need helpim losing it yall im pregnant boyfriend hates strong enough abortion hate shitty job hate roommate disgusting slob hate mom telling terrible mother friends stopped inviting cant go bars sit home alone cry none hobbies fun anymore throw daily pregnancy hormones one reach make even slightly better want die im months pregnant little girl love want keep safe happy cant cant keep alive like
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need helpim losing it yall im pregnant boyfriend hates strong enough abortion hate shitty job hate roommate disgusting slob hate mom telling terrible mother friends stopped inviting cant go bars sit home alone cry none hobbies fun anymore throw daily pregnancy hormones one reach make even slightly better want die im months pregnant little girl love want keep safe happy cant cant keep alive like" ]
need helpim perderlo yall im embarazada novio odia lo suficientemente fuerte aborto odio mierda trabajo odio compañero de cuarto desagradable slob odio mamá diciendo terrible madre amigos dejó de invitar cant ir bares sentarse en casa solo llorar ninguno hobbies diversión más lanzar hormonas de embarazo diario uno alcance hacer incluso un poco mejor querer morir im meses embarazada niña amor quieren mantener a salvo feliz cant cant mantener vivo como
anyone know much xanaxi need take od im going like sister did thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone know much xanaxi need take od im going like sister did thank you" ]
alguien sabe mucho xanaxi necesita tomar od im ir como hermana hizo gracias
seen film different occasionson first occasioni bowled filmit appeared kind film mei hated film sentimental garbage second viewinghowever third viewing reasserted belief good filmthere lot emotional power film especially scenes emotional confrontation mr kramer madam kramerthere scenes meryl streep appears cruel person despite fact beauty real lifedustin hoffman appears lost hero unable grapple recent task childs custodythere even controversy sets filmaccording master cameraman nestor almendros shot escaped getting hurt character mrkramerin order show intensity angerdecides break glass hardluckily nothing happened nestorkramer versus kramer shows destruction family structureit also tells family must maintained kids involved
[ "seen film different occasionson first occasioni bowled filmit appeared kind film mei hated film sentimental garbage second viewinghowever third viewing reasserted belief good filmthere lot emotional power film especially scenes emotional confrontation mr kramer madam kramerthere scenes meryl streep appears cruel person despite fact beauty real lifedustin hoffman appears lost hero unable grapple recent task childs custodythere even controversy sets filmaccording master cameraman nestor almendros shot escaped getting hurt character mrkramerin order show intensity angerdecides break glass hardluckily nothing happened nestorkramer versus kramer shows destruction family structureit also tells family must maintained kids involved" ]
cine visto diferentes ocasiones en la primera ocasión en bowled filmit apareció película amable mei odio película basura sentimental segundo visionado sin embargo tercera visión reafirmada creencia buena película hay mucho poder emocional película especialmente escenas confrontación emocional Mr Kramer señora Kramerhay escenas meryl streep parece cruel persona a pesar de hecho belleza vida real dustin hoffman parece héroe perdido incapaz bregar tarea reciente custodia niños allí incluso controversia sets películasegún maestro camarógrafo nido almendros tiro escapar conseguir herido personaje mrkramerin orden mostrar intensidad iradecides romper vidrio duro por suerte nada sucedió nidorkramer versus kramer muestra destrucción estructura familiar también le dice a la familia debe mantener niños involucrados
please help me feel like everything catching up like running stop something horrid going catch me feel like entire world sheet turned vertical everyone stays still one notices whole world slipping sliding it clinging finger nails fall darkness nobody see fading away want die badly know got courage it want it bad make coward able it make coward trying escape ive put knives wrists ropes around neck ive walked front buses ive walked right edge subway platforms trains whizz by never properly always know never going go way finally put stop all terrifies me makes think lower sink yet cant handle getting worse would rather end now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please help me feel like everything catching up like running stop something horrid going catch me feel like entire world sheet turned vertical everyone stays still one notices whole world slipping sliding it clinging finger nails fall darkness nobody see fading away want die badly know got courage it want it bad make coward able it make coward trying escape ive put knives wrists ropes around neck ive walked front buses ive walked right edge subway platforms trains whizz by never properly always know never going go way finally put stop all terrifies me makes think lower sink yet cant handle getting worse would rather end now" ]
Por favor, ayúdame a sentir como todo ponerse al día como parar corriendo algo horrible que va a atraparme sentir como toda la hoja del mundo convertido vertical todo el mundo se mantiene quieto uno se da cuenta de todo el mundo deslizándose deslizándose pegando uñas caída oscuridad nadie ve desfallecer quiere morir mal saber que tiene valor lo quiere mal hacer cobarde capaz hacer cobardía tratando de escapar ive poner cuchillos muñecas cuerdas alrededor cuello ive caminado frente autobuses ive caminado borde derecho trenes trenes whizz by nunca siempre se sabe correctamente nunca va camino finalmente poner parada todo me aterroriza hace pensar bajo fregadero pero no puede manejar peor sería mejor terminar ahora
tired living im sure ill always aloneits almost two years im still hung ex even though cheated lied me anything live for friends understand supportive ive tried many medications nothing works doctor idea help ignores tell bad am lie say plan do materials hard get really dated since ex believe sex marriage im okay hookups anything like that ex pretended felt lied course think probably proposed get pants contact look up still think time therapy therapist says healing different everybody u heal different rates think ill find someone genuinely cares me want live life alone though want give morals boyfriend either im tired sad scared time im afraid leave house antianxiety pills work little cant work live farming area theres even places meet people except church bars obviously already know people church cant really chat mass hardly go anymore anyway im even sure believe god anymore pray understand kill myself even life death know reason live anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired living im sure ill always aloneits almost two years im still hung ex even though cheated lied me anything live for friends understand supportive ive tried many medications nothing works doctor idea help ignores tell bad am lie say plan do materials hard get really dated since ex believe sex marriageim okayhookups anything like that ex pretended felt lied course think probably proposed get pants contact look up still think time therapy therapist says healing different everybody u heal different rates think ill find someone genuinely cares me want live life alone though want give morals boyfriend either im tired sad scared time im afraid leave house antianxiety pills work little cant work live farming area theres even places meet people except church bars obviously already know people church cant really chat mass hardly go anymoreanyway im even sure believe god anymore pray understand kill myself even life death know reason live anymore" ]
Estoy seguro de estar enfermo siempre solo sus casi dos años todavía estoy colgado ex a pesar de engañar me mintió cualquier cosa vivo para los amigos entender he apoyo i i probado muchos medicamentos nada funciona médico idea ayuda ignora decir mal am mentira decir plan hacer materiales duro conseguir realmente datado ya ex creo sexo matrimonioim okayhookups cualquier cosa como que ex fingido se sintió mentira curso pensar probablemente propuesto conseguir pantalones contacto buscar aún piensa tiempo terapeuta dice sanar diferentes todos u sanar diferentes tasas pensar mal encontrar alguien realmente me importa quiero vivir la vida sola aunque quiero dar moral novio o bien estoy cansado triste miedo tiempo im miedo salir casa antiansiedad píldoras trabajo poco no puede trabajar vive zona agrícola hay incluso lugares conocer gente excepto bares de iglesia obviamente ya saben gente iglesia no puede realmente chatear masa casi no va másde ninguna manera estoy seguro de creer que dios más orar entender matarme incluso vida muerte saber razón vivir más
get political dont think women black people property anymore
[ "get political dont think women black people property anymore" ]
get political no creas que las mujeres negras tienen propiedades
im definitely suicidal help itive semisuicidal long time ive known least years want ride thoughts getting way intense really depressed lot great people around could talk to end know want live anymore nothing life nothing want do way forward me want dead want try medicationsdrugssupplements work make feel shitty tired time even know want helped try guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im definitely suicidal help itive semisuicidal long time ive known least years want ride thoughts getting way intense really depressed lot great people around could talk to end know want live anymore nothing life nothing want do way forward me want dead want try medicationsdrugssupplements work make feel shitty tired time even knowwant helped try guess" ]
i definitivamente suicida ayuda itive semisuicidal mucho tiempo ive conocido menos años quieren montar pensamientos conseguir manera intenso realmente deprimido mucha gente grande alrededor podría hablar hasta el final quieren vivir más nada vida nada quiere hacer camino adelante me quieren muerto quieren probar medicamentos medicamentossuplementos trabajo hacer sentir la mierda cansado tiempo incluso saber quieren ayudar a tratar de adivinar
dear community ever feel like emotionally blackmailedi know little guys like idea redflag legal think understand why just know myself hate here choose myself feel forced living resent people try stop dying resent people tell cause others pain seems like stupid thing say pain matter what people say thing head is their well important yours existence choice unwell woman chose keep thought could provide love denied life beautiful thought it unloved unwanted woman holding tiny baby someone loves is aw baby machine providing validation growing human needs go unaddressed big surprise abused woman one loves shit load psychological issues prevent fit mother fucking baby grown adult dealing result neglect wants die tells people wants die unfair chastise it met hatred even here sub met hatred suggesting allowed life wants commiserating others say want same people belittle challenges tell neglect reason want die mean whatever worst thing happened im saying right now life forced upon want it emotionally blackmailed staying hate it fucking hate it im monster want people care pain guess stay here continue mutilate myself body soul else do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dear community ever feel like emotionally blackmailedi know little guys like idea redflag legal think understand why just know myself hate here choose myself feel forced living resent people try stop dying resent people tell cause others pain seems like stupid thing say pain matter what people say thing head is their well important yours existence choice unwell woman chose keep thought could provide love denied life beautiful thought it unloved unwanted woman holding tiny baby someone loves is aw baby machine providing validation growing human needs go unaddressed big surprise abused woman one loves shit load psychological issues prevent fit mother fucking baby grown adult dealing result neglect wants die tells people wants die unfair chastise it met hatred even here sub met hatred suggesting allowed life wants commiserating others say want same people belittle challenges tell neglect reason want die mean whatever worst thing happened im saying right now life forced upon want it emotionally blackmailed staying hate itfucking hate itim monster want people care pain guess stay here continue mutilate myself body soul else do" ]
querida comunidad siempre se siente como emocional chantajeedi saber pequeños chicos como idea Redflag legal pensar entender por qué sólo me conozco odio aquí me siento obligado a vivir resentido personas tratar de dejar de morir resentido personas decir causa que otros dolor parece estúpido cosa decir dolor materia lo que la gente dice thing head es su bien importante su existencia elección no bien mujer elegido mantener el pensamiento podría proporcionar amor negado vida hermosa pensamiento lo no amado mujer no deseado sostener bebé pequeño alguien ama es aw baby machine proporcionar validación creciente necesidades humanas ir sin abordar gran sorpresa abusado mujer uno ama mierda carga problemas psicológicos prevención madre mierda adulto trato resultado negligencia quiere morir le dice a la gente quiere morir injusta castise se reunió odio incluso aquí sub metían odio que se permite la vida quiere conmiserting otros dicen que quieren misma gente menos desafíos decirle negligencia razón quiero morir significa lo peor que pasó im decir justo ahora la vida forzado a querer emocionalmente chantajearse seguir odiando itim monstruo quiere que la gente cuidado dolor conjetura seguir mutilado yo mismo cuerpo alma otra cosa hacer
help feel depressed suicidal know whylet begin first episode depression ended night put gun mouth almost committed redflag depression caused bottling feelings years years end ex every suicidal thought parents arrested almost abandoned etc im usually good keeping things control lost control almost committed redflag it thing stopped thought would happen mom shes one life stuck me even jail love much night would get occasional suicidal thought stare nearest window wanting run jump nothing handle freshman year high school im sophomore top class all advanced classes eligible college programs good friends support me im part band school thats friends come from like second family loving girlfriend cares lot she knows time tried committing redflag life used be recently though suicidal thoughts flooding head seem stop want tell mom would devastate she know first time want tell friends able help me want tell girlfriend yet think shell able handle would hurt way know try help cant ive come im scared thoughts feel trapped inside myself im sorry weird ive never done want help someone talk to thank anything think would help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help feel depressed suicidal know whylet begin first episode depression ended night put gun mouth almost committed redflag depression caused bottling feelings years years end ex every suicidal thought parents arrested almost abandoned etc im usually good keeping things control lost control almost committed redflag it thing stopped thought would happen momshes one life stuck me even jail love much night would get occasional suicidal thought stare nearest window wanting run jump nothing handle freshman year high schoolim sophomore top class all advanced classes eligible college programs good friends support me im part band school thats friends come from like second family loving girlfriend cares lot she knows time tried committing redflag life used be recently though suicidal thoughts flooding head seem stop want tell mom would devastate she know first time want tell friends able help me want tell girlfriend yet think shell able handle would hurt way know try help cant ive come im scared thoughts feel trapped inside myselfim sorryweird ive never done want help someone talk to thank anything think would help" ]
ayudar a sentirse deprimido suicida saber por qué empezar primer episodio depresión terminó noche poner boca pistola casi cometido rojoflag depresión causado embotellamiento sentimientos años finales ex cada pensamiento suicida padres arrestados casi abandonado etc im generalmente bueno mantener las cosas control perdido control casi cometido rojoflag cosa dejó de pensar que pasaría mamás una vida me golpeó incluso cárcel amor mucho noche conseguiría ocasional pensamiento suicida mirada ventana más cercana querer correr salto nada manejar primer año secundaria secundariaim segundo año clase superior todas las clases avanzadas programas universitarios elegibles buenos amigos apoyarme im parte banda escuela que amigos vienen de como segunda familia cariñosa novia se preocupa mucho ella sabe tiempo intentó cometer Redflag vida utilizado ser recientemente aunque pensamientos suicidas inundación cabeza parece stop querer decirle mamá devastaría saber primera vez quiere decirle a los amigos capaz de ayudar a decirle a novia y sin embargo pensar concha capaz de manejar daño manera saber tratar de ayudar no puede vivir im pensamientos asustados sentirse atrapado dentro de mí mismoim lo siento
damn bro drinking actually fun asf normally stick drugs alcohol actually chill asf im feeling real good rn maybe ill become alcoholic im older sounds vibey
[ "damn bro drinking actually fun asf normally stick drugs alcohol actually chillasfim feeling real good rn maybe ill become alcoholic im older sounds vibey" ]
maldito hermano beber en realidad diversión asf normalmente pegan drogas alcohol en realidad chilasfim sentirse muy bien rn tal vez mal llegar a ser alcohólico im sonidos más viejos vibrar
im asking for u prove man culture well
[ "im asking for u prove man culture well" ]
Estoy pidiendo que pruebes que la cultura del hombre está bien.
sleep like sleeping couch hoody listening music
[ "sleep like sleeping couch hoody listening music" ]
dormir como si durmiera sofá con capucha escuchar música
cant stand morei wanna die good reason alive im coward kill right now someone help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant stand morei wanna die good reason alive im coward kill right now someone help me" ]
No puedo soportar más quiero morir buena razón viva im cobarde matar en este momento alguien me ayude
life usually screw nice peopleive never thought bad person ive kind call friends family yet called friends paid back theyve used thrown away like trash appearing need fair ive never ever hurt anyone bullied school way first year uni ive realised whole life one big disappointment plus suffer social anxiety think ill make threw uni lock im stuck home computer friend one mum checks me wake everyday nothingness loneliness hurts physically barely get bed eat happiness seems like luxury cant afford want friend even one really cares im alone know everyday could last noose ready note prepared need balls go it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life usually screw nice peopleive never thought bad person ive kind call friends family yet called friends paid back theyve used thrown away like trash appearing need fair ive never ever hurt anyone bullied school way first year uni ive realised whole life one big disappointment plus suffer social anxiety think ill make threw uni lockim stuck home computer friend one mum checks me wake everyday nothingness loneliness hurts physically barely get bed eat happiness seems like luxury cant afford want friend even one really caresim alone know everyday could last noose ready note prepared need balls go it" ]
La vida generalmente follar gente agradable nunca pensó mala persona ive clase llamar amigos familia y sin embargo, llamados amigos pagados han usado tirarse como basura aparecer necesidad justa vida nunca hiere a nadie acosado escuela manera primer año uni ive se dio cuenta de toda la vida una gran decepción más sufrir ansiedad social pensar mal hacer tirar uni lockim atascada casa computadora amigo una mamá me comprueba despertar día a día nada soledad duele físicamente apenas conseguir cama comer felicidad parece como lujo no puede permitirse querer amigo incluso un muy cuidado solo saber todos los días podría durar noose lista nota preparada necesidad bolas ir
feel disconnected real worldi lived years though thats true inner age still live home fulltime student parttime online job pays enough cover tuition owe pell grants scholarships sort ambition interest real world real life spend day fantasizing dead celebrities aching badly wish befriend them play lot video games spend significant amount time researching topics necessarily use career rarely leave room cant remember last time left house im experiencing anxiety returning school next week hate there like im studying hate around people classroom setting makes super uncomfortable makes feel trapped stifled control swore high school would never put hell again last year reality decided pay shortlived visit realized would never chance life go college get degree thing is desire work career kindi figure choice blue collar manual labor job something im least somewhat interested make better money ill go latter ive always good student quite average actually believe say like school push succeed feel like little selfworth tied academic success understand get anywhere life flunk everything im aromanticasexual means feel romantic sexual attraction anyone result feel extremely isolated lonely think big misconception people like us want love relationshipsnot true want kind love thats like omg want date sex blah blah would really love mentor type adult figure cant find anyone like that every adult life treats like one them even though im not im transage meaning although ive lived years inner age matured past causes distress imagine know never receive type love desperately long for hate feel like shit every day emotionally deprived might sound insane im jealous celebrity platonic crushs wife potential future granddaughters might have female descendants yet realize still time change yes know crazy literally would jealous little girl huge fear mine want little princess spoils protects literal daughter granddaughter im happy family get gist kind relationship less again desire whatsoever romantic sense typical crush want marry anything afterlife instead little friend know kind relationship jacob renesmee twilight books sort thing like said really goals dreams life basically going motions feel like choice true hearts desire animals meet celebrity platonic crush heaven animal dream enough make want stay earth endure lifetime working outside home suffering emotional isolation nothing look forward to feel tired sluggish days filled anxiety next time leave house thought function real world adult im makes sick full dread even career goals would still transage freak never jacob simply put meant planet im starting finally accept that feel like im one people would seriously better dead im happy here im tired pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel disconnected real worldi lived years though thats true inner age still live home fulltime student parttime online job pays enough cover tuition owe pell grants scholarships sort ambition interest real world real life spend day fantasizing dead celebrities aching badly wish befriend them play lot video games spend significant amount time researching topics necessarily use career rarely leave room cant remember last time left house im experiencing anxiety returning school next week hate there like im studying hate around people classroom setting makes super uncomfortable makes feel trapped stifled control swore high school would never put hell again last year reality decided pay shortlived visit realized would never chance life go college get degree thing is desire work career kindi figure choice blue collar manual labor job something im least somewhat interested make better money ill go latter", "ive always good student quite average actually believe say like school push succeed feel like little selfworth tied academic success understand get anywhere life flunk everything im aromanticasexual means feel romantic sexual attraction anyone result feel extremely isolated lonely think big misconception people like us want love relationshipsnot true want kind love thats like omg want date sex blah blah would really love mentor type adult figure cant find anyone like that every adult life treats like one them even though im not im transage meaning although ive lived years inner age matured past causes distress imagine know never receive type love desperately long for hate feel like shit every day emotionally deprived might sound insane im jealous celebrity platonic crushs wife potential future granddaughters might have female descendants yet realize still time change yes know crazy literally would jealous little girl huge fear mine want little princess spoils protects literal daughter granddaughter im happy family get gist kind relationship less again desire whatsoever romantic sense typical crush want marry anything afterlife instead little friend know kind relationship jacob renesmee twilight books sort thing like said really goals dreams life basically going motions feel like choice true hearts desire animals meet celebrity platonic crush heaven animal dream enough make want stay earth endure lifetime working outside home suffering emotional isolation nothing look forward to feel tired sluggish days filled anxiety next time leave house thought function real world adult im makes sick full dread even career goals would still transage freak never jacob simply put meant planet im starting finally accept that feel like im one people would seriously better dead im happy here im tired pain" ]
Se siente desconectado mundo real vivir años aunque eso es verdadera edad interior todavía vivir en casa a tiempo completo estudiante a tiempo parcial trabajo en línea paga la cobertura suficiente matrícula debe Pell becas becas tipo ambición interés mundo real vida real pasar día fantasear celebridades muertas mal deseo ser amigo ellos jugar mucho video juegos pasar cantidad significativa tiempo investigar temas necesariamente uso carrera rara vez dejar la habitación no recuerdo la última vez izquierda casa im experimentar ansiedad volver escuela la próxima semana odio allí como im estudiar odio alrededor de la gente ambiente en el aula hace sentir super incómodo se siente atrapado control ahogado Jurado escuela secundaria nunca volvería a poner el infierno el año pasado realidad decidió pagar visita breve realizado nunca suerte vida ir universidad obtener grado cosa es deseo trabajo kindi figura trabajo algo menos un poco interesado hacer mejor dinero mal ir último
heres nice facts know fight male puppy always lets female puppy win penguins propose stick together life forcing smile actually makes smile voice actors mickey minnie got married real life baby sloths addicted cuddling sunshine warmth makes happier cows best friends get sad apart sea otters hold hands sleep norway knighted penguin china killing panda punishable death rats laugh tickled dolphins names eachother puffins mate life good news likely shared social media bad news angry way say word bubbles koko gorilla could communicate sign language pet cat gorillas remember old friends sheep recognise facial expressions like smiles baby elephants suck trunks comfort squirrels adopt baby squirrels theres
[ "heres nice facts know fight male puppy always lets female puppy win penguins propose stick together life forcing smile actually makes smile voice actors mickey minnie got married real life baby sloths addicted cuddling sunshine warmth makes happier cows best friends get sad apart sea otters hold hands sleep norway knighted penguin china killing panda punishable death rats laugh tickled dolphins names eachother puffins mate life good news likely shared social media bad news angry way say word bubbles koko gorilla could communicate sign language pet cat gorillas remember old friends sheep recognise facial expressions like smiles baby elephants suck trunks comfort squirrels adopt baby squirrels theres" ]
heres nice facts know lucha cachorro macho siempre permite a cachorro hembra ganar pingüinos proponer pegarse vida forzando sonrisa en realidad hace sonreír voz actores mickey minnie se casó vida real bebé perezosos adictos abrazo sol calor hace más felices vacas mejores amigos conseguir triste aparte nutrias marinas sostenerse de las manos dormir norway caballero pingüino china matar panda penable muerte ratas risa delfines cosquillas nombres eachother puffins mate vida buenas noticias probablemente compartidas redes sociales malas noticias enojado manera de decir palabra burbujas koko gorila podría comunicarse lenguaje de signos mascotas gorilas recordar viejos amigos ovejas reconocer expresiones faciales como sonrisas bebé elefantes chupar troncos ardillas comodidad adoptar bebé ardillas theres
im want attempt redflag againplease help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im want attempt redflag againplease help" ]
Por favor, ayúdeme.
im yearold college professor went wife year old daughter enjoyed movie film original witty fastpaced totally charming plot easy enough year old follow twisty enough keep adult interested thought emma roberts superb job rest cast fine criticism los angeles sets interesting been functional nothing stood out hand makeup costume lighting cinematography editing directing excellent altogether thought totally enjoyable experience disappointed professional critics almost adult males savagely attacked film apparently something films portray strong intelligent independent young women writings reveal sexist natures anything wonderful family film recommend strongly every child every parent
[ "im yearold college professor went wife year old daughter enjoyed movie film original witty fastpaced totally charming plot easy enough year old follow twisty enough keep adult interested thought emma roberts superb job rest cast fine criticism los angeles sets interesting been functional nothing stood out hand makeup costume lighting cinematography editing directing excellent altogether thought totally enjoyable experience disappointed professional critics almost adult males savagely attacked film apparently something films portray strong intelligent independent young women writings reveal sexist natures anything wonderful family film recommend strongly every child every parent" ]
im año viejo profesor de la universidad fue esposa año hija de edad disfrutó película original ingenioso ritmo totalmente encantador trama fácil bastante año de edad seguir lo suficientemente retorcido mantener adulto interesado emma Roberts excelente trabajo descanso reparto fino crítica los angeles sets interesante ha sido funcional nada destacado mano maquillaje vestuario iluminación cinematografía edición dirección excelente en conjunto pensamiento totalmente agradable experiencia decepcionado críticos profesionales casi adultos hombres salvajemente atacado película aparentemente algo películas retratan fuerte inteligente independientes jóvenes escritos revelan naturalezas sexistas cualquier película maravillosa familia recomendar fuertemente cada niño cada padre
guiltwhen abuser realized tell someone shed done killed avoid facing consequences messaged blue years abuse ended kinda froze panicked told wished dead night gone almost years still feel guilty even years hell put through maybe found shortly died childhood me know figured accept it doubt anyone relate much resonates you id love talk more m matters
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "guiltwhen abuser realized tell someone shed done killed avoid facing consequences messaged blue years abuse ended kinda froze panicked told wished dead night gone almost years still feel guilty even years hell put through maybe found shortly died childhood me know figured accept it doubt anyone relate much resonates you id love talk more m matters" ]
culpa cuando el abusador se dio cuenta de que alguien se deshizo muerto evitar enfrentar las consecuencias mensaje azul años abuso terminó un poco congeló pánico dijo deseos noche muerta ido casi años todavía se siente culpable incluso años infierno pasado tal vez encontrado murió en breve infancia sé que se supone que aceptar duda de que alguien se relaciona mucho resuena id amor hablar más m asuntos
keeps working thisi enjoy good thelonious monk comp then keeps answering requests music wise maybe tell us major blues scale
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keeps working thisi enjoy good thelonious monk comp then keeps answering requests music wise maybe tell us major blues scale" ]
sigue trabajando estai disfrutar de buena thelonious monk comp entonces sigue respondiendo peticiones de música sabia tal vez nos dicen la escala de blues mayor
cant fucking believe math professor gave study guide questions fucking due tuesday
[ "cant fucking believe math professor gave study guide questions fucking due tuesday" ]
No puedo creer que el profesor de matemáticas dio preguntas de la guía de estudio a la mierda martes
dont love parent cant realize negative reinforcement doesnt work im already depressed anxious already feel like deserve things gonna realize way make things positive reinforcement like go ahead take away phone computer everything dont deserve it gonna make shit gone live without it contrary popular belief life source something stop thinking offing myself
[ "dont love parent cant realize negative reinforcement doesnt work im already depressed anxious already feel like deserve things gonna realize way make things positive reinforcement like go ahead take away phone computer everything dont deserve it gonna make shit gone live without it contrary popular belief life source something stop thinking offing myself" ]
No quiero a los padres no puedo darme cuenta de refuerzo negativo no funciona ya estoy deprimido ansioso ya siento como merecer las cosas va a darse cuenta de manera hacer las cosas refuerzo positivo como ir adelante llevar lejos computadora de teléfono todo no merece va a hacer que la mierda se vaya a vivir sin contrario popular creencia fuente de la vida algo deja de pensar offing mí mismo
wish gutswell am resorting post internet forum what judging past interactions doubt response help me feel choices reject god kill myself cannot simply choose god worked last several years ive tried year old forever alone guy self confidence friends try distance would want spend time me hate me want spend weekend bed never getting up drinking water eating food sit die away maybe ill join military turn eighteen get killed off ive heard people refer levelheaded thats me future doubt ill even graduate im what ill probably live parents house die sapping away realize absurdly morbid nonsensical guess im venting cause ive never friends vent to maybe turned away edit somehow feel much better morning leads believe form bipolar mean remove thread look different angle clear head thank posts think would get much recognition any
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish gutswell am resorting post internet forum what judging past interactions doubt response help me feel choices reject god kill myself cannot simply choose god worked last several years ive tried year old forever alone guy self confidence friends try distance would want spend time me hate me want spend weekend bed never getting up drinking water eating food sit die away maybe ill join military turn eighteen get killed off ive heard people refer levelheaded thats me future doubt ill even graduate im what ill probably live parents house die sapping away realize absurdly morbid nonsensical guess im venting cause ive never friends vent to maybe turned away edit somehow feel much better morning leads believe form bipolar mean remove thread look different angle clear head thank posts think would get much recognition any" ]
deseo gutswell am recurso post foro de Internet lo que juzga interacciones pasadas respuesta de duda me ayudan a sentir las elecciones rechazar dios matar a mí mismo no puede simplemente elegir dios trabajado durante varios años live probado año viejo para siempre solo chico confianza amigos tratar de distancia me gustaría pasar tiempo me odio quiero pasar el fin de semana cama nunca se levanta beber agua comer sentarse morir tal vez mal unirse militar turno dieciocho se matan i ve personas se refieren niveledhead thats me futuro duda mal incluso graduarse im lo que mal probablemente vivir padres casa morir sapping lejos darse cuenta absurdamente morboso nonsensical conjetura im venting causa ive nunca amigos ventilación a tal vez desviado editar de alguna manera sentir mucho mejor mañana pistas creen que bipolar media quitar hilo mirar diferente ángulo claro mensajes de agradecimiento creo que conseguiría mucho reconocimiento cualquier
thighs thicc tho filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text
[ "thighs thicc tho filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text" ]
muslos thicc tho relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno texto relleno
cant anymoremaybe one actually cares think might tonight feel alone empty im worthy existing anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymoremaybe one actually cares think might tonight feel alone empty im worthy existing anyway" ]
Tal vez a uno le importe pensar que esta noche se siente solo, vacío, digno de existir de todos modos.
lying everyone yearsi lying closest friends girlfriend amp family years already debt amp telling everyone it okay think might weekend apend little bit happy time loved ones first long story ahead tldr bottom tldr childhood molested sezually fist grade neigbour amp grade verbally amp physically bullied blackmailed shit on pissed on sodomized amp used laughing stock atleast beatdowns week monday amp friday started year girlfriend now ex broke could live behaving like adult trust me either started bunking best friends place months feeling quilty income saving nothing amp freeloading friends lets call jiri place could get back moms place free rooms amp father lived way city transports school there months finalky found cheap rental apartment next school amp also knew move could get enough money welfare pay bils amp get food moved amp first fucking happy life joyfull amp felt good winter came thing called kaamos i dont know wjat call english came sunlight always dark kids started bully school anxiety amp deppression kicked amp could sleep well amp would stay planket ir computer hanging friends lasted month long got expelled school never went there stayed home drowning sorrows playing video games mainly rs friends long jiri tried ask okay always told yeah good months later money behind rent amp bills cash food still sat amp played video games also aunt amp granpa died time took pretty jard started self harm years clean juat beginning managed somehiw get together exgf amp bunked weeks saing i vacation school yeah fucking stupid me got caught threw amp know do visited apartment time payed bills last months so went ro gradmas place amp stayed month summer met soul mate amp new girlfriend friend jiri took back place stay amp promised help anything could told everybody big debt amp unemployed money got went straight paying debts believed told family amp bought it thou father diaapointed me after met talked times date unofficialy living jiri debt collecrors idea was baaically run months even remember it fun playing amp drinking life away jiri johanna amp friends one idea time went fast wa full year since moved ro live own always back head atill self harm drank alcohol remember all one day jiri said we move rental place could move unofficially him happy moved winter amp befire christmas moved new place lie survived officially year already started took toll me afraid phone ringing afraid going public areas amp talked dad months said mom amp everybody else okay nothing happenes while new place drinking playing amp derping around always afraid jiri woild kick money it went debt paying reality done anything ti get rhe monwy evsn toi afraid always helped bdat could amp think enough him im glad best friend summer applied school i forced seek education myself amp knew mistake may ask summer gone amp august school again school needed put address right place house lived jiri see going school started like shit anxiety top gear alcohol amp lie tellling years already evdn believed lie point aftrer one weel school quit it could blt handle it that came envelopes demise bills bills mlre bills wise amp saved money year thought payed all november came bill almost another amp amp on cried shock made bucket list next christmas get contact dad take johanna real first date get jiri something nice christmas fun lt christmas went by always toes january johanna invited place ever since day ca go back jiris place spoke jirk almost month now letters court told johanna anything even jiri one knows this jiri saw letters told okay just fucked badly weeks since last letter amp think next one something bad never wanted hurt anybody never wanted involve anyone else might now regret everything jiri amp family amp friends trough im disapointment everyone lazy fuckerif only could see another way last weeks slept all wake am sure someway im jump balcony know brought upon elementary school amp junior high school learned lie problems time also want worry involve anyone problems always tries make everyone around smile amp happy ques never time myself old habits die hard learn keep in never come out thought saturday last moment friends amp sunday week it railroad track nearby rest assholes made childhood hell kylsaaren alaaste ja meriporin ylaste jasu jere sundval se kpi ja te pari junttii ja koko mun alaaste luokka se kivaa juu hakata kepeill jaloilla ja nyrkeill toista varastaa esineit ja vandalisoida nit vhemmstki pelk menn ulos ja tulee ihmiapelkoo vitu mulkut ymmrrn kyll et teil oli omat perheongelmat mut ei sit olis muhu tarttenu mullaki oli omat ongelmat sillo jo jos olisitte antanu ni olisin koittanu auttaa teit vaikka nauraan ja joni impolasta milt tuntu kytt lk aeksuaalisesri hyvks tykkaiks siit ku otin suihin tai siit ku tynsit sen sinne oki varmaa sulle mukavaa haista pitk paska tldr lied ti everyine life cared fir almist years dead end people please lie loved one family end hurt e eryone evenmore ecer trouble call father mother straight away someone close lt
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lying everyone yearsi lying closest friends girlfriend amp family years already debt amp telling everyone it okay think might weekend apend little bit happy time loved ones first long story ahead tldr bottom tldr childhood molested sezually fist grade neigbour amp grade verbally amp physically bullied blackmailed shit on pissed on sodomized amp used laughing stock atleast beatdowns week monday amp friday started year girlfriend now ex broke could live behaving like adult trust me either started bunking best friends place months feeling quilty income saving nothing amp freeloading friends lets call jiri place could get back moms place free rooms amp father lived way city transports school there months finalky found cheap rental apartment next school amp also knew move could get enough money welfare pay bils amp get food moved amp first fucking happy life joyfull amp felt good winter came thing called kaamos", "i dont know wjat call english came sunlight always dark kids started bully school anxiety amp deppression kicked amp could sleep well amp would stay planket ir computer hanging friends lasted month long got expelled school never went there stayed home drowning sorrows playing video games mainly rs friends long jiri tried ask okay always toldyeah good months later money behind rent amp bills cash food still sat amp played video games also aunt amp granpa died time took pretty jard started self harm years clean juat beginning managed somehiw get together exgf amp bunked weeks saing i vacation schoolyeahfucking stupid me got caught threw amp know do visited apartment time payed bills last months so went ro", "gradmas place amp stayed month summer met soul mate amp new girlfriend friend jiri took back place stay amp promised help anything could told everybody big debt amp unemployed money got went straight paying debts believed told family amp bought it thou father diaapointed me after met talked times date unofficialy living jiri debt collecrors idea was baaically run months even remember it fun playing amp drinking life away jiri johanna amp friends one idea time went fast wa full year since moved ro live own always back head atill self harm drank alcohol remember all one day jiri said we move rental place could move unofficially him happy moved winter amp befire christmas moved new place lie survived officially year already started took toll me afraid phone ringing afraid going public areas amp talked dad months said mom amp everybody elseokay nothing happenes while new place drinking playing amp derping around always afraid jiri woild kick money it went debt paying reality done anything ti get rhe monwy evsn toi afraid always helped bdat could amp think enough him", "im glad best friend summer applied school i forced seek education myself amp knew mistake may ask summer gone amp august school again school needed put address right place house lived jiri see going school started like shit anxiety top gear alcohol amp lie tellling years already evdn believed lie point aftrer one weel school quit it could blt handle it that came envelopes demise bills bills mlre bills wise amp saved money year thought payed all november came bill almost another amp amp on cried shock made bucket list next christmas get contact dad take johanna real first date get jiri something nice christmas fun lt christmas went by always toes january johanna invited place ever since day ca go backjiris place spoke jirk almost month now letters court told johanna anything even jiri one knows this jiri saw letters toldokay just fucked badly weeks since last letter amp think next one something bad never wanted hurt anybody never wanted involve anyone else might now regret everything jiri amp family amp friendstrough", "im disapointment everyone lazy fuckerif only could see another way last weeks slept all wake am sure someway im jump balcony know brought upon elementary school amp junior high school learned lie problems time also want worry involve anyone problems always tries make everyone around smile amp happy ques never time myself old habits die hard learn keep in never come out thought saturday last moment friends amp sunday week it railroad track nearby rest assholes made childhood hell kylsaaren alaaste ja meriporin ylaste jasu jere sundval se kpi ja te pari junttii ja koko mun alaaste luokka se kivaa juu hakata kepeill jaloilla ja nyrkeill toista varastaa esineit ja vandalisoida nit vhemmstki pelk menn ulos ja tulee ihmiapelkoo vitu mulkut ymmrrn kyllet teil oli omat perheongelmat mut ei sit olis muhu tarttenu mullaki oli omat ongelmat sillo jo jos olisitte antanu ni olisin koittanu", "auttaa teit vaikka nauraan ja joni impolasta milt tuntu kytt lk aeksuaalisesri hyvks tykkaiks siit ku otin suihin tai siit ku tynsit sen sinne oki varmaa sulle mukavaa haista pitk paska tldr lied ti everyine life cared fir almist years dead end people please lie loved one family end hurt e eryone evenmore ecer trouble call father mother straight away someone close lt" ]
mentir a todo el mundo añosi mentir amigos más cercanos novia amp años de la familia ya deuda amplificador decirle a todos está bien pensar que podría fin de semana apendir un poco de tiempo feliz seres queridos primera larga historia por delante tldr fondo tldr infancia abusado sezualmente puño grado neigbour amp grado verbalmente amp físicamente intimidado chantajeado mierda en enojado en sodomizado amp uso hazterreír alteste beatdowns semana lunes amp viernes comenzó año novia ahora ex ruptura podría vivir como adulto confiar en mí o bien comenzó literas mejores amigos lugar meses sensación de quilty ingresos ahorrar nada amp gratis cargado amigos le permite llamar a Jiri lugar podría volver mamás lugar libre habitaciones amp padre vivió manera ciudad transporte escuela allí meses finalky encontrado barato alquiler apartamento siguiente escuela amp también sabía movimiento podría conseguir suficiente dinero bienestar pagar bils amp obtener alimentos movidos amp primer feliz vida alegre amp se sintió bien invierno vino cosa llamada kaamoss
favourite cheese like cheddar cheese halloumi filler
[ "favourite cheese like cheddar cheese halloumi filler" ]
queso favorito como queso cheddar relleno halloumi
alive true hellim dumb ass depressed ass good slut year old im literally turning year dont think ill probably even make bad im coward even kill myself get used even though im virgin one wants dont even want myself im waste space mom shouldve went abortion wanna die dont im confusing stupid im hell suffer suffer earth evil creatures well feeling like hijacked mess brain im always annoyed feel like asshole dumb ass say care dont even check me always one nice talk first theres literally words explain feel shit even really feel dont know im useful ill post see many disgusting ass perverts act like care want shit me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alive true hellim dumb ass depressed ass good slut year old im literally turning year dont think ill probably even make bad im coward even kill myself get used even though im virgin one wants dont even want myself im waste space mom shouldve went abortion wanna die dont im confusing stupidim hell suffer sufferearth evil creatureswell feeling like hijacked mess brain im always annoyed feel like asshole dumb ass say care dont even check me always one nice talk first theres literally words explain feel shit even really feel dont know im useful ill post see many disgusting ass perverts act like carewant shit me" ]
vivo verdadero helm tonto culo deprimido culo buena puta año de edad im literalmente cambio de año no creo mal probablemente incluso hacer mal im cobarde incluso me matan me utilizan incluso aunque im virgen uno quiere incluso no me quieren im desperdicio espacio mamá debería haber ido aborto querer morir no im confusión estúpidoim infierno sufrir tierra criaturas malvadas bien sentirse como secuestrado desastre cerebro im siempre molesto se siente como imbécil culo tonto decir cuidado ni siquiera me chequea siempre una buena charla primero Theres literalmente palabras explicar sentir mierda incluso realmente no sé Im útil mal post ver muchos pervertidos culo asqueroso actuar como cuidado mierda
please hear second feel difference day day work believe depression since years middle two years absolutely peaked self harm constant impulsive suicidal thoughtsas would say suicidal grateful life either final year ugso since past months noticing taking time usual performing tasks like numerical calculations solving integrals trouble remembering code syntax solving problems etci usually know bad mental state counting times efficient normal vanilla processing power looks like decliningsince last years actively trying aware feelings surroundings really feel difference kind making pretty angry nowi actually surprised see noticeable difference going lie scary therapy expensive lockdown parents right now tried explain mental health given up get arguments man upany help really appreciated noticed unable process things efficiently used to cognitive abilities actually deteriorating
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please hear second feel difference day day work believe depression since years middle two years absolutely peaked self harm constant impulsive suicidal thoughtsas would say suicidal grateful life either final year ugso since past months noticing taking time usual performing tasks like numerical calculations solving integrals trouble remembering code syntax solving problems etci usually know bad mental state counting times efficient normal vanilla processing power looks like decliningsince last years actively trying aware feelings surroundings really feel difference kind making pretty angry nowi actually surprised see noticeable difference going lie scary therapy expensive lockdown parents right now tried explain mental health given up get arguments man upany help really appreciated noticed unable process things efficiently used to cognitive abilities actually deteriorating" ]
Por favor escuchar segundo sentir diferencia día trabajo creer depresión desde años mediados dos años absolutamente pico auto daño constante impulsivo pensamientos suicidascomo diría suicida vida agradecida o bien último año ugso desde meses pasados notando tomar tiempo habitual realizar tareas como cálculos numéricos resolver integrales problemas recordar código sintaxis resolver problemas etci generalmente sabe mal estado mental contar tiempos eficiente normal vainilla procesamiento poder parece como declinar ya que los últimos años activamente tratando de sentimientos conscientes entorno realmente sentir diferencia tipo haciendo bastante enojado nowi realmente sorprendido ver diferencia notable va a mentir terapia de miedo caro bloqueo padres en este momento trató de explicar salud mental dados argumentos hombre upany ayuda realmente apreciado notó proceso eficiente cosas eficientemente utilizados a capacidades cognitivas deterioro
leftists sit alone cafeteria lunch time school im proud leftist voiced hatred donald trump republican party multiple classes feel like classmates ready views like mine anyone else experiences am wish could live state like california texas could around leftists like myself
[ "leftists sit alone cafeteria lunch time school im proud leftist voiced hatred donald trump republican party multiple classes feel like classmates ready views like mine anyone else experiencesam wish could live state like california texas could around leftists like myself" ]
izquierdistas se sientan solos cafetería almuerzo escuela im orgulloso izquierdista expresó odio donald triunfo partido republicano múltiples clases se siente como compañeros de clase vistas listas como el mío cualquier otra experiencia que desee podría vivir estado como california texas podría alrededor de los izquierdistas como yo
need someone talk toplease pm ill give skype account name need someone talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk toplease pm ill give skype account name need someone talk to" ]
Necesito que alguien hable con por favor pm mal dar nombre de cuenta de skype necesito que alguien hable con
seeing picture quite skeptic like movies agenda appreciate scared thinking like writer also afraid would like part miniseries farfetched concept little relation real world poor execution beginning says this film fiction events portrayed information uk emergency planning based extensive research general feeling sold idea taught lesson civil awareness message conveyed obvious start coming were prepared use real places scenario could happen plans add disturbing effect movie have even cynical viewers movies perspective society stays away heartbreaking personal moments convey message none romeojuliet drama were used to
[ "seeing picture quite skeptic like movies agenda appreciate scared thinking like writer also afraid would like part miniseries farfetched concept little relation real world poor execution beginning says this film fiction events portrayed information uk emergency planning based extensive research general feeling sold idea taught lesson civil awareness message conveyed obvious start coming were prepared use real places scenario could happen plans add disturbing effect movie have even cynical viewers movies perspective society stays away heartbreaking personal moments convey message none romeojuliet drama were used to" ]
ver imagen bastante escéptico como películas agenda apreciar miedo pensar como escritor también miedo como parte miniseries concepto descabellado poco relación mundo real mala ejecución principio dice que esta película ficción eventos retratados información uk planificación de emergencia basada en investigación extensa general sentimiento de la idea enseñada lección mensaje de conciencia civil transmitido obvio comienzo venir estaban preparados uso lugares reales escenario podría suceder planes añadir efectos perturbadores película han incluso espectadores cínicos perspectiva la sociedad se mantiene alejado momentos personales desgarradores transmitir mensaje ninguno drama romeojuliet se utilizaron para
mentally died long time backwhats point feels like need die physically
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mentally died long time backwhats point feels like need die physically" ]
mentalmente murió mucho tiempo atrás lo que el punto se siente como la necesidad de morir físicamente
like voice nice httpsopenspotifycomtrackprkmhypzzvtjpdssioonqkyqnuifhknxhhwg
[ "like voice nice httpsopenspotifycomtrackprkmhypzzvtjpdssioonqkyqnuifhknxhhwg" ]
como voz bonita httpsopenspotifycomtrackprkmhypzzvtjpdssioonqkyqnuifhknxhhwg
thought fought past turns im right back again risk dragging someone else meits since ive use throwaway quite happy fact guys awesome last time got back feet couple months intense motivation living you choice comes emotions moods deal amazing stopped meds happened thought headed recovery merits suppose partly correct back story pretty bad childhood often left alone so deal lot abandonment issues adult abused sexually mentally depression start years that years old nan who raised lived time died pretty bad bad would leave room days weeks one time months time mum powerless depression long term deal one top hers never finished school this now back present managed find amazing lady girlfriend lives hours away by train go see days off im happy distance weve going months cant really anything that real problem is know real qualifications working dead end retail job years know confidence could make pretty good manager want work retail rest life know change that know start id love something it even answering phones deal peoples problems i anyway people right front me know start ive applying jobs require previous experience hearing back really starting get me feel trapped helpless im falling familiar dark place almost claimed fear try soon im really scared im gonna fall time able get back again really want things going head live country family one go advice guidance desperately need feel alone want take easiest way out please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought fought past turns im right back again risk dragging someone else meits since ive use throwaway quite happy fact guys awesome last time got back feet couple months intense motivation living you choice comes emotions moods deal amazing stopped meds happened thought headed recovery merits suppose partly correct back story pretty bad childhood often left alone so deal lot abandonment issues adult abused sexually mentally depression start years that years old nan who raised lived time died pretty bad bad would leave room days weeks one time months time mum powerless depression long term deal one top hers never finished school this now back present managed find amazing lady girlfriend lives hours away by train go see days offim happy distance weve going months cant really anything that real problem is know real qualifications working dead end retail job years know confidence could make pretty good manager want work retail rest life know change that know start id love something it even answering phones deal peoples problemsi anyway people right front me know start ive applying jobs require previous experience hearing back really starting get me feel trapped", "helpless im falling familiar dark place almost claimed fear try soon im really scared im gonna fall time able get back again really want things going head live country family one go advice guidance desperately need feel alone want take easiest way out please help me" ]
pensamiento luchado pasado vueltas im espalda otra vez riesgo arrastrando a alguien más meits desde ive use throwaway bastante feliz hecho chicos impresionante última vez volvió pies par meses intensa motivación vivir elección viene emociones humores trato increíble paró meds ocurrió pensamiento cabeza recuperación méritos suponer parte correcta historia bastante mala infancia a menudo dejado solo tan mucho abandono problemas adulto abusado sexualmente depresión comienza años que años de edad nan que creció tiempo vivido murió bastante mal mal dejaría habitación días semanas una vez meses tiempo madre impotencia depresión largo plazo acuerdo uno top ella nunca terminó escuela este ahora back presente manejado encontrar increíble novia vive horas de distancia en tren ir ver días offim feliz distancia nos vamos meses no puede realmente cualquier cosa que el problema real es saber cualificaciones reales trabajar callejón sin salida trabajo años saber confianza podría hacer bastante buen gerente quiere trabajo comercio descanso vida saber cambio saber empezar id amor algo incluso responder teléfonos trata personas problemasi de todos modos la gente de frente saber ive aplicación de trabajos requieren experiencia previa audición volver realmente volver
horny people subreddit whowhat horny horny himherthemit
[ "horny people subreddit whowhat horny horny himherthemit" ]
cachonda gente subreddit que qué cachonda cachonda élherthemit
guys experience too hate chores people home mom always comments feel really uncomfortable it advice
[ "guys experience too hate chores people home mom always comments feel really uncomfortableit advice" ]
chicos experiencia demasiado odio tareas gente casa mamá siempre comentarios se siente muy incómodoit consejo
dream opposite genitalia wierd dream penis know why people dreams like me
[ "dream opposite genitalia wierd dream penis know why people dreams like me" ]
sueño opuesto genitalia wierd sueño pene saber por qué la gente sueña como yo
ive seeing many posts people turning teenage years coming end want grow up wanna horny forever
[ "ive seeing many posts people turning teenage years coming end want grow up wanna horny forever" ]
IV Viendo muchos posts la gente que se convierte en adolescente años que vienen fin quieren crecer quieren caliente para siempre
merry christmas australia im lookin u
[ "merry christmas australia im lookin u" ]
Feliz Navidad australia im lookin u
hi gamsrs anyons wnt discordio basically guys girls shitposting playing games like among us minecraft javacracked war thunder fall guys doom hearts iron overwatch csgo one guy big nintendo fan wants friends chilllll dm link d
[ "hi gamsrs anyons wnt discordio basically guys girls shitposting playing games like among us minecraft javacracked war thunder fall guys doom hearts iron overwatch csgo one guy big nintendo fan wants friends chilllll dm link d" ]
hola gamsrs anyons wnt discordio básicamente chicos chicas mierdaposting jugando juegos como entre nosotros minecraft javaccacked guerra trueno caída chicos doom corazones hierro overwatch csgo un chico gran nintendo fan quiere amigos chilllll mm link d
would like could stop bloody sensitive timei almost start crying smallest gestures get upset people say im bad person get happy people nice want feel less means toxicly masculine force emotions down idc want sensitive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "would like could stop bloody sensitive timei almost start crying smallest gestures get upset people say im bad person get happy people nice want feel less means toxicly masculine force emotions down idc want sensitive" ]
como podría parar el tiempo sensitivo sangriento casi empezar a llorar gestos más pequeños se molestan la gente dice im mala persona conseguir feliz gente agradable querer sentirse menos medios tóxicos masculina fuerza emociones abajo idc querer sensible
started watching expecting worst happy find film turned enjoyable slightly confusing parts like justs started singing gave chance see daniel wu action first time better actor thought times seemed bit place thought purple storm deserves hong kong legends release different hk films mans emotional struggles confronted memory loss may sound corny eventually pieces actually really makes film lot interesting get film find keeps gripped it miss one bit lot film wil make sense example missed bit start recommend anyone watches miss it say film worth watching grateful surprise me enjoyed it
[ "started watching expecting worst happy find film turned enjoyable slightly confusing parts like justs started singing gave chance see daniel wu action first time better actor thought times seemed bit place thought purple storm deserves hong kong legends release different hk films mans emotional struggles confronted memory loss may sound corny eventually pieces actually really makes film lot interesting get film find keeps gripped it miss one bit lot film wil make sense example missed bit start recommend anyone watches miss it say film worth watching grateful surprise me enjoyed it" ]
comenzó a ver esperar peor feliz encontrar película se volvió agradable partes ligeramente confusas como justs comenzó a cantar dio la oportunidad ver acción daniel wu primera vez mejor actor pensamiento tiempos parecía poco lugar pensamiento púrpura tormenta merece lanzamiento diferentes hk películas hombre luchas emocionales lucha confrontado pérdida de memoria puede sonar cursi eventualmente piezas realmente hace mucho cine interesante conseguir película encuentra se mantiene atrapado falta un poco película wil hacer sentido ejemplo perdido poco empezar recomendar a cualquiera que lo vea decir película vale la pena ver agradecido sorpresa me disfrutó
yall ever want commit nolife saying __
[ "yall ever want commit nolife saying __" ]
Yall nunca quiere cometer nolife diciendo __
wow something surprise though flawed far better expectedbr br the brand new space liner arcturus passengers final days sixteen day trip jupiter without warning ships cerebral central computer sounds disaster alarm orders everyone evacuate br br soon handful people remaining including one ships astrogators penny captain cary director shipping line kenyonbr br it turns alarm false main cerebral actingbr br erratically remaining passengers crew must escape ship andbr br avoid personal conflicts order survivebr br the film starts well opening commercial nice touch obvious parallels space odyssey historicbr br sinking titanic film slow times pacingbr br problems generally well made well acted
[ "wow something surprise though flawed far better expectedbr br the brand new space liner arcturus passengers final days sixteen day trip jupiter without warning ships cerebral central computer sounds disaster alarm orders everyone evacuate br br soon handful people remaining including one ships astrogators penny captain cary director shipping line kenyonbr br it turns alarm false main cerebral actingbr br erratically remaining passengers crew must escape ship andbr br avoid personal conflicts order survivebr br the film starts well opening commercial nice touch obvious parallels space odyssey historicbr br sinking titanic film slow times pacingbr br problems generally well made well acted" ]
wow algo sorpresa aunque defectuosos mucho mejor esperab br br el nuevo transatlántico espacial pasajeros arcturus últimos días dieciséis días viaje jupiter sin aviso barcos cerebro central computadora sonidos alarma órdenes de todos evacuar br br pronto puñado de personas que quedan incluyendo un barco astrogadores penique capitán cari director naviera línea kenyonbr br se convierte en alarma falsa principal cerebral actuaciónbr br errática restante pasajeros tripulación debe escapar del barco y br br evitar conflictos personales orden sobrevivirbr br la película comienza bien apertura comercial agradable toque obvio paralelos espacio odyssey historicbr br hundiendo película titánica tiempos lentos pacingbr br problemas generalmente bien bien hecho bien actuado
im surrounded wasps wasps building nest outside house one got house thats all send help
[ "im surrounded wasps wasps building nest outside house one got house thats all send help" ]
im avispas rodeadas construcción nido fuera de la casa uno tiene casa que todos envían ayuda
sick dumb transgender arguments ever since super straight shit came people seem think wanting sex trans women transphobic she went full surgery would sex regular women shoul ever see say this stop right nobody cares trans women regular women same dumb say transphobic want sex them dumb shit pisses off want sex transwomen many straight men want either transphobic want natrual women natural women alone homophobic wanting sleep him
[ "sick dumb transgender arguments ever since super straight shit came people seem think wanting sex trans women transphobic she went full surgery would sex regular women shoul ever see say this stop right nobody cares trans women regular women same dumb say transphobic want sex them dumb shit pisses off want sex transwomen many straight men want either transphobic want natrual women natural women alone homophobic wanting sleep him" ]
enfermizo tontos argumentos transgénero desde súper recta mierda vino la gente parece pensar que querer sexo trans mujeres trans fóbicas ella fue cirugía completa sexo mujeres regulares shoul nunca ver decir esta parada derecha a nadie le importa trans mujeres regulares mismas tontas decir transfóbicas quieren sexo ellos mierda tonta meadas fuera quieren sexo transmujeres muchos hombres heterosexuales quieren cualquiera transfóbicos quieren mujeres natruales mujeres naturales solas homofóbicas que quieren dormirlo
frustrating how day really need therapist home sick child cannot come in totally get job them lives families come first lonely feeling adds despair person talk roof feel lost right now therapist even
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "frustrating how day really need therapist home sick child cannot come in totally get job them lives families come first lonely feeling adds despair person talk roof feel lost right now therapist even" ]
frustrante cómo el día realmente necesita terapeuta casa niño enfermo no puede entrar totalmente conseguir trabajo sus vidas familias vienen primero sentimiento solitario añade desesperación persona hablar techo se siente perdido ahora terapeuta incluso
joker movie actually good dont really know watched movie thought good long ago dudes twitter say wasnt actually good movie sucks ass whats opinion movie
[ "joker movie actually good dont really know watched movie thought good long ago dudes twitter say wasnt actually good movie sucks ass whats opinion movie" ]
película de comodín en realidad buena no sé realmente ver película pensado bien hace mucho tiempo amigos twitter decir no era realmente buena película chupa culo whats opinión película
hi ima useless guy religious study degree tell big sin gay cases using quit informal language people ask mainly teenagers like guy that sin gay begin want make clear fact people say sin god basis christianity sin all approximately bibles written first one mentioned muslim history quran well books jews jewish history including hindu vedas says homosexual and homophobic sin said homosexual upon persons choice god person reveals criticises decision sinners shall punished grace god hinduism complete sin repercussions all burned alive found guilty homosexual also cause rebirth cycle stop buddism quran muslims said sin person homosexual said keep god get married homosexual marriage shall consent parents disapprove shall support you shall proceed marriage sin matter what shall punished afterlife grave homosexual may sign strayed god grace ignored teachings jews
[ "hi ima useless guy religious study degree tell big sin gay cases using quit informal language people ask mainly teenagers like guy that sin gay begin want make clear fact people say sin god basis christianity sin all approximately bibles written first one mentioned muslim history quran well books jews jewish history including hindu vedas says homosexual and homophobic sin said homosexual upon persons choice god person reveals criticises decision sinners shall punished grace god hinduism complete sin repercussions all burned alive found guilty homosexual also cause rebirth cycle stop buddism quran muslims said sin person homosexual said keep god get married homosexual marriage shall consent parents disapprove shall support you shall proceed marriage sin matter what shall punished afterlife grave homosexual may sign strayed god grace ignored teachings jews" ]
hi ima inútil chico estudio religioso grado decir gran pecado gay casos usando el lenguaje informal la gente pregunta principalmente adolescentes como el hombre que el pecado gay comienza a querer hacer claro hecho la gente dice pecado dios base cristianity pecado todas aproximadamente Biblias escritas primero uno mencionado historia musulmana quran bien libros judíos judios historia judía incluyendo hindu vedas dice pecado homosexual y homofóbico dijo homosexual sobre personas elección dios persona revela críticas decisión los pecadores castigarán gracia dios hinduismo completo pecado repercusiones todos quemadas vivos culpables homosexual también causa ciclo de renacimiento paro buddismo quran musulmanes dijo pecado persona homosexual dijo mantener dios casarse matrimonio homosexual consentimiento padres desaprobará apoyará usted debe proceder matrimonio sin materia lo que será castigado después de la vida grave homosexual puede firmar perdido dios gracia ignorado enseñanzas jews
feeling lonely id like talk someonemy last post well
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling lonely id like talk someonemy last post well" ]
sintiéndome solo id como hablar alguien mi último post bien
shit guys feel like fucked or had friend uh like argument yesterday online school nothint special tho normally sit together class talk lot etc today entered class sittting guy also friend tho even say hello saw idk give up also note im scared ask were ok
[ "shit guys feel like fucked or had friend uh like argument yesterday online school nothint special tho normally sit together class talk lot etc today entered class sittting guy also friend tho even say hello saw idk give up also noteim scared ask were ok" ]
mierda chicos se sienten como follada o tenía amigo uh como discusión ayer escuela en línea nada especial tho normalmente sentarse juntos charla clase etc hoy entró en clase chico sentarse también amigo tho incluso decir hola vio idk renunciar también noteim miedo preguntar estaban bien
think song wrote addiction runs family right staying up able sleep night mental illness ive enough give fight judge depression anxiety fill mind like balloon dont know do like hands tied head expands roof emotions feel consumed family abused wanting commit redflag like really lose
[ "think song wrote addiction runs family right staying up able sleep night mental illness ive enough give fight judge depression anxiety fill mind like balloon dont know do like hands tied head expands roof emotions feel consumed family abused wanting commit redflag like really lose" ]
pensar canción escribió adicción corre familia derecho mantenerse despierto capaz sueño noche enfermedad mental ive suficiente dar lucha juez depresión ansiedad llenar la mente como globo no sé hacer como manos atadas cabeza expande emociones del techo sensación consumida familia abusado querer cometer bandera roja como realmente perder
suicidal paradox anyone elseim morbidly suicidal hopeless desire live future feel guilt anymore concerns people id leave behindim unwanted burden crushes soul i concerned dog though wont even bother note so feel compassion others share stories instinctively dont want it understand feeling way depths am working courage kill myself yet deeply affected others want die please let go hold on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal paradox anyone elseim morbidly suicidal hopeless desire live future feel guilt anymore concerns people id leave behindim unwanted burden crushes soul i concerned dog though wont even bother note so feel compassion others share stories instinctively dont want it understand feeling way depths am working courage kill myself yet deeply affected others want die please let go hold on" ]
suicida paradoja cualquier otra persona mórbidamente suicida deseo desesperado vivir futuro sentir culpa más personas id dejar atrásim no deseado carga aplasta alma yo preocupado perro aunque no se molestan nota así que sentir compasión otros comparten historias instintivamente no quieren entender sentir la manera en que las profundidades de trabajo valor matarme pero profundamente afectados otros quieren morir por favor dejar ir aferrarse a
start school two fucking hours rn get clean room go wait get teacher hate anyways want chicken nuggies
[ "start school two fucking hours rn get clean room go wait get teacher hate anyways want chicken nuggies" ]
empezar escuela dos putas horas rn conseguir cuarto limpio ir esperar conseguir profesor odio de todos modos quieren pollos nuggies
want thank everyone here seriously planning death couple hours ago found subreddit looked posts here guys wonderful wish could give biggest hug ever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want thank everyone here seriously planning death couple hours ago found subreddit looked posts here guys wonderful wish could give biggest hug ever" ]
Quiero dar las gracias a todos aquí seriamente planeando la muerte hace un par de horas encontrado subreddit mirada posts aquí chicos deseo maravilloso podría dar un abrazo más grande nunca
getting braces getting braces wondering anything know
[ "getting braces getting braces wondering anything know" ]
Obtener aparatos Obtener aparatos Obtener aparatos , preguntándose cualquier cosa saber
remember watching s recently borrowed couple episodes public librarybr br with nearly year hiatus come another conclusion principals interviewed series center power like traudl junge hitlers secretarykarl doenitz head germanys navy anthony eden uk long gone first hand accounts live onfrom generals admirals sergeants russian civilians concentration camp survivors record here br br i remember lord mountbatten interview killed s br br this truly gem believe producer series knighted queen elizabeth work well deservedbr br seeing episodes library makes want buy setbr br this given review discovered like fine bottle wine appreciated little time
[ "remember watching s recently borrowed couple episodes public librarybr br with nearly year hiatus come another conclusion principals interviewed series center power like traudl junge hitlers secretarykarl doenitz head germanys navy anthony eden uk long gone first hand accounts live onfrom generals admirals sergeants russian civilians concentration camp survivors record here br bri remember lord mountbatten interview killed s br br this truly gem believe producer series knighted queen elizabeth work well deservedbr br seeing episodes library makes want buy setbr br this given review discovered like fine bottle wine appreciated little time" ]
recuerdo ver s recientemente prestado par episodios biblioteca públicabr br con casi año hiatus vienen otra conclusión directores entrevistados serie centro poder como traudl junge hitlers secretariakarl doenitz cabeza germanys marina anthony eden uk long ido cuentas de primera mano en vivo desde generales almirantes sargentos rusos civiles campo de concentración supervivientes registro aquí br br recuerdo lord monthbatten entrevista asesinado s br br esta verdadera joya creo productor serie caballero reina elizabeth trabajo bien merecido br br ver la biblioteca episodios quiere comprar setbr br esta revisión dada descubierto como vino fino botella apreciado poco tiempo
fucking hate mom cant single bit privacy even online classes also antimask antimask like wtf
[ "fucking hate mom cant single bit privacy even online classes also antimask antimask like wtf" ]
mierda odio mamá no puede un solo bit de privacidad incluso clases en línea también antimasca antimasca como wtf
caused someone commit redflag feel like shithi everyone im australia caused someones death never really liked person begin with acquaintances talked times every months circle friends met up plagiarised university attends person reported university show evidence dont ask got evidence did plagiarised multiple times done things caused take action really wish didnt days later found expelled university happy outcome although know consequence severe expected warning days come figured friends lashed me believe right anyway dont get anywhere life cheating days found killed himself shell shocked devastated feeling extremely guilty every time think makes stomach feel sick devestated although never liked would never wanted kill himself friends said right thing death wasnt fault feel fault words advice welcome feel less guilty great would also charged death one friends messaged said hes reporting police did
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "caused someone commit redflag feel like shithi everyone im australia caused someones death never really liked person begin with acquaintances talked times every months circle friends met up plagiarised university attends person reported university show evidence dont ask got evidence did plagiarised multiple times done things caused take action really wish didnt days later found expelled university happy outcome although know consequence severe expected warning days come figured friends lashed me believerightanyway dont get anywhere life cheating days found killed himself shell shocked devastated feeling extremely guilty every time think makes stomach feel sick devestated although never liked would never wanted kill himself friends said right thing death wasnt fault feel fault words advice welcome feel less guilty great would also charged death one friends messaged said hes reporting police did" ]
causaron que alguien cometiera bandera roja se siente como mierda todo el mundo im australia causó a alguien la muerte nunca le gustó la persona comienza con conocidos hablados veces cada mes círculo amigos se reunió plagiado universidad asiste persona reportado universidad muestra evidencia no pedir consiguió evidencia plagiado varias veces hecho cosas causado tomar acción realmente deseo no días después encontrado expulsado universidad feliz resultado aunque sabe consecuencia severo esperada días llegados amigos me golpearon creenciade todos modos no llegar a ningún lugar vida trampa días encontrado muerto mata a sí mismo devastado sentir extremadamente culpable cada vez que piensa hace estómago se siente enfermo devastado, aunque nunca me gustó nunca quiso matarse amigos dijo derecho muerte no fue culpa sentir culpa palabras recomendaciones bienvenida se siente menos culpable grande también cargaría muerte un amigo mensaje dijo que él informaba policía hizo
us pretty great place live country first world country government oppressing anyone women oppressed whether were best country questionable say country pretty good live im united stated im happy live place thats third world im saying best place live bad people say really least enough freedoms added things happens places like russia happen us thats country honestly laughed lot saying bad place live really innacurate
[ "us pretty great place live country first world country government oppressing anyone women oppressed whether were best country questionable say country pretty good live im united stated im happy live place thats third world im saying best place live bad people say really least enough freedoms added things happens places like russia happen us thats country honestly laughed lot saying bad place live really innacurate" ]
nosotros bastante gran lugar vivo país primer mundo país gobierno oprimiendo a cualquier mujer oprimida si era mejor país cuestionable decir país bastante buena vida im united declaró im feliz vida lugar que el tercer mundo im decir mejor lugar vivir mala gente decir realmente lo menos suficientes libertades cosas añadidas suceden lugares como Rusia nos sucede que el país honestamente se rió mucho diciendo mal lugar vivir realmente innacurado
change moods every fucking hours fucking hate it stable fucking week week stop changing every day stop
[ "change moods every fucking hours fucking hate it stable fucking week week stop changing every day stop" ]
cambiar el estado de ánimo cada puta hora mierda odio estable mierda semana dejar de cambiar cada día parada
avid julie andrews fan watched first time dvd directors cut version surprised rated g get bedroom scenes seduction story line two strip tease acts warshootingblood g rating weird would rate pgbr br other thoroughly enjoyed movie beautiful showcase andrews voice talent acting great storyline little weak leaving gaps could filled good dialogue many no talking walking scenes me would liked see relationship julie rock blossom intense love would believable
[ "avid julie andrews fan watched first time dvd directors cut version surprised rated g get bedroom scenes seduction story line two strip tease acts warshootingblood g rating weird would rate pgbr br other thoroughly enjoyed movie beautiful showcase andrews voice talent acting great storyline little weak leaving gaps could filled good dialogue many no talking walking scenes me would liked see relationship julie rock blossom intense love would believable" ]
Avid Julie Andrews fan vio la primera vez dvd directores corte versión sorprendida g get bedroom scenes seducción historia línea dos striptease actos warshootingsang g rating raro calificaría pgbr br otra película hermosa exhibición andews voz talento actuación gran historia poco débil dejar vacíos podría llenar buen diálogo muchos no hablar escenas caminar me gustaría ver relación julie rock flor intenso amor sería creíble
anyone someone want someone simp idc want feel loved
[ "anyone someone want someone simp idc want feel loved" ]
alguien alguien quiere a alguien simp idc quiere sentirse amado
dont know doim combat medic ptsd ive dating girl little three years today broke up never felt horrible life ive married kid another chick thought got everything good ish anyways dont want kill keep leaning towards it point dad come house take guns house i live america gunz cant help think always mess things time dont even feel like living anymore helped much better myself quit smoking rarely drink around made acceptable society love know constantly upset everything do im kinda money hungry always trying get promoted better positions im glad dad took guns sorry rant guys
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know doim combat medic ptsd ive dating girl little three years today broke up never felt horrible life ive married kid another chick thought got everything good ish anyways dont want kill keep leaning towards it point dad come house take guns house i live america gunz cant help think always mess things time dont even feel like living anymore helped much better myself quit smoking rarely drink around made acceptable society love know constantly upset everything do im kinda money hungry always trying get promoted better positions im glad dad took guns sorry rant guys" ]
No sé Doim combate médico ptsd ive chica de citas pequeño tres años hoy roto nunca se sintió horrible vida ive casado niño otra chica pensó que tenía todo bueno ish de todos modos no quiero matar seguir inclinándose hacia él punto papá venir casa tomar armas casa yo vivo América gunz no puedo ayudar a pensar siempre desastre cosas tiempo ni siquiera se siente como vivir más ayudado mucho mejor yo mismo dejar de fumar rara vez beber alrededor de la sociedad aceptable amor saber constantemente molesto todo lo hago un poco de dinero hambre siempre tratando de ser promovido mejores posiciones me alegro papá tomó armas chicos lo siento
talk someone im really bad mindset rn im scared reach friends think ending life cancan talk someone one person
[ "talk someone im really bad mindset rn im scared reach friends think ending life cancan talk someone one person" ]
hablar alguien realmente mala mentalidad rn im miedo llegar a los amigos pensar terminar la vida puede hablar con alguien una persona
supposed kill age i cannot wait die honest life nothing pain short bits happiness last millisecond due date coming
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "supposed kill age i cannot wait die honest life nothing pain short bits happiness last millisecond due date coming" ]
Supuesta edad de matar no puedo esperar a morir vida honesta nada dolor corto bits felicidad último milisegundo fecha de vencimiento viene
cant learn shit online online classes suck cant focus phone cant learn anything nobodys focusing class learning slower im tired stared h screen get lot homework cant much short period time fuck this
[ "cant learn shit online online classes suck cant focus phone cant learn anything nobodys focusing class learning slowerim tired stared h screen get lot homework cant much short period time fuck this" ]
no puedo aprender mierda en línea clases en línea chupar no puedo enfocar el teléfono no puedo aprender nada nadie enfoque clase aprendizaje lentherim cansado mirada h pantalla obtener mucho tarea cant mucho corto período de tiempo follar esto
im bored hmu talk whatever long conversation stays interesting
[ "im bored hmu talk whatever long conversation stays interesting" ]
l aburrimiento hmu hablar cualquier conversación larga permanece interesante
living dream fucked lifei cant believe different life compared year half ago studying uni internship film company loved gotten accepted dance team training gigscompetitions guess fucked started counselling near end degree started confront feelings gender disphoria counselling realised wanted badly transition tell loved ones feel accepted ready to went hill graduated getting month extension able graduate friends dance crew took break stopped dancing isolated room continued binge eating which always turn trying finish uni deadlines worked part time job free time would watch shows phone spend wage food couple months id put kilos completely given following passions dance filmvfx degree go make worse weight made look much feminine fast forward got laid full time night shift job ive put another kg given hopes ever trasitioning anything life want find another mindless nightshift job make ends meet untill ive properly planned redflag worked guts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "living dream fucked lifei cant believe different life compared year half ago studying uni internship film company loved gotten accepted dance team training gigscompetitions guess fucked started counselling near end degree started confront feelings gender disphoria counselling realised wanted badly transition tell loved ones feel accepted ready to went hill graduated getting month extension able graduate friends dance crew took break stopped dancing isolated room continued binge eating which always turn trying finish uni deadlines worked part time job free time would watch shows phone spend wage food couple months id put kilos completely given following passions dance filmvfx degree go make worse weight made look much feminine fast forward got laid full time night shift job ive put another kg given hopes ever trasitioning anything life want find another mindless nightshift job make ends meet untillive properly planned redflag worked guts" ]
vida sueño follada vidai no puedo creer diferente vida comparada año hace mitad de estudio uni pasantía compañía de cine amado consiguió aceptado equipo de baile formación gigscompeticiones conjetura follada comenzó asesoramiento cerca de fin grado comenzó confrontar sentimientos gender disphoria asesoramiento realizado quería mal transición decirle a los seres queridos se sienten aceptados listo para ir colina graduada extensión mes capaz amigos graduados equipo de baile tomó descanso baile sala aislada continua atracones comer que siempre turno tratando de terminar uni plazos trabajado a tiempo parcial trabajo tiempo libre tiempo libre ver shows teléfono pasar salario par de meses id poner kilos completamente dado después de pasiones baile filmvfx grado ir hacer peor peso hecho parecer mucho femenino rápido adelante se puso a tiempo completo noche turno trabajo en vivo poner otro kg dado esperanzas siempre trassitioning cualquier cosa que la vida quiere encontrar otro cambio de mente noche trabajo hacer termina hasta vivir adecuadamente planificado redflag trips trabajados
based posts image percieve yara yara yara stalk profile dunno
[ "based posts image percieve yara yara yara stalk profile dunno" ]
based posts image percieve yara yara yara tall profile dunno
keep simple possible good show well written fantastic cast loaded blood guts centers around disgraced cop relationship exwife son former partner andre braugher childhood friend priest george dzunzda lastly person happens get hack episode likely find something like going city no still good story yes nice see man portrayed good father spite flaws watch one see lot us hooked show thank david morse making character interesting another good job
[ "keep simple possible good show well written fantastic cast loaded blood guts centers around disgraced cop relationship exwife son former partner andre braugher childhood friend priest george dzunzda lastly person happens get hack episode likely find something like going cityno still good story yes nice see man portrayed good father spite flaws watch one see lot us hooked show thank david morse making character interesting another good job" ]
mantener simple posible buen espectáculo bien escrito fantástico elenco cargado tripas de sangre centros alrededor deshonrado policía relación ex esposa hijo ex compañero andre braugher amigo de la infancia sacerdote George dzunzda por último persona sucede conseguir episodio de hackeo probablemente encontrar algo como ir ciudadno todavía buena historia sí agradable ver hombre retratado buen padre defectos ver uno ver lote nos enganchado show gracias david morse hacer personaje interesante otro buen trabajo
guess song aint tellin im finna im beyond fuck shit hey lil mama would like sunshine person touch gang gon turn shit columbine ice neck cost ten times three thirty thousand dollars nigga get flee hit rodo spent like ten gs
[ "guess song aint tellin im finna im beyondfuck shithey lil mama would like sunshine person touch gang gon turn shit columbine ice neck cost ten times three thirty thousand dollars nigga get flee hit rodo spent like ten gs" ]
Supongo canción aint telin im finna im más allá de mierda mierda lil mamá quisiera sol persona toque pandilla gon turno mierda colombina hielo cuello cuesta diez veces tres treinta mil dólares negro conseguir huida golpe rodo gastado como diez gs
finally text post weekends fuck image posts suck like ones people showing art stuff posts memes yesterday sorting new see meme comment repost yet fucking reposted meme went hots like wtf man text posts best lots interaction
[ "finally text post weekends fuck image posts suck like ones people showing art stuff posts memes yesterday sorting new see meme comment repost yet fucking reposted meme went hots like wtf man text posts best lots interaction" ]
finalmente texto post fines de semana mierda imágenes posts chupar como las personas que muestran arte cosas posts memes ayer ordenar nuevo ver meme comentario repost pero mierda reposted meme go wats hots como wtf man text posts best lotes interacción
youre senior high school job field looking going to im graduating two months college forefront mind plan going school get degree food nutrition either want dietician home economics teacher wondering guys
[ "youre senior high school job field looking going to im graduating two months college forefront mind plan going school get degree food nutrition either want dietician home economics teacher wondering guys" ]
youre campo de trabajo de la escuela secundaria que busca va a graduarse dos meses de la universidad plan de vanguardia de la mente va a la escuela obtener el grado de alimentación nutrición o bien quieren dietista casa economía profesor preguntándose chicos
living breathing potato thats folks read title
[ "living breathing potato thats folks read title" ]
Viviendo la papa respirando que la gente lee el título
messed w girl question advice messed up short theres girl like likes back text back forth time texts dont answer purpose look cool guess eventually text back on never text first always sends first text soooo sends text per usual dont respond time forgot respond all im like well shell text eventually right nope three weeks ocd like mf theres notification messages icon reminds unread message ios btw read receipts disabled like said three weeks dont want open message sees decided open text three weeks would pretty weird im stressed think one notification every hour every day since ive received left unopen long like true idiot one hand want open get rid want absolutely sure doesnt see read message long question is read receipts disabled actually work ios like enabled see read message show delivered her
[ "messed w girl question advice messed up short theres girl like likes back text back forth time texts dont answer purpose look cool guess eventually text back on never text first always sends first text soooo sends text per usual dont respond time forgot respond all im like well shell text eventuallyright nope three weeks ocd like mf theres notification messages icon reminds unread message ios btw read receipts disabled like said three weeks dont want open message sees decided open text three weekswould pretty weirdim stressed think one notification every hour every day since ive received left unopen long like true idiot one hand want open get rid want absolutely sure doesnt see read message long question is read receipts disabled actually work ios like enabled see read message show delivered her" ]
w chica consejo de preguntas mal hecho short theres chica likes back text back thing text back thing texts dont response purpose purpose finish text back on never text first siempre envía el primer texto soooo envía el primer texto sooo envía el texto per usual no responder tiempo olvidado respondió all im like well shell text evenalright nope tres semanas ocd like mf theres notification messages icon records unread message ios btw read recibos desactivados como dicho tres semanas no quieren abrir el mensaje ve el texto decidido tres semanas sería bastante raro estresado pensar una notificación cada hora desde que ive recibió dejado sin abrir largo como verdadero idiota una mano quiere abrir get rid want absolutamente seguro no ve el mensaje leído pregunta es leído recibos en realidad trabajo ios como habilitado ver leer mensaje mostrar entregado ella
another entertaining travolta dance flick great music mood scenes debra winger beautiful like saturday night fever macho film features extremely improbable scenes beautiful women falling travolta almost begging sex them
[ "another entertaining travolta dance flick great music mood scenes debra winger beautiful like saturday night fever macho film features extremely improbable scenes beautiful women falling travolta almost begging sex them" ]
otra película divertida danza travolta gran música escenas de humor debra winger hermosa como el sábado por la noche fiebre película macho características escenas extremadamente improbables mujeres hermosas caída travolta casi pidiendo sexo ellos
feel like theres point living alli hate this hate much feel like one day might explode nothing ever right good games im good useful others im good good daughter sister partner i even friends figure im best either im sore loser often feel jealous others doare better me hell im even good languages study thats want eventually living im bad even trying kill have bunch failed attempts belt im huge disappointment living like exhausting want out like right now feel tempted pop pills finally sleep peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like theres point living alli hate this hate much feel like one day might explode nothing ever right good games im good useful others im good good daughter sister partner i even friends figure im best either im sore loser often feel jealous others doare better mehell im even good languages study thats want eventually living im bad even trying kill have bunch failed attempts belt im huge disappointment living like exhausting want out like right now feel tempted pop pills finally sleep peace" ]
Siento como Theres punto de vida alli odio este odio mucho sentir como un día podría explotar nada nunca derecho buenos juegos im buenos útiles otros im buena buena hija hermana pareja incluso amigos figura im mejor o bien dolor perdedor a menudo se sienten celosos otros mehell im incluso buen estudio que quieren finalmente vivir im malo incluso tratando de matar han manojo fallido intentos cinturón im enorme decepción vivir como agotador querer como ahora se sienten tentados pastillas pop finalmente dormir paz
females called cute took get shit scared playing horror game them
[ "females called cute took get shit scared playing horror game them" ]
mujeres llamadas lindo tomó conseguir mierda miedo jugar terror juego ellos
wish deadim tired fighting know much keep going
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish deadim tired fighting know much keep going" ]
desea deadim cansado luchar sabe mucho seguir adelante
although remade several times movie classic seeing first time creative dialog unique genius final scene deserves credit critics given it highly recommended one best comedies recent years
[ "although remade several times movie classic seeing first time creative dialog unique genius final scene deserves credit critics given it highly recommended one best comedies recent years" ]
Aunque rehecho varias veces película clásico ver primera vez creativo diálogo único genio final escena merece crédito críticos dado que altamente recomendado una mejor comedias de los últimos años
ever since little kid grew thinking inferior culture raised colorist restrictive fact skin tone darker side made subject kinds insecurity indirectly programmed believe enough unattractive family emigrated grew country minority made even worse already expected people treat like shit would speak people almost certain would want nothing me look mirror somebody takes picture me entire moodday ruined feel sick disgusted core society incredibly hard wired evaluate worth person way look guess makes nobody boundless unconditional self hatred could hate entity universe despise myself self hatred continues perpetuate itself everywhere go see beautiful perfect faces every time check phone every time turn tv every time go walk outside feel disgusting hideous compared everybody else unable see way feel undeserving love affection friendship deserve nothing see pretty girl think pretty is disgusted would know guy like found attractive isolate friends family sometimes ask friends even want speak me want attractive want feel confident want loved want family raise children successful want somebody else somebody me want happy never be self esteem destroying life rant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ever since little kid grew thinking inferior culture raised colorist restrictive fact skin tone darker side made subject kinds insecurity indirectly programmed believe enough unattractive family emigrated grew country minority made even worse already expected people treat like shit would speak people almost certain would want nothing me look mirror somebody takes picture me entire moodday ruined feel sick disgusted core society incredibly hard wired evaluate worth person way look guess makes nobody boundless unconditional self hatred could hate entity universe despise myself self hatred continues perpetuate itself everywhere go see beautiful perfect faces every time check phone every time turn tv every time go walk outside feel disgusting hideous compared everybody else unable see way feel undeserving love affection friendship deserve nothing see pretty girl think pretty is disgusted would know guy like found attractive isolate friends family sometimes ask friends even want speak me want attractive want feel confident want loved want family raise children successful want somebody else somebody me want happy never be self esteem destroying life rant" ]
desde que el niño creció pensando cultura inferior criado colorista hecho restrictivo tono de la piel lado oscuro hecho sujetos clases inseguridad indirectamente programada creer suficiente familia poco atractiva emigrado país minoría hecho peor ya esperada gente tratar como mierda hablaría gente casi seguro que no quiere nada me mira espejo alguien me toma imagen entero estado de ánimo arruinado sentirse enfermo núcleo sociedad asqueado increíblemente duro evaluar vale la persona manera mirar conjetura hace nadie ilimitado incondicional odio propio podría odiar entidad universo me desprecia a mí mismo auto odio sigue perpetuándose en todas partes ir ver hermosas caras perfectas cada vez ver teléfono cada vez volver TV cada vez caminar fuera de la casa se siente repugnante horrible comparado con todos los demás incapaz de ver manera sentirse inmerecido amor afecto amistad merece nada ver chica bonita pensar bastante es disgustado conocer chico como encontrado atractivo aislamiento amigos familia a veces preguntar amigos incluso quieren hablar quiero atractivo sentirse seguro querer amado familia criar hijos éxito quiere alguien más alguien me quiero feliz nunca ser autoestima destruir vida rant
mom grounded slept past alarm shit gets mad something thats even fault get punished
[ "mom grounded slept past alarm shit gets mad something thats even fault get punished" ]
Mamá castigada dormía más allá de la alarma mierda se enoja algo que es incluso la culpa ser castigado
im bored sooo im gonna put shit alphabetical order give household items please
[ "im bored sooo im gonna put shit alphabetical order give household items please" ]
Voy a poner mierda orden alfabético dar artículos del hogar por favor
redflags become question when ifi know anymore ive suicidal past weeks keep alternating fighting thoughts succumbing darkness past year ive gotten car crash totaled car broke boyfriend years lost cat lost coworker work full time job part time job im full time graduate student sleeping well im slipping back eating disorder im starting get paranoid everyone around me many friends feel like depression making burden ones have im antidepressant seem working more psychiatrist taking forever get back me im making wait finish school year part time job ironically im studying mental health counselor anything hurt clients come may th theres nothing holding back anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflags become question when ifi know anymore ive suicidal past weeks keep alternating fighting thoughts succumbing darkness past year ive gotten car crash totaled car broke boyfriend years lost cat lost coworker work full time job part time job im full time graduate student sleeping well im slipping back eating disorder im starting get paranoid everyone around me many friends feel like depression making burden ones have im antidepressant seem working more psychiatrist taking forever get back me im making wait finish school year part time job ironically im studying mental health counselor anything hurt clients come may th theres nothing holding back anymore" ]
rojo banderas se convierten en la pregunta cuando si sé más ive suicida semanas pasadas mantener alternando pensamientos de lucha sucumbiendo oscuridad año pasado ive consiguió coche accidente total coche roto novio años perdido gato perdido compañero de trabajo trabajo a tiempo completo trabajo a tiempo parcial trabajo im tiempo completo graduado estudiante dormir bien I resbalón espalda comer trastorno im empezar a ponerse paranoico todo el mundo alrededor de mí muchos amigos se sienten como la depresión haciendo carga unos tienen im antidepresivos parecen trabajar más psiquiatra tomar para siempre volver im hacer esperar terminar escuela año medio trabajo irónicamente im estudio de salud mental consejero cualquier daño clientes puede que no hay nada que se retenga más
anyone want uterus please send free charge take itits useless dont even want kids
[ "anyone want uterus please send free charge take itits useless dont even want kids" ]
Si alguien quiere el útero, por favor envíelo gratis, tómelo. Es inútil. Ni siquiera quiere hijos.
story complex wonderful tale last harem ottoman empire well told provoking see inner workings world gone learn people lived therebr br i enjoyed story characters acting scenes scenes suffered quick editing sub titles sometimes disappeared quickly otherwise wonderful piecebr br the main character safiya played wonderfully marie gillain pleased say fantastic job without it scenes alex descas nadir charming lovelybr br i recommend film anybody looking watch something less hollywood authentic world emulating
[ "story complex wonderful tale last harem ottoman empire well told provoking see inner workings world gone learn people lived therebr br i enjoyed story characters acting scenes scenes suffered quick editing sub titles sometimes disappeared quickly otherwise wonderful piecebr br the main character safiya played wonderfully marie gillain pleased say fantastic job without it scenesalex descas nadir charming lovelybr br i recommend film anybody looking watch something less hollywood authentic world emulating" ]
cuento complejo maravilloso cuento último harem otoman imperio bien contado provocar ver funcionamientos interiores mundo ido aprender gente vivió br br i disfrutado personajes de la historia actuación escenas escenas sufrió edición rápida sub títulos a veces desapareció rápidamente de otra manera maravillosa pieza br el personaje principal safiya interpretado maravillosamente marie gillain feliz decir fantástico trabajo sin ella escenasalex Descas nadir encantador br br recomiendo película cualquiera mirando algo menos hollywood auténtico mundo emulación
care but need phone number right goddamn now
[ "care but need phone number right goddamn now" ]
Cuidado, pero necesito el número de teléfono ahora mismo, maldita sea.
alright aint even gonna lie warm blooded female must admit ryuk death note gives serious daddy vibes like dayummm lets fuck already
[ "alright aint even gonna lie warm blooded female must admit ryuk death note gives serious daddy vibes like dayummm lets fuck already" ]
bien aint incluso va a mentir caliente sangre hembra debe admitir ryuk nota de muerte da graves vibraciones papá como dayummm permite follar ya
absolutely best thing ever seen tv entertaining informative reason found site attempt find see itbr br in light present understanding history sympathize gen leslie groves responsible nuts bolts running manhattan project certainly paranoid security thought past br br the casting real life people portrayed outstanding first time noticed sam waterston actor except height looked much like robert oppenheimerbr br the early scene oppenheimer leading class graduate students especially intriguing me
[ "absolutely best thing ever seen tv entertaining informative reason found site attempt find see itbr br in light present understanding history sympathize gen leslie groves responsible nuts bolts running manhattan project certainly paranoid security thought past br br the casting real life people portrayed outstanding first time noticed sam waterston actor except height looked much like robert oppenheimerbr br the early scene oppenheimer leading class graduate students especially intriguing me" ]
absolutamente mejor cosa nunca visto tv entretenido razón informativa encontrado intento de sitio encontrar ver itbr br en luz presente comprensión historia simpatizar gen leslie arboles tuercas responsables tornillos corriendo proyecto manhattan ciertamente paranoico seguridad pensamiento pasado br br el casting de la vida real personas retrataron sobresaliente primera vez notó sam waterston actor excepto altura se parecía mucho a Robert oppenheimerbr br la escena temprana oppenheimer líderes estudiantes de posgrado clase especialmente intrigante
know awaits side nothingand leave conscious this nothingness better life nothing death
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know awaits side nothingand leave conscious this nothingness better life nothing death" ]
sabe que no espera nada y deja consciente esta nada mejor vida nada muerte
take church music video scary like dam got point across well slap face reality stuff infact still happen love song meaning behind it one songs people cry homophbia happens
[ "take church music video scary like dam got point across well slap face reality stuff infact still happen love song meaning behind it one songs people cry homophbia happens" ]
toma la iglesia video música miedo como presa tiene punto a través de bofetada bien cara realidad cosas de hecho todavía sucede canción de amor significado detrás de ella una canción la gente llora homofbia sucede
never depressed life seriously affecting way living know take anymore tried seeing therapist couple years ago looked bored listening she falling asleep never bothered looking that idea maybe adults see therapists maybe supposed know deal issues kid anymore afraid therapists tired hearing shit see adults stupid knowing solve problems part knows true part also cannot help think things could people please enlighten me like seeing therapist adult
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "never depressed life seriously affecting way living know take anymore tried seeing therapist couple years ago looked bored listening she falling asleep never bothered looking that idea maybe adults see therapists maybe supposed know deal issues kid anymore afraid therapists tired hearing shit see adults stupid knowing solve problems part knows true part also cannot help think things could people please enlighten me like seeing therapist adult" ]
nunca deprimido vida que afecta seriamente la manera de vivir saber más tratar de ver terapeuta hace un par de años parecía aburrido escuchar que se quedó dormida nunca se molestó en mirar esa idea tal vez adultos ver terapeutas tal vez supuesto saber problemas de trato niño más miedo terapeutas cansados oír mierda ver adultos estúpidos saber resolver problemas parte sabe parte verdadera también no puede ayudar a pensar cosas podría la gente por favor me iluminan como ver terapeuta adulto
literally post anything care getting downvoted feel immortal hahahahahahha
[ "literally post anything care getting downvoted feel immortal hahahahahahha" ]
literalmente postean cualquier cosa que les importe que se voten hacia abajo se sientan inmortales jajajajajajaja
get monthly subscription something anythingmy ipsy subscription given something look forward to yes days shit bad cut but stop going far want get ipsy monthly makeup surprise items glam bag lot crates meal boxes many things one could buy give something help want hold longer hope helps
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "get monthly subscription something anythingmy ipsy subscription given something look forward to yes days shit bad cut but stop going far want get ipsy monthly makeup surprise items glam bag lot crates meal boxes many things one could buy give something help want hold longer hope helps" ]
obtener suscripción mensual algo mi suscripción ipsy dado algo mirar hacia adelante a sí días mierda mal corte pero dejar de ir lejos quieren conseguir ipsy mensual maquillaje sorpresa artículos glam bolsa lotes cajas de comida muchas cosas que uno podría comprar dar algo ayuda quiere mantener la esperanza ayuda
help pleasei need reasons live tmr im actually done please give reason something cant anymore dont feel comfortable explain please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help pleasei need reasons live tmr im actually done please give reason something cant anymore dont feel comfortable explain please" ]
ayuda por favor necesito razones live tmr im realmente hecho por favor dar razón algo no puede más no se siente cómodo explicar por favor
often see pitch black room see feel touch taste hear distance see everything everyone ever loved cared about start running grab arms reach grab me matter fast long run always distance away feel overwhelming urge breakdown cry try cannot mad feel anger sad feel sadness feel nothing despair loneliness emotions lost void desperately trying escape fall knees head facing ground two choices lay front me continue trying matter hard exhausting guarantee ill ever succeed reaching them game switch matter long running trying always reach first one want give up want end things scared reach them eventually ill choose option terrifies me doubt ever take option feel longer try likely could happennote suicidal depression feels like severe depression feels like
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "often see pitch black room see feel touch taste hear distance see everything everyone ever loved cared about start running grab arms reach grab me matter fast long run always distance away feel overwhelming urge breakdown cry try cannot mad feel anger sad feel sadness feel nothing despair loneliness emotions lost void desperately trying escape fall knees head facing ground two choices lay front me continue trying matter hard exhausting guarantee ill ever succeed reaching them game switch matter long running trying always reach first one want give up want end things scared reach them eventually ill choose option terrifies me doubt ever take option feel longer try likely could happennote suicidal depression feels like severe depression feels like" ]
A menudo ver tono negro habitación ver sentir tacto sabor escuchar distancia ver todo lo que a todo el mundo le importaba empezar a correr agarrar los brazos alcance agarrarme materia rápido largo recorrido distancia sentir abrumadora urgencia crisis llorar intentar no enojado sentir tristeza sentir tristeza sentir nada desesperación soledad emociones perdido vacío desesperadamente tratar de escapar caer rodillas frente a tierra dos opciones tumbarse frente a mí seguir intentando materia dura garantía difícil éxito llegar a ellos cambio de juego larga carrera tratar de llegar siempre llegar primero uno quiere renunciar final las cosas miedo llegar a ellos final mal elegir opción me aterroriza duda siempre tomar opción sentir más tiempo intentar probable podría suceder nota depresión suicida se siente como depresión severa se siente como
deserve suffer bad kill teach neglectful kill hurt people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "deserve suffer bad kill teach neglectful kill hurt people" ]
Merece sufrir mal matar enseñar negligente matar lastimar a la gente
anyone wanna chat im bored af anyone wanna chat im m
[ "anyone wanna chat im bored af anyone wanna chat im m" ]
alguien quiere charlar aburrido af alguien quiere charlar im m