went go see friend mine last night played video games around pm am greatest night ive awhile find friend play video games hours end
[ "went go see friend mine last night played video games around pm am greatest night ive awhile find friend play video games hours end" ]
fue a ver amigo mío anoche jugó videojuegos alrededor de pm am mejor noche de vida un rato encontrar amigo jugar video juegos horas fin
im insaneeverything look shit now nothing life enjoyable anymore even weed bores me everything boring feel like life bullshit see point anymore want anymore want die shit goes away people call crazy care even know reality anymore keep questioning point life humans work perspective bullshit want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im insaneeverything look shit now nothing life enjoyable anymore even weed bores me everything boring feel like life bullshit see point anymore want anymore want die shit goes away people call crazy care even know reality anymore keep questioning point life humans work perspective bullshit want die" ]
Locotodo parece mierda ahora nada vida agradable ya incluso hierba me aburre todo aburrido sentir como la vida mierda ver punto más quiero morir mierda se va gente llamada loco cuidado incluso saber realidad más seguir cuestionando punto vida humanos trabajo perspectiva mierda quieren morir
credflag childhood abuse ex abused hit me current relationshipi love anger issues due bipolar laid today become caretaker low energy become due depression want way feel embarrassed ridiculed ashamed said seek therapy said therapy pointless pursue pay reason anger me causing it caused all could not could make many people angry life it common denominator would world favor leaving fault
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "credflag childhood abuse ex abused hit me current relationshipi love anger issues due bipolar laid today become caretaker low energy become due depression want way feel embarrassed ridiculed ashamed said seek therapy said therapy pointless pursue pay reason anger me causing it caused all could not could make many people angry life it common denominator would world favor leaving fault" ]
Credflag abuso de la infancia ex abusado golpearme actual relación de amor problemas de ira debido bipolar puesto hoy convertirse en cuidador de baja energía debido depresión querer manera sentirse avergonzado ridiculizado avergonzado dicho buscar terapia dicho terapia inútil perseguir la razón de la paga me causa que cause todo no podría hacer que mucha gente rabia vida común denominador sería favor del mundo dejar la culpa
want know sub may want shoot try rhorsemanurefetish im going vomit first time years holy fuck
[ "want know sub may want shoot try rhorsemanurefetish im going vomit first time years holy fuck" ]
quiere saber sub puede querer disparar rhorsemanurefetish im va a vomitar por primera vez años santo mierda
feel alone lonely hurts scary tbh redflages out sure belongs feel alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel alone lonely hurts scary tbh redflages out sure belongs feel alone" ]
Siéntete solo solo lastima miedo tbh redflages hacia fuera seguro pertenece sentirse solo
everyday like warim live england since got thrown home done take drugs become shell former self dknt want get anymore called friends steal make jokes expense decided show them pm gmt today going kill myself dint want talking it wanted leave trace somewhere know wont remembered people hearts due harm caused drug habit stealing mostly miss girlfriend sad things us idea dark cloud carry around understand why thanks guys edit landlord found blood broken glass sink cutting myself proceeded scream call worthless fuck care three pm today fuck it im going leave im going start sliding everywhere can people like give fuck make want even more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyday like warim live england since got thrown home done take drugs becomeshell former self dknt want get anymore called friends steal make jokes expense decided show them pm gmt today going kill myself dint want talking it wanted leave trace somewhere know wont remembered people hearts due harm caused drug habit stealing mostly miss girlfriend sad things us idea dark cloud carry around understand why thanks guys edit landlord found blood broken glass sink cutting myself proceeded scream call worthless fuck care three pm today fuck it im going leaveim going start sliding everywhere can people like give fuck make want even more" ]
todos los días como Warim vivir Inglaterra desde que fue arrojado a casa hecho tomar drogas se convierte en concha ex auto dknt quiere conseguir más llamadas amigos robar hacer chistes gastos decididos mostrar pm acuerdos hoy va a matar a mí mismo quiere hablar quiere dejar rastro en algún lugar sé que no recuerdo corazones personas debido a daño causado consumo de drogas robo mayormente señorita novia cosas tristes idea nubes oscuras llevar alrededor entender por qué gracias chicos editar casero encontrado sangre lavabo de vidrio roto corte a mí mismo procede grito llamar sin valor cuidado mierda tres pm hoy mierda im ir leaveim va a empezar a deslizarse por todas partes puede la gente como dar mierda hacer querer aún más
thought okay im noti cant this cant cope mistakes know okay know worth continue fucked amazing guy hate much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought okay im noti cant this cant cope mistakes knowokay know worth continue fucked amazing guy hate much" ]
pensé ok im noti cant esto no puede hacer frente a los errores knowokay sé que vale la pena continuar follada increíble chico odio mucho
want do im genuinely curious choices people want future like career choices people like people want go college high school weve asked degree want pursue next year im getting associates degree high school right automatically science think im going pursue music degree want go college somewhere obscure europe like czechia slovakia become puppeteer like puppets work either musician like playing clarinet composing want feel need it
[ "want do im genuinely curious choices people want future like career choices people like people want go college high school weve asked degree want pursue next year im getting associates degree high schoolright automatically science think im going pursue music degree want go college somewhere obscure europe like czechia slovakia become puppeteer like puppets work either musician like playing clarinet composing want feel need it" ]
quiero hacer realmente curiosas opciones la gente quiere futuro como las opciones de carrera gente como la gente quiere ir a la universidad secundaria hemos preguntado grado quieren seguir el próximo año im conseguir asociados grado secundaria derecha automáticamente la ciencia creo que im va a seguir la música título quieren ir a la universidad en algún lugar oscuro Europa como czechia slovaquia convertirse en titiritero como títeres trabajo ya sea músico como tocar clarinete componer querer sentir necesidad
redflag easy way outinstead stay alive struggling every day life fighting even modicum self respect watching everyone know around always denied appease someone elses idea life them reward suffering death care fight not im giving it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag easy way outinstead stay alive struggling every day life fighting even modicum self respect watching everyone know around always denied appease someone elses idea life them reward suffering death care fight not im giving it" ]
Redflag fácil manera de salir en lugar de mantenerse vivo luchando cada día la vida luchando incluso mínimo respeto a sí mismo ver todo el mundo sabe alrededor siempre se le niega apaciguar a alguien más idea de vida recompensa sufrimiento de la muerte lucha contra el cuidado de la muerte no im darlo
last ressorthave ever thought last ressort redflag like commited die instead go trip fuck prostitutes drugs dont knowdo something anything something dying maybe awaken life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "last ressorthave ever thought last ressort redflag like commited die instead go trip fuck prostitutes drugs dont knowdo something anything something dying maybe awaken life" ]
último ressort han pensado nunca último ressort rojo bandera como cometido morir en lugar de ir viaje puta prostitutas drogas no saben hacer algo algo algo algo morir tal vez despertar la vida
help aunt sent gif spiderman flossing
[ "help aunt sent gif spiderman flossing" ]
ayudar tía envió gif Spiderman hilo dental
soooo another shameless question u think look like probably goblin
[ "soooo another shameless question u think look like probably goblin" ]
soooo otra pregunta desvergonzada que creo que parece probablemente duende
cant leave termsplease dont tell smell flowers realize amazing future could potentially be already know didnt ask life given maybe want leave turn accomplish this everyone seems weird agenda keeping people suffering alive make feel better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant leave termsplease dont tell smell flowers realize amazing future could potentially be already know didnt ask life given maybe want leave turn accomplish this everyone seems weird agenda keeping people suffering alive make feel better" ]
No puedo dejar los términos por favor no le digas a las flores olor darse cuenta de que un futuro increíble podría ser ya saber no pedir la vida dado tal vez querer turno de permiso lograr esto todo el mundo parece raro agenda mantener a la gente sufriendo con vida hacer sentir mejor
niggas like using ppls stolen credit card bad reeeeee u morels like shut pussy want money ion rly anymore tho cause annoying companies put million security systems cant even order shit real card know balance like using bullshit dumb broke fucking idiots card annoyingly hard yea
[ "niggas like using ppls stolen credit card bad reeeeee u morels like shut pussy want money ion rly anymore tho cause annoying companies put million security systems cant even order shit real card know balance like using bullshit dumb broke fucking idiots card annoyingly hard yea" ]
a los negros les gusta usar ppls robados tarjeta de crédito mala reeeeeee u morels como cerrado coño quieren dinero ion rly más tho causa empresas molestas poner millones de sistemas de seguridad ni siquiera puede pedir mierda tarjeta real saber equilibrio como usar mierda tontos rotos putos idiotas tarjeta molestamente duro sí
somebody please interview parents me assignment forgot ask questions morning remember news day days following public opinion think changed world know it so how thoughts add due tuesday its sunday here thanks bunch yall
[ "somebody please interview parents me assignment forgot ask questions morning remember news day days following public opinion think changed world know itso how thoughts add due tuesday its sunday here thanks bunch yall" ]
alguien por favor entrevista padres mi asignación olvidado hacer preguntas mañana recordar noticias días después de la opinión pública piensan mundo cambiado saber itso cómo los pensamientos añadir debido martes su domingo aquí gracias manojo yull
brilliant chuck jones master warner bros cartoon comedy brings us first pepe lepew cartoon alley cat tired pushed around paints colors skunk healthy dose limburger turns tables tormentors along comes pepe know rest many pepes famous gags born here including chasehop hops casually along prey runs exhaustionbr br in opinion warner bros cartoons became less inventive hohum s toon one examples mel blanc putting absolutely crazy voice pepes mouth kicker ending pepe revealed american wolf skunks clothing must see classic warner bros
[ "brilliant chuck jones master warner bros cartoon comedy brings us first pepe lepew cartoon alley cat tired pushed around paints colors skunk healthy dose limburger turns tables tormentors along comes pepe know rest many pepes famous gags born here including chasehop hops casually along prey runs exhaustionbr br in opinion warner bros cartoons became less inventive hohum s toon one examples mel blanc putting absolutely crazy voice pepes mouth kicker ending pepe revealed american wolf skunks clothing must see classic warner bros" ]
brillante chuck Jones master Warner Bros comedia de dibujos animados nos trae primero pepe lepew dibujos animados callejón gato cansado empujado alrededor de pinturas colores skunk saludable dosis limburger giras mesas atormentadores viene pepe sabe descansar muchos pepes famosos gags nacidos aquí incluyendo hops casualmente a lo largo de presa carreras agotamientobr br br en opinión warner bros dibujos animados se convirtió en menos ingenioso hohum s toon un ejemplo mel blanc poner absolutamente loco voz pepes boca kicker final pepe revelado wolf skunks ropa debe ver clásico Warner bros
stuck abusive environment best anyone say hang therethey understand wears people thin cannot hang there forever possible solution way out therapy useless path abuse victims
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stuck abusive environment best anyone say hang therethey understand wears people thin cannot hang there forever possible solution way out therapy useless path abuse victims" ]
ambiente abusivo atrapado mejor cualquiera dice colgar allí entienden que las personas se desgastan no pueden colgar allí para siempre posible solución manera de salir de la terapia inútil trayectoria víctimas de abuso
gpa fucked futurei study constantly grades get worse gpa fucking compete people gpas fucking guess respect anymore im fucking done objectively suck everything including video games spend hours upon hours on suck sports im always left behind going somewhere im asthmatic roadkill mauled death purpose die parents wouldnt pay weeaboo ass games medicine neither would need listen cries goes friends waste space suffer never get happiness doesnt help im low iq degenerate fat furry faggot awful socisl skills even awful sense humour fact im fucking ugly blue pilled sjw would ever date me fact probably autism doesnt help fuck end me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gpa fucked futurei study constantly grades get worse gpa fucking compete people gpas fucking guess respect anymore im fucking done objectively suck everything including video games spend hours upon hours on suck sports im always left behind going somewhere im asthmatic roadkill mauled death purpose die parents wouldnt pay weeaboo ass games medicine neither would need listen cries goes friends waste space suffer never get happiness doesnt help im low iq degenerate fat furry faggot awful socisl skills even awful sense humour fact im fucking ugly blue pilled sjw would ever date me fact probably autism doesnt help fuck end me" ]
gpa follada futurei estudio constantemente grados conseguir peor gpa mierda compite gente gpas mierda adivinar respeto más hecho objetivamente chupar todo, incluyendo videojuegos pasar horas en horas en chupar deportes im siempre dejado atrás yendo a algún lugar im asmático Roadkill mauled muerte propósito morir padres no pagaría weeaboo culo juegos medicina ni necesitaría escuchar gritos va amigos desperdicio espacio sufrir nunca consigue felicidad no ayuda im bajo iq degenerado gordo peludo maricón horrible habilidades de socisl incluso horrible sentido humor hecho im mierda feo azul pillado sjw alguna vez salir conmigo hecho probablemente autismo no ayuda a acabar conmigo
thinks bit odd story year old england got stabbed death really big news outside uk compare school shootings like hear england within day seems like story exclusive uk know year old boy set girlfriend paid another year old stab way teaching lesson got angry sent nudes another guy
[ "thinks bit odd story year old england got stabbed death really big news outside uk compare school shootings like hear england within day seems like story exclusive uk know year old boy set girlfriend paid another year old stab way teaching lesson got angry sent nudes another guy" ]
piensa poco extraña historia año edad Inglaterra fue apuñalado muerte realmente grandes noticias fuera de uk comparar los tiroteos de la escuela como escuchar Inglaterra dentro de día parece como historia exclusiva uk año chico sabe conjunto novia pagó otro año puñalada manera enseñanza lección se enojó envió desnudos otro chico
wish buttonall methods commit redflag taxing read through combination lethality pain preparation itself fuck want go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish buttonall methods commit redflag taxing read through combination lethality pain preparation itself fuck want go" ]
deseo botóntodos los métodos cometer redflag impuesto leer a través de combinación letalidad preparación del dolor en sí mismo mierda quieren ir
im suicidal im tell father need advicei suicidal thoughts six months now last one month tendency self harm increased exponentially left hand mess cuts look horrible even cuts scars previous ones im terrified myself though thankful god none deep enough cut artery even though horrifying urges kill know one thing want die im tell father im say
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im suicidal im tell father need advicei suicidal thoughts six months now last one month tendency self harm increased exponentially left hand mess cuts look horrible even cuts scars previous ones im terrified myself though thankful god none deep enough cut artery even though horrifying urges kill know one thing want die im tell fatherim say" ]
Im suicida im decirle padre necesita consejos pensamientos suicidas seis meses ahora último un mes tendencia auto daño aumentado exponencialmente izquierda mano desorden cortes cortes horribles incluso cortes cicatrices anteriores im yo mismo aterrorizado aunque dios agradecido ninguna arteria cortada lo suficientemente profunda a pesar de los impulsos horrorosos matar saber una cosa quiero morir im decirle a padre decir
everyone always says people love meand know do family gone way express theyll anything help me help affect relieve pain god cant take this feels like im living incinerator kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyone always says people love meand know do family gone way express theyll anything help me help affect relieve pain god cant take this feels like im living incinerator kill myself" ]
Todo el mundo siempre dice que la gente quiere saber que la familia ha ido muy lejos expresar nada me ayudan a afectar aliviar el dolor dios no puede tomar esto se siente como mi vida incinerador suicidarme
anyone ever commit redflag lack sexmarried years celibate last years constantly feel lonely inadequate lost interest sex im supposed live rest life without days dont deal anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone ever commit redflag lack sexmarried years celibate last years constantly feel lonely inadequate lost interest sex im supposed live rest life without days dont deal anymore" ]
cualquier persona comete alguna vez redflag falta sexo casado años célibe años pasados constantemente se sienten solos inadecuados interés perdido sexo im supuesto vivir la vida de descanso sin días no trato más
capitalism cruel way survivelike change it think cures people indifferences
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "capitalism cruel way survivelike change it think cures people indifferences" ]
El capitalismo sobrevive cruelmente como el cambio piensa cura las indiferencias de la gente
envy people subyou simple problems like oh boygirlfriend abandoneddiedcheated me oh parents worst oh alone owow cat died actual friends anyone genuinely cares me best health ugly shit top something like bipolarity whatever shitty skin syndrome feel discomfort itch even pain body every single second never girlfriend and honest want psychopath actually like abomination me top all citizenship cannot visit doctor diagnose anything bad kick country looking know guy good future maybe working mediocre lowpaid job girl would never date piece shit best bet either trying pursue education achieve medium salary workplace small apartment age best fleeing woods living wildmen somebody tell reason live welcome comment section
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "envy people subyou simple problems like oh boygirlfriend abandoneddiedcheated meoh parents worstoh alone owow cat died actual friends anyone genuinely cares me best health ugly shit top something like bipolarity whatever shitty skin syndrome feel discomfort itch even pain body every single second never girlfriend and honest want psychopath actually like abomination me top all citizenship cannot visit doctor diagnose anything bad kick country looking know guy good futuremaybe working mediocre lowpaid job girl would never date piece shit best bet either trying pursue education achieve medium salary workplace small apartment age best fleeing woods living wildmen somebody tell reason live welcome comment section" ]
envidia la gente subyou problemas simples como oh boyfriend abandonadodiedcheated meoh padres be peoroh solo owow gato murió amigos reales nadie realmente me importa mejor salud feo mierda superior algo como bipolaridad cualquier mierda síndrome de la piel sensación de malestar comezón incluso dolor cuerpo cada segundo nunca novia y honesto querer psicópata en realidad como abominación me top toda la ciudadanía no puede visitar doctor diagnóstico nada malo patada país buscar saber chico buen futurotal vez trabajo mediocre trabajo chica baja paga mejor apuesta ya sea tratando de continuar la educación lograr medio salario pequeña edad apartamento mejor huir de bosques vivir salvajes alguien decir razón en vivo bienvenida comentario sección
actual convo tinder me eat ass her start hello me hello eat ass
[ "actual convo tinder me eat ass her starthello me hello eat ass" ]
real convo tinder me come culo su starthello me hola come culo
fking got roasted first year uni student compsci fking got roasted mom cuz im changing major art dont even know im able change major becuz im basically reapplying uni holyfk never listen people picked comp sci becuz family sister graduated uwaterloo software engineering cant catch regret everything
[ "fking got roasted first year uni student compsci fking got roasted mom cuz im changing major art dont even knowim able change major becuz im basically reapplying uni holyfk never listen people picked comp sci becuz family sister graduated uwaterloo software engineering cant catch regret everything" ]
fking consiguió asado primer año uni estudiante compsci fking consiguió asado mamá cuz im cambio de arte mayor ni siquiera knowim capaz cambio mayor becuz im básicamente volver a aplicar uni schoolfk nunca escuchar la gente elegido comp sci becuz familia hermana graduada uwaterloo software ingeniería no puede atrapar arrepentimiento todo
fuck everything everything goes wrong many problems cannot solve everytime fucks shit cannot nice life nobody cares anyway glad finally cut veins bleed death goodbye need stop postponing today day finally leave
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck everything everything goes wrong many problems cannot solve everytime fucks shit cannot nice life nobody cares anyway glad finally cut veins bleed death goodbye need stop postponing today day finally leave" ]
mierda todo va mal muchos problemas no pueden resolver cada vez mierda mierda no puede buena vida a nadie le importa de todos modos feliz finalmente cortar venas sangrar la muerte adiós necesidad de dejar de posponer hoy día finalmente dejar
beat pr good game one favorites hollow knight
[ "beat pr good game one favorites hollow knight" ]
ganar p p buen juego uno de los favoritos caballero hueco
groomed several men last year proud it fuck is married also damn
[ "groomed several men last year proud it fuck is married also damn" ]
cuidado varios hombres el año pasado orgulloso de que la mierda es casado también maldito
judge production hour version released vhs us choppy incomprehensible mess pleasure watching fulllength hour version available dvd uk spellbound deliberate pace growing sense menace mesmerizing amazing visual aural landscape ancient rome never seen before far authentic mostbr br director franco rossi justly celebrated miniseries odyssey miniseries equally powerful bekim fehmiu became screens best ulysses klaus maria brandauer may screens best nero now hoping someday see rossis version aeneid eneide broadcast italian tv br br i undecided version quo vadis powerful one polish miniseries different virtues many ways complement one another certainly either one towers hollywood campriot starring peter ustinov
[ "judge production hour version released vhs us choppy incomprehensible mess pleasure watching fulllength hour version available dvd uk spellbound deliberate pace growing sense menace mesmerizing amazing visual aural landscape ancient rome never seen before far authentic mostbr br director franco rossi justly celebrated miniseries odyssey miniseries equally powerful bekim fehmiu became screens best ulysses klaus maria brandauer may screens best nero now hoping someday see rossis version aeneid eneide broadcast italian tv br br i undecided version quo vadis powerful one polish miniseries different virtues many ways complement one another certainly either one towers hollywood campriot starring peter ustinov" ]
juez producción hora versión lanzada vhs nosotros choppy incomprensible desorden placer ver fulllong hour versión disponible dvd uk hechizo ritmo deliberado crecimiento sentido amenaza fascinante increíble paisaje visual antiguo roma nunca antes visto mucho auténtico mostbr br director franco rossi acaba de celebrar miniseries odyssey miniseries igualmente potente bekim fehmiu se convirtió en pantallas mejores ulises klaus maria bandauer pantallas mejor nero ahora con la esperanza de algún día ver versión rossis eneid eneide transmisión italiana tv br br i indeciso versión quo vadis potente una pulido miniserie diferentes virtudes muchas maneras se complementan entre sí sin duda una torres hollywood campriot estrella peter ustinov
hey hey hey chuck us zappo
[ "hey hey hey chuck us zappo" ]
Hey hey hey chuck us zappo
want mcd fries someone buy fries pls
[ "want mcd fries someone buy fries pls" ]
¿Quieres patatas fritas? Alguien compra patatas fritas pls.
movie touches soul audience muchsome scene movie ultimate tears comes automaticallyim surprised seeing movie director direct type movie year as student cinema say movie helps lot understand use montagefirst time teacher told us movie means genre movie thought nothing could movie understand finally sir explained came know great movie islastly say helps lot understanding filmsand cinema student viewers see movie
[ "movie touches soul audience muchsome scene movie ultimate tears comes automaticallyim surprised seeing movie director direct type movie year as student cinema say movie helps lot understand use montagefirst time teacher told us movie means genre movie thought nothing could movie understand finally sir explained came know great movie islastly say helps lot understanding filmsand cinema student viewers see movie" ]
película toca el alma audiencia muchoalguna escena película lágrimas última viene automáticamenteim sorprendido ver película director directo tipo película año como estudiante cine decir película ayuda mucho entender uso montajeprimera vez profesor nos dijo película significa género película pensamiento nada podría película entender finalmente señor explicó llegó saber gran película es último decir ayuda mucho entender películas y cine estudiantes espectadores ver película
wanna die canti want foolproof way access gun because reasons bleach really effective fancy tall ass buildings live skittling wrists takes long hanging painful im considering maybe fire straight electrocution might well go flaming whatever otherwise im stuck little backstory world live truly utterly fucking faked wanna die could wake daaaaamn seriously tho cant anymore mean love parents shit theres much take cant live anymore knowing actually life like literally im gonna end nothing give back story fucking answer question please electrocution legit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna die canti want foolproof way access gun because reasons bleach really effective fancy tall ass buildings live skittling wrists takes long hanging painfulim considering maybe fire straight electrocution might well go flaming whatever otherwise im stuck little backstory world live truly utterly fucking faked wanna die could wake daaaaamn seriously tho cant anymore mean love parents shit theres much take cant live anymore knowing actually life like literally im gonna end nothing give back story fucking answer question please electrocution legit" ]
Quiero morir canti quiero manera infalible pistola de acceso porque las razones de lejía realmente eficaz lujo edificios altos skittling muñecas en vivo lleva largo colgar doloroso considerando tal vez fuego electrocución recta podría ir en llamas lo que de otra manera im pegada pequeño mundo de la historia vivir verdaderamente completamente falso querer morir podría despertar daaaaamn seriamente tho cant màs significa amor padres mierda Theres mucho tomar cant vivir más sabiendo que la vida como literalmente voy a terminar nada volver historia respuesta pregunta por favor electrocución legit
terry gilliam traveled future he already done brazil tell story virus thats destroying human racebr br the script totally crazy easy tricks quite entertaining gilliam proves hes got imagination the futuristic scenes great cast bruce willis beautiful madeleine stowe whatever happened her ok brad pitt annoying whenever plays roles hand results forced hes credible all play goodlooking successful young menbr br my rate
[ "terry gilliam traveled future he already done brazil tell story virus thats destroying human racebr br the script totally crazy easy tricks quite entertaining gilliam proves hes got imagination the futuristic scenes great cast bruce willis beautiful madeleine stowewhatever happened her ok brad pitt annoying whenever plays roles hand results forced hes credible all play goodlooking successful young menbr br my rate" ]
terry gilliam viajó futuro que ya hizo brasil contar historia virus que la destrucción de la raza humana br el guión totalmente loco trucos fáciles bastante entretenidos gillliam prueba que tiene imaginación las escenas futuristas gran elenco Bruce willis hermosa madeleine stowelo que sea que sucedió su ok brad pitt molesto cada vez que juega papeles resultados mano ha obligado a creer en todos los juegos bien parecidos joven menbr br mi tarifa
nothing need diethere future it present totally alone yes alone you guarantee it sort constant withdrawal worse nicotine withdrawal maybe things could satiate it ive found arguing frenzy getting suicidal real person crisis lines feel absolutely fake need toxicity even that impossible alone why unattractive trans autistic that lifetime building it indigenous histories living place genocide matter go need falls apart feel like need break something scream energy strength to want sleep im sleeping hours day now sometimes wake noon fall asleep sleep am maybe stay bit maybe shower eat sleep noon everyone else things course load easy almost nothing impossible cant it please let die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing need diethere futureit present totally aloneyes alone you guarantee it sort constant withdrawal worse nicotine withdrawal maybe things could satiate it ive found arguing frenzy getting suicidal real person crisis lines feel absolutely fake need toxicity even that impossible alone why unattractive trans autistic that lifetime building it indigenous histories living place genocide matter go need falls apart feel like need break something scream energy strength to want sleep im sleeping hours day now sometimes wake noon fall asleep sleep am maybe stay bit maybe shower eat sleep nooneveryone else things course load easy almost nothing impossible cant it please let die" ]
No hay necesidad de morir en el futuro está presente totalmente solo sí solo garantizas que ordenar retiro constante peor retiro de nicotina tal vez las cosas podrían saciarlo ive encontrado argumentando frenesí conseguir suicida persona real líneas de crisis se sienten absolutamente falso necesidad toxicidad incluso que imposible solo por qué poco atractivo trans autista que la construcción de por vida historias indígenas vivir lugar genocidio materia ir necesidad se desmorona sentir como necesidad romper algo gritar fuerza de energía para querer dormir im dormir horas día ahora a veces despertar mediodía dormir sueño soy tal vez quedarse poco tal vez ducha comer sueño mediodíatodo lo demás cosas carga fácil casi nada imposible no puede por favor dejar morir
severe redflag ocd today let get best me looked phone huge breach trust hate myself hate it hate mind lot thinks would better killed self make emotional problems baggage peoples problems edge right wondering even benefits existing caused fianc much emotional diredflag relapsed opiates think ill ever able forgive myself hes clean going months
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "severe redflag ocd today let get best me looked phone huge breach trust hate myself hate it hate mind lot thinks would better killed self make emotional problems baggage peoples problems edge right wondering even benefits existing caused fianc much emotional diredflag relapsed opiates think ill ever able forgive myself hes clean going months" ]
severo rojo bandera ocd hoy vamos a conseguir mejor me parecía teléfono enorme brecha confianza odio a mí mismo odio lo odio mente mucho piensa que mejor se mata a sí mismo hacer problemas emocionales equipaje gente problemas borde derecho preguntándose incluso beneficios existentes causados fianc mucho Emocional neaddflag recidivó opiáceos pensar mal siempre capaz perdonarme hes clean going meses
imagine me running bedroom am morning screaming hustle hustle hustle wake ask confused who tf you answer get hustle go go h sleep hustle hustle hustle
[ "imagine me running bedroom am morning screaming hustlehustle hustle wake ask confused who tf you answer get hustle go go h sleephustlehustle hustle" ]
Imagíname corriendo dormitorio a la mañana gritando chanchullo ajetreo despertar preguntar confundido quién si usted responde conseguir chanchullo go go h sleephustlehustle ajetreo
mistaking halloween rebroadcast orson welles classic radio adaptation war worlds real martian invasion group moronic martians shows earth looking conquer plans go awry find truly element reality alonebr br this really often quite good funny decent lines just check memorable quotes boot likely appeal scifi fans passed test time seeing recently proved much better expected be despite cast made noname stars may funniest martian invasion ever put film interestingly enough martians seem represent almost every classic action heroscifi hero stereotype cool s teen fighter pilot fearless astronaut brave soldier kooky scientist fun whole family br br prepare die earth scum
[ "mistaking halloween rebroadcast orson welles classic radio adaptation war worlds real martian invasion group moronic martians shows earth looking conquer plans go awry find truly element reality alonebr br this really often quite good funny decent lines just check memorable quotes boot likely appeal scifi fans passed test time seeing recently proved much better expected be despite cast made noname stars may funniest martian invasion ever put film interestingly enough martians seem represent almost every classic action heroscifi hero stereotype cool s teen fighter pilot fearless astronaut brave soldier kooky scientist fun whole family br br prepare die earth scum" ]
halloween rebroadcast orson welles clásico radio adaptación mundos de guerra real marciana invasión grupo moronic martians muestra tierra buscando planes de conquista ir mal encontrar realmente elemento realidad solobr br esto realmente a menudo bastante divertido líneas decentes sólo comprobar memorables citas arranque probable apelación fans scifi pasado tiempo de prueba ver recientemente demostrado mucho mejor esperado ser a pesar de reparto noname estrellas made may funniest martian invasion ever put film lo suficientemente interesante martians parecen representar casi todos los clásicos acción heroescifi héroe estereotipo fresco s adolescente piloto luchador astronauta valiente valiente soldado kooky científico diversión familia br preparar die tierra escoria
honestly teeny bit confused people understand pride bragging gay pride celebrating fact us lgbtq flat crime anymore ik vast majority people understand ive seen lot least straight people dont shove face sub lately also im sure would much fun hyping us inside parade
[ "honestly teeny bit confused people understand pride bragging gay pride celebrating fact us lgbtq flat crime anymore ik vast majority people understand ive seen lot least straight people dont shove face sub lately also im sure would much fun hyping us inside parade" ]
honestamente pequeñita gente confusa entiende orgullo alardeando orgullo gay celebrando hecho igbtq crimen plano más ik gran mayoría de la gente entiende ive visto mucho menos heterosexual la gente no empujar cara sub últimamente también estoy seguro de que sería muy divertido spoping nosotros dentro de desfile
holy crap killed brother killed sims accident worry save every day rolledback last save
[ "holy crap killed brother killed sims accident worry save every day rolledback last save" ]
Santo mierda asesinado hermano asesinado sims accidente preocupación ahorrar todos los días de vuelta atrás último ahorro
know whats funnyhow people fucking tell shit care truth care dead people supposed make feel safe fucking make feel worse fucking hope feel guilty lost fucking horrible damage inflicted onto never undone fucking hope feel guilty amount times ive cried bullshit words told nothing that fucking hate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know whats funnyhow people fucking tell shit care truth care dead people supposed make feel safe fucking make feel worse fucking hope feel guilty lost fucking horrible damage inflicted onto never undone fucking hope feel guilty amount times ive cried bullshit words told nothing that fucking hate" ]
¿Sabes lo que es gracioso la gente mierda decir mierda cuidado verdad cuidado se supone que la gente muerta hacer sentir seguro mierda hacer sentir peor puta esperanza sentirse culpable perdido maldito horrible daño infligido a nunca deshecho puta esperanza sentirse culpable cantidad de veces ive lloró mierda palabras dicho nada que mierda odio
antidepressant stopped workingive weeks fine want kill anymore still empty nobody loves nobody even cares now stopped working morning mom yelled me want die cant stand house hate family seen people really love two weeks want blamed everything want much pressure me fucking cares college right now want someone care right now cant even numb pain things like video games talking someones care about mom thinks bad me bad try communicate people actually fucking care about bad locked alone ever see friends see reason kill now ill always alone lie say get better wont die makes easier me nobody would even care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "antidepressant stopped workingive weeks fine want kill anymore still empty nobody loves nobody even cares now stopped working morning mom yelled me want die cant stand house hate family seen people really love two weeks want blamed everything want much pressure me fucking cares college right now want someone care right now cant even numb pain things like video games talking someones care about mom thinks bad me bad try communicate people actually fucking care about bad locked alone ever see friends see reason kill now ill always alone lie say get better wont die makes easier me nobody would even care" ]
antidepresivo dejó de trabajar semanas bien quieren matar todavía vacío nadie ama a nadie ni siquiera le importa ahora dejó de trabajar mañana mamá me gritó que quiero morir cant stand casa odio familia visto gente realmente amor dos semanas quieren culpar a todo lo que quieren mucha presión me importa universidad ahora mismo quiero que alguien se preocupa por ahora no puede incluso dolor entumecimiento cosas como juegos de vídeo alguien se preocupa por mamá piensa mal tratar de comunicar a la gente en realidad mierda se preocupan por mal encerrado solo ver amigos ver razón matar ahora enfermo siempre sola mentira decir mejor no morir me hace más fácil a nadie incluso me importa
cant even kill myselfi tried hang myself put rope up around rafter around neck jump off fuck wrong me cant anything right even arrange funeral wanted it over want alone thats fate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant even kill myselfi tried hang myself put rope up around rafter around neck jump off fuck wrong me cant anything right even arrange funeral wanted it over want alone thats fate" ]
No puedo ni matarme a mí mismo he intentado colgarme poner la cuerda alrededor de la viga alrededor del cuello salto de la mierda mal no puedo nada bien incluso arreglar funeral lo quería más que sólo que el destino
corporation listening concept quite simple employees wellbeing gt profit know foreign concept something make money nfl doesnt mean puts employees risk nfl
[ "corporation listening concept quite simple employees wellbeing gt profit know foreign concept something make money nfl doesnt mean puts employees risk nfl" ]
corporación escuchar concepto bastante simple empleados bienestar gt beneficio saber concepto extranjero algo hacer dinero nfl no significa pone a los empleados riesgo nfl
hello minor years old exact yes fucking years old suffering depression since years old year told one friends two fav cousins depressed friend really helping know fake anyway cousins helping lot told feeling sad could contact could talk tell parents thinking want get therapy even correct age need parents consent want tell really harsh letting anything love tbh school blame school parents telling study cannot focus today cried shower wasted half hour even know cuz fucking hiding them coming cannot get therapy fellow depressed people know feels tell parents feel asking help want go somewhere nobody present scream cruel world lose voice coming heart kill plz
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello minor years old exact yes fucking years old suffering depression since years old year told one friends two fav cousins depressed friend really helping know fake anyway cousins helping lot told feeling sad could contact could talk tell parents thinking want get therapy even correct age need parents consent want tell really harsh letting anything love tbh school blame school parents telling study cannot focus today cried shower wasted half hour even know cuz fucking hiding them coming cannot get therapy fellow depressed people know feels tell parents feel asking help want go somewhere nobody present scream cruel world lose voice coming heart killplz" ]
hola menores años exacto sí mierda años de edad que sufren depresión desde años de edad le dijo a un amigo dos primos fav amigos deprimidos realmente ayudar a saber falso de todos modos los primos que ayudan mucho sentirse triste contacto podría hablar decirle a los padres que piensan que quieren conseguir terapia incluso la edad correcta necesidad padres consentimiento quieren contar muy duro dejar que nada amor tbh escuela culpa escuela padres que el estudio no se puede concentrar hoy llorada ducha desperdiciada media hora incluso saber cuz ocultarlos venir no puede conseguir terapia compañeros personas deprimidas saber se siente decirle a los padres se sienten pidiendo ayuda quieren ir a algún lugar nadie presente gritar cruel mundo perder voz venir corazón killplz
lived life cannot assign adjective yeah longer it lost type wth goes nothing today day guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lived life cannot assign adjectiveyeah longer it lost type wth goes nothing today day guess" ]
vida viva no puede asignar adjetivo sí más tiempo que tipo perdido wth no va nada hoy día adivinar
im coming back arent gonna ready first im gonna take shit im gonna leave im gonna prove everyone wrong dont need know post about ready
[ "im coming back arent gonna ready first im gonna take shit im gonna leave im gonna prove everyone wrong dont need know post about ready" ]
No voy a estar listo primero voy a tomar mierda voy a dejar im va a probar que todo el mundo equivocado no necesita saber post sobre listo
m need new friends m here recently couple best friends left me knew half years need new longterm best friends stuff me love playing video games mainly valorant minecraft java oh also bit apex im also programmergame designer yes ig thats sorta cool really im california would nice get people timezonerelated reasons play pc pst timezone though said live cali might rendered mute
[ "m need new friends m here recently couple best friends left me knew half years need new longterm best friends stuff me love playing video games mainly valorant minecraft javaoh also bit apex im also programmergame designeryes igthats sorta cool reallyim california would nice get people timezonerelated reasons play pc pst timezone though said live cali might rendered mute" ]
m need nuevos amigos m aquí recientemente pareja mejores amigos me dejó sabía que medio año necesita nuevos amigos a largo plazo mejores cosas me encanta jugar videojuegos principalmente valorante minecraft javaoh también poco apex im programador diseñadoryes igthats sorta cool realyim california estaría bien conseguir gente zona horaria razones relacionadas con jugar pc pst zona horaria aunque dijo que cali en vivo podría hacer mudo
see point livingi friends amp family distant im scared nothing ever change life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see point livingi friends amp family distant im scared nothing ever change life" ]
ver punto livei amigos amp familia distante im miedo nada cambia nunca la vida
anybody else suicidal super irrational reasonsim suicidal im tall woman record im twenty four years old ive feelings since ninth grade cant seem stop coming cant even tell come from super irrational thing suicidal over people take seriously root cause depression medication work part cant change people get much affects me breakdowns times day barely leave house quit job want seen public measure compulsively times every week course help first thing people comment whenever see me and course something complain people would think im humblebragging since apparently tall desired reason cant share even fraction much affects life theyd horrified know whats wrong taken life want shorter since never ever happen way makes feel hopeless id honestly rather die know problem probably never go away cant live rest life like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anybody else suicidal super irrational reasonsim suicidal im tall woman record im twenty four years old ive feelings since ninth grade cant seem stop coming cant even tell come from super irrational thing suicidal over people take seriously root cause depression medication work part cant change people get much affects me breakdowns times day barely leave house quit job want seen public measure compulsively times every week course help first thing people comment whenever see me and course something complain people would think im humblebragging since apparently tall desired reason cant share even fraction much affects life theyd horrified know whats wrong taken life want shorter since never ever happen way makes feel hopeless id honestly rather die know problem probably never go away cant live rest life like this" ]
alguien más suicida super irracional razonesim suicida im alta mujer registro im veinticuatro años sentimientos vivos desde noveno grado no parece dejar de venir ni siquiera decir venir de cosa super irracional suicida sobre la gente toma en serio causa raíz causa depresión medicamentos trabajo parte no puede cambiar la gente consigue mucho me afecta las averías veces día apenas salir de casa dejar trabajo quieren ver medida pública compulsivamente veces cada semana curso ayudar a la gente a comentar cada vez que me vea y por supuesto algo se quejan la gente pensaría im humilde jactarse ya que aparentemente alta deseada razón no puede compartir incluso fracción mucho afecta la vida se horrorizó saber lo que mal tomó la vida quieren más corto ya que nunca sucede manera hace sentir sin esperanza id honestamente mejor morir saber problema probablemente nunca se va no puede vivir la vida de descanso como este
pissed right saw vid tiktok two girls went miss men went war never came back like know fucking offensive is k likes aswell dads army going war one biggest fears live ireland theres small chance happening hes close death before plain sexism girls think place say really makes sad
[ "pissed right saw vid tiktok two girls went miss men went war never came back like know fucking offensive is k likes aswell dads army going war one biggest fears live ireland theres small chance happening hes close death before plain sexism girls think place say really makes sad" ]
Enojado derecho vio vid tiktok dos chicas fueron señoritas hombres fueron guerra nunca volvió como saber puta ofensiva es k le gusta así papás ejército ir a la guerra uno más grande miedos viven Irlanda Theres pequeña posibilidad de pasar él cerca de la muerte antes sexismo chicas piensan lugar decir realmente hace triste
feeling nothing worse feeling sadi want feel something ive never known like this want escape fucking prison cant brain this cause chemical imbalance makes want kill itself it please let feel something want want feel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling nothing worse feeling sadi want feel something ive never known like this want escape fucking prison cant brain this cause chemical imbalance makeswant kill itself it please let feel something want want feel" ]
sentir nada peor sentir sadi querer sentir algo live nunca conocido como este deseo escapar de mierda prisión cant cerebro esto causa desequilibrio químico hace querer suicidarse por favor dejar sentir algo quiere querer sentir
suicidal thoughtsi keep suicidal thoughts days im happy lets call normal mostly everyday want kill myself straight away mind broken real meaningful purpose feeling life decisions decided others pushed friends away feel alone even im around people feel stuck want die want leave earth thing keeping family my dad mom brother even hard would die tomorrow would happy knowing people wont im im living feeling already years becoming worse day days weeks years past depressed become
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal thoughtsi keep suicidal thoughts days im happy lets call normal mostly everyday want kill myself straight away mind broken real meaningful purpose feeling life decisions decided others pushed friends away feel alone even im around people feel stuck want die want leave earth thing keeping family my dad mom brother even hard would die tomorrow would happy knowing people wont im im living feeling already years becoming worse day days weeks years past depressed become" ]
pensamientos suicidas mantener pensamientos suicidas días im feliz lets call normal mayormente todos los días quieren matarme de inmediato mente roto verdadero propósito significativo sentir decisiones de la vida decidió otros alejado amigos se sienten solos incluso yo alrededor de la gente se siente atrapado quiero morir quiero dejar la tierra cosa mantener familia mi padre mamá hermano incluso duro moriría mañana sería feliz sabiendo que la gente no va a estar viviendo ya años cada vez peor día días semanas años pasados deprimido convertirse
tired struggleive therapy medication since much adolescents spent drug induced zombie graduated binge drinking consuming mg thc day form edibles career almost encourages substance abuse anyone looking would dream job im tired go days without sleep sleep solid hours medication working therapy nothing always unhappy ive set date improve check out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired struggleive therapy medication since much adolescents spent drug induced zombie graduated binge drinking consuming mg thc day form edibles career almost encourages substance abuse anyone looking would dream job im tired go days without sleep sleep solid hours medication working therapy nothing always unhappy ive set date improve check out" ]
cansados medicamentos de terapia forcejeo ya que muchos adolescentes pasaron drogas inducidas zombi se graduó beber beber mg thc día forma comestibles carrera casi alienta el abuso de sustancias cualquier persona que busca trabajo sueño estoy cansado ir días sin sueño sueño horas sólidas medicamentos trabajo terapia nada siempre infeliz ive fecha establecida mejorar chequeo
teacher lowering grade previou grading period anyone straight as first grading periodnow im end secondand looked back stand one class c wtf techah
[ "teacher lowering grade previou grading period anyone straight as first grading periodnowim end secondand looked back stand one class c wtf techah" ]
Profesor bajar grado previo período de calificación cualquiera recta como primer período de calificación ahora final segundo y miró hacia atrás stand una clase c wtf techah
please help im serious today started getting noti phone saying anne sent photos offical notification hit clear come back idk happening cant remember clicking fishy sites also get ads sometimes open phone now please help also im android use play protect matters also update got fb dms sas random girl rubbing tits
[ "please help im serious today started getting noti phone saying anne sent photos offical notification hit clear come back idk happening cant remember clicking fishy sites also get ads sometimes open phone now please help also im android use play protect matters also updategot fb dms sas random girl rubbing tits" ]
por favor ayudame en serio hoy empecé a conseguir noti teléfono diciendo que anne envió fotos oficial notificación golpe claro volver idk sucediendo no recuerdo hacer clic en sitios pescados también conseguir anuncios a veces teléfono abierto ahora por favor ayudame también im android uso juego proteger asuntos también updategot fb dms sas chica aleatoria frotando tetas
want people know whats happening life since cant really tell someone irl without freaking somethingi really dont want to stuff going happen soon resulting loosing family school long term girlfriend im really scared im coward honestly would rather dead try fix mess mess putting lightly though life large puzzle itd like throwing entire thing fire shame im thinking cutting artery idt id stomach that ill figure something out hear takes bleed out dont hit artery people usually discovered saved fortunately live alone dorm room one ever visits lot time wrote note class addressed girlfriend looking back it kinda place dont feel like fixing it hear slit arm cause permanent damage fuck up got medical stuff case wake decide try right after guess im writing make sure people know dont history depression havent really shown obvious reasons something think id ever kill myself feel certain sense control calmness im actually looking forward time make decision decide go it ill let guys know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want people know whats happening life since cant really tell someone irl without freaking somethingi really dont want to stuff going happen soon resulting loosing family school long term girlfriendim really scared im coward honestly would rather dead try fix mess mess putting lightly though life large puzzle itd like throwing entire thing fire shame im thinking cutting artery idt id stomach that ill figure something out hear takes bleed out dont hit artery people usually discovered saved fortunately live alone dorm roomone ever visits lot time wrote note class addressed girlfriend looking back it kinda place dont feel like fixing it hear slit arm cause permanent damage fuck up got medical stuff case wake decide try right after guess im writing make sure people know dont history depression havent really shown obvious reasons something think id ever kill myself feel certain sense control calmness im actually looking forward time make decision decide go it ill let guys know" ]
Quiero que la gente sepa lo que está pasando la vida ya que no puede realmente decirle a alguien irl sin freaking somethingi realmente no quiero hacer cosas va a suceder pronto resultando perder escuela familiar noviaim de largo plazo realmente asustado im cobarde honestamente preferiría muerto tratar de arreglar desastre desastre poner a la ligera aunque la vida gran rompecabezas como tirar todo fuego vergüenza im pensar cortar arteria itt id estómago que mal figura algo oye sacar sangre no golpear arteria personas por lo general se descubren salvados por suerte vivir solo dormitorio una vez visitas mucho tiempo escribió nota clase dirigida novia mirando hacia atrás un poco lugar no se siente como repararlo escuchar corte brazo causa daño permanente mierda tiene cosas médicas caso despertar decidir intentar derecho después de adivinar im escribir asegurarse de que la gente sabe historia depresión no ha demostrado realmente razones obvias algo piensa id nunca me mata sentir cierto control de sentido calma im mirar hacia adelante tiempo decidir ir mal dejar que los chicos saben
spoke veterans crisis hotlinewhen younger thought redflag quite lot point life decided going zombie living now thats say moments happiness things fun decided would live life despite really feeling like point all recently someone base committed redflag reason got thinking lot think might it thoughts passed point return capable same decided last night talk redflag hotline veterans person spoke kept referring helpless hopeless thoughts feelings ive seen sentiment many posts here feel things amazing life feel like horrible one either see point anything best way explain it paraphrase monologue beginning movie the art getting by since dawn recorded history something like billion human beings born world single one made it billion people planet roughly million die every year million people comes per day read quote kid live alone die alone everything else illusion used keep night die alone so supposed spend life working sweating struggling illusion amount friends girl assignments conjugating pluperfect determining square root hypotenuse gonna help avoid fate anyone else problem wanting commit redflag hardships struggles honestly point living
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "spoke veterans crisis hotlinewhen younger thought redflag quite lot point life decided going zombie living now thats say moments happiness things fun decided would live life despite really feeling like point all recently someone base committed redflag reason got thinking lot think might it thoughts passed point return capable same decided last night talk redflag hotline veterans person spoke kept referring helpless hopeless thoughts feelings ive seen sentiment many posts here feel things amazing life feel like horrible one either see point anything best way explain it paraphrase monologue beginning movie the art getting by since dawn recorded history something like billion human beings born world single one made it billion people planet roughly million die every year million people comes per day read quote kid live alone die alone everything else illusion used keep night die alone so supposed spend life working sweating struggling illusion amount friends girl assignments conjugating pluperfect determining square root hypotenuse gonna help avoid fate anyone else problem wanting commit redflag hardships struggles honestly point living" ]
habla veteranos crisis línea directa cuando más joven pensó Redflag bastante punto de vida decidió ir zombie vivir ahora que dice momentos felicidad cosas diversión decidió vivir vida a pesar de sentir realmente como punto todos recientemente alguien base comisión Redflag razón llegó pensamiento mucho pensamiento pensamiento pudo pensamientos pasado punto de retorno capaz igual decidió anoche charla redflag línea directa veteranos persona habló siguió refiriendo desvalido pensamientos desesperanza sentimientos ive visto muchos posts aquí sentir cosas increíble vida se siente como horrible uno o bien ver punto cualquier mejor manera explicar parafrases monólogo comenzar película el arte conseguir desde amanecer historia grabada algo como miles de millones de seres humanos nacidos mundo único uno hizo que miles de millones de personas planeta aproximadamente millones de personas mueren cada año millones de personas por día leer cita niño vivir solo morir solo todo lo demás ilusión utilizado mantener la noche morir solo así supone pasar la vida trabajo sudora ilusión cantidad amigos tareas conjugado pluperfect determinar raíz cuadrada hipotenusa va a ayudar a evitar destino cualquier otro problema que quiere cometer dificultades Redflag
thought original film quaint charming well sitting edge seat trying figure outbr br since already seen original saw sci fi channel know remake deliberately made sci fi knew within first minutes since like richard burgi character actor wanted see would pull offbr br the writersproducers etc modernized film bit trying explain plight aliens they could longer reproduce kind needed help using pseudo science crammed ears s maybe added bit polish film notbr br this film film production takes sinister edge original did original ended confrontation young woman alien understanding sorts took place although resolution aliens problembr br i sort remember remake woman became rather hostile towards burgialien think could ended better ending ending yarn swell yarn basic science fiction pulp stock many great science fiction stories written s even made filmbr br this swell thing watch like rainy day something rate highly cos remakes old s sci fi one came well actually enjoyed quite bitbr br but anyone really wants see story told well suggest original version tom tyron gloria talbott directed gene fowler jr
[ "thought original film quaint charming well sitting edge seat trying figure outbr br since already seen original saw sci fi channel know remake deliberately made sci fi knew within first minutes since like richard burgi character actor wanted see would pull offbr br the writersproducers etc modernized film bit trying explain plight aliens they could longer reproduce kind needed help using pseudo science crammed ears s maybe added bit polish film notbr br this film film production takes sinister edge original did original ended confrontation young woman alien understanding sorts took place although resolution aliens problembr br i sort remember remake woman became rather hostile towards burgialien think could ended better ending ending yarn swell yarn basic science fiction pulp stock many great science fiction stories written s even made filmbr br this swell thing watch like rainy day something rate highly cos remakes old s sci fi one came well actually enjoyed quite bitbr br but anyone really wants see story told well suggest original version tom tyron gloria talbott directed gene fowler jr" ]
Pensó película original pintoresco encantador asiento borde sentado tratando de averiguar br outbr br ya visto original sci fi canal saber remake deliberadamente hecho sci fi sabía en los primeros minutos ya que como Richard burgi personaje actor quería ver sacar offbr br los escritores productores etc modernizado película poco tratando de explicar la difícil situación extraterrestres que podrían reproducir más tiempo tipo necesario ayuda utilizando pseudo ciencia crammed orejas s tal vez añadido poco polaco película notbr br esta película producción toma borde siniestro original hizo final confrontación joven mujer alienígena tipo de comprensión tuvo lugar aunque resolución aliens problembr br i sort recuerdo remake mujer se convirtió en bastante hostil hacia burgialien pensar podría terminar mejor final hilo hilo hilo hilo básico ciencia ficción pulp stock muchas grandes historias de ciencia ficción escritos s incluso hizo película br br este maravilloso reloj como día lluvioso algo tasa muy cos remakes old s sci fi uno vino muy bien disfrutado br br pero alguien realmente quiere ver historia cuenta bien sugerir versión original tom tyron gloria talbott direc
gen z want live theres viral video tiktok right know yearold saying hopes everyone related cop dies mean yeah fuck cops theyre assholes fuck wrong people xbox modern warfare i hope whole fucking family dies type joke people genuinely want happen
[ "gen z want live theres viral video tiktokright knowyearold saying hopes everyone related cop dies meanyeah fuck cops theyre assholes fuck wrong people xboxmodern warfarei hope whole fucking family dies type joke people genuinely want happen" ]
gen z quiere en vivo theres video viral tiktokright knowyearold que dice espera que todos los policías relacionados mueran meanyeah mierda policías ellos son imbéciles mierda gente equivocada xbox guerra moderna espero toda la familia muere tipo broma la gente realmente quiere suceder
enjoyed albert pyuns nemesis cheesy action semicomplicated script lot people complain confusing plot first film probably nemesis nebula dumb rocks plot superaction carry throughbr br this one gives name first movies hero alex bulked superfemale sent past save future raised tribe africa good portion film dialogue african tongue without subtitles liked made seem somewhat authentic how often movies genre really try that take long evil cyborgs time travel back time find try kill herbr br dont get wrong piece crap not first one anything great subplots involving africas political unrest treasure hunting tribal combat picture short brains none things gets good treatment picture basically drawn fight chases boils musclebabe vs cyborg entertainment value expect quality anything first movie
[ "enjoyed albert pyuns nemesis cheesy action semicomplicated script lot people complain confusing plot first film probably nemesis nebula dumb rocks plot superaction carry throughbr br this one gives name first movies hero alex bulked superfemale sent past save future raised tribe africa good portion film dialogue african tongue without subtitles liked made seem somewhat authentic how often movies genre really try that take long evil cyborgs time travel back time find try kill herbr br dont get wrong piece crap not first one anything great subplots involving africas political unrest treasure hunting tribal combat picture short brains none things gets good treatment picture basically drawn fight chases boils musclebabe vs cyborg entertainment value expect quality anything first movie" ]
albert pyuns nemesis cheesy acción semicomplicado script lot gente queja trama confusa primera película probablemente nemesis nebulosa tonto rocas trama superacción llevar a travésbr br este da nombre primeras películas hero alex bulsed superfemenina enviado pasado salvar futuro planteado tribu África buena porción cine diálogo lengua africana sin subtítulos me gusta hacer parecer un poco auténtico cómo a menudo películas género realmente tratar de que tomar largo cyborgs mal viaje en el tiempo volver encontrar tratar de matar herbr br no conseguir pieza equivocada mierda no primero un gran subplots que involucra África político malestar tesoro caza corto combate cerebros imagen ninguna cosa consigue buen tratamiento cuadro básicamente dibujado lucha persecución musculos babe vs cyborg valor entretenimiento esperar calidad cualquier cosa primera película
cant decide want kill myselfi seriously wish lived near high bridge like golden gate bridge san francisco did wouldnt alive right now theres lots trees near house wherei could learn tie noose hang myself could also crash car metal poll tree high speeds want method thats fast painless world evil cruel place longer want part it parents ever owned firearm would likely killed now wish one could stuck gun roof mouth die painlessly last year alive im excited fucking escape everything permanently cant live life loser killed young age
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant decide want kill myselfi seriously wish lived near high bridge like golden gate bridge san francisco did wouldnt alive right now theres lots trees near house wherei could learn tie noose hang myself could also crash car metal poll tree high speeds want method thats fast painless world evil cruel place longer want part it parents ever owned firearm would likely killed now wish one could stuck gun roof mouth die painlessly last year alive im excited fucking escape everything permanently cant live life loser killed young age" ]
No puedo decidir que quiero matar a mi mismo en serio deseo vivir cerca de alto puente como puerta de oro puente san francisco no viviría en este momento hay muchos árboles cerca de casa donde podría aprender atar la soga colgar yo mismo también podría estrellarse coche metal encuesta árbol alta velocidad quiere método que es rápido sin dolor mundo mal cruel lugar más quiere parte que los padres nunca tenían armas de fuego probablemente matarían ahora deseo de que uno podría clavado pistola boca del techo morir sin dolor el año pasado vivo im emocionado mierda escapar de todo permanentemente no puede vivir perdedor muerte joven edad
adviceso recently ive getting extremely caught head past ive found hard able find happiness question is make pain go away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "adviceso recently ive getting extremely caught head past ive found hard able find happiness question is make pain go away" ]
Consejos tan recientemente ive conseguir extremadamente atrapado cabeza pasado ive encontrado difícil encontrar la felicidad pregunta es hacer desaparecer el dolor
ever think about constantlyim utterly alone im hurting much cant go longer im giving in much everyone gone cant go like anymore cant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ever think about constantlyim utterly alone im hurting much cant go longer im giving in much everyone gone cant go like anymore cant" ]
Alguna vez pensar en constantemente completamente solo me duele mucho no puedo ir más largo im dando en mucho todo el mundo ido no puedo ir más como cant
new year new xd bwas tuff challenqinq learned wut lovelt iz wut pain iz made new freinds lt lost old freinds lt learned nd matter wut liv lyff w reqretzz stronqer cant wait new year new wut abowt guys
[ "new year new xd bwas tuff challenqinq learned wut lovelt iz wut pain iz made new freinds lt lost old freinds lt learned nd matter wut liv lyff w reqretzz stronqer cant wait new year new wut abowt guys" ]
nuevo año nuevo xd bwas tuff challenqinq aprendido wut lovellt iz wut dolor iz hizo nuevos freinds lt perdió viejos freinds lt aprendido y materia wut liv liff w reqretzz stronqer no puede esperar nuevo año nuevo wut abowt chicos
fascinating yet unsettling look edith bouvier beale big edie daughter little edie aunt first cousin late jacquelyn kennedy onasis live rodent infested rundown mansion considered health hazard city becomes quite clear quickly two well past eccentric little edie seems acts mindset ten year old even though actually content pretty much made two things first conversations little edie lambastes big edie driving away potential suitors ruining aspiring career writer actress dancer discussions usually become rhetorical nonsensical often times amusing second part consists long bouts attempted singing parties course thinks singing perfect sounds bad one amazing scene big edie actually physically attacks little edie cane get stop warbling captivating yet one gets feeling serious exploitation going subjects far gone know it filmmakers seem treat like freak show circus coming day record and chuckle whatever bizarre behavior may come about ultimately sad picture shows world simply past two by hopes dreams decayed mansion live in despite bickering two need ever without would refuge loneliness amazing line comes big edie whose many cats relieve throughout bedroom response complaint smell simply unbelievable
[ "fascinating yet unsettling look edith bouvier beale big edie daughter little edie aunt first cousin late jacquelyn kennedy onasis live rodent infested rundown mansion considered health hazard city becomes quite clear quickly two well past eccentric little edie seems acts mindset ten year old even though actually content pretty much made two things first conversations little edie lambastes big edie driving away potential suitors ruining aspiring career writer actress dancer discussions usually become rhetorical nonsensical often times amusing second part consists long bouts attempted singing parties course thinks singing perfect sounds bad one amazing scene big edie actually physically attacks little edie cane get stop warbling captivating yet one gets feeling serious exploitation going subjects far gone know", "it filmmakers seem treat like freak show circus coming day record and chuckle whatever bizarre behavior may come about ultimately sad picture shows world simply past two by hopes dreams decayed mansion live in despite bickering two need ever without would refuge loneliness amazing line comes big edie whose many cats relieve throughout bedroom response complaint smell simply unbelievable" ]
fascinante pero inquietante mirada edith bouvier beale gran edie hija pequeña edie tía primo primero late jacquelyn kennedy onasis live roedor infested rundown mansión considerada ciudad riesgo salud se vuelve muy clara rápidamente dos bien pasado excéntrico poco edie parece actos mentalidad diez años de edad, incluso aunque en realidad el contenido bastante hecho dos cosas primero conversaciones poco edie lambastes gran edie ahuyentando posibles pretendientes aspirantes carrera escritora actriz bailarina discusiones por lo general se convierte en retórica sin sentido a menudo divertido momentos segunda parte consiste largas peleas intento cantar fiestas curso piensa cantar sonidos perfectos malos una escena increíble gran edie en realidad físicamente ataques poco edie caña conseguir dejar de Warbling cautivante sin embargo uno se siente grave explotación va temas lejanos saber
dont know im freaking ive done before cant hear ear pushed wax back cleaning ears cant hear left ear happened before dont know im freaking out dont know dont know whats going on
[ "dont know im freaking ive done before cant hear ear pushed wax back cleaning ears cant hear left ear happened before dont know im freaking out dont know dont know whats going on" ]
No sé cómo se hace antes de oír la cera empujada hacia atrás la limpieza de las orejas no puedo oír la oreja izquierda antes de que no sé cómo se vuelve loco no sé qué está pasando
killing escape humanityi often think want kill ill never deal another person ever again times truly deeply happy alone nature always way feel alive taking walks starry skies going barefoot moors surrounded animals only mind body everything am registers people threat true contentment happiness found solitude feel broken deal people feel constant sharp pain makes think sth wrong me thing instantly ebbs away alone nature maybe belong society id okay that never asked become human id rather free animal tbh now never want see another person ever again people fundamentally untrustworthy cause much pain id id feel whole living alone woods either killing myself valid options escape humanity redflag would also mean person anymore biggest wish know im supposed enjoy alive know im young blabla miss stars solitude want go nature let die whenever want to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "killing escape humanityi often think want kill ill never deal another person ever again times truly deeply happy alone nature always way feel alive taking walks starry skies going barefoot moors surrounded animals only mind body everything am registers people threat true contentment happiness found solitude feel broken deal people feel constant sharp pain makes think sth wrong me thing instantly ebbs away alone nature maybe belong societyid okay that never asked become human id rather free animal tbh now never want see another person ever again people fundamentally untrustworthy cause much pain id id feel whole living alone woods either killing myself valid options escape humanity redflag would also mean person anymore biggest wish know im supposed enjoy alive know im young blabla miss stars solitude want go nature let die whenever want to" ]
Matar escapar de la humanidad a menudo pienso que querer matar mal nunca volver a tratar a otra persona veces verdaderamente profundamente feliz sola naturaleza siempre se siente vivo tomando caminatas cielos estrellados yendo descalzos páramos rodeados animales solo mente cuerpo todo soy registro personas amenaza verdadera contentamiento felicidad encontrado soledad se siente roto trato la gente siente constante dolor agudo hace pensar sth mal me cosa instantáneamente effs lejos sola naturaleza tal vez pertenece a la sociedad bien que nunca pidió convertirse en humano id más bien libre animal tbh ahora nunca quiero ver a otra persona de nuevo personas fundamentalmente poco confiables causa mucho dolor id id sentir entero vivir solo bosques o matarme opciones válidas escapar de la humanidad Redflag también significa persona más grande deseo saber im supuesto disfrutar vivo saber im joven blabla señorita estrellas quiere ir a la naturaleza dejar morir cuando quiera querer
lockdown ruined already miserable ability conversation like normal human especially voice calls unless im playing game people cant talk discord anymore autistic little brain tells
[ "lockdown ruined already miserable ability conversation like normal human especially voice calls unless im playing game people cant talk discord anymore autistic little brain tells" ]
encierro arruinado ya miserable habilidad conversación como humano normal especialmente llamadas de voz a menos que yo juego la gente no puede hablar de discordia más autista poco cerebro cuenta
thanks everyone spoke me made mindi realized cant bear return home decision liberating first time long time clarity purpose gonna right world goes on thank sharing last moments take care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thanks everyone spoke me made mindi realized cant bear return home decision liberating first time long time clarity purpose gonna right world goes on thank sharing last moments take care" ]
Gracias todo el mundo me habló hizo que Mindi se dio cuenta no puede soportar volver a casa decisión liberadora por primera vez mucho tiempo claro propósito va a mundo derecho sigue en gracias compartir los últimos momentos tener cuidado
one frightening game experiences ever make keep lights next bed great storyline romantic horrific ironic plot fans original resident evil surprise returning character mention voiceacting drastically improved previous series miss best series
[ "one frightening game experiences ever make keep lights next bed great storyline romantic horrific ironic plot fans original resident evil surprise returning character mention voiceacting drastically improved previous series miss best series" ]
una aterradora experiencia de juego siempre hacer mantener las luces al lado de la cama gran historia romántica horrorosa irónica trama fans original residente mal sorpresa volver mención personaje voz actuando dramáticamente mejorado serie anterior señorita mejor serie
keep pretending ok not thoughts spiral hard get stuck thinking point all ever wanted pursue passion life did made huge leaps bounds lot hard work sacrifices primary name major motion picture soon released people proud jealous look me idk wish could get behind perspective huge jumping point me huge step right direction cannot storm hit months ago broke living home again work took get number health great begin with thanks genetics still stories want tell world fucked going help anyway even get there inside gross depressed years juggling suicide past nine months off medicated exercise twice day eat healthy sleep sometimes drink smoke cut lot feel better it single hope love care kids never have wanted career feel like want anything die tired this know do looking someone talk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep pretending ok not thoughts spiral hard get stuck thinking point all ever wanted pursue passion life did made huge leaps bounds lot hard work sacrifices primary name major motion picture soon released people proud jealous look me idk wish could get behind perspective huge jumping point me huge step right direction cannot storm hit months ago broke living home again work took get number health great begin with thanks genetics still stories want tell world fucked going help anyway even get there inside gross depressed years juggling suicide past nine months off medicated exercise twice day eat healthy sleep sometimes drink smoke cut lot feel better it single hope love care kids never have wanted career feel like want anything die tired this know do looking someone talk" ]
Sigue fingiendo ok no pensamientos espiral duro se quedan atascados punto de pensamiento todo lo que siempre quiso perseguir pasión la vida hizo enormes saltos límites mucho trabajo duro sacrificios nombre principal gran película pronto liberado personas orgullosas celosas mirarme idk deseo podría conseguir detrás de perspectiva enorme salto punto me enorme paso en la dirección correcta no puede tormenta golpeó meses atrás roto vivir en casa de nuevo trabajo tomó salud número gran comienzo con gracias genética todavía las historias quieren contar mundo mierda va ayuda de todos modos incluso llegar allí dentro de años deprimido bruto malabares suicidio pasado nueve meses de ejercicio medicado dos veces día comer sueño saludable a veces beber humo cortado mucho sentir mejor es único esperanza amor cuidado niños nunca han querido carrera se siente como querer nada morir cansado este saber mirar a alguien hablar
hopes up crushed epicallyive suffering depression long remember stopped taking meds two months ago make feel keep mind good place begin with already inches swallowing bottles pills have weeks ago encouraged apply promotion work interviewed really well according interviewer asked later on even acting supervisor days supervisors available told supervisors sure means got it get work today check email find complete utter denial explanation nobody else applied position tonight taking pills ive saved up im worthless im worthless deserve live nobody severe ptsd raped military twice got months later given hiv yr old male btw want keep living maybe ill swallow pills maybe ill jump front train maybe ill even bleed out ten years left live anyways nobody would care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hopes up crushed epicallyive suffering depression long remember stopped taking meds two months ago make feel keep mind good place begin with already inches swallowing bottles pills have weeks ago encouraged apply promotion work interviewed really well according interviewer asked later on even acting supervisor days supervisors available told supervisors sure means got it get work today check email find complete utter denial explanation nobody else applied position tonight taking pills ive saved up im worthless im worthless deserve live nobody severe ptsd raped military twice got months later given hivyr old male btw want keep living maybe ill swallow pills maybe ill jump front trainmaybe ill even bleed out ten years left live anyways nobody would care" ]
esperanzas aplastadas épicamente sufrimiento depresión largo recordar dejó de tomar medicamentos hace dos meses hacer sentir buen lugar comenzar con ya pulgadas tragar botellas píldoras han semanas ha alentado a aplicar trabajo de promoción entrevistado muy bien de acuerdo entrevistador preguntado más tarde incluso actuar supervisor días supervisores disponibles dijo a supervisores medios seguro consiguió trabajo hoy comprobar correo electrónico encontrar completa explicación negación completa nadie más aplicación posición esta noche tomar píldoras ive saved im inútil im merecer vivir nadie ptsd severo violado militar dos veces consiguió meses más tarde dado hivyr viejo macho btw quiere seguir viviendo tal vez mal tragar píldoras tal vez mal salto tren delantero tal vez mal incluso sangrar diez años de vida de todos modos a nadie le importa
something wrong me dont know something wrong not lying like thinking deaths shit hit me seen many family members die even close friends die always thought would react overwhelming way whenever howeverit doesnt affect all rd grade best friend died asthma attack gathered us gym honor everyone looking me didnt care all spent long girl didnt care died another time wasnt long ago dog years old loved him passed told didnt care thought dying figured would freak out didnt shown picture soldiers heads cut dad didnt want show me stepmom kinda forced too thought id freak didnt gore doesnt bother anyway used look gorey pictures fun find fake many emotions people dont think im weird situations im practically pro fake tears know anti social personality disorder thing however definitely sociopath im type person feels bad bad guy movie something goes wrong dont know normal not talk someone
[ "something wrong me dont know something wrong not lying like thinking deaths shit hit me seen many family members die even close friends die always thought would react overwhelming way whenever howeverit doesnt affect all rd grade best friend died asthma attack gathered us gym honor everyone looking me didnt care all spent long girl didnt care died another time wasnt long ago dog years old loved him passed told didnt care thought dying figured would freak out didnt shown picture soldiers heads cut dad didnt want show me stepmom kinda forced too thought id freak didnt gore doesnt bother anyway used look gorey pictures fun find fake many emotions people dont think im weird situations im practically pro fake tears know anti social personality disorder thing however definitely sociopath im type person feels bad bad guy movie something goes wrong dont know normal not talk someone" ]
algo malo no sé algo malo no mentir como pensar muertes mierda me golpeó visto muchos miembros de la familia mueren incluso amigos cercanos mueren siempre pensé reaccionar de manera abrumadora cuando sin embargo no afecta a todos rd grado mejor amigo murió ataque de asma nos reunió gimnasio honor todo el mundo que me mira no me importaba todos pasado largo chica no le importaba murió otro tiempo no era mucho tiempo perro años de edad lo amaba pasó dijo no le importa pensamiento morir figurado no se le mostró imagen soldados corte cabeza papá no quería mostrarme madrastra como forzado demasiado pensamiento id freak no gore no se molesta de todos modos utilizado mirada gorey fotos diversión encontrar falsas muchas emociones la gente no piensa im situaciones extrañas im prácticamente pro lágrimas falsas conocer trastorno de personalidad social sin embargo definitivamente sociopata tipo persona se siente mal chico película algo va mal no sé normal no hablar alguien
quick git commit die sleeping make sure wakes bunch love everyone
[ "quick git commit die sleeping make sure wakes bunch love everyone" ]
rápido git commit morir dormir asegurarse de que despiertas grupo amar a todo el mundo
new wife would get mad asking basic things pads new clothes school new glasses ect grandma one buy new clothes stuff refused to told wanted academic bowl bpa school laughed said mocking tone smart kids anyways many awards
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new wife would get mad asking basic things pads new clothes school new glasses ect grandma one buy new clothes stuff refused to told wanted academic bowl bpa school laughed said mocking tone smart kids anyways many awards" ]
nueva esposa se enojaría pidiendo cosas básicas almohadillas nueva escuela de ropa nuevos vasos ect abuela uno comprar ropa nueva cosas se negó a decir querido cuenco académico escuela bpa se rió dijo burlándose de niños inteligentes tono de todos modos muchos premios
lpt heres shortest way girls heart chidori raikiri weebs
[ "lpt heres shortest way girls heart chidori raikiri weebs" ]
lpt heres camino más corto chicas corazón chidori raikiri weebs
guys math clicked test minutes pog
[ "guys math clicked test minutes pog" ]
chicos matemáticas hizo clic en minutos de prueba pog
day crossing street almost got hit car see im extremely upset get hitthis first post here feel guilty writing mental energy stick around try give back kindness encouragement desperately hoping receive still ive wishing die long time attempted anything serious yet always try hang there say im afraid failing suffering permanent damage possible afterlife remnants catholic upbringing really wish have day almost died crossed street without looking without even thinking it car swerved stopped driver going quite fast feel relief realising still alive felt nothing pain despair close dying without even noticing didnt cant afford therapy family members good enough mentally healthy enough help friend today snapped trying absolute hardest ask support apparently im unreasonable asking whether five minutes spare rather unloading suicidal wishes go figure tried ask help days ago another subreddit but honestly answers really hoping for know im going this post place keep crying despair feel friend actually kept breaking heart part feels like well deserved yeah im lost im going anything tonight think feels tempting wish kind words empty know strangers issues lurked people seemed nice feel guilty able give anything back im supposed studying cant job covid situation question right honest really see point im living life im going die soon nothing matters wish die im never happy also wish so even know im asking point just please kind even corny heart emoji guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "day crossing street almost got hit car see im extremely upset get hitthis first post here feel guilty writing mental energy stick around try give back kindness encouragement desperately hoping receive still ive wishing die long time attempted anything serious yet always try hang there say im afraid failing suffering permanent damage possible afterlife remnants catholic upbringing really wish have day almost died crossed street without looking without even thinking it car swerved stopped driver going quite fast feel relief realising still alive felt nothing pain despair close dying without even noticing didnt cant afford therapy family members good enough mentally healthy enough help friend today snapped trying absolute hardest ask support apparently im unreasonable asking whether five minutes spare rather unloading suicidal wishes go figure tried ask help days ago another subredditbut honestly answers really hoping for know im going this post place keep crying despair feel friend actually kept breaking heart part feels like well deservedyeah", "im lost im going anything tonight think feels tempting wish kind words empty know strangers issues lurked people seemed nice feel guilty able give anything back im supposed studying cant job covid situation question right honest really see point im livinglifeim going die soon nothing matters wish die im never happy also wish so even know im asking point just please kind even corny heart emoji guess" ]
Día cruzando la calle casi fue atropellado coche ver im extremadamente molesto conseguir golpeó este primer post aquí se siente culpable escribir energía mental palo alrededor tratar de devolver amabilidad ánimo desesperadamente esperar recibir todavía ive desear morir mucho tiempo intentó algo serio pero siempre tratar de colgar allí decir im miedo fracaso sufrimiento daño permanente posible vida después de la muerte restos crianza católica realmente deseo tener día casi muerto cruzó la calle sin mirar sin siquiera pensar que el coche se desvió detuvo conductor va muy rápido sentir alivio se da cuenta todavía vivo sentir nada dolor desesperación cerca morir sin siquiera darse cuenta no puede permitirse terapia familiares lo suficientemente saludable mentalmente amigos lo suficientemente amigo hoy se rompió tratando más duro pedir apoyo aparentemente im poco razonable preguntar si cinco minutos de sobra más bien descarga suicida deseos ir figura tratado pedir ayuda días atrás otro subreditpero respuestas honestamente realmente esperando saber im va este post llorar desesperación sentir amigo en realidad se mantuvo romper parte del corazón se siente como bien merecidoyeah
need someone talk toto anyone either bad day even thinking taking life please feel free send message aim snypers usually online either playing video games browsing reddit feel free send message know isnt much feel like need help fellow redditors
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk toto anyone either bad day even thinking taking life please feel free send message aim snypers usually online either playing video games browsing reddit feel free send message know isnt much feel like need help fellow redditors" ]
necesita alguien hablar con cualquier persona o mal día incluso pensando tomar la vida por favor siéntase libre enviar mensaje snypers objetivo por lo general en línea ya sea jugando videojuegos navegar reddit sentir libre enviar mensaje saber no es mucho sentir como la necesidad de ayuda compañeros redditors
others even care anymoreive never ordinary kid ive faced multiple occasions physical mental abuse growing up imagine kind effects later life hate others feel like im fed bread crumbs taking blame things fault know think tiring wake another day hope future one vent without looking like attention seeker im always tempted self harm know anymorei hate point really see anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "others even care anymoreive never ordinary kid ive faced multiple occasions physical mental abuse growing up imagine kind effects later life hate others feel like im fed bread crumbs taking blame things fault know think tiring wake another day hope future one vent without looking like attention seeker im always tempted self harm know anymorei hate point really see anymore" ]
A otros incluso les importa más que nunca un niño común y corriente se enfrenta a múltiples ocasiones abuso físico mental crecer imaginar efectos amables más tarde la vida odian a otros se sienten como migajas de pan alimentado tomando culpa cosas falla saben pensar cansado despertar otro día esperanza futuro una ventilación sin parecerse a la atención buscador im siempre tentado auto daño saber ya odio punto realmente ver más
anyone talk mehi really need people talk right now okay atm im pain moms bf basically hit strangled me life honestly pretty shit overall try keep going everyday today bit much called police here end still left alone theres much do file charges feel alone life tbh know go anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone talk mehi really need people talk right nowokay atmim pain moms bf basically hit strangled me life honestly pretty shit overall try keep going everyday today bit much called police here end still left alone theres much do file charges feel alone life tbh know go anymore" ]
alguien habla mehi realmente necesita gente hablar ahora mismo okay atmim dolor mamás bf básicamente golpeado estranguló mi vida honestamente bastante mierda en general tratar de seguir yendo todos los días hoy poco mucho llamado policía aquí final todavía solo Theres mucho archivo cargos se siente solo vida tbh saber ir más
idk feel anymore bisexual idk biromantic one non gay girl friends kissed cheek idk tell simp barron trump join rbarrontrumpfanclub
[ "idk feel anymore bisexual idk biromantic one non gay girl friends kissed cheek idk tell simp barron trump join rbarrontrumpfanclub" ]
idk se siente más bisexual idk biromantic una chica no gay amigos besado mejilla idk decirle simp barron triunfo unirse a rbarrontrumpfanclub
mom put broccoli spam together dont get wrong love mom uhbroccoli spam combo dont know eat this excused bathroom write this wish luck
[ "mom put broccoli spam together dont get wrong love mom uhbroccoli spam combo dont know eat this excused bathroom write this wish luck" ]
mamá puso brócoli spam juntos no se equivoca amor mamá uhbroccoli spam combo no sé comer este cuarto de baño excusado escribir este deseo suerte
hhhhhh fuck finished work due monday ive avoiding work understand think might deadline
[ "hhhhhh fuck finished work due monday ive avoiding work understand think might deadline" ]
hhhhhh mierda terminado el trabajo debido lunes ive evitando el trabajo entender pensar que podría plazo
kill feels like big mistakei weak human dont care well future failed two studies this im late application next one days go nothing interests me wanted kill knew future got family sucks want exist im grown all do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kill feels like big mistakei weak human dont care well future failed two studies this im late application next one days go nothing interests me wanted kill knew future got family sucks want exist im grown all do" ]
Matar se siente como error grande débil humano no le importa bien futuro faltó dos estudios esta aplicación im tarde próximo día ir nada intereses yo quería matar sabía futuro tener familia chupa quiere existir Im crecido todo hacer
rapists deserve torture please read commenting hello couple friends got argument rapists deserve said death also said torture torture like cutting fingers shit downvote hell please let explain myself dad rapist doesnt excuse me mom died childbirth dad one cause sister didnt talk anyone cause dad raped her hated dad wouldnt torture him imagine person u love example whole family dead u ur sondaughter turns rapist would u torture him hear scream cut fingers u dont imagine u could rapists deserve it tell u thoughts that
[ "rapists deserve torture please read commenting hello couple friends got argument rapists deserve said death also said torture torture like cutting fingers shitdownvote hell please let explain myself dad rapist doesnt excuse me mom died childbirth dad one cause sister didnt talk anyone cause dad raped her hated dad wouldnt torture him imagine person u love example whole family dead u ur sondaughter turns rapist would u torture him hear scream cut fingers u dont imagine u could rapists deserve it tell u thoughtsthat" ]
Los violadores merecen tortura por favor lea comentar hola pareja amigos tienen argumento violadores merecen decir muerte también dijo tortura tortura como cortar dedos mierda hacia abajovoto infierno por favor déjeme explicar papá violador no me excusa mamá murió parto papá una causa hermana no hablar nadie porque papá violó a su odiado papá no le torturaría imaginar persona u amor ejemplo toda la familia muerto u u hijo se convierte violador u tortura él escuchar grito corte dedos u dont imaginar usted podría violadores merecer decir u pensamientos que
blocked father dead childi want abortion forced getting one day recovery calls say my job done closure end us never pregnancy said help recovery said even though access resources still need communication leasti know describe it odd hormone bond pregnant makes want fathers care hung up blocked every way possible way contact him idea hack could atleast get hold someone knows im physically unwell already post op bleeding pain mentally cant stand child father gone easiest way go without pain take bunch pills
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "blocked father dead childi want abortion forced getting one day recovery calls say my job done closure end us never pregnancy said help recovery said even though access resources still need communication leasti know describe it odd hormone bond pregnant makes want fathers care hung up blocked every way possible way contact him idea hack could atleast get hold someone knows im physically unwell already post op bleeding pain mentally cant stand child father gone easiest way go without pain take bunch pills" ]
bloqueado padre niño muerto quiere aborto forzado conseguir un día de recuperación llamadas decir mi trabajo hecho cierre final nosotros nunca embarazo dijo ayuda recuperación dijo a pesar de acceso recursos todavía necesitan comunicación al menos saber describirlo extraño vínculo hormonal hace que los padres quieren cuidado colgados de todas las maneras posibles contacto con él idea hack podría al menos conseguir mantener a alguien sabe im físicamente mal ya post op sangrado dolor mental no puedo soportar niño padre fue más fácil ir sin dolor tomar pastillas grupo
im you know feelingive experienced enormous amount loss recently ive posted reaching myself experienced loss days ago entire family gone today recognize worst part feeling alone even speak someone knowing support comes lack true knowledge awful going actually is one broken person another you talk me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im you know feelingive experienced enormous amount loss recently ive posted reaching myself experienced loss days ago entire family gone today recognize worst part feeling alone even speak someone knowing support comes lack true knowledge awful going actually is one broken person another you talk me" ]
¿Sabes que la sensación de experiencia enorme pérdida de cantidad recientemente ive publicado llegar a mí experiencia pérdida hace días toda la familia se fue hoy reconocer la peor parte sentimiento solo incluso hablar alguien que sabe apoyo viene falta verdadero conocimiento horrible ir en realidad es una persona rota otra persona que me habla
want tobecause hate feelingright doesnt seem like anything going direction wife two affairsdespite tried make work filed divorce courts ruling favor kids child support top that work absolute shit show im lose job justdont know take anymore spent time last night thinking something ever past things holding back kiddos religions beliefs scared afterlife looks like it despite that theres part wants escape here getting harder harder push down
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want tobecause hate feelingright doesnt seem like anything going direction wife two affairsdespite tried make work filed divorce courts ruling favor kids child support top that work absolute shit show im lose job justdont know take anymore spent time last night thinking something ever past things holding back kiddos religions beliefs scared afterlife looks like it despite that theres part wants escape here getting harder harder push down" ]
quiero porque odio sentimiento derecho no parece como cualquier cosa que va dirección esposa dos asuntos a pesar de tratar de hacer trabajo presentada tribunales de divorcio fallo favor niños manutención superior que trabajo absoluta mierda show I perder trabajo sólo no sé más tiempo pasado la noche pensando en algo siempre pasado cosas que retienen a los niños religiones creencias miedo después de la vida se parece a pesar de que Theres parte quiere escapar aquí cada vez más duro empujar hacia abajo
something change undeniable dilemmaim borderline means distorted perceptions means husband goes verbal tirade tells awful am imcant say hes wrong says im abusive son remember said get yell last night home son day recovering minor surgery exhausted stayed night check him asked husband help ask right way overwhelmed exhausted came across bitchy guess yelled yelled yelled ways im horrible already knew piece shit husband thinks too threatened wit telling really thought go there idea ask help properly know borderline quit next months spent planning arranging redflag feeling never goes away im trapped unhappy marriage someone verbal abuses calls abusive one believe im borderline feelings last borderline shelol forget hours anyway nope forget hard forget years wrong bad horrible always causing trouble time go hurt anyone else better mom killed mom thats borderline im going abuse others dead cant leave husband fight custody child support use mental illness pot use me theres way win im going stay way wants mouth shut chore errands everything around house everything kid never ask money anything im going play nice doctors save meds enough bother posting here gives shit stupid fucking borderline one herpes mental illness maybe date gets closer ill come back tell plan maybe post non forum tell theres one less borderline world maybe jump front train today instead sorry wasting anyones time read this borderlines fucking joke people laugh kill myself one help me nothing helping mens help therapy help know else besides ect lobotomy redflag way out find way guts it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "something change undeniable dilemmaim borderline means distorted perceptions means husband goes verbal tirade tells awful am imcant say hes wrong says im abusive sonremember said get yell last night home son day recovering minor surgery exhausted stayed night check him asked husband help ask right way overwhelmed exhausted came across bitchy guess yelled yelled yelled ways im horrible already knew piece shit husband thinks too threatened wit telling really thought go there idea ask help properly know borderline quit next months spent planning arranging redflag feeling never goes away im trapped unhappy marriage someone verbal abuses calls abusive one believe im borderline feelings", "last borderline shelol forget hours anyway nope forget hard forget years wrong bad horrible always causing trouble time go hurt anyone else better mom killed mom thats borderline im going abuse others dead cant leave husband fight custody child support use mental illness pot use me theres way win im going stay way wants mouth shut chore errands everything around house everything kid never ask money anything im going play nice doctors save meds enough bother posting here gives shit stupid fucking borderline one herpes mental illness maybe date gets closer ill come back tell plan maybe post non forum tell theres one less borderline world maybe jump front train today instead sorry wasting anyones time read this borderlines fucking joke people laugh kill myself one help me nothing helping mens help therapy help know else besides ect lobotomy redflag way out find way guts it" ]
algo cambia incontestable dilemaim borderline significa percepciones distorsionadas significa marido va diatriba verbal le dice horrible estoy imcantante decir hes mal dice im abusivo sonremember dijo gritar anoche casa hijo día recuperación cirugía menor agotado estancia noche cheque le preguntó marido ayuda preguntar derecha manera abrumado agotado llegó a través perra conjetura gritada gritada maneras im horrible ya sabía pedazo mierda marido piensa demasiado amenazada ingenio decir realmente pensamiento ir allí idea pedir ayuda correctamente saber borderline dejar los próximos meses pasados planificación arreglo sentimiento de bandera roja nunca desaparece im atrapado matrimonio infeliz alguien abusos verbales llama abusivo uno cree im sentimientos límites
unbelievably close real life feelings emotions captured joseph mazzello hemophiliac child affected aids new young neighbor wannabe tough redneck played perfection brad renfro although story may seem slightly farfetched the two boys attempt riverraft several hundred miles find doctor claims cure aids emotion actions interactions characters involved tragically close real life big brother boy similar situation died years film released strongly recommend picture anyone ever wondered really happens life child aids superb direction peter horton creates perfect mood setting scene draws viewer various emotions affected friendship illness prejudice final parting two friends fought hard overcome adversity
[ "unbelievably close real life feelings emotions captured joseph mazzello hemophiliac child affected aids new young neighbor wannabe tough redneck played perfection brad renfro although story may seem slightly farfetched the two boys attempt riverraft several hundred miles find doctor claims cure aids emotion actions interactions characters involved tragically close real life big brother boy similar situation died years film released strongly recommend picture anyone ever wondered really happens life child aids superb direction peter horton creates perfect mood setting scene draws viewer various emotions affected friendship illness prejudice final parting two friends fought hard overcome adversity" ]
Increíblemente cerca de la vida real sentimientos emociones capturadas joseph mazzello hemofiliac niño afectados ayudas nuevo joven vecino aspira ser rudo redneck jugó perfección brad renfro aunque la historia puede parecer un poco descabellado los dos niños intento riverraft varios cientos de millas encontrar médico afirmaciones cura ayudas emociones acciones personajes involucrados trágicamente cerca vida real hermano grande chico situación similar años de muerte película lanzado película fuertemente recomendar foto alguien se preguntó realmente sucede ayuda vida niño excelente dirección Peter horton crea perfecto ambiente escena dibuja espectador diversas emociones afectados amistad enfermedad prejuicio despedida final dos amigos lucharon duramente superar adversidad
want diei think best thing copy paste wrote empty shell person skin bones organs nothing else there except intruder brain soul even know is know long time made brain home cant seem get leave would swap life anyone die want thats going happen biggest obstacle convincing family best wish could lay chemicals body show ones work ones let belive let alone think ever good enough ones convince happiness belong me ones make feel alone room full people love ones make feel detached everything goes front me ones stop feeling ones make think everyone looks criticising every inch body ones keep night fantasising dying cannot see lives better place living it see benefit bring them longer live spiral abyss depression scars show flaws exposed wake up feel like crap alive god cant save please kill me let go mind peace way tomorrow go pharmacy painkillers sell one box go next pharmacy get another know need two last time oded whole pack ended hospital one pack im going try hardest let throw time work really hard finish dissertation friday saturday get hotel room want grandma find me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want diei think best thing copy paste wrote empty shell person skin bones organs nothing else there except intruder brain soul even know is know long time made brain home cant seem get leave would swap life anyone die want thats going happen biggest obstacle convincing family best wish could lay chemicals body show ones work ones let belive let alone think ever good enough ones convince happiness belong me ones make feel alone room full people love ones make feel detached everything goes front me ones stop feeling ones make think everyone looks criticising every inch body ones keep night fantasising dying cannot see lives better place living it see benefit bring them longer live spiral abyss depression scars show flaws exposed wake up feel like crap alive god cant save please kill me let go mind peace way tomorrow go pharmacy painkillers sell one box go next pharmacy get another know need two last time oded whole pack ended hospital one pack im going try hardest let throw time work really hard finish dissertation friday saturday get hotel room want grandma find me" ]
want diei think best thing copy paste written vac shell person piel huesos órganos nada más allí excepto intruso cerebro alma incluso saber es saber mucho tiempo hecho cerebro hogar cant parece obtener permiso cambiaría vida cualquiera muere quiere que vaya a suceder mayor obstáculo convincente familia mejor deseo podría poner productos químicos cuerpo mostrar uno trabajar uno dejar vivir uno dejar vivir uno pensar siempre lo suficientemente bueno alguien convencer felicidad me pertenecen uno hacer sentirse solo persona completa amor uno hacer sentir despreocupado todo va delante de mí uno deja de sentir uno hace pensar todo parece criticar cada pulgada cuerpo uno mantiene noche fantasear morir no puede ver vidas mejor lugar vivir ver beneficio traerlos más tiempo vivo espiral abismo depresión cicatrices mostrar defectos mostrar se expone se siente como mierda vivo dios no puede salvar por favor matarme dejar ir mente paz manera mañana ir farmacia analgésicos vender una caja ir siguiente farmacia obtener otro saber necesidad dos última vez paquete entero terminó hospital un paquete im va a tratar más duro dejar tirar tiempo trabajo muy duro terminar tesis viernes sábado conseguir habitación hotel quiero abuela encontrar
fucking hate cats lot stray cats live mother cat kittens outside house wanted give food put food plastic cup went outside give could mother cat scratched hand make food drop
[ "fucking hate cats lot stray cats live mother cat kittens outside house wanted give food put food plastic cup went outside give could mother cat scratched hand make food drop" ]
mierda odio gatos lote gatos callejeros vivo madre gato gatitos fuera de casa quería dar comida puesta comida plástico taza fuera dar madre gato arañado mano hacer comida gota
superb film draws variety talented actors musicians top form levant crosby martin rathbone manone completely home story apparently supplied billy wilder one would love know much it exceptionally clever variation sterile masterfertile servant tale nearly allegory entertainment industry run driedup numskulls made vibrant world art play exploited underclass nobodies nonwasps looking last six decades music tv film us hard see underlying insights film prophetic
[ "superb film draws variety talented actors musicians top form levant crosby martin rathbone manone completely home story apparently supplied billy wilder one would love know much it exceptionally clever variation sterile masterfertile servant tale nearly allegory entertainment industry run driedup numskulls made vibrant world art play exploited underclass nobodies nonwasps looking last six decades music tv film us hard see underlying insights film prophetic" ]
excelente película dibuja variedad talentosos actores músicos top forma elevado crosby martin rathbone manone completamente casa historia aparentemente suministrado Billy wilder uno amaría saber mucho excepcionalmente inteligente variación estéril masterfertil sirviente cuento casi alegoría entretenimiento industria ejecutar numskulls hecho vibrante mundo juego de arte explotado bajo clase nadies no wasps buscando las últimas seis décadas música tv film nos dura ver ideas subyacentes película profética
even fun sad dont know assume people feel way personally dont like jerk off makes feel like crap after get horny dont even like hub stay away too get horny want jerk chore stand sad horny anyone ever feel like this honestly even horny urge
[ "even fun sad dont know assume people feel way personally dont like jerk off makes feel like crap after get horny dont even like hub stay away too get horny want jerk chore stand sad horny anyone ever feel like this honestly even horny urge" ]
incluso la diversión triste no sé asumir que la gente se siente muy personalmente no como masturbarse hace sentir como mierda después de ponerse cachondo ni siquiera como centro mantenerse lejos también conseguir cachonda quiero paja chore stand triste cachonda alguien alguna vez se siente como este impulso honesto incluso cachondo
im readyi meticulously planned redflag making painless tidy possible feel great thing motivating right change life moment end pain quick trip home everything need end life quickly thing getting day anyone advice motivation
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im readyi meticulously planned redflag making painless tidy possible feel great thing motivating right change life moment end pain quick trip home everything need end life quickly thing getting day anyone advice motivation" ]
Im ready planeó meticulosamente la bandera roja haciendo posible el orden sin dolor sentir gran cosa motivador derecho cambio vida momento final dolor viaje rápido casa todo necesita fin vida rápidamente cosa conseguir día cualquiera consejo motivación
following crimson stained roadwell following dusty red road path turns sideways every step sink deeper deeper thick red blood red blood path special tells dirty little lies finally start believing lies fake smile put someone asks whats wrong path let sleep night pulls deeper every hour sleep cant breathe step step step dark crimson lines wrists finally breathe dark angry lines remind certain crimson path hopefully ill see person tonight
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "following crimson stained roadwell following dusty red road path turns sideways every step sink deeper deeper thick red blood red blood path special tells dirty little lies finally start believing lies fake smile put someone asks whats wrong path let sleep night pulls deeper every hour sleep cant breathe step step step dark crimson lines wrists finally breathe dark angry lines remind certain crimson path hopefully ill see person tonight" ]
seguir carmesí manchado camino bien siguiendo polvoriento camino rojo camino gira de lado cada paso se hunde más profundo profundo grueso sangre roja sangre ruta especial especial dice sucias pequeñas mentiras finalmente empezar a creer mentiras sonrisa falsa poner alguien pregunta lo que está mal camino dejar dormir la noche tira más profundo cada hora sueño no puede respirar paso paso oscuro líneas carmesí muñecas finalmente respirar oscuro líneas enojadas recordar cierto camino carmesí esperanzado mal ver persona esta noche