{ "en": "municipality of Algeria", "ja": "アルジェリアの都市" }
{ "en": "album by Hannes Wader", "ja": "ハネス・ヴァーダーのアルバム" }
{ "en": "national anthem of Slovenia", "ja": "スロベニア共和国の国歌" }
{ "en": "Anglo-Swiss mining and commodity trading company", "ja": "多国籍鉱業・商品取引企業" }
{ "en": "end times in Norse mythology", "ja": "北欧神話における終末の日" }
{ "en": "alcoholic drink", "ja": "アルコール飲料" }
{ "en": "capital of Shandong province, China", "ja": "中国山東省の省都" }
{ "en": "symbol of communism", "ja": "共産主義のシンボル" }
{ "en": "city in Serbia", "ja": "セルビアの都市" }
{ "en": "seismic scale used for measuring the intensity and effects of an earthquake", "ja": "ある地点の地震動の大きさを表す指標" }
{ "en": "First Nations people of Australia and its islands", "ja": "アボリジニとトレス海峡諸島民の総称" }
{ "en": "American and British writer", "ja": "アメリカ出身のイギリスの作家" }
{ "en": "site outside Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified according to the Gospels", "ja": "イエス・キリストが十字架につけられた場所" }
{ "en": "British archaeologist, army officer and diplomat", "ja": "イギリスの軍人、考古学者" }
{ "en": "republic of the Soviet Union", "ja": "ソビエト連邦構成共和国の一つ" }
{ "en": "Greek island group in the Aegean Sea", "ja": "エーゲ海側にあるギリシャの島々" }
{ "en": "hill in Tallinn, Estonia", "ja": "エストニアのタリンの山の手地区" }
{ "en": "type of synthetic language with morphology that primarily uses agglutination", "ja": "言語の形態論上の分類のひとつ" }
{ "en": "well-preserved natural prehistoric mummy", "ja": "アルプス山脈で発見されたミイラ" }
{ "en": "cigarette brand", "ja": "タバコの銘柄" }
{ "en": "unforeseen event that causes damage to a person or property", "ja": "予期できなかったり、予定外の出来事や状況" }
{ "en": "sugar-rich liquid produced by many flowering plants", "ja": "草花や樹木が分泌する甘い汁のこと" }
{ "en": "capital of Jiangxi province, China", "ja": "中国江西省の省都" }
{ "en": "–1795 bi-confederate monarchy in Europe", "ja": "かつて東ヨーロッパに存在した国家" }
{ "en": "Shinto shrine in Jōetsu, Niigata prefecture, Japan", "ja": "新潟県上越市五智にある神社" }
{ "en": "fictional creature, often used to scare kids", "ja": "伝説あるいは民間伝承における幽霊に類似した怪物" }
{ "en": "automobile manufacturer", "ja": "自動車メーカー" }
{ "en": "argument for the existence of an intelligent cause adequate to explain the extraordinary design and intelligence we observe in our information-rich universe, particularly within living organisms", "ja": "「知性ある何か」によって生命や宇宙のシステムが形作られたとする理論" }
{ "en": "Japanese automobile manufacturing company", "ja": "日本の自動車メーカー・ブランド" }
{ "en": "home video game console", "ja": "任天堂の家庭用ゲーム機" }
{ "en": "person who holds a significantly accepted claim to be pope, without being recognized as pope", "ja": "正当な教皇に対抗して立てられた教皇" }
{ "en": "motorsport track in France", "ja": "フランスにあるサーキット" }
{ "en": "official of the Roman Republic", "ja": "古代ローマの公職" }
{ "en": "free and open-source 3D computer graphics software", "ja": "無料のオープンソース3Dコンピュータグラフィックスソフトウェア" }
{ "en": "–2015 centre-right political party in France", "ja": "フランスの保守政党・中道右派政党" }
{ "en": "relief printing technique", "ja": "木版印刷による版画技術" }
{ "en": "physiological capacity of organisms that provides data for perception", "ja": "外部からの刺激を受けることで生じるもの" }
{ "en": "discrete, discontinuous representations of information or works, as contrasted with continuous, or analog signals which behave in a continuous manner, or represent information using a continuous function", "ja": "情報を離散的・非連続的な形で表現したもの。連続的なアナログ信号と対比される" }
{ "en": "city in Montenegro", "ja": "モンテネグロの都市" }
{ "en": "American multinational technology company", "ja": "アメリカのネットワーク機器メーカー" }
{ "en": "American motor racing team", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国のレーシングチーム・コンストラクター" }
{ "en": "–1906 political scandal in France", "ja": "フランスの冤罪事件" }
{ "en": "province of Afghanistan", "ja": "アフガニスタンの州" }
{ "en": "application of better solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulated needs, or existing market needs", "ja": "新しい技術や考え方を取り入れて、新たな価値を生み出し社会的に大きな変化を起こすこと" }
{ "en": "main group of riders in a bicycle race", "ja": "自転車ロードレースの選手の集団" }
{ "en": "opera by Richard Wagner", "ja": "リヒャルト・ワーグナー作曲の2幕のオペラ" }
{ "en": "supernatural being in folklore", "ja": "ヨーロッパの伝説上の種族" }
{ "en": "musical composition for piano four hands by Maurice Ravel", "ja": "モーリス・ラヴェル作曲のピアノ連弾組曲、バレエ音楽" }
{ "en": "spanish multinational energy and petrochemical company", "ja": "スペインの石油関連企業" }
{ "en": "Roman Catholic saint", "ja": "カトリック教会の聖人" }
{ "en": "manifestation of information by variation of a physical phenomenon", "ja": "電気工学において、時間や空間に伴って変化する任意の量" }
{ "en": "death by suspension of a person by a noose or ligature around the neck", "ja": "首の圧迫に伴う呼吸や脳の血流の阻害によって死に至ること" }
{ "en": "men's national association football team representing Cameroon", "ja": "カメルーンの男子サッカーナショナルチーム" }
{ "en": "type of electron microscope used for looking at atoms", "ja": "走査型プローブ顕微鏡の一形式" }
{ "en": "town in Monroe County, New York, United States", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国ニューヨーク州モンロー郡所在の町" }
{ "en": "sovereign state in Central Europe", "ja": "オーストリアの歴史上の政体" }
{ "en": "quality of a musical note or sound or tone", "ja": "音の聞こえかた、性質を表現するための用語" }
{ "en": "National anthem of Greece and Cyprus", "ja": "ギリシャとキプロスの国歌" }
{ "en": "Japanese Zen Buddhist master", "ja": "臨済宗の中興の祖" }
{ "en": "elongated mineral formation which hangs down from a cave ceiling", "ja": "鍾乳洞内部に形成される堆積物" }
{ "en": "Japanese-language edition of Wikipedia", "ja": "ウィキペディアの日本語版" }
{ "en": "carrying, free of charge, a transport company's own staff on a normal passenger trip", "ja": "航空会社員の便乗、またはその社員のこと" }
{ "en": "national cultural center of contemporary art in Paris, France", "ja": "フランスのパリにある総合文化施設" }
{ "en": "power to unilaterally stop an official action", "ja": "ある事柄について拒み断る権利" }
{ "en": "transferral of private assets to public ownership by a national government", "ja": "中央政府による私的資産の公有への譲渡" }
{ "en": "full-contact combat sport in which the gloved competitors may punch and kick with bare feet", "ja": "グローブを着けた選手が裸足でパンチ、キックする直接打撃格闘技" }
{ "en": "exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories", "ja": "国家間で行なわれる商品の売買" }
{ "en": "Byzantine Greek state on Black Sea coast", "ja": "東ローマ帝国の亡命政権" }
{ "en": "Spanish island of the Canary Islands", "ja": "スペイン・カナリア諸島の島" }
{ "en": "opera by Giuseppe Verdi", "ja": "ジュゼッペ・ヴェルディ作曲によるオペラ" }
{ "en": "peninsula in Aomori Prefecture, Japan", "ja": "本州の北端の半島" }
{ "en": "theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure", "ja": "狭義には現代思想の一つ、広義には方法論を指す語" }
{ "en": "town in Kasuya district, Fukuoka prefecture, Japan", "ja": "日本の福岡県糟屋郡の町" }
{ "en": "type of creative work", "ja": "創作物の種類" }
{ "en": "highest deity of Zoroastrianism", "ja": "ゾロアスター教の最高神" }
{ "en": "capital of Guangxi, China", "ja": "広西チワン族自治区の首府" }
{ "en": "city in Azerbaijan", "ja": "アゼルバイジャンの都市" }
{ "en": "–1949 civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in China", "ja": "1945年から1949年の中国の内戦" }
{ "en": "1959 American epic historical drama film by William Wyler", "ja": "1959年制作のアメリカの映画作品" }
{ "en": "means of expressing certain extremely large numbers", "ja": "巨大数の表記法" }
{ "en": "process whereby a person assumes the parenting for a child born by other parents", "ja": "血縁関係とは無関係に親子関係を発生させること" }
{ "en": "the enterprise of raising or harvesting fish or other aquatic organisms", "ja": "魚介類を捕獲したり養殖する産業" }
{ "en": "Unicode block", "ja": "Unicodeのブロック" }
{ "en": "set equipped with a metric", "ja": "距離関数が与えられている集合" }
{ "en": "dream where one is aware that they are dreaming", "ja": "夢であるという自覚をしながら見る夢" }
{ "en": "fictional characters in the Harry Potter series of novels and films", "ja": "イギリスの小説『ハリー・ポッター』シリーズに登場する架空の集団" }
{ "en": "1992–1995 armed conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina", "ja": "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナで1992年から1995年にかけて発生した内戦" }
{ "en": "county in Ireland", "ja": "アイルランドの県" }
{ "en": "small flat tool used to pluck or strum a stringed instrument", "ja": "撥弦楽器を演奏するための道具" }
{ "en": "city in Turkey", "ja": "トルコの都市" }
{ "en": "hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future", "ja": "フィクションにおいて時間の流れを超えて過去や未来へ旅行すること" }
{ "en": "2007 film directed by David Silverman", "ja": "2007年のアメリカのアニメーション映画" }
{ "en": "web search engine from Microsoft", "ja": "マイクロソフトの検索エンジン" }
{ "en": "Dutch statesman", "ja": "オランダ首相" }
{ "en": "national anthem of Switzerland", "ja": "スイスの国歌" }
{ "en": "award", "ja": "表彰" }
{ "en": "statistical principle about ratio of effects to causes", "ja": "イタリアの経済学者ヴィルフレド・パレートが発見した冪乗則" }
{ "en": "formula for calculating the area of a triangle", "ja": "三角形の面積を求める公式のこと" }
{ "en": "alkaline lake on the border of Ethiopia and Kenya", "ja": "ケニアとエチオピアに跨がる湖" }
{ "en": "county in Romania", "ja": "ルーマニアの県" }