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[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Exna Yeatz (エキスナ・イェーズ) | Gender: Female
She had handled all of the paperwork for me.</s>
[エキスナ]: 「教室はあちらです」
[Exna]: 「Your classroom is that way.」</s>
[央路]: 「はい」
[Ouro]: 「Yes, Ma'am.」</s>
She pointed to the classroom Sylvia-san and Elle-san had gone into yesterday.</s>
All right, I guess it was finally time.</s>
[央路]: 「じゃ、行ってきますエキスナさん」
[Ouro]: 「I'll be going now, Exna-san.」</s>
[エキスナ]: 「行ってらっしゃいませ」
[Exna]: 「Have a good day.」</s>
I had more or less made friends with the black-suited guard from yesterday and walked into the classroom.</s>
Class 2-A.</s>
I would be studying here going forward.</s>
[エキスナ]: 「市松様」
[Exna]: 「Ichimatsu-sama.」</s>
[エキスナ]: 「がんばってください」
[Exna]: 「Please do your best.」</s>
[担任の先生]: 「えー、今日からみなさんと学習を共にする、市松君です」
[Homeroom Teacher]: 「Uh, this is Ichimatsu-kun. He will be studying with all of you starting today.」</s>
[担任の先生]: 「市松……おうじ君?」
[Homeroom Teacher]: 「Ichimatsu... Ouji-kun?」</s>
[央路]: 「おうろです。路はそのままろ」
[Ouro]: 「Ouro, actually. The last kanji in my name is pronounced as "ro."」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[男子生徒A]: 「おっと脚が当たってしまった」
[Male Student A]: 「Whoops, you ran into my foot.」</s>
Before I could even stand, I heard a roar of laughter from the class behind me.</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「気をつけてくれよ。ボクのズボンはパリの仕立て屋に頼んだものなんだから。汚したりしたら……」
[Male Student A]: 「Do watch your step. I ordered these pants from a tailor in Paris. If you get them dirty...」</s>
This whole predicament─</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路! 大丈夫?」
[Sylvia]: 「Ouro! Are you okay?」</s>
[央路]: 「ん?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「は?」
[Male Student A]: 「Huh?」</s>
[絢華]: 「へ?」
[Ayaka]: 「Uh?」</s>
─went into an unexpected direction.</s>
[央路]: 「ああ、うん、だいじょぶ」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, yeah, I'm fine.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「どうしたの何もないところでつまずくなんて」
[Sylvia]: 「What's the matter? You suddenly tripped over yourself!」</s>
Sylvia-san helped me up.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ああ……緊張しているのね央路。急な転入だし当然だわ」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh... You must be nervous, huh, Ouro? That makes sense, given how quickly you transferred into our school.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[シルヴィア]: 「ええ、央路はわたしの大切なお友達よ」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes. Ouro is my precious friend.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「はあ!?」
[Female Student A]: 「Huh?!」</s>
[男子生徒C]: 「く、クルスクラウン王女の」
[Male Student C]: 「P-Princess Cruzcrown's...」</s>
[絢華]: 「お友達……?」
[Ayaka]: 「Friend?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「先生、央路は緊張しているみたいだわ。わたし、央路の近くの席に行っていいかしら」
[Sylvia]: 「Sensei, Ouro seems nervous. Would it be okay if I sat near him?」</s>
[担任の先生]: 「え、あ、は、はい」
[Homeroom Teacher]: 「Uh, ah, y-yes.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ですって。ねえあなた、席、変わってもらってよろしい?」
[Sylvia]: 「There you have it! Say, would you mind trading seats?」</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「はい?あ、は、はい」
[Male Student A]: 「Yes? Oh, y-yes...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ありがとう」
[Sylvia]: 「Thank you!」</s>
The guy who tripped me dragged his desk and chair away while looking dreadfully disappointed.</s>
I guess a princess was special even in a classroom full of well-off young men and women.</s>
Sylvia-san's desk was brought over in its place.</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[央路]: 「ひー、ひー、……お」
[Ouro]: 「Hee... hee... Oh...」</s>
This time, my necktie was tied up nice and tight.</s>
[央路]: 「サンキュ」
[Ouro]: 「Thanks.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「イエイエ」
[Reina]: 「Don't mention it.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あは、すごいわ、綺麗になった」
[Sylvia]: 「Aha, wow! It's all pretty.」</s>
[エル]: 「すいません、力及ばず」
[Elle]: 「I'm sorry I couldn't do it.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「やっぱり玲奈はファッションの天才ね」
[Sylvia]: 「Reina really is a fashion genius.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「でへへー、やめろよー」
[Reina]: 「Hehe, oh stop~」</s>
[玲奈]: 「にしてもシルヴィのダチってマジモンだったんだ、オーロ」
[Reina]: 「I guess you really were Sylvia's buddy, huh, Ouro?」</s>
[央路]: 「え、と」
[Ouro]: 「Well, uh...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「びっくりかよー。シルヴィ、一応王女なのに」
[Reina]: 「It's super surprising. She's pretty much a princess, you know?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「一応でなく王女だし、一応でなく央路は友達よ」
[Sylvia]: 「I am a princess, and Ouro is very much my friend.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「そうなんオーロ?」
[Reina]: 「Is that true, Ouro?」</s>
[央路]: 「えと、まあ、友達、だな、うん」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah, we're friends.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[央路]: 「まあ、じゃあ、よろしく玲奈」
[Ouro]: 「Well, nice to meet you, Reina.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あっはは。しくー」
[Reina]: 「Ahaha! You bet!」</s>
She laughed in response.</s>
Unlike the cackles from my other classmates, her laugh had no malice to speak of.</s>
[女子生徒C]: 「ま、まあほら、クルスクラウンさんって玲奈にもナチュラルな方だし」
[Female Student C]: 「W-Well, Cruzcrown-san does act naturally around Reina, too.」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「お、おおらかなのね。さすがクルスクラウン様ですわ」
[Female Student B]: 「Such benevolence... Cruzcrown-san is truly impressive.」</s>
Everyone around us was still in shock, but they seemed to have come to terms with the spectacle they had just witnessed.</s>
Reina returned to her seat, and Sylvia-san and I took our own seats.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ふふ、央路が玲奈とも仲良くなってくれて嬉しい」
[Sylvia]: 「Hehe. I'm happy you and Reina became friends too, Ouro.」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ……」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah...」</s>
For me, it was a huge lifesaver to have at least a few approachable classmates...</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ところで央路、シルヴィアさんってなぁに?」
[Sylvia]: 「By the way, Ouro. What's with you calling me "Sylvia-san"?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[央路]: 「は?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「玲奈のことはもう玲奈だったのに、どうしてわたしだけさん付けなの?」
[Sylvia]: 「You called Reina by her first name, so why haven't you dropped the honorific from my name?」</s>
[央路]: 「……ああ」
[Ouro]: 「...Ah.」</s>
I recalled what she said to me yesterday.</s>
[央路]: 「いやまあ、ね?」
[Ouro]: 「Well uh, you know?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「誤魔化されないわよ。わたしのことは?」
[Sylvia]: 「Don't try to sidestep it. Who am I?」</s>
[央路]: 「えと、シルヴィア……」
[Ouro]: 「Um, Sylvia...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「うん?」
[Sylvia]: 「Hm?」</s>
[央路]: 「……シルヴィ」
[Ouro]: 「...Sylvie.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「よろしい」
[Sylvia]: 「Very good.」</s>
She smiled sweetly.</s>
Elle-san had a scary look in her eyes, but I'd prefer not to be separated and moved to a different seat in this situation.</s>
Sylvie, huh?</s>
Now that I tried saying it, it felt... kind of nice.</s>
[担任の先生]: 「こほん。えー、では授業を始めます」
[Homeroom Teacher]: 「Ahem. Uh, let's start class, then.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
The teacher never interrupted Sylvie's conversation, then began the lesson shortly thereafter.</s>
Oh, come to think of it...</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路、教科書はある?」
[Sylvia]: 「Ouro, do you have a textbook?」</s>
[央路]: 「3日くらいかかるって」
[Ouro]: 「They said I'd be issued one in about three days.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そう。じゃあわたしのを──」
[Sylvia]: 「I see. Why don't you share mine─」</s>
[???]: 「いえシルヴィアさん。前と後ろでは見せ合いにくいでしょう。ここは隣の席の僕の出番かと」
[???]: 「That won't do, Sylvia-san. It'd be difficult to share given your seating arrangement. This is where I should step in, as I am seated next to him.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「菊千代くん。そうね、お願いするわ」
[Sylvia]: 「Kikuchiyo-kun! Yes, please do.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路、こちら鹿苑寺菊千代くん」
[Sylvia]: 「Ouro, this is Rokuonji Kikuchiyo-kun.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「鹿苑寺菊千代です。よろしく」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I'm Rokuonji Kikuchiyo. Nice to meet you.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「良い人よ」
[Sylvia]: 「He's a good person.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「善人です」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Virtuous indeed.」</s>
What a weird guy.</s>
[央路]: 「まあ、うん。よろしく」
[Ouro]: 「Well, sure. Nice to meet you.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[シルヴィア]: 「ふふふ、すっかり菊千代君と仲良くなったわね」
[Sylvia]: 「Hehehe, you and Kikuchiyo-kun have become fast friends, haven't you?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「いえ。……消しゴム消しゴム」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「No. Eraser, eraser...」</s>
[菊千代]: 「……わあ!きゅ、キュリー夫人が裸に!?」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「...Whoa! M-Madame Curie is naked?!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あ~、キュリー夫人って横向いてるから胴体描き足す系の落書きは腕の見せ所だよねー」
[Reina]: 「Oh! Madame Curie's facing sideways, so drawing in all the little details of the torso is a great way to show off your artistic ability.」</s>
[央路]: 「顔がつるんてしてる石川啄木は初級者向けだが、こっちは上級者向けなんだよ」
[Ouro]: 「Drawing Ishikawa Takuboku's smooth face is a piece of cake, but this takes real talent!」</s>
[央路]: 「なかなか上手くね?」
[Ouro]: 「Pretty good, huh?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「上手い上手い」
[Reina]: 「Very snazzy!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「う、上手いとかっ、それより、なぜ裸なんですっ」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「F-Forget about whether it's good or not, why is she naked?!」</s>
[央路]: 「服はめんどくさくて」
[Ouro]: 「Because her clothes were a pain.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「おっ、おっぱいが、おぱっ、おぱっ」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「H-Her breasts are... h-her b-boo... boo...」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[菊千代]: 「ああああーーーー!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Aaaaaah!」</s>
Off he went.</s>
What a weird guy.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「予想はしていたけど、央路は友達を作るのが得意ねえ。わたしが間に入るより先に仲良しさんが増えちゃうなんて」
[Sylvia]: 「I figured as much, but you really are great at making friends, huh? It's fantastic that you're making close friends before I even have to step in.」</s>
[央路]: 「あいつ、何やっても文句言わないからさ」
[Ouro]: 「It helps that he doesn't complain about anything I do.」</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「また仲良さそうに……」
[Male Student A]: 「He's acting awfully friendly with her again...」</s>
[男子生徒B]: 「く……市松め」
[Male Student B]: 「Grr... Damn you, Ichimatsu!」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「我が校きってのノーブル、鹿苑寺君にまでなれなれしくしていたわよ」
[Female Student A]: 「And how he's being all chummy with Rokuonji-kun, the most noble man in our school!」</s>
Other than Kikuchiyo, my classmates' mood was less than stellar.</s>
With half a day elapsed, two distinct sets of eyes were directed at me whenever we had a break and I spoke with Sylvie.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[エル]: 「昨日あれほど申し上げたではありませんか。学則はこの学校に通う限り絶対のもの。破ることは、王室の品格にも関わってくると」
[Elle]: 「We just had a conversation about this yesterday. So long as you attend this school, its rules are absolute. To break them would besmirch the dignity of the royal family.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「それは……でも、メロンパンが」
[Sylvia]: 「Well... But, the melon bread...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あ~、エルちんおこだね、おここだね」
[Reina]: 「Ah, Elle-chan's mad, huh? She's pissed right off.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「しゃーないシルヴィ、今日はあきらめなよ」
[Reina]: 「So it goes, Sylvie. You'd better give up for today.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あたし1人で行ってくるから。今日はビックナックかな~」
[Reina]: 「I'll go by myself. Maybe I'll get a Big Nac...」</s>
[エル]: 「こら」
[Elle]: 「Hey.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「いたいたいたい! 髪引っ張んなつに!」
[Reina]: 「Ow, ow, owwie! Don't pull my hair!」</s>
[エル]: 「妃殿にまで王室の品格を求めるつもりはない。だが学則の違反は勧められません」
[Elle]: 「I'm not expecting you to be as dignified, Kisaki-dono, but I would advise you to not break school rules either.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「ええー、ビックナックの気分なのに~」
[Reina]: 「Aaaaw! But I'm in the mood for a Big Nac...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「のにー」
[Sylvia]: 「Yeah...」</s>
[エル]: 「なりません」
[Elle]: 「Not happening.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[エル]: 「ほら参りますよ。食堂の席は確保してあります」
[Elle]: 「Come now, let's go. I will save you a seat in the dining hall.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「んぅ、仕方ないわね」
[Sylvia]: 「Hm, I suppose we'll have to.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あ、央路、お昼ごはんはどうするかしら」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, Ouro. What are you doing for lunch?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ、持ってきたから、適当に食うよ」
[Ouro]: 「I brought my own, so I can eat wherever.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そう。気が向いたら食堂に来て、一緒に食べましょう」
[Sylvia]: 「I see. You're welcome to join us in the dining hall. We can all eat together!」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Sure.」</s>
Off they went.</s>
Now then...</s>
Now that everyone I considered a friend had left...</s>
[央路]: 「っと」
[Ouro]: 「Oh.」</s>
For some reason, there seemed to be more girls nearby.</s>
They appeared to be gathering around Jogasaki, who sat near me, and were exerting some strong waves in my direction.</s>
[央路]: 「えと」
[Ouro]: 「Um...」</s>
[絢華]: 「はあ」
[Ayaka]: 「Hah...」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
Well, it clearly had to be a teacher.</s>
Smoking was prohibited at almost all schools nowadays, though...</s>
Considering what a haven for the high-minded Noble Academy was, I assumed they'd be apt to burn you at the stake for smoking in particular...</s>
[央路]: 「ま、関係ないか」
[Ouro]: 「Oh well, guess it doesn't matter.」</s>
I went back to the classroom in the nick of time.</s>
Luckily, all of the girls had left the scene.</s>
[菊千代]: 「んせ、んせ」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Hup... Hup...」</s>
And there was even someone here I could talk to.</s>
[菊千代]: 「ふう、なんとか全部消せました」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Phew, I managed to erase it all somehow.」</s>
[央路]: 「落書き消しちゃったの?」
[Ouro]: 「You erased the drawings?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「当然です。まったく、人の教科書だと思っているのか」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Of course. My word, do you think this is some stranger's textbook or something?」</s>
[央路]: 「ニュー石川啄木は残して欲しかったな~。久々の自信作だったのに」
[Ouro]: 「I wish you'd left New Ishikawa Takuboku, though. It's the first piece I've been proud of in ages.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[シルヴィア]: 「わたしはピアノの時間にあてているの。でも1人じゃつまらないから、『音楽総合』でみんなに混ざってやっているわ」
[Sylvia]: 「I've set aside time for the piano, but it's boring to play alone, so I joined everyone to play in a musical ensemble.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「ひふくぎょうしゅかもくそうごうせんたく……なんだっけ、ファッションのやつー」
[Reina]: 「The "Apparel Industry Elective Course"... I think it was called. The fashion one.」</s>
[エル]: 「私は体育総合に」
[Elle]: 「I take a physical education elective.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あ、エル。今日は部活動の子たちがこの時間も来てほしいと言っていたわよ」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, Elle. The girls in club were asking you to come by around this time.」</s>
[エル]: 「ん……ですが」
[Elle]: 「Hm... But...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「だ~め。エルはフェンシング部の期待のエースなんだから」
[Sylvia]: 「Nope! You're the ace of the Fencing Club, after all.」</s>
[エル]: 「……自分は部に属したわけではありません。なまらないよう厄介になっているだけで」
[Elle]: 「...I'm not affiliated with the club. I simply stick around so I don't get rusty.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「いいから。王女様の命令よ」
[Sylvia]: 「Just go. Princess's orders.」</s>
[エル]: 「ぐ」
[Elle]: 「Guh...」</s>
[エル]: 「分かりました。あちらに参加します」
[Elle]: 「Understood. I will participate.」</s>
Music, fashion, and fencing.</s>
Maybe I should do one of the same?</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
[シルヴィア]: 「わあ、央路も一緒に来るの?」
[Sylvia]: 「Wow! Ouro, you'll come with me?」</s>
[央路]: 「頼むわ。音楽関連なら俺にも敷居が低い」
[Ouro]: 「I'm counting on you. Anything musically-related seems easy enough to get into.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ふふ、楽しみ」
[Sylvia]: 「Hehe, I'm looking forward to it.」</s>
Someone looked less than amused, but I decided to ignore her.</s>
Fashion and fencing didn't really click with me, but it could be a good icebreaker for conversational purposes.</s>
And so, we headed for the classroom.</s>
[央路]: 「で、音楽総合ってどんなことするんだ?」
[Ouro]: 「What does a musical ensemble do, exactly?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「今日は合わせることはないはずだから、初めての央路でも大丈夫よ」
[Sylvia]: 「We aren't scheduled to team up today, so it should be okay even though it's your first time.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あ、央路はなんの楽器で参加するの?」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, what instrument did you want to use?」</s>
[央路]: 「楽器?」
[Ouro]: 「Instrument?」</s>
I was naive.</s>
Noble Academy was designed to cultivate top-notch students in every form or fashion.</s>
It would be fine if I were a second-rate student...</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Sortilège (ソルティレージュ) | Type: Place
That was just the tip of the iceberg. She was also an incredible pianist.</s>
I found comfort in the light, yet graceful way she moved her fingers along the keys.</s>
Even an amateur like myself could tell.</s>
Sylvie was already a top-notch pianist.</s>
[音楽女子A]: 「さすがシルヴィア様ね」
[Music Girl A]: 「Sylvia-sama is incredible.」</s>
[音楽女子B]: 「ええ、本当に滑らかだわ。ピアノってこんなに滑らかに音が出るものなのね」
[Music Girl B]: 「Yes, it is so smooth. Who knew a piano could produce such a velvety sound?」</s>
[音楽男子A]: 「ウィーンのVSOがすぐにもメンバーに入れる。と仰ったそうだけど、王族相手のお世辞ってことはなさそうだね」
[Musician Boy A]: 「She'll be a member of The Vienna Symphony Orchestra in no time. Or so I've heard, but it appears to not just be baseless, royal flattery.」</s>
Everyone else spoke her praises, too.</s>
Sylvie really was an incredible girl.</s>
The ninth Sortilège princess, Sylvia le Cruzcrown.</s>
A beautiful, uninhibited, somewhat willful, and rash princess.</s>
That was the impression I had of her based on her behavior from yesterday, but...</s>
She had powerful charisma that the knights admired so dearly. That wasn't something she earned merely through her status as a princess.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[シルヴィア]: 「行きましょうよ。他にも見学しましょう。央路に会う授業を見つけたいわ」
[Sylvia]: 「Shall we? Let's look around some. I want to find a class that suits you.」</s>
She tugged me outside by the hand.</s>
[央路]: 「し、シルヴィ、いいのか?」
[Ouro]: 「S-Sylvie, are you sure?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「いいの。時間的に、もう今日は弾けそうにないもの、それより央路とお散歩したいわ」
[Sylvia]: 「I am. There doesn't seem to be enough time to play anymore today anyway, so I would rather go on a walk with you.」</s>
She smiled sweetly.</s>
...Ack, my face was on fire.</s>
I was blushing... because of how beautiful she was, right? Not because of how captivating she was, right?</s>
[キュロ]: 「グエッ」
[Kyuro]: 「Gweh!」</s>
[央路]: 「はいはい」
[Ouro]: 「Right, right.」</s>
Though we did have a chaperone─</s>
We walked around the school together.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「にしても央路、楽器は苦手だったのねえ。どうして音楽総合を選んだの?」
[Sylvia]: 「I'm impressed, though! You were terrible with instruments? Why did you want to try musical ensemble, then?」</s>
[央路]: 「得意なとこはボーカルなんだ」
[Ouro]: 「I can actually sing pretty well.」</s>
Loosely translated, I felt competent when singing karaoke.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: 「その恐怖を覚えたら、今後シルヴィさ……シルヴィア王女に不敬を働こうとは思わぬように」
[Elle]: 「Bear that dread in mind and make certain to never do anything remotely disrespectful to Sylvia-sa─ Princess Sylvia from now on.」</s>
[央路]: 「一度も思ったことありません」
[Ouro]: 「I've never considered it for a second.」</s>
[エル]: 「今後の話です。だいたい貴公は、シルヴィア王女がお優しいからとですね」
[Elle]: 「In the future, I mean. Besides, Princess Sylvia believes you to be a kind person.」</s>
Ugh, here came the sermon.</s>
Give me a break.</s>
[央路]: 「えっと!そういえばエルさんさ」
[Ouro]: 「Um! By the way, Elle-san.」</s>
[エル]: 「なんです?」
[Elle]: 「What is it?」</s>
[央路]: 「シルヴィのこと、『シルヴィ様』って呼ぶときと『シルヴィア王女』って呼ぶ時があるよね」
[Ouro]: 「You've addressed Sylvie as either "Sylvia-sama" or "Princess Sylvia."」</s>
Were they used for different purposes? I was curious.</s>
[エル]: 「む……」
[Elle]: 「Mrrh...」</s>
[エル]: 「恥ずかしい話です。本来王女のことは、常にシルヴィア王女とお呼びかけすべき」
[Elle]: 「This is embarrassing, but I should refer to her as "Princess Sylvia" at all times.」</s>
[央路]: 「でもシルヴィがそれを望まない、と」
[Ouro]: 「Does Sylvie not want that?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[エル]: 「簡単に言えば」
[Elle]: 「Put simply, yes.」</s>
She referred to Sylvie as "Princess" during formal occasions, and otherwise called her "Sylvie-sama" when speaking candidly.</s>
I thought it was a simple distinction.</s>
[エル]: 「昔に比べれば……『シルヴィ様』でも敬っていますがね」
[Elle]: 「But then, compared to the old days... "Sylvie-sama" is still rather respectful.」</s>
[央路]: 「へ?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh?」</s>
[エル]: 「なんでもない。用意しましょうか」
[Elle]: 「Nothing. Why don't we get ready?」</s>
She'd changed clothes.</s>
...They were pretty form-fitting, huh? Kind of sexy, too.</s>
[エル]: 「貴公の分の着替えもあります。どうぞ」
[Elle]: 「I brought a change of clothes for you as well. Here you are.」</s>
[央路]: 「う、うん」
[Ouro]: 「S-Sure.」</s>
The all-white set of clothes were similar to the ones she wore. The torso was especially bulky with several electrical lines extending through it.</s>
[央路]: 「これで触ったところがびーびーなるのか」
[Ouro]: 「Will this buzz when it's touched?」</s>
[エル]: 「そういうことです」
[Elle]: 「Precisely.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「エルさん、そんな気はしてたけど女子人気すごいね」
[Ouro]: 「I figured as much already, but you're awfully popular with the girls, aren't you?」</s>
[エル]: 「む?」
[Elle]: 「Hm?」</s>
[体操女子A]: 「なんですこの男子?今日ここはカバリェロ様の専用練習場です」
[Gymnast Girl A]: 「Who's this guy? This is Caballero-sama's exclusive practice space today.」</s>
[体操女子B]: 「あっ、この男、2-Aに転入してきたという庶民ではなくて?」
[Gymnast Girl B]: 「Ah, isn't he the commoner who just transferred into 2-A?」</s>
[体操女子C]: 「庶民の分際でカバリェロ様と同じ空気を吸おうなどとなんてあつかましい!」
[Gymnast Girl C]: 「A lowly commoner dares to breathe the same air as Caballero-sama?! How shameless!」</s>
And so on and so forth.</s>
[体操女子B]: 「城ヶ崎さんの言っていた通り、獣じみて醜悪で、絵に描いたような庶民ですわ」
[Gymnast Girl B]: 「He's brutish and repulsive, a picture-perfect commoner just as Jogasaki-san said.」</s>
[体操女子A]: 「近づくと妊娠させられますわよお気をつけて」
[Gymnast Girl A]: 「Watch out! If you get too close, he'll get you pregnant.」</s>
Ugh, Jogasaki... She was spreading weird rumors about me to other classes, too?</s>
All of the girls, both inside and out, began to criticize me, but...</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[エル]: 「市松殿、気にせずこちらへ」
[Elle]: 「Ichimatsu-dono, pay them no mind and come this way.」</s>
[体操女子A]: 「ふぇっ?」
[Gymnast Girl A]: 「Wha?」</s>
[エル]: 「みなも、突然のことで驚かれたでしょうが、彼は私の呼んだ客人です」
[Elle]: 「I am sure this came as a shock to the rest of you since it is so sudden, but he is my invited guest.」</s>
[エル]: 「今日は一緒に練習に参加していただきたい。迷惑でしょうか」
[Elle]: 「I would like him to practice with me today. Would that be a bother?」</s>
[体操女子A]: 「う……」
[Gymnast Girl A]: 「Ah...」</s>
[体操女子B]: 「カバリェロ様が仰るなら……」
[Gymnast Girl B]: 「If Caballero-sama says so...」</s>
I managed to avoid being driven out thanks to her authoritative tone.</s>
[エル]: 「では改めて、練習を始めましょう」
[Elle]: 「Well then, let us begin.」</s>
I could tell why Elle-san was popular...</s>
...just by watching her.</s>
[エル]: 「ハッ!」
[Elle]: 「Hah!」</s>
[デバガメ女子A]: 「キャー!」
[Voyeur Girl A]: 「Kyah!」</s>
[エル]: 「ヤッ!」
[Elle]: 「Yah!」</s>
[デバガメ女子B]: 「カッコイー!」
[Voyeur Girl B]: 「So cool!」</s>
Indeed.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: 「無論ハンデはつけます」
[Elle]: 「Naturally, I will give you a handicap.」</s>
[エル]: 「まず私からは絶対に攻めません。反撃オンリー。ルールはフルーレですが、特別にあなたは斬撃が当たっても勝ちとします」
[Elle]: 「First and foremost, I won't initiate an attack. I will only counter. We will use foil rules, but issue a special exception and call it your win if a single slash connects.」</s>
[エル]: 「そして勝敗の攻撃権は常に貴公におきましょう。私の反撃が当たったとして、同時にあなたの攻撃が私に当たっていれば貴公の勝ち」
[Elle]: 「Additionally, let's give your strikes permanent right-of-way. Even if I land a counterattack, you'll win if your strike hits at the same time.」</s>
[エル]: 「なにより、あなたの電極はスイッチを入れません。あなたに負けはない。これでいかがです?」
[Elle]: 「Most importantly, the body cords in your lamé, or your jacket, will remain off. You will not lose. How does this sound?」</s>
[央路]: 「う……」
[Ouro]: 「Uh...」</s>
I wouldn't lose to the buzzer.</s>
...Which meant, in this match, I would only know I had lost through my sense of touch.</s>
[央路]: 「まあ……そこまで言うなら」
[Ouro]: 「Well... if you insist.」</s>
It didn't matter who came out the victor; this was nothing more than a test run.</s>
It would be super lame of me to run away now, so I accepted her terms.</s>
[エル]: 「感謝します。では」
[Elle]: 「I am grateful. Well then...」</s>
[エル]: 「始め!」
[Elle]: 「Begin!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: (私が続けて反撃しているから次も来ると踏んで、そこで返すつもりでいるな)
[Elle]: (He must have rushed ahead knowing I would follow with a counterattack to turn the tables on me.)</s>
[エル]: (相打ち狙い。だがこの勝負はそれで彼奴の勝ちになると約束した)
[Elle]: (He's after a tie, but I promised that would result in his victory in this match.)</s>
[エル]: (ルールを利用しての勝ち拾いとは、姑息な)
[Elle]: (Taking advantage of the rules to steal a win is underhanded.)</s>
[エル]: (私も期待しすぎたな。誰が乗るか──)
[Elle]: (I expected too much. Who would play along with─)</s>
Elle-san backed away.</s>
[央路]: 「ここ!」
[Ouro]: 「Now!」</s>
[エル]: 「なに!?」
[Elle]: 「What?!」</s>
I lunged forward in sync with her movement...</s>
...and adjusted my aim at her left shoulder─</s>
──ビーッ! ビーッ!
─Beep! Beep!</s>
The electrodes in Elle-san's jacket reacted.</s>
All right, I hit!</s>
[体操女子A]: 「うそぉ!?」
[Gymnast Girl A]: 「No way?!」</s>
[体操女子B]: 「かっ、カバリェロ様が負けた!?」
[Gymnast Girl B]: 「C-Caballero-sama lost?!」</s>
Shrieks erupted from the girls watching.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[央路]: 「ああ、別にそこまで秘密にしろとは言わないけどさ。まあプライベートはプライベートってことで」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, I didn't mean that you had to keep it a secret. But yeah, that's something I'd rather keep private.」</s>
[エル]: 「ええ。貴公のあんなことやこんなこと、責任を持って秘匿し……」
[Elle]: 「Yes. I will be responsible and keep such confidential information to myself...」</s>
[エル]: 「あ」
[Elle]: 「Ah.」</s>
[央路]: 「ん?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
[エル]: 「いえっ、なんでもないです」
[Elle]: 「Oh, it is nothing.」</s>
[エル]: 「///」
[Elle]: 「Mmh!」</s>
[央路]: 「え? え? なに?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh? Huh? What?」</s>
She suddenly turned red.</s>
Had she learned something else about me?</s>
[エル]: 「気にしないで。これも決して口外はしません」
[Elle]: 「Don't worry. I'd never speak a word about this to anyone...」</s>
[エル]: 「その、女騎士や、巫女や忍者を凌辱するゲームをいくつも買っていることは、決して」
[Elle]: 「Um, specifically you purchasing several games in which the player assaults a lady knight, shrine maidens, and the like...」</s>
[央路]: 「が……!」
[Ouro]: 「Guh...!」</s>
She was still going on about that?!</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: 「お、お気になさらず、私は勉強したのです。確かに昨日貴公の言っていた通り、姫騎士というのは姫より騎士を指す言葉だと」
[Elle]: 「I-It's fine. As you said before, the term "princess knight" mostly refers to a knight than a princess.」</s>
[エル]: 「だから貴公のその、凌辱したいという欲求が、シルヴィ様には向いていないと知り安堵しました」
[Elle]: 「You reassured me that your, um, desire in sexually assaulting women was not directed toward Sylvie-sama.」</s>
[エル]: 「……女騎士には向くようですが」
[Elle]: 「...It does seem to be directed at female knights, though...」</s>
[央路]: 「だからゲームと現実はちがうって!」
[Ouro]: 「Like I said, games and reality are different!」</s>
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think princesses or knights would have any relevance in my life up until yesterday.</s>
[エル]: 「コホン。言い訳は結構。貴公が今後、忍者や巫女に会わぬよう祈るだけです」
[Elle]: 「Ahem. That is enough excuses. I just pray that you never meet any ninjas nor shrine maidens in the future.」</s>
[央路]: 「忍者は……難しいだろうな、たぶん」
[Ouro]: 「Ninjas... would be pretty tough, I bet.」</s>
[エル]: 「あ、ひとつ調べても分からなかったのですが、『たいまし』とはどんな方を指す言葉なので?」
[Elle]: 「Oh. There was one thing I could not figure out in my research. To whom does the term "exorcists" refer?」</s>
[央路]: 「退魔士ね。触手と仲のいい人たちだよ」
[Ouro]: 「People who slay monsters. They have a pretty close relationship with tentacles.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[element] Name: Sortilège (ソルティレージュ) | Type: Place
[央路]: 「あ、悪い。このあと引っ越しの片付けなんだ。荷物をほどかないと」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, sorry. I really need to finish moving into my new place and getting unpacked.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そうなの。残念」
[Sylvia]: 「Really? That's too bad.」</s>
[央路]: 「逆に頼みたいんだけど、片付け手伝ってくんね?」
[Ouro]: 「I'd actually like to ask you a favor. Would you help me unpack?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あは、それも面白そうかも」
[Sylvia]: 「Ahah, that could be amusing.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「シルヴィをパシるの?」
[Reina]: 「You want Sylvie to run errands?」</s>
[エル]: 「我らがソルティレージュ第九王女シルヴィア様に対し、ユニークな提案ですね」
[Elle]: 「That is certainly a unique proposition to ask of ninth princess of Sortilège, Princess Sylvia-sama.」</s>
[央路]: 「……サーセン。シルヴィ、メロンパン楽しんできて」
[Ouro]: 「...That's not it. Go enjoy your melon bread, Sylvie.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「うん」
[Sylvia]: 「Mhm.」</s>
It's not like I had any large items or luggage, so I'd probably be fine.</s>
[央路]: 「ってそうだ、荷物はともかく、俺まだ住む場所聞いてないんだ」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, right. My luggage aside, I still haven't heard where I'll be staying.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Exna Yeatz (エキスナ・イェーズ) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[エル]: 「む?エキスナが説明したはずでは」
[Elle]: 「Hm? Exna should have briefed you.」</s>
[央路]: 「口で説明はもらったけど場所がイマイチ……。荷物はもう運んであるらしいけどさ」
[Ouro]: 「She explained it, but I'm not sure where it's actually at. Some of my stuff has already been delivered, too...」</s>
[央路]: 「学園監督寮に入るんだろ?どこにあるんだ?」
[Ouro]: 「I'd assume I'm moving into the academy-owned dorms, right? Where are they?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「え!?」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Huh?!」</s>
[エル]: 「む?」
[Elle]: 「Hm?」</s>
The whole classroom seemed to stir.</s>
Even Kikuchiyo was acting weird.</s>
[エル]: 「手続きをしたのは私たちだが、なにか問題が?」
[Elle]: 「We were the ones who made all of the arrangements. Do you have a problem with that?」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「カバリェロ様が……」
[Female Student A]: 「Caballero-sama did...?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「い、いえ、問題というわけではないのですが」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「N-No, it's not like that, it's just...」</s>
It looked like he was struggling to elaborate further.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
Inside was a garden of women.</s>
It was high time for people to get home from school. Droves of students were heading inside, but...</s>
They were all women.</s>
[菊千代]: 「明文化されたことではないので、カバリェロさんたちには伝わっていなかったようですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It being a women-only dorm was never put in writing, and was likely never conveyed to either Caballero-san or her colleagues.」</s>
[央路]: 「建前を悟るとか空気読むとか、日本の文化だもんなあ」
[Ouro]: 「Perceiving pretenses and reading the mood is a large part of the Japanese culture, after all.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「逆に、読めないこともまたシルヴィアさんやカバリェロさんの魅力かもしれませんね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「On the other hand, Sylvia-san and Caballero-san's inability to infer may be part of their charm.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「では僕はこれで」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I will be off, then.」</s>
[央路]: 「待て、置いてくな」
[Ouro]: 「Wait, don't leave me!」</s>
I caught Kikuchiyo as he tried to escape.</s>
[菊千代]: 「は、放してください。この空気、耐えられません」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「P-Please let go. I find the mood to be quite unsettling...」</s>
No shit! Of course it would be with all these women eyeballing us.</s> | [
] |
The second you walked through the front door, there was a terrace where students could relax.</s>
...Was that a convenience store inside? It even had a Starpucks-looking coffee stand next door.</s>
I had heard of rich schools having convenience stores on campus before, but I assumed it was rare for them to also be inside the dorms themselves.</s>
Oh, there were even restrooms inside the shop.</s>
The placards on the bathroom doors depicted a little man in blue on one and a red woman on the other.</s>
The right door led to the men's bathroom, which meant that this was not a women's dormitory...</s>
[3年女子A]: 「いやー最近ちょっと硬くてさー」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Oh, it's been a little hard lately, you know...」</s>
[1年女子A]: 「お野菜もちゃんと食べなきゃダメですよ先輩」
[First-year Girl A]: 「You need to make sure to eat veggies, too, Senpai.」</s>
These young women walked in like it were only natural, though.</s>
...Which meant the men's bathroom was fair game.</s>
It was painfully clear to me now how unwelcome men were here.</s>
And judging by their stares, something peculiar had entered the mix.</s>
A boy sneaking around at the women's dorm... Made sense.</s>
Was I seriously going to live here?</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[絢華]: 「あ、そうそう。いまさっきですけど」
[Ayaka]: 「Oh, that is right. This happened just moments ago, but...」</s>
[絢華]: 「いま現在寮に住んでる女子全員に、市松さんがここに住む旨と事情をメールしました」
[Ayaka]: 「I emailed all of the women who reside in this dorm a list of reasons for you living here, Ichimatsu-san.」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「あン!? あの彼ここに住むのかい!?」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Huh?! He's going to live here?!」</s>
[1年女子A]: 「こ、ここ女子寮なんじゃないんですか先輩!?」
[First-year Girl A]: 「I-Isn't this a women's dormitory, Senpai?!」</s>
[3年女子B]: 「本人の強い希望によりゲストルームへ……ドンビキ」
[Third-year Girl B]: 「He claimed a guest room through his own fierce desires... Cringe.」</s>
[???]: 「転校生さん、初めての男性ですよね!どんな人なんでしょう!」
[???]: 「The transfer student is the dorm's first male resident! I wonder what he's like?!」</s>
[1年女子C]: 「ち、近づいちゃダメ、まだ去勢もしてないのよ。転校初日からあのシルヴィア王女にちょっかいかけたという命知らずなオスなのよ」
[First-year Girl C]: 「D-Don't get near him. We haven't had him castrated yet. He's a death-defying male who made a pass at Her Highness Sylvia on his very first day.」</s>
[3年女子C]: 「あうあう、わたしたちも危ないんじゃ」
[Third-year Girl C]: 「Auauh, we're in danger, too!」</s>
[央路]: 「どんなメールを送った。見せろ」
[Ouro]: 「What did her email say? Show me.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[絢華]: 「レディの私信を覗くなんてほめられませんよ」
[Ayaka]: 「There is nothing admirable about peeking at a lady's private messages.」</s>
[央路]: 「うぐぐぐぐ」
[Ouro]: 「Uguhguh...」</s>
─Sneak, sneak...</s>
[央路]: 「貴族!」
[Ouro]: 「Noble!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「すいません!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I'm sorry!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「うううしかしもう無理です庶民様!貴族を家に帰らせてください!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Oooh, but there is nothing more I can do, my fine commoner! Please let this noble go home!」</s>
[絢華]: 「あらあら」
[Ayaka]: 「Oh my.」</s>
[絢華]: 「入居した庶民はあの鹿苑寺の御曹司を相手に怒鳴り散らすほど凶暴な危険人物……送信」
[Ayaka]: 「The dorm's newest resident is savage enough to yell at the esteemed son of the Rokuonji family... Send.」</s>
[寮の女子たち]: 「「「ひえええ~~~!」」」
[Boarder Girls]: 「Eeeeek~!」</s>
Agh, damn it!</s>
[央路]: 「もういいよ。とにかく部屋だ、俺の部屋どこか教えてくれ」
[Ouro]: 「That's enough. How about you tell me where my room is?」</s>
[絢華]: 「ええ、こちらへどうぞ」
[Ayaka]: 「Yes, please come this way.」</s>
I headed toward the terrace while bearing the full brunt of their stares.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[菊千代]: 「央路君はやはりみなさんのおっしゃる通り、特徴のある家柄ではないのですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「You truly aren't from a family of distinctive pedigree like everyone says.」</s>
[央路]: 「はっきり貧乏人だと言っていいぞ」
[Ouro]: 「You can just be blunt and say I'm poor.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「そうですね。貧乏です」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「True enough. You are poor.」</s>
[央路]: 「……だんだんお前のキャラがつかめてきた」
[Ouro]: 「...I'm starting to get a better read on you the more time we spend together...」</s>
He wasn't a bad guy, but he was severely lacking in the common sense department.</s>
Probably like the rich guy from the earlier manga chapters of Koch*Kame.</s>
[菊千代]: 「こう言うと失礼ですが、クルスクラウンさんとはどこでお知り合いになったので?」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「This may be rude to ask, but how did you become acquainted with Cruzcrown-san?」</s>
[央路]: 「ん……」
[Ouro]: 「Hm...」</s>
[菊千代]: 「昨今はインターネットはじめ出会いの場は多いですが、にしても気になってしまいます」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It's not uncommon to meet people online these days, but I cannot help but be curious...」</s>
[央路]: 「んと、道でぶつかったんだよ。んで話してるうちに仲良くなった」
[Ouro]: 「Well, we kinda ran into each other on the street, started talking, and became fast friends.」</s>
I hadn't lied.</s>
[菊千代]: 「そうですか。縁は異なもの味なもの、ですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Is that right? Fate works in mysterious ways, as they say.」</s>
[央路]: 「まーな」
[Ouro]: 「More or less.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[element] Name: Sortilège (ソルティレージュ) | Type: Place
[菊千代]: 「ソルティレージュは現在、人工知能プログラム、仮想通貨のブロックチェーンプロトコルなどソフト技術で世界を席巻しており」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Even now, Sortilège is sweeping the globe with technological advancements in artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency blockchain protocols, and similar ventures.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「日本は飛行機、リニア、水素発電とハード技術で世界からの需要であふれています」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Japan is brimming with requests from the world at large due to its aviation, maglev train, hydrogen power generation, and hard technologies.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「さらにソルティレージュには複数の特許的優位な軍需産業も」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「What's more, Sortilège has several superior, patent-protected munitions industries.」</s>
Like that toy they turned into a high-powered laser weapon?</s>
[菊千代]: 「これら軍需企業が日本の技術をいくつか欲しており、同時に軍隊及び軍需産業を持てない日本にとって提携するのに非常に旨味のある相手でもある」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「These same arms companies want to utilize several Japanese-owned technologies, which would be beneficial for the country as a whole, given Japan has no armed forces or munitions industries of its own.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「お互いのアピールポイントの都合。そして何より、ともに皇室、王室と歴史の境を大事にする国民性から、両国は極めて良好な状態を築いています」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Both countries benefited from one another flawlessly. Most of all, they highly valued their country's history, as well as their imperial households and families, and developed a favorable rapport.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「なんでもソルティレージュ王室の第一王女は結婚相手に日本人を推薦したとか」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「As an example, I'd heard that the first princess of Sortilège endorsed a Japanese man as her marriage partner.」</s>
[央路]: 「すごいな」
[Ouro]: 「That's incredible.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[玲奈]: 「いーじゃん。さすがにブォンジョルノはしないから。シーシーチャオまでだから」
[Reina]: 「Why not? I'm obviously not gonna make a buongiorno, just a si si ciao.」</s>
[央路]: 「う……それなら」
[Ouro]: 「Ugh, fine...」</s>
That would leave the biggest thrill of a new bathroom intact, huh?</s>
[央路]: 「じゃあ許すけど、ほんとにするなよ大きい方は」
[Ouro]: 「I'll allow it, but no big ones!」</s>
[央路]: 「音聞いてるからな! 聞けば分かるからな!」
[Ouro]: 「We're right out here, so we'll be able to hear it if you do!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「央路君、女性のそういうことに聞き耳を立てるのはいかがかと」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Ouro-kun, I'd question listening so intently on a woman using the bathroom...」</s>
[央路]: 「その通りだ。冷静じゃなかった」
[Ouro]: 「You're right. I lost my cool.」</s>
I walked back over to Kikuchiyo.</s>
[菊千代]: 「初ベッドとか初トイレとか。不思議なこだわりがあるのですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「All of this about breaking in beds and bathrooms. Such a strange fixation...」</s>
[央路]: 「お前はないの?」
[Ouro]: 「You don't?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「全然?」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Not at all.」</s>
[央路]: 「変なやつ……」
[Ouro]: 「What a weirdo...」</s>
[央路]: 「あ、でも別荘が100個もあるなら新しい住居的なやつには慣れちゃうか」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, I guess you'd get used to living in a brand-new place if you've got over a hundred vacation homes...」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[央路]: 「こう言っちゃなんだが、その娘さんがさる王室のお姫様とご友人ってのも不思議なもんだな」
[Ouro]: 「I probably shouldn't say this, but it's strange that you're friends with a certain princess.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「友情はね、どこにでも芽生えるから友情なのさ。byどっかの名言言いそうな誰か」
[Reina]: 「Friendships can blossom anywhere you go. By: someone somewhere who says wise sayings.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「にはは、てかオーロは人のこと言えねーかよ~」
[Reina]: 「Ahaha! And hey, you're one to talk, Ouro!」</s>
[央路]: 「俺は……事情があるんだよ」
[Ouro]: 「I... have my reasons.」</s>
My three options were to lose an arm, be locked up, or become her friend.</s>
I didn't think actually becoming friends with Sylvie was a bad thing, though.</s>
Unlike me, I'd heard that this girl had worked her way into Sylvie's inner circle the right way.</s>
She did seem to be well-spoken...</s>
I had completely opened up to her in a day's time too.</s>
[玲奈]: 「オーロも仲良くしたほうがいいよ、菊ちょん以外にも友達作ってさ」
[Reina]: 「You'd better get along with everyone too, Ouro. Make some friends other than Kiku-chon.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「そのエロ本、最近コンビニで勢いで買ったけどショボいからあんま気に入ってないし」
[Ouro]: 「Those porno mags were a spur-of-the-moment purchase at a convenience store, but they're pretty shabby and I don't care for them much.」</s>
It would be pretty embarrassing if she saw what I was actually into, but porn you didn't care about was just flesh-colored paper.</s>
[玲奈]: 「ちぇー」
[Reina]: 「Tch.」</s>
Reina tossed the magazine aside.</s>
[央路]: 「エロいの探してたんじゃないのか」
[Ouro]: 「Weren't you looking for something naughty?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「恥ずかしがるオーロが見たいだけでおっぱいが見たいなら自分のがあるし」
[Reina]: 「I wanted to watch you squirm! If I wanted to look at boobs, I'd just look at my own.」</s>
[央路]: 「なるほど」
[Ouro]: 「Good point.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「ふぅ、このラムネとやらなかなか蓋が取れないな。汗をかいてしまいました」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Phew! Getting the top off of the "Ramune" bottle proved to be a difficult task. I worked up a sweat!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「休憩しますか。おや? この本はいったい」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Let's take a break. Oh? What is this book...」</s>
[菊千代]: 「わーーーー!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Waaaah!」</s>
[央路]: 「あ、おっぱいが好きなやつに見つかった」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, the boob lover found it.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[菊千代]: 「し、失礼な、誰がおっぱいが好きだと」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「H-How rude. Who are you calling a "boob lover"?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「おっぱいが、その、うわああおっぱいがいっぱいだ!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Boobs are, um... Waaah! Oodles of boobles!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「菊ちょん、耐性なさそうだもんね」
[Reina]: 「Looks like Kiku-chon hasn't built up an immunity to them yet.」</s>
[央路]: 「エロ本読むの初めてなのか?」
[Ouro]: 「Is this your first time looking at porno mags?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「あああ当たり前ですこんなフシダラな!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「O-O-Of course I have never read something so trashy!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「こんな……こんな……」(ぺら)
[Kikuchiyo]: This... This... (Rustle)</s>
[菊千代]: 「うわあああああおおおおっぱぁーーーーーー!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Waaaaaaaaaaaah!」</s>
[央路]: 「それやるよ。手伝ってくれたお返し」
[Ouro]: 「You can have it. Call it a gift for helping me out.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「こういう感じの反応がオーロにもあればな」
[Reina]: 「Why couldn't you react that way, too, Ouro?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あ、エロ本もう1冊発見」
[Reina]: 「Oh, found another porno mag.」</s>
[央路]: 「何冊か持ってきたからなあ」
[Ouro]: 「I did bring a few of them after all.」</s>
[央路]: 「ってうわ! そ、それはダメだ!」
[Ouro]: 「Wait, whoa! N-Not that one!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「なんで? そっちのと一緒じゃん」
[Reina]: 「Why? Isn't it the same as that one?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[央路]: 「お、おおそうさ。俺は別にフェチとかそういうのじゃないからな。特定の性癖には入れこまずに……」
[Ouro]: 「Y-Yeah, that's right. I'm not really picky, so I never got fixated on one specific fetish...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「でもなんか全体に共通点がある……」
[Reina]: 「But they all have something in common...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あ!」
[Reina]: 「Ah!」</s>
[央路]: 「ぎく!」
[Ouro]: 「Ack!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「これ、女の子が全部黒髪ロングだ」
[Reina]: 「All the girls have long, black hair!」</s>
[央路]: 「ななななんのことでしょう。さっぱり分かりませんね。ああでも黒髪ロングが多いのは確か。いやあ偶然の偏りって怖いものですね」
[Ouro]: 「Wh-Wh-What do you mean? I haven't got a clue! Oh, but you're right, there are lots of girls with long, black hair. Wow, coincidental bias sure is a scary thing, huh?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「へー、オーロ黒髪ロングフェチかよ~」
[Reina]: 「Huh! Ouro's got a fetish for long, black hair?」</s>
[央路]: 「フェチじゃない! フェチってほどではない!」
[Ouro]: 「It's not a fetish! It's certainly not extreme enough to be a fetish!」</s>
For whatever reason, no matter the medium, the covers that caught my eye always ended up featuring women with long, black hair.</s>
[玲奈]: 「あはっ、ブッこいても無駄無駄♪」
[Reina]: 「Ahah! Lie all you want, but it's a lost cause!」</s>
[央路]: 「うう」
[Ouro]: 「Ugh...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「なんだよ~照れて~。可愛いかよ~」
[Reina]: 「What the heck! You're so shy! How cute~」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
[央路]: 「ギクギクゥ!」
[Ouro]: 「Aaaackack!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あっははははは、サゲ入ってると思って損した~。ノーブル生活満喫中じゃ~ん」
[Reina]: 「Ahahahaha! And here I was thinking you were down in the dumps, but you're really enjoying what Noble Academy has to offer!」</s>
Well... Noble Academy.</s>
From what I'd seen, there were mostly high-class girls in attendance, and none of them seemed mischievous or trendy enough to dye their hair.</s>
Most of the girls I'd encountered, both at school and here at the dorm, had black hair... so of course I was excited.</s>
[央路]: 「で、でも言うほどじゃないぞ。ホントにもう……」
[Ouro]: 「N-Not in any way worth mentioning. Jeez...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「少なくとも、絢華っちにイテこまされても平気なのはそこが原因っしょ」
[Reina]: 「It makes sense why you seemed totally unfazed when Ayakacchi lashed out at you, at least.」</s>
[央路]: 「あの黒髪を鷲掴みにしてやりたいと思ってると、大抵の嫌味を聞き流せるのは確かだ」
[Ouro]: 「If I think about how much I'd like to grab onto that black hair of hers, then I can ignore most of her nasty behavior.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あっははははははは!」
[Reina]: 「Ahahahahahaha!」</s>
That must've tickled her funny bone pretty hard, as Reina proceeded to smack the bed and howled with laughter.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[菊千代]: 「ごめんなさいもう読みません!」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I am sorry! I will not read anymore!」</s>
A loud banging noise came from the neighboring wall.</s>
[玲奈]: 「……あー」
[Reina]: 「...Ah.」</s>
That was...</s>
[玲奈]: 「カベドン(隣人編)だね。騒ぎ過ぎた」
[Reina]: 「Your next-door neighbors are slamming on the wall, huh? Guess we were being too loud.」</s>
[央路]: 「……だな」
[Ouro]: 「...Yeah.」</s>
Sounds like Reina's laughter had disturbed them.</s>
[央路]: 「ここ、ゲストルームらしいけど、隣には人がいるのか」
[Ouro]: 「I'd heard this was one of the guest rooms. There's someone next door?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「うん。っていうか、オーロはゲストルーム使う2人目だから」
[Reina]: 「Yeah. You're actually the second person to use one of the guest rooms.」</s>
Did that mean there was another transfer student before me?</s>
[央路]: 「どんなやつ?」
[Ouro]: 「What are they like?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「可愛い子だよ」
[Reina]: 「She's a cutie.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「……仲良くなるのはちとムズたんだけど」
[Reina]: 「...A bit of a toughie to get along with, though.」</s>
[央路]: 「お前でもダメなのか」
[Ouro]: 「Even you can't manage it?」</s>
If this concentrated mass of conversational prowess couldn't get along with her, then...</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: 「邪魔になったなら失敬」
[Elle]: 「I apologize if I got in your way.」</s>
[???]: 「フン」
[???]: 「Hmph.」</s>
[???]: 「行かないの?」
[???]: 「You're not leaving?」</s>
[エル]: 「迎えがくるまであと10分あります」
[Elle]: 「I am meeting someone here in another ten minutes.」</s>
[エル]: 「10分間は見張らせていただく。邪魔に思われるやもしれないが、こちらもそうしたことを見逃せない性分ですので」
[Elle]: 「I will keep watch for ten minutes. You may consider me a bother, but it is also not in my nature to overlook such things.」</s>
[???]: 「ウゼ」
[???]: 「Annoying.」</s>
[エル]: 「ここにはよく来られるので?」
[Elle]: 「Do you come here often?」</s>
[???]: 「……たまに」
[???]: 「...Sometimes.」</s>
[エル]: 「よいところです。昼はとても景色が良くて、空気もきれいで」
[Elle]: 「It is a fine spot. The scenery is wonderful in the afternoon, and the air is clean.」</s>
[エル]: 「夜は……少し怖いですね。綺麗は綺麗ですが、それが逆に」
[Elle]: 「At night... it's a little scary, but it is still pretty. On the other hand...」</s>
[エル]: 「とくに湖はもう、真っ暗で」
[Elle]: 「The lake, in particular, is pitch black...」</s>
[???]: 「落ちたら確実に死ぬからな」
[???]: 「Yeah. If you fell in, you'd be toast.」</s>
[???]: 「入水自殺ってどう思う?」
[???]: 「Do you ever think about drowning yourself?」</s>
[エル]: 「は?」
[Elle]: 「Huh?」</s>
[???]: 「苦しいのかな」
[???]: 「I wonder if it would hurt.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[エル]: 「文献によれば、この世で最も苦しい死に方は焼死。次が溺死だと聞きます」
[Elle]: 「In literature, being burned alive is the most painful way to die in this world, followed by drowning.」</s>
[???]: 「か。死人が書いた本があるのかは知らないけど、文献が言うなら信じるかな」
[???]: 「Oh yeah? I dunno if there are any books by dead men, but I guess I'll believe if it's from literature.」</s>
[エル]: 「貴公の私生活に踏み込むつもりはないが」
[Elle]: 「I do not mean to intrude upon your personal life, but...」</s>
[エル]: 「自殺はタバコ以上に推奨できませんよ」
[Elle]: 「More than that, I would recommend against committing suicide.」</s>
[???]: 「わーってるよ。こっちだって死にたいわけじゃない」
[???]: 「Duh, I know that. It's not like I was planning on killing myself.」</s>
[???]: 「ただここ、知ってるか? 浜松湖湖畔」
[???]: 「You know anything about this place? Hamamatsu Lake, I mean.」</s>
[???]: 「この湖はさ、永遠につながるってお話があんの」
[???]: 「There's a story that says this lake's connected to eternity.」</s>
[エル]: 「永遠?」
[Elle]: 「Eternity?」</s>
[???]: 「この湖に入った者は、輝ける永遠の時間へ旅立つことになる──って」
[???]: 「They say those who dive into this lake embark toward a shining, eternal moment.」</s>
[???]: 「まあようするに、ここ湖の中でも海に近くて、つながってるから。入ると海まで流されて永遠に漂うってことらしいけど」
[???]: 「What I'm getting at is, of all the lakes, this one's close to and connected to the ocean. If you jumped in, you'd likely get swept up and drift out to sea for all eternity instead.」</s>
[エル]: 「ああなるほど」
[Elle]: 「Oh, I see.」</s>
[???]: 「でも……永遠ってのは憧れるよな」
[???]: 「But... eternity's something to admire.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[???]: 「永遠の時間……ってのは」
[???]: 「An eternal moment...」</s>
[エル]: 「あの」
[Elle]: 「Um.」</s>
[???]: 「自殺はしないって」
[???]: 「Again, not gonna do it.」</s>
[???]: 「二番目に苦しい死に方が永遠になったら困るしな。死ぬときは別の方法にする」
[???]: 「It'd suck to drown for all eternity anyway. When I die, I'm gonna go out some other way.」</s>
[エル]: 「そうですか」
[Elle]: 「Is that so?」</s>
[エル]: 「永遠の時間……確かに憧れる言葉です」
[Elle]: 「An eternal moment... An admirable concept indeed.」</s>
[エル]: 「私にも昔、そんなときがあった」
[Elle]: 「I had a moment like that once myself, a long time ago.」</s>
[エル]: 「いつまでも続いて欲しい時間が」
[Elle]: 「A moment I wish could have lasted forever.」</s>
[???]: 「10分じゃね?」
[???]: 「Hasn't it been ten minutes?」</s>
[エル]: 「ですね。では、私はこれで」
[Elle]: 「It has. I will be off, then.」</s>
[???]: 「そ」
[???]: 「I see.」</s>
[エル]: 「機会がありましたらまたいずれ。あと」
[Elle]: 「Should an opportunity arise, let us do this again sometime. Also...」</s>
[エル]: 「喫煙は勧められませんよ」
[Elle]: 「I cannot recommend smoking.」</s>
[???]: 「フン」
[???]: 「Hmph.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「やーようやくワロけるもんが出てきた」
[Reina]: 「I found something super funny!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「さあ次は何が出るかなー?」
[Reina]: 「I wonder what I'm gonna find next?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「まだ続けるのかー?」
[Ouro]: 「You're still doing that?」</s>
Reina continued to rustle her way through the boxes.</s>
Oh well, it had been pretty entertaining to watch, so I guess it was okay.</s>
[玲奈]: 「……およ?」
[Reina]: 「...Oh?」</s>
[央路]: 「うん?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
With that, Reina's eyes changed color.</s>
[玲奈]: 「なになになにこれ。ロマンスの神様出てきてない?」
[Reina]: 「What, oh what, oh what do we have here? Maybe the god of romance will pop out?」</s>
[央路]: 「ん……あっ」
[Ouro]: 「Mm... Ah.」</s>
The next thing Reina smugly took out was a tiny case.</s>
It was a small, palm-sized box, but it was a beautiful item lined with felt.</s>
She could probably guess what was inside on sight alone.</s>
[玲奈]: 「こいつぁアレだよね。ピアス的な、ネックレス的なのを入れるアレだよね」
[Reina]: 「It's one of those, right? The cases you put earrings and necklaces inside.」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ。ちょ、あんまり乱暴にするなよ、それは──」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah. Oh, don't be too rough with it. That's─」</s>
[玲奈]: 「しかも正方形!ピアスなら2つあるから長方形、ネックレスなら長細くなるはずつまり!」
[Reina]: 「And it's square! If it had earrings inside it'd probably be rectangular to fit two, and if it had a necklace it would be long and thin. Which means...!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
Her opening the box so quickly had caused its content to spill out and I went to pick them up.</s>
They were paper, so air pressure would send them flying if opened carelessly.</s>
[玲奈]: 「なにそれ」
[Reina]: 「What are those?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「……ラブリッチェマーク?」
[Reina]: 「...Loveriche emblems?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah.」</s>
They were silver loveriche emblems that came with Chocolate Bolos.</s>
[央路]: 「まだ2枚しかないんだ。乱暴にするな、失くしたら困る」
[Ouro]: 「I only have two, so don't be rough with them. It'd be awful if they got lost.」</s>
I put them back into the box I used as their container.</s>
[玲奈]: 「ごーみんごみん」
[Reina]: 「Sorry, sorry.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「でもこんな綺麗な入れ物気になるじゃん。なんでこんな豪勢なもん使ってんのよ」
[Reina]: 「I was more so curious about the pretty box, though. Why're you using something like that to hold Loveriche emblems?」</s>
Well, yeah, it might be a little too stylish for a candy prize holder.</s>
[玲奈]: 「お母さんにでも空き箱をもらったの?」
[Reina]: 「Was the box from your mom or something?」</s>
[央路]: 「いや、拾ったんだよ。落ちてたのを。で使わせてもらってる」
[Ouro]: 「No, I found one someone dropped. So, I went ahead and used it.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「なんだゴミか」
[Reina]: 「Oh, it's trash?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「ゴミゆーな。まあゴミだったけど」
[Ouro]: 「It's not trash, but I guess you're not wrong.」</s>
It had ten years worth of sentimental value attached to it.</s>
[玲奈]: 「えっと……『Orohora』?」
[Reina]: 「Let's see... "Orohora"?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「メーカーすら聞いたことない」
[Reina]: 「I haven't even heard of this manufacturer.」</s>
[央路]: 「俺もだ」
[Ouro]: 「Me either.」</s>
I had looked into it, but it seemed to be a manufacturer that went under over thirty years ago.</s>
Orohora rings.</s>
[玲奈]: 「拾ったって言ってたけど、中身はそのときからなかったわけ?」
[Reina]: 「You mentioned finding it, but was it empty inside at the time?」</s>
[央路]: 「いや、あった……はず。あんま覚えてないけど」
[Ouro]: 「No, it wasn't... I think? I don't fully remember, but...」</s>
[央路]: 「人にあげただけ」
[Ouro]: 「I just gave it to someone.」</s>
[エル]: 「ふぅ」
[Elle]: 「Phew...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「えーるー、おまたせ」
[Sylvia]: 「Elle! Sorry to keep you.」</s>
[キュロ]: 「クエッ」
[Kyuro]: 「Kweh!」</s> | [
] |
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
On my first night away from home─</s>
The simultaneous excitement and uneasiness I felt, similar to being at a destination hotel, made it incredibly difficult to sleep.</s>
It was my first night here, so that was to be expected.</s>
The Noble Academy dorms were off the shore of Hamamatsu Lake.</s>
Considering how huge of a lake it was, I could hear the waves lapping against the shore from nearby.</s>
It was a strange feeling.</s>
...No, wait.</s>
It was my first time sleeping in this bed and dorm room.</s>
But it wasn't my first time sleeping here.</s>
It was along the shore of the Hamamatsu Lake.</s>
Back then...</s>
Wasn't the whole area a campsite?</s>
I recalled coming here over summer break.</s>
The open field by the shore was spacious enough for setting up tents, and made for the perfect place for kids to run around in.</s>
I remembered coming here as part of the neighborhood association's camping event.</s>
It was an empty space that made for a great playground for kids, so we would run around, cut loose, and play. Once we wore ourselves out, we'd lay down and fall asleep.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
I woke up.</s>
The unfamiliar bed and ceiling hovering overhead confused me, but I quickly recalled that I had moved.</s>
[央路]: 「あ~~……」
[Ouro]: 「Ah...」</s>
Waking up wasn't so bad.</s>
Although I'd left my parent's place in a hurry, there didn't seem to be any major problems.</s>
But... I checked the clock.</s>
Still early...</s>
I'd usually sleep in until 8:10AM, spend the next fifteen minutes running to school, and get there by the morning bell at 8:30AM. Waking up two hours earlier was a rare occurrence for me.</s>
At Noble Academy, I believe you were officially late past 8:45AM.</s>
The dorm was only five minutes away from campus, so I could sleep until 8:35AM at the latest.</s>
Maybe I should go back to sleep? Or so I thought...</s>
[女子生徒たち]: 「「「いっちにっ、さーんし」」」
[Female Students]: 「One, two... three, four...」</s>
It sounded like the noise outside was what had woken me up.</s>
I peeked through the gap in the curtain and found─</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[絢華]: 「どうも寮のなかに悪いうわさが蔓延しておりまして。あなたがいるとみなさん怯えてしまうようなの」
[Ayaka]: 「Rumors are already starting to spread throughout the dorm, and it seems everyone is terrified of you.」</s>
[央路]: 「はあ」
[Ouro]: 「Hah...」</s>
You're the one who started those rumors.</s>
[絢華]: 「なので登校の時間ギリギリまで部屋のなかにいてもらえないでしょうか。朝ごはんはもってきました」
[Ayaka]: 「Could you stay in your room until class is about to start? Here, I brought your breakfast.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あらら~」
[Reina]: 「Oh boy...」</s>
It felt like my heart was going to break first thing in the morning.</s>
However, I couldn't afford not to do as I was told, as their anger was being solely directed at me.</s>
[玲奈]: 「ま、まーまーいーじゃん。部屋で優雅にブレックファースト」
[Reina]: 「Th-There, there! This is fine, right? You can have a nice breakfast back in your room!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あたしも付き合うからさ。気にすること──」
[Reina]: 「I'll join you, so no biggie!」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「玲奈っ、こっち来て」
[Female Student A]: 「Reina, come here.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「ふぇ?」
[Reina]: 「Whuh?」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「ちょ、朝食をご一緒しましょう。ね。市松さんにはご迷惑になりますわ」
[Female Student B]: 「L-Let's have breakfast together. Okay? You will bother Ichimatsu-san.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「あ、ちょ、ちょい」
[Reina]: 「Ah, h-hang on─」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
And now they were taking Reina away, who was the only one being remotely considerate of me.</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「マズいって玲奈~、転入生だからって同情するのは分かるけど、あいつ危なそう」
[Female Student A]: 「You can't do that, Reina! I know you sympathize since he's a transfer student, but he looks dangerous.」</s>
[女子生徒C]: 「なにされるか分かんないよ、マストで」
[Female Student C]: 「Stay with us, otherwise you don't know what he'll do to you!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「うーん……」
[Reina]: 「Hmm...」</s>
In the end, I returned to my room.</s>
Talk about a crappy way to start off the day.</s>
Noble Private Academy: a school where the country's richest students congregated, and there was even a genuine princess enrolled here!</s>
A tricky predicament indeed.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「おはよう央路!」
[Sylvia]: 「Morning, Ouro!」</s>
[央路]: 「おう」
[Ouro]: 「Hey.」</s>
Sylvie was the primary reason why I was in this situation, and one of my few allies.</s>
She didn't live in the dorms like the rest of us, and instead came to school in a luxurious-looking limousine.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[シルヴィア]: 「ねえねえ聞いて央路。昨日はメロンパンを買いに行ったの」
[Sylvia]: 「Hey, hey! Listen, Ouro. I went to buy melon bread yesterday.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「美味しかったわ~」
[Sylvia]: 「It was so tasty!」</s>
[央路]: 「そいつは良かった」
[Ouro]: 「That sounds nice.」</s>
[央路]: 「良かったけどそれってつまり、昼休みに学園を抜け出して買いに行く必要はなかったんだよな?」
[Ouro]: 「I'm happy for you, but does that mean you didn't need to sneak out of school to buy it during lunch?」</s>
And here I thought she had snuck out of school because they would be sold out by the time school ended.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「大丈夫だったみたい」
[Sylvia]: 「It seems it was all right.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「玲奈がお昼に行かないと売り切れるーって急かすから。ンもう、玲奈っていつもちょっと大げさなの」
[Sylvia]: 「I was in a rush, as Reina said they would sell out otherwise. Jeez, Reina loves to overexaggerate.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「ぬひひっ、そうでも言わないとシルヴィ、乗らないもん」
[Reina]: 「Hehe, you wouldn't have gone along with it if I hadn't, Sylvie!」</s>
[玲奈]: 「でも楽しかったっしょ」
[Reina]: 「It really was fun, though.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ええ」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes.」</s>
...Sounded like Reina was one of the underlying causes that landed me here.</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[シルヴィア]: 「それでねそれでね、メロンパン、今日のお昼ご飯にしようと思うの。それくらいたっぷり買ったのよ」
[Sylvia]: 「So listen, listen! I was thinking of having melon bread for lunch today. I bought plenty!」</s>
[エル]: 「1つ食べて美味しいからと店中全部買い占めたとか」
[Elle]: 「Did you eat one and decide to buy out the rest of the store?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路にも食べて欲しいの。ねっ、今日のお昼は一緒に食べましょう」
[Sylvia]: 「I wanted Ouro to have some, too! Hey, let's eat lunch together this afternoon.」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ、助かるよ」
[Ouro]: 「Sure, that'd be nice.」</s>
I didn't bring my lunch and was planning on going to the cafeteria anyway.</s>
Compared to how it was at the dorm this morning, having Sylvie around would make everything better.</s>
Naturally, being in the classroom would introduce its own set of issues.</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「またクルスクラウンさんと!」
[Male Student A]: 「He's with Cruzcrown-san again!」</s>
[男子生徒B]: 「お、お情けをかけてるだけさ。クルスクラウン様は僕のママくらい慈悲深い方だから」
[Male Student B]: 「Sh-She is only pitying him. Cruzcrown-sama is as benevolent a lady as my mother.」</s>
Hatred, especially from the boys, amassed in the room.</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[玲奈]: 「ああ~、そういや10月だし、そろそろだね」
[Reina]: 「Ah, it starts in October, so that makes sense.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「やきゅう、ってなんだったかしら。あのクリケットみたいなやつ?」
[Sylvia]: 「What's "field ball," again? Is it similar to cricket?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「はい。英語でいうとベースボール」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Yes, but it's called "baseball" in English.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「日本では最もメジャーなスポーツですが、ヨーロッパでの知名度はまだまだですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It is very much a major sport in Japan, but it is not as popular in Europe.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「へー」
[Sylvia]: 「Huh...」</s>
[エル]: 「ヤキュウ。日本ではそんなに人気があるのですか?」
[Elle]: 「Baseball... Is it that popular in Japan?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「昨今はサッカーや他の競技も盛り上がっていますが、潜在的な競技参加者の数では今でも一番でしょうね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Other major sports, like soccer, are getting a lot of attention these days. However, I am sure it has the most potential entrants, even now.」</s>
Soccer actually got higher TV ratings, but that was probably only once every four years.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そんなに楽しい競技なのかしら」
[Sylvia]: 「Is it that fun of a sport?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[央路]: 「どっちかっつーと、政府主導で流行らせたんだよ」
[Ouro]: 「To be honest, the government was responsible for most of its popularity.」</s>
It was only necessary for the pitcher to have a large, stocky frame, which gave the typical Japanese athlete─who was likely not blessed with such a build─the chance to participate in the sport.</s>
The number of matches was crucial to its popularity, though.</s>
Compared to soccer, baseball wasn't as physically taxing, so they could easily surpass a hundred matches if they played all year round at five to six games per week.</s>
Although it would be quite the undertaking, since it required dedicated stadiums, over a hundred games per year was feasible once they were built.</s>
There weren't many sports that could draw in customers under the pretext of 150 matches per year, or in different terms, with so much moneymaking potential.</s>
Baseball was an extraordinarily lucrative commercial event.</s>
[央路]: 「ようするに日本一人気のある宗教だな」
[Ouro]: 「It's essentially Japan's most popular religion.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「スポーツですよ」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It is a sport.」</s>
[央路]: 「太ったおっさんたちがちんたら走るのを見に、数万かけていくんだぜ?宗教以外ありえないだろ」
[Ouro]: 「People spend tens of thousands of yen to go watch a bunch of chubby, middle-aged men leisurely run around. It can't possibly be anything but a religion.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[菊千代]: 「な、なんだかネガティブな意見が続きますが」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Th-That was quite the drawn out negative opinion, but...」</s>
[菊千代]: 「人気があるのは事実ですよ。日本シリーズの始球式を任せられるなどかなりの名誉です。シルヴィアさん、どうかご一考ください」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It is popular, though. Being entrusted with the Japan Series' season-opening ceremony is quite an honor. Sylvia-san, please give it some consideration.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「うーん、まあ多分やることにはなるだろうけど」
[Sylvia]: 「Hm, it's likely I will end up doing it, though.」</s>
Sylvie flitted a glance my way.</s>
My blatant dislike of baseball seemed to have annihilated her enthusiasm.</s>
Maybe my attitude had been a little too abrasive. Better give her some support.</s>
[央路]: 「まあ一応、始球式は試合の華だ。出られるなら出るに越したことはないだろうぜ」
[Ouro]: 「Just for the record, the season-opening ceremony is the primo game. If you're able to go, then that's the one you want to watch.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そう?」
[Sylvia]: 「Really?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「そうですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「That is true.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「僕も、春の学生選抜で始球式を務めました。身の引き締まる思いでしたよ」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I worked at the season-opening ceremony during spring student tryouts. It was inspiring.」</s>
[央路]: 「ん……」
[Ouro]: 「Mm...」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[玲奈]: 「へー、菊ちょんそんなことしてたんだ」
[Reina]: 「Huh, you did something like that, Kiku-chon?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「春の大会はうちが大スポンサーですからね。何かと顔を出すよう言われるのです」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「My family is a huge sponsor for the spring tournament, and I was told to make an appearance in some form or fashion.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「春の大会ってなんだっけ、なんかニュースあったよね」
[Reina]: 「Wasn't there something on the news about it?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「ああ……この地区では特にですね」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Yeah... In this district in particular.」</s>
[エル]: 「む?」
[Elle]: 「Hm?」</s>
The tone of the conversation shifted.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「なにがあったの?」
[Sylvia]: 「Did something happen?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「うちの県の代表が、全国で準優勝したんだっけ」
[Reina]: 「Our prefecture's rep was the nationwide runner-up, wasn't he?」</s>
[菊千代]: 「はい」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Yes.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「もともとサッカーは強くても野球は今一つ。と言われる当県ですが、県代表に選ばれた浜南学園野球部が全国で2位のところまで行きました」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Our prefecture was a strong contender in soccer, but severely lacked in baseball. However, the representatives chosen from Hamanan Academy made it all the way to second place.」</s>
[エル]: 「ほう」
[Elle]: 「Hoh...」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Shima Toryo (縞 投良) | Gender: Male
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[菊千代]: 「エースピッチャーの縞投良くんなどは、11球団のプロのスカウトに声をかけられたとか」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「I heard he was approached by the ace pitcher, Shima Toryo-kun, and professional scouts from the 11th Ball Team.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「もっともその後、今年の夏は調子を崩したのか全国どころか県大会ですらすぐ落ちてしまったそうですが」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Not only did he fall ill over the summer, but he did not make it to nationals and quickly lost in the prefectural tournaments.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「そっかぁ、残念」
[Reina]: 「He did? That sucks.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「玲奈、ヤキュウは興味ないといっていたのにそれでも残念なの?」
[Sylvia]: 「I thought you had no interest in baseball, Reina. Why do you sound so disappointed?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「そらそうよ。我が県からすんごい野球選手が出ると聞けば、興味はなくてもすげーって思うよ」
[Reina]: 「Well, yeah. When you hear an awesome baseball player came out of our prefecture, anyone would think they're incredible, interested or not.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「なるほど。ヤキュウ、日本人にとって特別なスポーツなのね」
[Sylvia]: 「I see. Japanese people are quite fond of the sport, huh?」</s>
[玲奈]: 「まあ人気者が出るならサッカーでも卓球でもフィギュアでもなんでもいいけどね」
[Reina]: 「If someone that popular came out of the woodwork, then it wouldn't matter if it were soccer, table tennis, or even figure skating.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「始球式、どうしようかな」
[Sylvia]: 「What should I do about the season-opening ceremony, then?」</s>
Sylvie looked unsure.</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「だから始球式は関係ないって。はりきってやってこいよ」
[Ouro]: 「Like I said, it doesn't matter which game it is as long as you can get out there and have fun doing it.」</s>
[央路]: 「シルヴィみたいな綺麗どころが務めてくれればスタジアムも盛り上がるだろうぜ」
[Ouro]: 「I'm sure the stadium will go nuts when they see a pretty girl like you walk out onto the field.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ほんとに?」
[Sylvia]: 「Really?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah.」</s>
[央路]: 「始球式はゲームの華。一番盛り上がるところ」
[Ouro]: 「There's no better game than the season-opening ceremony. It's the best one.」</s>
[央路]: 「試合の一番輝いてる時間だ。主催側もぜひ来てほしいだろうさ」
[Ouro]: 「It's that moment of the game that shines brightest. I'm sure the organizers hope you'll come, too.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「うん」
[Sylvia]: 「Okay.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「クルスクラウンさん、とうとう王室宛ての公務まで彼に意見を仰ぐようになってるわ」
[Female Student A]: 「Cruzcrown-san is beginning to ask for his opinion, even for matters concerning the royal family.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「絢華、彼どうにかならない?」
[Female Student A]: 「Ayaka, can't you do something about him?」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「あんな野獣のような庶民にかかわっては、クルスクラウン様が心配ですわ」
[Female Student B]: 「I am worried about Cruzcrown-sama getting involved with that wild beast of a commoner.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[女子生徒C]: 「クルスクラウンさんはカバリェロさんがいるからいいとして、玲奈がマストで心配だよ、あの子いっつもあんな感じだし」
[Female Student C]: 「It's great that Cruzcrown-san has Caballero-san around, but Reina's just as much of a concern. That girl always acts a certain way.」</s>
[絢華]: 「そうねえ」
[Ayaka]: 「Indeed.」</s>
[絢華]: 「庶民がこの学園にいるのは……間違ってるわねえ」
[Ayaka]: 「Having commoners in this academy... is wrong.」</s>
[央路]: 「この学校って建物は中世風だけどハイテクだよな」
[Ouro]: 「The school looks pretty medieval, but it's surprisingly high-tech.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「あらゆる技術の粋を集めた教育機関ですから」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「It's an educational facility constructed of all the greatest technologies, after all.」</s>
We were going to perform a biology experiment in chemistry class today. I assumed we might be performing some sort of dissection, but...</s>
The experiment was a dissection, but it was like a class out of the near future where we performed a 3D incision on a 3D-generated fish.</s>
As usual, I couldn't understand what conclusion we'd come to due to the teacher's explanation going way over my head.</s>
[央路]: 「勉強は分からんがああいうのは楽しい。いいぞもっとやれ」
[Ouro]: 「Studying isn't really my thing, but that was a lot of fun. Let's do that again!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[玲奈]: 「オーロってテスト前日とかヤバたんな人?」
[Reina]: 「Are you the kind of guy who always panics the day before a test, Ouro?」</s>
[央路]: 「ナメんなよ、5択問題の正解率が4割を超えるという俺の直観力は、テストでこそ発揮される」
[Ouro]: 「Don't underestimate me. Tests are where I show off my robust intuition with greater than forty percent accuracy on multiple choice questions.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「すごい。けどバカだ」
[Reina]: 「That's awesome, but also stupid.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「我が校の試験は全てマークシートですから、なかなかに有意義な才能で──おや」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「All of our school's examinations are on bubble sheets, so that will be a rather valuable skill─Oh?」</s>
[央路]: 「ん?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
We came back to the classroom...</s>
...and Kikuchiyo, the first to notice what was up ahead, went wide-eyed with shock.</s>
Reina and I followed his gaze.</s>
...It was my seat. Elle-san and Sylvie hadn't come back yet.</s>
There were flowers and an overturned vase in my seat.</s>
[玲奈]: 「ああ~……」
[Reina]: 「Aaah...」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[菊千代]: 「お、央路君……」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「O-Ouro-kun...」</s>
[央路]: 「小学生とはレベルのちがう解剖実験をやる学校だが」
[Ouro]: 「This school performs dissection experiments on a whole other level from an elementary school...」</s>
[央路]: 「こういう手口はまんま小学生レベルから進歩なしだな」
[Ouro]: 「...but cheap crap like this makes it no better than an elementary school, huh?」</s>
[央路]: 「う」
[Ouro]: 「Ugh...」</s>
What's more, I noticed.</s>
They must have purposely doused everything in the water from the vase, as my school bag beside my desk was drenched.</s>
The inside of my school bag─excluding my class textbooks, which hadn't arrived yet─including my brand-new notebook was soaking wet.</s>
[玲奈]: 「えと」
[Reina]: 「Um...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「き、気にしないでオーロ。ノート、新品なんだし」
[Reina]: 「D-Don't worry, Ouro. The notebook was brand-new anyway.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「ぼ、僕のを差し上げます。新品をいくつか持っています」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Y-You can have mine. I have extras to spare.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「ですから……お気を落とさず」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「So... don't be too discouraged.」</s>
[央路]: 「……ふー」
[Ouro]: 「...Haaah.」</s>
[玲奈]: 「……オーロ?」
[Reina]: 「...Ouro?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[央路]: 「覚えてねーわ。薄い顔してるから」
[Ouro]: 「I don't remember. He's got such a plain face.」</s>
[男子生徒A]: 「うす……っ!?」
[Male Student A]: 「Plain...?!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「さ、西郷隆君です。世界的な写真家、パブロ西郷のご子息で」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「S-Saigo Takashi-kun. He is the son of Pablo Saigo, the international photographer.」</s>
[央路]: 「西郷君か。よろしく」
[Ouro]: 「Saigo-kun, is it? Nice to meet you.」</s>
[央路]: 「でだ西郷君、見ての通り俺のノートがひどいことになっているんだが」
[Ouro]: 「So, Saigo-kun. As you can see, my notebook is all messed up!」</s>
[西郷]: 「お、おう、気の毒だな」
[Saigo]: 「Y-Yeah, what a shame.」</s>
[央路]: 「君、綺麗にノート取ってそうな顔してるよな。すまんがノートを交換してくれないか」
[Ouro]: 「You've got the face of a guy who takes pristine notes. Sorry, but would you trade notebooks with me?」</s>
[西郷]: 「は?」
[Saigo]: 「Huh?」</s>
[央路]: 「ノートを、交換してくれ。このぐしょぐしょのやつと、お前がいま使ってるやつ」
[Ouro]: 「Trade notebooks with me. This soaking wet one with the one you're currently using.」</s>
That would take care of my notes, and I'd get my hands on a notebook that had consolidated all our lessons so far. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone.</s>
[西郷]: 「な、なんで俺がそんなこと」
[Saigo]: 「Wh-Why should I?」</s>
[央路]: 「してくれないのか!?」
[Ouro]: 「You won't?!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[西郷]: 「へっ?」
[Saigo]: 「Huh?」</s>
[央路]: 「マジかよ。なんてことだ、あのパブロ西郷のご子息ともあろうものが」
[Ouro]: 「For real? How terrible! And this coming from the Pablo Saigo's son, of all people!」</s>
[央路]: 「みなさん聞いてください!こちらのパブロ君! なんと困っている庶民の頼みを聞いてくれないそうです!」
[Ouro]: 「Everyone, please listen! Pablo-kun over here! He apparently won't listen to the plea of a distressed commoner!」</s>
[西郷]: 「は? は?」
[Saigo]: 「Huh? Huh?」</s>
[央路]: 「なぜなんだパブロ君!なぜ困ってる人を助けてくれないパブロ君!」
[Ouro]: 「Why would you do this, Pablo-kun?! Why won't you help someone in trouble, Pablo-kun!」</s>
[菊千代]: 「パブロはお父さまのお名前です」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Pablo is his father's name.」</s>
[央路]: 「西郷隆! 西郷隆!2-Aの西郷隆君は困っている人を助けてもくれず、影から嘲笑っているような男です!」
[Ouro]: 「Saigo Takashi, Saigo Takashi! Saigo Takashi of Class 2-A is the sort of man who would refuse to help someone in need and mock him from the sidelines!」</s>
[西郷]: 「ちょ、ちょっと、声がデケェ」
[Saigo]: 「H-Hey, keep your voice down!」</s>
[央路]: 「デカくしてんだよ」
[Ouro]: 「I'm doing it on purpose!」</s>
[央路]: 「みんな聞いてくれ! 俺の通学カバンにひどい嫌がらせがあったんだが、2-Aの西郷隆君は助けてもくれず嘲笑ってるだけなんだ!」
[Ouro]: 「Listen to this, everyone! My school bag has been horribly vandalized, but 2-A's Saigo Takashi-kun won't help; he's just sneering!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[西郷]: 「ッ……わ、分かった替えるよ!」
[Saigo]: 「Ah... I-I get it, I'll trade!」</s>
Saigo headed off to grab his own bag in a fluster...</s>
...Then handed over his notebook.</s>
[央路]: 「ありがとう」
[Ouro]: 「Thanks.」</s>
All right!</s>
I collected my soaked notebook and waterlogged bag and dropped them on the floor.</s>
[央路]: 「じゃ、そっちはプレゼントってことで。片付けといてくれ」
[Ouro]: 「Consider that my present to you, then. Clean it up for me, would you?」</s>
[西郷]: 「ぐぐ……」
[Saigo]: 「Guh...」</s>
[央路]: 「床が濡れてるぞ。ちゃんと拭けよ」
[Ouro]: 「The floor is all wet. Make sure to wipe it down, okay?」</s>
I calmly took my seat.</s>
As frustrated as he looked doing it, Saigo cleaned up the floor and left.</s>
[玲奈]: 「うはー、意外と武闘派かよ」
[Reina]: 「Whoa, didn't take you for the combative type.」</s>
[菊千代]: 「ひ、冷や汗が出ました」
[Kikuchiyo]: 「Y-You made me break out in a cold sweat.」</s>
[央路]: 「イジメってのは空気だからな。そういう空気が出来る前、最初の1回目なら簡単に断てるさ」
[Ouro]: 「Bullying's all about the atmosphere. If you act first, then you can easily stop it before it gets out of control.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[シルヴィア]: 「ただいまー。……うん? なにかあったの?」
[Sylvia]: 「I'm back! Hm...? Did something happen?」</s>
[央路]: 「おかえり。なにもないよ」
[Ouro]: 「Welcome back, and nope. Nothing at all.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「???」
[Sylvia]: 「Hm?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あら央路、綺麗なお花ね」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, Ouro, what pretty flowers.」</s>
[央路]: 「まあな」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah, I guess.」</s>
The vase had been cleaned up.</s>
Still though, Saigo, was it?</s>
Something about the way he was acting seemed strange.</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「ひどかったね西郷君、あんな幼稚な」
[Female Student A]: 「That was awful of Saigo-kun. So immature.」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「庶民が気に入らないのは分かるとして、品性下劣な手にでるのは感心しませんね」
[Female Student B]: 「I get disliking the commoner, but it is appalling that he would resort to such depraved measures.」</s>
[絢華]: 「まったくね」
[Ayaka]: 「You said it.」</s>
[絢華]: 「……焚き付け方をあやまったわ。あんなつまらないやり方しか浮かばないなんて」
[Ayaka]: 「...That was the wrong way to provoke him. I can't believe that dull idea was all that came to mind.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「なんか言った?」
[Female Student A]: 「Did you say something?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[絢華]: 「いえ」
[Ayaka]: 「No.」</s>
[絢華]: (わたくしの手は汚したくないけど、このお上品な学園じゃこういうことに使える人間は少ない)
[Ayaka]: (I don't want to get my hands dirty, but there aren't many people I could use in such a sophisticated school...)</s>
[女子生徒C]: 「にしてもさあ、あの庶民、市松、マストで面白かったよね」
[Female Student C]: 「You know... That commoner, Ichimatsu, is an interesting guy.」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「愚劣な仕返しです。褒められたものではありませんわ」
[Female Student B]: 「It was foolish retaliation. Nothing worth complimenting.」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「でも……ふふっ。一興ではあったかも。ああいけませんわわたくしとしたことが」
[Female Student B]: 「Still... hehe. Perhaps it was amusing. Ah, I mustn't. What am I saying?」</s>
[絢華]: (逆効果か)
[Ayaka]: (It backfired?)</s>
[絢華]: (もっと周到に行かなきゃならないみたいね)
[Ayaka]: (I'll need to be more meticulous in the future.)</s>
[アナウンス]: 「2-A、西郷隆君、市松央路君、すぐに生活指導室に来なさい」
[PA System]: 「2-A, Saigo Takashi-kun, Ichimatsu Ouro-kun, report to the guidance office immediately.」</s>
[央路]: 「あちゃ」
[Ouro]: 「Oh boy...」</s>
Had I caused too much of a commotion earlier?</s>
I ended up being called away during lunch break.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[シルヴィア]: 「美味しかった」
[Sylvia]: 「It was delicious!」</s>
She'd eaten two loaves of melon bread...? It would depend on their size, but wouldn't that be enough to make your belly bulge?</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「でも甘いもの続きだったから、そのあと食べたお弁当のガレットのほうが美味しかったわね」
[Sylvia]: 「I had something sweet before the melon bread, and it made the galette taste even better!」</s>
[央路]: 「は?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そのまま学食で買ったおうどんも美味しかったわ。シメをラーメンにしたのは失敗ね、麺と麺になって。ごはんの方がよかったわ。牛丼とか、お茶漬けとか」
[Sylvia]: 「The udon from the cafeteria was tasty, too! I shouldn't have had the ramen, though, as I paired noodles with noodles. A rice dish, like a beef bowl or green tea rice, would've been better.」</s>
[エル]: 「コホン。シルヴィ様」
[Elle]: 「Ahem. Sylvie-sama.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「なぁにエル?」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes, Elle?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あ、エルのお昼の予定だったフライドチキンを一口と言いつつ半分も食べちゃったこと、怒ってる?」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, are you angry because I said I'd only take a bite of the fried chicken you planned to have for lunch and accidentally ate half of it?」</s>
[エル]: 「怒ってるわけでは。ただ……」
[Elle]: 「I am not angry, it is just...」</s>
Elle-san was glancing over my way off and on.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「シルヴィってまさか」
[Ouro]: 「Don't tell me she...」</s>
[玲奈]: 「摂取カロリーからすればあたしの3倍は太いはずなのになんであんなにシマってるんだろうね」
[Reina]: 「She should be three times pudgier than me based on her caloric intake, so I wonder why she's so skinny?」</s>
I'd discovered the princess's peculiar trait.</s>
Elle-san looked embarrassed.</s>
I would've liked to have eaten some of that melon bread...</s>
[絢華]: 「夕食もお部屋でお願いしますね」
[Ayaka]: 「Please have dinner in your room as well.」</s>
[央路]: 「はいはい」
[Ouro]: 「Right, right.」</s>
[絢華]: 「はい。こちらがお夕飯になります」
[Ayaka]: 「Here. This will be your dinner.」</s>
[央路]: 「……朝と同じ?」
[Ouro]: 「...The same as this morning?」</s>
Toast, salad, scrambled eggs, and milk.</s>
This was the "A Set" from that cafe.</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
Here at the Noble Academy dormitory, and this likely came as no surprise, the dinners were quite substantial.</s>
Several restaurants would also cater the cafe, and would even deliver specific dishes upon request, be it Japanese, Chinese, or Western food.</s>
...And it looked like I couldn't use that system.</s>
Not like a poor guy like me could indulge in such luxuries, as it was billed separately from the academy tuition, but still.</s>
Which is why there was a "Free Menu" of sorts, for the record.</s>
The cafe affiliated with the dorm offered one cup of coffee and their A Set free of charge. Other items, like cafe au lait and muffins, were charged separately.</s>
That was all Jogasaki brought for me.</s>
[央路]: 「せめてお前になにか注文して買ってきてもらうとか」
[Ouro]: 「Couldn't I at least order something else and have you buy it for me?」</s>
[絢華]: 「もちろんいいですよ」
[Ayaka]: 「Of course, that would be fine.」</s>
[絢華]: 「わたくしがあなたにパシられてると見られてお互い卑下た好奇の目にさらされるやもしれませんが、クラスメイトですもの、仕方ないです」
[Ayaka]: 「That would mean I would be subjected to our classmates' prying eyes when they see me running your errands, but there is no avoiding it.」</s>
[央路]: 「……結構です」
[Ouro]: 「...Never mind.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
A small parting gift, huh? She tossed me a lollipop.</s>
Caramel flavor... This isn't much of a meal, Reina.</s>
Still, thanks.</s>
Guess I'd have to suck it up and deal with until lunch tomorrow.</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「やっと入ったわねアイツ」
[Female Student A]: 「He's finally gone.」</s>
[1年女子C]: 「もう去勢するまで出てこないで欲しいですわ。戸を釘で打ちつけてしまおうかしら」
[First-year Girl C]: 「I wish he wouldn't come out of his room until he's been castrated. Maybe we should nail his door shut?」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「んー、あんまこういうことしたくないけど、昼休みも先生に叱られてたみたいだしねえ」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Hm. I don't really want to resort to that, but he was reprimanded during lunch break.」</s>
[絢華]: 「閉じ込めておく。が精いっぱい」
[Ayaka]: 「We'll lock him in. That's the most we can do.」</s>
[3年女子B]: 「……関わり合いになりたくない。できれば視界にも入れたくないくらい」
[Third-year Girl B]: 「...I don't want to get involved. I just wish he stayed out of our sight, if possible.」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「そうは言ってもねえ……。同じ屋根の下にいる以上、挨拶くらいはしなきゃいけないし」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Or so I say... As long as we live under the same roof, I should at least say hello.」</s> | [
] |
[2年女子A]: 「先輩、甘いです! 男なんてみんな下品で下劣などうしようもない生き物なんですよ!?」
[Second-year Girl A]: 「Senpai, you're being naive! All men are vulgar, crude, and hopeless creatures!」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「うーん……彼のことをよく知らずにそう言い切るのも何だか悪いかなーって思ってさ」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Hm... It feels kind of wrong to say that when we don't even know him that well.」</s>
[2年女子B]: 「調べればすぐわかるって!」
[Second-year Girl B]: 「Investigate and you'll see in no time!」</s>
[3年女子C]: 「調べるって……どうやって?」
[Third-year Girl C]: 「Investigate... How?」</s>
[2年女子A]: 「そ、それはその、誰かがあの男に近づいてみる……とか?」
[Second-year Girl A]: 「W-Well, um, by having someone get to know him, maybe...?」</s>
[3年女子B]: 「……ぜったいに嫌です」
[Third-year Girl B]: 「...Not on your life.」</s>
[2年女子B]: 「私もイヤ……っていうか、ムリ」
[Second-year Girl B]: 「I don't want to, either... Or rather, I couldn't.」</s>
[1年女子C]: 「やはり皆の安全のために閉じ込めておくべきです!去勢が済むまでゲストルームを封鎖いたしましょう!」
[First-year Girl C]: 「We should lock him up to ensure everyone's safety, then! Let's seal off the guest room until he's been castrated!」</s>
[???]: 「あの、先輩。わたしがやりましょうか?」
[???]: 「Um, Senpai. Why don't I do it?」</s>
[2年女子A]: 「え、マジでっ!?」
[Second-year Girl A]: 「Huh? Seriously?!」</s>
[???]: 「はい、わたしは別に怖いとかありませんから!任せてください!」
[???]: 「Yes, I'm not scared at all! Please leave it to me!」</s>
[3年女子B]: 「……勇者だ。勇者現る」
[Third-year Girl B]: 「...A hero. A hero has appeared!」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[2年女子A]: 「防犯グッズ貸すから持っていって!スタンガンと催涙スプレー、それから──」
[Second-year Girl A]: 「I'll lend you some things to use in self-defense, so bring them with you! I have a stun gun, pepper spray, and─」</s>
[???]: 「だ、大丈夫ですよ! そんな危ないものいりませんから!」
[???]: 「Th-That is all right! I do not need anything that dangerous!」</s>
[2年女子B]: 「いざとなったら股間を蹴り上げるといいんだって!耐えられる男はいないってネットに書いてあった!」
[Second-year Girl B]: 「If you're in trouble, you can just kick him between the legs! It says online that no man can endure that!」</s>
[???]: 「し、しませんよーそんなこと!」
[???]: 「I-I'm not going to do that!」</s>
[1年女子C]: 「遠くからプレッシャー掛けて援護しますわ。わたくし睨みには自信ありますの」
[First-year Girl C]: 「We will support you from afar. I'm confident in my glaring abilities!」</s>
[2年女子B]: 「みんなでやれば効果あるよね、きっと!」
[Second-year Girl B]: 「It'll be effective if we all do it together. I'm sure of it!」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「あー、とにかく! 悪いけど任せちゃっていい?他にやれそうな子いないし」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Ah, anyway! I hate to do this, but can we leave this to you? There aren't any other girls who would be up to it.」</s>
[???]: 「はい! わかりましたっ!」
[???]: 「Yes! Understood!」</s>
[3年女子A]: 「絢華もそれでいい?」
[Third-year Girl A]: 「Are you okay with this, Ayaka?」</s>
[絢華]: 「……仕方ありません。まずは様子見、それで結構です」
[Ayaka]: 「...It is out of my hands. I will wait and see what happens. That is plenty.」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Rokuonji Kikuchiyo (鹿苑寺 菊千代) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Kiku-chon (菊ちょん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
We were still in the middle of class and the only ones who got worked up over the idea were my neighbors, Sylvie and Kikuchiyo.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「なになに央路、わたし、狙われているの?」
[Sylvia]: 「What's going on, Ouro? Is someone targeting me?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ。そして俺たちは捕まり、ぐるぐるに縛り上げられる」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah. They'll catch us and tie us up from head to toe.」</s>
[央路]: 「みんな絶望する中、俺だけは隠し持っていたナイフで脱出。みんなを救う最後の希望になるんだ」
[Ouro]: 「While everyone has given up hope, I'll break free with my hidden pocket knife. I'll be the last hope of saving everyone.」</s>
[央路]: 「まず目指すべきは科学室だな。色々な薬品を組み合わせて、目つぶしや即席爆弾を作ってテロリストに対抗する」
[Ouro]: 「I'll have to head for the chemistry lab first. I'll mix together all sorts of different chemicals to make blinding agents and improvised bombs to fight off the terrorists.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「わあ、央路カッコいい」
[Sylvia]: 「Wow, Ouro, you're so cool!」</s>
That was a delusion I'd spent a good half of my school hours making up in my second year of middle school.</s>
And now that there was a princess in class, it wasn't completely out of the question.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「でも本物のテロリストが来たとして、そんな簡単に脱出できるかしら」
[Sylvia]: 「But, do you think you would manage to escape so easily if real terrorists came?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Jogasaki Ayaka (城ヶ崎 絢華) | Gender: Female | Aliases: A-chan (あーちゃん), Ayakacchi (絢華っち)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
The class's reaction was─</s>
[絢華]: 「ふぅ」
[Ayaka]: 「Hah...」</s>
[女子生徒B]: 「怖いですわね。今度はなにをしでかすやら」
[Female Student B]: 「Scary, isn't it? I wonder what she'll do next.」</s>
[女子生徒C]: 「だよねー。マストでずっと停学しててほしかったかも」
[Female Student C]: 「Yeah. I wish she'd have stayed suspended forever.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「ほんとほんと」
[Female Student A]: 「For sure, for sure.」</s>
[女子生徒A]: 「市松もいるし、ノーブル学園の品性が地に落ちるわ」
[Female Student A]: 「Now that Ichimatsu's here, Noble Academy's reputation has hit rock-bottom.」</s>
─as you could hear.</s>
All of the commotion had completely settled down by lunchtime.</s>
I wondered who the suspended student was?</s>
Not that it really mattered.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ごっはん、ごっはん」
[Sylvia]: 「Lunch~ Lunch~」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ねえ央路、今日は──」
[Sylvia]: 「Hey, Ouro, let's─」</s>
[央路]: 「あー……」
[Ouro]: 「Ah...」</s>
[央路]: 「悪い、ちょっとぶらぶらしてくる」
[Ouro]: 「Sorry, I'm gonna go wander a little.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
Better just kill some time here. I could head to the school store at the last second before break ended and buy whatever was left.</s>
I took a seat in the shade.</s>
[央路]: 「はあ……」
[Ouro]: 「Hah...」</s>
Noble Private Academy.</s>
It was a special, leading academy in Japan, but...</s>
It was funny how I'd eventually made my way back to practically the same sort of place as at my old, regular school.</s>
At my old school─</s>
I hid in the shadows for the longest time, didn't I?</s>
[央路]: 「っ!」
[Ouro]: 「Ah!」</s>
[???]: 「っわびっくりした」
[???]: 「Whoa, you scared me.」</s>
[央路]: 「をわ!?」
[Ouro]: 「Oowah?!」</s>
I was plenty scared myself.</s>
When I opened my eyes, an unfamiliar face was peering down at me.</s>
She must have been looking me over closely. Very closely.</s>
[央路]: 「は~……なんだよ、屋上は立ち入り禁止だぜ」
[Ouro]: 「Hah... What the heck? I thought the roof was off-limits.」</s>
[???]: 「そっくりそのまま返す」
[???]: 「Right back at you.」</s>
[央路]: 「だわな」
[Ouro]: 「Fair enough.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
The unfamiliar girl shrugged her shoulders, seeming exasperated, and stood up.</s>
I got back up as well.</s>
Phew. Had I nodded off?</s>
[央路]: 「昼休み終わっちまうよ。昼飯……」
[Ouro]: 「Break's almost over. I need to grab lunch...」</s>
[???]: 「昼休み?」
[???]: 「Lunch break?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ。いまは昼休みのはずなんだが」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's lunchtime right now.」</s>
My surroundings were dyed a dark shade of orange.</s>
I thought I had been sitting in the shade, but everything was oddly lustrous.</s>
The sun was shining off to my side.</s>
It had been to the south, but had migrated to the west.</s>
[央路]: 「夕方!?」
[Ouro]: 「It's nighttime?!」</s>
[央路]: 「ど、どういうことだ。時を飛ばす能力者から・・・・・・・・攻撃を受けている!?」
[Ouro]: 「Wh-What the hell's going on?! If I'm able to leap through time... am I being attacked?!」</s>
[???]: 「あるある、オレもたまに攻撃される」
[???]: 「Yeah, that happens. I get attacked sometimes, too.」</s>
Jokes aside...</s>
I hadn't just "nodded off." I was out like a light.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kisaki Reina (妃 玲奈) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[央路]: 「っかしいな……。昨日は10時には消灯で、寝不足でもなかったのに」
[Ouro]: 「That's weird... I went to bed at ten o'clock last night, so I got plenty of sleep...」</s>
...Then again, I hadn't slept soundly thanks to that awful dream.</s>
Guess I'd made up for it just now.</s>
Which meant I skipped all my afternoon classes. But then, those expert whatchamacallit classes were in the afternoon, so it was fine.</s>
[央路]: 「……ふぅ」
[Ouro]: 「Fuh...」</s>
Oh well.</s>
I bet the whole class was ecstatic to not have me around.</s>
[央路]: 「ん、なに?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm, what is it?」</s>
The girl was staring at me.</s>
She actually looked pretty cool. Her hair was dyed in the same shade as Reina's.</s>
After giving me a good once-over, she giggled and said─</s>
[???]: 「寮は寝心地が悪かったか? 市松央路くん」
[???]: 「Couldn't sleep last night, Ichimatsu Ouro-kun?」</s>
[央路]: 「ん……」
[Ouro]: 「Mm...」</s>
She seemed to know my name.</s>
[央路]: 「まあまあだよ。……寮のやつか?」
[Ouro]: 「It's so-so... Do you live in the dorms, too?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Souma Ria (僧間 理亜) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Maria Bishop (マリア・ビショップ) | Gender: Female
I'd never seen her in class, which was likely where she would've picked up my name.</s>
The woman giggled again and said─</s>
[???]: 「女の子を脅すのは感心しねーな」
[???]: 「It's gross to threaten a girl, you know?」</s>
[央路]: 「してねーよ。……どんどん尾ひれがデカくなってる」
[Ouro]: 「Never happened... They really are making a mountain out of a molehill.」</s>
The rumors about me threatening a boy from class and the radio calisthenics incident were beginning to blend together.</s>
God, give me a break!</s>
[央路]: 「お前は……。──あー、えっと?」
[Ouro]: 「You're... Ah, um?」</s>
[???]: 「ん……?」
[???]: 「Hm...?」</s>
[理亜]: 「リア」
[Ria]: 「Ria.」</s>
[理亜]: 「僧間理亜」
[Ria]: 「Soma Ria.」</s>
[央路]: 「リアか。可愛い名前だな」
[Ouro]: 「Ria? That's a cute name.」</s>
So much so that it didn't match her mannerisms.</s>
[央路]: 「なに?」
[Ouro]: 「What?」</s>
[理亜]: 「いや」
[Ria]: 「Nothing.」</s>
[理亜]: 「お前、部屋でマリア・ビショップの曲かけてたよな」
[Ria]: 「You were listening to Maria Bishop's songs in your room, right?」</s>
[央路]: 「そんなことまで知られてるのか。……それで?」
[Ouro]: 「You heard that...? And what of it?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Souma Ria (僧間 理亜) | Gender: Female
[理亜]: 「ファンなの?」
[Ria]: 「Are you a fan?」</s>
[央路]: 「ファンなの」
[Ouro]: 「I am.」</s>
[理亜]: 「そう」
[Ria]: 「I see.」</s>
She fwipped her hair away from her face.</s>
...What the?</s>
[理亜]: 「まあいいや。とっとと帰れよ、この学校、7時に門閉まるぜ」
[Ria]: 「Fine, I guess. Hurry home. This school shuts its gates at 7 o'clock.」</s>
[央路]: 「ん、ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Mm, yeah.」</s>
I checked my watch and saw it was 6:20PM.</s>
I still had half an hour left.</s>
[理亜]: 「帰んねーの?」
[Ria]: 「Not leaving?」</s>
[央路]: 「お前こそ」
[Ouro]: 「How about you?」</s>
[理亜]: 「オレはやることがあんの。……チッ、いるならいるでいいけど」
[Ria]: 「I've got something to do... Tch, you can stick around if you want.」</s>
[理亜]: 「黙っとけよ」
[Ria]: 「Just be quiet if you do.」</s>
[央路]: 「お……」
[Ouro]: 「Oh...」</s>
Ria felt around in her chest pocket.</s>
I took a quick look at the pendant she was wearing.</s>
And then she pulled out...</s>
[央路]: 「……うわ」
[Ouro]: 「...Whoa.」</s>
[理亜]: 「よいしょっと」
[Ria]: 「Here we go.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Souma Ria (僧間 理亜) | Gender: Female
Both of us were at a loss for words─</s>
[理亜]: 「はあ、時間切れ」
[Ria]: 「Hah, out of time.」</s>
[央路]: 「は?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh?」</s>
[理亜]: 「こいつはオレだけのものにしたかったんだけどな」
[Ria]: 「I wanted to keep this on the down-low, too.」</s>
[理亜]: 「誰にも言うなよ」
[Ria]: 「Don't tell anyone about this.」</s>
[央路]: 「え……うぁ」
[Ouro]: 「Huh...? Whoa.」</s>
[理亜]: 「始まっちまった」
[Ria]: 「It's started.」</s>
[央路]: 「んあ」
[Ouro]: 「Wow.」</s>
[央路]: 「いい景色だな」
[Ouro]: 「What a view.」</s>
I followed her line of sight.</s>
The sun was in the process of setting...</s>
...and sinking straight into the lake.</s>
Hamamatsu Lake wasn't an ocean, but you could still see the horizon since it was over four kilometers wide.</s>
The lake was much larger than I originally thought, especially when I could see it from a place as high as this roof.</s>
The sun setting on the horizon.</s>
A view that should only be visible out on the Sea of Japan.</s>
[央路]: 「……なんか懐かしいわ」
[Ouro]: 「...This is kind of nostalgic.」</s>
[理亜]: 「懐かしい?」
[Ria]: 「Nostalgic?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Souma Ria (僧間 理亜) | Gender: Female
[element] Name: Golden Time (ゴールデンタイム) | Type: Terminology
[央路]: 「ああ、なんだっけな。一番視聴率が取れる時間」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, what was it again? The time of day with the highest ratings?」</s>
[理亜]: 「まあそれが正解。夜7時から9時だか10時だかまで」
[Ria]: 「Yeah, that's it. From seven o'clock at night till nine or ten.」</s>
[理亜]: 「なにかをするのに最高な時間ってこと」
[Ria]: 「They say it's the best time to do something.」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Yeah.」</s>
She'd come to that liberal interpretation.</s>
[理亜]: 「これがオレのゴールデンタイムなんだ」
[Ria]: 「This is my Golden Time.」</s>
[理亜]: 「この時間。日が落ちていき、夜になる一歩手前。ほんのひと時現れる輝きの時間」
[Ria]: 「This is it. When the sun's starting to set and it's nearly nighttime. It's a brief, yet radiant moment...」</s>
[理亜]: 「なにもかもが暮れてしまう手前の一瞬」
[Ria]: 「Anything and everything the light once touched would grow dark.」</s>
[理亜]: 「ほんの一瞬だけある、世界の全てが輝くとき」
[Ria]: 「A time when everything in the world would shine for a few fleeting seconds...」</s>
[央路]: 「……確かに最高だ」
[Ouro]: 「...It definitely is the best.」</s>
The setting sun reflected upon the lake and made the world appear an even more brilliant shade of gold.</s>
Golden Time.</s>
A glimmer perfectly befitting that name was before us as we spoke.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Souma Ria (僧間 理亜) | Gender: Female
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
I was in a much better mood after meeting Ria...</s>
But I was faced with a gloomy reality upon returning to my room.</s>
[央路]: 「せめて気楽なのはこの中にいる時だけか」
[Ouro]: 「Was I only safe when I was back in my bedroom?」</s>
The same room that had been assigned to me, and the one where I could avoid the stares of the other boarders.</s>
[???]: 「あの、ちょっとよろしいでしょうか!」
[???]: 「Um, could you spare a moment?!」</s>
[央路]: 「?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
I was the only one around. Ria... hadn't come out of her room.</s>
[央路]: 「え、俺?」
[Ouro]: 「Huh? Me?」</s>
[???]: 「はい!」
[???]: 「Yes!」</s>
There was no possible way they could have spoken to the wrong person.</s>
[???]: 「わたし、1年の栗生茜っていいます!」
[???]: 「I am a first-year, Kuryu Akane!」</s>
[央路]: 「はあ、どうも」
[Ouro]: 「Uh, hello.」</s>
[茜]: 「お名前をうかがってもよろしいですか!」
[Akane]: 「Would you mind if I asked for your name?!」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ、ごめん。市松央路」
[Ouro]: 「Oh, sorry. Ichimatsu Ouro.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[茜]: 「市松センパイですね! よろしくお願いしますっ!」
[Akane]: 「Ichimatsu-senpai, then! It is a pleasure to meet you!」</s>
She was quite the energetic girl. There was a certain something about her appearance that felt out of place at an academy filled with a bunch of snobby rich kids.</s>
[央路]: 「あれ? 君、前にも声かけてくれた子だよね?」
[Ouro]: 「Oh? Aren't you the girl from before?」</s>
[茜]: 「はい! 何度かご挨拶を!」
[Akane]: 「Yes! I have greeted you a few times!」</s>
[央路]: 「確か……ラジオ体操もやってたような」
[Ouro]: 「I think you were also doing radio calisthenics.」</s>
[茜]: 「そうです! 毎朝の日課です!」
[Akane]: 「That is right! They are part of my morning routine!」</s>
This sure took me back. I'd had similar exchanges with underclassmen at my old school, too.</s>
[央路]: 「もしかして君、体育会系?」
[Ouro]: 「Are you the athletic type, by chance?」</s>
[茜]: 「わたし陸上部なので! バリバリの体育会系です!」
[Akane]: 「I am in the Track and Field Club! I am the highly active, athletic type!」</s>
[央路]: 「なるほど。だからそんなに元気なんだ?」
[Ouro]: 「I see. Is that why you're so energetic?」</s>
[茜]: 「あはは、よく言われます。わたし的にはこれが普通なんですけど」
[Akane]: 「Ahaha, I get that a lot. This is normal as far as I am concerned, though.」</s>
[央路]: 「それで、俺に何の用?」
[Ouro]: 「So, what do you need from me?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[茜]: 「ご挨拶です!」
[Akane]: 「To say hello!」</s>
[央路]: 「……はあ」
[Ouro]: 「...Sure.」</s>
[茜]: 「同じ寮で暮らすセンパイにはご挨拶をしないと。失礼じゃないですか!」
[Akane]: 「I had to greet my senpai and fellow dormmate! Wouldn't it be rude otherwise?」</s>
Looks like she had a sporty personality down to her very core. I was raised in a similar environment, so I didn't mind it in the slightest.</s>
[茜]: 「っ……えっと、ですね! その……」
[Akane]: 「Ah... Um, so! Uh...」</s>
[央路]: 「?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
[茜]: 「あ、あははは……! なにを話そうか忘れちゃいまして」
[Akane]: 「A-Ahahaha...! I forgot what I was going to say.」</s>
[茜]: 「んんっ、それでは自己紹介の続きを!」
[Akane]: 「Hm, in that case, I will keep introducing myself!」</s>
[央路]: 「おう。頑張れー」
[Ouro]: 「Sure. You've got this~」</s>
[茜]: 「ありがとうございますっ! 頑張りますっ!」
[Akane]: 「Thank you very much! I will give it my all!」</s>
She seemed both easy and difficult to deal with. What a complicated girl.</s>
[茜]: 「さっきも少し話しましたけど、わたし陸上部なんです!短距離、100mの選手をやってます!」
[Akane]: 「I briefly mentioned this earlier, but I am on the Track and Field Club! I compete in the short-distance 100 meter dash!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[茜]: 「ちなみに自己ベストは11秒73です!」
[Akane]: 「Incidentally, my personal best is 11.73 seconds!」</s>
[央路]: 「へえ、速いな」
[Ouro]: 「Wow, that's fast.」</s>
[茜]: 「センパイ、陸上にはお詳しいんですか?」
[Akane]: 「Senpai, are you familiar with the sport?」</s>
[央路]: 「いや、別に詳しいってわけじゃないけどさ。自分のタイムと比較してそう思った」
[Ouro]: 「No, not especially. I was comparing it to my own time.」</s>
[茜]: 「おー、なるほど! ありがとうございますっ!」
[Akane]: 「Oh, I see! Thank you very much!」</s>
She was faster than most men I knew. In fact, her time was faster than mine.</s>
[茜]: 「でも、今はちょっとタイムが落ちちゃってまして。自己ベストの記録も1年前のものなんです」
[Akane]: 「I'm not as fast as I used to be, though. That record was from over a year ago.」</s>
[央路]: 「1年も?」
[Ouro]: 「Over a year ago?」</s>
[茜]: 「ヒザの怪我で最近まで休養してました。今はもう良くなりまして、コーチの指示をもらいながら個別練習中ですっ!」
[Akane]: 「I have been recuperating from a knee injury until recently. It is all better now, so I am practicing on my own under my coach's instructions!」</s>
[央路]: 「ヒザか……大変だったろ?」
[Ouro]: 「Your knee, huh? That must have been rough.」</s>
[茜]: 「半月板損傷ですね。お医者様と相談しまして、えっと……ほぞんりょうほう? というやつで治療をしました!」
[Akane]: 「It was a meniscus injury. I discussed it with my doctor and he cured it with, um... I think it was called "conservative therapy"?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[央路]: 「ん?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm?」</s>
[茜]: 「センパイのことをお聞きしてもよいでしょうか?」
[Akane]: 「Would you mind if I asked you some questions about yourself?」</s>
[央路]: 「……なんで?」
[Ouro]: 「...Why?」</s>
[茜]: 「え、えっと……それは」
[Akane]: 「U-Um... Well...」</s>
My underclassman, Akane-chan, was at yet another loss for words.</s>
[茜]: 「わ、わたしがセンパイに興味あるからですっ!」
[Akane]: 「B-Because I am interested in you, Senpai!」</s>
[央路]: 「興味? 俺に?」
[Ouro]: 「Interested? In me?」</s>
[茜]: 「そ、そうですっ! わたし、センパイに興味ありまくりですっ!」
[Akane]: 「Y-Yes! I am very interested in you!」</s>
[央路]: 「……俺、君とは初対面だよね?」
[Ouro]: 「...This is the first time we've met, right?」</s>
[茜]: 「はい、初めてお会いします!」
[Akane]: 「Yes, this is our first meeting!」</s>
[央路]: 「俺が知り合いに似てるとか?」
[Ouro]: 「Do I remind you of someone you know or something?」</s>
[茜]: 「いえ、そういったこともありません!」
[Akane]: 「No, nothing like that?」</s>
[央路]: 「それなのに俺に興味あるわけ?」
[Ouro]: 「And you're still interested in me?」</s>
[茜]: 「お、おかしいでしょうか?」
[Akane]: 「I-Is that strange?」</s>
It'd make sense if I were some outrageously hot guy or had an interesting-looking face, but...</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
For a girl to have such a deep interest in a guy she'd only just met when neither of those were the case... Was that even probable?</s>
[央路]: 「まあ、いいけど。答えられることなら答えるよ」
[Ouro]: 「Well, sure. I'll answer if I can.」</s>
[茜]: 「あ、ありがとうございますっ! それではさっそくっ!」
[Akane]: 「Th-Thank you very much! I will get right to it, then!」</s>
[茜]: 「センパイのご趣味はなんでしょう!」
[Akane]: 「What are your hobbies?!」</s>
[央路]: 「うーん……特にこれといってないかな」
[Ouro]: 「Hmm... I can't think of anything specific.」</s>
[茜]: 「あ、あれ……? では、好きな食べ物はなんですかっ!」
[Akane]: 「O-Oh? Then, what is your favorite food?!」</s>
[央路]: 「何でも美味しく食べる方かな」
[Ouro]: 「I guess I'm the kind of person who'll eat anything as long as it tastes good.」</s>
[茜]: 「え、ええっと……ではでは、好きな女性のタイプはどんな方ですかっ!」
[Akane]: 「U-Um... Then, then, what's your ideal woman like?」</s>
[央路]: 「髪が長くてキレイで、おっぱいの大きい子」
[Ouro]: 「Pretty girls with long hair and big breasts.」</s>
Especially black hair.</s>
[茜]: 「なるほど……髪と胸に魅力を感じる、っと」
[Akane]: 「I see... "He finds long hair and large breasts attractive."」</s>
[央路]: 「何でメモってんのっ!?」
[Ouro]: 「Why are you taking notes?!」</s>
[茜]: 「えっ!? いけませんでしたかっ!?」
[Akane]: 「Huh?! Should I not?!」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[茜]: 「ふむふむ、なるほどー。それから……うん、寝るのはいつも何時くらいですか?」
[Akane]: 「Mhm, mhm, I see. Next... Yeah. Around what time do you usually go to sleep?」</s>
[央路]: 「どうだろ。0時くらい?」
[Ouro]: 「Good question. Maybe around midnight?」</s>
[茜]: 「起きるのは6時くらいですか?」
[Akane]: 「And you get up around 6AM?」</s>
[央路]: 「もうちょい遅いくらいかな」
[Ouro]: 「Maybe a little later.」</s>
I thought about it as I answered.</s>
It felt less like this girl was interested in me and more like she was assessing me.</s>
[央路]: (なるほど、偵察か)
[Ouro]: (I get it. This is reconnaissance?)</s>
I bet the other boarders told her to look into me. This made sense based on that assumption.</s>
An investigation into my hobbies, interests, and the general rhythm of my life. That was what all of her questions seemed to be about.</s>
...Maybe I could try gently egging her on.</s>
[央路]: 「他に知りたいこと、ない?」
[Ouro]: 「Isn't there anything else you want to know?」</s>
[茜]: 「他に……そうですねー」
[Akane]: 「Anything else... Let me see...」</s>
[央路]: 「例えば、一緒にラジオ体操してた先輩とか。何か知りたがってなかった?」
[Ouro]: 「Like our senpais that were doing radio calisthenics with you, for example. Did they want to know anything about me?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Kuryuu Akane (栗生 茜) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Akane-chin (茜ちん)
[茜]: 「いえ、センパイからは特に──はっ!?」
[Akane]: 「No, they didn't ask about anything in particu─Huh?!」</s>
[茜]: 「ちっ、違いますよっ!? これはあくまでわたしが市松センパイに興味があるから聞いてるんですっ!」
[Akane]: 「I-It is not like that! I swear I am only asking because I am interested in you, Ichimatsu-senpai!」</s>
She sucked at lying and trying to be sneaky. I bet she was put up to this, so I'd better leave well enough alone.</s>
[央路]: 「俺、今からメシ食うからさ。そろそろいい?」
[Ouro]: 「I'm about to eat dinner. Are we about done?」</s>
[茜]: 「は、はい! それでは最後に!」
[Akane]: 「Y-Yes! This will be the last question!」</s>
[茜]: 「この寮での生活はどうですか?」
[Akane]: 「What do you think of life in this dorm?」</s>
[央路]: 「……さあ、どうだろ。まだわからないな」
[Ouro]: 「...Hard to say. I'm not sure yet.」</s>
[茜]: 「あはは、ですよね。まだ入ったばっかりですし」
[Akane]: 「Ahaha, I am sure. You only just got here.」</s>
[央路]: 「ぼちぼち慣れていくよ。みんなが茜ちゃんみたいに気軽に話しかけてくれるとありがたい」
[Ouro]: 「I'm getting used to it a little at a time. I'd appreciate it if everyone spoke to me as casually as you do, Akane-chan.」</s>
Just in case, I gave her that honest, sincere response.</s>
[央路]: 「みんなにもそう伝えておいてくれる?」
[Ouro]: 「Would you tell everyone else that for me?」</s>
[茜]: 「はいっ! わかりましたっ!」
[Akane]: 「Yes! Understood!」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
A foreigner...? She was tiny, but maybe related to Sylvie?</s>
[???]: 「ちょっとおいでくださいませ。あなたごときには大変恐れ多い方のお誘いですわ」
[???]: 「Come with me a moment. A most awe-inspiring lady seeks your presence.」</s>
[央路]: 「おわっ、ちょっ」
[Ouro]: 「Whoa, hey─」</s>
She tugged my hand.</s>
I-I was going to drop the But*men!</s>
She kept on tugging, so all I could do was obediently follow after her.</s>
[央路]: 「ここって……」
[Ouro]: 「This is...」</s>
We'd avoided the fences and headed toward the hills at the rear of the academy.</s>
I could see the lake adjacent to the main school building.</s>
It was a field by the shore.</s>
[???]: 「どうかされまして?」
[???]: 「Is something the matter?」</s>
[央路]: 「いや……」
[Ouro]: 「No...」</s>
I remembered this place.</s>
This was where I once played and camped out at before these grounds eventually turned into a school.</s>
It was at the edge of the lake, which was so massive that it produced waves and sounded like the ocean.</s>
I had been here a long time ago.</s>
I visited this place countless times, enough to be sick of it.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[シルヴィア]: 「制服でも良かったのだけど、やっぱり正装すべきでしょう」
[Sylvia]: 「My uniform would have been fine too, but doesn't this call for formal attire?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「お茶会を楽しむなら」
[Sylvia]: 「To enjoy a tea party, that is.」</s>
[央路]: 「……おお」
[Ouro]: 「Oh...」</s>
I hadn't noticed, but she had set up a complete tea set by the shore.</s>
There were cups made of fine china and a silver tea kettle, all polished and shimmering to perfection. The table was draped with a cloth so white it looked radiant in the dark of night, and the sweet aroma from the various desserts had already found its way to me.</s>
[央路]: 「ど、どうしたんだコレ」
[Ouro]: 「Wh-What's all of this for?」</s>
I feigned calmness while my stomach went through a bout of intense desire.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「お茶会のお誘いよ。央路、お昼は来てくれなかったんだもの」
[Sylvia]: 「My tea party invitation. Ouro, you didn't come this afternoon.」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ……」
[Ouro]: 「Ah...」</s>
Making up for that, huh?</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「本当は帰ってすぐにしたかったんだけど、この国の官房長官って人が会いたいっていうから遅くなっちゃったの」
[Sylvia]: 「I wanted to do this sooner, but I ran late since I wanted to meet with this country's Chief Cabinet Secretary.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Caminal le Pultaia Sortilège Sisua (カミナル・ル・プルテア・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Mina (ミナ), Cami-meow (カミにゃん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[シルヴィア]: 「エルの目を盗んでくるのは大変だったわ」
[Sylvia]: 「It was tough to make it here without Elle seeing me.」</s>
[央路]: 「隠密で来たわけ?」
[Ouro]: 「You snuck out?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ええ」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes.」</s>
She said innocently.</s>
I hoped she wouldn't get me chased by those black-suited guards again.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「みんな夜間の外出なんて許してくれないんだもの」
[Sylvia]: 「Nobody will let me go out at night.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「今日はミナが協力してなんとか抜けて来られたわ。ありがとうミナ」
[Sylvia]: 「It was thanks to Mina I was able to sneak out tonight. Thank you, Mina.」</s>
[ミナ]: 「いえ」
[Mina]: 「Of course.」</s>
[ミナ]: 「エロイナたちが来ないか見張ってますわ。言っておきますけど、30分くらいで切り上げてくださいましね」
[Mina]: 「I will stand guard just in case Heroina and the rest coming looking for you. Just to make this clear, you will want to wrap this up in about thirty minutes.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「はぁい」
[Sylvia]: 「Okaaay~」</s>
Mina turned around and headed toward the road. She was apparently going to keep an eye out for us.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
It tasted like it was made out of cookie batter, and was a touch heavier than what the off-the-shelf variety used. It did leave an extravagant impression, with coarse sugar sprinkled over it and all, but...</s>
[央路]: 「こういうのはもう結構ありふれてるぞ」
[Ouro]: 「Loaves like these are fairly common.」</s>
The "premium melon bread" fad had mostly passed.</s>
This variety also wasn't really my cup of tea. Cookie batter was too heavy─not really suited for melon bread, you could say?</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ええー……」
[Sylvia]: 「Aw...」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「さ、さすがは美食大国日本ね。このレベルがありふれてるなんて」
[Sylvia]: 「Th-That just shows how gourmet of a nation Japan is. I can hardly believe something this advanced is considered "ordinary."」</s>
[央路]: 「そっか、外国人にはメロンパン自体珍しいか」
[Ouro]: 「I see. Is melon bread that rare outside of Japan?」</s>
Melon bread did seem to be a piece of Japanese culture.</s>
Sylvie mentioned she'd only just come to Japan in April, so premium melon bread like this might be new to her.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ええ」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「むかし日本に来たとき食べたもので、一番覚えてるのがこのメロンパンの味なの」
[Sylvia]: 「I had some when I came to Japan a long time ago, and the flavor of this melon bread is the thing I remember most.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Sortilège (ソルティレージュ) | Type: Place
[シルヴィア]: 「10年経ってこんなに進化したんだーって、感動しちゃったわ」
[Sylvia]: 「When I discovered it had evolved so much in ten years, I was touched.」</s>
[央路]: 「ん……シルヴィ、むかし日本に?」
[Ouro]: 「Hm... Sylvie, you've been to Japan before?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ええ。言ったじゃない。あの音楽堂とか」
[Sylvia]: 「Yes. Didn't I tell you back at the concert hall?」</s>
[央路]: 「ああ」
[Ouro]: 「Oh.」</s>
She wasn't explicit about it, but I guess she had hinted at it off and on since we first met.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ソルティレージュと日本はかなり親交が深いのよ。王族なら一度は来ているわ」
[Sylvia]: 「Sortilège and Japan are on very friendly terms, and any member of royalty would have visited here once.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「わたしは……10年前ね。この街に来てた。よくこの湖の側で遊んでたわ」
[Sylvia]: 「As for me... I came to this city ten years ago, and would often come to this very lake.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そのとき出来たお友達と一緒に食べたのがこのメロンパン。100円ですごく大きなのが買えるでしょう?それを分けて食べるの」
[Sylvia]: 「This is the melon bread I ate with the friends I made back then. See how incredibly large the loaves you can buy with one hundred yen are? We split and ate it together.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「美味しかったなぁ」
[Sylvia]: 「It was so delicious...」</s>
Sylvie said in a reminiscent tone.</s>
A slightly melancholic expression crossed this beautiful princess's face, who looked back nostalgically on old times.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
I wished I could burn this rare sight into my retinas, but─</s>
Something about what she was said bothered me too much to keep focused.</s>
Ten years ago...?</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「実は進学先をノーブル学園に決めたの、学園がどうのじゃないの。この湖の近くっていうのが気に入っただけなのよ」
[Sylvia]: 「To be honest, my attending Noble Academy wasn't due to the institution itself. I just enjoyed that it was near the lake.」</s>
[央路]: 「王女様は生き方が豪快だな」
[Ouro]: 「Princesses sure do lead exhilarating lifestyles.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「うふふ、すごく偏差値の高い学校だと聞いて、あわてて必死に勉強したわ」
[Sylvia]: 「Ehehe. I heard this school was exceptionally difficult to get into, so I studied like my life depended on it.」</s>
Though she would need a certain degree of intellect as a member of royalty, I did think it would take intense study for a school of Noble Academy's caliber.</s>
But... I see.</s>
Sylvie came to this city a decade ago?</s>
She played by this lake?</s>
Just like I had.</s>
But, nah, it would be hasty to assume we had met somewhere just for that reason.</s>
This lake was crazy huge, so there was no telling where on this shore she may have played.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[element] Name: Noble Academy (ノーブル学園) | Type: Place
[シルヴィア]: 「それは……勉強もしたほうがいいと思うけど」
[Sylvia]: 「Well... I do think it would be better if you studied as well.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「でも、ふふっ。じゃあ学園でのことはとくに問題なし?」
[Sylvia]: 「But, hehe. Does that mean you have no real issues at the academy itself?」</s>
[央路]: 「……ああ」
[Ouro]: 「...Yeah.」</s>
It appeared that Sylvie was unaware of my social status in class or the less than stellar atmosphere at the dorm.</s>
In which case...</s>
[央路]: 「……そうだな」
[Ouro]: 「...That's right.」</s>
Better stop complaining. It would only make her worry.</s>
[央路]: 「色々調べたらさ、このノーブル学園って卒業してるだけで将来めちゃめちゃ有利らしいんだ就職に」
[Ouro]: 「I did plenty of research, and graduating from Noble Academy is apparently enough to find some ridiculously lucrative employment in the future.」</s>
[央路]: 「だからシルヴィには感謝してるぞ。このまま留年せずがんばって暮らせば、将来は堅実な公務員だ」
[Ouro]: 「So, I'm grateful to you, Sylvie. If I work my hardest and avoid being held back, I can become a steady civil servant down the line.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「そう」
[Sylvia]: 「I see.」</s>
Not that I particularly wanted to be a civil servant─</s>
Still, it was true I was now blessed with better than an idle lifestyle.</s>
Yes.</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Golden Time (ゴールデンタイム) | Type: Terminology
[シルヴィア]: 「また昔に戻ったみたいだった」
[Sylvia]: 「It was like I had gone back in time.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「だから央路に近くにいて欲しかったの」
[Sylvia]: 「That was why I wanted you to stay here with me.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路はわたしにとって、2度目のゴールデンタイムなのよ」
[Sylvia]: 「To me, you're my second Golden Time.」</s>
[央路]: 「……そか」
[Ouro]: 「...I see.」</s>
It did sound like she had genuinely high hopes for me, if nothing else.</s>
Even if it amounted to nothing more than a princess killing time...</s>
It was more than enough to know that I was needed.</s>
[央路]: 「ゴールデンタイム……最適な時間ってことだよな」
[Ouro]: 「Golden Time... meaning an optimal moment?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「最高の時間という意味よ」
[Sylvia]: 「Meaning "the best time ever."」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「最適な時間は、いつでも最高の時間でしょう?」
[Sylvia]: 「Isn't an optimal moment always the best time ever?」</s>
[央路]: 「だな」
[Ouro]: 「For sure.」</s>
I had thought the same earlier.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「それにね、あれは本当にゴールデンタイムだったの」
[Sylvia]: 「Besides, that really was a Golden Time.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「見て、央路」
[Sylvia]: 「Look, Ouro.」</s>
[央路]: 「え……」
[Ouro]: 「Huh?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
She showed me her hand.</s>
I hadn't noticed it before─mostly because she ordinarily didn't wear the full getup─but there was a ring on her left ring finger.</s>
A golden ring.</s>
[央路]: 「結婚してたのか?」
[Ouro]: 「Did you get married?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「まさか。婚約指輪じゃないわよ」
[Sylvia]: 「Of course not; This isn't an engagement ring.」</s>
That was a small relief.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あ、エルやみんなには言わないでね。薬指にしてることが知れるとものすごく怒られるの」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh, don't tell Elle or the others, okay? If they knew I had it on my ring finger, they would be livid.」</s>
[央路]: 「そりゃそうだ」
[Ouro]: 「I bet they would.」</s>
It was entirely likely it would cause engagement rumors to spread about a princess.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「だからここに出来るのは……いまみたいな、他に気の許せる子しかいない時間だけ」
[Sylvia]: 「Which is why I can only wear this at moments like these... when I'm alone with the people I trust.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「それにわたしの気持ちでは婚約指輪でもいいわ」
[Sylvia]: 「For that matter, I feel like this may as well be an engagement ring.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「初恋の人とやり取りした指輪なんだもの」
[Sylvia]: 「It's a ring I exchanged with my first love.」</s>
[央路]: 「え……」
[Ouro]: 「Huh...?」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[シルヴィア]: 「昔、この街で、交換したの」
[Sylvia]: 「I exchanged this a long time ago in this very city.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「わたしの大切な……初恋の人と」
[Sylvia]: 「With my precious... first love.」</s>
Her first love. In this city.</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「央路、オロオラって知ってる?」
[Sylvia]: 「Ouro, do you know about Oro-ora?」</s>
[央路]: 「え、なにそれ」
[Ouro]: 「Huh? What's that?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「指輪の名前。オロオラというの」
[Sylvia]: 「The name of this ring. It's called Oro-ora.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「持つものにステキな時間を与えると言う、不思議な言い伝えのある言葉なのよ」
[Sylvia]: 「Legend has it that it's a word said to bring wonderful times to those who possess it.」</s>
I felt like I'd heard a similar name somewhere before...</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「っ、も、もうこら央路。なに言わせるのよ恥ずかしい」
[Sylvia]: 「Ah, j-jeez, Ouro, what are you making me say? How embarrassing.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あー、央路ってヘンに空気が軽いから初恋のお話なんてしちゃった、恥ずかしい」
[Sylvia]: 「Aw, Ouro. You're so oddly easygoing that I got talking about my first love. I'm embarrassed!」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ほら、それより食べましょう。30分しかないお茶会なんだから」
[Sylvia]: 「Come on, forget all that and let's eat. This tea party will only last for half an hour.」</s>
[央路]: 「お、おう」
[Ouro]: 「S-Sure.」</s> | [
] |
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[シルヴィア]: 「毎日エルを出し抜いて遊ぶことばかり考えているのだもの」
[Sylvia]: 「All that runs through my mind day in and day out is outwitting Elle so I can go play!」</s>
[エル]: 「姫様!」
[Elle]: 「Princess!」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ひゃあ!」
[Sylvia]: 「Hyaah!」</s>
[エル]: 「やけに早くベッドに入ったと思ったので調べたら、案の定布団の中身がいつものマネキンに変わっていました」
[Elle]: 「I thought you'd gone to bed awfully early! When I went to check on you, I found the usual mannequin in your bed!」</s>
[エル]: 「なにをしているのですこんな夜遅くに!」
[Elle]: 「What are you up to this late at night?!」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ふぇえ」
[Sylvia]: 「Wheeh...」</s>
[エル]: 「夜遅くに出歩かない。夜遅くに間食をしない。私の許可なく特定の殿方には会いに行かない」
[Elle]: 「No late-night outings, snacking, or meeting with men without my permission!」</s>
[エル]: 「この一瞬でどれだけ私との約束を破ったかお分かりですか」
[Elle]: 「Do you know how many of our promises you have broken this evening?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「えと、あの」
[Sylvia]: 「Um, uh...」</s>
[エル]: 「それは、カップラーメンですか?」
[Elle]: 「Is that cup ramen?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ち、ちがうのこれは。その、央路がどうしてもわたしに食べて欲しいって」
[Sylvia]: 「N-No it isn't. Um, Ouro insisted I have some!」</s> | [] |
[character] Name: Caminal le Pultaia Sortilège Sisua (カミナル・ル・プルテア・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Mina (ミナ), Cami-meow (カミにゃん)
[character] Name: Ichimatsu Ouro (市松 央路) | Gender: Male | Aliases: Ichi (イチ), Plebeian (下郎)
[character] Name: Heroina di Caballero istaa (エロイナ・ディ・カバリェロ・イスタ) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Elle (エル), Elle-chin (エルちん)
[character] Name: Sylvia le Cruzcrown Sortilège Sisua (シルヴィア・ル・クルスクラウン・ソルティレージュ・シスア) | Gender: Female | Aliases: Sylvie (シルヴィ), Syl (シル)
[element] Name: Sortilège (ソルティレージュ) | Type: Place
[ミナ]: 「はぁっ、はぁっ! シルヴィ姉様ようやく見つけましたわ。ダメじゃありませんの勝手に部屋を抜け出して」
[Mina]: 「Hah, hah! I finally found Sylvie-neesama. Sneaking out of your room without permission? This will not do!」</s>
[ミナ]: 「あらエロイナ、あなたも来たの?わたくしもお姉さまがまた抜け出してると気付いていま追ってきたところよ」
[Mina]: 「Oh, Heroina! You are here, too? I noticed that Onee-sama had snuck out again and chased after her as well.」</s>
[央路]: 「あの子、いい性格してるな」
[Ouro]: 「Great personality on that one.」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「昔からああなのよ」
[Sylvia]: 「She's always been like this.」</s>
[央路]: 「って、姉様?」
[Ouro]: 「Wait. "Nee-sama?"」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「あら? 言ってなかったかしら」
[Sylvia]: 「Oh? Didn't I tell you?」</s>
[シルヴィア]: 「ミナはわたしの妹。ソルティレージュの第十王女よ」
[Sylvia]: 「Mina is my little sister, the tenth princess of Sortilège.」</s>
[ミナ]: 「カミナル・ル・プルテア・ソルティレージュ・シスア。お姉さまがシルヴィと呼ばせるなら、わたくしもミナで結構ですわ」
[Mina]: 「Caminal le Pultaia Sortilège Sisua. If Onee-sama has you call her Sylvie, you may also call me Mina.」</s>
[央路]: 「ど、どうも」
[Ouro]: 「N-Nice to meet you.」</s> | [] |