hear soul scream continuously trying break freeguilt spreading heart like wild fire untitled
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hear soul scream continuously trying break freeguilt spreading heart like wild fire untitled" ]
escuchar el grito del alma continuamente tratando de romper la culpa que se extiende el corazón como el fuego salvaje sin título
saw last post absolutely nothing wore hentai hoodie said nothing it yearbook gonna little interesting
[ "saw last post absolutely nothing wore hentai hoodie said nothing it yearbook gonna little interesting" ]
vio el último post absolutamente nada llevaba sudadera hentai no dijo nada anuario va a poco interesante
wanting die ability kill urselfcan anyone else relate literally wanted die long remember really enjoy life feel attempting enjoy around genuinely exhausted point want keep going however several attempts finding unable go anything myself anyone else ever feel way idk literally want hit truck something way home work never works way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting die ability kill urselfcan anyone else relate literally wanted die long remember really enjoy life feel attempting enjoy around genuinely exhausted point want keep going however several attempts finding unable go anything myself anyone else ever feel way idk literally want hit truck something way home work never works way" ]
Querer morir habilidad matar urselfcan cualquier otra persona se relacionan literalmente querido morir largo recordar realmente disfrutar de la vida se siente tratando de disfrutar en torno a punto realmente agotado querer seguir adelante sin embargo varios intentos de encontrar incapaz de ir cualquier cosa yo mismo cualquier otra persona alguna vez se siente de la manera idk literalmente quiere atropello camión algo manera trabajo en casa nunca funciona de la manera
help please need helpnhelpim getting blackmail female wants dollers im scared shell might even post pics fucked hard kill post idk anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help please need helpnhelpim getting blackmail female wants dollers im scared shell might even post pics fucked hard kill post idk anymore" ]
ayuda por favor necesita helpnhelpim conseguir chantaje femenino quiere muñecos im concha asustada podría incluso publicar fotos follada duro matar post idk ya
hoursin hours ill go living room get sleeping pills family catches ill say cant sleep one really stop me family definitely cant doubt even care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hoursin hours ill go living room get sleeping pills family catches ill say cant sleep one really stop me family definitely cant doubt even care" ]
horas en horas enfermas van sala de estar conseguir pastillas para dormir la familia atrapa mal decir no puedo dormir uno realmente me detienen familia definitivamente no puedo dudar incluso cuidado
feel like shit help meim awful human deserve live get mad things life throw hit things im mad release frustrations get want feel like brat never spoiled want kind person lot things mind come every years make me say depressed since diagnosed sad want hit myself kill myself cant seem it always looking ways actually going it friends know things me want kind person want change want help life sucks cant afford therapy want parents finding even could idk maybe im acting holidays near get wrong hate holidays worst things happened during want get guess anyway made far reading this thank you sometimes want heard feel free comment drag me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like shit help meim awful human deserve live get mad things life throw hit things im mad release frustrations get want feel like brat never spoiled want kind person lot things mind come every years make me say depressed since diagnosed sad want hit myself kill myself cant seem it always looking ways actually going it friends know things me want kind person want change want help life sucks cant afford therapy want parents finding even could idk maybe im acting holidays near get wrong hate holidays worst things happened during want get guess anyway made far reading this thankyou sometimes want heard feel free comment drag me" ]
me siento como mierda ayuda meim horrible humano merece vivir conseguir cosas locas la vida tirar golpeó cosas im loco liberación frustraciones conseguir quiero sentir como mocoso nunca estropeado desear buena persona muchas cosas mente vienen cada año me hacen decir deprimido desde diagnóstico triste querer golpear a mí mismo me mata no puedo parecer siempre buscando maneras en realidad va amigos saben cosas que quiero persona amable quieren cambiar quieren ayuda la vida chupa no puede permitirse terapia quieren padres incluso encontrar idk tal vez yo actuar vacaciones cerca de conseguir mal odio vacaciones peores cosas pasaron durante querer adivinar de todos modos hecho lejos leer este gracias a veces quieren oír sentir libre comentario arrastrarme
might curtains mehi im yr old student whose parents found failing hs senior yr dont dont many friends great people cant live shame knowing ill never parents expected me maybe ill already dead probably gonna post man tough itll soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "might curtains mehi im yr old student whose parents found failing hs senioryr dont dont many friends great people cant live shame knowing ill never parents expected me maybe ill already dead probably gonna post man tough itll soon" ]
Podría cortinas mehi im yr viejo estudiante cuyos padres encontraron fallas hs senioryr no muchos amigos gran gente no puede vivir vergüenza sabiendo mal nunca los padres esperaban que tal vez enfermo ya muerto probablemente va a postear hombre duro pronto
hate youre alone crapi know depressionanxietyredflagmental illness general pretty damn common point thats problem everyone lot worse theyre also succeeding despite it besides boat someone doesnt mean arent still rowing yourself doesnt mean youre making boat take water drowning you im glad people take comfort idea theyre ones self harming whatnot thats partly point subreddit all see kind posts twitter tumblr scream faux positivitynormalisation me yeah sure experiences this going start talking properly cant lift stigma meaningful way rant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate youre alone crapi know depressionanxietyredflagmental illness general pretty damn common point thats problem everyone lot worse theyre also succeeding despite it besides boat someone doesnt mean arent still rowing yourself doesnt mean youre making boat take water drowning you im glad people take comfort idea theyre ones self harming whatnot thats partly point subreddit all see kind posts twitter tumblr scream faux positivitynormalisationmeyeah sure experiences this going start talking properly cant lift stigma meaningful way rant" ]
odie youre something sólamente schipe sabe depresiónanxietyredflagmentalenfermedad general bastante maldito punto común que problema todo el mundo mucho peor que también están teniendo éxito a pesar de ello además de barco alguien no significa no todavía remo usted mismo no significa que usted está haciendo barco tomar agua ahogando me alegro de que la gente toma la idea de que son uno mismo daño a lo que no es en parte punto subreddit todos ver mensajes tipo twitter tumblr grito falso positividadnormalizaciónmeyeah seguro experiencias esto va a empezar a hablar correctamente no puede levantar estigma significativa manera de despotricar
honestly feel like shit feel like life driven sadness hate blind anger otherwise feel anything otherwise feel absolutely nothing care anything want anything found things used love bring little none satisfaction all cannot make decisions own spend night long crying morning absolute worst cannot talk anyone friends normal like depression shit last time talked said depression poser want talk parents neither therapist really help feel like one understands me mom said stage months ago really stage really stage
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "honestly feel like shit feel like life driven sadness hate blind anger otherwise feel anything otherwise feel absolutely nothing care anything want anything found things used love bring little none satisfaction all cannot make decisions own spend night long crying morning absolute worst cannot talk anyone friends normal like depression shit last time talked said depression poser want talk parents neither therapist really help feel like one understands me mom said stage months ago really stage really stage" ]
Honestamente sentir como mierda sentir como la vida impulsado tristeza odio enojo ciego de otra manera sentir cualquier cosa de otra manera sentir absolutamente nada importa cualquier cosa encontrado cosas usadas amor traer poco ninguna satisfacción todos no pueden tomar decisiones propias pasar la noche llorando mañana absoluto peor no puede hablar a nadie amigos normal como la depresión mierda la última vez hablado dijo depresión poser quiere hablar padres ni terapeuta realmente ayudar a sentir como uno entiende mamá dijo etapa meses atrás realmente etapa realmente etapa escenario
guess complicatedthis worst five days life every year abusive horrific biomoms birthday th mine th every year imdumbfounded angry disgusted still allowed draw breath world makes really hard want make birthday know must silly heres hard part ive mostly come terms it hour hour minute minute did im really really worried blackouts im coconscious trust even im safe one be know people get lot shit could really use help right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "guess complicatedthis worst five days life every year abusive horrific biomoms birthday th mine th every year imdumbfounded angry disgusted still allowed draw breath world makes really hard want make birthday know must silly heres hard part ive mostly come terms it hour hour minute minute did im really really worried blackouts im coconscious trust even im safeone be know people get lot shit could really use help right now" ]
Supongo que complicado este peor cinco días de vida cada año abusivo horrible biomomas cumpleaños th mi th cada año imdumbfunded enojado todavía permitido respirar mundo hace muy difícil querer hacer saber cumpleaños debe tonto heres duro parte ive sobre todo vienen términos it hora hora minuto minuto hizo im realmente preocupado apagones im coconsciente confianza incluso in seguro ser saber que la gente consigue mucho mierda podría realmente utilizar ayuda en este momento
well im back alright last time came basic issues seems worsened first off brother mental ward might get back guess bad really care thats also coping mechanism tune world yeah might never return electricity might get cut out clue ill living next year im lost one person could talk left nobody started flirting girl guess good distraction time still just life downer man know do im guess im scared want see sister hurt anymore im sick blamed things nothing with mean talk child services want go system want want to take pause let everything go away feel like im climax tragedy family crumble im starting out feel like im going get suffocated problems family thanks listening sw sorry able keep myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "well im back alright last time came basic issues seems worsened first off brother mental ward might get back guess bad really care thats also coping mechanism tune worldyeah might never return electricity might get cut out clue ill living next year im lost one person could talk left nobody started flirting girl guess good distraction time still just life downer man know do im guess im scared want see sister hurt anymoreim sick blamed things nothing with mean talk child services want go system want want to take pause let everything go away feel like im climax tragedy family crumble im starting out feel like im going get suffocated problems family thanks listening sw sorry able keep myself" ]
Bueno im volver bien la última vez que llegó problemas básicos parece empeorar primero fuera hermano sala mental podría volver adivinar mal cuidado que también afronta el mecanismo de la melodía worldyeah nunca podría volver la electricidad podría conseguir cortado pista mal vivir el próximo año im perdido una persona podría hablar dejó nadie comenzó coquetear chica adivinar buena distracción tiempo todavía sólo vida hombre más deprimido saber hacer im supongo que quiero ver hermana herido másim enfermo culpó cosas nada con media hablar servicios infantiles quiere ir sistema quiere tomar pausa dejar que todo se vaya sentir como im tragedia familia desmoronar Im empezando sentir como im va a conseguir problemas sofocados familia gracias escuchar sw lo siento capaz de mantenerme a mí mismo
im realizing im loser lol almost im reddit math homework today photomath working cant basic math im siting room thats full anime merchandise pondering life also thinking reading yaoi soon
[ "im realizing im loser lol almost im reddit math homework today photomath working cant basic math im siting room thats full anime merchandise pondering life also thinking reading yaoi soon" ]
Im realización im perdedor lol casi im reddit tarea de matemáticas hoy fotomath trabajo cant básico matemáticas im sala de estar que es mercancía de anime completo ponderando la vida también pensando en la lectura yaoi pronto
dm ai bored id love meet new ppl
[ "dm ai bored id love meet new ppl" ]
um ai aburrido id amor conocer nuevos ppl
excellent start film career mickey rooney talents shows long career ahead him car truck chase exciting era start andy hardy series american treasure book spring byington performance excellent usual please mr rooney owners film rights take chance get produced dvd think would winner
[ "excellent start film career mickey rooney talents shows long career ahead him car truck chase exciting era start andy hardy series american treasure book spring byington performance excellent usual please mr rooney owners film rights take chance get produced dvd think would winner" ]
excelente comienzo carrera cine mickey rooney talentos muestra larga carrera por delante de él coche camión persecución emocionante era inicio andy resistente serie americano tesoro libro primavera rendimiento excelente habitual por favor Sr Rooney propietarios derechos de película tomar la oportunidad conseguir producción dvd pensar sería ganador
truly enjoyed movie however realize little richard many things going life first aware lucille little hardly any mention females intimately involved little richard even life today mention involvement females romantic way wonder part life mentioned overall movie great also like leon playing part little richard good actor feel part went different actor visually remind little richard also totally unaware promiscuity little richard part of movie pictured sexual addict todays time would referred counseling sexual addition voyeur want ruin movie someone seen movie however several things movie feel part final cut
[ "truly enjoyed movie however realize little richard many things going life first aware lucille little hardly any mention females intimately involved little richard even life today mention involvement females romantic way wonder part life mentioned overall movie great also like leon playing part little richard good actor feel part went different actor visually remind little richard also totally unaware promiscuity little richard part of movie pictured sexual addict todays time would referred counseling sexual addition voyeur want ruin movie someone seen movie however several things movie feel part final cut" ]
realmente disfrutada película sin embargo realizar poco ricard muchas cosas que van la vida primero consiente lucille poco casi ninguna mención hembras íntimamente involucrado poco ricard incluso la vida de hoy mencionar la participación mujeres romántica manera maravilla parte de la vida mencionó gran película también como León jugar parte poco ricard buen actor sentir parte fue diferente actor recordar visualmente poco ricard también totalmente inconsciente promiscuidad poco ricard parte de película fotografiado adicto sexual hoy el tiempo se referiría asesoramiento sexual adición voyeur quieren ruina película alguien película visto sin embargo varias cosas película sentir parte corte final
feeling good year life unfair usso rewind years ago perfectly fine depressed hopeful energy look towards future entered college made lots friends love life then got depressed went zoloft things took turn there years later lost love life friends everything im scared really anything it easy commit redflag like people make be live ourselves would want lose life im young im turning soon im female lost someone years feel like ill never find happiness im failing school im addicted smoking pot even though want to im gaining weight looking really bad lately help know do cant even find enjoyment videogames suck writing feel like ive ruined life it like normal people know im stuck endless loop sadness depression im tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling good year life unfair usso rewind years ago perfectly fine depressed hopeful energy look towards future entered college made lots friends love life then got depressed went zoloft things took turn there years later lost love life friends everything im scared really anythingit easy commit redflag like people make be live ourselves would want lose lifeim young im turning soonim female lost someone years feel like ill never find happiness im failing school im addicted smoking pot even though want to im gaining weight looking really bad lately help know do cant even find enjoyment videogames suck writing feel like ive ruined life it like normal people know im stuck endless loop sadness depression im tired" ]
Sentirse buen año vida injusto nosotrosso rebobinar años hace perfectamente bien deprimido esperanza de energía mirar hacia el futuro entró en la universidad hizo muchos amigos amor vida luego se deprimió fue zoloft las cosas tomaron vuelta allí años más tarde perdido amor vida amigos todo Im miedo realmente cualquier cosa fácil cometer bandera roja como la gente hacer vivir nosotros mismos querría perder vidaim joven im convertir prontoim mujer perdido alguien años se siente como mal encontrar felicidad im fracaso escuela im adicto fumar hierba a pesar de querer im aumento de peso que se ve muy mal últimamente ayudar a saber no puede incluso encontrar disfrute juegos de vídeo chupar la escritura se siente como vida arruinada vida como la gente normal sabe im pegado bucle interminable tristeza depresión im cansado
yesterday cried night song song even sad im fuckin cool edgy yes
[ "yesterday cried night song song even sad im fuckin cool edgyyes" ]
ayer lloraba canción de la noche canción incluso triste im jodidamente cool edgyyes
crush asked out she find next episode your mom gei
[ "crush asked out she find next episode your mom gei" ]
aplastamiento preguntó a cabo que encontrar el próximo episodio tu mamá gei
retire starting drama im bored good habit makes annoying
[ "retire starting drama im bored good habit makes annoying" ]
jubilarse comenzando drama im aburrido buen hábito hace molesto
survey censorship video games hi im school assignment censorship video games would really appreciate would help filling survey answers anonymous give personal info ampxb httpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtgahttpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtga
[ "survey censorship video games hi im school assignment censorship video games would really appreciate would help filling survey answers anonymous give personal info ampxb httpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtgahttpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtga" ]
encuesta censura video juegos hi im escuela asignación censura video juegos realmente apreciaría ayudaría a llenar respuestas de la encuesta anónimo dar información personal ampxb httpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtgahttpsformsgleqpoargfmvjtga
youre cool getting blocked porn bots insta cool lmao accidentally added one started talking me kept saying gibberish blocked cause wouldnt sign website
[ "youre cool getting blocked porn bots insta cool lmao accidentally added one started talking me kept saying gibberish blocked cause wouldnt sign website" ]
youre cool conseguir bloqueado bots porno insta cool lmao accidentalmente añadido uno comenzó a hablar me seguía diciendo tonterías bloqueado causa no firmar sitio web
mean know schoolwork sitting right front me want get done sounds crazy mind gets overwhelmed almost cry whenever look it ive missed many assignments cant dont care them parents show affection towards brother feel like theres nothing left lose skipping assignments someone told adhd dont know know isnt normal
[ "mean know schoolwork sitting right front me want get done sounds crazy mind gets overwhelmed almost cry whenever look it ive missed many assignments cant dont care them parents show affection towards brother feel like theres nothing left lose skipping assignments someone told adhd dont know know isnt normal" ]
Me refiero a las tareas escolares sentadas frente a mí quiero hacer sonidos loco mente se abruma casi llorar cada vez que mira ive falta muchas asignaciones no puede importarles los padres muestran afecto hacia hermano se siente como no queda nada perder omitir asignaciones alguien le dijo adhd dont sabe no es normal
empty voidone afraid life death words never spoke truth im year old male living california currently ive depression ocd now taken life top im put simply shitty person im unemployed living parents house hope going anywhere failed navy let everyone including down take voices head felt weak wanting out dropped college cause id rather get fucked anything all ive plenty jobs ive either fired fucked somehow im pretty sure sort chest problem cant even sleep left side without chest hurting feeling heart pound lost recent friends awful them friends im burden family try productive want drink sleep went rehab drug addiction see getting better know im hoping writing ill feel even minute tranquility thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "empty voidone afraid life death words never spoke truth im year old male living california currently ive depression ocd now taken life top im put simply shitty person im unemployed living parents house hope going anywhere failed navy let everyone including down take voices head felt weak wanting out dropped college cause id rather get fucked anything all ive plenty jobs ive either fired fucked somehow im pretty sure sort chest problem cant even sleep left side without chest hurting feeling heart pound lost recent friends awful them friends im burden family try productive want drink sleep went rehab drug addiction see getting better know im hoping writing ill feel even minute tranquility thank reading" ]
Vacío vacío miedo vida muerte palabras nunca dijo la verdad im año viejo hombre vida california actualmente ive depresión ocd ahora tomado vida top im poner simplemente mierda persona im desempleado vivir padres casa esperanza ir a cualquier lugar failed marina dejar a todo el mundo, incluyendo abajo tomar voces cabeza se sentía débil querer dejar la universidad causa id más bien ser follado todo ive un montón de trabajos ive o bien despedido follada de alguna manera im bastante seguro tipo problema torácico no puede dormir incluso lado izquierdo sin dolor pecho sensación de corazón latido perdido recientes amigos ellos amigos im carga familia tratar de deseo productivo sueño iba rehabilitación adicción a las drogas ver conocer mejor im esperar escribir mal sentir incluso minuto tranquilidad gracias lectura
im gender equality hit im gonna pound like like cremated matter gender
[ "im gender equality hit im gonna pound like like cremated matter gender" ]
Im igualdad de género golpeó im va a golpear como materia cremada género
yk dating teenagers relationships fail thomy tchrs adults around always tell relationships dating teen almost always never works end nothingnot worth itetc obviously ppl get married early relationship high school become adults idk man yall real fooling around
[ "yk dating teenagers relationships fail thomy tchrs adults around always tell relationships dating teen almost always never works end nothingnot worth itetc obviously ppl get married early relationship high school become adults idk man yall real fooling around" ]
yk salir adolescentes relaciones fallar tommy tchrs adultos alrededor siempre decir relaciones salir adolescente casi siempre nunca funciona terminar nadano vale la pena itetc obviamente ppl casarse relación temprana escuela secundaria se convierten en adultos idk hombre yall real tonting alrededor
even distraught never get job done suicide mind exploding much redflag outlet relief already called police incident much one extremely hostile towards me triggered left tears already traumatized happened much pain support live alone disabled due mental health know else do desperate redflag even little understand internet good place seek support option called case manager already called crisis hotline national suicide hotline samaritans hotline tell thing get therapist waitlists long six months need immediate help now need someone now anyone know anything anyone could provide sort relief please someone something please read this need help police help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even distraught never get job done suicide mind exploding much redflag outlet relief already called police incident much one extremely hostile towards me triggered left tears already traumatized happened much pain support live alone disabled due mental health know else do desperate redflag even little understand internet good place seek support option called case manager already called crisis hotline national suicide hotline samaritans hotline tell thing get therapist waitlists long six months need immediate help now need someone now anyone know anything anyone could provide sort relief please someone something please read this need help police help me" ]
incluso angustiado nunca conseguir trabajo hecho suicidio mente explosión mucho redflag salida de alivio ya llamado incidente policial mucho un extremadamente hostil hacia mí desencadenado lágrimas izquierda ya traumatizado sucedió mucho dolor apoyo vivir solo debido a la salud mental saber más hacer redflag desesperado incluso poco entender Internet buen lugar buscar apoyo opción llamado administrador de caso ya llamado crisis línea directa suicidio nacional línea directa samaritanos línea de ayuda decir cosas conseguir terapeutas listas de espera durante seis meses necesitan ayuda inmediata ahora necesita alguien ahora alguien sabe cualquier cosa podría proporcionar alivio por favor alguien por favor lea esta necesidad ayuda policía me ayude
want try bondage ask partner keep ropei sure keeping rope trigger suicidal thoughts would dominant one want explain get suicidal thoughts recent fwb would do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want try bondage ask partner keep ropei sure keeping rope trigger suicidal thoughts would dominant one want explain get suicidal thoughts recent fwb would do" ]
¿Quieres tratar bondage pedir pareja mantener cuerda seguro de mantener la cuerda desencadenar pensamientos suicidas dominantes uno quiere explicar conseguir pensamientos suicidas reciente fwb haría
yesterday decided go finish degree covid forced withdraw year hardest year as previous posts highlight depressive suicidal thoughts highest life first time feel like looking see future weeks ago think had one step time but think saw smile face today decided go back finish degree first time seen light
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yesterday decided go finish degree covid forced withdraw year hardest year as previous posts highlight depressive suicidal thoughts highest life first time feel like looking see future weeks ago think had one step time but think saw smile face today decided go back finish degree first time seen light" ]
ayer decidió ir grado final covid retirada forzada año más duro año ya que los posts anteriores destacan pensamientos suicidas depresivos vida más alta primera vez se siente como mirar hacia el futuro hace semanas pensar tuvo un paso de tiempo, pero creo que vio la sonrisa cara hoy decidió volver grado final primera vez visto luz
school stressfulmy weight school almost reason enough go ahead kms nobody likes even parents yell mom especially sets unrealistic expectations cant wait get hands gun end life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "school stressfulmy weight school almost reason enough go ahead kms nobody likes even parents yell mom especially sets unrealistic expectations cant wait get hands gun end life" ]
escuela estresantemi escuela de peso casi razón suficiente seguir adelante kms a nadie le gusta incluso los padres gritan mamá especialmente establece expectativas poco realistas no puedo esperar conseguir manos pistola fin vida
day painful much work stopping imnot call er want alexander pain end downed far cutting hoping works end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "day painful much work stopping imnot call er want alexander pain end downed far cutting hoping works end" ]
día doloroso mucho trabajo parar imno llamar er quiero alexander dolor terminar derribado corte lejos esperar obras fin
classic dramaaction western incredible cinematography well ahead time production good tell done pride loveunique peek american northt west pioneers educational entertainingthis movie rated people like see reality many lawmen particular time place crookedcorrupt much like developing countries todaythe action sequences could realistic though stillthis movie really covers essentialsnot audience wants pure testoterone type westerns movie sense history philosophy
[ "classic dramaaction western incredible cinematography well ahead time production good tell done pride loveunique peek american northt west pioneers educational entertainingthis movie rated people like see reality many lawmen particular time place crookedcorrupt much like developing countries todaythe action sequences could realistic though stillthis movie really covers essentialsnot audience wants pure testoterone type westerns movie sense history philosophy" ]
teatro clásico western cinematografía increíble mucho antes de tiempo producción buena cuenta hecho orgullo amor único mirada americano Northt West pioneros educativos entretener esta película gente valorada como ver realidad muchos abogados particular tiempo lugar corrupto torcido mucho como los países en desarrollo hoy en día las secuencias de acción podría realista aunque todavía esta película realmente cubre esencialesno público quiere puro testoterone tipo westerns cine sentido historia filosofía
deal negative emotions talk trusted friend get help express negative feelings physical activities hobbies non harmful outlets let stack behind face throat twist unhealthy rage causes break blow slightest inconvenience
[ "deal negative emotions talk trusted friend get help express negative feelings physical activities hobbies non harmful outlets let stack behindface throat twist unhealthy rage causes break blow slightest inconvenience" ]
trato emociones negativas hablar amigo de confianza obtener ayuda expresar sentimientos negativos actividades físicas hobbies no perjudiciales salidas dejar apilar detrás de la cara torcer la garganta rabia malsana causas romper golpe más leves inconvenientes
im scaredthrowaway account obvious reasons ive depressed since march causes revolving door problems ive open school church family roommates girlfriend it school tried help much me roommate helped tremendously best friend girlfriend ive moved back home semester far away them depression led struggle classes point may failing fail though parents basically turn back me feelings inadequacy anxiety future plagued mind nonstop ive semisuicidal thoughts whole time girlfriend knew them she roommate best friend as well religious convictions enough keep now seemed like thoughts going away end semester drew closer parents freaked possibility failing fail ill debt job degree family willing help me ill proven much failure ive always thought was honestly cant see reason keep going cant even see could wanted to scares that first time life actually started researching ways commit act started developing preferences decided it would want clean so one clean huge mess want family ones find body first im terrified thoughts even come mind thing keeping thought never seeing love life one last time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scaredthrowaway account obvious reasons ive depressed since march causes revolving door problems ive open school church family roommates girlfriend it school tried help much me roommate helped tremendously best friend girlfriend ive moved back home semester far away them depression led struggle classes point may failing fail though parents basically turn back me feelings inadequacy anxiety future plagued mind nonstop ive semisuicidal thoughts whole time girlfriend knew them she roommate best friend as well religious convictions enough keep now seemed like thoughts going away end semester drew closer parents freaked possibility failing failill debt job degree family willing help me ill proven much failure ive always thought was honestly cant see reason keep going cant even see could wanted to scares that first time life actually started researching ways commit act started developing preferences decided it would want clean so one clean huge mess want family ones find body first im terrified thoughts even come mind thing keeping thought never seeing love life one last time" ]
Im shumedthrowaway cuenta obvia razones ive deprimido desde marcha causas puerta giratoria problemas ive escuela escuela familia compañeros de cuarto novia ella escuela trató de ayudar mucho yo compañero de cuarto ayudó tremendamente mejor amigo novia ive se mudó de vuelta a casa semestre lejos ellos depresión condujo lucha clases punto puede fallar fracaso aunque los padres básicamente volver atrás mis sentimientos insuficiencia ansiedad futuro mente plagada sin parar pensamientos semisuicidas vida todo el tiempo novia sabía que ella compañero de cuarto mejor amigo así convicciones religiosas mantener ahora parecía como pensamientos yendo fuera final semestre se acercó padres más cerca posibilidad fracaso fallida deuda trabajo grado familia querer ayudarme mal probado mucho fracaso siempre pensé que era honestamente no puedo ver razón seguir adelante cant incluso ver podría querer asustarse que la primera vez que la vida comenzó a investigar formas de comisión acto comenzó a desarrollar preferencias decidió que querría limpiar así que un desastre enorme limpio quiere familia encontrar cuerpo primero im pensamientos aterrorizados incluso venir mente cosa mantener pensamiento nunca ver vida amor una última vez
fear disappear gonewhen longer fear it idea scare anymore cant recall exact day id say weeks ago
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fear disappear gonewhen longer fear it idea scare anymore cant recall exact day id say weeks ago" ]
El miedo desaparece cuando más tiempo el miedo idea miedo más no puedo recordar exactamente el día id decir hace semanas
guilthi reddit month ago watching video ramateur two days ago remebered it suddenly absolute horror girl underage rape today searched original content proven im disturbed think tell family kill myself today soon cant live uncertainty
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "guilthi reddit month ago watching video ramateur two days ago remebered it suddenly absolute horror girl underage rape today searched original content proven im disturbed think tell family kill myself today soon cant live uncertainty" ]
culpahi reddit hace mes viendo video Ramateur hace dos días recordé de repente el horror absoluto chica menor violación hoy buscó contenido original probado im perturbado pensar decirle a la familia me mata hoy pronto no puedo vivir incertidumbre
helpi feel really weak need someones help ive depressed years so ive never seen doctor saw happened older sister went hospital fuck that tonight really bad im alone house parents europe late anyone awake want end it care anything anymore even loneliness thing past three nights ive gotten laid enjoy anything anymore im really ready it know im asking help anyone able say anything not cliche help thats story ive got rope tied basement
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpi feel really weak need someones help ive depressed years so ive never seen doctor saw happened older sister went hospital fuck that tonight really badim alone house parents europe late anyone awake want end it care anything anymore even loneliness thing past three nights ive gotten laid enjoy anything anymoreim really ready it know im asking help anyone able say anything not cliche help thats story ive got rope tied basement" ]
helpi se siente muy débil necesidad de alguien ayuda a vivir años deprimidos así que nunca he visto médico vio sucedió hermana mayor fue hospital follada que esta noche realmente bádim solo casa padres Europa tarde alguien despierto quiere terminar que le importa cualquier cosa más incluso soledad después de tres noches ive consiguió tener sexo disfrutar de cualquier cosa más bien listo sé que estoy pidiendo ayuda a cualquiera capaz de decir cualquier cosa no cliché ayuda que la historia ive tiene cuerda atada sótano
overwhelmedim starting college weeks im scared part wants run away it family issues getting hard like half im bridge between theres much head needs sorting big things coming driving crazy cant cope every time close eyes sleep quiet time think needs done whats coming know shouldnt say wanna give desire go college anymore want everything stop worry anything anymore plus feel like shit time go know theres probably easier ways cope excited college days lately getting overwhelming
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "overwhelmedim starting college weeksim scared part wants run away it family issues getting hard like half im bridge between theres much head needs sorting big things coming driving crazy cant cope every time close eyes sleep quiet time think needs done whats coming know shouldnt say wanna give desire go college anymore want everything stop worry anything anymore plus feel like shit time go know theres probably easier ways cope excited college days lately getting overwhelming" ]
La parte asustada quiere escaparse de los problemas familiares que se ponen difíciles como la mitad de mi puente entre los Theres mucha cabeza necesita ordenar grandes cosas que vienen conduciendo loco cant hacer frente a cada vez que los ojos cerrados dormir tranquilo tiempo pensar necesidades hecho lo que viene saber no debe decir querer dar deseo ir a la universidad más quiere todo dejar de preocuparse cualquier cosa más sentir como mierda tiempo ir saber Theres probablemente maneras más fáciles hacer frente a emocionantes días de la universidad últimamente conseguir abrumador
hang anyone needs talk know month week even today may feel impossible impossible arent try get it may hurt may angry here get better get better keep waking every day keep pushing least owe yourself yourself got this loves make day great
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hang anyone needs talk know month week even today may feel impossible impossible arent try get it may hurt may angry here get better get better keep waking every day keep pushing least owe yourself yourself got this loves make day great" ]
ahorcar a alguien necesita hablar sabe mes semana incluso hoy puede sentirse imposible imposible no tratar de conseguir puede doler aquí puede mejorar mejor seguir despertando cada día seguir empujando menos debe usted mismo tiene este amor hacer el día grande
pros amp cons dating pros dating cons
[ "pros amp cons dating pros dating cons" ]
pros amp cons dating pros dating contras
everyone get wantyou cant follow dreams everyone would work retail stores would work dead end try chase dreams fail wasted time career path everyone ment happy shit works feel like im side character thats even part main story hey gotta flesh world somehow special people thrive love drawing art im delusional think somehow make become well something love thats works sure success stories happening failed need money get hours relief hobbie makes happy fuck life fuck world want die ment rather object something maybe mug mugs cool think give pretty good mug energy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyone get wantyou cant follow dreams everyone would work retail stores would work dead end try chase dreams fail wasted time career path everyone ment happy shit works feel like im side character thats even part main story hey gotta flesh world somehow special people thrive love drawing art im delusional think somehow make become well something love thats works sure success stories happening failed need money get hours relief hobbie makes happy fuck life fuck world want die ment rather object something maybemug mugs cool think give pretty good mug energy" ]
Todo el mundo consigue el deseo usted no puede seguir sueños todos trabajarían tiendas al por menor trabajarían callejón sin salida tratar perseguir sueños fallar perder tiempo carrera trayectoria todos mento feliz mierda funciona se siente como im lado personaje que incluso parte historia principal hey got thought work world de alguna manera gente especial prosperar amor dibujo arte im deliral pensar de alguna manera hacer llegar a ser bien algo amor que funciona historias de éxito que suceden fallidas necesidad de dinero conseguir horas afición de socorro hace feliz mierda vida mundo quieren morir objeto algo tal vezmug tazas fresco pensar dar bastante buena energía taza
want exist anymorei recently hurt love life shes thinking leaving me hearing cry feel sad makes want alive anymore much debt school cant get job covid lately ive thinking gun driving middle desert end it ive made worst mistake life wife never look way again alone makes think dont deserve alive anymore dont know do feel like ive shoved dark hole way out wish never existed dont want alive feeling emotions anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want exist anymorei recently hurt love life shes thinking leaving me hearing cry feel sad makes want alive anymore much debt school cant get job covid lately ive thinking gun driving middle desert end it ive made worst mistake life wife never look way again alone makes think dont deserve alive anymore dont know do feel like ive shoved dark hole way out wish never existed dont want alive feeling emotions anymore" ]
Quiero existir más recientemente herido amor vida ella está pensando dejándome oír llorar se siente triste hace querer vivo más mucha deuda escuela no puede conseguir trabajo covid últimamente ive pensamiento pistola conducir medio desierto final ive ha hecho peor error vida esposa nunca mirar de nuevo solo hace pensar no merece vivir más no sé se siente como ive empujado agujero oscuro manera de salir deseo nunca existió no quiero emociones sentimiento vivo ya
fun covidfriendly halloween activities not arson thinking maybe dress spooky makeup watch halloween horror movies friends suggestions
[ "fun covidfriendly halloween activities not arson thinking maybe dress spooky makeup watch halloween horror movies friends suggestions" ]
diversión covidfriendly halloween actividades no pensamiento incendio quizás vestido maquillaje espeluznante ver halloween películas de terror amigos sugerencias
loose ends tied nowm ive feeling actively passively suicidal years ive reached friends family hotlines ive dragged house cops hospitalized maybe time would switch actively suicidal passively reckless instead actual attempts two nights ago tried overdose near dozenth time failed next day agony got bed times throw up since moved much except small things like clean dog feed pets know looked go tied loose ends last weeks pushed friends away point hate me make things easier mention friends barely knew needed something im trans man ok insurance covers parts transition since live home rent free spare cash go student loans cover copays know im really fortunate life im college student as take maximum credit hours pass decent job pick hours make well min wage state mentors professors close contacts best schools state parents abusive family generally pretty ok except even working hrwk school full time making as parents think im enough every weeks threaten kick enough housework fast enough siblings treated way kind anything generally get yelled at live home im oldest youngest still feel alone incapable giving receiving love idea near people enough make skin crawl know like around me im ugly feel like imposter even constant overbearing urge kill bad life all next attempt going starving death hanging nobody bothers either easy enough
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "loose ends tied nowm ive feeling actively passively suicidal years ive reached friends family hotlines ive dragged house cops hospitalized maybe time would switch actively suicidal passively reckless instead actual attempts two nights ago tried overdose near dozenth time failed next day agony got bed times throw up since moved much except small things like clean dog feed pets know looked go tied loose ends last weeks pushed friends away point hate me make things easier mention friends barely knew needed something im trans man ok insurance covers parts transition since live home rent free spare cash go student loans cover copays know im really fortunate lifeim college student as take maximum credit hours pass decent job pick hours make well min wage state mentors professors close contacts best schools state parents abusive family generally pretty ok except even working hrwk school full time making as parents think im enough every weeks threaten kick enough housework fast enough siblings treated way kind anything generally get yelled at live home", "im oldest youngest still feel alone incapable giving receiving love idea near people enough make skin crawl know like around me im ugly feel like imposter even constant overbearing urge kill bad life all next attempt going starving death hanging nobody bothers either easy enough" ]
cabos sueltos empatados nowm ive sentimiento activo pasivamente suicida años ive llegó amigos línea directa de la familia ive drag house polis hospitalizados tal vez el tiempo cambiaría activamente suicida pasivamente imprudente en lugar de intentos reales hace dos noches intentó sobredosis cerca de docena de veces falló al día siguiente agonía consiguió cama veces vomitar desde se movió mucho excepto pequeñas cosas como perro limpio alimentación mascotas saben mirada ir atado cabos sueltos las últimas semanas amigos alejados punto odio las cosas me hacen más fácil mencionar amigos apenas sabía necesita algo im trans hombre ok seguro cubre partes transición ya que vivo casa alquiler libre dinero libre ir estudiantes préstamos cubrir copays saber im realmente afortunado vidaim estudiante universitario como tomar máximo crédito horas pasar decente trabajo horas recoger bien salario profesores contactos mejores escuelas estatales padres abusivos familia en general bastante bien excepto incluso trabajo hrwk escuela a tiempo completo hacer como los padres piensan que im suficiente amenaza patear bastante trabajo doméstico rápido lo suficientemente hermanos tratados manera amable cualquier cosa generalmente se gritan en vivo casa
haha xd friends really wish could cry soul friends shoulder
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "haha xd friends really wish could cry soul friends shoulder" ]
haha xd amigos realmente deseo podría llorar soul amigos hombro
programming discords could join reading description legitimately said title
[ "programming discords could join reading description legitimately said title" ]
programación discordias podrían unirse a la descripción de lectura legítimamente dicho título
hate flat earthers dont know else say without bot removing posts
[ "hate flat earthers dont know else say without bot removing posts" ]
odio terrícolas planas no saben más decir sin bots quitar los postes
give enough credit sure beat curer cancer next enstein sperm race also probably beat rapist pedophile simp
[ "give enough credit sure beat curer cancer next enstein sperm race also probably beat rapist pedophile simp" ]
dar suficiente crédito seguro curar el cáncer próxima raza de espermatozoides de enstein también probablemente vencer a violador pedófilo simp
flashback time earbuds died right hit play music caramelldansen started blasting phone speaker
[ "flashback time earbuds died right hit play music caramelldansen started blasting phone speaker" ]
flashback tiempo auriculares muertos derecha golpe play música caramelldansen comenzó alargando altavoz de teléfono
im really rough day dont wanna socialize school started really havent well emotionally part school part things dont need go anyway past months ive organizing weekly zoom meetings friends us hang talk supposed one half hour really dont feel rn time know dont start everyone get freaked dont wanna deal ton people asking literally anyone start zoom meeting top know dont hang ill probably room crying alone couple hours thats exactly good option either feel like everything sucks idk
[ "im really rough day dont wanna socialize school started really havent well emotionally part school part things dont need go anyway past months ive organizing weekly zoom meetings friends us hang talk supposed one half hour really dont feel rn time know dont start everyone get freaked dont wanna deal ton people asking literally anyone start zoom meeting top know dont hang ill probably room crying alone couple hours thats exactly good option either feel like everything sucks idk" ]
Im día realmente duro no quiero socializar la escuela comenzó realmente no han bien parte emocional parte parte escuela cosas no necesitan ir de todos modos meses pasados ive organización de reuniones semanales zoom amigos nosotros colgar hablar supuesto una media hora realmente no se siente rn time saber no empezar todo el mundo se asusta no quiero trato gente pidiendo literalmente cualquiera empezar zoom reunión superior saber no colgar enfermo probablemente habitación llorando solo un par de horas que es exactamente buena opción o sentir que todo apesta idk
canti know believe anymore anything know im miserable sick fighting it want done want disappear want feel anything anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "canti know believe anymore anything know im miserable sick fighting it want done want disappear want feel anything anymore" ]
canti saber creer más cualquier cosa sabe mí miserable enfermo luchar que quiere hecho querer desaparecer quiero sentir cualquier cosa más
love dont know made post love myself im glad exist world life great
[ "love dont know made post love myselfim glad exist world life great" ]
amor no sé hecho post amor yo mismo me alegro de existir mundo vida grande
writing break tears eyes another meltdown work written posts similar one before deleted ill probably delete one too sick treated like shit everyone usually talkative try hard sociable considerate people around me know feels excluded looked want others feel way around me work ass stupid fucking store put every ounce energy getting things done right time take breather even second suddenly end world put notice boss slacking blatant fucking liei hate boss hate way talks way walks stupid juvenile sense humor fake wannabe tough guy attitude hate here matter go never get respect anyone know wrong me hate way look talk friends afraid even try make every friend ever abandoned whenever convenient them life boring pointless brave enough kill myself feel like doomed alone forever living meaningless life something fundamentally wrong me resent mother marrying dad huge loser maybe met someone else would son totally fucking useless know myself want stuck way forever know need change sleep thing enjoy anymore maybe one days ill take nap never wake hate boss hate job hate myself hate life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "writing break tears eyes another meltdown work written posts similar one before deleted ill probably delete one too sick treated like shit everyone usually talkative try hard sociable considerate people around me know feels excluded looked want others feel way around me work ass stupid fucking store put every ounce energy getting things done right time take breather even second suddenly end world put notice boss slacking blatant fucking liei hate boss hate way talks way walks stupid juvenile sense humor fake wannabe tough guy attitude hate here matter go never get respect anyone know wrong me hate way look talk friends afraid even try make every friend ever abandoned whenever convenient them life boring pointless brave enough kill myself feel like doomed alone forever living meaningless life something fundamentally wrong me resent mother marrying dad huge loser maybe met someone else would son totally fucking useless know myself want stuck way forever know need change sleep thing enjoy anymoremaybe one days ill take nap never wake hate boss hate job hate myself hate life" ]
escribir romper lágrimas ojos otro derretimiento trabajo escritos posts similares antes borrados mal probablemente eliminar uno demasiado enfermo tratado como mierda todo el mundo normalmente hablara tratando duro sociable personas consideradas alrededor de mí sé que se siente excluido quiere que otros se sientan como alrededor de mí trabajo culo estúpido puta tienda poner cada onza energía conseguir cosas bien tiempo tomar aliento incluso segundo de repente fin mundo poner aviso jefe holgazanear descarado mierda liei odio jefe odio manera habla manera camina estúpido sentido juvenil humor falso querer ser duro chico actitud odio aquí materia ir nunca conseguir respeto nadie conocer mal me odio manera hablar amigos miedo incluso tratar de hacer que cada amigo siempre abandonado cada vez conveniente su vida aburrido sin sentido valiente lo suficientemente me mata como condenado por siempre vivir solo vida sin sentido algo fundamentalmente mal me resentía madre casarse papá enorme perdedor tal vez conocer a alguien más hijo totalmente inútil me quiere atascada manera siempre saber cambiar dormir cosa disfrutar más tal vez un día mal tomar siesta nunca despertar odio jefe odio trabajo odio a mí mismo odio vida
roses red violets blue ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb scrolled see rest post ampxb and rickrolled you toohttpspreviewredditjudcvfghdjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfceabadeabfeaabbbcc
[ "roses red violets blue ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb scrolled see rest post ampxb and rickrolled you toohttpspreviewredditjudcvfghdjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfceabadeabfeaabbbcc" ]
ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb ampxb scrolled ver resto post ampxb y rickrolled you toohttpspreviewredditjudvfghdjpgwidthampformatpjpampautowebpampsfceabadeabfeaabbbbbcc
wanna talk someone tried help friends problems asked pushed away one talk anything uhh interests anime video games uhhh thats really it im dead inside asshole smart ass think sakuta bunny girl senpai anyway wanna talk someone interests stuff none irl friends actually interests anime video games kinda lonely names alex anyones interested
[ "wanna talk someone tried help friends problems asked pushed away one talk anything uhh interests anime video games uhhh thats really itim dead inside asshole smart ass think sakuta bunny girl senpai anyway wanna talk someone interests stuff none irl friends actually interests anime video games kinda lonely names alex anyones interested" ]
Quiero hablar alguien trató de ayudar amigos problemas preguntó ahuyentó una charla nada uhh intereses anime videojuegos uhhh que es realmente itim muerto dentro culo inteligente culo pensar sakuta conejito chica senpai de todos modos quiere hablar alguien intereses cosas ningún irl amigos en realidad intereses anime videojuegos un poco solitario nombres Alex nadie interesado
please stop gay anime posts please seen rd time day editi beef gays want see posts more gonna end like skirts hand pics trend
[ "please stop gay anime posts please seen rd time day editi beef gays want see posts more gonna end like skirts hand pics trend" ]
por favor deja de gay anime posts por favor visto rd time day editi beef gays quieren ver posts más va a terminar como faldas fotos de mano tendencia
survivor serious injury recently stubbed toe still recovering it please keep awards yourself medical advisor says live please dont worry
[ "survivor serious injury recently stubbed toe still recovering it please keep awards yourself medical advisor says live please dont worry" ]
superviviente lesión grave recientemente dedos de los pies todavía recuperando por favor mantenga los premios usted mismo asesor médico dice vivir por favor no se preocupe
drove car first time im turning months dad took today empty parking lot districts highschool asked wanted get behind wheel wasnt sure ive always scared driving fact maybe ill bad driver time switched spots repeated commonly known steps start engine start driving spent minutes turning using break pedal drive pedal is called using turn signals stopped couple stop signs drove circles around different objects moved slowly didnt spin snow hit curb all still rush adrenaline driving pound machine made feel powerful
[ "drove car first time im turning months dad took today empty parking lot districts highschool asked wanted get behind wheel wasnt sure ive always scared driving fact maybe ill bad driver time switched spots repeated commonly known steps start engine start driving spent minutes turning using break pedal drive pedal is called using turn signals stopped couple stop signs drove circles around different objects moved slowly didnt spin snow hit curb all still rush adrenaline driving pound machine made feel powerful" ]
coche conducido primera vez im turnos meses papá tomó hoy estacionamiento vacío distritos escuela secundaria preguntó quería conseguir detrás del volante no estaba seguro de que siempre asustado hecho de conducción tal vez mal conductor mal tiempo cambiado puntos repetidos pasos comúnmente conocidos iniciar motor inicio conducción pasados minutos girando utilizando romper pedal pedal pedal se llama utilizando señales de parada par de señales de parada condujo círculos alrededor de diferentes objetos se movió lentamente no girar nieve golpe freno todos todavía prisa adrenalina conducción libra máquina hizo sentir potente
press cringe imagine chewing chomping grinding teeth mouth full fallen teeth
[ "press cringe imagine chewing chomping grinding teeth mouth full fallen teeth" ]
prensa cringe imaginar masticar chomping molienda dientes boca lleno dientes caídos
years enoughive living like far long fight thoughts every day ive tried everything im tired im sorry m
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "years enoughive living like far long fight thoughts every day ive tried everything im tired im sorry m" ]
años de vida suficiente como largos pensamientos de lucha todos los días he intentado todo lo que estoy cansado lo siento m
great little thriller expecting type silly horror movie got tight short thriller waste none time mostof movies get back characters stories either feel sympathy hatred people start getting killed foolishness here yes see characters really interact principals husband wife motel whose room canceled saw could efficient lisa character inefficient new hotel clerk was see little girl simply small important role later movie heck breaks loose flight atrendants need particular move plot ahead bad guy particular needs beginning flight rude guy airport important movie too characters liners use plot two young guys plane clever thought would something plot first scene last woman character young hotel executive named lisa charge even jackson shows true colors panic thinks stall time movie smart executive women would acting like idiots one short movie waiting usual plot devices kick movie seemed coming conclusion fast thankfuly none used new hotel clerk usual called told do panic drop phone run hotel without saying anything question boss tell much drink dismiss her craven types movies also one last comment brian cox movie one clue was come see lisas father completely unrecognizable
[ "great little thriller expecting type silly horror movie got tight short thriller waste none time mostof movies get back characters stories either feel sympathy hatred people start getting killed foolishness hereyes see characters really interact principals husband wife motel whose room canceled saw could efficient lisa character inefficient new hotel clerk was see little girl simply small important role later movie heck breaks loose flight atrendants need particular move plot ahead bad guy particular needs beginning flight rude guy airport important movie too characters liners use plot two young guys plane clever thought would something plot first scene last woman character young hotel executive named lisa charge even jackson shows true colors panic thinks stall time movie smart executive women would acting like idiots one short movie waiting usual plot devices kick movie seemed coming conclusion fast thankfuly none used new hotel clerk usual called told do panic drop phone run hotel without saying anything question boss tell much drink dismiss her craven types movies also one last comment brian cox movie one clue was come see lisas father completely unrecognizable" ]
gran poco thriller esperando tipo tonto película de terror consiguió apretado corto thriller pérdida de tiempo mayoría de películas volver historias personajes o sentir simpatía odio gente comienzan a ser asesinados tonto aquí sí ver personajes realmente interactuar directores marido esposa motel cuya habitación cancelada sierra podría eficiente carácter lisa eficiente nuevo empleado hotel fue ver niña simplemente pequeño papel importante después película heck rompe fugas atrendos necesidad particular movimiento delante malo chico particular necesidades comenzando vuelo chico rudo tipo aeropuerto importante película también personajes línea uso trama dos jóvenes avión inteligente pensamiento haría algo trama primera escena última mujer personaje joven hotel ejecutivo llamado Lisa carga incluso Jackson muestra verdaderos colores pánico piensa que película de tiempo parado mujer ejecutiva inteligente actuaría como idiotas una película corta esperando dispositivos de trama habitual patada película parecía llegar conclusión rápido agradecido ninguno utilizado nuevo empleado hotel habitual llamado se le dijo hacer pánico caída teléfono hotel sin decir nada pregunta jefe decir mucha bebida despedir sus películas tipo craven también un último comentario brian cox película una pista fue venir ver lisas padre completamente irreconocible
girls resit would good conversation starter nerd usually talk dinossaurs girls find interesting sugestions better things start conversation girls
[ "girls resit would good conversation starter nerd usually talk dinossaurs girls find interesting sugestions better things start conversation girls" ]
chicas resit sería buena conversación starter nerd por lo general hablar dinosaurios chicas encontrar interesantes sugesciones mejores cosas iniciar conversación chicas
people reddit would answer form its class pls httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhjyjaviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhjyjaviewformuspsf_link
[ "people reddit would answer form its class pls httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhjyjaviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhjyjaviewformuspsf_link" ]
La gente respondería desde su clase pls httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhjyjaviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlsfgomvwrvskuwkdziumjyyuwpapsfiurzlbkouhyjaviewformusf_link
threw away pills todayi depressed thought redflag before ive walked it never did reached people got counseling made alive last year year fall like last year happened again time worse know loved know people care me would idiot deny fact im surrounded amazing community sadness feels like never going end might make side cant escape it feel like im dragging people down got accident take heavy painkillers couple weeks im sure messed head even weeks cant stop depressed anxious past week half so keep thinking pills left use kill myself last night stop crying thought pills want old back morning held held bottle thought it thinking knew much real control right threw away pills feel much better believe decision made life throwing away think good first step theres many people like sharing kind stuff thought might well get chest here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "threw away pills todayi depressed thought redflag before ive walked it never did reached people got counseling made alive last year year fall like last year happened again time worse know loved know people care me would idiot deny fact im surrounded amazing community sadness feels like never going end might make side cant escape it feel like im dragging people down got accident take heavy painkillers couple weeks im sure messed head even weeks cant stop depressed anxious past week half so keep thinking pills left use kill myself last night stop crying thought pills want old back morning held held bottle thought it thinking knew much real control right threw away pills feel much better believe decision made life throwing away think good first step theres many people like sharing kind stuff thought might well get chest here" ]
La gente nunca llegó a recibir asesoramiento hecho vivo el año pasado otoño como el año pasado ocurrió otra vez peor saber amado la gente me cuidan idiota negar hecho im rodeado increíble comunidad tristeza se siente como nunca va a terminar podría hacer lado cant escape se siente como im arrastrando a la gente tuvo accidente tomar analgésicos pesados par de semanas estoy seguro de cabeza desordenada incluso semanas no puede dejar de deprimido ansioso la semana pasada la mitad así que sigue pensando píldoras izquierda uso me mata anoche dejar de llorar pensamiento píldoras quieren viejo mañana mantenido en la botella pensó que pensar sabía mucho control real derecha tirar píldoras se siente mucho mejor creer decisión hizo la vida tirar lejos pensar buen primer paso Theres muchas personas como compartir cosas amables pensamiento bien podría llegar pecho aquí
hey there need share something u guys feel like im middle existential crisis guess may vulnerable depression bcoz entrance exam approaching amp feel quite afraid time mean cant stop procrastinating past failures amp seems like parents really acknowledge small successes teachers really mean amp predict might fail it things bit tough past years able perform according parents expectations think talking community similar age group might lighten heavy heart amp give head start towards destination anyways community encouraged get downfall thank u guyz
[ "hey there need share something u guys feel like im middle existential crisis guess may vulnerable depression bcoz entrance exam approaching amp feel quite afraid time mean cant stop procrastinating past failures amp seems like parents really acknowledge small successes teachers really mean amp predict might fail it things bit tough past years able perform according parents expectations think talking community similar age group might lighten heavy heart amp give head start towards destination anyways community encouraged get downfall thank u guyz" ]
Hey hay necesidad de compartir algo u chicos se sienten como im crisis existencial medio adivinar puede vulnerable depresión bcoz examen de entrada acercarse a amplificador sentir bastante miedo tiempo significa no poder dejar de retrasar fracasos pasados amp parece como los padres realmente reconocen pequeños éxitos profesores realmente significa amp predice podría fallar las cosas poco difícil años pasados capaz de realizar de acuerdo a padres expectativas pensar hablar comunidad grupo de edad similar podría aligerar pesado corazón amplificador dar cabeza de inicio hacia el destino de todos modos comunidad alentado conseguir caída gracias u guosz
guys party tonight regular show goddamn fucking good like come guitar melody slaps harder boxer steroids song written specifically cartoon goddamn good rant goodnight dm want ill respond im six hours im going bed
[ "guys party tonight regular show goddamn fucking good like come guitar melody slaps harder boxer steroids song written specifically cartoon goddamn good rant goodnight dm want ill respond im six hours im going bed" ]
chicos fiesta esta noche programa regular malditamente bueno como ven melodía guitarra bofetadas más duro boxeador esteroides canción escrita específicamente dibujos animados maldito buen despotricado buenas noches mm quieren mal responder im seis horas im ir a la cama
first deepa mehta film saw film tv hindi version sita character presented nita also note radha underwent allegorical trial fire film nitasita yet loved film screenplay ms mehta direction characters big small welldeveloped seemed quixotic towards endsomewhat like end mazurskys an unmarried woman brave women surrounded cardboard men one cardboard man ashok seems come alive last shot see himcarrying invalid mother biji seems finally take future responsibility beyond celibacy adherance religion br br ms mehta seems fumble director however compared indian mainstream cinema would seem brilliant cannot use script go beyond microscopic joint family presenting except presenting glimpse chinese microminority social milieu india even dedicates film mother daughter not father yet radha reminesces halcyon days parents mustard field compare mrinal sen adoor gopalakrishnan muzaffar ali dwarfed giantsgiven competent canadian production team financial resources mehtas film two bisexual ladies indian middleclass household may sacrilege some merely captures atrophy middleclass homes seem aspire something better immediate survival limited social space kannada malayalam bengali films touched parallel themes india publicity surrounded film therefore seen wide segment knowledgeable cinemagoersbr br ms das ms azmi mr jafri mr kharbanda credible outstanding ms azmi talented actress gave superb performances good directors mrinal sens khandar gautam ghoses paar benegals ankur brilliance notably absent film ms das sparkled due screen presence rather acting capability all films strength remains structure screenplay average terms international cinema sure ms mehta hone writing talents future screenplays
[ "first deepa mehta film saw film tv hindi version sita character presented nita also note radha underwent allegorical trial fire film nitasita yet loved film screenplay ms mehta direction characters big small welldeveloped seemed quixotic towards endsomewhat like end mazurskys an unmarried woman brave women surrounded cardboard men one cardboard man ashok seems come alive last shot see himcarrying invalid mother biji seems finally take future responsibility beyond celibacy adherance religion br br ms mehta seems fumble director however compared indian mainstream cinema would seem brilliant cannot use script go beyond microscopic joint family presenting except presenting glimpse chinese microminority social milieu india even dedicates film mother daughter not father yet radha reminesces halcyon days parents mustard field compare mrinal sen adoor gopalakrishnan muzaffar ali dwarfed giantsgiven competent canadian production team financial resources mehtas film two bisexual ladies indian middleclass household may sacrilege some merely captures atrophy middleclass homes seem aspire something better immediate survival limited", "social space kannada malayalam bengali films touched parallel themes india publicity surrounded film therefore seen wide segment knowledgeable cinemagoersbr br ms das ms azmi mr jafri mr kharbanda credible outstanding ms azmi talented actress gave superb performances good directors mrinal sens khandar gautam ghoses paar benegals ankur brilliance notably absent film ms das sparkled due screen presence rather acting capability all films strength remains structure screenplay average terms international cinema sure ms mehta hone writing talents future screenplays" ]
primera película profunda mehta vio película cine tv hindi versión sita personaje presentado nita también nota radha se sometió a ensayo alegórico fuego película nitasita aún amado cine guión ms mehta dirección personajes grandes pequeños bien desarrollados parecía quixotic hacia finalsomewwill como fin mazurskys una mujer soltera valiente mujeres rodeado cartón hombres un cartón hombre Ashok parece llegar a vivir última foto ver élcarring inválido madre biji parece finalmente tomar responsabilidad en el futuro más allá de celibato adhesión religión br br ms mehta parece fumble director sin embargo comparado indio cine convencional parece brillante no puede utilizar guión ir más allá microscópico familia presentación excepto presentando vislumbre chino microminoriedad social medio ambiente India incluso dedica película madre hija no padre y radha reminesces halcyon días padres campo mustard comparar mrinal sen adoor gopalakrishnan muzaffar ali enanoed gigants gestione equipo de producción competente canadiense recursos financieros mehtas película mehtas bisexuales damas indian clase medio hogar puede sacrilege algunas simplemente captura una trofeo hogares parece aspirar algo mejor supervivencia inmediata
psychotic break best thing happened mefor life operated highlow basis manic would act physically emotionally impulsively manipulatively would sink lowest lows months later get bed shower take care basic needs convinced unworthy manic powered thoughts selfworth surprised people wanted around me clung semblance acceptance could would manipulate situations benefit feel like shit depressive episode came along took millionth suicidal intention mixed manic phase urge check institution insurance cover mental health knew last day didnt best friend ended relationship years way hospital text medication prescribed earlier year working me instead muffling depression brought redflag knowing would it planning would happen rose water drowning hour morning knew time better medication mood stabilizer given life back still working fallout finally hope reaching friends spoken years talking strangers internet going movies myself enjoying instead fearing time myself trust again happy confident ever hope guys proud here need someone talk to know here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "psychotic break best thing happened mefor life operated highlow basis manic would act physically emotionally impulsively manipulatively would sink lowest lows months later get bed shower take care basic needs convinced unworthy manic powered thoughts selfworth surprised people wanted around me clung semblance acceptance could would manipulate situations benefit feel like shit depressive episode came along took millionth suicidal intention mixed manic phase urge check institution insurance cover mental health knew last day didnt best friend ended relationship years way hospital text medication prescribed earlier year working me instead muffling depression brought redflag knowing would it planning would happen rose water drowning hour morning knew time better medication mood stabilizer given life back still working fallout finally hope reaching friends spoken years talking strangers internet going movies myself enjoying instead fearing time myself trust again happy confident ever hope guys proud here need someone talk to know here" ]
Psicótico descanso mejor me pasó para la vida operado alta base maníaco actuaría físicamente emocionalmente impulsivamente manipulador hundiría mínimos meses más tarde conseguir cama ducha cuidar necesidades básicas convencido negrita maníaco pensamiento potenciado autovalidez sorprendido la gente quería alrededor de mí torpe aceptación apariencia podría manipular situaciones beneficio se siente como mierda episodio depresivo vino a lo largo tomó millónésima intención suicida fase maníaco mixta urgencia cheque institución seguro cobertura salud mental sabía el último día no mejor amigo terminó relación años manera hospital texto medicamentos prescritos antes de año trabajo en lugar de muffling depresión trajo rojo saber si planearía ocurrir agua rosa ahogado hora mañana sabía tiempo mejor medicación estabilizador estado de ánimo de vida de vuelta todavía trabajo secuela finalmente esperanza llegar amigos habla años extranjeros Internet va películas yo disfrutando en lugar de temer tiempo confiar otra vez feliz confianza siempre chicos orgullosos aquí necesitan alguien hablar para saber aquí
guys remember post much lgbt stuff subreddit uh yeah im sure made
[ "guys remember post much lgbt stuffsubreddit uh yeahim sure made" ]
los chicos recuerdan postear mucho Igbt stuffssubreddit uh yehim seguro hecho
gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer
[ "gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer gamer" ]
Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer Gamer
story shinae moves milyang seoul young son jun start accidental death husband husband born here opening piano school also ambitions land insurance money received death film about probably would like hollywood film falling local guy happy son new home but hollywood son gets kidnapped murdered ostensibly known cash settlement grief process attempts moving on attempts clear conscience guilt done admirably lead actress superb caveat stated depressing film know going in want shinae go grief find measure happiness again hollywood korea korean cinema especially drama pull punches life happens you great acting sometimes tough film watch due goings on stay rewarded that
[ "story shinae moves milyang seoul young son jun start accidental death husband husband born here opening piano school also ambitions land insurance money received death film about probably would like hollywood film falling local guy happy son new home but hollywood son gets kidnapped murdered ostensibly known cash settlement grief process attempts moving on attempts clear conscience guilt done admirably lead actress superb caveat stated depressing film know going in want shinae go grief find measure happiness again hollywood korea korean cinema especially drama pull punches life happens you great acting sometimes tough film watch due goings on stay rewarded that" ]
historia shinae se mueve milyang seoul joven hijo jun comienza muerte accidental marido marido nacido aquí apertura escuela de piano también ambiciones tierra seguro dinero recibido película de la muerte sobre probablemente como Hollywood película caída local chico feliz hijo nuevo hogar pero Hollywood hijo es secuestrado asesinado aparentemente conocido liquidación de efectivo proceso de duelo intentos de movimiento en intentos conciencia clara culpa hecho admirablemente líder actriz magnífica advertencia declarada película deprimente saber ir en la necesidad shinae ir dolor encontrar medida felicidad de nuevo Hollywood Corea cine especialmente drama tirón golpes vida sucede gran actuación a veces duro cine ver debido a que va en estancia recompensado que
wish existmy family wants gone want gone mental illnesses get worse make every single aspect living pure hell still killing would cause much trouble wish never existed first place im sorry burden
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish existmy family wants gone want gone mental illnesses get worse make every single aspect living pure hell still killing would cause much trouble wish never existed first place im sorry burden" ]
deseo de existir mi familia quiere que se vaya las enfermedades mentales se ponen peor cada aspecto vivir puro infierno todavía matar causaría muchos problemas deseo nunca existió primer lugar lo siento carga
maybe todayi posted subreddit days ago stating wanted die planning taking life today planning buying rope shanaz im extremely tired painful atm want go college tho ive missed many days recently want piss tutor offor mother wish could end nowor least sleepmaybe whole daybut enough courage tell bf react badly all hes keeping eye today hope go hosptial psych unit soon enough hope make tonight hope many others well thank u kind words last post even tho lifted heart dayit enough
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "maybe todayi posted subreddit days ago stating wanted die planning taking life today planning buying rope shanaz im extremely tired painful atm want go college tho ive missed many days recently want piss tutor offor mother wish could end nowor least sleepmaybe whole daybut enough courage tell bf react badly all hes keeping eye today hope go hosptial psych unit soon enough hope make tonight hope many others well thank u kind words last post even tho lifted heart dayit enough" ]
Tal vez hoy he publicado subredit hace días declarando que quería morir planificación tomar la vida hoy planificación comprar cuerda shanaz im extremadamente cansado dolor atm querer ir a la universidad tho ive perdido muchos días recientemente quieren orina tutor de la madre deseo podría terminar ahora o menos sueño tal vez todo el día pero suficiente coraje decir bf reaccionar mal todo lo que mantiene el ojo hoy esperanza ir hospicial unidad de psiquiatría pronto esperanza hacer esta noche muchos otros bien gracias a u amables palabras último post incluso tho levantado corazón día suficiente
recognised sub yet wanna know anyone remembers username
[ "recognised sub yet wanna know anyone remembers username" ]
Sub reconocido todavía quiere saber que alguien recuerda el nombre de usuario
suicidal thoughts require hospitalizationrecently ive feeling much stronger urge hurt myself past usually fleeting thoughts go away pretty quickly right now get vivid images want do play loop head pretty long time maybe im easily influenced makes susceptible influence thoughts head end really want get headspace ive trying push thoughts away often can honest theyre really strong im profound pain whereby need attempt redflag escape state im in honestly im attached prospect living everything feels little flat guess like daytoday life grey void idea ceasing exist burst color seems getting inviting me usually bed get thoughts usually try best leave bed try go sleep instead leave bed might it dont plan though feels like impulse thoughts go far as im thinking slicing arm kitchen knife gt could now everyones asleep gt get get knife gt now gt theyre going find tomorrow sad ill gone so theres redflag note plan specific time specific date get mean this ive honestly wondering would good idea get inpatient treatment feel like im becoming less less attached stopping hurting myself thoughts urges getting strong inviting im getting tired check myself so id like get opinions think suicidal thoughts as described bad enough require hospitalization yet would serious enough require trip er
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal thoughts require hospitalizationrecently ive feeling much stronger urge hurt myself past usually fleeting thoughts go away pretty quickly right now get vivid images want do play loop head pretty long time maybe im easily influenced makes susceptible influence thoughts head end really want get headspaceive trying push thoughts away often can honest theyre really strong im profound pain whereby need attempt redflag escape state im in honestly im attached prospect living everything feels little flat guess like daytoday life grey void idea ceasing exist burst color seems getting inviting me usually bed get thoughts usually try best leave bed try go sleep instead leave bed might it dont plan though feels like impulse thoughts go far as im thinking slicing arm kitchen knife gt could now everyones asleep gt get get knife gt now gt theyre going find tomorrow sad ill gone so theres redflag note plan specific time specific date get mean this ive honestly wondering would good idea get inpatient treatment feel like im becoming less less attached stopping hurting myself thoughts urges getting strong inviting im getting tired check myself", "so id like get opinions think suicidal thoughts as described bad enough require hospitalization yet would serious enough require trip er" ]
Los pensamientos suicidas requieren hospitalizaciónrecientemente la sensación de vida mucho más fuerte me duele pasado generalmente los pensamientos efímeros desaparecen bastante rápidamente ahora conseguir imágenes vívidas quieren jugar cabeza de bucle bastante mucho tiempo tal vez fácilmente influenciado hace influencia susceptible pensamientos cabeza extremo realmente quiero conseguir cabeza espaciado intentar empujar pensamientos lejos a menudo pueden ser honestos son realmente fuertes im dolor profundo donde necesidad intento rojo escape estado im en honestamente im adjunto perspectiva vivir todo se siente poco plano conjetura como día a día vida gris vacío idea cesar existe color explosión parece conseguir invitando generalmente cama conseguir pensamientos generalmente intentar mejor dejar la cama tratar de dormir en lugar de dejar la cama puede no planificar aunque se siente como pensamientos impulso ir lejos como im pensamiento cortando brazo cocina cuchillo gt podría ahora todo el mundo duerme gt conseguir cuchillo gt ahora gt ir encontrar mañana triste mal ido así que hay redflag nota plan específico hora específica conseguir significa este ive honestamente preguntarse sería buena idea conseguir tratamiento paciente se siente como im cada vez menos adjunto dejar de lastimarme pensamientos
ok tried hanging myself work matter much pressure try put arteries feel explosive head sensation black out wtf one thing want life cant accomplish it gotta say feels peaceful this maybe keep trying one time ill get right spot whole life building to destiny feel it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ok tried hanging myself work matter much pressure try put arteries feel explosive head sensation black out wtf one thing want life cant accomplish it gotta say feels peaceful this maybe keep trying one time ill get right spot whole life building to destiny feel it" ]
ok intento colgarme trabajo materia mucha presión tratar de poner las arterias sensación explosiva cabeza sensaciÃ3n negro fuera wtf una cosa quiere la vida no puede lograr tiene que decir se siente tranquilo esto tal vez seguir intentando una vez mal llegar a buen lugar toda la vida edificio al destino sentirlo
whats wierdest dream ever had best ive got one time dremnt lived new york city world ending nothing crazy idk whats wierdest dreams
[ "whats wierdest dream ever had best ive got one time dremnt lived new york city world ending nothing crazy idk whats wierdestdreams" ]
lo que el sueño más wierdest nunca ha tenido mejor ive consiguió una vez que Dremnt vivió el mundo de la ciudad de Nueva York terminando nada loco idk lo que wierdestdreams
humble familyi want kill myself hard admit dont really reason christian parents well off im smart grades slipping lately motivation tanked get good college dont motivation parents hate pamper love older brother people say youngest pampered thats absolute bullshit always compare horrible people talk dont want brother become like me even though hes older gets away everything give everything brother works starbucks makes money expenses hes paying food sometimes buying stuff dad keep mind im even old enough work since im dad says see hes buying stuff youre selfish like dont even make money whole life parents loving brother hating me hate it im done would parents
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "humble familyi want kill myself hard admit dont really reason christian parents well off im smart grades slipping lately motivation tanked get good college dont motivation parents hate pamper love older brother people say youngest pampered thats absolute bullshit always compare horrible people talk dont want brother become like me even though hes older gets away everything give everything brother works starbucks makes money expenses hes paying food sometimes buying stuff dad keep mindim even old enough work since im dad says see hes buying stuffyoure selfish like dont even make money whole life parents loving brother hating me hate itim donewould parents" ]
humilde familia quiero suicidarme duro admitir no realmente razón cristianos padres bien fuera smart grades resbalándose últimamente motivación tanques conseguir buena universidad no motivación padres odio mimar amor hermano mayor personas dicen más joven mimado eso es absoluta mierda siempre comparar horrible gente hablar no quiero hermano convertirse como yo a pesar de que él es mayor se va todo dar todo hermano trabaja Starbucks hace gastos dinero él paga comida a veces comprar cosas papá mantener mindim bastante viejo trabajo ya im papá dice ver él compra cosas eres egoísta como ni siquiera hacer dinero toda la vida padres amoroso hermano odiarme odio itim hizo
felt sleep paralysis didnt see cute demon felt tense muscles sweating vibrating back im scared am someone comfort me
[ "felt sleep paralysis didnt see cute demon felt tense muscles sweating vibrating back im scared am someone comfort me" ]
sintió la parálisis del sueño no vio lindo demonio sintió músculos tensos sudorando vibrando de nuevo estoy asustado soy alguien me consuela
know volkswagen put lambo v audi s like im gonna need find one convince dad get car horsepower supercar engine
[ "know volkswagen put lambo v audi s like im gonna need find one convince dad get car horsepower supercar engine" ]
saber volkswagen poner lambo v audi s como im va a necesitar encontrar una convencer a papá conseguir coche motor de caballos supercoche
biggest lie ever told gets better years since attempt nothing changed still agony future terrifying loosing faith god please stop testing god cannot fucking take anymore take now biggest lie ever told
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "biggest lie ever told gets better years since attempt nothing changed still agony future terrifying loosing faith god please stop testing god cannot fucking take anymore take now biggest lie ever told" ]
la mentira más grande jamás contada se hace mejor años desde el intento nada cambió todavía agonía futuro terrorífico perder la fe dios por favor deja de probar dios no puede tomar más ahora la mentira más grande jamás dicho
inevitableeverything leads inevitable death anything want lives hard think whats point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "inevitableeverything leads inevitable death anything want lives hard think whats point" ]
inevitabletodo lleva a la muerte inevitable cualquier cosa quiere vidas duro pensar qué punto
situationbonjour jai ans et depuis longtemps lenvie de redflagr pourtant je ne suis pas hyper triste douleur de jai fais une tentative il moins dun et aprs avoir pris du recul je suis rendu compte que ce passage lacte tait juste un moyen de dire famille que jai tais manipul et pour en quelque sorte condamn socialement la personne de famille et annoncer son danger mes proches malgr cette ide folle javais quand mme envie de mourir comment pardonn cette personne sachant que je ne peux pas lattaquer frontalement car je sais que elle va nier le plus chiant dans cette histoire cest que mes parents prennent maintenant pour un salaud comme dhab le manipulateur te fais passer pour lagresseur et je suis oblig de partir en vacance avec bref jai limpression que quoi que je fasse elle fera chier jusqu que je tue pour de bon car aprs tentative elle continuait je ne sais plus quoi faire
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "situationbonjour jai ans et depuis longtemps lenvie de redflagr pourtant je ne suis pas hyper triste douleur de jai fais une tentative il moins dun et aprs avoir pris du recul je suis rendu compte que ce passage lacte tait juste un moyen de dire famille que jai tais manipul et pour en quelque sorte condamn socialement la personne de famille et annoncer son danger mes proches malgr cette ide folle javais quand mme envie de mourir comment pardonn cette personne sachant que je ne peux pas lattaquer frontalement car je sais que elle va nier le plus chiant dans cette histoire cest que mes parents prennent maintenant pour un salaud comme dhab le manipulateur te fais passer pour lagresseur et je suis oblig de partir en vacance avec bref jai limpression que quoi que je fasse elle fera chier jusqu que je tue pour de bon car aprs tentative elle continuait je ne sais plus quoi faire" ]
Situationbonjour jai ans et depuis longtemps lenvie de redflagr pourtant je ne suis pas hyper triste douleur de jai fais une tentative il moins dun et aprs avoir pris du recul je suis rendu compte que ce paspment lacte tait juste un moyen de dire famille que jai tais manipul et pour en que ordenaron socialement la personne de famille et annoncer son danger me proches malgr cette ide folle javais quand mme envie de mourir comment indulten cette personne maintenant pour un salaud comme dhab le fais frontalement car je sais que va va near le plus chiant dans cette cette que cestoire cest que mes prenent maintenant pour un salaud le fais passer pour lagressente et je que suc que partenente que parten en efecto en efecto que trabajate ente en efecto
girl pretty evil making sun feel insecure hotness lt ampxb gtok cheesy admit itlt
[ "girl pretty evil making sun feel insecure hotness lt ampxb gtok cheesy admit itlt" ]
chica bastante mal haciendo que el sol se siente insegura calor It ampxb gtok cheesy admitir itlt
want happy want die wish never born first placemy parents two ignorant people good people ignorant fact existing pain think pain because think much thinking much case means realizing shit living in realizing alive much proves point living worst yet able understand living sensation alive existing like multiplying pain already unbearable thought slashing flesh liquid holds alive absurd ask me fucking liquid red liquid reason suffering fucking liquid pouring mind organ ridiculous form colour details mass shit fucking flesh fucking frail flesh cannot stand anymore taking lexapro month half now shit work fucking shit fucking work doctor insists continue taking it fuck fuck medicine would alive matter dump money fucking pill pack fuck shit cannot stand alive cannot stand existing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want happy want die wish never born first placemy parents two ignorant people good people ignorant fact existing pain think pain because think much thinking much case means realizing shit living in realizing alive much proves point living worst yet able understand living sensation alive existing like multiplying pain already unbearable thought slashing flesh liquid holds alive absurd ask me fucking liquid red liquid reason suffering fucking liquid pouring mind organ ridiculous form colour details mass shit fucking flesh fucking frail flesh cannot stand anymore taking lexapro month half now shit work fucking shit fucking work doctor insists continue taking it fuck fuck medicine would alive matter dump money fucking pill pack fuck shit cannot stand alive cannot stand existing" ]
Quiero feliz quiero morir deseo nunca nacer primer lugar mis padres dos ignorantes gente buena gente ignorante hecho existente dolor pensar dolor porque pensar mucho pensar mucho caso significa realizar mierda vivir en darse cuenta mucho prueba punto vivir peor pero capaz entender vivir sensación viva existente como multiplicar dolor ya insoportable pensamiento rajante carne líquido mantiene vivo absurdo preguntarme maldito líquido líquido líquido razón sufrimiento maldito líquido verter mente órgano ridículo color detalles masa mierda mierda mierda carne frágil carne no puede soportar más tomando lexapro mes medio ahora mierda trabajo mierda mierda trabajo médico insiste en seguir tomando mierda mierda medicina vivir materia verter dinero mierda píldora paquete mierda no puede mantenerse vivo no puede mantenerse existente
know anymore im tired thisso got reddit thing created account specifically reason cannot cope wife kids anymore wife says hurtful things kids tend agree her im monster inside monster growing growing cant stop feel failed father cant take anymore everyone family hates urge leave getting harder deal every single day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymore im tired thisso got reddit thing created account specifically reason cannot cope wife kids anymore wife says hurtful things kids tend agree her im monster inside monster growing growing cant stop feel failed father cant take anymore everyone family hates urge leave getting harder deal every single day" ]
Sé más estoy cansado esto así que tengo reddit cosa creada cuenta específicamente la razón no puede hacer frente a los hijos esposa más esposa dice cosas hirientes niños tienden a estar de acuerdo su im monstruo dentro de monstruo creciendo no puedo dejar de sentir fallida padre no puede tomar más todos los familiares odian dejar cada día más difícil trato
man walks street says why soft middle now get youve heard it
[ "man walks street says why soft middle now get youve heard it" ]
El hombre camina por la calle dice por qué el medio suave ahora lo has oído
looking supportive attempted redflag once unsuccessfully actually bit afterwords felt like made wrong choice deserved stay alive days feel empty though feel like im sleepwalking life kind funny today cake day account guess really must something time year fuck spring guess ive really terribly depressed feel like im going able claw way while know im going even graduate anymore second semester grades reached rock bottom used b occasional c student currently two fs one d cs across board elsewhere even pull things think college admitted still allow enroll im fairly certain big plummet grades result rescinding admission senior recital last tuesday show spent months practicing for got anxious got stage stop halfway set butchering every song walked stage tears ive started behavioral problems feel angry want act led getting first behavioral referral due calling teacher facebook reported it friends use car money stop hanging cut im desperate interaction keep around parents disappointed worried cant find success things want good im really sure im anymore think im going kill soon know how really wish life perpetual cycle shitty days
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looking supportive attempted redflag once unsuccessfully actually bit afterwords felt like made wrong choice deserved stay alive days feel empty though feel like im sleepwalking life kind funny today cake day account guess really must something time year fuck spring guess ive really terribly depressed feel like im going able claw way while know im going even graduate anymore second semester grades reached rock bottom used b occasional c student currently two fs one d cs across board elsewhere even pull things think college admitted still allow enroll im fairly certain big plummet grades result rescinding admission senior recital last tuesday show spent months practicing for got anxious got stage stop halfway set butchering every song walked stage tears ive started behavioral problems feel angry want act led getting first behavioral referral due calling teacher facebook reported it friends use car money stop hanging cut im desperate interaction keep around parents disappointed worried cant find success things want goodim really sure im anymore think im going kill soon know how really wish life perpetual cycle shitty days" ]
Mirar el intento de apoyo Redflag una vez sin éxito en realidad poco después de palabras se sentía como hecho mal elección merecía permanecer vivo días se siente vacío aunque se siente como im sonámbulo vida tipo divertido hoy pastel día cuenta adivinar realmente debe algo tiempo año mierda primavera conjetura realmente terriblemente deprimido sentir como im va a poder garra manera mientras que sé que voy incluso graduarse más segundo semestre grados alcanzó rock fondo utilizado b ocasional c estudiante actualmente dos fs uno d cs en todos los demás lugares incluso tirar de las cosas piensan universidad admitido todavía permiten inscribirse im bastante ciertos grandes plomada resultados resultados revocando admisión senior recital último martes espectáculo pasado meses practicando para conseguir ansioso consiguió parada de etapa medio set matanza cada canción caminada etapa lágrimas ive comenzó problemas de comportamiento se sienten enojados quiero acto conducido conseguir primera referencia comportamiento debido a llamar profesor facebook informó que los amigos utilizan coche parada colgar corte im interacción desesperada mantener alrededor padres decepcionados preocupado no puede encontrar éxito cosas quiero goodim realmente seguro im pensar más im va matar pronto saber cómo realmente desear vida ciclo perpetuo mierda días
ive tried hardest really havewhere even start lifes crumbling years now seems like whenever try something happy make life better fucks up really ive tried fucking best feels like always losing battle help im alone time either stay room parents house weve big fight led write this im child too legitimately nobody ive somewhat tried redflag before tied something together remember choking near closet thought give another try maybe different time wasnt know im posting really im much bitch actually go redflag actually know do im friends parents fucking hate me job go school moment although im signing spring classes part wants say hey hold near future better another part let many times cynical think way thinks absolutely pointless live anymore im rambling know anymore might try get job ive got bad anxiety two times ive attempted get job fuck interview
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive tried hardest really havewhere even start lifes crumbling years now seems like whenever try something happy make life better fucks up really ive tried fucking best feels like always losing battle help im alone time either stay room parents house weve big fight led write this im child too legitimately nobody ive somewhat tried redflag before tied something together remember choking near closet thought give another try maybe different time wasnt know im posting really im much bitch actually go redflag actually know do im friends parents fucking hate me job go school moment although im signing spring classes part wants say hey hold near future better another part let many times cynical think way thinks absolutely pointless live anymore im rambling know anymore might try get job ive got bad anxiety two times ive attempted get job fuck interview" ]
ive tryed durst really havewhere even start lifes years where every trying thought life where even start lifes years where even thein start life wheen hat some feliz make life better up up live live live best best better se siente como siempre perder la batalla ayuda im a solas tiempo o bien quedarse habitación padres casa weve gran pelea llevó escribir este im child demasiado legítimamente nadie ive un poco probado Redflag antes de atar algo juntos recordar ahogarse cerca de armario pensamiento dar otro intento tal vez diferente tiempo no sabía im publicar realmente im mucha perra realmente ir redflag realmente saber hacer amigos amigos amigos mierda me odian trabajo ir escuela momento aunque im firmando clases de primavera parte quiere decir hey espera cerca futuro mejor otra parte dejar muchas veces cínico pensar manera piensa absolutamente inútil vivir más im divadiendo saber más podría tratar de conseguir trabajo tiene mala ansiedad dos veces ive intento conseguir trabajo mierda entrevista
legitimately fucking love trisha paytas lmao people hate lose harder ixine haters
[ "legitimately fucking love trisha paytas lmao people hate lose harder ixine haters" ]
legítimamente amor trisha paytas lmmao la gente odia perder más odiosa haxine
lie skittles taste same different colors different smells tricked weve backstabbed weve quite possibly bamboozled
[ "lie skittles taste same different colors different smells tricked weve backstabbed weve quite possibly bamboozled" ]
mentira skittles sabor mismo diferentes colores diferentes olores engañados weve backpubbed weve bastante posiblemente bambúed
anyone always friendsi cant even remember last time hung friends people besides family depressing sad nobody age understands wants apart life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone always friendsi cant even remember last time hung friends people besides family depressing sad nobody age understands wants apart life" ]
alguien siempre amigos no puedo recordar la última vez colgado amigos gente además de la familia deprimente triste nadie edad entiende quiere aparte la vida
whats best way kill selfmy girlfriend cheated left fuck another guy gave everything had tired happening whats painless method
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats best way kill selfmy girlfriend cheated left fuck another guy gave everything had tired happening whats painless method" ]
¿Cuál es la mejor manera de matar a mi novia engañada izquierda folla otro chico dio todo había cansado pasando lo que es método indoloro
ask someone hey whats up day walking home school girl infront sat bench i later learned sophomore year me started sobbing ask stranger hey whats up let vent help struggles asking one simple question save someones life feel like nothing left someone
[ "ask someone hey whats up day walking home school girl infront sat bench i later learned sophomore year me started sobbing ask strangerhey whats up let vent help struggles asking one simple question save someones life feel like nothing left someone" ]
Pregúntele a alguien qué pasa el día caminando a casa colegiala al frente banco sentado más tarde aprendí segundo año yo empecé a sollozar preguntar extrañohey qué pasa dejar ventilar ayuda luchas hacer una pregunta simple salvar a alguien la vida se siente como nada dejó a alguien
name dog adopted cute puppy today know name give her give ideas
[ "name dog adopted cute puppy today know name give her give ideas" ]
nombre perro adoptado cachorro lindo hoy saber nombre darle ideas
one main reason im still im afraid afteri read many conflicting opinions around topic afterlife best case scenario absolutely nothing heaven hell terrifies thinking could something like hell reincarnation hell christians eternal damnation constant suffering never ending torment reincarnation russian roulette could lucky unlucky depending part world family people believe prison planet escape endless cycle life death via reincarnation ruled evil aliens feed negative emotions suffering theory scares even more true literally point redflag die reborn second later guys think
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one main reason im still im afraid afteri read many conflicting opinions around topic afterlife best case scenario absolutely nothing heaven hell terrifies thinking could something like hell reincarnation hell christians eternal damnation constant suffering never ending torment reincarnation russian roulette could lucky unlucky depending part world family people believe prison planet escape endless cycle life death via reincarnation ruled evil aliens feed negative emotions suffering theory scares even more true literally point redflag die reborn second later guys think" ]
una razón principal todavía im miedo después de leer muchas opiniones en conflicto alrededor de tema más allá de la vida mejor caso escenario absolutamente nada cielo infierno aterroriza pensar podría algo como el infierno reencarnación infierno cristianos condenación eterna sufrimiento constante sufrimiento sin fin tormento reencarnación ruleta rusa podría tener suerte dependiendo parte familia mundo creen prisión planeta escapar interminable ciclo vida muerte a través de reencarnación gobernado alienígenas malos alimentar emociones negativas sufrimiento teoría asusta incluso más cierto literalmente punto rojo bandera morir renacer segundo después chicos piensan
hey im bored asf anyone interested starting playing dungeons dragons premade characters could dm details could make one cuz im bored
[ "hey im bored asf anyone interested starting playing dungeons dragons premade characters could dm details could make one cuz im bored" ]
Hey im aburrido asf alguien interesado en empezar a jugar mazmorras dragones personajes prefabricados podría dm detalles podría hacer un cuz im aburrido
one else tell this know saying need confess support map rights right remain silent anything say used court law right attorney cant afford attorney one provided them
[ "one else tell this know saying need confess support map rights right remain silent anything say used court law right attorney cant afford attorney one provided them" ]
uno más le dice a este saber que necesita confesar apoyo derechos de mapa derecho permanecer en silencio cualquier decir abogado derecho derecho de la corte usado no puede permitirse abogado uno siempre y cuando
question foreign english learners often taught something later learned wrong im wondering often happens like grammar words whatever much happened
[ "question foreign english learners often taught something later learned wrongim wondering often happens like grammar words whatever much happened" ]
preguntas estudiantes extranjeros de inglés a menudo enseñaban algo más tarde aprendido mal preguntándose a menudo sucede como palabras gramaticales cualquier cosa que pasó mucho
stopped reddit much used im changed man ampxb better ofc
[ "stopped reddit much used im changed man ampxb better ofc" ]
paró reddit muy utilizado im hombre cambiado ampxb mejor dec
suicidal without depression sadnessi woke today orders head clear crisp repetition commit redflag happening lately thought today going drag not thought going depressed day im not im quite content actually ive got plenty energy big goofy smile bounce back suicidal thoughts casually anyone else feel suicidal without actually down im unhappy hate myself good life people generally really nice me think exhibit signs depression newfound lack desire connecttalk anybody even family figure im either really mentally sick realize it im becoming enlightened knows
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal without depression sadnessi woke today orders head clear crisp repetition commit redflag happening lately thought today going drag not thought going depressed day im not im quite content actually ive got plenty energy big goofy smile bounce back suicidal thoughts casually anyone else feel suicidal without actually down im unhappy hate myself good life people generally really nice me think exhibit signs depression newfound lack desire connecttalk anybody even family figure im either really mentally sick realize it im becoming enlightened knows" ]
suicida sin depresión tristezai despierto hoy órdenes cabeza clara crujiente repetición cometer bandera roja sucediendo últimamente pensamiento hoy va a arrastrar no pensamiento ir deprimido día im im im absolutamente contenido en realidad ive tiene mucha energía gran sonrisa tonta rebote pensamientos suicidas casualmente cualquier otro se siente suicida sin realmente abajo i infelice odio a mí mismo buena vida gente en general muy agradable yo creo que exhibe signos depresión recién encontrado falta de deseo connecttalk alguien incluso figura de la familia im o bien realmente mentalmente enfermo darse cuenta de que se está volviendo iluminado sabe