tried buy razors venti tried buy razors intent slitting wrists time month forgetting so non home would even remotely sharp enough im sitting outside store feeling like idiot failed attempt even attempting cant even fucking right expect anything else right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried buy razors venti tried buy razors intent slitting wrists time month forgetting so non home would even remotely sharp enough im sitting outside store feeling like idiot failed attempt even attempting cant even fucking right expect anything else right" ]
intento comprar navajas venti intento comprar navajas intento cortar las muñecas tiempo mes olvidando así que no casa incluso remotamente lo suficientemente nítido im sentado fuera de la tienda sensación de idiota intento fallido incluso intento de no poder incluso esperar cualquier otra cosa bien
one many things school cant understand hard education system understand able find use informations hard useful remembering it im able answer hardest question give minute find answer instead remember ill study minutes forget later even understanding talking
[ "one many things school cant understand hard education system understand able find use informations hard useful remembering itim able answer hardest question give minute find answer instead remember ill study minutes forget later even understanding talking" ]
una muchas cosas que la escuela no puede entender sistema de educación dura entender capaz de encontrar información de uso duro útil recordar itim capaz respuesta más difícil pregunta dar minuto encontrar respuesta en lugar de recordar mal estudio minutos olvidar más tarde incluso entender hablar
wish would never wake againim tired physically worn emotionally exhausted know im getting cynical world ugly place im tired playing games everyone expects lot me one even acknowledges existence im tired disappointment im tired becoming uglier uglier barely sleep night anyway ok one despair find me find itll ok close eyes good
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish would never wake againim tired physically worn emotionally exhausted know im getting cynical world ugly place im tired playing games everyone expects lot me one even acknowledges existence im tired disappointmentim tired becoming uglier uglier barely sleep night anyway ok one despair find me find itll ok close eyes good" ]
deseo nunca despertaría cansado físicamente desgastado emocionalmente agotado sé im conseguir mundo cínico feo lugar im cansado jugar juegos todo el mundo espera mucho me uno incluso reconoce la existencia im cansado decepciónim cansado llegar a ser más feo apenas dormir noche de todos modos ok una desesperación encontrarme itll ok cerrar los ojos bien
right ear ringing bzzzzzzzzz
[ "right ear ringing bzzzzzzzzz" ]
oído derecho sonando bzzzzzzzzzzz
crystal city group mormons hire horse traders travis ben johnson sandy harry carey jr wagon masters lead caravan san juan river along journey meet first broken wagon without water quack dr a locksley hall alan mowbray prostitutes denver joanne dru fleuretty phyffe ruth clifford sadistic outlaws clegg boys decide join mormon caravan disguise patrol leaded sheriff crystal city chasing them navajos cross path invited visit hamlet dancing party wagon train near destination clegg boys threaten settlers forcing sandy travis take attitudebr br wagon master another great western john ford sequences wagon train crossing desert hills impressive adventure group mormons funny entertaining songs fit well plot despite dated vote eightbr br title brazil caravana dos bravos caravan braves
[ "crystal city group mormons hire horse traders travis ben johnson sandy harry carey jr wagon masters lead caravan san juan river along journey meet first broken wagon without water quack dr a locksley hall alan mowbray prostitutes denver joanne dru fleuretty phyffe ruth clifford sadistic outlaws clegg boys decide join mormon caravan disguise patrol leaded sheriff crystal city chasing them navajos cross path invited visit hamlet dancing party wagon train near destination clegg boys threaten settlers forcing sandy travis take attitudebr br wagon master another great western john ford sequences wagon train crossing desert hills impressive adventure group mormons funny entertaining songs fit well plot despite dated vote eightbr br title brazil caravana dos bravos caravan braves" ]
crystal city group mormons alquilan caballos travis ben johnson areny harry carry jr carre masters lead caravan san juan river a lo largo del viaje se encuentran primer carro roto sin agua quack dr un locksley hall alan mowbray prostitutas denver joanne dru fleuretty phyffe ruth clifford sádicos proscritos clegg chicos deciden unirse mormon caravana disfraz patrulla llevó sheriff cristal ciudad persiguiéndoles navajos cruce camino invitado visita aldea baile fiesta tren tren cerca destino clegg chicos amenaza colonos forzando arena travis toma actitudbr br carro maestro otro gran western john secuencias vagón tren cruzar desierto colinas impresionante aventura grupo mormons divertida canciones divertidas caben bien parcela a pesar de voto fecha ocho br br título brazil caravana dos bravos caravana bravos
officially hundred days old reddit dont know information bet dont know information either heres random gold found make somewhat interesting
[ "officially hundred days old reddit dont know information bet dont know information either heres random gold found make somewhat interesting" ]
oficialmente cien días de edad reddit no saben la información apuesta no saben la información o aquí oro al azar encontrado hacer algo interesante
feel like way outin january attempted od failed things alright little got hospital feel like redflag option dad fight lot starting crying fighting called ungrateful little bitch said stuff could would abort right made want die know abuse feel like burden everyone around me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like way outin january attempted od failed things alright little got hospital feel like redflag option dad fight lot starting crying fighting called ungrateful little bitch said stuff could would abort right made want die know abuse feel like burden everyone around me" ]
Siento como mucho en January intento od falló las cosas bien poco tengo hospital se siente como Redflag opción papá pelea mucho empezando llorando peleas llamada pequeña perra ingrata dijo cosas podría abortar derecho quiere morir saber abuso se siente como carga todos a mi alrededor
big fat liar comes welcome shallow welcome breath fresh air one many films featuring bathrooms bodily fluids pets acid gaseous jokes crotch gags all see spot run max keebles big move snow dogs signaled degenerative spiral kiddie moviemaking worse realization young audience would later satiated smuttier offerings not another teen movie slackers written nickelodeon producers dan schneider brian robbins who coincidentally costarred s sitcom head class film stars frankie muniz jason whos always ready good lie get scrapes wheres english paper dad choked swedish meatball teacher sandra oh issues ultimatum turn paper end day take summer school jason whips story called big fat liar struck en route school limousine carrying insensitive hollywood producer marty wolf paul giamatti wolf gives ride jason leaves paper behind one hear truth time dad tells hes lost trustbr br months later jason best friend kaylee amanda bynes see movie preview big fat liar head los angeles wreak havoc wolfs life get confession stole jasons paper make film even gain sympathy wolfs abused employees including assistant amanda detmer former chauffeur donald faison movie star jaleel urkel white playing himself stunt coordinator a muchaged lee majorsbr br because big fat liar without edge sitcom malcolm middle known for muniz easy root much work with likewise bynes headlines tracey ullmanlike sketch show nickelodeon hamminess given giamatti whose eyes bulge cheeks wiggle every sneering insultbr br the film gets snaps attempting high road enjoyed target audience especially since high jinks occur universal studios lot heres one headscratcher message pays tell truth see jason getting payback telling white lies throughout film well least theres poop
[ "big fat liar comes welcome shallow welcome breath fresh air one many films featuring bathrooms bodily fluids pets acid gaseous jokes crotch gags all see spot run max keebles big move snow dogs signaled degenerative spiral kiddie moviemaking worse realization young audience would later satiated smuttier offerings not another teen movie slackers written nickelodeon producers dan schneider brian robbins who coincidentally costarred s sitcom head class film stars frankie muniz jason whos always ready good lie get scrapes wheres english paper dad choked swedish meatball teacher sandra", "oh issues ultimatum turn paper end day take summer school jason whips story called big fat liar struck en route school limousine carrying insensitive hollywood producer marty wolf paul giamatti wolf gives ride jason leaves paper behind one hear truth time dad tells hes lost trustbr br months later jason best friend kaylee amanda bynes see movie preview big fat liar head los angeles wreak havoc wolfs life get confession stole jasons paper make film even gain sympathy wolfs abused employees including assistant amanda detmer former chauffeur donald faison movie star jaleel urkel white playing himself stunt coordinator a muchaged lee majorsbr br because big fat liar without edge sitcom malcolm middle known for muniz easy root much work with likewise bynes headlines tracey ullmanlike sketch show nickelodeon hamminess given giamatti whose eyes bulge cheeks wiggle every sneering insultbr br the film gets snaps attempting high road enjoyed target audience especially since high jinks occur universal studios lot heres one headscratcher message pays tell truth see jason getting payback telling white lies throughout film well least theres poop" ]
gran gordo mentiroso viene bienvenida poco profunda bienvenida aliento aire fresco una muchas películas con baños fluidos corporales mascotas ácido bromas gaseosas gags todos ver spot run max keebles gran movimiento perros de nieve señalizado espiral degenerativa boydie película peor realización joven audiencia más tarde saciada oferta de smuttier no otra adolescente película slackers escritos productores de níquelodeon dan schneider brian robbins que casualmente costarred s sitcom cabeza de clase estrellas de cine frankie muniz jason que siempre está listo buena mentira conseguir rasguños donde papel inglés papá ahogado maestro de albóndigas sueco sandra
depression taking life family relationships want diei even know say know need say it ive pushed away everyone thats ever meant anything me get hurt easy everything seems numb bleak know myself slept class day accident could think climbing third story dorm jumping ive wanting hurt badly hard live people just left partner love much left them cant cry feel like horrible human being excuses way am id really rather die keep feeling like this keep thinking future seemsgrey cant hold job cant hold relationship cant stand enough come closet worst part everyone thinks im getting better ever since moved college think dying everything hard me cant stop time im currently crisis ive year self harm free think im point need go hospital im afraid disappointing people think im great
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression taking life family relationships want diei even know say know need say it ive pushed away everyone thats ever meant anything me get hurt easy everything seems numb bleak know myself slept class day accident could think climbing third story dorm jumping ive wanting hurt badly hard live people just left partner love much left them cant cry feel like horrible human being excuses way am id really rather die keep feeling like this keep thinking future seemsgrey cant hold job cant hold relationship cant stand enough come closet worst part everyone thinks im getting better ever since moved college think dying everything hard me cant stop time im currently crisis ive year self harm free think im point need go hospital im afraid disappointing people think im great" ]
Depresión llevando la vida relaciones familiares quieren diei incluso saber decir saber necesidad decir ive alejado de todo el mundo que alguna vez significó cualquier cosa que me lastime fácil todo parece entumecido sombría saber que yo mismo dormido día de clase accidente podría pensar escalar tercer piso dormitorio saltar ive desear daño duro vivir gente acaba de izquierda pareja amor mucho les dejó no puede llorar sentir como horrible ser humano excusas manera de ser realmente mejor morir seguir sintiendo como este seguir pensando futuro parece gris cant mantener trabajo cant mantener relación no puede soportar lo suficiente venir armario peor parte todo el mundo piensa que estoy mejorando desde la universidad movida pensar morir todo duro no puedo detener el tiempo im crisis actual año de vida auto daño libre pensar im punto necesidad ir hospital im miedo gente decepcionar pensar im grande
looks make want commiti fucking hate way look every single part disgusting thing ever seen whole entire life lips small nose big eyes sunken shit look like im dead cant live like anymore might seem shallow everytime look mirror start crying im pretty enough never be boobs small thighs big fucking ankles look like fucking demon god wanna die bad people around tell im ugly im pretty feel theyre lying crawling skin try starve fail everytime gets worse feel like death option point hurts cause every girl around beautiful unique way im piece garbage literally
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looks make want commiti fucking hate way look every single part disgusting thing ever seen whole entire life lips small nose big eyes sunken shit look like im dead cant live like anymore might seem shallow everytime look mirror start crying im pretty enough never be boobs small thighs big fucking ankles look like fucking demon god wanna die bad people around tell im uglyim pretty feel theyre lying crawling skin try starve fail everytime gets worse feel like death option point hurts cause every girl around beautiful unique way im piece garbage literally" ]
miradas hacer querer comisi mierda odio manera mirada cada parte desagradable cosa nunca visto toda la vida labios pequeña nariz grande ojos hundidos mierda mirada como im muerto no puede vivir como más puede parecer superficial cada vez mirar espejo empezar llorar im bastante bonito nunca ser tetas pequeños muslos grandes puto tobillos se ven como mierda demonio dios quiere morir gente mala alrededor decir im feaim bastante sentir que están mintiendo piel gatear intento fall cada vez peor se siente como la muerte opción punto duele causa cada chica alrededor hermosa manera única im pieza basura literalmente
wish born malei chance mother first born uncle followed aunt first born father followed grandpa first born great uncle followed children first born girl boy come long line first borns females males actually see quite pattern first born girls younger brothers want transition know feel real want cis penis grown male male childhood feel less than feel ruined feel left out feel like life sad things gender stupid thing caught stupid shit like mothers try pretend sad little boys mom would wanted first born son matter much would try admit it likes little dress doll sad life sad world want it options limitedidk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish born malei chance mother first born uncle followed aunt first born father followed grandpa first born great uncle followed children first born girl boy come long line first borns females males actually see quite pattern first born girls younger brothers want transition know feel real want cis penis grown male male childhood feel less than feel ruined feel left out feel like life sad things gender stupid thing caught stupid shit like mothers try pretend sad little boys mom would wanted first born son matter much would try admit it likes little dress doll sad life sad world want it options limitedidk" ]
deseo nacido malei oportunidad madre primer nacimiento tío seguido tía primer nacimiento padre seguido abuelo primer nacimiento gran tío seguido niños primer nacimiento niña niño llegado larga línea primeros nacidos hembras machos realmente ver bastante patrón primer nacimiento niñas hermanos más jóvenes quieren transición saber sentir verdadero deseo Cis pene adulto masculina masculina infancia sentir menos que sentirse arruinado sentirse dejado de lado sentir como la vida triste cosas de género estúpido cosa atrapado mierda estúpida como las madres tratar de pretender triste niños mamá querría primer nacimiento hijo materia mucho intentar admitir que le gusta poco vestido muñeca triste vida triste mundo lo quieren opciones limitadoidk
post meant people comment couldnt tell man please contribute kisses neck amazing making anything else always feel better everyone talk seems agree this
[ "post meant people comment couldnt tell man please contribute kisses neck amazing making anything else always feel better everyone talk seems agree this" ]
post significa que la gente comentario no podría decirle al hombre por favor contribuir besos cuello increíble haciendo que cualquier otra cosa siempre se siente mejor todo el mundo hablar parece estar de acuerdo con esto
reason dummy thicc ever grope yall
[ "reason dummy thicc ever grope yall" ]
Por eso el thicc tonto siempre tiembla yull
spoiler nothing spoilerbr br i add name list folks feel viewers get it one even mentioned s word far seenbr br while agree kid died think specific committed suicide races slope old wagon shoots cliff andflies away maybe whole account form death allegory maybe commit suicide wagon laid out either case flies away cmon tough metaphorbr br maybe thing tom hanks ok narration besides raising ww memorial gotta love thatbr br oh yeah loved movie found incredibly moving
[ "spoiler nothing spoilerbr bri add name list folks feel viewers get it one even mentioned s word far seenbr br while agree kid died think specific committed suicide races slope old wagon shoots cliff andflies away maybe whole account form death allegory maybe commit suicide wagon laid out either case flies away cmon tough metaphorbr br maybe thing tom hanks ok narration besides raising ww memorial gotta love thatbr broh yeah loved movie found incredibly moving" ]
spoiler nothing spoilerbr bri añadir lista de nombres la gente siente que los espectadores lo entienden una palabra incluso mencionado s lejos vistabr br mientras que el chico de acuerdo murió pensar específico suicidas carreras pendientes carro viejo dispara acantilado y moscas lejos tal vez toda la cuenta forma muerte alegoría tal vez cometer suicidio carro dispuesto cualquiera de los casos vuela lejos cmon dura metáforabr br tal vez cosa tom hanks ok narración además de levantar ww memorial debe amar que br broh sí amaba película encontrado increíblemente conmovedor
dont know doi really helpless lately feel like nothing matters nobody cares me im making entry want see anyone feeling im feeling help other big factor dragging parents parents arent abusive feel like im nothing nice im something dont want like playing hockey ive playing since btw ive lost drive every year dread it im two teams travel high school live half hour away school usually get home midnight half wake may seem like lot hard fall asleep grades dropping take special reading class sri score isnt high enough tried telling parents hockey getting way automatically started yelling scolding me dont really friends anyone look to usually stay room cry hurt myself much happening life described feel shouldnt expand far want commit redflag dont want go hell want go heaven die family doesnt believe god do ive never gone church feel like may help me nothing happened yet im stuck here none love depend on
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know doi really helpless lately feel like nothing matters nobody cares me im making entry want see anyone feeling im feeling help other big factor dragging parents parents arent abusive feel like im nothing nice im something dont want like playing hockey ive playing since btw ive lost drive every year dread itim two teams travel high school live half hour away school usually get home midnight half wake may seem like lot hard fall asleep grades dropping take special reading class sri score isnt high enough tried telling parents hockey getting way automatically started yelling scolding me dont really friends anyone look to usually stay room cry hurt myself much happening life described feel shouldnt expand far want commit redflag dont want go hell want go heaven die family doesnt believe god do ive never gone church feel like may help me nothing happened yet im stuck here none love depend on" ]
No sé doi realmente impotente últimamente siento que nada importa nadie me importa hacer la entrada quiero ver a alguien sentirme ayudar a otro gran factor arrastrando padres padres no son abusivos siento como im nada agradable im algo no quiero como jugar hockey ive jugar desde btw ive perdido conducir cada año temor itim dos equipos viaje secundaria vivir media hora lejos escuela generalmente llegar a casa medianoche medio despertar puede parecer como mucho duro caer dormido grados bajando tomar clase especial sri puntuación no es suficientemente alto le dijo a los padres hockey conseguir manera automáticamente comenzó gritando regañarme realmente amigos nadie mira a permanecer cuarto llorar me lastimé mucho sucediendo vida descrita se siente no debe expandirse lejos quiere cometer Redflag no quiero ir infierno quiero ir cielo morir familia no creo que Dios nunca ha ido iglesia se siente como puede ayudarme nada pasó todavía im pegado aquí ninguno amor depende de
sixteen year old smiling lines face want call wrinkles thats is started form last year little bit since especially two three months seen go reached chin area feel awful ruins day catch reflection see themi smoke drugs eat like average person seen fat people snokers age them anyone similar experience please let know methods
[ "sixteen year old smiling lines face want call wrinkles thats is started form last year little bit since especially two three months seen go reached chin area feel awful ruins day catch reflection see themi smoke drugs eat like average person seen fat people snokers age them anyone similar experience please let know methods" ]
dieciseis años líneas sonrientes cara quieren llamar arrugas que se inician forma el año pasado poco desde especialmente dos tres meses vistos ir alcanzado zona de la barbilla se siente horrible ruinas día captura reflexión ver las drogas de mi humo comer como persona promedio visto personas gordas snokers edad ellos cualquier experiencia similar por favor deje saber métodos
im gonna kill myselfi cant take anymore feel numb maybe stab ill feel something once
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im gonna kill myselfi cant take anymore feel numb maybe stab ill feel something once" ]
Me voy a matar a mí mismo No puedo soportar más sentir entumecimiento tal vez apuñalar mal sentir algo una vez
tell replace plastic bags bottles also motivate answer filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler filller strok filler kara give nude
[ "tell replace plastic bags bottles also motivate answer filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler text filler filller strok filler kara give nude" ]
relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno de texto relleno relleno de texto relleno strok relleno kara dar desnudo
pushups decide to day managed pushups imma try get tomorrow
[ "pushups decide to day managed pushups imma try get tomorrow" ]
flexiones deciden día flexiones administradas Imma tratar de llegar mañana
want hear joke mei puzzles daily since year still pretty sucks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want hear joke mei puzzles daily since year still pretty sucks" ]
quiero escuchar broma mei puzzles diarios desde el año todavía bastante apesta
feel trappedfor past decade ive felt nothing selfhatred anger sadness loneliness point feel like thing ever make happy redflag thats issue though issue know killed myself would devastate family friends ten years ive painted smile face ive acted like everything okay loved ones worry happy ten years this feel like im living everyone elses behalf im tired want sadden family friends killing myself im also sick living sake keeping happy feel like fair people always talk taking care well being supposed one thing make happy taking life keep suffering everyone else happy im afraid stay alive long enough im going start resenting loved ones happy want ever get point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel trappedfor past decade ive felt nothing selfhatred anger sadness loneliness point feel like thing ever make happy redflag thats issue though issue know killed myself would devastate family friends ten years ive painted smile face ive acted like everything okay loved ones worry happy ten years this feel like im living everyone elses behalf im tired want sadden family friends killing myself im also sick living sake keeping happy feel like fair people always talk taking care well being supposed one thing make happy taking life keep suffering everyone else happy im afraid stay alive long enough im going start resenting loved ones happy want ever get point" ]
Se siente atrapado durante la última década ive se sentía nada odio a sí mismo ira tristeza punto de la soledad se siente como cosa nunca hacer feliz bandera roja que el problema aunque el problema saber me mataba a mí mismo devastaría amigos de la familia diez años ive pintado sonrisa cara ive actuó como todo bien seres queridos preocuparse felices diez años este se siente como im vivir a todos los demás en nombre de mí cansado quiero triste amigos de la familia que me matan im enfermo vivir sake mantener feliz se siente como la gente justa siempre hablar teniendo cuidado bien ser supuesto una cosa hacer feliz tomando la vida seguir sufriendo a todos los demás feliz me temo seguir vivo lo suficiente voy empezar resentido seres queridos feliz quiero conseguir punto
want aliveive never anybody care im done it every friend ive ever left me almost year since ive friend im tired life ive never relationship would love one one girl interested whole life feel like loved her depression took away cried every night months fuck want alone forever kill cut shit short
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want aliveive never anybody care im done it every friend ive ever left me almost year since ive friend im tired life ive never relationship would love one one girl interested whole life feel like loved her depression took away cried every night months fuck want alone forever kill cut shit short" ]
quiero vivir nunca a nadie le importa lo hice cada amigo live me dejó casi año desde vida amigo i cansado vida live nunca amaría a una chica interesada en toda la vida sentir como amado su depresión se llevó llorado cada noche meses mierda solo quiero matar para siempre cortar mierda corto
guys reply quickly people leaving hours time come back u know im see typing notif fml studying test
[ "guys reply quickly people leaving hours time come back u know im see typing notif fml studying test" ]
chicos responder rápidamente la gente dejando horas tiempo volver u saber im ver teclear notif fml estudio de prueba
day random questions ever read book made laugh loud
[ "day random questions ever read book made laugh loud" ]
preguntas al azar día alguna vez leer libro hizo reír fuerte
say excellent end excellent series never quite got exposure deserved asia far best cop show best writing best cast televison ever end great era sorry see go
[ "say excellent end excellent series never quite got exposure deserved asia far best cop show best writing best cast televison ever end great era sorry see go" ]
decir excelente final excelente serie nunca consiguió la exposición merecida asia mejor programa de policía mejor escritura mejor elenco televisor siempre final gran era lament ver ir
im honest dont want another fucking yearand made promise bf id gone new years im here suffering making miserable making everything worse off id honestly better dead really dont expect make _
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im honest dont want another fucking yearand made promise bf id gone new years im here suffering making miserable making everything worse off id honestly better dead really dont expect make _" ]
soy honesto no quiero otro maldito año e hice la promesa bf id ido años nuevos im aquí sufriendo haciendo miserable hacer todo peor fuera de id honestamente mejor muerto realmente no esperar hacer _
need help cant stop thinking friends lost keep worrying need stop idea need help guys
[ "need help cant stop thinking friends lost keep worrying need stop idea need help guys" ]
Necesito ayuda no puedo dejar de pensar amigos perdidos seguir preocupándose necesidad parar idea necesita ayuda chicos
disappointedso im writing mobile hospital bed please forgive formatting length made attempt little week ago almost worked mother law walked bedroom which never does found unconscious tell me even minutes later would late diagnosed type bipolar year ago clarified ptsd induced bipolar time started taking meds again january admitted psychologist psychiatrist suicidal instantly changed meds gave impression working wasnt little week ago waited kids asleep beds went bathroom took recently filled meds considering take mood stabilizers plus meds migraines something else sleep lot stomach started feel heavy that felt great felt free knew matter time put letters written kids husband parents put sure theyd found laid waited remember falling asleep feeling like finally free fast forward days im waking icu mother asleep chair next bed one sisters boyfriend asleep couch room life me cant understand im still alive work whole body hurts tubes coming arms im pissed worked got explanations realized mother law called ambulance thing feel hatred hate picked walk in leave alone let die know shouldnt cant help it want here perfect plan ruined it im stuck hospital life want in people cant understand much hurts breathe every day completely sucks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "disappointedso im writing mobile hospital bed please forgive formatting length made attempt little week ago almost worked mother law walked bedroom which never does found unconscious tell me even minutes later would late diagnosed type bipolar year ago clarified ptsd induced bipolar time started taking meds again january admitted psychologist psychiatrist suicidal instantly changed meds gave impression working wasnt little week ago waited kids asleep beds went bathroom took recently filled meds considering take mood stabilizers plus meds migraines something else sleep lot stomach started feel heavy that felt great felt free knew matter time put letters written kids husband parents put sure theyd found laid waited remember falling asleep feeling like finally free fast forward days im waking icu mother asleep chair next bed one sisters boyfriend asleep couch room life me cant understand im still alive work whole body hurts tubes coming arms im pissed worked got explanations realized mother law called ambulance thing feel hatred hate picked walk in leave alone let die know shouldnt cant help it want here perfect plan ruined it", "im stuck hospital life want in people cant understand much hurts breathe every day completely sucks" ]
Decepcionóso im escritura móvil cama de hospital por favor perdone formato longitud hecho intento poco hace semana casi trabajo madre ley caminó dormitorio que nunca se encontró inconsciente me dicen incluso minutos después tarde diagnóstico tipo bipolar hace tiempo ptsd inducido bipolar comenzó a tomar medicamentos de nuevo enero admitido psiquiatra psiquiatra suicida instantáneamente cambió la impresión trabajo era poco hace semana espera niños dormir camas ir baño tomó recientemente lleno medicamentos teniendo en cuenta tomar estabilizadores de humor más medicamentos migrañas algo más sueño mucho estómago comenzó sentirse pesado que se sentía muy bien sentido libre sabía materia tiempo poner cartas escritas niños marido padres poner seguro que se encontraron esperó recordar quedarse dormido sentir como finalmente libre rápido adelante días im icu madre silla dormida al lado cama una hermana novio sueño sofá habitación vida me no puedo entender im todavía vivo trabajo todo cuerpo duele tubos venir brazos im enojado consiguió explicaciones se dio cuenta madre ley llamada ambulancia cosa sentir odio elegido caminar solo dejar morir saber no debe ayudar a querer aquí plan perfecto arruinado
fix meits always case grass greener side im goddamn tired im breaking responsibilities turned two weeks ago attend university im junior premedicine im saying brag nothing brag about one care relevant feel way im taking three hard science courses not like psychology intro level level yeah easy grades slipping last midterm level got points average me funny thing is im studying harder ever before version social interaction study groups feel tired alone morning til night classes undergrad research study study study losing sleep losing sleep dorm two roommates one early entrance program am cant support me support me kick room every fucking night not exaggeration need stay study frequent allnighters want go sleep wander floors searching open study room sometimes audacity take nap early evening like pm bitch cant socialize room vibrating alarm goes long morning get lectured by older roommate get little sleep ive taken sleeping fucking study room head table surrounded notes way bother them pathetic come this feel like ask permission everything like fucking dog dorm room too right it feel like theres nowhere go grades sinking research project thats going lead publication sucking time social life occasional going getting drunk try escape act like im someone else feel robbed high school life ive depressed since entered college freshman sophomore years hard make normal college friends fact good deal probably means decent social skills one me one think would want im fucked head stress eating alive way forward fair suffer like this worrying prom boyfriend fair suffer like this humanities roommates coast along classes easy go route another way thought getting better two days ago playing charger cord wrapped around neck squeezed really hard realizing stopped want die want live life yesterday cried quiet little tears dorm room roommates fucked around laptops one asked okay cleaned went class fifteen minutes later laughed talked like everything okay god know much longer tell that please help get this lost
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fix meits always case grass greener side", "im goddamn tired im breaking responsibilities turned two weeks ago attend university im junior premedicine im saying brag nothing brag about one care relevant feel way im taking three hard science courses not like psychology intro level level yeah easy grades slipping last midterm level got points average me funny thing is im studying harder ever before version social interaction study groups feel tired alone morning til night classes undergrad research study study study losing sleep losing sleep dorm two roommates one early entrance program am cant support me support me kick room every fucking night not exaggeration need stay study frequent allnighters want go sleep wander floors searching open study room sometimes audacity take nap early evening like pm bitch cant socialize room vibrating alarm goes long morning get lectured by older roommate get little sleep ive taken sleeping fucking study room head table surrounded notes way bother them pathetic come this feel like ask permission everything like fucking dog dorm room too right it feel like theres nowhere go grades sinking research project thats going lead publication sucking time social life occasional going getting drunk try escape act like im someone else feel robbed high school life ive depressed since entered college freshman sophomore years hard make normal college friends fact good deal probably means decent social skills one me one think would want im fucked head stress eating alive way forward fair suffer like this worrying prom boyfriend fair suffer like this humanities roommates coast along classes easy go route another way thought getting better two days ago playing charger cord wrapped around neck squeezed really hard realizing stopped want die want live life yesterday cried quiet little tears dorm room roommates fucked around laptops one asked okay cleaned went class fifteen minutes later laughed talked like everything", "okaygod know much longer tell that please help get this lost" ]
Arréglame el lado verde de la hierba de la caja
broo yall cute today damn like every selfie post see mf cutiepie like damn u guys killing today
[ "broo yall cute today damn like every selfie post see mf cutiepie like damn u guys killing today" ]
broo yall lindo hoy maldito como cada selfie post ver mf cutiepie como maldito u chicos matando hoy
things always go wrong cant thisi always fuck time cant save things boyfriend im selfish shit upsets him feel guilty mom abusive piece shit dad even come near us covid asked could stay said legally cant theres nobody watch baby sister swear god cant keep living here nothing ever gonna change always tell always gets worse always genuinely see purpose continuing life theres never gonna time im gonna feel happy little while im always gonna stuck parts ruin life hate im sorry sfdhjhj
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "things always go wrong cant thisi always fuck time cant save things boyfriend im selfish shit upsets him feel guilty mom abusive piece shit dad even come near us covid asked could stay said legally cant theres nobody watch baby sister swear god cant keep living here nothing ever gonna change always tell always gets worse always genuinely see purpose continuing life theres never gonna time im gonna feel happy little while im always gonna stuck parts ruin life hate im sorry sfdhjhj" ]
las cosas siempre van mal no puedo esta mierda el tiempo no puedo salvar cosas novio yo mierda egoísta molesta él se siente culpable mamá pieza abusiva mierda papá incluso se nos acerca covid preguntado podría quedarse dijo legalmente cant no hay nadie ver bebé hermana jurar dios no puede seguir viviendo aquí nada nunca va a cambiar siempre decir siempre se pone peor siempre ver propósito continuar la vida nunca va a tiempo im va a sentirse feliz poco mientras que yo siempre va a atascado partes arruinar la vida odio im lo siento sfdhjhj
feel might time iti hate pain time since ive hit car hate breathless disease people use me abuse me like mother ran away matter am do im always harmed bullied im alone cant trust anyone probably better im dead one knows cares anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel might time iti hate pain time since ive hit car hate breathless disease people use me abuse me like mother ran away matter am doim always harmed bullied im alone cant trust anyone probably better im dead one knows cares anyways" ]
Siente que el tiempo iti odia el dolor desde que el coche de ive hit odia la enfermedad sin aliento la gente me usa abusar de mí como la madre huyó materia am doim siempre dañado intimidado yo solo no puedo confiar en nadie probablemente mejor im muerto uno sabe que se preocupa de todos modos
mrsa ruined life im considering ending itever since caught illness friend august every single day dominated it either actual symptoms worrying theyre going come next both earlier today told cant get help works private healthcare started accepted onto scheme thats final kick teeth long fucking line them ever since caught illness ive hopes raised new antibiotic referred different doctor every single time shattered im fucking done fighting im done hopes dashed over cant take another heartbreak keep fighting obvious im meant lose battle nothing beaten it im looking best ways ending life are ive asked friend mine works nursing home help hes refused method im capable looks promisingi may pick least worst option ive tried breaking news boyfriend hes devastated want end life says matter give me feel incredibly guilty might him hell better without me keeps living hell probably catch much misery im now hell better without even realise yet work tomorrow weekim sure might go in know know ill end this im sure anything right now im honest thought dying scares life basically nowi future worth looking forward anymore illness robbed it im rambing apologise know do want keep living future thought dying scares too thought picking least worst way thatdoes anyone know anything might help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mrsa ruined life im considering ending itever since caught illness friend august every single day dominated it either actual symptoms worrying theyre going come next both earlier today told cant get help works private healthcare started accepted onto scheme thats final kick teeth long fucking line them ever since caught illness ive hopes raised new antibiotic referred different doctor every single time shattered im fucking done fightingim done hopes dashed over cant take another heartbreak keep fighting obvious im meant lose battle nothing beaten it im looking best ways ending life are ive asked friend mine works nursing home help hes refused method im capable looks promisingi may pick least worst option ive tried breaking news boyfriend hes devastated want end life says matter give me feel incredibly guilty might him hell better without me keeps living hell probably catch much misery im now hell better without even realise yet work tomorrow weekim sure might go in know know ill end this im sure anything right now im honest thought dying scares life basically nowi future worth looking forward anymore", "illness robbed it im rambing apologise know do want keep living future thought dying scares too thought picking least worst way thatdoes anyone know anything might help" ]
La Sra. Arruinó la vida considerándolo terminarlo desde que agotó la enfermedad amigo august cada día dominaba o síntomas reales preocupación ellos van venir siguiente ambos temprano hoy dijo cant conseguir ayuda obras salud privada comenzó a aceptar en esquema que los dientes patada final larga línea ellos desde que atrapados enfermedad i esperanzas planteadas nuevo antibiótico referido diferente doctor cada vez rotos im hecho fightingim hecho esperanzas rotas cant tomar otro corazón roto seguir luchando obvio im significa perder batalla nada golpeado im buscar mejores maneras de terminar la vida son ive pedido amigo mi trabajo enfermería hogar ayuda hes rechazado método im capaz miradas promisori puede elegir lo menos peor opción ive intentado romper noticias novio hes devastado fin vida dice materia me da la sensación increíblemente culpable podría él infierno mejor sin mí sigue viviendo infierno coger mucha miseria im ahora infierno mejor sin siquiera darse cuenta todavía trabajo mañana semanaim seguro podría ir en saber mal final este im seguro nada justo ahora im honesto pensamiento morir asusta vida básicamente ahora i futuro vale la pena mirar hacia adelante
first timerseeing posts subreddit makes look like really big problem oh well recently foreigner usa ive applied go boarding school united states pursue dreams future engineer silicon valley parents nearly spent k travel expenseadmissions ssat scores came out equivalent sat highschools pretty bad feel like whats point cant go boarding school us living country hellhole everything extremely competitive even succeed engineers disrespected fucking country ive let parents down myself feel like parents done much little results admission going come soon feel like jumping comes
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "first timerseeing posts subreddit makes look like really big problemoh well recently foreigner usa ive applied go boarding school united states pursue dreams future engineer silicon valley parents nearly spent k travel expenseadmissions ssat scores came out equivalent sat highschools pretty bad feel like whats point cant go boarding school us living country hellhole everything extremely competitive even succeed engineers disrespected fucking country ive let parents down myself feel like parents done much little results admission going come soon feel like jumping comes" ]
primer tiempo que los mensajes de subreddit hace parecer realmente gran problemaoh bien recientemente extranjero usa ive aplicado ir internado Estados Unidos perseguir sueños futuro ingeniero Silicon Valley padres casi gastó k gastos de viaje admisiones ssat puntajes salió equivalente set escuelas secundarias bastante mal sentir como qué punto no puede ir internado nosotros país viviente infierno agujero todo extremadamente competitivo incluso ingenieros exitosos irrespetó país ive dejar padres abajo mí mismo siento como padres hecho muy pocos resultados admisión va venir pronto sentir como saltar viene
told crush loved her said friend big deal thought would happen way kinda sad
[ "told crush loved her said friend big deal thought would happen way kinda sad" ]
le dijo que el amor amor a su amigo dijo gran cosa pensó que pasaría un poco triste
whos lil game go omegle put reddit interests answer every call bananas cool try find fellow teens sub
[ "whos lil game go omegle put reddit interests answer every call bananas cool try find fellow teens sub" ]
¿Quién es lil juego ir omegle poner reddit intereses responder a cada llamada plátanos fresco tratar de encontrar compañeros adolescentes sub
fucking hate people text press send finishing everything say send like messages fuck rather boys text ok
[ "fucking hate people text press send finishing everythingsay send like messages fuck rather boys text ok" ]
mierda odio gente texto prensa enviar terminar todosay enviar como mensajes mierda bastante chicos texto ok
act killing actually done life mental health got fucked covid testing centers motivation study today took practice act test got think make someone help need get scholarship december need least act option left oct want live life hard wanna die parents probably dissapointed idk need scholarship
[ "act killing actually done life mental health got fucked covid testing centers motivation study today took practice act test got think make someone help need get scholarship december need least act option left oct want live life hard wanna die parents probably dissapointed idk need scholarship" ]
acto asesinato realmente hecho vida salud mental consiguió cogida covid centros de pruebas de motivación estudio hoy tomó práctica acto prueba llegó pensar hacer que alguien ayuda necesita obtener beca diciembre necesidad menos acción opción izquierda octubre quieren vivir la vida duro querer morir padres probablemente dissapointed idk necesidad beca
cant post pictures subreddita tried multiple times failed suggestions
[ "cant post pictures subreddita tried multiple times failed suggestions" ]
cant post fotos subreddita intentó varias veces sugerencias fallidas
aaaahhhahahahaha bruhhhhhhhhhh lets gooooooooo got comment said shadowbanned removed deemed spam lmaoooooo also got infraction point one im permabanned lmaoooooooooo
[ "aaaahhhahahahaha bruhhhhhhhhhh lets gooooooooo got comment said shadowbanned removed deemed spam lmaoooooo also got infraction point oneim permabanned lmaoooooooooo" ]
aaahhhahahahaha bruhhhhhhh lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
someone tell everything gonna ok want awards want none that wanna know everything going world gonna ok please
[ "someone tell everything gonna ok want awards want none that wanna know everything going world gonna ok please" ]
Que alguien le diga todo lo que va a estar bien. Que los premios no quieren. Que quieren saber todo lo que va a ir el mundo, que va a estar bien, por favor.
einsten said solve problem thinking used create problem ocd hell way outwhat do please talk mei nice family loves much know deserve emotional nice person hurt anybody anythingi graduated college studled lessonsi less severe intrusive thoughts theneverybody dissapointed memy intrusive thoughts unique harm ocd contamination else ingrained character maybe ocd sure doctors said ocdi tried medicines ssris antipsychotics also anafranil thoughts make anxious make frustrated hopeless got erp treatment ut work biti people father mother brother virtual girl friend grandmotheri thought virtual friend understands different like opposite thought sameanyway chance get brain surgery called cingulotomy electrocution therapywhat broken non functional sadi exist live aware hurts lot family sad crieswhat live middle east facilities meds dark hospitals without life existing living mentally not nothing venting theoritcally helped say reality nothing ok
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "einsten said solve problem thinking used create problem ocd hell way outwhat do please talk mei nice family loves much know deserve emotional nice person hurt anybody anythingi graduated college studled lessonsi less severe intrusive thoughts theneverybody dissapointed memy intrusive thoughts unique harm ocd contamination else ingrained character maybe ocd sure doctors said ocdi tried medicines ssris antipsychotics also anafranil thoughts make anxious make frustrated hopeless got erp treatment ut work biti people father mother brother virtual girl friend grandmotheri thought virtual friend understands different like opposite thought sameanyway chance get brain surgery called cingulotomy electrocution therapywhat broken non functional sadi exist live aware hurts lot family sad crieswhat live middle east facilities meds dark hospitals without life existing living mentally not nothing venting theoritcally helped say reality nothing ok" ]
einsten dijo resolver el pensamiento del problema utilizado crear problemas ocd infierno manera de salir lo que por favor hablar mei agradable familia ama mucho saber merece emocional buena persona lastimar cualquier cosa graduada universidad studled lessonsi menos graves pensamientos intrusivos entonces todo el mundo dissapointed memy pensamientos intrusivos daño único contaminación ocd otro carácter arraigado tal vez ocd seguro los médicos dijeron ocdi probado medicamentos ssris antipsicóticos también pensamientos anafranil ansiosos hacer frustrados sin esperanza tratamiento erp ut work biti people padre madre hermano virtual chica amigo abuela pensé amigo virtual entiende diferente como opuesto pensamiento igual oportunidad conseguir cirugía cerebral llamada terapia electrocución cingulotomía lo que se rompió no funcional sadi existe vivo consciente dolor mucho familia triste llantoslo viven instalaciones de Oriente Medio meds hospitales oscuros sin vida existencia vida mental no nada ventilar theoritcally ayudó a decir realidad nada ok
want visit beachy headhello used farcry deleted account embarrassed pathetic past posts anyways thats important right now fact is depression social anxiety completely defeated me used wake feeling depressed wake crying physical painnumbness i know crying could cause physical pain now also wrote redflag letter sister closest person friend become distant always working ive made way many serious mistakes life im scared everything remotely involves people talking people applying jobs simply outdoors im scared call therapist book appointment im scared use redflag hotline i telephobia never normal person again part really want to many said subreddit whats point working everyday if lucky retire old anything finally die thought leaving house travelling rvagabond im unfit untrained yes skills need survive hobo figured money run eventually might well start hobo now well turns im knowledgeable enough even hobo survival skills last week outside plan im going next flight beachy head or wherever nearest airport is ive always wanted visit uk im going destroy ids phone sit cliffs drink soda enjoy view hours might sit entire day weather nice want see beachy heads sunrise sunset stars night heard patrols there hope theyll come talk me current state sure hell aint got courage motivation approachtalk someone btw friends cant talk family sit hours nobody helps me ill jump actually might jump bit sooner depression clenches start crying pain part destroying id ex passport important itll help chicken out ill stranded uk able come back want come back do ill right back now also jump want anyone know im dead want disappear forever quietly patrol officer stop jumping im going give fake name story beg job food shelter refuses ill jump too think drastic measure ought bring pit despair one way another ill essentially start life completely either uk hell
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want visit beachy headhello used farcry deleted account embarrassed pathetic past posts anyways thats important right now fact is depression social anxiety completely defeated me used wake feeling depressed wake crying physical painnumbness i know crying could cause physical pain now also wrote redflag letter sister closest person friend become distant always working ive made way many serious mistakes life im scared everything remotely involves people talking people applying jobs simply outdoors im scared call therapist book appointment imscared use redflag hotlinei telephobia never normal person again part really want to many said subreddit whats point working everyday if lucky retire old anything finally die thought leaving house travelling rvagabond", "im unfit untrained yes skills need survive hobo figured money run eventually might well start hobo now well turns im knowledgeable enough even hobo survival skills last week outside plan im going next flight beachy head or wherever nearest airport is ive always wanted visit uk im going destroy ids phone sit cliffs drink soda enjoy view hours might sit entire day weather nice want see beachy heads sunrise sunset stars night heard patrols there hope theyll come talk me current state sure hell aint got courage motivation approachtalk someone btw friends cant talk family sit hours nobody helps me ill jump actually might jump bit sooner depression clenches start crying pain part destroying id ex passport important itll help chicken out ill stranded uk able come back want come back do ill right back now also jump want anyone know im dead want disappear forever quietly patrol officer stop jumping im going give fake name story beg job food shelter refuses ill jump too think drastic measure ought bring pit despair one way another ill essentially start life completely either uk hell" ]
want visit beachy headhello used farcry eliminate account thoused patentious past posts anyways thats important fact is depression social anyness completely derroted me used wake sentite deprimy state state lloron fisical dolpnumbness yo sé que llorar podría causar dolor físico ahora también escribió rodflag letter roadflag letter roadflag lineali telefobia nunca más persona normal parte realmente quiere a muchos dijo subreddit qué punto de trabajo todos los días si suerte jubilar viejo cualquier cosa finalmente morir pensamiento dejar casa viajar rvagabond
f join discord server hey active discord server curious anyone else wanted join ill dm link w
[ "f join discord serverhey active discord server curious anyone else wanted join ill dm link w" ]
f unirse a la discordia serverhey servidor de discordia activa curioso cualquier otra persona quería unirse mal dm enlace w
cant believe comments show show genius sure follow tried true consumers always want things thrust us again option sit back enjoy something new while style realistic previous scooby doo shows supposed be show titled shaggy scooby doo get clue part title states entire beloved cast renditions would constantly join action nowhere say theyd solving mysteries cant even stand monsters would they im actually glad put long standing plot points work scoobydoo show still running jokes clumsy hijinks quickchange outfits chase scenes standard hallway gag even scooby snacks fact im glad show there love it im even glad got rid rest team concentrated two main characters villainbr br sure ridiculous supposed be sure different supposed be supposed make laugh villain cheer idiotic robotic butler triumph intruding vermin matter size supposed get running roobiroo joke whole thing put together well single thing think wrong it writing acting animation top notch title music awesome my computer plays get clue boots up background music gripping
[ "cant believe comments show show genius sure follow tried true consumers always want things thrust us again option sit back enjoy something new while style realistic previous scooby doo shows supposed be show titled shaggy scooby doo get clue part title states entire beloved cast renditions would constantly join action nowhere say theyd solving mysteries cant even stand monsters would they im actually glad put long standing plot points work scoobydoo show still running jokes clumsy hijinks quickchange outfits chase scenes standard hallway gag even scooby snacks fact im glad show there love itim even glad got rid rest team concentrated two main characters villainbr br sure ridiculous supposed be sure different supposed be supposed make laugh villain cheer idiotic robotic butler triumph intruding vermin matter size supposed get running roobiroo joke whole thing put together well single thing think wrong it writing acting animation top notch title music awesome my computer plays get clue boots up background music gripping" ]
No puedo creer que los comentarios show show genio seguro seguir probados verdaderos consumidores siempre quieren las cosas nos empujan de nuevo opción sentarse atrás disfrutar de algo nuevo mientras que el estilo realista scooby doo shows anteriores supuesto ser show titulado shaggy scooby doo get pista parte título estados enteros amados repartos constantemente unirse acción en ninguna parte decir que resolver misterios cant stand monstruos im realmente contento poner largamente puntos de trama trabajo scoobydoo show todavía corriendo chistes torpes hijinks cambio rápido trajes persecución escenas estándar pasillo gag incluso aperitivos im feliz mostrar allí amor itim incluso contento consiguió descanso equipo concentrado dos personajes principales villanobr br seguro ridículo supuesto seguro diferente supuesto hacer reír villano animado idiota mayordomo robótico triunfo intrusión vermin tamaño supuesto conseguir funcionamiento roobiroo broma todo conjunto poner juntos bien único pensar mal que la actuación de animación top notch título música impresionante mi computadora obras conseguir pista botas de fondo música agarre
like feeling like thisso im last year college lost close relative feels like want work course work anymore let alone think hardships college like getting job find place stay again idk guess im really tired forging ahead wish take care things anymore commit redflag want siblings little cousins say wish couldve known like guess question would be get motivation go get need get done done thank input greatly appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "like feeling like thisso im last year college lost close relative feels like want work course work anymore let alone think hardships college like getting job find place stay again idk guess im really tired forging ahead wish take care things anymore commit redflag want siblings little cousins say wish couldve known like guess question would be get motivation go get need get done done thank input greatly appreciated" ]
como sentir como esto así que el año pasado la universidad perdió pariente cercano se siente como querer trabajo curso trabajo más, mucho menos pensar dificultades universidad como conseguir trabajo encontrar lugar estancia de nuevo idk supongo que estoy realmente cansado forjar futuro deseo tener cuidado las cosas más comisión Redflag quieren hermanos pequeños primos decir deseo podría haber conocido como conjetura pregunta sería conseguir motivación ir conseguir necesidad hecho gracias entrada muy apreciado
im tired tired timeevery month post something here delete forget pain come back going past five years keep telling get better someday ill one normal girls ill happy feel void ive already died many times ive already walked path one many times wanna die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired tired timeevery month post something here delete forget pain come back going past five years keep telling get better someday ill one normal girls ill happy feel void ive already died many times ive already walked path one many times wanna die" ]
I cansado tiempo cansado cada mes publicar algo aquí borrar olvidar el dolor volver pasados cinco años seguir diciendo mejorar algún día enfermo una normal chicas mal feliz sentir vacío ive ya murió muchas veces ive ya caminado camino uno muchas veces querer morir
seen many wong karwais movies happy together fallen angels ashes time knew expect coming theatre cinematography would lush use space perspective would varied acting would superb least one characters would consumed ineffable loneliness are all precisely techniques make wong karwais art is expecting degree drawn film reviewers dismissed unfinished compelled characters seemed consumed ennuibr br i find interesting people utterly unmoved film vividly displays emotions settings many us take granted work ardently forget overwhelming sense grief stemming betrayed guilt aroused thought becoming better betrayer mundane yet profoundly intimate moments relationships need express oneself verbally utterly superfluous wong karwai attempts portray film achieves wellbr br too many americans consumed need every moment film filled stock dialogue witty banter disaffected sarcasm overwrought confessions seem pinnacle best american film offer wong karwai sees things differently instead character needing keep audience apprised every feeling perception belief wongs characters make feelings understandings known clearly facial gestures body positioning and yes silencebr br if viewers merely contemplate film standpoint character development action may disappointed offer willing let try intuit characters feeling may feel quite differently wong offer them
[ "seen many wong karwais movies happy together fallen angels ashes time knew expect coming theatre cinematography would lush use space perspective would varied acting would superb least one characters would consumed ineffable loneliness are all precisely techniques make wong karwais art is expecting degree drawn film reviewers dismissed unfinished compelled characters seemed consumed ennuibr bri find interesting people utterly unmoved film vividly displays emotions settings many us take granted work ardently forget overwhelming sense grief stemming betrayed guilt aroused thought becoming better betrayer mundane yet profoundly intimate moments relationships", "need express oneself verbally utterly superfluous wong karwai attempts portray film achieves wellbr br too many americans consumed need every moment film filled stock dialogue witty banter disaffected sarcasm overwrought confessions seem pinnacle best american film offer wong karwai sees things differently instead character needing keep audience apprised every feeling perception belief wongs characters make feelings understandings known clearly facial gestures body positioning and yes silencebr br if viewers merely contemplate film standpoint character development action may disappointed offer willing let try intuit characters feeling may feel quite differently wong offer them" ]
Vieron muchas películas wong karwais felices juntos ángeles caídos ceniza tiempo sabía esperar cinematografía teatro exuberante uso espacio perspectiva variada actuación sería excelente al menos un personaje consumiría inefable soledad son todas precisamente técnicas hacer wong karwais arte está esperando grado dibujado crítica de cine despedido personajes obligados inacabados parecía consumido ennuibr brú interesante gente película completamente inmóvil muestra vívidamente emociones ambientes muchos nos damos por sentado trabajo ardientemente olvidar abrumador dolor desenfrenado culpa traicionada despertado pensamiento convertirse mejor traidor mundano pero profundamente íntimo relaciones momentos
seriously hand pistol would it would rather put bullet brain go grave want shoot head
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "seriously hand pistol would it would rather put bullet brain go grave want shoot head" ]
pistola de mano seria preferiría poner cerebro de bala ir a la tumba quiero disparar cabeza
wondering pedos like usual lol wonder pedophiles ever end feeling bad year old pedo got bit im wondering specifically theyre quite young thats wonder theyll ever feel bad it dont know older ones s ig feel bad theyre quite old horny teens ever know wrong ever know much hurt people
[ "wondering pedos like usual lol wonder pedophiles ever end feeling bad year old pedo got bit im wondering specifically theyre quite young thats wonder theyll ever feel bad it dont know older ones s ig feel bad theyre quite old horny teens ever know wrong ever know much hurt people" ]
me pregunto pedos como de costumbre lol me pregunto pedófilos nunca terminan sintiéndose mal año viejo pedo me mordí me pregunto específicamente son bastante jóvenes que se preguntan que alguna vez se sentirán mal no saben los mayores s ig se sienten mal son bastante viejos adolescentes calientes nunca saben mal nunca saben mucho personas lastimadas
fortnite audio issues im menu loading screen game sounds normal soon spawn waiting area sound completely disappears happen anyone else ijoy iso stereo bluetooth headset matters
[ "fortnite audio issues im menu loading screen game sounds normal soon spawn waiting area sound completely disappears happen anyone else ijoy iso stereo bluetooth headset matters" ]
fortnite problemas de audio im menú cargar juego de pantalla sonidos normales pronto desove zona de espera sonido desaparece completamente sucede cualquier otra persona ijoy iso bluetooth estéreo asuntos auriculares
much cant drive impacted life way feels like personal prison therapy seem work asking overcome situation it advice
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much cant drive impacted life way feels like personal prison therapy seem work asking overcome situation it advice" ]
much cant drive impacted life way se siente como terapia de prisión personal parece trabajo pidiendo superar situación es consejo
cha cha real smooth im gonna steal lego collection im gonna breakdance front you
[ "cha cha real smooth im gonna steal lego collection im gonna breakdance front you" ]
cha cha real suave im va a robar la colección de lego im va a romper la danza frente a ti
hours probably kill myselffck life heard best friend fcking weeks ive lied manipulated ive told kill many times im going fcking fcking hours get response redflag hotline
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hours probably kill myselffck life heard best friend fcking weeks ive lied manipulated ive told kill many times im going fcking fcking hours get response redflag hotline" ]
horas probablemente me maten fck vida oído mejor amigo fcking semanas ive mint manipulado ive let kill many times im going fcking fcking horas obtener respuesta redflag línea directa
destroying every last photo depicts itsorry event anyone wanted save bullshit memories youre late would also make disappear
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "destroying every last photo depicts itsorry event anyone wanted save bullshit memories youre late would also make disappear" ]
Destruyendo cada última foto representa su evento cualquiera quería salvar recuerdos de mierda que llegas tarde también desaparecería
nothing changedi residential prtf like long term placement hospital three four months taken shady shit going especially mistreatment patients reason severe depressionanxiety ptsd mention suicidal tendencies ive home days shit started matter always deemed wrong stepmom keeps throwing face keep alleged stuff im theyll practically kick turn july midst im still dealing heavy depression issues mentioned begun grow worse im afraid of feels like im house three people totally every move prove point exact moment talking shit room bringing much bum think think im still going steal alcohol although past ive put alcoholism way beyond me always throwing face changed since prtf wasnt getting right treatment anyway legit therapy all im wits end sometimes feel like ending good im much disappointment failure burden things much im constant turmoil cant even graduate year time spent hospital always throw face already bad enough feel like freak stupid peers able graduate im able to always pit lil brother always plays nice front talks shit behind back talking past drug alcohol abuse although wrong using things cope im done idk feel like killing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing changedi residential prtf like long term placement hospital three four months taken shady shit going especially mistreatment patients reason severe depressionanxiety ptsd mention suicidal tendencies ive home days shit started matter always deemed wrong stepmom keeps throwing face keep alleged stuffim theyll practically kick turn july midstim still dealing heavy depression issues mentioned begun grow worse im afraid of feels like im house three people totally every move prove point exact moment talking shit room bringing much bum think think im still going steal alcohol although past ive put alcoholism way beyond me always throwing face changed since prtf wasnt getting right treatment anyway legit therapy all im wits end sometimes feel like ending goodim much disappointment failure burden things much im constant turmoil cant even graduate year time spent hospital always throw face already bad enough feel like freak stupid peers able graduate im able to always pit lil brother always plays nice front talks shit behind back talking past drug alcohol abuse although wrong using things cope im done idk feel like killing" ]
Nothing changedi international prtf like long term internation hospital three quatro months take turb stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped im stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped stuped sthed stuped stuped stuped stud stud stud sthed stuped stuped stuped stuped stud stud stud stud stud stud stad stuped stuped sthed s tad stud stupd s tad stupd stad s s s s s at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at at
anyone wanna chat play number game talk u want dm
[ "anyone wanna chat play number game talk u want dm" ]
cualquier persona quiere chat número juego charla u quiere dm
watch movies living picking ones good enough distribute tossing aside make cut im saying know anyone else based this im leading came watch the gospel lou anyways many bad movies land desk actually sit them actually watch everything usually look tv occasionally im working scan production value performance well story presented something catches eye ill take time watch it lou drew first minutes closed laptop wheeled chair tv could completely tune in needless say enthralled throughout whole movie story told well characters either endearing repulsive depending course actor directors intention character well played times caught occasional amateur mistakes camera work editing emotional nature story make faults easy dismiss ive heard peoples comments say times film brought tears eyes time extreme elation laughing one minute crying next incredibly touched movie sadly unable acquire saying goes week late dollar short thats way goes sometimes least pleasure seeing one cant wait see kind response gets good luck great fortune bret carr if read this without doubt talent watch for
[ "watch movies living picking ones good enough distribute tossing aside make cut im saying know anyone else based this im leading came watch the gospel lou anyways many bad movies land desk actually sit them actually watch everything usually look tv occasionally im working scan production value performance well story presented something catches eye ill take time watch it lou drew first minutes closed laptop wheeled chair tv could completely tune in needless say enthralled throughout whole movie story told well characters either endearing repulsive depending course actor directors intention character well played times caught occasional amateur mistakes camera work editing emotional nature story make faults easy dismiss ive heard peoples comments say times film brought tears eyes time extreme elation laughing one minute crying next incredibly touched movie sadly unable acquire saying goes week late dollar short thats way goes sometimes least pleasure seeing one cant wait see kind response gets good luck great fortune bret carr if read this without doubt talent watch for" ]
ver películas vivos recoger a los lo suficientemente bueno distribuir tirar a un lado make cut im saying know anyone other based this im leading vino ver el gospel lou de todos modos muchas malas películas tierra escritorio realmente sentarse ver todo por lo general ver televisión ocasionalmente im trabajo escanear producción valor rendimiento bien historia presentado algo llama la vista mal tomar tiempo reloj lou dibujó primeros minutos cerrado portátil ruedas silla de televisión podría completamente sintonizar en innecesarias decir encantados a lo largo de toda la película historia contó bien personajes o bien adorable repulsivo dependiendo curso directores actor intención personaje bien jugado momentos capturados ocasionales amateur errores cámara trabajo edición emocional historia naturaleza hacer fallos fácil desestimar ha oído a la gente comentarios decir tiempos de la película trajo lágrimas ojos extrema elación risa un minuto después increíblemente tocado película tristemente incapaz adquirir dicho va semana último dólar corto que va a veces menos placer ver uno no puede esperar ver respuesta amable consigue buena suerte gran fortuna bret carr si leer este reloj de talento sin duda
goodnight everyone this isnt farewell way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goodnight everyone this isnt farewell way" ]
Buenas noches a todos esta manera de despedida no es
urgentplease tell go away see psychiatrisdoctor anything like that really cant take it keep thoughts mind cant control cantdeal more much thoughts come anytime increasing even typign this theyre much know anymore start personilites mix thoughts mock control actions much yes mean control like actual body want see pain want die like fun them know like others want see hurt kill yourself sense guess bring redflag thoughts let buts much please say doctor anything asked subreddits got answers said that tried telling others look weridly one way control found repeatldly hitting head thats obviously good solution ease things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "urgentplease tell go away see psychiatrisdoctor anything like that really cant take it keep thoughts mind cant control cantdeal more much thoughts come anytime increasing even typign this theyre much know anymore start personilites mix thoughts mock control actions muchyes mean control like actual body want see pain want die like fun them know like others want see hurt kill yourself sense guess bring redflag thoughts let buts much please say doctor anything asked subreddits got answers said that tried telling others look weridly one way control found repeatldly hitting head thats obviously good solution ease things" ]
urgente por favor decir marcharse ver psychiatrisdoctor cualquier cosa como eso realmente no puede tomarlo mantener pensamientos mente control no puede soportar más pensamientos vienen en cualquier momento aumentar incluso tipign esto saben mucho más iniciar personalitos mezclar pensamientos simular acciones de control muchosí significa control como cuerpo real quiere ver dolor querer morir como diversión saben como otros quieren ver daño matarse sentido adivinar traer pensamientos de bandera roja dejar peros mucho por favor decir doctor cualquier pregunta subreddits consiguió respuestas dijo que trató de decirle a otros mirada weridly una forma de control encontrado repetidamente golpear la cabeza que obviamente buena solución facilita las cosas
bois got free nudes free nude pass fuck yeah
[ "bois got free nudes free nude pass fuckyeah" ]
bois tiene desnudos gratis pase desnudo gratis fuckyeah
isnt guys wearing skirts already normalized like one gonna rip skirt wore one sure theyd make fun getting made fun wearing something different is normal people would make fun wearing wrong colored khakis youre insecure wearing skirt cant take criticism dont wear skirt even complain normalized
[ "isnt guys wearing skirts already normalized like one gonna rip skirt wore one sure theyd make fun getting made fun wearing something different is normal people would make fun wearing wrong colored khakis youre insecure wearing skirt cant take criticism dont wear skirt even complain normalized" ]
Los chicos que usan faldas ya normalizados como uno va a rasgar falda llevaba uno seguro que se burlan de hacerse divertido usando algo diferente es la gente normal se burlaría de usar caquis mal de color youre inseguro con falda no puede tomar crítica no usar falda incluso se quejan normalizado
humans parasites earth ok couple die whatever theres many people
[ "humans parasites earth ok couple die whatever theres many people" ]
humanos parásitos tierra ok pareja mueren lo que sea que hay mucha gente
funny conversation mum wanted go shooting gun bowcrossbow like start going learn it dad reacted normally said ye not already shot gun once like yay cool told mum mum umm no girls supposed use guns go learn shoot bow me mum know shoot gun mum yes see girls use guns mum not knowing say first time outsmarted her umm okay guess covid ill go shooting
[ "funny conversation mum wanted go shooting gun bowcrossbow like start going learn it dad reacted normally said ye not already shot gun once like yay cool told mum mum ummno girls supposed use guns go learn shoot bow me mum know shoot gun mumyes see girls use guns mum not knowing say first time outsmarted her ummokay guess covid ill go shooting" ]
Conversación divertida mamá quería ir tiro arma arcocrossbow como empezar a aprender papá reaccionó normalmente dijo que no ya disparó arma una vez como yay cool dijo mamá ummno chicas supuesto uso de armas ir aprender tiro arco mí mamá sabe disparar arma momyes ver chicas uso armas mamá no saber decir la primera vez más inteligente su ummokay adivinar covid mal ir tiro
point enough enoughi terminally lonelyhttpsoldredditcomrforeveralone statistically speaking half lifetime spent assume healthy and not every moment feels like drowning like nightmare possible wake up terminally ill people get help all timehttpsenwikipediaorgwikipalliative_sedation need someone tell gt correct never experience human contact will always deficienthttpsenwikipediaorgwikimaslows_hierarchy_of_needs human being truly part society way httpswwwcdcgovnchsdatanhsrnhsrpdf rest us are get helphttpsenwikipediaorgwikieuthanasia really cant people accept diseases painful live with delighted suffering cure deal also solution involves dying old age virgin solution unless happen sadist furthermore realistically one going giving dating advice anything like that decrease relative fitnesshttpsenwikipediaorgwikisurvival_of_the_fittest anyway historical data speak themselves nearly days contact potential mate expect day end way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "point enough enoughi terminally lonelyhttpsoldredditcomrforeveralone statistically speaking half lifetime spent assume healthy and not every moment feels like drowning like nightmare possible wake up terminally ill people get help all timehttpsenwikipediaorgwikipalliative_sedation need someone tell gt correct never experience human contact will always deficienthttpsenwikipediaorgwikimaslows_hierarchy_of_needs human being truly part society way httpswwwcdcgovnchsdatanhsrnhsrpdf rest us are get helphttpsenwikipediaorgwikieuthanasia really cant people accept diseases painful live with delighted suffering cure deal also solution involves dying old age virgin solution unless happen sadist furthermore realistically one going giving dating advice anything like that decrease relative fitnesshttpsenwikipediaorgwikisurvival_of_the_fittest anyway historical data speak themselves nearly days contact potential mate expect day end way" ]
Los datos históricos hablan casi los días de contacto con el compañero potencial esperar el día final de manera saludable y no todos los momentos se siente como ahogarse como pesadilla posible despertar a las personas terminalmente solas httpssenwikipediaorgwikipaliative_sedation necesita alguien decir gt correcta nunca experimentar contacto humano siempre será deficientehttpssenwikipediaorgwikimaslows_hierarchy_of_needs ser humano realmente parte de la sociedad manera httpswwwcdcgovnchsdatanhsrnhsrpdf descanso nos son obtener ayudahttpssenwikipediaorgwikieuthanasia realmente gente puede aceptar enfermedades dolorosas vivir con el sufrimiento encantado cura acuerdo también solución implica morir a la vejez solución virgen a menos que suceda sádico además realista uno va dando consejos de citas cualquier cosa como que disminuye la aptitud relativahttpssenwikipediaorgwikikisurvival_of_the_fittest
expect documentaries objective creatures let give little lesson american filmmakingbr br documentaries rely heavily casting pick choose characters think enhance drama entertainment value filmbr br after shot ton footage splice together make film ups downs turning points climaxes etc trouble existing footage either shoot makes sense find stock footage clever narrationbr br the allegation filmmakers used footage locales part movie favelas next beautiful beaches detract value film dramatic piece particular image one resonates enough justify notquitetruthful inclusion rate use footage can happen police violence footage particular neighborhood mean include talk maybe put cartoon animation audience duped um nobr br as hopeful ending not yes americans made it yes americans optimistic bastards end note set foreign country foreign films large end note let foreigners portray dismal outlook lifebr br let us americans think may happy ending looming future may one
[ "expect documentaries objective creatures let give little lesson american filmmakingbr br documentaries rely heavily casting pick choose characters think enhance drama entertainment value filmbr br after shot ton footage splice together make film ups downs turning points climaxes etc trouble existing footage either shoot makes sense find stock footage clever narrationbr br the allegation filmmakers used footage locales part movie favelas next beautiful beaches detract value film dramatic piece particular image one resonates enough justify notquitetruthful inclusion rate use footage can happen police violence footage particular neighborhood mean include talk maybe put cartoon animation audience duped um nobr br as hopeful ending not yes americans made it yes americans optimistic bastards end note set foreign country foreign films large end note let foreigners portray dismal outlook lifebr br let us americans think may happy ending looming future may one" ]
Esperar documentales criaturas objetivas dejar dar poca lección cinemaking br br documentales confían mucho casting elegir personajes pensar mejorar drama entretenimiento valor cinebr br después de tomas imágenes empalmes juntos hacer películas altibajos puntos de inflexión clímax etc problemas ya sea filmación tiene sentido encontrar stock imágenes inteligentes narración br br la denuncia cineastas utilizados imágenes locales parte película favelas siguiente hermosas playas resta valor película dramática pieza particular imagen uno resuena suficiente justificar notquitetrushful tasa de inclusión uso imágenes puede suceder policía violencia filmación particular barrio significa incluir charla tal vez poner dibujos animados audiencia engañar um nobr br como final esperanzador no sí estadounidenses hizo sí estadounidenses bastardos optimistas fin nota conjunto extranjero películas grandes fin nota dejar que los extranjeros retratar una visión triste br br br nos los estadounidenses pensar feliz final temblando futuro puede uno
whats new car girl okay ik im dumbass saw post or maybe days back subreddit blonde girl brown hoodie holding key says got first car today came back reddit home page filled memes someone pls explain
[ "whats new car girlokay ikim dumbass saw postor maybe days back subreddit blonde girl brown hoodie holding key says got first car today came back reddit home page filled memes someone pls explain" ]
lo que es nuevo coche chicaokay ikim tonto vio postor tal vez días atrás subredit rubia chica con capucha marrón llave dice consiguió el primer coche hoy volvió reddit página de inicio llena de memes alguien pls explicar
dont know anywhere else say bro really forgot pears existed like year
[ "dont know anywhere else say bro really forgot pears existed like year" ]
No sé en ningún otro lugar decir hermano realmente olvidado peras existió como año
im ending itive taken xanex prozac dri king some much itll in thinking going drive mountains
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im ending itive taken xanex prozac dri king some much itll in thinking going drive mountains" ]
l finali itive tomado xanex prozac dri rey algo mucho lll en la idea de ir a las montañas de la unidad
people keep saying itll get better better isnt happening amp want die everydayidk itll get better even means tbh like sure ill go therapy still want kms therapist sucks constant state
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people keep saying itll get better better isnt happening amp want die everydayidk itll get better even means tbh like sure ill go therapy still want kms therapist sucks constant state" ]
La gente sigue diciendo que va a mejorar mejor no va a pasar amp quiere morir todos los díasidk va a mejorar incluso significa tbh como seguro mal ir terapia todavía quiere kms terapeuta chupa estado constante
guys really know serious theres girl idk look like me im really falling talk snap thing is ive delivered like hours last active minutes ago rare occurrence keep trying give her
[ "guys really know serious theres girl idk look like meim really falling talk snap thing is ive delivered like hours last active minutes ago rare occurrence keep trying give her" ]
chicos realmente saben serio Theres chica idk se ven como meim realmente cayendo charla snap cosa es ive entregado como horas de última activa hace minutos raro ocurrencia seguir tratando de darle
gn everyone hopefully tmrw isnt shitty ily guys
[ "gn everyone hopefully tmrw isnt shitty ily guys" ]
Espero que todo el mundo no sea una mierda, chicos.
anyone wanna talk im super bored rn dont anything do feel free dm
[ "anyone wanna talk im super bored rn dont anything do feel free dm" ]
Alguien quiere hablar super aburrido rn nada se siente libre dm
enjoyed much movie wooden camera think little bit influenced brazilian movie city god maybe parallelism two tracks possible follow crime art social neighborhood reality br br i think films made madiba really beautiful think unreal shoot good films theres lot artists type education really genius br br i enjoyed much soundtrack adjusted picturesbr br see movieits good show life social neighborhood
[ "enjoyed much movie wooden camera think little bit influenced brazilian movie city god maybe parallelism two tracks possible follow crime art social neighborhood reality br br i think films made madiba really beautiful think unreal shoot good films theres lot artists type education really genius br br i enjoyed much soundtrack adjusted picturesbr br see movieits good show life social neighborhood" ]
disfrutó mucho película cámara de madera pensar poco influenciado brasilian película ciudad dios tal vez paralelismo dos pistas posibles seguir crimen arte barrio social realidad br br creo películas madiba realmente hermoso pensar irreal rodaje buenas películas Theres mucho artistas tipo educación realmente genio br br disfruté mucho banda sonora ajustado fotosbr br ver películas buen espectáculo vida social barrio
comedy based national stereotypes doubt leave away pretending know care communism real russians brits are accept hurt conventions fun film nicole kidman best sexy moving funny ben chaplin succeeds avoid completely outshadowed nicole rest cast good work well final moving logical movie logics course worth watching accept rules game
[ "comedy based national stereotypes doubt leave away pretending know care communism real russians brits are accept hurt conventions fun film nicole kidman best sexy moving funny ben chaplin succeeds avoid completely outshadowed nicole rest cast good work well final moving logical movie logics course worth watching accept rules game" ]
comedia basada en los estereotipos nacionales duda dejar de pretender saber cuidado comunismo real rusos brits son aceptar las convenciones heridas diversión película nicole kidman mejor sexy movimiento divertido ben chaplin éxito evita completamente eclipsado nicole resto elenco buen trabajo bien final movimiento lógica película lógica curso vale la pena ver aceptar reglas juego
want end pain cannot get happy anymore want lay die nobody loves cares alone fighting battle far long time end it given long ago ill never happy guys know expect guys care wanted put final goodbye people know ill finally free end people much happier gone cannot seem find happiness anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want end pain cannot get happy anymore want lay die nobody loves cares alone fighting battle far long time end it given long ago ill never happy guys know expect guys care wanted put final goodbye people know ill finally free end people much happier gone cannot seem find happiness anymore" ]
Quiero final dolor no puede llegar a ser feliz más quiero lay morir nadie ama solo lucha batalla mucho tiempo terminarlo dado hace mucho tiempo enfermo nunca feliz chicos saben esperar chicos cuidado querido poner final adiós gente sabe mal finalmente libre final gente mucho más feliz ido no puede parecer encontrar la felicidad ya
police officer struggling suicidal thoughts cannot openly talk aboutthis throwaway intend reading responses think mostly want type get things chest tldr talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call years old live work southern california deputy last years spring chicken wife years struggling infertility years now lots surgery medication end sight stress scheduled sex lives absolutely taken toll us were still much love same july fairly routine call involving child abuse kind pushed edge call mental breakdown work since then take mg day buspar my wife says help me sure xanax needed prescribed i originally tookalprazam rare side effect stop asked see psychiatrist next avail appointment midjanuary digress line work talk redflag be well career redflag no pun intended keep thoughts absolutely bottled inside act like therapists asks it therapist provided work specializes law enforcement issues nice times think killing myself hourly usually wake night middle panic attack cannot get away pain almost physical pain specific plans would kill myself works think entire process detail often drink usually come close actually really fear matter time happens ironic type out clearly reservations killing right state mind wrong state mind sounds like realistic idea physically exhausted genuinely want pain end seeing answers make happen want talk someone without putting job line being put hold ca means cannot carry gun therefore yeah heartbroken frustrated know anymore every day seems like groundhog day desperately want wife leave deserves better would make lot easier end life hated me completely gotten rid social media blocked parents life really good reason downward spiral last months been talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call really think end killing within next months ironically want talk anyone might able stop me backwards ampxb typing exhausting might go bed night thank listening
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "police officer struggling suicidal thoughts cannot openly talk aboutthis throwaway intend reading responses think mostly want type get things chest tldr talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call years old live work southern california deputy last years spring chicken wife years struggling infertility years now lots surgery medication end sight stress scheduled sex lives absolutely taken toll us were still much love same july fairly routine call involving child abuse kind pushed edge call mental breakdown work since then take mg day buspar my wife says help me sure xanax needed prescribed", "i originally tookalprazam rare side effect stop asked see psychiatrist next avail appointment midjanuary digress line work talk redflag be well career redflag no pun intended keep thoughts absolutely bottled inside act like therapists asks it therapist provided work specializes law enforcement issues nice times think killing myself hourly usually wake night middle panic attack cannot get away pain almost physical pain specific plans would kill myself works think entire process detail often drink usually come close actually really fear matter time happens ironic type out clearly reservations killing right state mind wrong state mind sounds like realistic idea physically exhausted genuinely want pain end seeing answers make happen want talk someone without putting job line being put hold ca means cannot carry gun therefore", "yeah heartbroken frustrated know anymore every day seems like groundhog day desperately want wife leave deserves better would make lot easier end life hated me completely gotten rid social media blocked parents life really good reason downward spiral last months been talk strong desire kill without fear repercussions every outlet find wants know location contact info theyll talk me want call redflag hotline trace call really think end killing within next months ironically want talk anyone might able stop me backwards ampxb typing exhausting might go bed night thank listening" ]
policía forcejeo pensamientos suicidas no puede hablar abiertamente de este descarte intención de lectura respuestas pensar mayormente tipo de deseo conseguir cosas cofre tldr hablar fuerte deseo matar sin temor repercusiones cada salida encontrar quiere saber ubicación contacto información ellos hablar me quieren llamar redflag línea directa de seguimiento llamada años de edad trabajo en vivo sur california diputado los últimos años primavera pollo años lucha contra la infertilidad años ahora lotes cirugía medicamentos fin estrés sexual programadas vidas nos afectaban eran todavía mucho amor igual julio bastante rutina llamada que implica abuso de niños tipo borde empujado llamar trabajo crisis mental desde entonces tomar mg día buspar mi esposa dice que me ayude seguro xanax necesita recetado
lets honestthe world going shit people angry time argue focus negatives ruin everything everyone etc etc know im kind hypocrite saying people focus negatives that really fucking hard ignore them seriously matter positive try be theres always something someone shut down im sick it dude im im tired fucking world talk therapist
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lets honestthe world going shit people angry time argue focus negatives ruin everything everyone etc etc know im kind hypocrite saying people focus negatives that really fucking hard ignore them seriously matter positive try be theres always something someone shut down im sick it dude im im tired fucking world talk therapist" ]
Deja que el mundo honesto mierda gente enojado tiempo argumentan foco negativos arruinar todo todo todo, etc etc etc sabe i amable hipócrita diciendo que la gente enfoque negativos que realmente mierda duro ignorarlos seriamente importa positivo intentar ser siempre hay algo que alguien cerró Im enfermo it tio im cansado puto mundo charla terapeuta
guys feel going dates without knowing wish start relationship question pretty selfexplanatory im super sure whether like girl ive scared get relationship last one damaged years back therapist suggested ask go date without sure knowing want relationship wondering fellow teens feel idea im honestly sure people stand thanks advance ill answer questions asap
[ "guys feel going dates without knowing wish start relationship question pretty selfexplanatory im super sure whether like girl ive scared get relationship last one damaged years back therapist suggested ask go date without sure knowing want relationship wondering fellow teens feel idea im honestly sure people stand thanks advance ill answer questions asap" ]
chicos se sienten yendo a citas sin saber deseo iniciar relación pregunta bastante autoexplicativo im super seguro si como chica ive asustado conseguir relación última uno dañado años de vuelta terapeuta sugirió pedir ir cita sin saber seguro querer relación preguntándose compañeros adolescentes sentir idea im honestamente seguro de que la gente está de pie gracias avance mal respuesta preguntas lo antes posible
im tired last night got fevermy arms feel sore eyes look dead knee numb nose blocked headacheit hurts much cough voice feels raspy
[ "im tired last night got fevermy arms feel sore eyes look dead knee numb nose blocked headacheit hurts much cough voice feels raspy" ]
Estoy cansado anoche tengo fiebre mis brazos siento dolor de ojos mirada muerta rodilla adormecido nariz bloqueo dolor de cabeza duele mucha tos voz se siente raspy
day posting lines bee movie every day get so theres bee car something im driving hi bee hes back here
[ "day posting lines bee movie every day get so theres bee car something im drivinghi bee hes back here" ]
día publicando líneas de película de abejas todos los días conseguir así que hay coche de abeja algo im conducirhi bee hes de vuelta aquí
want die dont want leave friendokay long story short wanna kill myself mean thats sub exists right incase anyone wants know im nineteen ive pretty much felt way since thirteen fourteen ive browsing sub finally thought would post moved university september found amazing friends truly greatful for honestly reason im somewhat know issues life share good people relate also dont wanna make worse mentally talking shit time honestly im rambling reason im still alive honestly feel like friend would kill feel like would did
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die dont want leave friendokay long story short wanna kill myself mean thats sub exists right incase anyone wants knowim nineteenive pretty much felt way since thirteen fourteen ive browsing sub finally thought would post moved university september found amazing friends truly greatful for honestly reason im somewhat know issues life share good people relate also dont wanna make worse mentally talking shit time honestly im rambling reason im still alive honestly feel like friend would kill feel likewould did" ]
quiero morir no quiero dejar amigookay larga historia corta quiero matarme quiero decir que sub existe derecho en caso de que alguien quiere saber im diecinueve más o menos sentido manera desde trece catorce iv navegación sub finalmente pensé que se movería september universidad encontró amigos increíbles realmente geniales por la razón honesta yo algo sé que los problemas de la vida comparten buena gente se relacionan también no quiero empeorar mentalmente hablando mierda tiempo honestamente im divagar razón sigo vivo honestamente siento como amigo mataría sentir como haría
apparently nobody relates wish never came out stupid redacted name that im impulsive could stayed happy secret know everything me apparently people dont think valid complain thats lgbtq community you say theyre inclusive arent full communist idiots bi girls hating men cant even slightly right leaning make us look like idiots im snowflake dont care youre homophobic keep dont stop rights literally dont care disagree gay marriage maybe youre parents something idk lgbtq community made think offended everything dont theres genocide going on theres gay people getting killed muslim countries care celebrity doesnt like gays know lgbtq community fine sometimes idiots get nerves maybe privileged coming doesnt mean cant upset came out
[ "apparently nobody relates wish never came out stupid redacted name that im impulsive could stayed happy secret know everything me apparently people dont think valid complain thats lgbtq community you say theyre inclusive arent full communist idiotsbi girls hating men cant even slightly right leaning make us look like idiots im snowflake dont care youre homophobic keep dont stop rights literally dont care disagree gay marriage maybe youre parents something idk lgbtq community made think offended everything dont theres genocide going on theres gay people getting killed muslim countries care celebrity doesnt like gays know lgbtq community fine sometimes idiots get nerves maybe privileged coming doesnt mean cant upset came out" ]
Al parecer nadie relaciona deseos nunca salió estúpido nombre redactado que im impulsivo podría permanecer feliz secreto saber todo lo que yo aparentemente la gente no piensa válida queja que es comunidad lgbtq dices quere inclusive no son totalmente comunistas idiotas chicas bi odio hombres no puede incluso ligeramente derecha inclinarse nos hacen parecer idiotas im copo de nieve no importa usted es homofóbico mantener los derechos literalmente no importa no está de acuerdo matrimonio gay tal vez padres youre algo idk lgbtq comunidad hizo pensar ofendido todo no hay genocidio pasando Theres gay personas que son asesinados países musulmanes cuidado celebridad no como gays saben lgbtq comunidad multa a veces idiotas conseguir nervios tal vez privilegiado venir no significa no puede molestar salió
anyone else feel like nobody takes seriouslyive constantly suicidal past two months feels like nobody seems take seriously makes wonder would surprised kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone else feel like nobody takes seriouslyive constantly suicidal past two months feels like nobody seems take seriously makes wonder would surprised kill myself" ]
nadie más se siente como nadie toma en serio constantemente suicidas pasados dos meses se siente como nadie parece tomar en serio hace maravilla me sorprendería suicidarme
know one asked wanna flex that getting go kart hahahhahaha loser go kart ya loser joke filler filler filler filler
[ "know one asked wanna flex that getting go kart hahahhahaha loser go kart ya loser joke filler filler filler filler" ]
Sé que uno preguntó que quiere flex que conseguir ir kart jajajajajaja perdedor ir kart ya perdedor broma relleno relleno relleno relleno
everybody commited redflagwhat would happen everybody commited redflag morbid question mine want hear different thoughts this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everybody commited redflagwhat would happen everybody commited redflag morbid question mine want hear different thoughts this" ]
Todo el mundo cometió lo que sucedería todo el mundo cometió la pregunta mórbida de la bandera roja la mía quiere escuchar diferentes pensamientos esto
suicidal thoughts constantly coming backso suffering depression long time now nearing years good days feel overwhelmed thinking many things money friends work home things stable home years moving time nothing left pre years old financial future next years least due really unluckystupid seems every single financial obligation make goes tits up end debt nothing show it weather non fault car crash leaving k debt even though insured overdraft still high drug abuse years ago feel burden best friends live offered them im dealing transitioning years still tough fighting tooth nail basic treatment possible sustain place want quality life im single cant earn good enough income part family raised dead part different people cant connect with genuinely want die every pain ache ive felt ive hoped cancer incurable thing excuse die cant speak anyone person it feel like cant want attention ice spoken feelings recent past imagine talking people know take it week occasionally feel happy whole feel sick waste space go away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal thoughts constantly coming backso suffering depression long time now nearing years good days feel overwhelmed thinking many things money friends work home things stable home years moving time nothing left pre years old financial future next years least due really unluckystupid seems every single financial obligation make goes tits up end debt nothing show it weather non fault car crash leaving k debt even though insured overdraft still high drug abuse years ago feelburden best friends live offered them im dealing transitioning years still tough fighting tooth nail basic treatment possible sustain place want quality life im single cant earn good enough income part family raised dead part different people cant connect with genuinely want die every pain ache ive felt ive hoped cancer incurable thing excuse die cant speak anyone person it feel like cant want attention ice spoken feelings recent past imagine talking people know take it week occasionally feel happy whole feel sick waste space go away" ]
pensamientos suicidas constantemente regresando tan sufriente depresión mucho tiempo ahora cerca de años buenos días se sienten abrumados pensando muchas cosas dinero amigos trabajo casa cosas casa estable años mudanza tiempo nada izquierda pre años viejo futuro financiero los próximos años menos debido realmente mala suerte parece que cada obligación financiera hacer tetas hasta el final deuda nada mostrarlo clima no falla accidente de coche dejar k deuda a pesar de sobregiro asegurado todavía alto abuso de drogas años hace sentir carga mejores amigos viven les ofreció im trading transición años todavía duro lucha uñas uñas tratamiento básico posible mantener lugar deseo calidad vida im single cant ganar suficiente ingreso parte familia criada parte muerta diferente personas no se pueden conectar con realmente querer morir cada dolor dolor ache vida se siente esperanzado cáncer cosa incurable excusa morir no puede hablar a nadie persona se siente como no quiere atención hielo habla sentimientos recientemente imaginan gente hablar saben tomarlo semana a veces se siente feliz entero
reading reddit post think im finally ready dietoday read thishttpswwwredditcomraskredditcommentsqnredditors_who_have_been_clinically_dead_what_did thread comments like die think ready take life sounds unbelievably peaceful finally torment over im going kill now thanks mom dad terrible parents year old son thank everyone bullied made feel numb goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reading reddit post think im finally ready dietoday read thishttpswwwredditcomraskredditcommentsqnredditors_who_have_been_clinically_dead_what_did thread comments like die think ready take life sounds unbelievably peaceful finally torment over im going kill now thanks mom dad terrible parents year old son thank everyone bullied made feel numb goodbye" ]
Reading reddit post think im finally ready dietoday read thishttpswwwredditcomraskredditcommentsqnredditors_who_have_been_clinically_dead_what_did thread comments like die think ready take life suena increíblemente pacífico finalmente tormento sobre im va matar ahora gracias mamá papá terrible padres año hijo gracias a todo el mundo intimidado hizo sentirse adormecido adiós
broke many friends lately people tired me summer vacation home alone time meet students lose easilyno job nothing cannot find anything good doi going lose mind genuinely want end thisif could would freeze come back years later cannot exactly best method escape reality suicide ending all all writing supposed celebrate todayi want forget problems stop getting complaints every small thing doi emotional person point somebody calls baby could literally ruin whole dayhelpmeplease still depressed long live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "broke many friends lately people tired me summer vacation home alone time meet students lose easilyno job nothing cannot find anything good doi going lose mind genuinely want end thisif could would freeze come back years later cannot exactly best method escape reality suicide ending all all writing supposed celebrate todayi want forget problems stop getting complaints every small thing doi emotional person point somebody calls baby could literally ruin whole dayhelpmeplease still depressed long live" ]
rompe muchos amigos últimamente la gente me cansado vacaciones de verano casa a solas tiempo conocer estudiantes perder fácilmente ningún trabajo nada puede encontrar nada bueno doi va perder la mente realmente querer terminar esto si podría congelar volver años más tarde no puede exactamente mejor método escapar de la realidad suicidio final toda la escritura supuesto celebrar hoy quiero olvidar problemas dejar de recibir quejas cada pequeña cosa doi persona emocional punto alguien llama bebé podría literalmente arruinar todo el díaayudapor favor todavía deprimido larga vida
came realize later denied it basically calling celebrity crush nothing love musician totally love heres thing love idea created interviews blog posts music itself deeper crush know that came whispers girlfriend stopped whining single twitter seemed happier
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "came realize later denied it basically calling celebrity crush nothing love musician totally love heres thing love idea created interviews blog posts music itself deeper crush know that came whispers girlfriend stopped whining single twitter seemed happier" ]
vino darse cuenta más tarde lo negó básicamente llamando celebridad aplastamiento nada amor músico totalmente amor heres cosa amor idea creado entrevistas blog posts música sí mismo amor saber que vino susurros novia dejó de quejarse single twitter parecía más feliz
two quarter hours sometimes slow moving thoughtful film interrupted vast sword battles battle darkness light signified constant motif blazing sun superbly demonstrated three way fight demons bandits soldiers forest eclipsebr br be prepared following stunning sword fight lightning filled skies end picture scratching head puzzlement
[ "two quarter hours sometimes slow moving thoughtful film interrupted vast sword battles battle darkness light signified constant motif blazing sun superbly demonstrated three way fight demons bandits soldiers forest eclipsebr br be prepared following stunning sword fight lightning filled skies end picture scratching head puzzlement" ]
dos cuartos de horas a veces lento movimiento pensativo película interrumpido vasta espada batallas batalla oscuridad luz significa constante motivo ardiente sol magníficamente demostrado tres maneras de lucha demonios bandidos soldados bosque eclipsebr br estar preparado después impresionante espada lucha rayos cielos fin imagen arañar rompecabezas cabeza
friend spent like minutes watching guys put worms inside penises yes looks disgusting sounds like yes people actually enjoy it yes fucking weird fuck
[ "friend spent like minutes watching guys put worms inside penises yes looks disgusting soundslike yes people actually enjoy ityes fucking weird fuck" ]
amigo pasó como minutos viendo chicos poner gusanos dentro de penes sí se ve asqueroso sonidos como sí la gente realmente lo disfruta sí mierda raro mierda
whats cheapest way get gun walmart credit card like im gonna pay loli dont want get anyone know trouble using theres
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats cheapest way get gun walmart credit card like im gonna pay loli dont want get anyone know trouble using theres" ]
¿Cuál es la forma más barata conseguir pistola Walmart tarjeta de crédito como im va a pagar loli no quiero que nadie sabe problemas con el uso de Theres
paper life good acknowledge lost willpower try anymore really feel like purpose life smoke weed time feel something go weird cycles get super depressed feel back normal ill get super depressed bc noticed pattern really feel like getting depression fuck would want crash burn inevitably start feeling depressed give fuck anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "paper life good acknowledge lost willpower try anymore really feel like purpose life smoke weed time feel something go weird cycles get super depressed feel back normal ill get super depressed bc noticed pattern really feel like getting depression fuck would want crash burn inevitably start feeling depressed give fuck anymore" ]
papel vida buena reconocer perdido fuerza de voluntad intentar más realmente sentir como propósito vida humo hierba tiempo sentir algo ir ciclos extraños conseguir súper deprimido sentir de nuevo normal enferma conseguir super deprimido bc patrón notado realmente sentir como conseguir depresión mierda querría choque quemadura inevitablemente empezar a sentirse deprimido dar más mierda
need helpim sorry dont know im asking im hurting want numb
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need helpim sorry dont know im asking im hurting want numb" ]
Necesito ayuda, lo siento, no sé si pedirme dolor quiero entumecimiento.
hey fellow bi guys ive come conclusion bi great perk time curse beacause boners hard get rid of thing ever stuck abandoned island sort halfway attractive human still able fuck himher regardless gender
[ "hey fellow bi guys ive come conclusion bi great perk time curse beacause boners hard get rid of thing ever stuck abandoned island sort halfway attractive human still able fuck himher regardless gender" ]
hey amigos bi chicos ive come conclusion bi gran ventaja tiempo maldición beacause erecciones duro deshacerse de la cosa nunca atrapado isla abandonada tipo medio atractivo humano todavía capaz de follar a hisher independientemente de género
pc died last night fffffff f f ffffffff f f f
[ "pc died last night ffffffff f ffffffff ff f" ]
pc murió anoche ffffffffff f ffffff ff f
night bachelor party paul coleman jason lee meets gorgeous dancer becky julia stiles bar drink lot together next morning wakes bed future motherinlaw calls informs fiance karen selma blair might arriving apartment desperately asks becky leave place hurry sooner finds crabs later preparation wedding dinner party realizes becky cousin karen beginning funny comedy hilarious situations first attraction movie certainly central trio actresses actor julia stiles selma blair excellent actresses extremely gorgeous jason lee amazingly funny good performances laughed lot along story scenes really hilarious example paul finds becky bed finds paints imagination many situations drugstore trying buy get explanations crab medicine scenes neighbor minister karen calls department store police finds suspect assaulting paul could number many scenes better reader rent buy movie lots fun vote sevenbr br title brazillouco por elas crazy them
[ "night bachelor party paul coleman jason lee meets gorgeous dancer becky julia stiles bar drink lot together next morning wakes bed future motherinlaw calls informs fiance karen selma blair might arriving apartment desperately asks becky leave place hurry sooner finds crabs later preparation wedding dinner party realizes becky cousin karen beginning funny comedy hilarious situations first attraction movie certainly central trio actresses actor julia stiles selma blair excellent actresses extremely gorgeous jason lee amazingly funny good performances laughed lot along story scenes really hilarious example paul finds becky bed finds paints imagination many situations drugstore trying buy get explanations crab medicine scenes neighbor minister karen calls department store police finds suspect assaulting paul could number many scenes better reader rent buy movie lots fun vote sevenbr br title brazillouco por elas crazy them" ]
noche despedida de soltero paul coleman jason lee hermosa bailarina becky julia stiles bar bebida lot al lado de la mañana despierta cama futuro suegra llamadas informa prometido Karen selma blair podría llegar apartamento pregunta desesperadamente becky salir lugar prisa antes de encontrar cangrejos más tarde preparación cena fiesta se da cuenta becky primo Karen comienzo divertida comedia divertida situaciones divertidas primera atracción película ciertamente actrices trío central actor julia stiles selma blair excelentes actrices extremadamente hermosa jason lee increíblemente divertido buenas actuaciones rió mucho a lo largo de historias escenas muy hilarante ejemplo Paul encuentra Becky cama encuentra pinturas imaginación muchas situaciones farmacia tratando de comprar obtener explicaciones cangrejo escenas de la medicina vecino ministro Karen llama departamento tienda policía encuentra sospechoso asaltante Paul podría número muchas escenas mejor lector alquiler comprar película lotes diversión voto sietebr br título brazillouco por elas loco ellos
deliverance fascinating haunting sometimes even disturbing tale james dickey turned brilliant movie john boorman four businessmen driven manhood machobehavior whore spending canoeing weekend high mountains there theyre faced every darkest side man every worst form human miserypoverty buggery even physical harassment four men intended travel river adventure excitement trip soon changes odyssey violent lurking mountainland completely estranged forms civilisation elements actually make deliverance one nightmarish films ive ever seen everything happens men pray never find similar situation pure talking cinema deliverance important movie well john boormans best closely followed zardoz excalibur still influential film contains several memorable scenes already featured numberless movies think terrific duelling banjos musical score and course unforgettable homosexual squeal like pig rape scene actors deliver haha perfect acting performances especially jon voight must see motion picture
[ "deliverance fascinating haunting sometimes even disturbing tale james dickey turned brilliant movie john boorman four businessmen driven manhood machobehavior whore spending canoeing weekend high mountains there theyre faced every darkest side man every worst form human miserypoverty buggery even physical harassment four men intended travel river adventure excitement trip soon changes odyssey violent lurking mountainland completely estranged forms civilisation elements actually make deliverance one nightmarish films ive ever seen everything happens men pray never find similar situation pure talking cinema deliverance important movie well john boormans best closely followed zardoz excalibur still influential film contains several memorable scenes already featured numberless movies think terrific duelling banjos musical score and course unforgettable homosexual squeal like pig rape scene actors deliver haha perfect acting performances especially jon voight must see motion picture" ]
liberación fascinante embrutecimiento a veces incluso inquietante cuento james dickey convertido brillante película john boorman cuatro hombres conducido virilidad machobehavior puta pasar piragüismo fin de semana montañas altas allí se enfrentan a cada lado más oscuro hombre cada peor miseria humana pobreza sodomía incluso acoso físico cuatro hombres intención viaje río aventura emoción viaje pronto cambia odisea violenta al acecho montaña completamente alejada formas elementos de civilización realmente hacer liberación una película de pesadilla ive visto todo sucede hombres rezan nunca encontrar situación similar puro hablar cine liberación importante película bien john boormans mejor seguido de cerca zardoz excalibur película todavía influyente contiene varias escenas memorables ya presentado numerosas películas piensan fantástico duelo banjos musical partitura y curso inolvidable squeal homosexual como cerdo violación escena actores entregar haha perfecta actuación especialmente jon voight debe ver película
toxic feminism real today discord chat youtubers channel girl said likes boobies replied you look naked mirror guess happens next get banned like cant take joke making one guy said thing would booed perv perfectly fine girl say thing
[ "toxic feminism real today discord chat youtubers channel girl said likes boobies replied you look naked mirror guess happens next get banned like cant take joke making one guy said thing would booed perv perfectly fine girl say thing" ]
feminismo tóxico real hoy discordia chat youtubers canal chica dijo que les gusta tetas respondió que mirar espejo desnudo sueña sucede siguiente conseguir prohibido como cant tomar broma hacer un tipo dijo que cosa abucheado pervertido perfectamente chica buena decir cosa