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en12803 | Iye akanatha kumasula mosavuta mau a moyo monga momwe akanatha kutsegula zitseko za ndende ndi kumasula zitseko zachitsulo kuti amasule antchito ake. | He could as easily unchain the words of life as He could open prison doors and unbolt iron gates to set His servants free. | religion | SDA Book |
en12804 | M’maiko osiyanasiyana a ku Ulaya, amuna anasonkhezeredwa ndi mzimu wa Mulungu kufunafuna chowonadi monga ngati chuma chobisika. | In the different countries of Europe men were moved by the Spirit of God to search for the truth as for hid treasures | religion | SDA Book |
en12805 | Motsogoleredwa ndi Malemba Opatulika, iwo anaphunzira masamba opatulika mwachidwi kwambiri. Iwo anali okonzeka kuvomereza kuunikako, pa mtengo uliwonse kwa iwo eni. | Providentially guided to the Holy Scriptures, they studied the sacred pages with intense interest. They were willing to accept the light at any cost to themselves | religion | SDA Book |
en12806 | Ngakhale kuti sanaone zinthu zonse bwinobwino, anathandizidwa kuzindikira mfundo zambiri za choonadi zimene zinakwiriridwa kwa nthaŵi yaitali. | Though they did not see all things clearly, they were enabled to perceive many long-buried truths | religion | SDA Book |
en12807 | Monga amithenga otumidwa Kumwamba iwo anapita, akumadula maunyolo a zolakwa ndi zikhulupiriro, ndi kuitana kwa iwo amene anali akapolo kwa nthawi yaitali kuti awuke ndi kutsimikizira ufulu wawo | As Heaven-sent messengers they went forth, rending asunder the chains of error and superstition, and calling upon those who had been so long enslaved, to arise and assert their liberty. | religion | SDA Book |
en12808 | Kupatulapo pakati pa Awadensi, Mawu a Mulungu anatsekeredwa kwa zaka zambiri m’zinenero zodziŵika kwa ophunzira okha; koma nthawi inali itakwana yakuti Malemba amasulidwe, ndi kuperekedwa kwa anthu a m’mayiko osiyanasiyana m’chinenero chawo. | Except among the Waldenses, the word of God had for ages been
locked up in languages known only to the learned; but the time had
come for the Scriptures to be translated and given to the people of
different lands in their native tongue | religion | SDA Book |
en12809 | Dziko linali litadutsa pakati pausiku. Maola amdima anali akutha, ndipo m’mayiko ambiri munaonekera zizindikiro za m’ bandakucha | The world had passed its midnight. The hours of darkness were wearing away, and in many lands appeared tokens of the coming dawn | religion | SDA Book |
en12810 | . John Wycliffe anali wolengeza za kukonzanso, osati ku England kokha, koma kwa Matchalitchi Achikristu onse. | ” John Wycliffe was the herald of reform, not for England alone, but for all Christendom. | religion | SDA Book |
en12811 | Kutsutsa kwakukulu kotsutsana ndi Roma komwe adaloledwa kunena, sikunali koyenera kutsekedwa. Chionetsero chimenecho chinayambitsa nkhondo imene inadzachititsa kuti anthu, matchalitchi, ndi mayiko atuluke | The great protest against Rome which it was permitted him to utter was never to be silenced. That protest opened the struggle which was to result in the emancipation of individuals, of churches, and of nations. | religion | SDA Book |
en12812 | Wycliffe anaphunzira zambiri, ndipo kuopa Yehova kunali chiyambi cha nzeru. | Wycliffe received a liberal educatioon, and with him the fear of the
Lord was the beginning of wisdom | religion | SDA Book |
en12813 | Anadziwika ku koleji chifukwa cha kukhulupirika kwake komanso luso lake lodabwitsa komanso maphunziro abwino. | He was noted at college for his fervent piety as well as for his remarkable talents and sound scholarship | religion | SDA Book |
en12814 | Mu ludzu lake la chidziŵitso anafuna kudziŵa nthambi iliyonse ya maphunziro. | In his thirst for knowledge he sought to become acquainted with every branch of learning | religion | SDA Book |
en12815 | Iye anaphunzitsidwa nzeru za maphunziro, malamulo a tchalitchi, ndi malamulo a boma, makamaka a dziko la kwawo. | He was educated in the scholastic philosophy, in the canons of the church, and in the civil law, especially that of his own country | religion | SDA Book |
en12816 | M'ntchito zake pambuyo pake phindu la maphunziro oyambirirawa linawonekera. | In his after labors the value of this early training was apparent. | religion | SDA Book |
en12817 | Kudziŵa bwino nzeru zongopeka za m’nthaŵi yake kunamtheketsa kuvumbula zolakwa zake; ndipo mwa kuphunzira kwake malamulo a dziko ndi a tchalitchi anali wokonzeka kuchita nawo nkhondo yaikulu yomenyera ufulu wa anthu wamba ndi wachipembedzo. | A thorough acquaintance with the speculative philosophy of his time enabled him to expose its errors; and by his study of national and ecclesiastical law he was prepared to engage in the great struggle for civil and religious liberty. | religion | SDA Book |
en12818 | Ngakhale kuti ankatha kugwiritsira ntchito zida zotengedwa m’ Mawu a Mulungu, iye anali ataphunzira nzeru za m’masukulu, ndipo ankamvetsa machenjerero a anyamatawo. | While he could wield the weapons drawn from the word of God, he had acquired the intellectual discipline of the schools, and he understood the tactics of the schoolmen | religion | SDA Book |
en12819 | Mphamvu ya luso lake ndi kukula ndi kukwanira kwa chidziwitso chake zinalamula kuti abwenzi ndi adani alemekezedwe. | The power of his genius and the extent and thoroughness of his knowledge commanded the respect of both friends and foes | religion | SDA Book |
en12820 | Otsatira ake anaona ndi chikhutiro chakuti msilikali wawo ndiye anali patsogolo pakati pa anthu otsogola a mtunduwo; ndipo adani ake analetsedwa kunyoza njira yokonzanso povumbula umbuli kapena kufooka kwa wochichirikizako | His adherents saw with satisfaction that their champion stood foremost among the leading minds of the nation; and his enemies were prevented from casting contempt upon the cause of reform by exposing the ignorance or weakness of its supporter. | religion | SDA Book |
en12821 | Wycliffe adakali ku koleji, anayamba kuphunzira Malemba. | While Wycliffe was still at college, he entered upon the study of the Scriptures | religion | SDA Book |
en12822 | M’nthaŵi zakalezo, pamene Baibulo linalipo kokha m’zinenero zakale, akatswiri anakhoza kupeza njira yopita ku kasupe wa chowonadi, amene anatsekeredwa kwa magulu osaphunzira. | In those early times, when the Bible existed only in the ancient languages, scholars were enabled to find their way to the fountain of truth, which was closed to the uneducated classes. | religion | SDA Book |
en12823 | Chotero njira inali itakonzedwa kale kaamba ka ntchito yamtsogolo ya Wycliffe monga wokonzanso zinthu. | Thus already the way had been prepared for Wycliffe’s future work as a Reformer | religion | SDA Book |
en12824 | Amuna ophunzira anali ataphunzira Mawu a Mulungu, ndipo anapeza choonadi chachikulu cha chisomo chake chaulere chikuwululidwa. M’ ziphunzitso zao anafalitsa cidziŵitso ca coonadi ici, ndipo anatsogoza ena kutembenukira kwa Olaula Amoyo | Men of learning had studied the word of God and had found the great truth
of His free grace there revealed. | religion | SDA Book |
en12825 | Panthaŵiyi n'kuti akusowa kwambiri, moti maphunziro ake asukulu kapena ziphunzitso za tchalitchi sizikanatha kukhutiritsa. | Heretofore he had felt a great want, which neither his scholastic studies nor the teaching of the church could satisfy | religion | SDA Book |
en12826 | M’Mawu a Mulungu adapeza zomwe adazifuna m’mbuyo mwachabe. | In the word of God he found that which he had before sought in vain. | religion | SDA Book |
en12827 | Apa iye anawona dongosolo la chipulumutso likuwululidwa, ndipo Khristu atayikidwa ngati woyimira yekhayo woimira munthu. Anadzipereka yekha ku utumiki wa Khristu, ndipo anatsimikiza mtima kulengeza choonadi chimene anachipeza | Here he saw the plan of salvation revealed and Christ set forth as the only advocate for man. He gave himself to the service of Christ and determined to proclaim the truths he had discovered. | religion | SDA Book |
en12828 | Mofanana ndi anthu osintha zinthu, Wycliffe sanadziwiretu kumene idzamufikitse. | Like after Reformers, Wycliffe did not, at the opening of his work, foresee whither it would lead him. | religion | SDA Book |
en12829 | Sanadzipangire dala kutsutsana ndi Roma. | He did not set himself deliberately in opposition to Rome. | religion | SDA Book |
en12830 | Koma kudzipereka ku chowonadi sikukanangomubweretsa iye kutsutsana ndi bodza. | But devotion to truth could not but bring him in conflict with falsehood. | religion | SDA Book |
en12831 | Pamene anazindikira momvekera bwino zolakwa za apapa, m’pamenenso anali kufotokoza mowona mtima chiphunzitso cha Baibulo. | The more clearly he discerned the errors of the papacy, the more earnestly he presented the teaching of the Bible. | religion | SDA Book |
en12832 | Iye anawona kuti Roma anali atasiya Mawu a Mulungu chifukwa cha miyambo ya anthu; iye mopanda mantha anatsutsa ansembe kuti anachotsa Malemba, ndipo anafuna kuti Baibulo libwezeretsedwe kwa anthu, ndi kuti ulamuliro wake ukhazikitsidwenso mu mpingo. | He saw that Rome had forsaken the word of God for human tradition; he fearlessly accused the priesthood of having banished the Scriptures, and demanded that the Bible be restored to the people and that its authority be again established in the church. | religion | SDA Book |
en12833 | Iye anali mphunzitsi wokhoza ndi wakhama, ndi mlaliki waluso, ndipo moyo wake watsiku ndi tsiku unali chisonyezero cha chowonadi chimene iye ankalalikira. | He was an able and earnest teacher and an eloquent preacher, and his daily life was a demonstration of the truths he preached. | religion | SDA Book |
en12834 | Chidziŵitso chake cha Malemba, mphamvu ya kulingalira kwake, kuyera kwa moyo wake, ndi kulimba mtima kwake kosasunthika ndi kukhulupirika kwake, zinampangitsa kulemekezedwa ndi chidaliro chonse. | His knowledge of the Scriptures, the force of his reasoning, the purity of his life, and his unbending courage and integrity won for him general esteem and confidence. | religion | SDA Book |
en12835 | Anthu ambiri anali osakhutitsidwa ndi chikhulupiriro chawo choyambirira, pamene anawona kusayeruzika kumene kunali kofala mu Tchalitchi cha Roma, ndipo iwo anatamanda ndi chisangalalo chosabisikira chowonadi chimene chinawonedwa ndi Wycliffe; koma atsogoleri aupapa anadzazidwa ndi mkwiyo pamene anazindikira kuti wokonzanso ameneyu anali kupeza chikoka chachikulu kuposa chawo | Many of the people had become dissatisfied with their former faith as they saw the iniquity that prevailed in the Roman Church, and they hailed with unconcealed joy the truths brought to view by Wycliffe; but the papal leaders were filled with rage when they perceived that this Reformer was gaining an influence greater than their own. | religion | SDA Book |
en12836 | Wycliffe anali wozindikira bwino zolakwa, ndipo mopanda mantha analimbana ndi nkhanza zambiri zololedwa ndi ulamuliro wa Roma. | Wycliffe was a keen detector of error, and he struck fearlessly against many of the abuses sanctioned by the authority of Rome. | religion | SDA Book |
en12837 | Pamene anali kuchita monga wansembe wa mfumu, iye anakana molimba mtima kupereka msonkho umene papa ananena kuchokera kwa mfumu ya ku England, ndipo anasonyeza kuti kutengeka kwa ulamuliro wa papa pa olamulira akudziko kunali kosagwirizana ndi kulingalira ndi vumbulutso. | While acting as chaplain for the king, he took a bold stand against the payment of tribute claimed by the pope from the English monarch and showed that the papal assumption of authority over secular rulers was contrary to both reason and revelation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12838 | Zofuna za papa zinakwiyitsa kwambiri, ndipo ziphunzitso za Wycliffe zinasonkhezera anthu otsogola a mtunduwo. | The demands of the pope had excited great indignation, and Wycliffe’s teachings exerted an influence upon the leading minds of the nation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12839 | Mfumu ndi olemekezeka anagwirizana kukana zonena za papa za ulamuliro wanthawi yochepa, ndi kukana kupereka msonkho. | The king and the nobles united in denying the pontiff’s claim to temporal authority and in refusing the payment of the tribute. | religion | SDA Book |
en12840 | Chotero nkhonya yogwira mtima inakanthidwa motsutsana ndi ukulu wa apapa mu England | Thus an effectual blow was struck against the papal supremacy in England. Another evil against which the Reformer waged long and resolute battle was the institution of the orders of mendicant friars. | religion | SDA Book |
en12841 | Abale aŵa anadzadza mu England,
akumadzetsa vuto pa ukulu ndi kulemerera kwa mtunduwo | These friars swarmed in England, casting a blight upon the greatness and prosperity of the nation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12842 | . Makampani, maphunziro, makhalidwe, onse anamva chikoka chofota. Moyo wa amonke wa ulesi ndi umphawi sunali chabe kuwononga chuma cha anthu, koma unabweretsa ntchito yothandiza m’chipongwe. | Industry, education, morals, all felt the withering influence. The monk’s life of idleness and beggary was not only a heavy drain upon the resources of the people, but it brought useful labor into contempt. | religion | SDA Book |
en12843 | Achinyamatawo anali otaya mtima komanso achinyengo. Ndi chisonkhezero cha afriars ambiri adakopeka kulowa mnyumba ndikudzipereka ku moyo wa amonke, ndipo izi osati popanda chilolezo cha makolo awo, komanso popanda kudziwa kwawo, komanso motsutsana ndi malamulo awo. | The youth were demoralized and corrupted. By the influence of the friars many were induced to enter a cloister and devote themselves to a monastic life, and this not only without the consent of their parents, but even without their knowledge and contrary to their commands. | religion | SDA Book |
en12844 | Mmodzi wa atate oyambirira a Tchalitchi cha Romish, akumasonkhezera zonena za chipembedzo cha monastic pamwamba pa thayo la chikondi chaubwana ndi ntchito, anali atalengeza kuti: “Angakhale atate wako atagona pakhomo pako, akulira ndi kulira, ndipo amako akakusonyeza iwe thupi limene uli nalo. ndi mabere amene anakuyamwitsa, penya kuti uwapondereze, ndi kupita pomwepo kwa Khristu.” | One of the early Fathers of the Roman Church, urging the claims of monasticism above the obligations of filial love and duty, had declared: “Though thy father should lie before thy door weeping and lamenting, and thy mother should show the body that bore thee and the breasts that nursed thee, see that thou trample them underfoot, and go onward straightway to Christ.” | religion | SDA Book |
en12845 | “Mwa nkhanza yoipitsitsa imeneyi,” monga momwe Luther pambuyo pake anaitchulira, “kukonda kwambiri mimbulu ndi wankhanza kuposa Mkristu ndi munthu,” mitima ya ana inali yolimba kutsutsana ndi makolo awo. | By this “monstrous inhumanity,” as Luther afterward styled it, “savoring more of the wolf and the tyrant than of the Christian and the man,” were the hearts of children steeled against their parents.—Barnas Sears, The Life of Luther, pages 70, 69. | religion | SDA Book |
en12846 | Momwemonso atsogoleri apapa, monga Afarisi akale, anasandutsa lamulo la Mulungu kukhala lopanda ntchito ndi miyambo yawo. | Thus did the papal leaders, like the Pharisees of old, make the commandment of God of none effect by their tradition. | religion | SDA Book |
en12847 | Motero nyumba zinasanduka bwinja, ndipo makolo analandidwa chitaganya cha ana awo aamuna ndi aakazi. | Thus homes were made desolate and parents were deprived of the society of their sons and daughters. | religion | SDA Book |
en12848 | Ngakhale ophunzira a m’mayunivesitewo ananyengedwa ndi zikhulupiriro zabodza za amonke, ndipo ananyengedwa kuti agwirizane ndi malamulo awo. e | Even the students in the universities were deceived by the false representations of the monks and induced to join their orders. | religion | SDA Book |
en12849 | Ambiri pambuyo pake analapa sitepe iyi, powona kuti anaipitsa miyoyo yawo, ndipo anabweretsa chisoni pa makolo awo; koma atasala kudya mumsampha, kunali kosatheka kuti iwo apeze ufulu wawo. | Many afterward repented this step, seeing that they had blighted their own lives and had brought sorrow upon their parents; but once fast in the snare it was impossible for them to obtain their freedom. | religion | SDA Book |
en12850 | Makolo ambiri, poopa kusonkhezeredwa ndi amonke, anakana kutumiza ana awo aamuna ku mayunivesite. | Many parents, fearing the influence of the monks, refused to send their sons to the universities. | religion | SDA Book |
en12851 | Panali kutsika kwakukulu kwa chiwerengero cha ophunzira omwe anapezeka pa malo akuluakulu a maphunziro. | There was a marked falling off in the number of students in attendance at the great centers of learning. | religion | SDA Book |
en12852 | Masukulu analefuka, ndipo umbuli unali ponseponse.Papa anapatsa amonkewo mphamvu zomvetsera kuulula ndi kukhululukira. | The schools languished, and ignorance prevailed. The pope had bestowed on these monks the power to hear confessions and to grant pardon. | religion | SDA Book |
en12853 | Ichi chinakhala gwero la zoipa zazikulu. Pofuna kukulitsa zopindula zawo, abusawo anali okonzeka kupereka chikhululukiro kotero kuti zigawenga za kufotokoza zonse zinapita kwa iwo, ndipo chifukwa chake, kuipa koipitsitsa kunakula mofulumira. | This became a source of great evil. Bent on enhancing their gains, the friars were so ready to grant absolution that criminals of all descriptions resorted to them, and, as a result, the worst vices rapidly increased. | religion | SDA Book |
en12854 | Odwala ndi osauka anasiyidwa kuti azunzike, pamene mphatso zomwe zinayenera kuthetseratu zofuna zawo zinapita kwa amonke, omwe ndi ziwopsezo ankafuna zachifundo za anthu, akumatsutsa chinyengo cha omwe ayenera kuletsa mphatso ku malamulo awo. | The sick and the poor were left to suffer, while the gifts that should have relieved their wants went to the monks, who with threats demanded the alms of the people, denouncing the impiety of those who should withhold gifts from their orders. | religion | SDA Book |
en12855 | Mosasamala kanthu za kudzinenera kwawo kwa umphaŵi, chuma cha ansembe chinali kuwonjezereka mosalekeza, ndipo nyumba zawo zokongola ndi matebulo apamwamba zinapangitsa kuti umphaŵi wawo ukukula wa fuko uwonekere. | Notwithstanding their profession of poverty, the wealth of the friars was constantly increasing, and their magnificent edifices and luxurious tables made more apparent the growing poverty of the nation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12856 | Ndipo pamene adali kuthera nthawi yawo m’zinthu zabwino ndi zokondweretsa, adatumiza m’malo mwawo anthu mbuli, amene amangonena nthano, nthano ndi nthano zoseketsa anthu, ndikuwapangitsa kukhala achinyengo kwambiri a amonke. | And while spending their time in luxury and pleasure, they sent out in their stead ignorant men, who could only recount marvelous tales, legends, and jests to amuse the people and make them still more completely the dupes of the monks. | religion | SDA Book |
en12857 | Komabe ma friars anapitirizabe kugwiritsitsa makamu a zikhulupiriro, ndipo anawapangitsa iwo kukhulupirira kuti ntchito zonse zachipembedzo zinali kuvomereza ukulu wa papa, kupembedza oyera mtima, ndi kupereka mphatso kwa amonke, ndipo izi zinali zokwanira kuti atetezedwe. iwo malo Kumwamba | Yet the friars continued to maintain their hold on the superstitious multitudes and led them to believe that all religious duty was comprised in acknowledging the supremacy of the pope, adoring the saints, and making gifts to the monks, and that this was sufficient to secure them a place in heaven | religion | SDA Book |
en12858 | Amuna ophunzira ndi opembedza adagwira ntchito pachabe kubweretsa kukonzanso m'madongosolo awa amonke; koma Wycliffe, mozindikira momveka bwino, anakantha muzu wa choipacho, nalengeza kuti dongosolo lenilenilo linali labodza, ndipo liyenera kuthetsedwa. | Men of learning and piety had labored in vain to bring about a reform in these monastic orders; but Wycliffe, with clearer insight, struck at the root of the evil, declaring that the system itself was false and that it should be abolished. | religion | SDA Book |
en12859 | Kukambitsirana ndi kufunsana kunali kudzuka. Pamene amonke ankayendayenda m’dzikolo, n’kumagulitsa zimene Papa wawakhululukira, anthu ambiri anakayikira zoti angathe kugula chikhululukiro ndi ndalama, ndipo ankakayikira ngati sayenera kupempha chikhululukiro kwa Mulungu m’malo mwa papa wa ku Roma. | Discussion and inquiry were awakening. As the monks traversed the country, vending the pope’s pardons, many were led to doubt the possibility of purchasing forgiveness with money, and they questioned whether they should not seek pardon from God rather than from the pontiff of Rome. | religion | SDA Book |
en12860 | Osawerengeka anada nkhaŵa ndi chipwirikiti cha abusawo, amene umbombo wawo unawoneka wosakhutiritsidwa. “Amonke ndi ansembe a Roma,” iwo anatero, “akutidya ngati kansa. | Not a few were alarmed at the rapacity of the friars, whose greed seemed never to be satisfied. “The monks and priests of Rome,” said they, “are eating us away like a cancer. | religion | SDA Book |
en12861 | Mulungu ayenera kutipulumutsa, apo ayi anthu angawonongeke. | God must deliver us, or the people will perish. | religion | SDA Book |
en12862 | Kujatikizya bukkale bwabo, aaba basyomeka balo bakaamba kuti bakali kutobela cikozyanyo ca Mufutuli, bakaamba kuti Jesu naa basikwiiya bakwe bakagwasyigwa akaambo kakugwasyilizya bantu. | To cover their avarice, these begging monks claimed that they were following the Saviour’s example, declaring that Jesus and His disciples had been supported by the charities of the people. | religion | SDA Book |
en12863 | Kudzinenera kumeneku kunadzetsa chivulazo ku cholinga chawo, pakuti kunatsogolera ambiri ku Baibulo kudziphunzirira iwo eni chowonadi, chotulukapo chimene mwa ena onse sichinali chokhumbidwa ndi Aroma. Malingaliro a anthu analunjikitsidwa kwa Gwero la choonadi, chimene chinali cholinga chake kubisa | This claim resulted in injury to their cause, for it led many to the Bible to learn the truth for themselves—a result which of all others was least desired by Rome. The minds of men were directed to the Source of truth, which it was her object to conceal. | religion | SDA Book |
en12864 | Wycliffe anayamba kulemba ndi kufalitsa mathirakiti otsutsa ansembewo, komabe, osati kufunafuna zambiri zotsutsana nawo kotero kuti aitanitse maganizo a anthu ku ziphunzitso za Baibulo ndi Mlembi wake. | Wycliffe began to write and publish tracts against the friars, not, however, seeking so much to enter into dispute with them as to call the minds of the people to the teachings of the Bible and its Author. | religion | SDA Book |
en12865 | Iye analengeza kuti mphamvu ya kukhululukidwa kapena kuchotsedwa ali nayo papa pamlingo wokulirapo kuposa wa ansembe wamba, ndi kuti palibe munthu amene angachotsedwedi m’tchalitchi pokhapokha ngati atadzibweretsera chitsutso cha Mulungu choyamba. | He declared that the power of pardon or of excommunication is possessed by the pope in no greater degree than by common priests, and that no man can be truly excommunicated unless he has first brought upon himself the condemnation of God. | religion | SDA Book |
en12866 | Palibenso njira inanso yogwira ntchito imene iye sakanatha kugwetsa nsalu yaikuluyo ya ulamuliro wauzimu ndi wanthawi imene papa anaukhazikitsa, ndi mmene miyoyo ndi matupi a anthu mamiliyoni ambiri anagwidwa ukapolo. | In no more effectual way could he have undertaken the overthrow of that mammoth fabric of spiritual and temporal dominion which the pope had erected and in which the souls and bodies of millions were held captive. | religion | SDA Book |
en12867 | Kachiŵirinso Wycliffe anaitanidwa kutetezera ufulu wa korona Wachingerezi motsutsana ndi kuloŵerera kwa Roma; ndipo atasankhidwa kukhala kazembe wachifumu, anakhala zaka ziwiri ku Netherlands, pamsonkhano ndi akuluakulu a papa. | Again Wycliffe was called to defend the rights of the English crown against the encroachments of Rome; and being appointed a royal ambassador, he spent two years in the Netherlands, in conference with the commissioners of the pope. | religion | SDA Book |
en12868 | Kumeneko anabweretsedwa m’kulankhulana ndi atchalitchi ochokera ku France, Italy, ndi Spain, ndipo anali ndi mwayi woyang’ana m’mbuyo, ndi kupeza chidziwitso cha zinthu zambiri zimene zikanabisidwa kwa iye ku England. | Here he was brought into communication with 84 ecclesiastics from France, Italy, and Spain, and he had an opportunity to look behind the scenes and gain a knowledge of many things which would have remained hidden from him in England | religion | SDA Book |
en12869 | Anaphunzira zambiri zomwe zingathandize kuti ntchito yake ipite patsogolo. Mwa oimira a bwalo la apapa ameneŵa anaŵerenga mkhalidwe weniweni ndi zolinga za utsogoleri. | He learned much that was to give point to his after labors. In these representatives from the papal court he read the true character and aims of the hierarchy. | religion | SDA Book |
en12870 | Anabwerera ku Mangalande kukabwereza ziphunzitso zake zakale momvekera bwino ndi changu chokulirapo, akumalengeza kuti kusirira, kunyada, ndi chinyengo zinali milungu ya Roma | He returned to England to repeat his former teachings more openly and with greater zeal, declaring that covetousness, pride, and deception were the gods of Rome. | religion | SDA Book |
en12871 | M’mathirakiti ake ena iye anati, ponena za papa ndi osonkhanitsa ake: “Iwo amakoka m’dziko lathu chuma cha anthu osauka, ndi magiredi masauzande ambiri pofika chaka, a ndalama za mfumu, za masakramenti ndi zinthu zauzimu, umenewo ndi mpatuko wotembereredwa. wa chisimoni, ndipo amapangitsa Matchalitchi Achikristu onse kutsimikizira ndi kusunga mpatuko wake. | In one of his tracts he said, speaking of the pope and his collectors: “They draw out of our land poor men’s livelihood, and many thousand marks, by the year, of the king’s money, for sacraments and spiritual things, that is cursed heresy of simony, and maketh all Christendom assent and maintain this heresy. | religion | SDA Book |
en12872 | Ndipo ndithudi, ngakhale ufumu wathu unali ndi phiri lalikulu la golide, ndipo palibe munthu wina amene anatengako koma yekha wonyada uyu, wosonkhanitsa wansembe wachidziko, pakupita kwa nthawi phiri ili liyenera kuthetsedwa; chifukwa achotsa ndalama m’dziko lathu, ndipo satumizanso kanthu koma temberero la Mulungu chifukwa cha usimoni wake. | And certes though our realm had a huge hill of gold, and never other man took thereof but only this proud worldly priest’s collector, by process of time this hill must be spended; for he taketh ever money out of our land, and sendeth nought again but God’s curse for his simony.” | religion | SDA Book |
en12873 | Atangobwerera ku England, Wycliffe analandira kuchokera kwa mfumu kumusankha kukhala mkulu wa bungwe la Lutterworth. | Soon after his return to England, Wycliffe received from the king the appointment to the rectory of Lutterworth. | religion | SDA Book |
en12874 | Chimenechi chinali chitsimikiziro chakuti mfumuyo siinakhumudwe ndi kuyankhula kwake kwachimvekere. | This was an assurance that the monarch at least had not been displeased by his plain speaking. | religion | SDA Book |
en12875 | Chisonkhezero cha Wycliffe chinaoneka m’kuumba zochita za khoti, limodzinso ndi kuumba chikhulupiriro cha mtunduwo | Wycliffe’s influence was felt in shaping the action of the court, as well as in molding the belief of the nation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12876 | Mabingu a papa posakhalitsa anaponyedwa pa iye. Ng’ombe zamphongo zitatu zinatumizidwa ku England, —ku yunivesite, kwa mfumu, ndi kwa ansembe, —onse akulamula kuti achitepo kanthu mwamsanga ndi motsimikiza kuti aletse mphunzitsi wa mpatuko. | The papal thunders were soon hurled against him. Three bulls were dispatched to England,—to the university, to the king, and to the prelates,—all commanding immediate and decisive measures to silence the teacher of heresy. | religion | SDA Book |
en12877 | Komabe, ng’ombezo zisanafike, mabishopu, mwa changu chawo, anaitana Wycliffe pamaso pawo kuti akazengedwe mlandu. | Before the arrival of the bulls, however, the bishops, in their zeal, had summoned Wycliffe before them for trial. | religion | SDA Book |
en12878 | Koma awiri a akalonga amphamvu mu ufumu anatsagana naye ku bwalo la milandu; ndipo anthu, akuzungulira nyumbayo ndi kuthamangira mkati, anawopsyeza oweruza kotero kuti mlanduwo unaimitsidwa kwa nthawiyo, ndipo analoledwa kupita njira yake mwamtendere. | But two of the most powerful princes in the kingdom accompanied him to the tribunal; and the people, surrounding the building and rushing in, so intimidated the judges that the 85 proceedings were for the time suspended, and he was allowed to go his way in peace. | religion | SDA Book |
en12879 | Patapita nthaŵi pang’ ono, Edward III., amene muukalamba wake ansembe anali kufunitsitsa kusonkhezera wokonzansoyo, anamwalira, ndipo mtetezi wakale wa Wycliffe anakhala wolamulira wa ufumuwo | A little later, Edward III, whom in his old age the prelates were seeking to influence against the Reformer, died, and Wycliffe’s former protector became regent of the kingdom. | religion | SDA Book |
en12880 | Koma kufika kwa zigamulo za apapa kunaika ku England konse lamulo loletsa kumangidwa ndi kutsekeredwa m’ndende kwa wopandukayo. | But the arrival of the papal bulls laid upon all England a peremptory command for the arrest and imprisonment of the heretic. | religion | SDA Book |
en12881 | Miyezo imeneyi inaloza pamtengowo. Zinkawoneka zotsimikizirika kuti Wycliffe anayenera kukhala msampha wa kubwezera kwa Roma. | These measures pointed directly to the stake. It appeared certain that Wycliffe must soon fall a prey to the vengeance of Rome. | religion | SDA Book |
en12882 | Imfa sinabwere kwa wokonzansoyo, koma kwa papa amene analamula kuti awonongedwe. Gregory XI. anafa, ndipo atsogoleri achipembedzo amene anasonkhana kaamba ka mlandu wa Wycliffe, anabalalika. | Death came, not to the Reformer, but to the pontiff who had decreed his destruction. Gregory XI died, and the ecclesiastics who had assembled for Wycliffe’s trial, dispersed. | religion | SDA Book |
en12883 | Chitsogozo cha Mulungu chinapitirizabe kugonjetsa zochitika kuti zipereke mwayi wa kukula kwa Kukonzanso. | God’s providence still further overruled events to give opportunity for the growth of the Reformation. | religion | SDA Book |
en12884 | Imfa ya Gregory inatsatiridwa ndi kusankhidwa kwa apapa aŵiri otsutsana. | The death of Gregory was followed by the election of two rival popes. | religion | SDA Book |
en12885 | Maulamuliro aŵiri otsutsana, aliwonse akudzinenera kukhala osalephera, tsopano anadzinenera kumvera. | Two conflicting powers, each professedly infallible, now claimed obedience. | religion | SDA Book |
en12886 | Aliyense adayitana okhulupirika kuti amuthandize pomenyana ndi mzake, kukakamiza zofuna zake mwamwano woopsa kwa adani ake, ndi malonjezo a mphotho Kumwamba kwa omutsatira ake. | Each called upon the faithful to assist him in making war upon the other, enforcing his demands by terrible anathemas against his adversaries, and promises of rewards in heaven to his supporters. | religion | SDA Book |
en12887 | Zimenezi zinafooketsa kwambiri mphamvu za upapa | This occurrence greatly weakened the power of the papacy. | religion | SDA Book |
en12888 | Magulu otsutsanawo anali ndi zonse zomwe akanatha kuchita kuti aziukirana, ndipo Wycliffe anapuma kwa kanthawi. | The rival factions had all they could do to attack each other, and Wycliffe for a time had rest. | religion | SDA Book |
en12889 | Kunyoza ndi kutsutsa kunali kuwuluka kuchokera papa kupita kwa papa, ndipo mitsinje ya mwazi inatsanuliridwa kuchirikiza zonena zawo zotsutsana. | Anathemas and recriminations were flying from pope to pope, and torrents of blood were poured out to support their conflicting claims. | religion | SDA Book |
en12890 | Upandu ndi zonyansa zinasefukira m’tchalitchi. Pakali pano wokonzansoyo, mu kupuma mwakachetechete kwa parishi yake ya Lutterworth, anali kugwira ntchito mwakhama kuti aloze amuna ochokera kwa apapa omwe anali kulimbana kwa Yesu, Kalonga wa mtendere | Crimes and scandals flooded the church. Meanwhile the Reformer, in the quiet retirement of his parish of Lutterworth, was laboring diligently to point men from the contending popes to Jesus, the Prince of Peace. The schism, with all the strife and corruption which it caused, prepared the way for the Reformation by enabling the people to see what the papacy really was. In a tract which he published, On the Schism of the Popes, Wycliffe called upon the people to consider whether these two priests were not speaking
the truth in condemning each other as the anti-christ | religion | SDA Book |
en12891 | Wycliffe, mofanana ndi Mbuye wake, analalikira uthenga wabwino kwa osauka. | Wycliffe, like his Master, preached the gospel to the poor. | religion | SDA Book |
en12892 | Posakhutira ndi kufalitsa kuunikako m’nyumba zawo zonyozeka m’parishi yakeyake ya Lutterworth, iye anatsimikiza kuti kuyenera kutengedwa ku mbali iriyonse ya England. | Not content with spreading the light in their humble homes in his own parish of Lutterworth, he determined that it should be carried to every part of England. | religion | SDA Book |
en12893 | Kuti akwaniritse zimenezi analinganiza gulu la alaliki, amuna osavuta, odzipereka, amene ankakonda choonadi ndipo sankafuna chilichonse choposa kuchikulitsa. | To accomplish this he organized a body of preachers, simple, devout men, who loved the truth and desired nothing so much as to extend it. | religion | SDA Book |
en12894 | Amuna amenewa adapita kulikonse, naphunzitsa m’misika, ndi m’misewu ya mizinda yayikulu, ndi m’milaga. | These men went everywhere, teaching in the market places, in the streets of the great cities, and in the country lanes. | religion | SDA Book |
en12895 | Iwo anafunafuna okalamba, odwala, ndi osauka, ndipo anatsegulira iwo uthenga wabwino wa chisomo cha Mulungu | They sought out the aged, the sick, and the poor, and opened to them the glad tidings of the grace of God | religion | SDA Book |
en12896 | Monga pulofesa wa maphunziro a zaumulungu ku Oxford, Wycliffe ankalalikira Mawu a Mulungu m’ maholo a payunivesiteyo. | As a professor of theology at Oxford, Wycliffe preached the word of God in the halls of the university. | religion | SDA Book |
en12897 | Iye anapereka chowonadi mokhulupirika kwa ophunzira pansi pa chilangizo chake, kotero kuti analandira mutu wa “Dokotala wa Uthenga Wabwino.” | So faithfully did he present the truth to the students under his instruction, that he received the title of “the gospel doctor.” | religion | SDA Book |
en12898 | Koma ntchito yaikulu kwambiri pa moyo wake inali kumasulira Malemba m’Chingelezi. | But the greatest work of his life was to be the translation of the Scriptures into the English language. | religion | SDA Book |
en12899 | M’nkhani yakuti “Choonadi ndi Tanthauzo la Malemba,” iye anafotokoza cholinga chake cha kutembenuza Baibulo, kotero kuti munthu aliyense mu England akaŵerenge, m’chinenero chimene anabadwiramo, ntchito zodabwitsa za Mulungu | In a work, On the Truth and Meaning of Scripture, he expressed his intention to translate the Bible, so that every man in England might read, in the language in which he was born, the wonderful works of God. | religion | SDA Book |
en12900 | Koma mwadzidzidzi ntchito yake inaimitsidwa. | But suddenly his labors were stopped. | religion | SDA Book |
en12901 | Ngakhale kuti anali asanakwanitse zaka makumi asanu ndi limodzi, kugwira ntchito kosalekeza, kuphunzira, ndi kuukiridwa kwa adani ake, zinali zitafotokoza mphamvu zake, ndipo zinamukalamba msanga. | Though not yet sixty years of age, unceasing toil, study, and the assaults of his enemies had told upon his strength and made him prematurely old. | religion | SDA Book |
en12902 | Anagwidwa ndi matenda oopsa. | He was attacked by a dangerous illness. | religion | SDA Book |