todaya new bornnovember todayi attempted redflagby cutting wrists taking large amounts pills something really strange struck head happy sad feelingthis feeling made decide liveeven pain even reliefif im destined live ill fucking live whats point anything anymore ill fucking livei know sure better fail life fail death im already much painwhy cause painill fucking live health give upuntil fucked body finally give surviving
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "todaya new bornnovember todayi attempted redflagby cutting wrists taking large amounts pills something really strange struck head happy sad feelingthis feeling made decide liveeven pain even reliefif im destined live ill fucking live whats point anything anymore ill fucking livei know sure better fail life fail deathim already much painwhy cause painill fucking live health give upuntil fucked body finally give surviving" ]
hoy un nuevo nacido noviembre hoy intento rojoflagpor cortar muñecas tomando grandes cantidades píldoras algo realmente extraño golpeó la cabeza feliz triste sentimiento este sentimiento hecho decidir vivir incluso el dolor incluso alivio si estoy destinado vivir mal puta vida lo que apunta cualquier cosa más enfermo viva sé que mejor fallar la vida fall muerteim ya mucho dolorpor qué causar dolor puta vida salud renunciar hasta jodido cuerpo finalmente dar sobrevivir
quick thing sooo rdeadorvegetable based mods removing posts saying reposts they not block calling out thats bit peeved rn
[ "quick thing sooo rdeadorvegetable based mods removing posts saying reposts they not block calling out thats bit peeved rn" ]
rápida cosa sooo rdeadorvegetable mods basados la eliminación de posts diciendo reposts que no bloquean la llamada que sbit piveved rn
extremely depressed struggle feel sense importancealways knew id post here cant deal life anymore work hours week go home alone big heart feel nobody ever interested try offer support support ever given back feel like try try try nobody ever wants try me im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "extremely depressed struggle feel sense importancealways knew id post here cant deal life anymore work hours week go home alone big heart feel nobody ever interested try offer support support ever given back feel like try try try nobody ever wantstry me im done" ]
lucha extremadamente deprimida sentir sentido importancia siempre sabía id post aquí no puede tratar la vida más trabajo horas semana ir a casa solo gran corazón sentir nadie nunca interesado tratar de ofrecer apoyo de apoyo nunca se siente como tratar de tratar de tratar nadie quiere tratar de mí im hecho
gonna kms need helpgot built hook bedroom ceiling need rope long strong enough get one online shopping option me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gonna kms need helpgot built hook bedroom ceiling need rope long strong enough get one online shopping option me" ]
va a kms necesidad helpgot construido gancho dormitorio techo necesita cuerda lo suficientemente fuerte conseguir una opción de compra en línea me
get bettersince early teens theyve told gets better well im got nice apartment well payed job wonderful fiance world im still suicidal even then exactly going get better know much time left
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "get bettersince early teens theyve told gets betterwell im got nice apartment well payed job wonderful fiance worldim still suicidal even then exactly going get better know much time left" ]
mejorar desde los primeros años de edad que se les ha dicho que se pone mejor bien tengo buen apartamento bien pagado trabajo maravilloso prometido worldim todavía suicida incluso entonces exactamente va a ser mejor saber mucho tiempo que queda
feeling suicidal ive ever beeni ocd ptsd schizophrenia saw psychiatrist first time gave medicine it state insurance cover nobody cares poor homeless want die theres hope wrote redflag note killing weekend
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling suicidal ive ever beeni ocd ptsd schizophrenia saw psychiatrist first time gave medicine it state insurance cover nobody carespoor homeless want die theres hope wrote redflag note killing weekend" ]
la sensación de suicidio live nunca bei ocd ptsd esquizofrenia vio psiquiatra por primera vez le dio medicina seguro estatal cobertura nadie cuidapobres indigentes quieren morir Theres esperanza escribió nota roja mata el fin de semana
im soooo readytonight would freakin perfecccttt feel like chicken knowing im probably gonna it whole bunch doses trazodone itll knock out ill cut deep bleed bathroom pass trazodone make pass first told mom love earlier today coincidence never tell love her girlfriend told comfortable discussing dangerous self harm habits love idea people looking back thought mourning gone soon god wanted one angels back etc etc sappy shit love much want dead long gone im fuckin ready past couple days ive dragging feet nothing dissociating get home self harm therapist told need grow meet halfway therapy otherwise ill never get better jokes though im never ever getting better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im soooo readytonight would freakin perfecccttt feel like chicken knowing im probably gonna it whole bunch doses trazodone itll knock out ill cut deep bleed bathroom pass trazodone make pass first told mom love earlier today coincidence never tell love her girlfriend told comfortable discussing dangerous self harm habits love idea people looking back thought mourning gone soon god wanted one angels back etc etc sappy shit love much want dead long gone im fuckin ready past couple days ive dragging feet nothing dissociating get home self harm therapist told need grow meet halfway therapy otherwise ill never get better jokes though im never ever getting better" ]
Im soooo prestotonoche freakin perfeccttt se siente como pollo sabiendo que probablemente voy a todo el grupo dosis trazodona itll knock out mal cortado sangrado profundo cuarto de baño pase trazodona hacer pasar primero le dijo amor mamá temprano hoy coincidencia nunca decir amor su novia dijo cómodo discutir peligroso auto daño hábitos amor idea personas que miran hacia atrás pensamiento de luto fuera pronto dios quería un ángel de vuelta etc etc mierda amor muchisimo querer muerto largamente ido im puto listo pasado par de días ive arrastrando pies nada disociarse llegar a casa auto daño terapeuta dijo necesidad de crecer a mitad de terapia de lo contrario enfermo nunca conseguir mejores bromas aunque im nunca mejorar
one worst weekends whole year know talk toim crisis mode atm woke friday thinking meeting rush for turns actually online shit me idea going we ended using multicaller phone call phased out meant ask prizes businesses donate week ended time work ones wanted thursday rest friday it also scared sort person told manager id organise saturday eventually got headache front computer long started talking negatively stuff probably minor anxiety attack friend convinced go home rest eating something woke saturday feeling shit cause hot degrees celsius ended getting severe anxiety attack afternoon left crying bathroom floor exhausted try stabbing myself evening rolled around everything seemed amazing woke am friend anxiety attack culminating told im going talking before help cause nothing help anymore wont check phone stay bed feel cut deep inside able go sleep am person live gone bed yet made noise keep night holidays nearly cant cope probably able go church morning im failure able commitments know im going explain this im horrible situation friend know talk to worst
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one worst weekends whole year know talk toim crisis mode atm woke friday thinking meeting rush for turns actually online shit me idea going we ended using multicaller phone call phased out meant ask prizes businesses donate week ended time work ones wanted thursday rest friday it also scared sort person told manager id organise saturday eventually got headache front computer long started talking negatively stuff probably minor anxiety attack friend convinced go home rest eating something woke saturday feeling shit cause hot degrees celsius ended getting severe anxiety attack afternoon left crying bathroom floor exhausted try stabbing myself evening rolled around everything seemed amazing woke am friend anxiety attack culminating told im going talking before help cause nothing help anymore wont check phone stay bed feel cut deep inside able go sleep am person live gone bed yet made noise keep night holidays nearly cant cope probably able go church morning im failure able commitments know im going explain this im horrible situation friend know talk to worst" ]
un peor fin de semana todo el año saber hablar toim crisis modo atm despertado viernes pensamiento reunión prisa para turnos en realidad en línea mierda me idea va terminó con el uso multicaller llamada telefónica eliminación gradual significa pedir premios empresas donar semana terminó tiempo trabajo unos quería jueves descanso viernes también asustado tipo persona le dijo a manager id organizar sábado finalmente tuvo dolor de cabeza por mucho tiempo comenzó a hablar negativamente cosas menos ansiedad amigo convencido ir a casa descanso comer algo despierto sábado sensación mierda causa grados de calor celsius terminó conseguir intenso ataque de ansiedad tarde izquierda llanto piso del baño agotado tratar de apuñalarme a mí mismo noche rodado alrededor de todo parecía increíble am amigo ansiedad ataque culminante dijo im va a hablar antes de ayuda causa nada ayuda no va a comprobar teléfono estancia cama se siente cortado profundamente en el interior capaz de ir a dormir soy persona vivo fuera cama sin embargo hizo ruido mantener la noche vacaciones casi no puede hacer frente probablemente capaz ir iglesia mañana im fracaso compromisos capaces va a explicar esta im situación horrible amigo sabe hablar a peor
actually tink im getting betteri even thought inspirational quote aim stars dont sad hit neutron star
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "actually tink im getting betteri even thought inspirational quote aim stars dont sad hit neutron star" ]
En realidad tink im conseguir betteri incluso pensamiento inspirador cita estrellas objetivo no triste golpe estrella de neutrones
truly proud today pissed year old man call duty
[ "truly proud today pissed year old man call duty" ]
realmente orgulloso hoy hombre enojado año llamado deber
haha theres red stuff coming wrists wonder happened
[ "haha theres red stuff coming wrists wonder happened" ]
Haha Theres rojo cosas que vienen muñecas maravilla pasó
dad sat phone laptop fucking sat pound lookin ass broke laptop cracked phone screen aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[ "dad sat phone laptop fucking sat pound lookin ass broke laptop cracked phone screen aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" ]
Papá se sentó teléfono portátil mierda sat libras mirada culo roto ordenador portátil roto pantalla de teléfono aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hope redflag troll catches me need helpi know ready need make sure dont end braindead paralyzed make successful formulation
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hope redflag troll catches me need helpi know ready need make sure dont end braindead paralyzed make successful formulation" ]
esperanza rojo bandera troll me atrapa necesidad de ayuda saber listo necesidad asegurarse de no acabar con el cerebro muerto paralizado hacer la formulación con éxito
know stay honest people want helpi know start this im year old male depressed since teenager past couple months ive considering redflag option im feel strong enough able change life im jobless skilless job years pretty bad anxiety people driving interact people afraid drive know people love life feel like unable love someone cannot even love myself thing stopping killing chance failure redflag given sure method would likely it ive never selfharmed done drugs almost never drank alcohol want even pain problems life october hospitalized suicidal thoughts days lied feelings could leave still suicidal thoughts beginning december hospitalized broke therapists office suggested hospitalized days thing happened lied feelings want anymore hospital suggested try ect electroconvulsive therapy depression seems like big step trying medicines that right im prozac abilify ive tried medicines besides prozac know keep honest others trying help me know hurts long run ran fucks give
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know stay honest people want helpi know start this im year old male depressed since teenager past couple months ive considering redflag option im feel strong enough able change life im jobless skilless job years pretty bad anxiety people driving interact people afraid drive know people love life feel like unable love someone cannot even love myself thing stopping killing chance failure redflag given sure method would likely it ive never selfharmed done drugs almost never drank alcohol want even pain problems life october hospitalized suicidal thoughts days lied feelings could leave still suicidal thoughts beginning december hospitalized broke therapists office suggested hospitalized days thing happened lied feelings want anymore hospital suggested try ect electroconvulsive therapy depression seems like big step trying medicines that right im prozac abilify ive tried medicines besides prozac know keep honest others trying help me know hurts long run ran fucks give" ]
sé que la gente honesta quiere ayuda saber comenzar este hombre im año de edad deprimido desde adolescente pasado un par de meses iv considerando la opción de bandera roja im sentir lo suficientemente capaz cambiar la vida im habilidades desocupadas trabajo años bastante mala ansiedad personas conducir interactúe personas miedo conducir saber personas amor vida se siente como incapaz amar a alguien no puede incluso amar a mí mismo dejar de matar azar fracaso rojo flag dado seguro método sería ive nunca autolesionado drogas hechas casi nunca beber alcohol quieren incluso problemas de dolor vida october pensamientos suicidas hospitalizados días sentimientos mentirosos podrían dejar pensamientos suicidas a partir de diciembre hospitalizados rupturas terapeutas oficina sugirió días hospitalizados cosa pasó sentimientos mentirosos quieren más hospital sugerido tratar de ect terapia electroconvulsiva depresión parece como un gran paso tratando medicamentos que derecho im prozac abilify ive probado medicamentos además de prozac saber mantener honestos otros tratando de ayudarme a saber heridas largas corridas follan dar
though seen many films prior certainly seen basic plot themes many films since br br not one grants loys best films make outstanding effort together all much talent good supporting cast know laughs therebr br the film light dramatic spotting keeps plot moving gets smile whole way throughbr br a great example classic american film fare stood test timebr br definite saturday afternoon fare heavy popcorn
[ "though seen many films prior certainly seen basic plot themes many films since br br not one grants loys best films make outstanding effort together all much talent good supporting cast know laughs therebr br the film light dramatic spotting keeps plot moving gets smile whole way throughbr br a great example classic american film fare stood test timebr br definite saturday afternoon fare heavy popcorn" ]
Aunque visto muchas películas anteriores sin duda visto temas básicos trama muchas películas desde br br no una subvenciones mejores películas hacer un esfuerzo excepcional juntos mucho talento buen apoyo elenco saber risas br br la película luz dramático manchado sigue trama movimiento consigue sonrisa a través de br br un gran ejemplo clásico película americana tarifa se mantuvo prueba tiempobr br definitivo sábado tarde tarifa palomitas pesadas
jus wondering idk maybe wrong kids better spending creative years trying find something theyre passionate instead memorizing bullshit required
[ "jus wondering idk maybe wrong kids better spending creative years trying find something theyre passionate instead memorizing bullshit required" ]
Jus preguntándose idk tal vez los niños equivocados mejor pasar años creativos tratando de encontrar algo que son apasionados en lugar de memorizar la mierda necesaria
accidentally inhaled coffee lungs warm nothing else say
[ "accidentally inhaled coffee lungs warm nothing else say" ]
inhalación accidental de los pulmones de café caliente nada más decir
nothing mom totally crying ya know ampxb httpspreviewredditrlvveabpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsafcecadede
[ "nothing mom totally crying ya know ampxb httpspreviewredditrlvveabpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsafcecadede" ]
nada mamá totalmente llorando ya sabes ampxb httpspreviewredditrlvveabpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsafcecadede
had depression since started seriously wanting die since turned im tired everyday time feel alright im fall asleep family idea downside ending feel would ruin future decembers family really dont know im typing this im tired living see reason anymore depression started school rejection stress added it tried drop school try get metal state right parents wouldnt allow getting worse read back sorta seems like im lying oh well guess jus hope strength actually end time comes everyone reads this thinking redflag dont it may sound unfair tell im gonna time theres better way deal problems good luck everyone hope live long great lives
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "had depression since started seriously wanting die since turned im tired everyday time feel alright im fall asleep family idea downside ending feel would ruin future decembers family really dont know im typing this im tired living see reason anymore depression started school rejection stress added it tried drop school try get metal state right parents wouldnt allow getting worse read back sorta seems like im lyingoh well guess jus hope strength actually end time comes everyone reads this thinking redflag dont it may sound unfair tell im gonna time theres better way deal problems good luck everyone hope live long great lives" ]
había depresión desde que comenzó seriamente querer morir desde que se convirtió en cansado el día a día se siente bien me me quedo dormido familia idea lado negativo final se siente arruinar futuro diciembres familia realmente no sé im tipeo esta im cansado vivir ver razón más depresión comenzó escuela rechazo estrés añadido lo intentó drop school intentar conseguir metal estado correcto padres no permitirían conseguir peor volver a leer sorta parece como im lyingoh bien supongo jus esperanza fuerza en realidad fin de la hora viene todo el mundo lee este pensamiento Redflag dont puede sonar injusto decir im tiempo ir allí mejor manera mucho problemas buena suerte todos esperan vivir mucho tiempo grandes vidas
want big bearded muscly lumberjack dude hold me like sometimes night daydream held stuff reality wouldnt want random dude holding ahhh anyone else relate wheres lumberjack
[ "want big bearded muscly lumberjack dude hold me like sometimes night daydream held stuff reality wouldnt want random dude holding ahhh anyone else relate wheres lumberjack" ]
Quiero gran barbudo musculoso leñador tipo me abraza como a veces noche sueño sostenido cosas realidad no quiere al azar tipo sosteniendo ahhh nadie más se relaciona con leñador
smell rain damn relaxing idk something nostalgic crazy cuz im even nostalgic better times cuz ive always unhappy miss feeling existing rain reminds reason
[ "smell rain damn relaxing idk something nostalgic crazy cuz im even nostalgic better times cuz ive always unhappy miss feeling existing rain reminds reason" ]
olor lluvia maldito relajante idk algo nostálgico loco cuz im incluso nostálgico mejores tiempos cuz ive siempre infeliz falta sentir lluvia existente recuerda razón
alot redflag people expectations me work morning evening car workshop colleagues mean still learning one friend hangs bigger group hate reason hanging pull make fun friend want interfere stole dads booze got drunk crying bed really want kill myself please help fucking tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "alot redflag people expectations me work morning evening car workshop colleagues mean still learning one friend hangs bigger group hate reason hanging pull make fun friend want interfere stole dads booze got drunk crying bed really want kill myself please help fucking tired" ]
Alot Redflag gente espera que yo trabajo por la mañana taller de coches colegas significa todavía aprender un amigo cuelga grupo más grande odio razón colgar tirón hacer diversión amigo quieren interferir robo papá alcohol se emborrachó llorar cama realmente quiero matarme por favor ayuda puta cansado
im tired people complaining small dicks excluding females unless happen one three years old accident involving nail clippers bath parents watching leaving clippers counter reach serious anything bleeding bit skin torn uncircumcised yelling child get older developed scar tissue thing scar tissue fact layers upon healing skin making larger many would say oh cool dick bigger cuz scar tissue no get age much scar tissue uncircumcised penis skin literally verge closing dick left tiny little hole made peeing take minutes hurt parents take see doctor says need surgery surgery wake doctors say operation success theres problem things needed know circumcised dick meaning scar tissue issue penis soft hurt touch cuz covered skin years scar tissue penis grown im sitting dumbfounded like so telling thing size five says yes give time grow smaller average take quite long time forced grow complain constantly inches dick even ive got inch itll like till im least im rn
[ "im tired people complaining small dicks excluding females unless happen one three years old accident involving nail clippers bath parents watching leaving clippers counter reach serious anything bleeding bit skin torn uncircumcised yelling child get older developed scar tissue thing scar tissue fact layers upon healing skin making larger many would say oh cool dick bigger cuz scar tissue no get age much scar tissue uncircumcised penis skin literally verge closing dick left tiny little hole made peeing take minutes hurt parents take see doctor says need surgery surgery wake doctors say operation success theres problem things needed know circumcised dick meaning scar tissue issue penis soft hurt touch cuz covered skin years scar tissue penis grown im sitting dumbfounded like so telling thing size five says yes give time grow smaller average take quite long time forced grow complain constantly inches dick even ive got inch itll like till im least im rn" ]
I gente cansada quejándose pollas pequeñas excluyendo mujeres a menos que suceda un accidente de tres años que incluye cortauñas baño padres viendo dejar cortauñas contador llegar serio cualquier sangrado piel desgarrada incircuncised gritar niño envejecer tejido cicatrizante tejido cicatrizado tejido hecho capas sobre curación piel haciendo más grande muchos dirían oh polla fresca más grande tejido cicatrizado cuz no conseguir edad tejido cicatrizado pene no circuncidado piel literalmente bordear cierre polla izquierda pequeño agujero hecho orinar toma minutos dolor padres tomar ver médico dice necesidad cirugía cirugía despertar médicos decir operación éxito theres problemas cosas necesarias saber pene circuncidado tejido cicatrizado problema suave dolor tacto cuz cubierto piel años cicatriz tejido pene crecido im sentado tonto como diciendo tamaño cinco dice sí dar tiempo crecer más pequeño promedio toma bastante tiempo forzado crecer queja constantemente pulgadas polla incluso ive consiguió pulgadas como hasta im menos im rn rn ll
nothing left giveim finally decided ill it get work im going withdraw money eat big steak leave huge tip clean pack apt put notes remaining money envelopes im going take pills try co method tonight fail capable so tomorrow ill go next door gun shop come back lock bathroom try hope fuck too two hours work
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing left giveim finally decided ill it get work im going withdraw money eat big steak leave huge tip clean pack apt put notes remaining money envelopes im going take pills try co method tonight fail capable so tomorrow ill go next door gun shop come back lock bathroom try hope fuck too two hours work" ]
nada queda daim finalmente decidió mal conseguir trabajo im retirar dinero comer bistec grande dejar enorme punta paquete limpio apt poner notas restantes sobres de dinero im va a tomar píldoras intentar método co esta noche fallar capaz así mañana mal ir tienda de armas de al lado volver cerradura cuarto de baño tratar de esperanza mierda demasiado dos horas de trabajo
tonight might nightthis lowest ive been closest ive come redflag see options method location note done im work im worried about actually going it im ready need get done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tonight might nightthis lowest ive been closest ive come redflag see options method location note done im workim worried about actually going it im ready need get done" ]
Esta noche puede que esta noche más baja sea más cerca de venir a Redflag ver opciones método ubicación nota hecho im workim preocupado por ir en realidad im listo necesidad conseguir hecho
omfim depressed want fucking scream like want talk someone one life fucking cares me fuck still alive want fucking die cant deal living more hell deal living everything god damn painful
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "omfim depressed want fucking scream like want talk someone one life fucking cares me fuck still alive want fucking die cant deal living more hell deal living everything god damn painful" ]
omfim deprimido quiere puto grito como quiere hablar alguien una vida mierda me importa mierda todavía vivo querer mierda morir no puede tratar de vivir más infierno trato vivir todo maldito dolor
cant anymore guys cantim year old trans guy cant get anything help im least ive depressed since exact reason parents emotionally abusive cant leave siblings start getting abused im basically shield mean dont really want die thats way end suffering think every while couple times past couple years would holding hammer sit staring thinking would happen hit head it im also kinda scared depressed ass do like think redflag time even though dont wanna im kindof scared one day become witness body walking killing without even wanting to wanna get time dont really want to dont know anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymore guys cantim year old trans guy cant get anything help im least ive depressed since exact reason parents emotionally abusive cant leave siblings start getting abused im basically shield mean dont really want die thats way end suffering think every while couple times past couple years would holding hammer sit staring thinking would happen hit head it im also kinda scared depressed ass do like think redflag time even though dont wanna im kindof scared one day become witness body walking killing without even wanting to wanna get time dont really want to dont know anymore" ]
No puedo más chicos cantim año viejo chico trans no puedo conseguir nada ayuda mi menos live deprimido ya razón exacta padres emocionalmente abusivo no puedo dejar hermanos comienzan a abusar im básicamente escudo significa que no quiero morir que de esa manera terminar el sufrimiento pensar cada vez que par de veces pasados dos años podría sostener martillo sentado mirando pensando podría suceder golpe de cabeza que im también un poco asustado culo deprimido hacer como pensar Redflag tiempo a pesar de que no quiero mí tipo de miedo un día convertirse en testigo cuerpo caminar matanza sin siquiera querer tener tiempo realmente no quiero saber más
covid ruined dreams hopes dreams sleeping dreams seen crush three months forgot looks like dreams random guy saw hike
[ "covid ruined dreams hopes dreams sleeping dreams seen crush three months forgot looks like dreams random guy saw hike" ]
Covid sueños arruinados esperanzas sueños sueños sueño visto aplastamiento tres meses olvidado parece sueños al azar chico vio caminata
im useless im falling behind school disappointing parents get upset seek professional help therapistspsychiatrists im lazy hopeless let people down hate myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im useless im falling behind school disappointing parents get upset seek professional help therapistspsychiatrists im lazy hopeless let people down hate myself" ]
Yo inútil yo quedándome atrás de la escuela decepcionando a los padres que se enfadan buscando ayuda profesional terapeutas psiquiatría yo perezoso defraudando a la gente odiándome a mí mismo
kind cars yall drive idk man put engine displacement youre ebic
[ "kind cars yall drive idk man put engine displacement youre ebic" ]
tipo coches yall drive idk hombre poner motor de desplazamiento youre ébic
im love deathmy girlfriend lets call c c perfect together everything great love other want kids love much problem is liver cancer ive crying past dayssince ive found out transplant lined up problem costs nobody afford that childrens childrens children would debt currently theyre trying find blood surgery luck blood type ab one rarest bloodtypes course thanks blood type take types blood common ones stupid though looked survival rate transplant five years theres chance death thats big number cant live without her goes ill polishing gun fuck cancer fuck everything need baby have whats kept breathing eating loving cant take anymore ill sell kidneys arms legs brain eyes ears anything long lives hell ill even give liver need her doctor gave months live thats long time cant take it feel like water lungs cant take anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im love deathmy girlfriend lets call c c perfect together everything great love other want kids love much problem is liver cancer ive crying past dayssince ive found out transplant lined up problem costs nobody afford that childrens childrens children would debt currently theyre trying find blood surgery luck blood type ab one rarest bloodtypes course thanks blood type take types blood common ones stupid though looked survival rate transplant five years theres chance death thats big number cant live without her goes ill polishing gun fuck cancer fuck everything need baby have whats kept breathing eating loving cant take anymore ill sell kidneys arms legs brain eyes ears anything long lives hell ill even give liver need her doctor gave months live thats long time cant take it feel like water lungs cant take anymore" ]
i amor muerte mi novia le permite llamar c c perfecto juntos todo gran amor otros quieren niños amor mucho problema es cáncer de hígado ive llanto pasados días ya que ive descubrió transplante alineado problema costos nadie coste que niños niños niños se endeudan actualmente están tratando de encontrar cirugía de sangre suerte tipo de sangre ab uno raro tipo de sangre curso gracias tipo de sangre tomar tipos de sangre estúpidos aunque miradas tasa de supervivencia transplante cinco años hay posibilidades de muerte que un gran número no puede vivir sin ella va mal pistola pulido mierda cáncer mierda todo necesidad bebé tener lo que sigue respirando amor no puede tomar más mal vender riñones brazos piernas cerebro ojos oídos cualquier vida larga infierno mal incluso dar hígado necesidad su médico dio meses de vida que mucho tiempo no puede tomar como agua pulmones no puede tomar más
well didnt get girlfriend but told liked way well wanted keep close friendship d
[ "well didnt get girlfriend but told liked way well wanted keep close friendship d" ]
bien no conseguir novia, pero le dijo que le gustaba mucho bien querido mantener una estrecha amistad d
slams table slammed table mlord phoenix wright
[ "slams table slammed table mlord phoenix wright" ]
slams slams slams slams slams mlord fénix wright
could someone please explain joke me fffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[ "could someone please explain joke me fffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" ]
¿Podría alguien por favor explicarme bromas?
aeugh ughagaeufh aeughhhh aeugh uhhhhh uhhh aeguhg aeughhhhaaa augh agh aiiiii aeugh uhhhh aeugh aegaah ageeah u
[ "aeugh ughagaeufh aeughhhh aeugh uhhhhh uhhh aeguhg aeughhhhaaa aughagh aiiiii aeugh uhhhh aeugh aegaahageeahu" ]
aeugh ughagaeufh aeughhhh aeugh uhhhhh uhhh aeguhg aeughhhhaaa aughagh aiiiii aeugh uhhhh aeugh aegaahageeahu
im tiredfirst off know im writing this might im struggling hope im pretty sure humans fucked share powerful feelings others matter course someone sad combination empathy willingness broadcast misery people feeling sad trying fix problem time im sorry taking advantage place deserve better im redditor years puppet account exists im left alone ive never anything useful add conversation despite many attempts nothing witty nothing popular nothing needed heard anyone rest online presence same used surf forums looking offer insight know thinking im clever enough im smart enough everyone else stubborn were real problems honest online life important real life later father died im mom senile soon family history signs already showing older brother going eat death thats comparatively ok think hell die happy im pedophile gay one bi regular nonexistent sex life not taboo one existent say pedophile pederast boy socalled age attraction lives across street me ill never lay much hand him id sooner die sooner die none understand that sort thing go therapist with anyone suggests it theyll one attend funeral know care ive done nothing deserve better anyway guys age attraction other friends straight afraid admit otherwise thing practical sense bi gay friend bi guy attracted me gay guy married ive put enough shit im going tempt break fidelity always fancied kind cute girl whos ever willing sex ive unwilling sex with matter appearance see combined fact cant even find guy yes not ripped wants fuck ass not anal guess really ugly expectations high wanted cute guy girl weigh much half again find sad cant get girl would keep cock erect nevermind eventually children me see extended family dead brother sterile kids pathetic family line end guess time anyway hearing going used love music much would make spine shiver hair stand end could move tears ive three bad ear infections past three years still understand people room background noise everything subtle music gone still listen sometimes makes cry touches place thats longer there feel empty along lines goingtoshit body pretty badly infected toe infected inflamed year now suspect ill gangrene soon medical insurance since flunked college feet bare shower past year keep secret family theyd try get doctor wed lose much money valued hearing much one toes lost that fuck toes ive acne since age cant get go away gave trying last week same go figure yeah tried towel thing bad it job stopped wanting one six months ago cost money right now brother couple friends bar friends fun without me ive come realization im good anything nothing offer anyone oh sure died would missed thats people become used presence terms actually offer theyll poorer die people really knew was wrong me theyd keep away people forced love religion would remain thats love get enough now hope future dead feel ostracized day cannot keep living world would should rather dead emotional strings attached im tired many ways now old become someone world would rather keep starting tomorrow im going lay floor room bed need lower ground closer spirits im going stop eating stop talking people protest theyll panic fully anticipate ill feeding tube said done even though wish go lengths keep alive ive never wanted die want kill myself cant slash wrists blow brains out im tired im tired live im going stop trying im going lie body gives like mind want get up mean through wish whatever lacked get way sorry burden all deserve better better posts better people ill check back know why edit im going get sleep almost fell asleep moment ago check replies wake up deserve it edit im awake again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredfirst off know im writing this might im struggling hope im pretty sure humans fucked share powerful feelings others matter course someone sad combination empathy willingness broadcast misery people feeling sad trying fix problem time im sorry taking advantage place deserve better im redditor years puppet account exists im left alone ive never anything useful add conversation despite many attempts nothing witty nothing popular nothing needed heard anyone rest online presence same used surf forums looking offer insight know thinking im clever enough im smart enough everyone else stubborn were real problems honest online life important real life later father died im mom senile soon family history signs already showing older brother going eat death thats comparatively ok think hell die happyim pedophilegay one bi regular nonexistent sex life not taboo one existent say pedophile pederast boy socalled age attraction lives across street me ill never lay much hand himid sooner die sooner die none understand that sort thing go therapist with anyone suggests it theyll one attend funeral know care ive done nothing deserve better", "anyway guys age attraction other friends straight afraid admit otherwise thing practical sense bi gay friend bi guy attracted me gay guy married ive put enough shit im going tempt break fidelity always fancied kind cute girl whos ever willing sex ive unwilling sex with matter appearance see combined fact cant even find guy yes not ripped wants fuck ass not anal guess really ugly expectations high wanted cute guy girl weigh much half again find sad cant get girl would keep cock erect nevermind eventually children me see extended family dead brother sterile kids pathetic family line end guess time anyway hearing going used love music much would make spine shiver hair stand end could move tears ive three bad ear infections past three years still understand people room background noise everything subtle music gone still listen sometimes makes cry touches place thats longer there feel empty along lines goingtoshit body pretty badly infected toe infected inflamed year now suspect ill gangrene soon medical insurance since flunked college feet bare shower past year keep secret family theyd try get doctor wed lose much money valued hearing much one toes lost that fuck toes ive acne since age cant get go away gave trying last week same go figure yeah tried towel thing bad it job stopped wanting one six months ago cost money right now brother couple friends bar friends fun without me ive come realization im good anything nothing offer anyone oh sure died would missed thats people become used presence terms actually offer theyll poorer die people really knew was wrong me", "theyd keep away people forced love religion would remain thats love get enough now hope future dead feel ostracized day cannot keep living world would should rather dead emotional strings attached im tired many ways now old become someone world would rather keep starting tomorrow im going lay floor room bed need lower ground closer spirits im going stop eating stop talking people protest theyll panic fully anticipate ill feeding tube said done even though wish go lengths keep alive ive never wanted die want kill myself cant slash wrists blow brains out im tired im tired live im going stop trying im going lie body gives like mind want get up mean through wish whatever lacked get way sorry burden all deserve better better posts better people ill check back know why edit im going get sleep almost fell asleep moment ago check replies wake up deserve it edit im awake again" ]
Estoy cansado primero sé que estoy escribiendo esto podría estar luchando esperanza estoy bastante seguro humanos follada compartir sentimientos poderosos otros importa curso alguien triste combinación empatía voluntad transmisión miseria personas sintiéndose triste intentar arreglar problema tiempo im siento tomar ventaja lugar merecer mejor im redditor años cuenta de títeres existe i me queda solo ive nunca nada útil añadir conversación a pesar de muchos intentos nada ingenioso nada popular nada necesitaba escuchar a alguien descansar presencia en línea mismo uso foros de surf buscando información saber pensar im inteligente bastante todos los demás terco fueron problemas reales honesto vida en línea importante vida real más tarde padre murió im mamá senile pronto historia familiar signos ya mostrando hermano mayor va a comer la muerte que está comparativamente bien pensar infierno dieim pedophilegay bi vida sexual inexistente bi no tabú uno existente decir pedophile chico pederast así llamado edad atracción vive a través de la calle me enfermo nunca poner mucha mano élid antes morir antes de morir nadie entender esa clase de cosa ir terapeuta con nadie sugiere que van a asistir a funeral sabe cuidado ive hacer nada merece mejor
feel conflictedi feel horrible im scared open anyone im worried theyll go tell office boom run another lap system done virtually nothing first two times deal parents cant open redflag without consequences im sick ones feel guilty know id worry everyone course dont want die care dont want somebody kill regardless feel bad feeing like regardless anyone try help me even gotten better since last time went system redflag still feels optimal even though really dont want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel conflictedi feel horrible im scared open anyone im worried theyll go tell office boom run another lap system done virtually nothing first two times deal parents cant open redflag without consequences im sick ones feel guilty knowid worry everyone course dont want die care dont want somebody kill regardless feel bad feeing like regardless anyone try help me even gotten better since last time went system redflag still feels optimal even though really dont want die" ]
sentir conflictoedi siento horrible im miedo abrir a alguien im preocupado van a decirle a la oficina boom correr otro sistema de vuelta hecho virtualmente nada primero dos veces trato los padres no pueden abrir bandera roja sin consecuencias im enfermos se sienten culpables knowid preocupación todos por supuesto no quieren morir cuidado no quiero que alguien matar a pesar de sentirse mal feeling como independientemente de que alguien intenta ayudarme incluso mejor ya que la última vez que se fue sistema Redflag todavía se siente óptimo a pesar de que realmente no quiero morir
waiting game nowive taken pills gotta wait well see anything actually goes down wrote sentence note whoever finds me wish say isnt much more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "waiting game nowive taken pills gotta wait well see anything actually goes down wrote sentence note whoever finds me wish say isnt much more" ]
espera juego nowive píldoras tomadas tienen que esperar bien ver cualquier cosa realmente va abajo escribió la nota de frase quien me encuentra deseo decir no es mucho más
got cyberbullied twentyyearolds saying shouldnt slutshaming women boyfriends cheated with love humankind
[ "got cyberbullied twentyyearolds saying shouldnt slutshaming women boyfriends cheated with love humankind" ]
get cyberbullied veinte años de edad diciendo que no debe putas humillar a las mujeres novios engañados con amor humanidad
my step dad picking mum hour im going take overdose time house ive tried getting life taking every day came overwhelming constant loneliness depressive state horrible deal with
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "my step dad picking mum hour im going take overdose time houseive tried getting life taking every day came overwhelming constant loneliness depressive state horrible deal with" ]
mi padre paso recoger la hora de la madre im va a tomar sobredosis tiempo ama de casa trató de conseguir la vida tomando cada día vino abrumadora constante soledad estado depresivo horrible trato con
need get something chestenglish first language please forgive mistakes youll surely find text st birthday last thursday december th somehow made realise many things know really dumb parents brother aunt friend wished happy birthday felt bit sad lived i go back parents house pandemic plenty friends constantly wanted hang get drunk apartment promised wouldnt let bother me real friends still kind expecting text something like never mentioned it damn even reminded facebook anyway last night birthday party mom brother aunt cousin i guess wasnt big deal see every day since work family business everything fine ate cake opened bottle wine conversation drifted someone friends brother aunt im best terms with said well dont talk something else big mistake told ruining fun long story short literally kicked party went bedroom mom followed me thought going tell serious something instead screamed big pain ass next year im going on felt like shit still do honest suppose im lovable person but dont know dont think deserved kicked that screaming told wanted die ive wanting many years many bad things happened wanted stop pain said dramatic made fun me made feel like depression invalid crying everyone else singing laughing thought perfect representation life hour later everybody went home sleep couldnt stop thinking much wanted dead decided take rat poison dad bought couple containers years ago believed rat backyard it wasnt almost forgotten about great plan guess back room poison inside bag trying figure effective must couple years ago and then angel appeared looked find pair big yellow eyes staring intently cat meowed climbed bed made comfortable waited join her context cat never wants sleep me usually sleeps parents room warmer mine there could felt left alone would something bad possible probably else could explain presence meowed laid beside found couldnt leave her one me one cared know might think sad even bit pathetic swear moment became reason existence else would play her feed her clean sandbox keep warm i live family im one shes cat cried eyes again different reason now made promise would wait couple hours anything wanted think everything another day life still shit family ignoring me one else talk to im ranting reddit know least cat wants live may seem like much enough now tldr wanted kill birthday party family dont seem care didnt cat
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need get something chestenglish first language please forgive mistakes youll surely find text st birthday last thursday december th somehow made realise many things know really dumb parents brother aunt friend wished happy birthday felt bit sad lived i go back parents house pandemic plenty friends constantly wanted hang get drunk apartment promised wouldnt let bother me real friends still kind expecting text something like never mentioned it damn even reminded facebook anyway last night birthday party mom brother aunt cousin", "i guess wasnt big deal see every day since work family business everything fine ate cake opened bottle wine conversation drifted someone friends brother aunt im best terms with said well dont talk something else big mistake told ruining fun long story short literally kicked party went bedroom mom followed me thought going tell serious something instead screamed big pain ass next year im going on felt like shit still do honest suppose im lovable person but dont know dont think deserved kicked that screaming told wanted die ive wanting many years many bad things happened wanted stop pain said dramatic made fun me made feel like depression invalid crying everyone else singing laughing thought perfect representation life hour later everybody went home sleep couldnt stop thinking much wanted dead decided take rat poison dad bought couple containers years ago believed rat backyard it wasnt almost forgotten about great plan guess back room poison inside bag trying figure effective must couple years ago and then angel appeared looked find pair big yellow eyes staring intently cat meowed climbed bed made comfortable waited join her context cat never wants sleep me usually sleeps parents room warmer mine there could felt left alone would something bad possible probably else could explain presence meowed laid beside found couldnt leave her one me one cared know might think sad even bit pathetic swear moment became reason existence else would play her feed her clean sandbox keep warm i live family", "im oneshes cat cried eyes again different reason now made promise would wait couple hours anything wanted think everything another day life still shit family ignoring me one else talk to im ranting reddit know least cat wants live may seem like much enough now tldr wanted kill birthday party family dont seem care didnt cat" ]
Necesito conseguir algo tochenglish primera lengua por favor perdonar errores youll seguro encontrar texto st cumpleaños el jueves pasado diciembre th de alguna manera se dio cuenta de muchas cosas saber realmente tonto padres hermano amigo desea feliz cumpleaños se sentía un poco triste vivir I volver padres casa pandemia un montón de amigos siempre quería colgar conseguir borracho apartamento prometido no me deja molestar amigos reales todavía amable esperar texto algo como nunca lo mencionó maldita incluso recordó facebook de todos modos anoche fiesta de cumpleaños mamá hermano prima
appropriate diameter material ropein regards short drop hanging method thick rope be im assuming thick enough break sill thin enough pressure reasons one thats single centimeter diameter ive tested yesterday feel like could break easily material anything amazing either meters costed seriously taking chances
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "appropriate diameter material ropein regards short drop hanging method thick rope be im assuming thick enough break sill thin enough pressure reasons one thats single centimeter diameter ive tested yesterday feel like could break easily material anything amazing either meters costed seriously taking chances" ]
diámetro adecuado material cuerda con respecto a la caída corta colgante método cuerda gruesa ser suponiendo bastante gruesa rotura all finos motivos de presión suficiente que un solo centímetro de diámetro ive probado ayer se siente como podría romper fácilmente material cualquier increíble medidores costaron seriamente tomar riesgos
morning morning finally olved maths problem let sleep last night r guys
[ "morning morning finally olved maths problem let sleep last night r guys" ]
mañana por la mañana finalmente olved problema de matemáticas dejar dormir anoche r chicos
film too know actually put scene in way back school trip in stopped service station time film asked the whole us run shout go freebird around years old could anyone seen film tell part actually kept film would great know remember thought film never come out another half years released comments seem good im guessing quite successful film might buy it first would like know im it d thank
[ "film too know actually put scene in way back school trip in stopped service station time film asked the whole us run shout go freebird around years old could anyone seen film tell part actually kept film would great know remember thought film never come out another half years released comments seem good im guessing quite successful film might buy it first would like know im it d thank" ]
película también saben realmente poner escena en camino viaje de la escuela en parada estación de servicio tiempo película preguntó a todos nosotros correr gritar ir freebird alrededor de años de edad podría alguien visto película contar parte realmente mantenido película muy bien recordar pensamiento película nunca sale otro medio año publicado comentarios parece bueno supongo que bastante película de éxito podría comprar primero me gustaría saber im it d gracias
looking forward literally nothing life want fall asleep wake want go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looking forward literally nothing life want fall asleep wake want go" ]
Mirando hacia adelante literalmente nada la vida quiere quedarse dormida despierta quiere ir
im drunkima cap myself itll romantic fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im drunkima cap myself itll romantic fuck" ]
im drinkima cap me itll romántico follada
give anything away describing plot film say begins return israel young blind woman whose closest friend companion committed suicide unfolds like detective story blind woman tries figure friend ended life pursues investigation information accumulates leads inexorably devastating conclusion film expertly paced acting especially talia sharon yaara blind woman excellent israeli film definitely come age fully competitive foreign films though found large audience us
[ "give anything away describing plot film say begins return israel young blind woman whose closest friend companion committed suicide unfolds like detective story blind woman tries figure friend ended life pursues investigation information accumulates leads inexorably devastating conclusion film expertly paced acting especially talia sharon yaara blind woman excellent israeli film definitely come age fully competitive foreign films though found large audience us" ]
dar cualquier cosa descripción trama película dicen comienza retorno israel joven ciega cuyo compañero más cercano suicidio cometido se desarrolla como detective historia mujer ciega intenta figura amigo terminó la vida persigue investigación información acumula leads inexorable devastadora conclusión película experta ritmo actuando especialmente talia sharon yaara mujer ciega excelente película israeli definitivamente llega a la edad películas extranjeras totalmente competitivas aunque nos encontró gran audiencia
might little topic dream xbox got red ring death woke find shat bed help
[ "might little topic dream xbox got red ring death woke find shat bed help" ]
tal vez poco tema sueño xbox consiguió rojo anillo muerte despierta encontrar shat cama ayuda
best friend likes idk kind long sorry so best friend leaving next week hung last time ended making touching almost went stopped mom rushing us home acting really weird taking home didnt text back next morning talked phone last night basically said loved wanted show make see beautiful him said felt like half said almost cried kind scary didnt know say feel like im freaking kind of dont know feel love feel like see friend hes liked ive always rejected him ghosted it felt like couldnt handle felt scary feel like thinks ill keeps making jokes leaving now also girlfriend hates me theres that please give advice dont want hurt love him tldr best friend intimate says likes dont know do
[ "best friend likes idk kind long sorry so best friend leaving next week hung last time ended making touching almost went stopped mom rushing us home acting really weird taking home didnt text back next morning talked phone last night basically said loved wanted show make see beautiful him said felt like half said almost cried kind scary didnt know say feel like im freaking kind of dont know feel love feel like see friendhes liked ive always rejected him ghosted it felt like couldnt handle felt scary feel like thinks ill keeps making jokes leaving now also girlfriend hates me theres that please give advice dont want hurt love him tldr best friend intimate says likes dont know do" ]
mejor amigo le gusta idk amable largo lo siento tan mejor amigo salir la próxima semana colgado la última vez terminó de tocar casi se detuvo mamá nos apuraba a casa actuando muy raro llevar a casa no texto de vuelta la mañana siguiente teléfono hablado anoche básicamente dijo querido querido show hacer ver hermoso él dijo se sentía como mitad dijo casi llorada amable miedo no sabía decir se siente como im maldito tipo de no sé sentir amor se siente como ver amigohes le gustaba live siempre lo rechazó fantasmated se sentía como no podía manejar se siente miedo se siente como piensa mal sigue haciendo bromas salir ahora también novia me odia Theres que por favor dar consejos no quiero daño amor tldr mejor amigo íntimo dice likes dont know
kinda sad yesterday someone said theyd delete account cuz stuff regret seemed cool wanted stay away reddit yet made post it seemed like cry help theyre gone im kinda bummed trying
[ "kinda sad yesterday someone said theyd delete account cuz stuff regret seemed cool wanted stay away reddit yet made post it seemed like cry help theyre goneim kinda bummed trying" ]
Un poco triste ayer alguien dijo que eliminarían la cuenta porque el arrepentimiento parecía genial quería mantenerse lejos reddit pero hizo post parecía como llorar ayuda ellos son goim un poco desanimado tratando
im cry cant even tell mom bad anymore ffirst all open talking pm makes fucking anxious idk why bunch mental bullshit drop regular highschool graduate using independent study failed community college now know dad disappointed like me like either ive sleeping lot lately hard time getting up pass again woke yelling dad yelling mom im stupid failing school blaming kinds stuff know heard shes trying mom said well thats enough dad yelled ok dad like either know im enough mom mental bullshit coming breaking makes worse dad bitched side im dark refusing let worthless ass cry cutting help anymore next step death feel getting close it ive tried cant even please dad cant get shit together im surprised kicked streets threatened able hold job want waste welfare disability money wish mom baby miscarried me instead me edit comments welcome may caused misunderstanding
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im cry cant even tell mom bad anymore ffirst all open talking pm makes fucking anxious idk why bunch mental bullshit drop regular highschool graduate using independent study failed community college now know dad disappointed like me like either ive sleeping lot lately hard time getting up pass again woke yelling dad yelling momim stupid failing school blaming kinds stuff know heard shes trying mom said well thats enough dad yelled ok dad like either know im enough mom mental bullshit coming breaking makes worse dad bitched sideim dark refusing let worthless ass cry cutting help anymore next step death feel getting closeitive tried cant even please dad cant get shit together im surprised kicked streets threatened able hold job want waste welfare disability money wish mom baby miscarried me instead me edit comments welcome may caused misunderstanding" ]
Im cry cant incluso decirle a mamá malo más ffirly todo abierto hablar pm hace puta ansiedad idk por qué montón de mierda mental caída normal graduado de la escuela secundaria usando estudio independiente fallida universidad comunitaria ahora sé que papá decepcionado como yo como o ve mucho dormir últimamente difícil tiempo para levantarse pase otra vez despertado gritando papá momim estúpido fallo escuela culpar tipos de cosas saber oír que ella está tratando mamá dijo bien eso es suficiente papá gritó bien papá como o bien sé suficiente mamá mierda mental viene ruptura hace peor papá perra ladoim oscuro negándose a dejar inútil culo llorar cortar ayuda más próximo paso la muerte se siente ser cercano tratado no puede ni siquiera por favor papá no puede conseguir mierda juntos Im sorprendido calles pateadas amenazadas capaz de mantener el trabajo quieren desperdicio bienestar discapacidad dinero deseo mamá bebé abortado en lugar de mí editar comentarios bienvenida puede causar malentendidos
husband hates much hate myselfim scum fucking earth deserve anymore husband cant even room me stupidly pulled gun awake took away me im planning slitting wrists outside snow soon falls asleep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "husband hates much hate myselfim scum fucking earth deserve anymore husband cant even room me stupidly pulled gun awake took away me im planning slitting wrists outside snow soon falls asleep" ]
marido odia mucho odio melfim escoria mierda tierra merece más marido no puede incluso habitación me estúpidamente tiro arma despierta me llevó im planificación cortarse las muñecas fuera de la nieve pronto se duerme
oopsyesterday ragequit job brink called parents told needed come pick up also handed revolver now morning feel like ive made huge mistake really wish gone it im parents radar bigtime drive back apartment feeling captive life made suicidal asking help made captive powerless ever before god really hope get chance kill himheritthem
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "oopsyesterday ragequit job brink called parents told needed come pick up also handed revolver now morning feel like ive made huge mistake really wish gone itim parents radar bigtime drive back apartment feeling captive life made suicidal asking help made captive powerless ever before god really hope get chance kill himheritthem" ]
Oopsy ayer Ragequit job al borde llamado padres dijeron que era necesario venir recoger revólver también entregado ahora por la mañana se siente como ive cometido gran error realmente deseo ido itim padres radar bigtime coche de vuelta apartamento sensación de vida cautiva suicida pidiendo ayuda hizo cautivo impotente antes de Dios realmente esperanza conseguir oportunidad matar a él
german hard learn like literally learned monthsits easy ill name couple languages harder german though russian spanish french albanian greek enchanting table lastly babyian
[ "german hard learn like literally learned monthsits easy ill name couple languages harder german though russian spanish french albanian greek enchanting table lastly babyian" ]
alemán duro aprender como literalmente aprendido meses su fácil mal nombre par de idiomas más difícil alemán aunque ruso español francés albaniano griego mesa encantadora por último babyian
lads going trip ram ranch join want
[ "lads going trip ram ranch join want" ]
Los chicos se van de viaje rancho carnero se unen quieren
need help reddit theres girl like however already boyfriend tell relationship seems pretty stable positive side think might open got number around month ago advice
[ "need help reddit theres girl like however already boyfriend tell relationship seems pretty stable positive side think might open got number around month ago advice" ]
necesidad de ayuda reddit Theres chica como sin embargo ya novio contar relación parece bastante estable lado positivo pensar podría abrir consiguió número hace alrededor de mes consejo
looked good green hope well look good im proud still hope think still friend hope love body heart hope feel happy thats want
[ "looked good green hopewell look good im proud still hope think still friend hope love body heart hope feel happy thats want" ]
se veía bien verde hopewell se ve bien im orgulloso todavía esperanza pensar todavía amigo esperanza amor cuerpo corazón esperanza sentirse feliz que desea
katten min dde jeg er det hun var nesten r gammel det norske tastaturet er ikke ille
[ "katten min dde jeg er det hun var nesten r gammel det norske tastaturet er ikke ille" ]
katten min dde jeg er det hun var nisten r gammel det norske tastaturet er ikke ille
like sure bad this like sure bad take away teenagers phone depressed taking away good grades finish work straight garbage reason talk friends finish work
[ "like sure bad this like sure bad take away teenagers phone depressed taking away good grades finish work straight garbage reason talk friends finish work" ]
como seguro malo esto como seguro malo llevar a los adolescentes teléfono deprimido quitar buenas calificaciones terminar el trabajo recta basura razón hablar amigos terminar el trabajo
found fathers guni could use end less minute easy scary time im gonna it know that but could should i dont know im confused right know chance im alone gun ever wanted since im depressed cant reason im scared hate it hate feeling dont want it want strong fucking once fucking end cant coward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "found fathers guni could use end less minute easy scary time im gonna it know that but could should i dont know im confused right know chance im alone gun ever wanted since im depressed cant reason im scared hate it hate feeling dont want it want strong fucking once fucking end cant coward" ]
Encontraron a los padres guni podría usar terminar menos minuto fácil tiempo de miedo voy a saber que pero podría no sé que estoy confundido derecho saber suerte yo solo arma siempre quise desde im deprimido no puedo razón yo miedo odio odio sentir no quiero fuerte mierda una vez final de mierda no puedo cobarde
mom mom talking birth control morning means still secks going kword
[ "mom mom talking birth control morning means still secks going kword" ]
mamá mamá hablando de anticonceptivo mañana significa todavía secretos va kword
hours i hopeim indecisive bastard first jan feb tonight made decision last night cant feel much anymore emotion fucked theres building near house construction hasnt think years dont remember doesnt matter im piece shit doesnt matter anymore ill jump building tightening piece cloth around neck told friend chat said joking used lot say going die ive never really friends im child ive like long remember smile painted face day want cry cant anymore dont know anymore dont care either im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry im sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hours i hopeim indecisive bastard first jan feb tonight made decision last night cant feel much anymore emotion fucked theres building near house construction hasnt think years dont remember doesnt matter im piece shit doesnt matter anymore ill jump building tightening piece cloth around neck told friend chat said joking used lot say going dieive never really friends im child ive like long remember smile painted face day want cry cant anymore dont know anymore dont care either im sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorryim sorry" ]
hours i hopeim indecisive bastardo primero Jan feb esta noche tomó la decisión anoche no se puede sentir mucho más emoción follada Theres edificio cerca de construcción de la casa hasnt pensar años no recordar no importa im pieza mierda no importa más mal salto edificio apretando tela pieza alrededor del cuello dijo amigo charla dijo broma lote usado decir ir a Dieive nunca realmente amigos im child vive como largo recuerdo sonrisa pintada día quiere llorar no sé más no importa tampoco lo sientoim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim lamentim
ask someone cant start conversations theres girl really like want ask out know how know other were friend group well play jackbox stuff sometimes talk except group together were chatting cause im really shy good joining conversations classes ive reading bunch advice says strike conversation her cant that know start conversations like cant even strike conversation guy friend chat every day literally people school ive every really started conversation with way able start talking her ask out
[ "ask someone cant start conversations theres girl really like want ask out know how know other were friend group well play jackbox stuff sometimes talk except group together were chatting cause im really shy good joining conversations classes ive reading bunch advice says strike conversation her cant that know start conversations like cant even strike conversation guy friend chat every day literally people school ive every really started conversation with way able start talking her ask out" ]
Preguntar a alguien no puede iniciar conversaciones Theres chica realmente quiere preguntar saber cómo saber otros eran grupo de amigos bien jugar jackbox cosas a veces hablar, excepto grupo juntos estaban charlando porque im muy tímido bueno unirse a las conversaciones clases de lectura ive grupo de consejos dice conversación huelga su cant que saber iniciar conversaciones como cant incluso huelga conversación chico amigo charla todos los días literalmente la gente escuela ive cada conversación realmente comenzó con manera capaz de empezar a hablar
mom believes masks work tells without backing evidence except fact smell fart someones jeans catch disease someones mask never went college ive taking college classes since junior year high school im live person knows many years somebody please prove wrong
[ "mom believes masks work tells without backing evidence except fact smell fart someones jeans catch disease someones mask never went college ive taking college classes since junior year high school im live person knows many years somebody please prove wrong" ]
mamá cree que el trabajo de las máscaras dice sin evidencia de respaldo excepto hecho olor pedo alguien jeans atrapar enfermedad alguien máscara nunca fue universidad ive tomar clases de la universidad desde el primer año de la escuela secundaria im persona viva sabe muchos años alguien por favor probar mal
probably belong herei nothing complain about ive never abused great parents supportive gave great childhood never bullied never problems fitting in good job rewarding allows financially comfortable im ugly physical ailments people generally nice me ive never even heart broken beautiful wonderful wife love tolerates me nothing stability love whole life want end it theres weakness me im soft slightest adversity sends spiraling im taking meds maybe need idk believe life make it meaning except give it im lazy want anything action dozens ambitions know pursue ill scrape exist im lazy complainer nothing complain about real problems im process making sure wife easily access money assets im almost done writing goodbye letters theres nothing live except spair family pain thats enough anymore tired feeling weak im tired feeling like man simultaneously weak willed anything it diet exercise medication meditation ive failed im it im scared everything feel alive right amount alcohol me im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "probably belong herei nothing complain about ive never abused great parents supportive gave great childhood never bullied never problems fitting in good job rewarding allows financially comfortable im ugly physical ailments people generally nice meive never even heart broken beautiful wonderful wife love tolerates me nothing stability love whole life want end it theres weakness meim soft slightest adversity sends spiraling im taking meds maybe need idk believe life make it meaning except give it im lazy want anything action dozens ambitions know pursue ill scrape existim lazy complainer nothing complain about real problems im process making sure wife easily access money assets im almost done writing goodbye letters theres nothing live except spair family pain thats enough anymore tired feeling weak im tired feeling like man simultaneously weak willed anything it diet exercise medication meditation ive failed im itim scared everything feel alive right amount alcohol meim done" ]
Probablemente pertenecen a herei nada quejarse de ive nunca abusado grandes padres apoyo dio gran infancia nunca intimidado problemas encajar en buen trabajo recompensar permite financieramente cómodo im feo dolencias físicas gente generalmente agradable meive nunca corazón roto hermosa maravillosa esposa amor tolera nada estabilidad amor vida entera quiere terminar theres debilidad meim suave más leve adversidad envía en espiral im tomar medicamentos tal vez necesita idk creer vida hacer que significa excepto darle im perezoso querer nada acción docenas de ambiciones saber perseguir mal rasguño existim perezoso quejador nada quejarse acerca de problemas reales im proceso asegurarse de que la esposa fácilmente acceso activos de dinero im casi hecho escribir adiós cartas no hay nada vivo excepto dolor de familia que ya está cansado sentirse débil im cansado sentir como hombre simultáneamente débil voluntad cualquier dieta ejercicio medicación meditación i fallida im itim miedo todo sentirse vivo cantidad correcta alcohol meim hecho
feel alone tiredthe tired probably lack sleep newborn around feel like got hit hardest punch post partum depression ever went feeling ok everything ready kill every night everything hurts body hurts feelings hurt want see anyone except mom want baby anymore cant look babys father without feeling anger wanting hit him literally fantasize walking room beating making feel pain puts through want stop taking blood pressure medication let preeclampsia take course die liver failure everyone around loves dearly seem make difference anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel alone tiredthe tired probably lack sleep newborn around feel like got hit hardest punch post partum depression ever went feeling ok everything ready kill every night everything hurts body hurts feelings hurt want see anyone except mom want baby anymore cant look babys father without feeling anger wanting hit him literally fantasize walking room beating making feel pain puts through want stop taking blood pressure medication let preeclampsia take course die liver failure everyone around loves dearly seem make difference anymore" ]
se siente solo cansadoel cansado probablemente no duerme recién nacido alrededor se siente más golpeado golpe después del parto depresión nunca fue sentir bien todo listo matar cada noche todo dolor cuerpo dolor sentimientos dolor quiere ver a alguien excepto mamá quiere bebé más cant look bebé padre sin sentir ira querer golpearlo literalmente fantasear caminar latidos haciendo sentir dolor pone a través de querer dejar de tomar la presión arterial medicamentos dejar preeclampsia tomar curso morir insuficiencia hepática todos alrededor de ama queridamente parecen hacer la diferencia más
cant connect peoplei know to everytime meet someone genuine connection with never realize theyre life im trying meet people reddit im talking person like universe wants alone maybe want deep way finally work courage kill myself know hurting many people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant connect peoplei know to everytime meet someone genuine connection with never realize theyre life im trying meet people reddit im talking person like universe wants alone maybe want deep way finally work courage kill myself know hurting many people" ]
No puedo conectar gente conozco a cada vez que conozco a alguien conexión genuina con nunca se dan cuenta de que son la vida estoy tratando de conocer gente reddit im persona que habla como universo quiere solo tal vez quieren manera profunda finalmente trabajo valor me matan saber hacer daño a mucha gente
im afraid everythings gonna get worsethings sort looking like theyll get better im afraid everythings gonna get worse things get worse somehow know do know ill able go living im dealing lot different kinds feelings right now complicated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im afraid everythings gonna get worsethings sort looking like theyll get betterim afraid everythings gonna get worse things get worse somehow know do know ill able go living im dealing lot different kinds feelings right now complicated" ]
Tengo miedo de que todo vaya a empeorar las cosas. Parece que van a mejorar. Temo que todo vaya a empeorar las cosas.
please let diefeels like lifes ever began poor education career decisions paired shit mental health serious injury left stranded home country squeezing life country interested taking dropout regardless much potential might thats paper life struggle get starting line start privilege break back get ground fuck this want die take another shot lottery n maybe next time raised psychopaths
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please let diefeels like lifes ever began poor education career decisions paired shit mental health serious injury left stranded home country squeezing life country interested taking dropout regardless much potential might thats paper life struggle get starting line start privilege break back get ground fuck this want die take another shot lottery n maybe next time raised psychopaths" ]
Por favor, deja que se sienta como una vida pobre educación decisiones carrera pareja mierda salud mental lesión grave izquierda varado país de origen apretando la vida país interesado tomando abandono independientemente de mucho potencial que la lucha de la vida de papel conseguir línea de inicio partida privilegio romper volver tierra mierda este quiero morir tomar otra toma de lotería n tal vez la próxima vez criado psicópatas
everything life telling give kill myselfno job money love ambition passion future have arthritis depression mediocrity week fucking kidney stones life get shit piss fucking razor blades im done cant take anymore life fucking cruel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything life telling give kill myselfno job money love ambition passion future have arthritis depression mediocrity week fucking kidney stones life get shit piss fucking razor blades im done cant take anymore life fuckingcruel" ]
Todo lo que la vida dice me mata a mí mismono trabajo dinero amor ambición pasión futuro tienen artritis depresión mediocridad semana mierda cálculos renales vida conseguir mierda orina puta cuchillas de afeitar im hecho no puede tomar más vida mierdacruel
guys girls know guy crush me so think guy class crush cause someone told did pretty close friends id say ultimate test surely tell guy crush me friend suggested offline id text heyy replies right away crush me tried replied minutes mean wanna embarass myself kinda lowkey like him need advice asap
[ "guys girls know guy crush me so think guy class crush cause someone told did pretty close friends id say ultimate test surely tell guy crush me friend suggested offline id text heyy replies right away crush me tried replied minutes mean wanna embarass myself kinda lowkey like him need advice asap" ]
chicos chicas saben chico me aplastan así que pensar chico clase aplastamiento porque alguien le dijo hizo bastante amigos cercanos id decir última prueba seguro decirle chico aplastarme amigo sugerido fuera de línea id texto heyy respuestas de inmediato aplastarme intentado minutos contestados significa querer avergonzarme un poco lowkey como él necesita consejo lo antes posible
im tempted see go day without reddit also im pretty addicted dont think would able also kinda wanna try im going try know nobody really cares im gonna reddit hours unless fail would pretty pathetic starting minutes goodbye bit
[ "im tempted see go day without reddit also im pretty addicted dont think would able also kinda wanna try im going try know nobody really cares im gonna reddit hours unless fail would pretty pathetic starting minutes goodbye bit" ]
Im tentado ver ir día sin reddit también im bastante adictos no creo que podría también un poco querer tratar de mí va a intentar saber a nadie realmente le importa que voy a reddit horas a menos que fallar sería bastante patético empezar minutos adiós poco
im feel burnt ive originally made throwaway account post i complain feel like starting getting annoying removed dur lack karma friends kida stopped talking me feel like bit burden im scared confront them im lonely feel like much look forward life family lowkey drags little trust me never relationship anything close feel like im missing young i blame netflix originals that know many people similar hobbiesinterests mine feel like outcast im kind scared starting conversations both internet irl ive sort embraced feeling invisible others hurts sometimes read that thanks time nice day
[ "im feel burnt ive originally made throwaway account posti complain feel like starting getting annoying removed dur lack karma friendskida stopped talking me feel like bit burden im scared confront themim lonely feel like much look forward life family lowkey drags little trust me never relationship anything close feel like im missing youngi blame netflix originals that know many people similar hobbiesinterestsmine feel like outcast im kind scared starting conversations both internet irl ive sort embraced feeling invisible others hurts sometimes read that thanks time nice day" ]
I se siente quemado i i originalmente hecho throwaway cuenta posti se quejan se siente como empezar a ser molesto eliminado dur falta karma amigoskida dejó de hablarme se siente como poco carga im miedo confrontar ellosim solitario se siente como mucho mirar hacia adelante vida familia lowkey arrastra poco confía en mí nunca relación nada cerca se siente como mi falta joven culpa netflix originales que saben que mucha gente similares hobbiesinterestsmine se siente como marginado im tipo miedo iniciar conversaciones tanto Internet irl ive tipo abrazado sentir invisible otros duele a veces leer que gracias tiempo agradable día
know go kiss like seems like way make awkward heck guys done it like play safe hug know early make jump may one them teenagers interesting species understand
[ "know go kiss like seems like way make awkward heck guys done it like play safe hug know early make jump may one them teenagers interesting species understand" ]
saben ir beso como parece como la manera de hacer que los chicos del infierno incómodos lo hicieron como jugar abrazo seguro saber temprano saltar que uno de ellos adolescentes especies interesantes entender
asking random questions untill get girlfriend day humanity dies chance keep video video would like keep would keep thishttpsyoutubecwuprcuvq thishttpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq videos good think
[ "asking random questions untill get girlfriend day humanity dies chance keep video video would like keep would keep thishttpsyoutubecwuprcuvq thishttpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq videos good think" ]
haciendo preguntas al azar hasta que consiga novia día la humanidad muere oportunidad mantener vídeo vídeo quisiera mantener esto httpsyoutubecwuprcuvq estohttpsyoutubedqwwwgxcq vídeos buena idea
else learned gay marriage one behind scenes spongebob dvd talked ridiculous controversy surrounding spongebobs sexuality which confirmed asexual
[ "else learned gay marriage one behind scenes spongebob dvd talked ridiculous controversy surrounding spongebobs sexuality which confirmed asexual" ]
otro aprendió matrimonio gay uno detrás de las escenas esponjabob dvd habló ridícula controversia alrededor de esponjabobs sexualidad que confirmó asexual
saying people evil understatement centuryi hate women hate men especially hate women everything society special women are validate me validate me celebrate body celebrate me do celebrate tall men well celebrate beautiful people were fucking sick laugh born right bodies like deserve live lets laugh short men lets mock blow brains laugh society better completely fucking arbitrary aspect humans life fuck womens problem know exactly fuck like judged always first fucking people judge fucking laundry list expectations meet half fuck mens problem theyd kill allowed fuck point even brain pointless intelligence another way see suffering assholes taking advantage other culture simply economic activity shell pushing us forward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "saying people evil understatement centuryi hate women hate men especially hate women everything society special women are validate me validate me celebrate body celebrate me do celebrate tall men well celebrate beautiful people were fucking sick laugh born right bodies like deserve live lets laugh short men lets mock blow brains laugh society better completely fucking arbitrary aspect humans life fuck womens problem know exactly fuck like judged always first fucking people judge fucking laundry list expectations meet half fuck mens problem theyd kill allowed fuck point even brain pointless intelligence another way see suffering assholes taking advantage other culture simply economic activity shell pushing us forward" ]
saying people evil eufory centuryi odio mujeres odia hombres especialmente odia mujeres todo sociedad especial mujeres son valido me valido celebrar cuerpo celebrar me celebra hombre alto celebrar bien gente hermosa eran mierda enfermo risa derecho cuerpos como merecer vivir permite reírse hombres cortos permite burlarse cerebros reír sociedad mejor completamente mierda aspecto arbitrario humanos vida mierda mujeres problema saber exactamente como juzgar siempre primera mierda personas juzgar puta lista de lavandería expectativas cumplir mitad mierda hombres problema would kill permitido mierda punto hasta cerebro inteligencia sin sentido otra manera ver sufrimiento imbéciles tomando ventaja otra cultura simplemente actividad económica cáscara empujarnos hacia adelante
day masturbating first started may pm mnt standard time currently january pm mnt standard time running weeks days minutes got hopes season cobra kai good good last two wanted last longer got nothing watch
[ "day masturbating first started may pm mnt standard time currently january pm mnt standard time running weeks days minutes got hopes season cobra kai good good last two wanted last longer got nothing watch" ]
día masturbándose primero comenzó may pm mnt tiempo estándar actualmente enero pm mnt tiempo estándar semanas días minutos tengo esperanzas temporada cobra kai bueno bueno las dos últimas deseadas por más tiempo no tengo nada reloj
started playing genshin impact yesterday oh god fun id highly recommend it
[ "started playing genshin impact yesterday ohgod fun id highly recommend it" ]
comenzó a jugar genshin impacto ayer ohgod diversión id altamente lo recomiendo
ustockpenguin favorite redditor ustockpenguin favorite redditor
[ "ustockpenguin favorite redditor ustockpenguin favorite redditor" ]
ustockpenguin favorito redditor ustockpenguin favorito redditor
yall please stop upvoting slept crushs house crush said yes posts please stop upvoting shit one things theyre hopping bandwagon obviously karma whoring even day true middle fucking pandemic sleeping someones house people dying anyway thats rant please stop shit
[ "yall please stop upvoting slept crushs house crush said yes posts please stop upvoting shit one things theyre hopping bandwagon obviously karma whoring even day true middle fucking pandemic sleeping someones house people dying anyway thats rant please stop shit" ]
Yall, por favor, deja de votar aplastamiento dormido casa aplastado dijo sí posts por favor deja de votar mierda una cosa están saltando bandwagon obviamente karma puta incluso día verdadero medio puto pandemia dormir alguien casa gente morir de todos modos eso es despotricar por favor deja de mierda
pointlessi mean point this try reach goals many obstacles way mention millions people always put down constantly tell good enough struggle shit hole society told someone better you try ignore voice head reminds worthless are take risk heartbroken search find significant other even know im typing this like internet cares bunch random strangers pretend care seconds ditch like everyone else everyone know perfect little lives im stuck here willing anything hug pat back sort encouragement sometimes even think meant planet maybe one got aborted think belong here im s know people say rest life ahead you endure pain need to every story happy ending maybe death new opportunity someone else keep going ill probably get way want fuck someone elses life story probably best im even here dreams already crushed along heart redflag bad anyways physical energy destroyed according science change form know im selfish thinking like this wish someone could side once
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pointlessi mean point this try reach goals many obstacles way mention millions people always put down constantly tell good enough struggle shit hole society told someone better you try ignore voice head reminds worthless are take risk heartbroken search find significant other even know im typing this like internet cares bunch random strangers pretend care seconds ditch like everyone else everyone know perfect little lives im stuck here willing anything hug pat back sort encouragement sometimes even think meant planet maybe one got aborted think belong here im s know people say rest life ahead you endure pain need to every story happy ending maybe death new opportunity someone else keep going ill probably get way want fuck someone elses life story probably best im even here dreams already crushed along heart redflag bad anyways physical energy destroyed according science change form know im selfish thinking like this wish someone could side once" ]
notelessi punto medio este intento alcanzar objetivos muchos obstáculos manera mencionar millones de personas siempre ponen constantemente decir buena lucha suficiente agujero de mierda sociedad dijo a alguien mejor que intenta ignorar la cabeza de voz recuerda inútil son tomar riesgo corazón roto búsqueda encontrar significativa otro incluso saber im escribir esto como Internet se preocupa montón extraños al azar fingen cuidado segundos zanja como todos los demás todos saben perfectas vidas im pegados aquí dispuesto cualquier cosa abrazo palma espalda tipo estímulo a veces incluso pensar que significa planeta tal vez uno abortado pensar pertenecer aquí im s saber la gente dice descanso vida por delante sufrir dolor necesidad de cada historia feliz final quizás muerte nueva oportunidad alguien más sigue enfermándose probablemente llegar camino querer follar a alguien más historia de vida probablemente mejor im incluso aquí sueños ya aplastado en el corazón rojo fuego malo de todos modos energía física destruida de acuerdo a la ciencia cambio forma saber im pensamiento egoísta como este deseo alguien podría estar de lado una vez
husband got fight broke plate said defective couldnt this said gonna drive somewhere shoot outside car could it left doesnt seem guns missing dohe ptsd hes getting depressed disconnected past years im exhausted think straight dont want call cops without good reason bc hell lose job hes threatened redflag times always panic attack hes never told plan before im really tired scared idk make good decision right please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "husband got fight broke plate said defective couldnt this said gonna drive somewhere shoot outside car could it left doesnt seem guns missing dohe ptsd hes getting depressed disconnected past years im exhausted think straight dont want call cops without good reason bc hell lose job hes threatened redflag times always panic attack hes never told plan before im really tired scared idk make good decision right please help" ]
marido consiguió pelea placa rota dijo defectuoso no podía esto dijo que iba a conducir en algún lugar disparar fuera de coche podría izquierda no parece pistolas falta dohe ptsd hes conseguir deprimido desconectado los últimos años im exhausto creo derecho no quiero llamar a los policías sin buena razón BC infierno perder trabajo él está amenazado rojo veces siempre ataque de pánico nunca dijo plan antes Im realmente cansado asustado idk hacer buena decisión derecho por favor ayuda
think timedo ever look way back first posts subreddit wonder people still alive really hope found way out think people time man makes really wonder truly god answers wishes prayers guide others path happiness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think timedo ever look way back first posts subreddit wonder people still alive really hope found way out think people time man makes really wonder truly god answers wishes prayers guide others path happiness" ]
Piensa en timedo siempre mirar hacia atrás primero posts subreddit maravilla la gente todavía viva realmente esperanza encontró la manera de pensar la gente tiempo hombre hace realmente maravilla realmente respuestas Dios desea oraciones guía a otros camino felicidad
giving upi feel like need end all cannot stand anything life feel like everyone gave me friends teachers parents honestly think one would care die im sad ones asks im okayno one cant stand myself im ugly im awkward time like stupid everyone probably thinks im loser mean like anyone would care died im mistake everyone knows im giant stupid idiot nothing stays brain get bad grades parents get large metal wooden rod beat cant stand feeling disappointment cause people one ever want partner sit next me none people know class must ugly right one ever like whats point living
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "giving upi feel like need end all cannot stand anything life feel like everyone gave me friends teachers parents honestly think one would care dieim sad ones asks im okayno one cant stand myself im ugly im awkward time like stupid everyone probably thinks im loser mean like anyone would care diedim mistake everyone knows im giant stupid idiot nothing stays brain get bad grades parents get large metal wooden rod beat cant stand feeling disappointment cause people one ever want partner sit next me none people know class must ugly right one ever like whats point living" ]
gindi upi se siente como necesidad final todo no puede soportar nada la vida se siente como todo el mundo me dio amigos profesores padres honestamente creo que a uno le importaría dieim tristes pregunta im okayno uno no puede pararse mí mismo im fea im torpe momento como estúpido todo el mundo probablemente piensa im perdedor significa como a cualquiera le importaría moridim error todo el mundo sabe im gigante estúpido idiota nada se queda cerebro conseguir malas calificaciones padres conseguir grandes barras de madera metal golpe no puede soportar la decepción porque la gente uno siempre quiere pareja sentarse a mi lado nadie sabe clase debe feo derecho uno siempre como lo que es punto de vida
want watch suffer spicy wings charity stream im going hour live stream youtube channel radgamerdads ill eat really hot wings feel free watch suffer weekend also take donations extra life one dad looking engagement stream
[ "want watch suffer spicy wings charity stream im going hour live stream youtube channel radgamerdads ill eat really hot wings feel free watch suffer weekend also take donations extra life one dad looking engagement stream" ]
quiero ver sufrir picantes alas caridad arroyo im va hora en vivo youtube canal radgamerdads mal comer realmente caliente alas sentir libre ver sufrir fin de semana también llevar donaciones vida extra un padre mirando engagement arroyo
month since miscarried three weeks since got dumpedi much pain last night drive home drunk ex let stay sober im recovering cocaine addiction im probably going get fired im going aa im depressed talk anyone person think killed baby coke knew pregnant cant anymore um much pain ive numb every day month want stop want dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "month since miscarried three weeks since got dumpedi much pain last night drive home drunk ex let stay sober im recovering cocaine addiction im probably going get fired im going aaim depressed talk anyone person think killed baby coke knew pregnantcant anymore um much pain ive numb every day month want stop want dead" ]
mes desde que abortó tres semanas desde que se dejó mucho dolor anoche conducir a casa borracho ex dejar estar sobrio im recuperar adicción a la cocaína im probablemente va a ser despedido im ir aaim depresión hablar cualquier persona piensa que mató bebé coca sabía embarazada um mucho dolor ive entumecimiento cada día quiero dejar de querer muerto
discussion things things kid would benefited mental health now prompt final project create program organization addresses one main themes cultural societal concerns discussed semester your assignment choose issue addressed semester needs change support attention bullying sexual assault racism mental health identity design program new curriculum mentor group afterschool club etc addresses need aimed audience group help parents talk kids trained support group peers peers creating new club junior high level change world
[ "discussion things things kid would benefited mental health now prompt final project create program organization addresses one main themes cultural societal concerns discussed semester your assignment choose issue addressed semester needs change support attention bullying sexual assault racism mental health identity design program new curriculum mentor group afterschool club etc addresses need aimed audience group help parents talk kids trained support group peers peers creating new club junior high level change world" ]
discusión cosas cosas chico se beneficiarían salud mental ahora proyecto final rápido crear organización del programa aborda uno de los temas principales preocupación social cultural discutido semestre su asignación tema abordado semestre necesidades cambio apoyo atención acoso agresión sexual racismo salud mental diseño de identidad nuevo plan de estudios grupo de mentores después de la escuela etc direcciones necesidad grupo de audiencia dirigido ayudar a los padres hablar niños entrenado grupo de apoyo compañeros crear nuevo club junior nivel alto cambio mundo
ok quick question good app recommendations get bored easily need games play im ipad use apple appstore cant find good ones also im going record today taco trilogy day
[ "ok quick question good app recommendations get bored easily need games play im ipad use apple appstore cant find good ones also im going record today taco trilogy day" ]
ok pregunta rápida buenas recomendaciones de aplicación se aburren fácilmente necesidad de juegos im ipad usar appstore appstore no puede encontrar buenas también voy a grabar hoy día trilogía taco
hope endive depressed last nights ive drank got arrested year ago narcotics get drug tested state fail one test go prison cant ive sad lately thing brought happiness gay bars ive gone ive finally accepted self get tested morning im going end im sorry love friends ive made love friends accepted im sorry cant go prison ive drinking waiting till midnight see happen told one friends today wont drink rest march ill see goes let family know love didnt support am
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hope endive depressed last nights ive drank got arrested year ago narcotics get drug tested state fail one test go prison cant ive sad lately thing brought happiness gay bars ive gone ive finally accepted self get tested morning im going endim sorry love friends ive made love friends accepted im sorry cant go prison ive drinking waiting till midnight see happen told one friends today wont drink rest march ill see goeslet family know love didnt support am" ]
esperanza endivia deprimida últimas noches ive bebid fue arrestado hace año narcóticos conseguir drogas prueba estado fracaso una prueba ir prisión cant ive triste últimamente cosa trajo felicidad gay bares ive got ive finalmente aceptado auto conseguir probado mañana im ir endim lo siento amor amigos ive made amor amigos acepto im lament cant go prison ive bebing ive espera hasta medianoche ver suceder le dijo a un amigo hoy no beber descanso marcha mal ver golet familia saber amor no apoyo am
kindness shelterobvious throwaway reddit im sick this spent hours trying write ive going through much going on switched app poof refreshed reason gone im upset wrote much anyway know people would skim one needs hear life story situation right something skim still understand complicated connected cant focus details long ill focus feelings need help somebody trust anyone life ill turn guys im wits end feel worthless easy throw away disposable ive suffering much past months suffering well one thing another domino effect never ends im exaggerating im homeless im young im alone one turn anymore im yr old girl people hurt ways expect think real world feel like im bad soap opera novela im sure im putting tonight im sleeping behind old apartments gotten colder dark prepare hope neighbors call cops enough endured enough rock bottom seems me keep sinking think im float like long tried kill april seeing lied ahead me even then path neater head turned out things worse much worse regret friend finding trying take rest pills come abuse every type escaped family hurt strangers whose help naturally accepted tried believe wrong homeless ive met demons dressed angels first worst part knew knew trust take help suffer own dependent people help much power you ive realized lot people like help like power control gave benefit doubt fool wish way brand people right forehead others knew hurt anybody else people would chance run know sound crazy mean to im destroyed shambles everything cold life mine cold fine one understand ive seen ive lived alone too wasted time energy nothing better things going get better while quite actually especially consider homeless persons perception time things ive experienced never leave me im scarred believe anyone anymore believe people anymore ive lost much faith im longer even emotional it is im tired im tired this much more many problems ive tried write help many times theres much write follow through something else happened today terrible thing cant stand im furious powerless im disgusted theres one turn to im sick wish hurt people killed myself cause would instant nothing gotten better fact everything got worse plateau got worse knew it problems temporary theyll stay life everyday battle life war im lost cant kill myself would default many obligations cant hurt people tried help especially return investment im disgusted world right now know perspective think ill again something died today wish could finish job die myself want make option bad thank much reading did really appreciate you point even feel like deserve people listen me fact stranger side world would kindness almost feel shown thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kindness shelterobvious throwaway reddit im sick this spent hours trying write ive going through much going on switched app poof refreshed reason gone im upset wrote muchanyway know people would skim one needs hear life story situation right something skim still understand complicated connected cant focus details long ill focus feelings need help somebody trust anyone life ill turn guys im wits end feel worthless easy throw away disposableive suffering much past months suffering well one thing another domino effect never ends im exaggerating im homeless im youngim alone one turn anymore im yr old girl people hurt ways expect think real world feel like im", "bad soap opera novela im sure im putting tonight im sleeping behind old apartments gotten colder dark prepare hope neighbors call cops enough endured enough rock bottom seems me keep sinking think im float like long tried kill april seeing lied ahead me even then path neater head turned out things worse much worse regret friend finding trying take rest pills come abuse every type escaped family hurt strangers whose help naturally accepted tried believe wrong homeless ive met demons dressed angels first worst part knew knew trust take help suffer own dependent people help much power you ive realizedlot people like help like power control gave benefit doubt fool wish way brand people right forehead others knew hurt anybody else people would chance run know sound crazy mean to im destroyed shambles everything cold life mine cold fine one understand ive seen ive lived alone too wasted time energy nothing better things going get better while quite actually especially consider homeless persons perception time things ive experienced never leave me", "im scarred believe anyone anymore believe people anymore ive lost much faith im longer even emotional it is im tired im tired this much more many problems ive tried write help many times theres much write follow through something else happened today terrible thing cant stand im furious powerlessim disgusted theres one turn to im sick wish hurt people killed myself cause would instant nothing gotten better fact everything got worse plateau got worse knew it problems temporarytheyll stay life everyday battle life war im lost cant kill myself would default many obligations cant hurt people tried help especially return investment im disgusted world right now know perspective think ill again something died today wish could finish job die myself want make option bad thank much reading did really appreciate you point even feel like deserve people listen me fact stranger side world would kindness almost feel shown thank you" ]
gentileza refugioobvio lanzamiento reddit im enfermo esto pasó horas tratando de escribir ive pasando por mucho pasando por la aplicación conmutada poof renovado razón got im molesto escribió muchode todos modos saben que la gente desnataría uno necesita escuchar la situación de la historia de la vida derecho algo desnata todavía entender complicados cant focus detalles largo mal enfoque los sentimientos necesitan ayudar a alguien confiar en cualquier persona vida mal volver chicos im ingenios fin se siente inútil fácil tirar lejos sufrimiento desechable muchos meses pasados sufrimiento bien una cosa otro efecto dominó nunca termina im exagerando im sin hogar im youngim solo una vuelta más im yerna chica lastimado maneras esperar pensar mundo real se siente como im
get wrong glad successful gotten help since last months much better whether personal notredflag work general mental state feel like currently spiraling completely put control months away losing roommate place live cannot find place afford even judt place general housing miserable right now gotten chance speak therapist yet honestly tired thst even want try able lay bed drinking thinking much easier would here terrified uncertainty want homeless cannot go back family felt like good honestly happy first time years really want throw thst away trying process situation best ability trying decide need sell hobby stuff things enjoy try afford owni know posting know even looking here everything going sounds absolutely fucking stupid read back feel like burdensorry terrible formatting tired drunk phone tried kill months ago
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "get wrong glad successful gotten help since last months much better whether personal notredflag work general mental state feel like currently spiraling completely put control months away losing roommate place live cannot find place afford even judt place general housing miserable right now gotten chance speak therapist yet honestly tired thst even want try able lay bed drinking thinking much easier would here terrified uncertainty want homeless cannot go back family felt like good honestly happy first time years really want throw thst away trying process situation best ability trying decide need sell hobby stuff things enjoy try afford owni know posting know even looking here everything going sounds absolutely fucking stupid read back feel like burdensorry terrible formatting tired drunk phone tried kill months ago" ]
obtener mal feliz éxito consiguió ayuda desde los últimos meses mucho mejor si personal notredflag trabajo general estado mental se siente como actualmente en espiral completamente puesto control meses de pérdida de compañero de cuarto lugar vivir no puede encontrar lugar coste incluso judt lugar general vivienda miserable en este momento llegó oportunidad hablar terapeuta y sin embargo honestamente cansado thst incluso quieren intentar capaz lecho cama bebida pensar mucho más fácil aquí aterrorizado incertidumbre querer sin hogar no puede volver a la familia se sentía como bien honestamente feliz primera vez años realmente quieren tirar a la basura la situación del proceso de tratar de tratar de tratar de necesidad de hobby cosas disfrutar de tratar de poseer saber publicar saber incluso mirar aquí todo va sonidos absolutamente estúpido leer de nuevo se siente como cargaso terrible formato cansado teléfono borracho intentado matar meses atrás
masturbated months im challenge anything realized jacked
[ "masturbated months im challenge anything realized jacked" ]
Meses masturbados desafío cualquier cosa realizada jacked
title says worked hard starting graduated high school get place work live own obviously many many set backs life general incredibly unfair complex me worked hard so hard hopefully end journey two years living job enjoy found then work working myself ampxbbut get enjoy future climate change politics instability world right now makes fear able to live first world country soo much thankful for good food family good uni enjoy life lot life still taken hard work redflag things work out self confidence destroyed long ago working restoring yeahh afraid world go shit feel like hard work put worth it would wasted years per se good moments sure went lot get thereampxbany comfort truth speaking would much appreciated everything went through hard work world going fear may get enjoy it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "title says worked hard starting graduated high school get place work live own obviously many many set backs life general incredibly unfair complex me worked hard so hard hopefully end journey two years living job enjoy found then work working myself ampxbbut get enjoy future climate change politics instability world right now makes fear able to live first world country soo much thankful for good food family good uni enjoy life lot life still taken hard work redflag things work out self confidence destroyed long ago working restoring yeahh afraid world go shit feel like hard work put worth it would wasted years per se good moments sure went lot get thereampxbany comfort truth speaking would much appreciated everything went through hard work world going fear may get enjoy it" ]
el título dice trabajo duro comienzo graduado escuela secundaria conseguir trabajo lugar vivir propia obviamente muchos muchos set backs vida general increíblemente injusto complejo yo trabajado duro tan duro esperanzado final viaje dos años trabajo vivir disfrutar encontrado entonces trabajo trabajo yo mismo ampxbbut conseguir disfrutar futuro cambio climático política inestabilidad mundo ahora hace miedo capaz de vivir primer mundo país soo mucho agradecido por buena comida familia buena uni disfrutar vida lote vida todavía duro trabajo rojoflag cosas trabajo trabajo duro destruido hace mucho tiempo trabajo restauración yeh miedo mundo ir mierda se siente como trabajo duro puesto vale la pena que iba a perder años per se buenos momentos seguro fue mucho conseguir therampxbany comodidad verdad hablando apreciaría mucho todo pasó a través de trabajo duro mundo ir miedo puede conseguir disfrutarlo
feeling completely overwhelmed im starting get another panic attack third time month ive though redflag feel completely unappreciated andi even cry anymore volunteered plan nice party mother one sister gotten thank either them feel like theres freaking point anything anymore top dollars bank account feel like life complete mess thought redflag years thought getting better im not need someone talk to know im far worst im sorry that
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling completely overwhelmed im starting get another panic attack third time month ive though redflag feel completely unappreciated andi even cry anymore volunteered plan nice party mother one sister gotten thank either them feel like theres freaking point anything anymore top dollars bank account feel like life complete mess thought redflag years thought getting better im not need someone talk to know im far worst im sorry that" ]
sentirme completamente abrumado empezar a tener otro ataque de pánico tercera vez mes vive aunque Redflag sentir completamente desapreciado e incluso llorar más plan voluntario buena fiesta madre una hermana recibió gracias o bien se sienten como theres punto cualquier cosa más alto dólares cuenta bancaria se siente como la vida completo desastre pensamiento Redflag años pensamiento mejorar no necesito alguien hablar para saber im mucho peor lo siento
sad excuse friend tried getting reported mw lol are playing v gunfight bitch audacity tell team im hacking tell stop says im serious hes hacking pussy thankfully team didnt believe mainly everytime got final kill missed majority shots showed true colors already blocked soo
[ "sad excuse friend tried getting reported mw lol are playing v gunfight bitch audacity tell team im hacking tell stop says im serious hes hacking pussy thankfully team didnt believe mainly everytime got final kill missed majority shots showed true colors already blocked soo" ]
triste excusa amigo tratado de ser reportado mw lol están jugando v tiroteo perra audacia let team im hacking dit stop dice im serio hes hacking coño afortunadamente el equipo no creía que sobre todo cada vez que se perdió la muerte final tiros de la mayoría mostró los colores verdaderos ya bloqueado soo
wish wasnt lonelyi one left wish someone cared enough notice gone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish wasnt lonelyi one left wish someone cared enough notice gone" ]
deseo no estaba solo, uno se fue deseo a alguien le importó suficiente aviso ido
like adult comedy cartoons like south park nearly similar format small adventures three teenage girls bromwell high keisha natella latrina given exploding sweets behaved like bitches think keisha good leader also small stories going teachers school theres idiotic principal mr bip nervous maths teacher many others cast also fantastic lenny henrys gina yashere eastenders chrissie watts tracyann oberman smack ponys doon mackichan dead ringers mark perry blunders nina conti know came canada good good
[ "like adult comedy cartoons like south park nearly similar format small adventures three teenage girls bromwell high keisha natella latrina given exploding sweets behaved like bitches think keisha good leader also small stories going teachers school theres idiotic principal mr bip nervous maths teacher many others cast also fantastic lenny henrys gina yashere eastenders chrissie watts tracyann oberman smack ponys doon mackichan dead ringers mark perry blunders nina conti know came canada good good" ]
como la comedia de adultos dibujos animados como South Park formato casi similar pequeñas aventuras tres adolescentes bromwell alto keisha natella latrina dado dulces explotados se comportan como perras piensan Keisha buen líder también pequeñas historias va profesores escuela Theres director idiota mr bip nervioso profesor matemáticas muchos otros elen también fantástico lenny henrys gina yashere Eastenders chrissie watts traciannn oberman shock ponys doon mackichan muertos ringers marca perry errores nina conti saber vino buena
ayo peepee poopoo check peepee poopoo uuuuuuuhhhh peepeepoopoo uuuhhhuhhh
[ "ayo peepee poopoo check peepee poopoo uuuuuuuhhhh peepeepoopoo uuuhhhuhhh" ]
ayo miepee poopoo check miepee poopoouuuuuuhhhh peepeopoouuuuhhuhhh
think every day refuse go would familylike title says struggled heavy depression last years months ago whole life plan wrecked id moved different state follow plans friends feel distant day date romantic interactions since november feel invisible radioactive time thinking lot killing myself thought past depressed lately ive thinking heavily details how when best way least impact family folks know struggling wrestling thoughts think understand serious become much im still thinking it im years old single lonely feel like dying would less painful also feel trapped refuse kill parents pass sister brother law busy family forget easily given time never considered unlovableundesirable within last months really become convinced going alone rest life may way uglier inside initially thought thoughts realizing may alone rest life well knowing go know least impactful possible makes feel stuck idea never talked thoroughly really sorry rambling run mess morning sort thinking things besides sentence structure bear me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think every day refuse go would familylike title says struggled heavy depression last years months ago whole life plan wrecked id moved different state follow plans friends feel distant day date romantic interactions since november feel invisible radioactive time thinking lot killing myself thought past depressed lately ive thinking heavily details how when best way least impact family folks know struggling wrestling thoughts think understand serious become much im still thinking it im years old single lonely feel like dying would less painful also feel trapped refuse kill parents passsister brother law busy family forget easily given time never considered unlovableundesirable within last months really become convinced going alone rest life may way uglier inside initially thought thoughts realizing may alone rest life well knowing go know least impactful possible makes feel stuck idea never talked thoroughly really sorry rambling run mess morning sort thinking things besides sentence structure bear me" ]
Creo que cada día rechazo ir título familiar dice lucha fuerte depresión los últimos años hace meses todo plan de vida destrozado id movido diferente estado seguir planes amigos se sienten distante día fechas interacciones románticas ya noviembre se siente invisible tiempo radioactivo pensar mucho matar pensar mucho pensamiento pasado deprimido últimamente ive pensamiento pesada cómo cuando mejor manera menos impacto familia amigos saben lucha pensamientos pensar seriamente entender mucho aún pensar en que im años de edad solo sentir como morir menos doloroso también se siente atrapado basura matar padres pasa hermana ley ocupado familia olvidar fácilmente dado tiempo nunca considerado inservibleindesirable dentro de los últimos meses realmente se convence ir solo descanso vida puede ser más feo en el interior pensamiento pensamiento pensamiento que puede solo descansar la vida bien saber menos impacto posible hace sentirse atascada idea nunca hablado a fondo realmente lo siento rambling correr desastre mañana tipo pensar cosas además de la estructura de la oración me llevan