googled time time nothing really hits done things called friends therapist written feelings whole shit anyone anything specificuniqueout ordinary helps it also welcoming wrong answers haha unconventional things instead killing myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "googled time time nothing really hits done things called friends therapist written feelings whole shit anyone anything specificuniqueout ordinary helps it also welcoming wrong answers haha unconventional things instead killing myself" ]
googled time nothing really hits doed things call friends terapeuta written sensements whole anyone anything especificouniqueout ordinario ayuda también a recibir respuestas equivocadas haha cosas poco convencionales en lugar de suicidarme
im super duper alone basically havent hugged girl year fucking valentine got one broke gf havent even crush like cant find new people connect with dont even know im typing sorry bad england native speak
[ "im super duper alone basically havent hugged girl year fucking valentine got one broke gf havent even crush like cant find new people connect with dont even know im typing sorry bad england native speak" ]
im super duper solo básicamente no ha abrazado chica año puto San Valentín tiene un gf havent roto incluso aplastar como cant encontrar gente nueva conectar con dont ni siquiera sé im teclear lo siento mal glandland nativo habla
suicidal thoughts life assume like many people never really talked anybody it gave hints years brushed long time thought normal never actually attempted anything planned lot started making draft suicide letters promised would actually anything finished them always broke wrote never got finished happened middle school high school last term college get bachelors gotten lot better years feel slipping last year so spent last couple days disassociating bed sure everyone thinks flake guess am trying make sure slip back use be like time deal this last freaking term feel like getting closer closer edge meltdown know want die feel lost right death sounds heartbreakingly sweet relapsing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal thoughts life assume like many people never really talked anybody it gave hints years brushed long time thought normal never actually attempted anything planned lot started making draft suicide letters promised would actually anything finished them always broke wrote never got finished happened middle school high school last term college get bachelors gotten lot better years feel slipping last year so spent last couple days disassociating bed sure everyone thinks flake guess am trying make sure slip back use be like time deal this last freaking term feel like getting closer closer edge meltdown know want die feel lost right death sounds heartbreakingly sweet relapsing" ]
pensamientos suicidas la vida asume como mucha gente nunca habló realmente nadie dio pistas años cepillado tiempo pensamiento normal nunca intentó nada planeado lote comenzó a hacer borrador cartas de suicidio prometido en realidad cualquier cosa terminó siempre roto escribió nunca terminó sucedió escuela secundaria escuela secundaria último término universidad obtener solteros mucho mejor años se siente resbalar el año pasado así que pasado los últimos dos días cama disociante seguro todo el mundo piensa Flake conjetura estoy tratando de deslizarse de nuevo uso ser como tiempo trato este último maldito término se siente como acercarse más cerca borde fusión saber querer morir se siente perdido derecho la muerte suena desgarrador dulce repetición
one single girl entire universe interested romantically however why why ask why
[ "one single girl entire universe interested romantically however why why ask why" ]
una sola chica universo entero interesado románticamente sin embargo por qué preguntar por qué
know whats weird naked like fr alone chillin soon theres possibility someone might see you feels like criminal
[ "know whats weird naked like fr alone chillin soon theres possibility someone might see you feels like criminal" ]
¿Sabes qué es raro desnudo como fr solo chillin pronto hay posibilidad de que alguien podría ver que se siente como criminal
got first job ive applied almost stores town got response back inperson interview went great got email saying ive hired ampxb god im happy
[ "got first job ive applied almost stores town got response back inperson interview went great got email saying ive hired ampxb god im happy" ]
consiguió primer trabajo en aplicación casi tiendas ciudad recibió respuesta de nuevo entrevista en persona fue genial recibió correo electrónico diciendo ampxb av contratada dios im feliz
mfs like bitches bitch youre bitches hahaha
[ "mfs like bitches bitch youre bitches hahaha" ]
MFs como perras perra youre perras jajaja
people always false stereotype buff people assholes judge fat really time come across buff guy gym field etc theyre always extremely nice me also happen people
[ "people always false stereotype buff people assholes judge fat really time come across buff guy gym field etc theyre always extremely nice me also happen people" ]
La gente siempre estereotipo falso buff gente imbéciles juzgar grasa realmente el tiempo vienen a través de buff chico gimnasio campo etc siempre son extremadamente agradable me también pasan personas
oh im drunk dick hard normal ever find hard keep boner cause do idk why
[ "oh im drunk dick hard normal ever find hard keep boner cause do idkwhy" ]
Oh im polla borracha duro normal nunca encontrar duro mantener la erección causa hacer idkwhy
utadddyy appreciation post u pog
[ "utadddyy appreciation post u pog" ]
utadddyy aprecio post u pog
traumai school weeks cant ever bring feel way times tried end crying front people trying to zone entire lecture learn nothing im able finish school hold job months save money depression trauma still makes suffer everyday ive therapy meds since nothing changes traumatic shit things seem get worse matter hard try person kind makes feel like staying alive ex gfmy friend completely cant feel anything anyone else family abusive toxic hate im pain everyday years years often find daydreaming restarting life able rewind back time past hurts anything wanted get chest
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "traumai school weeks cant ever bring feel way times tried end crying front people trying to zone entire lecture learn nothing im able finish school hold job months save money depression trauma still makes suffer everyday ive therapy meds since nothing changes traumatic shit things seem get worse matter hard try person kind makes feel like staying alive ex gfmy friend completely cant feel anything anyone else family abusive toxic hateim pain everyday years years often find daydreaming restarting life able rewind back time past hurts anything wanted get chest" ]
Traumati semanas de la escuela nunca puede traer la sensación manera tiempos intentados fin de llorar frente personas tratando de zona entera conferencia aprender nada im capaz terminar la escuela mantener trabajo meses ahorrar dinero depresión trauma todavía hace sufrir terapia ive meds cotidianos ya que nada cambia cosas traumáticas mierda parecen empeorar materia duro intento persona tipo hace sentir como mantenerse vivo ex gfmy amigo completamente no puede sentir nada cualquier otra familia abusivo odio tóxico dolor todos los años años a menudo encontrar día soñando reiniciar la vida capaz rebobinar el tiempo pasado duele cualquier cosa quería conseguir pecho
question moving forwardnot sure right place rdepression side bar says redflag stuff go here anyone point longer want die due situation know to like terminal illness still situation people supposed protect in case police amp uk health care services forcing situation option end life one go here move forward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "question moving forwardnot sure right place rdepression side bar says redflag stuff go here anyone point longer want die due situation know to like terminal illness still situation people supposed protect in case police amp uk health care services forcing situation option end life one go here move forward" ]
pregunta avanzar no seguro correcto lugar rdepression barra lateral dice cosas de bandera roja ir aquí cualquier persona punto más quiere morir debido a la situación saber que como enfermedad terminal todavía situación la gente supone proteger en caso de la policía amp uk servicios de salud forzar situación opción fin vida uno ir aquí seguir adelante
really sad many peoples shoes worth much money solve problems mine problems maybe much yours shoes nikes other cost above like people suffer huge economy cant economy fair equal money solve problems
[ "really sad many peoples shoes worth much money solve problems mine problems maybe much yours shoes nikes other cost above like people suffer huge economy cant economy fair equal money solve problems" ]
realmente triste mucha gente zapatos vale mucho dinero resolver problemas de los míos tal vez mucho zapatos de los suyos nikes otros costos por encima de como la gente sufre enorme economía cant economía justa igual dinero resolver problemas
scratch prevent breaking downwhenever mother yells me get suicidal things shes saying anxiety attack maybe dont really know is want go away cry scream cant scratch arm pain distracts actually breathe normally dont know thing except scratching distract me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "scratch prevent breaking downwhenever mother yells me get suicidal things shes saying anxiety attack maybe dont really know is want go away cry scream cant scratch arm pain distracts actually breathe normally dont know thing except scratching distract me" ]
scratch evitar romperse cuando la madre me grita tener cosas suicidas ella está diciendo ataque de ansiedad tal vez no sé realmente es querer irse grito grito cant rascarse dolor brazo distracciones en realidad respirar normalmente no sé cosa excepto rascarse distraerme
probably tonights night mim tired everything tired living synonym pain tired useless ive since conception tired abused like everyone me tired work driving force society im tired dont want anything im failing shit homeworks bitch essentially boycotted it got barely friends ones could definitely better strongest female bonds ive made teachers fun way mean teachers ive wanting die now ive gotten infection hope thing ever hurt me trying anything important results failure hope banging head brick wall know better longer it thing thats holding back lack gun remember looking ndads closet one remember showed years prior couldnt find it put off cant handle shit anymore know vodka know pills could do suppose ill fake sick again live ill wake know tried assuming dont leave trail tears pills vodka dont know thing holding back point chance failure discovery want gone so bad please someone help hellhole
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "probably tonights night mim tired everything tired living synonym pain tired useless ive since conception tired abused like everyone me tired work driving force society im tired dont want anything im failing shit homeworks bitch essentially boycotted it got barely friends ones could definitely better strongest female bonds ive made teachers fun way mean teachers ive wanting die now ive gotten infection hope thing ever hurt me trying anything important results failure hope banging head brick wall know better longer it thing thats holding back lack gun remember looking ndads closet one remember showed years prior couldnt find it put off cant handle shit anymore know vodka know pills could do suppose ill fake sick again live ill wake know tried assuming dont leave trail tears pills vodka dont know thing holding back point chance failure discovery want gone so bad please someone help hellhole" ]
Probablemente esta noche mim cansado todo cansado vida sinónimo dolor cansado inútil ive desde concepción cansado abusado como todo el mundo yo trabajo cansado fuerza impulsor sociedad estoy cansado no quiero nada im mierda mierda tareas perra esencialmente boicoteó que consiguió apenas amigos unos podrían definitivamente mejor fuertes lazos femeninos ive hizo profesores divertido manera significa profesores ive que quieren morir ahora ive conseguido infección esperanza cosa nunca me duele intentar algo importante fracaso esperanza golpear cabeza pared de ladrillo saber mejor más tiempo lo que es contención falta arma recordar buscando Ndads closet uno recordar mostró años antes no podía encontrar que poner fuera cant manejar mierda más saber vodka saber píldoras podría suponer enfermo falso enfermo de nuevo vivir enfermo despertar saber tratar de asumir no dejar rastro lágrimas píldoras vodka no sé cosa contención punto casualidad fracaso descubrimiento quieren ir tan mal por favor alguien ayuda infierno agujero
keep writing parting notes people ive ever loved throw away could grow balls mail finish off bit background years old female university boyfriend love much hes kind sometimes though feel like hes settling me feel like knows could much better cant tell signals im picking him thinking things head ive suicidal thoughts years now since think dont know started know ive long dont think im depressed person people know might describe goofy otherwise happy girl dont think anyone would ever guess keep suicidal thoughts honestly thats reason havent offed yet cant imagine killing leaving parents knowing why boyfriend close friends have dont want leave unsettled again maybe theres way without leaving way feel like killing without talking would selfish me feel like cant talk anyone without damaging relationships still have dont even good reason wanting kill myself ive thought reasons would long time recognize none justifiable still doesnt remove want need it happens lot get stressed out like make mistakes school work even minor mistakes like exam forgetting step work at university lab make feel like it world would better place like cant even simple things happens think weight know im horribly obese still significantly overweight every attempt lose pounds fails either diet exercise fails contributes intense feelings failure thinking myself face belly arms try hide long sleeves even summer feel repulsive think everyone else grossed way oddly im grossed fat people started diet tried exercising boyfriend hes supportive attempts starting feel like good everything making things worse cant even articulate properly even came back home goddamned dog didnt want come me stupid reason could keep thinking was well even puppy prefers someone else stupid reason stupid stupid reason theyre always stupid reasons noticed time seem reasonable theyre not good enough reason sometimes ill sitting bus staring window content be wham it kill yourself swift enough wouldnt even feel anything times dont need reason it long it world would better place wouldnt deal waking every morning facing day every day find looking tall buildings sometimes dream would like get top fall slowly backwards edge always dream leaving note parents telling love much none fault imagine crying tell stop brat deserve hurt stupid thoughts feel like coward thinking escape reality finishing off sometimes weak seems like good enough reason it hate fact want kill myself even without knowing times why dont even know want escape shitty future promise destined breakup eventual death dog parents im sorry long dont anyone talk to thought id able find someone listen here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep writing parting notes people ive ever loved throw away could grow balls mail finish off bit background years old female university boyfriend love much hes kind sometimes though feel like hes settling me feel like knows could much better cant tell signals im picking him thinking things head ive suicidal thoughts years now since think dont know started know ive long dont think im depressed person people know might describe goofy otherwise happy girl dont think anyone would ever guess keep suicidal thoughts honestly thats reason havent offed yet cant imagine killing leaving parents knowing why boyfriend close friends have dont want leave unsettled again maybe theres way without leaving way feel like killing without talking would selfish me feel like cant talk anyone without damaging relationships still have dont even good reason wanting kill myself ive thought reasons would long time recognize none justifiable still doesnt remove want need it happens lot get stressed out like make mistakes school work even minor mistakes like exam forgetting step work at university lab make feel like it world would better place like cant even simple things happens think weight know", "im horribly obese still significantly overweight every attempt lose pounds fails either diet exercise fails contributes intense feelings failure thinking myself face belly arms try hide long sleeves even summer feel repulsive think everyone else grossed way oddly im grossed fat people started diet tried exercising boyfriend hes supportive attempts starting feel like good everything making things worse cant even articulate properly even came back home goddamned dog didnt want come me stupid reason could keep thinking was well even puppy prefers someone else stupid reason stupid stupid reason theyre always stupid reasons noticed time seem reasonable theyre not good enough reason sometimes ill sitting bus staring window content be wham it kill yourself swift enough wouldnt even feel anything times dont need reason it long it world would better place wouldnt deal waking every morning facing day every day find looking tall buildings sometimes dream would like get top fall slowly backwards edge always dream leaving note parents telling love much none fault imagine crying tell stop brat deserve hurt stupid thoughts feel like coward thinking escape reality finishing off sometimes weak seems like good enough reason it hate fact want kill myself even without knowing times why dont even know want escape shitty future promise destined breakup eventual death dog parents im sorry long dont anyone talk to thought id able find someone listen here" ]
Sigue escribiendo notas de despedida la gente siempre amada tirar lejos podría crecer bolas correo terminar poco de fondo años de edad novio universidad amor mucho hes amable a veces aunque siento que él me asienta sentir como sabe podría mucho mejor no decir señales i picking él pensar cosas cabeza ive pensamientos suicidas años ahora desde pensar no sé comenzó saber ive long no creo im persona deprimida la gente sabe podría describir goofy de otro modo chica feliz no creo que nadie adivine mantener pensamientos suicidas honestamente que razón no se han apagado sin embargo no puedo imaginar matar dejando a los padres saber por qué novio amigos cercanos no quieren dejar tranquilo de nuevo tal vez Theres manera sin dejar de sentir como matar sin hablar me egoísta me siento como no puede hablar nadie sin tener relaciones perjudiciales todavía no tiene ni siquiera buena razón querer matarme a mí mismo ive pensamiento razones reconocería ninguno justificable todavía no quitar necesidad necesidad sucede mucho se estresa como cometer errores trabajo escolar incluso errores menores como examen olvidar el trabajo paso en el laboratorio universitario hacer sentir como si fuera mejor lugar como no puede incluso cosas simples pasa pensar peso sabe
mental health deteriorating badlyi getting sicker sicker hard function anymore day day life hard whilst dealing severe mental health issues cant live way want see future even worse today last appointment doctor try best slit wrists
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mental health deteriorating badlyi getting sicker sicker hard function anymore day day life hard whilst dealing severe mental health issues cant live way want see future even worse today last appointment doctor try best slit wrists" ]
salud mental deterioro maldi se enferma más enfermo más duro función más día dura la vida mientras se trata de graves problemas de salud mental no puede vivir de la manera quiere ver el futuro aún peor hoy última cita doctor tratar de las mejores muñecas cortadas
really long post suicidal really lonely indifferent sure dohi im really sure id like say really suck explaining accurately ill try paint good enough picture hopefully someone write something makes something click me ok problem im interested anything nothing myself im year old female guess im pretty introverted id love find close friends even one would enough go partying get drunk go wild when put quatation marks mean although like idea rowdy silly like that like act itself get attention people people seem do always feel like everyone surrounded people absolutely alone want friends even one would occasionally partners with know makes sense im intelligent knowledgeable much mainly attribute interested absolutely anything im smart enough smart kids smart dumb ones smart mean pick things really quickly really hope seem like im full myself think low self esteem im definitely sort depressed im finishing university dec year friends kept touch floor mates first year despise all yet keep touch without id actually completely alone ive felt way alone friends really like connect with life really aware grade cry time times week im good times day bad week really know im crying feels like overwhelming amount pressure physical pressure mind like world closing in feel anxious anything like panic attack feels like give let go moments ill permanently cross line serious depression want stress rarely feel anxious nervous anything like that loving parents take care financially live hours away wish more love death began dreaming would died absolutely alone world around years old would never ever ever anything make happen would feel horrible anything ever happened them day dreams also occurred less less grew older since technically longer linked them sorry using many quotation marks horrible vocabulary cant think right word express im trying say dad never home younger impact negatively realize real relationship ive ever mother since ive never really friends never close friends i love death but loved sister twin fraternal sister never really liked mom never paid attention around always went way verbally abuse school untill years ago went different colleges were close now always believed would grow sort genious really smart younger im attractive really self image issues spent childhood mediator mom sister mom dad dad sister mom issues never bitter volunteered help honestly felt could help family wish could go back let fuck lost form socializing seriously fucking depressed theyre still withering shitty lives eugh sorry sudden change narrative much want look forward fix neutrality im living in cant help get bursts rage towards younger self much belief mother familys sanity know else say utterly indifferent everything everyone yet absolutely overwhelmed loneliness want people or person don know who want do im interested in etc want hobby ive tried drawing get bored tried going class lose interest pick gist course really quickly lazy actually readings everyone like this entire life people told im smart im positive everyone like this tldr im interested anything tried find things seriously care anything spend day sleeping wasting time internet sometimes exercising rarely reading watching stupid shit internet bare minimum pass courses thats it ive rambled long enough know people answer if do fine one does theres really much say would likely say things like take one step time you get this life worth living come well meaning place ive tried getting routine work way works getting shitty mind set like wake dream like state im surrounded shallow mentally disturbed people im sorry sound full like im better people really think am know reason always go back state nothingness try live real world hate it hate everyone hate indifference people neuroses im nervous time im self conscious time im worried people talking talk people behind back try lie cheat treat people horribly get back people say would actually listen not turn talk im sensitive understand sarcasm im actually sarcastic im uptight prudish mentioned above ever ended finding people actually like if ever figure like want party get drunk make mistakes things regret stupid shit know really long even though checking religiously next see ifwhat anyone posts understand one says anything helps knowing others like me really help cant trust ever find anyone get along im years old yet meet anyone anyway like me im sorry represent properly feel like sound like huge bitch really hope im not loneliness eating inside really cant take anymore week really bad one thought would post instead wait mood go away again again thanks anyone read way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really long post suicidal really lonely indifferent sure dohiim really sure id like say really suck explaining accurately ill try paint good enough picture hopefully someone write something makes something click meok problem im interested anything nothing myself im year old female guess im pretty introverted id love find close friends even one would enough go partying get drunk go wild when put quatation marks mean although like idea rowdy silly like that like act itself get attention people people seem do always feel like everyone surrounded people absolutely alone want friends even one would occasionally partners with know makes sense im intelligent knowledgeable much mainly attribute interested absolutely anything im smart enough smart kids smart dumb ones smart mean pick things really quickly really hope seem like im full myself think low self esteem im definitely sort depressed im finishing", "university dec year friends kept touch floor mates first year despise all yet keep touch without id actually completely alone ive felt way alone friends really like connect with life really aware grade cry time times week im good times day bad week really know im crying feels like overwhelming amount pressure physical pressure mind like world closing in feel anxious anything like panic attack feels like give let go moments ill permanently cross line serious depression want stress rarely feel anxious nervous anything like that loving parents take care financially live hours away wish more love death began dreaming would died absolutely alone world around years old would never ever ever anything make happen would feel horrible anything ever happened them day dreams also occurred less less grew older since technically longer linked them sorry using many quotation marks horrible vocabulary cant think right word express im trying say dad never home younger impact negatively realize real relationship ive ever mother since ive never really friends never close friends i love death but loved sister twin fraternal sister never really liked mom never paid attention around always went way verbally abuse school untill years ago went different colleges were close now always believed would grow sort genious really smart", "youngerim attractive really self image issues spent childhood mediator mom sister mom dad dad sister mom issues never bitter volunteered help honestly felt could help family wish could go back let fuck lost form socializing seriously fucking depressed theyre still withering shitty lives eugh sorry sudden change narrative much want look forward fix neutrality im living in cant help get bursts rage towards younger self much belief mother familys sanity know else say utterly indifferent everything everyone yet absolutely overwhelmed loneliness want people or person don know who want do im interested in etc want hobby ive tried drawing get bored tried going class lose interest pick gist course really quickly lazy actually readings everyone like this entire life people told im smartim positive everyone like this tldr im interested anything tried find things seriously care anything spend day sleeping wasting time internet sometimes exercising rarely reading watching stupid shit internetbare minimum pass courses thats it ive rambled long enough know people answer", "if do fine one does theres really much say would likely say things like take one step time you get this life worth living come well meaning place ive tried getting routine work way works getting shitty mind set like wake dream like state im surrounded shallow mentally disturbed people im sorry sound full like im better people really think am know reason always go back state nothingness try live real world hate it hate everyone hate indifference people neuroses im nervous time im self conscious time im worried people talking talk people behind back try lie cheat treat people horribly get back people say would actually listen not turn talkim sensitive understand sarcasmim actually sarcastic im uptight prudish mentioned above ever ended finding people actually like if ever figure like want party get drunk make mistakes things regret stupid shit know really long even though checking religiously next see ifwhat anyone posts understand one says anything helps knowing others like me really help cant trust ever find anyone get along im years old yet meet anyone anyway like meim sorry represent properly feel like sound like huge bitch really hope", "im not loneliness eating inside really cant take anymore week really bad one thought would post instead wait mood go away again again thanks anyone read way" ]
realmente largo post suicida realmente solitario indiferente seguro dohiim realmente seguro id como decir realmente chupar explicar con precisión mal tratar de pintura suficientemente buena imagen esperanza que alguien escribe algo hace algo clic meok problema im interesado nada yo mismo im año edad femenina supongo que im bastante introvertido id amor encontrar amigos cercanos incluso uno lo suficiente ir de fiesta emborracharse ir salvaje cuando poner marcas de quatation significa aunque como idea rowdy tonto como que como acto en sí mismo llamar la atención gente parece que siempre se siente como todo el mundo rodeado personas absolutamente solo quieren amigos incluso uno ocasionalmente socios con saber tiene sentido im inteligente conocedor mucho principalmente atributo interesado absolutamente todo im inteligente inteligentes niños inteligentes tontos inteligentes inteligentes elegir cosas realmente rápido realmente esperanza parece como im completo pensar bajo autoestima im definitivamente clase depresión im acabado
im doneive decided im ending it want live anymore im tired picked school home much better im sick feeling like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doneive decided im ending it want live anymore im tired picked school home much better im sick feeling like this" ]
I doveive decidió mi final que quiere vivir más I cansado elegido escuela casa mucho mejor I enfermo sentimiento como este
need stop wanting die itmy parents divorced last week father went big activity whole week relaying getting driving license get there didnt get it mother offered transport paid gas end week pay gave total gas price higher like argued didnt give more pay pension little sister still minor since changed job salary months isnt legally obliged pay months pension mother didnt know needed money its alot father got car began crying throwing big tantrum hard watch mother says cleaned room away which never happen mind found stuff shouldnt have broke alot stuff cant even use computer anymore also alot thing went missing says dont know talking about things like headphones keyboard made angry point matter anymore wont able buy food month didnt get money cant use computer try think killing time cant listen music feel better parents going fight much living mother going hell while tomorrow start college think wont attend classes sabotage reason kill apparently scared dying even wish so soo much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need stop wanting die itmy parents divorced last week father went big activity whole week relaying getting driving license get there didnt get it mother offered transport paid gas end week pay gave total gas price higher like argued didnt give more pay pension little sister still minor since changed job salary months isnt legally obliged pay months pension mother didnt know needed money its alot father got car began crying throwing big tantrum hard watch mother says cleaned room away which never happen mind found stuff shouldnt have broke alot stuff cant even use computer anymore also alot thing went missing says dont know talking about things like headphones keyboard made angry point matter anymore wont able buy food month didnt get money cant use computer try think killing time cant listen music feel better parents going fight much living mother going hell while tomorrow start college think wont attend classes sabotage reason kill apparently scared dying even wish so soo much" ]
Necesito dejar de querer morir itmy padres divorciados la semana pasada padre fue gran actividad toda la semana retransmisión conseguir licencia de conducir llegar allí no lo consiguió madre ofreció transporte pagado gas fin semana pago dio total precio de gas más alto como argumentado no dio más pensión pensión hermana pequeña todavía menor ya que cambio salario salario meses no está legalmente obligado pago meses pensión madre no sabía necesario dinero su padre tuvo coche comenzó a llorar lanzando gran rabieta duro reloj madre dice limpio habitación lejos que nunca sucede encontrar cosas no debe haber roto mucho no puede ni siquiera utilizar la computadora más también un montón de cosas que se perdió dice no sé hablar de cosas como auriculares teclado hizo materia punto enojado más no será capaz comprar comida mes no puede conseguir dinero no puede usar computadora tratar de matar tiempo no puede escuchar música se siente mejor padres va mucho vida madre ir infierno mientras que mañana empezar universidad pensar no asistir clases sabotaje razón matar aparentemente asustado morir incluso deseo tan tanto
lie muchi told boyfriend straight even though bi came long time ago make happy made plans go sleep told it said going go look friends butts ive struggling depression anxiety made worse want make happy told hours later lied wanted make happy got upset confused hurtful things said towards me know shouldnt since means world tore down proceeded harm this told felt guilty it told lie much leave alone love fucking much heart breaks every time stuff like this want end life im tired things going life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lie muchi told boyfriend straight even though bi came long time ago make happy made plans go sleep told it said going go look friends butts ive struggling depression anxiety made worse want make happy told hours later lied wanted make happy got upset confused hurtful things said towards me know shouldnt since means world tore down proceeded harm this told felt guilty it told lie much leave alone love fucking much heart breaks every time stuff like this want end life im tired things going life" ]
mentira mucho le dijo al novio recta a pesar de bi vino hace mucho tiempo hacer feliz hizo planes ir a dormir dijo que iba a ir a mirar amigos culos ive lucha depresión ansiedad empeorado deseo hacer feliz dijo horas más tarde mentira quería hacer feliz se enojó confuso cosas dolorosas dicho hacia mí saber debería, ya que significa mundo derribó procedieron daño este dicho se sintió culpable le dijo mentira mucho dejar en paz amor mierda mucho corazón se rompe cada vez cosas como este fin de la vida cosas cansado va la vida
im thinking dressing baby order breastfeed woman never figure out
[ "im thinking dressing baby order breastfeed woman never figure out" ]
I pensar vestir bebé orden amamantar a la mujer nunca averiguar
confession slight reddit crush now know person yeah seem neat and cute
[ "confession slight reddit crush now know personyeah seem neat and cute" ]
Confesión ligero reddit aplastar ahora sabe personayeah parece limpio y lindo
reddit im miserablei know do ive waited long years get better problems count fault somewhat got hole know do hate waking every day imagine silly sounds problem accepting way look look really young im male could pull problem single doubt weightheight probably something well lb somewhat baby face destroyed self esteem social anxiety gotten better got older men supposed strongtallmature looking fall short every category think of gpa destroyed think gpa freshman year flunked classes stopped going embarrassed young lookedsocial anxiety dropped out silly know felt reallllllly place years also chronic disease makes gaining weight bit harder keeps skinny also brings pain days hard cope with diet somewhat limited dunno every day thing work enough get online work play video games go sleep rinserepeat every day nothing changing way yearsas kid always thought would get better eventually would ageget everythingbut nothing changed sadder im technically adult also constant thoughts redflag past screw ups past embarrassments constant reminder much ive failed cant make stop imagine silly sounds looking young bothering me look young people treat different remind every time meet someone new reason socially acceptable see people age finished college starting career feel behind sociallyacademicallyin every way think could actually commit redflag thoughat least im desperate yetbut know do thanks reading kinda long somewhat nice get out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reddit immiserablei knowdo ive waited long years get better problems count fault somewhat got hole know do hate waking every day imagine silly sounds problem accepting way look look really youngim male could pull problem single doubt weightheight probably something well lb somewhat baby face destroyed self esteem social anxiety gotten better got older men supposed strongtallmature looking fall short every category think of gpa destroyed think gpa freshman year flunked classes stopped going embarrassed young lookedsocial anxiety dropped out silly know felt reallllllly place years also chronic disease makes gaining weight bit harder keeps skinny also brings pain days hard cope with diet somewhat limited dunno every day thing work enough get online work play video games go sleep rinserepeat every day nothing changing way yearsas kid always thought would get better eventually would ageget everythingbut nothing changed sadder", "im technically adult also constant thoughts redflag past screw ups past embarrassments constant reminder much ive failed cant make stop imagine silly sounds looking young bothering me look young people treat different remind every time meet someone new reason socially acceptablesee people age finished college starting career feel behind sociallyacademicallyin every way think could actually commit redflag thoughat least im desperate yetbut know do thanks reading kinda long somewhat nice get out" ]
reddit immiserablei knowdo ive esperado largos años conseguir mejor problemas cuenta culpa un poco agujero saber odio despertar cada día imaginar sonidos tontos problema aceptar mirada mirada realmente jovenim macho podría tirar problema duda única pesoaltura probablemente algo bien Ib algo bebé cara destruido auto estima social ansiedad conseguido mejor consiguió hombres mayores supuesto strongtallmature looking caer corto cada categoría pensar gpa destruido pensar gpa primer año reprobado clases dejó de ir avergonzado joven miradasocial ansiedad cayó tonto saber se sintió reallllly lugar años también enfermedad crónica hace ganar peso poco más duro mantiene delgado también trae dolor duro hacer frente a la dieta algo limitado dunno cada día trabajo lo suficiente conseguir trabajo en línea jugar juegos de video dormir enjuaguerepeat cada día nada cambiaría manera añoscomo el niño siempre pensó que iba a mejorar con el tiempo envejecer todo, pero nada cambió sadder
make fun someones music taste actual scum saying like haha song bad shit like fine ig people repeatedly take piss peoples music taste shitty like like matter you like girl used friends would time always feel embarrassed saying music like point literally took songs playlist someones music isnt cup tea say let people like like unless morrissey
[ "make fun someones music taste actual scum saying like haha song bad shit like fine ig people repeatedly take piss peoples music taste shitty like like matter you like girl used friends would time always feel embarrassed saying music like point literally took songs playlist someones music isnt cup tea say let people like like unless morrissey" ]
hacer diversión alguien música sabor escoria real diciendo como jaja canción mala mierda como buena gente ig repetidamente mear gente música sabor mierda como materia como chica amigos usados siempre se siente avergonzado diciendo música como punto literalmente tomó canciones lista de reproducción alguien música istnt taza de té decir dejar que a la gente le gusta a menos que morrissey
know whats wrong meso heres background started feeling suicidal fifth grade huge amount stress school it kind combination academic social issues told parents multiple occasions wanted kill myself make mad so decided bottle feelings beginning sixth grade diagnosed aspergers basically parents believe actually it throughout middle school got stressed out crying every night anymore become numb still thought redflag before never really thought would actually never selfharmed luckily still havent im end freshman year high school year lot better middle school ive mostly alright is now seemingly blue ive hit wave depression feel like im drowning lately ive lot anxiety future im scared unknown keep wanting change im willing take action dad thinks hate even though really dont im tired staying night homework thoughts redflag getting lot worse point im actually trying figure kill myself ive almost made goal die graduate high school depending happens within next years day went trip san francisco literally thing could think started see golden gate bridge much wanted jump it know need help im scared happen tell anyone im feeling hate getting surprised negative reactions people want cause anyone else worry me know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know whats wrong meso heres background started feeling suicidal fifth grade huge amount stress school it kind combination academic social issues told parents multiple occasions wanted kill myself make mad so decided bottle feelings beginning sixth grade diagnosed aspergers basically parents believe actually it throughout middle school got stressed out crying every night anymore become numb still thought redflag before never really thought would actually never selfharmed luckily still havent im end freshman year high school year lot better middle school ive mostly alright is now seemingly blue ive hit wave depression feel like im drowning lately ive lot anxiety futureim scared unknown keep wanting change im willing take action dad thinks hate even though really dont im tired staying night homework thoughts redflag getting lot worse point im actually trying figure kill myself ive almost made goal die graduate high school depending happens within next years day went trip san francisco literally thing could think started see golden gate bridge much wanted jump it know need help im scared", "happen tell anyone im feeling hate getting surprised negative reactions people want cause anyone else worry me know do" ]
¿Sabes lo que me mal meso heres fondo comenzó a sentir suicidio quinto grado enorme cantidad de estrés escuela que tipo combinación de temas sociales académicos dijo a los padres múltiples ocasiones quería matarme hacer loco tan decidido sentimientos botella inicio sexto grado diagnosticados aspergers básicamente los padres creen que en realidad durante toda la escuela secundaria se estresó llorando cada noche más todavía se entumeció todavía pensamiento rojo antes nunca realmente nunca pensé que realmente nunca se autolesionó por suerte todavía havett im final primer año de secundaria mucho mejor escuela secundaria ive mayor parte bien es ahora aparentemente azul ive hit wave depresión se siente como im ahogarse últimamente ve lote ansiedad futuro desconocido seguir queriendo cambio im dispuesto a tomar acción papá piensa odio incluso aunque realmente no estoy cansado quedarse noche deberes pensamientos rojoflag conseguir mucho peor punto im en realidad tratando de figura matarme ive casi hecho objetivo graduarse escuela secundaria dependiendo pasa dentro de los próximos años viaje san francisco literalmente cosa podría pensar comenzó ver puente puerta de oro mucho quería saltar sé que necesita ayuda im miedo
even get virus im gonna survive pandemic anywaythanks making cure worse disease entire world seriously considered redflag since teenager quarantine happened im giving world three weeks get shit together two support friend whos country much worse claim quarantine three weeks watch come excuse extend it everything ever loved cared gone pandemic every single coping mechanism ive ever had everything thats ever made happy ever made realize hey world bad fact actually really good time everything thats ever kept alive might well dead ive got reason stay alive except friendwho may tell weeks cant justify alive world everything gone go somehow thats harder thought dying ive reached point im willing take chances afterlife covid exist hike trails go carnivals again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even get virus im gonna survive pandemic anywaythanks making cure worse disease entire world seriously considered redflag since teenager quarantine happened im giving world three weeks get shit together two support friend whos country much worse claim quarantine three weeks watch come excuse extend it everything ever loved cared gone pandemic every single coping mechanism ive ever had everything thats ever made happy ever made realize hey world bad fact actually really good time everything thats ever kept alive might well dead ive got reason stay alive except friendwho may tell weeks cant justify alive world everything gone go somehow thats harder thought dying ive reached point im willing take chances afterlife covid exist hike trails go carnivals again" ]
Incluso conseguir virus im va a sobrevivir pandemia de todos modos gracias a curar peor enfermedad todo el mundo seriamente considerado Redflag desde adolescente cuarentena sucedió im dar mundo tres semanas conseguir mierda juntos dos amigos de apoyo que el país mucho peor reclamar cuarentena tres semanas vigilancia venir excusa extenderlo todo lo que siempre amó pandemia ido cada único mecanismo de afrontamiento ive ha tenido todo lo que se ha hecho feliz nunca hecho realidad hey mundo malo hecho realmente buen tiempo todo lo que se mantuvo vivo bien muerto i ve tiene razón permanecer vivo excepto amigo que puede decir semanas no puede justificar mundo vivo todo ido de alguna manera que es más difícil pensamiento morir i ve llegado punto dispuesto tomar riesgos después de la vida covid existen rutas de senderismo ir carnaval de nuevo
got wisdom teeth removed know going torture hell
[ "got wisdom teeth removed know going torture hell" ]
le quitaron las muelas del juicio saber ir a tortura infierno
older tried lot still failed go onso im late s male going motions settling affairs ive already decided method purchased need tested everything date shortly approaching tried number things deal feelings years hundreds hours volunteer work medication therapy a long time ago got sober exercisingeating healthy relationships etc nothing worked dont really want die feel limping along long im tired want sleep miss home place safety comfort known long time felt way throughout life brought head year relationship my fault laid work also kind fault really nothing keep here social network were older shit deal with messaged friend last night asking it heard back tried contact redflag helpline made feel worse guess im looking for well anything guess im looking others thing it feel tried decades failed failed everything highly unlikely going getting better point death feels way out way feel broken alone anymore tried much go there
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "older tried lot still failed go onsoim late s male going motions settling affairs ive already decided method purchased need tested everything date shortly approaching tried number things deal feelings years hundreds hours volunteer work medication therapy a long time ago got sober exercisingeating healthy relationships etc nothing worked dont really want die feel limping along longim tired want sleep miss home place safety comfort known long time felt way throughout life brought head year relationship my fault laid work also kind fault really nothing keep here social network were older shit deal with messaged friend last night asking it heard back tried contact redflag helpline made feel worse guess im looking for well anything guess im looking others thing it feel tried decades failed failed everything highly unlikely going getting better point death feels way out way feel broken alone anymore tried much go there" ]
mayor lote intentado todavía falló ir onsoim tarde masculino va movimientos arreglo de asuntos ive ya decidido método adquirido necesidad probado todo fecha pronto acercarse tratado número cosas trato sentimientos años cientos horas voluntariado trabajo medicamentos terapia hace mucho tiempo se puso sobrio ejercicio comer relaciones saludables etc nada funcionó realmente no quiero morir sentirse cojeando junto longim cansado querer dormir señorita casa lugar seguridad comodidad conocido largo tiempo se sintió manera durante la vida trajo cabeza año relación mi culpa puesto trabajo también buena culpa realmente nada mantener aquí red social eran viejo mierda trato con amigo mensajeado anoche pidiendo se escuchó volver contacto tratado redflag helpline hizo sentir peor conjetura im buscar bien cualquier cosa adivinar im buscar otras décadas falló todo muy poco probable ir mejor punto la muerte se siente manera se siente roto solo más tratado mucho ir allí
want give upim teetering edge ive never posted something like someone side feel like sinking quicksand sure me know even making sense care much anything right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want give upim teetering edge ive never posted something like someone side feel like sinking quicksand sure me know even making sense care much anything right now" ]
Quiero dar upim borde tambaleante ive nunca publicó algo como alguien de lado se siente como movedizas y seguro que sé incluso hacer sentido cuidado mucho en este momento
least painful redflag method need want suffering come it least painful method use thanks advance
[ "least painful redflag method need want suffering come it least painful method use thanks advance" ]
menos doloroso método de bandera roja necesidad de querer sufrimiento viene lo menos doloroso método de uso gracias avance
someone message im bored wanna talk anyone anything play numbers game youd like to dm pls
[ "someone message im bored wanna talk anyone anything play numbers game youd like to dm pls" ]
alguien mensaje im aburrido quiere hablar con alguien cualquier cosa jugar números juego le gustaría dm pls
someone told sneeze cute hate
[ "someone told sneeze cute hate" ]
alguien le dijo estornudo odio lindo
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck god put cute ass people god forsaken world turn around make fucking awkward talk
[ "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa fuck god put cute ass people god forsaken world turn around make fucking awkward talk" ]
successfully made rick roll unfunny congrats actually revived yall murdered using constantly
[ "successfully made rick roll unfunny congrats actually revived yall murdered using constantly" ]
exitosamente hecho rick roll unfunny felicidades en realidad revivió yull asesinado utilizando constantemente
random memories flashing head dayjust random memories life always happens im lowest wonder people remember kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "random memories flashing head dayjust random memories life always happensim lowest wonder people remember kill myself" ]
recuerdos aleatorios día de la cabeza sólo recuerdos aleatorios la vida siempre sucede menos maravilla la gente recuerda suicidarse
yall access porn websites ive tried open tells older enter yall enter know many yall watch porn talk here im wondering access websites
[ "yall access porn websites ive tried open tells older enter yall enter know many yall watch porn talk here im wondering access websites" ]
Yall acceso porno sitios web ive probado abierto le dice mayor entrar yall entrar saber muchos yall ver porno hablar aquí me pregunto acceso sitios web
eventually happen year old pretty decent bulge seen pants get adult go away make go away
[ "eventually happen year old pretty decent bulge seen pants get adult go away make go away" ]
Con el tiempo pasan años bastante decente bulto visto pantalones conseguir adulto marcharse hacer marcharse
excellent accurate film mcgovern takes great pains research document writing pays off afraid tell truth even though might draw unfavourable reviews comments like stories clean sweet glossybr br once again mcgovern brings christopher eccleston though high profile role played hillsborough found movie accurate well acted well presented hillsborough applaud mcgovern poignant unapologetic writing well done hat writer actors production crew great film
[ "excellent accurate film mcgovern takes great pains research document writing pays off afraid tell truth even though might draw unfavourable reviews comments like stories clean sweet glossybr br once again mcgovern brings christopher eccleston though high profile role played hillsborough found movie accurate well acted well presented hillsborough applaud mcgovern poignant unapologetic writing well done hat writer actors production crew great film" ]
excelente película precisa mcgovern toma grandes dolores investigación escritura documento vale la pena miedo decir la verdad a pesar de que podría dibujar comentarios desfavorables comentarios como historias limpias dulce brillo br mcgovern trae Christopher eccleston aunque papel de alto perfil jugado Hillsborough película bien actuado bien presentado hillsborough aplaudir mcgovern poignt unpologetic escritura bien hecho sombrero actores producción equipo gran película
post nut clarity like fuck doing every single time get horny lose sense morality bare go public act like normal lawabiding citizen ive committed foul act though im writing fueled post nut clarity feel nothing guilt disgust myself community atrocious act ive done man bad im gonna back normal tomorrow see everyone next time
[ "post nut clarity like fuck doing every single time get horny lose sense morality bare go public act like normal lawabiding citizen ive committed foul act though im writing fueled post nut clarity feel nothing guilt disgust myself community atrocious act ive done man bad im gonna back normal tomorrow see everyone next time" ]
la claridad post tuerca como follando haciendo cada vez que conseguir cachonda perder sentido moral desnudo ir acto público como normal la ley respetuosa ciudadano ive cometido acto sucio aunque la escritura im alimentada claridad post tuerca sentir nada culpa me disgusto comunidad acto atroz hecho hombre malo voy a volver normal mañana ver a todos la próxima vez
feeling scared down hopelesstomorrow court felony possesion controlled substance heroin used self medicate with dont really prior criminal record times ive jail hours scared much feel trapped type person typically would fit people jail im worried whats going happen long im going jail cannot afford lawyer wont send prison right prison sentence year jail less would honestly rather dead affects much long time dont think could live see through
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling scared down hopelesstomorrow court felony possesion controlled substance heroin used self medicate with dont really prior criminal record times ive jail hours scared much feel trapped type person typically would fit people jail im worried whats going happen long im going jail cannot afford lawyer wont send prison right prison sentence year jail less would honestly rather dead affects much long time dont think could live see through" ]
Sentirse asustado sin esperanza mañana corte delito grave posesión sustancia controlada heroína usada automedicamento con dont realmente antecedentes penales tiempos ive carcel horas miedo mucho sentir atrapado tipo persona típicamente encajaría con la gente cárcel im preocupado lo que va a pasar mucho tiempo I ir a la cárcel no puede permitirse abogado no enviar prisión derecho pena prisión año cárcel menos honestamente bastante muerto afecta mucho tiempo no creo que podría vivir ver a través de
powers boothe turns stellar performance s cult figure jim jones peoples temple jones physical likeness jones uncanny story acted chillingly movie keeps riveted must see anyone check out
[ "powers boothe turns stellar performance s cult figure jim jones peoples temple jones physical likeness jones uncanny story acted chillingly movie keeps riveted must see anyone check out" ]
poderes stande se convierte en actuación estelar figura de culto jim Jones gente templo Jones semejanza física Jones extraña historia actuó escalofriante película se mantiene remachado debe ver a alguien mirar hacia fuera
story friend told me friends hanging talking topic depression self harm comes time like talking memes something guy joke rolls girls sleeve says i like ya cut g slaps it except unbeknownst girl actually multiple cuts arm dude started frantically apologizing checked fine like damn imagine getting situation mean tbh like people joke mental health depression related stuff especially personal me despite that even gotta admit kinda funny far know nobody got actually hurt
[ "story friend told me friends hanging talking topic depression self harm comes time like talking memes something guy joke rolls girls sleeve says i like ya cut g slaps it except unbeknownst girl actually multiple cuts arm dude started frantically apologizing checked fine like damn imagine getting situation mean tbh like people joke mental health depression related stuff especially personal me despite that even gotta admit kinda funny far know nobody got actually hurt" ]
historia amigo me dijo amigos colgar tema hablar depresión auto daño llega tiempo como hablar memes algo chico broma rollos niñas manga dice que me gusta que cortar g bofetadas excepto unbeknownst chica en realidad múltiples cortes brazo tío comenzó frenéticamente disculparse comprobado bien como maldito imaginar conseguir situación significa tbh como la gente broma salud mental depresión cosas relacionadas especialmente personal a pesar de que incluso tengo que admitir un poco gracioso saber que nadie se lastimó realmente
hey girl pick line trend dead already lmao
[ "hey girl pick line trend dead already lmao" ]
Hey chica pick línea tendencia ya muerto lmmao
hate posting personal stuff cannot talk anyone anonymousi know people say care me doubt that know me tell someone knows would feel like to everyone leaves know fault become attached become obsessive feel last friends leaving want new friends want someone tell care want that want alright want stop hurtingi know could worse looking attention someone come savior need get there know someone knows okay tired things that bad life feel comfortable complaining tired quiet lying doing want stop first therapy appointment lied lot told want think it truth is do would give anything guilt free death one one would blame others happened struggle keep fighting everyday every night lay bed trying keep away medicine cabinet tired trying see point anymore things really hard
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate posting personal stuff cannot talk anyone anonymousi know people say care me doubt that know me tell someone knows would feel like to everyone leaves know fault become attached become obsessive feel last friends leaving want new friends want someone tell care want that want alright want stop hurtingi know could worse looking attention someone come savior need get there know someone knows okay tired things that bad life feel comfortable complaining tired quiet lying doing want stop first therapy appointment lied lot told want think it truth is do would give anything guilt free death one one would blame others happened struggle keep fighting everyday every night lay bed trying keep away medicine cabinet tired trying see point anymore things really hard" ]
odio publicar cosas personales no puede hablar a nadie anónimo saber que la gente dice que me importa duda que me dice a alguien sabe que se siente como a todo el mundo hojas saber la culpa se apega a ser obsesiva sentir últimos amigos dejar quieren nuevos amigos quieren alguien le dicen a la atención quieren bien querer dejar de lastimar saber podría peor mirar a alguien venir salvador necesita llegar allí saber alguien sabe bien cosas cansadas que mal la vida se sienten cómodos quejarse cansado tranquilo mentir hacer quieren parar primera terapia cita mentira mucho dicho quieren pensar que la verdad es dar cualquier culpa muerte libre uno culpa a otros pasó lucha seguir luchando cada noche lecho tratar de mantener alejado gabinete de medicamentos cansado tratar de ver punto más cosas realmente duro
need help translating japanese phrase friend sent okay sent this said meant like great person something wanna make sure used right grammer lol still new
[ "need help translating japanese phrase friend sent okaysent this said meant like great person something wanna make sure used right grammer lol still new" ]
necesita ayuda para traducir japonés frase amigo enviado okaysent esto dicho significaba como gran persona algo quiere asegurarse de que se utiliza correcto gramer lol todavía nuevo
imagine hampered bureaucracy one man spends years life mental breakdown trying solve mass murder case virtually himself murder technique clear government unwilling admit truth lets monster destroy dozens lives think job stressful merely remember true story behind wonder flick devotion duty main character masterfully portrayed rea comic and almost tragic times relationship rea sutherland character made one favorite movies last years catching one worst mass murderers history edge seat nearly well advertised talked silence lambs plot suspenseful rent buy movie today
[ "imagine hampered bureaucracy one man spends years life mental breakdown trying solve mass murder case virtually himself murder technique clear government unwilling admit truth lets monster destroy dozens lives think job stressful merely remember true story behind wonder flick devotion duty main character masterfully portrayed rea comic and almost tragic times relationship rea sutherland character made one favorite movies last years catching one worst mass murderers history edge seat nearly well advertised talked silencelambs plot suspenseful rent buy movie today" ]
imaginar burocracia obstaculizada un hombre pasa años vida crisis mental tratando de resolver caso de asesinato en masa prácticamente él mismo técnica asesinato claro gobierno no quiere admitir la verdad permite monstruo destruir docenas de vidas pensar trabajo estresante meramente recordar verdadera historia detrás de maravilla flick devoción deber personaje principal magistralmente retratado rea cómico y casi trágico tiempo relación rea personaje de Sutherland hizo una película favorita los últimos años captura un peor asesino de masas historia borde asiento casi bien anunciado habla silencio lambs trama suspenso alquiler comprar película hoy
day made decision get rid means ending life had finally talked someone feeling do live eventually kick proverbial bucket due old age continue cycle suffering brief moments peace happiness living corpse people say it gets better even said couple times really skeptical it wish knew do best decision ever made
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "day made decision get rid means ending life had finally talked someone feeling do live eventually kick proverbial bucket due old age continue cycle suffering brief moments peace happiness living corpse people say it gets better even said couple times really skeptical it wish knew do best decision ever made" ]
día toma la decisión deshacerse significa terminar la vida había hablado finalmente alguien sensación de vivir finalmente patada proverbial cubo debido a la vejez continuar ciclo sufrimiento breves momentos paz felicidad vida cadáver personas dicen que se pone mejor incluso dicho un par de veces realmente escéptico que desea saber hacer mejor decisión jamás tomada
realised reason livei realised real friends none family cares me im constantly bullied school one truly cares world would better without me really reason live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "realised reason livei realised real friends none family cares me im constantly bullied school one truly cares world would better without me really reason live" ]
realized razn livei realized friends real any family cares me im escuela constantemente intimidado a uno realmente le importa el mundo sería mejor sin mí razón realmente vivir
number game truth dare im bored wanna talk anyone wanna number game truth dare dms anyone wants talk thats fine lol
[ "number game truth dare imbored wanna talk anyone wanna number game truth dare dms anyone wants talk thats fine lol" ]
número juego verdad atreverse imbored quiere hablar cualquiera quiere número juego verdad atreverse dms cualquiera quiere hablar que está bien lol
ive told every year past im going kill birthdayi never followed still small amount hope always feel like this never stopped trying better myself unfortunately birthdays less month im drained hope ive defeated know time place happening at spent days writing letter family finished morning id like share letter go think ill post birthday
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive told every year past im going kill birthdayi never followed still small amount hope always feel like this never stopped trying better myself unfortunately birthdays less month im drained hope ive defeated know time place happening at spent days writing letter family finished morning id like share letter go think ill post birthday" ]
Vive dijo cada año pasado im ir matar cumpleañosi nunca siguió todavía pequeña cantidad de esperanza siempre se siente como esto nunca dejó de intentar mejor yo por desgracia cumpleaños menos mes de esperanza drenado i vive derrotado lugar de tiempo que sucede en días pasados escribir carta familia terminó la mañana id como compartir carta ir pensar mal post cumpleaños
feel someone age m everyone part invited toi never life felt sheer level sexual frustration causing incredibly down recently got loveless sexless relationship never felt wanted needed thought id feel better not dating apps working got friends go bars meet people horrible rut earth people conquer this sexual loneliness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel someone age m everyone part invited toi never life felt sheer level sexual frustration causing incredibly down recently got loveless sexless relationship never felt wanted needed thought id feel better not dating apps working got friends go bars meet people horrible rut earth people conquer this sexual loneliness" ]
sentir alguien edad m todo el mundo parte invitado toi nunca la vida se sintió puro nivel de frustración sexual causando increíblemente abajo recientemente consiguió relación sin amor sin sexo nunca se sintió necesitado pensamiento id se siente mejor no salir aplicaciones de trabajo tengo amigos ir bares conocer gente horrible rut tierra gente conquistar esta soledad sexual
ever feel sudden confidence burst feel like narcissisticbecause im right idk act like bro im fucking hot could doubt single minute im built like s model natural fox eyes like long eyelashes like need capitalize rn damn this probably wear hours needed take system delete im back normal
[ "ever feel sudden confidence burst feel like narcissisticbecause im right idk act like bro im fucking hot could doubt single minute im built like s model natural fox eyes like long eyelashes like need capitalize rn damn this probably wear hours needed take system delete im back normal" ]
nunca sentir explosión repentina confianza se siente como narcisista porque im derecha idk actuar como bro im mierda caliente podría dudar de un minuto im construido como s modelo naturales zorro ojos como pestañas largas como necesidad capitalizar rn damn esto probablemente usar horas necesarios sistema eliminar im normal
anyone actually care stretch marks almost friends super insecure idk guys even care lmao
[ "anyone actually care stretch marks almost friends super insecure idk guys even care lmao" ]
A alguien realmente le importan las estrías casi amigos súper inseguros chicos de idk incluso le importa lmmao
spanish director luis buuel career spanned almost years arguably best films made exile mexico late forties early s deal cheap budgets work industry interested mainly churning commercial movies unsophisticated audiences yet somehow managed make interesting thought provoking movies stand test time movie based novel spanish author benito perez galdos adaptation quite faithful even setting early th century mexico instead early th century spain protagonist nazarin priest tries live life faithful one prescribed christ question many would ask whether endeavor would possible without incurring hostility incomprehension mockery fellow human beings happens suffers lot indignities yet remains stubborn until controversial final shot objective think buuel wanted show nazarin somewhat ridiculous figure perhaps inadvertently stubbornness at least viewer comes admirable case great film
[ "spanish director luis buuel career spanned almost years arguably best films made exile mexico late forties early s deal cheap budgets work industry interested mainly churning commercial movies unsophisticated audiences yet somehow managed make interesting thought provoking movies stand test time movie based novel spanish author benito perez galdos adaptation quite faithful even setting early th century mexico instead early th century spain protagonist nazarin priest tries live life faithful one prescribed christ question many would ask whether endeavor would possible without incurring hostility incomprehension mockery fellow human beings happens suffers lot indignities yet remains stubborn until controversial final shot objective think buuel wanted show nazarin somewhat ridiculous figure perhaps inadvertently stubbornness at least viewer comes admirable case great film" ]
La carrera del director español Luis Buuel duró casi años. Se podría argumentar que las mejores películas hicieron exiliar a México a finales de los cuarenta tempranos. Presupuestos baratos trabajo industria interesada principalmente agitando películas comerciales audiencias poco sofisticadas pero de alguna manera logró hacer pensamiento interesante provocando películas stand test tiempo película basada novela español autor benito perez galdos adaptación bastante fiel incluso estableciendo principios del siglo I México en lugar de principios del siglo I spain protagonista nazarín sacerdote intenta vida fiel un Cristo prescrito pregunta muchos se preguntarían si sería posible esfuerzo sin incurrir en hostilidad incomprensión burla cohermanos suceden sufre muchas indignidades pero sigue siendo obstinada hasta controversial tiro final objetivo pensar buuel quería mostrar nazarín figura algo ridícula tal vez inadvertida obstinación al menos el espectador viene admirable caso gran película
cant go back school end soon possiblei truly think strong enough deal anxiety suicidal ideation month obvious unintelligent high school may well give dreams university learning career paths im worthless idiot cannot deal stress again need kill january scared dont know how
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant go back school end soon possiblei truly think strong enough deal anxiety suicidal ideation month obvious unintelligent high school may well give dreams university learning career paths im worthless idiot cannot deal stress again need kill january scared dont know how" ]
No puedo volver a la escuela fin pronto posible realmente creo lo suficientemente fuerte acuerdo ansiedad ideación suicida mes obvia escuela secundaria poco inteligente bien puede dar sueños universidad aprendizaje trayectorias profesionales im inútil idiota no puede lidiar con el estrés de nuevo necesidad matar January miedo no sé cómo
fellas im super duper hungry right now good idea eat gfs ass sustainance asking advice man filler filler filler filler
[ "fellas im super duper hungry right now good idea eat gfs ass sustainance asking advice man filler filler filler filler" ]
amigos im super duper hambre en este momento buena idea comer gfs culo sostenimiento pidiendo consejo hombre relleno relleno relleno relleno
want girl hug cuddle idk feel like need girlfriend ever
[ "want girl hug cuddle idk feel like need girlfriend ever" ]
quiero chica abrazo abrazo idk se siente como necesita novia nunca
give ultimate trick making friends irl cant simple going outside asking stangers friends anything
[ "give ultimate trick making friends irl cant simple going outside asking stangers friends anything" ]
dar último truco hacer amigos irl cant simple salir preguntando a amigos stangers cualquier cosa
real suppleroot hours up week gotten good start
[ "real suppleroot hours up week gotten good start" ]
verdadero suppleroot horas arriba semana consiguió buen comienzo
could hera girl school near recently killed herself age hurts never knew her stories tell things common suicidal thoughts act out head went different outcomes etc want die know im going it however exactly trust cant even productive even want to knowing another girl went saddens me want anyone else feel way wish life nicer wish must shit world death saw scenario outcomes play out saw everyone grieve hurt including myself wish option would fix lives easily want girl did hate took someone elses death realise this ive posted many times even nice advice help im sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "could hera girl school near recently killed herself age hurts never knew her stories tell things common suicidal thoughts act out head went different outcomes etc want die know im going it however exactly trust cant even productive even want to knowing another girl went saddens me want anyone else feel way wish life nicer wish must shit world death saw scenario outcomes play out saw everyone grieve hurt including myself wish option would fix lives easily want girl did hate took someone elses death realise this ive posted many times even nice advice help im sorry" ]
¿Podría hera escuela chica cerca de recientemente se mató a sí misma edad duelen nunca sabía que sus historias cuentan cosas pensamientos suicidas comunes actuar fuera de la cabeza fue diferentes resultados etc quieren morir saber lo que estoy haciendo sin embargo exactamente la confianza no puede incluso productivo incluso querer saber otra chica se entristeció quiero que alguien más se siente de la manera desea la vida mejor deseo debe mierda mundo muerte vio escenarios resultados jugar vio todos dolor dolor incluyendo yo deseo opción arreglar vidas fácilmente quiere chica hizo odio tomó a alguien muerte darse cuenta de este ive publicado muchas veces incluso buen consejo ayuda im lo siento
supposed doright feel alone one worst days life yesterday every attempt regular conversation ex assume im trying persuade get back im honestly trying nice theyre going end walking away me move home month home alone first time im mental state live alone cant go back now miss father deceased child teenage years couldnt stand man ruined relationship wanna be dont know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "supposed doright feel alone one worst days life yesterday every attempt regular conversation ex assume im trying persuade get back im honestly trying nice theyre going end walking away me move home month home alone first time im mental state live alone cant go back now miss father deceased child teenage years couldnt stand man ruined relationship wanna be dont know" ]
Se supone que el derecho a sentirse solo un peor día de la vida ayer cada intento conversación regular ex asumir que estoy tratando de persuadir volver soy honestamente tratando de agradable van a terminar a pie me muevo a casa solo mes a casa primera vez im estado mental vivir solo no puedo volver ahora señorita padre fallecido hijo adolescente años no podía soportar hombre arruinado relación quiere ser no saber
dont want alive anymorewinter break over horrible stayed bed till days nothing awake school starting tomorrow ill study again homework every day spend hours every day except saturday sunday stuck place filled annoying inconsiderate kids dont want go back dont really want anything anymore think im going kill tonight donr know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want alive anymorewinter break over horrible stayed bed till days nothing awake school starting tomorrow ill study again homework every day spend hours every day except saturday sunday stuck place filled annoying inconsiderate kids dont want go back dont really want anything anymore think im going kill tonight donr know" ]
No quiero más vacaciones de invierno sobre horrible permanecer en la cama hasta los días nada despierto escuela a partir de mañana mal estudio de nuevo los deberes todos los días pasan horas todos los días excepto sábado domingo lugar atascado lleno molesto niños desconsiderados no quieren volver realmente no quiero nada más pensar que voy a matar esta noche donr saber
need somebody talk unfortunately sucks another account believe honest letting people know really youre going throughso looking support right now shrugging shoulders hope everybodys ok there dont want die im frazzled everything life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need somebody talk unfortunately sucks another account believe honest letting people know really youre going throughso looking support right now shrugging shoulders hope everybodys ok there dont want dieim frazzled everything life" ]
Necesito que alguien hable por desgracia apesta otra cuenta cree honesto dejar que la gente sabe realmente estás pasando tan buscando apoyo en este momento hombros encogidos espero que todo el mundo está bien no quieren dieim frazzled todo la vida
im currently first kiss gf lost vcard normal ppl around less least one things yet could possibly lonely rest life
[ "im currently first kiss gf lost vcard normal ppl around less least one things yet could possibly lonely rest life" ]
En la actualidad, el primer beso gf vcard perdido ppl normal alrededor menos de una cosa menos sin embargo, podría ser solitario descanso vida
god world shittheres much corruption much greed year goes feel comfortable idea ending all want stay informed honestly killing me guilt stepping back kills more thought knowing ill never amount anything control happens regards economy ineveitably crashing whole pandemic rn hard see good anymore things keeping alive foance fact isnt painless way die thats it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "god world shittheres much corruption much greed year goes feel comfortable idea ending all want stay informed honestly killing me guilt stepping back kills more thought knowing ill never amount anything control happens regards economy ineveitably crashing whole pandemic rn hard see good anymore things keeping alive foance fact isnt painless way die thats it" ]
Dios mundo mierdahay mucha corrupción mucha codicia año va se siente idea cómoda final todos quieren mantenerse informado honestamente matándome culpa volver mata más pensamiento saber mal nunca cantidad nada de control sucede se refiere a la economía inevitable estrellarse pandemia entera rn duro ver bueno más cosas mantener vivo hecho foance no indoloro manera morir eso es
ya get it ya get it lights cigar woah hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo puff puff woah hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo puff puff idroid gets call snake took long
[ "ya get it ya get it lights cigar woah hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo puff puff woah hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo puff puff idroid gets call snake took long" ]
Ya lo entendéis. Enciende el cigarro woah hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
want throw upidk feel sick stress summer didnt english homework depressed anything caught subjects missed didnt english read book rn im right mind correct work tommorow want tell mum let stay home tomorrow catch dont tell teacher didnt finish half day tomorrow idk shoot myself feel like im going crazy idk cant this want everything disappear
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want throw upidk feel sick stress summer didnt english homework depressed anything caught subjects missed didnt english read book rn im right mind correct work tommorow want tell mum let stay home tomorrow catch dont tell teacher didnt finish half day tomorrow idk shoot myself feel like im going crazy idk cant this want everything disappear" ]
Quiero vomitar upidk sentirse enfermo estrés verano no Inglés deberes deprimido cualquier cosa capturado temas perdidos inglés leer libro rn im correcto mente correcto trabajo mañana quiero decirle mamá dejar quedarse en casa mañana coger no decirle profesor no terminó medio día mañana idk dispararme me siento como im ir loco idk cant esto quiere todo desaparecer
ive seen coen brothers films now say one better films dare say better the big lebowski good rightbr br i thought story interesting hilarious times loved characters especially tim blake nelson delmar john turturros petebr br there really anything bad say movie movie everyone might safe say liked coen brothers films hopefully like one too liked saw trailer think like film hold itbr br anyhow hope liked film much do thanks readingbr br chris
[ "ive seen coen brothers films now say one better films dare say better the big lebowski good rightbr br i thought story interesting hilarious times loved characters especially tim blake nelson delmar john turturros petebr br there really anything bad say movie movie everyone might safe say liked coen brothers films hopefully like one too liked saw trailer think like film hold itbr br anyhow hope liked film much do thanks readingbr br chris" ]
He visto coen hermanos películas ahora dicen que una mejor películas se atreven a decir mejor el gran lebowski buen derecho br br yo pensé historia interesante tiempos hilarantes personajes amados especialmente Tim blake nelson delmar john turistas petebr br allí realmente algo malo dicen película todo el mundo podría decir seguro gustar coen hermanos películas con suerte como uno también me gustó trailer ver pensar como película hold itbr br de todos modos esperanza le gustó mucho película mucho gracias lectura br chris
anyone spent time working hospital medical facility got appreciate film plot absolutely wild entertaining start finish acting superb george c scott brilliant doctor class failure husband father diana riggs sex symbol s s of avengers saves himself surrounding cast superb dialogue quite entertaining think enjoyed film viewing th th th time caught much richness dialogue interplay characters well worth seeing again want check hospital near future
[ "anyone spent time working hospital medical facility got appreciate film plot absolutely wild entertaining start finish acting superb george c scott brilliant doctor class failure husband father diana riggs sex symbol s s of avengers saves himself surrounding cast superb dialogue quite entertaining think enjoyed film viewing th th th time caught much richness dialogue interplay characters well worth seeing again want check hospital near future" ]
cualquier persona pasó tiempo trabajando hospital centro médico consiguió apreciar trama película absolutamente salvaje entretenido empezar a actuar excelente george c scott brillante doctor clase fracaso marido padre diana riggs símbolo de sexo s s de vengadores se salva a sí mismo alrededor reparto magnífico diálogo bastante entretenido pensar disfrutar de cine visionado th th time atrapado mucha riqueza diálogo interplay personajes bien vale la pena ver de nuevo quieren cheque hospital cerca de futuro
fighting suicidal ideationthis first time posting hope im following rules ok ive shared thoughts redflag private things getting really difficult wanted hear people life fight thoughts redflag necessarily looking help tips hear peoples experiences interested ill include background deal sex addiction recently ex found cheating them amongst allegations due lost friends job im essentially ostracized anyone community outside recovery support system ive dealt thoughts redflag long time feelings exacerbated issues isolation seasons changing covid fact ex repeatedly told world favor kill myself put simply im really struggling helped fight hopelessness been make lists reasons kill self including anything silly makes feel even slightly happier hiking connecting nature mindful things cookeat mindful body health recently started yoga exercise regular phone calls contact support system curious hear others get rut hope everyones well
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fighting suicidal ideationthis first time posting hope im following rules ok ive shared thoughts redflag private things getting really difficult wanted hear people life fight thoughts redflag necessarily looking help tips hear peoples experiences interested ill include background deal sex addiction recently ex found cheating them amongst allegations due lost friends job im essentially ostracized anyone community outside recovery support system ive dealt thoughts redflag long time feelings exacerbated issues isolation seasons changing covid fact ex repeatedly told world favor kill myself put simply im really struggling helped fight hopelessness been make lists reasons kill self including anything silly makes feel even slightly happier hiking connecting nature mindful things cookeat mindful body health recently started yoga exercise regular phone calls contact support system curious hear others get rut hope everyones well" ]
lucha contra ideas suicidas esta primera vez publicar esperanza im siguiendo reglas ok ive pensamientos compartidos redflag cosas privadas conseguir realmente difícil querido escuchar gente vida lucha pensamientos redflag necesariamente buscando ayuda consejos escuchar gente experiencias interesadas mal incluir fondo trato sexo adicción recientemente ex encontrado engañarlos entre alegaciones debido amigos perdidos trabajo im esencialmente ostracizada cualquier comunidad fuera de recuperación sistema de apoyo ive trato pensamientos redflag largo tiempo sentimientos exacerbados problemas aislamiento temporadas cambio covid hecho ex repetidamente dicho mundo favor me mató simplemente im realmente lucha ayudó a luchar contra la desesperanza ha sido hacer listas razones matar a sí mismo incluyendo cualquier cosa tonta hace sentir incluso un poco más feliz senderismo conexión naturaleza cosas cookeat consciente cuerpo salud recientemente comenzó yoga ejercicio regular llamadas telefónicas contacto sistema de apoyo curioso escuchar otros conseguir rut esperanza todos bien
pills alcohol rope tonights nighteither kids mom find hanging morning held long possibly could cannot not take another day this everything place ive waiting impulse ill damned fail
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pills alcohol rope tonights nighteither kids mom find hanging morning held long possibly could cannot not take another day this everything place ive waiting impulse ill damned fail" ]
Píldoras soga de alcohol esta nocheni los niños mamá encuentran que colgar la mañana sostenida por mucho tiempo posiblemente no podría tomar otro día este todo lugar ive espera impulso mal condenado fracaso
im tiredits hard keep fighting have somehow thought id made darkest parts havent live place making depression worse day day theres always something going wrong theres never break all matter try gets worse thought finally managed catch break going able slowly dig way out so much slower tolerable willing trade small resolve left get this knowing could try fix later relapsed self harm eating disorder snowballed depression kicked ass told worth it stood chance getting out gone stupid believed would help me naively fell bullshit got hopes up sent crashing earth soulshattering speeds last chance know way place thats killing me exhausted options family made clear want help help tried get better tried myself fighting wanted digging tooth nail giving pride could make work fell apart cant again ive hopes raised shattered many times past fourteen months cannot handle rollercoaster emotion turmoil longer cant ive tried talk people it theyre busy tonight im depressing ive tried get feeling out nothing working feel empty hollowed full nothingness cannot live like this want alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredits hard keep fighting have somehow thought id made darkest parts havent live place making depression worse day day theres always something going wrong theres never break all matter try gets worse thought finally managed catch break going able slowly dig way out so much slower tolerable willing trade small resolve left get this knowing could try fix later relapsed self harm eating disorder snowballed depression kicked ass told worth it stood chance getting out gone stupid believed would help me naively fell bullshit got hopes up sent crashing earth soulshattering speeds last chance know way place thats killing me exhausted options family made clear want help help tried get better tried myself fighting wanted digging tooth nail giving pride could make work fell apart cant again ive hopes raised shattered many times past fourteen months cannot handle rollercoaster emotion turmoil longer cant ive tried talk people it theyre busy tonight im depressing ive tried get feeling out nothing working feel empty hollowed full nothingness cannot live like this want alive" ]
Estoy cansado su duro seguir luchando de alguna manera han pensado que id hizo partes más oscuras no han vivido lugar hacer depresión peor día siempre hay algo que va mal allí nunca romper todo el asunto intenta peor pensamiento finalmente manejado captura descanso va capaz lentamente excavar manera tan lenta tolerable comercio dispuesto pequeño resolución izquierda conseguir este saber podría tratar de solucionar más tarde recaída auto daño trastorno alimenticio snowballed depresión pateó culo me dijo que valía la pena la oportunidad salirse estúpido creer que me ayudarían ingenuamente caída mierda consiguió esperanzas envió estrellar almas tierra velocidad desorientación última oportunidad saber lugar que me mataba opciones claras familia hizo claro quiero ayuda ayuda trató mejor lucha quería cavar uñas de dientes dar orgullo podría hacer trabajo se desplomó cant otra vez ive esperanzas levantadas destrozo muchas veces pasado catorce meses no puede manejar la emoción de montaña rusa agitación más tiempo no se puede tratar de hablar de personas que están ocupados esta noche im deprision ive intentó sentirse nada trabajo se siente vacío vacío nada puede vivir como esto quiere vivir vivo
milkshake brings boys yard dont know
[ "milkshake brings boys yard dont know" ]
milkshake trae a los chicos patio no lo sé
continuefor recurring thoughts redflag longer feel drive im either angry depressed feel weight things im tasked payout end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "continuefor recurring thoughts redflag longer feel drive im either angry depressed feel weight things im tasked payout end" ]
continuar para los pensamientos recurrentes bandera roja más tiempo sentir conducir im o bien enojado deprimido sentir cosas de peso im tarea pago final
yall dumb enter exact time microwave likeeee simple spam start add sec button reaches time u wantttttttt duhhhhhhhhhhhh
[ "yall dumb enter exact time microwave likeeee simple spam start add sec button reaches time u wantttttttt duhhhhhhhhhhhh" ]
Yall mudo introducir hora exacta microondas likeeee simple spam iniciar añadir segundo botón alcanza tiempo u wanttttttt duhhhhhhhhh
cant thisim really shitty night feel like theres one turn to also dont want turn anyone dont want burden want disappear
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant thisim really shitty night feel like theres one turn to also dont want turn anyone dont want burden want disappear" ]
No se puede esta noche realmente mierda sentir como hay una vuelta a también no quiero girar a nadie no quiero carga quieren desaparecer
want anything anymoreim really sure whats happened got home college summer ive felt lonely feel like friends all feel like awful person high school pretty awful person one good friends feel like still gotten awful things did now im alone hate going work hate wake up even mention anxious get around people ya know hate going work know ill speak up reason thats gotten harder harder do ampxb certain one expects low life feel like many people look im wanting quit everyone ampxb want better feel like every part wants hide
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want anything anymoreim really sure whats happened got home college summer ive felt lonely feel like friends all feel like awful person high school pretty awful person one good friends feel like still gotten awful things did now im alone hate going work hate wake up even mention anxious get around people ya know hate going work know ill speak up reason thats gotten harder harder do ampxb certain one expects low life feel like many people look im wanting quit everyone ampxb want better feel like every part wants hide" ]
Quiero cualquier cosa másim realmente seguro lo que pasó llegó a casa universidad verano ive se sentía solo sentir como amigos todos se sienten como persona horrible escuela secundaria bastante horrible persona un buen amigo se siente como todavía consiguió cosas horribles hizo ahora solo odio ir a trabajar odio incluso mencionar ansioso conseguir alrededor de la gente ya sabes odio ir a trabajar mal hablar razón que se hace más difícil más difícil hacer ampxb cierto uno espera baja vida sentir como mucha gente se ve im querer dejar a todos ampxb quieren mejor sentir como cada parte quiere ocultar
deep water examines pressures ambitions ordinary man compelling documentary testimony archive footage fascinating insight late s groundbreaking round world yacht race personal conflicts duty family self reputation played one memorable affecting films seen familiar history story drama successfully clearly directed story mostly respectful participants heroes villains implied rather ruthlessly exposed interpretation left open viewer allowing room personally relate situations characters movie bitter sweet experience entertaining mix thoughtful suspense joy drama
[ "deep water examines pressures ambitions ordinary man compelling documentary testimony archive footage fascinating insight late s groundbreaking round world yacht race personal conflicts duty family self reputation played one memorable affecting films seen familiar history story drama successfully clearly directed story mostly respectful participants heroes villains implied rather ruthlessly exposed interpretation left open viewer allowing room personally relate situations characters movie bitter sweet experience entertaining mix thoughtful suspense joy drama" ]
agua profunda examina presiones ambiciones hombre ordinario convincente documental testimonio archivo metraje fascinante visión última s innovador alrededor del mundo carrera de yates conflictos personales deber familia reputación jugado una memorable afectar películas visto historia familiar historia drama con éxito dirigido con éxito historia la mayoría de los participantes respetuoso héroes villanos implicaron una interpretación despiadadamente expuesta izquierda espectador abierto permitir espacio personalmente situaciones relacionados personajes película amarga dulce experiencia entretenido mezcla pensativo suspenso alegría drama
notice me somebody remind im ghost human includes lgtb stuff move it next post haters today took talking somebody interact everyone grade even notice there which leads believe commit redflag wouldnt give fuck it experiment done too see really bad maybe fact grade us talk other maybe nobody would noticed all people know talked to know hate deep down keep lying saying dont hate me but since supposed encouraging redflag heres happy thing found today well kind two music teacher probably bisexual gay straight ally fo lgtb people why wears rainbow shoes sounds looks gay excuse me good gaydar dont judge lately wearing rainbow wristband might say pride gold im never close enough one friends actually trusts supports lgtb best friend crush nonbinary bisexual supports her always nice considering know im straight alright back main point here redflag note moods suddenly ever change posts note possible adhd want keep things optimistic havent diagnosed yet know what im ending post here dont want shed sob loud
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "notice me somebody remind im ghost human includes lgtb stuff move it next post haters today took talking somebody interact everyone grade even notice there which leads believe commit redflag wouldnt give fuck it experiment done too see really badmaybe fact grade us talk othermaybe nobody would noticed all people know talked to know hate deep down keep lying saying dont hate me but since supposed encouraging redflag heres happy thing found today well kind two music teacher probably bisexual gay straight ally fo lgtb people why wears rainbow shoes sounds looks gay excuse me good gaydar dont judge lately wearing rainbow wristband might say pride gold im never close enough one friends actually trusts supports lgtb best friend crush nonbinary bisexual supports her always nice considering knowim straight alrightback main point here redflag note moods suddenly ever change posts note possible adhd want keep things optimistic havent diagnosed yet know what im ending post here dont want shed sob loud" ]
Note que alguien me recuerda a im ghost humano incluye cosas lgtb moverlo siguiente post odios hoy tomó hablar alguien interactuar todos grado incluso notar allí que los leads creen cometer Redflag no le daría mierda experimento hecho demasiado ver muy mal tal vez hecho grado nos hablan otro tal vez nadie se daría cuenta de todo lo que la gente sabe hablar hablar odio en el fondo seguir mintiendo decir no me odian pero desde supuesto alentar Redflag aquí feliz cosa encontrado hoy bien amable dos profesor de música probablemente bisexual heterosexual aliado fo lgtb gente por qué usa zapatos arco iris suena gay excusa me buen gaydar dont judge últimamente usando pulsera arco iris podría decir orgullo im oro nunca lo suficientemente cerca uno amigos realmente confía apoya lgtb mejor amigo aplastar nonbinary bisexual apoya su siempre agradable teniendo en cuenta knowim recta bien back punto principal aquí Redflag nota estados de ánimos de repente cambiar postes nota posible adhd quiere mantener cosas optimistas no han diagnosticado aún saber lo que im final post aquí no quiero verte sob fuerte
recently seem brain fogs able concentrate classes able take new information used to motivation anything thing whenever try make point lump forms throat eventually start crying regardless whether made point noti also feel really irritated time really reason irritated thingsmy parents tell nothing continue studying pass need know seek help experiencing due depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "recently seem brain fogs able concentrate classes able take new information used to motivation anything thing whenever try make point lump forms throat eventually start crying regardless whether made point noti also feel really irritated time really reason irritated thingsmy parents tell nothing continue studying pass need know seek help experiencing due depression" ]
recientemente parecen neblinas cerebrales capaces de concentrar clases capaces de tomar nueva información utilizada para motivar cualquier cosa cada vez que intente hacer punto forma bulto garganta eventualmente empezar a llorar independientemente de si hizo punto noti también se siente muy irritado tiempo realmente razón cosas irritadas mis padres no dicen nada continuar estudiando pase necesidad de saber buscar ayuda experimentar depresión debida
drunki realize reading many decide go everyone wants get drunk mostly vodka first woman tired laugh can
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "drunki realize reading many decide go everyone wants get drunk mostly vodka first woman tired laugh can" ]
borrachos darse cuenta de la lectura de muchos decidir ir todo el mundo quiere emborracharse sobre todo vodka primera mujer risa cansada puede
sleep am school tommorow want sleep though
[ "sleep am school tommorow want sleep though" ]
sueño soy la escuela mañana quiero dormir, sin embargo
wife watched whole series least three times cant imagine could better complete history wwiino library could hold historybut best summary history lots detail lots personal stories still keeps overall picture viewbr br oliviers narration excellently written and course superbly given interviews sides except russian producers allowed talk many russians much worth owning complete program dvd treasure copybr br the producers excellent job providing pictures action almost none extant archive almost films convoys submarine battles instance still episode subject well done
[ "wife watched whole series least three times cant imagine could better complete history wwiino library could hold historybut best summary history lots detail lots personal stories still keeps overall picture viewbr br oliviers narration excellently written and course superbly given interviews sides except russian producers allowed talk many russians much worth owning complete program dvd treasure copybr br the producers excellent job providing pictures action almost none extant archive almost films convoys submarine battles instance still episode subject well done" ]
esposa vio toda la serie por lo menos tres veces no puedo imaginar podría mejor historia completa biblioteca wwiino podría mantener la historia, pero el mejor resumen historia lotes detalles lotes historias personales todavía mantiene imagen general viewbr br oliviers narración excelentemente escrito y curso magníficamente concedida entrevistas lados excepto productores rusos permitieron hablar a muchos rusos mucho vale la pena poseer completo programa dvd tesoro copybr br los productores excelente trabajo proporcionando imágenes acción casi ninguno archivo existente casi películas convoyes batallas submarinos instancia todavía episodio tema bien hecho
discord server one mods keep muting people banning people littlest shit cant even count many people ive seen happen fucking hell annoying never discord server seen someone sensitive even hypocritical another thing rules show personal info right problem except irl name why real name connections bet others people art bet people put names bottom
[ "discord server one mods keep muting people banning people littlest shit cant even count many people ive seen happen fucking hell annoying never discord server seen someone sensitive even hypocritical another thing rules show personal info right problem except irl name why real name connections bet others people art bet people put names bottom" ]
servidor de discordia uno de los mods sigue silenciando a la gente prohibiendo a la gente la mierda más pequeña ni siquiera puede contar a mucha gente vi vi vi pasar puto infierno molesto nunca discordancia servidor vio a alguien sensible incluso hipócrita otra cosa reglas mostrar información personal problema correcto excepto irl nombre por qué nombre real conexiones apostar a otros gente arte apuesta gente poner nombres abajo
point life failed cog capitalist machinethis another story another loser useful skills interests friends ambition know all read many times point life one look forward nothing else working miserable jobs pay food shelter point life one look forward nothing fired bow scrape beg find another one one ends street point one look forward nothing else failing health death old age death nuclear war reason alive big coward afraid kill myself afraid pain afraid failing and laugh now afraid hell atheist cannot free fear wrong hell satan real
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "point life failed cog capitalist machinethis another story another loser useful skills interests friends ambition know all read many times point life one look forward nothing else working miserable jobs pay food shelter point life one look forward nothing fired bow scrape beg find another one one ends street point one look forward nothing else failing health death old age death nuclear war reason alive big coward afraid kill myself afraid pain afraid failing and laugh now afraid hell atheist cannot free fear wronghell satan real" ]
punto de vida fracasado engranaje máquina capitalista esta otra historia otro perdedor habilidades útiles intereses amigos ambición saber todos leer muchas veces punto de vida uno mira hacia adelante nada más trabajo trabajos miserables pagar alimento refugio punto de vida uno mira hacia adelante nada tiro arco rasparse rogar encontrar otro uno termina punto de calle uno mira hacia adelante nada más falta salud muerte vejez muerte guerra nuclear razón viva gran cobarde miedo matarme miedo dolor miedo fracaso y risa ahora miedo infierno ateo no puede liberar miedo malinfierno satanás real
im nightmares everywhere end time furthest ive gotten beginning phase intend going back point im getting bad stuff
[ "im nightmares everywhere end time furthest ive gotten beginning phase intend going back point im getting bad stuff" ]
I pesadillas en todas partes fin de los tiempos más lejos que se obtiene fase inicial intención de volver al punto de partida im conseguir cosas malas
dms open quite tired enough sleep yet lol im glad weekend starting get late im quite tired yet seeing anyone else around wanting chat whatever
[ "dms open quite tired enough sleep yet lolim glad weekend starting get late im quite tired yet seeing anyone else around wanting chatwhatever" ]
DMS abierto bastante cansado dormir sin embargo lolim feliz fin de semana empezando llegar tarde im bastante cansado pero ver a alguien más alrededor de querer chat lo que sea
emptyi know anymore im ive living void emptiness hole heart years now ive avoided life much get stuck negative thought patterns every day get exhausted im looking end life cant find courage actually hang jump bridge im stuck suffering meaningless life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "emptyi know anymore im ive living void emptiness hole heart years now ive avoided life much get stuck negative thought patterns every day get exhausted im looking end life cant find courage actually hang jump bridge im stuck suffering meaningless life" ]
vacili saber más vida vida vacío vacío agujero corazón años de vida evitada vida mucho se quedan atascados patrones de pensamiento negativo cada día se agotan mi mirada final vida no puedo encontrar coraje en realidad colgar salto puente im pegado sufrimiento vida sin sentido
saw little bunny rabbit couple minecraft think cutest thing ever know followed around sat together next pond dearly
[ "saw little bunny rabbit couple minecraft think cutest thing ever know followed around sat together next pond dearly" ]
vi pequeño conejito conejo pareja minascraft pensar cosa más linda nunca se sabe seguido alrededor sentado juntos al lado estanque querido
lmao average length circumference fucking adult dick looks like im average lol kinda cool guess
[ "lmao average length circumference fucking adult dick looks like im average lol kinda cool guess" ]
lmmao longitud media circunferencia mierda adulto polla se ve como im promedio lol un poco genial adivinar
type wpm get wrecked fools haha prolly even good whatever one shitty mac keyboards idk ok keep scrolling
[ "type wpm get wrecked fools haha prolly even good whatever one shitty mac keyboards idk ok keep scrolling" ]
tipo wpm conseguir destrozado tontos jaja prolly incluso bueno lo que un teclado mac mierda idk ok seguir desplazándose
friend said reddit gave free award im posting give award hi teens normal day ima ask crush later help great saturday
[ "friend said reddit gave free award im posting give award hi teens normal day ima ask crush later help great saturday" ]
amigo dijo reddit dio premio gratis im publicación dar premio hola adolescentes día normal ima pedir aplastamiento más tarde ayuda gran sábado
hey girl u optician cos u stare eyes day week
[ "hey girl u optician cos u stare eyes day week" ]
Hey chica u óptica porque u miradas miradas día semana
day posting music sub mike dawes scarlethttpsyoutubermfonits amazing acoustic cover song scarlet periphery really like artists know absolutely love cover
[ "day posting music sub mike dawes scarlethttpsyoutubermfonits amazing acoustic cover song scarlet periphery really like artists know absolutely love cover" ]
día publicando música sub mike dawes escarlatahttpsyoutubermfonits increíble cubierta acústica canción escarlata periferia realmente como los artistas saben absolutamente amor cubierta
tw rape experiment fucking around well pretended underage girl sexual subreddit got shit ton dms one dude admitted gang raping year old infront mother dont know holy shit
[ "tw rape experiment fucking around well pretended underage girl sexual subreddit got shit ton dms one dude admitted gang raping year old infront mother dont know holy shit" ]
tw violación experimento follando alrededor bien fingido menor de edad chica sexual subreddit tiene mierda ton dms un tipo admitido pandilla violación año de edad frente a la madre no saben santo mierda
cant anymoreits two years three minutes ago close jumping window cowardly go it feel safe anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymoreits two years three minutes ago close jumping window cowardly goit feel safe anymore" ]
Hace dos años, hace tres minutos, cerca de la ventana de salto, cobardemente, se siente seguro.
even redflag im failure failed redflag attempts im fucking daft loser please dont tell must divine purpose im still here im currently work right im lose it ive staring screen fuckin hours cant make anything except post nonsense reddit still here someone shoot me holy shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even redflag im failure failed redflag attempts im fucking daft loser please dont tell must divine purposeim still here im currently workright im lose it ive staring screen fuckin hours cant make anything except post nonsense reddit still here someone shoot me holy shit" ]
Incluso rojo bandera im fracaso Redflag intentos fallidos im maldito perdedor tonto por favor no le digas debe divina propósito todavía aquí im actualmente derecho al trabajo yo perderlo ive miring screen putas horas no puedo hacer nada excepto post tonterías reddit todavía aquí alguien me dispara santo mierda
excessive risk takingi typical unhealthy habits drinkingsmoking im prone excessive risk taking redflag conscious deliberate active choice theres risk me risky situations present us have act often make decision very fast intuitive level high risk situations very nice distracting nearly uplifting effect maybe theres short term gain eg sex seems difficult tackle this ideas
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "excessive risk takingi typical unhealthy habits drinkingsmoking im prone excessive risk taking redflag conscious deliberate active choice theres risk me risky situations present us have act often make decision very fast intuitive level high risk situations very nice distracting nearly uplifting effect maybe theres short term gain eg sex seems difficult tackle this ideas" ]
riesgo excesivo tomándose los hábitos típicos insalubres consumo de alcohol riesgo excesivo propenso a tomar redflag consciente elección activa deliberada hay riesgo me situaciones de riesgo presente nos han hecho acto a menudo tomar decisión muy rápido nivel intuitivo situaciones de alto riesgo muy agradable distraer casi efecto edificante tal vez no hay ganancia a corto plazo por ejemplo el sexo parece difícil abordar estas ideas
ive numb longi forgot good pain feels
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive numb longi forgot good pain feels" ]
adormecido longi olvidó buen dolor se siente