gave up let run around wont desert made cry said goodbye told many lies hurt
[ "gave up let run around wont desert made cry said goodbye told many lies hurt" ]
Renunciar a dejar correr por el desierto no va a hacer llorar dijo adiós dijo muchas mentiras dolió
which came first the chicken or the egg do i hate myself because of the constant rejection i ve experienced my whole life or am i constantly rejected because i hate myself both are true negative experience are what made me doubt myself so much if this keep happening over and over again then it must be because there s something wrong with me that people want to run away from i take it entirely personally but on the other hand people don t want a person who hate themselves in their life so they reject me and distance themselves i can never sustain positive self worth because every single time i m rejected i feel that they ve judged my character in some way and determined me either insignificant or toxic to them it s a never ending loop that ultimately leaf me alone and bitter i don t know how to fix it nothing seems to work it s like my mind is broken i feel like an evolutionary failure a cancerous lump meant to be excised from a healthy society i feel like i ve given up on myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "which came first the chicken or the egg do i hate myself because of the constant rejection i ve experienced my whole life or am i constantly rejected because i hate myself both are true negative experience are what made me doubt myself so much if this keep happening over and over again then it must be because there s something wrong with me that people want to run away from i take it entirely personally but on the other hand people don t want a person who hate themselves in their life so they reject me and distance themselves i can never sustain positive self worth because every single time i m rejected i feel that they ve judged my character in some way and determined me either insignificant or toxic to them it s a never ending loop that ultimately leaf me alone and bitteri don t know how to fix itnothing seems to work it s like my mind is broken i feel like an evolutionary failure a cancerous lump meant to be excised from a healthy society i feel like i ve given up on myself" ]
Que vino primero el pollo o el huevo me odio a mí mismo debido al rechazo constante he experimentado toda mi vida o soy constantemente rechazado porque me odio a mí mismo ambos son experiencia negativa verdadera son lo que me hizo dudar de mí mismo tanto si esto sigue sucediendo una y otra vez entonces debe ser porque hay algo malo en mí que la gente quiere huir de lo que me tomo totalmente personalmente pero por otro lado la gente no quiere una persona que se odia a sí mismo en su vida así que me rechazan y se distancian a sí mismos nunca puedo mantener positivo yo vale la pena porque cada vez que me rechazan siento que han juzgado mi carácter de alguna manera y me han determinado o insignificante o tóxico para ellos es un bucle sin fin que en última instancia me hoja sola y amargo no sé cómo solucionar nada parece trabajar s como mi mente está roto me siento como un fracaso evolutivo un bulto canceroso destinado a ser extirpado de una sociedad sana me siento como he renunciado a mí mismo
need help anyone good pythagriam tribometry half hours need help discord ahappysleepdeprivednerd someone could help get done would great
[ "need help anyone good pythagriam tribometry half hours need help discord ahappysleepdeprivednerd someone could help get done would great" ]
necesita ayuda a alguien buena tribometría pythagriam media hora necesita ayuda discordia ahappysleepdeprivednerd alguien podría ayudar a conseguir hecho sería genial
@Anitaa31 GoOd MOrning
[ "@Anitaa31 GoOd MOrning" ]
@Anitaa31 GoOd MOrning
dont care anymoreout blue bf years thought going propose summer broke tuesday everything right went therapy got sober etc fact person told loved promised theyd never leave could make decision like blue makes realize isnt place want anymore starting let guard trust people again thats ruined now bought bottle jameson first time years hope kills
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont care anymoreout blue bf years thought going propose summer broke tuesday everything right went therapy got sober etc fact person told loved promised theyd never leave could make decision like blue makes realize isnt place want anymore starting let guard trust people again thats ruined now bought bottle jameson first time years hope kills" ]
Ya no me importa azul bf años pensó que va a proponer verano rompió martes todo derecho fue terapia se sobria etc hecho persona le dijo amado prometido que nunca se iría podría tomar una decisión como azul hace no se dan cuenta de lugar no quiere más desde guardia confiar en la gente de nuevo que se arruina ahora comprado botella jameson primera vez años esperanza mata
dont want dieplease help mothers day mother overbearing cruel dont get hit takesthrows away stuff constantly tells us much suck whatever dont know im right mind right now therapist told call ever feel suicidal am suicidal doubt make end week dont wanna make things worse already dont know anyone advice whatever just call her please need dont know dont want see dont know else please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want dieplease help mothers day mother overbearing cruel dont get hit takesthrows away stuff constantly tells us much suck whatever dont know im right mind right now therapist told call ever feel suicidal am suicidal doubt make end week dont wanna make things worse already dont know anyone advice whatever just call her please need dont know dont want see dont know elseplease" ]
No quiero morir por favor ayuda a las madres día madre dominante cruel no te dan golpe quita cosas constantemente nos dice mucho chupar lo que no sé lo que estoy bien mente en este momento terapeuta dijo llamar siempre sentir suicida soy duda suicida hacer fin de semana no quiero hacer las cosas peor ya no conozco a nadie consejo lo que sea llamarla por favor no sé no quiero ver no sé por favor por favor
wish she didn t have om homework to do right now
[ "wish she didn t have om homework to do right now" ]
Ojalá no tuviera tarea que hacer ahora mismo.
friends go years isolation took bigtm e p r e loving support network best friend always me matter what unconditional dropping anything world make sure ok one relationship later cut connections people closest me took years build connections with feel loved love best friend ever ex love pure like mothers love never let fall low low enough want die like now never impress make sure favourite person cared much matter happened would them jealousy demands economic ties battles life goals pure ex must love corrupt energy socialise never really know peoples opinions are probably think weird
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friends go years isolation took bigtm e p r e loving support network best friend always me matter what unconditional dropping anything world make sure ok one relationship later cut connections people closest me took years build connections with feel loved love best friend ever ex love pure like mothers love never let fall low low enough want die like now never impress make sure favourite person cared much matter happened would them jealousy demands economic ties battles life goals pure ex must love corrupt energy socialise never really know peoples opinions are probably think weird" ]
amigos van años aislamiento tomó bittm e p r e red de apoyo amoroso mejor amigo siempre me importa lo incondicional caer cualquier cosa mundo asegurarse de ok una relación más tarde cortar conexiones personas más cerca de mí tomó años construir conexiones con sentir amor mejor amigo siempre ex amor puro como madres amor nunca dejar caer bajo lo suficiente querer morir como ahora nunca impresionar asegurarse de persona favorita cuidado mucho materia pasó si los celos exige lazos económicos batallas objetivos de la vida puro ex debe amar energía corrupta socialise nunca realmente saber opiniones de la gente son probablemente pensar raro
feel suicidal every dayi keep telling suicidal thoughts self indulgent self pitying cant make stop ocd behaviours driving parents mad running helps think much get angry try make stop dont know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel suicidal every dayi keep telling suicidal thoughts self indulgent self pitying cant make stop ocd behaviours driving parents mad running helps think much get angry try make stop dont know" ]
Sentirse suicida cada día sigo diciendo pensamientos suicidas auto indulgente auto compadecimiento no puedo hacer parar comportamientos de ocd conducir padres locos correr ayuda pensar mucho enojarse tratar de hacer parar no saber
Just got a big wave of depression at work and I have a date with a girl tonight. #prayforme <Emoji: Face with cold sweat><Emoji: Person with folded hands (light skin tone)>
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just got a big wave of depression at work and I have a date with a girl tonight.#prayforme <Emoji: Face with cold sweat><Emoji: Person with folded hands (light skin tone)>" ]
Acabo de tener una gran ola de depresión en el trabajo y tengo una cita con una chica esta noche.#prayforme <Emoji: Cara con sudor frío•Emoji: Persona con las manos dobladas (tono ligero de la piel)>
ringing ears taking shower took shower ringing left ear think cant really tell cause really loud kind repeating ringing pattern second ringing second break second ringing repeats wanted share pain im experiencing perhaps got water ear something itll stop bit dont know thanks reading post
[ "ringing ears taking shower took shower ringing left ear think cant really tell cause really loud kind repeating ringing pattern second ringing second break second ringing repeats wanted share pain im experiencing perhaps got water ear something itll stop bit dont know thanks reading post" ]
zumbido oídos tomando la ducha zumbido oído izquierdo pensar realmente no se puede decir causa muy fuerte tipo repetir patrón de zumbido segundo sonido segundo descanso segunda repetición llamada quería compartir dolor que tal vez tengo oído de agua algo se detiene poco no sé gracias lectura post
really sure anymorehi want start saying nothing tragic happened lost family member anything like that none less still consider redflag everyday option honest guts even pain probably would dont way painlessly right would consider even more every time contemplate cutting cant scars would still manage heal this also parents would send hospital straight away could impact year old year old brothers love much basically hope thats keeping alive right now hope normal again reason feel way impossible talk people properly anymore in real life way look impossible look uncomfortable social situations truthfully am basically shit scared people now including family im really sure screwed know life went downhill ever since year im year developed believe chronic dry eyes sleep deprivation anxiety social awkwardness depressed name probably feel it never drugs smoked yet still look act talk bit like drug addict ok reason life went downhill year onwards well basically move statesaustralia met someone who wish never met got addicted game masturbation porn became consumed masturbating porn found self energy play sport especially soccer cognitive skills window ever since then used really sporty kid really likeable enthusiastic life feel like energy drained zombie every day im sure masturbation problem tried stopping see improvement still stressed etc although managed stop week already several doctors specialists eyes nothings helped im starting lose hope self feel like every year going get worse worse think ill ever get job way am drive anything want homeless know deep really smart person hidden behind wall shit thats happening me theres anyone help would much obliged thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really sure anymorehi want start saying nothing tragic happened lost family member anything like that none less still consider redflag everyday option honest guts even pain probably would dont way painlessly right would consider even more every time contemplate cutting cant scars would still manage heal this also parents would send hospital straight away could impact year old year old brothers love much basically hope thats keeping alive right now hope normal again reason feel way impossible talk people properly anymore in real life way look impossible look uncomfortable social situations truthfully am basically shit scared people now including familyim really sure screwed know life went downhill ever since year im year developed believe chronic dry eyes sleep deprivation anxiety social awkwardness depressed name probably feel it never drugs smoked yet still look act talk bit like drug addict", "ok reason life went downhill year onwards well basically move statesaustralia met someone who wish never met got addicted game masturbation porn became consumed masturbating porn found self energy play sport especially soccer cognitive skills window ever since then used really sporty kid really likeable enthusiastic life feel like energy drained zombie every day im sure masturbation problem tried stopping see improvement still stressed etc although managed stop week already several doctors specialists eyes nothings helped im starting lose hope self feel like every year going get worse worse think ill ever get job way am drive anything want homeless know deep really smart person hidden behind wall shit thats happening me theres anyone help would much obliged thank you" ]
realmente seguro morehi quiero empezar a decir nada trágico pasó miembro perdido de la familia algo como que no menos todavía considerar rojo flag opción diaria tripas honestas incluso dolor probablemente no lo haría de manera indolora derecha considerar aún más cada vez contemplar cortando cicatrices cant todavía manejar sanar esto también padres enviar hospital de inmediato podría afectar año viejo años hermanos de edad amor mucho básicamente esperanza que se mantiene vivo en este momento normal esperanza de nuevo razón sentirse como imposible hablar gente correctamente ya en la vida real manera parecer imposible situaciones sociales incómodas soy básicamente mierda gente asustada ahora incluyendo familia realmente seguro jodido saber la vida fue cuesta abajo desde año en desarrollo creer ojos secos crónicos privación del sueño ansiedad social torpeza nombre probablemente sentir nunca drogas fumadas y todavía parecer un poco como adicto a las drogas
pedos sub ok ok someone explain many posts pedos recently drama wave pedos
[ "pedos subok ok someone explain many posts pedos recently drama wave pedos" ]
pedos subok ok alguien explica muchos posts pedos recientemente drama wave pedos
imagine me running bedroom am morning screaming hustle hustle hustle wake ask confused who tf you answer get hustle go go h sleep hustle hustle hustle
[ "imagine me running bedroom am morning screaming hustlehustle hustle wake ask confused who tf you answer get hustle go go h sleephustlehustle hustle" ]
Imagíname corriendo dormitorio a la mañana gritando chanchullo ajetreo despertar preguntar confundido quién si usted responde conseguir chanchullo go go h sleephustlehustle ajetreo
sister first seizure years im younger sister younger sis diagnosed epilepsy age really bad surgery see seizures while yesterday came room saying felt wierd slumped over called looked like stopped breathing bit ok now really scary know im strong enough go went last time sis bad seizures
[ "sister first seizure years im younger sister younger sis diagnosed epilepsy age really bad surgery see seizures while yesterday came room saying felt wierd slumped over called looked like stopped breathing bit ok now really scary knowim strong enough go went last time sis bad seizures" ]
hermana primera convulsión años im hermana menor sis menor diagnosticada epilepsia edad realmente mala cirugía ver convulsiones mientras que ayer llegó habitación diciendo se sintió wierd se desplomó sobre llamado parecía dejar de respirar poco ok ahora realmente miedo knowim lo suficientemente fuerte ir la última vez sis mal convulsiones
please stop telling guys stop mansplaining manspreading stupid sexist terms give feminazis excuse mistreat men seriously like fact exist mean assholes us true women oppression generations fault ancestors generation like people stop coming new problems like mansplaining manspreading oh yeah manspreading thing called penis sensitive part bodies would ask us move legs instead making big deal would fine people pouring fucking bleach dicks apparently know ask politely ive enough shit thanks listening rant
[ "please stop telling guys stop mansplaining manspreading stupid sexist terms give feminazis excuse mistreat men seriously like fact exist mean assholes us true women oppression generations fault ancestors generation like people stop coming new problems like mansplaining manspreadingoh yeah manspreading thing called penis sensitive part bodies would ask us move legs instead making big deal would fine people pouring fucking bleach dicks apparently know ask politely ive enough shit thanks listening rant" ]
Por favor, deja de decirle a los chicos que dejen de mansplaining mansplaining estúpido machista términos dar feminazis excusa maltratar a los hombres seriamente como hecho existen medios imbéciles nosotros verdaderas mujeres opresión generaciones culpa antepasados generación como la gente dejar de venir nuevos problemas como mansplaining mansplainingoh yeah hombredifusión cosa llamada pene partes sensibles cuerpos nos pediría mover piernas en lugar de hacer gran cosa gente fina verter puta pollas lejía aparentemente saber preguntar cortésmente suficiente mierda gracias escuchar despotricar
i m so tired all the time in the physical mental and emotional sense all the time day go by doing nothing tired day of overexertion tired and sleep deprived the constant headache and facial pain doesn t help i feel like my tolerance to people is so low that i cry after i go outside my house or even more pathetically after when someone enters my room i don t know what s wrong with me nobody belief it you re so young how are you tired you need to toughen up the lab came back normal there s nothing wrong with you they don t know that every time i have to hold up this act the effect grows more and more devastating i don t blame them for it honestly i ve put up this act for such a long time that i don t think anybody really know who i am a a person i ve only allowed them to see the good side and whenever the bad side inevitably creep to the surface it inevitably end up being anticlimactically and severely misunderstood my mother try to string me along in vacation that end up draining me significantly and then she wonder why i sleep for hour every day a week after i ve given up the thing i like and i m passionate about because i feel too restless and tired to carry out anything towards a meaningful level jobless living with parent and on the cusp of a breakdown but nothing and no one that can help every night i hope i die in my sleep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i m so tired all the time in the physical mental and emotional sense all the time day go by doing nothing tired day of overexertion tired and sleep deprived the constant headache and facial pain doesn t help i feel like my tolerance to people is so low that i cry after i go outside my house or even more pathetically after when someone enters my room i dont know what s wrong with me nobody belief it you re so young how are you tired you need to toughen up the lab came back normal there s nothing wrong with you they don t know that every time i have to hold up this act the effect grows more and more devastating i don t blame them for it honestly i ve put up this act for such a long time that i don t think anybody really know who i am a a person i ve only allowed them to see the good side and whenever the bad side inevitably creep to the surface it inevitably end up being anticlimactically and severely misunderstood my mother try to string me along in vacation that end up draining me significantlyand then she wonder why i sleep for hour every day a week after i ve given up the thing i like", "and i m passionate about because i feel too restless and tired to carry out anything towards a meaningful level jobless living with parent and on the cusp of a breakdown but nothing and no one that can help every night i hope i die in my sleep" ]
Estoy tan cansado todo el tiempo en el sentido físico mental y emocional todo el tiempo día pasar haciendo nada cansado día de sobreexerción cansado y sueño privado el dolor de cabeza constante y dolor facial no ayuda siento que mi tolerancia a la gente es tan baja que lloro después de salir de mi casa o incluso más patéticamente después de que alguien entra en mi habitación no sé lo que está mal conmigo nadie cree que es tan joven ¿cómo estás cansado que necesita para endurecer el laboratorio volvió normal no hay nada malo con usted no saben que cada vez que tengo que mantener este acto el efecto crece más y más devastador no les culpo por ello honestamente he puesto este acto durante tanto tiempo que no creo que nadie realmente sabe quién soy una persona que sólo les he permitido ver el lado bueno y siempre que el lado malo inevitablemente se arrastra a la superficie inevitablemente terminan siendo anticlimáticamente y severamente malentendida mi madre tratar de encadenarme en vacaciones que terminan drenando y luego se pregunta por qué duermo durante una hora cada día que una semana después de haber dado la cosa i i i drive
cant handle iti tried tried tried tried tried accomplish parents have know place much energy finding partner clock ticking everyone else family kid family age started angry im always either angry depressed get partner happy truly happy lot people understand happiness get addicted things feel good think happiness experience take care partner cant even begin describe waterfall comfort sunlight rushing me like im needed like life purpose like im something right try hardest jackass referred rniceguys ive coiled anger ive letting slowly bits sordid degrading commentary pornographic subreddits comes sickness feel rage feel like im nothing like ill never anything lot people read listen problems take one way without even considering feelings nobody considers feelings ever ive depressed years nobody fucking cares im going tell nobody cares maybe help clear mind shoot myself severe abandonment issues severe mommy issues barely toddler woman gave birth ready fit mother still young would neglect favor parties friends dad way well suddenly awakening saw house party took away her married woman raised that except quite count one hand amount times ive hugged shown displays physical affection woman yeah yeah laugh want fucking hugged enough child something me several memories pushing try hug small shed sneer say something negative connotation child hearing words hearing tone voice good tone id often wonder wrong deserve hug oh always affectionate lovey dog shed kiss hug pet hours imagine like jealous dog getting attention felt deserved child you always best behavior effort get notice hug let like shed pet him never did late now im good late shit im afraid physical contact except sex learned young age sex feels good suitable replacement attention getting mother constantly busy work father got good sex briefly got trouble law sex somewhat main focus life now met ex first one actually display interest rather looks cock likely met online video game why wed talk hours end killing aliens together grew close eventually blossoming relationship lasted three beautiful years loved far away rarely got visit made it told eachother things weve never told anyone including problems mothers ive never told anyone something like her held me burst tears never held like before held close close could feel heart beating shook snotted shirt even matter her held told understood held told okay would hold always always said kept saying always way month broke know it really dont took care sexually even together took care made sure orgasmed every day would talk try best make smile everyday part associated mommy sort figure felt good made laugh smile sudden told love anymore lovedmemorelokea friend partner friends did mention fact three years friends told always pretty much times week and god heart broke could feel it like cold ice cold cracks splitting across heart really felt it changed thats rage started happening thats would start blacking anger getting sexual head aches sorts awful things got another partner everything wonderful again took care way took care ex better even even better stay always right good get keep always right wrong girl also said shed forever approximately six months later abandoned also explanation why next girl next next milicent found quality partnerand god damn mili best partner ive ever had one split mutually beneficial could pick back later were less busy could actually time eachother know trust go anyone else leave like but abused worse differently child understood thought actually listened talked anyways agreed would best talk completed college started college really almost year anyways thats wanted shoot brain stem earlier wanted kill earlier current partner ignoring week now honestly really liked lot sad girl made happy god feels good needed bring light someones life felt lovely abused us abused children got along together fabulously gave free reign body mind soul improved health mind set mother started grade bitch ruining everything also said something instead supportive talk me sounds trivial probably is worst feeling world guess really ds relationships well feel like failure make happy enough talking me third person ive talked troubles felt like could understand did hurts doubly ignoring me get hurt feel emotions really translates rage broken first heart break lasted long would shake hours collapse id fine one minute literally ground unable move legs breathe drowning dry land thats felt like cope sadness prevent dying body somehow learned translate emotions anger wrath pure unbridled whole body went cold vision went black also sort affect think combination heart breaking many times over lied mistreated relying anger much just even feel human feel except now feel like getting hard breathe feel like failure feel like nothing ever work out matter hard try matter much time attention devotion give partners also surrogate mommys matter always fail never enough im ever good enough really considered ending earlier started writing this going go garage get old russian officer pistol dad bought online know sure works put brain stem pull trigger im sick females lying me lie them treat every single partner ive ever like theyre going last partner thats want date marriage date marriage date heart break try hard please soothe issues try hard keep makes happy making happy always end failing get vengefuland sink wallowing wretchedness want die first time actually considered though suicide hotline pulled google know kill myself thats closest ever ending things dead worry living own worry money supplies maintaining image life style dead mymommy issues hurt so dead women bother me deadpeopleeoildmt make fun anymore say mean things me im done everything right now killed myself know theres probably least three people typing comments pathetic am maybe pathetic right almost died another human lied me sltof always lie use
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant handle iti tried tried tried tried tried accomplish parents have know place much energy finding partner clock ticking everyone else family kid family age started angry im always either angry depressed get partner happy truly happy lot people understand happiness get addicted things feel good think happiness experience take care partner cant even begin describe waterfall comfort sunlight rushing me like im needed like life purpose like im something right try hardest jackass referred rniceguys ive coiled anger ive letting slowly bits sordid degrading commentary pornographic subreddits comes sickness feel rage feel like im nothing like ill never anything lot people read listen problems take one way without even considering feelings nobody considers feelings ever ive depressed years nobody fucking cares im going tell nobody cares maybe help clear mind shoot myself severe abandonment issues severe mommy issues barely toddler woman gave birth ready fit mother still young would neglect favor parties friends dad way well suddenly awakening saw house party took away her married woman raised that except quite count one hand amount times ive hugged shown displays physical affection woman", "yeahyeahlaugh want fucking hugged enough child something me several memories pushing try hug small shed sneer say something negative connotation child hearing words hearing tone voice good toneid often wonder wrong deserve hugoh always affectionate lovey dog shed kiss hug pet hours imagine like jealous dog getting attention felt deserved child you always best behavior effort get notice hug let like shed pet him never did late now im good late shit", "im afraid physical contact except sex learned young age sex feels good suitable replacement attention getting mother constantly busy work father got good sex briefly got trouble law sex somewhat main focus life now met ex first one actually display interest rather looks cock likely met online video game why wed talk hours end killing aliens together grew close eventually blossoming relationship lasted three beautiful years loved far away rarely got visit made it told eachother things weve never told anyone including problems mothers ive never told anyone something like her held me burst tears never held like before held close close could feel heart beating shook snotted shirt even matter her held told understood held told okay would hold always always said kept saying always way month broke know it really dont took care sexually even together took care made sure orgasmed every day would talk try best make smile everyday part associated mommy sort figure felt good made laugh smile sudden told love anymore lovedmemorelokea friend partner friends did mention fact three years friends told always pretty much times week and god heart broke could feel it like cold ice cold cracks splitting across heart really felt it changed thats rage started happening thats would start blacking anger getting sexual head aches sorts awful things got another partner everything wonderful again took care way took care ex better even even better stay always right good get keep always right wrong girl also said shed forever approximately six months later abandoned also explanation why next girl next next milicent found quality partnerand god damn mili best partner ive ever had one split mutually beneficial could pick back later were less busy could actually time eachother know trust go anyone else leave like but abused worse differently child understood thought actually listened talked anyways agreed would best talk completed college started college really almost year anyways thats wanted shoot brain stem earlier wanted kill earlier current partner ignoring week now honestly really liked lot sad girl made happy god feels good needed bring light someones life felt lovely abused us abused children got along together fabulously gave free reign body mind soul improved health mind set mother started grade bitch ruining everything also said something instead supportive talk me sounds trivial probably is worst feeling world guess really ds relationships well feel like failure make happy enough talking me third person ive talked troubles felt like could understand did hurts doubly ignoring me get hurt feel emotions really translates rage broken first heart break lasted long would shake hours collapse id fine one minute literally ground unable move legs breathe drowning dry land thats felt like cope sadness prevent dying body somehow learned translate emotions anger wrath pure unbridled whole body went cold vision went black also sort affect think combination heart breaking many times over lied mistreated relying anger much just even feel human feel except now feel like getting hard breathe feel like failure feel like nothing ever work out matter hard try matter much time attention devotion give partners also surrogate mommys matter always fail never enough im ever good enough really considered ending earlier started writing this going go garage get old russian officer pistol dad bought online know sure works put brain stem pull trigger", "im sick females lying me lie them treat every single partner ive ever like theyre going last partner thats want date marriage date marriage date heart break try hard please soothe issues try hard keep makes happy making happy always end failing get vengefuland sink wallowing wretchedness want die first time actually considered though suicide hotline pulled google know kill myself thats closest ever ending things dead worry living own worry money supplies maintaining image life style dead mymommy issues hurt so dead women bother me deadpeopleeoildmt make fun anymore say mean things meim done everything right now killed myself know theres probably least three people typing comments pathetic am maybe pathetic right almost died another human lied me sltof always lie use" ]
No puedo manejarlo, he intentado, he intentado, he intentado, he logrado los padres han sabido lugar mucha energía encontrar pareja reloj tictac todos los demás familia niño familia edad comenzó enojado im siempre enojado deprimido conseguir pareja feliz realmente feliz mucha gente entender felicidad conseguir adicto cosas se siente bien pensar felicidad experiencia tener cuidado pareja no puede incluso comenzar describir cascada comodidad luz del sol como im necesitado como vida propósito como im algo derecho intentar más duro jackass referido rniceguys ive enrolled ira ive dejando lentamente bits sórdido degradante comentario pornográfico subreddits comes enfermedad sentir rabia se siente como im nada como enfermo nunca mucha gente lee escucha problemas tomar una manera sin siquiera considerar sentimientos nadie considera sentimientos siempre vida depresión años nadie mierda se preocupa im va decir a nadie le importa tal vez ayudar a mente clara dispararme graves problemas de abandono mamá severa problemas apenas niño mujer dio a luz listo a la madre todavía joven descuidaría favor fiestas amigos papá manera bien despertar vio partido levantó que excepto bastante cuenta una mano cantidad de veces en vivo abrazado muestra muestra afecto físico mujer
whats hentai hear people talking alot idea is best examples find pms understand is thanks
[ "whats hentai hear people talking alot idea is best examples find pms understand is thanks" ]
lo que hentai escuchar gente hablando muchas ideas es los mejores ejemplos encontrar pms entender es gracias
literally anything funnier night literally anything funnier night
[ "literally anything funnier night literally anything funnier night" ]
literalmente cualquier noche más divertida literalmente cualquier noche más divertida
new article from obmneurobiology antidepressant treatment of depression in the elderly efficacy and safety consideration http t co hsu g pvhn narrative review of surgery for myasthenia gravis http t co siqks rzxp depression pharmacotherapy antibody http t co scs0lby0pi
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new article from obmneurobiology antidepressant treatment of depression in the elderly efficacy and safety consideration http t co hsu g pvhn narrative review of surgery for myasthenia gravis http t co siqks rzxp depression pharmacotherapy antibody http t co scs0lby0pi" ]
nuevo artículo de obmneurobiología tratamiento antidepresivo de la depresión en la edad avanzada eficacia y la consideración de seguridad http t co hsu g pvhn revisión narrativa de la cirugía para miastenia gravis http t co siqks rzxp depresión anticuerpo farmacoterapéutico http t co scs0lby0pi
im broken man looking forward deathnothing interests anymore really tried best nothing everyday cus im unmotivated anything all bring everyones mood im burden fucking disappointment
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im broken man looking forward deathnothing interests anymore really tried best nothing everyday cus im unmotivated anything all bring everyones mood im burden fucking disappointment" ]
I hombre roto mirando hacia adelante muerte nada intereses más realmente intentó mejor nada todos los días cus im desmotivado cualquier cosa todos traer a todos el estado de ánimo im carga puta decepción
im still horndog reddit listening musicals baseball game tomorrow wtf wrong rn
[ "im still horndog reddit listening musicals baseball game tomorrow wtf wrong rn" ]
Todavía estoy escuchando música música juego de béisbol mañana wtf mal rn
finally finished noteit feels good finally see end sight days ill completely free happy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "finally finished noteit feels good finally see end sight days ill completely free happy" ]
Finalmente terminó nota se siente bien finalmente ver el final días de vista enfermo completamente libre feliz
genuinely dont see point holding anymorenothing else say
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "genuinely dont see point holding anymorenothing else say" ]
Realmente no veo el punto de sostener nada más decir
give best pick line joke anything find exceptional ill give gold last post didnt get enough attention still got gold left
[ "give best pick line joke anything find exceptional ill give gold last post didnt get enough attention still got gold left" ]
dar mejor línea de selección broma cualquier cosa encontrar excepcional mal dar oro último post no recibió suficiente atención todavía tiene oro izquierda
wrap me tight in rice-paper string http://archiveofourown.org/works/11717343 • NAMJIN, namjoon-centric (7.6k)• LOT of dark stuff but mainly abt recovery and healing• BIG TW!: child sexual abuse, rape, depression, drug use, suicide attempt• only recommending this cause it's very well-written pic.twitter.com/6fqddXe5BY
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wrap me tight in rice-paper string http://archiveofourown.org/works/11717343 • NAMJIN, namjoon-centric (7.6k)• LOT of dark stuff but mainly abt recovery and healing• BIG TW!:child sexual abuse, rape, depression, drug use, suicide attempt• only recommending this cause it's very well-written pic.twitter.com/6fqddXe5BY" ]
Envuélveme bien en la cadena de papel de arroz http://archiveofourown.org/works/11717343Â NAMJIN, namjoon-centrado (7.6k) MUCHAs cosas oscuras, pero principalmente abt recuperación y curación BIG TW!: abuso sexual infantil, violación, depresión, consumo de drogas, intento de suicidio sólo recomendando esta causa es muy bien escrito pic.twitter.com/6fqddXe5BY
humanity mistake httpswwwredditcomrspongebobporncommentsluaoh_gaaarryyyy_im_homeutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare
[ "humanity mistake httpswwwredditcomrspongebobporncommentsluaoh_gaaarryyyy_im_homeutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare" ]
error de humanidad httpswwwredditcomrspongebobporncommentsluaoh_gaaarryyyy_im_homeutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare
excuse the blasphemy but no i dont need god to tell me anything before i choose to do whats right no my lack of religion isnt what gave me anxiety and depression it your abusive parenting style on the first half of my life dont blame my belief pls
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "excuse the blasphemybut no i dont need god to tell me anything before i choose to do whatsrightno my lack of religion isnt what gave me anxiety and depression it your abusive parenting style on the first half of my life dont blame my belief pls" ]
Disculpa la blasfemia pero no necesito que Dios me diga nada antes de que elija hacer lo que es correcto mi falta de religión no es lo que me dio ansiedad y depresión es su estilo de crianza abusivo en la primera mitad de mi vida no culpes a mi creencia pls
massage wa great i just spilled coke all over my desk lame watching the simpson a i ve finished all my hill dvd
[ "massage wa greati just spilled coke all over my desk lame watching the simpson a i ve finished all my hill dvd" ]
masaje wa Greati acaba de derramar coca por todo mi escritorio cojo viendo el Simpson a i he terminado todo mi dvd colina
@Runrabbit hello ^^ the meeting will be this evening ~ will start around 9pm how are you today?
[ "@Runrabbit hello ^^the meeting will be this evening ~ will start around 9pm how are you today?" ]
@Runrabbit hola La reunión será esta noche ~ comenzará alrededor de las 9pm ¿Cómo estás hoy?
knight no no notice they told me i d be working tomorrow and then i called the agency to follow up and they said it wa over
[ "knight no no notice they told me i d be working tomorrowand then i called the agency to follow upand they said it wa over" ]
Caballero sin aviso me dijeron que trabajaría mañana y luego llamé a la agencia para hacer un seguimiento y me dijeron que se acabó.
hey guys im lunch right wanna spam notifications see english class care spam letter want ton
[ "hey guys im lunch right wanna spam notifications see english class care spam letter want ton" ]
hey chicos im almuerzo derecho quiere notificaciones de spam ver Inglés atención carta spam want ton
death comes mewhen die hand serene think it end without fear spoke friend day similar state mind commiserated tribulations life mundane existence door close now beckon void
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "death comes mewhen die hand serene think it end without fear spoke friend day similar state mind commiserated tribulations life mundane existence door close now beckon void" ]
muerte me viene cuando muere mano serena pensar que termina sin miedo amigo hablado día similar estado mente tribulaciones vida existencia mundana puerta cerca ahora llamar a vacío
@dougiemcfly @harrymcfly @Dannymcfly Thank you for your songs and being you, you help me forget the guy who broke my heart again
[ "@dougiemcfly @harrymcfly @Dannymcfly Thank you for your songs and being you, you help me forget the guy who broke my heart again" ]
@dougiemcfly @harrymcfly @Dannymcfly Gracias por tus canciones y por ser tú, me ayudas a olvidar al tipo que me rompió el corazón de nuevo
rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id
[ "rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id" ]
rteenagers snoo girl ascii art hope like it txt filehttpstinyuploadcomindexphpfile_id
Why on earth do we sit here thinking ourselves into depression over someone who doesn't deserve it?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Why on earth do we sit here thinking ourselves into depression over someone who doesn't deserve it?" ]
¿Por qué diablos nos sentamos aquí pensando que estamos deprimidos por alguien que no se lo merece?
pros cons pros convicted pedophile
[ "pros cons pros convicted pedophile" ]
pros contras pros convicto pedófilo
i ve always had anxiety issue a a kid i thought that i wa normal and everyone felt this way dry heaving in the car on the way to a new babysitter house i m now and i still have constant anxiety the last three month have been worse than anything prior the only time i feel slightly normal is when i take a xanax my dr said that they re addictive so it s a short term solution i have been off of work on and off for two month my dr gave me zoloft and i ve been on it for a week and a half and i m still somewhat hopeful that it ll kick in but idk what i ll do if it doesn t help substantially
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve always had anxiety issue a a kidi thought that i wa normal and everyone felt this way dry heaving in the car on the way to a new babysitter house i m nowand i still have constant anxiety the last three month have been worse than anything prior the only time i feel slightly normal is when i take a xanax my dr said that they re addictive so it s a short term solution i have been off of work on and off for two month my dr gave me zoloft and i ve been on it for a week and a halfand i m still somewhat hopeful that it ll kick in but idk what i ll do if it doesn t help substantially" ]
Yo siempre he tenido ansiedad problema un kidi pensamiento que yo wa normal y todo el mundo se sentía así seco heaviing en el coche en el camino a una nueva casa de niñera i m ahora y todavía tengo ansiedad constante los últimos tres meses han sido peores que cualquier cosa antes de la única vez que me siento ligeramente normal es cuando tomo un xanax mi dr dijo que son adictivos así que es una solución a corto plazo he estado fuera de trabajo durante dos meses mi dr me dio zoloft y he estado en él durante una semana y media y todavía tengo un poco de esperanza de que va a patear pero idk lo que voy a hacer si no ayuda sustancialmente
im pretty weak willed personim sorry know long guess ill start introducing myself name tony years old father two children married mother two children things rough since first child born august know plenty people kids young gone tough times title suggests weak willed person im coward im easily broken im physically weak wife counters ways stronger me mentally her everything simple thats me ive tried strong always turns facade wife well ive gotten help ive therapist part months feel like everything said made sense stupid reason never follow through im quitter stubborn turn tail run going gets tough every single one aspects attributed depression constant thoughts ending all offing myself kids awesome lately feel like ive feeling hate them especially daughter pick up practically screams me never done started little harsh cries for literally nothing harsh yelling light smacks butt nothing hard enough let know unacceptable months feel hatred her son two years old every time discipline something unacceptable yells back me know hes kid thats kids bothers discipline says i want mommy broke heart made break down crying first time heard it yesterday ever since daughter born thoughts redflag gotten progressively worse thinking trying it without success mostly pills course think everybody else take death hurt them would dead ability care selfish thought feel like made handle everything im going now kids young married young two jobs moving state want at used live arizona loved there wife practically forced move california hate here thats things got worse felt choice still wanted children would left behind anyway conflict wife right now moved want to got job amazon fulfillment center want to were living brother girlfriend want judgemental pretentious people ever share conflict well one point brother almost got fight argument feel like go anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im pretty weak willed personimsorry know long guess ill start introducing myself name tony years old father two children married mother two children things rough since first child born august knowplenty people kids young gone tough times title suggests weak willed person im cowardim easily broken im physically weak wife counters ways stronger me mentally her everything simple thats me ive tried strong always turns facade wife", "well ive gotten help ive therapist part months feel like everything said made sense stupid reason never follow through im quitter stubborn turn tail run going gets tough every single one aspects attributed depression constant thoughts ending all offing myself kids awesome lately feel like ive feeling hate them especially daughter pick up practically screams me never done started little harsh cries for literally nothing harsh yelling light smacks butt nothing hard enough let know unacceptable months feel hatred her son two years old every time discipline something unacceptable yells back me know hes kid thats kids bothers discipline says i want mommy broke heart made break down crying first time heard it yesterday ever since daughter born thoughts redflag gotten progressively worse thinking trying it without success mostly pills course think everybody else take death hurt them would dead ability care selfish thought feel like made handle everything im going now kids young married young two jobs moving state want at used live arizona loved there wife practically forced move california hate here thats things got worse felt choice still wanted children would left behind anyway conflict wife right now moved want to got job amazon fulfillment center want to were living brother girlfriend want judgemental pretentious people ever share conflict well one point brother almost got fight argument feel like go anymore" ]
Im muy débil voluntad personaimdolencia saber largo adivinar mal empezar a presentarme nombre Tony años padre dos hijos casados madre dos hijos cosas ásperas desde primer hijo nacido augusto conocimiento mucha gente niños jóvenes idos tiempos difíciles título sugiere débil voluntad persona im cobardiim fácilmente roto im físicamente débil esposa contadores maneras más fuertes me mentalmente su todo simple que ive probado fuerte siempre se convierte en fachada esposa
things slow burn many things overlapped one another pushed finished phd im worn looking it ive realized psychological symptoms redflag display closely aligned racismspecific redflag ive psychotherapy im sure therapist adequately prepared identify it know certain redflag want begin healing im done grad school wherehow start
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "things slow burn many things overlapped one another pushed finished phd im worn looking it ive realized psychological symptoms redflag display closely aligned racismspecific redflag ive psychotherapy im sure therapist adequately prepared identify it know certain redflag want begin healing im done grad school wherehow start" ]
cosas lento quemar muchas cosas se superponen entre sí empujado acabado phd im looking ive realized sicological sintomas rojoflag display muy alineado racismspecific redflag ive psicoterapia im seguro terapeuta adecuadamente preparado identificar lo sabe cierto rojoflag quiere comenzar la curación im hecho posgrado escuela donde cómo empezar
@NadineDorries @campbellclaret is such a vile hateful individual that it has manifested it self in him as 'depression' from which he says he suffers. Is it any wonder? Rees-Mogg on the other hand is a happy decent individual
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@NadineDorries @campbellclaret is such a vile hateful individual that it has manifested it self in him as 'depression' from which he says he suffers.Is it any wonder?Rees-Mogg on the other hand is a happy decent individual" ]
@NadineDorries @campbellclaret es una persona tan vil y odiosa que se ha manifestado en él como 'depresión' de la que dice sufrir.¿Es de extrañar?Rees-Mogg, por otro lado, es una persona decente y feliz.
I wish this cloud of depression over my head would go tf away.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I wish this cloud of depression over my head would go tf away." ]
Me gustaría que esta nube de depresión sobre mi cabeza se fuera.
is rebooting relic and hoping to 'see' @vmadly b/f going face down. :p It's been a loooong wonderful weekend.
[ "is rebooting relic and hoping to 'see' @vmadly b/f going face down.:pIt's been a loooong wonderful weekend." ]
está reiniciando la reliquia y con la esperanza de 'ver' @vmadly b/f yendo boca abajo.:pHa sido un fin de semana maravilloso loooong.
man fuck hoe want back tho
[ "man fuck hoe want back tho" ]
hombre mierda Hoe quiere volver tho
Ga, when did I ever play a trick on you?
[ "Ga, when did I ever play a trick on you?" ]
Ga, ¿cuándo te hice un truco?
made drink doesnt taste half bad peach bubly frozen orange juice little bit grenadine maraschino cherries bit triple sec orange alcoholwith parent permission course tastes pretty good
[ "made drink doesnt taste half bad peach bubly frozen orange juice little bit grenadine maraschino cherries bit triple sec orange alcoholwith parent permission course tastes pretty good" ]
la bebida hecha no sabe medio mal melocotón jugo de naranja burbujeantemente congelado poco bit granadina maraschino cerezas poco triple seg alcohol naranja con el permiso de los padres curso sabe bastante bien
realized gay eat popcorn people say gay eat popcorn busted nut wrong popcorn kernels seeeeeeds proof httpswwwgooglecomsearchqisapopcornkernelaseedampieutfampoeutfamphlenusampclientsafari
[ "realized gay eat popcorn people say gay eat popcorn busted nut wrong popcorn kernels seeeeeeds proof httpswwwgooglecomsearchqisapopcornkernelaseedampieutfampoeutfamphlenusampclientsafari" ]
Los gays comen palomitas de maíz dicen que los gays comen palomitas de maíz descompuestas mal granos de palomitas de maíz se ven a prueba httpswwwgooglecomsearchqisapopcornkernelaseadampieutfamphfamphusampclientsafari
@kanyewest @miked2345 @aldridtl thanks to Ovama and his policies he prevented the recession to turn into a depression— there are a miriam of other accomplishments but this one cannot be disputed. I can not believe anyone believes in Trump being honorable or representing anyone but himself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@kanyewest @miked2345 @aldridtl thanks to Ovama and his policieshe prevented the recession to turn into a depression— there are a miriam of other accomplishments but this one cannot be disputed.I can not believe anyone believes in Trump being honorable or representing anyone but himself." ]
@kanyewest @miked2345 @aldridtl gracias a Ovama y sus políticas evitó que la recesión se convirtiera en una depresión hay un miriam de otros logros, pero este no se puede discutir.No puedo creer que nadie crea en Trump siendo honorable o representando a nadie más que a sí mismo.
wow like gaming bought nintendo switch march quarantine im already bored it bought one game tho pokmon sword still think ill excited games imma sell buy good headphones big question is beats bose
[ "wow like gaming bought nintendo switch march quarantineim already bored it bought one game tho pokmon sword still think ill excited games imma sell buy good headphones big question is beats bose" ]
wow como juego comprado nintendo interruptor de marcha cuarentenaim ya aburrido compró un juego tho pokmon espada todavía pensar mal emocionado juegos imma vender comprar buenos auriculares gran pregunta es bose beats
hello teens reddit go middle name family thing named great grandfather middle name dads favorite book character first name names combined means goose army
[ "hello teens reddit go middle name family thing named great grandfather middle name dads favorite book character first name names combined means goose army" ]
hola adolescentes reddit ir segundo nombre familia cosa llamada abuelo abuelo segundo nombre papás favorito libro carácter nombre nombres combinados significa ejército ganso
movie needs come dvd cause thats way buy it thought soo funny real plot it suppose oscar winning film appreciate films cary elwes cute robin hood cant even think favorite part movie pretty good anyways peace out
[ "movie needs come dvd cause thats way buy it thought soo funny real plot it suppose oscar winning film appreciate films cary elwes cute robin hood cant even think favorite part movie pretty good anyways peace out" ]
la película necesita venir dvd porque esa es la manera de comprarlo pensó soo divertido verdadera trama que supone Oscar película ganadora apreciar películas cary elwes lindo petirrojo capó incluso pensar parte película bastante bueno de todos modos paz hacia fuera
funny life change second attend the waterdance first time unforgettable experience way need get used new way life seem frightening notice people going similar situation help go on br br eric stoltzs performances mainly helen hunt oh man helen purest graceful woman earth wonderful wesley snipes also surprises one last serious roles film simple time deep get leave us indifferent message transmitted enjoy moment lifebr br really film hour attended sorry brazilian expression
[ "funny life change second attend the waterdance first time unforgettable experience way need get used new way life seem frightening notice people going similar situation help go on br br eric stoltzs performances mainly helen huntoh man helen purest graceful woman earth wonderful wesley snipes also surprises one last serious roles film simple time deep get leave us indifferent message transmitted enjoy moment lifebr br really film hour attended sorry brazilian expression" ]
divertido cambio de vida segundo asistir a la waterdance primera vez experiencia inolvidable manera necesidad conseguir uso nueva manera de vida parece aterradora gente va situación similar ayuda ir en br br ric stoltzs actuaciones principalmente helen huntoh hombre helen más pura mujer graciosa tierra maravilloso wesley snipes también sorpresas un último papel serio película simple tiempo profundo nos deja indiferente mensaje transmitido disfrutar momento vidabr br realmente película hora asistió triste expresión brasileña
former gifted child case again dissapoint parents show think anymore maybe stop high expectations me show terrible be man terrible kid thinking way deserve horrible gifted got lucky disappointment deserve trash kid like deserve better part wants make parents proud time want disappoint finally see really
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "former gifted child case again dissapoint parents show think anymore maybe stop high expectations me show terrible be man terrible kid thinking way deserve horrible gifted got lucky disappointment deserve trash kid like deserve better part wants make parents proud time want disappoint finally see really" ]
ex superdotado caso de niños otra vez dissapoint padres muestran pensar más tal vez detener las altas expectativas me muestran terrible ser hombre terrible niño pensando manera merece horrible dotados suerte decepción merece basura niño como merece mejor parte quiere hacer padres orgulloso tiempo quieren decepcionar finalmente ver realmente
g day at the evil highschool right now
[ "g day at the evil highschool right now" ]
g día en la escuela secundaria mal en este momento
@GuttaButta I'm having this debate with my friends now she said that too!
[ "@GuttaButta I'm having this debate with my friends now she said that too!" ]
@GuttaButta ¡Estoy teniendo este debate con mis amigos ahora ella dijo eso también!
im graduate elite university people say im beautiful great friends toxic relationship shattered self esteem ever since boy walked away ive suicidaltheres that rough childhood im insecure upbringing despite ending really good position working hard life want loved someone love back live little brother dont want bad example him that suicidal every single day life two years
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im graduate elite university people say im beautiful great friends toxic relationship shattered self esteem ever since boy walked away ive suicidaltheres that rough childhoodim insecure upbringing despite ending really good position working hard life want loved someone love back live little brother dont want bad example him that suicidal every single day life two years" ]
La gente de la universidad de la élite de graduado dice im hermosas grandes amigos relación tóxica destrozada autoestima desde niño se fue ive suicidaTheres que la educación insegura infantil áspera a pesar de terminar muy buena posición de trabajo duro la vida quieren amado alguien amor volver vivir hermano pequeño no quieren mal ejemplo él que suicida cada día vida dos años
@Sarah_1991 it was good was it? mixed reviews in papers! interesting pictures in todays paper though
[ "@Sarah_1991 it was good was it?mixed reviews in papers!interesting pictures in todays paper though" ]
@Sarah_1991 fue bueno, ¿verdad?¡revisiones mixtas en los periódicos!
not feeling well again stupid migraine making my tummy upset and my whole body ache shoot me now
[ "not feeling well again stupid migraine making my tummy upset and my whole body ache shoot me now" ]
No me siento bien de nuevo migraña estúpida haciendo que mi barriga se altere y todo mi cuerpo me duele disparar ahora
cant stop imagining ithow would long would take get caught anyone give shit trying best utilize coping skills support systems getting harder hour say still fighting for family hasnt even offered drive see me im burden keep saying go walk think positive yeah dont think key would better now want go hospital im also afraid right now thanks letting vent bit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant stop imagining ithow would long would take get caught anyone give shit trying best utilize coping skills support systems getting harder hour say still fighting for family hasnt even offered drive see me im burden keep saying go walk think positiveyeah dont think key would better now want go hospitalim also afraid right now thanks letting vent bit" ]
No puedo dejar de imaginar cómo se tomaría ser atrapado a alguien le importa mierda intentar mejor utilizar los sistemas de soporte de habilidades de afrontamiento cada vez más difícil decir todavía luchando por la familia hasnt incluso ofrecido unidad ver me im carga seguir diciendo ir caminar pensar positiveyeh no creo que la clave sería mejor ahora quiero ir hospitalim también miedo ahora mismo gracias dejar ventilación poco
i just started citalopram this month and my period is late could this be a symptom of starting a ssri
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i just started citalopram this month and my period is late could this be a symptom of starting a ssri" ]
Acabo de empezar citalopram este mes y mi período es tarde podría esto ser un síntoma de comenzar un ssri
want live my birthday week always thought would feeling better then ive really trying past years especially past months know point im going achieve want to im unhappy it im proud things accomplished life bit disappointed time lost trying get better ive already admitted hospital want go back know im know people think waste life believe ill good it ive lost lot friends ive hurting best friend feel like ive emotionally manipulative needs stop im content knowing could want hurt anymore ive trying delay smoking weed heavily getting bit unbearable relief knowing end soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want live my birthday week always thought would feeling better then ive really trying past years especially past months know point im going achieve want to im unhappyit im proud things accomplished life bit disappointed time lost trying get better ive already admittedhospital want go back knowim know people think waste life believe ill goodit ive lost lot friends ive hurting best friend feel like ive emotionally manipulative needs stop im content knowing could want hurt anymore ive trying delay smoking weed heavily getting bit unbearable relief knowing end soon" ]
Quiero vivir mi semana de cumpleaños siempre pensé que se sentiría mejor entonces ive realmente tratando pasados años especialmente meses pasados saber punto im va a lograr quiero im infelices im orgullosas cosas cumplidas vida poco decepcionado tiempo perdido tratando de mejorar ive ya admitido hospital quiere volver saber que la gente piensa que la vida derrocha creer mal bueno ive perdido lote amigos ive hiriendo mejor amigo sentir como live emocionalmente manipulativo necesidades dejar de contenido i saber que podría querer daño más ive intentar retrasar fumar hierba muy poco insoportable alivio saber final pronto
solid liquid gas come gentials states matter also come mouth
[ "solid liquid gas come gentials states matter also come mouth" ]
gases líquidos sólidos vienen gentials estados materia también vienen boca
over lockdown i started binge eating to get through it wa fucking fantastic i d just get unbelievably stoned and eat and then suddenly it s tomorrow i didn t have to deal with anything but i don t enjoy eating anymore i don t like food it suck and i m at work and i pig out just to try make myself feel better because i guess that s what i do and i felt horrible so i thought hey is a good a year a any to develop an eating disorder so i tried throwing up in the toilet and literally couldn t get anything up i just gagged and then i pull back and suddenly the cloud change and i m just bathed in sunlight kneeling on the floor of a bathroom and i just couldn t stop thinking of those prayer add that say try praying and couldn t stop laughing for like 0 minute i wanted to share because i think it s really funny but who tf am i telling this story to so you get it anyways now i feel spewy af and need a smoke hope you enjoyed xo
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "over lockdown i started binge eating to get through it wafucking fantastici d just get unbelievably stoned and eatand then suddenly it s tomorrowi didn t have to deal with anythingbut i don t enjoy eating anymorei don t like food it suckand i m at workand i pig out just to try make myself feel better because i guess that s what i doand i felt horrible so i thought hey is a good a year a any to develop an eating disorder so i tried throwing up in the toilet and literally couldn t get anything up i just gaggedand then i pull back and suddenly the cloud change and i m just bathed in sunlight kneeling on the floor of a bathroomand i just couldn t stop thinking of those prayer add that say try praying and couldn t stop laughing for like 0 minute i wanted to share because i think it s really funny but who tf am i telling this story to so you get it anyways now i feel spewy af and need a smoke hope you enjoyed xo" ]
y luego de repente s mañana no tenía que lidiar con nada pero no me gusta comer más ya no me gusta la comida chupar y estoy en el trabajo y me cerco sólo para tratar de hacerme sentir mejor porque supongo que s lo que hago y me siento horrible así que pensé que oye es un buen año para desarrollar un trastorno alimenticio así que intenté vomitar en el inodoro y literalmente no pude conseguir nada me levanto y luego me tire hacia atrás y de repente la nube cambia y estoy bañado en la luz del sol arrodillado en el suelo de un baño y simplemente no podía dejar de pensar en esas oraciones añadir que decir rezar y no podía dejar de reírme por como 0 minuto quería compartir porque creo que es muy divertido pero ¿quién soy yo le digo esta historia así que de todos modos me siento spewy af y necesito un humo esperanza que disfrutaste xo
need helpi need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need helpi need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help need help" ]
necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda necesita ayuda
wish someone would call mei havent feeling good would nice hear someones voice dont alone usually put music trying im overstimulated racing thoughts mania moment since havent sleeping want hear someone tell day maybe ask mine
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish someone would call mei havent feeling good would nice hear someones voice dont alone usually put music trying im overstimulated racing thoughts mania moment since havent sleeping want hear someone tell day maybe ask mine" ]
Desearía que alguien llamara a mei haveint sentirse bien sería agradable escuchar a alguien voz no solo por lo general poner música tratando de im sobreestimulado pensamientos de carreras manía momento ya que no han dormido quieren escuchar a alguien decir día tal vez preguntar el mío
enough fentanyl to kill a gorilla i m sorry i don t wan na hurt my family but i can t go on another day living a a junkie fuck up might a well end it i love you zoey in case you re reading this i m sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "enough fentanyl to kill a gorillai msorryi don t wan na hurt my familybut i can t go on another day living a a junkie fuck up might a well end iti love you zoey in case you re reading thisi m sorry" ]
suficiente fentanilo para matar a un gorilai msorryi don t wan na lastimar a mi familia, pero no puedo ir en otro día viviendo un yonqui cagado puede un buen final te amo zoey en caso de que vuelva a leer esto lo siento
mean friend says i mood someone text rn talk whilst talking like someone talkin to feel like available comfortable venting friend keep company one else friend want there get wanting talk people talkin means someone want talk rn one available feeling multiple times would express bored talkin ignoring someone else messagesoh asked like texting said different like tired first choice good enough want cut everyone never give time anyone like never consider anyone friend friends making feel unimportant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mean friend says i mood someone text rn talk whilst talking like someone talkin to feel like available comfortable venting friend keep company one else friend want there get wanting talk people talkin means someone want talk rn one available feeling multiple times would express bored talkin ignoring someone else messagesoh asked like texting said different like tired first choice good enough want cut everyone never give time anyone like never consider anyone friend friends making feel unimportant" ]
amigo medio dice que estoy de humor alguien texto rn hablar mientras habla como alguien hablando para sentirse como disponible cómodo respirando amigo mantener la compañía otro amigo quiere allí conseguir querer hablar gente hablar significa que alguien quiere hablar rn una sensación disponible múltiples veces expresar aburrimiento hablar en ignorar a alguien mensajesoh preguntado como mensajes de texto diferente como cansado primera elección bueno lo suficientemente bien querer cortar a todos nunca dar tiempo a nadie como nunca considerar a nadie amigos hacer sentir poco importante
piece shit wanted remind piece shit wanted whole world see am thank stopping by
[ "piece shit wanted remind piece shit wanted whole world see am thank stopping by" ]
pedazo mierda quería recordar pedazo mierda quería todo el mundo ver estoy gracias por pasar
i constantly have negative suicidal thought and i need it to stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i constantly have negative suicidal thought and i need it to stop" ]
Tengo constantemente pensamientos suicidas negativos y lo necesito para parar
@mcraddictal I LOVE Heaven Help Us. It's my favourite b-side in the history of ever
[ "@mcraddictal I LOVE Heaven Help Us.It's my favourite b-side in the history of ever" ]
@mcraddictal ME AMO al Cielo Ayúdenos.Es mi lado b favorito en la historia de siempre
i am wondering how to work this site
[ "i am wondering how to work this site" ]
Me pregunto cómo funciona este sitio
what is the point of going on when your parent don t like you your friend are nonexistent and your school is the most unsupportive and toxic place you could be in i m not loved by anyone i doubt i will be so forever i ll be alone i might a well take all the pill in the house nobody will have cared about me anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "what is the point of going on when your parent don t like you your friend are nonexistent and your school is the most unsupportive and toxic place you could be in i m not loved by anyone i doubt i will be so forever i ll be alone i might a well take all the pill in the house nobody will have cared about me anyways" ]
¿Cuál es el punto de pasar cuando su padre no le gusta que su amigo son inexistentes y su escuela es el lugar más insostenible y tóxico que podría estar en no soy amado por nadie que dudo que voy a estar tan para siempre que estaré solo yo podría un bien tomar toda la píldora en la casa nadie se ha preocupado por mí de todos modos
@bryonyxx Yeah a got quite a bit .. just need a few more bits for the evening like jewellery oh and a need a bag to
[ "@bryonyxxYeah a got quite a bit ..just need a few more bits for the evening like jewelleryoh and a need a bag to" ]
@bryonyxxYeah una consiguió un poco .. sólo necesita unos pocos bits más para la noche como joyero y una necesidad de una bolsa para
At Anfield waiting for the game to start
[ "At Anfield waiting for the game to start" ]
En Anfield esperando que el juego comience
potatoe famine want mashed potatoes im hungry
[ "potatoe famine want mashed potatoes im hungry" ]
Patata hambre quiere puré de patatas I hambre
ok dont laugh need help deciding two christmas lights minecraft ive honestly fucking hours please help decide cant take anymore lol decide me httpsimgurcomateseln
[ "ok dont laugh need help deciding two christmas lights minecraft ive honestly fucking hours please help decide cant take anymore lol decide me httpsimgurcomateseln" ]
ok no te rías necesitas ayuda para decidir dos luces de Navidad minecraft ive honestamente horas de mierda por favor ayuda a decidir no puedes tomar más lol decide me httpsimgurcomateseln
falling asleep just heard about that tracy girl s body being found how sad my heart break for that family
[ "falling asleep just heard about that tracy girl s body being found how sad my heart break for that family" ]
Me acabo de enterar de que el cuerpo de esa chica Tracy se encuentra lo triste que me rompe el corazón por esa familia.
it doesn t matter anymore i m going to copy and paste my note it really doesn t matter i know i m spilling my gut out oh who care now i m lonely i m a solider to my self pride status something i fail to achieve my whole life achieving to be a boy the one my parent are proud of the only reason i m not forgotten is because i m away from home do you think they remember me i m so fine with being lonesome i could live i no longer cry i no longer care i m not deep i m not feminine i no longer attract you i m not part of them or you or your life i m not even an outcast or part of the story all my life i thought of my self a the extra in this story but i realised i m not even that i m so lonesome and not noticeable i could disappear right in this northern line i carry everything in onto me try to care that i m awake but i remember everything what have i become maybe you could have it all maybe you are the one that make his memory you re unforgettable you are the one that s not me i ve been forgotten no presence of my own the place i have for myself have never been anything but death and so it s hard to imagine a life where there s life i m apologetic towards the emotion regarding me but i m not sorry that i m here somethings in my way it might be myself never have i been so ill and treated at the same time just been treated so badly in the past that even this single bit of kindness coming from you made me feel so sane that s all i got from you half as explanation came in my house and my mouth then you d leave to someone else s house some other girl post wrestling story line when i feel scared sad sorry about a story i feel le that about my self today wow look at what u did today look at how you feel look how easy it is to resolve conflict how easy it is to lie do that again i bet u what happened that you are in a bad mood are you reminded again that nobody care leading you to my story opening my chest up with information so little you barely understand i m here waiting what will it take for you to leave this time i m still right here puzzled i live in another house now in another country with a completely different routine and identity from my last one and the other one out in this city for year feel kind of funny i can t tell what s real and fake anymore did time really passed do i even have a family am i even here million people in london how do i always managed to find the most bat shit crazy one to befriend you only filling my free time with people way to stoned to remember all of u forgetting yesterday just like i wanted so lonely can i be yours fucking unmanageable why do i always get into this messy situation i can t bare to work here anymore i m fine but bitch who want me to fail will succeed unfortunately i want to die dead groom and corpse bride i can t write anymore no song describe the desperate feeling for thing to end again i kiss them the way i wish i wa kissing you who are you though third time cry at the tube this week i m tired i wanted to ask the world is it really a bad thing to die i wanted my work to speak for me speak for it self so i don t ever even have to talk i wanted to make every work my last piece of work becuz i could be gone anytime soon i wanted every piece to be the final piece the finale maybe this situation make me feel safe no attachment no regret i never had to say goodbye to anyone except maybe lily and grandma and grandpa and mom and dad and maybe my therapist if i die here in uk i only want lily to be at my funeral literally if anyone else dare to show up i would haunt the fuck out of them for the rest of eternity you were never here when i wa alive fucking bastard thanks to my grandparent i got that little piece of my childhood that i wa genuinely happy just that little bit of time in my life who would ve know that be the last time i ll ever be happy i ve only been happy once this illness is for life making peace that it might never get better thinking of bigger idea finalising my purpose stick to my self strengthening my sorrow smoking my thought away diving into these men story one by one from my perspective dying of thirst do you think they secretly categorises u year i m still the same out shining you probably at the bottom of my stash damnnnnn i got option i have a dream my ultimate weakness is being fearless how come yesterday i wa fine and today is another day of fucking it up yesterday wa a rebirth i ve lost him great the move on period that i m sadly familiar with probably the only thing i know how to do when i know exactly what to do my path is clear and i m brave fierce today we begin the process which probably started before i even knew it did subconsciously i never had him or wanted him in the first place they re right it triggered me badly i wanted to die now i want to live at least till i get to go home non of this matter at the end of the day i have to admit i don t care about the superficial stuff i care about the ugliness amp beauty we all are capable of the ugliness that we are capable of meeting by the pizza shop aa na that i ve never attended bill i never payed harmony that sound heavenly good standing by my self haunted by i feel unstoppable fucking fearless i am ready i want to hide in ur closet and cut open your wound i can t remember the last time i spent a proper holiday with family i don t really get sad anymore you get used to it and if you ve spent holiday with my family you ll be grateful to spend it alone and again me being me i rarely remember the good time i just know the bad maybe i get a little sad because even during covid people had the hope of seeing their family this year when i already know it s not going to happen i m not scared to have nothing and no one care if you have your last night on earth who do you rather spend it with i know it s not going to be any family member it s luck to tolerate more then half an hr with them ex s not really it s the people that i don t need to speak to the people that know me by just one look the people that really know i m just describing my self i d probably want to be alone for my last night on earth my stomach is always full nobody ever get killed everyone s fine life is pretty good cutting open my wound for show watching you from a far i just can t stop it s like i want to surgically remove you from my life just cutting till i get you to leave me alone i wa trying to find comfort in you now i realise i got that with everyone once you realise the concept of abuser come from being a victim and then everything make sense now all i know my whole life is to be the other woman just never the main one about to make myself sad again if he like me he take me home put me in a box it is so weird to cum to pain then why do we do it lol why do i do it enjoy now i m feeling really complicated about tattoo because now i feel addicted this kinda of experience lol had a massive break down don t know how to feel about anything let s just wait a few day i just didn t care what happens to me anymore it just feel like an out of body experience i m still alive but i feel dead feel like i m no longer here so basically i never had a relationship i reminded him of his ex he reminded me of both of my rapist someone put a spell on me i m in a secret place i m having so much fun with my head with my thought it s no longer delusion living inside my head i just built our living room and you re right there you you you you you him and him too stop stopppppppp being an artist is not hard stick that needle right through your heart what i feel the best about the blur is gone been bothering my entire life how miserable i am i couldn t live with the fact that i wa the only one but it finally made sense took me year to realise i wa even raped just a little girl to want to know you were raped took more then just time i just didn t know what wa ok because nobody ever asked or when they do i m not even sure i m not even sure what i wanted them to do to end this end me and this point on i m forever on my own in my head shhh they don t know i m going to leave i ve been so tired cry almost everyday it s not hard to face the past it s just difficult to imagine how long it s going to take for me to hide all this so someone would finally want me i need some help i never satisfied them at all why do some girl have everything i ever wanted in life he s like drug i can t get out this feeling i don t deserve i miss him and i hate myself i wan na leave him but i hate my self too much to leave even if it s fake i wanted someone to appreciate me for fuck sake it s so bad i just stopped caring about everything nothing matter to me anymore over flooded anxiety worry about the wrong thing think about bigger plan tho but i can t help but fuxking screammnmmm into the crowded bar god why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ficking pound to go home r u serious trying to keep my love life alive i sat by the bar dodging your eye winking at you fucking in the bathroom how i wish i didn t look at you didn t share that look that moment i i wish i didn t drink running around town in the middle of the night my heart is on the edge being alone getting high on my own year later and everyone still left am i even breathing do you want me or not just tell me if u do he used to pick me up after school boarding school drive way i sneak back into my bed at am hurting because i had to leave cry because i m already hurt now he pick me up after work he said he ll see me again and i don t even know why spilling my gut out in this note app my own best friend hate me the girl that i pour my heart into she doesn t even know me i don t remember much about anything ever i m happy like that if i remember all my feeling it ll be hard to get by so dark blue i wonder why i hear picture i m gon na fly but i feel small i want him to tell me all his secret thing you don t tell anyone i ll take it off you let s me carry it for you on my shoulder very free i am the girl that thing happen to why would anyone want to see the wound that i carry i hate to lie but i probably will disappoint him exit is too late if i could just have a moment to breathe please can t take it much more then this i m taking my chance not much more love left in this either did you just wanted to have fun anyone can be my daddy today he s far far away away from me have i told anyone i don t want to be the main one it s fun behind the camera it s safe being the stalker i m comfortable stood low when i fall at least it won t even hurt liar liar i m going to keep it low this time i ll ease it in but if this time go i ll be okay too i m already broken so what if i get thrown to the ground again every men ha failed me greatly my girl and i we deserve the world i m gon na kiss her forehead in my dream i m going to hell just left his house and he s on his way to mine not sure which lie to tell because when i kill her in my dream you won t have a friend to cook with no one showed up why can t you be useful for once nothing scare me anymore he invited me to a millionaire mansion said we can do anything we want wild swim in a private lake i said i might drown drown and i want to die and i want to lie he know about me i am twenty but like chain i rust you throw me to the ground again pulling my hair my heart shattered to piece he had no idea the war i fought and finally fight i am a soldier far away from home with no one to call belongs to no one i miss their forehead kiss solid a a rock shell each ringed a bell but shamed me to hell you call you called he called a well i miss my self my old self me a a child i want her back i m going to have a kid a little girl that i m going to protect at all cost all my life i wanted to be her but who is she it s just who ever he actually want it doesn t make sense you know i won t satisfy don t have the luck going to suffer every way possible life turn into shit for my girl but they re laying under the sun she s having some fun i m picking up my ash on the floor so i smoke it again luxury fine dining cocktail every day her hair is silky when she get hurt people fight for her is it wrong i hope she get killed being bi sexual and a story teller mean i make up plot and chapter between whoever is making me jealous it s actually a really nice way to train my self from getting attached to anything at all adding story to people relationship give me a deeper understanding of in a way i no longer call my bad thought putting my self down if all my thought are bad they re no longer bad thought they re just thought first and foremost i m going to write about you and your girl this is my kind of fun i hope when i m not around she fulfil your void you can have both my body and her presence we look alike don t we i m in my own corner the voice in my head say you re alarmed people say it s impossible you d be into me i believe them why would you choose me of all people i just can t believe anyone would have anything to do with me someone who just isn t special enough to have anybody i might be a little emotional writing this missed my mood stabiliser again it s ok though you can lay your head in my tummy i bet it reminds you of hers i have found my calling i m everyone s girlfriend just ended thing with you contagious doing another test simply because i just don t trust you it is my problem i should let you go i know you re no good but you were at least nice and no one have been nice to me in a while feel calm to think about how i ll be safe and sound in my pain another story to shoot yeah it didn t make sense to me but now it doe love bombing didn t work on me even though i ve been alone for a long time thank god for putting me through shit early enough that i left early a well my bad for thinking you knew better i felt like a piece of shit again again i don t give a fuck about any of you anyways but why i never know what am of you want or need i don t understand i might be on the spectrum you know i never communicated flaw are just so deep it s like haunting through sleep am i the one stopping her happiness i never analysed why i did all those thing during elementary school that my mom had to literally befriend my teacher to make sure i m took care of i wa that troubled 9 i think of all these intruder that entered my body without my wish kelly moore s dad a white kindergarten teacher in a majority chinese school felix another white men that raped me unconsciously in the club naz in which i still not entirely sure how i got lured into i look back at my self i sometimes wondered what went wrong how i wa made the best and then the worst why did i always had a bad time why i don t remember anything why and why and why did all this happened to me i think i just had an over amount of change that now i need a giant break but i don t know how to relax i love you but who i need to love someone why do i do that when i don t know who you are i m so stressed out i can only move on being rough wa all i know just people forcing themselves onto me all the time maybe why i thought zaineb wa so special and i m not ready to have that again even thought iain count a my first love i think zaineb wa when i completely trusted someone i just feel wrong and not accepted i guess i had another thought all those time they ve touched me just touching me everyone not just at the club it be when i wa getting take out shopping at the super market i never said anything why didn t i every time i look in the mirror i see myself disappearing into a bubble i wish i wa brand new i wish i wa soft and clean fresh off the boat too i wish i still believed in the world and white men you guy are losing me bit by bit day by day faded into the background i guess for now i know there s more to life than romance and belonging there s knowledge and creation story line and peacefulness in nature i realised that s when i m most allowed to stay is when i realised i m not rejected by the other side i m not rejected by hell a place that ll understand me may devil protect me and be by my side got ta stop having death fantasy must be a reason why i m fortunate and not is it karma or wealth abused or wa i too spoiled to think i deserve happiness is it karma or illness it must be karma right i know everything about you i usually prepare my research before i meet you a guy anyone i go through your family photo your ex the girl you slept with before me and potentially after me too i spot for lie matching the story you told me with evidence the fun part is researching the girl you are fucking i can feel my heart beat it like an electrical rush of anxiety it s quite an easy and intimate process a i realised my instinct is right every time by the way this is the time where i note down possible event that might happen in the future if this is torture then i don t know what fun is solving this puzzle i uncover every step a i am walking through your living room i give a fuck about you everyday ever since my first project i want to know everything the truth of story that s happening to me i need truth i need clue i need to find out if i m the other woman why do you want to know thing you shouldn t know ugliest ugliest truth still better than lie in my opinion and when i learned the fact that i am nothing in your story this is where i imagine love story that involves the girl you actually like is this process psychopathic i think it s a poetic way of practicing being a wife haven t wrote shit in a minute i guess i don t know what to say anymore i need to get going nothing ha been working fuck u all listening to he talk a i sit there again and again with my mouth shut still taste the cum in the back of my throat we expect the extreme every time we meet i always walk into your empty house the house you shared with her for year convincing myself that i don t care about you anyways ever since i haven t been able to learn or live i ve just been getting by and ruining my own life maybe it wasn t even that traumatic but i had to have an excuse for something right i guess i wa pale and green i became dumb never shared a thing fell short when my friend are watching film i watch now i read now i wouldn t have done the same for him filled my life with horror escaping intoxicated insane fucked so good fun fun fun you don t know half of the shit i actually go through you just think i m a simple whore i could be for you i wear black tights and two silk bow tie on the tip of my knee get all the way down i wait they always tell me to stay where i am because my back is arched and my as is in the air all the thing that made me who i am i bet her art is even wholesome and not pain then i worried i m not ur enough hey i feel better now still remember me what you ve been up to im not sure writing you from afar i m just getting to know myself why would i forget you i wa just trying to forget my self i m leaving london soon just like how i left china just like how i left la and like i left china again when will i ever return there s no more looking back my family s fed and i have some money under my name the only fortunate thing little fire lit in my world will never have the glory they once have i m not extraordinary enough but cool to have fun recently my family discovered that i am american a real american a real person with a passport that doesn t require month of quarantine a real passport that doesn t need a visa a real world i m freed and you don t understand i m trying to free my family too come i ll swallow all the feeling you might have may i open wide and welcome you inside up and down spending time with men that want anything but me ex and ex never ending dark hole of a modern bitch clear whiskey glass amp cocktail you never payed for her spend it all on me you never called no one did
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "it doesn t matter anymore i m going to copy and paste my note it really doesn t matteri know i m spilling my gut outoh who care now i m lonelyi m a solider to my self pride status something i fail to achieve my whole life achieving to be a boy the one my parent are proud of the only reason i m not forgotten is because i m away from home do you think they remember me i m so fine with being lonesomei could live i no longer cryi no longer care i m not deepi m not femininei no longer attract you i m not part of them or you or your life i m not even an outcast or part of the story all my life i thought of my self a the extra in this storybut i realised i m not even that i m so lonesome and not noticeable i could disappear right in this northern line i carry everything in onto me try to care that i m awakebut i remember everything what have i become maybe you could have it all maybe you are the one that make his memory you re unforgettable you are the one that s not me i ve been forgotten no presence of my own the place i have for myself have never been anything but deathand so it s hard to imagine a life where there s life i m apologetic towards the emotion regarding me", "but i m not sorry that i m here somethings in my way it might be myself never have i been so ill and treated at the same time just been treated so badly in the past that even this single bit of kindness coming from you made me feel so sane that s all i got from you half as explanation came in my house and my mouth then you d leave to someone else s house some other girl post wrestling story line when i feel scared sad sorry about a story i feel le that about my self todaywow look at what u did today look at how you feel look how easy it is to resolve conflict how easy it is to lie do that again i bet u what happened that you are in a bad mood are you reminded again that nobody care leading you to my story opening my chest up with information so little you barely understand i m here waiting what will it take for you to leave this time i m still right herepuzzled i live in another house now in another country with a completely different routine and identity from my last one and the other one out in this city for year feel kind of funny", "i can t tell what s real and fake anymore did time really passed do i even have a family am i even here million people in london how do i always managed to find the most bat shit crazy one to befriend you only filling my free time with people way to stoned to remember all of u forgetting yesterday just like i wanted so lonely can i be yours fucking unmanageablewhy do i always get into this messy situation i can t bare to work hereanymore i m fine but bitch who want me to fail will succeed unfortunately i want to die dead groom and corpse bride i can t write anymoreno song describe the desperate feeling for thing to end again i kiss them the way i wish i wa kissing you who are you though third time cry at the tube this week i m tired i wanted to ask the worldis it really a bad thing to die i wanted my work to speak for me speak for it selfso i don t ever even have to talk i wanted to make every work my last piece of workbecuz i could be gone anytime soon i wanted every piece to be the final piece the finale maybe this situation make me feel safe no attachment no regret i never had to say goodbye to anyone except maybe lily and grandma and grandpa and mom and dad", "and maybe my therapist if i die here in uk i only want lily to be at my funeral literally if anyone else dare to show up i would haunt the fuck out of them for the rest of eternity you were never here when i wa alive fucking bastard thanks to my grandparent i got that little piece of my childhood that i wa genuinely happy just that little bit of time in my life who would ve know that be the last time i ll ever be happy i ve only been happy once this illness is for life making peace that it might never get better thinking of bigger idea finalising my purpose stick to my self strengthening my sorrow smoking my thought away diving into these men story one by one from my perspective dying of thirst do you think they secretly categorises uyeari m still the same out shining you probably at the bottom of my stash damnnnnn i got option i have a dream my ultimate weakness is being fearless how come yesterday i wa fine", "and today is another day of fucking it up yesterday wa a rebirth i ve lost him great the move on period that i m sadly familiar with probably the only thing i know how to do when i know exactly what to do my path is clear and i m brave fierce today we begin the process which probably started before i even knew it did subconsciously i never had him or wanted him in the first place they re right it triggered me badly i wanted to die now i want to live at least till i get to go home non of this matter at the end of the day i have to admit i don t care about the superficial stuff i care about the ugliness amp beauty we all are capable of the ugliness that we are capable of meeting by the pizza shop aa na that i ve never attended bill i never payed harmony that sound heavenly good standing by my self haunted by i feel unstoppable fucking fearlessi am ready i want to hide in ur closet and cut open your wound i can t remember the last time i spent a proper holiday with family i don t really get sad anymore you get used to it and if you ve spent holiday with my family you ll be grateful to spend it alone and again me being me i rarely remember the good time i just know the bad", "maybe i get a little sad because even during covid people had the hope of seeing their family this year when i already know it s not going to happen i m not scared to have nothing and no one care if you have your last night on earth who do you rather spend it withi know it s not going to be any family member it s luck to tolerate more then half an hr with themex s not really it s the people that i don t need to speak to the people that know me by just one look the people that really know i m just describing my selfi d probably want to be alone for my last night on earth my stomach is always full nobody ever get killed everyone s fine life is pretty good cutting open my wound for show watching you from a far i just can t stop it s like i want to surgically remove you from my life just cutting till i get you to leave me alone", "i wa trying to find comfort in you now i realise i got that with everyone once you realise the concept of abuser come from being a victim and then everything make sense now all i know my whole life is to be the other woman just never the main one about to make myself sad again if he like me he take me home put me in a box it is so weird to cum to pain then why do we do it lol why do i do it enjoy now i m feeling really complicated about tattoo because now i feel addicted this kinda of experience lol had a massive break downdon t know how to feel about anything let s just wait a few day i just didn t care what happens to meanymore it just feel like an out of body experience i m still alive but i feel dead feel like i m no longer hereso basically i never had a relationship i reminded him of his ex he reminded me of both of my rapist someone put a spell on me", "i m in a secret place i m having so much fun with my head with my thought it s no longer delusion living inside my head i just built our living room and you re right there you you you you you him and him too stop stopppppppp being an artist is not hard stick that needle right through your heart what i feel the best about the blur is gone been bothering my entire life how miserable i am i couldn t live with the fact that i wa the only one but it finally made sense took me year to realise i wa even raped just a little girl to want to know you were raped took more then just timei just didnt know what wa ok because nobody ever asked or when they do i m not even sure i m not even sure what i wanted them to do to end this end me and this point on i m forever on my own in my head shhh they dont know i m going to leave i ve been so tired cry almost everyday it s not hard to face the past it s just difficult to imagine how long it s going to take for me to hide all this so someone would finally want mei need some help i never satisfied them at all why do some girl have everything i ever wanted in life he s like drug i can t get out this feeling i don t deserve i miss him", "and i hate myself i wan na leave himbut i hate my self too much to leave even if it s fake i wanted someone to appreciate me for fuck sake it s so bad i just stopped caring about everything nothing matter to me anymore over flooded anxiety worry about the wrong thing think about bigger plan thobut i can t help but fuxking screammnmmm into the crowded bar god why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ficking pound to go home r u serious trying to keep my love life alive i sat by the bar dodging your eye winking at you fucking in the bathroom how i wish i didn t look at you didn t share that look that momenti i wish i didn t drink running around town in the middle of the night my heart is on the edge being alone getting high on my own year later and everyone still left am i even breathing do you want me or not just tell me if u do he used to pick me up after school boarding school drive way i sneak back into my bed at am hurting because i had to leave cry because i m already hurt now he pick me up after work he said he ll see me again", "and i don t even know why spilling my gut out in this note app my own best friend hate me the girl that i pour my heart into she doesn t even know mei don t remember much about anything everi m happy like that if i remember all my feeling it ll be hard to get by so dark blue i wonder why i hear picture i m gon na flybut i feel small i want him to tell me all his secret thing you don t tell anyone i ll take it off you let s me carry it for you on my shoulder very free i am the girl that thing happen to why would anyone want to see the wound that i carry i hate to liebut i probably will disappoint him exit is too late if i could just have a moment to breathe please can t take it much more then this i m taking my chance not much more love left in this either did you just wanted to have fun anyone can be my daddy today he s far far away away from me have i told anyone i don t want to be the main one it s fun behind the camera it s safe being the stalker i m comfortable stood low when i fall at least it won t even hurt liar liar i m going to keep it low this time i ll ease it in but if this time go i ll be okaytoo", "i m already broken so what if i get thrown to the ground again every men ha failed me greatly my girland i we deserve the world i m gon na kiss her forehead in my dream i m going to hell just left his houseand he s on his way to mine not sure which lie to tell because when i kill her in my dream you won t have a friend to cook with no one showed up why can t you be useful for once nothing scare me anymore he invited me to a millionaire mansion said we can do anything we want wild swim in a private lake i said i might drown drownand i want to dieand i want to lie he know about mei am twenty but like chain i rust you throw me to the ground again pulling my hair my heart shattered to piece he had no idea the war i fought and finally fight i am a soldier far away from home with no one to call belongs to no one i miss their forehead kiss solid a a rock shell each ringed a bell but shamed me to hellyou call you called he calleda well i miss my self my old self me a a child i want her backi m going to have a kid a little girl that i m going to protect at all cost all my life i wanted to be her but who is she it s just who ever he actually want it doesn t make sense you know", "i won t satisfy don t have the luck going to suffer every way possible life turn into shit for my girlbut they re laying under the sun she s having some fun i m picking up my ash on the floorso i smoke it again luxury fine dining cocktail every day her hair is silky when she get hurt people fight for her is it wrongi hope she get killed being bi sexual and a story teller mean i make up plot and chapter between whoever is making me jealous it s actually a really nice way to train my self from getting attached to anything at all adding story to people relationship give me a deeper understanding of in a way i no longer call my bad thought putting my self down if all my thought are bad they re no longer bad thought they re just thought first and foremost i m going to write about you and your girl this is my kind of fun i hope when i m not around she fulfil your void you can have both my body and her presence we look alikedon twe i m in my own corner the voice in my head say you re", "alarmed people say it s impossible you d be into me i believe them why would you choose me of all people i just can t believe anyone would have anything to do with me someone who just isn t special enough to have anybody i might be a little emotional writing this missed my mood stabiliser again it s ok though you can lay your head in my tummy i bet it reminds you of hers i have found my calling i meveryone s girlfriend just ended thing with you contagious doing another test simply because i just don t trust you it is my problem i should let you go i know you re no goodbut you were at least niceand no one have been nice to me in a while feel calm to think about how i ll be safe and sound in my pain another story to shootyeahitdidn t make sense to me but now it doe love bombing didn t work on me even though i ve been alone for a long time thank god for putting me through shit early enough that i left early a well my bad for thinking you knew better i felt like a piece of shit again again i don t give a fuck about any of youanyways", "but why i never know what am of you want or need i don t understand i might be on the spectrum you know i never communicated flaw are just so deep it s like haunting through sleep am ithe one stopping her happiness i never analysed why i did all those thing during elementary school that my mom had to literally befriend my teacher to make sure i m took care of i wa thattroubled 9 i think of all these intruder that entered my body without my wish kelly moore s dad a white kindergarten teacher in a majority chinese school felix another white men that raped me unconsciously in the club naz in which i still not entirely sure how i got lured into i look back at my self i sometimes wondered what went wrong how i wa made the best and then the worst why did i always had a bad time why i don t remember anything why and why and why did all this happened to mei think i just had an over amount of change that now i need a giant breakbut i don t know how to relax i love you but who i need to love someone why do i do that when i don t know who you are i mso stressed out i can only move on being rough wa all i know just people forcing themselves onto me all the time maybe why i thought zaineb wa", "so specialand i m not ready to have that again even thought iain count a my first love i thinkzaineb wa when i completely trusted someone i just feel wrong and not accepted i guess i had another thought all those time they ve touched me just touching me everyone not just at the club it be when i wa getting take out shopping at the super market i never said anything why didn t i every time i look in the mirror i see myself disappearing into a bubble i wish i wa brand newi wish i wa soft and clean fresh off the boat tooi wish i still believed in the world and white men you guy are losing me bit by bit day by day faded into the background i guess for nowi know there s more to life than romance and belonging there s knowledge and creation story line and peacefulness in nature i realised that s when i m most allowed to stay is when i realised i m not rejected by the other side i m not rejected by hell a place that ll understand me may devil protect me and be by my side got ta stop having death fantasy must be a reason why i m fortunate and not is it karma or wealth abused or wa i too spoiled to think i deserve happiness is it karma or illness it must be karmaright", "i know everything about you i usually prepare my research before i meet you a guy anyone i go through your family photo your ex the girl you slept with before me and potentially after me too i spot for lie matching the story you told me with evidence the fun part is researching the girl you arefucking i can feel my heart beat it like an electrical rush of anxiety it s quite an easy and intimate processa i realised my instinct is right every time by the way this is the time where i note down possible event that might happen in the future if this is torture then i don", "t know what fun is solving this puzzle i uncover every step a i am walking through your living room i give a fuck about you everyday ever since my first project i want to know everything the truth of story that s happening to me i need truth i need clue i need to find out if i m the other woman why do you want to know thing you shouldn t know ugliest ugliest truth still better than lie in my opinion and when i learned the fact that i am nothing in your story this is where i imagine love story that involves the girl you actually like is this process psychopathic i think it s a poetic way of practicing being a wife haven t wrote shit in a minute i guess i dont know what to say anymore i need to get going nothing ha been working fuck u all listening to he talk a i sit there again and again with my mouth shut still taste the cum in the back of my throat we expect the extreme every time we meet i always walk into your empty house the house you shared with her for year convincing myself that i don t care about you anyways ever since i haven t been able to learn or live i ve just been getting by and ruining my own life maybe it wasn teven that traumatic", "but i had to have an excuse for somethingrighti guess i wa paleand green i became dumb never shared a thing fell short when my friend are watching film i watch now i read now i wouldn t have done the same for him filled my life with horror escaping intoxicated insane fucked so good fun fun fun you don t know half of the shit i actually go through you just think i m a simple whore i could be for you i wear black tights and two silk bow tie on the tip of my knee get all the way downi wait they always tell me to stay where i am because my back is arched and my as is in the air all the thing that made me who i am i bet her art is even wholesome and not pain then i worried i m not ur enoughhey i feel better now still remember me what you ve been up to im not sure writing you from afari m just getting to know myself why would i forget you i wa just trying to forget my self i m leaving london soon just like how i left china just like how i left la and like i left china again when will i ever return there s no more looking back my family s fed", "and i have some money under my name the only fortunate thing little fire lit in my world will never have the glory they once have i m not extraordinary enough but cool to have fun recently my family discovered that i am american a real american a real person with a passport that doesn t require month of quarantine a real passport that doesn t need a visa a real world i m freedand you don t understand i m trying to free my family too comei ll swallow all the feeling you might have may i open wide and welcome you inside up and down spending time with men that want anything but me ex and ex never ending dark hole of a modern bitch clear whiskey glass amp cocktail you never payed for her spend it all on me you never called no one did" ]
No me importa más que voy a copiar y pegar mi nota que realmente no importa saber que estoy derramando mi intestino outoh que importa ahora me siento más sólido a mi estado de orgullo algo que no logro alcanzar toda mi vida logrando ser un niño el que mi padre está orgulloso de la única razón por la que no me olvido es porque estoy lejos de casa ¿crees que me recuerdan estoy tan bien con ser solitario podría vivir ya no cryi ya no me importa ni deepi no soy femenino ya no te atrae no soy parte de ellos o tu vida no soy ni siquiera un paria o parte de la historia toda mi vida pensé de mí mismo un extra en esta historia pero me di cuenta de que no soy ni siquiera que soy tan solitario y no puedo notar que podría desaparecer derecho en esta línea norte llevo todo en mí tratar de cuidar que estoy despierto pero recuerdo todo lo que he llegado a ser tal vez usted puede tener todo lo que usted es tan solitario y no puedo notar que podría desaparecer en esta línea norte yo llevar todo dentro de mí tratar de cuidarme que estoy despierto pero recuerdo que tengo un lugar que nunca he sido para mí mismo en la vida m
amazon mp downloads down to 9p so much for my 0 cheer jodiedoubleday http tinyurl com dg qtg
[ "amazon mp downloads down to 9p so much for my 0 cheer jodiedoubleday http tinyurl com dg qtg" ]
amazon mp descargas hasta 9p tanto para mi 0 jodie jodiedoubleday http dinyuurl com dg qtg
ive preparing kill self month so things freak things today left thinking otherwiseso today sat run car parking spot trying get head sleep car pulled right never turned radio down made impossible sleep next side old guy pulled up really old kept playing radio eventually sat up tired acted like guys old bloke right chilling car park abouy minutes two hours old guy left started hating people again even started googling phone people like rats thats felt then fell asleep woke noticed nice cars behind one bloke looking me thought time go turned ignition nothing dull click againi started hate humans again seen get old feller get merc smile face heard ignition fail car park came pappa john pizza driver reason said along shot mate jump leads would you cut along story short car running life thanks guy suicidal earlier thoughts humans rats true saved today somone earns nothing shrugged somone earns somthing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive preparing kill self month so things freak things today left thinking otherwiseso today sat run car parking spot trying get head sleep car pulled right never turned radio down made impossible sleep next side old guy pulled up really old kept playing radio eventually sat up tired acted like guys old bloke right chilling car park abouy minutes two hours old guy left started hating people again even started googling phone people like rats thats felt then fell asleep woke noticed nice cars behind one bloke looking me thought time go turned ignition nothing dull click againi started hate humans again seen get old feller get merc smile face heard ignition fail car park came pappa john pizza driver reason said along shot mate jump leads would you cut along story short car running life thanks guy suicidal earlier thoughts humans rats true saved today somone earns nothing shrugged somone earns somthing" ]
ive preparing kill self month so things freak things today left thinking otherso today sat run car stop spot trying get head sleep car jersey through stop stop stop stop stop get head sleep car stop thing three never down would woogle thing woogle thing woogle thing woogle thing woogle thing woogle thing woogle thing thing threat thing thing rats who se sentían entonces se quedaron dormidos notó coches bonitos detrás de un tipo que me miraba pensó que el tiempo se volvió encendido nada aburrido clic otra vez empecé a odiar a los humanos get head get mercer smile face would fail staff park che race race race sted a lo largo Shot hot stow stours s stours chick
simply floating life lithe inconsequential object people mostly ignore whim moan tremble shake bit much them become invisible suffering deeply nearly decade now admit many problems stem self instead muster feels like herculean willpower personal strength both have suicide genuinely seems like better option sickening utilitarian conclusion thoughtlessly turned personal mantra dissect shortcomings already do people life grown tired bored disgusted frightened finally seal residual ties might still me stop drowning selfpity remove wretched existence like done years ago faulty logic know much pain right feels like thing do scum hate myself wish anymore much coward it pray sort cthonic entity one day muster yetunpossessed resolve find way end life tired all yet never seems end need stop feel like spectre
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "simply floating life lithe inconsequential object people mostly ignore whim moan tremble shake bit much them become invisible suffering deeply nearly decade now admit many problems stem self instead muster feels like herculean willpower personal strength both have suicide genuinely seems like better option sickening utilitarian conclusion thoughtlessly turned personal mantra dissect shortcomings already do people life grown tired bored disgusted frightened finally seal residual ties might still me stop drowning selfpity remove wretched existence like done years ago faulty logic know much pain right feels like thing do scum hate myself wish anymore much cowardit pray sort cthonic entity one day muster yetunpossessed resolve find way end life tired all yet never seems end need stop feel like spectre" ]
simplemente vida flotante lithe objeto inconsecuente la gente ignora mayormente whim gime tiembla sacudir poco mucho se convierten en sufrimiento invisible profundamente cerca de la década ahora admitir muchos problemas tronco yo mismo en lugar de muser siente como fuerza de voluntad hercúlea fuerza personal ambos tienen suicidio realmente parece como mejor opción enferma conclusión utilitaria insensata convertido mantra personal diseccionar deficiencias ya la gente se aburrieron aburrido aburrimiento miedo finalmente sellar lazos residuales todavía podría dejar de ahogarse autocompasión eliminar miserable existencia como hecho hace años lógica defectuosa saber mucho dolor derecho se siente como cosa escoria odio a mí mismo deseo más cobardía orar tipo entidad ctónica un día reunir aún sin embargo resolución poseída encontrar manera final vida cansado todo y sin embargo parece final necesidad de dejar de sentirse como espectro
@theknickermafia how is life over yorkshire way today?
[ "@theknickermafia how is life over yorkshire way today?" ]
@theknickermafia ¿cómo es la vida sobre el camino de Yorkshire hoy?
context grew up in a pretty abusive family and always wanted to jill myself even a a young child it get worse till couldn t cope and went to child service at age a i felt i wa going crazy i wa removed from my family and never saw my mum sister again my suicidal thought seem to not always be here now but come in wave i m feeling pretty suicidal now a my gf left me but it made me reminiscent of my last suicidal episode about a year ago this wa the most intense one yet i had plan and everything the last thing i had to do wa to speak to my mum and sister before i passed away i spoke to my sister first and she basically wa horrible to me to the point i couldn t speak to my mum out of guilt turn out the abuse got a lot worse after i got removed and my sister blamed me for it it hit me pretty hard i didn t end up speaking to my mum here s where thing get interesting a i never spoke to my mum i never killed my self she ended up dying a few month afterwards now i feel weird if i had rang her and killed myself would she have been alive it sound silly but my mum illness wa caused by sadness i m sure if i spoke to her she would have survived but then i would be dead so would my suicide have saved a life somewhat this now make me more suicidal a i didn t speak to her before she died but this time i don t have the courage to kill myself sticky situation
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "context grew up in a pretty abusive family and always wanted to jill myself even a a young child it get worse till couldn t cope and went to child service at age a i felt i wa going crazyi wa removed from my family and never saw my mum sister again my suicidal thought seem to not always be here now but come in wave i m feeling pretty suicidal now a my gf left me but it made me reminiscent of my last suicidal episode about a year ago this wa the most intense oneyet i had plan and everything the last thing i had to do wa to speak to my mum and sister before i passed away i spoke to my sister first and she basically wa horrible to me to the point i couldn t speak to my mum out of guilt turn out the abuse got a lot worse after i got removed and my sister blamed me for it it hit me pretty hardi didn t end up speaking to my mum here s where thing get interesting a i never spoke to my mum i never killed my self she ended up dying a few month afterwards now i feel weird if i had rang her and killed myself would she have been alive it sound silly but my mum illness wa caused by sadness i m sure if i spoke to her she would have survived", "but then i would be dead so would my suicide have saved a life somewhat this now make me more suicidal a i didn t speak to her before she died but this time i don t have the courage to kill myself sticky situation" ]
Contexto creció en una familia bastante abusivo y siempre quise jill mí mismo incluso un niño pequeño se pone peor hasta que no podía hacer frente a y fue al servicio del niño a la edad a I wa va locoi wa removido de mi familia y nunca vi mi madre hermana de nuevo mi pensamiento suicida parece no siempre estar aquí ahora pero venir en onda me siento bastante suicida ahora un gf me dejó pero me hizo recordar mi último episodio suicida hace un año este wa el más intenso oneyet que tenía plan y todo lo último que tuve que hacer wa hablar con mi madre y hermana antes de morir hablé con mi hermana primero y ella básicamente wa horrible a mí al punto de que no podía hablar con mi madre por culpa resultó el abuso se puso mucho peor después de que me despojó y mi hermana me culpó por que me golpeó bastante hardi no terminó hablando con mi madre aquí s donde la cosa se puso interesante una nunca hablé con mi madre por culpa resultó el abuso se puso mucho peor después de que me deshice y mi hermana me culpó por que me golpeó bastante duro no terminó hablando con mi madre aquí s donde se volvió tonta pero mi mamá me causaba que yo hablara de la tristeza que nunca me hubiera muerto un mes después de nuevo me sentí rara si me sentía
day posting something everyday get girlfriend im bored ask question want answer
[ "day posting something everyday get girlfriend im bored ask question want answer" ]
día publicar algo todos los días conseguir novia im aburrido hacer pregunta quieren respuesta
mean why well die anyway someday could die want considered bad insane past japan example normal thing commit suicide remove shame even honourable ok kill day kind protest cannot kill nothing even suffering much like know form shame like understand big deal humans die anyway someday matter die years earlier later times ok honourable death let it see optimistically negatively like fuck up die know describe see optimistically like suffer much still want die things fucked up see relief salvation fuck ups know sound like kid feels cool me like feeling watch movie tough good guy main character even tough code like kill children stab back give chance defend etc like codes seems cool thing feels like code too feels cool too bad kill
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mean why well die anyway someday could die want considered bad insane past japan example normal thing commit suicide remove shame even honourable ok kill day kind protest cannot kill nothing even suffering much like know form shame like understand big deal humans die anyway someday matter die years earlier later times ok honourable death let it see optimistically negatively like fuck up die know describe see optimistically like suffer much still want die things fucked up see relief salvation fuck ups know sound like kid feels cool me like feeling watch movie tough good guy main character even tough code like kill children stab back give chance defend etc like codes seems cool thing feels like code too feels cool too bad kill" ]
significa por qué bien morir de todos modos algún día podría morir querer considerado mal loco pasado japan ejemplo normal cometer suicidio eliminar vergüenza incluso honorable ok matar día clase protesta no puede matar nada incluso sufrir mucho como saber forma vergüenza como entender gran cosa los seres humanos mueren de todos modos algún día materia años antes después veces o bien honorable muerte dejar ver optimistamente negativamente como mierda hasta morir saber ver optimista como sufrir mucho todavía quieren morir cosas jodido ver socorro salvación mierda saber sonido como niño se siente genial me gusta ver película duro buen chico personaje principal incluso código duro como matar niños apuñalar de nuevo defender, etc como códigos parece cool cosa se siente como código también se siente genial demasiado mal matar
phillcoleman i had it a low a last night
[ "phillcoleman i had it a low a last night" ]
Phillcoleman, lo tuve bajo una última noche.
bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruhbruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
[ "bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruhbruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh" ]
bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh
sex ppl minion blanket want proof ur lookin
[ "sex ppl minion blanket want proof ur lookin" ]
sexo ppl minion manta quieren prueba u lookin
@miss_hazy do you need some lines to chat him up or maybe impress him?
[ "@miss_hazy do you need some lines to chat him up or maybe impress him?" ]
@miss_hazy ¿necesitas algunas líneas para charlar con él o tal vez impresionarlo?
addiction broke another relationshipi love girldamn amazing first time someone made feel like truly didnt need drugs ended telling addiction wanted get better didnt take well dont blame her first time addiction cut relationship quite time depressed addicted drugs always believed least valueim ugly im funny try care people animals im loving partner relationshipsim always trying make people feel good themselves always thought worth even small past months dont believe anymore im finally worthlessmy addiction robbed everything hadeverything family doesnt like memy exes hate me friends avoid me even sister spent whole life trying take care of see loserits week since talked me even looked face job anymore failing college im fat depressed maniac disappear days end mom feels sad me used little bright boy today literally hear mom getting face yelling coward liar druggie one people left still tried help me run peoplei friends anymore one cant near me cant help anymore think im getting end linethere nothing left thats it wasted whole lifeeverything mom build me everything people invested gone im nothingim worthless actionsim suffering consequences shitty person was
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "addiction broke another relationshipi love girldamn amazing first time someone made feel like truly didnt need drugs ended telling addiction wanted get better didnt take well dont blame her first time addiction cut relationship quite time depressed addicted drugs always believed least valueim ugly im funny try care people animals im loving partner relationshipsim always trying make people feel good themselves always thought worth even small past months dont believe anymore im finally worthlessmy addiction robbed everything hadeverything family doesnt like memy exes hate me friends avoid me even sister spent whole life trying take care of see loserits week since talked me even looked face job anymore failing college im fat depressed maniac disappear days end mom feels sad me used little bright boy today literally hear mom getting face yelling coward liar druggie one people left still tried help me run peoplei friends anymore one cant near me cant help anymore think im getting end linethere nothing left thats it wasted whole lifeeverything mom build me everything people invested gone im nothingim worthless actionsim suffering consequences shitty person was" ]
Adicción rompió otra relación i amor chica maldición increíble primera vez que alguien hizo sentir como realmente no necesitaba drogas terminó diciendo adicción quería mejorar no tomar bien no culpar a su primera vez adicción cortar relación bastante tiempo deprimido drogas adictivas siempre creyó menos valorim fetiche im divertido intentar cuidado personas animales im relaciones amorosas parejaim siempre tratando de hacer que la gente se sienta bien siempre pensó que vale la pena incluso pequeños meses pasados no creo más im finalmente inútil mi adicción robado todo hadthing family everything doest like memy exes odi me amigos evite incluso hermana pasó toda la vida tratando de ver perdedora la semana desde que me habló incluso parecía trabajo cara más fracaso universidad im gordo maníaco deprimido desaparecer días fin mamá se siente triste me usó pequeño chico brillante hoy literalmente escuchar mamá se puso cara gritando cobarde mentiroso druggie una gente izquierda todavía trató de ayudarme a correr amigos peoplei más uno no puede cerca de mí no puede ayudar más pensar im conseguir línea final allí nada dejó que desaprovecha toda la vida todo mamá construir todo lo que la gente se invirtió nada im im acciones inútiles sufrimiento consecuencia mierda persona era
life just fucking suck i hate everything but above anything else the most i hate is religion i cant help it but say that i do not understand religion and their concept guess what i had to be born in a religious family fuck yeah because of that i am constantly threatened by religious friend and family looking at me like i am a disgusting being constant physical abuse by my mother just because i disagree with their belief i never wa disrepectful to them i just hoped that i could be free and decied wetehr or not follow the religion but no my mother is more worried of what other family member think of her so she try to force me to not reject religion or else my family will think that she is a bad mother and look down on her my family is a fucking joke this is not my only reason that made me start having suicidal thought i am a teenager male so i unfortunately still depend of my mother but that doe not matter because i decided that after finishing uni i will kill msyelf i am weak i cant even handle a full time job i have no realistic goal i have no ambition and even le motivation to do anything it seems i am not suitable fort this world so the only thing i am able to do is fuck this shit i give up i am not strong enough and i know it is pathetic and cowardly yes you are right i am a fucking coward piece of scum so please kill me already
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life just fucking suck i hate everything but above anything else the most i hate is religion i cant help it but say that i do not understand religion and their concept guess what i had to be born in a religious family fuckyeah because of that i am constantly threatened by religious friend and family looking at me like i am a disgusting being constant physical abuse by my mother just because i disagree with their belief i never wa disrepectful to them i just hoped that i could be free and decied wetehr or not follow the religion but no my mother is more worried of what other family member think of herso she try to force me to not reject religion or else my family will think that she is a bad mother and look down on her my family is a fucking joke this is not my only reason that made me start having suicidal thought i am a teenager maleso i unfortunately still depend of my mother but that doe not matter because i decided that after finishing uni i will kill msyelf i am weak i cant even handle a full time job i have no realistic goal i have no ambition and even le motivation to do anything it seems i am not suitable fort this world", "so the only thing i am able to do is fuck this shit i give up i am not strong enoughand i know it is pathetic andcowardlyyes you are right i am a fucking coward piece of scum so please kill me already" ]
La vida sólo chupar mierda odio todo, pero por encima de cualquier otra cosa lo más odio es la religión no puedo ayudar pero decir que no entiendo la religión y su concepto adivinar lo que tenía que nacer en una familia religiosa mierda debido a que estoy constantemente amenazado por amigo religioso y la familia mirándome como soy un asqueroso ser constante abuso físico por mi madre sólo porque no estoy de acuerdo con su creencia nunca he estado desapercibida a ellos sólo esperaba que podría ser libre y decidido Wetehr o no seguir la religión pero no mi madre está más preocupada de lo que otros miembros de la familia piensan de ellaso ella trata de obligarme a no rechazar la religión o de lo contrario mi familia pensará que ella es una mala madre y mirar hacia abajo en ella mi familia es una broma de mierda esta no es mi única razón que me hizo empezar a tener pensamientos suicidas pensar que soy un adolescente malso yo desafortunadamente todavía depende de mi madre pero que no importa porque decidí que después de terminar uni voy a matar a msyelf yo soy débil ni siquiera puedo manejar un trabajo completo no tengo objetivo realista que no tengo ambición e incluso la motivación para hacer nada parece que no soy adecuado para este mundo
everything say gets deleted but genuinely do really really want kill myself also not live loving life hate horribly cut routine feel now like baths cleans makes less visible family noticeask kill hate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything say gets deleted but genuinely do really really want kill myself also not live loving life hate horribly cut routine feel now like baths cleans makes less visible family noticeask kill hate" ]
todo lo que dicen se elimina, pero realmente realmente realmente quiero matarme a mí mismo también no vivir la vida amorosa odio horriblemente cortado rutina sentir ahora como baños limpia hace menos visible familiar noteask matar odio
im girl please give attention bcos im girl im begging
[ "im girl please give attention bcos im girl im begging" ]
im chica por favor dar atención bcos im chica implorando
im waitingfor one final straw drive edge finally all ive prepared everything except im going redflag note point dont even want write notetheres nothing want say anybodyits fault born suicidal self harming piece shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im waitingfor one final straw drive edge finally all ive prepared everything except im going redflag note point dont even want write notetheres nothing want say anybodyits fault born suicidal self harming piece shit" ]
Estoy esperando por un último borde de paja por fin todo ive preparado todo excepto im ir rojo punto nota ni siquiera quiero escribir nota hay nada quiere decir nadie su culpa nace suicida auto daño pieza mierda
@drlfarrell #irishmed T1 Early intervention. Also, GP aware of impact of physical health on psychological well being aside from discrete MH difficulties ie anxiety/depression.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@drlfarrell #irishmed T1 Early intervention.Also, GP aware of impact of physical health on psychological well being aside from discrete MH difficulties ie anxiety/depression." ]
@drlfarrell #irishmed T1 Intervención temprana.También, GP consciente del impacto de la salud física en el bienestar psicológico aparte de las dificultades discretas de MH, es decir, ansiedad/depresión.
yeah sure breakups hurt ever lost amazing person life guys miscommunicated started dating best friend cant tell really felt see together time
[ "yeah sure breakups hurt ever lost amazing person life guys miscommunicated started dating best friend cant tell really felt see together time" ]
Sí, seguro rupturas duelen alguna vez perdido increíble persona vida chicos mal comunicado comenzó a salir mejor amigo no puede contar realmente se sintió ver juntos tiempo
better die means saving hersometimes vivid thoughts usually dreams sometimes happen im awake too ampxb see her bruised bloodied crying front me see feel warmth hands feel smell blood like see hurt dont always beautiful matter looks sounds like time always see her bleeding head cowering fear horrible always know im responsible sometime even sobs stop cant take it know never ever loved ever wanted but even infinitesimally small chance could reality better die loneliness enough make want kill myself even somehow somehow wrong that better die anyway protect whoever future victim wouldve been know ill never loved saw experienced physical sexual emotional abuse whos say girl love worth dying too make sure that chance future girlfriend exist finds someone actually take care instead someone wholl carry pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "better die means saving hersometimes vivid thoughts usually dreams sometimes happen im awake too ampxb see her bruised bloodied crying front me see feel warmth hands feel smell blood like see hurt dont always beautiful matter looks sounds like time always see her bleeding head cowering fear horrible always know im responsible sometime even sobs stop cant take it know never ever loved ever wanted but even infinitesimally small chance could reality better die loneliness enough make want kill myself even somehow somehow wrong that better die anyway protect whoever future victim wouldve been know ill never loved saw experienced physical sexual emotional abuse whos say girl love worth dying too make sure that chance future girlfriend exist finds someone actually take care instead someone wholl carry pain" ]
mejor morir significa salvarla a veces pensamientos vívidos generalmente los sueños a veces suceden im despierto demasiado ampxb ver su magullado ensangrentado llanto frente mí ver sentir calor manos sentir olor sangre como ver dolor no siempre materia hermosa suena como el tiempo siempre ver su cabeza sangrante miedo horrible siempre sé que soy responsable en algún momento incluso sollozos parada no puedo tomarlo saber nunca nunca amado nunca querido pero incluso infinitamente pequeña oportunidad podría morir mejor realidad soledad suficiente hacer querer matarme incluso de alguna manera mal que mejor morir de todos modos proteger a quien sea futura víctima habría sido conocido mal nunca amado vi experimentado abuso sexual emocional que dicen chica amor vale la pena morir también asegúrese de que la oportunidad futura novia existe encuentra a alguien realmente cuidar en lugar de alguien que lleva dolor
second semester college starts tomorrow girl ive talking mia lately fact ill never successful streaming dreamsmp making sad wanna say something nice imma sleep rn ill wake whatever im awake say anything want song recommendations life tips whats going life anything ill see em tomorrow gnight ladies gents
[ "second semester college starts tomorrow girl ive talking mia lately fact ill never successful streaming dreamsmp making sad wanna say something nice imma sleep rn ill wake whatever im awake say anything want song recommendations life tips whats going life anything ill see em tomorrow gnight ladies gents" ]
segundo semestre de la universidad comienza mañana chica conversa mia últimamente hecho mal nunca éxito streaming sueñosmp haciendo triste querer decir algo agradable Imma sueño rn mal despertar cualquier im despierto decir cualquier cosa quiere canciones recomendaciones vida consejos lo que va la vida cualquier mal ver mañana gnight damas caballeros
keep living herive suicidal long time ive made several attempts before im used people caring attempt ive made new friend think would take hard wrong got really sad scared visited afterwards hugged crying tried make promise keep alive her want make feel like hard keep fighting still want end feeling guilt thinking taking life know much would hurt her really know anymore since feelings constantly gnawing me harder psychiatrist taking break holidays cant speak either this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep living herive suicidal long time ive made several attempts before im used people caring attempt ive made new friend think would take hard wrong got really sad scared visited afterwards hugged crying tried make promise keep alive her want make feel like hard keep fighting still want end feeling guilt thinking taking life know much would hurt her really know anymore since feelings constantly gnawing me harder psychiatrist taking break holidays cant speak either this" ]
mantener la vida suicida herive mucho tiempo ive hizo varios intentos antes de que la gente que se preocupa intento ive hizo nuevo amigo pensar que tomar duro mal se llevó muy triste miedo visitada después abrazos llorar tratado de hacer la promesa mantener vivo su deseo hacer sentir como duro seguir luchando todavía quiero final sentimiento de culpa pensar tomar la vida saber mucho le haría daño realmente saber más ya ya que los sentimientos constantemente royendo más duro psiquiatra tomando vacaciones vacaciones no puede hablar o esto