end sufferinghave anyone lost feeling meaningless live anyone anyone stopped feeling miserable longer period time suffering past years hoping feelings would disappear however happened im lossing hope better days im basically stuck misery
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "end sufferinghave anyone lost feeling meaningless live anyone anyone stopped feeling miserable longer period time suffering past years hoping feelings would disappear however happened im lossing hope better days im basically stuck misery" ]
fin del sufrimiento han perdido a alguien sin sentido vivir a alguien alguien dejó de sentirse miserable período más largo tiempo sufrimiento años pasados esperando sentimientos desaparecer sin embargo sucedió la pérdida de esperanza mejores días im básicamente atascado miseria
always soft spot disney flick another part live actionpart animation entries sought recreate success mary poppins never quite made it grade school every would movie day whole school would crowd cafeteria movie would projected oldfashioned way multiple reels all time seemed like momentous occasion whenever day arrived bedknobs broomsticks one movies remember seeing waybr br and remember quite charming angela lansbury never put name anything least competent winning witch magic bed boy could misconstrued it take couple young kids magic adventures faroff places come on kid want bed like that br br grade
[ "always soft spot disney flick another part live actionpart animation entries sought recreate success mary poppins never quite made it grade school every would movie day whole school would crowd cafeteria movie would projected oldfashioned way multiple reels all time seemed like momentous occasion whenever day arrived bedknobs broomsticks one movies remember seeing waybr br and remember quite charming angela lansbury never put name anything least competent winning witch magic bed boy could misconstrued it take couple young kids magic adventures faroff places come on kid want bed like that br br grade" ]
siempre soft spot disney flick otra parte live actionpart animation entries buscados recrear éxito Mary Poppins nunca hizo que la escuela de grado cada día de cine toda la escuela multitud película de cafetería se proyectaría a la antigua manera múltiple carretes todo el tiempo parecía como ocasión trascendental cada día que llegó bedknobs escoba palos una película recordar ver waybr br y recordar bastante encantador Angela Lansbury nunca poner nombre nada menos competente ganador mágico niño cama podría malinterpretar toma pareja de niños aventuras mágicas lugares lejanos vienen en niño quieren cama como ese br br grado
fuck boris johnson fuck making schools go back march th wont time play games instead work
[ "fuck boris johnson fuck making schools go back march th wont time play games instead work" ]
mierda boris johnson mierda hacer escuelas volver marcha th no va a tiempo jugar juegos en lugar de trabajo
would like know the outsiders australian tv series ever released dvd sometime future music title theme available cdbr br there one series episodes drama gone least three even four series totalbr br the young german actor series also german tv series called black forest clinic aired uk english dialogue superimposed lipsync br br i look forward hearing comments tv industry personnel questions thank advance
[ "would like know the outsiders australian tv series ever released dvd sometime future music title theme available cdbr br there one series episodes drama gone least three even four series totalbr br the young german actor series also german tv series called black forest clinic aired uk english dialogue superimposed lipsync br br i look forward hearing comments tv industry personnel questions thank advance" ]
me gustaría saber los extranjeros serie de televisión australiana nunca lanzado dvd en algún momento futuro tema de la música título disponible cdbr br allí una serie episodios drama ido al menos tres incluso cuatro series totalbr br la joven serie de actores alemanes también llamada serie de televisión alemana llamada black forest clinic aireado diálogo inglés superimpuesto lipsync br br i look forward escuchar comentarios tv industria preguntas de personal gracias avance
tired itim almost still virgin never kissed never date im tired much try make change doesnt go bars speed dating try online dating apps nothing im fat ugly im worthless sucks friend group cant get girl always hearing youre great guy make one happy time im end even like could probably please girl size dick im worthless one way point continuing alone sad forcing happy every day im tired everything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired itim almost still virgin never kissed never date im tired much try make change doesnt go bars speed dating try online dating apps nothing im fat ugly im worthless sucks friend group cant get girl always hearing youre great guy make one happy time im end even like could probably please girl size dick im worthless one way point continuing alone sad forcing happy every day im tired everything" ]
cansado tim casi todavía virgen nunca besó nunca cita im cansado mucho intento hacer cambio no va bares citas velocidad probar online citas aplicaciones nada im gordo feo im sin valor chupa amigo grupo cant conseguir chica siempre escuchar youre gran chico hacer un tiempo feliz im final incluso como podría por favor chica tamaño polla im inútil un punto de camino continuar solo triste forzando feliz cada día im cansado todo
were talking nature teacher saying tortured tormented abused think bdsm aaaaaaaaa
[ "were talking nature teacher saying tortured tormented abused think bdsm aaaaaaaaa" ]
estaba hablando profesor de naturaleza diciendo torturado maltratado pensar bdsm aaaaaaaaa
keep goingive wanting kill lately actually long time went googling trying find different methods ones maybe wont hurt much others frankly im done pain ive pain emotional pain whole life nothing going me nothing working out dont normal life dont people loves makes want better anyway googling read something along lines stop decide want die grab pen piece paper write love write love listen favorite songs open old photos look good memories im gonna stop there broke me kidding me love one bonds one maybe someone cares me one loves back way dont love anything either im type person ambitions dreams that hate world society everything works listening favorite songs wont shit me make cry theyre sad songs looking memories me one make new memories old ones past thats nothing painful yes even say it yes mental problems dont even mention things valnurable person beg to idea long ive holding cant see bright side things anymore im constantly unhappy ive always been mandatory live like this people doesnt feel like never ever know amount pain might young know im never gonna love living way made world be im sorry world beautiful hate it basically new times slaves calling real slaves million times worse im aware anyone want helpful pm ways go out get would wanna talk it dont waste time want know methods maybe wouldnt endure worst pains last task have
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep goingive wanting kill lately actually long time went googling trying find different methods ones maybe wont hurt much others frankly im done pain ive pain emotional pain whole life nothing going me nothing working out dont normal life dont people loves makes want better anyway googling read something along lines stop decide want die grab pen piece paper write love write love listen favorite songs open old photos look good memories im gonna stop there broke me kidding me love one bonds onemaybe someone cares me one loves back way dont love anything either im type person ambitions dreams that hate world society everything works listening favorite songs wont shit me make crytheyre sad songs looking memories me one make new memories old ones past thats nothing painful yes even say ityes mental problems dont even mention things valnurable person beg to idea long ive holding cant see bright side things", "anymore im constantly unhappy ive always been mandatory live like this people doesnt feel like never ever know amount pain might young know im never gonna love living way made world be im sorry world beautiful hate it basically new times slaves calling real slaves million times worse im aware anyone want helpful pm ways go out get would wanna talk it dont waste time want know methods maybe wouldnt endure worst pains last task have" ]
Últimamente en realidad mucho tiempo fue googleando tratando de encontrar diferentes métodos que tal vez no duelen mucho otros francamente im hecho dolor ive dolor emocional toda la vida nada me va nada funcionando no vida normal dont gente ama hace querer mejor de todos modos googlear leer algo a lo largo de líneas parar decidir querer morir papel escribir amor escribir amor escuchar canciones favoritas abrir fotos antiguas im va a parar allí me rompió amor uno lazos uno tal vez alguien me cuida uno ama atrás manera no ama nada tampoco im tipo persona ambiciones sueños que odian mundo sociedad todo funciona escuchar canciones favoritas no mierda me hacen llorar son canciones tristes buscando recuerdos me uno hace nuevos recuerdos viejos pasado que no es nada doloroso sí incluso decir sí problemas mentales ni siquiera mencionar cosas valiosos persona mendigar a idea larga vida sostener no puede ver cosas brillantes lado
back againnd night row tonight worse found exgirl friend cheated me crutch im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "back againnd night row tonight worse found exgirl friend cheated me crutch im done" ]
de vuelta en la fila de la noche esta noche peor encontrado exgirl amigo me engañó mutch im hecho
woah buckarooo make one damned girl bad boy funny memes im gonna hand one way ticket supersargasso sea
[ "woah buckarooo make one damned girl bad boy funny memes im gonna hand one way ticket supersargasso sea" ]
woah bucarooo hacer una maldita chica chico malo divertido memes im va a dar una sola manera boleto supersargasso mar
please help someone stole like bucks pokemon wednesday i small time martial arts studiotrading w frien ly realised got back sounded pretty said realized told one instructors happened reason told memories elementary school friends avoid looking petty
[ "please help someone stole like bucks pokemon wednesday i small time martial arts studiotrading w frien ly realised got back sounded pretty said realized told one instructors happened reason told memories elementary school friends avoid looking petty" ]
Por favor, ayuda a alguien robó como dólares pokemon miércoles i pequeño tiempo artes marciales estudiotrading w frien se dio cuenta de que llegó de nuevo sonaba bastante dicho se dio cuenta de que uno de los instructores pasó razón dijo recuerdos amigos escuela primaria evitar parecer mezquino
world reali really feel like time posting last cry help thats even possible really smart know everything highschool teaching already cant focus enough actually it im failing everything except band love friends despite trying hard make girl almost anorexicly skinny would call attractive enough friend try talk parents always busy talk usually wathing tv mom laptop day doesnt even job reality become video games retreat terrible lifemy place friends which mom calls fake friends know people worse buy cannot stand life become way is rely fake world id rather live all slit wrists tonight get back home ive read lot realised otjer people seem similar
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "world reali really feel like time posting last cry help thats even possible really smart know everything highschool teaching already cant focus enough actually it im failing everything except band love friends despite trying hard make girl almost anorexicly skinny would call attractive enough friend try talk parents always busy talk usually wathing tv mom laptop day doesnt even job reality become video games retreat terrible lifemy place friends which mom calls fake friends know people worse buy cannot stand life become way is rely fake world id rather live all slit wrists tonight get back homeive read lot realised otjer people seem similar" ]
mundo reali realmente siento como el tiempo publicar último grito ayuda que es incluso posible realmente inteligente saber todo la enseñanza secundaria ya no puede centrarse lo suficiente en realidad estoy fallando todo excepto banda amor amigos a pesar de intentar duro hacer chica casi anoréxicamente flaco llamaría lo suficientemente atractivo amigo intentar hablar padres siempre ocupado hablar generalmente wathing TV mamá portátil día ni siquiera trabajo realidad se convierten en videojuegos retiro terrible vida mi lugar amigos que mamá llama amigos falsos saber gente peor comprar no soportar la vida convertirse en manera es confiar falso mundo id lugar vivir todas las muñecas cortadas esta noche volver homeive leer mucho realizado personas otjer parecen similares
gods planeverything happens reason everything good bad part gods plan want kill myself logic means god wants kill myself god hates want exist otherwise want kill badly god wanted holocaust hurricane katrina happen god wants babies raped tortured god wants suffering sickness horror god evil maybe im evil god wants save world way knows how maybe world suddenly fix stop poisoning it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gods planeverything happens reason everything good bad part gods plan want kill myself logic means god wants kill myself god hates want exist otherwise want kill badly god wanted holocaust hurricane katrina happen god wants babies raped tortured god wants suffering sickness horror god evilmaybe im evil god wants save world way knows how maybe world suddenly fix stop poisoning it" ]
Dioses planean todo lo que sucede porque todo lo bueno parte mala Dioses planean matarme a mí mismo lógica significa que Dios quiere matarme a mí mismo dios odios quieren existir de otro modo quiero matar mal dios deseado holocausto huracán katrina sucede dios quiere bebés violados dios torturado quiere sufrir enfermedad horror dios maltal vez im mal dios quiere salvar mundo manera sabe cómo tal vez mundo repentinamente arreglar dejar de envenenarlo
alonelife lost magic hopefulness felt nothing look forward to one talk to cant help feel cant trust anyone people really dont care unless benefiting someway posted something week ago felt embarrassed deleted it feel alone lost dont really know else turn anymore pray every night life end dont understand anyone really manages pull depression dont care better anymore honestly believe people destined alone unhappy matter efforts make better everything gone wrong wish could courage end it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alonelife lost magic hopefulness felt nothing look forward to one talk to cant help feel cant trust anyone people really dont care unless benefiting someway posted something week ago felt embarrassed deleted it feel alone lost dont really know else turn anymore pray every night life end dont understand anyone really manages pull depression dont care better anymore honestly believe people destined alone unhappy matter efforts make better everything gone wrong wish could courage end it" ]
a solas la vida perdió la magia la esperanza no sintió nada esperar a una charla para no ayudar a sentir que no puede confiar en nadie a la gente realmente no le importa a menos que beneficiarse de alguna manera publicado algo hace semana se sintió avergonzado eliminado se siente solo perdido realmente no sé más volver cada noche la vida final no entender a nadie realmente maneja tirar de la depresión no le importa mejor más honestamente creer a la gente destinada solo los esfuerzos de materia infeliz hacer mejor todo lo que salió mal deseo podría coraje terminarlo
life probably best ever finally got friends rely on well school starting new job everything could want yet still want die feel like nothing ever going make happy point life going great still want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life probably best ever finally got friends rely on well school starting new job everything could want yet still want die feel like nothing ever going make happy point life going great still want die" ]
la vida probablemente mejor nunca finalmente tener amigos dependen de la escuela bien comenzando nuevo trabajo todo podría querer y aún así querer morir sentir como nada va nunca hacer feliz punto de vida va grande todavía quieren morir
ende endeim writing ahead time incase fail grade friends know recover fail im cornered isolated hopeless meds helping make tired lightheaded sorry more ende ende
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ende endeim writing ahead time incase fail grade friends know recover fail im cornered isolated hopeless meds helping make tired lightheaded sorry more ende ende" ]
ende endeim escribir antes de tiempo en caso de fracaso amigos de grado saber recuperar el fracaso en acorralado aislados medicamentos sin esperanza que ayudan a cansados mareos lo siento más ende ende ende
become tired fighting fight depression many years keep goingits battle uphill battle good daysbut really bad days start going hill thenyou seem go backwards worse started
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "become tired fighting fight depression many years keep goingits battle uphill battle good daysbut really bad days start going hill thenyou seem go backwards worse started" ]
se cansan luchando contra la depresión muchos años siguen su batalla cuesta arriba batalla buenos días pero realmente malos días comienzan a ir colina entonces parece ir hacia atrás peor comenzó
u get good somethinglegit ive taken art classes years random girl class last year school visual arts stuff draws x better ever could like god damn everything im bad literally cant good anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "u get good somethinglegitive taken art classes years random girl class last year school visual arts stuff draws x better ever could like god damn everything im bad literally cant good anything" ]
u conseguir algo bueno legitive tomado clases de arte años clase de chicas al azar el año pasado escuela artes visuales cosas dibuja x mejor podría como dios maldita todo im malo literalmente no puede bueno cualquier cosa
even distraught tired giving birthdayim calm im rational im overreacting im fucking tired overwhelmed ok deal stress birthday months im going quickly get with itll nice deal stress anymore least
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even distraught tired giving birthdayim calm im rational im overreacting im fucking tired overwhelmed ok deal stress birthday months im going quickly get with itll nice deal stress anymore least" ]
incluso angustiado cansado dando a Cumpleaños calma im racional im exagerando im cansado ok acuerdo estrés cumpleaños meses voy rápidamente conseguir con Itll buen trato estrés más menos
thigh highs hot everyone male female inbeetween god look good hilight human firgure look really good
[ "thigh highs hot everyone male femaleinbeetweengod look good hilight human firgure look really good" ]
muslo altos caliente todo el mundo macho hembrainbeetweengod mirada buena hilight firgure humana mirada realmente bueno
even keep going im useless world hates ityesterday average day went work job friendly small talk fun colleagues shift over sat car drove home switched light set pc chair booting pc comparably good day could happy felt nothing went online played games talked online friends went bed woke next day went back pc looked steam profile page looking high level smile felt sad life im skyrocketing steam level compensate emptiness soul one real life friend hardly ever meet hes deeply buried uni work live alone pets interact neighbours online friends impressive steam account yet switch pc feel nothing nothing hobbies everything ever dedicated energy eventually dropped tried learn drawing express myself dropped picked bass make music dropped tried think third activity write here dropped lost motivation life day playing games chatting people never met life pass time work fast go back empty steam life online addiction probably started young five six years old got first pc game playing games way dad found interact me lot got drawn towards games more first always single player games thenth grade school discovered online gaming fun new exciting totally emptied anything else interest in spent hundreds maybe thousands bucks pixels neglecting everything else ever interest in top that seriously dislike job im number single cog machine instead something like im good at rot away company simple worker im pretty good english especially consider even native language yet never got make anything useful besides chatting people online first redflag thoughts came second year apprenticeship which different company job now five years ago now stood top floor warehouse looked ground floor jumping seemed like solution emptiness colleagues hated me vented anger every day already knew job nothing me wanted end thing kept away jumping fear pain landed stupid way survived seriously injured broken life even now stumbled back edge shook head went work ever since then wish could bring it minutes pain ends then keeps alive nothing really fear pain want end redeeming features nobody likes me parents divorced family shambles job crap cant get better one cant imagine id ever graduate better school bad maths cant end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even keep going im useless world hates ityesterday average day went work job friendly small talk fun colleagues shift over sat car drove home switched light set pc chair booting pc comparably good day could happy felt nothing went online played games talked online friends went bed woke next day went back pc looked steam profile page looking high level smile felt sad life im skyrocketing steam level compensate emptiness soul one real life friend hardly ever meet", "hes deeply buried uni work live alone pets interact neighbours online friends impressive steam account yet switch pc feel nothing nothing hobbies everything ever dedicated energy eventually dropped tried learn drawing express myself dropped picked bass make music dropped tried think third activity write here dropped lost motivation life day playing games chatting people never met life pass time work fast go back empty steam life online addiction probably started young five six years old got first pc game playing games way dad found interact me lot got drawn towards games more first always single player games thenth grade school discovered online gaming fun new exciting totally emptied anything else interest in spent hundreds maybe thousands bucks pixels neglecting everything else ever interest in top that seriously dislike job im number single cog machine instead something like im good at rot away company simple worker im pretty good english especially consider even native language yet never got make anything useful besides chatting people online first redflag thoughts came second year apprenticeship which different company job now five years ago now stood top floor warehouse looked ground floor jumping seemed like solution emptiness colleagues hated me vented anger every day already knew job nothing me wanted end thing kept away jumping fear pain landed stupid way survived seriously injured broken life even now stumbled back edge shook head went work ever since then wish could bring it minutes pain ends then keeps alive nothing really fear pain want end redeeming features nobody likes me parents divorced family shambles job crap cant get better one cant imagine id ever graduate better school bad maths cant end" ]
Incluso seguir siendo inútil mundo odia ityayer día medio ido trabajo amigable pequeña charla diversión compañeros cambio de coche por satélite coche conducida luz set pc booting pc buen día podría feliz se sentía nada se fue en línea juegos jugados hablados en línea amigos se fueron a la cama al día siguiente se despertó al día siguiente pc mirada vapor perfil página buscando sonrisa de alto nivel se sintió triste vida im skyroating vapor nivel compensar vacío alma un amigo de la vida real casi nunca se conocen
battled depression whole life realizing even depression fighting anymore realized truly place world belong anywhere loved anyone anything taking space burdening people think time go place world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "battled depression whole life realizing even depression fighting anymore realized truly place world belong anywhere loved anyone anything taking space burdening people think time go place world" ]
lucha contra la depresión toda la vida darse cuenta incluso la depresión lucha más realizado verdaderamente lugar el mundo pertenece a cualquier lugar amado cualquier cosa que toma el espacio cargando a la gente pensar tiempo ir lugar mundo
cat keeps ending allmy cat my parents care them thing keeps killing myself know baby wouldnt die without doesnt exactly love i new scratches arm looking cute little face admiring uniqueness shes crazy gives little boost serotonin need make another day literally cant sad looking cats cats dont career involves kitties animals dont feel purpose feel better knowing help cats animals wanted post maybe guys something like makes future little brighter maybe think thing think reason live taking care animals knowing need makes feel little less shitty little purposeful
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cat keeps ending allmy cat my parents care them thing keeps killing myself know baby wouldnt die without doesnt exactly love i new scratches arm looking cute little face admiring uniqueness shes crazy gives little boost serotonin need make another day literally cant sad looking cats cats dont career involves kitties animals dont feel purpose feel better knowing help cats animals wanted post maybe guys something like makes future little brighter maybe think thing think reason live taking care animals knowing need makes feel little less shitty little purposeful" ]
gato sigue terminando allmy gato mis padres cuidado ellos cosa sigue matándome sé que bebé no moriría sin doesnt exactamente amor i nuevo rasguños brazo mirar linda pequeña cara admirando uniqueness shes loco da poco impulso serotonina necesidad hacer otro día literalmente no puede triste mirada gatos gatos no carrera implica gatitos animales no se sienten mejor propósito se siente mejor saber ayudar a los gatos animales quería postear tal vez chicos algo como hace futuro poco más brillante tal vez pensar que la razón de vivir teniendo cuidado animales sabiendo necesidad hace sentirse poco mierda poco propósito
nearly always youi hate good enough live day day trying find things look forward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nearly always youi hate good enough live day day trying find things look forward" ]
Casi siempre odio lo suficientemente bueno día en vivo tratando de encontrar las cosas mirar hacia adelante
give nword pass hi guys could kindly give nword pass would really appreciate it always wanted say nword would liberating finally able say repressing long btw im hispanic bad white right bad say nword anyway
[ "give nword pass hi guys could kindly give nword pass would really appreciate it always wanted say nword would liberating finally able say repressing long btw im hispanic bad white right badsay nword anyway" ]
dar nword pass hola chicos amablemente dar nword pass realmente apreciaría siempre quería decir nword liberaría finalmente capaz de decir reprimiendo largo btw im hispánico mal blanco derecha mala palabra nword de todos modos
planned seeing movie however disappointed friend dragged along although real surprises here guys reasonably well obviously modest budgetbr br if seen trailer probably know expect type movie theres pretty constant stream jokes here couple classic moments highpoint probably excellent flashback guys like s also ive read elsewhere ending disappointment found refreshingly different expected genrebr br overall movie wont change life got enough laughs keep entertained throughout
[ "planned seeing movie however disappointed friend dragged along although real surprises here guys reasonably well obviously modest budgetbr br if seen trailer probably know expect type movie theres pretty constant stream jokes here couple classic moments highpoint probably excellent flashback guys like s also ive read elsewhere ending disappointment found refreshingly different expected genrebr br overall movie wont change life got enough laughs keep entertained throughout" ]
planeó ver película sin embargo amigo decepcionado arrastrado a lo largo de aunque las sorpresas reales aquí chicos razonablemente bien obviamente modestos br si se ve tráiler probablemente saben esperar tipo de película Theres bastante constante stream bromas aquí par de momentos clásicos punto alto probablemente excelente flashback chicos como s también ive leer en otro lugar final de la decepción encontrado refrescantemente diferente esperado génerobr br película en general no cambiar la vida tuvo suficientes risas mantener entretenido a lo largo
constant nausea tooth pain fever fatigue anxiety depression someone please help meim ive anxiety years ive depression years ive near constant debilitating nausea fatigue years teeth rotten decaying away week ago horrific tooth pain high fever started cant eat sleep left house almost year cant go doctors definitely dentist feel nauseated tired get up ive constant thoughts death redflag ive hospital times past suicidal thinking time want get done tooth killing bad radiating head throat tylenol helps sometimes pain going go away own need help like now im tired nauseous weak im tired fever pain somebody please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "constant nausea tooth pain fever fatigue anxiety depression someone please help meim ive anxiety years ive depression years ive near constant debilitating nausea fatigue years teeth rotten decaying away week ago horrific tooth pain high fever started cant eat sleep left house almost year cant go doctors definitely dentist feel nauseated tired get up ive constant thoughts death redflag ive hospital times past suicidal thinking time want get done tooth killing bad radiating head throat tylenol helps sometimes pain going go away own need help like now im tired nauseous weakim tired fever pain somebody please help me" ]
náusea constante dolor de dientes fiebre fatiga ansiedad depresión alguien por favor ayudar a meim ive ansiedad años ive depresión años ive casi constante debilitante náuseas fatiga años dientes podrido decaimiento lejos semana hace horrible dolor de dientes fiebre alta comenzó cant comer dormir izquierda casa casi año cant ir médicos definitivamente náusea cansado levantarse ive pensamientos constantes muerte flag ive hospital tiempos pasados pensamientos suicidas tiempo querer terminar de matar dientes mal irradiar garganta tilenol ayuda a veces dolor irse propia necesidad ayuda como ahora está cansado náuseas debilim cansado fiebre dolor alguien por favor ayúdame
main reason continuing live anymoreive struggling self harm im point im addicted it people always say addictions stay forever always fight dont want live rest life dealing burden self harm addictions frowned upon want live judgement family people dad drug addict issues always vowed nothing like him last night realized im exactly like awful father addictions im addicted self harm dont want associated addictions drugs people think differently whole life ive always wanted kids grow main reason staying alive could kids im awful like dad kids deserve mom ive always close mom drug talks made obvious fronds upon thought self harm addiction mom thinks im screw up nothing wrong great mom reason im screw purely fault family deserve burden like that crying thought go this im selfish thinking me shows im thinking myself genuinely think deserve deserve self harm genuinely understand anyone cares anymore going die eventually kill im inevitable think might take pills soon deserve deserve pain self harm
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "main reason continuing live anymoreive struggling self harm im point im addictedit people always say addictions stay forever always fight dont want live rest life dealing burden self harm addictions frowned upon want live judgement family people dad drug addict issues always vowed nothing like him last night realized im exactly like awful father addictions im addicted self harm dont want associated addictions drugs people think differently whole life ive always wanted kids grow main reason staying alive could kids im awful like dad kids deserve mom ive always close mom drug talks made obvious fronds upon thought self harm addiction mom thinks im screw up nothing wrong great mom reason im screw purely fault family deserve burden like that crying thought go this im selfish thinking me shows im thinking myself genuinely think deserve deserve self harm genuinely understand anyone cares anymore going die eventually kill im inevitable think might take pills soon deserve deserve pain self harm" ]
La razón principal de seguir viviendo más allá luchando auto daño im punto im adictos la gente siempre dicen que las adicciones permanecen para siempre lucha no quieren vivir vida descanso carga auto daño adicciones ceñoned on want vivo juicio familia personas papá adictos problemas siempre juró nada como él anoche se dio cuenta im exactamente como horrible padre adicciones im adicto auto daño no quieren adicciones asociadas drogas la gente piensa diferente vida entera siempre ha querido niños crecer principal razón de estar vivo niños im horrible como papá niños merecen mamá siempre cerca mamá charlas de drogas hizo frondas obvias sobre pensamiento auto daño adicción mamá piensa im cagar nada mal gran mamá razón im tornillo puramente culpa familia merece carga como que llorar pensamiento ir este im pensamiento egoísta me muestra im pensar genuinamente merecer auto daño realmente entender que alguien se preocupa más va a matar Im inevitable pensar podría tomar píldoras pronto merecer dolor auto daño
want kill myself canteverytime get car want get wreck want die cant kill know people care would devastated died much worse killed myself get everyone says redflag selfish desire want anything anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want kill myself canteverytime get car want get wreck want die cant kill know people care would devastated died much worse killed myself get everyone says redflag selfish desire want anything anymore" ]
Quiero matarme a mí mismo cada vez que conseguir coche quiero conseguir naufragio quiero morir no puedo matar saber que a la gente le importa morir mucho peor me mato a mí mismo conseguir que todo el mundo dice bandera roja deseo egoísta quiere algo más
feeling lonely helplessone days spiraled suicidal thoughts again think worst over feel alone husband working overnight texted one friends wanted hurt myself left read feeling tired holding on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling lonely helplessone days spiraled suicidal thoughts again think worst over feel alone husband working overnight texted one friends wanted hurt myself left read feeling tired holding on" ]
Sentirse solo indefensoun día pensamientos suicidas en espiral de nuevo pensar peor sobre sentirse solo marido trabajando de la noche a la mañana mensajes de texto un amigo quería lastimarme izquierda leer sentirse cansado aferrarse a
even feel like personthe older get realize im meant alive cant anything normal theres excuse it cant talk people like normal person does cant even work dumb jobs without fucking every aspect it belong less less every year cant believe used good smart kid im even worth anything way die without mom feeling sad id gone im freaking sad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even feel like personthe older get realize im meant alive cant anything normal theres excuse it cant talk people like normal person does cant even work dumb jobs without fucking every aspect it belong less less every year cant believe used good smart kid im even worth anything way die without mom feeling sad id gone im freaking sad" ]
Incluso sentir que la persona mayor se da cuenta de que estoy vivo significa nada normal Theres excusa no se puede hablar la gente como la persona normal no puede incluso trabajar trabajos tontos sin follar todos los aspectos que pertenecen menos cada año no puedo creer que se utiliza buen chico inteligente im incluso vale la pena cualquier forma de morir sin mamá sentirse triste id ido im maldito triste
considering trying put psych want talk someone whos oneim tired living hate everyone around cant anything right get much enjoyment anything ive tried talk others subreddit none anything me believe continue around family people hate ill end killing anyways feel like option psych ward redflag want talk someone psych ward minor make mind want also know put psych ward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "considering trying put psych want talk someone whos oneim tired living hate everyone around cant anything right get much enjoyment anything ive tried talk others subreddit none anything me believe continue around family people hate ill end killing anyways feel like option psych ward redflag want talk someone psych ward minor make mind want also know put psych ward" ]
considerando tratar de poner psiquiatría quiere hablar alguien que oneim cansado vivir odiar a todos alrededor no hay nada bien conseguir mucho disfrute cualquier cosa i ive probado hablar otros subreddit nada me creo continuar alrededor de la familia la gente odia mal extremo matar de todos modos se siente como opción sala de psiquiatría Redflag quiere hablar alguien psiquiatría menor hacer mente quieren también saber poner psiquiatría
im actually really glad kurt cobain committed redflag idk would two days reason cant imagine middle aged fat depressed dude fell off im really glad things ended way tbh
[ "im actually really glad kurt cobain committed redflag idk would two days reason cant imagine middle aged fat depressed dude fell off im really glad things ended way tbh" ]
En realidad estoy muy contento de kurt cobain comprometido Redflag idk dos días razón no puedo imaginar media edad gordo deprimido tipo se cayó im realmente contento las cosas terminaron de la manera tbh
want die know howi know wrong im really tired here kinda attempted end everything today grew afraid even seem like attempt honestly excuses wanting die person weak mentality think family getting sick too sister closest person me getting tired telling thoughts every single day acting way which understand wouldve gotten tired long time ago mom dad gave lot me getting incredibly stressed attitude really see point here im right see future myself im trying hard class know alive sometimes wish died even conscious wish life couldve given person wants live wish selfish human am im tired nuisance everyone else want anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die know howi know wrongim really tired here kinda attempted end everything today grew afraid even seem like attempt honestly excuses wanting die person weak mentality think family getting sick too sister closest person me getting tired telling thoughts every single day acting way which understand wouldve gotten tired long time ago mom dad gave lot me getting incredibly stressed attitude really see point hereim right see future myself im trying hard class know alive sometimes wish died even conscious wish life couldve given person wants live wish selfish human am im tired nuisance everyone else want anymore" ]
quiero morir saber cómo sé malim realmente cansado aquí un poco intento final todo hoy creció miedo incluso parece intento honestamente excusas querer morir persona mentalidad débil pensar familia enfermarse demasiado hermana persona más cercana me cansando contar pensamientos cada día actuando de manera que entender habría cansado hace mucho tiempo mamá papá me dio mucho conseguir increíblemente estresado actitud realmente ver punto aquí derecho ver futuro yo mismo tratar duro clase saber vivo a veces deseo incluso consciente deseo vida podría dar persona quiere vivir deseo egoísta humano soy cansado molestar a todos los demás quieren más
hello need helphi alcoholic trying stay sober now think could need help here someone would time would really appreciate it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello need helphi alcoholic trying stay sober now think could need help here someone would time would really appreciate it" ]
Hola necesito helphi alcohólico tratando de permanecer sobrio ahora creo que podría necesitar ayuda aquí alguien tiempo realmente apreciaría
seems everyone wants jump bandwagon say maha go go gothe word machalike machpronounced maa kabr br i grew series early s la late lamented channel before tetsuwan atomu astro boy dating ol khj tv astro boy first tv example anime got statesi anime kid followed late s when itd become series badly animated talking heads phenomenon gotten worse nuff saidbr br as speed racer really enjoyed basics there pov shots cinematic aspects live action skillfully adopted animationthat fairly typical japanese anime back thengraphics graphics graphics take note sometime obviously series inspired stanley kramers film grand prix especially redone american creditsbr br oh yeah original comics series based know speakbr br what animationwise besides crap like johnny questth ol stuff wed doin since shohumbr br i guess real problem hadhave way anime wasis shown american tv hatchet job done scripts credits etc sanitize american audiencesi go programs were talking speed herebr br look clowns like peter fernandez one culprits here responsible rewrites seriesnot mention voice speed racer x othersbetween goofs translux think felix cat mighty hercules oy vey took slick sophisticated show dropped level sesame street think cruncher bloch forthebird company skull duggeryif go ill pukebr br this series dates odd years ago i time keen enough feel insulted dumbing japanese programsi mean obvious someones getting killed either remove gloss overpleeeeezebr br good show originally sadly recent incarnations series crappy made korea look mention nauseatingly pc content even japanese outsource animation nowbr br try watchin original japanese opening youtube sometimeit sends chills spineif onlyoh well robert
[ "seems everyone wants jump bandwagon say maha go go gothe wordmachalike machpronounced maa kabr bri grew series early s la late lamented channel before tetsuwan atomu astro boy dating ol khj tv astro boy first tv example anime got statesi anime kid followed late s when itd become series badly animated talking heads phenomenon gotten worse nuff saidbr br as speed racer really enjoyed basics there pov shots cinematic aspects live action skillfully adopted animationthat fairly typical japanese anime back thengraphics graphics graphics take note sometime obviously series inspired stanley kramers film grand prix especially redone american creditsbr broh yeah original comics series based know speakbr br what animationwise besides crap like johnny questth ol stuff wed doin since shohumbr br", "i guess real problem hadhave way anime wasis shown american tv hatchet job done scripts credits etc sanitize american audiencesi go programs were talking speed herebr br look clowns like peter fernandez one culprits here responsible rewrites seriesnot mention voice speed racer x othersbetween goofs translux think felix cat mighty hercules oy vey took slick sophisticated show dropped level sesame street think cruncher bloch forthebird company skull duggeryif go ill pukebr br this series dates odd years ago i time keen enough feel insulted dumbingjapanese programsimean obvious someones getting killed either remove gloss overpleeeeezebr br good show originally sadly recent incarnations series crappy made korea look mention nauseatingly pc content even japanese outsource animation nowbr br try watchin original japanese opening youtube sometimeit sends chills spineif onlyoh wellrobert" ]
Parece que todo el mundo quiere salto bandwagon decir maha go go the wordmachalike machpronunced maa kabr bri creció la serie temprano s la tarde lamentado canal antes tetsuwan atomu astro boy fechando ol khj tv astro boy primer ejemplo de televisión anime consiguió statisi anime chico seguido tarde s cuando se convirtió en serie mal animado hablar heads fenómeno se puso peor nuff speed br br como corredor de velocidad realmente disfrutó básicos allí pov tomas cinemáticas aspectos de la acción en vivo hábilmente adoptado animación que bastante típico japonés anime entonces gráficos gráficos tomar nota alguna vez obviamente serie inspirado Stanley kramers película grand prix especialmente redone americano broh sí cómics series basados en saber hablar br br qué animación más allá de mierda como johnny questth ol cosas wed doin desde shohumbbr br
feel empty dayslast week found fiance year cheating me background met girl year ago really tough situation ex moved city home state dude work stuck ended falling her progressively minded butted heads family alot always stuck fought matter what ended moving studio apartment get away family im year old college student make month working lab could afford apartment times rough end bad falling dad thought worth fight me grandmother agreed let us move house long helped bills times good untill found cheating me asked leave new guy sleeps floor aunts apartment buy bus ticket coming wednesday ive living ever since killing me one hand feel betrayed im terrified well being dude job cant work subsists aunt know comfortable there love feel empty feel like whenever let someone always find someone better me fact ive come accept im never first choice anyone im piece st deserve happiness im worried cant sleep really want die cutting latelt think thing holding back want find body im afraid much would hurt im spiritual thats fear me ive researching painless ways death really want nothing pain emptiness go away forever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel empty dayslast week found fiance year cheating me background met girl year ago really tough situation ex moved city home state dude work stuck ended falling her progressively minded butted heads family alot always stuck fought matter what ended moving studio apartment get away family im year old college student make month working lab could afford apartment times rough end bad falling dad thought worth fight me grandmotheragreedlet us move house long helped bills times good untill found cheating me asked leave new guy sleeps floor aunts apartment buy bus ticket coming wednesday ive living ever since killing me one hand feel betrayed im terrified well being dude job cant work subsists aunt know comfortable there love feel empty feel like whenever let someone always find someone better me fact ive come accept im never first choice anyone im piece st deserve happiness im worried cant sleep really want die cutting latelt think thing holding back want find body im afraid much would hurt im spiritual thats fear me ive researching painless ways death really want nothing pain emptiness go away forever" ]
Me siento días vacíos la semana pasada encontrado novio año engañarme fondo me conocí chica hace año situación realmente difícil ex ciudad muda casa estado trabajo atascado terminó cayendo su progresivamente mente cabeza de familia alot siempre atascada lucha materia lo que terminó mudar apartamento estudio conseguir familia mi año viejo estudiante universidad hacer mes trabajo laboratorio podría permitirse apartamento tiempos duro final malo caída papá pensó que vale la pena luchar me abuelaagreed déjenos mudar casa mucho ayuda veces bien hasta que me encontró engañar me pidió dejar nuevo chico duerme piso tías apartamento comprar billete de autobús venir miércoles vida desde que me mata una mano se siente traicionado im terrorizado bien ser tío trabajo no puede trabajar subsiste sé cómodo amor se siente como siempre dejar que alguien siempre encontrar a alguien mejor me hecho ive ven a aceptar im primera elección nadie im pieza st merece felicidad im preocupado no puedo dormir realmente quiero morir cortando tarde It pensar que cosa contención detrás quiere encontrar cuerpo im miedo mucho daño im espiritual que me teme ive investigar sin dolor maneras de morir realmente quiero nada dolor vacío ir para siempre
im young stupidim honestly feel like idiot right now know whats hurting me know im depressed know probably reason depressed im successful school getting straight as year ive social ever before talking chicks going mates im beginning get independence end year chance tour japan schools music program cocurriculars sport debate mock trial im home none matters means anything good me im tryhard proper social interaction mum drinks spend time avoiding her complain dad worked hard send good school reason really im talking bottle wine night unreasonable blames shortcomings try talk her tell need love gets angry confrontational says im calling alcoholic grateful her blames issues says im fault her am really am depressed im white kid australia private school parents get along best least live house get straight as enough left give worth destroying response extra bottle wine drinks celebration keep trying all edited typo
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im young stupidim honestly feel like idiot right now know whats hurting me know im depressed know probably reason depressed im successful school getting straight as year ive social ever before talking chicks going mates im beginning get independence end year chance tour japan schools music program cocurriculars sport debate mock trialim home none matters means anything good me im tryhard proper social interaction mum drinks spend time avoiding her complain dad worked hard send good school reason really im talking bottle wine night unreasonable blames shortcomings try talk her tell need love gets angry confrontational says im calling alcoholic grateful her blames issues says im fault her am really am depressed im white kid australia private school parents get along best least live house get straight as enough left give worth destroying response extra bottle wine drinks celebration keep trying all edited typo" ]
Im joven stupidim honestamente se siente como idiota ahora mismo saber lo que me lastima sé im deprimido saber probablemente razón deprimido im éxito escuela conseguir derecho como año ive social nunca antes de hablar polluelos va mates im principio obtener independencia final año azar gira escuelas japan programa música cocurriculares deporte debate simula trialim casa ninguno importa significa nada bueno me im triphard adecuada interacción social bebidas mamá pasar el tiempo evitando su queja papá trabajó duro enviar buena escuela razón realmente im hablar botella vino noche culpas indebidas deficiencias tratar de hablar decirle necesidad amor se enoja confrontacional dice im llamar alcohólico agradecido sus problemas culpas dice im soy realmente deprimida im niño blanco australia escuela privada padres se llevan lo mejor menos vivo casa derecha como suficiente izquierda dar vale la pena destruir respuesta botella extra vino bebidas celebración seguir intentando todo editado tipo
eeee im happy got custom rom running android phone im happy cool bye love yall stay safe lt also ask questions any
[ "eeee im happy got custom rom running android phoneim happycool bye love yall stay safe lt also ask questions any" ]
eeee im feliz consiguió rom personalizado corriendo android teléfonoim happycool bye amor Yall mantenerse a salvo lt también hacer preguntas cualquier
feeling distant myselfi feel far away thoughts jumbled ive wanted run away keep thinking hurting god dammit wanna give in why
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling distant myselfi feel far away thoughts jumbled ive wanted run away keep thinking hurting god dammit wanna give in why" ]
Sentirse distante me siento lejos pensamientos revueltos ive would huyan seguir pensando lastimando a dios maldita quiera ceder en por qué
im okay starting careim just really even want talk want straight kill ive tried made everyone miserable obviously failed even see point things anymore nothing gives joy hope like life one long day nothing ever changes im point want break things hurt just uh even know cant get im feeling words pointless try
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im okay starting careim just really even want talk want straight kill ive tried made everyone miserable obviously failed even see point things anymore nothing gives joy hope like life one long day nothing ever changes im point want break things hurt just uh even know cant get im feeling words pointless try" ]
Estoy bien empezando a cuidar de mí sólo realmente incluso quiero hablar quiero directo matar ive probado hizo que todos miserables obviamente fracasado incluso ver cosas punto más nada da alegría esperanza como la vida un día largo nada cambia nada im punto quiero romper las cosas dolió sólo uh incluso sé no puedo conseguir que las palabras sin sentido intento inútil
nice letter dont know begin pretty funny seem find one single copy will oh well one there hopefully seen whatever hi hello me a im probably well right now dont know am lets say sleeping forever dont know quite say doesnt matter now it today february th days since knew without doubt mind found forever days since made mine you youre reading this thank everything proud listening growing up youre slowly learning life okay scary considering current state really seems like oxymoron failed yet youre hopefully still there mental health plagues me stress relationship like immense understand issue really way good enough anyone self esteem fixed you l thank you ever since december th though never recovered looking myself disgusted tried best succeeded what dont know wish able talk issues afraid driving away jealousy also makes incredibly hurt something didnt even need put extra time work for oh well cant hurt anymore dumb see everything wish respect me you fuck wrong people b grow pair something grow pair accept life stop spoiled father leave woman isnt worth time life anything dont care love destroy it doesnt feel her l wish knew felt feel you dont know unless alone relationships wont always alone get scared told something you listen please holy shit toxic mad first person wrath me why try hard cant bad cant happy consistently ever do dont know never know darkness seems comforting thanks everything sorry wish better boyfriend brother son student and person general cant all sorry cant fulfill failed path pursue sorry sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nice letter dont know begin pretty funny seem find one single copy willoh well one there hopefully seen whatever hi hello me a im probablywell right now dont know am lets say sleeping forever dont know quite say doesnt matter now it today february th days since knew without doubt mind found forever days since made mine you youre reading this thank everything proud listening growing up youre slowly learning lifeokayscary considering current state really seems like oxymoron failed yet", "youre hopefully still there mental health plagues me stress relationship like immense understand issue really way good enough anyone self esteem fixed you l thank you ever since december th though never recovered looking myself disgusted tried best succeeded what dont know wish able talk issues afraid driving away jealousy also makes incredibly hurt something didnt even need put extra time work for oh well cant hurt anymore dumb see everything wish respect me you fuck wrong people b grow pair something grow pair accept life stop spoiled father leave woman isnt worth time life anything dont care love destroy it doesnt feel her l wish knew felt feel you dont know unless alone relationships wont always alone get scared told something you listen please holy shit toxic mad first person wrath me why try hard cant bad cant happy consistently ever do dont know never know darkness seems comforting thanks everything sorry wish better boyfriend brother son student and person general cant all sorry cant fulfill failed path pursue sorry sorry" ]
buena carta no sé empezar bastante divertido parece encontrar una sola copia willoh bien uno allí con suerte visto lo que sea hola me un im probablemente bien ahora no sé soy digamos dormir para siempre no sé muy decir no importa ahora hoy february th días desde que sabía sin duda mente encontrado para siempre días desde que hizo mío usted está leyendo este gracias todo orgulloso escuchar crecer youre poco a poco aprender vidaokayscary teniendo en cuenta el estado actual realmente parece que oxymoron falló todavía
heya w hey sorry bother you couldnt help notice youre feeling down cmere closer closer hugs got this may tough youre warrior inside get this whatever may be matter
[ "heya w hey sorry bother you couldnt help notice youre feeling down cmere closer closer hugs got this may tough youre warrior inside get this whatever may be matter" ]
Heya w hey lo siento molestar no podías evitar notar que te sientes más cerca de los abrazos más cerca tengo esto puede duro youre guerrero dentro conseguir esto lo que puede ser materia
pleaseprobably gonna kill soon im stranded small town middle bumfuck nowhere theres option employment jobs here car broken cant get new one fix without job im allowed see son times month something mother did yet im one punished im running fight here dont friends really reason stay alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pleaseprobably gonna kill soon im stranded small town middle bumfuck nowhere theres option employment jobs here car broken cant get new one fix without job im allowed see son times month something mother did yet im one punished im running fight heredont friends really reason stay alive" ]
Por favor, probablemente va a matar pronto pequeño pueblo varado en el medio de la mierda en ninguna parte hay opciones de empleo trabajos aquí coche roto no se puede conseguir una nueva solución sin trabajo im permitido ver hijo veces mes algo que la madre hizo todavía im uno castigado Im correr lucha aquí no amigos realmente razón seguir con vida
hiya im mental breakdown room drinking currently am honestly think life worth living anymore pet dying got harassed limited online grown adults im currently waiting get trauma therapy stuff happened past barely friends life shit hope yall okay though need help
[ "hiya im mental breakdown room drinking currently am honestly think life worth living anymore pet dying got harassed limited online grown adults im currently waiting get trauma therapy stuff happened past barely friends life shit hope yall okay though need help" ]
hiya im sala de crisis mental beber actualmente soy honestamente pensar que la vida vale la pena vivir más mascota morir se acosó limitado adultos en línea actualmente esperar obtener terapia trauma cosas pasó pasado apenas amigos vida mierda esperanza yull bien aunque necesita ayuda
destined failure tragedy mom dies im years old im beside dies pneumonia from breast cancer chemo fail law school years debt age got pregnant gave birth months daughter dies hours alive cousin age gave birth healthy baby notifying us already months constantly cheated boyfriend coke heavily drank one even suspected pregnant true say happiest people oftentimes saddest ive told im funny witty really think thats coverup im sad lonely feel like evil woman using piggyback happy pain shes inflicting mealmost like scary movie sad endingone kill myself sit bathroom floor inlaws house cute lime green bodysuit ripped jeans numb legs tried therapist wanted refer psychiatrist instead give magical pills people told youre brave strong stop going big lifechanging scenarios fight smaller battles instead happy new year something bad happen year never easy win life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "destined failure tragedy mom dies im years old im beside dies pneumonia from breast cancer chemo fail law school years debt age got pregnant gave birth months daughter dies hours alive cousin age gave birth healthy baby notifying us already months constantly cheated boyfriend coke heavily drank one even suspected pregnant true say happiest people oftentimes saddest ive told im funny witty really think thats coverup im sad lonely feel like evil woman using piggyback happy pain shes inflicting mealmost like scary movie sad endingone kill myself sit bathroom floor inlaws house cute lime green bodysuit ripped jeans numb legs tried therapist wanted refer psychiatrist instead give magical pills people told youre brave strong stop going big lifechanging scenarios fight smaller battles instead happy new year something bad happen year never easy win life" ]
fracaso destino tragedia mamá muere im años de edad im al lado de muere neumonía de cáncer de mama quimio fracaso ley años de la escuela la deuda se quedó embarazada dio meses hija muere horas de vida primo edad dio nacimiento bebé sano notificando ya meses constantemente engañado novio coca muy bebido uno incluso sospechado verdadero decir personas más felices a menudo tristes ive cont im gracioso ingeniosa realmente creo que eso es encubrimiento triste sola se siente como mujer malvada usando cerdo espalda feliz dolor que inflige comida más como película de miedo triste finalone matarme sentado cuarto de baño inlaws casa lindo verde lima traje jeans adormecido piernas probado terapeuta quería referencia psiquiatra en lugar de dar píldoras mágicas personas le dijo que valiente fuerte dejar de ir grandes escenarios cambiar la vida lucha batallas más pequeñas feliz año nuevo algo malo suceder año nunca fácil ganar vida
going date crush going date crush asked out
[ "going date crush going date crush asked out" ]
ir a la cita aplastamiento ir a la cita aplastamiento pidió salir
thicc water exists exists u problem swallowing
[ "thicc water exists exists u problem swallowing" ]
existe agua ticc u problema de tragar
beatles modern band would many beatles stans twitter omg ringo looks cute
[ "beatles modern band would many beatles stans twitter omg ringo looks cute" ]
Beatles banda moderna sería muchos beatles stans twitter omg ringo se ve lindo
still betteri made post days ago watched rather extensively work home therapist see cannot prescribe medicines earliest psychiatrist appointment least weeks way get medicine need sooner ultradian rapid cycler bpd type fighting losing battle ive attempted times end last year last two times found blade still arm desire fight more true anchors left want stay alive broken hollow others insist staying alive hurts much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "still betteri made post days ago watched rather extensively work home therapist see cannot prescribe medicines earliest psychiatrist appointment least weeks way get medicine need sooner ultradian rapid cycler bpd type fighting losing battle ive attempted times end last year last two times found blade still arm desire fight more true anchors left want stay alive broken hollow others insist staying alive hurts much" ]
todavía betteri hizo post días atrás vio bastante trabajo en casa terapeuta ver no puede prescribir medicamentos primera consulta psiquiatra menos semanas manera obtener la medicina necesidad antes ultradiano rápido ciclor bpd tipo lucha perdida batalla ive intentos de los tiempos terminan el año pasado dos veces encontrado hoja todavía brazo deseo lucha más anclas verdaderos izquierda quieren permanecer vivo roto hueco otros insisten en permanecer vivo duele mucho
hurts much ive suicidal thoughts recently getting major support therapy meds im already antidepressants werent working load things days ago constantly suicidal thoughts twice day cant begin describe agony happens sometimes ill put way extremely painful headache isnt physical im guessing mental hurts muchi cant stand it clutch head go floor crying far remember one else knows this cant stand physiatrist said depression like hardware brain change software thoughts feelings basically means im fighting depression whole life ive nearly whole life anyway planing redflag dont know stand whole lifetime
[ "hurts much ive suicidal thoughts recently getting major support therapy meds im already antidepressants werent working load things days ago constantly suicidal thoughts twice day cant begin describe agony happens sometimes ill put way extremely painful headache isnt physical im guessing mental hurts muchi cant stand it clutch head go floor crying far remember one else knows this cant stand physiatrist said depression like hardware brain change software thoughts feelings basically means im fighting depression whole life ive nearly whole life anyway planing redflag dont know stand whole lifetime" ]
duelen mucho pensamientos suicidas que recientemente reciben medicamentos de terapia de apoyo mayor im ya antidepresivos no estaban trabajando carga cosas hace días constantemente pensamientos suicidas dos veces día no puede comenzar describir agonía sucede a veces mal puesto manera dolor de cabeza extremadamente doloroso ist físico im conjeturado dolor mental muti no puede soportar embrague cabeza ir piso llorando lejos recordar uno más sabe que este no puede soportar fisiatrista dijo depresión como hardware cerebro cambio software pensamientos sentimientos básicamente significa im lucha contra la depresión toda la vida ive casi toda la vida de todos modos planeando bandera roja no sé stand toda la vida
helpi lost job covid situation didnt enough capital put lt business money run out ive sold stocks dont penny name bank balance job k debt th january ive got worth direct debits pay way so debt increasing day please please please give ideas get money up feel trapped
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpi lost job covid situation didnt enough capital put lt business money run out ive sold stocks dont penny name bank balance job k debt th january ive got worth direct debits pay way so debt increasing day please please please give ideas get money up feel trapped" ]
helpi perdido trabajo situación covid no suficiente capital puso lt dinero de negocios se agotó ive acciones vendidas dont penique nombre banco saldo trabajo k deuda th enero ive tengo vale la pena domiciliar débitos paga manera así deuda creciente día por favor por favor dar ideas conseguir dinero para arriba se siente atrapado
think im donehi name micheal years oldi started using drugs drinking anything get fucked screw push evrybody me lost lot friends good friendsmy mom prostitute found fucked brain problems sexual abuse also fucked brain never told one cant get dark stuff head years cant stand anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think im donehi name micheal years oldi started using drugs drinking anything get fucked screw push evrybody me lost lot friends good friendsmy mom prostitute found fucked brain problems sexual abuse also fucked brain never told one cant get dark stuff head years cant stand anymore" ]
creo im dodehi nombre micheal años oldi comenzó a usar drogas beber cualquier cosa conseguir follada tornillo empujar evrybody me perdido lote amigos buenos amigosmi mamá prostituta encontró follada problemas cerebrales abuso sexual también jodido cerebro nunca le dijo a uno no puede conseguir oscuro cosas cabeza años no puede soportar más
never together pointhuman beings suppose find couple someone feels good someone know forever lonely see point anymore except finding gun rope ending all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "never together pointhuman beings suppose find couple someone feels good someone know forever lonely see point anymore except finding gun rope ending all" ]
Nunca juntos los seres humanos de punto supongan encontrar pareja alguien se siente bien alguien sabe siempre solo ver punto más excepto encontrar arma cuerda terminar todo
woke emotional pain horrendousi dont know much longer this want sleep forever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "woke emotional pain horrendousi dont know much longer this want sleep forever" ]
despertar el dolor emocional horrendo no sé mucho más tiempo este deseo de dormir para siempre
minor spoilers followbr br this movie even odd unconventional songs second floor main character follow around plot conventional way emphasis happy end crowdpleasing words roy andersson back vengeance instead falling back convention fixed formula roy andersson concentrates film around idea go idea is even get it promise see greatest visual depth ever put film majestic scenes songs pale comparison here work visual splendorbr br so kind fellow man we living power change lives least thought saw final scene movie inhumane bomber planes sweeping city film take lives away br br and course forget see movie gets limited release near you one movies actually power make better person like de sicas bicycle thieves warm humanistic film
[ "minor spoilers followbr br this movie even odd unconventional songs second floor main character follow around plot conventional way emphasis happy end crowdpleasing words roy andersson back vengeance instead falling back convention fixed formula roy andersson concentrates film around idea go idea is even get it promise see greatest visual depth ever put film majestic scenes songs pale comparison here work visual splendorbr br so kind fellow man we living power change lives least thought saw final scene movie inhumane bomber planes sweeping city film take lives away br br and course forget see movie gets limited release near you one movies actually power make better person like de sicas bicycle thieves warm humanistic film" ]
spoilers menores seguir br esta película incluso impares canciones poco convencionales segundo piso personaje principal seguir alrededor de trama convencional manera énfasis feliz final crowdpleasing words roy Andersson volver venganza en lugar de volver convención fórmula fija roy Andersson concentra película alrededor idea ir idea es incluso conseguir que la promesa ver más grande profundidad visual nunca poner película majestuosa escenas canciones pálidas comparación aquí trabajo visual esplendorbr br tan amable hombre que vivimos poder cambio vidas menos pensado vio escena final película inhumano bombarderos aviones barrer ciudad película quitar vidas br br y por supuesto olvidar ver película consigue lanzamiento limitado cerca de usted una película en realidad poder hacer mejor persona como de sicas ladrones bicicleta caliente película humanística
sitting car random parking lot thinking driving head traffic right nowim ashamed go hospital put redflag watch dumb shit fucking stupid doea look um yeah im contemplating killing myself yeah im really bad spot feel likw id get weird fucking look um ok ill end fucking pissed feeling looking dumb regretting going
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sitting car random parking lot thinking driving head traffic right nowim ashamed go hospital put redflag watch dumb shit fucking stupid doea look umyeah im contemplating killing myselfyeahim really bad spot feel likw id get weirdfucking look um ok ill end fucking pissed feeling looking dumb regretting going" ]
Sentado coche estacionamiento al azar pensando en conducir tráfico de cabeza en este momento se avergüenza ir hospital poner rojo reloj tonto mierda mierda estúpido Doea mirada umyeah im contemplando matarme sí él realmente mal lugar sentir likw id conseguir raro mierda mirada um ok mal extremo mierda enojado sensación de parecer tonto lamentando ir
goddamn uselessim told gifted life know am done nothing it absolutely nothing went mediocre public liberal arts college dropped years easy boring desire go back school cannot make work hard enough anything enjoy it enjoy partying hanging friends im lot socially competent years ago small comfort friends going world writing magazines blogs starting bands getting big im still stuck knowing want do felt completely worthless person year now notion selfworth strongly connected success person cannot successful opinon know ive always hard getting impossible bear know people given much done little it feel kind like ready end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goddamn uselessim told gifted life know am done nothing it absolutely nothing went mediocre public liberal arts college dropped years easy boring desire go back school cannot make work hard enough anything enjoy it enjoy partying hanging friends im lot socially competent years ago small comfort friends going world writing magazines blogs starting bands getting big im still stuck knowing want do felt completely worthless person year now notion selfworth strongly connected success person cannot successful opinon knowive always hard getting impossible bear know people given much done little it feel kind like ready end all" ]
maldito inútil le dijo a la vida dotada saber que no he hecho nada absolutamente nada fue mediocre público universidad de artes liberales cayó años deseo aburrido fácil volver a la escuela no puede hacer trabajo lo suficientemente duro disfrutar de disfrutar de fiestas amigos colgados im mucho socialmente competente hace años pequeños amigos comodidad va mundo redacción revistas blogs inicio bandas geting big im todavía pegada saber querer se sentía completamente inútil persona año ahora noción autoestima fuertemente conectado éxito persona no puede tener éxito opinon saber siempre difícil conseguir imposible oso saber personas dado mucho hecho poco se siente amable final listo todo
fucking panic attack shower recommend was taking hot shower middle hot sunday start think feeling loneliness ive long you guess much social distancing helped nothing extraordinary years old never kissed girlvery afraid talk new people im working therapy talked friends while felt joy year etc suddenly realize heart beating fast fast someone standing shower first time happened never got used it start focus breathing and while heart goes less desperate rhythm gotta say man think depresso pills job wish could stop feeling like time dont worry intend carbonara sayonara
[ "fucking panic attack shower recommend was taking hot shower middle hot sunday start think feeling loneliness ive long you guess much social distancing helped nothing extraordinary years old never kissed girlvery afraid talk new people im working therapy talked friends while felt joy year etc suddenly realize heart beating fast fast someone standing shower first time happened never got used it start focus breathing and while heart goes less desperate rhythm gotta say man think depresso pills job wish could stop feeling like time dont worry intend carbonara sayonara" ]
mierda ataque de pánico ducha recomendar era tomar ducha caliente medio domingo caliente empezar a pensar sentir soledad ive largo usted supone mucho distanciamiento social ayudó nada extraordinario años de edad nunca besaba chica mucho miedo hablar gente nueva im trabajo terapia hablado amigos mientras sentía alegría año etc de repente darse cuenta de corazón latido rápido alguien parada ducha primero sucedió nunca se utilizó comenzó foco respiración y mientras el corazón va menos desesperado ritmo tengo que decir hombre pensar depresso píldoras deseo de trabajo podría dejar de sentir como el tiempo no te preocupes intención carbonara sayonara
baka mitai gotta idiot band home alone go hand hand know ive foolhttpsyoutubeziwrvmvomi also sing end video
[ "baka mitai gotta idiot band home alone go hand hand know ive foolhttpsyoutubeziwrvmvomi also sing end video" ]
baka mitai tiene banda idiota solo en casa ir mano a mano saber ive tontohttpsyoutubeziwrvmvomi también cantar vídeo final
introductionthis post cry help im looking end life right minute depressed suicidal varying degrees years guess see place might frequent then thought get little story there first suicidal thoughts id depressed years then never put much thought redflag junior high one teammates committed redflag opened eyes knew must felt felt too ultimate solution thoughts plan rest junior high high school kept hunting rifle single bullet would end room spent lot time thinking where sitting night loading unloading gun testing way could hold rifle get job done would range gun safety know want hurt others know people say matter bad it matter low are life get better know future holds well no know future holds thats supposed give hope people help hang on problem future always bright worse thought life turning around end high school thought made dark time things looking up years depression already lead dark path came head brought crashing down say life get better put effort work improve situation ive done last years ive gutted out put best forward changed better ive put effort improving life showing others ever thought me none matters someone power always hold put back place sure people care love me enough society general hates me friends left me matter do never reach potential life killing inside last months life hardest yet courts struck down want see ive done life power let go yeah context makes sense trust me job decent dead end cant ever see escaping stress piling unbearable levels lately wife loves me family life nothing constant stress weve done fix it seem much hope theres go escape low life become options left unexplored make things better life many years choose accept tough end it im smart enough know whats wrong me smart enough know options have smart enough know life crap many ways continue be sometimes wish could understand much blissfully unaware happy longer rifle bullet im sure id gone now would take one rash decision plan end life timetable would take day preparation purposely done thats safety net end life itll thought thought right time would take prepare no warning never post saying ive set timedate im attention happen ill probably posting threads im antiredflag think last resort hope mods accept always posting happy replies trying cheer people giving false hope im honest others sometimes honesty pretty think situation get better im going tell too im years road initial thoughts redflag things turn around everyone says ive hurt many people around along way ill honest could talk year old self say hang things get better id tell self much look forward to save others hurt next years it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "introductionthis post cry help im looking end life right minute depressed suicidal varying degrees years guess see place might frequent then thought get little story there first suicidal thoughts id depressed years then never put much thought redflag junior high one teammates committed redflag opened eyes knew must felt felt too ultimate solution thoughts plan rest junior high high school kept hunting rifle single bullet would end room spent lot time thinking where sitting night loading unloading gun testing way could hold rifle get job done would range gun safety know want hurt others know people say matter bad it matter low are life get better know future holds", "well no know future holds thats supposed give hope people help hang on problem future always bright worse thought life turning around end high school thought made dark time things looking up years depression already lead dark path came head brought crashing down say life get better put effort work improve situation ive done last years ive gutted out put best forward changed better ive put effort improving life showing others ever thought me none matters someone power always hold put back place sure people care love me enough society general hates me friends left me matter do never reach potential life killing inside last months life hardest yet courts struck down want see ive done life power let go yeah context makes sense trust me job decent dead end cant ever see escaping stress piling unbearable levels lately wife loves me family life nothing constant stress weve done fix it seem much hope theres go escape low life become options left unexplored make things better life many years choose accept tough end it im smart enough know whats wrong me smart enough know options have smart enough know life crap many ways continue be sometimes wish could understand much blissfully unaware happy longer rifle bullet im sure id gone now would take one rash decision plan end life timetable would take day preparation purposely done thats safety net end life itll thought thought right time would take prepare no warning never post saying ive set timedate im attention happen ill probably posting threads im antiredflag think last resort hope mods accept always posting happy replies trying cheer people giving false hope im honest others sometimes honesty pretty think situation get better im going tell too im years road initial thoughts redflag things turn around everyone says ive hurt many people around along way ill honest could talk year old self say hang things get better id tell self much look forward to save others hurt next years", "it" ]
introducción este grito post ayudar a mi mirada final vida derecha minuto deprimido suicida grados variables años adivinar ver lugar podría ser frecuente entonces pensé tener poca historia allí primero pensamientos suicidas id años deprimidos entonces nunca poner mucho pensamiento Redflag junior school uno de los compañeros de equipo comprometido Redflag ojos abiertos sabía debe sentirse se sintió demasiado última solución pensamientos plan descanso junio escuela secundaria mantuvo rifle de caza única bala terminaría mucho tiempo pensando donde sentado noche cargando armas de prueba manera podría mantener el rifle hacer trabajo gama seguridad de armas saber querer lastimar a otros saben que la gente dice que importa mal es la vida obtener mejor saber futuras bodegas
think people around ideaim always surrounded people work i work fairly big retailer none idea whats going head getting harder hide it friends momment getting better anything getting worse way feel good drugs thats time feel anything close happyness remember quite happy before seem truly happy im surround people like friends either hanging someones house them longer getting point yet again want end it failed attempt weeks ago decided try and carry on trying survive working social skills getting new friends almost impossible know go meet either im constantly alone room feel lonely want guts properly time one live like this every day torture
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think people around ideaim always surrounded people work i work fairly big retailer none idea whats going head getting harder hide it friends momment getting better anything getting worse way feel good drugs thats time feel anything close happyness remember quite happy before seem truly happy im surround people like friends either hanging someones house them longer getting point yet again want end it failedattempt weeks ago decided try and carry on trying survive working social skills getting new friends almost impossible know go meet either im constantly alone room feel lonely want guts properly time one live like this every day torture" ]
Creo que la gente alrededor ideaim siempre rodeado gente trabajo trabajo bastante grande minorista ninguna idea lo que va cabeza cada vez más difícil ocultarlo amigos momment cada vez mejor cualquier cosa cada vez peor sentir buenas drogas que es tiempo sentir algo cerca felicidad recordar bastante feliz antes de parecer verdaderamente feliz im rodear a la gente como amigos o colgar a alguien casa ellos más tiempo conseguir punto una vez más quieren terminar fallidainttent hace semanas decidió intentar y seguir tratando de sobrevivir habilidades sociales de trabajo conseguir nuevos amigos casi imposible saber ir conocer o estar constantemente sola habitación se siente solo querer agallas adecuadamente tiempo uno vive como esto cada día tortura
whats rebellious illegal stupid thing ever done teenager fake tickets i print countrys tickets dollars look stores serve children if country small stores and bought things forged total dollarsin country worth more even money wanted feel adrenaline also stole expensive pens supermarkets next week stole backpack worth dollars karma bitch know anyone done stupid things
[ "whats rebellious illegal stupid thing ever done teenager fake tickets i print countrys tickets dollars look stores serve children if country small stores and bought things forged total dollarsin country worth more even money wanted feel adrenaline also stole expensive pens supermarkets next week stole backpack worth dollars karma bitch know anyone done stupid things" ]
lo que es rebelde ilegal estúpido cosa alguna vez hecho adolescentes billetes falsos imprimir los países billetes dólares buscar tiendas servir a los niños si país pequeñas tiendas y comprar cosas falsificadas dólares totales en el país vale más dinero incluso quería sentir adrenalina también robó caros bolígrafos supermercados la próxima semana robó mochila vale la pena dólares karma perra saber que alguien hizo cosas estúpidas
horny tonight need bonked big time ive horny past hours bad rn
[ "horny tonight need bonked big time ive horny past hours bad rn" ]
cachonda esta noche necesita bonked grande tiempo ive cachonda pasadas horas mal rn
getting bad feel drowning dont see point swimming tried multiple times already everytime make difference try closest friends randomly decided ghost grounded weeks relapsed night theres nothing im rlly fighting anymore dont rlly know im posting this maybe someone give wholesosome award
[ "getting bad feel drowning dont see point swimming tried multiple times already everytime make difference try closest friends randomly decided ghost grounded weeks relapsed night theres nothing im rlly fighting anymore dont rlly know im posting this maybe someone give wholesosome award" ]
Sentirse mal ahogarse no ver punto de natación intentado varias veces ya cada vez hacer la diferencia intentar amigos más cercanos decididos al azar fantasmas semanas recaídas noche no hay nada im rlly peleas ya no sé rlly im publicar esto tal vez alguien dar premio sano
people praise sidewalks keeping streets nooses help keep hitting rock bottom legal reasons redflag never answer struggling depression suicidal thoughts find trusted person confide in seek help
[ "people praise sidewalks keeping streets nooses help keep hitting rock bottom legal reasons redflag never answer struggling depression suicidal thoughts find trusted person confide in seek help" ]
la gente alaba aceras manteniendo calles dogales ayudan a seguir golpeando rock fondo razones legales redflag nunca responder lucha depresión pensamientos suicidas encontrar persona de confianza confiar en buscar ayuda
tf desired compensation probably really dumb f filling first job application im realizing concept money dont even know even important im freaking out anyway minimum wage part time job would first one ik probably dumb one help figured one people would know something idk im overreacting
[ "tf desired compensation probably really dumb f filling first job application im realizing concept money dont even know even importantim freaking out anyway minimum wage part time job would first one ik probably dumb one help figured one people would know something idk im overreacting" ]
tf compensación deseada probablemente realmente tonto f llenar primera aplicación de trabajo im realización de concepto de dinero ni siquiera saber importante enloquecer de todos modos salario mínimo trabajo a tiempo parcial primero un ik probablemente tonto una ayuda pensó que una gente sabría algo idk im exagerar
sons sentenced life prison adelle debbie reynolds helen shirley winters begin receiving threatening phone calls someone fells sons got easy pair decides move california escape publicity trial start new life start dance school soon successful one students rich unmarried father adelle quickly falls love meantime helen busy raising rabbits becoming little infatuated evangelist radio mater time everything falls apart women enter world madness murderbr br cant help compare whats matter helen whoever slew auntie roo also starring shelly winters movie seemed almost restrained presentation auntie roos madness theres nothing holding helen back movie may take good deal movies running time snaps helen one bad mad mutha want mess her winters delightfully demented impossible enjoy performance im going spoil movie things helen capable totally overthetopbr br good winters is reynolds totally ridiculous role golddigging tap dancer got impression thought movie would get nominated award aint citizen kane quit acting serious hey debbie realize main purpose victim winters insanitybr br love formerfemalestarsinthetwilightoftheircareer horror movies whats matter helen fun any
[ "sons sentenced life prison adelle debbie reynolds helen shirley winters begin receiving threatening phone calls someone fells sons got easy pair decides move california escape publicity trial start new life start dance school soon successful one students rich unmarried father adelle quickly falls love meantime helen busy raising rabbits becoming little infatuated evangelist radio mater time everything falls apart women enter world madness murderbr br cant help compare whats matter helen whoever slew auntie roo also starring shelly winters movie seemed almost restrained presentation auntie roos madness theres nothing holding helen back movie may take good deal movies running time snaps helen one bad mad mutha want mess her winters delightfully demented impossible enjoy performance im going spoil movie things helen capable totally overthetopbr br good winters is reynolds totally ridiculous role golddigging tap dancer got impression thought movie would get nominated award aint citizen kane quit acting serioushey debbie realize main purpose victim winters insanitybr br love formerfemalestarsinthetwilightoftheircareer horror movies whats matter helen fun any" ]
hijos sentenciados prisión perpetua adelle debbie reynolds helen shirley inviernos comienzan a recibir amenazas llamadas telefónicas alguien se cae hijos pareja fácil decide movimiento california escape publicidad juicio iniciar nueva vida comenzar baile escuela pronto éxito uno estudiantes rico padre soltero adelle rápidamente cae amor mientras tanto helen ocupado criar conejos siendo poco enamorado evangelista radio mater tiempo todo cae mujeres entrar mundo locura asesinatobr br cant ayudar a comparar lo que importa helen quien mató tía roo también protagonizando película inviernos conchales parecía casi limitada presentación tía roos locura no hay nada que sostener helen back película puede tomar buen negocio películas correr tiempo snaps helen un mal mad mutha quieren desordenar sus inviernos encantadoramente demente imposible disfrutar rendimiento im ir spoil film cosas helen capaz totalmente sobre la parte superior br br buenos inviernos es reynolds totalmente ridículo papel Golddigging tap bailarina consiguió impresión pensamiento película conseguiría premiar a un ciudadano kane dejar de actuar seriohey debbie realizar efecto principal víctima inviernos insanitybr br br br amor ex
guess asked crush thats sure uhead_hunter
[ "guess asked crush thats sure uhead_hunter" ]
Supongo que se le preguntó aplastamiento que es seguro uhead_hunter
hard work towards future even want iteat healthy exercise everyday get skinny what getting skinny for mortician study hard complete assignments get good college who plan live long maintain friendships keep touch people people hurt im gone fuck shit man
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hard work towards future even want iteat healthy exercise everyday get skinny what getting skinny for mortician study hard complete assignments get good college who plan live long maintain friendships keep touch people people hurt im gone fuck shit man" ]
trabajo duro hacia el futuro incluso quiero comer ejercicio saludable todos los días conseguir flaco lo que conseguir flaco para el estudio funerario duro tareas completas conseguir buena universidad que planeen vivir por largo tiempo mantener amistades mantener tocar a la gente lastimado im ido mierda hombre
como dijo vladimir una paja dormir como dijo vladimir una paja dormir
[ "como dijo vladimir una paja dormir como dijo vladimir una pajadormir" ]
como dijo vladimir una paja dormitorio como dijo vladimir una pajadormir
ensemble piece adults return formulative summer camp youth quiet entrant exiter cinemas autumn id say shamebut againsome better movies quiet releases get much hype praisebr br diane lanekevin pollackelizabeth perkinsvincent spanojulie warnerbill paxtonkimberly williamsmatt craven alan arkinwho painfully good here group actors flesh roles people grown old goodbad funny memories summers gone past film covers gambit emotionsmostly pleasantand film never hammers away viewer feel characters feelingpreferring allow viewer enter memories own since movie viewer bristles bluntlybrazen manipulation filmsthis something appreciate writerdirector mike binderbr br this films great cheap renta good main rent even pretty sit theater flick might run across tvand would definitely suggest looksee
[ "ensemble piece adults return formulative summer camp youth quiet entrant exiter cinemas autumn id say shamebut againsome better movies quiet releases get much hype praisebr br diane lanekevin pollackelizabeth perkinsvincent spanojulie warnerbill paxtonkimberly williamsmatt craven alan arkinwho painfully good here group actors flesh roles people grown old goodbad funny memories summers gone past film covers gambit emotionsmostly pleasantand film never hammers away viewer feel characters feelingpreferring allow viewer enter memories own since movie viewer bristles bluntlybrazen manipulation filmsthis something appreciate writerdirector mike binderbr br this films great cheap renta good main rent even pretty sit theater flick might run across tvand would definitely suggest looksee" ]
Ensamble pieza adultos retorno formulativo campamento de verano juventud tranquila entrant salida cines otoño id decir vergüenzapero otra vez algunas mejores películas tranquilas lanzamientos obtener mucho bombo loaderbr br diane lanekevin allackelizabeth perkinsvincent spanojulie Warnerbill paxtonkimberly williamsmatt craven alan arkin who dolorosamente bueno aquí actores de grupo carne roles gente envejecidos buenos malos recuerdos divertidos veranos pasados películas cubre emociones gambit mayormente agradable y película nunca martilla distancia espectador sentir personajes sentirsepreferir permitir al espectador entrar en los recuerdos propios ya que el espectador de cine cerdas sin rodeos manipulación películas esto algo aprecia guionista director mike binterbr br esta película muy barato alquiler principal incluso bastante sit teatro película podría correr a través de la televisión y sin duda sugerir mira
want really selfishim teen really hate everything myself hate talk look dress entire personality etc want way body stress constantly school none means literally anything id much rather kill work essay another second im sad time im really not know im ugliest person im fairly talented musician gig semi regularly nice body bcuz lift etc happy im friends none like much like them ill put straight terrible crush one bestfriends shes one thing motivates im aware would never work matter do matter happy get always reminded life work reward ends honestly id rather die right work try best another years situation end without potential now xoxo
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want really selfishim teen really hate everything myself hate talk look dress entire personality etc want way body stress constantly school none means literally anything id much rather kill work essay another secondim sad time im really not know im ugliest person im fairly talented musician gig semi regularly nice body bcuz lift etc happy im friends none like much like them ill put straight terrible crush one bestfriends shes one thing motivates im aware would never work matter do matter happy get always reminded life work reward ends honestly id rather die right work try best another years situation end without potential now xoxo" ]
quiero realmente egoístaim adolescente realmente odio todo lo que yo odio hablar vestido personalidad entera etc quiero manera cuerpo estrés constantemente escuela ninguno significa literalmente nada id mucho más bien matar trabajo ensayo otro segundo triste momento im realmente no sé im persona más feo im músico bastante talentoso concierto semi regularmente agradable cuerpo bcuz ascensor etc feliz im amigos ninguno como mucho como ellos mal poner directamente terrible aplastamiento un bestfriends shes una cosa motiva im consiente que nunca trabajo materia hacer feliz conseguir siempre recordado trabajo recompensa termina honestamente id lugar morir trabajo derecho intentar mejor otro año situación final sin potencial ahora xoxo
f know im bored asf hit ur unpopular opinion yeah guys super unpopular thoughts opinions wanna talk hmu talk im talk literally anything opinion point view long chill everything maybe convince im wrong ill convince wrong maybe well agree lmao never really know yeah im lot different stuff like music play piano guitar im star wars superhero stuff read fantasy books comics bunch draw mostly digital sometimes traditional too cheerlead play lacrosse volleyball also made list stuff fairly strong opinions talk try change mind cant think anything talk about racism religion modern music relationships sexism colorism patriotism politics privilege mental health family success education anything else think also like wanna talk whatever im talk whatever wanna yep pm please
[ "f know im bored asf hit ur unpopular opinionyeah guys super unpopular thoughts opinions wanna talk hmu talk im talk literally anything opinion point view long chill everything maybe convince im wrong ill convince wrong maybe well agree lmao never really knowyeahim lot different stuff like music play piano guitar im star wars superhero stuff read fantasy books comics bunch draw mostly digital sometimes traditional too cheerlead play lacrosse volleyball also made list stuff fairly strong opinions talk try change mind cant think anything talk about racism religion modern music relationships sexism colorism patriotism politics privilege mental health family success education anything else think also like wanna talk whatever im talk whatever wanna yep pm please" ]
f know im aburrido asf hit us impopular opinionyeah chicos pensamientos super impopulares opiniones quieren hablar hmu talk im hablar literalmente cualquier opinión punto de vista long chill todo tal vez convencer im mal mal convencer mal tal vez bien aceptar lmmao nunca realmente sabe sí muchas cosas diferentes como música tocar piano guitarra im star wars superhéroe cosas leer libros de fantasía cómics grupo dibujar sobre todo digital a veces tradicional demasiado animadora jugar lacrosse voleibol también hizo lista cosas bastante fuertes opiniones hablar hablar cambiar mente no puede pensar nada hablar de racismo religión música moderna relaciones sexismo colorismo patriotismo política privilegio salud mental familia éxito educación cualquier cosa piensa también como hablar cualquier cosa im hablar lo que quiera yep pm por favor
girlfriend supportive honest embarrasses meive honest suicidal thoughts understands hate putting her hate knows now want treat differently feel bad me told intending vent feel like attention seeker feel shame
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "girlfriend supportive honest embarrasses meive honest suicidal thoughts understands hate putting her hate knows now want treat differently feel bad me told intending vent feel like attention seeker feel shame" ]
novia apoyo honesto vergüenzas meive honesto pensamientos suicidas entiende odio poner su odio sabe ahora quieren tratar de manera diferente me siento mal con la intención de ventilación se siente como la atención buscador sentir vergüenza
promise martin donovan playing jesus was quite honestly enough get see film definitely worthwhile clever funny without overdoing it lowquality filming probably appropriate effect ended little jarring ending sounded like pbs program hartley still many memorable lines great moments judge harshly
[ "promise martin donovan playing jesus was quite honestly enough get see film definitely worthwhile clever funny without overdoing it lowquality filming probably appropriate effect ended little jarring ending sounded like pbs program hartley still many memorable lines great moments judge harshly" ]
promesa Martin donovan jugando jesus fue bastante honestamente conseguir ver película definitivamente vale la pena inteligente divertido sin exagerar filmación de baja calidad probablemente efecto apropiado terminó poco jarra final sonaba como pbs programa hartley todavía muchas líneas memorables grandes momentos juzgar duramente
birthday filler filler filler turned today simultaneously feels wrong like close adult also glad things like drive senior high school know right feel right
[ "birthday filler filler filler turned today simultaneously feels wrong like close adult also glad things like drive senior high school know right feel right" ]
cumpleaños relleno relleno relleno llenado convertido hoy al mismo tiempo se siente mal como adulto cercano también cosas felices como conducir escuela secundaria saben bien sentirse bien
begin with loved gta kanal lot classic jokes including unlucky guy canoe always seems wrong place wrong time still acting guy gta kanal movie opinion hes performance funny first movie fact notice much all thing made think bad movie choice boats movie race boats sure speedy make waves like big floating mansions used first movie liked old ones better new boats makes one last scenes look ridiculous man canoe suddenly jumps evade big waves small speedy boats truly minus accept were living sweden anymore movie also contains bit violence first one although movie great all ive concentrated cons disappointed rest movie expectations go see it worth money
[ "begin with loved gta kanal lot classic jokes including unlucky guy canoe always seems wrong place wrong time still acting guy gta kanal movie opinion hes performance funny first movie fact notice much all thing made think bad movie choice boats movie race boats sure speedy make waves like big floating mansions used first movie liked old ones better new boats makes one last scenes look ridiculous man canoe suddenly jumps evade big waves small speedy boats truly minus accept were living sweden anymore movie also contains bit violence first onealthough movie great all ive concentrated cons disappointed rest movie expectations go see it worth money" ]
comenzar con amor gta kanal lote chistes clásicos incluyendo mala suerte chico canoa siempre parece mal lugar lugar mal momento todavía actuación chico gta kanal opinión película hes rendimiento divertido primera película hecho notar mucho todo lo hecho pensar mala película elección barcos película carreras barcos seguro rápido hacer olas como grandes mansiones flotantes utilizados primero película como viejos mejores nuevos barcos hace una última escena mirada ridículo hombre canoa saltos evade grandes olas pequeños barcos rápidos realmente menos aceptar estaban vivos más película también contiene poco violencia primero aunque la película grande todos los ive concentrados contras decepcionados resto expectativas película ir ver vale la pena dinero
types people subreddit people worship amp people consider bane existence ur third type person majority never seen u dont care dont tell im havin moment
[ "types people subreddit people worship amp people consider bane existence ur third type person majority never seen u dont care dont tell imhavin moment" ]
tipos de personas subredit personas adoran amp personas consideran bana existencia u tercer tipo persona mayoría nunca visto u no le importa no decir imhavin momento
ex girlfriend kills point living either cannot stop thinking drowning pool know could figure sure would painful end dead anyway matter want drown
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ex girlfriend kills point living either cannot stop thinking drowning pool know could figure sure would painful end dead anyway matter want drown" ]
ex novia mata punto de vida o bien no puede dejar de pensar ahogarse piscina saber podría figura seguro final doloroso muerto de todos modos la materia quiere ahogarse
first thought man invented shovel had ground breaking
[ "first thought man invented shovel had ground breaking" ]
Primero pensé que el hombre inventó la pala tenía la rotura de la tierra
subreddit much better night idk posts funnier even though arent many them
[ "subreddit much better night idk posts funnier even though arent many them" ]
Subreddit mucho mejor noche idk postes más divertido a pesar de que no son muchos ellos
lonely feel useless whats pointnot sure start here found today ive weighing options head kill try get help seem feasible me part thinks get help going make fit anywhere suddenly make people like months cant see change life significantly im living city adore moved country five years ago city nearly year it however feels city thing have family here people never stay friends year best know cant take odd moods when let guard depression anxiety is im girl im gay ive proper relationship dated girl months two years ago broke off really probably best never would worked ive fallen couple girls since then initially liking me decide dont one closest i use term loosely friend one girl time last year staying place instead travelling work incredibly happy several considered dates things going great im quite sure even wants friends me could tell becoming distant earlier year march told felt got youre amazing person but im sick people give shit telling im amazing disappearing life hear family much family have used speak dad skype time however life changed new partner years ago months go without us speaking place feel needed work also socialising know good thing like people work time even always enjoy work itself outside work feel existence pointless im important necessary part anybody elses life think dying think people would eventually notice would work think every makes sad im overweight incredibly enough im comfortable doctor told lose weight ive tried dieting made hungry tried going gym got bored it im thinking trying couch k dunno arsed junk food vice drink smoke drugs instead ill junk food seems much simpler end it though im sure go it stand rail platform want either jump rails electrocuted front train pulls in think jumping infront traffic think drowning river tried actually anything since teenager tried choke several times span couple years would feel terrified afterwards thought maybe trying cbt ive read help depression anxiety get really anxious nervous social situations point leave cry hyperventilate outside event tonight thought id enjoy didnt aware person made uncomfortable situations im fine own otherwise id never go anywhere anything thats usually things everyone else mostly well were really expected socialise gigs walks lectures stuff like that antidepressants couple years now dosage halved months ago thought feeling better im thinking ill need revers continue on want find peace hurt anymore apologies cohesive lot thoughts head share somehow someone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lonely feel useless whats pointnot sure start here found today ive weighing options head kill try get help seem feasible me part thinks get help going make fit anywhere suddenly make people like months cant see change life significantly im living city adore moved country five years ago city nearly year it however feels city thing have family here people never stay friends year best know cant take odd moods when let guard depression anxiety is im girl im gayive proper relationship dated girl months two years ago broke off really probably best never would worked ive fallen couple girls since then initially liking me decide dont one closest i use term loosely friend one girl time last year staying place instead travelling work incredibly happy several considered dates things going greatim quite sure even wants friends me could tell becoming distant earlier year march told felt got youreamazing personbut im sick people give shit telling im amazing", "disappearing life hear family much family have used speak dad skype time however life changed new partner years ago months go without us speaking place feel needed work also socialising know good thing like people work time even always enjoy work itself outside work feel existence pointless im important necessary part anybody elses life think dying think people would eventually notice would work think every makes sad im overweight incredibly enough im comfortable doctor told lose weight ive tried dieting made hungry tried going gym got boredit im thinking trying couch k dunno arsed junk food vice drink smoke drugs instead ill junk food seems much simpler end it though im sure go it stand rail platform want either jump rails electrocuted front train pulls in think jumping infront traffic think drowning river tried actually anything since teenager tried choke several times span couple years would feel terrified afterwards thought maybe trying cbt ive read help depression anxiety get really anxious nervous social situations point leave cry hyperventilate outside event tonight thought id enjoy didnt aware person made uncomfortable situations im fine own", "otherwise id never go anywhere anything thats usually things everyone else mostly well were really expected socialise gigs walks lectures stuff like that antidepressants couple years now dosage halved months ago thought feeling better im thinking ill need revers continue on want find peace hurt anymore apologies cohesive lot thoughts head share somehow someone" ]
solo se siente inútil qué punto no seguro empezar aquí encontrado hoy ive pesage options head kill try get help parece factible me parte piensa conseguir ayuda va a hacer que se ajusten en cualquier lugar de repente hacer que la gente como meses no puede ver cambiar la vida significativamente im vivir ciudad adora moved country hace cinco años ciudad casi año sin embargo se siente ciudad cosa tener familia aquí la gente nunca se queda amigos año mejor sabe no puede tomar estados de ánimo extraños cuando dejar guardia depresión ansiedad es im chica im gayive relación adecuada fechada meses hace dos años rompió realmente mejor nunca trabajaría vida pareja caída chicas desde entonces inicialmente me gusta decidir no uno más cercano uso término vagamente amiga una vez el año pasado estancia lugar en lugar de viajar trabajo increíblemente feliz varias fechas consideradas cosas que van muy bien seguro incluso quiere amigos me podría decir distancia a principios de año me dijo que sentiste que la gente enferma im dar mierda diciendo im increíble
gummy bear crazy frog filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "gummy bear crazy frog filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
year olds last wordsim done im done fuck this fuck life want over want someone need something need something go on yet im here cant wait tomorrow morning nice little accident highway cant wait seriously though u know me find im sorry cant go on cant live like this im sorry isnt fault may continue ever could love jacob
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "year olds last wordsim done im done fuck this fuck life want over want someone need something need something go on yet im here cant wait tomorrow morning nice little accident highway cant wait seriously though u know me find im sorry cant go on cant live like thisim sorry isnt fault may continue ever could love jacob" ]
años de edad last wordsim made im made jod this fuck life want over want someone need something got on yet im aquí no puedo esperar mañana por la mañana buen pequeño accidente carretera no puedo esperar en serio aunque tú me conoces encontrar mi lo siento no puedo seguir viviendo como esto lo siento no es culpa puede continuar siempre podría amar jacob
know closing eyes sleep higher chance fall asleep compared opening eyes thank later
[ "know closing eyes sleep higher chance fall asleep compared opening eyes thank later" ]
saber cerrar los ojos dormir más probabilidad de quedarse dormido comparado con abrir los ojos gracias más tarde
coin collectors like hmm yes rhis coin
[ "coin collectors like hmmyes rhis coin" ]
Colectores de monedas como hmmyes rhis moneda
fun fact belle delphine made big younger watched room tour thinking cute without knowing living rewatched realized meant cutesy yt video th grader watch
[ "fun fact belle delphine made big younger watched room tour thinking cute without knowing living rewatched realized meant cutesy yt video th grader watch" ]
diversión hecho belle delphine hizo grande más joven ver la visita de la habitación pensando lindo sin saber vida rewatched se dio cuenta significaba lindos y t vídeo th reloj de grado
oh fucking god idk felt like yelling clean room would literally rather blow brains clean room amount hate hold cleaning u g h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wanna sleep sum deep clean whole ass bedroom ughhhhh
[ "oh fucking god idk felt like yelling clean room would literally rather blow brains clean room amount hate hold cleaning u g h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wanna sleep sum deep clean whole ass bedroom ughhhhh" ]
Oh, mierda dios Idk sentía como gritar cuarto limpio literalmente preferiría volar cerebros limpios cantidad de habitación odio mantener la limpieza u g h aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
nearly k main cant get karma alt mustve lost touch
[ "nearly k main cant get karma alt mustve lost touch" ]
casi k cant principal obtener karma alt debe perder el tacto
yearold sexually confused otaku failing school relationships friends lifeso recently ive finally realizing shitty life going people always telling smart am really feel way grades pretty bad might even graduate point let alone get colleges ive wanting go since particularly care friends theyre always treating like shit gets old awhile really getting me ive never relationship looking hopeless right too top off im sure im gay cant tell anyone family friends would disown me worst part even sure feel like everything ive tried working future me broke alone living shitty apartment job friends ive tried change make things better nothing works usually ends horribly know anymore redflag looking like viable option everyday
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yearold sexually confused otaku failing school relationships friends lifeso recently ive finally realizing shitty life going people always telling smart am really feel way grades pretty bad might even graduate point let alone get colleges ive wanting go since particularly care friends theyre always treating like shit gets old awhile really getting me ive never relationship looking hopeless right too top off im sure im gay cant tell anyone family friends would disown me worst part even sure feel like everything ive tried working future me broke alone living shitty apartment job friends ive tried change make things better nothing works usually ends horribly know anymore redflag looking like viable option everyday" ]
años de edad sexualmente confundido otaku fracaso relaciones escolares amigos vida tan recientemente viv finalmente darse cuenta mierda vida va gente siempre diciendo inteligente soy realmente sentir manera calificaciones bastante malo incluso graduarse punto mucho menos conseguir universidades iv querer ir ya que particularmente cuidado amigos que siempre están tratando como mierda se hace viejo un tiempo realmente me ive nunca relación buscando desesperanza demasiado top off Im seguro im gay no puedo decirle a nadie amigos de la familia me repudiaría peor parte incluso seguro sentir como todo ive probado trabajo futuro me rompió solo vivir mierda trabajo de apartamento amigos ive tratado cambio hacer las cosas mejor nada funciona generalmente termina horriblemente saber más Redflag buscando como opción viable todos los días
alan johnson don cheadle successful dentist shares practice business partners alan also loving wife jada pinkett smith two daughter camille lache smith imani hakim also let parents stay huge apartment new york city somehow feels life somewhat empty one ordinary day city sees old college roommate charlie fireman adam sandler alan seen charlie years alan tries befriends charlie again charlie lonely depressed man hides true feelings people cares him since charlie unexpectedly loses family plane crash one planes september alan nearly feels comfortable charlie alan mentions things past charlie turns violent towards alan anyone mentions deceased family alan tries help charlie tries make life little easier himself alan finds making charlie talking true feelings difficult expectedbr br written directed mike bender blankman indian summer upside anger made wonderfully touching human drama moments sadness truth comedy well sandler offers impressive dramatic performance sandler offers dramatic role paul thomas andersons punchdrunk love cheadle excellent usual pinkett smith fine alans supportive wife liv tyler also good young psychiatrist saffron burrows quite good beautiful odd lonely woman wild crush alan film sadly box office disappointment despite great reviews cast firstrate here writing director wonderful russ t alsobrooks terrific widescreen cinematography movie great nyc locations film makes new york beautiful city look picturebr br dvd sharp anamorphic widescreen transfer gooddolby digital surround sound dvd also jam session sandler cheadle featurette photo montage previews expecting dvd features like audio commentary track director deleted scenes reign me certainly one best films came year sure movie looked great big screen sadly chance see theater also kind movie plays well dvd film good soundtrack well plenty familiar faces supporting roles bitparts even director bitpart byran sugarman whos actor himself reign me one underrated pictures year also best sandler film taste since the wedding singer miss it hd widescreen
[ "alan johnson don cheadle successful dentist shares practice business partners alan also loving wife jada pinkett smith two daughter camille lache smith imani hakim also let parents stay huge apartment new york city somehow feels life somewhat empty one ordinary day city sees old college roommate charlie fireman adam sandler alan seen charlie years alan tries befriends charlie again charlie lonely depressed man hides true feelings people cares him since charlie unexpectedly loses family plane crash one planes september alan nearly feels comfortable charlie alan mentions things past charlie turns violent towards alan anyone mentions deceased family alan tries help charlie tries make life little easier himself alan finds making charlie talking true feelings difficult expectedbr br written directed mike bender blankman indian summer upside anger made wonderfully touching human drama moments sadness truth comedy", "well sandler offers impressive dramatic performance sandler offers dramatic role paul thomas andersons punchdrunk love cheadle excellent usual pinkett smith fine alans supportive wife liv tyler also good young psychiatrist saffron burrows quite good beautiful odd lonely woman wild crush alan film sadly box office disappointment despite great reviews cast firstrate here writing director wonderful russ t alsobrooks terrific widescreen cinematography movie great nyc locations film makes new york beautiful city look picturebr br dvd sharp anamorphic widescreen transfer gooddolby digital surround sound dvd also jam session sandler cheadle featurette photo montage previews expecting dvd features like audio commentary track director deleted scenes reign me certainly one best films came year sure movie looked great big screen sadly chance see theater also kind movie plays welldvd film good soundtrack well plenty familiar faces supporting roles bitparts even director bitpart byran sugarman whos actor himself reign me one underrated pictures year also best sandler film taste since the wedding singer miss it hd widescreen" ]
alan johnson don cheadle exitoso dentista comparte prácticas socios de negocios alan también amante esposa jada pinkett herrero dos hija camille lache herrero imani hakim también dejar que los padres se queden enorme apartamento ciudad de Nueva York de alguna manera siente la vida algo vacía un día ordinario ciudad ve viejo compañero de cuarto de la universidad Charlie bomber adam sandler alan visto Charlie años alan intenta ser amigos Charlie otra vez Charlie solitario hombre deprimido esconde verdaderos sentimientos la gente lo cuida desde Charlie inesperadamente pierde avión familiar accidente uno aviones septiembre alan casi se siente cómodo Charlie alan menciona cosas pasado Charlie se vuelve violento hacia Alan alguien menciona familia fallecido alan intenta ayudar a Charlie intenta hacer la vida poco más fácil él mismo alan encuentra hacer Charlie hablar sentimientos verdaderos difícil espera br br escrito mike bender blankman dirigido verano indio al revés ira hizo maravillosamente tocar drama humano momentos tristeza comedia comedia
think gonna final post onlineive anxiety years now ive struggled cope it year old im new world get it need slow think anyway really given up brother dad abusive know what really wanted love them miss feeling hugged dad brothers voice havent house whats going year first christmas without either them ive lost friends online connections im garbage skill try learn becoming increasingly paranoid think hear voices people dark ive accepted redflag im medicated seretonin never helped first place id rather commit redflag dog dies live heart fuck anxiety fuck antifa fuck school goodbye internet
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think gonna final post onlineive anxiety years now ive struggled cope it year old im new world get it need slow think anyway really given up brother dad abusive know what really wanted lovethem miss feeling hugged dad brothers voice havent house whats going year first christmas without either them ive lost friends online connections im garbage skill try learn becoming increasingly paranoid think hear voices people dark ive accepted redflag im medicated seretonin never helped first place id rather commit redflag dog dies live heart fuck anxiety fuck antifa fuck school goodbye internet" ]
pensar va a post final ansiedad en línea años ahora ive forced like it year old im new world get it need slow threat given up hermano papá abusivo saber lo que realmente quería amor les falta sentir abrazos papá hermanos voz havent house lo que está pasando año primera Navidad sin ellos ive amigos perdidos conexiones en línea im basura habilidad tratar de aprender a ser cada vez más paranoico pensar escuchar voces gente oscuro ive aceptado redflag im medicated seretonin nunca ayudó primer lugar id más bien comisión Redflag perro muere vivo corazón mierda ansiedad mierda antifa mierda escuela adiós internet
reaching difficultim difficult situation im treated mental illnesses ive struggling undiagnosed since child get suicidal ideation lot sucks hate it hate mind making feel weak get frustrated idea people expect okay im meds therapy easy sometimes feel worst want hurt most think reach intense services get scared feel sick live parents im literally mid s feel like would ruin life did
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reaching difficultim difficult situation im treated mental illnesses ive struggling undiagnosed since child get suicidal ideation lot sucks hate it hate mind making feel weak get frustrated idea people expect okay im meds therapy easy sometimes feel worst want hurt most think reach intense services get scared feel sick live parentsim literally mid s feel like would ruin life did" ]
llegar difícilim difícil situación im tratamiento enfermedades mentales ive lucha sin diagnosticar ya que el niño consigue ideación suicida lote chupa odio odio mente hacer sentir débil conseguir frustrado idea la gente espera bien im meds terapia fácil a veces se siente peor querer daño mayoría piensan llegar a servicios intensos tener miedo se siente enfermo padres en vivo, literalmente se siente medio s como arruinar la vida hizo
want overi dedicated relationship girl like also likes me talking girl several years finally built courage ask wanted spend time together said no supposed do tried exercising working person fee uncomfortable skin almost like dont know could know anyone else please help want someone get old im aging fear im slave fate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want overi dedicated relationship girl like also likes me talking girl several years finally built courage ask wanted spend time together said no supposed do tried exercising working person fee uncomfortable skin almost like dont know could know anyone else please help want someone get old im aging fear im slave fate" ]
quiere overi relación dedicada chica como también le gusta que hablar chica varios años finalmente construido coraje preguntar quería pasar tiempo juntos dijo que no se supone que se trató de ejercicio de la persona de trabajo honorarios piel incómoda casi como no sé podría conocer a alguien más por favor ayudar a querer a alguien envejecer mi miedo im esclavo destino
hate peoplei cant stand anyone suicidal thoughts every day able get help socialize hate everyone see doesnt help either like every human same useless disgusting thing end everyone selfish noone actually cares others noone tries empathy try seem so
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate peoplei cant stand anyone suicidal thoughts every day able get help socialize hate everyone see doesnt help either like every human same useless disgusting thing end everyone selfish noone actually cares others noone tries empathy try seem so" ]
odio a la gente no puedo soportar a nadie pensamientos suicidas todos los días pueden conseguir ayuda socializar odio todo el mundo ve no ayuda tampoco como cada ser humano mismo inútil cosa repugnante fin de todos egoísta nadie realmente se preocupa de otros nadie intenta empatía tratar de parecer tan
friend cutting know shehes probably starting think redflaglike title says friend cuts theyre genderfluid ill using throughout post sometimes makes jokes like i enough adhd medicine kill myself things like that shes getting therapy dont think getting better made insta account thats venting posting pics cutting want help idk how call redflag hotline tell parents idk im really scared might one day commit redflag think part reason really come genderfluid yet real life friends idk else openly lesbianat least girlbasically likes girls idk else wrong situation shes depressed one smartest people class best clarinet player band really nice friends well wonder reason killed yet want hurt friends sorry giant wall text formatting im mobile worried her
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend cutting know shehes probably starting think redflaglike title says friend cuts theyre genderfluid ill using throughout post sometimes makes jokes like i enough adhd medicine kill myself things like that shes getting therapy dont think getting better made insta account thats venting posting pics cutting want help idk how call redflag hotline tell parents idkim really scared might one day commit redflag think part reason really come genderfluid yet real life friends idk else openly lesbianat least girlbasically likes girls idk else wrong situationshes depressed one smartest people class best clarinet player band really nice friends well wonder reason killed yet want hurt friends sorry giant wall text formatting im mobile worried her" ]
amigo cortando saber shehes probablemente comienzan a pensar que el título de Redflaglike dice que los cortes de amigo son genderfluid mal uso a lo largo de post a veces hace chistes como I suficiente medicina adhd matar a mí mismo cosas como que Shes consigue terapia no piensan conseguir mejor hecho cuenta insta que ventilar publicar fotos corte quieren ayuda idk cómo llamar a redflag línea directa decirle a los padres idkim realmente asustado podría un día cometer Redflag pensar parte razón realmente vienen genderfluid y sin embargo amigos de la vida real idk otra abiertamente lesbiana al menos chicabase likes idk other situationshes mal deprimido una clase de gente más inteligente mejor banda de clarinetos amigos bien se preguntan razón mató aún quieren daño amigos lamenta gigante texto formato im móvil preocupado
wish deadi cant fucking sleep know im yelling sea people feel similarly man wish dead waking every day looking fucking mirror brings dread thing keeping fear comes death animals good friends feel like hate im pathetic dont even know im writing this im tired want kill fucking bad cant im fucking loser broke streak self harming like years couple days ago looking cuts wrist forearm makes feel fucking stupid worthless dont know it bleed cry nobody cares feel like im stuck rock hard place mind mental fucking prison one day ill die due natural causes ill die fucking killed depressing dont know worse people know celebrating life without knowing whole story pitying taking life life isnt enjoyable hasnt many years im tired tired pretending everything ok tired pretending life worth living seeing slowly lose interest stuff used love fucking sad waking morning sleep days end exhausting pulling bed tiring thought go get another job quarantined makes stressed head feels like jumbled mess fucking thoughts cant control dont want fucking work life away die idk id rather fucking do id rather throw towel say forget kill myself isnt worth it im fucking tired mentally drained feel selfish seeing people going worse things me life fine hate living dont care future im tired caring tired living idk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish deadi cant fucking sleep know im yelling sea people feel similarly man wish dead waking every day looking fucking mirror brings dread thing keeping fear comes death animals good friends feel like hate im pathetic dont even know im writing thisim tired want kill fucking bad cant im fucking loser broke streak self harming like years couple days ago looking cuts wrist forearm makes feel fucking stupid worthless dont know it bleed cry nobody cares feel like im stuck rock hard place mind mental fucking prison one day ill die due natural causes ill die fucking killed depressing dont know worse people know celebrating life without knowing whole story pitying taking life life isnt enjoyable hasnt many years im tired tired pretending everything ok tired pretending life worth living seeing slowly lose interest stuff used love fucking sad waking morning sleep days end exhausting pulling bed tiring thought go get another job quarantined makes stressed head feels like jumbled mess fucking thoughts cant control dont want fucking work life away die", "idk id rather fucking do id rather throw towel say forget kill myself isnt worth it im fucking tired mentally drained feel selfish seeing people going worse things me life fine hate living dont care futureim tired caring tired living idk" ]
El deseo de deadti no puede dormir sabe im gritar mar la gente se siente igual el hombre desea muerto despertarse cada día mirando espejo de mierda trae miedo cosa mantener miedo viene animales muerte buenos amigos se sienten como odio im patético ni siquiera saben im escribir estoim cansado quieren matar mierda mal cant im mal perdedor rompió racha auto lastimado como años hace un par de días mirando cortes muñeca antebrazo hace sentir mierda estúpido inútil no saben sangrar llorar nadie se siente como im atascado rock duro lugar mente mental mierda prisión un día mal morir debido a causas naturales mal morir mierda muerto deprimente no sé peor la gente sabe celebrar la vida sin saber toda la historia compadecer la vida no es agradable hant muchos años estoy cansado cansado pretender que todo bien cansado vida vale la pena vivir ver poco a poco perder interés cosas usadas amor mierda triste despertar mañana sueño días fin agotador tirar de la cama cansado pensamiento ir conseguir otro trabajo cuarentenado hace sentir la cabeza estresada desastre jodido pensamientos no pueden controlar no quieren puto trabajo vida lejos morir
stay focused school online classes prerecorded classes watch whenever please however procrastination keeps making anything else besides schoolwork watching classes homework advice
[ "stay focused school online classes prerecorded classes watch whenever please however procrastination keeps making anything else besides schoolwork watching classes homework advice" ]
Las clases en línea de la escuela se mantienen enfocadas ver las clases pregrabadas siempre que por favor sin embargo la dilación sigue haciendo cualquier otra cosa aparte del trabajo escolar viendo las clases consejos de deberes
advice pleasei psych ward due redflag attempt essentially police officer detained brought hospital hospital assessed trying vague trying kill try dodge questions bit first told honest thought dishonest told best way get tell happened never anyone talk talked samaritans wanted kill gave every detail problem told involved told bit suicidal time happened without mental illness ended redflag watch psych ward every detail told psychiatric record every doctor nurse assess ashamed personal also worried redflag watch hospital would ruin career opportunities cause troubles life future every conversation recorded trust ppl need somone talk expect open anymore im tired need get kill asap realised living sample observed want know going kill im discharged not problem made felt suicidal personal never told anyone problem happened since last months unfair involved problem even know someone tried kill herself opposite bed said doesnt want apparently gonna make things worse need fake want get advice please need advice suicidal quite already thought got someone talk getting things chest first trying plan get back feet get much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "advice pleasei psych ward due redflag attempt essentially police officer detained brought hospital hospital assessed trying vague trying kill try dodge questions bit first told honest thought dishonest told best way get tell happened never anyone talk talked samaritans wanted kill gave every detail problem told involved told bit suicidal time happened without mental illness ended redflag watch psych ward every detail told psychiatric record every doctor nurse assess ashamed personal also worried redflag watch hospital would ruin career opportunities cause troubles life future every conversation recorded trust ppl need somone talk expect open anymore im tired need get kill asap realised living sample observed want know going killim discharged not problem made felt suicidal personal never told anyone problem happened since last months unfair involved problem even know someone tried kill herself opposite bed said doesnt want apparently gonna make things worse need fake want get advice please need advice suicidal quite already thought got someone talk getting things chest first trying plan get back feet get much" ]
Consejo psiquiatría psiquiatría debido a intento de bandera roja esencialmente policía detenido hospital llevado evaluación tratando vaga intento matar tratar de esquivar preguntas poco primero dijo honesto pensamiento deshonesto dijo mejor manera de llegar a decir que pasó nunca nadie habla habla samaritanos quería matar dio cada detalle problema dicho involucrado dijo poco tiempo suicida pasó sin enfermedad mental terminó guardia rojo guardia psiquiatría todos los detalles dijo registro psiquiátrico cada enfermera evaluar vergüenza personal preocupado reloj rojo hospital también arruinar oportunidades de carrera causaría problemas vida futuro cada conversación grabada confianza ppl necesidad somone hablar esperar abierto más cansado necesidad llegar a matar asap se dio cuenta muestra viviente observado querer saber ir killim alta no problema se sintió suicida personal le dijo a nadie problema ocurrido ya que los últimos meses injusto problema involucrado incluso saber que alguien intentó matarse a sí misma frente a la cama dijo que no quiere aparentemente va a hacer cosas peor necesidad falso deseo obtener consejo por favor necesidad suicida ya pensó tener alguien hablar conseguir cosas pecho primero intentar plan volver pies obtener mucho
comment ill reply edit make look icky ask literally questions ill answer
[ "comment ill reply edit make look icky ask literally questions ill answer" ]
comentario mala respuesta edición hacer mirada enojosa hacer literalmente preguntas mal respuesta