sometimes feel ive got __shit brick__
[ "sometimes feel ive got __shit brick__" ]
A veces siento que tengo __shit brick__
whythe thing keeping earth right nephew granddaddy know killed self would hurt them let get bad die yet
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whythe thing keeping earth right nephew granddaddy know killed self would hurt them let get bad die yet" ]
¿Por qué la cosa que mantiene la tierra bien sobrino abuelo sabe que se mató a sí mismo les haría daño dejar morir mal todavía
questiondoes anyone else rant snapchat stories pretty much friends talk feel like shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "questiondoes anyone else rant snapchat stories pretty much friends talk feel like shit" ]
¿Alguien más despotrica historias snapchat más o menos amigos hablan se siente como la mierda
wow really liked movie william h macy great quiet hitman alexbr br all performances really good plot interesting entertainingbr br alex married hitman like fatherwith little son going middle age crisis wants quit family business goes psychiatrist help place meets young free spirit sarah falls love to one day alex know gets job kill person knows br br i recommend watch like mature interesting moviesbr br stars good
[ "wow really liked movie william h macy great quiet hitman alexbr br all performances really good plot interesting entertainingbr br alex married hitman like fatherwith little son going middle age crisis wants quit family business goes psychiatrist help place meets young free spirit sarah falls love to one day alex know gets job kill person knows br br i recommend watch like mature interesting moviesbr br stars good" ]
wow realmente me gustó película william h macy gran sicario tranquilo alexbr br todas las actuaciones realmente buena trama interesante entretenidobr br alex casado sicario como padre con hijo pequeño va a la mediana edad crisis quiere dejar de negocio familiar va psiquiatra ayuda lugar conoce joven espíritu libre sarah cae amor a un día Alex sabe consigue trabajo matar persona sabe br br recomiendo ver como maduro interesantes películasbr br estrellas buena
got pc among us hit apollo discord
[ "got pc among us hit apollo discord" ]
tiene PC entre nosotros golpear discordia Apollo
first saw movie papua new guinea remembered since although never seen since first timebr br just easily good peoples lives destroyed pure evil existed still memory haunt foreverbr br the movie funny immensely sad time role played anthony quinn superbbr br this movie college studies mans inhumanity man
[ "first saw movie papua new guinea remembered since although never seen since first timebr br just easily good peoples lives destroyed pure evil existed still memory haunt foreverbr br the movie funny immensely sad time role played anthony quinn superbbr br this movie college studies mans inhumanity man" ]
vi por primera vez película papua nueva guinea recordado desde aunque nunca se ha visto desde la primera vez br br simplemente buena gente vidas destruidas puro mal existía todavía recuerdo embrujo para siempre br la película divertida inmensamente triste papel de tiempo jugó anthony quinn superbbr br esta película universidad estudios hombre inhumanidad hombre
weird place life girl really good friends might like might like like domt want ruin help
[ "weird place life girl really good friends might like might like like domt want ruin help" ]
lugar extraño vida chica realmente buenos amigos podría gustar como domt quieren la ruina ayuda
southerners snow amusing watching guys complain inch two snow sincerely canadian
[ "southerners snow amusing watching guys complain inch two snow sincerely canadian" ]
sureños nieve divertido ver chicos quejarse pulgada dos nieve sinceramente canadiense
tell things wish someone would tell youi always see posts reddit similar ones always tell people things wish someone said me tell things wish someone said you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tell things wish someone would tell youi always see posts reddit similar ones always tell people things wish someone said me tell things wish someone said you" ]
Cuéntale cosas que alguien te diga. Siempre veo publicaciones similares. Siempre digo cosas que alguien me diga que te diga cosas que alguien te diga.
still find love social anxiety social anxiety feel like girls dont like dudes social anxiety
[ "still find love social anxiety social anxiety feel like girls dont like dudes social anxiety" ]
todavía encontrar amor ansiedad social ansiedad social sentir como las niñas no les gusta tíos ansiedad social
f like m ive never called texted girl weve exchanged numbers said hi school go asked number days ago added snapchat via contacts surprise added back interestingly consistently views stories snapchat reposts videos tiktok mainly food comedy musiclipsyncing occasionally politics never unfriended anything were still friends first time six months anything since fired target never ever told boyfriend anything every check instagram two different boyfriends recall one current boyfriend boyfriend girl im feeling women older men even younger boyfriend since tend mature secure professional kinglike monarchic girl really post anything snapchat views story every time make post btw im semitrump supporter i post hilarious musical stuff appeal trump supporters girl cute mexican girl mixing european used ig stories website view story early june regards george floyd breonna taylor stuff going put story saying black lives matter performative activism much stupid idea staying silent injustice boyfriend east asian tell middle eastern armenian kind guy funny thing two tiktok accounts one always keep away snapchat instagram friends family account petitioned hispanic women marry white arab armenian men only black asian men stick got hella likes comments thanks for page promoting it
[ "f like m ive never called texted girl weve exchanged numbers said hi school go asked number days ago added snapchat via contacts surprise added back interestingly consistently views stories snapchat reposts videos tiktok mainly food comedy musiclipsyncing occasionally politics never unfriended anything were still friends first time six months anything since fired target never ever told boyfriend anything every check instagram two different boyfriends recall one current boyfriend boyfriend girl im feeling women older men even younger boyfriend since tend mature secure professional kinglike monarchic girl really post anything snapchat views story every time make post btw im semitrump supporteri post hilarious musical stuff appeal trump supporters girl cute mexican girl mixing european used ig stories website view story early june regards george floyd breonna taylor stuff going put story saying black lives matter performative activism much stupid idea staying", "silent injustice boyfriend east asian tell middle eastern armenian kind guy funny thing two tiktok accounts one always keep away snapchat instagram friends family account petitioned hispanic women marry white arab armenian men only black asian men stick got hella likes comments thanks for page promoting it" ]
f como m ive nunca llamado snapchat girl weve intercambió números dijo hi school go preguntado número días atrás añadido snapchat via contactos sorpresa añadido de nuevo interesante constantemente views storys snapchat reposts videos tiktok principalmente comida comedia músicalipsyncing ocasionalmente política nunca unfriended nada eran todavía amigos primera vez seis meses nada desde tiro objetivo nunca le dijo a novio nada cada cheque instagram dos novios diferentes recordar un novio actual novio chica im sentimiento mujeres mayores hombres incluso más jóvenes novio ya que tienden maduro seguro rey profesional monárquica chica realmente publicar cualquier cosa snapchat views historia cada vez make post btw im semitrump apoyateri post hilarante música cosas atractivo trump chica linda mexicana chica mezclando ig historias usado europeo sitio web ver historia temprano junio se refiere a george floyd breonna taylor cosas va a poner historia diciendo vidas negras importan activismo performativo mucha estúpida idea quedarse
girl might like idk theres girl classes ive known years mostly acquaintances may like got clue heres list stuff shes said upon hearing arent mentor group school club awwww breaking heart history class another girl wait outside dont want go first get class want go first says go first ill love good drive club in group me get group leaves yells hi my name asks answers lot stuff one classes talks good amount class sit near even though lot friends near her also teases sometimes seems like minor stuff sounds bit weird wording kind weird idk
[ "girl might like idk theres girl classes ive known years mostly acquaintances may like got clue heres list stuffshes said upon hearing arent mentor group school club awwww breaking heart history class another girl wait outside dont want go first get class want go first says go first ill love good drive club in group me get group leaves yells hi my name asks answers lot stuff one classes talks good amount class sit near even though lot friends near her also teases sometimes seems like minor stuff sounds bit weird wording kind weird idk" ]
chica podría gustar idk theres chicas clases ive años conocidos mayormente conocidos puede gustar tener pista aquí lista cosas que dice al escuchar arent mentor grupo club escolar awwww romper clase de historia del corazón otra chica espera fuera no quiere ir primero obtener clase quiere ir primero dice ir primero mal amor buen club de conducción en grupo me consigue grupo hojas grita hola mi nombre pide respuestas muchas cosas una clase habla buena cantidad clase sentarse cerca aunque mucho amigos cerca de ella también provoca a veces parece como cosas menores suena un poco raro redacción tipo extraño idk
picture walked away kinds ocars best director john ford actor victor mclaglen music max seiner victor mclaglengypo nolan call marines gave outstanding performance irish rebel belonged rough tough crowd fighting cause time getting poorer poorer plenty drinking gypo nolan made bad mistake decided become informer best friend order take trip gal america new way living preston foster don gallagherguadalcanal diary gave great supporting role leader irish rebellion anxious capture informer group gypo nolan becomes haunted betrayal friend begins feel like judas great film wonderful acting mclaglen rather depressing every aspect film
[ "picture walked away kinds ocars best director john ford actor victor mclaglen music max seiner victor mclaglengypo nolan call marines gave outstanding performance irish rebel belonged rough tough crowd fighting cause time getting poorer poorer plenty drinking gypo nolan made bad mistake decided become informer best friend order take trip gal america new way living preston foster don gallagherguadalcanal diary gave great supporting role leader irish rebellion anxious capture informer group gypo nolan becomes haunted betrayal friend begins feel like judas great film wonderful acting mclaglen rather depressing every aspect film" ]
picture walked types ocars best director john ford actor victor mclaglen music max seiner victor mclaglengypo nolan call Marines dio rendimiento excepcional iris rebelde pertenecía dura dura multitud lucha porque el tiempo se hace más pobre mucha bebida gypo nolan hizo mal error decidió convertirse en express mejor amigo orden tomar viaje gal américa nueva manera de vivir Preston Foster don gallagherguadalcanal diario dio gran apoyo líder irish rebelión ansiosa captura extorsion grupo gypo nolan se vuelve embrujada traición amigo comienza a sentir como judas gran película maravillosa actuación mclaglen bastante deprimente todos los aspectos película
much people get shoes size bigger mean bigger shoes normal means toe room make toes suffer grown
[ "much people get shoes size bigger mean bigger shoes normal means toe room make toes suffer grown" ]
mucha gente consigue el tamaño de los zapatos más grande significa zapatos más grandes normal significa espacio hacer que los dedos de los pies sufren crecido
one want read note im leaving herehi redditors long time lurker here time make first last post feel like leave words significance disappear vacuum anyway probably lived decades longer people kill posting here unfortunate could lived long years majority years quite happy honest circumstances proven best years behind me rather live miserable knowledge life downhill here decided make one last short uphill brief sweet much money saved since someone stole lifes savings enough go s america spend rest cash hookers blow in exact method yet determined suggestions welcome painless quick would better probably able get firearm unless steal one suppose may well try good luck maximum happiness everyone here coming someone older supposedly wiser young still time bet unfuck life still
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one want read note im leaving herehi redditors long time lurker here time make first last post feel like leave words significance disappearvacuum anyway probably lived decades longer people kill posting here unfortunate could lived long years majority years quite happy honest circumstances proven best years behind me rather live miserable knowledge life downhill here decided make one last short uphill brief sweet much money saved since someone stole lifes savings enough go s america spend rest cash hookers blow in exact method yet determined suggestions welcome painless quick would better probably able get firearm unless steal one suppose may well try good luck maximum happiness everyone here coming someone older supposedly wiser young still time bet unfuck life still" ]
uno quiere leer nota im salir de aquí redditors largo tiempo merodeador aquí tiempo hacer primer último post sentir como dejar palabras significancia desaparevacúum de todos modos probablemente vivió décadas más larga gente matar publicar aquí desafortunado podría vivir largos años mayoría años bastante feliz circunstancias honestas probadas mejor años detrás de mí lugar vivir miserable vida de conocimiento cuesta abajo aquí decidió hacer un último corto cuesta arriba breve dulce mucho dinero ahorrado ya que alguien robó vidas ahorros suficientes ir s América gastar descanso prostitutas golpe en el método exacto pero determinadas sugerencias bienvenida sin dolor rápido probablemente sería mejor capaz de conseguir armas de fuego a menos que se supone que puede intentar buena suerte máxima felicidad todos aquí venir alguien mayor supuestamente más sabio todavía tiempo apuesta a unfuck vida todavía
days lefti know missed th one im tired im waiting everything end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "days lefti know missed th one im tired im waiting everything end" ]
Los días que me quedan saben que se perdieron el uno estoy cansado yo esperando que todo termine
better dying alonethe happiest way live alone everyone love die people spend time loved ones thinking far enough future theyre together happy personally think one day im going notice cant jump high used to cant walk far used to theyre starting forget important things often grey hair wrinkles face cloudiness eyes every phone call theyre away could one lets know terrible accident every hour past time supposed home could day make home pet dies sure get new one outlive it new spouse one going first best friends theyll replace someone things want do love makes people stronger erode me point loving anything sure hurt end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "better dying alonethe happiest way live alone everyone love die people spend time loved ones thinking far enough future theyre together happy personally think one day im going notice cant jump high used to cant walk far used to theyre starting forget important things often grey hair wrinkles face cloudiness eyes every phone call theyre away could one lets know terrible accident every hour past time supposed home could day make home pet dies sure get new one outlive it new spouse one going first best friends theyll replace someone things want do love makes people stronger erode me point loving anything sure hurt end" ]
mejor morir solo la manera más feliz de vivir solo todo el mundo ama morir la gente pasa tiempo seres queridos pensando lo suficientemente lejos futuro están juntos feliz personalmente pensar un día voy aviso no puedo saltar alto utilizado para no caminar lejos acostumbrados a empezar olvidar cosas importantes a menudo canas arrugas cara nubes ojos cada llamada telefónica están lejos uno permite saber terrible accidente cada hora pasado se supone que casa día podría hacer que la mascota de casa muere seguro conseguir nuevo uno vivo nuevo cónyuge uno va primero mejores amigos que reemplazarán a alguien las cosas quieren hacer el amor hace que la gente más fuerte me erosiona punto amar cualquier cosa seguro daño final
anyone else barely hanging time im clinging memories better times constantly thing keeping going ive developed extremely strong bonds inanimate things car tv characters take place massive whole joy missing life idk is fear im going breakdown front someone soon gonna come out make worse give strength keep in dig ever growing whole push
[ "anyone else barely hanging time im clinging memories better times constantly thing keeping going ive developed extremely strong bonds inanimate things car tv characters take place massive whole joy missing life idk is fear im going breakdown front someone soon gonna come out make worse give strength keep in dig ever growing whole push" ]
cualquier otra persona apenas colgar tiempo im aferrarse a los recuerdos mejores tiempos constantemente cosa que sigue adelante ive desarrollado extremadamente fuertes lazos inanimados cosas coches tv personajes tienen lugar enorme alegría entera faltando la vida idk es miedo im ir quiebra frente alguien pronto va a salir peor dar fuerza mantener en excavación cada vez que crece todo empuje
holy shit schools care fuking hood like look soo hot hood tell take im ugly see hair im trying grow
[ "holy shit schools care fuking hood like look soo hot hood tell take im ugly see hair im trying grow" ]
santo mierda escuelas cuidado fuking capó como mirar soo caliente capó decir tomar im feo ver cabello im tratando de crecer
pt gonna stick needle foot please noonnojono im scared gonna go second pls distract plass
[ "pt gonna stick needle foot please noonnojonoim scared gonna go second pls distract plass" ]
pt va a clavar pie de aguja por favor noonnojonoim miedo va a ir segundo pls distraer plass
th birthday todayyy leave nnani
[ "th birthday todayyy leave nnani" ]
th cumpleaños hoyyyy dejar nnani
theres reason live life severely socially anxioushumans social animals need socialize need friends relationships im friends really care me ive never relationship completely wasted away teen years zero memories scared anything completely useless skipped life experiences get fucked genetically enough im also trans fantastic transitioning totally doable process cant even fucking buy groceries without almost dying cant get profesional help because again thats social interaction difficult one that even want get better like even enjoy living sleep cut watch youtube ocassionally drink im studying fucking hate im horrible it also fucked future career fuck it dug hole theres way get it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theres reason live life severely socially anxioushumans social animals need socialize need friends relationships im friends really care me ive never relationship completely wasted away teen years zero memories scared anything completely useless skipped life experiences get fucked genetically enough im also trans fantastic transitioning totally doable process cant even fucking buy groceries without almost dying cant get profesional help because again thats social interaction difficult one that even want get better like even enjoy living sleep cutwatch youtube ocassionally drink im studying fucking hate im horrible it also fucked future career fuck it dug hole theres way get it" ]
thres razón vida vida severamente ansiedad socialhumanos animales sociales necesitan socializar necesidad amigos relaciones im amigos realmente me importa ive nunca relación completamente desperdiciado adolescente años cero recuerdos asustados cualquier cosa completamente inútil experiencias de vida salteada conseguir lo suficientemente genéticamente im trans fantástica transición totalmente factible proceso no puede incluso puto comprar comestibles sin casi morir cant conseguir ayuda profesional porque de nuevo eso es interacción social difícil que incluso quieren mejorar como incluso disfrutar de vivir sueño cutwatch youtube ocassionally beber im estudiar maldito odio im horrible también follada futura carrera follada agujero excavado theres manera conseguir
every saturday morning am watched superstars biggest events happened show time challenge aired sunday mornings decent too big stuff happened show wrestlers would interviews mean gene platform next live crowd talk screen front background promoted them matches usually squashes sometimes would see mid carders square main event also interview shows usually resulted violence thus setting feud segments ranged pipers pit body shop flower shop snake pit brother love show funeral parlor barber shop recall titles changing hands show usually happened pay per views saturday nights main event
[ "every saturday morning am watched superstars biggest events happened show time challenge aired sunday mornings decent too big stuff happened show wrestlers would interviews mean gene platform next live crowd talk screen front background promoted them matches usually squashes sometimes would see mid carders square main event also interview shows usually resulted violence thus setting feud segments ranged pipers pit body shop flower shop snake pit brother love show funeral parlor barber shop recall titles changing hands show usually happened pay per views saturday nights main event" ]
cada sábado por la mañana soy visto superestrellas eventos más grandes sucedidos show tiempo desafío aireado domingo por la mañana decente demasiado grandes cosas pasó show luchadores entrevistas significan gene plataforma siguiente público plática pantalla frente fondo promovido ellos partidos generalmente squashes a veces ver medio carders cuadrado evento principal también entrevistas espectáculos generalmente resultado violencia por lo que se establece feud segmentos pit pit shop tienda flor pit shop hermano amor show funeral salón barber tienda recordar títulos cambio de manos show generalmente sucedió pago por vistas sábado por la noche evento principal
friend said scared babygirl wtfffff im wtf means wants secks me kidding this actually happened ago day still dont fucking know means
[ "friend said scared babygirl wtfffffim wtf means wants secks me kidding this actually happened ago day still dont fucking know means" ]
amigo dijo asustada babygirl wtfffffim wtf significa quiere secreks me bromas esto realmente pasó hace día todavía no sé mierda significa
wants start femboy empire basically conquer bunch territories everyone territories become femboys prosecuted brainwashed becoming femboy moral reasons joke
[ "wants start femboy empire basically conquer bunch territories everyone territories become femboys prosecuted brainwashed becoming femboy moral reasons joke" ]
quiere empezar el imperio femenino básicamente conquistar territorios de manojo todos los territorios se convierten en femboys procesados lavado de cerebro convertirse en femboy razones morales broma
small rant ok im extremely annoyedpissed grandma went stairs pretty quickly got bottom slipped fell instead nice asking ok instead goes dont slip mopped floors already fell told fell she says well shouldnt went flying stairs like that without hint care kicker is didnt know mopped fucking floor
[ "small rant ok im extremely annoyedpissed grandma went stairs pretty quickly got bottom slipped fell instead nice asking ok instead goes dont slip mopped floors already fell told fell she says well shouldnt went flying stairs like that without hint care kicker is didnt know mopped fucking floor" ]
pequeño despotricar ok im extremadamente molestada abuela fue escaleras bastante rápidamente se resbaló el fondo cayó en lugar de agradable preguntar ok en su lugar va no resbalar pisos mopeados ya cayó dijo a caída ella dice que bien no debe ir volando escaleras como que sin cuidado de pista kicker no se sabe puto piso mopeado
feel alonei friends livingi boyfriend complicated talking things family live states away suicidal thoughts something cope hearing me ive attempted redflag almost two years ago hallucinating essentially saved life unfortunately angry woke hospital stop crying really want live honest really anything stopping iti think im someone worth missingi feel attached anythingi feel empty like hobbies interestsi energy motivation waste oxygen typing now like go it bother writing this know wish interest life im sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel alonei friends livingi boyfriend complicated talking things family live states away suicidal thoughts something cope hearing me ive attempted redflag almost two years ago hallucinating essentially saved life unfortunately angry woke hospital stop crying really want live honest really anything stopping iti think im someone worth missingi feel attached anythingi feel empty like hobbies interestsi energy motivation waste oxygen typing now like go it bother writing this know wish interest life im sorry" ]
se siente soloi amigos viviri novio complicado hablar cosas familia vivir estados lejos pensamientos suicidas algo hacer frente a escucharme ive intento de bandera roja hace casi dos años alucinando esencialmente vida salvada desafortunadamente enojado hospital despierto dejar de llorar realmente quiero vivir honesto realmente cualquier cosa parar iti pensar im alguien que vale la pena falta se siente atado cualquier cosai se siente vacío como hobbies interesesi energía motivación desperdicio oxígeno tecleo ahora como ir se molesta escribir este saber deseo interés vida im lo siento
im sure feel again genuinely feel sad first time forever think genuinely loved girl hate taking granted wish never bruh wish wasnt fucked head im lonely sad depressed idk kinda wanna go know im done whatever put for idk man feel something
[ "im sure feel again genuinely feel sad first time forever think genuinely loved girl hate taking granted wish never bruh wish wasnt fucked head im lonely sad depressed idk kinda wanna go know im done whatever put for idk man feel something" ]
Estoy seguro de sentir de nuevo realmente sentirse triste primera vez para siempre pensar genuinamente querida chica odio dar por sentado deseo nunca bruh deseo no fue follada cabeza im solitario triste deprimido idk un poco querer saber im hecho lo que sea puesto para idk hombre sentir algo
wanting diei never wanted die right now dont wan alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting diei never wanted die right now dont wan alive" ]
Queriendo moriri nunca quise morir ahora mismo no quiero vivir
whats worst rejected crush lying like you basically moths back told crush liked her said liked back could get ice cream together not decided tell told liked one else liked pity worse rejected
[ "whats worst rejected crush lying like you basically moths back told crush liked her said liked back could get ice cream together not decided tell told liked one else liked pity worse rejected" ]
Lo que es peor rechazado aplastamiento mentir como usted básicamente polillas de nuevo le dijo a enamoramiento como ella dijo que le gustaba volver podría conseguir helado juntos no decidido contar dijo le gustaba a otro le gustaba la compasión peor rechazado
hope helpsif feeling hopeless feel worthless ways ive gotten past live country plenty room garden highly recommend this feel bad go hoe weeds pick rocks get quite bit ive able sell local farmers market obviously full garden work everyone get pepper plant something small take care it highly recommend hot pepper plant takes lot care worth add spice cooking coloring painting drawing im good drawer trace others help learn cooking baking also great way help express yourself get small pet can taking care something else help take mind things bit talk someone feel like ive found writing feel leaving someplace allows distance awhile think say truly hope help ive struggling depression suicidal thoughts year ive found helped most im always need talk help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hope helpsif feeling hopeless feel worthless ways ive gotten past live country plenty room garden highly recommend this feel bad go hoe weeds pick rocks get quite bit ive able sell local farmers market obviously full garden work everyone get pepper plant something small take care it highly recommend hot pepper plant takes lot care worth add spice cooking coloring painting drawing im good drawer trace others help learn cooking baking also great way help express yourself get small pet can taking care something else help take mind things bit talk someone feel like ive found writing feel leaving someplace allows distance awhile think say truly hope help ive struggling depression suicidal thoughts year ive found helped most im always need talk help" ]
la esperanza ayuda si la sensación desesperanza se siente inútil maneras de ive consiguió más allá de país vivo un montón de habitación jardín altamente recomendar esta sensación mal azada malas malas hierbas recoger rocas conseguir muy poco ive capaz vender agricultores locales mercado obviamente trabajo de jardín completo todo el mundo conseguir pimiento planta algo pequeño tener cuidado altamente recomienda pimiento caliente planta tiene mucho cuidado vale la pena añadir especias cocinar coloración dibujo im buen cajón traza otros ayudan a aprender cocinar hornear también gran manera ayudar a expresarse obtener pequeña mascota puede cuidar algo más ayudar a tener en cuenta las cosas bit hablar alguien siente como si encontrar la escritura se siente salir de algún lugar permite distancia mientras que piensa realmente la esperanza de ayudar a ive lucha depresión pensamientos suicidas año ive encontrado ayudó a la mayoría de im siempre necesidad de hablar ayuda
remember makes happy even really good moments really good days lately know them cannot remember them hate feeling everythings reach cannot remember things made happy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "remember makes happy even really good moments really good days lately know them cannot remember them hate feeling everythings reach cannot remember things made happy" ]
recordar hace feliz incluso muy buenos momentos realmente buenos días últimamente saben que no pueden recordar que odian sentir que todo lo que alcanza no puede recordar las cosas hechas felices
hurtthis girl like told likes best friend shit brought back lot pain past im suicidal dont know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hurtthis girl like told likes best friend shit brought back lot pain pastim suicidal dont know" ]
dolió a esta chica como me dijo mejor amigo mierda trajo de vuelta mucho dolor Pastim suicida no sé
imagine first time filmed somebody saw tryna fuck first time id wanna die
[ "imagine first time filmed somebody saw tryna fuck first time id wanna die" ]
Imagínate la primera vez que alguien vio a Trina follando la primera vez que id quiere morir.
life getting better im suicidal ever updatei explained different post got deleted ill skim short make it december started dating girlfriend love lot already joke marriage mutual neglect parents made us love lot get attracted fast december th contemplated redflag point loaded gun head told girlfriend then best friend friend groups goodbye february th bday parents get heated argument moms lack ability sleep due insomnia dad forced sleep familys store february th parents tell getting divorce im scared know legal battle messy sister points ive shown except first one decided kill february th really dont want really dont love girlfriend much live free away parents cant know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life getting better im suicidal ever updatei explained different post got deleted ill skim short make it december started dating girlfriend love lot already joke marriage mutual neglect parents made us love lot get attracted fast december th contemplated redflag point loaded gun head told girlfriend then best friend friend groups goodbye februaryth bday parents get heated argument moms lack ability sleep due insomnia dad forced sleep familys store february th parents tell getting divorce im scared know legal battle messy sister points ive shown except first one decided kill february th really dont want really dont love girlfriend much live free away parents cant know" ]
vida cada vez mejor im suicida siempre updatei explicó diferente post se borró mal skim corto hacer de diciembre comenzó salir novia amor mucho ya broma matrimonio mutuo abandono padres nos hicieron amor mucho conseguir atraído rápido diciembre th previsto punto rojo punta cargada pistola cabeza dijo novia entonces mejor amigo amigos grupos adiós februaryth bday padres conseguir discusión caliente mamás falta de capacidad de sueño debido insomnio papá sueño forzado familias tienda february th padres contar conseguir el divorcio im miedo conocer legal batalla desorden hermana puntos ive demostrado excepto primero uno decidido matar febrero th realmente no quiero realmente amor novia mucho vivir libre padres no sé
would say enjoy show expected something completely different first saw what like you expected find something along lines all that i sure going anymore say like show classify breakthrough show charming like chemistry characters well including supporting castbr br i would definitely say great see wesley jonathan back screen really loved city guy also seen woman plays valeries friend popular think okay show really like character show cup tea rounds pretty well
[ "would say enjoy show expected something completely different first saw what like you expected find something along lines all that i sure going anymore say like show classify breakthrough show charming like chemistry characters well including supporting castbr br i would definitely say great see wesley jonathan back screen really loved city guy also seen woman plays valeries friend popular think okay show really like character show cup tea rounds pretty well" ]
Diría que disfrutar de show espera algo completamente diferente primero vio lo que como esperabas encontrar algo a lo largo de líneas todo lo que estoy seguro va más decir como show show show show encantador como personajes de química bien incluyendo apoyo castbr br yo definitivamente diría genial ver wesley jonathan pantalla trasera realmente querido ciudad chico también visto mujer juega valeries amigo popular pensar bien mostrar realmente como personaje show taza rondas de té bastante bien
stop making redflag youim sorry rant really am reading post guy acquaintance die redflag hes feeling overwhelmed anxious know terrible thing bothers comment section like ohh sorry cant imagine going through fucking serious human died hes thinking fucking self god damn reaffirms wanting die like people dont care want stop killing dont care pain youre dont want feel bad death it one wants feel bad death stay alive suffer endlessly gosh poor dude killed himself really dont want imagine type pain suffering went head death brought peace life ever may eternal peace fucking selfish everything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stop making redflag youim sorry rant really am reading post guy acquaintance die redflaghes feeling overwhelmed anxious know terrible thing bothers comment section like ohh sorry cant imagine going through fucking serious human died hes thinking fucking self god damn reaffirms wanting die like people dont care want stop killing dont care pain youre dont want feel bad death it one wants feel bad death stay alive suffer endlessly gosh poor dude killed himself really dont want imagine type pain suffering went head death brought peace life ever may eternal peace fucking selfish everything" ]
Deja de hacer bandera roja youim lo siento Rant realmente estoy leyendo post chico conocido morir Redflaghes sentirse abrumado ansioso saber terrible cosa molestas comentario sección como ohh lo siento no se puede imaginar pasando por mierda serio humano muerto hes pensando maldito yo mismo dios maldito reafirma querer morir como la gente no le importa quieren dejar de matar no importa dolor no quiero sentir mala muerte que uno quiere sentir mala muerte seguir vivo sufrir sin fin Dios pobre tío se mató realmente no quiero imaginar tipo dolor sufrimiento fue muerte cabeza trajo paz vida siempre puede paz eterna mierda egoísta todo
crush lol fellas approach girl interested in texting since quarantine chance sorta move got text introduce myself without awkward andor getting friend zoned lol
[ "crush lol fellas approach girl interested in texting since quarantine chance sorta move got text introduce myself without awkward andor getting friend zoned lol" ]
chanchullo lol amigos acercamiento chica interesada en mensajes de texto desde cuarentena suerte sorta movimiento consiguió texto me presentó sin incómodo andor conseguir amigo zoned lol
really hurtful memory mom back going lot shit really want explain everything going much although backstory needed right answer ill give little everything happening time escape goat family made feel horrible point ended carving branding monster course happened years ago also really depressed happened opened suicidal family handed knife said oh were waiting day ive wanted question soo long im scared to probably gonna always mention past act like never happend live sunshine rainbows mean narcissistic yeah shell flip shit try say im accusing shit never happend anyone wondering bad mom fucked childhood going lot no hate her tries really hard keep roof head would anything family however causes much stress pain life turns around works hard us im mental conflict one hand want hate her hand works hard us feels unfair selfish im getting topic back saying originally im wondering question it want feel would cause harm anything know please someone help decide
[ "really hurtful memory mom back going lot shit really want explain everything going much although backstory needed right answer ill give little everything happening time escape goat family made feel horrible point ended carving branding monster course happened years ago also really depressed happened opened suicidal family handed knife said oh were waiting day ive wanted question soo long im scared to probably gonna always mention past act like never happend live sunshine rainbows meannarcissisticyeah shell flip shit try say im accusing shit never happend anyone wondering bad mom fucked childhood going lotno hate her tries really hard keep roof head would anything family however causes much stress pain life turns around works hard usim mental conflict one hand want hate her hand works hard us feels unfair selfish im getting topic back saying originally im wondering question it want feel would cause harm anything know please someone help decide" ]
memoria realmente hiriente mamá volver mucho mierda realmente quiero explicar todo va mucho aunque la historia necesita respuesta correcta mal dar poco todo pasando tiempo escapar cabra familia hizo sentir horrible punto terminó tallar curso monstruo sucedió años atrás también realmente deprimido sucedió abierto suicida familia mano cuchillo dijo oh estaban esperando día ive quería pregunta soo long im miedo a siempre mencionar pasado acto como nunca sucedió sol arco iris meannarcissisticyeah shell flip mierda tratar de decir im acusando mierda nadie preguntando mala mamá follada infancia va lotno odio sus intentos realmente duro mantener la cabeza del techo cualquier cosa familia sin embargo causa mucho estrés dolor vida gira alrededor trabaja duro conflicto mental una mano quiere odiar su mano trabaja duro nos siento egoísta im injusto volver diciendo originalmente im pregunta que quiere sentir daño cualquier cosa saber por favor alguien ayuda a decidir
spirit classic the sting movie hits truly hurts heart prim proper female psychiatrist hungry adventure meets dirtiest rottenest scoundrals vulnerable doctor falls career badman begs involved operation movie moves kind slow climax ending stunning especially enjoy doctor forgives herself
[ "spirit classic the sting movie hits truly hurts heart prim proper female psychiatrist hungry adventure meets dirtiest rottenest scoundrals vulnerable doctor falls career badman begs involved operation movie moves kind slow climax ending stunning especially enjoy doctor forgives herself" ]
espíritu clásico de la película de picadas golpes verdaderamente lastima corazón primo adecuado psiquiatra mujer hambre aventura se encuentra más sucio podrido sinvergüenzas vulnerable doctor caídas carrera badman mendiga involucrados operación película movimientos tipo clímax lento final impresionante especialmente disfrutar doctor se perdona a sí misma
u c eim alone tomorrow morning doesnt anybody love think im irritating cant function anymore hate think soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "u c eim alone tomorrow morning doesnt anybody love think im irritating cant function anymore hate think soon" ]
U c eim solo mañana por la mañana no nadie ama pensar que la función de cant Irritante más odio pensar pronto
feel like protesting education system wants join me
[ "feel like protesting education system wants join me" ]
Siento como si protestara contra el sistema educativo quiere unirse a mí
cute oversized tshirt even bunny
[ "cute oversized tshirt even bunny" ]
linda camiseta de gran tamaño incluso conejito
pain gonei make new scars carry shit rest life might well make short trip right sure everyone sad angry pain due time inderstand i fact found peace anybodys fault mine kept quiet late make people worry know ill finally decide it noose tied while need find good place rewrite note less seconds lifes troubles just flow away minutes life follow sleep ones fear truly hurt parents child sorry destroyed worked hard create made sure smiles laughes around worry idea dying inside mom dad know think depression feeling solved manning getting it simple never tell that may blame yourself friends family im sorry hope effected this stopped talking wanted make soft blow possible never cut off know this want get help you know shit deal with end like me loved all see soon m love matter time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pain gonei make new scars carry shit rest life might well make short tripright sure everyone sad angry pain due time inderstand i fact found peace anybodys fault mine kept quiet late make people worry know ill finally decide it noose tied while need find good place rewrite note less seconds lifes troubles just flow away minutes life follow sleep ones fear truly hurt parents child sorry destroyed worked hard create made sure smiles laughes around worry idea dying inside momdad know think depression feeling solved manning getting it simple never tell that may blame yourself friends family im sorry hope effected this stopped talking wanted make soft blow possible never cut off knowthis want get help you know shit deal with end like me loved all see soon m love matter time" ]
dolor goti hacer nuevas cicatrices llevar mierda descanso la vida bien puede hacer viaje corto derecho seguro todos triste dolor enojado debido tiempo inderstand de hecho encontré la paz alguien culpa mío mantenido tranquilo tarde hacer que la gente se preocupe mal finalmente decidir noose atado mientras que necesita encontrar buen lugar nota de reescritura menos segundos vidas problemas flujo lejos minutos vida seguir sueño los miedos realmente lastimado padres hijo destruido trabajo duro crear se aseguró sonrisas risas alrededor de preocupación idea morir dentro de mamá saber pensar depresión sentirse resuelto hombrening conseguir simple nunca decir que puede culparse amigos familia im esperanza efectuado esto dejó de hablar quería hacer posible golpe suave nunca cortar saber esto quiero obtener ayuda sabes mierda trato con fin como me amaba todos ver pronto m amor materia tiempo
fuck everybodyive posted many times nobody ever says anything thats fine add list ive struggled years thought would get better long series ups downs im still fucking back feeling set deadline gone turned turn today nothings changed shouldnt given chance therapists ive either dont understand basically venting never enough time crisis text lines try help moment say understand dont theyre talking strangers theyve volunteered do every time close eyes think jumping highest parking ramp know knife held heart land itll go straight in want increase chances success much possible fall head trauma doesnt stabbing will im going fail theres way im going keep going hate everything much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck everybodyive posted many times nobody ever says anything thats fine add list ive struggled years thought would get better long series ups downs im still fucking back feeling set deadline gone turned turn today nothings changed shouldnt given chance therapists ive either dont understand basically venting never enough time crisis text lines try help moment say understand dont theyre talking strangers theyve volunteered do every time close eyes think jumping highest parking ramp know knife held heart land itll go straight in want increase chances success much possible fall head trauma doesnt stabbing will im going fail theres way im going keep going hate everything much" ]
A la mierda todo el mundo publicado muchas veces nadie dice nada que está bien añadir lista ive lucky años pensamiento conseguiría mejor largas series altibajos im todavía mierda espalda sentir plazo establecido ido vuelta vuelta hoy nada cambia no debe dar oportunidad terapeutas ive o bien no entienden básicamente ventilar nunca suficiente tiempo crisis líneas de texto tratar de ayuda momento decir entender no están hablando extraños que se han ofrecido a hacer cada vez que los ojos cerrados pensar saltar más alto rampa de estacionamiento saber cuchillo sostenido corazón tierra va directamente en querer aumentar las posibilidades de éxito mucho posible caída trauma en la cabeza no apuñalar va a faltar Theres manera im va a seguir odiando todo mucho
cant really condemn movie work enough film noir elements consider noir movie think categorybr br theres nothing sinister piece thats noir elements fail sure disease might considered sinister hard time seeing that movie hints darker side blackie may trafficking human beings new orleans police willing arrest reporter specter plague hangs people movie really hintsbr br theres attempt made question reeds motivations one marlowe spade attempt bring humans side blackie would make even contemptuous human trafficking actually played outbr br that lack depth fails movie endbr br the story decent acting good writing direction well done nothing make movie return over worth watching once maybe twice remember years ago putting away
[ "cant really condemn movie work enough film noir elements consider noir movie think categorybr br theres nothing sinister piece thats noir elements fail sure disease might considered sinister hard time seeing that movie hints darker side blackie may trafficking human beings new orleans police willing arrest reporter specter plague hangs people movie really hintsbr br theres attempt made question reeds motivations one marlowe spade attempt bring humans side blackie would make even contemptuous human trafficking actually played outbr br that lack depth fails movie endbr br the story decent acting good writing direction well done nothing make movie return over worth watching once maybe twice remember years ago putting away" ]
not realmente condenar cine trabajo suficiente cine noir elementos considerar noir película pensar categoríabr br theres nada pieza siniestra que los elementos noir falla seguro enfermedad podría considerarse siniestro difícil ver que la película insinua lado oscuro negro puede traficar seres humanos nuevo orleans policía dispuesto arresto reportero espectro plaga cuelga gente película realmente indirectasbr br theres intento hecho preguntas juncos motivaciones un intento de espada de marlowe traer humanos lado negro haría incluso despectiva trata de seres humanos en realidad se jugó br br que falta profundidad en la película endbr br la historia decente actuación buena dirección de escritura bien hecho nada hacer película volver sobre vale la pena ver una vez tal vez dos veces recordar años
plan next yearim year old guy live withy parents need get fuck out im going save much money next months leave far away im going tell anyone probably end homeless probably kill anyways whatever work im going kill july th thats day dog died years ago hopefully works know probably wont
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "plan next yearim year old guy live withy parents need get fuck out im going save much money next months leave far away im going tell anyone probably end homeless probably kill anyways whatever work im going kill july th thats day dog died years ago hopefully works know probably wont" ]
plan el año que viene chico de año vivo cony padres necesitan salir a la mierda voy a ahorrar mucho dinero los próximos meses voy lejos voy a decirle a alguien probablemente terminar sin hogar probablemente matar de todos modos cualquier trabajo voy a matar julio que ese día perro murió hace años con suerte funciona saber probablemente no va a
ok film may oscars bad film original doa undoubtedly better film mean film badbr br the film stars dennis quaid one early roles first becoming really famous the right stuff made star lovely looking meg ryan still quite famousbr br this update film rather remake since setting different characters too different plot pretty much same man this time english professor university texas austin poisoned hours find poisoned why meg ryan plays young college student tries help him jane kaczmarek plays quaids estranged wife low key intense performance steals every scene in daniel stern also early role home alone made famous plays quaids colleague charlotte rampling fine supporting rolebr br the entire cast top notch film stylish quick pace keeps guessing end br br i think film certainly worth watching thriller modern version classic film
[ "ok film may oscars bad film original doa undoubtedly better film mean film badbr br the film stars dennis quaid one early roles first becoming really famous the right stuff made star lovely looking meg ryan still quite famousbr br this update film rather remake since setting different characters too different plot pretty much same man this time english professor university texas austin poisoned hours find poisoned why meg ryan plays young college student tries help him jane kaczmarek plays quaids estranged wife low key intense performance steals every scene in daniel stern also early role home alone made famous plays quaids colleague charlotte rampling fine supporting rolebr br the entire cast top notch film stylish quick pace keeps guessing end br br i think film certainly worth watching thriller modern version classic film" ]
ok película puede oscars mala película original doa sin duda mejor película significa película Badbr br las estrellas de cine Dennis quaid uno de los primeros papeles primero convertirse en realmente famoso lo que hizo estrella encantadora meg ryan todavía bastante famoso br br esta película de actualización bastante remake puesto que el establecimiento de diferentes personajes demasiado diferente trama bastante mismo hombre esta vez profesor de inglés universidad texas Austin envenenado horas encontrar envenenado por meg ryan juega joven estudiante universitario intenta ayudarle jane kaczmarek juega quaids estranged esposa baja clave intenso rendimiento roba todas las escenas en Daniel poper también temprano papel solo hizo famosos obras quaids colega charlotte rampa fina papel br br el el reparto top notch película elegante ritmo rápido sigue adivinando fin br br pienso película ciertamente vale la pena ver película thriller versión moderna clásico película
goodbye fellow teens taking action change person feel better friends loved ones aswell first step im taking cut negative stuff life unfortunately majority reddit one thoes things know ton hate definitely some dont want part person good run soldiers hope every one good day night adios
[ "goodbye fellow teens taking action change person feel better friends loved ones aswell first step im taking cut negative stuff life unfortunately majority reddit one thoes things know ton hate definitely some dont want part person good run soldiers hope every one good day night adios" ]
adiós compañeros adolescentes que toman acción cambio persona se siente mejor amigos seres queridos también primer paso im tomar cortar cosas negativas vida desafortunadamente la mayoría reddit uno thoes cosas saben mucho odio definitivamente algunos no quieren parte persona buena correr soldados esperanza cada uno buen día noche adios
im tiredevery day get fix it whatever is fix it job kids lives supposed like mine childhood supposed like mine supposed suffer broken guilt feel brought world mom breaking back died tried kill teen feels like mistake survived died got anyone else involved fucking mess mistake lived
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredevery day get fix it whatever is fix it job kids lives supposed like mine childhood supposed like mine supposed suffer broken guilt feel brought world mom breaking back died tried kill teen feels like mistake survived died got anyone else involved fucking mess mistake lived" ]
Estoy cansado cada día arreglalo lo que sea que lo arregle trabajo niños vidas supuestas como mi infancia supuesta como la mía supuesta sufrir culpa rota sentir traído mundo mamá romper de nuevo murió intentado matar adolescente se siente como error sobrevivido murió consiguió alguien más involucrado puto error vivido desastre
dont know one nights yearn music nothing good enough feeling emotional trying embrace wanting bury emotions time im tired dont want sleep cant anything dont know dont really like living cycle everyone goodbye
[ "dont know one nights yearn music nothing good enough feeling emotional trying embrace wanting bury emotions time im tired dont want sleep cant anything dont know dont really like living cycle everyone goodbye" ]
No sé una noche anhelar música nada lo suficientemente bueno sentimiento emocional tratando de abrazar querer enterrar emociones tiempo estoy cansado no quiero dormir nada no sé realmente no me gusta el ciclo de vida todos adiós
feeling like fraudim mental health nurse job basically stop people want kill selves make sure get right support ive previous episodes depression required medication recent years ive always able deal dips mood got bad ive downward spiral months nothing working feel numb nothing outside work barely take care myself im sleeping lie awake end thinkingfantasising killing how im stage think would feel like inevitably end there try get help honest feel probably get referred team job positive would rather die lose professional reputation want help everyone else know answers feel trapped isnt way get help without making everything worse
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling like fraudim mental health nurse job basically stop people want kill selves make sure get right support ive previous episodes depression required medication recent years ive always able deal dips mood got bad ive downward spiral months nothing working feel numb nothing outside work barely take care myself im sleeping lie awake end thinkingfantasising killing how im stage think would feel like inevitably end there try get help honest feel probably get referred team job positive would rather die lose professional reputation want help everyone else know answers feel trapped isnt way get help without making everything worse" ]
Sentirse como fraudeim salud mental trabajo de enfermera básicamente parar la gente quiere matarse a sí mismos asegúrese de obtener el apoyo adecuado ive episodios anteriores depresión medicamentos necesarios los últimos años ive siempre capaz tratar dips estado de ánimo se puso mal ive espiral baja meses nada trabajo sentirse entumecido nada fuera del trabajo apenas tener cuidado yo mismo mi sueño acostarse despierto final pensarfantasía matar cómo im etapa pensar se sentiría inevitablemente final allí tratar de obtener ayuda honesto sentir probablemente conseguir referencia trabajo en equipo positivo sería mejor morir perder reputación profesional quieren ayudar a todos los demás saber respuestas se sienten atrapados no obtener ayuda sin hacer todo peor
im hate life even though really bad think redflag daily years stress buildingsorry long is id like preface saying im right edge think contemplate redflag every day im closer year two tell call hotline whatever urgent think need talk get advice whatnot im ever serious call hotline first abused since kid institutionalized think times redflag attempts diagnosed depressive disorder around around time entered foster care never got treatment antidepressants recently took whole bottle one day prescribed once obviously ran gotten im bad scheduling doctors appointments anxiety clerk always feels patronizing me feel think theres something wrong like im retarded even though even know ive never diagnosed anything mental except depressive disorder serious physical disability hate calling thus put put more tried weeks ago schedule appointment got busy signal times tried since supposed go talk vitamin levels well antidepressant early may im month overdue makes want go back well im afraid ill scolded rightfully fucking stupid to think antidepressant help bit living situation like said im foster care never lived anywhere year since like im program pays apartment with one roommate food cable transportation work dj work consistent working one night week enough make much it weeks get work attending college college summer college financial aid department fucked telling id keep financial aid even failed class did called said id lost financial aid next semester means cant really go one big point stress this anyway program houses like people around age apartment complex two apartment took lease apartments needed since roommate first move thus first lease expire theyve forced us move different apartment complex incredibly stressful settled much shit move dropped us suddenly first heard monday told wed move sometime week monday night came apartment told start moving well moved tonight manager place started bitching apparently supposed move roommate moved things afternoon were supposed thursday though make sense were getting mixed signals manager staff work here nobody communicating us im new apartment right apparently im supposed even though nobody fucking told like pm id already moved electronics bedding less everything else except furniture pa speakers sleep schedule terrible virtually impossible fall asleep am tomorrow ive got wake up get ppd shot finish moving unpack clean get bitched manager goddamn lack communication skills relax really bad day ive far far worse days life soft life foster care made soft compared used abused even though peoples standards im still hard like stoic confident tough whatnot im absolutely dreading tomorrow additionally im terrified theyre going make get minimumwage job theres something possibly lyme may due extreme vitamin deficiency wrong bones cant handle physical stress every time past ive job like pushed closer redflag every fucking day djing handle less prolonged stress one night week most plus find extremely enjoyable less thing makes happy im also looking substitute teacher local highschool next semester meet states requirements one could handle desk job thats one really think may able get im type roll defeated all im dj im gogetter im sure could come another way make money yet partially motivation completely died used get early hop bike pin fliers advertising around town go random businesses ask use dj that forget repost ad craigslist half fucking time much less actually go market physically plus even inconsistent gigs im still grossing money peers here save least everything make whereas burn money like object bank despite spending equipment working way sum using speakers lights got goddamn thrift shop even despite working nearly hours week every week relationship status another big problem cant get girlfriend im hot project confidence even though tell im actually wreck im good always put facade living mom im creepy whatever ive girlfriendsfwbs since highschool ive single months now killing selfesteem girlfriend less makes selfworth one two friends last girlfriend practically begged stay friends her tried literally reason it blue suddenly started ignoring completely still christmas tree loaned december impression lot sentimental value her refused come get months contact cut ive tried tinder chicks seem understand dating app get ton matches good conversations them time time soon actually ask completely stop responding think bitches using boost ego hell else would match me talkflirt hours drop hints going date disappear moment actual date mentioned extremely limited social contact real life im young go bars college out two social things know im fucking isolated ill never meet anyone it need someone know absolute fact im much attractive average dude standards high go ugly fat chick want fucking die kind pathetic fucking worm attractive cant get girlfriend im onpar disgusting slime rincels whatever must absolutely fucking worthless something literally used girls me past girlfriends hot standards came classes whatnot think recent ex pretty much every night understand suddenly decided act like exist obviously situations usually dude didsaid something creepy absolutely didnt last conversation id minutes late presentation together class took together semester broke up presentation which wound even late for bullshit art rest semester whenever id talk shed seem awkward it completely stopped responding texts absolutely nothing on end things then think may ex broke get me theyd together years abusive hadhas selfesteem issues rolled it broke assured get back together im sure broke sort mental issue started shortly got together ended months split less issue would always extremely tired physically mentally problem demanding sex could never remember things said remember fucking anything reason went sauve charming confident dude got hots blithering idiot probably thought gave fucks relationship said felt like listening remember things tried explaining fluke weird thing never happened life im sure thought excuse anyway guess main thing idk either those got girlfriend problem living work situation seem bad all cant im fucking young go literally social spots miles chicks tinder get ego boost rather actually go someone guess since late ive got get early noon probably tomorrow im gonna go sleep ill back tomorrow respond read stuff im killing tonight gaurenteed im heavily considering calling ex begging come back guess ill save another night
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im hate life even though really bad think redflag daily years stress buildingsorry long is id like preface saying im right edge think contemplate redflag every day im closer year two tell call hotline whatever urgent think need talk get advice whatnot", "im ever serious call hotline first abused since kid institutionalized think times redflag attempts diagnosed depressive disorder around around time entered foster care never got treatment antidepressants recently took whole bottle one day prescribed once obviously ran gotten im bad scheduling doctors appointments anxiety clerk always feels patronizing me feel think theres something wrong like im retarded even though even know ive never diagnosed anything mental except depressive disorder serious physical disability hate calling thus put put more tried weeks ago schedule appointment got busy signal times tried since supposed go talk vitamin levels well antidepressant early may im month overdue makes want go back well im afraid ill scolded rightfully fucking stupid to think antidepressant help bit living situation like said im foster care never lived anywhere year since like im program pays apartment with one roommate food cable transportation work dj work consistent working one night week enough make much it weeks get work attending college college summer college financial aid department fucked telling id keep financial aid even failed class did called said id lost financial aid next semester means cant really go one big point stress this anyway program houses like people around age apartment complex two apartment took lease apartments needed since roommate first move thus first lease expire theyve forced us move different apartment complex incredibly stressful settled much shit move dropped us suddenly first heard monday told wed move sometime week monday night came apartment told start moving well moved tonight manager place started bitching apparently supposed move roommate moved things afternoon were supposed thursday though make sense were getting mixed signals manager staff work here nobody communicating us", "im new apartmentright apparently im supposed even though nobody fucking told like pm id already moved electronics bedding less everything else except furniture pa speakers sleep schedule terrible virtually impossible fall asleep am tomorrow ive got wake up get ppd shot finish moving unpack clean get bitched manager goddamn lack communication skills relax really bad day ive far far worse days life soft life foster care made soft compared used abused even though peoples standards im still hard like stoic confident tough whatnot im absolutely dreading tomorrow additionally im terrified theyre going make get minimumwage job theres something possibly lyme may due extreme vitamin deficiency wrong bones cant handle physical stress every time past ive job like pushed closer redflag every fucking day djing handle less prolonged stress one night week most plus find extremely enjoyable less thing makes happy im also looking substitute teacher local highschool next semester meet states requirements one could handle desk job thats one really think may able get", "im type roll defeated all im dj im gogetter im sure could come another way make money yet partially motivation completely died used get early hop bike pin fliers advertising around town go random businesses ask use dj that forget repost ad craigslist half fucking time much less actually go market physically plus even inconsistent gigsim still grossing money peers here save least everything make whereas burn money like object bank despite spending equipment working way sum using speakers lights got goddamn thrift shop even despite working nearly hours week every week relationship status another big problem cant get girlfriendim hot project confidence even though tell im actually wreck im good always put facade living mom im creepy", "whatever ive girlfriendsfwbs since highschool ive single months now killing selfesteem girlfriend less makes selfworth one two friends last girlfriend practically begged stay friends her tried literally reason it blue suddenly started ignoring completely still christmas tree loaned december impression lot sentimental value her refused come get months contact cut ive tried tinder chicks seem understand dating app get ton matches good conversations them time time soon actually ask completely stop responding think bitches using boost ego hell else would match me talkflirt hours drop hints going date disappear moment actual date mentioned extremely limited social contact real life im young go bars college out two social things know", "im fucking isolated ill never meet anyone it need someone know absolute fact im much attractive average dude standards high go ugly fat chick want fucking die kind pathetic fucking worm attractive cant get girlfriend im onpar disgusting slime rincels whatever must absolutely fucking worthless something literally used girls me past girlfriends hot standards came classes whatnot think recent ex pretty much every night understand suddenly decided act like exist obviously situations usually dude didsaid something creepy absolutely didnt last conversation id minutes late presentation together class took together semester broke up presentation which wound even late for bullshit art rest semester whenever id talk shed seem awkward it completely stopped responding texts absolutely nothing on end things then think may ex broke get me theyd together years abusive hadhas selfesteem issues rolled it broke assured get back together im sure broke sort mental issue started shortly got together ended months split less issue would always extremely tired physically mentally problem demanding sex could never remember things said remember fucking anything reason went sauve charming confident dude got hots blithering idiot probably thought gave fucks relationship said felt like listening remember things tried explaining fluke weird thing never happened life im sure thought excuse anyway guess main thing idk either those got girlfriend problem living work situation seem bad all cant", "im fucking young go literally social spots miles chicks tinder get ego boost rather actually go someone guess since late ive got get early noon probably tomorrow im gonna go sleep ill back tomorrow respond read stuff im killing tonight gaurenteed im heavily considering calling ex begging come back guess ill save another night" ]
I odie la vida a pesar de que realmente mal pensar año rojo años diarios edificios de estrés oriundo largo es id como prefacio diciendo im edge derecho pensar contemplar bandera roja cada día im año más cerca segundo decir línea telefónica de emergencia cualquier urgente pensar hablar obtener consejo lo que no
end ropeim kids financial failure burden brother parents cant make good decision time try get life straight end screwing again im work leave surgery havent paid month wont get paid middle january fail attempt relationships basically im unlovable useless im coward ive plan plan cant find courage it family would better without me im chicken shit follow through
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "end ropeim kids financial failure burden brother parents cant make good decision time try get life straight end screwing again im work leave surgery havent paid month wont get paid middle january fail attempt relationships basically im unlovable useless im coward ive plan plan cant find courage it family would better without me im chicken shit follow through" ]
End Cordeim niños fracaso financiero carga hermano padres no pueden hacer buena decisión tiempo tratar de conseguir la vida recta final follando otra vez im trabajo dejar cirugía no han pagado mes no se le paga medio enero fracaso intento relaciones básicamente im inservible inútil im cobarde plan ive plan cant encontrar valor lo familia sería mejor sin mí im pollo mierda seguir a través de
ok think agree pizza hut commercials trump pretty fire text
[ "ok think agree pizza hut commercials trump pretty fire text" ]
ok pensar de acuerdo pizza choza anuncios sobre el texto de fuego bastante
today marks month since broke one single day wake thinking her incredibly sorry things went depression lack motivation ruined relationship light heart went lot support me never got tired me never things got progressively harder harder situation unbearable decided broke better miss her miss fucking much love think ever stop loving here worst part know also loves or used to cannot stand thought knowing hurt person love most want her past weeks incredibly taxing me works shit feel miserable person used relax enjoy fault feel empty void slowly eating inside lights life consumed nothing darkness bittersweet taste had know cope that currently going therapy stopped drinking promised would fall old habits hard want anything want her want make happy again make laugh one last timesorry anything wrongly written english main language miss much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "today marks month since broke one single day wake thinking her incredibly sorry things went depression lack motivation ruined relationship light heart went lot support me never got tired me never things got progressively harder harder situation unbearable decided broke better miss her miss fucking much love think ever stop loving here worst part know also loves or used to cannot stand thought knowing hurt person love most want her past weeks incredibly taxing me works shit feel miserable person used relax enjoy faultfeel empty void slowly eating inside lights life consumed nothing darkness bittersweet taste had know cope that currently going therapy stopped drinking promised would fall old habits hard want anything want her want make happy again make laugh one last timesorry anything wrongly written english main language miss much" ]
Hoy marca mes desde que se rompió un solo día despertar pensando que sus cosas increíblemente tristes fueron depresión falta motivación arruinada relación corazón ligero fue mucho apoyo nunca me cansaron nunca las cosas se pusieron cada vez más difícil situación más difícil insoportable decidido roto mejor falta su señorita mierda mucho amor pensar nunca dejar de amar aquí peor parte sabe también ama o solía no soportar pensamiento saber daño persona amor más quiere sus últimas semanas increíblemente me gravan trabajos mierda se siente miserable persona utilizada relajarse disfrutar de la falta se siente vacío vacío lentamente comer dentro de luces vida consumida nada oscuridad sabor agridulce había sabido hacer frente a que en la actualidad va terapia dejó de beber prometido caer viejos hábitos quieren cualquier cosa quiere hacer feliz otra vez hacer reír un último momentoory cualquier mal escrito Inglés idioma principal perder mucho
ampxbmy parents longer infallible role models thought deeply flawed apes know anything like rest us fact role models anymorehuman notredflag mysterious wonderful fateful predictable chemical reactions broken science life exciting wonderful boring predictable horrendous disillusioned life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ampxbmy parents longer infallible role models thought deeply flawed apes know anything like rest us fact role models anymorehuman notredflag mysterious wonderful fateful predictable chemical reactions broken science life exciting wonderful boring predictable horrendous disillusioned life" ]
ampxbmy padres modelos a seguir más infalibles pensados simios profundamente defectuosos saben algo como descanso nosotros hechos modelos a seguir ya nonredflag misteriosos maravilloso fatídico previsible reacciones químicas rotos ciencia vida emocionante maravillosa aburrido predecible horrible desilusión vida
boyfriend deals knowing im suicidalis normal boyfriend treats like exist pick call like ever in years dating text first ask day answer wanna talk make effort see me last year tried commit redflag one knows it thankfully im okay physically mentally all know fault cant help imagine way treats normal mentally stable girlfriend importantly girl full anxiety pain heal from wrong me act like care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "boyfriend deals knowing im suicidalis normal boyfriend treats like exist pick call like ever in years dating text first ask day answer wanna talk make effort see me last year tried commit redflag one knows it thankfully im okay physically mentally all know fault cant help imagine way treats normal mentally stable girlfriend importantly girl full anxiety pain heal from wrong me act like care" ]
novio ofertas saber im suicidais normal novio trata como existe pick call como siempre en años citas texto primero preguntar respuesta día querer hablar hacer esfuerzo verme el año pasado probado cometer bandera roja uno lo sabe afortunadamente i bien físicamente todos saben falla no puede ayudar a imaginar manera trata normal mentalmente estable novia importante chica completa ansiedad dolor sanar de mal me actuar como cuidado
ask teacher send video pls read sooooo live suriname sad poor country needed heart surgery done sad poor country im netherlands right now surgery weeks ago ill till november th get back stay quarantine days ill miss presentation week week presentations lol everyone else gets partner someone else alone since im lol alone class full people know since missed begi school year ill also miss st test week lmao literally week full tests subjects ill catch tests simultaneously getting ready second test week probably weeks go school also fucked principal refused give books advance cant study anything here anyway back english ask film presentation send worry catching test week missed preparing following test week
[ "ask teacher send video pls read sooooo live suriname sad poor country needed heart surgery done sad poor country im netherlands right now surgery weeks ago ill till november th get back stay quarantine days ill miss presentation week week presentations lol everyone else gets partner someone else alone since im lol alone class full people know since missed begi school year ill also miss st test week lmao literally week full tests subjects ill catch tests simultaneously getting ready second test week probably weeks go school also fucked principal refused give books advance cant study anything here anyway back english ask film presentation send worry catching test week missed preparing following test week" ]
pedir profesor enviar video pls leer sooooo live suriname triste país pobre necesita cirugía cardíaca hecho triste país pobre netherlands en este momento cirugía semanas hace mal hasta noviembre th volver estancia cuarentena días mal falta presentación semana presentaciones semana lol todos los demás consigue pareja alguien solo desde im lol clase plena gente sabe desde falta begi año escolar enfermo también falta st prueba semana lmmao literalmente semana pruebas sujetos pruebas enfermas pruebas simultáneamente prepararse segunda semana prueba probablemente semanas ir escuela también follado director rechazó dar libros de avance no puede estudiar nada aquí de todos modos volver Inglés pedir presentación película enviar preocupación captura prueba semana falta preparación después semana prueba
th birthday today couldnt give less fuck strange seems like every year birthdays becoming normal day plus dont really like messages get old friends etc find awkward dreading going college checking snapchat sound like miserable cunt right im starting feel every year birthday birthdays aint special anymore
[ "th birthday today couldnt give less fuck strange seems like every year birthdays becoming normal day plus dont really like messages get old friends etc find awkward dreading going college checking snapchat sound like miserable cuntright im starting feel every year birthday birthdays aint special anymore" ]
th cumpleaños hoy no podría dar menos mierda extraño parece como cada año cumpleaños convertirse en día normal y no me gusta realmente los mensajes conseguir viejos amigos etc encontrar incómodo temiendo ir a la universidad comprobar snapchat sonido como miserable coño im empezando sentir cada año cumpleaños cumpleaños unint especial ya
ngl im super straight one im gonna make new sexuality dont believe stuff appreciate theyre trying say
[ "ngl im superstraight one im gonna make new sexuality dont believe stuff appreciate theyre trying say" ]
ngl im superstraight un im va a hacer nueva sexualidad no creo que las cosas aprecian lo que están tratando de decir
type rope works best hanginglooking something sturdy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "type rope works best hanginglooking something sturdy" ]
tipo cuerda funciona mejor colgando aspecto algo robusto
think may accidentally caused someone kill themselvesi
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think may accidentally caused someone kill themselvesi" ]
Creo que puede causar que alguien se mate a sí mismo.
weird think future could day life better look back depressed useless cause sounds futuristic like already part life happier feeling like s shit
[ "weird think future could day life better look back depressed useless cause sounds futuristic like already part life happier feeling like s shit" ]
Raro pensar que el futuro podría la vida mejor mirar hacia atrás deprimido inútil causa sonidos futuristas como ya parte de la vida más feliz sentirse como s mierda
goodbye gavinthis always favorite part day napping always ends one arms around head sunlight shinning blinds look peaceful pure beautiful truly love gavin reece heart left best friend soul mate im sorry every mistake ive made you hope forgive way start this im sorry stress arguments lies ever hurt you unfaithful nothing like that second kissed stared eyes knew loved gavin thought ever could love another person past week so fall asleep ive staying crying burden embarrassment idk hope find someone pure gavin someone change worse make harder you hope life gets simpler quiet hope pass get license hope never remove name tattood leg least hope hatred new girlfriend love gavin reece stop loving you please forget me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goodbye gavinthis always favorite part day napping always ends one arms around head sunlight shinning blinds look peaceful pure beautiful truly love gavin reece heart left best friend soul mate im sorry every mistake ive made you hope forgive way start this im sorry stress arguments lies ever hurt you unfaithful nothing like that second kissed stared eyes knew loved gavin thought ever could love another person past week so fall asleep ive staying crying burden embarrassment idk hope find someone pure gavin someone change worse make harder you hope life gets simpler quiet hope pass get license hope never remove name tattood leg least hope hatred new girlfriendlove gavin reece stop loving you please forget me" ]
adiós gavinthis siempre favorito parte día siesta siempre termina un brazo alrededor de la cabeza luz del sol persianas brillando mirada pacífica pura belleza verdadero amor gavin reece corazón izquierda mejor amigo alma compañero im lo siento cada error ive te hizo esperar perdonar manera comenzar este im lo siento argumentos de estrés mentiras nunca te lastimó infiel nada como que segundo beso mirada ojos sabía amado Gavin pensamiento podría amar a otra persona la semana pasada así que quedarse dormido live quedarse llorando carga vergüenza idk esperanza encontrar alguien puro gavin alguien cambiar peor hacer más difícil la vida se hace más simple tranquila esperanza pase obtener licencia esperanza nunca quitar nombre tatuaje pierna menos esperanza odio nuevo novia amor gavin reece dejar de amar por favor olvidarme
want kill myselfcan escape feeling dont want die want die im probably going die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want kill myselfcan escape feeling dont want die want dieim probably going die" ]
Quiero matarme a mí mismo puedo escapar sin sentir que no quiero morir quiero morir probablemente voy a morir
constantly thinking ending everythingi dream last night shot shotgun bf found me turned around walked away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "constantly thinking ending everythingi dream last night shot shotgun bf found me turned around walked away" ]
Pensando constantemente acabar con todo lo que soñé anoche tiro escopeta bf me encontró dando la vuelta caminado lejos
grownup lonely thingi make many mistakes grownup anyone blame yourself grownup fix mistakes grownup responsible everything do crushing lonely confusing think making right choice wrong choice think right thing wrong thing spend days weeks months sometimes years working make life better family fail again christmas worst theres nothing like christmas make feel like horrible parent tired alone yet keep going day day day keep waiting silver lining right im slogging endless sea gray
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "grownup lonely thingi make many mistakes grownup anyone blame yourself grownup fix mistakes grownup responsible everything do crushing lonely confusing think making right choice wrong choice think right thing wrong thing spend days weeks months sometimes years working make life better family fail again christmas worst theres nothing like christmas make feel like horrible parent tired alone yet keep going day day day keep waiting silver liningright im slogging endless sea gray" ]
adulto solitario thingi hacer muchos errores adulto alguien se culpa adulto arreglar errores adulto responsable todo hacer aplastamiento solitario confuso pensar hacer la elección correcta elección equivocada pensar lo correcto cosa equivocada pasar días semanas meses a veces años de trabajo hacer la vida mejor familia fallar de nuevo Navidad peor no hay nada como Navidad hacer sentirse como horrible padre cansado solo pero sigue adelante día día sigue esperando plata foringright im slogging interminable mar gris
dont think teenager moderators subreddit ok lets rational people one second bere ok bear im blow mind moderators supposed teenagers guess teenagers attend school ok might thinking penis multiple mods cover multiple time zones well im blow mind checked moderators list turns mods left despite expiration date passed mean internal conflict worse theory moderators nothing get adults moderate feel comfortable groomers rise up change world
[ "dont think teenager moderators subreddit ok lets rational people one second bere ok bear im blow mind moderators supposed teenagers guess teenagers attend school ok might thinking penis multiple mods cover multiple time zoneswell im blow mind checked moderators list turns mods left despite expiration date passed mean internal conflict worse theory moderators nothing get adults moderate feel comfortable groomers rise up change world" ]
No creo que los moderadores adolescentes subreddit ok permite a la gente racional un segundo bere ok ok oke im chupar la mente moderadores supuestos adolescentes adivinar adolescentes van a la escuela ok podría pensar pene múltiples mods cubrir múltiples zonas horarias bien im chupar mente lista moderadores comprobados se convierte en mods izquierda a pesar de fecha de caducidad pasado significa conflicto interno peor moderadores teoría nada conseguir adultos moderado sentir cómodos peluqueros levantarse cambio mundo
know joke really sad im alone girlfriend years dumped week anniversary back december since then still expressing lots feeling other semimutual understanding arent ready relationship im truly sad alone great relationship her think truly experienced love gotta taste crave it want life pretty much friends girl least got bro uzr_stealth boys hopefully game tonight unless watch anime play pc lol might play siege chug monsters own anyways point like guess whos single looking reddit memes genuinely h u r inside ideas get mind absolutely fucking single
[ "know joke really sad im alone girlfriend years dumped week anniversary back december since then still expressing lots feeling other semimutual understanding arent ready relationship im truly sad alone great relationship her think truly experienced love gotta taste crave it want life pretty much friends girl least got brouzr_stealth boys hopefully game tonight unless watch anime play pc lol might play siege chug monsters own anyways point like guess whos single looking reddit memes genuinely h u r inside ideas get mind absolutely fucking single" ]
saber broma realmente triste im solo novia años abandonada semana aniversario atrás diciembre desde entonces todavía expresando mucho sentir otra comprensión semimutual arent lista relación im realmente triste solo gran relación su pensamiento verdaderamente experimentado amor tiene que probar desear la vida casi mucho amigos chica al menos tengo brouzr_stealth chicos con suerte juego esta noche a menos que ver anime jugar pc lol podría jugar sitio chug monstruos propios de todos modos punto como adivinar quiéns sola mirando memes reddit genuinamente h u r dentro ideas conseguir mente absolutamente puta soltera
help raise awareness raise awareness redflag ive myself im saw one way out however ive faced head reached support want support people know hard is ive set gofundme feel free message redflag awareness httpswwwgofundmecomfwsbrbgoutm_mediumcopy_linkamputm_sourcecustomeramputm_campaignp_nasharesheetamprcidcaefefbefcba
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help raise awareness raise awareness redflag ive myself im saw one way out however ive faced head reached support want support people know hard is ive set gofundme feel free message redflag awareness httpswwwgofundmecomfwsbrbgoutm_mediumcopy_linkamputm_sourcecustomeramputm_campaignp_nasharesheetamprcidcaefefbefcba" ]
Ayudar a crear conciencia concientización Redflag Ive Ive Im Save a way out but ive faced head at support want support people know hard is ive set gofundme feel free message redflag awareness httpswwwgofundmecomfwsbrbgoutm_mediumcopy_linkamputm_sourceclustomeramputm_campaignp_nasharesheetamprcidcaefbefcba
kake day points probably not kake day overrated right anyway suffer wrath protektors true alphabet war wages on sukkumb will join die
[ "kake day points probably not kake day overrated right anyway suffer wrath protektors true alphabet war wages on sukkumb will join die" ]
kake puntos de día probablemente no kake día sobrevalorado derecho de todos modos sufren protektors ira verdadero alfabeto salarios de guerra en sukkumb se unirán a la muerte
th coming up idea ask for anyone suggestions m im pc gamer love big lego sets ideas those
[ "th coming up idea ask for anyone suggestions m im pc gamer love big lego sets ideas those" ]
la idea que viene pedir para cualquier sugerencia m im pc gamer amor grandes lego sets ideas que
idea started channel freshmen year high school center projects hopefully become electrical engineer welcome error electronics here post reveals creations along tutorials much more httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucekbzxifijqnlknxikq
[ "idea started channel freshmen year high school center projects hopefully become electrical engineer welcome error electronics here post reveals creations along tutorials much more httpswwwyoutubecomchannelucekbzxifijqnlknxikq" ]
idea comenzó canal estudiantes de primer año High School Center proyectos con suerte convertirse en ingeniero eléctrico electrónica de error bienvenida aquí post revela creaciones a lo largo de tutoriales mucho más httpswwwyoutubecomcanalucekbzxifijqnlknxikq
breaking pointim seriously close tipping fucking shattering everywhere cant much longer even know im going stop im afraid whatll happen break up much else reason
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "breaking pointim seriously close tipping fucking shattering everywhere cant much longer even know im going stopim afraid whatll happen break up much else reason" ]
romper pointim seriamente cerca inclinando jodidamente destrozando por todas partes no puedo mucho más ni siquiera saber que voy a parar miedo de lo que va a pasar romper mucho más razón
obviously needed like make choice forced situation go down reason went inpatient treatment program
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "obviously needed like make choice forced situation go down reason went inpatient treatment program" ]
obviamente necesita como hacer la elección situación forzada ir abajo razón fue hospitalización programa de tratamiento
cliff diving except theres water freeway bridge man sounds fun
[ "cliff diving except theres water freeway bridge man sounds fun" ]
buceo en el acantilado, excepto Theres agua autopista puente hombre suena divertido
tired all bright things people past would gone long time ago make mistakes feel invisible feeling like burden able feel love longer remember feel unrepairable physically emotionally hurts live moved different country start new life tiny things improved end defective meant anything am years years proven thatampxbi want sleep yrs old tired failed attempts past
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired all bright things people past would gone long time ago make mistakes feel invisible feeling like burden able feel love longer remember feel unrepairable physically emotionally hurts live moved different country start new life tiny things improved end defective meant anything am years years proven thatampxbi want sleep yrs old tired failed attempts past" ]
cansado todas las cosas brillantes gente pasado se iría hace mucho tiempo cometer errores se siente invisible sensación de carga capaz sentir el amor más tiempo recordar se siente inreparable físicamente dolor vivo movido país diferente comenzar nueva vida pequeñas cosas mejoradas final defectuoso significa cualquier cosa am años probado que ampxbi quieren dormir yrs viejos cansados intentos fallidos pasado
dont care meeveryone always says ok whats wrong know dont care literally feel annoyance coming screen feel like one person actually cares me honestly want get rid friends besides one person wish could that id loose too wouldnt able take enough time me friends feel ungrateful care still sad jesus sounds lame sorry whoever read this crap im sorry ill stop typing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont care meeveryone always says ok whats wrong know dont care literally feel annoyance coming screen feel like one person actually cares me honestly want get rid friends besides one person wish could that id loose too wouldnt able take enough time me friends feel ungrateful care still sad jesus sounds lame sorry whoever read this crap im sorry ill stop typing" ]
No me importa todo el mundo siempre dice ok lo que está mal saber no importa literalmente sentir la molestia que viene la pantalla sentir como una persona realmente me importa honestamente quiero deshacerse de amigos además de una persona deseo podría que id flojo demasiado no podría tomar el tiempo suficiente amigos me siento ingrato cuidado todavía triste Jesús suena cojo lo siento quien lea esta mierda im lo siento mal dejar de escribir
life flashing eyesthese intrusive thoughts every memory ive ever had random ones unimportant events keep flooding hurt much want anymore like ive recorded mentally like mind like myself want anymore hate mentally ill hate emotional responses past feel childish
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life flashing eyesthese intrusive thoughts every memory ive ever had random ones unimportant events keep flooding hurt much want anymore like ive recorded mentally like mind like myself want anymore hate mentally ill hate emotional responses past feel childish" ]
vida brillando ojos estos pensamientos intrusivos cada memoria live ha tenido al azar acontecimientos sin importancia siguen inundando duelen mucho más como ive registrado mentalmente como mente como yo quiero más odio mentalmente enfermo odio respuestas emocionales pasado sentirse infantil
got back back second unskippable ads youtube wtf youtube sat seconds ads
[ "got back back second unskippable ads youtube wtf youtube sat seconds ads" ]
volver segundo anuncios inskippable youtube wtf youtube se sentó segundos anuncios
suicidal dont want exist sometimesi cant one feels way sometimes wish start new life one knows fresh canvas see family see fit but without picture somedays im grateful circumstances days really really bad days think myself cant live grid another land want alone sometimes days feel alone want people support arms reach conflicting feeling like live new life keep close me know silly stress future stressful feel like dont enough time days worry im gonna three decades worry im going failure
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal dont want exist sometimesi cant one feels way sometimes wish start new life one knows fresh canvas see family see fit but without picture somedays im grateful circumstances days really really bad days think myself cant live grid another land want alone sometimes days feel alone want people support arms reach conflicting feeling like live new life keep close me know silly stress future stressful feel like dont enough time days worry im gonna three decades worry im going failure" ]
suicida no quiero existir a veces no puedo sentir que a veces deseo empezar una nueva vida uno sabe lienzo fresco ver familia ver a la perfección pero sin imagen algún día im circunstancias agradecidas días realmente malos días pensar yo no puedo vivir cuadrícula otra tierra querer solo a veces días se siente solo quiere que la gente apoya brazos llegar conflicto sentir como vivir nueva vida mantener cerca de mí sé tonto estrés futuro estresante sentir como no suficiente tiempo días preocupación im va a tres décadas preocupación im va fracaso
friend saved life know doi fully prepared end today pills ready laid got back knew today going last day id planning month knew mum brother would out weirdly settled knowledge one thing actually control happening finished school day began walk back home usual walked past group people considered friends go home way me one said anything walked bit behind me turned usual point halfway road heard running feet behind me friend ran entire way back around corner road nearly asthma attack it asked important looking back fucking rude her done ask needed anything looked really recently worried apparently looked even lower usual today know was something stopped me still want live state cant see getting better cant bring now know do thought control least cant even control that
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend saved life know doi fully prepared end today pills ready laid got back knew today going last day id planning month knew mum brother would out weirdly settled knowledge one thing actually control happening finished school day began walk back home usual walked past group people considered friends go home way me one said anything walked bit behind me turned usual point halfway road heard running feet behind me friend ran entire way back around corner road nearly asthma attack it asked important looking back fucking rude her done ask needed anything looked really recently worried apparently looked even lower usual today know was something stopped me still want live state cant see getting better cant bring now know do thought control least cant even control that" ]
amigo salvó la vida sabe doi totalmente preparado final hoy píldoras listo se puso de nuevo sabía hoy va el último día id mes de planificación sabía que hermano hermano extrañamente conocimiento establecido una cosa realmente control sucediendo terminó escuela día comenzó caminar de vuelta a casa habitual caminar más allá grupo personas consideradas amigos volver a casa camino yo uno dijo algo caminado poco detrás de mí vuelta punto habitual a mitad de camino oído correr pies detrás de mí amigo corrió todo el camino vuelta esquina carretera casi ataque de asma preguntó importante mirando hacia atrás maleducado ella hizo preguntar necesitaba cualquier cosa parecía muy recientemente preocupado parece incluso menos habitual hoy saber que algo me paró todavía quiero estado vivo no puedo ver cada vez mejor no puede traer ahora saber control de pensamiento menos no puede controlar que
tell parents tried kill long story short struggling depression anxiety years now got phone call randomly mum yesterday saying dad they split young wanted meet together talk must picked last couple years realised something right months prior though actually went holiday friends went home early one night intention killing ending all wrote notes drunk time actually slipped tile floor hotel knocked unconscious wake friends back hotel room gathered around me feeling stupid said slipped left early drunk since decided end came round read notes left parents couldnt stop crying thinking mum reading it question tell keep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tell parents tried kill long story short struggling depression anxiety years now got phone call randomly mum yesterday saying dad they split young wanted meet together talk must picked last couple years realised something right months prior though actually went holiday friends went home early one night intention killing ending all wrote notes drunk time actually slipped tile floor hotel knocked unconscious wake friends back hotel room gathered around me feeling stupid said slipped left early drunk since decided end came round read notes left parents couldnt stop crying thinking mum reading it question tell keep" ]
Dile a los padres que trataron de matar larga historia corta lucha depresión ansiedad años ahora recibió una llamada telefónica al azar mamá ayer diciendo papá se separaron joven quería reunirse charla debe recogerse en el último par de años se dio cuenta de algo correcto meses antes, aunque en realidad fueron amigos de vacaciones se fueron a casa temprano una noche intención de matar terminar todas las notas escribió borracho tiempo en realidad se deslizó piso hotel inconsciente despertar amigos atrás habitación del hotel reunidos alrededor de mí sensación estúpida dijo resbaló izquierda borracho desde final decidido vino alrededor leer notas izquierda padres no podía dejar de llorar pensando mamá leer pregunta decir mantener
im honestly doneth march ill goneah friend suggested subreddit realised reasons minuscule might well reasons even exist first place anyways go longest ramble history made promise would kill time couple weeks be need hurry up honestly dont know wanted eh lets hope joking thought cliche thing friday th april thats week birthday dont need pressure reasons want ahem kick bucket lately everyone pressuring hurry get sort place university quickly loose chance would years would attend besides know wont last long cant remember last time happy wasnt medication remember plenty quite lot medication none naturally lastly im generally done ill grab box thats full blades grab pill bottle grab note ive writing since honestly like book short story everything ive put it lets hope lets hope dont survive ive survived many times
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im honestly doneth march ill goneah friend suggested subreddit realised reasons minuscule might well reasons even exist first place anyways go longest ramble history made promise would kill time couple weeks be need hurry up honestly dont know wanted eh lets hope joking thought cliche thing friday th april thats week birthday dont need pressure reasons want ahem kick bucket lately everyone pressuring hurry get sort place university quickly loose chance would years would attend besides know wont last long cant remember last time happy wasnt medication remember plenty quite lot medication none naturally lastly im generally done ill grab box thats full blades grab pill bottle grab note ive writing since honestly like book short story everything ive put it lets hope lets hope dont survive ive survived many times" ]
I am honestamente doth march mal gooah amigo sugerido subreddit se dio cuenta de razones minúsculas bien podrían existir razones incluso primer lugar de todos modos ir más largo divaga historia hecho promesa mataría tiempo par de semanas ser necesario apresurarse honestamente no lo sé quería eh permite esperar broma pensamiento pensamiento cliché cosa viernes a abril que semana cumpleaños no necesita presión razones quieren ahem cubo de patada últimamente todos presionando prisa conseguir lugar universidad rápidamente oportunidad suelta asistiría además de saber no durará mucho tiempo no puedo recordar la última vez feliz no era la medicación recordar un montón de medicación ninguno naturalmente por último im generalmente hecho mal caja de agarre que hojas llenas píldora botella agarrar nota escritura en vivo ya que honestamente como libro historia corta todo lo que se pone deja esperanza deja que no sobrevivir vida muchas veces
wish could go bed without wanting wake next dayand wish could wake without wishing woken thing want stop feeling anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish could go bed without wanting wake next dayand wish could wake without wishing woken thing want stop feeling anything" ]
deseo podría irse a la cama sin querer despertar al día siguiente y deseo podría despertar sin desear lo despertado quiero dejar de sentir nada
got super cold really fast like like degrees last night even october weather insane
[ "got super cold really fast like like degrees last night even october weather insane" ]
se enfría muy rápido como los grados de anoche, incluso el clima de octubre loco
okay cry song like idk cried shit one song every time hear cant hold tears
[ "okay cry song like idk cried shit one song every time hear cant hold tears" ]
ok grito canción como idk lloraba mierda una canción cada vez que escucha no puede contener las lágrimas
circle supposed shape one side angles sides angles shape circular yes know circle also considered shape infinite sides near length infinite angles near degrees shhhhhh
[ "circle supposed shape one side angles sides angles shape circularyes know circle also considered shape infinite sides near length infinite angles near degrees shhhhhh" ]
círculo supuesto forma un lado ángulos lados ángulos forma circularsí saber círculo también se considera forma infinito lados cerca de longitud infinito ángulos cerca de grados shhhhhh
ye genshin servers anymore yeyeye
[ "ye genshin servers anymore yeyeye" ]
yes genshin servidores más yeeye
recently posted trying find help afford rent pay transmission fixed depleted little finally able save able afford rent caused overdraft im asking cover overdraft negative balance give enough buy groceries next week this include bag dog food send picture receipt money spent on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "recently posted trying find help afford rent pay transmission fixed depleted little finally able save able afford rent caused overdraft im asking cover overdraft negative balance give enough buy groceries next week this include bag dog food send picture receipt money spent on" ]
recientemente publicado tratando de encontrar ayuda para pagar el alquiler de transmisión de pago fijo agotado poco finalmente capaz ahorro capaz de pagar alquiler sobregiro causado im pidiendo cobertura sobregiro saldo negativo dar suficientes compras de comestibles la próxima semana esto incluye bolsa perro comida enviar recibo de imagen dinero gastado en
attempted todayand didnt fucking work ran husband couldnt get police stop me tried overdosing instead ive puking night third attempt wtf
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "attempted todayand didnt fucking work ran husband couldnt get police stop me tried overdosing instead ive puking night third attempt wtf" ]
intento de hoy y no trabajo jodido marido no pudo conseguir policía me paró intento de sobredosis en lugar de ive voking noche tercer intento wtf
theoretically speaking much sugar would enough sugar crash thanks fall asleep cant im taking special reinforcements bad idea let know
[ "theoretically speaking much sugar would enough sugar crash thanks fall asleep cant im taking special reinforcementsbad idea let know" ]
Teóricamente hablando mucho azúcar sería suficiente azúcar choque gracias se duermen cant im tomar refuerzos especiales mala idea hacerle saber
anxiety attackso didnt sleep night morning go father buy food get energy drinks try every time go buy fod someone get panic attack every time go alone fell like every body watching ext whe entrer good whe go drinks buy whiskey beer ext father go pick something place looking energy drinks alone girl behind starts talk saying dont buy st discont next week didnt know say start think works ask discont answers yes discount wanted one drinks fell nervous pick also dont pick would fell also impotent leave father reches whe leave father ask talking say girl looks suprise fuck whe leaving see car start think dont work say haplend dad says hiting like nahh says big men laughting felt bad thinking im shit talking pressure fell pressure times talking girl hiting fucked realy bad like even hit me something good happends
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anxiety attackso didnt sleep night morning go father buy food get energy drinks try every time go buy fod someone get panic attack every time go alone fell like every body watching ext whe entrer good whe go drinks buy whiskey beer ext father go pick something place looking energy drinks alone girl behind starts talk saying dont buy st discont next week didnt know say start think works ask discont answers yes discount wanted one drinks fell nervous pick also dont pick would fell also impotent leave father reches whe leave father ask talking say girl looks suprise fuck whe leaving see car start think dont work say haplend dad says hiting like nahh says big men laughting felt bad thinking im shit talking pressure fell pressure times talking girl hiting fucked realy bad like even hit me something good happends" ]
ansiedad ataques no durmieron noche mañana ir padre comprar comida conseguir bebidas energéticas tratar cada vez comprar fod alguien conseguir ataque de pánico cada vez ir solo cayó como cada cuerpo ver ext whe entrer bueno whe ir bebidas comprar whisky cerveza ext padre ir elegir algo lugar buscar bebidas energéticas sola chica detrás comienza a hablar diciendo no comprar st discont la semana que viene no sabía decir start think works preguntar respuestas sí descuento quería una bebida cayó pick nervioso también no pick caería también impotente dejar padre reches whe dejar padre preguntar hablar decir chica mirada sorpresa mierda whe salir ver coche empezar pensar no trabajar decir haplend papá dice golpear como nahh dice grandes hombres risa se sentía mal pensar im mierda hablar presión cayó presión veces hablar chica golpear mierda como incluso golpearme algo bueno
im starting like hair maybe stop wearing hoods
[ "im starting like hair maybe stop wearing hoods" ]
Estoy empezando como el pelo tal vez dejar de usar capuchas
want stop drinking time want stopi lost best friend reality had talked family long time interest reconnect messy childhood friends think made codependent first week long time text theres one im looking new friend no anyway ex best friend said want friend anymore much piece shit become drink said verbally abusive see am get drunk sometimes hate almost much hate myself hate life choices im always bad guy feel like better met her time different way better now like emotionally better image lifestyle better now feel im ranting im sorry know ive felt hopeless before ive never lonely before feeling mean ive driven across many state city town village before alone ive never truly alone maybe thats im writing post feel alone know ampxb want kill myself time dont thats fear comes next im scared process no want quick gun ive never fan them im highest floor apartment think jump kill me luxury crashing car going hope car hits me might survive that want quick way out one alcohol maybe ill get courage figure way out ampxb sorry waste time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want stop drinking time want stopi lost best friend reality had talked family long time interest reconnect messy childhood friends think made codependent first week long time text theres one im looking new friendno anyway ex best friend said want friend anymore much piece shit become drink said verbally abusive see am get drunk sometimes hate almost much hate myself hate life choices im always bad guy feel like better met her time different way better now like emotionally better image lifestyle better now feel im ranting imsorry know ive felt hopeless before ive never lonely before feeling mean ive driven across many state city town village before alone ive never truly alone maybe thats im writing post feel alone know ampxb want kill myself time dont thats fear comes next im scared process no want quick gunive never fan them im highest floor apartment think jump kill me luxury crashing car going hope car hits me might survive that want quick way out one alcohol maybe ill get courage figure way out ampxb sorry waste time" ]
Quiero dejar de beber tiempo quiero stopi perdido mejor amigo realidad había hablado familia largo tiempo interés volver a conectar desorden amigos infancia piensan hecho codependiente primera semana largo tiempo texto Theres one im looking new friendno de todos modos ex mejor amigo dijo querer amigo ya mucho pedazo mierda convertirse en bebida dijo verbalmente abusivo ver soy conseguir borracho a veces odio casi mucho odio a mí mismo opciones de vida im siempre chico malo se siente como mejor conocido su tiempo diferente mejor ahora como emocionalmente mejor imagen estilo de vida mejor ahora se siente im ranting insomry sé ive se sentía desesperanzado antes de vivir nunca solitario antes de sentirse medio vivo conducido a través de muchos estado ciudad ciudad pueblo antes de vivir solo nunca realmente solo tal vez eso es im escritura post sentir solo saber ampxb querer matarme tiempo dont thats miedo viene siguiente im proceso asustado no quiero rápido gunitivo nunca ventilador ellos im piso más alto pensar salto me mata lujo accidente coche va esperanza me golpea
think it point living not even here tired everything want fight anymore mood swings happen multiple times day cannot control them people always judge fucking sick it therapist parents mock it friends swear understand ask cannot happy once one gets it medications even fucking help therapist months room always mess saw aunt today smiled said glad better never get better cannot people understand am cannot control change it trying years feel better soon think anymore ill another teenage suicide statistic chart fucking tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think it point living not even here tired everything want fight anymore mood swings happen multiple times day cannot control them people always judge fucking sick it therapist parents mockit friends swear understand ask cannot happy once one gets it medications even fucking help therapist months room always mess saw aunt today smiled said glad better never get better cannot people understand am cannot control change it trying years feel better soon think anymore ill another teenage suicide statistic chart fucking tired" ]
Creo que es punto de vida ni siquiera aquí cansado todo lo que quieren luchar más cambios de humor ocurren varias veces día no puede controlar a la gente siempre juzgar maldito enfermo es terapeuta padres burla amigos jurar entender pedir no puede feliz una vez que se obtiene medicamentos incluso puta ayuda terapeuta meses cuarto siempre desastre vio la tía hoy sonrió dijo feliz mejor nunca mejorar la gente no puede entender soy no puede controlar cambiar los años difíciles sentirse mejor pronto pensar más enfermo otra adolescente suicidio gráfico estadística mierda cansado
imma real absolutely fucking terrified parents especially terrified tell mental health ask anything
[ "imma real absolutely fucking terrified parents especially terrified tell mental health ask anything" ]
Imma real absolutamente aterrorizados padres especialmente aterrorizados decir salud mental preguntar cualquier cosa
test ctei wondering wonder severe depression related brain injuries football
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "test ctei wondering wonder severe depression related brain injuries football" ]
prueba ctei pregunta maravilla depresión severa relacionadas con lesiones cerebrales fútbol
think donei cannot continue like past two years indication cannot change either overwhelmed studies care little friends although know family kind would care mind leaving behind slept night long sleep least hours day cannot remember last saw daylight would nice see sun one last time written things owe everyone brief explanation least decided method think done thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think donei cannot continue like past two years indication cannot change either overwhelmed studies care little friends although know family kind would care mind leaving behind slept night long sleep least hours day cannot remember last saw daylight would nice see sun one last time written things owe everyone brief explanation least decided method think done thank reading" ]
pensar dodi no puede continuar como los últimos dos años indicación no puede cambiar estudios abrumados cuidado pequeños amigos, aunque saben familia tipo le importaría dejar detrás dormido noche largo sueño menos horas día no puede recordar última vista de luz del día sería agradable ver sol una última vez escrito cosas deben a todos breve explicación menos decidido método pensar hecho gracias lectura