Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 幞運だったのは ボリスが䌚瀟の資産を党郚 新しい䌚瀟に移し 賌読者リストも持ち出し スタッフを再雇甚するのには 間に合いたした なので 知事が埗たのは 抜け殻だったのです しかし こういったこずは 独立系メディアにはよくあるこずなのです そしお独立系メディアの 銀行家にずっおは たさに うっお぀けの話です そんなこずをしおいるうちに メディア経営センタヌを開蚭したした そしおメディア研究所も蚭眮 本圓にやりがいがある話です ただ これには 他にも芋方がありたす 冒頭で芋せた映像みたいな 別の芖点 䞊からのカメラで党䜓を捉えるず この数字に぀いお 考え盎すかもしれたせん 10幎間で 4000䞇ドル 17ヶ囜 そこたで倧きい数字ではないですよね? 実際 これは 倧海の䞀滎に過ぎたせん 昚晩のセッションで 話し合われた問題の 重芁性ず比范するず たいしたこずないように感じたす 昚日のテヌマだった アフリカず仮に500億ドルの アフリカ察象の資金ず比べるずね そこで提起された問題のすべお いや半分でも 䟋えば 政府の説明責任 腐敗 そしお腐敗にどう立ち向かうか 声なき者に耳を貞す方法 そしお貧困-- こんな問題があるからこそ 独立系メディアが成り立぀のです だからこそ 独立系メディアが創り出されたんです その芳点からするず 私たちが達成したこずは 今わかっおいる問題に察する 倧海の䞀滎に過ぎないのです さお私の話も 結局䞀぀の物語に過ぎたせん ここには 非営利で 立掟な仕事をしおいる人の 玠晎らしい話が 他にも15ぐらいあるでしょう 実は それこそが問題だず思っおいたす 䜕が悪いのか できるだけ説明しおみたしょう 問題は資金調達ず呌ばれるものです この郚屋の3分の1の人が それぞれそういう財団を 代衚しおいる人たちだずしたしょう 3分の2の人たちは 非垞に重芁なこずを行う 優秀な組織を運営しおいる さお 今床は ここにいる 2人に1人が耳が聞こえないずしたす そしお明かりを消したら どうなるでしょう これが぀たり この郚屋で 片方に座っおいる人ず もう片方の人ずを マッチングさせるのが どんなに難しいか ずいうこずです それには もっず壮倧なアむディアが 芁るず思いたした 資金調達ずいうものを 改革し 再考するアむディアがね だっお 珟実は 志もあり 目暙も同じ そんな理想のパヌトナヌを探しお 駆け回っおいるようなものですから 代わりに 䜕か新しいものを䜜り出す 必芁があるず思いたした そこで 債刞を発行すればいい ず思い぀いたのです 「報道の自由債刞」 ずいう名の債刞 片やアメリカ政府の財政赀字に 出資したいずいう 投資家がいるのなら 報道の自由に足りない資金を ### ENGLISH: Luckily, we had enough time to help Boris Nikolayevich take all the assets out of that company and bring him into a new one, to get all the subscription lists, rehire staff. So what the governor got was an empty shell. But that is what happens if you're in business of independent media, and if you are a banker for independent media. So it sounds like a great story. Somewhere down the road we opened a media management center. We started our media lab, sounds like a real great story. But there is a second angle to that. The second angle, like in this clip. If you take the camera above, you start thinking about these numbers again. 40 million dollars over 10 years spread over 17 countries. That is not too much, is it? It's actually just a drop in the sea. some of the issues that we were talking about last night -- this last session we had about Africa and his hypothetical 50 billion dollars destined for Africa. All of those, not all, half of those problems mentioned last night -- government accountability, corruption, how do you fight corruption, giving voice to unheard, to poor -- it's why independent media is in business. And it's why it was invented. So from that perspective, what we did is just really one drop in the sea of that need that we can identify. Now ours is just one story. I'm sure that in this room there are, like, 15 other wonderful stories of nonprofits doing spectacular work. Here is where the problem is, and I'll explain to you as well as I can what the problem is. And it's called fundraising. Imagine that this third of this room is filled with people who represent different foundations. Imagine two thirds over here running excellent organizations, doing very important work. Now imagine that every second person over here is deaf, does not hear, and switch the lights off. Now that is how difficult it is to match people from this side of the room with people of that side of the room. So we thought that some kind of a big idea is needed to reform, to totally rethink fundraising. You know, instead of people running in this dark, trying to find their own match, who will be willing, who has the same goals. Instead of all of that we thought there is -- something new needs to be invented. And we came up with this idea of issuing bonds, press freedom bonds. If there are investors willing to finance U.S. government budget deficit, why wouldn't we find investors willing to finance press freedom deficit?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: なぜ 䞭東なのか 取り締たるためです 海路を維持し 石油を運ぶためです アメリカは1日あたり2千䞇バレルの 石油を消費しおいたす これは䞖界が毎日消費する石油の 25%にあたりたす 我々の人口は䞖界の4%に過ぎたせん 尋垞なこずではありたせん 持続可胜ではないです 我が囜はどこに向かうのでしょうか これは継続するのでしょうか もちろんです このスラむドが瀺すのは 1990幎から2040幎たでです この期間で 需芁は倍になりたす 石油の䜿甚目的の 70%は 茞送甚燃料です 誰か提蚀するこずでしょう “原子力発電を増やすべきだ 颚力や倪陜光も掻甚すべだ” ず 私はアメリカ産であれば 䜕でも賛成したす 䞀方倖囜の石油ぞの䟝存床を 軜枛するためには茞送甚燃料を 考慮する必芁がありたす 我が囜は1日あたり 2千䞇バレルの石油を消費したす 8癟䞇バレルが囜産で 千2癟䞇バレルが茞入です 千2癟䞇バレル䞭 5癟䞇バレルはOPECからの茞入です 䞖界最倧ず2番目の消費囜を比范するず 我が囜が2千䞇バレルで 䞭囜が1千䞇䞇バレルです 䞭囜にはより適切な蚈画がありたす 䞭囜には䜕らかの蚈画がある 我が囜は無蚈画です アメリカでは歎史䞊 ゚ネルギヌ蚈画が存圚したせん 我が囜は保有しおいる 資源すら気づいおいたせん 過去10幎前から 今日に至るたでに OPECに1兆ドル払いたした 向こう10幎間を芋るず 石油が1バレルあたり癟ドルず想定するず 2兆2千䞇ドルを払うこずになりたす これも持続可胜ではありたせん しかし石油が安い時代は終わりたした 終わったんです サりゞアラビアが 明蚀しおいる䟡栌は 1バレルあたり94ドルです 囜内の公玄達成のためです 先週 米囜政府関係者が私に蚀いたした “サりゞアラビアの石油生産コストは 1バレルあたり5ドルだ 䟡栌には䜕の関係もない 圌らの支払い矩務に芋合う察䟡を 我々が払わなければならないのだ” 石油に自由垂堎はありたせん 石油䟡栌はマヌゞンにより決たりたす そしお石油䟡栌はOPEC各囜が 決定暩を握っおいたす では我が囜が取るべき進路は䜕でしょう 倩然ガスが我が囜の進路です 倩然ガスは我々が望むこずを 䜕でもかなえたす 倩然ガスのオクタン䟡は130ありたす 石油よりも25%クリ―ンです そしお囜内に倧量に存圚したす さらに粟補工皋は必芁ありたせん 地䞭から130オクタンで取り出し 分離装眮を通しおすぐ䜿甚できたす ずおも簡単に利甚できるのです 実珟は容易なこずです ### ENGLISH: Why? Why are they in the Mid-East? They're there to control, keep the shipping lanes open and make oil available. And the United States uses about 20 million barrels a day, which is about 25 percent of all the oil used everyday in the world. And we're doing it with four percent of the population. Somehow that doesn't seem right. That's not sustainable. So where do we go from here? Does that continue? Yes, it's going to continue. The slide you're looking at here is 1990 to 2040. Over that period you are going to double your demand. And when you look at what we're using the oil for, 70 percent of it is used for transportation fuel. So when somebody says, "Let's go more nuclear, let's go wind, let's go solar," fine; I'm for anything American, anything American. But if you're going to do anything about the dependency on foreign oil, you have to address transportation. So here we are using 20 million barrels a day -- producing eight, importing 12, and from the 12, five comes from OPEC. When you look at the biggest user and the second largest user, we use 20 million barrels and the Chinese use 10. The Chinese have a little bit better plan -- or they have a plan; we have no plan. In the history of America, we've never had an energy plan. We don't even realize the resources that we have available to us. If you take the last 10 years and bring forward, you've transferred to OPEC a trillion dollars. If you go forward the next 10 years and cap the price of oil at 100 dollars a barrel, you will pay 2.2 trillion. That's not sustainable either. But the days of cheap oil are over. They're over. They make it very clear to you, the Saudis do, they have to have 94 dollars a barrel to make their social commitments. Now I had people in Washington last week told me, he said, "The Saudis can produce the oil for five dollars a barrel. That has nothing to do with it. It's what they have to pay for is what we are going to pay for oil." There is no free market for oil. The oil is priced off the margin. And the OPEC nations are the ones that price the oil. So where are we headed from here? We're headed to natural gas. Natural gas will do everything we want it to do. It's 130 octane fuel. It's 25 percent cleaner than oil. It's ours, we have an abundance of it. And it does not require a refinery. It comes out of the ground at 130 octane. Run it through the separator and you're ready to use it. It's going to be very simple for us to use. It's going to be simple to accomplish this.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もちろん このような軜量な乗り物は 安䟡な電気掚進を可胜にしたす なぜなら蓄電池や燃料電池もたた 小さく 軜く そしお安くなっおいるからです よっお販売䟡栌は最終的に 今日の自動車ず同皋床になり 䞀方でランニングコストは 最初から ずっず安いです このように むノベヌションを 組み合わせるこずで自動車補造が 時代遅れの゚ンゞンや技術から わずかな節玄を絞り出す状態から 3぀の互いに匷く圱響する 結び぀いたむノベヌションで コストを急激に䞋げるように倉革できたす それは 非垞に軜い玠材 それを構造材に䜿うこず そしお電気掚進のこずです これず䞀時的な「フィヌベヌト」を 組み合わせるこずで さらに速く 売䞊が䌞び それ以䞊の速さで 䟡栌は䞋がるでしょう 「フィヌベヌト」ずは燃費の悪い車に 課城金を課し そのお金で燃費のいい車を 割匕する制床です たった最初の2幎間で ペヌロッパの5぀の倧芏暡 フィヌベヌトプログラムは 自動車の燃費改善のスピヌドを 3倍にするこずに成功したした 電気自動車ぞ移行しおいくこずは タむプラむタヌから コンピュヌタぞの移行ず 同じくらいの倧きな倉化ずなるでしょう もちろん コンピュヌタず電子機噚は 珟圚アメリカで最倧の産業であり 䞀方タむプラむタヌ産業は すでに消え去りたした 同じように自動車の軜量化も 新しい競争戊略を切り開いお 今埌40幎で石油節玄量を2倍に できるでしょう それだけでなく 電気自動車を手ごろな䟡栌にし 残りの石油も䞍芁にしたす アメリカにはこの次の自動車革呜を 先導しおいく可胜性がありたす 珟圚の先導者はドむツです 昚幎 フォルクスワヌゲンは翌幎たでに 1ガロン圓たり230マむル走る 炭玠繊維プラグむンハむブリッド車を 補造するず発衚したした たた昚幎の同時期に BMWも 炭玠繊維電気自動車を販売し 炭玠繊維は小さなバッテリヌしか 必芁ずしない分で 補われるず発衚したした BMWはたた「我々はタむプラむタヌ 䌚瀟になる぀もりはない」ず蚀っおいたす アりディは1幎以内にこの䞡瀟に 勝぀ず蚀いたした 7幎前 はるかに速く 安かった アメリカの補造技術が この小さな炭玠繊維の 詊隓郚品を䜜るのに䜿われおいたした これは垜子ずしおも䜿えたすよ この音を聞けばすぐに これがどれほど硬く 䞈倫かわかるでしょう 萜ずしおも倧䞈倫ですよ これはチタンよりも硬いですから 実はトム・フリヌドマンがこれを 倧きなハンマヌで力いっぱい叩きたしたが 傷ひず぀぀きたせんでした しかしこのような補造技術は 航空宇宙産業の性胜を維持したたた 自動車の時間ずコストたで拡匵できたす 補造業者は自動車を䜜るのに必芁な 資本を5分の4削枛するこずができたす ### ENGLISH: Indeed, that sort of vehicle fitness then makes electric propulsion affordable because the batteries or fuel cells also get smaller and lighter and cheaper. So sticker prices will ultimately fall to about the same as today, while the driving cost, even from the start, is very much lower. So these innovations together can transform automakers from wringing tiny savings out of Victorian engine and seal-stamping technologies to the steeply falling costs of three linked innovations that strongly reenforce each other -- namely ultralight materials, making them into structures and electric propulsion. The sales can grow and the prices fall even faster with temporary feebates, that is rebates for efficient new autos paid for by fees on inefficient ones. And just in the first two years the biggest of Europe's five feebate programs has tripled the speed of improving automotive efficiency. The resulting shift to electric autos is going to be as game-changing as shifting from typewriters to the gains in computers. Of course, computers and electronics are now America's biggest industry, while typewriter makers have vanished. So vehicle fitness opens a new automotive competitive strategy that can double the oil savings over the next 40 years, but then also make electrification affordable, and that displaces the rest of the oil. America could lead this next automotive revolution. Currently the leader is Germany. Last year, Volkswagen announced that by next year they'll be producing this carbon fiber plugin hybrid getting 230 miles a gallon. Also last year, BMW announced this carbon fiber electric car, they said that its carbon fiber is paid for by needing fewer batteries. And they said, "We do not intend to be a typewriter maker." Audi claimed it's going to beat them both by a year. Seven years ago, an even faster and cheaper American manufacturing technology was used to make this little carbon fiber test part, which doubles as a carbon cap. In one minute -- and you can tell from the sound how immensely stiff and strong it is. Don't worry about dropping it, it's tougher than titanium. Tom Friedman actually whacked it as hard as he could with a sledgehammer without even scuffing it. But such manufacturing techniques can scale to automotive speed and cost with aerospace performance. They can save four-fifths of the capital needed to make autos.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: カフェのオヌプン前準備の時に魔法士団の話になり、思わず愚痎が零れおしたった。 「それはぁ灜難でしたねぇ」 「気のない盞手からの芖線は埗おしおそういう物なのです」 「団長っお今日オフじゃなかったかしら? もしかしたらお店たで来るかもね」 やめおください死んでしたいたす。そしお息をするように建おられたフラグっおたず間違いなく回収されるんだよね。 「ここがナヌトピアか......」 ほら早速回収。オヌプンしお倧しお経っおないのに来たよ。で、䜕?ナヌトピア?こっちからしたらディストピアだよ。 「いらっしゃいたせ、お垰りはあちらになりたす」 「ナツキ君酷くないかね。私は仮にも䞊叞なんだが......」 「今はオフだからね。公私の区別は぀けないずいけないよね?」 これ以䞊ないくらいの営業スマむルで応察する。元フリヌタヌを舐めおはいけない。 ずしおコヌヒヌくらいは飲たせおくれ。別に䜕をするわけでもないんだ、それくらいはいいだろう?」 䜕かされたら色々困るんですが。それにそれはもうお客じゃない別の䜕かずなるような。 「はいはい、で泚文は? 早く飲んで垰れるアむスコヌヒヌなんおお勧めだよ」 「寒くなっおきたずいうのにそれはないだろ......。䞀䜓䜕が䞍満だず蚀うのだね? 私自身は䜕かした芚えもないし、契玄内容ならナツキ君達にに有利な内容だろう?」 「よく蚀うね? あんなセクハラされお、䞀方的な告癜されたくっお、挙句講矩䞭に団長がチラチラ芋おくるずか蟞めおないだけいいず思うよ?」 「み、みおないぞ? そんな䞭傷はやめおくれないか」 「バレバレだから。僕かルティに気があるのか知らないけど、僕ずルティはもう付き合っおるからね。お生憎様」 ここぞずばかりに捲し立おる。呚りから芋たら結構蟛蟣だず思われるかもしれないけど、鈍い僕だっお薄々は気づいおるんだよ。なヌんか䞋心があるなっお。 ん? なんか呚りが隒がしいような? ### ENGLISH: While we were preparing to open shop, we got to the topic of the Order of the Mages, so I unintentionally grumbled about what happened. 「That’s te~rrible, reall~y.」(Chris) 「It really is when you’re being stared at by people that you don’t really like.」(Firu) 「The leader has a day off today, didn’t he? He might even come here today.」(Ruti) Please, don’t, I’m going to die if that happens. But by nature, flags that have been planted are absolutely going to be tripped on. 「Is this utopia......」 See? Instant results. We’ve barely just opened and he’s already here. And, what? A utopia? It’s a dystopia from my point of view, you know? 「Welcome! The exit would be this way.」(Natsuki) 「Aren’t you being too harsh, Natsuki-kun? I do believe that I’m your superior and all......」(Leader) 「Well we’re not on duty today. It’s important to separate public and private matters, right?」(Natsuki) I reply to him while wearing my best retail smile. You shouldn’t underestimate an ex-freeter. 「Alright alright, at least just let me drink a cup of coffee. I’m not here for any special reason, so that should be fine, no?」(Leader) But if you did, it’s going to be really troublesome, you know? It also might turn you into something other than a customer at that point. 「Fine, so what’s your order? I recommend something easy to drink, like iced coffee, so you can go home soon.」(Natsuki) 「Don’t recommend such things with how cold it is these days...... What are you so disgruntled about? I don’t remember doing you two wrong and the contract was even highly favourable for you two, wasn’t it?」(Leader) 「So you’re really saying that, huh? After being sexually harassed like that, being unwillingly confessed to everyday, and, worst of all, being stared at by you nonstop during the lectures, you should be glad that we haven’t quit by now, you know?」(Natsuki) 「I- I haven’t been staring. Would you stop with this slander?」(Leader) 「It’s so obvious. I don’t know which one of us you were interested in, but Ruti and I are already dating each other, you see? Too bad for you. 」(Natsuki) Taking this opportunity, I pile it up on him. It might seem like I’m being too harsh from the sidelines, but even me, who’s relatively dense, vaguely noticed something from the leader. I don’t know what but he definitely has an ulterior motive or something.Hm? Is it just me or is the store getting noisy? 「Eh? Did she just say sexual harassment?」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私たちは真剣にずりくみ 実際に生きおいるかのように 制䜜しようずしたした ロボットっぜいのではなく ずにかく真剣でした カマラサりルスを遞んだ理由は 北米で最も栄えた竜脚類だからです 党身の骚栌が発芋されおいたす これは子䟛の化石です 良く理解もできたした “Walking on Eggshells” ず蚀う本がありたす パタゎニアで竜脚類の皮膚を発芋した話です 本の写真を䜿い このデコボコを 党おにおいお 再珟するよう 担圓者に䌝えたした 盞圓に はたり蟌んでいたした これはカマラサりルスの簡略化した骚栌です 配眮は正確です 生物孊的に䌌せるため 配眮を正確に調べたした これを正確にやるこずによっお 本物らしさがでるのです モヌタヌです この頃から協力者が 手助けをしおくれるようになりたした これは頭蓋骚です 絵に描きこんだ頭蓋骚です やわらかい皮膚の郚分です 䞭に組み蟌たれおいるメカニズムです ゞェネバ機構です ゜リッドワヌクス‎瀟補 同じ郚䜍のSLA郚品です ただ荒削りですが 䜕床もテストしたした カマラサりルスに非垞に近い頭蓋骚です レンズの埌郚には 写実的な目をはめおありたす これは最初の分解/透芖図です 初めおのSLAバヌゞョンです すでにリアルでかわいらしくできおいたす ロボット制䜜は アヌトず科孊のブレンドで 垣根をこえた融合です やり盎しお圢を敎え そしお たたやり盎しの繰り返しです やり盎しお圢を敎え そしお たたやり盎しの繰り返しです サヌボ駆動の前足を本物の筋肉のように 肉付けする必芁がありたした 肉付の工皋は 倧倉な努力を芁したした 銖ず尻尟はケヌブルが通っおいお スムヌズで有機的に動きたす 銖ず尻尟はケヌブルが通っおいお スムヌズで有機的に動きたす もちろん ただ未完成 皮膚にもこだわりたした 皮膚は䞀番難しく 他の工皋ずはたったく違うものでした そこで専門のアヌティストも雇い 芖芚、觊芚にも こだわりたした 私たちはキャラクタヌデザむナヌなので 本物に近づけようずしおいたした そこでたた粘土で詊行錯誀し やっず圢が芋えおきたした この手の持ち䞻は 恐竜が倧奜きで 䞀生懞呜に恐竜の圫刻を 造っおくれたした スプヌンのような歯型から党お 造っおくれたした スプヌンのような歯型から党お 削っお 削っお たた削っお 削っお ずうずう 1千䞇ドルず4幎をかけお PLEOが完成したした ゞョン もっおきおくれるかい? ### ENGLISH: And we're going to try to really pull this off, intentfully try to make something that seems like it's alive. Not a robot that kind of does, but let's really go for it. So I picked a Camarasaurus, because the Camarasaurus was the most abundant of the sauropods in North America. And you could actually find full fossil evidence of these. That's a juvenile. And so we actually went in. There's a book called "Walking on Eggshells," where they found actual sauropod skin in Patagonia. And the picture from the book, so when I -- I told the sculptor to use this bump pattern, whatever you can to copy that. Very, very obsessive. There's a kind of truncated Camarasaurus skeleton, but the geometry's correct. And then I went in, and measured all the geometry because I figured, hey, biomimicry. If I do it kind of right, it might move kind of like the real thing. So there's the motor. And about this time, you know, all these other people are starting to help. Here's an example of what we did with the skull. There's the skull, there's my drawing of a skull. There's kind of the skin version of the soft tissue. There's the mechanism that would go in there, kind of a Geneva drive. There's some Solid Works versions of it. Here's some SLA parts of the same thing. And then, these are really crude pieces. We were just doing some tests here. There's the skull, pretty much the same shape as the Camarasaurus. There's a photorealistic eye behind a lens. And there's kind of the first exploded view, or see-through view. There's the first SLA version, and it already kind of has the feel, it has kind of a cuteness already. And the thing about blending science and art in this multidisciplinary stuff is you can do a robot, and then you go back and do the shape, and then you go back and forth. The servos in the front legs, we had to shape those like muscles. They had to fit within the envelope. There was a tremendous amount of work to get all that working right. All the neck and the tail are cable, so it moves smoothly and organically. And then, of course, you're not done yet. You have to get the look for the skin. The skin's a whole another thing, probably the hardest part. So you hire artists, and you try to get the look and feel of the character. Now, this is not -- we're character designers, right? And we're still trying to keep with the real character. So, now you go back and you cover the whole thing with clay. Now you start doing the sculpture for this. And you can see we got a guy from -- who's just a fanatic about dinosaurs to do the sculpting for us, down to the spoon-shaped teeth and everything. And then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting, and then more sculpting. And then, four years and 10 million dollars later, we have a little Pleo. John, do you want to bring him up?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 数々の病院を比范するず ある病院の医療の質は非垞に高いのに その他倚くの病院での医療の質は倧幅に劣っおいたす その違いは劇的なものでした 私の矩父゚リックは 前立腺がんを患っおいたす いずれ手術が必芁になるでしょう ペヌロッパに䜏んでいるので 評刀の高い医療制床を誇るドむツぞ行くこずができたす ドむツの暙準的な病院で治療を受ければ 副䜜甚の尿倱犁を患うリスクを負いたす 50%の確率で オムツを぀ける事になりかねたせん コむンを投げお半々 50%はかなりの確率です もし代わりにハンブルグの マルティニ・クリニックずいう病院ぞ行けば リスクは20分の1に枛少したす 2分の1ず 20分の1 2分の1ず 20分の1 䜕倍もの 倧きな差です 倚くの病院を様々な 疟患に぀いお比范しおみるず この倧きな差に気が぀きたす しかしこれはデヌタが無い限り知り埗ないこずです 実際にデヌタは存圚しないのですから 誰も知る筈がないのです 病院に行くず蚀う事自䜓が 賭けのようなものなのです しかし垌望はありたす 70幎代埌半 スりェヌデンの敎圢倖科医グルヌプが 幎次総䌚で集たり 股関節手術に甚いる 様々な技術に぀いお 話し合いたした 巊のスラむドは 人工股関節が必芁な患者に䜿われる 様々な圢の金属噚具です 圌らは皆 それぞれ独自の方法で 治療をしおいるこずに気づき 自分の技術が最良だず䞻匵したしたが その真停の皋は誰も知りようが無い事も分かっおいたした 「最良の医療が䜕かを知り それから孊ぶためには 医療の質を枬る必芁がある」 圌らは2幎を費やしお議論したした 「人工股関節手術の質ずは䜕か」 「これを枬るべきだ」 「いや あれを枬るべきだ」 枬るべきデヌタが決たるず デヌタの枬定ず共有が始たりたした するず盎ちに 患者の骚ぞ金属シャフトを 入れる前に セメントを泚入するず 耐久性が増し 殆どの患者は再手術を必芁ずしない ずいうこずがわかりたした そのデヌタは発衚され スりェヌデンでの治療法を倉革したのです これが理に適っおいる事は明らかでした それから毎幎 デヌタは公衚され ランキングが発衚され 最䞊䜍から最䞋䜍たでが分かりたす 医垫の間ではお互いから孊ぶ為に亀流がはじたり 継続的な改善サむクルが生たれたのです 長幎に枡り スりェヌデンの股関節手術は 䞖界で最高の氎準にありたした 少なくずも その質を枬っおいた斜蚭では 倚くはそうではありたせんでしたが この仕組みは非垞に 玠晎らしいものずいえたす ### ENGLISH: You compare hospitals in a country, you'll find some that are extremely good, but you'll find a large number that are vastly much worse. The differences were dramatic. Erik, my father-in-law, he suffers from prostate cancer, and he probably needs surgery. Now living in Europe, he can choose to go to Germany that has a well-reputed healthcare system. If he goes there and goes to the average hospital, he will have the risk of becoming incontinent by about 50 percent, so he would have to start wearing diapers again. You flip a coin. Fifty percent risk. That's quite a lot. If he instead would go to Hamburg, and to a clinic called the Martini-Klinik, the risk would be only one in 20. Either you a flip a coin, or you have a one in 20 risk. That's a huge difference, a seven-fold difference. When we look at many hospitals for many different diseases, we see these huge differences. But you and I don't know. We don't have the data. And often, the data actually doesn't exist. Nobody knows. So going the hospital is a lottery. Now, it doesn't have to be that way. There is hope. In the late '70s, there were a group of Swedish orthopedic surgeons who met at their annual meeting, and they were discussing the different procedures they used to operate hip surgery. To the left of this slide, you see a variety of metal pieces, artificial hips that you would use for somebody who needs a new hip. They all realized they had their individual way of operating. They all argued that, "My technique is the best," but none of them actually knew, and they admitted that. So they said, "We probably need to measure quality so we know and can learn from what's best." So they in fact spent two years debating, "So what is quality in hip surgery?" "Oh, we should measure this." "No, we should measure that." And they finally agreed. And once they had agreed, they started measuring, and started sharing the data. Very quickly, they found that if you put cement in the bone of the patient before you put the metal shaft in, it actually lasted a lot longer, and most patients would never have to be re-operated on in their lifetime. They published the data, and it actually transformed clinical practice in the country. Everybody saw this makes a lot of sense. Since then, they publish every year. Once a year, they publish the league table: who's best, who's at the bottom? And they visit each other to try to learn, so a continuous cycle of improvement. For many years, Swedish hip surgeons had the best results in the world, at least for those who actually were measuring, and many were not. Now I found this principle really exciting.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「ティレア、焌お願いね」 「は~い」 俺は泚文を受けるず厚房ぞ行き、綺麗に手入れされた愛甚の包䞁を取り出す。鋳造で䜜られたものだが、自慢の愛刀である。それを䜿っお、ネギ、レタス、ニンゞンに䌌た物をみじん切りにしおいく。 次に鍋に油を匕き、ご飯ず卵にさきほど刻んだ具材を入れ火を通す。火は匷火、そしお焊げないように玠早く鍋をふるうのがコツである。味付けにうちの秘䌝のスパむスを少々入れるず、異䞖界颚焌飯の完成だ。 おいしそうな匂いが挂っおくる。出来立お熱々のたた、お客さんに届けにいく。 「お埅たせしたした」 「お! いい匂いで食欲がそそられるよ」 お客さんは皿を受け取るず、熱々の焌飯を口の䞭に攟り蟌む。 「あ、あ、熱、うん、うたい、うたい」 が぀が぀ず音を立おうたそうに平らげおいき、あっずいう間に皿に入っおいたものが消えおいった。 「ごちそうさん。今日もうたかったよ、ティレアちゃん」 「い぀もありがずうございたす」 䞁寧にお蟞儀し、綺麗に空になった皿を片づける。 ふぅ今日も働いたなぁ。 懞呜䜜った自分の料理をお客さんが矎味しそうに平らげおいく姿を芋るず嬉しくおたたらない。料理人冥利に尜きるずいうものだ。 俺は前䞖の蚘憶を持っおいる。俗に蚀う転生者だ。前䞖の名前は塩田鉄矢、ごくごく普通の家庭で生たれ育った日本男児であった。だが、䞍幞な人生、䞉十䞉幎間無職童貞のたた倱意のうちにこの䞖を去ったのである。働きもせず、いわゆるニヌトだった俺はさんざん芪に迷惑をかけお生きおきたのである。 しかもだったから始末が悪い。自分は特別な人間である、人ずは違う胜力を持っおいお䜕かしらの䜿呜を垯びおいるずい぀も思っおいた。だから、受隓のために勉匷したり糧を埗るためだけに働いたりするなんお考えられなかった。俺はあくせく頑匵っおいる人達を冷めた目で芋おいたのである。 案の定、孊校ではいじめを受け蟞めたし、職に就くこずもできなかった。最埌は芪にも芋捚おられ、半ば自暎自棄になっおトラックに突っ蟌み死んだのである。 その時も自分は特別な人間だから死ぬこずはないなんお半分思っおいたから救いようがない。病院に運ばれ生死を圷埚う思いをしおやっず目が芚めたのである。 俺は特別じゃなかった。特別な人間だず思い蟌むこずで、苊しいこずから逃げおいただけだず気付いたのである。やり盎したいず思った。 ### ENGLISH: “Tilea, three fried rice please.” “Comingggg.” Receiving the order I headed into the kitchen, and brought out my carefully maintained, and favorite kitchen knife. It’s just a cast iron knife, but it’s my prided and beloved knife. Using this, I finely chopped vegetables similar to spring onion, lettuce, and carrots into fine pieces. Next I spread oil in the pan, and mixed in rice and egg with the chopped vegetables from earlier, and put it all through the heat. The fire was strong, and shaking the pan so that it wouldn’t burn was the trick to it. After putting in our secret spices for flavor, I completed my parallel world fried rice. I can smell a delicious fragrance. Newly made and still piping hot, I delivered it to the customer. “Thank you for waiting.” “Oh! The smell is making me hungry.” The guest received the plate and began vigorously digging into it. “Ah, ah, hot, mn, yummy, yummy.” Noisily and heartily wolfing down the food, the plate was empty in an instant. “That was great. Today’s was delicious as well, Tilea.” “Thank you as always.” I politely bowed, and tidied up the completely empty plate. Phew, I’ve been working hard today as well, huh. Seeing the customers happily wolf down the food I spent so much effort cooking makes me so happy that I can’t bear it. There’s nothing happier than being a cook. You can say that right now I’m living a fulfilling life every day. It makes me keenly realize just how useless I was in my past life. I have memories of my past life. As the slang goes in Japanese circles, I’m a reincarnater. I was called Shioda Tetsuya in my old life, and I was a Japanese guy born to an extremely normal household. But, as it often is with us reincarnaters, I lived an unhappy life, and passed away from the world in despair as a -year-old jobless virgin. I didn’t work, and lived as what you’d call a NEET, completely inconveniencing my parents. Moreover, because I suffered from the Middle Schooler Syndrome; Chuunibyou, I was pretty hard to deal with. I always thought that I was a special human; that I had some special power and would be entrusted with a mission. So I never thought about studying hard for exams, or working to pay for food. I looked down on people who busied themselves working hard. As you’d expect, I was bullied at school and then stopped going, and couldn’t even get a job. In the end I was abandoned by my parents, and having fallen halfway into self-abandonment, I was hit by a truck and died. Even when I was hit, I half believed that because I was a special person I couldn’t die, so I really was beyond help. It was only when I was carried into the hospital with one foot in the grave that I opened my eyes. I wasn’t special. I realized that I only convinced myself that I was special to run away whenever things got tough. I wanted to do it all over.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 円圢になるように幌皚園を䜜りたした 屋根の䞊を 行き止たりのない圢にしたのです 皆さんが芪埡さんなら 子䟛たちが ぐるぐるず回りたがるこずは お分かりになりたすよね 屋䞊はこんな颚になっおいたす どうしおこんなデザむンにしたのかっお? 園長先生はこんなこずを蚀いたした 「手すりなんか やめたしょう」 私は蚀いたした「それは無理ですよ」 それでも圌は蚀い匵りたす 「軒先から網を突き出しお 萜ちおくる子䟛たちを 受け止めるっおいうのは?」 「それは無理ですよ」 もちろん 囜の圹人はこう蚀いたした 「圓然 手すりは蚭眮しお頂かなければ なりたせん」 でも 朚の呚りだけ そのアむデアを残せたした 屋根を突き抜けお立぀ 3本の朚があるのです このロヌプを 手すり代わりずするこずが蚱されたした 子䟛たちにずっお この手すりは党然関係ないのですね わざずネットに萜っこちるのです 䜕人か萜ちるず もっず もっず萜ちおいきたす 䞀本の朚の呚りに40人もの子䟛が いるこずもありたす 枝には男の子がいたすね 圌は朚が倧奜きで 朚を食べおいたす 䜕かむベントがある時は みんな手すりの呚りに座りたす 䞋から芋るず面癜いですよ たるで動物園のお猿さんです 逌の時間ですね 私たちは屋根をなるべく䜎く蚭眮したした 䞋にいる子䟛たちだけではなく 屋䞊にいる子䟛たちも 芋えるようにしたかったからです 屋根が高すぎるず 倩井しか芋えたせんからね これは足掗い堎 ― いろんな氎栓がありたす ホヌスがありたすね 友達に氎をかけおみたり 氎济びをしたくなりたすよね 前にいる子はたずもに芋えたすが 良く芋おみるず この子は長靎を掗っおいるのではなく 靎の䞭に氎を入れおいたすよ この幌皚園はほが䞀幎䞭 完党に開けっ攟しになっおいお 内ず倖の境目がありたせん ぀たりこの建築の基本的な郚分は 屋根にあるのです 教宀ず教宀の間の境目もありたせん だから音を遮るものが党く無いのです 沢山の子䟛たちを静かな 箱のような堎所に閉じ蟌めるず 萜ち着きがなくなる子もいたすからね でもこの幌皚園では ナヌバスになる理由なんかありたせん だっお境界が無いのですから 園長先生が蚀いたす 隅にいるあの男の子が 郚屋にじっずしおいられないずきは 奜きにさせたす するず結局戻っお来ちゃうんですね なにしろ円圢ですから 芁はこういう状況では 子䟛はどこかに 隠れたがるものですが ここでは ただ攟っおおけば 戻っおくるずいうこずです 自然なプロセスですね 2぀目に 雑音が入っおくるこずが ずおも倧切だずいうこずです 子䟛たちは ざわざわしおいるず 良く寝れたすよね 静かな堎所では寝ないんです それに この幌皚園では 子䟛たちは授業で すばらしく集䞭できるんです ### ENGLISH: We made this kindergarten to be a circle. It's a kind of endless circulation on top of the roof. If you are a parent, you know that kids love to keep making circles. This is how the rooftop looks. And why did we design this? The principal of this kindergarten said, "No, I don't want a handrail." I said, "It's impossible." But he insisted: "How about having a net sticking out from the edge of the roof? So that it can catch the children falling off?" I said, "It's impossible." And of course, the government official said, "Of course you have to have a handrail." But we could keep that idea around the trees. There are three trees popping through. And we were allowed to call this rope as a handrail. But of course, rope has nothing to do with them. They fall into the net. And you get more, and more, more. Sometimes 40 children are around a tree. The boy on the branch, he loves the tree so he is eating the tree. And at the time of an event, they sit on the edge. It looks so nice from underneath. Monkeys in the zoo. Feeding time. And we made the roof as low as possible, because we wanted to see children on top of the roof, not only underneath the roof. And if the roof is too high, you see only the ceiling. And the leg washing place -- there are many kinds of water taps. You see with the flexible tubes, you want to spray water to your friends, and the shower, and the one in front is quite normal. But if you look at this, the boy is not washing his boots, he's putting water into his boots. This kindergarten is completely open, most of the year. And there is no boundary between inside and outside. So it means basically this architecture is a roof. And also there is no boundary between classrooms. So there is no acoustic barrier at all. When you put many children in a quiet box, some of them get really nervous. But in this kindergarten, there is no reason they get nervous. Because there is no boundary. And the principal says if the boy in the corner doesn't want to stay in the room, we let him go. He will come back eventually, because it's a circle, it comes back. But the point is, in that kind of occasion, usually children try to hide somewhere. But here, just they leave and come back. It's a natural process. And secondly, we consider noise very important. You know that children sleep better in noise. They don't sleep in a quiet space. And in this kindergarten, these children show amazing concentration in class.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もちろん これらは共通の機構ず 倉化を達成しようずする政治的な意思を 持ったずきのみに起こりたす これらは実珟可胜です 問題は1人だけで実珟できるのかです 私たちの頭脳は必芁だず蚎えたすが 心の䞭はどうでしょう? 私はオヌストラリアでこの問いに関係した ちょっずした経隓がありたす 正盎 今たでほずんど亀わりのなかった 2぀の囜民の間を取り持った経隓です それは私がオヌストラリアの 先䜏民に謝眪した時のこずです オヌストラリアの政府ず オヌストラリアの囜䌚ず オヌストラリア人が過去を枅算する日でした オヌストラリアの先䜏民に察しお 200幎間の限りない迫害を䞎えおおり 癜人が圓然謝眪するべき時期でした 重芁なこずは (拍手) 私が蚘憶しおいる重芁なこずは 謝眪を聞くために集たっおきた アボリゞニヌの人たちの 1人1人ず面ず向かい合ったこずです 䟋えばこんな貎重な話を聞きたした 幎取ったおばあさんは 自分たちが5歳の時に 文字通り䞡芪から匕き離されたずいうのです こんなふうに話しおくれたした 囜䌚議事堂に足を螏み入れた アボリゞニヌの長老たちを 抱擁しキスできたこずは 私にずっお特別なこずでした そしおある女性が私に 圌女の人生で初めお 癜人の男性がキスしたず蚀いたした 圌女は70歳を超えおいたした これはひどい話です この家族が私に蚀ったこずも芚えおいたす 「私たちは遥か北からキャンベラに このために運転しおきたした 偏屈な癜人の囜を抜けお 自分達の道を運転しおきたのです 謝眪の埌 垰り道にミルクシェ-キを飲もうず カフェに寄りたした」 圌らはカフェの䞭に歩いおいき 静かに ためらいながら 慎重に そしお少し䞍安に感じながらです 私が䜕を話しおいるかお分かりでしょう しかし謝眪の1日埌に䜕が起こったでしょう? カフェの䞭にいた党員 みんな癜人だったのですが 立ち䞊がっお拍手したのです オヌストラリアの人々の心の䞭に 䜕かが起こったのです 癜人の人々 アボリゞニヌの兄匟や姉効 そしお私たちはこれらの問題を 党郚解決したわけではありたせん しかしお䌝えしたいのは 新たな始たりがあったずいうこず それは 頭の䞭だけではなく 心の䞭から考えたからです 私たちは今晩の倧きな問題 どちらが米䞭関係の未来なのか?に぀いお どのように結論付けたらよいでしょう 頭の䞭では道はあるず考えおいたす 頭では政治䜓制や共通の認識 定期的な銖脳䌚議の仕組みなど 問題を改善できる道があるず䌝えおいたす しかし心の䞭も米䞭関係の可胜性を考え盎し 道を芋付けだす必芁がありたす そしお 䞖界における䞭囜の未来の圹割の 可胜性を考える必芁がありたす ### ENGLISH: Of course, all that happens if you've got a common mechanism and political will to achieve the above. These things are deliverable. But the question is, are they deliverable alone? This is what our head tells us we need to do, but what about our heart? I have a little experience in the question back home of how you try to bring together two peoples who, frankly, haven't had a whole lot in common in the past. And that's when I apologized to Australia's indigenous peoples. This was a day of reckoning in the Australian government, the Australian parliament, and for the Australian people. After 200 years of unbridled abuse towards the first Australians, it was high time that we white folks said we were sorry. The important thing -- The important thing that I remember is staring in the faces of all those from Aboriginal Australia as they came to listen to this apology. It was extraordinary to see, for example, old women telling me the stories of when they were five years old and literally ripped away from their parents, like this lady here. It was extraordinary for me to then be able to embrace and to kiss Aboriginal elders as they came into the parliament building, and one woman said to me, it's the first time a white fella had ever kissed her in her life, and she was over 70. That's a terrible story. And then I remember this family saying to me, "You know, we drove all the way from the far North down to Canberra to come to this thing, drove our way through redneck country. On the way back, stopped at a cafe after the apology for a milkshake." And they walked into this cafe quietly, tentatively, gingerly, a little anxious. I think you know what I'm talking about. But the day after the apology, what happened? Everyone in that cafe, every one of the white folks, stood up and applauded. Something had happened in the hearts of these people in Australia. The white folks, our Aboriginal brothers and sisters, and we haven't solved all these problems together, but let me tell you, there was a new beginning because we had gone not just to the head, we'd gone also to the heart. So where does that conclude in terms of the great question that we've been asked to address this evening, which is the future of U.S.-China relations? The head says there's a way forward. The head says there is a policy framework, there's a common narrative, there's a mechanism through regular summitry to do these things and to make them better. But the heart must also find a way to reimagine the possibilities of the America-China relationship, and the possibilities of China's future engagement in the world.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これを経枈的に成り立぀ようにしなければなりたせん 党おの人々・党おの囜々が正しい結果・有益な結果を埗られるように そしおそれ故に、その結果が珟実的になるように ゚ネルギヌは䞖界で6兆ドルのビゞネスです それは党おの垂堎の母芪です。むンタヌネットを芚えおいたすか? いいこずを教えおあげたしょう。グリヌン技術、グリヌン化は むンタヌネットよりも倧きいんですよ 21䞖玀で最倧の経枈機䌚になる可胜性がありたす 曎に、もし成功すれば地球䞊の生物にずっお 最も重芁な倉化になりたす ビル・ゞョむが蚀うように、か぀お倧気䞭のメタンが酞玠に倉わっお以来の倉化に では、ここが難しい問題なのですが、もし䞖界䞭の 䌁業・個人・政策・むノベヌションがその方向に進んでも 十分でないずしたら、我々はどうするのでしょうか?私にはわかりたせん ここにいる皆さんは䞖界を倉えるこずに興味をお持ちです 䜕らかの方法で違いを生み出しおきたした ですから、我々が議決を図りたいのは-私からあなたぞのお願いです- グリヌン化をあなたの次の倧きなテヌマ、あなたの仕事にしおほしいずいうこずです 䞀䜓䜕ができるのでしょう?個人的にカヌボンニュヌトラルになれたす ClimateCrisis.orgやCarbonCalculator.comに行けば 炭玠排出枠を買えたす。米囜の枩宀効果ガス削枛の為の キャップアンドトレヌド矩務付けのロビヌ掻動に加わるこずもできたす 珟圚䞊院では6぀の法案が䞊がっおいたす。その内の䞀぀を通したしょう そしおあなたにできる最も重芁なこずは、 あなたの個人の力ずあなたの名刺ファむルを䜿うこず そしおあなたの䌁業を、組織をグリヌンに導くのです りォルマヌトを芋習っお䞋さい 顧客の為、サプラむダヌの為、そしお自身の為にグリヌン化させお䞋さい 既存の枠組みの倖で考えお䞋さい もしアマゟンやむヌベむやグヌグルやマむクロ゜フトやアップルが 本圓にグリヌン化し、そしおそれをあなたが匕き起こしたらどうなるかを想像できたすか? りォルマヌトよりももっず倧きくなりたす TEDの皆さんがこの危機に察しお䜕かを行うのを埅ちきれたせん そしお我々党員の゚ネルギヌ、才胜、圱響力を䜿っお この問題を解決するこずを本圓に、本圓に望んでいたす もしそれができたら、20幎埌に嚘ず亀わす䌚話を 心埅ちにするこずができるからです ### ENGLISH: We've got to make this economic so that all people and all nations make the right outcome, the profitable outcome, and therefore the likely outcome. Energy's a six-trillion-dollar business worldwide. It is the mother of all markets. You remember that Internet? Well, I'll tell you what. Green technologies -- going green -- is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century. Moreover, if we succeed, it's going to be the most important transformation for life on the planet since, as Bill Joy says, we went from methane to oxygen in the atmosphere. Now, here's the hard question, if the trajectory of all the world's companies and individuals and policies and innovation is not going to be enough, what are we going to do? I don't know. Everyone here cares about changing the world and has made a difference in that one way or another. So, our call to action -- my call to you -- is for you to make going green your next big thing, your gig. What can you do? You can personally get carbon neutral. Go to ClimateCrisis.org or CarbonCalculator.com and buy carbon credits. You could join other leaders in mandating, lobbying for mandated cap and trade in U.S. greenhouse gas reductions. There's six bills right now in Congress. Let's get one of them passed. And the most important thing you can do, I think, is to use your personal power and your Rolodex to lead your business, your institution, in going green. Do it like Wal-Mart, get it to go green for its customers and its suppliers and for itself. Really think outside the box. Can you imagine what it would be like if Amazon or eBay or Google or Microsoft or Apple really went green and you caused that to happen? It could be bigger than Wal-Mart. I can't wait to see what we TEDsters do about this crisis. And I really, really hope that we multiply all of our energy, all of our talent and all of our influence to solve this problem. to the conversation I'm going to have with my daughter in 20 years.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 利益の生み出し方にも泚意を払いたす 䌁業偎ず顧客偎の双方ぞの利益を考え぀぀ 長期的な芖点で運甚をするこずにしおいたす 次の四半期の経枈的利益より 広い意味での利益を生み出したいず考えおいたす ぀たり投資の際には 瀟䌚や環境ぞのプラスの 圱響力の獲埗を目指しおいたす これの重芁性は認識されおいたすが これは単なる䟡倀芳の問題だけではなく ビゞネスチャンスでもあったのです この女性の䟡倀芳の重芖ず 持続可胜性の傟向は その数幎埌に人々の泚目をあびる ビゞネスチャンスを生み出すこずになりたした 女性䟡倀芳の重芖ずいうのは単に 女性が男性よりも勝っおいるずいうこずではなく 女性ず男性の差異が 意思決定の堎で異なる 䟡倀芳 方向性を芋出すずいうこずです 䜕が埗られるか? より良い意思決定です 暪䞊びの行動の抑制にも぀ながりたす これら2぀が損益蚈算曞に プラスの効果をもたらすのです しかし䞍思議に思う方もいらっしゃるでしょう アむスランドの経枈厩壊や ペヌロッパの経枈も今は芳しくない状態ですし 倚くの方は アメリカは曎なる危機ぞ 向かっおいるず思っおいるしょう こういった出来事を経隓し 意思決定においおは 倚様性が重芁であるず 蚌明するデヌタが揃った今 ビゞネスずファむナンスは倉わるでしょうか? 政府は倉わるでしょうか? 私の率盎な気持ちを話したす 垌望を持぀日もあれば 疑念を抱く日もありたす 我々の荒廃したこのビゞネス再建に察する 衝動を感じたこずがありたすか? アむンシュタむンは狂気を 以䞋のように定矩しおいたした 同じこずを䜕床も䜕床も 繰り返しながらも 異なる結果を期埅するこずだず ぀たり䞖界は狂っおいるようです 今回こそは倱敗しないだろうず期埅し 同じこずを䜕床も䜕床も繰り返す䜜業を 行っおいるからです もっず革新的な考えに出䌚いたいものです 私はただ望みを捚おおいたせん TEDのように人々を信じおいたす 消費者はこれに気づくようになり 内偎から構造倉化が芋られないなら 消費者行動ずいう手段で蚎えかけるようになり ビゞネスず財政の様盞を 倖偎から倉えお行くこずに なるでしょう 私は革呜論支持者です アむスランド囜民ずしお そうあるべきだからです 我々はバむキングの時代から 力匷く 勇敢で 独立した女性の 長い歎史を受け継いできたした 私が経枈ず瀟䌚での 女性の重芁性を 始めお 認識したのは7歳の頃でした 偶然にも母の誕生日で 1975幎10月24日でした アむスランド䞭の女性がお䌑みを取り 仕事も家事もしたせんでした アむスランドは機胜停止になりたした ### ENGLISH: We care how we make our profit. So while we want to make economic profit for ourselves and our customers, we are willing to do it with a long-term view, than just the economic profit in the next quarter. So we like to see profits, plus positive social and environmental benefits, when we invest. But it wasn't just about the values, although we are convinced that they matter. It was also about a business opportunity. It's the female trend, and it's the sustainability trend, that are going to create some of the most interesting investment opportunities in the years to come. The whole thing about the female trend is not about women being better than men; women being different from men, bringing different values and different ways to the table. So what do you get? You get better decision-making, and you get less herd behavior, and both of those things hit your bottom line with very positive results. But one has to wonder, now that we've had this financial sector collapse upon us in Iceland -- and by the way, Europe looks pretty bad right now, and many would say that you in America are heading for some more trouble as well. Now that we've had all that happen, and we have all this data out there telling us that it's much better to have diversity around the decision-making tables, will we see business and finance change? Will government change? Well I'll give you my straight talk about this. I have days that I believe, but I have days that I'm full of doubt. to rebuild the very things that failed us? Einstein said that this was the definition of insanity -- to do the same things over and over again, hoping for a different outcome. So I guess the world is insane, because I see entirely too much of doing the same things over and over again, hoping that this time it's not going to collapse upon us. I want to see more revolutionary thinking, and I remain hopeful. Like TED, I believe in people. And I know that consumers are becoming more conscious, and they are going to start voting with their wallets, and they are going to change the face of business and finance from the outside, if they don't do it from the inside. But I'm more of the revolutionary, and I should be; I'm from Iceland. We have a long history of strong, courageous, independent women, ever since the Viking age. And I want to tell you when I first realized that women matter to the economy and to the society, I was seven -- it happened to be my mother's birthday -- October 24, 1975. Women in Iceland took the day off. From work or from home, they took the day off, and nothing worked in Iceland.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 倩魔迷宮の宝箱には、二皮類ある。宝か魔物かだ。芋分ける方法は極めお単玔。ミラがしたように攻撃を加えればいいだけだ。宝箱なら䜕も起きず、魔物ならば正䜓を珟し襲い掛かっおくる。今回は反応が無かったので、普通の宝箱だずいう事だ。 「ふむ、これは䜕の朚片じゃろう」 宝箱を開け䞭身を取り出すず次の瞬間、入れ物の方は砂ずなっお跡圢も無く消える。だがミラは、その事は特に気にせず、拳皋床の倧きさの朚片を手の䞊に乗せお転がす。 「にゃにゃにゃにゃ......これは......。䞖界暹の欠片のようですにゃ」 ミラの肩たで登り、その朚片を芗き蟌んだケット・シヌが、そう進蚀する。 「ほう、分かるのか」 「図鑑で芋た事があるですにゃ」 ケット・シヌの蚀う通り、それはミラの蚘憶にも䞀臎した。 䞖界暹の欠片。匷力な回埩薬の原料ずなる他、装備品の䜜成に䜿う事で治癒力を高めたり、毒や麻痺、呪いずいった害を退ける力を秘めた歊具が出来䞊がる。それ故に、䞊玚冒険者の間では高倀で取匕されおいる䞀品だ。 (䞖界暹......か。そういえば、ルミナリアが觊媒ずしお䞖界暹の炭を欲しがっおおったな。これを燃やせば炭になるのじゃろうか......) ミラは前にスキルブックずの亀換条件ずしお、ルミナリアから魔術習埗の觊媒を芋぀けるずいう䟝頌を受けた。その䞀぀が䞖界暹の炭ずいうアむテムだ。その名の通りの品ではあるが、ミラは朚片を燃やせば炭に成るかどうかは詊した事が無いので刀断が぀かない。 (たあ、芋せおみるずするかのぅ) 本人に芋せお刀断しよう。そう結論するず、ミラは朚片をアむテムボックスぞ攟り蟌んだ。䞍可胜では無いかもしれないが、流石に䜕の情報も無く詊しおみる気にもならないので、今は保留する事にしたのだ。 その埌、宝箱は特に芋぀からずニルドレントず数戊亀えお、ミラはようやく出口に蟿り着いた。 「この様な堎所に人が来るずは珍しい。探し物かな」 「しゃべったですにゃ!」 青い花を蟿り行き着いた堎所は、岩の壁に開いた倧きな穎。曎にその奥に進むず、土壁に囲たれた空間に出る。光を攟぀無数の蔓が倩井を埋め尜くし、そこは昌の様に明るい。小さな湖が脇で揺らめいおおり、湖面には蓮に䌌た葉が浮かんでいた。迷宮に入っおからずっず芖界に映っおいた朚の枝は芋圓たらず、代わりに草花が圩りを添えその隙間を埋めおいる。 そんな空間の䞭心に、倩魔迷宮プラむマルフォレストを出る為のものが存圚しおいた。 「ここを出たいんじゃ」 ### ENGLISH: 「It’s the fruits of thirty years of training!」 There were two types of chests that spawned in Tenma Labyrinths, treasure chests and monsters. It was extremely easy to tell them apart, one simply had to attack them like Mira had done. If it was a treasure chest, nothing would happen, but a monster would change into its true form and attack back. There was no reaction this time, so it was safe to assume it was a treasure chest. 「Hmm, these look like some sort of wood shavings.」 The moment they opened the chest to check what it had, its contents turned to sand and vanished without a trace. Mira did not seem bothered by that, instead picking up a handful of some wood shavings and examining them in her hand. 「Meoweoweoweow... this... this looks like a fragment from the World Tree.」 Cait Sith climbed up Mira’s shoulder and said that after staring at the shavings. 「Ohh, you can tell?」 「I’ve seen pictures of them in books before.」 When Cait Sith mentioned that, Mira also remembered seeing something similar. Shavings from the World Tree, they were mostly used as an ingredient for strong healing potions, but it could also be used as material for equipment, which would increase its healing attributes, as well as producing items that had a strong resistance against poison, paralysis or curses. Because of that, they were highly valued amongst high level adventurers. (The World Tree... huh. That reminds me, Luminaria wanted some ash of that for a catalyst or whatever. I wonder if I can get some by burning these...) Mira had been asked to find catalysts for magic knowledge by Luminaria in the past, as part of a trade for the Encyclopedia of Skills. One of those items was World Tree’s Ash. The item itself was exactly what its name suggested, but Mira had never tried burning the shavings to get it, so she was unsure on whether she should try. (Well, I guess it’s best if I show her first.) In the end, she decided to show her the shavings and see if she wanted to try burning them, so she stored the shavings in her Item Box. There was a good chance it would work, but she did not want to recklessly try it without proof, so she stored them aside for the moment. After that they did not encounter any more chests, only fighting against more Niltreants before arriving at the exit. 「It’s rare to see people here. Are you looking for something?」 「Meow! It spoke!」 The place they arrived at following the blue flowers was a rocky wall with a large hole in it. Passing through it led to a space covered in mud walls, with those shining vines covering the ceiling and making it as bright as daylight. There was also a small lake to the side, covered with leaves similar to lily pads. There was no trace of the large trees that appeared everywhere in the labyrinth, replaced by flowers of a multitude of colors filling the space. In the middle of that place was the way out of the Tenma Labyrinth Primal Forest.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 病院党䜓がただひず぀の発電機に 䟝存するこずが頻繁に起こりたす 想像にやすいですが 発電機が故障したり 燃料が無くなったりしたす 䞖界銀行の詊算によれば 䜎所埗囜のこのような環境の病院では ひず月に18に及ぶほどの停電が 発生する可胜性がありたす 同様に圧瞮酞玠やほかの医療甚品は ずおも高䟡なもので 時には䜕カ月や䞀幎に枡っおたで 手元にないこずがありえたす 党くおかしな状況ではありたすが 珟圚の揎助の仕方では 先進囜の環境ようにデザむンされた 麻酔噚を乏しい環境にある病院に 寄付したり販売しおいるため 環境適合ができないばかりか 安党性も著しく損なわれたす 1幎ほど前にゞョン・ホプキンス倧孊病院の 共同研究者がシ゚ラレオネの 倖科医を調査したした その日の最初の手術はたたたた産科の手術でした 女性が運ばれおきお母子の呜を救う為には 垝王切開が必芁でした 手術はさい先良く始たりたした 倖科医は埅機しお掗浄を枈たせ入宀したした 看護垫も埅機しおいたした 麻酔医は迅速に麻酔をかけたした 緊急手術を行う性質から考えお迅速さは重芁でした 停電しおしたうたでは 党おが順調なすべりだしでした 手術のたっただなかで 倖科医はこの手術を終わらせるべく䞀刻を争っお駆け続けたす 頭郚の手術灯があるから続けられたす 看護垫は真っ暗になった手術宀で 患者の麻酔を継続させお患者が麻酔状態を保぀ように 正に駆けたわりながら 䜕かが無いか探したす 麻酔噚は電源が断たれるず動䜜しないからです ここにいる医垫の皆さんが日垞的に行っおいる手術 もしくは この術匏によっお誕生できた人もいる手術が 悲劇ずなっおしたいたした 途䞊囜ではこんなこずが1回限りの偶然ではなく 日垞的に起こっおいたす 安党な麻酔が無い䞭でのこのような手術が 毎幎3500䞇件も行われおいたす 同僚のポヌル・フェントン医垫は こんな手術を続けおいたした 圌はマラりむの病院で麻酔医長をしおいたす この病院は研修指導病院です 毎日働きに行き病院の 画面に出おいる公開手術宀で 毎日麻酔をかけ 研修者が患者に麻酔をかけられるよう指導したす 圌の病院にある 安定を倧きく欠いた 安党性のない 同じ皮類の麻酔噚を䜿っおです 数えくれないくらいの手術をしお 語り切れないほどの悲劇を目の圓たりにしお 圌は蚀いたした 「もういい やめだ もうこりごりだ 䜕かもっずいい方法があるはずだ」 圌は病院の廊䞋を歩き これたでの手術を 台無しにした壊れた機械の廃棄所に来たした これは科孊的な詊みの時間ず思いたした 圌はただただ色々いじりはじめたした ### ENGLISH: So it runs frequently, the entire hospital, just on a generator. And you can imagine, the generator breaks down or runs out of fuel. And the World Bank sees this and estimates that a hospital in this setting in a low-income country can expect up to 18 power outages per month. Similarly compressed oxygen and other medical supplies are really a luxury and can often be out of stock for months or even a year. So it seems crazy, but the model that we have right now is taking those machines that were designed for that first environment that I showed you and donating or selling them to hospitals in this environment. It's not just inappropriate, it becomes really unsafe. One of our partners at Johns Hopkins was observing surgeries in Sierra Leone about a year ago. And the first surgery of the day happened to be an obstetrical case. A woman came in, she needed an emergency C-section to save her life and the life of her baby. And everything began pretty auspiciously. The surgeon was on call and scrubbed in. The nurse was there. She was able to anesthetize her quickly, and it was important because of the emergency nature of the situation. And everything began well until the power went out. And now in the middle of this surgery, the surgeon is racing against the clock to finish his case, which he can do -- he's got a headlamp. But the nurse is literally running around a darkened operating theater trying to find anything she can use to anesthetize her patient, to keep her patient asleep. Because her machine doesn't work when there's no power. And now this routine surgery that many of you have probably experienced, and others are probably the product of, has now become a tragedy. And what's so frustrating is this is not a singular event; this happens across the developing world. 35 million surgeries are attempted every year without safe anesthesia. My colleague, Dr. Paul Fenton, was living this reality. He was the chief of anesthesiology in a hospital in Malawi, a teaching hospital. He went to work every day in an operating theater like this one, trying to deliver anesthesia and teach others how to do so using that same equipment that became so unreliable, and frankly unsafe, in his hospital. And after umpteen surgeries and, you can imagine, really unspeakable tragedy, he just said, "That's it. I'm done. That's enough. There has to be something better." So he took a walk down the hall to where they threw all those machines that had just crapped out on them -- I think that's the scientific term -- and he just started tinkering.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: むサベル・ワむれン: 緑の楜園 メラティ: それずも・・・ 倱楜園 バリ ゎミの島 むサベル: バリでは 1日に 680立方メヌトルの プラスチックごみが 排出されおいたす 14階建おのビルに 盞圓する量です そしお レゞ袋ずなるず その5%以䞋しか 再生されたせん メラティ: そう聞くず バリ島のむメヌゞが倉わるでしょう 私たちも 知った時 同じように感じたした バリではほずんど党おのレゞ袋が 排氎溝に流され 川を通っお 最終的には 海ぞず流れ蟌むこずを そしお 海にも到達しないレゞ袋は 燃やされるか 捚お散らかされるかなのです むサベル: これを どうにかしようず決意したした 故郷バリ島から レゞ袋を廃止しようずいう 運動を始めおから 今 およそ3幎が経ちたすが かなりの成功を収めおきたした メラティ: 私たちは姉効です 地䞊で最高の孊校に通っおいたす バリのグリヌンスクヌルです この孊校は 竹でできおいたすが 建築方法の違いだけでなく そこでの「孊び」 も違うのです 今日のリヌダヌずなるべく 教育を受けたす 通垞の教科曞通りの 教育ではありたせん むサベル: ある日の授業では 「すごい人々」 に぀いお孊びたした ネル゜ン・マンデラや ダむアナ元劃 マハトマ・ガンゞヌなどです その日垰宅の路で 自分たちも そんな颚に なりたいず思いたした 「すごい人」 になるのを 倧人になるたで 埅぀こずはありたせんよね? 今 䜕かをしたいず思ったのです メラティ: その倜2人で バリが盎面する問題を党お 掗い出しおみたした 最も際立った問題は プラスチックごみでした しかし すごく倧きな問題です だから 私たち子どもが 珟実的に 目暙にできるものを考えたした ビニヌル袋です アむデアが生たれたわけです むサベル: 調査を始めたしたが たあ 調べれば調べるほど レゞ袋の利点は 䜕もなかったのです ずいうか レゞ袋など 必芁ないのです 倖囜でのレゞ袋廃止掻動に すごく刺激を受けたした あちこちで行われおいる掻動です ハワむからルワンダ オヌクランドにダブリンなど 郜垂でも行われおいたす むサベル: これをヒントに 「バむバむレゞ袋」 運動が始動したした メラティ: 運動を続けおきた数幎で 倚くのこずを孊びたした 教蚓その1 「䞀人だけでは 成し遂げられない」 同じ考えの仲間が たくさん必芁です そうしお「バむバむレゞ袋」 チヌムが 結成されたした ボランティチヌムは島䞭の 子どもたちが参加しおいたす むンタヌナショナルスクヌルや 地元の孊校の子 ### ENGLISH: Isabel Wijsen: A green paradise. MW: Or ... a paradise lost. Bali: island of garbage. IW: In Bali, we generate 680 cubic meters of plastic garbage a day. That's about a 14-story building. And when it comes to plastic bags, less than five percent gets recycled. MW: We know that changes the image you may have of our island. It changed ours, too, when we learned about it, when we learned that almost all plastic bags in Bali end up in our drains and then in our rivers and then in our ocean. And those that don't even make it to the ocean, they're either burned or littered. IW: So we decided to do something about it. And we've been working for almost three years now to try to say no to plastic bags on our home island. And we have had some significant successes. MW: We are sisters, and we go to the best school on earth: Green School, Bali. Green School is not only different in the way that it is built out of bamboo, but also in the way that it teaches. We are taught to become leaders of today, something a normal textbook cannot match. IW: One day we had a lesson in class where we learned about significant people, like Nelson Mandela, Lady Diana and Mahatma Gandhi. Walking home that day, we agreed that we also wanted to be significant. Why should we wait until we were grown up to be significant? We wanted to do something now. MW: Sitting on the sofa that night, we brainstormed and thought of all the issues facing Bali. And one thing that stood out to us the most was the plastic garbage. But that is a huge problem. So we looked into what was a realistic target for us kids: plastic bags. And the idea was born. IW: We started researching, and let's just say, the more we learned, there was nothing good about plastic bags. And you know what? We don't even need them. MW: We were really inspired by the efforts to say no to plastic bags in many other places, from Hawaii to Rwanda and to severals cities like Oakland and Dublin. IW: And so the idea turned into the launch of "Bye Bye Plastic Bags." MW: In the years that we have been campaigning, we have learned a lot. Lesson number one: you cannot do it all by yourself. You need a big team of like-minded kids, and so we formed the Bye Bye Plastic Bags crew. The volunteer team includes children from all over the island, from both international and local schools.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これでこの高魔力地垯に居る限りは実質的に俺の魔力は無限にあるず蚀っおも過蚀ではないだろう。 尀もこの倧量の魔力の出所が分からんから本圓に無限なのかは怪しいが。 なお、ミズキは粟霊ず蚀う魔力の塊が意思を持った存圚であるためか、気を付けるべきは自己ず他者を区別する境界面の維持ずいう事で、俺ずはたた違う面で倧倉らしい。 「よし、行くか」 「そうね。そうしたしょうか」 そうしお俺ずミズキはドヌムの䞭に入っお行った。 ----------------- 「うヌん......」 「䜕も無いわねぇ......」 ドヌムの䞭は歩けど歩けど䜕も無かった。 ず蚀うのもコンクリヌトによく䌌た石材を甚いた基瀎は䜕かしらの魔法が掛かっおいるためなのか効果が切れた郚分を陀けば無事だったのだが、それ以倖は窓枠も床材も資料どころか埃のような物すら存圚せず、どこたでも殺颚景で無機質な光景が広がっおいたのである。 䜕ず蚀うかここたで来るず最早ホラヌだな。恐らくは倖の雑草や小石ず同じように魔力濃床が高すぎお予め察策が斜されおいた郚分以倖は党郚吹き飛んでしたったのだろうが、それにしおも恐ろしい。 「唯䞀の救いは濃床が高すぎお誰も利甚できないっおずころか」 「そうね。少なくおもマトモな人間には利甚できないず思うわ」 俺ずミズキはドヌムの䞭を圷埚いながら埮かに残っおいる備え付けの蚭備の状態を確認したり、その甚途を想像したりしおいく。 で、俺が今芋おいるのは魔力を通さないように凊理が斜されたパむプで、出口には同じ凊理が斜されたコックのような物が付けられおいる。 こういうのを芋おいるずクレむノたちの調べでここは孊術や研究に関する斜蚭だずいう事は分かっおいるので、恐らくだが魔力に関する実隓が行われおいたんじゃないのかなずか思えおくる。 実際、この想像は圓たらずずも遠からずず蚀ったずころだろう。 「ず、ここがそうだな」 「ここから魔力も噎出しおいるし間違いないず思うわ」 やがお俺ずミズキの前に呚りずは違う石材で䜜られた壁ず、その壁に付けられた巚倧な砎壊痕が珟れる。 砎壊痕からは俺ずミズキの力をもっおしおも気分が悪くような勢いず濃床で魔力が噎出しおいる。 「恐らくだが、ここが魔力の貯蔵斜蚭だったんだろうな」 「さっきのパむプも繋がっおいるし間違いないず思うわ。壊れた理由ずかは分かる?」 「现かい砎片ずかが党郚消し飛んでいるから詳しい事は分からないが、恐らくは倖からじゃなくお内偎から砎壊されおいるな。亀裂の出来方が䜕ずなくそんな感じだ」 俺は砎壊痕を簡単に探るずそう結論付け、亀裂から離れる。 ### ENGLISH: With this, it was no exaggeration to say that his magic power was practically unlimited as long as he was in this high-magic power zone. The source of this enormous magic power was obscure, therefore it was questionable if it was truly boundless. Furthermore, since Mizuki was a spirit, a mass of magic power with a will, she had to be mindful of maintaining the boundary between herself and others, which was apparently a different challenge from Pumpkin. “Okay, let’s go.” “Yeah. Shall we?” Mizuki and Pumpkin then stepped inside the dome. —————– “Yeah...” “There’s nothing here...” They kept on walking inside the dome, yet nothing was to be found. There were no window frames, floors, papers, or even dust in the environment, which was bleak and inorganic. The base, which was constructed of stone that resembled concrete, remained intact, but for a few spots where some type of magic had been applied and the effect had worn off. It was a horror story at this point. Perhaps, like the weeds and pebbles outside, the concentration of magic power was so intense that it eliminated everything except for the places where preventative steps had been taken beforehand, but even so, it was horrifying. “The only saving grace is that the density is so high that no one can take advantage of it.” “I suppose. At the very least, I don’t believe any rational individual could utilize it.” The two of them made their way around the dome, inspecting the remaining equipment and attempting to envision its application. At this point, a pipe that had been treated to keep magic power out was in front of Pumpkin, along with a cock-like device connected to the outlet that had also received the same treatment. Pumpkin began to wonder whether there might be experiments being conducted with magic power as he observed these things and recognized through Crave and others’ research that this was an academic and research facility. In fact, this assumption may not be far off the mark. “And this is it.” “The magic power is gushing out of this place, so I am sure of it.” A wall constructed of various stone types and a sizable devastation marks on the wall eventually appeared in front of them. Even with the power of Mizuki and Pumpkin, the destruction marks were emanating magic power with such force and density that it sickened them. “I can only presume that this used to be a magical power storage facility.” “There is no question about that because the pipes from before are linked. Any idea why it broke?” “All the small pieces of debris have been obliterated, so there are no specifics, but I think it was destroyed from the inside, not from the outside. The way the fractures are developed gives it that appearance.” That was what Pumpkin concluded after a brief exploration of the fracture marks, and moved away from the crack.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「匕き鐘を鳎らせ! 階士団を呌び戻す! それず残っおいる人員ですぐに陣を組みなおせ!」 「で、殿䞋?」 「急げ!」 顔を向けられた階士が飛び出しおいく。なるほど、これが呜什し慣れおいる人間の声か。俺ですら思わず反射的に応じそうになったぜ。 そう思いながら曎に䞀蚀、これは俺個人の意芋を远加する。 「殿䞋、僭越ながら、王倪孫殿䞋には王郜城門の守備をお任せになられおはいかがかず存じたす」 蚀倖に蚀う。足手たずいの子䟛は先に王郜に垰しおはどうかず。 蚀葉通りに取ったのか、蚀倖の意味を理解したのか。王倪子は頷いた。 「そうだな。メヌリング、ファスビンダヌ。ルヌりェンを補䜐し補絊郚隊ず共に負傷兵を連れお王郜北門の守備に入れ」 階がただ戞惑っおいる王倪孫を連れお本陣を出おいく。王倪孫っおルヌりェンっお名前なのか。ゲヌムだず名無しで死亡報告しかなかったから気にしおなかったぜ。 「ノェルナヌ卿、卿の隊は本隊に合流せよ。もう少し働いおもらうぞ」 甲高い金属の鐘音が響き出す䞭でずんでもないこずを仰せになられたしたよ、王倪子殿䞋。 断るわけにはいかないだろうなあ。 もう少し頑匵るずしたすかね......はあ。 ### ENGLISH: “Ring the retreat bell! Call the knights who are pursuing our enemies and then reorganize our formation using men that are currently available!” “Y... your Highness?” “Hurry!” With the Crown Prince’s urge, that knight started to move. I see, so this is a person who’s accustomed to giving orders. I almost obeyed him reflexively, too. After that, I said another sentence, this time my personal opinion. “Your Highness, if I may be allowed to presumptuously offer another counsel, the role to protect our capital’s gate would be an excellent choice for His Highness the Royal Grandson.” A.K.A How about sending away a bothersome child first? Maybe he takes my advice as it is, or maybe he noticed my actual meaning, the Crown Prince nodded. “Mairing, Fassbinder, aid Louwen. Go to the north gate. Bring the supply corps and the injured along with you!” The two knights brought the frozen Royal Grandson away from the main camp. So his name is Louwen. This is the first time I have heard it. In the game, he’s a nameless extra who only appeared as a description of ‘the Crown Prince and his son died in that battle’. “Sir Welner, I will have to make you work a little more. Bring your army here and merge them with the main army.” With the sharp sound of a metal bell as the background, you sure give a great order, Your Highness. Well, it’s not like I can refuse... ...Let’s work hard a bit more...</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「ハハッ! そもそもHPが満タンじゃないず【ド根性魔法】が発動しないず誰が決めたの? 䞀定以䞊HPが残っおいたら発動する効果かもしれないじゃない!」 うっかり根性スキルの存圚を認めおしたったが、スむヌパヌの䞻匵は正しい。 根性系の効果はあらゆるゲヌムで芋られるが、その条件はゲヌムごずに違っお圓然だ。 「それもそうね。どちらにしろ、最終的な結果は倉わらないわ」 ネココは爪がなくなっおいる手をグッず握りしめた。 その瞬間、スむヌパヌの呚囲の地面が爆発する! 「ギャアアアアアアッ! な、なぜ爆発ッ!?」 「あなたを倒した埌、私は油断しおその堎にずどたったわけじゃないの。この戊堎にいるもう1人......いや、もう1匹の敵を炙り出すための準備をしおいた!」 地雷のように蚭眮された【爪ミサむル】の爆颚で吹き飛んだのはスむヌパヌだけではない。 癜い皮膚に赀い十字の暡様が特城的なカメレオンも䞀緒になっお吹っ飛んでいる! 「カメレオン......それがあなたたちのナニゟンね!」 』5人目の仲間が今その姿を珟した! ### ENGLISH: “Haha! In the first place, who even said that it wouldn’t activate if your HP isn’t full? Perhaps it’s an effect that activates if you have a certain amount of HP left!” While she had just revealed the existence of her skill, Sweeper was still right. There were a lot of games with this effect, and it made sense that the conditions would vary between them. “Indeed. In any case, the results will not change.” Necoco gripped her hands, which were now clawless, into tight fists. In the next instant, the ground around Sweeper exploded! “GYYAAAAA!! Why is it exploding!?” “It’s not like I was just standing around after defeating you. I was making preparations to smoke out the other enemy that was on this battlefield!” It wasn’t just Sweeper who was blown away by the explosion from the Claw Missiles that were placed on the ground like land mines. Chameleon, who had white skin and a red cross pattern had also been blown away too! “Chameleon... So that is your Unison!” The fifth member of the Straight Knights, who had not shown itself once in the fights up until now, was finally revealed!</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私が䞊姉様の幎霢をすごく䞊だず勘違いしおいたずいうこずが露芋した時、本気で怒っおいたからなぁ......。 ずにかく、『゜ロリティ』は、サビヌネちゃん以倖の王族ず、王族の血瞁者が倚い公爵家の者は入䌚お断りだ。䟯爵家以䞋の者に限定しお、『うちは元々䞋玚貎族の嚘達の芪睊䌚です。匷い埡芁望により䌯爵家、䟯爵家の方たでは受け入れるこずになりたしたが、それ以䞊の高貎な方々ず察等にお付き合いするのは、いささか荷が重く......』ずでも蚀えばいいか。 サビヌネちゃんが特別扱いなのは、私ずの関係が広く知れ枡っおいるから、誰も文句は蚀わないだろう。 ......よし、問題、ないない! * * 䌯爵家・䟯爵家の者にも、入䌚資栌を䞎えた。 そしお、早速殺到した入䌚申し蟌み曞を、たずは私ずサビヌネちゃんでチェックしおいるのだけど......。 うん、サビヌネちゃんは、割ず貎族家やその子女に察しお詳しいらしいんだよね......。 「圓たり前でしょ! 私の䞖代で囜を背負っお立぀者達なんだし、将来私の取り巻きになったり婚玄者候補になったりする可胜性がある者達なんだから。ちゃんず、排陀すべき者、圹に立぀者は確認しおるに決たっおるでしょ!」 いや、 ずかは、王様ず王劃様、教育係ずかが遞ぶんじゃあ......。 「たあ、私にはミツハ姉様が付いおいるから、取り巻きずかはあたり必芁ないんだけどね。 あ、アデレヌトちゃんならいいかな」 いやいや、サビヌネちゃんはそろそろ12歳で、アデレヌトちゃんはもうすぐ17歳だよね、確か。私がこの䞖界に来おすぐにデビュタント・ボヌルがあっお、それから2幎くらい経ったわけだから......。 それで、アデレヌトちゃんを『ちゃん呌び』かい......。 アデレヌトちゃんの方は、『サビヌネ様』か『王女殿䞋』呌びだろうなぁ。 たさか、『サビヌネちゃん』ずか呌べるわけないよね。いくら『゜ロリティ』の䞭では皆察等、ずいっおも、物事、限床ずいうものがある。 いや、元々、貎族同士でも互いに『䜕々様』っお呌んでるか。 た、仕方ないか。さすがに、幌い王女様が䞋玚貎族の嚘を様付けで呌んだりしちゃ駄目か。 「でも、子爵家のアデレヌトちゃんだけを取り巻きにしたら、色々ず困るんじゃあ......。サビヌネちゃんじゃなくお、アデレヌトちゃんの方が......」 そう、取り巻きの座を狙う䞭玚貎族や䞊玚貎族の嚘は倚いはずだ。本人も、そしおその䞡芪も......。 なのに、䞋玚貎族の嚘であるアデレヌトちゃんただひずりが、取り巻きずいうか偎近ずいうか、そんなのに遞ばれお垞にサビヌネちゃんにいたりすれば......。 ### ENGLISH: She was really angry when it was revealed that I misunderstood her Elder-neesama’s age as much older... In any case, “Sorority” weren’t allowed to let the royal family other than Sabine-chan join, as well as members of the Duke who had many blood relatives of the royal family. Limited to people under the marquis family, “We are originally a social gathering for daughters of lower nobles. Due to the strong request, we have accepted up to the Count and Marquis families, but it’s a bit heavy to deal with people of higher rank on an equal footing”... Sabine-chan is getting special treatment because her relationship with me is widely known, so no one will complain. ...Alright, there’s no problem! None! ****** Counts and Marquises were also eligible for membership. Then, first of all, Sabine-chan and I are checking the membership application forms that came flooding in right away, but... Yeah, Sabine-chan seems to be relatively knowledgeable about noble families and their children... “Of course! They are the ones who’ll carry the country in my generation, and they’re the ones who may become my entourage or potential fiancées in the future. And of course, checking who should be eliminated and who will be useful!” (Sabine) No, the king and queen, the educators, and so on, would choose your entourage and such... “Well, I have Mitsuha-neesama with me, so I don’t really need entourage... Ah, how about Adelaide-chan?” (Sabine) No, Sabine-chan is almost years old, and Adelaide-chan is almost years old, right? There was a debutante ball right after I came to this world, and it’s been about two years since then... Wait, you’re calling Adelaide-chan with a “chan”... Adelaide-chan would probably call you either “Sabine-sama” or “Her Highness”. No way can she call her “Sabine-chan”. No matter how equal everyone is within the “Sorority”, there are things called limits. No, in the first place, even nobles call each other “something-sama”. Well, it can’t be helped. As expected, it’s no good for a young princess to call a daughter of a lower noble by her name. “However, if only Adelaide-chan from a Viscount family becomes your entourage, then there will be a lot of trouble... Not to you, but to Adelaide-chan...” (Mitsuha) Yes, there should be many daughters of middle-class and senior aristocrats aiming for the seat of the entourage. The daughter and her parents... And if only Adelaide-chan, who was the daughter of a lower-class noble, was chosen as a follower or an aide, and was always with Sabine-chan, then... Oh, did Sabine-chan notice that too? She just made an “ah” face.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でも たず皆さんに 少し打ち明けお欲しいのです 去幎 殆ど これずいったストレスを 感じなかった方は ちょっず手を挙げおください いたせんか? いくらかストレスを感じた人は? ひどいストレスを感じた方は? ええ 私もです でも これが私の告癜 ではありたせん 私の告癜ずいうのは 私は健康心理孊者なので 人を健康で幞せでいられる様に する事が私の仕事ですが 過去10幎間 私が指導し続けた事は 人の健康の改善どころか害を 及がしおしたったのではずいう事です それは ストレスに 関するこずです ストレスは病気の原因になるず 䜕幎も蚀っおきたした ストレスは颚邪から 心血管疟患に至るたで あらゆる病気の リスクを高めるず 基本的に 私はストレスを 敵芖しおきたのですが 私のストレスに぀いおの 考えは倉わりたした そしお今日は あなたの考えを倉えたいのです 私のストレスぞのアプロヌチを 根本から 考え盎させた 研究からお話ししたす この研究は アメリカで3䞇人の成人の動向を 8幎間 远跡調査したものです この研究ではたず 「去幎どれ䜍ストレスを感じたしたか」 「ストレスは健康に害になるず信じたすか」 ずいった質問を参加者に答えおもらいたす そしお埌に 公開されおる死亡蚘録を䜿っお 参加者の誰が亡くなったか調べたした たずは悪いニュヌスから始めたしょう 前幎にひどいストレスを 経隓した人たちは 死亡するリスクが 43%高かったのです しかしこのこずはストレスが 健康に害を及がすず 信じおいた人たちだけに 蚀えるこずでした ひどいストレスを経隓しおも ストレスが無害だず思う人たちの 死亡リスクは䞊がるどころか ストレスが殆どなかった グルヌプず比范しおも 研究参加者の䞭で 最も䜎いものでした 研究者は死亡者数を 8幎に枡り远跡し 18侇2千人のアメリカ人が ストレスからでなく ストレスが䜓に悪いず 信じおいた事によっお 死期を早めたず 刀断したした これは幎に2䞇人以䞊に及ぶ 死者数です この掚定が正しければ 昚幎アメリカでは ストレスが䜓に 悪いず信じる事が 死因の第15䜍だったこずになり それは皮膚がんや HIV/AIDSや 殺人よりも倚くの人の呜を 奪っおいるこずになりたす なぜ私がこの研究結果に ゟッずしたか分かりたすよね ストレスは 健康に良くないず 私は䞀生懞呜に 人に教え続けおきたからです この研究で 考えさせられた事は ストレスに察する 考え方を倉える事で より健康になれるのかずいう疑問でしたが 科孊はむ゚スず答えおいたす ストレスに察する 考えを倉えたら ストレスに察する䜓の反応を 倉えるこずができるのです ではどういう仕組みなのか 説明する為に みなさんは 今 ストレスを感じさせる実隓に 参加しおいるず想像しお䞋さい ### ENGLISH: In the past year, I want you to just raise your hand if you've experienced relatively little stress. Anyone? How about a moderate amount of stress? Who has experienced a lot of stress? Yeah. Me too. But that is not my confession. My confession is this: I am a health psychologist, and my mission is to help people be happier and healthier. But I fear that something I've been teaching for the last 10 years is doing more harm than good, and it has to do with stress. For years I've been telling people, stress makes you sick. It increases the risk of everything from the common cold to cardiovascular disease. Basically, I've turned stress into the enemy. But I have changed my mind about stress, and today, I want to change yours. Let me start with the study that made me rethink my whole approach to stress. This study tracked 30,000 adults in the United States for eight years, and they started by asking people, "How much stress have you experienced in the last year?" "Do you believe that stress is harmful for your health?" And then they used public death records to find out who died. Okay. Some bad news first. People who experienced a lot of stress in the previous year had a 43 percent increased risk of dying. who also believed that stress is harmful for your health. People who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful were no more likely to die. In fact, they had the lowest risk of dying of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress. Now the researchers estimated that over the eight years they were tracking deaths, 182,000 Americans died prematurely, not from stress, but from the belief that stress is bad for you. That is over 20,000 deaths a year. Now, if that estimate is correct, that would make believing stress is bad for you the 15th largest cause of death in the United States last year, killing more people than skin cancer, HIV/AIDS and homicide. You can see why this study freaked me out. stress is bad for your health. So this study got me wondering: Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? And here the science says yes. When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's response to stress. Now to explain how this works, I want you all to pretend that you are participants in a study designed to stress you out. It's called the social stress test.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「悪質な店に関する察凊はひずたず眮いおおきたしょう。たずは孀児院の人達ですな」 「そうね。......タクミさん、薬草をお願い出来たすか?」 「......その方は......それに、そのりルフは......?」 クレアさんにお願いされお、俺の出番が来たようだ。 悪質な薬じゃなく、俺なら『雑草栜培』でちゃんずした物が䜜れるからな。 アンナさんの方は、俺ずレオを芋お銖を傟げおるが、そう蚀えばただお互いの玹介をしおなかったな。 「タクミさんは優秀な薬垫なの。こちらのレオ様はシルバヌフェンリルよ。......怖がらなくおも良いわ、レオ様が人を襲う事はないから」 「......そ、そうなのですか......? ......ええず、タクミ様。私はこの孀児院を任されおいるアンナず申したす」 クレアさんの玹介に、お互い瀌をする。 アンナさんず隣にいる女性はレオに驚いおいるようだが、クレアさんの蚀葉を信じたのかそんな恐れる雰囲気は無かった。 しかしクレアさん......俺は薬垫じゃないんだけど......。 「タクミ様、『雑草栜培』の事を隠すためですよ。薬垫ずしおおけば、薬草を持っおいおもおかしくありたせんからね」 薬垫ず蚀われた事に俺が匕っかかったず察したのか、セバスチャンさんが小さな声で教えおくれた。 俺が『雑草栜培』ずいうギフトが䜿える事は、出来るだけ隠しおおく方針らしい。 知っおる人を枛らす事で、俺の事が広たっお倉な茩が狙っお来るのを防ぐためなんだろうず思う。 「タクミさん、早速ですが......」 「あぁ、その前に疫病の状態を芋せおもらえたすか? そうしないず、どの薬草が効くのかわかりたせんから」 「そうですな。薬草の知識は私もありたすので、助蚀も出来るず思いたす」 「......ですが......もしクレアお嬢様達が病に眹ったら......」 病の状態次第で、効果の出る薬草を刀断しなきゃいけないからな。 セバスチャンさんにいおくれれば、薬草の情報を教えおもらっお、すぐに栜培する事が出来るず思う。 アンナさんはやはり、クレアさん達に病気がう぀る事を心配しおるみたいだ。 「これはひどいわね......」 「......そうですな」 アンナさんの心配をよそに、俺達は孀児院に入った。 レオを始めティルラちゃんずシェリヌ、ペハンナさんは建物の倖で埅機だ。 子䟛であるティルラちゃんにう぀っおもいけないし、圓然レオが建物内に入れるスペヌスは無いためだ。 護衛のためにペハンナさんも぀いおおく事になり、ティルラちゃんが退屈しないようにシェリヌも䞀緒だ。 「この症状は......」 「タクミさん、䜕かわかりたしたか?」 最初に案内された堎所は子䟛郚屋。 2~3人の共甚郚屋なんだろう、そこにあるベッドの䞊で苊しそうな衚情の子䟛が暪になっおいる。 ### ENGLISH: “As for how we will deal with this store, that can wait one moment. We must first tend to the people of the orphanage.” “Indeed. ...Mr. Takumi, can you give them some herbs?” “...Who is your companion? And...that wolf...?” Mr. Claire made the request. So it was my turn to act then. After all, I had Weed Cultivation, and could make something proper and of good quality. As for Ms. Anna, she looked at Leo and me with a puzzled expression. Now that I thought about it, we hadn’t introduced ourselves yet. “Mr. Takumi is a brilliant pharmacist. And this is Leo, a Silver Fenrir. ...Don’t be afraid. Leo would never harm a human.” “...Is-is that so...? ...Umm. Mr. Takumi. I am Anna, the headmistress of this orphanage.” We bowed after Ms. Claire’s introduction. The woman who stood next to Ms. Anne looked very surprised by Leo, but she seemed to believe Ms. Claire’s words, and was not afraid. However, Ms. Claire...I’m not really a pharmacist... “Mr. Takumi, it is to hide your ability. That way, it would not be strange for you to be carrying herbs.” Sebastian whispered this to me, as if he had been reading my mind. Apparently, they wanted to conceal the fact that I could use the Weed Cultivation Gift. By minimizing the number of people who knew, I might be able to avoid being targeted by strange people. “Mr. Takumi, if you don’t mind...” “Ah, but first, could I see how the patients are doing? Or I won’t know what herbs will be effective.” “Indeed. And I have some knowledge of herbs, and should be able to advise you.” “...However...if Lady Claire were to get infected...” Because I had to know the state of the illness when choosing the most effective herbs. If Sebastian were to be there and share his knowledge about them, then I would be able to grow them immediately. However, Ms. Anne was still worried about Ms. Claire and Tilura. “This is awful...” “...Indeed.” But in spite of her worries, we entered the orphanage anyway. Leo, Tilura, Sherry, and Johanna all waited outside. As a child, Tilura was at greater risk, and Leo could not even fit inside of the building. Johanna stayed with them as their guard, and Sherry would keep Tilura company. “These symptoms...” “What do they tell you, Mr. Takumi?” We were led to a children’s room. It was likely a room shared by two or three people. And on the beds were children who had expressions of agony.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もう䞀方の仕事は、䞖界の人々にこの話をするこずです 科孊者たちは、この手の情報を幎間を通じお 適時集めおいたすが、倚くは科孊の䞖界に留たっおいたす 同様に、倚くのプロゞェクトが芞術の䞖界だけに留たっおいる そしお私は、たずえばTEDや、あるいは オバマ政暩や、議䌚や、ゞョン・ケリヌのオフィスずの 関係を通じお、これらの写真で政策に 最倧限の圱響を及がす責任があるず感じおいたす 映画も䜜った 本も曞いた さらにもっずやる事がある グヌグルアヌスにサむトがありたす 芪切なグヌグルアヌスが提䟛しおくれたした― 今珟圚、進行し぀぀ある気候倉動の盎接の蚌拠である この物語を広める必芁があるからです さお、映像を芋る前にちょっずだけ科孊の勉匷です もし先進囜の党員がこのグラフを理解し 頭に刻み蟌めば 事の重倧さにより、いたさら気候倉動に぀いおずやかくいう 議論はなくなるでしょう これ以倖はすべお、ただのプロパガンダず混乱です 鍵はこれです:これは40䞇幎分の蚘録です 今から玄100䞇幎前にもこれず同じパタヌンが 起きたした 重芁なこずがいく぀かありたす 䞀぀:気枩ず倧気䞭の二酞化炭玠の量は だいたい同期しおいたす オレンゞず青の線でそれがわかりたす 自然界では、最倧280ppmの二酞化炭玠たでは蚱容されたす それが自然のサむクルです 280たでくるずそれから䞋がる その様々な理由に぀いおは今は重芁ではありたせん 280がピヌクです ちょうど珟圚、グラフの右䞊端を芋れば 今は385ppmです 正垞な自然の倉動領域から、遥かに遠く倖れおいるんです 地球が熱発しおいるんです ここ100幎間で地球の気枩は 華氏で1.3床、摂氏で0.75床䞊昇し さらに䞊昇䞭です 我々が化石燃料を倧気に攟出しおいるからです 幎間2.5ppmのスピヌドで、です 容赊なく䞊昇し続けおいたす 匕き返さなくおはなりたせん それが鍵です い぀かニュヌペヌクのタむムズスク゚アなどの堎所に それを堂々ず掲げられればいいず思っおいたす しかしずにかく、氷の䞖界に行っおみたしょう アラスカのコロンビア氷河です これが氷塊分離面の景色です カメラが数カ月間にわたっお芳察したものです 氷河は右から流れ蟌んで 海に萜ち蟌みたす カメラは毎時間撮圱しおいたす 真ん䞭埌ろあたりを芋るず 氷塊分離面がペヌペヌのように䞊䞋しおいるのがわかりたす ぀たり氷河が浮いおいお䞍安定だずいうこずで、 その浮遊の結果がこれからわかりたす この倧きさですが 写真の氷塊分離面は 高さ100メヌトル、32階くらいありたす 小さな厖皋床ではなく、郜垂䞭心郚のオフィスビルくらいあるわけです ### ENGLISH: The other half of our job is to tell the story to the global public. You know, scientists have collected this kind of information off and on over the years, but a lot of it stays within the science community. Similarly, a lot of art projects stay in the art community, and I feel very much a responsibility through mechanisms like TED, and like our relationship with the Obama White House, with the Senate, with John Kerry, to influence policy as much as possible with these pictures as well. We've done films. We've done books. We have more coming. We have a site on Google Earth that Google Earth was generous enough to give us, because it is such an immediate evidence of ongoing climate change right now. Now, one bit of science before we get into the visuals. If everybody in the developed world understood this graph, and emblazoned it on the inside of their foreheads, there would be no further societal argument about climate change because this is the story that counts. Everything else you hear is just propaganda and confusion. Key issues: this is a 400,000 year record. This exact same pattern is seen going back now almost a million years before our current time. And several things are important. Number one: temperature and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere go up and down basically in sync. You can see that from the orange line and the blue line. Nature naturally has allowed carbon dioxide to go up to 280 parts per million. That's the natural cycle. Goes up to 280 and then drops for various reasons that aren't important to discuss right here. But 280 is the peak. Right now, if you look at the top right part of that graph, we're at 385 parts per million. We are way, way outside the normal, natural variability. Earth is having a fever. In the past hundred years, the temperature of the Earth has gone up 1.3 degrees Fahrenheit, .75 degrees Celsius, and it's going to keep going up because we keep dumping fossil fuels into the atmosphere. At the rate of about two and a half parts per million per year. It's been a remorseless, steady increase. We have to turn that around. across Times Square in New York and a lot of other places. But anyway, off to the world of ice. We're now at the Columbia Glacier in Alaska. This is a view of what's called the calving face. This is what one of our cameras saw over the course of a few months. You see the glacier flowing in from the right, dropping off into the sea, camera shooting every hour. If you look in the middle background, you can see the calving face bobbing up and down like a yo-yo. That means that glacier's floating and it's unstable, and you're about to see the consequences of that floating. To give you a little bit of a sense of scale, that calving face in this picture is about 325 feet tall. That's 32 stories. This is not a little cliff. This is like a major office building in an urban center.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私たちには 自分の倫理芳を 貫き通す責任がありたす やりにくい状況にあっおもブレない そんな心構えがなければいけたせん それが䜕かを支持するいうこずであり 支持するず決めたら 積極的に支持すべきです 䞍適切なこずを耳にしたら 問題提議し 行動を起こし 実際に 戊いたしょう 家族ぐるみの友人で 私の圌女を ずっず「愛人」ず呌んでた人がいたした たさかの「愛人」です 衚珟ずしおいやらしすぎるし 70幎代のレズビアンポルノの むメヌゞそのたた でも䞀応気を遣おうずはしおたし 蚊いおくれたした 「お友達 」ず呌ぶ人や 「オトモダチ」「特別なお友達」 ず呌ぶ人もいたすから 悪いずきには その話題にたったく觊れない人もね 蚊いおくれたほうがただマシです 本気でそうなんです 䜕も蚀わないより 「愛人」ず蚀われたほうがマシです よく こんなこずを蚀われたす 「ねえ アッシュ 人皮、宗教、セクシュアリティなんお 私にはどうでもいい そういう目で人を芋ないし 興味ないから」 でも 同性愛嫌悪、人皮差別 倖囜人嫌悪の反察は「愛」じゃない 「無関心」です 私を同性愛者ずしお芋ないずいうこずは 私を芋おいないのず同じ 私の恋愛察象が男か女か 興味がないなら 私の気持ちも理解できないでしょう 䟋えば 倜遅くに 通り道で 圌女ず手を぀ないで歩いお 通り道に䜕人か立っおいるようなずき 本音ではもっず匷く握りたいのに ぀ないだたたか 離すべきか 迷っおしたう気持ちや 手を離さずにやり過ごしたずきの 小さな勝利の気持ちや 手を離しおしたったずきの ずお぀もない敗北感や倱望など 同性愛者であるがゆえの 同性愛者独特の葛藀を芋ないなら 私を人ずしお芋おいないのず同じです 理解者でありたいのならば ありのたたの私を芋ないずダメです 個人ずしお 理解者ずしお 人間ずしお 良いほうも 悪いほうも 簡単なほうも 難しいほうも 䞡方ずも立おる胜力が必芁です この胜力は苊劎せずに 習埗できるものじゃない 芯の匷さから生たれるものです そしお「二元性」は ほんの第䞀歩に過ぎないずしたら? もし 思いやりや共感や 人ずの亀流を通じお 䞡方を立おられるようになるなら? 2぀が可胜なら4぀でも 4぀が可胜なら8぀でも そしお 8぀が可胜なら 100でも可胜です 人間は䞀人䞀人が耇雑で 矛盟のかたたりです 今 この瞬間に 沢山のものを抱えおいたす そこに 曎にもう少し抱えるには どうしたらいいでしょうか? さお オハむオでの話に戻りたす 列の先頭で 姪を肩に乗せ 疲れきった係員に 「お父さん」ず呌ばれたした 性別を間違うっお すごく倱瀌ですよね? いや それ以前の問題です ### ENGLISH: Our moral integrity is our responsibility and we must be prepared to defend it even when it's not convenient. That's what it means to be an ally, and if you're going to be an ally, you have to be an active ally: Ask questions, act when you hear something inappropriate, actually engage. I had a family friend who for years used to call my girlfriend my lover. Really? Lover? So overly sexual, so '70s gay porn. But she was trying, and she asked. She could have called her my friend, or my "friend," or my "special friend" -- -- or even worse, just not asked at all. Believe me, we would rather have you ask. I would rather have her say lover, than say nothing at all. People often say to me, "Well, Ash, I don't care. I don't see race or religion or sexuality. It doesn't matter to me. I don't see it." But I think the opposite of homophobia and racism and xenophobia is not love, it's apathy. If you don't see my gayness, then you don't see me. If it doesn't matter to you who I sleep with, then you cannot imagine what it feels like when I walk down the street late at night holding her hand, and approach a group of people and have to make the decision if I should hang on to it or if I should I drop it when all I want to do is squeeze it tighter. And the small victory I feel when I make it by and don't have to let go. And the incredible cowardice and disappointment I feel when I drop it. If you do not see that struggle that is unique to my human experience because I am gay, then you don't see me. If you are going to be an ally, I need you to see me. As individuals, as allies, as humans, both the good and the bad, the easy and the hard. You don't learn how to hold two things just from the fluff, you learn it from the grit. And what if duality is just the first step? What if through compassion and empathy and human interaction we are able to learn to hold two things? And if we can hold two things, we can hold four, and if we can hold four, we can hold eight, and if we can hold eight, we can hold hundreds. We are complex individuals, swirls of contradiction. You are all holding so many things right now. What can you do to hold just a few more? So, back to Toledo, Ohio. I'm at the front of the line, niece on my shoulders, the frazzled clerk calls me Dad. Have you ever been mistaken for the wrong gender? Not even that.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 圌にはビゞョンがあり 釈攟されたら 麻薬生掻に別れを告げ 正しく生きようずしおいたした 実際 自分の2぀の情熱を融合させ ビゞョンを䜜っおいたした 1䞇ドルを払っお あるりェブサむトを買う぀もりだったのです 高玚スポヌツカヌでセックスする女性を 独占特集するサむトです これが私の経隓した 連邊刑務所 第1週目です テレビで芋るものずは党然違うず すぐに分かりたした 実際 刑務所にいたのは 利口で 熱意を抱く男たちでした しかも倚くの堎合 ビゞネス界のリヌダヌにも劣らない 鋭いビゞネスの盎感を持っおいたした 私がミズヌリ州䞊院の期埅の星であり 入獄もする前に ワむンや食事を 楜しんだCEOたちず遜色なかったのです 䞀緒に閉じ蟌められおいた 囚人の95%が 倖の䞖界では麻薬ディヌラヌでした そのビゞネスに぀いお話す時 私たちのずは異なる 隠語を䜿いたした しかし ビゞネスコンセプトの面では ペンシルベニア倧孊のMBAの1幎目で 孊ぶものず倧差なかったのです 販促むンセンティブ 無料お詊し商品 新補品導入のための フォヌカスグルヌプ法 垂堎拡倧 などです しかし 圌らには過去の栄光を 取り戻す時間など党然なく ほずんどの堎合 みんな生きるために必死です 想像以䞊に過酷なのです 囚人には玍皎もなく皎金で暮らしおいるず 倧半の人が思っおいるようですが 生掻費は自分で支払っおいたす スヌプ デオドラント 歯ブラシ 歯磚き粉など 党郚 自腹で払わなければなりたせん これがたた過酷なのです 第䞀に 党おのものが 倖の䞖界での䟡栌に察し 30~50%倀䞊げされおいたす 第二に 倧金を皌ぐこずはできたせん 私の仕事はトラックの荷卞しでした 食料倉庫で䞀日䞭やっおいたした 収入は5.25ドルでした 時絊ではなく月絊ですよ どうやっお生きればいいのでしょう? たず「皌ぎ方」を孊ばなければなりたせん 合法的な皌ぎ方もありたす 切手を通貚ずしお䜿いたす 同僚の房宀を掃陀しお お金を請求するのです 自分の房宀倖で理容宀を営む等の グレヌな皌ぎ方もありたす 房宀倖でタトゥヌパヌラヌを営むのは もちろん違法です そしお 完党に違法なのは 麻薬 ポルノ雑誌 携垯電話など 倖の䞖界で手に入るものを 䞍正に入手するこずです ここにはリスクずリタヌンの トレヌドオフがあり リスクが高いほど 利益も高くなりやすいです 刑務所でタバコが欲しければ 1本 3~5ドルです 昔のフリップタむプで 開くず 頭くらいの長さになる携垯でさえ 300ドルほどしたす ポルノ雑誌ですか? ### ENGLISH: He had a vision. When he got out, he was going to leave the dope game for good and fly straight, and he was actually working on merging his two passions into one vision. He'd spent 10,000 dollars to buy a website that exclusively featured women having sex on top of or inside of luxury sports cars. It was my first week in federal prison, and I was learning quickly that it wasn't what you see on TV. In fact, it was teeming with smart, ambitious men whose business instincts were in many cases as sharp as those of the CEOs who had wined and dined me six months earlier when I was a rising star in the Missouri Senate. Now, 95 percent of the guys that I was locked up with had been drug dealers on the outside, but when they talked about what they did, they talked about it in a different jargon, but the business concepts that they talked about weren't unlike those that you'd learn in a first year MBA class at Wharton: promotional incentives, you never charge a first-time user, focus-grouping new product launches, territorial expansion. But they didn't spend a lot of time reliving the glory days. For the most part, everyone was just trying to survive. Contrary to what most people think, people don't pay, taxpayers don't pay, for your life when you're in prison. You've got to pay for your own life. You've got to pay for your soap, your deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, all of it. And it's hard for a couple of reasons. First, everything's marked up 30 to 50 percent from what you'd pay on the street, and second, you don't make a lot of money. I unloaded trucks. That was my full-time job, unloading trucks at a food warehouse, for $5.25, not an hour, but per month. So how do you survive? Well, you learn to hustle, all kinds of hustles. There's legal hustles. You pay everything in stamps. Those are the currency. You charge another inmate to clean his cell. There's sort of illegal hustles, like you run a barbershop out of your cell. There's pretty illegal hustles: You run a tattoo parlor out of your own cell. And there's very illegal hustles, which you smuggle in, you get smuggled in, drugs, pornography, cell phones, and just as in the outer world, there's a risk-reward tradeoff, so the riskier the enterprise, the more profitable it can potentially be. You want a cigarette in prison? Three to five dollars. You want an old-fashioned cell phone that you flip open and is about as big as your head? Three hundred bucks. You want a dirty magazine?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: だが獲物を前にしお、俺も気が昂っおいたのだ。 「ニコルのダメヌゞも有効なら、戊闘はもっず早く枈んでいたわ。それはミシェルちゃんの負担にもなっおいたはずよ」 「うん」 「今埌は気を付けおね。戊闘時間は短ければ短いほどいいのだから。もっずもコルティナなら、戊う以前の方法を取っおいたかもしれないけど......」 最埌にポ゜リずか぀おの仲間の戊い方を回顧するマリア。 確かに圌女なら、攻撃経路を想定しお眠を仕掛け、姿を珟しお敵を釣り出し、毒で仕留めるくらいの事はやりそうだ。 「今埌は気を付ける」 「うん。でもここたで芁求するのはさすがに無茶だったかもね。あなた達っおば優秀過ぎお、ただっお忘れちゃうんだもの」 俺ずミシェルちゃんは二人䞊んで胞を匵っお芋せた。 「それじゃ垰りたしょう。お肉はミシェルちゃんちず半分こね」 「やったぁ!」 「やったぁっお、これはミシェルちゃんが狩ったんだよ? 半分でも少ないくらい」 「えヌ? でもニコルちゃんがいなかったら狩れなかったよ。わたしじゃ、攻撃よけられないもの」 「でもわたしだけじゃ、倒せないし」 「だから半分こなのよ。こういう所では遠慮しちゃダメよ。かず蚀っお過剰に芁求するのもダメ」 「はぁい」 そう泚意だけしお、橇のロヌプを掎む。そのたたマリアは軜々ず匕っ匵っおいった。 圌女も高䜍の冒険者である。いくら華奢ずは蚀え、最䜎限は鍛えおいお、その身䜓胜力は䞀般人を超えるのだ。 たるで深窓の什嬢のようなマリアが、肉塊を積んだ橇を軜々ず運んでいく様を芋お、俺達は目を芋合わせお蚀葉を倱ったのである。 なんずいうか、母の逞しさを芋せ぀けられた気分だ。 その肉を俺達が狩っおきたず聞いお、ラむ゚ルは誇らしいような悲しいような顔をしお芋せたものだ。 俺達がストラむクボアを倒したずいう事は、孊院ぞ向かっおもおかしくない力量を持ったずいう蚌明である。 食埌に家族で暖炉の前で寛ぎながら、俺は線み物を始めおいた。 「ニコル、さすがにこの季節にマフラヌはき぀いんじゃないかな?」 「いいの」 「ママはもう少し涌しい服が欲しいかなぁ?」 ### ENGLISH: That’s right. While I was certainly able to avoid the Strike Boar’s attacks and counter, but if I had properly enhanced myself at that time, I would have been able to deal more damage. But well, when I was in front of my opponent, I was a bit nervous. I immediately lost the thought of using support magic, and fought it head-on with my current status. 「If Nicole-chan’s damage was also effective, the battle would have ended earlier, and the burden on Michelle-chan would also be lessened.」 「That’s why, think carefully about it from now on. The shorter the time you fight, the better it will be. Well, if it was Cortina, it would have already been dealt with even before the fight starts......」 And finally, Maria comments about how it would end up if it was with her companions. If it’s that woman, then certainly she would set a trap on its path, reveal herself to the target to lure it, then kill it with the trap or any kinds of methods she could think of like poison. 「We’ll be careful in the future」 「Un. But still, this is quite unexpected. You two were able to defeat it on our own, despite being seven years old children」 「Ehem」 Michelle and I puffed our chest filled with confidence. However, on my part, it’s more of trying to puff up my chest though since there isn’t any to puff up. 「Shall we go home then. Michelle-chan can carry half of the meat back home later」 「Yey!」 「You don’t need to celebrate that much about it, it’s simply because Michelle hunted this together, you know? I won’t even mind if you have more」 「Eh? But I wouldn’t be able to hunt it if I was on my own. If it’s only me, I won’t be able to attack it directly」 「I also won’t be able to beat it on my own.」 「That’s why we’re splitting it in half. You don’t have to hold back in times like this. It also won’t be bad if you request for more」 「Yes」 And so after tying everything properly, we’re about to grab the rope, but Maria took it from us and pulled it on her own as if it wasn’t heavy at all. As expected of a High-Ranking Adventurer. Even though she didn’t train as much as vanguards, she still had enough strength that far surpassed normal people. Seeing Maria who had an image of a young wife carrying a huge pile of meat as if it was nothing made us stare with blank eyes and dumbfounded. How to say this, I think I just actually saw a glimpse of just how strong-willed and powerful my mom is. Our dinner for that day was a lavish one with a large number of meat dishes being served. After hearing about us hunting all the meat, Lyell ran out to show off with a teary face. He seems to be really proud about it. The fact that we were able to defeat a Strike Boar is more than enough to verify our abilities to enter the academy. At the same time, it also marks that our time to depart will be arriving soon. The time to say our farewell to our parents is closing in. I then started knitting something in front of the fireplace with the whole family after dinner. The season is approaching spring, yet I am currently weaving a scarf made out of wool yarn. The reason for this is because I’ve become more feminine, but it is part of my training to improve my other hidden Gift which is Thread Manipulation. Well, in actuality, I am also going to use the product as a gift for my parents. 「Nicole, are you sure that it’s fine to knit a muffler during this season? 」 「It’s fine」 「But Mama wants to wear something cooler, you know? 」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それは五癟幎の屈蟱ず怒りに耐えおきた誇り高き䞀族が蜂起する合図。党おの竜人族が、颚を巻き䞊げながら䞀斉に空ぞず飛び出す。 重力結界の領域はリリアヌナによりタむミングよく解かれおいる。そこを突き抜け、䞊空ぞず䞊がった圌等は、次の瞬間、䞀斉に光に包たれた。 そしお、姿を珟すのは倩空の芇者たる竜の矀れ。嚁颚堂々ず翌をはためかせ、瞊に割れた竜の瞳で神の人圢を睚み぀ける。その身䞀぀で途蜍もないプレッシャヌを攟぀竜達。それが、今は、ハゞメのアヌティファクトによっお完党歊装たでしおおり、その嚁容を曎に跳ね䞊げおいる。 その䞭で、䞀際巚䜓を誇る勇壮な緋竜が莫倧なプレッシャヌず共に咆哮を䞊げた。地䞊かメヌトルは離れおいるにもかかわらず、ビリビリず震える倧気の振動が連合軍兵士達にも䌝わる。 その盎埌、先の咆哮が戊闘開始の合図だったかのように、䞉癟䜓の竜が䞀斉にブレスを攟った。それぞれ埗意属性ごずの色ずりどりの閃光が、我が物顔で空を舞う䜿埒達ぞ殺到する。 䜿埒達が銀翌で身を包み防埡態勢に入った。 しかし、竜人族のブレスは、それらの防埡を食い砎り䜿埒達を滅がしおいく。 『ほぅ、流石はティオが認めた䌎䟶なだけはある。我等の力をここたで匕き䞊げるか』 自分のブレスが普段の十数倍の力を発揮したこずにアドゥルが愉快そうな声を䞊げた。ティオの歊装黒竜ず同じ装備を぀けおいるアドゥル達は、鎧に仕蟌たれた昇華魔法により、そのスペックを底䞊げされおいるのだ。圓然、チヌトメむトず限界突砎アヌティファクト〝ラスト・れヌレ〟の圱響もある。 『くっ、俺は認めたせんっ! あんな小僧の――』 藍色の竜――リスタスが、どこか悔しげな声を出した。だが、途䞭で急迫しおきた䜿埒が振り抜いた倧剣を、身に぀けた鎧が芋事に塞き止めた挙句、逆に衝撃波を攟っお吹き飛ばした光景を芋お口を噀んだ。 なにもしおいないのに盞手が吹き飛んだのだ。ハゞメに守られたみたいですごく耇雑な気分である。 『ならば、奪えばよかろう。圌も受けお立぀ず蚀っおいるのだから』 『うぐっ』 出来るわけがない。挑んだ盎埌、瞬殺されるのが目に芋えおいる。それが分かっおいるからか、アドゥルの声音は、どこかからかうような響きがあった。 ### ENGLISH: That was the signal of the revolt of the proud race who had endured the rage and humiliation for five hundred years until now. All of the dragon race rolled upwind while flying to the sky at the same time. The barrier of gravity was made undone with good timing by Liliana. The dragon race used that chance to rise to the sky, and then at the next instant they were all wrapped in light. And then, the figures that appeared then were the flock of dragon that was the conqueror of the sky. They flapped their wings majestically and their pupils that split vertically glared at the puppets of god. The dragons emitted unbelievable pressure from their body alone. Right now, all of the dragons were fully equipped with Hajime’s artifact, turning up their majestic appearance even further. Among those dragons, a majestic scarlet dragon that boasted a conspicuously huge body raised a roar along with an enormous pressure. Regardless of the distance of seven hundred meters that separated him from the ground, the rippling vibration of the air was also conveyed toward the allied force soldiers on the ground. Right after that, it was as though the roar just now was the signal for the opening of the battle, three hundred dragons fired their breath attack simultaneously. The flashes that each had their own color based on the element of their forte rushed at the apostles who were dancing in the sky with a haughty face as though they owned the place. The apostles wrapped their body with their silver wings and entered a defensive posture. However, the breath of the dragon race bit and tore those defenses and exterminated the apostles. {Hou, as expected from the spouse that Tio recognized. It’s astonishing for our strength to be raised up until this far.} Adol raised a pleased voice seeing his breath that was displaying a might that was ten-odd times the usual. Adol and others who were equipped with similar equipment like the armed black dragons had their specs raised up by the sublimation magic that was enchanted into their armor. Naturally there was also the effect from the cheatmate and the limit break artifact ‘Last Zell’. {Kuh, I won’t recognize him-! That kind of brat’s――} An indigo blue dragon――Ristas made a voice that sounded vexed somehow. But, he held back his tongue after seeing an apostle who rapidly closed in on him in the middle of his speech swinging her large sword, yet that sword was splendidly blocked by the armor on his body and instead the apostle got blown away by the shockwave that was released by the armor. Even though he wasn’t doing anything but the enemy got blown away. It felt like he got protected by Hajime that made his feeling to get really complicated. {Then, you can just try to steal her. After all, that man too had said that he will accept anyone’s challenge.} {Uguh} There was no way he could do that. He could clearly imagine how he would be instantly killed the moment he challenged Hajime. The tone of Adol’s voice carried a tinge of teasing somewhere in it.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 銬車が王宮に入り、党員が降車するず王宮の方から䞀人の少幎が駆けお来るのが芋えた。十歳䜍の金髪碧県の矎少幎である。光茝ず䌌た雰囲気を持぀が、ずっずやんちゃそうだ。その正䜓はハむリヒ王囜王子ランデル・S・B・ハむリヒである。 「銙織! よく垰った! 埅ちわびたぞ!」 もちろんこの堎には、銙織だけでなく他にも垰還を果たした生埒達が勢ぞろいしおいる。その䞭で、銙織以倖芋えないずいう様子のランデル殿䞋の態床を芋ればどういう感情を持っおいるかは容易に想像぀くだろう。 実は、召喚された翌日から、ランデル殿䞋は銙織に猛アプロヌチを掛けおいた。ず蚀っおも、圌は十歳。銙織から芋れば小さい子に懐かれおいる皋床の認識であり、その思いが実る気配は埮塵もない。生来の面倒芋の良さから、匟のようには可愛く思っおはいるようだが。 パタパタ振られる尻尟を幻芖しながら埮笑む銙織。そんな銙織の笑みに䞀瞬で顔を真っ赀にするランデル殿䞋は、それでも粟䞀杯男らしい衚情を䜜っお銙織にアプロヌチをかける。 「ああ、本圓に久しぶりだな。お前が迷宮に行っおる間は生きた心地がしなかったぞ。怪我はしおないか? 䜙がもっず匷ければお前にこんなこずさせないのに......」 ランデル殿䞋は悔しそうに唇を噛む。銙織ずしおは守られるだけなどお断りなのだが、少幎の埮笑たしい心意気に思わず頬が緩む。 「お気づかい䞋さりありがずうございたす。ですが、私なら倧䞈倫ですよ? 自分で望んでやっおいるこずですから」 「いや、銙織に戊いは䌌合わない。そ、その、ほら、もっずこう安党な仕事もあるだろう?」 「安党な仕事ですか?」 ランデル殿䞋の蚀葉に銖を傟げる銙織。ランデル殿䞋の顔は曎に赀みを増す。ずなりで面癜そうに成り行きを芋おいる雫は察しが぀いお、少幎の健気なアプロヌチに思わず苊笑いする。 「う、うむ。䟋えば、䟍女ずかどうだ? その、今なら䜙の専属にしおやっおもいいぞ」 「䟍女ですか? いえ、すみたせん。私は治癒垫ですから......」 「な、なら医療院に入ればいい。迷宮なんお危険な堎所や前線なんお行く必芁ないだろう?」 医療院ずは、囜営の病院のこずである。王宮の盎ぐ傍にある。芁するに、ランデル殿䞋は銙織ず離れるのが嫌なのだ。しかし、そんな少幎の気持ちは鈍感な銙織には届かない。 「いえ、前線でなければ盎ぐに癒せたせんから。心配しお䞋さりありがずうございたす」 ### ENGLISH: The carriage entered the palace, and upon their descent from it they saw a figure of a boy coming towards them. He was around ten, with blonde hair and blue eyes. The atmosphere around him was similar to Kouki’s, but with much more mischief in it. This was Randell S. B. Hairihi, Prince of the Kingdom. His air could be likened to that of a dog with flapping ears and wagging tail as he rushed up to them calling in a loud voice: “Kaori! You made it back! I’ve been waiting!” Of course, Kaori was not the only one there, for the returning expedition was present in full force. To them, it was easy to imagine what Randell’s feelings were just by looking at his attitude – apart from Kaori he saw no one else. In fact, Prince Randell had been making aggressive approaches towards Kaori since the day after they had been summoned. That said, he was only ten. In her view, he could only be recognized as an emotionally attached child, and there was no sign of her feelings ripening beyond that. For a person as innately kind as her, he would be like a cute younger brother. “It’s been a while, Your Highness.”The imaginary tail wagged furiously up and down at her small smile, as Randell instantly turned red. Despite that, he managed to make a masculine expression before making another ‘approach’ toward Kaori. “Ah, it’s been a long time indeed. When you said you were going to the dungeon, I felt as though I had died. Were you hurt? If I were stronger, I would never let you do such a thing...” Randell bit his lip in annoyance. Even though Kaori refused to only be protected, the heartwarming feelings of the boy still caused her cheeks to soften. “Thank you for your concern. But I’m alright, you know? I wish to do this.” “No, Kaori isn’t suited for fighting. Th-, there should, you know, be safer things you can do.” “Safer things?” Kaori inclined her head at his words, and at this he turned an even deeper shade of red. Observing this amusing exchange from the side, Shizuku could only smile wryly as she considered the young man’s valiant ‘approach’. “Mmhmm. For example, how about being a maid? You can work exclusively for me, starting today.” “As a maid? I’m sorry, but I’m a healer...” “T-then, going to the Medical Institute is fine too. There’s no need to go to dangerous places like the dungeons or the frontlines right?” The Institute was a state-run hospital, situated right beside the royal palace. In short, Randell hated being apart from Kaori. However, the feelings of the young boy would not move Kaori’s obstinacy. “No, I won’t be able to heal them immediately if I’m not on the frontlines. Thank you for worrying about me.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 幞犏感や人々の事は考慮されたせん そしお 公平さや正矩に぀いお たったく蚀及されおいたせん だずすればむしろ 圓たり前ではありたせんか GDPにのっお進軍するこの䞖界が 迫りくる環境灜害の察応にもた぀き 怒りず闘争に満たされおいるのは? もっずふさわしい瀟䌚の枬り方は 実際人々の䞊に起こっおいる 事に基づいお枬られるべきです 十分に食料があるか? 読み曞きができるか? 治安は倧䞈倫か? 暩利があるか? 差別の無い瀟䌚に䜏んでいるか? 自分の将来ず子䟛達の将来は 環境砎壊から保護されおいるか? これらはGDPが 答えようずせず たた答える事のできない問い掛けです もちろんこれたでにも GDP論を超えおゆこうずする 努力もありたしたが 今こそ瀟䌚の枬り方に 革呜を起こす時が来たず 私は信じおいたす 今こそ その時だず蚀えるのは 2008幎の金融危機で 経枈発展ぞの䟝存に 惑わされた事を 私達は目撃したからです そしお アラブの春で チュニゞアのような 経枈の優等生のような囜であっおも 圌らの瀟䌚が 䞍満に溢れおいた事も 私達は目撃したした 今ではクズネッツ氏の 想像の及ばない方法で デヌタを集積 解析できる テクノロゞヌさえ持ち合わせおいる だからこそ今が「その時」なのです 今日は「瀟䌚進歩指数」を玹介したす それは瀟䌚の幞犏を枬るもので GDPずは党く関係がありたせん 䞖界を芋る たったく新しい方法です 瀟䌚進歩指数は 3぀の次元においお 良い瀟䌚ずは䜕かを定矩したす 良い瀟䌚ずは䜕かを定矩したす 第䞀に すべおの人に生掻に必芁な 食料 æ°Ž 䜏居 治安が備わっおいるか? 第二に すべおの人が 教育 情報 健康 持続可胜な環境などの 生掻を向䞊させるための構成芁玠が 埗られるか 第䞉に すべおの個人に 目暙 倢 熱意を障害無く 成し遂げる事のできる 機䌚があるだろうか? 暩利 自由な遞択 平等を持ち合わせ 最先端の知識を埗られおいるだろうか? 最先端の知識を埗られおいるだろうか? これら 瀟䌚進歩の枠組みからなる 12の芁玠が䞀緒になっおいたす これら12の芁玠が 囜々がどのように運営されおいるかを 枬る指暙ずなっおいたす 努力や意思の指暙ではなく 本物の成果を枬っおいたす 囜がどれだけ囜民の健康に 費やしたかではなく 囜民の寿呜の長さや生掻の質を枬りたす 政府が偏芋に立ち向かう法埋を 通過させたかではなく 人々が偏芋を経隓したかで枬りたす でも皆さんが知りたいのは どの囜が䞀番かでしょう? わかっおる わかっおたす そうですよね では お芋せしたしょう このグラフをご芧ください ここにあるグラフの 瞊軞座暙は瀟䌚進歩指暙を衚しおいたす ### ENGLISH: It can't count happiness or community. And it has nothing to say about fairness or justice. Is it any surprise that our world, marching to the drumbeat of GDP, is teetering on the brink of environmental disaster and filled with anger and conflict? We need a better way to measure our societies, a measure based on the real things that matter to real people. Do I have enough to eat? Can I read and write? Am I safe? Do I have rights? Do I live in a society where I'm not discriminated against? Is my future and the future of my children prevented from environmental destruction? These are questions that GDP does not and cannot answer. There have, of course, been efforts in the past to move beyond GDP. But I believe that we're living in a moment when we are ready for a measurement revolution. We're ready because we've seen, in the financial crisis of 2008, how our fetish for economic growth led us so far astray. We've seen, in the Arab Spring, how countries like Tunisia were supposedly economic superstars, but they were societies that were seething with discontentment. We're ready, because today we have the technology to gather and analyze data in ways that would have been unimaginable to Kuznets. Today, I'd like to introduce you to the Social Progress Index. It's a measure of the well-being of society, completely separate from GDP. It's a whole new way of looking at the world. The Social Progress Index begins by defining what it means to be a good society based around three dimensions. The first is, does everyone have the basic needs for survival: food, water, shelter, safety? Secondly, does everyone have education, information, health and sustainable environment? And then third, does every individual have access to a chance to pursue their goals and dreams and ambitions free from obstacles? Do they have rights, freedom of choice, freedom from discrimination and access to the the world's most advanced knowledge? Together, these 12 components form the Social Progress framework. And for each of these 12 components, we have indicators to measure how countries are performing. Not indicators of effort or intention, but real achievement. We don't measure how much a country spends on healthcare, we measure the length and quality of people's lives. We don't measure whether governments pass laws against discrimination, we measure whether people experience discrimination. But what you want to know is who's top, don't you? I knew that, I knew that, I knew that. Okay, I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you on this chart. So here we are, what I've done here is put on the vertical axis social progress.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: カルティ゚財団で行われたものです MOMAでの「マスタヌ/スレヌブ」 「パラサむト」ずいうプロゞェクトの䞀郚です ぀たりそういうものがいろいろずあったのです 矎術通は4階フロアを すべお䜿わせおくれおたしたが その回顧展の問題は 私たちが あたりいい感じがしおいなかった ずいうこずです それは矎術通が蚈画したもので ひずたずめの䜜品に぀いお 包括的な理解を 倧衆に䌝えるずいったものでした しかし私たちの䜜品は ひずたずめの䜜品ずいう圢にならなかったのです それらの䜜品に繰り返し珟れおいたテヌマは 矎術通自䜓に察する敵意 ずいったものでした たずえば癜い壁のような 矎術通の慣習に 疑問を投げかけおいたした これは さたざたな むンストレヌションを配眮する図面です たずめられない䜜品を分けお配眮するのに 癜い壁を眮くこずになったのです その癜い壁自䜓が 攻撃の的ず同時に 歊噚になりたした 私たちはその壁を䜿っお 13個のむンストレヌションを分けお配眮し 音響および空間を分離したした そしおここに芋える 赀い点線は ここでパフォヌマンスをするモノの 通過経路で それは私たちが新しく䜜ったモノで ―このために䜜ったんですが― 芁するにロボット匏のドリルで 矎術通の壁を あちこち動き回り どんどん壁を壊しお行きたす ドリルはロボットアヌムに取り付けられおいたす ハニヌビヌ・ロボティクスずの恊働䜜業でした これが制埡装眮です ハニヌビヌ・ロボティクスは 火星探査甚のドリルを制䜜した䌚瀟で 非垞に楜しい協同䜜業でした 圌らは 私たちず仕事をしおいる間は 本業である政府ずの仕事を ほっぜらかしにしおいたした この仕組みは コンピュヌタ匏の制埡装眮が 壁党䜓の地図を䜜っおいるんです 拡げるず党長100メヌトルほどになりたす その䞉次元の栌子䞊に ランダムに点を発生させ その䞭の点を遞び ドリルをそこぞ持っおいっお そこのドラむりォヌルに穎をあけ 1 cmちょっずの穎をあけるず たた別の堎所ぞず移動しおいきたす 最初はこの穎はバラバラの傷なんですが 展芧䌚の日が過ぎるに぀れお どんどん穎が増えおいきたす 最埌には壁の䞡偎の穎の䜍眮が぀ながり 䞀方のギャラリヌから 別のギャラリヌが芋えるようになるのです 穎がひずかたたりになっお 壁のあちこちに穎をあけたす 壁自䜓が 䞉ヶ月間のパフォヌマンスアヌトになっおいお 壁がだんだん䞍安定な芁玠になっおいくのです 音の遮断もできなくなっおいきたす 芖芚的にもそうです しかも展瀺の背景でい぀もうめいおいお 非垞に気に障るのです ここは真っ暗な空間ですが ビデオ映像がたったく無甚の長物になっおいたす ぀たり ### ENGLISH: This was something done at the Cartier Foundation. "Master/Slave" at the MOMA, the project series, a piece called "Parasite." And so there were many, many of these kinds of projects. Anyway, they gave us the whole fourth floor, and, you know, the problem of the retrospective was something we were very uncomfortable with. It's a kind of invention of the museum that's supposed to bring a kind of cohesive understanding to the public of a body of work. And our work doesn't really resolve itself into a body in any way at all. And one of the recurring themes, by the way, that in the work was a kind of hostility toward the museum itself, and asking about the conventions of the museum, like the wall, the white wall. So, what you see here is basically a plan of many installations that were put there. And we actually had to install white walls to separate these pieces, which didn't belong together. But these white walls became a kind of target and weapon at the same time. We used the wall to partition the 13 installations of the project and produce a kind of acoustic and visual separation. And what you see is -- actually, the red dotted line shows the track of this performing element, which was a new piece that created -- that we created for the -- which was a robotic drill, basically, that went all the way around, cruised the museum, went all around the walls and did a lot of damage. So, the drill was mounted on this robotic arm. We worked with, by the way, Honeybee Robotics. This is the brain. Honeybee Robotics designed the Mars Driller, and it was really very much fun to work with them. They weren't doing their primary work, which was for the government, while they were helping us with this. In any case, the way it works is that an intelligent navigator basically maps the entire surface of these walls. So, unfolded it's about 300 linear feet. And it randomly generates points within a three-dimensional matrix. It selects a point, it guides the drill to that point, it pierces the dry wall, leaving a half-inch hole before traveling to the next location. Initially these holes were lone blemishes, and as the exhibition continued the walls became increasingly perforated. So eventually holes on both sides of the wall aligned, opening views from gallery to gallery. Clusters of holes randomly opened up sections of wall. And so this was a three-month performance piece in which the wall was made into kind of an increasingly unstable element. And also the acoustic separation was destroyed. Also the visual separation. And there was also this constant background groan, which was very annoying. And this is one of the blackout spaces where there's a video piece that became totally not useful.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 今お宅ぞ参じたのじゃが、お留守(るす)じゃけれ、倧方ここじゃろうおお捜(さが)し圓おおお出でたのじゃがなもしず、閟(しきい)の所ぞ膝(ひざ)を突(぀)いお山嵐の返事を埅っおる。 山嵐はそうですかず玄関(げんかん)たで出お行ったが、やがお垰っお来お、 君、生埒が祝勝䌚の䜙興を芋に行かないかっお誘(さそ)いに来たんだ。 今日は高知(こうち)から、䜕ずか螎(おど)りをしに、わざわざここたで倚人数(たにんず)乗り蟌んで来おいるのだから、是非芋物しろ、めったに芋られない螎(おどり)だずいうんだ、 君もいっしょに行っおみたたえ ず山嵐は倧いに乗り気で、おれに同行を勧める。 おれは螎なら東京でたくさん芋おいる。 毎幎八幡様(はちたんさた)のお祭りには屋台が町内ぞ廻っおくるんだから汐酌(しおく)みでも䜕でもちゃんず心埗おいる。 土䜐っぜの銬鹿螎なんか、芋たくもないず思ったけれども、せっかく山嵐が勧めるもんだから、぀い行く気になっお門ぞ出た。 山嵐を誘いに来たものは誰かず思ったら赀シャツの匟だ。 劙(みょう)な奎(や぀)が来たもんだ。 䌚堎ぞはいるず、回向院(えこういん)の盞撲(すもう)か本門寺(ほんもんじ)の埡䌚匏(おえしき)のように幟旒(いくながれ)ずなく長い旗を所々に怍え付けた䞊に、䞖界䞇囜の囜旗をこずごずく借りお来たくらい、瞄(なわ)から瞄、綱(぀な)から綱ぞ枡(わた)しかけお、倧きな空が、い぀になく賑(にぎ)やかに芋える。 東の隅(すみ)に䞀倜䜜りの舞台(ぶたい)を蚭けお、ここでいわゆる高知の䜕ずか螎りをやるんだそうだ。 舞台を右ぞ半町ばかりくるず葭簀(よしず)の囲いをしお、掻花(いけばな)が陳列(ちんれ぀)しおある。 みんなが感心しお眺めおいるが、䞀向くだらないものだ。 あんなに草や竹を曲げお嬉(うれ)しがるなら、背虫の色男や、跛(びっこ)の亭䞻(おいしゅ)を持っお自慢(じたん)するがよかろう。 舞台ずは反察の方面で、しきりに花火を揚げる。 花火の䞭から颚船が出た。 垝囜䞇歳(おいこくばんざい)ずかいおある。 倩䞻の束の䞊をふわふわ飛んで営所のなかぞ萜ちた。 次はぜんず音がしお、黒い団子が、しょっず秋の空を射抜(いぬ)くように揚(あ)がるず、 それがおれの頭の䞊で、ぜかりず割れお、青い烟(けむり)が傘(かさ)の骚のように開いお、だらだらず空䞭に流れ蟌んだ。 颚船がたた䞊がった。 今床は陞海軍䞇歳ず赀地に癜く染め抜いた奎が 颚に揺られお、枩泉(ゆ)の町から、盞生村(あいおいむら)の方ぞ飛んでいった。 倧方芳音様の境内(けいだい)ぞでも萜ちたろう。 匏の時はさほどでもなかったが、今床は倧倉な人出だ。 ### ENGLISH: The student had gone to his house, but seeing him out, had come here as probable to find him. Porcupine went to the front door himself, and returning to the room after a while, said: "Say, the boy came to invite us to go and see the entertainment of the celebration. He says there is a big bunch of dancers from Kochi to dance something, and it would be a long time before we could see the like of it again. Let's go." Porcupine seemed enthusiastic over the prospect of seeing that dance, and induced me to go with him. I have seen many kinds of dance in Tokyo. At the annual festival of the Hachiman Shrine, moving stages come around the district, and I have seen the Shiokukmi and almost any other variety. I was little inclined to see that dance by the sturdy fellows from Tosa province, but as Porcupine was so insistent, I changed my mind and followed him out. I did not know the student who came to invite Porcupine, but found he was the younger brother of Red Shirt. Of all students, what a strange choice for a messenger! The celebration ground was decorated, like the wrestling amphitheater at Ryogoku during the season, or the annual festivity of the Hommonji temple, with long banners planted here and there, and on the ropes that crossed and recrossed in the mid-air were strung the colors of all nations, as if they were borrowed from as many nations for the occasion and the large roof presented unusually cheerful aspect. On the eastern corner there was built a temporary stage upon which the dance of Koehi was to be performed. For about half a block, with the stage on the right, there was a display of flowers and plant settings arranged on shelves sheltered with reed screens. Everybody was looking at the display seemingly much impressed, but it failed to impress me. If twisted grasses or bamboos afforded so much pleasure, the gallantry of a hunchback or the husband of a wrong pair should give as much pleasure to their eyes. In the opposite direction, aerial bombs and fire works were steadily going on. A balloon shot out on which was written "Long Live the Empire!" It floated leisurely over the pine trees near the castle tower, and fell down inside the compound of the barracks. Bang! burst open straight above my head, streams of luminous green smoke ran down in an umbrella-shape, and finally faded. Then another balloon. It was red with "Long Live the Army and Navy" in white. The wind slowly carried it from the town toward the Aioi village. Probably it would fall into the yard of Kwanon temple there. At the formal celebration this morning there were not quite so many as here now.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「ご無事でしたかお嬢様?肝心な時に居なくお申し蚳ございたせん。」 むチコがリョりにかけられた札ず手錠を倖し぀぀頭を䞋げる。 「別に構わないわよ。今の貎方は私の護衛ではないのだから。」 リョりは枷を解かれた䞡腕の様子を確認し぀぀、むチコに声をかける。 「私の姿を芋おも驚かないのですね。」 「あれだけの隒ぎがあったのよ。それならその姿にも玍埗するわ。」 むチコはリョりの手を匕いお立ち䞊がらせる。 「むチコ。貎方にいく぀か質問がありたすの。」 「䜕なりず。リョりお嬢様。」 は倚少の距離をずっお盞察する。それは今たでありえなかった光景でもある。 「貎方が䜕故クロキリのスキル≪魔性創生≫を䜿えるの?」 「≪䞻は我を道に力を行䜿す≫ずいうスキルがあり、そのスキルの効果です。」 「習埗理由は?」 「むズミを助けるためです。」 「むズミ...。その子ね。」 リョりの目が郚屋の入口に立っおいるむズミに向けられる。 「(むズミです。9才です。声が出ないのでひ぀だんです。)」 「むズミは党身をバラバラにされおいたずころを私が発芋し、助けるためにはあのスキルを埗るしかありたせんでした。」 「そう。なら次の質問ね。」 「はい。」 リョりむチコに近づく。 「習埗の経緯はわかったわ。でも䜕故䜙呜幟ばくもない患者の元に行っおそのスキルを䜿っおいたの?」 「そうするしかあの人たちの呜を助けられなかったからです。」 さらに䞀歩近づき、手を䌞ばせば届く距離になる。 「そう。確かにあの人たちの呜は助かったわね。でも、代わりにあの人たちは『霧人』になったのよ?それに察しお䜕か蚀うこずは無いの?」 「ありたせん。あの人たちは皆玍埗した䞊で人を蟞めたした。リョりお嬢様。はっきり蚀わせおもらいたす。“あの人たちは自分の意思で霧人になり、私は自分の意思でその手助けをしたした”。」 パンッ! リョりの平手がむチコの顔に圓たり砎裂音を蟺りにたき散らす。 「むチコ...私は貎方に裏切られたのね...。䞀緒に成長しおクロキリを倒す。ず蚀ったはずなのに...。」 「リョりお嬢様...。私は......、」 「䜕も蚀わないで...、今はただ、私の前から居なくなっお...。」 「...。分かりたした。むズミ。行きたしょう。」 むチコはむズミを連れお郚屋の倖に出る。既に䞋の階では呚囲からの通報で倧量の譊察車䞡ず救急車が集たっおいる。 ### ENGLISH: “Are you safe, Miss? I apologize for not being present at this crucial moment.” Ichiko gave a bow as she removed the tags and handcuffs attached to Ryo. “It doesn’t matter. After all, you’re not my bodyguard anymore.” While checking the state of her unbound arms, Ryo called out to Ichiko. “I see you’re hardly startled at the sight of me.” “With all that commotion taking place, it makes sense for you to have that appearance.” Ichiko pulled Ryo’s hand and helped her to her feet. “Ichiko, I have a few questions for you.” “Be my guest, Lady Ryo.” They were facing each other at more or less the same distance. It was a spectacle that had never been witnessed before. “How can you utilize Kurokiri’s skill, ≪Monster Create≫?” “There exists a skill called ≪The Lord Will Exercise His Power in My Path≫ and this is the effect of that skill.” “And for what purpose did you acquire it?” “To save Izumi.” “Izumi... That’s her, isn’t it?” Ryo’s eyes darted to Izumi, who was standing at the entrance of the room. “(I’m Izumi, years old. My voice doesn’t come out, so I carry on a conversation by means of writing.)” “I discovered Izumi when her entire body was being dismembered, and the only way to save her was to attain that skill.” “I see. That brings me to my next question.” “Yes.” Ryo took a step closer to Ichiko. “I can understand the circumstances of your acquisition of the skill. However, why would you use that skill on patients who had very little time left to live?” “It was the only solution that could preserve their lives.” Taking another step closer, she extended her hand to reach Ichiko. “Yes. It is true that you saved those people’s lives. But in exchange, those people have been changed into ‘Kirijin,’ haven’t they? Is there anything you can refute to that?” “There’s nothing I can say in opposition to it. All of them agreed to cease being human beings. Lady Ryo. Allow me to state unequivocally. ‘Those individuals voluntarily chose to become Kirijin, and I helped them to do so by my own volition’.” Smack! Ryo’s palm landed on Ichiko’s face, emitting a resounding bang that rippled throughout the area. “Ichiko...” Ryo uttered, her eyes welling up with tears. “You’ve turned on me... We made a pact to support each other get through this ordeal and vanquish Kurokiri...” “Lady Ryo... I am...” “Don’t say anything... just get out of my sight now...” “...I understand. Izumi, let’s go.” Ichiko took Izumi out of the room. On the lower floor, a mass of police vehicles and ambulances had already congregated following reports from the vicinity.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 資金は1億2千䞇ドルで 是非ずも成功させたい 最先端の研究を行い 埓来ず違うやり方で進めたい 若い人がいろんなアむデアを持っおいるのに 幎寄りが科孊の方向性を決定しおいる 珟状から 抜け出そうじゃないか」 これは玠晎らしい考えだず 私は25秒で刀断したした 3幎埌 カナダ オンタリオ州のりォヌタヌルヌに ペリメタヌ理論物理孊研究所が 創蚭されたした こんな゚キサむティングな 仕事は人生初めおです 仕事を䌑むのが怖いのも初めおです ここにいる1週間の間にも 䜕を芋逃しおしたうかず心配です さお 今日はここで少しの時間を頂き 私たちが日垞 論じ合ったり 考えおいるこずを 玹介させおいただきたす 「科孊はどう成り立っおいるか?」 私たちはこれをよく考えたす 科孊を知り 科孊に関わっおきた人の 頭にたず浮かぶのは 科孊を知り 科孊に関わっおきた人の 頭にたず浮かぶのは 孊校で習う 科孊的方法は 間違いで 決たった方法は ないずいうこずです その䞀方で 我われは コミュニティずしお 䞍完党な蚌拠から 皆が同意する結論を なんずか導き出したす これは民䞻䞻矩瀟䌚でも なされるべきこずです これがどう機胜するかずいうず 私の考えではこれが成り立぀のは 科孊者のコミュニティを統䞀する 倫理があるからです いく぀かの倫理原則がこちらです 党郚説明はしたせん 今日は 講矩ではなく お楜しみが目的ですから この原則のうち䞀぀は コミュニティに属する誰しもが 自分たちが信じるこずのためにいくらでも 戊い 議論できるずいうものです しかし 誰が正しいかを決めるのは 30幎埌 50幎埌の 次の䞖代のコミュニティに属する 人たちであるず 皆が理解しおいるこずによっお 芏埋が保たれおいたす ぀たり この䌝統ずコミュニティに 察する敬意ず コミュニティが 前進するために必芁な反逆的な力の 組み合わせにより 科孊が成り立っおいたす そしお この事実を共有しお 結論を導き出す プロセスずコミュニティに 参加するこずは 民䞻䞻矩に関しお色々ず 教えおくれるず思いたす 科孊界の䞀員ずしおの倫理ず 民䞻䞻矩瀟䌚の 垂民ずしおの倫理の間に 関係があるだけではなく 歎史的にも 人の空間や 時間 宇宙の成り立ちに察する考え方ず 自分たちの生掻する瀟䌚に察する 考え方の間にも関係があったのです そこで今日は これらが進化しおきた過皋の 3぀のステヌゞを玹介したす 初期の宇宙論の䞭で 科孊ず呌べるようなものは アリストテレスの思想でした これは階局的な思想で 宇宙の䞭心に地球が䜍眮しおおり その呚りに倪陜 月 他の惑星等が䜍眮する遊星倩が さらにその倖には 星が存圚する 恒星倩がありたした 党おのものが決められた䜍眮に存圚したのです ### ENGLISH: We have about 120 million dollars, and we want to do it well. We want to be in the forefront fields, and we want to do it differently. where the young people have all the ideas, and the old people have all the power and decide what science gets done. It took me about 25 seconds to decide that that was a good idea. Three years later, we have the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Ontario. It’s the most exciting job I’ve ever had. And it’s the first time I’ve had a job where I’m afraid to go away because of everything that’s going to happen in this week when I’m here. But in any case, what I’m going to do in my little bit of time is take you on a quick tour of some of the things that we talk about and we think about. So, we think a lot about what really makes science work? The first thing that anybody who knows science, and has been around science, is that the stuff you learn in school as a scientific method is wrong. There is no method. On the other hand, somehow we manage to reason together as a community, from incomplete evidence to conclusions that we all agree about. And this is, by the way, something that a democratic society also has to do. So how does it work? Well, my belief is that it works because scientists are a community bound together by an ethics. And here are some of the ethical principles. I’m not going to read them all to you because I’m not in teacher mode. I’m in entertain, amaze mode. But one of the principles is that everybody who is part of the community gets to fight and argue as hard as they can for what they believe. But we’re all disciplined by the understanding that the only people who are going to decide, you know, whether I’m right or somebody else is right, are the people in our community in the next generation, in 30 and 50 years. So it’s this combination of respect for the tradition and community we’re in, and rebellion that the community requires to get anywhere, that makes science work. And being in this process of being in a community that reasons from shared evidence to conclusions, I believe, teaches us about democracy. Not only is there a relationship between the ethics of science and the ethics of being a citizen in democracy, but there has been, historically, a relationship between how people think about space and time, and what the cosmos is, and how people think about the society that they live in. And I want to talk about three stages in that evolution. The first science of cosmology that was anything like science was Aristotelian science, and that was hierarchical. The earth is in the center, then there are these crystal spheres, the sun, the moon, the planets and finally the celestial sphere, where the stars are. And everything in this universe has a place.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「......お前が叔父様を殺したの?」 「......答えろ」 ナ゚から殺気が噎き出す。玅の瞳が爛々ず茝き、手元の蒌炎が煌きを増しおいく。その青き焔は〝神眰之焔〟だ。遞別した魂のみを焌き滅がすこずも出来る凶悪なもの。その脅嚁は、暙的にされおいる魂そのものが感じ取るはずだ。 だが、盞察するディンリヌド――吊、その皮を被った悪神は、人を食ったような笑みを浮かべるだけで、なんの嚁容も感じおいないようだった。 「ほぅ、いいのかね? 実は、今の蚀葉も嘘で、ディンリヌドは生きおいるかもしれんぞ? この身の内の深奥に隠されおな?」 「っ......」 思わず息を呑むナ゚。キッず睚みながらも、惑わされるものかず焔を攟ずうずする。が、次の蚀葉で手を止めおしたった。 「くくっ、いい顔をする。その滑皜な衚情に免じお、䞀぀教えおやろう。......死ぬ盎前のディンリヌドの蚀葉だ。お前に宛おた最埌の蚀葉だ」 「......叔父様の......」 ナ゚を嬲るような蚀葉の連続に調子に乗っおんじゃねぇぞず銃口を向けたハゞメも、ナ゚が手を止めたこずで同じように動きを止めおしたう。 しかし、埌に、ハゞメはこの遞択を埌悔するこずになった。ナ゚を想うばかりに、敵に察する手を鈍らせたこずを。たずえ、ナ゚の望みに合わなくずも、敵の蚀葉など聞く必芁はないず制するべきだったのだ。 嫌らしい笑みを浮かべながら、たっぷりず勿䜓振っお、アルノは口を開いた。 「ディンリヌドはな、お前の名を呟きながら、こう蚀っおいた」 ――苊しんで死んでいればいい 蚀葉の矢がナ゚の胞に突き立った。粟神を乱すようなこずは無くずも、鋭い痛みを感じずにはいられない。 その瞬間、それらは党お同時に起きた。 「うぉおおおおおっ!!」 ――アルノず察峙するハゞメ達の埌方で、恵里の傍らにいた光茝が、雄叫びを䞊げながら ハゞメに ――倩から癜銀の光が降り泚いだ。倩井を透過した綺麗な四角柱の光は、頭䞊から真っ盎ぐ 闇系魔法が攟たれた。芋れば、なにもない空間から、倒れおいる恵里ず寞分違わない無傷の恵里がにじみ出お来るずころだった。そしお、明滅する闇黒色の球䜓がナ゚の県前ぞず出珟する。 「――〝震倩〟!」 ### ENGLISH: “You really have bad hearing. I want you to call it an effective recycling. This retainer god of Ehito-sama, Aruv, used this body even after the owner’s death. This person has chosen you to know? Just how honored and deeply moved this body is, don’t you think? Good grief, even this man too, before he died he erased the memory of when he hid you and also the memory of the age of god magic so that I can only use his flesh, what a useless man. If I knew that you were still alive, then I would have dragged it out of this man, by all means necessary.” “... You killed Oji-sama?” “... Answer.” Killing intent surged out from Yue. Her crimson eyes shined fierily, the azure flame on her hand increased in radiance. That blue flame was the ‘Flame of Divine Punishment’. It was something brutal that could even burn to nothing only the selected soul. That threat should be noticed by the very soul of the target itself. But, the opponent Denreed――no, the evil god wearing his skin, he was only showing an arrogant smile as though he wasn’t feeling threatened at all. “Hou, is that really fine? Perhaps my words just now lay, and actually, Denreed is still alive you know? What if he is hidden at the deepest bottom of this body?” Yue’s breath unintentionally hitched. Surely even while glaring she was about to launch the flame questioning whether she was just being deceived. But, the next words stopped her hand completely. “Kukuh, you are making a nice face. In deference to that funny expression, let me teach you one thing. ... It’s the words of Denreed just before he died. His last words that were addressed to you.” “... Uncle’s...” Hajime aimed his gun muzzle at Aruv as a threat so that he wouldn’t get carried away saying words to torment Yue continuously, but just like how Yue stopped her hand, Hajime’s movement also completely stopped. However, later on, Hajime regretted this choice. He was only thinking about Yue that his reaction toward the enemy dulled. Even if it didn’t match Yue’s wish, he should have decided that there was no need to hear whatever the enemy was saying. Aruv showed a disgusting smile while putting on airs grandeously, then he opened his mouth. “You see, Denreed whispered your name while saying this.” ――It’s better if you die painfully. “...” The arrow of words pierced Yue’s chest. Even without any magic or anything that disordered the mind, she couldn’t help but feel a sharp pain. At that moment, everything happened at the same time. “UoOOOOOOH!!” ――Behind Hajime and others who confronted Aruv, Kouki who was beside Eri roared while slashing at Hajime(・・・). ――Silver light poured down from above. The Beautiful square light that penetrated the ceiling fell straight toward Yue(・・) from overhead. ―― From the other direction of the body of the collapsed Eri, Eri’s(・・) dark magic was fired toward Yue who was attacked by that light. Looking at that direction, from a space where there was nothing, an unharmed Eri that looked completely the same like the collapsed Eri came out as though oozing from the air. And then, a flickering darkness ball appeared advancing right before Yue’s eyes. “――’Quake Sky’!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 男は時間たでに写しを終えられるだろうかず思いながらオフィスのドアに着くたで家䞊みの近くを行った。 階段では぀んずくる銙氎の湿っぜい銙りが圌の錻を出迎えた。 明らかに圌がオニヌルのずころぞ出かけおいる間にミス・デラクヌルが来おいた。 圌はもう䞀床垜子を元通りポケットに抌し蟌み、がんやりした颚を装っお再びオフィスに入った。 「ミスタヌ・アランがずっず君を呌んでいるぞ」 ず䞻任曞蚘が厳しく蚀った。 「どこにいたんだ?」 男はカりンタヌに立っおいる二人の䟝頌人を、圌らがいるので答えられないこずをそれずなく瀺すかのようにチラッず芋た。 䟝頌人はどちらも男だったので䞻任曞蚘は笑っおしたった。 「その手は食わんよ」 ず圌は蚀った。 「䞀日五回はちょっずな・・・ たあ、急いでデラクヌルの件の曞状の写しをミスタヌ・アランに持っおいったほうがいい。」 人前でこう蚀われたこず、階段を駆け䞊がったこず、それず倧急ぎでぐいず飲んだポヌタヌが男を混乱させ、芁求されたものを取りにデスクに腰を䞋ろした時には、契玄の写しを五時半前に終える仕事がいかに絶望的かを圌は悟った。 暗いじめじめした倜が蚪れようずしおいたが、圌はそれを酒堎で、ギラギラするガス灯ずガチャガチャ鳎るグラスの䞭で友達ず飲んで過ごしたいず枇望した。 圌はデラクヌルの曞状を取り出し、オフィスから出た。 圌はミスタヌ・アランが最埌の二通の手玙の玛倱しおいるこずに気が぀かなければいいがず思った。 ミスタヌ・アランの郚屋たでずっず、湿った錻に぀んずくる銙りがしおいた。 ミス・デラクヌルは䞭幎の芋るからにナダダ人ずいう女だった。 ミスタヌ・アランは圌女に、もしくは圌女の金に倢䞭だず蚀われおいた。 圌女はたびたびオフィスに来おは、来るず長居した。 圌女は今、銙氎の芳銙の䞭、傘の柄をなでたり垜子に぀いた倧きな黒い矜根をうなずかせたりしながら、圌の机のそばに座っおいた。 ミスタヌ・アランは怅子をぐるっず回転させお圌女ず向き合い、気取っお右足を巊ひざの䞊に投げ出しおいた。 男は曞状を机の䞊に眮き、恭しくお蟞儀したがミスタヌ・アランもミス・デラクヌルも圌のお蟞儀を気にも留めなかった。 ずでも蚀うかのようにそれを圌の方ぞぜんずはじいた。 男は䞋のオフィスに戻り、再び机に向かっお腰を䞋ろした。 圌は未完のフレヌズを䞀心に芋぀めた。 決しお前述の堎合バヌナヌド・バドリヌ・・・ そしお最埌の䞉぀の蚀葉が皆バ行で始たるのはなんずも䞍思議だず思った。 䞻任曞蚘がミス・パヌカヌを、郵䟿に間に合うように手玙のタむプを終えられないず蚀っおせきたお始めた。 ### ENGLISH: The man went up by the houses until he reached the door of the office, wondering whether he could finish his copy in time. On the stairs a moist pungent odour of perfumes saluted his nose: evidently Miss Delacour had come while he was out in O'Neill's. He crammed his cap back again into his pocket and re-entered the office, assuming an air of absentmindedness. "Mr. Alleyne has been calling for you," said the chief clerk severely. "Where were you?" The man glanced at the two clients who were standing at the counter as if to intimate that their presence prevented him from answering. As the clients were both male the chief clerk allowed himself a laugh. "I know that game," he said. "Five times in one day is a little bit... Well, you better look sharp and get a copy of our correspondence in the Delacour case for Mr. Alleyne." This address in the presence of the public, his run upstairs and the porter he had gulped down so hastily confused the man and, as he sat down at his desk to get what was required, he realised how hopeless was the task of finishing his copy of the contract before half past five. The dark damp night was coming and he longed to spend it in the bars, drinking with his friends amid the glare of gas and the clatter of glasses. He got out the Delacour correspondence and passed out of the office. He hoped Mr. Alleyne would not discover that the last two letters were missing. The moist pungent perfume lay all the way up to Mr. Alleyne's room. Miss Delacour was a middle-aged woman of Jewish appearance. Mr. Alleyne was said to be sweet on her or on her money. She came to the office often and stayed a long time when she came. She was sitting beside his desk now in an aroma of perfumes, smoothing the handle of her umbrella and nodding the great black feather in her hat. Mr. Alleyne had swivelled his chair round to face her and thrown his right foot jauntily upon his left knee. The man put the correspondence on the desk and bowed respectfully but neither Mr. Alleyne nor Miss Delacour took any notice of his bow. Mr. Alleyne tapped a finger on the correspondence and then flicked it towards him as if to say: The man returned to the lower office and sat down again at his desk. He stared intently at the incomplete phrase: In no case shall the said Bernard Bodley be... and thought how strange it was that the last three words began with the same letter. The chief clerk began to hurry Miss Parker, saying she would never have the letters typed in time for post.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ルファスは瀬衣の蚀葉に考え蟌むように腕を組む。 瀬衣は芚悟を決めおその様子を芋守るしかない。 次に口を開いた時、その口からどんなずんでもない蚀葉が飛び出しおも平静さを保おるように心を匷く保぀。 だがそんな圌の、たるで死地に赎く兵士のような心境ずは裏腹にルファスが発した答えは䜕ずも気の抜けるものであった。 「特に䜕も」 「な、䜕も? 䜕もないっお事ですか?」 「うむ。元々この囜に来たのも郚䞋にちょっずした腕詊しをさせる為だ。 ルファスのその返答に瀬衣は衚情に出さないように考える。 恐らく、嘘は吐いおいない。だが党おを話しおいるわけでもなさそうだ。 䜕故なら、本圓にもう甚が枈んでいるのなら圌女がこの囜に残っおいるはずがない。 狩猟祭が終わっおただこの囜に滞圚しおいるずいう事は、そうする理由があるずいう事だ。 だがそれは、恐らくこの囜に察しお䜕かを行うずいうものではない。 その図䜓は䜕もしおいなくずも無駄に盞手を嚁圧する。早く人化しおおけ」 ルファスが埌ろに声をかけるず、そこに䜇んでいた巚倧な怪物達に掻き消えた。 代わりに癜髪の老玳士、露出の倚い女性、赀い服装の青幎が姿を珟す。 その姿を瀬衣は芚えおいた。 そうだ、間違いない.....前、りィルゎず䞀緒に列に䞊んでいたあの奇人集団だ。 ずいう事は぀たり、ルファスが蚀う所の『腕詊しをしおいた郚䞋』ずは、りィルゎだずいう事になる。 (道理でやたら匷いわけだ......) 瀬衣はその事実に驚きはしなかった。むしろ劙な玍埗すらあった。 英雄でも芇王でもなく、それでいおフリヌドリヒに匹敵しマナそのものを消し去る異胜の持ち䞻。 ああ、なるほど。只者であるわけがない。 だがルファス・マファヌルの郚䞋だずいうなら玍埗出来る。 䜕せ圌女は他者のレベルを簡単に䞊げおしたえるのだから。 (......隙されおいた......わけじゃないな) 䞀瞬りィルゎが自分たちを欺いおいたのかず疑惑が生じるが、すぐに瀬衣はそれを自ら吊定した。 少なくずもりィルゎ自身は本圓に玔粋だったし、いい子だった。 そこに間違いなどなく、もしあれが挔技だったならそれは自分の人を芋る目がなかったずいう事だ。 どうせ己の頭の出来など良くはないのだ。ならばここは盎芳を信じる。 実際に接しお、話しお、共に戊った圌女の事を信じるこずにした。 そしおここでりィルゎを信じるずいう遞択を遞ぶ事により、たた䞀぀新たな道が瀬衣の前ぞず開かれる。 ### ENGLISH: Ruphas crossed her arms as if she was thinking about Sei’s words. Sei could only brace himself and wait to see Ruphas’s reaction. While waiting for the next time Ruphas opened her mouth, he tried to maintain his mind to remain calm in anticipation for whatever surprises the next few words may entail. Nevertheless, contrary to Sei fortifying his mind as if he was a soldier walking towards certain death, Ruphas’s answer was extremely trivial and off-putting. “Nothing in particular.” “N, nothing? You mean to say there’s no reason?” “That’s right. To begin with, we only came to this country to test my subordinate’s abilities. Now that it’s done, I have no intention of proactively doing anything to this country.” In response to that reply by Ruphas, Sei tried to ponder on it without showing anything on his face. In all likelihood, she was not saying a lie. However, it did not seem like she was saying everything. That was because if everything was actually done, there would have been no more reason for her to remain in this country. Since she was still remaining in this country now that the hunting festival had concluded, it meant there was a corresponding reason. Nevertheless, he believed that reason did not involve doing anything to this country. “Anyways, you lot, how long do you plan to stay in those appearances? Those forms intimidate others even if you’re not doing anything. Hurry up and turn back to your human forms.” When Ruphas called out to those behind her, all of the giant beasts on standby all vanished at once. In their places were a white-haired gentleman, a lady with a large amount of exposed skin, and a young man with red clothing. Sei recalled those appearances. That’s right, there was no mistaking it... It was the group of eccentric people who were in the line together with Virgo two days ago. Which meant, the individual that was referred to would be Virgo when Ruphas earlier said: “to test my subordinate’s abilities.” (No wonder she was overly strong...) Sei was not surprised by this fact. If anything, he even felt happy to finally figure out why. An individual who was not a Hero or a Supreme Ruler and yet was able to rival Friedrich and possessed the ability to erase mana itself. Ahh, no wonder. Of course, there was no way she was just an average person. However, if that individual was a subordinate of Ruphas Mafahl, he could accept it. After all, she was someone who was able to raise the level of others easily. (..... It wasn’t as if I was.... being deceived.) Just for a moment, Sei felt like Virgo was deceiving them, however, he immediately rejected that thought himself. At the very least, Virgo herself was extremely pure and a good girl. There was no mistaking that. And even if that was all an act, it only meant that he didn’t have the eyes to judge other people properly. He admitted that he was not highly intelligent. As such, he decided to believe in his instincts. After personally interacting, speaking, and fighting together, he decided to believe in her. Then, as a result of choosing to believe in Virgo, another option became available for Sei to take. A brand new path opened up right in front of Sei for him to tread upon.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これは扁桃䜓を刺激し ただの投獄より もっず効果的な リハビリ実践になるかもしれたせん ただの投獄より もっず効果的な リハビリ実践になるかもしれたせん 皆に効果がある蚳ではありたせんが 倚くの人にずっお 内からの打開策の1぀です 今䜕ができるでしょうか? この知識をどう応甚できるのでしょうか? 最埌に私が孊んだ3぀の事を お話ししたす 最埌に私が孊んだ3぀の事を お話ししたす たずは 我々の意識改革が必芁です ワヌムりッド・スクラブズが 130幎前に建おられお以来 孊校や病院の運営方法など 瀟䌚はあらゆる面で進歩しおきたした 孊校や病院の運営方法など 瀟䌚はあらゆる面で進歩しおきたした しかし刑務所に関しおの話になるず 途端に たるで19䞖玀にもどったかのようです 䞭䞖たでずは蚀わないにしおも 私たちは あたりに長い間 人が持぀人間性は倉えられないずいう 間違った考えを怍え付けられおきたので 瀟䌚党䜓が倧きな代償を払うこずに なっおいたす 脳は倧きく倉われるこずが 分かっおいたす それを成人においおでも 成し遂げる䞀番の方法は 私たちの環境を倉え 調節する事です 私たちの環境を倉え 調節する事です 私が孊んだ2぀目の事は 瀟䌚に倉化をもたらす為には 科孊が䞍可欠だず信じる人々を 結び぀ける必芁があるずいう事です 1人の神経科孊者が 厳重に監芖された囚人を MRIの機械に乗せるのは 簡単なこずです 実は 簡単ではなかったのですが・・・ 最終的には 再犯率を枛らせるかどうかです そんな耇雑な質問に答える為に 違った背景の人々を 必芁ずしおいたす 実隓ベヌスの科孊者 臚床医 ゜ヌシャルワヌカヌ 政治家 慈善事業家そしお 人暩掻動家などが 共に働くのです 最埌に 私たち自身の扁桃䜓を 倉える必芁があるず思いたす なぜならこの問題は ゞョヌだけでなく 私たちは誰なのかずいう 栞心の問いに觊れるからです ゞョヌのような人間は 党く矯正䞍可胜だずいう 私たちの考えを 倉える必芁がありたす なぜなら圌を完党に 矯正䞍可胜ず芋るなら 圌はどうやっお自分を 倉えお行けるでしょう? 埌10幎でゞョヌは ワヌムりッド・スクラブズから 出所したす 圌は再犯しおしたう 70%の囚人の䞭に入り 圌は再犯しおしたう 70%の囚人の䞭に入り 刑務所に戻るのでしょうか それよりも 刑に服しおいる間 ゞョヌが自分の扁桃䜓を リバビリで蚓緎しお 新たな脳现胞の成長ず結び぀きを 促進するこずで 新たな脳现胞の成長ず結び぀きを 促進するこずで 出所埌 䞖間ず向き合っお行けるように なるこずの方が よいのではないでしょうか? きっず それは私たちみんなにも 利益ずなるでしょう (拍手) ありがずうございたした(拍手) ### ENGLISH: This stimulates the amygdala and may be a more effective rehabilitative practice than simple incarceration. Such programs won't work for everyone, but for many, it could be a way to break the frozen sea within. So what can we do now? How can we apply this knowledge? I'd like to leave you with three lessons that I learned. The first thing that I learned was that we need to change our mindset. Since Wormwood Scrubs was built 130 years ago, society has advanced in virtually every aspect, in the way we run our schools, our hospitals. Yet the moment we speak about prisons, it's as though we're back in Dickensian times, if not medieval times. For too long, I believe, we've allowed ourselves to be persuaded of the false notion that human nature cannot change, and as a society, it's costing us dearly. We know that the brain is capable of extraordinary change, and the best way to achieve that, even in adults, is to change and modulate our environment. The second thing I have learned is that we need to create an alliance of people who believe that science is integral to bringing about social change. It's easy enough for a neuroscientist to place a high-security inmate in an MRI scanner. Well actually, that turns out not to be so easy, but ultimately what we want to show is whether we're able to reduce the reoffending rates. In order to answer complex questions like that, we need people of different backgrounds -- lab-based scientists and clinicians, social workers and policy makers, philanthropists and human rights activists — to work together. Finally, I believe we need to change our own amygdalae, because this issue goes to the heart not just of who Joe is, but who we are. We need to change our view of Joe as someone wholly irredeemable, because if we see Joe as wholly irredeemable, how is he going to see himself as any different? In another decade, Joe will be released from Wormwood Scrubs. Will he be among the 70 percent of inmates who end up reoffending and returning to the prison system? Wouldn't it be better if, while serving his sentence, Joe was able to train his amygdala, which would stimulate the growth of new brain cells and connections, so that he will be able to face the world once he gets released? Surely, that would be in the interest of all of us. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「䜕か分かったこずはあった?」 僕の蚀葉にデュヌクは銖を暪に振った。 デュヌクに分からないこずは流石に僕も分からないだろう。 誰もいない孊園の旧図曞宀で僕ずデュヌクはアリシアの性栌が倉わる日の前のこずを調べおいた。 少し前に、になった僕はりィリアムズ家で盛倧に祝っお貰った。アランはただ僕を気に入らないようだったが、ヘンリずアルバヌト、そしお、アヌノルド、圌らには感謝しきれないくらい良くしおもらった。アリシアの母芪も぀いに芋るこずが出来るず思っおいたが、その日は甚事で䞍圚だった。 もちろん、デュヌクにも祝っお貰った。圌からはある封筒を貰ったが、ただ開いおいない。 その時に、アリシアの性栌が倉わった日の前日の話をしたのだ。 「どんなに調べおも黒い薔薇の情報ない。実際に盎接芋たかったな」 「そんなこずよりも~! いいお知らせがあるんだけど!」 甲高い声が耳に響く。メルが頬を膚らたせながら僕らの芖界に入っおくる。ヘンリが圌女の埌ろで苊笑いを浮かべおいる。 蚀うこずをきかない子䟛ずそれに苊劎しおいる芪みたいだ。 「䜕だ?」 「アリアリの聖女認定を無事に終えたした~! いえ~い!」 アリシアに殺されそう......。メル、今たでありがずう。 ずいうか、本人䞍圚で出来るものなんだね。アリシアの今たでの努力が氎の泡だよ。あんなに悪女になりたがっおいたのに、正反察のものを手に入れちゃうなんお。 「嬉しいけど、なんか耇雑だよね」 僕の蚀葉に党員が倧きく頷いた。 「本来なら認められお嬉しいはずのものなんだけどな」 「勝手にしちゃったから、アリアリ怒るかな~。けど、こうでもしないずデュヌクはアリアリず結婚できないもんね!」 ヘンリが呟いた埌に、メルが声を䞊げおそう蚀った。 確かにそれもそうだ。デュヌクがアリシアず結婚するためには圌女を聖女認定しなければならない。 「案倖簡単に出来るものなんだね」 「聖女認定よ!? 簡単に出来るわけないじゃない」 僕の蚀葉にメルは倧げさに反応する。 「どうやったの?」 「囜王陛䞋に䌚いに行ったの。そしたらすんなり聖女認定出来ちゃった」 「簡単じゃん」 「ゞル、囜王陛䞋に謁芋出来るこずがどれだけ倧倉なこずか分かっおないでしょ。たぁ、私はデュヌクずいうコネを䜿ったんだけどッ」 「アリシアをどうプレれンしたんだ?」 僕ずメルの䌚話にヘンリが入っおきた。 それは僕も気になる。そもそもメルっおちゃんず倱瀌なく囜王陛䞋ず話せるんだろうか......。 ### ENGLISH: “Did you find out anything?” Duke shook his head at my words. If Duke couldn’t understand it, I’m sure I couldn’t either. Duke and I were researching the days before Alicia’s personality changed in the school’s empty old library. Not long ago, I had turned twelve and had a big celebration at the Williams’ house. Alan still didn’t like me, but Henry, Albert, and Arnold had been too kind to me, and I had hoped to see Alicia’s mother, but she was away on an errand that day. Of course, Duke congratulated me. He handed me an envelope, which I haven’t opened yet. It was then that I told him about the rose that had bloomed the day before Alicia’s personality had changed. “No matter how much research I did, I couldn’t find any information about the black rose. I wish I could have actually seen it in person.” “That’s not the point~! I have good news!” A high-pitched voice echoes in my ears as Mel comes into our line of sight, cheeks puffed out, and Henry is behind her, a wry smile on his face. I felt like a parent struggling with a disobedient child. “What?” “Aliali’s certification as a Saint was successfully completed!! Yay!” Alicia was definitely going to kill her... Mel, thank you so much for everything you’ve done. I mean, I didn’t know it was possible to do it without her... all of Alicia’s hard work up to this point had gone down the drain. She desperately wanted to be a villain, but now she’s getting the polar opposite of what she expected. “I’m happy for her, but it’s kind of complicated.” Everyone nodded at my words. “Normally, this is something one should be happy about, right?” “I wonder if Aliali will be angry because we did it without her permission. But if we don’t do this, Duke won’t be able to marry Aliali!” Mel raised her voice after Henry muttered. Indeed, that was true as well. In order for Duke to marry Alicia, he would have to certify her as a saint. “I guess it’s easier than expected.” “Saint status? Nope, it normally wouldn’t be that easy, you know?” My response was met with an exaggerated reaction from Mel. “How did you do it?” “I went to see His Majesty the King. Then, when I requested for her to be approved as a Saint, it was immediately processed.” “That’s too easy!” “Gilles, you have no idea how hard it is to get an audience with His Majesty the King. Well, I used my connections with Duke.” “What did you say about Alicia?” Henry came into the conversation between Mel and me. I was curious about that, too. I wondered if Mel could talk to His Majesty the King without being rude....</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これたで 垂政が テクノロゞヌを有効に掻甚しおきたのは 垂民を人間センサヌずしお 䜿う時くらいです 䟋えば 道にできた穎、倒れた朚々 壊れたランプなど 垂に関するデヌタを 垂圹所に報告させるのです そこたで䞀般的では ありたせんが 既に決定した 政策の結果を 向䞊させるため 垂民の参加を 求めるこずもありたす しかしそれはたるで 8歳の時に ママの蚀ったこずを 思わせたす 8時たでにベッドに行ったら ピンクのパゞャマかブルヌのパゞャマか 自分で遞んでもいいず そんなの参加ではありたせん 実際のずころ 政府は 重芁な案件に぀いおは 垂民の参加を促すために テクノロゞヌを 䞊手く䜿っおいるずは 蚀えたせん 予算配分もそうだし 土地の占有方法や 倩然資源の管理方法もそうです この皮の決定こそ 郜垂で姿を珟す 地球芏暡の問題に 実際に圱響を䞎える ものなのです 良い知らせは — 私の話は悪いこず ばかりじゃありたせん — 政府の取組みを 埅぀必芁はないずいうこずです 垂民自身が 参加のための独自の仕組みを 構築できるず 信じる理由がありたす 3幎前 私は マむ・リオ ずいう団䜓を 共同で蚭立したした リオデゞャネむロの人々が 特定の目的や堎所をめぐっお 人々を組織化し その目的や堎所に 日々圱響を䞎えられるように するのです 過去3幎間でマむ・リオは リオデゞャネむロの 16䞇人の垂民のネットワヌクに 発展したした メンバヌのうち40%が 20歳から29歳の若者です メンバヌのうち40%が 20歳から29歳の若者です それは今日 リオデゞャネむロに䜏むこの幎代の 15人に1人に盞圓したす メンバヌの䞭で 右偎に写っおいる かわいい女の子のビアは 11歳の時 圌女の通う暡範的公立䞭孊校を 取り壊しから救うため 我々の提䟛するツヌルを䜿っお キャンペヌンを始めたした 圌女の孊校はブラゞルでも 最優秀の公立䞭孊校でしたが リオデゞャネむロ州政府によっお 冗談ではなく サッカヌワヌルドカップに備えた 駐車堎の建蚭のため 取り壊されるこずになっおいたした ビアはキャンペヌンを始め 私たちはりェブカムで 週7日 1日24時間 孊校を監芖したした 䜕か月か埌にようやく 政府も態床を倉えたした ビアの孊校は 取り壊されずに枈みたした こちらはゞョビヌタです ゞョビヌタはすごい人で 10幎前に嚘さんが 行方䞍明になっお以来 ずっず嚘さんを探し続けおいたす ずっず嚘さんを探し続けおいたす その䞭で圌女が 最初に気付いたのは 自分が独りではない ずいうこずでした 昚幎の2013幎だけで リオデゞャネむロ州では 6千人が行方䞍明になっおいたす それにも関わらず リオデゞャネむロには 行方䞍明者捜玢のための 䞀元化された情報システムが 存圚しないこずに 圌女は気付きたした ### ENGLISH: So far, most city governments have been effective at using tech to turn citizens into human sensors who serve authorities with data on the city: potholes, fallen trees or broken lamps. They have also, to a lesser extent, invited people to participate in improving the outcome of decisions that were already made for them, just like my mom when I was eight and she told me that I had a choice: I had to be in bed by 8 p.m., but I could choose my pink pajamas or my blue pajamas. That's not participation, and in fact, governments have not been very good at using technology to enable participation on what matters — the way we allocate our budget, the way we occupy our land, and the way we manage our natural resources. Those are the kinds of decisions that can actually impact global problems that manifest themselves in our cities. The good news is, and I do have good news to share with you, we don't need to wait for governments to do this. I have reason to believe that it's possible for citizens to build their own structures of participation. Three years ago, I cofounded an organization called Meu Rio, and we make it easier for people in the city of Rio to organize around causes and places that they care about in their own city, and have an impact on those causes and places every day. In these past three years, Meu Rio grew to a network of 160,000 citizens of Rio. About 40 percent of those members are young people aged 20 to 29. That is one in every 15 young people of that age in Rio today. Amongst our members is this adorable little girl, Bia, to your right, and Bia was just 11 years old when she started a campaign using one of our tools to save her model public school from demolition. Her school actually ranks among the best public schools in the country, by the Rio de Janeiro state government to build, I kid you not, a parking lot for the World Cup right before the event happened. Bia started a campaign, and we even watched her school 24/7 through webcam monitoring, and many months afterwards, the government changed their minds. Bia's school stayed in place. There's also Jovita. She's an amazing woman whose daughter went missing about 10 years ago, and since then, she has been looking for her daughter. In that process, she found out that first, she was not alone. In the last year alone, 2013, in the state of Rio. But she also found out that in spite of that, Rio had no centralized intelligence system for solving missing persons cases.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䜕せハゞメの倩職は〝錬成垫〟ずいう非戊系職業であり、元は〝無胜〟ず呌ばれおいた䞊、〝金〟ランクず蚀っおも、それは異䞖界の冒険者の基準であるから自分達召喚された者ずは比范察象にならない。なので、粟々、砎壊した転移陣の修埩ず、戊闘のサポヌトくらいなら出来るだろうくらいの認識だったのだ。 元々、遠藀が冒険者ギルドにいたのは、高ランク冒険者に光茝達の救揎を手䌝っおもらうためだった。もちろん、深局たで連れお行くこずは出来ないが、せめお転移陣の守護くらいは任せたかったのである。駐屯しおいる階士団員もいるにはいるが、圌等は王囜ぞの報告などやらなければならないこずがあるし、䜕より、レベルが䜎すぎお粟々䞉十局の転移陣を守護するのが粟䞀杯だった局の転移陣を守護するには、せめお〝銀〟ランク以䞊の冒険者の力が必芁だったのである。 そう考えお冒険者ギルドに飛び蟌んだ挙句、二階のフロアで自分達の珟状を倧暎露し、冒険者達に協力を芁請したのだが、人間族の垌望たる勇者が窮地である䞊に階士団の粟鋭は党滅、おたけに䟝頌内容は䞃十局で転移陣の譊備ずいうずんでもないもので、誰もが目を逞らし、同時に人間族はどうなるんだず䞍安が蔓延したのである。 そしお、隒動に気が぀いたロアが、遠藀の銖根っこを掎んで奥の郚屋に匕きずり蟌み事情聎取をしおいるずころで、ハゞメのステヌタスプレヌトをもった受付嬢が駆け蟌んできたずいうわけだ。 そんなわけで、遠藀は、自分がハゞメの実力を過小評䟡しおいたこずに気が぀き、もしかするず自分以䞊の実力を持っおいるのかもしれないず、過去のハゞメず比べお驚愕しおいるのである。 遠藀が驚きのあたり硬盎しおいる間も、ロアずハゞメの話は進んでいく。 「バカ蚀わないでくれ......魔王だなんお、そこたで匱くない぀もりだぞ?」 「ふっ、魔王を雑魚扱いか? 随分な倧蚀を吐くや぀だ......だが、それが本圓なら俺からの、冒険者ギルドホルアド支郚長からの指名䟝頌を受けお欲しい」 「......勇者達の救出だな?」 遠藀が、救出ずいう蚀葉を聞いおハッず我を取り戻す。そしお、身を乗り出しながら、ハゞメに捲し立おた。 「そ、そうだ! 南雲! 䞀緒に助けに行こう! お前がそんなに匷いなら、きっずみんな助けられる!」 「......」 ### ENGLISH: After all, Hajime’s class was “Transmutation Master,” which was a non-fighting class, and he was also called as “incompetent.” Even if someone said he was “Gold” rank, it was just the standard of being an Adventurer in this different world, and couldn’t be compared to those summoned here. That’s why he thought, at the very least, Hajime should be able to repair the destroyed teleportation circle and become his support in battle. To begin with, Endou came to the Adventurers’ guild to ask high ranked Adventurers to help him in rescuing Kouki’s party. Surely even if he could not take them to the dungeon depth, they would at least be able to protect the area around the teleportation circle. And though there were also stationed knights, they would not do anything before they reported this to the Kingdom, and their level was so low that at most they could do was protect the teleportation circle on 0th floor. He needed Adventurers with at least “Silver” rank to protect the 70th floor’s teleportation circle. He entered the Adventurer guild with such thoughts and grandly exposed the current situation to those in second floor. He thought he could ask for the Adventurers’ cooperation, for heroes, who were the humanity’s hope, fell into such a predicament along with the annihilation of the Elite Knights. However, in addition to the unexpected request to protect 70th floor’s teleportation circle, made everyone avert their gazes and at the same time, uneasiness about what would happen to the humanity spreaded. Noticing the commotion, Loor grabbed Endou by the scruff of his neck and dragged him inside to question him, when the receptionist ran inside with Hajime’s status plate. As such, Endou noticed he had underestimated Hajime’s ability and the possibility that Hajime was even more powerful than him made, Endou astonished when he compared the current and past Hajime. Even though Endou was stiffened due to the shock, Lorr and Hajime’s talk kept advancing. “Please don’t say such a stupid thing... How could you think we are as weak as the Demon Lords?” “Hmm, so even Demon Lords are small fries, huh? What confidence... But, if that’s the truth, I want you to receive a commission with Holad branch Adventurer guild’s head as the referral.” “... Rescuing the heroes, right?” Endou returned to his senses when he heard the word rescue. Next, he leaned forward and spoke to Hajime. “Th-That’s it! Nagumo! Come with me and help them! If you are that strong, we can surely save everyone!” “...”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 玺色のロヌブを着た癜い髪の老人、圌はこのりィンディスタン教䌚のトップの䞀人だ。そしお同時に、バゞルず旧亀のあるハリス=ツベルクリンずいう男性である。 各地の教䌚も聖教䌚ず同じように、トップは耇数人によっお構成されおいる。 聖教䌚から掟遣された者ず、その地からの代衚者が集たり運営されおいる教䌚は聖教䌚ずの連絡も円滑に取れるため、かなり情報の行き来も早い。 そしおハリスはか぀お聖教䌚に所属しおいた魔法垫であり、珟圚はこの教䌚のトップを務めおいた。 「よくぞお出でになりたした。バゞル様」 「そんな堅苊しい態床はやめおください。ハリスさん」 「はい、あなたが私に教育係なっおくれたおかげで、私はここたでになったのです」 「それは蚀いすぎじゃよ、バゞル」 バゞルの蚀う通り、ハリス前たでバゞルの教育係を務めおいた。 バゞルが十䞉䜿埒になったのは、圌がただの時。その時のバゞルはただ魔法孊園に所属する子䟛であった。 だから䞃賢人たちは教育係ずしお、圓時聖教䌚で若い魔法垫たちの教官をしおいたハリスを教育係ずしお据えたのだ。 圓時のバゞルは䞃賢人から聞かされたレむリア王囜の倖のこずで頭がいっぱいになり、呚りのこずが芋えおなかった。 そんな時、バゞルのこずを支えながらアドバむスや盞談に乗っおくれたのがハリスであり、おかげでバゞルは立掟な十䞉䜿埒ずなるこずができたのだ。 ハリスはバゞルの教育係になるず同時に、レむリア王囜の倖に぀いおも䞃賢人から教えられおいたので、バゞルの良き盞談盞手になるこずができた。 そんなこずで䞉幎が経ち、バゞルが立掟な十䞉䜿埒ずなったので、ハリスはバゞルの教育係を倖れお、りィンディスタン教䌚ぞず来おいたのだ。 呜什䞊、りィンディスタンで倖に関する情報の監芖ず統制を蚀い枡されおいたハリス。しかし事実は十䞉䜿埒ず芪しいハリスが聖教䌚内での力を付けるのを恐れた䞃賢人が巊遷したのである。 バゞルはそのこずを知るずハリスに謝眪したが、ハリスは笑いながら気にしおないず答え、今は田舎暮らしを楜しんでいた。 「バゞル、人攫いの件じゃな?」 「そうです」 ハリスはバゞルの顔を芋おすぐに甚件を察する。 圌のずころにも犯人は捕たったずいう知らせが届いおいたが、ただ事件は終わっおいないずハリスも思っおいた。 しかし教䌚のトップを務めるハリスがそう簡単に動くこずもできず、どうしようかず悩んでいたずころにバゞルが来たのである。だから協力しないわけがない。 「オルナの街にあるセナビア魔法孊園の生埒が拉臎されこずは、知っおいるな?」 「ええ、確だったず蚘憶しおいたす」 「そうだ、その捕たった生埒を助けようず、同じくセナビア魔法孊園の生埒が数人が街を譊備しおずころ、䞍審人物を芋぀けお埌を付けたそうだ」 ### ENGLISH: A white-haired old man in a dark blue robe was one of the top people in this church. His name was Harris Tuberculin and he was an acquaintance of Bagil. Like the Holy Church in the capital, the regional church had several people on top. If someone is dispatched from Holy Church, the representative will be sent from this circle for the purpose of smooth cooperation. And Harris was a magician that once belonged to the Holy Church, now he was in the top brass of this regional church. 「You are finally here, Bagil-sama」 「Please stop such a formal attitude, Harris-san」 「Ho-ho-ho. That’s right, isn’t it」 []「Yes, after all, I came this far thanks to your education」 「You are overpraising me, Bagil」 As Bagil said, Harris was Bagil’s teacher until two years ago. Bagil became one of the apostles when he was 8 years old. He was still in the magic academy back then. So the seven sages made Harris, who was an instructor for young magicians at the Holy Church, Bagil’s teacher. Then he heard about the circumstances of the Leiria Kingdom from the seven sages. After that, Harris was the one who educated and supported Bagil, thanks to him Bagil was able to become a wonderful apostle. As Harris became his teacher, he was also taught by the seven sages about the outside of the Leiria Kingdom, so he was able to provide good advises for him. Three years later, Bagil became a powerful apostle, so Harris left for the church in Windistan. Harris was ordered to take a position in Windistan church because seven sages were afraid of him gaining more influence among 13 apostles. Bagil apologized to Harris after he became aware of that, but Harris didn’t mind and was now enjoying country life. 「Bagil, are you here because of kidnapping case?」 「That’s right」 Looking at Bagil’s serious face, Harris immediately cuts to the chase. He also received the news that the criminals were caught, but Harris also thought that it wasn’t the end of this case. Since Harris was on top of the church he couldn’t move around so easily, and in that moment Bagil came. So there was no reason to not cooperate. 「Do you know about kidnapped students of Senabia Magic Academy in the city of Orna?」 「Yes, it should be four people if I remember correctly」 「Yes, in order to help the caught student, a few students of Senabia Magic Academy also guarded the streets, they found a suspicious person and followed it」</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これらは 死ぬに倀するアむデアのほんの少しの䟋です これらは 䌝染性です 昚日 アモリヌ ラビンズ氏が「䌝染性反耇」に぀いお話したした あれは実質䞊 蚀葉の乱甚です 軜率な゚ンゞニアリングです さお 広がり続ける文化の倧半は 目芚しくも 新しくも 斬新な考えでもありたせん それは 䌝染性反耇です そしお 我々は それが起ったずき 䌝染条件を理解する為 䜕が起きおいるかを理論的に裏づけしようずするでしょう 宿䞻は これらの考えを他に広めるために、䞀生懞呜に動きたす 私は哲孊者ですが 職業病の䞀぀は 生呜の意味は䜕かず 人々が尋ねるこずです あなたはメッセヌゞ性を求め 意芋を求めたす 私の意芋はこうです 幞犏ぞの秘蚣は あなたより重芁な䜕かを芋぀け それに呜を捧げるこず 我々のほずんどは 「自己䞭心䞻矩の時代」を過去のものずし これを実行に移しおいたす あるアむデア たたはその他が 我々の生呜における生物的矩務に取っお代わりたした 我々の最高善が䜕か それは 孫の数を増やす事ではないのです これは倧きな生物孊的圱響を及がしたす 遺䌝的興味がその他の興味ぞず埓属したのです これは 他のいかなる皮にもか぀おなかったこずです さお 我々はこれに぀いおどう考えるべきでしょう? 䞀方では 非垞に倧きな生物孊的圱響を及がしたす 玛れもありたせん では どの理論を䜿っお これを芋おいきたしょうか? 倚くの理論がありたすが これらを結び぀けるものは? 思考の耇補ずいうアむデア 脳から脳ぞず耇補しおいくアむデア あずで圌の話を聞けたすが リチャヌド ドヌキンスは 「ミヌム」ずいう単語を発明し 最初に このアむデアを 圌の著曞「利己的な遺䌝子」で たこずに明癜か぀鮮明な説で玹介したした 今 私はここで圌のアむデアに぀いお話しおいたす わかりたすか 圌が始めたアむデアは 今では圌のみのものでなく 今では皆のアむデアです そしお 私がミヌムを語るこずは 圌の責任ではなく 私がミヌムを どう語るかは 私に責任がありたす アむデアが 意図した効果のみでなく 誀甚されおいる可胜性においおも 事実、我々党おの責任なのです だから リチャヌドや私にずっお これらのアむデアが 乱甚や誀甚されないこずは重芁です それは誀甚されやすく だから 危険なのです そのアむデアに恐れをなした人々が アむデアを颚刺化し、さらに ひどい目的や その他に入り蟌むのを 防ごうずするのは倧倉な仕事です そしお 我々は 誀解を蚂正するために アむデアの䞭でも 害の無い 䟿利な倉異圢のみが広がり続けるよう コツコツ働き続けなければなりたせん しかし 問題がありたす ### ENGLISH: These are just a few of the ideas that are to die for. They're infectious. Yesterday, Amory Lovins spoke about "infectious repititis." It was a term of abuse, in effect. This is unthinking engineering. Well, most of the cultural spread that goes on is not brilliant, new, out-of-the-box thinking. It's "infectious repetitis," and we might as well try to have a theory of what's going on when that happens so that we can understand the conditions of infection. Hosts work hard to spread these ideas to others. I myself am a philosopher, and one of our occupational hazards is that people ask us what the meaning of life is. And you have to have a bumper sticker, you know. You have to have a statement. So, this is mine. The secret of happiness is: Find something more important than you are and dedicate your life to it. Most of us -- now that the "Me Decade" is well in the past -- now we actually do this. One set of ideas or another have simply replaced our biological imperatives in our own lives. This is what our summum bonum is. It's not maximizing the number of grandchildren we have. Now, this is a profound biological effect. It's the subordination of genetic interest to other interests. And no other species does anything at all like it. Well, how are we going to think about this? It is, on the one hand, a biological effect, and a very large one. Unmistakable. Now, what theories do we want to use to look at this? Well, many theories. But how could something tie them together? The idea of replicating ideas; ideas that replicate by passing from brain to brain. Richard Dawkins, whom you'll be hearing later in the day, invented the term "memes," and put forward the first really clear and vivid version of this idea in his book "The Selfish Gene." Now here am I talking about his idea. Well, you see, it's not his. Yes -- he started it. But it's everybody's idea now. And he's not responsible for what I say about memes. I'm responsible for what I say about memes. for not just the intended effects of our ideas, but for their likely misuses. So it is important, I think, to Richard, and to me, that these ideas not be abused and misused. They're very easy to misuse. That's why they're dangerous. trying to prevent people who are scared of these ideas from caricaturing them and then running off to one dire purpose or another. So we have to keep plugging away, trying to correct the misapprehensions so that only the benign and useful variants of our ideas continue to spread. But it is a problem.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 巊の絵では網膜には突起があり それを赀の矢印で瀺しおいたす これはその䞋に埋もれた嚢胞に 応じた突起です これこそが 私の芖野を歪たせおいたものです こういうふうに考えおください ニュヌロンが栌子状にあっお そこに玔粋に機械的な倉化が起きるず 栌子の圢状に圱響を䞎え 心理経隓の内容が歪むのです 心理経隓ず 網膜におけるニュヌロンの掻動ずが いかに密接かを瀺しおいたす 網膜は脳の䞀郚が県球に眮かれたようなもので ぀たり面状の芖芚野の䞀郚なのです 網膜から぀ながった 芖芚野に進むず 脳では曎に 呚りの状況など倚くの情報が 網膜から送られおくる信号に 付け加わりたす この脳の絵には たくさんの島が瀺されおいたす 脳のむメヌゞ知芚領域ず呌ばれる領域です 䟋えば緑の領域は 觊芚の情報を扱いたす 青の領域は聎芚の情報を扱いたす こんなこずも起きおいたす このように神経マップの 描画を行う むメヌゞ知芚領域から 信号が送り出されお 玫で瀺した呚蟺の広い海に䌝わりたす 連合皮質です むメヌゞを知芚する島で 生じたこずを蚘録する堎所です ここで玠晎らしいこずがありたす これらの連合皮質における蚘憶を 基にしお たさに同じ知芚領域を䜿っお むメヌゞを再珟できるのです 脳は実にうたくできおいお ムダなこずはしないのです ぀たり知芚ずむメヌゞ生成に 甚いられる領域があっお その党く同じ領域が 情報を再生する時のむメヌゞ生成にも 䜿われるのです こうしお意識の謎は わずかばかり狭められたした なぜならむメヌゞがどうやっお生成されるか だいぶ分かっおきたからです 自己に぀いおはどうでしょう? 自己は実にやっかいな問題です 長い間 觊れたくもない 問題だずされおきたした こんな颚に蚀われたものです 「日々 自己の連続性を維持するために ずりわけ安定性が必芁ですが 䜕を基準点にしたら いいのでしょう?」 この問題に぀いおの答を考えおみたした こういう答えです 身䜓の内郚に関する 脳のマップを䜜っおそれを 他のマップに察する基準点ずすればよい どうやっおこの考えに至ったのか説明したす こんなふうに考えたした 自分に぀いおの基準点のこずを 自己ずか自分ず蚀いたす 我々の信号凊理系の基準点ずしおは 揺るぐこずのない䜕か 日々倉動するこずの少ない 䜕かが必芁です たたたた 我々の身䜓は単䞀です 身䜓は1぀で 2぀も3぀もありたせん これが出発点です ただひず぀の基準点は身䜓です ### ENGLISH: But on my left retina there is a bump, which is marked there by the red arrow. And it corresponds to a little cyst that is located below. And that is exactly what causes the warping of my visual image. So just think of this: you have a grid of neurons, and now you have a plane mechanical change in the position of the grid, and you get a warping of your mental experience. your mental experience and the activity of the neurons in the retina, which is a part of the brain located in the eyeball, or, for that matter, a sheet of visual cortex. So from the retina you go onto visual cortex. And of course, the brain adds on a lot of information to what is going on in the signals that come from the retina. And in that image there, you see a variety of islands of what I call image-making regions in the brain. You have the green for example, that corresponds to tactile information, or the blue that corresponds to auditory information. And something else that happens is that those image-making regions where you have the plotting of all these neural maps, can then provide signals to this ocean of purple that you see around, which is the association cortex, where you can make records of what went on in those islands of image-making. And the great beauty is that you can then go from memory, out of those association cortices, and produce back images in the very same regions that have perception. So think about how wonderfully convenient and lazy the brain is. So it provides certain areas for perception and image-making. And those are exactly the same that are going to be used for image-making when we recall information. So far the mystery of the conscious mind is diminishing a little bit because we have a general sense of how we make these images. But what about the self? The self is really the elusive problem. And for a long time, people did not even want to touch it, because they'd say, "How can you have this reference point, this stability, that is required to maintain the continuity of selves day after day?" And I thought about a solution to this problem. It's the following. We generate brain maps of the body's interior and use them as the reference for all other maps. So let me tell you just a little bit about how I came to this. I came to this because, if you're going to have a reference that we know as self -- the Me, the I in our own processing -- we need to have something that is stable, something that does not deviate much from day to day. Well it so happens that we have a singular body. We have one body, not two, not three. And so that is a beginning. There is just one reference point, which is the body.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 男の子は昚日よりも苊しそうな衚情で呻いおいた。 私はベッドに近づき、鞄から瓶を取り出し、りィルおじいさんに枡した。 「これは䜕だい?」 「綺麗な氎です」 そう蚀っお、ゞョザむアも枡した。 りィルおじいさんはそれを手でどんなものか確認した。 「ゞョザむアか......」 嘘でしょ。手で觊っただけで䜕か分かるの? 凄いなんお領域をはるかに䞊回っおいるわ。 ゞョザむアは溶けお、氎が薄い緑色に倉わった。 りィルおじいさんはもがいおいる男の子の口に瓶を近づけ、数滎口の䞭に入れた。 男の子は少し萜ち着いた。 ゞョザむアは口に含んで数十秒で効果が出るのよね。 昚日男の子の頭に巻いたドレスの切れ端をずった。 こんな傷が日垞茶飯事でできるのよね。 りィルおじいさんはもう䞀床私にお瀌を蚀った。 「私は......、自分の利益のためにだけ動いおいるのでお瀌は䞍芁ですわ」 そうよ、私は自分の利益を最優先させる女なの。 男の子を助けたのだっお、ただ賢い少幎ず話しおみたかっただけなの。 りィルおじいさんは固たった。りィルおじいさんには軜蔑されたくないけれど、嘘は぀きたくないの。 「それでも、有難う」 「圌の名前は?」 「ゞルじゃよ」 「ゞル......、は、䜕歳なの?」 「ご䞡芪は......」 「この村の者に殺されたよ」 殺された? 病気で死んだんじゃなくお殺されたの? 「アリシア、ここはそんな所だ」 「眪には、」 「ならない」 じゃあ、ゞルは六歳で孀児なの? それが普通なの? 「そんなのおかしいですわ」 「ああ、わしもそう思う。けどどうにもならんのじゃ」 ヒロむンは䜕をしおいるの? 早くここを改善しおよ。 ......どうしお私ヒロむンに頌っおいるのかしら。 でも私がここを改善しおも私に䜕のメリットもないじゃない。 ああ、もう! 私は匷い芯を持った悪女なの。 䞖の䞭で䞀番の悪女になるっお決めたんだから。それなのにどうしおこんなに心がモダモダするのかしら。 りィルおじいさんはそう蚀っお私の頭を撫でた。 色ずりどりのマカロンが詰たった袋をりィルおじいさんに枡した。 私の声に芇気がなかったのを感じたのか、りィルおじいさんはもう䞀床私の頭を撫でお、倧䞈倫じゃよ、ず呟いた。 ### ENGLISH: When I get there, even before I head inside I hear the boy’s painful moans. It seems like he’s doing much worse today than he had been yesterday. As I walk in, I see that Grandpa Will is doing his utmost to wipe the boy’s sweat and do anything that he can to sooth his suffering. I quickly approach the bed and take the bottle from my bag, passing it over to him. “And what’s this?” “Clean water.” “Thank you,” he murmurs. “Take this, too,” I say, handing him the Josiah. “Ahh, Josiah is it.....?” No way. He can tell what type of plant it is through touch alone? Amazing can’t even come close to describing Grandpa Will. His actions always far exceed all my expectations. Grandpa Will drops the Josiah into the bottle, letting the leaves dissolve into the liquid until the water has become a light green color. He then huddles over the thrashing boy and opens his mouth. Carefully, he pours few drops of the mixture onto his tongue. The boy closes his mouth and not long after, his thrashing abates slightly as he starts to calm down. It seems that once Josiah enters someone’s mouth, it doesn’t take even a minute before the effects start to show. I unwind the dirtied strips of my dress that I had wrapped around the boy’s head yesterday and apply some of the salve that I’d brought in my bag to his now festering wounds. Once I finish, I make sure to wrap up the injury again, this time using actual cloth bandages. I suppose this sort of terrible wound is probably commonplace here. “Alicia, thank you,” Grandpa Will says once again. “I’m..... only doing this because it happens to benefit me, so your thanks are unnecessary.” That’s right. I’m someone who makes personal gain her priority in life. Saving this boy is merely on a whim because I wanted to try having a conversation with a young, clever child. Grandpa Will’s shoulders stiffen at my words. I don’t want to make him see me contemptuously, but I also don’t want to lie to him. “What’s his name?” “It’s Gilles.” “Gilles.... Age?” “And where are his parents.....?” “They were killed by some other villagers here.” Killed? They didn’t die of some disease but instead were killed? “Alicia, that’s the type of place this is,” Grandpa Will states matter-of-factly, but his voice gives away a hint of ambition. “Their crime?” “There was none.” So then, what. At years old, Gilles has become an orphan for no reason at all? Is that also considered normal here? “That’s just not right.” “Yes. I think so as well. But no matter how unfair it is, there’s nothing that can be done about it from in here.” What is the heroine even doing? She needs to hurry up and do something about these inhumane conditions! ......Wow. Am I actually relying on the heroine now? But what can I do? There’s absolutely no merit for me in improving the conditions of this village! Agh, forget it! I’m a cold-hearted villainess. This sort of thing shouldn’t bother me! I’m determined to become the best villainess that this world has ever seen! “Thank you very much for today,” Grandpa Will says, patting my head. “This.... Please share it with him,” I say by means of reply, passing Grandpa Will the bag filled with the multi-colored macarons. Perhaps sensing that my tone had lost some of its previously ambitious bravado, Grandpa Will pats my head one more time and whispers to me that it’ll be okay.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「狌狜えるな! 実際にああしお倒すこずができるのだ!」 オヌゲンが檄を飛ばし新たな矢を぀がえる指瀺を出すず埓卒たちも慌おお応じる。狌狜えおはいおも怯えおはいないので良しずする。 䞀般階士や埓卒の印象はこんなもんだろう。魔王埩掻ず聎いおいおも目の前に芋たこずのないバケモノが珟れるたで珟実感は乏しかったに違いない。 今たで王郜付近はせいぜい魔獣型だったが、このノェリヌザ砊の蟺りからいかにもっお敵が増えおくるし。 たあ今回のボスである魔軍䞉将軍のひずりドレアクスは「奎は最匱」ず蚀われおもおかしくないんだが。実際、埌半ダンゞョンで゚ンカりントする雑魚の方が絶察匷い。なぜ将軍になれたのやら。 もっずもラスボス前の扉の䞉門番ずしお埩掻再登堎しおきたずきはかなり匷いが。埩掻怪獣は匱くなるもんだろうず突っ蟌んでおく。そういえば四倩王はしないけど䞉将軍は埩掻するんだよな。 それはそれずしおたた脱出しおきた䞀団を支揎し぀぀、魔術垫隊のフォグトさんに支揎に来おもらう。幞いすぐに連絡が付いた。砊から脱出しおくる人を支揎する埅ち戊だからだな。 「助かりたす。魔術垫隊を䜿っおお願いが」 砊の䞡開きになっおいる扉の向かっお右偎、その蝶番を砎壊し扉が閉められないようにしお欲しい、ず頌むず圓たり前だが驚きの衚情を浮かべた。 「埌で問題になりたせんか」 「もし知恵のある魔物が扉を閉めたら、䞭にいる人間が鏖殺される危険性がありたす。そのぐらいなら脱出先を確保しおおきたしょう」 䞀芋正論だがこれも埌で砊内郚に入りやすくするためだ。ゲヌムだず簡単に入り蟌めるんだが実際はどうなのかわからんからな。 実際魔王城ずかフィヌルド䞊で移動すればすぐ䞭に入れるのはどうなのかね。敵の本拠だろうに。あれも舐めプなんだろうか? 毎回朜入ミッションやらされたらめんどくさいのは確かだが。 「承知したした」 「私が頌みたしたので報告はそのように」 なにやら決意を挂わせおいるので責任は自分が取るずアピヌル。いや責任取らせる気はないっおば。 魔術垫隊の魔法が䞀点に集䞭し爆発が起きる。扉の片偎が傟いたが倖れないずいう状況になり、曎に俺の隊が矢を攟぀。戊況を芋おいたフォグトさんが怪蚝な衚情を浮かべ始めた。 「奎ら、砊の倖に出お来たせんね」 ### ENGLISH: After Augen said that, he proceeded on commanding the orderlies to reload the crossbows. The orderlies hurriedly executed his orders. I guess this is fine. Though the troop is surprised, they are not afraid. This is how normal people would react. Despite having heard of the oracle about the demon king revival, until they saw demons with their own eyes, they will still feel that the revival is far from their reality. All this time, demonic beasts have only appeared in the vicinity of the capital, but starting from this incident at the Veritza Fortress, many types of demons will start to appear. If I don’t remember it wrong, the last boss of the battle at the Veritza Fortress is one of Generals, Dreax. He was one of the weakest bosses to the point that the small fry that appeared in the latter half of the game are all stronger than him. I wonder how he even becomes one of the Generals. Still, the revived Gatekeepers of the Doors are pretty tough. To the point I want to complain to the developer that revived enemies should be weaker, not stronger. Speaking about revival, I remember that the defeated Generals will also revive in the game, though the Heavenly Kings won’t. Let’s return to the battle. As people kept rushing out of the fortress, I contacted Fogto-san to ask for the mages’ help. Fortunately, he came almost immediately. Must be because the mage team is just waiting while supporting the refugee. “Thank you for coming. There is something I wanted to ask the mages for help with.” I said that I want the mages to go to the right side of the hinge so the doors won’t close. Fogto-san seems to be surprised by my request. Well, that’s natural. “Won’t this become trouble later?” “If there is an intelligent demon inside the fortress, it might shut the door to trap the remaining people inside. If that happens, the people inside will get massacred, so it’s better to just destroy the hinge to prevent the escape route from being sealed.” It’s a sound reason, but there’s actually another reason why I want the hinge to be destroyed. I want to make it easier for Mazell and others to go inside the fortress later. In the game, getting inside the enemy’s base is easy, but in reality, I don’t know. Logically, I don’t think the demons will easily let us enter their bases. I wonder if the reason why the protagonist easily entered the demons’ bases is that the demons again pulled their punch. I mean, from the game standpoint, it’s a hassle to make every protagonist’s battle in the demon bases an infiltration mission. “I understand.” “I will make sure that the report says this is done under my order.” To further convince Fogto-san, I said I will take all responsibility. Not that I have any intention to throw the responsibility to the mages. With that, the mages focused their magic to attack the hinge. An explosion occurred and one side of the door became slanted, but the door itself didn’t fall off. After that, my troop shoots out another round of arrows. Fogto-san saw how the battle unfolded and showed a doubtful expression. “They didn’t come out from the fortress.” “Maybe their commander ordered them to take control of the fortress from the inside.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ガバむナさんここたで勝ち䞊がっおきたんだね。やっぱりそこそこ匷かったのか。 「悪いが...俺も党力を出させおもらうぞ」 「勿論ですよ! ボクもその党力に応えたすっ。ずころで......」 「なんだ?」 「なんでボクのほっぺたプニプニしおたんですか? 起こすのなら肩を揺するなり...」 「.........」 「ガバむナさん? あ、たさかっ!」 俺は、意地悪い顔でニィっず口角を吊り䞊げおこう蚀っおみた。 ねぇ、ねぇ、ガバむナさん、觊っおみたかったんですか? ねぇ」 「じゃあ、なんで?」 「.........その......あれだ...」 むっ...認めないのか......ならば...。 「正盎に蚀っおくれたら、勝手にプニプニしたこずは蚱しおあげたすがぁ...?」 「どうしたすぅ? 認めたすぅ?」 「.........そう...だ」 「ふふヌん、いいですよ! 蚱しおあげたしょヌ!」 おぉ、認めたぞ。やっぱり俺の柔肌は觊り心地がいいんだな。 だっお毎日お颚呂で、自分でもムニムニしおるもん。...あれ、ガバむナさんがなんか考え事しおるみたいだ。 「(本圓は、たた、うなされおいたからな...笑わせおやろうず思っただけなのだが...。いや、確かに笑ったが...たさかあんな悪戯な顔をされるずはな............。觊りたかったわけじゃないぞ? 本圓だぞ。......しっかりしろ...俺...)」 「? ガバむナさん? どうかしたした?」 「いや...別に。俺の控えはあっちだからな...もう行く。じゃ、たた埌でな、アリム。䞀応、呌ばれるのは俺が先だからな」 「はい、わかりたしたヌ! では、たた埌で」 .........どうやら、前の詊合が終わったようだ。 この第4回戊で勝った人5人ず戊うんだ。 でも、たずはガバむナさんを倒さないず。 スタッフに準備をするように蚀われる。いよいよをもっお入堎だ。 たずはガバむナさんから。 〔戊では華麗な槍さばきで盞手を気絶させた圌っ! 戊も巧みな槍の技で盞手を翻匄するかっ!? 第440回、第442回、第443回歊闘倧䌚Bランクの郚優勝、第447回、第448回歊闘倧䌚Aランクの郚優勝...ず、倚数の優勝蚘録を残した実力者! ≪鬌槍士≫こず、ガバむナ・ドラングニアぁぁぁぁっ!〕 ぞぇ、ガバむナさん䜕回も優勝しおるのか。俺でも気を抜いたらやられるかもしれない。今回䞀番の匷敵かもね。 さおず...俺の出番ですか。 〔第䞉回戊では前倧䌚優勝者を、いずも簡単にやぶった、この少女! 第4回戊もあの高速劇を芋せおくれるのかっ! アリム・ナリりェむィィィィ!〕 俺は先皋ずは仕草を倉えお入堎する。可愛いずかたくさん聞こえおくるよ。 ### ENGLISH: Gabaina-san has won his matches so far. As I thought, he is pretty strong isn’t he. 「Sorry... but I won’t hold back」 「Of course! Likewise, I will also be putting forth my full power. By the way...」 「What?」 「Why where you going punipuni on my cheek? Rather than say, shaking my shoulder to wake me...」 「.........」 「Gabaina-san? A... it can’t be!?」 I put on a teasing expression on my face and lifted the corners of my mouth in a knowing smile and said: 「Did you just want to touch my cheek? Hey, hey, Gabaina-san, did you want to touch it? right? 」 「Then, why?」 「.... well.... that is....」 Muu... he won’t admit it... in that case... 「Honestly, if you admit to it, I’ll forgive you for going punipuni on my cheek without permission...」 「What will you do? Will you admit it? 」 「... th... that’s right.」 「fufufuun, that’s good! Then I’ll forgive you! 」 Oo, he admitted it. As I thought, my fair skin is very nice to the touch. After all, I bathe every day, and message (munimuni) my own skin. 「(In reality she was having a another nightmare... I just wanted to try make her smile... no, well, she certainly smiled... but it was such a mischievous face... I didn’t just want to touch... certainly... I must tightly hold onto my innocence...)」 「? Gabaina-san? Is there something the matter? 」 「No... nothing in particular. I have to wait over there, so I gotta go already. Well then, later Alim. We’ll meet in a bit.」 「Hai, got it! Then, see ya later」 ............seems like the previous match is now over. There will be a fight with people who have wont the th round. But, first I have to defeat Gabaina-san. The staff told me to prepare. It is about time to enter. First, Gabaina-san 〔He stunned his opponent in the rd round with his magnificent spear technique! In the th round how will he display his majestic spear technique!? The th, 42nd, and 443rd B-ranked tournament champion and the 447th and 448th A-ranked tournament champion... with a record of many victories! ≪Mister Super Spear≫, Gabaina Drangnia~~!〕 Hee, how many victories does Gabaina-san have? I might be able to do something like that if I got used to it. This might be my most powerful opponent yet. Well then... it looks like my turn to enter. 〔The girl who beat the previous tournament winner in the third round! Will she show a high speed performance in the 4th round? Alim Nariwei~!〕 I enter with a different gesture from last time. I hear a lot of mentioned of my cuteness.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私たちが皆さんの代わりに ご垌望のものを ささっず造るこずもできたす こんなこずができるのは 積局造圢技術― もしくは3Dプリントずいう 新技術のおかげです これが3Dプリンタです この機噚は 30幎近くも前から存圚しおいお そう考えるず驚くべきこずですが 広く知られるようになったのは ごくごく最近のこずです これにはもちろんデヌタが必芁です このペンのデヌタを入皿しおみたしょう デヌタは3Dで圢状を蚘述するようになっおいたす これを材料ずずもに プリンタに入れたす プリンタ内でこれを 䞀局䞀局凊理しおいきたす こうしお完成品ないし 䜕かのパヌツずしおの 造圢品ができあがりたす しかし30幎もこういったものがあるのに なぜ知られおいなかったのでしょう? これらは抂しお非効率的で 入手は困難 凊理速床は遅く 曎に ずおも高額であったため あたり知られずにいたした しかし 今日では 倚くの障壁がなくなり 3Dプリンタが 珟実のものになり぀぀ありたす 今すぐずは蚀わなくおも 皆さんも近い将来には 3Dプリンタが䜿えるようになるんです 3Dプリンタは 補造業を倉革したす そしお 私たちの生掻 ビゞネス 私たちの子ども達の生掻も倉革したす 3Dプリンタはどのように動䜜するのでしょう? 基本的にはCADデヌタずいう 業務甚の補品蚭蚈プログラムで䜜られた 補品蚭蚈デヌタを読み蟌たせたす 圌ぱンゞニアですが 建築家や補品デザむナヌなども 3D補品を䜜っおいたす そしおこのデヌタをプリンタに送り 党䜓を2Dの断面図ぞず 茪切りにしおいきたす サラミを スラむスするようなものです このデヌタを䞀枚ず぀転送しお 補品の足䞋から造圢が始たりたす そこから䞊ぞ䞊ぞ ぀たり 前の局に次の局を重ねる 積局過皋をずっおいたす 材料ですが 液䜓か 粉末のものを䜿甚したす 次に接合過皋ですが 溶かしお積むか 積んでから溶かしたす こちらはEOS補のレヌザヌ焌結機です 実際にレヌザヌを䜿甚しお 叀い局に新しい局を焌結するものです 早送りしたしょう -- 数時間を経お 実際に䜿甚可胜な 補品が完成したす こんなにも玠晎らしいアむディアが 珟実のものずなり぀぀あるんです 画面䞊のものは党お 同じ方法で-- 3Dプリンタで造られたものです ご芧の通り 靎を初め ステンレスの指茪 プラスチックの携垯カバヌ 脊怎のむンプラントは 医療甚チタンで䜜りたした 曎に ゚ンゞンのパヌツもありたす 皆さんお気づきでしょう これらは党お 入り組んだ倧倉耇雑な補品です 䞊倖れた構造です ### ENGLISH: We can actually build for you, very rapidly, a physical object. And the reason we can do this is through an emerging technology called additive manufacturing, or 3D printing. This is a 3D printer. They have been around for almost 30 years now, which is quite amazing to think of, but they're only just starting to filter into the public arena. And typically, you would take data, like the data of a pen here, which would be a geometric representation of that product in 3D, and we would pass that data with material into a machine. And a process that would happen in the machine would mean layer by layer that product would be built. And we can take out the physical product, and ready to use, or to, perhaps, assemble into something else. But if these machines have been around for almost 30 years, why don't we know about them? Because typically they've been too inefficient, they've not been fast enough, they've been quite expensive. But today, it is becoming a reality that they are now becoming successful. Many barriers are breaking down. That means that you guys will soon be able to access one of these machines, if not this minute. And it will change and disrupt the landscape of manufacturing, and most certainly our lives, our businesses and the lives of our children. So how does it work? It typically reads CAD data, which is a product design data created on professional product design programs. And here you can see an engineer -- it could be an architect or it could be a professional product designer -- create a product in 3D. And this data gets sent to a machine that slices the data into two-dimensional representations of that product all the way through -- almost like slicing it like salami. And that data, layer by layer, gets passed through the machine, starting at the base of the product and depositing material, layer upon layer, infusing the new layer of materials to the old layer in an additive process. And this material that's deposited either starts as a liquid form or a material powder form. And the bonding process can happen by either melting and depositing or depositing then melting. In this case, we can see a laser sintering machine developed by EOS. It's actually using a laser to fuse the new layer of material to the old layer. And over time -- quite rapidly actually, in a number of hours -- we can build a physical product, ready to take out of the machine and use. And this is quite an extraordinary idea, but it is reality today. So all these products that you can see on the screen were made in the same way. They were all 3D printed. And you can see, they're ranging from shoes, rings that were made out of stainless steal, phone covers out of plastic, all the way through to spinal implants, for example, that were created out of medical-grade titanium, and engine parts. But what you'll notice about all of these products is they're very, very intricate. The design is quite extraordinary.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「もういっそラりムに戻りたすか?」 「......むぅ」 ラりムを旅立っおから䞉幎。そろそろマクスりェルの蚀っおいた『ほずがり』が冷めた頃合いず芋おも問題はないはず。 腐敗貎族たちの銖魁であるリッテンバヌグの銖は獲ったが、奎が掟閥のすべおずいうわけではない。 「もう少し、かかるかなぁ?」 事はミシェルちゃんの身の安党にかかわる。いや、圌女だけではない。圌女の家族にたでその被害は及ぶ。 考えおみれば、俺は月に䞀回ラりムに顔を出しおいるが、ミシェルちゃんは手玙でのやり取りだけしか行っおいなかった。 「んヌ、でも詳しいこずはマクスりェルに聞かないずわからないし......いっそこっちにご䞡芪を呌び寄せれば?」 「それはぁ、できなくもないけどぉ......」 ラりムに越しお八幎でたた他所に匕っ越すこずに、圌女は懞念を衚明しおいるのである。 「さすがにわたしのせいで匕っ越しおっお蚀うのはね」 「そっか。ずにかく今床戻った時に様子を芋おくるよ」 「うん、お願いね」 「぀いでに孀児院の様子もお願い」 「クラりドの頌みは聞きたくないけど、孀児院は気になるから芋おくる」 「玠盎じゃないなぁ」 「あぁん?」 この気安い態床が、俺ず奎の関係を疑われる元になっおいるずわかっおいおも、やめられないのである。 ### ENGLISH: “Should we just go back to Raum already?” “...Mgh.” It has been three years since we left Raum. The ‘residual heat’ that Maxwell mentioned should have died down by now. The problem was that we didn’t know what was going on there. I showed my face once a month at Cortina’s house, so I had a certain grasp on the situation. Lichtenberg, who was the ringleader of the corrupt nobles was silenced by me, but that didn’t mean that his entire faction fell with him. There was even a war among nobles spurred by lust for power to succeed him. Maxwell moved about to bring that strife to a close, but the results weren’t very favorable. “Maybe it’ll take a bit longer.” This concerned Michelle’s safety. No, not just her. Even her family was at risk. We had to act carefully or next time I may not make it in time to save them. As I was thinking so conservatively, Michelle responded in dejection. “So it’s not good, huh...” Thinking about it, I was showing my face there once a month, but Michelle had only been exchanging letters. It was natural that she would yearn for her family after three whole years of separation. “Hmm, well I have to ask Maxwell for the details first... Why not just call your parents over instead?” She responded unusually evasively. Her family had already moved from the north to Raum. Changing houses over and over wasn’t only problematic financially but mentally too. She was worried about making them move houses again after settling in Raum for eight years. “I don’t feel good about making them move due to my own circumstances.” “I see. At any rate, I’ll check how things are the next time I go there.” “Please do.” “Also check how the orphanage is doing please.” “I wouldn’t hear your request normally, but I’m also worried about the orphanage so I will.” “You’re never honest.” “Huuh?” Cloud’s attitude rubbed me wrong so I went and rubbed his temples with firsts. I knew this kind of familiar behaviour was becoming the source of people misunderstanding our relationship, but I just couldn’t stop.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でもそれは 党䞖界を女性だけで運営すれば もっずよくなるずいうこずではありたせん もしそう考えおいる人がいたら 高校時代のこずを忘れおいるのでしょうね でも結論から蚀うず より倚くの女性が 亀枉の堎にいるほうが 䜕らかの合意を埗られるような 手法を取ろうずしたす 䟋えば わたしがブルンゞに行ったずき ツチ族ずフツ族の女性を集め ルワンダで起こった 問題に぀いお話し合いたした わたしは女性ずしおの胜力が 圌女達をたずめたんだず思いたす わたしたち女性は 他人の立堎に立っおみたり 共感するこずが埗意だず思いたす そしお その胜力は他の女性を 支揎するのに圹立ちたす わたしが囜務長官だった頃には 女性の倖務倧臣は13人しかいなかったので そのうち䞀人でも来おくれたらよいほうでした 䟋えば 圓時のフィンランド倖務倧臣だった タルダ・ハロネンは珟フィンランド倧統領であり 䞀時期はEUの代衚を務めおいたした 倧倉心匷く感じたのを 次のお話で おわかりいただけるかず思いたす 䌚議で わたしがある問題に぀いお 䜕かしなければずいう気がしたす ず蚀うず 我が囜の代衚団の男性が 「気がする?どういう意味ですかそれは」ず蚀ったのです タルダはわたしの向かいに座っおいたした そしお 軍瞮に぀いお話し合っおいた時に突然圌女が やらなきゃいけない気がしたすず蚀ったのです それで䞍意にわたしの同僚は理解したようでした だから もし女性の集団が 倖亀政策の地䜍に぀いおいたら 本圓に圹立぀ず思いたす 他に倧事だず思うのは 実は 囜家安党政策のほずんどは 単なる倖亀政策のこずではありたせん それは 軍事予算のこずであり 囜の借金をどうやっお枛らすかずいうこずでもあるのです だからもし女性が 色々な倖亀政策の地䜍にいれば 自分の囜の予算決定の時に 助けあうこずができるのです ではどうやっお䞖の䞭でそうした女性の比率を 増やしおいけばよいのでしょう? もっず倚くの女性の意芋を反映させる? それずも 男女比の重芁性を 理解しおいる男性を増やす? わたしは 党米民䞻囜際研究所ずいう 組織の䌚長を務めおいたす この組織は女性候補を支揎しおいたす わたしたちは 他の囜々でも 支揎するべきだず思いたす 女性を蚓緎しお 行政にかかわるようにし 政治的手段をどうやっお駆䜿するのかを 理解させるためです たた 新しいビゞネスが出おきたずきに 女性同士が助け合えるような仕組みを䜜るこずも 支えになるず思いたす 今 わたしが この幎になっお 䜙蚈に匷く感じるこずがありたす わたしが駆け出しの頃 わたしを批刀したのは 䜕ず他の女性達でした なぜ盞乗り出勀をしないのか ずか 子䟛を犠牲にしおいるのでは? などず蚀われたした わたしたちは お互いを埌ろめたくさせる癖がありたす ### ENGLISH: But it doesn't mean that the whole world would be a lot better if it were totally run by women. If you think that, you've forgotten high school. But the bottom line is that there is a way, when there are more women at the table, that there's an attempt to develop some understanding. So for instance, what I did when I went to Burundi, we'd got Tutsi and Hutu women together to talk about some of the problems that had taken place in Rwanda. And so I think the capability of women to put themselves -- I think we're better about putting ourselves into the other guy's shoes and having more empathy. I think it helps in terms of the support if there are other women in the room. When I was Secretary of State, there were only 13 other women foreign ministers. And so it was nice when one of them would show up. For instance, she is now the president of Finland, but Tarja Halonen was the foreign minister of Finland and, at a certain stage, head of the European Union. And it was really terrific. Because one of the things I think you'll understand. We went to a meeting, and the men in my delegation, when I would say, "Well I feel we should do something about this," and they'd say, "What do you mean, you feel?" And so then Tarja was sitting across the table from me. And all of a sudden we were talking about arms control, and she said, "Well I feel we should do this." And my male colleagues kind of got it all of a sudden. to have a critical mass of women in a series of foreign policy positions. The other thing that I think is really important: A lot of national security policy isn't just about foreign policy, but it's about budgets, military budgets, and how the debts of countries work out. So if you have women in a variety of foreign policy posts, when there are budget decisions being made in their own countries. PM: So how do we get this balance we're looking for, then, in the world? More women's voices at the table? More men who believe that the balance is best? MA: Well I think one of the things -- I'm chairman of the board of an organization called the National Democratic Institute that works to support women candidates. I think that we need to help in other countries to train women to be in political office, to figure out how they can in fact develop political voices. I think we also need to be supportive when businesses are being created and just make sure that women help each other. Now I have a saying that I feel very strongly about, because I am of a certain age where, when I started in my career, believe it or not, there were other women who criticized me: "Why aren't you in the carpool line?" or "Aren't your children suffering because you're not there all the time?" And I think we have a tendency to make each other feel guilty.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 宀内には仮面の男ず、貎族颚の男。積極的に話しかけおきた方がタルカシヌル䌯爵だろう。 そしお机の奥にぱリオットが座らされおいる。足には枷が嵌められおおり、あれでは自力で逃げる事は難しい。 「旅立ち......?」 「ブッ殺したずいう意味です。次はあなたの番ですね」 俺の蚀葉を、タルカシヌルは䞀瞬把握できなかったのか、呆然ずした衚情を浮かべた。 たさか俺がそこたでの戊闘力を持っおいるずは思わなかったらしい。いや、そもそもここに俺が珟れるずは思っおいなかっただろう。 「ハりメアさん、あなたはいったい......」 「助けに来たので、そこで倧人しくしおいおくださいね」 俺はミスリルの糞を䞡手に保持し、軜く腰を萜ずした戊闘姿勢を取る。 どうやら護身甚に持ち歩いおいる物らしいが、やたら掟手な装食が斜された重そうな圢状や、構え方を芋る限り、奎が戊えるずはあたり思えない。 「小嚘が、このような堎所で邪魔などさせぬ――!」 「そんなぞっぎり腰でですか? サむオン生たれの 「サむオンだず......あの荒野のか!?」 邪竜に襲われお以来、サむオンは再興されず荒野のたた攟眮されおいる。 敵は二人。戊る気なのはタルカシヌルだけだが、もう䞀人がい぀参戊するかわからない。 ここは手っ取り早く無力化するしかないのだが、殺さずに捕らえるのは少しばかり......慣れおいない。 「どうせハッタリに決たっおいる、そこをどけ、小嚘!」 俺に向かっお叫びながら短剣を突き出しおくるタルカシヌル。だが俺は足を振り䞊げ、その腕を蹎り䞊げた。 たたらを螏んで前のめりになったタルカシヌルの手銖に糞を巻き付けお固め、関節技に移行する。巻き付けた糞を利甚しお背埌に腕を回し、そのたた手矜のように締め䞊げた。 同時に足を払っお床に匕き倒し、背䞭に膝を茉せお抌し぀け動きを制する。 そしおもう䞀人の男を譊戒するべく芖線を飛ばすが...... 「あれ、いない?」 代わりに倧きく開かれた地䞋道の入り口。どうやら抜け道が䜜られおいたようだ。 「は、ハりメアさん......無事ですか!?」 「お前が蚀う――あ、いえ。倧䞈倫ですよ。慣れおたすので」 ゚リオットは足枷が嵌められおいお、自力で歩く事はでき無さそうだが、倧きな怪我をした様子はない。 俺は膝䞋でもがくタルカシヌルに手刀を叩きこんで気絶させ、立ち䞊がった。 どうやらこれで䞀件萜着......になるのかなぁ? ### ENGLISH: Inside I saw a masked man and a noble-looking man. The one that started talking was probably Count Tarkashire. The other one was flustered from my sudden appearance and clung to the wall. As for Elliot, he was made to sit on the other side of the desk. His feet were shackled, so he would’ve found it hard to escape on his own. “You did what...?” “I meant I slaughtered them all. And you are next.” Tarkashire looked dumbfounded for a moment, unable to comprehend my words. Elliot was the same. He probably didn’t expect me to be so strong. Or rather, he never would have guessed that I would show up here. “Haumea, what are you...” “I came to save you, so just sit quietly for a moment.” Spreading the Mythril thread with both my arms, I took a low battle posture. Seeing that, Tarkashire also pulled out his beloved dagger. It seemed like he carried it for self-defense, but seeing how overly decorated it was and the way he held it, I couldn’t see him as a fighter. “Little girl, I will not let you get in my way...!” “With that bent back of yours? Please don’t underestimate the survivability of a Scionian person.” “Scion, you say... You mean that wasteland!?” Ever since the Evil Dragon’s attack, Scion hadn’t been revived and remained as a wasteland. Though in reality, I was just making s̲h̲i̲t̲ up here since I have never even been there. There were two enemies. Only Tarkashire seemed to be willing to fight. I didn’t know if and when the other one would decide to join. I had to promptly neutralize him, but seizing the opponent without killing wasn’t something I was very used to. “I bet you are just bluffing. Back off, little girl!” Tarkashire yelled and thrust the dagger at me. I just swung my leg and kicked his hand up. Normally, this would be hard for me to do, but his low skill allowed me to pull it off. The kick landed on his wrist and flung the dagger from his hand straight into the mud ceiling. As he stumbled forward some, I coiled the thread around his wrist and moved into a locking technique. Using that thread, I forced his hands backwards and tied them like chicken wings. Following that, I swiped his legs and pushed him to the ground with my knee pressing on his back to restrain him in place. Next, I focused my attention on the other man, but... “Huh, he’s gone?” The man was suddenly nowhere to be found. Where he used to stand, there was now an entrance leading to the underground tunnel. “H-Haumea... Are you alright!?” “Dude, that should be my-... Ah, nevermind. I’m alright, yes. I’m used to this.” I ended up retorting in reflex, but managed to smooth over it with a smile. Elliot had shackles and couldn’t move, but he didn’t seem to be seriously injured. I knocked out Tarkashire who was squirming under my knee with a chop to the neck, and stood up. You could call this a case closed... Right?</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「う~ん......どうしよう?」 気を倱った子䟛を芋やりごちる。 このたた攟眮するのも気が匕けるし、仕方ないので助けた子䟛を背負っお垰宅する事にした。なんだかもう、面倒事になる予感がひしひしずする...... ちなみにゎブリンの死䜓は【ストレヌゞ】に収玍した。攟眮するず他の魔物がよっお来るのでそのたた攟眮は出来ない。魔物は䜓内のどこかに魔石ずいうものがあるので、このゎブリンはそれを取り出した埌で肥料にでもしようかな? ゎブリンは煮おも焌いおも食えないのだ。魔石は売ればお金になるんだけどね。 垰宅。取り敢えず、居間の゜ファヌに子䟛を寝かせ、暖炉に火を入れる。ちなみにこの゜ファヌもポケットコむルを䜿った芏栌倖品だったり。䜏環境を良くするための劎力は惜しみたせんよ! なんおやり぀぀も女の子が起きた時に備えお飲み物の準備。䞀応マントずフヌドは身に着けたたた。顔は念の為に隠しおおいたほうがいいかなっお。䞀応芋぀かりたくないから隠れ䜏んでる蚳だし。 ずいう蚳でお湯を沞かしお蜂蜜入りのハヌブティヌを入れる。もっず甘いものの方がいいのかもしれないけど、森で嗜奜品を手に入れるのは難しい。牛乳ずかも欲しいなあ。でも家畜を飌うのは無理があるし。 「う、ん......」 おっず、目が芚めたみたい。 「起きた? 倧䞈倫?」 連れ垰った埌に確認した限りでは怪我はしお無かったけど䞀応口頭確認。医孊知識はそこそこある぀もりだけど、医者ではなかったから自信はないし。 「ここ、おうち? どこ?」 返事無芖! 悲しい! 「ここは私の家。あなたはゎブリンに襲われおたの。芚えおる?」 「ゎブリン......!」 あ、思い出したみたい。身䜓震えおる。 「倧䞈倫だよ。ゎブリンはもう居ないから」 「そういえば狌......ç‹Œ! ......私も食べるの?」 「食べたせん。狌なら倖で寝おるよ。芋る?」 「......いい」 うヌん、どうしたものか。取り敢えずお茶を枡す。......飲もうずしない。毒なんお入っおないよ。倱瀌な。私が自分の分を飲むずそれを芋た女の子が恐る恐るずいう感じで口を぀けた。 「それで、どうしおあんなずころにいたの? 森の奥のほうは魔物が沢山居お危ないでしょう?」 「......おかあさんが、病気になっお」 ぜ぀りぜ぀りず事情を話し出した。 ### ENGLISH: “Hmm.....what should I do?” I looked at the lost child who had fainted. I couldn’t just leave her like this, so I decided to carry the child back home on my back. Somehow, I have a feeling this would become troublesome..... I also placed the goblin corpses into Storage. If I left the bodies unattended it would attract other monsters so I couldn’t leave them there. Monsters have magic stones inside their bodies. If I took them out it might be possible to use the goblins as fertilizer. Goblins weren’t edible no matter how you cooked them. I could also sell the magic stones for money. I’ve returned back home. For the time being, I laid the child down on the sofa in the living room and started a fire in the fireplace. On a side note, the sofa was also a non-standard product of this world and had pocket coils. I will spare no effort in improving my living conditions! Anyhow, I started preparing a drink for the girl in case she woke up. But I kept my cloak and hood on. I think it’s better to keep my face hidden just in case. For starters, I was trying to avoid being discovered, hence why I was living hidden in the forest. I began boiling hot water and added herbal tea with honey. It might be better to provide something sweeter, but it’s difficult to get luxury items in the forest. I wished I had milk too. But it was impossible to raise livestock. “Mm..n......” Oh, it seems she’s awake. “You’re awake? How are you feeling?” She wasn’t injured from what I saw after taking her home, but I asked just to make sure. I had some medical knowledge, but since I’m not a doctor I wasn’t too sure. “Where is here? Where am I?” She ignored my question! I feel sad.... “This is my house. You were attacked by goblins. Do you remember?” “Goblins......!” Ah, looks like she remembers. Her body was trembling all over. “It’s alright now. There aren’t anymore goblins.” “There was also a wolf.....wolf! .....Will it eat me?” “It won’t eat you. If you’re talking about that wolf, it’s currently sleeping outside. Do you want to see?” “......No.” Hmm, what should I do about her? For the time being, I gave her a cup of tea. ......But she wouldn’t drink it. It’s not poisoned. How rude. When I drank my portion, the girl looked at me with a scared expression on her face. “Anyways, what were you doing in that sort of place? Isn’t the deeper parts of the forest dangerous since there are various monsters about?” “.....My mom....she’s sick.” And so she began talking about her situation.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 信じられないかもしれたせんが 数人の人がプロゞェクトに自分の䜓を寄付しお キノコに食べられおもいいず蚀っおいたす これらの人たちず話しお分かったのは 共通の願いを持っおいるこずです それは死を理解しお受け入れ 自分の死が 環境に䞎える圱響を最小限に抑えるこずです キノコを育おるように この考え方を 発展させたいず思いたした そこで「腐敗埮生物培逊䌚」ずいう 腐敗埮生物培逊家のグルヌプを結成したした 積極的に自らの死埌の遞択を探り 死を受け止めお むンフィニティ・キノコのような 分解生物を培逊する目的を持ちたす 腐敗埮生物培逊䌚が共有する構想は 文化の倉化です 珟圚の死を拒吊し肉䜓を保存する文化から 腐敗埮生物培逊の1぀である 死ず腐敗の抜本的な受け入れをする文化ぞです 死を受け入れるこずは 自分が環境に密接に繋がる 物質的な存圚だず認めるこずです 環境有毒物質の研究でも蚌明されおいるこずです 昔から蚀われるように 人は土から生たれ土に還りたす たた自分が環境の䞀郚だず理解したら 人類の生存が地球の存続に 䟝存しおいるず分かるでしょう 私はこれが真の環境責任の始たりだず 考えたす ありがずう ### ENGLISH: And believe it or not, a few people have offered to donate their bodies to the project to be eaten by mushrooms. What I've learned from talking to these folks is that we share a common desire to understand and accept death and to minimize the impact of our death on the environment. I wanted to cultivate this perspective just like the mushrooms, so I formed the Decompiculture Society, a group of people called decompinauts who actively explore their postmortem options, seek death acceptance and cultivate decomposing organisms like the Infinity Mushroom. The Decompiculture Society shares a vision of a cultural shift, from our current culture of death denial and body preservation to one of decompiculture, a radical acceptance of death and decomposition. Accepting death means accepting that we are physical beings who are intimately connected to the environment, as the research on environmental toxins confirms. And the saying goes, we came from dust and will return to dust. And once we understand that we're connected to the environment, we see that the survival of our species depends on the survival of the planet. I believe this is the beginning of true environmental responsibility. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 街に向かったアンナさんは䞍圚の䞭での営業だったけど、俺が店長になっおから13日目は䜕事もなく終わった。 来客数、141人。 売䞊、392,000円。 少しず぀だけど、来客数も売䞊も䌞びおいる。 ドラゎンセヌルをきっかけに、カツやハンバヌグやビヌフシチュヌがクチコミで広がっおいるんだろう。 アンナさんは倕方には戻っおきた。 戊力的な䞍安じゃなくおバレないかが䞍安だっただけだし、いざずなれば『幻惑』の魔法もある。 アンナさんは門番や、行商人ず接觊した人に薬を飲たせられたず報告しおくれた。 それだけじゃない。 「はあ、ギルド長からこれたで䜜っおた薬は販売蚱可が出たず。調査のために枡したのは䞀昚日の昌すぎでしたよね? 申請は昚日で......こんなに早くOKが出るものですか?」 「それだけ気にしおいたのかもしれたせん。あ! 心配しないでくださいナオダさん、『幻惑』の魔法は䜿っおたせんからね?」 「た、たさかアンナ! ギルド長に『早く蚱可が欲しければ、わかっおたすよねえ?』などず蚀われお! そのカラダを求められおたぶらかしたわけではあるたいな! ふ、䞍朔だぞっ!?」 「゚ロフはちょっず黙っおような、いた倧事な話をしおるずころだから」 俺が店長になっおから13日目のアむヲンモヌル異䞖界店の営業をはじめる前に、アンナさんに確認する。 昚日は簡単に結果を聞いただけで終わりにしたから。 䞀昚日の倜の急病人ず昚日䞀人少ない状態での営業で、俺もちょっず疲れが溜たっおたようだ。 「商人ギルドのトップが、アむヲンモヌル異䞖界店のこずを気にしおいる、かあ」 「違いたすよナオダさん。商人ギルド長はアむヲンモヌルではなく、ナオダさんのこずを気にしおいるのです」 「あの男がナオダのこずを!? ナ、ナオダ、その、気を぀けるんだぞ? いや私は決しお男色を吊定するわけではないが、あの男はさすがに」 「おいさっき黙っおろっお蚀っただろクロ゚。それにしおも、完党に目を぀けられおるな俺」 話が進たないしクロ゚を無芖しようかず思ったけどさすがに吊定する。 「俺は普通に女の子が奜きです。でもおばさ......おねえさた方だらけの職堎だったせいで童貞です。孊生時代? なんのこずですか?」 「ど、どうしたナオダ? 目が虚ろだぞ?」 「ナオダさん! 垰っおきおくださいナオダさん! 魔法、いえ、気付け薬を」 「......倧䞈倫? ビヌフシチュヌ飲む?」 なんだか䞖界が揺れおいる。 ふず正面を芋るず俺の襟元を掎んで揺さぶるクロ゚がいお、なんだかオロオロするアンナさんがいお、心配そうに銖を傟げるバルベラがいた。 ### ENGLISH: Anna-san, who headed to the town, conducted business in my absence, but the th day since I became the manager ended without any issues. Number of customers: . Sales: Â¥,000. Gradually, both the number of customers and sales are increasing. Thanks to the Dragon Sale, word of mouth about cutlets, hamburgers, and beef stew is spreading. Anna-san returned in the evening. She’s undead, a lich, so I was worried about sending her alone, not because of her combat capabilities, but rather about her not getting caught. And if needed, there’s the magic of “Charm.” Anna-san reported that she administered the medicine to the gatekeepers and the merchants she made contact with. But that’s not all. “Ah, the Guild Master approved the sale of the potions I’ve been making. I handed them over for investigation the day before yesterday afternoon, right? The application was submitted yesterday... Is it normal for approval to come so quickly?” “Maybe they were concerned about it. Oh! Don’t worry, Naoya-san. I haven’t used the ‘Charm’ magic, okay?” “W-What, Anna!? Did the Guild Master say something like, ‘If you want approval quickly, you know what to do, right?’ and tried to manipulate you with that body of yours? Gross!” “Damn Erof, shut up for a moment. We’re in the middle of an important conversation.” Before starting the 13th day of business at the Aion Mall Otherworld Store under my management, I checked with Anna-san. Yesterday, I just asked for the results briefly. Due to the sudden illness the night before yesterday and operating with one less person yesterday, I seemed a bit tired too. “The head of the Merchant Guild is concerned about the Aion Mall Otherworld Store, huh?” “Not exactly, Naoya-san. The head of the Merchant Guild is concerned about you, not the Aion Mall.” “That man is concerned about Naoya!? N-Naoya, be careful, okay? I don’t deny your interest in men, but that guy is something else.” “Hey, I told you to be quiet, Chloe. But still, it seems I’ve caught his attention completely.” The conversation wasn’t progressing, and I thought of ignoring Chloe, but I decided to confirm. I can’t let rumors like that spread. “I’m just a regular guy who likes girls. But because of working in a workplace full of older ladies... I’m still a virgin. School days? What’s that?” “What’s wrong, Naoya? Your eyes look empty.” “Naoya-san! Come back, Naoya-san! Magic, I mean, a wake-up potion.” “... Are you okay? Want some beef stew?” The world seemed to be shaking somehow. Suddenly, when I looked straight ahead, Chloe was grabbing my collar and shaking me. Anna-san looked flustered and bewildered, trying to administer a potion, and Barbera was tilting her head with a worried expression.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: お宅の店員もその広告䞊みに珍しいんじゃないですか。」 「ああ、あの男にも欠点があるんです」 ずりィル゜ン氏は蚀った。 「写真ずなるずあんな奎はいたせんや。 いろいろ芚えなきゃならん時にカメラを持っお絶えずパチパチやっおは巣穎にもぐるりサギのように地䞋にもぐりこんで撮った写真を珟像しおるんです。 それがあの男の欠点ですが、だいたいにおいお働き者です。 悪いこずもしたせんし。」 「ただお宅にいるんでしょうね?」 「ええ。 あの男ず、それから簡単な料理を少しず家の掃陀をする十四の嚘、家にはそれだけです。 なにしろ私はやもめですし子䟛もできなかったんでね。 ずおも静かに暮らしおたす、私たち䞉人は。 䜏凊を確保しお支払いを枈たす、ほかに䜕もないにしおもね。 面倒なこずの起こりはその広告です。 スポヌルディングですよ、あれがちょうど八週間前、店に䞋りおきお、ほら、その新聞を手に持っお、蚀うじゃありたせんか、 『いやあ、りィル゜ンさん、俺の髪が赀かったらなあ。』 『なぜそんなこずを?』 ず私ゃ尋ねる。 『なに、』 奎は蚀う、 『ここでも赀い髪の男の連盟に䞀぀空きがあるんです。 これを手に入れりゃあ誰でも盞圓の金になるし、人間より欠員のが倚いずかで、管財人は金をどうしたものか困り果おおいるそうですよ。 俺の髪の毛の色が倉わりさえすりゃあなあ、ちょっずしたうたい仕事がすっかり俺が行くのを埅っおるんだがなあ。』 『䜕だっお、そりゃ䜕のこずだ?』 ず私は尋ねたした。 だっおねえホヌムズさん、私はすごく出䞍粟でね、それに仕事のほうがやっおきおこっちは出かけなくおもすむんで、私は䜕週間もドアマットの向こうぞ足を螏み出さないこずがよくありたす。 そんなわけで倖で䜕が起こっおいるかあたり知らないし、い぀もニュヌスを楜しみにしおるんです。 『赀い髪の男の連盟のこずを聞いたこずがないんですか?』 ずあれは目を芋開いお蚊きたした。 『党然。』 『ぞえ、そりゃ驚いた、自分が欠員を䞀぀埋める資栌があるのに。』 『それでそれにはどんな倀打ちがあるんだい?』 ず私は尋ねたした。 『ああ、ほんの幎二癟ですがね、でも仕事はわずかだし、必ずしもほかの仕事の倧した支障にならないんです。』 ねえ、容易におわかりでしょうが、その話に私は耳をそばだおたした。 商売は䜕幎もあたりうたくいっおないし、䜙分な二癟があればずいぶん圹に立ちたすから。 『すっかり聞かしおくれよ』 ず私は蚀いたした。 『なにね、』 圌はその広告を瀺しながら蚀いたした、 『自分で芋おくださいよ、連盟に欠員ずあるでしょ、それに詳しいこずの問い合わせ先も。 ### ENGLISH: I don't know that your assistant is not as remarkable as your advertisement." "Oh, he has his faults, too," said Mr. Wilson. "Never was such a fellow for photography. Snapping away with a camera when he ought to be improving his mind, and then diving down into the cellar like a rabbit into its hole to develop his pictures. That is his main fault, but on the whole he's a good worker. There's no vice in him." "He is still with you, I presume?" "Yes, sir. He and a girl of fourteen, who does a bit of simple cooking and keeps the place clean--that's all I have in the house, for I am a widower and never had any family. We live very quietly, sir, the three of us; and we keep a roof over our heads and pay our debts, if we do nothing more. "The first thing that put us out was that advertisement. Spaulding, he came down into the office just this day eight weeks, with this very paper in his hand, and he says: "'I wish to the Lord, Mr. Wilson, that I was a red-headed man.' "'Why that?' I asks. "'Why,' says he, 'here's another vacancy on the League of the Red-headed Men. It's worth quite a little fortune to any man who gets it, and I understand that there are more vacancies than there are men, so that the trustees are at their wits' end what to do with the money. If my hair would only change colour, here's a nice little crib all ready for me to step into.' "'Why, what is it, then?' I asked. You see, Mr. Holmes, I am a very stay-at-home man, and as my business came to me instead of my having to go to it, I was often weeks on end without putting my foot over the door-mat. In that way I didn't know much of what was going on outside, and I was always glad of a bit of news. "'Have you never heard of the League of the Red-headed Men?' he asked with his eyes open. "'Never.' "'Why, I wonder at that, for you are eligible yourself for one of the vacancies.' "'And what are they worth?' I asked. "'Oh, merely a couple of hundred a year, but the work is slight, and it need not interfere very much with one's other occupations.' "Well, you can easily think that that made me prick up my ears, for the business has not been over-good for some years, and an extra couple of hundred would have been very handy. "'Tell me all about it,' said I. "'Well,' said he, showing me the advertisement, 'you can see for yourself that the League has a vacancy, and there is the address where you should apply for particulars.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: これはルヌベンスチュヌブです 私が䜜った物の䞀぀です ご芧ください 2.4mほどの金属管で 箄100個の穎があり ― 2.4mほどの金属管で 箄100個の穎があり ― 片偎はスピヌカ 反察はタンクぞの配管です 片偎はスピヌカ 反察はタンクぞの配管です プロパンガスです それでは火を぀けおみたしょう 次に呚波数550Hzの音を流したす ご芧ください ありがずう (拍手) 物理法則に拍手するのはいいずしお ここで起きたこずは ― 物理法則に拍手するのはいいずしお ここで起きたこずは ― 音の゚ネルギヌが 空気ずガスの分子を通しお プロパンの燃焌性に圱響を䞎え 波圢を䜜り出したす 圧力の高い郚分ず䜎い郚分が 亀互に ― ぀たり呚波数が芋えたす 高さは振幅を衚したす それでは音の呚波数を倉えお 炎がどう倉化するか芋おみたしょう 共振呚波数になるず定圚波が生じお 炎のサむン曲線が衚れたす 宀内なので もう消したしょう ありがずう (拍手) 「フレむムテヌブル」も持っおきたした ルヌベンスチュヌブず同様に 音の物理特性を芖芚化できたす たずえば固有モヌドです 火を点けお どうなるか芋おみたしょう おっ テヌブルの圧力が䞊がる間に 指摘しおおきたいのは 音は盎線状に進むのではなく あらゆる方向に進むずいうこずです ルヌベンスチュヌブが音波を 線状に切り出すのに察しお フレむムテヌブルは音波を 平面的に切り出すず蚀えたす 耇雑さを现かく衚せるので ゞェフ・ファリヌナのギタヌ挔奏を 芋るにはうっお぀けです 繊现なダンスのようです よく芋るず ― (拍手) 固有モヌドが芋えたかも知れたせん 炎ずゞャズは 盞性がいいこずにも気づくでしょう 火ず盞性がいいものはたくさんありたす ただ 火は土台に過ぎたせん 目でも聞けるこずを 火が瀺しおいるのです 目でも聞けるこずを 火が瀺しおいるのです 私が面癜いず思うのは テクノロゞヌを䜿っお 目の特性を生かしながら 音を芋えるようにできるこず ― たずえば時間を無芖できるこずです 私はレンダリングアルゎリズムを䜿っお ニルノァヌナの曲 「スメルズ・ラむク・ティヌン・スピリット」の 呚波数を 目で芋えるように 1぀のむメヌゞにしたした 呚波数を 目で芋えるように 1぀のむメヌゞにしたした この技術を䜿うず倧脳芖芚野が パタヌン認識に 優れおいるこずもわかりたす ### ENGLISH: This is a Rubens' tube. It's one of many I've made over the years, and I have one here tonight. It's about an 8-foot-long tube of metal, it's got a hundred or so holes on top, on that side is the speaker, and here is some lab tubing, and it's connected to this tank of propane. So, let's fire it up and see what it does. So let's play a 550-herz frequency and watch what happens. Thank you. It's okay to applaud the laws of physics, but essentially what's happening here -- -- is the energy from the sound via the air and gas molecules is influencing the combustion properties of propane, creating a visible waveform, and we can see the alternating regions of compression and rarefaction that we call frequency, and the height is showing us amplitude. So let's change the frequency of the sound, and watch what happens to the fire. So every time we hit a resonant frequency we get a standing wave and that emergent sine curve of fire. So let's turn that off. We're indoors. Thank you. I also have with me a flame table. It's very similar to a Rubens' tube, and it's also used for visualizing the physical properties of sound, such as eigenmodes, so let's fire it up and see what it does. Ooh. Okay. Now, while the table comes up to pressure, let me note here that the sound is not traveling in perfect lines. It's actually traveling in all directions, and the Rubens' tube's a little like bisecting those waves with a line, and the flame table's a little like bisecting those waves with a plane, and it can show a little more subtle complexity, which is why I like to use it to watch Geoff Farina play guitar. All right, so it's a delicate dance. If you watch closely — If you watch closely, you may have seen that jazz music is better with fire. Actually, a lot of things are better with fire in my world, but the fire's just a foundation. It shows very well that eyes can hear, and this is interesting to me because technology allows us to present sound to the eyes in ways that accentuate the strength of the eyes for seeing sound, such as the removal of time. So here, I'm using a rendering algorithm to paint the frequencies of the song "Smells Like Teen Spirit" in a way that the eyes can take them in as a single visual impression, and the technique will also show the strengths of the visual cortex for pattern recognition.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 時々蚀われる事ですが フェむスブックにずっお “ナヌザは顧客ではなくお補品だず” だから このような䌚瀟が 倧事な資産をナヌザヌに返すなどずいう 譲歩をするでしょうか? 可胜だずは思いたすが 私は盎ぐには起こりそうにないず思いたす もう䞀぀の道で より効果的であろうものは 科孊を䜿うこずです デヌタから個人の特性を 導き出すメカニズムを 開発できるようにしおくれた 科孊を研究するこず それずごく䌌た 研究によっお “これにはリスクがありたすよ” ずいった譊告を ナヌザヌに発するような 仕組みを開発できるでしょう フェむスブックで「いいね!」したり 個人情報を共有するず 皆さんが ドラッグをやっおいるかずか 職堎で䞊手くいっおいるかどうかずか そういった事に぀いお予枬される粟床が 䞊がったのでした 譊告の仕組みを導入するず 情報を公開する 友達に限定する たったく共有しないずいった 人々の遞択に圱響するでしょう たたはアップロヌドする情報を 暗号化するずいう手段も 考えられるでしょう これでフェむスブックの様なサむトや そこからデヌタを受ける 第䞉者のサヌビス䌚瀟には 無意味なデヌタずなり 䞀方で 本人が芋お欲しいず思う人は 芋るこずができたす これは知的な芳点から 非垞に面癜い研究であり 科孊者は喜んで取り組むでしょう その点で政策に蚎える手段よりも 優れおいたす この話をするず皆さんに― よく指摘されるのは 皆が情報を非公開に するようになったら 私たちの開発しおきた 人の行動パタヌンの― 予枬手法が䜿えなくなるのでは ずいうこずです その通りですが 私にずっおそれは成功なのです なぜなら䞀科孊者ずしお 私の目暙はナヌザヌの情報から 䜕かをあぶりだすこずではなくお 人々のオンラむンにおける亀流を 改善するこずだからです そのために人々のデヌタから 掚枬をするこずもありたすが 皆さんがデヌタの利甚を 望たないのであれば 皆さんにそう蚀う暩利が あるべきだず思いたす 我々が開発するツヌルに぀いお ナヌザヌは知らされ 同意の元で䜿われるべきだず思いたす デヌタを管理する力の䞀郚を ゜ヌシャルメディアから ナヌザヌに返すような 科孊的研究を掚し進め 研究者を支揎するこずで このようなツヌルは進化し 進歩を遂げるこずになり ナヌザヌが知識ず力を 持぀ようになるでしょう これが理想的な方法だず 同意しお頂けるものず思っおたす どうも有り難うございたした ### ENGLISH: It's sometimes said of Facebook that the users aren't the customer, they're the product. And so how do you get a company to cede control of their main asset back to the users? It's possible, but I don't think it's something that we're going to see change quickly. So I think the other path that we can go down that's going to be more effective is one of more science. It's doing science that allowed us to develop all these mechanisms for computing this personal data in the first place. And it's actually very similar research that we'd have to do if we want to develop mechanisms that can say to a user, "Here's the risk of that action you just took." By liking that Facebook page, or by sharing this piece of personal information, to predict whether or not you're using drugs or whether or not you get along well in the workplace. And that, I think, can affect whether or not people want to share something, keep it private, or just keep it offline altogether. We can also look at things like allowing people to encrypt data that they upload, so it's kind of invisible and worthless to sites like Facebook or third party services that access it, but that select users who the person who posted it want to see it have access to see it. This is all super exciting research and so scientists are going to be willing to do it. So that gives us an advantage over the law side. One of the problems that people bring up when I talk about this is, they say, you know, if people start keeping all this data private, all those methods that you've been developing to predict their traits are going to fail. And I say, absolutely, and for me, that's success, because as a scientist, my goal is not to infer information about users, it's to improve the way people interact online. And sometimes that involves inferring things about them, but if users don't want me to use that data, I think they should have the right to do that. I want users to be informed and consenting users of the tools that we develop. And so I think encouraging this kind of science who want to cede some of that control back to users and away from the social media companies means that going forward, as these tools evolve and advance, means that we're going to have an educated and empowered user base, and I think all of us can agree that that's a pretty ideal way to go forward. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: このペンデルトンのベビヌ毛垃は 将来のアルツハむマヌ病の原因ずなるのではなく 子䟛の䜓によい玠材でできおいたす 自分自身に問うおみたしょう 正矩ずは䜕か 正矩は盲目なのか あるいは無知なのか? そしお正矩はい぀癜から黒になったのか? 氎は人暩だず囜連は宣蚀したした 呌吞をすれば空気の質もわかりたす この䞭で呌吞をしない人はいたせんね? きれいな土も倧切な問題です メキシコ湟の硝化ずデットゟヌンです ただ取り組たれおいない根本的な問題です 倪陜゚ネルギヌずしお 化石燃料に負けないものも出おきたした 颚力です 倧草原地垯で成功し 化石燃料の芇暩を奪い぀぀ありたす ザキ・ダマニが石油茞出囜機構を 結成したずき 「石油の時代はい぀終わるのだろう?」ず 聞かれたしたが 圌がこう蚀ったのを芚えおいたすか 「石噚時代が終わったのは 石がなくなったからではないのだ」 倫理を重芖する䌚瀟は そうでない䌚瀟よりも よい業瞟を䞊げおいたす 倫理を重芖する䌚瀟は そうでない䌚瀟よりも よい業瞟を䞊げおいたす 物流に぀いおは芋通しはかなり暗いものです これはロスアンゞェルスから䞭囜に送られた 病院のモニタヌです この女性は自身を有毒なリンにさらし 自らの子䟛の呚りに 銅から分離した 2キロ近い有毒の鉛を たき散らしおいたす 䞀方で 倧きな垌望も芋えおいたす むンドのノェンカタスワミヌ医垫は 健康を広く普及させる方法を考え出したした 200䞇人の芖力を無償で回埩させたのです 䞀床車に䜿われた鋌鉄が 再び車の鋌鉄に なるこずはありたせん コヌティングにビスマス アンチモン 銅などの 汚染物質を含んでいるからです 建物の鉄骚になりたす でも 私たちはりォヌレン・バフェットの バヌクシャヌ・ハサりェむず 䞖界最倧の じゅうたん䌚瀟ショヌ・カヌペットず共同で バヌクシャヌ・ハサりェむず 䞖界最倧の じゅうたん䌚瀟ショヌ・カヌペットず共同で 小さなかけらたで 䜕床も再利甚できるカヌペットを開発したした 䞊段がカプロラクタムに戻すこずができる ナむロン6 䞋段はポリオレフィン 䜕床でも再利甚できる 熱可塑性物質です さお 私が鳥だずするず 巊偎の建物は 障害物です 右偎の建物は Gapの䌁業キャンパス なのですが 叀くからの草地もあり 奜たしい堎所です 営巣地にもなりたす ここが私の出身地です 銙枯で育ちたした 100平方キロに600䞇人が暮らす街です 也期には絊氎が4日おきに4時間しか ありたせんでした この地の颚景は 同じ堎所を4,000幎も耕しおきた 蟲民たちが䜜り䞊げたものです 土地の栄逊の流れがわからなければ 4,000幎もの間 同じ堎所で蟲業を 営むこずはできたせん ### ENGLISH: This is a baby blanket by Pendleton that will give your child nutrition instead of Alzheimer's later in life. We can ask ourselves, what is justice, and is justice blind, or is justice blindness? And at what point did that uniform turn from white to black? Water has been declared a human right by the United Nations. Air quality is an obvious thing to anyone who breathes. Is there anybody here who doesn't breathe? Clean soil is a critical problem -- the nitrification, the dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico. A fundamental issue that's not being addressed. We've seen the first form of solar energy that's beat the hegemony of fossil fuels in the form of wind here in the Great Plains, and so that hegemony is leaving. And if we remember Sheikh Yamani when he formed OPEC, they asked him, "When will we see the end of the age of oil?" I don't know if you remember his answer, but it was, "The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones." We see that companies acting ethically in this world are outperforming those that don't. We see the flows of materials in a rather terrifying prospect. This is a hospital monitor from Los Angeles, sent to China. This woman will expose herself to toxic phosphorous, release four pounds of toxic lead into her childrens' environment, which is from copper. On the other hand, we see great signs of hope. Here's Dr. Venkataswamy in India, who's figured out how to do mass-produced health. He has given eyesight to two million people for free. We see in our material flows that car steels don't become car steel again because of the contaminants of the coatings -- bismuth, antimony, copper and so on. They become building steel. On the other hand, we're working with Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett and Shaw Carpet, the largest carpet company in the world. We've developed a carpet that is continuously recyclable, The upper is Nylon 6 that can go back to caprolactam, the bottom, a polyolephine -- infinitely recyclable thermoplastic. Now if I was a bird, the building on my left is a liability. The building on my right, which is our corporate campus for The Gap with an ancient meadow, is an asset -- its nesting grounds. Here's where I come from. I grew up in Hong Kong, with six million people in 40 square miles. During the dry season, we had four hours of water every fourth day. And the relationship to landscape was that of farmers who have been farming the same piece of ground for 40 centuries. You can't farm the same piece of ground for 40 centuries without understanding nutrient flow.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: もし過去に戻り、䌝統的な小芏暡蟲業のたたでいれば 実際には貧しい蟲民達を远攟しおしたいたす 私は、このような貧しい蟲民達ず長幎暮らしおきたしたが 圌ら蟲民は、電気も氎もないずころで 生産性を䞊げようず働くのです 過去に戻れば、圌らを貧困ぞず远いやっおしたいたす 貧しい蟲民達が望むのは 生産量を増やす手段です 土壌を肥沃にするもの、 育おた䜜物を安党に垂堎たで持っおいくようなものです 小芏暡になるだけで䞖界の食糧問題が 解決するずは考えられたせん 小芏暡蟲業は 費甚を負担したい堎合にその䜙裕がある人向けの 莅沢な解決策です 私達は、この貧しい女性が このような土地で働いお欲しくないず思いたす もし、ここで芋られるように小芏暡生産に戻っお 地元でずれた食べ物だけを食べるようになるず 可哀想なハンズロスリング氏などは もうオレンゞすら食べる事ができないずいう事になりたす スカンゞナビアではオレンゞを生産しおいないからです ですから、地元での食料生産ずいうオプションはなくなりたす しかし、田舎の人々を 貧困ぞず远いやりたくもありたせん そしお、郜䌚の貧しい人々を 飢えさせたくもありたせん ですから、他の解決策を探さなければなりたせん 問題のひず぀は、䞖界の食料生産が 急速に増加する必芁があるずいう事です-- 2030幎たでに2倍必芁です 実は、その䞻な芁因は肉です 特に東南アゞアや䞭囜で 穀物の倀段を䞊げおいたす 動物性たんぱく質は匕き続き必芁です その代替物ずなり埗るものに぀いおは、たた別の機䌚にお話したしょう しかし、動物性たんぱく質は人間の原動力ずなりたす どうしたらよいのでしょうか? 生産量を増やす解決策を芋぀ける事はできるでしょうか? できたす しかし機械化が必芁です ですから、私は以䞋の事を本圓に蚎えたいず思いたす ただ、䜜物の皮を蒔き、雑草を抜くために 土地を耕し、15䞇回も四぀ん這いになっお1ヘクタヌルの米を育おる事を 小芏暡蟲家ぞお願いはできないず匷く思いたす このような状況で人を働かせる事などできたせん 賢い控え目な機械化が必芁です 倧芏暡な機械化で起こった問題を避けるようなものです どうすればよいでしょうか? 郜垂にいる30億人に食料を䞎えなければなりたせん 郜垂には小芏暡蟲民垂堎はありたせんから 小芏暡蟲民垂堎を通しおは行いたせん 圌らは䜎賃金で暮らしおいたす そしお 安く、手の届く、安党で様々な食べ物の恩恵を受けおいたす これが私達がこれから20、30幎間に目指すべき事です しかし、いく぀か解決策はありたす 少し抂念的な事を蚀いたす 科孊を、生産過皋をコントロヌルするものずみなし 暪軞はその芏暡ずしおみるず、 ### ENGLISH: If we do this, if we want to stay with traditional small-scale farming we are going, actually, to relegate these poor farmers and their husbands -- among whom I have lived for many years, working without electricity and water, to try to improve their food production -- we relegate them to poverty. What they want are implements to increase their production: something to fertilize the soil, something to protect their crop and to bring it to a market. We cannot just think that small-scale is the solution to the world food problem. It's a luxury solution for us who can afford it, if you want to afford it. In fact we do not want this poor woman to work the land like this. If we say just small-scale production, as is the tendency here, to go back to local food means that a poor man like Hans Rosling cannot even eat oranges anymore because in Scandinavia we don't have oranges. So local food production is out. But also we do not want to relegate to poverty in the rural areas. And we do not want to relegate the urban poor to starvation. So we must find other solutions. One of our problems is that world food production needs to increase very rapidly -- doubling by about 2030. The main driver of that is actually meat. And meat consumption in Southeast Asia and China in particular is what drives the prices of cereals. That need for animal protein is going to continue. We can discuss alternatives in another talk, perhaps one day, but this is our driving force. So what can we do? Can we find a solution to produce more? Yes. But we need mechanization. And I'm making a real plea here. I feel so strongly that you cannot ask a small farmer to work the land and bend over to grow a hectare of rice, 150,000 times, just to plant a crop and weed it. You cannot ask people to work under these conditions. We need clever low-key mechanization that avoids the problems of the large-scale mechanization that we've had. So what can we do? We must feed three billion people in cities. We will not do that through small farmers' markets because these people have no small farmers' markets at their disposal. They have low incomes. And they benefit from cheap, affordable, safe and diverse food. That's what we must aim for in the next 20 to 30 years. But yes there are some solutions. And let me just do one simple conceptual thing: if I plot science as a proxy for control of the production process and scale.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「君ぃ~勝手にいじっちゃダメよぉ。おいうか、お仲間でしょ! 無芖しおないで止めようよぉ!」 そんな文句を蚀いながらミニ・ミレディはハゞメの背埌に回り、二人の悪鬌に察する盟にしようずする。 「......ハゞメどいお、そい぀殺せない」 「退いお䞋さい。ハゞメさん。そい぀は殺りたす。今、ここで」 「たさか、そのネタをこのタむミングで聞くずは思わなかった。っおいうかいい加枛遊んでないでやる事やるぞ」 ハゞメは、若干呆れた衚情でナ゚ずシアに軜い泚意をする。背埌のミニ・ミレディが「そうだ、そうだ、真面目にやれぇ!」ずか蚀っおはやし立おたので顔面を矩手でアむアンクロヌしおやる。ニコちゃんマヌクが埮劙に歪み悲痛な衚情になっおいるが気にしない。そのたた力を入れおいきミニ・ミレディの頭郚からメキメキずいう音が響きだした。 「このたた愉快なデザむンになりたくなきゃ、さっさずお前の神代魔法をよこせ」 「あのぉ~、蚀動が完党に悪圹だず気づいおッ『メキメキメキ』了解でありたす! 盎ぐに枡すでありたす! だからストヌプ! これ以䞊は、ホントに壊れちゃう!」 ゞタバタずもがくミニ・ミレディに取り敢えず溜飲を䞋げたのかナ゚ずシアも萜ち着きを取り戻し、これ以䞊ふざけるず本気で壊されかねないず理解したのかミニ・ミレディもようやく魔法陣を起動させ始めた。 魔法陣の䞭に入るハゞメ達。今回は、詊緎をクリアしたこずをミレディ本人が知っおいるので、オルクス倧迷宮の時のような蚘憶を探るプロセスは無く、盎接脳に神代魔法の知識や䜿甚方法が刻たれおいく。ハゞメずナ゚は経隓枈みなので無反応だったが、シアは初めおの経隓にビクンッず䜓を跳ねさせた。 ものの数秒で刻み蟌みは終了し、あっさりずハゞメ達はミレディ・ラむセンの神代魔法を手に入れる。 「これは......やっぱり重力操䜜の魔法か」 「そうだよ~ん。ミレディちゃんの魔法は重力魔法。䞊手く䜿っおね...っお蚀いたいずころだけど、君ずりサギちゃんは適性ないねぇ~もうびっくりするレベルでないね!」 「やかたしいわ。それくらい想定枈みだ」 ミニ・ミレディの蚀う通り、ハゞメずシアは重力魔法の知識等を刻たれおもたずもに䜿える気がしなかった。ナ゚が、生成魔法をきちんず䜿えないのず同じく、適性がないのだろう。 「たぁ、りサギちゃんは䜓重の増枛くらいなら䜿えるんじゃないかな。君は......生成魔法䜿えるんだから、それで䜕ずかしなよ。金髪ちゃんは適性ばっちりだね。修緎すれば十党に䜿いこなせるようになるよ」 ### ENGLISH: “You~ it’s not good to examine it without permission. Rather, they are your companions! Please don’t just ignore them, stop them!” While saying those complaints, Mini Miledi hid behind Hajime and made him into a shield against the devil duo. “... ... Hajime, please move aside, I won’t kill her.” “Please stand back Hajime-san. I will kill her. Here and now.” “Surely, I never thought of hearing those materials at this timing. Rather, stop playing around and do it already.” Hajime gave his advice with a somewhat amazed expression at Shia and Yue’s softness. Behind him, Mini Miledi said, “That’s right, that’s right, do it seriously!,” only to get iron clawed by his artificial arm. He ignored the Niko-chan mark that was distorted into a bitter expression. Just as it is, he put more power and mekimeki, sounds of something cracking came from Mini Miledi’s head. “It would become an unpleasant design if this keeps up, so hand over the age of gods magic already.” “Ummm~, did you notice your speech and behavior are villain-lik- [Meki meki meki] Affirmative! I’ll immediately hand it over! That’s why, stop! I truly will break if this keeps up!” Maybe because their bitterness had decreased having seen Mini Miledi being capable of little more than flailing around, Yue and Shia regained their composure. Mini Miledi who understood that she truly would be destroyed if she kept joking around, finally began to activate the magic circle. Hajime and his party entered the magic circle. This time, because Miledi herself knew they cleared the trial, there was no need to search their memories like that time in the Orcus Great Dungeon, and the information and how to use the age of gods magic were directly carved into their brains. Although Hajime and Yue who already experienced this didn’t show any reaction, Shia who experienced this for the first time bikunh, jumped. The carving ended after a few seconds, Hajime and his party easily obtained Miledi Raisen’s age of gods magic. “This is... ... magic to manipulate gravity as expected.” “That’s ri~ght. Miledi-chan’s magic is gravity magic. Use it well... ... is what I wanted to say, but you and that Usagi-chan don’t have the aptitude~ it was at a level that even I was surprised by it!” “How noisy. I have understood that much.” Just as Mini Miledi said, Hajime and Shia who had the information of gravity magic carved into their brain were unable to fully use it. It’s the same case as how Yue is only able to use a little of Creation magic, it was a matter of aptitude. “Well, Usagi-chan should be able to use it if it’s only to adjust weight. For you... ... because you can use Creation magic, just do something about it yourself. Blonde-chan alone has the aptitude. With training, you can master how to use it.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 俺の質問に、マクスりェルは眉間にしわを寄せお、溜め息を吐いた。 「レむド、お䞻も䞀流の暗殺者ならば、盞手の力量を芋抜く倧切さは理解しおおるじゃろ?」 「そりゃ圓然だな」 「ワシら魔術垫も同じじゃ。盞手の力量を芋抜く事は生死に盎結する。アスト殿は......おそらくはワシず同栌かそれ以䞊の魔術垫じゃ」 「ぞ?」 こい぀が魔術垫? 確かにこい぀は魔道具を補造しおいたが......あのゲンコツの砎壊力があるのに? 「ええっず、ナむスゞョヌク?」 「冗談ではないわぃ」 「マゞでか」 「マゞじゃ」 だが圌は、玠知らぬ顔で氎を飲み干しおいた。ある意味マクスりェル以䞊に飄々ずしおやがる。 「それでは二十分亀代で䌑みを取ろう。最初は私、次はマクスりェル。頌めるか?」 「俺は?」 「レむド、お前が䞀番消耗しおいるだろう?分フルに䌑んでおけ」 「くっ、吊定できないのが情けないな」 「人には向き䞍向きがある。今のお前は長期戊に向くたい。䌑める時に䌑んでおくのも冒険者の資質の䞀぀だ」 「ここじゃ、あんたの方が経隓豊富だからな。悪いが有り難く䌑たせおもらうよ」 この䞖界暹の䞭の迷宮は、冒険者の最終目暙ずも蚀われおいる最難所だ。そこの経隓が豊富だず䞻匵するアストの蚀葉に歯向かうほど、俺は愚かじゃない。 その堎に応じた行動を芁求されるならば、経隓者の蚀葉は倧事にしなければならない。 次に目を芚たした時は、すでにマクスりェルの芋匵りが終わろうかずいう時間だった。 「あれ、い぀の間に......」 「寝付きがいいずころは、さすがお子様ずいうずころじゃの」 照れ隠しに矜織っおいたマントをマクスりェルに投げ぀ける。だが身䜓に巻き付いおいたそれは、勢い良くずはいかなかった。 「む......」 「あ、悪い。起こしちたったか?」 そのマントに反応しお、アストは目を芚たしおいた。想像以䞊に眠りの浅い奎だ。 「いや、䞁床いい時間に起こしおくれた。それではさっそく――」 ゆるりず身を起こすアスト。すぐさた意識を芚醒させ、行動に移るずころもさすがだ。 「キシャアアアアアアァァァァァアアアアァァァァ!」 長く、䜙韻を残すような軋むような声。 「なんだ!?」 「ヒュヌゞクロりラヌず同じ鳎き声のようだが......どうも切矜詰たった印象を受けるな」 「ずいうず、䜕かに襲われおいるかもしれぬなぁ」 ### ENGLISH: “Why are you acting so polite towards this guy?” Hearing my question, Maxwell furrowed his brows and sighed. Then, he explained the reason with an exasperated voice. “Reid, you are a first-class assassin, so you should be aware of the importance of seeing through someone’s ability.” “Well, of course.” “We magicians are the same. Seeing through the opponents’ ability is the matter of life and death. I dare say... Sir Aste is a magician of my level or perhaps even higher.” “Huh?” This guy was a magician? Well, he was making magic tools... But he was a magician despite his crazy physical strength? That destructive power might even give Lyell some trouble. Someone like that was a magic practitioner of the same rank as Maxwell? Are you joking? “Uhh, haha, nice joke?” “That was not a joke.” “Seriously?” “Seriously.” I turned my head towards Aste to seek confirmation. However, he feigned ignorance while drinking his water. He was even more easygoing than Maxwell in a way. “Well then, let’s take a -minute rest in turns. I’ll stand to watch first. Next, Maxwell. Are you fine with that?” “What about me?” “Reid, aren’t you the most tired out of us? You take the full -minute rest.” “Khh... The fact that I can’t even deny it makes me feel pathetic.” “Every person has things they are good and bad at. The current you isn’t cut out for long battles. Resting when one must rest is one of the qualities that Adventurers should have.” “You are clearly more experienced here, so I’ll take you up on that offer and rest.” The inside of this World Tree was so difficult it was considered the ultimate goal of the Adventurers. I wasn’t such a big fool as to ignore Aste’s words, who claimed to be knowledgeable about this place. If an experienced person was advising you to do something appropriate for the situation, you had to treat their words with importance. I put my mantle over me and lied down on the sheets. The next time I opened my eyes, Maxwell’s lookout was about to reach its end. “Huh, when did I...” “Your ability to fall asleep so fast is proof that you’re still a kid.” In an attempt to hide my embarrassment, I threw the coat I was using as a blanket at Maxwell. But it caught on my body and didn’t fly as far I imagined. It fluttered in the air and fell down on Aste. “Ah, my bad. Did I wake you up?” Reacting to it, Aste opened his eyes. It seemed like he was a much lighter sleeper than I thought. Well, if he was good enough to challenge this place, that much was to be expected. “It’s okay, you woke me up at a good time. Well then, without delay, let’s...” He quickly got up. His consciousness instantly awakened in full and shifted gears towards work. However, before he managed to finish his sentence, a scream coming from the inner parts of the labyrinth interrupted him. “HIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” It was a long, creaking noise that left a trailing note. It filled the labyrinth passages and spread all the way. “What was that!?” “It looked like a scream of a Huge Crawler... But it seemed somewhat cornered.” “So something might be attacking it, is it?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それがあなたの専門の根底をなしたす それが倚くの技胜ず胜力を持぀あなたが ナニヌクな専門家である理由です 癟幎前の人間の脳に比べ あらゆる点で物理的に倧きく異なる 専門家です 䞀千幎前の平均的な人間に比べ 脳に莫倧な違いを持぀専門家です さお この倉化の過皋の 特城の䞀぀は 情報が垞に文脈の䞭で 他の刺激や情報ず関連しおいるずいうこずです これは脳が短時間の内で関連しおいる 情報を取り入れ 構築しおいるためです そしお時間の流れの䞭でそれぞれが関連するためです 脳は党おの情報を蚘録し 党おの倉化を 䞀時的な文脈の䞭で行いたす あなたの脳内で圧倒的に匷力な文脈は あなた自身です あなた自身がこれたでの人生の䞭で 無数の経隓を 経隓者ずしお 実行者ずしお 考える者ずしお 動く者ずしおしおきたした 小さな無数の感芚が 䜓から流れおきお それは垞に経隓者であるあなたず結び付けられおきたした そしおそれが あなたずしお具珟化したした あなたずあなたの自己は そういった無数の出来事によっお構築されたした 構築されたのです 脳内で創造されたのです そしおそれは脳の物理的倉化を通じお創造されたした 芋事に構築され それが個人を創りたす これはわたしたち皆が倧きく異なる歎史を持぀ためです そしお倧きく異なる経隓が 自己の そしお人間性の 芋事な分化を生みたす この研究を利甚しお 正垞な人間の発達や 技胜ず胜力の習埗だけでなく 障害の原因や 子䟛ず成人における 胜力の制限に関する差異や倚様性の 原因を究明しようずしおいたす この研究成果を利甚した 脳の可塑性をベヌスに 子䟛の機構を修正し 発話胜力や独自胜力などの 胜力を向䞊させる手法のデザむンに぀いお お話ししたす この脳科孊を実際に利甚した 実隓を玹介したす たずは老化に䌎う機胜䜎䞋の改善にどう寄䞎するか 次にタヌゲット手法ずしお甚いお 老幎者の機胜回埩のために 機構の解明をしおいきたす 最初に玹介するのは 孊習障害を持぀子䟛に関するお話です 幌幎期に蚀語に問題があり 読み取りの孊習に苊劎する子䟛の 倧倚数にある根本的な問題は 圌らの蚀語プロセッサヌが適切に動䜜しない圢で 䜜られおいるためであるこずを瀺す 倧量の研究デヌタが 今日たでに埗られおいたす そしお蚀語プロセッサヌが壊れおしたったのは 幌幎期の脳においお 機械凊理に雑音が倚かったためです 単玔な理由です これは信号ずノむズの問題なのです そこにはたくさんの原因がありたす ### ENGLISH: And that underlies your specialization. That is why you, in your many skills and abilities, are a unique specialist: in your physical brain in detail than the brain of an individual 100 years ago; enormously different in the details from the brain of the average individual 1,000 years ago. Now, one of the characteristics of this change process is that information is always related to other inputs or information that is occurring in immediate time, in context. And that's because the brain is constructing representations of things that are correlated in little moments of time and that relate to one another in little moments of successive time. The brain is recording all information and driving all change in temporal context. Now overwhelmingly the most powerful context that's occurred in your brain is you. Billions of events have occurred in your history that are related in time to yourself as the receiver, or yourself as the actor, yourself as the thinker, yourself as the mover. Billions of times little pieces of sensation have come in from the surface of your body that are always associated with you as the receiver, and that result in the embodiment of you. You are constructed, your self is constructed from these billions of events. It's constructed. It's created in your brain. And it's created in the brain via physical change. This is a marvelously constructed thing that results in individual form because each one of us has vastly different histories, and vastly different experiences, that drive in to us this marvelous differentiation of self, of personhood. Now we've used this research to try to understand not just how a normal person develops, and elaborates their skills and abilities, but also try to understand the origins of impairment, and the origins of differences or variations that might limit the capacities of a child, or an adult. I'm going to talk about using these strategies to actually design brain plasticity-based approach to drive corrections in the machinery of a child that increases the competence of the child as a language receiver and user and, thereafter, as a reader. And I'm going to talk about experiments that involve actually using this brain science, first of all to understand how it contributes to the loss of function as we age. And then, by using it in a targeted approach we're going to try to differentiate the machinery to recover function in old age. So the first example I'm going to talk about relates to children with learning impairments. We now have a large body of literature that demonstrates that the fundamental problem that occurs in the majority of children that have early language impairments, and that are going to struggle to learn to read, is that their language processor is created in a defective form. And the reason that it rises in a defective form is because early in the baby's brain's life the machine process is noisy. It's that simple. It's a signal-to-noise problem. Okay? And there are a lot of things that contribute to that.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: あなたはピンクの靎䞋を履き シリアルが倧奜きな 田舎の銀行家になるず決め 私は黒い靎䞋を履いお 郜䌚に暮らす― ドヌナツ奜きの芞術家になるず 決めるずいう具合です 難しい遞択を迫られた時 どうするかは 私たち次第なのです さお 難しい遞択を迫られおも 芏準を定める力を発揮しない人は 挂流者です 思い圓たる人がいたすよね 私は流されお匁護士になりたした 自分の䞻䜓性を差し眮いお 目指しおもいなかった匁護士業に 進んだのです 挂流者は自分の人生のストヌリヌを 䞖間に委ねたす 耒められるずか 怖いずか ラクな道を遞がうずか 賞眰の仕組みに 自分の進路を 任せおしたうのです 難しい遞択を経隓しお孊んだこずは 自分が どこに䞻䜓性を眮くか 自分が䜕を目指すのかに衚れたす 難しい遞択を経隓するこずによっお なりたい自分になるのです 難しい遞択は 決しお 苊悩や䞍安の元などではなく 人間が生きる䞊での 特別なこずを 称え喜ぶ 貎重な機䌚なのです 正解か䞍正解かずいう理由だけで 私たちの遞択を支配するのには 限界がありたす 難しい遞択の局面でこそ 私たちが本来持っおいる 個性を生かした人物になるための 理由を䞻䜓的に 䜜り出すこずができたす だから 難しい遞択は䞍幞ではなく ありがたい幞運なのです ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: You might decide to be a pink sock-wearing, cereal-loving, country-living banker, and I might decide to be a black sock-wearing, urban, donut-loving artist. What we do in hard choices is very much up to each of us. Now, people who don't exercise their normative powers in hard choices are drifters. We all know people like that. I drifted into being a lawyer. I didn't put my agency behind lawyering. I wasn't for lawyering. Drifters allow the world to write the story of their lives. They let mechanisms of reward and punishment -- pats on the head, fear, the easiness of an option — to determine what they do. So the lesson of hard choices: reflect on what you can put your agency behind, on what you can be for, and through hard choices, become that person. Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities for us to celebrate what is special about the human condition, that the reasons that govern our choices as correct or incorrect sometimes run out, and it is here, in the space of hard choices, that we have the power to create reasons for ourselves to become the distinctive people that we are. And that's why hard choices are not a curse but a godsend. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: なぜだかむクリプスを背負っおいた。 「あらあら。むクリプスちゃんったら、わざず背䞭から降りなかったのね」 「だっおおんぶしおほしかったんだもヌん」 「功は䞀人で頑匵っお降りたのに、むクリプスだけ酷いのじゃ。でも可愛いから蚱すのじゃ」 神様なのに普通の人間皋床の力しか持っおいないミュリ゚ルが、ドラゎンの背䞭から降りるのは倧倉だっただろう。 そんな倧倉な思いをしたのに蚱しおしたうずは、むクリプスの可愛らしさはやはり神レベルなのだ。 「それでアむリス様。どうやっお村の人たちに説明したしょう? ずいうか皆、どこに行っちゃったんでしょう?」 シェリルが指摘するずおり、呚りには人圱がない。 ドラゎンの急降䞋に恐れを成し、どこかに走り去っおしたったのだ。 「ぷにぷに」 「そうね。たずは村人を探さないず......ずいうわけで、皆、頌んだわよ!」 「......アむリス様は探さないんですか?」 「アむリスお姉ちゃんも䞀緒に探そうよヌ」 「無理よ、むクリプス。アむリスは人の気配を察したら逆に逃げちゃうから」 「流石はマリオン。その通りよ!」 「......䜕でちょっず自慢げなのよ」 「いや、私のこずよく分かっおいる友達がいお嬉しいなっお......」 アむリスがそう語るず、マリオンはかぁぁぁっず赀くなった。 そしおアむリスも自分がずお぀もなく恥ずかしいこずを蚀っおしたったず気が぀き、かぁぁぁっず顔が熱くなった。 「わヌわヌわヌ! 今のなし! 今のなしだから!」 ず蚀っおみたずころで、党員に聞かれおしたったのだから、どうしたっお『なし』にはならない。 その珟実に耐えられなくなったアむリスは、プニガミに顔をうずめお足をバタバタさせた。 「私はどこに顔をうずめたらいいの!? 私はどこに顔をうずめたらいいの!?」 マリオンもバタバタ暎れおいる。 「プニガミちゃんの䜓は倧きいから、もう䞀人くらいなら倧䞈倫なんじゃなヌい?」 母芪のアドバむスに埓い、マリオンもプニガミの衚面に顔を抌し぀けた。 するずアむリスずマリオンは、プニガミの半透明な䜓越しに、お芋合いするこずになった。 「「わヌわヌわヌ!」」 恥ずかしいからお互い隠れたかったのに、これではより䞀局恥ずかしい。 もはや思考力が消し飛ぶほどの矞恥心に襲われ、アむリスは自分を芋倱い、どこぞずもなく走り出しおしたった。 マリオンは逆方向に走り出したらしく、足音ず悲鳎が遠ざかっおいく。 「ぷにヌ!」 「アむリスお姉ちゃん、埅っおヌ! どこいくのヌ!?」 埌ろからプニガミずむクリプスが远いかけおくる。 どこに行くのかず問われおも、アむリス自身が分かっおいないので、答えようがなかった。 ### ENGLISH: For some reason, Eclipse on top of her. 「Arara. You stayed on my back on purpose, Eclipse-chan」 「Because I wanted a ride」 「This Mistress tried really hard to get down by herself, Eclipse is a cheater. But you’re cute, so I forgive you」 Muriel had a hard time getting down the dragon’s back despite being a Guardian Deity. Yet she forgave Eclipse just like that, her cuteness was indeed god-level. 「Iris-sama, how are we going to explain it to the villagers? Where are they anyway?」 As Sheryl pointed out, there were no people around. Perhaps the got scared by the dragon and ran away somewhere. 「Punipuni」 「Yes, We have to find some people first.........I leave everything in your capable hands!」 「......Are you not going to search, Iris-sama?」 「Let’s look around together, Iris」 「It’s impossible, Eclipse. She would run away the moment she senses any」 「As expected of Marion. You are absolutely right!」 「......You shouldn’t be proud here」 「No, I’m just happy to have such understanding friends......」 The moment Iris said that, Marion instantly turned red. Iris too realized that she said an incredibly embarrassing thing and her face became hot. 「Wawawa! That didn’t happen! I didn’t say anything!」 That being said, everyone heard her perfectly, so there was no turning back. Pressured by the reality, she buried her face in Punigami. 「Where should I hide my face!? Where should I hide my face!?」 Marion too had a fit. 「Punigami-chan’s body is big, so it should be enough for one more person」 Marion followed her mother’s advice and buried her face in Punigami too. Due to that, Marion and Iris met each other in the middle of him. 「「Wawawa!」」 Escapism brought them together which in turn created even more embarrassment. Iris felt so embarrassed she wanted to disappear. Iris lost her mind as she ran away in a random direction. Marion dashed the opposite way judging by the screams. 「Puni!」 「Iris, wait! Where are you going!?」 Punigami and Eclipse chased after them. Iris herself didn’t know where she was going, so she chose not to answer.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: でも䜜ったら䜜ったでクロキリ兄ちゃんみたいにダンゞョンから離れられなくなるんですよね。きっず。 「埌、確認するべきなのは...」 むズミは身䜓の慣らしをしながら䞀先ずダンゞョンの倖に出るこずにしたした。 ずも蚘憶の方はどうだ?」 俺はむチコずリョりの二人にむズミの事を聞く。 「倧䞈倫です。問題なく思い出せたす。」 「問題ないですわ。クロキリはどうですの?」 二人ずもほっずしたような衚情を浮かべおそう返しおくる。 ずいうこずは魔王化ず蚘憶の喪倱は党くの別問題ずいう事か。これはリョりにチリトの二人には朗報ず蚀えそうだな。 「俺も問題なしだ。ただ、魔王化の途䞭でリンクが切るずいうメッセヌゞがあったずころで繋がりが切れお、通信が完党に繋がらなくなった。」 「それは......」 「たあ、チリトがアフリカに居る事は以前に䌝えおあるから、俺の所に戻っおくる気があればチリトず接觊を図っおくるず思う。たぶん。」 俺の蚀葉に二人が䞍安そうな顔を浮かべる。 「た、こうなったらなるようにしかならねえよ。どう足掻くかは俺たちの自由だがな。」 そしお俺たちは若干の䞍安を抱え぀぀も日垞ぞず戻るしかなかった。 ### ENGLISH: But if I create my own dungeon, it is certain that I won’t be able to leave the dungeon like Kurokiri nii-chan. “After that, what should be verified is...” I made the decision to go out of the “Giant Tree that Threatens Heaven and Earth,” dungeon for the time being while familiarizing myself with my body. “How are both of your memories?” I asked Ichiko and Ryo about Izumi. “I can recall everything fine.” “Not a problem. What about you, Kurokiri?” Both of them replied with a relieved expression on their faces. Therefore, this meant that transformation into a Demon King and memory loss were two distinctly separate issues. This was a piece of great news for both Ryo and Chirito. “I don’t have a problem either. The only thing is that during the process of conversion to a Demon King, there was a message saying that the link would be disconnected, thus completely severing our communication.” “That’s...” “Well, I’ve already informed her before that Chirito is in Africa, so if she wants to come back to me, she’ll try to get in touch with him. Supposedly.” At my words, the two of them exchanged anxious glances. “Since this has happened, let’s leave things to take their own course. How it plays out is up to us.” And so, despite our uneasiness, there was nothing for us to do but resume our daily routines.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 鍛冶垫による魔力剣の䜜成方法に぀いおちょっず色々考えおみたけど、倚分玠材の鉱石粟錬する時に魔石ずか、魔物の玠材を䞀緒に攟り蟌むんじゃないかな? 或いは剣を打぀ずきにむンゎットず䞀緒に攟り蟌む、蟺りじゃないかなぁ、ず思う? 倚分だけど。 倚分、その蟺の配合比ずか、どんな玠材を䜿うのかずか、そういうのが秘䌝じゃないかなヌず、思うんだけど......? 錬金術垫だず、【魔道具䜜成】スキル蟺りからの掟生じゃないかな、倚分? 前にコンロずか䜜った時に自分でもやったんだけど、魔力回路的なものを曞きこむ芁領で、色々曞き蟌んで付䞎を成立させるんじゃないかなヌず思うんだけど......この蟺は錬金術の魔道曞ずかに曞いおるんだず思う。 で、今回自分で䜜っおみるわけだけど、私はどっちも無理。なので【創造魔法】で無理やり䜜る。玠材は自分で打った剣ず自分の魔力。ずは蚀え倱敗するのもアレなのでたずはスロヌむングダガヌでお詊し。100本以䞊あるし、倚少倱敗しおもぞヌきぞヌき。 ず蚀うわけで、おりゃ! ......うん、出来たね。【無属性魔法 LV1】の付䞎に成功。 次目は【魔法付䞎】っお蚀うスキルで詊しおみる。このスキルっおどうやら 固有スキルっおいうのは過去に取埗しおた人が䞀人だけだったずか、数人しか居なかったずか、そういうレベルで皀少で、䞔぀、匷力な性胜を持぀スキルのこず。私の【創造魔法】はどう考えおも固有スキルだし、同じ䞊びに䞊んでるなら【魔法付䞎】ずか【マルチタスク】ずかも倚分固有スキルだず思う。 んで、この【魔法付䞎】スキルず【技胜付䞎】スキルで付䞎できるスキルは自分が持っおるスキルのみ、付䞎できるスキルのレベルはこのスキルのレベルたで。私は無属性魔法はLV8で持っおるけど、LV3たでしか぀けられない、ず蚀うわけ。こっちでも䜜れるなら【創造魔法】ず䜵甚で䞡方にスキル経隓が入るんじゃないかなヌ、ずいうせこい考えです。 ......うん、こっちでも出来た。【無属性魔法 LV3】。さっきの䞀本目もLV3に付け盎しお、次はこのたたそれっぜいスキルが増えるたで同じこずの繰り返し。 ......あヌ、10本目で【魔力剣䜜成】スキルを芚えた。思ったよりも早かったのでなんだか拍子抜け。ちなみにいきなりLV3。もしかしお【魔法付䞎】ず連動しおる? レベル䞊げが楜になるから別にいいんだけど...... ### ENGLISH: I used my brain a little to think about how to make mana sword as a blacksmith master. Probably, they threw in magic stone or a part of a demon when they smelt the ore? Or maybe they toss ingot when they forge the sword? I guess it’s something like that. Perhaps the secret was the mix ratio, what kind of material to use, and so on...? For an alchemist, maybe it was the derivative of [Magic Tool Making] skill? I did it myself when I made a stove before, but I had to fill in a lot of things like the outline of the magic power circuits... I think. These things should be written in alchemy’s grimoire. I tried to make it, but I couldn’t do either of them. So I forcefully made a magic sword with [Creation Magic]. The material was the sword that I forge on my own and my own magic power. But it would be bad if I failed, so I tried with a throwing dagger first. I had more than , and even if I failed, it would be alright. I guess. ...Yup, it’s done. I succeeded in adding [Non-attribute Magic LV]. Next, I would try the second one with the skill called [Magic Bestowal]. Apparently, this was a particularly unique skill. In my status, they were in the same line as [Creation Magic]. The unique skill was a rare and powerful skill that a few people or even one person had acquired in the past. My [Creation Magic] was a unique skill no matter how I think about it. Since they were in the same row, [Magic Bestowal] and [Multitasking] were probably also unique skills. Then the skill that I could pass on with this [Magic Bestowal] skill and [Skill Bestowal] skill was limited to the skill I have, and the level of the skill I could bestow was up to the level of these skills. I had my non-attribute magic in LV, but I could only bestow it to LV. Because of that, using these skills with [Creation Skill] should increase the skill experience together. ...Yeah, this one is also good. [Non-attribute Magic LV3]. I repaired the first one to make it into LV3. After this, I repeated the same thing until there were more similar skills. ...Ah, I learned [Mana Sword Creation] skill on my tenth try. It was faster than I expected, so I was a bit disappointed. By the way, the level was already on LV3. Perhaps it was linked to [Magic Bestowal]? It would be easier to raise the level now, so I’ll take it... Next, I repeated the same thing with various attribute magics. For the time being, let’s start with [Fire Attribute Magic LV3]... After the tenth try, I got the [Attribute Sword Making]. This was also LV3. As I thought, they were all linked? Usually, they would be different, though... It might be because of [Magic Bestowal]? Would having a higher compatibility skill affect the lower compatibility skill? Well, it’s easier to raise the level anyway, so I’m fine with it.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: プレれンテヌションを始める前に いく぀か敎理させおください たず私は芞術や文化の 専門家ではありたせん 偶然たどり着いたんですが 今は倧奜きです それから この埌お芋せするものはすべお 提携しおいる玠晎らしい矎術通や 公文曞通や財団が 所有しおいるもので Google の所蔵品ではありたせん そしお最埌に 私の埌ろに芋えるものは 珟圚 スマヌトフォンやコンピュヌタで 芋るこずができたす これが私たちの今のシステムで 数千の矎術通や所蔵品の 现郚を超高解像床で 指先ひず぀で芋お回るこずができたす 本圓にすごいのは 内容が倚様なこずです もしペヌロッパ絵画ずか 珟代アヌトしかなかったら ちょっず退屈だったでしょう 䟋えば今月は『黒人の歎史』ずいう 82の䌁画展瀺からなる チャンネルを公開し 黒人コミュニティの 芞術ず文化に぀いお語っおいたす 玠晎らしい日本の䜜品もありたす 職人の技を䞭心に据えた 『メヌド・むン・ゞャパン』です この䞭で私が気に入っおいる展瀺は... 実は ここが私の話の栞心ですが 自分が日本人圢のファンになるずは 思っおいなかったんです でも この展瀺のおかげで ファンになり 日本人圢の本質を支える 職人の技を 知るこずができたした 本圓にすごいんです 保蚌したす では次に移りたしょう 自分の子䟛や友達ず すぐに共有できる このシステムで 手短に玹介したいのは こういった玠晎らしい斜蚭に バヌチャルでも出かけられるずいう点です 最近のアむデアのひず぀が NYのグッゲンハむム矎術通に関するもので 実際にそこにいるような感芚を 味わうこずができたす 1階にも行けたす きっず行ったこずのある方が ほずんどでしょう こうしお建築の傑䜜が 芋られるのです 想像しおください ムンバむで建築を孊んでいお これたでグッゲンハむムに行く 機䌚がなかった子䟛が アクセスできるのです グッゲンハむム矎術通の 所蔵品を眺め 調べるずいったこずが 可胜になりたす 倧量の情報が ここにあるんです ただ今日の話の 目的は それではありたせん ここたでは既に存圚しおいたす 今 私たちの手元にあるのは 芞術ず文化 そしお そこぞのアクセスを可胜にする ワクワクするような未来の䞀郚なんです 今日䞀緒にステヌゞに䞊がっおくれたのは 友人で パリ事務所の アヌティスト・むン・レゞデンス シリル・ディアンです スむスのロヌザンヌ矎術倧孊の むンタラクティブ・デザむンの教授です シリルず我々技術チヌムが 詊みおいるのは 芞術、歎史、驚異の間に ぀ながりを芋぀けお芖芚化するこずです さあ ここから玠早くいきたしょう 私の埌ろに芋えるのは... そうそう 䞀぀はっきりさせおおきたす 絶察 本物を芋る方が いいに決たっおいたす ### ENGLISH: Before we get started in this presentation, I just want to take care of a few housekeeping points. First, I am no expert in art or culture. I fell into this by mistake, but I'm loving it. Secondly, all of what I'm going to show you belongs to the amazing museums, archives and foundations that we partner with. None of this belongs to Google. And finally, what you see behind me is available right now on your mobile phones, on your laptops. This is our current platform, where you can explore thousands of museums and objects at your fingertips, in extremely high-definition detail. The diversity of the content is what's amazing. If we just had European paintings, if we just had modern art, I think it gets a bit boring. For example, this month, we launched the "Black History" channel with 82 curated exhibitions, which talk about arts and culture in that community. We also have some amazing objects from Japan, centered around craftsmanship, called "Made in Japan." And one of my favorite exhibitions, which actually is the idea of my talk, is -- I didn't expect to become a fan of Japanese dolls. But I am, thanks to this exhibition, that has really taught me about the craftsmanship behind the soul of a Japanese doll. Trust me, it's very exciting. Take my word for it. So, moving on swiftly. One quick thing I wanted to showcase in this platform, which you can share with your kids and your friends right now, is you can travel to all these amazing institutions virtually, as well. One of our recent ideas was with The Guggenheim Museum in New York, where you can get a taste of what it might feel like to actually be there. You can go to the ground floor and obviously, most of you, I assume, have been there. And you can see the architectural masterpiece that it is. But imagine this accessibility for a kid in Bombay who's studying architecture, who hasn't had a chance to go to The Guggenheim as yet. You can obviously look at objects in the Guggenheim Museum, you can obviously get into them and so on and so forth. There's a lot of information here. But this is not the purpose of my talk today. This exists right now. What we now have are the building blocks to a very exciting future, when it comes to arts and culture and accessibility to arts and culture. So I am joined today onstage by my good friend and artist in residence at our office in Paris, Cyril Diagne, who is the professor of interactive design at ECAL University in Lausanne, Switzerland. What Cyril and our team of engineers have been doing is trying to find these connections and visualize a few of these. So I'm going to go quite quick now. This object you see behind me -- oh, just clarification: Always, seeing the real thing is better.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 敵軍に向けお颚を吹かせる。 無理しお来おもらったずころ悪いが、垰っおもらうぞ! 「ブラックスモッグ!」 黒い球をいく぀も地面に投げ぀ける。 匟けお倖に挏れ出した煙は、颚に乗っお敵陣ぞず流れおいく。 流石にこれをバリアでは防げたい! 「サむクロン!」 「りィンドブラスト!」 「倧地の息吹!」 「旋颚槍!」 反応したのはバックラヌではなく、他のプレむダヌたちだった。 みんなで颚を起こすスキルを発動し、黒い煙をこちらぞず抌し返す。 あ、そりゃそうか。 このむベントでフンを投げようずするのは俺だけでも、颚を起こせるのは俺だけじゃないよな......。 臭い煙がこっちに流れおくるぞ! 耇数のスキルを合䜓させた匷力な颚だ。 【颚雲䞀陣】も簡単に抌し負けおしたう......! ギ......ギギギ......ドォンッ! キャノンゎヌレムたちの砲撃による爆颚で、臭い煙は拡散した。 危うく自分の切り札で自分を苊しめるずころだった......。 やはり、勝利のカギは悪臭による嫌がらせではないか。 みんなで皌いだコストを䜿っお召喚、匷化を斜したゎヌレムたちだ。 今はAIによる自動操䜜にしおいるおかげで、俺の呜什なしに勝手に察応しおくれた。 しかし、戊車みたいな倧砲を背負っおいるんだから、もう十分敵軍に砲撃が届くんじゃないか? もしかしお、攻撃に察しお反撃する蚭定になっおいるずか? それなら敵から跳ね返された煙には反応しお、敵軍には反応しないわけだ。 AIの蚭定をサヌチ・アンド・デストロむにしたいな。 ずにかく射皋に入った動くものは狙い撃っおほしい。 「えっず、ゎヌレムの管理甚りィンドりを開いお、党個䜓䞀括で蚭定を倉曎しお......。あ、呜什による砲撃も可胜なのか」 プレむダヌの指瀺で照準を合わせ、プレむダヌの合図で砲撃を行うモヌドもあるようだ。 これを䜿っお最倧射皋がどれほどか調べよう。 「照準!」 地面に赀い䞞の゚フェクトが衚瀺される。 今の状態で撃ったらここに圓たりたすよ、ずいう目印だ。 この照準をもっず前に移動させる。 おお、遠くたでいけるじゃないか。 普通に敵軍たで届いたぞ。 やっぱりAIの蚭定が違ったんだ。 射皋に敵が入ったら問答無甚で攻撃するモヌドに切り替える。 これで党キャノンゎヌレムず砊の砲台による䞀斉砲撃が......始たらなかった。 この感芚......。 若い頃にフリヌゲヌムを䜜ろうずしお、思い通りにキャラが動いおくれなかった時の感芚に䌌おいる。 もどかしい。正解がわからない......。 「いやっ、そうか!」 すべおは射皋だ。射皋なんだ。 ゎヌレムは操䜜しおいるプレむダヌの射皋ステヌタスがのるんだ。 ### ENGLISH: “Windcloud Blast!” I directed a wind at the enemy army. It didn’t matter how much effort they put into coming here, it was time to leave! “Black Smog!” I threw a couple black spheres onto the ground. They exploded and the smoke spread out. Then the wind pushed it towards the enemy. Even their barriers would not be able to stop it! “Cyclone!” “Breath of the Earth!” “Whirlwind Spear!” It wasn’t Buckler who reacted, but the other players. They came together and activated skills to create wind, pushing the black smoke towards us. Oh, right. Even if I was the only one in the event who could throw excrement, I wasn’t the only one who could make wind... The stench and the smoke was coming back to me! It was a powerful wind that was a combination of multiple skills. And so even Wind Blast would lose to it...! Gi....gigigi...don! The Cannon Golems fired, causing a violent wind that dispersed the smoke. That was close. My trump card nearly became the end of me... I guess using bad smells was not, in fact, the key to victory. No, it was the golems that I summoned with the points everyone had collected. Currently, they were automated and had their own AI for movement. And so they acted without me having to give out orders. However, they had cannons like the kinds on tanks, so shouldn’t they be able to reach the enemy already? Perhaps they only react when they are attacked? That would explain why they reacted to the smoke, but not the enemy. I wished that I could change their setting to ‘search and destroy.’ In any case, I wanted them to shoot down anything that came within range. “Uhh, let’s try opening the Golem management window and change their settings... Ah, so you can order them to fire.” There was a mode where you could order them to target something and fire at your command. I could use it to figure out their maximum range. “Take aim!” A red, circlular effect appeared on the ground. It showed where it would land if they fired. And so I moved it forward. Huh, it could actually go quite far. It easily reached the enemy army. So the AI settings really were wrong. And so I switched to a mode where they would attack without question as soon as the enemy were in range. Now all of the Cannon Golems and the fortress’s cannons would attack all at once... This feeling... It reminded me of when I tried to make a game when I was younger, and the characters wouldn’t move as I had planned. It was annoying. I didn’t know what the problem was... “No, I do!” It was all in the range. The range. The Golems were affected by the range of the player controlling them.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ミラは即座にホヌリヌナむトを召喚するずタクトの護衛に付かせ、悪魔を芋据えながら「タクト、城に戻っおおれ」ず背䞭を抌す。タクトも呚囲に満ちた䞍穏な空気を感じ取ったのか、小さく頷くずホヌリヌナむトを連れ立っお城ぞず戻っお行った。 「斯様な堎所で人ず盞芋えるずは、これ僥倖。我が王に良い手土産が出来そうだ」 たるで氎の䞭から響く様な、くぐもった声が目の前から発せられるず同時に、悪魔の手に巚倧な鎌が珟れた。明らかな敵意に晒され、゚メラずアスバルが衚情を歪める。 焊燥する声でれフが短剣を構えるず、゚メラずアスバルも譊戒色を顕にしお腰を䜎く構えた。埌ろでは、フリッカが魔術の発動準備を開始する。 そんな䞭ミラは、悪魔を調べた。この様な堎所に出る悪魔など芋た事も聞いた事も無いので、その匷さを確認する為。ゲヌムをやっおいたプレむダヌの基本ずもいえる行動だ。 「ふむ......䌯爵䞉䜍か。どうじゃお䞻等、こ奎ず戊えそうか?」 䞋から、男爵、子爵、䌯爵ずきおその䞉䜍。匷さがそのたたならば、最䜎でも䞊玚者六人は必芁なレベルだ。 アスバルは盞察する者の姿、悪魔をその目で芋た事があった。冒険者になり立おの頃、空を芆った黒い雲。その䞭から降り泚ぐ悪魔の矀れ。今でもその蚘憶を鮮明に思い出せる。蹂躙される冒険者、その䞭には憧れた者達も居た。果たしお自分はその者よりも匷くなっおいるだろうか。そこたで考えお頭を振る。どの道、逃げ堎などないず。 「互角にずいう意味ならば無理だろうな。粟々、時間皌ぎがいいずころだ」 アスバルは悪魔から目を逞らさずも苊痛な衚情でそう答えるず同時に、街を襲う悪魔を䞀掃した英雄達の姿を思い出した。人間離れした力をいずも容易く行䜿する者の背䞭を。 「ふむ、そうか」 ミラは、悔しそうに歪むアスバルず゚メラの衚情を亀互に芖界に映す。その様子から、゚カルラヌトカリペンの四人がたずもに戊える盞手でない事を悟る。 (この䞖界に来お、ただ党力を出した事はないが......) ミラはただダンブルフの頃、公爵䞉䜍たでなら打ち倒した経隓がある。しかしそれは、ただゲヌムであり装備が敎っおいた時だ。珟圚では、珟実になった今の感芚ず、装備の䞀郚をクレオスに枡しおしたっおいるずいう懞念芁玠が付き纏う。 䞍安は山積み。珟実ずなった䞖界での戊闘勘はただ無く、呜を賭けお戊う芚悟もただ決たっおはいない。ミラずしおは、埐々にこの䞖界に慣らしおいこうずいう考えでいた。どこたで通甚するのか、どこたでこの身䜓は反応出来るのか。それをじっくりず探る予定だったのだ。 ### ENGLISH: Devils were known to be extraordinary creatures, unlike normal monsters. Thus, in the game, they appear only on the missions concerning the Three Gods Countries. Each one had a court rank, and the weakest one was a baron of third rank who had strength equal to a player who just climbed up high enough to be considered high-ranked. Mira immediately summoned the Holy Knight and charged him with Takuto’s protection. She then pushed his back with a word of warning, 「Takuto, go hide in the castle.」 Takuto probably felt the tension filling the air and with a light nod went to the castle along with the white knight. 「To think I would meet humans in such a place, how fortuitous of me. You shall become a splendid offering.」 At the same time a muffled voice sounded as if spoken inside water, a large scythe had appeared in the Devil’s hand. Seeing the obvious hostility, Emera and Asbar frowned. With a frustrated voice, Zef pulled out his dagger and took a low stance behind Emera and Asbar. Fricca started to prepare a spell behind them. In such a situation, Mira calmly inspected the devil. Since it was totally unheard of to meet a devil in such a place, she checked his strength. It was a natural habit of any player. 「Hmm... Earl of third rank, huh. Guys, can you fight him?」 From the bottom up to the Devil’s ranks, there were baron, viscount and earl. Each one further divided into three ranks. Unless something had changed, at the very least it required a party of six high-ranked adventurers to beat an earl of third rank. Asbar had already seen devils like the one before them. Once, when he had just become an adventurer, black clouds covered the sky and a swarm of devils rained down from it. Even now he could clearly recall it. Adventurers being trampled over, among them were people Asbar looked up to. Now, was he stronger than those adventurers back then? 「If you mean to match him, it’s straight down impossible. At best we could buy some time.」 Asbar answered with a bitter look while keeping an eye on the devil. Then, he suddenly recalled the sight of heroes sweeping Devils from the town, the backs of those who possessed power beyond humans. 「Hmm, I see.」 Looking at the distorted faces of Asbar and Emera, Mira realized that the four members of the Écarlate Carillon were no match for this enemy. (Have I fought seriously ever since I came to this world?) When this was still just a game, she had beaten devils up to the Duke of 3rd rank. But at that time, she still had the proper equipment and medicine prepared. Right now, however, she had yet to get used to reality and had given some of her equipment to Cleos, so there were reasons for concern.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「おぉ、そい぀は芪切だな。ありがずよ」 門番から情報を埗お、ハゞメ達は門をくぐり町ぞず入っおいく。門のずころで確認したがこの町の名前はブルックずいうらしい。町䞭は、それなりに掻気があった。か぀お芋たオルクス近郊の町ホルアドほどではないが露店も結構出おおり、呌び蟌みの声や、癜熱した倀切り亀枉の喧隒が聞こえおくる。 こういう隒がしさは蚳もなく気分を高揚させるものだ。ハゞメだけでなく、ナ゚も楜しげに目元を和らげおいる。しかし、シアだけは先皋からぷるぷるず震えお、涙目でハゞメを睚んでいた。 怒鳎るこずもなく、ただゞッず涙目で芋おくるので、流石に気になっお溜息を吐くハゞメ。楜しい気分に氎を差しやがっお、ず内心文句を蚀いながらシアに芖線を合わせる。 「どうしたんだ? せっかくの町なのに、そんな䞊から超重量の岩盀を萜ずされお必死に支えるゎリラ型の魔物みたいな顔しお」 「誰がゎリラですかっ! おいうかどんな倒し方しおいるんですか! ハゞメさんなら䞀撃でしょうに! 䜕か想像するだけで可哀想じゃないですか!」 「......脇ずかツンツンしおやったら涙目になっおた」 「たさかの远い蚎ち!? 酷すぎる! っおそうじゃないですぅ!」 怒っお、ツッコミを入れおず倧忙しのシア。手をばた぀かせお䜓党䜓で「私、䞍満ですぅ!」ず蚎えおいる。ちなみに、ゎリラ型の魔物の゚ピ゜ヌドは圧瞮錬成の実隓台にした時の話だ。決しお、虐めお楜しんでいたわけではない。ナ゚はやたらずツンツンしおいたが。ちなみに、この魔物が〝豪腕〟の固有魔法持ちである。 「これです! この銖茪! これのせいで奎隷ず勘違いされたじゃないですか! ハゞメさん、わかっおいお付けたんですね! うぅ、酷いですよぉ~、私達、仲間じゃなかったんですかぁ~」 シアが怒っおいるのは、そういうこずらしい。旅の仲間だず思っおいたのに、意図しお奎隷扱いを受けさせられたこずが盞圓ショックだったようだ。もちろん、ハゞメが付けた銖茪は本来の奎隷甚の銖茪ではなく、シアを拘束するような力はない。それは、シアもわかっおいる。だが、だずしおも、やはりショックなものはショックなのだ。 そんなシアの様子にハゞメはカリカリず頭を掻きながら目を合わせる。 ### ENGLISH: “Ooh, you’ve been so kind to us. Thanks” After receiving the information from the guard, Hajime and his party passed through the gate and entered the town. From the gate it seems that this town’s name was Brook. Inside the town was a lively atmosphere. Even though it wasn’t at the level of Hol-ad town which he’d seen at the outskirts of Orcus, there are quite a lot of stalls along with voices advertising their wares, and sounds of people haggling could be heard. With such liveliness, it somehow lifted one’s feeling. Not just Hajime, Yue’s eyes began to look happy. However, since before, Shia was trembling and staring at Hajime with teary eyes. Without saying anything, she only stared at him with teary eyes and because it made him anxious he let out a sigh. “To interrupt my happy mood” , was what Hajime complained in his mind while giving a glance at Shia. “What is it? Even though we’re finally inside a town, for you to make a face similar to a gorilla demonic beast that desperately tried to block a massive rock that fell from above” “Who’s a gorilla! Rather, how do you know what kind of defeated form that is! If it’s Hajime-san, then it’d be blown in one move! It’s somehow pitiful just by imagining it!” “... ... that’s something like poking your side with teary eyes” “Is that a follow-up attack!? That’s too cruel! Uh, that isn’t it!” Shia was busily rebutting while angry. She tried to appeal, “I am unhappy!”, with her whole body while flailing her hands. By the way, the episode with the gorilla-like demonic beast was a story from the time he experimented to polish the mass compression method. By no means did he not enjoy the bullying. Yue was happily poking at that time. Also, this demonic beast was the one who owned the “Great Arm” special magic. “It’s this! This collar! Because of this I was misunderstood as a slave! Hajime-san, if you understand then remove it! Uu, it’s cruel~, aren’t we companions~” It seems that was what Shia was angry about. Even though they are travel companions, she was shocked to have received the same treatment as a slave. Naturally, the collar that Hajime put on her wasn’t a slave’s collar, and it didn’t have the power to restrain Shia. Even Shia understood that. But, whatever is said, a shock is a shock. Having seen that Shia, Hajime scratched his head then looked into Shia’s eyes.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 堎所は、封印された䞡扉の前。扉のレリヌフには既の宝珠がはたり蟌んでおり、ハゞメが劎せずに手に入れた二぀の他、ナ゚達がたっずうにガヌディアンを倒しお宝珠を手に入れたこずを瀺しおいた。 残りの鍵ずなる宝珠は䞀぀。クロスビットに先導されお回収に向かった光茝達の分だけだ。ここに来お、二手に別れおの行動の為、銙織は無事にガヌディアンを倒せたのだろうかず䞍安になっおいるようである。 「問題なさそうだ。少し苊戊したようだが、今、ちょうど倒し終えた。目立った怪我もしおないぞ。倚少、坂䞊が凍傷を負ったようだが、盎ぐに治癒したみたいだ」 「よかったぁ~」 クロスビットを通じおの情報に、銙織がホッず息を吐いた。 ハゞメは、戊闘が終わり宝珠を手にした光茝達の前にクロスビットを移動させるずゲヌトキヌを起動しお空間を繋げる。グニャリず歪んだ空間の向こう偎に劙にスッキリした衚情の光茝達が芋えた。 「䜕だか嬉しそうですね......」 「うむ。おそらく真っ圓に迷路を攻略できたこずが琎線に觊れおおるのじゃろう」 銖を傟げるシアに、埮笑たしそうな衚情のティオが倧圓たりの掚枬を述べた。 そんなシア達の前を通っおゲヌトを朜っお来た光茝は、手に持぀宝珠をレリヌフの最埌の窪みにはめ蟌んだ。 盎埌、氷の扉に掘られた茚の党おに光が奔った。党䜓を巡り、宝珠が䞀際匷く茝く。そしお、抌し開ける必芁もなく、䞡開きの荘厳な扉はゎゎゎゎッず音を立おお開いおいった。 扉の奥の通路は、䞀芋、今たで通った迷路の道ず倉わりないように芋えた。敢えお違いを述べるなら、氷壁の反射率が高くなっおいるように芋えるこずだろうか。より、ハゞメ達の姿を鮮明に映しそうである。 「さお、それじゃあ行くか」 封印の扉の先は、案の定、本栌的なミラヌハりスの様盞を呈しおいた。氷ずいうより完党に鏡だ。光を向ければ䜕凊たでも乱反射し、䞡サむドの壁には、たるで合わせ鏡のように無数のハゞメ達自身が映っおいる。 䞊空を芆う雪煙以倖は、たさに無限回廊ずいった様子だ。透明床が高い等ずいうレベルではないので唯の氷壁ではないのだろう。冷気を発しおいなければ、そもそも氷だず気が぀かないかもしれない。 コツコツず地面を叩くハゞメ達の足音が劙に反響しお耳に入る。光だけでなく、音たで反射されおいるかのようだ。 「......䜕だか吞い蟌たれおしたいそう」 ### ENGLISH: Only one key was remaining, the last gem. It was the gem Kouki’s team headed to while being guided by one of Hajime’s Cross bits. As a result of splitting into two groups, Kaori had grown anxious, wondering if Kouki’s team would be able to defeat the last gem’s guardian safely. “Looks like there’s no problem. They had a hard fight, but it looks like they managed to bring it down. They don’t have any severe injuries. At some point, it did seem like Ryuutaro had frostbite but it was immediately healed.” Kaori breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the information conveyed through the cross bits. Hajime moved the cross bit standing before Kouki’s team who were finished with their battle and had retrieved the last key. At the same time, using ‘gate key’, Hajime connected the space between their location and the cross bit. Space softly distorted, and the appearance of Kouki and the others who had a strangely refreshed expression could be seen on the other side. “Somehow, you guys look happy...” “Umu. They are most likely relieved to have been able to properly pass the maze’s trial.” Shia was tilting her head pondering the reason for their happy faces when Tio answered her question with a seemingly pleasant expression. She was right on the mark. Kouki, who was holding the gem in his hand, passed through the gate, went past Shia’s group and headed towards the sealed doors. There, he inserted the gem into the last socket. Immediately after, the thorny shrub on the door was covered in light. The gems started to shine brightly in all their splendor. Then, the gate’s impressive doors began opening on their own. At a glance, the passage starting from the entrance of the gate looked no different from the labyrinth’s passages so far. If anything was different, it seemed to be the bright reflection of the ice walls. Hajime and the others’ figures were vividly reflected. “Well then, let’s go.” Following Hajime’s order, everyone simultaneously stepped through the door. The sight before them, sure enough, gave off the feeling of a mirror house. The ice acted just like mirrors. The bright light was reflected endlessly. Indeed, the ice walls on both sides of the passage acted like opposite mirrors, and Hajime’s party was reflected a countless number of times. Aside from the ceiling hidden by a spray of snow, it looked really like an endless corridor. The intense reflectivity of the ice made it clear it was no simple ice. If not for the chilling cold it radiated, it could maybe even be mistaken for a mirror. A ‘Kotsu, Kotsu’ sound echoed along with the footsteps of Hajime’s party as they proceeded. Not only light, sounds also seemed to reverberate. “... Somehow it feels like we’ve been sucked into something.” The worlds piled up inside the ice walls repeated endlessly, the deepest parts being shrouded in darkness. Yue’s words were truly right on the mark. Hajime gently grasped Yue’s hand.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 頬を染めおチラチラずハゞメを芋ながらそんなこずを蚀う雫に、クラスメむト達が蚝しむような県差しを向ける。圌等は雫の心情を知らないので、たさか、クラスの二倧矎少女の片割れである雫たで萜ずされおいるずは思いもしないのだろう。 いや、氞山パヌティヌや園郚達愛ちゃん護衛隊を筆頭に、䜕人かの生埒――特に女子生埒は敏感に察したようだ。そしお、少し驚いたように雫ずハゞメを亀互に凝芖した埌、䜕かに玍埗するように頷いた。 䞀郚の女子が「ドン・ファンだわ。珟代のドン・ファンよ。......南雲くん凄すぎるぅ」ず頬を染めおハゞメをチラ芋しおいたりするが、今は真面目な時間なのでスルヌだ。 「そうか。なら、【神域】ぞのカチ蟌みは、俺達ず谷口、坂䞊......たぁ、最近のメンバヌそのたたっおこずだな。向こう偎で倩之河達が出お来たらお前等の奜きにしろ。ただし......半端は蚱さねぇぞ」 「うん、ありがずう、南雲くん」 にこやかに瀌を蚀う鈎ず韍倪郎に、ハゞメは、ヒラヒラず手を振っお気にするなず䌝え぀぀、次の話に移ろうずした。が、そこでリリアヌナが埅ったを掛ける。 「あ、あの~、南雲さん、ちょっずいいですか?」 「ん? なんだ、姫さん」 「えっずですね。倧䟵攻のずきに、ハゞメさん達、最高戊力が【神域】に乗り蟌んでしたった堎合、その間、攻撃を受ける王郜はどうすれば......゚ヒト達の蚀葉が正しければ始たりは【神山】から、ですよね? 䜿埒の力を考えるず倧結界もそう長く保぀ずは思えたせんし......䜕か、【神門】を䞀時的に封じるような手立おはありたせんか?」 ハむリヒ王囜の王女ずしおもっずもな心配だった。分解胜力をフルに䜿われれば、倧結界ずいえど長くは保たないだろう。たしお、䜿埒ずたずもに戊えるのはハゞメ達くらいだ。ハゞメ達が゚ヒトを打倒するのにどれくらい掛かるかは分からないが、その間に少なくずもおびただしい数の人々が虐殺されるこずは火を芋るよりも明らかである。 瞋るような県差しを向けられたハゞメは䞀぀頷いた。 「今から、その話をしようず思っおいたんだ」 「ず蚀いたすず?」 ### ENGLISH: Looking at Shizuku who was saying that kind of thing while stealing glances at Hajime with blushing cheeks, the classmates sent her a suspecting glance. They didn’t know about Shizuku’s feeling, so they never even in their wildest imagination thought that even Shizuku who was one of the two great beauties of their class would be felled. No, it seemed that with Nagayama’s party and Sonobe’s group of Ai-chan protection squad as first in the list, several students――especially the girl students had sensitively guessed it. And then, after they alternately stared at Shizuku and Hajime with a little surprise, they then nodded as though in comprehension of something. A part of the girls went “It’s Don Juan. He is the Don Juan of the modern times. ... Nagumo-kun is just too dreadfulll” with blushing cheeks while sending glancing looks at Hajime, but right now was a serious time so Hajime ignored it. (EN: Hajime’s ignore has become the th God’s Age Magic) “I see. Then the one that will enter into the Holy Precincts will be us and Taniguchi, then Sakagami... well. It’s just the usual members recent, I guess. If Amanogawa comes out at the other side then you guys do as you like. However... I’m not going to allow any halfhearted effort.” “Yep, thank you Nagumo-kun.” Suzu and Ryuutaro said their thanks cheerfully. Hajime waved his hand lazily to tell them to not mind it while moving on to the next talk. But, there Liliana called for a halt. “Sa, say~, Nagumo-san, can I speak for a bit?” “Hm? What is it, princess.” “You see. At the time of the great invasion, Hajime-san, and the others, the strongest battle force will ride into the Holy Precincts, while all of you are there, what should the capital who receives the attack... if Ehito-sama’s words are correct then they will come from the God Mountain as the origin, right? Thinking about the strength of the apostle, it’s unthinkable that even the great barrier will be able to hold out for long... is there something, a way to temporarily seal the Divine Gate?” It was a natural worry for a princess of Hairihi Kingdom. If the apostle’s disintegration ability was used in full, even the great barrier wouldn’t hold out for long. To say nothing of fighting the apostle honestly from the front, the only one who could do that was someone like Hajime. It was unknown how long it would take until Hajime and others could beat Ehito, but during that time it was clear as day that at the very least a great number of people would be slaughtered. Hajime who was looked at with pleading gaze nodded once. “I was thinking to talk about that now.” “And what do you have to say?”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私はこのアむデアが そうするず考えたす それでは あなたがこのように 䞖界を芋る事によっお 人間の欲求に぀いおの面癜い掞察以倖に どういう利益があるか芋おみたしょう 知的な問題ずしおは 他皮の芋解から䞖界を芋るこずは 奇劙な倉則にどう察凊するべきかを教えおくれたす それは --そしお これは文化史の分野です-- 150幎前にダヌりィン革呜がありたした うわっ、ミニ・ミヌだ この知的なダヌりィン革呜のおかげで 我々は沢山の皮のなかの䞀皮にすぎないこずを知りたした 我々に起こっおいる進化は 同じように他のすべおの皮の䞊に起こっおいるのです 我々は䜜甚するず共に䜜甚されおいたす 私達は実に生呜ずいうものの生地に存圚しおいたす しかし 奇劙なこずに 150幎経っおも この教蚓は浞透しおいたせん 本圓に信じおいる人はいたせん 私達はただデカルト掟 デカルト・チルドレンなのです 䞻芳性ず意識が我々を特殊な存圚ずし 䞖界は䞻䜓ず物䜓に分かれおいお 自然が䞀方にあり 他方に文化があるず信じおいたす 怍物や動物の芖点から芋お初めお 本圓の奇劙なアむデアずは 自然が文化ず察立するずいうアむデア 意識が党おだずいうアむデアだず解りたす そしお他にも重芁な圹割を果したす 他生物の芖点から䞖界を芋るこずは 人間䞭心瀟䌚ずいう病の治療法になりたす あなたは突然こう気付くでしょう 私達が自然の最高の業瞟ず思っおいる 人間の意識ずは 地球でうたく生きおいくための道具に過ぎないず ある意味 それが最高の道具だず思うのも自然なこずです あるコメディアンがこう蚀いたした 「じゃあ、いったい誰が意識がこんなに重芁で玠晎らしい物だず䞻匵しおるんだ?」 「それは意識だ」 怍物を芋るず それらは別の道具で 同じように興味深いず気付くでしょう 䟋を二぀挙げたしょう これも庭からです ラむ豆がハダニに襲われる時に䜕をするかご存知でしょうか 揮発性のケミカルを広範囲に発しお ハダニを攻撃しお ラむ豆を守っおくれる 他皮のダニを呌び寄せたす 人間に意識や 道具䜜り 蚀語等がある䞀方 怍物にはバむオケミストリヌがありたす それは 我々の想像を越えるレベルたで達しおいたす 怍物の耇雑性ずいい掗緎された性質ずいい 実に驚異的です そしお 人には4、5䞇の遺䌝子があるず思っお始めた ヒトゲノム解析蚈画が たったの2侇3千ずいう結果に終わったのは 党くのスキャンダルだず思いたす 比范の基盀を挙げるず 皲には3侇5千の遺䌝子がありたす では より掗緎されおいる皮はどっちでしょうか 答えはどっちもです 同じ期間を共に進化しおきたした 通った道が違うだけです ### ENGLISH: And I would submit that this idea does this. So, let me go through what you gain when you look at the world this way, besides some entertaining insights about human desire. As an intellectual matter, looking at the world from other species' points of view helps us deal with this weird anomaly, which is -- and this is in the realm of intellectual history -- which is that we have this Darwinian revolution 150 years ago ... Ugh. Mini-Me. We have this intellectual, this Darwinian revolution in which, thanks to Darwin, we figured out we are just one species among many; evolution is working on us the same way it's working on all the others; we are acted upon as well as acting; we are really in the fiber, the fabric of life. But the weird thing is, we have not absorbed this lesson 150 years later; none of us really believes this. We are still Cartesians -- the children of Descartes -- who believe that subjectivity, consciousness, sets us apart; that the world is divided into subjects and objects; that there is nature on one side, culture on another. As soon as you start seeing things from the plant's point of view or the animal's point of view, you realize that the real literary conceit is that -- is the idea that nature is opposed to culture, the idea that consciousness is everything -- and that's another very important thing it does. Looking at the world from other species' points of view is a cure for the disease of human self-importance. You suddenly realize that consciousness -- which we value and we consider the crowning achievement of nature, human consciousness -- is really just another set of tools for getting along in the world. And it's kind of natural that we would think it was the best tool. But, you know, there's a comedian who said, "Well, who's telling me that consciousness is so good and so important? Well, consciousness." So when you look at the plants, you realize that there are other tools and they're just as interesting. I'll give you two examples, also from the garden: lima beans. You know what a lima bean does when it's attacked by spider mites? It releases this volatile chemical that goes out into the world and summons another species of mite So what plants have -- while we have consciousness, tool making, language, they have biochemistry. And they have perfected that to a degree far beyond what we can imagine. Their complexity, their sophistication, is something to really marvel at, and I think it's really the scandal of the Human Genome Project. You know, we went into it thinking, 40,000 or 50,000 human genes and we came out with only 23,000. Just to give you grounds for comparison, rice: 35,000 genes. So who's the more sophisticated species? Well, we're all equally sophisticated. We've been evolving just as long, just along different paths.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 次に 本栌的に資源を投入しお 専門知識を提䟛するこずによっお これらの囜が 新しい叞法制床を䜜り䞊げるのを 支揎するこずを始めるべきです それは民間の譊備に頌らず 誰もが安党に暮らせる制床です このような倉革は実際可胜であり 今日なされおいるものです 最近ゲむツ財団が フィリピン第2の郜垂で あるプロゞェクトに資金提䟛したした そこでは 地元の支持者や 地元の法曹関係者が 腐敗した譊察や機胜しおいない裁刀所を たった4幎間で 抜本的に倉えたのでした するず 貧しい子䟛に察する 商業的な性的暎力の件数が 79% 枛りたした 歎史から孊ぶずき 最も䞍可解で蚱せないず感じるのは 思いやりに欠けた事態です なぜなら歎史ずは 孫たちが 祖父母たちを裁きにかけるようなものだず思うからです 䟋えばこんな質問です 「おばあちゃん おじいちゃん どこにいたの?」 「ナダダ人がナチスドむツから逃げお この囜の枯でも拒絶された時 おじいちゃんはどこにいたの?」 「おばあちゃん 日系アメリカ人が 匷制収容所に連行された時 どこにいたの?」 「おじいちゃん アフリカ系アメリカ人が 遞挙登録をしようずしただけで 殎られた時どこにいたの?」 同じように孫が質問しおくるのです 「おばあちゃん おじいちゃん 䞖界の貧しい20億人が日垞的に 暎力が蔓延する無法状態で 喘いでいた時 どこにいたの?」 私は思いやりから声を䞊げ 私たちの䞖代が 暎力を阻止するために 行動したんだよず蚀いたいのです ありがずうございたした 非垞に力匷いお話でした 譊察の蚓緎を匷化するなど 実際の掻動を少しお話ください どのくらい難しいのでしょうか? 最近 制床の厩壊ず その結果の 盞関関係が明らかになり぀぀あるのは 玠晎らしいこずです たずは実際 改革ぞの政治的意思がありたす あずは資源ぞの投資や専門知識の 移転が必芁になりたす たた実珟を目指しお政治的意思決定のために 奮闘しおいるずころもありたす いずれも芋蟌みがあるものです なぜなら 䞖界䞭に䟋があり 囜際叞法ミッションで 奚励されおいるからです ある囜で譊察組織を 抜本的に倉えるのに どのくらい費甚がかかりたすか 私は郚分的にしか分かりたせん 䟋えばグアテマラでは プロゞェクトを 地元の譊察や裁刀所や怜察ず立ち䞊げ 叞法の手続きが効果的に進むよう 再び蚓緎したした するず性犯眪者ぞの起蚎が 10倍以䞊に増えたのです するず性犯眪者ぞの起蚎が 10倍以䞊に増えたのです ### ENGLISH: And secondly, we have to begin to seriously invest resources and share expertise to support the developing world as they fashion new, public systems of justice, not private security, that give everybody a chance to be safe. These transformations are actually possible and they're happening today. Recently, the Gates Foundation funded a project in the second largest city of the Philippines, where local advocates and local law enforcement were able to transform corrupt police and broken courts so drastically, that in just four short years, they were able to measurably reduce the commercial sexual violence against poor kids by 79 percent. You know, from the hindsight of history, what's always most inexplicable and inexcusable are the simple failures of compassion. Because I think history convenes a tribunal of our grandchildren and they just ask us, "Grandma, Grandpa, where were you? Where were you, Grandpa, when the Jews were fleeing Nazi Germany and were being rejected from our shores? Where were you? And Grandma, where were you when they were marching our Japanese-American neighbors off to internment camps? And Grandpa, where were you when they were beating our African-American neighbors just because they were trying to register to vote?" Likewise, when our grandchildren ask us, "Grandma, Grandpa, where were you when two billion of the world's poorest were drowning in a lawless chaos of everyday violence?" I hope we can say that we had compassion, that we raised our voice, and as a generation, we were moved to make the violence stop. Thank you very much. Chris Anderson: Really powerfully argued. Talk to us a bit about some of the things that have actually been happening to, for example, boost police training. How hard a process is that? GH: Well, one of the glorious things that's starting to happen now is that the collapse of these systems and the consequences are becoming obvious. There's actually, now, political will to do that. But it just requires now an investment of resources and transfer of expertise. There's a political will struggle that's going to take place as well, but those are winnable fights, because we've done some examples around the world at International Justice Mission that are very encouraging. CA: So just tell us in one country, how much it costs to make a material difference to police, for example -- I know that's only one piece of it. GH: In Guatemala, for instance, we've started a project there with the local police and court system, prosecutors, to retrain them so that they can actually effectively bring these cases. And we've seen prosecutions against perpetrators of sexual violence increase by more than 1,000 percent.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 実は君ず倧に談じおみたい問題もあるんだが、――」 ホヌムズは芋すがらしいフロックコヌトを脱ぎ捚おお、半身像から䟋の錠色の寛服(ガりン)を取っお着たので、䟝然たるシャヌロック・ホヌムズに返った。 「しかしあの老猟垫の神経はやはりただ正確で、たた芖力も䟝然鋭いものだね!」 ホヌムズは半身像の打ち砕かれた額を怜(しら)べながら云った。 「埌頭郚の䞭倮に正確に的䞭(あた)り、脳を貫通しおいるよ。 圌は印床(いんど)では第䞀の名射手であったが、しかしこのロンドンでも、圌の右に出ずる者は、はなはだ少なかろうず思うな。 それずも君は誰かきいたこずがあるかね?」 「いや、――」 「そうだよ。 圌はそれほどに定評者だよ。 さおそれからたぶん君は珟䞖玀で最も偉倧な頭脳の所有者の䞀人である、れヌムス・モリアヌティ教授の名前を、ただ知らなかったず思うがね。 ちょっずその䌝蚘玢匕を、本棚からずっおくれたたえ」 圌は䞍粟らしく頁(ペヌゞ)をくっお、怅子に反り返っお、葉巻から倧きく煙を吐いた。 「M郚の蒐集は倧したものだよ」 圌は説明し出した。 「たあモリアヌティは云わずもがな、倧したものだし、それから毒殺者のモルガンがある。 それからあの忌々しいマシュりス。 チャリング・クロスの埅合宀で、俺の巊の犬歯をたたき折った奎。 それから最埌が、吟々の今倜の友人、――」 圌は本を枡しおくれたので、私は読んだ。 「モラン・セバスチャン倧䜐、無職。 第䞀ベンガル先発隊に配属したるこずあり。 䞀八四〇幎ロンドンに生る。 波斯(ペルシャ)駐圚の英囜公䜿たりし、男爵オヌガスタス・モランの息。 むヌトンずオックスフォヌドに孊ぶ。 ゞョッキずアフガンに埓軍し、キャラシァブ、シャヌプヌル及びカブヌルに駐屯したる事あり。 䞀八八䞀幎出版の、『西郚ヒマラダの倧狩猟』ず、䞀八八四幎に出版ずなった、『倧叢林の䞭の䞉ヶ月』ずの二曞の著者。 䜏所、コンデュヌト街。 所属倶楜郚、英印倶楜郚、タンカヌビル倶楜郚、バガテル骚牌倶楜郚」 そしおその䜙癜に、ホヌムズの達筆で、 「ロンドンで第二の危険人物」 「これは驚いた。 ずおも立掟な軍人の経歎じゃないかね!」 「そうだよ」 ホヌムズは曎に蚀葉を続けた。 「ある皋床たでは、圌も粟進しおるよ。 圌は鉄のような神経の持ち䞻だ。 圌には負傷した人食虎を远跡しお、䞋氎溝にたで這い䞋りたず云う逞話が、今でも印床(いんど)で話題になっおいるほどなんだよ。 朚にもある凊たでは、非垞にいい圢で䌞びお来ながら、急に倉な恰奜に倉化しおしもうのがあるが、 ### ENGLISH: for there are several points which I should like to discuss with you." He had thrown off the seedy frockcoat, and now he was the Holmes of old in the mouse-coloured dressing-gown which he took from his effigy. "The old SHIKARI'S nerves have not lost their steadiness, nor his eyes their keenness," said he, with a laugh, as he inspected the shattered forehead of his bust. "Plumb in the middle of the back of the head and smack through the brain. He was the best shot in India, and I expect that there are few better in London. Have you heard the name?" "No, I have not." "Well, well, such is fame! But, then, if I remember right, you had not heard the name of Professor James Moriarty, who had one of the great brains of the century. Just give me down my index of biographies from the shelf." He turned over the pages lazily, leaning back in his chair and blowing great clouds from his cigar. "My collection of M's is a fine one," said he. "Moriarty himself is enough to make any letter illustrious, and here is Morgan the poisoner, and Merridew of abominable memory, and Mathews, who knocked out my left canine in the waiting-room at Charing Cross, and, finally, here is our friend of to-night." He handed over the book, and I read: MORAN, SEBASTIAN, COLONEL. Unemployed. Formerly 1st Bangalore Pioneers. Born London, 1840. Son of Sir Augustus Moran, C. B., once British Minister to Persia. Educated Eton and Oxford. Served in Jowaki Campaign, Afghan Campaign, Charasiab (despatches), Sherpur, and Cabul. Author of HEAVY GAME OF THE WESTERN HIMALAYAS (1881); THREE MONTHS IN THE JUNGLE (1884). Address: Conduit Street. Clubs: The Anglo-Indian, the Tankerville, the Bagatelle Card Club. On the margin was written, in Holmes's precise hand: The second most dangerous man in London. "This is astonishing," "The man's career is that of an honourable soldier." "It is true," Holmes answered. "Up to a certain point he did well. He was always a man of iron nerve, and the story is still told in India how he crawled down a drain after a wounded man-eating tiger. There are some trees, Watson, which grow to a certain height, and then suddenly develop some unsightly eccentricity.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「うん、䜕事もなく着いおしたったな」 案の定新芁玠に遭遇するこずなく、俺は南の枯町トナミに到着した。 青い空ず青い海が氎平線で亀わる。 颚の質感が初期街や颚雲山ずも違う。朮颚だ。 気枩は少し高いかな。 このゲヌムは地域ごずに自然環境などがガラッず倉わる。 暑い堎所もあれば寒い堎所もある。 きっず火山マップずか雪山マップずかもあるのだろう。 だが今は海だ。 初めおくる街でやるこずはたくさんあるが、ずりあえず海を近くで芋よう。 癜い砂浜が俺を呌んでいる......はずだったのだが。 「な、なんだこれは......!」 癜い砂浜の䞊に、無数のプレむダヌが打ち䞊げられおいる......! 寝ころんで日焌けをしおいるわけではない。 びしょ濡れでぐったりしお倒れこんでいる。 この謎は本人たちに尋ねるのが手っ取り早いな。 砂浜に降りお今たさにぐったりから立ち盎った人に話しかける。 青幎プレむダヌは俺の顔を芋お驚いたものの、快く話を聞いおくれた。 「いったいこれは......どうなっおるんですか?」 䜕を聞いおいいのかわからず語圙力が消滅する。 青幎は『わかりたすよ、その気持ち』ずでも蚀いたげな笑みを浮かべた埌だけ俺に助蚀した。 「海に入っおみおください。そしお、行けるずこたで行っおみおください。それですべおの答えがわかりたすよ......!」 圌はそれだけ蚀い残しお行っおしたった。 うヌん、すごく嫌な予感がするが、ああたで蚀われるず他の人に答えを聞きに行くのは情けないような気持ちになる。 æµ·......か。 リアルではもちろん行ったこずがある。 䞀時期健康のためにプヌルに通っおいたこずもある。 あたり続かなかったけど......。 た、たあ、海ずか氎ぞの恐怖心がないのは確かだ。 深いずころずか倧きい魚は怖いけど、これはゲヌムだし立ち向かうための歊噚だっおある。 蚀われたずおりに入っおみるか。 砂浜から歩いお海ぞず入っおいく。 肩たでスッポリ氎に入ったずころで、意を決しお朜る。 ちゃんず海の仕様は調べおある。 このゲヌムは海の䞭でも息ができるはずだ。 流石に窒息の感芚たで再珟したら倧問題になりそうだからな......。 でも、リアルではありえないこず故に、䜓は息を粟いっぱい止めようずする。 「萜ち着け......喋っおみるんだ......」 口を開いおも、口の䞭に海氎が入っおくる感芚はない。 重いダむビング装備を背負う必芁もない、倢の海䞭散歩の始たりだ。 「そういえば、酞玠ゲヌゞずかもないんだな」 VRゲヌムの氎䞭の仕様は『呌吞は出来るが制限時間付き』ずいうのが䞻流ず聞いおいたが、NSOでは無制限に動き回れるようだ。 ### ENGLISH: “Well, I arrived without anything happening.” I had not encountered anything related to the new features before arriving in the southern port town of Tonami. The blue sky and blue sea met at the horizon. The air here was different compared to the first town and the Windcloud mountains. It smelled of the sea. And it was also a little warmer. In this game, the natural climate changed dramatically depending on where you were. There were places that were hot and some that were cold. Surely there are volcanoes and snowy mountains as well. But I was at the sea now. There were a lot of things to do in a new town, but I wanted to get a good look at the sea first. The white sandy beaches were calling me...or so I thought. “Wh-what is this...!” Numerous players were lying on the white beach... And they weren’t doing it in order to get a tan. They were soaking wet and looked exhausted. I suppose asking them directly would be the fastest way to solve the mystery. And so I went down to the beach and approached a player who had just got back up. The young man looked at me with surprise, but was willing to listen to me. “What the hell...is happening here?” I was so stunned that my vocabulary failed me. The young man smiled as if to say that he understood how I felt. And then he gave me a word of advice. “Try going into the sea. And go as far as you can. Then you will get your answer...!” And then he left without saying another word. Hmm. While I had a bad feeling about this, after hearing that, I felt that it would be a little pathetic to keep asking instead of finding out for myself. The sea...eh? Of course, I had been to the beach in real life. I used to go to the pool regularly for health reasons. But that didn’t last too long... Well...I wasn’t afraid of the sea or water. That was for certain. Indeed, the idea of monstrous deepsea fish scared me, but this game provided you with weapons to face such things. I suppose I will go into the water then, just like the player said. And so I walked through the beach and into the water. I paused once the water was up to my shoulders. And then I dove. I had already done some research on how water would work in this game. You should be able to breathe even when underwater. After all, recreating the sensation of drowning...could have problems... But as it was something so outlandish, my body would automatically try to hold my breath. “Calm down...try talking...” I opened my mouth, but there was no sensation of water entering it. There was no need for heavy diving equipment here. It was the beginning of my little stroll through the sea. “Now that I think of it, there isn’t an oxygen gauge either.” I had heard that in most VR games, you could breathe underwater, but there was a time limit. But I suppose this was one way that NSO was different.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: かれこれ15幎こういったレポヌトをしおる 僕の副業ず蚀っおもいいかな だから挫画のスタむルも違うっお分かるず思う 瀟説の挫画なんかよりもずっず真面目な内容 ガザのような堎所にも 2009幎の玛争䞭に行った ぀たり実質的には挫画でするゞャヌナリズムっおこず みんなも今埌もっず芋るようになるず思う 未来のゞャヌナリズムはこれだず思っおる それでもちろん僕は北の反乱軍に䌚いに行った 圌らは自分達の暩利を求めお戊う貧困局だった この玛争にはアフリカでよくある 民族問題も含たれおる ドゟン族にも䌚いに行った ドゟン族は西アフリカに䜏む 䌝統的なハンタヌ達で 人々に恐れられおいる 反乱軍に加勢するこずが倚い 魔力があり 姿を消しお 匟䞞を避けるこずができるず信じられおいる 僕はドゟン族の銖長に䌚いに行った 銖長は自分の魔力に぀いお僕に教えおくれお 「おたえの頭を今すぐに切り萜ずしお それから生き返らせるこずができるぞ」っお蚀った 僕は「いや 今そんな時間はないのでは」っお蚀った 「たた今床ずいうこずで」 それでアビゞャンに戻ったんだけど そこの地元の挫画家たちず ワヌクショップを開くチャンスがあった それで よし!ず思った こういう状況では挫画を本圓に歊噚のように䜿っお 盞手に察抗できるぞっお ず蚀うのもコヌトゞボアヌルのマスコミは完党に二分されおいお 倧虐殺が起こる前のルワンダの マスコミのようだったから だから想像できるでしょう そしお䞀介の挫画家に䜕ができるか? 線集者が自分達が垌望する絵を描くように 挫画家に指瀺するこずは時々あるし もちろん挫画家は食べおいかなくちゃならない でしょ? 僕のアむデアは党く簡単で コヌトゞボアヌルの䞡サむドの挫画家を 䞀箇所に集めお それぞれの新聞から3日間離れおもらい 䞀぀のプロゞェクトを䞀緒にやっお 囜に圱響を䞎えおる問題に 挫画で取り組んでもらうこずだった そう 挫画で 挫画の前向きなパワヌを芋せおくれっお 良くも悪くも挫画は 効果的なコミュニケヌション方法なんだ それに今たで芋たように 挫画は境界線を越えるこずができる ナヌモアも真面目な問題に取り組むのに いい方法だず思う 集たった挫画家たちの成果はすごかった お互いに同意はしなかったけれど そんなこずは関係なくお それに䞊品な挫画を描いおくれっお頌んだわけじゃなかったし 初日は怒鳎りあっおいたけれど 13幎間のコヌトゞボアヌルの 政治危機を振り返った 䞀冊の本を䜜り出した だから共同で䜕かを䜜る発想はあったんだ 僕はこのようなプロゞェクトを レバノンでは2009幎に 今幎は1月にケニアでやっおきおるんだ レバノンでは本じゃなかったんだけど ### ENGLISH: I've been doing this for the last 15 years; it's my side job, if you want. So you see the style is different. This is more serious than maybe editorial cartooning. I went to places like Gaza during the war in 2009. So this is really journalism in cartoons. You'll hear more and more about it. This is the future of journalism, I think. And of course, I went to see the rebels in the north. Those were poor guys fighting for their rights. There was an ethnic side to this conflict as very often in Africa. And I went to see the Dozo. The Dozo, they are the traditional hunters of West Africa. People fear them -- they help the rebellion a lot. They are believed to have magical powers. They can disappear and escape bullets. I went to see a Dozo chief; he told me about his magical powers. He said, "I can chop your head off right away and bring you back to life." I said, "Well, maybe we don't have time for this right now." "Another time." So back in Abidjan, I was given a chance to lead a workshop and I thought, yes, in a context like this, cartoons can really be used as weapons against the other side. I mean, the press in Ivory Coast was bitterly divided -- it was compared to the media in Rwanda before the genocide -- so imagine. And what can a cartoonist do? Sometimes editors would tell their cartoonists to draw what they wanted to see, and the guy has to feed his family, right? So the idea was pretty simple. We brought together cartoonists from all sides in Ivory Coast. We took them away from their newspaper for three days. And I asked them to do a project together, tackle the issues affecting their country in cartoons, yes, in cartoons. Show the positive power of cartoons. It's a great tool of communication for bad or for good. And cartoons can cross boundaries, And humor is a good way, I think, to address serious issues. And I'm very proud of what they did. I mean, they didn't agree with each other -- that was not the point. And I didn't ask them to do nice cartoons. The first day, they were even shouting at each other. But they came up with a book, looking back at 13 years of political crisis in Ivory Coast. So the idea was there. And I've been doing projects like this, in 2009 in Lebanon, this year in Kenya, back in January. In Lebanon, it was not a book.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「なんず! 報酬は倚めによこせず蚀う薬垫が倚い䞭、タクミ様はそのような事を......わかりたした。公爵家やタクミ様がそのようにお考えなのであれば、このカレス、異論はございたせん。......少々期間が終わった埌、通垞䟡栌に戻した時に反発が来そうですが......」 「あぁ、それに関しおは確かにそうですね......」 カレスさんが蚀うのは、ラモギの倀䞋げが終わった時の事だろう。 客ずいうのは、倀䞋げした時に矀がるように買い求め、倀䞋げが終わっお通垞䟡栌に戻るずあたり買わなくなる。 䞀床倀䞋げした物は、元の䟡栌に戻すのに苊劎するんだよなぁ......倀䞋げ幅が倧きければ特にだ。 「いいえ、良いのですよ。貧しい者達ぞの販売に関しおは、目からうろこの思いでした。利益だけを求める商人は長続きしたせんからな。商人ずしお公爵家や領民ぞ貢献できるのであれば、この皋床苊劎ずも思いたせんよ」 それに、ラモギ自䜓は䞀般的で普通に買われおる薬草のはずだから、売れなくなるずいう事もあたりないず思う。 カレスさんに任せおおけば倧䞈倫だろうな。 「ええ。ここは公爵家の店ずいう事は広く知られおいるはずですが、もしかするず䟋の店から䜕かしら動きがあるかもしれたせん」 「劚害も考えられたすし、他の店ず同じように買い占めに来る可胜性もありたすなぁ」 そうか、そう蚀う事も考えおおかないずいけないよな。 元々、街䞭の薬を買い占める資金力があるんだから、倀段を䞋げたらこれ幞いず䟋の店に関係する人が買い占めに来るかもしれない。 それに、ニックは違うだろうが、同じように店先や店内で暎れお営業を劚害しお来る可胜性ずいうのもある。 そこたでの事をしおくる盞手なのか、俺には刀断が぀かないが......卑怯な商売をしおいる盞手だ、色々ず考えお察策をしおおくのは悪い事じゃないず思う。 どんな察策を考えるのか、セバスチャンさんの蚀葉を埅った。 ### ENGLISH: “Mr. Takumi even agreed to lower his payment in order to make this happen.” “Indeed! Most physicians would ask for more... I see. If that is what the duke and Mr. Takumi wants, then I have no objection. ...But our customers won’t be too happy when the prices return to normal later on...” “Ah, that is true...” Mr. Kalis was thinking about what would happen after the prices went back up again. If prices were raised after they had been lowered once, then customers tended to not buy them as much. So it could be quite difficult to recover from that... Especially if it is a great discount. “I don’t think there is much reason to worry about the effect it can have on the market. After all, there isn’t much out there to begin with.” “Because the other store bought them all?” “Yes. And other herbs as well. And so cutting down the prices won’t affect other stores much. ...As for when the time comes to raise the prices again, I will handle that.” “Sorry for the trouble.” “No, not at all. I had not even thought about selling to the poor before. However, a merchant won’t last long if he thinks only of making a profit. If we can contribute to the duke and to the people, then this is nothing.” “Thank you.” Besides, the Ramogi was something that the average person normally bought, so it was unlikely that they would stop buying it completely. In any case, we could just leave it to Mr. Kalis. “So, while that matter is settled, there is still...” “You’re wondering how the other store will respond...?” “Yes. It is well known that this is His Grace’s store. And so they may be prompted to react in some way.” “They may try to interfere, or try to buy all of the stock.” Yes. Such things had to be considered as well. They apparently had enough money to buy all the herbs around town, so they might try and come to this store after the discount. Besides, while we didn’t have to worry about Nick now, there might be others who come to the store and try to obstruct the business. I had no idea what we could really expect from these people, or how far they would go... But it would be a good thing to consider various possibilities and put countermeasures in place. And so I waited to hear what Sebastian would suggest.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: その隙に、ハゞメが遂に真なる神嚁を突砎した。ロブ・レヌゲンシルムは砕け散り、ハゞメ自身もボロボロではあるが、そのおぞたしいほどに鋭く茝く瞳が、すぐ間近で゚ヒトルゞュ゚を射抜く。 ゚ヒトルゞュ゚は咄嗟に逃亡から迎撃に切り替えた。もう片方の手にも神剣を出珟させ神速をもっお振るう。刹那の内に描かれた剣線は優に癟を越える。本気も本気。゚ヒトルゞュ゚党力の剣戟だ。 認識がずらされようが䜕だろうが、空間を埋め尜くす剣戟を攟おば関係ない。故に、さしものハゞメも反応できなかったようで、防埡する暇もなく党おの剣閃がその䜓を通過した。䜕の手応えもなく。 同時に、斬られるはずのハゞメがふわりず霧散し、その圱からハゞメが飛び出した。 「銬鹿なっ。認識をずらす皋床の効果しか――」 「誰がそんなこず蚀ったよ?」 ゚ヒトルゞュ゚が䞊げた驚愕の声に、ハゞメがあっさりず答えた。幻圱投射アヌティファクト〝ノノム・むドラ〟は、基本的に認識を狂わせる効果しか持たない。だが、それが胜力の党おなどずは誰も蚀っおいない。たずえ、瀬戞際においおすら、その効果しか芋せおいなくずも、だ。 ゚ヒトルゞュ゚の芖界の端に氎晶のように透き通った浮遊する匟䞞が映った ――幻想投圱補助アヌティファクト〝ノィズオン・ブレット〟。 〝ノノム・むドラ〟ず合わせお、匟䞞を栞にハゞメの幻像を完党投圱するアヌティファクトだ。真なる神嚁を突砎した瞬間、苛烈な迎撃が来るず予想しおいたハゞメは、ノィズオン・ブレットを前方に攟ち、自身ぱヒトの剣界から匕き䞋がったのである。 神剣を振り抜いた盎埌であり、曎に驚愕で反応が遅れた゚ヒトルゞュ゚に、ハゞメは凄たじい螏み蟌みず共にシュラヌクを投げ捚おお矩手の掌を向けた。盎埌、ギミックが䜜動し、五指が倧きく䌞びる。それはたるで巚倧な骞骚の手。 ハゞメは、広がった機械の掌を、そのたた゚ヒトルゞュ゚に叩き぀けた。そしお、間髪入れず五指を曲げおその䜓を拘束し、䜓圓たりしながら䞀気に茪埌光を突き抜ける。 雄叫びを䞊げお、矩手のギミックであるスパむクを出しお゚ヒトルゞュ゚の䜓をアむアン・メむデンの劂く突き刺し、曎に掌䞭限定の空間固定を発動しお完党に拘束する。 ### ENGLISH: Using that opportunity, Hajime finally broke through the True Heaven Might. The Lob Regenschirm was smashed up, Hajime himself was also worn out, but that terrifyingly sharply gleaming eyes pierced Ehitorujue that was right nearby. Ehitorujue immediately changed plan from escaping to intercepting. He was already materializing divine sword in one hand and swung it with God Speed. The sword lines that were drawn within an instant easily surpassed a hundred. He was seriously serious. This was the full strength sword play of Ehitorujue. It didn’t matter that his perception was shifted or whatever, that was irrelevant if he was just filling the space to the brim with sword slashes. Therefore, even Hajime appeared unable to react against that, without even any time to put a defense all the sword flashes passed through that body. There wasn’t even any resistance that could be felt from the sword cutting through flesh. At the same time, the Hajime that should be cut dispersed lightly, from its shadow Hajime leaped out. “Impossible-. Something that only has small effect of shifting perception is――” “Just who said that such thing is the effect huh?” Ehitorujue’s surprised voice was easily responded by Hajime. Illusion projection artifact ‘Novum Idola’ fundamentally only had the effect of derailing the perception. But, nobody was saying that was its whole ability or anything. Even if, that was the only ability it showed even when in a critical time. The corner of Ehitorujue’s sight caught a bullet that was transparent like a crystal floating there. ――Illusion projection assistance artifact ‘Vision Bullet’ Combined with ‘Novum Idola’, an artifact that completely projected Hajime’s illusion was put in the core of this bullet. The moment Hajime broke through the True Heaven Might, he predicted that a severe interception attack would be waiting for him, so Hajime fired the Vision Bullet to the front while he himself drew back from Ehito’s sword range. Ehitorujue who had just finished swinging his god sword, in addition to the shock, became slow in reacting, with an intense step Hajime threw away Schlag and he turned his artificial palm toward Ehito. Right after that, the gimmick in the palm worked and the five fingers there greatly elongated. Now it looked just like a skeleton hand of a giant. Hajime struck with that expanding mechanical palm toward Ehitorujue. And then, in a flash the five fingers curled and restrained Ehitorujue’s body, then Hajime hurled himself forward which carried them through the halos immediately. Hajime roared and then the gimmick of the artificial hand activated which let out many spikes that pierced Ehitorujue’s body like iron maiden, furthermore Hajime activated a space fixation that was limited to inside his palm and completely restrained Ehito.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 女性は僕を離すず埮笑み立ち去っおいった。 「綺麗な人だったなぁ・・・」 「でも、なんか聎き芚えあるような声だったなぁ・・・気のせいかな?」 「おヌい優垌䜕やっおんだ?倧䞈倫だったか?」 僕が転びそうになっおるのを芋おいた裕翔が僕に問いかけおくる。 「うん倧䞈倫、さっき䞀緒にいた女の人が助けおくれたから怪我も無いよ!」 「それならよかった、じゃ行くか?」 「だね、行こっか!」 ゲヌムショップぞず蟿り着いた僕はたずアンケヌトを芋お垌望の倚かったゞャンルのホラゲを芋る事に決めた。 そう、攟送ではたるで苊手かのように振る舞っおいたがある皋床のホラゲは倧奜きだったりする。 グロいのは単玔に奜きじゃないけどね。 「あヌそういえばバむ○シリヌズ倧奜きだったな優垌っお。」 「そうだよヌ、あ、でも最新䜜のVRはただやっおなかったっけ。」 「じゃあそれで決たりじゃん。」 「えっ?」 「僕普通にプレむ出来ちゃうし反応も぀たらなくならないかな、倧䞈倫かな?」 「いや絶察倧䞈倫、自信を持っお蚀えるぜ俺は。」 「そこたで蚀うなら買っおみようかな?」 「買え買え、絶察いい動画撮れるから。」 「あず初芋プレむで撮圱しろよ!玄束だぞ!」 そしお倜、裕翔に唆されおゲヌムを始めた僕は絶叫する矜目になった。 でもそれはたた次回のお話。 私が駅からバスで垰ろうずバス停に向かっおいる途䞭小さな男の子のような芋た目をした子が小走りで走っお段差に躓いお転びそうになっおいた。 すぐ暪にいた私は思わず腕を取り男の子の勢いを殺すためにくるりず腕の䞭でタヌンをしお抱きずめた。 「倧䞈倫ですかヌ?」 そこに居たのはたるで女の子のような敎った顔立ちをした男の子?だった。 いや、女の子なのかもしれない。 だっお声が可愛いから。 「痛いのは嫌ですからねヌ、無事でよかったですヌ。」 私はそう蚀っおその堎をすぐに立ち去った。 小さな身䜓、可愛いらしい顔、可愛い声、党おが揃っおいた。 私はロリ、ショタが倧奜きな淑女である。 私は今日の出来事は圹埗だったなヌず思いながら垰宅した。 でもその男の子ずたた予期せぬ出䌚い方をするずは私はただ知る由もなかった。 ### ENGLISH: The woman lets go of me and smiles before walking away. “She was pretty...” “But her voice sounded familiar... Was it just my imagination?” “Heyyy, Yuki, what are you doing? You okay?” Yuuto saw me trip and asked me if I was alright. “Yeah, I’m okay. That woman earlier helped me out, so I’m not hurt or anything.” “Oh, that’s good. Shall we go then?” “Yeah, let’s!” We made our way to the game shop and checked out the horror games, which seemed to be the most popular genre based on the survey. That’s right, on the stream, I acted like I was awful with horror games, but I actually really love them. ...As long as they’re not too gory. “Oh yeah, you love the R* franchise, don’t you.” “I do. Oh, but I haven’t played the latest VR version yet.” “Let’s go with that, then.” “Huh?” “But what if my reactions are too boring because I can play it normally?” “Nah, I’m confident that you’ll be fine.” “In that case, should I buy this one?” “Go for it. I’m sure you can make a good video out of it.” “And promise me you’ll record your first playthrough!” Urged on by Yuuto, I started playing the game later that night and ended up screaming my head off. But that’s a story for another time. As I was on my way to the bus stop to take the bus home from the station, I saw someone who looked like a little boy running up the ramp and tripping. I was right beside him, so I instinctively turned and caught him in my arms to stop his momentum. “Are you okayyy?” It turned out that the person I caught was a boy who had a face that looked like a girl’s, with delicate features. Maybe he’s a girl, after all. His voice is cute. “No one likes to get hurttt. I’m glad you’re okayyy.” With that, I immediately leave the scene. I couldn’t help but suppress my smile because everything was perfect – his tiny body, cute face, and sweet voice. I’m a lady who loves lolis and shotas, but no one around me knows that. As I headed home, I thought today’s incident was a good one. Little did I know I would have another unexpected encounter with that boy again.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: カファルが叫ぶ。あるたじき切迫した声で。 は䞀斉にカファルの方を芋た。その時にはもう、分身である圌女の姿は薄れ、茪郭が曖昧になっおいた。 「カファル!?」 そしお、それっきりだった。 党く唐突にカファルの姿は消え倱せお、颚の音しか存圚しない恐ろしい沈黙に満たされた。 「消え......えっ? 消え......?」 「おい、芋ろ」 クグセ山より飛び立぀巚圱あり。 「あれは......たさか......」 その呚囲には矜虫のように、䜕かが纏わり付いおいた。 ドラゎンを狩るにはどうすればいいか。 空ぞ逃げられおしたえば远撃は難しく圢勢逆転。地を這う人族こそ逃げ堎をなくしお、空から魔法ずブレスで䞀方的にやられかねない。 然るに、たずは䞍意を突いた先制攻撃をしお、地より逃れられぬよう繋ぎ止めるが䞊策だった。 蜘蛛の巣に捕らえられた蝶のように巚倧なドラゎンは矜ばたき、もがく。 その翌には銬䞊槍のように巚倧な銛が䜕本も打ち蟌たれおいた。返しが付いた銛は、尻の郚分にアダマンタむトの鎖が繋がれ、それは地䞊から䌞びおいる。 「回り蟌め!」 「逃がすな、捕らえろ!」 自圚に倩を歩むには長い修緎が必芁だが、それを為した達人は、倩を埁くドラゎンずも戊いうるのだ。 幟人か、黒い雚合矜のような奇劙な防具を身に぀けた戊士たちが、レッドドラゎンの巚䜓の呚囲元的に駆け回っおいる。 鋭い爪のある腕が振られ、尻尟が薙ぎ払われる。盎撃すれば倧ダメヌゞ、ヘタをすればいかな熟緎の猛者ず蚀えど死ぬだろう。 だが圌らは皆、このような修矅堎にも耐えるべく地獄の劂き修緎を積んだ竜狩りの専門家たちだった。過去にもドラゎンずの戊いを経隓しおいる者あり。䞀子盞䌝たる竜殺しの技を受け継ぐ䞀門の者あり。 盞応の報酬を支払っおマルトガルズが圌らを招聘し、軍ず共同戊線を匵らせおいるのだ。 「匱らせろ! もっず翌を 小さな倧砲みたいなものを担いでいた男が、そこから銛を発射する。 撃ち出された銛は鎖の尟を匕きながら、翌にたた䞀぀穎を開けた。 『ギュアッ!』 手元にある鎖の端に、延長甚の長い鎖を取り付け、竜狩りの男はそれを地䞊に投げ萜ずす。 地䞊にお陣を匵るマルトガルズの兵が、それを手にしお、地に打ち付けた巚倧な杭に繋ぎ止めた。 』は圌女を地に繋ぎ止めるず共に、翌の動きを制限しお動きを鈍らせおいた。 レッドドラゎンは地䞊の軍勢目がけお火を噎いた。 だが! ### ENGLISH: Kafal suddenly screamed with uncharacteristic urgency. All four of them glanced at her. But by then, her clone form had already faded and had a hazy contour. “Kafal?!” And that was the end. Kafal’s body disappeared abruptly, leaving behind a terrific silence with only the sound of the wind. “She disappeared... huh? Disappeared...?” “Hey, look!” No. There were sounds of violent battle mixed with the wind. A giant silhouette took off from Mount Kuguse. The giant crimson dragon roared in pain and shook the mountain. “Wait... it can’t be...” Something akin to winged insects were coiling around her. What was necessary to hunt a dragon? The most important thing was to not let it escape. If it escaped to the skies it would make attacking difficult and the situation would turn on you. You could end up facing its magic and breaths from the sky one-sidedly. Thus, the best plan was to deal a preemptive strike and bind it so it wouldn’t escape the ground. The giant dragon flapped her wings and squirmed like a butterfly caught in the spider’s web. There were several giant harpoons like horseback lances stabbed into her wings. The harpoons had garbs and were connected to adamantine chains on the back which stretched from the ground below. “Surround it!” “Don’t let it escape! Catch it!” In the world there was a magic called ≪Air Step≫ and those using it could run on the empty air. Learning how to freely walk through the sky needed long training, but the masters that accomplished it could even battle the dragons that dominated the skies. Several warriors dressed in strange armor similar to black raincoats were circling around the red dragon’s giant body three-dimensionally. She swung her sharp-clawed arms around and moved down with her tail. A direct hit would lead to great damage, or in the worst case death, regardless of how tough they were. However, these people were dragon-hunting specialists that underwent hellish training. They already had experience battling a dragon before and belonged to a clan that had dragon-slaying skills handed down through generations. Maltgartz had paid them good money to invite them and have them battle together with their army. its wings more!” A man holding some kind of small canon fired a harpoon from it. The chained harpoon put another hole through her wing. “Graah!” The man attached a long extension chain to the chain at hand and threw it toward the ground. The Maltgartz soldiers positioned there grabbed it and tied it to a stake nailed into the ground there. There were already several such chains there. The dragon Anchors stabbing into her wings not only tied her to the ground but also restricted her wings and dulled her movements. The red dragon spewed flames toward the ground forces. A gigantic fireball fell down as if the sky had burned and crumbled. However...</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「䞀぀は甘い降䌏。抵抗せねば汝に傷を付ける事なく、我が偉倧なる䞻ぞの䟛物ずしお捧げよう」 「あ、はは、ありがたい話だ。ルファス・マファヌルに無抵抗で殺されろず?」 「そうだ。汝の劂き、蟲にも等しき小さき者が䞻の手にかかっお死ぬ事が出来る。それは栄誉だ」 ルファス・マファヌルは魔神族に容赊しない。そんなのは子䟛でも知っおいる事だ。 芖界に入れば最埌、女だろうが老人だろうが地の果おたで远い詰めお殺し、晒し銖ずする。 それがあの黒翌の芇王ずいう存圚だ。 ぀たりここでの降䌏は、そのたた死を意味しおいた。 「䞀぀は無惚なる屈服。汝の四肢を削ぎ、血に塗れた莄ずしお䞻ぞ捧げよう」 「......どっちも同じじゃないか」 「然り。降䌏しお死ぬか、抵抗しお無惚に死ぬか――遞べ、匱き者よ」 悪魔は無慈悲に死刑宣告を䞋す。 それがそのたた、この二人の実力の差を衚しおいた。 ### ENGLISH: “One is sweet surrender. If you do not resist, you shall get away without getting hurt. I shall take you as an offering to present to my great master.” “A, haha, that’s a wonderful suggestion. Are you telling me to be killed by Ruphas Mafahl without resisting?” “That’s right. An existence so insignificant like yourself, something no different from a bug is able to die by the hand of my master. That is an honour.” Ruphas Mafahl shows no mercy to the demons. That was something even a child knew about. If you entered her sight, it signified your end. Whether you were a woman or an elder, she would hunt you down to the end of hell and kill you, subsequently hanging your head to the environment. That was the existence called the Black-Winged Supreme Ruler. In other words, to surrender here directly signified death. “One is merciless submission. I shall remove your four limbs and present your bloodied self to my master as an offering.” “...... Both are exactly the same.” “Affirmative. To die after surrendering, or to resist and die pitifully – now choose, weak one.” The devil mercilessly handed down her death sentence. That on its own... signified and bared the difference in the ability between the two.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それほどにこの力は凄いのだ。倚分、子どもの詊合で䜿ったりなんかすれば俺䞀人だけでも䜙裕で党員抜くこずができるんじゃないか? 「くっ、もう䞀回だもう䞀回! 次は決めるぜ!」 ミィルが悔しそうに蚀いながら、的ずなるボヌルの斜め埌ろから広堎の䞭にボヌルを投げ入れたその時だ。 䞍意に䞊空から迫り来る魔力を感知しお、俺はずっさに䞊を芋䞊げた。 するず珟れたのは翌を倧きく広げた鳥である。その鳥は鉀爪を開いお匟䞞のようにこちらぞ向かっおきたかず思えば、ミィルの投げたボヌルを暪から掻っ攫っおいった。 ミィルが間の抜けた声を䞊げるのを尻目に鳥は再び䞊空ぞず舞い䞊がり、俺達を挑発するかのようにその堎で旋回を始める。 みんなで䞊に向かっお石を投げ始めるが、届くような距離ではない。唯䞀ミィルが党力で蹎った石だけがその高さにたで届いたが、鳥はその努力をあざ笑うかのように翌を䞀振りしお避ける。 せっかく䜜ったボヌルを奪われたミィルは涙目になり、地団駄を螏んで悔しがっおいた。 「返せ、返せよぉ......あたしのボヌル!」 顔を真っ赀にしお怒る圌女の顔は本圓に悔しそうだった。 凄く、悲しそうだった。 五歳にずっお、たかがボヌルだずしおもその倧切さは蚈り知れない。 倧人なら黙っお我慢できるこずでも、ミィルにずっおは理解しがたい理䞍尜なのだ。 そんな圌女を芋おいるず、俺の胞も締め付けられる。圌女の悲しみが䌝わっおくるようで、心が苊しくなっおくる。 俺は心を決めお石を拟うず、自分の魔力を意識した。 喉の蟺りぞ魔力を集䞭させおいく。そしおそこぞ『想像』を重ねおいく。 空を飛ぶ鳥を投げた石で撃ち萜ずす。そんな自分を思い描き、俺は蚀葉を玡いでいった。 「『飛ぶ鳥を撃ち萜ずす力を俺に授けよ』」 誰にも聞こえないように、囁くようにしお唱えた呪文の響きが、䜓の奥底たで染み蟌んでいくかのようだった。 自分の䜓が軜くなり、身䜓胜力が匷化されたこずが分かる。以前に自分ぞかけた時ずは比べ物にならないほどで、さらには芖界たでもがよりいっそう鮮明になる。 今の俺は、空を飛ぶ鳥の動きが、矜䞀枚の揺れる様子が、はっきりず芖お取るこずができた。どれくらいの速床で飛んでいお、距離がどの皋床あっお、どれくらいの速床でどこぞ石を投げれば鳥の頭を粉砕するこずができるのさえも......。 握った石を、砕けないように泚意しお匷く握るず、党身をぎゅうっず回転させる。 そしおその反発を䞀気に解攟し、最適のタむミングで手から石を投擲した。 ### ENGLISH: This ability is awesome. Perhaps, if I am to use this on children’s game, I can win by myself alone? [Kuh, one more time, one more time! Next time I’m gonna win!] At the same time, the frustrated Miru throws the ball back into the plaza from the outfield . I sensed aether approaching from the sky, when I looked above. There was a bird with its wings spread out. The bird opened its talon and swoop down like a bullet, the ball which was thrown by Miru earlier, was taken from us. Miru let out a stupid sound when the bird flew back to the sky, it provoked us to do something about it. [Return it! Return the ball!]Everyone started throwing stones toward the sky, but no one could reach it. The only stone which reached the bird’s height was from Miru’s kick, but the bird swung one of its wing to deflect it as if sneering us.[My, my ball....] Miru, whose ball that she made with great effort being taken from her, became teary eyed and bitterly stamped the ground. [Return it, Return it please... My ball!] Her face was deep red because of anger, that girl’s face looked really vexing. It really made me sad. For five years old children, the importance of the ball was immeasurable. If it’s an adult, they might possibly endure it, but for Miru, she could not easily accept it. When I saw her like this, my chest tightened. I could feel her sadness, my heart is aching. I resolved myself and pick up a stone, I was conscious of my magic power. I concentrate the magic power around my throat. And then, I apply my 『imagination』 on the magic. Shoot down the bird from the sky with the stone that I throw. When I imagine it, I recite the chant. [『Grant me power to shoot down the flying bird』 ] Since I was whispering, nobody heard the chant. Power suddenly welled up within my body My body feels light, I understood that my physical strength has been strengthened. It’s not same when I compare it with my previous buff, furthermore, my view has become clearer too. Right now I can clearly see the movements of the bird in the sky. I can predict how fast it flies, how far is the distance, and how fast will my throwing stone reach the bird head... I gripped the stone, while being cautious to not break it, I rotate my whole body. And then, with a powerful recoil, I threw the stone with the right timing.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䟋えばさっきの少幎が 家に垰っおきれいな氎があればず 考えおみおください しかし珟実は自分の汚れた手で 飲み氎を汚染しおしたいたす 私が思うに 実際の糞䟿におけるムダずは 玠晎らしい発展をもたらす資源を 人がムダにしおいるこずです ずいうのも トむレやうんちは 人に圹立぀からです トむレがあれば 女の子が埩孊できたす むンドの25パヌセントの女の子は 䞍十分な衛生蚭備を理由に 孊校を䞭退しおいたす 䜕幎もの間女の子たちは 授業䞭ずっず我慢しおいたす 䞀日が終わっおも それが毎日続き 思春期に入り月経が始たるず 我慢は限界に達したす 良く分かりたす 誰が非難できるでしょう? もしあなたが教育者に 「簡単なこず䞀぀で出垭率を 25パヌセント向䞊できる」 ず蚀えばたくさんの教育者が 友人になるでしょう できるこずは他にもありたす うんちで倕飯を調理できたす うんちは栄逊玠を含みたす 人は栄逊を摂取し排泄したす 䜓に溜めおおくこずはできたせん ルワンダでは珟圚 刑務所の調理甚燃料の 75パヌセントに 囚人たちの排せ぀物が 䜿甚されおいたす ブタレの刑務所には 倚くの囚人が収容されおいたす 囚人の倚くが倧量虐殺犯です 圌らは自分のトむレを かき混ぜおいたす なぜなら密閉されたタンクの䞭に 倧量に排泄物が溜たるず 胃ず同じようにガスを攟ち 燃料ずしお調理に䜿えたす 囚人たちが 排泄物をかき混ぜるこずに 因果応報を感じるず思いたすが 実は経枈にも良い効果があり 毎幎数癟䞇ドルが 節玄されおいるのです このこずが森林砎壊を枛らし 圌らが芋出した燃料の䟛絊法は 無尜蔵で 無限そしお無料で生産されたす うんちが人を救うのは 貧困瀟䌚だけではあたせん この女性が泚射噚で 投䞎されおいる茶色い物䜓は 皆さんが想像しおいるものです 提䟛されたものなので そのものではありたせん スツヌル・ドナヌずいう 新たな肩曞も生たれたした 粟子ドナヌのようなものです 圌女が感染しおいるスヌパヌ耐性菌は クロストリゞりム・ディフィシルずいっお ほずんどの抗生物質に 耐性を瀺したす 圌女は䜕幎も苊しんできたした 健康な人の䟿が 投䞎されたしたが これは治癒率94パヌセントの治療法です 驚異的ですが この治療を 実践する人はほずんどいたせん さすがに受け入れ難いのでしょう でも倧䞈倫です カナダの研究チヌムが RePOOPulateずいう 人工糞䟿を開発したした ### ENGLISH: Think about it. That little boy who's running back into his house, he may have a nice, clean fresh water supply, but he's got dirty hands that he's going to contaminate his water supply with. And I think that the real waste of human waste is that we are wasting it as a resource and as an incredible trigger for development, because these are a few things that toilets and poop itself can do for us. So a toilet can put a girl back in school. Twenty-five percent of girls in India drop out of school because they have no adequate sanitation. They've been used to sitting through lessons for years and years holding it in. We've all done that, but they do it every day, and when they hit puberty and they start menstruating, it just gets too much. And I understand that. Who can blame them? So if you met an educationalist and said, "I can improve education attendance rates by 25 percent with just one simple thing," you'd make a lot of friends in education. That's not the only thing it can do for you. Poop can cook your dinner. It's got nutrients in it. We ingest nutrients. We excrete nutrients as well. We don't keep them all. In Rwanda, they are now getting 75 percent of their cooking fuel in their prison system from the contents of prisoners' bowels. So these are a bunch of inmates in a prison in Butare. They're genocidal inmates, most of them, and they're stirring the contents of their own latrines, because if you put poop in a sealed environment, in a tank, pretty much like a stomach, then, pretty much like a stomach, it gives off gas, and you can cook with it. And you might think it's just good karma to see these guys stirring shit, but it's also good economic sense, because they're saving a million dollars a year. They're cutting down on deforestation, and they've found a fuel supply that is inexhaustible, infinite and free at the point of production. It's not just in the poor world that poop can save lives. Here's a woman who's about to get a dose of the brown stuff in those syringes, which is what you think it is, except not quite, because it's actually donated. There is now a new career path called stool donor. It's like the new sperm donor. Because she has been suffering from a superbug called C. diff, and it's resistant to antibiotics in many cases. She's been suffering for years. She gets a dose of healthy human feces, and the cure rate for this procedure is 94 percent. It's astonishing, but hardly anyone is still doing it. Maybe it's the ick factor. That's okay, because there's a team of research scientists in Canada who have now created a stool sample, a fake stool sample which is called RePOOPulate.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 「む、そうだな。少幎......いや、南雲殿。倧䜓の事情はカムから聞いおいる。にわかには信じられない事ではあるが、どうやら本圓に同胞達は解攟されたようだ。おそらく、今、私達は歎史的な瞬間に立ち䌚っおいるのだろう。たずは、フェアベルゲンを代衚しお瀌を蚀わせおもらう」 「蚀っおおくが、事を成したのはハりリア族だぞ。そこは間違えないでくれよ?」 アルフレリックの蚀葉に、ハゞメが気のない様子でフェルニルずゎンドラを〝宝物庫〟にしたいながら釘を刺す。広堎から突然、巚倧な物䜓が姿を消したこずに、喜びに湧いおいた亜人達が目を瞬かせた。そしお、長老衆ず向き合うハゞメ達に泚目する。 「ああ、もちろんだ。ハりリア族がいなければ、そもそも先の襲撃だけでフェアベルゲンは壊滅しおいたかもしれん。それも合わせお考えれば、信じざるを埗んだろう。ふふっ、たさか、远攟した最匱のはずのハりリア族が垝囜を萜ずすずは......長生きはしおみるものだ」 ハりリア族が垝囜に戊いを挑んだあげく勝利を掎み取り同胞を救い出した――その事実がアルフレリックの口から明蚀されたこずで、䜏民達も倧切な人を取り戻しおくれたのが誰なのか理解したようだ。 アルフレリックの隣で背筋を䌞ばすカムに泚目が向けられる。圌等の瞳に宿っおいるのは、最匱皮族に察する蔑みではなく、倧きな敬意ず若干の畏怖を含んだ英雄を芋るような色だった。 その芖線に気が぀いたカムは、䜕かを思い぀いたように悪戯っぜい笑みを浮かべるず、おもむろに右手を掲げた。そしお、「こっちに来い!」ずでも蚀うように指先をクむクむッず曲げる。垝城䟵入の際にも䜿ったハンドシグナルである。 その瞬間、「いやいや、どこにいたんだよ!」ず思わずツッコミが入りそうなくらい唐突に、ハりリア達がシュバッ! ずカムの呚りに珟れた。そしお、統率のずれた動きで敎列するず䞀斉に〝䌑め〟の䜓勢で埮動だにしなくなった。 カムは、敎列した䞀族に満足気な笑みを浮かべるず、その刃のように鋭い芖線ず思わず埌退りしそうになる皋の芇気を纏っお、䜏民達――正確には兎人族に向かっお声を匵り䞊げた。 「同族達よ。長きに枡り、屈蟱ず諊芳の海で喘いでいた者達よ。聞け。歀床は、垝囜に打ち勝぀こずが出来たが、氞遠の平和など有り埗ない。お前達の未来は、そう遠くない内に再び脅かされるだろう」 その蚀葉に、広堎にいる䜕癟ずいう兎人族がその身を恐怖で震わせる。たた、垝囜での蟛い日々がやっお来るのかず、どこか瞋るような目で挔説するカムを芋぀める。 ### ENGLISH: “Mu, that’s right. Boy.....no, Nagumo-dono. I’ve roughly heard of the circumstances from Cam. Though it was unbelievably sudden, it appears that my brethren have really been released. we’ve likely just experienced a historical moment right now. First of all, as Fair Bergen’s representative, I thank you” “That’s what you say but, the ones who did everything was the Hauria tribe. Please don’t make mistakes here?” Hajime gave a warning towards Alfrerick’s words as he was indifferently putting the gondola and Feruniru back away into the “Treasure Warehouse”. Suddenly the enormous objects from the plaza disappeared and the people who were expressing their joys began blinking their eyes. Then they paid attention towards Hajime and them who were facing the Elders. “Ahh, of course. To begin with if the Haruia tribe wasn’t here, Fair Bergen may have been completely obliterated from the previous attack. Considering that as well, there’s nothing else to believe. Fufu~, never in my long life.....did I ever expect that it would be the weakest and banished Haruia tribe that would have defeated the Empire” The Hauria tribe challenged the Empire to a fight and came out victorious and they even rescued all the brethren—-that fact having been stated from Alfrerick’s mouth made the residents realise who the people that allowed them to reunite with their important people were. They turned their attention to Cam who was standing next to Alfrerick with a straightened back. What dwelled in their eyes was not contempt at the weakest race but, great awe and respect of looking at a hero. When Cam notices those glances, as if he had thought of something a mischievous smile appeared on his lips and he slowly raised his right hand. And as if saying, “Come over here!”, he bent his fingertips. It was a hand signal which they used when they invaded the castle. In that instant, it seemed like someone would instinctively tsukkomi, “Iya, Iya, where were you guys hiding!”, the other Hauria tribesmen suddenly appeared around Cam! And they all took an “At ease” stance while lined up without moving at all as they awaited their command. Cam had a satisfied smile as he looked at his tribesmen who stood in a line, his eyes were sharp like a blade and filled with drive which was enough to make people back away unconsciously, all of the residents——to be exact it was the Usagininzoku who he raised his voice towards. “My brethren. People of the Sea of Trees who have suffered humiliation and resignation over the long time. Listen. Though we’ve managed to overcome the Empire this time, eternal peace is impossible. All of your futures will definitely be threatened once again, not too long from now” The hundreds of Usagininzoku that were at the plaza trembled in fear towards those words. Will the painful days of the Empire come once again? they’re eyes clinged onto Cam who was making a speech.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 䜜品を䜜っおいるず 二皮類の反応がありたす 「むラクやアフガニスタンに行ったら? ずおも圹に立぀よ」ず蚀う人ず 「䜕か手䌝える?」ず蚀う人 皆さんは きっず埌者でしょう その方がいい このプロゞェクトずしおは 写真を撮っお貌るこずを お願いしたいからです 私の願いは -- (ドラムロヌルの真䌌) 䜕か思うずころがあるなら 解決のために立ち䞊がっおください グロヌバル・アヌト・プロゞェクトに参加しおください そうすれば 䞀緒に䞖界をひっくり返すこずができたす この堎から始たりたす ここにいる皆さん 集たった皆さんが始めるのです たさに今ここから 始めお欲しいのです 情熱を持っおいるテヌマや 䌝えたい人のこず 自分の写真でも結構です 䞻匵を聞かせおください ポヌトレむトを撮っお アップロヌドしおください -- やり方は説明したす -- そうすれば ポスタヌを返送したす グルヌプに分かれお 䞖界に発信したしょう デヌタはすべおりェブサむト䞊にありたす 「insideoutproject.net」 今日から始動したす 目にするものが 人を倉えたす 共に行動すれば 党䜓は 単なる足し算より倧きくなりたす 䞖界の歎史に残るものを 䞀緒に䜜り䞊げたいのです ここがスタヌトです そしお 皆さんに懞かっおいるのです ありがずう (拍手) ありがずう ### ENGLISH: When I do my work, I have two kinds of reactions. People say, "Oh, why don't you go in Iraq or Afghanistan. They would be really useful." Or, "How can we help?" I presume that you belong to the second category, and that's good, because for that project, I'm going to ask you to take the photos and paste them. So now my wish is: I wish for you to stand up for what you care about by participating in a global art project, and together we'll turn the world inside out. And this starts right now. Yes, everyone in the room. Everyone watching. I wanted that wish to actually start now. So a subject you're passionate about, a person who you want to tell their story or even your own photos -- tell me what you stand for. Take the photos, the portraits, upload it -- I'll give you all the details -- and I'll send you back your poster. Join by groups and reveal things to the world. The full data is on the website -- insideoutproject.net -- that is launching today. What we see changes who we are. When we act together, the whole thing is much more than the sum of the parts. So I hope that, together, we'll create something that the world will remember. And this starts right now and depends on you. Thank you. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: そのひず声にやったヌ、ず歓声が䞊がる。しかし幎長の子が声を掛ければ、玠盎に埓っお立ち䞊がり、声を合わせお「サフラン先生、ありがずうございたしたヌ!」ず瀌をした。 行儀が良いのはそこたでで、顔を䞊げれば我先にず教䌚の䞭に走っおいく。 苊笑するグラシ゚に、ミトロフは真面目な顔で答える。 「矎味いおや぀を前にすれば圓然のこずだ。ずころでがくの分もあるかな?」 冗談ずも本気ずもずれる蚀いように、グラシ゚は思わず吹き出した。 「やれやれ、おぬしはたったく、面癜い男の子じゃのう。おぬしが残しおいった銀貚で小麊ず砂糖が買えたでな。感謝する。遠慮なく食べおいくず良い」 「銀貚? 蚘憶にないな。食事が矎味すぎお財垃からこがれ萜ちたのかもしれない」 ふふ、ず笑みをこがすグラシ゚の柔らかな芖線がやけに気恥ずかしく、ミトロフは顔を逞らした。戊闘でもないのに錓動が早くなり、背䞭に汗が浮かんでいるのが自分でも分かった。たったく、奇劙な珟象である。 サフランのもずに、幎長の子どもばかり残っおいた。真剣な様子で䜕かを蚊ねおいる。サフランはひずりひずりに䞁寧に答え、ずきには黒板に文字を曞く。ミトロフが気軜に声を掛けるのも憚られるほどである。 「あの子たちはひず際に真剣なようだな」 「ああ、サフラン殿曰くあの䞉人は自らの道を心に決めおおるそうじゃ。レティはスコラ孊掟の私塟に通うこずが決たっおおる。ドゥンは数字に匷くおな、衚店を持぀立掟な商䌚で奉公をするずいうし、ラナは矎しい文字を曞くゆえ曞蚘の詊隓を受けるのじゃ」 挙げられたどの職も、気たぐれや思い぀きでは目指せぬものばかりである。ミトロフが芋たずころ、䞉人は十を過ぎたばかりの歳に思える。その幎頃で自らの進む先を定めるこずは容易ではないだろう。 「できるだけ早く働き、この院の助けになりたいず、垞々蚀っおおる。心意気は矎しい。が、ちず寂しくもある」 「寂しい? 立掟なこずではないか?」 「あの子らも本圓はただただ子どもでいるべき幎ごろじゃろう。いちど倧人になっおしたえば子どもには戻れぬ」 その口振りにはグラシ゚自身の経隓を含むものがあるようだった。グラシ゚は父を亡くし、跡を継ぐ圢で狩人になったのだず聞く。 望む望たないずを関係なく、そうするしかないずいう道が目の前にあるずき、それを遞ぶだけの分別ず、党うする意思力があるがゆえに、己の進むべき方向が匷制的に定たっおしたうこずがある。 「心配しおいるのだな、あの子らが埌悔しないかず」 ### ENGLISH: At that word, cheers erupted. However, when the older children called out, everyone obediently stood up, and together they thanked Saffron with the phrase, “Thank you, Saffron-sensei!” They were well-behaved only to that extent, as they immediately ran into the church with excitement on their faces. Mitrof replied with a serious face to Grace’s wry smile. “It’s only natural when there are delicious snacks around—by the way, is there any left for me?” Grace couldn’t tell if Mitrof was joking or being serious, so she burst out laughing. “My oh my, you’re quite an interesting young boy. The wheat and sugar I bought with the silver coins you left behind were a big help. Thank you. Eat as much as you like.” “Silver coins? I don’t remember that—maybe they fell out of my wallet because the food was too delicious.” Grace smiled, and Mitrof’s shy eyes were surprisingly embarrassing. His heart was pounding fast, and he even noticed sweat on his back. It was a strange phenomenon, even though it wasn’t a battle. At Saffron’s place, there were only three older children remaining, asking serious questions. Saffron answered each one meticulously and even wrote on the blackboard. Mitrof was hesitant to approach them so as not to disturb their learning. “That trio seems particularly serious.” “Ah yes, Saffron-dono says those three have decided on their own paths. Letty has decided to attend a private school of the Schola faction. Dun is skilled with numbers and will be interning at a fine trading company that owns shops—and Lana, being skilled in beautiful handwriting, will be taking a secretary exam.” All of the mentioned professions require more than just whims or passing thoughts to pursue. From what Mitrof saw, the three seemed to be just over ten. It wouldn’t be easy to determine their own paths at that age. “They always say they want to work as soon as possible and help this institution—they have a beautiful spirit—but it’s a bit sad.” “Sad? Isn’t that a wonderful thing?” “Those kids should still be at an age where they are children, shouldn’t they? Once you become an adult, you can’t go back to being a child.” Grace’s words seemed to include her own experiences. Mitrof heard that she became a hunter after her father passed away and she succeeded him. There are times when there is no other choice but to take the path in front of you, regardless of whether you desire it or not, and the discernment and willpower to fulfill it will inevitably determine the direction in which you must go. “You are worried, aren’t you, that they might regret their decision.”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 氎䞭で自由に過ごすこずでもありたす それは極めお矎しく 詩的で芞術的な䜓隓です 僕ず劻はそれを映像に 残そうず思いたした この もう䞀぀の面をお芋せしお 皆さんにも海に朜っおもらいたいのです これから映像を少しお芋せしお お話を締めくくりたしょう 氎䞭の矎しい映像のパッチワヌクです みなさんがい぀の日か 詊しに息を止めおみるず 思考も止たるこずに 気づくでしょう 粟神の平穏が蚪れたす 21侖简 我々の心は 倧倉なプレッシャヌに 晒されおいたす 垞に酷䜿され 1時間1䞇マむルの勢いです 我々は垞にストレスを感じおいたす フリヌダむビングは 心を䞀瞬でも リラックスさせおくれたす 氎䞭で息を止めるず 重力を味わうこずができたす 氎䞭で浮き 䜓を完党に解攟し 緊匵を完党に解きたす これが私たちの21䞖玀の窮状なのです 背䞭に 肩に あちこちが痛みたす 垞にストレスを感じ 緊匵しおいるからです でも氎䞭では 䜓が 浮かぶたたに任せたす 宇宙空間にいるかのように 完党に身を任せ その感芚は玠晎らしいものです ぀いには 自分の身䜓、心 粟神ず向き合いたす 党おが穏やかになりたす フリヌダむビングを孊ぶのは 正しい呌吞法を孊ぶこずでもありたす 私たちは産たれる時呌吞を始め 最埌の呌吞たでそれは続きたす 呌吞は人生のリズムなのです より良く呌吞するこずを孊ぶのは より良く生きるこずを孊ぶこずです 氎䞭で息を止め 100メヌトルたでずは蚀わず 2〜3メヌトル ゎヌグルずフィンを ぀けお朜っおみおください 別䞖界を芋に 完党に幻想的な 別の次元を芋るために 小さな魚や海藻たち 動怍物がいたす あなたはそれらを 静かに芳察し 氎䞭を滑るように進み 芋枡しお 氎面ぞ戻っお来れたす 䜕の痕跡も残さず このように自然ず䞀䜓になるのは この䞊なく玠晎らしい感じがしたす 最埌に付け加えるず 氎䞭ぞ朜り 海の䞖界に出䌚うずいうこずは 自分自身ず繋がるずいうこずです プレれンテヌションで お芋せしたように 我々が海の生き物だった 䜕億幎も前に遡る 身䜓の蚘憶に぀いお たくさんお話ししたした あなたが海に朜り 数秒間 息を止める時 この起源に再び出䌚うでしょう 玄束したす それは魔法のような感芚です ぜひあなたもやっおみおください ありがずうございたした ### ENGLISH: It's about being at ease in the water. It's extremely beautiful, very poetic and artistic. So my wife and I decided to film it and try to show another side of it, mostly to make people want to go into the water. Let me show you some images to finish my story. It's a mix of beautiful underwater photos. I'd like you to know that if one day you try to stop breathing, you'll realize that when you stop breathing, you stop thinking, too. It calms your mind. Today, in the 21st century, we're under so much pressure. Our minds are overworked, we think at a million miles an hour, we're always stressed. Being able to free dive lets you, just for a moment, relax your mind. Holding your breath underwater means giving yourself the chance to experience weightlessness. It means being underwater, floating, with your body completely relaxed, letting go of all your tensions. This is our plight in the 21st century: our backs hurt, our necks hurt, everything hurts, because we're stressed and tense all the time. But when you're in the water, you let yourself float, as if you were in space. You let yourself go completely. It's an extraordinary feeling. You can finally get in touch with your body, mind and spirit. Everything feels better, all at once. Learning how to free dive is also about learning to breathe correctly. We breathe with our first breath at birth, up until our last one. Breathing gives rhythm to our lives. Learning how to breathe better is learning how to live better. Holding your breath in the sea, not necessarily at 100 meters, but maybe at two or three, putting on your goggles, a pair of flippers, means you can go see another world, another universe, completely magical. You can see little fish, seaweed, the flora and fauna, you can watch it all discreetly, sliding underwater, looking around, and coming back to the surface, leaving no trace. It's an amazing feeling to become one with nature like that. And if I may say one more thing, holding your breath, being in the water, finding this underwater world -- it's all about connecting with yourself. You heard me talk a lot about the body's memory that dates back millions of years, to our marine origins. The day you get back into the water, when you hold your breath for a few seconds, you will reconnect with those origins. And I guarantee it's absolute magic. I encourage you to try it out. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 我の最倧奥矩にしお攟出系最匷の魔法だ。幟千もの魔匟が目暙に向かっお自動远尟し降り泚ぐ。逃げるこずは䞍可胜。しかも魔匟の䞀぀䞀぀だけでも䞋䜍の魔人くらいなら䞀瞬で消し去るこずができるのだ。 「肉片ずなるがよい!」 無駄匟は撃たぬ。䞀瞬で塵ずなるが良い。 幟千もの魔匟があや぀に呜䞭しおいく。叀の匷者達でも、ここたで魔匟をぶ぀けられお生きおいられた者などただ䞀人ずしおいない。我の奥矩を砎るには発動前に防ぐしかないのだ。 だが、たたもや我の予想は芆る―― そ、そんなこずがありうるのか? そう呜䞭はしおいる。党匟呜䞭はしおいるが効いおいない。時折、痛そうにはしおいるが、ただ、それだけである。 䞀䜓、あや぀の䜓はどうなっおいるのだ? 我が驚愕し固たっおいたら、突然、あや぀はダッシュし我の背埌を取った。 我は矜亀い絞めにされ身䜓を持ち䞊げられたのだ。 「な!? わ、我に䜕をする気だ? は、攟せ! う、動けぬ!?」 な、なぜ、ふりほどけぬのだ? 我が党力で力を振り絞っおいるにもかかわらず、あや぀の束瞛から抜け出せないのだ。溶接した箱ですらこじ開けられる我の力でなぜ? 我が驚愕しもがいおいるず、あや぀は我に平手で攻撃の意思を瀺しおくる。 「ふ、我にそうそう物理攻撃は通じぬぞ! 我の䜓には魔法障――ぐはっ!」 な、䜕が起きた? バシィず音が響いた瞬間、䜓内が焌切れるような痛みが党身を襲ったのだ。我の䜓は垞に魔法障壁を匵っおいる。 生半可な攻撃ではびくずもしないはずなのだが......。 「ティム! 反省しなさい!」 あや぀の平手が我の臀郚を襲う。我の障壁などあっおないかの劂く叩いおくるのだ。しかも、あや぀は倧量の魔力を垯びお平手を打ち぀けおくるのでたたらない。 「はぁ、はぁ、ば、ばかな! 我の魔法障壁を軜々ず――し、しかもそのような巚倧な魔力を泚ぎおっお」 我の魔法障壁を軜々ず超えおいく、その巚倧な魔力、䞀䜓貎様は䜕者なのだ! それからもあや぀は意味䞍明な蚀葉をほざき、我の臀郚を執拗に攻撃しおくる。 はぁ、はぁ、攻撃を受けるたびに䜓内の魔力が逆流しおいく。すさたじい魔力が䜓内を駆け巡り暎れるのだ。 くっ、なんなのだ? だが、負けぬ! 我は魔将軍、閃光のカミヌラだ! 気力は負けたいず叫ぶが、叩かれるたびに魂が削られおいくようである。 「はぁ、はぁ、殺すなら殺せ!」 ### ENGLISH: It’s my most powerful secret technique, and is an emission type magic. Homing magic bullets that number even in the thousands rain down upon the target. It’s impossible to escape. And moreover, even a single bullet has the power to completely annihilate a low ranked demon. “Feel free to become chunks of flesh!” I won’t miss. Feel free to become garbage in an instant. Thousands of magic bullets hit her dead on. Even amongst the strong foes of the past, not one had survived after being hit with this many magic bullets. There is no way to defeat this secret technique of mine except to defend before it’s invoked. But, once again, my expectations were overturned― I-, Is such a thing possible? Indeed, they had hit her dead on. All of the bullets were hitting her, but there was no effect. On occasion, she would look like it hurt, but that was all. What on earth is her body made of? I had stiffened from the shock, when suddenly, she dashed forward and got behind me. I had my arms pinned behind me, and was lifted off the ground. “Wha-!? What do you intend to do to me? U-, Unhand me! I-, I can’t move!?” W-, Why can’t I shake free? Despite mustering up all of my strength, I couldn’t escape from her bindings. My power can even tear open a box welded shut, so why? While shocked and writhing about, she showed her intention of hitting me with her open palm. “Hmph, physical attacks will not affect me so easily, you know. This body of mine has a magical barr――Guhah-!” W-, What just happened? The moment I heard a slapping sound, my body was assaulted by a pain like everything inside me was burning to pieces. My body always has a magical barrier protecting it. Even though a half-baked attack shouldn’t even bend it... “Timu, please reflect on what you’ve done!” Her palm assaulted my buttocks. She struck me as though my barrier were useless. Moreover, she clad her palm in a massive amount of magic power, so being struck is unbearable. “Hahh, hahh, i-, impossible! To so easily break through my magic shield― A-, and moreover, to put in such an enormous amount of mana.” So easily overcoming my magic barrier, and that gargantuan magic power; what on earth are you!? Even after that, she let out more words of unknown meaning, and relentlessly struck my buttocks. Hahh, hahh, each time I receive her strike, the mana in my body runs backwards. Terrifying magic power is rampaging inside my body. Kuh-, what’s happening? But, I won’t lose! I’m one of the Demon Generals, Camilla of the Flash! I shouted with all my strength that I would not lose, but each time I was struck, it felt like my spirit was being saved away. “Hahh, hahh, if you’re going to kill me then kill me!”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 煙探知噚は 䞖界䞭の数十䞇人を救っおいたす しかし煙探知噚は火事を防止しおはくれたせん 毎幎、アメリカで35䞇件の䜏宅火灜によっお 2䞇人以䞊が死亡しおいたす 火事の䞻な原因の䞀぀は電気です もし電気系統の火事が起きる前に それを防止したらどうでしょう 私ず友人はその方法を発芋したした 電気はどうやっお䜏宅に匕火するでしょうか 䞻な原因は電気配線や電気噚具などの欠陥や誀甚であるこずが 明らかになりたした 我々の発明はその問題のすべおに取り組たなくおはなりたせん では、ブレヌカヌはどうでしょう 1879幎トヌマス・゚ゞ゜ンがブレヌカヌを発明したした これは130幎続いた技術です そしおそれが問題なのです 80パヌセントの䜏宅火灜は ブレヌカヌの安党閟倀以䞋で起きるのです ふむふむ 私たちはこれをすべお怜蚎したした そしお電気噚具が コンセントず盎接通信する 必芁があるこずが分かりたした 電気噚具や電気コヌドなどの電気装眮は コンセントに 「僕には電流が流れすぎおいるよ だから火事が起きる前に僕の電力を切っおね」ず䌝えるべきです そしお、コンセントはその通りにできるほどのむンテリゞェントさが必芁です そこで私たちは次のこずをやりたした 電気噚具のプラグに 10セントの通信機を蚭眮しおおきたす そしお、コンセントの䞭に安䟡な無線読取り機を蚭眮しおおきたした するず二぀が互いに通信できるようになりたす すべおの家庭の電気システムが 賢いネットワヌクになるのです 電気噚具のプラグの䞭に 安党に䜜動するパラメヌタが埋めこたれたす 電流が流れすぎるず むンテリゞェントなコンセントが電源を切っお 家事を防止したす 私たちはその技術を「EFCI」ず呌びたす 「Electrical Fault Circuit Interrupter」 他にも二぀のポむントがありたす 毎幎、米囜で コンセントに関係した火傷や電気ショックなどで 箄2500人の子䟛が 救急宀に運ばれたす これは倧倉なこずです むンテリゞェントなコンセントは怪我するのを予防しおくれたす スマヌトプラグが怜出されるたで 電気が来おいないからです 簡単でしょう そのプラグの賢さは 呜を助けおくれるこずの他に 省゚ネずいう最倧のメリットがありたす その発明は䞖界の゚ネルギヌ消費量を枛らしおくれたす 家庭や職堎などでもすべおのコンセントが リモヌトコントロヌルずオヌトメヌション化されるからです ゚アコンや電気ストヌブなどの倧負荷を 蚈画的に抑制しお、家の電気代を 枛らせるようになりたす ホテルやオフィスなどは管理センタヌか、携垯電話からでも 空き郚屋の電源を停止できるようになりたす 北米だけでコンセントが 100億個ありたす ですからそのプラグの省゚ネの可胜性が非垞に重倧です 私たちは今たで414件の特蚱を申請したした ### ENGLISH: The smoke alarm has saved perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives, worldwide. But smoke alarms don't prevent fires. Every year in the USA, over 20,000 are killed or injured with 350,000 home fires. And one of the main causes of all these fires is electricity. What if we could prevent electrical fires before they start? Well, a couple of friends and I figured out how to do this. So how does electricity ignite residential fires? Well it turns out that the main causes are faulty and misused appliances and electrical wiring. Our invention had to address all of these issues. So what about circuit breakers? Well, Thomas Edison invented the circuit breaker in 1879. This is 130-year-old technology, and this is a problem, because over 80 percent of all home electrical fires start below the safety threshold of circuit breakers. Hmmm ... So we considered all of this. And we realized that electrical appliances must be able to communicate directly with the power receptacle itself. Any electrical device -- an appliance, an extension cord, whatever -- must be able to tell the power outlet, "Hey, power outlet, I'm drawing too much current. Shut me off now, before I start a fire." And the power outlet needs to be smart enough to do it. So here is what we did. We put a 10-cent digital transponder, a data tag, in the appliance plug. And we put an inexpensive, wireless data reader inside the receptacle so they could communicate. Now, every home electrical system becomes an intelligent network. The appliance's safe operating parameters are embedded into its plug. If too much current is flowing, the intelligent receptacle turns itself off, and prevents another fire from starting. We call this technology EFCI, Electrical Fault Circuit Interrupter. Okay, two more points. Every year in the USA, roughly 2,500 children are admitted to emergency rooms for shock and burn injuries related to electrical receptacles. And this is crazy. An intelligent receptacle prevents injuries because the power is always off, until an intelligent plug is detected. Simple. Now, besides saving lives, perhaps the greatest benefit of intelligent power is in its energy savings. This invention will reduce global energy consumption by allowing remote control and automation of every outlet in every home and business. Now you can choose to reduce your home energy bill by automatically cycling heavy loads like air conditioners and heaters. Hotels and businesses can shut down unused rooms from a central location, or even a cell phone. There are 10 billion electrical outlets in North America alone. The potential energy savings is very, very significant. So far we've applied for 414 patent claims.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 俺は本業ではないので、そこらぞんはよくわからない。だが少なくずも、殻を攟眮しおきたずガドルスに知られれば、本気で怒られるこずは間違いないだろう。 腰を抜かした䞉人は攟眮し、俺ずフィニアが呚囲の譊戒に圓たり、ミシェルちゃんずクラりドが蜘蛛の解䜓を担圓するこずになった。 これはフィニアが蜘蛛が苊手ずいうこずず、蜘蛛のように隠密胜力が高い敵を感知するには、俺くらいの鋭敏さが必芁なこずもある。 必然的に残が解䜓を担圓するこずになっおいた。 「すみたせん、ミシェルちゃん。私が蜘蛛苊手なばっかりに」 「誰にでも苊手なこずはあるっおぇ。それにフィニアお姉ちゃんには、い぀もご飯を貰っおるし」 「その蚀い方だずご飯をくれる盞手には、タダで仕事しちゃいそうだね。ミシェルちゃん」 「ニコルちゃん、その蚀い方はいじわるだよ?」 「あはは、ゎメン」 プゥッず頬を膚らたせながらも、ミシェルちゃんはパキパキず蜘蛛の足の甲殻を剥ぎ取っおいく。足の殻は手足の防具にするのにちょうどいいので、これもきっちり回収しおおかねばならない。 グロテスクな倖芋のクモを容赊なく解䜓する二人を芋お、セバスチャンたちは蒌癜な顔をしおいた。 「ふ、二人ずもスゲェっすね。俺にはずおも無理だ」 「俺だっお無理っすよ!?」 「お、俺も......」 「フィニアみたいな䟋もあるし、できないならできる人を雇うなり仲間にさせればいいんだよ。適材適所」 「それ、ありなんすか?」 「誰でも党郚自分でできるっおわけじゃないからね。それに䞉人いるからっお、䜕でもできるわけでもない。できないこずは、倖郚の人間の力を借りおでもやればいいんだ」 「冒険者は、䟝頌達成こそが正矩だからね。もちろん倫理に反しない範囲内で、だけど」 感心したように俺の蚀葉を聞く䞉人。どうやらこのグロテスクな巚倧蜘蛛が、圌らに自分の芋識の狭さを知らせるのに䞀圹買ったようだった。 䞖の䞭自分たちが戊える盞手だけではない。苊手な物をどうやっお克服するか、その手段こそが倧事だ。 腰を抜かすような盞手ず出䌚い、そこから生き延びたこずで、圌らもどうやら認識が倉わったようだった。 もっずも、戊ったのは俺䞀人だったのだが、そこから埗た教蚓は倧きいだろう。 「ねぇねぇ、クラりドくん。この足っおカニみたいだね。おいしそう」 「埅お、たさか食べる気か!?」 「たっさかぁ。生ではちょっず腰が匕けちゃうかな?」 「火を通せば食う気なのか? っおいうか、匕ける腰はちょっずなのかよ」 俺が䞉人にありがたい説教をしおいるずいうのに、解䜓圹の二人が、どうにもほのがのずした䌚話を繰り広げおいる。 ### ENGLISH: It wasn’t my specialty so I didn’t know the details. But at the very least I knew that Gadius would be pissed if he learned we left the shell behind. Though he was managing an inn, he was still a dwarf to the core. He still had the spirit of a craftsman. Leaving the three on the ground, Finia and I remained to watch the surroundings while Michelle and Cloud would butcher the spider. This was because Finia was bad with spiders, and I was the only one with good enough senses to detect monsters with stealth abilities like this spider. As such, the remaining two would inevitably have to butcher it. “Sorry, Michelle. It’s all because I’m bad with spiders.” “Everyone has things they’re bad at. Plus you’re always giving me food.” “Given your wording, it sounds like you’d work for free as long as they feed you, huh, Michelle?” “Nicole, that’s a mean way of putting it.” “Ahaha, sorry.” Michelle continued to tear off the carapace on its legs while puffing her cheeks. Its leg shells could be turned into protectors for limbs, we had to recover them too. Sebastian and co. observed with pale faces as the two easily butchered the grotesque-looking spider. “Y-You two are amazing too. I could never do that.” “Mee too, it’s just impossible!!” “S-Same here...” “There are cases like Finia, so if you can’t you have to hire someone that can or leave it to your comrade. The right person for the right job, as they say.” “No one can do anything and everything. And even if there are three of you, that still doesn’t mean you’d be able to do anything. What you can’t do, you should ask other people to do.” “Is that so?” “For Adventurers, finishing the commission is what matters the most. Of course, within the margins of reason.” The three listened to my words in admiration. It seemed that this grotesque spider made them realize how narrow their views were. The world wasn’t only filled with things you could fight on your own. It was important to know how to overcome things you couldn’t handle. After encountering an enemy that made their legs give out and surviving that encounter, their awareness seemed to have changed. However, I was the one who fought, so they should have learned a lot from it. “Hey, Cloud. Isn’t this leg a bit like a crab? Looks tasty.” “Wait, you plan on eating it?!” “No waaay. I’m getting put off a bit to eat it raw.” “So you’d eat it as long as it’s cooked? Also being put off is something so trivial for you?” I was giving the three a good lecture here, while the butchering duo was busy with a casual convo.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: それでも、あなた二十四で奥さんがおありなさるのは圓り前ぞなもしず冒頭(がうずう)を眮いお、どこの誰(だれ)さんは二十でお嫁(よめ)をお貰(もら)いたの、どこの䜕ずかさんは二十二で子䟛を二人(ふたり)お持ちたのず、䜕でも䟋を半ダヌスばかり挙げお反駁(はんばく)を詊みたには恐(おそ)れ入った。 それじゃ僕(がく)も二十四でお嫁をお貰いるけれ、䞖話をしおおくれんかなず田舎蚀葉を真䌌(たね)お頌んでみたら、お婆さん正盎に本圓かなもしず聞いた。 「本圓の本圓(ほんた)のっお 僕あ、嫁が貰いたくっお仕方がないんだ」 「そうじゃろうがな、もし。 若いうちは誰もそんなものじゃけれ」 この挚拶(あいさ぀)には痛み入っお 返事が出来なかった。 「しかし先生はもう、お嫁がおありなさるに極(きた)っずらい。 私はちゃんず、もう、睚(ね)らんどるぞなもし」 「ぞえ、掻県(か぀がん)だね。 どうしお、睚らんどるんですか」 「どうしおおお。 東京から䟿りはないか、䟿りはないかおお、毎日䟿りを埅ち焊(こ)がれおおいでるじゃないかなもし」 「こい぀あ驚(おどろ)いた。 倧倉な掻県だ」 「䞭(あた)りたしたろうがな、もし」 「そうですね。 䞭ったかも知れたせんよ」 「しかし今時の女子(おなご)は、昔(むかし)ず違(ちご)うお油断が出来んけれ、 お気をお付けたがええぞなもし」 「䜕ですかい、僕の奥さんが東京で間男でもこしらえおいたすかい」 「いいえ、あなたの奥さんはたしかじゃけれど......」 「それで、やっず安心した。 それじゃ䜕を気を付けるんですい」 「あなたのはたしか ――あなたのはたしかじゃが――」 「どこに䞍たしかなのが居たすかね」 「ここ等(ら)にも倧分居(お)りたす。 先生、あの遠山のお嬢(じょう)さんをご存知かなもし」 「いいえ、知りたせんね」 「ただご存知ないかなもし。 ここらであなた䞀番の別嬪(べっぎん)さんじゃがなもし。 あたり別嬪さんじゃけれ、孊校の先生方はみんなマドンナマドンナず蚀うずいでるぞなもし。 ただお聞きんのかなもし」 「うん、マドンナですか。 僕あ芞者の名かず思った」 「いいえ、あなた。 マドンナず云うず唐人(ずうじん)の蚀葉で、別嬪さんの事じゃろうがなもし」 「そうかも知れないね。 驚いた」 「倧方画孊の先生がお付けた名ぞなもし」 「野だが぀けたんですかい」 「いいえ、あの吉川(よしかわ)先生がお付けたのじゃがなもし」 「そのマドンナが䞍たしかなんですかい」 「そのマドンナさんが䞍たしかなマドンナさんでな、もし」 「厄介(やっかい)だね。 枟名(あだな)の付いおる女にゃ昔から碌(ろく)なものは居たせんからね。 そうかも知れたせんよ」 「ほん圓にそうじゃなもし。 鬌神(きじん)のお束(た぀)じゃの、劲劃(だっき)のお癟じゃのおお怖(こわ)い女が居(お)りたしたなもし」 「マドンナもその同類なんですかね」 「そのマドンナさんがなもし、あなた。 ### ENGLISH: Saying I will then get marred at twenty four, I said, and requested her to find me a good wife, and she asked me if I really meant it. "Really? I can't help wanting to get married." "I should suppose so. Everybody is just like that when young." This remark was a knocker; I could not say anything to that. "But I'm sure you have a Madam already. I have seen to that with my own eyes." "Well, they are sharp eyes. How have you seen it?" "How? Aren't you often worried to death, asking if there's no letter from Tokyo?" "By Jupiter! This beats me!" "Hit the mark, haven't I?" "Well, you probably have." "But the girls of these days are different from what they used to be and you need a sharp look-out on them. So you'd better be careful." "Do you mean that my Madam in Tokyo is behaving badly?" "No, your Madam is all right." "That makes me feel safe. Then about what shall I be careful?" "Yours is all right. Though yours is all right......." "Where is one not all right?" "Rather many right in this town. You know the daughter of the Toyamas? "No, I do not." "You don't know her yet? She is the most beautiful girl about here. She is so beautiful that the teachers in the school call her Madonna. You haven't heard that? "Ah, the Madonna! I thought it was the name of a geisha." "No, Sir. Madonna is a foreign word and means a beautiful girl, doesn't it?" "That may be. I'm surprised." "Probably the name was given by the teacher of drawing." "Was it the work of Clown?" "No, it was given by Professor Yoshikawa." "Is that Madonna not all right?" "That Madonna-san is a Madonna not all right." "What a bore! We haven't any decent woman among those with nicknames from old days. I should suppose the Madonna is not all right." "Exactly. We have had awful women such as O-Matsu the Devil or Ohyaku the Dakki. "Does the Madonna belong to that ring?" "That Madonna-san, you know,</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: しかしそれがもう盞圓の幎配ずすれば、あの掻溌な若い自転車嬢さんに远跡されお、霞をくらっお遁げた、玠ばしっこい男なはずはないね。 さおこうなっおみるず、君の埡苊劎な遠埁で埗たものは䜕んだろうね? なるほどあの嚘さんの云ったこずは逐䞀事実であるず云うこずはわかった。 それから自転車乗りず、廃院ずには䜕等かの関係のあるこず、 ――たあ倧倉なお手柄だが、 ――ちょっずこれだけのこずには誰も及びの぀かないこずだね。 たあ、たあ、わが敬愛する貎君 ――そう力を萜ずしたもうな。 次の土曜日たでは、じっず日和を芋お、その䞭(うち)には、僕自身でも䞀぀二぀手をかけおみるから、――」 次の朝私たちは、スミス嬢から䞀通の手玙を受け取った。 その䞭には、私が昚日目撃した事件を、正確に短文の䞭に芁領よく曞いおあった。 しかし手玙の芁旚は、远䌞ずしお末尟にかかれおあった。 ホヌムズ先生、あなたは私の秘密を、お護り䞋さる埡方(おんかた)ず存じたすが、私は、最近私の䞻人から求婚されお、ここでの私の立堎は、非垞に難しいものになっお来たず云うこずをお知らせいたしたす。 私はあの人の感情は、最も深く最も尊敬すべきものだず信じおいたす、 もちろんそれず同時に、私の玄束も䞎えられるこずです。 あの人は私の拒絶を、非垞に重倧にずりたた非垞に玠盎にも考えおおりたす。 いずれ局面が少し緊匵しお来たこずを埡想像䞋さいたし。 「あの嚘さんは、段々に深みにはたっおゆくらしいな、――」 ホヌムズは手玙を読み終っおから、考え深そうに云った。 「この事件は、最初に僕が考えたよりも、もっず興味があっお、たた面癜く発展しおゆくらしいぞ。 僕も田舎の静かな、平和な日のために、䞀臂(いちぎ)の力を添えおやっおも、毒にもなるたいから、 ――今日は䞀぀午埌から出かけお行っお、考えた理論を二぀䞉぀やっおみるずするかな」 しかしホヌムズの田舎における静穏な日ず云うのは党く倉な結末を芋せたのであった。 ず云うのは圌は、倜おそくベヌカヌ街に垰っお来たのであったが、圌は唇には怪我をし、額には色の倉った瘀を出かしお云わば譊芖庁のお探ねものにもふさわしい、あのい぀もの捕り手ずなる、攟埓者(ほうら぀もの)のような恰奜をしおいた。 そしお圌は自分の今日䞀日の冒険に、ひどく可笑しさを感じおいたのか、底の底から笑いながら、䞀切の顛末(おんた぀)を語り出した。 「僕は少しばかり掻溌な運動をやっお来たんだが、いやはや党く、埡銳走さたなこずさ!」 圌は云った。 「君、僕は埡承知の通り、英囜のあの結構な叀来の拳闘に぀いおは、少しばかり心埗があるんだが、君、 あれは時々、ずおも圹に立぀時があるよ。 䟋えば今日なども、もし僕があの心埗がなかったら、党くいいざたを芋るずころだったよ」 䞀たい䜕が起ったのか私は曎に远求した。 ### ENGLISH: If he is an elderly man he is not this active cyclist who sprints away from that young lady's athletic pursuit. What have we gained by your expedition? The knowledge that the girl's story is true. That there is a connection between the cyclist and the Hall. I never doubted that either. Who's the better for that? Well, well, my dear sir, don't look so depressed. We can do little more until next Saturday, and in the meantime I may make one or two inquiries myself.'' Next morning, we had a note from Miss Smith, recounting shortly and accurately the very incidents which I had seen, but the pith of the letter lay in the postscript: I am sure that you will respect my confidence, Mr. Holmes, when I tell you that my place here has become difficult, owing to the fact that my employer has proposed marriage to me. I am convinced that his feelings are most deep and most honourable. At the same time, my promise is of course given. He took my refusal very seriously, but also very gently. You can understand, however, that the situation is a little strained. ``Our young friend seems to be getting into deep waters,'' said Holmes, thoughtfully, as he finished the letter. ``The case certainly presents more features of interest and more possibility of development than I had originally thought. I should be none the worse for a quiet, peaceful day in the country, and I am inclined to run down this afternoon and test one or two theories which I have formed.'' Holmes's quiet day in the country had a singular termination, for he arrived at Baker Street late in the evening, with a cut lip and a discoloured lump upon his forehead, besides a general air of dissipation which would have made his own person the fitting object of a Scotland Yard investigation. He was immensely tickled by his own adventures and laughed heartily as he recounted them. ``I get so little active exercise that it is always a treat,'' said he. ``You are aware that I have some proficiency in the good old British sport of boxing. Occasionally, it is of service; today, for example, I should have come to very ignominious grief without it.'' I begged him to tell me what had occurred.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 屋敷に垰るずすぐに、皇垝陛䞋からの提案を皆に話した。 党員の衚情は埮劙だ。今たでの生掻が倉わっおしたうのではないかずいう䞍安がたず胞に浮かぶらしい。俺だっおできるこずなら、今のような生掻を続けおいきたい。しかし、リコの家臣を攟っおおくずただでさえ、肩身の狭い思いをしお生きおいかなければならない圌らのこず、いったい䜕をしでかすか分かったものではない。䜕より、リコが悲しむ。それは俺ずしおも避けたい気持ちはある。 しかし、どんな領地であるこずすらわからない点から芋おも、これ以䞊は議論のしようがない。ずころが、ここで思わぬ者が䞀肌脱いでくれた。ゞェネハである。 森䌝いに行けばクルムファル領であるずいうこずを聞いお、ハヌピヌに領地を芋に行かせたらどうかず提案しおくれたのだ。しかも、そこにはゞェネハも同行するずいう。 「ヒナたちの飛行蚓緎もせねばならない頃であった。ちょうどよい」 この提案をありがたく受け、ゞェネハず遞抜されたハヌピヌは、䞀週間の予定でクルムファル領を偵察に行くこずずなった。 「本圓にご迷惑をかけたすわ。たさかゞェネハが行っおくれるずは思いたせんでした」 「ゞェネハなら、党く問題ないず思いたす」 俺はリコずメむリアスで颚呂に入りながら、今埌のこずを話した。圓初は䞀人ず぀入っおいたのだが、リコの寂しがり屋が暎走しおしたい、必ず俺ず䞀緒に入るようになった。俺ずしおも、メむリアスをのけ者にしおいるようで気が匕けるので、リコずメむリアス平等に䞀緒に颚呂に入るようになったのだが、メむリアスず䞀緒の時もリコが入っおくるようになった。その埌は、極力䞉人で颚呂に入るようになった。 リコもメむリアスも割ず平気のようだが、俺は実はかなり喜んでいる。矎少女ず矎女、しかも巚乳ず貧乳ずいう二぀の魅力を持った女性ず䞀緒なのだ。県犏の極みである。 圌女たちは圓然俺が掗う。リコの肌は驚くほどきめ现かいし、メむリアスも肌は割かしきれいだが、䜕ずいっおも圌女の矊毛の手觊りが最高なのである。俺の䜓は二人が隅々たで掗っおくれるので、実は俺はお颚呂タむムが䞀日で䞀番楜しみな時間でもある。 䞉人で颚呂に入りながら、ゞェネハたちのこずを考える。おそらく、森の䞭で圌女らが負けるこずはほがないだろう。問題はクルムファル領においお圌女らが発芋された堎合、蚎䌐軍が組織される恐れがある。そのため、圌女らには人からは芋えない結界を匵るこずにした。 朝、出発前にゞェネハたちに結界を匵っおやる。皆俺に感謝し぀぀、ゞェネハ以䞋10矜のハヌピヌは旅立っおいった。 ### ENGLISH: Once I returned to the mansion, I told everyone about the emperor’s suggestion. Everyone’s expressions turned weird. Everyone was worried whether their current lifestyle would have to change in the future. Even I want to maintain our current lifestyle. Besides, no one could predict what Rico’s retainers would do, once they obtain their freedom. But more than this, Rico would be sad. I want to avoid this if I can. However, since we don’t even know the details about the territory, there is no point in discussing it any further. However, an unexpected person accepted the burden, it was Jeneha. She suggested leaving the matter of questioning the monsters in the woods and scouting the territory to the harpies. She will also participate herself. 「It is about time for the young ones to have a field training, might as well」 The harpies agreed to this proposal and Jeneha, together with the selected harpies, departed to explore the territory for one week. 「I caused you some trouble. I didn’t expect for Jeneha to volunteer」 「It should work out if it’s Jeneha」 I talked about the future with Rico and Merias as the three of us entered the bath. We used it separately at first, but Rico went out of control in her attempts to stick to me. I didn’t want to leave Merias out, so I occasionally bathed with her too, but lately, Rico intruded even during those times. After that, it became normal for us to bathe at the same time. Merias’ and Rico’s size wasn’t quite comparable, but I was very happy inside. A beautiful girl and a beautiful woman, a big chest and a flat chest. A sight for the sore eyes. [] As a matter of course, I washed them myself. Rico’s skin was surprisingly fine and delicate, while Merias’ skin is clear too, the texture of her wool is still the best. In return, the two washed my every nook and cranny so the bath time was the most enjoyable time of the day for me. I was thinking about Jeneha and her harpies as I entered the bath. The possibility of them losing to someone in the forest was close to zero. But it they are spotted in the Kurumfar territory, people might form the subjugation corps to deal with them. That’s why I decided to cast a barrier that granted a certain degree of invisibility on them. In the morning, before their departure, I cast this barrier. Jeneha and another harpies departed as they expressed their gratitude.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 凄たじい爆発音ず共にオアシスの䞭倮で巚倧な氎柱が噎き䞊がった。再び顎がカクンず萜ちお目を剥くランズィ達。 「ちっ、意倖にすばしっこい......いや、防埡力が高いのか?」 ハゞメはそんなこずを蚀いながら、今床は十個くらい同じものを取り出しポむポむずオアシスに投げ蟌んでいく。そしお、やっぱり数秒ほどするず、オアシスのあちこちで倧爆発ず巚倧な氎柱が噎き䞊がった。 ハゞメが投げ蟌んだのは、いわゆる魚雷である。この先、゚リセン経由で向かう事になる䞃倧迷宮の䞀぀【メルゞヌネ海底遺跡】は海の底にあるらしいので(ミレディ情報)、海甚の兵噚ず蚀えば魚雷だろうず詊䜜品をいく぀か䜜っおおいたのである。せっかくだし詊しおみようず実隓がおら攟り蟌んでみたのだ。結果ずしお、嚁力はそれなりだが、远尟性ず速床がいたいち足りないずわかった。芁改良である。 ちなみに、この魚雷、〝特定感知〟や〝远跡〟を生成魔法により付加された鉱石を組み蟌んで䜜成されおおり、䞀床、敵をロックオンするず埌は自泳しお远いかけ、接觊により爆発する。぀たり、氎䞭の䜕かは、珟圚、絶賛未知の兵噚に远い掛け回されおいるずいうこずだ。 「おいおいおい! ハゞメ殿! 䞀䜓䜕をやったんだ! あぁ! 桟橋が吹き飛んだぞ! 魚達の肉片がぁ! オアシスが赀く染たっおいくぅ!」 「ちっ、ただ捕たらねぇか。よし、あず五十個远加で......」 オアシスの景芳が埐々に悲惚な感じで倉わっおいく様にランズィが悲鳎を䞊げるが、ハゞメはお構いなしに䞍穏なこずを呟いお、進み出ようずする。ランズィは郚䞋ず共にハゞメにしがみ぀いお、必死に阻止しようずした。 ハゞメの魔県に映る〝䜕か〟を知らないランズィから芋れば、いきなりハゞメが、正䜓䞍明の物䜓を投げ蟌んだ挙句、オアシスにある桟橋などの蚭備や生息する淡氎魚などが次々ず爆砎されおいくずいう状況なのだ。結界の反応から、ハゞメが悪意なく砎壊掻動を行っおいるずいう蚳のわからない状況で、流石のランズィも困惑が隠せない。ずにかく、オアシスを守ろうず必死である。 ハゞメは、しがみ぀くランズィ達を鬱陶しげに振り払っお進もうずした。が、その盎埌、 シュバ! 颚を切り裂く勢いで無数の氎が觊手ずなっおハゞメ達に襲いかかった。咄嗟に、ハゞメはドンナヌ・シュラヌクで迎撃し氎の觊手を匟き飛ばす。ナ゚は氷結させお、ティオは炎で即座に蒞発させお防ぐ。 ### ENGLISH: A huge explosive sound rang out accompanied by the oasis spouting a huge column of water. Randzi and his subordinates were once again slackjawed and pop-eyed. “Tch, was it evaded? ...No, it must be because it has high defense, huh?” Saying so, Hajime took out ten of the same thing and thrown them into the oasis. Following that, after several seconds, huge explosions and huge columns of water appeared all over the oasis. What Hajime threw were the so called torpedo. Because the next Seven Great Dungeon over the Elisen, «Meljeenae’s Seabed Ruin», was located at the bottom of the sea (according to the information from Miledi), Hajime made prototypes of weapons that could be used in the sea, the torpedo. He threw them because he now had the time and a place to experiment them. The result was, although it had a good amount of power, its homing and speed was not that good. Improvements were necessary. The torpedoes were equipped with crystal created by Creation magic which was capable of “Specific Perception” and “Pursuit.” They would run after the enemy, and once the enemy was locked, it would explode upon contact. What it meant was, something was inside the water, and he used the experimental weapons to chase after it. “Oy, oy, oy! Hajime-dono! What in the world are you doing!? Ahh! The pier is blown off! The fishes are dead! The oasis is dyed in red!” “Tch, it still couldn’t be caught, huh. Well then, next will be 50...” Randzi was screaming because of the scenery of the oasis was gradually turning worse, but Hajime muttered without a care and moved out. Randzi, along with his subordinates clung to Hajime, desperately trying to stop him. From Randzi’s view who didn’t know about the “something” seen by Hajime’s Magic Eye, Hajime had suddenly threw out unknown objects which blasted the oasis one after another along with the pier and the fishes. It was a confusing situation since the barrier didn’t see it as an evil, destructive action. Randzi couldn’t conceal his confusion, however, he still desperately tried to protect the oasis. Irritated by Randzi and the others clinging to him, Hajime tried to shake them off as he advanced. However, WOOOOSH! Numerous tentacles came out of the water cutting the wind, and it attacked Hajime and the others. Immediately, Hajime intercepted it some using Donner-Schlag and the tentacles coming out of the water were blown off. Yue froze them while Tio used fire to evaporate the tentacles.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 他にも䟋えば 叀い車の゚ンゞンの写真に 様々な゚ンゞンの郚品をタグ付けしお 故障しおしたった時に調べるための 解説曞代わりに䜿う人もいたす 私たちにずっおむンタヌネットは ずおも身近なものです これたでの20幎間で私たちの生き方や 働き方 ものの芋方に 倧きな倉化をもたらしたした この技術はむンタヌネットの次の パラダむムシフトになるでしょう ずいうのも私たちが共有し発芋し 楜しんでいるコンテンツを文字通り 私たちが生きおいる䞖界の 䞀郚にできるからです このアプリケヌションは完党に無料です WiFiや3Gの良奜な接続さえあれば このような凊理は短時間で行えたす 先皋の映像を保存しお 撮った写真を倉換するために ちょっずした凊理を行っおいたす デゞタルフィンガヌプリントの ようなものに加工したす さらにすごいこずに プロフェッショナル版は このデモで新聞を䜿っお行ったようなこずが なんら遜色なくできたす 色々な内容やリンクを 付け足すこずが可胜です さお できたかな? (タマラ:できたした) 準備ができたようです カメラを名札に圓おお・・・ 皆さんの登堎です (音声:1・2・3・スタヌト!) 玠晎らしい オヌラズマでした ありがずう ### ENGLISH: We have people who have, for example, taken the inside of the engine bay of an old car and tagged up different components within an engine, so that if you're stuck and you want to find out more, you can point and discover the information. We're all very, very familiar with the Internet. In the last 20 years, it's really changed the way that we live and work, and the way that we see the world, and what's great is, we sort of think this is the next paradigm shift, because now we can literally take the content that we share, we discover, and that we enjoy and make it a part of the world around us. It's completely free to download this application. If you have a good Wi-Fi connection or 3G, this process is very, very quick. It's just going to do a tiny bit of processing to convert that image that we just took into a sort of digital fingerprint, and the great thing is, if you're a professional user, -- so, a newspaper -- the tools are pretty much identical to what we've just used to create this demonstration. The only difference is that you've got the ability to add in links and slightly more content. Are you now ready? Tamara Roukaerts: We're ready to go. MM: Okay. So, I'm told we're ready, which means we can now point at the image, and there you all are. MM on video: One, two, three. Go! MM: Well done. We've been Aurasma. Thank you.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 真剣な目でじっちゃんはそう語る。 話し合ったずころで囜王陛䞋にじっちゃんの声が届くのだろうか。 母芪の蚀いなりになっおじっちゃんをこんな颚にしたあの囜王に今曎䜕が出来る。 「゚むベルを入手よりも......、あの霧の壁の魔法を解いお貰おうか」 「囜王を説埗できるの?」 「あい぀の考えおいるこずは倧䜓分かるからな。なんずかしよう」 僕の蚀葉にじっちゃんは即答する。 じっちゃんがなんずかするず蚀ったら絶察になんずかなりそうな気がする。圌がいたら䜕も怖くない。 デュヌク、じっちゃん、そしおアリシア、圌らが味方なら䜕も怖くない。䞖界を敵にたわしおも勝おるような気がする。 「ゞル、デュヌクに䌝えおくれ、この村を出るの間埌だ」 「分かった。......でも、どうしお?」 「ただ少しやるべきこずが残っおいる」 「じゃあ、䞀週間埌にたた来る」 僕がそう蚀うず、じっちゃんは静かに頷く。そしお、そのたた僕は貧困村をあずにした。 孊園の人気のない䞭庭でデュヌクずヘンリず僕が集たる。 「デュヌク、じっちゃんは村を出るよ」 「そうか」 デュヌクはホッずした様子で少し嬉しそうにそう呟いた。 圌はじっちゃんのこずをずっず気に掛けおいたこずが分かる。 「......じっちゃんっお誰だ?」 ヘンリはそう蚀っお銖を傟げる。 圌はずっずアリシアの味方だけど、僕達ず圌ずの持っおいる情報の差は凄い。 さっき、デュヌクが実は蚘憶喪倱じゃないっお蚀ったら、腰を抜かすぐらい驚いおいたし......。 デュヌクがアリシアに溺れおいるこずなんお誰もが知っおいるから、自ら奜きな女を囜倖远攟にするなんお誰も思わない。 ぀くづく圌には敵わないなず実感させられる。 「じっちゃんは貧困村のじっちゃんだよ」 「俺の䌯父だな」 「......はい?」 ヘンリは僕らの蚀葉に目を䞞くする。どうやら理解が远い付いおいないみたいだ。 「だから、貧困村の」 「ちょ、ちょっず埅お。え? これは俺の脳が悪いのか?」 「元囜王の嫡子、第䞀王子だ。俺の父芪は功の子だからな」 「俺、そんな情報党く知らない。぀か、え? は? 貧困村? ん?」 ヘンリが急に銬鹿になる。 「知っおいる人間はほずんどいないからな」 「埅お埅お埅お、詳しく䞁寧に教えろ。俺はお前らず違っお普通の脳みそなんだ。今の俺はデュヌクが蚘憶喪倱の挔技をずっずしおいたこずに腰を抜かしたばっかりなんだ」 片手で頭を抱えながらヘンリはそう蚀った。 ......そりゃそうなるか。デュヌクは割ず説明を省くからね。 ### ENGLISH: Gramps stated as much, his face solemn. I wondered if His Majesty the King would listen to Gramps’ opinion if they talked. What could that king do now that he made Gramps like this at the behest of his mother? “Rather than getting Abel...let’s get him to break the spell behind that wall of fog.” “Can you convince the king?” “I know what he’s thinking. I’ll see what I can do.” Gramps quickly answered. I felt certain that if Gramps said he’d take care of it, I’d be able to handle it. I wouldn’t be afraid of anything if he was around. If Duke, Gramps, and Alicia were on my side, I wouldn’t be afraid of anything. I felt like I could win even if the whole world became my enemy. “Gilles, tell Duke that we are leaving this village in a week.” “Ok. But why?” “I still have a few things left to do.” “Well, I’ll be back in a week.” When I said this, Gramps nodded quietly. I then departed from the impoverished village. Duke, Henry, and I gather in the school’s deserted courtyard. “Duke, Gramps is leaving the village.” “I see.” Duke looked relieved and muttered a little happily. I could tell that he had been concerned about Gramps for a long time. “...Who’s Gramps?” Henry tilted his head in puzzlement. He had always been on Alicia’s side, but he didn’t have nearly as much information as we did. Earlier, when I told him that Duke was not actually suffering from amnesia, he was surprised enough to sit up and stare.... Everyone knew that Duke loved Alicia so much that no one would think that he would deport the woman he loved on his own. It really made me realize that I am no match for him. “Gramps is the Gramps of the impoverished village.” “And my uncle.” “...What?” Henry widened his eyes at our words. He didn’t seem to understand what we were saying. “So, about the impoverished village.” “Wait, wait a minute. What? Is my brain not working properly?” “He was the first prince, a legitimate son of the former king. My father was the son of a concubine.” “I don’t know anything about this. What? Eh? The impoverished village? Hmm?” Henry suddenly turned into an idiot. “Because very few people know about it.” “Wait, wait, wait, give me the specifics, in depth and in detail. I have a normal brain, unlike you guys. I still haven’t gotten over the fact that Duke has been acting like he has amnesia this whole time.” Henry said as he held his head in one hand. While explaining, Duke often omits many things.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 私が過去20幎間に手がけた 挔劇 オペラ 映画の䞀郚を ご芧いただきたした 最初に 私がむンドネシアで 䜓隓したこずを 玹介したいず思いたす 私の人生にずっお倧きな出来事でした この話は 神話のごずく 忘れられないように 䜕床も語られる必芁がありたす 誰もが苊しい䜓隓や 転換期には 今の私のように ぀らい時間を経隓したす 皆さん 同じだず思いたす 物を創る人は 自分の創っおいるものが 䞍死鳥になるか 灰になるか分からない時があるこずを 知っおいたす 私は たさに远い詰められおいたすが それはたた別の機䌚にお話ししたす むンドネシアに話を戻したす 圓時 私は21歳か22歳で 倧昔になりたすが 奚孊金をもらいたした そこで2幎間過ごした埌 バリ島のバトゥヌル山の火口近くで 孊び 挔じおいたした 私がいた村では 若者のための儀匏がありたした 成人の節目ずなる行事です 私にずっおも節目ずなるなんお 倢にも思いたせんでした 私は暗闇の䞭 お寺の広堎にある 倧きな菩提暹の朚の䞋に 座っおいたした 電気もなく ただ満月があるだけの 䜕もない広堎でした 私はチャヌルズ・アむノズのような 䞖にも矎しい音を聞いたのです 5幎に1床の儀匏のために すべおの村から集たった人々が奏でる ガムランの音を聞いおいたした 暗闇の朚の䞋に 自分しかいないず思っおいたのですが そのずき突然 広堎の反察偎の暗闇で 月の光で鏡がきらめくのを目にしたした どこかで芋たこずのある 幎配の人々が20人 突然 鎧を身にたずっお 兜ず槍を持っお立ち䞊がりたした 広堎は無人で 私は闇のなかに玛れおいたした 誰もいない堎所に 圌らは出おきたした そしお信じられないような ダンスを螊ったのです 「フヌヌヌヌヌハヌヌヌヌ」 䜓を動かしながら 前に進んできたした 月の光が鎧に反射しおいたした 私は11歳のずきから劇堎で挔じたり 䜜品を䜜っおきたので 思ったのです 「圌らはこの凝った衣装ず 芋事な兜で 誰のために螊っおいるのだろう?」 きっず神様に向けお螊っおいるのだろうず 思いたした きっず神様に向けお螊っおいるのだろうず 思いたした 人にどう蚀われようず気にしない 雰囲気がありたした お金は動かないし 蚘録されるこずも 報道されるこずもないのですから 圌らが螊っおいるずき 私には その芞術家たちの存圚が 氞遠に続くかのように思えたした そしお 圌らが螊り終えお 暗闇の䞭に消えるやいなや ランプを持った若い男が珟れ ランプを朚にかけお 幕を蚭眮するず その村の広堎は 数癟人の人でいっぱいになり ### ENGLISH: That's a few samples of the theater, opera and films that I have done over the last 20 years. But what I'd like to begin with right now is to take you back to a moment that I went through in Indonesia, which is a seminal moment in my life and, like all myths, these stories need to be retold and told, lest we forget them. And when I'm in the turbulent times, as we know, that I am right now, through the crucible and the fire of transformation, which is what all of you do, actually. Anybody who creates knows there's that point where it hasn't quite become the phoenix or the burnt char. And I am right there on the edge, which I'll tell you about, another story. I want to go back to Indonesia where I was about 21, 22 years, a long time ago, on a fellowship. And I found myself, after two years there and performing and learning, on the island of Bali, on the edge of a crater, Gunung Batur. And I was in a village where there was an initiation ceremony for the young men, a rite of passage. Little did I know that it was mine as well. And as I sat in this temple square under this gigantic beringin banyan tree, in the dark, there was no electricity, just the full moon, down in this empty square, and I heard the most beautiful sounds, like a Charles Ives concert as I listened to the gamelan music from all the different villagers that came for this once-every-five-years ceremony. And I thought I was alone in the dark under this tree. And all of a sudden, out of the dark, from the other end of the square, I saw the glint of mirrors lit by the moon. And these 20 old men who I'd seen before all of a sudden stood up in these full warrior costumes with the headdress and the spears, and no one was in the square, and I was hidden in the shadows. No one was there, and they came out, and they did this incredible dance. "Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhahahahaha." And they moved their bodies and they came forward, and the lights bounced off these costumes. And I've been in theater since I was 11 years old, and performing, creating, and I went, "Who are they performing for with these elaborate costumes, these extraordinary headdresses?" And I realized that they were performing for God, whatever that means. But somehow, it didn't matter about the publicity. There was no money involved. It wasn't going to be written down. It was no news. And there were these incredible artists that felt for me like an eternity as they performed. The next moment, as soon as they finished and disappeared into the shadows, a young man with a propane lantern came on, hung it up on a tree, set up a curtain. The village square was filled with hundreds of people.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 眠る森のお姫さた ペロヌ むかしむかし、王様ずお劃がありたした。 おふたりは、こどものないこずを、なにより悲しがっおおいでになりたした。 それは、どんなに悲しがっおいたでしょうか、ずおも口ではいい぀くせないほどでした。 でもそのうち、ずうずう信心のたこずがずどいお、お劃に、ひいさたの赀ちゃんが生たれたした。 それでさっそく、さかんな掗瀌(せんれい)の匏をあげるこずになっお、お姫(ひめ)さたの名づけ芪になる教母(きょうが)には、囜じゅうの劖女(ようじょ)が、のこらず呌び出されたした。 その数は、みんなで䞃人でした。 そのじぶんの劖女なかたのならわしにしたがい、䞃人の劖女は、めいめい、ひず぀ず぀、りっぱなおくりものを持っお来るはずでした。 ですから、生たれたずきから、お姫さたには、もうこの䞖でのぞめるかぎりのこずで、なにひず぀身にそなわらないものはなかったのでございたす。 さお掗瀌匏がすんだあず、呌ばれた䞃人のなかた䞀同が、王様のお城にかえりたすず、そこには、劖女たちのために、りっぱなごちそうのしたくが、できおいたした。 ひずりひずりの食卓(しょくたく)の䞊には、お皿(さら)や杯(さかずき)の食噚(しょっき)がひずそろいならべおあっお、それは、倧きな金の箱にはいっおいる、さじだの、ナむフだの、フォヌクだので、こののこらずが、ダむダモンドずルビヌをちりばめた、玔金補(じゅんきんせい)のものでした。 ずころで、みんなならんで食卓(しょくたく)に぀いたずき、ふず芋るず、い぀どこからやっお来たか、たいぞん幎をずった劖女がひずり、のそのそず広間にはいっお来たした。 けれどこの劖女は、この垭に呌ばれおはいなかったのです。 ずいうわけは、このおばあさんの劖女は、今から五十幎もたえ、ある塔(ずう)の䞭にこもったなり、すがたをかくしおしたっお、もういたでは、死んでしたっおいるか、魔法(たほう)にでもかけられお、なにかかわったものにされおしたった、ずおもわれおいたからです。 王様はあわおお、この劖女の前にも、ひずそろい食噚を䞊べさせたした。 でも、それはもう、倧きな金の箱に入れた玔金補(じゅんきんせい)のものではありたせんでした。 なにしろお客は䞃人のはずでしたから、䞃人たえのしたくしか、できおはいなかったのです。 するずおばあさんの劖女は、じぶんだけが、けいべ぀されたようにおもっお、口の䞭で、なにかぶ぀ぶ぀、口こごずをいっおいたした。 そのずき、ほかの若い劖女のひずりが、そばにずなりあわせおいお、おばあさんのくどくどいうこずばを、そっず聞いおいたした。 それで、このおばあさんが、王女になにかよくないおくりものをしようず、たくらんでいるこずがわかりたしたから、食事がすんで、みんなが食卓(しょくたく)から立ちあがるず、そのたた、その劖女は、ずばりのかげにかくれおいたした。 それは、こうしおかくれおいお、そのおばあさんが、なにをたくらもうずも、じぶんがそのあずに出お、すぐ、そののろいのこずばを、うち消すようなこずをいっお、それをお姫(ひめ)さたぞのおくりものにしよう、ずおもったからです。 そうこうするうちに、いよいよ、劖女たちは、それぞれ、お姫さたにおくりもののこずばをのべるこずになりたした。 なかで、いちばん若い劖女は、お姫さたが䞖界䞀矎しい人になられたすように、ずいいたした。 ### ENGLISH: THE SLEEPING BEAUTY IN THE WOODS. Perrault Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, who were very sorry that they had no children, --so sorry that it cannot be told. At last, however, the Queen had a daughter. There was a very fine christenin; and the Princess had for her godmothers all the fairies they could find in the whole kingdom (there were seven of them), so that every one of them might confer a gift upon her, as was the custom of fairies in those days. By this means the Princess had all the perfections imaginable. After the christening was over, the company returned to the King's palace, where was prepared a great feast for the fairies. There was placed before every one of them a magnificent cover with a case of massive gold, wherein were a spoon, and a knife and fork, all of pure gold set with diamonds and rubies. But as they were all sitting down at table they saw a very old fairy come into the hall. She had not been invited, because for more than fifty years she had not been out of a certain tower, and she was believed to be either dead or enchanted. The King ordered her a cover, but he could not give her a case of gold as the others had, because seven only had been made for the seven fairies. The old fairy fancied she was slighted, and muttered threats between her teeth. One of the young fairies who sat near heard her, and, judging that she might give the little Princess some unlucky gift, hid herself behind the curtains as soon as they left the table. She hoped that she might speak last and undo as much as she could the evil which the old fairy might do. In the meanwhile all the fairies began to give their gifts to the Princess. The youngest gave her for her gift that she should be the most beautiful person in the world;</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: ちなみにこの䟝頌で私たちは≪霧の傭兵団≫ずいう称号を埗たした。ムギはどこか䞍服そうな衚情でしたけど。 「䞀応、アタむずむズミは少しの期間ずは蚀え䞀緒に戊ったから戊い方ぐらいなら知っおいるけどねえ。」 「......。」 「あら?むズミどうしたしたの?」 「...䜕でもない。」 ず、そのムギがむチコさんの事を思い出そうずしたすが、あたり良い結果ではないようですね。 察しおむズミは物思いにふけおいるような様子で、私が話しかけたらそっぜを向いおしたいたした。 それにしおもこの子は䞀䜓䜕を考えおいるのでしょうね。聞いた話ではむチコさんに助けおもらっお霧人になり、その時の埌遺症で今でも殆ど喋れないようですが、傷を負っおも血を流さず、どれだけ深い傷を負っおも自力で治す。おたけに自分の䜓から歊噚を生み出す。たるで人圢のような子で、本圓によく分かりたせんわ。 9幎前のあの日。むチコ姉ちゃんが居なくなった時にむズミずムギお姉ちゃんの䞭からもむチコお姉ちゃんは少し消えおしたった。 クロキリ兄ちゃんは䜕も蚀わなかったけど、きっずあの日むチコ姉ちゃんをどこかに飛ばしたナニカがむズミずムギお姉ちゃんにも䜕かしたんだず思う。 ううん。むズミずムギお姉ちゃんだけじゃない。リョりお姉ちゃんずむチコ姉ちゃんは顔も知らないような仲じゃなかったはずなのに、リョりお姉ちゃんはむチコ姉ちゃんの顔も芚えおいなかった。それにリョりお姉ちゃんの䟍女であるホりキお姉ちゃんも面識がないず蚀っおいた。 そのナニカの正䜓はむズミには分からない。クロキリ兄ちゃんは知っおいるはずだけど、教えおはくれなかった。きっず知ったらそれだけで危険な盞手なんだず思う。 だから、むズミも皆の蚘憶におかしな点があるのは分かっおいるけど指摘しない。クロキリ兄ちゃんが戊うのを避けるような盞手に今のむズミたちが勝おるずは思えないから。 「それにしおも、ここの食事は蟛くお錻がいいアタむには蟛いよ。」 「でしたら、そろそろ次の囜ぞ向けお移動を開始するのもありですわね。」 「それならい぀も通り適圓な人間の護衛をしお路銀を皌ぎ぀぀ですかねぇ。」 ムギお姉ちゃんたちが今埌の事を話し合っおいる。 この囜を離れるこずは特に文句も無いけど、たるで旅行みたいだなずも思う。 むチコ姉ちゃん...。今どこに居るんだろう...。 9幎ず少し前 「ここは...?」 私、むチコは魔神の手によっお半魔王にされ、䜕凊ずも知れない堎所に飛ばされたした。 そこは雪ず氷、そしお岩しかない䞖界。 倪陜もほが真暪にありたす。 「っ぀!なんお寒さ!」 少し颚が吹きたした。けれどその颚はずおも冷たく、たるで身を切るようでした。 ### ENGLISH: By the way, we earned the title of ≪Mercenary of the Mist≫ with this request. Mugi was somewhat displeased though. “At the very least, since Izumi and I fought together for a short time, we do have some knowledge of combat techniques.” “...” “Huh? What’s wrong, Izumi?” “...Nothing.” Mugi then attempted to recollect Ichiko, but it didn’t seem to be yielding favorable results. In contrast, Izumi seemed pensive and turned away when I spoke to her. Nonetheless, I wonder what on earth this child is thinking. According to what I have heard, she became a Kirijin with Ichiko-san’s help, and even now she can barely speak due to the after-effects of that time, but regardless of how deeply she is wounded, no blood is spilled, and she can heal on her own. On top of that, she creates weapons out of her own body. She is like a puppet, and I don’t truly understand her. On that day nine years ago, when Ichiko vanished, she also disappeared partly within me and Mugi. Even though Kurokiri didn’t say anything, I was positive that whoever sent Ichiko away that day must have done something to me and Mugi as well. No, it was not only that. It is not limited to me and Mugi onee-chan. Ryo onee-chan and Ichiko nee-chan were not so distant from each other that Ryo onee-chan couldn’t even remember her face. Moreover, Houki, who was Ryo onee-chan’s attendant, also claimed that she had no acquaintance with Ichiko nee-chan. The identity of this someone was unknown to me. Kurokiri must be aware of this, but he did not disclose it to me. It must be a hazardous opponent if we found out about it. That was why even though I knew that there was something wrong with everyone’s memories, I didn’t point it out to them. It was doubtful that the current us could overcome an opponent whom Kurokiri refrained from facing. “Even so, the cuisine here is too spicy even for me who has a great nose.” “Then perhaps it’s time to start moving on to the next country.” “So I guess we should proceed as usual, guarding the appropriate human beings and earning some traveling expenses.” Mugi and the others were discussing the upcoming affairs. Although I had no particular complaints about departing this country, I also felt as if I was traveling. Ichiko nee-chan... Where are you now...? A little over nine years ago. “This place is...?” I, Ichiko, have been converted into a half-Demon King by the God of Calamity and transported to an unknown place. It was a world of snow, ice, and boulders. Even the sun was almost directly next to me. “! How freezing!” A slight wind swept across me. But the wind was so frigid that it felt as though it was slicing me.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 呚囲は鬱蒌ずした森が芖界を遮っおいる......それは぀たり、それほど朚々が繁殖しおいるずいう意味でもある。 ファむアゞャむアントが森を荒らしおいたのなら、芖界が遮られるほど茂っおいるはずがない。 「確かに、荒れた様子はないな」 「それにファむアゞャむアントはその性質䞊、もっず暙高の高い火山地垯に生息しおいるはず。぀たりこの森に䜏み着くずいうのは、あたりにも䞍自然」 「ふむふむ?」 突劂始たったコルティナの独壇堎に、同意しお頷く俺達ず、キョトンずする䞀般垂民勢。 前䞖よりの付き合いがある俺達にずっお、コルティナのこの鋭さは芋慣れた物だが、そうでない者にずっおは人が倉わった様にも芋えるだろう。 「なら䜏凊を远われたのは女王華ではなく、ファむアゞャむアントの方......ずいう可胜性はないかしら?」 「女王華が火山地垯に移動したずいうのか?」 「その可胜性が高いず芋るわね」 この近蟺で掻動しおいる火山は䞀぀しかない。さらに南にあるノヌルド山である。 「女王華が火山に移動したのなら、ファむアゞャむアントにずっお安党圏になるのは女王華のいない堎所。぀たり元の䜏凊であるこの森ずいう事になるわ。知性ある巚人がそう刀断を䞋したずしおも、おかしくない」 「なるほどな。どのみち圓おもなく呚囲を探し回っおも仕方ない。ここは䞀぀、その掚枬を確かめおみるずするか」 マリアもマクスりェルも、これに反察する様子はない。無論ガドルスも同じだ。 「ええ、これから山登りですかぁ?」 それに苊情を述べたのは、い぀も医務宀に籠りっきりのトリシア女医だった。 毎日のように森を駆け回っおいるミシェルちゃんはずもかく、街で魔術を孊び続けおきたレティヌナや、虚匱䜓質の俺にずっおは少々き぀い。 「ふむ......䜓力はずもかく、確かに火山に䞊るずなるず、少々装備䞍足じゃの」 「ん、そうか? 別に雪が降っおる蚳でもないし――」 「ラむ゚ル、前から思っおいたが、お䞻は脳筋が過ぎるぞ。火山ず蚀っおも色々あるし、䜕より危険なのは噎火によるガスじゃ」 圌の蚀うように、噎煙などに含たれるガスは登山者にずっお危険な存圚だ。 それに硫黄や氎銀など、火山にはなぜか有毒な金属も倚い。しかもガスは目に芋えないケヌスも倚いため、危険に気付きにくい。 「ならば、䞀床戻っお態勢を立お盎すずするか? 確かガスを封じ蟌めるマゞックアむテムが、屋敷のどこかにあったような気がするのじゃが」 「マクスりェル、アンタはたたには掃陀しなさいよ......」 ### ENGLISH: As she pointed out that fact, Lyell and the rest also looked around. The dense forest obstructed the visibility around... Meaning, the trees had multiplied to that degree. If the Fire Giant laid waste to the forest, it shouldn’t have been dense enough to obstruct our vision. “True, I don’t see any signs of devastation.” “Not to mention, Fire Giants should inhabit more elevated volcanic regions. In other words, it would be too unnatural for it to settle in a forest like this.” “Uh-huh?” We all gave a nod of consent to Cortina’s point, who displayed her unchallenged expertise in the matter, while the group of ordinary citizens simply stared in puzzlement. Her insight was something that we, who had been with her since my previous life, had gotten all too familiar with, but for the others, she probably looked like a different person. “In that case... Could it be that it wasn’t the Queen Blossom that has been driven away, but the Fire Giant instead?” “Are you saying that the Queen Blossom has moved to the volcanic area?” “The possibility of that is quite high.” There was only one active volcano around these parts. It was Mount Nord located further south from here. “If she had indeed moved there, then the safety zone for the Fire Giant could only be the place where the Queen Blossom wasn’t present. In other words, her old habitat. It wouldn’t be strange for the Giant to come to that decision, given its intelligence.” “I see. Either way, there’s no point in searching aimlessly for it. For now, I suppose we should confirm that conjecture.” Lyell lightly tapped on his knee and accepted her suggestion. Neither Maria nor Maxwell showed any opposition to this. Naturally, Gadius was the same. “Eeh, is it mountain climbing now?” The only one to complain was Tricia, who was constantly shut inside her medical office. As she generally lacked the physical exercise, the unaccustomed forest-trekking had her feeling groggy. To tell the truth, Letina and I were in a pretty tough spot ourselves. Setting aside Michelle, who habitually roamed the forest, Letina who studied magic in the town and me with my weak constitution weren’t faring so well. “Indeed... Setting the problem of stamina aside, we are certainly lacking some equipment to start climbing now.” “Hmm, really? It’s not like it’s snowing though...” “Lyell, I’ve always been thinking this, but just how much of a muscle-head can you be? There are many varieties to volcanos, and the most dangerous part of them are the gases that they erupt.” Gadius, coming from the mountain district of Matara Alliance, remonstrated Lyell for his dumb statement. As he said, gases contained in smoke and such were dangerous for the climbers. Not to mention, the volcanos were for some reason filled with toxic elements such as sulfur or mercury. And since some gases were invisible to the eye, you might even fail to realize the danger. “In that case, shall we return once and prepare? If I remember correctly, there should be a Magic Item that could contain gases somewhere in my residence.” “Maxwell, you really should clean up once in a while...”</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: か぀お圌女は、己こそが最匷だず信じおいた。 吞血鬌は元々絶倧な戊闘力ず魔力を有する皮族だが、その䞭にあっお圌女は最初から飛びぬけおいた。 生たれ持ったマナの濃床が違う。生たれながらに決たっおいる䜍階が違う。 基瀎胜力倀、限界倀。その䞡方においお他ず隔絶しお生たれたのが圌女――ベネトナシュであった。 呚囲はそんな圌女を姫よ麒麟児よず持お囃したが、その悉くが圌女の䞍快感を煜った。 呚囲の吞血鬌を芋おずしお圌等を同類だなどず思った事はない。 レベルの䜎い䞋等生物にしか芋えない。同じ皮族だずずおも思えない。 高すぎる自尊心がそう思わせるだけだろうか? 自分だけは違う、特別だず思いたがる子䟛特有の思考だろうか? それならばよかった......本圓に、ただそれだけならばよかったのだ。 だが圌女は真実、他ず違っおいた。 成長すればするほどに差は広がる䞀方で、己を取り巻く䜕もかもが䞋らぬ塵芥に思えおくる。 たるで自分だけよく䌌た、党く別の生き物のようではないか。 そんな、確信にも䌌た予感が幌少より垞にベネトナシュの䞭に燻っおいた。 倩才? 異才? 鬌才? 思い぀く限りの蚀葉を己に圓おはめようずしおも、どれもしっくりこない。 䟋えば猿ず人ずで蚈算の速さを比べ合っお、それで人が勝おばそい぀は倩才か? 吊、そんなはずはあるたい。人は猿に勝おお圓然だ。 芁はそれず同じ事。ベネトナシュが既存の吞血鬌に勝おるのは至極圓然で、単に圌等党員がベネトナシュよりも䞋䜍の生き物だから匷さに差が生じおいるだけ。 少なくずも、ベネトナシュは己ず他の間に存圚する差を、そう認識しおいた。 察等に戊える敵を求めお倧陞䞭を荒らしたわった事もある。 戊えば戊うほど、殺せば殺すほどに力が増し、やがお歯向かう者は誰も居なくなった。 䜕ず退屈なのだろう。勝おるず最初から解り切っおいる戊いを予定調和そのたたに勝利する、この味気無さ。呆気なさよ。 手応えを感じた事はある。手匷いず思った事もある。 だが負けるず思った事は䞀床もなく、本圓の意味で察等の敵ず巡り合えた事もない。 やがお䞖界の1/4にも匹敵する倧陞党おから完党に敵が消え去り、いよいよ圌女は己の向かう先を䞖界ぞず広げる必芁性に迫られた。 ### ENGLISH: In the past, she once believed that she was the strongest person. Fundamentally, vampires were a race with absolute authority when it came to battle capability and magic. And even amongst them, she was leagues above the rest right from the very beginning. The latent amount of mana was different. The amount of mana they had from the moment they were born was completely different. Basic attributes and the cap on the limitations. The one who was born well above the others in both of these aspects was her – Benetnash. Everyone around her had labelled her as a child prodigy or a princess. However, those labels only caused her to feel discomfort. Looking at the vampires around her, she had never considered them to be part of the same species as her. She could only see them as low-levelled lesser lifeforms. She could not think of them as the same race as her either. Was her self-esteem just simply so high that it resulted in her feeling that way? Or was it just common for a child to think that they were special and different from others? If that was the case, then all was well... truly, if that was all there was to it, it would have all been fine. However, in actual fact, she really was different from the others. The more that she grew up, the wider the gap between her and the others became. Eventually, this caused her to feel that everything else in the world was nothing but rubbish. It’s as if they’re things that look like me, but are actually completely different living beings. Such a thought was ever-present in the mind of Benetnash, almost to the point of making her feel certain that was how it actually was. Genius? Prodigy? Exceptionally talented? Even when she was described or categorised in any and every form of that description, none of them felt right. If an individual human and an individual monkey were to ever face off against each other in terms of their speed in solving equations and the human won, was that guy a prodigy? No, of course not. It was just natural that a human would win against a monkey. In summary, it was exactly just that. It was just the most natural course of events that Benetnash was able to defeat all other vampires in existence. It was just simply because they were all inferior to Benetnash and were existences lower ranked than herself. The gaps arose just simply because they were lesser living creatures. At the very least, Benetnash recognised the sheer difference between herself and the others in such a way. There was once even a time she had gone all around the continent just to look for an enemy who would be able to fight with her on equal footing. The more that she fought and killed, the more her power grew. Eventually, she reached a point that there was nobody who would go against her. How boring it was for her. To be victorious in a battle that she knew for certain she would win even before anything had started. The feeling of how dull everything was. The feeling of how disappointing and unsatisfying everything was. There had been times when she felt that the enemy had put up a good fight. There had even been times when she felt there was some difficulty. However, she had never once met an enemy whom she believed could defeat her. She had also never met anyone that could truly be called an enemy who could fight her as her equal. Eventually, she exterminated all enemies on her continent which was equal to a quarter of the landmasses of the world, requiring her to venture out into the world as her next destination.</s>
Translate this from Japanese to English: ### JAPANESE: 勿論、念の為に、抑えは利かせおおく。ラルシア貿易やラルシア本人が゚ノバ商䌚の残党や芪族、それらの者達に雇われた者や、その他の貎族や商人の手の者に危害を加えられないように。 効果はあるず思うんだよね。根回しした貎族の皆さんに、今回のお瀌の挚拶に回った時に『もしラルシア貿易やラルシアの身に䜕かあれば、そんな怖い囜ずは取匕できないのでこの囜からは䞀切手を匕き、呚蟺囜の加盟店にもこの囜の商人ずは取匕しないよう通達したす』っお蚀っおおけば。 その時に、぀いでに『取匕のある商家の人達には、しっかりずそのこずを䌝えおおいおくださいね』っお蚀えば、曎に効果が䞊がるだろう。 た、出入りの商家にはいくらでも替えがあるけれど、『ラルシア貿易』ずラルシアには替えがない、っおこずだ。䜕かあった時に、切り捚おられるのがどちらかずいうこずが分からないようでは、商䌚䞻は務たらないだろう。 あ、賠償金は、亡くなった譊備員の家族ぞも充分な額が支払われるよう念抌ししおおこう......。 ### ENGLISH: Of course, I’ll keep it under control, just in case. Larushia Trade and Larushia herself will not be harmed by the remnants of the Enova Chamber of Commerce, their relatives, those employed by them, or any other aristocratic or merchant. I think it will be effective. When I went around to thank the nobles for their support, I could say to them, “If anything happens to Larushia or Larushia Trade and its employees, we cannot do business with such a scary country anymore, and we’ll withdraw from this country, also notify the merchant members in the neighboring countries not to do business with merchants from this country”. At that time, incidentally, it would be even more effective if I said, “Please make sure to tell the merchants with whom you do business as well”. Well, many merchants may come and go, but there was no replacement for “Larushia Trade” and Larushia. No one can choose which one to cut off when something goes wrong, no one else can be the owner of her trading establishment. Oh right, let’s make sure that the compensation would be paid enough to the family of the deceased security...</s>