realized expensive gaming laptops pcs gotten post much wondering minimum price could get setup run minecraft discovered point low end setup awhile ago upper mid range man time goes fast
[ "realized expensive gaming laptops pcs gotten post much wondering minimum price could get setup run minecraft discovered point low end setup awhile ago upper mid range man time goes fast" ]
Los ordenadores portátiles de juego caros se dieron cuenta de que el post mucho pregunta precio mínimo podría conseguir instalación ejecutar minas descubierto punto extremo bajo configuración hace un tiempo alto rango medio tiempo hombre va rápido
think suicide frequently sick sad angry miserable cure happens next sick struggling every day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think suicide frequently sick sad angry miserable cure happens next sick struggling every day" ]
pensar suicidio con frecuencia enfermo triste enojado miserable cura sucede siguiente enfermo luchando todos los días
im beyond helpnothings ever helped me ive never gotten conversation article internet thinking redflag bad choice ive several meds handful mental health professionals either work made feel worse going years going get better because im trapped situation realistic resolution im tired hopeless anything help me broken far past recovery why ive never enough justify fucked head know even matters anymore hope is almost anyone says survived severe depression adds theyre still depressed suicidal just often plan follow come monday felt really lonely
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im beyond helpnothings ever helped me ive never gotten conversation article internet thinking redflag bad choice ive several meds handful mental health professionals either work made feel worse going years going get better because im trapped situation realistic resolutionim tired hopeless anything help me broken far past recovery why ive never enough justify fucked head know even matters anymore hope is almost anyone says survived severe depression adds theyre still depressed suicidal just often plan follow come monday felt really lonely" ]
Im más allá de la ayudanothings nunca me ayudó a vivir nunca tuve conversación artículo internet pensamiento redflag mala elección ive varios medicamentos puñado profesionales de la salud mental o bien el trabajo hecho sentir peor va a mejorar porque im situación atrapada reality resolutionim cansado nada me ayuda roto mucho más allá de la recuperación por ive nunca suficiente justificar la cabeza follada saber incluso importa más esperanza es casi cualquiera dice sobrevivir depresión severa añade que todavía están deprimido suicida sólo a menudo plan seguir venir lunes se sentía muy solo
woman black tv adaptation susan hills modern classic ghost story published years earlier film made sadly film released dvd far aware deleted vhs availability direct contrast popularity amongst know horror films story revolves around events seaside community early th century young solicitor sent firm conclude affairs recently deceased widow died isolated marshland estate thought would routine probably tedious task turns nightmare discovers old woman haunted death ghosts past content rest story told subtle concise way never selfindulgent flashy overexpositional obviously tight budget may contributed nononsense approach story needs works well see scares said that one particularly terrifying scene relies visual works perfection watched film day still gave nightmares nearly week later love terrified must get hold watch copy woman black
[ "woman black tv adaptation susan hills modern classic ghost story published years earlier film made sadly film released dvd far aware deleted vhs availability direct contrast popularity amongst know horror films story revolves around events seaside community early th century young solicitor sent firm conclude affairs recently deceased widow died isolated marshland estate thought would routine probably tedious task turns nightmare discovers old woman haunted death ghosts past content rest story told subtle concise way never selfindulgent flashy overexpositional obviously tight budget may contributed nononsense approach story needs works well see scares said that one particularly terrifying scene relies visual works perfection watched film day still gave nightmares nearly week later love terrified must get hold watch copy woman black" ]
mujer negro tv adaptación susan colinas moderna historia fantasma clásico publicado años antes película hecho triste película lanzado dvd lejos consciente eliminación disponibilidad vhs contraste directo popularidad entre saber película de terror historia gira en torno a eventos comunidad costera principios del siglo el joven abogado enviado firma conclusión asuntos recientemente viuda fallecido aislado pantano pensamiento pensamiento rutina probablemente tedioso tarea se convierte pesadilla descubre anciana mujer embrujada muerte fantasmas pasado contenido historia de descanso contada sutil manera conciso nunca autoindulgente llamativo sobreexposición obviamente apretado presupuesto puede contribuir nonsonsense historia necesidades obras bien ver miedos dijo que una escena particularmente aterradora se basa obras visuales perfección día de cine todavía dio pesadillas casi semana después amor aterrorizado debe mantener reloj copia mujer negro
little discord community going anyone wants chat real come hang pretty blunt afraid dm interested may take bit respond sleep
[ "little discord community going anyone wants chat real come hang pretty blunt afraid dm interested may take bit respond sleep" ]
poco discordia comunidad va cualquiera quiere chat real venir colgar bastante contundente miedo dm interesado puede tomar poco responder sueño
words seriously enough convey emotional power film one wrenching ever see yet ending one loving tender emotionally fulfilling could hope for every actor every role terrific especially wise understated jamie lee curtis tightly wound anguished ray liotta heartstopping turn tom hulce every award book hes pick s best actor danny pearys alternate oscars last half hour borders melodrama film earns every one tearsand unless made stone plenty them
[ "words seriously enough convey emotional power film one wrenching ever see yet ending one loving tender emotionally fulfilling could hope for every actor every role terrific especially wise understated jamie lee curtis tightly wound anguished ray liotta heartstopping turn tom hulce every award book hes pick s best actor danny pearys alternate oscars last half hour borders melodrama film earns every one tearsand unless made stone plenty them" ]
palabras lo suficientemente seriamente transmitir el poder emocional película uno desgarrador nunca ver sin embargo terminar un tierno cariño emocionalmente satisfactorio podría esperar para cada actor cada papel magnífico, especialmente inteligente subestimado Jamie lee curtis herméticamente herida angustiado rayo corazones liotta topping turno tom hulce cada premio libro que elija mejor actor danny pereys alternativa Oscars la última media hora fronteras melodrama película gana cada lágrimas y a menos que se hizo piedra en abundancia
titties amazing dude thats thats whole post appreciate since made night
[ "titties amazing dude thats thats whole post appreciate since made night" ]
tetas asombroso tipo que es que todo el post apreciar desde hecho noche
think im going tomorrowi know im years old ive suicidal thoughts six months now house girlfriend fight lot much common her job cant seem keep one money biggest problem life know blame that really wish went school even good scholarship course take advantage that worked shitty jobs bought shitty house am theres reasons post care explain know feel like cant anything improve life right now car gone shit even get job get there know think im done trying
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think im going tomorrowi know im years old ive suicidal thoughts six months now house girlfriend fight lot much common her job cant seem keep one money biggest problem life know blame that really wish went school even good scholarship course take advantage that worked shitty jobs bought shitty house am theres reasons post care explain know feel like cant anything improve life right now car gone shit even get job get there know think im done trying" ]
Creo que voy mañana sé que mi edad pensamientos suicidas de vida seis meses ahora casa novia lucha mucho común su trabajo no puede parecer mantener un dinero mayor problema vida saber culpa que realmente deseo fue la escuela incluso buen curso de becas tomar ventaja que trabajó trabajos de mierda comprado casa de mierda am Theres razones post cuidado explicar saber sentir como cant nada mejora la vida en este momento coche ido mierda incluso conseguir trabajo llegar allí saber creo que hice tratar
boredom frustrationi longer live anymore past years ive gotten bored living everyday like broken record played fucking repeat im tired it really am everyday wake exact time go school work fucking balls get way tired anything else nothing life enjoyable anymore desire end things grows stronger stronger everyday easy end thing fling building done it days better others sometimes smile laugh within short period time feel dreaded sense boredom again everyday want lock room stay there dont want talk anyone see anyone want curl bed never fucking wake up im tired im tired really dont think left survive anymore think im truly done life thread holding back disappointment id imaging seeing everyone elses eyes shouldnt even complaining anyways born loving family parents always nice me treats much love friends forever grateful for enough anymore might make sound greedy feel greedy needy time also weird blob behind fucking brain haunting everyday screeching want fucking shot head really dont know anymore maybe build courage actually might pussy go fucking cycle again wish something bad happen world would relieve responsibility
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "boredom frustrationi longer live anymore past years ive gotten bored living everyday like broken record played fucking repeat im tired it really am everyday wake exact time go school work fucking balls get way tired anything else nothing life enjoyable anymore desire end things grows stronger stronger everyday easy end thing fling building done it days better others sometimes smile laugh within short period time feel dreaded sense boredom again everyday want lock room stay there dont want talk anyone see anyone want curl bed never fucking wake up im tiredim tired really dont think left survive anymore think im truly done life thread holding back disappointment id imaging seeing everyone elses eyes shouldnt even complaining anyways born loving family parents always nice me treats much love friends forever grateful for enough anymore might make sound greedy feel greedy needy time also weird blob behind fucking brain haunting everyday screeching want fucking shot head really dont know anymore maybe build courage actually might pussy go fucking cycle again wish something bad happen world would relieve responsibility" ]
aburrimiento frustracióni más tiempo vivir más años pasados ive se aburrió vivir cada día como récord roto jugado mierda repetición im cansado realmente soy diario despertar tiempo exacto ir escuela trabajo mierda bolas conseguir manera cansado nada vida más agradable fin las cosas crecen más fuerte día a día fácil final cosa fly construcción hecho días mejor otros a veces sonreír risa dentro de corto período tiempo sentir miedo aburrimiento nuevo día a día quieren sala de espera estancia allí no quiero hablar nadie ver a nadie quiere rizo cama nunca mierda levantarse im cansado realmente no creo left sobrevivir más pensar im realmente hecho hilo de la vida contención de la decepción imágenes ver a todos los demás ojos no debe incluso quejarse de todos los demás padres de familia cariñosa siempre agradable me trata mucho amor amigos agradecidos para siempre ya puede hacer sonar codicioso sentirse codicioso tiempo necesitado también extraño blob detrás de mierda cerebro que atormenta diario scraeching querer mierda tiro cabeza realmente no sé más tal vez construir coraje realmente coño va ciclo otra vez desear algo malo suceder mundo aliviaría responsabilidad
hit rock bottomthe pandemic fired job girlfriend loved much leaving me barely stand father anymore hes insufferable cruel really want die idk ever drag this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hit rock bottomthe pandemic fired job girlfriend loved much leaving me barely stand father anymore hes insufferable cruel really want die idk ever drag this" ]
Golpear fondo la pandemia despedido trabajo novia amaba mucho dejándome apenas en pie padre más él es insufrible cruel realmente quiero morir idk nunca arrastrar esto
film one best creepy yet intriguing performances crispin glover dennis hopper reagan years pretty bleak lot people teenagers flick really captured desperation despair welldirected great script apparently based true story really see weaknesses this opening shot brilliantbr br keanu reeves decent change miss skye right money hopper three great performances year blue velvet texas chainsaw ii hoosiers imagine cult following wonder picture would fare rereleased super stuff
[ "film one best creepy yet intriguing performances crispin glover dennis hopper reagan years pretty bleak lot people teenagers flick really captured desperation despair welldirected great script apparently based true story really see weaknesses this opening shot brilliantbr br keanu reeves decent change miss skye right money hopper three great performances year blue velvet texas chainsaw ii hoosiers imagine cult following wonder picture would fare rereleased super stuff" ]
película una mejor espeluznante pero intrigante actuaciones crujiente guantera dennis topper reagan años bastante sombríos mucha gente adolescentes película realmente capturado desesperación desesperación bien dirigido gran guión aparentemente basado historia verdadera realmente ver debilidades esta toma de apertura brillante br keanu recupera cambio decente miss skye derecha dinero tolva tres grandes actuaciones año azul terciopelo texas motosierra ii hoosiers imaginar culto después de maravilla imagen le gustaría released super cosas
many reviews film write get right tom conway fully inherits mantle falcon reallife brother george sanders entry decked beautiful doublebreasted singlebuttoned drapestyle suits cruising gorgeous steel cars huge fender skirts suicide doors come armpit conway travels new york miami keep formula industrial diamonds falling wrong hands client lovely virginal louisa briganza got gorgeous hair let kiss first two months along way runs type colourful array characters b movie could provide sidekick outing perhaps best among falcon sidekicks edward brophy goldie locke given really funny lines runs sinister dish doris blanding type s chick know puts out cohort benny played steve brodie who twenty years later presley punching bag two paramount king movies work cold fish yachtingcapwearing kenneth sutton ready takes get formula cruises yacht brazil saddled stoniest falconpursuing cops ever entry still reigns supreme forget minute melodramas give hour falcon movie day got wife two kids whos got time twohour movie shake dry martinis forget troubles great falcon movie tape local tv toronto like years ago luck
[ "many reviews film write get right tom conway fully inherits mantle falcon reallife brother george sanders entry decked beautiful doublebreasted singlebuttoned drapestyle suits cruising gorgeous steel cars huge fender skirts suicide doors come armpit conway travels new york miami keep formula industrial diamonds falling wrong hands client lovely virginal louisa briganza got gorgeous hair let kiss first two months along way runs type colourful array characters b movie could provide sidekick outing perhaps best among falcon sidekicks edward brophy goldie locke given really funny lines runs sinister dish doris blanding type s chick know puts out cohort benny played steve brodie who twenty years later presley punching bag two paramount king movies work cold fish yachtingcapwearing kenneth sutton ready takes get formula cruises yacht brazil saddled stoniest falconpursuing cops ever entry still reigns supreme forget minute melodramas give hour falcon movie day got wife two kids whos got time twohour movie shake dry martinis forget troubles great falcon movie tape local tv toronto like years ago luck" ]
muchos comentarios película escribir get right tom conway completamente hereda manto halcón vida real hermano george linders entrada cubierta hermosa doble brasa monobotón trajes de drapestyle crucero magnífico coches de acero enormes fender faldas suicidio puertas vienen axilas conway viajes nuevo york miami mantener fórmula diamantes industriales caídas manos equivocadas cliente hermosa virginal luisa briganza consiguió hermoso cabello dejó beso primero dos meses a lo largo de carreras tipo colorido matriz personajes b película podría proporcionar acompañamiento quizás mejor entre halcón sidekicks edward brophy goldie locke dado realmente divertido líneas corre sinister sladris blanding tipo s chick sabe pone fuera cohorte benny jugado steve brodie que veinte años más tarde presley ponchering bolsa dos películas del rey primordial trabajo frío pescado yatecapwearing kenneth sutton listo toma get formula cruceros yate brazil slond slondiest slondiest falconpursuing polis siempre entrada reina supremo olvida minutos melodramas hora película día halcón esposa dos niños que tienen tiempo shake seco martinis grandes problemas tv
hear people always say gets better never does like ever things may okayish brief moment right back way always been like meant happy something people talk something look forward to scared look forward anything last want piece happy pie always going like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hear people always say gets better never does like ever things may okayish brief moment right back way always been like meant happy something people talk something look forward to scared look forward anything last want piece happy pie always going like this" ]
Oír a la gente siempre decir que se pone mejor nunca hace como siempre las cosas pueden estar bien breve momento de vuelta siempre ha sido como significa feliz algo la gente habla algo espera con miedo mirar hacia adelante cualquier último quiero pieza feliz pastel siempre va como este
first time ive done this im eating lays poppables chocolate chips bad also learned chocolate chips heavier lays poppables
[ "first time ive done this im eating lays poppables chocolate chips bad also learned chocolate chips heavier lays poppables" ]
la primera vez que he hecho este im comer pone poppables chips de chocolate malo también aprendido chips de chocolate más pesados pone poppables
british horror film terminal decline start seventies blackness came three films among best island produced wickerman blood satans claw house dripped blood made future seem rosy even though lot people knew point going one thtdb sort cast could easily form wishlist actually assembled bleak hinterland may well find expecting wake up waxworks overlooked four stories is naturally favourite cushings life art interlinked firmly cant tell performance ends pain begins one guess role affected gentle sensitive man death maiden rip peter
[ "british horror film terminal decline start seventies blackness came three films among best island produced wickerman blood satans claw house dripped blood made future seem rosy even though lot people knew point going one thtdb sort cast could easily form wishlist actually assembled bleak hinterland may well find expecting wake up waxworks overlooked four stories is naturally favourite cushings life art interlinked firmly cant tell performance ends pain begins one guess role affected gentle sensitive man death maiden rip peter" ]
british horror film terminal declination start 70 años negro vino tres películas entre la mejor isla producido mimbre hombre sangre satans garra casa goteada sangre hizo futuro parece rosado a pesar de que mucha gente sabía punto va un thtdb tipo molde fácilmente formar lista de deseos realmente ensamblado interior sombrío bien puede encontrar esperando despertar ceras pasados por alto cuatro historias es naturalmente favoritos cushings arte de la vida interconectado firmemente no se puede decir rendimiento termina dolor comienza una conjetura papel afectado suave sensible hombre muerte doncella raspar Peter
point become bragging talk big pp would cross line bragging like girl talks body people usually agree guys bragging weird
[ "point become bragging talk big pp would cross line bragging like girl talks body people usually agree guys bragging weird" ]
punto se convierte en fanfarronear hablar grandes pp cruzaría la línea alardeando como chica habla cuerpo la gente suele estar de acuerdo chicos alardeando raro
long phone take get full charge mine takes whole day
[ "long phone take get full charge mine takes whole day" ]
toma el teléfono largo obtener carga completa la mía toma todo el día
garlin great job nice concept well executed tightly produced came across sincere story fan curb enthusiasm jeff pretty much straight guy role delighted much depth brought role simple yet effective portrayalbr br much humor understated subtle drew poignancy really liked rather slapstick overexplained nice little surprises twists convenience store vignettes delightbr br when say wonderful small film mean budget quality simple intimate handcrafted tells highly believable everyday story relax go see it let wash you feel good done so
[ "garlin great job nice concept well executed tightly produced came across sincere story fan curb enthusiasm jeff pretty much straight guy role delighted much depth brought role simple yet effective portrayalbr br much humor understated subtle drew poignancy really liked rather slapstick overexplained nice little surprises twists convenience store vignettes delightbr br when say wonderful small film mean budget quality simple intimate handcrafted tells highly believable everyday story relax go see it let wash you feel good done so" ]
Garlin gran trabajo buen concepto bien ejecutado bien producido vino a través de la historia sincero ventilador frenar entusiasmo Jeff bastante recto papel chico encantado mucha profundidad trajo papel simple pero eficaz retratobr br mucho humor subestimado sutil dibujado poignancy realmente me gustó bastante bofetada sobreexplicado agradable pequeñas sorpresas giros tienda de conveniencia viñetas deliciabr br cuando decir maravillosa película pequeña media calidad del presupuesto simple íntimo hecho a mano cuenta altamente creíble historia diaria relajarse ir ver let wash you se siente bien hecho así
dont need girlfriend need homies like
[ "dont need girlfriend need homies like" ]
No necesito novia necesito amigos como
love movie disney channel ridiculous playing anymore think definitely put susie q back air least one night record it anyone know find it email cristinaimcom please email know find movie online anywhere told kids movie think deserve see also disney movies coming fake boring need susie q back great movie great actors see taken air everyone loves movie much taken air please take comment consideration along comments made movie thank you nice day
[ "love movie disney channel ridiculous playing anymore think definitely put susie q back air least one night record it anyone know find it email cristinaimcomplease email know find movie online anywhere told kids movie think deserve see also disney movies coming fake boring need susie q back great movie great actors see taken air everyone loves movie much taken air please take comment consideration along comments made movie thank you nice day" ]
amor película disney canal ridículo juego más pensar definitivamente poner susie q aire de vuelta menos una noche grabar que nadie sabe encontrar correo electrónico cristinaimcompor favor correo electrónico saber encontrar película en línea en cualquier lugar conto niños película creo merecer ver también Disney películas que vienen falso aburrido necesidad susie q volver gran película grandes actores ver tomar aire todo el mundo ama película mucho tomado aire por favor tener en cuenta comentarios hechos película gracias buen día
dad made transfer data another computer never used computer ended finishing reason make blatant youre playing phone theyre anyway no searching something mum even playing which wouldve right time degree exhaustion vastly different importantly tf makes son important things anyways fml
[ "dad made transfer data another computer never used computer ended finishing reason make blatant youre playing phone theyre anyway no searching something mum even playing which wouldve right time degree exhaustion vastly different importantly tf makes son important things anyways fml" ]
papá hizo transferencia de datos otra computadora nunca se utiliza computadora terminó de terminar razón hacer flagrante youre jugar teléfono de todos modos son no buscar algo mamá incluso jugando que podría tiempo derecho agotamiento grado muy diferente importante tf hace que el hijo cosas importantes de todos modos fml
am sqwad hair looks good right sleep ruin
[ "am sqwad hair looks good right sleep ruin" ]
Soy sqwad pelo se ve bien derecho sueño ruina
really fucking overnot me whole fucking world humanity needs die hunger racism rapes disease mental health issues come fucking on earth please blow up saying cuz im selfish humans longer wouldnt problems wouldnt feel like killing self every day life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really fucking overnot me whole fucking world humanity needs die hunger racism rapes disease mental health issues come fucking on earth please blow up saying cuz im selfish humans longer wouldnt problems wouldnt feel like killing self every day life" ]
realmente mierda sobre mí todo el maldito mundo la humanidad necesita morir hambre racismo violaciones enfermedad problemas de salud mental venir mierda en la tierra por favor volar diciendo cuz seres humanos egoístas por más tiempo no los problemas no se sentirían como matarse a sí mismo todos los días la vida
rteenagers allow post images temporary permanent me
[ "rteenagers allow post images temporary permanent me" ]
rteenagers permiten postear imágenes temporalmente permanente me
know else gotheres one left im year old anxietydepressionagoraphobia ive unmanaged diabetes last years husband last friend earth cheated last fall satisfy fetish could fulfill him says hes sorry loves want leave cant find trust again college education job drivers license expired year im afraid go dmv penny name car credit nonexistant everything husbands name may well exist family single friend husband betrayed me take good care him keep home peaceful neat cook beautiful meals us cry every day full darkness rage hate world hate everyone ever known leaving me given much love take take take need someone theres one there disappear theres strength left inside me feel worthless unlovable therapy since teenager tried countless drugs me love husband desperately honestly know staying believe love anywhere else go im trapped scared completely alone even know begin take back life even worth it pleasure find life brief moments husband forget hes done me food cant even enjoy beautiful rich foods know im sick cant risk it sometimes want eat death even know control diabetes is try eat healthy diet know thats enough well own im terrified go doctor since miscarriage shortly married years ago live denial health suffer huge secret guilt eat anything steamed vegetable theres joy theres relief pain thats snowballing inside since child theres one left reach help tried calling redflag hotline hung person got line im afraid speak them im scared want pain stop want die want pain stop never will know that im strong enough keep going hell pathetic last hope sending message void internet know expect this stop cant go on know do death feels like option relief know actually experience relief be pain more calls me help me god help me please please need peace need feel loved cant more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know else gotheres one left im year old anxietydepressionagoraphobia ive unmanaged diabetes last years husband last friend earth cheated last fall satisfy fetish could fulfill him says hes sorry loves want leave cant find trust again college education job drivers license expired year", "im afraid go dmv penny name car credit nonexistant everything husbands name may well exist family single friend husband betrayed me take good care him keep home peaceful neat cook beautiful meals us cry every day full darkness rage hate world hate everyone ever known leaving me given much love take take take need someone theres one there disappear theres strength left inside me feel worthless unlovable therapy since teenager tried countless drugs me love husband desperately honestly know staying believe love anywhere else go im trapped scared completely alone even know begin take back life even worth it pleasure find life brief moments husband forget hes done me food cant even enjoy beautiful rich foods know im sick cant risk it sometimes want eat death even know control diabetes is try eat healthy diet know thats enough well own im terrified go doctor since miscarriage shortly married years ago live denial health suffer huge secret guilt eat anything steamed vegetable theres joy theres relief pain thats snowballing inside since child theres one left reach help tried calling redflag hotline hung person got line im afraid speak them im scared", "want pain stop want die want pain stop never will know that im strong enough keep going hell pathetic last hope sending message void internet know expect this stop cant go on know do death feels like option relief know actually experience relief be pain more calls me help me god help me please please need peace need feel loved cant more" ]
know other gotheres a la izquierda un im año de edad ansiedaddepresiónagorafobia ive diabetes no manejada los últimos años marido último amigo tierra engañado el otoño pasado satisfacer fetiche podría cumplir él dice hes lament love want leave cant find trust again college education job drivers license caduced year
guys confession addicted saltines help im drowning need support group
[ "guys confession addicted saltines help im drowning need support group" ]
chicos confesión adictos saltinas ayudar a ahogarse necesito grupo de apoyo
yo biden fuckingdnjdfj fucker deadass said p e r im fukin dyingbtgtfdcexezwxtbgb
[ "yo biden fuckingdnjdfj fucker deadass said p e r im fukin dyingbtgtfdcexezwxtbgb" ]
Yo biden fuckingdnjdfj fucker deadtass dijo p e r im fukin moringbtgtfdcexezwxtbgb
need end canti house car every electronic appliance could ever want need since girlfriend cheated me left me dad lost job mothers deteriorating health ive lost three close friends recently one connect talk redflag hotline said best option cry sleep wow thanks lot waht do anything do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need end canti house car every electronic appliance could ever want need since girlfriend cheated me left me dad lost job mothers deteriorating health ive lost three close friends recently one connect talk redflag hotline said best option cry sleepwow thanks lot waht do anything do" ]
necesidad final canti house car cada electrodoméstico podría querer necesidad ya que la novia me engañó me dejó papá trabajo perdido madres deterioro salud ive perdido tres amigos cercanos recientemente una conversación conexión redflag línea directa dijo mejor opción llorar sleepwow gracias lot waht hacer cualquier cosa hacer
liked stanley iris much acting good story unique interesting arrangement absence violence sex refreshing characters convincing felt like could understand feelings enjoyable movie
[ "liked stanley iris much acting good story unique interesting arrangement absence violence sex refreshing characters convincing felt like could understand feelings enjoyable movie" ]
me gustó Stanley iris mucho actuación buena historia único interesante arreglo ausencia violencia sexo refrescante personajes convincentes se sentía como podría entender los sentimientos película agradable
future spouse could telling theyll together ever flip side could lied left married someone else nothings permanent everythings random theres even theories every second identical amount time last second
[ "future spouse could telling theyll together ever flip side could lied left married someone else nothings permanent everythings random theres even theories every second identical amount time last second" ]
futuro cónyuge podría decir que van juntos siempre de la otra parte podría mentir dejó casado a alguien nada permanente todo al azar teres incluso teorías cada segundo idéntica cantidad de tiempo en el último segundo
wanna crush someone legit experienced feeling long time kinda miss
[ "wanna crush someone legit experienced feeling long time kinda miss" ]
quiero aplastar a alguien de fiar experimentado sentir un poco de tiempo perdido
puffy nipples m im really nervous take shirt public puffy nipples years now way around that im overweight excercise
[ "puffy nipples mim really nervous take shirt public puffy nipples years now way around that im overweight excercise" ]
pezones hinchados mim realmente nervioso tomar camisa pública pezones hinchados años ahora manera alrededor de que im exceso de ejercicio
momi think thing hurts whole world mom makes feel bad realizes it cries hug apologize try better mother makes feel worse sensitive feel way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "momi think thing hurts whole world mom makes feel bad realizes it cries hug apologize try better mother makes feel worse sensitive feel way" ]
Momi piensa que las cosas duelen todo el mundo mamá hace sentir mal se da cuenta de que llora abrazo disculparse intentar mejor madre hace sentir peor sensible se siente de la manera
days ill aloneits am cant sleep work today want end want wait im alone house parents care im gone sisters care im around extended family turn to december entire family leaves europe want last moments alone cant wait longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "days ill aloneits am cant sleep work today want end wantwait im alone house parents careim gone sisters care im around extended family turn to december entire family leaves europe want last moments alone cant wait longer" ]
los días enfermos solos su soy no puedo dormir trabajo hoy quieren terminar la espera en casa solo los padres cuidados han ido hermanas cuidado im alrededor de familia extendida vuelta a diciembre toda la familia deja Europa quiere últimos momentos solos no puedo esperar más
feel like im youngest person everyone like im lol
[ "feel like im youngest person everyone like im lol" ]
se siente como im persona más joven todo el mundo como im lol
hello nerds first throat hurts poor sleeping going start drinking warm water second everyone doing whatcha nerds to
[ "hello nerds first throat hurts poor sleeping going start drinking warm water second everyone doing whatcha nerds to" ]
Hola nerds primera garganta duele pobre dormir va a empezar a beber agua caliente segundo todo el mundo haciendo lo que nerds a
milestone acheived karma away karma life complete would like thank mom dad twomad helping get here
[ "milestone acheived karma away karma life complete would like thank mom dad twomad helping get here" ]
acheived hito karma lejos karma vida completa le gustaría dar las gracias a mamá papá twomad ayudar a llegar aquí
thinking ending tonightso told post currently sitting living room enough pills end it one week ago hospital thing chickened taking pills called ambulance this admitted psych ward two days figured situation fatal know behave around people hiding mind years point im sure want take pills die hospital comforting really know im posting im supposed write it guess mind night go two ways take pills go bed hope wake up take pills end hospital again know yet one going happen
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking ending tonightso told post currently sitting living room enough pills end it one week ago hospital thing chickened taking pills called ambulance this admitted psych ward two days figured situation fatal know behave around people hiding mind years point im sure want take pills die hospital comforting really know im posting im supposed write it guess mind night go two ways take pills go bed hope wake up take pills end hospital again know yet one going happen" ]
pensar terminar esta noche así que dijo post actualmente estar sala de estar suficientes píldoras terminar hace una semana hospital cosa acobardado tomando píldoras llamadas ambulancia este internado psiquiatría dos días situación fatal saber comportarse alrededor de la gente ocultando la mente años punto estoy seguro de querer tomar píldoras morir hospital reconfortante realmente sé im posting im supuesto escribir adivine mente noche ir dos maneras tomar píldoras ir a la cama esperanza despertar tomar píldoras terminar hospital otra vez saber aún uno va a pasar
remember last happy today realised long since felt safe comfortable since life feel like constant struggle brought tears think careless highschool student oblivious mental termoil lay ahead miss day alive then lived sprit exploration shared anlther day schoolyard banternow constant feeling overwhelmend unemployment feeling like must scrape survive lost joy existancei honestly wish died child never grow live faliure outcast within society wish hate myself wish reach end seem compelling happiness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "remember last happy today realised long since felt safe comfortable since life feel like constant struggle brought tears think careless highschool student oblivious mental termoil lay ahead miss day alive then lived sprit exploration shared anlther day schoolyard banternow constant feeling overwhelmend unemployment feeling like must scrape survive lost joy existancei honestly wish died child never grow live faliure outcast within society wish hate myself wish reach end seem compelling happiness" ]
Recuerdo la última feliz hoy realizado hace mucho tiempo desde que se sentía seguro cómodo ya que la vida se siente como lucha constante trajo lágrimas pensar descuidado estudiante de secundaria término mental ajeno yacía por delante señorita día vivo entonces vivió sprit exploración compartida otro día patio de la escuela bromas ahora constante sentimiento abrumador desempleo sensación como debe raspar sobrevivir perdido alegría existenciancei honestamente deseo muerto niño nunca crecer vida faliure marginado en la sociedad deseo odio a mí mismo deseo llegar a fin parecer convincente felicidad
iama broken college boy intending hero ask anything yes im serious im drinking neither smoking wasting money futile shit remained without money parents going send money st march tell im outta money im dead sen home without possibility continue studies feel free ask anything end shit fuck shit im out nice life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "iama broken college boy intending hero ask anythingyes im serious im drinking neither smoking wasting money futile shit remained without money parents going send money st march tell im outta moneyim dead sen home without possibility continue studies feel free ask anything end shit fuck shit im out nice life" ]
iama roto chico de la universidad con intención de héroe preguntar cualquier cosasí im serio im beber ni fumar desperdiciando dinero mierda inútil quedó sin dinero los padres van a enviar dinero st marcha decirle a mi dineroim muerto sen casa sin posibilidad continuar estudios se siente libre pedir cualquier cosa fin mierda mierda im fuera buena vida
im donebeen homeless drug addict last years time transitioned came family mother stroked died rest family disowned foreign place alone full guilt drugs i need sleep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im donebeen homeless drug addict last years time transitioned came family mother stroked died rest family disowned foreign place alone full guilt drugs i need sleep" ]
im doebeen sin hogar drogadictos los últimos años tiempo transición llegó familia madre apoplejía murió descanso familia repudiado lugar extranjero solo completo culpa drogas que necesito dormir
everytime feel like giving tell stress going next monday finally start holidays worry school things months
[ "everytime feel like giving tell stress going next monday finally start holidays worry school things months" ]
Cada vez que se siente como dar decir el estrés va el próximo lunes finalmente empezar vacaciones preocuparse escuela cosas meses
need help tell someone reason reply week accidentally started texting people energy recharge social battery else would gone insane
[ "need help tell someone reason reply week accidentally started texting people energy recharge social battery else would gone insane" ]
necesidad de ayuda decirle a alguien razón respuesta semana accidentalmente comenzó a enviar mensajes de texto a la gente recarga de energía batería social de otro se volvería loco
im going bed now night night dont let pedos bite love guys except
[ "im going bed now night night dont let pedos bite love guys except" ]
Me voy a la cama ahora noche noche no dejes que pedos muerdan amor chicos excepto
ugghigh school fucking hell like kids go bunch parties get ton girls high school amazing outcasts everyone kids super popular arent smart wont amount much high school theyre good looking athletic theyre treated like gods everyone always chase clout popularity always care everyone else thinks awful cant take anymore friends abandoned popular kids im alone nothing makes sense anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ugghigh school fucking hell like kids go bunch parties get ton girls high school amazing outcasts everyone kids super popular arent smart wont amount much high school theyre good looking athletic theyre treated like gods everyone always chase clout popularity always care everyone else thinks awful cant take anymore friends abandoned popular kids im alone nothing makes sense anymore" ]
ughigh school puto infierno como los niños van grupo fiestas conseguir toneladas chicas secundaria asombrosos parias todos los niños super popular no son inteligentes no cantidad mucho secundaria son buenos aspecto atlético son tratados como dioses todo el mundo siempre perseguir popularidad influencia siempre cuidado todos los demás piensan terrible no puede tomar más amigos abandonados niños populares im solos nada tiene sentido más
made huge mistake challenged old friend hockey match forgot canadian match happens tomorrow im screwed
[ "made huge mistake challenged old friend hockey match forgot canadian match happens tomorrow im screwed" ]
gran error desafió viejo amigo partido de hockey olvidado partido canadiense sucede mañana im follada
mom found suicidal nothing changed whatsoeveri dont think cried asked questions said shed try get meds switched hasnt caring like talking robot shes means terrible mother always assumed would huge deal thought wed talk hours shed try help me nope acted mechanical always
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mom found suicidal nothing changed whatsoeveri dont think cried asked questions said shed try get meds switched hasnt caring like talking robot shes means terrible mother always assumed would huge deal thought wed talk hours shed try help me nope acted mechanical always" ]
Mamá encontró suicida nada cambió en lo que sea no creo que llorado preguntas preguntas dicho cobertizo intento conseguir medicamentos cambiados no importa como hablar robot shes significa terrible madre siempre asumió gran trato pensó hablar horas derramar tratar de ayudarme nope actuó mecánica siempre
u ever say something u know stupid someone u something talk feel like ive made look stupid could talk someone
[ "u ever say something u know stupid someone u something talk feel like ive made look stupid could talk someone" ]
Si alguna vez dices algo, conoces a alguien estúpido. Algo que habla. Se siente como si se viera estúpido. Podría hablar con alguien.
loneliness hit send help aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa
[ "loneliness hit send help aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa" ]
soledad golpe enviar ayuda aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
interesting rant ok make clear im homophobic anything like rant pride month veteran week vote listen rant fuck veteren get week aprecation make feel nice shit like that gay people get whole fucking month make feel special sexuaility wouldnt happening veteren fight wars keep country safe rights gay fact everyday respect do call stone cold killer killing people life line could die blink eye benefit gay people nothing sure guy fought rights cool veteren fought country ensures right gay rant rant apply canada usa countries kill gay
[ "interesting rant ok make clear im homophobic anything like rant pride month veteran week vote listen rant fuck veteren get week aprecation make feel nice shit like that gay people get whole fucking month make feel special sexuaility wouldnt happening veteren fight wars keep country safe rights gay fact everyday respect do call stone cold killer killing people life line could die blink eye benefit gay people nothing sure guy fought rights cool veteren fought country ensures right gay rant rant apply canada usa countries kill gay" ]
Rant interesante ok hacer claro im homofóbico cualquier cosa como orgullo despojado mes veterano semana voto escuchar rant mierda veteren obtener semana apretación hacer sentir buena mierda como que la gente gay consigue todo el mes hacer sentir especial sexuailidad no pasaría veteren lucha guerras mantener el país derechos seguros gay hecho respeto diario llamar piedra fría asesino matar personas línea de vida podría morir parpadeo beneficio gay gente nada seguro chico luchó derechos fresco veteren lucha país asegura derecho rant gay aplicar Canadá países EE.UU. matar gay
know much pretty sure wrong httpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharinghttpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharing
[ "know much pretty sure wrong httpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharinghttpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharing" ]
saber mucho bastante seguro mal httpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharinghttpsdrivegooglecomfiledlqkmxsccgqtquarzmda_jyamdviewuspsharing
anyone wanna talk yeah im back whoever looked recent post
[ "anyone wanna talkyeahim back whoever looked recent post" ]
¿Alguien quiere hablar con él de nuevo? Quienquiera que haya mirado el post reciente.
big ooff yah bois school closed last days closed tomorrow maybe next week
[ "big ooff yah bois school closed last days closed tomorrow maybe next week" ]
gran escuela de ooff yah bois cerrado los últimos días cerrado mañana tal vez la próxima semana
im donei cant keep anymore one cares me bf is tired hearing it ill probably lose insurance trump like see therapist month anyway since one appointments tonight im going step front train done it goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im donei cant keep anymore one cares me bf is tired hearing it ill probably lose insurance trump like see therapist month anyway since one appointments tonight im going step front train done it goodbye" ]
im dodoni no puede mantener más a uno le importa mí bf está cansado escucharlo mal probablemente perder seguro triunfo como ver terapeuta mes de todos modos desde una cita esta noche im ir paso adelante tren lo hizo adiós
confusedlast saturday finally got fed life completely attempted kill myself ended spending days hospital surviving ive read multiple redflag stories say instantly regret feel regret normal want get better feel better felt like finally die actually felt best id felt long
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "confusedlast saturday finally got fed life completely attempted kill myself ended spending days hospital surviving ive read multiple redflag stories say instantly regret feel regret normal want get better feel better felt like finally die actually felt best id felt long" ]
Confundido el sábado pasado finalmente se alimenta la vida completamente intento de matarme terminé pasando días hospital sobreviviendo ive leer múltiples historias de bandera roja decir instantáneamente arrepentimiento sentir arrepentimiento normal querer conseguir mejor sentirse mejor sentir como finalmente morir realmente se sintió mejor id sentir largo
whats least painful way dieits long sad painful years last year filled much heaviness heartache dread find hard stay positive calm normal im alone anymore last weeks ive unable stop crying public emotional pain feel makes feel like legs stop working sometimes im especially bad day cant seem make go away go numb usually doesnt come back mins time im really ask help ive tried many times get help doesnt last people dont care near unless im usual happy self dont access guns want end life soon closing loose ends family friends would appreciate advice
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats least painful way dieits long sad painful years last year filled much heaviness heartache dread find hard stay positive calm normal im alone anymore last weeks ive unable stop crying public emotional pain feel makes feel like legs stop working sometimes im especially bad day cant seem make go away go numb usually doesnt come back mins time im really ask help ive tried many times get help doesnt last people dont care near unless im usual happy self dont access guns want end life soon closing loose ends family friends would appreciate advice" ]
lo que es menos doloroso manera dietits largo triste doloroso años el año pasado lleno de pesadez dolor miedo encontrar dura estancia positiva calma normal im sola más las últimas semanas i ve incapaz dejar de llorar público dolor emocional sensación hace sentir como las piernas dejar de trabajar a veces im especialmente mal día no puede parecer hacer desaparecer ir entumecido por lo general no vuelve minutos tiempo im realmente pedir ayuda ive probado muchas veces conseguir ayuda no última gente no se preocupan cerca a menos que i usual feliz yo no acceso armas quieren terminar la vida pronto cierre cabos sueltos amigos familiares apreciaría consejos
day returning friends discord server get dm damn really friends
[ "day returning friends discord server get dm damn really friends" ]
día volver amigos discordancia servidor conseguir dm maldito realmente amigos
fuck alleveryone sucks supposed friend fucking dick you then days give another chance then get locked balcony broken window forgiven fucking bully im going pay apartment shit ton money dont have whole point friendship lets end fucking all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck alleveryone sucks supposed friend fucking dick you then days give another chance then get locked balcony broken window forgiven fucking bully im going pay apartment shit ton money dont have whole point friendship lets end fucking all" ]
mierda todo el mundo chupa su supuesto amigo mierda polla entonces los días dan otra oportunidad luego se cierran balcón roto ventana perdonado maldito matón im va a pagar apartamento mierda ton dinero no tienen todo punto amistad permite terminar follando todo
answers quiz sociology find group changed almost questions without consulting work finding answers told group do changed questions also kept denying it feel either upset embarrassed
[ "answers quiz sociology find group changed almost questions without consulting work finding answers told group do changed questions also kept denying it feel either upset embarrassed" ]
respuestas cuestionario sociología encontrar grupo cambiado casi preguntas sin consultar trabajo encontrar respuestas dicho grupo sí cambio preguntas también se mantuvo negando se siente molesto o avergonzado
know guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows lady knows guy knows i
[ "know guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows guy knows lady knows guy knowsi" ]
El hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe, el hombre sabe.
the the the the i stuck dick shampoo bottle post days old today post days old today post days old todaypost days old today post days old today days old today days old today or least one ishttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentshbrabthe_the_the_the_the_the_i_stuck_my_dick_in_autm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf stupid
[ "the the the the i stuck dick shampoo bottle post days old today post days old today post days old todaypost days old today post days old today days old today days old today or least one ishttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentshbrabthe_the_the_the_the_the_i_stuck_my_dick_in_autm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf stupid" ]
la botella de champú de la polla pegada los días de hoy post días de hoy post días de hoy post días de hoy post días de hoy post días de hoy o menos uno eshttpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentshbrabthe_the_the_the_the_i_stuck_my_dick_in_autm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_apppamputm_nameiossmf estúpido
little pain therell hatred anymorei hate humanity hate part it hate someone world bear much suffering theres free will theres fate hate bound it im going break free itll painful thats way people miss me probably wont miss anyone another world calling me goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "little pain therell hatred anymorei hate humanity hate part it hate someone world bear much suffering theres free will theres fate hate bound it im going break free itll painful thats way people miss me probably wont miss anyone another world calling me goodbye" ]
Un poco de dolor allí odio más odio la humanidad odio parte que odia a alguien mundo soportar mucho sufrimiento teres libre albedrío teres destino odio atado yo voy a romper libre lll doloroso que la gente me echa de menos probablemente no extrañará a nadie otro mundo llamándome adiós
depression ya teacher f worst hate cus gave even new could homework fullest strong feeling hates ya pls advice gains depression thx
[ "depression ya teacher f worst hate cus gave even new could homework fullest strong feeling hates ya pls advice gains depression thx" ]
depresión ya profesor f peor odio cus dio incluso nuevo podría tarea más completa fuerte sentimiento odios ya pls consejo gana depresión thx
bad luckthis first post reddit ever ive many concussions resulting different sports also bad luck cant really complain life had pretty much straight as building engineering large group friends family supportive loving good relationship girlfriend financially im ease thing is keep getting head injuries worst ways possible got one months ago seventh oneafter it period dark thoughts cause seemed like never healing love sports anything them even hang friends without getting headaches neck pain last week first time actually felt like getting better much so decided go pick nicking friends today arrived park go struck head frisbee dumb seems impact made lose consciousness finally got back apartment concussion symptoms back seems every time starts getting better everything goes back shit feel like strength left go trough recovery again university starts tomorrow im fucking scared able concentraee feel helpless like im endless cycle shit goes bad time start seeing hope almost like life wants myself sorry long post much anger rage sadness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bad luckthis first post reddit ever ive many concussions resulting different sports also bad luck cant really complain life had pretty much straight as building engineering large group friends family supportive loving good relationship girlfriend financially im ease thing is keep getting head injuries worst ways possible got one months ago seventh oneafter it period dark thoughts cause seemed like never healing love sports anything them even hang friends without getting headaches neck pain last week first time actually felt like getting better much so decided go pick nicking friends today arrived park go struck head frisbee dumb seems impact made lose consciousness finally got back apartment concussion symptoms back seems every time starts getting better everything goes back shit feel like strength left go trough recovery again university starts tomorrow im fucking scared able concentraee feel helpless like im endless cycle shit goes bad time start seeing hope almost like life wants myself sorry long post much anger rage sadness" ]
mala suerte este primer post reddit siempre ive muchas conmociones que resultan diferentes deportes también mala suerte no puede realmente quejarse la vida tenía bastante recta como construcción de ingeniería grandes amigos grupo familia apoyo amor buena relación novia financieramente i facilidad cosa es seguir recibiendo lesiones en la cabeza peores maneras posibles consiguió hace un mes séptimo después de que período pensamientos oscuros causa parecía como nunca sanar deportes de amor nada ellos incluso colgar amigos sin tener dolores de cabeza dolor de cuello la semana pasada primera vez en realidad se sintió como conseguir mucho mejor así que decidido ir a picar amigos hoy arrib park go golpeed head frisbee mudo parece impacto hecho perder la conciencia finalmente volvió apartamentos síntomas de conmoción volver parece que cada vez comienza a ser mejor todo vuelve mierda se siente como fuerza izquierda ir recuperación de nuevo universidad comienza mañana im maldito miedo capaz concentraee sentirse indefenso como im interminable ciclo mierda va mal tiempo empezar a ver esperanza casi como la vida me quiere pesar mucho después mucho ira rabia tristeza
bottle vodka bottle painkillers ready deedmy boyfriend years broke today happy fuck happy depressed whole relationship abusive mean made feel worthless feel like need keep trying make work life worth living without him please help me ive suicidal long time today trigger
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bottle vodka bottle painkillers ready deedmy boyfriend years broke today happy fuck happy depressed whole relationship abusive mean made feel worthless feel like need keep trying make work life worth living without him please help me ive suicidal long time today trigger" ]
botella vodka botella analgésicos acto listo mi novio años roto hoy feliz follada feliz deprimido toda relación abusiva medio hecho sentir inútil sentir como necesidad seguir tratando de hacer trabajo vida vale la pena vivir sin él por favor ayúdame a vivir suicida mucho tiempo hoy desencadenar
finally done music comp final took weeks lot fun make httpsyoutubedvpxuczeu
[ "finally done music comp final took weeks lot fun make httpsyoutubedvpxuczeu" ]
finalmente hecho música comp final tomó semanas muy divertido hacer httpsyoutubedvpxuczeu
tomorrow morning im taking drivers test im freakin nervous im good driver know that get nervous easily even day heart pounding
[ "tomorrow morning im taking drivers test im freakin nervousim good driver know that get nervous easily even day heart pounding" ]
mañana por la mañana estoy tomando la prueba de pilotos im freakin nervistim buen conductor saber que se ponen nerviosos fácilmente incluso el corazón latido día
please come spoon gear sing hey spoon dj misfit podcast come join live stream httpsspoonclickus_live_
[ "please come spoon gear sing hey spoon dj misfit podcast come join live stream httpsspoonclickus_live_" ]
Por favor, ven equipo cuchara cantar hey cuchara dj podcast inadaptado venir unirse a la transmisión en directo httpsspoonclickus_live_
flunked semester twice went back pick things college town last year thinking best time finally end mind went blank kept sleeping hotel room time return flight back home lockdown jobless number suicidal stuck home god knows long wish could done last year
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "flunked semester twice went back pick things college town last year thinking best time finally end mind went blank kept sleeping hotel room time return flight back home lockdown jobless number suicidal stuck home god knows long wish could done last year" ]
Semestre suspendido dos veces fue atrás recoger cosas universidad ciudad el año pasado pensando mejor tiempo finalmente fin mente quedó en blanco mantenido dormir hotel habitación tiempo regreso vuelo regreso casa bloqueo número sin empleo suicida atascado casa dios sabe que el deseo largo podría hacer el año pasado
life doesnt get fucking better life always gonna horrible pointless even get older doesnt shit comes getting olderwhy keep living human life sufferingive suffering long remember like meant suffer whats point even living
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life doesnt get fucking better life always gonna horrible pointless even get older doesnt shit comes getting olderwhy keep living human life sufferingive suffering long remember like meant suffer whats point even living" ]
la vida no se pone jodidamente mejor la vida siempre va a ser horrible sin sentido incluso envejecer la mierda no viene envejecer por qué seguir viviendo la vida humana sufrimiento sufrimiento largo recordar como significa sufrir qué punto incluso vivir
whats point mean know grand point personally whats point dont anything left fight forive grown much grief constant pain everyday theres nothing brings source happiness even contentment im incapable holding onto relationships mentally im plagued panic heavy heavy depression physically auto immune issues stomach problems add fatigue drained energy identity wise ive never felt comfortable skin dont really care more im glad lot people one thing would want to thats great think guess doesnt exist wish would doesnt ive always wanted one thing thing would make life desirable again worth fighting for isnt part problem think used me turn created horrid perpetual cycle grief internal pain dont want live anymore im grateful years ive had ive made pretty far im exhausted maybe thats okay wish best dont plan im guessing time will im tired pushing feel better completely honest you dont believe better real thing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats point mean know grand point personally whats point dont anything left fight forive grown much grief constant pain everyday theres nothing brings source happiness even contentment im incapable holding onto relationships mentally im plagued panic heavy heavy depression physically auto immune issues stomach problems add fatigue drained energy identity wise ive never felt comfortable skin dont really care more im glad lot people one thing would want to thats great think guess doesnt exist wish would doesnt ive always wanted one thing thing would make life desirable again worth fighting for isnt part problem think used me turn created horrid perpetual cycle grief internal pain dont want live anymore im grateful years ive had ive made pretty far im exhausted maybe thats okay wish best dont plan im guessing time will im tired pushing feel better completely honest you dont believe better real thing" ]
¿Cuál es el punto significa saber gran punto personalmente qué punto nada izquierda lucha forive crecido mucho dolor constante dolor diario no hay nada trae la fuente felicidad incluso contentamiento im incapaz aferrarse a las relaciones mentalmente i pánico plagado fuerte depresión pesada físicamente auto inmune problemas estomacales añadir fatiga energía drenada identidad sabia ive nunca se sintió piel cómoda realmente no me importa mucho más gente lo que una cosa querría que es grande pensar que no existe deseo no siempre quiere una cosa haría que la vida deseable otra vez vale la pena luchar por istnt parte problema creo que me ha utilizado turno creado horrible ciclo perpetuo dolor interno dolor no quiero vivir más im años agradecidos ive había hecho bastante im exhausto tal vez que está bien deseo mejor no plan im conjeturar tiempo im cansado empujar sentirse mejor completamente honesto no creo mejor real
numbanyone else feels really numb feel like youre going motions every single fucking day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "numbanyone else feels really numb feel like youre going motions every single fucking day" ]
entumecimientoo alguien más se siente realmente entumecido sentir como si estuvieras haciendo movimientos todos los putos días
kind of quit gaming yes read right quit reasons pc crashes lot specs gb ram nvidia geforce gtx a now pc lags bad af completely crashed know would say buybuildupgrade pc cannot spend huge amount money pc dad running temper looking activity pc bored wanna quit want get productive waste sorry use this gamers time gaming want grow my life gaming kinda avoiding that rocket league valorant csgo minecraft games deleting everything gtexcept minecraftlt refreshing mind mean never will games useless harmful play games people cant move on gtill earn money buy nice psxboxlt im expressing encouraging quitting games wanna say life fucking life
[ "kind of quit gaming yes read right quit reasons pc crashes lot specs gb ram nvidia geforce gtx a now pc lags bad af completely crashed know would say buybuildupgrade pc cannot spend huge amount money pc dad running temper looking activity pc bored wanna quit want get productive waste sorry use this gamers time gaming want grow my life gaming kinda avoiding that rocket league valorant csgo minecraft games deleting everything gtexcept minecraftlt refreshing mind mean never will games useless harmful play games people cant move on gtill earn money buy nice psxboxlt im expressing encouraging quitting games wanna say life fucking life" ]
tipo de dejar de jugar sí leer derecho dejar razones PC choques lote especificaciones gb ram nvidia geforce gtx un ahora pc lags malo af completamente estrellado saber diría buybuildupgrade PC no puede gastar una gran cantidad de dinero pc papá funcionamiento temperamento buscando actividad pc aburrido querer dejar de querer conseguir residuos productivos uso de este juego de tiempo jugadores quieren crecer mi vida juego como evitar que la liga de cohetes valorante csgo juegos minecraft eliminación de todo gtexcepto minecraftlt refrescante mente significa que nunca los juegos inútiles juego dañinos gente no puede moverse en gtil ganar dinero comprar agradable psxboxlt im expresar animando dejar los juegos quieren decir vida mierda vida
know n word bad but look white black even american topic really big issue look watching much american entertainment content swear words kinda feel right reason nword seem like bad thing maybe cause seeing black dudes say homies idk word exactly sounds bad talking among friends
[ "know n word bad but look white black even american topic really big issue look watching much american entertainment content swear words kinda feel right reason nword seem like bad thing maybe cause seeing black dudes say homies idk word exactly sounds bad talking among friends" ]
know n word mal but look white black even american topic really big issue look watch much american entertainment content jure words like feel right razón nword parece algo malo tal vez porque ver a tipos negros dicen homies idk word exactamente suena mal hablando entre amigos
wow even better expected best animated astrix movie ever feels good hear roger carel voice astrix again surely recommend everyone likes comic books astrix suggest go see french version cause surely best hear original cast know roger carel played astrix nearly forty years think marvelous job song cline dion end fits rally good end credits music good drawings good actors wonderful word masterpiece go see it regret this
[ "wow even better expected best animated astrix movie ever feels good hear roger carel voice astrix again surely recommend everyone likes comic books astrix suggest go see french version cause surely best hear original cast know roger carel played astrix nearly forty years think marvelous job song cline dion end fits rally good end credits music good drawings good actors wonderful word masterpiece go see it regret this" ]
wow aún mejor esperada mejor animado astrix película nunca se siente bien escuchar roger carel voz astrix otra vez seguramente recomendar a todo el mundo como cómics astrix sugerir ir ver versión francesa porque seguramente mejor escuchar original elenco saber roger carel jugado astrix casi cuarenta años pensar maravilloso trabajo cline dion final encaja rally buen final créditos música buenos dibujos buenos actores maravillosa palabra obra maestra ir ver lamenta esto
leave positive impact ending lifeall want life make others happy really hate though simply cant put living myself possible im thinking ending life really soon get need it thing im probably gonna spontaneously disappear every community im in want everyones last memory positive one make sure last thing people hear something good think back theyll happy there sad im gone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "leave positive impact ending lifeall want life make others happy really hate though simply cant put living myself possible im thinking ending life really soon get need it thing im probably gonna spontaneously disappear every community im in want everyones last memory positive one make sure last thing people hear something good think back theyll happy there sadim gone" ]
Deja el impacto positivo fin de la vida Todos quieren la vida hacer felices a otros realmente odio aunque simplemente no puedo poner la vida yo mismo posible pensar terminar la vida muy pronto lo necesito cosa im probablemente va a desaparecer espontáneamente cada comunidad im en desea todos último recuerdo positivo uno asegurarse de que la última cosa que la gente oye algo bueno pensar de nuevo ellos serán felices allí sadim ido
ok but america shit china wants reality ends harming american people ever china
[ "ok but america shit china wants reality ends harming american people ever china" ]
Ok pero América mierda China quiere realidad termina dañando a la gente americana siempre China
im gonna try make io game using webserver got ideas guys good ideas type game make running webserver fancy d graphics
[ "im gonna try make io game using webserver got ideas guys good ideas type game make running webserver fancy d graphics" ]
Im va a tratar de hacer io juego con webserver tiene ideas chicos buenas ideas tipo juego hacer correr webserver fantasía d gráficos
free award award to edit award given stop flooding notifications
[ "free award award to edit award given stop flooding notifications" ]
Premio gratuito para editar premio dado parar notificaciones de inundaciones
im overwhelmed first nobody need help nobody loves cares me try get help internet sites like quora gives answers triggers anxiety saying rely anyone love even nobody else like wtf bitch stfu wanted relatable answer could make feel less alone made feel guilty depressed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im overwhelmed first nobody need help nobody loves cares me try get help internet sites like quora gives answers triggers anxiety saying rely anyone love even nobody else like wtf bitch stfu wanted relatable answer could make feel less alone made feel guilty depressed" ]
Im abrumado primero nadie necesita ayuda nadie ama me cuida tratar de conseguir ayuda sitios de internet como quora da respuestas desencadena la ansiedad diciendo confiar en nadie más amor incluso nadie como wtf perra stfu quería respuesta relatable podría hacer sentir menos solo se siente culpable deprimido
stopi cant stop thinking best friends redflag years keep examining everything pain mention like matters even every thought done hell still dead ill still
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stopi cant stop thinking best friends redflag years keep examining everything pain mention like matters even every thought done hell still dead ill still" ]
stopi no puede dejar de pensar que los mejores amigos de la bandera roja años siguen examinando todo lo que el dolor menciona como importa incluso cada pensamiento hecho infierno todavía muerto enfermo todavía
last weeks serious hell suicidal thoughts years never cuz scared honestly really think fearful death anymore rlly good support systems got kicked something dumb weeks ago facing homelessness soon uncle close unfortunately passed away mental health seriously declining pushed everyone away point anymore feel like going get worse worse want happening want anymore fuck exhausted nsfw guess see reason go tbh think time up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "last weeks serious hell suicidal thoughts years never cuz scared honestly really think fearful death anymore rlly good support systems got kicked something dumb weeks ago facing homelessness soon uncle close unfortunately passed away mental health seriously declining pushed everyone away point anymore feel like going get worse worse want happening want anymore fuck exhausted nsfw guess see reason go tbh think time up" ]
las últimas semanas serio infierno pensamientos suicidas años nunca cuz asustado honestamente realmente pensar muerte miedo ya rlly buenos sistemas de apoyo fue pateado algo tonto semanas hace enfrentarse a la falta de vivienda pronto tío cerca desafortunadamente falleció salud mental seriamente declinando empujado a todos lejos punto más se siente como ir peor peor querer pasar más mierda agotado nsfw adivinar ver razón ir tbh pensar tiempo para arriba
im currently years old think ever happyim currently years old know anymore life know anymore live within group pretty big friends we around thing is many friends really hard find close one find someone talk everyday fun everyday etc always wanted best friend my best friend went japan although hes going return brazil november also always wanted girlfriend like really always wanted someone love me make feel important make feel well terrible crush experiences past felt would never girlfriend reason girl like me guess what currently girlfriend months in really cares me loves me makes feel one important person world even gave tons love letters gave shirt one picture frame us put bedroom pendant letter l both names start l lot candies she knows like chocolates valentine guess what still feel like shit im insecure everything reasons doubt her seen everything her know bitch anything always problems cheating me ending losing somehow guess would could call possessive really trying better really try to cant fucking fail man worthy her disrespect way suffered depression still do led possessive girlfriend im scared cant stop possessive matter try even though obvious give up since really loves me also started go therapies taking medications although weak really help me im weak skinny weigh around kg that would around pounds cant get fatter metabolism really crazy matter much eat like meal per day still hardly get fatter cant grow muscle all because well give going gym while leads next thing want get chest motivation anything like one day might sudden burst motivation something really good go gym like previously said good something ie drums guitar sport competitive videogames start projects week so lose motivation had therapist said always used everything easy easy me challenges appears like getting good videogame learning guitar end giving up like years cant anything cant maintain routine cant mantain healthy lifestyle this installed app would remind drink water everyday hour because rarely remember to first weeks fine like schedule give fuck anymore gave up also really affects grades highschool since create routine study everyday well exams guess what give too hardest part cant help it cant help all try best lose motivation end losing sometimes redflag thoughts appear head end considering it thing stopping devastated family girlfriend would commit it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im currently years old think ever happyim currently years old know anymore life know anymore live within group pretty big friendswe around thing is many friends really hard find close one find someone talk everyday fun everyday etc always wanted best friend my best friend went japan although hes going return brazil november also always wanted girlfriend like really always wanted someone love me make feel important make feel well terrible crush experiences past felt would never girlfriend reason girl like me guess what currently girlfriend months in really cares me loves me makes feel one important person world even gave tons love letters gave shirt one picture frame us put bedroom pendant letter l both names start l lot candies she knows like chocolates valentine guess what still feel like shit im insecure everything reasons doubt her seen everything her know bitch anything always problems cheating me ending losing somehow guess would could call possessive really trying better really try to cant fucking fail man worthy her disrespect way suffered depression still do led possessive girlfriend", "im scared cant stop possessive matter try even though obvious give up since really loves me also started go therapies taking medications although weak really help me im weak skinny weigh around kg that would around pounds cant get fatter metabolism really crazy matter much eat like meal per day still hardly get fatter cant grow muscle all because well give going gym while leads next thing want get chest motivation anything like one day might sudden burst motivation something really good go gym like previously said good something ie drums guitar sport competitive videogames start projects week so lose motivation had therapist said always used everything easy easy me challenges appears like getting good videogame learning guitar end giving up like years cant anything cant maintain routine cant mantain healthy lifestyle this installed app would remind drink water everyday hour because rarely remember to first weeks fine like schedule give fuck anymore gave up also really affects grades highschool since create routine study", "everyday well exams guess what give too hardest part cant help it cant help all try best lose motivation end losing sometimes redflag thoughts appear head end considering it thing stopping devastated family girlfriend would commit it" ]
Im actualmente años de edad piensan siempre happyim actualmente años de edad ya saben la vida más vivir dentro de grupo amigos bastante grandes que alrededor de la cosa es muchos amigos realmente difícil encontrar cerca de encontrar a alguien hablar todos los días diversión etc siempre quise mejor amigo mi mejor amigo fue Japón aunque él va a volver Brasil noviembre también siempre quise novia como realmente siempre quería alguien me quiere hacer sentir importante hacer sentir bien terribles experiencias de amor pasado sentido nunca novia razón chica como yo adivina lo que actualmente novia meses en realmente me cuida me ama hace sentir una persona importante mundo incluso dio toneladas de amor cartas dio camisa una foto marco poner dormitorio colgante carta l ambos nombres inicio l muchos dulces ella sabe como chocolates valentine adivinar lo que todavía se siente como mierda insegura todo razones duda ella vio todo lo que sabe perra siempre problemas engañarme terminar perdiendo de alguna manera adivinar podría llamar posesivo realmente intentar mejor tratar de mierda hombre digno de su falta de respeto sufrió depresión todavía le llevó novia posesiva
yes reviewers already stated may vintage lh far worst work th century stupidi mean fox film certainly basic ingredients things go wrong boys serious approach determination makes funny play laughs comedians might take work situation quite seriously essence eternal humor film faced basic issues really might encountered one us today namely job related stress first would get checked doctor would prescribe much needed rest perhaps staying sea thats surrealness comes this lh always take plausible set circumstances exaggerate never point incredible except maybe awhile makes us laugh relate self caused predicaments attempts extrication thats makes stan ollie universal appeal film ingredients presented delightfully artful gracefully slapstick way best comparison earlier work probably actual last film roach wanted mirror big studios go making features exclusively also wanted hurry finish contractual obligation big mistake stayed together continued maybe five years world may missed considering option watch laugh enjoy last great performance
[ "yes reviewers already stated may vintage lh far worst work th centurystupidi mean fox film certainly basic ingredients things go wrong boys serious approach determination makes funny play laughs comedians might take work situation quite seriously essence eternal humor film faced basic issues really might encountered one us today namely job related stress first would get checked doctor would prescribe much needed rest perhaps staying sea thats surrealness comes this lh always take plausible set circumstances exaggerate never point incredible except maybe awhile makes us laugh relate self caused predicaments attempts extrication thats makes stan ollie universal appeal film ingredients presented delightfully artful gracefully slapstick way best comparison earlier work probably actual last film roach wanted mirror big studios go making features exclusively also wanted hurry finish contractual obligation big mistake stayed together continued maybe five years world may missed considering option watch laugh enjoy last great performance" ]
sí revisores ya declarado puede vintage lh mucho peor trabajo th siglostupidi medio zorro película ciertamente ingredientes básicos cosas van mal chicos enfoque serio determinación hace divertido juego risas comediantes podría tomar situación de trabajo bastante seriamente esencia humor eterno película se enfrentaba problemas básicos realmente podría encontrarse con uno hoy en día es decir, trabajo relacionado estrés primero se comprobaría doctor prescribiría mucho descanso muy necesario tal vez permanecer mar que surrealismo viene esto lh siempre tomar circunstancias plausibles exagerado nunca punto increíble excepto tal vez un tiempo nos hace reír relación auto causados predicamentos intentos extrication que hace stan ollie universal atractivo ingredientes de película presentado deliciosamente arte elegantemente slatchway mejor comparación anterior trabajo probablemente real último cucaracha de película quería espejo grandes estudios ir características exclusivamente también quería terminar prisa obligación contractual gran error se mantuvo juntos continuación tal vez cinco años mundo puede perder considerando opción ver risa disfrutar el último gran rendimiento
giving upim point care anymore im twenties broke make own cant live home situation toxic job rent greater paycheck license car commute work bus desperately want place want happy safe matter what ill never it im stupid get good job one pays decent salary degree im skilled im competent enough cant take this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "giving upim point care anymoreim twenties broke make own cant live home situation toxic job rent greater paycheck license car commute work bus desperately want place want happy safe matter what illnever it im stupid get good job one pays decent salary degree im skilled im competent enough cant take this" ]
Abandonar upim punto de atención másim veinte años rotos hacer propia no puede vivir casa situación trabajo tóxico alquiler mayor salario licencia coche conmutar trabajo autobús desesperadamente quiere lugar quiere feliz materia segura lo que nunca males es estúpido conseguir buen trabajo uno paga salario decente grado im cualificado im competente lo suficientemente no puede tomar esto
exceptions made mind wanting wan make parents sad starting seem like care got till birthday
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "exceptions made mind wanting wan make parents sad starting seem like care got till birthday" ]
excepciones me hicieron pensar en querer a Wan hacer que los padres tristes empezar parecen cuidados hasta el cumpleaños
homies smash passed titanic victims httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvssjxvezxvm
[ "homies smash passed titanic victims httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvssjxvezxvm" ]
Las víctimas titánicas han sido derrotadas por amigos httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvssjxvezxvm
anyone listen yun head songs pretty lit tho
[ "anyone listen yun head songs pretty lit tho" ]
cualquiera escucha canciones de tu cabeza bastante iluminadas
one last post herepretty sure lost best friend redflag dont hear tonight im ending too im sorry edit alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one last post herepretty sure lost best friend redflag dont hear tonight im ending too im sorry edit alive" ]
un último post aquí bastante seguro perdido mejor amigo Redflag no escuchar esta noche final im demasiado lo siento editar vivo
discord server server kingdom lizbania small growing server teens teens would like join kingdom please dm
[ "discord server server kingdom lizbania small growing server teens teens would like join kingdom please dm" ]
discordancia servidor servidor reino lizbania pequeño creciente servidor adolescentes adolescentes les gustaría unirse al reino por favor dm
puzzle lifeits almost funny one even notices knows true feelings deep emotional breakdown im going im unable really express truly feel inside say wanna live seen bad overrated overreacted meaningless damn im really sick thing called life think soon ill gather courage selfish levels need kill myself feel inside building up bulging odd feeling something wrong different previous times ive feeling similar stronger different stronger me soon enough people regret trying connect earlier probably sooner later theyll find letter too little piece ask omg see this could calm conscience needed need regrets tears blaming guilt certainly want die either cant keep going want pain stop literally make stop killing myself wish way could that rewind tape back lets say six years ago id say people die redflag foolish selfish ironically understand that think nothing luck decisions take embody actions lead us closer closer appear happen us next like puzzle puzzle life bring pieces together decisions actions inseparable theyre us were them follow rules puzzle life feel every single decision made life getting closer closer end im finding right now early days school closed isolated others followed aftermaths more following way feel think acting accordingly that slowly surely im led end edge hope bliss love real descending darkness inner self losing ability construct real point view constructing one real handle reality crushes way escape disappearing appearance disappearing suffering it pain inevitable choice moment great despair notion choice deadly one see me hear me touch me life empty thats me now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "puzzle lifeits almost funny one even notices knows true feelings deep emotional breakdown im going im unable really express truly feel inside say wanna live seen bad overrated overreacted meaningless", "damn im really sick thing called life think soon ill gather courage selfish levels need kill myself feel inside building up bulging odd feeling something wrong different previous times ive feeling similar stronger different stronger me soon enough people regret trying connect earlier probably sooner later theyll find letter too little piece ask omg see this could calm conscience needed need regrets tears blaming guilt certainly want die either cant keep going want pain stop literally make stop killing myself wish way could that rewind tape back lets say six years ago id say people die redflag foolish selfish ironically understand that think nothing luck decisions take embody actions lead us closer closer appear happen us next like puzzle puzzle life bring pieces together decisions actions inseparable theyre us were them follow rules puzzle life feel every single decision made life getting closer closer end im finding right now early days school closed isolated others followed aftermaths more following way feel think acting accordingly that slowly surely im led end edge hope bliss love real descending darkness inner self losing ability construct real point view constructing one real handle reality crushes way escape disappearing appearance disappearing suffering it pain inevitable choice moment great despair notion choice deadly one see me hear me touch me life empty thats me now" ]
puzzle vida es casi divertido uno incluso nota sabe verdaderos sentimientos profundo colapso emocional im ir im realmente incapaz expresar realmente sentir dentro de decir querer vivir visto mal sobrevalorado exagerado sin sentido
mouse ran across fucking counter trying grab honey fucker ran right behind scared shit outta me im either gonna abundance cats like idiot drive crazy trying care fuck hate mice
[ "mouse ran across fucking counter trying grab honey fucker ran right behind scared shit outta meim either gonna abundance cats like idiot drive crazy trying care fuck hate mice" ]
ratón corrió a través de mierda contador tratando de agarrar miel hijo de puta corrió justo detrás de miedo mierda de meim o va a abundancia gatos como idiota conducir loco tratando de cuidado mierda odio ratones
corpses fans opposite fans try cancel every opportunity get lol recently started rumor fucking dog
[ "corpses fans opposite fans try cancel every opportunity get lol recently started rumor fucking dog" ]
Cadáveres fans opuestos fans tratar de cancelar cada oportunidad obtener Lol recientemente comenzó rumor puto perro
think people used saying want drug deathhe said many times annoying were used it drug death
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think people used saying want drug deathhe said many times annoying were used it drug death" ]
Creo que la gente solía decir que quería la muerte de las drogas. Dijo que muchas veces molestaba que se usara la muerte de las drogas.
til dont think actually get helpi went psychiatrist didnt get diagnosed straight told depression anxiety followed saying really suicidal im going put inpatient care make sure safe pretty much asked things looked made realize suicidal pretty much scared actually admitting want need help lied said plans future tell everyone else cant even get meds bc im shits going get worse cant get anything done bc sleep dont sleep cant get anything done bc procrastinate cant even finish single load laundry start everything never finish im always deep back out make friends never actually get close them im pretty sure accidentally lead people avoid friendship bc everything going get weird awkward like last year actually told two friends thought comfortable talking bc would listen abt really suicidal beginning year as changed better dont acknowledge talk essentially summarize said oh feel like got used lying faking im thinking killing every waking moment crying sleep sleeping chance get bc better way cope cant actually open person problems tldr talking psychiatristfriends made paranoid made lying norm im afraid actually getting help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "til dont think actually get helpi went psychiatrist didnt get diagnosed straight told depression anxiety followed saying really suicidal im going put inpatient care make sure safe pretty much asked things looked made realize suicidal pretty much scared actually admitting want need help lied said plans future tell everyone else cant even get meds bcim shits going get worse cant get anything done bc sleep dont sleep cant get anything done bc procrastinate cant even finish single load laundry start everything never finish im always deep back out make friends never actually get close themim pretty sure accidentally lead people avoid friendship bc everything going get weird awkward like last year actually told two friends thought comfortable talking bc would listen abt really suicidal beginning year as changed better dont acknowledge talk essentially summarize said oh feel like got used lying faking im thinking killing every waking moment crying sleep sleeping chance get bc better way cope cant actually open person problems tldr talking psychiatristfriends made paranoid made lying norm im afraid actually getting help" ]
Hasta que no creo que realmente conseguir helpi fue psiquiatra no se diagnosticó directamente a la depresión la ansiedad siguió diciendo realmente suicida im va a poner atención hospitalaria asegúrese de seguro bastante preguntas cosas hizo realidad suicida bastante asustado realmente admitir necesidad de ayuda mentira dijo planes futuro decir a todos los demás ni siquiera conseguir meds bcim mierdas va a empeorar no conseguir nada hacer bc sueño no dormir no puede conseguir nada hecho bc procrastinate cant incluso terminar una sola carga lavandería empezar todo nunca terminar im siempre muy atrás hacer amigos nunca llegar cerca de ellos muy seguro accidentalmente conducir a la gente evitar amistad bc todo va a ser raro incómodo como el año pasado en realidad dijo dos amigos pensó que cómodo hablar bc escucharía abt realmente suicida principio año como cambió mejor no reconocer hablar esencialmente resumen dijo oh siento como se utiliza mentira fingiendo im pensar matar cada momento despierto llorando sueño oportunidad conseguir mejor manera de hacer frente puede abrir persona problemas tldr hablar psiquiatra amigos hizo mentira norma im miedo
isolation constant need validation comfort etc cannot get things depression mixed redflag paranoia obsessive thoughts people get it living hpd makes pain cannot handle living this supposed reach to parents think good enough rest judge stare me call crazy genuinely feel id even pay someone give chance let hang weekend feel like going go crazy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "isolation constant need validation comfort etc cannot get things depression mixed redflag paranoia obsessive thoughts people get it living hpd makes pain cannot handle living this supposed reach to parents think good enough rest judge stare me call crazy genuinely feel id even pay someone give chance let hang weekend feel like going go crazy" ]
aislamiento constante necesidad validación comodidad etc no puede conseguir cosas depresión mixta paranoia bandera roja pensamientos obsesivos la gente lo consigue vivir HPD hace el dolor no puede soportar vivir este supuesto alcance a los padres piensan lo suficientemente bien descanso juez me llama loco realmente sentir id incluso pagar a alguien dar oportunidad dejar pasar el fin de semana se siente como ir loco
years good run im ready go nervous breakdown park managers stealing peoples rent marking unpaid owe two months rent took cashim point saw manager douchebag spray tanned son would literally jokingly hypothetically murder pair scissors killing myself im seething rage anger im ready die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "years good run im ready go nervous breakdown park managers stealing peoples rent marking unpaid owe two months rent took cashim point saw manager douchebag spray tanned son would literally jokingly hypothetically murder pair scissors killing myself im seething rage anger im ready die" ]
años buena ejecución im listo ir nerviosa descomposición gerentes de parque robar gente alquiler no pagado debe dos meses de alquiler se llevó cashim punto vio gerente idiota spray bronceado hijo literalmente en broma hipotéticamente asesinato par de tijeras matándome im seanting rabia ira im prepárate morir
repost time flair thanks welcome back mods happened reddit past year shellnut excluding obvious stuff like covid related posts protesting hey um ive coma using reddit bit whole year decided come back here given way platform works might missed couple things yeet
[ "repost time flair thanks welcome back mods happened reddit past year shellnut excluding obvious stuff like covid related posts protesting hey um ive coma using reddit bit whole year decided come back here given way platform works might missed couple things yeet" ]
repost tiempo estilo gracias bienvenida volver mods sucedió reddit el año pasado shellnut excluyendo cosas obvias como covid relacionados posts protestando hey um ive coma usando reddit poco todo el año decidió volver aquí dado trabajo de plataforma podría perderse un par de cosas yeet
ok heres thing brush teeth spit toothpaste regularly wait end done brushing spit haves know
[ "ok heres thing brush teeth spit toothpaste regularly wait end done brushing spit haves know" ]
ok heres cosa cepillar dientes escupir pasta de dientes regularmente esperar final hecho cepillar escupir tiene saber
expecting powerful filmmaking experience girlfight indie lowbudget bigname actors freshman director heard good goodbr br placed contemporary ethnic workingclass brooklyn karyn kusama done extraordinary job capturing daydoday struggles urban latinos diana protagonist seething anger lashes high school peers getting trouble school friends raised single father appears love brother applies strict sexbased double standard children fathers double standard illustrated fact tiny brother taking boxing lessons local gym diana denied similar pursuits errand gym meet tiny diana captivated boxing tiny like boxing diana trade places gets money dad gives diana take lessons placebr br this actually feelgood movie diana grows learns boxing meets guy addresses serious issues headon theres giggly everything go right go right resolution la bend like beckham reality attendant personal issues big pat resolutions opinion girlfight better satisfying film it
[ "expecting powerful filmmaking experience girlfight indie lowbudget bigname actors freshman director heard good goodbr br placed contemporary ethnic workingclass brooklyn karyn kusama done extraordinary job capturing daydoday struggles urban latinos diana protagonist seething anger lashes high school peers getting trouble school friends raised single father appears love brother applies strict sexbased double standard children fathers double standard illustrated fact tiny brother taking boxing lessons local gym diana denied similar pursuits errand gym meet tiny diana captivated boxing tiny like boxing diana trade places gets money dad gives diana take lessons placebr br this actually feelgood movie diana grows learns boxing meets guy addresses serious issues headon theres giggly everything go right go right resolution la bend like beckham reality attendant personal issues big pat resolutions opinion girlfight better satisfying filmit" ]
esperando una experiencia de cine poderosa lucha de chicas indie bajo presupuesto grandes actores de primer año director oído buena br br puesto contemporáneo clase trabajadora étnica brooklyn karyn kusama hecho trabajo extraordinario captura díadodía luchas urbano latino diana protagonista seanthing ira compañeros de escuela secundaria conseguir problemas amigos de la escuela criado padre soltero parece amor hermano aplica estricto sexo basado en doble estándar niños padres doble estándar ilustrado hecho pequeño hermano tomando clases de boxeo local gym diana negated similares actividades mandado y gimnasio conocer diminuta diana cautivado boxeo diminuta como boxeo diana lugares de comercio consigue dinero papá da diana tomar lecciones placebr br esta realmente se siente buena película diana crece aprender boxeo chico aborda graves problemas headon theres risa todo ir a la derecha ir a la derecha la curva como beckham realidad asistente asuntos personales gran pata resoluciones opinión chica lucha mejor satisfactoria filmit