even know writing herei want kill myself badly guess guts woulda done long time ago thought years feels different maybe listening frank sinatra wanna it wanna badly everytime think it think family dead care family get sad lonely year old guy give fuck anything years staying home playing video games failed college parents expect enter again much problem really bored life biggest problem gambling addiction parents send little bit money every month spend mostly ciggaretes gambling sometimes even money buy food feel sad gamble feel betterlose feel bad even know thoughts now usually think redflag bed nothing block thoughtsthe next day wake sit pc goes away now im sitting pc thoughts probably even commit today even know writing feeling sad really sad good wayeasy way seems redflag troubles gone sadness gone reason it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even know writing herei want kill myself badly guess guts woulda done long time ago thought years feels different maybe listening frank sinatra wanna it wanna badly everytime think it think family dead care family get sad lonely year old guy give fuck anything years staying home playing video games failed college parents expect enter again much problem really bored life biggest problem gambling addiction parents send little bit money every month spend mostly ciggaretes gambling sometimes even money buy food feel sad gamble feel betterlose feel bad even know thoughts now usually think redflag bed nothing block thoughtsthe next day wake sit pc goes away now im sitting pc thoughts probably even commit today even know writing feeling sad really sad good wayeasy way seems redflag troubles gone sadness gone reasonit" ]
Incluso saber escribir aquí quiero suicidarme mal supongo que las tripas hubieran hecho hace mucho tiempo pensamiento años se siente diferente tal vez escuchar franco sinatra quiere que quiera mal cada vez pensar que piensa familia cuidado muerto familia conseguir triste año solitario viejo chico dar mierda cualquier año quedarse en casa jugando videojuegos fallidos universidad padres esperan entrar de nuevo mucho problema realmente aburrido vida mayor problema de juego padres envían poco dinero cada mes gastan casi todo ciggaretes juego a veces incluso dinero comprar comida sentirse triste apuesta se sienten mejor se sienten mal incluso saber pensamientos ahora normalmente pensar redflag cama nada bloqueo pensamientos al día siguiente vela pc se va ahora im sentarse pensamientos pc probablemente incluso comprometerse hoy incluso saber la escritura sentirse triste muy triste triste manera fácil parece redflag problemas ido tristeza razón
comment fuck ass daddy post comment fuck ass daddy post
[ "comment fuck ass daddy post comment fuck ass daddy post" ]
comentario mierda culo papi post comment mierda culo papi post
playing minecraft increase memory noticed couple times actuallywhen ever play minecraft something seem remember going around me instance family watching moviethis happened six months ago still remember dialogue said remember gamei exploring cave second time noticed online class english decided play minecraft missed whole class could hear said still remember names characters story whole story understand possible since paying attention said class still remember word said block placed said anyone else relate me
[ "playing minecraft increase memory noticed couple times actuallywhen ever play minecraft something seem remember going around me instance family watching moviethis happened six months ago still remember dialogue said remember gamei exploring cave second time noticed online class english decided play minecraft missed whole class could hear said still remember names characters story whole story understand possible since paying attention said class still remember word said block placed said anyone else relate me" ]
jugar minecraft aumentar la memoria notó un par de veces en realidad cuando alguna vez jugar minecraft algo parece recordar yendo alrededor de mí instancia familia viendo películaEsto sucedió hace seis meses todavía recordar diálogo dijo gamei explorar cueva segunda vez notó en línea clase Inglés decidió jugar minecraft perdido clase entera podría oír decir todavía recordar nombres personajes historia historia toda entender posible ya que prestar atención dijo clase todavía recordar palabra dicho bloque colocado dijo que alguien más me relaciona
takes patience get david lynchs eccentric but change lifeaffirming chronicle alvin straights journey stick it though moves slow straights john deere meets kind strangers along pilgrimage learn much isolation aging painful regrets secrets ultimately power family reconciliation richard farnsworth caps career years genuine performance sad poetic flinty caring sissy spacek matches slow daughter rose pines private loss caring dad rarely modern film preached notredflagly family
[ "takes patience get david lynchs eccentric but change lifeaffirming chronicle alvin straights journey stick it though moves slow straights john deere meets kind strangers along pilgrimage learn much isolation aging painful regrets secrets ultimately power family reconciliation richard farnsworth caps career years genuine performance sad poetic flinty caring sissy spacek matches slow daughter rose pines private loss caring dad rarely modern film preached notredflagly family" ]
toma paciencia consigue david lynchs excéntricos pero cambia la vida afirmando crónica alvin rectas viaje palo él aunque se mueve rectas lentas john deere conoce a los extraños amables a lo largo de la peregrinación aprender mucho aislamiento envejecimiento doloroso arrepentimientos secretos en última instancia poder familia reconciliación ricard farnsworth tapas carrera años real rendimiento triste poético pelusa cuidado sissy spacek fósforos lenta hija rosa pinos pérdida privada cuidado papá rara vez moderna película predicada familia Notredflag
term classic film comes from wonderful story womans bravery courage extreme loyalty poor olan got sold uncaring husband years learned appreciate her yeah right pearl br br luise rainer beautiful star best actress oscar year small role and waste oscar the great zigfield really show what any talent exotic beauty good earth shows really act beauty erased great costumes either people say show real emotions film like hell character olan shy timid woman inner strength quiet parts film eyes body convey emotions example scenes fall city looters shot people saying act well film lookingbr br paul muni shows act well character likeable one me never sees is end story sweet loving dedicated wife mother special beauty greatest one all beauty within like pearlbr br if get chance see film watch it see one best films golden age hollywood created
[ "term classic film comes from wonderful story womans bravery courage extreme loyalty poor olan got sold uncaring husband years learned appreciate heryeah right pearl br br luise rainer beautiful star best actress oscar year small role and waste oscar the great zigfield really show what any talent exotic beauty good earth shows really act beauty erased great costumes either people say show real emotions film like hell character olan shy timid woman inner strength quiet parts film eyes body convey emotions example scenes fall city looters shot people saying act well film lookingbr br paul muni shows act well character likeable one me never sees is end story sweet loving dedicated wife mother special beauty greatest one all beauty within like pearlbr br if get chance see film watch it see one best films golden age hollywood created" ]
término película clásica viene de la historia maravillosa mujeres valentía coraje extrema lealtad pobre Olan se vendió uncareing marido años aprendido apreciar heryeah derecho perla br luise rainer hermosa estrella mejor actriz año oscar pequeño papel y desperdicio oscar el gran zigfield realmente mostrar lo que cualquier talento belleza exótica buena tierra muestra realmente acto belleza borrado grandes trajes o bien personas dicen mostrar emociones reales película como el infierno personaje olan tímida mujer fuerza interior partes tranquilas ojos de película transmitir emociones ejemplo escenas caída ciudad saqueadores tiro personas que dicen actuar bien película lookingbr brul muni shows actuar bien carácter agradable uno nunca ve es final historia dulce amor dedicada madre madre belleza más grande uno todos belleza dentro de como perla br si tienes oportunidad ver película ver una mejor película edad hollywood creado
im suicidal feel die one daytheres redflags parents families baby aunt killed forced abortion grandmother years later mums uncle killed struggled depression mum tried kill found dad cheating her admitted hospital months dad killed girlfriend left him thought better without him midteens youngest brother tried kill struggling everything know redflag left behind still feel like haunting me actually told school therapist maybe kill myself never actually told anyone time anyone would listened me anything hurt right now might sound silly reason living right dog ive seen life like without caring away college him right happiness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im suicidal feel die one daytheres redflags parents families baby aunt killed forced abortion grandmother years later mums uncle killed struggled depression mum tried kill found dad cheating her admitted hospital months dad killed girlfriend left him thought better without him midteens youngest brother tried kill struggling everything know redflag left behind still feel like haunting me actually told school therapist maybe kill myself never actually told anyone time anyone would listened me anything hurt right now might sound silly reason living right dog ive seen life like without caring away college him right happiness" ]
I suicidio se siente morir un díaTheres redflags padres familias bebé tía mató aborto forzado abuela años más tarde mamá tío mató lucha depresión mamá trató de matar encontró papá engañar a su hospital admitido meses papá mató novia lo dejó pensado mejor sin él mediados hermano menor trató de matar luchando todo saber Redflag dejado atrás todavía se siente como atormentarme en realidad me dijo terapeuta escolar tal vez nunca me dijo a nadie en realidad tiempo que alguien me escucharía algo herido en este momento podría sonar tonto razón de vivir derecho perro vive vida como sin preocuparse universidad felicidad derecha
posting everyday till get girlfriend day im actually piss one guy
[ "posting everyday till get girlfriend day im actually piss one guy" ]
Publicar todos los días hasta conseguir novia día im realmente mear un tipo
kind beggining feel like kill myselfi year old virgin culture brought mom especially made sex relationships heavily taboo actually even know act around people especially women get informal signals nothing wing it come across creepy desperate used think fat ugly holding back lost pounds s muscle great shape also mention im brown dude white city even brown girls seem spurn looks advances friends person talk regularly apart fake interactions coworkers brother beggining feel like rheseus monkeys socially dysfunctional harlows experiments act wrong cues based fact already stereotypical disadvantage begin different color add social ackwardness recipe disaster like monkeys fight shouldnt approach act indifferent picked people get socially excluded begins vicious cycle long term loneliness creates stress inconfidence makes small chance getting somewhere seem unlikely point suffering feel genuine real feel natural urge connect people try meet women however instead simple lack interest people begin dislike take social ackwardness sign malice point life feel problems ingrained change really want look long term solution
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kind beggining feel like kill myselfi year old virgin culture brought mom especially made sex relationships heavily taboo actually even know act around people especially women get informal signalsnothing wing it come across creepy desperate used think fat ugly holding back lost pounds s muscle great shape also mentionim brown dude white city even brown girls seem spurn looks advances friends person talk regularly apart fake interactions coworkers brother beggining feel like rheseus monkeys socially dysfunctional harlows experiments act wrong cues based fact already stereotypical disadvantage begin different color add social ackwardness recipe disaster like monkeys fight shouldnt approach act indifferent picked people get socially excluded begins vicious cycle long term loneliness creates stress inconfidence makes small chance getting somewhere seem unlikely point suffering feel genuine real feel natural urge connect people try meet women however instead simple lack interest people begin dislike take social ackwardness sign malice point life feel problems ingrained change really want look long term solution" ]
type beggining feel like kill gumei year virginal culture trad mom specially made sexo relations highly tabú really know act about people specifly women get informal signsnothing ala it come crossing scrall desespeed used think fat fea holding back beard s muscle s great scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch scretch scratch scratch sth scratch scratch sth scretch sth th scretch sth scretch sting sting sth sth sththment sth sth sthsthsth light sth sth sth sth sth sthmentsth light light light light light light light light light light sthsthsthsthsthsthsth light light light light light light lightsthsthsthsthsthsthsth light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light light
thinking redflag notedoes anyone this lately ive thinking stuff id say redflag note much suffered worthless am
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking redflag notedoes anyone this lately ive thinking stuffid say redflag note much suffered worthless am" ]
Pensando en la bandera roja notedoe a alguien que este último pensamiento live stuffid decir la bandera roja nota mucho sufrido sin valor am
realized something one fee mail friends flirting past couple months stupid ass noticed shes found someone else
[ "realized something one fee mail friends flirting past couple months stupid ass noticed shes found someone else" ]
Se dio cuenta de algo que un correo de honorarios amigos coqueteando pasados dos meses estúpido culo notó que ha encontrado a alguien más
know one cares mixed favorite oons videos together httpsstreamablecomiegc
[ "know one cares mixed favorite oons videos together httpsstreamablecomiegc" ]
sabe que a uno le importan los videos favoritos mezclados de oones juntos httpstreamablecomiegc
need talk someonei cant deal life anymore wanna kill self
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need talk someonei cant deal life anymore wanna kill self" ]
Necesito hablar que alguien no puede manejar la vida más quiere matarse a sí mismo
im ready dieeverything fault ruined sisters birthday mom isnt talking bc didnt guts tell suicidal im scared talk dad im afraid itll awkward im fucking pathetic feel alone maybe better hate me wont care im dead schools starting soon feeling wont make it somehow feel calm knowing wont live hell anymore everybody better without me burden family talent ambition hobbies hope future whats point living need try hard everday barely get by work ass school im going end shitty job barely pay rent life pointless im done trying get better evrytime things looking fall deeper hole feel like everything attempt make others proud im living myself id much rather first place im ready die couldnt feel peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im ready dieeverything fault ruined sisters birthday mom isnt talking bc didnt guts tell suicidal im scared talk dadim afraid itll awkwardim fucking pathetic feel alone maybe better hate me wont care im dead schools starting soon feeling wont make it somehow feel calm knowing wont live hellanymore everybody better without me burden family talent ambition hobbies hope future whats point living need try hard everday barely get by work ass school im going end shitty job barely pay rent life pointless im done trying get better evrytime things looking fall deeper hole feel like everything attempt make others proud im living myself id much rather first place im ready die couldnt feel peace" ]
Estoy listo para morir todo culpa arruinada hermanas cumpleaños mamá no es hablar bc didt trips decir suicida im miedo hablar papim miedo itll torpeim puto patético sentirse solo tal vez mejor odiarme no me importa Im muertos escuelas empezando pronto sentir no hará que de alguna manera se sienta tranquilo sabiendo que no va a vivir el infiernomás todo el mundo mejor sin mí carga familia talento ambición hobbies esperanza futuro ¿qué punto de la vida necesita tratar duro día a día apenas conseguir por el trabajo culo escuela voy a terminar trabajo de mierda apenas pagar alquiler vida sin sentido hice tratar de conseguir mejor evrytime cosas buscando caída agujero más profundo sentir como todo intento hacer que otros orgullosos im vivir yo mismo id mucho más bien primer lugar im ready more no podía sentir paz
les go accidentaly breaking old pc almost exactly getting new one going pain explain im fucked guys least tell explain properly
[ "les go accidentaly breaking old pc almost exactly getting new one going pain explain im fucked guys least tell explain properly" ]
les ir accidental romper viejo pc casi exactamente conseguir nuevo uno va dolor explicar im follada chicos menos decir explicar correctamente
wanna never go out one deserves around horrible self like punishment fucking see get fucking die
[ "wanna never go out one deserves around horrible self like punishment fucking see get fucking die" ]
quiero nunca salir uno se merece alrededor de horrible yo como castigo mierda ver conseguir mierda morir
told id never let girl dictate life life without doesnt feel worth livingi fucked up shes moved on everyone pales comparison havent loved like since dont know do dont know turn
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "told id never let girl dictate life life without doesnt feel worth livingi fucked up shes moved on everyone pales comparison havent loved like since dont know do dont know turn" ]
le dijo a id nunca dejar que la chica dictar vida vida sin no se siente digno de vivir jodido ella se movió en todo el mundo pálido comparación no me han amado como desde que no sé no sé vuelta
impressionable youth first experiencing gundam wing series upon rewatching series reconfirmed belief series beautifully animated plot gundam design character design character depth masterfully executed first appearing like boy band sorts stylish attractiveness characters partly credited great art individual personalities creating clear endearing distinctions among characters consequently extremely easy become drawn particular character personally liked heero stoic personality may biased sentimental attachment show childhood objectively say gundam wing addresses deeper questions war life general how obtain peace providing action packed battles large robot suits which say least excellent
[ "impressionable youth first experiencing gundam wing series upon rewatching series reconfirmed belief series beautifully animated plot gundam design character design character depth masterfully executed first appearing like boy band sorts stylish attractiveness characters partly credited great art individual personalities creating clear endearing distinctions among characters consequently extremely easy become drawn particular character personally liked heero stoic personality may biased sentimental attachment show childhood objectively say gundam wing addresses deeper questions war life general how obtain peace providing action packed battles large robot suits which say least excellent" ]
joven impresionable primero experimentar gundam ala serie al volver a ver la serie de creencias reconfirmada hermosamente animada trama Gundam diseño personaje diseño profundidad personaje ejecución magistral primera aparición como boy band clases elegantes atractivos personajes en parte acreditados grandes personalidades individuales arte creando claras distinciones entrañables entre los personajes por lo tanto extremadamente fácil se convierten en dibujado personaje particular personalmente gusto heero estoica personalidad puede sesgar apego sentimental mostrar infancia objetivamente decir gundam ala aborda preguntas más profundas vida de guerra general cómo obtener la paz proporcionando acción batallas llenas de trajes robots grandes que dicen menos excelente
whats wrong wanting livei really wanted alive around past years life told severe depression that understand logically want live enjoy every day grew great house supportive friends family drive wants get job productive member society never have yet get job date yet alive get people enjoy company parents love want much sit home parents play video games talk friends online time dinner talk parents almost every night cant want dead without people saying sort problem produce goods services wide enough audience able support myself know burden upon family want stuck idling away time them wrong wanting dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats wrong wanting livei really wanted alive around past years life told severe depression that understand logically want live enjoy every day grew great house supportive friends family drive wants get job productive member society never have yet get job date yet alive get people enjoy company parents love want much sit home parents play video games talk friends online time dinner talk parents almost every night cant want dead without people saying sort problem produce goods services wide enough audience able support myself know burden upon family want stuck idling away time them wrong wanting dead" ]
lo que está mal querer vivir realmente quería vivir alrededor de los últimos años la vida dijo depresión severa que entienden lógicamente querer vivir disfrutar cada día creció gran casa amigos apoyo familia unidad quiere conseguir trabajo socio productivo sociedad nunca han conseguido fecha de trabajo todavía vivo conseguir gente disfrutar de la compañía padres amor quieren mucho sentarse en casa padres jugar videojuegos amigos charla en línea hora cena hablar padres casi todas las noches no quieren muertos sin la gente que dice que tipo problema producir bienes servicios lo suficientemente amplio público capaz de apoyar a mí mismo saber carga sobre la familia quiere quedarse inactivo tiempo ellos mal querer muertos
person would chuck fucker meat grinder force hisher kids eat it many know chadwick boseman died cancer mean offend legends like kobe juice wrld grant imahara bosemans death first celebrity death actually make feel really sad black panther one alltime favorite superheroes boseman left us soon rest easy legend
[ "person would chuck fucker meat grinder force hisher kids eat it many know chadwick boseman died cancer mean offend legends like kobe juice wrld grant imahara bosemans death first celebrity death actually make feel really sad black panther one alltime favorite superheroes boseman left us soon rest easy legend" ]
la persona tiraría a la mierda trituradora de carne fuerza a sus hijos se lo comen muchos saben chadwick boseman murió cáncer significa ofender leyendas como jugo de kobe wrld subvención imahara bosemans muerte primera celebridad muerte realmente hacer sentir muy triste pantera negro uno todos los tiempos superhéroes favoritos boseman nos dejó pronto descansar fácil leyenda
cant make hell every day might seriously end todayevery day beyond hell every day lower deepest level hell never able get memories head someone put heart into never even got kiss fought for treated worse hitler treated jew history world lived it remember every day years end ive deeply deeply suicidal years ever since then ruined entire life one fills gap every time someone could fill comes life like recognize happened me god takes away me women like come way tell give time ive given seven years nothing fills gap going blow head off logical conclusion cant get rid memories im done waking hear hate betrayal towards me wish happened never happened wish wouldve worked out wish never committed loyal faithful three qualities mocked replacement im going die nothing fills gap nothing changes never understand like tortured long tell understand someone like come life soon way was person motivated anyone im going dead tonight im sick hearing lies im sick hearing peoples opinions ampxb im sick hearing peoples opinions know level suffering endured throughout entirety life timeline hundredfold worse yours want hear it want hear say kill yourself done living im done dead alive earth im done expected find happiness impossible find im done told understand me im done told understand pain im done everything want die right now every day right now want die just dont get how much suffered wish could bring everyone else around me realize magnitude heavy wake traumatic memories every day feel like im stabbed more god gave cancer top ruining life blesses people destroyed entire soul wish everyone felt pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant make hell every day might seriously end todayevery day beyond hell every day lower deepest level hell never able get memories head someone put heart into never even got kiss fought for treated worse hitler treated jew history world lived it remember every day years end ive deeply deeply suicidal years ever since then ruined entire life one fills gap every time someone could fill comes life like recognize happened me god takes away me women like come way tell give time ive given seven years nothing fills gap going blow head off logical conclusion cant get rid memories im done waking hear hate betrayal towards me wish happened never happened wish wouldve worked out wish never committed loyal faithful three qualities mocked replacement im going die nothing fills gap nothing changes never understand like tortured long tell understand someone like come life soon way was person motivated anyone im going dead tonightim sick hearing lies im sick hearing peoples opinions ampxb", "im sick hearing peoples opinions know level suffering endured throughout entirety life timeline hundredfold worse yours want hear it want hear say kill yourself done living im done dead alive earth im done expected find happiness impossible find im done told understand me im done told understand pain im done everything want die right now every day right now want die just dont get how much suffered wish could bring everyone else around me realize magnitude heavy wake traumatic memories every day feel like im stabbed more god gave cancer top ruining life blesses people destroyed entire soul wish everyone felt pain" ]
No puedo hacer el infierno cada día podría terminar seriamente hoy cada día más allá del infierno cada día más bajo nivel más profundo infierno nunca puede conseguir recuerdos cabeza alguien puso corazón en nunca llegó beso luchado por tratado peor Hitler tratada historia judía mundo vivió recordar todos los días años fin live profundamente profundamente suicida años desde entonces arruinado vida entera uno llena espacio cada vez que alguien podría llenar viene vida como reconocer me dio dios me quita mujeres como ven way contar dar tiempo da da siete años nada llena espacio va a soplar cabeza fuera conclusión lógica no puedo deshacerse recuerdos im hacer despertar escuchar odio traición hacia mí deseo sucedido nunca pasó deseo habría trabajado deseo nunca fiel fiel fiel tres cualidades burlado reemplazo im va a morir nada llena hueco nada cambia nunca entiende como torturar largo decir entender alguien como venir vida pronto fue persona motivado alguien im va muerto esta nocheim enfermo escuchar mentiras im enfermo gente opiniones ampxb
since day saw film came one top favorites blurb wrote amazon below im thrilled finally coming dvd films th anniversarybr br the last credit film explains appeal thank people manhattan whose island filmed charming witty romantic comedy love story written new yorkers peter bogdanovich native identify every location west th street ansonia old fao schwartz plaza roxy chez brigitte city limits country western club one gets impression entire ensemble cast clicked well offscreen on intimacy clearly communicated laughed cried better cats ode dorothy stratten also audrey hepburns last feature appearance she cameo subsequent film inner beauty seeps screen buy it make big tub popcorn curl someone love
[ "since day saw film came one top favorites blurb wrote amazon below im thrilled finally coming dvd films th anniversarybr br the last credit film explains appeal thank people manhattan whose island filmed charming witty romantic comedy love story written new yorkers peter bogdanovich native identify every location west th street ansonia old fao schwartz plaza roxy chez brigitte city limits country western club one gets impression entire ensemble cast clicked well offscreen on intimacy clearly communicated laughed cried better cats ode dorothy stratten also audrey hepburns last feature appearance she cameo subsequent film inner beauty seeps screen buy it make big tub popcorn curl someone love" ]
Desde el día vio película llegó un top favorito blurb escribió amazon abajo im emocionado finalmente venir dvd películas th aniversariobr br la última película de crédito explica apelación gracias gente manhattan cuya isla filmada encantadora ingeniosa comedia romántica historia de amor escrito nuevo yorkers peter bogdanovich nativo identificar cada ubicación oeste th calle ansonia viejo fao schwartz plaza roxy chez brigitte ciudad límites country Western club uno consigue impresión conjunto entero elenco clic bien offscreen en intimidad claramente comunicado rió mejor gatos odo dorothy stratten también audrey hepburns última aparición función ella cameo posterior película interior belleza filtra pantalla comprar lo hacen gran bañera popcorn rizado alguien amor
absolutely first film scared death happened catch older brotherrip watching it black white tv really good picture got interested shortly after folks bought color set and luck would it million dollar movie showing one sundaybr br i forgotten plot take long catch upand got scared hard time sleeping night mean sure movie involved creature came space could hear it see itand got hold late even now time still sends shiver spine true classic even better classic seen scare pants new generationbr br long live blob
[ "absolutely first film scared death happened catch older brotherrip watching it black white tv really good picture got interested shortly after folks bought color set and luck would it million dollar movie showing one sundaybr br i forgotten plot take long catch upand got scared hard time sleeping night mean sure movie involved creature came space could hear it see itand got hold late even now time still sends shiver spine true classic even better classic seen scare pants new generationbr br long live blob" ]
absolutamente primera película miedo muerte sucedió coger hermano mayor ver la televisión negro blanco realmente buena foto se interesó poco después de que la gente compró set de color y la suerte sería millón de dólares película mostrando un domingobr br I olvidado trama tomar mucho tiempo de recuperación y se asustó duro tiempo dormir noche significa seguro película criatura involucrada llegó espacio podía escucharlo y llegó tarde incluso ahora el tiempo todavía envía escalofrío columna verdadera clásico incluso mejor visto pantalones miedo nueva generaciónbr br larga vida blob
thank you times covid whatnot everyones life changed somehow know mine was however all sub repeatedly reminds maybe bad guys like giant online friend group chat send prolific memes well time look forward seeing whats new every waking morning peace cheese balls stay awesome
[ "thank you times covid whatnot everyones life changed somehow know mine was however all sub repeatedly reminds maybe bad guys like giant online friend group chat send prolific memes well time look forward seeing whats new every waking morning peace cheese balls stay awesome" ]
Gracias veces covid lo que no todo el mundo la vida cambió de alguna manera saber que el mío fue sin embargo todo sub repetidamente recuerda a los chicos malos como gigante en línea amigos chat grupo enviar memes prolíficos bien tiempo mirar hacia adelante ver lo que es nuevo cada mañana despierta bolas de queso paz mantenerse impresionante
gay people best people know okay dont get people cant like gay guys mean literally increase ur chances getting gf competition also take another guy them technically ultimate wingmen girls let lesbians take girls competition increases ur chances bf last thing know fact majority boys subreddit looked yuri least once might well cool point
[ "gay people best people know okay dont get people cant like gay guys mean literally increase ur chances getting gf competition also take another guy them technically ultimate wingmen girls let lesbians take girls competition increases ur chances bf last thing know fact majority boys subreddit looked yuri least once might well cool point" ]
gay gente mejor gente sabe bien no conseguir gente no puede como gay chicos significa literalmente aumentar nuestras posibilidades de conseguir gf competencia también tomar otro chico ellos técnicamente último compañeros chicas dejar lesbianas tomar chicas competencia aumenta nuestras posibilidades bf última cosa saber hecho mayoría chicos subreddit mirada yuri menos una vez podría bien punto fresco
sick jokepreviously going kill feb manage survive point occupy several days yeh maybe im far like around years then thinking new semester starts st april might well kill day background recently knew well dugged past classify mentally weak physically weak happened got genes like parents mom died redflag crippling depression giving birth me also diagnosed something called baby blues father cheated mom knew something wrong mom make things funny year mom passed away live together house living room hahaha first thought cheated girlfriend bestfriend last semester hs one month prior national exam already bad enough recently september last year ex left ex depression recently learned this done myself like legit im tired keep feeling dejected time goes on bestfriends my family heck even father say it pass there people went worse yeh ill keep facade nothing happens everyone else community im counting days end i seek help counseling instesively within economic capability yeah somehow still see worth keep moving forward who myself judging experience ending still looks better option
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sick jokepreviously going kill feb manage survive point occupy several days yeh maybe im far like around years then thinking new semester starts st april might well kill day background recently knew well dugged past classify mentally weak physically weak happened got genes like parents mom died redflag crippling depression giving birth me also diagnosed something called baby blues father cheated mom knew something wrong mom make things funny year mom passed away live together house living room hahaha first thought cheated girlfriend bestfriend last semester hs one month prior national exam already bad enough recently september last year ex left ex depression recently learned this done myself like legit im tired keep feeling dejected time goes on bestfriends my family heck even father say it pass there people went worse yeh ill keep facade nothing happens everyone else community im counting days end i seek help counseling instesively within economic capabilityyeah somehow still see worth keep moving forward who myself judging experience ending still looks better option" ]
Yeh tal vez estoy lejos como alrededor de años entonces pensar nuevo semestre comienza st abril bien podría matar el fondo del día recientemente sabido bien excavado pasado clasificar mentalmente débil físicamente débil sucedió tiene genes como los padres mamá murió redflag parappling depresión dar a luz también me diagnosticó algo llamado bebé blues padre engañado mamá sabía algo mal mamá hacer cosas divertidas año mamá murió vivir juntos casa sala de estar hahahaha primero pensamiento engañado novia bestfriend el semestre pasado hs un mes antes examen nacional ya bastante malo hace poco septiembre el año pasado ex izquierda ex depresión recientemente aprendido esto hecho como legit im cansado seguir sintiéndose abatido tiempo pasa en bestfriends mi familia heck incluso padre dicen que pasa allí la gente fue peor yeh mal mantener fachada nada pasa todos los demás comunidad im contar días final yo buscar ayuda asesoramiento instesicamente dentro de la capacidad económica síah de alguna manera todavía ver vale la pena seguir adelante que yo mismo juzgar experiencia final aún parece mejor opción
ok amma honest like thigh high socks said it
[ "ok amma honest like thigh high socks said it" ]
ok amma honesto como calcetines altos muslo lo dijo
losing battle anxietyive fighting battle get severe anxiety symptoms control started visit doctor months ago prescribed pills suicidal psychotic break committed mental institution day returned work next day arranged week leave absence ive seeing psychiatrist times week past month im trying resolve issues behavioral therapy rather ssris tried hardest get back track work last week work stress ramped friday night wreck spent entire weekend suicidal angry state job stressful field amazing potential dedicate it want derail track morning woke overwhelmed dry heaving ever since worst physical anxiety symptom one worst parts life past years become paralyzed throwing up nothing comes out ive going meetings dry heaving trembling between go meetings enough adrenaline kicks keep body zone dry heave situations killing me hiding killing me pretending strong fine killing me think dry heaving produces endorphins think im addicted endorphins get barely enough focus function get back track cant afford let coworkers know im continuing anxiety problems career everything me point already using leave absence need tackle anxiety problems privately going forward retain job friends im going months im recovering codependent different counseling last year revealed almost relationships toxic used stereotypical nice guy im confused asshole required social skills jibe ive reinvent myself think killing myself keep saying more words i want kill myself seem compulsively project mouth hundreds times day im alone cant get control weekend kept writing insane rants subreddit either id delete immediately post them keep crying help different ways seem rational seem insane one rational ones
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "losing battle anxietyive fighting battle get severe anxiety symptoms control started visit doctor months ago prescribed pills suicidal psychotic break committed mental institution day returned work next day arranged week leave absence ive seeing psychiatrist times week past month im trying resolve issues behavioral therapy rather ssris tried hardest get back track work last week work stress ramped friday night wreck spent entire weekend suicidal angry state job stressful field amazing potential dedicate it want derail track morning woke overwhelmed dry heaving ever since worst physical anxiety symptom one worst parts life past years become paralyzed throwing up nothing comes out ive going meetings dry heaving trembling between go meetings enough adrenaline kicks keep body zone dry heave situations killing me hiding killing me pretending strong fine killing me think dry heaving produces endorphins think im addicted endorphins get barely enough focus function get back track cant afford let coworkers know im continuing", "anxiety problems career everything me point already using leave absence need tackle anxiety problems privately going forward retain job friends im going months im recovering codependent different counseling last year revealed almost relationships toxic used stereotypical nice guy im confused asshole required social skills jibe ive reinvent myself think killing myself keep saying more words i want kill myself seem compulsively project mouth hundreds times day im alone cant get control weekend kept writing insane rants subreddit either id delete immediately post them keep crying help different ways seem rational seem insane one rational ones" ]
pérdida batalla ansiedad lucha batalla conseguir severa ansiedad síntomas control comenzó visita doctor meses hace píldoras suicida psicóticos ruptura cometida institución mental día de regreso trabajo al día siguiente arreglado semana ausencia iv ver psiquiatra tiempos semana el mes pasado im intentar resolver problemas terapia conductual lugar ssris tratado más duro volver trabajo de seguimiento la semana pasada trabajo stress rampado viernes noche naufragio pasó el fin de semana suicida estado enojado trabajo estresante campo increíble potencial dedicar que quieren descarrilamiento pista mañana despertó abrumado seco heaviing siempre desde peor ansiedad física una peor vida de los años pasados se paralizó vomitar nada sale ive ir reuniones seco temblando entre ir reuniones suficiente adrenalina patadas mantener el cuerpo zona seca alzada situaciones que me matan escondiéndome fingiendo fuerte multa matarme pensar en seco heaviing produce endorfinas cree im adictos endorfinas conseguir apenas suficiente enfoque función volver pista no puede permitirse dejar que los compañeros de trabajo sepan im continuar
think becoming adult me im already aint got long leftive depressed ever since remember depressed mean need die even child would imagine death help get sleep ive never get help whatever parents think im moody dampened girl anyway ive tried kill past via bleach drinking oding loads class as suffocation recently trains fast ones parents know noting these im unemployed lack talent speciality love films thats im studying im realsitic know never make film producer taste cinema laziness anyway im looking help typical redflag watch kind way feel like write thoughts someone know read maybe impartial say things thank much even considering read way thought adult vulgar me see hope going personality kind good come it im hardly hold conversation anyone even best friends bf feel like become someone else able say things sit silence like much desire get away things much already supposed good looks theyre going stay forever say whats fucking point ive always hated kids thats agenda believe marriage someone like me thing waiting future broken dreams failed relationships book upon books regrets always felt way going die redflag never knew when thing ill miss sunshine feeling loved love besides that say never asked born buy ticket ride take it spoken people never take seriously laugh off suppose reddit answer thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think becoming adult me im already aint got long leftive depressed ever since remember depressed mean need die even child would imagine death help get sleep ive never get help whatever parents think im moody dampened girl anyway ive tried kill past via bleach drinking oding loads class as suffocation recently trains fast ones parents know noting these im unemployed lack talent speciality love films thats im studying im realsitic know never make film producer taste cinema lazinessanyway im looking help typical redflag watch kind way feel like write thoughts someone know read maybe impartial say things thank much even considering read way thought adult vulgar me see hope going personality kind good come it im hardly hold conversation anyone even best friends bf feel like become someone else able say things sit silence like much desire get away things much already supposed good looks theyre going stay forever say whats fucking point ive always hated kids thats", "agenda believe marriage someone like me thing waiting future broken dreams failed relationships book upon books regrets always felt way going die redflag never knew when thing ill miss sunshine feeling loved love besides that say never asked born buy ticket ride take it spoken people never take seriously laugh off suppose reddit answer thank reading" ]
Creo que llegar a ser adulto me im aint ya se puso largo zurdo deprimido desde que recuerdo deprimido necesidad necesidad morir incluso niño imaginaría muerte ayuda conseguir sueño i nunca conseguir ayuda lo que los padres piensan im moody humeded chica de todos modos i i triped kill pass via lejía beber oding carga clase como asfixia recientemente trenes rápidos padres saben notando estos im desempleado falta talento especialidad amor películas que im estudiar im realsitic saber nunca hacer cine productor sabor cine lazinessde todos modos im buscar ayuda típico reloj de bandera roja amable manera se siente como escribir pensamientos alguien sabe leer tal vez imparcial decir las cosas muchas gracias incluso considerando la manera de leer pensamiento adulto vulgar me ver esperanza ir personalidad bueno bueno viene im apenas mantener conversación alguien incluso mejores amigos bf se siente como convertirse en alguien más capaz de decir las cosas sentarse silencio como mucho deseo alejarse de las cosas mucho ya supone buena mirada que van a quedarse para siempre decir lo que mierda punto que siempre odian niños que
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[ "join skribbl httpsskribblioyycucnknqym" ]
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number day day filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "number day day filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
número de día relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
never heard film saw rental dvd bit sceptical many films past good ensemble casts cant anything film bad script cases seem carebr br well watched reason give movie theatrical release good story like genre seem little forced times appear good amount realism allows momentum carry pleasantly surprised good job justin timberlake major role ok hes oscar material yet hell learn role shows lot promise future here dylan mcdermott amazingly good unexpectedly nasty role definitely cream crop moviebr br ultimately give go disappointed bored fact think happy end result
[ "never heard film saw rental dvd bit sceptical many films past good ensemble casts cant anything film bad script cases seem carebr br well watched reason give movie theatrical release good story like genre seem little forced times appear good amount realism allows momentum carry pleasantly surprised good job justin timberlake major role ok hes oscar material yet hell learn role shows lot promise future here dylan mcdermott amazingly good unexpectedly nasty role definitely cream crop moviebr br ultimately give go disappointed bored fact think happy end result" ]
nunca he oído película vio alquiler dvd poco escéptico muchas películas pasado buen conjunto elenco no puede nada película mal guión casos parecen carebr br bien visto razón dar película teatral lanzamiento buena historia como género parece poco tiempo forzado parece buena cantidad realismo permite impulso llevar agradablemente sorprendido buen trabajo just woodemlake papel principal ok hes oscar material y sin embargo infierno aprender papel muestra mucho promesa futuro aquí dylan mcdermott sorprendentemente bueno inesperadamente desagradable papel definitivamente crema cosecha película br br finalmente dar ir hecho aburrido decepcionado pensar feliz resultado final
gotten worse idk everything getting better better id gotten loosing friends id mostly gotten crush getting bf hadnt cut months hadnt cried weeks started trust people again flipped around returned back havent cut yet ive looked open window way hadnt months ive cried first time couple weeks people keep saying itll get better hasnt years gotten worse idek im supposed anymore
[ "gotten worse idk everything getting better better id gotten loosing friends id mostly gotten crush getting bf hadnt cut months hadnt cried weeks started trust people again flipped around returned back havent cut yet ive looked open window way hadnt months ive cried first time couple weeks people keep saying itll get better hasnt years gotten worse idek im supposed anymore" ]
cada vez peor Idk todo cada vez mejor id mejor Id consiguió perder amigos Id mayormente consiguió aplastamiento conseguir bf hadnt corte meses no había llorado semanas comenzaron confianza la gente de nuevo volteó vuelta atrás no have corte sin embargo ive parecía abierta ventana manera hadnt meses ive lloró primera vez par de semanas la gente sigue diciendo que va a conseguir mejor hadnt años empeoró idek im supuesto más
best everything best everything different everyone us love alas everyone knows look real love story goes whole gambit looking love sometimes wrong places wrong reasons saying goeswe captains ships goes lives responsible choices make lives make choices must live them watch story see women making choices likely change lives forever wonder would make choices women would wiser knows
[ "best everything best everything different everyone us love alas everyone knows look real love story goes whole gambit looking love sometimes wrong places wrong reasons saying goeswe captains ships goes lives responsible choices make lives make choices must live them watch story see women making choices likely change lives forever wonder would make choices women would wiser knows" ]
lo mejor todo lo mejor todo lo diferente todo el mundo nos ama alas todo el mundo sabe mirar verdadera historia de amor va todo gambito buscando amor a veces lugares equivocados razones equivocadas decir gowe capitans barcos va vidas decisiones responsables hacer las vidas las elecciones deben vivir ver la historia ver las mujeres tomar decisiones probablemente cambiar vidas para siempre se preguntaría tomar decisiones las mujeres más sabias sabe
first youtube video made closer today look months years months since video made back video made years months away december
[ "first youtube video made closer today look months years months since video made back video made years months away december" ]
primer vídeo youtube hecho más cerca hoy mirar meses años meses desde vídeo hecho de nuevo vídeo hizo años meses de diciembre
mights topic reacting goesjust know im twelve year ols girl whos gonna go highschool next year found long ago wanted share piece story yeah happened recently moth ago mom got argument slapped end always overreacted starded crying made drawing like always im sad mom came room yelling accusing taking lunchboxkinda stupid drunk drugs yeah cried couse im sensative saw drawing yelled kill jump stuff couse drawing words help itbut yeah dont wanna say got punches thats fine besides that ive kinda depressed years usually keep fake smile face try make others happy yeah ive looking back things shes done feel horrible think im reason alcoholic im reason took away little sistershes ive thinking throwing bridge neer house drowning myself even though arms already bloody dont know stop feel useless hopeless dont know guys maybe give advice sorry im asking much sorry overreacting bye now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mights topic reacting goesjust know im twelve year ols girl whos gonna go highschool next year found long ago wanted share piece storyyeah happened recently moth ago mom got argument slapped end always overreacted starded crying made drawing like always im sad mom came room yelling accusing taking lunchboxkinda stupid drunk drugsyeah cried couseim sensative saw drawing yelled kill jump stuffcouse drawing words help itbutyeah dont wanna say got punches thats fine besides that ive kinda depressed years usually keep fake smile face try make others happyyeah ive looking back things shes done feel horrible think im reasonalcoholicim reason took away little sistershes ive thinking throwing bridge neer house drowning myself even though arms already bloody dont know stop feel useless hopeless dont know guys maybe give advice sorry im asking much sorry overreacting bye now" ]
El tema de los mays reactioning goesjust know im 12 years ols girl whos go gonna goin school el próximo año encontrado hace mucho tiempo want share part storyyeah sucede hace poco moth ago mom got discussion schooled schooled school school school school schoolschoolschoolschoolschoolschoolschoolscheolscheolscheolschealreated drawings como siempre im triste mamá vino a la habitación gritando tomando bunchboxkin un estúpido borracho drogas yeah llory couseim sensative schailschill schoolschill schoolschoolschails schoolscheelspools schoolschills going schoolschellschools been schoolschoolsthere live ive live ive live live live s goin that ive ive ive ive live ive live live live live wean anyl anyled anyless someans someans someans someans somean s somean sche sche sche sche sche sche sche sche schol't sche sche schel't sche schellschell schellschellsssschellsssssche't assss tot anys tot anys schells s sche s s schells s s s.
self hatred redflagi feel like minds equilibrium feel less suicidal mind put intense amount pain make suicidal good works ways also means never get better right im filled intense self hatred im ugly fuck good people broken refused date theyve found unattractive im useless theres single thing matters right friends family would prefer killed myself told several times im waste space im suicidal long stopped trying im much coward kill myself want rip arms off want cut theres nothing left bone im mentally stable im emotionally stable know bother im living particular reason need die kill myself know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "self hatred redflagi feel like minds equilibrium feel less suicidal mind put intense amount pain make suicidal good works ways also means never get betterright im filled intense self hatred im ugly fuck good people broken refused date theyve found unattractive im useless theres single thing matters right friends family would prefer killed myself told several times im waste space im suicidal long stopped trying im much coward kill myself want rip arms off want cut theres nothing left boneim mentally stableim emotionally stable know bother im living particular reason need die kill myself know do" ]
auto odio redflagi sentir como la mente equilibrio sentir menos suicida mente poner cantidad intensa dolor hacer suicida buenas obras maneras también significa nunca conseguir betterright im relleno intenso auto odio im fea buena gente rotos rechazado fecha han encontrado poco atractivo im inservible Theres solo asuntos derecho amigos familia preferiría matarme conté varias veces im desperdicio espacio im suicida mucho tiempo dejó de intentar im mucho cobarde matarme quiero arrancarme los brazos corte no hay nada que quede hueso mental estable emocionalmente sabe molestia im vida particular razón necesidad de morir matarme saber hacer
sure say here looking talked need talk outso im sure people would envy life im still kinda young mid s wife daughter full time job home im loved family im respected professionally too sent wife running house crying knife throat reason cut would family ive wanted end years now wife keeps telling bad itll end it im sure itll worse stay heres story since afghanistan keeping two thoughts together challenge came home months combat unscathed home relax drank drunk year doctors base threatened put institution sober up lied said sobering up didnt drank quietly months met girl would become wife years felt good calm sobered real got married kid wedding started getting angry angry stupidest shit always getting angry angrier become am simplest thing set off cant see straight cant think even im angry distract reddit xbox movies always work especially tablet game crashes really sets off ive counselling since got back fools quest every doctor either stereotypical joke pushes pills get military so end explaining things talk now im wits end cant think clearly see clearly except im thinking ending it thing keeping would family im afraid working anymore im positive stayed id damage wife not physically emotionally daughter would end like me angry distraught distant like said im talked down wanted somewhere could talk out im going today ill need find place method make worse anyone walking traffic would fuck whoever hit me jumping building would fuck anyone saw eating bullet would create mess want family see want gun community another statistic hanging would leave someone find me could get boat id step side tied bag rocks kind want family body bury is crazy writing actually helped calm down now next time think may walk never return thanks reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sure say here looking talked need talk outso im sure people would envy life im still kinda young mid s wife daughter full time job homeim loved family im respected professionally too sent wife running house crying knife throat reason cut would family ive wanted end years now wife keeps telling bad itll end itim sure itll worse stay heres story since afghanistan keeping two thoughts together challenge came home months combat unscathed home relax drank drunk year doctors base threatened put institution sober up lied said sobering up didnt drank quietly months met girl would become wife years felt good calm sobered real got married kid wedding started getting angry angry stupidest shit always getting angry angrier become am simplest thing set off cant see straight cant think even im angry distract reddit xbox movies always work especially tablet game crashes really sets off ive counselling since got back fools quest every doctor either stereotypical joke pushes pills get military so end explaining things talk now im wits end cant think clearly see clearly except im thinking ending it thing keeping would family im afraid working anymore", "im positive stayed id damage wife not physically emotionally daughter would end like me angry distraught distant like said im talked down wanted somewhere could talk out im going today ill need find place method make worse anyone walking traffic would fuck whoever hit me jumping building would fuck anyone saw eating bullet would create mess want family see want gun community another statistic hanging would leave someone find me could get boat id step side tied bag rocks kind want family body bury is crazy writing actually helped calm down now next time think may walk never return thanks reading" ]
Seguro decir aquí mirando hablado necesidad hablar por lo que estoy seguro de que la gente envidiaría la vida im todavía un poco joven mitad de la esposa hija trabajo a tiempo completo homeim familia amado profesionalmente respeto im envío esposa correr casa llorando cuchillo garganta razón corte familia vivir desea finales años ahora esposa sigue diciendo mal itill final seguro itill peor quedarse aquí historia ya que afganistán mantener dos pensamientos juntos desafío llegó casa meses combate hogar relajado borracho borracho año médicos base amenazada poner institución sobrio mentira dijo sobrio no bebía tranquilamente meses se reunió chica se convirtió en esposa años se sentía bien sobria real se casó boda niño comenzó a enojarse más estúpida mierda se enojó más enojado cada vez más enojado soy más simple cosa se puso en marcha derecho no se puede pensar incluso im enojado distraer reddit xbox películas siempre funciona especialmente tabletas accidentes de juego realmente se activa asesoramiento desde volver tontos búsqueda cada médico o broma estereotipo empuja píldoras conseguir militar así que termina explica las cosas hablar ahora im wits extremo no puede pensar claramente ver claramente excepto im pensar terminar con ella cosa mantener familia im miedo trabajo más
figured out apparently cant soup fork normally u directly drink bowl
[ "figured out apparently cant soup fork normally u directly drink bowl" ]
descubierto aparentemente cant sopa tenedor normalmente u directamente beber tazón
thing guys figured pajama pants underwear comfortable thing ever
[ "thing guys figured pajama pants underwear comfortable thing ever" ]
lo que los chicos imaginaron pantalones de pijama ropa interior cosa cómoda nunca
fuck rsex posted something saying dont get people think wrong suck dickeat pussy post got taken mods everyone basically shaming girlfriend wanting give head calling stupid ok decision still thinking shes love life im probably getting banned sub someone insulted girlfriend called ho posting nudes online fuck them supposedly sex positive apparently thats youre whorefuck boy sex people get married post nudes fucking cunts
[ "fuck rsex posted something saying dont get people think wrong suck dickeat pussy post got taken mods everyone basically shaming girlfriend wanting give head calling stupid ok decision still thinking shes love life im probably getting banned sub someone insulted girlfriend called ho posting nudes online fuck them supposedly sex positive apparently thats youre whorefuck boy sex people get married post nudes fucking cunts" ]
mierda rsex posted algo diciendo no hacer que la gente piensa mal chupar polla coño post se llevó mods todo el mundo básicamente avergonzar novia que quiere dar la cabeza llamando estúpido ok decisión todavía pensando ellas amor vida im probablemente conseguir prohibido sub alguien insultada novia llamada ho publicar desnudos en línea follan supuestamente sexo positivo aparentemente eso es youre puta follan chico sexo gente se casan post desnudos putas
obviously enjoyment struggle period lot us least remember time enjoyed personal hobbies even fleeting five minutes every year years writing song painting picture sipping tea book walk park sunset one around meeting friends family whatever collective happinessenjoyment seems unreachable cannot remember time could partake it collective would going euro football people work talking it taking day it meeting pub celebrate getting hyper rowdy etc thinkwhat point rich folk kicking ball brings millions people happiness even though actions kicking ball alienated individual could anything sporthobbyrally could world cup olympics basically anything collective anyone feel way express better christmas another collective would always felt depression worsening starts september shops basically demands collective celebratory approach leads new year many countries blast millions poundsdollarseuros sky five minutes collective enjoyment could spent health education homelessness would rather celebrate christmas enjoying day day it good food good company anybody else struggle collective enjoyment
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "obviously enjoyment struggle period lot us least remember time enjoyed personal hobbies even fleeting five minutes every year years writing song painting picture sipping tea book walk park sunset one around meeting friends family whatever collective happinessenjoyment seems unreachable cannot remember time could partake it collective would going euro football people work talking it taking day it meeting pub celebrate getting hyper rowdy etc thinkwhat point rich folk kicking ball brings millions people happiness even though actions kicking ball alienated individual could anything sporthobbyrally could world cup olympics basically anything collective anyone feel way express better christmas another collective would always felt depression worsening starts september shops basically demands collective celebratory approach leads new year many countries blast millions poundsdollarseuros sky five minutes collective enjoyment could spent health education homelessness would rather celebrate christmas enjoying day day it good food good company anybody else struggle collective enjoyment" ]
Obviamente disfrute lucha período lote nosotros menos recordar tiempo disfrutado pasatiempos personales incluso fugaces cinco minutos cada año composición pintura pintura foto sorber tea book walk park puesta de sol uno alrededor conocer amigos familia cualquier felicidad colectiva alegría parece inalcanzable no recordar tiempo podría participar colectiva iba a ir euro fútbol gente trabajar hablarlo teniendo día reunión pub celebrar hiper ruido etc pensarqué punto rico folk patada pelota trae millones de personas felicidad a pesar de acciones patada pelota individual alienado cualquier cosa sporthobbyrally podría mundial taza olympics básicamente cualquier colectivo cualquiera se siente manera expresar mejor Navidad otro colectivo siempre sentiría depresión empeora comienza septiembre tiendas básicamente exige enfoque colectivo celebratorio lleva nuevo año muchos países explosión millones de libraseuros cielo cinco minutos disfrute colectivo podría pasar educación salud sin hogar preferiría celebrar Navidad disfrutando día es buena comida buena compañía cualquier otra lucha disfrute colectivo
whos tryna cry feel like crying
[ "whos tryna cry feel like crying" ]
quien intenta llorar tiene ganas de llorar
love sisters gave mom christmas gift early teddy bear voice recording know whos voice recorded mom played thats tears came grandma passed away years ago heard voice since day passed mom bawling mom sisters closest hit hard say grateful family cherish spend time theyre
[ "love sisters gave mom christmas gift early teddy bear voice recording know whos voice recorded mom played thats tears came grandma passed away years ago heard voice since day passed mom bawling mom sisters closest hit hard say grateful family cherish spend time theyre" ]
amor hermanas le dio a mamá regalo de Navidad temprano osito de peluche voz grabación saber quién voz grabada mamá tocó que lágrimas vino abuela murió hace años escuchó voz desde el día pasado mamá gimoteo mamá hermanas más golpeado duro decir agradecido cariño de la familia pasar tiempo ellosre
redflag attempt tonight shall ending life half miserable years earth hope isnt afterlife simply dont want alive memories glad brought round again end suffering good tried everything help think best solution written note completely prepared thank help tried give really think best goodbye fucking horrible existence
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag attempt tonight shall ending life half miserable years earth hope isnt afterlife simply dont want alive memories glad brought round again end suffering good tried everything help think best solution written note completely prepared thank help tried give really think best goodbye fucking horrible existence" ]
Redflag intento esta noche terminará la vida medio miserable años tierra esperanza esnt más allá simplemente no quiero recuerdos vivos alegres traídos de nuevo final sufrimiento bien probado todo ayudar a pensar mejor solución escrita nota completamente preparada gracias ayuda intentado dar realmente pensar mejor adiós puta horrible existencia
ok doctors appointment today walked wand put heart download brain stuff updated chest left
[ "ok doctors appointment today walked wand put heart download brain stuff updated chest left" ]
ok médico cita hoy caminado varita poner corazón descarga cosas cerebro actualizado pecho izquierda
shy introvert complete pushoverbut become rapidly angry violent shit every human becoming violent rage infused stand sucks opinion redflag gene generations dead males
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "shy introvert complete pushoverbut become rapidly angry violent shit every human becoming violent rage infused stand sucks opinion redflag gene generations dead males" ]
tímido introvertido completo pushover, pero convertirse rápidamente enojado violenta mierda cada humano convertirse en violenta rabia infundido stand chupa opinión Redflag genes generaciones muertos hombres
use depressive thoughts live carelesslythis post everyone guys feeling suicidal ive there many timesuntil broke patterns realising life really is nothing know could figment imagination go careless fun give zero fucks words become sort hedonist whats worst could happen could die none us would mind whats point cutting chase make whatever existence isand stop caring freeing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "use depressive thoughts live carelesslythis post everyone guys feeling suicidal ive there many timesuntil broke patterns realising life really is nothing know could figment imagination go careless fun give zero fucks words become sort hedonist whats worst could happen could die none us would mind whats point cutting chase make whatever existence isand stop caring freeing" ]
usar pensamientos depresivos vivir descuidadamente este post todos los chicos se sienten suicidas vivir allí muchas veces hasta patrones rotos realizar la vida realmente es nada saber podría imaginar la imaginación ir despreocupada diversión dar cero mierdas palabras llegar a ser una especie de hedonista lo que peor podría suceder podría morir ninguno nos importaría qué punto cortar la persecución hacer lo que sea la existencia y dejar de preocuparse por la liberación
tried youngtried second time painfuli really seen thruthe third time would want painless space time body mind fight through right timeit change alot things sorry howevernothing always seemsthe day mind stops day define peace soon going it inevitable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried youngtried second time painfuli really seen thruthe third time would want painless space time body mind fight through right timeit change alot things sorry howevernothing always seemsthe day mind stops day define peace soon going it inevitable" ]
Intentado joven prueba segunda vez doloroso realmente visto a través de la tercera vez querría espacio sin dolor tiempo cuerpo mente lucha a través del tiempo correcto cambia muchas cosas lo siento sin embargo nada parece que el día la mente se detiene día definir la paz pronto va inevitable
brotherthe last years agony senses word diagnosed kidney condition writhing pain flares up vomiting violently mother shouts hell broken loose saying caused condition nothing make better despite fact ever get better failed get second year levels went college left year course wanted carry appeal faded work father electrician plan start apprenticeship electrician mother however wants gone constantly reminding failures comparing everyone else work uni feel like thing holding back fact care brother
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "brotherthe last years agony senses word diagnosed kidney condition writhing pain flares up vomiting violently mother shouts hell broken loose saying caused condition nothing make better despite fact ever get better failed get second year levels went college left year course wanted carry appeal faded work father electrician plan start apprenticeship electrician mother however wants gone constantly reminding failures comparing everyone else work uni feel like thing holding back fact care brother" ]
hermano los últimos años agonía sentidos palabra diagnosticada condición renal retorcimiento dolor brotes hasta vómitos violentamente madre gritos infierno desatado diciendo causa condición nada hacer mejor a pesar de hecho nunca mejor fracaso conseguir segundo año niveles ido universidad izquierda curso quería llevar apelación trabajo desvanecido padre plan electricista iniciar aprendizaje madre eléctrica sin embargo quiere ir constantemente recordar fracasos comparando todos los demás trabajo uni sentir como cosa contención hecho cuidado hermano
blue cheese want share it title says all enjoy
[ "blue cheese want shareit title says all enjoy" ]
queso azul quiere título shareit dice que todos disfruten
yo anyone recommend great wholesome yuri manga manga doujin im trying break away stuff
[ "yo anyone recommend great wholesome yuri mangamanga doujin im trying break away stuff" ]
Yo nadie recomienda gran sano yuri mangamangaganga doujin im tratando de romper cosas
whys hardlast night got drunk wrote redflag note laid diaries filled every suicidal depressive thought past year tried hang myself ive anti depressants week theyve taken away fear killing myself would chicken breakdown time sat trying trying hour cant cry anymore theres drop go one methods cuts carotid arteries hurts maybe im cutting carotid arteries enough one worst pains ive ever felt head throbbing front brain almost feels like two knives inserted eyes kept trying falling unconscious whatsoever one point started stopwatch phone see long attempts were one seconds hurt much tried adjusting using cut airwaves made choke cough last attempt time it instead sang along song playing itunes head distracting pain longest attempt hurt much kayne song came on fucking dying kanye lmao gave up put everything away went bathroom going bed noticed eyes completely bloodshot burst capillaries face theyre still hours later whys hard die know people successfully it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whys hardlast night got drunk wrote redflag note laid diaries filled every suicidal depressive thought past year tried hang myself ive anti depressants week theyve taken away fear killing myself would chicken breakdown time sat trying trying hour cant cry anymore theres drop go one methods cuts carotid arteries hurts maybe im cutting carotid arteries enough one worst pains ive ever felt head throbbing front brain almost feels like two knives inserted eyes kept trying falling unconscious whatsoever one point started stopwatch phone see long attempts were one seconds hurt much tried adjusting using cut airwaves made choke cough last attempt time it instead sang along song playing itunes head distracting pain longest attempt hurt much kayne song came on fucking dying kanye lmao gave up put everything away went bathroom going bed noticed eyes completely bloodshot burst capillaries facetheyre still hours later whys hard die know people successfullyit" ]
¿Por qué la última noche se emborrachó escribió Redflag nota pone los diarios llenos de cada pensamiento depresivo suicida el año pasado intentó colgarme a mí mismo ive antidepresivos semana que han quitado el miedo matarme pollo rotura tiempo sentado tratando de tratar de intentar hora no puede llorar más allí gota go uno métodos corta las arterias carótidas dolor tal vez im cortar arterias carótidas suficiente un peor dolor ive sentido cabeza palpitante frente cerebro casi se siente como dos cuchillos insertado ojos siguió tratando de caer inconsciente cualquier punto comenzó cronómetro teléfono ver largos intentos fueron un segundo duele mucho esfuerzo ajustar usando corta ondas de aire hizo toser último intento la vez que cantó a lo largo de la canción itunes cabeza distrayente dolor más largo intento dolor mucho kayne canción vino en la muerte Kanye Lymao dejó todo fuera fuera de la cama fuera de la cama ojos observados explosión capilares caraellos todavía son horas más tarde por qué dura morir saben que la gente con éxito
goodbye teenage years offical longer teenager fun all entered depression s words wisdom go college right away know want spent whole freshman year constant panic figured sophmore year fun mental illnesses please get help finally got medication year old changed life im good advice thats got best luck teens
[ "goodbye teenage years offical longer teenager fun all entered depression s words wisdom go college right away know want spent whole freshman year constant panic figured sophmore year fun mental illnesses please get help finally got medication year old changed life im good advice thats got best luck teens" ]
adiós adolescente años offical más largo adolescente diversión todos entró en la depresión palabras sabiduría ir a la universidad de inmediato saber que quieren pasado todo primer año constante pánico imaginado año sophmore diversión enfermedades mentales por favor obtener ayuda finalmente consiguió medicación año cambio de vida im buen consejo que tiene mejor suerte adolescentes
yes follow femboys sue fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerr
[ "yes follow femboys sue fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerr" ]
Sí seguir femboys demandar rellenorfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
yoasobis songs fire know jpop songs really nice go check
[ "yoasobis songs fire know jpop songs really nice go check" ]
Yoasobis canciones fuego saben canciones JPOP realmente agradable ir a comprobar
think friend mine attempted redflag morning dowere freshmen high school together btw morning woke frantic calls friend mine well call joe lives half hour away friend bill live near school anyway apparently bill called said done bill took mg methylphenidate concerta im percent seems case dad who terrible person idea mom town want go hospital locked room went house early morning so fucking terrified knock waited outside right go stormed apartment building schoolbag talk ran off were kind close strange walked school little bit behind him looked fucked really sure looking for guess kind looked like fever time got school joe there talking coordinator ran away one could find him coordinator said dad took home seemed like bullshit know sorry this know do want go school maybe get dads number future better stay away might read post thats alright want know care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think friend mine attempted redflag morning dowere freshmen high school together btw morning woke frantic calls friend mine well call joe lives half hour away friend bill live near schoolanyway apparently bill called said done bill took mg methylphenidate concerta im percent seems case dad who terrible person idea mom town want go hospital locked room went house early morningso fucking terrified knock waited outside right go stormed apartment building schoolbag talk ran off were kind close strange walked school little bit behind him looked fucked really sure looking for guess kind looked like fever time got school joe there talking coordinator ran away one could find him coordinator said dad took home seemed like bullshit knowsorry this know do want go schoolmaybe get dads number future better stay away might read post thats alright want know care" ]
Creo amigo mío intento Redflag mañana dowere estudiantes de primer año juntos btw mañana despertado llamadas frenéticas amigo mío bien llamar Joe vidas media hora lejos amigo Bill vivir cerca de la escuela de todos modos aparentemente cuenta llamado dijo hecho Bill tomó mg metilfenidate conciertoa im percent parece caso papá que terrible persona idea mamá ciudad quiere ir hospital cerrado habitación fue casa temprano por la mañanaso mierda aterrorizado golpe esperó fuera derecho ir asalto edificio escuela bolsa charla corrió fue un poco cerca extraño paseo escuela poco detrás de él parecía follada muy seguro buscando suposición tipo parecía fiebre tiempo llegó escuela joe allí hablando coordinador huyó uno podría encontrarlo coordinador dijo papá se llevó a casa parecía mierda saber o este saber quieren ir escuela tal vez conseguir papás número futuro mejor mantenerse lejos podría leer post ques bien quieren saber cuidado
feel stupid trying im cowardly redflag im cowardly try dont want toi took day drinking week since ive drinking constanly past three weeks im back feeling like ever drank screw this need die soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel stupid trying im cowardly redflagim cowardly try dont want toi took day drinking week since ive drinking constanly past three weeks im back feeling like ever drank screw this need die soon" ]
Siéntete estúpido tratando cobardemente Redflagim cobardía tratar de no quiero toi tomó el día bebiendo semana desde que viva bebiendo constantemente más de tres semanas me vuelvo sintiendo como si alguna vez bebiera joder esta necesidad morir pronto
anyone else suspicious unflaired people sub kinda seems like pedophile thing tbh obviously weirds bit
[ "anyone else suspicious unflaired people sub kinda seems like pedophile thing tbh obviously weirds bit" ]
cualquier otra persona sospechosa sin flaired gente sub tipo parece pedófilo cosa tbh obviamente raro bit
literally midnight cant fall asleep even though eoc exam tomorrow god help fall asleep exam even tired dude
[ "literally midnight cant fall asleep even though eoc exam tomorrow god help fall asleep exam even tired dude" ]
literalmente medianoche no se puede dormir a pesar de que el examen de eoc mañana Dios ayuda a dormirse examen incluso cansado tío
okay im sad gf keeps calling cute dork call back
[ "okayim sad gf keeps calling cute dork call back" ]
Okim triste gf sigue llamando a lindo tonto llamar de nuevo
first saw movie thought sweet family movie rest night next couple days though clever moments funny lines kept creeping back thoughts conversation theres lot going on classic elements farce good character acting wendie malicks story line hysterical labelling feelgood movie belies wit fun smarter seems like its wonderful life is
[ "first saw movie thought sweet family movie rest night next couple days though clever moments funny lines kept creeping back thoughts conversation theres lot going on classic elements farce good character acting wendie malicks story line hysterical labelling feelgood movie belies wit fun smarter seems like its wonderful life is" ]
primera vez vio película pensamiento dulce familia película descanso noche los próximos días, aunque momentos inteligentes líneas divertidas se arrastran pensamientos conversación mucho ir en elementos clásicos farsa buen personaje actuación wendie malicks historia línea histérica etiquetado sentirbuena película belies ingenio diversión más inteligente parece como su maravillosa vida es
im really upset one best friends argument started overreacted lot made seem like horrible person ruined day yesterday texted message saying side argument apologise monday message mentioned sometimes toxic said felt like couldnt around me friendship definitely toxic dont know sounded like happy letting best friendship turn friendship didnt mean like asked could apologise said idk hurt made cry ruined day understand started argument shouldnt get response im still blocked leaving read wont answer questions know upset even explaining doesnt want recognise im entirely wrong true friend normal get answer questions
[ "im really upset one best friends argument started overreacted lot made seem like horrible person ruined day yesterday texted message saying side argument apologise monday message mentioned sometimes toxic said felt like couldnt around me friendship definitely toxic dont know sounded like happy letting best friendship turn friendship didnt mean like asked could apologise said idk hurt made cry ruined day understand started argument shouldnt get response im still blocked leaving read wont answer questions know upset even explaining doesnt want recognise im entirely wrong true friend normal get answer questions" ]
Im realmente molesto un argumento de los mejores amigos comenzó mucho exagerado hecho parecer horrible persona arruinado día ayer mensaje de texto diciendo argumento paralelo disculpa mensaje de lunes mencionado a veces tóxico dicho se sentía como podría a mi alrededor amistad definitivamente tóxico no sé sonaba como feliz dejar mejor amistad convertir amistad no significa como preguntado podría pedir disculpas dijo idk dolor hizo llorar arruinado día entender argumento comenzado no debe obtener respuesta im todavía bloqueado dejar leer no responder preguntas saber molesto incluso explicar no quiere reconocer im totalmente mal verdadero amigo normal obtener respuesta preguntas
crush got tested positive covid scared paranoid mom too would really appreciate someone could give tips could help stay calm freak out worried mom im concerned
[ "crush got tested positive covid scared paranoid mom too would really appreciate someone could give tips could help stay calm freak out worried mom im concerned" ]
aplastamiento se puso a prueba positivo covid asustado mamá paranoica también apreciaría realmente alguien podría dar consejos podría ayudar a mantener la calma de pánico preocupado mamá im preocupado
know years old ever since depressive episode started getting worst yesterday lived worst day entire year found cat dead kitchen everything one year old unemployed one wants hire me friends mom accept sexuality anything religious dreams life know want do hopeless everyday wonder still alive life getting worst
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know years old ever since depressive episode started getting worst yesterday lived worst day entire year found cat dead kitchen everything one year old unemployed one wants hire me friends mom accept sexuality anything religious dreams life know want do hopeless everyday wonder still alive life getting worst" ]
sabe años de edad desde episodio depresivo comenzó a ponerse peor ayer vivió peor día todo el año encontrado gato muerto cocina todo un año de edad desempleado uno quiere contratarme amigos mamá aceptar sexualidad cualquier cosa religiosa sueños saber la vida quiere hacer sin esperanza todos los días me pregunto todavía vivo la vida cada vez peor
close friends years kinda weird cause ive always thought another someone small friend group im realising thats cause ive never really close friends place
[ "close friends years kinda weird cause ive always thought another someone small friend group im realising thats cause ive never really close friends place" ]
amigos cercanos años un poco raro causa live siempre pensó que otra persona pequeño grupo de amigos im darse cuenta de que causa ive nunca muy amigos cercanos lugar
percentage movies person go see days leave wondering happened eight ten dollars answer many movie like that story real people sometimes combination likable unlikablebr br downsidebr br not enough character development plot lines left twisting windbr br upsidebr br forces viewers think choices made good bad livesbr br well acted by scott cohen judd hirsch susan floyd ato essandoh elliot kortebr br contains good lighthearted humor
[ "percentage movies person go see days leave wondering happened eight ten dollars answer many movie like that story real people sometimes combination likable unlikablebr br downsidebr br not enough character development plot lines left twisting windbr br upsidebr br forces viewers think choices made good bad livesbr br well acted by scott cohen judd hirsch susan floyd ato essandoh elliot kortebr br contains good lighthearted humor" ]
porcentaje de películas persona ir ver días dejar preguntándose sucedió ocho diez dólares respuesta muchas películas como esa historia personas reales a veces combinación agradable unlikablebr br downsidebr br desarrollo de personajes líneas de trama izquierda torcer windbr br upbr br fuerzas los espectadores piensan que las elecciones hechas buena mala vidabr br bien actuado por scott cohen judd hirsch susan floyd ato essandoh elliot kortebr br contiene buen humor alegre
afraid add name long list people remain flabbergasted film still sept issued dvd one mysteries makes mind boggle especially consider amount dvds available today containing material binned years ago still excellent digital vhs copy english subtitles nicam stereo qualm one principle frustration able view film film itself excellent allrounder good picture quality satisfactory soundtrack lively plot involving suspense emotion sadness frustration feeling good exotic surroundings european true film fits reality burma idea indeed less important essential thing entertainmentwise success one soon becomes attached main characters admit heart mouth final crossingtheriver scene shame hear little countries burma film least gives insight country situation changed since events occur later month seem answer question resounding no regime place seems brutal ever even sparing lives monks let alone women children
[ "afraid add name long list people remain flabbergasted film still sept issued dvd one mysteries makes mind boggle especially consider amount dvds available today containing material binned years ago still excellent digital vhs copy english subtitles nicam stereo qualm one principle frustration able view film film itself excellent allrounder good picture quality satisfactory soundtrack lively plot involving suspense emotion sadness frustration feeling good exotic surroundings european true film fits reality burma idea indeed less important essential thing entertainmentwise success one soon becomes attached main characters admit heart mouth final crossingtheriver scene shame hear little countries burma film least gives insight country situation changed since events occur later month seem answer question resounding no regime place seems brutal ever even sparing lives monks let alone women children" ]
miedo añadir nombre larga lista la gente sigue flabbergasted película todavía sept dvd emitido uno misterios hace mente boggle especialmente considerar cantidad dvds disponibles hoy que contiene el material abatido hace años todavía excelente digital vhs copia inglés subtítulos nicam estéreo tiembla un principio frustración capaz ver película película en sí mismo excelente todo alrededor buena calidad de imagen banda sonora satisfactoria trama animada que implica suspenso emoción tristeza frustración sentimiento buen ambiente exótico cine verdadero europeo idea de la realidad burma de hecho menos importante esencial entretenimientowise éxito uno pronto se convierte en adjunto personajes principales admitir corazón boca final cruceterivers escena vergüenza escuchar poco países burma película menos da visión situación país cambio ya que los acontecimientos ocurren más tarde parece respuesta pregunta que resuena ningún lugar régimen parece brutal incluso ahorrar vidas monjes mucho menos mujeres niños
im either cold people come strong literally either brush tou completely block life completely ill make favorite person try share every life detail adore much comes annoying fuck needless say people talk know regulate emotions lmao
[ "im either cold people come strong literally either brush tou completely block life completely ill make favorite person try share every life detail adore much comes annoying fuck needless say people talk know regulate emotions lmao" ]
o bien la gente fría viene fuerte literalmente o cepillar completamente bloquear la vida completamente enferma hacer persona favorita tratar de compartir cada detalle de la vida adoran mucho viene molesta mierda innecesarias decir la gente hablar saber regular emociones lmmao
generally speaking plot much better expecting laugh track bit annoying times tend get way however enough real chuckles episode make it biggest surprise finding best lines situations shown trailers spade particular presented best light earlier promotions character comes across quite well pilot enough eyecandy please almost anyone regular characters seem task ahead them now writers live begun
[ "generally speaking plot much better expecting laugh track bit annoying times tend get way however enough real chuckles episode make it biggest surprise finding best lines situations shown trailers spade particular presented best light earlier promotions character comes across quite well pilot enough eyecandyplease almost anyone regular characters seem task ahead them now writers live begun" ]
Generalmente hablando trama mucho mejor esperar risa pista poco molestos tiempos tienden a llegar a la manera sin embargo bastante real risas episodio lo hacen más grande sorpresa encontrar las mejores líneas situaciones se muestran trailers spade particular presentado mejor luz anteriores Promociones personaje se encuentra bastante piloto suficiente eyecandypor favor casi cualquier personaje regular parecen tarea por delante de ellos ahora escritores en vivo comenzó
feel trappeddo ever feel like never going able enjoy life accomplish dreams trapped mind seeing people succeed makes sad knowing could spot instead trapped thing see future redflag often sit porch middle night thinking mistakes opportunities took them makes sad times coming back way see redflag somehow would fix stuff want like this yeah idk do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel trappeddo ever feel like never going able enjoy life accomplish dreams trapped mind seeing people succeed makes sad knowing could spot instead trapped thing see future redflag often sit porch middle night thinking mistakes opportunities took them makes sad times coming back way see redflag somehow would fix stuff want like thisyeahidk do" ]
se siente atrapado siempre se siente como nunca va capaz disfrutar de la vida lograr sueños atrapado mente ver gente éxito hace triste saber podría manchar cosa atrapada ver futuro bandera roja a menudo sentarse porche en medio de la noche pensando errores oportunidades los hace momentos tristes volver camino ver bandera roja de alguna manera arreglar cosas como este yeahidk do
movie takes psychological thriller new depths well written shane black film executed phenomenally cast watchful eye director jack swanstrom clearly swanstrom director look future strength lies adaptation personal experiences screen classroombr br this thoughtprovoking film must see anyone appreciate action drama suspense mystery good films viewer goes journey find individual interpretation movie mystical aspect film intriguing adds suspense find self looking answers along marquette audiences liked movie festival circuit many awards received must agreed awol well worth watching br br id love copy go getting one
[ "movie takes psychological thriller new depths well written shane black film executed phenomenally cast watchful eye director jack swanstrom clearly swanstrom director look future strength lies adaptation personal experiences screen classroombr br this thoughtprovoking film must see anyone appreciate action drama suspense mystery good films viewer goes journey find individual interpretation movie mystical aspect film intriguing adds suspense find self looking answers along marquette audiences liked movie festival circuit many awards received must agreed awol well worth watching br br id love copy go getting one" ]
película toma thriller psicológico nuevas profundidades bien escrito shane negro película ejecutada fenomenaly elenco ojo ojo director jack swanstrom claramente swanstrom director mirar futuro fuerza mentiras adaptación experiencias personales pantalla aulabr br este pensamientoprovocando película debe ver a cualquiera apreciar acción drama suspenso misterio buen espectador va viaje encontrar interpretación individual película mística aspecto película intrigante añade suspenso encontrar respuestas de búsqueda propia a lo largo de la marca audiencia le gustó circuito de festival de cine muchos premios recibidos deben acordar awol bien vale la pena ver br br id amor copia ir conseguir uno
fuck people like rap music understand artists like post malone actually put time effort songs lyrics mean something style enjoy dumbass like ix ine lil pump spout nonsense people eat up like hell wap god fuck sad excuse song get charts dosent even fucking chord progression christs sake people listen crap please explain cause honestly earthly idea people would want listen this
[ "fuck people like rap music understand artists like post malone actually put time effort songs lyrics mean something style enjoy dumbass like ix ine lil pump spout nonsense people eat up like hell wap god fuck sad excuse song get charts dosent even fucking chord progression christs sake people listen crap please explain cause honestly earthly idea people would want listen this" ]
mierda gente como rap música entender artistas como post malone realmente poner tiempo esfuerzo canciones letras significa algo estilo disfrutar tonto como ix ine lil bomba chorrada sin sentido la gente come como infierno wap dios mierda triste excusa canción conseguir gráficos dosent incluso puto acorde progresión Cristo sake gente escuchar mierda por favor explicar causa honestamente idea terrenal la gente querría escuchar esto
shoutout unnecessarily strict things parents sometimes really hot day today nearing c dad refused turn ac angry staying inside
[ "shoutout unnecessarily strict things parents sometimes really hot day today nearing c dad refused turn ac angry staying inside" ]
gritos innecesariamente estrictas cosas los padres a veces muy caliente día de hoy cerca de c papá se negó a volver ac enojado quedarse dentro
childhood one image httpimgurcomaksfjqu mood nostalgia trip made
[ "childhood one image httpimgurcomaksfjqu mood nostalgia trip made" ]
infancia una imagen httpimgurcomaksfjqu estado de ánimo nostalgia viaje hecho
im going ask again anyone want play super smash brothers ultimate switch dm you
[ "im going ask again anyone want play super smash brothers ultimate switch dm you" ]
Voy a preguntar de nuevo cualquiera quiere jugar super smash hermanos último cambio dm usted
top text utter fool thought going say bottom text played good sir lady now watch thishttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq
[ "top text utter fool thought going say bottom text played good sir lady now watch thishttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq" ]
Texto superior absoluto tonto pensamiento va a decir texto inferior jugado bien señora ahora ver estohttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq
care happens mei dont care happens me im garbage anyway im tired trying build something myself everyone gives eventually cant shake feeling im running inevitable spinning wheels mud cant bring eat shower speak get bed anything go fucking work tomorrow quit job rot bed ive already attempted redflag twice past couple days pills made vomit second time im kind scared try again may go coma get brain damage something
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "care happens mei dont care happens me im garbageanyway im tired trying build something myself everyone gives eventually cant shake feeling im running inevitable spinning wheels mud cant bring eat shower speak get bed anything go fucking work tomorrow quit job rot bedive already attempted redflag twice past couple days pills made vomit second time im kind scared try again may go coma get brain damage something" ]
cuidado sucede mei no me importa me im basurade todos modos estoy cansado tratando de construir algo a mí mismo todo el mundo da finalmente no puede sacudir la sensación de correr inevitable ruedas giratorias barro no puede traer comer ducha hablar conseguir cama cualquier cosa ir trabajo mañana dejar de trabajo putrefacto cama ya intento rojo bandera dos veces pasados dos días píldoras hecho vómito segunda vez im tipo miedo intentar otra vez puede ir en coma conseguir daño cerebral algo
need help finding type meme usually unrelated noise loop create drum effect cut start song flute dude banging drums sorry thats best describe know song tell
[ "need help finding type meme usually unrelated noise loop create drum effect cut start song flute dude banging drums sorry thats best describe know song tell" ]
necesidad ayuda a encontrar tipo meme normalmente bucle de ruido no relacionado crear batería efecto corte inicio canción flauta tío golpear tambores lo siento que mejor describen saber canción contar
feel worse time goes oni feel like throwing away everything could live streets forest know sounds inconsiderate people looking get street need lose change way live hate life always have spend nights wide awake able sleep thinking ways kill myself dont know wrong me like cancer cannot seem get rid feelings have ive slept apartment hallways before problem living im afraid ill end drugs like used be sounds silly right im literally suicidal would care im rich dont drugs id feel worse already do ive also clean couple years pot alcohol quit smoking cigarettes too im sure soon hit streets ill smoking unfortunately real killer mind though feel born die whatever good usually turns shit fault time tend fuck everything up say everything mean whole bottle it every last drop im really hard myself feel like couldve better shouldve done things differently whole life full regret day goes without dwelling mistakes ive made sleep ive gone days without it dont believe god devil feel like im alone smother me sleep question one thing love writing consider smart compared others writing helps find myself without id put gun head now thoughts have love everybody unfortunately im bastard ive done pretty shitty things life time isnt confession church ill keep myself hate ive become dont think ill make let alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel worse time goes oni feel like throwing away everything could live streets forest know sounds inconsiderate people looking get street need lose change way live hate life always have spend nights wide awake able sleep thinking ways kill myself dont know wrong me like cancer cannot seem get rid feelings have ive slept apartment hallways before problem living im afraid ill end drugs like used be sounds sillyright im literally suicidal would care im rich dont drugs id feel worse already do ive also clean couple years pot alcohol quit smoking cigarettes too", "im sure soon hit streets ill smoking unfortunately real killer mind though feel born die whatever good usually turns shit fault time tend fuck everything up say everything mean whole bottle it every last drop im really hard myself feel like couldve better shouldve done things differently whole life full regret day goes without dwelling mistakes ive made sleep ive gone days without it dont believe god devil feel like im alone smother me sleep question one thing love writing consider smart compared others writing helps find myself without id put gun head now thoughts have love everybody unfortunately im bastard ive done pretty shitty things life time isnt confession church ill keep myself hate ive become dont think ill make let alone" ]
Se siente peor el tiempo va oni siento como tirar todo podría vivir calles bosque saber sonidos gente desconsiderada buscando conseguir calle necesita perder cambio manera vivir odio vida siempre han pasado noches bien despierto capaz de dormir pensando maneras de matarme no sé mal como el cáncer no puede parecer deshacerse sentimientos han live durmido apartamentos pasillos antes de problemas de vida im miedo mal extremo drogas como se usa sonidos tontoright im literalmente suicida me importa im rico dont drogas id se siente peor ya hacer ive también limpio par de años alcohol hierba dejar de fumar cigarrillos también
making worsedoes anyone ever feel like life sucks enough actually go end all go whatever make even worse yet somehow still courage it want end bad cant it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "making worsedoes anyone ever feel like life sucks enough actually go end all go whatever make even worse yet somehow still courage it want end bad cant it" ]
Empeorar hace que alguien sienta que la vida apesta lo suficiente en realidad va a terminar todo va a hacer aún peor, pero de alguna manera todavía el coraje quiere terminar mal.
guys upvoting pretty much anything heres first scene shrek man upon time lovely princess enchantment upon fearful sort could broken loves first kiss locked away castle guarded terrible firebreathing dragon many brave knigts attempted free dreadful prison non prevailed waited dragons keep highest room tallest tower true love true loves first kiss laughing like thats ever gonna happen paper rusting toilet flushes load somebody told world gonna roll aint sharpest tool shed lookin kind dumb finger thumb shape l forehead years start comin stop comin fed rules hit ground runnin make sense live fun brain gets smart head gets dumb much much see whats wrong takin backstreets never know go never shine glow hey allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold cool place say gets colder bundled wait till get older meteor men beg differ judging hole satellite picture ice skate gettin pretty thin waters getting warm might well swim worlds fire bout thats way like ill never get bored hey now allstar shouting get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold belches go go record scratching go gogo hey now allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold
[ "guys upvoting pretty much anything heres first scene shrek man upon time lovely princess enchantment upon fearful sort could broken loves first kiss locked away castle guarded terrible firebreathing dragon many brave knigts attempted free dreadful prison non prevailed waited dragons keep highest room tallest tower true love true loves first kiss laughing like thats ever gonna happen paper rusting toilet flushes load somebody told world gonna roll aint sharpest tool shed lookin kind dumb finger thumb shape l forehead years start comin stop comin fed rules hit ground runnin make sense live fun brain gets smart head gets dumb much much see whats wrong takin backstreets never know go never shine glowhey allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold cool place say gets colder bundled wait till get older meteor men beg differ judging hole satellite picture ice skate gettin pretty thin waters getting warm might well swim worlds fire bout thats way like ill never get boredhey now allstar shouting get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold belches go go record scratchinggo gogo", "hey now allstar get game on go play hey rock star get show on get paid glitters gold shootin stars break mold" ]
chicos upvoting casi cualquier cosa aquí primera escena shrek hombre en el tiempo encantadora princesa encantamiento sobre miedo tipo podría romper amores primer beso cerrado castillo guardado terrible fuego dragón muchos valientes knikts intento gratis terrible prisión no prevaleció dragones espera mantener más alto habitación más alto torre verdadero amor amor verdadero primero beso risas como que siempre va a suceder papel oxidando inodoros descarga alguien dijo mundo va a rodar un poco más agudo herramienta cheep lookin clase mudo pulgar forma de frente años comenzar comin comin comin reglas alimentadas golpe tierra runnin hacer sentido vivo diversión cerebro consigue cabeza inteligente se mudo mucho ver lo que está mal takin backstreets nunca se sabe ir nunca brillar brillante getstar get game on go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go
people write girls dress codes neckbeards call girls females even loudly told much prefer called girls women ladies something sort thats say go days
[ "people write girls dress codes neckbeards call girls females even loudly told much prefer called girls women ladies something sort thats say go days" ]
la gente escribe las niñas códigos de vestimenta barbas cuello llaman a las niñas hembras incluso en voz alta dijo mucho prefieren llamadas chicas mujeres algo tipo que dicen ir días
yo post history kinda sus number times ive mentioned redflag tryna get laid product sub
[ "yo post history kinda sus number times ive mentioned redflag tryna get laid product sub" ]
yo post historia tipo sus número de veces ive mencionado flag rojo tryna conseguir el producto puesto sub
im feeling horny im lazy watch porn masturbate im horny go sleep cant one
[ "im feeling horny im lazy watch porn masturbate im horny go sleep cant one" ]
me siento cachondo mi perezoso ver porno masturbarse mi cachonda ir a dormir cant one
please dm me im bored im bored way often ngl matters im f
[ "please dm me im boredim bored way often ngl matters im f" ]
Por favor, me aburriré, me aburriré, a menudo ngl importa.
helloim unsure type really word this honestly think need somewhere get out im oif veteran believe ptsd though believe depression began early age recently panic attacks severe thought stroke heart attack finally went local va hospital prescribed antianxiety medicine appointment psychologist told may ptsd unsure feel right diagnosing me gave support groups go to though really like speaking tour really telling anyone ive served things ask ive suicidal thoughts service rarely severe feel isolated everyone including wife children often times feel like im ghost house wife constantly phone children wanting needing her go bouts depression first time years ive thought pulling trigger ive spoken wife concerns nothing seems help see big deal little real friends point im reaching strangers internet want pity its going work out talk blah blah blah know want know since ive felt heavy really sucks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helloim unsure type really word this honestly think need somewhere get out im oif veteran believe ptsd though believe depression began early age recently panic attacks severe thought stroke heart attack finally went local va hospital prescribed antianxiety medicine appointment psychologist told may ptsd unsure feel right diagnosing me gave support groups go to though really like speaking tour really telling anyone ive served things ask ive suicidal thoughts service rarely severe feel isolated everyone including wife children often times feel like im ghost house wife constantly phone children wanting needing her go bouts depression first time years ive thought pulling trigger ive spoken wife concerns nothing seems help see big deal little real friends point im reaching strangers internet want pity its going work out talkblahblahblah know want know since ive felt heavy really sucks" ]
Helloim insegura tipo realmente palabra esta honestamente pensar necesidad en algún lugar salir im oif veterano creer ptsd aunque creo que la depresión comenzó edad temprana ataques de pánico grave pensamiento infarto ataque finalmente fue local va hospital prescrito antiansiedad medicina cita psicólogo dijo que puede ptsd insegura sentir derecho diagnóstico me dio grupos de apoyo ir a aunque realmente como hablar gira realmente decir a alguien cosas que se sirven a uve ive pensamientos suicida servicio raramente se sienten aislados todos incluyendo hijos de esposa a menudo se sienten como im fantasma casa esposa constantemente teléfono niños que quieren necesitar su ir peleas depresión primera vez años ive pensamiento tirar gatillo ive hablada esposa preocupaciones nada parece ayuda ver gran cosa poco real amigos punto im llegar a extraños internet quieren compasión su ir a trabajar talkblahblahblahblah sabe querer saber ya que ive se sentía pesado realmente chupa
hopelessim mentally ill know idk got strength medical field think ill make it im brink giving everything run away responsibility much hard study online half yrs finish degree idk much frustration take
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hopelessim mentally ill know idk got strength medical field think ill make it im brink giving everything run away responsibility much hard study online half yrs finish degree idk much frustration take" ]
idk tiene fuerza campo médico pensar mal hacer que sea im borde dar todo la responsabilidad de fuga mucho estudio duro en línea medio año terminar grado idk mucha frustración tomar
feel terrible like rubbish useless unnecessary thing communicate nicely well year said wanted meet said come study city see often now days left trip visit her ghosting me want die exist understand life understand anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel terrible like rubbish useless unnecessary thing communicate nicely well year said wanted meet said come study city see often now days left trip visit her ghosting me want die exist understand life understand anything" ]
Se siente terrible como basura inútil cosa innecesaria comunicarse bien bien año dicho quería reunirse dijo venir estudio ciudad ver a menudo ahora días viaje a la izquierda visitar su fantasma que me quieren morir existen entender la vida entender cualquier cosa
college struggles rock bottomi started first course stem major weeks ago going well all enjoy it causing immense stress leaving derail entire life plan know do change major something interests me would something useless complete rock bottom life massive upturn great gf good health etc shattered now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "college struggles rock bottomi started first course stem major weeks ago going well all enjoy it causing immense stress leaving derail entire life plan know do change major something interests me would something useless complete rock bottom life massive upturn great gf good health etc shattered now" ]
universidad luchas rock botini comenzó primer curso tronco hace semanas va bien todos disfrutar de que causando inmenso estrés dejando descarrilar todo el plan de vida saber cambiar algo importante me interesa algo inútil completo rock fondo vida masiva upup gran gf buena salud etc destrozado ahora
get deservei hate myself im horrible person ive ruined friendships had ive ghosted friends through course highschool college petty reasons think even ruined highschoolcollege life them wish could take back hope things better now im suffering karma bitch deserve enjoy anything anymore real goal life im angry time even parents mind place wrong things ive said done eating up think im going crazy voices head never stop everytime memories come back mind tries justify things ive done know im shitty person deserve live cant wait finally courage end life all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "get deservei hate myself im horrible person ive ruined friendships had ive ghosted friends through course highschool college petty reasons think even ruined highschoolcollege life them wish could take back hope things better now im suffering karma bitch deserve enjoy anything anymore real goal life im angry time even parents mind place wrong things ive said done eating up think im going crazy voices head never stop everytime memories come back mind tries justify things ive done knowim shitty person deserve live cant wait finally courage end life all" ]
get mereci odi me im horrible persona ive amistades arruinadas había ive amigos fantasmas a través de curso secundaria universidad mezquinas razones pensar incluso arruinado escuela secundaria vida college que desea podría recuperar las cosas mejor ahora im sufrimiento karma perra merece disfrutar de cualquier cosa más real objetivo vida im enojado tiempo incluso padres mente lugar cosas equivocadas ive dicho hecho comer creo im ir loco voces cabeza nunca se detiene cada vez que los recuerdos volver mente intenta justificar cosas ive hecho saberim mierda persona merece vivir no puede esperar finalmente valor terminar la vida todos
redflag sort presentdamn man life hits hard know doesnt feels meaningless life feels empty ive antidepressants didnt helpamp im help absolutely nothing c ya
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag sort presentdamn man life hits hard know doesnt feels meaningless life feels empty ive antidepressants didnt helpampim help absolutely nothing c ya" ]
Redflag tipo presente maldito hombre la vida golpea duro saber no siente vida sin sentido se siente vacío ve antidepresivos no ayudar ampim absolutamente nada c ya
need someone talk toi need someone talk generalized anxiety disorder im senior high school im falling apart
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk toi need someone talk generalized anxiety disorder im senior high school im falling apart" ]
Necesito que alguien hable. Necesito que alguien hable. Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada.
doneim kid bad break problem family turned me kids speak tell horrible mother mother died pet adored life cruelly taken me im horribly sick disabled hurt time grandson ripped life ive researched ways get life really wish could get hands cyanide tablet killing hard do easier way person done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "doneim kid bad break problem family turned me kids speak tell horrible mother mother died pet adored life cruelly taken me im horribly sick disabled hurt time grandson ripped life ive researched ways get life really wish could get hands cyanide tablet killing hard do easier way person done" ]
domeim niño mala ruptura problema familia me convirtió en niños hablar decir horrible madre madre murió mascota adorada vida cruelmente me llevó inmaculablemente enfermo discapacitado daño tiempo nieto rasgado vida ive maneras de obtener la vida realmente deseo podría conseguir manos tabletas de cianuro matar duro hacer más fácil manera persona hecho
help sometimes want disappear live anymore stopped caring anything
[ "help sometimes want disappear live anymore stopped caring anything" ]
ayuda a veces quieren desaparecer en vivo ya no le importa nada
dont want doive written rewritten letter everyone many times thing holding back fear missing out missing big epiphany life need provide meaning it want here feel pain day day out cant get hump want something happen change mind know coming making go crazy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want doive written rewritten letter everyone many times thing holding back fear missing out missing big epiphany life need provide meaning it want here feel pain day day out cant get hump want something happen change mind know coming making go crazy" ]
No quiero que doive escrito carta reescrita todo el mundo muchas veces lo que retiene el miedo perderse la gran epifanía la vida necesita proporcionar significado que quiere aquí sentir dolor día fuera no puedo conseguir jorobado quiero que algo suceda cambio de opinión saber venir volver loco
much time spend online classes poll school online classes well balanced like know many hours spent online classes homework much time spent them also subjects have would help lot us
[ "much time spend online classes poll school online classes well balanced like know many hours spent online classes homework much time spent them also subjects have would help lot us" ]
mucho tiempo pasar clases en línea encuesta escuela clases en línea bien equilibradas como saber muchas horas pasan clases en línea tareas mucho tiempo que han pasado también las asignaturas han ayudado mucho a nosotros
abnormal feel like lack sex going last strawi problems real ones feeling trapped unfulfilling marriage one thats worse happy not id rather pull trigger leave try to what start over cheat would better leaving grieving family option leaving divorce alone ill survive consider though maybe ill easier forget im villain this care people think will feeling like sex stupid thing put importance makes loathe more want forgotten
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "abnormal feel like lack sex going last strawi problems real ones feeling trapped unfulfilling marriage one thats worse happy not id rather pull trigger leave try to what start over cheat would better leaving grieving family option leaving divorce alone ill survive consider though maybe ill easier forget im villain this care people think will feeling like sex stupid thing put importance makes loathe more want forgotten" ]
anómalo se siente como falta de sexo va último pajizo problemas reales sentirse atrapados sin cumplir el matrimonio uno que es peor feliz no id más bien jalar gatillo dejar tratar de lo que empezar de nuevo tramposo sería mejor dejar la opción familiar de duelo dejar el divorcio solo mal sobrevivir considerar aunque tal vez mal más fácil olvidarse de este villano cuidado la gente piensa que se sentirá como sexo estúpido poner importancia hace aversión más querer olvidado
frog dissection today seen post friday abt it would know im excited basically watch preview ended crying amp passing out really sensitive animals everyone knows that ive asked it safety said no feel going happen is im going cry feel lightheaded panic attack pass out panic attacks happen often wouldnt surprised im really scared
[ "frog dissection today seen post fridayabt it would knowim excited basically watch preview ended crying amp passing out really sensitive animals everyone knows that ive asked it safety said no feel going happen is im going cry feel lightheaded panic attack pass out panic attacks happen often wouldnt surprised im really scared" ]
Rana disección hoy visto post viernesabt que sabríaim emocionado básicamente ver previsualizado terminó llorando amp repartiendo animales muy sensibles todo el mundo sabe que ive le preguntó la seguridad dijo que no se siente va a suceder es voy llorar se siente mareado ataque de pánico pasar ataques de pánico suceden a menudo no se sorprenderá im realmente asustado
girl starting liked me wearing shorts freezing weather
[ "girl starting liked me wearing shorts freezing weather" ]
chica empezando me gustaba usar pantalones cortos frío tiempo
may one best movies ever seen anything trite plot leaves one wondering way go next interesting portrayal struggles youth youth interested immediate gratification youth show concern desires needs others
[ "may one best movies ever seen anything trite plot leaves one wondering way go next interesting portrayal struggles youth youth interested immediate gratification youth show concern desires needs others" ]
que una de las mejores películas jamás visto cualquier cosa trama trillada deja una manera de preguntarse ir siguiente interesantes luchas de retratos jóvenes jóvenes interesados gratificación inmediata jóvenes mostrar preocupación deseos necesita otros