dict |
"en": "book by Jean-Paul Sartre",
"ja": "サルトルの著作"
} |
"en": "alcoholic beverage from Mexico",
"ja": "竜舌蘭を原料とする蒸留酒"
} |
"en": "British monarch from 1660 to 1685",
"ja": "17世紀のイングランド、スコットランド、アイルランド王"
} |
"en": "Swiss chemist Nobel laureate",
"ja": "スイスの化学者"
} |
"en": "currency of Poland",
"ja": "ポーランドの通貨"
} |
"en": "political system and culture of the Byzantine Empire",
"ja": "東ローマ帝国 の政治システムと文化"
} |
"en": "use of physical force or power for coercion or as punishment",
"ja": "他者の身体や財産などに対する物理的な破壊力"
} |
"en": "parish of Jamaica",
"ja": "ジャマイカの教区"
} |
"en": "US record label",
"ja": "アメリカのレコードレーベル"
} |
"en": "district of Shanghai, China",
"ja": "中国上海市の市轄区"
} |
"en": "1994 film directed by Simon Sprackling",
"ja": "1994年制作のイギリス映画"
} |
"en": "branch of philosophy and fundamental discipline of law",
"ja": "法律における哲学あるいは倫理観に関する学問の分野"
} |
"en": "strait between mainland China and Taiwan",
"ja": "中華人民共和国福建省と中華民国 を隔てる海峡"
} |
"en": "novel by Vladimir Nabokov",
"ja": "ウラジーミル・ナボコフの小説"
} |
"en": "county in Wisconsin, United States",
"ja": "ウィスコンシン州の郡"
} |
"en": "album by John Cale",
"ja": "ジョン・ケイルのアルバム"
} |
"en": "film by Peter Jackson",
"ja": "ピーター・ジャクソン監督のファンタジー映画"
} |
"en": "gem variety of corundum",
"ja": "蒼く澄む宝石・鉱物"
} |
"en": "soundtrack by Popol Vuh",
"ja": "ポポル・ヴフのアルバム"
} |
"en": "American uncrewed cargo spacecraft produced by Northrop Grumman",
"ja": "アメリカの無人宇宙補給機"
} |
"en": "metro station in Toshima, Tokyo, Japan",
"ja": "東京都豊島区にある東京地下鉄の駅"
} |
"en": "art museum in Honolulu, Hawaii",
"ja": "ハワイのホノルルにある美術館"
} |
"en": "book by Jules Renard",
"ja": "ジュール・ルナールの長編小説"
} |
"en": "partition of British India into the independent states of India and Pakistan in 1947",
"ja": "イギリス領インド帝国が解体し、インドとパキスタンに分かれて独立したこと"
} |
"en": "Egyptian cat deity",
"ja": "エジプト神話の女神"
} |
"en": "city in southern Serbia",
"ja": "セルビアの都市"
} |
"en": "language spoken in Jeju, South Korea",
"ja": "韓国の済州島で話されている言語"
} |
"en": "album by Kardinal Offishall",
"ja": "カーディナル・オフィシャルのアルバム"
} |
"en": "avenue in Manhattan",
"ja": "ニューヨークの通り"
} |
"en": "rotary mechanical device that extracts energy from a fluid flow",
"ja": "流体のエネルギーを機械的動力に変換する回転式の原動機"
} |
"en": "neutrality pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union",
"ja": "ドイツとソビエト連邦の間に締結された条約"
} |
"en": "capital of French Polynesia",
"ja": "タヒチの首都"
} |
"en": "airport serving the town of Abumumbazi, in the Nord-Ubangi province",
"ja": "ノルド・ウバンギ県のアブムンバジの町にサービスを提供する空港"
} |
"en": "genus of parasitic protists that can cause malaria",
"ja": "マラリアを引き起こす可能性のある寄生原生生物の属"
} |
"en": "genus of theropod dinosaur",
"ja": "スピノサウルス亜科の恐竜"
} |
"en": "study of stamps and postal history and other related items",
"ja": "郵便を対象とした趣味の総称"
} |
"en": "5th FIFA World Cup, held in Switzerland",
"ja": "スイスで行われた第5回FIFAワールドカップ"
} |
"en": "occurrences and people in the USA throughout history",
"ja": "今に至るまでのアメリカ合衆国の歴史"
} |
"en": "unique eight-digit number used to identify a print or electronic periodical publication",
"ja": "逐次刊行物を識別するための番号"
} |
"en": "Latin initialism for \"The Senate and People of Rome\"",
"ja": "「ローマの元老院と人民 」を意味するラテン語表記の略語"
} |
"en": "palace in Vienna, Austria",
"ja": "オーストリアの宮殿"
} |
"en": "island of Hawaii, United States",
"ja": "ハワイ諸島の島"
} |
"en": "desert in southern Africa",
"ja": "ナミビアの砂漠"
} |
"en": "Roman Catholic religious order",
"ja": "カトリック教会の修道会"
} |
"en": "object that is typically worn on one's person, and is alleged to have the magical power to protect its holder",
"ja": "所有者を守る呪術的な効力があると信じられている物品"
} |
"en": "quantum mechanical principle that two identical fermions cannot occupy the same quantum state simultaneously",
"ja": "2つ以上のフェルミ粒子は、同一の量子状態を占めることはできないという原理"
} |
"en": "German noble family; 1180–1918, monarchs of Bavaria; 1214–1803, counts palatine of the Rhine",
"ja": "ドイツのバイエルン地方を発祥とする君主、諸侯の家系"
} |
"en": "round piece of metal, often used as an award",
"ja": "金属製の円盤で顕彰のために授受する"
} |
"en": "city in Algeria",
"ja": "アルジェリアの都市"
} |
"en": "island in Kuril Islands, Russia",
"ja": "千島列島にある島"
} |
"en": "Hindu goddess associated with empowerment",
"ja": "ヒンドゥー教の女神"
} |
"en": "country with a developed industry and infrastructure",
"ja": "産業とインフラストラクチャーが発達した国"
} |
"en": "theorem in number theory that there are no nontrivial integer solutions of xⁿ+yⁿ=zⁿ for integer n>2",
"ja": "フェルマーの死後360年経った1995年にアンドリュー・ワイルズが証明した数学の定理"
} |
"en": "ancient city, now an archaeological site in Greece",
"ja": "ペロポネソス半島東部に存在した古代都市"
} |
"en": "commune in Mayotte, France",
"ja": "フランス海外県の都市"
} |
"en": "action-adventure video game series",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国のコンピューターゲームシリーズ"
} |
"en": "museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia",
"ja": "ロシアの国立美術館"
} |
"en": "image or writing made from an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials",
"ja": "小片を寄せあわせ埋め込んで絵や模様を表す装飾美術手法"
} |
"en": "Stealth Aircraft by Lockheed Martin",
"ja": "アメリカ合衆国が開発したステルス戦闘機"
} |
"en": "simple sugars such as glucose and fructose",
"ja": "それ以上加水分解されない糖類"
} |
"en": "peer-to-peer file sharing protocol",
"ja": "P2Pファイル共有プロトコル"
} |
"en": "subconflict of the Second Congo War",
"ja": "コンゴ民主共和国での軍事紛争"
} |
"en": "molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecules",
"ja": "他の分子の酸化を阻害する化合物"
} |
"en": "carbonated soft drink",
"ja": "炭酸飲料のひとつ"
} |
"en": "instrument used in measuring the weight or mass of an object",
"ja": "物体の重さや質量を測定するのに使われる器具"
} |
"en": "biological pollination process occurring in plants",
"ja": "花粉が柱頭に付くこと"
} |
"en": "national flag",
"ja": "国の国旗"
} |
"en": "Swedish poet",
"ja": "スウェーデンの詩人"
} |
"en": "men's national association football team representing Greece",
"ja": "ギリシャの男子サッカーナショナルチーム"
} |
"en": "daughter of Alcinous in Greek mythology",
"ja": "『オデュッセイア』に登場する王女"
} |
"en": "neighbourhood of Zaandam, Netherlands",
"ja": "ザーンダム近郊。オランダ、"
} |
"en": "road bridge in Pyongyang, North Korea",
"ja": "平壌にある道路橋"
} |
"en": "American professional basketball team",
"ja": "プロバスケットボールチーム"
} |
"en": "1987 film directed by Luis Valdez",
"ja": "1987年のアメリカ合衆国映画"
} |
"en": "Subterranean rapid transit",
"ja": "ペルーの都市鉄道"
} |
"en": "Decorative technique in which warp or weft threads, or both, are tie-dyed before weaving",
"ja": "糸の束を結び、織りの前に染色する伝統的なインドネシアの染色技術"
} |
"en": "leading or presiding officer of an organized group such as a board, committee, or deliberative assembly",
"ja": "取締役会、委員会、審議会などの組織の長"
} |
"en": "study of mathematical algorithms for optimization problems",
"ja": "応用数学の一分野"
} |
"en": "desert in northeast Ethiopia",
"ja": "アフリカ大陸東部に広がる砂漠"
} |
"en": "city in Quebec, Canada",
"ja": "ケベック州 の都市"
} |
"en": "island in Nunavut, Canada",
"ja": "カナダの島"
} |
"en": "geographic and cultural region; collective term for the Arabic-speaking countries of Asia and Africa, or of Asia only",
"ja": "アラビア語を話す人々であるアラブ人が主に住む地域"
} |
"en": "flammable material used as initial fuel when igniting a fire by rudimentary methods",
"ja": "火打石や火打金などで起こした火を最初に着火させるために用いる燃えやすい燃料"
} |
"en": "semiconductor foundry company headquartered in Taiwan",
"ja": "台湾の半導体製造企業"
} |
"en": "rotating wheel having teeth which mesh with another cogwheel or toothed part, used to transmit torque, convert rotation to translation or rarely other purposes",
"ja": "逆再生やスピードを容易にするための機械の動力伝達の一部のパーツの名称"
} |
"en": "stock exchange located in Dublin, Ireland",
"ja": "アイルランド・ダブリンの証券取引所"
} |
"en": "largest university in Poland",
"ja": "ポーランドの大学"
} |
"en": "city in central Slovakia",
"ja": "スロバキアの都市"
} |
"en": "village in Shimajiri district, Okinawa prefecture, Japan",
"ja": "日本の沖縄県島尻郡の村"
} |
"en": "class of polymers",
"ja": "ポリマーの類"
} |
"en": "opéra comique by Louis Hérold",
"ja": "フェルディナン・エロルド作曲のオペラ"
} |
"en": "genus of flowering plants",
"ja": "キンポウゲ科の植物の属"
} |
"en": "Italian Roman Catholic priest, educator, writer",
"ja": "イタリアのカトリック聖職者、教育家"
} |
"en": "species of sunflower native to eastern North America",
"ja": "キク科ヒマワリ属の多年草"
} |
"en": "novel by Leo Tolstoy",
"ja": "レフ・トルストイの長編小説"
} |
"en": "formula for dividing the 7 seats of the Swiss Federal Council between the 4 ruling parties",
"ja": "政党間の閣僚数の配分を決めるスイス政治の慣習"
} |
"en": "island in Poland",
"ja": "ポーランドの島"
} |
"en": "species of citrus plant",
"ja": "ミカン属の原種の一つ"
} |
"en": "Japanese musical group; rock duo",
"ja": "日本のロックユニット"
} |
"en": "geomorphological formation as narrow and deep ravine between cliffs",
"ja": "渓谷の幅と比較して更に深い谷"
} |