parents would relievedi feel parents would relieved killed myself would relieve constant worry wouldnt stress me am struggle with im medicated right now bad place life things keep piling up idk life decisions make im lost parents told tonight cant keep this feel like go ahead it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "parents would relievedi feel parents would relieved killed myself would relieve constant worry wouldnt stress me am struggle with im medicated right now bad place life things keep piling up idk life decisions make im lost parents told tonight cant keep this feel like go ahead it" ]
Los padres se alivian si los padres se alivian me mata a mí mismo aliviaría constante preocupación no me estresaría estoy lucha con im medicado en este momento mal lugar la vida las cosas siguen acumulando idk vida decisiones hacer mi perdido padres dijeron esta noche no puedo mantener esta sensación de seguir adelante
balance slowly deteriorating right knee keeps getting weaker always keep drifting right walk without paying attention it family calls pinball keep bouncing wall
[ "balance slowly deteriorating right knee keeps getting weaker always keep drifting right walk without paying attention it family calls pinball keep bouncing wall" ]
equilibrio lentamente deterioro de la rodilla derecha sigue cada vez más débil siempre seguir a la deriva a la derecha caminar sin prestar atención que la familia llama pinball seguir rebotando pared
college makes want commit redflagi hate college much want get get job live life stressed every goddamn moment feel like school completely consumes im exhausted morning sit hours lectures studying rest day less hours studying high enough quality work feel insanely guilty myself would force work late night tired cant concentrate late also makes failure years old never internship meaningful job done research care major picked hated least would make somewhat employable hate schools stupid fratboy workaholic culture every moment filled anxiety thinking everything wrong never amount anything choice though parents would never let leave transfer again desperately want school over still two years ill probably phd thats way really successful industry something like that stress constant selfhatred shitty people make want end now want go rest college want out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "college makes want commit redflagi hate college much want get get job live life stressed every goddamn moment feel like school completely consumes im exhausted morning sit hours lectures studying rest day less hours studying high enough quality work feel insanely guilty myself would force work late night tired cant concentrate late also makes failure years old never internship meaningful job done research care major picked hated least would make somewhat employable hate schools stupid fratboy workaholic culture every moment filled anxiety thinking everything wrong never amount anything choice though parents would never let leave transfer again desperately want school over still two years ill probably phd thats way really successful industry something like that stress constant selfhatred shitty people make want end now want go rest college want out" ]
universidad hace que el deseo comisión Redflagi odio universidad mucho deseo conseguir trabajo vida en vivo estresado cada maldito momento se siente como la escuela completamente consume im agotado mañana sentarse horas conferencias estudio descanso día menos horas estudio bastante alta calidad trabajo se siente locamente culpable yo mismo fuerza trabajo tarde noche cansado cant concentrado tarde también hace fracaso años de edad nunca pasantía trabajo significativo hecho investigación cuidado mayor elegido odiado menos haría algo empleo escuelas estúpido fraternidad cultura ahólica trabajo cada momento lleno de ansiedad pensar que todo mal nunca cantidad nada elección, aunque los padres nunca dejar transferencia desesperadamente quieren escuela durante todavía dos años enfermo probablemente phd que es una industria muy exitosa algo como que estrés constante odio a sí mismo mierda gente hacer fin ahora quieren ir a descansar universidad quieren salir
poggies song uis_sex_real httpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzglhwnpsvlsiaaddcdchttpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzglhwnpsvlsiaaddcdc windmill mccafferty theres supposed new song end month hope good
[ "poggies song uis_sex_real httpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzglhwnpsvlsiaaddcdchttpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzglhwnpsvlsiaaddcdc windmill mccafferty theres supposed new song end month hope good" ]
canción poggies uis_sex_real httpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzlhwnpsvlsiaaddccccchttpsopenspotifycomtracketweuxwdzlhwnpsvlsiaaddccdc molino de viento mccafferty se supone nueva canción final mes esperanza buena
call ambulance police redflaghey gonna suck six bottles sleeping pills tomorrow afternoon call ambulance pick body police im hoping leave mess many people sorry posting forum first time avoided redflag time cant wanna know rot time im found also sorry adding gloomy reddit thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "call ambulance police redflaghey gonna suck six bottles sleeping pills tomorrow afternoon call ambulance pick body police im hoping leave mess many people sorry posting forum first time avoided redflag time cant wanna know rot time im found also sorry adding gloomy reddit thanks" ]
Llamar ambulancia policía redflaghey va a chupar seis botellas píldoras para dormir mañana por la tarde llamar ambulancia recoger cuerpo policía im con la esperanza de dejar lío mucha gente lamenta publicar foro primera vez evitada Redflag tiempo no puede querer saber hora de pudrirse im encontrado también lo siento añadir triste reddit gracias
know much longer gofor years ive fought misunderdiagnosed mental illnesses years ive tried failed everyone else easily turns borderline personality disorder and depression anxiety ruined life things ive done hurt everyone love wife holding on strained uneasy makes skin crawl says loves never hugs kisses me never snuggles me kids hate me give effort and depression looks like tried tat care am unable things need show wife love her unable loved failed everything one talk all sit fantasize feeling last time tried kill myself pills kicked warm calm serene sit look photos people committed redflag wonder much longer go is obviously part want die talk it im scared know anymore im going anything soon even it lot before but god im exhausted unbearably sad want loved accepted even though nothing offer anyone want over
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know much longer gofor years ive fought misunderdiagnosed mental illnesses years ive tried failed everyone else easily turns borderline personality disorder and depression anxiety ruined life things ive done hurt everyone love wife holding on strained uneasy makes skin crawl says loves never hugs kisses me never snuggles me kids hate me give effort and depression looks like tried tat care am unable things need show wife love her unable loved failed everything one talk all sit fantasize feeling last time tried kill myself pills kicked warm calm serene sit look photos people committed redflag wonder much longer go is obviously part wantdie talk itim scared know anymore im going anything soon even it lot beforebut god im exhausted unbearably sad want loved accepted even though nothing offer anyone want over" ]
sabe mucho más largo go durante años ive luchó mal diagnosticado enfermedades mentales años ive tried fall todos los demás fácilmente se convierte en borderline trastorno de la personalidad y la depresión ansiedad arruinar la vida cosas ive doed hire todos amor esposa mantener en tensión incómodo hace que la piel gatear dice amores nunca abrazos me besos nunca me odia niños me odia dar esfuerzo y depresión parece que probado tat cuidado soy incapaz las cosas necesitan mostrar esposa amor no puede amado falló todo uno hablar todos se sienta fantasioso sentimiento la última vez que intentó matarme píldoras patadas cálido calma serena sentarse mirar fotos gente comprometida bandera roja me pregunto mucho más es obviamente parte quiere hablar itim miedo saber más im ir nada pronto incluso mucho antes pero dios im agotado insoportable triste deseo amado aceptado incluso aunque nada ofrecer a nadie quiere más
need bonked im weird thoughts character ive already talked times need bonked umegathiccc thing
[ "need bonked im weird thoughts character ive already talked times need bonked umegathiccc thing" ]
necesidad bonked im pensamientos extraños carácter ive ya hablado tiempos necesidad bonked umegathiccc cosa
actually wanna die lot friends one exact lot family say oh thats true talk soandso school blah blah blah do people talk to yeah talk school whatnot actually wanna hang me one person actually wanna friend matches amount energy put friends either weve friends years others side long im actually dramatic saying moving hurts fucking much person actually wants hang me wants friends me weve made many plans future seem like dust now hate dramatic this love her much know thats g oh well ones always gotta catch feelings amirite holy shit im actually broken light made smile couldnt fucking me leaving know feel just im actually broken
[ "actually wanna die lot friendsone exact lot family say oh thatstrue talk soandso school blahblah blah do people talk to yeah talk school whatnot actually wanna hang me one person actually wanna friend matches amount energy put friends either weve friends years others side long im actually dramatic saying moving hurts fucking much person actually wants hang me wants friends me weve made many plans future seem like dust now hate dramatic this love her much know thatsgoh well ones always gotta catch feelings amirite holy shit im actually broken light made smile couldnt fucking me leaving know feel just im actually broken" ]
En realidad quiero morir mucho amigos una exacta lote familia decir oh eso verdad hablar así que la escuela blablablablablablabla gente hablar a sí hablar escuela lo que realmente no quiero colgarme una persona realmente quiere amigos partidos cantidad energía poner amigos o bien hemos amigos años otros lado largo im en realidad dramático decir mudanza duele mucho persona realmente quiere colgarme quiere amigos me hemos hecho muchos planes de futuro parecen polvo ahora odio dramático este amor mucho saben que sgoh bien siempre tienen que coger sentimientos amirite santa mierda im realmente roto luz hecho sonrisa no podía salir me sé sentir sólo im realmente roto
eww hate furries yucky poopy sticky doodoo heads
[ "eww hate furries yucky poopy sticky doodoo heads" ]
oww odio peludos yucky caca pegajosa cabeza de doodoo
think timemaybe blow popsicle stand
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think timemaybe blow popsicle stand" ]
Creo que el tiempo tal vez sople el soporte de la paleta
im going nowhere life whats point living anymore finished useless psych degree career prospects romantic relationship prospects life standstill going nowhere days want stay bed sleep life away life chore reason keep going im point know fact going get better anything itll get worse
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im going nowhere life whats point living anymore finished useless psych degree career prospects romantic relationship prospects life standstill going nowhere days want stay bed sleep life away life chore reason keep going im point know fact going get better anything itll get worse" ]
l ir a ninguna parte la vida ¿Cuál es el punto de la vida más acabado inútil grado de psiquiatría perspectivas de carrera relación romántica perspectivas de la vida va a ninguna parte quiere quedarse cama sueño vida lejos la vida tarea razón seguir adelante im punto saber hecho va a mejorar cualquier cosa va a empeorar
still here suffer looking paper yesterday got paper cut
[ "still here suffer looking paper yesterday got paper cut" ]
Todavía aquí sufren el papel que se ve ayer se cortó el papel
psa clean phones people look know ive got ocd urge keep things clean actually something everyone do see many people use phones everywhere go even toilet mean damn thing would obviously get costed germs stuff like this buy clorox wipes clean youre safe especially stupid coronavirus around
[ "psa clean phones people look know ive got ocd urge keep things clean actually something everyone do see many people use phones everywhere go even toilet mean damn thing would obviously get costed germs stuff like this buy clorox wipes clean youre safe especially stupid coronavirus around" ]
Psa teléfonos limpios la gente mira sabe ive tiene ocd urgencia mantener las cosas limpias en realidad algo que todo el mundo ve muchas personas utilizan teléfonos por todos lados van incluso inodoro media maldita cosa obviamente conseguiría costo cosas gérmenes como este comprar toallitas de clorox limpio youre seguro especialmente estúpido coronavirus alrededor
need helpby time see post ill probaly delete it need help im still fairly young im still human being abused parents alot even age still abused im looking someone help since im verge depression possibly redflag anyone help would awesome even life changing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need helpby time see post ill probaly delete it need help im still fairly young im still human being abused parents alot even age still abused im looking someone help since im verge depression possibly redflag anyone help would awesome even life changing" ]
Necesito ayuda por el tiempo ver post mal probablemente eliminar necesita ayuda im todavía bastante joven im todavía ser humano padres abusado mucho incluso edad todavía abusado im buscar alguien ayuda ya que estoy a punto depresión posiblemente cualquier persona ayuda sería impresionante incluso cambio de vida
came door drunk high opiates hes ex h addict opiate rage real told me verbatim guy house hed kill spot questions asked pretty easy night ive spent countless nights barricaded bedroom rage past terrible grew gangs mexican mafia molested young age
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "came door drunk high opiates hes ex h addict opiate rage real told me verbatim guy house hed kill spot questions asked pretty easy night ive spent countless nights barricaded bedroom rage past terrible grew gangs mexican mafia molested young age" ]
vino la puerta borracho alta opiáceos hes ex h adicto opiáceos rabia real me dijo literal chico casa hed matar lugar preguntas preguntas bastante fácil noche ive pasó incontables noches barricadas habitación rabia pasado terribles pandillas mafiosas mexicanas abusado joven edad
im really looking forward sex ed not going put condoms dildos stuff like that fun
[ "im really looking forward sex ed not going put condoms dildos stuff like that fun" ]
Realmente mirando hacia adelante sexo ed no va a poner condones consoladores cosas como esa diversión
worst day fucking yearim kill myself wanted write last resort goodbye thing maybe idk friend mine called sobbing saying cant see today final straw dont care abymore im sorry goes cant keep this everyone said get help cant fucking that family wouldnt let me wouldnt believe me im minor pretty much tell me constant isolation go far everything cant go anywhere without someones say so entire family ignores me cant kepe school failed finals going failure whole life hate living hate somcuh nothing norie say really cant tpye im sobbing pepole probaly would care one friend fucking english teacher english teacher really cool shaem wont bea bel see new year worthless patheric piece shit am votd student th e month want fcuking die im gonig fucking kill nyslef
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worst day fucking yearim kill myself wanted write last resort goodbye thingmaybe idk friend mine called sobbing saying cant see today final straw dont care abymoreim sorry goes cant keep this everyone said get help cant fucking that family wouldnt let me wouldnt believe me im minorpretty much tell me constant isolation go far everything cant go anywhere without someones say so entire family ignores me cant kepe school failed finals going failure whole life hate living hate somcuh nothing norie say really cant tpye im sobbing pepole probaly would care one friend fucking english teacher english teacher really cool shaem wont bea bel see new year worthless patheric piece shit am votd student th e month want fcuking dieim gonig fucking kill nyslef" ]
El peor día de mierda añoim me mata quería escribir último recurso adiós cosa tal vez Idk amigo mío llamado sollozando decir no puedo ver hoy paja final no importa abymoreim lo siento va no puede mantener este todo el mundo dijo conseguir ayuda cant mierda que la familia no me dejaría creerme im menorprecisa mucho me dicen constante aislamiento ir lejos todo no puede ir a ninguna parte sin que alguien diga que toda la familia me ignora cant escuela Kepe fracaso fracaso fracaso toda la vida odio vivir odio somcuh nada norie decir realmente no puede tpye im sollozando pepole probaly cuidaría un amigo follando profesor de inglés profesor de inglés shaem realmente cool no bel ver nuevo año inútil pieza patérica mierda am votd estudiante th e mes quiero fcuking dieim gonig matar nislef
way outeverything screws kids over brought screws over leaving screws over dying screws over wish could hand life someone else wipe memories kids husband mother put new woman let take over better thought ok right now anxiety pmdd acting im struggling bit knew hormonal pass took kids morning engagements spent afternoon playing river enjoying early spring weather husband randomly picked documentary mother young child trying kill felt like throat closing over feel envious think methods try justify it try think theyll better long run wont kids adore me fight yell sometimes go far purposely mean think honestly think im wonderful cuddle kiss tell love much mama love moon theyd destroyed want mummy want mummy ive held whole lives awful pressure wish here want medicated ive hated cant deal again buckle push ill manage fuck wish could replace me go somewhere die somehow hurt anyone done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "way outeverything screws kids over brought screws over leaving screws over dying screws over wish could hand life someone else wipe memories kids husband mother put new woman let take over better thought ok right now anxiety pmdd acting im struggling bit knew hormonal pass took kids morning engagements spent afternoon playing river enjoying early spring weather husband randomly picked documentary mother young child trying kill felt like throat closing over feel envious think methods try justify it try think theyll better long run wont kids adore me fight yell sometimes go far purposely mean think honestly think im wonderful cuddle kiss tell love much mama love moon theyd destroyed want mummy want mummy ive held whole lives awful pressure wish here want medicated ive hated cant deal again buckle push ill manage fuck wish could replace me go somewhere die somehow hurt anyone done" ]
De todas formas, todo lo que joda a los niños trajo tornillos sobre dejar tornillos sobre moribundos tornillos sobre deseo podría dar vida a alguien más borrar recuerdos hijos marido madre poner nueva mujer dejar tomar mejor pensamiento ok ahora ansiedad pmdd actuación im lucha poco sabía hormonal pase llevó niños compromisos por la mañana pasar la tarde jugando río disfrutando primavera temprano tiempo marido elegido documental madre niño tratando de matar se siente como garganta se cierra sobre envidioso pensar métodos tratar de justificarlo intentar pensar que van mejor larga carrera no los niños me adoran lucha gritar a veces a propósito significa pensar honestamente pensar im maravilloso abrazo beso decirle amor mucho mamá amor luna han destruido querer mamá quiere mamá toda la vida mantenida horrible presión deseo aquí quieren medicated ive odiado no puede tratar de nuevo hebilla empuje mal manejar deseo podría reemplazarme ir a algún lugar morir de alguna manera daño a alguien
weird friend talking american friend used battery nerf bullet time passes tell hes horny the things talked about jokingly said why dont use cat knew jt joke forgot said started saying know option thwn started talk moves gonna cat im scared cat im mentally broken
[ "weird friend talking american friend used battery nerf bullet time passes tell hes horny the things talked about jokingly said why dont use cat knew jt joke forgot said started saying know option thwn started talk moves gonna cat im scared cat im mentally broken" ]
amigo raro hablando amigo americano uso batería nerf bala pases de tiempo decir hes cachondo las cosas hablado de bromas dijo por qué no usar gato sabía jt broma olvidado dijo comenzó a decir saber la opción twn comenzó hablar movimientos va a gato miedo gato im mentalmente roto
boreddm maybe title says im feeling kinda bored wanna talk dm me talk whatever number game game like whatever save boredom pls
[ "boreddm maybe title says im feeling kinda bored wanna talk dm me talk whatever number game game like whatever save boredompls" ]
aburrimiento tal vez el título dice que me siento un poco aburrido quiero hablar hm me hablar cualquier número juego como lo que sea salvar aburrimientompls
want dead want live world love conscious able experience existence world thrown nothing pain time time again life mundane unfulfilling sick joke wish waste away here want freedom live life meant to constantly thinking die here maybe ill able start anew different world way know might cease exist accept this know worth putting family friends heavy loss want fade away want stop existing also want stay here wish could go meant go want live life image please someone help me want cease exist want new life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want dead want live world love conscious able experience existence world thrown nothing pain time time again life mundane unfulfilling sick joke wish waste away here want freedom live life meant to constantly thinking die here maybe ill able start anew different world way know might cease exist accept this know worth putting family friends heavy loss want fade away want stop existing also want stay here wish could go meant go want live life image please someone help me want cease exist want new life" ]
quiero muerto quiero vivo mundo amor experiencia capaz consciente existencia mundo arrojado nada dolor tiempo otra vez vida mundano insatisfecho broma enfermo deseo desperdiciar aquí deseo libertad vida viva significado para pensar constantemente morir aquí tal vez mal capaz empezar de nuevo mundo diferente manera saber podría dejar de existir aceptar este saber vale la pena poner amigos de la familia pérdida pesada deseo desaparecer deseo existente también quiero quedarse aquí deseo podría ir significa ir quiero vida viva imagen por favor alguien me ayuda a querer dejar de existir quiero nueva vida
moderators rteenagers working hard make relatable memes fellow teenagers seem poaching bot doesnt allow pre made formats feel like addition umagic_eye_bot nice eliminates possible reposting bot completely removes post premade templates example uploaded different memes made mematic not fully origional content used template psoted fresh relatable meme school scenario poof minute later post removed of identical slihtly modified image recently posted here think bots programmming reconstructed bot depict difference text colour position tags post meme doesnt get taken possible repost im honeslty mad see memes using template get posted taken down say probally myself would like magic eye bot removed sub
[ "moderators rteenagers working hard make relatable memes fellow teenagers seem poaching bot doesnt allow pre made formats feel like addition umagic_eye_bot nice eliminates possible reposting bot completely removes post premade templates example uploaded different memes made mematic not fully origional content used template psoted fresh relatable meme school scenario poof minute later post removed of identical slihtly modified image recently posted here think bots programmming reconstructed bot depict difference text colour position tags post meme doesnt get taken possible repostim honeslty mad see memes using template get posted taken down say probally myself would like magic eye bot removed sub" ]
moderadores rteenagers trabajando duro hacer memes relatable compañeros adolescentes parecen furtivo bot no permite formatos prehechos se siente como adición umagic_eye_bot agradable elimina posible reposting bot elimina completamente plantillas post premade ejemplo subidos diferentes memes made mematic no totalmente contenido original utilizado plantilla psoted fresco relatable meme escuela escenario poof minuto más tarde post eliminado de idénticos imagen modificada slihtly recientemente publicado aquí creo bots programando bot reconstruido representar diferencia texto color posición etiquetas post meme no se toman posible repostim honeslty loco ver memes usando plantilla get posted taked down say probally me gustaría bot ojo mágico eliminado sub
dont even know title this im fucking hopelesshow normal people completely hopeless right now see bad news possible way anything get better point care sounds selfish want live world filled pain evil want fucking die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont even know title this im fucking hopelesshow normal people completely hopeless right now see bad news possible way anything get better point care sounds selfish want live world filled pain evil want fucking die" ]
Ni siquiera sé el título de este maldito desesperanzado cómo la gente normal completamente desesperanzado ahora mismo ver malas noticias posible manera de cualquier cosa conseguir mejor punto de cuidado suena egoísta querer mundo vivo lleno de dolor mal quieren morir mierda
dont feel goodcan someone help ive made nooses im alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont feel goodcan someone help ive made nooses im alone" ]
No te sientas bien puede alguien ayudar a hacer dogales solo
ship went sea name ship billy tea
[ "ship went sea name ship billy tea" ]
barco se fue nombre de mar barco billy té
want jumphttpsimgurcomalslsoip
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want jumphttpsimgurcomalslsoip" ]
quiere saltarhttpsimgurcomalslsoip
women tinder talk friends family do wanna talk friends cousins dont talk back pm me
[ "women tinder talk friends family do wanna talk friends cousins dont talk back pm me" ]
mujeres yegua hablar amigos familia quiere hablar amigos primos no hablar de nuevo p.m.
way read all like unread text messages dont wanna go thru read em number go away wanna know apple phones like read button done
[ "way read all like unread text messages dont wanna go thru read em number go away wanna know apple phones like read button done" ]
la manera de leer todo como mensajes de texto no leídos no quieren ir a través de leer número em se van quieren saber teléfonos de manzana como botón de lectura hecho
anxietymy anxiety bad cant even go hang people get invited get nervous ignore everything stay room end blowing purpose also hate confrontation dont want disappoint saying cant make it many times say phone broke much pressure going getting conversation life fucked embarrassing im horrible person im lonely feel confident around people xanax also know ill never life get boyfriend worse smile cant fixed cosmetic surgery im honestly cursed especially everyone says person prettiest smile well me god give certain people ugly features people beautiful features fair basically ignore people im forced smile life prevents social media would never life use snapchat left huge part society participating social media really want kill myself im figuring logistics it wish knew happened died could feel confident im getting older zero money saved retirement im going die alone poor ugly im looking forward living rest life poor ugly alone id rather go still bit dignity smh thanks reading
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anxietymy anxiety bad cant even go hang people get invited get nervous ignore everything stay room end blowing purpose also hate confrontation dont want disappoint saying cant make it many times say phone broke much pressure going getting conversation life fucked embarrassing im horrible person im lonely feel confident around people xanax also know illnever life get boyfriend worse smile cant fixed cosmetic surgery im honestly cursed especially everyone says person prettiest smile well me god give certain people ugly features people beautiful features fair basically ignore people im forced smile life prevents social media would never life use snapchat left huge part society participating social media really want kill myself im figuring logistics it wish knew happened died could feel confident im getting older zero money saved retirement im going die alone poor uglyim looking forward living rest life poor ugly alone id rather go still bit dignity smh thanks reading" ]
Ansiedadmi ansiedad mal no puede incluso ir colgar gente ser invitado se ponen nerviosos ignorar todo estancia fin de habitación soplar propósito también odio confrontación no quiero decepcionar decir no puedo hacer muchas veces decir teléfono roto mucha presión va a tener conversación vida follada vergonzosa im horrible persona im solitario sentirse confiado alrededor de la gente xanax también sabe mal nunca la vida conseguir novio peor sonrisa cant fija cirugía estética im honestamente maldecido especialmente todo el mundo dice persona sonrisa más bonita bien dios dar a ciertas personas características feas personas hermosas características justas básicamente ignorar personas im forzada sonrisa vida impide nunca vida uso snapchat izquierda gran parte sociedad participante redes sociales realmente quiero matarme im imaginando logística que sabía que había muerto podría sentirse seguro im conseguir mayor cero dinero ahorrado retiro im va a morir solo pobre fetim mirando hacia adelante vivir la vida pobre feo solo id más bien ir todavía poco dignidad smh gracias lectura
made video regarding whether reviews really helpful video explains either listen reviews not gives right idea given desire buy game jokes many inclusions horny man himself httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxs
[ "made video regarding whether reviews really helpful video explains either listen reviews not gives right idea given desire buy game jokes many inclusions horny man himself httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxs" ]
video hecho con respecto a si las críticas video realmente útil explica o bien escuchar críticas no da la idea correcta dado deseo comprar juegos chistes muchas inclusiones hombre caliente mismo httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxshttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvhlqvskxs
yo fuck bee movie look good im like watching game cinematic
[ "yo fuck bee movie look goodim like watching game cinematic" ]
tu mierda de la película de abejas se ven bien como ver el juego cinemático
end tetherjust completely tired existing much want die fact want exist anymore sick tired feeling completely drained emotion whatsoever reason gone yet know would completely devastate parents im sick living people know much longer last
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "end tetherjust completely tired existing much want die fact want exist anymore sick tired feeling completely drained emotion whatsoever reason gone yet know would completely devastate parents im sick living people know much longer last" ]
fin tethersimplemente completamente cansado existente mucho querer morir realidad querer existir más enfermo cansado sentir emoción completamente drenado cualquier razón ido sin embargo saber completamente devastaría a los padres im enfermos personas vivas saben mucho más tiempo último
thought suicidal people dont know people think redflag answer got take step back evaluate wrong think redflag even option youve gotta work issues think second death forever die thats waste trillion chance even born already defined odds get anywhere life want word get put think bad situation think probably someone x worseyou overcome anything try enough decide life goes anyone else dont want redflag known people think talk you considering redflag please take moment think really gonna fix problemsno
[ "thought suicidal people dont know people think redflag answer got take step back evaluate wrong think redflag even option youve gotta work issues think second death forever die thats waste trillion chance even born already defined odds get anywhere life want word get put think bad situation think probably someone x worseyou overcome anything try enough decide life goes anyone else dont want redflag known people think talk you considering redflag please take moment think really gonna fix problemsno" ]
pensamiento suicidas personas no saben la gente piensan Redflag respuesta tiene dar un paso atrás evaluar mal pensar Redflag opción incluso usted tiene que trabajar problemas pensar segunda muerte para siempre morir que desperdicia billones de probabilidades incluso nacido ya definido probabilidades llegar a cualquier lugar la vida quiere palabra llegar pensar mala situación pensar probablemente alguien x peor que superar cualquier cosa lo suficiente intentar decidir la vida va cualquier otro no quieren Redflag gente conocida pensar hablar que teniendo en cuenta Redflag por favor tomar el momento pensar realmente va a solucionar problemasno
crush girl school got got back friend crush crush girl class like months ago tolde felt said liked friend boyfriend ye understood moved on one friends told het liked even tho bf said also likes him reason made really really really jealous kinda feel bad bf cuz nice guy all tell someone trust ya go reddit
[ "crush girl school got got back friend crush crush girl class like months ago tolde felt said liked friend boyfriend ye understood moved on one friends told het liked even tho bf said also likes him reason made really really really jealouskinda feel bad bf cuz nice guy all tell someone trust ya go reddit" ]
chanchullo chica escuela consiguió de nuevo amigo aplastamiento chica clase como hace meses sentiste dijo como amigo amigo novio que entendías se movió en un amigo le dijo que le gustaba incluso tho bf dijo también le gusta la razón hizo realmente muy celoso se siente mal bf cuz buen chico todos decirle a alguien confía ya ir reddit
interesting tale giant mammoth elephants running amok modern india features transparent special effectselephants dressed shaggy coats sporting tusk extensions said good story fine cast work exciting climax said running time one doubled showed indiacourtesy robert lippert master padding given choice opt shorter version
[ "interesting tale giant mammoth elephants running amok modern india features transparent special effectselephants dressed shaggy coats sporting tusk extensions said good story fine cast work exciting climax said running time one doubled showed indiacourtesy robert lippert master padding given choice opt shorter version" ]
cuento interesante gigante mamut elefantes corriendo amok moderna india características transparentes efectos especialeselefantes vestidos abrigos shaggy deportivas extensiones de colmillo dijo buena historia buen reparto trabajo emocionante clímax dijo correr tiempo uno se duplicó mostró indiacourtesy robert zapatilla maestro relleno dado opción opción opción versión más corta
want fucking die alreadyi hate life one cares dysphoria fucking kill
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want fucking die alreadyi hate life one cares dysphoria fucking kill" ]
Quiero morir de mierda ya odio la vida a uno le importa la disforia puta matar
hi im indie game developer first video new game hope like it video reach likes publish second devlog subscribe channel would grateful thank lot advance httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgcehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgce
[ "hi im indie game developer first video new game hope like itvideo reach likes publish second devlog subscribe channel would grateful thank lot advance httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgcehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgce" ]
hi im indie desarrollador de juegos primer video nuevo juego esperanza como itvideo alcance me gusta publicar segundo devlog canal de suscripción agradecería mucho avance httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgcehttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvotavrrgce
fck lifeso lifes rough finally told psychiatrist bad things gotten cutting myself planning kill myself two weeks ago totally opened up promised kill always wanted accident put family but now tonight im done great trip planned weekend best friend gonna go visit college two hours live spend night there planned week half ive looking forward got cancelled point honestly think ill go own stay friday saturday really solid last weekend kill saturday night gonna go friday afternoon ride mountain bikes talk team see could cycle collegiality meet friends campus spend night hotel best friend take tour college saturday morning meet club team someones birthday afternoon bunch fun thats gone idk gone ive trying long im tired ive tried half heartily twice think saturday day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fck lifeso lifes rough finally told psychiatrist bad things gotten cutting myself planning kill myself two weeks ago totally opened up promised kill always wanted accident put family but now tonight im done great trip planned weekend best friend gonna go visit college two hours live spend night there planned week half ive looking forward got cancelled point honestly think ill go own stay friday saturday really solid last weekend kill saturday night gonna go friday afternoon ride mountain bikes talk team see could cycle collegiality meet friends campus spend night hotel best friend take tour college saturday morning meet club team someones birthday afternoon bunch fun thats gone idk gone ive trying long im tired ive tried half heartily twice think saturday day" ]
fck lifesso lifes rudo finalmente le dijo a psiquiatra cosas malas me cortaron planeándome suicidarme hace dos semanas totalmente abierto prometido matar siempre quería accidente poner familia pero ahora esta noche hice gran viaje planeado fin de semana mejor amigo va a ir a visitar la universidad dos horas en vivo pasar la noche allí planeado semana medio vivo mirando adelante consiguió cancelado punto honestamente creo mal ir propia estancia viernes sábado realmente sólido sábado último fin de semana matar sábado noche va a ir viernes tarde paseo bicicleta montaña charla equipo ver podría bicicleta colegialidad amigos campus pasar noche hotel mejor amigo tomar gira universidad sábado mañana club conocer equipo alguien cumpleaños tarde montón diversión que se fue idk ido ive intentar largo tiempo ive probado medio corazón dos veces pensar saturday day
cats gtgtgt dogs dogs loud smelly lol cute like theyre literally crusty anyone thinks cats mean probably pats head hard something dumb
[ "cats gtgtgt dogs dogs loud smelly lol cute like theyre literally crusty anyone thinks cats mean probably pats head hard something dumb" ]
gatos gtgttgt perros perros ruidoso olor lol lindo como son literalmente crujiente alguien piensa gatos significa probablemente palmaditas cabeza fuerte algo tonto
earn money im currently jobs me none neighbors need help cant afford supplies training art commissions anything two dollars name right now earn money people
[ "earn money im currently jobs me none neighbors need help cant afford supplies training art commissions anything two dollars name right now earn money people" ]
ganar dinero im actualmente trabajos me ningún vecino necesita ayuda no puede permitirse suministros capacitación arte comisiones cualquier nombre de dos dólares en este momento ganar dinero gente
experienced weebs dream turned park friend colin sitting picnic table talking random crap hot pink haired girl walks us said either guys want make im bored said nah lmao
[ "experienced weebs dream turned park friend colin sitting picnic table talking random crap hot pink haired girl walks us said either guys want make im bored said nah lmao" ]
experienced weebs sueño convertido en parque amigo Colin sentado mesa de picnic hablando al azar mierda caliente rosa chica pelo nos acompaña dijo que cualquiera de los chicos quieren hacer im aburrido dijo nah lmmao
th birthday feeling suicidalhey guys turning tomorrow feel horrible ive struggling depression years recently started taking meds instead helping feel better think feel worse used social outgoing year everything going downhill treat family closest friends like shit cant help ignoring saying things dont want hurts hurts them barely survive school tired time lay bed day feel alone fuck time ive never one true love think noone talk share pain with school group friends hang pass time cant relate talk want something tomorrow birthday instead thinking throwing party good time thinking wasting time worthless insignificant am fail life univerity want die brothers best friend killed remember pain went dont know againi feel like everyone know feeling awful trying help keep rejecting even tho need support feel horrible that want everything ok much ask
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "th birthday feeling suicidalhey guys turning tomorrow feel horrible ive struggling depression years recently started taking meds instead helping feel better think feel worse used social outgoing year everything going downhill treat family closest friends like shit cant help ignoring saying things dont want hurts hurts them barely survive school tired time lay bed day feel alone fuck time ive never one true love think noone talk share pain with school group friends hang pass time cant relate talk want something tomorrow birthday instead thinking throwing party good time thinking wasting time worthless insignificant am fail life univerity want die brothers best friend killed remember pain went dont know againi feel like everyone know feeling awful trying help keep rejecting even tho need support feel horrible that want everything ok much ask" ]
th cumpleaños sentimiento suicidahey chicos girando mañana se siente horrible vida lucha depresión años recientemente comenzó a tomar medicamentos en lugar de ayudar a sentirse mejor pensar peor uso social año saliente todo va cuesta abajo tratar amigos familiares más cercanos como mierda no puede ayudar a ignorar decir cosas no quieren dolor duele apenas sobrevivir escuela tiempo cansado cama día sentirse solo mierda tiempo vivir nunca un verdadero amor pensar nadie hablar compartir dolor con grupo escuela amigos pasar tiempo no se relaciona hablar quieren algo mañana cumpleaños en lugar de pensar tirar un buen tiempo pensar perder el tiempo inútil insignificante a falta la vida university quieren morir hermanos mejor amigo muerto recordar dolor fue no sé otra vez siento como todo el mundo se siente horrible tratando ayuda seguir rechazando incluso tho necesita apoyo se siente horrible que quiere todo ok mucho pedir
pushing people awayin past six months attempted redflag four times two serious family friends know of including ex plays part due breakup lately getting feeling people care anymore simply ignore get pissed depressed suicidal brother still seems genuinely care ex left wanted stay friends blocked me said cares hopes get better cant stick around people need most need talk her wont already sent farewell letter even reply surrounded people feel alone every way except physically see way fifth attempt
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pushing people awayin past six months attempted redflag four times two serious family friends know of including ex plays part due breakup lately getting feeling people care anymore simply ignore get pissed depressed suicidal brother still seems genuinely care ex left wanted stay friends blocked me said cares hopes get better cant stick around people need most need talk her wont already sent farewell letter even reply surrounded people feel alone every way except physically see way fifth attempt" ]
Empujar a la gente fuera en los últimos seis meses intento de bandera roja cuatro veces dos amigos de la familia serios saben de incluir ex juega parte ruptura debido últimamente conseguir la sensación de que la gente se preocupa más simplemente se ignoran enojado deprimido suicida hermano todavía parece genuinamente cuidado ex izquierda quería quedarse amigos bloqueados me dijo que las esperanzas conseguir mejor cant stick alrededor de la gente más necesita hablar su no va a enviar ya carta de despedida incluso responder rodeados personas se sienten solos en todos los sentidos excepto físicamente ver manera quinto intento
weird thing happened today found people shipping girl talk frequently im catch good day dont know theyre this told girl it also weirded it something happened
[ "weird thing happened today found people shipping girl talk frequently im catch good day dont know theyre this told girl it also weirded it something happened" ]
Lo raro que pasó hoy encontró a la gente de envío chica hablar con frecuencia yo coger un buen día no saben que son esta chica le dijo que también extraño que algo pasó
yaw mean sometimes feel like want deepthroat gun
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yaw mean sometimes feel like want deepthroat gun" ]
Yaw mezquino a veces siento como si quisiera pistola de garganta profunda
im sad karma click button right please v
[ "im sad karma click buttonright please v" ]
i triste karma haga clic en el botón por favor v
need help best friendso start off small friend group three super close neither us friends fine coz like said super close used larger group recently kinda fell apart three us left one bf vacation miserable wasnt well things got way way worse course two days shes great risk redflag right really dont know do lot trouble home life general fucked way possible concerned worry her decided ask wether wants meet afternoon evening asked wanted stay night hasnt answered yet even tho online time do call her wait really worried concerned seriously terrifying need advice please thank u advance
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need help best friendso start off small friend group three super close neither us friends fine coz like said super close used larger group recently kinda fell apart three us left one bf vacation miserable wasnt well things got way way worse course two days shes great risk redflagright really dont know do lot trouble home life general fucked way possible concerned worry her decided ask wether wants meet afternoon evening asked wanted stay night hasnt answered yet even tho online time do call her wait really worried concerned seriously terrifying need advice please thank u advance" ]
necesidad ayuda mejor amigoso empezar pequeño grupo de amigos tres super cerca ni nosotros amigos bien coz como dijo super cerca utilizado grupo más grande recientemente un poco se descompuso tres nos dejó una bf vacaciones miserable no estaba bien las cosas se pusieron mucho peor curso dos días ella es gran riesgo redflagright realmente no sé hacer mucho problema casa vida en general follada manera posible preocupación ella decidió pregunta wether quiere reunirse tarde tarde pregunta quería quedarse noche hant respondió sin embargo incluso tho tiempo en línea llamar a su espera muy preocupado seriamente terrorífico necesidad consejos por favor gracias u avance
im exhaustedeveryones better me thought id come terms this apparently not god need get rid universal gifted program elementary schools hate people better me could i blame trying hard enough good enough feel like sham everything ive made be im not im good nothing im mediocre never stand out die one day forgotten within year friends sweet smart pioneering love heart deserve world efforts success theyve made themselves even theyre juniors high school fuck im junior feels like theres hope me late me know many amazing talented sophomores well theyre amazing kind charming could never like them god im pathetic people run problem work solve overcome it dont give up makes failure thought id come terms this guess havent hate it feel petty narcissistic want tear brain rip shreds replace personality someone elses looks get life either ill never confident enough little have ill never confident enough transition nobody cares me try cant blame thats one thing say confidence blame anyone now used blame world problems id created myself see whatever pain im suffering now ive brought one way another want burden everyone else suffering enough stress deal with care me spill theyll push responsibility onto someone else someone qualified anyway land me back therapist expensive pointless therapy makes hate more makes mom hate more makes dad hate more reminder ill never change reminder im financial burden huge fucking mess everything treats patronisingly know used middle school whiny privileged bitch kept moaning depression anxiety mommy issues im edgy them still ill never anything quiet kid draws one resting bitch face scary one think hate me maybe do know think im pathetic listen theyre nice me feels like theyre babysitting me entertaining garbled nonsense cooing me diction makes sound bitter im aware truly blame them gotta believe this fuck want shitty person already am thought genuinely thought getting better last year year proved wrong im still useless mess middle school im still absolute miserable ass years attention whore prideful jealous douchebag thought making friends fuck maybe did like me really again playing along me id rather beat spit face hurts more vague im left questioning whether im exaggerating it want burden anymore want people care me ever did fuck arrogant think people cared all im ridiculously selfcentered time gave back world people move on im going die nobody might well end sooner make easier everyone else want die really think want live either want responsibilities want responsibility wish could pass sleep wish could trade health someone dying someone deserves live someone become great person im wasting space deserve this fuck im pathetic fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck absolutely disgusting need conversation thank you needed this know ill kill myself should even serious then everyone want kill every while im special want stop thinking wish someone would gut me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im exhaustedeveryones better me thought id come terms this apparently not god need get rid universal gifted program elementary schools hate people better me could i blame trying hard enough good enough feel like sham everything ive made be im not im good nothing im mediocre never stand out die one day forgotten within year friends sweet smart pioneering love heart deserve world efforts success theyve made themselves even theyre juniors high school fuck im junior feels like theres hope me late me know many amazing talented sophomores", "well theyre amazing kind charming could never like them god im pathetic people run problem work solve overcome it dont give up makes failure thought id come terms this guess havent hate it feel petty narcissistic want tear brain rip shreds replace personality someone elses looks get life either ill never confident enough little have ill never confident enough transition nobody cares me try cant blame thats one thing say confidence blame anyone now used blame world problems id created myself see whatever pain im suffering now ive brought one way another want burden everyone else suffering enough stress deal with care me spill theyll push responsibility onto someone else someone qualified anyway land me back therapist expensive pointless therapy makes hate more makes mom hate more makes dad hate more reminder ill never change reminder im financial burden huge fucking mess everything treats patronisingly know used middle school whiny privileged bitch kept moaning depression anxiety mommy issues im edgy them still ill never anything quiet kid draws one resting bitch face scary one think hate me maybe do know think im pathetic listen theyre nice me feels like theyre babysitting me entertaining garbled nonsense cooing me diction makes sound bitter im aware truly blame them gotta believe this fuck want shitty person already am thought genuinely thought getting better last year year proved wrong im still useless mess middle school", "im still absolute miserable ass years attention whore prideful jealous douchebag thought making friends fuck maybe did like me really again playing along me id rather beat spit face hurts more vagueim left questioning whether im exaggerating it want burden anymore want people care me ever did fuck arrogant think people cared all im ridiculously selfcentered time gave back world people move on im going die nobody might well end sooner make easier everyone else want die really think want live either want responsibilities want responsibility wish could pass sleep wish could trade health someone dying someone deserves live someone become great person im wasting space deserve this fuck im pathetic fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck absolutely disgusting need conversation thank you needed this know ill kill myself should even serious then everyone want kill every while im special want stop thinking wish someone would gut me" ]
Im exhaustotodo el mundo mejor me pensó id venir términos esto aparentemente no dios necesidad deshacerse universal talentoso programa escuelas primarias odio a la gente mejor me podría culpar tratando lo suficientemente duro bueno bastante se siente como farsa todo ive hecho ser im nom im bueno nada im mediocre nunca sobresalir morir un día olvidado dentro de año amigos dulce inteligente pionero corazón de amor merecen esfuerzos mundiales éxito se han hecho incluso son juniors escuela secundaria mierda im junior se siente como theres esperanza me tarde conocer muchos asombrosos talentos de segundo año
feeling edgeim feeling extremely edge like want hurt badly end life know anymore do many fucked things happend ive pretending im okay long time im trying fight urges difficult need vent feel alone worthless like one gives fuck died day now hate much feel like im going insane im lost broken scared want cry scream lose control instead act okay pretend smile one knows feel keep myself im scared one day soon end life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling edgeim feeling extremely edge like want hurt badly end life know anymore do many fucked things happend ive pretending imokaylong time im trying fight urges difficult need vent feel alone worthless like one gives fuck died day now hate much feel like im going insane im lost broken scared want cry scream lose control instead act okay pretend smile one knows feel keep myself im scared one day soon end life" ]
sentir bordem sentir extremo borde como querer daño mal final de la vida saber más hacer muchas cosas folladas pasar ive finger imokaylong time im intento de lucha impulsos difícil necesidad ventilación sentirse solo sin valor como uno da mierda muerto día ahora odio mucho se siente como im volverme loco im perdido asustado quiero llorar grito perder control en lugar de actuar bien pretender sonrisa uno sabe sentirse mi miedo un día pronto fin de la vida
watched documentary assisted redflag people suffer psychologicallyand honestly expecting relate much light end tunnel end me im extremely tired alive wish never existed first place wanna cry want rip face off never want see again everytime look mirror cant help think im better dead everytime j think face body imagine jumping infront train hanging jumping building everytime close eyes imagine killing myself usually knife cant take anymore everyday worse suffering goes on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "watched documentary assisted redflag people suffer psychologicallyand honestly expecting relate much light end tunnel end meim extremely tired alive wish never existed first place wanna cry want rip face off never want see again everytime look mirror cant help think im better dead everytime j think face body imagine jumping infront train hanging jumping building everytime close eyes imagine killing myself usually knife cant take anymore everyday worse suffering goes on" ]
Mirado documental asistido bandera roja la gente sufre psicológica y honestamente espera relación mucho luz final túnel final meim extremadamente cansado deseo vivo nunca existió primer lugar quiero llorar quiero rasgar cara fuera nunca quiero volver a ver cada vez mirar espejo no puede ayudar a pensar mejor i muerto cada vez que j pensar cuerpo cara imaginar saltar en frente tren colgando saltar edificio cada vez cerca ojos imaginar matarme generalmente cuchillo no puede tomar más cada día peor sufrimiento continúa
goes head pull plugwhen swallowed bunch pills kicked chair feet think
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goes head pull plugwhen swallowed bunch pills kicked chair feet think" ]
va cabeza pull plug cuando se tragó montón píldoras pateó pies de silla pensar
heres newest video giveaway description httpsyoutuber_gtv_zdtuw thanks support cant wait first giveaway
[ "heres newest video giveaway description httpsyoutuber_gtv_zdtuw thanks support cant wait first giveaway" ]
aquí la más reciente descripción del regalo de vídeo httpsyoutuber_gtv_zdtuw gracias soporte cant wait first giveaway
reason im still alivethis may get written stupidest thing ever attribute ongoing existence coffee hear second im married suicidal years now find comfort comforted people get it hobbies anything simply good feelings come little things dade temporarily dull ache except coffee friend mine struggling emotional fckery tell this solve problems go get good cup coffee sit slowly drink it time focus anything coffeethe smell warmth flavor may minutes thats minutes nothing world matters except coffee stress bills stupid peoplenothing many us know sometimes need short break thinking sounds stupid works me sincerely hope helps someone elss even five minutes
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason im still alivethis may get written stupidest thing ever attribute ongoing existence coffee hearsecondim married suicidal years now find comfort comforted people get it hobbies anything simply good feelings come little things dade temporarily dull ache except coffee friend mine struggling emotional fckery tell this solve problems go get good cup coffee sit slowly drink it time focus anything coffeethe smell warmth flavor may minutes thats minutes nothing world matters except coffee stress bills stupid peoplenothing many us know sometimes need short break thinking sounds stupid worksme sincerely hope helps someone elss even five minutes" ]
Razón im todavía vivoesto puede ser escrito cosa más estúpida nunca atribuir existencia continua café hearseconim años suicidas ahora encontrar comodidad gente confortada lo consigue hobbies cualquier cosa simplemente buenos sentimientos vienen pequeñas cosas dade temporalmente dolor aburrido excepto café amigo mío lucha fckery emocional decir esto resolver problemas ir conseguir buena taza café sentarse lentamente beber tiempo centrarse en cualquier caféel olor sabor calor puede minutos que minutos minutos nada importa mundo excepto café facturas de estrés estúpido gentenada muchos sabemos a veces necesitan corto descanso pensar sonidos estúpidos trabajo me sinceramente esperanza ayuda a alguien elss incluso cinco minutos
helpso im finally deciding end tonight now anyone know much losartan mg enough anything successful medical injuries would deal with
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpso im finally deciding end tonight now anyone know much losartan mg enough anything successful medical injuries would deal with" ]
helpso im finalmente decidir fin esta noche ahora nadie sabe mucho losartán mg suficiente cualquier lesión médica exitosa podría lidiar con
friend tight situationhi me friend mine theyve recently told therapist tell family whats happened internet friend bullied internet told anyone point family going tough time theyre worried told family family would another burden take really feel guilty point contemplating redflag talking veered conversations onto dark paths sort humorouslight situation rises immediately gets crushed say really want tell family would rather commit redflag know help way ive tried talking regularly via skype due technical circumstances thats extremely limited now options go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend tight situationhi me friend mine theyve recently told therapist tell family whats happened internet friend bullied internet told anyone point family going tough time theyre worried told family family would another burden take really feel guilty point contemplating redflag talking veered conversations onto dark paths sort humorouslight situation rises immediately gets crushed say really want tell family would rather commit redflag know help way ive tried talking regularly via skype due technical circumstances thats extremely limited now options go" ]
amigo apretada situaciónhi mi amigo el mío han dicho recientemente terapeuta decirle a la familia lo que pasó Internet amigo intimidado internet le dijo a alguien punto familia va difícil momento están preocupados le dijeron familia familia otra carga tomar realmente sentirse culpable punto contemplando bandera roja hablar conversaciones viradas en caminos oscuros tipo humorouslight situación se levanta inmediatamente dicen realmente quieren decirle a la familia prefiere cometer Redflag saber ayuda manera ive ha tratado de hablar regularmente vía skype debido a las circunstancias técnicas que son extremadamente limitadas ahora opciones ir
feel foolish posting here well much suppose want go bad things life boring one wants hear itits selfish take peoples time could helping someone else someone talk to think talk things anymore making worse ruining them matter much protest am much would better shut mouthanyways relapsed hard last night even trying stay sober point whatever kind proud havin super new wounds felt good always feel shitty telling friend like keep lot them do make happy everything getting worse might well write suicide note believe shit want anything people hold onto hopes keeping memory around keep trying yk body makes hard know want now sure work unsure when tonight sometime soon want go though anything anymore whatever going live probablyfill empty everything blood n alcohol lolmy life going go anywhere body ruined future hurting person staying around for reason like final gift everyone around me ig surprisedf come back memorable enough thought long lol
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel foolish posting here well much suppose want go bad things life boring one wants hear itits selfish take peoples time could helping someone else someone talk to think talk things anymore making worse ruining them matter much protest am much would better shut mouthanyways relapsed hard last night even trying stay sober point whatever kind proud havin super new wounds felt good always feel shitty telling friend like keep lot them do make happy everything getting worse might well write suicide note believe shit want anything people hold onto hopes keeping memory around keep trying yk body makes hard know want now sure work unsure when tonight sometime soon want go though anything anymore whatever going live probablyfill empty everything blood n alcohol lolmy life going go anywhere body ruined future hurting person staying around for reason like final gift everyone around me ig surprisedf come back memorable enough thought long lol" ]
Se siente tonto publicar aquí bien mucho supongamos que quiere ir cosas malas vida aburrido uno quiere escuchar su egoísta toma gente tiempo podría ayudar a alguien más alguien hablar pensar hablar cosas más peor peor que les importa mucha protesta soy mucho mejor cerrar bocade todos modos recayó duro anoche incluso tratando de mantenerse sobrio punto cualquier tipo orgulloso havin súper nuevas heridas se sentía bien siempre se siente mierda diciendo amigo como mantener mucho hacer feliz todo peor podría bien escribir nota suicida creer mierda quieren cualquier cosa la gente se aferra a las esperanzas mantener la memoria alrededor de seguir intentando cuerpo Yk hace saber duro ahora seguro trabajar sin seguridad cuando esta noche pronto quiere ir aunque cualquier cosa que va a vivir más probablemente llenar vacío todo sangre n alcohol lolmi vida va a ir a cualquier parte cuerpo arruinado futuro persona que se queda alrededor por razón como regalo final ig sorprendidof volver memorable pensamiento lol largo
feel like ive put wrong class mathematics im th set top higher ability ones arent im saying im best mathematics work easy like min time spend nothing like half year gotta prove worthy getting like tests
[ "feel like ive put wrong class mathematics im th set top higher ability ones arent im saying im best mathematics work easy like min time spend nothing like half year gotta prove worthy getting like tests" ]
se siente como ive poner mal clase matemáticas im th set superior capacidad arent im decir mejor matemáticas trabajo fácil como min tiempo pasar nada como medio año tiene que demostrar digno conseguir como pruebas
advice chimps chimp give orange give eat orange eat orange give eat orange give you
[ "advice chimps chimp give orange give eat orange eat orange give eat orange give you" ]
consejo chimpancés chimpancé dar naranja comer naranja comer naranja dar comer naranja darle
half assed redflag attempt number maybe dont even remember anymorei dont think hanging going work dont wanna try long drop dont properly ill probably end paralysed thinking makes sick reason havent jumped front train yet dont want wait arrive tried fall asleep train tracks once wasnt comfortable got bored went home wish gun ampxb
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "half assed redflag attempt number maybe dont even remember anymorei dont think hanging going work dont wanna try long drop dont properly ill probably end paralysed thinking makes sick reason havent jumped front train yet dont want wait arrive tried fall asleep train tracks once wasnt comfortable got bored went home wish gun ampxb" ]
medio assed Redflag intento número tal vez ni siquiera recordar más no creo que colgar ir a trabajar no quiero tratar de larga caída no correctamente mal probablemente fin paralizado pensamiento hace la razón enferma no ha saltado tren frente pero no quiero esperar llegar tratado de dormirse vías de tren una vez no era cómodo se aburrieron ir a casa arma de deseo ampxb
stop homeless homeless just stop homeless easy fix
[ "stop homeless homeless just stop homeless easy fix" ]
parar sin hogar sin hogar sólo parar sin hogar fácil solución
want die right nowplease ill give anything die right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die right nowplease ill give anything die right now" ]
Quiero morir ahora mismo, por favor, da cualquier cosa, muere ahora mismo.
heres another low quality meme somebody existential crisis rteenagers rimandthisisdeep
[ "heres another low quality meme somebody existential crisis rteenagers rimandthisisdeep" ]
Aquí hay otro meme de baja calidad alguien crisis existencial rteenagers rimand esto es profundo
fucked dudei fucked badly want life over past haunts catches me fucked relationships friendships school everything feel like ive said wont stop saying true feel like good time end general time period im school social interaction one find one gives fuck seems fucks sake
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fucked dudei fucked badly want life over past haunts catches me fucked relationships friendships school everything feel like ive said wont stop saying true feel like good time end general time period im school social interaction one find one gives fuck seems fucks sake" ]
follada amigoi follada mal quiere vida sobre pasados encanta me atrapa relaciones folladas amistades escuela todo se siente como ive dicho no deja de decir verdadero sentir como buen tiempo final general período de tiempo im escuela interacción social uno encuentra uno da mierda parece mierda sake
happensi really need admit hospital reach help but going hospital would completely derail life seems hella counterproductive someone seeking help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "happensi really need admit hospital reach help but going hospital would completely derail life seems hella counterproductive someone seeking help" ]
sisenti realmente necesito admitir la ayuda del hospital pero ir al hospital sería descarrilar completamente la vida parece un infierno contraproducente alguien que busca ayuda
fuck me c f sunny dressed black swedish ass cant handle much heat holy fuck guess ill die then haha
[ "fuck me cf sunny dressed black swedish ass cant handle much heat holy fuck guess ill die then haha" ]
mierda me cf soleado vestido negro sueco culo no puede manejar mucho calor santo mierda adivinar mal morir entonces jaja
keep thinking back awful things ive doneonce concert someone wanted move forward move way became angry later started elbowing someones back reason all like times turned around said sorry purpose felt soooooo embarassed awful thing ive done feel like maniac that hate packed together bunch people turned asshole that ex saw arguing took long time finally forget this contacted ex months ago blocked me made new account continue conversation engaged blocked again kept like times end lost reminded fucking irrational like concert insulted shit me feel soooooooooo bad myself keep thinking back monster am really really really wish done things guilt completely swallowing up keep wanting kill ive done things cant live with
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep thinking back awful things ive doneonce concert someone wanted move forward move way became angry later started elbowing someones back reason all like times turned around said sorry purpose felt soooooo embarassed awful thing ive done feel like maniac that hate packed together bunch people turned asshole that ex saw arguing took long time finally forget this contacted ex months ago blocked me made new account continue conversation engaged blocked again kept like times end lost reminded fucking irrational like concert insulted shit me feel soooooooooo bad myself keep thinking back monster am really really really wish done things guilt completely swallowing up keep wanting kill ive done things cant live with" ]
Sigue pensando cosas horribles uve doe un concierto alguien quería avanzar move way se enojó más tarde comenzó a codear a alguien atrás razón todos los tiempos como se dio la vuelta dijo propósito triste se sintió tan mal hecho cosa horrible ive doe se siente como maníaco que odio amontonado gente convertido en imbécil que ex vio argumentar finalmente se olvidó de este contacto hace meses me bloqueó nueva cuenta continúa conversación bloqueado otra vez mantenido como los tiempos terminan perdido recordado como concierto insultado mierda me siento sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id
[ "rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id" ]
rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id
birthday always makes feel horribleim tired burden family wasnt even supposed make here feel like ive somehow cheated redflag attempt months back relocated icu big city hospital stayed days couldnt walk using bathroom worst sorts heart monitors remember ripping chest woke up screamed cursed angry woken up one wish world even taken me remember mustering courage call two friends had one declined call second made excuse hang phone remember family coming visit family stamped thousands medical bills since pretend didnt happen reality dont think anyone wanted wake up ive trying hard dont believe friend me need time successful please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "birthday always makes feel horribleim tired burden family wasnt even supposed make here feel like ive somehow cheated redflag attempt months back relocated icu big city hospital stayed days couldnt walk using bathroom worst sorts heart monitors remember ripping chest woke up screamed cursed angry woken up one wish world even taken me remember mustering courage call two friends had one declined call second made excuse hang phone remember family coming visit family stamped thousands medical bills since pretend didnt happen reality dont think anyone wanted wake up ive trying hard dont believe friend me need time successful please" ]
cumpleaños siempre hace sentir horribleim cansado carga familia ni siquiera se suponía hacer aquí se siente como ive de alguna manera engañado Redflag intento meses atrás reubicado Icu gran ciudad hospital se quedó días no podía caminar utilizando cuarto de baño peores tipos de monitor de corazón recordar rasgado pecho despertado gritado maldito enojado despertado un mundo deseo incluso me llevó a recordar reunir coraje llamada dos amigos había una llamada rechazada segunda excusa hecho colgar teléfono recordar familia visita familiares estampó miles de facturas médicas desde pretender que no sucedió realidad no creo que alguien quería despertarse tratando duro no me creo amigo necesito tiempo éxito por favor
rather ran cari hope things dont get betternot everyone ill wait accident happen feeling suicidal makes feel guilty everything every aspect born ratand die like stupid rati exist sufferi envy love watch people everything goes well themi wonder pure souls are
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "rather ran cari hope things dont get betternot everyone ill wait accident happen feeling suicidal makes feel guilty everything every aspect born ratand die like stupid rati exist sufferi envy love watch people everything goes well themi wonder pure souls are" ]
más bien corrió cari las cosas no mejoran no todo el mundo mal espera accidente sucede sentimiento suicida hace sentir culpable todo cada aspecto nacido rata y morir como estúpido rati existen sufri envidia amor ver gente todo va bien la mi maravilla almas puras son
think need say anything elsei fed want sleep broken hopeless hearing voices mentally exhausted
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think need say anything elsei fed want sleep broken hopeless hearing voices mentally exhausted" ]
Piensa en la necesidad de decir cualquier otra cosa que la alimentación quiere sueño roto sin esperanza oír voces mentalmente agotadas
upset abc giving yet another show chance real winner show good writing storyline great actual original idea show instead another boring reality show casting spectacular characters actors right on talented set actors concept idea really new cool idea tv show many us share whole idea connections really love characters steven laura whitney damien honest one person connected show like even episodes sheri appleby example acting characters easy like talented wish abc given show chance interrupted show midway also advertised enough truly unfair everyone show showed great promise one let abc know feel keep sending emails keep show alive please join me know it worked jerico by way episode want last show please support show send emails abcwe it show well worth it petition online save six degrees httpwwwpetitiononlinecomghpetitionhtml it sign petition asap
[ "upset abc giving yet another show chance real winner show good writing storyline great actual original idea show instead another boring reality show casting spectacular characters actors right on talented set actors concept idea really new cool idea tv show many us share whole idea connections really love characters steven laura whitney damien honest one person connected show like even episodes sheri appleby example acting characters easy like talented wish abc given show chance interrupted show midway also advertised enough truly unfair everyone show showed great promise one let abc know feel keep sending emails keep show alive please join me know it worked jerico by way episode want last show please support show send emails abcwe it show well worth it petition online save six degrees httpwwwpetitiononlinecomghpetitionhtml it sign petition asap" ]
Molesto abc dar otra oportunidad show real ganador show good storyline gran reality original idea show en lugar de otro aburrido reality show casting espectaculares personajes actores derecho en talentoso set actores concepto idea realmente nueva idea cool tv show muchos compartimos ideas conexiones realmente amor personajes steven laura whitney damien honesto una persona conectado show como incluso episodios sheri appleby ejemplo actuar personajes fácil como talentoso deseo abc dada oportunidad show interrumpido show a mitad de camino también anunciado bastante verdaderamente injusto show mostró gran promesa uno let abc se siente seguir enviando correos electrónicos mostrar vivo por favor únete a mí sé que trabajó jerico por manera episodio desea último show por favor apoyo mostrar enviar correos electrónicos abcwe muestra bien vale la pena petición en línea salvo seis grados httpwwwpeticiónonlinecomghpetitionhtml it sign petition asap
ive planning redflag cant talk therapist it doive planning redflag hate it know cant talk therapist id risk getting baker acted florida thing something many obligations like school family cant miss institutionalized something talk therapist go to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive planning redflag cant talk therapistit doive planning redflag hate it know cant talk therapist id risk getting baker acted florida thing something many obligations like school family cant miss institutionalized something talk therapist go to" ]
planning ive redflag cant talk terapeutic dove planing redflag odia saber cant talk terapeutic id riesgo conseguir panadero acción florida cosa algo muchas obligaciones como la familia escolar no puede faltar institucionalizado algo talk terapeutic ir a
dont see point living anymoreim year old high school student ive always suicidal ever since school deteriorating am ive always good hiding pain suffering constant anxietydepression ive always kid school thats bit goof needs sleep nice guy ive noticed recently ive worse job this several friends also going thru tough times recognize face someone lost live asks im okay ofc say im fine im type guy confess everyting friends once im sti kinda waiting feel right honestly im feeling okay feel suicidal thoughts slowly creeping me feel like always control life worst habits doingm work properly unable sleep even though im always constantly tired going gpa frsshman year dropping feel like parentd school raping metaphorically parents sure love me fucking expect like korean kid noting studying sats tests oh finished track practice worked schoolwork hours stop watching youtube study sat class cant explain well actually hate parents much anything support me nothing torment me home supposed safe haven youre supposed feel home school home human nature desire education learn however keep feeding informatuon education said dtudents dont think theyll get tired like pizza crave it nuch get sick it im sick school im sick learning im sick grades grades determine whether live streets live house schools courses fucked doesnt allow us major courses want tried killing months ago rope bit thin snapped died blacked bit regain consciousness fortunately unfortunately getting point im fantasizinf hanging buying whole bunch drugs od die dont see life going get better life going pretty well recently completr switch direction dont feel like living thing thats holding back killing im afraid whats death im religous never be religion fabricated lie control people andgive fake hope im afraid death literally nothing scariest thing ever think about im sorry long idk going morning mind pretty boggled friends nice enough send answer hw part lab honestly lovd friends much hope awesome life never deal eith to lied things keeping fron killing death guess losing friends important people im sure want advice someone convince wanna talk im caught up like confused gender sorta rather whether want live die like anyways rhanks reading comment anyting want comment kys wouldnt mind
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont see point living anymoreim year old high school student ive always suicidal ever since school deteriorating am ive always good hiding pain suffering constant anxietydepression ive always kid school thats bit goof needs sleep nice guy ive noticed recently ive worse job this several friends also going thru tough times recognize face someone lost live asks imokayofc say im fine im type guy confess everyting friends once im sti kinda waiting feel right honestly im feeling okay feel suicidal thoughts slowly creeping me feel like always control life worst habits doingm work properly unable sleep even though im always constantly tired going gpa frsshman year dropping feel like parentd school raping metaphorically parents sure love me fucking expect like korean kid noting studying sats testsoh finished track practice worked schoolwork hours stop watching youtube study sat class cant explain well actually hate parents much anything support me nothing torment me home supposed safe haven youre supposed feel home school home human nature desire education learn however keep feeding informatuon education said dtudents dont think theyll get tired like pizza craveit nuch get sick it", "im sick schoolim sick learning im sick grades grades determine whether live streets live house schools courses fucked doesnt allow us major courses want tried killing months ago rope bit thin snapped died blacked bit regain consciousness fortunately unfortunately getting point im fantasizinf hanging buying whole bunch drugs od die dont see life going get better life going pretty well recently completr switch direction dont feel like living thing thats holding back killing im afraid whats death im religous never be religion fabricated lie control people andgive fake hope im afraid death literally nothing scariest thing ever think about im sorry long idk going morning mind pretty boggled friends nice enough send answer hw part lab honestly lovd friends much hope awesome life never deal eith to lied things keeping fron killing death guess losing friends important people im sure want advice someone convince wanna talk im caught up like confused gender sorta rather whether want live die like anyways rhanks reading comment anyting want comment kys wouldnt mind" ]
Los estudiantes no se cansan de comer como la pizza. No ven el punto de vida. El estudiante de secundaria siempre se suicida desde el deterioro de la escuela. Siempre es bueno ocultar el dolor sufrir ansiedad constante. Depresión siempre niño escuela que es poco goof needs sueño buen chico vi que recientemente vive peor trabajo este varios amigos también ir a través de momentos difíciles reconocer cara alguien perdido vivir pregunta imokayofc decir im fine im tipo chico confesar cada amigo una vez im sti un poco esperar sentirse bien honestamente me siento bien me siento bien pensamientos suicidas lentamente me arrastran como siempre control de la vida peores hábitos hacer trabajo no dormir adecuadamente a pesar de que constantemente cansado ir gpa frsshman año dejar caer como padres rapear metafóricamente padres seguro amor mierda esperar como korian niño nota estudiar sats testsoh final pista práctica trabajo escuela horas dejar de ver youtube estudio sat clase no puede explicar bien realmente odio a los padres mucho nada apoyarme nada tormento hogar supuesto seguro haberte sentido hogar escuela hogar naturaleza humana deseo educación aprender sin embargo seguir alimentando informatuon educación dijo dtudents no pensarán cansarse como la pizza Craveit nuch
cant talk rn im hot girl shit making scenarios head crush fall asleep
[ "cant talk rn im hot girl shit making scenarios head crush fall asleep" ]
No puedo hablar rn im caliente chica mierda haciendo escenarios cabeza aplastamiento caer dormido
new bad buh bye ill back clapping stopped ampxb ampxb ampxb nice day u cool ppl
[ "new bad buh bye ill back clapping stopped ampxb ampxb ampxb nice day u cool ppl" ]
nuevo mal buh bye mal espalda aplaudiendo paró ampxb ampxb ampxb buen día u cool ppl
figured yet the raskreddit autobot deleted original post guess imma go ahead ask here possible check chat feature mobile browser dont access pc day tomorrow then wont know whats blowing notification chat which says anyways get point i think
[ "figured yet the raskreddit autobot deleted original post guess imma go ahead ask here possible check chat feature mobile browser dont access pc day tomorrow then wont know whats blowing notification chat which says anyways get pointi think" ]
figurado aún el raskreddit autobot eliminado original post supven imma seguir adelante preguntar aquí posible función de chat de chequeo navegador móvil no acceder pc día de mañana entonces no se sabe lo que está soplando notificación chat que dice de todos modos get pointi think
everyone resistant change mean fr new avatars new avatars theyre designed give customisability everyone hating them
[ "everyone resistant change mean fr new avatars new avatars theyre designed give customisability everyone hating them" ]
todos los cambios resistentes significan fr nuevos avatares nuevos avatares que están diseñados dar personalización a todos los que los odian
turned today bye teenagers love sub truly great place young adults get know many inspiring achievements get genuine advices people age teenage crazy time hope everyone enjoys it ps meme reached hot sub
[ "turned today bye teenagers love sub truly great place young adults get know many inspiring achievements get genuine advices people age teenage crazy time hope everyone enjoys it ps meme reached hot sub" ]
convertido hoy adiós adolescentes amor sub realmente gran lugar jóvenes adultos llegar a conocer muchos logros inspiradores obtener consejos genuinos gente edad adolescente loco tiempo esperanza todos lo disfrutan ps meme alcanzó caliente sub
one month today ill deadit th birthday perfect timing really one week parents weekend college ill get say goodbye family one last time roommate away soccer game one stop me hung wall hook ill hang hanging belt everyday thinking look around neck years making ive depressed since always joked happy age id end it well im im miserable ever end wanted leave something seem like total surprise go it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one month today ill deadit th birthday perfect timing really one week parents weekend college ill get say goodbye family one last time roommate away soccer game one stop me hung wall hook ill hang hanging belt everyday thinking look around neck years making ive depressed since always joked happy age id end itwell imim miserable ever end wanted leave something seem like total surprise go it" ]
un mes hoy mal deadit th cumpleaños tiempo perfecto realmente una semana padres fin de semana universidad mal conseguir decir adiós familia una última vez compañero de cuarto de distancia fútbol juego una parada me colgar gancho de pared mal colgar colgar cinturón todos los días pensar mirar alrededor del cuello años haciendo ive deprimida desde siempre bromeo feliz edad id final itwell imim miserable final quería dejar algo parece como sorpresa total ir
unsuccessful overdose attempti dont know right place post this im starting get little concerned health line number tells go emergency asap soon hear intentional od sunday night attempted redflag ingesting g straight paracetamol well minimum mg temazepam hours later took g paracetamol dizzy nauseous exhausted yesterday monday today tuesday ive developed temperature well still feeling unwell want make sure ill okay see psychiatrist tomorrow afternoon thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "unsuccessful overdose attempti dont know right place post this im starting get little concerned health line number tells go emergency asap soon hear intentional od sunday night attempted redflag ingesting g straight paracetamol well minimum mg temazepam hours later took g paracetamol dizzy nauseous exhausted yesterday monday today tuesday ive developed temperature well still feeling unwellwant make sure illokay see psychiatrist tomorrow afternoonthank you" ]
intento infructuoso de sobredosis no sé el lugar correcto post este im comenzar conseguir poco preocupado número de la línea de salud le dice ir emergencia tan pronto como se escucha intencional od domingo noche intento rojoflag ingerir g paracetamol recto bien mínimo mg temazepam horas más tarde tomó g paracetamol mareo náuseas agotado ayer lunes hoy martes ive desarrollado temperatura bien todavía sintiéndose enfermo asegúrese de ilokay ver psiquiatra mañana tardegracias
rather famous quote show fortress ill show ruin ultramarine probably
[ "rather famous quote show fortress ill show ruin ultramarine probably" ]
bastante famosa cita mostrar fortaleza mal espectáculo ruina ultramar probablemente
social flair one used exception serious art meme filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "social flair one used exception serious art meme filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
claims woman nobody believe me im exactly sure herself police came claimed hit flushed cheek show it fortunately police able put together actually happened based blood trail thank god sitting hit blood around proved otherwise would jail something do things escalating second time arrested past months assault
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "claims woman nobody believe me im exactly sure herself police came claimed hit flushed cheek show it fortunately police able put together actually happened based blood trail thank god sitting hit blood around proved otherwise would jail something do things escalating second time arrested past months assault" ]
afirma mujer nadie me cree im exactamente seguro de sí misma policía vino afirmó golpe enrojecido mejilla demostrarlo afortunadamente policía capaz de poner juntos realmente sucedió basado rastro de sangre gracias a Dios sentado golpeó sangre alrededor demostrado de otra manera haría algo cárcel escalada de las cosas segunda vez arrestados los últimos meses asalto
urge want hurt ruin myselfi urge get face tattooi urge want get arrested crime go jail even crime commiti urge homeless sleep streets urge hurtruin myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "urge want hurt ruin myselfi urge get face tattooi urge want get arrested crime go jail even crime commiti urge homeless sleep streets urge hurtruin myself" ]
impulso deseo daño ruina yo mismo impulso conseguir cara tatuaje deseo deseo conseguir arrestado crimen ir a la cárcel incluso crimen comiti impulso indigente calles de sueño urge damnruin mí mismo
inhaled egg boiled eggs cracked open egg slurped dont ask bored still egg shells egg tried shallow threw up yeah im sorry
[ "inhaled egg boiled eggs cracked open egg slurped dont ask bored still egg shells egg tried shallow threw upyeahim sorry" ]
Huevo inhalado Huevos hervidos agrietados Huevo abierto sorbido no preguntes aburrido todavía cáscaras de huevo huevo tratado poco profundo vomito arriba sí lo siento
trouble dreaming may give movie low rating realize movie made please everyonebr br just people sense humorbr br for people movie great plays old science fiction movies radio shows long gone witch brated themselves along lines spaceballs airplane may need stretch imagination little bit get jokes well worth it
[ "trouble dreaming may give movie low rating realize movie made please everyonebr br just people sense humorbr br for people movie great plays old science fiction movies radio shows long gone witch brated themselves along lines spaceballs airplane may need stretch imagination little bit get jokes well worth it" ]
problemas de sueño puede dar película baja calificación realización película hecho por todos br br simplemente personas sentido humorbr br para la gente película grandes obras de ciencia ficción películas de radio programas de larga data bruja malcriado a lo largo de líneas bolas espaciales avión puede necesitar estiramiento imaginación poco conseguir chistes bien vale la pena
day posting serbian songs httpsmyoutubecomwatchvlpxheylam
[ "day posting serbian songs httpsmyoutubecomwatchvlpxheylam" ]
día publicando canciones serbias httpsmyoutubecomwatchvlpxheylam
little sad story guess idk thank read okay couple weeks ago shit went moved georgia wisconsin drama happened parents told couldnt talk anyone georgia including damn older brother long term girlfriend best friend loved dearly girlfriend amazing person think everyday theres nothing wouldnt give get real closure instead get someone else break tried figure way go behind parents back talk anyway nothing could wasnt gonna let date couldnt talk got best friend break said goodbye him dont know get dont know ever also dont know get best friend amazing person everyday school wed fuck around dumb shit fun playing video games mainly fallout sometimes uno yell top lungs raging fun made promise never give intend keep girlfriend people love arent family count days till maybe see again remember best friend sitting science th grade always ate chex mix halfway class wed split small bag looked choking hard face red hell supportive best friend laughed hard could hit back couple times ah girlfriend class one day teacher handed paper class complete course instead work wrote sentences filling paper front back mine countless amazing times ill never forget chance given meet people better winning lottery chance never able recapture know best friend reddit hes probably sub somehow someway see man love always keep amazing awesome person
[ "little sad story guess idk thank read", "okay couple weeks ago shit went moved georgia wisconsin drama happened parents told couldnt talk anyone georgia including damn older brother long term girlfriend best friend loved dearly girlfriend amazing person think everyday theres nothing wouldnt give get real closure instead get someone else break tried figure way go behind parents back talk anyway nothing could wasnt gonna let date couldnt talk got best friend break said goodbye him dont know get dont know ever also dont know get best friend amazing person everyday school wed fuck around dumb shit fun playing video games mainly fallout sometimes uno yell top lungs raging fun made promise never give intend keep girlfriend people love arent family count days till maybe see again remember best friend sitting science th grade always ate chex mix halfway class wed split small bag looked choking hard face red hell supportive best friend laughed hard could hit back couple times ah girlfriend class one day teacher handed paper class complete course instead work wrote sentences filling paper front back mine countless amazing times ill never forget chance given meet people better winning lottery chance never able recapture know best friend reddit hes probably sub somehow someway see man love always keep amazing awesome person" ]
pequeña historia triste adivinar idk gracias leer
goodnight new wake am pm also made th contributions chatting new today
[ "goodnight new wake am pm also made th contributions chatting new today" ]
buenas noches nuevo velatorio am pm también hizo las contribuciones chateando nuevo hoy
cant stay functionable two daysnor hopeful matter though hopeful even peace since began freshmen year college first finals week everything feels fake barely find comfort online redflag resources half depression might never get better kill live miserably next years half even worse well need things depression keeps doing keeps bed get bed mean yeah get it could act depression still guess im depressed sake insufferable burden family revel making people mad me argue that sorta treatment developed used actual psychologists hope know better brain works i spent lot money yk guess cant follow probably secretly subconsciously dont want get better bc im shitty person wtv idk whats catch im extra pissy bc havent found anything worth staying considered notterrible future realistically attainable since s im yk feel like crap corner web psychologist country ever able make feel better still feel bc im lazy liar everything get better wont bc ive become complacent wtv last psychologist told me sorry rambling post im crisis bc college life demands act like reasonable human since im unable productive way guess college happening unfortunately dont much option dying bc family going accept living daughter attend college
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant stay functionable two daysnor hopeful matter though hopeful even peace since began freshmen year college first finals week everything feels fake barely find comfort online redflag resources half depression might never get better kill live miserably next years half even worse well need things depression keeps doing keeps bed get bedmean yeah get it could act depression still guess im depressed sake insufferable burden family revel making people mad me argue that sorta treatment developed used actual psychologists hope know better brain works i spent lot money yk guess cant follow probably secretly subconsciously dont want get better bc im shitty person wtv idk whats catch im extra pissy bc havent found anything worth staying considered notterrible future realistically attainable since s imyk feel like crap corner web psychologist country ever able make feel better still feel bc im lazy liar everything get better wont bc ive become complacent wtv last psychologist told me sorry rambling post", "im crisis bc college life demands act like reasonable human since im unable productive way guess college happening unfortunately dont much option dying bc family going accept living daughter attend college" ]
No puedo permanecer funcional dos días ni esperanzada materia aunque esperanzada incluso paz desde que comenzó primer año universidad primera final semana todo se siente falso apenas encontrar comodidad recursos redflag en línea medio depresión podría nunca conseguir mejor matar vivir miserablemente los próximos años mitad incluso peor bien necesidad cosas depresión sigue haciendo mantiene cama conseguir cama medio sí conseguir podría actuar depresión todavía adivinar im deprimido sake insufrible carga familia revel me hace discutir que sorta tratamiento desarrollado psicólogos reales utilizados esperanza saber mejores trabajos cerebrales me gasté mucho dinero yk conjetura no puedo seguir probablemente secretamente subconscientemente no quiero conseguir mejor bc im mierda persona wtv idk whats capt im pissy bc havett encontrado cualquier cosa que valga la pena seguir siendo considerado notable futuro realista alcanzable ya que s imyk se siente como mierda esquina web psicólogo país siempre capaz hacer sentir mejor aún sentir bc im perezoso mentiroso todo conseguir mejor wc uve ser complacent wtv último psicólogo me dijo lo siento
saw first time uk tv good musical accompaniment elevator scene class especially goingdown thing phone booth fiddles floorindicator jump transom really impressive theres much more apart stuff thats mentioned before theres fight man whos bullying woman dog looks simple drawback plot gets mixed dead eye dan escapes reappear even gangsters get involved later on scene looks like hes shooting fat inspector funny would better dead eye one pulling trigger
[ "saw first time uk tv good musical accompaniment elevator scene class especially goingdown thing phone booth fiddles floorindicator jump transom really impressive theres much more apart stuff thats mentioned before theres fight man whos bullying woman dog looks simple drawback plot gets mixed dead eye dan escapes reappear even gangsters get involved later on scene looks like hes shooting fat inspector funny would better dead eye one pulling trigger" ]
vies la primera vez uk tv buen acompañamiento musical ascensor escena clase especialmente goingdown cosa teléfono cabina violíns pisoindicador salto transom realmente impresionante Theres mucho más aparte cosas que se mencionan antes de Theres lucha hombre que bullying mujer perro parece simple trama inconveniente consigue mixto ojo muerto dan escapes reaparecen incluso gángsters se involucran más tarde en la escena parece que hes tiro gordo inspector divertido mejor muerto ojo uno tirar gatillo
feel dead inside completely losti really know anymore ive felt dead inside months redflag constant thought front mind means end life tonight backup case wake up know would effective cant think reason continue trying live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel dead inside completely losti really know anymore ive felt dead inside months redflag constant thought front mind means end life tonight backup case wake up know would effective cant think reason continue trying live" ]
Se siente muerto en el interior completamente perdido. Realmente sé más. Se siente muerto en los meses. El pensamiento constante. La mente frontal significa acabar con la vida esta noche.
worried dadi got text aunt asking call dad worried answer her talked earlier today call goes right voicemail hes answering anyones texts nobody knows exactly hes working somewhere missouri hours away anyone know lives anything try help point although really remember this mom says admitted years ago kept hospital days prescribed medicine good while last couple years apparently sort thing becoming pattern he took meds ago hes posted dramatic things facebook make everyone comment whats wrong do etc done anything hard worry anything do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worried dadi got text aunt asking call dad worried answer her talked earlier today call goes right voicemail hes answering anyones texts nobody knows exactly hes working somewhere missouri hours away anyone know lives anything try help point although really remember this mom says admitted years ago kept hospital days prescribed medicine good while last couple years apparently sort thing becoming pattern he took meds ago hes posted dramatic things facebook make everyone comment whats wrong do etc done anything hard worry anything do" ]
Dadi preocupada por el mensaje de texto tía pidiendo llamar papá preocupada respuesta su hablado hoy hace derecha llamada correo de voz responde a nadie mensajes nadie sabe exactamente él trabaja en algún lugar missouri horas de distancia nadie sabe vidas cualquier cosa intenta punto de ayuda, aunque realmente recordar este mamá dice admitió hace años mantuvo hospital días recetados medicina buena mientras que los últimos dos años aparentemente ordenar cosa convertirse en patrón que tomó medicamentos hace él publicó cosas dramáticas facebook hacer que todos comen lo que está mal hacer etc hizo cualquier cosa difícil preocuparse cualquier cosa
work still depressing still feel overwhelmed left behind lot things know one thing always seem forget get deep thoughts awesome people still side one coworker depressed vented tailgate truck break smoked cigar coworker fine hes inviting people outings told ok could still go together days hes goto lot things feel like losing past month making damn sure keeping thing look forward time time love spending time shooting shit know favorite thing cannot our people get picture harder truly vent get things chest people invited cool again lot shit past month friend would understand hope go next weekend long overdue group thing whenever anyway completely depressed trying hang something know everything ok love coworkers know lose buddy crazy lately need forget things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "work still depressing still feel overwhelmed left behind lot things know one thing always seem forget get deep thoughts awesome people still side one coworker depressed vented tailgate truck break smoked cigar coworker fine hes inviting people outings told ok could still go together days hes goto lot things feel like losing past month making damn sure keeping thing look forward time time love spending time shooting shit know favorite thing cannot our people get picture harder truly vent get things chest people invited cool again lot shit past month friend would understand hope go next weekend long overdue group thing whenever anyway completely depressed trying hang something know everything ok love coworkers know lose buddy crazy lately need forget things" ]
trabajo todavía deprimente todavía se siente abrumado deja atrás muchas cosas saben una cosa siempre parece olvidar tener pensamientos profundos gente impresionante todavía lado un compañero de trabajo deprimido porta cola romper camión fumado tabaco compañero de trabajo bien hes invitando a la gente salidas dijo ok todavía podría ir juntos días hes goto muchas cosas se sienten como perder el mes pasado asegurándose de mantener la cosa mirar hacia adelante tiempo amor tiempo disparar mierda saber cosa favorita no puede nuestra gente conseguir imagen más difícil realmente ventilación conseguir cosas pecho invitados otra vez mucho mierda último mes amigo entendería esperar ir el próximo fin de semana largo grupo atrasado siempre que de todos modos completamente deprimido intentar colgar algo saber todo bien amor compañeros de trabajo saben perder amigo loco últimamente necesita olvidar cosas
tired moving forward matter make better person still feel like shit fuck everything fuck life hate it time needs come soon ready let go nobody would give fuck anyways think world would better exist anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired moving forward matter make better person still feel like shit fuck everything fuck life hate it time needs come soon ready let go nobody would give fuck anyways think world would better exist anymore" ]
cansado mover hacia adelante materia hacer mejor persona todavía se siente como mierda mierda todo mierda vida odio necesidad de tiempo venir pronto listo dejar ir nadie daría mierda de todos modos pensar mundo sería mejor existir más
could improve quite ways would like polishing turd still would good enough maybe would go good enough anyone friends certainly partner pick hobbies feel like deserve smile ugly thing like smile talent would silly did cannot create anything hate ugly creating something beautiful would ironic would feel like lie early s beginning bald top head god real cruel sense humor let us add messed already thanks feel envious people effortlessly obtain friendships notredflag people time lives partying hanging friends hooking up things never gotten do see everyone around feeling good feeling happy fun here feeling shameful likely never experience anything close daily wish could experience once move done it want keep missing out want life stop laughing me know do even improve still never going good enough anyone ugly talentless stupid receding hair like clock ticking become truly lost anyway bi get rejected absolutely everyone sight wish things would get better wake one day longer care always going alone apologies wasting time writing felt therapeutic good enough
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "could improve quite ways would like polishing turd still would good enough maybe would go good enough anyone friends certainly partner pick hobbies feel like deserve smile ugly thing like smile talent would silly did cannot create anything hate ugly creating something beautiful would ironic would feel like lie early s beginning bald top head god real cruel sense humor let us add messed already thanks feel envious people effortlessly obtain friendships notredflag people time lives partying hanging friends hooking up things never gotten do see everyone around feeling good feeling happy fun here feeling shameful likely never experience anything close daily wish could experience once move done it want keep missing out want life stop laughing me know do even improve still never going good enough anyone ugly talentless stupid receding hair like clock ticking become truly lost anyway bi get rejected absolutely everyone sight wish things would get better wake one day longer care always going alone apologies wasting time writing felt therapeutic good enough" ]
podría mejorar bastante maneras como podría pulir mierda todavía lo suficientemente bueno tal vez iría bastante bien cualquiera amigos sin duda pareja elegir pasatiempos se sienten como merecer sonrisa fea cosa como sonrisa talento tonto hizo no puede crear nada odio feo crear algo hermoso irónico se sentiría como mentira principio temprano calvo cabeza superior dios realmente cruel sentido humor vamos a añadir desordenado ya gracias sentir personas envidiosas sin esfuerzo obtener amistades nonredflag gente vidas tiempo fiestas amigos colgar enganchando cosas nunca llegó ver a todos alrededor sentirse bien diversión sentirse feliz aquí sensación vergonzosa probable que nunca experimentar cualquier cosa cerca deseo diario podría experimentar una vez que se mueva hecho lo quiero seguir perdiendo quiero la vida dejar de reír saber incluso mejorar nunca va lo suficientemente bueno alguien feo talento estúpido retroceso pelo como reloj tictac se pierden realmente de todos modos bi ser rechazado absolutamente todo lo que la vista desea que las cosas se despierten mejor un día más tiempo cuidado siempre va sola disculpas perder tiempo escritura se siente terapéutica bien
pls let diei want badly dead come forest planning killing myself didnt bring anything though looking suitable tree hang from hope weekend even tomorrow night going take planning need get everything order it would much easier could drop dead car crash hurting possibly cope with
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pls let diei want badly dead come forest planning killing myself didnt bring anything though looking suitable tree hang from hope weekend even tomorrow night going take planning need get everything order it would much easier could drop dead car crash hurting possibly cope with" ]
pls let diei want ware ware were come forest planning maiting melf no trajo nada aunque buscando árbol adecuado colgar de esperanza fin de semana incluso mañana por la noche va a tomar planificación necesita conseguir todo el orden que sería mucho más fácil podría caer muerto accidente de coche daño posiblemente hacer frente a
im scaredi cant anymore cant really cant tried im still alive wanna want work im tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scaredi cant anymore cant really cant tried im still alive wanna want work im tired" ]
No puedo más, no puedo más, no puedo intentar seguir vivo, quiero trabajar, estoy cansado, no puedo seguir vivo, quiero trabajar, no puedo más, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no quiero, todavía vivo quiero, quiero trabajo, estoy cansado, estoy cansado, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no puedo, no quiero, estoy vivo, quiero, quiero, quiero trabajo, estoy cansado, estoy cansado
literally forever started prozac mg like month ago recently started upping dose mg recommendation doctorrecently feeling bit less exhausted depressed never feel optimistic think happiness end go back suicidal thoughts idea expect these anyone share experiences prozacantidepressants relief last forever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "literally forever started prozac mg like month ago recently started upping dose mg recommendation doctorrecently feeling bit less exhausted depressed never feel optimistic think happiness end go back suicidal thoughts idea expect these anyone share experiences prozacantidepressants relief last forever" ]
literalmente comenzó para siempre prozac mg como hace un mes recientemente comenzó a subir dosis mg recomendación doctorrecientemente se siente un poco menos agotado deprimido nunca se siente optimista pensar felicidad extremo volver pensamientos suicidas idea esperar que estas personas comparten experiencias prozacantidepresivos alivio duran para siempre
understand difficult just breathe okay however am past traumas attack endlessly ruins present hence making want look forward future much write know start sure saying anonymously going help all feel empty writing this hope wake tomorrow want end tired want live anymore neither want kill myself tried times already gave failed fucking times loljokes me know tell everything joined community know fucked up sharing family make fuckin difference many times tried hinting them hey fucked up want wake tomorrow way family help me brushed off lol family depression even real devils workthat makes work short know putting effort waste anyone reads post let know okay share reasons made way today bother please use harsh commands civil get straight thanks hard accept whatever life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "understand difficult just breatheokay however am past traumas attack endlessly ruins present hence making want look forward future much write know start sure saying anonymously going help all feel empty writing this hope wake tomorrow want end tired want live anymore neither want kill myself tried times already gave failed fucking times loljokes me know tell everything joined community know fucked up sharing family make fuckin difference many times tried hinting them hey fucked up want wake tomorrow way family help me brushed off lol family depression even real devils workthat makes work short know putting effort waste anyone reads post let know okay share reasons made way today bother please use harsh commands civil get straight thanks hard accept whatever life" ]
entender difícil sólo respireokay sin embargo estoy traumas pasados ataque ruinas infinitas presente por lo tanto hacer desear mirar hacia adelante futuro mucho escribir saber empezar seguro diciendo anónimamente ir ayudar a todos sentir vacío escribir esta esperanza despertar mañana querer terminar cansado querer vivir más ni querer matarme a mí mismo tiempos probados ya fracasados tiempos fallidos loljokes me sé decir todo unido comunidad saber jodido compartir familia hacer diferencia muchas veces intentado insinuarlos hey jodido querer despertar mañana manera familia me ayudan a cepillarse lol familia depresión incluso trabajo diablos que hace trabajo corto saber poner esfuerzo desperdicio cualquiera lea post lea okay share razones hechas hoy molestarse por favor utilizar comandos duros civiles obtener directo gracias duro aceptar cualquier vida