rn took shit reckon itd really solid log real brick dont need to would spectacular doubt
[ "rn took shit reckon itd really solid log real brick dont need to would spectacular doubt" ]
rn tomó la mierda cuenta de que era realmente sólido log ladrillo real no es necesario para dudar espectacular
please keep family friendly guys mommy watches ipad parental controls please dont want ipad taken away complete fort nite battle pass ends soon
[ "please keep family friendly guys mommy watches ipad parental controls please dont want ipad taken away complete fort nite battle pass ends soon" ]
Por favor mantenga amigos de la familia chicos mamá mira ipad controles parentales por favor no quiero ipad quitado completo fuerte nite pase de batalla termina pronto
palim falling apart insides collapsing msis yiu much please come baxk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "palim falling apart insides collapsing msis yiu much please come baxk" ]
palim cayendo a pedazos por dentro colapsando msis yiu mucho por favor ven baxk
film shockingly underrated imdb like many films shawshank reasonably good predictable dance competition personal growth film want spend hour half watching sort mile female step dancer think like itbr br judging imdb ratings guess movie approaching top vote bombed many s happens many films mob special effects include nonwhite nonstraight charactersbr br its american film us film set mostly toronto cues subtle audiences may think set entirely us final competition border city detroitbr br i liked music liked dance but convinced worth know characters easy eyesbr br i agree title sucks remember anyone film saying words s no foreign languagebr br theres lot hate film and lets honest vote means hated it assume expression hate kind people it thats sad
[ "film shockingly underrated imdb like many films shawshank reasonably good predictable dance competition personal growth film want spend hour half watching sort mile female step dancer think like itbr br judging imdb ratings guess movie approaching top vote bombed many s happens many films mob special effects include nonwhite nonstraight charactersbr br its american film us film set mostly toronto cues subtle audiences may think set entirely us final competition border city detroitbr br i liked music liked dance but convinced worth know characters easy eyesbr br i agree title sucks remember anyone film saying words s no foreign languagebr br theres lot hate film and lets honest vote means hated it assume expression hate kind people it thats sad" ]
película sorprendentemente subestimado imdb como muchas películas shawshank razonablemente buena competición de baile predecible crecimiento personal película quiere pasar la mitad de la hora ver tipo milla mujer bailarina paso pensar como itbr br juzgar imdb calificaciones adivinar película acercarse a la parte superior voto bombardeado muchos s sucede muchas películas mafia efectos especiales incluyen personajes no blancos no rectos br br su película americana nos cine conjunto mayormente toronto señales público sutil puede pensar en conjunto nosotros final competencia frontera ciudad detroitbr br i gusto música gusto baile pero convencido vale la pena saber personajes fácil ojosbr br estoy de acuerdo título chupa recordar a alguien película diciendo palabras s no idioma extranjero br br theres mucho odio película y permite voto honesto significa odio asumir expresión gente amable odio
know stop myselfive pestering people problems knowing able helped anyways stop telling whats me stop crying nowhere spike bad feeling hits im one people make obvious something wrong try hide it feel selfish straightforward makes feel like get chance wanna ask whats wrong not ive confidence issues whole life theyve really taken bad turn downhill turned straight drop every time see mirror start crying gagging ive puked many times recently never deliberately like put toothbrush throat think still fault keep torturing looking beautiful talented people showertime horrible seeing abnormal body looks like cant compare anyone feel like im level least smile beautiful things takes small amount time start crying feeling gets bad cant go outside much either anymore yeah keep seeing amazing great beautiful people everywherebut ever like that im enough right im trying push friends away me mean insult say strive better stuck me mean assume whats best think me mean say theyre selfish take overlords lives guess saying it ive tried apologising like this made people mad made say im actually sorry busy determining think im getting annoying this since learn one message feel like im constant trouble thats im asking could hide all never bother anyone ever stupid problems cant understand whyd want keep around im sort happy everyones getting sick me leave wellthey smile again extra baggage anymore everyones happiness nice course ill alone everyones forgotten me vanish hope th floor enough make decision im sorry long message thank reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know stop myselfive pestering people problems knowing able helped anyways stop telling whats me stop crying nowhere spike bad feeling hits im one people make obvious something wrong try hide it feel selfish straightforward makes feel like get chance wanna ask whats wrong not ive confidence issues whole life theyve really taken bad turn downhill turned straight drop every time see mirror start crying gagging ive puked many times recently never deliberately like put toothbrush throat think still fault keep torturing looking beautiful talented people showertime horrible seeing abnormal body looks like cant compare anyone feel like im level least smile beautiful things takes small amount time start crying feeling gets bad cant go outside much either anymoreyeah keep seeing amazing great beautiful people everywherebut ever like that im enough", "right im trying push friends away me mean insult say strive better stuck me mean assume whats best think me mean say theyre selfish take overlords lives guess saying it ive tried apologising like this made people mad made say im actually sorry busy determining think im getting annoying this since learn one message feel like im constant trouble thats im asking could hide all never bother anyone ever stupid problems cant understand whyd want keep around im sort happy everyones getting sick meleavewellthey smile again extra baggage anymore everyones happiness nice course ill alone everyones forgotten me vanish hope th floor enough make decision im sorry long message thank reading" ]
sabes dejar de melfive molestando a la gente problemas saber capaz ayudado de todos modos deja de decir lo que me deja de llorar en ninguna parte pico malos sentimientos golpes im una gente hace obvio algo malo tratar de ocultar se siente egoísta directa hace sentir como tener oportunidad quiere preguntar lo que está mal no vivir confianza problemas toda la vida que realmente han tomado mal vuelta cuesta abajo vuelta recta caída cada vez ver espejo empezar a llorar gagging ive vomido muchas veces recientemente nunca deliberadamente como poner cepillo de dientes garganta pensar todavía la culpa sigue torturando mirar hermosa gente talentosa ducha tiempo horrible ver cuerpo anormal parece como no se puede comparar nadie se siente como nivel mínimo sonrisa hermosas cosas lleva poco tiempo empezar a llorar sensación se hace mal no puede salir mucho ya sigue viendo increíble gran gente hermosa en todas partes pero siempre como que im suficiente
dont carefriends saying care open suicidal thoughts never initiate contact again never asking something me bitch even know im gone dont say care obviously dont
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont carefriends saying care open suicidal thoughts never initiate contact again never asking something me bitch even know im gone dont say care obviously dont" ]
No te preocupes amigos diciendo cuidado pensamientos suicidas abiertos nunca iniciar contacto de nuevo nunca pidiendo algo que me perra incluso sé que me he ido no decir cuidado obviamente no
failing lifeive suffering severe depression social anxiety past five years never gotten better turned video games escape made things exponentially worse transferred college semester told going different fell back old habits first started getting social anxiety again hard meet talk people depression started fading in concentrate work sit hours study get stuff done cant focus drift away end nothing fade right back suicidal ideation feeling hopeless cant move life get shit done im failing courses two three beyond fixable point im pretty much guaranteed f sit around nothing time laying bed jack shit turning browsing web playing games ive hit brick wall think get slump meant go way im pissing away parents money ideation plan im done cant take pain anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "failing lifeive suffering severe depression social anxiety past five years never gotten better turned video games escape made things exponentially worse transferred college semester told going different fell back old habits first started getting social anxiety again hard meet talk people depression started fading in concentrate work sit hours study get stuff done cant focus drift away end nothing fade right back suicidal ideation feeling hopeless cant move life get shit done im failing courses two three beyond fixable point im pretty much guaranteed f sit around nothing time laying bed jack shit turning browsing web playing games ive hit brick wall think get slump meant go way im pissing away parents money ideation plan im done cant take pain anymore" ]
fallida vida sufrimiento depresión severa ansiedad social pasados cinco años nunca mejor vuelta juegos de vídeo escapar hizo las cosas exponencialmente peor transferido semestre de la universidad dijo ir diferente caída hábitos viejos comenzó a conseguir ansiedad social de nuevo duro conocer hablar gente depresión comenzó a desvanecerse en concentrado trabajo sentarse horas estudio conseguir cosas hecho no se centra deriva fin nada desaparecer derecho volver ideación suicida sensación desesperanza no puede mover la vida conseguir mierda hecho im fracaso cursos dos tres más allá de punto fijable im prácticamente garantizado f sentarse alrededor de nada tiempo puesta cama jack mierda vuelta navegación web juegos ive golpe pared de ladrillo pensar conseguir slump significa ir manera im orinar padres dinero idea plan im hecho no puede tomar dolor más
feel annoying fucking time im middle severe mental breakdown mean genuine medical definition quirky one ive bottled up love friends feel annoying keep accidentally venting server im talking much stupid feel awful like need so like sometimes like need stop venting emotional feel like wear people dont want hurt inconvenience im literally awful friend sometimes hurts much feel awful saying selfish like cant imagine feel makes feel awful annoying feel like fucking burden im fucking burden
[ "feel annoying fucking time im middle severe mental breakdown mean genuine medical definition quirky one ive bottled up love friends feel annoying keep accidentally venting server im talking much stupid feel awful like need so like sometimes like need stop venting emotional feel like wear people dont want hurt inconvenience im literally awful friend sometimes hurts much feel awful saying selfish like cant imagine feel makes feel awful annoying feel like fucking burden im fucking burden" ]
se siente molesto tiempo de mierda im mediados severo crisis mental significa definición médica genuina peculiar uno live embotellado amor amigos se siente molesto mantener accidentalmente servidor de ventilación im hablar mucho estúpido se siente horrible como necesidad tan como a veces como necesidad dejar de ventilar emocional se siente como desgaste personas no quieren daño inconveniencia im literalmente terrible amigo a veces duele mucho sentirse horrible diciendo egoísta como no puedo imaginar se siente muy molesto se siente como mierda carga im carga
think related roommate last name parents signs aware
[ "think related roommate last name parents signs aware" ]
pensar relacionados apellido de compañero de cuarto padres signos consciente
advice every person subreddit m used really care people thought me friends friends rednecks rural ontario go brrt henceforth become wannabe redneckhick followed many many instagram pages posted donald trump far right political opinions diesel trucks well american political pages even though im canadian years later true myself friends like myself im weeb love heavy metal longer dislike lgbtq crowd disliked racist anymore said probably thinking wow kid probably dick right lmao aside theres one thing whole experience taught me nothing feels better yourself found new friends share interests struggling right feel like cant yourself lemme tell right now someone everyone world matter like everyone make friends world judge other best sub helped vent past ive laughed cried it want hit start conversation thank reading much got here sorry long tldr change fit in everyones got crowd somewhere
[ "advice every person subreddit m used really care people thought me friends friends rednecks rural ontario go brrt henceforth become wannabe redneckhick followed many many instagram pages posted donald trump far right political opinions diesel trucks well american political pages even though im canadian years later true myself friends like myself im weeb love heavy metal longer dislike lgbtq crowd disliked racist anymore said probably thinking wow kid probably dick right lmao aside theres one thing whole experience taught me nothing feels better yourself found new friends share interests struggling right feel like cant yourself lemme tell right now someone everyone world matter like everyone make friends world judge other best sub helped vent past ive laughed cried it want hit start conversation thank reading much got here sorry long tldr change fit in everyones got crowd somewhere" ]
Aconsejo cada persona subreddit m utilizado realmente cuidado gente pensaba amigos amigos paletos rurales ontario ir brrt en adelante convertirse en aspirante redneckhick seguido de muchos instagram páginas publicadas donald trump extrema derecha opiniones políticas camiones diesel bien americano páginas políticas a pesar de que im canadienses años más tarde verdadero yo amigos como yo im weeb amor heavy metal más largo disgusto lgbtq multitud aversión racista más dijo probablemente pensando wow chico probablemente polla derecha lmao a un lado hay una cosa experiencia entera me enseñó nada se siente mejor encontrar nuevos amigos compartir intereses luchar derecho sentir como cant usted mismo lemme decir ahora alguien todo el mundo importa como todo el mundo hacer amigos juez mundo otro mejor sub ayudó a ventilar pasado ive rió llorado quiere golpear iniciar conversación gracias lectura mucho llegó aquí larga cambio tldr encajar en todo el mundo tiene multitud en algún lugar
germany killed million innocent people years everyone remembers japan belgium belgium one worst offenders britain spain china mongolia italy
[ "germany killed million innocent people years everyone remembers japan belgium belgium one worst offenders britain spain china mongolia italy" ]
Alemania mató a millones de personas inocentes años todo el mundo recuerda japan belgium belgium uno de los peores delincuentes britain spain china mongolia italia
anyone need bodypillow also double matress
[ "anyone need bodypillow also double matress" ]
cualquier persona necesita bodypillow también doble colchón
people buy airpods rly give fuck music literally earbuds sound better airpods
[ "people buy airpods rly give fuck music literally earbuds sound better airpods" ]
la gente compra airpods rly dar mierda música literalmente auriculares sonido mejores airpods
must force uimissyousomuch sleep uimissyousomuch sleep getting late
[ "must force uimissyousomuch sleep uimissyousomuch sleep getting late" ]
Debe forzarte a dormir tanto. Duerme mucho. Duerme mucho hasta tarde.
want someone love metheres noone woman would ever touch
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want someone love metheres noone woman would ever touch" ]
Quiero que alguien me ame. Nadie tocaría a una mujer.
ive become thing swore destroy cool person course
[ "ive become thing swore destroy cool person course" ]
Se convierte en cosa jurada destruir el curso de la persona cool
kpop stans kpop stans horny teenagers change mind
[ "kpop stans kpop stans horny teenagers change mind" ]
kpop stans kpop stans adolescentes calientes cambian de opinión
forgive sinned guys watched cuties trailer want know fuck watch
[ "forgive sinned guys watched cuties trailer want know fuck watch" ]
perdonar pecado chicos vistos lindos trailer quieren saber mierda reloj
bruh okay woke stayed hours took nap pm im trying get sleep schedule back keep messing like aaaa
[ "bruhokay woke stayed hours took nap pm im trying get sleep schedule back keep messing like aaaa" ]
bruhokay se despertó se quedó horas tomó la siesta pm im tratando de volver a tener horario de sueño seguir desordenando como aaaa
gif pfp got removed bruh removed gif pfp fucking super gif pfp working anymore fuck reddit making reddit icon orange removing gif pfps again
[ "gif pfp got removed bruh removed gif pfp fucking super gif pfp working anymore fuck reddit making reddit icon orange removing gif pfps again" ]
gif pfp fue eliminado bruh eliminado gif pfp follando super gif pfp trabajando más follando reddit haciendo rojodit icono naranja quitando gif pfps otra vez
miss dadon june dad killed redflag hung garage dad years miss every day wish here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "miss dadon june dad killed redflag hung garage dad years miss every day wish here" ]
Srta. dadon June Papá mató a Redflag colgado garaje papá años señorita cada día deseo aquí
text start ive seen posts people calling national hotlines hung breaks heart thats fucking ridiculous recently started volunteering crisis text line recommend anyone here ive struggled many years came know crisis text line therapist recommended text struggling last year real people really want help you also takes anxiety away actually talking phone thats thing disclaimers our messages characters back seem shortthats why but send many long messages need to we follow certain timeframewe want talk divert crisis going talk coping skills try help find ways manage way youre feeling youre talking us dismissive anything want find help cant around help know truly wish best want get help youre looking for im sure legal whatever post recommend try it working something always text stop time legally allowed text back good luck everyone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "text start ive seen posts people calling national hotlines hung breaks heart thats fucking ridiculous recently started volunteering crisis text line recommend anyone here ive struggled many years came know crisis text line therapist recommended text struggling last year real people really want help you also takes anxiety away actually talking phone thats thing disclaimersour messages characters back seem shortthats why but send many long messages need to we follow certain timeframewe want talk divert crisis going talk coping skills try help find ways manage way youre feeling youre talking us dismissive anything want find help cant around help know truly wish best want get help youre looking for im sure legal whatever post recommend try it working something always text stop time legally allowed text back good luck everyone" ]
text start ive viewed posts gente llamando a líneas telefónicas nacionales colgadas rompe el corazón que es ridículo mierda comenzado recientemente voluntariado crisis línea de texto recomendar a cualquier persona aquí ive forcejeo muchos años vinieron saber crisis línea de texto terapeuta recomendado texto lucha el año pasado gente real realmente quiere ayuda también le quita ansiedad realmente hablar teléfono que thing sing descargoser mensajes caracteres volver parece corto por qué pero enviar muchos mensajes largos necesitamos seguir cierto tiempo queremos hablar desviar crisis va hablar habilidades de afrontamiento tratar de ayudar a encontrar maneras de manejar la manera en que usted está sintiendo que nos despreció cualquier cosa que quiere encontrar ayuda no puede ayudar saber realmente desea mejor obtener ayuda le está buscando Im seguro legal lo que post recomendar tratar de trabajar algo siempre texto parada tiempo legalmente permitido texto volver buena suerte todo el mundo
xposted ask transgender adult physically disabled trans woman friend abused facility staying at wants commit redflag escape abuse yr old friend helpwill ask somewhere else breaks rules im honestly end options here friend ill call j family whos extremely abusive transphobic mistreated bullied outside house nearly whole life bounced abusive transphobic shelters severely depressed suicidal one attempt unacknowledged parents left crippled waist down latest disabledfroendly shelter in experienced kinds abuse verbal mistreatment neglect respond asking food almost fainting i help focus stay conscious watched fall wheelchair made crawl bedits absolutely disgusting needless say suicidal im probably one reasons killed herself wants leave forget worry problems im foster care fighting abusive parents court says fucked life still hope stop stressing me ive spent hours talking redflag emailed parents intend email superiors abusers place shape up go parents seem interested treating well whatsoever dad held gun back head just fuck missouri decent place stay feels like might much do morning fear waking redflag notewhat help somethinganything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "xposted ask transgender adult physically disabled trans woman friend abused facility staying at wants commit redflag escape abuse yr old friend helpwill ask somewhere else breaks rules im honestly end options here friend ill call j family whos extremely abusive transphobic mistreated bullied outside house nearly whole life bounced abusive transphobic shelters severely depressed suicidal one attempt unacknowledged parents left crippled waist down latest disabledfroendly shelter in experienced kinds abuse verbal mistreatment neglect respond asking food almost fainting i help focus stay conscious watched fall wheelchair made crawl bedits absolutely disgusting needless say suicidalim probably one reasons killed herself wants leave forget worry problems im foster care fighting abusive parents court says fucked life still hope stop stressing me ive spent hours talking redflag emailed parents intend email superiors abusers place shape up go parents seem interested treating well whatsoever dad held gun back head just fuck missouri decent place stay feels like might much do morning fear waking redflag notewhat help somethinganything" ]
xposted preguntar transgénero adulto discapacitado físicamente amigo abusado instalación permanecer en wants come redflag escape abuso y viejo amigo ayuda le preguntará en otro lugar rompe reglas im honestamente fin opciones aquí amigo mal llamar j familia que es extremadamente abusivo transfóbico maltratado maltratado fuera de casa casi toda la vida rebotado abusivo refugios transfóbicos gravemente deprimido suicida un intento no reconocido padres dejados lisiado cintura abajo último discapacitadofroendly refugio en tipos experimentado abuso verbal maltrato negligencia responder pidiendo comida casi desmayos I ayuda a centrarse permanecer consciente vigilancia caída silla de ruedas se arrastran sus absolutamente repugnantes innecesarias decir suicidaim probablemente una razón se quiere dejar de lado problemas de preocupación im Foster cuidado luchar contra padres abusivos corte dice vida jodida todavía esperanza dejar de destacarme pasar horas hablando rojoflag correos electrónicos padres intención de correo electrónico superiores abusadores lugar forma ir padres parecen interesados tratar bien cualquier cosa que papá tenía pistola espalda cabeza justo mierda missouri lugar decente estancia se siente como podría hacer mañana miedo despertar rojoflag notaqué ayudar a algo
wanting dead evolved accepting ill never happyive m attempted redflag twice last time within last year think main reasons last attempt feeling like wronged someone deeply cared about feeling like terrible person feeling ill never happy months passed ive kind accepted nothing going change me try better person treat friends better try find partner shares educational personal sexual interests dont believe ever going change dont want kill anymore dont think life works great someone like me every passing day think personal struggles eat more dont passions anymore think maybe real friends sometimes feel like everyone puts me anxiety situations used okay in anxiety pretty much everything actually kinda want press pause reset life impossible someone with vent to make happy would go long way much freak seem be think im going alone forever messed thing top think im lot happiest things others making happy etc even really find someone wants let them makes feel like im good enough even friendships let alone romantic relationships
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanting dead evolved accepting ill never happyive m attempted redflag twice last time within last year think main reasons last attempt feeling like wronged someone deeply cared about feeling like terrible person feeling ill never happy months passed ive kind accepted nothing going change me try better person treat friends better try find partner shares educational personal sexual interests dont believe ever going change dont want kill anymore dont think life works great someone like me every passing day think personal struggles eat more dont passions anymore think maybe real friends sometimes feel like everyone puts me anxiety situations used okay in anxiety pretty much everything actually kinda want press pause reset life impossible someone with vent to make happy would go long way much freak seem be think im going alone forever messed thing top think im lot happiest things others making happy etc even really find someone wants let them makes feel like im good enough even friendships let alone romantic relationships" ]
querer muerto evolucionado aceptar enfermo nunca feliz m intento de bandera roja dos veces la última vez dentro del año pasado pensar razones principales último intento sentirse como agraviado alguien profundamente preocupado por sentirse terrible persona sintiéndose enfermo nunca feliz meses pasados clase de vida aceptó nada va cambiarme intentar mejor persona tratar amigos mejor tratar encontrar pareja comparte intereses sexuales educativos personales no creo nunca va cambiar no quiero matar más no creo que la vida funciona bien alguien como yo cada día que pasa pensar luchas personales comer más dont pasiones más creo que tal vez amigos reales a veces se sienten como si todo el mundo me pone situaciones de ansiedad utilizados bien en la ansiedad casi todo en realidad quiere prensa pausa restablecer la vida imposible alguien con ventilación para hacer feliz iría largo camino loco parece ser pensar im ir solo arriba piensa im cosas más felices otros haciendo feliz etc incluso realmente encontrar alguien quiere que se sientan como im buenas incluso amistades y mucho menos relaciones románticas
im feeling stuck confused scared lonely dont know do keep thinking girl stopped dating months ago lot things mind im getting lot mixed emotions im worried father feels do cant go much getting cold dark curl think girl dont know do
[ "im feeling stuck confused scared lonely dont know do keep thinking girl stopped dating months ago lot things mind im getting lot mixed emotions im worried father feels do cant go much getting cold dark curl think girl dont know do" ]
Me siento atrapado confundido asustado solitario no sé seguir pensando chica dejó de salir hace meses muchas cosas mente im conseguir muchas emociones mixtas im preocupado padre se siente no puede ir mucho conseguir frío rizos oscuros pensar chica no sé hacer
cannot believe im actually posting this really know begin first all guess sort inconceivable im sub posting something like this hell add humiliation guess ill start saying im year old male currently college computer science im proud person default raised single mother im masculine person believe strength tenacity discipline importantly purpose personal motto always suffering breeds discipline discipline breeds strength im old school traditionalist believe natural order things although im leftist absolutely disdain liberals qualities exude weakness believe human beings equally worthless myself included ive suffered depression past sheer force able conquer it viewing depression martial light depression eternal enemy must continually fought kept bay must consciously maintain vigilance one dark thoughts enter mind must vanquish immediately available means me point however elements life worn last four years eroding iron depleting fighting spirit im going go got heartbroken girl although factor im pathetic let sole reason wanting carry on start saying thing wanted child fly military aircraft fact still maintain service state highest honor one aspire to attend flight school high school thought going accomplish dream becoming military aviator however suffer bad case adhd would seem academia insurmountable objective im medicated tried best ultimately unsuccessful attempts complete college courses without medication crushing defeat me picked moved on knack military history writing so im told fulfilling gen ed requirements took th century european history class professor army colonel years earned undergrad west point completed phd u m graduate thesis apache scouting parties one strictest professors humanities department earned nickname pressure sheer amount homework gave difficulty tests rather liked immediately excellent command presence additionally thrive environments im held standards excellence professor demanded nothing short excellence quickly became top student class due rather vast repository knowledge concerning cccp das kaiserreich und das dritte reich addition knowledge infantry tactics employed world wars even told you excellent work remains highest compliment ive ever received one day approached professor informed interest becoming military historian looked dead eye said dont itits difficult make living field although another dream crushed deemed acceptable wanted pursue career would allow maximize utility state professor instilled burning desire serve apart something greater myself deemed future battlefield would digital nature stuxnet proved me decided would pursue computer science major vowed henceforth compromises defeats knew going field would conquer greatest weakness mathematics knew going easy deemed anything possible courage discipline around time met ex loved much attracted femininity honestly tell want saw me obviously thought handsome transferred university moved together relationship ended devastated however heart hearts understood left bore responsibility break pretty nasty honest although knew largely fault felt betrayed yet quick find bed room another woman soon realized however made mistake new girl banging total opposite ends spectrum tend worship strength discipline least hedonistic broke trust her also mention point best friend ive known talked everyday since th grade best could me still devastated break up even though id women experienced better shape ex buddy though always grateful someone like him failed classes semester completely utterly ashamed felt broken family thought transfer schools move back home though seemed like admitting defeat simply unacceptable me tried again time though found ex fucking entire computer science department im ashamed admit point decided situation untenable retreated back home ashamed broken home quickly went trying recover defeat called computer repair shops asking hiring technicians one hiring got job local restaurant people appreciate strong authority figures job still haunts me chef de cusine total tyrant coworkers even noticed became verbal punching bag day know why give best shot however soon fired me time ive ever fired job honestly relieved point panic attacks shortly shift ended feeling pretty low point gone honor role student deans list college drop got fired first time around point started waking going bed suicidal thoughts got job liquor store worked next three years although liked coworkers boss store help feel disgraced felt like failure around time started hang around old high school crush seemed nice outside break forced necessity move home parents however absolutely toxic individual told numerous occasions expendable worthless im totally ashamed admit stayed around long did know why hate part myself also accepted university area wayne state however earned credits transferred start square one made extremely bitter gone precalc prealgerbra however persevered else really do anyway still unbelievable bitch started get stressed finals tolerance bullshit rapidly started diminishing faster think anticipated ultimately took game hockey restore masculinity sense self worth told sick shit sick driving places want talk anymore think caught guard next day texted telling back ex state told simply care absolute truth felt liberated cost started developing deep resentment toward western woman even still today aspirations foreign woman preferably middle east ive ever wanted simple life myself government job allow assume role breadwinner virtuous intelligent wife adheres traditional values family call own however im starting lose belief vision obtainable people would call chauvinistic sexist vision feel like relic bygone era born century off feel outofplace todays society quite clear belong erato add sense displacement academic achievements wayne however shadow former glory take education seriously stellar gpa takes toll self esteem finally come infamous summer year best friend died minutes phone him catastrophic loss one seriously fucked mentally knew person talked every day half life closest dearest friend grant sherman stonewall jackson robert e lee ill never know specifics died know fell onto subway tracks train coming screaming died something profoundly horrible think best friend screaming goes out drive new york recover ashes bring home parents single fucked thing ive ever do tell post lot shit already going wrong break emotionally day cannot feel emotions ways think blessing kind tired feeling point anyway new york meet current girlfriend appear love care me im justnot capable anymore reciprocating way ive become detached emotionally also western woman really type know love want to justcant feel anything guess thats say care her do something right though idea is also get job computer repair slightly fulfilling want fix peoples broken shit teach rich idiots computer semester rough ive taken calculus discreet math looking like im going flunk classes despite best efforts showed everyday class got help went office hours still failing financial aid likely going cut ultimate insult me prove hard work discipline simply enough situation feels futile wish model citizen serve state feel like theyd never accept point purpose pride cannot go like this would rather blow head off live disgraced failure the family fuck up simply refuse carry way want live see become failure still living home im seriously contemplating suicide living without pride without purpose way live yet despite hard work perseverance world seems determined make drag society wish serve issue receive stateaid personally simply unacceptable brings question identity male would rather die man beg scraps like dog existence feels like joke string disappointments setbacks feel though im disgrace family name family warriors grandfather awarded iron cross bravery cant even pass calculus equally inconceivable embarrassing work hard still nothing show it life started fall apart four long miserable years ive endured hoping things would get better havent feel like could spare decades soulcrushing defeats disappointments manage courage end now aus der traum
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cannot believe im actually posting this really know begin first all guess sort inconceivable", "im sub posting something like this hell add humiliation guess ill start saying im year old male currently college computer science im proud person default raised single mother im masculine person believe strength tenacity discipline importantly purpose personal motto always suffering breeds discipline discipline breeds strength im old school traditionalist believe natural order things although im leftist absolutely disdain liberals qualities exude weakness believe human beings equally worthless myself included ive suffered depression past sheer force able conquer it viewing depression martial light depression eternal enemy must continually fought kept bay must consciously maintain vigilance one dark thoughts enter mind must vanquish immediately available means me point however elements life worn last four years eroding iron depleting fighting spirit im going go got heartbroken girl although factor im pathetic let sole reason wanting carry on start saying thing wanted child fly military aircraft fact still maintain service state highest honor one aspire to attend flight school high school thought going accomplish dream becoming military aviator however suffer bad case adhd would seem academia insurmountable objective im medicated tried best ultimately unsuccessful attempts complete college courses without medication crushing defeat me picked moved on knack military history writing so im told fulfilling gen ed requirements took th century european history class professor army colonel years earned undergrad west point completed phd u m graduate thesis apache scouting parties one strictest professors humanities department earned nickname pressure sheer amount homework gave difficulty tests rather liked immediately excellent command presence additionally thrive environments im held standards excellence professor demanded nothing short excellence quickly became top student class due rather vast repository knowledge concerning cccp das kaiserreich und das dritte reich addition knowledge infantry tactics employed world wars even told you excellent work remains highest compliment ive ever received one day approached professor informed interest becoming military historian looked dead eye said dont itits difficult make living field although another dream crushed deemed acceptable wanted pursue career would allow maximize utility state professor instilled burning desire serve apart something greater myself deemed future battlefield would digital nature stuxnet proved me decided would pursue computer science major vowed henceforth compromises defeats knew going field would conquer greatest weakness mathematics knew going easy deemed anything possible courage discipline around time met ex loved much attracted femininity honestly tell want saw me obviously thought handsome transferred university moved together relationship ended devastated however heart hearts understood left bore responsibility break pretty nasty honest although knew largely fault felt betrayed yet quick find bed room another woman soon realized however made mistake new girl banging total opposite ends spectrum tend worship strength discipline least hedonistic broke trust her also mention point best friend ive known talked everyday since th grade best could me still devastated break up even though id women experienced better shape ex buddy though always grateful someone like him failed classes semester completely utterly ashamed felt broken family thought transfer schools move back home though seemed like admitting defeat simply unacceptable me tried again time though found ex fucking entire computer science department im ashamed admit point decided situation untenable retreated back home ashamed broken home quickly went trying recover defeat called computer repair shops asking hiring technicians one hiring got job local restaurant people appreciate strong authority figures job still haunts me chef de cusine total tyrant coworkers even noticed became verbal punching bag day know why give best shot however soon fired me time ive ever fired job honestly relieved point panic attacks shortly shift ended feeling pretty low point gone honor role student deans list college drop got fired first time around point started waking going bed suicidal thoughts got job liquor store worked next three years although liked coworkers boss store help feel disgraced felt like failure around time started hang around old high school crush seemed nice outside break forced necessity move home parents however absolutely toxic individual told numerous occasions expendable worthless", "im totally ashamed admit stayed around long did know why hate part myself also accepted university area wayne state however earned credits transferred start square one made extremely bitter gone precalc prealgerbra however persevered else really do anyway still unbelievable bitch started get stressed finals tolerance bullshit rapidly started diminishing faster think anticipated ultimately took game hockey restore masculinity sense self worth told sick shit sick driving places want talk anymore think caught guard next day texted telling back ex state told simply care absolute truth felt liberated cost started developing deep resentment toward western woman even still today aspirations foreign woman preferably middle east ive ever wanted simple life myself government job allow assume role breadwinner virtuous intelligent wife adheres traditional values family call own however im starting lose belief vision obtainable people would call chauvinistic sexist vision feel like relic bygone era born century off feel outofplace todays society quite clear belong erato add sense displacement academic achievements wayne however shadow former glory take education seriously stellar gpa takes toll self esteem finally come infamous summer year best friend died minutes phone him catastrophic loss one seriously fucked mentally knew person talked every day half life closest dearest friend grant sherman stonewall jackson robert e lee ill never know specifics died know fell onto subway tracks train coming screaming died something profoundly horrible think best friend screaming goes out drive new york recover ashes bring home parents single fucked thing ive ever do tell post lot shit already going wrong break emotionally day cannot feel emotions ways think blessing kind tired feeling point anyway new york meet current girlfriend appear love care me", "im justnot capable anymore reciprocating way ive become detached emotionally also western woman really type know love want to justcant feel anything guess thats say care her do something right though idea is also get job computer repair slightly fulfilling want fix peoples broken shit teach rich idiots computer semester rough ive taken calculus discreet math looking like im going flunk classes despite best efforts showed everyday class got help went office hours still failing financial aid likely going cut ultimate insult me prove hard work discipline simply enough situation feels futile wish model citizen serve state feel like theyd never accept point purpose pride cannot go like this would rather blow head off live disgraced failure the family fuck up simply refuse carry way want live see become failure still living home", "im seriously contemplating suicide living without pride without purpose way live yet despite hard work perseverance world seems determined make drag society wish serve issue receive stateaid personally simply unacceptable brings question identity male would rather die man beg scraps like dog existence feels like joke string disappointments setbacks feel though im disgrace family name family warriors grandfather awarded iron cross bravery cant even pass calculus equally inconceivable embarrassing work hard still nothing show it life started fall apart four long miserable years ive endured hoping things would get better havent feel like could spare decades soulcrushing defeats disappointments manage courage end now aus der traum" ]
No puedo creer que realmente publicar esto realmente saber comenzar primero todos adivinar tipo inconcebible
crush agreed go date im famous tho shes fanta
[ "crush agreed go date im famous tho shes fanta" ]
aplastamiento acordado ir cita im famoso tho shes fanta
pet semetary creed family moved small town ludlow family consists father louis mother rachel brother gage daughter ellen greeted kindness jud crandall jud could basically tell entire history ludlowbr br behind creeds new house path leading pet cemetery spelled pet sematary ellen wants go see it jud willfully takes family trip start hell creed familybr br when rachel kids gone ellens cat church dies jud feels ellen ready death cat suggests louis follow path past pet cemeterybr br jud tells louis burial ground used micmac indians louis buries church without juds help couple days later church returns alive hellbr br this movie one two horror movies could actually scare me aside the exorcist greatest performance would ever zelda rachels sister spinal meningitis victor pascow ghost tries help creeds making mistake bringing back things deadbr br the music movie plays extravagant part time sad mysterious goes along movie wonderfullybr br
[ "pet semetary creed family moved small town ludlow family consists father louis mother rachel brother gage daughter ellen greeted kindness jud crandall jud could basically tell entire history ludlowbr br behind creeds new house path leading pet cemetery spelled pet sematary ellen wants go see it jud willfully takes family trip start hell creed familybr br when rachel kids gone ellens cat church dies jud feels ellen ready death cat suggests louis follow path past pet cemeterybr br jud tells louis burial ground used micmac indians louis buries church without juds help couple days later church returns alive hellbr br this movie one two horror movies could actually scare me aside the exorcist greatest performance would ever zelda rachels sister spinal meningitis victor pascow ghost tries help creeds making mistake bringing back things deadbr br the music movie plays extravagant part time sad mysterious goes along movie wonderfullybr br" ]
fet semetary credo familia movida pequeña ciudad familia ludlow consiste padre louis madre rachel hermano gage hija ellen saludó amabilidad jud crandall jud básicamente podría contar toda la historia ludlowbr br detrás de credos nueva casa camino plomo pet cementerio escrito mascota sematary ellen quiere ir ver jud willyly toma viaje familiar inicio infierno credo familia br br cuando rachel niños ido ellens gato iglesia muere jud siente ellen listo muerte gato sugiere louis seguir camino pasado mascota cementeriobr br jud le dice a luis cementerio usado micmac indias luis buries iglesia sin juds ayuda par de días más tarde iglesia vuelve vivo hellbr br esta película una dos películas de terror podría realmente asustarme aparte de la mayor actuación exorcista nunca zelda rachels hermana meningitis espinaca victoriana pascow fantasma trata de ayudar credos hacer volver cosas muertos br la película de música obras extravagant tiempo triste misterio va a lo largo película maravillosamente br br br br
thought death brings peace ive never felt im whenever decide herei always knew different knew fucked way got here ive life formally diagnosed ive struggled short term memory loss since kid brings much anxiety life cannot really know am want die already know id it waiting me really shame wanted somebody try fail every single time hate myself itll huge shock everyone family always knew coming day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought death brings peace ive never felt im whenever decide herei always knew different knew fucked way got here ive life formally diagnosed ive struggled short term memory loss since kid brings much anxiety life cannot really know am want die already know id it waiting me really shame wanted somebody try fail every single time hate myself itll huge shock everyone family always knew coming day" ]
Pensé que la muerte trae la paz nunca se sentía im cada vez que decidía aquí yo siempre supe diferente sabia jodida manera de llegar aquí vida viva formalmente diagnosticada ive luchada pérdida de memoria a corto plazo ya niño trae mucha ansiedad la vida no puede realmente saber quiero morir ya sé me espera realmente vergüenza quería que alguien tratar de fallar cada vez que me odio va a gran sorpresa todos familia siempre supe venir día
killing new years dayi made promise ill stick shot got worse scabies worse depression shit even worse ever finally end suffering even family friends grieves better without me everyone something unique them me im uniquely useless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "killing new years dayi made promise ill stick shot got worse scabies worse depression shit even worse ever finally end suffering even family friends grieves better without me everyone something unique them me im uniquely useless" ]
Matar años nuevos dayi hizo promesa mala palo tiro consiguió peor sarna peor depresión mierda incluso peor siempre terminan finalmente sufriendo incluso amigos de la familia se aflige mejor sin mí todo el mundo algo único ellos me im singularmente inútil
sleep pattern ruining lifeim asleep day awake night ive tried everything change sleep patter nothing worked night im awake alone sad unable sleep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sleep pattern ruining lifeim asleep day awake night ive tried everything change sleep patter nothing worked night im awake alone sad unable sleep" ]
sueño patrón arruinando vidaim sueño día despierto noche ive intentado todo cambio sueño patateo nada trabajo noche im despierto solo triste sueño incapaz
first day work tomorrow got first job donut place tomorrow first day im nervous im pretty shy usually im okay talking adults im excited get paid still anxious af yall jobs advicethings know
[ "first day work tomorrow got first job donut place tomorrow first day im nervous im pretty shy usually im okay talking adults im excited get paid still anxious af yall jobs advicethings know" ]
primer día de trabajo mañana consiguió primer trabajo donut place mañana primer día im nervioso im bastante tímido generalmente estoy bien hablando adultos im emocionado conseguir pagado todavía ansiosos af yall trabajos consejos cosas saber
easy wearing mask time sometimes carry well times cannot even find strength put on everything fine long wear minute starts slip fun around cannot even open way truly feel nobody really understands enjoy anything literally autopilot constant state numbness like ball chain wife carry around course tired it would be understand constant pain in understand reason even keeping going opening causes pain know wants happy her thing though would anywhere happy without her world know do feel guilty around like this feel like wear mask time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "easy wearing mask time sometimes carry well times cannot even find strength put on everything fine long wear minute starts slip fun around cannot even open way truly feel nobody really understands enjoy anything literally autopilot constant state numbness like ball chain wife carry around course tired it would be understand constant pain in understand reason even keeping going opening causes pain know wants happy her thing though would anywhere happy without her world know do feel guilty around like this feel like wear mask time" ]
fácil usar máscara tiempo a veces llevan bien tiempos no puede incluso encontrar la fuerza puesta en todo fine largo desgaste minuto comienza a deslizarse diversión alrededor no puede incluso abierto manera realmente sentir nadie realmente entiende disfrutar de cualquier cosa literalmente piloto automático constante estado entumecimiento como la cadena de bolas esposa llevar alrededor de curso cansado sería entender dolor constante en entender razón incluso mantener la apertura causa dolor quiere feliz su cosa aunque sería en cualquier lugar feliz sin su mundo saber sentirse culpable como este se siente como usar máscara tiempo
got back audiologista national expert ive seeing admitted theres nothing could hyperacusis told need work living life theres anything left live anything left live for cant talk anyone cant see anybody cant go anywhere audiophile barely even hear sound voice extrovert now little still hear hurts bad start screaming sit hour long car ride back home dad barking ear took lunch whole time cars lot blasting music say anything hed get angry me hed yell make ears feel even worse took sweet time finishing sandwich walked slow possible tried hurrying back car sit still say nothing whole fucking ride got back home knife want advice want feedback want answer questions want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "got back audiologista national expert ive seeing admitted theres nothing could hyperacusis told need work living life theres anything left live anything left live for cant talk anyone cant see anybody cant go anywhere audiophile barely even hear sound voice extrovert now little still hear hurts bad start screaming sit hour long car ride back home dad barking ear took lunch whole time cars lot blasting music say anything hed get angry me hed yell make ears feel even worse took sweet time finishing sandwich walked slow possible tried hurrying back car sit still say nothing whole fucking ride got back home knife want advice want feedback want answer questions want die" ]
Volver a audiologista experto nacional ive ver admitido allí nada puede hiperacusia dijo necesidad de trabajo vivir la vida allí nada queda vivir en vivo para no hablar nadie puede ver a nadie no puede ir a ninguna parte audiophile apenas siquiera escuchar voz sonido extrovert ahora poco todavía oír mal empezar gritos sentarse hora largo coche viaje de vuelta a casa papá ladrando oído tomó almuerzo mucho ruido música decir cualquier cosa que se enfade me grita hacer oídos sentir peor tomó dulce tiempo terminar sándwich caminado lento posible tratar de volver rápido coche sentarse todavía decir nada todo maldito viaje volver cuchillo en casa quieren comentarios quieren respuesta preguntas quieren morir
anyone wanna pm bit im mega bored lol
[ "anyone wanna pm bit im mega bored lol" ]
alguien quiere pm bit im mega aburrido lol
feel truly hollow aloneheya reading ive times awhile back past feel time different probably explain bit case people want understand im coming from name macy im transgender girl recently ive kinda fell fucked place dont think get one awhile back ended leaving highschool social anxiety bullying lack motivation things appease parents got enrolled online classes still legally need school age fifteen basically dropped point life ive able keep social life alive since happens awhile back world works regular teenager friends change time old friends gone really one anymore people online bed online friends arent really close either ive issues past drugs coke acid weed cigs others control part recently ive felt urge might way cope pain feel me thats driving sanity breaking point understand im young probably dont know im talking point life know feel feels really terrible exboyfriend hasnt spoken two weeks really strained mentality left terms close people struggle signs mental illnesses make really dependent clingy im fan self diagnosing therapist said show signs cant really disorder etc adult said would agree show signs things believe might have ive found state constant distraction keep thinking alone pain am eats more really dont know anymore ive tried hotlines past didnt help keep getting urge die something drastic make happy die peace knowing wanted im sorry bad grammar im really best moods proofread rant depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel truly hollow aloneheya reading ive times awhile back past feel time different probably explain bit case people want understand im coming from name macy im transgender girl recently ive kinda fell fucked place dont think get one awhile back ended leaving highschool social anxiety bullying lack motivation things appease parents got enrolled online classes still legally need school age fifteen basically dropped point life ive able keep social life alive since happens awhile back world works regular teenager friends change time old friends gone really one anymore people online bed online friends arent really close either ive issues past drugs coke acid weed cigs others control part recently ive felt urge might way cope pain feel me thats driving sanity breaking point understand im young probably dont know im talking point life know feel feels really terrible exboyfriend hasnt spoken two weeks really strained mentality left terms close people struggle signs mental illnesses make really dependent clingy", "im fan self diagnosing therapist said show signs cant really disorder etc adult said would agree show signs things believe might have ive found state constant distraction keep thinking alone pain am eats more really dont know anymore ive tried hotlines past didnt help keep getting urge die something drastic make happy die peace knowing wanted im sorry bad grammarim really best moods proofread rant depression" ]
Siente realmente hueco soloheya leyendo tiempos de vida hace un tiempo atrás sentir tiempo diferente probablemente explicar caso pequeño la gente quiere entender im viniendo de nombre macy im chica transgénero recientemente ive un poco cayó follada lugar no pienses conseguir uno hace un tiempo terminó dejando secundaria ansiedad social bullying falta motivación cosas apaciguar padres se inscribieron en las clases en línea todavía legalmente necesidad edad escolar quince años básicamente caída vida ive capaz mantener la vida social ya que sucede hace un tiempo mundo trabaja amigos adolescentes regulares cambio tiempo viejos amigos se fueron realmente una más personas en línea cama amigos no son realmente cerca o problemas pasados drogas coca ácido hierba cigs otros control parte recientemente live sentido impulso podría hacer frente al dolor me siento que conduce cordura punto de ruptura entender im joven probablemente no sé im hablar punto la vida sabe se siente realmente terrible exboyfriend no ha hablado dos semanas mentalidad muy tensa izquierda términos cerca personas lucha signos enfermedades mentales hacen realmente dependiente
reddit therapy work wellwith way reddit works sub cant function free therapy easily many people scrolling new posts hot get lot help new bodies fault reddit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reddit therapy work wellwith way reddit works sub cant function free therapy easily many people scrolling new posts hot get lot help new bodies fault reddit" ]
terapia reddit funciona biencon la manera reddit funciona sub cant funciona terapia libre fácilmente muchas personas desplazando nuevos posts caliente conseguir mucho ayuda nuevos cuerpos falla reddit
bite myself raw sore get canker sore cannot eat cannot drink get sick finally energy eat go fast bite myselfand go again over whole life could summed canker sores
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bite myself raw sore get canker sore cannot eat cannot drink get sick finally energy eat go fast bite myselfand go again over whole life could summed canker sores" ]
me muerdo dolor crudo conseguir dolor canker no puede comer no puede beber enfermar finalmente la energía comer ir rápido morderse y volver a toda la vida podría resumir heridas canker
ive decided six months still feel suicidal ill iti dont want impulse decision want well thought out ive decided still feel way april first then well ill die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive decided six months still feel suicidal illiti dont want impulse decision want well thought out ive decided still feel way april first then well ill die" ]
He decidido seis meses todavía siento illiti suicida no quiero decisión impulso quieren bien pensado a cabo ive decidido todavía sentir mucho abril primero y luego bien mal morir
would nice talk people rn im like super sick okay
[ "would nice talk people rn im like super sickokay" ]
Sería bueno hablar de la gente rn im como super enfermizo
reddit got banned raskreddit so heres next best thing baby
[ "reddit got banned raskreddit so heresnext best thing baby" ]
reddit fue prohibido raskreddit así que heresnext mejor cosa bebé
felt ecstasy feari tried out sort of way want go quit could anything harmful want found goes plan ill try hours know want work im pretty sure do maybe ill choice taken away me know started feel immense pressure windpipe scared scared situations knew could easily get out tester all split second gloriously ecstatic going free cant stop coughing still feels like theres pressure throat also feel relief long anymore feel like ive stabbed heart every time hes somebody else deal terrible obsessive personality mine anymore deal intense longing desire love never be deal intense sessions highs lows fine week writing notes next even notes time want go least hell attend funeral hope im rollercoaster started started him know ever going stop cant forever much im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "felt ecstasy feari tried out sort of way want go quit could anything harmful want found goes plan ill try hours know want work im pretty sure do maybe ill choice taken away me know started feel immense pressure windpipe scared scared situations knew could easily get out tester all split second gloriously ecstatic going free cant stop coughing still feels like theres pressure throat also feel relief long anymore feel like ive stabbed heart every time hes somebody else deal terrible obsessive personality mine anymore deal intense longing desire love never be deal intense sessions highs lows fine week writing notes next even notes time want go least hell attend funeral hope im rollercoaster started started him know ever going stop cant forever much im done" ]
Sentido éxtasis teami probado tipo de manera de querer ir a dejar cualquier mal deseo encontrado va plan mal intento horas saber querer trabajo im bastante seguro hacer tal vez mala elección me llevó saber comenzó sentir inmensa presión tráquea asustada situaciones de miedo sabía fácilmente podría salir probador todo dividido segundo gloriosamente extático va libre cant dejar de toser todavía se siente como theres presión garganta también sentir alivio largo tiempo más se siente como ive corazón apuñalado cada vez que él alguien más trata terrible personalidad obsesiva mio más trato intenso deseo amor nunca se trata intensa sesiones altos bajos fin semana notas siguiente incluso notas tiempo querer menos infierno asistir funeral esperanza im montaña rusa comenzó él sabe siempre ir parada no puede parar mucho im hecho
dont know anymoreim broke actually debt point holding lies im fucked actually like im seriously fucked dont know fuck im going do next paycheque gonna pay debt hopefully pay car bills too late july early august need somehow come fucking thousand pay insurance fuck man like fuck me dont know fuck im going it parents dont even know ive failed fucking uni working developing courage tell them im fucking lost fuck here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know anymoreim broke actually debt point holding lies im fucked actually like im seriously fucked dont knowfuck im going do next paycheque gonna pay debt hopefully pay car bills too late july early august need somehow come fucking thousand pay insurance fuck man like fuck me dont know fuckim going it parents dont even know ive failed fucking uni working developing courage tell them im fucking lost fuck here" ]
No sé más que se rompió realmente punto de la deuda que sostiene mentiras im follada en realidad como im seriamente follada no sé mierda im va a hacer próximo paycheque va a pagar la deuda con suerte pagar facturas de coche demasiado tarde julio temprano augusto necesidad de alguna manera venir mierda mil paga seguro mierda hombre como mierda yo no sé mierda lo que los padres ni siquiera saben ive fracasado uni trabajando coraje decirle im maldito perdido mierda aquí
cross posting recursion crosspost post ask someone else crosspost see long redditors keep crossposting
[ "cross posting recursion crosspost post ask someone else crosspost see long redditors keep crossposting" ]
cross post post recursión crosspost pregunta a alguien más crosspost ver redditors largos seguir crossposting
fell love married womani fell love best friend happens married woman ling says fell love too months together trying figure leave bad marriage told time horrible husband wanted live life me came clean month ago husband telling me guilted staying saying disobeyed god owes stay well continued tell believes god let leave someday found tonight husband told leave literally got suitcase put front her decide stay also gone back sleeping him emails telling things also saying continues pray everyday god bring us together know do husband threatened put restraining order me feel guilty also time hurt constant back forth i believe together need stay driving insane know believe anymore constant pain unbearable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fell love married womani fell love best friend happens married woman ling says fell love too months together trying figure leave bad marriage told time horrible husband wanted live life me came clean month ago husband telling me guilted staying saying disobeyed god owes stay well continued tell believes god let leave someday found tonight husband told leave literally got suitcase put front her decide stay also gone back sleeping him emails telling things also saying continues pray everyday god bring us together know do husband threatened put restraining order me feel guilty also time hurt constant back forthi believe together need stay driving insane know believe anymore constant pain unbearable" ]
amor amor casado mujeri amor mejor amigo pasa casado mujer Ling dice amor caído meses juntos tratando figura dejar mal matrimonio dijo tiempo marido horrible quería vivir vida me vino limpio hace mes marido me dijo culpado permanecer diciendo desobedecido dios debe permanecer bien continuo decir cree que Dios dejó salir algún día encontrado esta noche marido dijo permiso literalmente consiguió maleta puesta al frente ella decide quedarse atrás dormir también volver a él correos electrónicos diciendo cosas también sigue rezando Dios nos unen saber marido amenazado poner orden de restricción me siento culpable también tiempo daño constante atrás creo juntos necesitan seguir conduciendo loco saber creer dolor constante más constante insoportable
im tired mental illnessim tired trying muster courage commit redflag im tired constantly trying medications im sick explaining different therapists ive seven psych ward visits im sick illness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired mental illnessim tired trying muster courage commit redflag im tired constantly trying medications im sick explaining different therapists ive seven psych ward visits im sick illness" ]
Enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental, enfermedad mental.
dennis patrick plays man accidentally kills daughters boyfriend reveals secret local bar joe peter boyle bigot getting drunk there first takes joke story confirmed evening news instead calling cops like joe decides that since guy killed hippie must kindred spirits blackmails man becoming pal first film seemed harsh judgemental but revealed itself actually became quite complex portrait current society yes think exaggerate bit amusing ways really detract power messages susan sarandon debuted film shock see pretty around well worth seeing
[ "dennis patrick plays man accidentally kills daughters boyfriend reveals secret local bar joe peter boyle bigot getting drunk there first takes joke story confirmed evening news instead calling cops like joe decides that since guy killed hippie must kindred spirits blackmails man becoming pal first film seemed harsh judgemental but revealed itself actually became quite complex portrait current society yes think exaggerate bit amusing ways really detract power messages susan sarandon debuted film shock see pretty around well worth seeing" ]
Dennis Patrick obras de teatro hombre accidentalmente mata hijas novio revela secreto local bar Joe Peter Boyle intolerante emborracharse allí primero toma historia de broma confirmada noticias de la noche en lugar de llamar a la policía como Joe decide que puesto que el hombre mató hippie espíritus emparentados chantajes hombre convertirse en amigo primera película parecía duro juicio pero se reveló en realidad se convirtió en un retrato bastante complejo sociedad actual sí pensar exagerado poco divertido maneras realmente restar poder mensajes susan sarandon debutó película shock ver bastante alrededor bien vale la pena ver
ill kill weekim boy friend girl im love her boyfriend told wait see future cant stand pain anymore wants friend moment boyfriend love her do want marry kids her want love survive love without cant much me much love give everytime try give love anyone suffer last hope
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ill kill weekim boy friend girl im love her boyfriend told wait see future cant stand pain anymore wants friend moment boyfriend love her do want marry kids her want love survive love without cant much me much love give everytime try give love anyone suffer last hope" ]
ill kill weekim boy friend girl im love su novio dijo espera ver futuro no puedo soportar el dolor más quiere amigo momento novio amor ella quiere casarse con niños su deseo amor sobrevivir amor sin cant mucho me mucho amor dar cada vez que tratar de dar amor cualquiera sufre última esperanza
woman left alone death husband finds attracted sons friend handy man slightly twisted story woman begins sleeping handy man effort revive herself twisted part handy man also daughters love interestbr br as strange enough mother manages fall man daughter finds out blames dysfunctional relationship also messed life poor motherbr br though may think badly woman truth movie manages portray notredflag light beautifully played anne reid character dimension portrays great emotionbr br a truly brilliant performance enjoyable filmbr br
[ "woman left alone death husband finds attracted sons friend handy man slightly twisted story woman begins sleeping handy man effort revive herself twisted part handy man also daughters love interestbr br as strange enough mother manages fall man daughter finds out blames dysfunctional relationship also messed life poor motherbr br though may think badly woman truth movie manages portray notredflag light beautifully played anne reid character dimension portrays great emotionbr br a truly brilliant performance enjoyable filmbr br" ]
mujer deja solo muerte marido encuentra atraído hijos amigo hombre a mano historia ligeramente retorcida mujer comienza dormir hombre a mano esfuerzo revivir ella misma torcida parte práctico hombre también hijas amor interésbr br como extraño madre maneja caída hombre hija descubre culpas relación disfuncional también mal vida pobre madre br aunque puede pensar mal mujer verdad película maneja retratar notredflag luz bellamente interpretado Anne reid carácter dimensión retrata gran emociónbr br una actuación verdaderamente brillante agradable película br br
today lent crush jacket ran home raining making total times ive made wet yes realize im stealing umbrella joke fit situation are
[ "today lent crush jacket ran home raining making total times ive made wetyes realize im stealing umbrella joke fit situation are" ]
Hoy le prestaron chaqueta de aplastamiento corrió a casa lloviendo haciendo que el total de veces ive hizo que los wetyes se dieran cuenta de que estoy robando sombrilla broma encajar situación son
posting number everyday till reach end day kskksidhhdjsjdgdvhsushwhsjsjshhshssjsjsnjsjsjsjsjsbdbdjxurvvdhx
[ "posting number everyday till reach end day kskksidhhdjsjdgdvhsushwhsjsjshhshssjsjsnjsjsjsjsjsbdbdjxurvvdhx" ]
número de publicación todos los días hasta llegar a fin de día kskksidhjsjdjdgdvhsushwhsjsjsshshsjsjsnjsjsjsjsbdbdjxurvvdhx
point someone go hospitaltheres difference wanting disappear stop existing bit come back wanting die actual planwriting noteetc theres also nebulous inbetween phase person acts impulse maybe die maybe not spectrum someone go hospital im terrified commitment mental hospital ive heard terrible things them especially one area walk er nearby happen send there want go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "point someone go hospitaltheres difference wanting disappear stop existing bit come back wanting die actual planwriting noteetc theres also nebulous inbetween phase person acts impulse maybe die maybe not spectrum someone go hospital im terrified commitment mental hospital ive heard terrible things them especially one area walk er nearby happen send there want go" ]
Si alguien va al hospital hay una diferencia que quiere desaparecer deja de existir un poco volver queriendo morir planeografía real noteetc también hay nebuloso en medio fase persona actos impulso tal vez morir tal vez no espectro alguien ir hospital im compromiso aterrorizado hospital mental ive oído cosas terribles ellos especialmente un área caminar er cerca suceder enviar allí quieren ir
imma uncook food cant stop
[ "imma uncook food cant stop" ]
Imma uncook comida no puede parar
hiyou might sometimes look around feel like live world hate pain emptiness world disappointment exhaustion despair nothing okay things never right right know whats right would right wrong would feel hate knew nothing love never shown love hate would default even know it would nothing unusual disturbing ever know known love feel hate love need able see it happiness really believe feel it peace comfort beautiful world life beautiful beautiful clouds move across sun see sun rays come go back again beautiful summer smell comes feel woken up beautiful step uncut ice snow unexpectedly fallen life beautiful hope lives existence matter many people blind it matter many people deny even hate it even spent years hating it still there hope lives unconditionally existence true companionship lovely laughter fresh excitement peaceful content beautiful worth it come run scared reject it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hiyou might sometimes look around feel like live world hate pain emptiness world disappointment exhaustion despair nothing okay thingsnever rightright know whats right would right wrong would feel hate knew nothing love never shown love hate would default even know it would nothing unusual disturbing ever know known love feel hate love need able see it happiness really believe feel it peace comfort beautiful world life beautiful beautiful clouds move across sun see sun rays come go back again beautiful summer smell comes feel woken up beautiful step uncut ice snow unexpectedly fallen life beautiful hope lives existence matter many people blind it matter many people deny even hate it even spent years hating it still there hope lives unconditionally existence true companionship lovely laughter fresh excitement peaceful content beautiful worth it come run scared reject it" ]
Hola a veces podría mirar alrededor de sentir como mundo vivo odio dolor vacío mundo decepción agotamiento desesperación nada bien cosas nunca bien bien saber lo que está bien bien mal sentir odio sabía nada amor nunca se mostró amor odio default incluso saber que nada inusual desconocido amor conocido sentir odio amor necesidad poder ver felicidad realmente creer sentir la paz comodidad hermoso mundo vida hermosas nubes moverse a través del sol ver rayos de sol volver de nuevo hermoso olor de verano viene sentirse despertado hermoso paso sin cortar nieve hielo inesperadamente vida caída hermosa esperanza vidas existencia materia mucha gente ciega que importa mucha gente niega incluso odio incluso pasó años odiarlo todavía allí esperanza vidas incondicional existencia verdadera compañía encantadora risa fresca emoción contenido pacífico hermoso vale la pena venir correr asustado rechazarlo
meanest thing ever done idk im bored answer u want ig
[ "meanest thing ever done idk im bored answer u want ig" ]
Lo más mezquino que se ha hecho nunca Idk im aburrida respuesta que quieres ig
let us say saved hundred pills course many months would enough know need incredibly high prozac dosage even symptoms appear like x prescribed amount thanks would happen took mg fluxotine prozac
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "let us say saved hundred pills course many months would enough know need incredibly high prozac dosage even symptoms appear like x prescribed amount thanks would happen took mg fluxotine prozac" ]
vamos a decir 100 píldoras ahorradas curso muchos meses lo suficiente saber la necesidad increíblemente alta dosis de prozac incluso los síntomas aparecen como x cantidad prescrita gracias a que ocurriría tomó mg de fluxotina prozac
life constant embarrassmenteverywhere people laugh me im fucking joke everyone enjoy everything try do end embarrassing myself literally everything try fail fail fail make joke myself like fucking curse something literally took walk outside minutes ago somehow managed make brother father laugh scared bug come home father yells scared every day things everyone laughs suffer darkness unknown everyone im ugly dumb stupid loser good nothing good nothing theres use anyone telling me oh say good this good that know bullshit wouldve killed didnt shitty dream comic book artist ive matured know pointless everything is even become comic book artist what doubt anyone care knowing life ill find way embarrass again im used point expect it body pathetic worthless done shit except let down im limited pathetic useless body idea anymore tbh even know kill myself many things happened many damn things idk bear pain live boring lonely embarrassing life end here clue whats next im going wait get college made good decision redflag looking hot rn
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life constant embarrassmenteverywhere people laugh me im fucking joke everyone enjoy everything try do end embarrassing myself literally everything try fail fail fail make joke myself like fucking curse something literally took walk outside minutes ago somehow managed make brother father laugh scared bug come home father yells scared every day things everyone laughs suffer darkness unknown everyone im ugly dumb stupid loser good nothing good nothing theres use anyone telling me oh say good this goodthat know bullshit wouldve killed didnt shitty dream comic book artist ive matured know pointless everything is even become comic book artist what doubt anyone care knowing life ill find way embarrass again im used point expect it body pathetic worthless done shit except let down im limited pathetic useless body idea anymore tbh even know kill myself many things happened many damn things idk bear pain live boring lonely embarrassing life end here clue whats next im goingwait get college made good decision redflag looking hot rn" ]
La vida constante vergüenza cada lugar la gente me ríe im broma todo el mundo disfrutar todo tratar de avergonzarme, literalmente todo intento fracaso fracaso falla hacer broma yo mismo como maldición mierda algo literalmente salió a la calle hace minutos de alguna manera manejado hacer hermano padre risa miedo bicho venir casa padre grita asustado cada día cosas todos risas sufrir oscuridad desconocido todo el mundo im feo tonto estúpido perdedor bueno nada bueno nada uso nadie me dice oh decir bueno que sabe mierda hubiera matado no mierda sueño cómic artista have madurado saber todo es incluso llegar a ser artista cómico que duda de que a nadie le importa conocer la vida mal encontrar vergüenza otra vez im punto utilizado esperar que el cuerpo patético inútil mierda hecho excepto defraudar im limitada patético cuerpo inútil idea más tbh incluso saber matarme muchas cosas pasaron muchas malditas cosas idk oso dolor vivir aburrido solitario embarazoso final aquí pista lo que sigue im va a esperar conseguir universidad hizo buena decisión redflag mirada caliente rn
boughtr flaming hot cheetos dust eye send help immediately ow
[ "boughtr flaming hot cheetos dust eye send help immediately ow" ]
adquirente ardiente caliente guetos ojo de polvo enviar ayuda inmediatamente ow
feel like trying od desperately also dont want belike lady fahrenheit like shit probsbly easiest method also book made shit seem fucking scary get stomach pumped shit hope im remembering right book im gonna look like dumbass
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like trying od desperately also dont want belike lady fahrenheit like shit probsbly easiest method also book made shit seem fucking scary get stomach pumped shit hope im remembering right book im gonna look like dumbass" ]
Siento como tratando od desesperadamente también no quiero ser como la señora fahrenheit como la mierda método probsblemente más fácil también libro hecho mierda parece mierda mierda de miedo conseguir estómago bombeado mierda esperanza im recordar derecho libro im va a parecer tonto
everything difficult cannot get apartment cannot get new job cannot pay school years old supposed afford own work hard never enough want die would better off sad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything difficult cannot get apartment cannot get new job cannot pay school years old supposed afford own work hard never enough want die would better off sad" ]
Todo lo difícil no puede conseguir apartamento no puede conseguir nuevo trabajo no puede pagar la escuela años de edad supuesto coste propio trabajo duro nunca lo suficiente querer morir sería mejor triste
stop scrolling getting frequent ingrown hairs penis shaft anyone pls tell whats going
[ "stop scrolling getting frequent ingrown hairs penis shaft anyone plstell whats going" ]
dejar de desplazarse conseguir frecuentes pelos encarnados pene eje cualquiera plstell lo que va
im nervous getting back school tbh mean im pretty sure im one feeling way ill feel fine eventually still h e l p
[ "im nervous getting back school tbh mean im pretty sure im one feeling way ill feel fine eventually still h e l p" ]
I nervioso volver a la escuela tbh significa im bastante seguro im una sensación de mal sentirse bien eventualmente todavía h e l p
requirements ricardos valentine f tallish brunette muscles cmon theres gotta someone enjoy shitpost ladies gentlemen
[ "requirements ricardos valentine f tallish brunette muscles cmon theres gotta someone enjoy shitpost ladies gentlemen" ]
requisitos ricardos valentine f talish morena músculos cmon theres got someone disfrute shitpost damas caballeros
girls joining boy scouts kind retardation america
[ "girls joining boy scouts kind retardation america" ]
chicas que se unen a los boy scouts tipo retardo américa
damnit want make everything earrings now baby earrings done knife earrings check worm earrings hell yea come ideas pls
[ "damnit want make everything earrings now baby earrings done knife earrings check worm earrings hell yea come ideaspls" ]
Demonios quieren hacer todo pendientes ahora pendientes de bebé cuchillo hecho pendientes comprobar gusano pendientes infierno sí vienen ideaspls
im transyeah im trans trans guy specifically lot gonna understand heck im going right now whatever heres thoughts rolling around head lately im freak nature rest life ill never real man ill take testosterone shots day die unless want get fucked bone densityweird shit happening body surgeries ill frankensteins monster complete scars pretty much sexless now happened came trans way refuses sex except extremely boring terms week less always top hes always quiet oral sex nothing else mins tops whole act foreplay kisses noseducing kisses little bit goes straight the goods every time try initiate i stoppedoh around months ago rejects me know sting rejection im sure hurts waslast night thinking redflag really help cry little tiny bit silently unfortunately sleep bed mustve heard breath hitch it am huffed ugh really cant go sleep cant stop well talk morningugh yeah happened im reminded every day im man feel like am disgusting things body does back occasionally sore always wearing binder im pretty sick dealing my so im gonna buy another bed put different room cry fucking peace think lot evenings redflag would it would miss i used think would buti even know anymore dad would miss me brother sister mom though hah hates me think every day male get drive away partner disgusted becomes hes straight thing really hits easy would be almost easy likenot belittle anyone here easy way out believe afterlife imagine would like going sleep never waking up nothing worry anything anymorewouldnt get told goddamn partner parents everyone why eager start testosterone whats rushsomething words whats rush bother much im holding back tears right thinking words whats rush whats rush one understands days want toi get damn angry want rip stupid meatsack off something know lemme tell reddit sheer anger willpower could change stuff would problem days im angry enough feel like could punch brick wall sheer force pissedoffness could go many brokenhearted people left behind reddit days feel hopeful days want go fight good fight struggle life go things do days want freaking give up seriously thoughchrist thought partner would comfort something reaction get basically stfu im trying sleep damn idea thought me kinda hit little hard ya know reddit yeah hes acting like nothing happened fine
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im transyeahim trans trans guy specifically lot gonna understand heck im going right now whatever heres thoughts rolling around head lately im freak nature rest life ill never real man ill take testosterone shots day die unless want get fucked bone densityweird shit happening body surgeries ill frankensteins monster complete scars pretty much sexless now happened came trans way refuses sex except extremely boring terms week less always top hes always quiet oral sex nothing else mins tops whole act foreplay kisses noseducing kisses little bit goes straight the goods every time try initiate i stoppedoh around months ago rejects me know sting rejection im sure hurts waslast night thinking redflag really help cry little tiny bit silently unfortunately sleep bed mustve heard breath hitch it am huffed ugh really cant go sleep cant stop well talk morningughyeahhappened im reminded every day im man feel like am disgusting things body does back occasionally sore always wearing binderim pretty sick dealing my", "so im gonna buy another bed put different room cry fucking peace think lot evenings redflag would it would miss i used think would buti even know anymore dad would miss me brother sister mom though hah hates me think every day male get drive away partner disgusted becomes hes straight thing really hits easy would be almost easylikenot belittle anyone here easy way out believe afterlife imagine would like going sleep never waking up nothing worry anything anymorewouldnt get told goddamn partner parents everyone why eager start testosterone whats rushsomething words whats rush bother much im holding back tears right thinking words whats rush whats rush one understands days want toi get damn angry want rip stupid meatsack off something know lemme tell reddit sheer anger willpower could change stuff would problem days im angry enough feel like could punch brick wall sheer force pissedoffness could go many brokenhearted people left behind reddit days feel hopeful days want go fight good fight struggle life go things do days want freaking give up seriously thoughchrist thought partner would comfort something reaction get basically stfu im trying sleep", "damn idea thought me kinda hit little hard ya knowreddityeahhes acting like nothing happened fine" ]
Im trans trans type trans trans trans trans específicamente mucho va a entender heck im va ahora lo que aquí pensamientos rodando alrededor de la cabeza últimamente im freak naturaleza descanso vida enferma nunca hombre real enfermo tomar fotos de testosterona día morir a menos que quiera conseguir follada hueso densidadweird mierda sucediendo cuerpo cirugías mal frankensteins monstruo cicatrices completas ahora pasó trans manera rechaza sexo excepto términos extremadamente aburridos semana menos siempre superior hes siempre tranquilo sexo oral nada más minutos tops acto completo preeplay besos nariz induce besos poco va directamente las mercancías cada vez que intento iniciar me paroh hace meses me rechaza saber picadura rechazo im seguro dolor waslast noche pensamiento rojo bandera realmente ayudar a llorar pequeño poco silenciosamente desafortunadamente sueño cama debe haber oído aliento enganche que soy huffed ugh realmente no puedo ir dormir no puedo parar bien hablar mañanaughyeahhappened im recuerdo todos los días im hombre se siente como soy desagradable cosas el cuerpo hace espalda ocasionalmente dolor usar ligarim bastante enfermo
hollow wicked thing unworthy love unworthy joy unworthy life cant anyone see me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hollow wicked thing unworthy love unworthy joy unworthy life cant anyone see me" ]
Lo malvado hueco amor indigno gozo indigno vida indigno nadie puede verme
deleted photos phone dad transferring old phones stuff onto new phone done went photos forgot picture mug said cunt looked said really
[ "deleted photos phone dad transferring old phones stuff onto new phone done went photos forgot picture mug said cunt looked said really" ]
fotos eliminadas teléfono papá transferencia de viejos teléfonos cosas en el nuevo teléfono hecho fotos olvidado foto taza dijo coño mirada dijo realmente
dont know get helpive walking fucking circles m trying say feel friend m cant it dont wanna die without knowing good me dont know want ask help say im ending tomorrow cant take inability something anymore stupid inability talk new people person cant stand anymore cant stand dad anymore wanna die idk stop feeling like except kms im tired crying useless anything games dont know life talking people helped while simply dont think would work again dont know want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know get helpive walking fucking circles m trying say feel friend m cant it dont wanna die without knowing good me dont know want ask help say im ending tomorrow cant take inability something anymore stupid inability talk new people person cant stand anymore cant stand dad anymore wanna die idk stop feeling like except kms im tired crying useless anything games dont know life talking people helped while simply dont think would work again dont know want" ]
no sé conseguir ayuda caminar círculos de mierda m tratando de decir sentir amigo m no puedo no quiero morir sin saber bueno no sé quiero pedir ayuda decir final mañana no puedo tomar la incapacidad algo más estúpido incapacidad hablar gente nueva persona no puedo soportar papá más quiero morir idk dejar de sentir como excepto kms estoy cansado llorar inútil cualquier cosa juegos no sé la vida hablando gente ayudó mientras que simplemente no creo que funcionaría de nuevo no sé quiero
redflag without spreading miseryso things still going horrible worse ever way end suffering making others miss worse make suffer commiting redflag ive thinking lot people want suffer committed redflag feel helpless played went missing would still miss me even though would false sense hope returning playing accident help either two weak options popped head moving really really far would little contact us thing may think weve lost contact would surely make little sad knew dead option good would extremely long letter explaining choice they hopefully could understand respect accept it maybe even combination two ideas thanks nick
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag without spreading miseryso things still going horrible worse ever way end suffering making others miss worse make suffer commiting redflagive thinking lot people want suffer committed redflag feel helpless played went missing would still miss me even though would false sense hope returning playing accident help either two weak options popped head moving really really far would little contact us thing may think weve lost contact would surely make little sad knew dead option good would extremely long letter explaining choice they hopefully could understand respect accept it maybe even combination two ideas thanks nick" ]
Redflag sin esparcir miseria así que las cosas van horrible peor cada vez terminar el sufrimiento haciendo que otros pierdan peor sufrir cometer euforia pensamiento mucho que la gente quiere sufrir cometida Redflag sentir desamparado jugado desaparecido todavía me echaría de menos a pesar de que sería falso sentido esperanza volver a jugar accidente ayudar a dos débiles opciones se movió cabeza realmente muy lejos podría poco contacto con nosotros cosa puede pensar que hemos perdido contacto seguramente haría poco triste sabía opción muerta bien carta explicando la elección que esperamos podrían entender respeto aceptar tal vez incluso combinación dos ideas gracias nick
head hurts sooo uhm yeah might drinking problem causing go back bad habits whoops
[ "head hurts sooo uhmyeah might drinking problem causing go back bad habits whoops" ]
dolor de cabeza sooo uhmyeah podría beber problemas que causan volver malos hábitos whoops
since posted hereeverything felt like could cope since last post gran died yesterday told idiot feeling way unrelated things thought dad finally done something nice dug vinyl basement ive talking past two years turns sister suddenly shown interest today feeling great me feel fucking stupid feeling again exactly last post like justified feel way thought could cope now thought id worked now im tired feeling stupid second best feel like matter anyone would difference dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "since posted hereeverything felt like could cope since last post gran died yesterday told idiot feeling way unrelated things thought dad finally done something nice dug vinyl basementive talking past two years turns sister suddenly shown interest today feeling great me feel fucking stupid feeling again exactly last post like justified feel way thought could cope now thought id worked now im tired feeling stupid second best feel like matter anyone would difference dead" ]
Desde que se publicó aquí todo se sentía como podría hacer frente desde el último post abuela murió ayer dijo idiota sentimiento manera cosas no relacionadas pensó que papá finalmente hizo algo agradable cavado sótano de vinilo hablando pasados dos años se convierte en hermana de repente mostró interés hoy sentirse genial me siento jodidamente estúpido sentimiento de nuevo exactamente último post como justificado sentir manera pensamiento podría hacer frente ahora pensé id trabajo ahora estoy cansado sentirse estúpido segundo mejor sentir como materia cualquiera diferencia muerto
dont got many friends feeling good common taught sense less friendsyou ought depressed annoying sometimes still gets feel quite happy
[ "dont got many friends feeling good common taught sense less friendsyou ought depressed annoying sometimes still gets feel quite happy" ]
No muchos amigos se sienten bien común enseñado sentido menos amigos usted debe deprimido molesto a veces todavía se siente muy feliz
havent lived youve heard sea shanties
[ "havent lived youve heard sea shanties" ]
no has vivido has escuchado chabolas de mar
venting right knowsi really wish truly loved someone soon got kicked exs home grandma feel tho eager turn stab back im still sure may agreeing grandma get crazy ass leave alone know next weekend goes way expect go nothing left gonna act redflag plan belive anyone ever gave flying fuck im mistake child severe mental disorders worsened abuse feeling love since ish never knew express emotion properly thanks parents may veey undoing one relationship think really loved person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "venting right knowsi really wish truly loved someone soon got kicked exs home grandma feel tho eager turn stab backim still sure may agreeing grandma get crazy ass leave alone know next weekend goes way expect go nothing left gonna act redflag plan belive anyone ever gave flying fuck im mistake child severe mental disorders worsened abuse feeling love since ish never knew express emotion properly thanks parents may veey undoing one relationship think really loved person" ]
aventura derecha knowsi realmente deseo realmente amado alguien pronto fue pateado ex casa abuela sentir tho ansiosa vuelta puñalada backim todavía seguro puede aceptar abuela conseguir loco culo dejar solo saber el próximo fin de semana va manera esperar nada va a actuar plan de bandera roja belive anyone nunca le dio vuelo mierda niño grave trastornos mentales agravaron abuso sentimiento de amor ya que ish nunca supo expresar emoción correctamente gracias a los padres pueden viey deshacer una relación pensar realmente persona querida
plani mean plan going not go phases seems endless pretty much cycle thought whats point gets old slightly less bolder people wait idea redflag instead physically acting it plan it like if life get better year ill kill myself sort deal ive given im im nothing really changes think theres much point keeping shitty outlook affects people around know ill stick it moment ive pretty cemented long time now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "plani mean plan going not go phases seems endless pretty much cycle thought whats point gets old slightly less bolder people wait idea redflag instead physically acting it plan it like if life get better year ill kill myself sort dealive given im im nothing really changes think theres much point keeping shitty outlook affects people around know ill stick it moment ive pretty cemented long time now" ]
plani mean plan going no go fases parece sin fin bastante ciclo pensamiento ¿qué punto se hace viejo un poco menos audaz gente esperar idea bandera roja en lugar de actuar físicamente lo planeó como si la vida consigue mejor año enfermo me mata tipo de acuerdo dado im nada realmente cambia piensa Theres mucho punto mantener punto de vista de mierda afecta a la gente alrededor sabe mal palo momento ive bastante cementado mucho tiempo ahora
give upmy life fallen shit past months ive typically antisocial introverted began making effort get know people more partially succeeded feel guise fake persona someone far actually feel ive lost actual personality trying make friends shit well managed fall love one confessing sent letter essentially detailing friends felt obliged give letter solely circumstances hit pretty fucking hard big enough part life get away depression redflag first time feel like ive dug hole get of redflag honestly looks like better option continuing live shit ive flung im tired living say least
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "give upmy life fallen shit past months ive typically antisocial introverted began making effort get know people more partially succeeded feel guise fake persona someone far actually feel ive lost actual personality trying make friends shit well managed fall love one confessing sent letter essentially detailing friends felt obliged give letter solely circumstances hit pretty fucking hard big enough part life get away depression redflag first time feel like ive dug hole get of redflag honestly looks like better option continuing live shit ive flung im tired living say least" ]
Abandonar mi vida caida mierda los últimos meses ive típicamente antisocial introvertido comenzó a hacer esfuerzos para conocer a la gente más parcialmente éxito se siente disfraz persona falsa alguien lejos realmente se siente ive pérdida personalidad real tratando de hacer amigos mierda bien manejado amor uno confiesa carta enviada esencialmente detalle amigos se sintió obligado dar carta circunstancias únicas golpeó bastante duro bastante vida parte escapar depresión bandera roja primera vez se siente como ive cavado agujero conseguir de bandera roja honestamente parece mejor opción continuar vida mierda ive fling l cansado vivir decir menos
friends suicidal dont know dotwo people know suicidal one cuts arms constantly talks ending it tried end life occasions help prevent it sorry isnt post this please tell post it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friends suicidal dont know dotwo people know suicidal one cuts arms constantly talks ending it tried end life occasions help prevent it sorry isnt post this please tell post it" ]
amigos suicidas no saben dodos personas saben suicidas uno se corta los brazos constantemente charlas que terminan lo intentado fin de la vida ocasiones ayudan a prevenirlo lo siento ist post esto por favor contar post it
batman movie quite good batman mask phantasm batman mr freeze subzero still good installment batman cartoons say equally good batman beyond movie movie good reasons storyline good quite good ones still pretty good lots action cartoon effects good voice actors really good kevin conroy batman bruce wayne tara strong barbra gordon efrem zimbalist jr eli marienthal robin villains good kyra sedgwick batwoman david ogden stiers pequin hector elizondo bane sure disappointed batman mystery batwomen make sure rent buy batman mystery batwoman movie really goodbr br overall score br br
[ "batman movie quite good batman mask phantasm batman mr freeze subzero still good installment batman cartoons say equally good batman beyond movie movie good reasons storyline good quite good ones still pretty good lots action cartoon effects good voice actors really good kevin conroy batman bruce wayne tara strong barbra gordon efrem zimbalist jr eli marienthal robin villains good kyra sedgwick batwoman david ogden stiers pequin hector elizondo bane sure disappointed batman mystery batwomen make sure rent buy batman mystery batwoman movie really goodbr br overall score br br" ]
batman película bastante buena batman máscara fantasma batman mr congela subzero todavía buena entrega batman dibujos animados dicen igual de bueno batman más allá de película película buenas razones storyline buena bastante buena todavía bastante buena acción efectos dibujos animados buena voz actores muy buena kevin conroy batman bruce wayne tara fuerte barbra gordon efrem zimbalist jreli marienthal robin villanos buena kyra sedgwick batwoman david ogden stiers pequin hector elizondo bane seguro decepcionado batman misterio batwomen asegurarse de alquilar comprar batman misterio batwoman película realmente buena br br puntuación general br br br
obtained anime woman yea thats basically
[ "obtained anime woman yea thats basically" ]
obtenido anime mujer yea que básicamente
dont want eat im reason im never bothered eating feel like im gaining weight never bothered motivation go get proper food sometimes im hungry eat cookie thats it dont eat breakfast sometimes eat lunch sometimes dinner barely feel like eating
[ "dont want eat im reason im never bothered eating feel like im gaining weight never bothered motivation go get proper food sometimes im hungry eat cookie thats it dont eat breakfast sometimes eat lunch sometimes dinner barely feel like eating" ]
No quiero comer, por eso nunca me molesté en comer, siento que estoy ganando peso, nunca me molesté en motivarme, voy a conseguir comida adecuada, a veces tengo hambre, comer galleta, que no desayuna, a veces almorzo, a veces la cena apenas tiene ganas de comer.
constantly controlled abuser fight continued harassment court controlled emotionally abusive husband cant leave money kids together starting become seriously suicidal last year birthday made serious almost successful attempt life redflag triggers even bad these birthday coming february know do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "constantly controlled abuser fight continued harassment court controlled emotionally abusive husband cant leave money kids together starting become seriously suicidal last year birthday made serious almost successful attempt life redflag triggers even bad these birthday coming february know do" ]
constantemente controlado abusador lucha continua acoso corte controlada emocionalmente abusivo marido no puede dejar dinero niños juntos empezando a ser seriamente suicida el año pasado cumpleaños hecho serio casi exitoso intento de vida disparadores rojo incluso malo este cumpleaños próximo febrero saber hacer
feel worthless inferior person must kill myselfi failed kill past feel worthless must die introverted like myself wrong introverted must kill myself stressful people try talk me must kill cannot change personality im sorry bother people this probably best die contribute anything anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel worthless inferior person must kill myselfi failed kill past feel worthless must die introverted like myself wrong introverted must kill myself stressful people try talk me must kill cannot change personality im sorry bother people this probably best die contribute anything anyway" ]
Se siente inútil persona inferior debe matarme a mí mismo. Falló. Matar el pasado. Se siente inútil. Debe morir introvertido. Como yo, equivocado. Introvertido. Debe matarme. La gente estresante. Trata de hablar. Debo matar. No puedo cambiar la personalidad.
im doneim going end life lock over live ive never experienced something positive parents hate every day wake making life hell one cares abusive relationships bad friends adhd autism spectrum disorder tried follow religion get relief cant see any tried taking hobbies cant see any get free access dorms uni parents rent place find job theyll dictating making life hell im walking punching bag nothing else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doneim going end life lock over live ive never experienced something positive parents hate every day wake making life hell one cares abusive relationships bad friends adhd autism spectrum disorder tried follow religion get relief cant see any tried taking hobbies cant see any get free access dorms uni parents rent place find job theyll dictating making life hellim walking punching bag nothing else" ]
im dodeim va cierre final de la vida en vivo ive nunca experimentó algo positivo padres odian cada día despertar hacer la vida infierno a uno le importa relaciones abusivas malos amigos adhd autismo trastorno espectro tratado seguir religión conseguir alivio no puede ver cualquier tratado tomar hobbies no puede ver a cualquier libre acceso dormitorios uni padres alquiler lugar encontrar trabajo dictándose hacer vida hellim caminar perforando bolsa nada más
feet pics emeralds h villagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller villagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller
[ "feet pics emeralds h villagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller villagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller" ]
pies fotos esmeraldas h aldearfillervillagerfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller villarfiller villarfillervillagerfillervillagerfiller
guyswhat friend benefits really mean thought someone friend eat money copy homework
[ "guyswhat friend benefits really mean thought someone friend eat money copy homework" ]
chicos lo que los beneficios de amigos realmente significan pensó que alguien amigo come dinero copia de los deberes
thoughts feelings every day wall detailed text inbound hey guys going long one going read way end might want get comfy would first like disclose immediate distress sort making plans snuff anytime soon least yet ive lurking subreddit little now ive got say actually refreshing see people getting helpful answers comfort rather typical know feel classic help there even better people spam redflag hotlines number everywhere look im knocking redflag hotline anything like that helps someone immediate crisis power them knocking friends really know better help distressed state like that personally redflag hotline never effective parrot back things im telling add im sorry must tough everything say offense mirror effective people need someone listen thats okay im need well bit point ive seen others getting things chest guess thats im right now things ive seen people post similar thoughts others not one similar things intent taking immediate action quite people basically accepted likely going die redflag one people already method mind one messy mostly painless make easy clean authorities find body likely thing eventually get sick given familys medical history father brain cancer got treatment got witness slow decline new wife leaving she one destroyed relationship first place nursing home possibly dementia one thins lot cancer survivors talk toll takes loved ones medical costs constant treatments doctor visits spite strong person withering away shell former self ive already decided something similar happens me start putting plan motion loved ones assuming even still alive taken care of going way nah takes courage however something conflicted by long mother father alive cant put that circumstances went far en extreme would ever even consider that slowly developed toxic trait wish harm loved ones find wishing would go freak accident would pass away sleep something effect longer world could finally give permission take life thoughts feelings like make feel like real piece shit course past couple years distanced away acquaintances even closest friends hoping think little bit less and less day way reason end taking life hurt badly forget wrote it said person dies once first time physical body twice name spoken aloud last time last fleeting thought crosses someones mind last time know mean well friends is things say annoys hell me professional help there situation wouldve gotten long time ago thats things though took long time realize this want help already takes much motivation te bare minimum get by im going go someone ive never met develop trusting relationship break barriers put brick brick tell entire uncensored life story theyre going tell slowly start working things like thought process give pills keep among things work next years life away pray major catastrophe happen mean time die yay besides really much go far religious beliefs afterlife feel like magic words pills could put would magically make believe santa clause god change views world matter know probably thinking that point seen way certain situations play out way sociological constructs work cant really unsee it past ive told people things run mind daily basis im told need grow thats life quite frankly never asked begin with thinking way im ungrateful selfish immature person fuck that no whats selfish people claim would miss shit like that go says months time without talking eachother staying here thoughts feelings suffering worth minutes interaction eachother interactions even give second thought go sleep night im selfish one right ive come realize humans one shittiest things happen earth know good ones there humansare cutthroat species ever exist one going friend unless something gain use you nice something people edge bets society taught way theyre suppose act behind closed doors kind remarks love hospitality vanishes cant okay find comfort fact way society is future ahead me one riddled bullshit always struggling make ends meet im tired trying giving all pushing feelings thoughts putting happy face draining always struggling make ends meet im tired best never enough started new job month half ago keep saying iwas great im good everything do hire new person thats fill pick extra shifts okay thought lets see goes im pretty sure know going lets see low behold sudden getting shifts would normally get later find lot experience already front desk agent hotel im basically getting two days night audit lady off rest basically played ear helping house keepers shit like that matter put little euphemisms such busy work sure might lending hand makes jobs little easier helps cut time take clean rooms im part time guy now matter job im doing try try again amazing work ethic always time im great customers im professional time personal engaging guess understand always second choice know happy even job right now swift kick balls finally found something like doing im always pushed aside people makes feel like failure cant even thought adequate basic level jobs like front desk agent holiday inn express making hour half decent job always picks people me trying best applying never good enough places decide give chance take in point highlight day getting work watching bit youtube take ungodly amount counter sleep aids pass out theres something love much warm fuzzy feeling get kick in fighting bit enjoy finally kick in really wish could give life someone would actually use it someone would actually enjoy it way intend going out maybe call authorities right it get time organs able donated need them way death could give someone new lease life hell ever robbery something someone tried mug id everything power get killed ive even thought something horrible ended dying result loved ones miss much even bring that putting weight moms shoulders especially would bury child mother guy decided shootout police gun full blanks redflag cop also messy even though job would go home sit dinner table remember shot guy earlier today one deserves live weight shoulders stupid decisions want go sleep wake up slowly forgotten everyone elses lives go normal maybe even better perhaps someone scientific mindset imagine death like going sleep never wake again believe afterlife reincarnation heaven hell anything effect think trying imagine anything death would like trying remember birth time spent womb speaking biological son barely knows existence tried there mother see good father man god fine dandy though since found someone ended two kids married him signed rights full custody best regardless bringing churchgoing godfearing christian didnt loving siblings something wanted did stable family father figure couldve actually taught things things could never do lot friends think want know older strongly disagree honestly thats best disrupt natural order things make suggestions get told tell raise child made right decision seeing watch grow sidelines place polar opposite person spiritual beliefs hanging around hes happy thats whats import me hes happy without me take chance confusing fucking things up theres much could type make damn bit difference im ready end time im terrified it reasons know best guess would death permanent thing cant comprehend existing like explaining earlier really like reason fear it since going happen us eventually embrace it made far wall text would like thank patience so another day life suicidal nutcase someone take comfort knowing alone way feeling thinking maybe afraid say aloud type out know word right way even anonymity bunch strangers reddit applies you best say take one day time think many ahead end eventually
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thoughts feelings every day wall detailed text inbound hey guys going long one going read way end might want get comfy would first like disclose immediate distress sort making plans snuff anytime soon least yet ive lurking subreddit little now ive got say actually refreshing see people getting helpful answers comfort rather typical know feel classic help there even better people spam redflag hotlines number everywhere look im knocking redflag hotline anything like that helps someone immediate crisis power them knocking friends really know better help distressed state like that personally redflag hotline never effective parrot back things im telling add im sorry must tough everything say offense mirror effective people need someone listen thatsokayim need well bit point ive seen others getting things chest guess thats i", "m right now things ive seen people post similar thoughts others not one similar things intent taking immediate action quite people basically accepted likely going die redflag one people already method mind one messy mostly painless make easy clean authorities find body likely thing eventually get sick given familys medical history father brain cancer got treatment got witness slow decline new wife leaving she one destroyed relationship first place nursing home possibly dementia one thins lot cancer survivors talk toll takes loved ones medical costs constant treatments doctor visits spite strong person withering away shell former self ive already decided something similar happens me start putting plan motion loved ones assuming even still alive taken care of going way nah takes courage however something conflicted by long mother father alive cant put that circumstances went far en extreme would ever even consider that slowly developed", "toxic trait wish harm loved ones find wishing would go freak accident would pass away sleep something effect longer world could finally give permission take life thoughts feelings like make feel like real piece shit course past couple years distanced away acquaintances even closest friends hoping think little bit less and less day way reason end taking life hurt badly forget wrote it said person dies once first time physical body twice name spoken aloud last time last fleeting thought crosses someones mind last time", "know mean well friends is things say annoys hell me professional help there situation wouldve gotten long time ago thats things though took long time realize this want help already takes much motivation te bare minimum get by im going go someone ive never met develop trusting relationship break barriers put brick brick tell entire uncensored life story theyre going tell slowly start working things like thought process give pills keep among things work next years life away pray major catastrophe happen mean time die yay besides really much go far religious beliefs afterlife feel like magic words pills could put would magically make believe santa clause god change views world matter know probably thinking that point seen way certain situations play out way sociological constructs work cant really unsee it past ive told people things run mind daily basis im told need grow thats life quite frankly never asked begin with thinking way im ungrateful selfish immature person fuck that no whats selfish people claim would miss shit like that go says months time without talking eachother staying here thoughts feelings suffering worth minutes interaction eachother interactions even give second thought go sleep night", "im selfish oneright ive come realize humans one shittiest things happen earth know good ones there humansare cutthroat species ever exist one going friend unless something gain use you nice something people edge bets society taught way theyre suppose act behind closed doors kind remarks love hospitality vanishes cant okay find comfort fact way society is future ahead me one riddled bullshit always struggling make ends meet im tired trying giving all pushing feelings thoughts putting happy face draining always struggling make ends meet im tired best never enough started new job month half ago keep saying iwas greatim good everything do hire new person thats fill pick extra shifts okay thought lets see goes", "im pretty sure know going lets see low behold sudden getting shifts would normally get later find lot experience already front desk agent hotel im basically getting two days night audit lady off rest basically played ear helping house keepers shit like that matter put little euphemisms such busy work sure might lending hand makes jobs little easier helps cut time take clean rooms im part time guy now matter job im doing try try again amazing work ethic always time im great customers im professional time personal engaging guess understand always second choice know happy even job right now swift kick balls finally found something like doing im always pushed aside people makes feel like failure cant even thought adequate basic level jobs like front desk agent holiday inn express making hour half decent job always picks people me trying best applying never good enough places decide give chance take in point highlight day getting work watching bit youtube take ungodly amount counter sleep aids pass out theres something love much warm fuzzy feeling get kick in fighting bit enjoy finally kick in really wish could give life someone would actually use it someone would actually enjoy it way intend going out maybe call authorities", "right it get time organs able donated need them way death could give someone new lease lifehell ever robbery something someone tried mug", "id everything power get killed ive even thought something horrible ended dying result loved ones miss much even bring that putting weight moms shoulders especially would bury child mother guy decided shootout police gun full blanks redflag cop also messy even though job would go home sit dinner table remember shot guy earlier today one deserves live weight shoulders stupid decisions want go sleep wake up slowly forgotten everyone elses lives go normal maybe even better perhaps someone scientific mindset imagine death like going sleep never wake again believe afterlife reincarnation heaven hell anything effect think trying imagine anything death would like trying remember birth time spent womb speaking biological son barely knows existence tried there mother see good father man god fine dandy though since found someone ended two kids married him signed rights full custody best regardless bringing churchgoing godfearing christian didnt loving siblings something wanted did stable family father figure couldve actually taught things things could never do lot friends think want know older strongly disagree honestly thats best disrupt natural order things make suggestions get told tell raise child made right decision seeing watch grow sidelines place polar opposite person spiritual beliefs hanging around hes happy thats whats import me hes happy without me take chance confusing fucking things up theres much could type make damn bit difference im ready end time im terrified it reasons know best guess would death permanent thing cant comprehend existing like explaining earlier really like reason fear it since going happen us eventually embrace it made far wall text would like thank patience so another day life suicidal nutcase someone take comfort knowing alone way feeling thinking maybe afraid say aloud type out know word right way even anonymity bunch strangers reddit applies you best say take one day time think many ahead end eventually" ]
pensamientos sentimientos cada día pared texto detallado entrada hey chicos va largo uno va lectura manera final podría querer ser cómodo primero como revelar socorro inmediato tipo hacer planes rapido pronto menos aún ive acechando subreddit poco ahora ive tengo decir realmente refrescante ver a la gente conseguir respuestas útiles comodidad bastante típico saber sentir ayuda clásica allí incluso mejor gente spam redflag número de líneas directas por todas partes mirar im golpear redflag línea directa cualquier cosa como eso ayuda a alguien crisis inmediata poder que golpear amigos realmente saben mejor ayuda estado angustiado como que personalmente redflag línea directa nunca eficaz loro volver cosas im diciendo im decir debe duro todo decir ofensa espejo gente eficaz necesita alguien escuchar quesokayim necesita poco punto en vivo ver a otros conseguir cosas pecho conjetura ques i
sitting park wondering frisbees get bigger get closer hit me
[ "sitting park wondering frisbees get bigger get closer hit me" ]
parque sentado preguntándose frisbees conseguir más grande conseguir más cerca golpearme
really sure anymorehi want start saying nothing tragic happened lost family member anything like that none less still consider redflag everyday option honest guts even pain probably would dont way painlessly right would consider even more every time contemplate cutting cant scars would still manage heal this also parents would send hospital straight away could impact year old year old brothers love much basically hope thats keeping alive right now hope normal again reason feel way impossible talk people properly anymore in real life way look impossible look uncomfortable social situations truthfully am basically shit scared people now including family im really sure screwed know life went downhill ever since year im year developed believe chronic dry eyes sleep deprivation anxiety social awkwardness depressed name probably feel it never drugs smoked yet still look act talk bit like drug addict ok reason life went downhill year onwards well basically move statesaustralia met someone who wish never met got addicted game masturbation porn became consumed masturbating porn found self energy play sport especially soccer cognitive skills window ever since then used really sporty kid really likeable enthusiastic life feel like energy drained zombie every day im sure masturbation problem tried stopping see improvement still stressed etc although managed stop week already several doctors specialists eyes nothings helped im starting lose hope self feel like every year going get worse worse think ill ever get job way am drive anything want homeless know deep really smart person hidden behind wall shit thats happening me theres anyone help would much obliged thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really sure anymorehi want start saying nothing tragic happened lost family member anything like that none less still consider redflag everyday option honest guts even pain probably would dont way painlessly right would consider even more every time contemplate cutting cant scars would still manage heal this also parents would send hospital straight away could impact year old year old brothers love much basically hope thats keeping alive right now hope normal again reason feel way impossible talk people properly anymore in real life way look impossible look uncomfortable social situations truthfully am basically shit scared people now including familyim really sure screwed know life went downhill ever since year im year developed believe chronic dry eyes sleep deprivation anxiety social awkwardness depressed name probably feel it never drugs smoked yet still look act talk bit like drug addict", "ok reason life went downhill year onwards well basically move statesaustralia met someone who wish never met got addicted game masturbation porn became consumed masturbating porn found self energy play sport especially soccer cognitive skills window ever since then used really sporty kid really likeable enthusiastic life feel like energy drained zombie every day im sure masturbation problem tried stopping see improvement still stressed etc although managed stop week already several doctors specialists eyes nothings helped im starting lose hope self feel like every year going get worse worse think ill ever get job way am drive anything want homeless know deep really smart person hidden behind wall shit thats happening me theres anyone help would much obliged thank you" ]
realmente seguro morehi quiero empezar a decir nada trágico pasó miembro perdido de la familia algo como que no menos todavía considerar rojo flag opción diaria tripas honestas incluso dolor probablemente no lo haría de manera indolora derecha considerar aún más cada vez contemplar cortando cicatrices cant todavía manejar sanar esto también padres enviar hospital de inmediato podría afectar año viejo años hermanos de edad amor mucho básicamente esperanza que se mantiene vivo en este momento normal esperanza de nuevo razón sentirse como imposible hablar gente correctamente ya en la vida real manera parecer imposible situaciones sociales incómodas soy básicamente mierda gente asustada ahora incluyendo familia realmente seguro jodido saber la vida fue cuesta abajo desde año en desarrollo creer ojos secos crónicos privación del sueño ansiedad social torpeza nombre probablemente sentir nunca drogas fumadas y todavía parecer un poco como adicto a las drogas
feel like ive tried everything try keep afloathi year old male here depressed since high school severely depressed since beginning college still think redflag days problem telling things get better always turn wrong things might get better moment moment general way way truly counts always find asking why kill last yearor last month years ago nothing made want live since ive always felt impending doom future ie insecurities say thats depression gets unreasonably think sure enough currently experiencing doom gradually intense way over years always feared happened everyone telling life gets better ive learned right hate sporadic periods hope end disappointing me hope curse convinces stick around longer ive tried therapy meds talking friends gym sports like build tolerance simply effect anymore know else do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like ive tried everything try keep afloathi year old male here depressed since high school severely depressed since beginning college still think redflag days problem telling things get better always turn wrong things might get better moment moment general way way truly counts always find asking why kill last yearor last month years ago nothing made want live since ive always felt impending doom future ie insecurities say thats depression gets unreasonably think sure enough currently experiencing doom gradually intense way over years always feared happened everyone telling life gets better ive learned right hate sporadic periods hope end disappointing me hope curse convinces stick around longer ive tried therapy meds talking friends gym sports like build tolerance simply effect anymore know else do" ]
Siento que he probado todo tratar mantener a floathi año hombre aquí deprimido desde la escuela secundaria severamente deprimido desde el inicio de la universidad todavía pensar día rojo problema diciendo las cosas mejoran siempre cambiar mal las cosas podría conseguir mejor momento momento general manera realmente cuenta siempre encontrar preguntar por qué matar el año pasado o el mes pasado años nada hecho querer vivir desde ive siempre se sintió inminente futuro fatal es decir inseguridades decir que la depresión se vuelve excesivamente seguro actualmente experimentar la condena gradualmente intensa manera con años siempre temido sucedió todo el mundo que dice la vida se pone mejor derecho odio esporádico esperanza fin decepción esperanza maldición convence palos stick alrededor más largo ive probado terapia meds hablando amigos deportes gimnasio como construir tolerancia simplemente efecto más saber más hacer
im another problemi see people post things here things could help think wow could say things like cant im good helping im good making people worry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im another problemi see people post things here things could help think wow could say things like cant im good helping im good making people worry" ]
Otro problema ver gente publicar cosas aquí las cosas podrían ayudar a pensar que wow podría decir cosas como cant im bueno ayudar a im bueno hacer que la gente se preocupe
really bad spot right honestly know nobody ask helpi shitty eastern european country live alone money food left supposed wait end month get money scholarship university supposed get month got postponedi tried everything charity city food pantries like usa even church could get help nothing else besides phone need take online examsi amhungry tired anxious cannot even sleep redflag feel life completely done nobody ask help asked made feel like piece shit askingi know anyone talk please calm down rock bottom alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really bad spot right honestly know nobody ask helpi shitty eastern european country live alone money food left supposed wait end month get money scholarship university supposed get month got postponedi tried everything charity city food pantries like usa even church could get help nothing else besides phone need take online examsi amhungry tired anxious cannot even sleep redflag feel life completely done nobody ask help asked made feel like piece shit askingi know anyone talk please calm down rock bottom alone" ]
Realmente mal lugar derecho honestamente saber que nadie pregunta ayuda mierda país europeo del este vive solo dinero comida izquierda espera espera fin mes conseguir dinero beca universidad supuesto conseguir mes se pospuso I probado todo caridad ciudad alimentos pantries como EE.UU. incluso iglesia podría conseguir ayuda nada más que la necesidad de teléfono tomar exámenes en línea amhungry cansado ansioso ni siquiera dormir bandera roja sentir vida completamente hecho nadie pedir ayuda hizo sentir como pedazo mierda preguntar saber alguien hablar por favor calmarse rock fondo solo
took photos damn im kinda hot ya know mean dont mean im feeling confident
[ "took photos damn im kinda hot ya know mean dont mean im feeling confident" ]
toma fotos maldita sea un poco caliente ya sabes que no significa que me siento seguro
im thirteen yay wanted share im finally able sub really content post ill try creative later on
[ "im thirteen yay wanted share im finally able sub really content post ill try creative later on" ]
im trece yay quería compartir im finalmente capaz sub realmente contenido post mal intentar creativo más tarde
feeling suicidal stop playing safecurrently unemployed married going years together kids dogs cat ongoing depression anxiety job search feeling pretty worthless ive thinking ending all read skimmed post sub someone said paraphrasing have ever dated guy want know like got thinking ive trying live life based messing existing life trying get back somewhere around was maybe right approach mean really thinking killing myself got lose completely crazy would even opportunity live much fear time wish would go away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling suicidal stop playing safecurrently unemployed married going years together kids dogs cat ongoing depression anxiety job search feeling pretty worthless ive thinking ending all read skimmed post sub someone said paraphrasing have ever dated guy want know like got thinking ive trying live life based messing existing life trying get back somewhere around was maybe right approach mean really thinking killing myself got lose completely crazy would even opportunity live much fear time wish would go away" ]
Sentirse suicida dejar de jugar seguroActualmente desempleado casado años juntos niños perros continuo depresión ansiedad búsqueda de trabajo sentimiento bastante inútil pensamiento de vida terminar todo leer desnatado sub alguien dijo parafrasear alguna vez han salido chico quieren saber como tener que pensar ive tratando de vida basada en líos vida existente tratando de volver a algún lugar fue tal vez enfoque correcto significa realmente pensar matarme me perdí completamente loco incluso oportunidad vivir mucho miedo tiempo deseo desaparecer
send link post ill give award got free award reddit thought pay forward please link reddit post fee deserves award btw applause award
[ "send link post ill give award got free award reddit thought pay forward please link reddit post fee deserves award btw applause award" ]
send link post premio mal dado recibió premio gratuito reddit pensamiento pagar adelante por favor enlace reddit cargo post merece premio btw aplausos premio
dms open lets interesting chat whatever me likes getting stickbugged prefers girls flat chest good keeping chat
[ "dms open lets interesting chat whatever me likes getting stickbugged prefers girls flat chest good keeping chat" ]
dms abre permite charla interesante lo que me gusta conseguir stickbugged prefiere chicas pecho plano buena charla
disappointing part kinda wondered even bother next karate kid could see saga continue still enjoyed next karate kid second third karate kid movies unrealistic moments situations enjoyable story catchy warm onebr br hilary swank girl come far what plays rebel girl lost parents car accident miaugi sort babysits per say notices karate skills offers lessons becomes serious life course boy likes mean bullies pretty similar first karate kid would recommend one think pleasantly surprisedbr br
[ "disappointing part kinda wondered even bother next karate kid could see saga continue still enjoyed next karate kid second third karate kid movies unrealistic moments situations enjoyable story catchy warm onebr br hilary swank girl come far what plays rebel girl lost parents car accident miaugi sort babysits per say notices karate skills offers lessons becomes serious life course boy likes mean bullies pretty similar first karate kid would recommend one think pleasantly surprisedbr br" ]
parte decepcionante un poco se preguntó incluso molestia siguiente karate niño podría ver saga seguir disfrutando siguiente kárate niño segundo tercer kárate niño películas momentos poco realistas situaciones agradable historia pegadiza caliente oncebr br hilary chica cisne llegar lejos lo que juega chica rebelde perdido padres accidente de coche miaugi ordenar bebés por decir avisos karate habilidades ofrece lecciones se convierte en serio curso chico le gusta media matones bastante similar primer niño karate recomendaría uno pensar agradablemente sorprendido br
ladies gentlemen may done it may gotten girl type like me maybe not may have
[ "ladies gentlemen may done it may gotten girl type like me maybe not may have" ]
damas caballeros pueden hacerlo puede ser tipo chica como yo tal vez no puede tener
chronicles hopeful existencewe imagine young children grow great things use inspiration logic please know inspiration doesnt affect me im privileged blessed person raised guaranteed success got education failed endeavor let myself worked years made thought good money whilst blowing alcohol drugs debt im point going norm choices go grid saying fuck leave life saying fuck it im worried heaven hell believe see darkness passing nothing souls born another life know many live worse existences world cant help them would hurt take one person overpopulated equation mom yes her would destroy her wonderful faith tall tale jesus answer her cant even answer phone anymore anyways carry fellows arent meant this see another time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "chronicles hopeful existencewe imagine young children grow great things use inspiration logic please know inspiration doesnt affect me im privileged blessed person raised guaranteed success got education failed endeavor let myself worked years made thought good money whilst blowing alcohol drugs debt im point going norm choices go grid saying fuck leave life saying fuck it im worried heaven hell believe see darkness passing nothing souls born another life know many live worse existences world cant help them would hurt take one person overpopulated equationmom yesher would destroy her wonderful faith tall tale jesus answer her cant even answer phone anymore anyways carry fellows arent meant this see another time" ]
cronologías esperanza existencia imaginamos niños pequeños crecen grandes cosas usar inspiración lógica por favor saber inspiración no me afecta im privilegiado persona bendecida criado éxito garantizado esfuerzo fallido educación me dejó trabajar años pensado buen dinero mientras soplaba alcohol drogas deuda im punto va norma elecciones ir cuadrícula diciendo mierda dejar la vida diciendo mierda me preocupa cielo infierno creer ver oscuridad pasar nada almas nacidas otra vida saber muchas vidas peores mundo no puede ayudarles a hacer daño tomar una persona sobrepoblada ecuación mamá yesher destruiría su maravillosa fe cuento alto Jesús contestar su cant incluso contestar teléfono ya de todos modos llevar compañeros no significa que este ver otro tiempo