{ "en": "peace treaty ending the Thirty and Eighty Years' Wars", "ja": "三十年戦争の講和条約" }
{ "en": "painting by Johannes Vermeer", "ja": "ヨハネス・フェルメールによる絵画" }
{ "en": "Putinist political party in Russia", "ja": "ロシア連邦の政党" }
{ "en": "studio album by Metallica", "ja": "メタリカのアルバム" }
{ "en": "character from the Dragon Ball manga", "ja": "漫画『ドラゴンボール』の登場キャラクター" }
{ "en": "album by Tiamat", "ja": "ティアマットのアルバム" }
{ "en": "film directed by F. W. Murnau", "ja": "ムルナウ監督のドイツ映画" }
{ "en": "Antarctica's largest known subglacial lake", "ja": "南極にある湖" }
{ "en": "British multinational oil and gas company", "ja": "イギリスのエネルギー関連企業" }
{ "en": "a self-conscious emotion associated with feelings of worthlessness or humiliation", "ja": "対人場面での失態やその場面の想像によって生じる対人不安のひとつ" }
{ "en": "type of free content license", "ja": "コピーレフトなライセンスの一種" }
{ "en": "musical", "ja": "ミュージカル作品" }
{ "en": "ninth studio album by American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers", "ja": "レッド・ホット・チリ・ペッパーズのアルバム" }
{ "en": "airline", "ja": "航空会社" }
{ "en": "treaty establishing the Axis Powers of World War Two", "ja": "第二次世界大戦の枢軸国間の相互防衛条約" }
{ "en": "national museum in Warsaw, Poland", "ja": "ポーランドのワルシャワにある国立博物館" }
{ "en": "region of Tanzania", "ja": "タンザニアの州" }
{ "en": "s main battle tank family of German origin", "ja": "西ドイツが開発した主力戦車" }
{ "en": "Bohemian-Austrian composer and violinist", "ja": "オーストリアの作曲家、ヴァイオリニスト" }
{ "en": "subterranean bunker complex used by Adolf Hitler in 1945", "ja": "ベルリンにあった総統官邸の地下壕" }
{ "en": "village in Kitashitara district, Aichi prefecture, Japan", "ja": "日本の愛知県北設楽郡の村" }
{ "en": "Danish-German organist and composer", "ja": "デンマーク・ドイツのオルガニスト・作曲家" }
{ "en": "dialect of Catalan spoken in Ibiza, Spain", "ja": "カタルーニャ語の方言。スペインのイビサ島で話される" }
{ "en": "species of bacteria, cause of plague", "ja": "ペストの病原体となる細菌" }
{ "en": "former German posession in the African Great Lakes region between 1884–1919", "ja": "かつて東アフリカに存在したドイツの植民地" }
{ "en": "asteroid of the main belt", "ja": "メインベルトの小惑星" }
{ "en": "song and anthem of the NSDAP", "ja": "国家社会主義ドイツ労働者党の党歌" }
{ "en": "online multilingual dictionary", "ja": "オンライン多言語辞典" }
{ "en": "confederation of client states of the First French Empire", "ja": "19世紀前半のヨーロッパに存在した国家連合" }
{ "en": "studio album by Rammstein", "ja": "ラムシュタインのアルバム" }
{ "en": "2001 film directed by Rob Cohen", "ja": "2001年のアメリカのアクション映画" }
{ "en": "facility where plants are propagated and grown to usable size", "ja": "植物を目的の大きさまで育てる施設" }
{ "en": "region of East Turkey", "ja": "トルコの地方" }
{ "en": "edition of the World Championships in Athletics", "ja": "陸上競技の国際大会" }
{ "en": "transportation on water surface or through water entity, using watercrafts", "ja": "水運のうち海上を利用した旅客・貨物輸送" }
{ "en": "river in Brazil", "ja": "ブラジルの川" }
{ "en": "medical condition characterized by inflammation of the stomach and/or small intestine", "ja": "胃および小腸の炎症を特徴とする疾患" }
{ "en": "skyscraper in Frankfurt, Germany", "ja": "メッセ・フランクフルトに隣接するオフィスビル" }
{ "en": "German tabloid newspaper", "ja": "ドイツのタブロイド紙" }
{ "en": "county in Washington, United States", "ja": "ワシントン州の郡" }
{ "en": "county in Nebraska, United States", "ja": "ネブラスカ州の郡" }
{ "en": "Emperor of Japan from 1912 until 1926", "ja": "日本の第123代天皇" }
{ "en": "synonym of Argentina anserina", "ja": "バラ科の多年生植物" }
{ "en": "fourth pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty of Egypt", "ja": "第19王朝の第4代目ファラオ" }
{ "en": "egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty", "ja": "古代エジプト第18王朝 第7代ファラオ" }
{ "en": "borough of Berlin, Germany", "ja": "ベルリンの区" }
{ "en": "Medieval Bulgarian scholar", "ja": "中世ブルガリアの学者" }
{ "en": "cartridge", "ja": "弾丸" }
{ "en": "Japanese motorcycle manufacturer", "ja": "日本の発動機メーカー" }
{ "en": "accused party in a legal case", "ja": "民事訴訟の被請求側当事者" }
{ "en": "German thrash metal band", "ja": "ドイツのスラッシュメタルバンド" }
{ "en": "Scottish mathematician, physicist, and astronomer", "ja": "スコットランドの数学者" }
{ "en": "class of parasitic worms", "ja": "扁形動物の分類群" }
{ "en": "species of aquatic plant", "ja": "植物の一種" }
{ "en": "Emperor of Russia", "ja": "ロシア皇帝" }
{ "en": "art museum in New York City, United States", "ja": "アメリカのニューヨークにある美術館" }
{ "en": "countries with an originally European shared culture", "ja": "欧州及びその派生地域の総称" }
{ "en": "organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the environment in the brain", "ja": "動物が外界からの刺激を感覚として自覚し、刺激の種類を意味づけすること" }
{ "en": "Swiss food and beverage company", "ja": "スイスの食品・飲料会社" }
{ "en": "Japanese politician, army officer, and convicted war criminal", "ja": "日本の第40代内閣総理大臣" }
{ "en": "general-purpose programming language", "ja": "オブジェクト指向プログラミング言語" }
{ "en": "-1969 series of aerospace and engineering companies", "ja": "ドイツの航空機・エンジンメーカー" }
{ "en": "non-destructive technique for imaging internal structures of objects or organisms", "ja": "核磁気共鳴現象を利用して生体内部を画像化する技術" }
{ "en": "French atoll in the Pacific Ocean", "ja": "北太平洋にあるフランス領の無人島" }
{ "en": "nothospecies of flowering plant", "ja": "被子植物の種" }
{ "en": "English historian and politician", "ja": "18世紀のイギリスの歴史家" }
{ "en": "English noblewoman and deposed Queen regnant of England", "ja": "9日間だけ在位したイングランドの女王" }
{ "en": "county in Ireland", "ja": "アイルランド南部の県" }
{ "en": "city in East Kazakhstan", "ja": "カザフスタンの都市" }
{ "en": "prefecture-level city in Shandong, China", "ja": "中国山東省の地級市" }
{ "en": "mark of a personal distinctive emblem intended to guarantee the authenticity of the author of a document onto which it is printed, embossed or affixed", "ja": "木や竹などの素材に文字や記章を彫り、押した痕跡を個人・団体・官職の印とするもの" }
{ "en": "document defining the terms for Japanese surrender during World War II", "ja": "日本軍の降伏等を求めた宣言" }
{ "en": "Botanical garden and museum located in Berlin", "ja": "ドイツ・ベルリンにある植物園" }
{ "en": "SI unit of inductance", "ja": "インダクタンスの単位" }
{ "en": "painter from the Northern Netherlands", "ja": "北オランダ出身の画家" }
{ "en": "men's national association football team representing Austria", "ja": "オーストリアの男子サッカーナショナルチーム" }
{ "en": "symphony by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart", "ja": "モーツァルト作曲の交響曲" }
{ "en": "Irish regional airline", "ja": "アイルランドのコミューター航空会社" }
{ "en": "first child of Josef Stalin", "ja": "ソヴィエト連邦の軍人" }
{ "en": "historical manufacturer of radar systems", "ja": "軍用電子システムのメーカー" }
{ "en": "tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring", "ja": "日本の電気・建設に関する国家資格" }
{ "en": "International Airport", "ja": "ベトナムの空港" }
{ "en": "1937 film by Henry Koster", "ja": "1937年のアメリカ映画" }
{ "en": "King of France 1223-1226", "ja": "フランス・カペー朝の国王" }
{ "en": "property of binary operations, for which changing the order of the operands does not change the result", "ja": "項の順序を変えても結果が変わらないという演算に関する法則" }
{ "en": "lower house of the Maryland General Assembly", "ja": "アメリカ合衆国メリーランド州議会の下院" }
{ "en": "German aircraft manufacturer", "ja": "飛行機製造会社" }
{ "en": "sector of Antarctica claimed by the United Kingdom as one of its British Overseas Territories", "ja": "イギリスが領有を宣言している南極の地域" }
{ "en": "agency or institution responsible for the preservation and communication of records selected for permanent preservation", "ja": "重要記録を保存・活用し、未来に伝達すること、また記録それ自体と収容施設" }
{ "en": "Roman Catholic order of the Benedictine reform in the tradition of the monastery of Citaux", "ja": "Ordini cattolici romani della rif シトー修道院の伝統を受け継ぐベネディクト会改革のローマ・カトリック修道会" }
{ "en": "county in Taiwan", "ja": "台湾の県" }
{ "en": "building in Kamakura, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan", "ja": "日本の神奈川県鎌倉市にある寺院" }
{ "en": "government ministry in India", "ja": "インドの省庁" }
{ "en": "Esteemed chán master of the Tang Dynasty", "ja": "中国唐末の禅僧。" }
{ "en": "gas in an atmosphere of a planet that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range and causes the greenhouse effect", "ja": "大気圏にあって、地表から放射された赤外線の一部を吸収することにより、温室効果をもたらす気体" }
{ "en": "thick-soled protective footwear made of wood", "ja": "木でできた靴" }
{ "en": "variety of Marxism–Leninism developed by Mao Zedong", "ja": "毛沢東が展開した多様なマルクス・レーニン主義" }
{ "en": "order of insects including grasshoppers, crickets, weta and locusts", "ja": "バッタ、キリギリスなどが属する昆虫類の分類群のひとつ" }
{ "en": "1971 championship game of the NFL; first since the AFL/NFL merger", "ja": "1971年1月に開催のNFLスーパーボウル" }
{ "en": "central bank of Poland", "ja": "ポーランドの中央銀行" }