want die stop burdenim tired burden everyone around me im trans matter life able pass appearances put strain every single relationship ive ever had lost friends family detests me family letting stay graduated college ended dropping almost year ago point able find job anything pretend go college every day dont soon figure may latest supposed graduate theyll throw ill homeless unable keep transitioning unemployed feel like get instead go put family trouble throwing im issue
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die stop burdenim tired burden everyone around me im trans matter life able pass appearances put strain every single relationship ive ever had lost friends family detests me family letting stay graduated college ended dropping almost year ago point able find job anything pretend go college every day dont soon figure may latest supposed graduate theyll throw ill homeless unable keep transitioning unemployed feel like get instead go put family trouble throwing im issue" ]
Quiero morir stop farsim cansado carga todo el mundo a mi alrededor im trans materia vida capaz pasar apariencias poner tensión cada relación única live have had friends family detests me familia dejar quedarse graduada universidad terminó cayendo hace casi un año punto capaz encontrar trabajo cualquier pretender ir a la universidad cada día no pronto figura puede más reciente supuesto graduarse tirarán enfermo indigente incapaz de seguir la transición de desempleados se siente como conseguir en lugar de ir poner problemas familiares tirar im problema
scared that the ceiling fan will drop and decapitate me can t turn on the air condioner either scared that it might explode
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "scared that the ceiling fan will drop and decapitate me can t turn on the air condioner either scared that it might explode" ]
miedo de que el ventilador de techo se caiga y decapitarme no puede encender el condón de aire ya sea miedo de que pueda explotar
@Sageogfruit He has a derpy smile in honor of how I feel about the Classics one. Hate-yet-not-hate art?
[ "@Sageogfruit He has a derpy smile in honor of how I feel about the Classics one.Hate-yet-not-hate art?" ]
@Sageogfruit Él tiene una sonrisa derpy en honor de cómo me siento sobre el clásico uno. Hate-yet-not-ote art?
i haven t thought about killing myself since 0 yet here we are today year later getting closer to 0 and i m in the bathroom of my workplace and the only thing i can think of is slicing my wrist when i get home i haven t slept in 0 hour and i m seriously considering drinking my pain away maybe i ll puke in my sleep and get done with it i don t care if anyone will cry for me probably will but i m in pain so much pain guy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i haven t thought about killing myself since 0yet here we are today year later getting closer to 0and i m in the bathroom of my workplace and the only thing i can think of is slicing my wrist when i get homei haven t slept in 0 hourand i m seriously considering drinking my pain away maybe i ll puke in my sleep and get done with iti don t care if anyone will cry for me probably will but i m in pain so much pain guy" ]
No he pensado en suicidarme desde que todavía estamos aquí hoy año más tarde acercándome a 0 y estoy en el baño de mi lugar de trabajo y lo único que puedo pensar es en cortarme la muñeca cuando llegue a casa no he dormido en 0 hora y estoy seriamente considerando beber mi dolor lejos tal vez vomite en mi sueño y terminar con iti no importa si alguien llorará por mí probablemente lo hará pero estoy en dolor tanto dolor chico
fragglerock excellent way schindlers list excellent great watch children adults genders big noses seen hinting towards phallic symbols way hr puff n stuff hinted towards marijuana smoking kids love movie enjoyed much child father showed movie child enjoyed well pointed exaggerated noses phallic symbols although time clue were movie comedy adventure storyline wacky cheerful shall enjoy together
[ "fragglerock excellent way schindlers list excellent great watch children adults genders big noses seen hinting towards phallic symbols way hr puff n stuff hinted towards marijuana smoking kids love movie enjoyed much child father showed movie child enjoyed well pointed exaggerated noses phallic symbols although time clue were movie comedy adventure storyline wacky cheerful shall enjoy together" ]
Fragglerock excelente manera schindlers lista excelente gran reloj niños adultos géneros grandes narices vistos insinuando hacia símbolos fálicos manera h puff n cosas insinuadas hacia marihuana fumar niños amor película disfrutado mucho niño padre mostró película niño disfrutado bien apuntado nariz exagerada símbolos fálicos aunque el tiempo pista eran película comedia aventura historia loco alegre disfrutarán juntos
aight teenagers socially adept need help got back camping trip walking path chilling two girls maybe fifteen think laughing one asked ig gqve it walk hopped insta saw taht bith themhad followed sent dm requests said heyy obviously tiny stroke dont know anything kinda shit next day met again asked could hang anf explained campgrounds weekend can someone explain would greatly appreciated
[ "aight teenagers socially adept need help got back camping trip walking path chilling two girls maybe fifteen think laughing one asked ig gqve it walk hopped insta saw taht bith themhad followed sent dm requests said heyy obviously tiny stroke dont know anything kinda shit next day met again asked could hang anf explained campgrounds weekend can someone explain would greatly appreciated" ]
aight adolescentes socialmente adeptos necesidad ayuda consiguió vuelta viaje de camping camino de caminar escalofriante dos chicas tal vez quince pensar riendo uno preguntó gqve ig camina saltado insta vio taht bith themhad seguido envió peticiones dm dijo heyy obviamente pequeño golpe no saben nada tipo de mierda al día siguiente se reunió de nuevo preguntó podría colgar anf expliqué fin de semana campings puede alguien explicar mucho apreciar
im exhausted existingi tried therapy ive tried medication long term neither really worked me feel like cant trust anyone im isolated alone ive terrible life experiences cant trust people cruel im hope one day gather courage
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im exhausted existingi tried therapy ive tried medication long term neither really worked me feel like cant trust anyone im isolated alone ive terrible life experiences cant trust people cruel im hopeone day gather courage" ]
I exhausto existi i probado terapia ive probado medicación a largo plazo ni realmente trabajado me siento como no se puede confiar en nadie aislada sola i ive terribles experiencias de vida no se puede confiar en la gente cruel im hopeone day reunir coraje
said deep feelings me suggested meeting another time without booze morning text apologising asshole replied said think that little overwhelmed since heard much him cant stop thinking it
[ "said deep feelings me suggested meeting another time without booze morning text apologising asshole replied said think that little overwhelmed since heard much him cant stop thinking it" ]
dijo sentimientos profundos me sugirió reunirse en otro momento sin alcohol texto de la mañana disculparse imbécil respondió dijo pensar que poco abrumado desde que oyó mucho no puede dejar de pensar en ello
thinking would kill suicidalstruggled depression whole life im spot right second im faced lot things coming together potentially disappointing lot people including kids mainly myself feel like shallow pointless useless thing im even sad more im just empty feel suicidal think redflag daily think easy would turn car bridge divider easy would take entire bottle sleeping pills wonder would feel would able actually slit wrists could bring it reasons to many reasons right now hurt would cause people still big priority me want hurt people love made mistake telling husband things think daily hes freaking out feel like theres distinction thinking redflag suicidal really convinced plan except ways think it like ive sat put calendar maybe im denial maybe suicidal want kill myself just want alive more prospect facing future overwhelming feel like can worry point desire hurt people around overtaken desire live asked would tell got point answered honestly know think honestly point caring hurt pain much probably tell him now telling that ive inadvertently hurt him increased worry lot wish hadnt im sorry told him wants sorry tell sooner kind thoughts know know exactly started want think using excuse trump card argument attention seeking thing know want tell him know im posting this feedback feel like low level call hotline something like this like thats people knife hand car bridge someone thinking it way think grocery list chores
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking would kill suicidalstruggled depression whole life im spotright secondim faced lot things coming together potentially disappointing lot people including kids mainly myself feel like shallow pointless useless thing im even sad more im just empty feel suicidal think redflag daily think easy would turn car bridge divider easy would take entire bottle sleeping pills wonder would feel would able actually slit wrists could bring it reasons to many reasons right now hurt would cause people still big priority me want hurt people", "love made mistake telling husband things think daily hes freaking out feel like theres distinction thinking redflag suicidal really convinced plan except ways think it like ive sat put calendar maybe im denial maybe suicidal want kill myself just want alive more prospect facing future overwhelming feel like can worry point desire hurt people around overtaken desire live asked would tell got point answered honestly know think honestly point caring hurt pain much probably tell him now telling that ive inadvertently hurt him increased worry lot wish hadnt im sorry told him wants sorry tell sooner kind thoughts know know exactly started want think using excuse trump card argument attention seeking thing know want tell him know im posting this feedback feel like low level call hotline something like this like thats people knife hand car bridge someone thinking it way think grocery list chores" ]
pensar mataría a la depresión suicida luchada toda la vida im spotright seconditionim enfrentó muchas cosas que se unen potencialmente decepcionantes mucha gente incluyendo niños principalmente me siento como superficial inútil inútil sin sentido aún más triste me siento más vacío suicida pensar fácilmente podría girar coche puente divisor fácil tomar botella entera píldoras para dormir me pregunto se sentiría capaz realmente las muñecas cortadas podrían traer razones a muchas razones en este momento lastimado causaría la gente todavía gran prioridad que quiero lastimar a la gente
superb film draws variety talented actors musicians top form levant crosby martin rathbone manone completely home story apparently supplied billy wilder one would love know much it exceptionally clever variation sterile masterfertile servant tale nearly allegory entertainment industry run driedup numskulls made vibrant world art play exploited underclass nobodies nonwasps looking last six decades music tv film us hard see underlying insights film prophetic
[ "superb film draws variety talented actors musicians top form levant crosby martin rathbone manone completely home story apparently supplied billy wilder one would love know much it exceptionally clever variation sterile masterfertile servant tale nearly allegory entertainment industry run driedup numskulls made vibrant world art play exploited underclass nobodies nonwasps looking last six decades music tv film us hard see underlying insights film prophetic" ]
excelente película dibuja variedad talentosos actores músicos top forma elevado crosby martin rathbone manone completamente casa historia aparentemente suministrado Billy wilder uno amaría saber mucho excepcionalmente inteligente variación estéril masterfertil sirviente cuento casi alegoría entretenimiento industria ejecutar numskulls hecho vibrante mundo juego de arte explotado bajo clase nadies no wasps buscando las últimas seis décadas música tv film nos dura ver ideas subyacentes película profética
know might feeling many relate to depression less half life due many different factors things happened throughout lifei used drink alcohol quite frequently even smoke lot weed however quit things completely couple months ago another journey itselfi knew indulging different substances make highdrunk pushed feelings redflag depression aside making disappear forgetting moment came back last couple months completely facing shit unable or say unwilling escape means constantly feeling want cry time little feeling want let floods real got much tension inside know potential would feel much better afterwards time feel empty cannot cry matter hard try feels like emotions somehow trapped deep inside me would need terrible reason able let go pressure instead letting go getting rid it keeps staying is really frustrating want cry cannot
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know might feeling many relate to depression less half life due many different factors things happened throughout lifei used drink alcohol quite frequently even smoke lot weed however quit things completely couple months ago another journey itselfi knew indulging different substances make highdrunk pushed feelings redflag depression aside making disappear forgetting moment came back last couple months completely facing shit unable or say unwilling escape means constantly feeling want cry time little feeling want let floods real got much tension inside know potential would feel much better afterwards time feel empty cannot cry matter hard try feels like emotions somehow trapped deep inside me would need terrible reason able let go pressure instead letting go getting rid it keeps staying is really frustrating want cry cannot" ]
Sé que podría sentir que muchos se relacionan con la depresión menos la mitad de la vida debido a muchos factores diferentes las cosas pasaron a lo largo de la vida consumo de alcohol con bastante frecuencia incluso humo mucho hierba sin embargo dejar las cosas por completo hace un par de meses otro viaje sí mismo sabía indultar diferentes sustancias hacer alta borrachera empujado sentimientos rojoflag depresión aparte hacer desaparecer momento de olvido regresó los últimos dos meses completamente frente a la mierda incapaz o decir no querer escapar significa constantemente sentir llorar tiempo poco querer dejar inundaciones real tener mucha tensión dentro saber potencial se sentiría mucho mejor después de tiempo sentirse vacío no puede llorar duramente tratar de sentir emociones de alguna manera atrapadas profundamente dentro de mí necesitaría terrible razón capaz de dejar ir la presión en lugar de dejar ir se mantiene es realmente frustrante querer llorar no puede
famous saying lessss gooo a brody yo mama youtube channel b dad seeing fat cock c mom seeing fat cock d dababy
[ "famous saying lessss gooo a brody yo mama youtube channel b dad seeing fat cock c mom seeing fat cock d dababy" ]
famoso dicho lesss gooo a brody yo mama youtube canal b papá ver polla gorda c mamá ver polla gorda d dababy
i hate it when i m having depression day and then something i wrote get published like i m sad but also happy but also guilty for being sad brain bitch what do u want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i hate it when i m having depression day and then something i wrote get published like i m sad but also happy but also guilty for being sad brain bitch what do u want" ]
Odio cuando estoy teniendo día de depresión y luego algo que escribí se publican como estoy triste, pero también feliz, pero también culpable de ser triste perra cerebro lo que quieres
hate nose rgasm fades like relationship guy
[ "hate nose rgasm fades like relationship guy" ]
odio nariz rgasmo se desvanece como chico relación
really considering redflagi thoguht life turning would get away bullying followed like years ago ive became bullied think time go ive feeling weeks now ive felt kind since week ive felt usually weeks cant stop thinking redflag im turning weeks ive accepted im gonna experience th birthday know im gonna die alone nobody ever love me even know im writing this maybe im drunk knows
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really considering redflagi thoguht life turning would get away bullying followed like years ago ive became bullied think time go ive feeling weeks now ive felt kind since week ive felt usually weeks cant stop thinking redflag im turning weeks ive accepted im gonna experience th birthday know im gonna die alone nobody ever love me even know im writing this maybe im drunk knows" ]
Realmente considerando a Redflagi thoguht vida girando se escaparía bullying seguido como hace años se convirtió en intimidado pensar tiempo ir a vivir sentir semanas ahora ive se siente amable desde semana ive se siente generalmente semanas no puedo dejar de pensar redflag im turnos semanas ive acepto voy a experimentar el cumpleaños sé que voy a morir solo nadie me quiere nunca ni siquiera sé que estoy escribiendo esto tal vez im borracho sabe
@LindsayWolves No nothing planned really, hopfully if the weather is good sitting in garden and getting a tan x
[ "@LindsayWolves No nothing planned really, hopfully if the weather is good sitting in garden and getting a tan x" ]
@LindsayWolves No hay nada planeado realmente, lúpulo si el clima es bueno sentado en el jardín y tomando un bronceado x
sister tried commit redflag last night confessed rapedshe tried commit redflag last night taking bunch pills really slowed heart rate down doctors said sick took probably would dead still resuscitated though stomach pumped still currently hospital shes obviously depressed says i want anymore worrying confessed thats raped years ago someone knew beginning downward spiral her found going great difficulty conceiving child ever can relationship trouble distanced family feel like belongs anymore locked up cant visit stays bf still stays grandparents controlling possessive fear is may wake one day may anymore helpful best thing say situations someone sensitive stuck ways really open healthy change also acknowledges need it help frame mind feel like living anymore much people offer around good enough emotionally tiring im half months pregnant four year old cant dedicate every waking minute feel like risk rn wish knew right thing was
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sister tried commit redflag last night confessed rapedshe tried commit redflag last night taking bunch pills really slowed heart rate down doctors said sick took probably would dead still resuscitated though stomach pumped still currently hospital shes obviously depressed says i want anymore worrying confessed thats raped years ago someone knew beginning downward spiral her found going great difficulty conceiving child ever can relationship trouble distanced family feel like belongs anymore locked up cant visit stays bf still stays grandparents controlling possessive fear is may wake one day may anymore helpful best thing say situations someone sensitive stuck ways really open healthy change also acknowledges need it help frame mind feel like living anymore much people offer around good enough emotionally tiringim half months pregnant four year old cant dedicate every waking minute feel like risk rn wish knew right thingwas" ]
hermana trató de cometer delito de bandera roja anoche confesó violada ella trató de cometer delito de bandera roja anoche tomando pastillas grupo realmente lento ritmo cardíaco hacia abajo médicos dijo enfermo tomó probablemente muerto todavía reanimado aunque el estómago bombeado todavía actualmente hospital ella obviamente deprimido dice que quiero más preocupante confesado hace años alguien sabía comenzar espiral descendente ella encontró que va gran dificultad concebir niño alguna vez puede relación problemas distanciado familia se siente como pertenece más encerrado visita cant se queda bf todavía se queda abuelos controlando miedo posesivo es puede despertar un día puede más útil mejor cosa decir situaciones alguien sensible se atascó maneras realmente abiertas cambio saludable también reconoce necesidad de ayudar a enmarcar la mente se siente como vivir más gente ofrece bastante bueno emocionalmente cansado medio meses embarazada cuatro años no puede dedicar cada minuto sentir como riesgo rn deseo sabía derecho cosa era
toddler though april fools april long found one day year reeeaally dissappointed
[ "toddler though april fools april long found one day year reeeaally dissappointed" ]
niño pequeño aunque abril tontos abril largo encontrado un día año reeealally desaprovechado
currently researching guns buyive never bought gun never gun person shot gun maybe times life im learning lot trying avoid botched attempt even reading medical papers studies selfinflicted gunshot wounds works doesnt lied therapist today said im danger myself never lie him cant wait gone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "currently researching guns buyive never bought gun never gun person shot gun maybe times life im learning lot trying avoid botched attempt even reading medical papers studies selfinflicted gunshot wounds works doesnt lied therapist today said im danger myself never lie him cant wait gone" ]
En la actualidad, la investigación de armas de compra nunca compró arma de fuego persona disparo arma de fuego tal vez veces la vida im aprender mucho tratando de evitar intento fallido incluso la lectura de documentos médicos estudios autoinfligidos heridas de bala funciona no mintió terapeuta hoy dijo que peligro nunca mentir nunca no puedo esperar
tonight s episode of house incredibly sad and it ha nothing to do with meatloaf s usual bad acting
[ "tonight s episode of house incredibly sad and it ha nothing to do with meatloaf s usual bad acting" ]
Esta noche s episodio de la casa increíblemente triste y no tiene nada que ver con carne pan s habitual mala actuación
I'm entering a post-infinity war depression bye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm entering a post-infinity war depression bye" ]
Estoy entrando en una depresión de guerra post-infinidad adiós
posted rdepression im feeling really shitty yesterday birthday know bother anymoreso made plans party today invited people month ago reminded week ago people said bought bonfire permit today lot money right since im broke wanted happy birthday once well birthday rolls hear anyone another loneliest day year today reached people said theyre coming either got reply come literally everyone second birthday row something like happened spent alone maybe cant remember mention every holiday people funhalloween ect actually hung friends since graduated college year half ago ive things supposed make feel better like going gym trying get university something worthless like college degree quitting toxic job deactivating facebook none fucking working want fucking friend
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "posted rdepression im feeling really shitty yesterday birthday know bother anymoreso made plans party today invited people month ago reminded week ago people said bought bonfire permit today lot money right since im broke wanted happy birthday once well birthday rolls hear anyone another loneliest day year today reached people said theyre coming either got reply come literally everyone second birthday row something like happened spent alone maybe cant remember mention every holiday people funhalloween ect actually hung friends since graduated college year half ago ive things supposed make feel better like going gym trying get university something worthless like college degree quitting toxic job deactivating facebook none fucking working want fucking friend" ]
Publicado rdepression im sentimiento realmente mierda ayer cumpleaños saber molestarse másso hizo planes fiesta hoy invitados personas hace un mes recordaron hace una semana la gente dijo compró hoguera permiso hoy mucho dinero derecho desde im roto quería feliz cumpleaños una vez bien rollos de cumpleaños escuchar a alguien otro año solitario hoy llegó a la gente dijo que están llegando o bien llegó respuesta venir literalmente todo el mundo segunda fila de cumpleaños algo como pasó solo tal vez no puedo recordar mencionar a todas las personas de vacaciones funhalloween ect realmente colgado amigos desde graduado año universitario medio hace las cosas se supone que hacen sentirse mejor como ir al gimnasio tratando de conseguir la universidad algo sin valor como grado universitario dejar de trabajo tóxico desactivando facebook ninguna mierda trabajo quieren maldito amigo
kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank you oh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die cast please understand present wish subdued it written letter wanted write little girl decision final she everyone else better without taint regrets adding another failure huge pack sorrow everyone might give damn failing little girl seeing grow up man love babe much reason message ask simple wish thank you thank letting part community this cannot say owe let acta sopa pipa form cencorship prevail keep internet alive free yourselves children future fight bitter end reddit chan gag memebase win cyber war believe all thank youoh small ps favourite movie whos afraid virginia woolf check out roles richard burton elizabeth taylor planted transcend every movie comes today" ]
kyrei eleison ego defeceruntalea iacta est die elen por favor entender presente deseo subdued it escrito carta quería escribir decisión de niña final ella todos los demás mejor sin mancha lamenta añadir otro fracaso enorme paquete dolor todo el mundo podría dar maldito fracaso niña pequeña ver crecer hombre amor nena mucho razón mensaje preguntar simple deseo gracias gracias dejar parte comunidad esto no puede decir deberse a que acta sopa pipa forma cencorship prevalece mantener Internet vivo libre ustedes mismos niños futuro lucha amargo final reddit chan gag memebase ganar ciberguerra creer todos gracias oh pequeña ps película favorita que teme virginia lanaf ver papeles ricard burton elizabeth taylor plantado trascender cada película viene hoy
cant winwhenever im sad thinking i wanna die cause whats fucking point want feel like anymore whenever im actually happy thinking this going last im always going super fucking sad again might well kill tonight least die knowing last day happy know take much this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant winwhenever im sad thinking i wanna die cause whats fucking point want feel like anymore whenever im actually happy thinking this going last im always going super fucking sad again might well kill tonight least die knowing last day happy know take much this" ]
No puedo ganar siempre que estoy triste pensando que quiero morir porque lo que el puto punto de querer se siente como siempre que en realidad soy feliz pensando que esto va a durar siempre voy súper jodidamente triste de nuevo podría matar esta noche menos morir sabiendo que el último día feliz sabe tomar mucho esto
tired disappointment muchwhats point living nothing disappointment pain im forced go everyday ever since kid ive living shit life everytime think something good happenit gets ripped me ive always kept faith telling get better years later im typing tears eyes cause pain getting much try hard nice polite look others im always volunteer someone needs shoulder cry onnever shoulder cry on like feel peoples pain really really can hurts ive always kept head up looking forward good future me people try help well brother needs kidney hes dialysis promised mother would find one two years feel mothers pain hurts most try hard help others make progress disappointment makes worse want end badly know would absolutely destroy mother that would killed long time ago cant even keep head anymoreim army soldier supposed keep head up supposed walk confidence head held high confidence everytime think something good happendisappointment follows suit like im grateful already eitherbut grateful health motherthats it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired disappointment muchwhats point living nothing disappointment pain im forced go everyday ever since kid ive living shit life everytime think something good happenit gets ripped me ive always kept faith telling get better years later im typing tears eyes cause pain getting much try hard nice polite look othersim always volunteer someone needs shoulder cry onnever shoulder cry on like feel peoples pain really really can hurts ive always kept head up looking forward good futureme people try help well brother needs kidney hes dialysis promised mother would find one two years feel mothers pain hurts most try hard help others make progress disappointment makes worse want end badly know would absolutely destroy mother that would killed long time ago cant even keep head anymoreim army soldier supposed keep head up supposed walk confidence head held high confidence everytime think something good happendisappointment follows suit like im grateful already eitherbut grateful health motherthatsit" ]
Decepción cansada muchwhats point vivir nada decepción dolor im forzado ir todos los días desde child ive vivir mierda vida cada vez pensar algo bueno sucede se me rompe ive mantenido fe diciendo conseguir mejor años más tarde im tipeo lágrimas ojos causa dolor conseguir mucho esfuerzo duro agradable educado mirada othersim siempre voluntario alguien necesita hombro llorar sobre nunca hombro llorar en como sentir gente dolor realmente realmente puede doler ive siempre se mantuvo cabeza arriba mirando hacia adelante buen futurome gente tratar de ayudar bien hermano necesita riñón hes diálisis prometida madre encontraría uno dos años sentir las madres dolor duele más duro ayudar a otros progreso decepción hace peor querer terminar mal saber absolutamente destruir madre que mataría hace mucho tiempo ni siquiera puede mantener la cabeza másim soldado militar supone mantener cabeza arriba caminar confianza cabeza mantenida alta confianza cada vez pensar que algo bueno sucededecepcionamiento sigue traje como im agradecido ya bien pero agradecida madre de la salud que se siente
need find courage iti cant live world cant happy desire keep anything all im still going work insignificant wish courage mind lay cold woods alone peace slit wrists ways dying extreme torturous cant this want this course cant let anyone know fuck dynamic thing look forward to would easier nothing want die dire circumstances id rather go still privelages still enjoy still basic necessities life could done total peace meditate it feel fear etc eventually hopefully enough peace it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need find courage iti cant live world cant happy desire keep anything all im still going work insignificant wish courage mind lay cold woods alone peace slit wrists ways dying extreme torturous cant this want this course cant let anyone know fuck dynamic thing look forward to would easier nothing want die dire circumstances id rather go still privelages still enjoy still basic necessities life could done total peace meditate it feel fear etc eventually hopefully enough peace it" ]
necesidad encontrar coraje iti cant live world cant feliz wish keep anything all im still go work deseo insignificante valor mente tumbar bosques fríos solos paz raja las muñecas maneras moribundos extremo torturoso cant este deseo este curso no puede dejar que nadie sepa mierda dinámica cosa mirar hacia adelante más fácil nada quieren morir circunstancias terribles id más bien ir todavía privilegios disfrutar todavía necesidades básicas la vida podría hacer total paz meditar se siente miedo etc con suerte suficiente paz
storyi havent bad life honestly things considered fortunate but still happened thought gaping blackness lurks within minds rose took grasp twice life twice looked death face emerged scathed yet alive able learn move on tines girl different girls tine two deeply cared for friends quickly fell love them exact makeup type witty sassy sweet caring always trying make smile finally got nerve confess feelings turned backs me times thought killing myself seriously considered it fact recall pair scissors open neck crying mirror changed mind yesterday started crying work pause look mom completely oblivious pain bring back considering again year old white man never girlfriend kiss relationship kind body image issues related manhood raised religion teaches lust desire sure fire tickets hell perhaps important others wanted say struggle thought well do trick decide keep going gets better know sounds like cliche genuinely believe it give up fight on one day emerge victorious faith you you yourselves catch later good day try smile
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "storyi havent bad life honestly things considered fortunate but still happened thought gaping blackness lurks within minds rose took grasp twice life twice looked death face emerged scathed yet alive able learn move on tines girl different girls tine two deeply cared for friends quickly fell love them exact makeup type witty sassy sweet caring always trying make smile finally got nerve confess feelings turned backs me times thought killing myself seriously considered it fact recall pair scissors open neck crying mirror changed mind yesterday started crying work pause look mom completely oblivious pain bring back considering again year old white man never girlfriend kiss relationship kind body image issues related manhood raised religion teaches lust desire sure fire ticketshell perhaps important others wanted say struggle thought well do trick decide keep going gets better know sounds like cliche genuinely believe it give up fight on one day emerge victorious faith you you yourselves catch later good day try smile" ]
storyi have no mal vida honestamente cosas consideradas afortunadas, pero todavía sucedió pensamiento blackness abierta acechas dentro de las mentes rosado tomó aprehensión dos veces vida dos veces mirada muerte cara emergió escabullido pero vivo capaz aprender movimiento en dientes chica diferentes chicas tine dos profundamente cuidado para amigos rápidamente cayó amor ellos maquillaje exacto tipo ingeniosa sashy dulce cuidado siempre tratando de hacer sonrisa finalmente tengo nervio confesar sentimientos me dio vuelta tiempos pensamiento matarme seriamente considerado hecho recordar par de tijeras cuello abierto llanto espejo cambio de mente ayer comenzó llorando trabajo pausa mirada mamá dolor completamente inconsciente traer de vuelta considerando de nuevo año viejo hombre blanco nunca novia beso relación tipo imagen cuestiones relacionadas virilidad religión levantada enseña deseo seguro fuego concha quizás importantes otros querían decir lucha pensamiento bien truco decidir seguir mejor saber sonidos como cliché realmente creer que renunciar a la lucha en un día emerger victorioso fe usted mismo coger más tarde buen día tratar de sonreír
donniewahlberg donnie when are you coming back to the uk it s been toooo long x
[ "donniewahlberg donnie when are you coming back to the uk it s been toooo long x" ]
donniewahlberg donnie cuando vas a volver al uk ha sido demasiado largo x
need someone talk to right nowi cant afford miserable yet front people know me want talk little bit chat sadness addicting nature misery stop disregarding stop suicidal hate much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk to right nowi cant afford miserable yet front people know me want talk little bit chat sadness addicting nature misery stop disregarding stop suicidal hate much" ]
Necesito que alguien hable con ahora mismo no puedo permitirme miserable pero la gente de frente me sabe que quiero hablar un poco charla tristeza adicto a la naturaleza miseria dejar de ignorar detener el odio suicida mucho
message fellow teenagers myanmar hear anything us next hours days please know military cut internet connectivity taken freedom speech away well citizen myanmar agree current move would like request world leaders un global media give hand country leaders people bitter acts want democracy want country track democracy route saynotomyanmarmilitarycoup justiceformyanmar savemyanmar
[ "message fellow teenagers myanmar hear anything us next hours days please know military cut internet connectivity taken freedom speech away well citizen myanmar agree current move would like request world leaders un global media give hand country leaders people bitter acts want democracy want country track democracy route saynotomyanmarmilitarycoup justiceformyanmar savemyanmar" ]
mensaje compañeros adolescentes myanmar escuchar cualquier cosa nosotros las próximas horas días por favor saber militar corte conexión a internet se llevó la libertad discurso bien ciudadano myanmar acuerdo movimiento actual quisiera solicitar líderes mundiales un medios globales dar mano líderes nacionales actos amargos quieren democracia país pista ruta democracia saynotomyanmarmilitarcoup justiciaformyanmar savemyanmar
first day of school. *tired* :-& http://plurk.com/p/113ph6
[ "first day of school.*tired* :-& http://plurk.com/p/113ph6" ]
primer día de escuela.*cansado* :-& http://plurk.com/p/113ph6
reasons date me many ask whatever want me
[ "reasons date me many ask whatever want me" ]
Razones para salir conmigo. Muchos preguntan lo que me quieren.
artistofcalcio amyisunited all of them will be i imagine i mean i have sympathy for him having depression but his performance haven t been good enough over the last year amp he wa quite happy to let raiola disrupt thing every month
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "artistofcalcio amyisunited all of them will be i imaginei mean i have sympathy for him having depression but his performance haven t been good enough over the last year amp he wa quite happy to let raiola disrupt thing every month" ]
artista de Calcio amyisunited todos ellos serán me imagino que quiero decir que tengo simpatía por él tener depresión pero su actuación no han sido lo suficientemente buena durante el último año amp él wa bastante feliz de dejar que Raiola perturbar cosa cada mes
im sad thats it thats post
[ "im sad thats it thats post" ]
Estoy triste, eso es lo que se postea.
yes ultralow budget movie acting award winning material times action slowpaced filmmakers shooting longer sequences million instants get edited movie film makes outstanding script takes vampirism seriously explains develops full plot it aside vampire story get detailed genetics info legal law enforcement martial arts action philosophical musings good metal music kudos go dylan oleary directorwritermain actor beyond man could fulfilled roles well think appreciate movie wellversed sorts themes see writer lot research knows things great camera work too interesting camera angles one underwater vampire attack something seen before pays homage underwater zombie attack fulcis zombi casting good far sexy female sexy indeed main vampire also looks perfect role female victim looks vulnerable complaint low budget horror flick nudity want see original vampire movie great story flick you im looking forward seeing future projects mr oleary
[ "yes ultralow budget movie acting award winning material times action slowpaced filmmakers shooting longer sequences million instants get edited movie film makes outstanding script takes vampirism seriously explains develops full plot it aside vampire story get detailed genetics info legal law enforcement martial arts action philosophical musings good metal music kudos go dylan oleary directorwritermain actor beyond man could fulfilled roles well think appreciate movie wellversed sorts themes see writer lot research knows things great camera work too interesting camera angles one underwater vampire attack something seen before pays homage underwater zombie attack fulcis zombi casting good far sexy female sexy indeed main vampire also looks perfect role female victim looks vulnerable complaint low budget horror flick nudity want see original vampire movie great story flick you im looking forward seeing future projects mr oleary" ]
sí película ultrabajo presupuesto actuación premiado material tiempos acción lentos cineastas rodaje secuencias más largas millones de instantes conseguir película editada guión toma vampirismo seriamente explica desarrolla trama completa a un lado historia vampiro obtener información detallada genética legal aplicación de la ley artes marciales acción filosofía musings buena música metal kudos go dilan oleary directorwritermain actor más allá del hombre podría cumplir papeles bien pensar apreciar película bien versados temas ver escritor lote investigación sabe cosas gran trabajo cámara demasiado interesante cámara ángulos un ataque vampiro submarino algo visto antes rinde homenaje zombi submarino ataque fulcis zombi casting buena muy sexy mujer sexy de hecho vampiro principal también parece papel perfecto víctima femenina mirada vulnerable queja bajo presupuesto película desnudo quiere ver película vampiro original gran historia flick im mirando hacia adelante ver proyectos futuros mr oleary
possible spoilers included nothing critical given awaybr br i watched classic low budget movie video knocked level energy present screen actors proud especially john daniels must see another films movie boast great performances manages stylish sequences like baron throws someone window see shards glass falling swimming pool erupts impact fallen man love way slowmotion photography used s cinema dreamy hypnotic cool witty black dudes spout great one liners slimy seedy lumps white trash come unpleasant ends love it rating ever comes dvd count purchase
[ "possible spoilers included nothing critical given awaybr bri watched classic low budget movie video knocked level energy present screen actors proud especially john daniels must see another films movie boast great performances manages stylish sequences like baron throws someone window see shards glass falling swimming pool erupts impact fallen man love way slowmotion photography used s cinema dreamy hypnotic cool witty black dudes spout great one liners slimy seedy lumps white trash come unpleasant ends love it rating ever comes dvd count purchase" ]
spoilers posibles incluyen nada crítica awaybr bri visto clásico película de bajo presupuesto vídeo golpe de nivel de energía presentes actores de la pantalla orgullosos especialmente john daniels debe ver otra película de películas cuentan con grandes actuaciones gestiona secuencias elegantes como barón tiros alguien ventana ver fragmentos de vidrio caída piscina erupciones impacto hombre caído amor manera de cámara lenta fotografía utilizado s cine ensoñado hipnótico fresco ingenio negro chicos spout great one liners slimy seedy grups blanco basura vienen desagradable final lo que la calificación siempre viene dvd cuenta compra
@s4r4hj I know! already looking online to see what I'm after! Lol!
[ "@s4r4hj I know!already looking online to see what I'm after!Lol!" ]
@s4r4hj Lo sé! ya estoy buscando en línea para ver lo que estoy buscando!Lol!
hey ive got new sub called rfattestdogs pics gifs fat big doggos new want get started
[ "hey ive got new sub called rfattestdogs pics gifs fat big doggos new want get started" ]
hey ive tiene nuevo sub llamado rfattestdogs fotos gifs gordos grandes perros nuevo quieren empezar
killing todayits over redflag note done tonight ill free free emotion free self hatred free everything im almost done will brain trying one last time survive look help one time please thats says august th felt first stroke pain born coddled school issue went there stemm academy september th first thought death kept hidden told parents feelings told old thing redflag permanent solution temporary problem problem go away then got really irritated teacher might well spit face told whole class teen redflag caused thinking little things big now makes sense give up ive fighting war long ive left stemm echos pain still ruin me please help me truth want die ever want pain end im weak know it im coward ive given survive longer old strength support
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "killing todayits over redflag note done tonight ill free free emotion free self hatred free everything im almost done will brain trying one last time survive look help one time please thats says august th felt first stroke pain born coddled school issue went there stemm academy september th first thought death kept hidden told parents feelings told old thing redflag permanent solution temporary problem problem go away then got really irritated teacher might well spit face told whole class teen redflag caused thinking little things big now makes sense give up ive fighting war long ive left stemm echos pain still ruin me please help me truth want die ever want pain end im weak know itim coward ive given survive longer old strength support" ]
Matar hoy su nota sobre bandera roja hecho esta noche mal libre emoción libre libre auto odio libre todo lo que casi hecho va a cerebro intentar una última vez sobrevivir buscar ayuda por favor eso dice august th se sintió primer golpe dolor nacido coddled tema de la escuela fue allí frened academia septiembre th primero pensamiento la muerte se mantuvo oculto dijo a los padres sentimientos dicho viejo redflag solución permanente problema temporal desaparecer entonces se puso realmente irritado profesor bien podría escupir cara contada clase adolescente Redflag causado pensar pequeñas cosas grandes ahora tiene sentido renunciar a la lucha en vivo guerra largo izquierda contención ecos dolor todavía me arruinan por favor me ayuda a la verdad quiero morir siempre quiero dolor final im débil sé que itim cobarde ive dado sobrevivir más tiempo viejo apoyo de la fuerza
wish could end years suffering alreadyi stopped showing class again looks like thats another k student debt nothing show yay rd attempt college years last night go night got drunk stabbed thighs stayed bed day cuz walk apparently called mom asked pick take home wanna go home thats nowhere apparently voice small child memory it suicidal im weird blackout drunk well im tired dealing this know need help cant stand another day month year feeling like way cant talk anyone depressed suicidal gets redundant awhile know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish could end years suffering alreadyi stopped showing class again looks like thats another k student debt nothing show yay rd attempt college years last night go night got drunk stabbed thighs stayed bed day cuz walk apparently called mom asked pick take home wanna go home thats nowhere apparently voice small child memory it suicidal im weird blackout drunkwell im tired dealing this know need help cant stand another day month year feeling like way cant talk anyone depressed suicidal gets redundant awhile know" ]
deseo podría terminar años de sufrimiento ya dejé de mostrar clase otra vez parece que otra k estudiante deuda nada mostrar yay rd intento universidad años anoche go noche se emborrachó muslos apuñalados se quedó cama día cuz caminar aparentemente llamado mamá pidió recoger llevar a casa quiere ir a casa que aparentemente no hay ninguna voz pequeño niño memoria es suicida im extraño apagón borracho bien cansado lidiando con este saber necesidad de ayuda no puede soportar otro día mes año sentir como manera no se puede hablar nadie deprimido suicida consigue redundante un rato saber
let lust take love oh boy even start well gone shit regarding relationshipsso lets call ex abigail around three elder me trust say this fell love even kidding happend and well one day confessed bam dating already best friends hung everyday park talked lifesometimes life sometimes china could become world leader coming years basically could talk days without getting bored well loved every bit hence loved other month datingwe first kiss always bit awkward didnt help first time lmao nonetheless enjoyed it thats began sweet moment ecstasy pure joy kiss someone love incomparable retrospect bit soonfast forwards weeks full making outher apartment mine top parents good friends could visit practically whenever wantedi talking full rd base here realised it got addicted itnow horny teen uk sux i would go way get actionnow would say whats problem right well problem getting addicted person dating rather act getting action love became lesser anything lust overcame love herit felt good used like toobut turns liked act her obviously naive self told oh guys together means love right wrongi horny realize much good person slowly losingafter first months remember nothing relationshipno talkingno hanging constant making outand wellthe day came feared most obviously cuz older go college firstnow love never grew lessit lust grew strongerso said you know even though going bout still keep relationshipwe love whats lil distance eh thats started long distance thought well diffcult be love someone stay away still love em problem love fell short front lust week lefti realized felt emptywe talk muchnot anyway even ever get enoughi always wanted time caring anywaybut realized talk much started looking friends friends anyone could talk freely like actually care know well graduated next gradeand saw one hotter classmatesand straight went like huhshe would pretty nice datebut looking back it realized much scum wasthe reason happen lustbecause well moreover care someone lovedi wanted boneand thats abandoned lovei started talking less frequently started talking friend loti legit became simp girl sexi wanted fill void created stupidity boning someone elsenow remember want current relation end either wanted bone well thankfully lil bitch never really advanced friendi happy didnt relationbut like fuck enough texted abigail outta blue told herheythis aint gona work us left herthe fucking irony situation still leave me first thing replied heyare ok want calland looking back it realize much moron leave her said said think us fight lot really get along anymore leave itbut still somehow managed convince break upbut disagreement little topic used bring topic breaking well started crywell much ever wanted run away heri see cryi couldnt well continued months finally december we decided end iti guess matter much love person tolerate much bullshit eh well might scum least know needed study well getting admission good high schoolso decided drop ideas girl study seriously fortunately exams got time lock imposed country well plenty time think everything happend happen future well quarantine realized knowsex aint everythingi blind lust see love regret everything done hurt saint womani realized much human trash probably deserved sexless quarantineactually funny thing thati even think enjoy sex anymorei guessi disturbed nowdisturbed easily one wrong things wrong reasons finally realized realized years agothat sex product lovewhen truly love someone wish physical things thembut guess young naive ever consider it took joke blatantly left girl nothing short perfect supporting getting action tldri human piece trasha scum may decided improve gonna go back hurt enough infact taking break sort relationships probably wont date someone find someone see settling with
[ "let lust take loveoh boy even start well gone shit regarding relationshipsso lets call ex abigail around three elder me trust say this fell love even kidding happend and well one day confessed bam dating already best friends hung everyday park talked lifesometimes life sometimes china could become world leader coming years basically could talk days without getting bored well loved every bit hence loved other month datingwe first kiss always bit awkward didnt help first time lmao nonetheless enjoyed it thats began sweet moment ecstasy pure joy kiss someone love incomparable retrospect bit soonfast forwards weeks full making outher apartment mine top parents good friends could visit practically whenever wantedi talking full rd base here realised it got addicted itnow horny teen uk sux i would go way get actionnow would say whats problem", "right well problem getting addicted person dating rather act getting action love became lesser anything lust overcame love herit felt good used like toobut turns liked act her obviously naive self told oh guys together means love right wrongi horny realize much good person slowly losingafter first months remember nothing relationshipno talkingno hanging constant making outand wellthe day came feared most obviously cuz older go college firstnow love never grew lessit lust grew strongerso said you know even though going bout still keep relationshipwe love whats lil distance eh thats started long distance thought well diffcult be love someone stay away still love em problem love fell short front lust week lefti realized felt emptywe talkmuchnot anyway even ever get enoughi always wanted time caring anywaybut realized talk much started looking friends friends anyone could talk freely like actually care knowwell graduated next gradeand saw one hotter classmatesand straight went like huhshe would pretty nice datebut looking back it realized much scum wasthe reason happen lustbecause", "well moreover care someone lovedi wanted boneand thats abandoned lovei started talking less frequently started talking friend loti legit became simp girl sexi wanted fill void created stupidity boning someone elsenow remember want current relation end either wanted bone well thankfully lil bitch never really advanced friendi happy didnt relationbut like fuck enough texted abigail outta blue told herheythis aint gona work us left herthe fucking irony situation still leave me first thing replied heyare ok want calland looking back it realize much moron leave her said said think us fight lot really get along anymore leave itbut still somehow managed convince break upbut disagreement little topic used bring topic breaking well started crywell much ever wanted run away heri seecryi couldnt well continued months finally december we decided end", "iti guess matter much love person tolerate much bullshit eh well might scum least know needed study well getting admission good high schoolso decided drop ideas girl study seriously fortunately exams got time lock imposed country well plenty time think everything happend happen future well quarantine realized knowsex aint everythingi blind lust see love regret everything done hurt saint womani realized much human trash probably deserved sexless quarantineactually funny thing thati even think enjoy sex anymorei guessi disturbed nowdisturbed easily one wrong things wrong reasons finally realized realized years agothat sex product lovewhen truly love someone wish physical things thembut guess young naive ever consider it took joke blatantly left girl nothing short perfect supporting getting action tldri human piece trasha scum may decided improve gonna go back hurt enough infact taking break sort relationships probably wont date someone find someone see settling with" ]
Deja que la lujuria tomar amor oh chico incluso empezar bien ido mierda con relación a las relaciones así que vamos a llamar ex abigail alrededor de tres ancianos me confianza decir este amor caído incluso broma sucedió y bien un día se confesó bam citas ya mejores amigos colgados día a día parque hablado vida a veces la vida a veces China podría convertirse en líder mundial años venideros básicamente podría hablar días sin aburrirse bien amado cada poco por lo tanto amaba otro mes citas nosotros primero beso siempre poco incómodo no ayudó a la primera vez lmmao sin embargo disfrutó que comenzó dulce momento éxtasis pura alegría beso a alguien amor incomparable retrospección poco pronto hacia adelante semanas completo haciendo fuera de su apartamento mis mejores padres buenos amigos podían visitar prácticamente cada vez que quería hablar rd base completa aquí se dio cuenta de que se convirtió en adicto ahora caliente adolescente uk sux yo iría camino conseguir acciónahora diría qué problema
i fell so fucking in love with my best friend and i m feeling very alone and in a dangerous space rn i normally would say more but i m tired of telling people the same story and just plane exhausted i just want someone to talk to don t have to be therapeutic just a a fellow human
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i fell so fucking in love with my best friend and i m feeling very alone and in a dangerous space rn i normally would say more but i m tired of telling people the same story and just plane exhausted i just want someone to talk to don t have to be therapeutic just a a fellow human" ]
Me enamoré tanto de mi mejor amigo y me siento muy sola y en un espacio peligroso rn normalmente diría más, pero estoy cansado de contar a la gente la misma historia y sólo el avión exhausto sólo quiero que alguien para hablar con no tener que ser terapéutico sólo un compañero humano
anyone make laugh ill give award doubt anyone funny enough make laugh
[ "anyone make laugh ill give award doubt anyone funny enough make laugh" ]
cualquiera se ríe mal dar premio duda alguien lo suficientemente gracioso hacer reír
I've been fighting severe depression and extreme anxiety for about 5-6 years now and anyone close to me knows the lengths I've went to escape it. While I'm still fighting I will say I feel myself coming out On The winning end and a lot of that has to do with those around me <Emoji: Heavy red heart>
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I've been fighting severe depression and extreme anxiety for about 5-6 years now and anyone close to me knows the lengths I've went to escape it.While I'm still fighting I will say I feel myself coming out On The winning end and a lot of that has to do with those around me <Emoji:Heavy red heart>" ]
He estado luchando contra la depresión severa y la ansiedad extrema por cerca de 5-6 años ahora y cualquiera cerca de mí sabe las longitudes que he ido para escapar de ella.Mientras que todavía estoy luchando diré que me siento a mí mismo saliendo en el final ganador y mucho de eso tiene que ver con los que me rodean <Emoji:Heavy red heart>
first saw foreign film festival beautifully paced nailbiter plot relieve estonian treasury billion gold shot gritty grainy style hollywood rarely uses captures atmosphere newly emancipated baltic states beautifully note tallin actually looking lot less grim therebr br theres lot humor romance too want spoil number startling yet logical surprises ill say heist film starts great script directing performances top notch darkness tallin simply fastest nerveracking example genre id put rafifi topkapi miles ahead new oceans though deliberately glossy rent buy now
[ "first saw foreign film festival beautifully paced nailbiter plot relieve estonian treasury billion gold shot gritty grainy style hollywood rarely uses captures atmosphere newly emancipated baltic states beautifully note tallin actually looking lot less grim therebr br theres lot humor romance too want spoil number startling yet logical surprises ill say heist film starts great script directing performances top notch darkness tallin simply fastest nerveracking example genre id put rafifi topkapi miles ahead new oceans though deliberately glossy rent buy now" ]
primero vio el festival de cine extranjero bellamente ritmo mordedor trama aliviar tesoro estoniano miles de millones de oro tiro arenoso granulado estilo hollywood rara vez utiliza capturas atmósfera recién emancipado estados bálticos hermosa nota alta en realidad parece mucho menos triste therebr br Theres mucho humor romance también quieren echar a perder números sorprendentes pero sorpresas lógicas mal decir película de atraco comienza gran guión dirigiendo actuaciones de primera clase oscuridad tallin simplemente más rápido nervioso ejemplo género id poner rafifi topkapi millas por delante nuevos océanos aunque deliberadamente brillante alquiler comprar ahora
there s much depression in europe and the leading cause can be traced to psychological overload the peace and prosperity of europe come with boredom something nigerian will never understand or relate with cuz there s no loneliness in nigeria
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "there s much depression in europe and the leading cause can be traced to psychological overload the peace and prosperity of europe come with boredom something nigerian will never understand or relate with cuz there s no loneliness in nigeria" ]
hay mucha depresión en Europa y la causa principal se puede rastrear a sobrecarga psicológica la paz y la prosperidad de Europa vienen con aburrimiento algo nigeriano nunca entenderá o se relacionará con cuz no hay soledad en nigeria
it using alt account say this cant take life thrown me lost job applying everywhere months even fast food places hire me move back parents im forcing marriage apart hurt father mother hated since wants tells every day doesnt care never sees again would give peace mind gone dads life taken possessions including car shes taken away phone several times always bought new one anyway guess wont need car phone tonight wake mom peace mind guess goodbye reddit wish best rest there
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "it using alt account say this cant take life thrown me lost job applying everywhere months even fast food places hire me move back parents im forcing marriage apart hurt father mother hated since wants tells every day doesnt care never sees again would give peace mind gone dads life taken possessions including car shes taken away phone several times always bought new one anyway guess wont need car phone tonight wake mom peace mind guess goodbye reddit wish best rest there" ]
Es usando alt cuenta decir que este no puede tomar la vida me tiró trabajo perdido aplicación en todas partes meses incluso comida rápida lugares me contrataron mudarme atrás padres im forzar el matrimonio separada padre madre odiado ya que quiere dice que cada día no importa nunca volver a ver daría paz mente ido papás vida tomada posesiones incluyendo coche ella se llevó el teléfono varias veces siempre compró uno nuevo de todos modos supongo que no necesita coche teléfono esta noche despertar mamá paz mente adivinar adiós reddit deseo mejor descansar allí
i am not wanting to go to school tomorrow
[ "i am not wanting to go to school tomorrow" ]
No quiero ir a la escuela mañana.
toi apologize advance use insensitive language first time writing matter familiar terms lost relative redflag year ago painful days ago heard another news high school friend scares much might lose redflag scares especially relative took life one saw signs protect ones care for know loved one danger late good reading non verbal signs strong tendency think everything okay makes blind subtleties would help someones pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "toi apologize advance use insensitive language first time writing matter familiar terms lost relative redflag year ago painful days ago heard another news high school friend scares much might lose redflag scares especially relative took life one saw signs protect ones care for know loved one danger late good reading non verbal signs strong tendency think everything okay makes blind subtleties would help someones pain" ]
toi disculpar por adelantado uso de lenguaje insensible primera vez la escritura materia términos familiares perdido relativo bandera roja año hace días dolorosos hace oído otra noticia amigo de la escuela secundaria asusta mucho podría perder miedos de bandera roja especialmente familiar tomó la vida uno vio señales proteger a los cuidados para saber a un ser querido peligro tarde buena lectura no verbal señales fuerte tendencia piensa que todo bien hace sutilezas ciegas ayudaría a alguien dolor
sucks im christian ive always thought church ive going past years great teaching generally really good really lost respect whole pandemic mandating masks worn services treating covid like joke mom agree irresponsible were attending person carelessness understand cant decent thing take seriously top first service back building watched online pastor basically shaming people afraid come church mean yes agree together fellowship want people come part make sure safe youth group same wear masks really liked youth group seen people age often past months obviously looking forward would able meet again cant go theyre safe
[ "sucks im christianive always thought church ive going past years great teaching generally really good really lost respect whole pandemic mandating masks worn services treating covid like joke mom agree irresponsible were attending person carelessness understand cant decent thing take seriously top first service back building watched online pastor basically shaming people afraid come church meanyes agree together fellowship want people come part make sure safe youth group same wear masks really liked youth group seen people age often past months obviously looking forward would able meet again cant go theyre safe" ]
Sucks im christianive siempre pensó iglesia ive yendo años pasados gran enseñanza en general muy bueno realmente perdido respeto entero pandemia mandating máscaras servicios usados tratamiento covid como broma mamá acuerdo irresponsable estaban asistiendo persona descuido entender cant decente cosa tomar en serio primer servicio volver edificio visto en línea pastor básicamente avergonzar a la gente venir iglesia meanyes acuerdo juntos compañerismo quieren gente venir parte asegurarse de grupo de jóvenes seguros mismo desgaste máscaras realmente les gusta grupo de jóvenes visto personas edad a menudo meses pasados obviamente mirando hacia adelante podría reunirse de nuevo no pueden ir son seguros
hi r anxiety i m a 0yr old male with what i would say is a decent amount of stress but nothing out of the norm yeah work is stressful rent is increasing and a proposal to my gf are all looming but i ve always been able to accept those thing will come with some mild stress since i m human i ve been experiencing what i can only describe a mild severe panic attack recently that are completely wiping me off the face of the earth this past saturday i found myself in a bathroom stall at noon after being out with friend for lunch drink experiencing symptom last night after work i came home wa slapped with tunnel vision trembling tight chest and once i laid down in bed had what i would describe a the worst experience of my life for 0 minute borderline exorcism i m completely new to this experience and am obviously concerned what my trigger are or where this is coming from i plan on having a wellness check with my local physician but are there buzzword or thing i should include so i can do exactly explain what i am experiencing i constantly drink water i take only about 00mg caffeine a day i exercise time a week i have what i would describe a a pretty well balanced diet why is this happening all of a sudden appreciate any feedback this is more of a vent
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi r anxiety i m a 0yr old male with what i would say is a decent amount of stress but nothing out of the normyeahwork is stressful rent is increasing and a proposal to my gf are all looming but i ve always been able to accept those thing will come with some mild stress since i m human", "i ve been experiencing what i can only describe a mild severe panic attack recently that are completely wiping me off the face of the earth this past saturday i found myself in a bathroom stall at noon after being out with friend for lunch drink experiencing symptom last night after work i came home wa slapped with tunnel vision trembling tight chest and once i laid down in bed had what i would describe a the worst experience of my life for 0 minute borderline exorcism i m completely new to this experience and am obviously concerned what my trigger are or where this is coming from i plan on having a wellness check with my local physician but are there buzzword or thing i should include so i can do exactly explain what i am experiencing i constantly drink water i take only about 00mg caffeine a day i exercise time a week i have what i would describe a a pretty well balanced diet why is this happening all of a sudden appreciate any feedback this is more of a vent" ]
hi r ansiedad i m un 0yr viejo macho con lo que diría es una cantidad decente de estrés, pero nada fuera de la normayeahwork es estresante alquiler está aumentando y una propuesta a mi gf son todos inminentes, pero siempre he sido capaz de aceptar esa cosa vendrá con un poco de estrés leve ya que i m humano
look furry stuff sad get never anthro gf never happy
[ "look furry stuff sad get never anthro gf never happy" ]
Mira cosas peludas tristes nunca consigues anthro gf nunca feliz
saw true crime first released back midnineties watched many times since great mystery mary played alicia silverstone high school senior california town whos classmates younger sister tortured killed unknown murderer mary meets tony played kevin dillon police cadet sees bright decide work together try find killerbr br many suspects one true crime feels true real me read newsgroup review someone wrote total suspension disbelief present true alicia silverstone perfect role kevin dillon bill nunn great job actors locations right writerdirector pat verducci really captures realities teenage life marys loneliness see scene mary awakens dream sequence viewed photos took tony wish verducci would make moviesbr br i seen movie quite like true crime
[ "saw true crime first released back midnineties watched many times since great mystery mary played alicia silverstone high school senior california town whos classmates younger sister tortured killed unknown murderer mary meets tony played kevin dillon police cadet sees bright decide work together try find killerbr br many suspects one true crime feels true real me read newsgroup review someone wrote total suspension disbelief present true alicia silverstone perfect role kevin dillon bill nunn great job actors locations right writerdirector pat verducci really captures realities teenage life marys loneliness see scene mary awakens dream sequence viewed photos took tony wish verducci would make moviesbr br i seen movie quite like true crime" ]
ver verdadero crimen lanzado por primera vez a mediados de los años noventa vio muchas veces desde gran misterio mary jugaron alicia silverstone escuela secundaria california ciudad que compañeros de clase hermana menor torturada asesinato desconocido mary mary conoce a Tony jugar kevin dillon policía cadet ve brillante decidir trabajo juntos intentar asesinobr br muchos sospechosos un verdadero crimen se siente real yo leer crítica de grupo de noticias alguien escribió suspensión total incredulidad presente verdadera alicia silverstone papel perfecto kevin dillon bill monn gran trabajo actores lugares correcto guionista director pat verducci realmente captura realidades vida adolescente marys soledad ver escena mary despierta secuencia de sueños fotos vistas tomó tony deseo verducci haría películas br br i ver película bastante como verdadero crimen
im doneim fucked continue living ive tried many timesive gave bestbut cant continue anymorei want find peace mind seems cant find life im letting goodbye note reddit thank everyone everything goodbye hope guys great day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doneim fucked continue living ive tried many timesive gave bestbut cant continue anymorei want find peace mind seems cant find life im letting goodbye note reddit thank everyone everything goodbye hope guys great day" ]
im dodeim follada seguir viviendo ive probado muchos timelive dio bestbut cant continuar más quiero encontrar la paz mente parece no encontrar la vida im dejar adiós nota reddit gracias a todos todo adiós esperanza chicos gran día
get socially worn quickly went downstairs see sister playing wii decided chill downstairs comment game chill started discord call friends chilling like hour kinda tired it good time laughing lot idk feel like idk want call social battery gets worn quicker average
[ "get socially worn quickly went downstairs see sister playing wii decided chill downstairs comment game chill started discord call friends chilling like hour kinda tired it good time laughing lot idk feel like idk want call social battery gets worn quicker average" ]
conseguir socialmente desgastado rápidamente fue abajo ver hermana jugando wii decidido chill abajo comentario juego chill comenzó discordia llamar amigos escalofriante como hora un poco cansado él buen tiempo riéndose lote idk se siente como idk quiere llamar batería social se desgasta más rápido promedio
yeahi really much left except alcohol absolutly one life turn times like this always anyone else world remember things tell them im rational want call hotline again one life im sure much longer deal it im sorry edit im sorry want someone tell day was want deal again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yeahi really much left except alcohol absolutly one life turn times like this always anyone else world remember things tell them im rational want call hotline again one life im sure much longer deal it im sorry editim sorry want someone tell day was want deal again" ]
Yeti realmente mucho izquierda excepto el alcohol absolutamente una vida turno tiempos como este siempre cualquier otro mundo recordar las cosas les dicen im racional quiero llamar línea directa de nuevo una vida estoy seguro mucho más trato im lo siento editim lo siento quiere alguien decir día era trato de nuevo
want love people butif experience people past ish years going is going past days kind teetering edge wanting truly end everything but im still scared afterlife ever able rest never bothered again listen everyone money money lets whatever want move pos parents house never look back buy sex people hold shit head relationships contribute something loved otherwise lazy annoying piece shit thats waste space thats love according society loved are standards hard work teams hold others to reciprocate people ever keep promises you know else say anymore everyones going say fault anyways believe capitalist people eat alive shithole website run nerds survive job retail think theyre menial work like play video games watch anime shit responsibilities goals outside shit too wish someone would prove wrong doubt will im always told pray god never seek actual help something wrong wanting keep paycheck something wrong placing value human lives anything wrong believing things make life worth living yes matter snowflake must die collective cause organizations giving money relationships must left pick reference social cue go school us growing up part clique friend group etc working hard paying bills im responsible for making work time supposed privileged according people cant handle wrong considering ending everything whats wrong makes unlovable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want love people butif experience people past ish years going is going past days kind teetering edge wanting truly end everything", "but im still scared afterlife ever able rest never bothered again listen everyone money money lets whatever want move pos parents house never look back buy sex people hold shit head relationships contribute something loved otherwise lazy annoying piece shit thats waste space thats love according society loved are standards hard work teams hold others to reciprocate people ever keep promises you know else say anymore everyones going say fault anyways believe capitalist people eat alive shithole website run nerds survive job retail think theyre menial work like play video games watch anime shit responsibilities goals outside shit too wish someone would prove wrong doubt will im always told pray god never seek actual help something wrong wanting keep paycheck something wrong placing value human lives anything wrong believing things make life worth living yes matter snowflake must die collective cause organizations giving money relationships must left pick reference social cue go school us growing up part clique friend group etc working hard paying bills im responsible for making work time supposed privileged according people cant handle wrong considering ending everything whats wrong makes unlovable" ]
Quiero amar a la gente pero si la experiencia de la gente pasado ish años va pasando días agradable borde tambaleante querer realmente acabar con todo
redflag hotline sick voicechecked position waitlist months noncourtmandated appointments tried chat service instead waited queue minutes told services area
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag hotline sick voicechecked position waitlist months noncourtmandated appointments tried chat service instead waited queue minutes told services area" ]
redflag línea telefónica de voz enferma lista de espera de posición meses citas sin mandato judicial probado servicio de chat en lugar de espera cola minutos contada área de servicios
people make want kill you look like guy insults women refuse send nudes ampxb dont think fair seen creepy monster rapes murders etc im lonely even leave room anymore leave work go home dont energy go out date someone never killed anyone raped wife beater ampxb snap would long time ago suffered school bullying home absent mother stern father vibe weirdness say look totally creepy souless eyes souless smile creepy really mean really something menacing makes run life average unnatractive guy see street pic reddit ampxb im sick labeled something not sick living want end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people make want kill you look like guy insultswomen refuse send nudes ampxb dont think fair seen creepy monster rapes murders etc im lonely even leave room anymore leave work go home dont energy go out date someone never killed anyone raped wife beater ampxb snap would long time ago suffered school bullying home absent mother stern father vibe weirdness say look totally creepy souless eyes souless smile creepy really mean really something menacing makes run life average unnatractive guy see street pic reddit ampxb im sick labeled something not sick living want end all" ]
La gente hace querer matarte te ves como chico insultos mujeres rechazar enviar desnudos ampxb no creo justo visto monstruo espeluznante violaciones asesinatos etc im solitario incluso dejar la habitación más salir de trabajo ir a casa no energía salir salir alguien nunca mató a nadie violado esposa golpeador ampxb snap hace mucho tiempo sufrió escuela bullying casa ausente madre severo padre vibra raro decir mirada totalmente espeluznante alma ojos alma sonrisa espeluznante realmente significa realmente algo amenazante hace correr la vida promedio chico poco atractivo ver street pic reddit ampxb im enfermo etiquetado algo no enfermo vida querer acabar todo
long post aheadi really know feel like kind last hope letting without people constantly trying help shitty you need move forward shit like that i well lonely man years feel like lived life theres nothing live little more why lot issues depression anxiety self loathing loneliness stuff well comes back teenage years divorce really messy exposed everything hate ensued fear understanding goes it help feel responsible it mean bullied school came back home insults flying around like say hello also help first time life top class yeah add dissapointment vocabulary parents school side things no stop there see picked guitar mom like dad encourage pursue learning it self loathing comes that hey whatever everyone shitty teenage period next thing explore situation became even worse come family mom dad sisters brother get worse well older sister left house go live dad tensions rising mom her without father confessing everything her missed us forth left tend younger bro sis much me brother hard time acting out mom constantly tail saw turn red anger sweating much would thought fever thing thought of go dads since whenever went there okay so comes fateful wednesday month october told mom going dads evidently took well throwing bro curb wait dad pick us up let sister behind made stand her telling mom also wanted come always raised support ourselves did told mom leave us alone moment hated her hurting supported know thats mistake looking it since understand feel left curb alone dads everything went fine went away university dropped of younger sister bullied brother slaps face shit like that came back home trying fix things family breaking apart failed again oh good note found love time became escape shitty family whenever visited felt like loved even family big change me depression began everytime come back home felt like torn inside out fear stress point lived mom cause dad kicked out saying piece shit gave nothing trouble huge problem find way get home impose mom long tried contacting mom touch seven years now went well point little sister called middle night time told missed wished her nobody defending little bro night explained everything treated bro slapped hard busted lip raging remember sleep finally got visit buying train ticket propose meet mom again everything fine expressed desire stay mom could make feel better worked while good true cool things fast pass cycle began anew decided get job far away move gf time years knew other know say life always find way mess you well lung infection nearly killed me oh also girlfriend cheated me kicked since lost job pay shit disspointment everything fault even mom still thinks fault back square one back moms depression kicking ass since fucking long year comes big fight tonight my mom remarried mom new hubby told move soon year already staying struggling get back feet failed therapy failed job interviews inability connect others even stronger before nowhere left go one talk to called redflag hotline prevention shit hit fan mom new hubby lost parent redflag caught talking could go he really helpful anyone gave shit saying people wants kill it talk stop threats snapped told fuck life since source problems their words imagine feel now laying hotel room bed sister worrying nothing her sorry long post wanted never it ashamed family anyway hope get sleep tonight laying outalso hopefully stopping thoughts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "long post aheadi really know feel like kind last hope letting without people constantly trying help shitty you need move forward shit like that i well lonely man years feel like lived life theres nothing live little more why lot issues depression anxiety self loathing loneliness stuff well comes back teenage years divorce really messy exposed everything hate ensued fear understanding goes it help feel responsible it mean bullied school came back home insults flying around like say hello also help first time life top class yeah add dissapointment vocabulary parents school side things no stop there see picked guitar mom like dad encourage pursue learning it self loathing comes that hey whatever everyone shitty teenage period next thing explore situation became even worse come family mom dad sisters brother get worse well older sister left house go live dad tensions rising mom her without father confessing everything her missed us forth left tend younger bro sis much me brother hard time acting out mom constantly tail saw turn red anger sweating much would thought fever thing thought of go dads since whenever went there", "okay so comes fateful wednesday month october told mom going dads evidently took well throwing bro curb wait dad pick us up let sister behind made stand her telling mom also wanted come always raised support ourselves did told mom leave us alone moment hated her hurting supported know thats mistake looking it since understand feel left curb alone dads everything went fine went away university dropped of younger sister bullied brother slaps face shit like that came back home trying fix things family breaking apart failed again", "oh good note found love time became escape shitty family whenever visited felt like loved even family big change me depression began everytime come back home felt like torn inside out fear stress point lived mom cause dad kicked out saying piece shit gave nothing trouble huge problem find way get home impose mom long tried contacting mom touch seven years now went well point little sister called middle night time told missed wished her nobody defending little bro night explained everything treated bro slapped hard busted lip raging remember sleep finally got visit buying train ticket propose meet mom again everything fine expressed desire stay mom could make feel better worked while good true cool things fast pass cycle began anew decided get job far away move gf time years knew other know say life always find way messyou well lung infection nearly killed me", "oh also girlfriend cheated me kicked since lost job pay shit disspointment everything fault even mom still thinks fault back square one back moms depression kicking ass since fucking long year comes big fight tonight my mom remarried mom new hubby told move soon year already staying struggling get back feet failed therapy failed job interviews inability connect others even stronger before nowhere left go one talk to called redflag hotline prevention shit hit fan mom new hubby lost parent redflag caught talking could go he really helpful anyone gave shit saying people wants kill it talk stop threats snapped told fuck life since source problems their words imagine feel now laying hotel room bed sister worrying nothing her sorry long post wanted never it ashamed family anyway hope get sleep tonight laying outalso hopefully stopping thoughts" ]
long post beforei realmente sé sentir como amable última esperanza dejando sin gente constantemente tratando de ayudar mierda necesitas mover hacia adelante mierda como que yo bien hombre solitario años sentir como vida vivida no hay nada vivir poco más por lo que lote problemas depresión ansiedad yo mismo odio soledad cosas bien vuelve adolescentes años divorcio realmente desordenado expuesto todo odio resultante miedo va ayuda sentirse responsable significa escuela acosado volvió a casa insultos volando como decir hola también ayudar primera vez vida clase superior yeah añadir desaliento padres escuela lado cosas no para allí ver elegido guitarra mamá como papá animar a seguir aprendiendo a sí mismo odio viene que hey lo que todo el mundo mierda adolescente período siguiente explorar situación se convirtió en peor cuando familia mamá hermano hermano hermano hermano se puso peor bien hermana izquierda casa ir vivir papá tensiones subir mamá sin padre confesar todo lo que nos echaba de menos ten más joven hermano SIS mucho me hermano duro actuar mamá constantemente cola vio girar cólera roja sudar mucho pensaría fiebre cosa pensaría ir papás desde cuando iba allí
@dolphinking: we are the same plight
[ "@dolphinking: we are the same plight" ]
@dolphinking: somos la misma situación
dont depressed commit redflagi think really interesting everyone concept sad depressed want kill yourself mean sometimes get tired waking dealing bullshit every single day every time get car contemplate crashing it im young adult felt way since teenager feel way forever maybe thats way im meant go out im sure advice reddit friends dont feel like place purpose ya know like maybe id everyone favor following though ive thought many times before
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont depressed commit redflagi think really interesting everyone concept sad depressed want kill yourself mean sometimes get tired waking dealing bullshit every single day every time get car contemplate crashing itim young adult felt way since teenager feel way forever maybe thats way im meant go out im sure advice reddit friends dont feel like place purpose ya know like maybe id everyone favor following though ive thought many times before" ]
no deprimido cometer Redflagi pensar realmente interesante todo el mundo concepto triste deprimido querer matar a ti mismo significa a veces se cansan tratando mierda todos los días cada vez conseguir coche contemplar estrellarse itim joven adulto se sintió mucho desde adolescente sentir manera para siempre tal vez esa es la manera im significa salir im seguro consejos reddit amigos no se sienten como lugar propósito ya sabes como tal id todo el mundo favor seguir aunque ive pensamiento muchas veces antes
anybody else get weird halfcrush fictional character need seek media involving them like waifu cant escape
[ "anybody else get weird halfcrush fictional character need seek media involving them like waifu cant escape" ]
cualquier otra persona consigue raro medio crush personaje de ficción necesita buscar los medios que los involucran como waifu no puede escapar
cant family think timethis year thought better especially starting meds ive weeks think killing even once lately im sure redflag ideation always abstract kind terrified death really want kill myself wanted things end never thought worth much think it feel like main reason stopping sometimes want cause family kind pain know will theres real point this wanted vent think ive exhausted friends emotional wreckage point fed want anything anymore really anyone else turn to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant family think timethis year thought better especially starting meds ive weeks think killing even once lately im sure redflag ideation always abstract kind terrified death really want kill myself wanted things end never thought worth much think it feel like main reason stopping sometimes want cause family kind pain know will theres real point this wanted vent think ive exhausted friends emotional wreckage point fed want anything anymore really anyone else turn to" ]
La familia no puede pensar que el tiempo este año pensó mejor, especialmente empezando medicamentos en las últimas semanas pensar matar incluso una vez últimamente estoy seguro de que la idea de la bandera roja siempre abstracto tipo muerte aterrorizada realmente quiero matar a mí mismo quería cosas fin nunca pensé mucho creo que vale la pena pensar que se siente como razón principal parar a veces querer causa familia tipo dolor saber habrá un punto real este deseo de ventilación pensar en los amigos agotados punto de destrozo emocional alimentado quieren algo más realmente cualquier persona acude a
music suggestions please like abt everything preferences feel free drop albums artists songs
[ "music suggestions please like abt everything preferences feel free drop albums artists songs" ]
sugerencias de música por favor como abt todo las preferencias se sienten libres álbumes drop canciones de artistas
@SecretShadows mixed indigenous and European. Majority of Latin and South Americans are indigenous and Spanish mix.
[ "@SecretShadows mixed indigenous and European.Majority of Latin and South Americans are indigenous and Spanish mix." ]
@SecretShadows mezclada indígena y europea.La mayoría de latinoamericanos y sudamericanos son indígenas y españoles.
decided hang myself know where made decision head cannot overcome depression redflag
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "decided hang myself know where made decision head cannot overcome depression redflag" ]
decidido colgarme saber dónde tomó la decisión cabeza no puede superar la depresión bandera roja
feel like like gone me meet week chat daily im kind unhappy im getting cant get enough talking experience usually comes along enamoured start nearly always reply within mins im busy im still excited pahse get lot wait times read receipt coming whatsapp within period get reply hardly screams hes really ok wait long reply assume hes messaging others me im new potential gf
[ "feel like like gone me meet week chat dailyim kind unhappy im getting cant get enough talking experience usually comes along enamoured start nearly always reply within mins im busy im still excited pahse get lot wait times read receipt coming whatsapp within period get reply hardly screams hes really ok wait long reply assume hes messaging others me im new potential gf" ]
Me siento como ido me encuentro semana chat dailyim amable infeliz im conseguir no puedo tener suficiente experiencia de conversación por lo general viene enamorado comienzo casi siempre respuesta en minutos im ocupado im todavía emocionado pahse conseguir mucho espera tiempos de lectura recibo viene whatsapp dentro de período obtener respuesta apenas gritos hes realmente bien espera larga respuesta asumir hes mensajería otros im nuevo potencial gf
i ve been having these the entire day but i had sore throat since yesterday anybody else know what it is
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve been having these the entire daybut i had sore throat since yesterday anybody else know what it is" ]
He estado teniendo estos todo el día pero tenía dolor de garganta desde ayer nadie más sabe lo que es
heading to bed have to be at work in hour
[ "heading to bed have to be at work in hour" ]
ir a la cama tiene que estar en el trabajo en hora
bought a couple of books.. and cds.. next whole week to enjoy.. MPH - i love you..
[ "bought a couple of books.. and cds..next whole week to enjoy..MPH - i love you.." ]
compró un par de libros.. y cds.. la próxima semana entera para disfrutar..MPH - te quiero..
suffer depression redflag baghdad iraq sporadic pops bangs sounds explosions really haunt time sound easily like combatmy wife passed years years ago really nothing help cope actually got new friend shared advice live far limited do appreciatedi miss wife would hold hand play xbox volume cranked lay bed me holding fell asleepi think solution really exist miss wife much sorry pathetic story holiday reminder truly alone am missing wife helped time year
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suffer depression redflag baghdad iraq sporadic pops bangs sounds explosions really haunt time sound easily like combatmy wife passed years years ago really nothing help cope actually got new friend shared advice live far limited do appreciatedi miss wife would hold hand play xbox volume cranked lay bed me holding fell asleepi think solution really exist miss wife much sorry pathetic story holiday reminder truly alone am missing wife helped time year" ]
sufrir depresión rojo bandera baghdad iraq pops esporádicos bangs sonidos explosiones realmente encantar el tiempo sonido fácilmente como combatemi esposa pasó años hace años realmente nada ayuda a hacer frente realmente tengo nuevo amigo consejos compartidos vivir muy limitado do apreciatei señorita esposa iba a tener a mano juego xbox volumen manivela lecho cama me sostiene se quedó dormidoi pensar solución realmente existe señorita esposa mucho lo siento historia patético recordatorio de vacaciones verdaderamente solo estoy falta esposa ayudó tiempo año
updated user flair birthday today woohoo year old gang at
[ "updated user flair birthday today woohoo year old gang at" ]
actualizado usuario estilo cumpleaños hoy woohoo año viejo pandilla en
@muffinwomanxo Yes kristen stewart is pretty much a tramp but im glad you admitted you love Twilight I love you even more now
[ "@muffinwomanxoYes kristen stewart is pretty much a trampbut im glad you admitted you love TwilightI love you even more now" ]
@muffinwomanxoYes Kristen Stewart es bastante un vagabundo pero me alegro de que admitas que amas CrepúsculoTe amo aún más ahora
cant parents understand mental illness me im pretty sure im like severely depressed anxious something please go doctor literally cannot live like need medication something mom oh need get game system pm like literally begging let see someone fucks sakes woman everything phone game system whatever i spent hours minecraft yesterday friend mine seen while normally play long anyway literally cannot get bed morning ive slept classes barely leave room even leave bed im tired clean anything dishes garbage everywhere give shit get kicked school something work im fucking exhausted care anymore ah yes phone ps problem sure always puts facade parentsteachers seems care much mental health shit comes step siblings always oh add take time him overwhelm him oh anxiety thats thatwhile entirely disregards probably have also severe adhd unmedicated despite asking go meds get told instructions way makes sense brain like step brother does get called lazy piece shit needs get act together get good grades else theyre going failure im tired it
[ "cant parents understand mental illness meim pretty sure im like severely depressed anxious something please go doctor literally cannot live like need medication somethingmomoh need get game system pm like literally begging let see someone fucks sakes woman everything phone game system whatever i spent hours minecraft yesterday friend mine seen while normally play long anyway literally cannot get bed morning ive slept classes barely leave room even leave bed im tired clean anything dishes garbage everywhere give shit get kicked school something work im fucking exhausted careanymore ah yes phone ps problem sure always puts facade parentsteachers seems care much mental health shit comes step siblings always oh add take time him overwhelm himoh anxiety thats thatwhile entirely disregards probably have also severe adhd unmedicated despite asking go meds get told instructions way makes sense brain like step brother does get called lazy piece shit needsget act together get good grades else theyre going failure im tired it" ]
Los padres no pueden entender la enfermedad mental meim bastante seguro im como severamente deprimido ansioso algo por favor ir doctor literalmente no puede vivir como la necesidad de medicamentos algo momoh necesidad conseguir sistema de juego pm como literalmente ruego dejar ver a alguien mierda sakes mujer todo sistema de juegos de teléfono lo que pasé horas minecraft ayer amigo mío visto mientras que normalmente jugar largo de todos modos literalmente no puede conseguir cama mañana ive clases dormidas apenas salir de la habitación incluso dejar la cama cansado cualquier plato basura por todas partes dar mierda obtener patadas escuela algo trabajo im mierda cuidado más ah sí teléfono ps problema seguro siempre pone fachada padres profesores parece cuidado mucha salud mental mierda viene paso hermanos siempre oh añadir tomar tiempo él abrumar a himoh ansiedad que es que, si bien totalmente despreocupados probablemente también han severos adhd no medicado a pesar de pedir ir meds se les dice instrucciones manera hace sentido cerebro como paso hermano se llama perezoso pieza mierda necesidad conseguir actuar juntos buenas calificaciones otros van fracaso im cansancio
stop myselfi tried die using zipties things looked mirror head turning purple cut them dont know did want dead indecisive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stop myselfi tried die using zipties things looked mirror head turning purple cut them dont know did want dead indecisive" ]
Me detuve, traté de morir usando cremalleras, las cosas se veían como la cabeza de un espejo, se volvía púrpura, se cortaban, no sabía que quería morir indeciso.
Kids couldn't play outside today becuase of the rain, so we just made them a tent out of blankets and chairs!
[ "Kids couldn't play outside today becuase of the rain, so we just made them a tent out of blankets and chairs!" ]
Los niños no podían jugar afuera hoy debido a la lluvia, ¡así que les hicimos una tienda de campaña con mantas y sillas!
feeling brokeni know anymore thinking realized easy way it right
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling brokeni know anymore thinking realized easy way it right" ]
Sentirse roto ya sé que pensar se dio cuenta de la manera fácil de hacerlo bien
@chrisbrown902 hey..when is you new graffiti album coming out in the scotland? been waiting for ages...Hahah
[ "@chrisbrown902 hey..when is you new graffiti album coming out in the scotland? been waiting for ages...Hahah" ]
@chrisbrown902 hey..cuándo saldrá tu nuevo álbum de graffiti en Escocia? estuvo esperando desde hace siglos...Hahah
im alone manage mess whatever happiness manage stumble acrossim done ive alone long cant even decent conversation online anyone without fucking up maybe spur moment now feeling always resurfaces im year old male real friends never hint romance cant go world even wanted to nothing seems make sense world always seems turn back around set me wish realistic way in stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im alone manage mess whatever happiness manage stumble acrossim done ive alone long cant even decent conversation online anyone without fucking up maybe spur moment now feeling always resurfaces im year old male real friends never hint romance cant go world even wanted to nothing seems make sense world always seems turn back around set me wish realistic way in stop" ]
I solo manejar desastre lo que la felicidad maneja tropezar con lo hecho live sola largo no puedo incluso conversación decente en línea cualquiera sin joder tal vez momento de espuela ahora sentir siempre reaparece im año viejo amigos reales nunca insinuar romance cant go mundo incluso quería nada parece tener sentido mundo siempre parece volver a mi me pone deseo manera realista en parada
@NoOneYouKnow Good Morning Adam How's the world treating you today?
[ "@NoOneYouKnow Good Morning Adam How's the world treating you today?" ]
@NoOneYouknow Good Morning Adam ¿Cómo te está tratando el mundo hoy?
@nglancy I was alright.
[ "@nglancy I was alright." ]
@nglancy yo estaba bien.
god way things saw ex guy holding hands hes wearing iron maidenmy fav band shirt jeez poser got shat universe multiple ways
[ "god way things saw ex guy holding hands hes wearing iron maidenmy fav band shirt jeez poser got shat universe multiple ways" ]
Dios como las cosas vieron ex chico cogiéndose de las manos lleva de hierro doncella fav band shirt jeez poser got shat universo multiples maneras
I just got hit with what literally feels a solid block of depression wtf
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just got hit with what literally feels a solid block of depression wtf" ]
Acabo de ser golpeado con lo que literalmente siente un bloque sólido de depresión wtf
please read waste timeits like could ever get balls together actually kill myself unless go plans buying alot heroin once post least important post here even first one either useless attention whore ever kill myself ill sit hope get deadly disease go serious accident ive failed two classes semester one university fucktard im going pass exams got phone lying parents grades enjoy last week here tell truth fuck up get go home week hear ruined christmas fuck piece shit worth bullet would take end it always thing concerning grades fuck lie ive gone counseling ive subscribed pills take im fucktard could point right path give everything need id still go wrong way cant socially connect anyone im failure man well cant even get women platonic relationship let alone romantic one even held hands hugged girl everyone floor including roomate hates around like really expected connection anyone wish could give amount time left life someone else use better things ever will point life anyone suffer make people suffer dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please read waste timeits like could ever get balls together actually kill myself unless go plans buying alot heroin once post least important post here even first one either useless attention whore ever kill myself ill sit hope get deadly disease go serious accident ive failed two classes semester one university fucktard im going pass exams got phone lying parents grades enjoy last week here tell truth fuck up get go home week hear ruined christmas fuck piece shit worth bullet would take end it always thing concerning grades fuck lie ive gone counseling ive subscribed pills take im fucktard could point right path give everything need id still go wrong way cant socially connect anyone im failure man well cant even get women platonic relationship let alone romantic one even held hands hugged girl everyone floor including roomate hates around like really expected connection anyone wish could give amount time left life someone else use better things ever will point life anyone suffer make people suffer dead" ]
Por favor, lea la pérdida de tiempo como podría tener bolas juntas realmente me maten a mí mismo a menos que vaya planes comprar un montón de heroína una vez post menos importante post aquí incluso primero una inútil atención puta nunca me mata mal sit esperanza conseguir enfermedad mortal accidente grave fracaso dos clases semestre un universidad idiota im going pass exámenes consiguió teléfono mentira padres grados disfrutar aquí decir verdad mierda llegar a casa semana escuchar arruinada Navidad mierda pedazo de mierda vale la pena bala tomar fin siempre lo que se refiere grados mierda mentira ive ido asesoramiento ive suscrita píldoras tomar im mierda podría apuntar camino correcto dar todo necesidad id todavía ir mal manera no se puede conectar socialmente nadie im fracaso hombre bien no se puede incluso conseguir mujeres platónico relación mucho menos romántico uno incluso manos abrazadas chica todo el mundo suelo incluyendo cuartos odios alrededor como realmente esperada conexión cualquiera deseo podría dar la cantidad de tiempo vida izquierda alguien otro uso mejores cosas nunca apuntará a la vida cualquier persona sufre gente sufre muertos
nothing is normal anymore i used to be this happy funny kid and now all i do is silently tear up and think about blowing my brain out like seriously there s nothing else to think about i feel like nobody care i m not going to talk to my father about this and my friend would only agree with me hel i didn t know if i should come here i can never sleep and when i do it s in the middle of class i keep everything inside and i think it s making go insane there s some worse stuff on here so i don t know if i belong here i m sorry for wasting your time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing is normal anymorei used to be this happy funny kid and now all i do is silently tear up and think about blowing my brain out like seriously there s nothing else to think about i feel like nobody care i m not going to talk to my father about this and my friend would only agree with meheli didnt know if i should come here i can never sleep and when i do it s in the middle of classi keep everything insideand i think it s making go insane there s some worse stuff on hereso i don t know if i belong herei m sorry for wasting your time" ]
Nada es normal ya que solía ser este chico divertido feliz y ahora todo lo que hago es romper silenciosamente y pensar en volar mi cerebro como en serio no hay nada más en lo que pensar me siento como nadie me importa no voy a hablar con mi padre sobre esto y mi amigo sólo estaría de acuerdo con meheli no sabía si debería venir aquí nunca puedo dormir y cuando lo hago s en medio de clase mantener todo dentro y creo que se está volviendo loco hay algunas cosas peores aquí así que no sé si pertenezco aquí siento haber perdido su tiempo
need good news long since got good news really want hear some somthing good happened general good news
[ "need good news long since got good news really want hear some somthing good happened general good news" ]
Necesito buenas noticias desde hace mucho tiempo que tengo buenas noticias realmente quiero escuchar algo bueno algo bueno sucedió buenas noticias generales
stupid shit weird keep giving sad people helpful advice never works personally give fuck sunsets finding soulmate succeeding care therell going back whatever paragraphs used write comments true im fucking hypocrite telling people things believe in fun cool idk much take
[ "stupid shit weird keep giving sad people helpful advice never works personally give fuck sunsets finding soulmate succeeding care therell going back whatever paragraphs used write comments true im fucking hypocrite telling people things believe in fun cool idk much take" ]
mierda estúpida raro seguir dando a la gente triste consejo útil nunca funciona personalmente dar follada puestas de sol encontrar alma gemela tener éxito cuidado allá va a volver lo que los párrafos utilizados escribir comentarios verdadero im maldito hipócrita decirle a la gente las cosas creen en la diversión cool idk mucho toma
im garbage human beingim waste existence oh fucking god dont want hurt one anymore im worthless dont want exist fucking hate alive dont want anyone else get hurt love much hate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im garbage human beingim waste existenceoh fucking god dont want hurt one anymoreim worthless dont want exist fucking hate alive dont want anyone else get hurt love much hate" ]
Im basura humano serim desperdicio existencia oh maldito dios no quiero herir a uno ya no vale la pena no quiero existir maldito odio vivo no quiero que nadie más se lastime amor mucho odio
@_mallory_king Well, he's an idiot. He doesn't see the real you like I do. I see a great smile, a winning personality, and a shining heart--and a female engineer to boot. Yes, you are frazzled with depression, but peel back the onion, and there is nothing to laugh at. Just beauty inside & out.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@_mallory_king Well, he's an idiot.He doesn't see the real you like I do.I see a great smile, a winning personality, and a shining heart--and a female engineer to boot.Yes, you are frazzled with depression, but peel back the onion, and there is nothing to laugh at.Just beauty inside & out." ]
@_mallory_king Bueno, es un idiota, no ve a los verdaderos como yo.Veo una gran sonrisa, una personalidad ganadora y un corazón brillante, y una ingeniera para arrancar.Sí, estás agotada de depresión, pero quita la cebolla, y no hay nada de qué reírse.Solo belleza por dentro y por fuera.
i see the sun peeking already, hoping this week is a lot brighter
[ "i see the sun peeking already, hoping this week is a lot brighter" ]
Ya veo el sol espiando, esperando que esta semana sea mucho más brillante.
morning tweetpeeps i didn t get to bed until am yesterday wa on msn to alex until and then wanted to play dead space before bed
[ "morning tweetpeepsi didn t get to bed until am yesterday wa on msn to alex until and then wanted to play dead space before bed" ]
mañana tweetpeepsi no llegó a la cama hasta ayer en msn a Alex hasta y luego quería jugar espacio muerto antes de la cama
Just one puff of this type of cannabis 'could ease depression, stress and anxiety' https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6137739/cannabis-ease-depression-stress-anxiety/ …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just one puff of this type of cannabis 'could ease depression, stress and anxiety' https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6137739/cannabis-ease-depression-stress-anxiety/ …" ]
Sólo una gota de este tipo de cannabis "podría aliviar la depresión, el estrés y la ansiedad" https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/6137739/cannabis-asease-depression-stress-ansiety/Â
hopelessim lose job seems feel like im vomit cry im going keep job care getting paid thats even mind anymore guess im used getting screwed end too lose job probably lose chance tms hope remission depression ever like still fighting even drag out realistically going work means redflag round bloody right but oh well always seem wake tomorrow whats gonna change time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hopelessim lose job seems feel like im vomitcryim going keep job care getting paid thats even mind anymore guess im used getting screwed end too lose job probably lose chance tms hope remission depression ever like still fighting even drag out realistically going work means redflag roundbloodyrightbut oh well always seem wake tomorrow whats gonna change time" ]
Desesperasim perder trabajo parece sentir como im vomitryim va a mantener el cuidado de trabajo que se paga que incluso la mente más supongo que yo utiliza ser jodido extremo perder trabajo probablemente perder oportunidad tms esperanza remisión depresión siempre como todavía luchar incluso arrastrarse realista ir a trabajar significa rojo bandera redonda derecho pero oh bien siempre parece despertar mañana lo que va a cambiar el tiempo
@annieoliff so excited about the house!!! you want any help setting up moving or decorating, i'm there xx
[ "@annieoliff so excited about the house!!!you want any help setting up moving or decorating, i'm there xx" ]
@annieoliff tan emocionado acerca de la casa!!! usted quiere cualquier ayuda para configurar el movimiento o la decoración, estoy allí xx
im angry no hate anyone mentioned live deep south everyone bigoted beliefs christian im literally atheist entire familys bloodline even school go homophobes history teacher literally called bisexual people perverts tried call it told wrong people class started telling gonna go hell so parents pretty christian make go church every sunday like mom literally sat talked telling need know gay wrong sin kept nodding know disagreed literally anything bible id disowned relationship strained parents bad people anything though racist love me feed me buy shit take care like great parent would im tired keep beliefs call people bigots im tired christianity whole hate it happen live state extremely widespread happened born parents america support lgbtq know keep quiet thats best do know spoke out relationships would severely altered almost ruined wanted get frustrations subreddit know hardly ive seen literally maybe bigots here extremely large portion support lgbtq care christianity anyone similar situation love parents theyre great people really christian religion ruined south needs change im sorry ampxb edit im gay bi venting frustrations people thinking wrong way
[ "im angry no hate anyone mentioned live deep south everyone bigoted beliefs christian im literally atheist entire familys bloodline even school go homophobes history teacher literally called bisexual people perverts tried call it told wrong people class started telling gonna go hellso parents pretty christian make go church every sunday like mom literally sat talked telling need know gay wrong sin kept nodding know disagreed literally anything bible id disowned relationship strained parents bad people anything though racist love me feed me buy shit take care like great parent would im tired keep beliefs call people bigots im tired christianity whole hate it happen live state extremely widespread happened born parents america support lgbtq know keep quiet thats best do know spoke out relationships would severely altered almost ruined wanted get frustrations subreddit know hardly ive seen literally maybe bigots hereextremely large portion support lgbtq care christianity anyone similar situation love parents theyre great people really christian religion ruined south needs change im sorry ampxb edit im gay bi venting frustrations people thinking wrong way" ]
Enojo no odio nadie mencionado vive en el sur profundo todo el mundo creencias intolerantes cristiano im literalmente ateo familias enteras línea de sangre incluso escuela homofóbicos profesor de historia literalmente llamado bisexual personas pervertidos trató de llamar le dijo a gente equivocada clase comenzó a decir va a ir infierno así padres bastante cristiano hacer ir iglesia cada domingo como mamá literalmente se sentó hablar necesidad saber gay mal pecado siguió asintiendo saber literalmente cualquier cosa biblia id desposeído relación padres malas personas cualquier cosa aunque racista me ama me alimentan tener cuidado como gran padre me cansaría mantener creencias llamar gente intolerante cristianidad todo el odio sucede vivo estado extremadamente extendido sucedió padres mérica apoyo ltbtq sabe mantener en silencio que los mejores saben hablar relaciones se alterarían gravemente casi arruinado quiere tener frustraciones subreddit sabe apenas se ve literalmente tal vez intouts hereextremamente gran porción apoyo lgbtq cuidado cristiano cualquier situación similar ama a los padres que son grandes personas religión cristiana arruinado sur necesita cambiar im lament ampxb edición im gay biventing frustraciones
@SaraLHValo Oh I'm so glad to hear that!!! Each day find something to be thankful for...baby steps...you'll feel better soon
[ "@SaraLHValoOh I'm so glad to hear that!!!Each day find something to be thankful for...baby steps...you'll feel better soon" ]
@SaraLHValoOh estoy tan contento de escuchar eso!!!Cada día encontrar algo para estar agradecido por... pasos de bebé...te sentirás mejor pronto
@MissLordy @movnup Um, Lordy, you are stuck in a foreign land!!
[ "@MissLordy @movnup Um, Lordy, you are stuck in a foreign land!!" ]
@MissLordy @movnup Um, Lordy, estás atrapado en una tierra extranjera!!
i don't want to learn physics..it's...i don't know...rubbish?
[ "i don't want to learn physics..it's...i don't know...rubbish?" ]
No quiero aprender física... es... no lo sé... ¿rubo?
ok school sent email online classes dot number four problems internet please mail school email adress way monitor absence someone teach people please xd cant fucking send email without internet ye xddd im dying stupid guy thought good idea ohhhh im dead xd
[ "ok school sent email online classes dot number four problems internet please mail school email adress way monitor absence someone teach peopleplease xd cant fucking send email without internet ye xddd im dying stupid guy thought good idea ohhhhim dead xd" ]
ok escuela envió clases de correo electrónico en línea punto número cuatro problemas de Internet por favor correo electrónico escuela dirección de manera monitor ausencia alguien enseñar a la gentepor favor xd cant mierda enviar correo electrónico sin internet ye xddd im moribundo estúpido chico pensó buena idea ohhhhim muerto xd