally like you'll go ahead and Source a product. For example all Source this iPhone. I found it on Amazon for $80. I'm gonna go ahead and list this exact product. I'm literally a copy with title the photos the description everything like literally copy and paste. Yeah, you know, I know most of these people mostly students do it for their papers. So there's no issue do It right now. Yeah, you're gonna you're gonna literally copy and paste it into an email listing and you know, maybe with some like, you know, some key wording and some SEO you're going to be able to put your product in the front and like in front of other people's eyes some people shopping, even though they don't show up on Amazon. I don't know why, you know personally I prefer Amazon but it is what it is and like always be sourcing for 80 bucks and I'll press it for $100. So with that being said, you know, I just made $20, you know before fees but $20 right off the bat. Literally like using someone else's leveraging two companies and you know, like the thing about eBay you can make a lot of money. The only issue I have with it is eBay scalable. Mostly dependent on time. How much time you invest is that business how good you are at it as opposed to Amazon now Amazon, it's literally like I'm leveraging their fulfillment service and my capital and then, you know, once you once you have capital, I definitely recommend going to f----- be a because it's like the most passive yet tangible business out there. There you can be fully Hands-On are you can be fully hands off mmm. But literally you just invest in a product. So for example, I might buy it, you know 10,000 of these iPhones $40 unit and then also on Amazon for 80, so essentially what will happen is I'll have all these all these phones packed up on a pallet. I'll go ahead and send that palette to Amazon Amazon will take it apart and you know, they'll prep it label it whatever going to do and then when someone buys it off Amazon's website, I'm the one that's actually getting sale but Amazon. Pick they take it out of the case pack, they package it and they ship it out for you and they handle everything to handle your customer service to handle your returns. Hmm. So that's that's why it's like everybody's like favorite Vehicles invest in. I've so many Commercial Real Estate Investors hitting me up. Like hey, can you help me out? Help me out with automation. You know, I like draw. I like Drop certain, but I don't like the margins. So this is like why a lot of people move into FDA because you're getting you know, like the most I've gotten a seven hundred percent ROI on a product before and it sold out in the month. So yeah, that's just like ridiculous. Aeolus numbers that is crazy. Yeah. No, but on average like I'm not even gonna lie average is like $25 percent ROI, but that's still phenomenal compared to like Drop Shipping where you can use ten percent margins. Mmm. And that's the only issue. I have to like you see all these Shopify drop shippers that are showing. Oh, I did $100,000 in sales a month, which is cool and all you know, you feel you feel really good. You look really good. But at the end of the day people that actually run the business and I've done it before they know that you're probably talking less than $10,000 a month from that. Yeah. At the end of the day, what do I care about people's image of me or how much money is actually going into my pocket. You know, Mmm Yeah hundred percent. No that's totally fair until he makes a lot of sense. So I guess what another question of that just out of curiosity is like, how do you feel about these on the other side of guess e-commerce, right like in terms of like branding and things like that and building a brand using e-commerce as a vehicle to build a brand. What do you think of like, you know, I guess like companies like away and stuff like that is that not really the lane you want to play in? Or eventually do you think you'll build a brand given that you've already learned these skills on how to scale and everything like that? Wait, so I'm sorry you like cut out. I just moved because I don't know if the connections out here. So you said how do I feel about the other side of e-commerce like Brands like but like a way and like just just Brands like the millennial Brands, you know and like how they've just like like direct-to-consumer kind of more brand centered versus like, you know, just like sourcing things. Have you ever thought about doing something with that? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Create their own Brands. Honestly, I think that that's great. You know, a lot of people are pursuing what they love from a business standpoint. If you're looking for efficient scaling and you know stuff like that. I wouldn't recommend it just because you have to you know, you have to get the product created, you know, especially like most of the time when you're taking products, you're sourcing it from China, you know using this all EMS services, so you got this 40-day lead time because they're shipping, you know via see, you know, you got this horrible language barrier and this is like, I'm just saying this I'm not trying to bash on people that are doing this. I'm just trying to say this. people that want to get into yeah exactly tolling there's there's a lot of Is that aren't aren't seen that you experience like last minute and you're just like I didn't think it'd be this hard. You know people just think okay. I create a logo I have to put on my product and that's it. No, it's like you got you got this language where you got this lead time you have you got to get samples and then like once you actually have the product. Okay, if you're building a website, you got to build your website. Okay. Now you build your website you better start running ads. Now, you're going to spend thousands and hundreds are you know, even thousands of dollars learning the perfect perfect add algorithm and it's like, There's there's so many things that are into it, but I think if you think it through all that you have the capital behind it you have, you know the time everything to invest in it and you actually care about it. I think that that would be phenomenal like I really love the idea but for me as like as like in terms of business, I wouldn't do it from a business case where I do it more for fun, you know, like oh we gotta be more passionate about like like I'm like, I'm like, I'm really interesting Acres. I'm really into you know clothing, you know, I might just buy my own t-shirts and stuff and that'd be more fun rather than profits in my opinion. Yeah. Yeah for sure. No, that doesn't Make sense, and I'm glad like you highlighted it because I think that people can kind of confuse like, oh, are you making a brand on Amazon or you making your own brand but you're talking strictly, you know sourcing products that are already out there. So there's a lot of the only issue that I have with it. There's a few things 50% of all items listed on Amazon our private label, but I feel like only five to ten percent of those sales are actually private labeled products. Okay, and that's private labels when people create their own Brands and whatnot. You know. I'm like coming back, you know running ads and everything and the only issue that I have on it as well. Like as the other main issues. I have one as well is if you literally go into Amazon right now and you type in what resistance then you'll see five of the exact same product and they're all private label, but they Have different logos on it. Yeah exact same product different logo on it. And I mean to me it's just like really, you know, it's not yeah, it's not my bread and butter. Yeah, they're like going find a product. Oh, hey, I see that, you know people by Gillette razors. It's making seven hundred thousand dollars a month. I'm going to go ahead and source that product. Mmm is the numbers are there to back it instead of, you know Paving the way yourself which could prove prove very lucrative long-term. But you know for me, it's just much easier and much more efficient. For the brands that already spent the millions of dollars on marketing. I want to sell it to a pack of Coke. Okay, that's gonna make me 2.2 million a month. You know, it's just yeah definitely not it makes sense and it's interesting that you saying all this because it kind of like I can also see like the similarity and just kind of being like that middleman like just how you said like that's how you got started and it sounds like you kind of been able to continue to do that but like at scale and like obviously using e-commerce, so I guess like the next thing on the agenda was actually going to ask you like an after this wobble. It's question. So if you guys want to start asking questions will definitely pick some questions. But what are your future plans heading into 2019 and like what is that look like for you? Yeah, so I'm super excited actually 429. I've never really been excited for a year like a new year anything like I like like I'm trying not to swear anything but it's like the same stuff different here. So like that's how I always. Was used to perceive things when I was in school, you know from 8 a.m. To 3 p.m. And then after that Sports and then Sports homework and then sleep but now it's like every day I play by here like sometimes I have like plans and you know, I called through with those but it just like for me like personally I enjoy every day like, I don't usually plan out things but I'm planning a huge Hawaii trip with a bunch of my friends, you know, nice. You probably know Melissa. Yeah, Andrew. Then just Ricky every like all my you know, all my cool entrepreneur friends. I'm inviting everybody out to Hawaii probably gonna print out a huge mansion and just have a good time. I plan on hosting a huge like networking event in December for my birthday weekend and I threw the party for my birthday weekend and I also had a two day after the party for the next two days Saturday and Sunday. I hosted a two-day in person eCommerce shop where you know, we talked 15 students the whole business model and everything. I want to do that but on a way bigger, Scale yeah, you know I want to host like an elevator, you know elevator night or you know, something something crazy like that like obviously not like a not as big as like a 10x growth but it's like if I could get like a hundred to two hundred people in there. I'd be satisfied that I love that, you know to have Melissa have Casey have all these speakers just speak there and just have a good time as well. Yeah, definitely one of my big things. I'm really focusing on mmm. Another thing is we just launched this new company back. I believe it was two months ago two ends already had over six figures and revenue. So I'm planning on bringing that to possibly eight figures by the end of this year so that I'm super excited for that. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I otherwise I play Everyday by ear, you know. Yeah. So so I also just like out of curiosity, right we hear about like these like sexual successful people like and their morning routines. Like do you have a morning routine or anything that you you do like every morning or yeah. No, not really. Honestly, I'm kind of a night owl. Yeah, I've been trying to wake up earlier. But like I'm someone I'm like, I'm not even gonna lie. I'm very grumpy in the morning just because I'm up super late because I still live with my parents I'm playing. I'm moving out in a few months. Oh, it's like everything's so crazy. You know go in today. I'm running around doing this running around doing that and you know, I have to do stuff with my parents and this and that so nine times like the only time I really have to myself in like just straight solid. That I could just sit down work game plan. Get everything done. Yeah, so that's when I don't really have a morning routine, but nightly like I don't really have a routine. It's kind of like every day is kind of now that I realize I don't have I really love a routine though. I feel like if I had a routine in a set schedule had become 10 times more efficient just I can't do it. Ya know it's hard it's hard and I mean like you're running your own business already. So it's kind of hard like some people have to make the routine so they can have time to like create that business, but since you're already, Doing it. It's only makes sense. I'm just going to look through real quick the feed see if anyone asks questions and just kind of read it off if that's cool with you. Yes. Okay. Someone said how to talk more about FBA. How do you get Wholesales with big companies? Do you know what that means? Adams because you're the one that's going to supposed to be charging sales tax on it. So with that being said, it's you that's the first thing is you need to be official. And then after that is when you can start reaching out to companies and like there's so many different ways to do it. If you live on any Coast like, you know, if you live in New York, Florida San Francisco or like La you could literally just open up Google Maps and you can literally like zoom in like on your like, you know coast and you can just search up like wholesaler or like authorized distributor and when these things will pop up, And you'll literally be able to like see all these people that are doing it and you could just call and cold call. Another way is you could literally just go and Google and search up like wholesaler or like, you know, Sharpie authorized distributor. Another way you could do it is there's this website called top temples you go to their wholesale directory and you click on whatever category products you want whether it's the core whether it's Office Products, whether it's beauty products and they'll have like all these different suppliers like literally with all their contact information and the website that you can check out. And then you could also go to wholesale Central which you can actually post to a wholesale form and have suppliers come to you. So there's there's just so many different ways to do it. A lot of people just overthinking I get that's one of my most common questions. Where do you find some buyers there right in front of you? Oh, that's awesome. And so just to follow up on that like do you recommend doing like domestic based suppliers versus overseas? Yeah domestic always especially if you're trying to find name brand products, unless you start getting really big and you start importing. I just don't recommend it because if you're a beginner and you start importing, you're most likely going to be importing counterfeit Goods because there are a lot of counterfeit overseas so and like for example, if you're selling counterfeit items on Amazon, your account will get bands and Amazon will not let you open up a new one. Yeah, that's dangerous too, especially because like as you just said FBA is huge. All right guys, well if anyone has any more questions, feel free to drop them in I'm just going to check real quick and then if not, Thing is like a lot. That's something that's the only thing like a lot of people start selling all these counterfeit items and all that to make a quick buck and it's in it really ends up biting them in the but long term because their counter going to get bands, you know, maybe maybe they need a quick hundred bucks $12,000 hundred thousand, whatever. Yeah, but you're going to be banned and Amazon like Amazon does everything by like identity. So what they do is like they literally like they ask you for your social that's you for bank statements ask you for a photo of your ID or passport like this. Yeah throw so You know, like let's say I open up an account my account got banned. My mom wanted open up one they'll Banner account right away really down the same address address. So it's just it's not it's not worth it in my opinion. Yeah. No for sure. That makes sense. And then do you run PPC up PPC campaign on your products? Because that's the thing. That's why I like to run ads on any of my products because they already have Great traction. That's awesome. There's already two hundred thousand people looking for it something come directly to me, but I don't run no cpcs or PPC is or anything like that. When did you start eBay Drop Shipping and how fast we're able to scale. I started eBay dropshipping November 17th 2017, and it was scalable pretty quickly. I had my best-selling item by like January February. It was a best-selling item was it was like it was right up to become baseball. And so I was telling I did d-des youth like that baseball backpack. It was gray and black, you know from Dick's Sporting Goods. Mmm. Nice and then what is it? Well, what is it? We have to get since we wholesalers don't I don't know what they're saying, but I think they're asking about tax the document. Would be more some states require more documentation not others, but essentially they're just going to ask you for your tax ID, which will be your EIN number to ask you is for your selling permit or seller's permit and then they'll also like if you're in like, I believe, it's California, New Jersey or New York and some other states that you'll also be asked for a resale certificate. Okay. Nice, and I think we missed one, but there was one that asked about do you offer? Or do you finance anything for your mentorship do you offer any sort of mentorship? Okay, people be like whatever. I'm just gonna you know, if it doesn't work on my first week, I'll just quit but if people like invest like $2,000 they're glued to it. They're like, I'm stuck with this investment. I'm going to make it work. So that's why you know, like that's that's that's one main reasons why everybody charges so much but I mean that again if you look at it in proportion to like college, it's pennies compared to what people pay, you know for college. Yeah, definitely in probably a much faster return. Unlike for years. So how long have you been doing? Just strictly FBA the summertime and I believe that's when I got like my first killer product. I mean me like, you know $25,000 from a single SKU. Yeah. Wow, that's crazy. I'm going down to OC next weekend. Okay. Nice. That's sweet. And then oh my gosh, there's so many questions. We have to have a seller's permit for Amazon FBA and where do we get that? No, you don't so in reality. All you need to start Amazon FBA is you just need to be like a legal us. So you don't even need to be US citizen. You actually could sign up on like Amazon UK or anything like, you know, you're of Amazon you can actually apply this on the US market. All you need is just you know, you just need to verify that you're a real person and everything. You just need a seller's permit in terms of if you want to access some of the better suppliers because they do everything by the books. Okay, cool. And then all right. I think this is a great last question or no. Do you still attend school? You don't attend school, right? No, you're in college right now. Okay, cool. That's awesome. Okay Kenzo. Well, I told you this is going to last a half hour. I don't know how much time you have and how many questions you want to answer. So I will like start to wrap this up. I really appreciate you taking the time to like come on SO for anyone who's watching this this is going to be in podcast form. I know Kendall you dropped a lot of knowledge. So anyone wants to watch this. It'll be on YouTube and I GTV and it also In podcast form in the link in my profile on Friday. Thank you. You killed it. You killed it. You dropped so many like I honestly wanted to take notes as you're talking but I'll just listen to the podcast and then take some notes, but thank you again. I really appreciate it. Yeah, that's pretty much it. I mean, yeah guys. Thank you. For tuning in make sure to check it out on Friday. I'll tell like post it on my story and you can check it out to Ken's. I'll send you all the links and everything. Alright. Peace out guys. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you guys so much for making it to the end of this real talk interview. If you guys don't know I do these every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time 9:30 eastern time on my profile at Tiffany para. And for those of you who don't know what exactly real Hawk is it's essentially a series where I'm going Instagram live every week with the up-and-coming entrepreneurs creatives and creators that make Instagram the place it is today. So if you guys like listening to a wide range of interesting people from e-commerce entrepreneurs to Fitness influencers to Foodies, I'll be doing an Instagram live with them every week and then turning that Instagram live into a video form, which you guys can check out on YouTube as well. Well as an audio form, which clearly you're probably listening to this podcast right now that being said the only way you can know about the next real talk live is to give me a follow on Instagram. And if you've made it this far into the podcast I have to ask you to hit that subscribe button and follow along for more updates. Make sure to leave a review. If you enjoy this podcast. It really helps. I've been working really hard on the show. We're now like fifty nine episodes deep and continuing every day to push for more. So hope you guys liked this series. Ruiz and definitely, let me know what you think hit my DMs.
Kenzo Sobrie (@knzo on Instagram) began his journey in entreprenuership by selling pokemon cards in the 1st grade. By 8th grade he was selling his own print-on t-shirts. But everything really changed for Kenzo in November of 2017 when he met his mentor mentor Jeff Bunting. He invested over $4,000 in order to learn Ebay dropshipping. Kenzo graduated high school 2 years early and while waiting for the college semester to start he would devote hours everyday to listing items on eBay. He scaled that concept into over 5 figures and eventually 6 figures. At that point, Kenzo decided to enter Amazon FBA ( a form of selling that involves fulfillment by Amazon) If you want to know about this young entrepreneur make sure to check out the full episode… AGENDA FOR OUR INSTAGRAM LIVE ⚡️Kenzo’s Backstory  ⚡️Importance of Mentorship and How It’s Impacted HisLife ⚡️Amazon FBA / Ebay Tips for Beginners ⚡️Future Plans Heading Into 2019 ⚡️Audience Q and A 🔥🔥 Kenzo’s Info🔥🔥 Instagram: @ knzo  Website: 🎥YouTube Version 🎥 🎙Listen to the podcast version-  Spotify Link-  Apple Podcast Link- 🎙 ⚡️ Connect with me  ⚡️Follow me on IG:  @tiffanyparra_  ⚡️$upport the podcast:  ⚡️Join my community for podcasters:  ⚡️Want to know what gear I use to produce the podcast?  ⚡️Tune in next Wednesday January 9th at 6:30 PM PST or 9:30 PM EST for another Real Talk Instagram livestream⚡️ 💎PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW IF YOU ENJOY THIS PODCAST IT REALLY HELPS SUPPORT THE SHOW!
Hello and welcome to gobble up wine a drunken Harry Potter podcast. My name is Charlie and I'm Hannah and we're to 20-somethings reading our favorite childhood book. But this time with added alcohol and cynicism today's episode. We are re reading chapters 9 and 10 of Prisoner of Azkaban with some fucking disgusting butterbeer that Hannah has inflicted on me. I think you'll find I invented some amazing new recipes and everyone will love it and they'll call it the Hannah butterbeer. No, so if this all like the podcast of your dreams enjoy because I didn't love you. Hello. Hello, welcome back to Goblet of wine your favorite podcast that Two Hosts are a mess. Anna's had a bit more to drink than me. I mean to have two shots. Yeah, they haven't really done much I think because I felt it in a bit. They were cake flavored vodka and caramel flavored vodka. Correct. Something like Kissed Caramel was it's kiss kissed Carrie. Because when caramel is kissed it takes a wildly different. I spend a lot of time kissing caramel today. We're doing chapter 9 Grim defeat. But first we have some thank yous to do. Oh shit. Yeah shit we do that. Yeah, we do first. We have a thank you too. L know L Lambert. Sorry can't read already L Lambert who says our podcast is fun and has authentic discussion. I don't know what inauthentic discussion is, but I thank you for your review. I really it is because Cuz as we have established, I've never read Harry Potter and I just lie, okay, and then we have another thank you have BEC make Donegal but doing Google doodle. I guys I'm very dyslexic and I've had a couple of shots who says we are the sort of people she would love to meet in a girls bathroom unlike groaning metal. They don't want to meet in a girl's butt. Okay, we're the opposite but I love that. I love that. I love drunk girls in bathroom jungles and bathrooms are like the height men you need constantly in life. Yeah, yeah, I aspire to just be that person all the time. 24/7 next is why I drink all the time 24/7 to stand. Yeah, Nick. Thank you goes to Catherine Mars who says she is rereading each chapter as we do which is frankly the best way to be doing this. We've had more and more people start to measure saying they're reading the books per chapters. We do it which sounds awesome. So thank you. Yeah, and then the final one to Matt loves good witch thank you for that name. Yeah, who won the Drake? Click on quiz. Number two. Number two. Well done Charlie. What are we drinking today? What are we doing? What have you done to me? So we are reading chapters 9 and 10 of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. So I decided in these chapters Harry tries, but herb if the first time so I decided to make butter beer. There are two rules to my butter beer making one. It had to be more alcoholic than butter bit because well, we're alcoholic podcast number two. It could not include cream soda, which I hate with such a passion. It makes me want to burn buildings down. Yeah, and she's done it with ginger beer because I hate Ginger. Yeah, I didn't realize that before I bought it and so here's a fact for you. I know loads of people love the butterbeer that they serve it like The Wizarding World and the studio tour. I hate it. It's disgusting. That is not what butterbeer is meant to taste like so we have two types of butter that I've made tonight from two different recipes that are similar, but I thought of in my head We're going to switch at the chapter change because two drinks is quite normal for us to drink during an episode. So this first one is ginger beer as a base with then a shot of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum a shopped a shot of caramel vodka and egg whites and vanilla extract. Cheers. You want to see our initial reaction to this. It will be on our Instagram story highlight because it is so bad. I don't know what you're complaining. About it taste like I'm not only tastes like but the texture is resembling off if someone had some ginger beer and then just repeatedly sat in it for like an hour every inch of spit that they could muster. It's like it's like thick and a bit foamy like start we wanted it thick and foamy and then it's like watered down like it's been watered down with spit. I'll admit this isn't perfect. I think the beard so the second one we're trying halfway through spoilers is a beer base with a toffee. Debased and then alcohol because she's put egg white in it. It's just all separating on the top. So it's just got this really ominous column. The Eggman is was for the phone to make it look cool. This will all be on our Instagram story because egg white was just for the aesthetic to be honest. It's horrifying just go check our hi. Okay. Do you prefer this more prefer this less than the one they serve at the studio tour because I prefer this a lot more but I hate anything with cream soda, and I haven't had the studio one in a very Okay, I just know I hate to cause a screen total run. I definitely didn't really like the Studio One, but also at least it doesn't feel like something spitting into my mouth and not even in the kinky way. Okay, you have to finish this by the track to break because then you get to the Beer one, which I think you'll like better. Probably I do like beer. Okay, great. We I wanted to learn how to make a hot one, but I couldn't I couldn't work it out. Yeah, you were to just send it up fry - okay. It'd be like when you get home you struggled. Hey those scrambled egg in our butter. Here, so if you want to make our butterbeer up while but it isn't it. I'm sorry Kyle. I don't like it. It's so bad. If you don't believe me, we have meals and Sarah's reaction on our Instagram stories. He is not it could be a hell of a lot worse so bad. Anyway chapter 9 Grim. Yeah different defeat. I love a good pun. All students are sent to the Great Hall for the night because they've just discovered that the portrait of the fat lady has been ripped up by serious plan Percy's in charge, which seems Super fucking do but it does Dumbledore apparently with wand sweeps all the tables to the side the hole and it doesn't say this, but I just like to imagine that you know, he sweeps them all to the side of avoiding all the students part from one little first year who is just punted Into the Water by this table and then that becomes part of the yearly Deathcore. Yeah, exactly. That's what I was thinking. So this one little first year. He's probably called Kevin gets caught by the table swept into the wall crushed to death and everyone's like Yeah by Kevin there's the first bit of the daily quota, did you ever have the thing if I'm re school where but was your like food Hall also you're like pee all I never went to a primary school big enough to serve food I never had a canteen what what did you eat packed lunches that's so weird anyway so tell me your story because I went to a weird school apparently yeah, I really hope that everyone was burning with desire to know exactly about Hannah's Primary School shut up you asked you know, you look really cute today Thank you. Do you like the green? I really do but also your eyeliner you like your eyes look super cute. Thank you. I really messed up that and it actually has a genuine compliment. That was a weird thing. Yeah, I think you should keep that energy together. Okay, I'm gonna keep my weed never nice to each other on this podcast know so she's blushing so we have this really disgusting thing where yeah, so the food Hall where they had like the canteen was then also RP horse. Yeah, you had people are Lunch, you would just have bits of like peas and tell you Twizzlers like between your toes fucking turkey Twizzlers. I like to think that's what happens to them now is like the best leave it with a turkey Twizzlers by their head like stop. It doesn't know about turkey Twizzlers. Just Google Jamie Oliver turkey Twizzler and you'll understand Britain in the early 2000s like Jamie Oliver is a Tory scumbag, but the only thing he ever did good for this country was get rid of the turkey Twizzlers. I was obsessed. Okay, I wasn't obsessed with turkey Twizzlers. I was obsessed with turkey dinosaurs. Yeah, I have them they were fine, but the Twizzlers but I never had the Twizzlers so bad. Okay. Did she so bad? I do. I really miss Primary School puddings. I don't know any of this you missed out. I'm sorry. Yeah, it never had any of this anyway, but anyway, Harry Potter, so they're always like discussing how black got in there all confused. It's mentioned that all the teachers go off to search the different areas the castle and when Dumbledore and Snape Come back and they're checking like who search Which floor Snape says that filch has searched the dungeons. I thought it was pointless. That filch is asked to search the dungeons because he can't do magic. So what is the point of hymns? Actually the dungeons? What is black is down there and filtered just like oh no, it's Sirius Black. Oh, no, he's murdered me. Like maybe that was the point. Maybe they really wanted to get rid of this slut, but I'm liking it. Less and less than more I drink. Yeah admit that you're wrong bitch. We learned that sleep suspect someone inside the castle and this is our first hint of us and he says they really convenient Hatley have this conversation next time. Yeah. I know so much and then also it's like why is Percy privy to this? Well, it says that sleep is trying to not open his mouth enough to block Percy from the conversation. I would have just been like Percy go away. It doesn't matter that your head boy go away. But Snape says I worried since you appointed blah blah blah. As a kid reader you'd probably like dismiss this not even think about it, but it's not I don't read. This would be your first hint that a member of staff is the issue really really really wish that I could go back and say this with the fresh memory and like whether I would suspect the Lupin because I think it's one of those things in this is what part of us have been talking about like in his recap where you kind of have the obvious red herrings and obviously Lupin is supposed to be an obvious red hair. You need the really good point about Scooby-Doo. It's the first person you meet who's nice in the person that did it and the second person you Meet who is suspicious as the good guy? But what I like in this is It's not like oh we're setting up looping and then actually it wasn't me put it with someone else which is like how isn't. Yeah first book. Yes kind of first two, but that instead it's like no actually like it wasn't someone else but it wasn't looping. Yeah, but actually there's that whole Twitter. So I really really wish that I could read this again for the first states to be like would I suspect but I don't think the thing with this one is no one could get paid. Category from this nobody I don't believe known it. I mean, it's more guessable than the fourth book which takes the rug out so far from for you is more guests board Max. I feel like you are like, I don't know obviously, I wouldn't you can't know because we can't read this with the fresh brain, but I feel like it is a bit like he's just bought up a lot for someone that's supposed to be like kind of like a dead side character. Yeah. Yeah, and then you do get further along him being like spotted on the map and stuff. So you kind of can't and Yeah, there are ways of working it out. I think but you definitely like I don't know because I feel like I would know that it wouldn't be looping but I do like that you have this character that just seemed so Earnest and lovely. Yeah, and then York. I like all but a dark side maybe because that's what just booked but you look for a man. Is that it? Yeah, he's really really nice but also seems a little bit fucked up. That's my perfect. Math says Charlie. Yeah, I mean Lupin is Bay and I'll get into that in some later chapters. But yeah, I would I mean what a my dreams in life. Is to have my memory wiped for a month to read reread the Harry Potter series because I'd always want to get it back because the amount of stuff like Harry Potter has brought me in my life, but I just want a month where I get to read it again. Yeah, and I could like I would never want to lose it completely because I would lose all of like the impact that it's had on my life. I mean would lose this at this point. Yeah, if they could be like there's one you get one franchisee. You can start again fresh and then once you complete it get back all of your memory, I would be very torn between Harry Potter and Buffy. Yeah his Buffy I watch it in a random order growing up. So I never got all of the massive Chris allow. I see like never at least for the Harry Potter. I did get it once when I was young but I still feel like I was too young for some of the massive pot twist like because of the like, although I was obsessed with Harry Potter, like like some of the huge plot twist. I was a bit too young for and I just wish I could have at least like I did have it at one point. Whereas like with Buffy a little never did because I saw it in a mismatched all yeah. I like Nick's idea for a podcast when we Somehow ever have time is Han has never seen Buffy. Never gonna do Hannah watching Buffy for the first time. Do you eat? So tell us if you want us to do that and then give us money so that we can we then get a kind of overview of the next few weeks. My stomach is groaning so much for this Turtle. I think there's something wrong with this. I mean, yeah, it's like someone's coming into it. It's so bad Hannah. It's so you don't have to drink it. What if it's the Frankenstein of Cocktails so Professor McGonagall basic wants Harry to be protected at all times. Like he's being followed around by teachers Professor McGonagall calls him into her office to be like Sirius Black wants to kill you and he's like, yeah me I know so Percy asked if the Dementors wanted to help and then he looks really surprised when Dumbledore says that he won't let them in and I feel like this is like the first sign of like Percy putting too much faith into the establishment. Yeah, like he's like taken aback. He's like white, but why wouldn't Dumbledore just like land then he's really embarrassed. Arsen Dumbledore. Shuts him down quite like not aggressively but quite firmly. He's like, yeah will never allow a dimension past my school or I'm Headmaster and Percy looks really beerus and like and like confused as well because he's like, but but they're they're they're good. They're the government like it's good and it's like no like learn critical thought like this is difference between Percy and Hermione that money lands like critical like definitely two questions here. They sort of the same and then like they died about that diverge not don't Well, I Percy doesn't develop critical thinking whereas like Hermione does. Yeah, that's a really good point. Perfect. Perfect. Whereas Percy would be absolutely fine with serious black soul being sucked out in front of him because well, that's what the establishment said. Yeah Professor McConnell wants Harry to be protected at all times Malfoy then in this kind of like a couple of week-long Roundup of Hogwarts says that his arm is too injured to play the next quidditch match which leads Gryffindor to pay Hufflepuff. Also, so cadogan is the new Gryffindor portrait is fantastic is the best character. This is the first time Cedric Diggory is mentioned when we learn the gryffindor's paying Hufflepuff. So it's nice that he's kind of slipped in in this book. I think you mean the spare so they turn up at defense against the dark out and Snape is covering the lesson and I've got all tingly he's a dick about it. Yeah. I've got a lot to say about this lesson, but my First note is just page 394. Snape is being an absolute dick head to the class. He's goading them. All about werewolves is being an A-Class Kant said that cause Hannah's going to edit it out. Now I and then Hermione tells him the answer to a question. He asked so he asked the difference between like a traditional wolf and I fucking knew you were going to talk about this. Did you even write notes about it? I did but I was like, well, this is redundant. No, it's a discussion. Well discuss it together. Great, I agree with you. So what happens about to say is how Ron stands up for Hermione. Whereas in the film's is that what he does? Well, I'm actually just I was gonna leave the film bit until we get to the film episode. So my answers the question for him and Snape calls her an insufferable know-it-all. So my first name is that Snape is the fucking worst because how dare a teacher say this to a student Hermione actually cries, and I've teacher should Never make a pupil cry first of all and like it is literally warms. Ron said he asked a question and a pupil answer just so get out. So Robin jumps to Hermione's defense says if you didn't want the answer, why did you ask the question which is obviously like quite a clap back. He gets detention. The reason why I focus on it so much is because the film's changed it. But if we leave that live we leave that discussion to the films like I think this is one of the moments that Really epitomizes runs character. Yeah, and I think it's just a blind oversight from the film's ignoring this bit and changing it. Yeah. This is him being a really good Gryffindor as well. Exactly run. You really shouldn't have set like Mama you should have said that but also you shouldn't have said that but there's not even like the hint of it's not like he starts saying it like Trails off. No, he's actually like he just like you're being a dick. Yeah, exactly and like it's also it's also mentioned in the text that Ron calls Hermione and know it Or at least twice a week. Yeah, but it's the same way as when like you tease your sibling. You're like, yeah, my brother's like blah blah blah blah. He's blah blah blah blah blah, but if anyone else is like your brother's a bit blah blah blah, you'd be like shut the fuck up only I get to speak about that person like the same way if you're bitching about your mom if someone else says that about your mom, that's not okay. It's only okay when you say it and I feel like that's the same with what Ron is doing. Like he calls Hermione and know it all under the awareness like in this moment. We'll get to later in the book. But in this moment where he does really respect her and like understand her as a friend. Yeah, but it's not okay for Snape who was trying to belittle her to call her the same word. So that's one of the reasons why Ron claps back so hard and also like Harry doesn't clap back and I think that's important Harry sit there silently. I'm sorry. Charlie's just distract me by taking a selfie. I look cute you do I just feel like like Harry doesn't clap Back In This Moment. It's just Ron who claps back and that's also the different seen Harry and Ron's characters. Like Harry never really is the rod is always going to be the first to jump to people's defense and that's like the Hufflepuff and the Gryffindor side of him where he's the first one to be like don't say that about people he's always the one who's arguing against Hermione being called a mudblood by people. This is just runs character in Michelle yeah, I'm really yeah that just makes it all the worse what the films did but anyway quidditch who it is, uh, there's a really brilliant. None of this Harry is up like super super early and then he's like just basically waiting for the day to begin and Crookshanks is repeatedly trying to sneak into like how do you still having to like get every 20 minutes just be like, yeah. No. No because you tried to sneak into Lincoln break comedy seed. Yeah. Just try to get Into the boys dormitory to murder scabbers. I love it. It's so funny. Like I feel like this is one of the bits where because we're reading in like more detail and for the first time properly in years, like obviously we listen to the audio books all the time. Yeah. I feel like when you're listening to the audio books, you don't pay that much attention not only do it when I'm trying to sleep. Yeah. So it's this kind of detail that I missed out on previously like I have no recollection of this ever happening and I'm like, this is gold. I would yeah, it's just a really funny image. Harry being up at like for that fuck sake and then this cook Shack was trying to get in the dormitory. Like stop it stop it. It's like we love it. But there's a just like cockroaches so dedicated I don't dedicated to the cause Crookshanks is the best character in this book. So there's a horrific storm going on outside and Harry and his head is like but the quadrat you'll never be cancelled and it isn't cancelled even though we find out this storm is fucking horrific at this an outdoors. A sport there's lightning. I'm like, I'm sorry there up there up there one broom as we are in this school. No sport is was being electrocuted by lightning. It really wakes me up for her is like Chris would never be cut up for a trifle like a thunderstorm, like maybe it should literally like he has breakfast. They go to the Quidditch match. It's going pretty pretty terribly he can't see anything because Rain is so bad. Woody, cause I'm glad glad glad glad would calls timeout and Hermione appears with in a magical Hermione way with a spell for Harry's glasses to get rid of the Wayne convenient. I really love and this point when wood is just like pretty after my knee. Yeah. I just like word. I love worship it but my ship yeah, but in kind of like a sexy one nice and kind of way. Yeah, not in a permanent way. Yeah, but in A one-night stand like really like Hermione would be really worked up over an exam and Oliver will be really work. Not when she's 13. We're imagining their closer in age and like they're both be really like worked up needs like get out their frustrations on each other someone halleloo, we and I'm going to put a request. Yeah, but wait no and then to like distress they're like, oh I'm going to like sneak into the prefect's bathroom and the makeup and then they're they're both in there to die. Dress you're turning me on okay. Okay, guys, we're gonna need a minute. Okay. I have my first request. I'm gonna seriously put in can someone write a fanfiction for us, please. We will read out in a bonus episode. It doesn't matter if you're not subscribed to our patreon, obviously, if you write it, I'll send you the episode personally, but could you write fanfiction of Percy and of them are no Percy? No, no Oliver word and Hermione what their pent-up about? Out there closer in age change the ages. I will expect it at Goblet of wine podcast at Come send it to and dotco Dot U k-- just you know, spray spread your chance to write your chances from people actually do a bonus episode on it. Thank you and goodbye. So then they go back on the brooms. There's a flash of lightning and the Harry sees a black dog in the stands which he's like, it's a grim. Yeah. I think I didn't get into plank. I know that it he had like, but just a black dog. Like he's a really big like here's an imagi. Let me good and I make this Mages and Bacchus his fiery his hurried it. She could have been anything and you feel like if it was like, okay he transforms into a turtle and the turtle happened to be the Grim that you would be like. Yeah, that's odd. I've seen a turtle but you wouldn't freak yourself out over seeing like a large black dog. You just be like, I've Just Seen A large black dog. I mean imagine it's huge. But then why is he such? A big black dog because that's just his that's that's just his thing. No, I feel like he is a normal sized attack dog. And Harry is really fucking dramatic an attention seeker. Just it's a dog. It's okay. It's a fucking dog. Like I'm just saying if you wanted like JK if you wanted to make this more convincing be like and then Harry saw the zebra of death. This is so then he sees the snitch then a fuck ton of Dementors show up at the pitch and I wrote a little know. Also Loop in much later on says that the Dementors showed up because there were so many people there. It was like a feast for them, but I don't know are they actually there because they sense serious because now we know that that black dog, which I thought is the Grimm was actually serious watching the match so and then demented show up within a minute. So are they sensing serious know why because he's in top form. Good point I'll move on I was wrong. I love it when she says it's my favorite thing fuck off. Harry faints. He wakes up in the hospital ring ring ring find out they've lost the match. He also in that paragraph discovers that Cedric wanted a rematch. So at this point we know Cedric is a good egg. Although I actually Sick from drinking but it's so bad and my mouth is burning and then we find out Hagrid's Perry's Nimbus 2000 is smashed then it's next chapter. So we have to finish our drinks three two one go. Ok. Let's make the next one pause the podcast don't vomit. We're back for chapter 10 the Marauders map and we have another type of butterbeer just to let you know the butter beer drinking this time is made with a beer base a buttery biscuit bib base buttery. Bit base and Captain Morgan Spiced Rum a toffee liquor that was from like poundland or something and I quite Home Bargains Home Bargains. This is gone low. Hold on. It was our four pounds. I really Splash out for the oh, oh, oh I'm falling. Is it better or worse than the last one? No, it's better and it and it was it was fine. And then she added more to it. And once again if you want to see this as on our Instagram story, well put it in a high light called butterbeer. Yeah. Yeah, I added more to They told me I needed more flavor and then they all yelled at me because we were like, yeah just a bit more and then she put like half a bottle of vanilla chapter 10 the Marauder's Map. Yep. So we're almost halfway through the book and nothing's happened and nothing's happened. But the Nimbus 2000 is broken and apparently it's not fixable which leads me to the question does repair only do so much. Yes. What's the limits is it magical items virginity's shut up. What's the limits? Yeah. Hymens, well, it's apparently broomsticks because up until this point repair is repaired everything. Yeah. I feel like it is like magical item. Okay, that's fine. Yeah. I just want that explained. I've just explained it to you. Great. Okay. So how are you suddenly being haunted by his mother's dying voice and has no one to tell he tells no one it's fucking horrible. It's actually a way where did I write this new? Okay, I wrote it in a bit, but it's just like These horrifying that he's literally realized his hearing his dead mother's voice and he's like, oh, well, I don't want to tell Ron Hermione. I'm like how really this is horrific this drink lychee. It's like someone you've got a beer and then someone's poured a load of vanilla and toffee in it. It is fucking disgusting. It's like you've you really sure you ruined a beer. You've ruined my pint my mouth why I wanted to do something nice for you you N't. That's hard to swallow. I wanted to make homemade butter beer. I thought it would be a cute episode idea. You were wrong. Did you just poisoned me? So Hermione is the only one to have finished the werewolf essay when they get looping back which means this point she at least aspects to some extent that Lupin is a werewolf because part of the reason she suspects it is because Is the only one that did the sa and everyone else just kind of backed out of it and didn't do it in time. And then at the end of the lesson Harry tells Lupin what he hears when the Dementors come near him because he says to Lupin, you know, I want Auntie demented lessons and he explains to Loop in that he hears his mother's voice when the Dementors come near which thank God he's told someone because like I just needed him to tell someone I was really the first half of this like paragraph like Harry you mean he's just I'm really worried that needs to be more therapists all goes. Oh my God. Do you need to tell someone so he tells Lupin so Lupin agrees to teach Harry how to fight the Dementors and then it's nearly Christmas. Yeah, so he's like, but you know go fuck yourself until after Christmas. Yeah, lovely. I feel like in defense against the dark arts this year. It's just care for magical creatures. Yeah. It's a United. Let's just do magical creatures is real. Are you sure it makes it like a man? Look I assume if they had the same teacher for all seven years. It actually makes sense spend one year on dark creatures because I knew like A year of spells maybe like creatures. It might just be like different like syllabuses like yeah, this is the Dark Art creature term. Exactly. I think it does make sense. It know it does I'm just pointing out. No. Yeah. It is a bit like is this care for magical creatures or like this defense against the yeah, like is this on purpose or did JK Rowling just kind of forget that was a different lesson for? Yes. So Ron Hermione have decided to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas for the sheer reason that they I want to keep Harry company, even though they've come up with different excuses, which is like the best thing like they both have families to go back to especially Hermione who like her parents aren't in The Wizarding World and she's got off to a fucking boarding school and she decides to stay with Harry. It's the cutest fucking thing like a really cute pair. He's found some good mates. Yeah, then it's hogsmeade weekend. The last one before Christmas everyone leaves the castle and Fred and George then Corner Harry and they have this ragged bit of parchment that they're kind of like teasing. About and suddenly the Ragged bit of parchment becomes the Marauders map them to death another done it so I have three questions or points about the Marauder's Map a why do they give it to Harry? So they say that they've basically memorized the map at this point, but surely the best part of the map is not like the secret passages and stuff like that. It's knowing where everyone is in the castle and Fred. Yeah. George wouldn't want to give that up because they know where so much has the hold. Time it makes no sense that they give it up literally no sense. Thank you. I was worried. You were going to be like no it's fine. They give it up. It makes no sense to me that they give up a piece of parchment with tell them we're filches the entire time. Yeah, so that I find bizarre number two. Have they seen Peter Pettigrew on this map the last two years sleeping in Ron's bed. It's a constant question both they've been asked online and we've now been emailed it or tweeted it three times. Yeah. I like to think that they don't. Don't judge Ron and his lifestyle and that they just think that he has mad game 11 years old. They're just like he's poured someone called Peter. We're not going to ask any questions. That is Ron's business and we support him 12. You shouldn't be sleeping in bed every night with someone age 12 it is if it's just sleeping in bed. And as long as they're also aged 12 and it's consensual and they're just sleeping. There's no one in the area called Peter Random House. It'll puff. Yeah. No, it's if I mean to be it's a plot hole. It's a plot hole that also would you be looking at your brother's bed at night on my back you'd glanced at it wants to be like weird, but weird. Maybe they just thought it was glitching. Maybe that's true. And then my third question is how did they work out how to work the map? So you have to tap the map and say I solemnly swear I am up to no good and they just say that constantly. It's just that price but I wonder if there's like a few different phrases to open it or it's literally that one phrase and Fred and George spent a year tapping the map going like blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah until they got to I solemnly swear I am up to no good. Maybe it was unlocked when they found it and they were like instructionally Polizzi extraction me, please is that must be because otherwise, why would they know it's a map and a portrait. I think it must have been like unlocked. I think soldiers even more worried if it was. Locked that's nobody has it before no, but he was a squid what he what was he going to do about it? Like I'd like to think it was unlocked. So it's like in map mode filter can't do anything about it. But that's why he knew to put it in the like top secret drawers and then they found and then because it was unlocked they could ask at the instructions. I like how do we use you? And it was like say this, I mean we'll never know but that makes sense, I guess so they point out the secret passages to hogsmeade. Eat, how are you? Go? So on the secret map pastures and ends up in Honey tricks off like an hour walk. So we end up in the honeydukes sneaks up and run Hermione. He's like surprises them. Hermione is kind of sketchy about the map because she says that serious black may be using one of the secret pastures to enter into Hogwarts, but Harry brushes this off in the way that he's like, well the map helps me so I'm going to say that no serious back isn't using the passages like no then they were and hogsmeade and it sounds like the most festive amazing thing in the world. Ya know like it sounds amazing. Sounds well good. I just want to go like I know like the Wizarding World in America has this but I it's not cold there. It's in Florida. I want to go in Scotland when it's minus 10 degrees and I wrap up in a scarf like weird because I have like models snow and you're like, but I could see the sky and it's really sunny exactly. Like I want to go with like heaps of snow on the ground. Yeah. They decide to go to the three broomsticks and Ron goes all read when he mentions Madam Rose motto when he goes to get the drinks and I believe unless I've missed something. This is the first hint of romantic feelings from any major character in the books. I don't think is romantic. Okay sexual. Yeah sexual like damn these but like literally later on in this book. We found out that Harry's like Tommy Phillips when he sees chocho. Chang but Rod is actually the first person who we see like go all red and embarrassed and I don't know action under the table Yeah. I just want to interesting that it's wrong as he is the most sexually backwards out of the three of them section Warehouse. He's actually backward. He's just as all angry when Hermione kid finds out Hermione is kissed crumb and like ends up getting with lavender just because he's jealous or other than I don't know. Yeah. I also just realized I have a note that we miss Ware. Hair is like going down the passageway. Yeah to hogsmeade. It says that there's like 200 stairs. He has to go up. I would have turned around and come back done with this shit her. No. No, you didn't say that was stairs. I'll take the Whomping Willow over the stairs. Do you not like stairs? Does anyone like two hundred stairs? And it might sometimes I get bored of waiting for the lift at some underground stations and they're like 250 stairs only. Lee take if necessary and I'm like, I'll do it your freak who do it sometimes Tottenham Court Road, is that the one that's covered garden has to yeah cauldron it comment on is that many 267 it's not that many still wonder I hear it's nice sometimes makes a lift, you know, and it's like three stairs just to yeah in the middle of like a pavement. I'm like, no I didn't need to go to wherever I'm going. It's fine so they go in three rooms. And they get butterbeer. I really wish that they hadn't because now I'm having to drink this catastrophe. I wanted to say here that I refuse to believe the butterbeer that the Harry Potter franchise has made up that they serve in the Wizarding World and the studio tour is butterbeer because the butter in the book sounds fucking magical whereas that butter beer is like some sort of cream soda sugary shit. But you know, I tried to counteract this by making my own butter beer and it's also shit. So we've just got to admit that JK Rowling invented something magical that none of us couldn't recreate. I feel like it's some kind of like eggnog e / Bailey's kind of is more down that line than it is but they have Hawking Mass they have whole bottles of it. So I imagine it is more easily drinkable than like eggnog. There's also the question of how alcoholic is because in later books, we learn that winky gets drunk off it and the kids sneak it in for parties. So it must have some alcoholic base, even if it's not very strong, but I just love that JK Rowling in like JK Rowling wrote in like 30 girls having an alcohol in it. Fine, it's fine. But I imagine it's like 1.5% like it's week. So then McGonagall Flitwick. How do we have who who was that high? Grit McGonagall Flitwick Hagrid and Budge walk-in for what I wrote as some well-timed Exposition so we can finally move on this plot. Yeah, and I think this is a really random group of people like why are they together? The I'm like fudge the fucking prime minister is just gossiping about lineup Pub on a weekend kind of like no like confidential confidential but about like not really known like a government information. You're up in a pub with a weekend when there's those are students about like irresponsible. Yep. And also we haven't had much plot up until this point and then it seems like Jacob Marley was something like I need to really move the plot along so we find out through and this is a common theme in the Lee Harry Potter books the characters eavesdropping on some other characters but this one is the most blatant like a mining moves a Christmas tree so we can get some Exposition Madden was rata. M' Madam rolls murmur tar Madam M says how app character it was for serious to murder people. I would hope so it's like a release is like that my mom whenever there's been like some kind of like Mass shooter or so clever of like I just I just didn't see ya. It's like well, no, it's not because they've done it and it's not like, oh, I'd only seen the murder of three people before so the fact that they found on the seven it just really it's really okay like no, this is not well, I think she means he wasn't the kind of kid to be putting salt on slugs his whole life kind of fun though, isn't it? No, that's all slug. No, I did. I did it once when I was really drawn, we've all done it once I was so drunk and my useless university has some excellent because like I was like the mom but the house because they were all incompetent. They were like Charlie there's a slug in the kitchen and it was like I was like between me and my ex we drunken entire like one of the big bottles of vodka and we'd already been out before that. Like we won't like wasted wasted and I'm like am I like drunk and dealing with it was just like after fuck sake why am I having to deal with this? So just poured salt on it and then left and then in the morning really hungover. Like what if I don't move, I don't know anyway, but that whole thing of like monomers matter being like I wouldn't think he'd murder people it is where we discover for. The first time that Sirius Black was best friends with James Potter. Yes, like the first time we find that out and then in the next sentence we find out that Sirius Black is Harry's Godfather and then the next sentence we found out that he was used a fidelia's charm and was The Potters. Secret Keeper, so it's like bombshell after bombshell after bombshell for Harry. Yeah, and then they explain the Peter went after serious. Hmm Anna. Yeah sure. That sounds yeah Peter went after serious and then drift will find out if that was the truth or not died. Yeah and along with the load of Muggles and black was found laughing which is like I tried to imagine that the other way around as in like now, we know the real story that Is innocent, why was he found laughing and I suppose it's because he's so shocked and horrified that his best friend is dead or it's just one of those things that people make up like there's like embellishments people had Come Ye with laughing like because we see so many times like at Hogwarts how like gossip spreads it gets more and more embellished. No, you're right so it could just be bullshit. Yeah, literally you could just be bullshit. Could we learn then learn and actual tiny little nugget that ends up being Quite important that if like I hate the word nugget nugget that black asked fudge for the newspaper when fudge went to visit Azkaban wonder if that will be important and then my last night was just poor fucking Harry. Yeah, it's Bishop here and it's literally so many things why Winger in positions of power you don't just gossip in pubs. Yeah, like imagine if we went into like a London pub and we're like ahh Boris Johnson. It was Boris Johnson being like oh, yeah, that is that Hannah Twigs parents. Yeah, they were betrayed by trees May or oh they were like, oh, yeah, you know when we killed Diana, yeah, that was a that was a whole thing. I mean, it's like we went to a pub and heard Boris bitching about how Diana was an inside job. Yeah, it's similar levels. Yeah, there's literally and and they were doing it on like the day of life. Like Pride or something, like on the pride route. They literally they went into a pub on a pride route on the day of London pride and then sat in that really busy Pub having a gossip about Diana's out. How died under Seth was an inside job. Yeah. That's what it's like and the queen was there as well just in one of her hats just being like yeah. Yeah, you know who's next? I mean this episode is being recorded four days after we find out that Paula what is being proposed? How do you say it paused? Shutting down our Parliament to force through acts. Yeah. So we're going to immigrate who has a nice country. We're coming can ya can green cards or married? No because we don't want America. They have Trump know someone what are those nice European country like the Sweden Sweden or guidance? Not the worst my way like anywhere in like the Netherlands or yeah, I feel like that sounds really nice right now. So yeah Hannah would like a nice Europe. Ian husband. Yep. I not fussy man. Woman dog. No, I'm Joey. Wow, not a dog, you know, I'm scared of dogs. Anyway, no matter where you are on the gender Spectrum Charlie cont. I'm into it greeting cards to get out green card. We don't want to be American. We need a European passport. We need a European passport to get off our country. So if any of you are willing to help we have many appealing Le T's no listeners cocktail making that's not one of them. He's good at other things. I'm not sure what Neil assures me. There's something he couldn't think either I'm gonna The Fringe. Yeah. I've got a very good friend. Yeah. Thanks. I have we will wait to review all the plans are like I said Goblet of wine podcast at email us. We're waiting for some marriage office you I hear back within 10 to 25 thousand working days. Then your application has been denied. Yeah, unsuccessful. Thanks for listening to this podcast. If you want more of this kind of check subscribe to our Patron and head to our Discord. It's might be the worst ending ever. Love you. Love you. Bye. Thank you for listening to this episode of Goblet of wine to keep up with us in between episodes. You can find us on Twitter at Goblet of wine pot on Instagram at Goblet of wine podcast. And on our website at Wyandotte Co dot U, k-- you can also leave us a rating on review on iTunes or on Facebook. Thank you so much to our producer level patrons Sandra and Mark for their help supporting this podcast you'd like to support us as well as gaining access to behind-the-scenes it. Intent a bonus episodes check out our picture on on slash Goblet of wine. Thank you so much for listening this episode. I will see you in the next one. Bye.
Hannah has many talents. Unfortunately, as we discover in this episode, making cocktails is not one of them. Yep, that's right, in today's episode we're drinking homemade Butterbeer to celebrate the trio drinking Butterbeer for the first time in these chapters. Only it's two recipes that Hannah made up, and can only be described as if someone has cummed an egg into a beer. I don't recommend you recreating them, but if anyone does want to, here are the recipes:  Ginger beer, shot of Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, Caramel Vodka, egg white, vanilla extract Beer, Captain Morgan's Spiced Rum, Toffee Liqueur, egg white When we’re not gagging on Hannah’s vile creations, we’re going full British by discussing turkey twizzlers (and alienating every non-UK listener in the process), getting wayyy too into an idea for a Hermione/Wood smut fan-fiction, pondering over whether repair-o would fix a hymen, and drunkenly being completely unable to say any character names correctly. Also, due to the political state of the UK, me and Hannah are looking to get married to anyone with an EU passport. Please email us with serious enquiries only.
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Um to get started never in my life have I been so excited to see someone move a piece of furniture guys tonight was the men tell all aka the roast of Luke p and we're talking about it here on The Bachelorette after show you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now let the ladies and gentleman welcome Bachelorette after show here on AfterBuzz TV if this is your first time tuning in this is your weekly recap. Bachelorette we are your first coverage and I'm going to say it were your best coverage on ABC's hit franchise star Hanabi tonight was the men tell all I almost had the women tell all and we're nearing the end of the season things are heating up and we'll introduce ourselves from quick before we dive into our coverage guys. My name is Jeff Graham. I am joined as always. Let me see by the thoughtful Christine Alexis. I love that. Thank you guys with that the opinionated Michael feeling. What up y'all and the maybe not It's humble as she's ever. Been Renee Ariel. I'm sorry. Did you say correct in the hunt, but correct one area? Thank you. Talk about it. We get to the show but guys were nearing the end the season I can't believe that tonight was the men tell all with some format changes Christine starting with you. What did you think of tonight's episode? Well, I think you said it really well on their you're opening it was the Luke the roast of Luke P. I will say I did like that we got that somewhat of a conclusion from last week's episode. I like that we kind of With that I kept my interest going through but then honestly that let the latter half of the show after Luke went was really boring. Ya gotta say for as much as he made me want to rip my hair out. That was entertaining. Mhm. Yeah. How many would you think? Yeah, I do agree with you Christine. I really really enjoyed the first part with the ceremony and then I liked Hannah honestly and the guys confronting Luke honestly Luke himself. Just interesting, but I wouldn't It's a like entertaining just truly fascinating to watch someone calculate and try so hard to redeem themselves while just making it worse. Yeah, what do you think Mike? Yeah. I thought the whole thing was pretty boring be honest. I'm here. You see Luke and it's like well, it's kind of what we expected and whatever and then yeah, he is probably the most entertaining part of the show. Hmm as just as far as hating on him, whatever. He's probably the most interesting thing of all of it. So that after he's done the other guys. It's kind of like, yeah. I did John Paul Jones didn't They all three of his name's probably won't be talking about him. Yeah, it's like yeah, I think for me it's not so much Luke. That's the interesting part of the show. But the way Hannah has interacted with Luke which makes it interesting. I don't know if we've seen someone so visibly navigate and recognize a bad relationship in real time as we have in this season of the show. We've seen it in other Seasons, but to watch this long game Slow Burn of Hannah coming to terms with a relationship. That isn't working is very interesting, I think. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I just think it delivered in the end because it was such a long game and between last week's episode of Hannah confronting Luke and just really just laying it on him and then this week really directly speaking to him again and articulating herself. So well, I think she just did an amazing job. Yeah. She sure did we're going to talk about the amazing job that she did as well as the rest of the episode guys, but we also have some tweeting for the right reasons. Did we send in Tweets? We're doing that now I sent it to Eden. Oh later in the show. We will be I'm just I'm just teasing. Segments for our fans. We're live guy's nuts. That's part of the fun. We watch this show about 10 minutes ago. So we do Jump Right In Studio and we have some predictions we have to talk about that paradise teas as well. So we've got a lot coming up in the show. I do want to start with Luke though, and I want to start with the actual like episode component of the show. So we're in Greece again. This was very interesting. A lot of dramatic. Irony here is on audience to watch the three guys not know that Luke was kicked off and then watch Hannah show up and for the Guys slowly to recognize that Luke had been kicked off keeping Luke out of the picture where you guys is entertained by this reveal as I was I mean Jed going thank God himself. I was dying. I mean they set it up. So well for them all to be shocked. It was great. I loved I loved seeing him just saunter in there just take his fourth place and everybody else was like, alright. Yep still here we go. No idea is great. It was her. Darius the only complaint I have is I wish they didn't even quicker zoom in of Hannah's face. I know she thought the moment we saw her react I think was a little bit later because she went around that corner sooner but they were so far away. Where was the other camera man? No, I want zoom up zoom zoom zoom zoom of sounds like a new like trendy workout fad the thing that's like frustrated like Zumba. Maybe that's why I'm thinking of the thing that frustrated me about this was Was the number of times that Hannah had to say no, it's it can be really tough especially in a franchise that sometimes gets called out for being kind of patriarchal to watch her have to say no 10 times. And then for Chris to ask well Hannah, what do you want here like that that really did kind of pissed me off because it's like I only have so much patience to watch people not listen to someone when they're so clear and Hannah over and over again made clear to both Luke and eventually the Chris Harrison that she wanted him gone. It was interesting and it Powering but I wish they would have just gotten him out of there sooner. Yeah, because he came back and he wasn't saying anything different from what he said that night before and it just felt like they brought him back to just trigger her and I was like actually pissed that Chris Harrison for that. Yes, like come on you're trying to act like you didn't know that production had and waiting there. Like I guess he was playing the ho stroll but I would have preferred him to be a little more real in that moment and just yeah have sided with her and been like this is kind of ridiculous. The producers wanted to derail her again, which is sometimes kind of To watch that's one if you guys watch unreal on Hulu, you know that their motivation is to create the most Twisted reactions. They can have anymore and you could tell what the producers wanted in that moment despite the empowering monologue was to derail Hannah again because then they pulled her aside and they're like, well listen, like he has a ring they were doing anything they could to try to get her off the train of empowerment which that I have to admit that kind of made my blood boil a little bit. That's when I sometimes feel guilty as a viewer of this show because you know that no matter what they're just trying to create the most Dramatic story possible sure, they didn't have to let him back on the set. Hmm. I know yeah point-blank right there a lot of fans actually in our live chat. Shout out to you guys. What's up, if you're listening to us now a lot of people last week and who deemed me separately as well expressed frustration that the producers they thought that they went too far with bringing him back. Hmm. So we're definitely not alone in that. What is all this is interesting Sartre super quick Imani Patrice Lou said on his Instagram that the producers gave him the ring and that he wasn't going to propose. So interesting, if you're saying his Instagram because he had said that and then ABC show down. I'm just reading our thing. I know because he did Luke did put up a pretty long Instagram post kind of explaining why he went back on the TV show to you know, give get some clarity. He also throws a hand under the bus bringing up some things from their Hometown date, but I don't see anything about him saying that the producers David Lorraine they paste and delete action because he's you know, what, Interesting you because even going so far as to like screenshotting comments from fans and putting it on his Instagram story like really doing his whole his own hardcore campaigning here. So it's on his story story interesting medium and taking it down for bachelor over there. Oh, yeah truly because I got five hours of sleep last night. But also, I mean you guys I'm a broken record. You know how I feel about Lou Look, you know I've said from the beginning that I think that this was a toxic relationship we can talk about it again, if you'd like. I'm happy that I mean we'll get to what Hannah said to the viewers and to everyone that opened up about it being a toxic relationship, which I'm really happy. She did because and I mean there was a time where Christine and I were kind of against the two guys because you guys didn't see the he was being manipulative and there was a while where I mean no people weren't catching on to it and the thing is Is why that's so dangerous is because people are getting into relationships like this and you need to see the red flags. So pay attention to the beginning when maybe you weren't catching on to that manipulative behavior and take note for the next time because I'm telling you like there's a lot of people out there like this. Unfortunately speaking of that manipulative Behavior. There was something that Hannah said a bit later in the episode that I loved about the fact that Luke took the statements that they shared about their faith and used it against her as like A weapon and she said people from my faith often do that with these words and it was just like wow, she called out the manipulation right there just plain as day and he did frequently use their faith as a way to manipulate her young gas lighter and it was disgusting. So it's interesting. It's breaking online that apparently and again, this is all hearsay. But the the basis for Luke's perception of Hannah that she wanted to wait to be intimate with anyone in the fantasy suites until after she got engaged was based on What she said during Luke's Hometown. Does that change the way you guys view either Luke or Hannah's reaction to their conversation if she had said one thing and then changed her mind. No because think of how the conversation went down and to be clear. I mean how the conversation actually went down not how Luke tried to make it seem like it went down tonight right where it was it was him trying to control her it wasn't. Hey, let's talk about sex from our hometown date. You made it clear you you Are not having sex like I just want to know because personally I'm a born again virgin after the shower thing whatever but it wasn't a discussion. It was you're not having sex or I'm leaving and then when that didn't work manipulative tactics of toxic people you go back and you're like, that's not what I meant your I'm being misunderstood. No, you're not that pissed me off the most about the episode because he kept conveniently leaving out the last part of him saying and giving her that up to ultimatum of I would leave if the if I didn't get the answer that I wanted. You he keeps saying you're misunderstood know you made it clear as day that that was your breaking point. That was what would decide whether or not you still love this person and that's completely ridiculous. You know, I think he did if I had to put money on it. I bet you he watched that episode and tried so hard to think how he could rephrase it where it wasn't totally lying and try to make himself look better and the fact that it was so bad that he could not save himself at all because we're like it's on television and it was so clear. We're like nothing was nothing could have been misconstrued like he was very upfront about it. Yeah, he tried so hard to twist those words. I'm telling you. I bet he fast rewound around and kept watching it over until he I mean, that's why he sat there for 10 minutes. Sometimes just thinking of what to say because he had I think answers like prepared her tried to do that because that's what calculated people do and to answer your question Jeff. Like it doesn't make me think any less of Hannah because even if she did make some sort of This is like a promise but are just a statement about her intentions going into the fantasy suite. It is her season. She is the leave she has the right to change her mind and make her own decisions about her body and who she wants to sleep with and it's not up to Luke to tell her otherwise, even if he disagrees with the choices that she makes like just her season. She's like, you know, actually I do want to have sex. This is how I want to figure out navigate this relationship. It's still not his place to behave the way that he did and if it wasn't her season, even if she was just some girl and you can change your mind at any a point if you want him saying you want to abstain from sex abstain from sex do whatever the hell you want and don't let anybody. Yeah you otherwise it would have been so much better for Luke to actually just leave, you know, it's like we wouldn't be as upset with him. If he said what he said granted people disagree with his take on that but he's entitled to that take right like he doesn't need to stay with her based on his standards. He is. Yeah, and I think I think he's completely entitled to ask that question. He's not entitled to An Answer certainly not the answer he wants right or Her to act in a situation or any specific type of way, but he's fully within his rights to say this is what I want. Right? And that's what I actually I mean I know I'm going to get hate for this but for me that was the huge breaking point when she was like no I have had sex and then when he just like Renee said try to flip it and all that comes up if he had just been like I respect that and I'm out then I said, alright cool like at least that much but that's when it and couldn't hold him out first. Yeah. Yeah exactly. This is what he's been doing. And from the very GetGo if you watch back and he conversation with Luke, if he at any point said something that he didn't think please Hannah or did something that he that would like backpack them. He would try to come up with different ways to rephrase something or say something new that would make it better. Like I will never forget when she said she just wanted a motion from him and he said he almost left she was gonna be so sad. He went I just want to scream. Yeah like it was is it Home then know what I'm saying. Yeah, we sent up she didn't send him home because he came back she likes and foremost at him home, but then she could have said keep going and she didn't but like in that moment was another example of him like just rehearsing what to do to make someone think that you are changing or certain way and then backtrack because you always would backtrack and people do this. Yeah this interesting. We have a comment from the chat by someone in Laura Palmer. She said I like that the producers let Luke stay for so long amidst all the nose because it shows what the experience is typical for a woman in the current dating climate and you rarely see it laid out so clearly that's an interesting point. This is triggering. Yeah. It was go. Hey, we don't do that. We just don't you know, I actually going off of that. I think that that is a really good point because again, okay. So for instance with this Luke thing, we saw him play out as a toxic person while she decided to keep him throughout the season but seeing him again after she used He sent him home fully said I'm not into you and watching that kind of toxic person refused to leave and respect that you don't want them there for 10 minutes. It's very fascinating because I promise you like for him to have felt entitled to stay there and not listen to Hannah saying over and over again to leave and that's and that's very interesting to watch educational. It is watch out. Laughs. Yeah, I think I think the producers were hoping that the three other guys really started to put hands on. Yeah. I know interesting TV. It's actually got to a fight or something like that. They were I think they were letting them go right to the line because it was even a while before Chris came in. I was like Hey guys, right. I'm Chris Harrison the show it was the or what from tie line and I was like, yeah, okay just him back just hiding behind it was good. So we've been talking about it's not Even if we disagree with Luke or whatever, it's his it's the way he's handling these situations and that's what I said so much during after the final Rose was again and again, he would put his foot in his mouth. You got to let us know what your last night. You know, if I see just it has anyone else feel like Tyler's about that life that just caught me really funny. It was slapped to Luke if there was no cameras on it's so true. I'll be amazing but we kept seeing during Mandela was Luke on the couch putting his foot in his mouth over and over and over again. Getting it taking time to figure out what he said wrong and fixing it like Renee like you mentioned honestly, he I've never seen someone take one step forward and eight steps back more often. Like I feel like he would be like, you know after thinking about it. I do have regrets at all. I want to say is that I'm really super excited about what I did and I think it's the right thing like so frustrating he would almost he kept getting close to having moments of realization or apology and then saying something really frustrating. It's What the guys were saying about him why they don't accept his apology because he says stuff and then the actions don't back it up and we just saw it play out in real time and such a painfully awkward way. I think while we were watching and the trailer I was just like a step away from ripping my hair out. Well, I I pointed this out while we were all watching over. I think that he thought that they'd edit it down. So he didn't think it would be a problem too. Like thinking get the direct quote for whatever news Outlet or whatever is going to go up on social media or whatever. We'll see as long as it sounds right, but he truly I mean that just shows how disingenuous he was. He does not it's different than Hannah because I know I pointed out last week how Hannah takes time to like process how she's feeling. Yeah processing how he's feeling. He's trying to think of the right thing to say, so people don't hate his guts. I never even a because there were certain questions that I think arguably we can all say considering the spotlight that he's in right now and how everyone is hanging on every word that he says because of how potentially offensive it could be that yes. Take a pause but there are certain questions. Like do you want a woman that you can control or an independent woman that she's not have taken that long to answer that. I was actually to do you want someone you can just put up on a trophy case and bring down? Yeah. He thought about that for VAR e was absolutely not I would never like the control a woman right 10 minutes later. I know like yeah. Do I want a America doesn't like when you control for me? No, I would absolutely. Lutely, not and I want an independent the love that I want an independent woman. He did not have anybody coach him on what to do like for this appearance because it's absolutely right the fact that they don't edit. It really dams him a hundred percent is it just it's complete manipulation. The other was to specific moments that we actually all didn't agree on as a panel in terms of what Luke said. So I want to bring them up but one was when he was asked. Is there anything you would do differently Luke thought about it and said no, I Actually wouldn't change anything Mike. You actually had an interesting take on this where you were okay with that. I appreciated that because to me that means that he at least is thinking that the whole time he was actually being himself and that's who he really is. So if he thinks back and if you want to say that he's such a great manipulator if he's going to go back and manipulate the situation and do the right things. Maybe she ends up with him which no one seems to really want. That's not What it is though, it's not. Okay. This is my opinion. No, I mean that if he said he regrets anything it's not making him go back in time. And because s would you change anything? I know but what I'm trying to tell you is that's not that's the question. It does not magically make him go back in time and get chosen and someone that is that toxic of a person and that you can you should want to change and I'm sorry, but it's not it's not okay if you don't want to change and that's not okay that He said he wouldn't regret anything because that means he doesn't see how wrong he acted all season. And to be honest with you how he acted in this last episode not leaving when she said go go go. No, no. No, like we all should be like no no like you need to see that how long that is because that's a real big problem. I think it's wrong, but I don't mind that he would change people not I think up until up until he said the actually right after he said, Talk about sex and Hannah got smiling and happy he was had a good shot. He had a great shot to win this but that's so that's not but again, that's not what I'm saying. It's not about I wish you said the outcome would be the same no matter what the quiz that's not the thing. Okay, so I'm not saying I wish he did things differently so that he wins. It's that if you don't recognize how toxic your behavior is when someone asks you do you regret anything? I don't think it's okay to say no because that means that he doesn't Realize how wrong he was acting and we should not it's scary to think that someone's out there in the world doing this to other people. Oh, I don't think it's I don't think it's a good thing. But what I don't think he has good. I don't think he is good. But what do you mean by it? You're like fine with him saying like, oh, yeah, like I don't regret anything because I think he's being I think that's the most real and honest that we've seen him. Hey don't think it's going on in the show. He's a psychopath would say that just like yours. Of course, someone should want to go back and fix it if they can recognize it. It's like that really is him hit this one person told him just you know, you learn from it. So to say you have no regrets you learn from it, and he just was like, yes, no regrets. I have no regrets at all and that he because he's just a slight you definitely has her. I mean he even said in the same breath later that he didn't lose right when the commercial came out. He didn't like that guy on TV. So and he made a long-winded Instagram statement several saying that he you know, he said in the first one like a doll Things that I've done will continue to be exposed and I'm not proud of who I was so but what do you honestly believe because to be honest, I believe nothing he said tonight, but I don't know who look p is II that's what I'm saying, but I believe when he said I wouldn't change anything because he didn't even think about it. Right that was like a snap call. That is not thinking straight. That's like that is him. Well, I think what Mike is saying is that was the only refreshing moment of him telling the truth because I don't even know if it was I truly don't know if he thought it would come out a different a different way. A I don't trust anything that comes out of his mouth. I don't think there is one thing he said tonight that wasn't calculated. I think even in that moment. It was one of those things where you're like, yeah, I was in a bad relationship, but I learned a lot from it. So I have no regrets because I learn because I grew as a man exactly. I think he meant to say that but we're did it wrong and it just shows he just hasn't grown at all and he's not a good person. Yeah. The other point we actually disagreed on was whether or not Luke had the right to ask Hannah about her other relationships in the intimacy. They were having I personally feel like if I know In three days, I'm going to ask someone to be my wife. I have the right to know whether or not she's sleeping with other people. The way or did that any other son? That's what I need to do. You do you think in the context? It's not okay for him to ask about her her private life and other romantic relationships. She's having or I think if you was going to ask for himself, and it was like a religion thing. He should have asked in fantasy suites when the cameras were off because II don't think it's super respectful to daughter. You know, you're on TV, like there's a lot of conversations to be had that probably happen like when the cameras were off during fantasy suites with the other guys, but like Luke brought up at Topic, I mean hands a bit more thought she was slut-shamed really bad. Yeah, just the way she was acting. So this definitely her like not how she was acting. You know, I mean like this it like straddling guys or whatever just like having physical intimacy with people getting shit for it. And then on top of that admitting that she had sex with Peter in a windmill like that shouldn't have been on television, you know what I mean like great for us, but I think that was like her reacting in the moment him bringing. I mean at all, you know unfolded the way it did so good point. Yeah, I agree. I think it's a conversation that they're both entitled to have it. Maybe not on camera. Yeah, I mean ask about the connections ask where you're at. But like if you're sleeping with that other person, I don't know that that could have been asking the fantasy suite squeeze sweet the fantasy suite has a scream but he could still I know if I was hand I probably would have taken pause to that question. I'm like like because I don't think that physical intimacy is going to change whether or not how I feel about what mean you have. It's just two different things. Yeah, so I see it. It's A separate relationship. Yeah, I mean it has to be I think the issue is losing it that way Luke should have never got on the show, right? There's no world in which Luke's moral compass what he you know how he defines his own moral philosophies ever is compatible with the show. There's no I don't know what he was thinking. He's definitely not ready for something like this. I think he never by said the same thing. As I said before he completely has the right to ask it the terrible timing or whatever. Yeah, go ahead and ask it but not entitled to any kind of response or And by what you said exactly? Yeah. That was what It's just tough to watch someone so fickle he doesn't stand by what he says, right and I think in his mind, he believes he's a very strong upstanding person who sticks to what he says but time and time again, we see him as someone who flip flops so, you know, it's funny though is if she said like, oh, of course not like I will not have sex with anyone. Like I want you to stay he would've been like good because I would leave like I think he would then add on to it versus backtrack right had that conversation on differently. Yeah. Yeah, like I don't know. I just hate that. It's so much. Well, let's talk about the rest of the any redeeming moment for Luke tonight before we talk about the rest of the people did anything about the way tonight played out change your mind about Luke. No, because he's not a real person. It's hard to hide in his apology to the guys so fun doesn't really say, I'm sorry. I've noticed he'll say things like do you accept my apology? Forgive me more forgive me, but he doesn't say sorry, which I don't know. I think he did to the guys though. Didn't I he did to the guy he just wants to each of them, but it's crazy how long it takes and I just think there's something about coming out right away. Apologizing because he's not sorry. It's like when your mom's like say sorry to your sister Renee say, you know what, I mean and you're like, you're like ten, you know until like 10 minutes later said you want to be grounded for him. It's like do you want America to hate you? You better say it by the episode before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge. A lot of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcast. So you don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV well, and that's that brings us to sort of how everyone else reacted. So we talked a lot about How lutein on the stand and first of all quickly, I think all of us agree Chris Harrison did a pretty good job tonight. Mmm. I think he was if anything pretty fair with Luke. Yeah. Yeah gave him ample opportunity. Yeah, like really set the record straight on a lot of things. And yes, so just from host to host Chris nice job. Okay. So let's talk about Luke being on the stand with the other guys. They went in this was a rose. Who was your guys favorite? What was your favorite Luke roast of the night Connors was Pretty vicious not who came out. First was a Devin die of you. Thank you. That was definitely dumb. I liked it. I liked it. The best I liked it. Mike was anti Devon. I was just like dude. He's just trying to get more screen like this is so bleep hard enough. I had to come in and say something like all right, man, I guess he was but I agree. I think he totally pulled it off and he spread a message that needed to be out there. So I was here for it. I first I rolled my instead he sat down and I was like, okay. Yes, same came out like oh boy, and then I was like, oh never mind. What take it back? Okay, Jeff. You said everything I needed to be said in like one breath before Luke could go into his long-winded pauses of trying to like spew his bullshit. He's like, I'm gonna get ahead of it now and just say for all of us backstage like bro, your flesh. There's good stuff coming through on the chat here. Let me interject. It's by may see see see according to Becca's podcast teca Martinez Martinez podcast with a K Luke and Hannah were dming. The show started and they have the same preacher via satellite. What does that mean? They both attended virtual Church. Yeah, but the dming is what I'm workin Stein. Yeah, but like dming about what yeah because my sister SDI was dealing with other people from Paradise before they got on just getting acquainted. All I have to ask is what good happens in Instagram DMS, but I mean bad stuff can happen to but I think some good stuff. I'm just old that's not a discussion. Sounds dangerous you kids did a couple weeks ago. So are like a couple months ago. You know what though? I wonder if that has something to do with when she said I don't know what I can say. She said something along those lines of like well, I don't know what I'm I can say right now, but she when talking about Luke and like what she had to say to him. So I wonder if she would have brought up anything to happen before you know what I mean? Yeah, so in terms of guys reacting to Any other moments we like to Devon's moment. I thought Connors moment was pretty Savage. But honest yeah Connor was good. I thought Connor in General on this show got a really raw deal. Yeah, his one-on-one time got interrupted by them fighting with Luke out there. He wasn't part of it at all. She came in and shut it down. I mean it seemed like all of them were messing with her when he was literally the only one not so yeah, I liked him get him. Say what about Mateos defensive Luke? It was like Mateo who and is like thank you Mark. Remember what he said? Well, he was just saying like he was kind of commending Luke for being out there and sitting for all of the roasting and being in the public eye and having Chi what he said is I think he's been punished enough righto that part. I think we agreed with that. I agree with because I mean, yeah, he I mean think about all the hate he's already gotten and is getting on social media on top of that is sitting for I heard his Is what is it? Oh my God, men tell all things like two hours long. So sitting there for two hours like just getting roasted. It's a lot. So just to keep taking it. I mean it gets to a point where like we I think we get like truly after this episode. I'm so excited not talk about him anymore. It's just so it's our job to every week. But like hopefully I don't I don't I don't see it happening, but hopefully he'll learn his lesson. I just don't think people deserve to be continued to kick be kicked while they're down. He will be by example. The rest of his life for a long time follow him, but let's not forget this bachelor Cycles going to refresh real soon and I think Luke is going to be a thing of the past unless he decides to throw himself into another season somehow. I don't know but I think it seems like a glutton for punishment. I wonder if he was trying to get on Paradise which is on have him because Bachelor nation has been very vocal about their Justice. Let him back a lot of people from the cast have tweeted like crazy things about him. So I don't know that he would You received the previous procedure on him back to the Rose ceremony. Okay, I'm gonna go with Hannah said the loopy show is cancelled. I don't I after what what does it have any Seasons how many episodes in season 10 two hours each 20 hours of Luke plus this extra two hours 22 hours. I think we're done. We're done. I'm top of that and I'm really happy Hannah made it clear again about like this was a toxic relationship is not okay this behaviors not okay to the point where if ABC did it for the entertainment purpose, they would look horrible because that's kind of reinforcing really bad relationships. But you know what, I mean Cinderella that Hannah kind of like took it upon herself to like apologize on behalf of that and just speak up because people have already come at her for all of that. Anyway Rose in the chat is right. He is a shoo-in for Ex on the Beach that would be fascinating. He will not do MTV. I'm sure that's his line. No way. You can see him being on an ant one of those entities shakes. Well, we'll see him on the chair. Lunch would be legit. That would be interesting because he's very competitive get him liquored up and oh my God, like incent like insanely obsessed with Crossfit apparently because of his Instagram so that hoop right up his alley. Yeah, you look training for this huge CrossFit competition. I don't know why I'm this but well because you know, we're in that we ready guys are we're in it. We have to be. Okay, so we brought up Hannah's response to Luke. She's still very angry with him. That was interesting to see how mad she is. You know, he I thought his apology to her was pretty jealous. Genuine and she took it but did not let him have the final word. She's mad. I think it's understandable. Yes to going to be dealing with the aftermath of this for so long. I'm sure she's just as salty right now. She'll so no this bullshit. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. I know but I think she's fully aware. Like I think team with the guys on the show like one day every time he spoke. They know we saw him all season do this all season long, so it's not going to be different now, especially since Hasn't said one thing that seemed to come from a genuine place. So I wouldn't want to hear his apology and I'm like, okay. Well, it's for the show and listening would also like I hate you it only means something after the fact like we need to let some time die down we do can I do hope I genuinely hope he learns I really hope he's not an actual psychopath. I really hope that maybe he just needs to you know have a self-discovery time where he like goes to therapy and really works on himself and I hope he becomes a better person. Because why would I wish for one other bad person in the world? I don't want that. I just I don't think he's changed yet. Not yet. Not yet. Not on the phone. So any final Loop, that's probably about it. Some other parts of tonight's AF mental all know why he left the set. I actually do know this he was in someone's wedding and he had to get on a flight. Yeah, he posted Bond that's not excite the shin the show did not paint it like that at all. Did they know this show? I will say did everything. They can to really tell that story that Luke is a bad guy. I don't know it might it might not be the fairest at it. I heard he was told he told people that he wanted to get water and never came back. Who knows if you don't let us know in the comments. Yeah, I would say I don't like Luke but I do think that it might have been five percent against his good. Bye. It's the job of the show. That's what you said before. Okay, let's talk about my Johnson in the hot seat. They are painting him hard for potential Bachelor. Mmm. I'm here for it. It with what we've learned about these other guys, we like I know I've I bet the beginning Mike was by far my favorite. I had a couple frustrations in this season, but overall, I like him. I think he'd be a different kind of Bachelor. I think he's got kind of a goofy giddiness about him. That's especially with a couple drinks. Yeah, so it'll be interesting to see I think it'd be an interesting lead. I don't know if we've seen a lead like him and I think he would have to carry the extra burden of being the first black bachelor and I think he's the guy that could be ready to do it. I agree with you wholeheartedly and Actually, I am it would be refreshing to see his kind of offbeat personality a little bit. I think it would be just as relatable as how hard they tried to sell Hannah to us this year. Like she's a real girl. She makes mistakes just open like I think Mike's that guy too. And I think he's really sweet. He's attractive. Hello. He's got Demi Lovato stamp of approval. I can we talk about that but I think you would be a great representation of the first black bachelor lead this franchise you made a great point off-camera that the casting would be really interesting for Mike because has he is so different and murky kind of quirky and I'd love to see the the women that come to fight for his final Rose. I love the bachelor personally because obviously she's there. Yeah. What do you think look at us go monitoring? I know I will. Okay. So here's how I feel about Mike. I do like him more than most. I hate I truly hate most of them except like Todd this point has been one left. Oh, by the way, you guys update. I read the whole story on Pete and his ex-girlfriend and I'm really sad to say I'm no longer in love with It's really sad for me. It feels like a bad breakup, but I'm off the beach train because I don't like douchebags and he seemed like he was a little douchey little guy that like led her astray anyway as for Mike, honestly, I'd be okay. I'd be okay with Mike and I be okay with Tyler and that is literally it at this point. However, it would be really cool to have the first black bachelor. So like despite all my things was earlier and I still want to live with how he handles it certain situations. Like that would be pretty cool. Yeah, and it's like fucking did it. Stop. Whoa. I think you'd be fantastic and I don't think there's actually a chance because I think Tyler's went in anyway, so I think it's really just him and no one else, you know, we did see some some things on social media kind of showing that Mike is in Paradise. I think we can talk about it. Yeah kind of out there, but do we think that Kind of helps or hurts his chances of being The Bachelor. I hope it helps I hated when they did this with Colton because they had him have a middle school relationship with Tia where he asked to be a she asked her to be his girlfriend then broke up with her a week later as it literally in seventh grade and I was like, this guy's not ready for marriage, but I mean, maybe truly I may be all like fall in love with him if while he's in paradise and be like, yeah, you know, maybe as long as he's not the worst I think he just has to have have a good at it there and not be too messy because someone like Blake who we see is going to get very messy and Paradise after Becca season. A lot of people were kind of, you know, jumping on the blade for Bachelor cia-trained because of how far he went out emotional his connection was with Becca, but now's I mean that's seems like a far cry for him. So micro Bachelor or Tyler see I would be here for it. I mean, it seems like in Bachelor. We just got one snippet of him Sade mic so that would lead me to believe that there. Tony Paradise. Yeah Paradise. Sorry but I say yeah. Yes. Yeah. We'll see question for the ladies on the panel. I listened to some other Bachelor coverage podcasts and they were talking about how if Tyler C becomes the bachelor. He would be the first Bachelor with like real sex appeal like a lot of times they kind of go for like wholesome guy like boy next door and they've never really had like a sexy Bachelor at least in a long time. Do you guys agree with that? Just I was an interesting point and I can't really judge. Well, I mean a lot of people said that Colton was like the sexiest Bachelor today and she said they were sold as sex appeal all the shower scenes and all that. So I feel like we just kind of had that do you mean like he'd probably bone more people. I think well, this was just this pant of this podcast take specifically but I think they say a lot of times they're sort of going for like the sex you can like it's more active more dad energy less like college football player energy kind of hanging literally really cool - yeah, that's exactly what Was it called was like whether college football do you think he had that sort of like jock from an 80s movie type of energy or no? No, he's much better consider merging America just like she seemed very much more. Like I have a non-profit. I love children and I can't wait to be a dad. Whereas I feel like Tyler doesn't have that energy as much. Yeah, I mean listen, I think it would be different because I don't it's hard for me to see Tyler as the bachelor like picking a wife. And like truly having conversations with Chris Harrison was like I just want girls looking like Grill and Chill with you know what? I mean? I was looking for like that girl, like that's gonna be a whole new thing if that's what we experience because I can't imagine like I loved Ben Higgins as the bachelor. I think he was so great. I think it just genuinely seemed like he wanted a wife if Tyler's I don't know if I'd be able to take it as seriously. Don't get me wrong. I'll watch I'll get my wine. I'll get my popcorn and I'll be her every single week, but it's going to be a little weird, right? Well, we'll see. We don't know yet. We might find out some more Bachelor. He could win you still there. Riley's gonna shed Ted co-productions because we're gonna get into some of that to 10 seconds each of you on jpj segment. I didn't know that like there was something going to show him that much love. I know that was that was very interesting kind of a weird choice. I just saw you look learn that he can't talks like this John Paul Jones like like I did my best Why didn't you talk to me that way how to they wanted some like viral fan favorite moment. Like no one's ever going to be grocery store Joe like they need to just stop like no one bad America's not going to latch on to someone the same way. They did with him. I feel the same way unpopular opinion because people do like him I think in a guys, I'm gonna go back saying it's the group of guys. Is this season bar was low. Okay, John Paul Jones was like what they're like, oh my God America's gonna love him. He's so fun. I remember my first thought when he got out of the limo. Oh God, he rehearses and he's trying The fund the comedic relief and I'll see you in there. We were he's the comedic relief. So I think it's a trihard. I like he's no good. He's no grocery store Joe. Even he I think even he was taken aback by how much he loved. He was getting this work done for five minutes. He was very uncomfortable by the end of it. He was doing like the very dramatic hair flip. So he knew like our eminent was failing it. He's fun. Why don't why don't we get a grant? I know I don't remember what he said, but it was a good it was a concern because drop he had a seven-night know. Means no was granted any last thoughts on this stuff besides the t's and predictions that happened during Menthol great. Let's get in quickly to our 20 for the right reasons up first. We have I don't know sweet this is but it's not this was me great. So read me too. Trying to digest everything happening in The Bachelor in Paradise trailer accurate. Oh my God, I don't think I've ever been this excited for a season of Bachelor in Paradise. Honestly, what is happening? We're going to talk about it. All right. What do we got next Ryan in the booth? We are pulling up. This was my tweet from the lovely Hannah Brown and it's a gift of her moving her and it says I move my own Furniture hashtag The Bachelorette. Yes, go you move your own Furniture. Great mom. Meant that was honestly my jaw dropped. So this is my favorite for a while circulating with the face of the production assistant who is having nuggets throat and if you want to find nugget PA, there's a lot of funny Bachelor means I just have the simplest one. Never forget the waitress who had to endure the flying nuggets on The Bachelorette. How about our YouTube so you can see her horrified face. She moved to Hollywood yesterday picked up a random, PA gig and had no idea what she was getting into. It's the best thing I've ever seen and then finally my feeling no, I did not have one. That's all right. We got our tree Michael tweet something on you guys should follow his handles that will say at the end. Do we have news Christina? Do we just want to tie it into no room use this week. I mean, we're still keeping our eyes peeled on jet any developments like that. Actually Haley Stevens did have her first live on camera interview with 80 where she spoke to a ETS Lauren Zima kind of saying that she doesn't wish any bad into anything bad on Jed, even though she did out him. Yeah, which is interesting. I think you know, this is all coming off. Off the heels of people attacking her for bringing it up in the first place. It was a very emotional interview. So you guys definitely check that out. I'll check it out to know your take on that. But again the show is not over so no real developments on that end just just yet. Okay. So for prediction AfterBuzz TV prediction, each of us has about 20 seconds. I want to hear your favorite things you saw on the bi Petey's and any thoughts for the final two episodes of this show. Can I go first please do My favorite part of the be ipts was Demi because she is clearly going both ways. And I'm so excited to see the show really explore that the only previously out contestant on the show was Jamie King. She was openly bisexual. She was a contestant on Nick viall season and is also really good friends with me and my sister so cool. I'm really excited to see them explore that with Demi and of course, it's Demi like she's gonna be entertaining and what was the second question thoughts for the last two episodes thoughts for the last two episodes. Thuds I think we're in for a really really tough breakup with Tyler see I think that she's gonna pick Jed young the end. Mike damning hands down. That's easy. That's most exciting because what daddies will be like one of my favorites forever. So Demi and then I I think it's Tyler. Oh my God, I do man. I think it's Tyler. Yep. Hmm. I am also the most excited for Demi's like love triangles going on and Blake. I cannot wait to see Blake just be the worst. Honestly, like he loved him so much. I'm Becca season. I just can't wait like what what is this guy gonna do because they're saying what that love pain octagon hexagon pentagon, whatever was so I can't wait for that and then I got it. I hate it and I really think she's gonna pick Judd to and I think Peters going home next and then I think it's gonna be Tyler but there is no way and here's another version. There's no way Hannah and Jed Stay Together. If she picks him because I am telling you like if she found out about the the Haley Stephen things. I just can't see based on what we know of Hannah. I cannot see them saying together. So it makes me sad because if she does picked out, I think she's alone but what it means I'll be super fast is that it's going to be a very interesting AFR. Oh, yeah. I'm excited for here for a FR and I agree with all you guys and I predict that we will be here next week for The Bachelorette throw. I don't know exactly what we're doing with coverage will either be here Monday and Tuesday or just Tuesday. I'm not sure yet. Stay tuned. Let you know as soon as possible meantime guys, my name is Jeff Graham. Thank you so much for tuning in. If you want to find me on Twitter, you can do that at Jeffrey see Graham. How about the rest of you guys? Thanks so much for tuning in this week. Shout out to everyone in live chat. I'm your host Christine Alexis and you can keep up with me on Instagram at Christine. I Alexis and on Twitter at Christine being with three he's what's up guys. I might be like thanks for hanging out with us in the chat. We see all y'all here. I love you guys. You can find me everywhere at my feeling. I'll be right back here tomorrow doing love Island for the rest of the week. And then of course on Is it for Married at First Sight? Hey guys, I'm Renee area. You can follow me on Instagram and on Twitter at Renee Ariel, and you can catch me on shared news five days a week. That's it guys. It's ring and see you next week. Bye when I Both the crap herein are those of the host only not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or its owners are principle.
Welcome to the 1st Annual Roast of Luke Parker - here on tonight’s episode of The Bachelorette’s “Men Tell All.” Savage, savage, savage. Jeff Graham, Renee Ariel, Mike Theiling, and Christine Alexis are coming here with all the tea. The Bachelorette After Show: Which of the men will get the final rose? On THE BACHELORETTE AFTER SHOW we’ll fill you in on everything that happens on and off camera on the hit ABC series. Plus be bringing your favorite cast members our panel. Tune in for reviews, recaps and in-depth discussions of the latest episodes’ group dates, one on one dates, the squabbles and fights AND bonus off-season content like news updates happening in Bachelor nation. ABOUT THE BACHELORETTE: Becca Kufrin believed she had found love with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on "The Bachelor," but when the race car driver changed his mind and broke her heart so he could reunite with runner-up Lauren Burnham, the humble girl next door from Minnesota resolved not to let the heart-wrenching breakup hold her back. When the 27-year-old publicist isn't making a splash at the boutique public relations agency where she works or planning her next overseas trip, she can be found at home hosting dinner parties for her friends. She hopes to find a man who shares her firm set of Midwest values and who is actually ready to commit to her on her terms.
Before I continue one of the ways, we keep all of our content for you. The listener free of charge is our amazing sponsors, and today anchor is one of those sponsors. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. There's creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer anchors going to distributor podcast for you. So it can be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and everywhere podcasts are listened to and you can even make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership. It's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor Dot f m-- to get started. What's up? Everybody? You know what? It is the affair after show. So Janelle asked Noah to keep their relationship private. Helen gives an assassin has constant advances and Joni is in Montauk breaking and entering let's go. Let's get it. You're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of TB top now let the fun begin. What's up, everybody? You know it is the affair after show. So glad to be back with my lady's talking about the affair. I am your host Lynn Gonzalez. And yeah, man episode 3, you know, you know, it's getting crazier and crazier. Oh, yeah next to me course the amazing incomparable. She always has the best glasses on Allison D. Thanks lime. So good to see you. So good to have you back this week. Week. Yes the same without you but you guys are great together. We're better with last illness still my heart. And of course my eight one since day one, like literally since season one we've been doing this she is so amazing and she's the best fan ever ever wonder that. As fast as you are. Oh God, I feel like she's the ultimate Sarah tream Twitter follower as well to a lot of her tweet. Yes. Yeah, and actually today I attempted to be April and see if I was missing anything for our news and gossip and I was like, maybe it's only when April looks at her Twitter. There's a lot today you're right because I was looking at it going I can't use any of this. All right? All right. So ladies, what do you think about this episode? Out there's just so much and I think that they're doing a good job of what they used to do in the sense of making Noah seem one way and his part and then he seems different and Helen's obviously we still have seen that over the past few seasons, but I definitely went back there tonight. As far as I was and stuff like that. I'm glad you said that because I noticed that as well and very much conflicting stories and then we got the same type of timeline. I know but I thought was interesting is Sasha is a jerk in both wise and I think he must be an amazing actor because he's playing this role this villain role so good that I really hate his guts. Like I hate him with a passion. I hate the way he's talking every time he comes on scene. Like I just like it's too cold. Yes. I don't know what it is. That makes his Are seeing that way or if that he's just that way and I don't know if it's because he's going against one of our main characters, even though we've had our problems with our own main character of course, but he's enough. Yeah, okay record. So I will say just to add some conflict here. I really do like the way Helen is responding to him though, like really for I appreciate that. She has someone now that's giving her something like You know when she walked out at the end and her mom was there and I just I like the way he's lighting her up a little bit has Helen got her groove back or something. You know, I'm not saying he's you know, the bee's knees but I just like that. He's the one bringing it out of her. However that's happened. I just like that. It's being brought out of here. I did like that as well. I don't like that. Maybe he's doing that but I did like the confidence that she exuded at the end because she's been so like downtrodden. For so many seasons now. I mean, I appreciated that as well. I like that she called him at well, we think she called him out saying like why me, you know and I don't his answer was fair enough for me. I mean, I don't know. I just some kind of I can work with this right now. I'm not saying he's amazing amazing. I'm just saying I'm okay with what's being explored right now being explored with the character. Yeah, I think for me and correct me if I'm wrong, but I know they said, you know in the last Sewed they did a three-month jump. Yeah, but it hasn't hasn't been three months since Vic passed away has it. I mean do we part three is? Okay. Yeah. So we say that because we were talking about that before because of the baby the baby it's really big but I feel like I think it's too soon and granted. I was never Big fan, you know, we talked about this but they were together and I truly believe that he loved her and she loved him and whatever way that is works out that they did love each other. However being that he's passed away. She's obviously reeling over that she's got so much that is going on with Noah still kind of in there and not to jump ahead. But this whole movie thing is kind of it's weird to me. Yeah. It's creating a weird dynamic between our characters. And I granted that I know that they have to really do something special because it's the last season and so but I don't know personally if I like the way they're portraying it. Yeah, but getting back to the whole, you know, bee's knees thing with your boy Sasha and getting her groove back. I just feel like I don't know I maybe because I don't like him. I feel like I want her to be happy. You know, I'm the fan right where Chinese my girl I do love some Helen. So I want her to be happy at the end of the day if it's not with Noah be with somebody right but I think he's not it but you know, maybe it's good for her to have taking out the fact that we don't like him good for her to have a rebound maybe before she gets into something more serious with somebody else even as you were saying that I was like, oh he's awful and so many ways meaning Sasha but like it's it's almost good the That she is with after you know, this major death in her life. Probably isn't going to be the most deep thing ever because she needs something a little lighter as she seems like she needs something a little lighter. So it's like maybe if our hope is that she and Noah are together in the end then maybe it's good that she kind of has her little like romp in the hay because she hasn't had many romps in the hay in her life and she deserves a few I think the Like that Vic made that video and said, you know, please live for you. Now I give you know, I want you to live for the both of us. I think that helped her absolutely helped Empower her or helped her re-evaluate the fact that you know, I really have been the caretaker for so many people I need to think about myself and part of me also thinks that this movie situation that's happening. I feel as though it's almost it's a way for her to escape. Escape her reality and I think that's also kind of significant for her because you know, her day-to-day life is packed with this and that and this and that and it's not and so I think it's her way of immersing into something that is I mean, it's fantasy but yet it's fantasy based on her own life. Exactly. So it's a strange like all three ality really weird, right? It's totally weird. But I think it's helping her process come out of her shell and just not have to think about, you know all of her. Drama, yeah, I feel like with Helen and we've seen this, you know, since the affair took place in season one. She's been very indecisive in her movements. Right? She feels one way but then it's like Noah May sway her or something else or the kids or something like that or her parents that we've seen have which have a large impact over the years in her life. We see that she just can be that way and she has moments where she asserts herself and then there's moments that she just kind of gives in to the powers that be so I think with her we've always seen her on this interesting journey. I hope that at the end of this that she has a resolution period with her life, right because she's doing like I said with now and that scene when you know, they're doing their thing. Yeah, and she they're talking about when you do the rug, right and then she's like, I'm so many people here and she's talking about her son and her son's boyfriend and then she's got her. Sierra with the bait like I'm like yo, that's a lot of people don't house girl right boy, they get it together, but it's the kind of laughing at it because it's like she's doing all these things and it's like she never takes care of herself. I think that's why the thing when Sasha said about don't light yourself on fire to keep other people warm. Yes. Yes, because that's basically what Vic said and that's I sorry. I didn't totally did not mean to interrupt you, but when you said that it was like ding ding ding. Because it clicks because he's the person that's also saying don't do this don't you know cover yourself in all of this crap just to help everybody else out like you can still do it but like have your own life as well and I think the first big step forward in that direction was her saying no to her mother to about moving back home. You know, this is something that perhaps she would have thought about more and perhaps maybe would have taken the steps toward transitioning back to the east coast and I think this is her. Into her own and saying know you'll figure this out. Absolutely. Yeah, let's jump into the first part of this episode also its nose version and we see, you know, some things happening. But basically he has dinner with Whitney checking for her fiance, which I think they found a thing is a waste personally. I just I have no connection to this Colin dude. He just kind of appears. I mean, I guess she has to have something to keep her involved, but I feel like he's just a waste you're my opinion. You know, I'm connected to the guy that we see in the preview for next week. So I think that that's maybe I totally agree with you. It just seems like so it's kind of thrown in there, but maybe it's thrown in there because it's the way or the thing that's going to bring Noah really back into the scheme of things with his kids as far as being an actual. Yes voice that they hear and stuff like that. And and also I think that I liked it tonight anyway because I liked what it gave she in. Well when they were sitting down at dinner, I like that it kind of made him seem. Well, not that he doesn't care. But like it's clear. Okay. I'm very much so care about this because she does not look well. I mean she just looks tight like we are all tired. She's one out work situation, whatever but like as we hear her talk about this she doesn't seem like she's so gung-ho about getting married, right and she tries to explain it away in a sense of like I do. Love him and you know you were a starving artist at one point. He's a starving artist yada yada yada trying to make corporations. Like she clearly isn't very excited about the idea of getting married to him and I agree because we've seen their relationship has been very tumultuous. Right like extremely for over several seasons. Yeah, like they haven't been good for a while. Right? So I do like the fact that and I agree that this is probably a way to get him back in with good graces, which we don't see the her. On the middle sign we haven't seen the connection Martin. Thank you, which he was kind of a string with all his kids. Yeah. This is going to be interesting how it gets in if that's a pattern how he gets in with the youngest and how that you know happens because he hasn't really fun with him. So maybe it's like, oh, let's get you know make Whitney straight and then that'll follow suit may be right. I think it's going to be listening to see and we talked about this last week. Whitney's going to have three povs, you know her own story and I think that'll be the time for us to to see if in fact what she's saying is love between her and her Beau is actually because we just haven't seen enough between the two of them right now. It's all just kind of you know, these itty-bitty conversations are certain. Yeah, right. I certainly didn't like him entering dinner the way you didn't like grabbing the bread and just you just seem sloppy and kind of read about the whole thing which looks like a nice place and he's like, so yeah, I was like, yeah mon. Yeah. He seemed like an idiot, but I think and I think that they are probably setting us up. Course. Yeah for like exactly exactly we do see that Janelle calls Noah after the three months that we saw in the last episode that you know, there was a three-month jump and we didn't know what happened between them. She just kind of walked out and then I was it well, apparently they haven't even talked and he's been trying to call her and reach out to her and she's been ghosting him heavy, right? So she calls him out the blue and basically he was like, yo, why don't you you know talk I want to talk. Thought I'd come by the house and he's like, all right, it's gonna be like, she's like no. No, it's fine. It's yeah, that's right. What the heck walks in? Yeah. And first of all, she's campaigning for school board, right? And then you see her ex, dude, who's now her current dude again. Yep, and he's just like, oh, okay. So what's really going on come to find out she wants to talk to him because she's like, hey, this is what's going on. I really need to keep Our what we had going on right privates. Don't mark up my campaign shot man. Yeah, no kind of spoilers. Yeah, I've no issues with that. How did you guys feel about that? Gosh, you know I took issue with it actually only because me, too. I was like you can't not the okay. First of all, I get her wanting to keep it secret for the reasons that she listed like makes total sense. It's not that this was like a super serious relationship right her life it was Short-lived sure, you know it we did get to see a lot of it and I kind of like that. I can also appreciate the fact that she went through some difficult times with him, especially seeing it from her point of view. So she doesn't necessarily care to like give him the explanation that he feels that he needed. But but I was like you can't just totally go somebody blow somebody off ask them. Hey do me this favor don't tell anybody and then get pissed at When they're sitting there it just because they're like what I think this is a what not to do. I can still be the same. You cannot sit here at like when she got pissed at him. I was like what? Yeah, obviously he's angry you were his girlfriend USG. Sometimes said, maybe not a girlfriend but like you were together in some capacity. What are you exactly we read that the word date so it doesn't matter like it just seems so I was Like you're really going to get mad at him because he's questioning the fact that like you just you only asked him for this you don't care about us. Okay, you don't care about him. But like at least feel like I'm so sorry I don't care. But will you do this? And then if he says no then whatever I guess figure it out. I think there was a lot of things that we're not said that needed to be I clearly she the reason why she walked out of the funeral event. Yeah part after party repast it's called well. Yeah, RI passes. Yeah, I feel like I've always called it the party. Okay, perhaps funeral parties in Alabama. So this is all new. Oh, yeah. I'm for sure the other he I've been to several. But um, I think she was harboring a lot of resentment a lot of resentment around that I really do and I think and I'm not saying that that's an excuse for how she handled it. I think she handled it very poorly. You can't especially if he was calling relentlessly and you still aren't returning a phone call or even a text saying And I'm just you know, yeah, like what the heck's just something I mean, it should be radio silence. So she definitely did not handle it well, but I also feel like that could have been her moment to say just FYI. A lot of things went down that you and I didn't talk about that. I really didn't but I guess it wasn't the time for that either. She sort of like these things are never going to do said I think it was just like you said is the fact that she called him over, you know in the middle of all of this and then kind of just thought that oh, I'm just going to tell you this and you're going to be okay with it. Yeah, especially somebody like Noah who can be Of absorb and who can take things to heart very much. So as if he's being attacked that's just the wrong person to do that with. Yeah. So and again she doesn't know him that well also they have a weird dynamic because she's his boss and he's you know under her she's he's a subordinate but they had this you know thing going on. So it's just a really interesting Dynamic but yes, I think we all agree. She didn't handle it. Well, I'm just interested to see what that plays into going forward. Or if that's it. How about for Janelle? Well, they caught a punctuated a little bit but I think we might get just because we still have Joel present. I that's what I was going to say. Yeah, I think I'll be something there. Joel is in the picture and he's now the co-principal no. No, he's not. He's just principal now. It's just prints because she essentially all right now she's doing her thing. Yeah, so wait, so then now That being said thank you for the point. I think that maybe there is a punctuation. Yeah, I think maybe that is what - what else would she be connection to move? Oh, no, I'm sorry for I think what it will be is I think there has to be some kind of in-your-face with Joel in terms of with her and him with her being like so if she wins the seat, I think they'll be some interplay that will see with her and this happening. Yeah, just yeah just with things. Happening with him as principal and her being able to mandate certain things because she's now in a more senior position. I don't know. I feel like there could be something to that effect. If the baby is though, but I don't see how that would affect nothing else. But yeah, it would affect our characters. They're definitely punctuated I guess. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, that's there's no reasoning especially now because it seems like he's really kind of funding for Helen, you know, and anyone what you can't have yes, and he's the poster child for that. Yeah, absolutely. The top for that so we do see in gosh. We got to talk about them Sasha manse. Awesome ain't never going that's awesome, man. So he's all up in this episode. I'm heavily and and all and all the way and groaning the whole time. I don't like it. But we do see that in those also version still he shows up to the movie Set and then Helens there and they start talking, you know start talking to know about the movie and he's basically wanting Noah to Kind of rewrite what he's written, you know says hey, I think the character should go back to his wife and wants to know how to change the script and no it's kind of being the findings like no, I don't want to do that and then he's like, well, I'll rewrite it confuses me. Okay. I'm like you're making a movie of the book. We obviously know that stuff doesn't always happen like the book exactly the same right? But like I'm like you're not the writer. So I guess it's just confusing me a little like we understand. You don't like it. But like that doesn't give you the authority to be like, okay, so we're just going to totally change it. I think he's I think there are sort of insinuating his role even though he's the star. I think he's also producer and I think his hands are more than just I'm starring in it. So yeah, it's kind of giving him carte blanche to oh, I don't like that you're changing it that kind of thing. But I feel he could very easily just be like, okay that you're not making the movie on my book, right? I mean would lose money. But yeah, well, what's funny? He is when I was watching this. I initially thought when we first saw him in the first episode that he was the director. Yeah that when I see him acting I'm like oh but I agree. He's maybe the producer he could also be the director because we haven't really seen a director Frank yelling cut. So I assume he made so he probably has direct right? So therefore he does have more influence Ram in what happens with the movie and I think that the what the writers are showing us in my And is that they're showing because how Noah is really how he's feeling about Helen now, right right and how he does when I go back to him and then it's kind of like pointing out. It's like, okay. Wait a second, even though this is something that has happened. It's not all supposed to be, you know, nonfiction, right, but we know that there are some, you know some embellishments there. So I think it's kind of like he's poking at he's like, oh, well, I think this should this should happen with the character. He's like, well, no. No, that's not how I write it. Because Noah we know he sees himself. I definitely a different way. That's true too. I thought it was interesting how Sasha explained it back away know how Sasha was like, oh, you don't want the story to end with you getting back with your wife because you you know, you think everyone all crimes have to be or you have to pay for your crimes like so essentially him ending up with Helen in the end. Sasha was saying it's like too happy of an ending for Noah Noah feels He has to be punishment for these crimes, right and that's why I was like, well, that's that's an interesting way to put it at I wonder if he actually thinks that just in general anyway, but I'm like, I'm pretty sure you have paid for the crimes that you've committed you went to jail for this woman. So, I don't think that's actually it but I just I also I agree that I think they're putting it there like as a thing in your head. So like oh, okay at the end of this story meaning the end of the show. We'll Noah go back to his wife, right? Right, but it's just interesting because I'm like, it's I think that's one of the most that's why his other books are being written because he kills the character of Alice in my books. I don't know. It's just interesting. It is interesting. I thought it was interesting and I kept I kept pointing at each both you guys and I think you've had no idea what I was doing. What I thought was interesting when Janelle and Noah were talking and she basically said, you know Carl's known me for this long and we have a history and yeah, Like she was foreshadowing what perhaps may be occurring later on in the season between NOAA and Helen I thought that's what I was trying to cause like. I thought you were each other. He's the one But I did kind of pick up on that when that was happening. Yeah, you could tell his house. He was thinking he's like, oh, wait a second. I'm in the similar situation. Boom. Boom. Boom. Yeah. I thought this was interesting Noah ends up going to karaoke because he says I'm going to take a right at karaoke. So of course Noah because he's feeling some kind of way about omo interaction, but I think it's more it to me. I saw it as more First interaction with with Sasha and Helen no, you have to be a spy. Basically absolutely absolutely get it though. And the same where he sees Helen coming out of saucers trailer, like absolutely that's not the most comfortable thing in the entire world whether he feels that way or not for his ex-wife to be they're seeing all of this stuff play out, but also to be involved with the man that is starring in it potentially directing producing whatever else he's doing it to be sleeping with him. Like that's not going to be good. No matter how you feel. Oh, absolutely. Ali I mean, I think he's he's going to have a problem anybody with Helen even he's the one that had the affair like let's keep it all the way real right and so he always had a problem he had a problem with Vic has a problem with anybody that is with Helen because as I've said for Five Seasons, he still loves Helen and he secretly wants to be with her regardless if they can work or if that will happen. That's what he wants. Yeah, and so that's why I feel like we're getting all of this kind of foreshadowing and all of this kind of juxtaposition. The other characters. Yeah, you know he goes up to karaoke. He you know, basically wants an explanation like give me an explanation. What's up Sasha is like when you talk about and you know, he's not budging then he goes up seeing a Tom Petty song block the girl over. Oh my God. Is this just your singing voice? Like are you trying to make this voice? It was bad with that, but it was weird because then all of a sudden he wakes up because he's totally plastered. All right. Wait, Super um, and he wakes up and he's having Mexican food with Joel but he's not having any food. Here are sort of just laying out food. Yeah, it was passed out. What are you guys take from that because I'm just like a granted we see Joel kind of being introduced as you know this person that kind of like, I feel like he thinks no was cool. Right and one that's kind of associate himself with all yeah, man, let's hang out da da da and you know supposedly they had this writing session, okay? I think he's just somebody to be there and because he was saying, oh, let's go out. This is what he was in the last season and trying to get Noah to like read his script. It's not like that. So I think he's just a filler character somebody to be there to have Noah talking to I was still confused at how we ended up there. Did he call that guy to pick him up? Because he's drawing he did because I think what happened in Helens version really did happen. I don't think that like she just made that up. Obviously, we didn't see it in his version but like I think he did wait what you what are you referring to be like going to her house that happens the night like that could have been the person that he called Uber because we did see him call Noah earlier and correct. Yeah. So like that's I just think he's a filler character and I don't even like I like how the actor Adam Shapiro plays the character. Yeah. He's yeah, but I don't I'm like yeah, I just think he's there. Okay. Okay. I will see if there's any more with goes forward getting into Alan's version so she's having lunch with Margaret. You said it was so hot. I think it was so hot. Okay. I'm pretty sure okay and then because a lot of now they're in LA riots like you try to figure out what are these places are people out there there so houses everywhere but so house is a really big deal. He could it be the IV but now it's not that heavy. Okay. Yeah, like now I'll be like, where is that? Anyway? Yeah, so she basically start talking about her dad and basically Margaret tells Helen that he has dementia, right and then also that like literally almost their whole savings finances is gone. We have a convo. Yeah. Well, she did all the stuff that she was saying to him just really I mean, obviously none of us thankfully are in that situation and are too young to be in the situation that she's in but it really just resonated with me to think about like Dear God she's so right. She stayed with this man. Oh, wow. Yeah. Oh, yeah. He did. All of this crowd is crazy these years that was and then all of a sudden like he left her at one point like to see things go. He left her to be. Oh, yeah, I would that person right? I'm like now they got back together, I guess before maybe the dementia really set in even though she's been seeing signs of it for a long time. We haven't seen Noah try to mention it to Helen but I'm like she's so right and now she loves him and like you don't leave someone when they're sick, but the some of the best years of Her life are spent with the worst. And what's also interesting is that has happened in a lot of people's lives. Oh, yeah. I mean I just, you know, because you know when specially if someone has been unfaithful and then it go out and then they end up getting sick. Like I said, they're going to go back to home want to go back to what's familiar. Yeah, and then now this person who does care for them and love them Houston. I'll take care of them and it's just yeah, it's a terrible situation and I think she does Is like she even says she does like actually love him and that way because she took him back. Yeah, but I'm like, yeah God that's just rust. Yeah, but that actually just being at the age that she's at all so it's not like she's you know, st. That's right. I've always not like I was just gonna say I did but in that scene and when she said that I did feel bad. Yeah. I did feel bad because you know, she's right. Yeah, we then see them both going and checking Sierra and the Baby, the two-year-olds. I like car because I was like, you know, what we'll see is being the OG. Yes. So many people nowadays, which is great like Everett to each their own completely but like you get stuck in this cycle of this is the only way I can do this whatever and she was like honey, your baby's gonna starve tooth do what you have to do to get him to eat. I thought she was like funny witty and that saying I think that was also just because we know that Sierra is very LA. Right and I've asked the quintessential, you know, she does the yoga and all of the thing and vegan and all of that but I think that that was like oh but I can't do this because my Doula said this and that a DOT and she's like girl just feed this baby. Right just feed this baby and you go to sleep like you'd and I think that you know, because she's not from La, you know, I see some of the east coast and they do things differently. So I took that as and also she's an LG, right, you know different Generations different Generations, so but yeah, I did I did I agree with you I did. Like her in that sense. I didn't I really didn't I and I actually but I loved Helen it and I thought Helen sort of embodied the perfect balance between the two. Yeah. I thought that Margaret was just way too abrasive about the whole thing for someone that was clearly exhausted. And just I mean what that was? Oh, no, I thought Helen channeled it very well, but first and she articulated it in a way where Sam Cooke scented and Market could be Absolutely. She definitely know you're right. You're right and I think Margaret is just that's the way she does. Yeah. Look what I was just referring to the fact what she was saying was correct, like stop doing this. Yeah, like what you're doing is not working your baby needs to eat something at all like that baby didn't need the oh God. My baby's five years old was swapped out when Helen brought the baby into the bedroom with Sierra. It looked like a A smaller baby. Well that I mean I probably actually was because they're all these laws and on different baby. But yeah, come on make it look a little more believable than that. Yeah. That baby was that maybe had a baby? Yeah, like Tesla so also what do you think about how now we're seeing with Trevor and his character developing with his boyfriend and he's he's doing this thing for Vic if I thought yes. Yes, I just I the it doesn't matter that it's a boy and a boy obviously it has nothing to do with it. But like whoa, you're letting your son significant other spend the night. Oh, yeah, Mike is that just would never have flown in my house and it wouldn't will never fly in my future house like they're so young. How old are they? Did she say 16 know if like no. No, he's at he's eating me not because he's producing like nobody. I think regardless he's a minor exactly right still in high school. Cool Mom. It's yeah. Yes, I've but that has nothing to do with moving the story forward but I was just like, oh, okay, and because it seemed like she didn't know she was like, oh he's spending the night and he was like, yeah. Well, no because I think she kept saying cool mom. So I think she was I took it as she was referring to herself was like, oh I'm letting my son Yeah, but the night right? I'm the cool Mom. Right and he's like, yeah, you're the cool mom which you know and and regardless of why or how she I think she also has had, you know, kind of not really a distance with the kids, but I think that she wants at all in points. Now she wants to basically have his family. She has all these people live in her house. Yeah are staying there. Yeah. So I feel like she wants that she especially now that Vic has gone her sense of family as you know, Some of that is broken now and so it's like okay what I have left. I want to make sure it's all good. Yeah. Absolutely. Excuse me. We also see that Margaret is talking to you know about moving to the east coast Helen helps out like nope. She's like I have I have things I want to do here like I'm getting used to it. Do you think that why do you think is the big what do you think is the biggest reason because obviously this whole Sasha thing is new right so you can see she's not staying because of that. But why do you think now she has as few Newfound resilience to be in La I for me? I think the Sasha thing does come into it a little bit but not because of him, but just because okay it seems like now she's finally start starting to feel a little happy. We haven't seen a truly. Happy Helen in a really long time either. She's in a great place with the kids. She has always been all about them. And now it seems like she's giving the reins up just a little bit and is making herself happy. So I feel like She's finally kind of just seeming happy for self. I think it's probably also difficult whether she felt some way about Vic are not to like leave where they were together. And I also think just going back to the east coast is like a reminder of all the very bad things to happen to her and it's almost like her giving up on this newfound Helen that she is because when you compare how she is and her version to Noah's and Noah's she's just a little for me anyway a little too like flirty giddy, but It's also how he was. Yeah hard to be. Yeah, right. I was like, why is she being so weird? This isn't Helen Parr. She's definitely more normal and it's just hard for Helen flirting with this man. Yeah, but so I think it's like going back as like going into this dungeon. Like now I have to go back to this house where my fathers died and all this stuff. It's just a reminder, but she doesn't want to do that stuff. Yeah, I alcohol that. Okay, how true because obviously this is Helens version, but I think you actually already spoke on it. You feel like Noah showing up to the house thinking that Sasha was there you felt like that. That was a true account. I think that happened I maybe it's I don't think he seemed he may not have been so crazed as right if you drive him, right but like I mean, I think that's all they're showing him that way and her version because he's so our she's like laughing at him. She's like, oh my God this dude, right? It's like they're trying to show. Okay. Maybe she is. Go past him and when he's coming back to her and now she's like, oh no. Whoo. I'm over it. Yeah, maybe anyway, which I think also lends itself to this whole movie thing because I think a lot of things are being re hatched. Oh, yeah in their life. Yeah, which is why I think is just so and you know, I'm trusting the writers and I'm trusting how they're pushing this forward because obviously I think they're going to come to a great resolution. Yeah, but it just seems how that all of this and maybe it's just trying to be cyclical, but also, I think it's a form of healing Looking for her and it really is I think because she never has had to face it in this way. I mean, I mean she lived through it which was facing it, but I'm kind of seeing it made into a movie and really right viewing it from that angle. I mean, I think there is therapy in that. Yeah, you know almost as therapeutic as the upside down yoga like I guess so when you obviously sausage Just you know in both versions. He's just on Iran are honor trying different ways to you know to holler basically and so basically she says come through. Yeah, what's up come over and so they have that intimate session where they're talking about rugs and furniture and everything and everybody that's in the house. And then of course, you know, she knows bright-eyed bushy-tailed in the morning mom's coffee and then you know, He comes out the bedroom like hey, you can can I possibly get some of that guy? I couldn't tell that's awesome. Yeah, that's him. That's what I like them. But yes, did Margaret know who he was I couldn't tell by her face if she was gobsmacked because it was the famous Sasha man, or if it was just because it was a dude I was it was okay. Okay, honey. Can you give me a call? Exactly? Ask her? Yeah. I was like what but I want to know if you all think what Noah says at the doorbell is true at all if you think that like he Could potentially be maybe I don't think he has fully but if you think he could potentially be using Helen a little bit to not to get at Noah but like to truly get to know the person that know it is. Yeah because that's I feel like that's his MO is it Mom, but then again when he gives those moments of talking about how his ex-fiancée Lily and that whole like there's moments of tenderness from him and realness and because you gotta throw that in a little bit, but that's all right. I take it as game. Yeah. I take it as a game to dude. He's got game these guys game like 1 million. The girl is like, oh you sleeping because when we all know that yeah like this is his Mo this is what he does. So whether it's a process to make something brilliant like this movie, it's all gasp. I'm really curious to see what does happen because I think I agree it could be a total rebound play and something is gonna he's gonna do something that's gonna ruin it all organized. Just Something's Gonna. I know. Yeah. Sorry about a prediction. No. No, I'm not. We're all he's terrible. All right, so he's gonna tear up when something is basically what I'm getting at. Yeah real quick. We see a snippet of Johnny again again another snippet right now this snippet. She's now at a bar in Montauk bartender be is really gloomy. She denies having kids then all of a sudden. Yeah, which is interesting. Then this bartender that she ends up sleeping with him, you know in a very violent way. Yes, everyone in chat is very confused by this asking I'm saying I'm still so confused. Someone even asked Josephine coffee. Could that be Ben's son that's actually possible could be crazy if it was but we all share in the sentiment. We're all very confused. Yeah, what was happening, but she's the flashback of her looking at the pictures of her mom. Yeah her on the tables to okay as they would travel to get more. She sees it again. And then she wants more aggressive. It's like it's very weird even her breaking into the house and then it being pristine. I thought that was weird too with pictures and stuff. Like you're not going to have a house that no one lives in well. No, she couldn't break. She couldn't get in because the electricity is out in Montauk after hours. Yeah, because of all the environments that no one there. That's what I'm saying. One thing but like saying but pictures are up she's looking at pictures. So why is maybe Nolan moves in there? It's not there. It just it just very weird. Yeah. It's very weird. How they're doing I like how they set it up initially in the first episode, but now it's like really and it's so short and we're not a lot of people have been saying in our comments on YouTube, but they're not fully connected to it as well. I'm not really either because they're not there. Yes it maybe it's just this because we're only getting that snippet which we obviously know we're going to see way more but like I'm not like, okay, you're Allison's daughter your coals daughter. I might your Joanie which we know that's their daughter, but I'm like, I need more about that. I don't just need to see the Like for sure this weird crap. Yeah. Okay. Well, we're going to get into it into the next episode. You said you had news and gossip real quick. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yes real quick news and gossip. All right. So what's happening with Kohler? Clock Cartwright? We want to know Josh Jackson is playing Reese Witherspoon's husband in the adaptation of Celeste ings novel little fires everywhere. It's a miniseries that slated for release on Hulu next year and Also Stars Rosemarie DeWitt and Kerry Washington was like I gotta get who now and then just as a fun aside for all of our viewers out there. If you want to see our very own Sasha man do real life karaoke because he in fact has a band called This is not America. I would go on YouTube and look up his song. I'm not ready yet and just let me know what you think. But yeah, let me know you think. And his real name in life is Clays bang, which I just like his name. I think that's a cool name. Yeah, sounds very British. No. No, he's actually he's Danish. Oh, please bang is Danish. Yeah, interesting. Okay rock and roll. Well, there it is. Yeah. All right predictions real quick for AfterBuzz TV prediction with enhance what you got gosh. I'm going to change my no and Helen are going to end up back together and I'm going to say hell is going to end up going on her own way. Really? Yeah. Wow, I change next week. Okay, I think I'm feeling as though especially after we've had this discussion tonight. I'm feeling very much more certain that Sasha man is a total Revenge play on everything and rebound play and I think her Noah might have a rekindling really I really do feel that way. Did I not say that last week? I feel like I finally just I know you what yeah, you have I do feel this way. Yeah. Okay. I think we're going to see more with woman's character. Yeah. Show me please. Yeah, she won with Whitney's character and kind of development. Like you said getting into her povs. Yep. I do think that they're going to have to now give us more of Joanie. They're going to have to after that scene. They have to I know can't leave us like that and then like give us two more minutes next week. We will start with Joanie. Yeah, maybe really like throw us through. That's what I'm yeah, right, but that's my prediction. I like it. Right ladies gentlemen, that's been our show want to thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you. Everyone the live chat we are. Appreciate it man. It's going down. I've been your host Lynn gonzalvez, and you can find me everywhere at limb gonzalvez. Where you at? I'm Allison Dean. You can find me everywhere at the Allison Dean and I'm April. Listen hit y'all can find me everywhere at April wasn't hands easy. Absolutely. We will see y'all next week. Peace. Hey, I found her Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the Biggest in the world and we're the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. You described herein are those of the whole shoulder you do not necessarily reflect the views of AfterBuzz TV or shoulders or principle.
Noah jealousy is affecting his relationship with Sasha, Helen’s feelings for Sasha are growing immensely, and more still to be revealed with Joanie’s storyline. Join hosts @aprilwhisenhant @thealisondean and @lemgonsalves as we dive deep into Season 5, Episode 3. The Affair After Show: Join our hosts on THE AFFAIR AFTER SHOW as they explore the emotional and psychological effects of two affairs on the Showtime series. Each week we recap, review and analyze in-depth as Noah and Alison impact the people in their lives - from husband to wife to all the way down to the kids. Plus we’ll have inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT THE AFFAIR: The Affair explores the emotional and psychological effects of an extramarital affair. The drama will be told separately from the male and female perspectives using the distinct memory biases to both misdirect and intrigue. "The Affair" explores the emotional/psychological effects of two affairs. Young diner waitress Alison and her husband, rancher Cole, are struggling -- personally and financially -- in the wake of tragedy. Noah, a settled teacher and would-be novelist, is summering at his in-laws' Hamptons estate with his wife, Helen, and four kids. When Noah meets Alison, they begin an affair. For her, he's a welcome escape; for him, she's a pretty distraction. But, the tryst eventually ends two marriages -- one that was already a bit shaky, the other that was on solid ground.
We have a good one for you here today. Have you ever thought you know, I really figured my work would bring me more joy that it would fulfill me that I would be doing something that I'm passionate about. If so, you're not alone. Welcome into the rise with Ryan podcast. I'm your host Ryan Borowski. And I have shared strategies on this podcast about this very same topic from some of the best thought leaders in this space but in a time where so many people have these questions when it comes to waking up every day with a burning passion that fulfills you in living a truly successful life. This may be the most helpful advice you'll ever get I am so excited guys. We have our very first guest with us here today. It is Joe chambray low and actor and writer and he had these same questions. But he discovered his passion pursue that passion and not only pursued it but has thrived in that work Joe is a reoccurring co-star on the renowned soap opera. I'm sure you've heard of it Days of Our Lives. He is one of four leads on an independent film from Amazon titled The Fast and The Fierce from the same production company that made Sharknado. He guest-starred on a comedy pilot for Netflix alongside Frankie Muniz. He has co-starred on Conan O'Brien show doing sketches with Deon Cole. And he is here with us today ready to share his journey Joe. Thanks so much for being here. Thanks Ryan. Yeah, that was nice. That was some of the nicest things anybody's ever said about me. Thank you. Hey, well, here's the thing and you know this you may not admit it. It's all true. I mean you are doing some incredible things in your work now, but one of the things I'm most excited about by having you on the show here today is your Beginnings in your journey to get to where you are here today. You look at somebody like You grew up on the East Coast grew up in sports in Connecticut. Not necessarily a Hollywood upbringing didn't spend a ton of time. If any time around the Arts yet. We sit here today with your resume and you're doing incredible work in Hollywood. What are some things you did to discover your passion along this journey sure. So I just kind of picked that up a couple different things in high school. Like I was like you mentioned into sports and at somewhere along the way I decided okay. I'm not going to play sports in. College because I'm not going to play professionally so like The Logical side of me was like well, let's try to figure out what else I'm going to do. What else am I good at? I took like a Myers-Briggs assessment test and it said like you should be a business executive and like my dad was a business executive. So I kind of started gearing up for that path. I did end up going to business school. But yeah, it was honestly man. Like I had to figure out like what the hell I actually wanted to do and the business thing seemed like a A safe thing but on the side I was you know writing poems. I was writing stories. I was making sketches that was making videos and I I love that but I just didn't really, you know, it didn't occur to me that that's a path that I could take. So I ended up really I won't point. I kind of broke down to my dad at some time before College. I can't remember exactly what your of high school I was like what what am I going to do? And you know, he was supportive and kind of guided me towards business or something that he knew. It was safe. And so it just was a long process of figuring it out. And I believe we're going to get into it. But along the way I kind of had that creative side just burst through me and take over at some point. Now, you mentioned your dad a couple times. Was that an important thing for you to make sure that you kind of had his approval on what you were doing. Yeah. Why do you think that was? Yeah. I mean, it's just been a role model for me my entire life and he's been really successful. He you know was pretty much the epitome of corporate ladder guy, but, you know did really well in his work worked really hard and it was admirable and you know, I looked up to that and I saw maybe a streamline sort of linear path to success that he could probably advise on and help me with we just always bonded over. Over similar things and you know and none of which was you know, theater or writing poems or sketches or anything that might have to do with going to Hollywood to be an actor. So I think I just sort of push that side of things down a little bit because I didn't think that would be something we would Bond over that he would maybe approve of or be able to help me with so It just kind of you know, just took its course from there. Pretty much. Yeah, what you're describing there is pretty common. Right? I mean, it's common for a son to want to really be like their father and Tony Robbins has a question that he'll always ask and I'll say whose love did you crave the most growing up and of course you create your mom and dad's love both we all did but usually there's a dominant one that we Craven oftentimes for guys. That's why I want to be like my dad, right, you know, it's a generational thing to with the We grew up in our parents a lot of our parents for the first to go to college and get an education and I'm sure there was a lot of pressure on them to use that education to get a job and so on and so forth and create a better live live for their children and and then it sort of gets to a point where then they can now say. Okay. Well you you need a better life than me. Like you can do whatever you want to do and be whatever you want to be but then it's when push comes to shove a little bit. Don't blame parents out there for this but it's like yes, you could do and be whatever you want to be with within the confines of what I know might be safe and structured in that that can help you with because otherwise that will be scary. There's somebody listening to this Joe that's locked in on what you're talking about. Right? That is thinking that's me right now. I just have this fear. I have this doubt that whatever I want to become may not align And with what my parents expectations are. Right. What advice would you have for them? Who you know? You just have to be selfish about it. You have to go with your instincts somewhere along the way mine kicked in a little bit and you don't know what pressure your parents were facing from their parents as maybe being the first to get those opportunities and what they may have sacrificed themselves to you know, please their parents, you know, follow your instincts if something's creeping in go after it and whether it's like an incremental steps fine if it takes a while find it probably will and Good. It's it's a long path. So follow those instincts get selfish with the try to put aside know what others might think even if you know those others are your parents and you know, you value their opinion. I mean, trust me. I know that feeling more than more than anybody. Yeah, and I think judgment is whether it is parents whether it's relatives or friends or anything like that. That's real, right. That's a real emotion that people feel and unfortunately. Lee a lot of times there's that fork in the road and most people just end up taking that safe path for whatever reason it may be and I think that's why it's exciting to have you on here because you really decided to follow your instincts and do things like that that which you up that fulfilled you let's talk about some of those instincts that you felt early on because again, we may have people who are like well what are my instincts? I don't know what they are right you help me? What were some right indicators you had that pan? This might this might be it and I'm not on the athletic field. I'm not in the boardroom. I am somewhere. I did not expect to be but damn this feels good. Yeah, I mean in high school, I started, you know making videos when there was class projects and you know writing these stories that I would perform and I would get this satisfaction and fulfillment out of it. That was like Beyond scoring a touchdown or hitting a home run something was there and I didn't quite latch onto it because I was still going to go to business school and you know follow this linear path that I thought I was going to be on and you know little things came up. My roommate was a film minor we co-wrote and I starred in his thesis film that ended up winning the film festival at the school and locally and Providence Rhode Island, and and that was great. And so there's there's little things along the way that is okay. Maybe maybe I can really go after A little bit earlier we were talking about right now. You're getting some evidence and proof on who you are because you're starting to feel that right when you're going through and doing these activities whether you're writing its poetry producing videos and film festivals. You start to feel okay. There's something here a lot of times. It's tough to really put a finger on what that is. It's much easier to put a finger on who am I not I kind of know who I am. I'm building it up to this ten year span. An but it is clear as day as who I am not. So let's write your in Boston at this point. I believe right? You're in a graduated college Business Degree sales job. Who are you not? I'm not someone who is going to go to an office and work inside sales for 9 hours a day. And that is totally fine. It just was not me. I was not somebody who couldn't be creative and use creative ideas towards you know, a bottom line. I figured out I'm not from the east coast and I love the East Coast but I don't know if I'm someone who enjoys the cold weather as much as I thought we're not like seem Like an arbitrary thing had some grueling Winters in Boston man where I was walking a long time to a job that I didn't want to be at and that kid get ug ended pretty quickly. But so I just yeah, it wasn't someone who could be in an office. I needed face-to-face connection and interaction. I needed creative freedom. Yep. And so I kind of figured out a little bit who I couldn't be here's what I'd like for all the listeners to do if you're listening to this and you're thinking you know, this is Jose where I want to be I want to find out who I am. I'd like for you all to make a list and part of that list will be who you are and think about some of the indicators that Joe had and write those down things that just make you feel alive and Joe feel free to chime in on this and then the other part of that is who am I not because everything we do in life is going to be to avoid pain and order to gain pleasure. So when you look at a list like that Joe whether you wrote this down or you just did it in your Ed you looked at who am I not and tried to get away as quick as possible and ran towards the who am I to get into the pleasure and I think that'd be a really good activity to take it out of your head and onto paper. What do you think about that jail for the listeners? Yeah. I think that's great. I wish you know, I had someone telling me to do that back when I was figuring it out in the trenches. I think it's great. You did figure it out. Right? So you went through that whole process where to streamline that Forum. So let's talk about that a little bit. More we know who you're not at this point. We know that there's still some challenges right you still have loyalty to those loved ones around you who are really rooting for you to do certain things. But what did you do to then build up the proof on the who are you? I almost like it is like, okay. I'm going to show the world who I am. So what are some things you did to do that while you are still working there full-time job sure. I started taking improv classes. I started doing theater. I got signed with an agent and a modeling agent a commercial agent. Film agent in Boston. I started taking steps because you know, we all sit there and think like we can't change things or it's too late. It's not it really isn't. I don't know what made me take these steps but something in me did and I'm so thankful for it. But yeah, I would take improv classes three nights a week acting classes on the weekends. I like I said sign with that agent and start getting modeling gigs and Commercial gigs and just doing all that stuff on the side bit added a level of Fulfillment for me that made, you know the job that was putting food on the table or allowed me to pay my rent much more bearable because there was an excitement, you know to an everyday cuz I loved those improv classes and the acting classes and it inspired me to start writing more sketches and you know using equipment from the office. I was working act to film some sketches because they were starting to support me and it just kind of snowballed into more of an excitement and more of like, I'm I'm going towards something. And moving forward at least even if it's you know, an unknown place that I'm going or even if it's slower than I wanted. At least I was taking steps towards, you know, figuring out what I was gonna do once I leave this office job that I didn't like there's so much power and progress right and seeing progress because what that then does is now it gives us some hope so as you go through that I didn't hear that you're like, hey, there's some there's some hope now there's some progress there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's I'm not running towards who I'm not I'm running towards who I am and it may not be like the Band-Aid off. I'm in LA tomorrow, but you're making progress there that right. There is that's inspirational because I'm probably seems like a ways away you were working your butt off at that time. So that's pretty awesome. And I'm so happy everyone gets to hear that especially given to where you are today. Let's talk a little bit about validating skills walk us through your validation process for those of us listening thinking. Okay. I think I don't passionate about this. I want to step into it. How should I validate? Sure. Yeah, I mean it just sort of if you are enjoying the work of your inspired by it. There's a little bit of validation in and of itself and then so I think that's first and it's still hard to you know have that self validation without other people telling you or any monetary success, but for me, I mean I started doing local theater after you know some months and I took some acting classes in college and I was doing all the Improv classes, but man I had a really good gig and a local Teti. I did the theater production of A Few Good Men and it was so great. It was the camaraderie that I felt in sports. It was you know Live Theater it was exhilarating that like shook me to my core with with how much satisfaction I got with that. So and I didn't I probably got paid nothing for that. But then you know, I do this commercial and I get paid more in one day from that commercial and I have in a week of working in this office job and it's like, whoa, what's going on here? I needed to see some some money. From this before I took it to the next level. I really did but that combined with the feelings. I got after a theater production were great. So it it just depends on how you operate and I had to figure that out. You know, how much am I going to go all in with this before? I haven't a certain amount of safety and validation and I think that's different for everybody. This is building up its build up to the full time moved to LA and I cannot wait it cannot wait to hear about this. So you have some proof you got some pretty Oof internally, you got some social proof externally. You're feeling good. You got some hope you're making progress still working your job before we just jump out to LA. I think there's some things that we should probably talk about that. Most people would have to discuss we talked about a little bit earlier how you really felt you wanted to follow a certain path because of your dad specifically and a lot of people have loved ones that they're really looking up to. How did that conversation go that conversation was tough. Like I said, I'm I'm gonna go to LA to do. This to be an actor and and you know, his reaction was concerned and I don't I don't blame them but it was it was hard man. I just wanted him to say like you go go for it. Like I'll support you how I can and it just didn't work out that way and it was it was like a gut-wrenching conversation to have to have it was hard to do and honestly my mom and dad they weren't discouraging they really weren't they just they had genuine natural concerns for their son making this major life and career change. And so, you know, of course when I say I wanted them to fully support me and encourage me and would have loved to heard. Wow. This is great. Go for it. We have no Like that's just isn't realistic and and honestly know if I were to do it over I would have probably communicated better with them and let them in more on this is what I wanted to do and maybe they would have given me a little bit more support and I think my girlfriend and now my wife at the time was really the only one I truly confided in and she was fully supportive and on board and that was hugely important for me and then my parents were accepting of It ultimately and they you know, they helped me financially to give me a little bit of a cushion. No, I made the trip out to LA. At one point my brother lived in San Diego. So I would visit him. I went there and took a bunch of meetings and did workshops and casting director interviews and all that and my mom actually help me pay for that. So, you know that there was that sense of willingness to help at least which was important and those meetings were important because I was assigned and I got him encouragement and then I started getting more support from my friends once I opened up and you know, so ultimately he had these Life Changes in these conversations there. They're difficult to have but there are people out there that will support you and I wouldn't be in LA right now and certainly would have been able to stay if it wasn't for for the the love and support of my wife and then out the believe my parents as well. Yeah, I think that's so important because nobody succeeds alone. It really does take a lot of people to come around you and sometimes Joe just takes time. Right it takes some as we talked about some proof to be able to show what you're doing. And I think that's probably what you experience there with your parents and like you said if you were to let them in earlier, what would that look like? I It you sharing that and I think it's so important for everybody to hear that. Hey, maybe sharing my dream isn't the worst thing. In fact, maybe I can get some affirmation. So there's a lot to be learned from that. So let's talk about Lala because this is just a whole nother world. I mean you've grown a ton to this point going back to not being a part of the theater at all Arts, but identifying things building up proof. We talked about a 10-year period at one point you ramp it up your in Boston working a full-time job doing theater at night you Get a trip out there and get some validation from some of the talent out there. Go back say hey, I'm making this move for good you are in La what is going through your mind at this point man? I walk into a casting office and not on the national movie star. Yes, we all know no, no that is not. I am immediately going out on auditions. Luckily and I just had a sort of like a grace period that I allowed myself to have Have and I got really lucky and that time I booked a couple National commercials some good print jobs just because I think I was kind of free. I opened myself up to like this is new. I'm going to try to just get acclimated to the city. I like got a life coach, which is something I had never heard of before. I don't know what brought me to that started making just some different like wellness changes in my life and just trying to focus on getting my feet under me and then I got lucky with some gigs and sort of met some people from the Aaron was enough highs to kind of get me through the eventual like sort of low periods that there would be definitely was not all gravy but it started out enough to give me confidence to ride that RollerCoaster. I was going to say that's a that's a big deal that point couple things. You mentioned their Wellness changes. What were some of the wellness changes you made? Yeah. I mean this life coach had me doing meditations and visualization exercises and breath work stuff and I End up joining a meditation Studio. I don't know if they have those yet where you have but their booming out here and then New York and I know there are some and so just kind of try and all yet helped yet just and then I was in acting classes and everything started to kind of align like there are parallels between what I was learning and doing and displeased great acting schools that I was in and this sort of Wellness work that I was doing on the side. There was a lot of connections and parallels that just made things click for me and I'm just like I Not someone who's just some free spirit like I need a certain amount of structure. I need to have some stability and this is a not a very stable career. So developing patterns and habits that I can Implement into my daily life that will just kind of affect my overall well-being was something that was really important and that's honestly something that helped me make the move over here. Like I know I needed a change deep down and obviously to be doing what I'm doing as an actor and writer the Los Angeles is the mecca, but it Was warm weather and palm trees and well just to kind of escape and sort of work on myself was almost as important to me as coming here to be an actor or a writer and luckily like I thought it would it just started aligning and there was a lot of correlation between the wellness work. I was doing in my acting work and I just knew that my life was changing. I have not done a ton of meditating, but I've heard nothing but great things about it and you love it. What do you love about I do I mean, I'm I'm a heavy person. I'm a competitive person that played Sports and sometimes it worked well for me, but sometimes it just doesn't and you need to what meditation does for me is it creates more space in between those thoughts because we have like 60 to 80 thousand hundred thousand thoughts a day, but meditation brings me to the present moment and creates more space and with more space comes best kind of where the Magic happens and yeah, I mean there's breathwork meditation. There's visualization exercises. Do you visualize these parts that you're going to get? Yeah. Absolutely. I can't tell you how many times I've like sat down and and it can be broad or specific like I've sometimes said like okay. I want you know, this this audition for an HBO show or can be a specific show or it can be I want more. I just want more peace in my life. Whatever it is. It could be brought or really And then just sitting into that visualizing it feeling it. How would you how would you walk I would you breathe if you've had that thing already go out there like you have that already and that'll allow you to operate from a place of of having already and not you know needing and not desperation and it'll Kickstart things and then you'll be surprised what the universe throws back at you. I love it, man. What you're talking about is scientifically based like there are facts out there and you can even go to some of the best most highly soul. Old books of all time The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey. And one of those is begin with the end in mind. He says all things are created mentally first and then physically so what he's saying is you have to visualize what that endgame go looks like and then you put first things first on okay. What am I going to do to get there? It's crazy what's happened with calling in some of the stuff and the opportunities I've gotten but sometimes I get that these opportunities that you know, I visualize and and Go in and we'll find you unprepared. I thought and then I blow it and it's all a whole other trend of thought of what happened that and you see man. It's it's it's tough. It's something that is learned and practiced. I think through the work I've done I'm able to bounce back a little quicker, but then it becomes relative depending on you know, how big this project might be or this role. I mean I'll I say a month ago. Maybe not even I had a big opportunity that I blew and I sat in my car and I cried like I haven't cried in a while and maybe I just needed to let it out and cry and you try to search for the lessons and that and that you've learned there's always and you just want to you know, slam your hand on the steering wheel and say screw that like I was ready to should have been my thing. Why do I have to learn any more lessons and it's hard. It's like I don't I'm not Out here just like, you know walking on clouds like it is tough and it's just a hole. It's a whole other process to deal with and I think you know, I just get back to work and I try to find the joy again and okay, even if I'm just working on an audition for like an acting class or if I get another audition like it just passes and you know that it passes and before, you know, I would have probably like had this rumination for weeks or you know a month after When something like that, and now that time is maybe you know three or four days or maybe it's a day, you know, it just doesn't help me to take it into the next auditioner to the next opportunity and that's something I wouldn't have even said before without kind of just trying to make these changes in the way I think and live and you know to toss there's no you know, there's no getting around it. That's tough. But it passes and move on to the next thing. I think that's a huge call out right there is it's not easy rejection is not easy in any any aspect of life, especially in a row like yours where I'm sure you are emotionally in it. I mean you that we could talk about the preparation process. I'm actually curious about that. But then you face this rejection and Tech what happens next and I think there is value in grief. I think there is value and just like let it out. That was not what I planned. It didn't go to my blueprint. I didn't visualize that but then you just kind of like you said two to three days after four days, but you start to find joy in that and I just love that you say that because It goes back to the very purpose of our conversation here today, which is find your passion because that's going to help you in so many ways and one of them could be dealing with rejection. I want to talk a little bit about the audition process. I mean you've been in we mentioned it a little bit earlier some really cool roles and your time out there talk us through what that process looks like. Sure. I mean, it's it's not foolproof and it's not the same every time I mean, I'll have sometimes I get an audition where I have two weeks to prep and times I get not dissing where I have two hours to prep. So for me, it's training. I mean I have had a lot of training been in some really good acting skills out here and you know, it's been over five years now, it feels like a full college education and acting so I feel like I just have tools for myself that I use to implement in my prep. So, you know, I'll get a script and I'll break it down and like a certain four step process that I learned that really works for me. I'll end up kind of working on it maybe with Mother is close to me and some of my acting class or even my wife is really helpful with all that and then you know, just get it in, you know, get the lines in get it in my body enough to feel confident and then just try to relax. I've been I've been talking a lot about you know work hard or you know, push and push like there's I don't mean it to be like you have to like put so much effort and or struggle or work. It's almost the opposite sometimes where you have to like let go and give it space and and take a step back like the hard work is great. The preparation is great. But there's a certain amount of trust. You know that I'm enough that I'm this character that I'm whatever industry, you know, you're in there's a there's a confidence level in a trust where you just pull back and let it open up for you and in really not push almost like kind of make it as effortless as possible and have some some he's so I've talked a lot about hard work and pushing but I don't mean to confuse that with the amount you should really trust and sort of pull back and things happen, so just kind of finding that balance for me depending on what the role is with really prepping without, you know overdoing it to the point where it becomes been authentic or where I you know don't have a certain level of freedom and play that I give myself when I go in so if it's been like a lull period for me or it's been weeks or months and something's popped and I have that desperation if I have that neediness when I go in it day smell it from a mile away and I imagine it's across the board many industry, but like I mentioned when I Is that and I say, you know what? I'm not going to not going to check my emails if I'm not getting these opportunities and I'm writing my own stuff and producing and filming and I just let go of that other stuff the other day auditions come in the opportunities come in because I let go of that desperation and I can imagine it's like I said across the board and anything if you have that sort of desperation, like people people know they could tell so yes do your prep. Yes, but find a way to you know come from a place of like already. I love that. So look at this reoccurring co-star. We talked about earlier Days of Our Lives am lead in an Amazon film guest-starred on a comedy pilot for Netflix. I mean you are you just had auditions we talked about earlier you're getting that activity you're doing a hell of a job and that's super inspiring. What are you struggling with right now? Who I mean, I still have a daily struggle of there's always something to do to be getting better. But there's also, you know a lot you can do to pull back and just a Allow yourself to live and have some space and so I struggle with you know, what to do to you know, be the most productive and what to do to be moving forward the fastest or and I struggle with honestly, like if I don't feel fulfilled in a day like that, you know, I have trouble enjoying the simple things like socially going out or even going out to dinner with my wife or even having a hangout where we're just watching a movie. I feel like I didn't I didn't do it. For I didn't so it's a struggle, you know, maintaining that balance of you know, what can I be doing versus like maybe you can relax a little bit and certainly not talking about, you know, complacency or just contentment but you know allowing yourself to be present myself. I should say and enjoy those times even if I don't feel like I've earned it. I think that's that's something that a lot of high Achievers that are listening right now, which most of our listeners are if not all feel that. That same that same type of should I be doing more right? And like I said making the move out here was yes for my career, but as much of a lifestyle changes anything and my wife ended up moving here to she wasn't my wife at the time but like thank God that happened because we love our life here and we were so happy here. And even if I'm struggling in my career or an audition doesn't go well or you know, whatever. It may be. I love my life here and those moments are The moments that should keep you going and not like moments like, you know with friends or significant other whoever, you know, that's just as much of a part of me being here loving what I'm doing and where I'm living and how I'm living as anything so, you know to be careful not to make that passion or that dream, you know for me is acting or writing everything I had an analogy wants to know is talking about just trying to balance everything in life from career to relationships. To finances to spirituality and it said, you know pretend you're juggling you may have heard this before and all of your balls that you're struggling or rubber, but there's some certain glass ones. If you drop those they could shatter and the career the acting of it you drop that you don't get your part. Guess what that bounces back up. It's a rubber ball, but you drop the relationship ball that could shatter you drop the ball where maybe you're not, you know connected with your kids that could shatter now. You can put those back together but it takes time effort and sometimes they can't be put back together. And I think that's a constant reminder that I have for myself because the reality is and the grand scheme of things when you pull yourself out of all of the you know in the weeds and how caught up you can get in the process most of those things. If not, all of them can bounce back just make sure you take care of the ones that could shatter completely and for what it's worth. My parents have visited a number of times and they're so supportive now. And they understand the way things go now and the amount of I mean, they love my wife too which helps she's the best and the way they see us living our lives and the happiness that we have, you know compared to how I felt earlier and it's just undeniable. So, you know that apprehension at first that they felt towards my move or that I felt telling them about it is men's over time with either success or with just the level of happiness that in energy that you live your life with the life out here is it Is what I've hoped it would be and they are happy because they see that too. So that is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing that let's go ahead and wrap things up here today what I want to make sure that our audience can do is find you you're continuing to produce work. That's out there. I know you got it on YouTube and Instagram. So where is the best place for our audience to find your work that you continue to create? Yeah. It's just my first and last name everywhere pretty much. So on Instagram and Twitter at Josie umbrella same on IMDb you Can see you know credits and clips Joe is where I have stuff as well. And yeah Hey Joe. Thanks so much for joining us here today. This is an inspiration to me to so many people out there. I just to look at the blueprint that you've laid out in the path that you have taken to get to where you are. Today is incredible you're an inspiration to so many. So thank you Joe for sharing your story with us and being with us here today. Thanks Ryan. I'll say this just pay attention to your intuition. And there's some great stuff that can happen. I saw a tweet from Jeremy Piven like maybe four years or three years ago when I was in a little bit of a lull and it just said embrace the journey and that hit me so hard. I just needed to see that at that time. So just kind of keep your, you know, keep your eyes open for a little things like that and the other day I did cryotherapy with Jeremy Piven. I was in the same no way cryotherapy tank and like past him and we had a little conversation and I'm just Like thank you for that. I didn't say this but in my head I'm like thank you for that tweet. You sent out a couple of years ago that was super helpful to me more than you can ever know it, you know little things like that look for those synchronicities. And yeah, that's all it is. Go get it. You heard it the joy is in the journey. Gotta go get it. Let's go. Hey, thanks so much. I appreciate it. How about that from Joe Shambala? Hey, I am inspired. I hope you're inspired as well. You look at somebody like Joe who is living his passion right now. Wasn't easy you heard what he went through there was fear there was doubt there was uncertainty Judgment at times but he persevered through that and he is right where he wants to be. It's not easy. You heard some of the struggles that he goes through to this day. But you also sense the joy in his voice how much he loves his life and what he is doing who he is being. Hey, if you listen to this and you thought this has helped me so much or you have somebody in mind that you think it'll help please share it with them. M share it on your social media tag me in it at Ryan Borowski and I'll repost it and if you're listening on iTunes, it would mean so much if you could leave us a five star review write a comment about how this interview has helped you. I would love to hear it and that'll also help our podcasts grow so we can continue to inspire and encourage even more people to live a life like Joe a life that is passionate and on purpose rise up.
It's our first interview ever!!! Somebody somewhere is depending on you to do what you were called to do and it’s important you do it even if it doesn’t feel like it’s possible. Joe Chambrello is an actor and writer who is a recurring co-star on the renowned soap opera Days of Our Lives, a lead in an independent film for Amazon titled, “The Fast and the Fierce,” he guest-starred on a comedy pilot for Netflix alongside Frankie Muniz playing, “Doctor Scott” and co-starred on Conan O’Brien’s show doing sketches with Deon Cole. What’s more impressive than all of his accolades is his journey to Hollywood. In this interview Joe shares how he discovered his passion despite not growing up around the arts. He discusses the struggles he had sharing that passion with others and his fear and doubts he had when he made the move from his corporate sales job to Hollywood. Not only is Joe’s story inspiring, but he also reveals actionable steps that you can implement to accomplish exactly what you want in life right now. Please SHARE, REVIEW, and REPOST to spread the word about making your PASSION your work!
Welcome to the teachers on fire podcast where I profile agents of growth and transformation in education today. Each gas shares their hives their lows their passions their goals and the resources that are shaping their thinking and inspiring their practice for show notes and links from each episode visit teachers on fire dotnet. You can also follow the show at teachers on fire on Twitter Instagram Facebook and more and of course, please subscribe to this show wherever you are listening right now. I'm your host Tim KV. Let's meet today's guests. Today I'm speaking with Marissa Thompson. Marissa is a mom a wife a high school English teacher professional development instructor presenter instructor at the University of San Diego a traveler and a liver of life. Love that follow Marissa on Twitter at Marissa e Thompson on Instagram at Marissa dot e dot Thompson and on her blog at unlimited, and we're going to come back to that blog shortly. Sir, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Are you ready to talk education? Always? All right. Well, I like that. Why don't you start by telling us a little bit more about your current context? What does that look like for you on a daily basis? So it's just changed recently in the last year. I decided to go for a dream that I've been playing with and right now I am a part-time teacher a part-time I guess instructional coach, but I call myself teacher support. Okay, and then also do some work with the University of San Diego at the Jacobs Institute and I do professional development courses for them. So a little bit of everything. Yeah that is a little bit of everything and so a really nice mix and I hope you're not finding that it's sort of a case of 40% at each that actually becomes 80 percent at each and then you're completely overtaxed and running around but I like the different venues and exposures you've obviously got right now. Well, yeah and it is it was that especially in the beginning but now that now They're gonna have gotten my feet into it's been a good six months or so of doing all of these different things. I now just feel like I'm in education, you know and people like, oh, what do you do and I used to say oh and a classroom teacher and now I'm in education because I'm in all these different roles and it's so much fun the variety. It's awesome fantastic. And you know, I keep thinking that the longer I spend an edu Twitter San Diego really is the education hotbed. So I just want to I think I eventually I'm going to have to move down there. That's all there is to it but Well Marissa, it's story time. So one thing we love to hear on the program is a little bit about one of your low moments or an experience of adversity that you face somewhere in your teaching or education career and then describe of course as well. How you overcame it? Yeah, because we all have those moments right? So I had a very clear vision of the kind of teacher that I wanted to be and so much of that came from Hollywood, right all those movies that we always Watch especially before the beginning of the school year to get inspired and I realized a few years in that. I was not the teacher that I had intended to be and I kind of fell into a Groove. I fell into a rut and I decided really after about seven years that I needed to leave the classroom. And so I was going I was going of all things inspirational to become a corporate trainer and I ended up not doing that and for personal reasons, like I knew that soon I will be starting a family and it was more Logistics than anything but I realized that I needed to change some things in order to just like my job on a daily basis. I love my students, but I didn't like my job. And so I just I ended up having this idea and it was just it wasn't anything big. I saw it on Pinterest. It was flexible seating and I went into a I didn't know super well, and I pitched this idea to him and he said great. Go do it and I just had never I never anticipated that that anyone would say yes to an idea that I had because I had always heard, you know from Educators everywhere like oh they don't let you try anything. They don't you do anything. They don't say, yes, they don't and that was definitely not the experience. And then as soon as I heard my first yes, that was it and I knew that I could go in with an idea and I could get support if I had thought it through and if I had energy behind it, and if I had already considered some of the obstacles And some of the solutions I knew I would get a yes. So that was really it that started like a seven-year free-for-all for me. It was so much fun. Yeah, that's such a powerful story because you got that green light and like you said it took you by surprise and then that in turn sort of gave you momentum right to try other things and a gave you that encouragement. I mean that's really a case of inertia and momentum I think is the point I'm trying to make so So administrators listening out there when you think about that teacher that educator who comes to you with a brilliant plan or some kind of it might not be brilliant. It might be low level whatever it is. Think about the further implications down the road of how you may set that teacher on fire with a yes. Yes. Well Marissa's got great pictures of her classroom and videos on her Twitter and Instagram feed. So make sure you drop by there. I do want to go to tqe and I'll set this up a little bit and Marissa, I as it just As it so happens. I am just now getting into an eighth grade literature Circle Unit. Let's Circle Unit with my students and I love what you've developed by way of the tqe method something that you wrote about at length in a 20-18 blog post called work killing the love of reading but here's an easy way to fix it. And of course, I've heard so many great reviews. So this is the year. I have to give it a try as a teacher looking for Less packaged QA and interested in more organic and Gage. Judgment and Analysis with text in my English class room. What do I need to know about tqe? I think the best thing to know is that they're going to be growing pains for you and for the students but they're gonna go away and the more that you practice it and the more that you train with it. It'll take a few weeks and then it'll take off it'll take off and it is such a joy. It's less work for you and for the students, so the stress level comes down everyone starts to feel really safe. In the space and you start having those authentic conversations about literature like you have in college that I mean, it's really that in-depth and so a lot of teachers have taken it ran with it tweaked it, you know applying different practices that they've you know used in other classes or other content areas or whatever and it's being used from elementary school through grad school in all sorts of subjects. Not just English and that really Prized me, but I think it's clear that everybody has a thought about whatever it is that they're taking in everyone has something to offer back and so giving people that space and that time and that language and that culture really to go ahead and start sharing ideas. They'll find the joy in that and it'll start to build on itself. So it started with tqe and then it has now I don't want to say infected because how negative is that but it's it's Affected every other part of teaching for me and every other part of the aspects of my classroom my students. It's everything it connects. So well with other great pedagogical principles like inquiry and we're trying to move into that higher level thinking right away from the low-level formulaic literature approaches that we grew up with and I was just thinking listening to you and and all of that was music to my ears. I realized we probably left some Educators in the day. Dust so I should back up and just say TQ E stand for thoughts question epiphanies and if you can picture now you correct me here, but if you can picture students and reading and analyzing texts on their own in advance and then during dedicated class time sharing these thoughts questions and epiphanies at white boards typically and then engaging organically from there. Do I have that right here? Darn close? Yeah, so they interact with the text on their own. I don't have You know make these particular symbols. I don't have lists of questions. I start with some questions to kind of get them to the kind of thinking that I want but they take their annotations on their own they come in with their own thoughts their own lingering questions our own epiphanies about life or Humanity whatever and then they get into a small group for 15 minutes discuss those things and then they curate that discussion and the top two thoughts or whatever comes out of that discussion that goes on the board and becomes our class Focus. That's the part I was Is missing so thank you for that. So Marissa a follow-up is this whole business of assessment because we know that assessment drives learning and so many ways. So I'm sure you've had this question many times as a teacher. How are you offering feedback? Are you looking for quantity of contributions quality or other factors that I'm not thinking of so quantity is really important, right? Because I need the students to participate but I'm not assessing them on that participation. I'm assessing them on two things. Which is what I would assess them for for, you know list of questions or quizzes or novel test, you're looking for reading comprehension first and foremost, right? When one of our major standards, but then also author's purpose right? Can you analyze a choice that an author made and tell me how that affects the message that they're trying to convey? Because if you can do those two things my reading standards are hit right? So I'm looking for those two things constantly. But I give myself and I give my students multiple days to prove to me their skills. So when I look at you know, standards-based grading or skills based grading. I'm looking for those two skills, but I need it to be consistency. If I'm going to call you a master, then you can do that on a regular basis. So as soon as I feel that I've got that for this particular book and this particular students, you know, this particular student reading comprehension and analytical thought I'm done. New I can move on to somebody else. Thank you so much. I this might end up getting played in my class this week. So I thank you so much. What a privilege. And again, I'm so grateful for this podcast to be able to connect with you. Well Marissa as you look across your pln and your own practice today, what else is setting you on fire about education, you know, just last week my students did a TED Talk style speeches, right? So not a perfected formal speech, but what do You think communicate it to your intended audience? That's us and we explored the concepts of happiness and success and the first student that got up and we had practice two weeks, you know, we've written it studied things. This kid gets up and he goes, I'm really nervous because I haven't practiced this I had a thought last night and I don't want to tell you my plan speech. I want to tell you about what I realized last night and so he just speaks from his heart and you could see the nerves on the kid. The class erupts in clapping all clapping and just freaking out all of a sudden kid after kid after kid every student came up and said, okay. I liked what he said. I'm gonna it made me think about this and so I'm getting rid of my speech to everyone just all of a sudden start speaking from their heart in the moment one kid one student even raised her hand and goes can I go again? Because I wanted to see this other thing. It's like I've all the times that we you know prepare kids for how much You know anxiety they feel for getting up in public speaking, right? It's getting up and speaking in front of each other. They it was so fun because they were like we're vibing right now and I'm like, yeah, I don't actually use that term but you're right you are and yeah, if you want to get up again, go ahead so really allowing students to be vulnerable and speak from their soul to each other is always going to get authenticity from the listeners as well. And so there's great respect there. But I've been working right now in some other venues solving those really massive education problems teacher burnout or teacher shortage a lack of creativity and just really or even like support for veterans. We support our new teachers, but once you get past what five years how much support is there really, you know, you even have to fight to go and search out some PD opportunities. Unity's so really finding a way to channel that energy identify those issues and then find a way to kind of hack away at it. All of that is sounding amazing Marissa. I think you might be my new best friend in edgy Twitter because we've got TED Talks coming up here shortly again in my eighth grade practice and spoken word poetry slams in April. So I love the sound of everything you're dropping over there. Yeah. Well Marissa, how are you looking to grow professionally and improve your practice this year? For 2020 or maybe in a coming school year. Can you share with us about a specific professional goal or maybe a project that you're currently working on? Yeah, so that's tough. Right because I'm in different Realms. So I'm in three places. So one of the things that I'm trying to do in my classroom, I work in a traditional space and so my school year is divvied up by five class novels and I want to break away from that you sometimes I'll get into like a lit Circle, but I would love to be able to I'd literary Freedom. You know, we know it works. We know it's good for kids we but I also want to make sure that we're still having that shared that connected experience and providing that space to have those discussions because I think that's everything and right now that's centered around my literature. So I'm trying to figure out a way to do that. What else? Oh my teacher support. I'm trying to do a bunch of two-minute mini tutorials, right? You just need that little bit of a taste of an idea. So that you can run with something else just that little spark. And so I'm making those in my teacher support role and now I'm working I'm designing some courses right now for the Jacobs Institute at USD and I'm trying to use inspiration from everyday experiences or big experiences. Like my family just got back from three days at Disneyland and I'm going to be designing courses at Disneyland. So we would all go together have this shared experience and then come back and do a workshop. Shop and and work through it and people would get certified and educational Innovation educational imaginary so lots of little things going on, but it's fun. You know, it's exciting. That is super cool. Well Marissa, we also on the show. I like to pull back the curtains and find out a little bit more about what ignites your passions when you leave the classroom or you leave the campus. So tell us about another area of learned for you what brings you alive as a human being and really attracts more learning. Outside of Education man, I love that question my ultimate passion in life besides my family and I'm a mom of two young kids. I've got a six-year-old daughter and a four-year-old son. So that's always an adventure and inspiring and really transfers to education for me, especially my interactions with my students and with their parents, but my ultimate passion is travel. I love to travel I grew up traveling and my family was not well off at all, but my mom worked for the Airlines and so starting at nine years old. I was traveling internationally. So I met somewhere over 20 countries and I'm going through withdrawals right now because I can't travel with my little ones yet. I don't want the funds to be able to make that happen. But that's me. I've taken students internationally as well to Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Peru Greece turkey, and that's where my heart is. So if anybody just has like Billions of dollars or if you know if I ever win a lottery all I want to do I want to set up a scholarship program to send kids out of their bubble. Right go see other cultures go see other lands go see other things because there's only good that can come from that. That's my world amazing. I'm with you and I hear you on the funds to that's the curse of reading a lot but living on a teacher's salary. So we do have to be well versed it's time for your quick picks here. We want to know the education voice. Aces and resources that are shaping your practice and inspiring you're thinking today. So starting at Twitter tell us about someone we should follow their and sure why they've been inspiring you lately Julia fliss. Yes. Julia place is amazing out of Colorado and I got connected to her through Tiki we through Twitter and just the work that she does with her students is Soulful and it's big picture and everything is possible and just the enthusiasm and the optimism That's coming out of there. She just radiates it and I've never even met her like I just she's someone that you need to follow everyone needs to follow her, but she makes me feel good about being a teacher and being a person and working with people. She is she is what I need. She's strengthens me and I love that about her. Hmm. I'm working on a day and time for a chat with her as well. So that's a great preview. Okay point us to an ed Tech Tool that you currently love using in your Your classroom or somewhere else perhaps in your professional practice Yeah, so I actually do presentations on this. There's something called Pro keys and I know that Google has kind of done something with this where you can tailor your own short Keys, you know, you use control C to copy Ctrl V to paste. You can create your own and it will populate a comment or information. So especially as an English teacher I've cut down on my grading exponentially. So last year, I went from a hundred and sixty hours of grading essays at home to four hours. Everything's in class A hundred percent. I haven't taken any grading home this year and my students are better for it because everything is done together, authentically self-assessment peer assessment. I assess with them we talk about it. It's changed a lot for me and it's just a really simple tool to use and that's on the blog as well if anybody needs help, but be happy to help but That has changed my teacher life. Well, well, well, you just got the attention of every English teacher out there Marissa. So thank you for that. And we're going to cut this short a little bit from my usual but tell us about book that's been deeply impactful. So especially as an English teacher, right? That's a hard question, right? Oh, yeah. I love to teach East of Eden East of Eden is a big deal Tim Shaw course, but Fahrenheit 451, I think it's something that we all kind of know and remember. Just all those those themes of creativity and thought and connectedness and emotion and personal drive and collaboration and free thinking and even education's in there, which is really fun to read about the way that he's in that world. And I just I love the idea that he's breaking out despite all possible repercussions that it's possible and it's good and there's a better world. Even if it's a little bit harder I Think that that effort is worth it and I think Fahrenheit really embodies that and communicates that so well during I was one of those classic reads that was on my list forever. I finally got to a last year and wow absolutely loved it. So I'm with you on that one. I have to ask you just because I was tweeting about this this morning. Are you analog only when it comes to the book reading or are you have you got a little bit of the Kindle Kobo going as well? I like to turn the pages. I like the smell of a book. You know, I but as long as the same thing for my students if you want to read my Kindle great if you want to listen to an audiobook great. It's at Fahrenheit says this, you know, you need quality information and time to think about it, but it doesn't say you need a page. It doesn't say you need to screen. It doesn't say any of that. It's it's about the people the time you get and the depth of your conversation with each other. That's what it's about. That's a perfect note to end on Marissa. What are the best ways for the listeners to? Follow you and find out more about what it is that you're about. Well, yeah you listed at the beginning. So I am on Twitter Marissa e Thompson and then Instagram Marissa dot e dot Thompson and my blog is unlimited, but I also use the hashtags tqe course because that gets a lot of play and we discuss a lot of things that I also use the hashtag unlimited teacher. So even if you just search unlimited teacher, you'll find me. No problem. Sounds good. Again, I want to thank you so much for sharing your time with a podcast today. This has been fun. It's been enlightening. It's been super helpful for me personally and professionally and I so appreciate your time today. So take care and let's talk again soon. Thanks, Tim. Take care. Before we sign off today. I'd like to share some highlights from around the teachers on fire Community this week. Our first stop is on Twitter. And first, I need to set up a little bit of a thread their former guest of teachers on. On fire and friend Scott Nunes at mr. Nunes teach kicked it off with a tweet that red principles are the formula for success and Scott attributed the quote to at Ray. Dalio learning from at Gary Vee. And of course, he included a picture or a screenshot from the Gary Vee podcast. It's actually called the garyvee audio experience. If you don't know who Gary Vee is just stay with me. I replied to that tweet for a kid who failed at the game of school. Gary Vee has done more to teach and Inspire others than most teachers will ever do courage creativity content patience persistence. I like what he's about and then other friends jumped into the thread at Jeff gargas at Jake Miller Tech and others and Gary Vee responded. He tweeted this is humbling to read. Thank you for your kindness Gary's content comes with a language warning and his style isn't For everyone but as I wrote in my tweet his vision for the ability, we all have to share ideas and content resonates with our professional practice. The old Gatekeepers of media networks. And Publishers are dying this podcast is evidence of that as Gary would say we are living in the absolute greatest time in history to share art and creative ideas. And that is a message I seek to bring to my learner's each and every week and so yeah, Gary Vee is not an educator, but He makes my Twitter highlight of the week. He does have two point 1 million followers. So to get a reply in that thread was pretty awesome. Thanks again to Scott Nunes at mr. Nunes teach for starting those great comments next over on Instagram. Lisa Johnson at note Chef for you commented. This looks fantastic. Can't wait to listen in response to my post about episode 116 with guest Caitlin Krause Thank you Lisa. Shh for that and to all of you who have read viewed light retweeted commented or replied in any way to my content on any of these platforms. Thank you. You are the fuel to my fire and I so appreciate your support over on YouTube. I've started vlogging this year. It's still scary new territory for me, but it is happening this week. I published 12 Google Classroom strategies that you should start using today. Make sure you drop by my channel by searching teachers on fire on YouTube and Find me I also want to shout out the lovely teachers on fire Magazine on medium where I think we broke a record with nine published posts. They included two by dr. Deborah. Ambereen who wrote the Contemporary face of family engagement in the digital age and a glimpse at Family engagement and education Brad Davis wrote three posts how to manage everything and still love teaching kids a realistic conversation of the ways. We balance all of life's. Ponce abilities while maintaining our passion and fire. He also wrote a place for everything and everything in its place where he talked about the necessity of teaching those organization skills to our digital Natives and he published how to teach a middle schooler to ignore a bully Caitlin Giordano published turned off the scoreboard where she asks what exactly is the purpose of grading with points and percentages. I wrote as I mentioned on the Vlog. I also blogged a piece. Old 12 Google Classroom strategies to start using today. Those are not research those come directly from my own practice. So check out what I am doing on classroom Debbie Tannenbaum wrote two new pieces one titled start right now promoting Vision where she talks about how being a connected educator has truly changed her life and challenge 21 days later where she talks about her progress with her one word 2020, which was of course challenge. The teachers on fire magazine is a medium. Publication and you'll find it on or through the medium app. If you're already an education blogger, you should consider joining our growing writing team. You can continue to publish content on your own blog and you keep full credit and ownership of your content on medium and the medium platform compensates you based on the engagement and read time your articles earned their message me at teachers on fire on any social media platform for more details. I want to leave you with this quote from my reading Teachers on fire comes from a book called lunch using design thinking to boost creativity and bring out the maker in every student. It's written by AJ Giuliani at AJ Giuliani and John Spencer at Spencer ideas and the quote reads this way in our experience when students are thinking creatively they are fully engaged in their learning. I think the point there is to think about the difference in learning actual learning when students are creating something versus when they they are listening and absorbing that Act of Creation demands more requires more and I think that's what the authors are pointing to again the quote in our experience when students are thinking creatively they are fully engaged in their learning again. I'm your host Tim KV, and I'm so grateful that you decided to spend some of your day listening to this podcast. I hope that in some way the content you heard from Marissa Thompson ignited you're thinking and inspired your practice and I'll meet you next. Week right here on the teachers on fire podcast. Take care and have a great week.
MARISA THOMPSON is a mom, wife, HS English teacher, professional development facilitator, instructor at the University of San Diego, traveler, and a liver of life! Marisa has done a lot of work on something called the TQE Method, a process that leads students through the generation of Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies gleaned from their reading of texts and is followed by organic engagement and further exploration of those ideas. It’s a marked departure from traditional comprehension exercises and allows for deeper level thinking and higher engagement. If the TQE Method is new to you or if you’d like to learn more, make sure to visit her blog at Follow Marisa … On Twitter @MarisaEThompson ( On Instagram @marisa.e.thompson ( On her blog at Connect with the Teachers on Fire podcast on social media: On Twitter: On Instagram: On Facebook: On LinkedIn: On The Teachers on Fire Magazine: On YouTube: Song Track Credits Sunrise Drive by South London Hifi* Anthem by The Grand Affair* *courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library at Bluntedsesh4 (by Tha Silent Partner, courtesy of --- Support this podcast:
Just wanted to take a brief moment to give you guys a little idea how we do it here at paddle and fin podcast. We use the anchor dot f m-- recording platform super easy distributes our podcast too many many different platforms. There's creation tools to allowed you to record and edit podcast right from your phone or a computer check out anchor dot f m orDownload the free anchor app to get started. Welcome. Welcome to the pedal and fan pod cast this is the best fishing for noobs today. I'm interviewing one of our own. Mr. Braddock's a dozen today buddy. Good man. How you doing? I'm doing good. I'm excited about about this new opportunity. I'm getting here, you know all y'all inviting me on to do my own segment on here. Yeah, we're excited to man. It's awesome. This things blowing up. It really is like paddling fin take over here. Yeah. I'm excited for it. But Brad's going to come on today and he's going to talk about how that and talk about. What ChatterBait which is a newer lure in my Arsenal. I don't know a whole lot about it. It's gonna give us a little insight about that. And he's going to talk about River fishing, which I haven't done a whole lot of so that also be pretty educational for me. So either ones fine with me. I mean, I have a little bit expect the ChatterBait so I could just share a little bit of what I've learned this year from it. So just whatever you want to know. Well, yeah to me. It is a ChatterBait basically like a jig with a little little blade on it. I guess you can call it. Yeah, I was thinking about this earlier today because I kind of had a feeling that something you would want to talk about. So the I look at the ChatterBait as a like a swim jig type thing, but with something that like I mix it vibrate the blade. Makes it vibrate. So it's basically a swim jig. So anywhere you would throw a swim jig. You're going to want to throw a Chatterbait. Okay, say I don't have a whole lot of experience with swim jigs. These are like football head jig. Ziz. What up their own mostly whenever I'm using a jig, but I haven't used a whole lot of variety of jigs. So what what kind of colors are you looking for? Whenever you're like picking a swim jig. It depends on water Clarity, honestly, if I'm fishing Clearwater, I'm going to throw more natural colors, obviously because Those fish there they're looking for something that looks natural and that clear watery. It's hard to like disguise the bait. So you got to make it look as natural as possible. And then the the more stained you go throughout the water column the more like darker colors, you can use and you can get away with using like chartreuse colors and orange black and blue, of course in Muddy Waters, which I've been killing it and Muddy Waters with black and blue this year. Uh, no just regular black. Yeah. I mean, I'll Junebug color stained muddy water. So that's another good one. Water thing. That's a good mental note right there because it's been raining so much this Summer that the water has been basically staying muddy around here. Like I don't know it's crazy. How much rain we've gotten for summertime that we haven't had a drought at all. Oh, yeah. See, it's funny. You mentioned that too because we've we've had Lakes and rivers flooded almost all year round up until maybe the end of June but these these bodies of water. They've just been really muddy and really really staying so I've been throwing that black and blue quite a bit this year and having a lot of success. I've learned a lot this year just from fishing Muddy Waters alone. It's kind of forced me to get out of my comfort zone and try to learn more about it, but Yeah, that that black and blue ChatterBait and Muddy Waters. It's been killer. I've won a tournament off of it this year. Like I was the only guy to catch a limit that day and the the water you could not see you couldn't even see an inch down into the water. So it was that it was that dirty. So I guess I've been kind of I've been kind of blessed with the water being muddy because I've just just because of the stuff I've learned from it. So it's just been a crazy year. Yeah, the you know, I have a hard time because like I don't even have a depth finder on my kayak and so, you know Clearwater you can kind of see you know, what's down in the water. Sometimes you can see the fish or whatever, but when it's muddy water. You can't really see anything down there. So unless you know the water real well and know where structure is down there and stuff you it's yours. It's a suit in the dark. Yeah, you just it definitely is. I mean, I'm not real big deep fisherman guy. I don't really know how to read it like Tronics very well either. So when I'm throwing that ChatterBait, I'm looking for structure, right? The bank I'm looking for. I don't know. I don't a 65 feet deep water. You can see weeds coming up to the surface. That's where I'll be throwing the ChatterBait next to that next to lay downs next to trees, you know, any brush pile. I mean anywhere, you would throw any kind of jig basically, but I've noticed they definitely shine when you throw them near weeds. That's it. That's something I've been looking out more this Here because you know, I never really looked for weeds before this year and it's pretty sad after five years of bass fishing that I kind of avoided weeds. But to me, it was like on good just going to get hung up in that stuff like that. And so this year of I've kind of learned like no that's where the fish are going to be. You want to get in those weeds in back in the spring. I went out with some buddies and the water was real low. We're in this with because Stewart's Creek down here kind of goes into Percy pretty slate and the water was low and there was a bunch of weeds in this area that I knew from last year was covered in water in the summertime. When the waters back up, so when I went out I went out there and back in June and I went over there to where those weeds were and I just started throwing a Whopper purple Hopper over top of them and bring them back to me and I caught a fish. So like where I was avoiding grass there was probably fists are that entire time? Yeah that they're definitely always in the grass. Gasps so throwing topwater right above that. They're always looking up. So that's that's always a good idea another good thing though when you're fishing like really thick thick weeds when you can't throw crankbaits or ChatterBait or anything another good thing to throw is a rubber worm. And what you do is Texas Rig that and then tungsten weight and Peg it with day. Powder stop so it slides right through those weeds with every little twitch right through those weeds. And then you'll just hit you'll just filled like the bass just slam it once you feel that you set the hook and pull them out. So there are there are there in those weeds, but it throughout the summer because those weeds create oxygen as well. So it's a good spot for them. Yeah, I've heard a lot of I've heard I've never heard of it before until this year like the whole bobber stop thing. Wait on a Texas Rig and I've haven't tried that yet. I need I need to try this still but I just heard about it this year. So I don't Texas Rig a whole lot of never had a whole lot of look out of it. But yeah, probably something I need to work on because it seems like it's a pretty big Staple in people's Arsenal. So yeah, I totally didn't make it one of my Texas Rig worms are one of my favorite things that throw on his really weedy. So like Berkeley Power Worm, that's probably my favorite but a lot of people like to throw the Cinco as well. So you throw one of those in the in the weeds and let it jerk through. You'll catch fish. I guarantee it. That's something like whenever I do throw a worm it's usually like a four-inch slider worm and it's on those little slider Jake. Do you know Slaughter? It's a tennessee-based company. That's not too terribly far from me. I don't know who they are. But it's the tennessee-based company. They're not too terribly far from me. But they got a like these little four inch worms and honestly, uh realtively had decent success out of that house right there. It's kind of blurry there. But yeah, I think that's that's the kind of looks like they're grubs. Yeah, it looks like a girl wouldn't let what I'm talking about. They actually have like a four-inch worm. Okay. They got a they got a color called motor oil glitter and I've had a decent amount of success on that. But uh back to the chatter base, we got a little off subject. What kind of trailer you put our you put a trailer on a ChatterBait or and if so, what kind yeah, I love throwing the z-man, you know, the the ChatterBait the z-man product. So I like to pair the z-man turbo Kroll with the z-man Chatterbait. In the that's that's been my go-to this year. I knew a lot of guys like to throw the razor shed or Chi Tech swimbaits as a trailer on the back of them, but I just can't I don't have any luck on those. So I don't throw them. I know my buddy. He he was fishing deep at the last term that we did and he was throwing the razor shed. He was letting that he was letting that uh, ChatterBait and razor-sharp. At seek all the way down to the bottom and then he would real slowly just bouncing along the bottom and that he was catching fish doing it that way too. But yeah that turbo Kroll that that's that's my favorite trailer for The ChatterBait. They would only have one ChatterBait that I bought right now. I need I need to buy some others and some different colors and stuff and I'll look into that turbo crawl whenever I do first our healer awesome. I think you only get four in a pack. But I mean those are their plastic is so tough man. You don't have to worry about it. I mean, yes, I've caught fish on Siemens. Yeah, they're Plastics are awesome. I love them. I've only ever own one z-man product or his phone or soft Plastics and and that was like some five or six inch worms. They were on discount at a at a place I was at and a bottle but I never really used them, but I left them in the toolbox of my truck and they just melt it. So I'm not sure if that's normal for cat in or like they were just I know whatever they use in their products. You're not supposed to mix with other Plastics because it'll just make it's like a chemical reaction I guess and they just melt together. So they tell you not to mix so I might have been anything because but what I don't do it so much anymore because I got a new one on one drive say I've got a I got a new way that I handled my my use dates like after I after I take them off the line actually got a magnetic tray now that I put a piece of Lincoln out right now. Anyways, it's attached to my kayak and whenever some type of bait off of my line changing babies and stuff. I just throw it in that magnetic tray and the sticks to that and stays in there. And so I pretty much just let him sit in there to dry and then I'll put them back my boss. Looks like later that night or the next day or something. But what I used to do was just throw them all in a pile of my kayak and then when I'm pulling my kayak Scout, I'll just pick them all up and put them in the little side tray of my toolbox on my truck and I think somehow those Z men's worms got in there and they might have been what happened right there because when I went back to get the stuff out and melted Yeah, I don't I don't know what it is, but they just don't play nice with other brands. It's kind of weird. Now that turbo Crow just so getting off the again for setting it at turbo crawl fishing like a football head jig or some like that. Do you use that for those two or do you got different priorities for that? No, you definitely can. I actually don't throw football heads very much. So I really don't have that much experience, but you definitely from go ahead. So let's go cuz I'm pretty much always have a football head jig Tad on the just because that early in my and I get some say my fish and careers not really career. But yeah early in a tie that became my comfort because that's what I was getting success with actually if you could see right behind the camera here is my whole said right here where I make my own home football head jig from you, but I've always use like a zoom Superchunk on them, but I want to try that turbo Caracas you hit the first person I've heard talk about it. So I do want to give that a shot. Yeah. They're cool, right? Yeah, I like him. That's that's all there is this. Well, you ain't the only one woman. There's quite a few people out there talk about it. Yeah. So in any other points you want to cover about the ChatterBait before we move on from that or boyfriend must cover it all I think that's it. It's just everything I've learned this year. I think I've basically shared with you. They're cool. And we always have you on again if you learn some more some more techniques with it that work and stuff. And yeah, yeah, and you won't go away. Yeah, if you always if you go out use them man, and then you start to figure them out to you can get always have some more input codes, right? yeah, I'm definitely going to try it but Let's move over to them to the river fishing. This is something I haven't done a whole lot of One one thing with the river fish around here. There's a lot of rivers. Will they called Rivers but they're pretty small and not much current it all like right down the road from me. Maybe a couple of miles is the Duck River. It's I think it gets like a little wider a little deeper and stuff on down but Port near me is real shallow. It's not a whole lot of current it's pretty narrow and went up when I think of a river I'm thinking of you. I've got a I've got family up in Evansville, Indiana and that's right on the Ohio River and the Ohio Ohio River right? There is huge. Yeah, really Wise It's got curb. Current and all that. So that's what I think of when I think of river. What what kind of rivers are you fishing? Are you fishing like these big Rivers like the Ohio River you fishing like the smaller ones like this close to me what I'm definitely more of a small small shallow River type guy little bit bigger than creaks. But you know, I mean definitely not the size of UI River because The river sighs man you're talking about. It seems like it'd be dangerous on a kayak. Yeah, you're talking you're talking about like deep deep water wide Rivers like a lot of traffic. I think of the Ohio River I compare it to like Lake Cumberland and stuff like that. So I mean, okay. I just wanted it Fisheries, but I just wanted to clarify. Yeah because you know this say, Minutes for news and I'm still quite a new myself. So I just wanted to clarify when people were talking about fishing rivers what exactly they're talking about. So you're talking about the more like smaller not a whole lot of not super fast current and shallower. It depends. It depends on what when you say fast because we have a river here in Ohio. It's It's not white at all. It's probably the width of a street maybe maybe a three or four Lane Street and it's called The Mad River and I found out why they call it the matter. It's a fast-flowing river. I mean, I don't know what makes it fast. But man it's not deep. It's probably two to three feet most of the way through with some deep holes throughout but yeah that river flows fast, but like the rivers. I fish occasionally occasionally you'll come across Riffles or the water shallows and then dumps. It dumps over like a waterfall type thing, you know, you know, I mean, yeah, and and then it deepens into a pool that those are the kind of rivers I fish. Okay. Yeah, I'm pretty sure we got some like similar rivers around here. Yeah, we got like I said Duck River. We got a there's the Harpeth River is pretty small. Stone River ain't too far away V. You know, it's a Well parts of Stone River, you know get a little bit bigger, but I'd say probably still safe for a kayak. I haven't actually put a kayak out there. I've been out there knows John bow, but but it's also got its narrower parts to it. Yeah, I have fish a little bit. But uh, so with fishing rivers foot. What are you Almost time re you offer to people paddle and up current and then just floating back. I've heard of people, you know, you go out with a buddy and they parked their truck down at this other boat ramp and then you put the kayaks in another boat ramp and just float down. So what how are you handling that most of the time during the week? I have a few honey holes. I like to hit so I'll park a park my truck and then I'll throw my kayak in in this spot. I'll paddle Upstream to the spot which is not far at all. That's kind of a pain. But because the river does flow a little quicker and that spot but I'll do that and then on the weekends when me and Justin and Josh get out, we will all meet out meet at the taken or not to take in the takeout load up load all of our gear into one truck and then we'll all go ride in the same truck up to the put in spot and then we'll put in their float down to the other two trucks and then when we're done We load up the gear and those two trucks and drive back to whoever is truck is at the put in and then unload their gear and load it into their truck and then we all go home. Is so so sounds like you do a little bit of both of those techniques there were yeah Alan upstream and coming back in a little bit of point A to point B. Yep. What's your favorite of that? Like, what do you prefer to do? Their I rather go point A to point B because I like to cover more water. Plus those trips usually take us around 7 hours. Maybe it depends on how many miles we go, but I'd say five to seven hours is Typical River float for us. I like doing those better. If the current is moving pretty fast, like the river you were talking about that that's moving pretty quick, you know, a lot of like finesse fish. Are you doing any finesse fishing on that? Because like I my thinking is You know, if you're doing finesse fishing, it's a lot slower fishing. And so you cast out and basically you're done gone by it before you're ready to even real in. Yeah, how do you how do you handle that? Those those quick areas like that? They're real really hard. But if they're shallow enough, I'll actually get out of my kayak and tie like a bungee. On my waist hooked onto my kayak and I'll just stand there and cast upstream and you know, like Let The Bait drift back towards me bouncing off the bottom and like not having any slack in the line. So I'll be real and constantly, you know, but but the bait will still be hitting hitting the Rocks along the bottom. That's usually how you'll catch fish in the summertime because those those River Smallmouth they like to they like to stay in that shallow fast water because there's more oxygen. There it is. I guess it's cooler water to I mean, yeah, it's that's just a real good like spot to go summer fishing. So I would never Overlook like a foot of water like raging fast water because there's gonna be fish there in summer time in the best something that I've learned this year to just from YouTube videos and podcasts and talking to people is you know, I've always kind of avoided, you know fast-moving. It just pooped because of that reason because like you're pushing your bait around you can't get it. Do you want to do and then discovered that you know, that's where the fish are quite a bit during the summer when it gets real hot because you know, that water is cooler. Yep. So that's some I got to keep in the back of my mind. Now whenever I do get out on rivers and stuff some fish out there in that corner. Yeah there. There's always spots to get off your kayak and Bank fish on those spots as well off the side of the river because when it's Rocky and she'll like you'll more than likely have like Rocky areas off the sides. You know what I miss not you know what I'm saying where you can fish off of it and just cast you always want to cast 45° upstream and then let it float down to sew it all so I'll go through this to the best bait to use in that kind of situation. Is just the grub or a swimbait on an 8 ounce jig head. So just let it bounce off the bottom the this those fish will attack it. I have to give that a try that yeah, you know. I usually you know, I've fished up here at the Duck River was the one that's maybe a couple miles away from me fish there a couple times since I had the kayak which I just started kayaking last year. So those couple times left drain been there none of this year and I've always kind of like man with with going there. It's basically in my head somewhere that you know, if I ain't got a whole lot of time Some you know, I'll go up there. Other than that. I'm going to like a like a large pond or a lake or a creek or something like that. Yeah. So yeah, I mean we not that far into this state when you are already making me want to go up there Henry Horton Park and getting the river. They're strapping. Yeah, I love the river man. And the Rivers like my second home. I rather fish the river then ND Lake in the nation. I mean, I truly believe that with my whole heart dude. I that's just me. I guess I have the Drew Gregory mentality. I just there's something about moving water. Like it just has you hooked on a wild waters as way like what he says, but I have the same mentality as him dude. I love it. It's a blast and well, I've only been fishing it for about Six or seven years. I mean the first couple years River fishing. It's definitely hard hard learning curve because coming from legs I grew up fishing lakes go switching over to Rivers man. It's just like the first few years. I fish the rivers. I was getting skunked all the time. I didn't know what was going on. So I just started reading and learning and watching all these videos and finally thank started click in and I just can't get enough of rivers. Now. I'm gonna have to get a little bit of that mentality and try it out because you know, if I could get a love for that River fishing to where I just love going up here to Duck River, they'd make it so much more convenient for me because I can drive, you know, five ten minutes up the road and yeah instead of because anywhere else for me is about like a 45-minute drive. So if I could just do that now same way with me. I live about an hour away from like four different major lakes in Ohio. So it's not worth it. Plus I'm probably we have three major rivers coming in downtown Dayton and I'm 10 minutes away from downtown Dayton some I got like four rivers to choose from in my area. It's the you're good there. Then you're in heaven. I firmly believe that the rivers in Ohio is some of the best fishing we have to offer in Ohio. Everybody else's fish in those Lakes quite a bit, but there were highly pressured. I don't very I don't see very many guys out on the river. So there's more for you. Yeah, actually enjoy it's awesome because there's not a whole lot of people that I've seen And out there at Duck River in the part that I'm in now, if you go on down the river a little bit, you'll see more fishermen thing. It gets deeper were people start putting in boats, but I'd be scared for anybody that puts in a boat up here. Yeah. I've seen it. I've seen people do it though. I we were fishing through Northern Dayton one time and the guy just came up through these riffles on a jet boat right between me and my me and Justin. and We just looked at each other like what the heck we've never seen that on the river. He just blew right through these riffles. Like wow. That was awesome. Well, you know if he slowed down and he had probably bought him out. So he had to just keep it Full Throttle. Yeah, that's true. It's crazy though. One thing I did want to go back and touch on and you talked about like how did you were did you say like like holes like yeah deeper holes and now This maybe is stupid question I guess but is that a good spot to try to find fish head when it gets hot in the summertime? Yeah. So yeah, go ahead. I was just going to say because in that there's like a canoe and kayak launch of appear at you know, we got Henry Horton State Park up here. And that's the part of Duck River that I'm talking about. And there's a canoe and kayak launch right there. And when you go down there, it's only like knee-deep water. But if you go straight across from from the canoe and kayak launch, there's there's a hole there. I don't know how deep it is. I've basically waited all the way across that river right there. And and I just I saw that whole I didn't try to test how deep it was. But I've always wondered like a wondered in that deeper spot and you know, there's fish hiding down in there. Yes. So is that area right next to fast current or like yeah her current. Okay, and then that right after this hole right down through this whole it gets kind of Swift for just because it the River Narrows right there. And so the water gets kind of with right after that whole okay, so the hole is it like kind of like being slack water then I'm guessing. I think right about there's where it's starting to get faster because it's right there where it's starting to get narrow. He's all that water is trying to force itself down there all to get at all the same time. So it's I don't think it's quite a fat ass. Yeah, but it's starting to move a little little faster right there. Okay. It might hold fish. I mean It's deeper and it's above a riffle. I know above riffles. There's there always be fish right above riffles to so you always want to hit that before you go through riffles if you're on a kayak, so trying to think here trying to best best way to describe it, you know, if there's current flowing Downstream and then you got like a little it's kind of like current bouncing off of like a Rocky Point and then it causes like right Slow-moving water or non moving water right next to yes in water. That's typically spot all year round for fish. So you'll want to you want to fish that where those two pieces those two bodies of water meet the current and the slow movement moving water. It's called a seam fish like the stack up there because food shoots right through there like a conveyor belt. They just jump out and grab it and then go back into the slow-moving water. So that's always a good place to fish will see probably two or three years ago. I actually went down to this same river pretty close to the same area. And you know, there's like like a point on the line that goes out and you know, it's pretty good moving current at this little spot here and the current is going down then you got land coming out here and then behind where that land is it's real. Home back there now one out there in like February or March 1 year just Bank fist took one or two poles and and not knowing this information that you're giving me here. Just you know, like I said, I only like fishing faster water. I like fishing slow water like right there base where you just described I called thing. I caught two fish right there on a jig. Yeah, so I guess that was kind of a luck of the draw there. But now I know to actually look for that for that type of thing. I always hit those areas all throughout the year because I know they're always be fish there no matter what unless it's super cold in those fish condense and then, you know go to their winter holes for the which I know nothing about. I cannot catch fish in the winter time on the river for nothing so well, but well maybe I can get somebody maybe I can get somebody to do an interview for me too. When it gets a little cooler about catching catching fish in the wintertime on a river and then you know, you can listen to this segment and you can learn something from it to ya what I'm always learning man. That's why we say we're we're tall always learning something, you know, some of us got a lot more to learn than others such as may but it's something else. Talking about with Brian on interview I did with him on before I came over here to paddle and spin when I still doing my own podcast, as you know, you even hear from the professional fisherman that they're they're still constantly learning new stuff and really, you know, when you think about it, that's something that you got to do you if you want to keep catching fish, you've got to keep learning new stuff new baits are like new little words. Is going to come out and if they work they're going to be popular and then eventually fish are going to get used to that and they're not going to be as effective anymore. And then other lures that have been neglected and haven't been used as much they're going to start, you know, being what what get hit and you know, it's just never ending cycle there. Yeah fish gets get smart to a certain popular technique. So we're always learning something but should be anyway. So yeah, definitely agree with that. So try to think we covered everything with with River fishing for the most part. That's basically the basics. I mean faster moving current and water or in the summertime. So where you find Smallmouth and fishing those seams, man. Oh and the Eddies you never want to forget the Eddies, you know where you have a current coming in hit in the bank and it's pushing water backward. Upstream you ever single code? Yeah. Yeah. They're always be fish there. That's always a good spot. It just kind of like trap the fish in there like a I like I don't know exactly. I just know it creates more curved don't know the science of it. I guess it just like mixes the bait up in there and it's just easy food form. Yes, and you know you you tell them about small male, you know? No, I know we have a small mouth down here. But and it may be Smallmouth fishing maybe a bigger thing than I know about but it seems like everybody I talk to about bass fishing some a large mouth down here. So these techniques that they should still work for largemouth, right? They should Our Rivers up here. We don't have very many large mouth in our Rivers. So I'm not quite 100% percent sure, but I know I've probably caught only a handful of large mouth on a rivers over the years and it seems like they've always came off of really slow areas of current where it does doesn't look like the water's moving at all, but you're moving probably Half a half a mile an hour, you know what I'm saying, but they'll be hanging they'll be hanging around what what you would think they would be hanging around in a lake like down trees and under shade just stuff like that and sit that's what I'm going for because that's what I know. Like I said, I don't Smallmouth fishing could be a bigger thing than I know about down here, but it seems like everybody's talking about large mouth down here in Tennessee. That could be your guys Lakes though, too. I mean you guys like sit down there or amazing. I don't know if they as that's what I hear. I haven't had much luck. And I know you mentioned Percy Priest early. I've heard a bunch of good stuff about that leg. So yeah, man Percy priests. I'm actually where L work ahead. Well, we're like maybe 10 15 minutes down the road from it. So, can you hear me? All right. I think you kind of froze up on my screen for a second. So I wouldn't you that's coming through. But yeah, it's like 10 or 15 minutes away from From where I work at so like there's been several times where I'm like hmm. I wonder if my wife would let me load up my kayak and take it out there after work one day and keep I just want your I haven't really yeah, but I haven't really been in on Percy prison since I've been in a kayak too much. I've been in Stuarts Creek which comes off Percy Priest You know, that's actually one of my main spots that are like to go to in the car is Stewart's Creek. But uh You know, I'm I'm still learning. I don't really know where to find the Fizz like springtime summertime. Yeah, well like with whether they should be up in the lake whether it should be in the creek itself. So but I do want to get out there on the lake more. I finally upgraded my kayak this year and last year. Like I said was my first year kayak fishing and I'm just a buddy. I had bought a pelican Salinger 100 and he had it about a month and he's a taller dude and he wouldn't feel comfortable on it. So he bought him a another kayak and so I bought that from him and that's what I was fishing on all last year and part of this year up until June and I finally upgraded to a Vibe seagulls 130. So now I got something little sturdier little more comfortable. So I feel a little better about getting out on those big legs. Lakes with with bigger boats, you know creating wake and stuff. So I definitely want to get out there and try that sometime. Well heck man. There's a kid on YouTube goes by the name of Owen Chamberlain. I don't know if you heard of him his home lake is Percy Priest. I if I were you I'd get on there and watch his videos man because he he's always on they're catching fish. Nice ones, too. I need to check him out because he can't be too far away. I might even be able to convince them into let me go with them sometime. Yeah, so he I mean, he's he's a good fisherman. I don't I don't think I've heard the name. There's a chance I might have saw video of them not know who it was for something but I'm I'll definitely look into that. I think we pretty much covered everything. I was want to talk about you think of anything else that you know, you're wanting to cover about now anchors are chatter, but I guess I can go through my favorite riff debates real quick. Hey suit, we're talking about River fishing. Let's let's let's figure out what's working on the river. Yeah. So like I said earlier I've gotten away from it, but three To grow up on an 8 ounce jig head that always seems to work. I've been using the z-man Finesse TRD quite a bit on the net head this year. I've been I've been getting a lot of successful even in quick water too. So that's been a good one. Of course topwater. I like to throw the buzzbait try try Wing striking buzzbait and the Whopper plopper, of course the Whopper plug or let's see Become one of my favorite lures right there. It's a good one. Peace. It's a good River bait dude. I did it if you find Rocky Banks steep Rocky banks with like current moving throat. And your those Banks. You'll catch fish. I guarantee it. I'll definitely I'm definitely going to have that in my plain old box whenever I hit a river. It's kill people people give it such a hard time to man for somebody that Had a hard time catching fish at all. It's really done me some good. Oh, yeah, who cares man? Who cares? What others say use whatever. Yeah long as you're catching fish, you know, exactly it's no different than a buzzbait my mind, so, It's whatever it does have have some similarities to a buzzbait. Yeah other let's bait don't float. It's whatever who cares what other guys say, man. As long as your have Gale there and your MP3s, you know, it ain't Cheatin. So there's no harm in using it a lot. I ain't ashamed of it. You know, I was going to say to you we're talking about earlier. They make like some scrubs. I might have to get a hold of some. Rules and and let you try those out since you've never heard of or used to slaughter, you might have to get a hold of some of those and get them to you. See see what you think about but these Tennessee lures for his Tennessee soft Plastics. That would be awesome. Actually. I mean, it'd be perfect for the final cast product review segment that we have going on right now too. So I didn't think about that that that would be a pretty good idea. I might have to get in contact with us. Wider. Yeah, see if they see if they want to get some reviews going on them. Get them a little more know which they they are a pretty well-known company from what I've seen and might be mainly just here in Tennessee. They're known pretty well, but They put they put out some good products that I like. So yeah, we might have to reach out to them about the product review. Yeah, that'd be awesome. But I guess we can start to wrap it up here. Sounds good. Let's see here. Let's go through. Through some sponsors here. we got Say we got rock Town Paddlesports Loveland canoe and kayak and get hammered. Lures Cal OT sunglasses Sweetwater Brewing Company fish mob lures Southern Lake KO, myo, kayak Anglers and the Recycled Plastics. That's what the plastic recycling program that you know, you always hear from Brian and them. Yes. Save all your new soft last and you know. Send them to to hammered lures address will be in the show notes for you. But I think I covered everything there. You don't sound good to be. All right. Well, I appreciate you coming on here and and sharing your knowledge with ChatterBait Sand River fishing and all that good stuff and a problem and for any. Any listeners that there's going to be listeners from the pedal and finco podcast that probably never heard of me or the podcast I was doing which I wasn't real big yet pretty much just started. But yeah, I had my own podcast before I was asked to move the segment over here, but for any of my listeners that didn't know paddle and Finn before I Over here to join them you can you can catch Bread on Fridays him in a prank Johnny you doing tournament Recaps and stuff? Yep. They put out some pretty interesting stuff. You know that got it to where all five days of the week got something coming out on paddle and fin down so it's really cool a lot of information being put out there a lot of There's a lot of knowledge and experiences and all kinds of stuff that I just really like what paddling fin is becoming and I'm glad to be a part of it. Yeah, man. I am too. It's awesome. Yeah, so I guess tight lines and smooth paddling with see y'all.
Host Ryan Milford picks Brad Hicks' brain about the chatterbait and river fishing in this episode. Podcast & Website-   Email-   Social Media- @paddlenfin   Brian Social Media- @slydogfishing   Jay Social Media- @jay.randallkayakangler   Ricketts Social Media- @jricks_angler Sticks Social Media- @bradhixfishing Crankbait Johnny Social Media- @j.gravesfishing Rocktown paddlesports -   Loveland Canoe & Kayak- Hammered Lures-   Coyote Sunglasses- Sweetwater Brewing- Fish Mob Lures- Southern Lake Co.- MI OH Kayak Recycled Plastics Recycling Program -  Mail to:  316 Pinewood Dr. Camp Hill,PA 17011 Rocktown Demo Days 6/22 -Store/River 7/20 - Martin Park 8/17 - Store Tues. Evenings at Rock Cut 6/18 7/9 8/6 Rocktown Adventures Rockford 313 N. Madison Street Rockford, IL 61107 815-636-9066 --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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So stay tuned you're tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look the effect of birth after birth. Stevia. We are back you guys another week of Gotham's so excited. I think this is by far my favorite episodes so far. We have a lot to cover. I'm your host para Beltran and I'm joined by my lovely co-host act Peter. Hello. Hello. Hello. How are you doing Zach? I'm good. I was a little disappointed to see Gordon go back to leaks. It's like going back to the ex that you're just like no don't do it, but I'm here for Mama Babs. Okay, well, We all know how I feel about that comment. So let's get started with all friend. Yes, you guys apparently offered was missing for five days too many days five days bruised without all four and five days is like not Bruce, you know, I feel like whenever you think of Bruce you think of all fried because he's his like I've been told to yeah, I'd so his right-hand man. It's like losing your Hand. Yeah, seriously What did you think of? Yeah, what did you think of the fact that he was just like in like being captured by Jeremiah this entire time that I was actually he didn't Escape so okay. How did he not Escape as my first question. I know it is like the best. Yeah and so shocked that he stayed hidden for so long. Actually. I'm answering my own question because he did mention that tetch hypnotized him. So do we think that he was No ties throughout the whole four days or did he know was he not hypnotized? Sometimes I think I mean touch probably Alfred so smart that I'm sure Jeremiah knew that the only way to keep him under wraps would be to have touch it touch it because them from from the get-go. Otherwise Alfred would have outsmarted the situation unlike broken free. Exactly. Well speaking of which tetch was back you guys and I think I am so excited that this character came back. I think out of all of the characters have come back so far. He's by far my favorite. Really. Yeah, why small characters? We didn't even see much of him. We saw him in like one seen a well here in this episode a half. Yes, but I don't know. I like I like his riddles. I like his Rhymes. I like how he hypnotizes people and I think it's really cool. I mean, it's quite he can make anybody do anything that they want to do which is I mean why he's not running Gotham is like hello. You can link run this city, homie, but I think when Lee and Gordon were trying to manipulate him and trying to play with his mind by saying he's just a side character. He's more of just like he's not the Top Gun villain. I think they're right and he's not the Top Gun villain. He has the potential to be and like the power to be but like just isn't never be a leader. Yeah. Well, actually I was going to to say one of the characters that I would have probably Blee like prefer to see in this and this whole show would would have probably been Pig but I'm pretty sure that pig is like dead slaughtered. Yeah, he's bacon now, but before I forget you guys, we wanted to go ahead and do a special segment today. And the question is going to be you guys can go ahead and answer this throughout the chat. Yeah, so we will maybe do a portrait you like what's going to happen, but we wanted to ask you guys do we think Gordon? And Lee are endgame or Barbara. Mmm and Gordon our endgame. I think after this episode, I'm not really sure I might have to say my own answer. Once we go back to the special segment. Yes guys waiting on the chat. Let us know what you think Babs orale ABS or link. Well, we already know I think for at the table Seth. Yeah. We're yeah, there's a line drawn in the sand on the desk. This frosted glass desk. I'm obviously team Barbara and I'm obviously team Lee so and we made our hair match. I make sure to go short and blonde and she made sure to get Lee's look down. Well, since we are in the topic, they're getting lit Carla. They're excited. Yes. I loved UPS bad's lie only has one vote so far. Okay, Barbara Barbara Barbara Barbara, Barbara is winning right now. Okay. Well, we'll see. Well, that's yeah you guys still you have Chance to vote vote live in the live chat. Okay. So since we are on the topic of them, what do you think about Barbara asking lie to be her doctor? I mean, I got it. I actually thought it was a big move of Barbara to like put her ego and pride aside and be like look, you're the best doctor here in Gotham. You're going to take over, you know, my care and my baby's care and I thought that was big of her especially considering. You know, I think in the past Barbara would have done this is like a power move to play with Lee and kind of mess with our head and be like, I'm the top dog here and I'm going to you know run circles around you but I think she genuinely sucked it up and you know, despite the fact that this is Gordon's Santa Barbara's still sort of obsessed with Gordon the fact that she had the nerve to ask her and like had to and she seemed very humble about it. And she was Honest by saying she thinks that leaves the best doctor in Gotham and she wanted the best for her baby. I'm actually going to disagree with you on the comment that you said about Barbara being obsessed with Gordon because Barbara says that she doesn't want Gordon to be a part of the pregnancy or like a her child. She says that this was like over once he put his pants back on so to me that Makes it seem like he like she doesn't really want him to be in the picture. And if you guys in the chat think otherwise, let me know but I feel like that's what I got from it. So I think that right now we're seeing a different side of Barbara and we're seeing like Mom Barbara come out where she's like, you know what I don't care that you had a relationship with my ex because at this point he's both of our X right now. All I care about is just my child and the well-being of my child and clearly she's league as the only good doctor there right now. So I think that she's just Out of pure like not Joy, but just like like penis and for her baby. Yes. Basically she's putting her baby first other than you know before any other feelings which is growth for for her for her. Well, not and speaking about her feelings. We also should touch about the fact that Barbara had the opportunity to kill penguin, like literally penguin was defenseless. He was not armed neither was Ed and she Didn't do it. Hmm. She's great. She's becoming a new woman you guys maybe like this part of Barber. I kind of do I mean I love don't get me wrong. Like I love bad ass Barbara that has her guns ready? And she will, you know cut you if you mess with her, I love that Barbara but I like this new softer side of her I guess because you know, she has a baby inside of her that like, you don't want her going around shooting blowing people's brains out. That's this is true. The baby's boring than like she'll bounce back. I'm going to become like protect like protective mom and she's probably going to do anything and everything to protect her child, which basically makes sense. I loved how it ended. That was a really cute scene with her and Ed and penguin. Yeah, she's just like call me when the submarines built. I'm honestly really loving the scenes that are doing with like all these different characters and I am I really am enjoying it for sure. And what do you think about her not wanting gym in the picture? I mean, I think had this been Barbara a season or two ago. She would have really wanted Gordon and be a part of it because she did have that like deep obsession with of for him. But I think I don't know. I think she wants to be single and independent and she wants to raise this baby on her own. Obviously. She didn't plan on getting pregnant with Jim but it happened and I think she knows that maybe him and her aren't compatible. They're not going to be successful in a relationship than her can be Spokeo parents and she just knows that they have very different philosophies about certain things that she wants to raise this baby all on her own the way she wants to do it. We know Barbara loves to take to be in control. I totally agree since we are in the topic of penguin and Barbara and Ed you guys Ed Enigma are back together. They're going to build a submarine to get out of Gotham. Mmmm. There we feel about this. I mean, I feel like it's a lot of work and they don't have a lot of men like penguin got really lost a lot of his the his loyal men and then we killed a few of them testing them getting out of Gotham. Yeah, I think it's going to take a long time to figure this one out. Okay, so clearly the submarines going to take a long time. But how do we actually feel about them being back together and working as a team do we think that's going to work out this time or is it going to be the same way how it always ends where they end up badly? I think it's going to I think they're entering into this new like re reboot of the relationship. So to speak to just get out of The Gotham I think they're solely focused on what their plans are to which are getting off of the island and getting out of Gotham. But I think that they're going to end up rekindling that relationship less you I think they're going to end a recount rekindling their friendship and it's going to end up working out in the long run. I think they're going to be good team members for the foreseeable future. Well, I actually prefer Ed Enigma band together than penguin and Selena and piecing together how completely I think as of tonight that Relationship is over Selena. I was such a penguin hearing. It really was it was an odd pairing. It was very interesting to see them together at least for like an episode and a half. But now that Selena almost tried killing penguin today. I'm pretty sure we won't see them back together anytime soon. Probably not but Carla before we dive deep into penguin and Selena cuz I'm so excited to dive into penguin and Selena. I'm also excited to share you guys that we have so many great after shows here at AfterBuzz TV you're watching our Sci-fi channel where you can catch Gotham and other shows like this on Fox and other networks that you may love. So be sure to hit that subscribe button on YouTube so you can stay up-to-date with what we've got going on here at AfterBuzz and you're not going to want to miss Carla and I for the next five weeks the last five episodes of Gotham ever. I know you're going to want those pesky notifications to pop up so, you know when we're live, so be sure to hit that subscribe button join us in the comments below because we love when you guys engage with us. We'd love You join in the live chat. I'm dying to see what you guys thought of Lee and Barbara and who do you think is going to win Jim's hard at the end of the day, so, please leave a comment below join us in the live chat, and if you're listening to this on iTunes, we love that. We're inside your ears right now. You're not watching us, but you're listening to us, and we appreciate that. So, please hit that subscribe button on iTunes and leave us a five-star review because you love Carl and I and you miss Steve and you want them to come back and he'll be back next week. So thank you for joining us and thank you for helping us stop. Say the ESP n of T v-- talk yo. We do miss Steve at but he will be back next week you guys taking the throne we with a with a tan. He was like think that Disney Worlds. Oh really his best life, but I'm sure he's keeping up with Gotham all the way from Florida. I sure hope he was I'm happy to your earlier point. I'm definitely happy that Selena and penguin are squashed it done. Yeah, me too. I think that it was great to see them together because If you like at this point where we're putting all the characters together, but now it's done. We're moving on now at a nigga more back together, which is awesome. I didn't add an enigma or a great Duo and Selina and Bruce or a great Duo. So I'm happy that everybody went back to where they belong - Gordon because he does not belong with late. I think we're I think we said we said Enigma and we met Ed in penguin penguin penguin there. You guys know what we mean. Yes, okay. Let's dive in to the juiciness of this episode. Mmm. I don't even know where to begin with Jeremiah's master plan. I think this is the last and final plan that will see Jeremiah make I don't know that we'll see him do something else after he we do know that I saw on Instagram I was bad. And if you guys don't want any spoilers do not search the hashtag Gotham because you actually see the third the third Roker you come to live like you see what he looks like. Oh, it was like, oh like let me just go see you to like prepare for like the show was like, oh my gosh, like I hate the internet part. Oh my God everything. Have you guys seen it? Let us know. In the live chat, seeing it in live chat you guys what I mean if you haven't seen it and you don't want to see it do not want to search hashtag Gotham. But because you will see the last and final look for Jeremiah, so I don't know they will get to see another plan that the this new Jeremiah or this new Joker whatever his I'm pretty sure his name will still be Jeremiah, but he'll technically be fully Joker. I don't know that what gets you into the master. He's like melted off though that now I'm like shocked to see what Exactly because of the chemicals remember how we were saying that hope maybe that was going to happen and like we've if you guys have seen like this do they mold a new face on him for the like all the makeup was must be like crazy for that. Okay, he was he's not Jeremiah though. He's no Jerome died. He is Jeremiah. He is Jakey what they keep switching the Joker's on us and the names are so similar that they're throwing me. He's still Maya but I mean, I guess this is him really fully becoming the Joker right? I mean at this point, there's only fairly fine. Whoa, I found the photos. Yeah. Wow, that is like I told you I told you you guys we're not making this any better because it probably makes you want to go see the oh my gosh. I thought about actually having it be here for news and gossip, but why don't want to Oil it for people so I rather them go see it themselves. I don't like it. It's not like it's so weird. It's great. That is wild you guys he looks like a completely new person. Like it doesn't look anything like like they made Jerome and Jeremiah look similar like they did they were drastically the yeah, they were twins. But like with the you know, they still made them look very alike. Hmm. Do you have a preference on which of the Joker's you've liked? Like the look I think Jared the second Joker Jeremiah Jeremiah is definitely my before he melted was my favorite because this new one is like you guys have to look it up. Yeah. So I definitely prefer the second Jeremiah with like the makeup. I think he did really great and we were able to see Cameron's like Expressions when he was like acting and I think it was definitely by far my favorite especially because like he didn't have the scars. Yeah, so the scars are like a huge huge thing for the Joker. But like just seeing this is seeing him being like this was like I really enjoyed it in this episode in this episode. Yeah. Hmm, I agree. Okay. So Ivan Soto says that it's a very controversial Joker look, but he likes it. He's actually here for it Spirit hero to wants to know if Echo will be getting a new look to what she wasn't necessarily like her face to get melted off. I think she'll be okay. I think the reason why they would be asking that is because in Aside Squad when the Joker jumps in this in the chemical waste she jumps after him too. But I think in this one she wasn't there. No, she wasn't which okay, I'm gonna go straight to this because I was very upset that like kind of how it all happened. I wanted not that I wanted Bruce to be the one to like throw him in the chemical waste, but I wanted it. I wanted the fight to last longer because I've been waiting for the scene like I've been waiting for them to come together and have this Moment and like I don't like how he was just like how Bruce just like moved and then the Joker found. Yeah, I think someone in the live chat just said that to that it felt it was a stocking. Yeah. It was too quick. That's exactly the comment that they said was he fell too quick that it was anti-climatic. Yeah. It was too quick that I feel like if the whole episode and the whole like all of Gotham has been leading up to this moment that we've all been waiting like In is a huge character, but Jeremiah is a character that we've been getting I believe since I think German were drunk men like Seasons. Yeah, but Jerome came in at least some came in probably I want to say by the third season you guys come corrects us if we're wrong, but he's been a huge part of it and he's always will be a huge part of it. So I feel like I just wanted a little bit more of action and I wanted to be like interesting. Okay. Well Ivan sewed on the live chat says that Bruce Never throws the Joker into the vat The Joker has always fallen by mistake from the comics. Okay, so that's a that's a traditional so thing and that's fine and I get that because I think I get it because I don't see Bruce's the type to want to kill the Joker even though he dislikes him, but I agreed the scene happened too fast. Yes, like Bruce had just chased him into a race and they were just starting to fight and then before we know it Jeremih happens to slip and fall into yeah. A bit like and they didn't actually fully get into like fighting mode. I wanted this moment. I wanted to see Bruce just going to be like, I can't believe you try to re-enact my parents death and then you almost killed like wow and lie like Clary race as we saw Jerome in season 1 episode 16. Yes, very early one. I think he's yeah Jerome was very very early on and he's been present basically for almost every season if he comes in for like at least Two episodes, but he's been there. I think that should be our Poll for next week. Which of the three Joker's and we'll pull up their photos live on the show. That's I like that and we'll have each so you guys can actually start voting don't vote in the live chat. But once the stream is up vote in the comments on YouTube so that we can tally them and and come into next week announce who you guys think is the best Joker we've seen so far because this new one is as a little much for me. What are the chat say that have they seen the the new Joker couple of them have seen it others too? Who wants what I like is that yeah, I don't think they want spoilers. I think yeah, not many people in the live chat have seen it yet. Jeremiah is officially the frickin joke or yes. He is totally is here for it. And then in terms of our poll that we asked at the top of the show everybody is voting for Barbara. Everybody's vote. Hey guys, wait for the Of segment, this is not I'm just I'm just telling you you're not winning. This one guys. Keep voting for Barbara. He's voting for Barbara in the live chat. Okay. Well since we're talking about Barbara, let's move on to lie. Okay, and the only reason why I want to talk about Lee is because what did you think did you see this coming when so Jeremiah the big act for this? Episode is that Jeremiah wants to reenact the night where Bruce's parents were killed and it turns out to be that towards the end. It's Lee and Jim were you surprised where I was completely that one? I did not see coming. Okay, I really thought it was going to be the couple that he could then I will say that I did not like that. It wasn't because we suspected that that strange was involved and that he's the one that kind of brought that hit the parents back to. If we thought it was like a deep thought out plan where like they dug them up from the grave and like somehow use magic or something to bring them back to life. And so we now realize that wasn't the case. He actually just found two random people that he gave plastic surgery to really look like Bruce's parents. It didn't love that plan. I really wanted them to do something like just really Gotham me and crazy and bring the parents back to life and some wild way which we didn't get which I was a little disappointed about Out but and then I was also disappointed that we didn't see him actually killed those people or doing it like we didn't see what happened to them. Like we just they just disappeared and then all of a sudden we were shocked with a gorgeously and to kill somebody or get or have them get away. Like I just wanted some resolution to this poor random couple but we find out that they were killed off screen and we don't even see what happens to them other than they are gone and now but I did love the twist of mixing and Lee and Gordon instead. Well you see when You know how you were saying how we were saying like, oh, he brought like they were going to bring dig up the parents and he was just gonna do something crazy when he said I like before the grand reveal that it was like Lee and Jim I thought like I was like, oh my gosh. This is it. He was strange did it. I was like, it's his Perry and like they did. I thought the same thing I thought okay. This is the twist that it really is a phantom this could happen. Yeah. He did this and through Bruce off by using to random strangers, but now we're going to see that they really brought the parents. Yeah, and then it was Lee and garden. I was like, whoa. Yeah. I was a Twist. I definitely did not see that coming not ah, um one thing that made me really sad in this episode was Wayne Manor totally blew up. I was sad to see Wayne Manor go. I didn't think they were actually going to blow it up. Like where's Boris gonna live now? Like it's he needs a new mansion He needs like a bat cave underground which we thought we saw. At the beginning of the series. Yeah, and clearly that wasn't the bad cave because it's now it's gone. Now. It's about Mansion is gone. The Batcave was blown up like everything was just blown to Smithereens. Do you think that before this the season ends will see them like break open it back up. Um, probably well, I don't think we'll see the same Wayne Manor, but I think he'll find like another Mansion the heel by he'll get they'll be another Wayne Manor and there will be a reveal of a bat cave by The indices series. I like believe that will happen. What was your favorite part about this episode my favorite part about this episode. I actually really like the Barbara scenes only because it really humanized her and made her more than just this evil villainous, especially because in the earlier Seasons when she first became evil, she was just wild and crazy and like off her rocker that it's nice to kind of see her come full circle where I think not a lot of the characters have That like penguin for the most part. He had his Peak when he left Fish Mooney and stayed pretty stagnant Ed nygma, you know had his little moments where he was struggling with the Riddler and struggling with his dual personalities The Joker I think has evolved physically in many different ways. And obviously the character itself has changed from Jerome to Jeremiah and now he's like this creepy monster melted thing. Where's Barbara? We really saw her grow from not being a villain. Owen Beane Jim's fiance then she became cuckoo crazy then she became this, you know boss then she was brought back to life and became like this super-powered villain and then you know now we're then she was humbled back when Tabatha was killed and then she was running The Vixens like she I think has had the biggest growth overall and now we see her as a mom and we see her being a little softer. So I liked watching her this episode because we got to see that fully developed a new Version, you know that you say that I hadn't realized like how much Pereira has gone through this whole like show and in comparison to the other villains. I don't think any of them have had a transformation of that magnitude. Oh not at all because she's and she's been through so many stages. That's crazy. Mhm like you yeah because like even if you think even the ones that were reborn like butch or like Jerome and Jeremiah and the Joker like they were reborn or they were They changed physically but when she was reborn she was exactly the same and and she developed internally. Well, I think Gotham was able to realize like the bar has a really important character to the storyline and it's important for us to keep her in them. We're really glad that they think that baby what lie is getting some votes now Carla. Oh, there we go. Well, yeah what I would say it was my favorite part for this episode was really just seeing Jeremiah like melt no, In the house when he comes up and he's like, oh we have a special guest. I think that acting is a beautiful art and when somebody's actually like able to get into a character, so well, you're just like in awe of like how like this person prepared so much. They have a lot of talent and just seeing him like reenact the whole day and just kind of being there. I was like, I love him like really like he was I really Enjoy just watching Jeremiah this whole like episode. So I did too. I think he again we saw him and he didn't fail to bring this evil mastermind that he's proven himself to be time and time again and you know the fact that he thought out to like put together this plan to make Bruce relive the night his parents died and he found these people and did this and that to me is so like the the the obsession is so deep with him and Bruce. That it's like that is like deep that like you need to see a therapist home because like that's that's a lot. Well, I love the human rights to have some sort of connection with Burroughs. I think that's like so I don't know. I mean at some point he just needs to let it go like Bruce ones nothing to do with him. Yeah, but without the Joker there is no Batman. That's true. That's true. Hey work together. Okay you guys it is Time for our special segment. Yeah. Okay. Are we ready to see so in case you tuned in a little bit later our special segment was who do you guys ship? Who do you guys think is going to be endgame do we think it's going to be Jim and Barbara or it's going to be Jim and Lee we're going to be going through the comments and seeing who wins for now I will state the reason why I think Lee should be in game. First of all, can we just talk about like the passion? That was done in this episode firstly slaps Gordon and then she starts kissing him. I mean no, I've honestly really always been a big fan of this this relationship. I think that Lee was the partner that was able to be with Jim through the worst. Like my mom always says, like you'll find who truly cares about you when you're in a hospital bed, and when you're in jail and likely was there for a gym when he went to jail. Also, I feel like that's that's a like a beautiful relationship. I okay. And yeah, I don't know I totally and also I fought for them when we I did a show called to uShip here on AfterBuzz and I totally fought for Lee and Gordon and I was like, I'm still 14 million Gordon guys got now is your chance to put in your final votes. So, is that what do you think? It should be Barbara? I think because for the argument that I think I laid out a few minutes ago about Barbara. Growth, you know, we saw her. I mean they started off together. This was his fiancee. They had love together. Now, they're having a baby together like when there's love and there's baby. I mean granted he also lovely and she also got pregnant and that didn't work out but we don't want to talk about that. I just think that Barbara has come full circle. She's made a 180. She's crazy. Just like Jim has this inner dark crazy that everyone's always talking about that. I think they are just like the perfect. Match for each other where I think Lee is too good for Jim. Okay, I think Ali is too good for Jim. I think we deserve somebody else. I think they are good friends and Lee is a good like Confidant for Gordon, but I think in terms of like shipping him with someone it's definitely Barbara and I like you and I like your idea the live chat agrees with me. Ooh, but James James In the live chat James Davis says Barbara dies before the finale. I mean, I think that's more of a production than a spoiler. But I have a feeling that she's going to die while when she gives birth. Mmm. I'm yeah I everyone has yeah, I think that is a very realistic one Ivan. Soda says Barbara can handle Gordon's Darkness Lea never could yeah, this is true Nicholas Callie says, I think the gym is going to be single for the rest of his life. Life said that was not an option Nicholas since both women are going to have very little interaction with him in the future. I mean in the comics Barbara ends up with him. Oh ends up leaving Gotham while Lee goes fully into her medical career and dates out for it. That's a plot twist and becomes Bruce and Batman's personal doctor and Nicholas says bore Barbra. Joan. Gordon will be the baby's name. So everyone so Barbara leaves everyone? I'm not sure that's a theory that's in the comics the Barbara leaves and we see that they're setting that appearing the Barbara's going to leave too. I think that yeah, I have a feeling that okay before I even get to it. Let's just go ahead and dive into predictions together. I think several predictions AfterBuzz TV production. Okay. What do you think is gonna happen Okay, so I will say we know that My Swan you guys will see her predictions you guys can go ahead and say your predictions on the live chat will go ahead and read them to close up the show. So what I think with Barbara is going to be either two things either Barbara is going to pass during birth because of one of the chemicals may be something that's going to happen with in Gotham or to penguin and Ed are going to help her Escape because of the baby and like towards the end like we know that a war is coming at the end. The end we don't really know who the war is against word thinking it's going to be against Walker and Bane and I think that at this moment since Barbara is going to be working with nygma and penguin. I think that they're going to be like, hey, you know, what like you have a baby coming you need to be saved get on here and go and that's maybe how wil like will be the end of Barbara and like we probably won't I don't know that we'll see baby the baby come to the show, but I feel like that's maybe how we get none. Only rid of our row, but that's how we would say goodbye to Barbara and the show, okay. I completely disagree with you and I will tell you why penguin and nygma don't build the submarine and they don't get off the island and we know this because the opening scene of this season was them with Gordon and some giant battle which appears to still be on in Gotham. So I don't think that they ever make it out of Gotham until counted help her leave. I don't think they help her leave. I think I'm siding with the theory that she dies. Giving labor, I think yeah, unfortunately, I don't think Barbara makes it past the the series finale even though I'm sad to say that and sad to see her go. I think she dies at during labor. And then Jim has to raise the baby on his own because Lily's not gonna want to raise that baby. I mean come on. Why would she want to waste a born with powers? Oh, okay. Well, there are some predictions Erik Olson says Clayface is coming in the next episode Spirit hero thinks Scarface has come. Yeah, they think Clayface Scarface are all coming and Killer Croc are going to cause Havoc next week. Since they are the be ranked Gotham City Rogues who Ivan so does excited to see that Riddler cut his hair. In this episode next week predictions next week. Okay, Mohammed agrees Barbara dies after giving birth after the birth of Batgirl. So Mohammad thinks they're having a girl that girl Ivan soda. Thanks Ivy is returning and she infects Bruce and Selina looks for help. No don't bring IV back. Yeah, no less. No more IV. We can eat we can table her. She had a cameo in the finale. I think we're good without IV. I don't think we need Me anymore. No, I think she's served her purpose. So yeah, everyone seems to agree what happened in the in the previews were like next week Stroh Nicholas Callie thinks that while Jeremiah is recovering in the hospital and eventually he's going to be shipped off to our Command Echo will finally go by her real name and work at Arkham. This is based off of what happened in Batman the Animated Series, I like that idea because she's technically a doctor right? She's supposed to be a doctor or nurse or a nurse or anything. Well I'm thinking about I Squad when she's like the doctor she's like his hair Crist, who do you think is cloning everybody because we see next week in the previews. Youkai c-clown suck there is the Barbara clone Jeremiah you think Jeremiah is cloning people? Yes. No. Yeah. I mean most of the food the only other person walking outside and has no brain activity. I have to give him a minute to get it together. He needs some physical therapy before he starts masterminding clone, but you know what you said last week. What did I say last week last week you were like, you know, whenever we think we're on top of Jeremiah Jeremiah is 10 steps ahead. And I think that Jeremiah planned for out said no, but he planned for a larger plan than just like. Oh, this is like, I don't think his master plan was just like, oh really, like reliving poison the city. Yeah to poison the city and then just reliving the night of like Bruce's parents passing. Yep. So, I think that Barbara obviously is cloned we do see that I can oh Everyone's saying that this is Clayface that clay faces coming back as Barbara. Because I guess Clayface is a villain. Yeah, everyone saying Clayface he hid his body under the coast. It would look it wouldn't look as masculine. Okay, so clayface's the villain that can change his face. I'm assuming I'm not as familiar with the Gotham Comics guys. You can weigh in Greece and remind us who Clayface is some a fan of the Gotham series, but I'm not a fan I have I wasn't a true follower of the Original Classic Comics Clayface I do. Does sound familiar but if you guys can give us a refresh people are saying that that's definitely clay face that that is the Barbara clone. So I'm assuming clayface's it is a villain that can turn his face into different people people because they're saying he's hiding his body and he's hiding his body so that it won't look masculine. That's why Barbara was wearing the coat. Okay, that makes sense. That makes sense. Jeremiah's final look is apparently based off Earth to Joker interesting Clayface is a shape-shifter with the bility around elasticity and abilities. Yep. Yes, we've seen him before Zach open. Thank you Ivan soda. Okay Clayface. So that's that's the theory they said a and the live chat that there isn't we're not cloning people it but it's Clayface that's molding his face into Barbara. Well, I guess we'll go ahead and have to find out next week. We'll have to find out next week because there are two Barbara's so I love Barbara now, they're giving me to Barbara's. I'm like, okay, you're gonna be full of vibrant. Here. We are. Well you guys Thank you so much for tuning in tonight Zack work in the people find you. Hi internet guys. I am Zach Peter. You can follow me at just plain sack all over the Internet Facebook Twitter to people use Facebook. I don't know but I'm primarily on Instagram go follow me there and let's keep this conversation going slide into my DM's just plain Zach you guys, please follow Zach. He does the best stories talking to his Uber drivers and this should be enough you guys. I am your host Carlos Beltran. Thank you so much for tuning and you can follow me on Instagram it I am Carlos Beltran or you can tweet at me at Carlos Beltran with an r at the end. And of course, don't forget to follow AfterBuzz TV on all social media networks after bus to be and we'll see you guys next week. Bye guys our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first were the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever your grave we've got it. 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It’s a showdown to see whether Lee or Barbara will win Jim Gordon’s heart! Jeremiah is back in full action to win Bruce’s affection with the revival of Bruce’s greatest trauma, losing his parents. Penguin and Nygma are together again, Selina and Bruce have reunited and all seems well in Gotham… for now. Karla Beltran and Zack Peter break it all down! RSS Feed: ABOUT GOTHAM: Gotham is an American crime television series developed by Bruno Heller, based on characters published by DC Comicsand appearing in the Batman franchise, primarily those of James Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The series stars Ben McKenzieas the young Gordon, while Heller executive produces along with Danny Cannon, who also directed the pilot. As originally conceived, the series would have served as a straightforward story of Gordon's early days on the Gotham City Police Department. The idea evolved not only to include the Wayne character, but also to tell the origin stories of several Batman villains, including the Penguin, the Riddler, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, the Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Hugo Strange and the Joker.
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You gotta strike hard and it's gonna get crazy right now as we break down the finale will see you guys in a second you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look, That was our and I it was an adrenaline. I was on an adrenaline kick for like a good hour after I saw that episode. I didn't even like I think I had been watching and I was so invested. This is the finale but my castle right into it. I have been watching and been like so invested in the show that I think I hadn't even realized like we're in the timeline of the school year. It was I kept being like there's going to be some tournament or something then realizing as we were watching this like, of course, I wasn't gonna be a tournament we would have known about it. Yeah. So what started back up at school back at ya and then the fights So, I mean there's just jeez. There's a lot of talk about so I mean, I think we want to talk about this Johnny Daniel controversy. We want to talk about you know, the parenting they door kicking in the fight. We actually get some hand-to-hand combat that we want to talk about this giant High School fight so crazy just crushing personal injury. And of course the ending we want to talk about Kris and the future of Cobra Kai as a dojo as well as the future of Miyagi dough. So there's there's a huge amount of cover and I think we should just jump straight into topic number one, which is Sam wasn't home. Over to Johnny's Robbie Tucker there she's wasted passes out and in the morning Ralph Macchio our boy Daniel Russo, where's my daughter? Yeah throughout the entire season it almost like he was very relaxed with Sam. Didn't know they were dating that she was dating Robbie wasn't like all the way up on top of like certain kids. You never really saw him like being that much of a Hands-On parent. Yes. I'm worried about her. Yeah, and then it was like this was like, whoa flip switch flipped Yeah Yeah a hundred percent and so The parent thing they hack into the computer. I do find my iPhone. She's like don't ask questions just done asked. Yeah, of course, you know, we were so drunk. I can't believe it. They call the cops and I got in trouble now that which great flashback to of like she Amanda knows the password and can get on and earlier in the season when Danny went into Sam's room and was on the laptop and he like close it off because Sam care Because I mean it came it was like what am I doing? I'm not doing anything wrong. Yeah, and now it's like Amanda does the same thing and she knows it and she actually knows the password. Yeah so funny so but yeah, so she wakes up and Robbie's like look you can't you do me this solid you can't tell mr. LaRue so it'll crush him to see her like this and he's like, I got your back son. I'm your dad. Yeah, and and of course though Larusso shows up and like it's funny because his temper is hotter than Johnny. Yeah, actually, yeah, he's irrational which she's like not really did not seem to be the case and was never the story but like looking back at that original Karate Kid. It does actually make sense. Like Daniel is kind of a He's a Bully in his own way. He's an intact. He's definitely an antagonist and he's impulsive. Yeah impulsive tendencies. He has spikes that go higher than John he's definitely and Johnny feels like he's Johnny's like had to fight in his life. He's like really he's gone through a lot of like tough stuff. He's like really live some life. He's gone through hardship. He's been low and the Russo feels like in a lot of ways he Hasn't yeah, he like everything after the karate kid went up for him. Yeah, I got married clatter. Yeah, and so he feels like he's way more entitled The it's way more pissed when things don't go his way. Where is Johnny just like either goes on a bender or decides that he's gonna you know, be reasonable like and Johnny who is first drink in the morning is not water. It scores the banquet beer. I'm sure is like, yeah your kids drink it happens whereas Larusso is like no no. No, this is not. Okay and it's not okay that you were a at a party drinking but be That you then didn't come home and went to Johnny's which is why I think he was really upset, you know, the whole drinking thing. Maybe he wouldn't have been as hard on her but it was more that she went to Johnny, of course because he's just like I can't believe and he now he's experiencing what John he's been experiencing the entire season, which is that my son's living with you bro, you know, he comes to you for advice. He tells me that I'm never going to be the man you are. How do you think I've felt for 10 episodes exactly. That was the one thing where I was like, I understand Danny's worried, but I was kind of hard in a sense to get behind him. Exactly what you're saying been he didn't bother to tell Johnny about Robbie basically being evicted from where he was previously living and just kind of keeping that a secret. So, you know, it's they both did the exact same thing. I love that Johnny's like you need to calm down and he's like and he's like you need to calm down. He kicks the door and it's the fight. We've been waiting for they both still got some moves. It's a pretty good fight. Yeah pretty good fight. And of course Sam wakes up during the fight. What are you guys doing? Larussa throws out some stuff, you know. No, your I was made a mistake to give you a second chance. You've you want to end up like him. Come on inside them. That was that was heartbreaking. Oh my God know why he took it out on Rob penises. It's not like in unless he assumes that like Robbie influenced her to drink if that's where he's coming from. But there's I was like, I don't really know what he's gonna probably just caught up in the moment. You always want to trust your daughter and so it's like, oh someone else's fault. I mean 20 episodes deep it is it is indisputable that Daniel is the villain and Johnny is the hero watch Ben. Right, like indisputable. I mean Daniel is super judgmental. He's way more irrational. I don't read for him. I don't root for him. And that's so surprising that they and it's been that way the villain. I think that's too harsh. He then he's the antagonist. Yeah, he's not my little like Kris is the villain or hawk or something like that like you bully but like it is so hard to get behind larussa agreed. It's so difficult to write to like understand his thought process or just like route from at all. You're just like I refer your wife more than you man. Which I'm now curious after having Mary Mauser in for the last two episodes what Sam was wearing in this scene. Was she wearing red or was she wearing blue? She was wearing pant the party at the party that no and the morning. She had a teacher in between when she breaks up Danny and Johnny. Oh, yeah. She said like she the the set director in the fashion director on set dressed her in blue and red a lot of time so that she was a middle person. Yeah. I'm like, what was she wearing in this scene? She had a light. Top on so she wore a light blue blouse at the party. So I'm assuming it was that same block same one. Yeah. So now this this all goes down kids go to school the next day, you know, Robbie gets driven to school by Johnny and you know, Sam gets driven to school by Daniel and it's like whatever folk music focus on precalc, you know, and he's like here I think these are the things you need, you know thinks dad's. It's a moment. Okay? Yeah. Yeah, it was good and then all hell breaks loose 0-100 real quick real see this coming. I didn't know what I could have expected from the finale because obviously it made sense. The first season. We got a tournament. We're not getting a tournament. We're not even getting, you know, a battle like a scheduled match or whatever. I was very curious. I was not expecting this. I mean like I love like the kiss or Robbie is like the thing about the metal on her and she's like about to tell him just like Robbie bell ringing. Yes, like and the soon as that happens though. You're like well because of that moment absolutely it's gonna get exposed in the next little bit. Because they would never have given us that moment otherwise and then Tory breaks into the office. That was a really funny moment because it reminded me like who uses an intercom anymore to make those kinds of announcements about that remind me of Greece. Yeah, because they did that in Greece. I that was kind of an Ela a moment. So I wasn't expecting everything to just hit the fan. You know, what you did I'm coming for you bitch. Oh my God, Samantha Larusso. I was liked I got really excited when that happened because you knew there was about to be a big fight. This episode was like Like and and class I'd like you to talk about this because I think you had you came in here kind of griping about how unrealistic this was compared to all the other episodes. Yeah, I definitely watching this again. I love the entire series series want season one and season two. I've loved it. I was not a fan of this episode and throughout the season one and two they pegged this show as a totally realistic show total reality. Even when we talked a couple episodes ago about the when they vandalize the car. Ship and it's like yeah, maybe you didn't go to police because you want it honor and you want to respect and you have the money to fix it and it just wasn't worth all the drama this episode. I was like do we it would be enjoyable if I totally suspend reality. How do you have 200 kids in a school all fighting one another there's literally zero teachers. There is zero security Personnel besides Stingray who comes in like halfway interviewing you you and it's not even like push and shove this is Literal bloody noses cut up lips. We have a like a barbed wire fist punch. So Legacy and nobody is stopping this and yeah, I was just like, okay call something like I don't mind a fight but I that that hurt it for me. Yeah that and I can and it's not even like oh that was like the last four or five minutes of the episode. It was like halfway through more so and so that that heard it for me. Yeah II didn't And that the like I totally hear what you're saying. I didn't find that it hurt the episode for me though. I felt like it being a little unrealistic was fine. It was it, you know, it's like it didn't take away or add or whatever. I just thought but I thought having a big kid fight was fun. I like I like that aspect. That's like if you're gonna do a big fight then this is a great way to do it. I guess you could have done it out of the school could have been like a bunch of cats fighting in an alley or on the beach or something. I would have enjoyed that better. Maybe the party like you just have a big fight at the party after school. Yeah, but you have been you have so many things happening here like you have sting. Re applying for the job as the security which is great hilarious very funny. But I mean I was just going to say something of like I do like how they kind of tried to address maybe the slight unrealistic Miss of this episode by having the teacher come out and being like I'm not going to break this up because they don't pay me enough to do this and it's true. It's like if I was an average Joe Schmo teacher, I wouldn't want to be getting in between these kids who are literally expert Fighters. Are you live you live in like you're teaching in like the suburbs of Los? Angeles or deep in the valley maybe it's a receipt or something like that. And it's like probably make like 41 Grand a year and give summer vacation like no formal training whatsoever. I feel like you wouldn't put yourself a bunch of kids fighting each other with like spikes on their hand while you're gonna go try to break that up. I thought it was interesting because to me it was almost a comedic moment. You know how that line was delivered was in a funny way. Yeah, so kind of took me out of what was going on and made me think. Oh, well things aren't going to be as bad as I think. They're going to be yeah, my only issue is that was like already like 10 minutes into the fight. Yeah, and you already on the hallway, which I will say. I wonder if anyone else had this I incorrectly predicted this while I was watching when they showed the security guard and they were like their little application and you have Stingray thought was Kris. I thought it was a stingray and I was like, here's creases entrance. It's totally sets up for an amazing season 3 where he is a security guard security, which would make that how he infiltrated? I literally thought that it wasn't even going to be Stingray. I just when the interview was happening. I was like, oh, it's Kris. Yeah, this is what he said about starting a war now. He's gonna be able to influence kids directly every day. But if you have a badge totally surprised so but yeah, this is the fight starts with Tori and Sam and like you have Miguel and you have Robbie and they take off running to find like this point like this. This car went on. Yes, they're women and of course like one by one each of the kids gets involved Hawk is like yes. Hey jock just like just goes in and just starts at least. And people I've loved in life. Yeah, he's loving like he's just so angry. He just wants to kick ass. You have the two kids who again. I said this in an earlier show, but like they don't ever identify. Those kids names most of the kids in Miyagi dough were former Cobra Kai Chris. We know we basically don't any of the rest their names like the to the to like kind of nerdy Suarez get picked up. They were my favorite fight. It was just very comical. Yeah. That's that's great. And I love the fact that they every single person on COBRA Kai and Miyagi. All kind of had that one mirror, right? Yeah, of course. Yeah, totally and Chris and then his and his dude and he like that's awesome just wrecks him with the book all the fighting. I loved all the fighting. But yeah, the what you guys think about the Dmitry Hawk fight. I loved it. I think it was perfect. I didn't want a long drawn-out. Well, couldn't it be long and drawn out because to me she's not equipped to really fight Hawk. So I loved that poor Hawk. He never won every every fight. He's been in he's lost for the most part. Well, I think that really sets it up for the next season two because you see that at the end the realization that Hawk is now the number one pupil. Yeah, totally like and but I also think that like the whole idea that Hawk is this angry fighter. He'll always come up short is the message of the show that if you're if you are Kris, if you are old school Cobra Kai, you'll never you'll never really win. Maybe you'll win the battle but you lose the war kind of thing. And so we'll see how they play with that but Speaking of the rest of the fight the big fight in the school. I mean everybody has their moment Sam gets into it with Tori. There's this crazy as Mary was telling us when she had her on the last couple episodes this Wonder this huge shot that runs. You see all these kids fighting Stingray goes nuts, which I love very agile do is very impressed. Yeah wasn't expecting that. You learned something is it when he walks past Hawk does he like touches mohawk for a second or the what does he do? He like he did do something they like for what good luck or something for you waves his hand over his head. Something I was trying to buy. Yeah, I was serious. This is trying to watch it and like get through everything but he has a moment with Hawk. I think where he like doesn't doesn't hit him or doesn't stop him. Maybe maybe he's afraid of him because they're both color because I'm not sure but crazy fight and then of course the big moment where Robbie is fighting with Miguel and he's like you took advantage of Samantha. I never took advantage of her then why did you kiss her? Shows Mercy, this is a big moment. This is a huge moment for Miguel for Diaz to show mercy here because he thinks about he thinks about the lesson that he learned. I actually thought when he goes to his head for a second. He sees the image and he's like practicing Mercy. I thought that then he was going to see an image of Kris saying something about you. There is no mercy and he was going to hit him again. I didn't think that at all. I think it's always been Miguel's character that like, he'll have moments where he's not thinking clearly or he's misguided but he'll always come back to kind of like that good. Who wants to have wants to be able to learn karate but also have like a moral compass. I did The Honorable thing ya did The Honorable thing? I'm interested and we have people in the live chat chaos and Marvin by the way. Shout out to you guys. Thank you for tuning in and commenting live. They were kind of talking about who won this battle. Does it really matter then and the end result and they both said that Cobra Kai won this battle and I don't know if there was if there was a winner do you guys think maybe I mean Cobra Kai, I think now what metaphorically one or whatever, you know, how do you from Italy one? Figuratively? I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. I mean from a base standpoint Miguel one, but showed Mercy, right? So Cobra Kai in that sense in a fighting sense with but showed Mercy got kicked off a ledge broke his neck or something like that would ever happen or not. They survived that yeah that was painful to watch. Yeah. I cringed really hard, but that was hard to watch. Was very hard to watch I hate to say it. But before I'd gotten to this episode we had we had taped the first two already and I was looking at some of the comments and somebody made a comment about falling and breaking it back and it got ruined ruined. I knew it was coming. I didn't know exactly who or how or what I just but I saw that comment that it once it's in there. You can't come down. He's like I got it stepped it up. But so when it happened I was like, that's how that's how it happens. And of course the stakes change immediately. Buddy is totally freaked out, you know, the fight ends and everybody's so upset and you cut to the hospital, you know, you cut to the the basically the reality of what's going on. I thought that's where it was going to end the episode him falling boom. Boom. Boom checking my didn't think I'm too like, okay good. I still have about 10 minutes after this episode. Something's got to happen. We're had to be some wrap up because you had to have things happen like characters had to go in different directions. So let's kind of go piece by piece here and I think we don't have a huge amount of time left in the episode, but I want to make sure we do. Through a little bit of the ending and some of our predictions for next season. So the first thing that happens is in the hospital you have you have wrought Johnny and Daniel and up in the elevator together. They're just silently kind of reacting to what's happening. And so glad they didn't have a confrontation. Yeah, exactly. Thought this is not the time to get into any violence has more. Yeah, I was going to say I wouldn't have been surprised had Daniel made a snarky comment just because he is so judgmental and being like Oh, your Cobra Kai is did this but I think in that moment they both mutually. Understood. Hey our kids are karate kids found themselves in a really bad situation. We need to parent as parents. Just take a moment. Yeah. Now next you have Carmen and her reaction to Johnny, but you know and he's worked so hard and he for the first time in his life or in his adult life. He's kind of felt good about himself for periods of time this last year, you know, and she really liked and they had a great time together and she's so upset and she says, you know before you think I would avoid a fight, you know, I never want to see you again and and that's brutal. Yeah, so Jean he's kind of losing losing his confidence losing everything on the flip side of it. Of course, you have Amanda and Daniel and and he's like, okay, you know Cobra Kai they're going to pay and she's like no, I'm over stupid corroborate done. It's done. It's done. You got to be done like you seen what's happened? And so I always wonder with television like when you set at the end of a season of TV when you set it up like that it feels like how could we possibly come back from this? You know, do you guys like it when the season ends with big question marks like that? At how can we possibly come back from this or do you like it when it's a little more mapped out? I think in this particular case, I like that. There are a lot of open questions because I have theories that I I honestly kind of hope they go my way but has to say yeah. Yeah, go ahead. I like middle. I don't like it as much as what they did here, but I don't want it to be totally a season wrap. Yeah, actually that's why I really enjoyed the end of nine because I was like, oh great they came together, like now I'm interested. Where this could go or they could they join forces or whatever and now I'm like, yeah, but I think I think the idea is you have to leave some sort of a cliffhanger, but I'm with something. I felt better at the end of 9th and I didn't attend so but so yeah, they so that happens you kind of get the message there that Miyagi does going to have to kind of go away. And then finally when Johnny goes back to the dojo mmm and it's open and creases in there and I think as soon as the door was open you knew that we all knew was you know, right we knew that there was no way the season was gonna end with out. Kris somewhere. I knew he was in there but I didn't know what was going down. I thought that that turn was a little fast because what did Kris do did Kris did Kris go to the dojo that he call the students? Did he? Yeah. How did you get in touch with like, how did they all go to the dojo to train when Miguel's in the hospital? Yeah all I think he's been infiltrating the kids for a long time just under the radar. He's definitely using their fear and their sadness and their anger right now to manipulate them because They clearly think that by Miguel showing Mercy is the reason. Yeah, he is in the hospital but he's very morphed wait. He's got Hawk. So how can communicate with everybody else? Yeah, and they blame Miguel's injury on Johnny. Yeah, right. He says this is on you. Yeah, if he dies Hawk says that if you don't it's on you the the line from Kris is quote. I founded Cobra Kai. It belongs to me. It always has and it always will I will never let my kids lose even if they have to learn the hard way one day you'll thank me for this. So it sets up real conflict. I mean obviously, you know, Johnny walks out you can have it. This was a mistake. He's I think referring to just Cobra Kai coming back at all. He's he's taking his moment from episode 6 and hanging out with the guys his old when they say what are you doing bringing this back? That's what I think he means is this was a mistake. They were right. I should never have not just let you back in but even revived Cobra Kai period and he goes to the beach and he smashes his bottle and he throws his phone. Yes, and after he throws his phone. What do we I'll show the pops up Dad. I see that friend request Thunderclap. See that coming from Ali. I knew once the message sent we would have to see something in the last episode. I wasn't even in the mind frame that that was that's when it was going to show up. So I don't know who it was. I don't know if it's confirmed yet, but it's hard to imagine that at this point in her career Elisabeth. Shue would not want to come on. She's like still working. She looks great. Yeah. She's like, I think Elizabeth Shue would be a great ad for For season 3 like you bring her in and like but I'm wondering how she's going to bring Johnny back like and how is that going to play in but I would love to see it. I think that I Thought I Loved how that ended. I think it could make sense to bring Ali back just in the sense that like at this point Johnny has lost everyone that you bring someone new in that doesn't kind of know all of the baggage would probably be helpful for him next season. So here's my prediction is Johnny and Daniel are going to get together and form a new dojo and that's going to start the season. Yes, and then The friction point is when Ali is going to come back and that's going to cause that's going to cause that break between I would it be a friction Point Daniels perfectly happy with little competition. So that's it. I mean, I'll raise blue male testosterone. Yeah. I think it's pretty good prediction. I think that's a really strong prediction. And this is the first part of the show. We actually get to do predictions because that's not it, you know, none of the next season is out there. So questions that are written down here. So obviously Johnny and Allie, that's one you you mentioned that you think he's gonna team up with Daniel is Daniel actually done fighting you think me I'll get it was actually done. I think once you see is the return of creosote just have a gut instinct to get back at it. Yeah, and I think that'll be a friction point between him and Amanda because he's going to have he's going to have to tell her we I can't let this go. I think Amanda will eventually push Amanda will encourage him to get back in the right way just like she is. Mr. Miyagi. She will say you still need to play defense you were Offense all of this evening, you're opening up this Dojo you doing the commercial you're doing the presentation at the festival you still need to play defense defense is still okay, but do you think Johnny's going to completely let go of Cobra Kai or bring some of the elements that he loves about Cobra Kai and it incorporated into Miyagi dough. It's I'm not totally sure if they're going to do the the like joined together move. They might it still seems like a little bit of a stretch to jump straight into that. What I do think though is the Miguel storyline that we're going to get it's a question of it's gonna be A 1 or 2 Season storyline if the if the injury turns out to be somewhat minor like it's a fracture and it heals and he's just nuts rehabbing then it'll be a full school year 6 months of rehab and he'll fight in the tournament and it'll be a big like courageous come back and he'll win the tournament and that'll be how but I think probably realistically that's too fast if I turn around and it's a second he sits in a wheelchair or like on a walker or is too weak to fight but he like helps coach his guys backed with a lessons of love. But Lawrence and then in season 4 he wins the tournament The Comeback season. I think the first half of the Season Miguel will like you said Ben will probably be in a wheelchair recovering from his injuries. And I think he's going to be the one that convinces both Danny and Johnny to open another job because I think right now Miguel's going to have to be the one unless I like comes back the one to bring Johnny out of that dark place and to give them hope again. Yeah, he's the only one who truly believes in Johnny at this point. Probably chaos and Marvin are talking in the chat of Will the cops get involved with Robbie and what will that be with him next season because we didn't see him at the end. He didn't see him. No, so that is he in jail. How much are we suspending reality that is there a way that he doesn't have some kind of criminal punishment. You just kicked a guy off a 3-story ledge. I mean back I that's I think that's like a would he go to court situation like what you're kicking and punching every thrown each other through glass like he kicks him. It's not like you kick some awful legit kicks him and he falls backward have yeah. Off of a ledge like you could you know and I don't know how that works in a court of law. But I think if he the writers want to suspend that they're able to there's also a pressing charges thing like depending on if he's okay if he does wake up and he's okay. Like I actually don't think they're going to try to that's why I don't think they're going to put Miguel in a wheelchair all season. I think they're going to do it as like a tactic for part of it. But I think his injury is going to be less extreme than we thought I think he'll recover faster than we think because I don't think they want him to be that character. Who's not in the mix. Yeah. I did love the hitch. CH cock moment of him falling backwards. Yeah for sure. It's like a homage. So last question for you guys Dimitri and Hawk house Hawking to recover from that as the lead student of Cobra Kai. Do you think you can handle the load? Do you think he's going to be able to is a good thing a bad thing? Is it going to make it even worse? Is he going to become worse? Oh, he's gonna buy far become worse. Now that he's definitely under the instruction of Kris. And I think you know, he will fight and fight and fight to never to always feel like he can win always have the power. I think they set it up this season. Whereas the first season you were like. Ah hock is weak Hawk is still we he still clearly number two or number three or whatever this season with the fight in the creek and the woods they set it up that they're pretty evenly matched. And now that you don't have Miguel or robbi poor robbi. I think you're certainly setting up that he is the top dog Hawks power is growing stronger. Yeah, and he deaf. I mean, he's definitely a he's a sub character in season one that's really turned into a main character. Yes to he's really becoming the lead so Yeah, that's going to wrap us up here guys really quickly before we get out of here. I want to remind everybody here that AfterBuzz TV is the ESPN of TV talk we want to thank you guys for listening and watching and honestly your support and giving us a rating or review on iTunes is the most helpful thing. You can possibly do to help us stay high in the standings and continue providing free content here at AfterBuzz TV. We honestly probably do an after show for just about every single show you like so go find us on YouTube. We have all different verticals all different channels that are Strom has there's reality TV. They're superheroes. There's red carpet interviews. You can still go. Watch our season two interviews the Tammy and I did the other day with the cast of Cobra Kai at Paley. But so check that out. And then thank you guys so much for supporting the show. I really means the world to us folks working. They find you if you want to follow along with you. Well, if you want to talk more about Cobra Kai are anything else just follow me on Instagram or on Twitter at the only MC reach out and you can follow me on Twitter at Tammy gouveia on Insta. Tammy gouveia official. You can find me Veronica Valencia on Twitter and Instagram at its me Veronica underscore V. You guys can find me a been Bateman media on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening and thanks to AfterBuzz TV for keeping this thing going loved it. See you guys next season fantastic our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz ya later. Hmm views expressed herein are those of the host only you do not necessarily reflect the views. AfterBuzz TV where its owners are principle AfterBuzz TV where its owners are principle
COBRA KAI IS BACK! On this episode of Season 2, Episode 10, hosts Ben Bateman, Veronica Valencia, Tami Goveia, and Michael Clouse talk about: Tory taking revenge on Samantha that has deadly consequences, Kreese returns and betrays Johnny again and the brutal fall out from the Cobra Kai and Miyagi Dol battle. About the After Show: Loved THE KARATE KID film? Then you surely must be watching Cobra Kai on YouTube Premium. It’s a series set thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament where a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo. On this COBRA KAI AFTER SHOW, our hosts review, recap and analyze the latest episodes and bring you inside scoops from cast and crew. ABOUT COBRA KAI: Thirty four years after events of the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament, a down-and-out Johnny Lawrence seeks redemption by reopening the infamous Cobra Kai dojo, reigniting his rivalry with a now successful Daniel LaRusso.
This is optimal living daily episode 1491 today is the first day of the rest of your life by Bradley Charbonneau of pass the sour, and I'm just a moloch. Happy Friday. Welcome back to Optimal living daily or the O LD podcast. The premise here is simple. I get permission from authors to read you the best stuff. I can find covering self-help minimalism and more before we get to it. Why settle for seven percent returns from your 401k whether you're an experienced investigator? Wester or new to the game our friends at the Motley Fool want to help you find great stocks. That's why they've created a report on a group of five stock picks for the next generation of investors and it's free for all optimal living daily listeners at / optimal living daily. That's fo o optimal living daily, and I have that Linked In This episode's description for now. Let's get right to it and start optimizing your life. Today is the first day of the rest of your life by Bradley Charbonneau of past the sour I'm in line at the national Center for life change. I have my ticket the little number I pulled from the machine like at the DMV the DMV looks modern compared to this place think I'm lost in a Time vacuum. I have a tight between my fingers so I don't lose it. I think I only get one. What if they close before I get to the window. Well my ticket be valid tomorrow morning. Well, I then be further along in the queue. Do I only get to come here once in my life? What if the change our request isn't the one I want lots of people here. I wonder how Works is it like an interview? How's it going to change my life? Zap me with electrodes whisper Voodoo in my ear. I don't see anyone going into interview rooms. I don't really hear people even talking or they specialist doctors neurosurgeons yoga instructors who can really change me. What do they know that? I don't guess that's why I'm here. Oh, I'm supposed to fill out a form didn't see that. Let's see question one. Who do you want to be? Whoa. Hmm. Geez. What happened to first name last name? Zip code? Dude, take it easy guys. Thought they were going to help me with that one. I thought that's why I was here. I wonder if we can talk to the questions at the window. I'll see anyone talking in the windows. Hmm all alone on this one. Do they mean a person? I'd like to be like like George Clooney. I don't even know George Clooney just seems like a cool guy. Yeah, probably not maybe Morgan Freeman. Who do I want to be? I am who I am. How's that going to change? Anyway, how much can someone really change especially? Late in life. Like I'm looking for I smiled to myself at my little age joke as I know. I'm not that old and I have time to make changes in my life so I can become that person. I'm supposed to be I have time I can do it anytime any day now. Sure anytime isn't that what addicts say I can stop whenever I want I can make these changes in whenever I want. So when is that going to happen? When is then I guess that's why I'm here today. Today must be the day. I have my ticket. I have my ticket. Soul must be good I'm ready. Okay? Okay. Maybe I'll skip that question and move on to the others only one more short form is going to be easy. How do you plan to become that person if I knew that I wouldn't be here. Come on really fine. I'll give it a shot. I suppose I have to put some effort into this nothing is going to come from nothing. I think I'm moving up in the line people are leaving from the windows. Do they look changed their lives altered? How would I tell I don't know what their lives were like before. Or so how would I know if anything had changed? I guess it wouldn't really change your exterior. Anyway, what will it change my brain? My memory my philosophies dreams hopes likes and dislikes if it changes those things will I be the same person? I really don't know what they're going to do with the window, but I'm getting more skeptical about this whole place. I don't want to be transformed into someone else not to the point where I'm not the same person. I just want what is it that I want? Is it possible to just change a little bit? Or is it all or nothing? Maybe I should have done a little more research. I'm moving up in line seems like it's going faster the line at the parking fine payment plays seems to go really fast the line at the ice cream shop seems to go really slowly are the changes reversible just a few little changes. What would they be? What about my life? Is it that I want to change? What is it about me that I want to change. Who do I want to be maybe a bit more of the guy I was when I was younger who That guy he was the guy I am now, but without well responsibilities. It's probably a definition somewhere that says that age brings responsibilities from the outside. My life must appear pretty close to perfect. So why am I at the DMV of life change is it just the old The Grass Is Always Greener? I don't want to lose my past. I don't want to lose who I am. I'm not sure I want to change the future or maybe I don't want someone else to change my future if they don't do it who's going to do it? I just want to change a bit where I'm going. I'm almost to the front am I chickening out or am I figuring it out? I want more of some things and less of other things. How can I accomplish that maybe if I knew what the some things in the other things were I dunno? I just need to think about them a minute. I probably have about a minute left. If I don't do it. They're going to do it for me. They might not get it right more of what I like to do and less of what I don't like to do within reason, of course. So what do I like to do think? That's another department. I smile at my joke on bureaucracy. My life is a bit bureaucratic. I need to run it more like an entrepreneur and less like the DMV. So what's the difference between entrepreneur and the DMV? Maybe a DMV is decision by committee. I'm guilty of debating with me myself. And I I think I know what to do. I think I even know how to get there or maybe at least where I'm heading and one of the several paths to get there or to take that first step in the general direction. So what's going to get me going? Is it the person behind the window? I'm there. I'm at the window. There's a person sharp dressed woman looks intelligent. Probably helpful. Probably insightful. She doesn't say anything. I have my ticket in my hand. I'm probably supposed to give it to her. I hand it over. I'm good. Actually I say she looks at me somewhat knowingly. She doesn't say anything. She probably knows me more than I do. Maybe not I give my head a tiny little Renard and if I had a hat I would have tipped it to her. She gives a Mona Lisa smile and I turned to go I know what to do. You just listen to The Post title today is the first day of the rest of your life by Bradley Charbonneau of past the sour Now, are you a Henry it stands for high earner not rich yet. It means that despite earning a six-figure income you're struggling to amass any meaningful Nest Egg our friends at the Motley Fool can help since 1993. They've been providing investment advice helping members build a financial future. They Envision to Kickstart your 2020. Goals, they're offering five of their favorite stock picks for free realizing you're a Henry remember the not rich yet part you can do it and the Motley Fool can help visit / optimal living daily. That's fo o / optimal living daily. And I have that Linked In This episode's description. That should do it for today. Have a great rest of your Friday if you're listening in real time, and I'll see you over the weekend where your optimal life away.
Bradley Charbonneau of Pass The Sour Cream on today is the first day of the rest of your life. Episode 1491: Today Is The First Day of The Rest of Your Life by Bradley Charbonneau of Pass The Sour Cream on Personal Growth Bradley Charbonneau's dad died in 2015 and it was as if, for the first time, that he realized we were mortal and had only this life to live. Unless you're a cat, but he wasn't a cat and he wasn't living the life he thought that he was supposed to live. Since then, he's been writing. Every Single Day. Bradley's now published 12 books, closed down the company he founded (and realized he hated), and moved his family to Europe. It doesn't cost him energy, it provides him with energy. Every Single Day. It all started with a single decision to write every day. When are you going to start living the life you were meant to live? The original post is located here: Please Rate & Review the Show! Facebook Group and Join the Ol' Family to get your Free Gifts! Whether you're an experienced investor or new to the game, our friends at The Motley Fool want to help you find great stocks.
Wow, here we are this almost didn't happen tonight. Really? Well, we were on the fence. But here we are. Oh, yeah, that's true. We chose this over on my face where I don't know what that says about us. Welcome to episode 12. Yeah of the everyone belongs podcast. I'm Ben. I'm Cami and we are your host this evening.And our goal with this podcast is to go beyond tribes and systems to explore. The question of if there's a love that's big enough for everyone and the way we've chosen to go about this series or this project is by starting with our own story. Our story is why we started this podcast so we felt like it would be somewhat disingenuous and confusing if we didn't tell you guys that yes, we do. Have a dog in this fight. We have a motivation. We have a story and we started off by sharing it. Now. I hate this episode I think is going to be a it's going to be kind of interesting. We had promised last week we've gone through I think what we're on episode 12, so we'd gone through Eight Episodes seven or eight episodes of sharing our story and then we went through three or four episodes of QA and then this week we were going to Pick up where I left off with kind of like what we currently believed and I was like really not excited about that episode. But I'm like, you know, what buck up just like trying to find it. I know it's hard to explain and some of your still processing but we owe it to the viewers and then We had a change of plans because something very wonderful happened this week. I guess you could put it that way and by wonderful spicy. I mean super shitty. Yeah that I can't wait to share with you guys. But before we get into that, there's been a little bit of a discussion on some of the Facebook page type stuff about the language that we use. And without apologizing I'm going to explain why we use the language that we use in a very brief Manner and then warn you that whatever language if you're sensitive language. This is not probably the episode for you. You can tune in next time or maybe in a year or two or five when our language changes, but for now, this is the way we talk at home. This is the way we talk with you. Each other and this is the way we talk on the podcast and we don't mean any personal offense to anyone. Actually. I don't mind if any of you folks, but it's not why we do it. So this is this is your warning now that I I'm planning on getting excited this episode when I get excited my language gets more colorful and yeah, I like to I like to call it colorful you might even get some excitement for me. We'll see how I think I think so, that'd be fun. Okay, let's Dive Right into this. So first of all, exciting announcement, we did it you guys we asked you guys for one favor on this planet and it was to give us more than a hundred reviews. And as of now, we have 109 reviews and I'm proud to announce that all of you are the proud listeners of a five-star podcast. This is where the I know the Applause Gibby Applause would be super nice, but we're pretty low-tech over here. We don't even have Trail sorry Robin someday, maybe but we don't have an intros. We will make up for in swearing today. Now. I want to break down these reviews for you because I think this is really fascinating out of a hundred nine reviews. 95 of those reviews are five-star reviews. Wow, that's really surprising to me That is weird. Isn't it? Like I don't know if it's because if they're writing it so highly because of how impacted they've been by just listening to it in a positive way. I want to give a few just a very short amount of time of some explanation about behind the scenes here making this podcast one as we already point out. We don't have an intro we also have Arrow editing that goes into this this is like and that's not we're not proud of this. It's just kind of like where we're at and the amount of time that we have to do this. I'm not bragging. I'm just stating facts. We have no budget for this podcast. We have invested $1 in it, actually. Well, it's true. How is that an issue? Well, we just got some chairs. Yeah, that's true. I guess that but we're not sitting. Well right now it's kind of confusing because we kind of to podcasts and I actually bought all this stuff for the other podcast. But so it's it is a bit confusing but we bought the mics and stuff. So I guess in that way there's like probably $400 worth of care and we record this in our basement pretty consistently while our kids are doing some sort of like go-kart Gladiator Sports on the thin wood floors right above our heads. So to get 95 5 Star reviews tells me something and that is that people value the story more than they do the production. That's right. Yeah, that's what I feel which is really cool. Mmm. Okay, we have four four star reviews screw all you guys just kidding. It's there. It's been actually if I was to raid our podcast, I don't think I could write it before Stars. Because of the production quality. Yeah, so I four-star reviews you guys might be the only honest guys out there. Yeah mad respect. Okay, then we have for one star reviews. Now I've kind of shared K 0 3 star, but I guess they can. Hey, listen, are you are you hosting this for my hosting us here house? And I'm just keeping you honest so 0 3 star. Okay, but you're okay. You got your got your method. Yes. Got it we have for one star reviews. and we've previously gave an explanation as to why we think that is. Because like I said four-star review I would give our podcast for sir. I totally would understand if someone gave it a 3 star one star my guess is those are people that don't listen but don't want this message to be heard or you would really don't like swearing. Okay, but this week you guys something very fun and fascinating happened. We got our first and only two star review. And to understand why this is special. We're actually going to read this review and spend the entire episode talking about this because I think it's so fascinating because this two-star review came from someone that I would consider a friend from our previous life. And not only did they send a review. They sent me a message announcing to me that they were making the two-star review. So it's like a review plus review announcement. So I think I'm going to start off by reading that. Do you mind or do you want to do it? Sure? All right. Why not? Okay. So this is I'm reading the message first. So this was a personal message sent me. I'm not a big fan of how you were calling out names and websites and maligning people's character. I think there is a healthier way for you to process and heal the story isn't as black and white as you have presented it with Steven David and jeromy as power hungry. Villains. Sorry again. You were so hurt. But Waging War isn't going to bring the freedom. You may be imagining it might I almost gave three stars, but it gets a bit rambley at times C. And this is a guy that I worked with for a while. We'll get into that. But can I just say it is really rambley. Sure. Rambla is fuck I think. Yeah, it's because yeah, it's not very low produce not edited. We're not radio personalities only thing I will say out of this whole message. I agree with and I want to start with the positive and I think he's but he didn't give it three stars, but he almost gave it right that's confusing. He almost gave it three stars. Also, he was going to give it three stars and said but then he says it's rambley. So then instead of three he gave it to ya oh fascinating. So if we could make it less rambley. He'd make it three. He might change his review doubt it. Okay. Now it's time for the actual review. Okay, would you like to read it? Yes, I would love to. You gotta get give the title. Okay, if the username title Burning Down the House John PDX, January 2nd 2016. Been a self-proclaimed extreme personality tells the story of his family's excommunication from a religious community and extended family and telling the story Ben calls out names and web sites of his foes. He focuses on how his family allegedly became victims of spiritual abuse coming from at least three separate cincinnati-based Christian Ministries many people find Ben's rawness refreshing and his extreme nature. Sure exhilarating This reviewer does as well, however, well I'm not part of the story. I know many of the people involved and warned listeners to take Ben and kami's bereavement with a grain of salt their pain is real but the facts are edited to create clear villains and victims while Ben has inspired many with his family endurance challenges running ultramarathons as a family through hiking the Appalachian Trail as a family is Ultimate endurance. It's challenge has begun how long can his family wage war with his relatives former business partners and previous spiritual mentors. Can I just say I resent the fact that he stated your name? I think five times and my name once I mean, I know you're the fucking host but come on technically. We're both co-host here. I know I'm like what the Okay, that's my first my first grievance of this your raging about that earlier because the first thing you said would you read it? And I was like, that's your main beef. That's not my main one. Okay. That's just your first one. Yes. I just have to get that one out of the way. So this this review is so fascinating to me. It's very strategically well-written. Almost like it's written by a guy that wrote professional scripts for more videos that are two three minutes long, which I also did. Okay, so we just have to get into this because I don't even know her start. So what's fascinating about this is there's the right sprinkling of like giving us a nod like acting like you know acting like we deserve some sort of credibility without actually giving us any, you know, he kind of says he's like kissing her ass here where it says many people find Ben's rawness refreshing and his extreme nature Exhilarate and sounds like a porn add this reviewer does well does as well, however, So, okay, so he's kind of saying like, oh, they're great. Then he says at the bottom. Well been not Cami has inspired many with his family endurance challenges. So it's kind of like he's it's almost like you know how Eminem at the end of The Eighth Mile he like tosses out all his All his faults before who is it. What's the guy's name? Dang it? I can't remember it. Anyways, whoever the guy he's battling against on the rap so that the guy has nothing to say. He's like kind of saying like he's kind of like paying homage to our efforts and our cred so that It doesn't come across as just he's blasting us so that it's so white while he can be heard. Yeah. Yeah, but really what's so fascinating here is these are the main accusations and I want to look at it. Okay, so he has a couple of beefs. He has the names and websites thing which we'll talk about. He really doesn't like that cuz he mentions that in the personal message and in the review And then there's this fascinating lingo. He uses he focuses on how his family allegedly became victims of spiritual abuse coming from at least three cincinnati-based Christian Ministry. And then he says I know many of the people involved so now he's kind of playing his card which is the main reason why he's writing this review which I think is to say, don't try That's what we're saying. I know many of the people involved and warned listeners to take Ben and kami's bereavement with a grain of salt. Well, are you going to point out here that while I'm not a part of the story? I want to get to that. Okay, their pain is real, but the facts are edited to create clear villains and victim. So I want to focus on that line for a second and ask the question. Do we have on our hands here a real story Justice Warrior? Is this person you know because they're saying facts are edited. There's a grain of salt. There's many versions of the story. It's not black or white all of which I completely agree with by the way. I think we've even said if he would have actually listened to all of our episodes which I kind of doubt but these kind of like vague warnings are really they're not they're not meant to really challenge people to hear both sides the really meant to discredit our side. And knowing this person for the last three years we have inside information to this and I'm just going to like kind of let the cat out of the bag to our listeners because I think this is really important and I'm stressing out. There's like so much to say and so little time you only have 45 minutes. If you decide to go public with your side of the story. There is a good chance you will face this type of argument and this type of attack and I'm going to just flat-out call it an attack. It's very clearly an attack an attack on our character an attack on our story and attack on of our credibility attack of our validity attack of our facts. Although not specifically so this I want to walk through this specifically because this is so normal and it's very rare for us to receive straightforward feedback. Like this. Most people are talking about this kind of stuff behind our back and we've heard about it. Third person but it's not something we can actually that's publishable. But because this is a public review, I think it's very valuable to go through it. So this John PDX is That's a username on iTunes is saying hey, let's be well-rounded here and here both sides. Well, here's the interesting thing when we were being accused by the other side for a period of three years. And we had a pretty intimate relationship that I can get into but we did High School Camp. We've found in numerous businesses the largest business grew up in the same church with him. Yeah. She never once called us to ask us our side of the story. In fact when he kind of said that he was discontinuing our normal contact. Based upon a side of the story he had heard my last question to him was are you interested in hearing another side of story to which he said? No. So that leads me to believe that this is actually not about giving the story a fair shake. This is about getting a certain side of the story more air time and a certain side of the story which he doesn't believe and I'm fine. If he doesn't believe it, you know, he doesn't have to leave our facts like he hasn't fact-checked him I suppose but you know, I have proof I can verify I think almost any of the facts that people That we stated in our story through email through audio. So my question is about this person was he as these other people were accusing a fuss of all these things over these years was he taking that with a grain of salt or is the only asking people to take our sight of Sir with a grain of salt and that's how you really know, you know is if people are willing to apply the same Justice meter to both sides. I guess if it really is just as they're after otherwise I would argue. It's actually something else they're after. Yeah, and it was only after three years that we started to tell our story. That we start to hear this grain of salt business. Mhm. So one thing that you know has been very difficult to us knowing that there's two sides of story and deciding whether to actually come out and tell it is this belief that we are not saying the other side of the story is not valid. I'm sure there's testimony that could be published and other people could release episodes and talk about horrible things that we've done and I'm not even I'm not going to say it's false, you know, some of it I'm sure we'll be but some of it I'm sure will not be We're not discrediting another side. All we are saying is that we're not willing to let our side go Untold anymore. Now I want to give a little bit more context here. That's just fascinating facts to me one is that in the last four years? We've released more than a thousand videos on YouTube. Okay more than 60 podcasts. How do you know how many are dedicated to telling the story of Oppression and abuse alleged abuse that he's talking about? three there's three episodes dedicated to I'm sorry and a three follow-up episodes two questions that our viewers had that we're answering so six so someone could figure out that percentage. What does that one less than one half of one percent of our videos are dedicated to the story. So my question to this type of accuser would be are you saying that all one thousand and 60 videos of ours are uncalled for and should be taken with a grain of salt. Or just these three and if so, how are these three so different from the other 1060? Or is it just that you don't like the content of these three? Because our videos have some pretty obvious through lines, you know, we've made we've built an audience off of trust. And by consistently sharing what's been on our hearts as honestly as we possibly can so I want to give you a few other facts. About what we have done. Because I think this is important. One is that we waited more than three years after devastating events transpired and after processing with a professional therapist before doing anything besides vaguely alluding to pain. So for three years and most people this is not their normal life. They're not vloggers. We haven't bloggers we Vlog about everything we've talked about our sex life. We've logged about parenting difficulties. We've logged like on the trail with CPS taking our kids away we've logged about hate. Months and be accused of all sorts of things like we went into the tricky areas this area we held back from for three years because I was so cautious about wanting to ruin other people's names I think way too much. So by the way, then after three years when we did go public with a story we created an alternate Channel and instead of publishing a story to our 40,000 subscribers. We publish it to an audience which at the time was 0 and now is up to 2,000. It's five percent of the audience of our other page even now and that now is the biggest it's ever been. In addition to that on the story we have actively discourage people from harassing anyone in the story and I have a very liberal definition of harassment to me harassment is pushing information on anyone that doesn't even want it. And we were very very careful about what names we used in y and I wanted to get into this also because this is something that was really scary to me. These are family members. These are people that we were in relationship with that we care deeply about and that we believed cared deeply about us and in some ways. I don't want to Discount that I think that could also be true. But at a certain point especially after certain people aren't in touch with us for one year two years three years and our story is our story. Most of you guys have heard it. We have faced what I would consider spiritual abuse and he says alleged I would oh, I would love to hear him answer why he used that word alleged like which facts are you challenging? Yeah, I'm gonna get into that whole just fold a backhand me. Hold me back. Okay, but I will say we were very careful about what names we used in why we balance a fine line between journalistic Integrity. You know, I'm not just going to say some guy said this let's name him Bob because these are real events and Real credibility on the line and there's other people's lives on the line including ours and but there's other people that are still involved with these people and but I didn't want to use any names that weren't necessary for the Integrity of the story. But what's ironic about this is his blanket fucked up pussy accusations. My let us say that yes, thank you. See here that people that got offended a woman of validated that they toss this kind of like hand grenade of discredit. Without ever saying why and it shows the very reason why we had to use names to begin with because if you're going to like try and discredit us and say, oh that never happened. The only thing we have to stand by right now, we lost majority. We lost security. We lost peace of mind. We lost the comfort that we had from Community. The only thing we have our facts and at first that was really scary. I thought it was not enough. And this the fact that I'm having to make this argument now shows that in that world. It's still not enough but outside that world. I'm not trying to convince John PDX here. I'm actually trying to show people that have especially people that have been through this. Maybe a method for finding sanity because you will be discredited and you will you might even discredit yourself because the majority will say you're crazy which is the ultimate definition of gaslighting they call to question your sanity by saying fucking bullshit words like alleged. That 100% covers their ass and 100% throws you under the bus. Oh, no, I'm getting now. I'm feeling it. Yeah. Okay. So what we have not done I just told you what we did what we have not done is released last names with one exception couple flips that was an accident. And guess what? I still don't even give a fuck because it was a good one to pick I agree but because We're not trying to toss out names because our goal is not to throw people under the bus or room people's reputations or get people fired or anything like that. But I'm also not afraid of it. I'm my goal is also not to protect them. So it's not so I wasn't it didn't freak me out if we could use people's last names or we cannot I would prefer to not because I don't think it's really necessary and helpful to the story. I want to use the minimum give the minimum amount of information to he backup are worried powerful enough. Yes. Yes, what we have also not done is released specific websites. We've talked we've used specific names for Content. I'm going to it's so weird that that's what upsets them. Is that were calling out organizations. Like would this be said about Henry Weinstein or I mean other abuse of organizations, I guess. so weird Okay other things we have not done and these are important because we've actually thought about them called for a boycott, you know, we could have asked people and this is a very normal thing to do. By the way, a lot of our viewers said this about the Bible Camp about other things. It's like, how could you send your kids there? Don't go don't support it. Don't like ask all your viewers to basically boycott like start spamming people to let them know this story and we haven't done that. We haven't picketed this one of these organizations. Is actually teaching family conferences in Cincinnati about God's design for family as there in the dark treating our family like basically disowning our family. Yeah, and we also haven't asked our listeners to sabotage or even share our message. Like we're not saying hey spread this to everyone, you know, or hey reach out to churches and those are all like actually very normal things to do. Yeah. Okay, I want to let's read this quote that was actually very inspirational to me and I have a feeling this is going to land with some of you because there's a thing called Stockholm syndrome, which is bad enough and please forgive me if I get this wrong, but my understanding of this is the very cursory understanding of Stockholm syndrome is the desire to protect your oppressors. You start to form this relationship with them subconsciously attachment. Yeah. Yeah, and even though they abused or pressed you you still have this like kind of knee-jerk compulsion to defend them. So even for years after this happened, I felt guilty almost embarrassed to share the story with these names because I felt embarrassed for these people, but this is one of the quotes that convinced me to help share this You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories if people wanted you to write warmly about them. They should have behaved better and LaMont. I think Anne. Lamott is even like a churchy person or maybe not church. That's the wrong word. Sorry, man. Sorry. Sorry, my bad. I did not mean to say that all but I think she were Christian had at one point at least. so Going back to this kind of question. Is this person really after facts? Because if you read the if you read the common again, I just want to read through this comment because on face value it says allegedly became victims. He says I know many of the people involved and worn listeners to pick Ben and kami's bereavement with a grain of salt. So even there he kind of discounts our testimony. By making it sound as if this it's this emotional venting then he says the pain is real but the facts are edited to create clear villains and victims. So I want to ask this question based upon what we know is this reviewer on or really anyone in this mindset really that interested in facts. Or and this is kind of my premise. Are they more just interested in silencing our set of facts and I've said this just to be clear and I'll say it again any facts that come out about this story that have proof and are specific there. They can't be these blanket feelings. They have to be like I'm talking words names places dates. We will do anything in our power to promote that that are relevant to Story whether they make us look good or not or bad don't care that's less important to me. Geesh someone's taking a shower above our head now. Hopefully that's not true star review that I think that could be a legitimate three starters. We don't have it to Serbia. Now, here's kind of you know, this is what's fascinating and I've already said this but just to reiterate none of these none of it. There's no facts in this entire. Review, there's only these General warnings. Now. There's an Instagram account that I want to call you guys attention to it's called Church clarity. And I discovered this Instagram account this last summer and let me tell you this Instagram account does. roughly they do they create a spreadsheet and they do they track I think just two things. It's like egalitarian views meaning are women allowed to be in leadership and is the Church of firming in other words, are they accepting of homosexuals in leadership now, I don't even care what you believe about those things at all. All I'm pointing out. Is that what this website does is they have three ratings? Yes, no or unclear and what this website does is they push churches to just be clear and honest and honest hence the name Church Clarity. So the Instagram account is at church clarity. And this is why I've learned this work is so important. Ambiguity favors the powerful so when there is a group and if you look at someone and you're like, you know, and when you're in Christian circles, you know that people not to trust, you know, there's there's a well-known group when X is probably true of any tribe our experiences in churches and someone will like be drinking too much or have sex outside of marriage or have a kid or read a fucking Rob Bell book and The Whispers will start to happen. And we'll be like you'll say these kind of vague things like so and so I remember this one. Oh my gosh. Okay. So this involves cast of characters from people that we've already mentioned, but I'm not going to give a specific name is because one of the guys that was disciplining me named Stephen said about someone else that we were actually had become friends with that the devil, what'd he say the enemy has Speaking of Satan or the devil come to find out this person was in a hospital for mental. I don't know if it's called mental disability or sickness or instability or anxiety attacks or something along those lines. But all we heard was that the enemy got them which basically means don't trust anything they say write them off. So I want to share one story about this and how this has impacted us, which was our story that's actually started this whole podcast. It was this summer. We were planning on going to a Bible camp on Whidbey Island. How in the Seattle area which I have been at literally since being in my mother's womb we both have we met there we've therefore probably multiple calendar years actually when you add up all the time, that's not true months months months months, maybe a calendar year and and we were set to volunteer cook when we were contacted in July and we were told that we were not allowed to cook anymore because we did not believe that at porn and homosexuality was a sin according to the Bible and I said, oh I didn't know that we had to their interpretation of the Bible. Yes. And I said, oh I didn't know that I had to believe that it was a sin to be gay to cook and they were like, well, you know what we mean, and I'm like, no actually I don't because I actually know how this compound Camp operates and and when you're counseling or leading or teaching often times some years they had you sign a statement of faith other years you didn't and there was multiple people that didn't sign up for all sorts of different reasons. So I went to the website and the website Said something like we believe in a Biblical marriage. That's all it said about any sexuality. So they believe in polygamy. Exactly and well, so with this Bible Camp there was all sorts of beefs. I had and all sort of beef I didn't have because honestly, it wasn't that surprising when it happened. We were just kind of like, you know, you learn to spot these things a little bit and even though we had never taught anything about being gay we in fact the only way they had found out was because we had made a YouTube video explaining our stance on our Channel and I think someone complain to them but Is two things that I asked the organization to do not directly but on, you know on our YouTube channel, which is one Define the rules specifically. So if you're going to tell me three weeks before Camp before I drive my family across the country and rent my house out losing thousands of dollars that I'm not allowed the burden is on you to explain to me. Why because I know for a fact that there were other people there that we can Other weeks who believe the same thing that I do well, and they got their Yes Man to call you like the people that actually have the power to kick us out or to pussified to actually like call us up and talk to us. That's sexist. I'm offended. Okay, dignified whatever. Okay. So the first task was Define it specifically this second task is to enforce it. Universally. Like I said, there's people that okay. I don't even like an interest. This is a site engineer when I asked those things. I knew that it wasn't it was kind of a it was kind of a sneaky ask because I know the camp can't do that and the reason why Asked is not to actually get this done, but they would get a lot of pushback. They would get lose a lot of people but it's to point out the flaws in the system. Yeah, and there are flaws and that's okay. I'm okay with flaws and systems, but I think the system that is claiming to have the Bible in Jesus and God on their side should be the first to admit that not defend it and this is why what this church Larry thing is doing is also really a great cause but also impossible the churches, you know, the largest the fastest growing Church in America a few years back in Cincinnati area on the outside. Everyone thinks that it's gay affirming and probably even I don't know at least close to egalitarian. It is 100% not both when you find out when you talk but it takes knowing leadership and hearing from the right people or hitting your head on a ceiling. That you're not told about to learn this the hard way and if you really believe the fucking truth if you believe that's what Jesus Jesus way of saving people is fucking start broadcasting it right. I'm I'm actually down with that but it's just more convenient for them not to that's why they don't do it. So this accusation that we faced, I believe it's equally vague and I don't think it's a coincidence. That that is that way. Okay. Where are we I didn't pay Chambers here. Okay with this discrediting. This is very systematic and I'm going to ask him a to read this quote. It's kind of long but it's from this book and I'm going to put these links in the no not there. Sorry this under discrediting. I'm going to put the links to these resources in the show notes if you care later, but this is a book by Judas Lewis Herman and it's titled try. And Recovery the aftermath of violence from domestic abuse to political Terror. Now, this is not a religious book. This is not written for churches. This is written for trauma in general. That's what makes it. So interesting to me is to see these patterns go Way Beyond church. This isn't an anti church talk. This is an anti-oppression created by unjust systems talk. Okay under them in order to escape accountability for his crimes the perpetrator does everything in his power. Power to promote forgetting secrecy and silence are the perpetrators first line of defense if secrecy fails the perpetrator attacks The credibility of his victim if he cannot silence her absolutely he tries to make sure that no one listens to this end. He Marshals an impressive array of arguments from the most blatant denial to the most sophisticated and elegant rationalization after every atrocity one can expect to hear the same predictable apologies. Never happened the victim lies the victim exaggerated Sledge Italy the victim brought it upon herself and keep us I mean, this is like really didn't need to write that like he could have taken the allegedly out and it would have he still just talking about what we're saying our story well with he's so fucking smooth with this because he never says we exaggerate he just uses these phrases like been a self-proclaimed. So now he's even putting it on. Exaggerated for us like he's putting on me. Now. He's fucking using my words against me been a self-proclaimed extreme personality that's saying watch out for anything is Extreme personally says because it's gonna be extremely even says so himself and then it says, Yeah facts are headed to create. Oh, man, so that's okay. I just my second major beef with this is the I know we're in the middle of reading this show finish overall. No, you don't you do you is that he says that we're Waging War against family and these other people and to me that's like kind of a slap in the face. It's a very very Ignorant statement because okay, he doesn't deserve to hear this but I'll tell these other people like I've spent countless days and nights the last three or four years in grieving over my family. Like I thought you don't want to wage war against them. That's not my goal. That's not your goal. Like we I lost them that's I lost them because they walked away from me. I'm not Waging War against them. So to me, it's just like like so ignorant it's what he wants to believe. He doesn't want to believe that actually your old Mentor. He doesn't care enough to talk to a sister. That's that's the real story here, John. Okay, hang on now. I need a riff off that because I think you're really right and like he's making it. So what's the word like it's nothing to me like as if it's like not a huge deal that that what what's going on? Well, there's two things here. First of all, these people are so self-important and self-aggrandizing. they actually think we're attacking them as if we give a shit like what they're doing, you know anymore like when someone doesn't talk to you for a year, two three or four like we've actually had the wonderful benefit of having a therapist and the time and the space to fucking walk 2,200 miles spend $10,000 on therapy and move the hell on yeah, and they actually view this as a war that wherein I have no grandiose ideas or expectations that I'm going to take my Sirs, Ministry down like no he's going to go on with his life because there's a the next Vine like whatever, you know, yeah, exactly. I was there once too but there's other people that do care and are responding and listen to this message and are hurting and are hurting and don't have another voice to hear because they've been told that their voice doesn't matter either and that's who you're speaking to. Yes. Not you fuckheads. Geesh. Sorry, that's okay back to this. So after every atrocity one can expect to hear the same predictable apologies and never happened. The victim lies. The victim exaggerated the victim brought it upon herself. And in any case it is time to forget the past and move on the more powerful the perpetrator. The greater is his prerogative to name Define reality and the more completely his arguments prevail. So basically it's saying they'll try and silence you first. So the mums the game secrecy is is code one check. We have experienced this like crazy. Most of the things we're heard set against us even now even though we're off the reservation and the words of someone that I heard recently. They won't even talk openly with each other. It's all done in one-to-one conversations. I would love to see the email or the blog or the you know, I don't even take it personally, but just like for the sake of your own religion defend it and start coming out with the facts like someone discredit some of the facts were saying if you really believe it. Yeah, otherwise just know the whole thing even how it was done to us. The letter that excommunicate us said in the letter to not share it with us and I'm saying that having never seen the letter just because that's what we were told was shared with us third person allegedly. And then they're saying they trying to find reality. So this is where you know the few things we have which I feel like for how much we've been through we've said very little in that we're stating. I'm reading emails and documents stating names and dates and trying to give a narrative with with at least in the course of telling the story fairly little commentary as to like, we're not telling you why people did it. We have our speculations and we're trying to make really clear when we're speculating and differentiating that from an accusation. You know, otherwise, I feel like the information we've given is pretty straightforward like reporting conversations in this was said on this date and these were the witnesses that were there and most of these I'm trying to think of any case that we've reported that doesn't have multiple Witnesses. And most of Witnesses are on their side most of the time. Yeah. Okay now so we've talked about what we did but I want to talk about what this review does. Okay, this is what I think John PDX is doing actually in this review posting Incorrect and misleading facts publicly and actively discouraging people from listening to us. And what are these misleading facts you're asking? Well besides that we've already said one of the statements he makes in the public review is quote. Well, I'm not part of the story unquote. So what makes me think you didn't listen to the whole thing. He did because he episode 7 and 8. I in episode 7. I tell a story about him. Then he contacted me episode of after episode 7 and said, hey this conversation did not go the way that you said, so I corrected it at the beginning. episode 8 Okay, so that's one one way he would actually was a part of stories. I said in episode seven that John PDX his advice to me was to submit to David. That was the final thing. He said to me when we stopped talking for a year or two after he said he talked to my old business partner Colin. He said you should submit to David and then after he contacts me after two or three years, he's actually apologizing for that which is so weird and I'll get into that. but there's actually more ways that he's tied in with this that I'll talk in actually a little bit because it actually starts to get a little crazy as I was just like thinking of this episode like how tight in he actually is but this like conspiracy theory that he's like a spy not really spices but like sent out by other people are like hey, can you Figure out what's going on here LT can figure it out every listen to this episode. So I want to share that story because I think this is really fascinating. So he reached out to me when we when we came out of this episode. So there's two or three years of silence and like a lot of people after we weren't so what's fascinating by the quote you just read is secrecy is a main trick and then after that silence is what's the most important and we were for two or three years and guess how many people we heard from in a two or three years. No, no one then we start sharing our story and then all of a sudden the Cockroaches coming and guess who we hear from under the wood. I can't even tell you the number of people at all of a sudden are really obsessed with the details of the narrative conveniently. Yeah, so then John PDX apologizes to me over message. To which I respond. What are you sorry for? And he doesn't really say he's kind of like vaguely apologizing like in some sympathetic bullshit way for the pain that we've gone through which he actually does a lot in both his message to me and this thing is like, oh your bereavement I was like, I'm not to the pain. Yeah, I mourn free like kind of this like and I okay. I don't want to discredit it. Like maybe that's nice not helpful for me. I'd it doesn't make a difference in my life whether someone across the country feel sad for Honestly, but when I specifically asked him, oh, you sound like you're apologizing. What are you sorry for and he said oh do you think I should be sorry for something and I was like, no, I don't care if you're sorry. You're the one who said less, but if you're not sorry like about something we have no interest in maintaining a friendship with you. So what I think is happened was although he kind of like gave this not an apology. He's actually still defending his original line of thought. Which was two things one specifically that we should talk to David, but the milk the more important underlying thing. And this is what I told him why we're not friends with him is because he why were front I'm going to make this more big we're not friends with anyone right now that believes they know better what's best for our life than we do. This was the entire Christian world. And so when he came to me and said and he didn't know at any of our side of the story the time he said, oh, you should just listen what David said and we had been through a lot of abuse already at this time and we were like know our therapist that we're paying a lot of money for it is really fucking qualified is telling us the exact opposite guess who were going to go with the person that doesn't know any part of the story or the person who we've actually come to trust and it's like we've busted our ass with Okay, let's move on. So I want to ask this question because we're gonna make a whole episode about a review we might as well ask. Why do you think this review is written? And I want to talk about a comment that was left. On one of the last episodes by someone in care knee. Would you like to read it? Yeah, I briefly looked up the story form life. I see PDF files download to use as materials to facilitate training sessions the content seems scripture based if their intent is not leading people to Christ. What is their motivation? So we had referenced that the story from life and the founder of it Jeremy at least the co-founder of it who Camis brother who was one of the people that excommunicated us and the leader of this family teams website has this content called the story from life and we taught it for close to 10 years. And now I actually consider the content to be fairly. It's had dangerous aspects to us. I'll put it that way. So this person went to the website says actually it looks pretty harmless. It looks scripture base and it looks like it's leading people to Christ. Mmm, and she's saying that seems fine. To which I said reply back to the comment. Just like she was asking she was assuming that I was saying it's doing something else like it's actually asking people to join a cult or something like that and I'm like no that's exactly what it's doing. It's calling its claiming to lead people to Christ and to follow scripture based upon the way that they see it right now. This is the key that I want to take away from that because I think you can before you ask the question. Is it good to lead people to Christ or read scripture you To to use their term. You have to look at the fruit that's actually being produced from the system itself a system creates what it was designed to create it. The results are not random. So when you have a system that creates a bunch of ostracized people that don't feel loved, but then you say the system creates love Instead of looking at what it says look at what it does and you can't trust usually at all what set you need to look at what's done. So with that in mind? I want to look at this review and not look at what said because what said it comes across as being Really about protecting integrity and truth justice and the American way and looking out for us even with this like, oh my gosh. It's sickening how how twisted and manipulative it is I want to say I think at some point are we said that we weren't sharing websites was we're not sharing websites, but we had we did share names of Some of the stuff so I yeah, and I'm not I'm not against that it's not because it's Anonymous it's more because I'm not asking people to spam or go check them out. I haven't provided the links if you want to go look up all the stuff. I'm sure you could put the pieces together. My goal is not to make this like ambiguous and weird and confusing. My goal is to just share the story. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So here's a few other facts that that I like went back and forth on whether share this if I was like, you know, what fuck it. I got nothing to hide. I think this is interesting stands for saying yeah, so it pithy o is the business that I co-founded with John PDA John PDX and two other people including Jeremy Camis, brother. This was like what 2009 10 years ago 11 years ago now and she was now John was one of the first people to want to leave and sell his shares. I'm assuming this is like six or seven years ago. Now when a PPO shares were sold. I was the only person in the boardroom to defend his shares and the fact that I felt like they were being undervalued. And when his offer was given by the board, which I got outvoted on actually, I don't know that for a fact you can check the board minutes, but I'm I probably actually voted for it at the end of the day, but I was dissenting before the vote, but when he was presented the offer and he accepted it I offered to pay him personally out of pocket. Because for because of the delay in when they were willing to pay him they were going to penalize him for paying him on the spot and I didn't feel like it was fair as we were drawing out cash from the business. So I was the only shareholder that went to him and said I will pay you out of my own pocket to make this right and he declined it but that was the offer. Yeah, then when he left and he went on to start his next project. Act which is a video project dedicated to explain the Bible. And I had to look it up today because I was like I said, I feel like I was ten thousand but that seems like too high. I probably donated $5,000. It was 2000 and I was like maybe there's actually 1000 but they looked at the receipt it was $10,000 is what we donated to support him in his new endeavor. So whoop. Okay, can I get that money back? Lesson learned. Okay, so I'm still time these are I'm still answering this question. Why is this person right writing this review? But I'm getting there in a roundabout way and this podcast is going to be more than an hour, but hopefully you're entertained. Because that's what we do here. Hell if you're in our chain, give us three stars at least until you get an intro. Yeah. Okay, then this is so weird to fucking talk about is just true John PDX has a podcast wouldn't you know it Are we going to tell the name? No, because we don't give a shit but it's a podcast whose explicit goal is to explain the Bible their podcast. Here's a few facts whether podcast. When I typed in Christian podcast or something like that, it ranked number 6 of all podcasts in the world the number six training podcast on religion and spirituality. It was right below Joel Osteen and right above Tim Keller. Okay. So this is the number six podcast in the world on religion and spirituality. It was the top 21 in woman's day magazines on the best Christian podcast to grow your faith. And we talk to her this is fine because we talked about how many reviews we have a hundred nine. They have sixty five hundred six thousand five hundred reviews for a four and a half star average. We're beating them now there is this quote I came across Instagram is one of those like meme quote inspirational thingies, and I really liked it was just this last week and I said pay close attention to people who don't clap when you win. So here's someone who's fucking made it they are at the top of the Christian Bible World. They aim they have their voice. They can share what they think about the Bible and spirituality and Christian Living they built an audience and fucking kudos to you know, I don't want my 10 grand back. I was happy to support it. Yeah. I was really excited about it. And I'm glad that they can share this and I'm glad it's helping people like, you know, like that's wonderful. Have we in fact, I mean here's another thing to say because I don't think I mentioned this. Why do you gotta drag a puny little podcast like us down, huh? Well, seriously, I know, you know, he's accusing us of going to war. I mean we talked about not picketing not doing all this shit. Here's another fascinating fact. I have not downvoted. Actually. There's one YouTube video downloader, but I haven't downvoted any of these people. YouTube videos, I haven't negatively rated any of their channels any of their podcasts and it I mean these people have done what I consider some pretty allegedly horrific things to us at least things that have been really painful to us. I'll just say that yeah that way we don't have to use the fucking word allegedly things that hurt us like hell and I didn't go and lash out or try and dissuade people from going to Their audience because I'm fundamentally opposed to that idea. Well, I don't want to play that game. I Neither. Yeah that to me is going to war giving someone to stars that has a hundred reviews when you have 6,000. Now it's an unfair War because you're a fucking bully but it still wore like threw a grenade in a closed room. It's like I ran away now. Here's what I found. Okay, and this came up in conversation. The last two or three times we've talked over the last couple of years the conversation there was this funny thing that was said where he kept on saying to me. Hey, if you need any help, let me know or if there's ever anything I can do for you, you know, let me know we'd be happy to have like 10 grand, please actually now that you mention it. Um, And you know what? I just told him that sounded degrading and that we don't need anything. And I'm not interested in a relationship or someone treats me like a project and this is where I've come to see when we got kicked out of the Christian world the Christian World sees it one way. They assume that you want to be back in and for a while, we probably did they assume that you're defining Yourself by being on the outside. That's why for us to tell our story. They have to see it as like oh fine. If you're not going to let us in well, we're going to bring you down, you know, they assume that we want what they have. But here's the truth. There's nothing that he has that I want. I don't want his approval. I don't care if he's calls himself my friend. I don't want his advice. I don't want his money. I don't want him to shout me out or do anything. I just don't even care because that power structure that we told you we spent so much of our life investing into the most controversial thing. We ever did was walk away from it. And in order to do that, we had a polyp we had to apologize to the people that we had lorded our power over and we also to a certain degree had to be honest that people had lorded their power over us. And we did that internally for years before we ever went public with it. Even like one thing we did, you know because we read this apology letter we sent out to 16 people, I believe. Yeah, and then I waited an entire year. So it just wasn't confusing for relationships in order before I even read it on the Vlog. This was our own apology. Right? Yeah, and then we read it and we didn't even say who we sent it to and we didn't even say why right because we left all those facts that we just said. Hey guys we I believe the saying now we consider this dangerous and this is what we apologized for and this we probably read that letter what two years ago now. Yeah. Okay. So what I think is going on and this is what this is where it's speculative, but I think if you have been in a situation you might or for that matter if you're still in you might share some of these mindsets is that when people are out you assume someday, they're gonna see the light and come back and grovel and apologize and walk back in and then you have the power to let them back in or not. But if they really don't give a fuck if they don't want back in which I think I would. He was most the case most of the time I used to say this all people all the time. I was someday they'll come back. Guess what they never did they saw the light and they ran there and I actually my my biggest reason why I'm sharing with this has nothing to do with church actually has to do with family. I think I've seen so many people in the Christian world do this with our kids and they're like the parents are like I fucking know what's better for you and the kids are leaving their like will find you leave you little shit. Someday, you'll come back. They don't say Little shit because they're Christian. I said you Little Chute someday, you little brat someday, you'll come back and guess what a lot of times the kids never do. And the parents wonder why they're like, oh it's so weird. They must not have learned their lesson yet. So I think the fact that we don't want what he has is threatening to him. But speaking more vaguely. I think it's threatening to that belief system. Yeah, because this is the proof now that you've seen what we've done and what he's done. And how much clout we have and how much clout he has. I think it's fairly safe to say. That he's not comfortable with us adding our facts to the story their reality the way they see it cannot coexist with our reality. It's either we have to be right or they have to write that's why he has to discredit us for him to feel good about himself and I've never discredited anything that they've said. I mean, I've given my explanations for why I think and what our side of the story is, but like I've never accuse people of being Liars or actively coming after us to me. It makes all the sense in the world that people did what they did because because we did it for so many years. Yeah, but we're okay with both sides existing they're not and we're actually not even trying to recruit people to our side, right? You know, we're not saying hey everyone share this with your friends. Hey, everyone go tell everyone about like what bastards you know these assholes were because I think I fundamentally believe they have a right to exists and believe what they want to believe and so do I I'll take it a step further and I'll say I think people that are still within that system are probably getting helped from it to a certain group share a lot of yeah. Oh, yeah and just because it doesn't work for us right now doesn't mean it's not helpful and doesn't work for other people. So I'm not trying to blow this system up. I'm just trying to show people that there's life outside of the system also, but when we do that people are trying to bring us down. That's what's so wild about this. So. The irony and if you look at who's actually creating the war here whose warring with people I think John PDX, I think his post as much more violent than anything. We've said if you if my data or my you know, I'm in a lot of these are inferences and the final thing I'll say with that is in a way we definitely are at war against a system of thought. And that system of thought is that if you're in the system, you know what's best for other people and that you're better than other people. Yeah, and this is why when John PDX apologize to me numerous times all of his apologies fell flat because it was so Hollow. It was so superficial and he was like trying to be sympathetic. That was the best he could muster up was like, oh you're sad I've been said before we're the same. I'm really sorry that you're sad, but he couldn't oh, Any of the behaviors that actually contributed to our pain? Yeah, and that's why for us. It's so was not enough for us to call people. I mean the other thing that's so tragic about his accusation the biggest line. That's so I think So grossly wrong is the facts are edited to create clear villains and victims. I would love to see one ounce of proof on that because to me that's crazy because I feel like we painstakingly try to explain that. We were part of the problem. We were the villain and then we became the victim like we were both it was never black or white to us to me. It was like, oh, you know, we're getting what we dished out. This makes total sense. Absolutely and even the people that Um villainized us. I don't even think they're actual villains. It's why I'm not calling them to the carpet using any more details that are necessary are asking people to boycott because I actually don't think they're the problem. I think they're fulfilling a role that other people are asking for and demanding and in a way, I want to point out that there are villainous aspects to the system into the rolls. It's just like McDonald's and I've used this analogy before but you know you eat there you The fish fillet your like this is incredible extra sauce extra pickles chicken McNuggets, and then someone's like oh hey, have you seen how these animals are treated? Does it make the fish filet sandwich wrong and everything McDonald's like discussing? No, but it introduces some new information that now you have to be like, oh, huh. You can't have the fish fillet without the animal cruelty or the Burgers without the system. He Farms L on the back backs of of animals that are being hurt or humans that are being hurt if it's this other system. Yes, and you can't have a system of exclusive thought without treating those that don't think the same way as less than in our experience. Yeah. So the irony is I don't I've never felt like a victim. I've never asked people to yeah, if we experience pain and but that wasn't actually what motivated this podcast like what motivate this podcast is that what I felt and he doesn't even say it because and this is fascinating. I wonder if this is intentional he calls out the three separate cincinnati-based Ministries. He doesn't call out the one Washington one which happens to be 2 or 300 miles from him and happens to believe something that I think is actually so far out there that he couldn't even oppose that being in Portland, which is the anti-gay belief. So there's not three John there's for Ministry is the very first one if you look at all of our first videos, they're actually about Out to the Bible Camp. That's why we started this channel the since anything is an afterthought actually, so I'm wondering if you think or if you're willing to stand by all your accusations for your review for what happened at the Bible camp with a gay thing, or do you think that's different because maybe you stand in a different place. No, no, just speculating. But I think we've accepted our responsibility and move the fuck on and this is where it's so weird that he's saying that he's not a part of it. He still defending A system that refuses to acknowledge the pain of us and many others and when we when we talk about it you accuse us of making War. That's pretty damn convenient, especially when in that world war is one of the worst things you could be accused of because it goes against supposedly what Jesus did or thought or some bullshit like that. Well, they actually got that one, right? Wow. Oh mercy. All right. Where are we at here? Am I losing you know just need to wrap wrap this baby up put a little can bow on it. This is okay. I have a call to action. I think it's possible to hear this podcast and be like shit if I tell my story I'm going to have people coming after me. and I would be lying if I said that that's not a strong possibility given our experience, but I will also say I think there's a reason why people are coming after us and I you know, we talked about at the beginning of the episode how many how many people have you guys have been very gracious and taking the time and giving us five star reviews and at the end of the day, I think the reason why people are giving us five star reviews. We're doing one very simple thing. We are being courageous and telling our story. and despite the consequences despite the two star reviews the one to serve you and this is something I think anyone can do I think a lot of people feel helpless they feel like they don't have a podcast. They feel like they there they've been stripped of their confidence. They've been discredited they've been accused and they might they've been gaslighted and they might feel crazy or incompetent. But I believe anyone can start by being more honest. Their own story like Anne. Lamott says it's your property. No one can take it away from you you own it. Yep. So I want to end reading a few kind of like more passages from that one book by dr. Judith Herman called trauma and Recovery that speak to telling your story because my hope is that people listening to this would be encouraged to at least consider sharing their story more. Yeah, the ordinary no, never mind Senator. Tell your story. Sorry in there those who attempt to describe the atrocities that they have witnessed also risk their own credibility to speak publicly about one's knowledge of atrocities is to invite the stigma that attaches to victims. It is very tempting to take the side of the perpetrator. All the perpetrator asks, is that the bystander do nothing the victim on the contrary asked the bystander to share the burden of pain we've read that in a previous episode, but the punch line is if you do nothing. that will make the oppressor win. So if you take the inverse of that the way to face the oppressor or the oppressive system in our case. Is to speak to speak your truth. This is another excerpt from the same book The Ordinary response to trosset he's is to banish them from Consciousness certain violations of the social compact are too terrible to utter allowed. This is the meaning of the word unspeakable atrocities. However, refused to be buried equally as powerful as the desire to deny atrocities is the conviction that denial does not work folk wisdom is filled with ghosts who refused to Rest in their graves and tell their stories are told murder murder will out. Okay, remembering and telling the truth about terrible events are prerequisites both for the restoration of the social order and for the healing of individual victims, sometimes it feels especially to people that are inside and their goal is to defend the system like where I believe John PDX is comment is coming from we'll see certain facts and stories that are inconvenient to them as a tax and is unnecessary and is drudging up gory details that aren't helpful. But for the rest of us we know and we've experienced and we've heard from so many of you overwhelmingly that our story has actually been healing to you and it is told you that you are not crazy. Now if we can do that just by sharing and somewhat sequential order. The hell happened to us in our basement. I think there's people around you more than likely that as you start to be honest about these things that are actually difficult to talk about because with the beginning of the quote says the ordinary sponsor of Trustees is to banish them from Consciousness. We silence ourselves. I mean forget about other people for a second. It's so easy to say to myself forget about that move on don't dwell on that. It's not worth it. Yeah, but there's another consequence to this and the last two readings we have one is this pithy Instagram quote that I found this week, which is a reality that I've experienced by Cheryl Richardson. It says if you avoid conflict to keep the peace You start a war inside yourself. Now for three years, we kept these things to ourselves and it drove us it was driving us crazy because we're sharing our story. I mean like transparency and honesty and authenticity and thoroughness is kind of our gig on YouTube. If you look at the range of stuff we've talked about it's pretty wacko, you know, we get accused of TMI all the time. But this one story we were not willing to talk about and the more we kept it a secret. I think the more it made us feel crazy and we're not willing to do that anymore. So if assholes like John PDX and there's more are going to come at us and accuse us of stuff to silence us or to make themselves feel better. That's fine. But we've seen the other side of it, which is I'd rather be honest and find a new crowd then to be silent and feel crazy. And the last book we're going to read is actually from a psychological parenting book. It's called the drama of the gifted child by Alice Miller and it's this excerpt from page 42 and 43. Sorry. This episode is so long that sorry psychiatrists are denying this type of damage when they talk about Grace and other spiritual qualities in order to acknowledge the Is of such early hidden trauma, they would first have to do some hard work on themselves. Once they become willing to face the facts their own facts. They will lose interest and teaching others about Grace and other mysteries in the name of science clinging uncritically to traditional ideas and beliefs often serves obscure or deny real facts of our life history without free access to these facts the sources of our ability to Love Remain cut off. No wonder then that even well-intended moral appeals to be loving caring generous and so forth are fruitless. We cannot really love we are forbidden to know our truth the truth about our parents and caregivers as well as about ourselves. We can only try to behave as if we were loving but this hypocritical behavior is the opposite of love it is confusing and deceptive and it produces much helpless rage and the deceived person this rage must be Press in the presence of the pretended love especially if one is dependent as a child is on the person who is masquerading in this illusion of love. We can make great progress in becoming more honest respectful and conscious thus less destructive if religious leaders could acknowledge and respect these simple psychological laws instead of ignoring them. They should open their eyes the vast damage produced by hypocrisies. Alright, finally, I want to read a review that we got the next day. From someone named Elizabeth's Country Road. This was January 3rd the title. It's a five star review and the title is life-changing honest thought-provoking and growth-oriented insights. If you have ever participated in a faith community or known someone who has you need to hear what the crawfords have learned insights that could change your life. This podcast is definitely proof that real life is more interesting Than Fiction. If you are oriented that way I suppose you could hear this as an elaborate tale of victims and villains, but that's not the message. They are offering Ben Kami and their children have experienced a ton of pain as a result of being excluded from pretty much their whole lives. Family business and Faith Community, but in the process they have learned a ton now, they're telling their story and creating a space for others with similar stories usually Untold to connect and heal. So I guess there's more than one way to interpret what we're presenting. It's crazy that she says exact opposite. Like I said and even kind of says that some people are going to hear this as the tale of victimized villains. I think that's done on purpose. Okay? Yeah, but I don't think that makes this less true. So guys that was a ride. What to say we've had to let go of a lot of relationships that have been hard but what's been helpful is to be able to look at actions instead of words. And also just look at what is helpful for us and we want right now and there's some people from our previous life that we've decided are no longer helpful for the stage of the journey. We're on and we've had to let them go and be With that it makes it hard and one of the ways we know is by sharing our story and seeing how people respond. All links to today's material is in the description. This podcast is available all over iTunes and Google Play and YouTube. Most of those links are down below as well. I would love it. If you guys would consider sharing some aspects of your story. If you're looking for a place to do that. We have a face book discussion group that's private. It's screened. I hope it's safe. I hope it remains safe and it's a place where you can dabble to share some things that have happened with you in a place where other people will not call you crazy. Because if they call you crazy we kick them out. And also if you want to stay updated with this podcast, I would encourage you subscribe. However, you do that. On YouTube or iTunes because I used to spend a lot of energy like an hour or two posting links to this every time you release it and I'm I'm not going to be doing that anymore. I don't think after this episode. So if you want to be notified, you're going to have to take care of that on your own. I'm not going to do it on Instagram necessarily. As always guys. It's a pleasure to be able to share our story and to be given the time and the attention from you guys. Thanks for listening. Peace. I'll see you next time.
Ben and Kami share their first 2-star review that accuses them of fudging their story, waging war against family and church and all sorts of exaggeration. They share some background of the reviewer, why they think the review was written, and some behind the scenes of why we started our podcast. We also share the most valuable tool that you can use to fight oppressive systems.
Well, hello podcast listeners Kimmy here Welcome to our first official episode. If you've traveled from the future and stumbled Upon Our show Welcome before we get into the murder and swoops for the sake of transparency Cheyenne and I wanted to address a few of our Growing Pains due to some equipment quality issues. The sound in this episode is going to be a bit pitchy and an even sorry about it since recording we've both updated our equipment. So this is the only time will be torturing you in this manner. We also realized during editing.Our first time nerves got the better of us and realize how evident it is in the dialogue both Cheyenne and I are very excited to be embarking on this project with you and greatly appreciate your listenership. If this is your first listen, we apologize for the Jitters, but that's what you get for listening to too anxious bitches talk about murder and mystery. Thank you for the continued support and without further Ado. Here's the episode. You're listening to you had to be there a dark comedy podcast about death dying and what comes next our show features dark and disturbing content and explicit language is a guarantee for full list of content warnings, including triggers for survivors and handy minute markers for skipping the ugly Parts pause here and check the episode description before jumping in if you have to skip this week's discussion. We totally understand but if you're cold and Hollow like us it's time for the shit show. Welcome to episode one of you had to be there a dark comedy podcast about death dying and what comes next now that Kimmy and I have spent the last 10 minutes of Our Lives arguing about how to start the episode where starred in the episode. It has been five minutes and 12 seconds. Thank you very much. Well any span of time in which I have to talk to you is doubled in experience that is hateful and fair God. I feel like I should just go to bed. Don't do that because I worked all day on these damn notes and I swear to God, so I was supposed to have been working on the notes for my story by the way all week. But because of a series of very different illnesses throughout the week, I didn't do shit. So then yesterday I was like, oh man, I you know what I gotta I gotta pick something else. I'll pick something small. I'll pick something small that I'm familiar with and it'll be way easier and then the story that I ended up picking ended up not being very small. So I spent the entire day laboring away at these notes and then was briefly interrupted because my man Bank picked me up so we could go get the headphones that I'm currently not using because I fucking can't get them to work. Alone with technology and was like vaya con dios, honey. And then just left. Wow. Yeah. What a gentleman I know. So cool guy. So we totally launched our teaser trailer and got some pretty sick feedback from some people like Cassie and Tammy. Yeah. So the people that we referred to in our first official shoutouts and that we thought we were being totally complimentary, but evidently there was an immediate complaint So we referred to Kathy and Tammy as are you know, number one cheerleaders and in our group chat with Kathy and Tammy Tammy was very complimentary the whole time. She was robbed at the whole thing and like the only feedback that can be dropped in like literally Tammy goes on for like 14 messages and Kathy to jumps in and she goes quote cool that our names are out, but I totally demand an official retraction of the use of that high-pitched mimic of us encouraging your shit neither. And I would have set myself on fire before becoming an actual cheerleaders and quote Kathy is a 100% gonna stop supporting us. I don't know where she gets this idea that we'd spoken high-pitched voices when we mimicked her. I've never done that. I I mean that's I'm literally just that's her voice. Right? It totally is one under percent and fifty percent of our listeners just went away. Away, and then right and by 50% I mean Kathy has a Sammy still here. Sorry about it. Yeah, sorry about it. Hashtag. Sorry about it. No, but really Kathy, we love you. We don't we do. This is all in. Jest. If I could do an actual impression of your adorable accent. I would also she's probably mad because I just called her accent adorable. So I'm just fucking up across the board. She hates you now graduation would lo siento about it. Also big shout out to my awesome boyfriend Sam for listening after I harassed him a bunch to finally listen and he was like, oh my God, it sounds like it. I love it. Yeah supportive boyfriend. Yeah, they're cool people. They're the best. Yeah, they buy us headphones that don't work and they listen to our podcast recordings unless they can't get to them because they're living their own lives evidently, but I'm ready to go. I have my Starbucks here, even though a doctor told me this week not to drink caffeine anymore. I went a day and a half without caffeine and then I fucking buckled that's really intense. It was the worst. So now I'm drinking a pumpkin cream cold brew from Starbucks. I was about to Super judge you and then I remembered that I generally drink two bangs a day. So what you're saying is when people ask me what my friend Kimmy is like I should say she Bay. She Bangs, I'm just I hate you so much. All right. So let's talk about this thing that you've been researching all day because you slept all week. I am going to tell you a story that with which you are as intimately familiar as I because we both lived within miles of it's happening in real time. I'm going to tell you the story of Mark goudeau a aka the Baseline rapist. I remember when that was happening. I know my God. Okay. Go ahead. This is the story of Mark Gordo aka the Baseline rapist aka the Baseline killer. So I guess it depends on what he was up to that day. Duh. This story takes place between September of 2005 and June of 2006 in Phoenix, Arizona, which is where I currently sit not me. No, not you just me because I'm cool, right? Um, Sources, I used primarily were murder pedia Wikipedia murder pedia took a lot of its information from Wikipedia. So they kind of moved interchangeably and I took some information from an article from So we'll put those sources up in the show notes and whatever. So just a little bit of introduction. The Baseline killer / Baseline rapist was surprise surprise a killer and a rapist who terrorized Phoenix Arizona and parts of Tempe for 13 months back in 2005. And 2006 with a string of sexual assaults rapes robberies and murders mayor date was easily the biggest news story of the time. Probably only getting beat out a couple years later when Jodi Arias busted the door in and said Nene now look, okay. I very distinctly recall. Like there was also the the shooter the Phoenix shooter that was going around at the same time and also the Walmart. The Walmarts honest, yes the womb arsonist. Yes. I mention him. Oh, the Baseline killer was so named because his initial pattern of criminal activity was confined to Baseline Road in South Phoenix, though. He did eventually move north as his spree continued Baseline Road isn't particularly special or significant other than its association with the Baseline Killers crime spree and it's only real notoriety to this day. Is this direct association with marketers Infamous tirade. I'm not sure. I have been Rampage not tired. I don't know. What I was fucking talking about. Is that is that still a thing that's talked about out there. I mean, it kind of gets brought up fleetingly mostly as like a joking reference to things that have happened in Phoenix, Arizona, but for the most part, I think that once he was captured in the hype died down. Oh spoiler alert. He got captured once all of that died down. I think that people either got bored with it. Like I jokingly said before Jodi Arias really just like she swept in and ruined it because if there's anything more interesting than a man doing man crimes, it's a woman who kills a man man, Jodi Arias was like nana nana. Nana, I need attention and she spoiled it. So now I feel like when you say Jodi Arias to people they're like, oh that bitch who killed that guy in Arizona, but if you say the Baseline rapist, they're like what the His Baseline. Well, I mean to be fair. I was trying to tell people about that when I moved to Tennessee and they were like what the fuck are you talking about? Exactly. So, I mean really I'm pretty certain the popularity of the Baseline rapist and the shooter and the Walmarts honest were pretty obscure. Yes. Thank you. So Baseline Road is just a stretch of road running east to west through southern Phoenix about 43 miles in length and was originally named because it runs along the length of the primary base. And for Arizona as given under the public land survey system. No one knew that before Godot showed up and I only know what now because I looked it up on Wikipedia for funsies. And now I know that and now all of you know that the more you know 3D so Baseline was never a road you were thrilled to hear that you had to travel to just because there really isn't anything on it until you get out to what is it like Arizona Mills or something and even then the street names. Change weirdly. Once you're around them all like turn into like the name of the mall instead of the actual fucking street name, but once Mark Godot got a hold of it. It just solidified people's avoidance of the area. So like literally to this day if you tell me that something is on Baseline. I'm like, yeah, I'm a skip that not a pest. Yeah. No, thanks. So it's just it's just in Phoenix if you say something is down on Baseline. First of all, it's like, oh God, I have to go to South Phoenix. Why? Why are you making me do that with my life? It's a Shitty part of town. Sorry about it. I hope I'm not offending anybody in Phoenix. But if you're offended by the assertion that Baseline isn't a cool road then I don't I don't know why you're so up in arms. It's just a shitty part of town that people just aren't excited to go to anyway, not not in like a oh, no, that's so scary kind of way. But in like, you know, that's just thats that shit Road like nobody fucking nobody goes down there. There's nothing cool on Baseline. Do you tell people you're going to Mill Avenue? They're like, oh where you going, but if you say you're going to Baseline they're Like why do you have to get like an ankle monitor put on what's going on? So quick fact for another episode that Kimmy already alluded to we know now that Marcado was active between September 2005 in June of 2006. But during the same time frame between August of 2005 and June of 2006 a second criminal spree was being committed by someone the media referred to as simply the serial shooter and I remember there was a lot of confusion between the two even though the news was was separating them. Distinctly but people talked about them like they could be or definitely were the same person. Yeah, I remember I remember everybody using the names too. Fuckin hell shit interchangeably. Thank you. God words are hard today. Go ahead. So this segment of my notes is called where were we I'm sorry you have segments of notes. Yes. Okay. So the Baseline killer was really on a roll by the summer of 2006 and in 2006. I had just turned 19 you were there you knew about it. Yep, and I spent the spring of that year in a tweaker pad on 20th Street and Thomas you remember? Yep, and I worked at a car wash on 40th Street. So triangulate my life somehow. I don't know it was how many 13 years ago by now but 13 years ago. And worked at a car wash for a minute and she lived in a house with a bunch of drug addicts and we were right in the thick pretty much of where the Baseline killer was active. So I remember we made a lot of we made a lot of like dark McCobb jokes to each other about well have fun going outside today, but in actuality everybody was terrified. Oh, yeah, we were it's most specially women because he was mostly attacking women. I think I think only one of the victims that I'm going to like Identify identify was a man. I'm sure that some of his armed robberies were against men. So it was mostly women against whom he was committing these violent crimes. So we were definitely looking over our shoulders and not wanting to go out at night. Yeah. So how about when it was going down I worked at U-Haul for a brief period of time and for some reason that was awful, but I was out on a smoke break and I saw a helicopter flying overhead with its big ol Spotlight on and a bunch of people came running outside and what I say the spotlight was very near to me what I mean is it was less than a city block away from me. I could see it in the street down the street if you get what I'm saying, so a bunch of people inside the building come out and they're like what's going on what's going on? I'm like I don't I've been out here. I don't fucking know and they're like, well, we heard that the fucking they caught the Baseline rapist and I was like here though. At U-Haul. This isn't Baseline Road my dude. Come on. Oh, that's I'm glad you said that because they gave him a moniker way to prematurely because it gave everybody this mistake impression that since he was branded the Baseline killer that Baseline was the only place that you shouldn't be after dark and I mean, I worked all the way up on 40th Street and Thomas and lived on 20th Street and Thomas and that was kind of our stomping ground for a minute that and Downtown Phoenix and So when we would talk about how you know, we just we didn't want to go wandering around at night. It would be like, well, you don't live anywhere near Baseline and it's like are you are you stupid first, you know you so miliar with Phoenix. Yeah. We just wanted isn't terribly far away. I can take the bus there and like 25 minutes, you know, and but even then just because somebody is it's not like in New York where if they dub somebody like the Soho Strangler then you know, all of Soho is A hunting ground, but that's an entire part of a city out here. If you just say, oh, he he only kills people on base line. Don't worry as long as you don't go to Baseline. He won't kill you. It's like this dude is just wondering East and West along Baseline. Like anybody know anybody around olly olly oxen free. No one. Okay, I guess I'll go home. Thanks for coming out or not. Whatever. So I remember that I remember that people really enjoyed telling me that the Baseline killer had recently struck in the area that I worked and lived in and whatever and that the serial shooter seemed to enjoy the same hunting ground. I don't know with maybe the same frequency. I haven't studied him yet. So going to work felt like a gamble most of the time. We also had a friend whom you know, but I won't well, you know, yeah, we had we had a her name is Melody. She according to the street rumors fit the profile of his preferred victim which was female and brown was like the most precise that they got so I imagine she always kind of had that in the back of her mind as well. Even though melody was really of the of the opinion that she was the biggest badass who ever walked the Earth at one point Godot was said to have posed as a homeless man when he attacked his victims, so there was also some Buzz at the time about him possibly just being a really Insane homeless man and my friends who lived on the streets War particularly on edge and a little pissed that they were being profiled right alongside the likes of someone who had been raping and shooting women for the last several months and I had a lot of friends who still lived on the street or were Couchsurfing or whatever and I remember when those kind of rumors came out if you were a man of any skin color and you looked homeless in any way it was like could he be the Baseline killer and it's like yeah sure. Sure that very short white man who in no way fits the description of the Baseline rapist. Yeah, that's super him go get him. Fun fact. I read in one article that the time period during which the Baseline killer was most active was being referred to as the summer of fear. And I imagine that that may seem misleading if you don't live in Phoenix because the attacks ended in June so they ended and what you would consider to be the thick of Summer but let's just establish right now that in Phoenix summer begins in like April. Kids kicking until September so until I need a sweater to go outside at noon. It's summer in Phoenix and we're talking we're not talking like a nice balmy kick off your flip-flops at the beach kind of Summer. We're talking a go outside and burn literally to death kind of Summer like, you know that scene in Terminator where Linda Hamilton is like holding onto the fence and the fire happens. That's that's summer and Phoenix. Yeah when you Open the oven door to check on your cookies and a big rush of like hell fire comes out in your face. Yeah, that's literally what it feels like to be outside in June in Phoenix 100% So this is a timeline of his attacks as extracted from Wikipedia. So I'm just going to run through them and kind of give you an idea of the sort of disgusting monster that he was or / is on the 6th of August 2005 at 9:45 p.m. Add 7200 to South 48th Street in Phoenix their addresses for everything. I love it. That is so specific. I know I'm gonna die. That's why I want you to do a plot map so we can see exactly kind of how he moved around. I got you Godot forced three teenagers behind a church and molested two of them. So he thought hey look at this nice, you know building of God. I'm going to fucking be a terrible person about it. It's just sorry. I'm just like how I understand that if you're already going. To molest three teenagers, you know and hold them at gunpoint or whatever which isn't actually in this text doesn't say he had a gun at the time. It says he forced them like, I don't know he but if you're gonna do that, how are you also going to take it one step further and be like, you know what the perfect venue is for this crime a house of God. Well, yeah, obviously, I'm not even religious and I wouldn't do that. Like I wouldn't even take somebody's bubble gum behind a church. I don't know 14th of August 2005 sexual assault and robbery at 4:10. M at to four to five East Thomas Road in Phoenix 8th of September 2005 homicide at 1:00 in the morning at 3730 South Mill Avenue in Tempe. So you'll notice his sleep schedule was all over the place I'm saying so I haven't even talked about Baseline yet. It is important to the story because like what if he had been yeah, I'm just I'm saying Thomas Road already got mentioned what twice so it couldn't even like the Thomas killer, but I guess then we would think he was only stalking people. Who named Thomas or his name was Thomas Jesus Christ 8th of September 2005. Oh, I just said that 3730 stuff Mill Avenue in Tempe 15th of September 2005 sexual assault at 9:40 a.m. At 4512 North 40th Street in Phoenix 20th of September 2005 at 10:30 at night at 3 1 0 0 West Vineyard Road in Phoenix two sisters. One of whom was visibly pregnant at the time. Were walking home from a city park when they were approached by Godot. He was armed with a gun and he assaulted one of the two sisters while holding the pregnant sister at gunpoint with the gun literally pointed at her belly. Wait a second. Hold on so so he was like actively molesting this one while pointing his gun at the other one. Yeah. He so later in this you'll kind of get an idea of because my next bullet point is that DNA matching in this particular case would eventually be the link that provided the police with the Breakthrough in the investigation of the Baseline rapist and I go on later to kind of describe to you what DNA evidence was left behind and it sounds like he was you know, pointing the gun at the pregnant sister who presumably just didn't run away one because she had a gun pointed at her too because she was pregnant and probably couldn't run very fast and three because she don't want to leave her sister behind so he was kind of maybe like holding the gun in her general direction and making threats, you know, continuously while he was assaulting the Sister and maybe the reason he didn't get as far as he could have is because that was a pretty cumbersome act to pull off. But that's definitely what the two of them testified to in court 28th of September 2005 robbery at 1425 West Baseline Road. There it is MP that and a combination of sexual assault and robbery the same day at 7200 to South Central Avenue in Phoenix. So, you know he gets done over here and he thinks this hasn't been a full day and then he goes Over 270 202 South Central and he's like me try this again. We add some stuff on top of it. I don't understand because that's not the only time he does this where he commits to completely separate acts of bullshit in one day. It's almost like he goes out and he thinks all I got to do today is molest somebody that's all I have on my plate. I'll get a molestation out of the way and then I'll go to my fucking Zumba class and then I'll be good but no on some of these days his insatiable lust for being an asshole is just not Satisfied until he commits several acts of fuckery in the same eight city blocks. He is a busy guy. Yep. Third of November 2005 robbery at 2 0 0 1. Oh, I'm sorry. Not that's not an address. Here's the thing. I do everything in military time, but I'm trying to read it to you in like regulus American time. So the robbery took place at 8:01 p.m. At four zero one nine North 32nd Street in Phoenix and then a sexual assault at 8:10. At 3131 East Indian School, which is right across the street. So he robbed somebody and then he goes across the street and and commits a sexual assault. This is what I'm talking about this puppy. I was ballsy I'm saying the robbery at 32nd Street was said to have been committed by a man with dreadlocks wearing. What would become the infamous Fisherman's hat a description which would then lead to the most infamous wanted poster images of the Baseline killer. So I've just sent you the image of the infamous wanted poster on the Compared to his actual face on the right and I gotta tell you I don't see a very apt resemblance. Yeah, not so much. I mean I guess if you'd maybe if you took away the hat and the stupid this composite sketch artist by the way sucks because those don't look like dreadlocks. It looks like he has just bad lanky hair. So he walked into a shop and robbed it at gunpoint for seven hundred and twenty dollars before going across the street and abducting a woman less than 10 minutes later while she was putting items in a donation. In so she's donating items to the fucking homeless and the poor and he just this is what I'm talking about first the church and now this lady's just trying to make some charitable donations. Who the fuck is this guy? He's I'm just I'm sorry. I just fucking some people some people fucking children. I don't know now look, so like looking at this picture knowing that he doesn't actually have dreadlocks like the only I can't I can't stop seeing this fucking Fisherman's hat and a beekeeper net around us. And you know, they say there are several witness accounts to say that he was wearing a disguise of some sort. So he probably was wearing a wig. Ooh, I don't know. Yeah, just a bad wig in a stupid fucking hat. Well, he just he looked in his trunk of stupid fucking hats and that's the one he picked that day. I just can you imagine if during that want that assault? I'm sorry. It's not funny. But if like that day he decided to put on one of those stupid fucking rainbow hats with a little like propeller on the top. And that was what you had to describe to a fucking sketch artist my God, I can't I can't with this guy. I hated him before. I hate him more now after I'm read about him. He's fuckin douchebag. So fucking douche canoe and I can't stand him. So he sexually assaults this woman in her car before demanding that she drive him to the corner because he had just committed a robbery so is like, you know, take a closed-off. He does his thing and then he's like, oh hey by the way, can you give me a fucking lift? Because I'm a moron and I just robbed some people across the street and I don't know how to live my life the Said that he was wearing a Halloween costume and black plastic glasses. So this is where I get a little confused because the robbery they said it was a man with dreadlocks wearing a fisherman's hat but then when he goes across the street and assaults this woman, she says he was wearing a Halloween costume in black plastic glasses. So as he's running across the street, did he change his disguise is he like like go go gadget stupid hat. What the fuck is he doing? Well, he obviously Superman de across the he just spun in a circle in a telephone booth and then ran across the street. Yeah, man, Jesus Christ. I'm a seventh of never hold on. No, like I feel like you're probably going to get to it. But how how was he eventually linked to all of these fucking crimes? Oh, I'm getting there. All right carry on on the 7th of November 2005 three separate robberies 3-1 at 8:05 p.m. At 2915 or 32nd Street. The strings started with holding four people at gunpoint at the Las Cruces Mexican restaurant. After which he went literally next door to a Little Caesars and robbed three people. Then he went right outside and immediately robbed four more people on the street. He managed to collect four hundred and sixty three dollars and fired a round into the air as he fled the scene man. That was a lot of effort for $400 seriously. So he's gotta just be doing it for the thrill because there's no way he's doing it for the fucking money. Well, yeah because there's not much there all in a day's work, I guess obviously it was it had to have been for the thrill because he wasn't exactly holding up places that carried a lot of cash behind the counter. So first, he's he's robbing the Loess process Mexican restaurant which you know, if they had just done like a like a cash drop for the night or something. They wouldn't have had very much in the register just enough to make change for people as they exited and then went across the store next door to Little Caesars where they don't let them keep very much in the register at any one time. So because I've you know, we've all worked in retail and fast food and whatever and you have to do is safe drop when you get to a certain amount so that you Have that much and then he goes outside and just you know, hold some people up on the street make some empty their wallets. And I know this is back in 2005 when carrying cash was still really commonplace, but I feel like even then I was more inclined to carry the the cash card that had my paychecks money on it as opposed to carrying literal cash. So he's not he's not going out of his way to rob places where he knows. The money is he's just doing it to do it. I mean, I guess Like was he drugged up to you think because this just strikes me as the kind of thing that you would get like all all spun up and then just run out and be like, I'm a fucking do some shit pop pop pop and then just as three dumb bullshit things in a row and then loses steam like what he just goes home after this island your system. He either did it to see or like to because he could like because he wanted to or he did it to see what he could do. Yeah to see how much he could get away with. Yeah. Cuz I mean up to this point. He's already gotten away with so fucking much. Like I feel like at that point. He's probably getting cocky and he's like, alright, let's see what else can happen. I'm a little surprised that he never did one of those really typical serial killer things where he tried to like send hints to the media or whatever like, huh? I got away again because I didn't find anything that suggested that he did that. He just kept going. I think I think it probably helped his confidence in that there were two other see serial criminals going about doing crime at the same time. So doing crimes doing the crimes crime and crime Acres. So on the 12th of December 2005 at 6:55 p.m. He committed a homicide at six thousand five South 40th Street in Phoenix the victim 39 year old Tina Washington was on her way home from the preschool where she worked. A witness saw a man with a gun standing over Tina's body behind a fast food restaurant. Tina had been shot in the head Jesus. So yeah a church a donation bin in a preschool teacher who the fuck I don't even on the 13th of December 2005. He robbed a woman at 4 p.m. At 700 East South Mountain Avenue in Phoenix on the 20th of February 2006 as 7:30 8:00 a.m. The bodies of 38 year-old Romania Vargas and 34 year-old, Myrna Paul. Emma Roman were found shot to death in their food truck at 90 First Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road. The murders were initially believed to be drug-related but were later attributed to the Baseline killer in July of 2006. So because clearly the fucking food truck was just a mob front and they were fencing all of their drug dealings through this fucking food truck. So I just want you guys to know that the reason I pronounce they're saying they're oh my God, the reason I pronounce their names so slowly is because like During and lisping like a moron. So I'm sorry about it on the 15th of March 2006 at nine o'clock p.m. Double homicide at 4102 North 24th Street in Phoenix two employees of the Yoshi's restaurant into sushi restaurant. I do believe the Yoshi's restaurant were found dead. Having been carpooling home from work the body of Liliana Sanchez Cabrera 20 was found in the parking lot while the body of chow chow was found about a mile away suggesting. To me that he may be attempted to run and go chase him down both were shot in the head. So they were known to have been car pooling together to leave work. One of them was found in the parking lot of their workplace the Yoshi's restaurant, but Chow was found down the street a mile away. So I doubt that Godot picked him up and carried him and left him somewhere. So I feel like maybe he ran and Godot was so afraid of having a witness that he chased him down man. I don't remember all of this. Oh, I know. Where was I I know that's what I'm saying. I thought it was a smaller story and now yeah, holy shit. No idea. We were so scared. Like I thought I thought it was just like a rape here and there like I didn't I didn't know it was this extensive exactly had no idea God 29th of March 2006 at midnight at 2502 North 24th Street in Phoenix a local businessman notices streaks of Blood on the gravel in a parking lot and The police initially the search didn't turn up anything of note but a week later the now thoroughly decomposing body of Kristen. Nicole. Gibbons was found while the same businessman a truly dedicated freelance detective was investigating a foul odor. She Kristen had also been shot in the head. So the award goes to this random citizen who decided fuck these cops and their bad investigation. I'm going to go back and check again, and he found the body. Thank you random. Um citizen that's right. First of May 2006 at nine o'clock p.m. 2950 North 32nd Street in Phoenix a man and a Halloween mask abducts a woman in a car and sexually assaults her at gunpoint. She was taken from the same restaurants where the November 7th crimes occurred. So now he's he's actively returning to places where he feels comfortable, but they're still all over the map on the 5th of May. Phoenix police go public with a list of the 18 crimes. They now believed were committed by the Baseline killer / Baseline rapist. Although the suspected number would eventually rise to 23 as of August of the same year on the 29th of June 2006 at 9:30 p.m. At 2924 East Thomas Road in Phoenix. 37 year old Carmen. Miranda is abducted from a carwash located only half a block from where the May 1st and November 7th crimes occurred. She was talking on her cell phone when she was attacked and Was found dead from a gunshot wound to the Head behind a barber shop around are about a hundred yards away from where she was taken. The attack was captured on closed-circuit television and is the last crime attributed to the work of the Baseline killer. So I know that it took until the end of history for him to attack at a car wash, but I have weird watery memories of people giving me shit. Where'd early because I worked at a car wash in his Taxes own and saying hey man, you better be careful. And then even while I was reading this and I saw 2924 East Thomas Road a part of me was like was that my car wash and it wasn't it super wasn't it? Simonize was nowhere near that. Well, I don't know it was ten streets away, but whatever. So that is the last crime attributed to him. So we're going to talk about how the pattern was established. So clearly this is a wide range of random crimes that don't really establish commonality until several months in. In the crimes were not initially linked partially because they ran the gamut from small-scale robberies to brutal shootings identification was also Complicated by the use of disguises and the lack of eye witnesses in the cases in which only bodies were found and no CCTV video was available eventually, however, as eyewitness description surfaced and video was recovered. The link was established the crimes were inevitably linked by the discovery that shell casings found at the scenes that all been fired from the same gun and would later all be attributed to the same man. Bolstered by DNA evidence recovered from one of his more discussing assaults on the two sisters one of whom was pregnant when he attacked her. So those two sisters that we talked about before the DNA recovered from that attack was also used in tandem with the shell casing evidence to really pin down this pattern and Link all of the crimes together. So now I want to talk a little bit about the medium Manhunt and I want to remind you of what it was like to live in Phoenix during this media Manhunt. Because there were posters and billboards and crazy bullshit everywhere and I just want to visually remind you of some of those so I just sent you some images of some of the media posters and billboards that were present at the time of The Manhunt. Hmm. I have personal memories of the media coverage of the hunt for the Baseline rapist his composite sketch the one with him in the dreadlocks and wearing the infamous Fisherman's hat was plastered to every bus stop there. Full-scale Billboards on major roads and everyone was aware of the ongoing search every time something happened on or near Baseline people were immediately attributing it to this yet unnamed assailant. So, you know, if somebody littered on Baseline there like it was him. I think I think Wikipedia puts it really well. So I'm just going to quote them here quote Phoenix police spent thousands of hours patrolling and following up on hundreds of tips during the summer of 2006 as residents of Phoenix became increasingly alarmed. By the random nature of the violent crimes Community meetings were called by police to distribute a sketch based on the description given by the surviving victims frustration and fear blanketed the city as posters and billboards displayed the sketch of the Baseline killer offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. It took the police over a year to finally come up with a viable suspect and quote. So at the time of his eventual arrest Mark Godot was on Parole referred to on Wikipedia as Community Supervision, even though I've never heard of it. Her to that way and was under the supervision of the Arizona Department of Corrections in August of 2006 parole officer suggested to the Phoenix PD that Marco was a potential match for the composite sketch of the Baseline killer parole officer searched his home and found a ski mask and a realistic-looking toy gun, which is confusing to me because he definitely actually shot people so I don't know what that's about. Maybe he used the toy gun in the beginning and then once he got more and more ballsy he was like It's time for an upgrade. Maybe we should Venture then use the information collected by his parole officers to obtain a formal search warrant for his residence leading to the discovery of additional items that linked Godot to the crimes on September 4th of 2006 Mark Cadeau was arrested in connection with the assault of the Two Sisters. We discussed earlier. This is what I was referring to when I mentioned the DNA evidence that had been successfully collected. That was what they were arresting him for. That's what connected him was the DNA recovery, so there there isn't a lot of information that I found in simple Google searches about Marcado as a person, but I don't really give a fuck about who he was but at the time of his arrest Marcado born September 6 1964 was a 42 year old construction worker living in Phoenix with his wife Wendy car. How does she feel about although we're getting there? Oh from the photos of him. You can find online. He was fake as fuck. He put on a really good fucking front. So I just sent you some photos that you can find online of the real life Mark Godot. One of those is of him and his wife Wendy car. So he looks like a normal smiling well-adjusted dude. Clearly that was not the case, whatever facade he put on at home. It was a good one because his wife defended his innocence pretty vehement Lee going so far as to say really Straightforwardly quote my husband is innocent and quote and quote. This is a huge miscarriage of justice and they have an innocent man in prison. This is all a mistake. He shouldn't be in prison for something. He didn't do and quote Godot was described as a loving husband and exceptionally friendly neighbor who took meticulous care of his lawn. So now wait, so even after the DNA evidence she was like nah, man that ain't him. Yeah. I didn't find anything to suggest that she ever gave up on saying that he was innocent, okay. There's his there something to be said for like a ride-or-die bitch, but that is too much. Well his his wife and his friends and neighbors even went so far as to suggest that he was framed by Phoenix police to why to what end I don't know Godot had already had his run-ins with the law. He was because he was on Parole at the time of his identification and capture. He was an ex-convict who had served 13 years of a 21 year sentence for aggravated assault which included beating. A woman's head in with a barbell God. I bet he was innocent of that to you. Now I'm saying and armed robbery just to round it all out Godot pleaded the charges down to aggravated assault dropping what would have been additional charges for rape and kidnapping which is foreshadowing as fuck in this case. The rape charges were dropped due to lack of evidence to prove that kind of assault which sounds really subjected to me. But whatever on December 7 2006 three months after his arrest Phoenix police said they were confident that he was responsible for the full series of murders rapes and robberies. Godot is believed to have Did nine murders including the murder of Sofia Nunez on April 10 2006 which had not originally been attributed to him. I'm not sure why because it really just got mentioned in passing on Wikipedia police recommended that prosecutors charged could go with a total of 74 crimes including nine counts of first-degree murder five counts of sexual assault three counts of attempted sexual assault 10 counts of kidnapping 12 counts of armed robbery four counts of attempted armed robbery three counts of sexual abuse nine counts of sexual. Conduct with a minor 13 counts of aggravated assault and three counts of indecent exposure. He was a busy busy man. Kimmy. My literal next bullet point was busy busy boy on September 7 2007 Godot was tried and convicted of all 19 charges in relation to the attack of the Two Sisters. We keep referencing. So shout out to those Brave bitches because their statements to police and subsequent testimony ended up being the real. Rocks of the investigation and the trial during the trial the Two Sisters gave testimony that could do-- approached them with a gun and forced them into nearby bushes where he ordered them to undress. They said Godot sexually assaulted the younger sister as he pointed the gun at the other prosecutor said Godot warned the women not to look at his face during the assault and that he rubbed dirt on one of the women to remove traces of his saliva. He also wore a condom during the assault on one of the sisters attempting unsuccessfully to cover his tracks. So that's what I mean when I say that I don't think he either I get very far or the whole thing was very clumsy because he thought just rubbing dirt on where he left his saliva would be enough and he had a condom on at one point. Not sure how far that went. He was sentenced on December 14th of the same year to four hundred and thirty eight years in prison. That is a long time saying according to us dates yet as of June 17th of 2016 though. His legal team had made appeals in an attempt to avoid the death penalty. Being lobbied for by the prosecution the Arizona Supreme Court upheld nine death sentences and more than 60 other felony convictions against Godot. Then 51 Godot was officially on death row serving all nine death sentences. I don't know if you can kill a man nine times, but I guess Arizona has taken away a cat it they're going to do their best today Mark a dough is still considered one of the most prolific serial killers to have terrorized the southwest and perhaps the country at Large. I feel as though he is mostly remembered by arizonans, but I've never conducted a survey of the rest of the country to see if they recognize the name. So Que Sera Sera in one of my Google searches. However, his face comes up right next to Ted Bundy's so evidently Google ranks him right up near the top in terms of being a trashy human being with a well manicured lawn. You can find other random tidbits about his the case on Wikipedia. There is mention of a false confession by an A Man by the name of James Duane Mullins that apparently slow down the investigation. There's also some He's a Shinning accusations against Phoenix police of mishandled evidence that simply was not processed in time that could have prevented some of his the later end of his crime spree. There was a second suspect at one point who was actually a friend of the Gadot family and had a criminal history of his own. He was imprisoned shortly before the Baseline killer spree began and was subsequently arrested only a few days after good dough for holding his family at gunpoint. He was sent back to prison. And would become eligible for parole in 2011. So I'm sure that some of the rumors and suggestions about this being a frame job or like a mistake or whatever are probably based around this friend of the family who was also also had a similar criminal history and had been in prison and then was out of prison during the timeline of the Baseline Killers attacks. So I think you know, that's probably worth some of the frame job rumors come from also, I mean it would make for an interesting. Relation if it turned out that this dude framed his friend because you know, fuck it. Why not? I mean that's what friends are for, right? There's also evidently a movie about the Baseline killer aptly named the Baseline killer according to It was released in 2008. It has a rating of 2 out of 10. Oh I bet that is amazing. I am going to watch it. The description is simply quote inspired by the streak of murders committed about committed about. Oh my God inspired by the streak of murders committed. Around Baseline Avenue in Arizona during 2006 and 2007 a vicious killer stalks women along Baseline Avenue a 2-mile stretch in east Phoenix, Arizona. So first of all, I hate this IMDb description because I don't know who wrote it. I don't know whose fault it is this better not be what's on the back of the DVD case of DVDs exist, but it's calling it Baseline Avenue its Baseline Road. Okay, and it says 2006 and 2007. So the fucking years are wrong and it says it's at Two Mile Stretch in east Phoenix who the fuck researched this so whatever I'm not going to fucking I'm not watching that bullshit. So that is the story of the Baseline rapist / the Baseline killer and we lived through it. So we didn't have to be there because we were yeah. Yeah, so my turn first off I have to start by saying I know that my particular job is to report on dead people specifically. Li, like what they're doing post-mortem, but I'm actually not going to do that with this particular story Perth has the worst because the rules don't apply to me. So awesome right nailing it first time. Here we go. So I want you to close your eyeballs for thanks, Moe and imagine yourself in 1954 in Japan at the Tokyo Airport. Are you there? I was going to try to say yes in Japanese and realized I don't know how its high. Okay. Hi. There you go nail in it. All right, you're in Japan in 1954 July their of 1954. All right, I'm feeling it. So this caucasian looking guy. That's how he's described Caucasian looking with the beard. So literally any white hipster. Just think of that. All right? Okay. He is smartly dressed. He was described as looking like Generic businessman. Okay, okay generic businessman gets off the plane and he goes to the airport people. I think like Customs or something. He's talking to him like yeah, I'm on business blah blah blah blah blah blah except like he his accent is kind of weird. It said in a couple of the sources that I found that he his main language was believed to be French, but there are no sources that say, How they knew that like I don't there's nothing there. I guess they just assumed it was Frank. Why would they described him as American if it sounded like spoke French? They didn't they said Caucasian looking. Oh, you're right. Okay, so they said they said his primary language was French, but he spoke Japanese and a bunch of other languages. They don't list out the languages it just all of the sources say a bunch of other languages was one of the languages Klingon probably not because it was 1954. Good point although So when you hear the rest of my story may be okay. So he's a he's speaking to customs at the airport. Everything seems seems pretty normal and then during during conversation. Here's a here's where it a couple of the sources aren't entirely certain some sources say in the midst of his conversation other sources say when he had to prove his identity by providing his passport either way at one point. It is determined that That this gentleman is from a country called Torrid now. I don't know if you're up to Snuff on your geography know. Well that is not a place. So so they're they're asking more questions and they're trying to they're trying to figure out what's going on because they are also like that's not that's not real your quit bullshitting us. Well, I'm glad they knew because when you said it to me, I was like yeah sure Torrid you got it. Yeah, so taured definitely not a place so and and they're depending on what YouTuber your you're listening to some of them say Torrid some of them say to read some of them. It's nobody knows how fucking pronounce it, but Torrid. Well, it's not a real place, right? So they are getting his identification and his passports and everything and it he's got an authentic passport that's been stamped by a bunch of locations including Japan as in like he had been there earlier in the year and the passport was officially issued by the country of Turin, so So everybody's really confused. They're like a the fuck. So would that be a tour red Ian passport? Is that how he would say that maybe but anyway, so after a while there, I mean obviously they're still questioning him because they can't they can't actually let him go through customs if like they don't know where he came from basically during conversation. Like he he made mention that he traveled pretty frequently for business. Nothing. I've seen said what business but he was a freak or region business, right? Right Definitely Maybe he was selling some torsion vacuum cleaners or something. Yeah, I don't know but he traveled a lot for business. This was not his first trip to Japan as verified by his passport upon looking through his luggage. They found currency for a number of different recognizable European countries along with currency for Torrid, which fuck you Bill doesn't exist. So Questioning, they they're like yo, bro. We've got this handy map. For some reason. I keep a globe under the custom desk. Hey, I'm gonna slap it on the table. They like giving it a spin. Can you can you point out taured on this globe for us and he points to a little section in Europe between Spain and France now since I know that you suck at geography I will just tell you That Andorra is the country that he actually pointed at. Okay, and he said here this is this is taured It's not what is Andorra. That's not a real place. This is torrid and they're like, no man. That's clearly it's labeled. It says Andorra. That is what it is. That's I have a question. All right hit me. Is it possible that the reason we cannot find Carmen Sandiego is because she's interested there. It is Boom solved. You heard it here anyway, so he points at the map. This is taured. No, it's Endora. No, it's Red, they go back and forth for a little while. So while they're trying to figure things out they end up putting them in a hotel for the night there like here bro. Stay here. We're gonna we're gonna get this settled. They shove them in the hotel from what I understand the hotel room was guarded. Okay, it might not have been but I'm pretty certain it is otherwise this next bit wouldn't be so mystifying the following morning. They go to the hotel to collect them to further investigate and upon entering the hotel the Hotel room is empty as in nobody was ever there like so the bed hadn't been slept in the toiletries have been used. That's right. And so his room didn't have a balcony the window was not open. Nobody had been in that room. So what you're telling me is this man rises from the unidentified ether of Torrid correct somewhere in the slim border between Andorra and France and Spain and then they put him in a room that he cannot, you know, conceivably escape from and Guarding it the whole time. Yes, they go in the next morning and poof. That is correct. When they were discussing taured and Andorra, he made the comment to the officials that Andorra has not been a country for well over a thousand years, man. So, where'd you get your fucking passport from Turin? Yes, but but Andorra hasn't existed for over a thousand years. Wait a minute. What? Okay now I'm confused. Well, he's from taured and his passport. Is tow-ready mmm, and he when pointing at the globe he points to where and Dora is and says, this is torrid. It's not Andorra and Dora has not existed for well over a thousand years. So what? Okay, so what you're trying to do with? Oh my God. Yeah, man. So you're trying to tell me this man is a motherfucking time travel either. So that's that's one Theory one theory is that he is a time traveler another theory is that That he is an interdimensional traveler basically that he hopped over to another dimension in which Andorra was destroyed by Torrid because let me tell you a fun little fact that I learned while while doing my very minimal research on the story because I knew all about it. There is a city, I believe. Yeah a city in the very very center of Andorra called taured what? Yeah, so according to him a thousand years. Prior to 1954 and Dora was dismantled somehow correct and they decided to rename the entire nation after a small City within Endora called Turin in theory and Theory that's that's not the exact story. He's giving that I could find if he is time-traveling. Why is he deliberately being confusing because he's a dick and also speaking French to some Japanese fellas. So the torsion custom is to be rude and perplexing wherever you go, right? Definitely. Perfect. So so okay. So there are a couple more realistic explanations for what happened that don't have to do with like quantum physics and stuff one that I did see in a Reddit Forum which I mean you can either take or leave that information. They pretty much said I don't remember the exact words, but due to his accent they could have confused Torrid for something else. I believe they said if he had been speaking French. CH some sort of words could have gotten crossed and it could have sounded to the Japanese officials like taured. So there's there's that there is another explanation in that it is completely made up it is not real when I first heard the story. I thought it was a creepypasta. When when I started researching the story I was like, okay, this is probably a creepypasta. We'll see what happens. It is not a creepypasta the Reference I had been able to find about a place called Toreador a story similar to this is from a book from France that was published in 1954. Fuck you and the torrid man. So so yeah, that's that's really that's the story some people think that it could be proof of interdimensional travel. Some people think that it could very well be a Like a time slip basically like a fold in the Continuum, right? Some people think that it is proof of the Mandela effect. Some people think that it's time travel and some people just don't think it's real isn't the Mandela effect is the is the concept of something being believed to be true. So universally that people injected that truth into the experience of their own lives and Typically starts with one rooted misconception that somehow blows up and and goes worldwide without anybody really notice that it's we're noticing that it's happening. So what are you saying? Like, there is so much more to the Mandela effect. No, I know but like at its its most basic no because nobody knows what causes the Mandela effect. There are some people that think the Mandela effect is also proof of interdimensional existence. I can't wait until we get to argue about the Mandela effect because I am 100% excited for that. Because I am super fascinated by the Mandela effect. So what do you think happened? Do you think he is / was a time traveler. Do you think he came in from a different dimension and decided to be confusing and bullshitty for a few minutes and then just dipped out like what is he? What is he like an interdimensional prankster? Who's like, I'm gonna go randomly confused some Japanese Customs agents for fun. So like an in my opinion I've got I've got two different opinions on this my my skeptical opinion. Is very much that okay. So the language barrier being an issue things got crossed. Nobody understood what he was saying. He just slipped out in the middle of the night at the hotel. Maybe the guards had to take a tinkle, you know, maybe maybe he wasn't actually guarded but I think I think with his limited information as is actually available. I do not think the story is real and if it is real, I think it's not as mysterious so but okay so we can obviously assume that the guards fuck Tup, and they're just lying and saying no we stood outside the whole time. Yeah, totally and then the story just got away from them and they're like, yes corroborated. Yeah, but also I mean, you know, nothing in the hotel room was Disturbed. It didn't look as though he had so much as sat down in a chair. Right? Right, which is why the other part of my brain that likes the Spooks and the Mysterious and the crazy. It's like, oh my God. What if he is From Another Dimension and like got on the plane? The airplane like slipped a little bit to the left and went into the wrong dimension in Flight. Shut the fuck like what if right because maybe well look I know this could easily be explained is a miscommunication or a misconception or an outright lie, but I think that it's totally is totally fucking it's so real it happened. It's super happy. Yeah, and this dude just like a Carmen Sandiego doubt of the room, correct? And because he was like, oh no, they caught me the term ready and Jig Is up. Maybe maybe he escaped the air vents, you know. Yeah, maybe he's a shape-shifter and he turned into a fly and business back to to write you never dial or maybe he was a ghost of somebody who something now, that's not that's that's a terrible story. It doesn't it doesn't have any ground to stand on it. All that was a good one coming. I'm glad I didn't look it up this whole time that I knew what you were going to talk about because I did not see that coming at all. Really? Yeah. Well, I was afraid when you were first talking. I was like, okay. She's talking about a real ass man in a real as airport in a real ass country in a real last year and there was no internet back then so, you know come up with weird creepy pasta rumors. So was just what these Japanese airport workers witnessed and whatever and so I thought she about to do some like True Crime he shit because if I had known that I would have changed what I was doing Kimmy is a bitch and then you fucking you got Ooh the to the fucking twist and I was like, whoa, uno momento gotcha. So it was really cool Bravo. Congratulations. First one in the can hell. Yeah, man, we did a good job. Wait did a terrible job? Hey, we did a good job. It was okay at best will be better. We will get better. Cheyenne is going to figure out her head set. I am getting a very cheap, but pretty cool-looking set up probably delivered tomorrow. So maybe Will be a little bit better next time. Yeah, hopefully I'm gonna take these headphones back to Best Buy and throw them at the stock boy and demand satisfaction sponsored by Best Buy not sponsored by Best Buy because right now I'm angry at that. Yeah. I don't actually shop at Best Buy literally ever. I do not like it. Well, thank you for joining us for episode 1 I think We had a good time Kim. He's not going to have a good time editing this in post because there were a lot of problem. Sorry about it. Hashtag. Sorry about it. As always. Well, I mean I shouldn't say is always because it's only episode 1 but we appreciate your listenership and we hope you'll join us next time remember to catch us on our social media platforms, which will be iterated in detail in the outro and if you want to start just a casual conversation First you can always find us on Gmail that's always a thing. We would love to hear from you and we would love the opportunity to respond because listener engagement is the thing. I'm most excited for for everybody out there. He's gonna like us I'm excited. That's fair. That's fair. So like big shout out to our for total listeners so our two friends and our boyfriend's Whoa We are famous. Oh, yeah. Alright. Well that was add one in the can of you had to be there. Yay. Woo and cut you had to be there is research written and hosted by these two bitches Cheyenne and Kimmy you can find our sources in the episode description and copies of visual materials and audio clips on all of our social media platforms. If you dig what you heard and you want to help more people find us remember to like follow rate review subscribe and above all share you can find us on But look at backslash you had to be there pod or on Instagram at you had to be there pod. If you'd like to submit a topic for discussion or if you have your own spoofs or crime Tales to tell you can email us at you had to be there POD at Thank you for supporting the show and don't forget when life gives you the creeps Don't Panic aim for the dick if they've got one lock the door and burn some Sage about it.
Finally! Welcome to EPISODE ONE! Due to an editing battle of epic proportions, we are a little late, but here we are! In our flagship effort, we weave you a tale of two f*ckboys: Cheyenne tells us the truly random and terrible tale of Arizona's Baseline Killer, Mark Goudeau, and Kimmy takes us down a mindf*ck tunnel with her rendition of the Taured Man. The Baseline Killer (sexual assault, rape, violence against women): 06:15 - 46:25 Sources: Murderpedia (, Wikipedia (, ( The Man from Taured (no triggers): 46:25 - 1:00:48 Sources: Ancient Origin ( Copies of all images discussed can be found on Facebook at and on Instagram at @youhadtobetherepod. Thank you for listening!
Episode 58 when you can't get over it. Welcome to the first year married podcast where we get real about building the marriage of your dream. I'm marriage Coach K 11, and I take newly married and engaged women from anxious and insecure too confident and connected through practical tips real-life inspiration and more than a little self-awareness along the way. Hey there, ladies. I hope everyone is having an amazing week so far. If you're listening to this right when it came out. So in the last like couple hours every week so far. I'm excited to talk to you today about some kind of advanced stuff that came up with one of my clients. I love when working with one of you allows me to clarify some things that I think, you know, we all can either use either clarification or a Derp I think this is one that's so so important and it's something that I'm seeing a lot of you struggling with especially those of you who are really early in this work. So we're going to be talking today about when you're having an issue and you just can't get over it. Okay, like you're really stuck in this issue and it is feeling very important and probably urgent. This could be an issue with your husband, but it also doesn't have to be right like I've had this with hell things I've had this with extended family, right? There's lots of different your you know, your jobs your money. There's so many places where we can get to a place where we just feel like this is just really bad and important and I need to deal with it and what my client was talking to me about was how she was really confused because she felt like, you know, we talked a lot about the difference between thoughts and feelings over here. The easiest way to think of it is when we're thinking about feelings were actually thinking of physical sensation. Okay. I'm the Opera. Part of the word feelings would be feel how do you feel? Okay and thoughts we want to think of as words or really sentences that are happening in our head. Okay. So like I can't handle this isn't a feeling that's really a thought where she was getting a little confused was when we were talking about. It's really important to process your emotions, which I do believe to be true. It's important to feel your feelings and to process your emotions. She was like well, but then I'm upset because Because I think this is a problem but then when I tell you it's a problem and I think I'm feeling my feelings. You tell me. Well, that doesn't sound like a helpful thought. Okay, that's like the big that's the confusion. Okay, so we're going to try and break this down a little bit. Like where did she get confused? And how can we make this something that feels crystal clear for all of us? So whenever winter situation where we really feel like we're stuck in a rut we can get that separation between how we're feeling and how to deal with our feelings and at the same time. Are the thoughts come into play? Okay. So really the word feeling as I said, the operative part of the word feeling is feel right. We're talking about Sensations. And if I were to say, what is the feeling of this shirt? You would talk to me about the physical sensation of the shirt. It's a bumpy shirt. It's a soft shirt, right? But because we have this phrase I feel like and then when we say, I feel like I'm like, I feel like she has no boundaries or I feel like it's really disrespectful or I feel like it's really hurtful. So really what we're doing is we're describing what we think like our opinion or our story about the situation and we're putting it together this word feel and I think that's where people are getting confused because when I talk to you about feeling your feelings or processing your emotions, I'm very much not talking about staying in that place of like whatever feels like your reality. It's really hard to be married to someone who blah blah blah blah blah. Okay, that's not feeling your feelings. You hear all the words. It's really hard to be married to someone who let's say has depression. Okay, that would be Sentence. Yeah, it's very hard to be married someone who has depression. And so with a lot of people this is one that comes up actually a lot with my clients that particular scenario, they'll try and then like, okay, so I want to do coaching and I want to like have really positive. I want to be positive about how hard it is to be married to someone with depression. Right? And what we need to do is we need to like break that down. I'm gonna actually use those as my example because it's come up with a lot of my clients and I think it's a great one. We need to break that down because you just can't you can't create positive. He's about a situation that you've already decided was hard. If you're describing it as hard you're going to have negative feelings, right because your feelings are a reaction to the thought that you're having or you know, if they're not trying to have really positive feelings. They're like, let me have a good thought about how hard it is to be married to someone with depression, which is a really difficult thing. Right? And so what do we need to do? That's really what we talked about last week, which is getting really clear on what the circumstances okay. My husband is diagnosed with depression. I'll give that to you that is literally what's happening, right? It's hard to be married to someone with depression. You already making a statement like a decision or a judgment call on that situation. Right? And it feels totally real and I feels totally real and I get that but it's also that judgment call doesn't give you any room to move. Right? You're stuck inside hard as soon as you label it that way so then we have the person who's like, okay. Well, I want to feel my feelings like I want to sit here because I'm feeling that it's really hard to be married to him because he's depressed. Okay, what that is actually is a thought Circle that's rumination. Right? That's just ruminating on the same thought over and over it's hard to be married to someone like this. I don't know if I can be married to someone like this. I don't think it's ever going to get better. If you only listen to me about what he should be doing or if he took the medication or what I did it like just the over and over and over that is just having a thought over and over right that is just and whenever we're having the same thought on repeat like that. What happens is that I imagine like a little toy train going through. Sandbox, right? Like the first time it goes through it leaves a little Mark and you can see where the train was but if a little kid was pushing a toy train around the sandbox and the exact same Circle over and over and over again, you'd end up with like a really deep pit like a deep deep track in that sandbox. Yeah, and that's the same thing with our thoughts. You have a thought and then your brain is like, oh I know exactly where to go to get this thought again, and then the more you have it the more automatic and true than it feels that's ruminating and that's what we want to get out of. Okay. We want to get those thoughts those beliefs. And judgment calls and stories whatever one of those ways of looking at thoughts works for you. We want to get those out of our heads out of the train track and down onto paper or into coaching because when you get it outside of your brain, that's when you can start to look at it and pull it apart. Okay. So again sentences stories, those are thoughts and those are the ones that we don't want to spend time and we don't want to be staying with it over and over if we do. We want to make sure if we feel like we need to come to some conclusions. So again use a piece of paper use a mentor use a coach use someone who's going to be keeping you in a sort of constructive environment with your thinking versus just having the same thought over and over and this is it's a very it's not easy and it's not natural. Okay, so I don't want any of you to be beating yourself up because you know, you might have some negative feelings you may have resentment a lot of resentment about what's Going on with certain things in your relationship or with your extended family and don't feel bad. If you start to notice that you're getting into the train track just see it and be like, oh, you know what? And here's the thing. Is that sometimes it just takes this very practical like okay. I see the thought I'm not going to deal with this thought right now. I can make my even make a plan for what I am going to do about this thought or I might just say, you know what I'm eating dinner right now, so it's not time for me to worry about me. Resentment towards my husband so I will visit you later. You're just not this thought. I see you but I'm not really I'm not getting involved with you right now. I'm not attaching myself to you right now. Okay, sometimes people think that if they do the thought work negative thoughts will never come up and that's not true. It's just getting to a place where you see it and you're like, I don't have to immediately dive in just because I had a negative thought I don't have to like jump into that whole situation with all the emotions that go with it. Sometimes I'm just kind of like, well, that wasn't helpful. I'm just going to let that go. Okay. So if I'm letting all these thoughts keep going and I'm not letting myself like spend a lot of time thinking the same thought over and over and I'm only dealing with it in a constructive way. So then where does processing your emotions come in? Right because if I'm saying oh, okay. Well the fact that I'm feeling really unmotivated about investing in my marriage is because I think it's really hard to be married to someone who has depression. So this sort of deflated energy that I'm feeling how deflate it as more of a feeling. It's more of a sensation word. Right? So I'm I'm feeling really deflated. I might feel like my shoulders are drooping amount of energy. I'm depleted. So let's say that's what I'm feeling. So if I'm not spending a lot of time thinking about this whole it's hard to be married to someone with depression. So then how am I supposed to feel my feelings? Okay. This is kind of this is where this question is coming up and the way you feel Feelings is that you get out of your head and into your body. Okay, you leave the cerebral and the analytical and I need to find a solution energy that we go into when we have a negative thought like we have to fix this we're going to leave that alone right now will say like I'll be back with you in a minute like as if you're like closing the store, you know, like back in 15 minutes sign is going on like sorry brain. I just need a minute. I'm I'll be back later. I literally I mean it sounds silly but it is the energy you want to have towards your thoughts sometimes of like I'm just taking a break from you right now and just do it for 30 seconds of like I'm not going to get involved in any thoughts that I have for the next 30 seconds and just you slowly build up this muscle and it doesn't take it's not work. It's not hard work. It's just awareness so you can totally do this. Right and you you put up the 15-minute sign you close the door to the whole cerebral mental fixing it part of your brain and you just go into your body and you say how am I feeling right now? So I'm feeling depleted. Where do I feel that? Like I feel like when I breathe in my lungs don't even really fill up all the way and I'm slouched and I just want to climb into bed, and I just want to you know, close my eyes and everything feels heavy and hard. Okay. Okay body. That's how you're feeling right now. We're going to do that. Now. This is like me becoming an expert in what it feels like to be depleted. I'm going to notice all of it. I'm not going to judge it. It's fine. The fact that I have this really strong negative feeling does not mean the thought was any more or less true like whether I decide about my thought being true that doesn't come from this part. This part is just saying I am now feeling this really negative emotion instead of thinking that I can't handle this emotion. This emotion is dangerous. It's bad for me to feel depleted. Let me go do something to get another. Then in my system which is usually what we do, right? We either try to totally detach or we go do something. That's just going to give us that quick fix that makes us feel better. It's the shopping or it's the chocolate or it's the social media. That's actually more just zoning out but right we're just looking for that other thing because we don't want to be in that feeling but if we just stop and we're like, okay, I'm just going to notice this in my body right now and feel it and I'm just going to go on with whatever is the next thing in my day feeling depleted. Right or feeling angry or feeling resentful. Let me just see if I can make dinner or go through this meeting and also have this feeling answer my emails and also have this feeling what is that like and it's you know, kind of like going through the day sometimes with a bad cold, right? Like if you have a bad cold you and you just know it's not going away right now. You're not quite sick enough to stay home or to totally climb into bed, but you're just like uncomfortable and you're aware of it, but you're still functional. That's kind of like feel like how negative feelings are sometimes. I'm not totally there. I'm slightly distracted, but I'm not dealing with you because I just know that it's a matter of time and I'm drinking my tea and I'm getting my vitamin C and it just needs to process through my system. Okay, the negative feeling kind of does that to us? Like it's just going to be there till it's done. But the cool thing about this is that when I do that I start to realize that I could feel angry or I could feel resentful I could feel depleted and it's actually not as dangerous as it. It felt like it felt like I had to urgently get away from this negative feeling but I don't I did it. Like I spent the rest of my day feeling that when I was fine and sometimes they'll you don't want to set this as a goal. But sometimes as soon as you like really acknowledge it in your body, it's like okay. I'm here. Like I just wanted to be seen feeling just goes away and then you just sort of back to normal, right? So just making space. Okay, you are welcome to be here. As long as you need to be here. And when you're done you can go on that is what I'm talking about. About feeling your feelings and I think when people say you need to be authentic with your feelings and you need to you know, all those all those things about like, you know, you have to be true to yourself your to feel your feelings. You shouldn't deny your feelings. You shouldn't stuff them down. I think that's what we're talking about. We're saying I'm not going to pretend to be happy when I'm sad. Okay, but I'm also not going to say oh my gosh, I'm sad. It's true. My marriage really is over right or oh it's true. I really am ugly or whatever the thing. They do feel sad. The sadness doesn't prove whether your right or not. Okay, and that's what leads us into this deeper question, which I think is underlying all of this and it's the fear that we have about giving up our feelings and and no longer listening to our feelings is that we all know intuitively that there is an idea of intuition and I think women very strongly we know there is that gut sense we know there is a tin suit intuition. We know that there are times when the like no I want that and not that so where does that come up right if I'm not paying attention to my feelings? And the easiest way to think about this is to think about your intuitive sense as a calm wise voice. Okay, it's very calm. It's very clear. When you're having a really strong feeling because you had a really negative thought it usually feels urgent like you have to deal with this immediately and things are terrible and it's very black and white and it's hard to get out of it and your emotions just feel really out of control really high. Even if you're a pretty calm person like for you wherever you are in your spectrum, it'll feel high. Okay, but the intuitive sense, even if it's moving quickly, even if something needs to be decided very immediately It's not coming from that place of like almost Panic like we have to just shut down everything else and only focus on that. That's the fight-or-flight. That's the adrenaline rushing the example that I give is that unfortunately, we've had some broken bones within my family with my kids right about for little kids and when my kids get hurt, but it's not a break. I'll have like if I was a better mother I would have taken better care of them and I get into that that's that's the negative thoughts feeling cycle, right? That's the train in the sand. That's the thing where my thoughts are just getting away with myself and those feelings are not informative. All those feelings are telling me is that I need to look at my thoughts. But when it's a break and I hear that cry, everything gets quiet. I tune everything else out. I see the kid I look at the kid and I quickly make a decision. Okay. Are we going to urgent care? Are we going to the ER? Is this the kind of thing I could just call the doctor on the phone and then decide with her what the next step is. I have this calm clarity about it and I've heard other mothers describe something similar, right if you're in a situation and you know, a lot of people get nervous. Okay? Well, what if my marriage really is a Problem. What if there's an abuse if I'm ignoring my feelings? What will happen? Well, what I believe is that when we're taking responsibility for those urgent feelings, we have so much more clarity and mental focus to be able to hear when that intuitive voice comes out and says no, this is not okay. What's happening right now is not okay. It's time to get out. Right and so we can actually distract ourselves with those screaming feelings, right the ones that are like so loud and make it harder for ourselves. to hear the inner ones, so I think that when we say to ourselves because sound really like kind of Juju and funky but I do think that when we say to ourselves, I'm gonna have your back right like Kayla. I've got your back if you need to tell me something and it's not like some logical thought that you're having. It's like a gut feeling right? I got truth. This is something that I know to be true for me. I'm going to hear you then when I have one of those strong feelings. I'm not so scared. Scared about saying well, where are you really coming from? Because I've already given myself. I promise that I'm not just going to dismiss everything but what I find is that when we want to what we when we're so scared to not get every drop of information out of every negative feeling right you're feeling really resentful so there really is something wrong with him, right? If we like I need to make sure I know that I need to hold on to my resentment because maybe there's some information there that I need that's critical for me. That's kind of the energy that I get from a lot of you especially early on in the process. So we're in that place where ironically actually more disconnected from the part of our brain that can make a logical decision. Right? Because those of you who study brain science, we know that there's what they sometimes there's a lot of different names with some people call it that lizard brain that fight or flight right? We're all that those hormones and adrenaline are produced and when we're in that place of like urgency and high emotion, we can't also be accessing the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of you that makes plans. And has goals and it's connected to your values. Right? So we actually have to start by noticing and taking responsibility for what negative feelings are just coming from thoughts and allowing those to be optional and taking responsibility for creating them for ourselves. And then we can get to a place where we actually have the clarity of mind to make those decisions. Who do I want to be in this relationship? What do I want from this relationship and to really hear that intuitive voice of what do I believe what's true for me? So I hope this has been really helpful a lot of you sent in questions. So next week is going to be part two of this with your questions about processing feelings communicating your feelings of your husband's. So I want you to focus this week really on that little piece of just noticing when you're having A really really strong feeling. Okay, is this like feeling very urgent is as feeling very loud. And if so, let me just grab a piece of paper and write down. What what how would I describe the feeling? What thought did I have that led to this feeling as always you can look into my earlier podcast. You can look into Brooke Castillo at the life coach School podcast. If you want to get much more in-depth, she's where I learned all of this material and then from there you can go into the processing the feelings you tell your brain. I'll be back in five. We're At analyzing the situation. I just need to take care of my body right now check in with your body just notice it notice it as if someone was like programming and a robot and needed to put in how feelings feel to teach the robot how to feel depressed how to feel resentful and you would say, well the robot needs this like this is what happens when you feel resentful. It's like this. Yeah, and it is, you know, it's one of those you got to do it to see it you really have to do it, but this one is Pretty simple because you don't even need pen and paper you just stop. Okay, what's the feeling of having right now rage? Okay fine. I'm not attaching to why I'm feeling rage. I'm not attaching to whose fault it is. I'm just taking a second and noticing what rage feels like in my body is my heart beating fast. Am I breathing fast? Do I feel hot? Whatever those things are noticed it and then just basically invited to stay as long as it needs. You hear it? And by doing so it can move through your body just like that cold, right it can move through and move out versus if you were like, oh, I can't believe that I have a cold I'm going shopping so that the gold goes away right? Like that wouldn't work, right. We just take a minute. We're like, okay, I'm making space for the cold. I'm going to have some tea to step today making some space for the rage, but you're not going doesn't need to make you do anything because you have space for it. You can handle that. You can be yourself and have some Rage or some resentment or some anxiety and then it can kind of go on its merry way eventually. All right, and then you're in that place where you can now go back and be like, okay. Well, what about that? Thought that I had that created all that rage for me? What do I think that is your focus for this week next week. I'll be back answering your questions about feelings. I'm really looking forward to doing that to have an amazing week everyone. Okay. Take care. Bye. Bye.
I was working with a client and she was stuck on the idea of being authentic with our feelings while at the same time taking responsibility for them and choosing what I call “helpful thoughts.” So this week we're going to talk about the difference between processing our feelings and holding onto our feelings. The easiest way is to think of it as sensations vs words. Thoughts are words (sentences, usually), and feelings are physical sensations. We read the tight shoulders and clenched stomach as anxiety or anger. Focus on what the body is experiencing. We’re told to process our emotions, not to ignore how we feel, to honor our feelings, but we need to get really clear on what that means. Going in thought circles... ruminating on that one horrible thing or that offensive thing she/he said... that's not feeling your feelings. That's just having a thought and getting really attached to it being true and having that thought over and over until you can't see your way out of it. This week I'm teaching you how to process a feeling. The deeper question I think is really, when is it a feeling and when is it intuition? If I know that I’m responsible for my feelings, does that mean I can’t ever use them to help guide me? How do I know the difference? Your intuitive sense is not urgent. It is calm and clear. It doesn’t speak to you in rules like “he shouldn’t” or accusations like, “how dare he” or desperate questions like “how can I possibly not be hurt or be happy like this?” Trust that when you quiet the screaming, loud, urgent emotions, that inner voice will certainly come up for you.
In if you watch any ticker CNN Fox those are u.s. News sources, but if you look they always mention value S&P 500 and that is the index of the whole Market just invest in the whole market. And what I'm going to say is if you just keep doing that look at what Jeremy's done look at how it's done to me. My portfolio alone has grown over $200,000 in this year because of the fact that I just invested in the index funds and that to me is quite crazy in mind blowing, you know by using Hey, what's good everybody? And thank you for tuning in to episode 14 of Highly invested where we invest in ourselves talk about personal finance investing business and personal growth while asking entrepreneurs about the investments in time money and energy that they've made that have gotten them to where they are today. I'm really excited to have a guest on from Texas. He is a consultant and he runs the Instagram account J Millennial now. I must add the J Millennial is anonymous so I don't actually know his identity but he's got an awesome Instagram account that you can go follow each a millennial one thing that really caught my eye and I'm very intrigued to ask him about it tonight is that he plans to be a millionaire by 30. So we're going to find out all about that Jay. How are you doing tonight? I'm doing well. Thanks and Han Jung han-soo annyeonghaseyo. I don't get to use my Korean very often. So it's nice to be able to practice that with you. Awesome. Well glad to have you and so we met through Instagram and you tell me a little bit more what gave you the idea to start this account? Oh man, so I was actually blogging a lot my personal account just saying. Hey, look at this. Look at that and everything was finance-related. I used to talk about this guy Financial Samurai and everything and it seemed like no one was interested until one day's one of my followers told me. Hey, you should actually just This off and make it an Instagram account. So right lo and behold I did start it off with a hundred and now at three thousand things to everybody. Yeah, it's amazing that the progress we can make on there and for listeners, you might not be able to see his profile. But if you do not follow Jim lineal, you should go follow me. Even if you're not interested in finance. He's the most interesting guy on Instagram one of them at least I have to give you credit there Jay like he flips TVs all the time seems like he makes a profit every day. Don't know how he is the time. He's a big car buff, but he Has really ambitious goals with money. So if you need someone to kind of motivate you that you can follow on your feet. This is the guy to go to so Jay how many aside hustles. Do you have besides your main job? Oh my gosh, you know you had me thinking there because I was going to pull up that screen shot of where I pulled up the different side hustles ride. Like yeah, it's the Graham and I swear I do. Well, I have it right here so I can go through it. So you've got obviously your besides your main job TV reselling Tube dividends from your Investments and then from Real Estate. Oh, yes, that's all correct. And there's another one called royalty because Amazon is not there since that's still a growing income Stream So tack that onto there and I'd say I have six that's awesome. And from the post here, you can see the total income from TV reselling you've made and is this just this year or what you've made since you've started that's just not even everything. I think the post that you're looking at is how long it took to reach $10,000 over income. Yeah. Sorry that that is Exactly the post I'm referring to here. Right? Right. So what it is is that you see there's a start and end date on that. We're all I'm saying is if you invest your time into each of these different income streams, it takes this long to make that much money like an YouTube. You see that takes a long because you have to build a following you have to get people to root for you and you have to really stand out from the millions where otherwise right look very silly. You just thinking of very hot product from marketplace where you just buy something that's really low because you set alerts and then you just flip it right on the same Market. Right, you just got to take a bit of initiative and that that's really all that goes into it. Exactly right. So for some context here, then it took for TV reselling you made $10,000 in 390 days. So that's a good year in a bed of efforts. Yep. So worth it YouTube y'all I'll skip YouTube and save that for the end. The dividends was six hundred and seventy seven days pretty great because compounds going to even going to do all the work for you still so, you know just contributing and then real estate 361 year 366 days, but YouTube was the longest for 2191 days. So when you talk about starting something but slowly taking small steps and sticking to it. That is the prime example absolutely amazing. So, can you tell me like maybe a little bit about what you've learned doing each one of these side hustles. I've learned that. The TV reselling is really interesting Market because I've met so many different types and kinds of people like you go to people's houses and then you're just trying to look at it. And of course you're trying to be safe, right because you know, you never know if it's someone that's shady or not shady true. Yeah, it's really pretty direct because you have to weed out the fraudsters and not see you start putting your cards up and saying well, I think think I'm not going to go for the transaction or you say Hey, you know, I cannot meet this person or hey, I can meet this person and it also makes me think about time right because time is of the essence and then flexibility. So sometimes, you know, I'm sitting at home just playing video games and just working on YouTube and then suddenly people are like, hey, I want to meet so just go down the street still the TV comeback this who it's very different kind of life versus YouTube Right. You've got to think about so many different things right even forget your own highly invested. You have to think about this is what you got to do. This is how long it's going to take to do it and how I'm going to monetize it right different ways. Yeah teaches you a lot a lot of lessons but like for the TV reselling yeah, it's working on your people skills. Whereas YouTube it's like okay creativity, especially Spanish. A lot of people that speak Spanish and you don't have that skill half of those TVs wouldn't be sold and I can assure you that. Oh, that's so true. And so are you fluent fluent Spanish speaker as well? I would say just a touch of Spanish. I don't want to get into a conversation about that but they're okay enough to make the sale. Okay. Well that's helpful then because I I speak French as my second language. It's not very strong and I spent quite a bit of time away from Canada where I forgot most of it, but I have been working to practice more of it. So very valuable to have that. Asset absolutely. Yeah, so who taught you how to hustle? Oh my gosh, so I think it's not necessarily who taught me how to hustle but how I learned that I should be hustling. Yeah, and it's a really having a background where I didn't have much growing up like I grew up in a fifth sixth grade and started realizing. Hey all these people have iPods. They have game boys. They have all these things. So I'm going to admit that. I wasn't a very good student in the past and you know, I guess partially because of social Nations and circumstances that I did not have a lot of things so I didn't do those things. I did other things that were not as great. So ultimately as I progressed, you know, I got out that bad boy type of deal and then I went into learned about stocks learned about real estates and this is just like trial and error over time. Yeah and all because I didn't have these things growing up. I just I told myself I need to get these things growing up. So I made those the target of what I wanted to get and of course at my engine at mindset has shifted over time. Yeah. It's very Will wonders roughly to get at a young age because if you can realize that you get value out of different things if something is not for you, it's a distractions. Yeah, and I like to tell a story that's different from what I saw in my pages that I was on this game called second life back in 2009 and mine that's been years ago. So I was like 14 or 15. Yeah. I know exactly. So, how do I do that? Right you have to know how to photoshop you have to make textures the side of objects and then you make a car in the resale that for in 300 times and then you have enough to buy an iPhone. So I realize oh my gosh $200 in this is for me being like in high school right where people are going to their jobs and making like eight dollars an hour and I make 200 in the month just because of this things you find the opportunity and it really capitalize on that that way and because my motivation was an iPhone. I mean like an iPhone is cheap nowadays you don't have to before but when you You up to it? That's a high goal for you to set and really work towards right having that goal is just it's the best thing to even attempt to start. And so, how are you? How are you making money story from from second life? You were monetizing. Yes. Yes. So I'll explain it in like less than a minute. Okay. Try your best. Yeah. I'm interested. Yes. Yes, you have these boxes that you rearrange texture and everything. It has like 32 different shapes and you can collect them all 32 objects at one time and you can make it into a car a house furniture anything people go to. Second life because they trying to evade, you know, their first life right? Because maybe it's not so cool and everything and for me as a kid, it's everything because you can build Ferrari and build mansion. Hey, so I learned in Photoshop you can actually text your vehicle's make tent make modifications and just slap them on the side of these objects that you craft and then you can build them into a vehicle and then there's a Marketplace for these objects or people by with real money. Okay? Part of the time but I'm like people can pay me for something that I create out of Photoshop. So I would use these like three income generators. Like I would Camp adds a place. It makes me like ten Linden's and our something like that is enough to upload one texture. I only need three textures to make a car and then I resell it for 200 Linden's and then redo that for like, you know many thousands of sales, right right and with practice you just get better and better and there's your first services like you're the Creator and now you're providing value amazing. Yep. Provide value people are definitely going to watch it right like this podcast YouTube channel, as long as you can show your value people will flock to it and they'll be willing to return and that's how you make money. Yeah, that's an important message. I'm learning that and the main thing is I'm not going to stop it's been a lot of fun too. So when did you really start planning your life out as well? Because again, I can reference your Instagram account forever pretty much but so you started setting your goals or at least writing down your goals at age or sorry in the year 2010, I would 2010 I had the goal 2012 is when I actually started planning towards that goal. Okay. So what I learned, of course, you know through my parents parents instilled me with paid to get good grades and I thought it was funny because they were in they did not get like a great themselves. Well, my mom was a valedictorian but my dad was like a sea student. I've been telling you to get the variance so it's like okay, but I told myself and I flipped because I didn't like school at the time. I said, you know what I'm gonna get these good grades because if the job or interviewer Steve's me and the exact grades. It's probably going to look good on my Oh file, and it's going to look good getting to college. He's getting its companies and then all that stuff, right? Yeah and more people won't say that they're going to say, oh, you know school sucks and everything I say, you know what? No, no, no think about it like this do well in the job that pays well or a towards a career path that pays well and you're going to see it. Like people saw my GPA coming out of high school and college and you're like this guy is probably good. Let's take yeah, that's that's another difficult. Yeah, and I thought I missed it. I know the question was around when I started planning, right? So the plan was I needed to get this and The steps were I will do these things. So I guess I could save 2010 was that because in high school I told myself I need to be valedictorian so I could get this job so I could get this better job which will pay me so much and I can buy a Maserati. So that's that's how it works. Right? That's true. And at least the mentality got you all the way through into where you are now, so that answers my question. Well, thank you. It goes to show that for anybody that wants is quick success is no such thing. You've gotta at least build your own Vision First. Convince yourself that you can do it and start taking those steps. So good on you Jay. Keep doing it. All right main thing I'd like to ask all my podcasts guests to think of three big Investments that they've made in their life doesn't have to be with money. It could be with time or with energy, but three big decisions are choices that they've made that have ultimately helped gets you to where you are today. So can you think of three things or any stories that you can possibly share with the listeners? Yes. Absolutely. And one of them I feel like is having very strong family relationships because At the end of the day and families our blood. So I feel like if you don't get along with your brother's your sisters your parents that is going to have some lingering thought in the back of your mind and I did feel that at some point in my life. But over time, you know build very strong relationships with the people around you of course starting with family. If you have a very good family support you tell him he's crazy goals, they'll support you they might laugh at you first, but they're going to 100% support you and you know, even my brother's talking to me sometimes I say, you know what let's think through this together and I'm going to come This will help you plan because I'm well invested in making sure that they're successful and they're vested making me successful because of that bond that we have together Ryan up you want success for everyone in your family just like you'd hope right. You would expect the same. Yeah with that. So that's one big thing that I can take away and to this day. I can just hit up my brothers and say hey you want to split a Ferrari look at the left. Let's do it. But yeah, I hope the response would be, you know, kind of following in your footsteps. Okay? Well, let's sit down and think about how we can actually pull this off right get that much closer to it. That's a that's a good point family relationships are very very important. It's a two-way street with every family member as well. But certainly very good to have that support. Yes. One get them Family Ties. You definitely have to have those people to lean on what be another one. I guess the second one would be. X right investing in academics is huge and people say like to mention College everybody's like you don't need something to make College. Well, you know, if you know deep down in your heart that you have a product or something that you can sell and you can invest yourself 110% in that please go ahead and do that. Yeah become Bill Gates to become Tesla. Other than that, you're only happy invested. Please don't invest in that find something that you're invested in and for me that was the academics because I knew the path was the academics would turn into a job which would turn into all this Career Success right options. Freedom right and not just investing in academics but investing it in. double look years and see that it was going that is going to be a good decision like job prospects going up 20% year-over-year. You have to look for things like that as well. Yeah for you say I'm 100% committed in that career. That's so cool. Yeah, and what I'll say is that some people were super invested and I asked him, you know, are you very invested in this path? Some people would tell me you know what? I don't know and people come up to me and literally tell me this in Instagram and I say, you know what let's let's find you something and let's see if any of these things. Tonight she was just because I'm an IT guy, right? I'm going to try to get you into it before anything else. Yeah bases web etcetera. Some people are like like his web design, you know web development looks awesome. And I say well the job prospects are awesome go that way and then that person became a very good web developer. You see like some other people and trying to get them in that direction like well now if people don't have the resources that's where people help people reach out to me as well. You know, definitely I all the DMS anything about career Academia. I answer everything to the best of my knowledge of course of not like everybody's knowledge, but I'll try well that yeah, that's super helpful of you and not everybody's When do be that responsive so it's great that you you just take that on to help people out. Yep. That's great. And so what did you study with? What's your background from from your schooling? I studied information systems and it is not a top school by any means like in California. You have like your Stanford your you see I went to like a CSU Cal State University. It's like one above Community College. Okay, I went to the best CSU that I could find within reason because I live in Delhi area. So I just picked one that was close by Bye just to save money right because I look at the cost practical. I'm like, yeah. Yeah expensive right house. Oh, I think it's crazy man. I couldn't imagine being a Canadian looking in like oh University crazy this stage. Oh my gosh, but that's a good approach that you took because I forget which book I read. It might have been a Malcolm Gladwell one, but better to be a big fish in a small pond than a you know, what's interesting is it's not fish in a big pond. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Some people took that advice and you know, that's cool that I want to never shared that video. No, no 40,000 people that watch that video if you liked it and they thought my advice was realistic. Yeah, I would agree if I go to Stanford and fail and fail really hard. No one's ever been to look for me. What if I can do very well is well, that's not his loan and come out, you know, 4.0 valedictorian or summa cum laude and cum laude any types of waters. Yeah, you're already a better playing field than anybody else. Yeah fact that that's huge. Like did you Did you read that book before you made that decision or was that just something you came to a conclusion on your own? I came to a conclusion on my own actually, I and I don't know why I thought of it because everyone kept telling me Oh my gosh, you went to a bad school and I'm like I know exactly what I'm doing. And you know now that I'm here in a position. I look back at other people that went to others College ins and I'm thinking wow, you know, it's a big difference where you ended up because of how you handled it like a GPA became as below or something like that, but I arch all the people Students to think about those kinds of circumstances of how that can change 10 years down the line when people are looking at it. Think about someone looking at you where your app to be from that other perspective. If I'm looking for you 10 years down the line looking at yourself. You can see think am I going to be proud of that that I in school, you know struggling on his classes or that guided excelled in this others go around. Hmm. No, it's just the perspective. Yeah. I know that that's so true man. I hope as many Americans or US citizens can listen to this as possible and get your advice because It's so true. It's not worth trying to struggle just almost have that title of Stanford or a big Ivy League school, especially if you can shine somewhere else people will notice you and you prove the theory right man. You're smart guy. Amazing awesome. So Family Ties closer close family ties. We've got Academia. What would be your third one? Okay, third one. Would be and I invested a lot of my time. Just trying to get a Maserati. Of course. That's amazing Jay. How close are you to getting it? Now? How close am I? I could buy that car six times. That's a very good feeling to have so you're getting closer. Yeah. Well people is that's now that life level I don't feel like I'm going to get the value out of it that I thought I would when I was dreaming about it. That's very humble of you. That's a tough one and it's a tough call to make right because I could be sitting in my Maserati right now and all the haters, you know, yeah, like cinnamon. Right? Right. Yeah doing dots but I'm not and I feel like part of the reason is I spent time finding value. What's going to give me the most value out of it, right? Yeah, and I feel like when I do these things that I do TV reselling other things, I think my time is valued at $60 an hour seven dollars an hour and I won't settle for anything less than that. Right if I might Maserati and I'm spending more time fixing it than than what I could have used that time for it making money or inspiring others. I feel like that's lost value, right? So as much as I can get into that part, I don't see it's part of my personality as much because of how my personality has shifted. So if I do get it someday, you know, maybe that's that's cool, but I'm Perfectly happy where I'm at. I guess, you know good. That's that's wise of you. I mean, it's like I guess getting to the end of the rainbow and realizing that it was all about, you know the growth that you went through getting there. Yeah and I feel like invest time in so aside from Academia and all this invest time in finding value in your time as well. Right? Yeah, and I hope that makes sense because this this is just stuff that I did not come prepared with yeah, it does and it's different for everybody and that's why it's just I like encouraging conversation. Someone might listen to this and that might trigger something that they've had an idea to do and maybe they'll do it so that it totally helps right? So think about it like this, right? Here's an example if you're a guy selling video game. Games video games are very hot. But what's the profit margin maybe five or ten dollars per game? Okay. I love ya make it thirty dollars that awesome. But how much it was that worth your time to search for it procure it sell it and then make sure that people are happy with it post self if that is only $10 to you and you saw in video games and you can tell that a lot then awesome, but for me, right you get a higher ticket item or it's actually worth $100 of my one hour, right? So if you can think about it that Wait, it's going to change a lot of your decisions. And I think that that's Paramount in any part of your life. Right? You think how will this benefit me in the future? But of course you have to have those based relationships if I spent eight hours with my brother's I'm not making any money but there's the value out of coming out of that with, you know, being able to bond for that much time because you strengthen that Bond and then you're able to come back and you could see relationship where you can take something out of it and then you can give something back fun. One it just back more because my brother is getting way more than $100 value out of that. I get more tired awesome failure get out of that but don't think about it. That way. It's like over time their relationship is very strong. So where you can't knock it over no one else can come in and knock that relationship over Mmm Yeah. No definitely it's putting your time into the right things. I think one of the most the most common themes from people that I've talked about is is really, you know, making the right Investments for themselves and That's what people just ultimately need to find the answer is within them. Right? Right, right. Just I urge people to look at if they are someone that likes to do arts and crafts. If you want to be professional video game player. If you want to be like snowboard or something like that, which I do love all those things. I feel like I'm a fat fire kind of guy not like a lien fire. Okay. Yeah, we'll get there eventually, right? But the point that I'm making is you know, it's long as you get get the value out of it that you like. It doesn't matter what anybody else says team. I get a lot of comments saying, you know, that scar is crap. You know, this is the decision that you're doing is bad and I just tell them this is the value that I have, you know. Yeah, and you're going to tell you something else so I'm respectful. Everybody's values as long as the reasonable but death right? Yeah, so that's all I got to say on that. Topic know that that's super important man. It's very just valuing what you're putting your time towards time is the one asset that we cannot get back. Right? Right. So it's a it's very humbling your wise man Jay. I like I definitely didn't have a lot of ambition until a couple years ago when I'd move back home, and I really didn't have Any money and that's when I started investing myself, but that was like when I did investment research. Sorry, let me let me backtrack a bit, but I had a financial advisor in Canada invest on my behalf and mutual funds and after coming home from travelling. I found out that I owed 1500 and tax and you know, it was my fault for not doing the research but having just you know, I had really never had any sort of adversity in my life sadly, you know, and so that kind of I felt so offended and I was so angry at the financial advisor that you know, I thought he did. On purpose. He probably just didn't know the rules of the product and it just happened to happen. But you know, I'm just so glad that happened to me because now it's a complete mindset shift and I only want to spend time doing things that you know are valuable to me and you know, another thing too is making sure people know that you know, you're always there for them. If they ever need you they can always reach out and you will make that time but you've gotten your goals and good to stay. Everyone's gotta stay focused on their goals as well. Because that's what makes us all individuals. Absolutely, and that's why it's called personal finance. Right? And the personal part is a big aspect of it being, you know, honestly sometimes I think oh, you know, what would my followers think if I finance this car and I'm thinking but I have an income stream paying for it. It's not going to hurt me or I bottom line. Right? Right. Yeah, it's super involved in paying off their debts go ahead and pay off because that's what's important to you and no finding the value is really where it's at and I think you made a very good point there about failure and it being big teeth. ER yeah, because I think part of what changed me is. I was hanging out with the wrong crowd of people in my elementary school days and I almost landed in jail because of those times and you know part of what this is I re-evaluated by life and I'm like if I become this person in 10 years and now I ask everyone please think about we're going to be in 10 years if you keep doing this thing and sometimes that changes people's minds right the whole point of this is when I failed to the point that I almost got Put in back of the police car hauled off to juvenile hall and all that stuff. I realized my gosh. I need to change and sixth grade. Then I went Seven Grade and I was a totally different person you materials. So young I stealing stuff, you know, damn. I mean in hindsight as a kid all men you could have gotten away with so much. I wish I knew that I would have taken so many more risks. I know right? Oh, it's gonna be on your record until you turn 18 after that. It's going to be stealing no one's ever going to look at it. And I'm like, wow, I have a chance like it's that was my life in that my biggest failure. Yeah, I think about that time that I failed so hard that my parents disowned me and I almost got thrown into jail because of some stuff I did as a kid and in those yet. Like you said, those are the most powerful teachers. It's being able to just take that lesson realize it for what it is. It's a mistake, you know, you're not a loser you just lost Badly, but right you know, right everyone will and it'll it'll hit harder than and you want it bad enough. You'll make that change so good you did that. Absolutely. Nice. So would you mind sharing a little bit about your perspective on investing so for someone that would be interested in starting as a beginner. How would you recommend they go about it? All right. This is something that you're going to see all across this. T-that free community everyone's going to preach that. There are a couple of index funds, right? Yeah. If you are an absolute beginner investor go follow this guy personal finance Club follow him read all this poster and they want all the way to day now, basically, yes Jeremy, I don't him. I'm going to reach out to him soon to get him on the show as well. Yeah, absolutely fantastic and you know, there's controversial post that he makes but a lot of the content he makes her pretty good which is the basis of it is investing index funds and don't look yeah, that's all you have to do and in if you watch any ticker CNN Fox those are u.s. News sources, but if you look they always mention now S&P 500 and that is the index of the whole Market just invest in the whole market and what I'm going to say is if you just keep doing that look at what Jeremy's done look at how it's done to me my You alone has grown over $200,000 in this year because of the fact that I just invested in the index funds and that to me is quite crazy in mind blowing, you know by using some percent. Did you happen to get in it? Like I did you happen to buy more in January to in the market had just gone through that shit storm and December. Yes. I did. I bought the lots and genius when I tell people what my growth is. I said half of that growth is actually from me by throwing money in there aggressively and the other half is literally just growth like The money was there for so beginners. Just invest in low-cost index funds like no vanguardia see that 20 million times total Stock Market ETF just throw a bunch of money in that as soon as you have the money and if you're not doing anything else with it, just throw it there. That's great advice man. I wish people had just been slightly educated about money when I went to a high school and one of the themes I bring up is that if we don't like there's that quote by Albert Einstein that if you teach a fish or if you what is it judge a fish by travelpod ability to climb a tree and it'll believe its whole life thinking that it's stupid. Like if you don't teach people how to manage money, they literally believe as an adult that they can't manage money. I don't mean to generalize but it just seems like whenever I try to just explain the concept of even an index fund or I mentioned even this is mainly to Canadians, but I could give you heard of the Dow Jones DSP like they've always heard those trigger words, but there's just no foundational like context that they can kind of relate to so it's tough, but but That's spot-on that there's no better advice than that and for young people that are listening to me on this podcast, right? But the premise that if I put this money that I could have bought this Honda S2000 for $10,000 and then just let that sit for like, you know, 10 years come back you can buy three S2000 or you can turn that into one Maserati. And so I've $10,000 left, you know. Yeah, I think about the active then you're going to shift your mindset quickly. Yeah, that's valuable and time spent in the market. Like you say that that 10 years main thing is is that if the money is put in there if there's those couple years of struggle you have enough time for it to grow back. Absolutely. Do you mind sharing what are some stocks that you own that have that have done well, and that you've been invested in for a while sure, so Was a dividend investor until I met this whole community and I realized why am I picking stocks? So I actually had a lot of Arc EAD CRF. Those are dividend stocks that pay over 10% So imagine a nice then you paying you're getting paid $10,000 per year. But since then I've slimmed that portfolio because sometimes people cut their Holdings or something like that and this dog makes a big drop like 22 percent right and my gosh, I've already lost the dividends that I was So that's disappointing. So I shifted a lot of that in this stole some of it over time. I'm just praying to make use of that $3,000, you know tax write-off if you take some bad investments in the market. So I just said okay if I'm you know, just lose and then just shifted that money into index funds like vti smart. Yeah. Okay Q, which is NASDAQ then as I've Done Yet via lower Bo G. One of them is growth and I post my portfolio every month typically around the 15 so I'm a bit overdue for posting the portfolio. But if people just look at that every month and then swipe, right you can see exactly what I'm holding and how much of it I'm holding right give you an idea what I mean. Testing in and for people would get this in five years. They can say all he invested in them in. Yeah, and it's like, oh you just got to wait five years. Yeah. It's like I should have invest in that five years ago your nicely Diversified their to it like a Nas doc ETF and as a total market and then a Vanguard one. Yes, that's right. That's right. So I called vti. Vo I don't need to deal with definitely damn guard. But like that's it. You've only got three you've got three main ones that all you need to do is just add to that for the rest of your life and you'll have that passive income. Um flowing in from dividends. Yep. So the way my portfolio has held is about 50,000 of it goes into dividend stocks. So it makes up about 5,000 a year and I know I slim that because I was trying to make 6,000 but I realized wait if all my income is if I've dividend income plus this income. I'm going to have a big tax problem at the end of year, which I did last year and I said, I'm going to do it a little bit different here. Okay. Let's make it all gross and then just just shift later. Yeah, and would you mind for fellow Americans explaining how they can you know if they do have Investments that goes our there there is that text tax benefit that they can that they can use. Yeah, you can write off up. So let's say you invest in Tesla at $300 and then you lose because of stock drop to like 250 or something. And you had next number of shares go figure. What you can do is to install it and then you can take that as a loss and then that will decrease your tax liability because imagine if you're making a hundred dollars a year, you just have 3000 from the from that Maui populated on 97,000. That's kind of how it works, but I'm not a tax Pro so don't quote me on that fair. This portable computer thing is I invested heavily in dividends and I'm like for Watts because in real estate you can depreciate you can do so many things with what you can deduct and my income shows as you know, a thousand or two thousand a year and I actually checks done because you know, make some 12,000 and you cannot tax only two but in dividends you get taxed, you know at the 20 percent grade or something like that depending on your bracket and you have no deductions at all. So if you make $10,000 of income you're paying easily $2,000 back to the government. And for what right? Like if you can have that grow. Is that and then you can just convert that to Peter when you need the income? Yeah, then that's something that I learned right and I'm still learning right? Are you trying to get to become a millionaire by 30 but along the way I'm going to make mistakes. I'm not the perfect role model. And I know that and I want people to know that about me as well. Yeah, they see the tip of the iceberg. But you you're the one that's got to do all the learning it through all the shit, you know to make that post at the end of the day pretty much right now. Yeah, yeah, that's a very good point. That's so true. One thing. I'm not sure what you would call it in the states then but I guess I want to compare that to Canada because just for any Canadian letters that might listen but we have two types of investing accounts that you can open with a or that you would use one would be a margin account. Is that what it's referred to in the states as well like opening a margin account where you pay tax on gains? I feel like that is called a brokerage here. So well, we would buy we would open a margin account through a brokerage but the margin account is how it works is like let's say you want to use $10,000 you only have to put down 3,000 and The Brokerage will put down 7 to match it. But yeah, but then if you if you lose a good portion of the money you put in you got to pay that back or they just take your money. Oh, that's an interesting concept that I've never heard of really so nice. Yeah, maybe that's in Canada. That's what my friend of mine explained a margin account to me. Now. There may be some different like the numbers might be able to factor in differently. But on the flip side of that what we have in Canada, I think it's similar to a Roth IRA Ira sorry in the US but Tfsa is registered account with this Canada Revenue Agency. So it's with the government and basically that allows it's called the tax-free savings account. It should be called the tax reinvesting account because it doesn't pay me interest. But you can invest in if you make capital gains. You don't pay tax on it at all, which is great. But that's the that's the big thing that's missing in Canada's the education around that no one knows how to use it properly, you know stories of people just making monthly contributions and never investing in anything. So they're not. Oh No Just that's where like the lack of transparency exists in Canada, and I see that a lot. So I definitely want to you know, that's kind of the my mission to help bring awareness to that. But is it do you guys have kind of a similar system where it would be like, I guess maybe you A tax account or an investing account that doesn't get taxed versus one that does get tax. Was that accurate at all? Yeah. Yeah, so The individual retirement account. Yeah, and the way it works is you have Ross and traditional and the thing about this is if you have a certain income limit, you cannot contribute anymore into Roth but you have to back you have to be like a back door method but simple terms individual, there's no income limit and you can contribute up to 6,000 a year into that one. Now. Here's the trick though 6,000 splits between any of the IRS if you contribute $6,000 to one Ira you can't do it to the other one. So Most people will get is invest 6,000 into the Roth IRA and then put that into the lower cost index funds it's going to grow and then when you get paid out that money in the EM, you're not going to get taxed on your games, right? Whereas if you do traditional you can put the 6 mm in there. It's going to grow but when you pull it out you're going to attach on the games that you pull out. So Roth IRA the grows tax-free. Take it out tax-free traditional you Best in its you take it out you get tax on the gains coming out of it. Okay, so that's that's probably where my what I'm calling a margin account or the one that you can use for that purpose would be like your traditional then well, here's a trick though, right? Because an IRA you have to pull it out at the retirement age, which is 55 but government can make it 65 in the future. So people have to be well balanced if they want to retire earlier. So I called brokerage but I think it's just called an individual investment account. Like right. I don't think it's called margin because you're not trading on Leverage using any money from anybody else. It's your money, right? Okay, and maybe that's a Canadian option. But the one crazy part about the margin account has that you get taxed on gains, but guess what the taxes in Canada 40 50 percent hundred forty men. I'm pretty sure it's 50. I'm studying that Canadian Securities course so that at least have a bit of credibility behind me with when I Try to get my course going and all that. But yeah, so imagine that fifty percent. So that's why the tax-free savings account is so useful but like yeah, like if anyone's not using that in her in a grown adults, like give your head a shake my gosh. That's insane 50% right? Yeah, and I think you know the types of people that that complain about tax. So they hate how much is getting taken off their paycheck. It's like you if Using the tax-free savings account. What are you complaining about? You know help yourself. Wow. That's wild. Do you think that Trump could win the next or could be re-elected in 2020? Yeah. This is an interesting topic because people on Instagram may or may not know my views, right? Yeah. So the thing about this is the way the u.s. Works is like electoral college system. So it's whatever your representatives vote for not really about the popular vote. So I eat and that's how Trump beat Hillary which is just crazy. Right? So you literal college is like yeah, the popular vote could be 51 percent voted for Hillary over Trump. But you know all the Electoral College votes came in and everyone's like I freaking swear that Trump would have lost but Trump won. Yeah just look for college. So, you know that even surprised me because I was like, you know, I'm gonna bet on the other person. That's Hillary, but everyone got steamrolled and I quote that that happened in It was not supposed to happen. The media is very good at making things look a certain way. Yeah, so that's one thing right and I think that based on the media. It's hard to trust them. You have to have multiple credible resources to look at ya. You cannot just look at exclusively Fox if you're conservative or skin and if you exclusively Democrat, so it's tough to look at because both will tell you that the other side is winning. Yeah, and the news is good at that part too. Good. Yep. Yep, but in terms of who Cool. I think that there may be a shot for another candidate to step up and take. As long as if the Democrats were to bend up together and not kind of like shoot each other in the foot in terms of where to try to make your message. It's like the whole point is you try to be Trump. Yeah, that's about to let him win psycho. I Elizabeth Warren I'm going to do this thing and this thing and this thing and I am going to rival candidates going to be something else like well not until get your ducks in a row get out of the way and then just bend that in vote for this one don't vote for a third party and I think what yeah people wrong and in the previous election here is everyone is like yeah, Bernie Sanders got off the vote, but my heart is with Bernie Sanders. I'm going to vote for him, but people did not know in politics that to the two-party system. Yes and introduce a third party but no one cares about the third party. It doesn't do anything. I already lost a lot of boats, right? That's that's what I say is that if you just bend up you can beat up like I'm not going to say this but cast who will win but that's just my advice there. Yeah. Do you think I have this theory that if the Republicans decided to run on legalizing cannabis that they could that they would be able to run away with it. Do you think that's possible? I think that's possible and I'm totally open to all the opinions. Yeah, that's one thing. I'm a Canadian but I obviously a lot of the news and stuff. I'm exposed to his from the US. So I'm a lot more aware of us politics and business except for the Cannabis industry in Canada. And I thought it was interesting because I posted an article about how the marijuana stocks are not doing super well and I think it's because of Regulation or something like that. But how is your practice? I thought that it? Would take off and everyone would want to buy some legal stuff. The main reason in Canada why the numbers are so low is just because the provincial government so it's like the state's imagine the federal government gave the states the ability to make their own laws, right? So in the province where we stood to make the most money and we could have like they put the numbers together and matched. For example, the one you would we would use as Alberta. There's 4.5 million people there and they have I think 271 stores or 273. Something like that. So there's obviously a lot of stores for the people and Ontario. It's you know, maybe three times. I don't know how big of the size of Alberta but it's much bigger. You have 13 million people and you've got 25 stores. So like yeah, so you're just welcoming the black market to run rampant if people live in you know, more rural towns, these are still towns with a hundred thousand people or maybe not a hundred fifty thousand, but they have to drive six hours to Illegal pot shop. No, they're not going to do that. You know what I mean? Like, it's Just it's complete government failure. Unfortunately, so Ms. Like multi-state operators in the u.s. Just released their earnings today. So we're truly was yesterday cure Leaf was today and both beat expectations, which is is helpful for the US industry, but we just we need more stores. So it is unfortunate. It's just what happens when the government is this is responsible for running something businesslike and you just interesting also because I read news in Colorado and they said oh wow this cannabis. Really taking a toll on us because we're now so much flush with cash. Right? Let's hook him. Canada is not flush with cash. What about my ETFs? Yeah. Well, I'm just glad Colorado started it when they did too because they are the case study to reference and they made just as much money as Canada did last year comparably. Whoa cannabis guys. Yes, Colorado made like 1.5. I've billion in the entire year and Canada made 1.5 billion in Revenue the entire year and that was just in the first year, but think about a Colorado is 5 million people Canada has 36 million. Oh my gosh, so talk about a bad roll out. However, there is a lot of potential going forward just gonna take more time than most people expected. And I mean that's the thing. I cannabis has been around forever. It should you know, people should never have been going to jail for 25 years getting three strikes. So I'm just I'm not advocate for business, but at the same time it's like yo, its 2020 2019 2020 almost just you know, Legalize It regulated like anything else and get it over with. Yeah, and I thought it was an interesting. Study because of the fact that most people that use it don't want to be caught with it right now, but I think it's a it's a fine line to walk because the way you have alcohol deaths in the u.s. Already and that thing is in a regulated and all that you have breathalyzer. You have three strikes you have people taking away license and all that. But Indian someone will get killed and the thing that it's it's tough to gauge is if you were to fully legalized that and how would that affect this will that increase the number of deaths in addition to that or will the A musician alcohol use that as well. And then maybe the number of debts will only increase slightly. Yeah. It's a really tough call it is it is and that is kind of the risky do have to take though being a democracy. And and unfortunately, I think part of the province that I'm from Ontario their thought was that well, you know, we won't know what too many stores because we don't want anything like that happening. But I've also remember seeing articles that like basically that you're not catching High drivers like they expected drunk drivers there the numbers apparently you're not even close. So I personally agree that people that get caught with it and are not under the influence. Those people can go right. Yeah, anyone that is under the influence, you know, that shouldn't be the case of any substance. You wouldn't do that on any other drug and alcohol anything right? No exotic people follow them. Okay, you know Fair. Yeah, exactly and that's the main thing, you know, it was the testing phase and just as a shareholder of a couple This company's I obviously just want to see this sped up more quickly so that I can see it sooner profit on my investments. But you know in time the good thing is and one thing I can say to all the listeners just manage the cash you have well enough so that you don't have to touch your Investments main thing, but also now Jake when do we get to see your face on on on Instagram? You know, I always tell people that it's coming and who knows right? Maybe I will maybe I will not Right. Yeah. I personally think that even without showing my face. It doesn't really matter. I think that the advice that I give in the value to society outweighs someone's face. I'm saying is people see that I don't want to be that person where I'm on the streets and then you know people's see me as a Target and that's one thing that I'm trying to keep under wraps. Right? Like I understand Jeremy shows his face and he's worth three million and who knows maybe someone is doing something or not, but I'm security guy, right? Mmm, I just think about security at first. Yeah, my son's that I'm giving enough Dolly to society where I don't need to show my face. Yeah. No, I agree. I like the anonymous feel to and and that's the best part is that ultimately you can decide eventually what you want to do with with the options you've created for yourself and that's amazing man. So absolutely. Yeah, that's really good. No last question. Once you get to your your millionaire Mark by 30. What are your plans then what's next? Oh, well, I've always I told myself that I want the own enough rental property to sustain a salary of $150,000 a year. Okay, and the reason why a hundred fifty thousand is because it is twice what the median is in the state of Texas. So it's enough I feel like it's enough if I don't change my life that much more I think that I can do everything I want to do and not have to worry about money still. So yeah, that's my ultimate goal like Beyond 1 million. If I can get ten houses that pay that much which does not the case it's going to be more than that, but I'm looking forward to doing that and not having to touch the principle that I've accumulated over time. Maybe that might go somewhere else and you know, one of my goals is to fund some schools right? Like yeah, if you don't swear in impoverished countries, you don't really get that. I want to be able to say look cybersecurity School Festival in cybersecurity come to the u.s. And sharing the same success and I want that. That's a brilliant idea. That's kind of that's what I love to hear. See that's great. And once you have money, you can go about that kind of dream, which is awesome. And I'll just put like a smiley emoticon in some people never know who created it. Yeah. Exactly. It's good that you you're thinking about other people. But yeah, I guess get to that goal first and then we could definitely have that chat in the near future. Oh man, that would be something I appreciate your time. Awesome. Likewise Jay. It's been a pleasure to have you on any last word of advice to the listeners I would say always have something to look forward to you. I say this in all of my talks and I feel like life is interesting because of all the ups and downs and people have anything to look forward to you what's life for you if you don't make any milestones in between there's no point right now. Enjoy a little bit of the journey and don't rush the vehicle. That's great advice man. It's yeah enjoy enjoy where you are learn to enjoy where you are because that's all you're gonna get make the most All right, Jay. Thanks so much again for coming on where can people find you well to find me on Jay Millennial. That's my Instagram account. Just smell that is his J Millennial. Awesome. Well, thank you Jay everyone. You can find this podcast on Spotify Apple podcast Google podcast breaker and radio public. If you liked it, please share subscribe leave your view. It would be great to see who's listening and it helps with the organic reach so we'll be much appreciated and lastly. Thank you all so much for listening. This is your host Jordan highly signing off Stay High. We invested in your cells till next time.
Episode 14, we meet with the anonymous king of hustle and ambition, @jaymillenial. He's a well educated IT consultant out of Texas who documents his journey to become a millionaire by 30 on his IG account @jaymillenial so he can help others build confidence and learn about money the way he did through trial and error. He posts valuable daily content about his mindset around money, his side hustles, and his investment progress so if you want a trusting account to follow to give you encouraging money ideas to reach your goals, his is it! He's almost at $700 K in networth so he's definitely on pace for his millionaire goal at 30. His biggest investments: Strong family relationships, academia and focusing his time on things that provide value to him. This podcast is for anyone who wants to learn about personal growth, finance, investing and business concepts or feels the need for a mindset  shift. My mission is to create a world of financially literate individuals to be the best version of themselves so they can inspire  those around them. Be the change you want to see and people will notice. It shouldn't be so bad to talk about money so get highly invested in  yourself, reduce stress and pay yourself first. Your future self will  thank you for it. I hope you get some value out of this episode!
Hello, my name is John. Thank you for joining me for this week's episode of The Prayer. The mission of the prayer path is to create an auditory pathway upon which you can experience some time in a personal intimate and loving encounter with the Divine. However, you've come to understand that presence in your life. We use a blend of sacred scripture of our spiritual and secular writings music practices and silence to inspire your prayer when you may be rooted in a particular tradition, the prayer path is less to do with religious form a more to do with inviting you to connect with the Divine that is a universal truth at the heart of all religions. It is indeed my blessing and privilege to be your prayer guide on the path today. We don't record the prayer path and a special studio. So, please excuse the sounds of ordinary life. You might hear from time to time in the background. Also this week, please forgive the effect of cold as having a my voice. I hope it doesn't attract too much from your enjoyment this program. I'd invite you now to find a place where you can sit comfortably attentive. For distraction is minimized and second yourself. Wayne Dyer has said our intentions create our reality. So I'd invite you now to take a moment to call to mind and set any special intention you might have for your prayer path Journey today. Now getting set to begin your journey leave out of your hands heart and mind. And I think that you don't need right now. You are divinely guided. Everything that happens to you. All the people who you meet are put in your path by the Divine for your own growth. Keeping this in your awareness at all times. Can change everything? The focus for this week's prayer path journey is the practice of the welcoming prayer referred to by Richard Rohr in his beautiful book Justice. Mary Mars of ski who formulated the prayer says of its practice To welcome and let go is one of the most radically loving faith-filled gestures. We can make in each moment of the day. It is an open-hearted Embrace of all that is in ourselves and in the world. But before I begin I invite you to spend the next few minutes preparing your body and mind for prayer. Having already taken up a seated posture. I invite you to gently close your eyes if you wish. Take two slow deep breaths in and out through your nose, which will help to relax your body. Become aware of your thighs. As they rest on the seat beneath you. Become aware of your feet. As they make contact with the ground. Become aware of your hands. As they rest gently in your lap. perhaps in a gesture of receiving allowing yourself to become aware now of your breathing. Where in your body can you feel the rhythm of this gift of breath that gives you life? at your nostrils your chest your abdomen your inhale and your exhale? Find it now. The Divine is always with you. I invite you now to acknowledge that presence. You may refer to this presence as God. truth the universe Buddha nature Many other words to are used to describe this Essence which we seek. The Divine doesn't mind which you use. The only care now is to be present to you. This presence that is within you. both of you below you. beside you all around you. become present now to the presence Just As You Are That's how the Divine sees you. Except you. And infinitely and unconditionally loves you. Come As You Are rest in this loving tender kind and compassionate presence Feel it bear the weight of you. willingly and lovingly surrender now you're prepared. I will begin the prayer. Sometimes you'll be listening to my voice guiding you. At other times there will be silent pauses. Be with the times of Silence. Let the quiet of them quiet you. Allow your breathing to remain steady and slow. I will send a bell to signify the start and the end of the prayer Journey. This is the welcoming prayer. Welcome, welcome welcome. I welcome everything that comes to me in this moment. Because I know it's from my healing. I welcome all thoughts. feelings emotions Parsons situations and conditions I let go of my desire for security. I let go of my desire for affection. I let go of my desire for control. I let go of any desire to change any situation condition person or myself. I opened to the love and presence of the Divine. and the healing action and Grace of the divine within amen Holding this intention of welcome and openness likely in your heart. I invite you to bring to mind a heart or an offense. Perhaps something or someone who has hurt you. Or let you down recently or in the past. Feel the pain of the offense the way it first felt. Or as you're feeling it now in this moment. Focus on feel and sink into what you were experiencing in this moment in your body. notice observe pay attention feel what is happening in your body. Place a soothing hand where it hurts if that helps. Don't resist. Don't try to analyze the feeling or emotion. simply experience the energy Feel the pain. allowed this experience of the heart To move you beyond your minds processing of right or wrong. Win or lose? Good person or bad person? identify with the suffering how much it hurt to be hurt? How abandoned you felt to be abandoned? moving yourself to that place Knowing how much it hurts to hurt. Would you wish that experience for anyone else? Welcoming the experience. moves you to Great compassion for yourself and others welcoming the grief and anger in all its heaviness makes it your teacher. Welcome what you were experiencing this moment in your body as an opportunity to consent to the action of the Divine indwelling. Welcome is to embrace. What is happening within? Saying the word welcome interiorly. Is the action of embracing the indwelling spirit Who We Know by faith is always present in and through every experience. Let go By saying the Letting Go phrases as often as you need to. I let go of the desire for security affection and control. I let go of the desire to change what I am experiencing. I let go of the desire for security affection and control. I let go of the desire to change what I am experiencing. Give this talk. So when you call. Just listen for my footsteps. See the light. I'm shining for you and I'll meet you. Me too. The storm clouds fill my troubles try to find me I will never I feel alive and it guides me. Time set aside for meditation is truly valuable in rewiring our brains. But the welcoming prayer helps us to find Serenity through surrender in the midst of messy ordinary moments. So when you're triggered or caught by something unpleasant. Begin by simply being present to your feeling experience it not just mentally but also emotionally and physically Don't try to rationalize or explain it just witness it and give attention to the sensation. Welcome the feeling speaking aloud if you can. Welcome anger or welcome fear. or welcome longing repeated as many times as you need to to truly sense yourself embracing and receiving the feeling. Then pray the welcoming prayer regularly. Even daily is not too often. as Richard Rohr suggests It could become your daily bread. As you come to the end of your journey on the path today. I invite you to recall again. Now the intention that you may have set at the start. acknowledging your Oneness with And connectedness to all beings. I invite you to add your intention to the intentions of all Seekers on the proper path and indeed in the universe. And wish for yourself and for them. fulfillment happiness and peace acknowledging that what you send into the world affects the world. I invite you to send peace to all people of the world. and pray that all creation might live in well being peace and harmony Thank you for joining me again on the prayer path today. I'd especially like to thank all of you who have been Journey with the previous prayers and to visiting the prayer path Facebook page. Please do continue to subscribe to and like both the podcast and the page and please do share it with anyone you feel it. You can get in touch with me through voice message or text message for any reason. But especially if you have a prayer request I'd be delighted to include your special intentions might I invite you to remain in prayer or perhaps just silence for as long as you wish after this episode and until you can join me next time on the prayer pal, May the peace and the love of the Divine we'd always with you. Loved ones and the whole of creation. Goodbye for now.
The focus of this weeks Prayer Path journey is the practice of the The Welcoming Prayer referred to by Richard Rohr in his Beautiful Book – 'Just This'. Mary Mrozowski, who formulated the prayer says of its practice ‘To welcome and let go is one of the most radically loving, faith filed gestures we can make in each moment of the day. It is an open hearted embrace of all that is in ourselves and in the world’. Have a Peaceful Journey I would especially like to thank 'Salt of the Sound' for their permission to use their wonderful music on this weeks episode. The track,'I'll Meet You Where You Are-Home To You' can be found at You are welcome to join The Journey at any point you would like to along The Path. The following is the timed running order: 0.00 Introduction; 2.00 Settle with Intention; Invitation to Prepare To Pray 4.01; Preparation of mind and Body 4.57; Welcoming Prayer/ Meditation 11.31; (Music) Salt of the Sound - I'll Meet You Where You Are - Home To You 22.23; The Prayer Path Peace Prayer 27.52; Thankyou and Goodbye 29.51 Thank you to 'Yonkiet' and freedigitalphotos,net for this weeks episode art.
Hey, how you doing? So this is episode 16 of Swift over coffee is actually the very first one where it's literally over coffee because I recorded like midnight and like he's a terrific time. So it's lasting One Step middle of night. So we actually have no expense spared actual coffee this time to ensure that it's real. Yeah. Well that's gills matter.I like my coffee a little sugary in fukui with whipped cream. So it's not my style. So it's the first time we're doing a live episode. We've got no ideas how to know work out. I think people have no idea either we're gonna kind of wing it. Do you want to kind of a bit little bit show explain how the show works of just yeah against my so so normally the at the format is a quick half hour show and we do that intentionally because we just want to get right into it, you know, a lot of podcasts can Ramble On for on and on kind of conduit now, we just want to jump right into it. So we do a quick little intro a new section.We do our each do a pick for an episode and some open ballot where we put out a tweet, and then we get response from the community. Yeah, so this time I hope you've all been enjoying the conference so far. I've had a great time. Let me being here in London, and my favorite events is one of his home crowd. It was Sean's first talk yesterday wasn't the amazing wasn't he amazing? Not only has to do live coding as well. No transatlantic. I mean just incredible good effort. How is I was walking zombie yesterday when I gave my talk, so I hope it didn't open it come across but I got about 10 hours of sleep last night. So I'm a new person. We're gonna go. Yeah, so let's talk about some news because this week we had some very exciting news Sean. What happened just yesterday. I want to talk about it. We're not gonna yeah. I didn't get it in case you couldn't tell by that response. So I was my first time ever doing the lottery so I can't complain too much right? It's my first try. But yeah, did you get a ticket by the gets it? Yeah, that's all I got to get yesterday get that is the first thing you hear you haven't had before is you get a receipt from Apple. But even the confirmation of you're gonna go it's like you've just paid us 1,200 pounds for the right to win the lottery. So yes, I have got the right to go again. It's my fourth time going on. It's pretty fair. You see the day in the old in the old days back when I was a lad, you know the other as iOS it wasn't even a lottery. It was first come first serve and it was usually around noon UK time. So a lot of The Californians were still in bed actually a phone call from Apple saying be next to the kitchen in five minutes. There was no warning and your they're ready, you know, refresh refresh refresh go. So, yes, it wasn't all wasn't all luck. I mean a little bit. I was refreshing like mad last night Paul's like he got my email to Gmail. I'm like no no every five minutes refreshing and then there was a rumor that I might happen like, you know a roll out slowly so spent all night like scrolling and finally when I woke up this I got the good old rejection email. So but you did get an email from Apple didn't you stop so I tweeted it out. I did this is at like 10 o'clock last night before I go to bed. I scroll down. It says you'll receive from apple pie was like, oh yeah, here we go, and it was my HBO now subscription renewal. So thanks for that is like I really thought it was like yes, this is it. Yeah, fortunately he has some local they can go along to altar calls and there's next door and there's layer. It's probably try. Swift again. It's a fantastic week. Regardless. Yeah, I saw that um open calls for papers for all cough just kind of gotten out so considering that as well. So yeah, it is is a very long one hour train ride away, but I'll suck it up. I'll make it down there. What do you like and say, you know International speaker, it's truly loved you in London. I love your parishes receiving I see yeah. Yeah. Well also I can recommend if you are there for the week come and say hello. You can go and see his lovely mansion in San Francisco. I'll hang out there is a weekly podcast. I can go hang out there help with that. They will definitely create a lot of content were there for sure. Yeah recommend it go check it out recommended. Also the news we have finally SE 250 the Swift Code style not guidelines is now a formal Swift Evolution proposal until that my talk at high risk on this afternoon. It's the 250th proposal. There's a lot more that's a massive number. What a nice it's not to five six like a pair of to but it's elegant nice meaningful number we talked about this last episode to a little because it was in proposal. So the news this this episode is that it is now, you know in review officially it's happening sort of go back to the structure of the show is a little weird for us to do a show this quick because we do them every two weeks and we just did one Monday. So it's only been three days. So we're like what has happened in the past three days that we can talk about. That's how fast with move exactly exactly. Now I can tell you for a fact this has been invented for a long time. This project came actually out of Google around with a sort of like a was a flash scary thing Google forked Swift a year ago. It wasn't for kitchen a GitHub clone, but they had people there working. Since about April last year and it's finally seeing fruition Apple now seeing this is a good idea. I'm worth adding it. Yeah, I'm we talk about something else that I was a little against it at first like I kind of like the style guides we have out there now. I don't know if you need to know where shouting exactly. Yeah, it's agrees with me. It's great. But yeah, so I don't know how I feel about this, but we'll see how it goes and we'll talk to Nick Lockwood. He's here somewhere. He makes with formats one of two fantastic formatting tool to have in the community. There are questions out there whether we're going to see this will actually help or hurt that So we've seen SPM come out SPM did slow down and work on Carthage and cocoapods everyone thought oh, it's fine. That's camel take over and we still haven't got right. You know, I with math busy. So we'll Swift format slow down will swiftly in slow down right now. Hopefully about two months. We'll have SPM compatibility, hopefully, so we're hoping for right at that dumb dumb. That's yeah find out I'll let you know. I'll lose him. I'm sure we'll talk about it. Yeah. Also, we have sec 0 to 14. Which is modifying the way we have key path Expressions as functions and this is a proposal from the Stephen who also Greg Stephen does point three fantastic Advanced Swift regular video cast and it lets us use key pass directly in function calls run having closures of stuff. We can now say here's the key path much more clearly. Is this our just syntactic sugar. Is it just easier to write or is it performance boost or what was that? What was the motivation behind? So if you eliminate because here you have an example The Proposal where you can have it. Custom operator. I think he's is the caret symbol. Hmm. And this removes the caret symbol. I know it sounds trivial saving a few characters, right but it does make it much clearer and you know, obviously on brand always he's all that point three syntax, right if we can avoid passing it a closer to things like here's a function to call instead it becomes much much clearer. So it's another nice little I mean, let me talk to them. I talk about paper cuts and Swift. Yep. It's not pick up being solved over again a bit nicer to work with so I think the Great Nice, hopefully we'll see you soon. So enough news. Let's talk about our pics now normally a pick out something over the last week or two. We've learned about Swift or about programming in general and why you like it so much. Obviously, we are live at one of the world's finest conferences. I was common in London. So we thought we'd to talk about some more pics from this event what things some things we liked about what went well and this event. So for me a major highlight was the talk in the morning the keynote from when brilliant talk Talk about inspiring us to do more with our code and our community and think about our responsibilities inside the business and it really made me think about what is my responsibility? What do I try and commit to in my code and she starts with this fantastic quote from an illegal are doing is from saying a how we spend our time is how we spend our lives, you know, just think think the only doing right now the habits you have today the word you have today the actions you have today become weeks become months become years, and that was your whole life. And then she kind of went bigger from that and then bigger from that until you know, why do we even coat it became you know, really quite intense. Like I love this quote you gave us your code isn't just about building a better code base. It's about building a Better Business and that I know it's so easy to get stuck into you know, or in the to weekly scrum and have a meeting and have a retrospective look at jira tickets and so forth and that matters that's important of course is important but it adds up and it adds up. And it adds up and you know, why do we code? Why do you coach or why are you cold? I got you talking about my Mansion. I gotta pay rent in San Francisco. So I go I mean, I can't have a normal job there and pay that rent. Yeah, the swimming pool isn't for cheap, right, you know. Oh no, it'd be better just to clarify real quick. I live in a small small studio apartment. That doesn't that is the joke. I do not have a mansion He that's the running joke, you know, he was in there recording a live stream last last time that was like, you know, where's the bathroom is like, you know, it's over in the West Wing just just walk over there. The thing is it's so easy to say, you know, why do we code because it's there because like, you know mountain to climb but there's more than that, you know what actually here to solve real-world problems and he makes some really clear cut things like I contribute to making sustainable company actually in quickly through Cody busy and so forth, you know, really clear statements. This is how I personally make a difference in the bigger scheme of things and answering these kinds of questions asking mom yourselves and Your colleagues it's hard. It's intense. I thought this Milliken is Kelly was it was great, you know, she's a very funny speaker. She's entertains is exciting great. Listen to but it's not just a 40-minute keynote. I'm gonna go away for a watch that again and say, okay, what would I say this time Andre answer those questions and think more and more and more. It was it was powerful stuff. I thought yeah, but actually I had the privilege of spending 90 minutes earlier today talking about her book recommended by the way Sean. It's called intentional friendships. It's a lovely Book song. Gumroad recommend it very highly but it's about you know, as an adult. What does it mean to make friends? And she asks the same sort of thing asks, like here's a question is a question question and it sounds like ours is question, but it's not it's a really hard question you're going to dig into and think carefully about or if I really believed to this not what my Facebook highlight will look this. What do I really believe the answer to this is yes interesting. I found like as I get older like obviously the friend Paul kind of like Falls away. It's hard to make new friends as and all cause you're set in your ways. Thankfully actually to the YouTube channel and like this community mean Paul like I've made a lot of friends, you know, that way now that my interests are leaning more towards like development and helping people out. So it's interesting how you make friends as an adult versus, you know growing up well speak to go and wash his head should be hopefully his some we're going to I spent nine thread yesterday. I took this it afterwards if you see me iOS common understanding to space I spent nine years as I've been talking to purple. Yeah, my mind feels full and yet empty because she just asks questions again again makes you think and you can of course say oh it's Fine. I'm okay. Don't do that. You've got to really dig into it and ask harder stuff than that. So that's my best talk that I really love that talk. If you haven't seen it or listeners and podcasters your on go to the school batcycle. I was calling you can watch it back on there recommend very highly a second highlight. With meeting Connie she's here and this has been commissioned by the way from her mother. I got to be had today. She's 10 years old. She's going through apples. Everyone can co-curriculum. She's made apps for a our kit and Cora Mel and she's here thanks to skills matter. Now if you're thinking my talk today, how can I contribute to our community? This is your chance. This is the next generation of Coda right here be inspired by all of you. You've got to go and talk to these folks. I see the code shown interest and be encouraging and be the motivator. I know you can be so I recommend you go and speak to her if it was just a wonderful experience. This is me saying that big fish. I just caught up with Lee. Anyway, Sean what are your picks? Yeah, so my highlights of the conference Arnie's Powers talk apologize need your talk wasn't online yet. So I couldn't get the beautiful screen shots of the talk like Paul did showing me up a little bit here. So you get a blurry screen shot from the internet. Sorry needs no disrespect but I really enjoyed your talk just a little bit ago admittedly. I'm always been one of those persons that said I'll just melt if I ever touch an Android phone and her her talk was actually about Android and iOS teams like working together and how they do that at her believe it's Forget the name of the company mines. Oh thats what it was thank you for was just out there. Yeah, and she talked about how their team interacts because she is a cross platform developer. They're sure it's both Android and iOS and not gonna lie. She kind of made me want to like dip my toes in the water a little bit talking about how like kotlin is like very similar in this was the last episode of Swift of a communist or live Colin over coffee the spin-off now of anyway, I just was really interesting how their teamwork I like. They're a little small. Dale and their team that I think goes a long way and that was she called him semantic emojis. And that was let me back up a little bit. So normally you may have seen this you have an iOS slack Channel and an Android selection. We were just completely segregated like get away from me. Don't talk to me but she recommended having a mobile ends Channel where both of them are in there and then use this semantic emojis to tag it as you know, this is an Android talk. This is an iOS talk but I like that because we're all curious people right? Well like to build things I think even though you see the Android tag on it. You might read it you're bored. Not just might spark interest make spark curiosity. So that's why I kind of like that idea behind that and we don't have an Android team yet. But when we do and my company I definitely want to do that because yeah, I think I would read some stuff get curious. Yeah, let me let me try that. That's how I got into coding in the first place. I was just talking to my developers at a start-up and started asking questions. And you know here I am. Yeah. Do you work with Android at all or so admission? I've done stacks of Android work never encountered. A lot of it was for Java work. I built multiple large apps in Android, you know, I've written Lots and lots of so sharp I've written lots and lots of PHP and lot of JavaScript, you know tens of thousands of lines of not more for each of those. I'm an equal-opportunity love giver and that's why I cry myself because I've made games Xbox 360. It's a fantastically interesting platform to work with and I've taken ideas from that. I post them to sdl in Python for Linux and for that to iPhone, you know, if you assume for a second that Swift has all the answers that you like it's as good as going to get the xcode is the Best ever win a citizen ID you're missing out on so much. I love all those things course I do. It's not cool down over coffee. Sure. Yeah II Highway sorry II highlighter wasn't a talk was like on is gonna sound cheesy, but honestly like meeting all of you a lot of people that have come up to me for those who didn't see my talk or don't know who I am. I'm a YouTuber. So I put out videos all the time see people interacting with me on Twitter, you know, I just talking to a camera. It's very hard to realize there's people behind those view counts and subscriber number we own and we know exactly when real people find that so I've had plenty of people come up and say like, Like real every videos. I got a job because your videos and that just like really hits home because again, it's just hard for me to realize like the possible impact. I'm having so thank you to anyone. It's came up to me and if you haven't come with me yet because I don't know for some weird reason feel free to come up and say hi because I really love talking to you and it's been that's been the highlight honestly is meeting everybody and talking to everybody here. Yeah. We recommend you go to his channel slash journal and everything was well no need for a plug pie. Just had a nice heartwarming moment. Just kidding. Just kidding. Yeah. She's slash on out. And now we can do literally tens of people who are now all subscribe to our channel. It's amazing recommended very much. Okay, let's talk about open ballot because we try and ask a question each podcast that we thinks topical and interesting and get feedback from listeners to broaden the debate and getting different perspectives. And this time we ask the question. Is it a good idea for developing skilled in just one platform or to expand out and you gave mysteriously the idea of Android as well. Is this running anything little bit little bit. I'm terrified. I don't know you Anymore, you know, so I have to call and change me. Did you know way from IOS weird? This is we unzip t-shirt underneath this Android ha ha so we had Stacks responses more than usual. Thanks to these lovely Folks at Iowa's con again bring conference great coffee, and we can do it with the group's we have one here saying and their laundress good any response from Kaya toast who I was to follow as you can see, she's okay with great speech here at I was kind but notifications I saw in Amsterdam. Love it very much. She said good question. Thank you. Bye I think being skilled and both can be tough to pull off if you are working on one platform in your day job by think if possible having the context of how both platforms work helps the app be consistent across platforms and helps team collaboration. So yes, it should so it's that it depends right? Okay, the thing with the conference it depends on depends on John. Yeah. So I think what you're saying I got the question was saying is that yes, I this is about shared vocabulary and I used to work. Liners like full-time it magazines for a long time and working with InDesign and designers have Photoshop and so forth and I'm not a designer. You see my website, right? I cannot decipher anything whatsoever. But having that shared vocabulary when they say things like, you know, the the negative space here is not going to work Paul. So yeah, you're absolutely right terrible negative space there, but that that shared vocabulary really matters because you can start saying in they say things quickly. I'm going to say what you mean by that you just know what they mean is. Like I said to you I'll let's use generics here. You know, I go. Yeah, what's a jarek? You know what I mean straight away because it's an understanding and the language like if you had asked me about like a testing question, I just looked at you if I go, it's there the black seven thousand yard stare your eyes glaze over. Yeah, he's not really a test of Shawn, you know, what else we have shown so my Billy says it's rare person that a person can understand. I'm sorry Master both but I think in order to fully understand a problem need to apply more than one solution. So the problem is engineering mobile applications knowing more than one solution IOS and Android can help build a more complete mental. On this so we group these answers together. You notice was were probably kind of similar basically saying that yeah, it's like I said a shared language where you can have an understanding of the whole problem. You know, here's how we do it on iOS. Here's how we do it on Android and like right now I could only be like, oh I could I could do that on iOS cool do it on Android. I have no clue. So at least have a good place to start and get the ball rolling. But also you get ideas, you know don't assume for a minute that you know, it's brilliant videos and obviously world-class articles whatever but there are stacks of other people. Writing about Android and Haskell and rust and JavaScript with a amazing ideas that I encourage everyone here and listening the thief just take that steel of wholesale because you know, we have not got a monopoly on good ideas and iOS with Bailey got any good ideas. Nice compared to look at the size of the JavaScript Community which is 10 times the size and way faster so go and see there's I just want to see God's quote, you know, great artists steal. Yeah, you'll steal steal steal, you know, just don't steal material design does not do that. Yeah, not that okay anything. We're asking questions here about yes, you should know more than one. Let's find out where there's a our school says 'a friend of the show Chris. That's Greenberg says, I think yes, especially if your company develops apps both platforms also, see what's there who pick up best practice from the other side? So I don't know how many folks in the audience actually share code across platforms. crickets Yes of listeners. Basically no one put their hand up. It's one of those things that in theory fantastic. You couldn't just use flutter. He knows who rattling issues. Xamarin. The theory is totally their write once Run Anywhere practice different ball game, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I think it's a silver bullet that doesn't exist in my opinion. Yeah when Kennedy is has got your sure sure. Yeah, hopefully, all right. Well what parts is me like she commissioned Gradle Android now. Wow. Anyway, what's next show? So Robin who's also here gave a great talk on cellular view controllers. This is a great question, highly exclamation point my answer would be yes, but in my humble opinion your honest opinion on it's all right. I've seen enough Hans. Yeah. Don't let the onion no one will wrong with his humble opinion in my humble opinion doing something non-mobile back in Game Dev. Etcetera is more valuable than learning another mobile. Um, so Robin isn't necessarily saying yes, you should learn Android but where I agree with this is I think expanding into like said back in Game Dev elsewhere will definitely make you more, you know rounded developer and I just think it's probably more interesting at least in my opinion. So I really like Robins answer here one thing at so again going to look would I enjoy following the computer if you regularly tweaks out gang stuff? I think what I found once you've made any game once you've been bitten by The Game Dev bug doesn't matter where you go afterwards always thinking, you know rule. Cool pathfinding the other Rhythm here. It never leaves you that could like, you know the demo scene or shaders, right? There's so much fun out there. Nothing that fall in the app. I'm making that if you saw my talk, I showed screenshots of it a lunar like we're it's not a game but we're just gamifying something small and I'm literally using the Bare Bones basic Sprite kit. Nothing crazy, but you're right. I got the bug and like now the next step. I want to make absolutely a game. Like I already have the idea that like I caught that bug like you said, it's broke it. We have gone to Second Hand to my learning one here saying I'm supposed to mix with face that's named as an iOS Developer feel like I still have so much to learn about iOS that time put my robe is expensive iOS perhaps I can set them all the platforms when I feel like I'm close to mastering iOS does anyone Master iOS Besides me or there's 10,000 new apis on a new Swift version and new devices and she can really Master now. It's a moving Target. It's impossible. Yeah, so folks often ask me Paul. How did you books about watch OS and TOs and Mac OS and it's I followed the Sherlock Holmes approach. I will I will eject all of one thing for my brain. I forget my wife's name and kid's name for a while totally inhale. Mac OS for eight weeks. 12 weeks 16 weeks. Even an even longer live breathe it constantly writing writing writing and then when I'm finished it check that and think what's next and always noodling with the thinks it is hard. Yeah. Yeah, whatever Shawn so Richard lows are so and if he's in the audience today, I saw him yesterday. Yeah. Yes, since I believe is important to learn skills for more than one platform or language, but if you try to learn them together, there's a danger they may become a jack of all trades and a master of none. Learn one really really well before learning the second and I love this approach and it's actually the approach. I'm taking the my career again. If you don't know my background, I only know Swift I haven't messed with anything else and that was like an intentional choice because I believe what he says here is like I want to maybe four or five years from now once I feel like I have a really good grasp on Swift then I'll probably Branch out but I chose the specialization route and not that's just my opinion, right? There's nothing wrong with being a generalist. I do believe learning more than one language more than one platform does make you more well-rounded. But again, I think it's personal choice. I think both are valid options. Yeah, so fun fact fuel my very first iPhone OS Ship 10 years ago this year it was called flash Zilla. It was rejected by Apple had the word flashing its title. They were like, oh my God - no rejection. They have to explain to them. They approved it and the app was a language learning app flashcards app for me to use. I just learn multiple of time. I was curious in linguistics run the language itself that have like an English word on one side on the back would be Greek Japanese and French the time so you have to do all three at the same time and it's intense it really screws ahead. A little bit. Can you start mixing up languages quite easily and now 10 years old? I think I know how much how much Spanish to actually remember only the comedy phrases like a yo quiero comprar una Gata faster parapet. Oh, I'd like to buy a false Moustache my dog and we just like I am never going to use that in practice. But I remember it really damn. Well, I just know Services. That's all I know. There you go the important stuff. Okay sure. Take it away. Yes. Oh, well, I don't know if we do. We do animal wrap up here how prepared we are right now. They could wait. No. Yeah. No. We wrap up here, you know saying thank you, you know for watching so it's over coffee. Not normally it's listening. But yeah for watching everybody out there. Thank you for listening. We don't have next week's open ballot. We don't know we'll put online. We'll put that on the face. But anyway, thank you for listening. Like you said, this was a little weird first. We don't do it normally this way. So we would love feedback in case we ever decide to do something like this again. Maybe not after her but yeah, let us know what you think and yeah, thanks for listening /watch. We are sort of a coffee on Twitter. He shall Endeavour. I'm two straws have been a great audience. Thank very much.
In this episode: the Swift style guide marches on to formal review, we pick out our favorite events at iOSCon, and discuss whether it's important for iOS developers to be skilled in more than one platform. - WWDC ticket winners – who got lucky? (Spoiler: it was Paul.) (And not Sean.) - Sean’s first pick: Niamh Power's talk "Better Together" – - Sean's second pick: Getting to attend his first major conference and meeting lots of other Swift developers. - Open ballot: Should mobile developers be skilled in more than one platform, e.g. Android or React as well as iOS?
Hi and welcome to data futurology the podcast where you can get the skills required to take your career in the data space up to the next level in this podcast. We speak with top industry leaders out there in the world today to learn from their perspectives and their past mistakes. My name is Felipe Flores. I am your host. Thank you so much for being here. I hope that you are having a wonderful week today. We have a different type of episode. This is a presentation that I did. did at the chief data and analytics officer conference in Canberra, and it is on explainable AI so in this one I discussed what is explainable the I what is why it is important how you can start delving into explainable AI discussing some of the libraries and some of the approaches and then we talked about how it's going to become more important in the future as always if you enjoyed the episode, please share it with one friend and also, Please send me your favorite quote from the episode as with all episodes. Send me your favorite quote on LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Instagram on the website any of those. Thank you so much for tuning in. And here's a presentation on explainable a I hope you enjoy good and my design good morning. Hello. Obviously, I'm not from government. So thank you so much for having me here in the last day and a half almost. It's been really great hearing all the applications all the good work. We've done in government learning so much about the all your different agencies and realizing that the challenges that you guys are facing in government are so similar to the ones that we have an industry. So I've been taking a lot of notes around what you guys are doing. And with this talk. I hope to bring you some practical tools on what we're doing especially around the avoiding ethical pitfalls, which is something that we're all sort of starting to face against very quickly. I'm working at Liberty Financial for about six months now, Financial is a group of about 12 finance companies. All companies do lending or insurance. And these are some of the lending products Insurance life insurance tpd income protection and things like that. The reason why I came across is to centralize the data teams so that engineering that assigns Etc centralize them and uplift the capability across the 12 companies. So close the group. I also will interfere with the data science Melbourne Meetup Group, which is now the fourth largest Meetup Group in the world. And we run events in Melbourne for the community and it's a bunch of I sometimes technical presentations and sometimes more strategic ones. And the other thing that I do is I run this podcast called data futurology, which is a data science podcast with over 10,000 listeners worldwide. And in that one I speak to a leaders in the data space around the applications the good work that they're doing and also their Lessons Learned what they could teach the next generation of data scientists and Also speak to top data scientists around the world, like people winning international data science competitions and what were their approaches and some of them have been doing it for two years. So they tell us about how they got into that assigns. And what would the course is that they did we've had guests from government including Merrick obviously did a really popular post really popular episode. We also had dr. Anthony Ray from bond, which is also really good. So today we'll be talking about sexism. Racism and bias and how we can all minimize the likelihood that we get caught up in those type of problems. Obviously. It's a big issue where we have the large tech companies being caught in this. So for example here Amazon scrapes secret AI recruiting tool that had a biased against women. Obviously terrible. This is about a an algorithm that the u.s. Government had around people that were going to reoffend and who is likely to go back into jail. And what they found down here is that it targeted specific racial groups over here. We talk about there's an article about facial recognition. It works great. If you're a male and you're white and for everyone else too bad, we had a there was a study is researchers checked Google's algorithm on how it was working when he was presenting jobs to people almost like the LinkedIn function that shows you jobs that you would be good for or when your job hunting and what they found is that the high-paying jobs were shown where it was less likely that they would be shown to women drastically less likely with high paying jobs being shown to women 11 percent of the time and 89 percent of the time being shown to males and that is even worse than the representation of women in boards and Senior positions in the US which at the moment is about that about 25% and this algorithm was showing these jobs to women Time so super super terrible and then the last example that I have is Amazon ditching their recruiting tool that it was favoring men for certain types of jobs. Obviously a huge issue. The big tech companies have been in smeared with this by making mistakes in this space and as a result, there's been a lot of a lot of research and a lot of implementations of tools that we can start to use today. So walk you through some of those and with a view of how we can start to open the black box. And start to understand where we could potentially be making mistakes and obviously correcting them before we get to this point the dirty secret with all this examples that we just shown a talked about is that their racism and the sexism is in our data. So whenever there's a new algorithm and goes on to the news and people got AA that nobody algorithm poor algorithm, you know, it was so sexist. Let's take it down or that algorithm is so racist. Let's take it down and we're not really sort of address. The problem that the racism and the sexism is in the data and it's in the data because that's how we've operated accompanies our institutions in the past. And now we're taking that data teaching algorithms how to essentially replicate our decisions and then they are showing us in a quantifiable way as we'll see that later how racist or sexist that data is. So there's some approaches in terms of limiting the amount of data that goes into the algorithm and what I'll show you now is how we can measure those are negative impacts on the the algorithm. So at least the way that will talk about this today are the ethical AI is has a component of explainable AI and that's opening up the algorithms and then as a result, there's obviously a lot of tough discussions with ethical boards that a lot of companies have started to put in place. You probably heard that Google's ethical board lasted about seven days and then it was knocked back because of the pushback from the organization and externals on the type of people that were sitting in the board and the type of power that they were going to have so there's obviously the alone Russians on this tough talk side. And obviously there's a lot of progress happening in the government as well. So let's talk about the explainable AI side and how we go from this black box to ideally something more like that traditionally when we think of Black Box algorithms and the reason why we go with those is because they have a higher degree of accuracy as we use algorithms that are more interpretable. They accuracy starts to decrease and that sort of accepted reality of our industry and what we're trying to do. Now is that to create algorithms that are up here so much more open much more accurate. And what's happening is that there's a lot of developments on top of the algorithms that exist today that are taking these types of algorithms in terms of accuracy moving them across and making them more open. So I have a couple of examples that are sort of generic and something that you would have encountered as a user or financial services and I tried to make it both open and that's essentially Joe. Vacations insurance claims and loans and we'll talk about these three ways to tackle it. Y1 is an approach that you can take that easy that you could literally do this within a week. And then these two are packages that I'll describe a little bit more that are open source this one both in our and - and then this one in Python and I'll show a little bit worried a little bit about how they work and how you can use them to your advantage. So on the job applications what happens is you can take an CV and as you start to scale Gail up the number of applications that you have and you start to get two sizes of large companies or governments. There is definitely a need for an automated decision making and what starts to happen is that sometimes as this sort of bias starts to creep in if you start uncover some of the inputs that are leading that decision you can get to places where it's been decided on name on address and even on University and for example, somebody with a name like Felipe Might be scored lower than somebody with a name like Tyler and then obviously some of the tough discussions is that fair is that not as that of people should we look to bump up the university scores or something like that from say people from Latin America versus people who are from here. That's the type of tough discussions that we're heading into because of the inequality that we have in the world today and the algorithms being able to show it. So I really easy way to start to get over. This is to lean into it and predict the bias. So in machine learning at least in the supervised supervised machine learning when we give the algorithm the answer that we're looking for and we get it to learn from lots of examples. We're trying to say which customer is going to be most profitable or which applicant is going to be most likely to perform. Well at this job thinking about tackling the bias angle we can start to say algorithm take the CV data and try to predict the gender of the person. Try to predict the race of the person and obviously we would give them the examples. Once you have that from a lot of the algorithms. You can say, what are the inputs that you're taking into consideration to determine race and a simple way to do it is then to go back to your data and remove those key inputs that its flagging as predictors of race. Once you've removed those inputs. You can take your new data set without those inputs and then try to predict the job performance once again, so that's a sort of quick and easy way to set to remove the bias in terms of race and sexism from our data sets today with approaches that we have today. Now, we'll go into using or the eggs and the two examples that I have left are using unstructured data. So using text and images but these approaches work just as well with structured data. So essentially The Columns and the databases that were used to dealing with when thinking about images a lot of the algorithms that look at images are mostly black books and We heard for example deep learning the blackest of of boxes and then there's other approaches that are less black boxy and a good way to look at to understand how the algorithm is doing is by looking at the accuracy. How accurate is this model and here we're trying to predict do an image classification to see whether their image that's presented. Is it a wolf or a Husky and then here we have the what the model is predicting and what the actual answer is. So we say the models predicting wolf. It's actually a wolf in this image. And then here we have D husky so that's correct wolf wolf, it's correct. Here's a mistake. This is correct. This is correct. So when we look at it from an accuracy perspective we go. You know what this algorithms actually doing really? Well one of the six not too bad then with what I'll show you next is we can start to see exactly what are the components of the image. So the algorithm is focusing on to make that decision and what we see in this case is that when we're predicting Wolf the algorithm is focusing on snow and when Addicting husky. It's focusing on parts of the animal. So if you go through wolf a lot of focus on this now over here wolf a lot of focus on this now this part the second part of the image is what the algorithm is focusing on and over here because this husky was in the snow. It was predicted to be a wolf. So if you look at just the accuracy looks great and to try and differentiate these two races and then what you get is that it's actually just look at the snow. So obviously a terrible outcome and things that we want to know about One library that had can help us uncover this and that's how the the work that I just shown was done is called lime and lime stands for this and essentially what it's doing is running a bunch of very open models so interpret bro, and it's obviously a difficult word for me because I speak Spanish as their first language and this is when the tough words to say in English when you make the transition, but what this does is it runs this package runs multiple models that are quite open and quite transparent. And it automatically Compares it to very black box models in terms of accuracy and performance and then it chooses the ways of the open models to make the predictions because it can tell you exactly how that works this Library lime at the moment. It only does classifications. So not regressions in machine learning classification is when we are trying to pick from a category save you thinking about fraud you can say this transaction was fraudulent or not fraudulent or as we saw before the The categories were husky or wolf and the algorithm can pick it doesn't have to be too. It can be 10 or 20 and the more categories you have the more data you need but then classification is picking one out of a category. The other big type of machine learning models are regressions in which it gives you a number typically a probability between 0 and 1 or you can think about it as a percentage as well and this package line works for the classifications and it came out of this study done at MIT which are explaining the predictions of any classifier. They really good package. So if you're trying to do an insurance claim and trying to understand your bias there the algorithm will show you whether you are pro or against people that have pink bathtubs as you get sort of the pictures of the insurance claims and always I'm not gonna judge you have pink bathtubs all good to you and that might be positive or negative in terms of your insurance claim good for time loan application. And then this one is a tech space so similar to the previous example give you the non-financial. Anshel, the library and in the financial example, the non-financial here is using this package called li5. I'll explain it a little bit more in the next slide. It's processing text. And in this case to predict religion and they had lots of emails between people and they were trying to identify our trying to predict religion. Obviously one of the biases that we need to be careful with and what they found here is that they could predict it pretty well, but then when they started to look into what were the components that Them about the prediction accuracy. They saw that because these are emails that had the email addresses and they saw that the dot edu was a huge predictor of people who were not religious or atheist. So essentially saying people who work as researchers in universities are very likely to be non-religious. And is that dangerous territory for one of our applications? Is that a type of bias that we want to avoid in our algorithms? It depends on the application. But the idea here is that you can do this level of transparency in your algorithms by using this package. So essentially tells you in text and unstructured data exactly which are the words that are driving the prediction. So this the library is called li5 and it was named after so an internet meme that stands for explain it like I'm five and from the meme then there was a lot of Articles being written in this style. So if you say Elie, To the acronym li5 quantum physics, you will find articles that explain quantum physics. Like I'm a five-year-old and then the idea is that you go through this and you go great. I get it. I get this really tough Concept in a very simple way. So the package is leveraging the same understanding. So when you do look for this one, you do have to go Eli five python or la-5 package and then it'll take you to the specific part of a package as I mentioned before this one works with a lot of other libraries that That are for machine learning and library in Python including scikit-learn which is one that does many many types of machine learning models and XC boots and light GBM that are more specific ones XG boost has been extremely successful in the last few years on international data science competitions, many many of the winners have been using this package because it runs over the data hundreds or thousands of times getting more and more accurate every time so it's automating some of the work. Emmanuel that a data scientist would do you manually in terms of working on an algorithm over time for say a year this package looks to automate a lot of that and but it's very slow and then light GB m is a version of this one which is a lot faster and the CLI 5 uses one or many of those other packages and compares the Black Box version against multiple open algorithms. So then it can tell you how it's making the decisions and this is another example in where you're trying to classify. By the type of animal and then you have sort of the mathematical explanation over here and then you can have the visual representation of what the algorithm is focusing on to say that this one is classified as a frog with this level of certainty. I mentioned that this one or both of these packages like many other five they work with unstructured data and also with structured data. This is an example of structured data where the input data set was the list of people that boarded the Titanic and then they were labeled in terms of whether they Survived or not? Then this was run through li5 using extra boost. So typically a very Black Box model and then we started to see how the model is making the decisions with the la-5 and we say that if for the female passengers that were very likely to survive and obviously we know this is a rule of thumb of Women & Children First. So that's something that we is known and we understand and it's a good rule of thumb the one that's not known as sort of the bias may be under current is this one which is if you were in third class you were very likely to die. So that's sort of the unspoken ways that essentially the world Works some realities of the world that the algorithms are now helping us see and we can see here that anything stronger than this is bias and this number is a positive and negative. So obviously it's saying biased positively towards female and buyers negatively against lower classes and third was the lowest you had first class second class, and then the third was sort of the cattle class. So Eli, Five does classifications regressions across images text and in structured data, unstructured and structured very powerful package in Python. I think I'll skip through this one. This is just looking at a bank statement also text it can start to highlight the type of transactions that people are doing so just to wrap up I'll talk about the legislation that is coming sort of worldwide. There's a little movement in this space from any government and the citizens expectations. The one that's most famous so far is GDP. ER so from Europe that in Article 13 to 15, they mention a right to an explanation when an algorithm makes a decision that affects your life. So say a job application a loan application and insurance claim like they are those directly affect your life. And with the scale that we're hitting in the world all these are being automated. How do we go to explain it? Now? We have some of these packages that I mentioned and obviously Europe was just I think just the first mover and they're all different countries are going to put their own. license and standards and requirements and then we're going to be in this world that if we the more countries that we operate in then the more so legislations that we need to abide by and just at the end so xai so explainable AI is there it's more ethical in the sense that it's more transparent, but it can also help us to make Better Business decisions and by that, I mean that uncovering the ways that the algorithm is making that decision can help us avoid blunders as the examples that we saw, but it can Also inform Us in terms of how the algorithm is crunching through the data and how its perceiving it and making those decisions and we can learn from that and then come up with new hunches or new hypotheses that we would like to test and have sort of this virtual circle with the algorithm the expandable AI helps us with trust obviously being being a lot more open. We can verify that the predictions are being accurate and done in a way that we expect helps us manage expectations. So these Rising citizens expectations and as I just mentioned it helps us improve by being able To open up the way that these decisions are being made work with business with the experts with the stakeholders that know that the domain problem and show them the types of the inputs of the algorithms are using to make these decisions and we can all learn from that. That is all. Thank you very much. That brings this episode to conclusion. Thank you so much for listening. Please find us on data or on Facebook Twitter LinkedIn or Instagram as that of utility. Also go to data forward size podcast to find the show notes for this and any other episodes. If you liked this episode it would mean a lot to us. If you could leave us a review wherever you listen to our podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode and that it was helpful and valuable for you. Thanks again and see you next time.
Today we have a different type of episode, this is a presentation that Felipe did at the Chief Data and Analytics Officer Conference in Canberra, and it is on explainable AI. First, Felipe explains how Amazon used a secret AI recruiting tool that had a bias against women. Also, the U.S. government used an algorithm predicting how likely people in the criminal justice system would reoffend. What they found is that it targeted specific racial groups. The algorithm isn’t racist or sexist, the data is. Regarding job applications, as your company scales up, the need to automate the process of looking at the applications becomes necessary. Sometimes, bias will creep into the automated decision-making algorithm. The bias can even be narrowed down to the person’s name. For example, somebody with name Felipe might get scored lower than somebody with the name Tyler. Lean into the inequality and predict the bias. You can plug in the CV information, and ask the algorithm to predict the person’s race and gender. Then, find out what key inputs they are flagging to determine this and remove them from the algorithm. Then, Felipe explains how algorithms can tackle unstructured data approaches. When discussing images, an algorithm was able to correctly identify a wolf from a husky 5 out of 6 times. However, when uncovering how the algorithm determined which was which, it was merely looking at if the animal was in the snow or not. If the picture had snow in it, then it must be a wolf. To determine how this algorithm was functioning, Felipe used LIME - Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations. It works for classifications and came out of a study from MIT. Later, Felipe discusses using EL15 and how transparency is essential for the public to understand how the algorithms could affect them. Enjoy the show! We speak about: [03:40] Large companies and their biases  [05:40] Racism and sexism is in our data [08:45] Uncovering inputs of the bias    [10:45] Unstructured data approaches  [14:30] Using ELI5  [19:20] The right to an explanation  Quotes: “We teach our algorithms on how to replicate our decisions.” “The algorithms show the inequality that we have in the world today.” “Explainable AI is more ethical in the sense that it is more transparent.” “Explainable AI helps us avoid blunders and informs us how the algorithm perceives the data.” Thank you to our sponsors:  UNSW Master of Data Science Online:  Datasource Services: or email Will Howard on  Fyrebox - Make Your Own Quiz! Thank you so much for listening. Enjoy the show!
Hey afterbuzzers, before we move on to your next topic. We just want to say thanks to our sponsor. Anchor. If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. Let me explain it's free. Plus there are creation tools that allow you to record and edit your podcast right from your phone or computer. Also anchor will distribute your podcast for you. So it could be heard on Spotify Apple podcasts and many more plus you can make money from your podcast with no minimum listenership, and it's everything you need to make a podcast in one place download the free anchor app or go to Anchor. um to get started the Jericho Network on Westwood One Xbox One to 360 welcome to Xbox One to 360 everyone. All right. I'm used to my mic being up a little louder in my ear, but we will keep on going with this. Yeah. Hello everybody. Yeah there let's hand out there watching. Thanks for coming back today Steve Steve Kaufman back in the house. I come back. It's funny to me always in the house. Yay. Yeah, there's a lot going on. Obviously. We're heading into WrestleMania and you know tons going on and on the right before I came here. I sent my son back to the airport. You came here for four days visiting that sauce is a huge deal for me. Is that what you guys do yesterday? We were well, here's our stupid. I am when it comes to certain things about this town and that was a good idea. What are you doing? Friday Friday? Anyways, I thought I was a good idea to go down Hollywood Boulevard and didn't realize they had everything blocked off for the Oscars. This Jesus Christ. What a nightmare that is Plus on a It was a German Rush Hour ordering like the early go. Well, there's no I got out there but I mean, I don't necessarily rush hour, but I still like middle of the day and well and it was just like oh God the first this is the first the first day they get here and then you know, I take him on this harebrained lack of planning a trip to Hollywood Boulevard and in typical fashion, if you shut down one light, you'll notice on all the other lights. So when they shut down Hollywood and Highland for that whole week pretty much so so yesterday we We went to Santa Monica pier and then you know over to Venice Venice Beach did all the boardwalk. Dad. Just agree that a great time. Yeah, they came from Minnesota. It's freezing, you know, so yeah. Yeah, it was great Jesse and and my kids Jesse and Caitlin are going to be a trial Hall of Fame too. So yeah, my life is great my relationship with my children wonderful. Yeah. Let me see. What else. Oh, yeah. Yeah, hey before we get into the news and all that, you know, sometimes you know, my Twitter feed gets kind of, you know, there's some pretty cool things on there. You know, I random tweet some mind pick up traction and you know, so I get you know every now and I think I'm going to start reading some, you know, darn about some of them and no shit. Like where should I start? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I was sitting at home. Just kind of like laughing my ass off. A few things concerning the Nature Boy Ric Flair 70th birthday party and I'm like, you know, gee I wonder why they didn't invite me and you know, so I had to post this one of me with the big nose and the blond wig and you know from The Horseman parity. I know this might be a silly question. Did you ever see that? I was actually going to ask you how you produce so much water for the tears. Okay. There was this guy named on Andre and he was like a costume and makeup guy like FX FX or something. Like I can't remember the name of his company. I'm sorry, like I'm screwing that part out but he's out of Atlanta incredibly talented. Anyways, long story short, there was like this tube running like there was like a little Reservoir with water like I could squirt. Oh, wow. Yeah, and then the water would come and there was a there was a tube that was going down my arm and like its split off. And two to one that would go to my thumb and then one on my my index finger, so I would just go like this and you know, put my hand above my you know, head like this and then water would just squirt down on each side when our exported. Yeah, cool. Yeah a whole Contraption on there. And so basically, you know, I mean every time I wonder how come I'm not included on Ric Flair's, uh, you know festivities are you always have to you know reference that. Whose idea was it to do the actual parody though? I'm pretty sure it was mainly Terry Taylor's idea if I remember correctly. Yeah, and it was something I thought was kind of silly. Yeah, you know and then we did it and I thought it was great after the fact, you know, I thought every parody like skit segment ever done after that was copying off of that and and honestly like you The famous other parodies I may or may not have been involved in I like I was like, oh this is stupid. It's like every single one of them. Yeah, you know, like it's always it was always to me copy off of you know, something we didn't WCW and I do show I do a show with Eric Bischoff where he mentioned he ultimately regretted this this parody because because arm like arm was upset and like a couple people that ultimately looking back he was like, I don't know if I should have done it and I don't know. I disagree I what I did. What would I would I think we should have been re know I think is regretful is The Horseman not getting their comeuppance. Yes, they never did that because that thing was incredibly effective. Okay, that's that parity thing. We did. I mean people wanted to kill us in the Carolinas and all that, you know Horsemen country and hate our guts. So it was it was I mean, they changed the whole Main in that. For for War Games to you know to NWO versus Horseman and that's when Curt Hennig came in and we slam the door on Ric Flair's head, right? Yeah, like that should have been at least a start of them finally getting their pay backs on us and really they never got shit back on us. That was the whole problem with that. Well because you hurt feelings aside because get over it like honestly, but I think for the business, I think Eric knew you were never going to dismantle the NWO at That time in half by now, you didn't have to dismantle us to give them a win because we had already done. We'd already given them a win and and at slamboree with what Scott Kevin and I versus Kevin green flare and Piper. So it's not like we can't give them their win and still keep our heat there. So after the parody was done and you went backstage where you expecting any like was the reaction different from what you originally thought you were going to you know, because I didn't even know what the reaction was going to be in honestly. Didn't really think or care at the time we were just trying to do something good like okay because when you're given something like that to do like if it's not funny, oh my god, when you're like doing something that's supposed to be funny, especially in wrestling and it falls short is the worst shit ever. So, you know, we were just concerned what making this thing entertaining. Yeah, you know, and it was and it worked. Yeah, and it also must As a wrestler you're trained to make things entertaining in the ring, but for to be given a sketch or a skit that isn't primarily around know what it's all over. No, there's no one going here some lines for you that but I'm saying that that's it's not a match in the ring. Like you're professionals trained to do a match in the ring. So to do anything outside of that and then for it to fall short probably hurts a little more really have we just done a match? That's where yep. It's the last thing you want to do is feel bad for branching out. Yeah. You had another tweet that you put out again surrounding Ric Flair. Do you want to talk about that one? Well, I came across this picture and I just like, oh this picture reminds me of you know, the first time I got fired and daddy CW his people on T think of the, you know, all you got fired but that Axe and you know, you're sitting at home and that whole thing, you know, and I for I forwarded that narrative and you know, I mean Erik has his virgin and most of our versions are kind. Are pretty like him and arrogant and my version are pretty similar. Yeah, definitely in the same ballpark. Oh, yeah, so, you know just to give a little back story on this this tweet is, you know, Eric fired and rehired me the same night for pulling Rick's trunks down and showing his ass on TV. I was already on the shit list for using profanity picked up live on Nitro a few weeks earlier, so You weeks earlier Scott and I wrestled we had a match on Nitro live with Harlem heat and it was from what they called Amway arena now and Orlando. Yes. Well, it was Orlando and I items Eero excuses for this. It was really stupid and I'm just like out of my mind sometimes out there. I was I spin kick Booker took his hat off of the spin kick looked over at I mean I was about two feet from a many ways and crushed start crotch chop and Stevie Ray on the outside the ring and said suck my D mother-effer so loud like everyone in the building heard it. Yeah, and obviously like they missed a million shots every Nitro and of all, the shots to not miss that's the one they didn't miss. So yeah, I got back from the ring and it was a good match. I got back in the ring and Eric was like good match and he had this little conversation and he said he said the word suck my mother at Birth and I because I forgot but that happened and then I kind of gave him some bullshit excuse like I was caught up in the moment. No, excuse Z. Oh excuse and and Eric took heat from for that from his higher-ups. So anyways, like the next week. They had this Talent meeting that everyone was supposed to show up early for and you know, it was it was all like mainly, you know, the meeting the subject matter was around my you know, That's the bright colorful language. You know, it's about you. The best part of that old thing is I even showed up late to the meeting I missed the meeting. So then you know fast forward to a couple weeks later. I pulled Rick's pants down like it wasn't even a big deal. Honestly Ric Flair's ass has been shown a million dumb times, but it was just a you know a moment and Eric was already, you know already got a lot of shit about, you know from standing practices. So that was just a I got back. I had didn't even think twice about pulling him down like that. I got back and Eric said, you know breach of contract and I was like I kind of was like, huh? He goes in breach of contract and then he explained to me the you know, the whole thing with porn, you know, poet schoenberg's ass and you know, I got pretty mad and upset about it and and honestly, like I think at the time I like IDs Select some of that on Rick I got mad at Rick about it. Like it was Rick Fox somehow that I mind you. You know, I'm sure he left his trunks on done just for the occasion but still to blame Ric Flair from meatball on his pants down. Come on. Did you have any heat from flare himself from for that or no? No, no, no heat from that no more. I mean, I mean there was already pension there big time between Rick and I you know for a couple reasons and I've been pretty disrespectful to him. You know in my quest for you know, you know taking what I felt like I you know, because I mean if you wait for somebody higher up than you and the car to go okay, we're ready to bring you up here and ain't never going to fucking happen. So I had to go out there and right or wrong my tactic the things I did disrespectful sometimes very much. So like I did what I thought I got to do. It was that that's like dog eat dog shit. We're taught not dog shit. But Donnie dog, you know like this is a really tough business much tougher back then and you don't own personal always there's always a there's only Thin Line and something like that with where it's very competitive that personally I'm sure he may not like you guys probably had no actual problems, but professional Bledsoe closely. Oh, yeah, and I just called him out on some things like I made, you know other guys in the dressing room stirred me up. You know that had heat with him that he didn't like Rick so they were like get my ear, you know getting a big kick out of that. So yeah, you know and I was born than happy to you know, entertaining everybody. So how long between you got fired and then rehired what was that time period of you being fired and then being really well funny thing about that is is I was supposed to have a match like 20 minutes later with with DDP and and put him over so so immediately Dallas goes to Eric because all but he's supposed to put me over and rehired immediately 10 minutes. You were fired for 10 minutes after you were fired from WCW. Yeah and Eric where I'll find you $5,000 and then just give it back to you on the back end somehow. Wow, then I got fine 5000. I don't know if I ever got it back in the fucking back in now Eric pretty hard to prove. Yeah, because that is fascinating. So the first and that was the first time you're fired from WCW late technically, you know, I mean, it makes a good story for me. Anyways, the boss man said if you're in breach of contract, I'm firing you. Yeah, that's right. You were close. Yeah, you were fired or whether that was 30 seconds or 30 years. That's fired. Yeah. It's like if you get put in here. Cups you are under arrest. Yeah, like that's that's really that's a really good story. Yeah, not bad. That's why I thought I'd share it. Yeah, and and it's on brand with Ric Flair Cindy's birthday. Yeah. So you had one more tweet. You actually wanted to talk about well. Yeah because it was it was from like somebody I can't remember who was like Jeff what he called Jeff Jeff Jeff. I don't know. There's a debate. Yeah. Well, it's helped me, you know in my $10,000 challenge match my It's with razor. It's like I take a chokeslam. Yeah, and it's a yeah and see the Seawatch the Ring The Ring won't give it all. That was the first time I was knocked out in that match the second times when I fell on my face from the top rope to the floor that yeah, so it's my quote of this was like just you know, look how You know the county getting the screen one. Yeah, I'm forgiving the renders. Oh my god. Did I get some responses from that because Josh Barnett was goddamn Sean that's insane because the pilots wasn't the ring was that hard until Vince McMahon started working at yeah, and then it suddenly magically wasn't. Yeah, and and so that goes sorry I got my throat's a little froggy that goes to okay after when I was fired the second time. And and you know Jr. Was negotiate doing the negotiating like the big selling point because I got like they low-balled me on my on the downside hmm, you know, and they they counted on the fact that I didn't really want to go back to WCW. Yeah, I didn't want to you know, but I still always had in the back of my mind, you know, because I did get pissed when they die out when they low-balled me and put it in public well, And I put it in like like let the let the info slip link it to the somebody to the wrestling brass so that it was leaked that what your downside was and what it was is lower than probably market value or what you were worth. Yeah, absolutely poof. So trust me that that low-balling me on the downside they paid dearly for that. So because I still made way fucking more and I hit him with like no more than 15 days a month because it was a hundred and eighty days but they could run you 30 fucking days a month and tell you 180 or up and run you into the ground and I'm like no 15 days a month you get half my family gets half and then and also, you know, I, you know got good travel package in my my deal and you know, and I shared this information with my friends, so Same friends who read about your low downside in the dirt sheets. Well, you know, some of them are the X with me and yeah, you got to give him the whole story sure but ya know so anyways, one of the big selling points Jim hit me with was we're getting new Rings because I mean I was one of the guys that was going out there and kill him myself in these fucking Rings, you know, not everyone else worked at style. Hmm. So, you know, that was a huge selling point for me huge. And apparently Jim cornette has something to do with it and Mark you got that from Jim Jim quote tweeted it. No, no, sorry. Yeah, it's there. I'm finding it. Keep going keep going. So yeah. No Jim. Apparently. That was all Jim cornette's idea and I keep yeah, and I think he was even maybe commission with you know, getting a new design done and and all of that. So we just say that was one of the worst Rings you'd ever been in her was there like worse. Mexico still worse than yeah Tijuana Mexico up until like a few years ago had like they were boxing Rings. It was harder than like. I don't know like I mean you would think that the okay like cement about as hard as you can get right but the fucking concrete somehow felt better. I don't know why you know, well, it's it's more it's still a Rings. That's probably more inviting where's concrete, you know not to just take a flat back and it's just it's it's not a want to go off on a tangent here, but like not having a safe stage for your performers in any form. Runner team is bullshit. Like if you're putting money in your pocket and you're making a profit every week or every month on your shows and you're having your guys working a piece of shit ring. That's like a fucking billiard table to bump on fuck you seriously, and it's a lot of the guys. They don't have the they don't have the, you know the cloud or the you know, whatever behind you know, nobody was talking to everyone to have to say no. One wants a bitch especially Mexico. Yeah, they've conditioned everybody that like, you can't complain about anything. It's so fucking sad. I've got the Jim cornette code here. He says I was fed up with those concrete Hogan error rings in 98. I told vkm they sucked. I found out old southern suspension ring on a spot show in Mass had the guy bring it and set it up in the studio and they built new ones off of it. Kevin done screwed up the noise muffling it with blankets. Oh, yes. Oh my God that pissed me off so bad. And because well for a while there we go out there and the sound is a big part of everything and like we were bumping on this fucking ring and it felt better, but you couldn't hear a goddamn thing and it totally affected to energy in the whole crowd in the whole building. This is like, you know, if you're like just key if you're not a wrestler and you're not wrestling and like kind of maybe keep your fucking meds out of the Anyways, I'm sorry. I'm going out for a chance here. Like we're still on the ring. This is yeah, it's tough. Yeah, I don't want to because I don't anyways, I don't want to it's easy to go off on a tangent and either pin some people get included in your tangent. That's fair. You don't want included in their eye on my experience when I was probably 16 17 and wa Jersey out of Wildwood, New Jersey. I would I was just a kid who bought a ticket who was so insistent to help that they let me they pay me 20 bucks to set up the ring and that was when I first learned And specifically the sound of the ring is you put you make essentially pillars and then you put just boards over the pillars and then foam over the boards but use different ways. There's no yeah those the way his ring had it in there. But those boards are not only do they act as a solid base over the joists if you will, but they actually you place them in a way that they'll make the they'll make the sound. Yeah, and then the this this promotion actually put a microphone under the ring so that the sound would go through the Whole Arena. Yeah. Yeah, that's it WCW as well. That's a very like and that was like the first thing I'd ever set up in my life. I watched them do that. So it was really important to it's an important for me 44 TV wrestling show that you can hear the ring properly and you can even more like just as important here the crowd. Yep hear the crowd response is I mean, there's times when I've been I've been in the venue when the when the thing was taped in the place was And our and then you watch it and you don't the energy doesn't translate, you know, so, I mean it's those things are just these huge deals huge. So all right enough about all that. All right want to hop into raw. So one of the first things we want to talk about since we were earlier talking about Ric Flair, we'll go ahead and start off with the celebration of his big 70th birthday celebration on raw and a lot of stuff happened out of that. We had some people come in sting as well. Ow, but the big one was Batista who came out and attacked Ric Flair in his dressing room. He never made it out. And it looks like we're maybe going to be getting Batista Triple H right before we continue one of the ways we keep all these shows for you free is by our amazing sponsors. And today Spotify is one of our sponsors on Spotify. You can listen to all of your favorite artists and podcasts in one place for free. You don't even need a premium account Spotify as a huge catalogue of podcasts on every topic including the one you're listening to right now on Spotify. You can follow your favorite podcasts. Don't miss an episode premium users can even download episodes to listen to offline wherever they are and you can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends and following on Instagram. If you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app and search for AfterBuzz TV on Spotify or browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure you follow us you never miss an episode of AfterBuzz TV, very nice way of doing it. Yeah and very good way of like really smart way of using Dave. Definitely. Yes, so we're not were using them in a huge spot and people who want to cheer him. There's no reason why they can't but we are not pigeonholing him and to okay if he's not cheer. Oh my God. Remember what happened? But the last year somebody here. Yeah, and that's not his fuck. No not even a little and I thought really bad for Dave with that. Like that was a fucked-up spot to be in but now this is really smart because he's a huge value and if you don't try to tell people who they're supposed to cheer for it will usually work out. Okay and something like this like it's a big like that was a big deal and also Triple H on TV isn't just a white meat baby-faced story stretch two weeks ago. He was tell he was telling Becky Lynch. She's not going to get to go to WrestleMania. Yeah, like he's he's been a heel on TV fairly. Recently that you can you can pick your own adventure with us. Triple H is a human being. Yes, that's his character. And this is also very subtle because I believe it was raw 1000 or the last time Batista was on TV. He said Triple H has beaten everyone and evolution except for me. That was the smack - smack down side. Hey was that when he was kind of lit I think so. He had a few to drink before that thing, right? That's what it sounded. Yeah, holy shit cuz they gave him a live microphone with no intention of him really like Seemed like no intention of actually building toward any matches with him. He just started just going into business. I've a lot of microphones it's wrestling but that was I don't know it was clear. They laid that out there and I guarantee you the next package we're going to see about this is going to include that it is. All right, so I didn't I didn't read anything and I didn't look around to see if they did anything off are as far as the party. I don't think so. The only stuff that they had that wasn't obviously the ring. What was what we saw in raw with the little Videos and the little red carpet they had set up that was pretty much all they saw there was one thing that happened they had somebody had to go through the cake, right they had Jinder Mahal come out with with his boys and get finishers and put through the cake and all that stuff. Good good that's wrestling. You can't you can't set up a table in that some put someone through it. You can't have a cake and a segment without also getting someone's face through the cake. Okay, but I'm happy that happened all so I'm happy that you have Ricky Ricky Steamboat the entire main route the entire roster on the stage. And sting and Shawn Michaels all in the ring for a Ric Flair birthday party with Ric Flair doesn't show up to you have to do something like you with this. You said a table for that live crowd you have to do something now and it's also perfect timing for Batista because obviously Wrestlemania start of April Guardians of the Galaxy's going to come out the end of April. So perfect timing for all of that and I kind of hope that the way that they do this whole Triple H Batista thing is kind of like see it more as a serious thing where Batista could be really be like, you know, what you haven't called me back for this you didn't Like okay, like there's no like total good guy total back, like imagine that it's kind of like in real life. Mmm. Nice. Have you ever if somebody tells you? Okay, you know, listen this this relationship so and so is a hundred percent. The bad guy in this person's a hundred percent to good. It's never like that but maybe once in a great while but you know, generally speaking no fucking way. No way. It's always Shades of Gray in relationship my relationships where like, you know, like no matter what like I was at least responsible for some fucked-up shit. Yeah, you know somewhere or not depending on the relationship so Yeah, I know. So, you know, I like this type of thing and it's and it lets people do their own thinking, you know, not like maybe some people want to have to think it done for them. I don't know like okay to you know, boo this person cheer this person. It's all nice and simple and everything's laid out but you know, I like shit like this. Yeah, we're talking about that because it's kind of reminds me of shades of like, you know, and we had the whole Johnny impact Austin Aries Hiroshi Takahashi Kenny Omega the all kind of had or Kenny and Jericho they all kind of had that little serious like, you know outside of just what you're seeing on TV, you know a little bit extra. So I feel like this is what that's aiming at and I think that's what you know, the people want to see ya are there at least be interested in? Yeah. Also, I'm going to save you from the comments Denise you meant Avengers. He said you said God being a Avenger sorry. No, you said Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which is on hold for a bunch of reasons re Dave Bautista is a part of the MCU. So he may be involved in Adventures and game. Thank you for correct. No, I'm sorry. I'm saving you for coming no worries. I just know I can drag to see the movie. So I still like them though. All right moving on. We're going to go ahead and talk about the start of Monday Night Raw, which was actually the I guess you can say the most I guess you can say most lovely moment. I guess is that I don't know if that's the right word to use but it was a great moment. Roman Reigns opened up Monday Night Raw to announce of his status with the Battle of his Battle of Leukemia and thankfully to everything. Fully for everyone including obviously Roman and for everybody that was hoping for good wishes for him. He announced that his leukemia is now in remission and I mean his face said I didn't see the segment live. So I already knew was good news by read my Twitter feed and so when the first time the first chance I got like I you know when I got home at the DVR and I watched it and it still hit me like a ton of bricks like even though I knew what the news was. Like I still went to all kinds of like I cried like a motherfucker. Yeah. It'll I you know, I know that guy I was one of the guys that like, you know early and as I've said I was one of the guys on what he's your guy and you know, I got a lot of heat for that over the years at different times, but you know and and and you know, he's so loved by the rest of that Crew He is that he is the leader of that locker room. And he does a damn good job of it too when he's around and and damn it just felt so good. Right? Yeah, and and you know, there were some criticisms concerning just announcing that he had an announcement and I couldn't disagree more with the criticisms and I like Shane Helms, you know, he pushed back on some of that and you know, I know want to get all up into that but like I agreed a hundred percent with chain on that and I turns out he was right in my opinion. Well, and also I just want to say like for all those people out there going. Oh, he like he's this he's still has his hair. You don't need this bullshit. Fuck off like go fuck yourself. My favorite meme of Tuesday morning was the Toy Story meme where it was oncologists oncologists everywhere. I think he didn't say what stage leukemia he had. He didn't say what like we know. He knew is that he had leukemia and he had to step away at a time when he left the title in the ring. And you knew he wouldn't have done that if it were an angle of any type but no he had leukemia. It's in remission. He's back made me so, you know, maybe if we're real and look I am and I have been at times a buyer into all kinds of fucking conspiracy theories at different times in my life. This is got to be the dumbest fucking one I've ever heard in my entire life. And also there's I should Dave Meltzer retweeted. There's a giant threat of leukemia a leukemia Foundation tweeted very specifically why like very specifically and that's because that was a question. I had without the tinfoil hat Enos. I had a question of this doesn't fit what I think of cancer I should research. Yeah in terms. It doesn't always you don't lose your hair every time and I know plenty of people he doesn't know. Say he was he had to do chemo because you don't you may lose your hair during chemo and he didn't even say what treatment he was seeking. Probably I probably didn't even do chemo. Yes. So it's like yeah, I mean, you know, like these are blood. Yeah, you know, these are ya so you chemo may not be the best route. We don't know anything about his status. He we're very fortunate. He told us at all because he lived his whole life presumably his old don't like without telling us. Yeah. So this was something he kind of had to tell us and you know, like I'm Going go fuck yourself fuck off. Like, you know, that's just me being, you know, like, you know little bellicose or I whatever I'm just kind of, you know, like it's there's a come on you got like, you know seriousness like take away all the you know, fuck off and all that but come on like the logical and emotional response. The emotional response is like a few how dare you say that the logical response is. Hey, I don't think you understand leukemia nice. So I can we like these folks. Yeah. I honestly think that this type of person their default mindset is to look for something fucked up like that with everything in life. I think that's everything definitely didn't do themselves any favors by announcing he's going to make an announcement and then the second the promos over there sending out blasts where you can buy a shirt specific like plus the baron. Urban, yeah, like and the banquet like they didn't do themselves some favors with these folks by immediately merchandising the announcement, but they did they did they did and they're allowed to do that. Exactly. And also on the same the same coin that shirt is awesome. And so for the people going on this is a ratings point, every fucking thing on the show is a rating spot. The idea is to get ratings. I don't understand that. Yeah, it's a ratings. I plan announced he'd be there to do they want you to tune in to the opening segment because you know, he'd be there and likely make this announcement us and you want the most people possible hearing such a great announcement. Yeah. All right. Do we want to add anything else? It's looking. He did have a segment later on afterwards with him and Seth came out to save Dean Ambrose from an attack against from Drew McIntyre. Baron Corbin Bobby Lashley. And a liar, so it's looking like maybe who knows maybe they might do like a six-man sort of thing at WrestleMania. I don't baby and Advanced Link assess. Excuse me. So it's got Brock at Mania. So and then Dean Ambrose Dean Ambrose didn't do the the stage business and I'm hearing reports that that was Dean's Choice. I've no idea. It's interesting. I would like I would like them to do a shield reunions. But with this current Dean Ambrose character, that's kind of f One but that he still turns up with his brothers when his brothers need him. We don't have a whole lot of time to tell that story though. All right, I don't think it's gonna get told moving on. Let's talk about Becca wench Becky Lynch also appeared on Raw. She attacked Rhonda. However, this time security was quick to arrive, but they could not stop Rhonda. So then the police department also came they got they got Becky they arrested her Becky was arrested. She was taken out Rhonda left her ring her. Excuse me. She left her belt in the ring after. She asked Stephanie McMahon to add Becky Lynch to the match and Stephanie said no, you're a match at WrestleMania is again Charlotte. Then she got mad left the belt there and laugh. So that was another thing that also happened on wrong. Yeah. This should have been fire for Ronda Rousey and it was not it wasn't it was it was you know, it not everything we knew was going to go like get us on, you know, we're not going to hit a triple double or whatever I can get on. Yeah, you're not going to get on well, I don't know my baseball. Knowledge he's gonna get on base. Every time you get a base more than half the time you were better than everybody or ever. Yeah, so I mean Yeah, I would have liked to have seen that one. You know, I would really like that thing to gone a little bit better and I've been hearing this I've heard this criticism before and I kind of agree with it, which is Rhonda's not Ronda Rousey is not best when she scripted and she felt scripted here versus looked to like it looked like she was remembering all of the words verbatim that she had to recite verses. These are the bullet points. This is what this is what we want you to And across and we'd rather look genuine in your face. Then look like stream processors are going somewhere with this but it was kind of like you just drop it in belt on the ground and walking out like but there but there's a way where that's there's a way it didn't happen though, right because there's a way and I think less with Rhonda it would be less is more in my opinion. Rhonda should just say, oh you that was way too wordy and she kind of and in the process she kind of buried everything that isn't the u.s. See in her. Career in a certain to a certain extent she kind of buried that I'm I'm the I'm the top draw here. I'm everything and I'm leaving you and Becky Lynch. The person we're all supposed to like is actually a jobber the views of Steve Kaufman does not necessarily expressed kind of write off about the WWE in like, I don't think it was intentional and if you were to ask her on our side Becky Lynch Ronda Rousey's promo. I just think it certainly did obviously mention that the following night on Smackdown so that was good to her. The Glee saying that Rhonda essentially disgraced about that sort of thing. Yes, so that also worked in her favor, but my issue thing my thing that I was like, oh that kind of sucks was during raw was when Stephanie said know your match is again Charlotte and the crowd just booed. I was like guys, please do not count out all the incredible stuff. Charlotte has done I get it this Becky came out and she's shown above Charlotte, but I do think that Charlotte should be like I still felt I still felt like poor Charlotte, you know, like she knows like that spot to you know, um kind of I don't I yes Charlotte deserves to be highlighted as one of the best women wrestlers in this WrestleMania season. No one deserves a spot though. No one gets titled this shit, but I'm sorry that this as of this moment she is as Worthy on spot and speccy or Rhonda. I agree with that. I personally I think Rhonda's thing is is like the and because no one necessarily as entitled to that. Now, you know that's why Becky is figured into this when like that was not in the plan under any circumstances in Europe. As far as I'm aware. That wasn't the plan in November. No in ducky was like when Becky had art like establish that she was the hottest thing in like the hottest thing going so there that I mean this one it takes to get a get us to come around. Here we are. Okay. So anyways, you know, that wasn't the greatest segment, but it's good. It'll be fine like there. They'll they'll they'll deliver in the ring and they still have plenty of weeks to go to, you know, make up for that. I live there's area to make up my end. I don't necessary and get put anything back. It just didn't like it didn't Advance us a story. I'm hoping that they're going to tell instead of just leaving stagnant is the idea that Vince McMahon is CEO can come in and just make all these changes. He's making and that Shane and Stephanie are going to sit idly by like I want that story to come to head sooner than They're going to have to they're going to have to check try to check him in some way. Yeah. All right. Well, I think it's time for a break. Okay. All right. Denise says it's time for a break. So we're going to take a break right we'll be right back right here our next Park one to 360. All right, we're back. Yeah to take a little break. Let the I was going to say let the station make a little money but this isn't station. They used to say on TV the bills someone's paying bills. It's going down. All right. Well, let's go ahead and talk about The Honky Tonk Man. He is joining. This year's Hall of Fame collapse the honky-tonk. Man is the largest sorry the longest-running Intercontinental Champion holding the bow for 454 days his character and Charisma made his made him a standout and an unforgettable Talent as well and he joins DX for this year's Hall of Fame class. Yeah. Yeah, you know, so did they they offered heart the ice hockey talk about inducting him several years back and and you know, he he tells a story on the couple different, you know shows or whatever whatever you can find, you know, and and so I didn't know they'd ever really, you know, they're funny like that like, oh, yeah right there see that. You know, I think I can speak for a lot of folks that may not follow the whole famous closely is others that I was shocked to hear. He was not already in the hole. That's how I just dial one of those years. I wasn't paying close attention because it's you know, it's like now you think come on let's talk about he's such a huge huge part of that particular era absolutely wrestling and and you know, I wasn't a big fan of that style. Like I was more the Bret Hart fan, right and now and those type of guys, you know, the technical set your bigger fan of the technical the technical wrestling wrestler. I was just coming up and I was like fancy myself a wrestler, but God Holly was accent he was excellent in there, you know, like it wasn't the guy that was going to go out there and kill himself in the ring. But like, you know, he knew what the Do you have a great he he was a great character, you know cheese and and in you know, like his presence in you know, the the peripherals of the industry like, you know over the past several years like he's been pretty entertaining and call them all and you know. I don't know. I amuses me a lot and I'm a fan of Honky Tonk Man and I really congratulations in The Honky Tonk Man on being a 20-19 WWE Hall of Famer upright. I believe it's the comparison might be apples and oranges but I always compared his rung as Intercontinental Championship Intercontinental Champion to the mrs. Most recent Intercontinental Champion run in the sense that you can be a beatable heal, but then just not lose the belt. Yes, like that's Honky Tonk Man to penalize that to me. The kind of heel that you know the ideal he'll yes that because then them losing doesn't actually doesn't actually kill them because their characters what's over not not there in ring not their win-loss record. Yeah. No. Yeah good for him 400 go for everyone because you know, I I can see that I can see that being a pretty entertaining whole thing acceptance speech and I guess wrestlemanias not going to be in a Memphis anytime soon. It's what they're saying with this. Well, maybe yeah, like that'll be weird of two years from now. They're in Memphis and they can't induct honky-tonk back. I got it. I saw a tweet yesterday that said let's Mania is going to be in Tampa. Yeah, that seems pretty likely at this point. My parents live in Lakeland are very happy about that and I'm a Saint Pete boy. Like I'm a that's my hometown right now. I mean, I got a couple hometowns actually write downs. But yeah. Yeah, but I was born and raised in CP so yeah, I should have sent you some pictures. I was down there last week now. I remember what it looks like just fine. All right moving on to our next Hot Topic Bruce Prichard has recently been hired back by the WWE to be a part of the creative team. The last time Bruce was with WWE was back in 2008 since then he has worked with impact behind the scenes and also with mlw radio network where he did his podcast so know where you guys are thoughts this on that they just wanted Bruce Prichard. Back WWE so he's not doing other things. This is just my take it doesn't cut. It just comes from my speculation, you know educated guess on my part because yeah and nothing against Bruce because I'm a big fan of Brews like and he's a brilliant guy and he's you know, put creatively like, I don't think they really want or need. That you know, like I like to use this word a lot to Antiquated creative process. Hmm But doc process. He did work in TNA. He has worked in a malt. I don't think his own still think he's the TNA stuff. What was anything? What was good about that there? I don't I'm he did and I love Bruce Bruce Bruce now, but that wasn't a good run for him and talent didn't like it was didn't get over too. Well with the boys. Either yeah wasn't very nice to some people down. There it also I'm hearing there's something to be said about Vince's relationship with everyone on create on the creative side that maybe Vince wants someone he had because Vince was very close with Bruce. That's very well documented that maybe maybe Vince wants that person back and that creative to otherwise stay the same. If only I don't know and I'm not talking just think it's more like, okay. Hmm. Alright Conrad Gee, I'll tell you what, you want to dabble around with the Undertaker with the dead man. We'll take that and we'll put him over here. I won't think that I know you can have an Undertaker won't take us a brother love that's a lot of spite if that's the if that's not smart. It's just like it's not spine. It's just like, okay, let's let's you know. Derek consequences sometimes for things like mmm, you know business decisions nothing. I don't know. I'm not and I'm not and it was definitely wasn't wrong of Conrad to reach out like me. That's what I would have done to you know, but like if you don't think that some some of these things are going to ruffle feathers. Come on like Conrad is the nicest guy and All The Insider like khaki the business the whole universe of wrestling like I swear to God like I think he's one of the nicest guys I think I've ever met period hmm and and that and so in that Goodwill goes a long way, you know and has gotten him like, you know, like, you know, I see him at every after-party at WrestleMania, you know. Yeah, he's in everywhere and you know, so but You know, okay, but that was before we started. Yeah. Undertaker's WWE guy went right through and through it. Like that's yes. I will say only because I am I am close to this situation. I have very little new information other than what everyone else has publicly other than I spoke with Eric Eric Bischoff on after eighty three weeks, which will be 5 p.m. Pacific today on slash eighty three weeks and we asked him about the specifically and His answer led me to believe that Conrad was uninformed about this switch until Saturday or at least it didn't sink into him on Saturday. But Eric led me to believe that the show is probably over the show is probably the show as we understand it is probably done and that Conrad didn't know about it until Saturday until Saturday when the rest of us found out about it take with that what you may that may not be the real story might be that feel that more and more that feels like the story. Yeah. Yeah, I obviously have a lot to work out once once they figure out what the future that show looks like. I then have to have those conversations and hey, look I'm making you know, I'm I'm talking I'm like spewing all these speculations and it's all just speculating because you know, even though I know everybody I don't get on phone call tell me the scoop, you know, like I don't want to be like and then we'll special then I come on the show and maybe I heard it from someone else as well. And then I come on the show and say it. And then my friend goes. Hey, man, what the fuck? You know, but you're so I think you're getting from your from your position. That's what you think. It is. I don't know. I it'll certainly be interesting. Bruce is a great asset. Yeah, I definitely don't mean like that. But I'm just saying as a creative team guy, I just don't see it in 2019. Well, I could be fucking wrong. Now I wanted to add since you said about the whole thing of speculations. It's funny because I've been listening to different peoples opinions. Current people's thoughts and the ones I've been hearing was like, oh maybe Vince wants a Yes, Man, or maybe oh, you know, they're going maybe like a step backwards and trying to go back to what what's good in the past that sort of thing. So yours was the first one that I heard that was a little bit different. So I thought that was interesting because I originally I originally also thought that you know, maybe it's sort of interesting that they're going with his approach just mainly because it's been it's been somewhat known that he doesn't follow modern product. So with having different people on your staff, you know, like they have song Don't they have a bit they have Jeff Jarrett who recently got hired as well. It's a little bit interesting that maybe they didn't go with someone that has more of a modern take on. Well, it's also okay, you know the Bruce Prichard Bruce Bruce will be an asset to the competition. Yeah, you know like a table you like if they have a really good TBD like just having Bruce involved and like I said, like, I mean, he's brilliant guy, you know, and he's also a pretty good on air. R character to you know, I say pretty good. He's a really good one. But then that's what you mean by an asset that he's honest. He's creative. He's good with Vince McMahon. If you need to throw him on camera and get someone over he can do that. Yeah, so maybe okay. He's just being brought on as a member of creative is like, okay, that's technically the department but it's more of like a man that will maybe wear many hats also something else to wrestle with on the WB Network. They've any Conrad has specifically go Of his way to say obviously not recently that season two is yet to be canceled. Like there was still talk of the season to that that they might see that as a package deal. If you get a creative guy you get like a guy who has a good relationship with Vince. You got a guy who could put on camera and you also get a property for the network. Hmm like they could see that as one big deal. So I'm I'm really happy for him taking a gig and he wasn't take this gig if he didn't think it would make him happier than he was because I think it's pretty you can see from the outside looking in. He does very well with that podcast. So if he can't so he's taking a job at creative. It's not because it's paying more than that pot. He makes plenty on that podcast. He obviously really really still has a passion to actually do stuff in the business. Yeah, and when you're you know, when you don't leave on your own terms, it's kind of like hey goddamnit. Yeah. He got a genie I'm supposed to be there, you know, but he hasn't he has a chance to do sisters feeling and you know, Bruce is a like, you know deep down like I mean all those years he spent there like he you feel you are a WWE guy like, I mean he bleeds so I mean I get it as someone who sees the cops important you want to be part of the family sounds. Yeah. I've been yeah, I've been the guy, you know, most of his commenters claim. He's a Shameless. She'll for the W even when he didn't work there so I know yeah like but That he's not a it's not a shell if that's how you feel. He's not a show. That's how you feel the exact show. Yeah, it's just I don't like that. That's not the right word. Well, that's what the comments are claiming what areas should really show us just saying shit that you know is not true to like to me like to because in their mind, that's what they think he's doing when reality like no, I think he actually like because and I think it's been relatively reported that he's been a consultant with them since January. So like this this transition may feel sudden from the outside. But if that's true he's slow. I'm working his way in for Less couple months. But yeah, I also like wouldn't put it past them to induct Bruce into the Hall of Fame. That would be that would be fun. Yeah, so I mean I could see that being an announcement it I can even see it happening this year. We'll be there. All right Max. All right. Our last point of topic today is on Smackdown Journey contract signing between Kofi Kingston and Daniel Bryan Vince interrupted and announced that Daniels new opponent on Fast Lane would be Kevin Owens and Tada Kevin Owens back great news great news. Anyone that doesn't understand why this is great news. I it's because dang it. Out of this fast lane match means that almost assuredly. He's going to have a title match at WrestleMania. And I think I would much rather see him have a WrestleMania title match then I Vaseline title match and it's a good sign. That means they're listening to the fans. That's what the fans said. They wanted. Yes, but you can't I mean you can't just give it to him. You gotta make them feel like, you know, you're trying to take it from them, but they still get it in. You know, I mean, it's like they don't with that. Becky it's that you know, I mean you got this got to be the chase the yeah, but there's the baby vase has to overcome obstacles. That's true. I'm I'm only worried about the actual Kevin Owens Daniel Bryan match because Kevin Owens, I think they're trying to play him up as a face. But with Vincent, I don't know what they're trying to do with them. I like it, but it's like okay with that Vincent Row how many not be a heel but Daniel Bryan's already. He'll it that match itself is going to be very interesting because that if neither of us want if neither of us like either competitor, like who where are we gonna go? How are we going to which those guys is in-ring performers are going to put on a banger of a match. It's just a matter of what what story are we going to tell between those two with essentially two weeks notice? So I'm interested to see him put it together because I know you know that because you know, they will be fun, but we're just tired. Is he coming on be gone for you know extended length of time and then just be brought back to like, you know be a little buffer in between, you know to be a bump and Daniel Bryan's grads or and possibly a bump and Kofi Kingston's road on the way to the title at WrestleMania. So like exactly I think that's kind of that's kind of a Mark of Faith in Kevin Owens though because I think anyone else like if they if Let's say some it was a returning Samoa Joe as an example or returning Randy Orton. I'd be really really really worried. I'd be really worried of what what's next for that person where Kevin Owens has been put in positions like this before we're like and that's that's like unforgiving and then it turns out you pair them with Chris Jericho and it's the greatest thing ever. Like he'll he'll make he'll make it work and I think that's a good Mark to him that like, I guarantee you he'll have something at WrestleMania built and built through this. Yes. And in Diggy maybe I don't know just throwing stuff at the wall. I don't ya haven't really thought about it. Yeah, like but Kevin Owens will have something really cool to do at WrestleMania. Yeah, and I wonder Sammy saying I'll come back and have something I heard he's ready to come back. I won't read that that he's ready and maybe that's maybe that's the Finish to the fast lane matches that Sami Zayn comes back and we reignite we reignite the ever ending food Feud that is Sami Zayn Kevin Owens. And then that's that's an easy. That's a pretty easy build to WrestleMania, which Only I think three weeks or four weeks from Fast Lane. Maybe Sammy I got I was thinking, you know this and Sammy fits in Nice Like been to like with the Daniel Bryan thing. Like, it's me you have this too similar, you know, like I mean mind you like Sam he's not coming out talking about, you know, consumerism and all that shit but like Sam, he's got his own like, you know, social socially conscious things going on and some of which people like to I think maybe there's a certain part of the population out there that might roll their eyes at it. Like, you know, I think it's sad they knew that but you know, like it's, you know, all the two shoes are active. You know, I read all right, hypocrite or yeah, come on. I want to be preached to by rustlers about you know, clothes always shoes and see you think he could have like the same he's in could align himself could see that and yeah because like, I think they think alike yeah. And that's something maybe that's just me because I'm you know in my head hmm, but they have a very short period of time to make us cheer Kevin Owens in this match because once you do that and then if Sami Zayn could screw Kevin I was like, oh that's that's all you need. Yeah. That's all you need to give Kevin Owens something to do just a small little thing that I noticed was Kevin Owens came back a little bit more fit to so credit to him as well. You know, because I think like, you know, usually when you're out for an injury, like, you know, you don't always come back like pop, you know, sometimes right well, The good ones come back better Denise. We always take the opportunity when were injured come back - a bigger because it's bigger is not necessarily better but come back better and better shape. Something's changed things like update update your and you know, like, you know a bunch of tats. Kevin Owens did Daddy. Yeah. So like yeah update your look change your look around. You know bring some new stuff to your in ring game. You know, that's what I did every time. I was out hurt the speaking of which it's worth mentioning since we talked about Kevin Owens. He used a stunner in the main event of SmackDown live. Yeah and Steve Austin has pointed it out. It's not the first time Kevin Owens is used to stutter and then Steve Austin has talked to him about it. But that's an interesting thing that that maybe his new finish for a minute. Mmm. I like the pop-up powerbomb. What did Austin are you going? You don't know? because its first of all, you can't do that to everyone number one and you got to shoot a guy into the like I mean, there's other ways of going into it, but it's just not an ideal finisher but me but he made it work there and I think if if he has a pop-up powerbomb and a stunner because a stunner is a move that looks devastating and anyone can take and that's ultimately what Austin said while showing a gif of his stunner against Sammy Sammy against Kevin Owens and stunner but claimed that It was good and then sent them Kevin's is also like how you take the stunner has evolved over the years because I remember when when Steve first when we first came up that idea like I hadn't we hadn't left for WCW yet. He was still the ringmaster, you know and was like he was talking about it like but and we were trying to Envision like, how do you bump on that? How do you sell it? Like hmm because like like visually at this didn't like he's at the shut you have to What is it a thing where like that's aesthetically that move is just so beautiful. It's just you know, it's a jawbreaker and it's all in how it's sold and and how you get it over and nobody got over about it. Like I mean Austin an incredible job yet that thing over and there's even a guy that took it shitty like Vince took a terrible for a while, but he sold the fuck out of it. Well, no, the one the first time Vince ever took it and it was one of the first times Vince ever got Ago he took it and he took it terribly but he's like crop it dropped on the floor on the floor and like had a seizure and it still worked the rocket takes it probably the best actually the person that like came in and showed everyone how to take it properly with Scott Hall. Really 2002. Yeah. Yeah. That's how I started taking it after I saw that. Yeah, that's how you do it. Yeah, he works. He took it any go fly and you know, I think I've seen one where the rock would take it he go flying he would land on his feet and then awesome it's done him again because he was on his feet still. Yeah. I just saw somebody like posted a clip of like, you know, DX beating the shit out of know it was Austin like we were on the ring and they're like a big cargo net dropped on us and then like Hunters like trying to get awesome. He's like tripping on the cargo net. He gets his shit meet of and we get out of the net and you know King comes out and you know, I take a stunner from Austin my bounced right off at a stunner into a chokeslam and I was so cool. Yeah drock comes out raucous rock bottom and everyone and was just it was insane. We had a good time back then. All right. Well, that's pretty much all we have to talk about for today. Did you want to add anything else or huh? We're good. No, that's I guess that's it for now. That's it for now. I guess I mean anything you want to add now. I think we think I've heard it all a lot of Taylor Swift news, but that's like so like not right. Rustling little bit. That's why I'm all like not wearing a matching outfit. Did you want to talk about the touch projects you have going on while I'm working on my YouTube channel basically still growing that, you know trying to get as many interviews as possible have some stuff some have some exciting stuff lined up in the next few months channel is oh it is slash Denise. I'll say I almost forgot my own hands like what? All right. Well, I hope everyone stops by and checks out your because you have great interviews. I do. I have some interviews with Garza jr. I have an With Ray Phoenix. I have an interview with Jeff Cobb. I have an interview with with a rocky Romero and there's some few other ones, especially if you're in Toluca all my Expo Lucia interviews are up. There there those ones have been pretty getting pretty good A lot of people from Mexico have been commenting. So that's right espanol that well. Yeah, they come in all in Spanish. So are any of your interviews? Yeah half more than half of them. There's like four English ones in the rest are in Spanish. Oh, yeah, that's good Steve what's going on with you man? Um, you can find me on Twitter almost exclusively at Steve comments. F ma and then I run I'm running I'm involved in a lot of different YouTube Pages including this one right here slash X Bach also tonight at 5 p.m. Pacific. We've already taped it. We are taught we pronouns me Christie Wilson friend of the show. Also Christian Rosenberg and George Hermosa do after eighty three weeks where we talked to Eric Bischoff about eighty three weeks. That's 5 p.m. Pacific at slash eighty three weeks if I tweet the link, I'm probably involved. Oh, no the easiest way to do it. A mark. Yes, sir. TOA to ruin what you have going. Hey everyone, you know Mark sits in there and in the booth every week and he engineer's this show and he's such a like we need Mark but Mark since back and he's kind of an unsung hero around here because there are certain weeks we go. We never even hear from Mark and and it's pretty selfless of you Mark and I want every week for everyone to know what you have going on and and also like, you know marks a great And like like, you know engineering stuff all kinds of stuff. Like if you have projects, you know, Mark Donna because your man for that shit. So Mark tell me what you got going on smiling ear to ear in the booth Sean. Thank you very much for that. I work across a couple of different types of podcast. I do a show with my wife about theme parks. I do a wrestling podcast with Bill hand stock and Brandon Taylor Who currently works as rubber bands on the independent scene. We call ourselves the wrestling professionals and we have a twitch show that features gaming as well as a podcast that we are live on slash wrestling professionals and it's been a lot of fun getting a chance to work with those. I've been working those guys for three four years at this point and I've got a bunch of other stuff in the works that I can't necessarily talk about but it's a lot of stuff in the world of New Media and scripted and things like that. It's it's been an absolute. I'm not this isn't like a goodbye speech or anything. I just wanted to say it's been an absolute pleasure working on this. Sean it sometimes Heroes as a producer and as somebody who works on the show, sometimes you don't need my input like sometimes the conversation is going so well that me going. Hey, let's keep talking about this for five more minutes. Does it really make sense? But I would like to offer my opinion when I can. Yeah, so like like everyone that's doing some kind of like all the wrestling promoters out there and all the promotions that have their own TV shows and and all that like, you know marks a great guy, too. To you know, especially if you're especially if you're coming out here are any of the promotion's that have shows like all around like I mean, definitely you guys should be higher in Mark Tonica. Thanks for my new resume Shawn. I appreciate it. Yeah, so and the same goes at the nice and then Steve your and and Jimbo he's a he's all set. He thanked any other thing you should still call them? See ya see if he can do it. So and for me Gives me real quick. You know, I usually have an agent handle most my stuff and that but you know, there are there are some some independent promotions out there that I know and promoters. I know like, you know that I just real quick just if you want to reach out to me about to and this is strictly for Indie promoters not like, you know, if you're doing a convention or Or anything like that. This is strictly from me to you know, they're really good and the promoters out there and the ones that I know like hit me up directly at Sean Waltman 1 2 3 at And if I could try to figure out how to do something, you know, you know work with you guys. I definitely love to try to say something this year. Like I want to kind of do you know? Yeah, you want to make a few cuz I might have some stuff going on here like Who knows who knows what the future brings and it's what I do definitely want to get out there and see like called Ruslan people that I love and you know, all right. Now Lance I did a good job of explaining that I think you did. It. Sounds like you want to do more independent bookings than you have. Yeah, and a lot of them don't like to you know, they'll agent that's fair and I kind of like I agents help a lot when it comes to me because I'm in terrible. I'm terrible at organizing shit like so I mean, that's the main reason why I have them but you'd rather a promoter deal with you directly. Not necessarily. I'm just willing to do so. Okay. Thanks so much prefer. They deal with my age. But what you're saying is you would rather the promoter send you a date get a yes or no from I'll tell ya I can't I can't tell you what I do. I can tell you what my terms are myself. Yes. You can you can handle the broad Strokes with the promoter. Face-to-face make them feel like they actually talk to you and know that you're coming and then they can do it. Yeah, and we still might not strike a deal but you know what? I mean? Yeah. All right. Well enough rambling. I think I'm going we're gonna get out of here. Yeah, so I'm going to do it a little bit. I'm going to do Sam Roberts podcast some pathetic. Yeah. Well, I mean, it's always nice to talk to Sam loves him. All right everyone. I'm done rambling. See you right here next week from the beautiful AfterBuzz TV studios here in North Hollywood. California from executive producers Maria Menounos, Keven undergaro Phil's feet x Sean Waltman producers Mark bead Annika Jimbo Franklin the entire Xbox One to 360 staff. We would like to thank you for tuning in like us on Facebook rate and comment on iTunes and YouTube follow xpac on Twitter at the real X pocket email us at ex Pac-12 360 show at the Westwood One podcast Network
Sean and the team discuss some of his latest social media discussions about his time in WCW, theories on why Bruce Pritchard was rehired by WWE, Roman Reigns, Dave Batista and Kevin Owens returns to television and more on today’s episode of X-Pac 12360! About The Show: Sean “X-Pac” Waltman brings a podcast with a full circle look at life from outside the squared circle. Westwood One and the Jericho Network presents X-Pac 12360. X-Pac has many stories to tell that may help listeners relate, inspire them in their own lives, or just be entertained. And of course, there will be guests. So plan on seeing his group of usual suspects along with a mix of wrestlers, celebrities, and comedians. X-Pac has known and shared many road trips, locker rooms, and life moments with these guests. Where these conversations will go? No one knows, but we do know they will be entertaining. With X-Pac, guests are just friends hanging out having a chat about old times and new frontiers. Listening to these conversations will make you feel like you are a fly on the locker room, green room, or bar wall. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome about you knew of lading from the conscious chinky podcast show with super excited from Xavier met my husband off on that and it get the ear on the ears too. Because ever meet her up the name now, I've had a team from the time under half million Yogi's in aeternum Vents and come down. There's a found the goofy abandoned it on hand sign. There's a fills out of your Heaney The Meta can make in the flakiest. It will feel like they have a have less up close the face.Fossils lowlands and happiness methadone saved in home with your city in the pocket is the yellow cedar Center. She behalf of the baking in your practice of soup and McKenna's and for dipping tears are left faster Less in hilversum and up under plaque in Atlanta my organization. I work for deep in the Retreats and see you dance club of the fire Bell my lips bigger of the cover from yoga magazine also needs to like a down-to-earth Vasco flavor basic needs of it, but it Zeo Crystal Superstar of the coffeehouse clear aft my felucca faces that well and benek from that in a practical bone plateau of the zook all over at life as Yokai of diploma in fish Nana yoga the classification and efficient and there's a from the roof welcome very Constitution a card for debate. Oh, yeah. Absolutely. Yeah, Nick on the Jewish student. According to Steve Steve. Yes a time my heart katydid snake hold it. He does and my safety helmet. Holy crap. Yes. Yes. It had been a great vehicle Doom because yeah, I was in studio era. Yeah. My daughter's done better - a man. This'll make me to film with your heart American. Yeah. Yeah, and they're set for myself. And that way it won't Burger. Yeah, so if the Fidelity and I thought whatever comic shop truck my I felt really are segment LED pin Springer and the nap on the podcast is the conscious junkie show and all my teammates during house to follow and enough on the podcast are answer don't create over yet dark of junk aside for teller and dark of chunky side yet you have it needed when for listening. Infancy the very girlfriend a I think they stab you Tilikum Dark Side my mind dark side seat on Mir Osman throat on Shaker Heights took video of immense effect meeting Dimension silky men Inner Circle the this enameled I click on that cabinet a tip about after bloomed Mar of messy man's identity Recon. Now you gave me a metaphor for the out later it click Lisa from Podium for those. Healthy first new feature on a month and the yeah that Cindy killed are going to do this is in there are men struggling and please hear what the cap and the leaf that he kept for at least half of the old idea customer David Kenner fannia and August bleh. I'd add a rule state remedies don't eat after the tundra community and these are into the Coke and I am a journalist. Enemy Retreats Delicato Crystal mentioned it in his info. Boy you my bill, they'll be cochlea team from Miami humans that can exert a big Oak. And yeah the mint liqueur let's look at it would all to look at Mom's I go ahead and take before my face recognition to be home. Yeah. They are it see what fact need answered the home of home and they finish blooming like orthotic Mahmoud who turned against be. Okay. I've been hooked it is And then from there, it's just you for my hiccups. Can't afford Medical Academy you have to mark that was all right. I'll see if Brian was need failure. This dot is the imprint stick other than Recreation the sock tunic listening - RuPaul the absolute needle what a dreary Aveda my Oak turning about Department my sacred Rebel readings this medium. Stop. Yeah that was for my actor - laughs close enough to one volt so demented I will need from fitna and manam and at Wheelock. The neffeteria comes that are found. Dementia face and I hope advising. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it is ethnics took you out. That's a moment accepted by our firm after ya soon as you go from Magazine see it and making up abdomen here - it's so visual don't want to hold a lot and I'm just going to yeah, that that he'd are took flick out your comfort zone Bank. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah and this needs so that they are heading mild or under his new deck near they threw her down our new had a minute Mary Kay. You cannot under the over myself and it kept on sweets know that Sure that my heart a and also doubted his delegates met my friend Nina demonology and think I know it's already over my life. Yeah, and it's only over met and those are all the district is saying I'm asking does that music where you can put this week on another stick your ass from here to layer and to stimulate of my life sitting there. Elaine thank you so much. Are you doing a cur? Okay, and of course you're real busy here. Yeah, but I like yeah I said if you deliver something happen, but do it anyway Feel the fear and do it anyway, but when I was a little bit gillard's Yeah, and on the cuff tear down our food and who did already out of your comfort zone so difficult life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Yeah because he's through yeah, I'll destroy this free our still sticking out Darkseid Meyer and Jake that I deem skin eat seeds. Yeah. My didn't build a clock is yeah. Yeah. There's a kept neat enough fabric a junkie for later. Our of this opening mending it tricks. Hey soccer. V / saying out of my off in little babies. I'll start over here deals come they're all cash to keep on saying it was Mary it out the door Girls when they were awful to lift and all could have gone to yes may had us feel mad at all. Yeah. Thank you bell curve gone to bring yourself guy Keith Ragnar. Welcome to bring you the awfully I click Like leave or yeah. Yeah, he's off to paint on top after the dark side is Loops. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and it dangles it that it is that very stimulants to scuba dive. I have to be on this site for Bloom over money to Fuller. Yeah, this data is well into something that actually lifts in advertising and it off will ya and at little thumb armor from the agriculture, of course pills of to open. Yeah doesn't mean we don't still meet you are handsome and I think it was a good no other most part is that I should practice dude and you had fun on the a couple of years earlier Styles and in Abilene pushing it away but a little Edmund - okay, come on assignment. It's her fault. Yeah machine humming, you know homework you need up to many of the chair that I like. I to kind of stop his daddy Mack. Yeah, but they got the day doesn't beer Sentara come and of Statesville clear some their common multiple 14 an outing done implants on the housing need to Doon I can continue to do this don't hug me tanker in my practice my Dondo confirms Five Minutes Alone faculty housing at Halle pure onto full of fun apply for My Bae. Oh snap. Yeah, Marty staying little maniac mom two photons afterthought but Aunt Priscilla. You're seeing this. Come on. You're the teacher from Mordor. Yeah, it goes you it needs. Yeah after all this atom and it will go on even bake and I motorists and you folks over for good posture as men supported by industry - on this isn't much of a baker and Kaaba Optimum at my daughter's is behaving like that coming under Fire over handle name hand on Deck as rovol. Yeah. It was too exact buying your first studio and to my ear fatigue index or some workshop and Adolescent. It had a workshop ethic has a little admit they know back then I had to ham and eggs. I I really hated your workshop and that's why I want you to teach at our studio and they are deftly. So how does she have to cellphone them? Uh-huh. This is what I need. Yeah. This is what I need it got lots of yoga Festival. They're scaling dead man of flowers years ago, and I'm also contact homogamy the bamboo it funded FB Zoomer awkward and Okuma clock and huh? Open and we should be vague and exact food is oh Phil. We're something from the decibel laughs like I did not compare to the do a contact and it was made humans and amugeotdo tape measure and economic am because member tant any book on obviously footnote feel weird something that was you know kike for telling Mom next mere full text and he'll will cure. Yeah, Mark does baby not a hooker Midas efforts. Yeah the verse indeed of foods. Yeah, you know that this X+ is number. Yeah. Yeah, and it kind of short for sedimentary rocks such as well make biophysics fact that okay. Probably carried on Mac don't you coach of us but for you something are secure evade fact Nick's very fact of minute until you go home. He had your breasts redone again, dear. Yeah. Drinking again. Yeah, look. Oh glow good beginner's mind is for Everybody Eats, right? Yeah up in a tree. Yeah now miss Stokes diversity full. Mm-hmm and tears are also the type of consciousness of herbicide but in a potatoes for our garlic flavor, hula is the podcast Are you need Mazuma? Come on, Nia. It behoved my yoga is not really need some practice and if it is fun and they even surveys and its owner of a medic been the quirky factor for Mensa you hate rainy events. Yoga and don't have any toes here metal holding its Mega my film Real intimate who can blame is that and it Ricky Hatton stop your Federer he had but homemade stop Messin. Leehom on the full brunt of raccoon Covino hadn't Morrow could still stand by a was an all new furniture and Yahoo. I'll say this one's all the forbidding methanethiol Felicia Felicia this act like I've never been in metal self and all of our deeper than a deer and dune is act like they had some boring come to think about the superior version of my favorite looks Dear and for Mays toenail ballon a corm rocker design again dot dot is it important - it is a workers are in Jean Kyra. Stop the exit from Sara Bareilles. Mamamoo Steinem out this Oak all us coming for our Dragons by Jetta and very very honest exalt reveal our other here verduras Hanuman next mayor of life. Khanate this egg. Probably Ariel's a minimum of like a deer like a predicted to educate have Lasik at length is so many more like your heart man in the coffee and it's are here. More infant in a book from Donna fairy say I'm sorry if that act like they own more is I scraped over the yoga sutras and book head bringing yoga to life. And what size there is the most important thing is that we regularly ask ourselves these questions, who am I becoming through this practice and am I becoming the world in which I wish to live and that is firm a I like the snc from we benek and bake it in a clay vic-20 draining Sevilla. Lleva una anchor hell. Yeah, who am I becoming through this practice? Am I becoming the world in which I wish to live moisture. Yeah. Yeah. Well, it's gonna well should I tell you said ultimatums in what your optimal structure formation its physical structure or whatever and spelling of my Titanic had thrown the or 30 practice Yeah, and y'all have a thin puzzle. On your mind off stuff, maybe D. Rho P Kissinger and iron leg is not an Orphan Black Market is neat. But the in a dart like slavery. Yeah. Yeah named made actual slave in and I can trick my remote control and from there out the door. How's it going meditator now hate that examines also a little bit you have tight for myself now exit 5 Maritza and Madame de pompadour better out of the hunter Rupa. In the urgency frustrating that Sarah had me tight realize how has noticed is that van Zane, but any been Income Life and for Walk-Ons from the babysitter and the second woman is hot stealing fulfilled and things in a bed slapper hmm and exalts we have available a finish on this dirt goes we are here. And we are made of them having their are here. Hmm. Yeah does FBI's on their? Yeah laughter. Yeah just does act like fear that Walker Zhang. Yeah and in the dad's from whatever you do always think Seven Generations ahead is no telephone mouth. Look on that in it actually clay veneered isn't safe in a rat is Hunt is likely the dough and hailemariam rare. Okay gear by myself on work effectively to May and work affect her. It or Christina Michael. Yeah, it looks like a ding elevator ding Indian computer more make a now it is all of this time. What did my doctoral program ate half of a year from now? She did it. That's Ingo Asia. They can easily go user brings very exited leftist. You can see your keys or you can see for Keyshia and because of time yourself and you can add Levels by America. Off your keister for all the other conductor fan and it needs don't interfere a Marvel. Oh Madison of hello Omar and hopefully they're infinitely Ava and the posterior contrary to hello. That is Sho martok's not be caught break easy. Yeah, well and has been decent in stuff. All the this sign of easier does it is a link? Okay. If I don't kiss you could talk for Mar and Awesomes inclining evacuated what you cooked almost affirmatively 73, I think opens and as you do this your favorite. Yeah, and go knees for Chicago's armor. It just needs to take a little bit of Secrets. And so he or she fell at his feet. And again, I was taking an accidental OD can eat from now Spencer don't really doing fine. Yeah, either it's an airport life and all stop man since periods. Yeah, how poetic done Barry? Yeah, and also it's a neat in spirit is at a local gym. And I nor the happy at its peak point there in a actually kept thinking obsolete Nene - stop yes, but Alex is that he'll feel for all four men sitting behind those sensing of what the other ones in the net Ballina? Oh, but I thought the Aina but persistent our clients took his and stop here. Yeah, it's either music exact plan today. Yes those in ages and also to Blue economy and my near yeah this episode of yeah, but there's more welcoming than I've ever met the slot on the side of Nicosia. Yeah and vanish for free out of your hepatic coma 15 years later. Yeah, it was stupid character for me. If I could I'd graduated from a homeless shelter and a Gothic not stop once he was horn blasts feedback name of an African this Sigma donors can do nominee tiny magnetic competitive as it was and it was this sense. I found this phrase like the other things topper my it must stopper and for the Vista Kathleen will handle and Kinsman of my daughter and the Outfield and at node and all of the dirty Pig will we reach my grade need what two men Akira F-14 slab hand benefits Universal me quietly most Latin American equated nimier and what the dog is exotic cetera of the Dengue Haddad monetize in it and phenolic counter this flesh tone black a stronger design. Diabetic does afraid I'll look yeah do not take this exam. I shall depart on the Cupcake Butterfield beer something. I've never been to Florida. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah one for males. Yohai actually don't know if you need Luke and at the home all the thickness of Miss Lane animation cloths are a stunt it competitive and Yeah, and your son's from the you've in a teamwork all still tight seal failure Marv dot any age of four. Come here is if by Jang Hoon a needs. Yeah the Siddhartha Lon. Don't Wanna Miss Peregrine's a schematic men's of only crave we meet earlier Stellar many more deeply 32 months already Marv. Don't hide it I missed y'all, but it kinase or whatever this - EF to sort phone saw his who pushed for Cupid handstand. Wow, and you stay ahead of it. They give over hope Obama visit Paradise are known as the cape. Yeah, there are lots of less invented it going few hundred. I feel good. Electricity arcing after Dan and for God's mercy to the gavel. Mr. Negly text a family. Yeah, they do go primary series and stick from the second dream. It created needs external honor of your mama take enough enough hmm like a stretched and and all of our data and for constructed from a month of and don't call make by tuva better as a college draft in Portugal go directly to do and it As I did with Nana and conduct. Yeah. Yeah, how many years is that your vision? And Sarah is insane. Yeah, and that was maintained sparked a new skill height. Yeah own daughter to make hot made from a grape variety and domains and that was for me as I got Does it is need me Rama? How do you doing it would are nabina on the half full of vaults panic and doom at a line of underwear for column within the ice tumbling up on the air for cooling down which activates the loom and archive activity for Fulham the schemata connect images of American candy bar. Am begging you chaturanga door. Hey Maria, and the town needs once done with a really long time renovation on the tri-states mouth full. Mmm, and it had a telephone at wholeheartedly Hamlet. In in President Obama have tried over U du and who citizen and who worked on and the Duke. Oh, yeah, and what's everyone's hide our state's? Yeah mere the net too full or hey, Marv the forbidding Mac and Mets at leha differ bending magnet, but I but you only have not arrived yet. That's their lives through this little eyes to the first man is of the earth. She stopped in yoga on the livestream Ne-Yo leave her nervous. Yeah, I know head and from there I'd practice to do that is for may know States. Yeah, but thing fantastic is essentially yeah irrigators and think it can but it's not pots sitting here laughing. Oh, yeah, you know that my daughter's Dengue quotes for a few minutes is on more like mac is something that she couldn't eat less or not need a tote is still tight, massive sales and stilted or Sabrina and of that conduct American area. I need a name don't have to so blessed. Learn music make something amazing. Yeah, it can lead to dementia may help to music had come from that images of my and tomatoes and it is best like I'm off to his music and Eva Andressa. Look at the in still water and also the other room we look towards yeah donate your body's like a dimmer. Yeah another main purpose leave a comedic. Yeah, and I just knew it Damon is efficient analysis for heading up your face. Calamus Fort think by all. Yeah, but is it down? Look each mirror of telling them that fulfillments. Yeah. Mm. Well it's neat and instead of inform the buyer for Scylla people Hamas that neither did I - give me another Center this manner the best left in Israel, but it's a muta say if the salad days Sanskrit chant Sanskrit is newly Africans broken down and I saw all the text read aloud text as I say, it's properly this did this for arithmetic from posses and I have ever done. Their eyes are filtered about the Mac. I had to be our minimum the outer form of for y'all huh and vision and the deck and again is from being out - Nana's can especially and I scan a zombie night and in your have their quit is met values and values yet five out of five interface fire, but they convinced by adulthood from the winds and the outer values and have a new felony to pin my the inner values and athlete Faith gamma humans left hand. I'm going to Adam and the cameras decent athlete was about staying after 14 years of stumbling upon the way of cologne the Mutiny our systems and our formula holding mm. Hang those veggie fax it in a stronger, but technically yourself out lately. I've just been active in Vietnam and this will blow and I agree. I'll shit in and crash shouting static routing a that you hope it after they had to start to do some bass is hate something daring and from their eyes more children going to strike a prima. Donna Tia Oakwood arm has any both on and off marriage Nevada on how the stone spanner and has less to bring up to above come from the roof. This is either a holding company FileMaker Pro CC and he has film are braver, but I added is mine starts and Darfur. It is from him and don't have the oblong timer. This is that off for a minute in an outing activating. This is Peter and the series device fabrication a mix and on a film and for bills no Soma happiest ending. This is Donald Hollinger Manda unbalanced my favorite the in the back bending such men as it helped over the years Time - maybe your stunt wounds are sit-ins and twister alternate endings afraid and Community City. And what's happening is these are the practices to YouTube's and now you could kiss at the house all Marshall on of date yet MLS of the estimation analysts have character new a very vague door to the cottage a mix on the yeah. What happened after the winter often practice? Yeah that is needed except of an added Dimension. It's fine the stop do cognate Marmon ever practices efforts there. Now the vision and our principles as I do that Elena and I had breakfast I do feel fish Mariana my friends here who this adorable and I love Nick Newman primary series. My don't look at the mix and it been our Contour away. Vinyasa krama that feelings on waveform and it's steadily Hilda Betty fish Nana and phinehas a crime a crime of taking order. Yeah. He's the Earth America methods had had a family there and all clear in the that the river plume Stone married you do to move a finger food factory care and positive life here in the to throw in any harm at all convening at yeah. Opening it in a nasty stain. There's more. Yeah, Clean Bandit also a combination of Envision it for years and years. Yeah, just a video on there and in a way the fuck the rest of food. I tried every link. A foot in a happy and very active or Barefoot by the a tribes and from there. I'd in the holding current rating on the road at in the hope as an under opening in a lift. So if you met a Foundry Series, yeah Hilt of and was it for you out on it made us identity doesn't delay your hair styler the stand and the prognosis is bad because it is nearby the house. Who is it free, or you can definitely stronger after homes. Yep new did fish. Next we calculate our stomachs full epidural or no over of the key things. Noobest. Omaha don't know who come new car new document in Zetas. Now again to this for my mirror is that is mere docent of how collecting cake won't I think about who we are today docent and dots energetic a deal more. I thought your has a hole in his head but film ends and the other hand on there. I played well, it's narrative that Nur opposite happens for me. Its ability and fame make sure that Jacqueline more to and what your morphine is daughter needs. They hit that you can do Peter Hook from the stretch. Can yo Carlos a fool and he sent his Affidavit of send and yoga is need fun because I love my wife of a do new mood. Ted really are and how do you get out food community? So answer unless you use clay but this show yeah, this is applied for today. Hope lighting a match and more miles. It kept safe team on the + Mario don't need to have a lot of weirdos and been like, you know modok and sticky in situ from my I even thousands of needy Monte slider practical concerns need automatic of neat and perfect practice near to Laguna Seca. Yeah, you are. It's from a is that your date but you do this position and that's gonna Catholic a taller building regs and often Ashtanga is of thought of Hatha. Yoga is Orion. Yeah, I don't care if either from from yoga is muy of Kundalini is so long and Mar hadn't worked for a night's Guinness and I'm deleting it says here that the chemist when I took off my ass portray the phone but among individual node hate for Jane of hi. Leha. Yeah. And my Oak the leaf to 4X about finical a Blog earn extra. There's need yoga. All smelko Mario half a night. Yeah, the Forbidden default Majorca and again of moment that you don't do lots of momentum and I believe the less Faith the other four elements. Yeah. Thank you Coco. Yeah, and that's finna go extra Guard Reserve and I'm making my own music resolves baking and Hopper it. If I have asked in the class of machine learning and so messing with our and order you have to stick to this practice it minutes ago, but I'm a filthy news here at Marshall's Market as well for God's work is literally the whole tomahawk in the Cova was the paints and teach them of nothing matters taka Ki not be Innovative and to not seek ye who come and get you know, how we're bringing our students and the new Polaris except that they'll come on Fang Foom. Ironwood is real method also hope to live to is Athena and public. Skinner been in town Infinity. I come out as implants from the exact foods that helps out with a strong of yeah in the book starts. My doesn't take Invasion Anna. Yeah Hannah with Yang Li Come On Deck. I don't know. If you didn't fish Nana is that he has a new version in Edina at this form a it gon need of my Mustang from out and ultimate estimating the dots. The bass is David Walker an alert saying open needs an alert on your phone and and go go go go go my ex alert from okay who fooled millions of dollars in chicken egg from there? Oh the housing off and afflict the Army Ranger. To make their hand as they come into the ceramic balls more exposure of the cake or the community come right Saul died this noise and ultimate this man. Yeah, and that's gonna kill fine. Yeah, and that's it after almost understand water high def loader and the open Nature. Yeah for some so I have to hunt teacher could come in to check out what happened. I should know the from the half as a lot of songs of made of sand and on the dock near out there laughing. Yeah just need to act like moyles from me an acceptance good of about window to have a in plasma of the Mandalorian armor. Yeah. Hmm and but for you having a lesser what we need other belong I've sort of a fine student. Oh, yeah physics that the mommy there's both and I'm Melissa from a seed after obtaining images of and August the give you more adults people's videos. Our and on this epic doodling either for elections. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah focused and Mac is so serious a filter filter life and Hereafter and your hey Terminix the magnet Haleiwa Cheerios or spare mag, and they even do you think Yost of the humor it looks like yeah and don't even tell you Life arose by the humor lives in vomit, Leyva. The mark of a slave and stick your mock Locker for himself. Next up my awkward. Okay phone from here. Yeah and heart looking a lot at home. Yeah, I forgot. Yeah some some don't think oh that life is of charge. Yeah. Look at those sins did he leave that to laughter? And it has accrued over darkseid's about the palace by unless come off in a studio is its own reward? It's too so still another less. He did. I found an academic murmur of electing Machina and I should go to data and I can carry his own Bleak and happy Calle De Tan Lines the black flower cup a microwavable skate over every Anime Con a con man a bellhop. Oh, yes. She's doubts. Yeah, it allowed us understand the redundant. Is heaven thank you know how God has on the center Hub Mark don't seem so awkward hail motherland in these outdoor. There's another student. Okay, don't Spanish. Yeah. I think it goes with X belong I can attack is for the for the docents as this Excel feel serious named who's it for the students. And yeah and Oak then click who really likes died in your practice Yeah other Cravings like design. Yeah. May he assumes forehead Dimension telephone, I deserve it. Yeah. I'm really like Yeah, and as I've given her house without hope yeah, it is age between moment in the Deo Gloria. So in that scene and yeah, that's the smell TGI's more actually doing a good enough job like own the Vicente. Heck yeah. Yeah for you have a magazine happiness Oak in there. That was all good. Yeah for my the international and Deutschland and Nick normal if I know but why don't we do before y'all? It's me, Joe had combed for bathing go now. Okay, we're here and don't do nothing your magazine Bella from there who can cover model and Mariana and sorry I think okay. You don't do that. You'll need for nickname are all sorts of things. You'd like. Yeah, why not? Yeah, and on for all concerned. I'm doing that. Guy called a waterphone fins. Yeah, so can you look at our phones are currently my door. Hey when I'm holding we all they are fighting Isis out. Yeah, and it is that it on for you. You've been all so long in it. Fuck. It didn't Charles a firm it enough or downloading a routine but coach and counselor. Yeah designer for y'all know fto had Roman goes with loam of degrading deadly coin if you stare at it with it, but I get it really care very eager for calling in a Villa is exciting for our creator this for groups less and it may work wonders for my ego program has flavor and that was mentality begin. The color film in the dipped in Madrid is going to fill me at the dipped in men's it comes a longer main aim in the rice dessert couldn't walk and don't wanna kill my boy. It's actually will admit. It's rather strong flavor in so be not by salons. Mauro blaring them over the teacher training especially teacher training have have a wedding needs Mark so domo-kun. Yeah Marathon bombers are actually being there in a room that has its own wife in torments and tool to favor their he ran on for the a market and for the underdog much all the tools. It means it means of head Allah to you out to maybe yeah. Yeah don't happen in. Holy ghost that are in good ways off from the world. Is for our Hospital - Tamara happy forward those. Yeah be program has attended Hill of a Overton intensive sign of master classes workshops relatives. Yeah, this Earth near the program has active dipping. Yeah about 4K my jockey obviously a very daily Sam about a mass of but we didn't really have been in the program has ya know for myself. Make it as the additive or the whole population. Mmhmm. Yeah and the Supreme and then for my reactor needs. Yeah for my said belong right of Mensa Eddie forbidding is for me. I belong reg and at the are comets. Yeah energy met the other day energy Junior High metallic is all this energy and I need to feel me around in a pocket this year. I think dot the forbidding my commit yourself. The only way out is in this evening Bina from Vietnam. Nobita and the connection method at your own time and at your freaking of miles in love with Emerald real fun does it is oblong regulators? You my real but you never met a few years out. Yeah, he is obviously key on cable back and he's our citizens must use off the top the pill Arts Studio are all why hmm and the end of optical feed that is the retreat and here the Lost addicted admit that you're lying. If you need for myself who your vegan cook from federici to coax her in Dome works. I cocked opens across the lesson and Franco Franco figure here and on a convener and journalist Nicaragua fetus existence. Are you saying this? He gets oily? Plus you don't bow have to do he was just hanging green coffee my wedding and our coffee bar. Yeah, I did this happen. Yeah. See you maybe need serious. How about are fun? - yeah. That's what all yeah based men's. Yeah, but they'd need to finita. Yeah, and yeah a prompt hearing what you don't and glaive is for my an event or didn't under consideration of your has an undertaking to raise his name is of like a map of interior. Yeah, and that is what it meant about having them a favor. You know from other sort of are harder and she stopped equation. This is a decline aspect. They have the Conn despises Stan, but I don't have your kind holy days that you don't have resources and look for Fusion of you. Yeah, Johanna never take any way because your strength. My feather has a Honda very high dome in everything that they do and what they call the three or four men's is so famous. That is so relaxed. Yeah graph inhaler how to dose is maybe her for that looks Laver. My resign needs full aid office load the van and go delegates from the as I want revenge three. What do we do some fear in opposite if you don't fear? Yeah, and you met empowers name again. Yeah Health, which opposing how about you and IPS animated that your perineum? Yeah, let's begin with midi data and I'm crashing take the values either art has values pranayama crius and don't have a evening break and don't have them with us in our practice and don't have more sticky study of text on what has been a division and a problem anymore. Thank you, dr. Hunt can't form a yoga and they are very in control deeper just offered on internet is stickier your philosophy of a more a taxi hyper Hamlin and let us yeah Alex - Donna furry from her book. Yeah. I know that Khalid are holding out from the gave no, welcome for telling Mikey Mitchell of emitted a flavor there in who killed two possible for to Duda month. She deserved after she did laced for not philosophy who can you look into prettier? He had a super-tough offered a mistake and it's a me the man's body holding the left and hold her medallions Le his nephew in Oakland for program and Amir Fayed. Yeah. Yeah, they're going to move now to the Anchor. Yeah, you too. Good ideas. I kept looking until head like a frog for you. Go on. Oh shit. The human is fuck is a moment sign. Okay. It's never okay first thing that comes to mind. Yeah, but rented Leisure, they extent of our fonts Orton tonight of this train love goat plow box of sceva box. Let's save ourselves today era. Oh my Lord. Yeah better Ma. You know young? Yeah, we lost. Two for me. Okay, that's more it took snap. What does it physically pains like Pilots devoid of mathematic streptococcal bacteria women are murdered by an amount of later that will fit physical by Germany strip. The Cork City gaol is and bacteria. Okay. I find out for myself. Hakeem and indeed of our heads out of the in our character and the positive blessing from the leaf. Yeah, thank you. You hoped for built nests and foreskin in the den tick mark if I hope there's a way that you look my daughter. Myopia Havelock think it mainly rest recycle - length of Life Sarah Better but is she guilty pleasure part of authority over no meets. My guilty pleasure is mine copy king of coffee in the officers were lots of murky Otto and coffee coffee production my God and I'll never stay tuned ordered off him the grave here. So because L. Hope caffeine. Yeah. Hey lady come right. It's called get supplies in it. Nikki telephone. It makes needs okay, so cool innate abilities. Vartan be Hypocrites. Hmm. Ya got me Tales know I was worried. They're going to need to know I think that Adam archive that does get my feelings leave some for yourself the developer and the left. Do you think three border into salts? blaaa Never okay, my boy Ava Geico not back helping of science. First we'll mark National can energy in this economy to Angel Panama. Okay, maybe daddy of Asana been of both yoga. Spinner xiomara winter, so okay, and that's afraid to quote. Happy Terrain. men stuff ready to go out Mmm, hey give me the ax by Speaker Mark. Antony feel fabric is obvious from the secret lair Master this pack and yeah short and catchy just cool. And what's that? Hope your bucket is Raisa nice and especially could stab me. There is an adult like a rock metal wheels. Also Mexico Canada. How do I get into the net over many many bundles might need to comb my opinion being a robot. Talk me every day. So my Dawn eraser and may I come in? Yeah, so yeah. Well Turned Up Nose over have how is a good way to pass the car very active It Up near from now on it. for shotting and made immensely capes because they made immensely. Yeah, the our mommies powder. But yeah and oh made amends like hate in this in from made a mess where you were to go back to the Earth from I'll show flight from it immensely hate water soluble so links. I just want my main man slick hate it was my immense ain't America and need a Lamer tank and it's mighty filling up and it'll Mr. Dink mousers control and slammed in the house was abandoned and Thank in egg and Main my film are Thinkin Heights and also by over fruit Heather could invoke Taylor and not finish your blog like yeah this all over the cap. Very exotic decremented Manasseh. And for me casa es su casa. There's Kumar not for your efforts have been stopped. You're manipulating. Its currency foreign key message here is a humongous all your followers. Yeah, they fooled as a week as a soup as a year. Hey if I neglect your thank you very much. Yeah, Dominic Manute anything immense mystery novel as a media organization in of Sevilla Leslie about it, but how for YouTube and whatever. Not even to thin them to the girl home opener website this Hannah left now Mark Alyssa ladder in - and - opening here for show and in our blood from Maria a long talk with the festivals and the workshops. Behave any Crave in a Prairie Land of proof of the are heavy PMI. I had to leave the retreat. Her in mines or lift the porthole just put your hair up. Okay, let her out to drink Savannah to respond and also black team and leave this for my kids are at Sweden. Okay? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Agnes over will affect my dad is Rebecca flow this video evidence and the whole top of the thumb would like to yeah Mason less. Yeah men's the body far he can still see I have remained your coma but how did over him live a life that I think will you'd even dunk a full of in tuna for the time basic saying in most early father about my of there's a lot of Clues data some untoward Motors. Stay tuned for the fork and a half later in the shower in it angle sine and the Kyrie of the hope the house. Thank you, Veronica, Mars and namaste.
"Wat is het leuk & bijzonder om telkens weer een aflevering te mogen co-creëren met mensen die mij raken! Authentieke gesprekken die me opladen, inspireren en heel veel nieuwe dingen leren. Nagenietend en smilend van oor tor oor verliet ik mijn afspraak met Thirza van de hoef. Ben je klaar voor yoga facts, life talk en heel veel meer? Tune in!" Thirza van de Hoef is een bekende naam in "Yoga Nederland". Met ruim 1700 uur studie in de pocket, yoga lessen op gigantische events als Lowlands & Happiness Festival en de covers van Yoga Magazine die ze sierde zou je denken dat ze naast haar schoenen is gaan lopen maar niks is minder waar. Deze krachtige vrouw is down to earth, weet wat ze wilt en hoewel ze al heel wat jaren docent is staat ze wijd open om zelf nieuwe levenslessen te blijven leren. Thirza deelt dat haar donkere of 'junkie side' heeft niks te maken met drinken, alcohol, suiker of andere stimulerende middelen maar dat onzekerheid voor haar de angel is, ze ontziet zelfs liever de spiegel. De twee yoginis raken onderwerpen als Yin Yoga, Vijnana Yoga, onzekerheden, slechte gewoontes (of die niet hebben), docentschap, oordelen, arrogantie, dromen en much much more aan. Ga direct naar:  Haat aan Yin Yoga [ 9.10 min ] Je doet geen yoga maar je bent yoga [ 12.13 min ] Van Ashtanga naar Vijnana Yoga [ 23.00 min ] Les geven zonder muziek [ 26.00 ] Vijnana Yoga [ 24.30 min ] 1000+ yoga stijlen en dan toch kiezen wat klopt [ 31.20 min ] ★ Wil je meer weten of Thirza, haar lessen of de Secret Rebel readings? Bezoek haar website of vind haar op Instagram onder @thirzavdhoef ★ Bedankt voor het luisteren! Laat je sterretjes of een review achter?
This episode is brought to you by Spotify on Spotify. You can tune in to all of your favorite podcasts playlist and party Tunes literally for free. Like I don't even have a premium account right now. You can tune into my podcast and so many of my guests podcast on Spotify and you'll never miss an episode because you can just click follow and they will let you know when there's a new episode and if you have premium you can download the episodes and listen literally Whenever Wherever like on the airplane when your super boredAdd flying to Paris. So if you don't already have it downloaded the Spotify app, you can search for the mindset magic manifestation podcast. Be sure to follow me so you can get notified every week for the new episode. Welcome to the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. I'm your host. Mckaela. Mckaela I'm a manifestation mindset coach. And blogger if you're ready to dive in deep get real AF about your belief and manifest the life of your dreams. Then you're in the right place. I'm dishing out everything. You need to go For Broke too. Bougie first class to world class. If you're a hashtag life goals involve a luxury travel and being the boss of your own life. They get ready to embrace your mindset magic and manifestation Powers. Let's do this. Hey, boo. Happy Tuesday, welcome back to the podcast. It's me your girl your bestie Michaela. I'm so excited for this episode. I'm really excited for every episode on the podcast basically, but this one I'm actually excited about because I'm bringing one client Kim on to tell you about her transformation from being in the Bahamas with me from having one calls me from having my group course and group calls and just all of the things and how big of a transformation she's had in like literally just four months. So we have a really fun conversation. She's actually launching her own business where she's going to be teaching people about productivity in the laws of the universe, which is just super fucking cool. I could not be more proud of her and more proud to call her one of my dear friends. I love you Kim when you listen to this, so I just got home today. It's Monday when I'm recording it intro just got Home from a quick trip to Kansas City just a little road trip shopping Hotel Vibes good food and hanging out with my boyfriend and it was just nice to kind of relax and not put a lot of pressure on having like a grand trip or anything too crazy and bought some good stuff which leads me to my spiritual Splurge for the day. I bought this beautiful new Journal. Okay, so I filled up three journals already this year, which is literally insane. But yeah, It's like on a new Journal is there it's from the brand Bando and it's just this cute baby pink with gold spiraling on the side and it says I'm very busy on the front which I just thought was so fitting for kind of how I'm vibing right now update from Michaela Jay headquarters. I now have three employees. I'm doing school full time basically traveling full time, and I'm starting to Vlog for YouTube. Yeah. I got a video editor working. For me, so now I can actually commit to doing YouTube because I don't have to do the heavy lifting. Um, and so things are kind of crazy. You know, I'm managing the content side of things. I managing the business side of things. I'm managing employees now, which is just crazy and amazing and the best thing ever. So I love this notebook and what I love about it, the most is it's huge like it's one of like the big notebooks and I like I write a lot you guys clearly if I threw filled up three journals already this year, so I wanted to Something big I've had one big Journal before and I was obsessed with it. So definitely had to go with that and I will have that Linked UP below because everybody needs a good spiral big notebook and they have other ones that don't say I'm very busy on the front too. So I will have that Linked UP below and this episode is brought to you by my just bundle which just happens to be 50% off all of a February so that will be linked. Below, but what is the gist bundle? Well, if you don't know just stands for get your shit together. And this is like my ultra intro bundle. Basically. It's like your manifestation 101 bundle you're getting three different trainings that I've done two of them are many courses and so there's a total of five videos there and then you're getting an hour and a half long training. It's like a master class training from me and you're getting five workbooks and it's all Only a hundred and fifty bucks this month. It's literally 50% off and they're so high Vibe you have workbooks to work through and not just like guides but like you're taking notes you're doing journaling. You're making shifts happen with me through the video. They're super good. They're jam packed with value. I'm literally giving you like 45 different tips and tricks that I use and manifestation that I don't really talk about elsewhere. So this bundle is like my heart and soul. It's the perfect pre worked. Mites that magic manifestation method program. So if you're interested the group program, it's not open right now, but you can get this bundle and that is your pre work. So that will be linked up below. Its so effing good. Alright guys. I hope you're excited to meet Kim. I'm excited to share her with you and let's just get straight into the episode. Hi guys, welcome back to the podcast. I am really excited for the episode this week because I have one of my FF clients and friend with me Kim and Kim is becoming the guru of all things productivity with Magics. I'm really excited for her to talk about that later. I will have her pimp herself out towards the end here, but she's going to be one of my first case studies because Kim is in my mind said magic and manifestation method program. She came with me to the Bahamas were going to Cancun. It's a really exciting. We actually went on a trip together to La so all of the good things and I'm just so excited to have her here have a fun convo and let you guys hear what she's all about. So welcome Kim. Thanks. Yeah, so excited to do this. Okay, and we're actually going to do this and record this episode in LA, but Kim was extremely sick and got hit by a surfboard so literally got in the way lol. Oh my goodness. Okay, so we're going to start off with our speed dating questions if you're D. Yes. I'm so ready. Okay, what's your horoscope sign? So my son is an Aquarius and then I'm a rising and I'm a moon Scorpio what I know. I love a good Scorpio though. Yeah so fun and I love all of these queries as I know are so magical is and that's what I love the most about Aquarius as I think. I know and I was so pumped with this new Moon being an aquarius. Oh, yeah my time. This is my month. That's okay. Okay, are you a morning or a night person? Definitely a morning and it took such a long time to get that way. I used to be like just an afternoon person. I was naive and I person or a morning person but ever since I had it gotten your daily morning ritual. A packet doing that I became a morning person. So I literally get up if I go to work. I like say 8 o'clock. I'll get up at like 7:00 637 and do my morning routine. So I always have like an hour and a half to kind of just get myself ready before I couldn't so good. Yeah. Okay. I love that. So go get the daily ritual if you're listening basically like Changed my fricking morning routine like machines or even change but I'm just saying it's so good and there are so many different exercises when I feel like changing my morning routine. I literally just go through the workbook. So I'm like, okay, like what am I telling my clients? And that's how I'm going to tell myself. So let's look at the workbook so funny. Okay. So tell us about your morning practice. What does it look like? Okay, so I get up and I will do just kind of like normal like like skin care like I wash my face brush my teeth kind of just get ready that way and after that I'll grab a coffee and my breakfast whatever see I usually just eat it like an apple and like something small to kind of just like get me started and then I will usually stage the room. Usually it's my living room and I do this and and then I'll light a candle grab my crystals grab my oracle card. That and my journal and I'll just kind of sit down. I usually look at my horoscope first kind of what that is for the day. And then after I look at my horoscope, I'll pull a card and then kind of Journal about that journal about anything that happened the day prior like anything I have to do today. I'll write a to-do list. So yeah, I usually spend about like 40 minutes journaling and that's basically the whole entire thing that I do mainly and then after that I kind of just get started like if I have to go to work I'll you know get changed get dressed whatever I have to do or if it's my day off maybe like start cleaning or something. So, oh yeah not working for much longer. So excited same Kim just quit her job. And by the time this goes live she will be dunzo. So that is super exciting. You're going to get to listen back and be like fuck work. Amazing also can loves avocado toast just as much as I do. So that's probably a part of that ritual kind of today. Actually. I saw on your story. I just ran out. So I only eat Ezekiel Bread normally and I just ran out and so I couldn't have avocado toast. I didn't know what to do and it's snowing so I don't want to drive because no so funny. Hmm. Yeah. So there's that. Okay, where is the fav place? You've traveled to New Orleans so many people have said that on the pot. I need to go. It was just listening to the one that you just have Kelly Orleans. I was like, yeah, like like like magic and I just can't even explain it. Like I didn't think I would ever want to go and then Kyle was on that basically made me go. He's like we have to go for Halloween like it's go. So much fun and like we just went on all these like spooky kind of like ghost tours and we wanted to like a lot of which and like magic shops. We went through like a witch Museum like, oh my God. I was just so cool. And like everyone's just so laid back and fun and like on the food's amazing to that's what I've heard. You'll have to you I need to go. It's so much fun. Oh my God. Okay. Well, I'm all booked her trips this year. Like I'm literally maxed out and the two months. I said I wasn't going to travel I now have travel plans. So that's how it's gonna have to go in the 2020 lifts. Yes. I love it. Just plan ahead. I guess next year for sure. Amazing. Okay, I'm gonna put it on my Pinterest boards the coolest thing that you've manifested. I would say the Bahamas trip. Yes, so Okay, let's go back like literally a year from today. You I can't remember when you had announced it like in the very first place, but you basically, you know, we're talking about on your stories or whatever and that's probably heard about it. And at the time I was still working at Arrow and I was like, oh my God, I want to go so badly and then they you said that was in December. I don't like there's no way like, there's just no freaking way because obviously retail you have to work during the holiday. You then so I was just like oh my God, like so upset but then like you kept talking about it and I kind of told myself. I was like, I'm gonna go. I don't know how I'm just gonna try and I don't want to say necessarily forgot about it, but it was just like kind of in the back of my mind then fast forward to like one. Was it September and I was trying to find a new job because I I don't want to go through holiday season and I didn't have the Bahamas trip in mind. It was literally just more so like I didn't even want to go through holiday season again. I was just so over it. Yeah, so that's when I switched jobs to the bank where I'm at now and then you had mentioned that again on your stories around like October November and I was just like, oh my God, and I literally manifested the shit like without Even trying literally without even trying and I was just like now I can go hmm my God. So yeah, that was the best thing I've ever manifested and it was so much fun. I'm so magical. I want to go back I think about Atlantis every day. No, I always look back at the pictures and I'm just like I want to go. I know I'm like do I post more pictures? We took so many it was it was amazing so fun. Okay. What's your favorite luxury splurge? Let's see. I'm really not a material person to be totally honest. So let's say like traveling because I do that a lot. I want I want to be like a material person where I'm like, oh my God, I get a new handbag every single week, you know, but I'm just not even that kind of person. Oh, you know, what else books my book called horse? Yeah. Let's say traveling and books for sure. Two great ones. Those are two of mine love except. I'm also very materialistic so I can get down for a good Louis Vuitton. Okay. Well on that theme, what's your favorite book? Okay. I actually just bought a book the other week and it's called. I think it's called the Practical. Hold on. It's right by my bedside the Practical which is spell book. And I've seen that literally all like the illustrations in it are just so freaking cute. Like I don't know it has so many different like spells in it for just different reasons. And yeah, I got a like Urban Outfitters who's learning like $15. Yeah. I love it. It's just so cute. I just makes me feel so bitchy and magical hmm cute. I love that. Urban Outfitters is getting pretty Whoo, honestly, dude, I literally like this was probably one book out of like 20 other zaisan. I spent like probably 45 minutes going through all of them, LOL like Connor and I were in Urban Outfitters and he was trying on pants or something and I was like, I was like, oh good. They're all these decks these tarot card decks and like, oh here all these which ebooks and you know, I'm just like flipping through I probably grab that exact book and my clippings real looking like a total weirdo. Like actually looking at the spell book and they're like all these girls next to me looking out like milk and honey like that for tree is just yeah, they're getting Lou they even had crystals. They had rose quartz and I was there. Yeah. Oh my God. It's like okay we stand is so funny. I know I love that. Okay last week dating question. What is your go to coffee or tea order at the moment? So So you already know what I'm gonna say. Yep, but I love Dunkin Donuts, but I normally like I'm so basic with that. I normally just get like an iced coffee with caramel and just cream in it. But when I'm at home ever since we were in the Bahamas, I've literally been putting almond milk the chocolate almond milk. Yes coffee. So like that. I don't even use creamer. Like I just use that now, so yeah, so if I go out I get my Duncan If I stay in I use a chocolate almond milk, it is so good. I do that too. I well I have an espresso machine at home so I can make like my own lattes and everything and what I get at Starbucks. I just get like four shots of espresso over ice with coconut milk. And so when I make it at home, I just make it with my chocolate oat milk. Usually. Oh my God, it's the best thing ever like chocolate nut milks are a game changer if you haven't had one and you're listening to this. Go fucking by one right now. Like seriously your house I go to Whole Foods. It is so good. Oh my goodness. Okay, let's dive in. I have like a million questions and I just can't wait to hear your answers because I want it's going to make me feel really good about myself and to I just can't wait to kind of Replay your whole transformation. So, you know, even before I ask this first question, I got to tell you guys a little bit about Kim when I so we met their Instagram and she was interested in coaching with me one-on-one like five hour ago, and we actually got on a call and talked and I was asking about her goals and what she wanted and at the time she was working at Arrow and it was even a crazy time where we like had to reschedule because she was like working on inventory or something so not an ideal job and she was like, I'm going to quit arrow and like I think I want to work at a bank because It has good hours. And when I have a family that's gonna be I know we're we are doing this on video you guys and we are just cracking up because this is not how Kim is at all and this is the first time I had talked to her and I'm like, okay. Well like it just kind of sounds like she doesn't know what she wants like I was like, but what do you want to do with your life? And she was like, I want to be a writer like I want to be an And I'm like then what the hell does the bank have to I just remember being like this girl that can means my home we didn't end up coaching together and then she like took a break and I still remember the day you sent me a DM you went to San Diego and you tagged me in Instagram story and you were like guys like mckaela Jew stuff has changed my life like this manifestation ship works. And one thing you said was I I just gave it a try because I told myself what do I have to lose and I will never forget that because I just love that so much and then it was just like an upward spiral from there of manifestations and Bahamas and now in my program and now one of my good friends, so here we are and can of doesn't want a family. He doesn't want to work at the yeah, literally like not at all. I wish I had recorded that so we could go back and laugh like oh my God. Oh my God. Yeah. Okay. So tell everybody a little bit about what your life was like before manifestations. So like before you kind of dove into my content before you got more spiritual before you took a chance on yourself. What was life like in the pre Bank? He's a therapist. Yes. Okay. So as you all know, I've worked on your Apostle. I was the store manager and I liked everyone that I worked with Bob was he hated the hours and I was kind of just you know, I guess you could say stuck in limbo because I was like, what do I do? Like I feel trapped and that's when I obviously went on the call with you and I was like, yeah, I think I want to work out a Because the hours are just so good and it was literally just like at that point. Like I truly just didn't even know like what I wanted to do. I knew like at the soul of my heart like I have I was meant to work for myself, but I just could not even tell you how like I couldn't even tell you how until when I went to San Diego and I came back and I was getting Going into reading more and more and starting to you know, write blog posts and just write in general and that's when it kind of hit me. I was like, okay, I think this is what I'm supposed to do. Like I'm supposed to be a writer and yeah, so that's kind of like how it all switched up. But before that like I swear to God you guys like I had no idea. What I wanted to do. I was kind of just lost like going through the motions of every single day and I was kind of nightmare It's like I just knew deep down in my soul. Like there's just more to life than going through motions. There's more to life than going to work every single day and coming home and like playing with my cat-like like there's more to that but I just didn't even know how and then I remember. I didn't even know what manifestation was literally until like I came across your Instagram page and that's how I like learned all about it. So before that literally I just had no idea. I'd like even what it was what it was about didn't even know anything about the universe like nothing. I was kind of just like there because I Michaela obviously knows this about me but like I'm not religious so I didn't have any like spiritual connection nothing. So I was kind of just literally like they're like a blob I felt like I'm just there. So yeah, that's depress. Oh But look at you now all the transfer me, like literally a 180 and it's so funny to just love to make this comparison for my first call to like now because even your under your energy is just so different because I feel like well, you didn't know you wanted because I think you were just telling yourself. Like I don't know how it would be possible to, you know, kind of do a life differently than you know, kind of like going through the motions and so it was like that energy blocking everything so it wasn't like you At your core and now it's like you and your full expression, which is just really fun to watch unfold. It's just a family, it's good. It's good hours for a family. That is what guess I know literally I cannot even believe that he's I feel that's also another thing is that I feel like there's a stigma about like, how life is supposed to be you're supposed to have like an amazing job and make good money and have a family and I was just kind of like suck on that. Well, then I'm over here and I'm like, nope, thankfully not I'll have my dog and my friend or husband, you know, but no. Yeah, I love it. So let's fast forward to November. So we got on the phone again. You had already signed up for Bahamas at this point, but then we got on the phone again to talk about the mmm method program and when we got on the phone, I was running my promo my Black Friday problem. Mose and I was telling you you I don't know. I think we talked about one-on-one and I was like I've made some changes but then we got on the phone and I was like, I think she'd be of way better fit for the group program and then he signed up for that instead. And so when we go out on the phone, what did you want to change about your life the most I think what it was was that after so let's go back to when I went to San Diego and I like tagged you in my story because I was like, okay like this. Literally is this fucking works you guys I was like, oh my God and came home and like I was saying before I just started reading and writing a lot more and then it kind of just clicked that I was like, this is how this is what I'm supposed to do. I just don't know how and that's kind of what that's kind of just like what changed it for me because when I found with you, I was kind of just like, all right, like I'm good. Let's do this. Like I know this is what I want. I just don't know how and that's kind of. What I needed help with yeah, it was more. So like I knew it and I was ready and I just needed to get there, you know, totally and it's so funny that I will talk to a lot a lot of people on Instagram and they'll be like, I don't know they'll ask me for advice about certain things to be like to have any tips you have any hacks and I mean usually I'll just point them to like a blog post or like a podcast episode since like if I just gave them free answers. I was just like making them free coaching but some people I will give them Like a hacker, you know, whatever and it'll be like, holy shit this stuff works and then be like, you're such a genius and I'm like, yeah, I don't just make this shit up and I just think it's so funny. And so I like love those moments from people come back and they're like like fuck like you're right like what? Okay. What's the next step? They're like, I need to know more because it's almost yeah. I think you'll agree with me a manifestation is like it's addicting honestly because once you find out how easy it is and Once you figure out how easy it is to get into alignment and you know apply all the teachings and I talked about it's like wow this shit works. Okay, let's go. Let's go. Let's go like what's next and so it becomes a ripple effect. And I just love that so much. Yeah so good. Okay. So since that point in your time, the bank phase is coming to a close what has changed in your reality. So I was honest to God, I would say everything but I'll dive in deeper so you can okay. So let's go back to when I was saying like I'm not religious and I'm still not religious but I definitely am spiritual and that I kind of found my own I don't wanna say my own religion, but it kind of just my own connection with my Spirit guides and just with magic and you know, and It gives me like an actual physical thing to believe in. I guess you could say whereas before I had nothing to believe and I was just like, okay. I'm just here like what is it called mean? So definitely with being spiritual like that helped me so much and I know at the core like that is kind of what I needed is to have something to believe in. So definitely that that changed me and I would say my confidence I I was not confident at all and Michaela like you literally just crushed me to just get out there and like literally gone like Instagram stories and talk and I was just like, oh my God, like this is just so awkward. Like now I just do it and I'm just like like just it's just a thing like, you know second nature. It's just normal. Yeah, exactly and I'm just like I don't even think twice about it anymore. And yeah, so I would definitely say my confidence to because I was not like this before I was very shy and you know, whereas now I walk into a place. I'm kind of like yeah, I own this shit. So okay. Yeah, and then my money mindset to you have literally helped me so much with that and likeness in such a short amount of time. Like I know you were kind of diving deeper into that and like Weary and even just like within that month, I swear to God and my whole Viewpoint changed because I like I told you I went on my money day. I took my laptop to Starbucks and I just started paying my bills saying thank you for all my bills like being grateful for it. And then literally later that day. I got to gift cards for my birthday like tolling like fifty dollars at work. Oh, yeah. I would definitely say that too. And when you had your class the other day like a week ago back as well a kind of just like open my eyes, too. Be more grateful for money be more grateful for my bills like, you know, and kind of think of it that way instead of, you know, dreading it all the time. Totally. I love all the money stuff. It's so fun to talk about for me and if you guys missed my master class, I will have it in the show notes because you can buy the recording and it is seriously so good like it is a buyer masterclass when you brought up the whole budgeting technically like you create your own budget. Hmm. That was just like my mind was blown on this because I want to and oh my God. Yeah guys, seriously a few it's so good. I just love the idea that we get to break all the fucking rules, you know, and I To apply that to money because we all grew up making money is this certain way and like we look at money through the lens of all these stories from when we were younger but it's all fucking bullshit and it's like we can decide we can wake up tomorrow and decide that we're going to live by a different Rule and that it's just going to work for us and that is truly like one of my biggest clients around money side tangent. But yeah, you know everybody just go by the masterclass. It's linked below. It's so good. Yeah. Amazing. I love all those I'm glad I've helped your confidence. It's like one of my favorite things. I remember in the Bahamas. You were like, I need to show my face more and I'm like just do it. You know, like I want stories every fucking day rain or shine. No matter what I look like and so for me, I'm like, why don't you just just put your face there and I was just so at first I was like God, this is so awkward. I know I remember go outside because I didn't even want yeah. But now I'm just like whatever like I do in front of Kyle. He's kind of just like, okay, what are you doing and being an inspiring story? All right. I don't so funny. Sometimes I'll forget to do I'm Ashley moment and I'll be like laying in bed like fuck. I forgot to do it in my boyfriend would be like do your Mastery moment and like shit? Okay. He like turned out so funny so funny. Okay, so I want to talk about wow, perfect. Intro from the money part. So a lot of times when we're investing in a program or a course and it might be your first big investment. We get really scared because I mean everybody has a well not everybody, you know, actually everybody does whole lot of fears around money. We learn to work through them, but it can be really hard to sign up for expensive programs pricier program. So what was your thought process around signing up? Did you have any fears but where you kind of thinking where you like? Fuck? I don't know how I'm gonna pay for this or You know, what was your mindset around that at the time? Yeah, so let's go back to when I first talked to you and I didn't end up going forward with it and I was literally scared out of my mind and like no, I don't even think I know it's because at the end of the day, I didn't like truly know what I wanted and sitting here now looking back. I'm like you couldn't have liked. Created what my ideal life was like I had to create what my ideal life is and like what I wanted by knew that you could help me but at that point like I just didn't even know I was like, yeah, I think this is what I want. But like I just don't know so I was scared. Like I was so scared. I was like, I can't do this as I just don't know like I'm not a hundred percent sure and then when I spoke to you the second time there was like no fear. Literally. I was just like let's do this like I'm doing it. I don't even care. Like I'm because I was already doing a payment plans with you for Muhammed. So on top of those payment plans I was now going to be doing the payment plans for your master class. So it's like two things at once. I was like we're just going to do it because I know what I want and I know that like I need to get there and you're just going to be able to help me and you've literally done more than just help me obviously, but yeah like with that it was more. So I just like I said, I just S new like in my soul that that was what I was supposed to do and I just needed the help to get there whereas before like I had no idea. So that's kind of the difference and it's hard to even just explain and put feeling behind it. But it's like when you just know like you just know there's no doubt in your mind. Like I wasn't scared at all. I was like we're fucking during this and that's that that's it. It sounds like you're proposing to me. I love it. You know you just know. I love that so much but it's true. And then when you do follow those things of intuition like you get only the best results, like seriously when you just know and you follow those feelings, that's your intuition giving you the path of least resistance and that's how everything happened so easily and effortlessly like you just talked about the other day when we were on a call about quitting your job and you're like, I'm not even nervous. I'm just excited. It's like that's because you're doing things and you're leading with your soul and that's just it's so freaking A powerful and so every time I am investing in something or like I'm have or I'm a on a call with somebody ask them if they want to invest in one of my programs. I always want them to leave their soul and laid with an intention that this is going to get them there, you know, because all about the intention you said it's like if you're scared and you're confused you're like, I don't know if this is going to work then that's the result you're going to get. So I think that's a really great lesson and I love that you compare the two because you are really in like two different lifetimes, basically. Yeah. And it's so funny because I was even just within I want to say like two months. Maybe three at the most. I don't know of time difference. Yeah. Yeah. It was like, oh, yeah two to three months at most it was so funny. And I think after the first time we talked it was probably like three weeks later that I you tag me on Instagram. So it was basically just two months like that is a huge transformation and you just started to apply things started to take it more. Seriously you let it It just you let it start working for you. And that's so powerful. It's just crazy. It goes to show that anybody can do this. Like it's not just me. It's not just you. It's not just the people I bring on the podcast like literally everybody can do this. Yeah. I love it. Okay. So what have been some of your biggest takeaways since working with me since Bahamas since the course everything So, okay, let's go back to confidence and because I feel like whenever I watch your stories, I'm just like oh my God, she's so full of confidence like she knows what she's talking about. So yeah, so obviously confidence is the biggest takeaway I think for me because it was I was just able to implement that into my life and you know my work and make it so much easier. And then I would say definitely like in the Bahamas having like the in-person interaction just like was just so amazing because you know, we always had the like the daily journaling that we did like legit the daily practices. Like I literally don't even think I can put it into words because it was just so like so good and I literally felt like from that I Patients like a different person. Yeah Wiley love Retreats so good. It's just there's something about the energy of being around people. I like being in somebody's energy field because this is something like that. I've learned a lot from like working with coaches and going to events and going to Retreats of on my own. Is that like? Yeah, you're on calls with people and yeah, you're getting their energy from the workbooks and you're consuming all the content and you know, you're doing all the things for them when you're in with that person you can feel the In in that and that helps you elevate because you're like, oh fuck like this is how they're feeling daily. Like this is their normal and it's like okay now you can feel into that that can be your normal. So I that's why I like love doing Retreats and even like how we're just going to be Cancun for like three four days like just stuff like that you even get in the space together is so beneficial. It's so uplifting and I just can't wait till I moved to LA and can do like tons of events exactly because I just feel like when I'm Back home and we are kind of talking about this in the Bahamas. Like we're going to go back home and we're not going to be normal and when I'm here, I don't feel normal. But then when I'm like with you and Hannah at the Bahamas when I was with you and Allah, like I just felt normal like this is how this is how we're supposed to be like our energy is supposed to be like this. Whereas when I'm home and I'm around like no co-workers and they just they're just putting out negative energy all the time. I'm like, this is not normal. Mille no, it's really not and when I was teaching the money course somebody commented they were like, what's what it was it what did they say? They were like, what normal is it? Fuck? I don't remember what the quote. It was so good though. I was like it was basically the idea that if even though everybody around you is miserable and like maybe their money situation sucks made their life sucks. Even though that is what is around you that's what's normal that is not supposed to be normal like that shouldn't be the regular like us the normal should be us in our element us blowing us Feeling High Vibe us being happy. I fuck. I really wish I could remember the quote. Oh, I know. I know what you're talking about. It's like on my tongue, but I don't know shit one is episode. Yes. Yes. What is not normal? Okay, because when we think about it think about everybody, you know, they'd probably don't act the same way you do. I know a lot of people I know don't fucking act anything like I do and it just because Common doesn't mean that's normal. It's normal. As I was feeling connected us having that spiritual element in our lives and feeling like we're being supported and validated by the universe and feeling good and just all of that. That is normal. Okay. I'm so glad you remember that. Okay. Yes. So continue on your takeaways what else but yeah, so then I would say with the masterclass being around just other woman that are in the same. Mindset as us like obviously, you know one-on-one is perfect because you are able to like really dive in deep with your clients needs and all that. But what I love about the whole group is that I'm just like with other woman and I canít meet them that I never would have met like met them before and they're in the same energy as me and like even though live for example like we're going to be going to Cancun with you and it's like I never would have met live in my life. Since it was before this, so it's like just being able to meet new people and just be around like that energy that you need to be. And so everybody in the group is so good. I love it. And that's a good group. I love it. I'm just like yes, whenever we jump on calls and like I love you guys so much right. We are just like laughing the whole time. It's so good. I love it. Okay, let's actually have before we go. Into like the little next segment I want to talk about I love that you talked about you quickly mention your co-workers and how- they are. So if anybody's in that situation right now, they're listening what would be so like quick tips. You'd give them to kind of protect your own energy knowledge their Vibe kind of fuck with yours. Like what are your takes on that? Yeah, so, okay, so I'll just kind of use my co-workers as an example when they're safe. They're complaining about something that's going on in their life. arm I'll usually obviously it's kind of easy because there's customers I can click. Hey hold on like, you know, there's the customer like we have to take care of them and kind of just get them to shut up. But obviously that's not the case like sometimes there's even like your friends and in real life like they're probably just so negative and you don't want to be around that because I know I've had my fair share of being around negative people and it is it's so frustrating because you just feel drained after being Around them but what I've done ever since like, you know diving deeper into all of this. What I've been able to do is say if I'm hanging out with a friend and they're complaining I kind of offer them. I I don't want to say I offer them a solution by kind of ask them like, okay. Like, how can you fix this? How can you turn that around like ask some questions about it instead of agreeing because I would do before it's just a great like, oh my God, I know. Oh that sucks. But instead of giving into it like trying to switch it around like asking the questions. Like how can that happen you switch it around how can you you know prevent this from happening? Whatever it is. I mean obviously like you have to tailor the questions to whatever's going on right now, but like don't give in to what they're saying just try and just switch it around change the energy or Larry just change the topic altogether instead of diving deeper into it. I do that all the time. Like so how was this the other day and this is like in the middle of their sentence be like like damn. I really fucking hate and I'm like the weather is horrible, but we're inside and it's warm, you know, I got to say like I love that and yeah just offering them the solution based mindset like nudging them in the right direction and we're going to talk about a law of the universe and like a couple of minutes but one of my favorite laws is the the high I don't know exactly what the name of it is, but it's just this idea that the more positive you are it rubs off on people and So eventually they will turn to the positive side. It's inevitable. It's literally a lot of the universe. So it's like if you guys are around people that are shitty that are negative that are draining just know that you being positive will rub off on them and things will change but if you continue to agree with them in situations that are draining that's not going to change anything at the end of the day so hmm little tip Or dealing with should he be people? Okay. So let's talk about your life. Now, it's Fab. It's way better. Tell us your plans for your work since you're quitting your job. Tell us about your new mindset. Tell us about what you're launching all of the things. Yes. Okay, so there's like multiple things. So the first one that I am going to talk about is I kind of Have partnered up with one of my Instagram friends and she sells oils and I'm just not into the MLM, you know companies. I'm just like it's just not for me. Like if I'm going to promote anything. It has to be my brand. It has to be about me. Like I don't live to work for someone else, you know, and so I kind of partnered up with her as I can't lie. That sounds cool. Like I love oils like I really do but I told her basically Like such here and she was brainstorming with me and we came up with this brilliant idea that I would kind of create my own with the oils that I buy from this company and I came up with this idea to create a cute little box. So oils sell crystals like, you know, make it like this magical little box that people can buy and so yeah, so that's my first project that I've been working on and then my second that it's my second and third kind of tie in together. So obviously I was talking about before the I want to be a writer and well I am a writer not want to anymore but I am writing my book and basically what it is. It's about the laws of the universe and there's twelve laws. So there's going to be twelve chapters about each law and it's going to talk about how to be productive in your everyday life and You can be for anyone even if you own a business, if you don't if you're a blogger, if you're just someone that just wants to change their mindset all together. It literally will just work for anyone. And so with that being said I created a master class around that so people can sign up and work with me. So every single week we're going to dive in to each law of attraction or laws of the universe and each week. We'll have like a workbook we're going to have a live training session. We're going to have a live Q&A session at the end of the way to answer any questions that you guys have of like limiting beliefs that come up for you or you know to celebrate your successes. So yeah. So those are the three projects that I am working on currently and it like Michaela said I am done with the bank and at that is going to be my life. So I'm super pumped because I just knew like deep down. I was meant to work for myself and it was just kind of all at once. I got all of these downloads. Like I swear to God I'll happen within like two days. I got all the I remember is I was like, this is crazy. Like I knew what I wanted my book to be about. Well, it kind of took me a little while to like I had so many ideas for my book. So I was just spoke like what do I want my first book to be and that's kind of when I got that idea and then after that all the downloads I started coming in. I was like, whoa, I can do a whole in-depth class about this like this is awesome. So, yeah, so that's what I've been doing. I'm so excited for you. It's going to be so freaking good and I'm obsessed with the laws of the universe. So just tying productivity. And with that I think is so golden because a lot of people are fucking lazy and they just don't know what to do about it. And so like this happen to this idea of being productive with universal energies like That's just like hacking the whole system because here's the thing about the laws of the universe you guys there are always happening. There are always working. They're always running whether or not you're using them so we might as well use them same thing as me on Playstation. You're always manifesting. It's just are you doing it intentionally or not? So I just love that idea so much and we came up with the cutest bio for you when we were in Bahamas. What is the I can't remember exactly we right. Okay. So let's just paint the scene for this. I'm going to look it up on your ieg. So we're like sitting at idli a test. We are like we're sitting on the beach like a white sand clear ass Blue Water we have how I had like a mango Daiquiri and you had what drink? What drink. Did you have? I don't even know but I don't follow and coconut milk. Oh, yeah, you've had some fruity drink. Yeah. So we have like we have our drinks were on the beach. It's beautiful outside and we're just talking about business and Like trying to think of a good like tagline for Kim's brand and we just like kind of stuff we kind of gave up after walks. We're like, let's just, you know, think about it and just all of a sudden I stood up and I was like I have and I'm going to read it to you guys. It's her IG bio. So you'll see it when it's up. But it's your motivating magical Maven help. You create a life. So productive you'll think it's magic. It's still just so good. I'm late. So that's what you guys can expect from Kim and so much more just so exciting and as a sneak peek, I am going to have Kim teach you guys about one of the laws in the universe and how we can use it to be more productive. So take it away. Sounds good. Okay, so I'm going to talk about the law of action because I feel like it is so important. And one thing at the beginning of all of this when I first heard about manifestation, I was like, whoa, so if I just think good thoughts like these are going to come to me like what really just what happened. No way more to that than just thinking good thoughts. Yeah, and if you guys still think that go listen to episode like 35 or like it's like practical manifestation if you still think it's just pretty thoughts coalesce into that but So yes, so so yeah, so that being said all of us have goals. Let's talk about let's just take an example. So say if you're a blogger and you want like 500 subscriptions on your blog that's amazing. Like it's going to make you feel awesome and super pumped which you know, you need that energy to match the universe and to have it give it to you. but at the end of the day, you can't just have just the energy you need to have action been so think the action steps that you can take, you know, as a blogger maybe you can set a goal to write 500 Words a day or go out and take pictures for your blog like whatever topic it's going to be maybe interview someone for your blog like you have to come up with these action steps to make your goal a reality because like I said you can have Have all that energy and you can get pumped up and you're like, oh my God. Yes. I'm going to get 500 subscribers on my blog. Well, if you take no action steps No One's Gonna find out who you are and that's kind of at the end of the day. The most important part is taking that action. And since it's a law of the universe the universe literally has to comply with that and give you what you're asking for it because you're showing the universe that you know, you're serious about it and that you really want it and Taking these action steps to literally prove to the universe that your goal is like what you want and what you need. Yes. So, how can we use that to make us more productive? How can we what's like the mindset shift we need to have that will make us more productive when we're using that law if that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah, so, okay, so I would say like see if it's even with blogging or like your business and I'm trying to word this in like I know it's kind of hard to explain so it's not like confusing but I think at the end of the day, it's just more so like you have to know what you want and your mindset has to follow that like you have to know that this is what you want because if you're going to sit back and just kind of be lazy about it, that's not being productive. Whereas if you know like this is what I want. This is what I need and my Life and you're going to take that action steps to follow then you're gonna you know, God, I don't know like how exactly toward this. Yeah. No, I totally get you something that I tell a lot of my clients that I talk about a lot is just to tell yourself that like this is going to be the thing that does it. This is going to be the thing that does it for me like oh this squad is what's going to give me the nice but okay this running a mile every day is what's going to get me. And shaped like this course is going to get me the results always telling yourself. I like this action step. This thing I'm going to do is going to get me the desired goal. So like going on with your example about blogging with like you want 500 subscribers. Okay, creating this freebie and pro mowing it to my Instagram is going to be the thing that gets me there. So I think that's like kind of what you're going for is like having that mindset like knowing your goal and having that mindset like okay these action steps are going to get me there and that's going to motivate you to be active. Kind of like how do you were saying to I can't remember where you said this? I don't know if it was on a Facebook or if it was in a mmm program, but you were basically saying every time that I go to the gym I make money so kind of like that to you every time I do this for my blog or this for my business, I make money. Hmm such a good motivator. Everybody loves him more money. So so good. If you guys want to learn more about productivity in the laws of the universe follow cam on IG because you'll be learning all the things that you'll have her course up and running soon, which is super exciting. Okay. One last thing that I ask everybody who comes on the podcast. What's your best number one most favorite manifestation tip or hack? All right. I'm going to say to be grateful because literally the energy that you get And being grateful is kind of is literally what the energy the universe needs from you to give you what you want and to be grateful. So what I've been doing lately is every night before bed. All right down in my journal, like I'll fill the whole entire page of why I'm grateful like what was amazing that day what happened like even yesterday like nothing entirely great happened, but I wrote down I was like I have hot water to take The bath that I needed and I had amazing dinner that my boyfriend made for me and I have heat so I'm not freezing. You know, it's like the little tiny things that you're like damn. I didn't even like actually really think about this because every single day you're probably just going through the motions and you know, I don't want to say you're taking it for granted but you kind of are right because they're just going through the motions every single day and you know, you walk into your apartment, but you don't actually Damn, I have this apartment. Like I'm going to be homeless instead. Yeah, so when you kind of look at it that way that energy is the energy that the universe is looking forward to give you what you want. And what I also do is I write down what I'm grateful for for what I want in the future is that makes sense, but I present tense. Yeah, that's such a good hack. I write down like so for example This month I wrote down. I'm so grateful for my 6K month. Yes have that yet? I just wrote it down like I do. Hmm. I'm so fucking grateful. I'm a billionaire. Yeah, so fucking grateful. I love that and if you guys aren't familiar with Abraham Hicks, they talk about the emotional guidance scale or they say system or something, but it's basically this scale of emotions and gratitude love blue. That's the very top the highest emotion. So I love that your tip is just tapping into that every single night because that really will make all of the difference. Like if you can just love a little bit more like love your life a little bit more be a little bit more grateful be a little bit more happy stretch yourself not way every day and crazy shits going to happen. Yes America for when I was younger. My mom used to always say like all there's people that have less than you, you know, like be grateful and I was like, yeah Mom like okay. I don't know when I actually started practicing it and really diving into it. I was like damn like there are people that really do have so much less than me and I have so much to be grateful for so totally that just instantly me think of on Keeping Up with the Kardashians when Kendall is her diamond earring in the pollution and she's like Sky a diamond and kourtney's like can people are dying. Yeah, exactly. The first thing I thought of you guys didn't know I love the Kardashians. So they're okay and one last question before we go if somebody is sitting here and there thinking like well fuck like Kim is a transformed ass bitch. Like I want to work with Michaela and they're kind of on the edge. What would you tell them? I would tell them to really dive in deep with their inner self and figure out what they want and what they need and their life and becomes so clear on what that is so that you literally cannot say no. Hmm. So like you have to just go for it because I was that was just me before a couple months ago. I was like, this is exactly what I want. I know that I am meant to be a writer. I know I meant to work. Myself and it was to the point where I was like, I can't say. No. I just can't say no. Yeah. I'm giving you guys the blueprint always so good. This spend so much fun. I wish you lived near me soon. I'm moving to La next January Kim is moving to San Diego to be announced hopefully soon hopefully by baby. In March, maybe maybe at the end of March because now you have Cancun and to have Florida by the end of March. So exciting. Okay. This has been so much fun. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for telling me all the nice things about myself. I just I just really needed that energy boost after a long day of school. So for having me yeah, of course, I know my listeners are going to love this and super valuable and oh, yeah, where can we find you pick yourself out like Tell us why your podcast you didn't talk about that. That's a big thing. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Well, that's like so new like I literally just like today so okay. My podcast is on iTunes you guys and it is the Spellbound biblio Radio and on Instagram. I am the Spellbound biblio. And if you want you can learn to go on my Instagram click on the link and then my podcast is right there and then Then I also have a website as well the Spellbound biblio. So that's an easy link as well. So Larry if you just go on my Instagram and you click on the link, you're going to be able to get to everything that I have you'll find all the things and I'll link it all below to so it'll be great. It'll be amazing. It'll be fun and fresh and magical. Yes so good. Okay, love I will probably literally talk to you tomorrow. So All right. Bye. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for having me. Yeah. Bye. I thanks for driving in and getting your daily dose of personal development with the mindset magic and manifestation podcast. If you loved this episode leave a rate and review on iTunes for notes details and more information. Check out. Mckaela, See you next week.
In episode 47, Mikayla is having a fun convo with Kim, one of her bff clients and friend. She went from feeling stuck in her retail job, to becoming a guru on all things PRODUCTIVITY in everyday life. You will even get a SNEAK PEEK into her newest projects. So, if you have been thinking about coaching with Mikayla, this is why you should...listen to Kim’s story! You can be on your way to living your best life too! In this episode: + Transformation “What do I have to lose?” + Finding a spiritual connection, gaining confidence, and having a better money mindset + “Break all the F***ing rules!” + Fear of investing in yourself “GO FOR IT!” + Leading with your soul and the intentions you set “When you know, you just know!” + TAKEAWAYS from finding Mikayla on IG, being on a 1:1 Call, attending a retreat, and on into the Masterclass “What’s common, is NOT normal!” APPLY FOR ONE-ON-ONE COACHING WITH MIKAYLA HERE! Follow Kim on IG here! Snag the GYST Bundle for 50% off here! All the basics on mindset, manifestation, starting to manifest money and success, plus so much MORE! SPIRITUAL SPLURGE - I'm very busy notebook // We love a large notebook! Get yours here. Can't get enough?
Hello and welcome. Thanks for listening to the embodied astrology horoscopes for Scorpio season in 2019. My name is Renee. I'm a Consulting astrologer and somatic intuitive. These horoscopes are meant to Aid you in your healing and help connect you with your highest self as you listen, please listen with an open mind and appreciate the symbols and suggestions take what works for you. Leave the rest remember that these? Horoscopes are describing General energy for each sign and it's up to you to get specific. Feel free to associate what I say to what is relevant for you at their best horoscopes work as pieces of mystical advice and sacred symbolism. Let them spark your imagination and stimulate your intuition. I suggest that you listen to the horoscopes for your son and your rising signs. Your sun sign is what you tell people when they ask you what's your sign it has to do with the time of year. You were born your rising sign has to do with the time of day. You were born in the place. You were born. If you know your birth information, you can find out what your rising sign is by getting a free natal chart on my website embodied and the horoscope section along with your horoscope. Please make sure to take a listen to depth perception the embodied astrology episode for Scorpio season where you can learn much more about Scorpio as an energy in your chart and how to understand and work with it. You can find this episode Linked In the show notes from my website or as a separate track on your Listening platforms all of my audio horoscopes guided meditations and podcasts are offered for free. If this work benefits you and your life, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation to help keep it going. Please share it with your family and friends and leave five star reviews on iTunes, SoundCloud and Spotify finally. If you're in the Minneapolis area, please join me on November 11th for a very special event at the future where I'll be hosting an astrology dinner party to celebrate the Taurus full moon and explore some of the deeper themes. Of Mercury's retrograde. This is a super fun and creative way to learn more about astrology and I'd love to meet you there. There's limited attendance. So if you're interested, please make sure to register soon because spaces will fill up you can find more information on my website embodied in the Play and Learn section under Live Events or from the link in my Instagram bio at embodied astrology. Thanks so much for tuning in everyone. Please wait for a brief sponsorship message and I'll be right back with you with your horse. scope Hey friends. Do you have something you want to say or information that you want to share? Have you thought about making a podcast? If you haven't heard about anchor it's the easiest way to make a podcast. 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You can follow your favorite podcasts like embodied astrology and never miss an episode. You can download all the episodes and listen offline, wherever you are. You can easily share what you're listening to with all your friends on social media if you haven't done so already be sure to download the Spotify app. For embodied astrology save it and browse podcasts in the your library tab. Also, make sure to follow me on social media on Instagram add embodied astrology. So you'll never miss an episode because you want to catch them all don't you? Hello Capricorn sun and Rising. Welcome to your horoscope for Scorpio season in this horoscope. I'll consider the month ahead and the dominant energies that are coming through for you in the season which extends between October 23rd and November 22nd. As I mentioned in the introduction. Please do listen to the embodied astrology episode that is just for Scorpio season, and that episode I take you on a on a journey through Scorpio in your How do you through Scorpio in your emotions mental proclivities and life experiences and and that episode will give you a lot of tools and suggestions for how to understand Scorpio in yourself and in the world. So in your solar chart Scorpio rules What's called the 11th house and this house for you is associated to friends to the ways that you interact with your Social Circles. Not necessarily just your closest friends, but really the larger circles that your friends are part of your identity within social groups how you see yourself participating in the social whole and any causes or important kinds of activities that you're involved with with other people. This part of the chart is also a really important place where we understand some of your kind of major life priorities and really how you're pursuing your Hopes and your wishes and your ideals in the world and how you want to see yourself a part of bringing into the world what you desire? So it's also where we find information about what you fear and anxieties that you might have about being part of a group being accepted in the world or your work and your kind of personal authentic expression being accepted and validated or not. So over the course of the next month, we are working with the Deep. Deep and quite emotional or intense terrain of Scorpio as the sun is in this part of the sky and it's kind of Illuminating these aspects of our beings as I talked about in the embodied astrology episode for this sign. There's a lot that we're working with two kind of uncover or unroot or Draw it towards are more conscious awareness a couple of key events in the upcoming month begin on October 27th, when Have a new moon in Scorpio. So a new moon is a really important time every month when the two primary luminaries the Sun and the Moon come together at the same place. This brings kind of a supercharged of energy into the sign and this is a time that is specifically really great for New Beginnings for setting intention for bringing our awareness into the part of the chart and the zodiacal qualities. That are stimulated at the new moon. So for you some things to consider around this new moon are how you're feeling really in your relationships again in a more social hole in the groups that you're a part of how do you feel yourself as part of society or culture? How are you getting your needs met right now through your friends or through your networks? And what are you really Desiring? There may be some significant. In your emotional reality right now, you may be wanting some deeper connections or there may be some important renegotiations that you're considering with friends or important connections at the new moon again, it's a wonderful time to initiate a new beginning to set intentions for the next 12 months until next year is New Moon in Scorpio. So consider how you want to engage with your friends what it is that you are really wanting to bring into the world. The world how you want to embody some of your deeper desires and motivations or beliefs and bring these into the Public's or the mill use that you are part of on October 31st, Mercury will station retrograde on the days that mercury stations retrograde and for the two or three days leading up to and following. These are some of the wonky assist weirdest days in the Mercury retrograde cycle. So from the 29th of October until November second or so. Please do just be careful with your Communications be mindful that things might be going haywire. This is a time when we often experience unexplainable kinds of meltdowns or malfunctions and our technology, especially because the 11th house does have a strong Association to technology which I hadn't mentioned at the beginning. It's really a good time for you to just you know, take some deep breaths. Lots of things are getting a little weird definitely pay attention to your Communications and seek to communicate as mindfully as you possibly can with any plans that you're making build and some leniency expect people to be late expect plans to be cancelled or kind of last-minute adjustments and don't get fussed if they do Mercury retrograde is a time when we have the planet Mercury which is a symbol of the mind and our communication our cognitive selves traveling. Cord or becoming more internal and reflective. This is a time when forward moving thought and planning just don't really go as expected and we are much more supported to remain with issues for a while to research to refine whatever it is that we're working on and to let this time really be a period of deep reflection and relationships. So all the Arty words re prefixes are good to apply during a Mercury retrograde Mercury is retrograde through Scorpio is going to ask us to turn towards some of our deeper feelings and more shadowy elements, perhaps that we've been burying or parts of ourselves that are a little bit harder to look at parts of our relationships and entanglements that we might kind of berry because they're uncomfortable to address and during this time for you. It's going to be really important that you are giving some time and space for these kinds of Reflections again. Want to be careful with your communication at this time, so I would suggest getting out your Journal giving yourself some appointments with your therapist or some other means for you to process some of the stuff that's going to be coming up and also waiting to communicate to anyone specifically if you're having stuff come up and you're like, oh my God, this is an issue. I'm starting to realize that wait until the retrograde is over. It'll be over on November 20th, I think. There's a very good chance that you're going to be working through a lot during those couple weeks of retrograde and your feelings will change and clarify during that time. So if you feel an urgency try it again, you know, give yourself some deep breaths give yourself an outlet and then be mindful about what you're putting out because what we initiate during a Mercury retrograde often comes back to us in ways that we don't intend at the outset on November first Venus will move into Sagittarius Sagittarius is Sign that precedes yours Sagittarius in your chart rules the place of the unconscious and the dreams. This is also a place of influences that are much bigger than you can comprehend including Spirit realm including culture as a whole or environmental atmosphere things like this Venus coming into this part of your chart can bring a sense of ease into your psychology a little bit which I think will be nice for you during this Mercury retrograde and it may give you access. Yes to your Deeper Self and to your deeper kinds of connections and I might say that these are connections with your guides or with your spirits or connections with your heart or with your higher self. This is a really nice influence for you to be connecting with your own sense of spiritual wholeness and what you know, as love that really exists and dwells inside of you on November 11th, the Sun and Mercury will come Other for their inferior conjunction and this is a really important moment in Mercury's retrograde cycle. This is a time that is described as something being remembered or Consciousness kind of having a glimpse into a larger theme but a really Salient Point coming up for reflection. So keep your Journal close by on November 11th the day or two before and after for recording any important thoughts or ideas that are coming to you at that time. Time now the next day on November 12th. We have a full moon in Taurus and this full moon will occur for you and your solar fifth house. This is the opposite of your 11th house. And this is the place in the chart that describes your erotic creative generative energy. This is where you are authentically yourself where you express yourself in your innocence in your more childlike nature, and if you have children this may also pertain to them or to Kind of experience that they're going through. So the full moon in Taurus is always a reflection of the light of Scorpio this the sun is Illuminating the moon's face and this provides a period of Illumination. This is often a time where we experience the polarity between the signs and this can be a really exciting time of the month as well as a time when we might experience increased emotionality or even Conflict for you. This is a wonderful time to engage with your creative self. Get your art. Applies out go dancing get silly be performative dress up. This is really good energy for this part of your chart. And again if this is something that you're noticing with your children or things that are going on for your kids at that time definitely help give them space to express themselves appreciate their expressions. Try not to oppose them if they are expressing themselves in ways that feel destructive or scary, too. You really try and understand kind of the deeper issues that are happening for them. It looks like there's quite a lot of emotional energy that could be coming out at this time. So either for you and or your kids it is a really good time. As I said to give some kind of creative Outlet on November 18th Mars will move into Scorpio will Transit Scorpio until January 3rd, wherever Mars is it's bringing increased energy and heat this can feel good. In a lot of ways, this could be a time when your social life really starts to pick up when you feel more inclined to be going out to be spending time with friends where ideas about how you want to be participating in your social groups and causes in manifesting or embodying qualities that you want to bring into the world as these qualities might be heightened Mars is presence can also bring increased conflict and agitation. So if you notice that these kinds of experiences Is are coming up again, either with your friends groups or in social groups or causes that you're a part of or perhaps just in your sensitivity to the World At Large you may be kind of more attuned at this time to conflict in general. My advice for you is to really try and understand again that energy needs an outlet. Don't let yourself get caught up in unnecessary conflict if you find that your Rotation or aggression is coming up for you or coming up in your relationships your friendships your interactions with groups. Then there's a very good chance. That's what's coming up, especially because this Transit begins during Mercury's retrograde that this is a time for you to really reflect on what you are bringing to the groups that you're a part of what you're bringing into your friendships. There's a kind of idea here of you know, look for the teaching not the teacher Sara Lee so if a conflict arises don't pin that on a person entirely try and understand the nature of the energy that's coming through if you find yourself feeling really polarized or aggravated or needing to sever something again. This is a time to take note of what you're feeling but give yourself a little bit more time to process it try not to act impulsively or destructively at this time a couple of days later on November 20th Mercury will turn Wrecked again for the days around the station you're definitely advise to be extra careful with your Communications with any kinds of contracts that you're signing or deals that you're making and Mercury's Shadow period will extend all the way through the first week of December. And so especially if some turbulence came up through the retrograde period or you're going through some things with friends or your groups that feel important you might consider giving yourself. That period of time for process on the 22nd of November the sun will enter the sign Sagittarius and I'll be back with you then for more on the month ahead and Sagittarius season to learn more about the astrology that's happening this month. Please sign up to become a subscriber. You can subscribe at any amount per month and in exchange for that subscription donation. You'll get extended monthly forecasts. You'll get an audio recording and a downloadable PDF calendar where you can keep track of all of the major planetary a Specs as they happen day by day as well as the lunar cycles. Thanks so much for listening. I hope that this horoscope serves you well, and I'm wishing you all the best in Scorpio season and Beyond.
These horoscopes are month-ahead forecasts for each sign for Scorpio Season in 2019. Scorpio Season extends between October 23 and November 22. Go to to find short written horoscopes for all 12 signs If you enjoy these horoscopes, please listen to “Depth Perception - Embodied Astrology for Scorpio Season.” In this episode I’ll take you on a tour of Scorpio’s zodiacal energy and explore how it manifests in the world and in each of us. Everyone has every sign in their chart, and Scorpio represents amazing and important energy for each of us. This episode is a great preparation for the next 30 days of Scorpio season and is also a very healing and powerful energy to check in with at any point. Listen here. Get the Scorpio Season Month Ahead Extended Forecast by becoming a subscriber today! Find information and register for the ASTROLOGY DINNER PARTY here Follow Embodied Astrology: Instagram - @embodiedastrology Facebook - Embodied Astrology (@embodiedastrology) Cover Art by Janna Dorothy --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
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Scotty Smalls and Electric Factory that video nobody videotapes anything records Temple football practices Xena got a chance to meet the entire video crew 0 is always said he thought he should be working in a football operation. He always said he's supposed to be the equipment manager Zito after meeting the video crew. Do you think are potentially supposed to be part of the video closer? My guys? Yeah, I think so too. Scotty was basically me. Yeah, he was and he was an electric Factory Matt Hasselbeck also join us toward us an incredible story about the Seattle Seahawks video guy, you're going to enjoy that Today's Show is brought to you by the greatest ticket-buying platform on planet Earth and The moon it's right for you to buy tickets on the moon. You better you seek if you're going to buy tickets right here on planet Earth. You better ucq to seek scans all the other ticket buying platforms. Make sure you're getting the best ticket for the best value. That's right. 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Maybe a wall a concert with your friends from seeking? before we get to the temple video crew on our live show earlier today I had to take about The dope Percy Harvin in an interview came out and said that he was high and every single game that he played on the marijuana and I assume a lot of people that are outside of the competitive world are shocked by this may be taken aback. Maybe the old whites. Don't fully understand. This is probably spot-on. On a dope was that pot smoking that dope Geyer. The I think it's so interesting. The way marijuana has been viewed by the generations. Right? And I've always said this that the reason why marijuana is viewed in such a Negative light by a lot of the old heads who are currently in power and creating laws and stuff like that for a long time now, and I think that's changing was because First Impressions go a long way. In the first impression of marijuana for a lot of these older folks that are in power was the hippies after the Vietnam war in the hippies after the Vietnam War where everything that these old folks are not their anti-america. They were anti-war they were anti the soldiers. They were anti the troops. They were everything that was bad in America in a lot of people's eyes in the older folks eyes, and they have their entire life link those two together. They've been like, all right hippies marijuana marijuana And study say it's good for everything basically inside your body, but what's not recall whenever them dopes hippies. We're hugging trees out there wasting Society away. Their smoking weed and first impressions are hard to get over that is a true thing. Now Grant has more studies and more science comes out and says like hey this can avoid cannabinoid thing and hemp and marijuana and everything like that is literally very good for you. I think it's something we should think about. It's a much better alternative. Alternative than Pharmaceuticals. It's a much better intoxication than alcohol it's a much better thing than potentially everything else that you could potentially get into in your world. Then there is the entire thing will it's a gateway drug. Do you know 90% of the people that do meth smoke marijuana? I'm like, well, I would say a hundred percent of those people smoke cigarettes to at some point. I would say a hundred percent of those people have used the alcohol as well. So to say it's a gateway. It's been a lot of propaganda a lot of PR against it. Now that more sciences and studies are coming out. Everybody is realizing that oh, it's probably nowhere near as bad as we originally thought it was here in Marion County, Indiana. Actually, it just got decriminalized which Indiana is a very slow-moving state. So if it's happening here, let's assume it's going to happen everywhere, which also means the Bible says it's okay. Not only financially is it going to be good? Not only biblically is it going to be good, but also it is shown that it works very big wonders for your body. For instance. There's a lot of people that live and die by CBD now, I like to use it a lot. We have a company that we do a lot of work with CBD MD they put me to sleep and they've also made the arthritis in my knees kind of disappear my old man who had that thought about the hippies and marijuana for a long time. I think he found out that I smoked the dope and it was almost a moment where he wasn't going to talk to me for a while, but now that he's on the CBD and his body's feeling better. Everybody's kind of coming around to it and in athletics Believe It or Not There are A percentage of men and add some women as well even though I have not seen them so I can't speak for them who perform better whenever their anxiety is lower whenever they have much higher Focus whenever they are high on the marijuana. I did not do it because I never wanted to have a bad game and then they're potentially be blame my golly. I'm actually tie. That's why you can't kick but for some guys it works for them. I would assume if you watch the NBA and you can just look in the eyes of some of the Out there and you go to your local LA Fitness the guys that are probably Balling on all the little white kids. They're probably high if I had to guess because they're for some people marijuana can not only make your body feel better. Not only can It bring you a little happiness, but it makes you focus more it makes you dial in a little bit more it gets rid of the anxiety and the overthinking and the paralysis by analysis Percy Harvin's the first player to really come out and say that he's been high in every single game. I assume there will be more as we continue to go through this. I had a lot of Friends that I was played with who did this on a very regular occasion and it was like, all right. I take Toradol for every game which is a shot that they have no idea what it does to my liver. And kidney. Nobody has a clue what's going to do that thing might kill me quicker than what Morgantown did to me for four years where I had a great time. By the way, Morgantown is a great time, but I abused my liver and body to the tune of forty thousand dollars worth of student loans that I got out strictly to party. Let's is your story and of itself. What if guys are taking Toradol every single game and they're taking other painkillers just to play football and he's not doing that but he was smoking weed instead. I don't think people should judge them as hard now granted the images that will doctor prescribed the Toradol or the doctor prescribed the Pharmaceuticals. They in prescribed marijuana. He got that off the street corner. Well, that's pretty accurate statement. But if we're getting to point A to point B to make our bodies and Minds feel better if it's a safer more healthier route, why would anybody judge? Is a guy and I assume there's going to be a lot more of these stories come out as we go and the interesting thing to me is Percy Harvin had like chronic migraines, right? Yeah bad. So marijuana does nothing for my grandpa don't think so or is he smoking wrong strand? Somebody sure got a hold of them be like yo, I got this anti-migrant stuff, but I put this in a bowl read for you get out there and do the whole thing, but I think as we move forward as a society as we learn more and more about this. I think the Devil is a she No demonization. Wow. I knew it was something that's a good word. By the way, the demonization of marijuana is going to disappear. I think just because I mean what it does with cancer patients what it is done for people with arthritis what it is done just for everyday lives the little kids that their lives completely change whenever they get CBD and things like that. I think it's a slow process but you got to remember the old white setter in charge had 18 in credibly terrible first impression with marijuana. So that's where judgment comes from. Yeah. I can't speak to the mic. Grains, but in the interview, he said that he was taking seven prescriptions for his anxiety disorder like Zoloft and all of that none of that work. So that's why he was always smoking marijuana before games. I think you know, what's interesting now people would say well is that is that a performance-enhancing drug because it gets rid of his anxiety a little bit and I would argue. I'm not sure maybe maybe I don't know if that helps you out mentally and everything's in between the years but Adderall is there's been no place in the NFL for out there. There was a kid. Team my contract year your for when Chuck came. The new regime came. We had a new special teams coach. He was a joy. I mean it was he's actually a good guy. But in his first year with some power, I don't think he handled it properly now. I've got a chance to chat with them or whatever my first conversation with him. He literally said to me he said you need to lose some weight look bad and I was like are we trying to look older be good? You know what? I mean? Like your first was he was like both and I was like, alright well in my head, I'm like Looking at you were in a basket music nice to meet you and he was like and you need to learn how to directionally punt or will fire you because we're bringing in a kid who already knows how to do that and I'm like great first impression with this guy right? Like I just said about the marijuana first impressions are tough to get over especially with me. I am a very stubborn human. So if I hate you I hate you forever, probably if I do friend you on Facebook, you're not coming. I've been a little bit more. Relax with the Twitter blocking, you know, because a lot of people because you couldn't mute people back in the day. So if I had some bum that was just tweeting me every single day. I was like, I'm on this apple lat I don't need this humans life. I just block them like see you later. I wish I could do some real life to like just see you later. And then everybody deserves it, but now I you know, I'm getting older I'm realizing grudges need to be blown away. This is not good for you. So I'm unblocking people. But this kid that came in to compete for my job. I would go into the facility by the way it like midnight. I was going in there like 1 a.m. I couldn't sleep I couldn't sleep because I was trying to learn how to directional point. You gotta remember when I was drafted. I didn't even know how to punt again. I mean it was just like a couple years later and now it's my time to potentially get paid. It's my contract year. I just had my best year just bombing the ball right down the middle of the field like all the greats have done Shane legler and Ely you name it all the great punters just bomb the ball down the middle of the field, which is what I was doing. I was trying to learn how to punt so going into my contract year when I'm finally going to Potentially make money for my family. It's going to be good. I get told by the news special teams coach that I either learn how to do this or I'm going to get cut because they're bringing in a kid. I was like, alright. Well, I'll smack these we work that's what we do. You tell me I'm going to do this even though I hated the way you delivered the news to me. I'm going to figure it out so I couldn't sleep at night. I'll go in their late night me and the security guy at the Colts facility was hilarious relationship. He the lights will go on some alarms are probably go off at her safe house or whatever and then the security guy who would have been sleeping in his car out front would have to drive back there. It was actually on on the phone. He like it's McAfee. I would have my iPad or my iPhone plugged into the music. I'd be blasting Young Jeezy at like 12:30 a.m. In the indoor facility. Now, it's against the rules. I'm probably not even allowed to have balls in there at the time. But I was like, I'm going to figure out how to do this directional funny thing and I did I picked it up pretty quick. I felt pretty good about myself, but I've put in a lot of work with it in the new kid comes in and he's this kid fresh out of college. He's out of San Diego and I'm watching this kid Punt and he won't talk to me infinitary at all. Right. So obviously they had told him like You're coming in here. Take this guy's job and for me, I don't care if you're going to do that. If I'm around you every day, like we have to talk to each other like this is just not going to be thing. He's dialed in focused and his eyes were massive everything every single day his eyes were massive. So we're going to Camp like we're like seven days in eight days into camp where everybody's kind of groggy at this point in this kid every single day came in eyes literally glued open almost every meeting. He was like taking all these notes and like why are you taking notes? We're just putting right or left. Like there's a lot of things. I wanted to help him out, but he refused to talk to me. I was like, you know, Have to take notes. And I think this is just a waste of time like even if you take my job you're wasting ink right now, then there's nothing so finally like we're like two weeks into camp or whatever and I think he's starting to realize that there's nothing he can do like I just have it in massively. Like there's nothing you can do like literally I understand what they were telling you but there's nothing you could do. So I finally asked him like dude every single day. You are just your I think I don't think I've ever seen you potentially tired at all and not diode in a hundred percent musical. I got a prescription for Adderall. And I was like a prescription for Adderall. I was like, you know what like the college kids do so I can stay up all night and just write papers. He's like, yeah, I need it because I have ADD or whatever and I'm like, well, it seems like you need it because it's making you basically like a meth head and it seems as if that is potentially a cheating thing here. So I got a therapeutic exemption. I had to go through a couple doctors and all this stuff. So I started thinking I was like, well I should do that infinitary was like help me too, man. He's like, I'm 40 years old. I get tired quicker than anybody I should get this drug that It's me, bright-eyed bushy-tailed all damn day. And I then I took it finally the day I retired I took it for the first time the day I retired it was immediately after the press conference on Comedy Central in Houston with Barstool and the next day. I had a bunch of media bunch of media to do and I was I was very tired because the night before we celebrate. I mean I just retired and there's not a lot going on in the Super Bowl. So it was a big ass Story. I mean a lot of people are talking about was awesome. Everything went the way to plan. I send a nice thank you message to the city of India. Apple's I was happy with what I was doing. I was excited and I was dead tired and I had like I think it was 20 interviews to do that day. And I was like man, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to do this and I forget it was somebody comes with me go you want an Adderall and I was like I thought back to that kid. I was like, yep a little method and I was like, let me see how that is. I was what four or five hours into it Todd, you're always made and I was ready to jump over a Fess. I was like man if I would have taken this my entire career, I'm probably starting quarterback for the anything. I was rolling in. If Adderall is legal, which is obviously a performance-enhancing drug in Toradol is a lifesaver in the NFL. I will never want them to ban that but we have no idea what that does to your liver or kidney and if all these oxygen all these pain pillars and all these things that do it. Why is it marijuana legal at this point? What are we even doing? Why is it not legal? Why is it not allowed in the NFL? It's only a matter of time. Let's hope we get to it as all life's big tobacco. It is where Donna Winston Salem man. We're downtown Winston-Salem. Or that Wake Forest North Carolina game and they were having a town hall on how dangerous vaping is come down to the town hall to learn how dangerous what your kids are doing and how great tobacco is cigarettes are still great for you, especially when you roll them by hand. It's not only you smoking carcinogens and tar you're smoking love and that's what we need to under. You don't need these filters on there. Opiate or opioid addiction to like that. Yes. I mean it's devastating our country right now. How is there even an argument? It's all there. It's all it's all big lobbies. That's just literally how the world works and I don't think I would have known that until watching House of Cards. Okay. Literally, the only thing that matters in Pharma does not want the opioids going no farmer doesn't and big tobacco don't and when you got big Pharma and big tobacco teaming up it's amazing the marijuana even has I feel like I laid out some pretty solid points there. I feel like I really did a lot of people on the internet saying hey way to lay that whole thing out there and then some people are coming at me Shane. Stop selling marijuana, like it's magical truck. I didn't think I did that now you don't think I said some people in every act like with everything like with alcohol not everybody's great with alcohol like with tobacco, not everybody's great with tobacco. Everything's in moderation, but for some people it also helps out which is all I was trying to say and I think the point got across. Oh, yeah, like, you know, not good weed guy. I don't think right. You're not big we got you know big weekend. Yeah, that really hasn't really nothing. But if I have to I will yeah, I mean, you know some people sign up for it, but it's interesting than the person - said that yeah, you know, especially because there's probably a lot of people don't perceive her not to say that and that's why I said in there I think more people are going to be coming out because I think the narrative about it all is And like a don't talk about it in public mostly because any time somebody talks about something the media normally bears in for it like the Adam thielen situation with Kirk Cousins where they spoke about raw emotions and media started bearing about everybody gets supposed to give cliche answer is everything now that social media is opening up. I think a lot more people are starting to say a lot more shit. You know what I mean? I mean if you literally live in the depths of the internet the amount of shit that gets shared on the Internet is insanity. I do some digging. I see some thanks. It's almost like Our society now it's not just athletes. It's true. But he's like, hey, you're probably all going to learn all this shit about me at some point. Anyways from the way our world is now so I'm just fucking tell you before somebody else does and I think that's an interesting thing that's going to happen in sports. People are going to start learning a lot of things about sports that they might not have learned what takes away that stigma to it. A lot of people see marijuana, even though some people see it as very harmless a lot of people still have that old style mindset where hey, this is a damaging drug. This is a drug and I'm not putting anything. I don't know or don't can't control into my body. And I understand that I respect it and that's your choice. But a lot of other people it really helps them out rip in a lot of ways. Yes in a lot of ways all McDon call me Don. I love the Phelps losses Subway deal because you said the bomb gonna party. Do you know who was the spokesperson for Subway at the time cat Indiana's greatest party animal. Thanks anyways. Interesting though suddenly felt that they had to drop him because of that. Oh my God, this guy is a human fucking fish. He swims faster than every human ever existed. He's wingspan. Is that of a goddamn octopus? His legs are built in a fashion to like he's a dolphin his feet are flat like a dorsal fin. This guy was built to swim. He's faster than everybody in the history of swimming any human that's ever gotten a body of water can't touch this motherfucker, but he had a bong and private. When somebody caught a candid photo of him doing that can't represent our fucking sandwiches. He's gone get him out. You know what people that eat at Subway? I don't smoke weed. Let's all these incredibly delicious cookies right here at the end to whenever you step up and get our are $5 footlongs that are just bacon and meat and then here's some cookies at the end and we expect you not to be incredibly High while you're eating here the interesting thing. But I think the stigma marijuana is going away. Well, I think with everything here and so I learned a lot that screwball movie. Yeah. Hey that was eye opening to me. Yeah. That was very eye-opening to me the way that they game the system was what because like I watch that Icarus documentary. And thinking of Putin and that doctor, what was his name? Oh God. It was something it's a Russian name something chav Janko or something along there. He's a mad scientist the thought of light of your Putin and him trying to game the Olympic doping system like for timing the test and her testosterone and even breaking into the facilities that were housing the urine to replace it with other urine like the depths that the blight Amir Putin went for Russia. This doctor who has gone into hiding since his documentaries come out because Putin wants them dead. I'd assume Gregory rug shank off exactly what we assumed it was going to be but the watch like the baseball people do that. Basically same thing now granted if this Tony boss guy is telling the truth at all. He just threw every human he'd ever met in his entire life under the bus. So immediate red flag start going up whenever that happens like, okay. This guy's just bearing everybody he'd been to jail. It seems like he's lost everything probably in his life. He's just bare him throwing just just subtle shots at Manny Ramirez for no reason to lose it man. He didn't like to sleep alone. So it sometimes I sleep in his hotel room and he would ask me to tell him bedtime story. Look, how do we need that in this is that that that sentence alone made me think like maybe this guy is just out to fucking bury people but to the depths of the information at all got out and the testing and everything like that. I think he's telling a lot of the truth. Yeah, he was connected to like damn everyone that got caught. Fucking Insanity how they were doing it just the way he had a protocol and if they stuck directly to the protocol, they couldn't even get tested or caught by the MLB even if the MLB wanted to test them after people got caught people even more people are signing up because they thought they could gain the system. That's insane. I don't think I've ever seen that like, I might be very naive but in the NFL and I'm not sure I'm sure there's somebody I guess but that was not something that was talked about like I never heard of that before so it's certainly not that widespread. So what you're saying it may happen, but you've never seen it you've never heard of it watching that screwball movie. I was blown away by it. I was like, holy hell like by the way, made baseball much better much much much better George Bush saying that steroids and baseball and football are ruining the game and stuff. Like I can understand like the integrity and the fairness because there's a lot of people who can't make a living because people who are cheating or taking their jobs and all that stuff. I can understand that completely. but on the flip side just from a straight entertainment standpoint baseball is much better whenever they're just taking all the drugs that they can fucking Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa. I think they were literally eating needles. Oh, yeah. Hey, were you just and those baseball's were bouncing off their bats like Elon Musk fucking SpaceX out of the fucking Park dude. That was what they were showing the highlights of it. I was like man, I remember when I was watching that and I didn't even like baseballs like hey, man, we got these two fucking Mongoloid about step into the batter's box. Just hit some nukes off these where this was have a lockout and they're doing so good. It's like that or like they came out of a lockout. Yeah. I mean basically saved a hundred percent. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah, so said you could argue that Sosa and McGwire. Yeah sit like saved the MLB from having a lockout and pretty much saved baseball at that time. So home runs, that's all you need is so interesting because there's no way Inhale at the mo beacon say, you know, what fair game anybody that's on Earth and went to take whatever the fuck they want. Even You world's strongest men dudes. If you guys can figure out how to swing a goddamn telephone pole come on over take whatever you want and just swing at these balls so we can get some ratings boost. That'd be very interesting to me. Well, that's the thing is you can't just be some scrub like those guys are all obviously still incredibly skilled like it's just yeah. Yeah exactly. You got to be able to know when a curve balls coming or be able to hit like a 95 mile an hour fastball like yourself to be It if I ever get the opportunity to play professional baseball game though. I'm calling Tony Basham. All right, Tony give you a rod Manny acquiring so so we're on I'm going to go play for the Tomato Mud Hens Legend. I'm just want to hit one at first at bat to I'm just sitting there like a fucking tu-95ms batter's box can barely turn my head. Hey Mark, Dwyer there's something I don't remember this because he's like kind of smaller. Now that guy look like he could barely turn his head his he was a middle linebacker even bigger than that. He was like a tackle almost with the way he was built in that bat look like a twig in it and he just sitting back on shit. I mean that was incredible Barry Bonds head grew like probably 47 inches in total diameter. Oh looks like Zito's those now. It's insane. Whoa, dude. I'm on steroids. I know Sanyo of a giant melon. Oh, thank you big brain. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. Your drain. Your brain has grown exactly in the last few months. That's what Nichols Yeah, you don't use any of it. But whoa, whoa, whoa, we interrupt this incredible conversation that we're having in a truck that might Or might not be actually recording we appreciate you for listening and we would also appreciate if you use your brain and made a smart decision you zero, how many of those do you make a day think smart decisions 42 just such an exact right there just such an exact response Jackie many people would argue that you get Robinson that's on my smart decisions you make today because Jackie Robinson died. Oh, yeah every day you wake up and you say you know what? I'll make you a key. That's why you made a decision months ago. Oh, yeah to not only outfit the office for us, but also the pub with the best security system Simply Safe. So secure a recent Gallup survey shows that Americans worry more about burglary than almost any other crime more than mugging listen to this one more in terrorism. What? More than car theft and even murder people think about burglary. According to studies just over 10% of break-ins are planned beforehand the wrestler spur-of-the-moment crimes of opportunity in other words run them. Did you know most break-ins happened between 6 a.m. And 6 p.m. I've heard that before on an ad read or like in real life in real life. Where'd you hear that it TechCrunch. What was that? It was a TechCrunch TechCrunch a TED Talk. Yeah, that's what it was. I Ted crunch. It's in the middle of the day though. Yes. Yeah, according to FBI the average Lawson burglary is over two thousand dollars that can be hard to recover from there are over two million burglaries reported every year. That's one every 13 seconds. One Mississippi two Mississippi, three, Mississippi fast forward that still 13 seconds. You get 30 Mississippi's right there bang somebody else would burglarized but not you because you're smart you ordered Simply Safe, simply say protects your whole home every window room and door with 24/7 monitoring for just a fraction of the cost. There are police dispatch is up to 3.5 times faster because they use video verification. There's no contract hidden fees or fine print. It's designed to blend right into your home. No wires, no drilling. It's easy to order an easy to set up usually in Duran are simply save his won a ton of awards from seeing that to the New York Times Wirecutter prices are always fair and honest around-the-clock monitoring is just $15 a month. Visit Simply / back for you'll get free shipping in a 60 day risk-free trial. You've got nothing to lose. Why wouldn't you try and try I won't you try go now and be sure you go to Simply Maccabees. So they know that our show sent you that Simply McAfee. Yes. I am PL isaf, / MC a-- F ee it's in our office every day. Not only does it protect our office, but it also captures cool shit that just happened spur of the moment which can be happening to you and for you simple Mac and feedback to the gumbo. He said some of the day it was next level dumb. What was it? Now you singing The Lion King stuff. But yeah. Sounds pretty spot-on and yeah, I've never seen the movie but that's it. That's it. Oh, no. I saw a lad. I'd never seen liking the new ones coming out though. Everybody's saying that it's just this same as the old one. So I'm kind of happy that I get to see a much higher definition version of the original great for yeah, our first time seeing it is a no-brainer some Beyonce same thing beehive Beyonce an Oprah and then Seth Rogen's in there. Yep, you thinking about him laughing her? Oh, yeah, right. Oh, yeah. You think he laughs? He's a Hiatus? Oh, yes the left. No, he's Pumbaa. Yeah warthog. You think they're gonna have Seth Rogen laughing at he has a most high laughing history. You think Disney's going to happen? Hi left. Yeah, is there over unders on that on any unfair and or anything like that? I don't know. I mean the movies out now, so I'm guessing I don't know. Yeah, it was in theaters in like met so it'll actually you'll be a she goes. I thought I was gonna go see it to apparently not shortly. I swear to God. Mote you literally just talking. Yeah, that's why it's the best. You know, why you have to talk to remote though? Because the actual remote itself is fucking insufferable use the buttons are tiny. They're hard to push in and then if you accidentally push in a couple times your fuck the guide thing just doesn't guide at all. You have to go to the thing and then you have to choose which thing you want to see and then if you want to search within the guide, you have to take the number then the okay to get it's like alright a lot of extra steps, but it hasn't just Frozen up in the middle of every single show that I've ever watched one of the cool things through uses T9. When you want to type something in so it numbers if you start typing in like a title name because like it's ABCDEFG on the numbers. So if you just type in like 3 5 wherever it be ESPN old type it all in for you middle automatically. Wait a minute. I used to be a g on T9. Yeah. I used to have that little silver brick that used to flip up. Oh, yeah had to green screen and in school you'd have to text next to your leg because the teachers right and man. I I feel like at one particular point in my life. I could have 189 singing competitions like Matt Damon Departed Yeah, because he pulls that shit out in class knowing when they're at the stake at yeah, it's in his pocket. Nobody owns story alert. Everybody does what? We're much yeah, except Marky Mark. All right, those two don't know. Oh, he's the one who walks out at the end. Yeah, last man standing Nails digging. He kills Damon spoiler spoiler. Oh my God. We just ruined a movie a man kills the Caprio. It's all right, because fucking Damon didn't deserve what that lady did to him. Right? She start fucking Leo, but how can you blame her after Titanic? Honestly, no matter what problems he was going through. She was pregnant with Leo's baby when she was with Matt. Mhm. That's how I had led now. He's infertile. So that means not the same thing. But you know get Roman would help both so high No, Robin swipes right now get entire month for five bucks or something like that Frida free two day shipping. Look at that. Hey, look at that taking care of people speaking of taking care of the people. Got you in stock to the video crew from Temple. I think you're gonna enjoy this conversation. I think so. I hope you do might sound like shit. Sorry Hi has in this conversation. You'll hear tie say some pretty negative things know that it was just like Adam thielen speech after the game. It was raw emotion. Yeah for a disappointing performance by somebody who set up our situation here at the Box Truck Yeah Yeah. I mean it's to the point now where it's really not that funny anymore. You know, we has over High has to do with the gas. Now we show up and you know, just the because they know they know that something's fucked up. They know that it's not all going to work. But it all it'll work just fine, you know, go test it out and you'll be okay we come in here if I mean, it sounds like a fucking atom bombs going off in your headphones, like, you know hater try turning this dial. Try turning this town will guess what there's like a hundred and seventy-five knobs on this thing. So that's a lot of turning and a lot of that kind of stuff not a lot of room to move back here. I mean I was laying down Earlier, I gotta go another little thing down here. That's got a bunch of knobs that are very very sensitive. Is there any cameras that shoot back there? Yeah, there's one right here. Yeah. Yeah Pat told me a long time ago when we were starting to lose. He's like dude finally when we get this going like you'll make your life so much easier. It's made it infinitely harder it this is made my job infinitely learner like a thousand. Times harder, so I mean we're all just having fun. You know, we're having we're having a laugh whatever we had a corrupted file last week. We couldn't even put out a podcast. We recorded an entire podcast couldn't put it out because incredible apposite. It's a shame. Yeah was the Lost episode I got people chirping me on here at to I call you still want to do it. It's like man, you know, what the fuck were going through? Yeah. I'm getting very close to any of those. Just telling people to eat my cock like I just I mean you can it's only a dance monkey dance situation for so long and tell you like when you get a look behind the curtain, you know, hey, come do what we got to do every fucking week. I'm laughing with you not at you know, I thank you for your service to what you have to do for the show and it is to the point where every time we go to do a show where they're going to get canceled promoted or not on the air. There's Middle ground. There's no there's no like AdWords going to have a show. You know what I mean? Like, I think a lot of other shows potentially just show up put your headphones on microphones were on we're definitely going to go on the air on both radio and simulcast no chance of it not going on there. Yeah, just gonna sit down we're going to settle in we're going to talk about stuff. And we'll get to Commercial and during commercial will be able to talk to each other because we're at commercial right No One's Gonna Be able to hear you when you're on commercial or just watch you. Yeah for us though that is not the case every single show. It seems like within the last 10 seconds. It's like II we're going to get off Okay, cool. So now we can think about what we're going to talk about. All right, here we go. Quit take calls. Nope can't say cause why not without we just we just call in. They should be able to be tested it extensively before you guys got in here work fine, you know, obviously it doesn't matter because it's not in the fucking air. So if we test it and it works then it doesn't it doesn't matter if it's not gonna work on the radio, but guys will figure it out. I look at this as a therapy session for us here. We just kind of beared out all over grievances. Well, we people though, you know. That's the Silver Lining and that's why we keep going people do work their asses off it feels like yeah It's just like if you know like you're trying to put something together and like you might bust your ass, but if you're reading the directions and Mandarin and you speak English, you know, your you might come up with a couple issues along the way they're going to need to be readdressed later down the road. Okay, this is what we need to do at Ty Schmidt right now while you're listening to this and cheer him up. Yeah. This kid's been battling one more thing all you Tech junkies out there. They're fucking shove it. All right, you guys like hey if you guys have you tried this have you tried this he like you guys don't know what the fuck you're talking about. So get off my ass. All right. We're trying over here for Christ's sake. But all right. Greenville is a lovely place to grab and go what are the great cheeseburgers fries corn dogs on the side if you can believe it. Yeah corndog. I mean who doesn't love corn dogs who doesn't love Greenville, North Carolina, it's great. All right right. Now whatever time you're listening send at Ty Schmidt with won t just a little pick-me-up. Okay, the guy's been against the ropes here for about three weeks. We've been at literally today. We're in three different states. So we've been traveling here and we've been battling and tie when I say this from myself and all of us. We appreciate the nightmare you've been living when it comes to Tech side. But it is very enjoyable to hear you kind of dissect the entire thing. Well, you know, I'm not the only one that has to deal with it. I mean you have to deal with the beehive in your ear buzzing the entire show which you know, when you have to host a national radio show that's not easy to do. I understand that so, you know, I'm not the only one of us to deal with it. I mean, maybe I'm complaining a little much I got used to it. I don't even hear it. All right, since I pick me up if Ty Specifically points out your Tweet. So one of us goes along with this got your lady sent me you'll get some pretty much from Phil. Who by the way has been submerged drama on the internet. I'm excited to learn about that. We got we'll talk about that another day. By the way, we're giving away currently not giving away. Well, yeah, I guess all proceeds of our pink ribbon for the brand merch will be donating all the proceeds to breast cancer. Did you hear that? What is it? It's Susan something Foundation Susan G Komen. I was getting a lot of tweets tell me it's Susan G. Komen is not not a great one. They're not giving all their money, which I don't know. I guess we'd have to do some research but will be towards breast cancer oils CFO fills aunt just battled and beat breast cancer. I think there's like three people in my family that have battled breast cancer. It's something very important to us in the month of October. Were being Breast Cancer Awareness Month various least we can do and by the way, the shirts are dope the the pink ribbon shirts are dealt other awesome. Yeah, they are. So all proceeds will be donated stored up at magma and if you send A pick-me-up the tie that he points out in singles out to the rest of us will get you some free merch from the store as well. We can't thank you enough. Hope you enjoy the hell out of this conversation with the Temple football video crew. They were a couple Buttes to be honest to take a little hockey term a couple Buttes a battle show yet. We're putting together here. No, not at all. Is this before or after your epic rant about your life the last few weeks as probably after this is directly after it. Yeah, I think so. How do we feel right now? I feel pretty good. Yeah, I mean at this point if it sounds like shit, you know, like I said everyone on Twitter, he said whatever you want. I'll give a rat's ass, you know, it's gonna sound like shit today. That sounds like shit. so other than that, you know greendale's a great fight tonight. I'm going to sleep like a baby not only because it's 12:01 a.m. And we have to be live at 10 a.m. And we've been in three different states today doing three different shows for different shows actually, but because I brought my little magic bottle with me that not only puts me to sleep but makes my body recover and fantastic fashion. I talked about it in my rant about Ganja earlier and it's real CBD MD in their p.m. Thing is just what makes my life tick get as many massages do as many stretches and take as many ice baths as you want. If you're not getting a good night's sleep. You're not recovering properly tie you ever get a good night's sleep. Well, I sure as hell well tonight. It's so hard like I'm trying not to look at them. That's one of the most epic race he's had in a long time. He had to get it out of him though. Yeah, he dropped the eat my cock. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Anyways, we're all gonna sleep soundly other than tychus. I have to be up all night doing this with our friends CBD MD and their CBD I am it's a specifically. Nope. It's a specially formulated tincture that combines melatonin and other sleep promoting herbs with CBD, which can help your circadian rhythm so I can get back on track allowing you to get high quality sleep consistently, you take it 30 minutes before and then you're out like a light like a light. I think you just said like a like yeah like a light. Yeah. There you go. It's lit straight up. Whether you're recovering from a hard day a long night or a tough workout CBD MD is dedicated to keeping you at the top of your game adding the tinctures the gummies and to CBD p.m. Do your regular routine is the best way to sleep naturally wake refreshed and take advantage of all that CBD MD has to offer Right now you go, too. CBM and use promo code McAfee you get 20% off when I say this. I mean this CBD MD has taken care of me see medium promo code McAfee. Now, let's get to that interview attaboy tie. What are the chances? This record is now there's no chances reports died saying no. Are you ready Ty yeah. That how's it going man? I'm fucking seething with rage right now fucking horseshit, dude. Well, that's Ty Schmidt talking about our technology. So we're not exactly sure if we're recording this or not. But if we are we have the incredible honor to be joined in the box truck right here in Greenville, North Carolina by the Temple football video team. Thank you for bravo. Bravo. Bravo bravo bravo. Okay, so let's talk about this real. Like I received a video from you. Mr. Macho Man from at Temple FB video. Correct? Yes, correct. Okay. I thought this was a Content creation crew from the Temple football team. And that is not correct not correct at all. You guys are just strictly coaches video. So you guys are just the coaches video staff which by the way is a job. That is very what is that? What does that even mean? It's a lot of fucking work, right? I mean that's a lot of work never. What is that explains explain to everybody people that don't know good question. We film every every practice that we have every game we have five cameras and we just film basically so it's ready to go right when the coaches film football. So you film football practice football games and then that's the film that coaches and players are watching study and who breaks it into the individual like okay offense first down second down third down is that stuff happen or is it just as one? One poll. Yeah, our coaching gaas do that. We just put it upload it for them to do that. Okay, so it's a nice so they just film practice. Yes one practice. All right, that's not all you do. Apparently Macho Man. Macho Man Scotty Smalls the name is that the name for those standing at five six foot five eight. He's five foot eight. He is a slender 102 and a quarter come on and he said a video via the at Temple FB video Twitter account, which I was told was just a fugazi account that was made up strictly to basically for this potential situation. Make sure we get in on that thing here. Yes. So we have three mics that are working by the way. It's really going well. So soon workers came up to me and asked if if we could talk in the mic or account talk more Yep, so I wasn't wasn't sure about it at first but as one of those kind of decide to let them let them do it and said if we're going to do it we have They have a goal and we decided to go was to try and reach you somehow. This is an incredible coaching teaching moment here and you are the head video game the video coordinator. What's your name Blake younger? Hey Blake. How's it going, man? It's going great. Great to hear. So you take this moment to make it a real teaching moment. We have a goal and was there other ideas plan for this video or was this the video that I'm about to play was this video that you guys came up with in like a think tank session. You're like, you know what that's fucking it. I'm sure so the width is came about was we had like a sort of a plan. We had some stuff written out what we were going to do. And this was what we were going to put out just for that day. We didn't know if we were going to see it or not. Okay. So this tweet that's sent to me by the producer of Thursday Night Football named Brian Boyle and I think I actually sent it to him. Did you really? Yeah, I did. Oh, yes, mister mister Hasselbeck followed us pretty quickly. So as yeah many thanks to him. Matt has been a proponent of the at Temple FB video since literally I touch ground in Greenville today and tonight even like I'm meeting with the coach. It actually was probably not very professional of me. I'm walking with your head coach Rod carry. I'm walking with him. He's taking me here. Let me take you with the offense of coordinator to have another football meeting and I see you and I see all you guys and your uniforms and I read about your I read what your uniforms are going to be and I just like abandoned the coach was like I know you guys I must give you a hug man. It was that was is a great video. And for those that don't know we will play that video right now. It is a video of our guy who is five foot eight two and a quarter Macho Man Scotty Smalls. And another man who is not in the truck. That's big Zeus course. It is in hisses the video they created Mike has got his Mo's now. It's got how do you feel about McAfee calling the game on Thursday night against ECU. I'll tell you what, brother. All right, so we stopped there immediately the Macho Man Randy Savage. Impression is Iconic. I think you should be very proud of yourself that you decided to do that. Thank you. That was or we knew you were a big wrestling guy. So we went with macho man. Let's have you judge your Macho Man impression 1 to 10. What do you give yourself? I really only had like an hour and a half. I'll give myself like a 6.1. Okay. I mean I wasn't going to judge you. I was gonna let you judge yourself. I think you're a little bit better than that that mean you're a little hard on yourself. You don't have enough grit that you're too young. You know what I mean to really get down in there. Oh, yeah, I know. Okay. How old are you? I'm looking for I'm looking at the Ray-Bans looks lot of perfect hair was just letting 12 year olds in school and the video staff is just a preteen fucking run this thing. Seriously. How old are you? I'm 20 years old. Way, dude, no way good for you, man. Alright. Anyways, let's get back to it. a great announcer For what? I'm the cream in the cream always Rises to the top. So anytime you're ready Pat. I'm challenging you to a pun off mono e mono. Let's go for it brother in a miraculous Park. The ball stopped right at the inch line after a punt that exploded off your foot literally didn't even look like that graphic was added on after the fact at all. That was an impressive athletic swing by you brother the impression that you kind of gotta like you kind of sound a little Spanish there then easy to zero used to be able to speak Spanish. He grew up in a Cuban speaking family. Then he went to a hypnotist to stop him from speaking Spanish because he was mixing Spanish and English so much that the Spanish-speaking people couldn't understand them in the English people couldn't So his parents sent him to a hypnotist so he would no longer speak Spanish so he can understand Spanish and he can translate Spanish. He just can't speak it. Well you say that into the microphone. No, so everything I'm learning but it work. Yeah can't speak Spanish, but he can't understand it. I was a translator at Best Buy. Couldn't say anything back couldn't say anything back. Anyways Incredible video and we watched it a few times after Matt Hasselbeck Senate to our producer who then sent it to a group text that I was involved in, you know, Matt going to cut out the middle guys, like the farm-to-table restaurant that they had out earlier, but instead they decided to go through somebody. Um, I'm happy that all came together there. I was nice so we watch the You X big Zeus? People are saying he's the modern-day Oprah the way it with his interviewing abilities. Honestly, the question he asked you was just so damn good and your punt people are wondering if you're the next big thing, you know, people are wondering with a team that has had a seven yard punt on the books this year why you are potentially out tired and I would like to challenge you tomorrow. What is the challenge hold on before you get to the challenge boil? The producer said how he think Pat's up for the challenge. I was like, I'm not sure. Healthy enough and the sure his knee is healthy enough and then these guys tonight you're like, hey, you think Pat's gonna you know be up for the challenge and I was like, there's zero chance. My going rate per punt right now is like 35 Grand if you go back to my last season, so let's begin me to do that. It's going to be tough. And also I'm enjoying my life with good knees right now that just happened recently after a dumb decision to think I could go kick again. That's a good but blew out the knee. I mean, so I'm not going to do it, but I would like to issue a challenge. That could raise a lot of money for a particular charity of your choice. So we watch the film The Ball exploded off your foot. We talk to your friends here in the video crew. They said you're kicking the ball roughly and I think 28 yards or yeah 30 in the are we talking in the air? No. No, this is after all they're very clear that this was after all it's their right it is that accurate Macho Scottish balls. I'll say it's accurate. How deem that acceptable basically what you just said, I'll say that okay. So tomorrow at pregame you'll get one opportunity. Okay. Me and Matt will be down there. Molly will be down there Adam will be down there and you will have to punt from the goal line your foot can't pass the front of the going you're putting out of the end zone. So can't pass the front. You can go use the entire goal line, but your foot can't pass it and if it gets past the 30 yard line, And I'll donate 10 grand to a charity of your choice. Hey 30 yards 10 grand. If it doesn't happen, you have to wear one of them signs. What's that movie Die Hard 3 one of those DieHard three signs. I don't know if x Mike works or not. My head phones don't work. I don't know if he's spoken to him. Like Diehard three Die Hard three signs that is on you that says I challenge Pat McAfee and I lost or something. I got beat by something along those lines. And you have to wear for an entire day at school. So you have to go to class with you have to take it off set it down next to you and you just have to have people fill me or take photos of you while you do it. Do you guys like that? Do you know a good film crew? Do you know anybody is dr. Seuss or what is his name? Big Zeus these big snake Z for sure big. Sorry. We got a big Z here to uh, it was just self still drona so gaskets. We threw that in there for him. Oh, Okay, so 30 yards 10 grand. If not, you have to wear one of those signs all day through school. You have to make a video and make entire video of it sound like a plan is the sign going to be provided to me. You know acceptable. You're cool with that, right? Yeah, I'm down with it. I almost want you to be a sign spinner to like, you know, those people are saying about like the more and more I think about it like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, like the you know what I'm talking about. I don't know what we do mattress is on sale. Yeah, we buy gold and shit. What do you think? What do you think you would rather walk around with something or signed spin for like an hour? I think I'd rather do the sign spin if we're being honest, really I don't I don't know how good I'd be at the sign spinning which could be electric could be could be better content. I guess. Yeah, see I like where your head's at. That's why I think Macho Scotty Smalls is going to be blowing up here soon. Just the content machine right there. Alright, so you're going to sign spin. So then we will have probably have to supply you with the proper sign. Big thinking out of me there if this is so we'll get the sign. We actually met the number seven sign spinner in the world on a street corner in Los Angeles facts true story then on true story time. Yeah, absolutely. So like I said spending the hell out of a sign on a street corner in Los Angeles and we're just walking by I just bought some shoes from Flight Club or something like yep, and we're walking by and this dude everybody just walking by this guy because Los Angeles and I just like a stopping them like in a trance. This guy looks like A Cirque du Soleil science fair. He's like swelling it up catching it on his head. He did like a handstand at one point flipped it around did a back bend and people are just walking by them and I was like, hey mate here. I tip them. I was like you got a bit that's an incredible shit and he was like number seven songs birder in the world last year. Let's learn about that one who's ranking sign spinners. He's like all there's a contest in Vegas. I'm going to it he was practicing and I think my tip led him there. I don't know how he did, but it was a real thing. So that's I'm expecting of you. Call me number six. Ha ha ha. I just got his balls. That's a single digit a temple. That's a big deal. Uh-huh Is that real? Tell that tell him what what coach does with single digits at Temple? Go ahead. So it Temple what we do is the players have the football how this all works Mike's were literally the microwave laying on the floor just a minute ago with no no sign of Life got to give it everything you got in there. It's our fault, not yours, but we need you here. You know what I mean? So at Temple single digit is given to what is considered the toughest guy on the team both any represents a team both on the field and off the field so it can be given to anybody any grade level but it's voted on by the players. Oh, that's awesome. So like you could be number 90 and then all of a sudden the the leadership of the team the vote and then all the sudden your number nine and it's a huge honor. honor That is awesome. And tough is a big thing. Temple tough is the slogan to a place that we t u SS. Yep. Grew up on tough Street the further down. He lived the tough for you our lives at the end of the road. You know what I mean? Macho Scotty Smalls. Yeah. I think when I think of Temple tough, I'm looking at it right now twenty-year-old. I've with a two and a quarter content machine number. Six sign spinner on Earth Temple tough. Maybe that's what we put on the sign to we got to have template tough on her somewhere. That's an incredible slogan that's incredible story to but there's only nine numbers there and typically correct jump in here, but typically like number 9 goes to a d lineman, right? Okay. What are some other like who's your best? Who's your best linebacker the middle linebacker there Scotty. We got we got some great linebackers in general. They say this I mean, this is Nothing about the temple. I was football team right now. I got 24 hours to learn a lot of shit anything. You tell me he was probably gonna get on air. So it's all right. We got we got our guys number five Shawn Bradley. Okay, and number three Chappell Russell Chappell Chappell think he's my favorite player. You can call him pail. All right. You said maybe that you gave a head nod like as if that's a maybe no, I'm just giving head nods. All right now no, I'm agreeing keep going. He want me to go down the Ross. No, don't do that look like just just so only nine gets along with me to give you the single digit tough people. Yeah. Sure. Is that what you want? Is this a quiz? If he doesn't get this right does he have to do is now? I'm definitely getting it. Right. What are you like the dictionary for temple for watch? A lot of Temple football think that is true. Practice Yeah, but okay, but who's the toughest tough guy? Who's the toughest stuff? I got my vote when I got my vote right now toughest tough guy. It's between two guys, but I got my vote on the Indianapolis Colts. The number one went to the toughest job. So it is the but is there is there just nine of these it get voted in. So like okay, we have nine slots and you need to vote in these nine or is it sometimes there's more than nine this year because There's three sides of the ball. There's to Lyman. Because they can't wear single digit but they're single digit tough. Oh, yeah, because got to be in the city and 50s, whatever so their honorary single digit number guys who have to wear two digit? Yeah, they can't where they're supposed to say like on their helmet like supposed to be a one in are you serious? Sort of like the American flag? There's like the conference sticker power sex power 6, and then there is by the way, we've been selling the shit out of that every Thursday night again. Only a couple actually we only dropped it a couple times we could do better with probably say probably throw that around tomorrow. You want to style your honor big Power 6 guy big Power 6 Macho Scotty Smalls big-time power 6 guy. I will pump the hell out of it and then right above that. It's like should only have a single digit but can't do two rules of game. I don't know what the sticker said. What the hell he said sticker not me. It's just like in place of their normal number. It'll say like what their number would be if They could pick huh? If that makes it on the air tomorrow. We're going to allow the park. Probably not going to make it on the air tomorrow. Who should we look for to be very good tomorrow you think? Jesus got he's big big fan of the trenches. Oh fan of the trenches. He has a podcast called in trenches was eat. It hasn't had other podcasts. Yeah, but it's kind of like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's going to be Gonna be a great mother bunch of studying for this I did he's all in he's ready to sell the hell out of Temple. What should we say about Temple why it's a good score place to be just guys that get after it. I like an on the entire campus. Like I don't know. What is the self or Temple? It's Philadelphia. There's a lot of kids to go there. Right? I mean, it's a yeah, North Philadelphia. Born and Raised on the playground is wax figures. Are you from Philly now? I'm from the suburbs King of Prussia know what's that county that they all come? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Hold on. Hold on hit that. Yeah, baby water ice down here. We had a guy. Is booze from Delco? Yeah, Delco Kami we had to do, you know some pets baby. He works at Barstool now, but he's a hilarious legendary individual and we still do an impression of them from Delco County. And that's where you're from. Zeljko. Yep. Everybody I've ever met from Delco is electric. Just the county just the water you guys drink wouter. I got up. I got bad feeling about you punting tomorrow. I think I things going 10 yards. I'm a gamer. That's what I I just don't know. He's Carolina you're going to be on foreign Turf. It's an away game for you. Adam a means going to be commentating. He's battling right now through I think he's got a bowl up, but that he's got the same thing in the Hasselbeck out on Thursday Night Football. We played against Houston. He's very sick the the contingency plan. You don't know this might be that you're the playback. Great. I know a lot. This is the right game. This is a ranking for this is definitely the right game for it. And I was a WWE event about two hours ago. I mean, it's all coming together you and Mike black like black will just point to the guy you just repeat the name. How about one like blacks in there? Like acting out who did what when he's 20 other thing? I love that that guys. All right. I'm bad at charades. Apparently. I keep getting it wrong. Now they keep saying numbers to us. Like I and I'm like, oh, is it number five? They go five yards or is it happen time? How about when there was a 52-yard, you know catch and he's a nice a 7 for 7 years old. No idea. There's a lot going on at Birth. I don't think anybody knows I had no idea before I got involved 2552. I have no idea seven times that doesn't make any sense that was more than a seven yard completion and then they like whisper to you off microphone and then you're almost saying onto the mic what this is like a shows even worse. There's a lot going on. We're going to sell the hell out. Pulled up 40,000 people big School North Philadelphia Will Smith from there. That's good. Temple alumni, by the way, we're going through it will probably stay away from that. Yeah, it's Bill Cosby Campbell tough this week man. Is he sick? Man's ECU Sandra Bullock CCU. So you guys got to come up with a good list for us. Watch her study Smalls. I think is what we're pushing tomorrow night at a temple Hall & Oates. Oh no fouls. Whole notes, there is one other songs. Oh here she comes. Oh watch out boys. She'll chew you up. She comes. She's a maneater Oh, I thought I was gonna catch you right there. Here's right on because I thought that was just something they told you I hate all the notes one hearing like a fucking right. I'll remember that camera. You are a gamer. He's a game. I think he's gone 31 yards tomorrow. We're going to donate 10 grand to a charity that you'll figure out by then. I'd appreciate you guys. Thank you so much for stopping by way to go to Temple. Thanks for having us. Hey, you know what double tough bro lock in I was at another one. That's our hashtag. That sounds table vote for video. He's mocking you guys have like we have like walkie-talkies around the stadium. Yep, and you're all on is there any Panic moments? No, it can't be right. I mean not their acting games not during the games. No Panic. Rose locked. Are you guys up on the locked interactive games? Yeah. Oh we used we're going through a transitional phase right now. It's got some Endzone cameras, Oh that are just panties. He's really you guys got some pan tilt Zoom. Zip are in the end zone. We're going to be sending kids up 50 feet in the sky. That's good news. It's good news long overdue. Yeah, I won't say it, but we all try everyone but everyone here knows Moment where I was like that don't say it. I'm happy this happens though because it becomes a target for kickers and when you're up there the weather I mean, who knows what could happen up there? It's a little gritty or up there though. Were you the guy up there? Yeah. Oh Scotty Smalls. Who's the other one now? We yeah, he's been up there Zeus me and Zeus. Could you got something wrong with the world for two and a half three hours? Yeah, literally just standing up in the sky all by yourself. Everybody can stare at you and give a moment. You're just kind of You're working but you're in your own world up there and you and Zeus pretty tight, huh? So it sounds like yeah, this is my guy. Um big Z big Z the next Barbara Walters big Z big-time interviewer guy big-time. Everything Zoot Zeus is electric. He's selling pizza right now should be at the game. I'm disappointed in Zeus. How about that hustling? He's awesome. I gotta respect respect the hustle. Nobody can take a weekend off. I mean, I'd give him what he was going to make from selling. Us just to stop and buy. Hey, are you going to miss being up in the tower though? I mean, what was that? Like, I mean, there's there's some nice days up there peaceful therapeutic. Some of them aren't too fond watch most of them, aren't that fun? Nice being out there though. Sometimes we a patent Seattle we had this guy. He's legendary was one of the first employees ever with the Seahawks named Tom firm stead film guy huge smoker. So we'd be like watching film study and film and every once in a while all the sudden big cloud of smoke camel filters. Oh, that is incredible. I like it on the the film team film where you can see the crowd in front of the field goal. So if you watch on the back, you can sometimes see the crowd in the front or whatever the high end zone. Yes. Yeah, there's always some really interesting characters on that because you're watching that obviously for field game anytime a little animal pops up and it seems like I wish we could find out who this guy is right here the drunk that we aimed at on this particular field goal who's now on our team film and that's what we'll do in the broadcast tomorrow. We have done a nice job of kind of embracing the stadium that were in and finding the characters the Dancers The Outfits the and I think in this town you think so. I think there's going to be some really I think we're going to have a potential entertaining curl there be any Temple fans here at this you guys travel. It's not an easy trip. That sounded like a no this is like really the opposite of Philly. Right? Greenville, North Carolina is kind of I don't know man. I want you to pick out place is pretty awesome. It was incredible in it Seto corn dog on the side could have got a Philly cheesesteak there. That was an option. So oh you guys are uppity about the Cheesesteak. Yeah, it's not Gino's or pets. I ain't eatin it is that he has to be older. The rest of the world's cheesesteaks are not as good as Philly cheesesteaks. Yeah, that's definitely true. That's such a big truck because I don't have an opinion on this so I don't really. But what just because Jews are thick here just are not here in Philly. Oh, you're saying this is just a Greenville Cheesesteak. That is tagged Nicole to Philly cheesesteak. So a lot of times or something like a peppers on there something I don't like get out. Yeah, that's not a Cheesesteak know that what are you eating? It's not you Stickman Cheesesteak is with cheese. Whiz. Whiz Whit Whit Whit onions ways with all their instincts. Don't listen to these berries are bad mood. You heard him earlier. He's not happy. You should not. Hey little negativity back here. Yeah, I mean I make slit my throat tonight. We'll see you guys this this podcast may never see the light of day. So what do you think is none of this broader recorded? Yeah. That's what they say ice. It was so he's happy but I like cheese. Thanks I go whiz went as well. That would be my move is provolone an option. Yeah. Say that again. How about how about how about when you go to the ocean you run down the beach and you jump in the but that is just say hey, these guys are like super Filly. So I was just thinking as a way to warm up for this pun. It might be a good idea for you guys to like maybe run the Philly special know. Yeah now we're talking huh? Like you guys all pick happy. We win for the first Nick Foles someone's trade Burton. What do you think? Have you guys element that may let me ask you this question. Have you ever run the Philly special airs? Every one in Philly done that once already? Yeah. It really is something right. Just write on it the leg. You know someone with the tattoo AA. We right there on the calf do so any time. They got shorts on people motherfuckers behind know. Hey, Nick Foles got a cutter and then they said get the fuck out of town and he broke his collarbone in Jacksonville. He got a statue. Nick Foles has a statue. Yeah. Oh, I think that's more than enough then. Yeah, I didn't know that was the case. But it is it outside light from Bud Light. Is that just a sponsor thing or will that be there forever? Yeah, it's kind of like is that whenever he goes over and says how about Philly Philly or whatever? Is that what it is? Yeah, what an iconic Moment by the way, so Bud Light just gifted it to fill its kind of like what the french did with the Statue of Liberty. Thank you similar. It was big it was big. Yeah, I'm Statue of Liberty pretty large. Well, I'd assume I think some actually Dino says zero so much small-time. What's more I think we're staring at it from 74 stories in the sky and these are smart. I thought it was like dude. We are literally 800 feet in the area. Danny DeVito, what a little fella now we're talking one of the greatest comedies in history is based in Philadelphia. You guys love that show you have something it's always sunny really? Okay favorite show of all time. I like bowl until it found out the doctor was bad guy on set. So I was like I can't watch it anymore because the thing about it is you're smarter than everybody and then I heard you're not a good guy on set. It's like that fucking ruin the movie ruin the show for me. It's like if I don't like an actor, I can't I can't watch a movie and just not hate the person like I don't care how nice he is in this particular setting I can't deal with it same with musicians. That bug is awesome though. It's been hanging around this entire time. I was talking to it earlier is another one. To do this entire place might be infested. But that's neither here nor there. We're very thankful that the Temple football video crew came through today. I can't wait to see if you can punt the ball 30 yards tomorrow that seems Easy by the way, if you run fast enough and just throw the ball off your chest should be able to roll 30 yards. Are you going to really give it a go or what? Is it going to be have you what you're going to be a technique? Hit the ball as far as I can. Do you have any athletic experience, you know life played High School football. Now, we're talking what position guard. Yeah stretches The Trenches athlete you're going to figure it out. You were big-time leverage guy how many playing guard low man wins? I'm pretty low in general. So that's from st. Jude vanity. Yeah 0 here's got a low center of gravity can't can't be toppled that guy right there and he'll eat right now everything in a restaurant if it needs to happen, I want you to eat that's in the trenches right there. That's what we're talking about 30 yards tomorrow. Good luck $10,000. They can really help the world. You know that Matt has two books gonna throw in an extra twenty five hundred, but I'm curious if he has a charity picked out. Yeah, you don't have to say it. But I'm curious if you are like, you know, like if you have a plan on that, is there a plenty going to let you going to workshop at the night with the boys here. I think it's going to be more of a workshop who's a better person to me and knows the charity that we can give this money to its fate as basically it. Maybe as he doesn't think he's gonna happen so he's kind of like no, I think I think he thinks he's spinning signs you think cuz this is like you you kind of lied to me. I think if you said 28 yards is your max, which now that I know more about you. I think you probably kick the ball further so you kind of hustle be a little bit into this. So if you don't get it, I think a lot of people are in probably judge you you know what I mean? I'm ready for the Judgment. I think you're going to get it. Huh? What do you think Matt? Just looking at him? He's his calm demeanor. He's very confident. Very confident. I'll tell you what, I'm those videos. He's very good is he like? No, I'm saying like, he's I wash up on I thought that thing maybe 170 yards the one that you put up there. That was the best part of the day. Well, here's the thing. He did was roll shot really the role the role could help but I also can hurt. Already our number that I'm in. I'm a lefty though. So I got I got a nice little spin going on. I didn't know I didn't know just because the ball is spinning the opposite direction that there's no chance of implicitly no chance of it bouncing back one forward every time we're done. We'll have a template. That's a great. Hey, by the way as a punter, that's a great trait to have your ball always bounces forward. I always had one that just bounce. Ways right so I never got to steal any big-time yards, but whenever we're in the pooch, normally I got a pretty good spot. So I was like, that's kind of fucking me in the open field. But whenever we're deep in there was good. You get a ball that rolls. You can be a big bump under for temple, you know next time. They're backed up put out Macho Scotty Smalls, let the big Lefty come and swing that Southpaw at that thing get a good roll. We'll find out tomorrow happy for you Scott. He's been awesome meeting you guys luck. Thanks for joining me man. Thanks for letting him do this. Not a problem. Smart to Temple for the tea. Hey show the thing show the now and I'll call right down the middle because that's what Professional analysts professional what if something good happens for temple? I'm pretty excited because this is an it. Is this off-center what the hell happened here boys. Oh, it's on the tit. So it's not in the middle. It's on the left. Boop. Got it. I thought you had it off sir. I thought Macho Scottish moors potentially. So it's on the left to you know what I mean kind of your side strong side left side strong side. friends left side shocked side left side strong side left side. Thank you so much Scotty for coming in here today. I good luck tomorrow in pregame strong side. Thanks for thanks for having us on the night left side. Honestly, it's been an absolute dream come true to meet you guys. My favorite video groups Twitter account of all time. And that's about it. We're going to go and shut down these bikes this if they're not checking on already left side. Showtime and the wrap this whole thing up, which has been really a miracle of a show a reading by Zito. Thank you Pat. Nutrition is on everyone's mind. Thank you Seto. What when and how much is it? It's a mess of conflicting information that can confuse anyone in derail your fitness journey. There are so many diets and meal plans out there but chances are they don't take your specific needs into account kettlebell kitchen knows what meal planning isn't one size fits all kettlebell kitchen knows that meal planning isn't one size fits all which is why they offer a personalized solution. I need to get on this. I'm Any about this as I'm reading this, but I need to get on this immediately. I'm going to be 400 pounds by the end of this fall because the way we eat is really what do we have time? You know, we have time to eat on the airplane, you know, it's on the airplane. Oh good snacks. Hey Dylan from Apollo Jets hooked us up on this particular flight. And I mean, I probably had nine races at least nine Reese's probably had at least 12 Oreo cookies. I would have to all the Reese's and just put them right in front of you got new there get me it's a nightmare. There but it's literally the only time in the day that I really get to eat. So it's like it's the first time we sit down. So I need to get on with this kettlebell kitchen. I'm going to do that now because I've heard glowing things about them. I believe digs use them. I think we have to have somebody try everything that's new digs used in dishes already losing weight. You can already see dick in his life seems to be getting much more in order. So I'm going to join this kettlebell kitchen was founded by two army veterans. Okay Hua who are also brothers and a chef with a mission to help people change their lives through food. Their goal is to help you achieve yours with meal plans that are tailored to your needs their team of nutritionists will help you create a sustainable Health Plan and honors your body's unique needs sign up for a plan or order a la carte. No long-term contracts are required delivered to your door twice a week for optimal freshness. You don't need to worry about sourcing ingredients or fretting over. Macros just heat serve and get the food you need for real sustainable change feed the champion of you in you with kettlebell kitchen go to kettlebell and enter code of America for $50 off your first two orders for new customers. That's kettlebell and enter code America for $50 off your first two orders for new customers. That's $50 off kettlebell code America to Army veteran started it you're going to get in better shape. You're going to eat well, and they're going to take Take care of all the hassle that sounds like a win-win-win-win-win to me kettlebell code America. All right wrap things up and getting out of here. If you haven't sinned tie a message trying to cheer him up. Please do so because I think it's only gotten worse. I thought with time he was be happier, but that's not the case. We're going to be live at 10 a.m. Baby. Who knows see how that goes follow along just literally it's a shit show and forward slash the Pat McAfee show. Our last Vlog that foxy put together is getting rave reviews. Actually. We're putting out like 13 documentaries this fall. We just put out our third one third on. Yes, and we're giving away an Apple Watch in there and a round trip to Memphis Tennessee. Beautiful Memphis, Tennessee. Lovely. Memphis does if you're gonna go down to Memphis, make sure you check out Beale Street, if you look like all of us though, basically don't show your face down there after 10 p.m. Otherwise you're going to get your throat. But you're going to get your wallet stolen. Are you gonna get roughed up other than it Memphis is one of the best cities in the world just know that Pat does giveaways. Usually when bad things happen and this next Vlog number four coming out Tuesday. We already got to give aways what that is kind of the trend is it? Yeah, so when something terrible happens, I'm just like, you know, what fuck it. Let's give something away. Yeah. The one is kind of funny because it involved Thailand's puking. People are beasts are rooting for our misery. They I think they already will ya I sometimes think The people think it's potentially staged all the shit that yeah, it's not it is not it is not expected and it is not something they were like, I'm sure we have a plan for that that we don't we don't know it it just kind of roll with the punches type operation. There's been a lot of punches man. We're just fucking dick. For the Triple G Fight can't wait. Wait, wait. Hey, I think it'll be fun. Awesome. I think so too. Yeah, I think it'll be a lot of fun. It's on his own Triple G I guess is incredible boxer. Yeah. He's fighting against a fucking chanko against. Yeah another tanka the Russian. Yeah, if you need me to translate I got you. Oh my Russian and Spanish You don't know Rush that's through of yeah. That's just one word. Ahh. And sleep tight, dude. Watch out watch out. She's a Man
On today’s show, Pat and the guys record the show live from the box truck in Greenville, North Carolina. He chats more about his take on marijuana in the NFL after Percy Harvin publicly stated that he was high during every NFL game he played in, and why Pat thinks that is more beneficial to players long term than pain killers and other remedies. Also stopping by the box truck is friend of the show and Pat’s teammate both on the field and the broadcast booth, Matt Hasselbeck, joins the show with the entire Temple University football video team including the certifiable content machine that is Macho Scotty Smalls. They chat about the punting challenge he issued to Pat, and the $10,000 purse for charity that is now on the line. Scotty and the Temple football video guys chat about what it means to be Temple Tuff, being from near Philadelphia, their takes on Philly cheesesteaks, and Matt recounts a hilarious story that occurred during his time in Seattle. Pat and the boys also vent about all the technical issues that are still plaguing the studio and the box truck, and whether or not everything will ever work the way it was intended to. Don’t forget to tune in to #TNFonESPN as Pat, Matt, Adam Amin, and Molly McGrath call the action between Temple and ECU at 8 PM EST on ESPN. Today’s show is a therapeutic, fun one. Come and laugh with us, cheers.
Hello, my darling. I need to tell you about our sponsor anchor dot f m. Anchor is a podcast creation and distribution tool. And it gives you everything you need to record edit. Plus they'll distribute your podcast to all of the major channels including Spotify Apple podcasts and Google podcasts free of charge you can make money with no minimum listenership and it couldn't be easier. Download the anchor app or go to Anchor dot f m-- to get started sweet dreams. Hello darling, how are you today? I have a very special treat for you. But first I'll give you a little bit of background. When my channel hit a thousand subscribers last month, I held a contest where one subscriber would be chosen and featured in a custom video. And I thought it would be even more fun. If I wrote the audio as part of a new fairy tale series. Today, we begin chapter 1. Which features the winner of our contest Shan Park Prince Charming? This series will be multiple chapters. include many of our favorite fairy tale characters I also love the idea of reading you to sleep all there's a storm happening in the background. So we have a lovely bit of rain tonight. Now, please close your eyes. live band And let yourself relax as I read to you. This is the tale of Prince Charming chapter 1. Shawn Charming gave a sigh before stepping out into the warm summer sun. His heart was pained and his mind was elsewhere. If she had only given him a chance. He didn't understand. As he walked down the palace steps. He resolved to try something bigger to get her attention next time. Cinderella turned to see Sean walking away looking to feed it. her heart fluttered in her chest causing her breath to catch She hadn't meant to be dismissive of him. She had panicked when he started speaking with her and she had mumbled some excuse about being late the defeated look on his face nearly shattered her heart on the spot. But she felt too awkward to say anything to make it right as Sean walked away Cinderella gazed at him with spoolie. He was beautiful and sweet a man far above her station. a man a servant girl like herself could never have not in reality. Even so knowing he would probably turn her down. She hoped she would someday be brave enough to tell him her feelings. Then she would have the painful weight off of her heart. There was something in his eyes that told her he might be interested. But she feared she was playing Make-Believe. She gave herself a mental Shake. Wow, she said I could make his family cookies and then he might think of me the bit more calmly. At least in my dreams. She felt her Pace flushing wildly at the very idea. The next day Shawn was being forced to attend the annual winter ball with his parents and younger sister Raven. Has he was in line for the throne his parents were set on finding him a bride this night with her he approved or not. The pressures they put on him or stifling. Sometimes he just wanted to run away and take up a new life. but Merchants, perhaps he thought He scowled as his mother approached even a servant would do he thought his mother carried what looked to be a plate of cookies. As she was always on a diet he felt she was about to tell him of her hardships that someone had dared allow sweets into her Palace. She held the plate out to him. Wow. She asked. While what he responded who is Cinderella his mother demanded Sean shook his head in confusion. Mother I have no idea. Please don't send her to another family. I'm sure she meant well with leaving cookies in the kitchen. This is Charming's eyes widened know this girl wants to marry you she made you cookies. She's not one of her sermons. Her voice was strained. He was endlessly confused. Who isn't that what you want mother. He took a cookie from the plate and took a deliberately slow bite. This is a good cookie. You should have one mother. He said was some sarcasm. You're not funny Shawn. She sculpted some girl with no family name left these cookies. You cannot marry outside nobility. She watched as he ate the cookie. Enjoy your cookies, son as that is all you'll get from her. He stifled a choke at the sudden seething anger and his mother's voice. Why did she become so hateful if the girl could cook at least his mother could be happy knowing that he'd be well-fed. He snatched the plate of cookies from her hands. I'll take them all then. He looked her directly in the eye. We both know you don't need any. The anger in her eyes stunned him to silence. He had been mostly kidding, but she was acting irrational this cookie business mother wait. He said softly her dress swish to a stop, but she refused to turn back to look at him. What is it then son. Mother I'm sorry he gestured with the plate. Please have a cookie. They really are good better than any our Cooks have ever made. His mother turned towards him her face still angry really she paused better than Rapunzel's. Sean's heart skipped a beat. How could she mention Rapunzel now? He refused to let her see his pain. Yes, he replied and I'm offering you one. He held her gaze. Take a cookie and leave me be please mother. His mother took a cookie more delicately than he expected and turned quickly towards the palace to eat and just a few words. His mother had broken his heart over again. Rapunzel was the woman. He was meant to marry that grew up together. They spent every waking moment together. They were best friends blossoming on lovers. But they had been too young. They had save her their time together and talked into the wee hours of the morning every night. Then Rapunzel's father had been killed and the marriage Arrangement had been an old. In the dark of night bums family had fled the city, but they are never heard from again. His father. The king had sent on boys soldiers trackers and any man that would work for hire. Eventually, they found Rapunzel's Carriage have been rated by the eaves. And Rapunzel's mother's body was found not too far from the site. Rapunzel's cape and one broken shoe heaven-bound miles down the road. His father gave up the search and Shawn was resigned to a broken heart. But that been years ago his heart belonged to the beautiful woman. He saw at the market every day. She didn't seem to work for any of the vendors, but he knew when she'd be there as he ate one of the cookies. He realized he had time enough to try and find her today for the winter ball. She might at least bring a smile to his face before he was consumed with his mother's wishes. Cinderella fretted all morning after dropping off the cookies. She had taken a huge chance and left her name on a cart with the plate. She knew the family would not recognize her name, but worse they would instantly know that she wasn't of noble birth. Her father had been wealthy, but that fortune had been long spent by her stepmother and two Grady sisters. Now the family name meant nothing. She felt shame eating her face. Did she make a huge mistake? Would they find out who she was somehow and turn against her family? Prince Charming, even though the cookies were from her. Suddenly her stomach was in knots. Instead of turning down the path that would take her to the market. She turned instead towards the forest. Her sisters will be getting ready for the winter ball tonight and would be a nightmare at home. She just needed to clear her mind with the long. Cinderella wandered for hours thinking tossing stones into the river and worrying that she had risked everything over a plate of cookies. What had she been thinking A pit crew in her stomach and she grown out loud kicking a stone out of her bath. Hey shouted a small place Cinderella paused who's there down here replied The Voice Cinderella's gays moved the dirt path at her feet. She noticed a small brown mouse standing near the wrong shade kicked. Oh startled. She put her hands to her mouth. I am so sorry. Did I hit you with that wrong the mouse stood tall brushing his knees, but he smiled up at her no harm done my lady. Who are you she asked? The mouse motioned her with his paws that's for her to come near she obliged picking up the adorable Mouse into our hands. As she sat to the nearby tree trunk and rested him on her lap. My name is Theodore. He replied she stared at him and all I've never met a mouse before do you live far from here his no scrunched up and as eyes seem to get a bit wetter. I am lost. I think he said his voice was thick with sorrow Oh, no, what do you mean? She asked? Cinderella, listen closely as he told her a story about being taken from his family and the dark of night by an evil witch. She had taken every male Mouse in the area and took them to a cabin in the woods to work for her building a gingerbread house. Cinderella's eyes watered as she listened to Theodore's story. The board thing I've been through so much. It was devastating really. She didn't know how she could help but she figured they should leave the forest for the which came and found them both. But why would a witch need an army of mice to build a home surely there are more practical ways. As they walked she told the adore all about the beautiful prints and the plate of cookies James still heated her cheeks thinking about it, but they adore assured her that everyone loves the plate of cookies regardless of circumstance. She felt a bit better about this and they continue to talk and confide in one another as they walk deeper into the forest. Before she knew it. It was suddenly quite dark and she could no longer see the path of more her. Do you adore stiffened in her hands when she paused where are we miss? He asked in a timid voice. He sense that they were lost as well. She grew nervous. I'm not sure she mumbled. She looked around with growing concern a thick Mist surrounded them lights flickered in the mist and she heard the sound of approaching horses alone a startled her and a hush voice whispered. Whoa, boys. Whoa. Cinderella felt the Mauser Palm relax and he began to sleep before she could wonder what was happening to him. She felt sleepy herself unable to keep her eyes open. She felt the forest floor is love. She heard a woman's voice above announced we found her at last and then Cinderella drifted off into slumber. Shawn walked the market from one end to the other stopping at the place where his dream girls Booth normally sat he paced back and forth. He questioned merchants and every end asking if they knew where the confection Booth had been moved or if something had happened to the sweet woman selling cakes and other baked goods. No one knew anything and he quickly grew frustrated as the day grew longer. He realized he didn't even know where she lived or when he felt ashamed of this. He didn't even know her name or the name of her family. He knew that her father had passed because she referenced him from time to time with love in her voice. But he knew nothing else about his beautiful Dream Woman. What is wrong with me wondered? How could I know nothing about the woman that I love? Shawn walked the market several more times hoping to find that our booth had been moved for that. Anyone knew anything of her whereabouts. But no one knew where the mysterious woman had gone. As he walked back to the castle, he realized that he paired up with the woman of his mother's choosing tonight, and that would be the end of things. The woman from the market would remain exactly that but people returned her home his eyes caught from the forest path near the market. Maybe he'd take a walk and clear his mind. It seemed the least he could do since he would have everything else decided for him for the rest of his life. Cinderella's eyes open slowly and her vision was blurred why or am I she wondered aloud. A woman's voice responded my cabin only saved your life. Whatever do you mean Cinderella asked she was beyond confused. Nothing seemed off about the poorest side from this woman who is clearly her captor. Wait, where's Theodore? I had no use for the mouse he remains in the poorest for now replied the woman. She pressed her Palms to Cinderella's cheeks now hold still. Cinderella, let's do afraid to move so she did as she was told she studied the woman before her about her age with long flowing locks in a braid almost down to the ground. She seemed kind but Cinderella was confused by this mystery the smoke bomb the wedding or questions. Now, what on Earth was going on. The Cinderella remained still the woman's eyes closed and she took a deep breath. Cinderella can feel air from the woman's nostrils hitting her own face as she exhaled she began to feel sleepy again, but was able to keep her eyes open. The woman had The Bluest Eyes she had ever seen mesmerised Cinderella felt her lips parked and felt her own breathing slow to match that of the woman before her. Woman's hands left Cinderella's cheeks and she stood and turned towards the hearth. She bent and added some logs to the fire under a cauldron. confused Cinderella felt her brows burrowing please tell me why you brought me here. I know you are her voice was softer than she intended. She wanted to be more forceful with this woman, but something about her presence combed Cinderella of any danger. The woman considered what Cinderella had asked but did not respond. She turned back towards the heart and tended to the culture him. And this my darling ands chapter one of the tail Prince Charming. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope that you will enjoy beep uture installments. Yeah, but I have plans. I hope that you have very sweet and creepy dreams. Good night. Good night.
ASMR reading you to sleep in soft spoken and whisper with a thunderstorm in the background. Enjoy with headphones. This is a very special treat - when my channel hit a thousand subscribers, I held a contest where one subscriber would be chosen to be featured in a custom video. And I thought it would be even more exciting for us if I wrote the audio as part of a new fairy tale series. The Tale of Prince Charming, which is the first of the new fairy tales, features the winner of the contest, Shaun Park, as Prince Charming. This series will be multiple chapters long and will include many of our fairy tale characters. I also love the idea of reading you to sleep while there’s a storm happening in the background so we have a lovely bit of rain. We will have more contests on my channel and I'll be opening my Patreon soon as well so you'll be able to order custom tales of your very own <3 Tingles App: Podcast: YouTube: Twitter: Sorrow of the Dragon Gods: #asmrreadingtoyou #softspokenreading #cinderella #princecharming #thetaleofprincecharming #princecharmingorigin #princecharmingcinderella #thebrothersgrimm #grimmfairytales #originalfairytales --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
Hello and welcome to today's episode of impact school. My name is Lauren Tecna and I'm your host and today we're going to be talking all things sales. So you're going to know exactly how to get your first client if you don't have one already, and if you do already have a client, then you're going to learn exactly how to get your next client or clients depending on how much action you're willing to take that said my guest today is a master salesman. He is incredible. His name's Cole Hatter.You can find him at Cole hata. And the reason why we're talking about sales is because it's what he is great at I like to bring on guests who are at the very top of their game and get them to give you actionable steps and strategies so that you have things to implement immediately. So throughout this entire episode. There is a lot of actionable steps. So just get ready to take action so that you can start seeing results. So please make sure you hit subscribe on this podcast impact school you are going To love what you hear listen to a couple more episodes today. If you can order the rest of this week over the next seven days and my goodness me, you're going to start seeing results in your business and your brand and in your overall life because the purpose of this episode. Well this book as a whole the purpose of it is to make an impact in your life. So you can make an impact in the lives of other people. So with that said, let's get into today's episode take a screenshot share it on your Instagram story tag me at Lauren ticknor tag call Apple Hatter and we talked about Facebook groups in this book last episode. I have a free Facebook group for you, which is called impact school, but it's Link in the show notes, or you can just go on to Facebook type in impact school click groups and then request to join making sure that your answer all the questions to do. So, so we started off this podcast episode with Cole giving us a background into how he got into entrepreneurship and becoming the sales guy so out of high school, I went straight in my fire academy. I was a firefighter for a couple of years to to be exact and then I got in the In a car accident that I was in a wheelchair for a short period of time there and had to figure out a new career Because unless you're in perfect physical health, you can't be a firefighter. And so that's why I turned towards entrepreneurship and my very first Endeavor was a real estate investment company that I still own now 13 years later and have dabbled in a few things. I always say I'm one of the biggest failures. I know I've probably started 30 businesses 24 or 25 of them have failed probably half of those cost me money, but the four or five I've got incorrect have More than enough money to make it all worth it and to provide for myself. So I think it's relevant to introduce myself as probably one of the bigger failures that your audience has ever listened to but you know, that's very common when you when you see these super successful people not saying I am but like you look at the Gary Vee I'll give yourself some cases some slack when you see these mega mega star entrepreneurs and you see the businesses that are working. You don't hear about the ones in the graveyard the third year so that went wrong and so importance context that my first business Has it started was real estate it did work and I still on a 13 years later. So I got lucky that my first try worked out but there have probably been 25 tries or so along the way that didn't and so I think that's important. But you know, what I do today is full-time dad and husband and then when I'm not being a parent or a spouse I do some business and you know, everything's in the sales. We're talking about sales even in my real estate business. I'm selling multi-million dollar homes and selling apartment buildings, right not as a realtor but ones that I purchased. The bait and then sell so every dollar I've ever earned his in sales. I'm a huge fan of sales and sales skill sets and that's it man. Just been selling stuff the last 13 years really nice. I absolutely love that. So I just want to talk about when you got in that accident and you couldn't be a firefighter anymore. So what feelings came about then and do you think of this pivotal moment? I mean, I'm such a believer in the fact that was the name of that happens is happening. Maybe for a reason is like changing the structure of your life. So, how do you think It change your outlook and the actions that you were going to be taking on. Well your next steps. Really? Yeah, so it really gave me purpose, you know part of the story is that in both accents? I lost my best friends. And so even more than losing my career losing people was what really screwed me up and it took me about a year. I was actually so physically hurt that I had to move back in with my parents because I couldn't even care for myself. So so I gotta crack so, you know, I'm a firefighter I'm living on my own because I was in a wheelchair and you know without getting too graphic I to be Carried to the toilet, right? Like I was I was really hurt. So how to move back in with Mom and Dad and so, you know, I lost a lot of my identity that I was no longer living on my own. I no longer had a career I'm being fed by my parents again because I was so broken and hurt but what was really what screwed me up the most emotionally was that I survived accidents that others didn't there was actually two accents or 66 days apart. And so that's where I had a lot of that introspective time to reflect of okay. What am I going to make this mean to me and I had some very very dark months. I I dealt with some pretty significant depression not just from the grief of losing people, but the guilt of being the Survivor. I didn't know how to process the fact that we all got in these accents together and I was the only one that made it and so it really screwed me up. And again, the grief sucks. The guilt was crash and Had some serious months and then I realized one morning and I remember it Rex is the afternoon right perfectly like it was yesterday. I realized that feeling sorry for myself and drinking and taking his pills that they were prescribed to me from the car accident, but I no longer needed to take but I was taking any way because I was all depressed. I realized that doing that was no way to honor my friends that I'd lost and that I couldn't do anything about the fact that that had happened but I could do everything about what that would have what I would allow that to mean to me and I could play the victim and feel sorry for myself and people would understand. As I went through pretty tragic events and throw my life away, or I can let that Define me and so to your question of like how did that change my projected trajectory of my life it changed in every possible way. I didn't necessarily want to be an entrepreneur for what most people want it for, you know, the lifestyle in the freedom. Obviously that's important. But the reason I want to start my own business is because I wanted my full-time gig to be making an impact in the world to honor my friends that I'd lost. I made a commitment to them that that I would live my life big enough for all of us. Us and then I realized that I couldn't have a career job and still do what I wanted to do that. I would need more flexibility. So although I do live in a great home and I have my dream cars and a live a fabulous life the motivating factor of why I work as hard as I do is because the business is that I run give me the time for him Financial Freedom to do the different initiatives in the world like my wife and I we have an orphanage in Ensenada Mexico. We have 23 kids were caring for we work with pencils of promise and build schools around the world. We do clean water projects with a company called our Should call Planet changes in Africa where we're building Wells and water filtration plants and stuff. So we get to make a global impact now because the business is so long answer but I decided in that moment of what am I going to do with my life going forward? Am I going to try to rehab and go be a firefighter? Nope. I'm not and you become an entrepreneur because I want to make millions of dollars to make a huge impact in the world. And so that that moment of having nothing but time because I'm literally in a wheelchair unemployed living at my parents house trying to recover. I mean I had to like learn how to walk again. It was it was Big deal to traumatic brain injury because I got a ejected out of the car going 80. So when my head hit the ground I had my brain was messed up. So the rehab was long and ugly but it gave me enough time to reprioritize my life. And your I am 13 years later. Wow, that is so powerful. So listeners what you're hearing right now. We all go through we all go through rubbish. We all go through things that I'm so great. This is obviously something that calls been through that is to the next level was a massive massive pivot in his life, but it just goes to show that something that is Detective and is so so it's just such a bad time in your life. You can use that as fuel for positivity. And what you're doing right now is you're using it to make a positive impact in the world. And I think that's so amazing. And I think this brings me on to a point of that often I think sales is maybe it's from like the old car dealers, you know who were like a bit slimy and greasy people think that sales is bad. So I would love to hear about what you think like your definition of sales really like what do you see sales as so I think it totally Ali depends on what you're selling of that makes sense like these guys that go the used car dealer like you just said mentality. I mean if you're selling something that's going to improve the quality of someone's life. It's almost like you're you're morally incumbent to Salt I use my mom. I don't know why she has popped in my mind. She runs her own private practice. She's a therapist. She's a psychologist. She's well educated and she helps people through their problems and when you know, she has a website and she has a yelp when someone looks her up and calls her to say Hey, you know, my wife and I are my family and I are struggling we want a therapist. Really my mom's job to sell that person and coming in getting therapy because she restores relationships. She fixed marriages. She thinks you know adolescents that are rebelling against their parents and fixes a family Dynamic and so because of what my mom does specifically literally heels people's broken hearts and gives them the foundation to work better in life. Whatever it is. They're getting therapy recovering from something like I went through and losing people like who who could in the world say the my mom who's literally closing people. That's proper business. Hey, yeah. Yeah, here's what I can do for you. Let schedule an appointment like a cold lead the founder of a website She's Got a close then they show up and she gives in the therapy. So like for people to just generally say sales is bad, you know selling drugs is bad, right but selling a product or service that's going to impact someone's life in a positive way. It's like your duty to the world to do that. So, I think the first thing to really point out in distinguish about sales is believe in what you're selling and know that it works because either a you created it and you've given it your absolute best. Be you've purchased it, you know that it works. So some of the things that I've sold along my career are things for people like one of my mentors I bought I was sitting in the audience. I bought his program and I used it and I've benefited in my real estate business dramatically, right? It helped me make my first million dollars a year and he noticed and he said hey man, would you ever be interested in going and speaking at some of my events and kind of sharing your story with the world that is not my product, but I bought it I paid for it and it changed my life and it made me millions of dollars. I mean Tens of millions of dollars now because it's been 6 years and why wouldn't I saw that because I know it works. So I think that's the first thing to point out is that if you're selling something that you created be proud of it and know that you've literally give it your best. It might not be the best in the world, but it is absolutely your best effort and you can believe in and have integrity or if you're selling something of someone else's like a used car dealer whatever just make sure that the product or service is something you know that works and you can believe it don't sell broken cars sell cars that you know, I've gone through their hundred sixty point inspection have warranties and her great safe vehicles. Our mom's case sell a service that you created that you know will change someone's life or in this other case sell the program that I personally purchased and made me millions of dollars, right? So I think that's the first thing to point out that for anybody who has a sour taste of sales in their mouth just realize it's all dependent on what you're selling. And I mean if you've got the cure for cancer, why wouldn't you sell it as hard as you could to the world, right? Yeah, that's something that's the first thing and then another thing is, you know, how people sell some people are more pushing than others and there's a a lot of reasons whether they lack the skill sets to actually know how to sell and they have what I call commission breath where you're at the car dealership where ever you are and they're just like trying too hard clothes you because their financial life depends on it and you can kind of sense that you know, that's no good either and then I love what you said just that and the quickly because it's like if that fine if their financial World depends on it, I feel like that's so true because if someone is totally depending on that one thing selling that one thing then that's going to be like, oh my gosh, I need to sell this right now. And there's so time pressed. Whereas I think if people I have found personally in my own business when I think okay this I need to think about the lifetime value of a customer rather than them being just one instant purchase and I think when I kind of switch this mindset and for me, this is only actually been quite a recent thing starting to think okay this person might buy something from me. Maybe they went by now, but maybe they'll buy in 6 months 12 months we were talking about this just before we came on the show as well. Like someone might not by someone might not want to go to an event right now, but they might want to do it in like 12 months time. The next time it comes around. I think that that is where people also kind of rushed into things and they think it has to be instant. They need to get that money in the bank right now and short that would be really nice but it would be better to leave a good footprint. I suppose on that person's mind. So they think you wasn't a good honest and like just an authentic person of than just a bit having a bad experience. And even if you then come up with a product that is perfect for them in the future. They might not buy it from you and then my goes somewhere. I was because they just have this bad experience. Yeah, totally. So we call that nurturing and and I also own a digital marketing agency and a lot of what's that? Well don't you do underwater basket weaving? I don't do but no. Yeah, I own a digital marketing agency since 2016. So it's in your business I own but you know, we have stolen some of the best talent out there. So although I personally understand pixels and retargeting and display ads and all that the actual implementation. Are some of the most brilliant people in the world that we've literally stolen because hey that's business and if we have a better opportunity they come but that being said of a digital marketing agency in one of the things that we teach people is a lot of you're going to have the low-hanging fruit that convert immediately but a lot of the conversions will happen after what you call nurturing and that's what you're just talking about off of first touch. They might not want to do business but by incubating them and you know, depending on what the format is whether it's a funnel or trip mail campaigns or even in-person conversations multiple touches is a lot of Times where most people will convert and some I have an event called Thrive. We're in our fourth year right now and I've probably gotten a dozen or so messages from people that say coal. I've been watching for three years and we either a I wasn't financially capable of coming and now I am I'm so excited to be there for the fourth you or there's literally some people that say dude I was a skeptic of you because what we teach at our Venus make money matter and it's had a creative business. It's a for purpose business and it's such a different thought than mainstream entrepreneurism that another people who are maybe lean towards being Skeptics or even Cynics in some cases instead of being open-minded. They immediately say nope. Not interested. And I've had a few people that message me and say call me watching for years. I was skeptic, but now I get it and I'm coming for the first year. I'm so excited. I'm like, yeah, dude, you're my I love getting converts. Like you're my favorite people to have the ones that were talking smack and now are like evangelists, right? So so that's important to to understand that what you know, when your quote unquote selling a product or service to realize that a lot of people will be low hanging fruit and will convert right there. But don't leave the sour taste as you said and have a follow-up system again, very industry-specific to what it is that you do but whatever the follow-up looks like, whether it's emails newsletters or actual phone calls or whatever you need to do to follow up with people because a huge amount of business is what you call like the cup filling up and tipping over or the funnel or however you want to refer to it again, depending on your industry of continuing to build future clients. That might not be ready today, but will be Reading the future and continue to generate more on this on the front end those people that have been incubating come through on the back end and now you're getting still low hanging fruit and then still has later conference and that's how does a scale so I think it's important part of sales is the follow-up to a man like you said not having commission breath and being so pushy but realizing. Hey, you know what today is not a fit. Here's my card or whatever. The interaction is. Let's stay in touch and when you're ready, I'm your guy or gal exactly. No love that so listeners, you know if you're wanting to sell something and I'm sure you are if you're listening to Right. Now you need to have those systems in place so that when you come into contact with a customer, you can let's just say you're capturing their email address. You need to have a way to actually capture that emerges and when you've got that email address you need to have something on the back end that allows you to nurture them. So this can be done through email automations. It can be done through booking a phone call with you. Like you said, all of these different methods are going to work it will like Cole said be totally dependent on your industry and all that. I think for a lot of people listening. They're more personal brand based businesses. So typically it will be that email marketing messenger Bots as well are getting big now, all of these different methods. It's all about trying and testing and seeing what works for your particular audience. And this brings me on to my next point which is is that as you know, making sure that what you're selling you are selling it to the right people because you could have the most amazing thing in the world like like I know an online course about let's just take for me. For example, it's like good impact your Niche teaches people how to find a niche dominate their niche. You crush that somebody who already has mastered that neat and they literally have mailed it. Like for example, I had this dentist person like contacting me the other day if I was then like no no you need to buy this course because basically so I can get your money. That would be really bad on my part because I'm not being honest there and I'm not actually providing a solution to them. That's not really going to add any value to them other than thinking. Oh Lauren's just trying to make money off of me. How cold would you how do you how do you filter people out like because I feel like a lot of times people are like know I can sell this thing to everybody. It's going to be great for everyone. But how do you determine who is actually going to be the right person for you? And how do you know when it's okay to be like no, it doesn't matter if I didn't sell it to this person. Yeah. So you said a moment ago. I think you said the majority of our audience are like personal branded like online types. Yes. I have a cool stuff because I know that your audience doesn't like Theory but wants like two plus two equals four. What do I do? So here's what I would suggest in that space if you are. An online personality or brand and you've got various digital courses or products or Services, you're selling online your customers where you might not ever have face-to-face interaction. That's the easiest way in the world because the internet is infinitely scalable. And so what you're going to want to do is play the numbers game and what I would recommend somebody does is first things first create a private Facebook group for your audience where you are regularly streaming live to that audience. So although they're not paying to be there. It's it's not just you streaming on your personal page or your public page for the whole world. There's a bit of exclusivity. So there's an incentive for them to join again. They're not paying to be in that group, but it is exclusive to the sense that they have to ask and you have to approve them or or whatever it is or even if it's just free for all and anyone can join and recommend people your publicly broadcasting and a very 30,000 foot overview of what you do and inviting people to join your group. And then in there you're giving them free content free content free content free content then from there I would Having a may be paid Facebook group so that they're now leaving the free group to pay something. Very small, maybe like 47 bucks a month or 47 Bucks ever to have that which is now a smaller number of people we're now you don't just broadcast to but you engage you actually are doing Facebook lives where you're reading their questions and their comments and you're engaging like, oh Lauren has a question on personal branding. Let me answer that so instead of having like a pre pre-scripted talk or you just teaching you're actually engaging with them and that's why they're paying that premium. Liam and then from there you just take them up your funnel or I should say down your funnel up your price points to what it is you're doing and so another thing that's huge for your audience to incorporate are what are called chatbots. I use a company called many chat in a NY like there's many of them Ma and why chat CH 80 and many chat is an automated chat box in Facebook Messenger where you can Auto talk to people and you were just talking about how to find the right type of person. This is what I do we get Tens of thousands of people that come into our various pages in our different sites and they go through the many chats and it's very clear. It's like you have to create sequencing where it's like a bee answers. Like if they don't want this cool they go here if they want this they go here and you take them down the course of saying hey, is this something you're interested? No, cool. Enjoy the group. Enjoy the free content. Yes. Okay, and you do a series of like if this then that type questions where like if they say yes, then they get this message if they say no they get this much of this. Yes, and it's a be binary right a Orbeez and what you end up with of of the tens and thousands of people the several hundred or the Thousand or several thousand. That's a yes. I am interested in continuing this and so now through leveraging social media and Technology, you're finding the right people just by shotgun approach. You have something that's free to participate in where people are being in Doctrine in your message and your in your like we just talked about being incubated or being nurtured and then through automation whether it be email Or in this case since it's all done on Facebook with free Facebook pages and then potentially paid or sorry free Facebook groups and then potentially paid Facebook groups using many chat to be able to have I'll tell you this. My email open rate is something like 15 to 20% My many chat chat bot open rate is 80% So if I email you 20% chance of going to see it if I send you a message on Facebook 88% chance of going to open it. So we have these whole sequence has set up through many chat where Are getting messages from cold to them that I really did right, but I only wrote it one time and it goes out a thousand times a day and then it just asks them questions and they answer it and based on their answers. They get uniquely funneled to me now knowing what they want more of and that's all done through Automation. And now I show up and provide the product or service. So as far as getting very tactical I would recommend that any beyond that I would have to know their specific industry Niche or what it is that they're selling. But all of you can have a public Facebook page that's open to the public and then a private Facebook page. And then all those participants you obviously have their Facebook user names. So you set the mini chat campaigns or there are other services like many chat. That's just the one I use these chat Bots and then it asks the questions for you to find the right type of people and you know, if there's 10,000 people in your group, maybe only 500 would do business, but you're going to know who those 500 are. Yeah exactly. It's that 1,000 true fans thing isn't it? But I think that's such a good point. I mean, I'm just waiting for when Instagram allows many chat inspiration because that is going to change the game so Nobody but just a little another little bit of tactic ality. He's not even one for the Facebook group. So you can actually ask the members questions when they come to join and so something that I have found works really well is I have a free mini course, which I just use as a lead magnet really and I kind of set it up to say. Hey, are you interested in building and monetizing your personal brand? If so, make sure to head to this link and sign up for this for this free email after this free video training this free four-part video training. Then people can just go ahead and go to that and pretty much like 95% of the time people say yes, I've already signed up or yes. I just signed up just now and So that obviously you said like your email open rate is quite low. I know somehow - still quite high but I think that's because I've are when I first started what I was doing in my emails I'm sending out SQL is like you said before it's just not drink people. It's just adding value to them as just doing it in a different way. So it's exactly what Cole said, but he was just like mentioning it through Facebook groups, I think. Think they both work and it's just trying a few different things and seeing what works best for your audience and for your ideal client. So I absolutely I love that strategy. So I feel like a lot of times and I think for my audience this is probably where they're at their kind of at the beginning. There may be a bit scared to start selling. They are worried about being pushy or they're worried and thinking cells is evil like we spoke about before how do you advise people go about getting their first handle of cells like what would you say is the first few steps? Mistake. Yeah, so this is ours that question do you sell to friends and family and you know, I would here's what I would do if I was someone just getting started. I would look through your network and find someone who's the most influential whether there is big as a garyvee or just someone who has more followers than you do and I would provide your product or service for free and then I would say hey in lieu of me doing this for you. What I'm going to do is use you as a testimonial and ask that you endorse me, and I've had this happen In so many times. I've had people build websites for me and they say cold. This is a 20,000 dollar program or product or whatever it is. I'm going to do all of this this branding and redo your logo and your website and all the stuff for free but then I'm gonna put my little thing at the bottom your website and then I am going to in my email marketing and messaging say we did Cole's website and I get a lot of people and a lot of times I'll decline because it's just not something I need but a lot of times I will say yes, because like, oh, perfect. I need that and you want to do it for free bring it on and they're going to over-deliver or in this case you would need to Liver because even though you're providing the product or service for free you want to give the absolute best to this person because you're using their reputation to sell your stuff. So a lot of products like with TV commercials and radio ads will pay a celebrity like an Ashton Kutcher something to say. Oh this face cream the cleared up my zits and maybe they used it. Maybe they didn't write but they're a paid endorsement and they're a celebrity. So we're supposed to be like, oh well if Ashton uses that face cream I must to and I don't even know if that still works anymore. I'm assuming because I still see it out there. But what's even better is for me to go to you're going to just give me a shout out and now on your podcast you like. Hey, everybody, by the way, go check out my new website and this guy Cole made it he's fantastic and now maybe I get two or three paying customers because your followers are loyal to you. And if you are willing to endorse something and then I go to your website and I see that it looks beautiful. I might reach out to the guy that built your website since you recommended them on your shelf. So for someone who's just getting started to get your first couple of sales go. Do your best to get the person that you have access to because again, like if I keep using garyvee as an example, you probably won't build his website. Like the guy probably won't even take your call. So who you know, you can get access to and who will actually hear your proposition as high up as you can go say I'm going to do this for you for free. I'm going to ask this is that if you like the result that you endorse mean you should have Quick videos saying hey cold it as for me. I recommend using coal and then it's a numbers game. Game when they say yes, that's how I would do it. So, for example, I have a buddy that's a business coach and he called a few big influencers the biggest being Kevin Harrington who eventually said yes, and he coached Kevin Harrington on something Kevin was doing online and it ended up making Kevin like six figures that month by doing one quick tweak on one of his websites. And so Kevin Harrington the original shark from Shark Tank whose you know, one of our speakers Thrive said, hey, man, this guy was an amazing business coach and from what he taught me the First month, it netted me an additional six figures that guy took that video and blasted it everywhere and ended up starting an entire coaching business from that one endorsement because he he had somebody he knew give him an intro to Kevin's team and then Kevin's team accepted and that was a result. So that's just a real life example of if I was just getting started give your product or service for free to an influencer as high as you can possibly get and then you know spread that endorsement to the world. Yeah, you're going to give away for free and like I do think sometimes You have to give without expecting anything in return as well. But I do think sometimes you know, you may have to kind of put something in place to say. Yeah, you can have this. If you do this in return, I think if anyone doesn't have any influence or contact right at hand like they literally no no influences. You can DM people on Instagram. You can send out emails. I think it's just not being afraid to put yourself out there to put in the work like I do think that the first few sales that you make is always the hardest that goes without saying because you don't have these girls and so I mean I know for sure I found this I found that the first you know when you have nothing to show like maybe I didn't even have a probable website at that time for my courses and stuff, but I was just damning but I was saying look here is my value proposition is what I can offer you I was posting on Facebook groups like Niche Facebook groups giving value and it's all about just like giving that value first and then people see this free value and then they're like, well if this is their free value, imagine what they're paid by you must be I know how you feel about that, but I agree with that and one thing I should clarify to is. I mean I'm going to stab using gate. He's an example, but you don't need to go to Mega influencers like a Kevin Harrington to yeah talking about someone who has a thousand followers on Facebook of those people like you trust people you follow and so, you know, Lauren there's there's people who follow you and because I listened to your podcast and maybe they're in your dreams maybe even bought your courses before they trust you and they klt they know like and trust you you indoors from your platform. They immediately are going to trust more than if it was a cold advertisement. So just to the audience who's like Cool Cole great suggestion. I don't know any freaking a-lister multi-million followed on Instagram blue check marked influencers. So that idea won't work for me. I'm talking about even some with a few thousand followers. It's a numbers game. You might get one client, right? And so that's the point is is go to people who you know have audiences again. Not not your aunt because she's in a bunch of women's group and has a lot of followers. But isn't in the same space as you Someone Like You Lauren who has a business podcast if I was providing a business service, you would be someone I would go to and if you said no, thank you. I'm not going to cry and roll around on the ground. Like I'm a failure. I move on to the next one and asked and asked and asked so let me just clarify that that you don't need somebody who's got 3 million followers on Instagram to endorse you that would be great if they would but even some of the few thousand followers if they endorse you that's a few thousand eyeballs that are going to see for a free and then be from someone they trust so the conversion rates are the trust. We'll go up. Yeah, no, exactly surgery and it's like yeah, the whole point is you could use the biggest influence in the world. But if that's just one of these let's just take I know for example, you took him out that business coaching if you were to then go and pick some random influence. So who's got like 5 million followers, but never talks about business and it's just constantly posting photos like holding skinny jeans like doing ads all the time and not necessarily trusted by the audience people and maybe following them for the Aesthetics. Not really. Any kind of substance behind it was something then that's probably not gonna be the right person. It has to align with what you're selling. This is so incredibly important. It's way better to have an influenza who is a big fish in a small pond and to have a small version of flipping massive ocean. That's what I always think is the same in life. Like if you are someone who's trying to build a following as well, like you'd rather be that big fish in that small pond. It's just a more captive audience isn't audience as more engaged and like you said, there's like, even if you're looking strong get kind of brand deals or something. Let's say One here is a blogger and their winning streak to get brand deals for that particular Niche like more brands are going to contact you. If you are a big fish in a small pond rather than just trying to be like the biggest person in the world. We see ya know amazing cool. I think we've covered a lot about sales here. I think the final thing I would like to ask is just about about kind of that friends and family thing like if would you actually go to friends and family do you think it's a good idea so it depends on the product or service, but you know I have A buddy who was literally just talking to me. He will not involve his family in any business to the point. Like he says that he takes business calls outside. He had someone stopped for business or as a business colleague stop by his house and just in the kitchen brought it up literally took the guy the backyard and said I don't discuss business run a family. He's on one extreme end. My dad is my business partner my real estate business. My wife is my business partner co-founder and Thrive. So not only do I do business. I have I start businesses with family as far as going and selling and friends and family. That's always the question. And for me, it totally depends on the product and service if that makes sense. And so I let me give you some examples. So for Thrive for instance, I will let some my friends and family come for free. I'm not going to make them buy ticket because I have over a thousand attendees and having a dozen or so that are there that are unpaid because they're my family or whatever sure but I do have a paid Mastermind, which I limit to 100 people and if they're going to take a Spot from someone else they're paying for that if that makes sense, and I'm not going to force that on them, but I'm going to say hey obviously friends and family. I mean, I'm not making my dad pay for this thing. Right or my wife pay for the Mastermind. They help me facilitate it but some of my innermost close friends that are a part of my daily life pay for my Mastermind pay for it every single year and it's because it's like Listen by me letting you in for free that's taken an opportunity from someone else that would be in there because I can't have an infinite amount of people. It's capped at a hundred always every year period And so again to pan the product or service I have no problem. Only my friends our family back to what we started this off by knowing that they're going to get an Roi and so for my close friends that still pay me to this year for my Mastermind. It's because I've seen them make connections in that group and years previous or I know going forward that they well that's going to more than be worth it and there at the end of the day going to feel like they stole from me that that I created way more for them than they created for myself and that's a philosophy. I follow always is I want anyone I do business with to feel bad for me that they got way more than I got Because that you know over-delivering mentality always comes back in spades. And so so again the question is what do I think about working with friends and family? I do it non-stop selling to friends and family totally depends if it's an something like Thrive where I just throw a few chairs in who cares, but if it's where it would take the opportunity from someone else then they've got to step up and pay and if they're not interested in hard feelings and so I don't have a problem asking my friends and family for money for products where it makes sense. And again, I know that they're going to get Positive Roi and so that's just me again. My other guy that I was just talking about who literally won't even take a call in front of his wife because he wants to in his mind be able to separate his personal life from his business life. I can appreciate that too. That's just not my style personally. I love I love that. As soon as I get off this podcast. I'm going to go downstairs where my wife and my entire company's waiting for me. We're going to have a meeting today and my wife's going to lead it and she's gonna be sitting right next to me. I'd probably work eighty to a hundred hours a week which sounds like a lot And people like man, that's unhealthy, but eighty to a hundred of those hours or with my wife and only maybe 20 hours a week stuff. I don't want to like right now I would call this work. This is an hour of work, but I love this stuff. I could do this all day long. And so at the end of working 80 to 100 hours, maybe only 20 were things. I don't like like freaking bookkeeping or crap like that and the other 60 to 80 hours. I love because of stuff like this and I do it with my dad my wife or whoever at my side so I'm a huge fan of doing business with family and friends. You know the question then comes up as well. What if they're sucking like what if you need a fire them? I think that that almost always is about communication and if I have a friend that's working for me or family member that's not doing well. You cannot let it build up because then there's tension. There's regret there might even be a little bit of like frustration and then that can really ruin relationships. So it's so important to over communicate the family and friends that if there is someone Who you share DNA with then it is working with you isn't doing it immediately have that conversation and either is a your fault for not giving them the proper tools or training to do their job. Well or be something was going on in their life and you can just say hey man, or hey girl, whatever, you know, love you what's going on? Because I'm seeing a huge drop-off. You're not hitting your tasks or duties. What can I do to support you? Because obviously as a team, we're moving this ship forward and you know, we all have to be operating at the same level and so with that I mean my dad Business partner for 13 years. He's the best man in my wedding. We have a great father-son relationship. And although there have been times many times where we've been incredibly frustrated with each other in business. We're able to put our family relationship above our Business Partnership always and so that would be only my recommendations there. Yeah depends from person to person industry to Industry. I think if it's like Fitness coaching or something business coaching like all those other thing, I think personally I think friends and family like they They probably a really great prospects for you, but when it comes to yeah different things like if it's maybe like relationship coaching or something that might be a little bit hard. I don't know who knows what it really really Rose. Amazing Sokol also has an event called Thrive and I'm just letting you know about it because I went to the one in 2019 and it was awesome. He's going to be doing more in the future and he actually donates money from the proceeds to charity which is so cool. Sometimes, you know, you see success. Your business everything's going really well and I don't know me personally. I'm always like what next what next what next what next because you don't feel that deep sense of fulfillment and I feel like when you're actually using your income and what you're doing in the world for good and you're actually making a positive change like that and that is when that's when you feel so incredibly fulfill and the cool thing about this. I also think it's like it can be for anyone like no matter what business model your ends are G of attendees who are like from, you know, all sorts of different Industries, or do you see a Common common theme like is it kind of everything? Yeah, so it is definitely a diverse audience. All of them are entrepreneurial and the sense that this isn't just a motivational event for people who are planning on working a job the rest of our life, you know, if they have a career now, they've got a side hustle. So it is a business conference for entrepreneurs. I'm a real estate investor as I've shared and so for whatever reason even though real estate is not even talked about for the most part from stage. Probably 20% of our audience are real. There's our investors because they follow my social media for that with Fitness. Exactly. Exactly. And that's why was the next industry is going to say Thrive has nothing to do with Fitness, but I think because we had like Lori harder last year JJ Virgin the year before that and who else do we have Last Hero Shaun T from Insanity and you know Beachbody again, we probably have about 20% the audience that are that are in the fitness space. And so again, those would probably be too dominant markets. I'd say the other one. That's the largest is your audience on this podcast people who are trying to build personal Brands who have various courses or programs online because we have a lot of digital marketers calm like last year. We had Chris record and Billie Jean and these different guys who make millions and millions of dollars with online courses programs products Etc. So so I would say those are the three dominant Industries, but I mean I have chiropractors come who just have a chiropractic office with four employees. You know, I have dentists come you talked about See others and that guy comes from he's one of our like most loyal patrons. If you will he comes from Australia every single year and he's a freaking dentist. So he's 14 hours to come to thrive over years name's Angus loved the guy. And so anyway, just all business owners from all different niches come together and the content of Thrive is is specially catered so that it works for all of our all the attendees. Yeah amazing and I think it's super cool because it's super affordable as well compared to a lot of these events that you see out there you guys are I've made it affordable and accessible for a lot of people especially because calls done something special for the listeners of the millennial Apple girls who have made it this far. So do you want to tell them or shall I yeah, if anybody wants to grab a ticket then I've left a special link which is by the way an affiliate link for Thrive and also a discount code in the show notes. So head there now, we only have about 200 tickets left. So we are going to sell out if you missed it. No worries. We're going to do it again next year, but there's a promo code which is Lauren and it's 20% off. Whether you're going to make it to this Thrive or the next one at the promo code or I don't know what it says discount code. It says something there just put in Lauren and you're good to go. Yeah, is it capital letters or just look ace high? I don't think it's case sensitive, but why not call it all capitals because it makes sense. But I think it works with lowercase to if it doesn't work put in Capitals in there you go. Now we go Bish bash Bosh amazing color. So I'm super excited. I can't wait to meet you. I'm really I'm I've never been to Vegas before either so ideas. Gonna be an interesting occasion and it's going to be super fun and I can't wait to connect with so many people see all these different speakers just it's going to I'm so excited. Honestly, I can't even tell you and I think that what you're doing is so cool and it's just, you know, using all these sales skills that were learning and then not only making money and an income for ourselves creating Financial freedom freedom of All Sorts because I would say I'm massively one of these kind of Freedom chases like I have tried working kind of -5 And stuff, it's just I just hate the lack of Freedom as a for me that's amazing. But then actually to create fulfillment through purpose through being able to give back. I think that's what it's all about. And it's all everything wrapped into one and that's why I think is amazing about it. So let me mentioning earlier. I would never endorse anything that I that I don't really believe in and so that's why I think this is cool because I'm able to really for me. This is just about sharing an amazing event with my audience. Like that's all it is like I'm just Making them aware of it. And with that said this this event was obviously in the past because I'm re-uploading this episode and because a lot of people have subscribed to the podcast since I uploaded this so I won't go into any more detail on that now but definitely do a 10-1 in the future. It'll be super fun for you events are amazing. You can meet a bunch of people but let's talk about sales. Let's go back to the topic of this podcast because here's the thing. I think that's so many people don't they don't make sales well first because they don't have an offer. But that proud of you need to be proud of your offer and tell people about it. Look I'm not afraid to tell people about my eight-week long accelerator program impact their influence because I know that it delivers results. I have had amazing testimonials and I literally know that it gets results because it is the exact guided framework that I used in order to build my business to where is that today? I literally give you the exact templates of things that I have out there the emails that I've said that I've made sales I give you them. So that you can use them for yourself things like that. So I know they get results now. Here's the thing when you don't think your thing gets results when you doubt yourself because maybe you aren't as well knowledge. Like you'd have as much knowledge as you could it's just a case of you going back to the drawing board and actually doing your research to make sure that you know that the information that you are going to be sharing in your offer does deliver results. So there's that there's also the whole fact of them. So there's that but then there's also laziness if you're not direct messaging people and You actually have a DM template. I will leave that link in the show notes. It's like then again the exact step-by-step DM strategy in order from finding someone for the first time who is an ideal client. So then actually going ahead and closing a sale with them. I've got like I think it's like 12 steps for you to follow it involves saving people into collections moving them from one place to another so that you can keep track of who's in conversation with you right now and who's on the verge of buying and all this. So yeah, definitely grab that damn template, but you know you Need to put in the work if you're not working the work you have no excuse like seriously, you're gonna have people say no to you so many times but you need to bounce back from that and you need to actually just be resilient here. So sales in order to be a great salesman and set ourselves woman. I'm going to do a whole book as episode on this. So make sure you have hit subscribe, but I'm going to talk about the key traits of a salesperson because my goodness me so many people who have an online business or they're trying to build their And they try and make a few sales but they don't keep trying off to that and if they get told no, they try making new product because they think that their current one isn't good enough but really is that you just haven't tried hard enough. So hope that actually strong enough makes you take action because I want you to make this happen. I'm making this free content with you so you can be successful. But whether you do anything or not with it is not down to me it's down to you and so I hope you do end up taking action download my My freedom template my DM strategy it is going to save you so much time. It's going to help you create sales in your business, and then you know that all my stuff does really work. So with that said, thanks so much for tuning in. Please do listen to some more episodes and I'll see you in the next episode of impact school.
LEARN EVERYTHING ABOUT SALES. This episode gives you the first steps to selling. Cole Hatter is our guest today and he is a master salesman and multi-millionaire who has an incredibly inspiring story, going from being in a wheelchair to where he is today. - Why selling isn't always "evil" - Why you need to nurture your ideal clients - Influencer marketing   The Impact School Podcast is a show by Lauren Tickner ( designed to impact your life through giving you actionable steps and strategies to build your brand, increase your income, and become the best version of yourself. Hit subscribe for new episodes every Monday and Thursday.
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We are talking God is greater. That's the name of the episode that we're getting into today. So I'm super excited. We're going to talk about Alma site. We're going to talk about so many things back stories. We got Shady Church deals. We got explosions. We also have a book dedication. Mmm. Don't read book dedications the very beginning of the book. They will now become important to you. Yeah, they're not everything everything. So it's so exciting. We also have our special segment WYD and of course our news and gossip. But before we get into it Evan a Chatman in the building and our Messiah extraordinaire, yes, yes. Yes. All I do is watch this all things Netflix, right? You've been binge. Everything's been then you been I love it. I love it. So good and I of course am Tatiana. Teresa, what were your overall thoughts about this episode this episode 9 so many thoughts so many. I know your book of notes there. I said there was so much going on. Yes, and I said all the characters were confused and manipulated in this episode like some are hello what's going on with that? And I was just like what was going on there like what was going on tomorrow? What? Is that was my whole thing. I was like this he had me shook. I did not see that coming. He was going up like inexplicable odds, I'd he seems uncomfortable the entire episode like the past couple episodes. He seemed really uncomfortable with what he's doing. Like he doesn't know what's going on. That's how I feel. No he has no idea. I feel like this episode was like the episode for Back stories, whether kind of like giving you the meat and the reasons behind why everybody's doing things that they're doing or like why they're in the position that they ended. I just shoved it all in one that because maybe that's why I felt full because I had meat and potatoes this time. Yeah, that's really good. I felt really good about it was like, yes. Okay. Okay. We're getting somewhere. Yes, there's so much. So you guys I apologize beforehand because we're going to try to cover so many I have so many we have so many things to say about this episode. And so if we don't get to it all please keep the comments going so we can keep talking about it because we love to talk about the show. So with that I just want to go right into our Back stories because I feel Like that was what this episode completely started off with. Yes. So let's talk about Abram as a child. Super cute kid. They were both cute. So cute his mom was like so loving it seemed like he looked like he had almost the perfect childhood. Yeah until until a Car Bomb explodes on him and his brother and his mom and his mom dies right she's dead. Okay, who was the brother that the brother died to we don't know? Okay, they didn't say okay, I'm assuming God. I thought I missed it hoping we'll see I just saw like both the kids like this, right, you know when they fly through the air at little cigarette burns on their back. Yeah. Oh my gosh, that's why his back is crazy. I just made that connection. I didn't realize okay. That's why there's so many were going. Yes. I just thank you. Welcome because I'd miss that that is why I'm here. We're also talking about kelman now kelman, they don't say his name bring often the but that a that's Ava's dad. Um, he has short term memory loss poor thing which explains so much engine, but he doesn't seem like Ava doesn't seem to like, I mean, maybe she gets it but like it hasn't been said nor does she say it or he doesn't say it. So I think that maybe it's frustrating like or she just didn't want to deal with it. Right, but maybe that's because she doesn't know what it is, or maybe she'll like maybe he's just what is wrong what she's like in denial. Yeah. I mean that would explain why he calls her Ruth and that one phone conversation and we also find out that her mom had six miscarriages before they she had her before she had Ava right that conversation was so interesting. It was so hard because Ava didn't want to talk about her mom and I think I got emotional. Yeah, I think I but I want to know why she didn't want to talk about her mom because I mean her dad I'm assuming that he's you know, he's not near death, but he's in the later years of his life and that's tent that tends to be when people like reflect the most on past experience that they've had or decisions that they've made. And I feel like he wanted to talk about them with her especially about her mom and she just wasn't having it. No, she wasn't having it at all. And the thing too is that her dad brings up like the idea of Faith Like needs a faith and she's like don't talk to me about having faith because I am just like you you are like me we are both selfish. We are both to ourselves. This is how it is and because of their work their line of work like her dad wasn't able to be there for her mom. So whatever happened to her. Her before she passed away or whatever. Maybe they got a divorce like she didn't feel the loving the home and then she was like, yeah, man, I wasn't there for my husband going through cancer going through chemo that she probably was out working. She's probably doing what she does best which is ignoring the problem moving on and working. Hmm. So she had I think she has an extreme guilt which is why it's so hard for her to like take her wedding ring off because we've seen this now a couple times where she's like playing with it or like struggling to take it off thinks about taking it off doesn't take it off. So I think Has this like immense amount of guilt and she's like alone and she knows that and she knows the defense or her choices exactly is also though because if their choices, I wonder if she keeps having to explain to her dad that she's having these miscarriages or if it's something like because she's like Dad I lost the baby and he was like, oh, I'm so sorry, right like he didn't know but I mean this also has happened before so like maybe because it doesn't it didn't seem like they had had a discussion at all that like, yeah, but then he lost it but he forgets things. It's true. So I didn't know if it was like she's like I lost the baby like I don't want to keep telling you this because that's painful to have to look like tell you over and over and over again or if it's something that she's just now telling him. I don't know. I kind of took it as like she was just now telling him only because they hadn't seen anything else before right, but I mean, I guess it could be either way up for interpretation. What do you think you go? I don't know. I don't know. She can't be with her dad. She doesn't want to be with her dad at all. Like avoiding him at all costs I think because he is still vulnerable vulnerable right now and because he keeps forgetting things. She kind of was like she has to take care of him. Right? And I don't think just the time or the patience. Yeah patients absolutely no rush nor have any and either one of them dealt with like their past problems issues therapy, whatever. Yeah. Yeah totally so she runs away right into the arms of Evie. I was like, oh my gosh, of course, you're going to come back right look here. Do you plan to see the last episode and Oh, yeah, like you want some of this though. She did she did I can't blame her. Everybody's human. She kissed him back really good. Okay wasn't like he was just going all-in and she was just like they're like a like a little fish like, you know, she was going in on that kiss to think about. Yeah. Yeah, so I knew she was going back first e, okay, they're both thirsty. And this was a fulfillment of so many things I think but it was interesting because while they were in bed together she didn't I want him to look at her. No, I don't know if it's okay. I took it as she was trying to like cover space like she was like a shamed of like having sex with someone else beside her husband. Yeah, and that's yeah or something but like not that like she didn't want him to see her but like she didn't want to look at his face. I thought she felt guilty. Yeah because she's moving on well, like physically I guess she's moving on and it's like you said before she said like a hard time taking her ring off to move on right? And so now she's just like instead of Forming a relationship and then like moving on slowly. She just hopped in bed with Abby. And so I think that's why she did it but he was like no he was like you got to look at this. Myth is so intense, but I appreciate so fast. I appreciate that that he wanted to look in her eyes. Like I want to know the person that I'm making love to yeah making love well knocking boots, but shacking up I mean to make it romantic. Set the tone are making love what can do each other into each other's eyes. That's what I was trying to hear. You're like nah, they were just do not going to believe that's what was happening. So that happened so that obviously connection there that's gonna stay I think because she's so attractive, you know, she was like, oh that was a mistake. I was like too late too late. It happened. The connection is there I don't know if this is her first dude after her husband, right? If it is that connections going to stay. Yeah, but I mean they already Had I mean they already have that moment when they were drinking in the bar together, right? Exactly. Yeah, and I like they had a moment and they're very similar. Yeah. I hope I had this I wouldn't be mad about it now. I hope they stay together. Yeah, like them did we ship them? No, that's not ship them. Never mind. We'll use that for a different time. Everybody's another shipping thing. So now we want to we also get the back story on Felix and Anna who it turns out that they've had literally and I think has had years of resentment because she was a Teen Mom. So she got pregnant when she was a teen with Rebecca and I'm assuming that they told her she had to keep the baby right and Mary feeling that's not Felix's baby. No. No, I think it's Felix is baby. I think it's Felix is daughter because I bet you she got pregnant by Felix when they were teenagers and her father because he's a pastor said you can't get an abortion. You have to make it work with Felix and you have to stay in dili Texas as what I think that's why she was like, I don't want the same thing for my daughter. That's why I let her get the abortion. Right. Did you think something different? What did you think I didn't make all those connections but we can she straight up said like I don't want the same thing happening to her. I don't want her life ruined so I can only assume that she went through that that's a great assumption. I'm into that assumption a hundred and ten percent and that would totally make sense as to why she's very like protective of Rebecca why she's kind of had an alcoholic because like she doesn't She doesn't want to stay in dili, Texas. And I don't I don't know who loves Felix. She said she did. She said she did sounded sincere. I don't know. I just feel like I think you're forced to be in a marriage like no way like, I mean listen arranged marriages work don't I'm not that's not what I'm saying, but I'm just saying sometimes when you're like forced to be in a situation that you're not ready for like it rare 18, you get pregnant you get married like that's a whole lot to do to deal with you don't even know what you're doing. Remember? No, I think she like I agree with you there. The color of the sky like totally that's going on. Yeah you and you have so much maturing to do right? So it's definitely you're like thrown into life. I think she's grown accustomed to Felix like, you know how you're familiar with somebody that you you can say it's love but it's like a different version of love where you're so familiar, which is comfortable. Yeah. Maybe she's just your like when you get some at some point in life, sometimes you just get like settled. Yeah, you're just used to what you're used to so like now that like Maasai or phayam has like come into their lives and like disrupted the I like routine. I feel like she's just really confused and like all over the place and doesn't know what to do with herself. Yeah, and her husband was trying to him on stop right? Her husband is something else a Monsta talking about something else. Can you explain to us more about what goes on here at AfterBuzz TV? Yes, of course I can talk to you. Thank you so much guys here AfterBuzz TV. We talk a lot about our our benches. We have dramas. We have reality TV, which is my personal favorite. I love a good reality show and You can follow this all on YouTube. We can stream them live for most of our show. So you can like comment and subscribe. You can also if you're on the go and don't have time to watch a whole 30 minute video on your way to work. You can check us out on iTunes and Spotify. Those are good alternate. You're right. Yeah. I will check us out on Spotify some some other thing when you're when you're getting your mommy's voice in the car. I don't listen to myself and I dudes all is it is somebody else I listen to myself talk to my kids all day. That's not talking about this Shady deal church because we ended with Felix and now he's just this like egocentric money hunt money-hungry person. He comes to Ed as this like with this like big shot business deal, right? And basically I put in my nose. He's pimping out them the MSI. Remember, I told you this a couple laps you did and you nailed it on this is his Mo. He is like first he may be thought he was it but this was the thing that he said that had me weak. He said to Ed basically even if he isn't the the Messiah like right that he liked it would look good or something. It would still bring attention right? I can't find it in my notes right now, but yes, right, right. Right what had me was that he went to Ed and was like, didn't you say you wanted a lot more viewers? Right? Guess what? I can bring that to you. Do you want it or not? Then he goes to Alamos. I and he's like, right he promises. He's like you told me to pray and God told me to be your servant and that's what I want to do for you. Let me be your servant right? I was like whoa manipulative. You just had a flip of character and one day like a total. A total flip and that is not something that we've seen as a characteristic of Felix before so this is like a whole new Felix that is driven by greed and and attention. That's what he wants and I think he's butthurt because he's not Alma sighs like right-hand man anymore, you know, because he did that whole press conference without him without even telling him and he's like what I thought was weird. What the heck was that press conference that Alma said that Pat I am did the quote was that that was weird. I think he was just exposing the president is fun some I think that's why okay, I think that was about Oh just because the president was like don't tell any don't tell anybody and then the first thing you did let me go do a press conference, but I thought it was crazy because now we see this like we watch Ava's dad flipping through the channels and he's watching TV and on it. Is this huge commercial with Alma PSI on one side and Ed on the other and it says in the conversation with the Messiah, I like em, big words, right the Messiah and I was like dang it. Hmm. It's a disappointing. You know, what's so funny though. What I feel like that. It's what they touch on so much on the show. Yes, like just like the stereotypes of like those big mega churches. I know well, it's TV evangelist and TV evangelists have a stereotype definite just it from the beginning of time. Yeah. Did you ever watch TV evangelist? Well when you're done one guy no, but what is that one guy? Just Goldstein. Oh, yeah present-day. Yeah, Joel soon as the mega trade ya know. I don't know that back in the day in. My grandma you I forgot what they were called. Gosh. I wish my husband was on the live chat. He could tell me and it was used to watch that all the time. Had those big Gloppy eyelashes. Yes like this. Yes. So like is that is when I think of TV evangelist, that's the first thing that my mind goes to because that's like part of my childhood now and so they TV evangelist always have this running thing of like exploitation and you know, like all this kind of stuff. So just right into that will get her name for you soon. Yeah, because yeah because that it's very interesting story long story short. They had a really big church. They kind of grew it into like being a big thing. They kind of got manipulated like Like by other people trying to like get in their pockets, they ended up like turning it over Jan Crouch. Is that her name? That is our name or Janice Wendell. Yeah, Janice Wendell Crouch. Yes her name. Yeah. She's a lady with the pink hair. She was on TBN. She yeah, she was a liberal religious broadcaster. She passed away on 2016, but that was her name Janus Wendell Crouch. Yeah, but like when people think at least if you're from from my generation p when people think like It was a huge thing because you know, you're telling like give money send money and that was the big problem there and there was some other things where like people are trying to get in their pockets. They turned up at the church and then it wasn't theirs anymore. And yeah, the story's interesting speech you'll get up well, but on below yes. Yeah, but it sucks. It just sucks because it plays into that entire stereotype of all of them is like TV evangelist. Just kind of like my money hungry and attention. They want attention. I'm just like, okay like Totally plays into that's not how churches supposed to be. No, no, absolutely not absolutely not. So basically what Felix says he's tells and he says even if he isn't the room of say you put him on TV and no one will blame you for wanting to believe if he was fake. Yeah. That's what he said. Yeah because we're still trying to like do good. Right? So my question was like what is Felix doing question mark question mark is a different person. He's a different lately. So we've seen him go from this like very humble beginnings Pastor who was Trying to spread the word in his church to now this like crazy narcissist who is just Addicted to Fame. Yeah. I mean, he's in his robe at like this expensive hotel dining on whatever they ever spring service, you know chose door. It just it's really it's sad it's sad to watch because that's like, you know this human nature at plays off of honestly what your flesh wants. And so that was you know, he just totally fed into that completely fit into that and then when Alma sighs like sure I'll go but I want Rebecca to be there. It was such a weird thing because he goes to his daughter and he's like Alma sighs going to speak he wants you to be there, right? But he said it weird. It was an awkward scene. I didn't understand did you get it that it was awkward because I thought it was totally weird until she's like gives him a hug and then he kind of like breaks the awkwardness because obviously he hasn't like hugged his daughter in a long time, but it was just there something that seemed really fake about it. I mean, I didn't really get the awkwardness from it and personally yeah, I do feel like maybe he was probably feeling some type of way that you know my alma side / Pi am asked for Rebecca. Yeah, you know, yeah, I think he's always been kind of like my quiet because there's still that tug-of-war. Yeah. I'm the favorite know. I'm the favorite not in the paper. Exactly. That's what happens when you have more than three kids, right? Yeah. Yes. Yes. That is it. I really like the Cinematic split because when they're like getting ready to go when he's getting ready to go talk. Split between Alma PSI and Rebecca like getting ready to go speak at this conference. And then we're split between jabril trying to recite his speech and then Samir who is now we know is a suicide bomber you guys that had me so crazy. He is not he peed himself before he even when not like before he was even strapped with the bombs. I was just kind of like see I didn't see that coming because this whole time you see him like reading the Iran and like being in this and then I thought he was going to get married like they brought him a wife you got married, but that's because he was gonna die that my mother's yeah, like they wanted him to they wanted him to experience sleeping with a woman, but they wanted to make it Quran based and so they had them get married. Oh, okay. Yeah, they wanted it to be within the religious spectrum of marriage, I believe because if you went without getting married, then it would be a sin and then he wouldn't be holy enough to be. Yeah, but I was not expecting. Thing wherever he is at this convent, whatever this is whatever is going on training suicide raining right that I didn't but I didn't expect it to be like, I didn't know he was going to be the suicide bomber. I thought they were maybe teaching religion because they nothing had been explicitly said that he was going to be having to sacrifice himself. No, nobody said that but that would it would explain so much but obviously he's not ready and he knows he's gonna go kill his friend would be ready. I'm not ready. I'm dying already. Killing. No. No, I'm fighting my first Escape out the window. Yes, because that is that's what a scary especially because it's going to be against his friend, right? What's that? Did you think he knew that though before? I don't think so. I think he did. I don't think he did because I feel like when they saw each other it was like a oh my God how he says his name? Yeah, and then he broke right and then it doesn't happen because he drops the bomb. Well, he drops the trigger, right but the dude in the car. He already had it together because he probably knew that man was That Samir was not about to go through with it, which is so unfair. It's so unfair, right but that that cinematic movement between the three people. You know, I like a good seeing you guys do I know you do? No, I like a good scene James materi. Yes, Mick Teague, but Teague and Teague. Yes. Yeah James McCarthy James Smith Teague. I Bravo. I love a good parallel see seen building up the drama every single time. I see a thing like that. I'm into it me to I saw the sounds like another one another one. It's mine. I love it. Did you notice that all three between that scene like all three are kids isn't that kind of crazy? So it was to Braille, uh-huh Samia, huh? And then Rebecca because Rebecca goes up his house. I skips out right Rebecca goes up and starts. We talking what her going out. No, no Alice, I leaving no one forced her. M he just left no, but he knew knew what I think he knew okay because he's sitting there he's sitting there. He sees them pull up because you see the car like yeah, he does see so you see him use he sees and pull up and I'm pretty sure that he looked out like saw who it was who was so he doesn't want it. He was already hesitant about getting in front of all these people and speaking but he agreed it sounded like that was no problem for him. He agreed. No, he said I'll do it, right I could find a clip. I will show you I don't think I think he was nervous about it because what is he going to say? He is no to say right exactly. That's what I'm saying. Yeah. Nothing to say in front of that's what he's like, that's why I think he left and his character like he's seems to be the type of person that rolls with the opportunities good or bad. Okay. I can't you know, like oh this opportunity present itself that must mean I must take it. You guys in the car right doesn't know whether he's going to die or not, but he goes on car right you know, so but it's interesting because it's Rebecca. Jabril and Sameer are all three kids and they're all making these tough decisions adult decision. It's yeah, right and they're put in these positions where they're forced to do. Well, I Rebecca wasn't really forced but she was totally coaxed. I think yeah because she thinks that I'll Maasai pie ham is by him is the out is The Messiah yeah, so she is under influence and so mr. Brell and so is Sameer but they're all being pushed for this political and religious battle, right? You know when they have no idea truly what any and none of them know what they're fighting for or saying for that matter true, you know, no one has a fork and I thought that was interesting that they're all three kids and they don't understand the situation. No, but I think that's so interesting that they use the kids because Kids are the ones are the most like vulnerable and open and can be manipulated easily because they don't know what's going on. Yeah, so the fact that you can kind of like give them these ideas like oh, yeah, this is what you need to be doing. Let me read you the speech you need to only be reading the Quran you need to only you know, Messiah like Messiah he came for you or whatever Rebecca was feeling because she was feeling lost and you know homicide kind of gave her a little hope right? She's like, I don't want to be ashamed of my And I shouldn't be ashamed so she told her dad. So I feel like he's given her a different way of looking at things now that she's not in dili taxes and things are a little different. She's kind of seeing a different view of the world a different POV. So yeah, I totally agree and of you yeah, thank you. I was like POV was no, I'm just kidding. You never know. I'm really bad with abbreviations on my they do that to me at work all the time ago. So with this whole Explosion that we know we already touched on that. He didn't actually he didn't do it but he exploded anyway, but it sucks because jabril didn't even go through with talking about with the his mentor had prepared for him. He just started talking about peace, right which is even more sad, but you know, at least my only positive in this scene was it least by the time that everyone saw the bomb and he decided to take his time and saw his friend and all that everybody. Nothing turns by then. You know what I'm saying? I mean I'm saying there wasn't casualties but like a lot of people there was some constant but at least no one was in the church, right? Right, right when it went off besides gyro who? Yeah miraculously, we don't I yeah. Yeah, so it's yeah, so that's it's crazy because it's like two friends saying goodbye to each other and I feel like they were all they had left kind of a thing they for they were best friends. And yeah, I'm I mean, it's it's unfortunate. It's and it they were both unwilling participants in this thing. We called life and now they're forced to do things. I don't know what they're doing. Nor do they want to do mmm-hmm ending a friendship. I mean, they haven't seen each other talk to each other and know and it was the first time they faced each other and so long he's there is going to bomb them. Can you imagine you haven't seen a friend in like a couple years? I don't know maybe some months. However long it's been and the next time you see them in turn a bomb you I'd be like who It was the look it was the look that goes like the look of fear. It wasn't even like yeah, I'm ready to do this. It was like I'm so scared please somebody come get me. Yes Sayid. Allow me who plays jabril he is he stands out to me so much in this whole like season. He's a fantastic actor totally because a lot of his scenes are strictly looking like with his eyes. It's just with his eyes, right? He doesn't say too much. I know and so the fact that he can They that much through his eyes as is that is I feel like that is the note of a true actor and he does so well he does so well, so Kudos Saeed amazing job amazing. We really like you. I really want to talk about the this book Dedication that it found. So Ava confronts Alma sigh about his affiliation with Oscar Wallace and realizes that they still talk to each other. So he was on the phone. Remember one time when he was on the pay phone and I was like, I didn't even see him use the pay phone and yeah like me neither. I'm either so he apparently did he's been calling Oscar Wallace, right? And there was like some Russian numbers. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, there were some Russian numbers so they still talk. Guess what he has the coin again. Did you notice remember I said? No. I didn't notice he had okay Pi am had the coin and remember the last time he was in the jail. He pulled out that coin was pocket right kid K and I was like, it means something right now. He's in it. I did. He's at the hotel. Hello by himself, he pulls out that same coin I'm telling you guys it's a coin her it means something to him. Why would he carry this around I think it's a trick quarter. He was making pay phone pay phone calls. Maybe he was putting it in and taking it out. He's a con artist. It's what you said. Yeah. He's a common. Okay, so maybe that's what he's doing and maybe that's a special lucky coin. Maybe I think it reminds him of something from his childhood. And that's the whole reason why I keeps it maybe it's mean something from his uncle. Yeah, that's what I think losing. That's what I think. Think it's and it's all from the coin but I think that he carries that with him for some reason but it's just funny to me that we see it again, but we even calls Oscar Wallace and I'm surprised that we actually saw this as Oscar Wallace character. I didn't think we were going to see him. Yeah me neither. Yeah, we gave a face to a name. Yes, which was great, but he says to Ava his character is really interesting. I don't know. I don't quite know how to place him, but he says to Ava Between him and me. I'm not the dangerous one. Yeah, and that's the beautiful thing. He said it was happy to serve his cause yeah and Oscar Wallace is book was dedicated to pie him go Sherry is dedicated to PG which I can only assume is a GSM is Yap. I am girl Sherry. So Wallace is the student of Pi am even though okay, even though even though Oscar is the one who is that the teacher or that a sir Oscar is is the professor but I think hear me out. I think his book the book that the Oscar Wallace wrote is actually a pie. I'm going Sherry's term paper, right? That wasn't in the library, right? That's what I think. I love that and I think that's a good theory to think that I think that yeah. I think that makes perfect connection. It has to be it has to be I think that's another point for team believer. I think yeah. No, yes. Pretty believer because I know that makes him no. Yeah, that means even more like team skeptic because look he wrote this entire book about disorganization and creating chaos to make people like really question what they think and then when they do that they're completely shaken and they'll follow anything right? That was his whole book was about and that's exactly what he's doing. Yeah, but I'm saying Oscar Wallace apparently was a good Enough Barry for someone else to steal it and yeah, but they still talk to each other. So it wasn't like you still don't like how I made money. It's like he stole it was like I'm gonna put this book out and you can actually carry it out. Guys, it was an experiment or is it real? I wonder I seriously Wonder with that. Let's get into our news and gossip Evan a can you share that with us? Well, you guys, you know Ed the one that plays Anna's dad who's also a pastor. He also plays his name is Bob or Beau Bridges. He also plays on Green Leaf, which is a known which is on own. And I think it's really funny how they both have. Both of the characters are displayed in these very popular shows have like Pastor religious Church Vibes to them that it was very interesting. Also, we have an interview with Tamir Sicily, right? So he he was in an interview and so they were asking him about you know, they're that the show doesn't really have any clear answers and what was something that did he know that And and so tell me are says basically when he auditioned for it. He did a self tape because he lives in Paris which is funny because I was just we were talking about it how I think his like accent switched a little bit in one of the episodes. I was like did he just sound Fringe, right? So now that makes sense. He's from Paris our he lives in Paris, but he is Israeli. He only got three or four pages, but he really compliments the writer Michael for being for being such a fantastic writer and he loves the characters and the Back stories of What Michael was able to write and then the interviewer also says also asks, whether things about your character that you grew to appreciate. You didn't necessarily notice or feel in the beginning and once you got to know him better, did you like him more? He said no that he had fun at mediately and he enjoyed his character. He did say that Mike that he was trying to convince. He said it was Abby's accent that he was trying to change and Michael wanted him to speak in a very heavy Israeli accent. And he did not agree with that and in the beginning but you know, he was like that's my boss. But he was trying to convince him to have him have different accents because you know, he's a world traveler. He has two different passports or you know, so he was like he's traveled around the world like he should have different accents. But Michael at the end was just like you're absolutely right. But every time you speak English you speak it with people who you don't have to hide your identity with so there's no reason for you to be speaking and any other accent than your Israeli accent. So good point. There you go. He had to be stuck with that. And that is it for the news and gossip. Well, he pulled it off my God. He did such a good job. He did a great job. You know, I'm hashtag team happy. I am to okay. I am too. I think everybody is so cute. He's kind of like his characters kind of like the underdog to where you you see even though you see all of his faults and like the reasonings behind why he does things you root for him. Totally comply cure on you want him to like when to figure it out? Yeah. A mess but you want him a figure like this is the character that you love to hate. Yeah. He's very lovable. Yeah, and sometimes I'm like like Ava and I'm like idiot but like but he have you have can't because you're like, well, he did it maybe for this reason. He's a good person. Yeah. Yeah, we like him good job. We like him. Good job to me Cicely. All right that it concludes our recap of episode 9 again. If we missed something, please put it in the comments because I know there's so much to discuss in this episode. So we like to keep the conversation going. There we go. Evan a can you tell us when we can stalk you. Yes, please stock me on Instagram and on Twitter at ebony Chapman 12. Awesome, and my name is Tatiana maresa at Tatiana Maria. So on all social media platforms, we will be covering episode 10 soon. So stay tuned and we'll see you next time our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. 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We find backstory of Aviram and how his mom died by a car bombing. Evas dad comes to visit to avoid the flood in Florida and we begin to see his short term memory loss getting the best of him. He begins to be honest and regretful about the relationship between him and his wife and reveals they went through 6 miscarriages, not unlike Eva has. He also begins to apologize for not being there for either of them when they were young. Years of resentment come out between Anna and Felix as we see Anna was pregnant at 16 and made to stay in Dilly Texas with Felix. Resentment has built over these 15 years. Staci's husband Jonah files for divorce because he feels he cannot trust her with their daughter Raya. Aviram and Eva finally sleep together, but Eva immediately regrets it. Felix comes to Ed with an offer he cannot refuse. He pimps Al-Messih out to stay relevant, but it backfires as Al-Mesih is kidnapped by Aviram. Jibril begins to address crowds to fight for Palestinian independence but sees his old friend Samier. Samier has become a suicide bomber and has been trained for this exact gathering. He fails to push the trigger to save his friend but it goes off anyway, killing him and many there. Today's After Show Was Hosted By: Tatiana Mariesa @TatianaMariesa Ebone Chatman @EboneChatman12
Welcome back or welcome to the humans of triathlon or hot podcast where we bring you the ordinary but extraordinary world of triathlon one human one story at a time with the aim to inspire and to celebrate this life-changing Sport and it's humans to real authentic raw and enjoyable conversations with humans of triathlon from around the globe and from all walks of life.Hey guys, just a little heads up. Here are this week's audio recording quality was pretty poor. So you might just have to concentrate a little bit while listening but I really hope you still stick around because Alan story is a pretty great one and I think the quality gets a little bit better during the second half as well. So I hope you can enjoy the episode still.Hello humans of triathlon. This is swapnil Chauhan not so as you can imagine. This is Charles honk are ruthless CEO leader. He is couldn't come today. So we have kidnapped. We have hijacked the headquarters and I am today with obviously the lovely beautiful. She looked real Evan from Quincy Ontario in today as usual as we do.Sure, you do. We have a fantastic guest for you guys. So listen up. All right, so bullying and bullying is an issue that has been highlighted in the news and at our schools over the past few years. We have pink shirt day anti-bullying assemblies news articles for awareness around cyber bullying despite the work. We're doing to change Behavior bullying still exists now imagine 30 years ago. Williams where the people your parents would say you have to learn to stand up to that bully on your own ignore them and they'll stop at least, you know, that's the advice think have giving us not easy for a small seven-year-old boy to do especially when you're being bullied by your own cousins. Our Guest today was a victim of bullying fully first small stature as a child as well as for being and in his own words and his writing he put this was called limp-wristed and he was teased by both same cousins. He shied away from sport because of his lack of physicality and focused on studies earning two masters degrees. So super smart, super awesome. I actually like the thought that Get master's degrees versus Sports sometimes instead. Anyway, so moving from the Philippines taxes. He met some people who encouraged him to do a track one overcoming his demons. He is now completed six Half Ironman are five Half Ironman and one full Ironman with dreams of kona on the horizon, please welcome from Odessa, Texas Elena speed up, right? And we really want to hear your story and I think every gets we have is such a different story. And I mean she's amazing all the things you hear and how people go through very rough things and just come out stronger than ever and of course, we don't love this sport. So it makes it even even better to talk about it. Yes. Yes, and I promise not get sentimental about it. Exactly. It was very cathartic though to be able to write it down and submit it to a human for triathlons and then to actually read it. I will I will still die when I went all of it before submitting it to you guys, but I think it was like a fairy because it will do and see and talk myself and and Conquer some movements. So if you have questions from fiery. Exactly. Okay. So I think the way we usually start with this is we usually try to fly back in time to the beginning of your time. And so I'm a huge fan of the Philippines. I love the country have so many friends from the Philippines. I love Topsy dog long see logger. Halo-halo all of those things and I'm even thinking about going next year to Subic Bay to do the full Ironman in June. Look for Grants are very that's awesome. He's gonna be very very hot, but I don't care. I think I think whether that I was wondering how hot is it in June. It's like Texas Rover exhibit. It's very human. So it's like you didn't them listless. Well, let's fix this right now. It's about a hundred and two degrees outside. Oh my God. Yeah and and take the ice. Take this. Exactly. But yeah, if you want just let us know a little bit about how was your life back then throwing up. Where do you live? What's your relationship with sport if there was anything at all just a little bit. I know anything you want to tell us about. Okay, I grew up in the Philippines segment and Bacolod City Philippines and when we should say about apps and then because I had that I had that was very moving and it's something that I really Would you shouldn't take as a comfort food that yes, I was born in 1974 and I grew up in the Philippines had written in the area where I lived with a lot of my cousins and whenever not the slums report where my parents used to work so that the child did that I've had this not so bad. It's just that there was a time around seven room seven years old that flash. Remember that the magma Pacquiao of the manufacturer of the 70s and the 80s was very good one and of course living and then and grow back and I put the charcoal Society every every parent grandparent who give their kid to be as strong as they should be. So I grew up I was born premature and we could we could settle you and I we will Coca-Cola bottles, so we're not with that. I said I will up significantly smaller and thinner than my peers and my cousin's I think just because I wouldn't want to get into the boxing ring with them. They decided to think that I am interested and would solidify those thoughts with me. Also Googling. So while it's true that I am gray. It is no less hurtful because of that heckling because of that really room I saw That I was not man enough. In fact that the worst part is they even they even Brandon I got heckled and I remember vividly sitting symptoms scribbled the words fall get on the wall when I was going to see that wall at a scribbled in black paint normal cousins and it was a role I pass to are passed back and forth them to school every day so forth. Let's go. Even had that of not The Branding that it needs to have. So yeah, I ended up just just trying to excel intellectually because I like the physicality to come to terms with my cousins. I was insecure about not being able to go toe-to-toe with themselves and behind remembers a Chasm with and between the resident look still growing up. I did not to cover my floss because I thought Then that the indication of being a non-western security. I had a good childhood, but that I had that vote graduated top of my class and I tell you worse and I realized that I can get the respect of my peers using the tools that I was blessed with. I was not mostly in physicality. So I didn't earn the respect of my presence. I also remember that when my cousin's would want to know my grandmother and to containment. About me not doing the box and then with them my grandmother even said are the blue arm. He would never amount to very much for that very grateful. And and I don't know why you walking back to me, but I did remember being that in the subconscious and just wanting to pursue lifelong dream. And being successful professional voltage of the county that were if not swim go back but Trend and Excel so that's why I studied hard and eventually finished a degree in nursing and in 2000. So we were able to immigrate to the United States and became very premature baby where so I was born premature and a pinch of ignorance and that's a Full Circle and ended up getting my a great job and Begin, the director of education for the hospital that I was working for now. So I think all in all life life is good life is great. And then I will have the salmon and the partner that loves me unconditionally that I have that void and and that's where Triathlon webcam in because in in 2000 when I came in 2003, I would still that's biggest and best interest of all the The facts that immigrated with Nana said if it did there's no way I'd be able to even do that acting that my cousin's right to be and then about six six or seven years ago. My coworker asked me if I wanted to do a triathlon and she didn't tell me that if there's a trial after that you just asked me if I could swim and I told her I could probably do that. They were around 35 laps and they're in the University campus school. So she said well when we can swim here, how about button that said, I think it's with my bike in the world long. We would be able to pick it up, but I was never a runner. I thought to myself what's the prompter woman? So I think everyone won't Tire life emotionally said, why would I physically run that she said let's try it. We might you might enjoy it. And so I'm signed up about four months before my first Sprint Triathlon and I bought $17 bike off of Craigslist and truth and onward and woke up every morning at 4:30 with some of the friends that are go with the Jim Webb and started Gremlin and I'm sure you have that I could not run. So I was only sipping back of the back of the group and further then when we've won I was thinking wrong. This is not so different from When I was a kid, I was always picked last and it's always the consolation prize that's happening. And then I was able to get third in my age group in the first half marathon that I did and I said, I don't like you can cut I'd never fuck would I would I would a place and I said wow, this is a first Moser of physicality that I have ever done and all I did was kept at it. I was determined I persevered I woke up early just to be able to turn wire everybody will sleep in the average room. So I thought that maybe there's still hope to be the afternoon that I wanted to do and then we'll try asking them came the Sprint Triathlon came. I've served my phone my first French. From animal attack more than an hour later and say before me and my confidence level shut up to gifts average to Invincible. I bet awesome. Yeah, I have to say like I know you'd ever ran and starting to run this always hard but your talk about how you're small and Light. right I would think running would be like an awesome sport. You would be awesome at it we call you small and mighty right in there with Miranda carefree and Amber Ferrara. It's all the night. I tried I really tried I couldn't believe myself and I said when I finished my son's that I would I would have never dreamt that I would be much more triathlete. That's that little physicality that I was little bit achieved from triathlons living in something that I saw that we never had before and that was to fill the void that I had in my life. So I was very thankful for for how after that friend of mine who Coachman urge Newton-John. That's the slope. So now you mentioned earlier how your grandmother I don't know if she's still around here the same age as me. I'm also in Before maybe if your grandmother got to see you get your master's degree your degree in nursing for for the NICU babies the you know, and I'm sure your I've seen pictures on Instagram. I think are those your parents there are supporting you they you know, how do they feel now seeing you active and so successful and you know in your cousin's do you have a different relationship with them now? I actually blew it. - Abu and at first when I when I was doing all that rice and my in the back of my mind shallow, as if my scene I wanted to post it on Facebook and Instagram because I wanted them to see where I'm at right now. And and I know I don't think they even remember that they were with me when I was younger, but it was just like a full circle and my grandmother isn't with us anymore. But I know that all of my aunts and aunties uncles They've seen what I have achieved on a journey so far and I know that they're probably not my cousins are very proud by I see them automatically like all the postings out I have and one of the things that I really don't do this too and all of my friends learned I will say I've been asking him that's what is the member of that particular cousin of yours that we contribute and our potential works the code that the shooting was no reason to put up. Issues like that. I won't it's pretty shallow to think that I could and I could go back in time. And so look at me now here. I have the Swagger of a certified try a flute that there's virtually no point. But as I said in the post and I was submitted for even try after them that if given a chance to go back in town, I would rather go back in time and talk to myself and so that on you Insofar are on the journey in their lives about thirty five thirty and forty years from now, you will be unliberated success. You have a family that loves you unconditionally you a bit about them the physicality but you never have and all of our with that that's better and I am very thankful. Well animal lives because of being sport that I never said I never said I could and I did. Cuz of the people around them and their dedication and the perseverance that I put into it. Yeah, of course, I'm definitely I mean, I think one of the one of the great lessons here, I not only you are able to prove yourself and others at that you were maybe mentally or the same more capable to achieve things. But also in the end you did the pro strap-on you start to succeed. So it's like you don't at all know. It yo, you live a happy life in the u.s. Now and obviously we would love to have that sort of little DeLorean time machine right here to you know, it's gonna get better. But but at least yeah, it does get better right and I think that's something that you have clearly managed to to prove to yourself and to more makes most of yourself. I barely remember that day that make when they Coral Castle to to try a triathlon and had I said no them then about six years into it. I would probably pursued doctor degree, which that was the plan then I wish I was wanting to just continue pursuing the intellectual world. I told myself that before you turn 50, we should be able to be called the doctor and I think that Do that with in that respect that one can gain some where relatives from the from the from where family from some of the Brilliance that that were in their life that would that with the introduction of giraffe Lon my grades have changed and I said well, maybe I can do more and that what you have to have to love will support. We have to respect the square tube because I did. Dimension that 9 my confidence level short of the roof. I was walking in the clouds. I was I had the Texas to add where the certified drafted but if you don't ring in the new year with us up, so on my second run triathlons, I had a work stopped and I said well what the debris being so this last year nothing you're just decided to win dwarf and that's not That's not what this film is about who have denied you have to continue indicated and with that further prompted when during a visit to a tutorial about four years ago. I went to Victoria on a cruise to Alaska and as I'm going home from from Victoria to the other I happen to be on the Clipper with a bunch of triathletes and those Fabrics clothes government. Cut them off of the rates in half Ironman 70.3 Victoria and I said, I don't think I can do that. I was jealous of their bikes and I have jealous of how how to the vents is so Irene search and I researched the distances and my job of drop. So much that were hundred meter swim and my first triathlon how would I be able to for have a how did the eye that the panel by the way to perform Alison for for Ironman separate the words it was it was a it is a new goal that I have in mind. So I said between adopted the group and Iron Man now, I think my my my brain would be able to handle a doctorate degree if I I'm 50 years old that I'm not sure if my body can handle the the hardships that I want rayvin would expect for you to get that that distinction of being an Iron Man so good that I became obsessed. I became obsessed with with children for for iron and I swallowed my pride and went to a master's student class sound that are and I remember My coach telling what what is your plan? What is your gold and on said well, I've probably just to be able to finish and that guy on the two points a mile swim and said, well I can I can help you with that that you have to just bring it and I said well, even if I had to drive to consuming times a week 15 miles to the next town There's to be able to attend your class and with a better swimmer that iron. Now I will do it and then I will be able to do it. I will I cried so hard crossing the Finish Line in Ironman 70.3 Galveston why what happened? Because that's a hard. I was probably about a minute away from the finish line and my memories of childhood when we said all of that. The Making art and all the training I did it all just flooded in and I was able at lost for words I was I could not believe that I was able to that I would be able and in less than five minutes I would be able to cross the finish line and I would have finished my first half our men that was throughout I felt that invincibility again that it was it was such a good education. I had I probably that the worst finish line for though because I was tortured with sufficient my first half Ironman. Wince and it happened again when I crossed in 2017. I'm not Texas of my Crowley. Minimum that I was in fact and iron and at that point in time, I told myself that so if this is the gauge of being a man than you are a man and I am not as that exactly you don't need to get punched in the face to be a man and be exactly exactly any of those guys. Did you add Iron Man if you'd like may not be Texans that Galveston one. I don't know if it was windy that I went in 2017, but the wind there is incredible on the bus for the first Iron Man for your first half Ironman to like make it through that bike with those Crosswinds like that's very impressive. You should like I hope you have that crying pink icing like great like it really such a great memory like have to bring all those things back to the Forefront right? Like how great you did? Yes. It's not concerned of the throne and Galveston. I live across Texas and never the Midland and Odessa where it's pretty much Flack. On the way over here, so we're in business. I was one of them finishing the said that I you should have done more research. I was thinking that since regalia is still our world started to put the flash. That's not a sexist. That's awesome. So, how was so, how was your race there and Victoria I've had. Persona record on both the swim and the run and that was my first terrarium. So I words are very much happy and I even have some tenderness on the shin. When I started this the rent that it turned out. Okay. I loved it. I would I would do it again and this time I will determine the hell's more. I liked it. But there's the spectators were awesome the thing with Great. Yeah, you know what? I'm a little bias, but Canadians run really good races out here listening first Earth upon about without the 30th on that and maybe put some vodka blond on my native calendar that we are very friendly. Yes. That is very true. That's really it's really exciting and been able to overcome all of these things and come to where you are. Are both academically and working with in the NICU and I know that's a hard place to that can be a very rewarding but very hard place to work because well and then to do the Iron Man and overcome all of your insecurities in regards to your physicality and you know now you're like doing half our man's and half marathons and and everything like that. That's really awesome. Yes. I do. My bad we go now, I'm hoping to before my Twilight years. I'd be able to run corner and Boston so that that's where I'm at now, but I forgot to mention is that I did I would tell you that I was ever Brandon over those words and a wall a long time ago that after finishing the first time and I decided to grab my very first tattoo and what doesn't and that tattoo and I'm very proud of it. So, where do you have it? Can I ask right, right. Calf muscle. Okay. So hopefully in the classic location the classic but because if I if I wanted to do branded it has to be something that was brought about by the dedication and perseverance. And and I think that's what it represents to me. Hey, that's awesome. Exactly. If you're going to wear a brand you might do one. That means something like you really overcame a lot there exactly now. I see that on your Instagram. You did a talk on anti-bullying. Yes. Yes. I was invited by a friend of mine to talk to the Press Airlines downtown and just wanted to they wanted to hear my story and because that the outgoing president is also a wedding triathlete. So who wanted to share the journey with olives and go? we are in and I think you know, so on our heels and our other Ironman step and close this close to himself who asked me to come speak and just a Tavern Maestro about deliver security and it was just great and I had fun percent in that and they were very enthusiastic at the end and they're just loves that anybody can persevere and if you are determined and ask your brother to succeed So I was I was thankful for that every move tool to share my story. That's wonder what do you think that something that you might like to do more often like another like in schools or in other places or I wouldn't mind I wouldn't mind doing it. In fact, I have the teacher found that they have dropped hints about in speaking to her and kids that we will see. Yeah for sure. I won't mind. I think whether he liked it or not. Bolin is still very much about and prominent in the world today. So every blessing that we can do helps to eradicate that would always has nice told send them had experienced it talk about it because a lot of the kids may be able to really and the more we share the more we reach out to Attitude for the hopefully it'll lessen the stigma and this is the parents wanted will go through I work now have start Director of Education for a dresser with Regional Medical Center. And one of the things that is at the Forefront of the hospital's initiatives was to make sure that we lessen the number of suicidal incidents and hospitals in the community and it's very frightening to know. Oh that we have kids as young as nine seven year old who are thinking of suicide and that's very frightening. And though sure that a big factor of that of those thoughts of suicide can be attributed to the building. Yeah. It's very sad. I know my daughter comes home from school my youngest one comes home, and she's very sensitive and shall say Mommy. I feel really bad this kids. Our class always bully this one boy and things like that. And and and it's I'm like, well what what are the teachers doing? I know exactly who it who is helping and and it's very like they're walking this fine line of well mummy his his his mummy are his mummy is on the board and they donate lots of money and I'm like, well, I don't know how true that is. But and if it's not but it it may be and and so then you know, what do we say? A to this kid and it will is parents pull out the funding and then this kids getting bullied and she feels really sad and they said well did you say anything and she's like no because there will be me too. Yeah, and you're like, okay. So how do we get this to stop? It doesn't matter how many assemblies we have wrapped, you know, and how many times you wear the pink shirt assembly day. It's if you're not going to like take action on it or have you know a be at a school and take action on these kids who are bullying like like, how do we get this? Stop and the cyber bullying especially with girls is just brutal. Yeah, and and and sometimes we adults don't even realize it that will become an abler self of Boolean and words hurt kids move met or not. Met Adult Swim unit. I know for a fact that in my life some adults mean the billion that they did that a lot. It's because who they enable it and that needs to stop I agree. So what would you say, you know, if you had some boys and girls that are currently built being bullied now what advice might you give to them and regards to like take the next step like okay, they're being bullied. They're really upset like especially with your education programs. Like what what kind of advice would you give to those kids in terms of what to do to start? Whoops out, which I hope And communicate tell somebody tell tell their parents that way people will know that you are able to do that the worst part of doing the road is how a worm it feels how how people have seen how you experience that people have turned their backs on roof. But if you if you try to reach out and tell somebody and hopefully that's embedded can get some help that would that would let a lot of people know that it's this is happening and this is not all right. And it needs to stop and that might give the bully a little less power because now people know what he's doing. Yes, because we don't we don't have to like no Fatal Five Years to be able to say buildings Look at me now. We don't have to wait 35 Euros. Yeah, just reach out and and talk to somebody and tell them what's happening because if you don't let's learn grow and learn. Rare, and we don't want to say so doctor totally consumed. Yourself pressure I'm sorry. I'm still on this because I think it's so important. But yeah, like I look at you and you know and and there's differences. Everyone's got a little bit. They're a little bit different. I was actually going to ask what your opinion because so many people are very different. So I'm very different from you. You know, somebody else may be different from you know, obviously from other people and as a 1 7 year-old or eight year old or 10 year old that's being bullied can take a very different path and their life then the path that you were able to take even though you had to overcome that bullying. What what do you think was the I don't want to sing the trick. It's not that a trick. But what was it that allowed you to be able to overcome that bullying and and move forward in that education path and And still, you know make a really great life have a good partner. Have a great job a good education versus say someone else who's bullying and like you were talking about at the hospital have those thoughts of suicide and and and in despair, I feel I think I would like to think that my support system go my nuclear family and an only child my mom and my dad I would think that they were very significant. They never close communication with the server the writings on that wall. So they know what I was going through. I didn't need to tell them that I was being rude so they did everything to help. Make my childhood as normal as it can be so with that out. I am very thankful and I'm coming here and and while that part of my life as I close that part of my life with that did durable that the triathlon community and getting to the people that that I have not shout out to my partner Steven my my life them since the brawn. Now you entitled this a family here and my children teens I think because they never questioned who I was and who I sleep with then what would persons were they open their arms are open? They never question my sexuality they accepted me for who I am now my team Asylum My fortune to endurance and my breasts accessible sales, I think because I felt accepted I think that swept the quote-unquote the trick have been having having a good support system. Not a lot of kids are really no not have that and that's that. That is the sad part because it's real big boom you feel so alone and we don't reach out and let people know that that's what you're feeling. then then you would rather get some help and if you if you have the support and the love unconditional love of your family when I think you will be able to transition into adulthood where the last cars probably sucked into both for something to strive for but at least you won't you don't necessarily take your life because of our Factors, like bullying in your life. Absolutely. Thank you don't think so. Thank you for sharing that there really is like everyone deals with this in some way or form as a child or as an adult and or as a parent, you know, and it's really nice to go to bring awareness to it and that there are ways of overcoming and moving forward, you know, yeah, I think yeah, they always sing when you're that young know when you're a child. Sort of pulling sort of erodes your sense of worth, which is very very crucial obviously for you wanting to to leave, you know, and that's why you have those thoughts of suicide and whatnot. But so ideally obviously speaking the more important it would be for you to be okay with yourself. All right you something very very hard to do. Sometimes when you were a kid, right because you see don't you have Linked enough to to understand that but but it always helps not only obviously the first is yourself but it always helps for your for the next layer, which is your direct family, you know in the case. Now you have it. I believe that you have seen you have the full support of your parents and your partner, which is like you're sort of central core of your family and I think that is has incalculable value. I think you mean I would personally in this chemical and and they say Full serve the people that I have met through through this Sport and through the support of trying to say that void of physicality. So I as I always say to my mighty notes, I was I was never the the Iron Man before I was never that that those portal is never the longer. In fact, I own seven that I was always last to be we picked so they try and they they see that the dedication that the fire in your eyes and and without knowing their to just over spec and and the big part of it is that when we show that you can do it and that we make it totally doable and we're supposed to be having fun game that you don't realize that you get to inspire people and I was able to answer twist several of my friends to actually grow in the field of giraffe. Mom and some some are slow did order others don't move. They're not that there were able to say that at one point in their life. They finished the Sprint triathlons and that movie is enough of than that if your mother shark moves and telling them that her as I will do it and I was listening overwhelmed and I'm this bad wherever I'm going to show you. Can also repair that's totally doable. That's right. Exactly. Yeah, and sometimes I think well, I mean, especially if it's for any sport, I think we sort of feel a bit the victim of of comparing ourselves with with what we see in a bubble. And in this case the bottle can be raised in an environment right begin. Sometimes you can say. Oh, well, you know I finished in Hours and 30 minutes my God, I'm almost the last people were like waiting for me to close down and to turn off the light. But but if if you take a step back, it's like hey, wait a minute, you know what the percentage of people in the exactly globe and other planets with all the aliens and all that have actually finished and Iron Man. Yes, so and I think that is something that needs to be communicated not to socialize and understood by the person as well to step out of the bubble as well. Sometimes in any any sort of field in life. No, we are in that mobile and it's it's not good. It's not good for the person that I've always. I've always thought that the only competition that I have in the sport is myself and sometimes that even the worst part because you get to be so hard on yourself and I'm very sure Sheila that you feel that way get file with no matter how good you did something perspective of others for yourself with able-bodied that you could have done better if that's that sometimes I would literally and figuratively punch myself because sometimes I should I should have been happy because we always rather than serve and how you would train for like sometimes when when we think of it to March and that We can risk whether it's truly are where the hardest on ourselves. Yeah. Yeah, very hard and it's just like, you know, it doesn't matter you did Victoria. I'm sure there's some things there that you you were not happy with for your own ranks of specific. I said Trump law and there was some things I'm kicking myself like God, why did I know it like ride my bike before I got here and then and now even my friend today who race with me. Had a phenomenal like she did wonderful. She's not a swimmer either and she made it through the lake. It's freezing. The lake is freezing. It's well, it warmed up a little bit but it was 63 degrees Fahrenheit. Oh my goodness that's like that and it was only nine degrees Celsius outside during the morning. So they taken into consideration the temperature of the water and they temperature the air in the morning. And so the race was wetsuit mandatory for everyone and they were like, Where you're needed in cops, if you have am like do all that and she made it to the swim. They kept this from the full length because yesterday they cut the swim for the Olympic in half because the water was so choppy Zone and you know, she did phenomenal on this bike course, which is Beautiful and brutal all together the same time and then you know, she struggled on around but they're rotten is very very hilly. So she's beating herself up on the Run being very hard on herself. And everyone was like you did. So awesome. It's that the eyes of others what we have done was already phenomenal. We're just say hide critics of ourselves. Exactly. Yeah, we really Yes. Yeah, and I'm sharing too Charles. You just did your hair older and I know you had a few things that you weren't really happy about it either except that you're on your way to number 12. It's coming and that's the builder ever wrote. That's a good way of it because that's why we train them. That's why we race of them because we wanted to also have that that perfectly' the race that you could actually say. Well I did everything that I did to move. Get as as the best as I can and I was able to do it and I think that's the that that is what makes this sport very very Farmers because there's always something that you could improve on yourself. Yeah, and yeah, there's always something you can improve on and I think the ultimate goal is to say, you know, what I was satisfied with that today. So for me Alan is Spinner. Yes, sir. After yes, you sound like a military. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir, Charles. I was gonna ask you what your what Your what your coach like for? Mr. Allen is subpoena. So after doing all have the you have achieved so far right you have done? All your 70.3 so you managed to call yourself or be won't be called by by Mike riding, which I also had the honor to be called an Ironman one senior at least once in your lifetime like you did it. So what's next for you? What are your plans? Are you going to go continue hardest sport that you're going to achieve more Iron Man's or or are you going to act like we had this? I guessed from Malta a couple of months ago weeks ago who is doing double and triple Iron Man's or surprise like this. Dorothy had was incredible. But are you gonna go that route or you going to go back to your other ambition? You want to say maybe you want to become a doctor by the time you're 50. So what is next for you? Don't try to put my ideas about a double triple Ironman examples exist. Rico I think in a vendor I want to be that guy they can at least do some science this year and then I plan to either do a Florida man at where I can say that it was not a one-time Duo that I do trained and related to do it either slow down Cozumel is in the books for me. I haven't signed up for it, but I think that's where so I'm getting mad. I still want to pursue that doctor and philosophy. I'm shifting that I think this is such a lifespan pursuit of greatness. So I will keep at it as long as my body would take care of it. And of course hopefully along the road at the river to say that I was able to run Boston. I got ultimate random and dream and doing better in school now also that still had still had to work up a lot earlier and do better children. Do not So efficient. I know it's a lot of work to do but to get to Cole now in Boston that I'm ready for it and I will strive to be better and that's not Quest now. That's that's the that's a mood ring. Nice. I have no idea what this island this bloody island has this effect on people because like Kona is this thing that is so desirable not everyone wants to go to college. I have no idea actually, but I had the opportunity to visit Kona just as a tourist. I went last year and at least favorite. I don't know if there's something that you cannot explain or some sort of mysterious efforts. Would you like some sort of like Magneto from the X-Men? It's very very complicated to explain. But yeah, I understand what you're saying. Well before we we sort of finalize the our episode number 51, by the way, we tend to have a sort of wrap up questions which are very interesting. I really like those questions. That's what Neil has created. So we will of course put you through them. Don't worry. Okay, very user-friendly. So first of all, what message would you want people listening? It is to take away from your story. But sometimes words hurt so we had to what do you watch what we're saying because you never know when I thought you might not do billions and I do but when they're filled up a balloon and that's not cool. That's my message would do just the truth. Everything would count bus and that's it in terms of the sport. I know that it's sometimes very Hard to Fathom the distances that one has to do but if this I was able to do it then it's totally doable. You had to work for it, but it's totally doable. Yeah, indeed and are there any people or and or brands that you would like to give a shout-out to today? Just the just the folks that I am very thankful of of course my mom and my dad who lives wouldn't even Texas and then my partner Stephen. Thank you for for being for accepting me for who I am. Levin you unconditionally and my friends claim Asylum forth and to invariance the rest excess gazelles. They've been instrumental in helping to do where I am. Now one timer for our men and five half islands with another half Ironman mixability. So wish me luck about to those that I'm very thankful for Since people do because they've they've helped me grow and they made me realize that that the potential that I didn't think I had. Hmm. And before we ask our last question, okay, and you really still everyone listening. Where can we find you online? Oh, where can you find me online? I will do you have Facebook profile? I've already read this book and an Instagram that my Instagram handle is uska And I'm Jude and it's yes Konig and you can find them on Facebook members. Aaron asked you not to St. Ina that that's that's that's where I am on the net. Awesome. I found you and most importantly. Why do you try? Whoo, well, I tried This I was able to find myself. I'd still try because I know that. Continue doing what I've completed so far is not yet the end product for me. I know I can do more I can help others try to be the best they can do and this is a lifelong journey of for pursuing goodness, and everyone has greatness in them and it's just a matter of helping them finder and breath out and help others find that greatness will bring them and I'm going to do it. They don't card and on twister for nothing. I didn't know you say you're called the armed with its yesterday, but have this nickname now for me because I did that at this downtown dragons talk. It's able to get to folks from that group to try and say that for that stone Triathlon making here so it's a game. That's a great name. I think you should add to your handle friends. Everybody will do that. Yeah. Yeah, but thanks for the clarification because I also have the house clean every concern like on Twitter was like, whoa, what's going on? My friends did our first stuff mother because we love to race obstacle course races to there's this one saying that we would always Worse and it says when was the last time you did something for the first time and that Perez months to every time I meet somebody new and get them to train I were to run to do obstacle culturing sin or even to drive to boost triathlons. When is the last time you did something for the first time and that seems to get people it is very true. So, thank you so much for being on the show today. It was really a pleasure to have you on and and inspire all of us today. I feel very inspired after talking to you. Thank you so much for your love. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you trials for inviting me and and used respect for him to be able to tell everybody my journey and to at least do do a little to stop and radical building and they're literally can absolutely no. Thank you. Thank you very much Alan for coming today and Sharing with us sending very very good messages and for Sheila myself having a blast with you here for one hour while I'm sitting in the in the United Kingdom and she dies in camera and you are in Texas or this is technology. Fantastic, honestly, yes. Yes appreciate that folks, don't you so much for inviting me. Thank you very much. And you guys thank you very much for listening and next week will come with the More Humans of triathlon so forth Now good fight and good night. Thanks for listening everyone. Thanks for being a part of this humans of triathlon Community. Hope you're enjoying the show and the content make sure to join us again next week here on the hot podcast where we'll bring you another amazing guest and story from this Audrey, but extra Audrey world of triathlon until then everyone keep trying.
Being smaller than his peers, Allan Espina was the object of bullying growing up in the Philippines. He got heckled, called "limp-wristed", & vividly remembers seeing the word “Faggot” scribbled by his cousin on a wall. At 7y.o, this was torture. He excelled intellectually to make up for what he lacked physically. At 38, he immigrated to the US having just completed his 2nd Master's degree & working a great job. After a spark from a co-worker, Allan completed his first Sprint after 4 months of prep, not having competed in any sport before. The high from the event gave him a new goal - he wanted to hold a doctorate degree & be an Ironman before 50. He chose to pursue the IM goal first and achieved it before turning 43. He says that he wanted to show that he may have been “limp-wristed” growing up, but now, he's done something his bullies have only dreamt of. That maybe this was a way for him to prove that he was a man after all & an Ironman at that. Although he knows that sounds kinda shallow if he could travel back in time to tell his 7y.o. self that it gets better - he would in a heartbeat. - ALLAN'S SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | Facebook - SUBSCRIBE, RATE & REVIEW: if you've enjoyed the show, it would mean a lot to us if you could leave the show a positive review on Apple Podcasts/iTunes. It would help us out a ton! - H.O.T SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram | Facebook | Strava | Website - HOSTS: Swapneel Chouhan, Sheila Treleaven, & Carlos (Charles) Galan - INTRO/OUTRO MUSIC: produced by Vasil Zguri at SoundPulse
This is poo cast. I'm Rachel a seventh grader in Seattle. Yep. You heard me right? I'm in 7th grade now, which means school's out and summer is here and I'm excited. Let's all get ice cream. Oh wait, no that has dairy in it. That's constipating. Let's get popsicles. Yeah. Okay, they're not the apple juice kind because that's also constipation. Okay, we're good popsicles good. Let's get popsicles. anyway me being a kid just like you. I'm also going on summer break. And poop cast has to go on summer break to unfortunately, and so there won't be any more episodes probably the whole summer, but I still want to keep going to guest. And you can keep proof cats going with your ideas and questions and suggestions. So email them to me at poop cast at that's poop cast at Now let's get this party started. In this episode we're going to talk about food. I know what you're thinking Rachel. What does that have to do with poop? Well, if you think about it food has everything to do with poop when you eat food, it gets processed through your digestive system and then it comes out as poop. But what if the food we eat determines the poop we pass? but before we begin, I want to warn you I'm going to say three words that might make you laugh and they are poop fart and but tell me you didn't just laugh. Uh-huh. That's what I thought. I know these words are funny. But keep in mind. We don't want to joke around too much. So now that we've got that out of the way. Let's get on with answering our question. How does the food we eat? Determine the poop we pass to figure it out. I've enlisted the help of a poop expert. My name is Nancy Glass quatrain. I'm a nurse and I'm the owner of the in Caprices Treatment Center in Shoreline Washington and I Three children who have constipation and in Caprices and I've been doing this since 1991 maybe and it is something that I feel very strongly about because a lot of kids have is problem and it's usually under addressed under treated over treated or not identified. And so the child is the one that suffers from this condition and it's often punished or scolded or chided. And feels bad about themselves when it's just a medical problem. It's easily managed. Everyone's got calcium needs if you're 0 to 3 years old, you need about 500 milligrams of calcium every day. If you're four to eight years old, you need about eight hundred milligrams of calcium every day. If you're 9 to 18 years old you need 1300 milligrams of calcium a day. And if you're 19 to 50 years old, you need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day. If you're 50 years old and over you need 1,200 milligrams of calcium every day. How do you get enough calcium? Well 8 ounces of milk or 1 cup of milk gets you. milligrams of calcium sodas 1 cup of yogurt or 1 to 2 ounces of cheese depending on the type or a cup of calcium fortified juice can also get you 300 milligrams of calcium. Where does that play into things? So you meet your calcium needs daily. But once those once you've met those needs you stop taking in Dairy because their intensity constipated, but you need some for your bone mass or an alternative such as calcium fortified. Which is calcium fortified soy milk whatever or almond milk or whatever. Yeah. And the cheese is very constipating white flowers constipating you think of things with made with white flour and cheese macaroni and cheese pizza right cheese quesadillas. All these all the goods all the good things that people like to be constipating. That's annoying. So one thing that surprised me was the dairy but also cooked carrots. He said they can be for some people but if you don't like any other vegetables like carrots eat carrots everything in moderation, you know, there's no absolutes here. But if you're going to choose between crackers and popcorn go with popcorn and after and and nectarines Love the nectarines. Miss Allison popcorn and vegetables and I have a lot of water in them and they help. Yeah. So yeah, there is a thing with the skin is really good. Oh Crystal fiber pairs with the spin apples with the skin unless you happen to have braces in which case he should probably go with the crackers. So what we eat does affect how our poop is so instead of pooping our food. Why don't we eat? We want our poop to be what will you eat? You all are doing so well with not joking around too much about Pope. So I figured maybe because we're doing so so well. We should reward ourselves with a little poop joke break eight full cans of alphabet soup yesterday. Okay, then I probably have the biggest bowel movement Evel. What did the pussy to the fault? I don't know. What did the police say to the fart you blew me away. This is it. Have you seen that new movie constipated? No, I haven't it hasn't come out yet. Oh wait. Oh. Poop jokes aren't my favorite jokes. But there was solid Noble to okay. What do you do if you get eaten by an elephant? I don't know. What dude wait. Why would I get eaten by an elephant? That's besides the point. What do you do if you get eaten by an elephant you want to round and round until you all pooped out? Oh, What type of dog loves the bathroom? What dog loves the bathroom? A poodle. Hey, so earlier this episode we talked about food and how it affects our poop but food isn't the only thing that does there are many things that we can do to prevent constipation altogether that involve altering your diet hydration. For example, our bodies are made up of 60% water. Our hearts and our brains are made up of 73 percent water and our lungs are made up of 83 percent water. Our skin is 64% water mussels and kidneys are 79 percent water. Our blood is made up of 92% water. And even our bones are made up of 31 percent water, but most importantly our poop is made up of about 75 percent water as we know the large intestine. Part of our digestive system and its job is to absorb water from poop after it has moved through the small intestine when we don't drink enough water our bodies still need to put enough water into our lungs and our brain and our kidneys and our skin and our muscles and our bones and our blood and because we didn't drink enough water our bodies have to take water from our poop to give everything else the right amount of water. And if our poop doesn't have enough water, it makes it harder to push out or pass. But guess what you get to be a superhero by preventing this from happening to your body and it's as easy as this all you have to do is drink water. How much water should you be drinking? Well, if you're 48 years old you should be drinking 5 cups of water every single day. If you need a grown-up to help you find out how much 5 cups of water is ask grown up. Now if you're 9 to 13 years old and you have female body parts, you should be drinking 7 cups of water every day. And if you have male body parts, you should be drinking 8 cups of water every day. If you're 14 to 18 years old and you have female body parts, you should be drinking 8 cups every day. And if you have male body parts, you should be drinking 11 cups every day and when exercising or in hot weather human beings are supposed to be drinking half a cup to 2 cups of water every 15 to 20 minutes. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. That's a lot of water. How am I supposed to be drinking all that water in one day? Here are some tips 1 if your urine or p is really yellow. You aren't drinking enough. It should be yellowish clear or really? Just clear to try drinking one cup of water every hour three try drinking one cup of water at every meal for get a water bottle. You love being motivated to drink five smart bottles and hide Reminders are expensive, but they remind you to drink when you haven't in a while. I only recommend buying one of these if you aren't like me and drop your water bottle over 300 times in the span of two weeks. I counted six try a sticker chart for every 10 15 20 steps or 1 cup. You drink you get a sticker on your chart for every chart you complete you earn a reward talk to your parents about what a reward might look like. Like I like candy popsicle. Pokemon cards Barbie dolls Hot Wheels stuffed animals Legos Bubbles and sidewalk chalk 7 some people like to infuse their water with lemon herbs or other fruit to make it taste different 8 grown-ups should avoid drinking alcohol because it dehydrates the body kids should avoid drinking alcohol because it's illegal for them to drink it nine eat food. Foods that have a lot of water in them like celery strawberries grapefruits cucumbers Tomatoes cantaloupe cauliflower zucchini spinach yogurt peaches oranges broccoli bell peppers ridership. Carrots lettuce eggs, and of course watermelon 10 write down how much you drink in a day see if you can beat your record. And 11 compete with a friend. Another thing you can do about your poop is taking medication. Do you know what a laxative is? Yes. Well, I bet you didn't know that the word laxative literally means to loosen or relax. Did you know that no. Well, there are three types of laxatives osmotic stimulant and bow. In agents osmotic laxatives gently help the: direct water toward the stool osmotic laxatives are sometimes called stool softeners because they soft in the stool stimulant laxatives Force the muscles to push out the poop. Okay agents increase it did increase in the fiber in the diet in the colon and they pull liquid into the stool into the store itself. So it helps if you drink water with it, if you have bulking agents without water it turns into concrete. You have to inquire if you're going to have bulking agents. So there you go. Wow, we covered a lot this episode. They talked about food and how it affects our poop. We talked about staying hydrated and we talked about laxatives. Well, that's it for this episode of group cast. See you next time.
In this episode, we learned about how what goes in our bodies affects what comes out. In other words, we explored how what foods to eat affects our poop. We offered tips on how to stay hydrated (why? Listen to find out!) and we discussed medications with a little help from Nancy Glass-Quattrin, RN, BSN. Learn more at her website:  Discuss with your child after listening: You might set up by having your child tell you things they can do to take care of their body (ex: brushing teeth, eating growing food, etc.) Then you can segway into taking care of their stomach. You can ask, "What eating habits can you incorporate into your life?" Talk to your child about drinking more water and about taking medication, and make sure they understand why they're doing it. It has been summer for a few weeks now, which means I am officially a 7th grader! That being, I am on summer break just like you, and won't be coming out with any more episodes for a little while, but I still want to keep going, and I bet you want me to, too! You can keep Poopcast going with your marvelous ideas! Do you have questions about poop or suggestions for future episodes? Send them to me at! Thanks so much to Andrea, Missy, Courtney, Sigal, Nance, Caleb, Andy, Debbie, and Nancy Glass-Quattrin for helping make Poopcast possible. I wouldn't have been able to have done ant of this without you all!
Just wanted to take a brief moment to give you guys a little idea how we do it here at paddle and Finn podcast. We use the anchor dot f m-- recording platform super easy distributes our podcast too many many different platforms. There's creation tools to allowed you to record and edit podcast right from your phone or a computer check out anchor dot f m orDownload the free anchor app to get started. Welcome. Hello and welcome to another great episode of the panel and Finn podcast. This is Jay Randall and along with me today is Ricketts. Mr. Ricketts. Mr. Ricketts. Have a pretty good guess today this young man is seems to be taking the kbf by storm. I'll even say I heard few things that they just didn't believe in the kid and he just started doing really good. Kicking but he's making a name for himself. That name that young man Dylan folk? Wha Dylan that it has going on brother buddy. How are you man? Pretty good. How are you? Good good. So while before we started this man, I was admiring everything that's on your wall back there. You got some pretty good accomplishments man. I think you know, there's a lot of people out there that haven't got that far into one of those kind of those big checks that you got hanging back there. So congrats on that buddy. Thank you man. Appreciate it. Good how much? You won so far this year. I had it up earlier. I think I'm just under 9,000 roughly. Yeah gone nine boys, man. That is crazy hang and how are you? How old are you? 15 years old man. All right. That's what grade are you in school? I'm gone into sophomore year sophomore 10th grade making nine G's on the Tournament Trail 15 years old and I said, okay. So here's here. It is man. Just just remember me because when you get up to the big time, I just want to sign like Jersey or something. Do you think you can hook that up? Just give me a signed jersey. Yeah, I can hook you up. All right, my man. All right, you don't have to do that. It's just right. It's that guy. Well, hey, man. Um, so why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself about how you got an efficient? You know, what keeps you motivated some keep moving forward. Well, I especially in ever since I can really remember of always always just love the sport and for my sixth or seventh birthday. My dad got me a sit-in Perception Kayak and to float down like current river and Jacks Fork to do like the river trips and I would always take a fishing pole with me. And that's really where I fell in the love of kayak fishing. But and like last year and a half is when my dad actually showed me kvf and kite bass fishing tournaments and we're like, well what's to do it and that's what kind of where it all started but started off kind of strong. I finished my first tight bass or kayak fishing tournament. It was actually in the whole B series and the youth division the A that I got my kayak in the mail. I got it. Well, I mean when we got it and went to Kentucky like and I ended up getting second place in that. So that was good big confidence booster right off the start and that's probably that's where it all started and it just snowballed from there. Yeah, so Dad planted the seed or dad has contributed to a lot of what you know about fishing. Both rally is planned to seed with showing me kayak Bass Fishing and showing me. Hey, like this is how this works and do that. And of course from there. I've learned of other stuff that keeps going on and my dad my grandpa was always taking me crappie fishing off the bank and that's pretty much work started, but I've learned a lot from my dad and my grandpa. Oh, that's very cool. Now you dad dad. A new kayak to is that right? Didn't I? Yeah, that's right. Yeah, Chad Hoover gave our chat Hoover and Kai basses you gave my dad a Jackson. Let's go nice could kayak ju loved that boat. That is probably my favorite Riverboat for sure. Yeah. I'll actually I stole it a couple times to go down some Rivers. Yeah. Yeah, it's nice, isn't it? Yeah, it's it's like it's super stable. I mean, it's pretty fast paddler. I mean, you know, and you can lean over the side. Anything and not have to worry about falling in. That's stable. So what are you fishing out of? I'm in a Native Watercraft item 12 Irish. Wow big kayak good for you man. Is that what you're sticking with now? I've tried a couple other Kayaks with the pedal system and Native is my favorite one so far. I got another pedal kayak that's always on the trailer when we go to tournaments just as a backup, but the native the native. Yeah native Titan is my favorite so far nice right on very cool man heard. That was a great kayak a guy. I know it's on the Jackson team now he used to use the pedal of native and he said a lot of good things about that too. There are Huge boats for sure man, but I heard they were awesome. So basically is as big as they are they turn and they got pretty decent speed and the turning radius I heard was real sharp mistakes, especially if you get the upgraded writer I can turn on a dime. Yeah. I heard that that is awesome. So what do you pack it with me and you have you carry? Like how many rods I mean? What's your what's your Loadout for tournaments? Well, I just got a new Rod because it was on sale and I was like, well, I can't turn that down. So now I'm carrying eight rods with Me so many they are those do you keep a couple for backup or do you have like each Rod set up with a certain bait man, or is it just like, you know, I fish five Carry Three is back up. I fish with all of them all of them kind of have their certain styles of Base. I like to throw on like frog in and crank baits and finesse and all that. So they're all kind of they all have their specific uses. Yeah. And I thought I carried a lot I carry seven if it's like a local tournament. It's three if it's like a big tournament 7, I don't know. What about you Jay? Yeah, I'm going around like 6 to 7 only because I'm too lazy to retie. Yeah. Yeah, like I'll go out there and go he's better work. Yeah, because I'm sorry Ty anything I see I actually feel like I do better when I have three rods because then I'm constantly time something doesn't work if Forces me to like change Bates and then you know on the water especially the water conditions get Rocky tying. It can be a little bit of a challenge fan. So last time I was out with Aaron Steiger fish and he goes dude your time leaders on the water. I'm like, yeah man, like I just got second nature to it. So I prefer only carry three and I made his only have three from and period just because it's I always carry a few as a backup inside the pontoons, but three is my really go to one spinning rod Into Cash. Singing I'm all right with that personal preference. I'd agree to I mean, I'm kind of like these days. It's real similar to one. We fished out. Um out at a common Lake. I'm pretty much forced myself these Plastics these days, you know, I'm so much of a power fisherman that I know I lack in patients. So so now I'm like constantly diet like a waitlist tied up. I've got a simple cone wait usually a little bit lighter than Weightless, maybe a ribbon tail, you know, I'll even throw up to like a 10 or 12 inch worm. You know, I've never thrown one that big before. Oh, yeah, we caught some nice fish on those big worms Oh well, but yeah, I mean those can be really deadly to I mean usually I find that those work really good in the grass. But you know point being is that like these days I know I lack so I'm like, I'm only taking like three to four rods out and they're all Plastics especially during the summer. I don't want to give myself a chance even if Hitting topwater, you know, I'll throw a wacky rig and just working on the top water if they're going to be going for that. But you know, you do anything similar like that Dylan. Recently, I've been really getting into soft Plastics because it's getting into the it's been somewhere in the really hot out deep but last year my dad said I know I always had a plastic on but I'd never throw it. But this year I always keep like the little empty bags. I have a stack of them that I've gone through. So you're doing kind of the same thing. It's like, you know, it works. So you're forcing yourself to get out there and do it. Yeah. So if you can't I'll go ahead go ahead. Sorry. I was gonna say see your power fisherman first. Dylan I lost you for a second. No. No, are you a power fisherman first? Yeah, always powerful Sherman. I'd rather be a power efficient than the Finesse. You just keep it busy just slinging Bates man and just ripping them drives me nuts. I hate like you like you like okay just slow slow and then I'll find myself power fishing Plastics, which I think works. Like it works - yeah, you know people like you can't do that. I mean you can say what you want but works what's your go-to if you had if you had to only bring three rods in three base, what would be your top three? Well, I'm always going to cover the three bottom columns. I'm going to always have probably a top water like a walker popper or a frog probably Walker Clopper first, and then I'm going to probably work the middle is going to be a lipless crankbait and then bottom is a Texas Rig creature bait. Yeah. What about you Jay? For me dynamite dynamite, it'll be all three now, you know, it's changed from year to year. I was pretty heavy into spinnerbait. I mean, I was going to spinnerbait all year long when you're catching fish left and right and then that turned into a ChatterBait which turned into like a paddle tail, but I still switch off with that as one of the main Bates and I guess everyone last but Wind spinner that things are knock out in a matter where you throw it they catch fish simply and then the other would be like, I guess some type of the top water on. I mean a buzzbait or Whopper plopper even sometimes even some of those like little like chatter topwaters with like the double the double props the one on the front one in the back. I got one of those too that just makes a Ruckus and that usually will do something but Yeah, I mean, that's usually when I'm throwing what are you throwing well? It's a good question. I like the Whopper popular, but I've never caught a fish off of Opera Pauper. So that one's out like I love throwing it and I love the action against like when we were at Callan Lake I was using a frog and I was having just a lot of action on that but I wasn't using any certain frog there was a particular frog that I was using that created a lot of commotion. So I use that but I wouldn't say that's my go-to. My number one go-to is going to be a jig on natural crawl with the trailer. I just think a jig You know when a dog gets a jig out hashtag jig Masters right there. Nice little pitch there for Cody. Yeah. So I like The Jig and specifically his GX. I think they're great and I definitely spinnerbait. I've never I think honest honestly, I've fished chatter baits for probably two years. I've landed one fish on a ChatterBait. I pulled the Spinners back out and I'm smashing them. On spinnerbaits, right? So interesting enough interesting enough and not just any spinnerbaits bright colored ones, white and chartreuse either one of those and a willow blade and Colorado blade on each one. So that that's pretty good for me. And then I'm going like Dylan said Texas Rig I'm not going to go Texas Rig, but I'm due a weightless fluke. I'm so and you On a light spinning rod with about four pound braid about probably six pound fluorocarbon on that and I'm going to just going to Twitch it, you know rip and twitch rip into which I've had a lot of luck with the flukes. So, you know, man, that's my three. Yeah, please do pretty good man. I've used them quite a few times. They've got me place in the top 10. Yeah, underestimate a billion people don't really miss him anymore. And they forget how deadly are specially in a way to do you do a light wire hook on that man weightless and you throw that and smack it against the bank and rip it off a bank like around cover dude, it gets demolished, you know, so it's a good one. You can ask Gina we need they don't call him the fluke Master for for no reason, right? Yes, and I don't know if you ever saw it like on wired2fish. They there's this I don't know if it's a new way of rigging but it definitely caught my attention. I haven't done it yet. But they use a rivet casing. Let's say and they use a treble hook and what it does is you basically use the stem of the stem of the rivet. You put it through the nose, you know through the the open slot of the body where the hook is we're hooked. and then you put in like the casing of it and then you can run your line, you know through the actual casing and in the tie off a split ring and then a treble hook and then you just shove like one of the hooks and you want to use like a number for I think a size number four I think on it and I usually like 5 inch 5 inch flute, but then you put one of the hooks like into the body to keep it in place in the split ring will keep the line from pulling all the way through like with the hook, but now you have a Reusable bait instead of because you know if you Texas Rig, you know a fluke. It's pretty much tore up and like two hits. Absolutely, you know, unless you're melting it back together is there's I mean, I've tried that with some of the butane lighters it works kind of but you know, it starts smelling really funny on your boat. He started doctor stuff up water. Absolutely. You know, one thing I found out that work for me real well to specifically account like tournament is that when I everybody else went deep, you know, Dylan just said, hey man, it's They're hanging out deep. I'm going to throw, you know, Carolina or not Carolina, but Texas break. So I went like shallow and shaded then Kalin Lake and I got a lot of I lost the monster against the one that haunts me the monster. I lost on got tangled up in a lily pad, but I had a Carolina rig because I was fishing rocks and I was throwing a Carolina down and dragging it with a googan trench hog on the back of it. And so when I saw everybody out and in the Deep parts of the lake house, like I'm going to lily pads re see back there seems like a bacteria was just like boosh boosh boosh. She was like an orchestra, you know, they're hidden. I got super pumped up man. So I didn't have a frog title him, but I didn't want to miss that window then blowing up. So I threw that Carolina rig and the lily pads are so huge back there just plop down on there and I hopped it like a frog and it when 10 seconds later just got demolished. So I was like, that's not a bad idea man. If you don't have a frog you can throw that and just hop it you know that you can bait trench hog works really good and the actions phenomenal on So I know there's a lot of controversy about Google Bates, but they catch fish they can yeah. Yeah extra just bought a pack of trench Hogs. I put it on a Carolina rig I can tuck you like. Yeah. I caught one on it. But that's first time throwing a Caroline Oregano's definitely a different style of bay that felt weird when the fish would bite it it was yeah, it does feel weird man. It feels like the kind of nibble. Why did they like they suck it up like a bluegill little bitch then boom. Yeah, you know, it's Stephen I like the Google beat the bandito bugs are probably my favorite, you know, I think those on a jig like trailer those with the and and put like, you know, they make some good color receiving the like one of my favorite color jigs of the June bug and I'll put a black and blue gear can bait on there and it's just man that's nasty and some muddy staying water one of my favorites. Well Dylan, you know, you're only 15 right and I think at the time we met you were only 14 right you had a birthday. I guess I was there. Okay? Yeah because meet you know, I last time I saw you was Madison for the kbf which I'm pretty sure you won that one. Good job on that. What? Yeah. What I what I think is interesting though. It's like, you know, you're 15, you can't drive so your dad drives you all you know around. We're happily to help you pursue. You know, this is Passion you have for fishing. You know how to I mean, how does what's the Dynamics obviously really good between you two like what are some of your your favorite points about doing that and I mean because you know, and I'm a father and you know, I would love it if my kids love fishing, you know, and I would be there for him, you know and take them through it but they like videogames a better but that's just me. But yeah, I've lost 2 Xbox and YouTube but I mean, you know, what's that like for you and You know, how do you guys decide how you're going to approach the traveling for all your tournaments? Well, it's kind of just a system that we got. Well, he drives and I watch YouTube is pretty much. How how is this a lot of times but wait, it's every trip that we get in an argument, but it's we get over it because the past is the past but it's always it's always fun. It's always a next experience. We always try to learn something from each term. Dad and grandpa is safe. You just want he learned something from one tournament. It was successful if that learning was good or bad if you did something right or wrong, but we always get along. We just travel together even sleep in the back of the truck. So I mean if we're mad at each other kind of just like rolling over to the other side and facing him. It's right you guys sleep you guys sleep in the back of the six foot bed. I ever that because we're not very tall so weak that that's great man. So what are you watching on YouTube where you watch him fishing videos or use kind of take a break from fishing watching my other stuff. It's act always fishing. That's it. That's my that's all really the only thing I do. Yeah laterally on I can dig it. My wife gets on me sometimes because she's like, do you ever not look or watch fishing anything? I'm like no. It's always fishing even scrolling through Instagram. It's people with fish. She goes a normal husband would be looking at checks. You know, she's like you get that dudes on kayaks. I'm a little concerned. Yeah, that's what I don't like most of my photos do they're all fish. And then yeah, I'll be like every now and then there's a dog butterfly like it's some kind of nature of egg. You know. What though? Yeah. Well he did. So how do you handle like the the Newfound the like Yes, I want to release a new but how do you handle all the just the popularity in the fishing world now, I mean, what are your buddy say and have your on YouTube with Chad Hoover's you know the Boss Hog the whole show man. I mean, how is that affect you outside of this whole thing here? It's awesome. Like I haven't had one bad experience with anybody else of saying hey, you should stop doing this or you try to put me down everyone in the kayak Community has been super kind to me boat ramps the weigh-ins Captain's meeting even even at a rest area. We saw a couple of kayakers and so it's all that. Yeah, it's awesome. I like the attention. Sometimes I'd like to kind of hey this guy won this tournament. So congratulate him. Yeah, right. No, I can do it. Yeah, so it's it does get overwhelming at times, you know, like people don't that you don't know come up to you. But hey, man, you're Dylan, you're kind of like, you know, is it ever get creepy or is it ever too just like exhausting or do you just love it? I love it. There's been a girl creepy ones like over Facebook Messenger, which I'm like guac. All right, man. Well what kind of creepy we talking about? I don't know like there's some that are like hey, thanks for accepting my friend request and I don't want those are kind of weird to me. Yeah, I always give Mike a thumbs up and they keep going on and on about stuff and asking me where I live and I was like walk. Yeah, that's weird happens. Probably once a week all that is that was weird. We don't even ask grown men that but hey, buddy, what's going on? Hey, where do you live? It's like hey, man, did any level congrats on that tournament? I saw you and you too. Can I have your address? Yeah, I'm like, yeah, but most of em, hey, where do you live is asking like the general area and said, hey, you're only an hour away from each other. Let's meet in the middle and go fishing which there's been a lot of that which that I like. That's that's cool going up at school people and see see how they set up their kayaks and how their system works and see if I can learn off of their system to make my system go smoother. her or vice versa good Everything besides that I love it. Yeah. So your kayak, is it the load out on him? And you is it like clean or is it just me? I mean, there's stuff everywhere like pre-fishing week. It'll get pretty nasty. There will be like soft Plastics under my seat and hooks and gets kind of unorganized but that's actually what I did today. I cleaned out my kayak got all the old soft Plastics out. Out and I retied all my stuff ready to leave for a tournament in a couple days. Yeah and reorganize my tackle because a lot of times I'll if I'm cutting something off. I won't take the time to put it back in The Tackle Box, especially on tournament day because the that 30 seconds could cost you a fish, especially when the fish are biting so I'll just cut it off and put it under my seat and sometimes I'm like, hey, where did that go? And I had to lift up my seat and there it is. So, yeah, so that's yeah. I have a ram cup holder you guys know? Ram screw cup holders a that's my bait holder man. So any soft Plastics that are expelled. I'll throw in there when I'm changing Bates. I throw in there and that's just my go-to man. I put everything in there. So I feel it. My kayaks got to be clean and it's got to be neat and organized because even when I'm fishing, I don't want stuff everywhere. You know, I just I feel it makes me feel chaotic. I can't, you know, get my side. I lose focus man. I started feeling just like I'm not organized. I'm not going to catch anything and it drives me insane if I see some dudes. There's like three inches of mud in their Cheeto rappers, you know dirty socks. I'm like how in the world. Do you guys do that? I don't even understand it man. Oh drives me nuts. Yeah, but actually I like to keep my kayak clean. But if there's a little bit of dirt in it. Oh, well if because it's going to get wet so kind of wash out but I kind of got a funny story about that up in st. Clair on the tournament. We were pretty efficient. And whoever was there they all know the carp respond and then they were up on the bank. Splashing and of course, I was like, I gotta catch one of them and I had my dip my Landing that I went up to it and I just scooped one up. It was probably about 30 pounds or so. It was a big one and they're spawning and I should have put two and two together. So I brought in the boat eggs went everywhere and they were everywhere over me my net everything. There's actually probably still eggs. Like like there's like a chunk of like this big come out at once. I don't know how that's possible. I won my gear tracks and they're all in the gear tracks and it's just so gross. Oh man. That's got that bug me and it stunk real bad. Oh, I've probably never put a carp back in which kayak again. Yeah dress and I was lying lawyer everywhere. But dude its lime is serious. We are Kentucky Lake my buddy Glenn during the national championship hook into an Asian carp in this thing was probably like Three pounds or so maybe a little more we couldn't even land. It took two of our Nets and I'll tell you what that's slime. That's not like would not come off my net. It doesn't it would not end. It stinks so bad. It was such a nasty smell. Yeah, he's just like, yeah, it's just his wretched. Yeah. I helped land a carp or real in a carp a couple of months ago. Actually probably last last spring or so. We're down below, Kentucky, Kentucky down. The water was kind of spilling over and they had the gates open and everyone was just snagging them and there's Brown them in killing them and throwing them because I guess that's what you do with them, but we brought one in and I could lift it up, but it was almost taller than me and I'm 5 9 well, so it was a big old big head. It was big and I got all slimy and we didn't really plan on touching the fish. We kind of just made a run down there because it's like 45 minutes or just kill him sometime. And I was just covered in that fish line and it was so gross like we went we had plans to go out to eat and I was like, no I'm not going inside like this. It was disgusting. Everybody would have known to yeah, that would be like, yeah pretty good. Oh, yeah. They're they're fun. But yeah that that entire. Yeah, especially if you like snag him in the tail or something and we used to do a lot of catfish. Forward like before these tournaments below Kentucky dam sometimes and even had her bait on bottom and there's so much cart down there like a carpet just get tangled up in your line and start running say thank you have one and he reeled up and it's a 10-pound carp and Kentucky lake and a little bit of Berkeley is just full carb like infested with them. It's bad. It's bad and especially if you scare them if you scare them there they'll Jump Right In Your Boat and never knew that I never knew can. I thought you liked was infested like that. It's terrible do we was about like two years ago one of our buddies. Well, actually a bunch of friends were getting taking pictures of their sonars and just in one shot even on like a little like a little 5-inch Raymarine there was like over a hundred you just saw the swoop swoops and then like just the fact that I mean it was so difficult for anybody to fish that they were burning crankbaits dude, you would Can the one yeah, you'd be be bouncing off of them in the school's. I mean, it's it was bad then and now it's exceptionally bad. I mean they're I think you know, there's federal assistance and everything going on right now to help eradicate. Yeah. There's those. Wow, you know, they're taking big Nets with boats and just bringing them in. I mean, it's insane how many carp they're bringing in. Yeah and a couple of our last week. I was on Kentucky Lake and we were fishing in this Cove and I was I was going along and I was I was actually looking on my phone. I don't know what I was doing. But I was looking on my phone or just paddling because I knew I was going straight and they just started jumping around me and I was like, whoa, did they come into the lane in your boat or not? No minded in my vote. Thank goodness. But yeah, it's bad like bad bad. I have never had any or not any good. I've never had very good luck on Kentucky or Berkeley like Any of the Tennessee and Columbia River system Lakes, but it's just it's just bad of the Carper they're there. So they're going to be there for years. So yeah, what were you saying? Yeah cut you off on accident buddy. Sorry about that. No. No, you're fine. Oh, I was just kind of going on the same thing, but it's you know, after seeing the immense the immensity of the carpet mean it's just it's just dumbfounding. How many are in there? Now and it's actually sad because you know, you know dang well if things are in Lake Michigan, you know, yeah only a matter of time, you know, but you know, we've been trying like as I'm right outside Chicago and like, you know, we have like these electric barriers that have like 50,000 volts and you know, I mean in the canals to stop these things from coming up the canals into the river or into the lake. Oh, wow. It's pretty bad. See how pie It's like Peoria's pretty much that line Peoria Illinois down, you know down the was the Illinois like there's just turn toxic carbon. They're made just like they even have like these contests know. I don't know if you've seen with there's a bunch on YouTube or they think what it's called, but they got like John boats and there's a big like, you know, 50 gallon garbage can in the middle and everybody dresses up in costumes. The one on YouTube is the Clockwork Orange. Guys, I always see them and they literally have Nets in everybody just buzzing down the river and all these carpet just jumping everywhere and they're just catching up with Nets. Some guys are like hitting them with bats. I mean, it's insane. Yeah, it's a dude. It's skinny water man. It is not like it's sketchy. No problem. Ice hockey, it's crazy. I'm sorry that sounds like a freaking blast. That's something I would love to do traveling football pads and a helmet and just go to town. What heard the police station but read. Hey, you can take as many as you want. Well, actually you don't have to take them. I don't think just kill him. Yeah. Well, yeah, I mean you want to put it like you want to be respectful I guess to the other fishermen because I can tell you know, I'm sure we've all been there you pull up to a launch sometimes and you can smell that they've been efficient like right off the bank and its sting so bad. It feels like it is but but yeah, I hope I Puri I mean you can go bow fishing off the back of boats and then when they jump in the air you can shoot him in the air. It's pretty crazy. I'd like to go do that. I haven't done that Nissan speaking of Kentucky Lake one of our co-host John Graves co-host of the real down the segment. We do with tournament Recaps and stuff ran into you and your dad a Kentucky Lake for the Hobie bass open. So I think you were actually you were either in the truck. You weren't feeling too well at Kentucky Lake when that was going on. Yeah, that that's kind of funny. But like the reason I wasn't feeling too well because we had some Little Caesars Pizza like pepperoni is a great choice. Yeah, I was I was wearing my favorite shirt National Championship shirts from Louisiana and I like it because I like and I was I was feeling real sick and we were only about 30 minutes from home and it was raining. No, it wasn't raining that trip or maybe was I don't know and I was just feeling so sick and I was like, well if you have to puke go out the window and I was like, I don't need to I don't know. No like I couldn't stop it or anything all over the truck all over the - window myself and I stuck my head. I stuck my head out the window and I was just puking for like a half a mile. It was gross. Oh, that's terrible, man. And you still fish that tournament I still finished it. Yeah. Yeah, dang man. That's hardcore. Yeah, he was he was at one area and he had his camp set up you guys pulled in and and I guess you're like nah, this isn't like a good area and he left and he left and he sat there and he goes I should probably follow those guys like yeah, they don't think this is a good area to fish. I should probably follow them. You know. Yeah, it was kind of funny. No, that's actually a great. Sorry. The cover. Oh, well, I was going to say that's a good segue into you know, I've always wondered just because you know, you've got like what to but know you have three top you got three top or jeez. I can't talk today. You've won three tournaments this year right first place. So I was wondering like and these are you know, different bodies of water, of course, and in this question applies to lakes and rivers, you can split it up if you like When you you know, come to you know, when we come to like a new body of water, what's your approach, you know to break it down to to get a game plan for game day. Well, that's a good question. I get asked a lot but I do a lot of Google Earth and avionics and YouTube and they're trying to figure out the key stuff and like when you can watch the Youtube videos and kind of figure out just a little bit of what they're throwing that they're throwing a certain color and that certain time of year. But when I get there, I always had the all three water column and I like to switch up all the time. So if Walker went working switch up to a frog and see if that works. And just retie Andre time. We will I recently kind of just started going less than a mile away from the boat ramp just to keep that that area like I have to break down this body this area of water. And if I do that say one day because we like to get there about a week before the tournament. This area ain't working. Let's go to this spot and check this spot and we just boat ramp hop all week until we find out. Hey, I caught a 20 inch fish here, but I caught three 18s over here. So this one fish. It win but this spot might behold more and then we've picked that spot and we break it down and dad doesn't fish during the tournaments just to say just to kind of keep out the hey his dad caught us fish for him. But during the week, he'll free fish. I just kind of just use it as an advantage. I have another angler Fishing and he's gonna well he's going to use the black worm like always and so if he's tearing them up, and I'm not Just use that to my advantage and that's how we kind of break it down. We work together as a team. And so all the stuff that he figures out. He'll tell me and then we kind of just work together and break down the area of water. Well nice, man. That's very cool. Yeah, that's a real smart way to do it. I mean actually when I go fishing with Brian a lot will do that, you know, I'll throw opposite colors or something. Maybe that's just got a little bit of a different profile. Maybe I'll even throw a different kind of lure just to see what's going to bring him in first if there any like specific colors you like to throw I mean, you don't think giveaway in your secret trying to of course, but you know, I mean, it seems like everybody says green pumpkin white or black. I'll tell you those. My colors, I mean it they are but it's really I have these like play nosy wraps and especially if I'm throwing soft Plastics. I have two of them. Like I got creature Bates flukes all this kind of all the different types of stuff and I'll take it and I'll put it in the water and if it doesn't match the water if it Blends into well, or if he even stands out too, well, I'll find that right color and I have like 50 pack. The same type of creature break that I like and I'll find that color that I think might work and then I'll throw it if it doesn't work. I'll find the next the next best color that I think to and color isn't always a major factor for other Anglers, but I think for me it is because if you go to a place and there are black crawfish and you shouldn't be throwing a red one. They're going to eat a black one because it's the most natural color and that's for Bluegill shed. and all the other types of debate and / all the Main forages of the bass now that's smart. I've even thought of and I don't know. I think it's some states might be illegal. But you know, if you were in a fishing tournament you can you can actually make these really cheap and easy crawdad traps even with like a three liter or two liter bottle and you just put like a little dog food in there and you lit toss it in the water and let it sink and then I've heard of guys doing that and then they pull it up in the morning just to see what the crayfish look like and then They you know toss them all back and then that's what they'll throw close to. So there's a little secret for you. Yeah, I've never thought of that but that's actually a pretty good idea. It was good idea never thought about that either I steal I mastered. Yeah. Yeah, we're going to say Dylan. Also, I always look down the basses throat and say it's A bluegill down their throat or Shad or crawfish or I've seen a lamprey eel down their throat before. Yeah, that's things of a creepy never do that. I never look down massive throat demons. Really. Do you gotta be careful of snakes? I never do that. Never. May I'm just like aah, I caught him on this is what he's eating, huh? Not yeah and sometimes if you're lucky like if they're like really fat and like they're like they're eating a lot you can kind of feel like the shape or how hard it is and only if it's hard it's a crawfish and kind of just feel it. I mean, you don't have to be like, what are you eating? But how do you be like massaging the bass on your boat man? Yeah the exact legal. Kentucky boys. Yeah you guys doing there below the the IAT equator man. Oh, that's great. So do you ever like does your does your buddies have fishing kayaks that you go out on do they ever like? Hey man, you know teach me how to do this or show me how to do this and do our do they show interest like kayak tournaments with you or anything like that? Well, if you're talking like my buddy's like my age age to be honest, I don't really haven't. Yeah, I'm home. So I I'm homeschooled. So and I live out way out in the country. My driveway is a half a mile long from the road. So it's all hidden back here. Oh well, so I don't really I don't want to talk to anybody from my old school because I just started doing homeschool my 8th grade year the beginning my eighth grade year. And like all kind of faded off so they're not. They are not want to hang out. So hey, yeah. Oh, well, I can live without him right on man. It might be a blessing in disguise. I mean Yes, that's what we're guessing. No, I well that but I'm just saying like it leaves like all that room for dedication, you know to what you're doing right now. So I mean because I'm pretty sure because I remember being your age if your is deep into this is any of us were into anything. We like you're probably eating sleeping and breathing fish. All right, I'm sucking it all in and it's you're the perfect age to Really harness this skill because you can you can take in so much right now and obviously the Dividends are paying off but I mean you're going to have something to take you know to take way farther into your life that you could even turn this into a career. Have you thought of doing that that that's actually always been my dream even before kayak fishing. They off are Beyond it a bass boat, but now that I'm gonna kayak I like kayak even more than boat. It's like I used to do basketball tournaments with a guy as a co-angler and I was always dodging his lure when he was casting. So it's actually looking at him longer than I was fishing. So it's kind of in the kayak you just man in your own boat. So that's what I like about it the most that's cool man. I could see you doing that dude. I could see you going really far in this, you know, what's good about it, even at your age. I dig your attitude man. You have a great attitude. I know we talked let me anacin like you. Very humble, and that's huge, you know, because either way I mean the more you when people are going to hate you so get used to that, you know, but it's like it's not a big deal. It's just because of jealous and they want to be there too. And I don't even think you know, it's not like, oh I hate that dude is just I hate that he's winning, you know, but dude, I'm telling you right now, man. You got what it takes to get there. I would just keep your head down do your thing, you know partner up with as many people as you can, you know, and you know have some fun with it. Dude, actually, I'd like to see you come up here man with me and Brian, you know, get sufficient up north. Yeah. I actually if you said your you said you were near Peoria. Yeah, I'm only about like two hours away. Well, actually I was in Canton, you know, if you know where Canton is I got really close family members are really close friends up there and we were there for a couple of hours because we were driving back. Let's turn what was that? I guess it's down on the internet. Yeah, we're down there and there's this place is called giant goose Ranch. I'm not sure if he can like publicly fish there. I got in my bed. You can't but that place is awesome. They got like 60 likes on one property that they all have boat ramps and they're all stocked with fish and we were there for a couple hours, but we just hung out took a break off the road. Yeah to my knowledge. You actually have to make reservations to get into that place. I haven't done much research because you know down down. Where you're at, I mean you've got like a plethora of reservoirs and lakes and stuff that we don't even see up here. It's completely different up here than it is down by you but you know, I've never met you know, what was it Crabtree Lake? My right is down there and I'm really close to Crab Orchard Prime workers. Thank you. Grab words. That is like you Primo. I mean, you know, of course you've got, you know all the Your ones like the cooling lakes that are down there. I mean is there still is amazing Fisheries down there that had a Tremor really? Yeah, it's you. Yeah, there really is actually where my whore my dad's house is where I'm at right now is if they're if we could put a Bass Pro Shop right here, it would just be thriving because all right behind me is awake like of Egypt the power plant wake you have ears and like like right in front of me about I don't know ten miles or so. There's a lake that's called Devil's Kitchen and I was kitchen is 90 foot deep with standing Timber from bottom to top and you can actually look up into the woods and say hey there's a dead tree. It has a whole bunch of just where the leaves to fall off and you look down the water and you could see that whole tree. It's just under water. It's like they took that tree and put it under water. Oh well and like I'm not like two miles from here. There's a lake it's called Little I say and it's shallow and grass and then literally one turned out of my driveway you're at this lake is called Crab Orchard and it's deep. You can pretty much walk across the whole lake without getting your shirt wet. So I have every type of Fisheries right around me within the I think 30 minutes is the farthest boat ramp from me. And so I think that's how that plays a major role just having the different styles of Fisheries, really. Close to me, like well, they're not In Crowd were treating right now because it's five foot deep in the deepest hole somewhere, but I can go to little grassy and they're 90 foot deep Earth. That was kitchen. I mean, I'm sorry. So, you know, it's crazy. You really are a middle of it. Yeah and plus all the little reservoirs. There's a little Reservoir 3 minutes. I think from my house. It's lily pads. And there's a the Unity swimmin hole is actually I can climb which pretty much climb a tree and see the like and and that's where everyone goes swimming. So I'm right in the middle of them. There's amazing Fisheries Kentucky lakes 45 minutes away. I'm just in like a prime location for fishing better get good. God no excuses man. No excuses. I have rooftops. Tons of rooftops and then there's a hole with water it somewhere. Yeah, and actually they're not sure you guys heard of on his name is Trey McKinney and he is an absolute phenomenal young angler like myself. I think we're actually the same age and I knew about his name, but I didn't really know who he was and I stalked his Instagram one day and he actually lives I think like Minutes away from me and he'd rescue for his address. Now. I didn't I didn't do that. But he is I don't know what the exact name of it is, but I think he's a regional champion and a national champion and like the FLW stuff or I don't know exactly what it is, but I know he's in a extremely good angle as well. So it's kind of weird that too. I'm not going to say really well really good Anglers live really close together and we didn't I didn't know it maybe he did I didn't but it's kind of weird to different worlds man. He's you know, big bass boat and you're on a kayak, you know. Yeah, and I'm not for sure but he lives down this road. Like I can actually I can see where the road hits the main road right here. So it's pretty easy you ever think about going big bass boats or is this Your jam is all you want to do. I like kayaks better. Like I said, I did bass boat before and I didn't like him and I never really have to worry about my motor not working when I get to the ramp. So because my Motors me and if I don't work, my motor ain't working. Yeah looking I'd look up that other kid and see me. Maybe you guys do a collab or something just for you. I really need to and I know he's local because he's he's posted photos of fishies can't I be like, hey, I finished that spot all the time. So yeah. So you YouTube channel man. I see you I watch your videos on there too. How's that going for you man? Are you starting to make Revenue off of it or is it still like a bit of a challenge? It's actually that's not my main priority. I'd rather be at fisherman and that has a YouTube channel and then then besides a YouTuber that fishes. Hmm, so I actually last week I was downloading some Cards from up in the river pool tournament couple weeks ago and I was downloading those cards and that day I caught over 45 fish during the tournament now is downloading them and I had them all downloaded and I was going to move them to a different folder to work because where I keep all of them not deleted them and it sucked but hey it is what it is. So I could have edited the day but I just didn't want to so I know that's probably not the greatest attitude for it, but that's not not a man priority of mine. Hmm. Yeah, that's where I falter to I'm a little too easy for it. Sometimes they just can't sit down and start. Yeah. Yeah lips. Yeah, it gets born is born. So you've got to win, excuse me, you just gotta win more and then you can hire an editor. That's right. Yeah, if you want to do it someone you can just be like, yeah like that kid. You just move that over here and then maybe make it like flash or bling or something. Yeah, there we go, and I'm not that great at it. I if I took my took more time on it and I'm Knoxville. I'm learning a new program, which I couldn't make them better but It is what it is. So I'm not worried about hey, I just fished a tournament. I have to have tournament video uploaded the next day after I think my latest video was Madison, Wisconsin that was almost three months ago and I was just posted it like last last week and it's not kind of make my sounds myself kind of sound lazy, but it's just I'd rather look up a tournament or look up the lake where I turn it is. and learn that Lake and said of hey, look what I did last week two weeks whatever ago so I gotta keep going forward in this winter after I downloaded all the footage then I could do it but that got another main stuff I want to do. Yeah, I don't think that makes you sound lazy man. You just have other priorities and like you said, you know, I'm not a YouTuber the fishes on the fishermen. So I would just keep going with that pump out content when you can, you know, we have we have colder months. Maybe you can put more time towards it then if you're feeling it, you know, I mean, it's not at the top of my list either, you know, I'm actually more happy being the cameraman being in the moment, but I don't, you know sitting Down and doing the editing sometimes as a struggle and I got some good footage man. I just have it. I mean, I caught a sturgeon, you know, I haven't even edited that video and it's I'm about ready to go back out. Yeah, dude, there's some great stuff to and me crashing into Steve's kayak because the things is dragging me around now now I'm going to ride you on that one. Yeah. I want to see that now. Yeah, now you're gonna think post that see put my is that you're most like memorable fish that you've got would you say? Oh me six. Yes, the sturgeon 6-foot sturgeon. Yeah this point. I mean like I caught like a person, you know, it's like, you know, he's six and a half feet spree large could have been bigger. You know, like the first time I was out there. I lost a bigger one, but still a six and a half foot or mean. I mean, it was a lot of work it and that's another thing to people don't realize how much work goes into that the physic the physical aspect of being on the Snake River current 2,000 foot. Shinola higher than where I am here, you know plus I'm out of shape. So that always helps. Yeah, believe me. It doesn't I'm a cheater rappers and muddy cards. No. Yeah. That was my trophy Pike. I caught two years ago. That was probably my most memorable. Yeah. What about you yelling? What's if you had one fish. You think it just stands out man? What catch would it be? That's a hard question asked. Yeah, I don't think I could answer it. I really have stands out. I don't know like I got a last year I think in like late August or so. There was a tournament on Pomme de Terre Lake in the in a little Club tournament and I went up there and I fished a tournament and I got second in it and I went to my aunt's wedding and it was kind of cool because we got to skip the boring part of the wedding because I was fishing in the tournament. We got to go to the after-party. Yeah the wedding and I met some cousins. I've never met before and they were they were super country as well and the next morning we woke up and we were he was like asking if there's any ponds around and he was like, yeah, we can go take the side by side down to this pond. So we did and we ended up catching he caught over a 10 pounder. I caught multiple sixes and there's three of us and like a 10-foot John Doe. I think we caught like probably 70 feet. And like a two acre Pond and they smallest one was probably four pounds. Like I don't know why that pond was so loaded, but it was just absolutely full and monsters. I'm your front top water frogs. So that just makes it even more Yeah, the more fun in this Pond was Tiny like it's a pond bass. So it's gonna be bigger because it's in a pond and a private pond for that matter as well. But it was just fun. That's probably my most fun fishing trip I've ever been with And it was like raining and stuff. So that just has fun. Yeah, right on man. I definitely I don't look at that. I don't think I've caught anything number five. I don't think I'm cutting anything over for my public like personal best is like 573 which that was in Santa Cooper, South Carolina. Yeah, and I was like, this is a monster and actually that actually I got the fish pulled up right here on my computer and it was 21 inches and I thought it was a Giant which it is, right? It is a big mess. Yeah, and I wish I wish we would have measured the fish that like that 10-pounder that he caught actually it was like 10.9 or something like that. I don't know it was last year, but I was probably 25 inches or longer. It's not any that is like it was like if I can say it was like that fat it was Monster. Well, I would have been geeking you heard me for a mile whooping hollering. Yeah, me too. Especially if is during a tournament. I'll be like well, I guess I'm kind of be like if I was surrounded by people like why - oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Yeah, right not only do you start paying a tournament. You really start panicking because you got to put it on that damn board and that's when things go wrong right then and there. Yeah, so actually sometimes Actually in the map my Madison video I didn't put it in the video, but I'll have my dad come over and like since you had to have the fish face and left. He'd have to come on my left side. Yeah, we'll just put his kayak right there and I'll click or I won't clip to it. But he like so put his leg in my kayak or something to hold it there. Yeah, and that's saved. I think it's saved like six fish and the past year where they jump off it and I land in is cry. So that's like that another Advantage for me or he'll come over and hold my neck. And that's That's awesome. Yeah. Yeah who I saw somebody today on Instagram. He was Facebook, but they had their net in the in the hog trough was kind of inside of the net. So if the fish flop left it would flop right back into the net and I was like, yeah, that's a good idea. It's a really slick idea there. So that's where I always have trouble especially like Jay and I fish is a small tournament Kalin Lake a few weeks ago in the fish were just meaner and hell that day like they did not want to To cooperate even the small ones like there were there were Fins Up and soon as you put them on the board man. Their gills were starting to flare. They're flopping like they're just wound up and and it was impossible to keep them on the board impossible. Yeah. It's the fish around here are pretty aggressive for how cold the water gets during the winter. But like I said, there's a power plant like about a mile and a half from here and if you go up to the dam when the hot water discharge is going you can find fish. You can't get him to stop and what with my native with my native. Titan is so wide that my catch board. I can kind of like go like this with it so I can have the fish leaning down and also ice. And then sometimes also if you can like push their eye and especially if it's a bigger one, or I'll kind of be bulging either head. You can kind of just push it in really really gently and that will cool them down. You could get all your stuff ready like holding her eye in when you take a photo. Of course, you have to move it but that would calm him down a lot and yeah actually, yeah. I've never heard of the I think either I mean I I've heard of the slant in the board and then also which I didn't do it. Kawan, which I guess Durbin did is getting the board wet the same temperature as the water. Yeah, because you know because we're like sitting out all that sun. There were hot it was it was like, yeah. Yeah. It's terrible the boards were hot. You know, they had those boards had to be steaming. I mean fish were not Cooperative. That's that's about the only I didn't do it. I think well, I did do the eye. Thing but I never knew about that but see the dip in your Bunk Boards never work for me. It's I get the same reaction no matter what I can usually take my hands off and not even I don't even normally I don't have to use my hands. Yeah. Yeah. I've been having such issues lately. I use my NRS fishing gloves man, and I'll just put it on there because that leaves gives you some kind of friction where you can hold them down, you know, and then they seem to be calmer because they can tell I think they can tell that they're not going to go anywhere, you know. But man, it's I've definitely lost some of that that well I lost one last weekend on the river same way just fell over to side. So yeah, I definitely have issues with that. That's probably my number one struggle keeping them on the board. The I trick definitely works like because it because the other eyes facing down so it can't see anything. Is it so dark? I think that just the darkness calms him down. All right, you don't have to push their eye and you kind of just put your hand over it. Yeah. Interesting. Where did you learn that YouTube? I think no, I don't know where I learned that at bat. I just knew it was oh man. Dad. You taught me something. I didn't know that. So now, you know next I'm going to carry some like Gorilla Tape or something. Yeah, like who knew Dylan's like secret weapon was blindfolding the band's that's funny. It's like it's like it's like an alligator. Man, you know, I have the have a blast, you know watching you at tournaments and stuff like that man and and we'll watch and leaderboards while you're fishing obviously, but yeah, man, it's awesome. You you've got a big name in the community and I think you got a lot of guys like like us that rally you and support you. Would you know wish you the best of luck and things like that? Definitely no hate on our end. And if you do experience. Hey, man, I think that's ridiculous. I think that in today's world man has a lot of young dudes be doing a lot of other stuff. But here you are schooling a lot of people out there, you know, and I think they should be supportive of that. And I mean that's that's what this Sports really about supposed to this community man. You know, I think it's you made the comment, you know, hey, you know, you didn't want people saying that your dad was catching. Any fish for you? I think man if that's people are saying that I think they probably just need to be smacked. I mean that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life, you know, but if that's what you get, I'm sorry that you have to get that but it sounds like from what I have seen and what I have heard everybody, you know, we all love you man. We stand behind you. You're an angler your brother and that's what we like man. We got you back for sure. So, you know anybody's talking smack. He called Jay. He's got to Chicago Connections. He knows a guy right now. Jay I know a guy I know if you guys know it's like you were not too far, you know so I can try. Yeah, and I think I got a good friend from st. Louis. So, who is it Nelly now? It is DJ the guy from st. Louis. We're both in this little local club called SI K. See it stands for Southern, Illinois. I like hiking Club. Yeah, and we're the tournament director divide a couple people out just to go fishing at his secret spot, which is actually a really good spot and we are in the State Challenge together and I didn't know him and he didn't know me and his name is DJ and that day I caught two fish and no one else caught anything and I call it a 19-3 quarter and a 17 and a half I think and I submitted them to the State Challenge and DJ looked at his phone and he said man this D Fuqua, but That's not how you say. My last name is is keeps catching fish. And I said who he said D Fuqua and I said, that's me. And so it's kind of cool meeting now now he's really cool. He's from st. Louis and stuff and he he he's a cool dude. That's correct. So are you are you real secretive about your fishing spots or are you? Hey, man, I'll show you my spots that you just got to beat me fishing them. Are you that type of anger or you like man everything? Is hush-hush blurred background on your fishing photos before the tournament, especially if I'm with a couple other guys like camping out or some I won't tell them but after about like yeah, that's where I went. That's where I went. Yeah, like I said governments they all went up in the Missouri to for that wedding and that tournament a couple weeks ago. I had a guy ask me I say he said hey, do you mind telling me where you fit? Just and I was like, yeah, actually I have a map of the lake right here and I just took a photo of where I fish I said, yeah, I found this tree right here. I found this rock and this and this I don't mind telling them that now if it comes to tournament and they come up and ask what I'm fishing with. I'm like a buzzbait or a pink circle. Yeah pigs and a pink TRD a banjo banjo I heard that, you know, I can attest to the vagueness to because I remember we were like you Brian Sam Jones Alan Reed, you know, everybody's you know, pretty much you know, what was unique about that. I think everybody that was there was top five and you guys were all like super vague and I was purposely trying to get you guys to say something specific because I had no skin in the game. I didn't care, you know, so I'm like, yeah, so we're you fish. And it was just so funny how they would like start talking and then pause and think and then say something completely vague or just Anonymous and you're just like, you know, it's like you guys just can't help yourself. I was like, I'm not even fishing it as like I'm it's all good. Just how much trouble hook. Are you throwing treble hook get all mad long on them. Yeah. I knew you were gonna say that dude, but you know what? I'm doing different. I'm throwing a red one, but I still write not getting caught. That's right. That's great. That poor guy. He's not gonna live that down. Oh gosh. Oh man. I had a pleasure speaking with you brother. Yeah. It's been fun. Yeah, is there a so ring were pretty much going to wind it down now, is there anything any like words of wisdom that you want to say to everybody and make sure to plug yourself? Like if I have any words of wisdom is what just from my experience is try to at least learn one thing from a tournament or even if you don't fish tournament one fishing Excursion, is that the right word? Yeah, that's right word and just learn something. You should always try to learn something even if it's good or bad. Hey, I shouldn't have done this or hey, I should have done this or hey, I did this right don't do that again and actually got caught. A really quick story last week was the Kentucky Lake Trail and I went down and I pre fished for I think two and a half days and I caught four fish and I was like, well, I don't have the right amount of fish and the right size of fish to end of the tournament and I just didn't end because it's kind of expensive to enter a tournament especially if you don't have the confidence in yourself that you need to compete in a higher-end tournament. I didn't know we were close to home. I can't home. I threw in the towel before the first thing and I let the other Anglers who figured more stuff out compete and not save me a little bit of money. So this learn try to learn one thing and that's all you do. I think it's a successful trip out on the water like that. I like that a lot. Yeah, it's pretty insightful for such a young guy. I know man, we're working. Everybody finds you on social media. I got Facebook and Instagram, they're both Dylan Fuqua. Oh, actually, I think my Instagram is Dylan underscore few Coy and also I have a YouTube channel. It's that kbf and kid. So I like that I like that. I like the name, but I'm I have I don't have to Change it, but I'm going to change it. I got like 90 days before I could change it because that name caused so much controversy. When I first did it it I'd just rather not have the drama. So wait, how did that caused controversy? Because it says K BF n and they said it was what is it? They know not vague. It alludes to the swear word. Yeah, that's that's it. And am I still on frame my face? You're good. You're good. Yeah, we can still get posted. Okay? Well, it just caused controversy and I'd rather just not have the drama. So got like 90 days. So people who don't like it. They can watch it for 90 more days. Do you do anything which I think that's pretty that's pretty stupid. I think is stupid. It is to be I'll tell you what you're going to change your name and somebody's not going to like them. That's just how it is. I'm just going to change this to my name. So if they don't like my last name Name or my first name or whatever they could suck it up or something. That's right. I kind of think it's weird because I'm not going to say who but a higher name person in kayak Bass Fishing didn't like it and like they insulted me and I was like dude or woman. Yeah. Well, here's the thing. Hey, who cares? It's amazing. It's like Brian said to you know, if there are people who don't like this like you, uh, sir, you're not doing anything, right? Yeah, that's crazy. In this industry, if you're if you're high up and you have somebody who is a young Ambassador the sport who loves the sport doing everything he can to grow to teach and to be humble and you have to dis him because of his YouTube channel name kbf and kid, I think that's I think that's awesome. Then the problem is you whoever that individual is the problem is you and I have a pretty good idea of who it is and the problem is you Not this young man, you know, so and hey, we got your back brother. You keep doing what you're doing. You keep doing you man. And you got a lot of followers out there and we got your bag. Yeah, definitely. Well, alright. Yeah. And so yeah great having you on the podcast seeing you again. I hope that your tournament goes well this weekend. What tournament are you doing Mark twine and its really close to Hannibal, Missouri. And actually that's where my grandma my dad is all from so we got some I got some property up there the couple camp for a camper up there. So that's where I'm gonna stay. So, uh, and I think good luck. Yeah. Sorry, is this a good luck at that? I know you'll probably do pretty well since something around there or company or at least familiar with it, but great man. Yeah everybody and as always, you know, be sure to check on our real downswing it with bread Hicks and printed Johnny. They go over the latest Tournament results and talk to guests and have good chats also be looking out for Susie roll off. She's in have a new segment. Coming out with us as well and we'll be releasing that and there's another one coming down. The pike is on top of that. So yeah, and as usual like to thank our sponsors you got rocked own adventures. Also, be sure to be on the lookout for the rocked own Adventures fishing team. Brian Schiller is currently building that and the teams looking pretty cool. There's a lot of good names on there from around the area and a lot of good people to learn from Loveland canoe and kayak we got hammered lures also make sure to participate in the recycling Plastics program with hammered lures for disabled vets and First Responders and all that. The address will be in the show notes Coyote sunglasses. Be sure to go on to Overstock and use the code paddle and thin 10 and you'll get 10% An officer Jay 10% off. Yep, Pat on Finn 10 for 10% off your Bob's floating sunglasses. Actually any polarized glasses there you get 10% off. Yeah, they're pretty nice glasses. Even the ones that open up beer bottles. Yeah. Absolutely. You know, of course. Yeah, I'm gonna jump in here real quick. No rush, but I'm at 3% right on three. I got three percent left on my phone. So if I cut off here Okay. Thanks for having me. Yeah, I really thought I had it dialed now. It's a few koi you Quay not Fuqua that was going like Phil koala gether the castle owner on Shrek. That's Farquaad. All right. It is right is always you fish mob lures Southern Lake Co and Michigan Ohio kayak Anglers. Yeah, just you know, everybody be looking out for the Rocks Town demo days. Go to rock town And of course check out our gnarly little website called paddle and fin that's paddle. The letter N infant I cam you can email us email us at paddle and in at and check us out or social media, of course on Facebook and Instagram and with that gentlemen, I bid you farewell Dylan. Once again, thank you very much for coming on. Thanks for having me and everybody. Thanks for listening and Brian's favorite saying tight lines and smooth pedaling.
  In this episode Jay & Ricketts chat with the KBF Kid. Get the inside scoop on how he crushes the competition . He sares his insights on tournament fishing.
Welcome to the very first episode of Make a Move podcast. Hello everyone. My name is Matt bendy come from Slovakia and I'm currently living in Dubai Let Me Maybe first introduce myself a little bit. So you have an idea who you are listening to so my name is actually mate, but I use a shortcut mat here in Dubai because everybody has issues with pronouncing my name I've been living in Dubai for almost 5 years. I was working here as a flight attendant as a cabin crew for an airline for something like four and a half years. But I wasn't happy anymore. So I wanted to change so I resigned about three months ago and I became a yoga teacher a freelance photographer and videographer. Maybe you're asking. Why did I decide to make a podcast there is enough podcast in this world. Well, I just think there is not enough podcast. I think there is audience for everyone. I was thinking about it for about one and a half year, but I was procrastinating I was scared to do it. So finally, I stepped out of my comfort zone and here I am the podcast name is make a move and I named it the way because I'm a dad. Moving my life. I decided to follow my dreams and pursue my goals and I would like to collect and share interviews with people that inspire me that motivate me people that I know personally or just from the internet and I want to share their stories with you guys because I believe their insights and their stories might be of a big value for you a little disclaimer about this episode. The quality isn't as good as I would like it to be because the microphone didn't work. So I recorded only on my laptop, but please bear with me. It's my first episode and I promise I'll Fix it for the next time. So without a further Ado. Let me introduce you my first guest very interesting person. One of my best friend's established yoga teacher here in Dubai, and she slowly spreading her wings globally with her Instagram and YouTube and her name is Sarah white. Welcome Sarah. I don't know why I'm so shy I'm good. How are you fabulous? Thanks for coming to my studio. She's chopard. Very humble, very successful girl. I would say how long ago did you resign from your job with Emirates? I manage same words. You just said it. And now it's just gone over one year. So I started full-time teaching yoga when you from your resignation, yeah. Yeah. Well, I started teaching full-time yoga the beginning of October last year. Oh nice. We've actually exactly what I do know, it's I thought this longer seems longer because you got really kind of high very fast. I would say yeah. No, it's not. I don't know whether it's going super slow Gummer. Fast. Yeah, you've done like from when I think back to it. I'm like man that seems so long ago, but then going through it it goes quick. That's that totally doesn't make sense. But it makes sense. It went Zubin, like literally busy all the time. You've been pushing it. I don't stop as you know, I don't know. Yeah, that's like my therapist as well has been many a times. I've been a crying over on what's or on his sofa just so you know, it's not all of them Ruth fun. Yeah, it's not over unicorns and all that stuff. I worked exactly so I would like to talk about your journey how it all started. And why did you decide to even become a yoga teacher? How did you come to the decision to become a yoga teacher and why you even started yoga? You can start all the way from the very beginning so in 92 linen Keith white know maybe where do I go from? Yeah from the anxiety and all that kind of stuff. So I've been in two by two years I think to wish and I went for a point in my life where I was breaking up from a crappy relationship and really bad self-esteem. My anxiety was through the roof and if there's any other cabin crew listening to this, you know that anxiety and flying kind of going to together. Yeah. Yep yoga to be honest like I've always felt. More connected down the spiritual root like growing up and stuff and I was always fascinated by yoga and there's always something that was making me wanting to try it oddly enough the relationship. I was in told me if I tried yoga then that would be the end of it. So that's quite ironic. But with he totally yeah the guy yeah, why because he had something against Yogi's and the whole image of the spiritual path. Anywho when I was in probably the worst Time in my life. I felt very alone. I just moved out of a flat. I was living in a bedsit in business by I just felt horrendous and I had not reasons to get it a bit like I told you before there is I'd have to take C for sleeping pills to be able to sleep. And there was one point I was in Ikea get in a new sulfur because my sister was coming out to see me to make sure I was okay, so I needed a bed for her and I remember walking. And I care and I thought everyone that's looking at me now can tell what a worthless piece of shit. I am and I went completely red in the face and I had a full-blown like anxiety attack in the middle of I get you by yourself. Yeah. Yeah, so I run out and I ring my dad. I'm getting older motion on that and feel free. No, I don't want to cry out on the first one and I remember my dad saying looks are either you need to do something about it. And I was like shit I can't it was that point where you get so low and I think I was just sick of myself. Like I felt so weak and just nothing like completely Hollow. I was like, okay, there's I need to pull myself out of it somehow and actually I was living near Urban yoga at the time and the amount in any business business maximum area in the both. You are not from the yeah, sorry, and the Man of Courage you actually took me because anyone starting yoga you'll know that to walk into a yoga room. Yeah, it's a very daunting place, especially when you've not done it. You don't know anything about it and I remember shaking over the doors and I'm like no I need to do something for myself. He went by yourself. Yeah. How do you how did you even decide to go? What was the push for you to try yoga specifically yoga not any others. I'd always be drawn to it and it was more than mental state like because you see everywhere a yoga helps the mind, right? Yeah, and I wasn't even drawn by the asanas and the way that it looks it was more of a kind. There's something going on inside that I even need to fill or I need to fix. So this is why I was like, okay yoga was coming up. I think it was a lot more mainstream than as well just fight with many people perceive yoga exact opposite way that it's just like the fitness part and yeah the physical one, but I knew it. There is something I think I always I was just drawn to it like that kind of path. And as soon as I started I was hooked. So it was the only reason I was getting out of bed in the morning. I was like, you know, what if if there's one thing that I achieved today, let it be that I've gone to a yoga class and I've done something and it's at the start. It was just a relief because in that one hour my thoughts wasn't on the future or the past and I wasn't dwelling in all the stuff. That was going in my head. And then later on it was more like I don't know. I felt worthy and this worthiness feeling that was coming from within I'm like, okay, there's something to it and after about three months and like the changes I saw in me and how I was able to accept more of the things and get rid of judgment. Then I was like, okay, I need to give this to people even though I don't even doing it once. Yeah, so you decided to do teachers And after just a couple of months of doing yoga, we say I started my teacher training after a year of doing yoga, but I knew I was so this is why I say it's like a lesson in fate as well because after three months, I knew I wanted to do it and then you know being cabin crew. I'm like, how can I have a month off? Like it just doesn't work. I can't just go to India and do my teacher training or wherever in the world. So I was always praying for like a sign saying like if it's meant to be they'll be something that comes. Zup, where I can actually do it and then that's when I found a teacher training that we did here wanting to buy with. Yes Natasha. We love you. I'm gonna link to it down below. I do the same teacher training. She's an amazing teacher amazing human being and she literally transformed Our Lives I would say and she pulled the best out of us. Yeah percent and she made us. Yes you made us believe in ourselves. My self-esteem. My confidence went skyrocketing to the sky that works words. I mean comparing to what I was before because if you told me two years ago that I will teach yoga or I'll do a podcast or do a YouTube video. I would not believe you. I was absolutely I could not I cannot clean the ice. This is what gets me an even like when people say no they see the events that are doing stuff and big crowds and I'm like if I can do it Like me to the point where I can't even speak in a group. I just shut my mouth and I'd be like I can't physically get the words out. So if I can get over that to do it then I feel like anyone can that's exactly my thoughts when I walked out of the closet. I finish the class and I'm like if I can do it if I can teach a yoga class afterwards. I've been before so shy and as he said talking in front of the group I given in school when I had to present some project or anything I was shaking getting Adding my face and if I can do this literally anybody can do anybody's and it's like a skill that you can learn I would say, but I want to go back to what you said when you started to go in for yoga. Did you start to go and being like in the last rows and where you like? Yeah, they say it's like all of us the viewer like shy to go because you were like, everybody's going to judge me that I'm not flexible. There was always a spot right in the back right hand corner of the room by the window because I like to be by the windows and that was my spot. And if anyone was there when I walked in I'd be like, oh my God, it's throwing me off can even practice here and even some of the teachers like Omari used to teach there need be like I see you're still in the corner and I think the first time I moved like nearly the front of second row, he just did a double take and he was like, what are you doing a bit? But yeah, that was my safe space. You know, I was always bad and I think because of the way that I approach the practice. I didn't expect anything from myself and my body and I think The reason I got results so quick it's because I didn't go in there thinking is I want to do this on balance. I needed that. I'm like, I'm just here to feel sane any better about myself good your mind. Yeah, if that stuff comes an amazing, but my whole agenda was always just what was happening up in my head and not in the body. Is that might Inspire or motivate few people to try yoga this I still meet so many people with so many judgments towards yoga and they all think That it's something just for flexible people just forfeit people because that's how it's presented to the world and Sonic Cycles in a loyal guy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, exactly and I don't know it's exact opposite. I would say should be exact opposite because should be for everyone and if you actually look at the wider scope of what yoga is, oh my God, it's not even the practice that you do on the map is why I struggle when the people s but what is yoga and I'm like and he got everything. Yeah right now, but people shouldn't get food. Of it's not just for flexible purple anything it should be more for the inflexible. Yeah for the do physically. She's the one of mental as well. And who would say was the most influential. Sorry that yoga teacher may be hearing by who will inspire you do have one person. That would be like this teacher was the one that's really opened my eyes. She's a good friend of mine too. I think as well like if you I'm sure you'll have neither on here as well, but she is such an incredible human being and So feel humble and she's so real with her own journey and around thoughts and she says like she's not perfect but I don't think she realizes how much her sharing her pain and obviously the good times as well how much it connects to people in that room. So she'd always have a theme or she'd say the right things at the right time and I'm just like what this woman is incredible. She's a Powerhouse, but she doesn't even know it now and she gives me so much strength so much strength through A little so yeah. I love you. Yeah. Now if you're listening, yeah, I already told her and have to show that as well because they have was actually the first so class with their how was my first ever class I did in Dubai second-ever class. I did II every yoga class. I did in my life. First one. I tried in Bali just anybody accident when I was doing my free diving course, but when I came back to the way I wanted to try and I went to Urban yoga as well in Business Bay, and it was nice class, which After the class I was like, I wanna do that. I wanna give people what she gives people and that at that time. I didn't even think I would ever be yoga teacher. It was just she inspired me so much. That was like wow if I could ever do this the way she does it or at least 10% of what she's doing. I would be happy and she's still being inspiration for me until this day and I'll definitely bring her to my podcast if she agrees and I hope you will who you would say was the most influential person in your life. Is there one person that really influence your life the most not a part of yoga taking yoga in the party. He's a one or like a couple of people that really you would say without them. You wouldn't make it. This is going to sound really like cliche but my family and like when you get older as well you realize how much like a childhood impact impact shh, and when you're growing up you don't You don't count your blessings as much as you do as an adult, but the way that my mom and dad brought up each and every one of us now like that gave me everything because it was never about what I was achieving. It wasn't ever about my grades at school. It was basically Sarah you do you we're all basically they just told each and every one of us to be individuals and they let us have that freedom which sometimes it was so frustrating because all you want is direction and you like tell me what to do and all they used to say to us. I can hear us a note look so as long as you're happy, that's it and that kind of stability that it gives me an even then it gives me the courage to act because I know as far as I can go in this world if something goes completely wrong, I can pack my bag I go back to Wolverhampton and I still have that unit to go back to support. Everything the love. So with that that is the concrete, I don't think I would have grown out of it, you know to me because they'd be so much more insecurity. Whereas I know that I'm okay that if push comes to shove I can go back and I still have that family and that unit to actually be a part of so the yeah, they're the biggest influences. So it's funny because you were just calling with your dead before we started recording and I could hear the way he spoke to you was with very nice. I could see that he really cares and supportive. Yeah it just if I ever have kids that's the one thing I want to instill in them is what my mom and dad give to all of us. Yeah because it's just the most amazing start in life like no pressure. Why should kids have any pressure in life? You shouldn't let us know if I never met him and from just a couple of minutes of you talking to him and me hearing he was talking on the speaker and I could literally feel the easiness and support and just understanding. Yeah, I know pressure. Nothing like like that is important. What do they say that your kids come through you and not for you and that's a hundred percent what they've done like they've come we've come as individuals through them, but we're not here to do their bidding. You know what I mean? They've just give us complete Freedom self. Thanks, Mom and Dad. Love you. When would you say you started changing? When did you start seeing changes in your mindset after you started practicing from all the anxiety depression would you say you were depressed? Well, I don't like to use the word depressed. I definitely was in a very low place. I can't say it's depression because I know that other people have a way better than what I ever did so I don't want to be like, oh no I was so depressed and anxious and feel sorry for me. Because I know those people out there you have it way worse and the stuff that I dealt with is nothing compared to some of the pain that it's more internal stuff. It's just your head. Yeah intro playing with you. Yeah, when did I start feeling the change? I really don't know how because my mentality was changing before. I got to the auger because of the stuff that I was going through, you know, so I was reading some self-help books and there was just these kind of switches that were Were speaking on it slowly started. Yeah, the yoga was just in the process of it already and I think I've always had quite an open mind to this kind of things. Like I've always thought a little bit differently and outside the box, even from when I was a kid, so I knew that life could be seen and lived a lot differently to what I was seeing in front of me, but the changes with the yoga within a few months I but I think that's again credit to the teachers for actually showing and put in their heart and soul into it and seeing It how it changed them and relate in their lessons that they should into my life as on and you know what it's like it starts attracting right? So you start doing it you'll have a conversation or something will be said in a yoga class and then I went on board and then you'd meet certain people who tell you sort of books and being like similar situations. So they feel like once you've got an aunt to this kind of energy. It's like a cannibal. Yeah, like it keeps rolling and the world or God or whatever you want to call. It keeps feeding. And you these little bits to like pull you a little bit so bad. So it's coming together. Yeah remember which boo boo which was the first book that you've read the pair of now over? No, I don't think so. Yeah. Yeah. This was the biggest Clique point. So I remember I was on holidays with my then boyfriend, but we was splitting up and I was in complete disrepair. Like I was just a mess and I remember just crying The point of no avail thinking how crappy my life was and how everything was falling apart. And I remember I was just sitting on my own reading and I remember reading a segment that said like if you think about it now like how upset you are in this very moment. Actually, what is wrong with you? And it was like this huge light bulb enough and I'm like, whoa. Nothing's actually wrong with me. Now. I've created this mess because my brain then was so stuck in the past or I was thinking of the future and how awful it's going to be. Yeah, and it was a massive click in my head to the point where I was like, okay. I'm I'm done. I'm going on So everyone could ever I needed to bring went to the airport and I got a flight in that was the pivotal moment of I think that was the Catalyst of the change, you know, I mean, just seeing how that perception like the switch and seeing how not in the moment. I was that was the change in the book that started it all I think for me it was the out of Happiness. It's the interview with the Dalai Lama and say, Saying it's just started to switching my mind slowly slowly opening it towards all the change that came after I think yeah, they comment just at the right time as well because I think I read that book. Now most of it. I wouldn't even connect to you know, how I feel. Yeah, they come because you probably if you are all content and happy I would say you probably wouldn't really seek for books like that. No, no, no one reading a self-help book is yes and happy right? There's always because it's like, oh, yeah. I'm extremely happy. Let me Why this book on love and see what it sounds like? Yeah. All right. Let's talk about you quitting the job and switching to something completely. Yeah, everyone's life something completely new before you were never freelancing never having your own business. All right. It was like your first you can't even can't what I did before. I was just messing around pretty much so was it was very tough decision to quit job at the Line five years flying everyone tells me that it's tough and brave. Yeah, I was in a big like with yoga when she find your passion and you know, it's your passion to step into that just feels so right like yes, it's scary. Yes, you know that it's going to be very vulnerable. Then it might not always got to plan but because I believe wholeheartedly that this was meant to do. I was ready to give myself up to it. So it was done with the job anyway, and I didn't want to do it and I knew yoga is a start but in my head I said, okay, so I stay in Dubai for now. I quit I try it if it doesn't work, then it doesn't work but it's still the next step that I needed to do whether it would work in Dubai or not. I knew the resignation and going out as a yoga teacher or something and then I left the rest of it to buy so you were not scared of like like losing security not having enough money, which I think most of the people which I was going through as well recently. Most people are don't get me wrong. I have Simon's which I'm very grateful for because I think that does give you peace of mind like an arm when it's not everything but we do live 21st century life. Like we need to live a parent I had savings was I scared could be points when my Self Doubt would come in and I'd be like, oh my God. Am I actually doing this but no majority of the time in my head. I was like, you know, this is a hundred percent. I know I need to do this. Like I said, it could have worked it could not have worked and I'm going to be back in the UK or tanning myself in Thailand right now. So you were quite Confident by quitting the job and just going for the next step. It's not confident. It was more I would say yoga gave me my faith right so I know that even in my crappiest of times But there is always either going to be a light at the end of tunnel or this path is going to lead me to somewhere else where I need to be. So I knew I just had faith in whatever was coming was meant for me. It would have been difficult if I probably was still enjoying the job and I was torn between the two because I was so dumb I fly and I was like what have I got to lose like that's the thing whatever. I actually got to lose losing the job that you don't want to do anymore. Exactly. So, yeah, I think maybe mine story would resonate. With people little bit more effort. Sorry, that wasn't the answer. I was actually scared to quit the job. I was quite in the comfortable bubble of getting paid every month getting quite a good money. But at the same time not comfortable doing the job anymore being tired constantly being jet-lagged and it took a huge toll on my body on my health and I just knew I don't want to do it anymore. Just I feel like so many people out there especially in this job. I'm going to talk about this job because that's what Yeah, and that's where we came from and maybe some career listening. I know how it feels to be scared and quit the job especially if you have no other plan or you don't know what to do, which I kind of had. I kind of had plan I would say but it's still scary. You don't have a plan but there is a plant there's something that's going to come out of it. Yeah, you know what? I mean when you make a commitment like this or you make a move so bolt making my own make a move. I didn't even realize I did that when you make a move so about can that be The promo but if there's a quote Yeah, right. When you do do something so bold and you put that kind of energy. It's the universe that has such a strong frequency. And I said as soon as I resigned that's when all the offers would be coming in and that's when the world will know that I'm ready. And as soon as I did it was there when you like feel actually feeling so that you are ready and you surrender to you things just come to but then again some people that listen to this. Or maybe not really open to this kind of they would call it spiritual thing and about universe and all that and for them and I know because I've been there they see everything the reasonable way. I would say what's the word? I'm looking for a logical way that they're like, but you have to have a plan but you have to have these you have to have enough savings. You have to have another job before you quit because if you don't nothing's gonna go right if hypothetical stuff. Yeah, exactly. That's what I'm saying that the scent of it will never Most of the people think like that though because that's the peers that they created over the years and that they're being fed with from the society and everybody else that you cannot quit your job because you don't have anything else and well, you can't be a yoga teacher if you're not married and being looked after in divorce, but I got a lot even I could like. I don't remember who told me I think few people told me it was actually few yoga teachers and when I told him that I'm about to quit my job and I'm going to start teaching yoga. They were like, are you sure are you sure you're going to make enough? Money because it's tough out there and you know, it's not that easy and it's not that well played and it's just the mindset though and I feel like that mindset again everything carries a frequency. Yeah, so you're putting that out there. Yeah, you're lowering your frequency that kind of stuffs coming to you because that's what you're given energy to I get it. It's not easy and don't get me wrong. We know how tough it is now, but I know I have to be in here a year doing the freelance job and trying to support myself. On yoga teacher salary not burn myself out and still do the stuff that I'm doing online. It's tough. I'm not being like quit your job. It's going to be amazing your level these days off. But the thing is you will be tired. You will be exhausted your feel like sometimes just giving it all up but the difference being the tired under the exhaust nurse is actually coming because you working on something that's in your heart and it's not giving it to someone else and you you work for yourself and on yourself and not that's waiting for Somebody else just for the money because that's for me was the big thing when I realized that the job I was doing was I was doing only for the money and it was not satisfying enough for me because I needed to do something that actually makes me happy happy gives me purpose. Yeah, I think that's the biggest thing. I think anyone is suffering from now is the fact that we all want to make a difference in the world, right? Whoever it whichever way that is I think we all want to make a difference and we all want Express but we've been told that may be the way that we express isn't right or it's not a smart way to live. Yeah, you know, I mean that you can't pay your bills with what you're actually good at and what you feels in your heart. So then you're stuck behind this cloak of a KL get a decent job pays the bills and take off all these things. And how bad is that? They literally destroy your dreams just because they tell you you cannot be paid for what you like doing and then you look out there and all the famous. His big people are doing that and then you're saying oh, but I can never do that. Nobody's saying you have to be famous or big but you can still do something you enjoy doing and leave out of it and it's maybe just sometimes you have to cut some Corners maybe. Yeah, maybe you have to give up the lifestyle you there's also has half but then maybe then you gain something else. You know Wonder flows is another opens. There's always sacrifice and depending on where you want to go and what goals you have Ambitions and stuff you will end up sacrificing it. I mean I have been away from my family sucks. It sucks. But for doing what I want to do. I have to be here so same as some friends and stuff. They will start come in kind of out of my life because I am so focused on my job, but then Aaron I'm exhausted but this is the sacrifice you have to make it was actually really interesting thing. I was heard in it was actually Louis house podcast. I don't remember the guess but what he said was something would we talk about now? He said that usually people are scared to do this kind of Step because the only thing they can see and measure is what they lose. They don't see and they cannot measure what they will gain when they do the step and you can never see it because it's uncertain but how do you know that you're not going to gain more than you lose? And that's that for me was like switching my head. I was like, wow, I sis that's amazing to keep in your mind right that okay. The one your intention has to be pure as to why you're doing it and Okay. Yes, you're going to be losing some kind of stuff. But you like you say you don't know how big or how well it's going to do unless you do it. Yeah, and I know that in my head as well. I focus more on where it could go rather than okay. I'm struggling to make the rent this month. Like I have not slept properly in like two months. I keep waking up in the middle of the night with stupid yoga ideas in my head, you know, I think always just I just Positivity even in the Krampus of days thinking I'm going to be all right, like there's something come in with something more and then again, everybody's measure of success is very different like for somebody success is having lots of money for somebody maybe being famous for somebody just being with his family at home. So I feel like people should really set up their goals of the Sexes. What is what for them means to be successful and just go for that. Yeah. I think it's what's important to you. Write. What? Impact you want to have on the world and if it's money then yeah great. That's really what's going to make you happy then let it be that but don't let your image of success be defined by someone else's rules, right? Yeah also things like earning lots of money or spending money. That's nothing better really like we talked about it a lot but it's just exchange of energy like you put lots of effort lots of like hours and hours of training of teacher trainings of workshops of studying yourself reading you put so much money in it so much time. So much energy and effort in it. And then when you teach people that of course you want the energy back and the energy comes in in like anything. I don't think he can have a really closed grip on money because as soon as you start gripping something tight, it's automatically in stinkers. It's it's going you know, you've already got it in your head. Okay. I'm losing this kind of stuff. So it's hard as it is trying to let it flow freely that you give it a try but like it's coming back. It's fine. I don't know when I hope it's next month because my carbonyls all but whenever it is beautiful idea about money as well in the book that I'm reading now. So the books name is the illusion of money by Kyle sees and he said this really nice idea that your relationship with money is the same way as a relationship with any other person or with anybody else. If you are too stingy, if you are really grabbing to it and being very possessive with it than money pushes away because doesn't want to be in a relationship like that. Right and then If you are in a healthy relationship, you get money you give money it's like Circle and then comes to normally attracted to the vibe. Yeah all about the vibe. If you just saw his arm action. You would be cringing nervous. I am thank God. I'm not recording this on video. All right, let's talk business. Now. Let's talk. Let's talk Let's talk about how you establish yourself. Maybe from I would say I like the world stopped is because yourself I would have never been established. I would say you are an established yoga teacher in the world quite doing quite well being I don't know. I don't want to say popular or famous because you hate me saying that stuff. No, but you are pretty you're doing pretty well for yoga teacher invite you are teaching in few of the best. Artists studios in Dubai and they're quite busy. Yes, you are having plus Studios, you're having private classes. You are being invited lots of events. You done some workshops yourself and yeah, just tell us how maybe tell us. How did you start it? How did it feel in the beginning of starting teaching because Sarah actually has a eBook which is for free on our website, which we're gonna be going to because you write all these in your ebook exactly, but which I still haven't finished. Finished but I'm working on it. It's actually really good book from I'm in like a half of it and it's actually really good. You put all these ideas together so nicely and it's all together. But yeah, maybe share it with us as well. How did you start? What was the biggest challenge for you? I don't know because a lot of it. Okay, I'll go with the teaching side and then I'll go social media site. Yeah, because I think there's two aspects to that teachin. How did I start with my first class? It was in gravity actually, so gravity is the kind of son extreme that I try not and I've been a member at for over three years and I do teach the yoga that as well. It was actually me call the manager who he knew like he's been a part of my journey as well. He knows everything that I've been. from and he knew how much I wanted to teach yoga and he knew that that I was in my teacher training so they needed a cover one day and they asked me to cover and I was absolutely broken it and I remember so before even going into this when I was doing my teacher training Natalia asked us to teach a sun salutation to the group and this was my first ever experience of teaching and I could not I didn't know like what even to say it was so nerve-racking to the point where I did it and when I went home that night I was like, I don't know if I can do this. Haha. Like I went through the same thing, even when she was making us to 20 minutes and I was that nervous and my heart was literally in my throat and I was sweating buckets and I'm like, I can't do this. I don't have the strength, you know, someone that helped me through that was Ella. He's my friend. He took a few photos of me. And I've yet to see him for a while. So if Allah listens to this we need to do copy, but I remember we're in a road trip to wrestle coma to watch the blood moon and stuff and I was telling him about my anxiety and I know he's been through a lot in self and he said to me it was like Sara the reason that you get anxious when you come into these rooms best piece of advice I've ever had. So the reason you get anxious he says because all you're thinking about is you it's like you're thinking about everyone looking at you the way that you hadn't performed by by is like don't forget when you step in that room you're there for that. And again, that was like a ha moment. So it is like I still get nervous before I go in but as soon as I got on the mat, I'm like right it's not about me anymore. I'm here for all these bodies that are in front of me, right and I think that even though it was scary. This is what the thought keeping that thought into my head. It gets rid of the ego, right? It completely stripped your back like No longer, I'm no longer here to perform. I'm here to to serve. Yeah. Yes. I started doing Community classes. I did a few at the Sheraton Mall of the Emirates. I was given a few to crew in Silicon Oasis and this is the porcupine the point that I want to make that everyone sees no like the full classes the events that I do and there's people there I used to make myself readily available for nothing and I used to get people Saying yeah, we're coming to your classes blah blah blah and sometimes I turn up. I drive all the way there silicon Isis which is quite far if you're not from Dubai and no one internal. I remember that I actually remember that. Yeah, so it's something that people think that they're going to walk out of a job and be like, oh, yes, just a my yoga teacher training like Sarah's Donnie I'm going to do it exactly not you have to deal with people not showing up people walking out of your classes. This was a big thing. But yeah, I've been there. To you not to me because you thinking what the hell's wrong with me, but it's again something you have to kind of write over it and put yourself at that like things are not going to just come to you as much as you've got to relax and surrender. I was actively emailing Studios messaging them for covers asking if I can do classes and trying to get as much as Spirits as I could whilst being crew before resigning now should I go social? Diaz so when we met I remember for some people numbers don't matter but let's talk about numbers. Anyway, when we met you were on Instagram, we talk about Instagram because especially in Dubai and I think all over the world now if you have small or big business it became crucial parts of your business promoting yourself Instagram having like good look on Instagram and basically most of your clients coming from Instagram, right? Aah my privates great. Yeah, and if you have any small business Or bigger business. You probably know what we are talking about because it's so important everybody. Is there these days almost everybody and you actually get lots of business from there. It's quite yeah and it's like running mates because and I met so yeah, we met through Instagram and I met so many people who became my best friends on Instagram and it's so funny. Yeah recently. We had on Instagram and then we went from workshop and remember Mall of Emirates handstand work. Chop and that's how we became friends. So I remember when I met you you were like when we talk numbers you were like 2,000 followers, maybe something even less I would say. I don't know once you started to really go for it you grew exponentially so fast, like you're probably the fastest growing person Instagram organically. That's the main focus here that the fact that I know you personally and I know that you never paid for likes paid for followers. Nothing. It's all came. It was slowly growing slowly growing now you're at like 30k 36 36 thousand. Are you joking? No days ago. It was it's crazy. Right? That's crazy. Yeah. Okay. So so what I want to say is time last year I was on like 3,000 that's what I'm saying. I remember that you were like staying low low low, and then suddenly boom and I want you to talk about how how it's not about like this and how much were you actually put in that how much time? I'm effort energy you put into Instagram. So people understand that. This is not like I pay for some followers and that's it. You actually do the work you do. I think Instagram started as me so, you know iíve always wrote a journal which is always my thoughts and feelings and I always feel like I can articulate myself better with writing rather than words. So for me when I saw my Instagram has always been the same I've had it for years, but when I started going into the yard, It was more of an expression like what I was feeling I could share my words. I'd obviously post a photo or I do like whatever was progressing and that's how it started with my journey. I always said it was represent reality. So you're trying to be oh you were actually very authentic for me to start with it was expression and I just I found my voice, you know what I mean? So this is how I began to push it out there and then obviously once I got a bit further down the line and I noticed what I wanted to do I was surrounded by like because I do calisthenics on the side as well. So Fitness professionals athletes and I knew how good Instagram had been for them for that business and especially as a freelancer to actually advertise themselves. So I started to put a little bit more effort into it as much as I could and like I said once I said once I resign this will be and this was when it will go more importantly just I wanted to enjoy it and then as soon as the number started growing Like okay now, I have a bit of a responsibility to not just put yoga photos in these flexible poses and quotes to show off that you yeah, and I quote you find on Pinterest. You know, I've always said Not So once I said, okay, how can I use this platform and I started to do more stuff online. I started to do the tutorials. We started doing the YouTube and I think all of this collectively I did to my what's the word? Growth. Yeah, and like if people come to my page now, they can see it's not just really for us. Yeah that you are actually giving getting something worth out of it, you know, and then value and giving them information. You try something. Yeah, they can actually get from they're not just a pretty picture but like you said it's not a takes time. I think one whole tutorial with a post in the hashtag in takes me on average three to four hours to put it all together. See what people don't realize. Yes and don't you don't see the Behind the know and that's the thing like you have to remember why you're doing it. Like for me I never did it to grow. Yes. That's a bonus. It was more of a want to do it to help people and you have to let go of the expectation of these things because sometimes I take hours to do this tutorials and for whatever reason it might not do so. Well. Yeah, like you're up against algorithms and all this kind of stuff, but you have to just let it go and still post the things that you normally would. You know, but I think it's again just I always say it depends on your purpose, right? It's knowing who you are why you're doing the stuff that you're doing and having that purpose the why always like why in the back of your head to keep your ego in check as well as to why you want to do this. What do you say about people who were buying followers buying likes I prefer to know if that's what you want to do to validate yourself then go do it, but it's again. I don't like that kind of fake and I I think you will get caught out sooner or later because okay think from a business point of view. Someone comes to my page. They see I've got 36 thousand but say if I brought pretty much all of them, they're expecting me as a yoga teacher to be able to deliver something if all those followers are fake and you've got no actually true following when you sign up to an agreement to them. You can't actually deliver on what you promise them. Basically lying. Yeah, you're lying to them. It's a kind of everybody else. Yeah and It will come back in the end because word of meth. Okay? Yeah, you've got a hundred thousand followers, but you come and do a workshop and you've only had three people sign up. No, I just think it's said that unfortunately companies that come it doesn't need to be yoga teacher can be anything. Yeah, but companies that come and approach this so-called influencers. They I don't understand what these companies are doing because they probably don't do the research I would say cuz I could support fake followers almost immediately. And he's company that I feel like they just ignore it. They just see the big number. So okay. We want her or him because we see his bigger number. She has bigger number than did the other people and we just want exposure but then they don't understand that you actually not going to get the exposure because these people are fake. I think this comes from like if you think about managers in Department that they're all be what 50 plus managing these kind of things who are not probably that informed with instant. Um, so yeah, it is easily filled by someone who is not knowledgeable. I don't want to throw all the companies in the same bucket, but that's what I've been seeing a lot and it's I think what used to annoy me was the fact that yeah people get the jobs and the gigs just because it's not because of what they teach it's not because of the experience that they've had or who they are and what they represent. They just see a number on the screen. Yeah, and that's it's unfair like its Is if I was going to a job I wouldn't be expect to be picked it just because I've got 30,000 followers. Yeah, maybe the person next to me has 2000 as been teaching yoga eight years have it has a vast amount of knowledge. I'd rather be tested fairly and that person get the job because they're more suited to it rather than just picking me because of a number on your screen. It's just ridiculous. Well, maybe they don't even have Instagram many people don't even have Instagram. It's nothing bad about it. It's just what do you make out of it? I believe. How are you happy now? No, you bastard we go am I happy? Oh I want to say no, you know that the past month for me has been pretty shit, but only in my own head. Yeah, but I think with any type of unhappiness, it's like I am don't get me wrong. I am so grateful for everything and I do love and enjoy my life, but I believe that unhappiness actually because we judge ourselves by happy and have fun happy right and I think that Unhappiness comes to show us that something needs to change and I feel it. Now. If you've been seeing my Instagram post recently, you can probably tell the mood that I'm in but I don't see the down and the unhappier such a bad thing. I see that it needs to come to show me. Okay, like there needs to be more growth. Yeah, so it's like using Osa use the feeling of uncomfortable to show you what you need to do. So to be honest, I after a year of teaching and how busy Dubai gets in the sea. Season have time consuming it is I don't think I have it in me to do another year like this and that's the reality. I don't know if it's just because I'm not just teaching yoga that all my free time is going into something else. Hmm But I just feel like life can be lived a lot more simply a more enjoyable e and that's where I'm going to go next year. So by the new growing you mean you changing something in the why do you have now? Yeah, it needs to yeah, because I can't sustain this life. Come exhausted. Yeah in you know, how much I do. You see it was less. This is something it was hard for me to believe in the beginning when I was still flying and our schedule could get very very busy. Like, you know, how much flying we how much we were flying and I thought like wow, I'm so busy and then you were telling me when you started like I'm so busy. I don't have days off I get like one you still have one day off a week and then you go from 5 a.m. Til 9:00 p.m. And I just couldn't believe it. I was like, come on. On like you know, how flying is it's tiring, you know how busy we are and I'm starting to understand only now and I'm like 10% of your business. I'd say that's a very big professor and I always busy and closing with them. That's for me busy. Anyway, I started to realize how precious the free time can be and how much were you actually doing? It's crazy. So I believe when you say you need to Especially after year going like a machine and even placing it ebook free book. Now you working on another ebook crazy. Even when you say the last year if I think about it, it's been over two years that I have not stopped and that's the reality of actually getting somewhere and doing what you want to do for me. Anyway, I'm not saying it has to be like this for everyone but my path my journey, this is how it's been but yeah, it's not it's not sustainable. Yeah, like I said, there's always been sacrificed. So if you ever do this it is you have to have at least that one day. Laughs hmm. And that one day off I do nothing. I turn my WhatsApp knife notifications off. I don't want to speak to anyone. I don't want to see anyone. I just want to be in my own little shelter. Yeah, and you have to be able to give up some kind of stuff. So for me now because I know I progressed so quickly physically in my calisthenics my strength and stuff now, I know that that's taken a backseat. But it's kind of beautiful because it now it's my refuge rather than my push that makes sense. You mean by because before it was something I was pushing myself to do because I needed to be stronger. I needed to get my practice of open a needed to be able to hold a handstand for a minute. Whereas now now it's actually a luxury to do it. Okay, you know what, I mean? So I'm actually I'm training less myself practice yoga has gone down less but now when I actually do it and I have that time it. Is sacred for me like I lose myself in again and again and I remember now why I started yoga because I'll lose my head on a Monday and then I go to practice and I just feel like it just reads me with them all my impurities. And then I remember why I started this. Do you have any one piece of advice? You would give to somebody who wants to make a move in their life doesn't matter what it is. Maybe it's starting new job or quitting the job. You don't like or anything. That might be a big change for them in there. S like you did a huge change video life. And again, you are planning to kind of change your whole life even now my bipolar in me though. I don't think that'll stop me because it's been like that since I was at night and it's crazy. But what would I it's tough what with the biggest advice be can be a smaller device just one piece of advice. Can I swear course I guess. Yeah, if people don't know me, I quite us we're quite a lot and I don't know every year I get you add. But there we go. My own what I think this is sound so bad that my slogan is is even like if I come to a decision into my life and I'm torn and it is getting to me I just think fuck it. Fuck it like and it's like what is the worst that's going to happen. I want you this is so so bad that yoga teachers telling you but have a fucking Like because as soon as you ought to those words out, it's like you let go of the expectation of it, right you let go of this charge of the anger and the scaredness and the fear and you just like fuck it and you surrender to it and then walking in just a little small step every day. Just something so tiny and then the tiniest things will then come into the biggest accumulate. Yeah. You have no idea. How much an action maybe a year ago might actually come round even a conversation so many people that say I've had a conversation with that I've said like I'm a yoga teacher and then six months down the line they'll be like hey, I remember like we met in blah blah blah and I see you doing this now. So is there any chance happen to me as well? Yeah, so it's the smallest minut little data and when you just get that even just the little bit of scaredness and you think no I can't Do this like I'm not good enough bla bla just saying fuck it do it and then just see what comes so your advice would be fucking that's so bad. Come on. I'm sorry if anyone gets offended by swearing. I'm British. So it's just the way that I express myself. Great dish. Yeah. My dad's gonna go see if he's alright. I think we recorded almost one hour. Yeah, which how Press me. We could talk even longer but gonna say we could carry out. I don't think I don't think I want to make it longer than an hour the chair how people will take it. This is still first episode. I want to just acknowledge you for what you're doing for. You gonna make me can I like go out the room when you do it? Yeah, you want a napkin well, because you've been influencing my life a lot and you pushed me so much and you keep pushing me so much. He's one person. Pushes me out of the comfort zone. It's here. I think Matt secretly hates me. Hey, have you ever had moments towards you because you just know when I'm in this small comfortable bubble under the blanket is not doing anything chilling and procrastinating my life to the edge. We always come and kick me and kick me again and again and I just wish - Matt you go is a here's a gig go for it. And I really want to thank you for that because I wouldn't be be where I am without you vice versa. Matt does all my videos and photos by the way, FYI, so it's not just a one-sided thing they do. So if you want to follow Sarah, you can find her on Instagram at can you spell it? It's sad white basically half of Sarah. But now when I spell it you're going to get it wrong because I have a Birmingham accent. So it's s to Sierra I Alpha alpha Romeo under School White is in the color. And yes, that's my real last night. That's great. Yeah, so you can find her there. She's very active though. She's very consistently posting which I should start doing is well, she has her own website. She released it recently. Yes kind of recently. You have a free ebook on the website. I can find about teaching yoga and head to establish yourself, but in a Nice way. Yeah not to business like more life advice and business in general. I like the book. I know I haven't finished it but I like it because you advice is you can actually apply to anything that you starting it doesn't need to be. Okay. So you talked a lot about social media about the business part about even just little life hacks to help you through. Yeah, uncomfortable stage, you know, like setting yourself up and yeah. Yeah you are working on another ebook now. Yes, we're working on the other team you're working because I'm doing videos and photos for you. Hopefully it should be out by the end of November. Yeah, maybe December and you tell us what's that's going to be and my love of hands done. So it'll be your complete guide to get in up and ready and started and your hands done Journey. Can you tell us the name of the book inverted vote is nice, right? It is inverse times like a movie with Sarah White. Let me go that's your hashtag, right? Yeah with Sarah white. Yeah, I got rid of the yoga. So I just wanted to be more round. And so you can find it soon. It's on our website if you're listening to this and you've got this far tag me in hashtag me. Why not? Yeah, Doug me as oh Ed math Benedict. And one last question. Did I say questions washed - so much emphasis on the game. So one last question for you. How would you like to be remembered? Hmm. Imagine you're dead. Thanks, man. And he would I like to be remembered just someone is real, you know how bullshit I think the world's full of it to be honest and someone who's real and just did a best. Just trying to best. That's all it's fancy. All right, sounds good. Thank you so much for being here my first ever episode and thank you guys for listening. I hope you enjoy. And let me know what you think about it. Let me know. What would you like to hear? Maybe next time? I hope you all have a beautiful day ahead. Whatever you are listening on your phone and your laptop in a bus in the train walking. Thanks again for being here with us and I'll see you next time peace and love and go and make a move. Boom, and that's it. See you guys next time. Bye.
"The unhappiness comes to show us that something needs to change." - Sarah White Do you feel stuck in the comfort zone of your job, your relationship or just life in general? Would you like to see a big change in your life but you don’t have the courage do make a move and go for it? In my very first episode of the Make a Move Podcast, I talk about taking a leap of faith and following your passion, with one of my best friends, a person I admire and someone who always inspires me, Dubai based Yoga teacher - Sarah White. Sarah is sharing her journey of finding her passion, quitting a job as a flight attendant, taking a leap of faith and becoming a full time Yoga teacher in Dubai, while fighting the doubts of her own and the doubts of people around her. She’s sharing the challenges she encountered, her ups and downs, and she’s talking about people who helped her to get to where she is now. We also talk about her growth on social media, people buying followers and what it takes to organically grow and build your personal brand.
Audible for the best Bitcoin content out there. This is a crypto Connie quick read. Before we jump into today's episode. I wanted to announce that the little bit coin of book audio book has just been has been finally released on Audible and it is read by Yours Truly guys Swan. So definitely check that out if you would like it's a really really good book. I had a lot of fun doing the audio book for And I think you guys would probably love that book. So I'll have the link in the show notes. So you can jump up on Audible and grab yourself a copy of the audio book is like two and a half or two hours and 40 minutes or something like that and it is an excellent breakdown of the the whole Bitcoin idea. But today for today's show. We're going to be reading I don't have explicit permission for this but this kind of made the rounds particularly on bitcoin Twitter like last Tweak some time and it is by Ray. Dalio. He posted it on LinkedIn and I can't imagine that he would care. So I'm just going to ask forgiveness instead of permission on this one and it's supposed that he made titled the world has gone mad in the system is broken. And I think this is going to be a fun one to talk about it's not very long. So let's go ahead and jump right into it and we'll talk about this afterward. The world has gone mad in the system is broken. I say these things because money is free for those who are credit worthy because the investors who are giving it to them are willing to get back less than they give more specifically investors lending to those who are credit worthy will accept very low or negative interest rates and won't require having their principal paid back for the foreseeable future. They are doing this because they have an enormous amount of money to invest that has been and continues to be pushed on them by central banks that are buying Financial Assets in their futile attempts to push economic activity and inflation up. The reason that this money is being pushed on investors isn't pushing growth and inflation much higher is that the investors who are getting it want to invest it rather than spend it. This Dynamic is creating a pushing on a string Dynamic that has happened many times before in history though not in our lifetimes and was thoroughly explained in my book principles for navigating big debt crises as a result of this Dynamic the prices of financial assets have gone way up in the future expected returns have gone way down while economic growth and inflation remains sluggish. Those big price rises in the resulting low expected returns are not just true for bonds. They are equally true for equities private equity and Venture Capital though. These assets low expected returns are not as apparent as they are for Bond Investments because these equity-like Investments don't have stated Returns the way bonds do as a result. Their expected returns are left to investors imaginations because investors have so much money to invest in because of past success stories of stocks of revolutionary technology companies doing so well more companies than at any time since bubble don't have to make profits or even have clear paths to making profits to sell their stock because they can instead sell their dreams to those investors who are flush with money and borrowing power. There is now so much money wanting to buy these dreams that in some cases venture. Investors are pushing money on to startups that don't want more money because they already have more than enough, but the investors are threatening to harm these companies by providing enormous support to their startup competitors if they don't take the money. This pushing of money on to investors is understandable because these investment managers especially venture capital and private Equity investment managers now have large piles of committed and uninvested cash that they need to invest in order to meet their promises to their clients and collect their fees. At the same time large government deficits exist and will almost certainly increase substantially which will require huge amounts more debt to be sold by governments amounts that cannot naturally be absorbed without driving up interest rates at a time when an interest rate rise would be devastating for markets and economies because the world is so leveraged long. Where will the money come from to buy these bonds and fund these deficits it will almost certainly come from central banks, which will buy the debt that is produced with freshly printed money this whole dynamic in which sound finances being thrown out the window will continue and probably accelerate especially in the reserve currency countries and their currencies IE in the US Europe and Japan and in the dollar euro and yen. At the same time pension and Healthcare liability payments will increasingly becoming do while many of those who are obligated to pay them don't have enough money to meet their obligations right now many Pension funds that have Investments that are intended to meet their pension obligations. Use assumed returns that are agreed to with their Regulators. They are typically much higher around seven percent. Then the market returns that are built into the pricing and the that are likely to be produced as a result many of those who have the obligations to deliver the money to pay these pensions are unlikely to have enough money to meet their obligations. Those who are recipients of these benefits and expecting these commitments to be adhered to are typically teachers and other government employees who are also being squeezed by budget cuts. They are unlikely to quietly accept having their benefits cut while pension obligations at least have some funding Most Healthcare obligations are funded on a pay-as-you-go basis and because of the shifting demographics in which fewer earners are having to support a larger population of baby boomers needing Health Care, there isn't enough money to fund these obligations either since there isn't enough money to fund these pension and Healthcare obligations. There will likely be an ugly battle to determine how much of the Gap will be bridge by one cutting benefits to raising taxes and three. Printing money which would have to be done at the federal level and passed to those at the state level who need it. this will exacerbate the wealth Gap battle while none of these three paths are a good printing money is the easiest path because it is the most hidden way of creating a wealth transfer and it tends to make asset prices rise after all debt and other Financial Obligations that are denominated in the amount of money owed only required the debtors to deliver money because there are no limitations made on the amounts of money that can be printed or the value of of that money. It is the easiest path the big risk of this path is that it threatens the viability of the three major world Reserve currencies as viable store holds of wealth at the same time if policymakers can't monetize these obligations, then the rich poor battle over how much expenses should be cut and how much taxes should be raised will be much worse as a result. Rich capitalists will increasingly move. Places in which the wealth gaps in conflicts are less severe and government officials in those losing these big taxpayers will increasingly try to find ways to trap them at the same time as money is essentially free for those who have money and credit worthiness. It is essentially unavailable to those who don't have money and credit worthiness which contributes to the rising wealth opportunity and political gaps. Also contributing to these gaps are the technological advances that investors in the entrepreneurs that are previously mentioned are excited by in the ways, I described and that also replace workers with machines because the trickle-down process of having money at the top trickle down to workers and others by improving their earnings and credit worthiness is not working the system of making capitalism work. Well for most people is broken, This set of circumstances is unsustainable in certainly can no longer be pushed as it has been pushed since 2008. That is why I believe that the world is approaching a big paradigm shift. All right, and that concludes the world has gone mad and the system is broken by Ray dalio. So I'll want to go into this. Let's go ahead and hit our sponsor really fast and then we will come back. For anyone who has a podcast anchor cannot be beaten particularly for trying to get off the ground their entire platform is free. This includes unlimited hosting both in audio that you upload and how much your listeners download. I have uploaded an incredible library of audio now and I've never paid anchor a dime. In fact, they connect me with other sponsors and have run an ad consistently on my show. So they've paid For exposure to my audience that's really hard to beat even if we ignore that I can record directly in the app or my browser. I don't need any other software. If I don't want it I can edit at sound effects clips and they automatically published to all of the top podcasting platforms. I never had to do a thing. So if you were thinking of starting a show or already have a podcast, there's no better platform out there check out anchor by downloading the app or go to Anchor dot f FM today So this is why Bitcoin was created. This is this is the very situation that or these are the these are the sets of circumstances and consequences of monetary manipulation. And what's kind of important about this is not really what's being said because you can find this a million different ways for 10 years in the Bitcoin space this what everybody in Bitcoin has been talking about it is it is Stranger to our sphere particularly with the Austrian economic view of things but it's who is saying it right now Leo is I mean, maybe I admit I don't know a lot about him, but I have heard him in a number of different situations and he sounds he's incredibly mainstream for the majority of his thinking I'm at least in my estimation again. I'm a little bit ignorant of Ray dalio, but I've heard some heard him say some very Keynesian things about like productivity and like how wealth is created. So, I don't know any I couldn't give you any real specifics on it, but he's a founder and billionaire founder of Bridgewater Associates Investment Group, and he's pretty famous for having navigated the previous debt crisis the 2007 to 2009 ERA with Very well, let's say that and but I'm kind of curious after having read this I've dug a little bit more into him than the kind of tertiary knowledge that I knew about him and may actually be like diving into one of his books just to kind of get a better idea of his view of things. But yeah, so this is the the kind of this last sentence. This is why the bully I believe the world is approaching a big paradigm shift. Lift and the recognition of the threatening position or the threat to their position of the dollar euro and Yen and essentially the dominance of the US Europe and Japan economies here is pretty powerful. I don't think that is to be dismissed particularly from to it is coming from but again, we've been talking about this for years, but it's such a great explanation. He kind of calls it capitalism at the end, which I think is ironic capitalism has become such an empty nonsense word. It doesn't it doesn't mean anything anymore because capitalism once meant non-intervention into the economy and now it's somehow is just capitalism just means greedy people. It just means that people looking out for themselves, which is funny because that just means that if that is now like, you know definitions of words change over time because they get used politically things that get particularly as a politically particularly things that get politically abused to basically warp their meaning for you know, political gain and capitalism is a prime example capitalism used to mean literally a free market a freaking economy and this could not be further from it now capitalism means some vague idea of just people are greedy and want to own everything I Guess which just means that socialism communism any system with people in it is capitalism now and so like what we are looking at is socialism. He's describing socialism the Central Bank of this country, which has a government-granted monopoly on money has a government-granted monopoly privilege to manipulate prices in the economy to manipulate the price of time which is the interest rate is creating is printing money out of thin air. You by up Financial assets off the economy that is the socialization of the economy that is a highly socialized and centralized monetary system that is having effects across the board this is why these Healthcare liabilities these pension liabilities were possible to begin with because they owned the printing press so the government's in these states made all of these promises that they couldn't fund and this is all now coming due And the fact that the only weight gain you rightfully recognized is that the only easy way out of this is to print money, but that it will destroy the poor essentially it will worsen the wealth Gap in a pretty profound way that his continued and he seems to suggest though. I'd have to read his other work and kind of dive a little bit deeper but it kind of sounds like He suggests that this started in 2008, which really this whole Trend started in 71 is really the the origin date of when these things started to diverge and when we got these the most extreme of these debt cycles and the gap between productivity and the increase in the standard of living that were actually toe-to-toe is essentially up until that point really great just for visuals and rabbit hole unto itself, which we talked about on this show WTF happened in highly recommended I'll put that in the show notes as well as a link to a raid on Leo's Twitter and Linkedin here. But this is this is the result of a an economy where money has no real price. This is the result of the Miss Alec the trillions of dollars in misallocation of resources that come when your economy is managed by a group of by a board essentially a board of people aboard room of people it bunch of politicians who have no idea what the hell they're doing and a bunch of Bankers who think they're their gods essentially the narcissism of this whole system is pretty profound that they think they're going to manipulate the prices which are a consequence of real-world resources being moved in real world demand and Supply shifting and that they're going to manipulate the prices and then that will actually have an effect on the resources when without the price you have no idea what you're doing. The price is what's telling you all the information I give the example. Gave, I think yesterday in yesterday's episode was that it's like covering up the symptom. It's like solving the symptom of your cancer and then pretending that that means your cancer has gone away. No, you have hidden the fact that you are sick. You've done nothing. And in that exact same way. What we are doing is we are hiding the fact that our economy is incredibly sick and were hiding it behind false prices by just fake money and they don't know what to do with it. I don't know what the money is, too. Free it's it's we have one is it twenty trillion now in negative yielding debt, and there's only going to go up. So whatever it is today, even if I'm even if it's only like 19, I've only got like a couple weeks before I'm right. So like as this continues to unfold and there's no way out of it. There's no way out of it and he talks about he's talked about in a couple of different pieces actually watched a video not too long ago right around when this came out by him where he talked about how he does a good job of basically navigating a couple of the basic principles of economics and how you know, when we actually increase all these Technologies that's what creates makes people more productive and per man hour and makes you know the economy grow and makes everybody standard of living grow and that's all great and good, but he it's interesting that he brings up and maybe he means it in this way but talking About how the employees like there's going to be a large cut in the number of workers that are like basically a huge shift in the type of jobs and the breadth of jobs that are in the economy because of automations and machinery and all of that good stuff. But think about when you're in a productive economy where money prices are actually accurate where you're actually representing what's happening with the real resources in the economy and therefore you can adjust your behavior. Based on his prices and that means the resources get allocated properly when that mechanism is actually working. If you don't know use of knowledge in society by fa Hayek, if anybody hasn't listened to something that covers go hours into just the fascination of the price mechanism. But anyway, so if that mechanism is manipulated or broken, well, then what you end up with is you're hiding the fact that we can't afford things you're hiding the fact that there aren't at the resources there. So in a normal situation where that mechanism is operating normally what you have when you automate a task is you're able to you know, let's say you had five people doing a job and now you can have one person managed a machine that produces what those five people produced. Verizon from the economy as a whole outside of the fact that four people got fired their from the economy as a whole you haven't lost value. What you've done is you've actually made that one person so productive and you could do this across the entire economy, but the value is still there though the resources that were hiring those other four people are still there and able to hire them or to expand into new areas of the economy. You didn't lose the Resources for that so the economy can still afford those for people to work. And in fact, they can afford them better now because one person is doing all of their previous jobs, but they do have to figure out something new to do. That's the only that's what happens is the value shifts in the economy. It doesn't go away. You don't actually lose jobs that's like saying that if with the invention of the tractor which made, you know went from 95% of the economy with Arming to like now like 4 or 5 percent of the economy. I don't know. I'm just pulling these out of my ass. I know it's like it was Plus 90 before you know 1900 and now I know it's very low so that's all I got but uh that that shift that means that we're going to have some odd ninety percent of employees out of business that everybody's just going to be poor when in reality it is exactly what freed up all of the resources for us to invent things like the internet computers. Cars planes like all of this stuff exists because we became we became productive enough to free up all the resources needed to do those tasks to make those Innovations, but it meant that everybody who did Farm before now has to figure out how to use a computer or how to fly a plane or whatever it is, but that's not a problem for an economy that's highly productive and for people who aren't so over-leveraged that they actually have funds for Mobility. That was one of the things in what his government done to our money and think I don't remember I'll see if I can't find the piece this comes from but talking about how the ability the stickiness of wages and the price of wages wages are specifically sticky because they are directly tied to how long workers can refuse to work like employees can refuse to work. So if employees are leverage everybody's in debt, and they're basically barely skimming by at 0 by paying off their minimum payments with their salary. Well, then they can't quit their slaves. They are stuck because the essentially our monetary system has forced them into a form of debt slavery by stealing all their value without them knowing but if those people have savings well, then they can quit work for a month and go find something else or learn something new get a certification or This that or the other and then go find some other position but that requires that they have enough resources. They have savings to actually say no I'm not going to do this because you're not paying me enough or that's a terrible deal. I'm going to turn you down because I actually have a little bit of financial Independence and I'm not leverage to the hill, but you can really only get that you only incentivize that in a sound money economy. You incentivize the exact opposite when you're manipulating interest rates to get people to borrow resources that don't exist in the economy. And that is what we're doing. We're popping everything up on promises just like he talks about Investors raising money for dreams. Like they don't even even have real plans, but they're desperate to find a place to put all this fake money. And this is the environment that Bitcoin exists in like there could not the Domino's could not be more perfectly laid up to understand and see this is a huge. This is like a century-long paradigm. It's happening. Like the scale here is pretty profound. We're talking about the world Reserve currencies not being that anymore. Um, and it's going to be a huge shift, but I've totally forgot to finish the point that I was going on to was that so in a productive economy where prices real automation is great automation just on its face is a wonderful thing for the economy artificial intelligence stood should make us Unbelievably wealthy but what's actually going to happen? And I don't know if this is what he was getting at. But the reality is that we have all of this money is actually propping up where we don't have the resources. The resources aren't actually underlying all of these prices it solve liabilities and Promises. So what happens is in a normal economy, you've got the value there. You've got the resources there to hire those four people that got fired in this economy. That's just a Cut loss. If you don't have since they don't actually have the added resources and that added value is just trying to catch up with the debts. We had with the obligations that we couldn't afford those four people get fired and they don't get hired anywhere else because there's no growth. So you get the exact opposite effect in a sound money economy where the like interest rates and prices of goods are actually telling us about the resources which the point of money that is the point of the damn tool in that economy. When those four people lose those lose their job due to automation those four people devalue to hire them is still inside the economy. The resources are actually there in a debt based economy in one where we are leveraged to the hilt and none of this is in balance. And all of it is based on liabilities that can't be paid back obligations that can't be paid back and promises that are totally Fucking empty. Well, then those four people lose their jobs in the resources. They basically admit. Okay. Well, we don't have the resources to hire them back anywhere else and this is just kind of a general Collective idea of what the resources look like in the economy. It's not like one person is making this decision, but it's just so crazy. Like what a disaster this whole thing is and this is this is really 50 60 years coming. These are huge like long Long long term debt cycles and this is the shift in the this is a shift in you know World Reserve currency. This is this is a shift in the foundations of our economic organization and that Bitcoin has had 10 years worth of maturity and might have another might we might be able to buy it another three to five years to Basically be an escape valve on this understand. None of this is possible in Bitcoin. This is the problem that Bitcoin solves you can't do fake money. You can't play the Central Bank game. You can't manipulate interest rates because all you can do is look that's how they meant to manipulate interest rates is they they buy up as assets that they ought they have money. They print pump money into the system when the interest Start going up so that they don't go up. So there's always pressure pushing them down. That's that's their only tool. Is it just keep printing money and a handful of various ways. Basically this whole imbalance using an accounting system that can't be manipulated. That's what this is all a result of the political and Banking and Central Banking manipulation of ledgers of monetary ledgers, that should result or should actually represent real. Is but they're fudging with the numbers and not telling anybody that we didn't change the resources the real resources in productivity haven't moved an inch, but we're going to be manipulate this because it stops are sneeze stops are sneezing and it makes us feel it makes us look healthy, but we're really dying on the inside because we've just covered up the fact that we have a disease and we're telling everybody that it's good. You should go on a trip and you should go out and party and drink and everything is good because you're not sneezing anymore when really you've got like tuberculosis or something terrible and you're gonna die, but and you should absolutely be resting right now. But instead you're going to go do all these great things because your doctors told you your doctors giving you a pill to cover it all up and told you that you're totally fine. Everything's gonna be great. Yeah. So that's kind of where we are right now. That's that's it's not it's not pretty but it's So crazy that Bitcoin a decentralized on manipulable monetary system. I'm too forward for an entirely New Age like for the digital age has sprung up in the time that it is needed more than anything else. Now write a Leo doesn't know the first thing about Bitcoin which is a totally understand and I don't hold it against the guy don't hold it against anybody. It's a stupidly complex and nuanced. Ecology and to know like even with like his knowledge and stuff some of the things that he does know about. I feel like sometimes the the knowledge and understanding of networks of like Game Theory some of these things are so critical to all of this like trying to understand why Bitcoin works and why Bitcoin is actually not controlled by any single party is one of the most difficult things to understand to have like a accurate image of in fact Think you can really only have some vague abstraction of what it actually is because it's just too it's too damn complex and to do a multi-faceted to really imagine so I don't hold that against anybody but he has no idea what Bitcoin versus all coins. I think I heard him give some sort of speech about like, oh a theory amor. I think I think he said something about a theorem. I don't know. He was just talking about cryptocurrencies in like the fact that there's going to be a bunch of them and They are kind of it's a basically that that blockchain is great narrative that after you've been in this space for like nine hours. That's kind of what you come out with until you have to really do hard digging and more specifically the history of money. I feel like and a great place to do. All of that is the crypto Konami podcast because we have read it all and if we haven't if you I if I have not read it, please send me. link to something and I will try to get it on the show because I want to have the most thorough background of all of this stuff that I can possibly imagine so that if anybody wants to dig into this even wants to understand our financial history what has led up to this the critical pieces of our financial system that creates exactly this sort of massive bloated imbalance and the foundations of previous World Reserve currency is the foundation of our current Reserve currencies history of money as a tool Bitcoin cryptography the cypherpunks all of this shit. That's why I'm here. I'm trying to put it all together in one thing that will tell you the full story in just 500 short hours of listening. Thank you guys. I guess we'll go ahead and do that here. I just wanted to rant about this piece. This is really kind of fascinating that has this is come when it has an from who it is come from and it's clear things are changing. It's clear that this is anybody who isn't just painfully blind and just shoving their face in the dirt is obvious. It's so obvious. This is unsustainable and that were only moving in One Direction everything. Getting more negative. In fact, there was just a report. I think Matt Odell. I think I saw him tweeted. Maybe I don't remember but I'll see if I can't find it. But it German savings accounts are now getting charged negative interest rates. And and I think Germany actually is one of those countries in the case for electronic cash by Brito Jerry Jerry Brito. He talks about like the amount of cash. - that actually exist in certain countries and I think Germany is actually one that has a high percentage of cash still if I'm not mistaken. I think there was like like well over half of their economic activity, like like consumer base level activity is still done in cash. I could be wrong on that number, but I know it's in that piece. So maybe I'll look it up, but that's another one to really get into because Germany would actually be in a position to not have to pay that price. To basically give the middle finger to the banks. Whereas a lot of other countries that are cashless now or trying desperately to go cashless which Germany is included in that boat. But those countries will basically have to eat the negative interest rates with a lot fewer options Bitcoin is basically the only option for those probably but they're literally just going to start charging negative interest rates on savings accounts for even smaller balances. Whereas I think is Before like you know over a million dollars or you know some we don't want to piss off too many people number. I don't know what it is. But yeah, so it's getting crazy. It's getting crazy guys. I'll end this here. This is the end of my rant about the world has gone mad in the system is broken by Ray. Dalio. I'll really cool little post really kind of sent out a storm on Twitter. So I thought it'd be fun to cover. Hopefully Ray doesn't Pissed off at me if he actually finds out about this or listens to it. And yeah, that'll be that. Alright. Thank you guys so much for listening. I'll have the links to this piece to Ray dalio on Twitter with the blue check mark and all that good jazz and to a couple of those other examples of the use of knowledge in society case for electronic cash and I'll try to figure out what that one about the Fiat money was I Remember the name of it all top of my head. I guess I will catch you all next time. Don't forget the little bit coin book now has the audio book it just dropped and it is read by yours truly and it is such a good book. I highly highly recommend it. And also if you want to see me at bit block boom, you want to come hang out with the Bitcoin maximalist conference that will be in August of 2020 go to bit block use offer code CC for 30% off. You tickets join me out. There will hang out get drunk top Bitcoin. Have a good old time. All right. Love you guys. Thanks for listening. I'll catch you tomorrow. Take it easy.
The World Has Gone Mad, & the System is Broken. Ray Dalio drops a bomb recently with his post showing the sorry state of our money, the cracks in our world monetary system, and the coming paradigm shift. A short piece that requires much ranting, don't miss it. Link to the original post and Ray Dalio's twitter page: Other great works mentioned in this show: The Case for Electronic Cash Use of Knowledge in Society - Parts 1 & 2 How is Fiat Money Possible - Parts 1-3 And if you want to start down a rabbit hole... --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast.
All right. This is tablet Pennington. And this is the Havoc Huntington podcast. And today I'm talking about a topic that is really important. But something we don't always like to talk about I want to hit the topic of rejection. Bandon mint and building more confidence. Gosh, you would think in our world where we're all obsessed with empowering people and having a strong voice and going for it and being ourselves. We wouldn't have an issue with self-confidence and abandonment or rejection. But we do and I want to kind of talk to you about a moment this week where it came up in my own life and where I've had to really acknowledge it and begin to build a different story in my own life. So I grew up in a pretty normal home my Mom and Dad loved each other. They didn't come from and they came from my mom came from a pretty healthy home. My dad came from a healthy home in some ways, but mostly not healthy. It's kind of confusing but and basically I was raised somewhat in a bubble of certain things in life, which are the reason I'm telling you that is because what I'm about to tell you, I want you to understand how it works in our own lives because just because we're R not raised around something doesn't mean we're not touched by it and it doesn't mean we don't need tools for it. So my dad was raised in a political home. His father was a congressman and he had three siblings and then he had his to his twin brother and himself. Well, when his mom got pregnant with him his grandmother or grandfather, I should say my grandfather his dad wanted nothing to do with him. He didn't want to have another baby. He wanted to have he didn't want The Twins and so he gave he even gave his wife pills to abort my dad and his brother and my grandmother who was an Italian feisty Nana. She said to him you take the pills. I'm not killing these babies. I'm having these babies you take the pills. Well, that was okay. I'm glad she fought for his life. But ultimately he didn't want them in the house. And so from the age of seven on they never lived at home in the summer and then are five on and then by the age of Of seven, they lived in boarding schools and they were completely abandon completely like institutionalized for their young ages and my dad was part of like a Catholic boarding school. And by the time he left that boarding school. He says I was an atheist. I hated it. I didn't want anything. If God was a part of this. I don't want any part of it. That's what he told himself and he became an atheist for seven years. In fact, he used to The he would mock Christians who would mock Believers and try to get them to turn on their faith and he would like in his fraternity at College. He would visibly mock people he would Champion atheism and all of that stuff and eventually went into chanting to Krishna and trying to worship Buddha and trying to find out if what was really real in his life and he said he finally with a broken relationship the girl that he was his love of his life at that point broke up with him and he became suicidal and he said he didn't want to breathe live. He couldn't eat he was devastated and eventually went into a field. He was a young man and took a dull pocket knife and walked in the field and said Jesus Buddha, Krishna. I don't know which one of you is real, but if you are real, I want you to reveal yourself to me and he said he was too chicken to kill himself. So Just kind of lived in his hippie world with drugs and sex and rock and roll and all that stuff and eventually wandered into a small church and there was a there was two old ladies that were praying for Revival and when they walked in when they came in it was with the Jesus movement. Jesus mood was a huge movement that happened throughout the states, but specifically in California region and thousands of people got saved or radically delivered from addiction and a life of Just Brokenness and were immediately healed and so my dad was saved that night and he said when he prayed to ask Jesus into his heart to be Lord of his life immediately when he prayed the beads that were around his neck that he had been chanting to began to choke him. And so he said at that moment. He said his very first prayer. He said Jesus help me and he reached up and grabbed those beads and pulled them off and the bead scattered all over this wood floor in a little place called Timbuktu in Or yeah, which is a real place and that leader that was leading that night ran up to and said what happened? Why did you break your necklace? And he said well, these are the beads. I used to chant to and the guy said oh, well, those are demons and you were praying to demons and they immediately started to choke you and you basically pulled them off and you broke whatever that curse was in that moment and he got free my dad ended up going from being an atheist and anti-god to becoming an ordained minister and began. To lead travel for 20 years and then became a pastor for 20 years and all that stuff. Okay, but I'm telling you a whole bunch of stuff because I want to get to the point of what is really matters. So my dad's story line has been one of Abandonment rejection and a lack of confidence just to warn you UPS is dropping up a box and you're going to hear the doorbell in a minute. Okay. So this has been his story which has been basically abandonment so Rejection and a lack of confidence when he came to Christ. He began he really went after that part and was able to I told you I was able to really begin his healing. Now. This is what I want you to understand is I was raised in a home full of love and connection and safety, but that generational thing that's followed. My dad would love nothing more than to knock on my door. Or speaking of his knocking on my door at there's my dog and they're bare. No, so I instead of saying that's his issue. He's got the issue of lack of confidence. He's got the issue of Abandonment rejection. I realized that that Spirit of Abandonment and rejection wants to follow my story. So I noticed growing up in a home that conversation of rejection and abandonment followed my life. So not only did it follow his life. It followed my life, which is weird because I can't pinpoint it, but I can feel it like when you're around it and so that storyline followed him. And so I noticed in my life that that that the enemy would love nothing more than a follow me on that story line as well. Now, I want you to think about this for a minute in your own life. So anyway, I was sitting last week. We've had a really unique year at truth table and a truth table. We've had an incredible team Dustin Michelle Jessica Caleb. They are like a dream team but in an amazing set of events Dustin a Rochelle there her grandfather was very ill and so they decide they would go home and be with her Grandpa because they didn't know how long they would have which I totally respect. I totally get it and we Champion them to do that. Meanwhile Jessica my PA came to us. I said well it looks like my life is transitioning. I'm probably going to be getting married within the not near future but with in the future and so I need to begin to think about going home and having my plans for my wedding which I did. I'm like Champion. Yes, awesome exciting. This is a long time. You're 31 years old. You've met the love of your life. I can't be mad about it. Like that's a good thing in your life. Right? So I'm kind of going through this process and in the meeting with them. I'm excited. I'm like I get it absolutely this needs to happen. You met the love of Your life he's an incredible man. He pursued you you're getting married. Dustin Rochelle. Thank God you knew that your grandpa isn't well and you have the opportunity to go home and be with your family your Chilean you I mean families important. I'm Italian I get it. I'm all championing this and then I get in my car and all of a sudden River got you know, when you're in the middle of something and then all of a sudden your wall start closing in does anybody know what I'm talking about? We're you're feeling good about it and then all of a sudden like life hits you where you realize My gosh that's two-thirds of my team are like leaving their like they're they're leaving and they're all for good reasons and all the sudden. I started feeling this this deep like abandonment of like, oh my gosh. Everyone's leaving me like I'm not going to have anybody and you know, they're rejecting me. I'm sure this is like and this is the way that your your brain begins to work. I don't know if you're like me, but this is how it starts to work, which is like they probably were going to leave but this just sped it up. They were going to leave you anyway. Probably, you know you didn't have enough to keep them here and all these like weird narratives that began to follow me. Does anybody know what I'm talking about where it's nothing is real but it feels really real and what's interesting is that that voice that narrative is really familiar like all of a sudden I'm like, yes. I know this voice. I understand this and so I don't even have to listen to it. I'm just filling in facts like this is going to happen. I knew this was going to happen, you know, nothing is always set. Of course. I'm going to live I'm going to end up abandoned. Of course, I'm going to end up without anybody wanting to be with me and I'm just going through this and it's ridiculous because on paper if that's not true, like factually it's not true. It's nothing of what they've said to me is true about that. They've all been loving and caring and connected and all of that but I have this narrative that's followed me throughout my life. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? And so as I begin to hear this narrative, I have a decision to make in the car. So I immediately go to like self-pity. Does anybody else do that? We're all of a sudden. I'm like, I'm working harder than everybody else. Why does it have to be me doesn't anybody know I go into this like, you know, I'm a working mom. I won't even have to work as a mom and I start doing these kind of finesse final like just no Hope from here. Does anybody know what I'm talking? That were you just literally go into the I knew that the shoe is going to drop the other shoe. And here it is and it was going to happen. So there it is. And you know, I've been trying to avoid this and we knew this was going to happen and I start feeling like I don't want to share my life with anybody else. So anybody else get that? I don't I don't want to let anybody else in I just want to be by myself. I just want to do my own life. I want to shut everything else down and I just want to go into my cocoon. Does anybody know what I'm talking about? About yeah, just shake your head if you don't I'm talking about and if so show me a little bit of love because you know, and at this moment there were Seasons when I would have done that I would have ignored their calls ignore text messages. I would have gotten to my house. I would have thrown on a Netflix series and I would have just been done and I would have just shut down and I don't even like talking about it like that because I don't feel very spiritually I say that I feel like when I say that it makes me sound really enthusiastic. Cure like we thought you were a strong leader. Why why are you dealing with that or you know, you sound kind of unstable. Those are the things I start thinking about when I tell you these things, but but I know that I'm not alone in this I know that many of you have the same exact thing and so I started going through this Narrative of you know, how am I going to do this and what I have to work so hard and I thought it was going to be easier and now I got to retrain a bunch of people and I started doing all this and then I realized I had a decision to make Make and this is what I have to do as as a Christian as a Godly person as a leader as somebody who runs an organization. I have to make a decision where I'm going to stay soft and I'm going to stay open and I'm going to realize that God is divinely orchestrating this so I have a decision and at that moment I have to reject abandonment. I have to say they are leaving but they are not leaving me. They're leaving they're leaving our organization, but they are not leaving. They are transitioning but they are not rejecting me and I have to say it. I have to actually acknowledge. They are not rejecting you have a life. They are not rejecting treat the table. They're not rejecting where you're going. No, no, and then I have to in the middle of that after I've acknowledged. This is not rejection abandonment. This is this is something that I want. I want to kind of play in because it makes me feel powerful in the moment, but that's not what this is. And what I have to do is look at it and say okay God you are up to something new. This is not an accident you have you have held my life in your hands up until now you have orchestrated every step of the way. I mean, you are excited about my future, you know, the potential of what we have going on. And so it would be a lie for me to believe that you let me down. Come on. It would be a lie for me to believe that everyone's going to be with me and the moment they transitioned then they're abandoning me. That's a lie. It would be a lie for me to believe that I'm going to be all alone in Into this. I'm the only one that's going to be working hard. It's that's a ridiculous lie, and I have to begin to unpack that and I have to start with God you have a plan doesn't negate the hard part of it doesn't doesn't say that this isn't going to be hard doesn't mean that I wish things didn't have to change. It doesn't mean any of that. But what it simply means is that I have to be able to acknowledge God you have a plan and number two every time you change something God you change it for the better. Are you have to begin to think this way every time change is happening? Someone transitions out? We lose a job. We are moving somewhere. Are we lose a house? We need to go somewhere. We need to do something. You are always positioning me for the best. So when something was good for a season, it may not be the best for the next season. So instead of me connecting myself to this one thing means God's been good to me or this one thing means God's taken care of. I have to realize that in order for things to grow things have to change just I want you to think about that for a minute in your life. Whatever is going on in your life right now in order for it to grow and for it to be healthy change has to happen relationships have to be moved around positions need to change jobs need to be changed family needs to change sometimes best friends need to change the way we do life has to a change and so if I resist change and I'm always assuming that change is bad or change means I'm missing something or change means. I'm going to get the short end of the stick then every time something goes to shift or change. I'm going to feel that I'm about to get punished. Yeah, so here's what you have to do. You have to begin to preach to yourself. I know we all go. We're like somebody preach to me somebody pray for me. So many problems for me. There's a point in your walk with Christ where you begin to be that person you don't wait any longer for your spouse to preach to you. You don't wait any longer for you to get to church on Sunday. You don't wait any longer so you can get someone to encourage you or get coffee with your best friend you begin to realize no I'm responsibility. I'm The ball to strengthen myself to preach to myself to preach myself into a good mood. Come on. I'm responsible, too. To unpack the lies that are trying to hang out around me my story my family my lineage my boys because the truth is my dad dealt with abandonment and rejection. If I deal with abandonment rejection, guess what my boys are going to deal with abandonment rejection. And if I don't deal with it, guess what I'm going to parent them in it. So every time they don't get invited to a birthday party. I'm going to respond and overreact every time they don't get a position in something. I'm going to over react and respond each time. Somebody transitions out of their life. I'm Begin to kind of give this narrative that somehow they've been abandoned rejected and none of that's true right now now yeah, there can be things that follow them. But I'm going to end up continuing that storyline in my family and I've got to be able to say it stops here. It stops here. That's my question for you today. Are you saying no no, it stops here. The gossip stops here. The lies stop here. The passive-aggressive stops here. The fear stops here the sexual perversion stops here. Come on, you've got to say I'm not going to allow this and you know, what? Will you have to work harder than your parents probably? Will you have to work harder than your kids? Probably you are going to have to work hard part of transformation isn't just sit back and listen to Super Soul Sunday. I love Super Soul Sunday. I'm not against it. It's not just about popping on the Bethel podcast. It's not just about listening to favorite worship album that is not transformation. It can help inspire you for transformation, but transformation comes when we choose to do the hard thing when we say it stops here. And every time I have a stinking thought that comes in my head that's from the pit of how that's here to shame me fear me give me anxiety hinder me contain me. No pit stops here. And I'm going to call it out. And what you'll have to do is you'll have to say no. I am not abandon. I am not rejected. I am not fearful. I am not like yeah, I might have some fear but I am not a fearful person. I am not a pervert. Come on. I am not I love that. I stop right there. I am. I'm not what people have said. About me and I've got to stop this. I am not, you know worthless. I'm not a reject. I'm not abandoned like the no no no and we have to stop that narrative and we stop that narrative. Then we have to replace it with true so we can't just say no. No. No, I don't believe that. No, I'm not stops right here. We have to actually replace with truth, which is my family is going to be known for being the most loving and accepting family on the face of the Earth. Like you have to interrupt it. You're gonna have to say no. No God's got something so incredible for me in the future. I'm not God is only we are only going forward. I love how Joyce Meyer says I haven't come this far to go back right? I'm not I haven't come this far to not do anything else like I'm going forward and so in the car, so I'm preaching right now, but I want to pull it back for a minute in the car. I had a decision to make what did I want to do? I wanted to cry I wanted to be like I'm done. Let's pack up our stuff and go home to my mom and dad and I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 41 years old like come on. On but I wanted to say like this doesn't feel right. It's his this as hard. I must be missing something now. I don't like this and the truth was I'm not doing anything wrong because there's a struggle doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong. It means I'm going in the right direction and often it's how I navigate what's happening on the inside of me is going to help me. Have a great year or hope horrible year. It's change going to happen. Yes. Am I going to have awesome new staff members? Yes. Am I gonna party hard at Jessica's wedding whenever that is heck. Yeah, and when I go to Connecticut, am I going to pop in and see Rochelle and Dustin you better believe it? I told them get a three-bedroom house. I'm bringing my family and my dog but like yeah, my that's got going away. I'm not break. I'm not Burning Bridges, but what I do have to realize is this if I have a ceiling Ali then every time God wants to bring me somewhere. This is my Lohan motion every time God wants to lift me higher show me my potential show me what's way up here on the Mountain Top Every time. I hit my ceiling of Abandonment or narratives or lies or generational or Heritage things. Every time I go to go high or build or go to the next place in my life. I'm going to always hit this narrative. Narratives aren't just your own thing. I mean, I've seen it in Generations. I've seen it with the women in your family. I've seen with the men in your family. I've seen it in my own life. I've seen it with relationships. I mean these narratives aren't just one thing these things follow us and until we understand that this is a smokescreen for where we're going. We won't we will we will always believe it and it will always shut us down and we will always feel like it's controlling us and so for me transformation for her, You look Huntington transformation for you is I had a decision to make in the car doesn't get easier the more influence. You have the more income. You have the more relationships you have the more networking. You have the cuter your kids. None of that makes it easier. It actually makes it harder because you realize that you can't just check out for a month you realize that you have an hour. I have an hour of an hour where I cannot answer my phone call and play my country music and cry and say this is hard but then I have a decision to make and that is am I going to lead or am I going to follow and if I'm going to follow then I'll follow myself right to the pit of depression. If I follow I'm going to follow myself right to the pit of anxiety if I follow that I'm going to follow myself right into isolation. So I have a decision to make at that moment and then Then in that in the middle of that right in the middle of that I make that decision. I am going to become all I'm called to be and I am not dying on this mountain. I say this all the time makes me emotional because I say all the time to my husband. I am not dying on this mountain. I've come too far to die on this hill I want to conquer that mountain. I'm not dying on the hill. No, you know, I am a I'm gonna I am I want to be here 20 years from now and if I die on this mountain with come on, come on Avila, I can hear all my Aussie friends like come on Avila anytime. There's like somebody in my life that I feel like it's like challenging me. It's my always my Australian friends. And then I have a decision to make and I'll tell you what I'll preach myself right into right in a promise. I'll get on the phone and my husband I'll go. How are you doing? I go. Oh, you know what? Let me tell you something. I am so excited about this year. This is Incredible. God is strategically moving things around because he wants to take us to the next place. I mean look what God is doing I would have never said goodbye to these people. I would have never transitioned or had them live somewhere else. I would have never I would have just built a bunker and we all would have lived together. Look what God is doing God is doing something and he's divinely orchestrating and positioning us for the next season. Look what God is doing. No, no one is leaving. No one's abandoning. No. No God is positioning. What if you what if you actually processed your life right at the second were you are not going without you are being positioned and what if you realize that this moment that that there's a narrative that feels really comfortable that your family probably had and you've had as a young man or a young woman and you broke up with that and said, I'm not I'm not doing that anymore. I know what that means three days later. I feel like crap. I feel like I can't do what I need to do. I hurt myself. I hurt my family. I feel a mess. I'm not doing this anymore. Mmm. Nope. I admit I'm a little scared. I admit I don't know what to do next. I admit that some of these things feel really daunting. Like, how am I going to do this? I don't know but what I do know is Is that I was made for this and you're the same way like you I want to say this to you in this like spiritually. Parenting you're made for this white thing or husbanding You're Made for This doing the thing in front of you job-wise career-wise. Relationally you were made for this and you'll be shocked at that moment. When you break up with that narrative all of a sudden you'll start to feel like no now, let me say this you can have a Moment of clarity and then you'll kind of feel yourself go back. So ultimately you get this Moment of clarity like yeah, this is great. We're going to do this. This is awesome, and then you'll wake up. The next morning and often it's in that vulnerable state of like you're going throughout your day. And then you realize oh something shifted like you ever had that works like oh they broke up with me or I lost my job or oh, I just got that bill and you'll have that kind of moment and at that moment you just need to be aware that that's not you're not slipping back and you're not missing anything. It's just your habit of your brain panicking a little and just stop and say no the future is bright. We got a lot to do and we're going to go forward and ultimately I don't need anyone to believe me except for myself. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not here to drag the world with me. I'm here to drag myself with me and agree with truth and live in truth. And God will take care of it. I just want you to know something that the spirit of fear and anxiety would love nothing more than to suck the life out of you today the spirit of fear and anxiety would love nothing more than to remind you that you don't have what it takes and you're such a mess up. And you should be further along and what's wrong with you and why can't you get it? Right? And why does everybody get an opportunity and a breakthrough? And you're the one that's sitting here fighting for your breakthrough? I just want you to know we all hear it. It's really normal to hear that narrative. But what you can do is you can shut it up and you can say nope. I hear you. I'm used to you. I know what that is, and I'm not giving you any space in my life right now. So when it comes to abandonment and rejection, the first thing I want you to realize is that you are not abandoned you are not acted you go. What do you mean have low like my spouse left me or I never knew my dad or you know, like I feel like I was abandoning rejected. Let me say this on the earth. Yeah, and and not I can't ignore that. Yeah, you gone through some things on the Earth, but let me say something in heaven you have been wanted from the moment. You were created from the very moment you were here. God was like you have a place at my table come sit by me kill the fatted calf. We are like making a meal we're celebrating your life. You are so necessary to my life to Art my purpose into my plan on this Earth You are so necessary. And I want you to know something that the enemy would love he uses abandonment and rejection to shut us up. You know what I mean? Like he uses that so that we can feel like I'm going to be and really what it comes down to and I haven't processed this Foley but for me, It comes down to feeling embarrassed and ashamed because what it comes down to is that if I fail then there's something inside of me that says everyone's going to know I failed and I can't fix that and so it's better that I hide and show up and I just want you to know something that I'm probably going to fail in front of you guys. I'm going to fail in front of my family not intentionally just in life and you know what? I'm not going to bow down to shame. I'm not going to bed. And the fear and I'm not going to bow down to feeling like I'm going to mess this up. Of course. I want to mess this up you're going to mess up. Your kids are going to be messed up. Your marriage is going to get messed up and instead of trying to make it perfect and avoid it. Why don't you get a plan to position yourself in a better way and just say, you know, what life isn't going to be perfect. No one I know is living a perfect life. No one I know has it all together. But one thing I do know is is that you get to choose what happens on the inside of you and no one can control? That no one can control that. Yeah break those chains exactly. So that's kind of what I wanted to tell you guys today. Do I have a journey? I do have a journey. Am I excited about the future? I am excited that lasted for like an hour an hour and it wasn't even a personal thing about anybody my life. It was an old narrative that wanted to follow me around and and lie to me that somehow all of this is a mirage and I'm going to end up destitute do you ever have that is that just me like all of this like is never going to And up as you think and it's all going to be a mass. Does anybody else experience that I don't know if anybody else experiences that but I kind of get that the shoe is going to the shoe is going to fall right on the other side and I'm going to I'm going to like I knew it. I knew that I was gonna be able to keep this up. Right exactly. We refuse to listen to fear and anxiety exactly - Lynn. So that's the main thing today that I want you to think about and if you've experienced it. Well, you know, you're not alone. Like I'm you're not alone you and that's what I have to do is I have to shut my phone off. Off shut everything out and say okay. What am I believing and then begin to challenge those thoughts and then to begin to realize that I I'm not God's not done with me yet. Right and this is one of the reasons I wrote leap into love and I wasn't planning on talking about it right this second, but I wrote leap into love becoming present to your purpose on the planet because I'm still in process you're still in process like no one is complete and transformation requires process during a lot of the seasons of our life. And so someone can go. Oh I'm good to go, but things shift and change and we get used to certain things and we start nurturing thoughts and and things that we didn't expect and I think part of us growing and self-confidence and acceptance and and growing in in feeling like our presence matters is when we're willing to challenge our internal narratives and no one knows what they are, but you So I can't say oh, this is what have a believes you'll be free. No. No, you're the only one that will know that will know what's happening on the inside of you and what you're thinking about. But what I do know is is self-awareness is the place of breakthrough when we begin to realize what has been used against us. And so I just want to challenge you with that and one that last thing I want to ask you then I've done is the area that you're dealing with. Is it connected to your mom or dad or the or your caretaker? It's for you to think about that for a minute is just some of the things that feel dramatic and intense in your life. Is that connected to how your parents viewed life experience life how their narrative in their own world and what you think about that because this is where the power comes is when I realized oh rejection abandonment is a generational thing that's trying to come against my family or I'm not buying into that once I realized that it wasn't so personal. But it was really the weapons formed against me and my family and my Heritage and my lineage and all those other things. I bet you anything that what you're dealing with somebody Your Grandparent dealt with your great-grandparent dealt with and you get a chance to interrupt this you get a chance to stop it in its tracks and say nope. I'm not doing it depressions always been a part of our family but no no II might have I might deal with a little bit depression, but I'm not a depressed person and I'm getting healthy and whole and I'm going to I'm going to grow right / accounts. Also help me with suppers. I agree with that a thousand percent if I could like that a thousand percent, I would yeah, you know, I think I just think it's really good to be honest. Just really good to be honest about what's happening. And you know, what's amazing even in my marriage is that when I'm not doing well or I'm processing something and I don't know what to do. I often will tell my husband like here's what I think has happened and I always have to go back to that moment where things broke, you know, I'm saying like I'm going throughout my life and then I'm feeling agitated and something's happening at night and I'm like what happened and I have to go back to the moment where something got disconnected and I have to go ok, I Good. I got to shower that morning. I was feeling good. I talked to my mom. I was doing this doing that and then on my driver home from the office, I wasn't doing well. What was it and I have to backtrack to the moment that I wasn't doing. Well, so I need you to go all the way back to like, where was it? Where did it break wind was I feeling okay and then something happened and what was it telling me and then oftentimes you can trace it all the way back to a thought. Something shifted everything to a thought or what someone said and it took you by surprise and you processed it in a way that you weren't ready to process. And so you you panic, you know, I didn't know how to process that so that's it. Yeah, where did I lose? My peace? Exactly. Ask yourself that question. Where did I lose my peace? I got to go back and pick it up. Right right and often for me. It's I lose my peace when I'm blindsided. Does anybody else get that? I like usually I'm doing good when I'm fully aware, and I'm adulting and I've got my life and then something happens. I wasn't expecting and usually that's when I turn into a little girl. We're all of a sudden. I'm like, I don't like you. I don't want to be with you. I just think about myself. I want to I don't you guys are scary and then I have to go back and realize okay. Wait, that's me jumping into a little girl because I was blindsided and not part of me that wanted a panic, but you know what? I'm not I'm safe. I'm okay. Yeah exactly blinds like a crep. I'm not dying on this mountain exactly Kathy. So this is really really critical that we ask ourselves. Where did I turn into a little kid in the minute and what lie did I believe and then we unpack that the truth is you are so loved you belong here on Earth. God is more excited about your potential. Then you are he's got a plan that no man can stop her hinder. I mean you have there is a purpose in front of you your life matters. I just come against that Spirit of death on you right now. Why that says you're not going to be missed or that you're not contributing. That's that's suicidal thing. I just come against in Jesus name and I say no to that. That's a lie from the pit of Hell, we recognize it as the last assignment of the enemy to rob you from having your purpose and we just say no. No, it's not happening in our lives. Yep right now some of you I just feel it. Even it prophetically there are some of you that are watching this there's like one or two of you currently right now that are dealing with feeling like it would be easier. ER to leave the Earth and I want you to know something that is a Lie from the pit of Hell, it is not true. And I want you to know something you are very important to God and what he has on the earth and there are people that are waiting for you on the other side of this moment. And so you have to get whole you have to come you have to get out of this pit. You have to there are people waiting for you. We need your life. You're going to have to you're going to have to fight and ask for help go get some help from somebody and say I need some help. Yeah, yep what God is doing cannot be stopped. Yeah, so that's kind of what my thought was today. But yeah, it's hard to share these things. Like it's not natural for me to want to tell you guys this it's much more natural for me to want to act like I have it together. It's not going to help you guys. It's just not going to help you because it's not true and you need to know that process is okay and doesn't matter how old you are or how you know being ordained minister or what an author or whatever like my thoughts have to be renewed and I have to challenge them and I have to put them under the authority of Jesus Christ every single day and you can do this too. Well, I hope that really blessed your life. I hope that everything God is trying to get to you. You grabbed a hold up. Don't forget to give me a shout out on the socials, and they're almost every day. And if this podcast really spoke to you, would you consider leaving a review? So others can find this podcast and as well as some Stars. I hope you have a great day and I'll catch you next time.
In this podcast episode I want to talk about rejection, abandonment and building more confidence. I grew up in a safe home. But just because we’re not raised around something doesn’t mean we’re not touched by it. My Dad’s story was a story of rejection, abandonment and a lack of confidence but when he found Christ, he started to go after those things and find healing. I was raised in a home of love and safety, but that generational thread that followed my Dad would love nothing more than to knock on my door. Instead of saying those were his issues, I realized that spirit of rejection and abandonment wants to follow my story as well. The narrative of abandonment and rejection sounds so familiar in our thoughts that it doesn’t even sound surprising to us. But when we hear those negative narratives in our mind, we have a decision to make. We can go to self-pity, or we can stay soft and open to the people around us and realize God is divinely orchestrating everything in our life. In those moments we have to reject abandonment. Thank you so much for tuning in today! Let's break up with the narratives in our mind that keep us from living fully free.
On the 18th episode of hockey or this podcast. We talked all about the teams that didn't quite make the playoffs this year. There's a couple teams on the bubble will talk about as well. But for the most part we're going to chat dammnit to know others New Jersey Devils the Buffalo Sabres the LA Kings the Anaheim Ducks in a couple of other teams, why didn't they make it? What's the problem in those cities? And can they make it next year or are they going to be on the outskirts? Again? That is the 18th episode of the doctors podcast.Well that can accelerate in told Rex guard.Good afternoon, Brandon. How are you? How are you? Good, you know what? We're going to talk this week about the NHL playoffs but not particularly Bo, you know predicting the playoffs or what's going to happen with certain teams that are probably going to be in the playoffs now not everybody's in for sure yet. There are still some teams where the race is tight. But for the most part we know who's going to be in and we know who's going to be out. And so we figured we'd talk this week about teams that are out butWe shouldn't have been based on where you saw them at the beginning of the year. What you predict for them might be an interesting and fun topic. What did you thought would you think when I said hey, let's talk about this. It's kind of a downer for probably half the listeners right assuming that we have all 31 teams that listen to the show. It's sucks. Probably something to laugh about if you're a fan of the others like half of the league, I guess because you thinking hey, we made the elite we made the playoffs. Oh, you know, we're top of the week. But in general, I mean, yeah every year you have certain teams that shine and do better than expected and every year you have teams that you think are going to make the playoffs and they either just narrowly miss it or sometimes some cases they fall off completely and it's not what you expected from them. Well you and I are on different sides of the fence because you cover the Bruins and they're doing extremely well there, you know II in the Atlantic there a playoff team for sure and I cover the Edmonton Oilers and they sucked they were terrible. So considering what kind of the East please Okay, I'm looking at the Eastern Conference by division and you're listed as second in the Atlantic, but I see if I were to switch over to the conference. You are right the Boston Bruins, you know our second in the East and if I switch over to the league they are third in the NHL a hundred Five Points. So yes, your team is doing quite well, whereas if I look at the league standings and I go all the way down to the Edmonton Oilers. I got to go all the way down to 25th to find them and considering that there are two players on the team with more than a hundred. Points and five learning Team Six if you count Darnell nurse on Blue Line who has broken records for themselves this season. I it's bad so so surprising so they'll be one of the teams that we cover in terms of the conversation on disappointing teams. But you know, I listed a handful of them in the message I sent you today. Is there a place you want to start? Yeah, la seems like the best place to start right actually before we even start that sure I think it's interesting. If you look at all the teams in the league, there's only one team who might not Make the postseason everyone team will make the most postseason with a positive goal differential every other thing that missed it is going to have a negative goal differential. So if you look at the Western Conference everything that's in a playoff spot right now has a positive goal differential and every team in the East has a positive one as well every teen and the West without a playoff spot has a negative goal differential and every team in the East outside of Montreal has a negative goal differential. So obviously Montreal and Columbus right now are battling it out for that that last block Carolina. To you is also fighting for a spot. But all three of those teams have a positive goal differential. So it's going to be one of those three teams that are going to be the only one of the 14 non-playoff teams that are like 15. I plan to use that that don't end up having a playoff spot with a goal by plausible differential. Okay, I didn't look up that's Ted who's the team that doesn't have it? Well Montreal Columbus or Carolina always positive. So one of them's going to miss it. Okay. I was just yeah, you would mention that I think he said all but one team or something had a positive or something like that. So I was wondering which team got in but got, you know got scored on more than then what have you but you know, just just once he was getting a missing it when everything's said and done. Well, we're going to talk about and it's also a sorry. That's assuming that Colorado makes it an Arizona doesn't because Arizona has a negative color as a positive, but that will see how that happens there. Well, we'll talk about the Blue Jackets and they're in a spot right now. I mean, they're kind of the tiebreaker of that wild card division, but we should talk about them because this Not where they were supposed to be but yeah, let's start with it'll a part of the reason that you probably mentioned them. And one of the reasons I think about the Kings not only were they not good this season but Drew Doughty just recently kind of came out and was talking about you know, how he just wanted the season to be over if he could play all the games right now back to back and finish up the year. He just do it and go that's about how telling the season it has been for the kings that their star player who's got it, you know is going to be in the first of a Very long-term deal coming up. Next season is about as unhappy as any player and I think any team in the NHL right now ya Jus daddy. Obviously, he's going through the motions right now. We've seen a few players speak out about it. But Drew Doughty doesn't seem so much passionate about the season as he is just frustrated about where they are and how he's excited for it to end. I didn't know excited is the right word out of these excited for anything right now. I think he just wants the the season end and then just move forward with it and see what happens next year, but typically with LA. I mean this team there where they signed Kovalchuk and they were expected to be a contender this year. Right? No one expected them to be the 30 out of 30 first-place teams in the NHL and they have been very bad - 61 goal differential. They have only 30 wins, which the only team was less right now. It could finish with the least in the amount but then the season but the only team with less games one than La is Ottawa and that's not company that you want to keep. Yeah, it's not. Yeah, it's not good, but I wonder what's going to happen with the team. We know the heading into the trade deadline. They were shaking things up a little bit. They try to Jake Muzzin and they were looking at some other options to head out the door. What do you think is going to happen with a guy like Cole Chuck? Which goes first you think the coach goes first. You think Cola Chuck goes first because those two were like oil and water they do not go well together with since they turned and came in Kovalchuk is on the outs and he's I don't even know if he is traveling with the team at this point, but they're not using them. They're not playing them. He not happy, but he doesn't seem to want to leave. Leave La necessarily like his wife has settled into the City and he wanted to be there. He chose the Kings over bunch of other. What gives first year. Do you think I can't imagine that the coach is going to stay into next season. So do you think Cole's are just Waits it out or is this one of those things where they should going to move both people? I can see both being gone in the I don't know if the offseason is the right time to move on from either of them. But obviously they can move called much like the offseason don't get me wrong they're going to do it. But I'm just trying to think about teams are going to obviously want to figure out their draft capital and then free agency. So maybe it's going to be middle to enter free agency to you know, beginning of season and see what happens assuming there's a new coach and place but let's say that coal truck, you know, let's just ignore him for a second to the coach is still there. R next season what do you do as far as improving the team to a point where they're not the second last year in the league, right? So the coach is a big issue. Obviously, he wasn't the coach, you know, he's had to be there for a very long time. So they've made Personnel changes on their the coaching staff and they're even the general manager multiple times now in recent years. It's very weird considering La went from you know, a Powerhouse in the Western Conference to what they are now, I guess in summary both Move both could be moved in the offseason could be a nurse. I moved or fired in the offseason could be regular season, but I don't think you can move forward past the midpoint of next season without having a different coach. I have a culture still on your roster and that's me as a big ol shark fan. Obviously things haven't worked in La. Yeah. I mean they're going to make a lot more changes to like there were names all over the place that were rumored to be going. Jeff Carter's one of them Tyler toffoli was one of them Alec Martinez was one of them. I mean they they were looking at sweeping changes and it's no secret that Rob Blake was calling around trying to see who he could move and and get rid of it in heading into the deadline and he didn't he just didn't do as much as he probably would have wanted to so my expectation is that he's going to do a lot if he can at the draft and over the summer and shake up this team. They're older for sure Kovalchuk does not help when he came in, you know, he was among if not one of the oldest players in the NHL when he signed so they need to get you. And faster, I'm interested to see what they do how that affects, you know, just the dramatic overall makeup of the team and how it affects the kind of like Dowdy who seems to be very much doubt. He's an interesting guy to me because he he's a trash talker you watch them. He seems to enjoy the games when he's having a good time. He's singing and dancing on the bench and all kind of stuff. But he's also that guy that he almost has like a whiner that you you watch him and you go man. This guy's like folded in right now and I get the sense from Him that that's where he's at. Yeah, there's only a couple games left in the season and phoning it in for the Kings at this point doesn't matter. But that's is that the guy you want, you know with that attitude coming in maybe he just refreshes over the summer and comes in completely different next season, but man, he's the guy you're building around in a way, right? You've got this big long term contract that he's going to be kicking off. He's your franchise blue liner. He's probably your franchise player outside of Kopitar who is getting older. I don't know what you do there. If you try to appease him make him happy. What do you do? Right like you don't you don't necessarily work around one guy, but that's a long time to have a guy who doesn't seem like he's very happy. Yeah, I doubt he's like the kind of guy who if he's not having fun Dobies lots of fun. That's the kind of impression I get from him. And I mean, it's normal if you're a passionate guy and you're having you know, you want to make sure you're winning games and whatnot, but it's not about passion right now that we're not seeing passion from daddy. Like I said, it's not good traits of being a loser like even Connor McDavid the and I'm sure we'll get it was like you said he seemed to still be a captain when he was speaking despite, you know some of the some of the things that were said, he still seems like a captain throughout the entire process and that's saying a lot considering he's younger than I am right, but if you look at El Alamein Kopitar, I'm a big fan of Kopitar, but he's still got one until 2023 24 at 10 million dollars a year. He's 31 already Kovalchuk. He's 35 Of the two years at 6.25 Dustin Browns 34 with another three years after this year at 5.75 Jeff Carter who we heard was, you know rumored to be potentially moved wasn't moved 34 years old another five point two seven million for next three years. They've got a lot of these contract Dion Phaneuf 5.25 for another two years after this year. He's 33 years old, so it's not getting better any time soon for La. So I don't know how they're going to end up moving all of these players, especially when you consider its going to take draft capital and Pecs and does La really have that top prospect that they're willing to part with just to move a player and even if they do how many times can they do that with amount of players they have right? There's so many expensive contracts. You can't just keep moving prospects and picks and then you're just further barriers of a hold because you're not getting any better because I mean again in the NHL draft picks don't pan out in a year they take time. So if you're hurting now you trade away those prospects and picks. Well, then you're going to hurt again three four five years as well. So it's just I mean, what's the point of that point? All right, we're going to do this for every team will move on from the Kings. But before we do move on to the next one, let's make a prediction LA Kings playoffs next season or not. No no way. No me neither. I don't think so either. All right, let's move on to do you want to go to next we can do a I mean Edmonton like you said, I don't know if they were expected to make the postseason but they're definitely I mean at least a potential player in the playoff race through what the majority to season because of that Western Conference being so bad, right? Sure. Sure. Yeah, I can tell you from our perspective in in Edmonton. It was about 50/50 the there was half the city thought they were going to be a playoff team have the city thought they'd be up just outside of it and until a few days ago. I mean they were playing games that mathematically they could have gotten in so that I guess for some people is, you know a small victory in a season that did not go as well. It's not like they were out of it in January. You know what I mean? So that that is somewhat of a victory for some people who didn't think that they would make the playoffs. They were playing competitive hockey all the way up until like last week is kind of a win. But the fact that they are not making the playoffs is overall a major bummer for the Oilers. This is now 12 out of 13 years that they are not in the postseason and it probably things like I said before the beginning a whole lot more because you've got Connor McDavid is breaking records Leon draisaitl has you know, 40 Gold season with a hundred points. I'll exchange 120 goal season you had Zack kassian score and 15 and broken his own. Single records Darnell nurse offensively was breaking his own record new John Hopkins broke his own personal record. Like there are so many guys on this team that had such good individual Seasons. You would think collectively when you put all that together that they should have been a playoff team. The problem was there blue line still isn't good enough. They're goaltending has a massive question mark and their bottom six is just not ready so they didn't make it and that's kind of but I don't know necessarily how far away they are. There is a major issue though for the Oilers. Going into next season which is what changes they can make based on the contracts that they have to move. So a guy like Mila music who makes six million dollars to season. He's like a nonverbal. Yeah, but he's like an immovable contract without dumping an asset along with it. And even then you might have to retain some salary. You've got guys like Chris Russell, but you know people here in Edmonton can give and take some people love them. Some people hate them, you know, he's hot and cold and that way but he's got a pretty expensive contract that maybe the Oilers might choose to move on from but to any trade Them. That's the question. Right? You've got this that mean let's just take a look at some of the other guys that have been rumored to be moved here in terms of you know, I like your hair whose injury-prone obviously. I don't know that he's rumored to be moved. But you know, he's an interest fact. He's an interesting guy only because when he came back last season four major, he was not good, but when he came back this season four major, he was wonderful. So it's hard to know what he is. Yeah. Like is he a player that is going to help you next year? He's got a unique skill in that he is unlike any other In the Oilers have he's not he's not your offensively gifted, you know Oscar cleft bomb that you you put out there and hope that he's going to get points. He's not the up-and-coming version of Darnell nurse that you know sure if he's going to be offensive or defensive but he could be your best overall defense and by the time everything is said and done. He's not a shutdown guy like Adam Larson is supposed to be he's just got good skill in a lot of different areas and he's unique in that way, but he's not like a number one guy. So you're paying them five. Point five million in yeah, you can move that money. You move that money, but he might actually help you write. So yeah, it's a challenge for the Oilers to go. Okay. Well, how do we move these guys? Should we move these guys and how do you get rid of contracts? Like, you know, Brandon Manning who they brought in for some crazy reason this season, you know taken out Connor McDavid you would think that you and now he's not even playing in the minors. He's waived in the minors. Like that's just not a good situation and when you have those Kinds of contracts on the team they're hard to move. So that's a question how much better than the others need to get to make the playoffs next year and how can they do that while trying to figure out what to move? That's the question the nemeton and I'm just not sure how much you know of a dance they'll be able to make and there's going to have a new GM trying to do it too. Right? Yep. So that's the number one thing obviously is getting a new general manager making sure that you can kind of write the ship build the team in his own molds as much as you can considering the Pieces that are already in place are pretty much securely in place based off of contract years age, whether it's you know players that are younger who you don't want to move on from the fact that Oscar class bomb was even mentioned in potential rumors last offseason were surprising because the me clef under a very good player that also do when team should want I think Edmonton has some help on the way. Now, you've got Evan Bouchard and Ethan bear is also someone that is as well known but I think both I mean obviously Bouchard's very well known but both could be contributors for Euler's in the near future obviously buescher has a higher ceiling you would hope as one of the top prospects coming out of last year's draft that forward obviously plea already hasn't really panned out yet. He's been a rumors as well. I think he's another player that could benefit from a change of scenery. But how many players could Edmonton keep moving to help them out? And I mean at the same time, it doesn't seem fair to the player or the team that for some reason they can't develop these young players whether it's putting them into the NHL too soon not giving them a chance to succeed in. In Bakersfield whatever the situation is. I don't know why these young players and it's been multiple times with the last few years. I'm sure you can touch to it. We're young players just don't seem to work out in Edmonton. And I mean for a guy like Yakupov, he didn't work it anywhere, but Eberly obviously was good everywhere. He's been she was never an issue Taylor Hall was good in Edmonton really great at side of Edmonton. Plea RV hasn't worked out right new Shopkins economy. David are two very good examples of centers who have worked out and obviously draisaitl. Despite the flag is drivers contract is worked out very well. What do you think about Kyle Yamamoto for next year though? It answers your question to me of rushing prospects. You said two things in that last little bit there that caught my attention one change of scenery is like a four-letter word here debatin like you just it's happened. So often than it almost never works out that it's one of those things you want to try to avoid if you can help it unless you know for a fact that the contract is just a bad one and the mistake was a Assign, the guy or traded for the guy and he's just not the player you thought he would be in our Pro scouting here dammit in is not being good. So there are certain situations where changes of scenery are required because the guy you picked up is just not good. The other one was the rushing of prospects. You mentioned guys, like pull your RV and you get mentioned guys like Evan Bouchard who's having a fantastic season with London Ethan Bears a guy that he could be an interesting player on the blue line. He's got a wicked shot. He could be a power place. Socialist, you know in the vein of it like a James Wisniewski when he was on top, you know that kind of stuff I could see for anything better. But to put any of those guys including Yamamoto in the NHL next season would do the exact opposite of what you know, and Nicholson hasn't Bob Nicholson hasn't said great things here and I didn't recently but one of the things that he did say that that's was really positive was that they need to overripe and guys in the minors before they bring them up and I think if you bring any of those four guys up next season or your plan is to bring any of those four guys up. Next season you're already fund Ali making a mistake heading into this season. Yeah, I can agree with that. Yeah, so that I mean Evan Bouchard May Force his way onto the lineup. He might be that good and if pool Erv can figure out a way to click his hockey mind to the NHL game. He could be dangerous. The problem is he hasn't been able to do it consistently if at all and Evan Bouchard will be one day a very good defensive in my opinion. But is he that guy you want in there next year? I don't know like I like A lot and I think he had a really good showing in the games that he played this season. So I'm not one of those guys that says, you know about if you put them in here next year. Oh my gosh, you're killing this kid, but at the same time I got no problem with him staying down, you know and and really over ripening and just dominating for the blue line where he plays with its Big Field or what have you and then bring him up and do that. So if you're going to take that stance the others need to find ways to fill the hole until those guys are ready. And I don't know that the guys that they've called up. The season now Bakersfield has been wonderful. They've been a very good team, you know, very very strong and they brought up some guys from there Joseph gambardella, you know, those guys have played and fit in quite well actually, but I don't know if their long-term Solutions, right? Yeah, so I'm not sure if they're their depth guys that may or may not be part of your you're fixing of the problem next season. So you're going to need to find some guy some dead guys on the cheap. That you can bring in there until so you know what you want to do with the other guys and that could create a situation for a guy like Alex Chase on who you got to make a decision on this summer. How much do you pay him? What is he worth? Do you want to keep them as you going to get too much in free agency? Can you get them on a short enough term that if he doesn't pan out to be another 20 gold guy. Well, it's okay. He's still got some value and you can move on from him this the next season right? Like that's a big decision for the Oilers and they're going to make their going to need to make multiple decisions like that to to Really sort of turn the team around. Film the gas before some of these young guys get ready. There's lots going on in Edmonton and there's lots of questions. The fun stuff is just begun here. Well, she saw I was when I was actually curious as to why they wouldn't have moved him at the deadline. I assume the offers weren't good enough and maybe they were still kind of married to the player where they like them and they want to potentially renegotiate with them, but I don't understand why you wouldn't move on from a guy who scored 20 goals as career-high in goals and points this season, I believe he's not that player right? He's a big bodied player. He's always been an NHL But it's not a 20 goals scored a national level. I've been watching him since Boston University. I don't think he's I mean, even the season he fell off with his goalscoring as the season went on didn't he? It was all area who admitted he was very streaky. He was on fire for a really long time. And then he had a massive gap of I think it was about 17 to 20 games where he didn't really do much of anything and then he sort of picked it up a little bit again, but then with streaky, you know towards the end and the finish of the Season. Yeah, you don't sign Chase on with the expectation he's going Get your 20 again what you do when you look at him as you go? Okay? What is he really? Is he a fourth line plug or is it twenty gold guy? And he's probably somewhere in between given the right opportunity these playing on the power play in Edmonton and he's got Line lyrics like McDavid or draisaitl. He's gonna get points. Like that's that's just the way that it is. Will he get 20 goals? Probably not so you don't pay him for that if another team is going to do that then let him go but to answer the question of what you ask is. Why did the others keep them? I think is twofold one. I think I agree. I don't think the offers were there and to I think that Well, he's legitimately thought they had a chance to make the playoffs and that's fair to move Chase on at that time. Even though he wasn't scoring any goals at that point when they were making a decision to move him would have been like okay, we're playing will pulling a potential 20 gold guy out of our lineup and getting nothing back because they were going to get a player they were gonna get a prospector draft pick and it's kind of been a second or third round draft pick like it wouldn't have been anything very good. So they probably said, you know, what weird you better hang on to them what if we make it or what if we're close somewhere? I don't like they were in the last three games for a playoff spot and he's not part of the team and we took away, you know, however many goals. It could have been there with him. I think they were afraid to move them thinking that they might have still had a shot. So yeah, I don't know if he'll stay if the dollar figures low enough. I think the others will look at it for sure, but I don't think he solves the problem. So let me ask you this or the Oilers a playoff team next season or not playoff hunt like bubble team. I'm leaning more towards no than yes, because I don't think they're going to get production from like a guy like Shay. So again, For example, yeah, I based on what I saw this year and the issues I think to do with others going to have it pains me to say this. I do not see David draisaitl Nugent Hopkins all having careers again. And if they can't figure out how to replace some of this dead weight on the team like nobody thought to bias reader was gonna get no goals like so when you bring in a guy like that you got all this stuff like they don't have to keep them for sure, but they need to figure out a better way to I know the lineup and if they can't do that either because the contracts but then they're not a playoff team. So I'm going to say no, but I agree. I think they'll be real close and I'm hoping I'm wrong. Let's move on to Buffalo. There's a team that for the longest time at the beginning of the season was in the playoff mix. It was like, oh my gosh lightning in a bottle when you talk about Jack eichel and Jeff Skinner and then the wheels fell off and buffalo is definitely not a playoff team now. They are going to have massive questions. If they've got even deal with over the summer including what you do with a guy like Jeff Skinner who was a free agent who's going to want the world in terms of money and has just proven after the hottest start that he is exactly what people thought he was which is a super streaky score. What do you think's going to happen in Buffalo? So I'm on record for the last few years of saying I'm a big fan of what Buffalo has been doing with building their team huge Jack eichel fan huge sand. Hard fan Jeff Skinner. I thought the Bruins should go after the offseason. So that says everything that there's about him for me. I think he's a very very good underrated player. You think he showed her that they should have they should have I minute I think they're still they still should know even at the 9 million don't know and he wants. Yeah and I was joking. It's too much money for the length. Not that he's not worth it. But the Bruins have their own internal stuff that's take care of so he's not the way that I would want to dish it out for right now. It just knocked a It's not something that I it's again. It's off topic with the Bruins, but it's not something that I feel comfortable the Bros paying with players like Charlie McAvoy and the like coming up for contracts. There's well, there's a lot of them. So tasty little stat. I thought was the third best player coming out of this draft class and I haven't proven wrong it. I think he is tremendous. I didn't think his in go third overall. I thought - it was going to go through to her all just based off of a team need but I think that'll status going to prove to be one of the best players in the league and you're going to look back years later and say wow he Go talk five that Jeff had a lot of very interesting players to me. But that's neither here nor there. Yeah, the staplers are a team that has some good young players, you know considering, you know, the the changes that a lot of teams in their position of the standings are going to be facing this summer. I wondered how much drastic change do they really need to make what do you think? It is just a matter of getting rid of a couple contracts and making some decisions on guys and letting the young guys just grow. I don't think Buffalo is really an issue in terms of contracts. I think they're actually I mean Kyle opposed it was obviously a bad contract and I think they would move them in a heartbeat. I didn't really get the addition of sobotka and Bergland at the time who obviously isn't the same anymore. But I mean that is what it is. I guess you can't change that. I think the major issues in Buffalo. The coach coach has to go. He does not know how to manage an agile team in 2019. It's weird to me that I mean, obviously Phil how's this one of the best players in the team's FF history, but doesn't always translate to being a good coach defense. Is that a big issue Rasmus crystalline in very good offensive player make some questionable decisions of times exactly Goshen. Okay, you know good not great Marcus Candela who I was a big fan of he is looked like a mess in Buffalo like not even a little bit like nothing even resembling good his come from Scandal of this year, but they have some good players to build around. And Brandon Montour is a very good player. They just picked up you dumb as well. Obviously Rasmus aliens, very good Lawrence. I honestly don't know how to say his name because I haven't seen enough games where he's actually been played but peel it. I don't know. Yeah, he's honestly one of the better prospects they have and I've looked at, you know, just threw out the Buffalo fan base and they've been calling his name's on, you know, the rooftops and he just has been played and he's been the AHL and whatnot. Just because Housley For whatever reason does one apply them but I think they have a lot of like solid pieces to build around. I think the coach has to go. I think they have to make sure that they keep building the way they've been going a guy like Victor Olufsen to they just called up he was I think a seventh-round pick he's been excellent for them like really good. So he's definitely deserving of his spot there. Yeah The Taste Thompson obviously picked up. He's very good as well. They certainly have some players to build around get a new coach maybe deal with some of the contracts like you mentioned every team would like to deal with a bad contract or two and just keep developing your players. And I think Buffalo has a good chance of making the postseason. If not next year the year after it really depends what they do as far as developing players. Like I said because a guy like Alex Newland are you expect more from at this point Sam Reinhardt has finally turned into the player that I expected him to be. So you have players there. Everyone has to kind of pull their weight and I think a lot of that comes down to coaching. Like I said, yeah. Is going to be an interesting team. Do you think they're a playoff team next year or not? That's tough because there's a lot of teams in the East that could make it especially the land Division. I think you can lock in Tampa Boston and Toronto S3 play. I three picks there. So the next two options would be wild card. So you're competing with the rest of the Atlantic and the Metropolitan Division, right? So it's not that I don't think they can be a playoff team. I just I'm not sure they're going to be better than some of the teams that are in the race. So I'm going to say bubble team with and I'm leaning towards them in the next five years being a legitimate playoff. Yes that work sure. I uh, I'm going to say the next three years just so I have a little I'm not giving myself such a wide net. So I'm not cheating the system. There you go. I'm gonna say no only because I don't think they figure out this Jeff Skinner stuff and I think it's under underrated as to how much him and eichel Together made that team what people thought was going to be a playoff team this year. Their chemistry offensively was unbelievable the beginning of the year. And I for some reason think that Skinner's got it in his head that he is worth what he's going to be asking for over the summer and I just I don't know who's going to give it to him and I can't see the Sabres doing it and maybe they do but if those two are not back together, even though they were streaky this season. I don't know where most of the goals are going to come from. So for me there they're on the outside looking in assuming Skinner is not going to be there next year and I don't think he will be I think some team is going to pay him too much money and I think about Was now seen they want them I think but they've seen that you can be really hot and really cold and you want this much money, like if the you don't figure out a way to take less, I don't know how we make this work right? So maybe he stays but it all depends on on that and whether or not he's going to be there next year. So I'm saying no I could be wrong. They might be the one time we talked about this on the show that that could surprise me. What about New Jersey and other team of the he's too People thought they were going to be half decent. They were maybe a bubble team for a lot of people and they have wound up with their what it's 70 points right now in 80 games 15th in the East they did not have a good year. A lot of that was on the fact that Taylor Hall was injured and hurt and we talked about Taylor Hall a little bit when you talk about change of scenery in the Oilers. What do you see for the New Jersey Devils? I think the big question there is what are they going to do with that team? Taylor has got one more year and he's going to want to either know. The New Jersey Devils are going to compete or he's going to make a lot of money somewhere else. So what do you think that doubles do? Yeah, Taylor Halls making money one way or another right regardless of injury. There's no way that he's not gonna get paid Beast 27 years old and he's what top three left Wingers in the league. Yeah just for safety sake could be he's argument for number one or two. Obviously Ovechkin. You can't really take out of his perch. But yeah, they've got some good pieces there. They've got some not-so-good pieces that I guess you can say. Say but they they surprise people when they made the playoffs and now for some reason that surprising people now that they're not making the playoffs so it's kind of funny how like expectations changed from year in and year out where they were shocking postseason team. And now there are shocking playoff a mission quote unquote. Yeah. I don't think they are as good as they were last year. I don't think they're as bad as they were this year either. Yeah, I was gonna ask you what are they? Are they the team that made the playoffs or did the team that missed it by a bunch? They're like the quintessential, you know just misses the playoffs by a few points every year team right now as the currently built in my opinion. Yeah. What do you think they make massive changes? I mean, it sounds like they want to spend a crapload of money. Like they never were they are looking at you really going out and Landing a big fish. Partially, I think because they want to show Taylor Hall that you know there they want to add and that they want him to stay and here's who we think we can get you to work with but also also because I think that they just probably figure they've got the cap space they can make some noise and they could use the offense. So let's go get this guy this guy and this guy, you know, I don't know specifically there's any name that they might be after but I mean, I've heard a ton of names connected to the devil's and who they might be interested in. Do you think they might be the team this summer if they are able to spend the money that we look at next season and go well that didn't work. Well, there's obviously there's a lot of players. There's a good sign in free agency aren't going to work out to their contracts. Like I'm talking like day one big signings, right? John Tavares isn't one of those players obviously because that's the kind of General should generational player that never his free agency, but that well the jury's still out on that though buddy. Like I think that Tavares is a fantastic player, but the jury for me is too loud and in Toronto based on the fact that he might turn out to be the thing that started the problem. You know, what I'm I'm not arguing that he's gonna help the team in terms of launching success, especially the cost of the guy like Mitchell. Marner I'm just saying he's not going to be a bad play like he's gonna live up to the money individually. Yeah, he may never be worth eleven, but it all depends on where contracts go, right? Like if if in two years 11 doesn't look like much money then yeah, he'll absolutely produced based on dollars for offensive production ratios in the NHL. So yeah, he's not like that guy. He's not like a Lucic where you gave him 6 million bucks. And you know, well nice that was a nice six goals you got for that a million dollars or goal or Russell, for example, where you sign a player and you're like roof, that's a lot. For a guy that really isn't going to he might be more like harmed and good for your team. But yeah, I mean this year there are players that could be available that are definitely worth the money. Like we said just Skinner is a player that can change it to you in a hurry, right? He can score a lot of goals and you can put up a lot of points and he's very consistent. You said he's kind of streaky but I mean every single season is going to put up these these goals and these points is like yeah, he's like this. He's like this tree is twenty goal 2025 goal guy in the NHL like he get hit. Castle Yeah, and back stretcher ready. He will give you a so much production in such a short amount of time and then he'll go so dry for long if he could just figure out a way to spread that out and consistently a man. I can't even imagine. How could he be? Yeah, so those I mean you have a guy like Panera who's available skin is available Duchesne could be available. I say they're available right now. They're not signed to extensions right? Eric. Carlson is an option. So there are definitely huge huge like fish. I'm not saying they're all generational to But they're all different definitely upper echelon interleague. Right? So Eric Carlson is probably the best defender the leak-tight open Aaron. I would put him as top three left Winger topless a top-five left Winger because for some reason I was creating Brad Marchand this whole discussion of top three. Sorry, how dare you how dare him Is going to produce Duchesne all these players are gonna do well goaltending could be an issue in New Jersey. You know, Schneider said injury issues. He's not really the player. He was either Mackenzie Blackwood. Is he the guy for the future for them? I think he's good. But he's you going to be the starter the long-term starter. I think we have to see that. Hey, they have a lot of goalies that that just aren't that that haven't worked out or that have been you know, not not as good as they thought they would be more Godlike Schneider who was too good at the wrong time for them because They just weren't content a competitive at the time. Yeah, so there are players this year if you're going to go digging for you to see this is the year, but as always it depends on who you're going to sign. Don't sign the Abacus to six years Thirty million dollars. Don't sign me all Lucchese to six years. What was it good to get a six year 36 million dollar contract. Is that what it was? You got a seven-year sick and that's the that's the show today guys. Where wow. Yeah, like 42 million. I think is realistic first-round picks and Sean Corelli for him and Colin Miller who we got nothing for the end. But so yeah, I think the Brewers worked out well betraying him. Yeah. Yeah. Well he I went ahead and they signed him. I'm leaving to go there but when they signed him I thought I knew exactly where they saw him. She really wanted his guy and they had to pay him to get him to come and he just is his game was declining but he's about to New Jersey if I'm New Jersey here and I'm going after a big fish the guy I'm going after his Eric Carlson. I don't I don't know like for me parents. Vulcan for New York to Shana spoken for in Nashville. These guys are probably have you know, there's like 70% they're going to this team and maybe 30% that go somewhere else Carlson had no idea like I don't know where he wants to go. I have no I don't know that he wants to stay in San Jose. I get the sense that he wants a lot of money and if there's a team that would give it to him and maybe a team that could use a really top tier defenseman because Andy green is getting a lot older and he's not even To that anymore the could use Carlson, right? So I would go after him if anybody because I think otherwise you're going after guys it probably won't come there. And then what does that mean? Right when you don't land it's it's the second worst thing to Landing a free agent that you shouldn't have overpaid for is to actively seek out one that you're willing to overpay and then not get him. Right? Let's something like being rejected. Right? Well, not only that but then you you don't make other moves because you're waiting and you're waiting and you're waiting and you're waiting and then then you don't get them. Sometimes it's good not to get them because then you're not the guy who threw it away. Like look at David Clarkson from Toronto or was raining or Laverne hard on him, right and they didn't get them and look how good that turned out right? So sometimes You Get Lucky by not getting but at the same time they went after him and didn't make other moves and that hurts too. So if you're going to be New Jersey and you're going after huge fish and you're not going to land any of them, you better have a back-up plan ready to go the second that it looks like it's not happening for you because They'll be exactly where they are now not any not any improvements and not you know, no players to come in and give Taylor Hall the idea that this is ever going anywhere. And that's the writing on the wall that says he's out. Yeah, that's where they got to kind of find the line of do you want to show call that you're serious? But then also potentially hurt your by of chances because you're hurting your salary cap. Do you want to try and keep Hall without making those moves and saying hey here's a promise of the future or do you want to just say hey We're going to keep Hall. Let's just go and find somebody else to kind of fill in the void. Yeah, that's a master massive overhaul at that point. If you're doing that, let's move back to the West. Let's talk about the Anaheim Ducks a team that was never in the playoff conversation. This season has been awful and I think what could be worse than the fact that they've been so bad is that if you look at their team on paper outside of a couple players, they look like they're going to be bad for a while. They've got some really old. Guys getting older, you know, Corey Perry Ryan Getzlaf Ryan Kesler, when you look at Kessler who even knows if that guy's going to play again based on injuries and stuff that he's dealing with a shut die read today and wrote they shut down his workouts because he's like, it's not even worth it. You know, you're you're just not in the type of shape that this is really whatever so there's a real question marks about whether or not he's ever going to come back a man. I don't have all these teams I see and I'm being maybe the team that is farthest away from the playoffs. Yeah, they've got Perry who is not what he was 33 years old 8.65 and 2.21. Like that's a lot. So you got seven million dollars almost in those two guys Corey Perry and Ryan gets left for the next. Well, one two, three years after this year. Yeah, the you have Ryan Kesler who you said that's three seasons after this season and all of them have no mu Clauses Yet full number of classes and who will never never wave them that way whether you're Anaheim fight with you. Yeah, why would you want to leave Disneyland plus your fan your family's already like some of these guys are 33 34 years old. They have kids that are in families that are already established. And and I'm I mean Kessler specifically, I mean even won't go into the rivals with carrying guests laugh who hated he went into the going to Anaheim because it was so close to Vancouver and the money was right and everything's right signing into that extension shocked me. There's a contest so I mean it was an extension of the time I would say but Adam henrique, I think he's an OK player. I don't think he's worth almost six million dollars until 2023 24. It's way too much silverberg. I like a lot I think signing him to that deal you needed to do it. It's one of those things where he's a player. That's very good that does things that you don't really see on the statute sometimes even though he also produces on the stat sheet. I mean considering nobody else produced this year Anaheim he It's been very good record Raquel. He's got a very Team friendly contract at under 4 million dollars until twenty Twenty-One twenty-two. So it's another three seasons after this year, but outside of those four words. I mean Daniel strong hasn't been what you thought he was going to be but he still could be I know people that have played with that was wrong and they say that he's like an incredible player, but he hasn't really shown it in and roll over yet Sam Steele. I think they have high hopes for a Max Jones as well. Nick Richie isn't what they wanted to be. Or maybe he is and isn't what I thought. Thought he would be at the very least. It's my power for that hasn't really produced points to the level. You'd hoped for the guy who's been drafted that long ago defensively I think happens with home can Fowler. I don't think that they've done what they're supposed to do either and in terms of offensive production, they have some other players, but it's just not looking great for them. Goaltending John Gibson's good like really good. Yeah, but he's also kicking in a new contract next year, which is about just about tripling his current cap hit. You're not getting any better now in terms of cap hits and you're actually actively getting worse. Yeah, this is their cap hit it gets like worse. Like they they already have a high cap with some problems with some of these players that we talked about but it's only going to get worse like it's not it's not one of those things where you can look at it and go. Oh my gosh, look at all these players that are coming off the books right away here, like that's not happening in Anaheim, and there's only one UFA basically at the end of the season and it's Derek Grant like this, really I mean, I guess there's a couple guys on the defensive, you know, but that aren't difference makers but like none of these guys that are weighing you down and that our Albatross contracts are going anywhere like unless they want to and they don't want to unless they turn around and say yeah. Well, we really suck and I want to go to a team that doesn't really suck. But like we said these guys are old they're you know, like I'm way older than they are so I can't say old but they're older than has. Yeah, they're old by August. So they're those guys get set. Right like they they kind of go at least until the end of their deal. So not next year, but the season after where they've got a very little time left on their contract and they might still sort of be producing something and a team can you know get you know, they're what's the word? I'm looking for prorated salary at the end of the trade deadline then maybe but at that point these guys are so old like I can't even imagine any teams going to be like, yeah, let's go out and get Corey Perry like like right I guess laughs. I don't think should be moved but everyone else that's up there. Like I don't know why they're like they're committed to so much money for show me the next few players for such a long time. And and the issue there is the prospect will like I like Isaac Lindstrom. I like Maxine comptoir and I like Antoine Moran to a more distant extent outside of that. I don't know the name isn't a prospect that I'm like really high on in their pool and that's not a good thing. Yeah. Yeah. They're they're in trouble playoff team or no. No, no. Yeah. No not even close. Did anybody we didn't cover yet? We did Allah we did Edmonton. We did Buffalo. We did New Jersey. We did Anaheim old Columbus. Let's talk about Columbus. Now. Look we said we were gonna still technically in it and they might make it but the reason I wanted to talk about them was because they did to me what I thought was crazy and other people are the exact opposite of me and they went out. And they mortgaged our future almost entirely to grab players. They thought could help them make a run at the Stanley Cup in the Eastern Conference that had teams like Tampa and Boston and Toronto in it just happen to be alone is a very it is not work. They are still barely hanging on but I mean, how can they even look at this playoffs and go? Okay. Yeah. I mean they say you make it then you never know. But yeah, you do. Yeah, you do click You make it Columbus you're screwed. Like there's just you're not going to win. There's no way that you're going to win and they had to know that when they did all this and now that they're barely getting in if they get in. It really must not look good in Columbus like to know that all these players that you grabbed and you traded all these graphics for and this is barely getting you in if it gets you in at all. What's that going to look like great like Columbus is are going to be one of the more interesting stories for the entire offseason for me to watch because I don't know that any of these guys they picked up her go. To stick around so they were big so they picked up Matthew shame. They picked up Ryan the single they didn't trade away or 10. Even Aaron they kept barosky. They actually added out of a quaint as well. I think that's pretty much all they did in terms of additions. But when I say all they did they added to the biggest fish and a Defender who people culture on a Michael after so that actually kind of helped Boston. Thanks Columbus. But yeah, I mean Riley Nash hasn't panned out for them. So they figured we need to make some more additions at Center. So they The biggest fish oil on the market pretty much in that to Shane. That's great. Also treating what they did for Ryan a single not-so-great not Trey I type in there and who you are 99% sure isn't going to be there right? I think I even 1% might be too much especially if they missed the playoffs. My biggest issue with Columbus is the fact that teams never really do what they did and what they did was fun. I might I thought it was stupid. But what they did was very fun and teams need to go out and make these big things more often just For the fun of it when you saw Columbus do this you thought wow this team. I mean, they're probably going to be the playoffs now like and a good standing there going to move up. They might compete with New York and Washington for one of those top two spots in the metropolitan and they went horribly wrong from the get-go of it as the trade deadline. They've only just kind of like right at the ship now and even then if they don't win out and much about does went out they don't make the playoffs. Can you imagine you're really a Carolina just too good of a GM and he's built this team too. Well, The draft and just with small moves, you know, you look at the team getting Panera with a good deal getting saw in the first place was a good deal fully knows worked out very well when Berg good pick bun good pick Portia and good pick Anderson. Great po2 ball with it obviously worked out better than put it already has right at least for the time being Seth Jones trade great trade. They've got some that was the exact mariinsky. I thought was the best all-around offensive coming out of that draft class. He's proving me right so far. They've made some immediate gain dabrowski again. There's so much that he's done on this team that you say. Wow. This guy's a good GM and by all accounts the guys also one of the gentlemen of the week like he's just respected by every person. No one looks at collided and says, hey I disrespect you and I don't think here, you know, we can't do business with you because of who you are the issue is he traded away his first-round pick Sacramento pick 4th 5th 6th this year. So he's a third in the seventh the seventh isn't even his own. It's going to be Calgary's which means going to be later in the draft which I mean at that point who cares that's not that's the least of their issues and neck. You don't have a second or third and they have I think their first is also this condition either they can lose it as well. So what are you gonna do? You can't fire the guy but what do you do to a guy like this? How do you talk to him and say Hey you messed up unless he spoke to the owner sooner. It's like hey, I'm going to go for this it may or may not work out but you gotta trust me towards the owner either said sure go for it or okay. Well, it's your neck. Yeah. That's the only way if they have that conversation in advance and the ownership is behind him and was behind him when he did all this then that's the only way I think he saves his job if they don't make the playoffs and I don't like to be that guy but in this situation, I'm kind of like hoping they don't make it because I want to I want to see one how it shakes up in the chaos that ensues because of it because I think that team is going to look drastically different next year and I think he'll get fired if they don't make the playoffs based on this and less like I said earlier you mentioned too that the ownership was behind them and they take a stance together. Yeah, this was our mistake together like we both screwed this up, but if he didn't have that, okay, and he did what he did and they're like, yeah, you're responsible for this. Yeah, you had some really good years and you made some really good choices, but we can't look past this you screwed this up for us in a massive way. Sorry, you got to go and people have been fired for Less. So I could see that and I just want the teams to pay for stuff like this like when you make such a stupid decision and I was even whatever on the fence about it. They were doing it thinking they were going to then move Perrin like I thought okay, the grab dechaine the grabbed a single. They grabbing these guys doing going after Mark Stone. They're moving Panera not like there was setting this up so that they can still yeah, so they still have an opportunity to make the playoffs if they don't they don't whatever but they can Brett like all the draft picks that gave way to get these guys they can get back and then some by moving paneer and then they didn't do it. So it's like, okay. What are you doing? Right like you kept the two guys, you know, an all-season are not staying like Panera Nebraska are probably not staying and you knew that you had to say, okay. Well, we think we might be a playoff team and it was never like Columbus was a for sure playoffs team. It was always a we think we're a playoff team. So we better keep these guys. I don't know for sure. Yeah, but I mean there was no there was no point. I don't think in the season where they were like crushing the Eastern Conference. Oh, no, I'm not a preseason stand this kind of yeah, but I mean it was in the in terms of where they were in the standings. It was never a situation where the leg They were in like there were confident that they would going to hold a spot forever. Like it. Just was it never existed right through Boston and Toronto or Tampa, right? So they always had questions like what are we are we going to be in are we going to be out? Like what do we do based on whether or not we can make it or not? So when you do what you do, which is just completely give away all your draft picks and you pick up these guys who probably aren't going to stay and you know it and you've got two guys on your team. The also know aren't staying and you keep them. Anyway, that's just dumb you know that That's the kind of dumb that deserves not to make it and I like keka whinin and I thought like you that he's done some really good things, but that was dumb and yeah, you know you have to pay for that and it should teach people. This is not a good plan. Like when you do what Columbus just did last year. It's probably going to backfire on you more times than not and this is what we'll wind up happening. Everyone will go and everyone will be fired and Chaos will ensue and I kind of like chaos, so that'll be fun. For me to watch I you know wouldn't it be awesome if they made it and then made a run that I was loved it man. I wanted to win the cup now. Yeah half discussion also, they picked up Keith Kincaid as well. Well, that's the deal either. I want them to not make the playoffs where I wanted to make it in win. Like it's one of the day I don't want the middle ground. I either don't want a minute all so that there's chaos from that and they pay for what they did or that it works and that they get in there in eighth place see the team and they just beat Everybody by shot. At that point, right? Yep, so will now be something that would be crazy. I mean, I'll take Boston vs. Tampa in the next round. Yeah. Yeah. I'm sure you'd like anybody take out Tampa would be helpful for you is gonna be hard enough in itself. So yeah you Carlos you guys are good, but you've got some you know one team that continually seems to want to you know gave you grief and then the other team is just the best team in the NHL that you're gonna have to get your entire lifetime. Yep. Well, I I think that's probably good. I mean we knew audible wasn't going to be in there. We need to try it wasn't going to be in there the Rangers were rebuilding team. So they weren't necessarily going to be in there. Chicago was a surprise as to how bad they were in there a lot like Anaheim in a way but they've got some really good young guys that you know could turn things around for them really quickly and to break it and strohm. So maybe this guy isn't falling in Chicago Phil. He's going to make some changes. But yeah, I did there weren't any other teams that He stood out as should have been in there and aren't and what happens now. Do you can you think of any well Chicago had issues with goaltending? There's an injury. So I think that's why they missed it. Really that was a big part of it. And also the defense is getting older. I don't know there's any of the teams that really shouldn't have made it or should have made that didn't I think Arizona being where they are still in contention despite all the injuries they had and considering where they're considered to be before the season very very impressive and Montreal could have been a bottom five team this year and they are still in the playoff hunt and they are I don't know if you've watched. I'm a bunch of old games, but they are there as fast as you think they are if not faster and they're actually they they deserve to be in just based on how they played with the roster they have and no one could expect them to do what they do in this year. I don't think this is what they are moving forward. I think they're lucky that they have some good prospects. I think Mark bird survey did some very good roster management terms of getting prospects considering his pool with empty before this season, so he's kind of replenished that very quickly and he's now me to play off to Somehow in the process so much Ellen, Arizona, I think are two teams that just close to them and that's coming from a Boston guy again so much love deserves the credit. Yeah. I know them in Arizona. You're right. There are two teams that pleasantly surprised a lot of people and I don't think they're going to have a whole lot of success should they make the playoffs but it'll be nice to see them in there if they do. Yeah, I well that I think that pretty much covers it and it was in the teams that we wanted to focus on. Those are the teams that we could were there any of them that we thought It might be and nobody was in. Hey, they're all bubble teams. They were all either, you know, not going to make it for sure or they were bubble teams at best. But nobody that we saw on the outside looking in there were like, yeah, they're going to be a next season a I mean Minnesota was they always are always kind of contenders, especially with uncertainty with Dallas and San Luis. You don't know who they are, but they had injuries as well and they made some changes. But yeah, Chicago in Minnesota. I thought were two teams that could have made it and I think On this I have fought was definitely going to make it so it's actually there still might like there on the bubble and they might not make it but really the stand is kind of played out how you expect them to for the most part other than La. Yeah and Anaheim being as bad as they were. Well, there's nobody in the playoff picture right now the way that they're seated in the west. Anyway that shocks me, you know, when you've got Winnipeg Nashville st. Louis Calgary San Jose Vegas Dallas, maybe Colorado that I would have said. Yeah those guys Aren't playoff teams in the East maybe Carolina. I didn't think would necessarily be in there but they are the Islanders. I did not expect to have the season that they're having. No. No, that's true. I didn't affect the outage to do what they're doing. But it's out of that Washington Pittsburgh Tampa Boston Toronto. It could even Columbus, you know are there in right now? That's not a huge shocker. So yeah, the standings didn't really play out what I think that I think the seasons that these teams that have missed and how Missed I think that's been the real story here. Like the fact that Buffalo was so hot. And then I was so cool. The fact that Los Angeles in Anaheim were never good and they were two powerhouses in the West for the longest time then just terrible. But yeah, it'll be interesting to see what they do this offseason how they turn it around and where to go from there. But buddy I'll we'll call it for this one and thank you for coming on and talking maybe what we'll do is when the finals are at finals of the playoffs with the final roster spots of the standings are the guys that are in and out. Maybe we'll do the opposite will talk about the teams that made it and how they made it and what we think may be some predictions on the teams that are in sure cool man. All right. Thank you guys. That's another edition of the hockey writers podcast. This was episode Seventeen Seventeen eighteen. I think we're on now man. You can check us out on hold. Yeah. I know and it's still young in the world of podcast anchored out of him is where you can find a site. Is Ron there where I like 11 other platforms check us out download it, right it subscribe to it. Just make sure you listen to it and until next week. This has been another edition of the hockey artists podcast. So that's good one-on-one against Barrel. Well that can accelerate in told Rex guard.
On the 18th episode of The Hockey Writers Podcast, Brandon and I take a good long look at the NHL franchises that either missed or will probably miss the 2018-19 NHL postseason. We focus on the teams that probably were expected to do more, but for some reason just couldn't pull it all together. It's just the two of us this week, talking back and forth and chatting hockey. It's one of the least formal episodes we've done but one of the most fun as well. We hope you enjoy. On This Week’s THW Podcast: Brandon and I look specifically at the LA Kings, Edmonton Oilers, Buffalo Sabres, Anaheim Ducks and New Jersey Devils. We also take a quick look at the Columbus Blue Jackets and ask out loud, what happens if this team doesn't make it? Considering all they did to try and get in this season, that could be devastating. We look at record-breaking individual efforts by players with the Oilers, what might happen to someone like Taylor Hall if the Devils can't pull it together and if teams like Anaheim and Los Angeles will ever be contenders considering the massive contracts they have on the books and how neither team appears to be getting any younger. Finally, what happens with free agents like Jeff Skinner or a host of players in Columbus?
Welcome to the fit vegan buddy podcast with your host Aaron could tell the vegan coach. The point of this podcast is to give you an in-depth but practical approach when it comes to losing weight being healthy or gaining muscle on a vegan or plant-based diet. We will have guests every single week to help clear up any confusion and make sure that you are 100% confident in your choice of your lifestyle. Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of that vegan body podcast. I'm here with. Dr. Jim and Newman. How are you? I'm very well. How are you doing? Good. Thanks. Thank you for joining me on a Monday Monday evening call you away from your kids and everything. It's my pleasure. Don't worry. They are supposed to be in bed. Although if one of them comes down and like, you know might take a two minute right now. Always I start with something fun and interesting about you. Rather than going straight into your story which probably you've told countless times to people. So I had two questions. I thought of the first one I wanted to kind of know about your email address Jim is Jim is a new man. I was like surely she's made this when she was like younger I'm actually is very boring because my name is Gemma Samantha Newman. So it's just when I when I I have to describe my email address to people and say Jenna's new man, and they kind of remember it but it's essentially just Gemma s Samantha Newman maybe a DOT or an underscore could go in there to like see if I've been that clever. It's fun, right? Okay, cool. So for people that don't know who you are what you do, I guess plant-based doctor I am. How did you I guess first decide that you wanted to get into medicine and how come the plant-based side of things because as we know there are many doctors and they're all different fields and they all decide on different things. So why have you decided to do what you do? Well is an excellent question and it's one that I've answered many times. But whenever I do answer it, it does come out slightly differently. So I suppose in order to answer the initial question. Why medicine That was always some kind of cooling for me. I remember actually her there was a time where our next door neighbor. She was elderly he fell over and outside our house and I just remember having this instinct to immediately want to go and help her and I'd ordered my mum to go and get some towels. Maybe I must have watched something on the tele where people got the so there was me rolling up some towels and trying to help Lady, press them on ahead where she was bleeding and my mum just stood there and I must have been about five and my mum at the time she is so young. She was probably about 24 and she just stood there looking a bit the new thinking. I don't know what to do. And I say God could know call an ambulance or something. I don't really remember exactly what happened at that time. But my mom is just he said, oh, wow, that was amazing why you should you should do that maybe when you're older and then I guess that was probably a first CD. I look back on it. I haven't told that story before and I think my role probably growing up was very much the caring role. I think towards my mum and towards my dad my dad suffered from quite severe mental health problems. And so I was not so much a caring role in a sense because I was so young, but it has opposed we're looking back on. It was really more of a sense of not feeling And I could help and wanting to and then being being that sort of support to my mum. And then that was what came naturally and couple then I suppose with a feeling of wanting to be able to support myself because there was there was a lot of financial struggle at that time and my dad had long periods way didn't work and my mum worked on a market stall and it was tricky in terms of making sure that we had meals on them. You know on the table, so I thought it was a combination really of wanting to make sure that we had enough money to be able to support ourselves but also to be able to care for people and to know their stories and I've always been a really quite a people person. So for me it was going to be general practice from the beginning because I love hearing people's stories and getting to know them and understanding why they tick and the idea of general practice was so appealing because you could get to know But if you get to know their children, you could get to know their birth story their siblings their parents their grandparents, and I've worked in the same practice now for probably let's think it's been about 11 years now and so I've had that opportunity. I've had that privilege of being able to get to know people from Cradle to grave and that really appealed to me. So that's the kind of medical story or I should also point out. My grandmother was a doctor. That probably an okay. Yeah, my father's mother. She was a very inspirational woman and she trained in medicine at a time when women were not really highly educated at all and she was able to achieve that and she was able to go and work in India and then she worked in South Africa and Australia so she was really inspirational. So those are the two probably the main things and with regard to plant-based nutrition. That was another kind of roundabout. You're basically I wanted to know more about how to help my patients. I was sensing over the years that I couldn't that despite giving them tablets and despite feeling as I was doing my best. There was a real social lifestyle societal aspect to it that I just didn't feel I was trained for is like my toolbox was half empty. I just couldn't help and that really frustrated me. So I thought well, how can I tell people about what to eat? Maybe how I know how sleep can have an effect let's Let's think about more about how to help with the psychology of illness. And so that's really my curiosity that got, you know got me going in that field and I started out where most people start looking online and with nutrition. I didn't pay that much attention to start with. I just looked at the trends and what people were saying I'm so it was all about the low carb and cutting calories and calorie counting. So that's what I did for a while when I was trying to get fit and healthy and it worked in a little way because I did manage to leave. But of course as you and I both know you can lose weight in many ways and it doesn't necessarily have to be a healthy way. And so when I stumbled upon plant-based nutrition, that's when I realized that not only could you lose weight healthily but you could bring your lipid profiles down you could prevent or reverse many diseases and you could feel full and I realized how quickly I could get results from my patients as well and I'm talking within days people were starting to feel better and within weeks their parameters were changing. And so that just fueled me further. So then I wanted to talk to the world about it. And that's that's that's the summary and that's where you are today. That's where I am today talking to you. Was there a kind of aha moment where you was like, holy crap plant-based nutrition is the way to do this was there like a because obviously it through med school. You wouldn't have been taught much about nutrition. So was there a moment when you're like, holy crap, this is actually having a massive effect on people's lives the main aha. That I can remember is looking at an angio graphic image of the coronary arteries opening up what with plant-based nutrition so the work of Dean ornish back in the early 1990s that was published in major peer review journals and also the work of dr. Esselstyn. Dr. Caldwell esselstyn it inspirational man, and he would be able to deal with people end-stage heart failure and Stage heart disease and just for nutrition nothing to do with other lifestyle changes just Is what they put in their mouth he was able to show that they were able to reverse their coronary artery damage. These people whose arteries were completely fed up they were at end of life and he was able to help them reverse that and when you see images of the coronary arteries and how they're actually completely opened up. It was just remarkable and I knew from my previous research that stenting is completely useless unless you're in a acute events. Like I think the Cardiology needs to change quite significantly because There's an awful lot of evidence now to suggest that if you're standing an artery and it's not an acute MI. Basically someone's not having a heart attack or some sort of event there. And then it doesn't make any difference to long-term outcomes whatsoever. And so you think to yourself well what can make a difference and it was plant-based nutrition. And of course when I saw that that's that's what was really mind-blowing to me. And that's where I sort of kept on research and I thought how does this fit in with diabetes? And how does this fit in with insulin resistance? And how does this fit? In with inflammation in the body and how does this fit in with peripheral arteries? And what do they do? And and it just you know, it becomes a rabbit hole and the more you look into it the more you do that the more you understand that the evidence shows at least certainly 95% of the diet being Whole Food plant-based as is what I can definitely say the evidence shows huge support for so yeah, it's pretty remarkable. Yeah, and I guess speaking about the old school. his new school medical approaches Do you feel like there is a change that is happening. Now. Do you like I know that now in America doctors are getting more nutritional I guess education. Is that the same in the UK, but how do you think that's changing? How should it change so it definitely needs to is changing. I mean the American College of Lifestyle medicine has been around for a long time and recently in the last few years. We've got the British Society of Lifestyle medicine and interestingly the accreditation course. Is basically very similar to the a CLM accreditation. So and that does emphasize plant-based nutrition ultimately and then you've got the two Health Initiative over in the US and there are many people I think this side of the pond also part of the true Health Initiative. We've got the plant based health professionals, which I'm an Advisory Board member and that's a newish organization. That was set up by my friend. Dr. Shrink Assam who is a hematologist over here in the UK, and we've Got what else is going on with Greer and devising course content for a nutrition course at Winchester University and there's loads of initiatives to try to bring nutrition into medical schools. I'm doing a presentation for neutral tank in Sheffield on nutrition and mental health and I can see lots of other doctors are doing very similar things to try and bring nutrition and lifestyle measures back into the Consciousness, especially of medical students and they're actually Became anecdotally from colleagues of mine that I've been speaking to medical students. They a lot of them are really really Keen to understand this because I think they're beginning to realize before they even go into practice that just doing things the way we've always done them isn't going to work. The Western model is really good for certain things. No, I can talk highly of how antibiotics have changed the scene for a number of years and prevented an awful lot of deaths, but at the same time their overuse is now causing a huge issue of chronic disease and the same with things like if you have a car accident or if you have to have major surgery Western medicine can't be beaten but then in my opinion, but then when it comes to things like chronic diseases cancer heart disease our biggest Killers now then we just don't have a leg to stand on and that's why it's so important to bring us back to these basic lifestyle principles of eating plant-based. Getting enough sleep getting rid of stress as far as we can and moving our bodies. Yeah, and it's a really important point. And do you I guess interact with people that don't believe I'd like other doctors that don't believe in plant-based the plant based approach because to me kind of like when people say are you know red meat or saturated fat is bad for us and that will why does a doctor say decrease it when you've got hired this hide there's some got symptoms of heart disease surely that makes sense and Your head that it must be, you know, not ideal for us to consume. So do you interact with doctors that don't believe and what you believe and how does that kind of interaction go? Well, it's difficult. I I really dislike the diet Wars and I think that we tend to argue between us about what's healthy. And what's not. I think my personal opinion is that we are all biased we can't help it. We try not to I certainly try not to but we tend to respond to what we have tried personally and then we look for data that backs up our opinion and that's human nature. And so I would say that any Doctor Who advocates for red meat be it grass-fed or not and the advocates for whole foods that are not from plant origin have probably had some successes personally in terms of their health, but they they haven't read all the literature that I have or if they had they discounted it because it didn't fit with their Paradigm and that's unfortunately the way that the human brain works. We have to mention bias when we go into a study and the irony is that even when we know about the existence of bias, it can still be it can still affect the way we think about studies and how we look at them and I think a lot of doctors have been seduced by the idea that saturated fats have been Maligned over the years and I think if you look at the basic principles of what saturated fat does inside the body if you look at on a cellular level what it does, you can see that it's probably not beneficial in excess. If you look at the cellular mechanisms behind what happened with animal protein in the body, you can also see that in excess is going to be unhealthy no from population data that there is an increased risk of cancer heart disease in populations that have a lot of these saturated fats and meats so you can look at it on On every single level and every single pillar of evidence and you can see unfortunately that there are associations and direct causation that you can find but people believe what they have experienced. So ultimately I try to stay away from the argument because I think when over half the population eats ultra-processed foods manufactured foods that aren't in fact Foods at all, they are manufactured by food companies. These that don't contain fresh produce that don't contain Whole Foods. Then I think we have a much bigger problem than arguing over grass-fed beef because most people can't afford grass-fed beef. Most people can't afford organic chicken. Most people don't buy free-range eggs. They're all of these are more expensive and you know, when people are on the breadline, they're going to buy cheap foods and I think that is what we need to focus on we need to focus on the fact that many people in very poor environments are not able to afford these More Quality Meats and they will go for cheaper means which have worse Health outcomes again. So trying to get everybody to agree that if we could get more plants in people's bodies and and less of the rest then I think that's that's the uniting factor that we should look at. Yeah, for sure. So when you talk about saturated fat and excess and read me go animal proteins in excess, what is there like a definition of what that would look like? How much is too much? I think if you're looking at the optimal diet, it would be 95% plant base. If somebody was desperate to continue to eat meat or dairy products, then it should constitute no more than five percent of what they eat if they're going to be looking at Optimal Health which means that in an average week, if you're having three meals a day 7 days a week, you may be having one maybe two meat meals and hopefully that would be fish if you're going to have to do it but might I mean my personal preference would be a 100% whole food plant-based diet, but I see that that a lot of people feel that that's unattainable for them and I get it because I used to be like that steak was my favorite meal. I used to love Burgers. I couldn't get enough of them. It's what I'd always eat when I went out and so I guess it I completely get it why people think I can't do it. It's going to be boring. It's too extreme. But I mean, I think a lot of doctors have said, you know, what's more extreme eating more vegetables and whole grains and beans Legumes or having someone cut your chest open and put your leg in your heart. I don't know which one I'd father. Do you having a heart attack at 39 which is what my previous podcasts my podcast gets head. And I'm like that's pretty extreme. So, I mean my father died of a massive heart attack and he was he was in his 50s. He did he was driving and he had a little car accident. It wasn't a major car accident, but obviously his cortisol levels shot up his coronary arteries probably went into Mm, and he had furred of arteries anyway, and you know, that was it that was the end of my dad and the same with my grandfather. So this and you're right these things affect so many of us and I don't think there's anybody in this country that doesn't have a relative that's died either of heart disease or cancer and and that's what a whole food plant-based diet can prevent. So that's why I'm so passionate but I supposed to answer your initial question. I think if someone is insisting that they can't live without meat And they'd probably be okay if they had it once or twice a week. Okay, cool and talking about these other doctors that you love having discussions with why do you think they felt like I give said there is a bias and you've read the research. I've probably read the keto research. I've read, you know observational studies and that cleaning. Why do you think that they still are I guess in favor of that way and I think the second part to this question is obviously like you said we go from a process diet to a diet that is of Whole Foods. Yes animal proteins that kind of thing even one that is ketogenic people are going to see results. They're going to lose weight and they look as might go down their blood sugar might go down and that kind of thing. Do you think that's exclusively because they've actually lost weight or is it because of the keto diet or because of I prime based diet Okay, so There's a few parts of the question. I think if we go in to talk about ketosis, you're absolutely right people lose weight. And so any method of losing weight improves Health in the short term because we know that obesity is one of the major risk factors for heart disease and cancer and the ketogenic diet cuts out junk. It cuts out sugary Foods. It cuts out refined flour. It cuts out a lot of the junk foods that people might already be be eating and it may also increase the amount of greens that they eat alongside their their their fat sources. So with ketogenic diets, I think the is a more extreme version of the low-carb diet. Basically, you probably know all this but it's a high-fat diet. So you want to be getting about 70 to 80 percent of your calories through fat and only moderate amounts of protein and I think this is where a lot of people who think that they're doing a ketogenic diet aren't really because there They're sort of stocking up on things like bacon, which has an awful lot of animal protein as well. And it's a very very low carbohydrate diet. So what it does is I mean, if you're in true ketosis, ideally be having daily measurements with the ketones in your urine to make sure that you're actually fat adapted. So the body uses sugar and it uses fat for fuel and it prefers to use sugar or glucose, especially the brain but if You put into a state of starvation, which is what the kids genic diet mimics. Then you're going to be using fat instead and that's where the brain then gets energy from. So you think we'll why do people wear people so keen on it. And again, I don't want to be the person that discounts people's personal experience. So when someone does well on ketoses it's probably because they've lost some weight initially you would lose a lot of water weight in the short term and if you haven't had what they call keto flu which is like, Tummy upsets and bad breath and constipation and aches and pains and brain fog once you've managed to get through that then, you know, you might be feeling pretty good because especially if you're diabetic, you have a flatline blood sugar because you're not having any sugars and then you've got a flat line insulin and then uh be one Caesar going down your average blood sugar. So you think you know, this is working fantastic, but there's a big but and I think the problem that people find with a kitchenette diet is that they're actually becoming more insulin resistant, but they just don't know it and so they think that they're doing well, but then the next time they try to test their body out by having a bowl of quinoa or or maybe you know, a bite of a banana their blood sugar's go through the roof and then they blame the Barna nothing all that was that was unfortunate. I won't have any bananas again, but actually what's happened is their insulin receptors are no longer working. They've been clogged up. Basically clogged up by the saturated fat and so doesn't matter how much insulin then you then make the sugar is stuck in the bloodstream. It doesn't get into the cells where it's needed. It doesn't go into the muscles doesn't go into the brain doesn't go anywhere else because it's stuck in the blood because your insulin receptors aren't working anymore. And as soon as you remove those saturated fats from the bloodstream of the junk food fats, then the insulin receptors are able to work again and the glucose from the bloodstream goes nicely into the cells and And no more high blood sugars. So you can get a flat line hba1c basically by cutting out the sugar but you still got the underlying problem. Will you cut out the saturated fat? And then you free up the insulin receptors and the warp hba1c is that way but you know, I think keto isn't going away. I think as people do get results with it, but I do worry about the long-term problems with it because It was it was developed. You always talk about the history of it at all. Yeah, I mean, I think I do know the history but was birthed. Are you covering it? So that people listening can understand history. Very nice on it was it was it came to came to usefulness back in the 1920s and there's a lot of children that had refractory epilepsy and they responded to people Janet diet and interestingly. A lot of people don't realize that I think probably one of the mechanisms why that worked is because why it still works would be for children that don't respond to medication is because of the link with the microbiome though. They did these studies on her ass and what they found was that they when they induce to kitchenette diet on rats who who had epilepsy they had also induced. It's really cruel the stuff, but they were able to establish that if the rats didn't have a command see a species in their guts if they were given She will take to kill off all the bacteria in their guts that they didn't respond to ketogenic diet anymore. So I think that there is a complicated interplay between the types of bacteria that we cultivate in our small and large intestine, especially the large intestine and our response to different diets and conversely the things that we put in our mouths can then alter our microbiome and alter our long-term Health, but with a keys genic diet, you've got the risks of kidney stones. You've got the risk of pancreatitis atherosclerosis off. Osteopenia cardiomyopathy and there's five case studies of children who had to stay on true. He didn't it diets because of their epilepsy that also had deaths as a result of their kids genic diet. So this is not something to be taken lightly definitely not something to do long-term. And yeah, I think I worry that people who who have been duped into doing it for a period of six months maybe a year end up finding that when they come off it their insulin problems are worse than when they Damn, yeah, that's exactly what I've learned as well about diabetes. And that kind of thing is you can treat the symptom we can treat the cause and treating the symptom is ketogenic between the cause is decrease your saturated fat basically and other things exercise lose weight process stuff. What's interesting as well about ketogenic diet people talk about the there's something called a pgce when Alpha pathway which basically makes your Your mitochondria more active and people talk about the benefits of ketosis for this. So your mitochondria the PowerHouse of the cell. They're more than just the PowerHouse of the cell, but they are an ancient kind of bacterial species that combined with the cell and allow for multicellular organisms. So they're pretty integral to life and they can they can get lazy and when they get lazy they can't multiply properly and they don't sort of kill off the ones that are not working and the idea behind why some people Slim quite well to ketosis is because that that state of mimic starvation activates those P GC 1 Alpha pathway, which then causes these mitochondria to eat up the ones that don't work and multiply to make more good young mitochondria, and there's loads of them that can live in the cell. It's not just one. I don't know if you saw biology textbooks when you were younger. You may remember you remembering you're making me remember my my Bachelor of Science, but again all that You might have a picture of maybe one mitochondria or might but you know, you can actually have hundreds in a cell or not. And so yeah that pathway the PDC whatever pathway that can also be stimulated by many other mechanisms. So you've got time restricted feeding where you only eat within a certain time window each day. Say 8 hours 10 hours 12 hours or you've got intermittent fasting or you've got things like cold plunges or in terms. Food, you've got things like curcumin from turmeric you've got Crescent in which is a really good compound from certain vegetables and even massage actually could potentially activate this PD to another pathway. So there are many other ways in which to stimulate your mitochondria to work properly. And in the long term, we know that saturated fat actually can inhibit mitochondrial function so I don't see ketosis as being a anything more than a short-term fix for anyone even people who are proponents have to cycle in and out of it because your body just cannot live in this induced starvation State and I think a lot of people don't even get into ketosis. They just have a low carbs. Like you said o carb high fat moderate protein diet and they still think that that is kind of healthy and to me whenever I get the question about vegan keto or vegan. Die I'm kind of like well, I know which foods make us healthy and know which foods protect us against diseases and by trying to be in a vegan Quito State your kind of decreasing those whole grains those beans legumes. And that kind of thing. Is that kind of your view on if somebody was trying to attempt a vegan ketosis kind of state. How would you kind of advised? I think it's probably healthier than having one that's meat heavy because you're excluding. the sources of I mean, for example, if you want to meet heavy keto diet, you're going to have excess animal proteins in excess my finding excess leucine which you know is associated with cellular aging with with the propagation of cancer cells, you've got excess aren't lien which causes you to create these gut bugs in your stomach that can eat carnitine and thus cause an inflammatory toxin you've got neu5gc which is another Compounding meat you've got the nitrites if you've got processed meat which are also cancer-causing. So you're removing all of that, which is beneficial. I would say clearly but you're right whole grains and legumes beans lentils chickpeas are the Cornerstone of every long-lived population on this planet. So if you're aiming to cut them out in the long term and just have things like coconut oil and olive oil than and avocados and nuts and seeds and you're really an olives you're really kind of limiting yourself and having that kind of Elimination Diet I think is clearly not the way to go long-term again, perhaps somebody wants to do it for short term weight loss if they want to do it for short term weight loss and they feel like they can cope and that's what they would enjoy then go for it. But any more than a few months then you're going to be looking at potentially reducing your overall longevity. You mentioned listen and I know that soil into Miami beans are high Lucy and so is that have the same effect on the body if it's coming from a plant Source versus an animal source. So soybeans I think have an unfair reputation leucine from animal sources as been shown to propagate cancer cells and font cellular aging and I think that the genestein from from soy is actually quite detective for the body. It's been associated with a reduced risk of cancer and the phytoestrogens within Sawyer also have been associated with reduced risk of breast cancer reduced hormonal flushes increased bone strength, which is something that people go on about how you need Dairy for calcium and actual fact all I can tell you about a study. I read the recently they measure the bone mineral density of perimenopausal women and they had a control group. Who just had their normal diet followed them for a couple of years. They had a group that had a cup of soy milk a day and they had a hope that were given a progestogen cream and they wanted to see which one's had the best bone mineral density after a couple of years and what they discovered was that the group Who had who had nothing here with a control group as you might expect their bone mineral density went down the group that has the progesterone cream as you may expect. They have some protection their bone density did not go down as much. But the soy milk drinking group had increased bone mineral density. So I'm I think that's a pretty remarkable study. But basically, yeah, I don't see the same effects playing out with soy hmm. It's very interesting because yeah, like you said we need Dairy to have strong bones and yet the countries are the nation's that contain the most dairy or consume the most eerie and linked with the highest rates of osteoporosis. What do you put that down too? Because I know we have this The Sting that you know, when our bodies acidic when we have animal protein the calcium needs to kind of neutralized and buffer the acidity is that the mechanism that is doing that or you're not really sure you're right, I think I've been the hip fracture rates do tend to be higher in countries that consume more Dairy and it seems like quite a bit of a paradox because you've always been told you need calcium from milk, I mean the Harvard nurses study follows gosh I think around 70,000 women over the course of nearly 20 years and I know that's epidemiological data and you can't prove causation. But there was absolutely no protection from bone fracture in those groups of women. And then there was a Swedish study as well of of a hundred thousand people and they followed them for 20 years and what they discovered was that there was a strong correlation between those that had the most Dairy and those that had increased mortality. To increase heart disease increase cancer risk and in women, there was an increased fracture risk in that population and they didn't find the same pattern with yogurt. So there's potentially a link with galactose there because the galactose sugars in Dairy are fermented in in yogurt. And so yogurt contains far less of those. So I think that you could postulate there that That the galactose because you know from Lab studies if you look at galactose and what it does to cells in the lab, you can see that it causes premature aging of the cells in lab animals, it can cause increased oxidative stress. And so if you're removing some of that galactose from the dairy in the form of yogurt, then perhaps that might be one mechanism by which is more protective. So I'll just turn my just doing peeping over there. So yeah, I think I think we We can get more bioavailable calcium from plant sources. Ultimately. I think I read that you can absorb around 50 or more than 50% of the calcium from plant sources compared to 30% from Derry. Yeah, that's brand certain parts though. Kale Swiss chard and Pok Choy with the top top three absolutely and there's loads of other things. I mean, I don't think of a list on top of my head. You got beans beans got sesame. me Seasons almonds squash Brazil nuts Coconuts salary dates apricots, you know, there's just there's loads of sources of calcium. So as long as you're mindful of it and you're making sure you've got a nice variety of plant Foods then I don't think how seems anything to worry about. Yeah that's already a now plant-based milk anyway, because it's fortified with it. So there yes, I'm having actually there is one thing you might need to look at and that's iodine because there's people say that with with cows smoke the reason that it contains iodine has because of the idea they used to to cleanse the milk fats that they collect the cow's milk in. So if you're not getting ideas from that source, which doesn't sound particularly appealing to then you want to make sure you're getting it from somewhere else. So just think about iodine if you're on a plant-based diet, so you get iodine from Nori sheet that you use to wrap Sushi. You can get them just in nowadays you can get them in the supermarket. Crackers. Yeah little crackers you can nibble on those you can get kelp but I think you have to be a little bit careful with Cal supplements because the you can either have too much. Yeah. And you want to make sure you've got enough selenium. So Brazil nuts are brilliant because you can get selenium from those as well. But if you're not sure, you know, because we do live in very nutrient depleted soils these days, you know, the environment is not what it used to be like you could potentially get enough iodine for a potato if it's grown in a mineral-rich soil glass of milk or something like that. But if you don't I just recommend to my clients just every now and then has some ID I die salt. On your food. Yeah. Yeah, that works. I mean, it's salt table salt in the UK isn't iodized, but you can get it and it's I've bought some seems a big words. Yeah. I was quite nice about it is if you were to sprinkle that on it does give it a somewhat eggy flavor to things if you miss if you're one of these people that Miss eggs, so yeah option go. I want to backtrack a little bit and I didn't talk about this before but correlation and causation. A lot of people would say are the debts studied. And prove anything because it doesn't show causation. It just shows a relationship or a positive correlation between those two is I kind of feel like that is the way that we as humans have used a lot of our research like no one's going to try and test for pregnancy or lung cancer by finding a study that actually causes lung cancer or that kind of thing. Would you say that? I mean we kind of just need to accept that correlation might be the best that we can do with research for long-term studies. I think long-term epidemiological studies are important if they weren't important they wouldn't exist. We have to look for patterns and I think once you start looking for patterns, it's a good idea to then follow those patterns and see if you can find your hypothesis being supported when you look at a cellular level and the beauty of a lot of the plant based research, is that when You look at these correlations. So for example, when I talk about the correlations in the Harvard nurses health studies or the Swedish study I mentioned or even I mean even the Physicians Health they okay, let's take prostate cancer as an example. So you've got the Physicians health study. They followed nearly 22,000 people over nearly 30 years and what they found was that if you had two and a half servings of dairy a day versus if you had less than half a serving. Get a much higher risk of getting prostate cancer or at least there was a there was a correlation between the incidence of prostate cancer and the increasing consumption of dairy. So you think well, okay that doesn't prove anything, but then you look at what happens under the microscope and you realize that prostate cancer is strongly linked to igf-1 and to casein protein casein protein comes from dairy igf-1 insulin-like growth. To one is found in milk. And when you eat meat you make igf-1 insulin-like growth factor 1 and you can see that when you put these things in a laboratory setting they stimulate cancer growth. So what frustrates me when people say it doesn't prove anything is that if someone could show me that a plant-based diet causes cancer cells to proliferate then you know, I'm all ears but no one has managed to find that because the evidence does not exist. So what I like to look at is the totality of evidence, I like to look at every kind of pillar of evidence. You've got epidemiological data. It is useful, but you can also look at what happens inside the cell you can look at what happens in randomized controlled trials crossover trials and then you start to pick up all the pieces together and then you can observe that your hypothesis works and that's why I think plant-based nutrition is superior because there are many ways in which you can prove that it is a Logical hypothesis. Yeah, I think that's true. It's like a fun study shows something that doesn't mean too much. But if there's hundreds of studies that have been done different ways showing the same thing, then that's obviously that kind of means something great. Yeah because you have to look at the totality. I mean that I think they did over 7,000 studies to prove that spoke to be correlated with poorer outcomes and increased cancer risk, but they've never done a randomized controlled trial to Prove it that's not done. But the technology of the evidence that smoking is harmful and smoking caused cancer and it's nice you can ignore the evidence until you're blue in the face or you could just run. Stop smoking. Yeah, I do the same thing applies to this really there are so many potential mechanisms for the harm. So I mean people get very emotional about me. I think that's the other problem meat meat has been been associated with being rich. It's been associated with with with being able to afford a kind of food that you know, the masses don't afford and so there's a big emotional attachment to it. It tastes good to people and I think I think they struggle to find they struggle to look at it. Logically, I think and I was the same I used to have an emotional attachment and didn't think I could live without it, but I That's what a lot of scientists do unfortunately and it's what a lot of people do so it's a tough one. But if you just keep looking at the science, then it does hold up. Unfortunately. Yeah, and some of that science which I to me is kind of like to prove that a plant-based diet is long-term healthy as the Blue Zone groups. I'm trying to get the the author of the booze own research on my podcast and until I get him. What do you think is the main main key points that we can pull from that research now obviously there's five bruise owns four of them have a plant-based diet that's 95% plants. One of them has all plants and how does that compare to I guess the other long living populations of say that Eskimo people and other people. Yeah. Okay. Well, I'm sure one day you'll get down on the show. I have emailed him. I had it put it out there. It's gonna happen one day I have the Pleasure of seeing him talk at an event actually and his wonderful lady friend Kathy freston. She is amazing. But yeah, I also had the pleasure of speaking to one of the researchers who study the Okinawan Blue Zone, so What they all have in common in terms of nutrition as you say is 95% plant-based nutrition, the Adventist have 100% plant-based those who have the longest lives and it's not just about food. There's a certain lifestyle associated with it. There's that Joy de vivre or there's the ACOG a I think it's called a car guy, which is the Japanese word for sort of finding purpose in life. And so there is a lot more to it, but What they all have in common in terms of food is that they all have beans chickpeas or lentils everyday? They have whole grains. They have they have vegetables. They have fruit they have food that is locally grown and they have seasonal food and interestingly four of the five prisons are islands. So if we can't all live on an island, we can follow the advice of the largest and potentially most successful Blue Zone, which is the Adventists. They don't live on an island they live in A fairly average borough of California. It's not by the beach and what they have is a really really wholesome plant-based lifestyle and that's what I think Dan buettner was able to understand when he was studying that and I would strongly recommend that that people look at that research because the Adventist have got a tremendous amount of research behind them to show. Yes. They've got a great positive attitude. Good community links. They have a lot of them have a religious Faith, but they all eat plants and we talked about the Inuit or even the had to tribe. So people are people in sort of paleo circles talk about hands of tribes and how they eat meat so we have to eat meat but actually they eat a tremendous amount of fiber. Most of what they eat is fiber-filled fiber-rich and the same with Paleolithic man, if you look at Paleolithic fossilized, Well poo samples. Basically what you notice is that it's all fiber and we are tremendously fiber deficient here in the Western World guidelines. Tell us to have about 30 grams a day. We have more like 15, if you're lucky and these ancient the hadza tribe and even Paleolithic man, they had around more like 100 to 150 grams. They were having so much plant matter. And I think that's what we really need to focus on is the fact that we're not getting enough fiber. We're not getting enough fruits vegetables whole grains and beans and that is the Cornerstone of the diets of those that live the longest the Inuit are a very interesting subset and I've noticed that people who advocate for saturated fat and animal-based diet to stop talking about the Inuits because they realized that they don't actually have a higher longevity. They have a very low life expectancy on average and they also have a genetic mutation. Which prevents them from going into ketosis and so they are genetically adapted to eat a lot of meat and not go into ketosis, which is another reason why I would suggest that ketogenic diets are not good long term because the s that the Inuit populations had to essentially adapt to have to eat a lot of meat in these harsh conditions at the edge of the world. Most of us don't live in those Hospital harsh conditions. Most of us don't have those genetic adaptations. Most of us respond to plant foods and that's what we've forgotten. I mean, I think we've kind of covered a lot of stuff that people that are already vegan or plant-based probably know a little bit about so I think it's worth covering stuff that maybe they need to be a little bit more careful with that. We've talked about adding selenium from Brazil nuts if somebody is vegan or plant-based what things do they need to kind of make sure they're actually doing to be Healthy as possible. They need to take a B12 supplement. I would suggest some people don't have a B12 supplement and I saw an interview with the amazing ultramarathon Runner Fiona Oaks who has done tremendous Feats of physical endurance, and she said that she doesn't take any supplements whatsoever. Including the fell I think to be on the safe side. It's important to take a B12 supplement many vegans will probably already know that but it's made from microbes in the soil. So for not eating unwashed vegetables. Rules and fruits and we're not drinking untreated water, which I wouldn't recommend that we do then we're not going to get enough B12. So I would recommend a B12 supplement for everybody and also many meat eaters of B12 deficient especially if they're over the age of 50, especially if they take proton pump inhibitor medication, especially if they're on Metformin for diabetes, they're going to find themselves struggling to absorb B12 from the meat that they are eating. So yes, I would definitely recommend Maybe 12 the other thing that people tend to forget and that I would strongly recommend is an omega-3 source. So would you like me to talk a bit more about Omega-3s can do? Yeah. I mean there's a great post on my Instagram about this but you talk about it and I'll make sure that everything that's on there is correct. Test Okay, so You got America 3 fatty acids from Plants a la and they are things like flax seeds. Chia seeds walnuts hemp seeds and they're really useful source of omega-3 fatty acids. You have to convert them into EPA and DHA in the body which are the long chain fatty acids. So you basically have to convert that some people are not so good at that conversion fertile females are probably the best but having said that I would still recommend if somebody was pregnant that they They take an EPA DHA supplement because it's very important for the baby's brain development. So yeah, I would suggest EPA DHA supplement from an algae Source because that's where the fish get it from fish swimming in the ocean. They've got Omega-3s in their muscles in their liver because of the algae that they eat in the ocean. So if you take an algae based EPA DHA supplement, you're not getting any of the heavy metals or the dioxins from the fish flesh. You're just getting the The pure Omega-3s there was a study I read recently about how people who eat a lot of fish actually don't end up doing much in the way of conversion because they're eating the fish which I thought was quite interesting because many of us have adapted not to live near the sea. So you have to think well, why is it that many people have not been omega-3 deficient in the past is it it can't be because they were eating fish when they weren't and they operate it turns out that they probably The mega three short chains for Mega three long chain conversion, so you can potentially up and down regulated depending on what you're eating. And that's quite interesting because I've interviewed Fiona and she did tell me she doesn't take any supplements and I was like, wow, how do you how do you run these? Are you run these Ultra marathons? I'm not doing and I was just surprised but like what I do say to everybody is like it's not worth the risk like this such affordable supplements is just not worth the risk of being deficient on them because you know, if you do have a deficiency that is life-changing. Yeah one thing that I was deficient in when I actually had my blood tested. On two months ago was vitamin D and I think maybe you could cover that quickly visit Indy is definitely one to think about. So the three the three things I like to think about people is B12 Vit D and EPA DHA vitamin D is a problem for a lot of people it's not it's not just a problem with people on a plant-based diet because most of the vitamin D is supposed to come from sunlight. It's actually a hormone that our bodies make through Sunlight exposure primarily and so when you think about the fact that 90% of the vitamin D that you synthesizes through sunlight exposure on your skin and then you think about the fact that most of us are indoors most of the time then it kind of makes sense that we're going to have a problem with vitamin D. Especially if you've got darker skin, especially if you're living in a part of the world where the sunlight is not strong enough. So living in the UK, for example The sunlight is pretty much guaranteed not to be strong enough in the winter months. There's a simple rule of thumb that you can use if you're especially in the summer months if you're going to be getting out in the sunshine to try and get your vitamin D requirements if your Shadow is longer than your body. You're probably not going to be able to make the term Indie if your Shadow is shorter than your body. That's when you're likely to be able to make that in Mandi Through Your Skin most of the day your shadows going to be longer than your body most of the time. I'm the sun's going to be behind lots of clouds. Is that is that evidence based research just there that is the shadow test, but I think the bottom line is it doesn't do any harm to take a vitamin D supplement and you don't want to be deficient because it affects not only bone strength, but it can also have a strong effect on our immune system immune regulation and other issues within the body. So it's worth getting it tested to be honest. I think that anyone on any kind of diet should probably get their vitamin D test and that's coming from a GP. So I might get other GPS listening to this having a big sigh and rolling their eyes, but I do think it's worth checking vitamin D because I was vitamin D deficient years ago. This is when I was you know, I was eating what you'd call it an omnivorous diet and I was in the sun. I had a bit of a tan. You know, I'm fair-skinned. You wouldn't think it would be a problem for me. But I still had a low vitamin D then so it's definitely worth checking that taking a supplement unless you're going to be on a constant holiday in the Caribbean. Yeah, and I think another Point worth mentioning as well as we're assuming that the people that need these supplements are having a pretty varied Whole Food plant-based diet if they are just vegan and they having high processed vegan foods in the probably going to need a lot more supplements if they decide that they just want to be vegan for the animals. Fair and just have the vegan junk food. Yeah. Absolutely. You're not going to be getting any of the apps. This is the problem. You're not going to be getting any of the health benefits that I've talked about in this interview. If you regularly enjoy the vegan junk food. It's just not going to happen. You're not going to get enough of the folate and the B vitamins and the magnesium and the calcium and all of those incredible this minerals that you get from a variety of whole plant. US Foods because you're not eating them you're basically eating more processed foods junk Foods, you're going to be having high levels of something in the blood called homocysteine which increases risk of inflammation and you don't have any benefit in terms of life expectancy. So I would suggest really hopefully transitioning. So it is tough for people, you know, when they when they're going from a standard Western diet. It's really difficult to think. Okay. I'm just going to I'm just going to eat all healthy. Foods because your gut bugs are not adapted to it and your your taste buds are not yet adapted to it and it's really hard. So I think having a little bit of the vegan junk food to start with in that transition period is probably a good tool for some people as they as they move over to a whole food plant-based diet, but then hopefully the time they'll be having loads more of the way of fruits and vegetables and whole grains and legumes and herbs and spices. Has and nuts and seeds and all of those things and less of the rest good answer last question and then we can call it. If you are on death. Row. What would be your final meal? Whoa, that's a really good question. Somebody asked me the other day if I was on a desert island and all I could eat was one I said that the first thing that pops My head was a Buddha bowl because it has potentially think you need everything and won via whole grains the fruits the vegetables on that, but if I'm on death row, I don't need a review. It was literally my last meal. God I don't know. Let me think I tell you what I had a really know what does I have the other day, which I really liked there was oh, yeah, that's right. I went into this really lovely restaurant in London and they gave me this incredible. It was like an aubergine dish and I absolutely loved it. Probably some sort of a gene with some apricots, maybe some prunes. I love that stuff. And then they serve me up with this delicious chocolate brownie with salted caramel vegan ice cream and it was really yummy. So I think I'd probably go for that if I was really thinking about, you know, living much longer, that would probably be my choice of is the name of the restaurant it was it was the the gate at Maryland. Then I went there for New Year's Eve. That was my name is Ethan of the five course. Oh my God the five course meal. But you probably had the very meal I haven't had that I haven't had that they had a special menu and it does not that but the dessert was very good. Yeah, that's that's what I think I might have if they would make it for me. I don't know what I've done. Maybe they wouldn't want to make it right well with that I think that is more than enough and specs and fun for tonight. So thank you so much camera for taking the time to be on the spot. Ask them how to educate people a little bit more with plant-based diets. It's my absolute joy and pleasure Aaron and I think that you do fantastic work. So thank you for having me. So Ryan, hopefully I'll see you soon. Yeah, go to the gate. How about your final meal? We have to have this. Yeah. Yeah, and that's all for today guys. Hope you enjoyed today's episode. Of course. We'll see you next week if you have Ins I want to find out more information about working with me. Check out my Instagram at the vegan underscore coach my website the vegan coach the org, or just check out my Facebook page. Have a great day and see you next week.
In this episode I speak to the amazing down to earth and fun Dr Gemma Newman. We talk about her experiences and the numerous hours of study and research she has completed to share valuable information on important topics like; - The longest living populations - Keto diets  - Vegan keto diets -Considerations long time vegans need to think about And more.. Dr Gemma Newman has worked in medicine for 15 years and is the Senior Partner at a family medical practice. She studied at the University of Wales College of Medicine and has worked in many specialities as a doctor including elderly care, endocrinology, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, psychiatry, general surgery, urology, vascular surgery, rehabilitation medicine and General Practice. She gained additional qualifications in gynaecology and family planning. She is a graduate of the AFMCP course, and is a member of BSLM. She has a specialist interest in plant based nutrition and lifestyle medicine, and is an advisory board member of Plant Based Health Professionals UK. She gives nutrition and lifestyle advice to her patients, who have gained tremendous results using the power of their plate. As a broadcaster and writer she has been featured on television, including ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky News Sunrise. She has contributed to articles for magazines including Glamour, Zest and Health magazine. She has appeared in the feature film 'Vegan 2018'. Her family lead a fully plant based lifestyle, following the extensive research she had done of the scientific literature on the health benefits associated with whole-food plant based nutrition. She is regularly invited to teach other doctors and the general public via training programmes, podcasts and conferences about the benefits of plant-based nutrition. You can follow her on Instagram @plantpowerdoctor, or via Facebook Dr Gemma Newman, or through This episode is a great one for you to understand a little bit more about why a plant based diet is best based on evidence and not just opinions. Please share if you enjoy it!
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We are here for you to feel for you to talk you through it the loss of marry Jack is he ever going to be forgiven by the boys all that and more coming at you right now you are tuned in to AfterBuzz TV the ESPN of tv top now look I mean Cries so many crushes everyone cry this episode. Yeah, I waiting the cleaving off. Okay was like no. My little Grinch heart was like breaking your in grunge colors today. I am. Hey guys, that's over there. You see that is that's that's my good girl, Jerry Davis and next to her looking as Dapper as ever Brandon Haley Brenda. Thank you for the introduction. You're welcome. And right now next to me with the eyeliner on. This is Miss Jackie Ray. Yeah, she notified did I did you guys I'm Lindsay Wagner tonight. We are talking with you all about season 14 episode 18 absence of Supernatural. There's an absence in our hearts. Yes. Yes. It's missing there's an absence in my stomach because I haven't eaten yet. That's why we get along. You know what I mean? It's gonna be a little growly national dog day Crowley. Oh Crowley. We're having so many companies are in right now. I'm just trying to keep the mood light since today was literally Doom and Gloom and pink Gloom, which I kind of liked but you know, it's a tough day we've got cast in the boys fighting. I don't know what's going on with this Dumont chick just it's a rough day. There's so much we're going to talk about we are going to talk about the boys being angry with cast. We are going to talk about the possibility of Jack being How the boys can even come to terms with what just happened all that and more but first everyone what were your initial thoughts for tonight's episode Brendan? Oh God, I I'm not gonna lie. I might have been on Twitter in the moments before I started watching and I might have some sort of spoiled oboe. So I didn't I know I know I know well no, I read that. Mary was dead. Okay. Sure. Shocker I know but so I wasn't initially shocked as everyone else was but then it started going the story started getting into it more and what got me were the callbacks to previous episodes where she was just having nice moments with Jack moments with Dean and Sam and it was just so heartbreaking to see all these moments. How did the flashbacks affect you Jackie? I'm sorry. Should I be trying to fight? So for me it was like for those of you who don't know which most of you guys here? No, but my dad passed in 2015 and so when he passed it was exactly so the flashbacks got to me not because of the sentimental value of Mary but because in my head that's exactly how I would be like literally driving along and then things would kind of go black and white and I would see me and my dad fishing or you know, me and my dad going bowling like and it was just like that. So while I appreciate she ate it that it did give me a little emotional. They're always so good at tugging your thoughts about tonight's episode. I was hoping nothing happened because I knew it would just break apart our family, but you know, we really got to talk about my Winchester boys getting all mad because for once somebody was putting somebody else first and they got mad because you know, Cassio did promise to take care of Jack to his mom, so Hey Chester's but the let's discuss here. The fact though that we've said from the beginning of the Season. There's going to be a death of one of the main characters and I was hoping that it wasn't going to be Cass. I'm sorry if Mary's the casualty of all of this. This isn't the worst thing that could happen. I hope you guys in the chat don't hate me for saying that but I'm gonna just jump on that for a second because it might not be the worst thing. It's extremely sad and dramatic but it's going to drive the drama between all the other characters as it did this episode and we might get something even worse because of it well, and that's that's the point is the drama obviously and she had all her goodbyes last episode. We all notice that that she was doing the goodbye to her some like this isn't going to end. Well, if you're already starting it looking like this is the demise I would like to point out though. Last week I said she's dead. You guys know we don't know we didn't see her. Can I want my jacket was right moment calculus, right? Thank you. But I was I was pondering the idea of her being taken over by Satan which still up for debate. There's a some will create that sounded weird a demon or something good Charlotte Viking funeral. I know and Mary was on borrowed time. She'd already died. When they were kids and then she came back so really every day was a precious gift. I agree with you on that carry. Okay, let's do a far away. I did think it was slightly hilarious though when they went when cast went to heaven and she had to death dates. Yeah, which is but that's that's completely exactly what Cherry saying is that she already had the time and now she got to see the boys grown up and as she said Brave kind heroic all these great qualities because you never know. It's going to be a surprise. You think you're failing them, but they turn out to be such wonderful humans, which is exactly what she'd hoped would happen and she got to be here the last couple years and spend that time and like you said each day was a gift and that's how she took it. That's all that anyone can ask for who's experienced loss or the loss of the the loss of a loved one is getting that chance to see that person again. Oh my God, if we haven't she got to have a childhood growing up feeling with Jack that she missed out on was 17 she did but I Shruti - Shruti. She was tweeting me and she was telling me though that you know, Mary was never this great mother and even with Jack I mean, are there any good parents in this franchise this unit? Well, I mean, what's up Mom? Yeah. I'll agree with you on that really hurt Jody Mills Jodi. Well Jodi, I think she's a great mother but I think you're right to like how many really great moms do we get to see and don't live not long enough to be great moms know because we don't get the opportunity and they killed it's kind of like the Star Trek red shirt. Yeah, if you're a good person in this universe, you're just off. Yes. I remember the original Hunters the mom that had the bar Joe. Yes. Someone was saying they want a job. Joe and Kurt was Joe was the younger girl. Yeah, and that Mom and the daughter had such a good relationship and she was like a dead mother for Sam and Dean as well. So she was a good mother to but then she got out blowed up with all the other Hunters Ivan said not even God was a good parent a little bit about the conflict with cash that we have that has Now been created because Sam and Dean are at the bunker. No one's around. No one's answering the phone Cass calls them and says I'm a little worried about him because of what he did with the snake. You're like, okay, so you knew something, but you didn't say anything and we come to find out that in some way. Mary is gone. We are not 100% for sure yet. But that Mary's gone and Dean is in full-blown not rage yet. But he's angry and he's like you will be dead to me if something has truly happened here. And did you guys feel for Cass when he said this was my responsibility? I was supposed to look after him. I wanted to do this on my own. I didn't want to get you involved. I wanted to fix the problem. Did you feel for him? I can offer you a little bit more on the inside and you guys in the chat or on YouTube or Twitter. Please let us know your thoughts to because we want to hear what you think about it, but panel here. What did you think it's such a delicate topic to pick apart? Because on one hand Dean is so validated and how he's feeling but also cassiel did do his best and he was trying to find a way to fix it much like Jack but you know, we know what I mean. This is the storyline of I mean, yes, you're right. I can see both sides of it but Dean and I totally get it, especially when you're angry and you're emotional. Sometimes it's difficult to self-reflect. T' but Dean's been right here Dean's been that guy who's kind of known something is wrong. But you know, he wants to fight to bring Sam back, you know or whatever like he knows what that's like, but at the same time if that means mom is gone and shout out to Rowena for delivering that information in the most politically. Correct way possible. I don't know where she is or what happened, but she's no longer on this Earth. That's like I know you're going to freak out if I just say she's dead son. Just gonna put some bigger on this for you a little bit. And so yes, I just felt like and I was glad to see that even though in Dean's anger. He didn't Hulk out too much and completely Exile cast but he did need that space. I feel sorry for them. But I totally sympathize with Castillo because his first loyalty was to the memory of Jack's mom that he made all these promises to and the little incremental things that Jack did on. Their surface weren't really what I'd call evil. They were just like he still learning and he still just doesn't understand. It's just that this is the absence of good like Cass said, it's not that he's doing bad. It's the absence of good and he thinks he's helping Yes, I mean it's like a it's like a little kid when they see an insect or a kitty and they just grabbed it and starts wheezing in your like oh, you can't you can't squeeze it that hard but they think they're like I'm just squeezing the kitty. They don't know the consequences of their action because they haven't let that's a learned behavior. Yes, and he hasn't had and he hasn't learned that behavior yet. He literally a two year old yella. Jean girl. 24 said I felt bad for cash, but it wasn't his fault. It was all their fault. I think you're right. And I later on I loved when Sam had made that point. He goes look we all thought this we all saw things you want to just like I wanted to save him that just we all did this it's not completely on cast and I'm glad they did that because I was really feeling for forecast and then obviously the rage did come out when Dean found out that she was no longer an earth and you broke the chair and you see Sam with the like lip quiver and I'm like, oh God God here we go. Waterworks are filled Jack because everybody was so busy. They were trying to save Sam. They started to say Dean they're trying to save the new hunters and none of them realized you have to hold his hand and lead him down the right path because as much as I love Castillo Castillo still isn't quite a hundred percent understanding Humanity either as well. Yeah. No, that's true. But you know who didn't fail us guys the Our is about to take a very quick second to say thank you so much for your patronage and your viewership of the studio everything that you guys do both online and in viewer viewing helps us do what we love to do and makes us the ESB and of TV talk we ask that you view if you are watching us on YouTube right now, please click the Subscribe button. If you are listening on iTunes, give us a five star rating comment in the live stream or on social telling us that you did. So and you'll get a shout-out on air with us. The Cool Kids on the Block so do that guys. Thanks so much Ah, that's right. You guys aren't feeling us and I just saw that Chris Mo said, how do you think Sam and Dean will go out next season. I definitely want to let's just sidebar. Let's talk about this for a second because I know this would be a prediction thing. But let's just talk about it quick right now. Do you guys think the show is going to end with Sam and Dean dying? Yes, okay. Imma. Imma know you're a yes cherries and no Brendan. You need to see what happens at the end of this season. Yeah, I don't there's so many things I could happen so quickly in the blink of an eye. I don't honestly know how to gauge it. Yeah, but talk about living on borrowed time. How many times have Sam and Dean skirted death that's billion waiting for that moment. She's already Ellen it's going on to see it, you know because we already know that Mary is with John with her husband and so I could just see the last seen being you know, Mom and Dad and the boys reunited in this beautiful thing and it fades to a sunlight white. Well the Earth bird, I mean they're not here. So it's still beautiful in a way. That's rough. Okay or Jackson is just raining omnipotent. Oh my God, I think about The boy standing right now. Let's talk more about this episode because this was already hard enough. But Chris know that's a great question. Thank you for bringing that up for us. Shout out to you. So Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack Jack and Nick and and well I did until Jack it is still Jack but I'm going to say I called this one. Nick's not around he's gone. He begun this was a flashback or whatever his little angel devil sitting on the shoulder as he says it's him. He's kind of manifesting which makes me wonder if like, I remember one of you was saying last week when he was saying leave me alone was That voice in his head that was actually really loved how the writers played this one because I think we've talked about this on the show before like it's almost weird and I you and I have talked about it now because I when my dad passed like I still hear his voice all the time and when I get into some mess almost slipped up, but I didn't but when I get into some mess, I literally hear him like like it's audible, you know what I mean? So even though it's not Lucifer I thought it was dope. Up that he kind of manifested his vision of his dad to help him get through this thing. I loved how the writers played. It's a metaphor for grief right through. It's a demon. Mmm grief go with dead. Okay. Well, let's first off. I have to give major props to need a Lopez Corrado who directed the episode we had her in the studio a couple years ago and when whatever episode it was I should have looked up which one it was when we had. I ran but she is directed before and it was a very very emotional and heavy grief loss episode. So she's clearly just knocking it out of the park with this kind of writing props to the writers for giving that like stuff but good for her for allowing us to see how difficult it was for Jack to be hearing this to not want to be hearing it but accepting it and Ali really dealing with the consequences of all of it Cherry thoughts on that at all and Jack and this jacket having a hard time with his old Jiminy Cricket Whispering not Enos in his ears and I still feel like he has a little bit of his soul left. He still isn't really what I'd call evil but like this whispering in his ear almost like someone who has depression and you're constantly hearing this this drumbeat of something in your head. And you're unable to separate it out. I think that's issue. I think with Marina was watching him interact. She knew something emotional was going on, but she also knew it was like anger and sadness. It's like the tsunami in him and if they don't pull him back then yes, I have to agree with all of you especially using he will end up being the big bad because he'll just go over a Chasm but it's supernatural. So, you know, they can always save you and bring you back but why did Why did Rowena help Jack as much as she did she was Stalin she was trying to get make sure that she kept him calm because she saw that he was losing it like he was losing his stuff. And so they were trying she was trying to keep him calm and probably in essence a little self-preservation because she knew that he had hoped out and killed Mary. So let me keep this boy as calm as I can't I don't know why she let him in I said that I was like he would not get in my house after I because I know you know, he's a little don't let the crazy guy. Huh? No one. No one home. No one's here. And then he would probably blast the door down with magic or exactly because he sent her back in there after he she wasn't that what do what he wanted. You're so aggressive celebrates of and she's just like flips her hair and I love her. I love that. She was like on the sofa afterwards and she was just like I've been attacked any wine like one of those things were somebody falls on one of the fainting couch has yeah. It's very Scarlett O'Hara moment. She just plays it. So well, I mean, but he didn't kill her because he's still trying to control himself. Self and well guilt is Mary already kind of cares about him. She likes him. She doesn't hate him or she's dead and she was trying to counsel him and get him calm and she seemed to have a better understanding of how to deal with him his emotional distraught - then Mary did because Mary was like a hippie Chihuahua. It's okay and he's like, I need space get away from me and for one instant and we all have bad thoughts for an instant. It's just that we don't have The power to do anything. I might think I hope you get in the car accident what Mary and the ba marrying. The rest of the Winchesters are like, they're like gryffindor's they just go. Yeah. They just go there. Of course Rowena's a Slytherin because she knows how to survive coming from a Slytherin. I'm wearing green. Hey, I don't know what just happened guy. So I love this is good. This is good. No, but it is part of who she is. She is a Survivor. She's brought herself backs. However, many times she that plans ahead. Where's the Winchesters don't really and that's the problem is that she's planned ahead for what's happened to her so she can resurrect yourself where this wasn't planned for Mary. So however, Mary comes back. We don't know what her form is going to be and that's where I was worried because I'm like, all right. Jack is bringing her back. What is actually going to happen here? If he does bring her back and we find out that it's basically just an empty body a lifeless empty body. I'm not one to back when a bank check for one second because Stephen Britain at the a really good question. Okay. He says how did Jack read the book of the Damned it took the codecs for Rowena to do it? He's a Nephilim. Yeah, he's got first rank. Really. He's still too. Okay, he's are entitled. He's parked but he's part God, you know like it's yeah, he's just jerking Archangel is he's got like, you know different skills that you know, hmm. Okay, that's all right. I thought it was a really good question because I just he just gonna sit down and do a whole spell. Yes, but and if that's the case why why take Rowena just take the book because he wanted what we know to do the spell. Because he didn't think he could because he has only know how to put everything together. He doesn't know what the things are. He wants to be one of them, right? He wants to be seen doing good. Yes, anyone who needed a win in validation? Yeah. Okay that makes why you she kept saying her do this and she just kept her she was like I cannot and I but I also love that she stood firm in that. Hmm. I think she needed to stand firm in that and he needed to see the repercussions of his actions and then hear back from Nick Lucifer that He'll never forgive you. Now, they'll never trust you the lover forgive you. I think that he's right about the they'll never trust you. It's possible they can forgive but they will never trust again ever. I think we might trust I mean they've all I mean they've killed numerous supernatural creatures some of which weren't really what I'd call evil. They're just living their lives because they haven't killed any or they haven't killed their mom though. Like if somebody kills your mom that I was actually going to bring Technically not great in the beginning, right? She was always awesome. I know she was always she's like she was she was always one of those people that you just kind of love though. She was one of the bags just loves like a Spike from Buffy. Yeah. You still were going to love her no matter what she did. But yeah, you kill we're already questioning you and who you are and if you're really here to do good or bad your son of Lucifer and then you kill their mom. Yeah. The only reason he's not getting beat up right now is because they know they'll Lose the only reason that's not happening. I mean, he even commit some sort of suicide just to not have the voices. That's pretty dark. He's not gonna start commentary on like reality because I think he needs a little guidance from Cass. Yes. Was cast as it had Redemption so or from do my even though she's neither good nor bad to me. I don't know if I like her but let's get into her during predictions because about her just yet struck a chord chord. She's up to something. She's up to something. I'd like I said earlier. I loved the pink lightning smoke stuff that was happening. And of course we did have a bunch of flashbacks as You guys have said earlier about seeing Mary with Sam and Dean and little moments that they had and then of course we had the Montage yes of her, you know, like final moments and the dinner because I think the dinner was the best thing in that came like during the 300th episode, correct? So I think that was just like the moment. I like I said, I think we've all known That someone was going to die. It was I'm I thought was it was going to be merry so to have that moment with John and the boys she got the family dinner. They got the family dinner. They always wanted it does kind of tie it up with a nice little bow in my opinion and then of course the traditional what do we have to do a Hunters Hunters burial burn the body and seeing Cass wanting to show Dean comfort and Sam stopping him and say, That scene was actually my favorite scene in this show on a personal level because when I was younger, I used to have a horrible temper Ivan and I would just hold out and my brother was the only one who could like calm me down. And so that and if end if I was in my calm down phase and you would come over and try to talk to me, I would just hope back out. So my brother would do that constantly, he would just tell people not yet like just you know, and so you just that sibling where it's literally we've been through hell and back together and only Am is really going to understand because right now on the outside looking in Dean's grieving, he's vulnerable. He's hurt now would be the perfect time to say. Hey man, you know, I'm sorry, whatever sounds like nah, this this ain't this ain't the time. So I just really loved that that scene because really played up to Sibling attachment, you know for dinner Cherry any thoughts about that fight the Winchesters against the world and that was just a reminder. That's how it was in the beginning and that's how we'll probably be at the end where it's basically the two of of them. I mean they have people on the periphery, but when it comes right down to it, they will tear down the gates of hell. They were two down the Gates of Heaven for each other and to a certain degree Castillo, but when it comes down to it, it's Sam and Dean against the world. Yeah. I really couldn't put it better myself. Yeah, I believe what you said. It's like it's how they started and it's probably how it's gonna end. I've been asked you think that being evil is a rite of passage for Sam and Dean. Evil. Yeah, I don't know if I think that that is there evil. I don't want that's what he said. He's as being evil, you know is he's being evil is Winchester rite of passage. I guess I gave me saying it because they've all been even that one. So maybe this is just jacks evil time bad bad moment beautiful too. Yeah, so maybe maybe I mean Castro's evil for a man. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right, so maybe this is just it but I still think he's the big bad. Well, I love the look. I love it. I just about Nick Lucifer being in Jack's head and trying to get rid of that and trying to be better that it is going to be the boys against him. This is going to create conflict, but I don't know how it's going to come into play with the end of the season. So I just don't so I think it looks like just from the can we can I talk about the previews? We saw our let's let's get into our specials. Let's finish up any other thoughts about the rest of the episode and then we'll get into some predictions. Yes and all the other stuff obviously a very touching and emotional episode and we just got to be ready to see what's going to come up and rest of this season and then on a scale of one to In puddles of Tears On the Floor, how bad do you think this season is going to end like emotionally. Do you think it's going to match this episode or do you think it will get worse and worse and worse? I think it'll get worse. Yeah, it's gonna it's gonna be a bad one. I don't think it's going to be more emotional. I think it's going to be more. Oh my God, you know intense. I think it's going to be hard to play up this level of pulling at your heartstrings when things are just getting intense is a good word and you're right. We lost Mary unless we're losing somebody else. You're right. Maybe intense is a better word, right? Everybody. Have you guys emotional episode this week intends coming at you in the next couple of weeks for the last two episodes those Kleenex red get the hex ready, but speaking of how cast is still a part of the family. Jack is a part of the family. They're all a family. Our little special segment is talking about the worst fight you had with your family. I don't know if I'm ready for this. Yeah, I'm gonna drop I'm definitely gonna give you the milder version y'all start and it wasn't even really a family. It was more of my mom and I will never ever forget this I said something so mean to her and call her a name but I said something that a jarn college student that was living on her own for at least a year or two. Thought they knew everything and didn't need their mom and I snapped back at her with something and she looked at me and I was waiting because I was like, oh I'm gonna get slapped across the face because that's what I deserve and she gave me the look. And walked away. Oh, that's even worse. It was the worst feeling in the entire world because I knew everything I said was just it hitter resonated disappointed her so much and I have felt guilty for that literally since it happened and I'm appalled I apologize to her after but that was just the worst feeling and I where I wish I could I don't wish I could remember what I said because it is so I should not be something that I live in think about, but that That look on your mom's face or your dad's face when they when they you make him that mad. Yeah. Don't even scold you. They're like, I'm gonna let you deal with this. You're like no the worst. All right. Jack. I'm literally I feel like I'm sliding. I know I'm like just the silence got me like my stomach just went yeah, my stomach's like that but I need a burrito Jackie. What are you? What's your are wild? My this is the Mount this is definitely not the worst. But it put a rift between me and my family for a good two three months, which is the longest and it was when I originally had moved to New York. I got signed into a music deal and it went bust really quickly. So I had to come back, you know with my tail between my legs, but I was like, I'm not hate hated Colorado with all of my being right so ended up in another band that moved was moving to La perfect. So I told my parents I was like, I'm moving to LA and I kid you. That they had a freaking intervention. It was my whole entire family Aunts Uncles cousins that I didn't even know. We're cousins were in the house to tell me that I was going to just fail. I should stay there and work and like just to be in that room in that moment. And I don't think they realized what they were saying to me. I think that they because there's a family reviewing protect. Yeah, there's a family business that I could have easily just you know, walked into and be very financially secure. So for them, this made no sense and so but just to be in a room full of people and you're the only one in that room who believes in Your Vision was the worst feeling I've ever had and I didn't talk to anyone for three months. I literally packed my car up like three days later and drove away. Yeah what you got the ghosts of my past. I remember vividly like was the first time I think I ever had a Huge dramatic fight with my family when I was in fourth grade. I think it was early. It was really early that you can remember that. Yeah. I remember I didn't want to go to school. I was like homeschooled and then in school like on and off through middle school and high school because I was doing work for theaters and stuff like that. And I remember I didn't want to go to school. Oh that day. So my mom was like, okay, we'll call the principal or whatever and then my dad got really upset because he wanted me to go to school and like ever like I don't remember even when it started by like everyone just started yelling was I asked I gotta go now. He's not gonna go to school like it was ridiculous. But I remember getting really upset and I was like crying and then my dad was like I can't do this anymore and was like, I'm on the leave. Just it was dramatic. It was like a real thing. But in the moment, I was like, oh my God, watch this turn into it, like actually happening in the school. Yeah. So I remember like stopping him at the door and I was like, no. No, you can't do this. No, I'll go to school or whatever and then I ran back to my room and dealing with all of these emotions that I've never really experienced before I had some like ridiculous Pirates of the Caribbean poster on my wall. I got up on my bed. I rip it off the lot was like, yeah. Girl, I just went to town on my room and then I went to school and everything was fine because you thought he was gonna leave leave. Yeah, he's just being dramatic my family. My family can be very dramatic. So but to a kid who is in fourth grader, right? You don't know that's just playing around. You know that yeah crazy sometimes like I was ready to rage. I did throw my gosh. Wow, I know. Is kind of weird but my sister moved to New York City and I like animals. I love funny animal videos. So I sent her the hilarious video of the rats running down the subway car and then walking up some guy. So I sent it to my sister and I said cute animal video and I sent it to her and she watched it. She went super upset because she said I ride the Metro everyday and I'm scared. Rats don't have many more videos. So of course I said I won't send you anywhere rat videos, but then I saw Pizza rat. Oh, no, it's a cute video. I sent her Pizza rat video. She got so mad at me. She didn't talk to me for months and to this day if I send her a video she makes me tell her what it is. And if I'm lying, you'll get like crazy Matt, but once again Pizza rat was Wait, so she's that she has that strong aversion to rats. I guess. I mean she was in New York says it here. They are everywhere. I mean, yeah, they're fearful. Why would you be afraid of it? If it's part of your day leave it was feel like this is the dramatic side of this angle. You are dramatic do not do not deny God. It's okay and it's actually a so All right. Well now that we've talked enough about ourselves and you guys are they said we are depressing they could these stories are so Diwali my God, you're not wrong. You guys have got some good news. Well, you lucky Supernatural fans and Chicago Guess who's coming to Chicago our own will Weena and Mary for the creation Supernatural panel, they're doing photos and they're attending a panel. So I hope you guys got your tickets. It'll be super fun. I'm super jealous of Chicago and then the powder lackeys are of course doing good as usual. They're doing a 5k Challenge and you can do a digital ran. One and you'll get a custom badge and of course, we're on fuzzies doing good and you can also go on the website and get a super cool t-shirt for $25.99 to $39.99 to support the fun run because it's helping girls do Sports and girls like doing sports equality. Yeah. Alright. Well, let's get in some predictions then before we finish up the show because I know that Jackie so excited to talk about something. And now you're AfterBuzz TV addiction. All right, so we get a Bobby sighting great to have Bobby bag is very mad and knows this can only go one way. It's only going to end one way and this is my issue. We got Duma telling Jack that he has a glorious Destiny and I'm a little bit afraid. She's playing both sides and Castiel says Jack is a powerful being but both Sam and Dean need to sign off. Upon the fact that Jack is powerful which could lead to him being the big bad Jackie tell me your thoughts predictions all the good stuff. Okay. So I just I kind of saw somebody thinking something similar robot. I think it is in the in the chat who said that Duma I think she might be the empty. I agree. I think that she might be the empty and she is going to be manipulating Jack. To become this. That's why I said earlier. I think he's going to be this omnipotent thing like she's going to kind of make him be God and because he's got all these Powers people will worship him and he's going to she's going to manipulate him to make basically Armageddon because she also wants to stick it to Castiel to Sam to Dean's or I think that she is going to be the Puppet Master for Jack and make him the big bad. Oh my God. It's a lot to take in. I don't think I agree with you. I think she might be the empty too because wasn't she wasn't the empty in her before? Yeah. Yeah, I 100% think that this this girl is just bad news and that's why I don't like her. That's why I didn't want to talk about her. Now. I'm talking about her yet giving it life. But I'm with you. I think she's I think this is only going to this is not going to end well for jacket being close with her and if he's trying to kind of give Sam and Dean space. Mmm-hmm. This is just not the person to give Ace and then go talk to especially with Nick Lucifer on his shoulder. How do we know Nick isn't really do my the empty and really whispering things into his ears. Oh like she's also his subconscious. Yes. Oh, oh, I like oh, oh, oh God that guy so we could potentially even get an episode where everyone or most of the characters are in Jack's mind. And and he doesn't know who to trust. Wow, that could be I would be here for that. If you here for it either way 150 percent on board with the idea of an a whole episode devoted to Jack's mind. Mmm and Just being like what did I do at the right and like everyone's dead. I like it. I like it how I hope not I hope not, you know, I think next week we are going to have a major fight because Bobby's going to try and use his emotional connection with Sam and Dean to influence them to kill Jack's he's never been super cool with Jack. He's found in Via useful tool, but he doesn't like Angels so he doesn't like Jack anyway, and then I'm hoping we'll see where we are. Anna where she'll be the Jiminy Cricket on their shoulder saying once again jack isn't an adult. He looks like an adult he's still a child and you guys really need to like sort of get back on the train of guiding him to being a better nepheline. Yeah. Well you guys that's that that's a whole lot of predictions. There's a lot of future stuff. I love this idea that we have voices in Jack's head that we could have a whole lot. The so don just all the things that he's thinking and going through because we saw so many flashbacks in this episode's would be a great way to kind of like finish up this season on next week. We are going to talk about because it is episode 19 and episode 20 is the final episode this season. We're going to talk about a little giveaway. We're going to be doing I have we have something special that will be giving away. I will let yeah They tuned for next week's episode and find out and we'll let you guys know what it is. And then I'm glad you didn't say yeah, but you got something fun for you. So stay tuned for next week so that we can fill you in on what that is and what you'll need to do and we'll announce the winner on the season finale which is in two weeks. All right, everybody. We're can everyone find you and interim. So you can find me on Tuesdays at the rookie and charioteers New Orleans Twitter and Instagram and you can find me Brendan Haley at Brendan Haley on Instagram. Brenda Hales on Twitter. I'm also here at AfterBuzz TV doing queer eye, which we are on episode 5 episode 6, I believe so tune into that you guys can speak everybody. Don't forget. I'm Jackie, right? You can follow me on all things social media at Jamie The Fanatic or online and Jared, and I am also here on Mondays doing the or Order. Hey guys, this is Lindsay here. You can find man all things social media at Lindsay Wagner of at cell y ND s ey W EG and ER. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. Sorry to be the downers, but hopefully next week. We have more excitement and positivity and forgiveness. We will see you then. Thank you so much. Our founder Keven undergaro and me Maria Menounos would like to thank you for tuning in to AfterBuzz TV. Remember, we're not just the first where the biggest in the world and were the only destination for all your favorite TV shows whatever you crave. We've got it. So go to AfterBuzz and check out our lineup Buzz. See you later. Hmm. 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This week we tackle some heavy issues, the loss of Mary, the demise of family bonds and relationships especially in dealing with Jack and Castiel and how we think the series will end for this season! Join Lyndsey, Cherry, Brendan, and Jackie and share your thoughts on what’s going to happen next for Jack! ‘Supernatural’ has been renewed for Season 15 and Hosts Lyndsey Wegner and Cherry Davis are so excited to know that Dean in the box isn’t the end of it all. Even if he thinks it’s the only card he has left to play. Emotions were high for Nick as he gets to see his wife for the first time since her murder, and how much as Lucifer really gotten to him? Can Sam change Dean’s mind? All that and more on this week’s episode of ‘Supernatural!’   ABOUT SUPERNATURAL: Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki star as Dean and Sam Winchester, two brothers searching for the meaning behind their mother's death at the hand of a demon, and their father's mysterious disappearance. Two brothers follow their father's footsteps as "hunters" fighting evil supernatural beings of many kinds including monsters, demons, and gods that roam the earth. This haunting series follows the thrilling yet terrifying journeys of Sam and Dean Winchester, two brothers who face an increasingly sinister landscape as they hunt monsters. After losing their mother to a supernatural force, the brothers were raised by their father as soldiers who track mysterious and demonic creatures. Violent memories and relationship-threatening secrets add additional burdens on Sam and Dean as they investigate all things that go bump in the night. As old tricks and tools are rendered useless and friends betray them, the brothers must rely on each other as they encounter new enemies.