agtb a text post wknds b image post turn fucking polls moderators
[ "agtb a text post wknds b image post turn fucking polls moderators" ]
agtb a text post wknds b image post turn putos moderadores de encuestas
fiend pretty severe depression sum fast hes depressed onoff long time months ago attempted suicide went hospital therapy sessions month did work fight doctor pills tonight hes revealed pills work like thought still depressed tries best silence suicidal thoughts still even though says pills make fuzzy personally ocd suffered while depressive stint years ago even mental health journey giving tips finding hope believe hes catching on seeing reason try know tell him help anymore with anybody suggestions maybe next please let know need help friend here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fiend pretty severe depression sum fast hes depressed onoff long time months ago attempted suicide went hospital therapy sessions month did work fight doctor pills tonight hes revealed pills work like thought still depressed tries best silence suicidal thoughts still even though says pills make fuzzy personally ocd suffered while depressive stint years ago even mental health journey giving tips finding hope believe hes catching on seeing reasontry know tell him help anymore with anybody suggestions maybe next please let know need help friend here" ]
Fiend bastante severa depresión suma rápido hes deprimido apagado hace mucho tiempo intento de suicidio fue hospital terapia sesiones mes hizo trabajo lucha píldoras médico esta noche hes reveló píldoras trabajo como pensamiento todavía deprimido intenta mejor silencio pensamientos suicidas a pesar de que dice píldoras hacer peludo personalmente ocd sufrido mientras que depresivo tiempo hace años incluso viaje de salud mental dando consejos encontrar esperanza creen que está capturando en ver razonar saber decirle ayuda más con cualquiera sugerencias tal vez por favor deje saber necesita ayuda amigo aquí
day without gf yep were continuing
[ "day without gf yep were continuing" ]
día sin gf yep continuaban
want outive dealt depression suicidal thoughts years seriousness reason havent killed yet mom reason left stay here however dumb ass something really bad back found it said best herself parentchild relationship requires trust lost hers put shit years think last straw dont see point going forward anymore especially mother despises like now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want outive dealt depression suicidal thoughts years seriousness reason havent killed yet mom reason left stay here however dumb ass something really bad back found it said best herself parentchild relationship requires trust lost hers put shit years think last straw dont see point going forward anymore especially mother despises like now" ]
quiere outive trato depresión pensamientos suicidas años seriedad razón no han matado todavía mamá razón dejó quedarse aquí por tonto culo algo realmente malo espalda encontró dijo mejor ella misma relación padre hijo requiere confianza perdió años puso mierda creo último paja no ver punto seguir adelante más especialmente mamá desprecia como ahora
would even happen went hospitalim beyond depressed ive thought thousand different ways end it consequences come it genuinely sincerely believe nay know everyone life better without me im urged go emergency room people care me blind see care me lets say ill humor them hospital tell that sucks call redflag hotline certainly care explain stranger also say generic usual life worth living bullshit please really dont want generic crap people either want know er us would show tell im suicidal
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "would even happen went hospitalim beyond depressed ive thought thousand different ways end it consequences come it genuinely sincerely believe nay know everyone life better without me im urged go emergency room people care me blind see care me lets say ill humorthem hospital tell that sucks call redflag hotline certainly care explain stranger also say generic usual life worth living bullshit please really dont want generic crap people either want know er us would show tell im suicidal" ]
Incluso sucedería fuera hospitalim más allá de la depresión ive pensamiento mil diferentes maneras de acabar con las consecuencias viene realmente sinceramente creer no saber todos la vida mejor sin mí Im instado ir sala de emergencias personas me cuidan ciego ver cuidado me permite decir mal humortema hospital decirle que chupa llamada redflag línea directa sin duda cuidado explicar extraño también decir genérico vida habitual vale la pena vivir mierda por favor realmente no quieren mierda genérica personas bien quieren saber er nos mostrar a Im decir suicida
goodnight everyone hope good day something bad happened sleep off sleep good like dream good things make things target something thought would je wholesome turned waffle anyway love all especially harry idk anyone called harry like whatever night night
[ "goodnight everyone hope good day something bad happened sleep off sleep good like dream good things make things target something thought would je wholesome turned waffle anyway love all especially harry idk anyone called harry like whatever night night" ]
Buenas noches todos esperan un buen día algo malo sucedió dormir dormir bien como sueño cosas buenas hacer que las cosas objetivo algo pensado je sano convertido waffle de todos modos amor todo especialmente Harry Idk alguien llamado Harry como cualquier noche
cope feelingim weeks pregnant beautiful kids home loving husband good job although stressful mind much years ive struggled depression anxiety panic attacks good last years thanks medication ive taking today small argument husband this rare hardly argue raised voice saying something like this nobody likes you broke able stop crying ive cutting myself obvious summer means ill wear jacket everywhere now done awhile im scarred doctor put mental facility see it husband talking me im crying arm hurts cuts want die feel like years past coming back feeling need hurt cope pain way cope guys deal it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cope feelingim weeks pregnant beautiful kids home loving husband good job although stressful mind much years ive struggled depression anxiety panic attacks good last years thanks medication ive taking today small argument husband this rare hardly argue raised voice saying something like this nobody likes you broke able stop crying ive cutting myself obvious summer means ill wear jacket everywhere now done awhileim scarred doctor put mental facility see it husband talking me im crying arm hurts cuts want die feel like years past coming back feeling need hurt cope pain way cope guys deal it" ]
hacer frente a la sensaciónim semanas embarazada hermosos niños casa marido amoroso buen trabajo aunque la mente estresante muchos años ive lucha depresión ansiedad ataques de pánico bueno años pasados gracias medicamentos ive tomar hoy pequeña discusión marido este raro apenas discutir voz elevada diciendo algo como esto nadie le gusta roto capaz de dejar de llorar ive cortarme obvio verano significa mal desgaste chaqueta en todas partes ahora hecho unwhileim cicatrizado doctor poner centro mental ver marido que me habla im llanto brazo dolor cortes querer morir sentir como años pasados volver sentir dolor dolor hacer frente manera hacer frente chicos trato
life suckslike lot you ive also thought lot ending it never able though life constant struggle wish button end all click die abusive parents one biggest reasons today always wanted best never really loved me shouted screamed criticizedmaybe im problem nothing disappointment useless creature one ever give shit about cant stop pity myself cant stop crying cant anything good anyone ways end it simple painless possible
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life suckslike lot you ive also thought lot ending it never able though life constant struggle wish button end all click die abusive parents one biggest reasons today always wanted best never really loved me shouted screamed criticizedmaybeim problem nothing disappointment useless creature one ever give shit about cant stop pity myself cant stop crying cant anything good anyone ways end it simple painless possible" ]
la vida apesta como mucho usted live también pensó mucho terminar nunca es capaz aunque la vida constante lucha botón de deseo fin todo clic morir padres abusivos una razón más grande hoy siempre quise mejor nunca me amó gritado gritado criticadostal vez el problema de nada decepción criatura inútil uno nunca importa mierda sobre no puede parar la compasión yo mismo no puedo dejar de llorar nada bueno cualquier manera de terminar simplemente indoloro posible
considering redflag tonightdont know put here im depressed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "considering redflag tonightdont know put here im depressed" ]
Teniendo en cuenta la bandera roja esta noche no sé poner aquí deprimido
exams due today one first history math learning history history georgia math geometry
[ "exams due today one first history math learning history history georgia math geometry" ]
exámenes debidos hoy una primera historia matemáticas aprendizaje historia historia georgia geometría matemática
dont believe godi dont believe god wish would kill me brutal way possible dont care want die pain cant handle numb yet exhausting feeling wanting disappear fucking air want feel death fucking take say savior love children loved youd let die times wasnt enough th hopefully be
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont believe godi dont believe god wish would kill me brutal way possible dont care want die pain cant handle numb yet exhausting feeling wanting disappear fucking air want feel death fucking take say savior love children loved youd let die times wasnt enough th hopefully be" ]
No creas que godi no creas que Dios desea me mataría brutal manera posible no te importa querer morir dolor no puede manejar entumecimiento pero agotador sentimiento querer desaparecer puto aire querer sentir muerte mierda tomar decir salvador amor niños te amaba dejar morir tiempos no era suficiente con suerte ser
check new video if want httpsyoutubeavhzktnlqo
[ "check new video if want httpsyoutubeavhzktnlqo" ]
verifique el vídeo nuevo si desea httpsyoutubeavhzktnlqo
re really wanna dieim done looking forward vacation im happiest place earth disney forget problems soon im alone almost worse cant handle im strong enough give up im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "re really wanna dieim done looking forward vacation im happiest place earth disney forget problems soon im alone almost worse cant handle im strong enough give up im done" ]
Re realmente quiero dieim hecho mirando hacia adelante vacaciones im lugar más feliz tierra disney olvidar problemas pronto yo solo casi peor cant manejar im lo suficientemente fuerte renunciar a mí hecho
anyone watch hells kitchen im watching season forget season comes first dinner service always suck youre going hells kitchen arent supposed know good chance wont get served like going would eat full meal hours dinner service finally got meal would hungry ready rip someones head off
[ "anyone watch hells kitchen im watching season forget season comes first dinner service always suck youre going hells kitchen arent supposed know good chance wont get served like going would eat full meal hours dinner service finally got meal would hungry ready rip someones head off" ]
alguien mira infiernos cocina im ver temporada olvidar temporada viene primer servicio de cena siempre chupar youre ir infiernos cocina no se supone que buena oportunidad no se sirve como ir a comer horas completas cena servicio finalmente conseguiría comida hambre listo arrancar a alguien la cabeza
girls issue guys love men theyre nice handsome gorgeous kind them like night stuff still cross street im waking see man automatically get scared strange man looks me feel really guilty know guys arent like that anyone else
[ "girls issue guys love men theyre nice handsome gorgeous kind them like night stuff still cross street im waking see man automatically get scared strange man looks me feel really guilty know guys arent like that anyone else" ]
chicas tema chicos amor hombres son agradable guapo hermoso tipo ellos como cosas de la noche todavía cruz de la calle im despertar ver hombre automáticamente conseguir asustado extraño hombre me parece me siento realmente culpable saber los chicos no son como que cualquier otra persona
get told good guy sometimes drives near tears told nice am funny am dependable told many times different people things must true right guess good enough would hard find keep people life know sounds self serving pity party feel thoughts head realize understand priority anyone else wish knew someone thought sometimes complement upsets
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "get told good guy sometimes drives near tears told nice am funny am dependable told many times different people things must true right guess good enough would hard find keep people life know sounds self serving pity party feel thoughts head realize understand priority anyone else wish knew someone thought sometimes complement upsets" ]
se le dice a buen chico a veces conduce cerca de las lágrimas dijo agradable soy divertido soy confiable dijo muchas veces diferentes personas cosas deben verdad derecho conjetura bastante bien difícil encontrar mantener a la gente la vida sabe sonidos auto servicio compasión fiesta sentir pensamientos cabeza darse cuenta de entender prioridad cualquier otro deseo sabía que alguien pensó a veces complementar malestares
ur knees supposed touch putting feet together realized mine dont bcuz im underweight anything like that im lbs
[ "ur knees supposed touch putting feet together realized mine dont bcuz im underweight anything like that im lbs" ]
Las rodillas se supone que tocan poniendo los pies juntos se dio cuenta de que el mío no tiene peso inferior a lo normal.
society entitled anything scrap suffer eeek meager living also society how dare decide like life sucide wrongsociety hypocritical cant tell people sucide wrong try force stay alive expecting accept crappy life is someone want that life worth effort struggle everyone hell gain working crappy jobs jerking another years get cancer die want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "society entitled anything scrap suffer eeek meager living also society how dare decide like life sucide wrongsociety hypocritical cant tell people sucide wrong try force stay alive expecting accept crappy life is someone want that life worth effort struggle everyone hell gain working crappy jobs jerking another years get cancer die want" ]
sociedad titulada cualquier chatarra sufren eeek escasa vida también sociedad cómo se atreven a decidir como la vida sucide malsociedad hipócrita no le dicen a la gente sucide mal intento fuerza seguir con vida esperando aceptar mierda vida es alguien quiere que la vida vale la pena esfuerzo lucha todos infierno ganar trabajo trabajos de mierda masturbando otros años conseguir cáncer morir quieren
high person moment ask high person stuff abt typa shit go
[ "high person moment ask high person stuffabt typa shit go" ]
alta persona momento preguntar alta persona stastabt tipo mierda ir
im trying take test flies sex right next me want bother swatting away also want get bad grade test distracted flies sex
[ "im trying take test flies sex right next me want bother swatting away also want get bad grade test distracted flies sex" ]
Im tratando de tomar prueba moscas sexo a continuación me quiero molestar swatching lejos también quiero obtener mala prueba de grado distraído moscas sexo
hlots outstanding series nypd blue never be hlots plots real dialog real relationships real hlots back movie tying loose ends good gang back together even passed away show wont say how storyline fast paced emotional full spirit series week week out homicide life streets network drama best stars thumbs that thanks nbc giving us finally get
[ "hlots outstanding series nypd blue never be hlots plots real dialog real relationships real hlots back movie tying loose ends good gang back together even passed away show wont say how storyline fast paced emotional full spirit series week week out homicide life streets network drama best stars thumbs that thanks nbc giving us finally get" ]
hlots serie excepcional nypd azul nunca ser hlots tramas diálogo real relaciones reales hlots back película atar cabos sueltos buena banda volver juntos incluso falleció show no dirá cómo historia ritmo rápido emocional completo espíritu serie semana fuera homicidios vida calles red drama mejores estrellas pulgares que gracias nBC nos dan finalmente conseguir
suffering depression redflag couple years now rd year university year left really know that seriously considering dropping out feel know anything good anything feel never get job even do suck it really like study also anything else like done internships sucked both hated every bit iti supposed another internship part course still able even start applying thinking fact sit interview makes anxious get panic attacks think ever able job every time read job post feel incompetent write cover letter say good anything hence want drop outbut drop out doif finish last year whatuni expensive parents paying it really want pay year nothingi feel like loser confidence friends always lonely sad crying need advice
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suffering depression redflag couple years now rd year university year left really know that seriously considering dropping out feel know anything good anything feel never get job even do suck it really like study also anything else like done internships sucked both hated every bit iti supposed another internship part course still able even start applying thinking fact sit interview makes anxious get panic attacks think ever able job every time read job post feel incompetent write cover letter say good anything hence want drop outbut drop out doif finish last yearwhatuni expensive parents paying it really want pay year nothingi feel like loser confidence friends always lonely sad crying need advice" ]
Sufriendo depresión par de años ahora tercer año universidad año izquierda realmente saber que seriamente considerando abandonar sentir nada bueno nada se siente nunca conseguir trabajo incluso hacer chupar realmente como estudio también cualquier otra cosa como hecho pasantías chupado ambos odiado cada bit iti supuesto otro curso de pasantía todavía capaz incluso empezar a aplicar pensamiento hecho entrevista de sentarse hace ansioso conseguir ataques de pánico pensar siempre capaz trabajo cada vez leer trabajo post se siente incompetente escribir carta de presentación decir bueno cualquier cosa por lo tanto quiere abandonar pero abandonar doif final el año pasado lo que los padres caros pagar realmente quieren pagar año nada me siento como perdedor confianza amigos solitarios triste necesidad consejo
wish brave enoughi feel terrible actually got point point really wishing life would go away brave enough anything it bpd since live uk getting help pretty much massive fight waiting years far therapy classed serious actually attempted redflag yet reason mother told ever tried would furious cant deal thought dying hating me im stuck living nothing able kill myself hate much living stupid country also means unlikely able get help least years many antidepressants none worked most reacted badly to lofepramine say work take away offer support know anymore cant live like cant die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish brave enoughi feel terrible actually got point point really wishing life would go away brave enough anythingit bpd since live uk getting help pretty much massive fight waiting years far therapy classed serious actually attempted redflag yet reason mother told ever tried would furious cant deal thought dying hating me im stuck living nothing able kill myself hate much living stupid country also means unlikely able get help least years many antidepressants none worked most reacted badly to lofepramine say work take away offer support know anymore cant live like cant die" ]
Deseo valiente suficientemente me siento terrible realmente tengo punto punto realmente deseo la vida se iría lo suficientemente valiente bpd ya que vivo uk conseguir ayuda bastante masiva lucha espera años terapia clase seria en realidad intento rojo sin embargo razón madre dijo nunca intentó furioso trato cant pensamiento moribundo odio mí me pegada vivir nada capaz de matarme odio mucho vida estúpido país también significa poco probable capaz de obtener ayuda al menos años muchos antidepresivos ninguno trabajó más reaccionó mal a lofepramina decir trabajo quitar ofrecer apoyo saber más no puede vivir como no puede morir
still herei know keep going still keep walking waking everyday come point nights lay bed wish dead point feel like useless anything anyway overweight since young doctors cannot find anything lots tests diticians know done multiple sports went sporting centers personal trainers etc one clue cant lose weight balding since which also good already almost non existent self confidence gay course look cannot find anyone alone bullied friends keep turning back looking reason done probably parents everytime wanne try see mind tearing family apart even bringing problems die feel empty feel up done whatever call it want take medication cause side effects would make feel worse know point really feel like far stuck even killing impossible bring many problems feel like mind tearing apart inside wanted barely loved cannot anything right fat lowly loser forever worthless point self confidence everytime manage get small bit broken becomes even harder build up still alive gets better say yeah sure living suicidal depression years still trying think gets better yeah work maybe late anyway things would get better would gotten better now really think work longer going happen me never get chance good future anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "still herei know keep going still keep walking waking everyday come point nights lay bed wish dead point feel like useless anything anyway overweight since young doctors cannot find anything lots tests diticians know done multiple sports went sporting centers personal trainers etc one clue cant lose weight balding since which also good already almost non existent self confidence gay course look cannot find anyone alone bullied friends keep turning back looking reason done probably parents everytime wanne try see mind tearing family apart even bringing problems die feel empty feel up done whatever call it want take medication cause side effects would make feel worse know point really feel like far stuck even killing impossible bring many problems feel like mind tearing apart inside wanted barely loved cannot anything right fat lowly loser forever worthless point self confidence everytime manage get small bit broken becomes even harder build up still alive gets better sayyeah sure living suicidal depression years still trying think gets betteryeahwork maybe late anyway things would get better would gotten better now really think", "work longer going happen me never get chance good future anyway" ]
Todavía aquí sé seguir caminando sigue despertando todos los días vienen las noches puesta la cama deseo punto muerto se siente como inútil de todos modos sobrepeso ya que los médicos jóvenes no pueden encontrar nada lotes pruebas diticianos saber hecho múltiples deportes fueron centros deportivos entrenadores personales etc una pista no puede perder peso calvicie ya que también bueno ya casi inexistente confianza en sí mismo gay look no puede encontrar a nadie solo amigos acosados seguir mirando hacia atrás razón hecho probablemente padres cada vez wanne tratar de ver mente destrozando familia incluso trayendo problemas morir sentirse vacío se siente hecho cualquier llamada que quiere tomar medicamentos causa efectos secundarios se siente peor sabe realmente se siente como lejos atascado incluso matar imposible traer muchos problemas se siente como mente destrozando por dentro querido apenas no puede nada derecho gordo perdedor para siempre punto sin valor confianza en sí mismo cada vez que se maneja poco más difícil construir aún vivo se mejora deciryeah seguro vivir depresión suicida años todavía tratando de pensar se pone mejoryeahwork tal vez tarde de todos modos las cosas mejorarían ahora realmente pensarían mejor ahora realmente pensar
one caredafter sending ex girlfriend goodbye text hoping paramedic would find family told could half whatever money half would go best friend pushing away afew months anyways told mother could figure myself called principal spoke mother told bring hospital without even speaking anyone assumed mean made joke said something mean concern miss me best friend completely cut contact fault ex still wants nothing me cant blame either
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one caredafter sending ex girlfriend goodbye text hoping paramedic would find family told could half whatever money half would go best friend pushing away afew months anyways told mother could figure myself called principal spoke mother told bring hospital without even speaking anyone assumed mean made joke said something mean concern miss me best friend completely cut contact fault ex still wants nothing me cant blame either" ]
un cuidado después de enviar ex novia adiós texto esperando paramédico encontrar familia le dijo que podía la mitad de dinero mitad iría mejor amigo alejando unos pocos meses de todos modos le dijo a madre podía imaginarme a mí mismo llamado director habló madre dijo traer hospital sin siquiera hablar nadie asumió media hizo broma dijo algo media preocupación me falta mejor amigo completamente cortado contacto culpa ex todavía quiere nada me no puede culpar tampoco
technically true joined subreddit technically belong years sadness noises
[ "technically true joined subreddit technically belong years sadness noises" ]
técnicamente verdadero unido subreddit técnicamente pertenecen a años ruidos tristeza
never seen oliver stone film before films starring eric bogosian know expect film toyed idea buying while finally got free supplement sunday newspaper hugely impressedbr br it tells story barry champlain talk radio host incredibly rude towards callers often putting place realise whats going on though made popular radio show host also earned numerous enemiesbr br the acting film hugely impressive one dud actor it eric bogosian brilliant barry champlain troubled talk radio host alec baldwin turning strong performance barrys boss dan also features voice of cameo appearance by michael wincott my reason wanting see thisbr br the story really well written as despite arrogance feel barry troubled life revealed see vulnerable really isbr br id recommend film anyone captivating and importantly real numerous levels two inspired life actual talk radio host fact actually get radio show hosts callers like ones featured film realitybr br high recommendation br br aye yours cat squire
[ "never seen oliver stone film before films starring eric bogosian know expect film toyed idea buying while finally got free supplement sunday newspaper hugely impressedbr br it tells story barry champlain talk radio host incredibly rude towards callers often putting place realise whats going on though made popular radio show host also earned numerous enemiesbr br the acting film hugely impressive one dud actor it eric bogosian brilliant barry champlain troubled talk radio host alec baldwin turning strong performance barrys boss dan also features voice of cameo appearance by michael wincott my reason wanting see thisbr br the story really well written as despite arrogance feel barry troubled life revealed see vulnerable really isbr br id recommend film anyone captivating and importantly real numerous levels two inspired life actual talk radio host fact actually get radio show hosts callers like ones featured film realitybr br high recommendation br br aye yours cat squire" ]
Nunca visto película de oliver stone antes de películas protagonizadas por éric bogosian saber esperar película jugueteó idea de compra mientras finalmente consiguió suplemento gratis Sunday periódico enormemente impresionadobr br cuenta historia barry champlain charla presentador de radio increíblemente grosero hacia los que llaman a menudo poner en marcha darse cuenta de lo que está pasando aunque hizo popular presentador de radio también ganó numerosos enemigosbr br la película de actuación enormemente impresionante un actor eric bogosian brillante barry champlain problemática charla presentador de radio alec baldwin convertir fuerte rendimiento barrys jefe Dan también cuenta con voz de cameo aparición por Michael Wincott mi razón queriendo ver esta br br la historia muy bien escrita como a pesar de arrogancia sensación barry vida problemática revelado ver vulnerable isbr br id recomendar película cualquier persona cautivante y lo más importante real dos vida inspirada habla real presentador de radio hecho conseguir presentadores de radio llamadas como una película presentado realidad br br alta recomendación br br aye su gato squire
hoping drink enough go sleep without cutting tonight depressed cannot even masturbate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hoping drink enough go sleep without cutting tonight depressed cannot even masturbate" ]
La esperanza de beber lo suficiente dormir sin cortar esta noche deprimido no puede ni siquiera masturbarse
need help killing myselfi considering redflag really want die know successfully it thought overdosing pills ibuprofen pills arthritis pain pills tylenol it random pills would overdosing kill me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need help killing myselfi considering redflag really want die know successfully it thought overdosing pills ibuprofen pills arthritis pain pills tylenol it random pills would overdosing kill me" ]
Necesito ayuda para matar a mí mismo teniendo en cuenta Redflag realmente quiero morir saber con éxito pensó sobredosificación píldoras píldoras ibuprofeno artritis píldoras para el dolor tilenol píldoras al azar me mataría sobredosificación
much bitch iti want die im much little bitch it im miserable im ugly ive got friends know family ashamed me like said im ugly sister theyd better gone thing world loves dog whos turning december thought getting older makes sadder hopeless cause know one day hell gone got raped last year think got fully that even tho go therapy remember last time fully happy could wouldve done now im much coward
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much bitch iti wantdieim much little bitch itim miserableim ugly ive got friends know family ashamed me like said im ugly sister theyd better gone thing world loves dog whos turning december thought getting older makes sadder hopeless cause know one day hell gone got raped last year think got fully that even tho go therapy remember last time fully happy could wouldve done now im much coward" ]
Muchísima perra Iti quiere Dieim Muchísima perra Itim miserableim fea Ive tengo amigos conozco familia me avergüenza como dijo im fea hermana ellos mejor ido cosa mundo ama perro que se convierte en diciembre pensamiento hacerse más viejo hace más triste sin esperanza causa saber un día infierno ido fue violado el año pasado pensar plenamente que incluso tho ir terapia recordar la última vez totalmente feliz podría haber hecho ahora im mucho cobarde
im tired i told depression anxiety last year believe thought way feeling normal ignored gotten worse hate depressed recently hospitalized trying kill myself want try im afraid going back im tired anyone talk to cant talkwhen want get really anxious think ill quiet anyway might well talk all cant text people backas makes anxious too people say theyre worried mebut know theyre lying im waiting mom goes work end it im tired able really anything want depressed get better matter hard try cant try anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired i told depression anxiety last year believe thought way feeling normal ignored gotten worse hate depressed recently hospitalized trying kill myself want try im afraid going back im tired anyone talk to cant talkwhen want get really anxious think ill quiet anyway might well talk all cant text people backas makes anxious too people say theyre worried mebut know theyre lying im waiting mom goes work end itim tired able really anything want depressed get better matter hard try cant try anymore" ]
Estoy cansado le dije a la ansiedad depresión el año pasado creo que la manera de pensar sentirse normal ignorado empeoró odio deprimido recientemente hospitalizado tratando de matarme quiero tratar de tener miedo volver estoy cansado alguien hablar para no hablar cuando quiero realmente ansioso pensar mal tranquilo de todos modos podría bien hablar todo texto cántico personas backas hace ansioso también la gente dicen que me preocupan pero saben que están mintiendo im espera mamá va a trabajar termina itim cansado capaz realmente cualquier cosa quiere deprimido conseguir mejor materia duro intentar no puede intentar más
dont know whats wrongim uk life recently gotten glum last months im even sure im whats point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know whats wrongim uk life recently gotten glum last months im even sure im whats point" ]
No sé lo que está mal uk la vida recientemente se puso triste los últimos meses incluso estoy seguro de qué punto
ive dumped someone pure fear bonding hey yall problem wich would be one girl told today loves pure fear bonding someone dumped her dont even know it especially liked alot too kinda did tried tell gently yall probably know turns time kinda feel like ahole anyone advice could handle situation
[ "ive dumped someone pure fear bondinghey yall problem wich would be one girl told today loves pure fear bonding someone dumped her dont even know it especially liked alot too kinda did tried tell gently yall probably know turns time kinda feel like ahole anyone advice could handle situation" ]
Ive dejó a alguien puro miedo vínculohey yull problema que sería una chica le dijo hoy ama el miedo puro enlace alguien dejó ni siquiera saben que especialmente le gustaba mucho demasiado trató de decir suavemente Yall probablemente sabe turnos de tiempo un poco se siente como un agujero cualquier consejo podría manejar la situación
nothing interesting happened anything im posting photo greatgreatgrandpas majestic moustache ampxb processing img wtmighc
[ "nothing interesting happened anything im posting photo greatgreatgrandpas majestic moustache ampxb processing img wtmighc" ]
nada interesante pasó nada im foto greatgrandpas majestuosa bigote ampxb procesamiento img wtmighc
watching childhood pictures makes want kill even morei look happy feel envious could happy plus knowing never go back time makes feel terrible ive suicidal years never brave enough ugh im tired myself sorry rant hope better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "watching childhood pictures makes want kill even morei look happy feel envious could happy plus knowing never go back time makes feel terrible ive suicidal years never brave enough ughim tired myself sorry rant hope better" ]
Ver fotos de la infancia hace querer matar aún más me veo feliz sentir envidia podría feliz más saber nunca volver atrás el tiempo hace sentir terrible vivir años suicidas nunca lo suficientemente valiente ughim cansado yo mismo lo siento despotricar esperanza mejor
omg guys measured today exactly inches nice number although unfortunately dont think ill height long
[ "omg guys measured today exactly inches nice number although unfortunately dont think ill height long" ]
omg chicos medidos hoy exactamente pulgadas buen número aunque por desgracia no creo que la altura de mal largo
embarrassing story time two years ago tried giving bf time head yeah never done anything like life didnt want to well eventually got alone decides try forcing next move me little bean started shaking uncontrollably started anxiety eventually passed out ex carry bathroom good minutes funny time whenever make jokes around friends giving head start shaking act like passed out lowkey pretty funny now also shit every time spawn minecraft always freaking forrest hope good day btw ciao cuties
[ "embarrassing story time two years ago tried giving bf time head yeah never done anything like life didnt want to well eventually got alone decides try forcing next move me little bean started shaking uncontrollably started anxiety eventually passed out ex carry bathroom good minutes funny time whenever make jokes around friends giving head start shaking act like passed out lowkey pretty funny now also shit every time spawn minecraft always freaking forrest hope good day btw ciao cuties" ]
tiempo de historia embarazosa hace dos años trató de darle a bf tiempo cabeza sí nunca hizo nada como la vida no quería bien finalmente consiguió solo decide tratar de forzar el próximo movimiento me poco frijol comenzó a temblar de forma incontrolable comenzó ansiedad finalmente se desmayó ex llevar cuarto de baño buenos minutos divertido tiempo siempre hacer bromas alrededor de amigos dando cabeza empezar a temblar acto como desmayó lowkey bastante divertido ahora también mierda cada vez desove minecraft siempre freaking forrest esperanza buen día btw ciao cuties btw ciao
massive achievement today found bathroom school clogged significant piss pools
[ "massive achievement today found bathroom school clogged significant piss pools" ]
logro masivo hoy encontrado escuela de baño obstruido pis significativas piscinas
elected supreme overlord earth life make sure every citizen earth gets free heavyduty sponge also outlaw dirt soil outside designated dirtareas like forests parks sidewalks walls buildings must kept spickandspan clean ill also scientists finally break flying car tech theyve keeping us
[ "elected supreme overlord earth life make sure every citizen earth gets free heavyduty sponge also outlaw dirt soil outside designated dirtareas like forests parks sidewalks walls buildings must kept spickandspan clean ill also scientists finally break flying car tech theyve keeping us" ]
Elegido supremo señor tierra vida asegurarse de que cada ciudadano tierra consigue libre esponja pesada también ilegal tierra de tierra fuera de zonas de suciedad designadas como bosques parques aceras paredes edificios deben mantener pickandspan limpio enfermo también los científicos finalmente rompen la tecnología de coches voladores que nos mantienen
im physically exhaustedf throughout entire life ive felt like birth unnecessary constantly get reminded mom planned aborting hate it high school definition hell im so tired it plan killing soon need stop need everything stop friends nobody cares theres nobody talk to mind wont stop racing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im physically exhaustedf throughout entire life ive felt like birth unnecessary constantly get reminded mom planned aborting hate it high school definition hellim so tired it plan killing soon need stop need everything stop friends nobody cares theres nobody talk to mind wont stop racing" ]
me exhausto físicamente a lo largo de toda la vida he sentido como el nacimiento innecesario constantemente me recuerdan mamá planea abortar odio definición de secundaria hellim tan cansado plan matar pronto necesito parar todo stop amigos a nadie le importa Theres nadie hablar a la mente no deja de correr
dear girls guy something nice call simp sometimes might be sometimes good deed
[ "dear girls guy something nice call simp sometimes might be sometimes good deed" ]
queridas chicas chico algo agradable llamar simp a veces puede ser a veces buena acción
didnt ask borni didnt ask born stay fair
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "didnt ask borni didnt ask born stay fair" ]
No le pregunté a borni no le pregunté a born si era justo.
since broken arm honestly feeling really hard one time couldnt get right hand use left hand strange first use ok gn am much energy
[ "since broken arm honestly feeling really hard one time couldnt get right hand use left hand strange first use ok gn am much energy" ]
Desde brazo roto honestamente sentirse muy duro una vez no podía conseguir mano derecha uso mano izquierda extraño primer uso ok gn am mucha energía
feeling bit saucy dm me pedos creeps time filler filler filler filler filler filer filer
[ "feeling bit saucy dm me pedos creeps time filler filler filler filler filler filer filer" ]
sensing bit saucy dm me pedos sliers time filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
hate behind everyone elsei made serious mistake indecisive wanted do graduated engineering degree still real job lined up people start real jobs year olds full years behind everyone else terms career advancement sick hearing mark zuckerburgs hope hicks elizabeth holmes world highly successful young age know outliers average year old lot better am struggling find real jobs already th birthdays whats even worse behind women well successful guys age making close figures also either already married engaged long term gfs sexhave sex dozens girls short term girlfriends socially behind thus weirded many people tons great memories buddies thing barely anything time get social skills par late either somethings done scene look like desperate year old trying relive youth rate may settle postwall sluts third set guys girls either engaged taken fat sluts retarded mentally ill combination above calling misogynist redpill piece shit make things worse hopefully god give another chance come back someone else learn lessons disgusting previous life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate behind everyone elsei made serious mistake indecisive wanted do graduated engineering degree still real job lined up people start real jobs year olds full years behind everyone else terms career advancement sick hearing mark zuckerburgs hope hicks elizabeth holmes world highly successful young age know outliers average year old lot better am struggling find real jobs already th birthdays whats even worse behind women well successful guys age making close figures also either already married engaged long term gfs sexhave sex dozens girls short term girlfriends socially behind thus weirded many people tons great memories buddies thing barely anything time get social skills par late either somethings done scene look like desperate year old trying relive youth rate may settle postwall sluts third set guys girls either engaged taken fat sluts retarded mentally ill combination above calling misogynist redpill piece shit make things worse hopefully god give another chance come back someone else learn lessons disgusting previous life" ]
odio detrás de todos los demás se cometió grave error indeciso querido hacer graduado grado de ingeniería todavía trabajo real alineado personas comienzan trabajos reales años años completos detrás de todos los demás términos avance carrera enfermedad auditivo zuckerburgs esperanza hicks elizabeth holmes mundo altamente exitoso joven edad sabe atípicos promedio año mucho mejor estoy luchando encontrar trabajos reales ya los cumpleaños lo que es peor detrás de las mujeres bien éxito chicos edad haciendo cifras cercanas también ya ya casados comprometidos gfs sexo have docenas chicas corto plazo novias socialmente detrás así raro mucha gente toneladas grandes recuerdos amigos cosa apenas cualquier momento conseguir habilidades sociales par tarde o algo hecho escena parecer desesperado año viejo tratando de revivir joven tasa puede resolver postwall putas tercer conjunto chicos chicas bien comprometidas tomó gordos putas retardado mentalmente mala combinación encima llamar misógino pieza mierda hacer cosas peor esperanza dios dar otra oportunidad volver a alguien más aprender lecciones desagradables vida anterior
termforbeing introverted extroverted cause yeah that also filler imma say guns r bad
[ "termforbeing introverted extroverted causeyeah that also filler imma say guns r bad" ]
Término para ser introvertido causa extrovertida sí que también relleno Imma decir armas r malo
lyric day gently mind escapes relaxing world pleasure pleasure take mind reality life gently slipknot httpsyoutubeqigenqil yes im aware like songs slipknot songs lyrics epic ulilreaperr u asked get tagged idk ur like dead
[ "lyric day gently mind escapes relaxing world pleasure pleasure take mind reality life gently slipknot httpsyoutubeqigenqilyes im aware like songs slipknotsongs lyrics epic ulilreaperr u asked get tagged idk ur like dead" ]
día lírico suavemente la mente escapa relajante placer mundo placer tomar mente realidad vida suavemente slipknot httpsyoutubeqigenqilyes im consciente como canciones slipknotsongs letras épicas u u u preguntó conseguir etiquetado idk u like dead
ubannnnnnnned banned reddit cant chat anymore ______________________________________________________
[ "ubannnnnnnned banned reddit cant chat anymore ______________________________________________________" ]
ubannnnnnnnnned prohibido reddit no puede hablar más __________________________________________________
second attemptinstead pills took time know help anymore second time hospital week want stay tomorrow really really wanna go home like watched heart breaking pieces knowing someone made snap someone said love anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "second attemptinstead pills took time know help anymore second time hospital week want stay tomorrow really really wanna go home like watched heart breaking pieces knowing someone made snap someone said love anymore" ]
segundo intento en lugar de píldoras tomó tiempo saber ayuda más segunda vez hospital semana quieren quedarse mañana realmente quiero ir a casa como visto corazón pedazos sabiendo que alguien hizo chasque alguien dijo amor más
consequences love really something special film hard put finger on love story sorts really one ive seen before several love themes running throughout film one mans love younger woman younger mans love older brother mafias love money costs intertwine story guessing rather knowing end cast superb sophia teasing barmaid straight facedness titta films central character simple yet affective camera work bounced everchanging soundtrack mixes lowfi trip hop lush orchestral pieces style film changes beautifully using several styles without ever getting cluttered love never looked diverse powerful tales told rumble towards various conclusions director married old new rich italian classic
[ "consequences love really something special film hard put finger on love story sorts really one ive seen before several love themes running throughout film one mans love younger woman younger mans love older brother mafias love money costs intertwine story guessing rather knowing end cast superb sophia teasing barmaid straight facedness titta films central character simple yet affective camera work bounced everchanging soundtrack mixes lowfi trip hop lush orchestral pieces style film changes beautifully using several styles without ever getting cluttered love never looked diverse powerful tales told rumble towards various conclusions director married old new rich italian classic" ]
consecuencias amor realmente algo especial película duro poner el dedo en el amor historia tipos realmente uno ive visto antes de varios temas de amor corriendo a través de la película un hombre amor joven mujer más joven hombres amor hermano mayor mafias amor dinero costos entrelazado historia conjeturas más bien saber final magnífica sophia burla barmaid cara recta titta films personaje central sencillo pero afectivo cámara trabajo rebote banda sonora mezclas siempre cambiantes lowfi viaje hop exuberante orquestal piezas estilo película cambia maravillosamente utilizando varios estilos sin nunca conseguir amor desordenado nunca parecía diversas historias poderosas contada rugido hacia varias conclusiones director casado nuevo rico italiano clásico
things considered stand aside first time got involved could give description went down im going privacy reasons times able average person tell breakfast lunch dinner snacks given day years ago gets mixed head usually react badly anniversaries incidents involve blamed someone dying
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "things considered stand aside first time got involved could give description went down im going privacy reasons times able average person tell breakfast lunch dinner snacks given day years ago gets mixed head usually react badly anniversaries incidents involve blamed someone dying" ]
cosas consideradas aparte primera vez que se involucró podría dar la descripción fue abajo im ir privacidad razones tiempos capaces persona promedio decir desayuno almuerzo cena bocadillos dados día hace años consigue cabeza mezclada generalmente reacciona mal incidentes aniversarios implican culpa a alguien morir
day guess song added word today ill add another word tommorow maybe winner today i let it
[ "day guess song added word today ill add another word tommorow maybe winner today i let it" ]
día adivina canción añadido palabra hoy mal añadir otra palabra mañana tal vez ganador hoy lo dejo
contemplatingi think im gonna try kill tommorow im happy way life going im tired burden everybodys shoulders know family would happy deal anymore tired heart aching time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "contemplatingi think im gonna try kill tommorowim happy way life going imtired burden everybodys shoulders know family would happy deal anymore tired heart aching time" ]
Contemplando creo que voy a intentar matar a Tommorowim feliz como la vida va carga inmaculada todos los hombros saben que la familia haría feliz el trato más cansado corazón dolor tiempo
first saw movie alaska airlines flight since seen twice more simply simply one best films years found enjoyed first viewing little cloudy happened seeing weeks later things began fall place confusing deep fact depth movie may appreciated long time example occurred third viewing sammy davis jr jr grandfathers dog pet perhaps standin dead wife witness fiercely protects her symbolism galore none sappy indulgent real adventure trip keeps storyline perpetual motion even arrive sure really destination movie continues adventure got sense destination merely waypoint soundtrack fun scenery compelling decidedly easternblock could go deeper meanings within film im entirely sure ive discovered nuances yet besides fun tease yourself much film be everything illuminated proved like fine wine sweetens time highly recommend seeing twice
[ "first saw movie alaska airlines flight since seen twice more simply simply one best films years found enjoyed first viewing little cloudy happened seeing weeks later things began fall place confusing deep fact depth movie may appreciated long time example occurred third viewing sammy davis jr jr grandfathers dog pet perhaps standin dead wife witness fiercely protects her symbolism galore none sappy indulgent real adventure trip keeps storyline perpetual motion even arrive sure really destination movie continues adventure got sense destination merely waypoint soundtrack fun scenery compelling decidedly easternblock could go deeper meanings within film im entirely sure ive discovered nuances yet besides fun tease yourself much film be everything illuminated proved like fine wine sweetens time highly recommend seeing twice" ]
primera vista película alaska vuelo de las aerolíneas desde visto dos veces más simplemente una mejor película años encontrado disfrutado primera visualización poco nublado sucedió semanas después cosas comenzaron caída lugar confuso hecho profundo película de profundidad puede apreciar mucho tiempo ejemplo ocurrió tercera visión sammy davis jr jr perro mascota tal vez parada muerto esposa testigo feroz protege su símbolo abundancia ninguna sappy indulgente viaje de aventura real mantiene la historia movimiento perpetuo incluso llegar seguro realmente destino película continúa aventura llegó destino sentido simplemente waypoint banda sonora diversión paisaje convincente decididamente EasternBlock podría ir significados más profundos dentro de película im totalmente seguro ive descubierto matices sin embargo además de diversión se burla mucho película ser todo iluminado demostrado como buen vino endulzado tiempo muy recomendable ver dos veces
want leave placei cannot anymore feel like im living surviving everyone abandoned me alone dont anyone want die considered many types redflag im scared non effective enough cant anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want leave placei cannot anymore feel like im living surviving everyone abandoned me alone dont anyone want die considered many types redflag im scared non effective enough cant anymore" ]
quiero dejar placei ya no puedo sentir que estoy viviendo sobreviviendo todo el mundo me abandonó solo no nadie quiere morir considerado muchos tipos de color rojo im miedo no lo suficientemente eficaz cant ya
posting daily get gf day would say ive posts long ive lost count havent day
[ "posting daily get gf day would say ive posts long ive lost count havent day" ]
La publicación diaria get gf day diría ive posts largo ive perdido cuenta have no have day
thinking killing myselfi got raped years old drunk homeless man trying find live year old boy friends gf dumped everyone hates mom dad hate got abused kid reason live anymore want kill
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking killing myselfi got raped years old drunk homeless man trying find live year old boy friends gf dumped everyone hates mom dad hate got abused kid reason live anymore want kill" ]
Pensando en matarme a mí mismo fui violada años borracho vagabundo hombre tratando de encontrar a un chico de un año vivo amigos gf desechado todo el mundo odia mamá papá odio fue abusado niño razón vivir más quieren matar
looking discord friends hey friends made discord looking people join gaming really anything dm comment invite
[ "looking discord friends hey friends made discord looking people join gaming really anything dm comment invite" ]
looking discordancia amigos hey amigos hicieron discordancia buscando gente se unen a los juegos realmente cualquier cosa dm comment invite
happy birthday justin know months since weve talked cause yknow blocked me never forgot birthday could forget day mine hope youve well really hope youve gotten better im sorry something make feel way did really trying help you youre thats exciting good luck life justin know youll fine happy birthday you
[ "happy birthday justin know months since weve talked cause yknow blocked me never forgot birthday could forget day mine hope youve well really hope youve gotten better im sorry something make feel way did really trying help you youre thats exciting good luck life justin know youll fine happy birthdayyou" ]
Feliz Cumpleaños justin conocer meses desde que hemos hablado porque ya sabes bloqueado yo nunca olvido cumpleaños podría olvidar el día que yo espero que tú realmente has conseguido mejor lo siento algo hacer sentir manera hizo realmente tratando de ayudarte eso es emocionante buena suerte vida justo en saber youll bien feliz cumpleaños
certain things make feel uncomfortable recently jokingly play nipples like suck biting laying bed im shirtless makes uncomfortable dont like all ill laugh tell stop dont like feeling it keep jokingly tell stop baby joking around
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "certain things make feel uncomfortable recently jokingly play nipples like suck biting laying bedim shirtless makes uncomfortable dont like all ill laugh tell stop dont like feeling it keep jokingly tell stop baby joking around" ]
ciertas cosas hacen sentir incómodo recientemente en broma jugar pezones como chupar mordiendo la puesta de la cama sin camisa hace incómodo no como toda la risa mal decir dejar de sentirlo seguir bromeando decir dejar de bebé bromeando alrededor
life matterbillions people earth every single fucking life matters precious sacred important fucking scum drain resources could used help productve happy people stop telling life matters millions could die humanity would keep leeching planet beauty fuck us all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life matterbillions people earth every single fucking life mattersprecious sacred important fucking scum drain resources could used help productve happy people stop telling life matters millions could die humanity would keep leeching planet beauty fuck us all" ]
la vida la materia miles de millones de personas la tierra cada puta vida la materia preciosa sagrada importante mierda los recursos de drenaje podrían utilizar ayuda producto feliz la gente deja de decir la vida los asuntos millones podrían morir la humanidad seguiría sanguijuelas planeta belleza jodernos a todos
ive given hope humanity poured soul post hard write got downvotedi posted night httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsdlsdyou_win_i_give_up_my_letter_to_the_universe hardest thing ive ever write poured heart online downvoted someone whomever downvoted reading wanted let know people like reason commit redflag soon im going make sure die painfully wanna stab death bleed slowly realize must really hate something said considering spilled guts out could please pm let know genuinely post made want downvote it made want take someone already suicidal push further
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive given hope humanity poured soul post hard write got downvotedi posted night httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsdlsdyou_win_i_give_up_my_letter_to_the_universe hardest thing ive ever write poured heart online downvoted someone whomever downvoted reading wanted let know people like reason commit redflag soon im going make sure die painfully wanna stab death bleed slowly realize must really hate something said considering spilled guts out could please pm let know genuinely post made want downvote it made want take someone already suicidal push further" ]
Ive dad humanity purchase soul post duro downvotedi posted night httpswwwredditcomrredflagwatchcommentsdyou_win_i_give_up_my_letter_to_the_universe lo más difícil que he escrito purchase heart online downvoted alguien quien quiera que la lectura downvoted leading le haga saber a la gente como la razón cometer Redflag pronto voy a asegurarse de morir dolorosamente querer apuñalar la muerte sangrar lentamente darse cuenta debe realmente odiar algo dicho considerando las tripas derramadas fuera podría por favor p.m. dejar saber realmente post hecho querer downvote hizo querer llevar a alguien ya suicida empuje más lejos
hate reddit videos videos suck ass besides problems since s ive thing first seconds vid works properly plays back seconds sped way minute
[ "hate reddit videos videos suck ass besides problems since s ive thing first seconds vid works properly plays back seconds sped way minute" ]
odio reddit videos videos chupar culo además de problemas ya que s ive cosa primeros segundos vid funciona correctamente se reproduce segundos sped manera minuto
alright people listen up ive never one political feel like get chest blm stands black lives matter really advocates all lives matter legitimate organization enjoys protesting peacefully get point across however protests turn riots fault though antifa stands antifascist however actions really prove they fascists ones turn protests riots steal hurt ideals good ones either say want socialism means everyone benefits like others attempted socialism past real agenda communism everyone equally poor also want get rid religion entirely theyve tearing statues jesus mary stop there soon enough already theyll start tear statues buddah gahndi etc christian agree this freedom religion founded country antifa trying take away freedoms know old enough vote yet future america turn itll responsibility make sure whoever seat political power amercas best interests heart im republican trump supporter good thing hes done throughout covid pandemic special ops team combat epsteins child pornography ring end this cant tell whats right whats wrong give facts facts know of im gonna give like are all black hispanic lgbtq whatever hope incredible safe day god bless all
[ "alright people listen up ive never one political feel like get chest blm stands black lives matter really advocates all lives matter legitimate organization enjoys protesting peacefully get point across however protests turn riots fault though antifa stands antifascist however actions really prove they fascists ones turn protests riots steal hurt ideals good ones either say want socialism means everyone benefits like others attempted socialism past real agenda communism everyone equally poor also want get rid religion entirely theyve tearing statues jesus mary stop there soon enough already theyll start tear statues buddah gahndi etc christian agree this freedom religion founded country antifa trying take away freedoms know old enough vote yet future america turn itll responsibility make sure whoever seat political power amercas best interests heart im republican trump supporter good thing hes done throughout covid pandemic special ops team combat epsteins child pornography ring end this cant tell whats right whats wrong give facts facts know of im gonna give like are all black hispanic lgbtq whatever hope incredible safe day god bless all" ]
Bueno, la gente escucha nunca una sensación política como tener pecho blm sillas vidas negras importa realmente los defensores todas las vidas importan organización legítima disfruta protestando pacíficamente conseguir punto a través de sin embargo las protestas vuelven motines culpa aunque antifa se mantiene antifascista sin embargo las acciones realmente prueban que los fascistas vuelven protestas motines roban ideales heridos buenos o bien dicen que el socialismo significa que todos los beneficios como otros intento socialismo pasado verdadera agenda comunismo todos igual pobres también quieren deshacerse de la religión completamente ellos rasgar estatuas Jesús María parada allí muy pronto ya empezarán a rasgar estatuas Buddah Gahndi etc cristiano concuerdan esta libertad religión fundada país antifa tratando de quitar libertades saben edad suficiente voto pero futuro América girar responsabilidad asegurarse de que quienquiera que se sienta poder político amercas mejores intereses corazón im republicano trump apoyador buena cosa he hecho a lo largo covid pandemia especial ops equipo combate epsteins anillo de pornografía infantil fin este no puede decir lo que está mal dar hechos saber de im son todos negros hispanic lgbtq cualquier esperanza increíble dios bendice
ive come accept depressioni longer feel depressed crave death
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive come accept depressioni longer feel depressed crave death" ]
ive come accept depresi se siente más deprimido ansía la muerte
advent imdb overlooked movie find interested audience why users search twotime academy award winner glenda jackson find the return soldier among credits checking oscar winner julie christie fans annmargret give title click looking career great alan bates mention added bonus movie supporting heavyweights ian holm frank finlay movie many notables rewarded imdb given crossreferencing goes here so movie dvd producers realize internet movie database marketing gift film the return soldier definitely gem waiting discovered get it people
[ "advent imdb overlooked movie find interested audience why users search twotime academy award winner glenda jackson find the return soldier among credits checking oscar winner julie christie fans annmargret give title click looking career great alan bates mention added bonus movie supporting heavyweights ian holm frank finlay movie many notables rewarded imdb given crossreferencing goes here so movie dvd producers realize internet movie database marketing gift film the return soldier definitely gem waiting discovered get it people" ]
advent imdb película pasado por alto encontrar público interesado por qué los usuarios búsqueda dos veces ganador del premio academia Glenda jackson encontrar el soldado de vuelta entre créditos comprobando ganador oscar Julie Christie fans annmargret dar título clic buscar carrera gran Alan bates mención añadido bono película de apoyo pesos pesados ian holm Frank película finlay muchos notables recompensado imdb dado cruz referencias va aquí así que los productores de DVD película realización de Internet película base de datos marketing regalo película el soldado retorno definitivamente gema esperando descubierto conseguir gente
hate disability anyone relateadvicei stutter quite mild mostly appears im stressed anxiety really makes feel like im alien k everyone something going them shit open frm stutter caused social anxiety im scared interact others times make want end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate disability anyone relateadvicei stutter quite mild mostly appears im stressed anxiety really makes feel like im alienk everyone something going them shit open frm stutter caused social anxiety im scared interact others times make want end all" ]
odio discapacidad alguien relateadvicei tartamudeo bastante suave mayormente parece im ansiedad estresada realmente hace sentir como im alienk todo el mundo algo va ellos mierda abierta frm tartamudeo causado ansiedad social im miedo interactuar otros tiempos hacer que el fin de todos los deseos
am wanting end itfucking christ life mess act happy jesus christ im point hanging viable option started brother killed himself literally splintered whole life person really girlfriend good relationship broke fucked dude couple days later breakup messy fuck hurts much cant even bring talk her months disgusted sad mom took whole thing harder explain mother walked room brother shot minutes earlier ptsd hospitalized twice told mentally stable enough work worked me ive strong one family im destroyed dropped college semester mom also mental issues nearly killed there miss old life fucking shit non stop years im sick it im fucking sick it want happy non stop ive gotten nothing shit since then
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "am wanting end itfucking christ life mess act happy jesus christ im point hanging viable option started brother killed himself literally splintered whole life person really girlfriend good relationship broke fucked dude couple days later breakup messy fuck hurts much cant even bring talk her months disgusted sad mom took whole thing harder explain mother walked room brother shot minutes earlier ptsd hospitalized twice told mentally stable enough work worked me ive strong one family im destroyed dropped college semester mom also mental issues nearly killed there miss old life fucking shit non stop years im sick itim fucking sick it want happy non stop ive gotten nothing shit since then" ]
Estoy queriendo acabar con él mierda Cristo vida desastre acto feliz Jesús Cristo Im punto colgar opción viable comenzó hermano se mató literalmente astillado toda la vida persona realmente novia buena relación roto follada tío par de días después ruptura desordenado mierda duele mucho no puede incluso traer hablar sus meses asqueado triste mamá tomó todo más difícil explicar madre walk habitación hermano tiro minutos antes ptsd hospitalizado dos veces me dijo mentalmente estable trabajo bastante trabajo vivo fuerte una familia im destruido se cayó semestre de la universidad mamá también problemas mentales casi muerto allí señorita vieja vida mierda no stop años im enfermo itim maldito enfermo quiere feliz no parar haber conseguido nada mierda desde entonces
state sub discovered subreddit thought going good teenager related posts boy wrong recently noticed many posts like i asked best friend i told crush like her yeah might true surely tiring seeing thing again yeah wanted share this
[ "state sub discovered subreddit thought going good teenager related posts boy wrong recently noticed many posts like i asked best friend i told crush like heryeah might true surely tiring seeing thing againyeah wanted share this" ]
estado sub descubierto subreddit pensamiento va bien adolescente relacionados posts chico mal recientemente notó muchos posts como le pregunté mejor amigo le dije aplastamiento como heryeah podría verdad seguramente cansado ver cosa otra vez sí quería compartir esto
sorry longi cannot anymore ever since pandemic started cannot anything international student whose countrys borders closed stuck apartment roommates moved out sent kind crazy places always lockdown barely social interaction since stuck country pay rent know cook little money used quickly also starving many times got addicted weed edibles multiple times week home myself help cope used twice month smoker best social gatherings could never schoolwork mental state in even borders reopening getting vaccinated fly little late withdrawn program due government scholarship contract cost parents barely money name pay offi seriously want stop existing know people say your friends family would sad personally see purpose continuing life feels want suffer anymore hate covid
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sorry longi cannot anymore ever since pandemic started cannot anything international student whose countrys borders closed stuck apartment roommates moved out sent kind crazy places always lockdown barely social interaction since stuck country pay rent know cook little money used quickly also starving many times got addicted weed edibles multiple times week home myself help cope used twice month smoker best social gatherings could never schoolwork mental state in even borders reopening getting vaccinated fly little late withdrawn program due government scholarship contract cost parents barely money name pay offi seriously want stop existing know people say your friends family would sad personally see purpose continuing life feels want suffer anymore hate covid" ]
Lo siento longi no puede más desde que comenzó la pandemia no puede nada estudiante internacional cuyos países fronteras cerradas compañeros de apartamento atascados se mudaron enviados lugares locos amablemente cerrado apenas interacción social ya país atascado pagar alquiler saber cocinero poco dinero utilizado rápidamente también morir de hambre muchas veces se adictó a los comestibles de hierba varias veces semana casa yo mismo ayudar a hacer frente utilizado dos veces mes fumador mejores reuniones sociales nunca podría trabajo escolar estado mental en incluso fronteras reabrir vacunarse volar poco tarde programa retirado debido al contrato de becas del gobierno costo padres apenas dinero nombre pago defi en serio quieren dejar de existir saber que la gente dice que sus amigos familia se entristece personalmente ver propósito continuar la vida se siente querer sufrir más odio covid
ultimate guide nnn guide winning nnn might need this stay occupied staying occupied keep the mood things like exercise cook draw play video games bois even catching homework also read bible whenever the mood go somewhere else bed get bed pushups go drink warm milk go talk family member friend ask day stay computer device normal take breaks every then minutes fine help distance temptation nutting something helps get less stressed things like yoga meditation heart heart conversation buddy yours stress negative someones overall mood want good one persistent this stay positive good mindset try look bright side situation in try learn something new could new hobby new sport new game would recommend idle games idle games hook gameplay end pretty much babysitting game could also watch youtube something educational channel would recommend kurzgesagt good material pose interesting questions life think meme benefits nutting things like get dopamine everyone assumptions matter nnn try justify anymore guide help at least somewhat win get weeks nnn able last year proud yourself nnn may harder people easy others matters try encourage keep healthy habit see many benifits it
[ "ultimate guide nnn guide winning nnn might need this stay occupied staying occupied keep the mood things like exercise cook draw play video games bois even catching homework also read bible whenever the mood go somewhere else bed get bed pushups go drink warm milk go talk family member friend ask day stay computer device normal take breaks every then minutes fine help distance temptation nutting something helps get less stressed things like yoga meditation heart heart conversation buddy yours stress negative someones overall mood want good one persistent this stay positive good mindset try look bright side situation in try learn something new could new hobby new sport new game would recommend idle games idle games hook gameplay end pretty much babysitting game could also watch youtube something educational channel would recommend kurzgesagt good material pose interesting questions life think meme benefits nutting things like get dopamine everyone assumptions matter nnn try justify anymore guide help at least somewhat win get weeks nnn able last year proud yourself nnn may harder people easy others matters try encourage keep healthy habit see many benifits it" ]
Última guía nnn guía ganador nnn podría necesitar esta estancia ocupada mantenerse ocupado mantener el estado de ánimo cosas como ejercicios cocinero dibujar jugar juegos bois incluso coger tarea también leer Biblia cada vez que el estado de ánimo ir a otro lugar cama get cama flexiones ir beber leche caliente hablar amigo miembro de la familia pedir día estancia ordenador dispositivo normal tomar descansos cada entonces minutos bien ayuda distancia tentación nutting algo ayuda a conseguir menos estrés cosas como yoga meditación corazón conversación amigo suyo estrés negativo alguiens estado de ánimo general quiere buena una estancia positiva buena mentalidad tratar de mirar situación lateral brillante en el intento aprender algo nuevo podría nuevo hobby nuevo deporte nuevo juego recomendaría ocio juegos ocioso gancho juego terminar bastante juego podría ver youtube algo canal educativo recomendaría kurzgesagt buen material pose interesante preguntas vida pensar beneficios meme nutting cosas como obtener dopamina todos los supuestos importan nnn tratar de justificar más guía ayudar al menos un poco ganar obtener semanas nnn capaz el año pasado orgulloso nnn gente fácil otros asuntos tratar de animar a mantener hábitos saludables
guys got oculus quest im getting vrchat help prepare do go questions need answering
[ "guys got oculus quest im getting vrchat help prepare do go questions need answering" ]
chicos tienen oculus quest im conseguir vrchat ayuda a prepararse hacer ir preguntas necesitan respuesta
im getting tiredive going battle cant asked fight anymore theres future me even manage successful fucking what cant happy im literally afraid to ive miserable long thats know be life school fucking anarchy im good one subject im already year behind time running me im supposed going uni next year failed extra year im context uk go college years uni failed first year mental health depression recently got diagnosed well body dysmorphic disorder know reddit fucking tired it tired taking medication tired fucking school tired spending majority time alone friends always feel isolated excluded ive never party even fucking go regularly partly bdd wanting leave house without makeup ever seems piss people disappoint them im tired myself even fucking anything sit think think think either cry vomit learn hobbies live im there go school feel depressed go home feel depressed rinse repeat wanna blow head feel like massive burden know future holds me cant even get job bdd likes fuck over live shitty area too literally worst london everything fucked time pulled plug train wreck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im getting tiredive going battle cant asked fight anymore theres future me even manage successfulfucking what cant happy im literally afraid to ive miserable long thats know be life school fucking anarchyim good one subjectim already year behind time running me im supposed going uni next year failed extra year im context uk go college years uni failed first year mental health depression recently got diagnosed well body dysmorphic disorder know reddit fucking tired it tired taking medication tired fucking school tired spending majority time alone friends always feel isolated excluded ive never party even fucking go regularly partly bdd wanting leave house without makeup ever seems piss people disappoint them im tired myself even fucking anything sit think think think either cry vomit learn hobbies live im there go school feel depressed go home feel depressed rinse repeat wanna blow head feel like massive burden knowfuture holds me cant even get job bdd likes fuck over live shitty area too literally worst london everything fucked time pulled plug train wreck" ]
I conseguir cansado ir batalla cant pregunta pelea más allá futuro me incluso manejar éxito follando lo que no puede feliz im literalmente miedo a vivir miserable largo que sabe ser vida escuela puta anarchiim buena un subjectim ya año detrás de tiempo correrme im supuesto ir uni el próximo año fracasado año extra año im contexto uk go universidad años uni fracaso primer año salud mental depresión recientemente se diagnosticó bien cuerpo desorden dismórfico saber reddit puta cansado tomar medicación cansado mierda escuela cansado pasar la mayoría tiempo solo amigos siempre se sienten aislados ve nunca aislado ni siquiera follando regularmente bdd querer salir de casa sin maquillaje nunca parece orinar la gente les decepciona a mí mismo cansado incluso mierda cualquier sit pensar pensar o llorar vomito aprender hobbies vivir im allí ir escuela se siente deprimido ir a casa se siente deprimido enjuague repetir querer soplar cabeza se siente como enorme carga saber me tiene ni siquiera puede conseguir trabajo bdd como mierda sobre vivo zona de mierda demasiado literalmente peor london todo jodido tiempo tiró plug accidente de tren
no cancer no crush say yes no family member die instead really good time playing tennis going sauna dad talking stuff first time long time im happy great happiness feels good
[ "no cancer no crush say yes no family member die instead really good time playing tennis going sauna dad talking stufffirst time long time im happy great happiness feels good" ]
No hay cáncer no aplastamiento decir sí ningún miembro de la familia muere en lugar de realmente buen tiempo jugando tenis ir sauna papá hablar cosasprimera vez mucho tiempo im feliz gran felicidad se siente bien
know call someone disingenuous sense motherfucker get removed
[ "know call someone disingenuous sense motherfucker get removed" ]
sabes llamar a alguien sentido desenfrenado hijo de puta ser removido
he knows live go school moms ton debt dad right job dad longer working gonna lot harder pay off also go private school costs lot deal this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "he knows live go school moms ton debt dad right job dad longer working gonna lot harder pay off also go private school costs lot deal this" ]
él sabe que en vivo ir escuela mamás ton deuda papá trabajo derecho papá más tiempo trabajo va a mucho más difícil pagar también ir privada escuela costos mucho trato esto
rating cocks thats it thats literally it rating cocks
[ "rating cocks thats it thats literally it rating cocks" ]
rating pollas eso es lo que es literalmente rating pollas
byei cant take anymore want want fucking please bye heh one even see anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "byei cant take anymore want wantfucking please bye heh one even see anyway" ]
Byei no puede tomar más que quieren joder por favor adiós heh uno incluso ver de todos modos
someone flair yo someone old flair older but many years have like hell million attendee old
[ "someone flair yo someone old flair older but many years have like hell million attendee old" ]
alguien te gusta alguien viejo estilo más viejo pero muchos años tienen como el infierno millones de asistentes de edad
antichrist rteenagers serve opposite megathiccc
[ "antichrist rteenagers serve opposite megathiccc" ]
anticristo rteenagers servir enfrente megathiccc
think im weird guys looking phone earlier wondering today asked me what today also todays day going die bitch weird guys
[ "think im weird guys looking phone earlier wondering today asked me what today also todays day going die bitch weird guys" ]
Creo que los chicos raros mirando el teléfono antes preguntándome hoy me preguntó qué hoy también hoy día va a morir perra chicos raros
need help dont know turn pointive depressed months way get away smoking weed amd cigarettes everyday im pretty young stuff way ever happy honestly dont know do cant even come enough reasons keep going point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need help dont know turn pointive depressed months way get away smoking weed amd cigarettes everyday im pretty young stuff way ever happy honestly dont know do cant even come enough reasons keep going point" ]
Necesito ayuda para no saber volverme puntilloso meses deprimidos manera de escapar fumando hierba amd cigarrillos todos los días im cosas jóvenes guapas manera siempre feliz honestamente no sé ni siquiera vienen suficientes razones seguir el punto
still love years first time saw it fact discovered lost copy upset despite nonassociation original which kid never noticed adult care about cartoons should like dark enough interesting light enough enjoyed everyone im glad parents raised kind thing rather cartoons see today teach kids nothing music great gets stuck head foreveri downloaded entire soundtrack one point another
[ "still love years first time saw it fact discovered lost copy upset despite nonassociation original which kid never noticed adult care about cartoons should like dark enough interesting light enough enjoyed everyone im glad parents raised kind thing rather cartoons see today teach kids nothing music great gets stuck head foreveri downloaded entire soundtrack one point another" ]
todavía amor años primera vez vio el hecho descubierto copia perdida molesto a pesar de no asociación original que el niño nunca se dio cuenta de adulto cuidado de dibujos animados debe gustar luz bastante interesante oscuro bastante disfrutado todos im alegre padres criados cosa amable más bien dibujos animados ver hoy enseñar niños nada de música grande consigue atascado cabeza para siempre descargada banda sonora entera un punto otro
rose colored glasses come realize thought closest important parts social life actually care much all supposed trust someone actions pure honest words demeaning vindictive grew mindset drunk mans thoughts sober ones words applicable angry sure say things regret fact said moment happens one time mistake habitual routine force move moments let brain play repeat still young still somehow feel fucking bitter point daydream cutting everyone life moving somewhere new tired feeling like constantly looking things bother feeling degraded upset things told fault if say dumb things would treat like dumb person
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "rose colored glasses come realize thought closest important parts social life actually care much all supposed trust someone actions pure honest words demeaning vindictive grew mindset drunk mans thoughts sober ones words applicable angry sure say things regret fact said moment happens one time mistake habitual routine force move moments let brain play repeat still young still somehow feel fucking bitter point daydream cutting everyone life moving somewhere new tired feeling like constantly looking things bother feeling degraded upset things told fault if say dumb things would treat like dumb person" ]
Gafas de color rosa vienen darse cuenta pensamiento partes importantes más cercanas vida social realmente cuidado mucho todo supuesto confianza en alguien acciones palabras honestas puras denigrante venganza creció mentalidad hombre pensamientos sobrios palabras aplicable enojado seguro decir cosas arrepentimiento hecho hecho dicho momento sucede un error habitual fuerza movimiento momentos dejar cerebro repetición todavía joven todavía de alguna manera sentir puto punto amargo sueño de día cortar a todos la vida en algún lugar nuevo cansado sentir como buscar constantemente las cosas molestas sentirse degradado cosas dijo culpa si decir cosas tontas trataría como persona tonta
instagram post soo cringe become billionaire boys clothes girls clothes good person top signs likes top poop make millionaire s
[ "instagram post soo cringe become billionaire boys clothes girls clothes good person top signs likes top poop make millionaire s" ]
instagram post soo cringe convertirse en chicos multimillonarios ropa chicas ropa buena persona mejores signos como top popo hacer millonario s
oh god help im hungry theres people downstairs kitchen stale hot cheetos sink water send provisions
[ "oh god help im hungry theres people downstairs kitchen stale hot cheetos sink water send provisions" ]
Oh Dios ayuda a la gente de abajo rancio caliente cheetos fregadero agua enviar provisiones
complete failure myself friends country familywell begin currently high seems way escape abused childhood burned beat cut home went private school surrounded millionaires even billionaires sons daughters came family even going home got dream th grade trip trip would get go airplane well got kicked th grade could participate pe fat first thoughts redflag th grade well gay thought monster highschool people touched bathrooms called names made feel like shit attempted redflag lived thought amazing reason purpose new life nope years later high school peers top private universities bullying high school stayed home never spoke class final year showed teachers true intellect said late show world deep down believe that am drugged escape cold world alone fat gay used joy fun happiness life died th grade reading online would get fat shamed gay men existence meaningless never move on want pain stop anyone say well anything know guess late
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "complete failure myself friends country familywell begin currently high seems way escape abused childhood burned beat cut home went private school surrounded millionaires even billionaires sons daughters came family even going home got dream th grade trip trip would get go airplanewell got kicked th grade could participate pe fat first thoughts redflag th grade well gay thought monster highschool people touched bathrooms called names made feel like shit attempted redflag lived thought amazing reason purpose new life nope years later high school peers top private universities bullying high school stayed home never spoke class final year showed teachers true intellect said late show world deep down believe that am drugged escape cold world alone fat gay used joy fun happiness life died th grade reading online would get fat shamed gay men existence meaningless never move on want pain stop anyone say well anything know guess late" ]
Un fracaso completo yo amigos country familywell comenzar actualmente alto parece manera de escapar abusado infancia quemada beat corte casa fue escuela privada rodeado millonarios incluso multimillonarios hijos hijas vinieron familia incluso ir a casa tuvo sueño th viaje de viaje de grado conseguiría go aviónwell recibió patadas th grado podría participar pe gordo primer pensamiento rojoflag th grado bien gay pensamiento monstruo gente secundaria tocó baños llamados nombres hizo sentir como mierda intento Redflag vivió pensamiento increíble razón propósito nueva vida nope años más tarde compañeros de escuela secundaria mejores universidades privadas acoso escuela secundaria se quedó en casa nunca habló clase último año mostró profesores verdadero intelecto dijo tarde show mundo en el fondo creer que soy drogado escapar frío mundo solo gordo gay usado alegría diversión felicidad muerte th grado vida muerte gordo vergüenza gay hombres existencia sin sentido nunca se mueven en querer dolor parada nadie decir bien sabe adivinar tarde
looking virtual dnd group thought itd fun come look virtual dnd group comment interested
[ "looking virtual dnd group thought itd fun come look virtual dnd group comment interested" ]
looking virtual dnd grupo pensó que itd diversión ven mirar virtual dnd grupo comentario interesado
see bigger threat society corrupt world leader horny artist
[ "see bigger threat society corrupt world leader horny artist" ]
ver mayor amenaza sociedad corrupto líder mundial artista caliente
justyeah need get stuff mindmy first kiss want it know coming anything depressing looking back wanted special never felt pretty never felt significant nothing bad ever happened buti still felt off especially first kisswhen called asked boob size virginity thing felt though object fast forward two years high school grad working amusement park living dorms everyone knew virgin come august close crew lifeguards wave special party handcuff party type pair someone handcuffed every time partner drinks must same partner cute russian foreigner got semiintoxicated heading bar realized forgot id badge offered walk room accepted walk in takes handcuff forces wrist around bed rail puts say no beg no looking door handle waiting roommate come backshe come back sees looking locks it finishes allows go bathroom shock walk bathroom sit down pee wipe toilet filled blood toilet paper saturated same shamefully walk back crawl bed disgust spoons me want it know say no next morning wake up sheets also saturated blood go work rumors spreading individual taking someones virginity true me turn break krista hear ___ took someones virginity acted clueless walked away cried knew true events taken place found thought gave up summer season ended turned slut hooking people left right want special things back know kiss wanted good first kiss someone really likedi know virginitybut wanted someone loved current boyfriend sleeping roomthe man love man respects me know may redflag watch materialbut events specifically rape haunt dreams haunt me conquer me make feel like nothing sit here many nights wanting end all feel like itd easier deal know may seem simple dumb want firsts back know people harder mean hurt too like im sitting here one thought years making read this thanks venting im bad night sorry think im pity party like address people may think say it tlampdr first kiss stolen virgin raped work crew found joke turned slut haunts dreams love boyfriend wanted him regular thoughts redflag sorry seem like panzy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "justyeah need get stuff mindmy first kiss wantit know coming anything depressing looking back wanted special never felt pretty never felt significant nothing bad ever happened buti still felt off especially first kisswhen called asked boob size virginity thing felt though object fast forward two years high school grad working amusement park living dorms everyone knew virgin come august close crew lifeguards wave special party handcuff party type pair someone handcuffed every time partner drinks must same partner cute russian foreigner got semiintoxicated heading bar realized forgot id badge offered walk room accepted walk in takes handcuff forces wrist around bed rail puts say no beg no looking door handle waiting roommate come backshe come back sees looking locks it finishes allows go bathroom shock walk bathroom sit down pee wipe toilet filled blood toilet paper saturated same shamefully walk back crawl bed disgust spoons me want it know say", "no next morning wake up sheets also saturated blood go work rumors spreading individual taking someones virginity true me turn break krista hear ___ took someones virginity acted clueless walked away cried knew true events taken place found thought gave up summer season ended turned slut hooking people left right want special things back know kiss wanted good first kiss someone really likedi knowvirginitybut wanted someone loved current boyfriend sleeping roomthe man love man respects me know may redflag watch materialbut events specifically rape haunt dreams haunt me conquer me make feel like nothing sit here many nights wanting end all feel like itd easier deal know may seem simple dumb want firsts back know people harder mean hurt too like im sitting here one thought years making read this thanks venting im bad night sorry think im pity party like address people may think say it tlampdr first kiss stolen virgin raped work crew found joke turned slut haunts dreams love boyfriend wanted him regular thoughts redflag sorry seem like panzy" ]
justyeah necesita conseguir cosas mente mi primer beso querer saber venir algo deprimente mirar atrás quería especial nunca se sintió bastante nunca se sintió significativo nada malo nunca sucedió pero todavía se sintió mal especialmente primer beso cuando se le preguntó tamaño teta virginidad cosa se sintió aunque objeto rápido adelante dos años secundaria graduado trabajo parque de diversiones residencias todos sabían virgen venir august close tripulación salvavidas ola fiesta especial esposa tipo fiesta pareja alguien esposado cada vez compañero bebidas debe mismo socio lindo extranjero ruso consiguió semiintoxicado encabezado bar se dio cuenta de que se olvidó placa de identificación ofrecida caminar habitación aceptada caminar toma esposas fuerzas muñeca alrededor de la cama barandilla pone decir no mendigar manija de puerta espera compañero de cuarto de baño volver ella ve mirar cerraduras termina permite ir baño shock paseo baño sentarse orina toall toil toilette papel higiénico saturado mismo vergonzosamente caminar atrás gatear cama disgusto cucharas me quieren saber decir
fuck swear god genetic modification gonna end product crapitalism ruin everything people gonna start trade marking parts human fucking genome honestly gotta make sort laws make cant trademark fucking genes
[ "fuck swear god genetic modification gonna end product crapitalism ruin everything people gonna start trade marking parts human fucking genome honestly gotta make sort laws make cant trademark fucking genes" ]
mierda jurar dios modificación genética va a acabar producto mierda ruina todo la gente va a empezar el comercio marcando partes humanos maldito genoma honestamente tiene que hacer tipo leyes hacer marcas de cant puto genes
tried open suicidal thoughts one seems really careim preexisting mental health issues lost job car house last months lost job covid substitute teacher car bad transmission cant afford fix roommate wanted boyfriend could move in said yes latter cant even stand anymore cant afford rent own told boyfriend yr ive mental health problems think need seek help im ready tell plan redflag response didnt need therapy needed get job like job suddenly going make interested life again problem ive applying jobs everyday havent able get call back jobs available cashiers hardware stores teacher two degrees interest diy really dont see cure changing outlook life hate retail workers all know working hard months ago would feel like massive step back anxiety bad hard time talking people instantly cry start trembling im uncomfortable situation even talking insurance phone cause severe panic attacks doesnt exactly make great candidate customer service retail makes burden everyone around me boyfriend backed living me saying wasnt enough room house anymore move parents dont good relationship dad told ive never happy domestic violence ive witness growing up unfair pressure felt dad life overall situation right now decade ive wanted end life never guts it im afraid anxious ever thoughts intrusive theyre constant even plan place it think time it find me id need carry deed theyre response im acting like year old living nightmare ive two days spent room bothering anyone except maybe could hear crying ear door cant help feel like giant nuisance everyone nobody really seems care think im serious feel like im joke
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried open suicidal thoughts one seems really careim preexisting mental health issues lost job car house last months lost job covid substitute teacher car bad transmission cant afford fix roommate wanted boyfriend could move in said yes latter cant even stand anymore cant afford rent own told boyfriend", "yr ive mental health problems think need seek help im ready tell plan redflag response didnt need therapy needed get job like job suddenly going make interested life again problem ive applying jobs everyday havent able get call back jobs available cashiers hardware stores teacher two degrees interest diy really dont see cure changing outlook life hate retail workers all know working hard months ago would feel like massive step back anxiety bad hard time talking people instantly cry start trembling im uncomfortable situation even talking insurance phone cause severe panic attacks doesnt exactly make great candidate customer service retail makes burden everyone around me boyfriend backed living me saying wasnt enough room house anymore move parents dont good relationship dad told ive never happy domestic violence ive witness growing up unfair pressure felt dad life overall situation right now decade ive wanted end life never guts it im afraid anxious ever thoughts intrusive theyre constant even plan place it think time it find me id need carry deed theyre response im acting like year old living nightmare ive two days spent room bothering anyone except maybe could hear crying ear door cant help feel like giant nuisance everyone nobody really seems care think im serious feel like im joke" ]
intento abrir pensamientos suicidas uno parece realmente careim problemas preexistentes de salud mental trabajo perdido coche casa los últimos meses trabajo perdido covid sustituto profesor coche mala transmisión no puede permitirse fijar compañero de cuarto querido novio podría mudarse en dicho sí último cant ni siquiera de pie no puede permitirse el alquiler propio le dijo novio
im sure want die definitely want life go motions life hard hard time coping circumstances lost person could trust talk to want kill myself hate life fucking much nobody knows bullshit ive through want give up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im sure want die definitely want life go motions life hard hard time coping circumstances lost person could trust talk to want kill myself hate life fucking much nobody knows bullshit ive through want give up" ]
Estoy seguro de querer morir definitivamente quiero vida ir movimientos vida duro tiempo hacer frente a las circunstancias persona perdida podría confiar hablar querer matarme odio vida mierda mucho nadie sabe mierda a través de querer renunciar
hate bus driver much first all never lets anyone back rows bus days bus completely full people standing up gets mad sit back leading people standing gets mad stand bus even seats always screams loudly standing claims seats sit in literally also gets mad literally anything wants top off blames chocolate addiction yelled everyone getting bus people gotten off yet people needed get sitting there nothing want gone
[ "hate bus driver much first all never lets anyone back rows bus days bus completely full people standing up gets mad sit back leading people standing gets mad stand bus even seats always screams loudly standing claims seats sit in literally also gets mad literally anything wants top off blames chocolate addiction yelled everyone getting bus people gotten off yetpeople needed get sitting there nothing want gone" ]
odio conductor de autobús mucho primero todo nunca deja a nadie volver filas autobuses días autobús completamente lleno la gente se pone de pie se enoja detrás la gente se pone de pie se pone de pie autobús incluso los asientos gritan en voz alta afirma asientos se sienta en literalmente también se enoja literalmente cualquier cosa quiere top off culpas chocolate adicción gritan todo el mundo conseguir autobús gente se bajó y sin embargo la gente necesitaba sentarse allí nada quiere ido
r movies today hard find something take whole family see kids loved it good clean fun would highly recommend anyone wants take whole family nice evening movies
[ "r movies today hard find something take whole family see kids loved it good clean fun would highly recommend anyone wants take whole family nice evening movies" ]
r películas hoy difícil encontrar algo tomar toda la familia ver niños le encantó buena diversión limpia recomendaría altamente a cualquiera quiere tomar toda la familia películas de noche agradable
ive abusive relationship years now family stopped talking me live states away boyfriend got together first time noticed abuse wanted repeatedly sex till sore would get angry refused subtle first scared me time went would everyday skinny need gain weight got point would ask questions wasnt good enough depressed would throw speaker room along put stuff front door couldnt get out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive abusive relationship years now family stopped talking me live states away boyfriend got together first time noticed abuse wanted repeatedly sex till sore would get angry refused subtle first scared me time went would everyday skinny need gain weight got point would ask questions wasnt good enough depressed would throw speaker room along put stuff front door couldnt get out" ]
vida relación abusiva años ahora la familia dejó de hablarme estados vivos lejos novio se reunió primera vez notó abuso buscado repetidamente sexo hasta dolor se enojaba se negó sutil primero me asustó el tiempo se fue todos los días flaco necesidad aumento de peso llegó punto hacer preguntas no era lo suficientemente deprimido tirar sala de oradores a lo largo poner cosas puerta delantera no podía salir
want live quarantined worldfuck this cant see friends sports canceled grad year ruined gf broke up future hopless come within feet someone get dirty look ironic were quarantining save lives soon quarantine killed me covid see later world im out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want live quarantined worldfuck this cant see friends sports canceled grad year ruined gf broke up future hopless come within feet someone get dirty look ironic were quarantining save lives soon quarantine killed me covid see later world im out" ]
Quiero vivir en cuarentena mundo mierda este no se puede ver deportes cancelada graduado año arruinado gf roto futuro hopless venir en medio de los pies alguien se ensucia mirada irónica estaban quarantining salvar vidas pronto cuarentena me mató covid ver más tarde im mundo fuera
really care rditors hate emojis like bitch youre reddit fuck even u judge me
[ "really care rditors hate emojis like bitch youre reddit fuck even u judge me" ]
realmente importa rditors odio emojis como perra youre reddit mierda incluso usted me juzga
nowi feel like keep rehashing long story short agoraphobic human interaction go time due fact wife avoiding terrible person conversation gets lost love son deserves much better prozac metropinal still depressed horribly low peak high peaks usually agitation ignorance without large quantities alcohol pretty much ive reached point life insurance worth people like suffering multiple years me still apprehension much honestly always someone around prevented till now really know expect already medicated therapied
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nowi feel like keep rehashing long story short agoraphobic human interaction go time due fact wife avoiding terrible person conversation gets lost love son deserves much better prozac metropinal still depressed horribly low peak high peaks usually agitation ignorance without large quantities alcohol pretty much ive reached point life insurance worth people like suffering multiple years me still apprehension much honestly always someone around prevented till now really know expect already medicated therapied" ]
Ahora me siento como seguir repitiendo larga historia corta interacción humana agorafóbica ir tiempo debido a hecho esposa evitar terrible persona conversación se pierde amor hijo merece mucho mejor prozac metropina todavía deprimida horriblemente bajo picos altos ignorancia agitación sin grandes cantidades de alcohol casi todo ha llegado a un punto de vida seguro vale la gente como sufrir varios años todavía aprehensión mucho honestamente siempre alguien alrededor previno hasta ahora realmente saben esperar ya medicado terapia
things die lay one chickens earth one favorites always walking beside always acting like dog chicken im posting help move on people realize but animals brightest people
[ "things die lay one chickens earth one favorites always walking beside always acting like dog chicken im posting help move on people realize but animals brightest people" ]
las cosas mueren yacen una gallinas tierra una favorita siempre caminando al lado siempre actuando como perro pollo im posting ayudar a moverse en la gente se dan cuenta pero los animales más brillantes personas