dict |
"en": "album by Satyricon",
"ja": "サテリコンのアルバム"
} |
"en": "King of West Francia",
"ja": "西フランク国王"
} |
"en": "town in Slovakia",
"ja": "スロヴァキアの町"
} |
"en": "genre of photography; field of work for photographers",
"ja": "人物を撮影した写真"
} |
"en": "family of mammals",
"ja": "霊長目の科"
} |
"en": "exterior side of a building, usually the front but not always",
"ja": "建築物の正面部分、およびその意匠"
} |
"en": "fourth-generation home video game console by Nintendo",
"ja": "かつて任天堂が製造販売した家庭用ゲーム機"
} |
"en": "borough in Bergen County, New Jersey, United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国のニュージャージー州バーゲン郡にあるボロ"
} |
"en": "absolutist or autocratic ruler who assumes sole power over the state",
"ja": "絶対的権力を行使する支配者"
} |
"en": "men's national association football team representing Armenia",
"ja": "アルメニア共和国の男子サッカーナショナルチーム"
} |
"en": "order of mammals",
"ja": "哺乳類の分類"
} |
"en": "confections often made from nut butters or flours",
"ja": "南アジア〜中近東の菓子"
} |
"en": "technology use of various control systems by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance",
"ja": "様々なシステムを用いて人の手を介さずに動作させる技術"
} |
"en": "desert in southwestern United States",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国にある砂漠"
} |
"en": "theater of World War II fought in the Pacific and Asia",
"ja": "太平洋とアジアで戦った第二次世界大戦の戦域"
} |
"en": "socially offensive form of language",
"ja": "下品あるいは卑猥な言葉"
} |
"en": "combination of words whose meaning cannot be understood by combining the meaning of the component words",
"ja": "複数の語や形態素が比較的強く結びつき、独立したまとまりをなす表現"
} |
"en": "the personification of the rainbow in ancient Greek religion and mythology",
"ja": "ギリシア神話に登場する虹の女神"
} |
"en": "class of gun designed to fire grenade shells",
"ja": "手榴弾をより遠くに飛ばすための武器"
} |
"en": "athletic track and field competition",
"ja": "10種類の種目で競う陸上競技"
} |
"en": "system using a prescribed set of digital values to represent textual characters",
"ja": "テキスト文字を表現するために、所定のデジタル値の集合を使用するシステム"
} |
"en": "album by Einstürzende Neubauten",
"ja": "アインシュテュルツェンデ・ノイバウテンのアルバム"
} |
"en": "bomber aircraft family by Boeing",
"ja": "アメリカの戦略爆撃機"
} |
"en": "novel by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson",
"ja": "ロバート・ルイス・スティーヴンソンの小説"
} |
"en": "national anthem of North Macedonia",
"ja": "北マケドニア共和国の国歌"
} |
"en": "message-digest hashing algorithm",
"ja": "暗号学的ハッシュ関数"
} |
"en": "2009 plane crash of an Air France Airbus A330 in the Atlantic Ocean",
"ja": "2009年に大西洋上で起きた航空事故"
} |
"en": "14 peaks over 8,000 m",
"ja": "標高8000m以上の山"
} |
"en": "personal written record with discrete entries arranged by date",
"ja": "日々の出来事を記録した文書"
} |
"en": "traditional unit of pressure",
"ja": "圧力の単位"
} |
"en": "vehicle capable of movement within ground effect at speed or stationary over all surfaces without contact",
"ja": "水面や地面に向けて空気を高圧で噴出し、浮揚して進む乗り物"
} |
"en": "album by Katy Perry",
"ja": "ケイティ・ペリーのアルバム"
} |
"en": "benzodiazepine derivative medication",
"ja": "睡眠薬の一つ"
} |
"en": "Any chromosome other than a sex chromosome",
"ja": "性染色体以外の染色体"
} |
"en": "plant that is the product of unintentional breeding",
"ja": "意図しない繁殖の産物である植物"
} |
"en": "English poet, illustrator, painter, and translator",
"ja": "882, イギリスの画家、詩人"
} |
"en": "American film studio",
"ja": "アメリカの映画スタジオ"
} |
"en": "prefecture-level city in Henan, People's Republic of China",
"ja": "中国河南省の地級市"
} |
"en": "autoimmune disease which attacks healthy cells and tissue located in joints",
"ja": "関節炎を主体とする炎症性疾患"
} |
"en": "type of underwear that allows one to defecate or urinate, without the use of a toilet",
"ja": "トイレに行けない人の下腹部に着用させ、排泄物を受け止めるもの"
} |
"en": "Province of Iran",
"ja": "イランの州"
} |
"en": "strait connecting Azov and Black Seas",
"ja": "黒海とアゾフ海を結ぶ海峡"
} |
"en": "fresh-water species of fish",
"ja": "サケ目サケ科の魚類"
} |
"en": "classification of blood types",
"ja": "血液型の分類法の一種"
} |
"en": "symphony by Nikolai Myaskovsky",
"ja": "ミャスコフスキーの作品"
} |
"en": "county of Lithuania",
"ja": "リトアニアの郡"
} |
"en": "official residence of the President of France",
"ja": "パリにあるフランス大統領官邸"
} |
"en": "2010 American computer-animated film",
"ja": "2010年のアメリカのアニメーション映画"
} |
"en": "small, unrecognized country",
"ja": "小さな未承認国家"
} |
"en": "self-contained housing unit occupying part of a building",
"ja": "集合住宅内部の独立した住居"
} |
"en": "commune in Aude, France",
"ja": "フランス、オード県のコミューン"
} |
"en": "large-screen film format",
"ja": "ラージスクリーン フォーマット"
} |
"en": "cured sausage, fermented and air-dried meat",
"ja": "イタリアで発祥したドライソーセージの1種"
} |
"en": "political philosophy and school of thought",
"ja": "無政府による共産主義"
} |
"en": "ability or right of an individual or group to seclude themselves, or information about themselves",
"ja": "私生活上の事柄をみだりに公開されない法的な保障と権利"
} |
"en": "polyhedron with 20 faces",
"ja": "20の面からなる多面体"
} |
"en": "measure of computer performance",
"ja": "コンピュータの性能指標"
} |
"en": "unpaid work undertaken freely by individuals as a service to others",
"ja": "他者への奉仕目的に無給で労力を提供する行為、又はその行為者"
} |
"en": "film directed by Phyllida Lloyd",
"ja": "イギリス、ドイツ、アメリカの映画作品"
} |
"en": "city in Mali",
"ja": "マリの都市"
} |
"en": "customary code of polite behaviour",
"ja": "行儀・作法のこと"
} |
"en": "educational institution, varying in level from country to country",
"ja": "国ごとにレベルが異なる教育機関"
} |
"en": "2008 song by Lady Gaga",
"ja": "2008年のレディー・ガガのシングル曲"
} |
"en": "person licensed by the state to perform acts in legal affairs, in particular witnessing signatures on documents",
"ja": "ある事実の存在、もしくは契約等の法律行為の適法性等について、公権力を根拠に証明・認証する者"
} |
"en": "men's national association football team representing Montenegro",
"ja": "モンテネグロの男子サッカーナショナルチーム"
} |
"en": "former currency of Spain",
"ja": "スペインの旧通貨単位"
} |
"en": "former men's national association football team representing the Soviet Union",
"ja": "ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦の男子サッカーナショナルチーム"
} |
"en": "governorate of Iraq",
"ja": "イラクの県"
} |
"en": "computer input device",
"ja": "ポインティングデバイスの一種"
} |
"en": "1975 adventure film by Steven Spielberg",
"ja": "スティーヴン・スピルバーグ監督の1975年のアメリカ映画"
} |
"en": "ancient Egyptian pharaoh of the Early Dynastic Period",
"ja": "エジプト第1王朝のファラオ"
} |
"en": "county of Northern Ireland",
"ja": "北アイルランドの県"
} |
"en": "chemical element required as an essential nutrient by organisms to perform functions necessary for life",
"ja": "一般的な有機物に含まれる4元素以外の必須元素"
} |
"en": "false or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive and manipulate",
"ja": "意図的に広められる虚偽もしくは不正確な情報"
} |
"en": "property of an organism’s thermophysiology where internal temperature varies significantly",
"ja": "体温が外気温に応じて変化する動物"
} |
"en": "–1850 novel by Charles Dickens",
"ja": "チャールズ・ディケンズの小説"
} |
"en": "species of Old World monkey",
"ja": "霊長目オナガザル科の動物"
} |
"en": "1951 American animated musical fantasy film",
"ja": "1951年のアメリカのアニメーション映画"
} |
"en": "family of file systems originally developed by Microsoft",
"ja": "マイクロソフトによって開発されたファイルシステムのファミリー"
} |
"en": "open-source web application framework",
"ja": "オープンソースのWebアプリケーションフレームワーク"
} |
"en": "branch of mathematical analysis concerned with infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces, often spaces of functions",
"ja": "フーリエ変換や微分方程式、積分方程式などの研究に端を発している解析学"
} |
"en": "county of Northern Ireland",
"ja": "イギリスの北アイルランドの県"
} |
"en": "currency of Libya",
"ja": "リビアの通貨"
} |
"en": "province of Zambia",
"ja": "ザンビアの州"
} |
"en": "place where ships are repaired and built",
"ja": "船を建造・修理する場所"
} |
"en": "transnational organized crime group primarily based in Hong Kong",
"ja": "香港を拠点とする犯罪組織のひとつ"
} |
"en": "river of northwest Greece",
"ja": "ギリシアの川"
} |
"en": "American linguist and anthropologist",
"ja": "アメリカの言語学者、人類学者"
} |
"en": "2009 science fiction film by Michael Bay",
"ja": "2009年のアメリカのSFアクション映画"
} |
"en": "honorific title for a teacher of the Dharma in Tibetan Buddhism",
"ja": "チベット仏教における僧侶の敬称の1つ"
} |
"en": "a medication used to treat erectile dysfunction and pulmonary arterial hypertension",
"ja": "勃起不全、肺動脈性肺高血圧症の治療薬"
} |
"en": "cathedral in Florence, Italy",
"ja": "フィレンツェ大聖堂"
} |
"en": "fourth crewed flight of the United States Apollo program",
"ja": "アポロ計画の4番目の有人ミッション"
} |
"en": "followers of the Communist Party of Kampuchea in Cambodia",
"ja": "かつて存在したカンボジアの政治勢力、武装組織"
} |
"en": "culinary traditions of India",
"ja": "インドの料理あるいは食文化"
} |
"en": "official currency of Vietnam",
"ja": "ベトナムの通貨"
} |
"en": "attack aircraft family by Sukhoi",
"ja": "ロシア空軍の攻撃機"
} |
"en": "video game franchise",
"ja": "FPSゲームシリーズ"
} |
"en": "political party in Russia",
"ja": "ロシアの共産主義政党"
} |
"en": "piece of cloth for personal use",
"ja": "主に身だしなみとして用いられる正方形の布"
} |