going to sleep can t be up until am again and no i didn t finish my statistic homework
[ "going to sleep can t be up until am again and no i didn t finish my statistic homework" ]
No puedo dormir hasta que vuelva y no terminé mi tarea de estadística.
im fucking doneit one like claimed many lies hes gone way kill career warning none wed best friends fucking years became lovers everyone said perfect couple love him love him love theres huge difference loved desperately felt same looked way looked him said even kinder sweeter things tuhe wholb w ekugsgiufucking time lying face hisotry wuth killed career fucking ym work client idea another one told turned father swore would never violent like swore would never lift hand never like this never never kept last week gave black eye course three days kept trying destroy life warning none warning tried get help last night specifically calling hotline asking acounserllor dealt female male violence think less like people finna get help fix things cried swore loved sorry found trofay lied affair jhust once get trickle truthed every single day since october work client tiold came home left scene find called cops nothing whole life swore tio every day loved desperately cant cant abvuser canbt person hes twisted meinto bveing dont know many times came keeps lying im done im done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fucking doneit one like claimed many lies hes gone way kill career warning none wed best friends fucking years became lovers everyone said perfect couple love him love him love theres huge difference loved desperately felt same looked way looked him said even kinder sweeter things tuhe wholb w ekugsgiufucking time lying face hisotry wuth killed career fucking ym work client idea another one told turned father swore would never violent like swore would never lift hand never like this never never kept last week gave black eye course three days kept trying destroy life warning none warning tried get help last night specifically calling hotline asking acounserllor dealt female male violence think less like people finna get help fix things cried swore loved sorry found trofay lied affair jhust once get trickle truthed every single day since october work client tiold came home left scene find called cops nothing whole life swore tio every day loved desperately cant cant abvuser canbt person hes twisted meinto bveing dont know many times came keeps lying im done im done" ]
Im fucking dotit one like asant many lys hes got kill care care adverting any best friends fucking years avour todo el mundo says perfect couple love him love there different difference there desesperadamente sentiste fourly look way look sayed there an kinder sweet sweet things wholb w ekugsgiu fucking time face hisotry wuth kill work client idea other one cont turned foured padre juraw would never would jure never living lift soon living living living living living living living living hes got got abvuser living living jhust got got got fishing bveing bveing dont dots saws take s take im doke im main make main main main make
ashleyemma lucky devil i m dreaming of a crispy bacon sandwich but no one a yet ha volunteered to go get one
[ "ashleyemma lucky devil i m dreaming of a crispy bacon sandwich but no one a yet ha volunteered to go get one" ]
Ashleyemma afortunado diablo estoy soñando con un crujiente sándwich de tocino pero nadie todavía se ha ofrecido para ir a buscar uno
might delete later wanted say somethingsome weeks ago it months time going fucking fast lately scary said reason keep living sex immediate satisfaction get nothing else real really worth it sex fill more time go nothing left think time would come fast thought might years years trying get normal life im totally drained sexual desire time would kids want kill kids no took weeks whatever still trying get back better times always something missing obvious whats old work anymore cant think anything new might reached epitome creativity awesome im lost lost scary see everyone finding place world passion belong nothing that im walking alone people support make feel bad it know much ill able stand it look two people still take three buses pretend hate life for want hug tell everything want more something live for theyre good smiles sincere heart warming belong somewhere cry writing suicidal things reddit i hope really mean do decide really it feel like nothing else live for pressure high hardly breathe death would relief want know much theyre appreciated thought last times couple artists listen everyday love thanks coming life care fight make days better give reason one things enjoy singing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "might delete later wanted say somethingsome weeks ago it months time going fucking fast lately scary said reason keep living sex immediate satisfaction get nothing else real really worth it sex fill more time go nothing left think time would come fast thought might years years trying get normal life im totally drained sexual desire time would kids want kill kids no took weeks whatever still trying get back better times always something missing obvious whats old work anymore cant think anything new might reached epitome creativityawesomeim lost lost scary see everyone finding place world passion belong nothing that im walking alone people support make feel bad it know much ill able stand it look two people still take three buses pretend hate life for want hug tell everything want more something live for theyre good smiles sincere heart warming belong somewhere cry writing suicidal things redditi hope really mean do decide really it feel like nothing else live for pressure high hardly breathe death would relief want know much theyre appreciated thought last times couple artists listen everyday love thanks coming life care fight make days better give reason one things enjoy singing" ]
Podría borrar más tarde quería decir algo hace unas semanas hace meses el tiempo va jodidamente rápido últimamente miedo dijo razón mantener vida sexo satisfacción inmediata conseguir nada más real realmente vale la pena sexo llenar más tiempo ir nada izquierda pensar tiempo vendría pensamiento rápido años intentaría conseguir vida normal im totalmente drenado deseo sexual tiempo los niños quieren matar niños no tomó semanas lo que todavía tratando de volver tiempos mejores siempre algo que falta obvio qué viejo trabajo ya no puede pensar nada nuevo podría alcanzar epítome creatividadawesomeim perdido miedo ver todo el mundo encontrar lugar encontrar mundo pasión pertenecen nada que im caminar solos personas apoyo hacer sentir mal saber mucho mal estar parece dos personas todavía toman tres autobuses todavía odio vida por querer abrazo decir todo quieren más algo vivo para ellos son sonrisas sinceras calentamiento del corazón pertenecen a algún lugar llorar escritura cosas suicidas redditi esperanza realmente significa realmente decidir realmente se siente como nada más vivir para la presión alta apenas respirar muerte alivio quieren saber mucho que son apreciados pensamiento las últimas veces pareja artistas escuchar amor cotidiano gracias a venir cuidado lucha hacer días mejor dar razón una cosas disfrutar cantar
things hopelessi posted before good news im still here bad news im still suicidal thoughts depression comes waves days okay cry little days cry nonstop extended periods time last night particular wanted end all reached friend helped feelings lingered scheduled see psychiatrist wednesday morning appointment therapist afternoon cant say whether helping im going try share suicidal thoughts them tried share feelings depression family friends think understand bad is also wondering share feelings boss work believe full transparency good relationship extremely compassionate person trust him know reason tell now know try reach various resources whenever start feel bad ive used friends redflag hotlines reddit posts compassion chats help know else stick therapy hope one day waves big
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "things hopelessi posted before good news im still here bad newsim still suicidal thoughts depression comes waves days okay cry little days cry nonstop extended periods time last night particular wanted end all reached friend helped feelings lingered scheduled see psychiatrist wednesday morning appointment therapist afternoon cant say whether helping im going try share suicidal thoughts them tried share feelings depression family friends think understand bad is also wondering share feelings boss work believe full transparency good relationship extremely compassionate person trust him know reason tell now know try reach various resources whenever start feel bad ive used friends redflag hotlines reddit posts compassion chats help know else stick therapy hope one day waves big" ]
cosas desesperadas publicado antes de buenas noticias im todavía aquí malo newsim todavía pensamientos suicidas depresión viene olas días bien llorar pequeños días llorar sin parar períodos prolongados tiempo anoche particular querido final todo alcanzado amigo ayudó sentimientos prolongados programado ver psiquiatra miércoles por la mañana cita terapeuta tarde no puedo decir si ayudar a voy a tratar compartir pensamientos suicidas ellos probado compartir sentimientos depresión amigos familiares pensar que entender mal también se preguntan compartir sentimientos trabajo jefe creer total transparencia buena relación persona extremadamente compasivo confiar en él saber razón saber ahora tratar de llegar a varios recursos cada vez que empezar a sentirse mal amigos usados redflag líneas directas reddit mensajes compasión chats ayuda saber más palo terapia esperanza un día olas grandes
Manage your stress. Research shows that stress, anxiety and depression lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and even hair loss.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Manage your stress.Research shows that stress, anxiety and depression lead to premature aging, wrinkles, and even hair loss." ]
Controle su estrés.La investigación muestra que el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión conducen al envejecimiento prematuro, arrugas e incluso la pérdida de cabello.
im readyi borderline personality disorder everyday terrible war rages mind heart simply surpassed able cope with rifle need one bullet cant even muster energy find one wonder hurts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im readyi borderline personality disorder everyday terrible war rages mind heart simply surpassed able cope with rifle need one bullet cant even muster energy find one wonder hurts" ]
im ready borderline trastorno de la personalidad todos los días terrible guerra rabia mente corazón simplemente superado capaz de hacer frente a rifle necesidad de una bala no puede incluso reunir energía encontrar una maravilla duele
@dansterdavid Sure, no probs. I hope y'all enjoy there.
[ "@dansterdavid Sure, no probs.I hope y'all enjoy there." ]
@dansterdavid Claro, no hay problemas.Espero que disfruten allí.
i feel like when i m drunk i act like everyone else around me doe sober and i hate it like i ll talk more il feel more confident in myself everything in my existence will feel worth living
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i feel like when i m drunk i act like everyone else around me doe soberand i hate it like i ll talk more il feel more confident in myself everything in my existence will feel worth living" ]
Me siento como cuando estoy borracho actúo como todo el mundo a mi alrededor, sobria y lo odio como si hablara más, si me siento más seguro de mí mismo, todo en mi existencia se sentirá digno de vivir.
starting work next week seriously wanting end theni really dont want go back work im supposed to dont get breaks end work coworkers nothing attempts friends them hate me dont know why dont say anything controversial im nice everyone full insult face whenever bring boss doesnt care cant find new job anxiety would much im tired putting much effort job called fucking loser directly face top off redflag attempt ago arms covered scars considering judge every little thing appearance theyre gonna field day realized im likable friendship lasted week me slitting wrists messy obv didnt work plug someone could get drugs could overdose on ill probably try hang wednesday went bullied school bullied college bullied work im meant planet mistake
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "starting work next week seriously wanting end theni really dont want go back work im supposed to dont get breaks end work coworkers nothing attempts friends them hate me dont know why dont say anything controversial im nice everyone full insult face whenever bring boss doesnt care cant find new job anxiety would much im tired putting much effort job called fucking loser directly face top off redflag attempt ago arms covered scars considering judge every little thing appearance theyre gonna field day realized im likable friendship lasted week me slitting wrists messy obv didnt work plug someone could get drugs could overdose on ill probably try hang wednesday went bullied school bullied college bullied work im meant planet mistake" ]
Empezar el trabajo la semana que viene en serio querer terminar theni realmente no quiero volver al trabajo se supone que no conseguir descansos fin trabajo compañeros de trabajo nada intentos amigos ellos me odian no sé por qué no decir nada controversial im agradable todo el mundo cara insulto completo cada vez que traer jefe no importa no puede encontrar nuevo trabajo ansiedad mucho me cansaría poner mucho esfuerzo trabajo llamado maldito perdedor directamente cara superior cara hacia fuera Redflag intento hace armas cubiertas cicatrices considerando juez cada pequeño aspecto que van a campo día se dio cuenta amistad im agradable duró semana me rajando muñecas desordenado obv no trabajo enchufe alguien podría conseguir sobredosis en mal probablemente tratar de colgar miércoles fue acosado escuela acosado trabajo escolar im significa error planeta
anyone know easiest wayi cant take shit anymore school almost feels like eternity thats least part problems recently kinda betrayed yea everyone kinda knows mental isuess besides hate much im hypocritical bastard begs attention ironicly never wanted step much people wanted to cant handle anymore tried mind stopped finally done cant take depression anymore anexiety also killing me want rest dont know suicidal wishes getting worse im scared hurt someone acctually care about dont need anyone talk want know easiest way it thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone know easiest wayi cant take shit anymore school almost feels like eternity thats least part problems recently kinda betrayed yea everyone kinda knows mental isuess besides hate much im hypocritical bastard begs attention ironicly never wanted step much people wanted to cant handle anymore tried mind stopped finally done cant take depression anymore anexiety also killing me want rest dont know suicidal wishes getting worse im scared hurt someone acctually care about dont need anyone talk want know easiest way it thanks" ]
nadie sabe más fácil wayi no puede tomar mierda más la escuela casi se siente como la eternidad que menos parte problemas recientemente un poco traicionado sí todo el mundo un poco sabe isuess mental además de odio mucho im hipócrita bastardo mendiga atención irónicamente nunca quiso paso mucho la gente quería no puede manejar más probado mente finalmente dejó de hacer no puede tomar depresión más ansiedad también matarme quiero descansar no sé deseos suicidas empeorar im miedo lastimar a alguien actualmente no necesita hablar quieren saber de la manera más fácil gracias
sometimes really want kill myselfi bad life caring friends caring parents brother nice things room somewhat good grades school feel like it im usa understand last year high school wanting go anything live pretty much diagnosed depression deep heart take pity everything do every mistake every action thinking good enough thats killing me done bed like two weeks although may sound ridiculous thats sign something right ive tried kill myself think times last one almost felt brave enough like year half ago im almost last year pretty good damn demons head came back came back tell wrong im worthy all know something love lot things love drawing playing wow playing music i play bass guitar drums think would miss things remember much fun things sorry post little messy needed spit somehow lot people know this think knows redflag attemps close friend mine even best friends know it im skipping school tomorrow clear thoughts or least ill try skip it th charm
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sometimes really want kill myselfi bad life caring friends caring parents brother nice things room somewhat good grades school feel like itim usa understand last year high school wanting go anything live pretty much diagnosed depression deep heart take pity everything do every mistake every action thinking good enough thats killing me done bed like two weeks although may sound ridiculous thats sign something right ive tried kill myself think times last one almost felt brave enough like year half ago im almost last year pretty good damn demons head came back came back tell wrongim worthy all know something love lot things love drawing playing wow playing music i play bass guitar drums think would miss things remember much fun things sorry post little messy needed spit somehow lot people know this think knows redflag attemps close friend mineeven best friends know it im skipping school tomorrow clear thoughts or least ill try skip it th charm" ]
A veces realmente quiero matar a mí mismo mala vida amigos cuidados padres cuidado cosas agradables habitación algo buenas calificaciones escuela sentir como itim EE.UU. entender el año pasado secundaria querer ir cualquier cosa vivir bastante diagnosticada depresión corazón profundo tener piedad todo hacer cada error cada acción pensar lo suficientemente bueno que me mata hacer cama como dos semanas aunque puede sonar ridículo que firmar algo derecho i i tratar de matarme creo que los tiempos pasados casi se sintió lo suficientemente valiente como el año hace medio año im casi el año pasado bastante buena maldita cabeza demonios volvió volvió decir malim digno de todos saben algo amor mucho cosas que le encanta dibujar tocar wow tocar música tocar bajo batería pensar que faltaría a las cosas recordar cosas muy divertidas lo siento poco desorden necesita escupir de alguna manera mucha gente sabe este pensamiento sabe Redflag Attemps cerca amigo mío incluso los mejores amigos saben que im faltar a la escuela mañana pensamientos claros o menos mal tratar de saltarse el encanto
heres knew atlantis watching itbr br officially disneys first animated scifi adventure im sure accurate i like nitpick made curious first time heard describedbr br preview looked part damn cool evidently also too cryptic according critics factbr br apparently badly disney said screw it lets rerelease spy kidsbr br so said moviebr br hellacoolbr br im sucker animated fantasy involves stirring music rampant special effects anyway atlantis goes out throwback cgi eyecandy shots beauty beast aladdin much almost effects animators bestof show characters maybe memorable except perhaps ships medical officer plots little dull movie watch plotbr br heres controversy bothers me failure as in only took in like fivehundredmillion something know animators whod kill see fifteen bucks that movie compared popularity shrek monsters inc seen evidence death traditional animation think thats true account south park movie final fantasy really story artistry everything method know disneys comeback movie like think theyre picture yet
[ "heres knew atlantis watching itbr br officially disneys first animated scifi adventure im sure accurate i like nitpick made curious first time heard describedbr br preview looked part damn cool evidently also too cryptic according critics factbr br apparently badly disney said screw it lets rerelease spy kidsbr br so said moviebr br hellacoolbr brim sucker animated fantasy involves stirring music rampant special effects anywayatlantis goes out throwback cgi eyecandy shots beauty beast aladdin much almost effects animators bestof show characters maybe memorable except perhaps ships medical officer plots little dull movie watch plotbr br heres controversy bothers me failure as in only took in like fivehundredmillion something know animators whod kill see fifteen bucks that movie compared popularity shrek monsters inc seen evidence death traditional animation think thats true account south park movie final fantasy really story artistry everything method know disneys comeback movie like think theyre picture yet" ]
heres sabía atlantis ver itbr br oficialmente disneys primera aventura scifi animada im seguro precisa i like nitpick hecho curioso primera vez oído descriptobr br vista previa parecía parte malditamente genial evidentemente también demasiado críptico según los críticos factbr br aparentemente mal disney dijo tornillo permite release chidsbr br tan dicho moviebr br hellacoolbr brum sucker fantasía animada implica agitación música desenfrenado efectos especiales de todos modosatlantis sale tiros cgi eyecandy bestia de belleza aladdin casi efectos animadores mejor de personajes de espectáculo tal vez memorable excepto tal vez barcos oficial médico trama poco aburrido película reloj plotbr br heres controversia me molesta fracaso como en sólo tomó como cincocientos mil millones algo saben animadores que matarían ver quince dólares que película comparan popularidad monstruos screk inc visto evidencia muerte animación tradicional pensar que cuenta verdadera sur parque película final fantasía historia artista todo método sabe disneys volver película como piensan que todavía imagen
got idea anyone looking come gay bi etc ok take wheres waldo book replace waldo whatever coming as get picture waldo outfit replace waldo book another way taking picture crowd waldo outfit placing book thought funny way anyone actually uses method feel free message saying went
[ "got idea anyone looking come gay bi etc ok take wheres waldo book replace waldo whatever coming as get picture waldo outfit replace waldo book another way taking picture crowd waldo outfit placing book thought funny way anyone actually uses method feel free message saying went" ]
idea cualquiera que busca venir gay bi etc ok tomar wheres waldo libro reemplazar waldo lo que sea que viene como obtener imagen waldo equipo reemplazar waldo libro otra manera de tomar fotos multitud waldo equipo colocar libro pensamiento divertido manera alguien realmente utiliza método sentir libre mensaje diciendo fue
Analysis of 2,000 millennials found that the chance of experiencing depression or anxiety among those who reported feeling lonely more than doubled. http://ow.ly/6H1p30jFlVi 
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Analysis of 2,000 millennials found that the chance of experiencing depression or anxiety among those who reported feeling lonely more than doubled.http://ow.ly/6H1p30jFlViÂ" ]
El análisis de 2.000 millennials encontró que la probabilidad de experimentar depresión o ansiedad entre aquellos que reportaron sentirse solos más del doble.http://ow.ly/6H1p30jFlViÂ
@ferarospizza wine buzz and darts...?? Well...can't say I've never done it - have fun! http://twurl.nl/dr3wya
[ "@ferarospizza wine buzz and darts...??Well...can't say I've never done it - have fun!http://twurl.nl/dr3wya" ]
@ferarospizza vino zumbido y dardos ...??Bueno ... no puede decir que nunca lo he hecho - divertirse!http://twurl.nl/dr3wya
@leftIovers I'm in a constant state of depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@leftIovers I'm in a constant state of depression" ]
@leftIovers Estoy en un estado constante de depresión
i don t know how anything work anymore my brain feel like it ha dementia forgetful literal lack of intelligence and critical thinking skill i don t know how school work don t know basic math never had relationship and feel incredibly out of place and inferior to the rest of the general population that s my age half of the people living in my building are my age now i m so fucking suicidal everyday i m just waiting to die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i don t know how anything work anymore my brain feel like it ha dementia forgetful literal lack of intelligence and critical thinking skilli dont know how school work don t know basic math never had relationship and feel incredibly out of place and inferior to the rest of the general population that s my age half of the people living in my building are my age nowi m so fucking suicidal everyday i m just waiting to die" ]
No sé cómo funciona nada más mi cerebro se siente como que tiene demencia olvidatoria literal falta de inteligencia y pensamiento crítico skillsi no sé cómo el trabajo escolar no sabe matemáticas básicas nunca tuvo relación y se siente increíblemente fuera de lugar e inferior al resto de la población general que es mi edad la mitad de la gente que vive en mi edificio son mi edad ahora soy tan suicida todos los días estoy esperando a morir
m started prozac week ago ocd and health anxiety over the past year have had 00 doctor appointment and test in several country nothing significant found panic attack resurfaced yesterday no cardiac cause yet high blood pressure and crunching gurgling in chest how can i learn to accept that the cause of this is anxiety and not some missing undiagnosed rare issue side effect underlying problem nutrient deficiency electrolyte imbalance food sensitivity or supplementation fix how doe someone make that real shift
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "m started prozac week ago ocd and health anxiety over the past year have had 00 doctor appointment and test in several country nothing significant found panic attack resurfaced yesterday no cardiac cause yet high blood pressure and crunching gurgling in chest how can i learn to accept that the cause of this is anxiety and not some missing undiagnosed rare issue side effect underlying problem nutrient deficiency electrolyte imbalance food sensitivity or supplementation fix how doe someone make that real shift" ]
m comenzó prozac semana hace ocd y la ansiedad de salud en el último año han tenido 00 cita con el médico y pruebas en varios países nada significativo encontrado ataque de pánico reapareció ayer ninguna causa cardíaca aún alta presión arterial y crujido gorgoteo en el pecho cómo puedo aprender a aceptar que la causa de esto es la ansiedad y no algunos desaparecidos sin diagnosticar raro problema secundario efecto subyacente problema de carencia de nutrientes desequilibrio electrolítico sensibilidad alimentaria o suplemento fijar cómo hacer que alguien cambio real
kinda wanna talk art styles dont like gatchahttpsimgurcomgalleryoohyrir first one dont like big head slightly unsettling lmao second tublr stylehttpsimgurcomgallerypqfkau idk style someone know draws legs like that no explanation neededhttpsimgurcomgallerymsvwrj fun heres favorite artstyle httpsimgurcomgalleryljfih leg minimalistic also symmetrical h n httpsimgurcomgallerydtrcloy
[ "kinda wanna talk art styles dont like gatchahttpsimgurcomgalleryoohyrir first one dont like big head slightly unsettling lmao second tublr stylehttpsimgurcomgallerypqfkau idk style someone know draws legs like that no explanation neededhttpsimgurcomgallerymsvwrj fun heres favorite artstyle httpsimgurcomgalleryljfih leg minimalistic also symmetrical h n httpsimgurcomgallerydtrcloy" ]
Un poco quiere hablar de estilos de arte no les gusta gatchahttpsimgurcomgalleryoohyrir primero no le gusta gran cabeza ligeramente inquietante lmmao segundo estilo tublrhttpsimgurcomgallerypqfkau estilo idk alguien sabe dibujar piernas como que no se necesita explicaciónhttpsimgurcomgallerymsvwrj diversión aquí favoritos estilo de arte httpsimgurcomgalleryljfih pierna minimalista también simétrica h n httpsimgurcomgallerydtrcloy
anyone wanna chat play number game talk u want dm
[ "anyone wanna chat play number game talk u want dm" ]
cualquier persona quiere chat número juego charla u quiere dm
unpopular opinion circa comment another post all modern rap sucks cuz kendrick lamar jay rock schoolboy q ab soul j cole mixtape logic kanye polo g amin earl sweatshirt jpegmafia vince staples big sean meek mill jayz nas andr tyler creator totally exist fuckin hate anti rap attitude community has mfs thinking gucci gang song popular like months sudden epitome rap shit closed minded garbage ive seen yall circle jerking ego cuz rap like crap amirite bullshit people made influential best projects music world whole come fuckin on actually take step outside hivemind give listen shit listen good kid maad city listen aquemini listen born sinner listen yo pimp butterfly listen late registration listen listen watch throne actually give genre chance maybe stop fuckin calling rap bad shit pisses unimaginable degree yall mfs downvote want know yall r missing real shit fuck
[ "unpopular opinion circa comment another post all modern rap sucks cuz kendrick lamar jay rock schoolboy q ab soul j cole mixtape logic kanye polo g amin earl sweatshirt jpegmafia vince staples big sean meek mill jayz nas andr tyler creator totally exist fuckin hate anti rap attitude community has mfs thinking gucci gang song popular like months sudden epitome rap shit closed minded garbage ive seen yall circle jerking ego cuz rap like crap amirite bullshit people made influential best projects music world whole come fuckin on actually take step outside hivemind give listen shit listen good kid maad city listen aquemini listen born sinner listen yo pimp butterfly listen late registration listen listen watch throne actually give genre chance maybe stop fuckin calling rap bad shit pisses unimaginable degree yall mfs downvote want know yall r missing real shit fuck" ]
opinion impopular circa comment other post all modern rap sucs cuz kendrick lamar jay rock schoolboy q ab soul j cole mixtape logic kanye polo g amin conde sudadera jpegmafia vince grapas big sean many mill jayz nas andr tyler creator totalmente existe puto odio anti rap actitud community had mfs thinking gucci gang school popular like months súbito epitome rap school closed minded basura veid yall circle screaming ego cuz rap like cracy amirite mierda gente hizo influyentes mejores proyectos música mundo todo venir mierda en realidad tomar paso fuera hivemind dar escucha mierda escucha buen chico maad ciudad escuchar aquemini rena pecadora escuchar chulo mariposa escuchar registro tardío escuchar reloj trono realmente dar género oportunidad tal vez dejar de llamar rap mala mierda meadas grado inimaginable yall mfvote quieren saber yall r
@wickedcanadagal Joe is a total sweetie. Just be yourself and he will help you through the rest I am always nervous too. I made a shirt.
[ "@wickedcanadagal Joe is a total sweetie.Just be yourself and he will help you through the rest I am always nervous too.I made a shirt." ]
@wickedcanadagal Joe es un encanto total.Sólo sé tú mismo y él te ayudará a través del resto Yo también estoy siempre nervioso.He hecho una camisa.
airlie is sick and now mason is sick too he is going to miss his school disco
[ "airlie is sick and now mason is sick too he is going to miss his school disco" ]
Airlie está enfermo y ahora Mason también se va a perder su disco escolar.
dont wish ugetclappedsket happy birthday go it
[ "dont wish ugetclappedsket happy birthday go it" ]
No deseo ugetclappedsket feliz cumpleaños vaya
living suicidal thoughtstoo much burden bear own tried survive amp keep fighting what one cares
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "living suicidal thoughtstoo much burden bear own tried survive amp keep fighting what one cares" ]
Los pensamientos suicidas que viven demasiado peso propio tratado sobrevivir amplificador seguir luchando lo que a uno le importa
could use advice avoid thoughtsi suicidal thoughts often lately if walk front truck things go away act becoming harder harder listen voice mind tells things suggests way advice stop thoughts really dont want sure stop them please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "could use advice avoid thoughtsi suicidal thoughts often lately if walk front truck things go away act becoming harder harder listen voice mind tells things suggests way advice stop thoughts really dont want sure stop them please help" ]
podría utilizar consejos evitar pensamientosi pensamientos suicidas a menudo últimamente si caminar camión delantero cosas desaparecen actuar cada vez más difícil escuchar voz mente dice las cosas sugiere la manera de consejo dejar de pensamientos realmente no quieren seguro detenerlos por favor ayuda
wtf leg hair alredy growing back literally shaved yesterday wtf bs
[ "wtf leg hair alredy growing back literally shaved yesterday wtf bs" ]
wtf pelo pierna alredy creciendo de nuevo literalmente afeitado ayer wtf bs
site load rising again increased my capacity but it s going up still
[ "site load rising again increased my capacity but it s going up still" ]
aumento de la carga de sitio de nuevo aumentó mi capacidad, pero está subiendo todavía
im worried dog yorksire stomach problems im really really worried
[ "im worried dog yorksire stomach problems im really really worried" ]
I preocupación perro yorksire problemas de estómago I realmente muy preocupado
@Flickie well the conference is 9pm so thats 5 here will try my best to keep u informed hehe
[ "@Flickie well the conference is 9pm so thats 5 here will try my best to keep u informed hehe" ]
@Flickie bien la conferencia es 9pm por lo que 5 aquí hará mi mejor esfuerzo para mantenerte informado hehe
hey redditors idk post here tired diagnosed things never leave tired crippling redflag prevents functioning normally tired pop pills wake up day going sleep really tired guys ami want go home guess going home soon hey
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey redditors idk post here tired diagnosed things never leave tired crippling redflag prevents functioning normally tired pop pills wake up day going sleep really tired guys ami want go home guess going home soon hey" ]
Hey redditors idk post aquí cansado diagnosticado cosas nunca dejan cansado paralizante bandera roja impide funcionar normalmente cansado pop píldoras despertar día va a dormir realmente cansado chicos ami quieren ir a casa adivinar ir a casa pronto hey
saw something utterly disgusting comment section post trans mtf wrestler literally everyone kept misgendering using masc pronouns sad society farrightist transphobic
[ "saw something utterly disgusting comment section post trans mtf wrestler literally everyone kept misgendering using masc pronouns sad society farrightist transphobic" ]
vio algo absolutamente repugnante comentario sección post trans mtf luchador literalmente todo el mundo mantuvo el género erróneo usando pronombres masc triste sociedad ultraderechista transfóbico
way describe depression hell tired time matter much sleep feel recharge even sleep good amount time take sleep medication know brain saying stay night friends trust anyone leads fearing future mean find partner love cannot trust anyone f anything age gets worse age feel like zombie watching world go by one understands family saying happiness choice well depression everyday brain feeling you suck world sucks nothing ever matter die already on cannot find anything makes happy gone like that want help help able change life lived change choices made life live make expect happening want rage yell experience depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "way describe depression hell tired time matter much sleep feel recharge even sleep good amount time take sleep medication know brain saying stay night friendstrustanyone leads fearing future mean find partner love cannot trust anyone f anything age gets worse age feel like zombie watching world go by one understands family saying happiness choice well depression everyday brain feeling you suck world sucks nothing ever matter die already on cannot find anything makes happy gone like that want help help able change life lived change choices made life live make expect happening want rage yell experience depression" ]
manera describir depresión infierno cansancio tiempo materia mucho sueño sentir recarga incluso sueño buena cantidad tiempo tomar sueño medicamentos saber cerebro decir permanecer noche amigos confianza cualquier persona conduce miedo futuro significa encontrar pareja amor no puede confiar en nadie f cualquier cosa edad consigue peor edad sentir como zombie ver mundo ir por uno entiende familia decir felicidad elección bien depresión día a día la sensación de cerebro chupa mundo chupa nada nunca importa morir ya no puede encontrar nada hace feliz ido como que quieren ayuda capaz cambiar la vida vivió cambio elecciones hecho vida hacer esperar que suceda quiero rabia gritar experiencia depresión
my stomach is hurting all day from anxiety i have constipation what can i do to help this breathing is hard and it feel tight so i can t even breath properly no matter what so trying to breath properly wouldn t help because it feel impossible when my stomach and chest feel tight
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "my stomach is hurting all day from anxiety i have constipation what can i do to help this breathing is hard and it feel tight so i can t even breath properly no matter what so trying to breath properly wouldn t help because it feel impossible when my stomach and chest feel tight" ]
mi estómago está sufriendo todo el día de ansiedad tengo estreñimiento lo que puedo hacer para ayudar a esta respiración es difícil y se siente apretado así que no puedo ni siquiera respirar correctamente no importa lo que tan tratando de respirar correctamente no ayudaría porque se siente imposible cuando mi estómago y el pecho se sienten apretados
drawing pictures from the outside of the page to the inside.. didn't realize how much i missed colored pencils
[ "drawing pictures from the outside of the page to the inside.. didn't realize how much i missed colored pencils" ]
dibujo de fotos desde el exterior de la página al interior.. no se dio cuenta de cuánto me perdí lápices de colores
Everyone come to Baltimore for Hon Fest this weekend kay?
[ "Everyone come to Baltimore for Hon Fest this weekend kay?" ]
¿Todos vienen a Baltimore para Hon Fest este fin de semana?
die jump story buildingi need relief get text back boyfriend today im killing tomorrow bushes window im scared might die jump im sure though need answers help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "die jump story buildingi need relief get text back boyfriend today im killing tomorrow bushes window im scared might die jumpim sure though need answers help" ]
die Jump story buildingi necesita alivio conseguir texto de nuevo novio hoy im matar mañana arbustos ventana im miedo puede morir salto seguro aunque necesita respuestas ayuda
im bored hmu talk whatever long conversation stays interesting
[ "im bored hmu talk whatever long conversation stays interesting" ]
l aburrimiento hmu hablar cualquier conversación larga permanece interesante
doomedi know anymore know anymore academic achievements am wish mother loved based content chatacter bring table wish could live life chose it im destined live it wish could fun typical childhood teenage life late now im going adult soon late fun memories anything look back on wish never born im victim circumstances realm dreams wish accomplish cannot due circumstances wish could never see family again want bring pain even though theyve done without hesitation live house mother built house built agony despair people cherish life sister boyfriend theyre wonderful know things last forever knows boyfriend stop loving me sister isnt obligated help me id rather open cause pain resent life born live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "doomedi know anymore know anymore academic achievements am wish mother loved based content chatacter bring table wish could live life chose it im destined live it wish could fun typical childhood teenage life late now im going adult soon late fun memories anything look back on wish never born im victim circumstances realm dreams wish accomplish cannot due circumstances wish could never see family again want bring pain even though theyve done without hesitation live house mother built house built agony despair people cherish life sister boyfriend theyre wonderful know things last forever knows boyfriend stop loving me sister isnt obligated help me id rather open cause pain resent life born live" ]
wedendi know more know more academic achievements am wish mother loved based content chatactor ring table wish pod live it im destinated live it wish pould fun tipica child adolescente life tarde ahora im going adult pronto tarde fun memories cualquier cosa mirar atrás en el deseo nunca naciste im victim circunstancias reino sueños deseo lograr no debido circunstancias deseo nunca podría volver a ver familia deseo traer dolor a pesar de que lo han hecho sin dudar casa casa casa construida casa construida agonía desesperación personas amor vida hermana novio son maravilloso saber cosas última siempre sabe novio dejar de amarme hermana no está obligado ayudarme id más bien abierto causa dolor resentimiento vida nacido vida
im scared im going like parents need rant im scared ive realizing lately toxic parents much messed up theyre verbal abuse physically abusive too opinions beliefs listened im allowed practice believe make feel like everythings fault im scared im going like get older kids already feel like im toxic towards friends mess someone like theyre messing right now ever want make someone feel make feel do try hard help friends know im constantly pulling making everyone unhappy future family too feel like present so already want around mess already know probably kind jumbled maybe make much sense needed get out thanks listening rant
[ "im scared im going like parents need rant im scared ive realizing lately toxic parents much messed up theyre verbal abuse physically abusive too opinions beliefs listened im allowed practice believe make feel like everythings fault im scared im going like get older kids already feel like im toxic towards friends mess someone like theyre messing right now ever want make someone feel make feel do try hard help friends know im constantly pulling making everyone unhappy future family too feel like present so already want around mess already know probably kind jumbled maybe make much sense needed get out thanks listening rant" ]
I miedo I va como los padres necesitan despotricar I miedo I ve darse cuenta últimamente tóxicos padres mucho mal son abuso verbal físicamente abusivo también opiniones creencias I permitido práctica creer hacer sentir como todo culpa im miedo I va como conseguir niños mayores ya se sienten como im tóxicos hacia los amigos lío alguien como ellos están desordenando en este momento alguna vez quieren hacer que alguien se sienta hacer sentir tratar de ayudar a los amigos sé constantemente hacer que todos los futuros familiares infelices también se sienten como presentes así que ya quieren alrededor desastre ya saben probablemente tipo revuelto tal vez tiene mucho sentido necesario salir gracias escuchar rant
going new years resolution end thinking new year resolution said i dont want introverted anymore shyness want open direct extroverted beginning year changed vocational school focus it knew nothing one chance become wanted become now help always kept one thing head insecure something thought something bit long fucking it phrase mind helped lot starting talk others start conversation going always kept sentence head about fucking time let loose something head sure say thought fuck got head got big mouth love like get words without many backthoughts putting one joke loudly letting loose thinking things like really this would people think different this really makes feel lot comfortable around people becoming open extroverted now makes feel lot comfortable
[ "going new years resolution end thinking new year resolution said i dont want introverted anymore shyness want open direct extroverted beginning year changed vocational school focus it knew nothing one chance become wanted become now help always kept one thing head insecure something thought something bit long fucking it phrase mind helped lot starting talk others start conversation going always kept sentence head about fucking time let loose something head sure say thought fuck got head got big mouth love like get words without many backthoughts putting one joke loudly letting loose thinking things like really this would people think different this really makes feel lot comfortable around people becoming open extroverted now makes feel lot comfortable" ]
ir años nuevos resolución terminar pensando nuevo año resolución dijo que no quiero introvertido más timidez quiere abierto extrovertido directo año cambio centro de la escuela profesional que no sabía nada una oportunidad convertirse en querido convertirse ahora ayuda siempre mantener una cosa cabeza inseguro algo pensó algo poco largo mierda it frase mente ayudó mucho comenzar hablar otros iniciar conversación va siempre mantener la cabeza de oración sobre el puto tiempo soltar algo cabeza seguro pensamiento mierda tener cabeza conseguir gran boca amor como conseguir palabras sin muchos pensamientos de espalda poner un chiste a voz baja pensar cosas como realmente esto la gente pensaría diferente esto realmente hace sentir mucho cómodo alrededor de la gente que se extrovertido abierto ahora hace sentir mucho cómodo
say somethingim running short time lifes miserable full endless problems solution weep cry ive already endured enough point crying become every day occurrence im emotionally exhausted write essay long reason im like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "say somethingim running short time lifes miserable full endless problems solution weep cry ive already endured enough point crying become every day occurrenceim emotionally exhausted write essay long reason im like this" ]
Decir algo que corre vidas de tiempo corto miserables problemas sin fin solución llanto lloriqueo ive ya aguantó suficiente punto llanto convertirse en cada día ocurrencia emocional exhausto escribir ensayo larga razón im como este
need talk someonethis throwaway ok im happy drunk rn next thing know see pair scissors think wow could cut wrists real bad right wow really wanna it feel pain see blood clean wounds bandage go business but havent thought cutting years cant like really want cut rn tf whats wrong help still need help sorry scattered im drunk rn need talk stranger please someone see talk please need someone talk someone help please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need talk someonethis throwawayokim happy drunk rn next thing know see pair scissors think wow could cut wrists real badrightwow really wanna it feel pain see blood clean wounds bandage go business but havent thought cutting years cant like really want cut rn tf whats wrong help still need help sorry scattered im drunk rn need talk strangerplease someone see talk please need someone talk someone help please" ]
Necesito hablar con alguien este throwawayokim feliz borracho rn next thing saber ver par de tijeras pensar wow podría cortar muñecas real malwow realmente quiero sentir dolor ver sangre heridas limpias venda ir negocios pero no he pensado cortar años no puede como realmente quiero cortar rn tf lo que está mal ayuda todavía necesita ayuda lo siento disperso im borracho rn necesidad hablar extraño por favor alguien ver hablar por favor necesita alguien hablar alguien ayuda por favor
@lukasrossi Hey, Lukas. It was a pleasure speaking to you on the phone, bro. Thank you for being such an open, loving soul. {{{Lukas}}}
[ "@lukasrossi Hey, Lukas.It was a pleasure speaking to you on the phone, bro.Thank you for being such an open, loving soul.{{{Lukas}}}" ]
@lukasrossi Hola, Lukas.Fue un placer hablarte por teléfono, hermano.Gracias por ser un alma tan abierta y amorosa.
today finally smiled got happy problems fixed literally yesterday got happy finally found motivation fix them crying never loved family problems get bullied s assignments pending one likes smiling least trying fight back fix everything finally tried putting effort looking everything positively maybe got high today least felt happiness finally felt happy long time found motivation fix everything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "today finally smiled got happy problems fixed literally yesterday got happy finally found motivation fix them crying never loved family problems get bullied s assignments pending one likes smiling least trying fight back fix everything finally tried putting effort looking everything positively maybe got high today least felt happiness finally felt happy long time found motivation fix everything" ]
Hoy finalmente sonreído consiguió feliz problemas arreglados literalmente ayer consiguió feliz finalmente encontrado motivación fijarlos llorando nunca amado problemas familiares conseguir acosado tareas pendientes uno como sonriendo menos tratando de luchar arreglar todo finalmente intentó poner esfuerzo buscando positivamente todo tal vez llegó alto hoy menos se sintió felicidad finalmente se sintió feliz mucho tiempo encontrado motivación arreglar todo
way this cannot stop thinking anything hurting myself feel like relapsing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "way this cannot stop thinking anything hurting myself feel like relapsing" ]
Esto no puede dejar de pensar que algo que me lastime me hace sentir como una recaída.
im failurethis probably going long ass post explaining background story ill start now was part straight student throughout th th th th grade always work time even got award never missing day school th th grade then start th grade well felt classes bit difficult slipping little bit first time ive two cs report card first semester rest year fine stepped gpa end year year th grade schedule classes completely changed moved alternating schedules x block schedule basically classes every day except wednesday thursday wednesday first classes thursday classes mildly disturbed felt fine then started noticing missing assignments sometimes since alternating schedule always least day work things new schedule work could due next day started slip f c two bs two as a whole spectrum grades started get sloppy without enough sleep week vacation right weeks winter break ive missed much class everything kind collapsed me point talents lifting fighting im even strong bench less bodyweight since break gained lbs now bench rep max pretty weak know another contributing factor years ago th grade made friend online got pretty close spoke every day turning pretty good friends plans meet irl college then one day blue said was a sad person people pity pretty confused kept telling creep never contact again blocked speak recently messaged unblocked me said quote look boyfriend go watch porn cry loneliness obviously closure ill tell one last time ever want speak again kind blocked point brushed off started thinking though sad excuse human being always pretty correct guessing going life could tell me im thinking ive wasting life antisocial behavior couldve fun spending time better friends fun leads now tonight cried first time year curled fetal position cried half hour got came post sob story try get people care me cant tell parents theyd flip really feel throwing bridge one best options oding oxycodone ive never given anything full dedication also lose pieces win chess right im pawn game might well go waste create opening people use death justify things wrong education system us live aspen colorado hopefully ill throw terrellwade bridge tomorrow feet seconds freefall acceleration mph go splat river rocks it dont ill edit post say otherwise
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im failurethis probably going long ass post explaining background story ill start now was part straight student throughout th th th th grade always work time even got award never missing day school th th grade then start th grade well felt classes bit difficult slipping little bit first time ive two cs report card first semester rest year fine stepped gpa end year year th grade schedule classes completely changed moved alternating schedules", "x block schedule basically classes every day except wednesday thursday wednesday first classes thursday classes mildly disturbed felt fine then started noticing missing assignments sometimes since alternating schedule always least day work things new schedule work could due next day started slip f c two bs two as a whole spectrum grades started get sloppy without enough sleep week vacation right weeks winter break ive missed much class everything kind collapsed me point talents lifting fighting im even strong bench less bodyweight since break gained lbs now bench rep max pretty weak know another contributing factor years ago th grade made friend online got pretty close spoke every day turning pretty good friends plans meet irl college then one day blue said was a sad person people pity pretty confused kept telling creep never contact again blocked speak recently messaged unblocked me said quote look boyfriend go watch porn cry loneliness obviously closure ill tell one last time ever want speak again kind blocked point brushed off started thinking though sad excuse human being always pretty correct guessing going life could tell me im thinking ive wasting life antisocial behavior couldve fun spending time better friends fun leads now tonight cried first time year curled fetal position cried half hour got came post sob story try get people care me cant tell parents theyd flip really feel throwing bridge one best options oding oxycodone ive never given anything full dedication also lose pieces win chess", "right im pawn gamemight well go waste create opening people use death justify things wrong education system us live aspen colorado hopefully ill throw terrellwade bridge tomorrow feet seconds freefall acceleration mph go splat river rocks it dont ill edit post say otherwise" ]
Im fracaso esto probablemente va largo posterior explicación de fondo historia mal comienzo ahora era parte recta estudiante a lo largo de la th th th grado siempre tiempo de trabajo incluso consiguió premio nunca faltando día escuela th th grado luego comenzar el curso bien sentido clases poco difícil deslizarse poco poco primera vez ive dos cs informe tarjeta primer semestre descanso año multa escalonado gpa fin año curso th curso clases completamente cambiado horario modificado alternando horarios
Does anyone else live an area resistent to change? So, hard to get some people to join the "Green" movement Very frustrating!
[ "Does anyone else live an area resistent to change?So, hard to get some people to join the "Green" movement Very frustrating!" ]
¿Alguien más vive una zona resistente al cambio?Así que, es difícil conseguir que algunas personas se unan al movimiento de "Green" ¡Muy frustrante!
expecting much movie given ticket advanced screening gotten work hot tired wait movie line minutes seemed cool air flowing hallways theater complexbr br once seated theater tired frustrated movie started recognize actors beginning flow movie perfect right beginning became consumed movie getting excited minute passing think movie destined fantasyfairytale classic actors fabulous pace perfect ending magical
[ "expecting much movie given ticket advanced screening gotten work hot tired wait movie line minutes seemed cool air flowing hallways theater complexbr br once seated theater tired frustrated movie started recognize actors beginning flow movie perfect right beginning became consumed movie getting excited minute passing think movie destined fantasyfairytale classic actors fabulous pace perfect ending magical" ]
espera mucha película dado entrada proyección avanzada consiguió trabajo caliente cansado espera línea de película minutos parecía fresco aire fluye pasillos teatro complejobr br una vez sentado teatro cansado película frustrada comenzó a reconocer actores comenzando flujo película perfecto principio derecho se convirtió en película consumida se emociona minuto pasando pensamiento película destino fantasía cuento clásico actores fabuloso ritmo perfecto final mágico
theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs" ]
theekween depresión y ansiedad thelmasherbs
find new year hard timei certainly do brings home much ive failed past years certainly how even every effort im still making exact promises hoping changes another year again again is might next year time place thoughts im still here just maybe maybe year something someone side things improve stay strong stay me lets see do lets give small chance owe experience happiness please me im tired feeling alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "find new year hard timei certainly do brings home much ive failed past years certainly how even every effort im still making exact promises hoping changes another year again again is might next year time place thoughts im still here just maybe maybe year something someone side things improve stay strong stay melets see do lets give small chance owe experience happiness please me im tired feeling alone" ]
encontrar año nuevo tiempo duro sin duda trae a casa mucho ive fallidos pasados años sin duda cómo incluso cada esfuerzo im todavía hacer promesas exactas esperando cambios otro año de nuevo es posible que el año próximo lugar pensamientos todavía aquí tal vez año algo de alguien lado cosas mejorar estancia fuerte melets ver permite dar pequeña oportunidad de la experiencia de la felicidad por favor me estoy cansado sentirse solo
francesdath not bad transitioning being visited by many globe wandering gypsy queer at the moment but you are missing
[ "francesdath not bad transitioning being visited by many globe wandering gypsy queer at the momentbut you are missing" ]
francesdath no es mala transición ser visitado por muchos gitanos errantes en el mundo marica en este momento, pero te estás perdiendo
Omg same :(( for example, I won't know anyone and it's scary and 3 years of depression lmao https://twitter.com/___parv/status/989213960372215808 …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Omg same :(( for example, I won't know anyone and it's scary and 3 years of depression lmao https://twitter.com/___parv/status/989213960372215808 …" ]
Omg mismo :(( por ejemplo, no conoceré a nadie y es aterrador y 3 años de depresión lmmao https://twitter.com/___parv/status/989213960372215808Â
would feeling really good lately meds effective interpersonal group therapy cbt course everything well managed woke yesterday morning could get bed spent yesterday sleepingcuddling dog still feeling like crap today like could burst tears moment trying spiral work cannot make stop feeling like lonely worthless pathetic loser wondering point living kind life constant fighting exhaustingand cannot figured triggered me hit like slap facebeen dealing shit years give take never gets easieri really sure posting this think want feel little less lonely showed nowhere
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "would feeling really good lately meds effective interpersonal group therapy cbt course everything well managed woke yesterday morning could get bed spent yesterday sleepingcuddling dog still feeling like crap today like could burst tears moment trying spiral work cannot make stop feeling like lonely worthless pathetic loser wondering point living kind life constant fighting exhaustingand cannot figured triggered me hit like slap facebeen dealing shit years give take never gets easieri really sure posting this think want feel little less lonely showed nowhere" ]
se sentiría muy bien últimamente meds eficaz terapia interpersonal grupo cbt curso todo bien manejado despertó ayer por la mañana podría conseguir cama pasado ayer durmiendo acurrucando perro todavía sentir como mierda hoy como podría reventar lágrimas momento tratando de trabajo en espiral no puede hacer dejar de sentirse como solitario inútil perdedor patético preguntándose punto vida amable constante lucha agotador y no se puede imaginar me disparó golpe como bofetada carabeen tráfico de mierda años dar toma nunca se hace más fácil realmente seguro de publicar este pensamiento quiero sentirse poco menos solitario mostró en ninguna parte
avid julie andrews fan watched first time dvd directors cut version surprised rated g get bedroom scenes seduction story line two strip tease acts warshootingblood g rating weird would rate pgbr br other thoroughly enjoyed movie beautiful showcase andrews voice talent acting great storyline little weak leaving gaps could filled good dialogue many no talking walking scenes me would liked see relationship julie rock blossom intense love would believable
[ "avid julie andrews fan watched first time dvd directors cut version surprised rated g get bedroom scenes seduction story line two strip tease acts warshootingblood g rating weird would rate pgbr br other thoroughly enjoyed movie beautiful showcase andrews voice talent acting great storyline little weak leaving gaps could filled good dialogue many no talking walking scenes me would liked see relationship julie rock blossom intense love would believable" ]
Avid Julie Andrews fan vio la primera vez dvd directores corte versión sorprendida g get bedroom scenes seducción historia línea dos striptease actos warshootingsang g rating raro calificaría pgbr br otra película hermosa exhibición andews voz talento actuación gran historia poco débil dejar vacíos podría llenar buen diálogo muchos no hablar escenas caminar me gustaría ver relación julie rock flor intenso amor sería creíble
random question nonvirgins sub thinking realized know exact date lose virginity day shit even month im wondering anyone knows exact date lost virginity basically normal remember memory awful
[ "random question nonvirgins sub thinking realized know exact date lose virginity day shit even month im wondering anyone knows exact date lost virginity basically normalremember memory awful" ]
al azar pregunta no vírgenes sub pensamiento realizado saber fecha exacta perder virginidad día mierda incluso mes me pregunto alguien sabe fecha exacta pérdida virginidad básicamente normal recordar memoria horrible
anyone wanna make game me half baked story kind of pm me
[ "anyone wanna make game me half baked story kind of pm me" ]
alguien quiere hacer juego me mitad horneado historia tipo de p.m.
feel really alone want help know dohi all sorry sorta dumb confusing know else do past week so ive feeling really suicidal ive therapy past nine years im tired alive raised single bipolar verbally abusive mom died fourteen ive abused assaulted physically sexually throughout life want pain anymore abandoned moved foster home foster home really wanted place family found home supposedly loved wanted eventually decided two years much forced facility within span night facility watched members staff get attacked assaulted forced body inspections whenever left facility generally awful time people threatened tried murder wish upon anyone leaving facility found home seemed love me family could potentially call own thought life going well everything order had wonderful amazing partner loves cares me group friends supported family loved me recently come change told parent would never dad let alone parent would never trust me going partner find emergency housing subsequently needing find temporary permanent housing stressful involved around time relationship problems started communication great really anyone involved even though weve progressively gotten better things not were constantly stressed even look afraid i done nothing significant enough deserve this even know why addition parents small little foster brother children got pretty intense car accident two days ago thats also big factor feel im scared know do want end life pain everything confusing know do ive tried calling hotlines talking friends not partner everything took mental health day school uni today cant anymore know do please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel really alone want help know dohi all sorry sorta dumb confusing know else do past week", "so ive feeling really suicidal ive therapy past nine years im tired alive raised single bipolar verbally abusive mom died fourteen ive abused assaulted physically sexually throughout life want pain anymore abandoned moved foster home foster home really wanted place family found home supposedly loved wanted eventually decided two years much forced facility within span night facility watched members staff get attacked assaulted forced body inspections whenever left facility generally awful time people threatened tried murder wish upon anyone leaving facility found home seemed love me family could potentially call own thought life going well everything order had wonderful amazing partner loves cares me group friends supported family loved me recently come change told parent would never dad let alone parent would never trust me going partner find emergency housing subsequently needing find temporary permanent housing stressful involved around time relationship problems started communication great really anyone involved even though weve progressively gotten better things not were constantly stressed even look afraid i done nothing significant enough deserve this even know why addition parents small little foster brother children got pretty intense car accident two days ago thats also big factor feel im scared know do want end life pain everything confusing know do ive tried calling hotlines talking friends not partner everything took mental health day school uni today cant anymore know do please help" ]
Siéntete realmente solo. Quiero ayuda para conocer a Dohi. Lo siento. Un tonto confuso.
right least told cannot depressed least one person loves me cannot feel alone always someone me happy smiling time not makes seem like something wrong relationship maybe right maybe depressed really bad day cannot possibly depressed married
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "right least told cannot depressed least one person loves me cannot feel alone always someone me happy smiling time not makes seem like something wrong relationship maybe right maybe depressed really bad day cannot possibly depressed married" ]
derecho menos dicho no puede deprimirse menos una persona me ama no puede sentirse solo siempre alguien me feliz sonriendo tiempo no hace parecer como algo mala relación tal vez bien tal vez deprimido realmente mal día no puede posiblemente deprimido casado
- @katherineholden Thanks K! Here's hoping! Pretty nervous though...
[ "- @katherineholden Thanks K!Here's hoping!Pretty nervous though..." ]
- @katherineholden ¡Gracias K!Aquí está la esperanza!
there are a million thing to stress about right now and a million and one if you count my study i need to be good enough at art to get into college by january next year i m pretty confident i ll get in if i keep going but i can t focus at all and instead think of everything going on in my life i can t afford therapy or counselling meditation doe nothing medication doesn t work with this mindfulness break music podcasts and the like are already being exercised thank you in advance
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "there are a million thing to stress about right now and a million and one if you count my study i need to be good enough at art to get into college by january next yeari m pretty confident i ll get in if i keep goingbut i can t focus at all and instead think of everything going on in my life i can t afford therapy or counselling meditation doe nothing medication doesn t work with this mindfulness break music podcasts and the like are already being exercisedthank you in advance" ]
Hay un millón de cosas que estresar ahora mismo y un millón y uno si cuentas mi estudio necesito ser lo suficientemente bueno en el arte para entrar en la universidad por enero el próximo año estoy bastante seguro de que voy a entrar si sigo adelante pero no puedo centrarme en absoluto y en cambio pensar en todo lo que está pasando en mi vida no puedo permitirme terapia o asesoramiento meditación no hay nada que la medicación no funcione con este mindfulness romper música podcasts y como ya se están ejerciendo gracias de antemano
insomnia ha got the best of me again ohhh so tired and can t find sleep
[ "insomnia ha got the best of me again ohhh so tired and can t find sleep" ]
El insomnio ha conseguido lo mejor de mí otra vez ohhh tan cansado y no puede encontrar el sueño
lemme tell yall traditional czech recipe called chlebov pochoutka bread delicacy take piece bread put piece bread put another piece bread bon appetit
[ "lemme tell yall traditional czech recipe called chlebov pochoutka bread delicacy take piece bread put piece bread put another piece bread bon appetit" ]
Dejame decirle a Yall receta tradicional checa llamada chlebov pochoutka pan delicadeza tomar pedazo de pan poner pedazo de pan poner otro pedazo de pan bon appetit
best friend hung saturday promise people actually carei dont know post allowed best friend nicest selfless person ever existed promise everyone feeling lost hurt confused theres single person happy isnt around anymore broken girlfriend feeling heart broken wish realised bad feeling told would done everything could dont wait people come you go them tell youre hurting give chance fix things
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "best friend hung saturday promise people actually carei dont know post allowed best friend nicest selfless person ever existed promise everyone feeling lost hurt confused theres single person happy isnt around anymore broken girlfriend feeling heart broken wish realised bad feeling told would done everything could dont wait people come you go them tell youre hurting give chance fix things" ]
mejor amigo colgado sabado promesa gente realmente carei dont know post permitido mejor amigo mejor persona desinteresada persona nunca existió promesa todo el mundo sentirse perdido herido confundido no hay una sola persona feliz no está alrededor más roto novia sentimiento corazón roto deseo se dio cuenta de mal sentimiento dicho haría todo no podía esperar la gente viene les dicen que estás lastimado dar oportunidad arreglar cosas
mediccasts the alternative is suicide which is the most selfish and coward move there is people who consider that ha no sympathy from me fighting depression now that s something to be proud of
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mediccasts the alternative is suicide which is the most selfish and coward move there is people who consider that ha no sympathy from me fighting depression now that s something to be proud of" ]
medicalscasts la alternativa es el suicidio que es el movimiento más egoísta y cobarde hay gente que considera que no tiene simpatía de mí luchando contra la depresión ahora que es algo de lo que estar orgulloso
got a driving ticket the other day almost got another one today for parking in front of someone s driveway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "got a driving ticket the other day almost got another one today for parking in front of someone s driveway" ]
Consiguió un boleto de conducir el otro día casi consiguió otro hoy para aparcar en frente de la entrada de alguien
worst day fucking yearim kill myself wanted write last resort goodbye thing maybe idk friend mine called sobbing saying cant see today final straw dont care abymore im sorry goes cant keep this everyone said get help cant fucking that family wouldnt let me wouldnt believe me im minor pretty much tell me constant isolation go far everything cant go anywhere without someones say so entire family ignores me cant kepe school failed finals going failure whole life hate living hate somcuh nothing norie say really cant tpye im sobbing pepole probaly would care one friend fucking english teacher english teacher really cool shaem wont bea bel see new year worthless patheric piece shit am votd student th e month want fcuking die im gonig fucking kill nyslef
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worst day fucking yearim kill myself wanted write last resort goodbye thingmaybe idk friend mine called sobbing saying cant see today final straw dont care abymoreim sorry goes cant keep this everyone said get help cant fucking that family wouldnt let me wouldnt believe me im minorpretty much tell me constant isolation go far everything cant go anywhere without someones say so entire family ignores me cant kepe school failed finals going failure whole life hate living hate somcuh nothing norie say really cant tpye im sobbing pepole probaly would care one friend fucking english teacher english teacher really cool shaem wont bea bel see new year worthless patheric piece shit am votd student th e month want fcuking dieim gonig fucking kill nyslef" ]
El peor día de mierda añoim me mata quería escribir último recurso adiós cosa tal vez Idk amigo mío llamado sollozando decir no puedo ver hoy paja final no importa abymoreim lo siento va no puede mantener este todo el mundo dijo conseguir ayuda cant mierda que la familia no me dejaría creerme im menorprecisa mucho me dicen constante aislamiento ir lejos todo no puede ir a ninguna parte sin que alguien diga que toda la familia me ignora cant escuela Kepe fracaso fracaso fracaso toda la vida odio vivir odio somcuh nada norie decir realmente no puede tpye im sollozando pepole probaly cuidaría un amigo follando profesor de inglés profesor de inglés shaem realmente cool no bel ver nuevo año inútil pieza patérica mierda am votd estudiante th e mes quiero fcuking dieim gonig matar nislef
im bored ask meh anything _ nothing see _ filler filler filler filler filller enough text
[ "im bored ask meh anything _nothing see _ filler filler filler filler filller enough text" ]
im aburrido preguntar nada _nada ver _ relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno suficiente texto
@DJLPQUEENS I guess it will be pretty cool music, brazilian flavor mixed with hip hop music..I like the idea!
[ "@DJLPQUEENS I guess it will be pretty cool music, brazilian flavor mixed with hip hop music..I like the idea!" ]
@DJLPQUEENS Supongo que va a ser bastante buena música, sabor brasileño mezclado con música hip hop..Me gusta la idea!
hard parents close doors like close it hard u opened close ur way
[ "hard parents close doors like close it hard u opened close ur way" ]
los padres duros cierran las puertas como cerrar duro u abrió cerca de la manera
one like whenever hits one im like woah brain shuts goes like night mode brain everything goes like slow also changed polished well couldnt tell slowed down looked go weird headspace hits one google dont know cause would google know that shit post im tired this
[ "one like whenever hits one im like woah brain shuts goes like night mode brain everything goes like slow also changed polished well couldnt tell slowed down looked go weird headspace hits one google dont know cause would google know that shit post im tired this" ]
uno como cada vez que golpea un im como woah se cierra el cerebro va como el cerebro de modo nocturno todo va como lento también cambiado pulido bien no podía decir ralentizado mirada ir raro espacio de la cabeza golpea un google no saben causa google saber que mierda post im cansado esto
@dirtyrottengoss wat !!! omg that's awsom
[ "@dirtyrottengoss wat !!!omg that's awsom" ]
@dirtyrottengoss wat !!!omg que es awsom
escapei seriously cant stand experiencing this cant take anymore break give death know do really see redflag something inevitable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "escapei seriously cant stand experiencing this cant take anymore break give death know do really see redflag something inevitable" ]
escapari en serio no puede soportar experimentar este no puede tomar más descanso dar la muerte saber realmente ver bandera roja algo inevitable
see point familyi never understood family never close like people are feel family limitation oh talk auntunclecousinmother like that ive never close family guess never clicked them feel family bond lot people talk put frank find annoying unnecessary memories mom yelling me telling im failuredevils child crying hard life is life hard love every time try talk back says you cant yell yell you right im mother crappy bullshit answer she actually says that finds reasons yell say brother tells complain much think complain much else do family gave physical needs survive give enough mentalpsychological needs dad know english gets bullied mom lot feel sad him hes good dad thinks things logically hes nice cousins people get along ill seeing rest life everyone else think main problem mom cant wait get life maybe ill start grateful miss start remembering good times ive instead thinking worst emotional roller coaster mom feel like narcissistshe entitledegotistical guilt trips carer cant anything it claims better think make feel better treating me recently forced program said opening doors me quit because want told to gets mad consulting her forces back says i changed mind anymore finalized everything program actual fuck cant fucking take mental abuse anymore want end im scared die efforts successful go absolute waste destined fail matter good grades matter hard ive tried reason is end life hand one day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see point familyi never understood family never close like people are feel family limitationoh talk auntunclecousinmother like that ive never close family guess never clicked them feel family bond lot people talk put frank findannoying unnecessary memories mom yelling me telling im failuredevils child crying hard life is life hard love every time try talk back says you cant yell yellyourightim mother crappy bullshit answer she actually says that finds reasons yell say brother tells complain much think complain much else do family gave physical needs survive give enough mentalpsychological needs dad know english gets bullied mom lot feel sad him", "hes good dad thinks things logically hes nice cousins people get along ill seeing rest life everyone else think main problem mom cant wait get life maybe ill start grateful miss start remembering good times ive instead thinking worst emotional roller coaster mom feel like narcissistshe entitledegotistical guilt trips carer cant anything it claims better think make feel better treating me recently forced program said opening doors me quit because want told to gets mad consulting her forces back says i changed mind anymore finalized everything program actual fuck cant fucking take mental abuse anymore want end im scared die efforts successful go absolute waste destined fail matter good grades matter hard ive tried reason is end life hand one day" ]
Ver punto familia nunca entendí familia nunca cerca como la gente se siente limitación familiaroh hablar tía tíocousinmadre como que nunca cerca familia adivinar nunca hizo clic en ellos sentir familia vínculo mucha gente hablar poner franco encontrar ynoying recuerdos innecesarios mamá gritarme decir mi fracasodevils niño llorar vida dura es vida duro amor cada vez que intenta hablar de nuevo dice que no se puede gritar gritan derecha madre mierda respuesta ella en realidad dice que encuentra razones gritar decir hermano cuenta mucho pensar queja mucho más familia dio necesidades físicas sobrevivir dar suficientes necesidades mentalespsicológicas papá sabe Inglés se molesta mamá mucho sentirse triste
see future myself think means im supposed onei know im actively suicidal actually redflag attempt years really view self harm redflag attempt since really point life threatening see point living though feel sort hollow numb time like smile laugh enjoy things think actually ever happy im ashamed myself im ashamed way body looks im ashamed fact im fat ive ruined self harm scars im ashamed cant seem keep people life fact im anxious depressed always comes out even though try hard normal functional partners im ashamed relationships ive in significant others greatest people im ruined fucked one would actually good long term would ever want me ive honestly given ever another loving relationship im slutty chick people fuck leave one would ever proud me even worthless im imposter job know anything hardly anything office im sort here know fired me let alone hired first place im school specific job field actually see graduating getting job see anything life ive never able see future myself honestly big emptiness there ive living day day basically past decade im surprised killed already honest always kind head think maybe fact right completely alone means optimal time it fuck life even more one really going miss devastated passing could sort pretty much affairs like hour so biggest issue would making sure house clean organized want anyone deal cleaning messes feel like even serious thing im experiencing sort mania sadness im just calm exactly resigned like im ready life supposed end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see future myself think means im supposed onei knowim actively suicidal actually redflag attempt years really view self harm redflag attempt since really point life threatening see point living though feel sort hollow numb time like smile laugh enjoy things think actually ever happy im ashamed myself im ashamed way body looks im ashamedfact im fative ruined self harm scars im ashamed cant seem keep people life fact im anxious depressed always comes out even though try hard normal functional partners im ashamed relationships ive in significant others greatest people im ruined fucked one would actually good long term would ever want me ive honestly given ever another loving relationship im slutty chick people fuck leave one would ever proud me even worthless", "im imposter job know anything hardly anything office im sort here know fired me let alone hired first place im school specific job field actually see graduating getting job see anything life ive never able see future myself honestly big emptiness there ive living day day basically past decade im surprised killed already honest always kind head think maybe fact right completely alone means optimal time it fuck life even more one really going miss devastated passing could sort pretty much affairs like hour so biggest issue would making sure house clean organized want anyone deal cleaning messes feel like even serious thing im experiencing sort mania sadness im just calm exactly resigned like im ready life supposed end" ]
ver futuro yo mismo pensar significa im supuesto onei knowim activamente suicida en realidad Redflag intento años realmente ver auto daño Redflag intento puesto que realmente punto vida amenazante ver punto vida aunque siento tipo hueco entumecimiento tiempo como sonrisa risa disfrutar de las cosas pensar en realidad siempre feliz im vergüenza mí mismo im vergüenza manera cuerpo se ve im vergüenza im fativo arruinado auto daño cicatrices im vergüenza no parece mantener a la gente vida hecho im ansiedad deprimido siempre sale a pesar de intentar duro parejas funcionales normales im vergüenza relaciones ive in significant others grandes personas im arruinado follado uno en realidad bueno largo plazo me gustaría vivir honestamente dado siempre otra relación amorosa im puta chica gente mierda dejar uno alguna vez me enorgullecería incluso inútil
just washed the huge pile of post binge depression dish from my bedside table who s proud of me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "just washed the huge pile of post binge depression dish from my bedside table who s proud of me" ]
acaba de lavar la enorme pila de post abucheo plato depresión de mi mesita de noche que está orgulloso de mí
Valentine's are lame so I'll bring you flowers just for no occasion
[ "Valentine's are lameso I'll bring you flowers just for no occasion" ]
Los San Valentín son patéticos, así que te traeré flores para ninguna ocasión.
approach girl m always introverted friends girl find cute would like know start conversation get know more please help me thanks
[ "approach girl m always introverted friends girl find cute would like know start conversation get know more please help me thanks" ]
acercamiento chica m siempre introvertido amigos chica encontrar lindo me gustaría saber iniciar conversación obtener más información por favor ayúdame gracias
self explanatory title i can make it through the day when distracted with a busy day at work or surrounded by friend but a soon a i m alone or i have a minute to think i realise how deeply unhappy i am in almost every aspect of my life i don t want to die i know there s thing to live for like family friend travelling new career potential love and child and maybe being one day happy but every day i wake up and struggle i feel little part of my health and sanity being chiseled off one by one and i just don t know how long i can do this for before i just give up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "self explanatory title i can make it through the day when distracted with a busy day at work or surrounded by friend but a soon a i m aloneor i have a minute to think i realise how deeply unhappy i am in almost every aspect of my life i don t want to die i know there s thing to live for like family friend travelling new career potential love and child and maybe being one day happybut every day i wake up and struggle i feel little part of my health and sanity being chiseled off one by oneand i just don t know how long i can do this for before i just give up" ]
título auto explicativo puedo hacerlo a través del día cuando distraído con un día ajetreado en el trabajo o rodeado de amigo pero un pronto a i m solaor tengo un minuto para pensar que me doy cuenta de lo profundamente infeliz que soy en casi todos los aspectos de mi vida no quiero morir sé que hay cosa para vivir como amigo de la familia viajando nueva carrera potencial amor e hijo y tal vez ser un día feliz pero cada día me despierto y lucha me siento poco parte de mi salud y cordura siendo cincelado uno por uno y no sé cuánto tiempo puedo hacer esto antes de que me doy por vencido
@kwidrick Awesome. And here's to a great week.....
[ "@kwidrick Awesome.And here's to a great week....." ]
@kwidrick Awesome.Y aquí está una gran semana...
gtg asapi wanted things set affairs order committing redflag birthday couple months think make far yesterday mom yelled told three weeks get job move skills motivation cant make own ive severely depressed years ive pretty much always lived constant state fear ive tried meds therapy fucking work really want die im scared feel like options im worried go hospital mom say im attention seeking lazy brat shell probably gut room get rid shit went hospital couple years ago unbearable suicidal kept week helped bit mom upset disappointed me id like poison bedroom im thinking might walk highway jump front truck parents go bed tonight wanted donate organs people whole body school anatomy but gotta fresh mangled also wanted avoid traumatizing strangers forcing witness death oh well fucking problem
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gtg asapi wanted things set affairs order committing redflag birthday couple months think make far yesterday mom yelled told three weeks get job move skills motivation cant make own ive severely depressed years ive pretty much always lived constant state fear ive tried meds therapy fucking work really want dieim scared feel like options im worried go hospital mom say im attention seeking lazy brat shellprobably gut room get rid shit went hospital couple years ago unbearable suicidal kept week helped bit mom upset disappointed me id like poison bedroom im thinking might walk highway jump front truck parents go bed tonight wanted donate organs people whole body school anatomy but gotta fresh mangled also wanted avoid traumatizing strangers forcing witness deathoh well fucking problem" ]
gtg asapi quería cosas set asuntos orden cometer Redflag cumpleaños par de meses pensar hacer lejos ayer mamá gritó dijo tres semanas conseguir trabajo movimiento habilidades motivación no puede hacer propio ive severamente deprimido años ive casi siempre vivió constante estado miedo ive probado terapia tratamiento mierda trabajo realmente quiero dieim miedo sentir como opciones im preocupado ir hospital mamá decir im atención buscar perezoso mocoso concha probablemente el intestino habitación deshacerse mierda fue hospital hace dos años insoportable suicida mantenido semana ayudó poco molesto mamá molesto me decepcionó id como el veneno dormitorio im pensar podría caminar carretera salto frente camión padres ir cama esta noche quería donar órganos personas toda la anatomía escuela, pero debe fresca desgarro también quería evitar traumatizar extraños forzando testigos muerteoh bien puto problema
know gonna hate im sorry gti lost gamelt
[ "know gonna hate im sorrygti lost gamelt" ]
Sé que va a odiar a Im Sorpengti perdido gamelt
caliber put downi would rather try something little ummph unfortunately resources strained lr do im mainly curious chances survival using method
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "caliber put downi would rather try something little ummph unfortunately resources strained lr do im mainly curious chances survival using method" ]
caliber put downi preferiría intentar algo poco umph desafortunadamente los recursos tensados lr do im principalmente curiosas posibilidades de supervivencia utilizando el método
try post something sorry post removed ________ please familiarize rules
[ "try post something sorry post removed ________please familiarize rules" ]
intentar post algo lo siento post eliminado _______ por favor familiarice las reglas
ashman0 my only complaint about facebook is they ve changed it so much it s confusing
[ "ashman0 my only complaint about facebook is they ve changed it so much it s confusing" ]
ashman0 mi única queja sobre facebook es que lo han cambiado tanto que es confuso
pups dog birthed chewed damn internet boxs wire internet use phones data type gt hella pissed rn play singleplayer minecraft computer
[ "pups dog birthed chewed damn internet boxs wire internet use phones data type gt hella pissed rn play singleplayer minecraft computer" ]
cachorros perro nacimiento masticado maldito Internet cajas de alambre Internet uso teléfonos datos tipo gt hella enojado rn juego monojugador minecraft ordenador
want really selfishim teen really hate everything myself hate talk look dress entire personality etc want way body stress constantly school none means literally anything id much rather kill work essay another second im sad time im really not know im ugliest person im fairly talented musician gig semi regularly nice body bcuz lift etc happy im friends none like much like them ill put straight terrible crush one bestfriends shes one thing motivates im aware would never work matter do matter happy get always reminded life work reward ends honestly id rather die right work try best another years situation end without potential now xoxo
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want really selfishim teen really hate everything myself hate talk look dress entire personality etc want way body stress constantly school none means literally anything id much rather kill work essay another secondim sad time im really not know im ugliest person im fairly talented musician gig semi regularly nice body bcuz lift etc happy im friends none like much like them ill put straight terrible crush one bestfriends shes one thing motivates im aware would never work matter do matter happy get always reminded life work reward ends honestly id rather die right work try best another years situation end without potential now xoxo" ]
quiero realmente egoístaim adolescente realmente odio todo lo que yo odio hablar vestido personalidad entera etc quiero manera cuerpo estrés constantemente escuela ninguno significa literalmente nada id mucho más bien matar trabajo ensayo otro segundo triste momento im realmente no sé im persona más feo im músico bastante talentoso concierto semi regularmente agradable cuerpo bcuz ascensor etc feliz im amigos ninguno como mucho como ellos mal poner directamente terrible aplastamiento un bestfriends shes una cosa motiva im consiente que nunca trabajo materia hacer feliz conseguir siempre recordado trabajo recompensa termina honestamente id lugar morir trabajo derecho intentar mejor otro año situación final sin potencial ahora xoxo
found use reaction channels add anything video theyre reacting use watch agerestricted videos not best method still use channels nonetheless
[ "found use reaction channels add anything video theyre reacting use watch agerestricted videos not best method still use channels nonetheless" ]
Los canales de reacción de uso encontrado añaden cualquier vídeo que están reaccionando el uso ver vídeos agerestricted no mejor método todavía utilizar canales sin embargo
im scarred life accidentally found very christian parents stash condoms right next bible might move
[ "im scarred life accidentally found very christian parents stash condoms right next bible might move" ]
vida cicatrizada accidentalmente encontrado muy cristianos padres esconden condones en la próxima biblia podría moverse
haha @Diordan I meant i'm going to bed for the night...def not going out. But thanks anyway @all I have 1000... ? http://blip.fm/~78k0e
[ "haha @Diordan I meant i'm going to bed for the night...def not going out.But thanks anyway @all I have 1000... ?http://blip.fm/~78k0e" ]
jaja @Diordan Quise decir que me voy a la cama por la noche...def no salir.Pero gracias de todos modos @todo lo que tengo 1000... ?http://blip.fm/~78k0e
thinking it logically entire world falling apart anyway point staying humanity mess climate change happening right now everything terrible holding husband family kitty friend enough holding for holding for
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking it logically entire world falling apart anyway point staying humanity mess climate change happening right now everything terrible holding husband family kitty friend enough holding for holding for" ]
pensar que lógicamente todo el mundo se desmorona de todos modos punto mantener la humanidad desorden cambio climático sucediendo ahora mismo todo lo terrible tener marido familia gatito amigo lo suficiente para sostener para
anyone else having problem accessing ttb i cant get on
[ "anyone else having problem accessing ttbi cant get on" ]
cualquier otra persona que tenga problemas para acceder a ttbi no puede subirse
cant take anymorethe reason ive lasted long im yet find way kill myself yet leave organs intact donor usage want live life people allowed chance someone cant live life fullest given chance feel like im ruining chance existing need let go one way another ill find way preserve body breathe live life longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take anymorethe reason ive lasted long im yet find way kill myself yet leave organs intact donor usage want live life people allowed chance someone cant live life fullest given chance feel like im ruining chance existing need let go one way another ill find way preserve body breathe live life longer" ]
No puedo soportar más la razón por la que he durado mucho tiempo y sin embargo encontrar la manera de matarme sin embargo dejar órganos intactos uso de donantes quieren vivir la vida personas permitido oportunidad alguien no puede vivir la vida más plena dada la oportunidad se siente como la ruina de la oportunidad existente necesidad dejar ir de una manera otro mal encontrar manera preservar cuerpo respirar vida viva más tiempo
on the coach gon na be fun
[ "on the coach gon na be fun" ]
en el entrenador va a ser divertido
help thereive read many posts heres last days many people think theres hope is run group fb called pay forward global ones theyre linked it know right one bc admin there amanda roo fb pp kangaroo find it find me talk out im anyone needs it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "help thereive read many posts heres last days many people think theres hope is run group fb called pay forward global ones theyre linked it knowright onebc admin there amanda roo fb pp kangaroo find it find me talk outim anyone needs it" ]
ayuda thereive leer muchos posts aquí últimos días mucha gente piensa que Theres esperanza se ejecuta grupo fb llamado pagar hacia adelante global que están vinculados lo saben derecho onebc admin no Amanda roo fb pp canguro encontrarme hablar fuera de nadie lo necesita
ok tf express emotions like im sad shit
[ "ok tf express emotions like im sad shit" ]
ok tf expresar emociones como im triste mierda
@logansutch I know Bruce follows Danny..so cool! It'd awsome if we got him to sing with Mcfly! I know... really want to buy it! xx
[ "@logansutch I know Bruce follows Danny..so cool!It'd awsome if we got him to sing with Mcfly!I know... really want to buy it! xx" ]
@logansutch ¡Sé que Bruce sigue a Danny..tan genial!¡Seria maravilloso que le pusiéramos a cantar con Mcfly!¡Lo sé... realmente quiero comprarlo! xx
i wa at work today and suddenly felt really really sleepy for no reason i do feel sleepy sometimes but this wa like extreme sleepiness brain fog ish feeling that i haven t experienced at all which of course made me little bit anxious luckily my ha is more manageable now a i know how to handle it the sleepiness fatigue lasted for like 0 0 min and then i wa fine when i got home i m yo healthy male and the only thing i suffer from is pollen allergy p wa really proud of myself that i didn t panic at that moment cuz i would definitely panicked when my ha wa really bad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i wa at work today and suddenly felt really really sleepy for no reason i do feel sleepy sometimes but this wa like extreme sleepiness brain fog ish feeling that i haven t experienced at all which of course made me little bit anxious luckily my ha is more manageable now ai know how to handle it the sleepiness fatigue lasted for like 0 0 minand then i wa fine when i got homei m yo healthy male and the only thing i suffer from is pollen allergy pwa really proud of myself that i didnt panic at that moment cuz i would definitely panicked when my ha wa really bad" ]
Yo wa en el trabajo hoy y de repente se sentía realmente realmente somnoliento por ninguna razón me siento somnoliento a veces, pero esto wa como somnolencia extrema neblina cerebral ish sentimiento que no he experimentado en todo lo que por supuesto me hizo un poco ansioso por suerte mi ha es más manejable ahora ai saber cómo manejarlo la somnolencia fatiga duró como 0 0 miny entonces yo wa bien cuando tengo homei m yo hombre sano y la única cosa que sufro es la alergia al polen pwa muy orgulloso de mí mismo que no entró en pánico en ese momento porque definitivamente entraría en pánico cuando mi ha wa realmente malo
im officially admittedly depressed tw want move toxic houseturning thought id magical way house money accomplish goals finally report abusive ex rapist thought finally get therapy etc stopped taking zoloft sertraline back cold turkied good emotional parents dont take anymore eye exams doctors appts concern swept rug always say theyll get therapy glasses never follow through need therapy ive needed since freshman year cheap therapists never give shit me called one saying suicidal wanting go politely told calm hung up dug trauma never showed another appointment braces years teeth straight beautiful year ago dentist told need wisdom teeth removed asap itll destroy progress guess cant afford it need glasses weak eye doesnt drift direction quite frankly im used looking fucked ive raised average family may selfish want ugly im terrified finally job cant leave money yet started first training day today looking job months dad wouldnt let work dad selfish controlling mom praises kisses feet defends him theres way point itll long time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im officially admittedly depressed tw want move toxic houseturning thought id magical way house money accomplish goals finally report abusive ex rapist thought finally get therapy etc stopped taking zoloft sertraline back cold turkied good emotional parents dont take anymore eye exams doctors appts concern swept rug always say theyll get therapy glasses never follow through need therapy ive needed since freshman year cheap therapists never give shit me called one saying suicidal wanting go politely told calm hung up dug trauma never showed another appointment braces years teeth straight beautiful year ago dentist told need wisdom teeth removed asap itll destroy progress guess cant afford it need glasses weak eye doesnt drift direction quite frankly im used looking fucked ive raised average family may selfish want ugly im terrified finally job cant leave money yet started first training day today looking job months dad wouldnt let work dad selfish controlling mom praises kisses feet defends him theres way point itll long time" ]
Im oficialmente deprimido tw want movimiento tóxico houseturning pensamiento id mágico manera casa dinero lograr objetivos finalmente informe abusivo ex violador pensamiento finalmente conseguir terapia etc dejó de tomar zoloft sertraline frío turkied buenos padres emocionales no tomar más exámenes de ojos médicos appts preocupación alfombra barrida siempre dicen que conseguirán gafas de terapia nunca seguir a través de necesidad terapia ive necesario desde primer año terapeutas baratos nunca me dan mierda llamado uno diciendo suicida querer ir cortésmente dicho calma colgado trauma cavado nunca mostró otra cita dientes dientes hermoso año hace dentista dijo necesidad dientes de sabiduría quitados lo más rápido posible destruir progreso conjetura no se puede permitir que necesite gafas de ojo débil no deriva dirección bastante francamente im utilizado mirada follada iive criado familia promedio puede egoísta querer feo im finalmente trabajo no puede dejar dinero todavía comenzó primer día de entrenamiento meses de trabajo papá no dejaría trabajar papá egoísta control de mamá besos pies lo defiende theres way point itll largo tiempo